#4 more today and 8 tomorrow and then the show and we're done !!
strawberrynova · 1 year
band camp day 4 log 2 only like 12 hours of band camp left ... ALSO i got my own place for the swing flag part of the show best news of my life fr fr
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millerflintstone · 1 month
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I think the entire load up process took almost 8 hours. The van got to us at 7:30 am ish but the loaders didn't show up until 8 am, which was the earlier part of the estimated window.
The van contains two other loads. Both are military related moves.
I was talking to the driver and I did ask about how that works. The van has separate side doors for each section, so no one load determines the order of unloading. The mattress is the marker point for the end point of one load. There are divider/retaining cords that keeps the other load apart from ours.
The process is more technological than it was 18 years ago. The driver was the one putting numbered stickers on everything and entering detailed notes for any damage to existing items. Our stickers are a different color. He told us he's glad this was just a regular house vs military related move. For those, they have to enter serial numbers, additional details, and they really have to note down any damage. He gave us an example with one of our items that had a nick on it. If the nick existed and he didn't note it down, the clients could easily claim damage for the price of the entire item. Apparently the military folks take classes regarding this, too. IDK about that one.
We took up the rest of the truck!
We also timed it so that the junk haulers would show up at 4. They were a little early but it worked out. They even blew out the garage with a leaf blower.
Anyway, that part is done. The driver is headed to Arkansas and then a military fort in TX. We're his last stop.
As for the rest of today -we returned Xfinity's crap, got some dinner, and ate sitting on the floor. I went through all of our home related paperwork and threw out stuff the new folks won't need. Tomorrow we load up my car, throw any remaining shit out and leave for New Mexico!
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/28/2024 Daily Crew Recap
TLDR; Hoist The Ads Charity Donations; Campaign Status Updates; Hunt For the Pirate Home Watch Party; General Morale; Past Renewal Campaign Comparisons; Cast & Crew Sightings; Upcoming Events: Pets for Pirates Jan 29; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
=Hoist The Ads Updates =
Looks like the voting is done, and the results are in! @gingerlyvibing was kind enough to break down how much is going where. Just a reminder-- you all made this happen! Everything over the $10K it cost to get the billboard is going to help out these awesome charities! Links to threads: Tumblr / Twitter
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Funnily enough, apparently one of the trucks still has the ads on it
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== How To Help ==
How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US
How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
I'm helping some folks over on FB get similar/ the same updates right now, if anyone would like to help give me feedback I'd appreciate it, please just PM me! I have a couple ideas and I want to run them by folks.
== Status Updates ==
Good news! Wb is still having trouble recovering, as it should. Thanks @btweenhisteeth on twitter
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==Petition Status==
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Over 82K -- going slow, but still ticking up! Takes time all, especially since we're focused on the networks right now. Don't give up!
== Hunt For The Pirate Home Watch Party ==
Had some great turn out all over the world today for the Hunt For the Wilder People watch party. Thank you again to @dandeebakes for getting those coordinated!
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Saw some great trends during it, and a lot of people having fun. If you haven't actually seen the movie, I highly recommend it, it's incredibly good!
==General Morale==
So despite things being fairly quiet today, the general vibe from folks has been that we're just in a holding pattern and we're just gonna keep clowning and polite menacing until we hear more word.
== Other Cancelled Series Comparisons ==
Something cool that I saw more of today was several groups doing comparisons with other cancelled TV Shows. Thank you to @OFMDCrew for these stats on twitter.
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After they were posted, I did hear conflicting feelings on these (some felt it helped raise their mood, some felt it made it worse). So I wanted to point out a few things:
1. We've done a hell of a lot in 3 weeks (and signatures were our priority for most of the first two weeks, but once David Jenkins lit the beacon 8 days ago, we changed our focus). 2. We had a leadership change mid-all of this with Renew As A Crew. 3. Oh and there's other stuff in the world going on (Palestine) 4. As @saltpepperbeard says in their post "David only posted his "call to arms" just a little over a week ago. Eight days ago." So much has changed and we've STILL accomplished so much in that time too.
We are kicking ass, we really are, I promise you!
Across Twitter / IG / and Tumblr, several people have mentioned they feel like something's "in the air". That's totally a second hand "I have a feeling" thing but as you probably remember, quite a few of us had that as a bad feeling the morning before the show got cancelled. Now, if you're not into that kinda thing-- I would like to mention, that could just be because this crew is so fucking awesome, and that's why the vibe is so good-- because we're leaning on each other and take care of each other. Also when lovely people like @saltpepperbeard (as referenced above) write lovely responses to asks that can always help too. This post made ME feel better, I recommend giving it a read for a little perspective :)
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
1. The weekend is still pretty scarce as usual. Our pirate queen Ruibo Qian has been enjoying a lot of everyone's artwork lately. 2. Nathan Foad announced his con dates 3. Renewal Campaign Related: mostly seeing updates again from our boi Erroll Shand supporting the campaign.
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== Pets For Pirates ==
Tomorrow, Jan 29, there will be a Pets for Pirates Even! Share your Pet pictures and use the hashtags:
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==Love Notes==
I know, I know "Jeez Abby, Shut Up We Already Know How Awesome We Are" Well good! Cause you should! But that won't stop me from saying so again! I'm serious when I say the vibe is so good right now in general because we have such a great crew. You all take such good care of each other and it shows every single day. You helped raise an extra $11,578 that are now going to charities that are going to help so many families, and kids, and that's just from the extra stuff from the Hoist The Ads Campaign -- not including everything else going on. I'm going to include a picture from one of my favorite people @thelatestkate because she does awesome work, and this one applies significantly to all of you. <3
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Daily Darby/Tonights Taika
Tonights gifs are brought you by the wonderful @celluloidbroomcloset's Posts: Rhys / Taika
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I'm literally watching Green Lanturn this moment because I needed to remember this youngin Taika, so thank you / no thank you for that, but hey I've watched worse for Rhys so I guess I can't complain.
Goodnight Lovelies <3
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atmymercy · 6 months
April Events
it's april, which means it's my yearly tarot anniversary here on atmymercy! eee! i'm so excited and i decided to create this post to inform you all about what i have planned!
for my two-year anniversary!!!
please be patient while i get everything set up (we are in mercury retrograde so i'll be doing my best but we all know things could be a little messy right now so please be patient with me!)
i'll be using this post to show the overall things i have for this month going on! so check back later and watch this post fill up! woot!
i should have one thing posted later today. i'm hoping to have the rest done tomorrow or the day after!
new tea tarot menu - i tried to make it clearer especially because i've been getting a lot of questions lately so hopefully this helps!
tea anniversary book club - eee! i'm so excited for this! i can't wait to read this book again! but now with you all! i haven't dropped the title yet because obviously, we all need to organize together first! so please participate in the week-long poll if you're interested! vote is in!
tea tarot two year anniversary giveaway - two lucky followers will be able to win a private reading from my new menu!!! join in if you're interested! TWO WINNERS have been announced! woot!
tea tarot monthly special giveaway - can't wait until the end of the month to win a free private reading with me? no problem! i have another giveaway that is about to be called in a day or so! join in to win sooner! woot! POSTED! but feel free to send in an ask for the months to come! this giveaway doesn't end until december!!!
tea tarot monthly special - the new tea tarot monthly special has now been posted for the month! please check it out if you're curious about an incoming surprise in your monthly future! woot!
tea anniversary book club - the pre-book discussion post has been posted! it's where we will be talking about the book and the club! any excitement we're having with the book! woot! first chapter discussion is posted!
tea anniversary oracle reading giveaway - 3-5 lucky people can win a giveaway for an oracle card reading if interested! it should be going for the whole night! join in if interested! FINISHED! Thank you to the 5 recipients who participated!
tea anniversary tiktok announcement - that's right! i have made a tiktok page! woot! it's already got a couple of videos that i've slowly been accumulating since the start of april! in honor of my anniversary! please be kind while i get used to the new media! i'm so new to this! lolol
tea anniversary book club - first chapter discussion has been posted! please join in if you are participating! even just to say 'i liked this chapter!'
tea thank you message - my personal thank you to you all! i appreciate everyone of you for being here and supporting me and this community we have created together! woot!
more to come soon! ♡♡♡
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 1 month
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so I was fucking TIRED of being inconsistent and generally behind on this, such that I sat down and made myself watch 5 episodes in a row, which isn't a lot of episodes but also like man, you know? Also as a sidenote earlier in the year when the friend I'm watching all KyoAni shows with mentioned how long he expected it to take if we never missed a day he came up with August 22nd - now this date assumed we'd only ever watch one episode a day and that that'd apply for specials as well, which would have been pretty stupid and added on like a month, so it's not like the actual formal "we have to finish by this date" date. But also, it's kind of a fun goal, isn't it? Like we're so close to it that it has to be possible, I want to have it done, you know? To that end I'm hoping I can watch Second Raid at a faster pace than I've been doing before, but we'll see.
Anyway, as for the episodes I watched today:
Episodes 8 and 9 are a two-parter in which Tessa briefly joins the school and later they go on a hot springs trip. I didn't really like these episodes at all - Tessa's kind of just annoying, her rivalry with Kaname is obnoxious, and the hot springs episode is an excuse to watch Kurz and some of the NPCs try to peep on the girls, which I just literally did not enjoy a single second of.
Episode 10 sees Bonta-kun Sousuke train a group of yakuza members so they can more effectively take on a different group of yakuza members, with an action climax involving rescuing Kaname and her friend. Felt kinda lame. Every element that composes this conflict was done better earlier - Bonta-kun in his introductory episode as well as Ponytail, rescuing Kaname literally everytime that's ever happened, and Sousuke training a bunch of incompetents in the rugby episode. So just wasn't really it.
Episode 11 is a flirting competition so there's a lot of early 2000s haha women dialogue that was pretty annoying, and moreover it was boring for a lot of the runtime, but there's a pretty sweet scene at the end of a disguised Kaname rescuing Sousuke from a bad dare punishment, it was quite nice.
Episode 12 sees a biohazard released into the classroom such that Sousuke detains everyone so they can all safely die together, hilarity ensues. Pretty entertaining actually. The get-out-of-jail card at the end is that actually, it just dissolves clothes. Frankly these last couple episodes have really upped the sheer amount of fanservice scenes compared to just earlier in Fumoffu. No strong feelings on that.
And thus, the show is finished. I was kind of between 4 and 5 for my score, honestly I think the main thing I felt about the show for the bulk of its runtime is that it's kinda boring, but there's generally enough there to where I felt a 5 worked, certainly the first episode made me laugh out loud and there are enough like single-line gags that would get to me. Sousuke overhears high-school boys trading photos of the girls using vague terminology the entire time and saying out loud "I understand. They're trading narcotics" or something, that's funny. More broadly after hating every single character in the original series it was nice to watch this and straight up enjoy Sousuke as well as be able to tolerate Kaname. Not hating this is such a huge upgrade over the first season anyway, so.
Next step in FMP groupwatch is I'll watch Second Raid episode 0 since it's 5 minutes long, and then starting tomorrow I'm gonna have to make pretty good time knocking out the proper 13 episodes remaining and then the OVA as well. We'll see if I can't hold myself to that August 22nd deadline. Gaming.
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the-eras-bracket · 2 years
The results are in, and it's tied! People want a mini-bracket with 80 random songs OR a bracket for each album.
I've decided to make ALBUM BRACKETS! It's easier for me to manage + it fits way better with the Eras Tour theme, going era by era.
Here's the gist; each round will not happen in one day anymore, it's a round per album. So a round will last a few days depending on the songs for the album. (For example, the RED round will last for 6 days, going from 32 songs, to 16, to 8, to 4, to 2, and to 1 remaining winner.
Once we're done with each round, i'll make an endgame update for each. There will be mini endgame updates spliced in between each of the polls for the days, showing results.
For clarification, All Of The Girls You Loved Before will be included in the Lover bracket, Safe & Sound and Eyes Open will be included in the RED bracket, and If This Was A Movie will go into the Speak Now bracket, even though I think Taylor intends to move it to Fearless.
Each post will have the tag #the eras bracket: album brackets
The posts for each round will have a big text at the top that looks like this:
The first letter is R, which is round. So we're on round 1. The second is day, so if we're on day 3, for example, for the RED round, we'll have 8 songs competing. And M means matchup, indicating the matchup number.
P.S.: By the end, after we're done with all 10 rounds, the winners of those 10 rounds will compete in one poll to see who wins!!!
Thanks so much for supporting the Eras Bracket. It's been an amazing ride and I'm so excited to revive this one more time before we're done for this year. To anyone going to today's show in Glendale (AKA Swift City!!) I hope you have so much fun and a safe and enjoyable concert experience. <333
I'll post the randomized matchups for Debut tomorrow; we'll have 7 matchups with 14 songs for day 1.
Love you all, and thank you so much for supporting this!!! <3
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nekooru · 2 years
₊ ☾⋆ angst dialogue prompts ⋆⁺₊⋆
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a list of prompts i use to inspire my writing. i hope they're helpful for you !
more prompt lists: x
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1. "you're allowed to fall apart sometimes, you know."
2. "what's the point in trying when i know i'll never be enough?"
3. "i wish your love wasn't conditional."
4. "when did things fall apart? i never noticed until it was done." / "that's exactly why things fell apart."
5. "you were my best friend. i wish i had been yours, too."
6. "i wasn't enough for you." / "no, you were too much."
7. "i thought i could learn to like it this way. i'm sorry i dragged this out."
8. "it's tiring, missing you when you're right here."
9. "you seemed to like me best when i was lying."
10. "don't pretend you missed me. i'm not as stupid as you clearly think i am."
11. "why are you drinking so much? what did you do?"
12. "please tell me i'm wrong. tell me i'm jumping to conclusions— that i'm misunderstanding. please, just say it..." / "..."
13. "you really love her, and she doesn't love you back...how ironic."
14. "you left the most bitter taste in my mouth. how could you bring it all up again when i'm trying to move on?"
15. "i fucked up. god, i fucked up."
16. "so that's it? we're just— over?"
17. "i wish i'd never met you. i wish this was a lesson i never had to learn."
18. "you're fucking insane."
19. "am i the reason you cry every night? be honest."
20. "well, how did you expect this to turn out? it's not my fault you've been in denial."
21. "i don't understand how you sleep at night, so blissfully uncaring of the pain you wreak."
22. "will you miss me at all?" / "very much so, unfortunately."
23. "are we doing the right thing? is there no other option?"
24. "i know when it's good, it's really good— but i don't think i can handle the lows anymore."
25. "when did you want to hurt me again? today? tomorrow? you know, so i can note it in my schedule."
26. "do you fantasize about a life without me?"
27. "you're not the same person i married." / "well, people change. you didn't get the memo?"
28. "i wish i could forget your phone number. and your face. and everything we ever did together."
29. "let's not get irrational here. we're going to talk sensibly, and take it outside— so i can punch you without breaking anything."
30. "you thought i cared for you? why? i made the opposite excruciatingly obvious."
31. "god, why do you have so much blood? i can put it back— don't cry, i can fix it. just don't leave me, please."
32. "you're so dramatic. is this really necessary?"
33. "i'll be better next time, i promise." / "next time? no. i won't be here to put the pieces of your life back together next time."
34. "i don't know how to ask for help."
35. "when was the last time you told me that you loved me?" / "..." / "hah...you can't remember, can you?"
36. "it's okay if you need time to heal. i'll still be here, waiting, for as long as it takes."
37. "i can't keep going when i'm the only one putting effort in. i'm done begging for what i deserve."
38. "i can't lose you. i won't lose you." / "what? after everything? you've already lost me."
39. "you left without saying goodbye. i finally moved on, and you expect me to let you pop back in just like that? no."
40. "i always said i'd die for you." / "idiot...i didn't believe you until now."
41. "i can't believe i thought you meant what you said."
42. "for what it's worth, i'll never give up on us."
43. "you keep going radio silent on me, and i can't handle that any more. wondering if you're dead in a ditch? or cheating on me? i don't deserve that."
44. "you are not your past, so stop acting like you are. that's not an excuse to keep hurting me and everyone around you."
45. "how many broken promises are we at now? you know, i'm starting to think you're doing it on purpose. is my face that pretty when i cry?"
46. "don't give me that look. no, what did you really expect?"
47. "he/she/they showed me more love than you ever did. isn't that sad? it makes me sad."
48. "oh, i see where it went wrong. you're a little confused, but you're almost there— you're supposed to break up with me, then fuck other people."
49. "don't even try to kiss me. get the fuck off me."
50. "don't worry, it's not my blood."
51. "i was stupid to think you would change for me. to think i was good enough to change for."
52. "quit crying. you're the one who hurt me, why are you making it about yourself?"
53. "no, i'm not just going to leave you here."
54. "i can't bear when you look at me like that. like i'm something from hell."
55. please— please, just...get out."
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☾. please like/reblog if this post was helpful !
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purplesurveys · 3 months
1. Did you wake up cranky? No, if anything I felt relief that I woke up from my alarm because I've been terrible with that lately.
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?  That doesn't sound very appealing, no thanks.
3. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? Girls for me are more emotional and expressive, and I kind of need that energy. So it checks out – I definitely have more girl friends.
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger? If they do something or are in a situation that warrants me to give them a smile, then yes. Like if they have a dog with them or if I spot them sporting any kind of merch from a fandom I'm in.
5. Can you commit to one person? Yes.
6. How do you look right now? I liked how I look today, tbh. It's a relaxed look that still looks professional – my hair cooperated today too so that's a big win.
7. What exactly are you wearing right now? I have a royal blue oversized-ish polo, brown pants, sneakers.
8. How often do you listen to music? Mostly in the car, but I will sometimes turn on Spotify when I'm working. Has to be work I'm doing on the weekend where the atmosphere is more relaxed, though – I can't listen to music during a normal 9-6. Too distracting.
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Jeans.
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2014? Wow this is a whole decade ago, but no, it didn't really. I was only 15 going 16 at the time, and life wasn't throwing stuff at me yet. A good way to put it is that I was just on the cusp of major changes – by 2014 I got in my first relationship; the year after my grandfather died; the year after that I started college...everything pretty much snowballed from 2014, but not before it.
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person? Social. The professional field I'm in has definitely taught me how to enjoy social interactions more than I ever used to.
12. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? I don't bother with dating and relationships anymore, but I imagine that I would realistically be crushed.
13. Are you good at hiding your feelings? No...I'm transparent as glass.
14. Can you drive a stick shift? Nope.
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you? I'd care in a sense that I'd be annoyed LOL. I barely bother with other people any more as it is – what could I have done for you to talk crap? I've graduated from the phase where I let it actively bother me though. So it's just petty annoyance, and then I let it go.
16. Are you going out of town soon? Not anymore. That's all I did this month but all those plans are done now, so I'm just focusing on getting used to a normal routine again. June alone I've been to Bulacan, Caloocan, Saigon, Da Nang, and Cavite. I'm TIREDDDDD hah and to think I was supposed to even go to Hong Kong with Angela and Hans before I backed out!
17. When was the last time you cried? Earlier this afternoon, in my ride to the office. Hans is proposing to Angela tomorrow and I've been emotional about it ever since he told me haha. We're not gonna be the same after tomorrow :'D
18. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yes.
19. If you could change your eye color, would you? I like what I have now.
20. Name something you have to do tomorrow? I have a bunch of meetings but I will also be paying close attention to my phone because Hans and Angela will 100% call any time.
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having. I had a meeting with that one client that irritates me to the ends of the world, and today's call was no different.
22. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex? Nope.
23. Are you nice to everyone? Yeah. You never know what anyone's going through, so I always prefer to just show kindness and patience to everyone – unless of course they give me a reason to take that away.
24. What are you sitting on right now? I'm sitting in my car. I want to wait out the traffic.
25. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Yes.
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? At one point, yeah.
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? Reena and Angela, I think.
28. Do you get a lot of colds? No it doesn't happen often...but I do happen to have one now :( I have a sore throat as well and it's so uncomfortable and I hate that I don't know where and who I could have possibly caught it from, because no one else I know seems to have a cold.
29. Have your pants ever fallen down in public? I don't think they have!
30. Does anyone hate you? I can think of one person who might.
31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? I'm sure I can, I just prefer not to.
32. Do you like watching scary movies? Sure.
33. Are you a jealous person? Not really. I'm super nonchalant these days lol.
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? I wish I can say 2020 because that year sucked ass, but my thought process about it is that year had to suck as much as it did to have led me to my happiness and peace today. So let's keep 2020.
My real answer to this would probably be 2017.
35. Did you have a dream last night? I probably did, but as always I forgot the dream as soon as I woke up.
36. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? Yeah.
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? Nope.
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you? No.
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? No.
40. Did you have a good day yesterday? Sure. It was an average day leaning on good.
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship? Nope.
42. Is your life anything like it was two years ago? It's the same and different in so many ways. 20s can get very complicated like that.
43. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? I'm having a blast being alone right now, haha.
44. What’s the best part about school? The friends part.
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? Sure, but I post very infrequently. Usually just for big big life events or special holidays – I posted pics from my Agust D concert, for example; and I also post greetings for my parents every Father's and Mother's Day.
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school? I never started it. I was always the one being passed notes to, which infuriated me because I often ended up being the one getting caught and getting a stinkeye from the teacher.
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head? Sure.
48. Were you single over the last summer? Yes.
49. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Nothing. I caught up with all my work backlogs so I'm feeling super satisfied right now haha.
50. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive? He is in a way but he wouldn't be my type.
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ihateflying · 2 years
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I posted 14,240 times in 2022
15 posts created (0%)
14,225 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 48 of my posts in 2022
#cwu - 16 posts
#support royal mail workers - 16 posts
#royal mail - 16 posts
#communication workers union - 15 posts
#uk politics - 14 posts
#anti capitalism - 13 posts
#strike action - 13 posts
#strike - 13 posts
#uk - 9 posts
#update - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 89 characters
#don't worry alexa one day you'll have the ingredients for a good cup of tea for your wife
My Top Posts in 2022:
raspberry icee, moss :), pro gamer, lemonheads, royalty, choccy milk, slime, box dimension, and spicy mayo 😘💜
raspberry icee - I would fight you in a parking lot moss :) - We're besties now and I'm going to take you on a walk in the forest with me :) pro gamer - I know in my heart that I would beat your ass in smash bros lemonheads - just one question. Why? royalty - I am in awe of your talent 25/7 choccy milk - we are baking cookies together you don't have the option to say no slime - SEXIEST MFER IN THE WORLDDDDDD box dimension - I gotta ask, are you okay? spicy mayo - I appreciate the vibes you give off
How fucking dare you binch?!
7 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
From the Belfast Rally this is the CWU women's officer. Thank you to everyone who attended and to everyone who supported us
14 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
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Please see attached poster for tomorrow's rally at BELFAST CITY HALL @ 1pm. The CWU DSGP (Postal) Terry Pullinger will be attending and speaking at our rally.
Tomorrow there will be 170,000 CWU members taking industrial action from both Royal Mail and The BT Group.
It is essential that you make every effort to attend the rally to ensure we raise the profile of our dispute with the wider public and also to show solidarity to our other CWU members who are also taking strike action and not forgetting the many other industries who are or will be taking action and standing up for their right to a decent wage in this cost of living crisis. Let's show them that WE are the CWU and we aren't going anywhere.
Support workers rights. If you're in Belfast or near please come by and show your support.
102 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
Please please share this!
Royal mail ceo Simon Thompson has decided to go ahead with his plans to de-recognise the communication workers union by ignoring legally binding agreements and unilaterally deciding to forge ahead with changes that benefit the company, the shareholders and managers. They have recently been attempting to delay any further strike action and even trying to declare further industrial action illegal.
He has the tories on his side but we'll keep fighting until we're done. Fuck Simon Thompson. Fuck royal mail. Fuck the rich. Fuck the company. Fuck the tories backing these cunts.
Personally I think we need to more direct with methods of "communicating our intent" but we'll see about that.
If you have twitter let royal mail know they they can go fuck themselves.
Royal mail have once again brought nothing to the table with talks and think they can break us.
There are more strikes happening and I myself shall be at my mail centre from 6am onwards.
Postal workers work day and night, we worked through the lockdown and recieved fuck all from Royal Mail bar a slap in the face. Once again I'm asking people to share this and to let Royal mail know they fucked up.
329 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Royal mail are out on strike today for better pay that reflects an actual, inflation adjusted living wage. Please spread the message and show your support for postal workers across the UK.
We want a living wage and to protect the universal postal service! We will not be made into a gig economy or into amazon with different branding!
Stand with the CWU!
An update for everyone to see
1,491 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
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yourfavewriteress · 2 years
about that work crush (chapter 10) | jamie benn
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9
Teaser: "I'm glad to see we're on the same page."
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The more time you spent with the Dallas Stars, the more you really loved your job. You were caught off guard when Coach offered you a full-time position in place of your current temporary one, but it was exactly what you needed to hear.
You finally felt like you were getting into a comfortable pace in your life, something you were not at all used to. You had a consistent schedule, friends you hung out with when you were off, and an amazing boyfriend that made it hard to have bad days.
Working with Jamie also seemed to come with its benefits. Besides when he had games and was sure to be captured by his media team, Jamie came into work with you every day. He always insisted on driving, and you learned that arguing with him would get you nowhere. To be honest, you enjoyed watching him drive. And, you enjoyed the extra half hour it gave you to get ready while Jamie worried about getting you to work in one piece.
There was also the benefit of being feet away from your boyfriend while at work, but never really having to talk to him. It worked out perfectly that Jamie wanted to stay with Dan even before he met you. You weren't sure how long this would fly, but as long as Coach was okay with it, so were you two.
“How does it feel?” Jamie asked from beside you as you walked from his car into work one morning.
“How does what feel?”
“It’s your first day without the ‘interim’ in your title,” He clarified. “It’s a big day.”
“Yeah, it kind of feels weird,” You responded, shrugging sheepishly. “I’m getting an assistant today, too.”
“You are,” He smiled gently. “I feel honored to be dating such a big deal.”
“You should,” Jamie rolled his eyes at your teasing tone. “What’s on your radar for today?”
“Workout, practice, then another workout.”
This had been his routine for a few weeks now. While you had regular hours, Jamie could often sleep in some days or leave a lot earlier in the day. Yet, he still came in with you every morning and waited for you to be done at the end of your workday. If you thought about it, Jamie contributed to you staying at the arena after hours, because he never rushed you to finish. He always had something he could be working on which gave you more time to overwork yourself.
He wanted to be the best player he could be for the team. He wanted to lead by example and show up as the best every night. To do this, he had to put in the most work. Jamie was never idling around the arena, his time was consumed by either the gym, the ice, or you.
In Jamie's eyes, you had become essential in staying on track with his regimen. He had an excuse to be up in the morning, but more importantly to get about 20 minutes of uninterrupted time with you. He had an excuse to be at the arena and within walking distance of you almost all day. He had an excuse to see you during his active rests.
“That’s basically three workouts,” You said. “You’re going to be tired, and probably in pain.”
“That’s what my day off tomorrow is for,” He responded. “Speaking of, lunch at my place?”
“I will actually be here, so I can’t,” You pouted at him. "And, I'm not letting you drive me to work when you should be sleeping in again."
“I won't fight you on that, I could use the extra sleep," He shrugged. "But, I'll come to you for lunch. I can pick something up on my way in."
“You want to spend your lunch on your day off in the arena?”
“I want to spend my lunch on my day off with you,” He corrected, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "Wherever you are."
“Well, that sounds like a good idea, then," You held his eye for a moment, squeezing his hip.
"Good," He smiled. He walked with you to your office, before stopping at your door. "I'll see you later."
"Not so fast, Jamie," You grinned, pulling him in by his hoodie so you could peck his lips quickly. “What time do you actually have to be in?”
“Not for another hour and a half but I’m gonna go in 30.”
“An hour before everyone else again?” You questioned, walking over to your desk. He closed your office door before he sat down in one of your lounge chairs. “You stayed two hours late yesterday.”
“The season is picking up.”
“You don’t think that’s going to tire you out?” You bit your lip as you paused. “Don’t answer that, just be careful. You’ve been doing this longer than I have.” And, you were the last person who could be judging Jamie for working too much.
He laughed, “Don’t worry about it, I know my limits.”
“And, you really don’t have to drive in with me to work, you could have gotten more sleep today.”
“Why waste gas when we’re going to the same place, and leaving together later?”
“I’m just saying, I do have a license and car for a reason.”
“I like driving in with you,” He responded. “And, leaving with you. Comfort for having to share your attention with my team while we’re working for most of the day.”
You rolled your eyes at his smile, “Whatever, Jame.”
“Do you have a busy day today?”
“I have a few appointments and a board meeting later but nothing overly busy.”
"What time are you finished? Since, you know, we're leaving together."
You rolled your eyes, "I should be done by 6 but I'll text you and keep you updated."
"Sounds good. I'm gonna head in and let you get settled," He stood up, throwing his bag back onto his shoulder. "Have a good day."
"You, too," You smiled up at him. He leaned over your desk where you were sitting before pressing his lips to yours.
"Bye, baby." Your neck felt hot, not only because of the pet name but also the sound of his voice against your lips. He kissed you once more, before standing up straight.
"I'll see you tonight."
Part of your assignment for the day was to observe the guys at their afternoon practice. The energy was light, the team had just come off of another win. Guys were zooming on the ice, others were skating leisurely and exchanging laughs.
At a particular slow moment, you watched as Jamie skated around the boards, his speed picking up with each second. He moved so gracefully and quickly, that you couldn’t remove your eyes from him. You still found it hard to believe that he was yours. Out of all people, Jamie Benn. You were so different but so similar, and it just seemed to work. Everything was easy with him. And, so nice.
“Wow, does he still have clothes on in your head?” Your head snapped to Tyler who was smirking at you. You let out a breath of relief that it was only him that had caught you redhanded. He always seemed to be lurking around, but he also had become one of your closest friends inside and outside of work so it made sense.
You and Tyler had a friendship separate from your relationship with Jamie. You both had a similar sense of humor, and obviously an admiration for the Captain. Tyler appreciated you more than anyone, finally feeling like he had someone to talk to about the things that went on in his head. He wasn't one for therapy, but the friendship he had with you outside of work made him more comfortable talking to you during sessions.
“Shut up, Seguin.”
“You’re undressing Chubbs in your head, right?”
“No,” You rolled your eyes, looking away from him. You tried to find something else to hold your focus but failed when your eyes scanned past Jamie again.
“Liar,” He continued.
“Tyler, aren’t you supposed to be on the ice?”
“I’m not, actually,” He shot back. “I’m supposed to be making fun of you because it's one of my favorite parts of the day.”
“You’re evil,” You shook your head. "And, annoying."
“So, how are things with you and Jamie?” He asked.
“Good, it’s not like you don’t ask Jamie every day,” You replied. "He tells me everything you say, by the way."
“I'm sure he does, doesn't he worship the ground you walk on?” He raised his eyebrows.
“I don't know what that has to do with anything,” You shook your head again with a smile. "Mind your business."
“What?” He laughed. “It is my responsibility as the friend of both of you to make sure that this boat stays afloat.”
“This boat is still happily floating, thanks.”
“Goodbye, Tyler,” You said, standing up. “Unless you want me to write you up?”
“You would never,” He gasped.
“Oh, don’t be so sure,” You grinned.
“Now who’s evil,” He said. You walked away from Tyler, moving towards the other side of the bench.
“Anyone, in particular, you’re watching?” You asked Coach.
“Uh, let’s see,” He looked over the roster in his hands. “Actually, everyone looks pretty good today. I do know that Dan’s out so maybe check in with Anton and Jamie, make sure they’re good. But, other than that, I think we’re all set.”
“Okay, I’ll check in with them.”
You talked to Anton first, seeing as he was only a few feet away from you on the bench. The conversation was fairly short as he had to get back on the ice, but he was all smiles and energy as usual.
Next, of course, Jamie. Just as you finished talking to Anton, Jamie skated to the bench, sitting down and beginning to take off his skates.
“Jamie,” He turned around, smiling once he saw you.
“Y/N,” He responded. “What’s up?”
“Dan’s not in so I’m just checking in. How are you feeling?”
“Pretty good, actually,” He shrugged. “I feel really loose today and I think the game in a few days is going to be good.”
“That’s great,” You nodded. You stood in front of him, your back against the wall. “Are you still doing twenty workouts today?”
“I haven’t decided yet. I could, but I don’t want to overdo it,” He said.
“That makes sense.”
“How’s your day going since this morning?” He looked up at you.
Considering he just got off the ice, you swore you had never seen Jamie look as good as he did at that moment. He was sweating, which you usually thought was repulsive, but looking at him now, you wished you could kiss him. You wished you could do a lot more than that but you preferred keeping your job for the time being.
Coach wasn't an issue. He knew you two were dating, hell, he gave Jamie the "okay" to ask you out. You had absolutely no PDA with Jamie anywhere outside of your office and kept a safe distance from him at other moments. It helped that you hardly had to talk to him at work, only when Dan wasn't in which seemed to be more often than usual lately.
You spent a lot of time in your head. You had been intimate before but it was with amateurs, no one like Jamie. This man is a professional hockey player, captain of a National Hockey League team. A professional athlete who is clearly one of the most disciplined and focused on his craft. Hockey always came first, except you still feel like a priority in Jamie’s life and routine.
Early on in your relationship, with franchise expectations, team meetings, charity work, and your own busy schedule, you both could go days without physically seeing each other for more than 20 minutes, which was very different than how things started. He always made time for you, even if it was just a quick 5-minute phone call while on the road on how we’re doing. And, a lot of impromptu appearances in your office, which you absolutely loved. You liked that your relationship had passed the stage of awkwardness, and now could make time for each other on the fly. It was evident how much you both enjoyed spending time together.
“My day has been pretty smooth so far, “ You shrugged. “I have two meetings later and then the prep for the next few games.”
“Nice, nice,” He said. “You’re going to wear my jersey, right?”
“Jamie,” You blushed. “You know I can't”
“I know, I thought I could make you forget,” He smiled. You sighed under his gaze and he extended his leg out, nudging yours.
“I missed you last night.” You narrowed your eyes at him and obliged, pulling his leg back with a smirk.
“I missed you, too.” It took everything in you to not kiss him right then and there. But you couldn’t help your eyes always finding their way to his lips.
“Are you free after the game?”
You nodded.
“Do you want to come over?”
You nodded again, not trusting your voice.
Jamie smiled, standing up straight. “What is up with you?”
“Nothing,” You responded. He searched your face, moving closer to you.
“You sure?”
“Yes, Jamie,” You said. “I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, I’ll try to stop by before I start getting ready for the scrimmage.”
“Sounds good,” You smiled. You squeezed his arm gently before leaving the rink. Once you were far enough, you finally let out the breath that you had been holding in. This whole “contain your urges” thing got harder and harder the closer to Jamie you got. Then again, that is the point of being in a relationship. Should you even be containing how you feel at this point? He is your boyfriend, after all.
“Hey, Becky,” You smiled at your new assistant once you got back to your office.
“Hi, Y/N,” She smiled.
“Anything new?”
“Uh, no actually, no messages for you.” She said, searching her computer.
“No, I meant with you. How's the first day going so far? Everything okay?”
“Oh, yes, great,” She said.
“Okay, good,” You nodded. “I might have a few more assignments for you to help get familiar with our tracking system for the players, but we might just start it tomorrow."
“Okay, whatever you think is best. Let me know,” She nodded.
“And, I'm happy you're here. I could really use the help and I think we're going to ge-"
“-Hey,” You heard from beside you. You turned, coming face-to-face with Jamie. “Can I steal you for a second?”
“Sure, but I just saw you,” You laughed. He rolled his eyes, nodding his head toward your office.
“It will literally take a couple seconds. I just have to ask you something.”
“Jamie, this is Becky, my new assistant. Becky, this is Jamie,” You turned your attention to her. “Captain of the Dallas Stars who obviously has no manners.”
"I'm sorry," He rolled his eyes at you before holding his hand out to Becky. "It's nice to meet you, welcome to the team."
"Thank you," Becky responded.
"You'll probably be seeing me a lot, I'm her boyfriend."
"Good to know," Becky looked over at you with a smile.
You laughed, before turning back toward Jamie. "What can I help you with, sir?"
You led him into your office and he closed the door behind himself.
“What do you need to know?” You asked. He laughed, closing the space between you.
“Nothing really,” He mumbled before pressing his lips against yours. He kissed you softly and slowly, making your head spin. You grabbed his arm to balance yourself as he held your face in his hands.
“Jamie,” You mumbled against him. He hummed in response, kissing you again. “Arena.”
“Right,” He sighed. He kissed you one last time before pulling away. “I could kiss you all day.”
“Stop,” You blushed, leaning your head on his chest.
“Okay, I have to get back, but I couldn't stop thinking about doing that,” He said, kissing my head.
“Have fun,” You sighed, pulling away from him. You reached up to slide your thumb over his lips, wiping your lipstick from his face.
“Oh, and,” He leaned down to your height and his smell filled your nose. You closed your eyes, breathing him in. “I was thinking, maybe you could spend the night?”
"That would be nice," You opened your eyes, being met by his.
"I hope you know," He smirked. "You have me wrapped around your finger."
"I'm glad to see we're on the same page," You replied.
“Then, what do you say?” He searched your face, although he was so close to yours that you could feel his breath on your upper lip. “Spend the night with me?”
You lowered your arms, nodding, “Yeah, that sounds good.”
“Good,” He smiled, before pressing his lips to yours. “At some point, I'm not going to be able to make eye contact with you at work. I think it's happening soon.”
“Shut up,” You blushed, lightly pushing him. “Have a good workout, or whatever you’re doing.”
“I will,” He said. “I’ll see you before the game?”
“Yes,” You nodded. He smiled before leaving your office.
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celine-dreamwall · 4 years
Event for a cause | Niall Horan
Summary: Niall's been busy for his performance at The Royal Albert Hall for a cause and Y/N has work on that day what will happened to the both lovers?
"Hon! I have great news to you" Niall said. "What is it?" "I'll be performing at The Royal Albert Hall this November" "Really? When exactly? I mean is it okay to people to watch in this pandemic? Will it be like the seats will be one seat apart but that'll make the like only half of the venue? Y/N asked "No silly it'll be a virtual show" " Wow! That's nice! At last love the long wait is over the fans including me of course can't wait to see you perform and I know you too" Y/N said while she hug Niall "I know! I can't wait either I can perform like I used to do in a venue and with the band again It'll be great." Niall said while still hugging Y/N "I know! I'm not the only one whose watching those performance anymore" Niall put his hands to Y/N shoulders and look her in the eye with one eyebrow up and said "Why? You didn't even need to watch me while playing my instruments and singing in the house" Y/N smile and said "How can't I, You're amazing love and your voice soothes me" Niall's frown turn upside down and kiss Y/N "You really know how to melt me down hon!" Niall said.
"Hon! Tomorrow we will be shooting at The Royal Albert Hall for the previews we are going to post and also for the electronic ticket we will be sending would you like to come?" "Yeah! Sure I would love too." "Ok great!
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Niall has been busy shooting for the preview Y/N is just in one seat admiring Niall and when one frame and other scene is done Niall goes to Y/N and she fixes Niall's hair and his collar "That's really great love you look so great and your outfit of choice" Y/N laugh "Are you mocking me Y/N? Huh?!" Niall said "No love hahaha! You look actually adorable" Y/N kisses Niall.
Niall post the preview in his Instagram and Y/N. "Thanks for supporting me Hon" Niall said and kisses Y/N forehead "Everything for you my love I hope the fans will response well but I know it will, We can't wait to see you perform" "So am I" Niall replied.
"Y/N Y/N Y/N" Niall runs to Y/N "Yes Niall what is it?" "We already sold like 90,000 tickets!" "Oh love that's really great I'm so happy for you" Y/N hug Niall "Oh by the way I' ll be at work by the time you're going to perform I hate it but apparently we started to start shooting again November 7" Y/N said and Niall face quite frown to her news "but Y/N I wanted you to be there, you're like my only audience there that I want!" "I know love! I know! I don't want to miss it too of course its like a "Super VIP service" Y/N's waiting for Niall to laugh at her last sentence but Niall is serious because he wanted her to be there so Y/N continued "Okay love I'm sorry so sorry believe it or not I wanted to be there but I can't I really wanted to do Y/N's eyes is quite teary for being torn Niall hold Y/N's face and said "Ok love it's okay don't cry I'm sorry too I just wanted you to be there but I guess if your work is resuming it'll be like before,maybe I just used to be with you wherever and whenever I go you are there because of the quarantine." " I know me too, I just hate that the fact it has to start shooting the same day you'll perform in Albert Hall" "If only I could change the date but it'll take time I mean its getting close and it'll be hard to reschedule." Niall said "No worries love you don't have too, I don't want you too, the work will be too much for you when you needed to focus on your rehearsals which will start tomorrow." Niall just look into her eyes and grateful for having an understanding partner "Aweee! I love you so much" Niall said and hug her "You will be there right? In my rehearsals? Please baby even just in rehearsal right?" Niall asked "Yes baby I'll be there, I'll be with you while I still can of course."
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In rehearsal
Bands and Niall are discussing to the song list they were going to play, the notes, transition and other stuffs related to the big day, Y/N was just roaming around and Niall found Y/N "Hey baby is there something wrong?" Niall asked "Nothing really its just everytime you sing in your rehearsal I really hate it I'm gonna miss it while you're playing back there I was like its gonna be great and more better cause it'll be in a venue and I don't know like I just imagine cause I'm not going to be there." Y/N said as Niall hug her "It's gonna be okay love. Now come on I need you while you are still free." Niall plays and Y/N stay still watching and just admiring Niall his passion and his love for music and the people in need. Y/N grabs her phone and took pictures
Y/N post it online and also promote Niall's event for a cause fans we're thankful for another Niall content online and happy that she is promoting after Niall's rehearsal and small meeting he go to Y/N "Baby, Are you ready to go home? "Yes baby and I'm also hungry can we stop for a drive thru?" Y/N asked "Yes! Baby anything I'm also starving" "Ok I'll drive give me the keys" "What? Why?" Niall was confused "Cause I know you're tired and don't over work yourself you can relax now so I'll drive." "And that's why you're the best I love you" Niall kisses Y/N and gave her the keys
As they both enter the car Y/N said to Niall to pick a good music on the road while Y/N drives Niall open his phone and sees a notification from different social media usually he ignore it but sees Y/N's username so he open it "Baby, why's the music taking too long? Y/N ask and Niall speaks "Love you post a picture of me in the rehearsal?" "Uhmmm yes?" Y/N replied nervously "Isn't it allowed?" "No it's actually good and cute it emphasize the rehearsal, the instruments and yeah it's good." "Oh! Okay! Good for a moment there I thought I was in trouble" "Well if you want to I can make it you're in trouble" Niall's smirk as he hold Y/N thigh and she gasped in shock "Baby, I'm driving can you stay still until we got home" "Well drives faster going home" Y/N droves fast make stop for a drive thru and headed home.
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Niall grab Y/N and went to their room "Why so eager Niall?" "i just wanted some love time, seeing you there in my rehearsals and you being so supportive to me I just can't help myself I almost can't hold myself a while back there but I saw the post and I don't know I can't wait no more" as Niall removed his clothes and Y/N he kisses her from lips to her neck to her body and Y/N response to Niall's every move after the rough sex "Hey, baby tomorrow in rehearsal can you take another picture of me a close up one so I can also put it on my social medias" "Hmmm~ A photographer for tomorrow I better get paid in this" Y/N said while she goes for Niall top "and what do you have in mind?" Niall asked as Y/N kisses Niall and his hands were all over her and make love each other again.
Second day in rehearsal
"Niall I've got to show you something" Y/N shows Niall that she also purchased a ticket for the show "Awee love you don't have too I'll get a copy we can both watch it together in your off" "No its okay this is for a cause, and also maybe I'll have a free time in shooting and maybe I'll be able to watch it even just in virtual I'll be here to support you" Y/N said "You really are the best" Niall kiss deeply Y/N very passionately Y/N stop and say "Ok lover boy hate to stop this making out but you need to go back and probably because maybe this time I'll be the one who can't control" Niall laugh hold her hand and go back to the rehearsal area Y/N grab her phone and took Niall's picture as he requested and post it again she also airdrop it when Niall took a break "Here you go baby" Y/N said "Thank you so muck love" and Niall post it right away.
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"I've been busy lately in rehearsal and I'm glad for these moments to perform again, but most of all help me to support the amazing people whose work in touring has been severely affected in this pandemic. Buy your tickets now"
Niall The D-Day
Y/N woke up early made breakfast Niall smells her cooking and he sneak behind her "Niall! Jeezz!" "Sorry love its just I need to recharge by hugging you cause I know in a few moments now you'll leave me as he frown "I know baby that's why I'm quite in a hurry slept late memorizing and woke up a little late" "Okay sorry baby you've been busy supporting me I forgot about your thing too" "It's okay I know you'll support me in your own way" Y/N and Niall ate their breakfast and Y/N prepares for her work Niall went back to sleep.
Niall woke up and made coffee and also prepare for the show he message Y/N "Good morning love, just woke up again, preparing to work out a little and meeting up the lads for short meeting for the event later, I really hope you're here you take care see you later, I love you so much"
Y/N's still thinking for a very important event for today but unfortunately she is working and every break she has Y/N also message back to Niall
Niall message Y/N for the last time "Hi baby, this is it about 30 minutes we will start the show, I hope you're free and be able to stream. I love you so much hope I can hug and kiss you before I go to stage. See you home."
Niall perform and Y/N struggles on her work lack of sleep and physically tired she keeps looking in her watch but unfortunately she also missed the virtual show.
Niall comes home as fast as he can, Niall was tired and relieved to everything he just wanted to rest to Y/N's arms but unfortunately she is still not around he looks to his phone and read a message from Y/N "Hi my love, unfortunately I haven't watch the stream because of the loaded work but please know I'm proud of you and for this causezmxmxxmxdk" Niall call Y/N but no avail he tried to wait for her until midnight Niall was worried he called and called left a tons of message like "Hey Baby where are you now?, Come home I'm worried I'm not mad please just come home"
Y/N arrived and just head to the couch and sleep put her bag in the table and missed so all the items just made a noise and mess Niall heard and went out of the room and saw Y/N "Baby are you okay?! I was damn worried" Niall looked in the clock "It's almost 5am what happened?" "Love, let me sleep please I'll tell you la-" Y/N muffled and sleep Niall just stare for her in the moment carry her into their room and goes to sleep.
Niall woke up and relieved that Y/N is on his side he silently leave the room to made breakfast Niall has a free day today but will be promoting the second day of the show. Y/N woke up and Niall "Good you're up! Anything you like for breakfast?" "Niall I'm so sorry" "What? Why? Baby wait did you cheat on me? Niall said jokingly "WHAT?! No of course its just I miss the show I've been busy like the whole day and there's this scene so exhausting and-" Niall kisses Y/N "It's okay love I understand I'm really just worried and glad you're here, so what do you want in breakfast?" " I would like some fried rice, eggs and ham I want a heavy breakfast I'm really tired and hungry but first a medicine my head is really pounding, and can you wake me up again I still need some sleep and when I woke up I'll watch the show love" Y/N go back to sleep and Niall cook breakfast she requested. Niall was about to woke her up but thought she needed more rest so he just stay with her "My greatest supporter" then kisses her forehead.
Hope you enjoy it.
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junipersgarden · 5 years
metanoia 1. | Recover
PAIRING: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
SUMMARY: 8 months later from Tony’s funeral and the promise Peter and you made, where do you two stand now?
WORD COUNT: 4119 words
a/n: i did not expect this to blow up so quickly so thank you all sm!! ill be updating every Friday/ re uploading from Wattpad and converting it to here!! hope you enjoy this chapter and ill see you next Friday ; )
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8 Months Later...
"I have a plan. Okay. First, I sit next to Y/N on the flight."
"Second,  I'm gonna buy a dual head phone adapter and watch movies with her the whole time."
"Three, when we go to Venice; Venice is super famous for making stuff out of glass right?"
"So I'm going to buy her a white gardenia necklace because it's a really pretty flower and... because... well-"
"Is it because of the-?"
"Because of its meaning yeah. Step 4 is when we're in Paris, I'm going to take her to the top of the Eiffel Tower, give her the necklace and 5, I'm gonna tell her how I feel. And 6, hopefully she tells me she feels the same way."
"And don't forget Step 7."
"Step 7?" Peter questions and clicks the top of his pen to write down Step 7, ears perked to listen to Ned.
"Don't do any of that."
Peter lets out an annoyed and frustrated sigh as Ned gave him a look that expressed 'what? what did i do?'
"Because we're gonna be bachelors in Europe Peter!"
"Look, I may not know much, but I do know Europeans love Americans."
Peter had little belief in Ned's statement that he scrunched up his face and looked at Ned.
"-And more than half of them are women!" Ned exclaims to make his point.
"...Sure but, I really like Y/N man. She's awesome, she's super funny like in a kind of dork way, and whenever she looks at me I feel like- she's coming over don't say anything!" Peter quickly shuts himself up.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Don't say anything!" Is the only thing you hear as you walked up to Peter and Ned's table.
"Sup guys? You excited for the science trip?" You greet them, rocking your body with a smile planted on your face, your assignment folder occupying your hands. Technically you got up from your, F/N's and MJ's table so you could photo copy your guy's group project but you heard Peter and Ned rambling about Europe and thought you could start up a conversation.
"Hey! Uh, yeah! We're just talking about the trip."
"Yeah and Peter's Plan." Ned confidently slides in the conversation.
Peter's Plan?
You stop moving and shift yourself to Peter, averting your eyes so yours meet his.
"...You have a plan? For what?" You nervously smile and laugh at him, playing with your bracelet on your wrist. The bracelet was silver but held a black cross (similar to a crucifix) in the middle of it.
"I- I don't have a plan." Peter mumbles, fiddling with his pen and looking at you with anxious eyes.
"No he's just gonna collect tiny statues while we're travelling to other countries." Ned blurts out and you can see he exchanged a look to Peter.
"I didn't know you liked-" You stopped speaking immediately, your response lost in your mind, something else distracting you.
You looked past Peter's head and your eyes meet with the dozens of drawings and tributes to Iron Man, to Tony and his sacrifice.
It seemed like yesterday you were on the battlefield, when you found out Peter was Spider-Man and all of those emotions and memories swept and flooded your mind in a tidal wave.
You can feel the whole room spinning even though your feet were planted on the ground, the voices of Peter and Ned fading as the sobs of Peter replaced them and Tony's dying breath.
It's been 8 months and you thought you had finally moved on from all the grief and suffering, the sleepless nights full of insidious nightmares and the suffocating feeling that came from all those panic attacks.
"You can rest now..."
"Did you photo copy it?" Someone asks and you whirl yourself around suddenly and possibly too fast, loosing balance and landing into someone's arms. F/N.
"Oh shoot sorry F/N I was talking to Ned and Peter about Europe and got side tracked?"
"It's okay! I was just checking since MJ was sorta getting antsy since she wanted it to all be done before you guys leave tomorrow." F/N beams at you, still holding you up.
"I-I'll go do it now-"
"Y/L/N, did you firstly ask me and secondly get a hall pass?" Ms. Warren spoke up and alarmed you. She was sitting at her desk and was staring at the 4 of you.
"N-No Ms. Warren..."
"I'll go!" Peter shot straight up from his seat. Ned shook his head and F/N laughed at his eagerness.
"No Parker you've got work to do. Y/L/N, Davis can take you."
Davis... Brad Davis?
Just on cue, Brad lifted his head up from being preoccupied at his desk and sent you a friendly smile and wave. He stood up immediately and from his demeanor, seemed over the top that the teacher asked him to escort you to the printers. He looked so familiar but no matter how heard you tried, you couldn't conjure where you'd seen him from.
Brad walked over to you and was still smiling from before so you nicely smiled back. Brad offered you to go first so you walked to Ms. Warren's desk and grabbed the huge hall pass with Brad trailing after you.
"We won't be long Ms. Warren!" Brad yelled out as he closed the classroom door.
You shot F/N a look that said 'okay guess i go and also what just happened?' and F/N shrugged back with no explanation and return back to MJ. You saw Peter looking at you as you left and saw him sigh heavily and immediately get back to his work. I hope Peter's okay.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The cold, crisp breeze whirled through the dim lit streets of Queens as you walked back home;  the streets were always alive at night with people hurrying from one place to another, lights shine brightly, beaming against tall, towering buildings and billboards, apartments until rooftops could reach the sky. New York was always cold in the night and what lurked in the darkness was even colder. Robberies, assaults and muggings were a regular sighting in alleyways but with yourself as Saviour and Peter as Spider-Man, the number has been decreasing over time thanks to the both of you. School was weird today with the whole Peter and Ned thing and especially with Brad. He was nice taking you to the printers but he kept asking way to many questions about you and you caught him staring a couple of times... weird.
You gripped your coat tightly around you, wrapping it as much as you could around your body to fight the wind, shivers being sent down your spine. Your mind had been blurry lately; balancing the lifestyle of school, social life and duties into one while trying to properly rest and to be there whenever anyone needed you was a struggle; the biggest fear you had was if you just took one, innocent day off that'd you regret it for the rest of your life. You also found it hard to escape your thoughts,  insecurities and nightmares whenever you'd zoned out or even closed your eyes for a second. Despite it all you had your anchors though; the people who were holding you down from losing yourself from all the madness happening. You slip out a smile at the thought of those special individuals; friends that you put above anything or anyone else. Peter, Ned and even Michelle were all you had and all you were relying on to help you back up.
"Help! Someone!" A stranger cries into the night, pleading for a saviour, followed by the sound of gunshots and glass shattering.
Show time.
Reacting instantly, you check for your surroundings before fleeing into the shadows of a lonesome alley and with a single flick of your bracelet, it lets of a white glow, letting you know its activated.
"Hello Ms. L/N, how may I assist you tonight?"
"You know the drill ARIS: suit up."
"Right away Y/N."
On command, the familiar cool and sensational feeling of the nano tech being released from your bracelet began spreading all across your body; you loved the feeling of your suit coming alive just by wishing it, AI on the ready and that the suit was also with you, being a part of you.
As you relished in the moment your suit was fully on your body, you rushed out of the alleyway, concealing your true identity under your mask, prepared to fight,  you begin to follow the cries of the citizen in need.
You felt your heart beat and pace fasten, senses heightened and the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
A shift in your vision changes as you feel your pupils fill fully black and steady themselves with your mask lenses,  you exert all your energy into a singular jump and successfully land on the rooftop.
"ARIS, scan for location of activity."
"The distress signal appeared from 21st Street."
Ahhh, classic bank robbery.
"Okay ARIS, are all systems ready to go?"
"Affirmative. Initiating heads up display and initializing flight power."
You roll your head back and crack your knuckles, jumping up and down on the spot, ready for take off.
Nodding your head, you extend your arms out and feel the palms opening up and see the infinite blue glow from your thrustsers and feel the energy spreading and going to the soles of your suit.
Staring down the run way of the roof, you start walking before speeding up into a full sprint, running across the abandoned roof top. Steps quickening, you can see the end of the roof nearing with each step you take; you're going to jump. Before you know it you've leapt off the roof and it feels like time has stopped and you're floating on nothing; it's only you, the sky and the city's blurred noises and lights.
"Flight power fully restored."  ARIS states, crashing and hauling you back into reality.
The euphoria of you floating has started to turn into the immense awareness that you are plummeting straight down with such speed to the lively streets and roads of New York below.
Extending your arms and legs, you point them into the direction of 21st Street and hear the whirring of your suit taking control and then, you're off. You're flying, just like Tony did, in the late night sky of New York City to stop a robbery.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Positioning yourself, your eyes meet with the victim in front of you; the typical situation.
The criminals all stop with their actions and immediately turn their heads to you. The hostages look up at you with hope and desperate, tears of fear and joy being to stream from their eyes.
"Looks like you forgot your credit cards huh fellas?"
2 out of the 4 robbers stand up and you took the chance to fire an energy blast, distracting them you slide on your knees towards the captives.
"Go! Go!" You beckon as you freed them from their constraints, they hurried out of the door shouting 'thank you's'  and praises for your service and gratitude.
Getting up from the ground quickly, you turn around and see the 2 robbers running toward you.
You spring off the floor, back onto your feet and observe your surroundings; the 2 robbers are still sprinting towards you. You ball your fists and stance yourself ready to fight.
"Guys, guys, guys! You can either return back the money and nothing happens or we can do this the annoying and hard way."
One of the robbers racing towards you pulls back their gun and you hear a gunshot and feel a little ting and flick on your suit; the robber was really dumb enough to shoot you and your bulletproof suit.
"Well, guess you chose the hard way."
The 2 robbers still at full speed rush towards you but before they can even touch you, you step to the side and they loose control and crash into the wall.
"Ooooh! That's at least gotta leave a bruise.' You mock them.
You dart towards the fallen robbers, dizzy and dazed from the impact. You hit your right wrist twice on your suit and it opens up and greets you with what you were looking for; your trusty tool and invention of electric rope. The rope appeared as a blue wire with white sparks that shot out of it and you used it to tie up criminals and lets say if they were to hesitate or make a runner, they'd get a bit of a shock.
Grabbing the 1st and 2nd robber's hands, you wrap the wire around them both so they are both stuck together and unable to escape.
2 down, 2 to go.
The other 2 robbers that were still looting money had stopped since they'd heard the crash and the groaning of pain from the one's you'd taken on.
One robber stands up and places his fingers in his mouth and whistles.
You tilt your head in confusion but see that 3 more step out from the remaining safes.
"Aww brought more of your friends for me? How sweet..."
They all attack you at once, bullets ricochet off you and bounce back, flying back at them.
In unison they all duck down behind a counter from the bullets and curse out profanities and you take the opportunity to dash forward and leap onto the counter and land in front of them.
They all jump to their feet and a robber steps in front of you and tries to land a hit. You grab their arm and twist it and they let off a howl of anguish, you tasered him with your bracelet and flipping and throwing him to the floor.
Another takes his place and goes to hit you but one from behind tackles you and pins your arms, locking them in a firm and harsh grip.
Even through the suit, you can feel sharp fingernails attempting to latch and pierce you.
The guy in front of you clutches a solid grasp on both of your shoulders, forcefully yanks you down into his knee and hits your stomach. Already you can feel a bruise forming on your lower abdomen.
Jesus this one will be hard to cover...
You groan at the extensive, burning sensation building, your skin becoming tender and aching from the hit. The guy holding your arms down is tightening his grip and
"Given up huh Saviour?" The robber in front of you spits.
"T-that's the thing...." You let out a breathless chuckle, "I'm only getting started."
The robbers stare at each other and back before laughing furiously at you, the rest approaching you with guns.
What the robbers were thinking is that they'd won; they had successfully robbed Queens County Saving Bank and had taken down one of Queen's own superheroes. You on the other hand, had plans and knew perfectly well how criminal's minds worked; allow them to think they've won, they'll loose all focus and control on the situation, so you'd gotten them in the spot you wanted them: busy getting ready to celebrate a fake victory and not realizing the black smoke manifesting around them.
"As I said, I'm just getting started." A smirk lies on your covered face as you look deeply into the taunting robber's eyes full of bewilderment and fear.
The black smoke begins flurrying around your body finds it way around the robber's hands, instantly making him let go you. You lunge forward and punch the one in front of you with full power, he stumbles back and falls to the ground defeated. You then sharply turn and kick the other in the face.
The two out of the three still left go to attack you but you raise your arm in defense and send a gust of smoke flying to them. They stagger back and remain frozen as the smoke curls around and drags them to the ground. You rush over and deploy more of your rope onto the two and wrap it tightly around them, restraining them to the one place.
The last robber you spot is kneeling on the ground, trembling slightly with fear and piling as much money possible into one bag, trying to make a clean getaway.
Slowly and antagonistically, you make your way over to him and stand there, staring at him and waiting for him to notice. So busy and frantically he continues filling the bag he doesn't take care of his surroundings or even the cries of his comrades.
"I'll take that thank you." You cleanly snatch the bag and kick him to the ground with your heel.
He lands flat on his chest, hands out to the side you grab them and wrap them around once more.
People emerge from hiding and cry out cheers of joy and appreciation, a few giving you a pat on the shoulder, hugging you and the occasional asking for photos. The sound of police sirens ring in the distance, signaling its time to go. Waving your goodbyes, you turn to flee the scene but you hear and notice the vibration of a tap being played on your suit. You pivot back around and see one of the bank accountant's smiling frailly at you, evidently anxious and nervous in your presence.
"T-thank you so much Saviour, how ever can we repay you?" The accountant's eyes full of tears and lost distress begged.
"You don't need too; this is my job. Saving people's lives is what I do." You reply to the accountant, taking off into the night.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"You did quite an excellent job tonight might I say so myself Y/N."
"Why thank you my Another, Rather, Intelligent System."
"Was that perhaps what you call, a flex?"
"...Yes ARIS, that was a flex." You mumble with a hint of embarrassment.
Currently soaring in the air with another criminal taken down, the fresh and cool wind rattles against you. Patrols were always 'relaxing' in a sense to you; gliding around the city and if your AI or you come to the attention of any law breaking activity, you swoop in (literally) and handle it. At times, you would bump into now and then into Spider-Man and the two of you mixed with your skills, would work together as a dynamic duo to take down the enemy. Queens loved and adored the both of you as individuals but as partners as well. Before knowing Peter was Spider-Man, there was a bit of tension and jealously and bickering from both of you: 'Dibs I had him first!' 'No, you know I patrol this area!' arguments occurred so many times that even the Avengers were pulled into it.
"I apologize for interrupting your thinking but it seems to be you have approximately 3 missed calls from your mother and from Pepper Potts accordingly."  
Missed calls from Mum is bad but wait- Pepper called?
"W-when did they call ARIS? Any voicemails?"
"Your mother called to say to be home earlier from 'study group' to prepare for Europe tomorrow and that not to miss dinner again... which you did and Ms. Potts left nothing for you."
"C-can you auto text Mum that study group when longer than expected and that Y/F/N's offered dinner so I stayed and that I'll be home soon?"
"Already on it and for Pepper?"
"Don't text her anything."
"Text sent."
Pepper? The Pepper Potts? It's been 8 months; what does she want and is that Peter?
Drifting down from the air, you land quietly behind a wall and crouch down behind it,  peering out carefully and you see Peter in his Iron Spider suit, eyes red and wet with tears as he stares at a piece of graffiti.
What's so bad about- oh.
The piece of artwork was of Tony; no wonder he was so distraught.
"You okay Spider-Man?"
"Y-yeah, I j-just c-crashed into a w-wall?" His voice high pitched, obviously lying.
"Uh huh... mind if I sit?"
"O-oh uh... no! No, you can sit!"
Giggling at Peter's awkwardness, you slide next to him and take a seat. You knew something was wrong by the way he was breathing and that his eyes were wet and red but how do you bring it up?
"H-how is everything Spidey?" God that was awful.
"T-things could be s-so much better... just, the whole Blip thing is, it's getting to me."
"The Blip? W-where the alien guy on Titan s-snapped his fingers and e-everyone d-disappeared?"
"Wait that's called the Blip?"
"Well that's what everyone is calling it."
"It sounds better than something to do with a maniac murdering half of the Earth's population... plus it's easy to say and remember."
And for the first time in a long time, you actually heard Spider-Man and Peter laugh. It was more of a sad and dry chuckle but, at least it was something.
"I'm assuming you didn't hear about 21st Street then?"
"21st Street what now?"
"Just now there was a robbery; apparently some of uhhh, what's his name? The macho, pacho penguin looking guy? Sends out his henchmen to do all the dirty work?"
"Yeah! Pretty sure that's the one! But, really? Kingpin? Sounds really dumb; reminds me of bowling or something instead of an evil business man."
"His head does look like a bowling ball..." Peter murmured quietly.
You smiled brightly and threw your head back as you laughed; that's the Peter and Spider-Man I know.
From his mask, you could tell he was smiling since the corner of his mouth was showing the little peaks from out of it.
Your and his laughter began to die down you two just stayed silence  and looked up into the cloudless sky.
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
"It really is... makes my night."
"And mine as well, I mean besides your company." Spider-Man, well more like Peter coughed, trying to cover up what he said.
"T-thank you though.. this was a nice chat Saviour. Not to alarm you or anything, but I'm not gonna be here much longer-"
"W-woah, what the hell do you mean-"
"N-no! Sorry, I worded that wrong don't panic! What I meant to say is I'm not going to be here because, I'm going on vacation."
Parker I swear...
You lightly hit his shoulder and let out a breath of relief. "Don't scare me like that! I did not need that!"
"S-sorry! B-but yeah... I'm going on vacation.. can you handle Queens without me?"
"I already do. Besides, there's always the other Avengers who can."
"Y-yeah... the Avengers... a-anyways Saviour, I-I'm gonna go now. I'll s-see you soon?"
"See ya Spidey and don't go crashing into any walls!"
"When did I- oh."
"Ratted yourself out. Bye Spideyyyyy!" You call out and wave as you watch him swing away and make tracks home yourself.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"I dunno how I did it, but I snuck back in ARIS."
"Well, your mother is asleep-"
"Shhh lemme have this!"
"... Congratulations Y/N."
"Thank you ARIS-"
"Even though I do not condone this behaviour."
Rolling your eyes, you shrug your body and switch your bracelet and your suit slowly peels away from your body, the nano- tech shrinking so it all fits inside the bracelet. You stretch your body but wince from your stomach. Cautiously, you lift your shirt and see the enormous bruise left on you from the robber and his knee.
Bye, bye crop tops...
Plopping yourself on your bed, you lie down and sigh in exhaustion. Closing your eyes slowly, you feel yourself falling to asleep. Until the chime of your best friend's ringtone plays from your phone which causes you to lurch up and open your phone to look at the text.
from: F/N ✌️
yeah.... i'm really sorry that I can't go to Europe...
from: you  
i get it, it's totally fine! your family needs you.
don't feel bad trust me it's all g.
from: F/N ✌️
...if you say so dude. just, have a great time,
take photos and promise to text me when you can?
from: you
you know I will 😤
from: F/N ✌️
kk. well, I better go. it's late and unlike you, people have school tomorrow.
from: you
haha, very funny... well, goodnight nub > : (
from: F/N ✌️
see ya geek : P
Reaching over you place your phone back on the charger and look at the ceiling and sigh.
New York has been chaotic since the Snap- Blip. The Blip. And the amount of crimes has only doubled since before then and everything with school and my friends, Ned, MJ, F/N and Peter and oh god...
Hopefully Europe gives me a break.
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dyker-farmer · 5 years
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Ok this was supposed to be a quick draw and a description to go with, that blew into a full chapter and now it's also on Ao3 SO happy reading ig idk
I never see Shane works that don't go all in for romance nor explore the more realistic ugly parts of recovery, and I kind of crave That TM. So let me have at it too with the self-insert whump mumbo jumbo; no romo version.
Set post-8 hearts event, Farmer Uidelsib is two years or so in, full house built and married to Emily. They/them pronouns, same as me.
Diverges from then on, Shane-centric from an outside POV for the most part.
Take that can away if you can.
Gulp it down. Chapter 1/2/3/4
There's a few to-know to survive life in society, in the valley; there's no good way to comment on the age nor weight of both resident housewives, you can't say no to Evelyn's homemade cookies- and why would you, you fool-, you do not fight at the Saloon or you'll get no cheese anymore on your pizza and only sparkling water for drinks, and-
And you don't mess with Shane's alcohol related ritual.
Except I did, that night, because you do that, when your two-years long friendship with the guy taught you better than letting his impulses overcome yours, when your buddy is trying to recover from teenage long-lasting into early adulthood, trauma-enhanced heavy addiction, and you know, you know tomorrow he'll feel like absolute shit and question his right to therapy the moment he'll stop his pounding skull from splitting. Wonders what a three-dosage paracetamol can do. 
At least he doesn't drink it out anymore.
So yeah, when you're in my shoes, you get that Joja store-bought crap out of Shane's hand, and you brace yourself for the incoming lash out.
The first fractions of seconds are always those to look closely into most. It's only a glimpse, but before the scowl slips on like a well-worn boxing glove ready to strike, there is always this open page I learned I needed to decipher as quick as I could.
Tonight, it's heartbreaking. When I peck his forehead- doting big sibling habits die hard, even when you're actually the youngest of the pair- the eyes I catch looking at me are so confused and bare of any emotion, except for the sorrow that goes beer-soaked tears, it pangs. I get used to the breakdowns, working in the fields I do when I'm off the farm's, but it's not the same when it's a friend.
When I straighten back, offensive beverage in hand, it's already gone in a flinch, away from the empty space behind the chair and onto the table, as he snarls.
"Wha- giv'me back- 's mine!" I don't know how much he drunk before he met up with me, but from the slurring, it's a Lot. A season and a half into sobriety. That's harsh.
I ignore him and walk behind him, pondering where to put the beer for now.
"Y-you can't just do that! It's my booze I got with m'money, not some- who d'you think you are?-" He sputters indignantly, angry tears fewer than the sad ones but still there. He tries to turn around and grab behind his back, but the wild movement is way off and only gets the chair to nearly topples down. I rush in time to stabilize it, and profit off the moment to set a strong hand on his shoulder.
"I can just do that, 'cus it's my house I got with my money, and I think I'm your pal who knows when you've had enough. Dude, I trust you to be an adult, but minutes before, you were already so torched I had to keep your neck upright so you didn't faceplant into the table, and you nearly just kissed my floor good evening. Not to mention you clung to my arms the whole way from the little entry stairs to the kitchen because, quoting, 'If I don't I'll fall in the hole and won't get up'."
I turn to the fridge again, going to open it, before I think better of it. Likely enough, we'll both forget it was there in the first place, it'll stink up my fridge- it's Joja's- and it'll be money out of Shane's pocket for nothing. I set it on the counter, with the rest of the pack. He'll put it to cool down when he's back to Marnie's. Or he won't, probably. 
That's not a worry for now.
When I caught up with him, it was a few feet below my doorstep; he'd probably slipped up trying to climb the three steps up to it, and settled for it. He was nursing that same can, muttering to himself, head down, curled up on himself. Except for that leg sticked out, he probably hurt it when he fell, I'll have to look at that and work on it if it's too swollen. Hopefully that'll spare us from a visit to Harvey's.
Bad memories. Not mine, and it's warm and not raining outside, but. Déjà-vu.
Anyways, he looked the picture of "help I've fallen and I can't get up- and even if I can I won't because Fuck You", and it's been a hassle to have him cooperate. But when I asked if he wanted to leave, he shook his head with a fervor no somnolent drunk should have. That resulted in a lovely streak of vomit down the wall right next to the door. That's also for later. If Eryza doesn't lap it up. Ew. This cat's never predictable.
Now, he's staring at his hands, sitting at my table, contemplating something too far down for me to see- or maybe just zoning out with a sleeping brain. Then he mumbles. "Sorry."
I get back to the table and sit at arm's length across of him. "Nah, 's okay. I don't mind being a helping hand or touchy-feely, must be the frog-eater in me. Not for the helping part." I'd chuckle but my quip falls on deaf ears.
I go to put my hand over his. When he doesn't blink at it, I try and shake a reply out of him, gently. He startles and hawkeyes our joined fingers. When he's finally looking at me, I raise a single eyebrow. He doesn't say anything, but when he pulls back his arm, I let him. We both straighten up, and it's hard to keep up the eye contact.
"So…" There's a heavy air on us. Suddenly, like the last year didn't happen, we're sitting a stride away of each other, and yet it feels like he's all the way back to the forest, looking down at waves.
"Do you want me to do something?" I bend myself a little closer to him, not moving otherwise.
He puts his head in his hands, shivering. Can't tell if it's the AC or his system kicking the alcohol out, or itself, in stress. I think I hear something, but it might as just be his shuddering breath.
"Shane" I insist, voice level, not pressing. "I need words. I want to help, I truly don't mind, but I need words to know what to do." He's never shown signs of going nonverbal before. If he does, I'll improvise. Until then… I need words.
Time ticks slowly as we wait. Then, with great effort and deep fatigue, he drags his palms up from under his nose to his temple, spreading some snot and wet tears across his face from his scrunched shut eyes. Lips trembling but finally showing, that attempt to let out a sound that's not too garbled. He coughs, sniffles a bit, breathe in again, sounding like a sick dog, and blows through gritted teeth before his jaws go slack. Eyes still closed, he whispers, and I have to lower myself some more toward his crouched form to catch it.
"Can I get something to drink…?" His voice is hoarse.
The demand could be comical, if we were into sour humor. And we usually are. But right now, we're not finding the joke in the lines. I stand silently, and as I walk to the fridge again, I let my hand brush his shoulder- same spot as before.
I take a minute to choose, look into the pantry. When I'm back at the table with my items of choice, he's still sitting there, his cheek is cushioned on his arms, face hidden from view. His shoulder, except for the occasional tremor, rise and fall in rythm with his snores. Breaks my heart to interrupt that, but not really. Hangovers are mean bitches with the sharpest nail art on the blackest of boards.
"Psst, dude. C'mon." I rustle his hair backward. He hates when I do that, says it tickles, and it makes him sneeze. So I obligatory do it once a day if I can. Let's say today's my late quota for the last four days I haven't seen him.
He gruffly tells me to kindly refrain from such pleasantries, and raise bleary eyes back up at the table. I can also guess he tried to bat a hand at me, but his coordination is off and he slaps himself lightly on the ear. Then he glares bewildered at his hand for a few seconds, obviously insulted. I profit of this moment to grab a small basin from under the sink, on second thought.
When he brings his attention back to me, I'm sitting again. Between us, a jug of fresh milk from this morning, a small sack of peppers, and a juice carafe sit aside a green glass bottle. There's also some bread, mostly for me to munch on. Because, hmmm dough. He squints at it all, especially at the bottle. Probably trying to read the label.
"Yeah no, didn't get you one of my best wine, not sorry."
"Hot pepper… juice?" He looks at the actual peppers next to it. "With actual peppers?" And then I get the squint too.
"Hmph, I know you like your elongated hell tomatoes, man, what can i say."
At that, a feeble snort.
I decide that it is the highlight victory of my soirée.
"Welp, have at it." I gesture to the half-liter liquor glass right by his left.
He fumbles with the drinks and some splashes around, but I lay back on my chair, arms crossed, letting him do his thing. While I don't hold back from growing downright doting on him when I got to- or even when I don't- I don't see how more devotion right now would be not smothering. He can break my fancy glass cups if he wants and spill my milk, so long he doesn't cut himself or cry over it.
Now, you could be thinking that plain water would have done the trick just fine, if not better, in rehydrating him. Here's the thing, though; going from booze to tasteless liquid, for Shane, that's a sure way to puking his heart out. And I'd rather not have us deal with an acid bile throat burn on top of near alcohol poisoning. Sorry to not spare you the squeamish details, but his oesophagus is pretty sensitive ever since that stomach pumping back at the clinic. Hot fiery hell fruits he can do just fine, with relative moderation and hydratation- hence the milk and juice- but liquor bursting its way back from his guts? Nuh uh. 
It had taken lots of coaxing, but he'd explained the plain tastes, or lackthereof, were very hard for him to deal with, especially when contrasting with strong ones like beers and whiskeys. I'd shackle it to gustative hypostimulation, but I don't know enough about him that way to say. He'd said sparkling water was a good compromise.
But I don't have sparkling water, because I do not like suffering.
I might buy a pack for when he visits though.
And I do know a handful about him already. Shackle that to perceptiveness and a stubborn streak on top of a year and so long camaraderie.
And having a certain uncontrollable fear of failing to act quick the next time coped with by accumulating information and patterns compulsively.
I shake my head to focus on the present again. He's switched from juices to soaking bread in milk to eat it small portion after small portion. He pauses in mid-bite when he catches me staring. He's still hunched on himself and red-faced and a tad bloated. His cheeks are drying and he's blown his nose. I smile calmly. Worst of the storm passed, unless I screw up and blow it.
"Ywou wan' chom'?" He offers a dripping piece of bread. In moments like this, when he's sobering but not quite, the resemblance with Jas are unmistakable. The glint in his reddened eyes that open wide, and his blank-but-not-quite wondering expression, it's all here to paint a scrutinizing but vulnerable picture of tired but bright minds.
"Nah thanks. You done with that milk?"
"...Sure." He eyes it, wary. He knows where this is going, and he doesn't like it. I take the drink off the table, and his gaze follows my movement until I bring it to my lips.
He frowns. A silent warning. 
And as I lock onto him with a dead stare, not blinking a millisecond, I down the rest of the 2 liters jug in three, five gulps. I even take the time to lick my new mustache away, and close my mouth with a click of my tongue.
His expression is the macabre marriage of beffudled horror and pure affliction, disgust if you will. The face of someone who doesn't hate milk, but has grown out of it enough to not be able to live off the stuff like the brave souls I'm apart of. And probably with reason, as I actually can't, like most 20+ years old, digest the liquid in large amount. But I smile like a smug cat, perfectly content.
Cats really can't digest milk once adults, it's all social mythos.
We silently judge and fuck with each other like that for a while more, as more time passes, until the room's elephant gets it all humid with its prancing around. Enough that tears and nervous sweats start again, for no apparent reasons but the residual anxiety from the whole chain of events that led to this.
"I think we should talk about this."
--- to be continued.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Today was a pretty good day. But I woke up with some really bad anxiety. I first got up around 5:30 and try to fall back asleep. I was able to doze at least until around 6:30. But then I got up. I got dressed and I told James I just couldn't you in the house right now. I had to go and clean the old apartment. I was just dealing with too much stress and I couldn't wait till this afternoon.
So I biked to the old place. And I clean the fridge and I took out the rest of the trash. I just tried to do what I could to make myself feel better. I called James because I felt overwhelmed and he told me he would come back later in the day and finish cleaning and do a video walkthrough for me. That made me feel a bit better. Felt like I had some help. Please just spoke so dusty and I couldn't handle it. And I just needed help.
I called my dad and talk to him for a little. Told him a little bit more about the new place and the plan for coming to visit next week. And it was nice. I calmed down enough and I still have almost an hour until I really needed to be at the Museum.
So I decided to bike over to the new place. I looked around to the front and back of the building. Saw that there is a swing set over at the park that we're going to be across the street from. So that's exciting. I love swing set. And then I figured out the best way to get downtown.
And that was really easy actually. There's only one part where there's a little bit of a hill. But it's not a bad Hill and it was a pretty comfortable ride. I'm really excited to move. I'm hoping that maybe while I'm gone for a few days James will take some initiative and just do some of it. But we'll see. We both have pretty full schedules this week and then I go to the beach and I'm going to go see my parents and I'm glad we have the flexibility to kind of move as a process. But I also just desperately want to be over there and I'm packing and putting things away. I am so sick of all the little piles of stuff we have in this apartment. I just want to put it away.
I got down to the museum around 8:30. So I went to McDonald's and got breakfast. I ate it there. And took my time.
It was a really nice day though. I got to talk to some really interesting people. I only gave one actual tour but I went through the museum and would show people stuff and tell stories. I cleaned and organized the back office area. Help Kate bring some stuff up to the office is on the other side of the building. The ones I don't go up to very often. It was nice.
It was mostly very chill day. Around 1:30 ish I went over to Chipotle and got nachos. I came back and had half of them. I think I'm going to bring the other half to school tomorrow. And then at 2 I gave my one big tour of the day.
And man was it a doozy. I knew it was going to be emotional because of all the presidential comments about Baltimore yesterday. And I wasn't as emotional as I thought I was going to be I was angry. Because there was a couple on our tour who were tourists. And the guy could not stop interrupting to make disparaging comments about Baltimore. Overall it was a very good tour. I got to tell my stories and there was comments and questions and the tour lasted a little over an hour. I had this one young couple who is considering coming here for college and they were just so sweet. But that one guy interrupted me when I got into my reasons I love Baltimore part of my tour and he really upset me. Thankfully everyone else in the car kind of jumped on him when he said that Baltimore was the most crime ridden place in America. And I just looked at him and I said no. Here are the reasons you are wrong about the Baltimore Community. The reasons it's a good place. The reasons it has been disenfranchised and the ways that the community is trying to make it better. And by saying that horrible stuff about it it's not helping anything and it's just mean.
Thankfully I had some really nice people to talk to after the tour that had questions and positive things to say. And I got to gush about Baltimore then. Uninterrupted by negativity.
But because my Torrid of a little bit longer than I planned to have you had to wait to have her lunch. I feel bad about that. But you put me in charge of the register and I had not done that at the BMI yet. So it was scary. But it's the same POS system as over at ships so it was fine. I did have some trouble with the credit cards and had to hand type them in because I couldn't figure out how to use the scanner but I sold it and I sold two tickets on a t-shirt. Very proud of myself. I am now trained to work at the front desk.
I left there a little bit before 4. And man it was hot outside. I ended up liking back to the harbor but the sun was so bright I just wanted to go be inside somewhere so I went to Marshalls. I needed to buy jean shorts anyway.
As I was coming up the escalator there was a credit card at the top of the stairs. A man saw it and he reached down to pick it up and I said oh no that's not a good thing to lose. And then I look to the side and there's and insurance card and a driver's license. I was like oh no and then someone said I think that's her over there. So I went to go ask but it wasn't she just had similar hair. So we gave them to the security guard and hoped for the best.
While it was over looking at the clearance stuff I found the girl. And she had already gotten it from the security guard and she thanked me and it was great. I heard her on the phone on the other side the rack telling the person that I was a sweet lady who found her stuff and she basically lost her entire life somehow and felt very stupid was so happy that I found it and not somebody who was mean.
And I found my shorts. They fit me very well but they do have that weird holes distressing thing happening in it. So I think I'm going to put some colorful fabric underneath of it for like a cool effect. But they fit me so good I couldn't turn them down for $12.
I left there and biked home. I took kind of a funny way and was just kind of exploring. But I got back here around 5.
I put some stuff away. Water the plants because they all looked sad. I had a succulent clipping that had rooted, so I planted that. First time I've ever tried this. And then I took a bath. I put olive oil in my hair because my scalp is so dry and now I'm just kind of hanging out. James has a meeting that's supposed to be over at 7. So he'll probably be home soon. So I'm just eating crackers. Tomorrow I have a half day of camp. Because I have to go to my apartment walk through. I am so anxious over this. I hate it. I feel like the last apartment walkthrough I had went so simple and so easy just look around it was like a cool. And then even with the U-haul pick up the guy just looked at said okay cool and signed off. I'm hoping that this will be the same thing. We cleaned it looks great on video but it's probably still Dusty because everything's Dusty. So I'm just hoping that whoever from the maintenance company comes is nice. And doesn't make me feel horrible about everything because I already feel horrible and everything. And I hate that I have to leave work so early because then I have to leave the big kids halfway through stem. And that feels horrible. But I'm hoping that they can at least get started and it won't matter that I'm not there for the second the half of the afternoon. I should have made the appointment for 3 I don't know why I made it for 2. I think I just freaked out.
I still think it will be a nice day. It's the last week of camp and I am hoping it will be great. I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well. Be safe out there. Take care of each other. Try not to let all the small stuff get to you.
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daisylikesmedia · 2 years
Series 1 Episodes 9 & 10: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
And it's Stevie Moffat from the top ropes with an insanely good debut episode and the crowd goes wilddddd!!!
Heyo everyone today we're gonna be taking a look at The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances two parter to see if it's still amazing and omg it is idek where to start today so I'm gonna get the elephant in the room out of the way. CW for sexual assault in the next paragraph.
Ok so Captain Jack. Lets get this out of the way cause things are tricky for me here. For context, Captain Jack was my favourite character watching the show as I grew up, in fact he still might be. He's funny, charismatic, very very flirty, and was the role model I needed in order to come to terms with my sexuality as bisexual. The difficulty is, John Barrowman did some seriously not ok stuff during the filming of Dr Who exposing his genitals on set multiple times. After doing some research it seems the actions were apparently took as "bad jokes" more than any targeted sexual assault, but that's no excuse whatsoever. The reason I feel this context is important is because Captain Jack's sexual nature is integral to his character, but also makes it v hard to separate him from the actor and this situation. Overall I mean yea of course I still love Captain Jack, for all the reasons I loved him in the first place. It's just important to keep context in mind when reviewing his character. Back to the episode, it does a fantastic job of introducing Captain Jack to us. It feels like all he needs is a few minutes on the screen and you know exactly what Jack is about.
Next thing, WOAH this episode is scary. Now that I'm older and have watched it a few times I'm gucci with it, but as a kid this episode was terrifying. And I'm sat wondering whether this maybe crossed the line a little? I'm inclined to say no because the scariest episodes were the ones that intrigued me the most as a child. I remember having a tiny little DVD sleeve as a kid with Blink on it which I would watch over and over again because of just how scary yet exciting it was. And then Season 4 came along with Silence of the Library/Forest of the Dead/Midnight and those were ALSO hitting those notes. But also like I was 7/8 at the time. I wasn't really at the age where you can tackle spooky things with maturity. I guess I just wasn't as scared cause my hero would always be there to save the day, which I'm ngl is really cool. But yea this episode toes the line but I think the best episodes do. This episode has body horror and creepy mysteries and I am HERE for it.
And also the way the plot is structed is soo nicely done in this episode. There are always two running stories throughout the episodes and the way they meet at the end is honestly perfect. Nancy hugging Jamie and admitting she's the mother, The Doctor's gleeful face as he gets to scream "AND EVERYBODY LIVES", that final dancing scene as Captain Jack joins the TARDIS crew. Just such a satisfying end to an amazing story.
TL:DR/Conclusion: Yea I mean I did a lot of context stuff this review rather than talking about the episode itself but that's because it's so hard for me to say something unique about this episode that hasn't already been said. It's an amazing two parter, it's shocking, scary, flirty & heartwarming all within a tightly packed Dr Who script and I adore coming back to view it. It's an episode I'm never gonna forget, so it's going in the Goated tier.
Tomorrow we have Boom Town coming up! Which I've found to be a surprisingly devisive episode amongst the fandom. What do I think about it? You'll just have to find out tomorow :3
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: A Christmas Carol
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We're Continuing Duke's Yultide Reviews...
And I Have A Slight Problem...
On Today's Show I'm Doing Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, But Here's The Thing There Are So Many Adaptatons Of A Christmas Carol That If I Do All Of Them I Will Basically Be Doing The Same Review About A Billion Times So, Here's What I'm Going To Do I Am Going To Do What I Believe To Be The One True Christmas Carol Adaptation And Do That...
Sure, There Are Those Once In A Lifetime Adaptations That Do Something Completely Different With The Tale With Some Being Good And Others Being Different And Yes, I Will Be Talking About Some Of Those Another Time...
But What Christmas Carol Adaptation Do I Believe Is The Best? Well, Charles Dickens (Acting Like Patton) You Magnificent Bastard, I Read Your Book!
As Much As I Think That I Really Don't Have To Go Over The Plot For This Story As Everyone Basically Knows It I'll Go Over It Anyway For Those That Are Watching This Film For The First Time, George C. Scott Plays Ebenezer Scrooge, A Miserable Old Miser Who Is Visited By The Spirit Of His Former Partner, Jacob Marley Who Tells Him That He Will Be Haunted By 3 Spirits...
Just 3? I Was Hoping For 999...
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Who Will Help Scrooge Repent His Evil Miserly Ways, Will They Succeed?
Let's Find Out As We Watch A Christmas Carol...
The Movie Starts Exactly Like The Novel Does With Jacob Marley Being Dead As A Doornail, Our Viewers Must Know This Or Nothing Wonderful Will Come From The Story That I Am Reviewing...
Our Story Starts In Scrooge's Counting House, As Bob Cratchit (Played By David Warner, Who Most People Know For His Role As Mr. Lovejoy In Titanic) Recounts For His Boss, Ebenezer Scrooge That 7 Years Ago That Day, Scrooge's Former Partner, Jacob Marley Passed Away...
Asking Cratchit To Get Back To Work, Bob Goes To Get Some Coal For The Fire Before Going Back To Work, Scrooge Tells Him No, Stating That Coal Is Too Costly And Therefore They Will Not Burn Any For The Rest Of The Day...
Being Visited By His Nephew, Fred Who Wishes Him Merry Christmas Scrooge Only Tells Him
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I Realize That This Isn't From This Movie But It's The Only Scrooge Saying Humbug I Could Find So Bear With Me...
But With Fred Saying God Bless It, He Invites His Uncle To Dinner But Scrooge Declines Stating That He'd Rather See Himself In Hell First. Not Happy To See His Uncle So Resolute Fred Leaves Wishing Scrooge A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year...
Going To The Exchange, Bob Hands Mr. Scrooge His Hat To Which Scrooge Realizes That Bob Will Want The Whole Of Christmas Day Off Tomorrow While Not Too Happy About It, Scrooge Tells Bob To Take The Day Off But To Be There Early The Next Morning...
Arriving At The Exchange, Where After He Talks With Some Businessmen About Corn, He Talks With 2 Gentlemen Collecting Money For The Poor (One Of Them Being Played By Alfred Pennyworth From Tim Burton's Batman) But Refusing Them, Scrooge Exits...
Leaving Work, Bob Meets His Son, Tiny Tim Outside Of Scrooge's Office As He Tells Him That He's To Have The Whole Day Off Tomorrow...
Wow, That Line Sounded Like The Kid Read It Off Of Cue Cards...
Walking Home, Scrooge Soon Hears A Voice Calling His Name, Eventually Arriving At His House, He Soon Sees The Knocker On His Door Change Into The Face Of His Former Partner, Jacob Marley...
Going Upstairs To His Room, Scrooge Puts On His Best Dressing Gown, Only To See The Face Of Jacob Marley Within The Fireplace As Bells Start Ringing Eratically And Chains Are Heard Throughout The Place As Scrooge's Bedroom Locks Are Unlocked So The Spirit Of Marley Can Appear Before Him...
Oops, Wrong Spirit...
I Meant To Say The Spirit Of Jacob Marley, Not Bob Marley...
(Start At 3:20, End At 8:46)
And Just As He Came, Marley's Ghost Leaves...
Not Buying It All For One Minute, Scrooge Goes To Sleep, Only To Wake Up At 1:00 To See Nothing At First However A Bright Light Soon Shines To Reveal The Ghost Of Christmas Past, Who Takes Scrooge Back To His Childhood At Boarding School...
Watching Himself Grow Older As The Years Pass By, Scrooge Watches As His Sister Fan...
Fan? I Know I'm Probably Asking A Moot Question Here But Who Names Their Daughter Fan? Fran, I Can Understand As That's A Name But Fan Just Is Not A Name A Fan Is A Way To Keep Yourself Cool When It's Hot But It's Not A Name...
But As I Was Saying, Scrooge Watches As His Sister, Fan, Takes Ebenezer Home In A Carriage With His Father (Who Looks Like That One Guy With The Weird Eye That Always Appears In Adam Sandler Movies) Who Has Gotten Him An Apprenticeship At Mr. Fezziwig's Establishment...
So, Going Forward In Time, We See Scrooge At Fezziwig's Establishment Where They Prepare For Their Christmas Eve Party...
And It's There That Scrooge Met Belle...
Not Her!
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But As I Was Saying, This Is Where Scrooge Met Belle And Fell In Love With Her...
Going Forward In Time Once More We Watch As Belle Breaks Up With Scrooge, Believing That He Loves Money More Than He Loves Her...
Now, I Get Why Belle Does What She Does The Story I Get It, But In This Version It Seems Like Despite Loving Money He Still Has Feelings For Her And It's Like She's Trying To Make Him Choose Between Having Money Or Having Her Which Is Just Ridiculous...
It's Like Having To Choose Whether To Have A House Or Live On The Street And I'm Sorry But I Think Any Logical Person Would Choose Having A House...
Not Liking What The Spirit Is Showing Him, Scrooge Kills The Ghost? I Don't Know But He Winds Up Back In His Room, Only For The Second Ghost To Appear, The Ghost Of Christmas Present...
Taking A hold Of The Spirits Robe, They Go One Day Into The Future To Christmas Day As He Takes Him To Bob Cratchit's House As Him And His Family Sit Down For Christmas Day Dinner...
Quick 'll mFact: Cratchit's Wife Is Played By Susannah York, Who Played Marlon Brando's Wife Lara In Both Superman The Movie And The Original Richard Lester Cut Of Superman 2...
Asking About Tiny Tim, The Spirit Tells Scrooge That If These Shadows Remain Untouched, The Child Will Die...
Moving On, They Travel To The House Of Scrooge's Nephew, Fred Where Him, His Wife And Their Friends Play A Game...
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Travelling To One More Place Before The Spirit's Time Is Up, He Takes Scrooge To The Poor Row...
(Start At 0:14)
With The Spirit's Time Up, He Abandons Scrooge Where He Is But Not For Long As The Final Ghost Appears Before Him, The Ghost Of Christmas Yet To Come...
Taking Scrooge Into The Future To The Exchange He Hears The Gentlemen Talk About Someone Who Has Died Yet They Never Mention Who...
Taking Scrooge Back To His Room To See The Man Who Has Died But He Does Not Wish To Do That Saying That He Understands However There Has To Feel Emotion Over This Man's Death And Asks The Ghost To Take Him To That Person....
The Spirit Takes Him To See His Maid Selling Some Stuff That Belonged To The Man In Question...
Upset That This Is Not Sadness But Greed And Advirice, Scrooge Asks The Spirit Again To Take Him To Someone Who Cares About This Man...
This Leads The Spirit To Take Scrooge To Bob Cratchit's House Where Scrooge Discovers That Tiny Tim Has Died...
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Taking Scrooge To A Cemetery After Showing Him That, The Spirit Shows Him The Grave Of The Man That Died When Scrooge Asks Him Who Is The Man That Died?...
Discovering It To Be Himself, He Tells The Spirit That He Is Not The Man That He Was And That From This Day Forth He Will Honor Christmas...
Waking Up In His Bed, Scrooge Has Been Reborn...
(Start At 0:39, End At 1:38)
Getting Dressed, Scrooge Meets The Boy And The Poulturer And Tells Him To Take It To Bob Cratchit's, Saying That It's From A Friend...
Walking Through The Streets, Scrooge Runs Into The Gentlemen Collecting Money For The Poor, Apologizing To Them And Offering A Unique Sum Of Money...
With The Turkey Arriving At Bob Cratchit's, He At First Believes It To Be A Mistake, But Explaining Everything, They Decide To Cook It For Christmas Dinner. While Scrooge Goes To Fred's To Have Christmas Dinner With Him And His Wife...
(Start At 4:13, End At 7:23)
The Next Day, Scrooge Arrives At Office Before Bob Cratchit And Decides To Play A Little Prank On Bob, By Acting Like His Former Self For A Second Only Instead Of Firing Bob For Being Late, Scrooge Offers Bob A Raise And To Help His Family Anyway He Can..
And That's A Christmas Carol With George C. Scott And Despite One Or 2 Nitpicks I Absolutely Love This Adaptation....
What Say About It? The Way They Handled The Story Is Great, They Had A Good Cast, What Special Effects They Had Were Fantastic I Just Honestly Love This Movie And I Say See It...
Before We Go, I Would Like To Talk About Some Other Adaptations Of The Tale That I Believe Are Worth A Watch...
The Jim Carrey Version, Which Is Probably The Second Most Accurate Adaptation Of Charles Dickens Story Despite People Hating It Because It's Jim Carrey, Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol, Basically A Musical Version Of A Christmas Carol With Mr. Magoo In It, The Stingiest Man In Town, Another Musical Version Of The Tale Done By Rankin-Bass With Walter Matthau As Scrooge, Bugs Bunny's Christmas Carol, A Version Of The Tale Which Has The Looney Tunes As All The Characters From The Book, A Flintstones Christmas Carol, The Flintstones Put On A Play Of The Novel While Hijinks Go On Backstage, The TNT Version With Patrick Stewart, Another One Of The Better Adapted Versions Of The Tale With An Amazing Performance From Patrick Stewart As Scrooge, A Christmas Carol: The Musical, A Musical Version Of The Tale That Aired On NBC That Starred Kelsey Grammar As Scrooge, Jason Alexander As Jacob Marley, Jane Krakowski As The Ghost Of Christmas Past, The Flash's Jessie L. Martin As The Ghost Of Christmas Present And Geraldine Chaplin As The Ghost Of Christmas Yet To Come With Lyrics By Little Mermaid And Beauty And The Beast's Alan Menken...
Now, I Know I Didn't Mention A Few Versions Including The Disney Version And The Muppet Version But Because I'm Going To Talk About Those And Ones That Are Different But Follow The Same Storyline Like Scrooged With Bill Murray Another Time...
So, Until Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off
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