#5 Napkin Burger
rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Vodka Day
Raise your glass and have a toast to one of the world’s most versatile spirits, vodka. Try infusing your own vodka, buying a new flavor, or making a new cocktail.
National Vodka Day is a great time to raise your glasses to one of the world’s favorite alcoholic drinks. While vodka is often associated with Russia, and some of the finest and most expensive vodkas in the world come from there, it is a drink that is produced in many countries and enjoyed all over the world.
History of National Vodka Day
Vodka is the Slavic word for ‘little water’ and is traditionally made by mixing water with distilled grains or potatoes, although today many popular brands add flavorings such as fruits and sugars.
It is believed that this drink first came into existence in the Middle Ages, perhaps sometime during the 8th or 9th centuries. Vodka has slightly different varieties that seems to have originated not only in Russia, but also in Poland as well as in Sweden. It seems that some of the first people to distill this drink from grains or potatoes were religious monks.
Records indicate that the word “vodka” was used in Russia sometime in the late 14th century. It is known that the Genoese ambassadors brought vodka to Moscow to present it to the Grand Duke in 1386. After another few hundred years, after the Russian Revolution in 1917, when vodka began to spread throughout Europe.
It wasn’t until after WWII that the popularity of vodka began to grow all throughout the world, particularly when it landed firmly on the shores of North America. Although it was originally almost tasteless and odorless, over the last decades that has changed. Creative differences in flavors, aromas, combinations and varieties have taken over the production of vodka around the world. But its neutral flavor has continued to contribute to its popularity as it makes an incredible base for a host of different mixed drinks and cocktails.
Purists of this distilled drink are known to only enjoy vodka neat, but it makes the perfect mixer and is the main ingredient in many favorite cocktails, including the martini, the screwdriver and the Bloody Mary.
The Moscow Mule, Cosmopolitan, Vodka Gimlet, White Russian and so many more drinks have become standard for bartenders at restaurants and in homes all throughout the world. All thanks to Vodka.
Now it’s time to celebrate National Vodka Day!
How to Celebrate National Vodka Day
Get on board with the fun and enjoyment of celebrating National Vodka Day using a few of these ideas or coming up with some of your own:
Try Out a New Variety of Vodka
While preferences for this drink can certainly be subjective, the experts in the field of liquor have put out a list of their favorite, best, top-of-the-line vodkas that would be perfect to enjoy in celebration of National Vodka Day. (Of course, responsible drinking is of the utmost importance.)
Try out one of these on the list as a way to appreciate the day:
Hangar 1. This vodka originating from the California region has interesting tasting notes of orange, cinnamon and white pepper, and its alcohol by volume is 40%. The brand is a small batch vodka that was birthed in an old airplane hanger (thus, the name) by St. George Spirits in 2002. It’s still produced at the old Naval Air Station on San Francisco Bay.
Ketel One, Cucumber and Mint. As flavored vodkas go, this one reigns supreme. From the Netherlands, this vodka has a slightly lower alcohol by volume, at only 60 proof. It offers only flavors that are naturally extracted from cucumber and mint, without any additives, and it’s perfect for light and summery drinks.
Beluga Noble. Bringing flavors from where the story began, this Russian Vodka provides a clean, crisp flavor that is perfect for simply drinking cold and neat. Made using a pure water source and expert filtration, the result is this 80 proof vodka that is “clean like a tear”.
Air Vodka. Purists everywhere will delight in the idea that this vodka is made using only the purest of ingredients: water, carbon dioxide and sunshine. Made in New York, this vodka is produced using solar-powered technology that removes greenhouse gases from the air and eliminates the need for farming, irrigation or depletion of resources. And it’s 40% alcohol by volume is smooth and light.
Give the Gift of Vodka
Share in the delight of the day by bringing a bottle of vodka to a special friend, family member, boss or coworker who absolutely loves it. They’ll be so appreciative of the gesture–and perhaps they’ll even open the bottle right away so that you can share a little toast together. Cheers!
Try Vodka Fusion
This is a fun activity that promotes the art of fusing individual flavors and varieties into vodka. Think of it as a painting where the vodka acts as the “blank canvas”. The process usually only takes 3-5 days, or longer depending on personal taste–and the strength of the flavors that are being infused.
Unique and original flavors abound when it comes to letting the creative juices flow into vodka! Some people have gone far beyond the norm with flavors such as Fruit Loops or Root Beer or Peanut Butter and Jelly. The sky’s the limit!
Consider these ideas for making a vodka fusion of your own:
Fruit Infusion Vodka. One of the most popular ways to infuse vodka is by using fruits. Cranberry, mango, strawberry, watermelon and lime are just the beginning. This is also a great way to use up the last of a pile of figs, or the end of the bushel of peaches. 80 proof vodka works well for this and using 2 cups of chopped fruit to 2-3 cups of vodka is a great measurement.
Peppermint Infusion Vodka. Great for enjoying at holiday parties or giving as gifts, this version simply uses 5 full sized peppermint candy canes in 1.5 cups of vodka. Deliciously festive and sweet, Santa will be happy to enjoy some as he spends time delivering gifts!
Herbed Fusion Vodka. Graze the herb garden to find some unique flavors that will complement vodka. Rosemary, vanilla bean, lavender, ginger, garlic, horseradish and chamomile are just a few ideas for National Vodka Day infusions. These delightful herbal vodka infusions are healthful and delicious.
Candy Corn Vodka Fusion. Take Halloween to the next level by dropping a handful of candy corn (½ cup) into a mason jar of vodka (1 ½ cups) and let it sit for several days, or even a week. Serve with cinnamon syrup, lemon juice and seltzer for a delicious Candy Corn Cocktail.
Join a National Vodka Day Event or Celebration
National Vodka Day is a great opportunity to enjoy a new cocktail or try one of the hundreds of different brands of vodka. Many bars and restaurants hold special promotions and tastings to encourage drinkers to celebrate this well-loved spirit. Check online or a local event bulletin board to find out what’s on in the community!
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ladykailitha · 10 days
The Caged Bird Still Sings Part 6
Hello! We are back with this lovely story.
Things are starting settle for Steve as he visits his kids and gets news from his cousin, Monty. He also learns he has allies in unexpected places.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
It was still early enough in the day that Monty wouldn’t be at work so he figured he’d grab a bite to eat and then do some shopping. He might even stop by the Hendersons if he had time. He wanted to see the little pipsqueak again.
As much as Steve was loving the super rich and decadent food of the hotel all he wanted in that moment was a good chili burger from Benny’s.
When he got there the diner was mostly empty, the lunch rush having just ended, so he slid into his favorite booth and waited for the waitress to notice him. And of course because Alice was as sharp intelligence wise as she was sharp tongued, she was over at his table with a cup and pot of coffee.
“Steve Harrington,” she said with a wicked gleam her eye. “I thought you’d done and gone a runner.”
Steve raised his hand and tilted it back and forth. “Ehh...close enough I guess.”
Alice barked out a laugh, shaking her head as she handed him the menu. And he handed it right back.
“I would like a strawberry milk shake, Benny’s Big Chili Burger, and side order of cheese fries.” He grinned at her as she looked at him in shock. “Please?”
She jotted it all down, shaking her head again and then shoved the pad back in her apron. “That will be coming right up.” She turned on her heel and walked right back to the kitchen.
Steve added sugar and creamer to his coffee and took a sip. It wasn’t as good as the hotels, but it was warm and friendly and tasted a little like home.
Alice refilled his coffee twice before his food came out with a stack of napkins. As she placed his food in front of him, she whispered, “Are you safe?”
Steve looked up at her in awe. She looked over her shoulder at Benny who was watching them nervously. Suddenly his insides warmed fast than an entire pot of coffee ever could.
He nodded and gave Benny a thumbs up and hoped from an outsider’s point of view, he was giving the chef indication that he was happy with the food. The chef relaxed and so did Alice.
Steve happily, sloppily ate his meal in peace. He got a couple of side-eyes from some of the other patrons, but he steadfastly ignored them in favor of the delicious food. After he was done he took out a twenty and dropped it down on the table.
Alice deserved something extra for being so nice. He waved goodbye and got back into his car. He checked his watch and saw that he had plenty of time before The Hideout opened so he drove over to the Hendersons.
He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Claudia’s car out front. Because even if Dustin wasn’t home, she would be and be able to pass along the message he had visited. He got out of the car but before he even raised his hand to knock the door swung open and he suddenly had an armful of rowdy teenager.
“Steve!” Dustin cried, wrapping his arms tightly around his friend.
Steve let out a sigh and knot he didn’t know he was holding in his chest loosened and then vanished. Then there was a flurry of other bodies as he was hit with three more hugs. Then Max showed up at the door and pushed her way through the bodies of the four boys to cling to Steve’s waist.
Claudia came to the door and raised an eyebrow at him. “I think they’re happy to see you.”
He huffed out a laugh. He held them all as close as possible. Tears began to run down his face as he squeezed them for as long and as tightly as he could. Finally his arms began to hurt.
“I missed you guys so much,” he whispered into Dustin’s curly hair.
Claudia gently pried each of them off Steve and pushed them into the house with murmured assurances that Steve wasn’t going anywhere and that he would probably like to come inside now.
Finally it was just Max and Dustin, then just Max. When Claudia tried to dislodge her, she buried her head deeper into Steve’s chest.
“Don’t leave me like that ever again,” she whispered fiercely. “Or I will find you and kick your ass. Do you hear me?”
“I promise,” he said solemnly and meant it. Things weren’t all peaches and cream for the other kids, but at least they all had someone willing to care at least a little. Susan Hargrove tried, but her life was a series of bad decisions followed by worse consequences, mainly for Max.
Max finally let go of his waist, but she grabbed his hand, and led him into the house. Steve smiled after hearing from his friends that they wouldn’t take him, after Tommy had done a runner, his parents threw him away like an old soiled rag he had forgotten that he had people who loved him.
Alice and Benny at the diner, his kids.
Once he entered the living room, he was bombarded with questions. He couldn’t even hear what they were saying, it was so loud.
He put his fingers to his lips and whistled long and loud. “Hey, dumbasses! One at a time. Jeez, I’d ask who raised ya, but I know that and they didn’t raise you to behave this way.”
There was some grumbling but they all quieted down and Steve answered their questions the best he could without say who it was who had rescued him.
“You’re trying to tell us,” Mike scoffed, “that some rich money bags swooped in like a white knight and swept you off your feet?”
Yeah, okay, Steve conceded to himself, that did sound hard to believe. He pulled out the wallet. He had taken most of the money had it put in the hotel safe until he got back and talked to the front desk about his room safe, but there was still a lot in there. Minus the twenty to Alice, of course.
He opened it up and pulled out his new shiny, black card and tossed it on the coffee table. Mike picked it up and looked at it. He turned it around to see Steve’s name on the back but literally nothing else was on it.
He threw back on the table and sat back. “So you’ve a black card, so what.”
Steve burst out laughing. Laughing until he was doubled over with it. He threw the rest of the wallet on the table when he finally could breathe again. But Mike refused to pick it up, he just glared at him.
So Lucas picked it up and his eyebrows shot up. “Holy shit, Steve. Did you sell your kidney?”
Mike looked over and saw the wallet was brimming with cash. His head shot up at Steve in shock. “What does a black card mean?”
Steve smiled and crossed his arms over his chest, smug as anything. “Black means no limit.”
“No limit?” Dustin asked. “How can a card have no limit? Even Ma’s card has a limit.”
“It means I can buy an island nation on it and they wouldn’t even bat an eyelash.” He shrugged. “I wouldn’t. It’s not my money, but I could.”
Max let go of his hand and took the wallet from Lucas. He looked up at her as she counted the money. “There’s enough in here to pay the rent on my mom’s trailer for six months.”
Steve nodded. “And that’s not even all of it. I left some back at where I’m staying.”
“Which is where?” Will asked. “Dustin won’t tell us.” He looked over at Dustin who stuck his tongue at him.
“I can’t tell you that,” Steve said shaking his head. “I want to, and I will. Just not yet. I need make sure my parents are out of town and don’t have people looking for me before I trust people with that knowledge.”
“So why tell Dustin then?” Mike huffed.
And there it was. It wasn’t that Mike didn’t believe him, it was that he was upset that Dustin was given privileged information.
“I told Mrs. Henderson and Dustin was there,” he defended. “Look. When I’m sure my dad won’t ruin your parents’ lives for you guys helping me, then you’ll know, same as him.” He rolled his eyes. “Plus it was more I gave Dustin a phone number and didn’t realize that they fucking announced who they were regardless of the number called.”
Will snapped his fingers. “A hotel. You’re staying in a hotel!”
Steve threw his head back and covered his face with his hands and groaned his frustration. He had forgotten he was dealing with literal geniuses.
“Oh!” Mike said. “I get it now. You thought they would only say the name of the hotel when you called the front desk but not your room. But you were wrong and that’s how Dustin found out.”
Steve pursed his lips and he nodded, trying not to scream.
“So it wasn’t that you think he’s special,” Max said, “you’re just stupid.”
“Maxine Catherine Maxwell!” Claudia shrieked from the doorway. “We do not call people stupid in this house!”
Max’s jaw dropped at being full named. Steve was even impressed. He didn’t even know that Max had a middle to use.
“Sorry, Steve,” she muttered putting the wallet back on the table and crossing her arms.
Claudia nodded to the wallet and the card. “You best put those away, love. We don’t want you to lose anything now that you’re safe.”
He did as he was told. He then stayed around and answered their questions the best he could. Then when it was time for them to go home for dinner, he offered to take any of them home, but they all declined. Even Max, which surprised him, but he figured she was still stung by being full named by Dustin’s mom.
So he gave her a big hug before she left so she knew he wasn’t mad at her. She hugged him back fiercely and then pushed him away with a weak, “Loser.”
Steve huffed a small laugh and let her go.
He grabbed a sandwich off Claudia and then dashed off. He made a stop at Melvand’s and grabbed his hair products. He used the card for that so that Eddie could get a laugh at that purchase.
Then he pulled up to The Hideout just as it was opening and sure enough, Monty was at the door.
Steve got out of his Bimmer and walked up to the door. It was a Tuesday so there wasn’t anyone lined up.
Monty breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s good to see you, kid, but I can’t let you in.”
Steve held up his hands. “And I’m not asking you to. I’m just here to make sure you didn’t get into trouble and maybe some news if you have it.”
Monty relaxed and threw his arm around Steve’s shoulders, walking off to the side so they could share a smoke and Monty could still keep an eye on the door.
They were about halfway through their cigarettes when Monty finally spoke up.
“You didn’t get me in trouble,” he said, blowing out smoke. “I just don’t want my boss to put two and two together and come up with you being the Eddie Munson pet. You’re dad has been breathing down the necks of the local police. Not to find you, oh no. To run you out of town with a fucking lynch mob.”
Steve winced, flicking the ash off his cigarette with his thumb nail. “I’m not surprised. That’s why I’m laying low. Plus the place has good security, they will deny I’ve ever existed and since they don’t have anything on me, they can’t come back with a warrant.”
“What about your ID?” Monty asked after chewing on his lip for a moment or two.
“It’s on my list of things to get rid of,” Steve assured him. “I just want to do it safely. Cutting it up and throwing it away will only make things annoying for the cops to put back together.”
Monty nodded. “As long as you’re being smart about this, that takes a huge weight off my shoulders.”
“Do you think anyone there that night would remember me?” Steve asked, nervously.
“Don’t know,” Monty said with a shrug. “You did stand out pretty good that night. But whether they recognized you as Clint Harrington’s son? I doubt it and my boss hates cops so ten to one if they come sniffing around that night’s security tapes are gonna do a runner.”
Now it was Steve’s turn to feel relieved. “That’s good to know.”
“How’s Aunt Sophie doing?” Steve asked, grinding his finished cigarette under his shoe. “I heard she had a cancer scare last month?”
Monty scoffed. “Is that what Auntie Maureen said?” He rolled his eyes. “Scare? That implies that she was making it up. Bitch. Stage four. They think they’ve caught in enough time, but only time will tell.”
Steve winced again. “Mom has always been jealous of Aunt Sophie. I’m sorry, man. I hope they get it taken care off.”
The conversation turned to various cousins and other relatives. Then by some miracle someone came up to the door and Monty had to go.
Steve watched him trot back to the door and apologize to the patron and he shook his head. He drove back to the hotel and worried about his car. He didn’t know if his dad would think to look here, but he needed a reliable way to get around.
He wanted to skip dinner because he was so tired but he knew he needed to eat. So he ordered room service and called Eddie. It went to voicemail like the thought it would, but he told him all about his day. Then he ate and got ready for bed. He slowly drifted off to gentle silence of the suite around him.
Part 7
Tag List: CLOSED
1- @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog @beelze-the-bubkiss
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7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
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writerofjourneys · 2 years
Hi! If requests are still open, could I request Akira/Joker with a female reader who's a phenomenal cook?
Making him lunches, snacks, and occasionally breakfast and dinner too. Boy's bout to be spoiled.
Cooking for Joker
Fandom(s): Persona 5
P5 Protagonist/Joker x Fem Reader
Content: Fluff, romance, food, established relationship, marriage, married life, aged up characters, cooking, domesticity, soft Joker, taking care of each other, affection, declarations of love.
Warnings: None.
Main List | 𝐉𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫
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As the leader of the Phantom Thieves, Akira is busy preparing for heists and fighting Shadows. But not just for being a leader of a mysterious infamous group, he’s busy everywhere. Ranking up confidants, fusing Personas, stocking supplies, studying, Akira’s been dealt with a lot of responsibilities since he got to Tokyo.
Eating at Big Bang Burger all the time and doing those challenges isn’t healthy on a regular basis. He does eat out with the team and his confidants sometimes. And Sojiro does cook breakfast for him on occasion.
But he will have a tendency to overwork himself and forget his own needs. He’s also taking care of Morgana, another mouth to feed besides himself. During lunchtime, Akira would either share his meal or just give it to Morgana.
Though since Morgana is known to keep track of his bedtime, the cat will make reminders for him to eat. The talking feline does pride himself for being responsible.
But you making food for him will send his heart soaring. He’s a lanky male, not too thin, but not so muscular, so he could still go for some more meat in his bones. It’s not only a sweet gesture but also an efficient way to help feed your hardworking boyfriend. He may even blush a little from the adoring sentiment.
Making bentos for him? Touching. Making matching bentos for the two of you? Adorable. Especially if you’re putting great details in the lunches, like making cute faces in the shape of animals and such. Akira will tease that it looks far better to admire, but he’ll happily finish the bento until there’s nothing left. He’s never been a picky eater so he’s open to try anything you make.
Learning about your cooking skills definitely impresses him. Akira likes to improve his own culinary abilities. Working with Sojiro behind the counter helped him discover that passion. So being a phenomenal cook, he’d gladly ask for tips and advice once in a while.
Akira finds himself astounded that someone like him, someone carrying a false criminal record serving probation in an unfamiliar place alone, could have such a loving girlfriend caring for him. He always makes sure to not let you forget his own affections and how much everything you do means.
It becomes a routine for you two to meet up at lunchtime and eat together. Sitting side by side closely, across with legs touching. There’s no doubt that Akira will happily reciprocate in taking turns making meals for you both. A good way to practice his cooking skills despite his busy schedule. If you were to ever be unable to make it, Akira will feel your absence greatly.
Breakfast? Probably best to have something easier to eat as you walk to Shujin side by side on weekdays. It is true as they say that to a person’s heart in general is through the stomach. If you stopped by carrying food filled containers to eat at LeBlanc, Sojiro has no problem with it. He does agree that Akira should be mindful of eating. Depending on if said containers are washable, he’ll let you keep them at the café until you take them back.
Feeding each other is a thing in private. When no one is there, Akira will offer a piece of food to your lips, expression cheeky. It’s something you’d only do behind closed doors.
And in reverse, he’s happy to welcome a spoonful from you. Wiping a stain on his mouth gets him a bit bashful. A napkin? Cute. Your own tongue? Now his face got even redder.
But beware, the leader of the Phantom Thieves has tricks up his sleeve. He’ll reciprocate the action in a sneaky way to tease back.
Dates spent cooking and eating together is very domestic and wholesome. Trying new recipes, sharing some, it’s a lovely way to spend time with one another. Though you’d probably spend that in your home rather than his. Because as nice as the coffee and curry is at the café, you’d have more privacy and space to work on. Akira always has a look in his eyes when he gazes upon you, so much so it makes you bashful every time you see it.
Food turns into a new love language between you.
And once you become adults? Naturally, living together is expected after the deepening of your relationship growing from being high school sweethearts. Cooking together becomes a real staple in your household. Working different jobs may not always let you cook together, but having the thoughtfulness of making food for the other is still as meaningful.
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dotster001 · 2 years
On my Way to Somewhere
Summary:Epel x gn!reader. After a nasty breakup with Vil, your bestie takes you on a road trip to finally explore this new world.
A/N: I've never done a songfic before, but I thought I'd practice, since I got a request for one. You can listen to the song here if you want.
CW: Vil slandering (but it kind of seems like he deserves it) Drunk kissing, Epel switches in and out of his accent (this isn't a mistake, I just think he would go back and forth after all the work he did with Vil)
I've been waking up in the city for so long.
"Hey Y/N," Epel stepped out of his car and wrapped you in a hug.
"How ya feeling?" He whispered in your ear.
"Well, I'm alive," you laughed drily.
A month ago, you'd ended things with Vil. As if that wasn't hard enough, his fans did not take too kindly to you breaking their Queen's heart. You'd now pretty much abandoned social media, and were prepared to begin your life as a hermit, if it weren't for your best friend's most recent idea.
Keep my growing bangs cause I'm starting to move on
"I only packed one suitcase, just like you said. But that seems a little dumb, considering how long we'll-"
"Look, for an authentic road trip, you gotta live off your surroundings! Besides," he looked at you sympathetically, "the less you have to remind you, the better."
"Sevens, fine," you tossed your suitcase in the back of his car, stubbornly ignoring his triumphant grin.
You settled yourself in the passenger seat, and he put on a pair of sunglasses, and gave you a roguish grin.
"Ready to see what this world really has to offer?"
Take a little time to admire the view
You'd gone on plenty of trips and excursions with Vil, but it still felt like you'd seen so little. Maybe because you'd spent such excursions in hotel rooms, studios, and parties. 
Epel had reached out to you, and offered to show you everything. 
You looked over at him as he drove. He was humming to himself, seeming to be holding his excitement back as much as possible. He'd started to freckle under the summer sun. He'd let his hair grow a little since the last time you'd seen him. 
You'd be lying if you'd said you'd never thought about how different things would have been if you'd turned down Vil, and asked Epel to the dance instead.
His eyes flickered over to you, and you quickly pretended you hadn't been staring. 
"Somethin' wrong?"
"Nothing. Just thinking about how lucky I am to have a friend like you."
He grinned. "Never forget it."
There's nothing I would change about the time I spend with you.
"So. How deep is it?"
"Seven's Y/N! Why the fuck would I know how deep an ocean is?"
"You're the one who insisted we didn't need a tour guide."
"Are you implying you would have asked how deep this ocean is? Fine," he tapped his chin thoughtfully, then, with a click of his tongue, "At least 5 inches. Probably more."
"What? I'm technically not wrong," he said, giving you a nasty look.
"You're not exactly right either," you said with a grin.
Your grin faltered when he had a grin of his own.
"Imma show you how deep this ocean is," and with that he shoved you into the water.
You retaliated by splashing as big of a splash as you could.
On my way to somewhere
"This is the best burger I've ever had," you groaned, barely able to continue eating the monstrosity in front of you, but desperately longing too.
"Told you," Epel smirked. "Oh you got a little something on your face."
He licked his napkin and leaned over the table with it, attempting to wipe your face.
"Dude gross!" You squirmed away, causing him to pout.
"You're gonna have barbecue sauce on your face all day, just because you're scared of a little spit? Just let me help you!"
"No!" You cried as he pounced and reached your face to wipe it, both of you ignoring the food he spilled from your table in the process.
Lookin back around like I need your permission
You heard rustling in the sleeping bag next to yours.
"What are you lookin at?" Epel groaned sleepily.
"Nothing," you said hastily, shifting your phone screen away from him.
"No, it's not nothing. You're making that face again."
He snatched the phone out of your hands and looked at Vil's most recent photo, a single mug of tea, captioned "When I see you with him, I wonder if I ever really stood a chance by your side."
"What a load of rubbish," Epel snarled, blocking and unfollowing Vil.
"Why'd you do that!"
"Y/N, this trip is about getting you over him, right? You can't do that when he's guilt trippin ya like this."
"I broke up with him, remember? What if he's really that sad?"
"Sevens, Y/N! It's not about being sad, fer Vil! It's a matter of pride! He wants you to come crawling back so he can turn to his followers and tell them how he coldly rejected you, cause no one breaks up with Vil Schoenheit!"
Know it's always hard when you know what your missin
"Besides, I'm pretty sure he was cheating on you," he mumbled under his breath.
"What? Why did you never tell me this?" You shouted, making him wince.
"I never had proof! And despite 'how much work he put into me'" he indicated his distaste at the last part through finger quotes, "he didn't like having me around, so I didn't have the time to get the proof I needed. He thought I'd steal you from him, or somethin."
"Would you have?"
He inhaled sharply, then exhaled a heavy breath.
"I'd be lyin if I didn't fantasize about scooping you up from under his wing… But my ma didn't raise a homewrecker."
Both of you sat in silence for a moment.
"I guess what I'm trying to say," Epel broke the silence, "is I've known Vil for a long time. I'm not trying to say he's not sad, but it's probably more of a 'end to a six year relationship' kind of way, and less of a 'I desperately need this person because I'm mad for them' kinda way."
You sat in silence again for a moment, before Epel layed back down.
"I'm going to sleep. Don't unblock him while I'm out."
You stared at his sleeping form for a little while, before laying down yourself.
Walk a little further to the unfamiliar
"This is supposedly the sight where the fairest queen kept her apple orchard," Epel gestured proudly at a plaque in the middle of the sidewalk.
"I call bullshit. Why would they build a city where her apple orchard was? Aren't they like, saints or gods to you guys?"
"You doubt? If I tasted the dirt right now, I bet I could taste the apple orchard nutrients."
"If you tasted the dirt? You're gonna eat dirt?"
"No, but if I tasted the dirt-"
"How often do you eat dirt?"
"I don't-"
"Go ahead. Eat some dirt. Taste the nutrients."
"I'm not eating dirt!"
You picked up a handful of dirt off the side of the sidewalk, and moved to hold it to his mouth. And now he's running.
Rippin out the pages it won't kill ya
"Don't you dare answer that," Epel said as a call from Fairest 💜 flashed across your screen.
You stared at the picture of you and Vil together, then hit decline.
"Good. Now you get a treat."
"I'm not a pet!"
"No, but positive reinforcement works just as well on humans. Right this way."
He directed you towards a stand in the street market that was selling colorful hats. He picked out two matching lilac fedora's and shoved it on your head so your eyes were covered.
"There you go! A treat."
"Thanks, if only I could see it."
"Dork," he laughed, pushing it up and out of your eyes. 
For a moment the world stood still as you two stared at eachother.
"Better?" He whispered.
You nodded.
On my way
"Guys it's so great to see you!" Deuce crushed you in a hug as Ace rolled his eyes in the background.
"If you kill Y/N then they won't get to try that recipe you won't shut up about."
"Speaking of killing," Deuce held you at arms length, "Do you need us to kill Vil? I know how to get away with it."
"Sometimes I forget the man I married is a psycho," Ace laughed as he wrapped you in a hug of his own.
"No need to kill him, it was just time," you said, leaving out painful details that would set every one of your friends off on a frenzy.
"At least Epel has been looking out for you," Deuce laughed.
"Yeah," you looked over at Epel with a soft smile, pretending you didn't see his cheeks burning.
I'm gonna cross state lines in my first car
"You definitely undersold your driving skills," Epel called over the sound of the wind.
You hadn't driven since you'd been ripped from your world. And Vil never saw the point of you getting your license. But Epel had twisted his ankle the night before, so you'd offered to drive.
And it was exhilarating! The freedom you felt as you took the wheel in your hand for the first time in over six years…
And the view didn't hurt.
The wind swept through Epel's unkempt long hair as he sang loudly to a newly released song, giving basic directions when they came up.
Over and overheal my broken heart
Epel turned you out, then into his arms in time with the pub's musicians.
"I appreciate you letting me lead," he said as you swayed back and forth. "I mean, I obviously should anyway since I'm the manlier of the two of us.."
"Debatable," you said, squealing when he pinched your side.
"Serves you right!" He smirked, twirling you again before asking a nearby waiter for a refill on your empty drinks.
I'm gonna reach new heights with every fall
You were straddled over Epel's lap, both of you sitting in the driver's seat, kissing one another deeply. The alcohol on each other's breath was mixing delightfully, adding a heightened sense of excitement.
Epel turned his head away, and wiped off his mouth.
"We should stop," he said softly.
"Epel," you whined, leaning back in until he covered your mouth with his hand.
"I don't know if you're ready for this."
You wanted to say, "I am ready! I've always been ready!" But your drunk brain couldn't put the words together, so you said nothing.
"We can talk about it when we're less plastered if ya want. Besides," he gently caressed your cheek, "You deserve better than to start a new relationship with a drunk night."
He gently pushed you back to the passenger seat, before leaning his chair back and dozing off. You stared at him for a while, before tilting your own seat down, and turning on your side.
I'm gonna be all talk but do it all
You'd been driving in tense silence for a couple of hours. Epel had his eyes steadily peeled on the road, and his directions.
"We're not plastered now," you muttered.
"Duh," he said, clearly not understanding what you were talking about, despite it being heavy on both your minds.
"Pull over."
"Pull over."
He pulled over, then looked at you concerned. 
"Are ya car sick or somethin?" 
"You said we could talk about it when we were less plastered."
He stared at you wide eyed for a moment, before banging his head on the steering wheel.
"Sevens, I thought you had to throw up, or somethin. Ya coulda jus said that!"
"What am I going to do with you, Epel?" You groaned. 
"Never leave me," he grinned, before realizing what he said. "I mean-"
"No that sounds right," you hummed. "I think you desperately need me."
"Or at least I hope you do, cause I need you."
"In what way? Ya gotta be specific. Cause I'm totally fine if you need me as a friend or a family member-"
"I need you as my boyfriend. And maybe husband, unless me thinking that far ahead freaks you out, then-"
He leaned across the seat and kissed you. This was much better than a drunk kiss. Not that you'd ever tell him he was right. He didn't need the ego boost.
"We should definitely try this again outside of a car sometime," he laughed.
"Kissing in a car isn't as sexy as it looks," you agreed.
On my way
"I can't believe my name is fucking apple farmer in your phone," Epel sipped his Queen of Hearts inspired strawberry tart smoothie as he looked over your shoulder with distaste.
"I'm changing it now!" You retorted as you clicked the edit contact button.
"Why was it ever apple farmer?"
"Because Epel Felmier sounds like apple farmer!"
He stared at you. "Are you five years old?"
"That's it, you're buttface now."
"Then you're shithead."
He pulled out his phone, and you quickly backspaced.
"I changed my mind! Your Epel L/N-Felmier."
"Cringy. I love it."
On my way
"You're certain the twins are meeting us here?"
"They said they would be here right about now."
You both stood at the edge of the coral sea. The plan was to get "picked up" by the twins, then have them escort you to Azul's newest undersea restaurant. Unsurprisingly to you, they were nowhere to be seen.
"Well, I'm walking into the water to see if I can see them when they get here" Epel said, marching his way into the sea.
A part of you thought you should tell your boyfriend that it was definitely a trap. But it was significantly funnier that you didn't when he was abruptly pulled under.
"Hey shrimpy!" Floyd called, when he resurfaced with your struggling lover.
"Hi Floyd!"
On my way to somewhere
"Look, jus cause our last stop is my parents doesn't mean we have to tell them we're together yet. We can wait. I can pretend you're just a friend as long as it's only a couple nights."
You grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.
"I have a good feeling about this guy," you smiled, making him blush darkly.
"If you insist."
Epel knocked on the door as he squeezed your hand back.
225 notes · View notes
hailsatanacab · 8 months
Are you still doing the wip ask game? If so, can i ask about number 5?
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I love this one and I'm so embarrassed that it's still a wip oh no!!!! This should have been completed a long time ago to celebrate hitting 1,000 followers but uh... it sorta snowballed into way more than I thought it would and this cute little oneshot is now way more than that. Whoops.
It started as a @stealingyourbones prompt that I added on to, which you can read here! Then I posted a wee little wip wednesday sneak peek, and this snippet (is it still a snippet if it's over 1k words?) carries on from there :)
Danny doesn’t join him for what is, unexpectedly, a pretty great meal.
“Holy shit, you guys,” he murmurs, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "You’re missing out.”
“Come on, Jay, it can’t be as good as the Big Bat Deluxe.” Dick whines in his ear. “You love those.”
“No, I love the Red Hot Hood Bites. That’s all I get at Bat Burger, and don’t let me hear you telling the others that I get anything else.”
“Please, Jason, don’t think we don’t have everyone’s BB order on file, who do you think you’re talking to?”
“Fuck off, Timbits. Go eat at Red Robin.”
“Hey, fuck you!”
Jason elects to tune out the ensuing list of threats in favour of finishing his burger. He’s heard them all before and he’s like 80% sure that Tim won’t actually hide his body in a Red Robin—if only because it wouldn’t take the World’s Greatest Detective to figure out who did it and he'd be so deep in the fucking shit that he may as well join Jason.
Aside from the food (seriously, that sauce! He’s going to need to rustle up a copycat or something, he can’t leave here without a recipe), the Nasty Burger is a pretty sad affair.
It’s a little run down, the vinyl covers on the seats peeling and suspiciously sticky, and incredibly quiet. The only other people around are the two teens behind the counter, bored and on their phones, and two kids, probably around Danny’s age, sitting in the corner quietly arguing amongst themselves. There’s an ungodly amount of food in front of them, but only the guy seems to be eating.
Jason sighs and looks at the rapidly cooling Supremely Nasty Meal meant for Danny. Taking a few of the fries won’t hurt, will it?
He peels the paper bag away from the greasy mess and digs in. Huh, they really skimped on his lot, there’s only like half a carton in here.
“So, you gonna bring us back something or are we going to have to starve?”
“Haven’t decided yet.”
“What a shame,” Timbo starts, with a theatrical air, “for I am still trying to decide whether or not to tell you everything I’ve learnt about the Fentons. Perhaps we could come to some sort of arrangement?”
“You finally made yourself useful and got through those firewalls?”
“Yeah, once I managed to get my hands on a native laptop. It’s weird, but whatever was keeping out my tech lets anything bought directly from Amity in. Having such localised security—to the point where even my stuff can’t penetrate?— is beyond strange. I don’t like it.”
Jason leans back, and reaches for Danny’s milkshake, finding it surprisingly light when he lifts it up. Seriously, what is with the half portions here? He turns round and glares at the spotty teen behind the counter, who doesn’t look up from his phone. Whatever. It's not like Danny’s going to drink it anyway.
Looks like the two kids in the corner have made up, if their stifled laughter is anything to go by. Most of their own food is gone now, too, so perhaps the real reason it’s called the Nasty Burger is because they stiff you on the food.
“This place is weird.” says Dick, in a rare case of being right.
“You don’t know the half of it…” Tim sighs but doesn’t offer up anything else.
Jason’s been trying his best to ignore it.
The weirdness, that is.
There’s an electrical charge in the air so strong it almost feels like he’s swimming through static. Each breath makes his steps bounce like he’s walking on the moon. If he turns too quickly, if he stands up too fast, his head spins like he's breathing too much oxygen.
No matter what Tim thinks he knows, it’s not the full weirdness of Amity Park, Jason's sure about that. Being here itches under his skin, and he resolves not to delve any deeper into it. Not with the way the green swims on the edges of his vision. 
The sooner they figure out what’s happening here, the better.
“What’s your price?” 
“Two Supremes and a six pack of Nasty Nuggies. Cake shake with two shots of espresso.”
Jason rolls his eyes as Dick splutters in concern.
“Shake and espresso? Tim, you have a problem.”
“It’s just a frappuccino. There’s no difference.”
“Then get a frappuccino.”
“I want a shake.”
“Then there's a difference! And the difference is that Alfred will kill us for enabling you!”
“As riveting as watching Timberly’s mental and physical wellbeing disappear before our very eyes is, what’s your info?”
“The same for me, please!” Dick butts in, yet again. “Except with a coke instead, because I’m normal.”
Both Tim and Jason snort. 
“Yeah, not gonna touch that. Tim, info, come on.”
“Alright, alright. Hey, so, what’s your favourite thing about being adopted?”
“Tim, I swear to God, if you don’t get to the point right now, I’ll—”
“You’re right! It’s that none of us are actually related to you.”
“And yet somehow, I’m still stuck with you all. Point, Tim, get to it.”
He grabs the burger meant for Danny and begins to unwrap it. If he has to listen to Tim being all smug about whatever he’s found out, he’s doing it with a burger in hand.
“Did you know that Willis Todd’s Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather was a Nightingale?”
“What’s a Nightingale? Aside from the obvious.”
“A Nightingale is about two generations away from becoming a Fenton.”
“Oh, what the fuck? You cannot be serious!”
“Serious as a cake shake with two espressos in it.”
“No, my… Someone ate my other fucking burger!”
Danny’s burger has a huge, bite-sized chunk taken out of it. Literal teeth marks in the bun. A slice of tomato slops limply onto the table, painting his shirt with splatters of weak tomato juice, the red half moon taunting him. Sauce dribbles out mournfully.
The two kids in the corner are staring openly now, faces red with how hard they’re laughing.
Jason sinks into his chair with a groan.
This fucking town. 
Is this how they treat outsiders? Take bites of their burgers while they laugh on—but then why only do it to his spare and not both meals? The teenagers behind the counter aren't even paying any attention, so why bother pulling a prank like this if you're not going to—
Jason whips his head around as if he can catch the invisible little shit, but just like on the street, there's no sign of him.
Has he been here the whole time, invisibly eating the food Jason offered him? Except the packaging was still perfectly wrapped, the sticker still attached, how in the hell had he managed to eat the burger without damaging it? Did he get to it in the kitchen? Or does he—
“Wait, hold up. What the fuck did you just say?”
47 notes · View notes
justmeinadaze · 2 years
We're A Family Part 5 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: This was the other chapter I mentioned finishing last night. I kid you not I have so many tiktoks saved of how I picture these two as fathers to a baby. Lol. Enjoy <3.
Warnings: Not smut just an ungodly amount of fluff with slight angst from Mr. Harrington causing a ruckus and being a dick to Steve and the reader. The boys talk about their trauma briefly with Dylan. I think that's it.
Word Count: 3439
“Who’s this?” The doctor smiles at the young boy being held in Steve’s arms.
“This is my son, Dylan. He’s anxious like they are to find out what it is.”, you chuckle as he prepares you for the ultrasound. 
“Ah, I see and what are the bets at?”
“Split 50/50.”, Eddie grins as he holds your hand. 
The doctor laughs as he runs the wand along your belly. “How have you been feeling, Y/N?”
“Exhausted. She kind of started moving around a couple of weeks ago and loves cupcakes but there never seems to be enough in the house.” You playfully scowl at every member in your little family.
“Ay, dads. You two really need to shape up if you want mom to have a happy, peaceful pregnancy.” His eyes meet your wide ones as he glances at the other two men in the room. “Honey, we don’t judge here. As long as you and your baby are safe…that’s all I care about.”
Eddie caresses your hand comfortingly with his thumb as he smiles. 
“And as always, it seems like the mama knows everything. Congratulations.”, he grins. “Meet your daughter.”
You look down at Wayne from your place on the step stool as he giggles to himself. “What?”
“Oh, nothing, sweetheart. I’m just picturing my nephew as a girl dad. I can absolutely see it but it’s a funny image.”
Smiling, you focus back on the wall in front of you. Eddie’s uncle had come over to see the ultrasound and offered to help you guys paint the spare bedroom. The guys had already moved out all the instruments and cleared the room while Dylan helped place the tap along the base boards. While the boys went to go grab some food, you took advantage of the time to help Wayne. 
The further along you got in in your pregnancy the more protective they became. 
“Baby! Get down from there. Wayne, don’t let her do that.” Eddie quickly shuffled to you, gripping your forearm as he guided you down the two-step ladder. 
“Edward, she’s two feet off the ground! She’s fine.”, his uncle laughed. 
“We’ve been calling you for a few minutes. We brought back some burgers.”
“Oh, thank God. I’m starving!” He grins at you as you three descend the stairs. 
“She was on the stepstool painting.” Steve turned from Eddie to you with a playfully frustrated look on his face.
“Tattletale.” You throw a napkin at him as Dylan laughs. 
“Have you guys thought of a name yet?”, Wayne asks.
“I like Arwen.” You and the metalhead smile at your son as the other man looks around confused. 
“The pointy eared girl in Lord of the Rings.”, Eddie explains as Steve nods. “We, honestly, haven’t really talked about it. What were you going to name him if he was a girl?”
Your grin grows already knowing where Dylan will take this. “I swear this is a coincidence but I always liked the name Lily.”
“Like Harry Potter’s mom!”
“Yes, weirdo BUT like I said. Coincidence.”, you laugh. “What about you guys?”
“His mom wanted to name him Leanne, if he was a girl.” Wayne smirks at Eddie’s scrunched face. 
“I’ve always liked Aurora.” Steve looked up from his plate to realize everyone was looking at him. “What? My mom showed me that Disney movie when I was a kid where the girl gets cursed if she pokes her finger on the wheel thing.”
“On the wheel thing…”
“Shut up, Eddie. You mean Sleeping Beauty.”
“Yeah! Thank you, baby. Anyway, she dances to that song “Once Upon a Dream”. When I was in school, I always wanted to be the prince dancing with the girl but…no. Munson will laugh at me.”
“Steven, I promise if he does, I’ll throw him out.” Eddie stuck his tongue out at his uncle who responded with a joking stern stare. 
Steve sighs as he looks over at you. “Since I found out you were pregnant, I started picturing me singing it to her.”
“No…you can’t do this to me. I have all the hormones.” You smile as you hold back your tears, walking over to give him a hug. 
“I like Aurora.” Eddie smiles as he winks at you both. 
“Me to.”, Dylan adds as Steve reaches over to ruffle his hair. 
The doorbell suddenly rings causing both boys to begin getting out of their seats. 
“Oh my god. I’m pregnant not broken. I’m standing! Let me answer the door.” Shaking your head at their antics, you head to see who it is. Your smile fades as you breathe a sigh, opening the front door, and stepping outside. “What can I do for you, Mr. Harrington?”
“Is my son here?”
“Why? What do you need from him?”
“Just get my son, please.”
“Excuse me?!”
“I said no. I’m not going to let you hurt him. He’s been doing so much better without you constantly belittling him.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? He was doing just fine before you stuck your claws in him, you gold digging whore!”
“Really? Is that best you got? I love your son and I have never once asked him for a dime.”
Mr. Harrington scoffed as he pushed past you into the house, marching towards the kitchen. 
“Dad? What are you—”
“Steven, we need to talk.”
“Uh, Dylan. Why don’t you come help me finish painting the wall upstairs?” Wayne reached for the boy’s hand who immediately pulled it away, placing himself at Steve’s side. 
“No! You’re rude and we don’t talk to family the way you talk to him.”
Steve’s dad turns to glare at you. “Definitely your kid.”
“He actually picked up that protectiveness from your son.”
Steve lifts Dylan in his arms and passes him to Eddie’s uncle. “I got this, little man. Thank you for standing up for me.” The little boy’s eyes stay on his as Wayne carries him up the stairs. “Why don’t you help them, honey.”
“Steve Harrington, your insane if you think I’m leaving you down here.”
His head cranes to find Eddie, who nods in affirmation as he leans against the counter. 
“So… she’s pregnant? Who’s the father?”
“We are.”
Mr. Harrington laughs like his son had just said the stupidest thing he had ever heard. “Steven, come on. That’s just not reality.”
“Oh, thanks for that. Her mom already beat you to that lecture though.”
“Ah, yes. It seems your mother has become closer with hers. They spend almost every evening at the country club racking up my credit card bill. Like mother like daughter.”, he rolls his eyes. 
“Dad, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“Apparently, I’m a gold-digging whore according to your father.” You walked past him to stand by Eddie, seeing his palms clench against counter. 
Fire ignited in Steve’s eyes as he took a step forward. “You called her that?”
“I call it like a see it. Look at her. She could barely afford to take care of a child by herself. That’s why she was living in those god awful apartments. Thankfully, she landed in the lap of a Harrington and got pregnant!”
“So…what am I to her then? A consolation prize?”, Eddie asks sarcastically. “Because I definitely don’t come from money. I mean I am sexier than him but...”
“Eddie…”, you chided. 
“I’m making a point here, sweetheart.”
“If I were you…I would leave now and get a paternity test before she takes your last name.” Your eyes widen as both boys look at him with confusion. Mr. Harrington turns to face you. “You haven’t told him?”
“Please… don’t do this. I was going to surprise them.”
“That’s why I came over. To warn and protect my son.” He fishes into his jacket pocket and pulls out some photocopied papers as he tosses them towards Steve. “Thankfully, I have friends in some pretty high places.”
You hang your head as you feel yourself start to cry. 
“What is this, Y/N?”
“I…I was doing research into if I could put both your last names on the baby’s birth certificate and…and I found out that in Indiana I can change my last name if I file some paperwork. I put in a request last week to get that started…to change my last name to Munson-Harrington.” Your eyes find theirs as you shrug. “I wanted to surprise you.”
Steve’s arms wrapped around you as he pulled you to his chest. “Honey, I love it. You know you don’t have to do that, right?”
“I know. I just thought it would make it more official, I guess.”
Eddie kissed your temple as he placed his hand on your hip, tugging you closer to his side. Steve turned to face his father. “Get out of my house.”
“Get. Out. You insulted the woman I love and were disrespectful to me and my family. I won’t tolerate it.”
“Look at you still playing the family man. Fine. Have it your way but don’t you dare come begging me for a handout when you realize handling TWO children, especially a baby, is too hard and expensive. You are NOT ready for this, son.”
“Not even a little but that’s what being a parent is. The only things I do know are that I love her so fucking much and I’m never going to let her grow up the way I did.”
His father shot him one last dirty look before spinning on his heels and slamming the front door as he left.
“Well look at you, you sexy bastard.” Eddie clapped as Steve turned back to you two. “Good job, Harrington.”
The man smiled till he noticed you were making a funny face. “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong…just weird. I forgot what that felt like.” You reached for his palm and placed it on the side of your belly. Steve eyebrows raised when felt something push against it. “She started moving when you told your dad to leave. I think she’s proud of you to.”
His face lights up as he descends to his knees in front of you. “I’m sorry you had to hear that.”, Steve whisper, grinning from ear to ear as she pushes against him again. “Eddie, feel this.” He tugs the boy’s wrist, placing it where his head at been. 
“I don’t feel anything.” As he spoke, the baby kicked again making you giggle. 
“Well, she likes you two.”
“Hey, dude. I’m going to try something. You want to come help me?”, Eddie asked.
Dylan nodded excitedly as he bounced on your bed closer to where he was sitting at with his guitar. The metalhead grabbed your hands and dramatically pulled you to a sitting position making you smile. 
“Ok, I know mom will like this but let’s see how little Ro feels.” He reached for the little boy’s palms and placed them in a random spot on your stomach. Steve rounded the corner, leaning on the doorframe of the bathroom as Eddie began to strum the instrument and softly sing. 
“Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes But it's the only thing that I know When it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes It is the only thing makes us feel alive.”
You feel movement in your tummy but it’s not enough for Dylan to feel it to. Gently, you slide his hands across your skin to where she was, hoping she’d do it again. 
“We keep this love in a photograph We made these memories for ourselves Where our eyes are never closing Hearts are never broken And time's forever frozen, still…”
His wide eyes meet yours as the baby kicks against his palm. “Eddie! She likes it!”, Dylan exclaimed as he put his other hand down to feel more.
“So you can keep me Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home”
“Wow. Does it hurt?”
“No. It just feels weird.”
“It looks like that scene from Alien.”, Eddie grins as he places his guitar to the side. 
Dylan flashes you a confused face and you immediately cut him off before he can ask. “It’s a movie and NO you can’t watch it.” You turn to jokingly glare at Steve. “And don’t you dare show it to him. I don’t care what Robin says.”
He holds up his hands defensively as he jumps into the bed, sitting cross-legged beside you. 
“Steve, why is your dad so mean?”
“Whoa, where did that come from?”, you ask.
“I’m just…curious. He shouts loud like my dad. Maybe YOU should take time away from him too!”
Steve chuckles under his breath. “I think that’s a good idea, kid. I…I have no idea why he’s like that. Maybe because his dad wasn’t so great either.”
His tiny face scrunches together as Dylan looks at you before addressing the man again. “I don’t get it. If his dad was mean to him…and your dad is mean to you…you’re not mean.”
“Jesus Christ, dude, you have a big brain.”, Eddie reaches over and lightly hits the boy’s knee making him smile. 
“I was mean for a while. Then my senior year I decided I didn’t want to be like that anymore.”
“Oh.”, he nodded as he turned to sit in Steve’s lap. “What about you, Eddie? I haven’t met your dad. Is he mean?”
“Oh, baby. I don’t think we should—”
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. He’s actually never really asked before. I don’t mind.”, Eddie grinned comfortingly at you before face Dylan. “Yeah, kid. My dad was…a total butthead. But I moved in with Wayne when I was a couple of years older than you and he’s the best dad I could have asked for.”
“Why did you move in with him?”
“Um…” He glances at you making sure it’s ok to tell him and you slightly nod as you reach for his hand. “My dad…did something he shouldn’t have…and went to jail.”
Dylan focuses his eyes in front of him, pouting out his lips as he thinks. You reach out and run your fingers through his hair. “What’s running through your mind, weirdo?”
“Sirius.” He says in a matter-of-fact tone as he points to Eddie and Steve. 
You can’t help but giggle, loving the way your son chooses to understand things. “Go get it.”
He smiles as he slides off the man’s lap and runs to his bedroom. “What is he doing?”
Dylan comes back into your room and hops back onto the bed, flipping through the pages of the Harry Potter book he had grabbed. You look over it with him, pointing when you find what he’s looking for. He clears his throat as he begins to read out loud.
“I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
Eddie chuckles as he tugs on the boy’s arm, pulling him in for a hug. “You’re a good kid, you know that?”
Steve’s phone vibrates and he leans over to grab it from the nightstand. You notice his face fall before he sighs. “I’ll, um…I’ll be right back.”
The metalhead follows him with his eyes before glancing at you and gesturing for you to follow him. “Come on, dude. Let’s get you ready for bed.”
“No, mom. I’m not going to let him…Mom, you don’t understand…”
You found Steve outside on the back patio, pacing as he talked on his phone. He seemed so flustered as he spoke and it broke your heart. He deserved better. 
“Because I’m not going to let him come into MY house and disrespect me and my family… I don’t fucking care! Let him cut me off. He keeps threatening to do it. Let him fucking follow through!” He paused when saw you watching him and you immediately fell into his arms, wrapping your own tightly around his waist. His hand pressed you closer to his chest as he rested his cheek in your hair. 
“Mom, look, I don’t know what you want from me. It is what it is. I love Y/N and Eddie. I’m not leaving them to make dad happy so he’ll give me an inheritance. He should want to that anyway so his grandson and granddaughter are taken care of.”
Steve sighed as you heard silence on the other end. “Yeah…we’re having a girl by the way. Her name is Aurora. Congratulations.” With that he hung up and placed the phone on the banister.
“Steve, I’m so sorry.”
“Naw, baby. I’m not.” He backed into one of the patio chairs and pulled you onto his lap. “If they want to be that way that’s fine. I have you guys.”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.” He smiled as you kissed his forehead. 
“Hey, um, I wanted to talk to you and Ed about something—”
“Talk to Ed about what?”, Eddie asks. 
“Geez, like fucking Beetlejuice. Say his name three times and he’ll appear.” The metalhead flashed the boy a cheesy grin as he stepped off the patio into the grass. “Where are you going?”
“I need a smoke and you need to talk so I’m getting away from our pregnant wife so both tasks can be completed.” He lights his cigarette and gestures towards Steve. “Go on.”
“So, I was thinking, my dad is an asshole but he is right. My salary isn’t enough to really do much when it comes to supporting us. I mean out of the three of us I make the least.”
“Baby, you know that doesn’t matter to us.”
“I know, honey, but I want to do more. Not just financially but in life. I was thinking, maybe, I could try applying to school again.”
You and Eddie smile at each other run your fingers through his hair. “What were you thinking about getting a degree in?”
“I don’t know. I mean I’m good with kids. I was thinking about possibly teaching.”
“That sounds like a great idea, Harrington.” 
“Yeah? I figure I can go part time and—”
“Don’t overload yourself, Steve. Of course, I want this for you but I don’t want your burn out either.”
“We’ll figure it out, princess. Just one thing at a time. He said it’s something he wanted to do. He hasn’t even applied yet.”
You nod as you lean against Steve’s shoulder.
“Can we talk about one more thing that we haven’t really gotten to focus on since Harrington’s dad did his little emotional drive by?” You both laugh as he continues. “What did you find out, Y/N, about putting our names on the baby’s birth certificate?”
“I found out that I can give her your last names…” You sit up and rise to your feet. “But only me and one of you can be put on the document itself.”
“So we DO need to get a paternity test.” Eddie stomped out his cigarette before picking it up and bringing it to the ashtray. 
“I’m sorry.” The metalhead came up and pulled you to his chest. “It feels wrong. I wish I hadn’t fucked up so we could have done this the right way.”
“Define ‘right way’ in our dynamic.”, Steve chuckles as he stands and encircles you in his arms as well. “It’s ok, sweetheart. Like we said, she’s OUR daughter.”
Eddie kisses your forehead as he moves to open the backdoor for you. “That paperwork that you filed for your last name? How long does that take?”
“A few months they said. There are a few things they need to go over and some more papers I need to fill out. It doesn’t entitle me to anything and I’m not sure why your father thinks it does but”, you shrug. 
“Honey, even without our last names you’re definitely entitled to everything. You and Eddie…Anything that’s mine is yours.” You smile as Steve winks.
“Aw. How sweet it is to be loved by you, Harrington.” The man hangs his arm around the boy’s neck. “I’d say dido but I don’t have much. The guitar would go to the kid as well as my D & D set. Hm… Oh! Babe, you can have my leather jacket and Steve can take my stash.”
“Oh my god! You both are a mess.”
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torreshalstead · 1 year
Her Source of Comfort
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Summary - A loud cry woke Tim up from a not particularly restful sleep. It took him a second to realise it was coming from the bed. It was coming from Lucy. His first and only priority right now was her comfort and if he could be that for her, that was all that mattered.
Notes - Feels like an age since I wrote for Chenford but I started a rewatch of season 5 and couldn’t resist the opportunity for an only one bed fic set in 5x01! I hope you enjoy! AO3 Link
The room service arrived, knocking on the door and breaking through the awkward air, the conversation having been stilted since Tim’s questioning. They sat in silence as they ate; a burger and fries for Tim and just fries for Lucy. Without asking he plucked the pickles off his burger and placed them on the side of her plate - they were her favourite after all. She smiled softly at him as she popped them in her mouth. He didn’t focus on the way her lips wrapped around her finger, ensuring all remaining pickle juice had been salvaged. He didn’t focus on the small moan of pleasure she let out. He didn’t. At least he tried not to.
The phone rang, pulling Tim’s attention from Lucy and giving him some respite from having to look at her in only a dressing gown, one that was not done up as tightly as she might have intended.
‘What?’ He said as he answered the call, his voice easily slipping into Jake’s drawl that he had perfected.
‘9am tomorrow. Be ready.’ The call disconnected before Time could say anything in response.
‘What?’ Lucy asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin and looking at him curiously.
‘It was Hajek. He just said be ready at 9am,’ Tim shrugged. ‘Guess we are spending the night after all.’
‘They didn’t bring our luggage up,’ Lucy said, her voice a little dejected. ‘It’s probably still on the plane.’ She sighed.
‘You need something?’ Tim asked, wondering why her mind had gone to their luggage. Sure wearing the same clothes tomorrow was a bit of a pain but they’d dealt with worse.
‘Nothing,’ Lucy muttered but Tim could see that her words were hiding something else. He knew her well enough by now to know when she was concealing things.
‘Lucy?’ He asked, his voice softening in a tone that he only reserved for her. He wasn’t sure when he started having a ‘Lucy voice’ but he knew he did. Angela gave him enough knowing looks for her to have clocked it as well.
‘I just have nothing to sleep in,’ she said bashfully, not raising her eyes to meet his. Which was a good thing as he was blushing right now. He hadn’t thought about that, figured he could just sleep in his t-shirt and boxers. She didn’t have that luxury, the tiny yellow top she had been wearing didn’t look particularly comfortable and he knew her underwear situation was even less so. Though he tried to push the thought of Lucy in a thong as far out of his mind as he could. He had almost self-combusted when she had announced it back at the station and now was not the time or place for that.
‘Oh,’ he said in realisation. ‘You can have my shirt if you want?’ He offered quickly. ‘I’ll be alright.’ He smiled warmly at her. It was a selfish act really, the image of Lucy in just his, or Jake’s, shirt, her legs bare underneath it, well that was an image he would love to see materialise into reality.
‘If you’re sure,’ she said, ‘thanks Tim.’ She added, her voice still timid but she looked up at him and matched his smile. He saw her eyes flick to the bed behind him and then across to the couch but before she could open her mouth to say anything he quickly jumped in.
‘I’ll take the couch, you can have the bed,’ and when she tried to argue he added, ‘don’t make me pull rank Boot.’ He winked at her and she tried to hide a grin at his old nickname for her.
‘Okay sir,’ she said, a sarcastic emphasis on the sir and he couldn’t hold back the laugh that he let out. At least she seemed more relaxed now, not only had he put her on the spot earlier, asking about their kisses. Plural. But the news that Rosalind had escaped had put them both on edge. He knew it would still be playing in the back of her mind, hell it was in his and he hadn’t been the one who had been attacked as a result of her insane mission.
‘We could find something to watch if you’re not tired yet,’ he said after neither of them had spoken for a moment.
‘I think I’ll just sleep if that’s okay,’ Lucy said, ‘I’ll just dry my hair quickly and then if I could… umm.. have your shirt?’ She asked, the colour rising in her cheeks.
‘Oh, of course,’ he said, realising how awkward this situation was about to be. He stood up, shrugged off his flannel and then tugged the cotton tee over his head. His view of Lucy disappeared for a fraction of a second as the fabric covered his eyes but when she came back into view, her eyes were focused south of his face and on his bare chest if he wasn’t mistaken. He concealed a smirk as he passed it over to her.
‘Umm, thanks,’ she said quietly before getting up and scurrying off to the bathroom. He couldn’t blame her - he stood awkwardly just in his jeans and he had almost stripped in front of her. But he couldn’t think of a better way to do it. He pushed that thought away and went searching for some additional bedding that he could use on the couch - he hoped it was comfortable because this situation was uncomfortable enough without adding to it.
By the time Lucy emerged from the bathroom, Tim had sourced a blanket and a pillow from the closet in the corner. He had already shuck his jeans and had gotten comfortable on the couch, well as comfortable as he could. He decided that whoever had designed it deserved to go to jail; it wasn’t long enough for him so his feet stuck out awkwardly over the edge, it was made out of the coarsest fabric he had ever felt, the blanket wasn’t much better and the cushions might as well have been stuffed with rocks for how hard they were. But still, he got under the blanket and tried not to consider the fact he was now dressed in just his boxers and his old rookie was going to be sleeping, dressed only in his shirt and a thong, less than 4 feet from him.
‘Are you sure you’re okay on the couch?’ Lucy asked, tugging the hem of his shirt down clearly in an attempt to conceal some modesty. Tim wished she wouldn’t though, not for his own benefit, but he wished she knew that even dressed in a scruffy shirt she was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her toned legs, bronzed from the California sun, that he wished he could run his hands up and down but he shook himself out of that thought. She had just said a moment ago that their kisses had only been for the job, only a physical reaction. Nothing more.
‘Perfectly comfortable,’ he lied with a smile knowing that if he told the truth Lucy would insist that she take the couch.
‘Okay, umm.. thanks for the shirt,’ she said, making her way over to the bed, switching off the main light as she did, leaving just the lamp on the bedside table to illuminate her path.
‘Anytime,’ he said. And he meant it. Anytime she wanted to wear any of his clothes, he would happily oblige.
He tried not to look, not to creep, as she climbed into bed but when she sat up for a moment too long and looked like she was going to say something, he couldn’t help but send her a questioning look.
‘Nothing,’ she said, in answer to his unspoken question. ‘Goodnight Tim’, she reached over to switch off the light, plunging them into darkness.
‘Goodnight Lucy, sleep well,’ he said quietly into the blackness.
A loud cry woke Tim up from a not particularly restful sleep. He sat straight up, rubbing his eyes to try and figure out where the noise was coming from. It took him a second to realise it was coming from the bed. It was coming from Lucy.
She was thrashing about, wrapped in the bedsheets, still crying, her voice hoarse from the exertion. Tim scrambled off the couch and made his way to the side of the bed, flicking on the lamp and ignoring his own state of undress, the only thing on his mind was Lucy.
She was sobbing, her legs tangled in the sheets and she was kicking them around, clearly trying to free herself.
‘Lucy,’ Tim said softly, reaching out his hand to touch her shoulder hesitatingly. Waking someone from a nightmare this bad was always difficult and he didn’t want to add to her distress. ‘It’s me, it’s Tim. Wake up Luce,’ he said, shaking her a little in an attempt to bring her back to the present.
She woke up with a start, her breathing laboured, her eyes wide with terror but when she saw who had woken her up, instead of recoiling, she threw herself into Tim’s arms, her arms locking tightly around his chest.
Instinctively he wrapped his own arms around her, one hand burying itself in her hair and the other around her back. He could feel that the shirt she was wearing was damp against her skin. He wondered how long she had been stuck in whatever nightmare had overtaken her before her cry had woken him up.
‘Ssh, I’ve got you, it’s okay,’ he muttered, resting his cheek on top of her head, running his hand up and down her back in an attempt to comfort her from the unknown demon. He could still feel her trembling against him but her breathing was evening out a little more the longer they remained in the embrace.
‘You didn’t come,’ she whispered into his chest after a moment. ‘You didn’t come in time.’
Her words confused him, ‘I didn’t come when?’ He asked, loosening his hold on her slightly allowing her a chance to pull back.
‘With Caleb. I was in the barrel but you didn’t come. You couldn’t save me in time,’ she said, looking up at him, her eyes full of tears and her face red and blotchy as a result.
Tim swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat, ‘I’ll always save you Luce, I’ll always come for you,’ he whispered.
‘I know, but this time you didn’t,’ she said, smiling a sad smile. ‘Sorry for waking you,’ she added timidly.
‘Never be sorry,’ Tim said, his thumb reaching out to wipe a stray tear from her cheek, his hand coming to cradle her cheek, the tips of his fingers in her hair.
‘Will you stay?’ She asked, her gaze dropping to the floor.
‘Of course,’ he said, ‘as long as you want me,’ he added quietly as she made space for him to climb into the bed. It was a promise, more to himself than to her. He would be with her as long as she wanted, providing her as much comfort as she needed. That was something he was always willing to provide.
As he lay down, he held up his arm giving her permission, and an invitation, to curl into his side if she wanted. He didn’t want to push it, this wasn’t about him, but when she tucked herself into his side, her head coming to rest on his chest, one arm coming to wrap around his waist tightly, he knew it was the right decision. If she had noticed he was only dressed in his underwear, she said nothing. Her hand was warm against his skin, her fingers digging in as trying to prove that he was really there and she wasn’t stuck in that barrel.
He brought his arm around her, hesitating for a moment on whether to keep his hand on her arm or on her waist. But he remembered something, something he had noticed but had never asked her about. It was never a subject matter he wanted to breach, it always seemed too personal. He thought it might work however so he decided to try it.
Wrapping his arm around her, his palm came to rest on top of the shirt just beside her breast where he knew the ink that marked her skin still remained. He had seen her on numerous occasions reach for the spot herself, using it to ground herself or letting her hand fall to it almost subconsciously when anything reminded her of that fateful day. He heard her breath hitch and when her hand relinquished its hold on her side and pulled his hand off the spot he thought maybe he had crossed a line, pushed it too far and made her uncomfortable. That had been the last thing he had intended to do.
What happened next he could never have predicted. Lucy’s fingers laced with his own and she moved his hand down and under her shirt, pressing his palm flat against her bare skin. He could feel the slight difference in texture where the figures had been printed without her consent against the smoothness of her skin. He knew if he moved just an inch that his thumb would stroke the underside of her breast so he kept his hand as still as possible when her fingers let go and her hand resumed its position on his own waist.
‘Thank you,’ she muttered and he felt a tear splash down onto his skin. He tightened his hold on her just slightly.
‘I’ll always save you,’ he said in response, his voice quiet in the room. He knew he wasn’t going to sleep for the rest of the night. The job tomorrow was going to require energy but he had done a lot more on a lot less. Right now Lucy was the only thing on his mind and her comfort was his number one priority. And if she needed him to be her source of comfort well then everything else be damned.
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baylz · 3 months
PAGE ONE : choyo's
steeeam by shelly
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“It’s so hot today!” Nobara slumped against her desk, a small fan in her hand keeping her cool from the blazing heat.
The summer temperature was seeping into the classroom as students talked about their summer plans, eyes occasionally peering toward the ticking clock above the teacher’s desk.
I abandoned my usual blue jacket and hung it on my chair, leaving only the white button-up with the sleeves rolled up exposing the pale skin that hides beneath. My eyes were laser-focused on the time as I counted the minutes left before we could leave.
tick! tock! tick! tock!
My eyes narrowed at the taunting sounds, unaware that Nobara had been talking to me for a minute now.
“Yo.” A winced left me as a smack landed at the back of my head. A glare was now directed to the brunette next to me. Though, it wasn’t sending the message I wanted it to because she just blankly stared at me. “Pay attention.” Her polished fingers snapped in my face.
“Guys!” Yuji burst into the classroom with high energy and a bright smile, tumbling into the seat next to me. “I have an idea. Since we’re third years next year, I thought we could do a summer bucket list!”
"Oh, come on, guys, this is our last summer as high schoolers. We should make the most of it." Nobara was the first to decline, “Sorry, but I can’t. I’m spending the summer in Tohoku.” Her fan slowed to a stop, and Nobara shrieked, slapping the device against her palm.
Yuji turned to me for an answer. Don’t get me wrong, it sounded like an interesting plan for the summer, but I already had plans to do what I do every year: stay home and do nothing. It’s not that I didn’t want to spend time with Yuji; it was the fact that he was unpredictable, and being friends with him for as long as I had, I knew it was something chaotic. He dug into his pocket, pulled out a crumbled napkin littered with ketchup stains and scribbles, and presented it to us.
1. Summer festival
2. Aquarium
3. Camping
4. Go Fishing
5. Catching fireflies in a jar (and releasing them…)
6. Hiking
7. Stargazing
8. Road trip!!
9. Laser tag
10. Go to the beach
Nobara ditched the broken device and signaled toward the list. “What’s with the stains?”
“I was eating a burger when I got the idea.” The grease splotches were evidence enough of this. Yuji fully turned his body towards me, expectant and patient. Now, I’m not mean per popular belief; I just treasure the solitude that I have become used to before meeting the two loudmouths on either side of me. Analyzing the dirty linen placed in front of me, it looked harmless. I expected some reckless activity like breaking into someone’s pool or egging the elder's home.
Still, I didn’t answer immediately, and the silence was confirmation enough to Yuji because he didn’t press about it anymore. The scrutinizing tick of the clock had stopped at that moment, and the bell rang soon after. Students scrambled to collect their belongings and bolted out the door, and summer began.
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After School - Choyo's
Yuji told me Choso had bought the ramen place below them after the owner retired. They were quite close to the old man because he knew their grandfather. I had seen him the couple times that I went over and Yuji suggested to eat there. “It’s cheap, delicious, and super close dude”, he said.
Choso spent weeks learning and perfecting the recipes. They had even asked the three of us to be their taste testers to see if there was anything missing. I couldn’t eat ramen for a while after that…
To present time, Choso didn’t change a thing about the place. Everything to the decor and furniture was the same except the name is different and the toilet is fixed. So, it doesn’t make that weird noise it makes whenever you flush.
We sat our usual in seat, which was a booth in the right corner near the big windows. Yuji took his place next to me while Nobara was across from us and inspected the menu. Yuji and I did the same as if we haven’t been there millions of times.
A glimpse of blonde hair entered my peripherals, and I immedately knew who it was before she even spoke. “Hey guys! What can I get ya?”
Yuki came in one a busy night after quitting her job on a whim and got drunk, cheeks flushed and eyes half-lidded. She stayed for a couple hours gulping down drink after drink and stuffing her face before eventually passing out, face smushed against the wooden table and sunny locks covering her line of vision.
“Um, miss?” Choso cautiously poked her like some roadkill on the side of the street. She stirred and he jumped from the sudden movement. “Miss, wake up.” He politely shook her and Yuki slowly lifted her head up to look at him.
“Hire me.” She slurred and stood on wobbly feet and Choso stresfully kept his arms out to catch her, if anything. “Miss you should—”
“I see you busting your ass, and I need a job. I’ll take whatever pay you have I’ve already saved enough from my recent job.” Choso pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed at her tenaciousness, the muscles in his arm flexing. “Fine, you can come in tomorrow for an interview when you’re feeling—” Yuki cut him off again, but this time by puking on his shoes.
In the end, Yuki stayed in the guest room and secured the job the next day.
“I’m struggling.” Yuji fiddled with the menu and scooted closer to me, our shoulders brushing. “Megumi, should I get this?” His finger pointed at the pork cutlet bowl, before it moved to the somen. “Or that?”
I copied his movements and placed my index finger next to his. Yuji’s entire right side was warm. I couldn’t tell whether it was from the sun that was radiating heat from the window to where he sat or if it was generally him. Either way, I felt myself sweating.
“That.” Our fingers lingered longer than what was necessary. I was the first to retract.
“Megs.” Nobara called and I acknowledged her with a hum, and she causually slid her ice water towards me. I cage the condensed glass into my weirdly sweaty palms before mouthing a thank you, and took a sip before sliding it back to her.
We stayed there for a couple hours until it was closing time. We stepped out into the summer breeze of the night, the crickets singing a chorus while the moon loomed over us with its purloined light.
The three of us hesitated to move. Nobara more hesitant as she shifted on her feet and flickered her gaze between me and Yuji. Her usual poker face turned into a puzzled look and I knew what she was thinking.
"So" she started, "Not to be sappy or whatever but I really am gonna miss you guys. I'll see you when I get back." Nobara looped her arms around both of us and suddenly we were all in a group hug.
Realistically, I wouldn't have stayed for as long as I did. Gojo would attempt to comfort me with a hug, but I would shrink away from the contact because it felt embaressing and being vulnerable is a foreign thing for me. But with Nobara practically crying into my shoulder I couldn't find it within myself to pull away from her.
"You crying?" Yuji teased after a moment of silence. Despite her state, she still managed to land a smack at his head and mutter a "No, shut up."
After a few more minutes, we unlinked and went our seperate ways.
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Toeing off my shoes at the doorway, I make my way down the long hallway before making a B line for the living room.
Gojo was lounging around in a loose tank and shorts, sitting comfortably on the couch with his legs crossed and arm hanging off the back. He peeled his eyes away from the television when I entered.
“Oh gumi, you’re back! Out with a girl?” His bangs were clipped back, with a few white strands falling forward. I ignored him and sat on the floor before the coffee table. “What are you watching?”
“That stupid movie about the killer sloth?”
“Yup! It's been taken in by a sorority for popularity points.” He explained. I don’t understand how someone could even direct such an atrocity, and who would even be stupid enough to watch it?
Apparently, we were. “I thought the girl only adopted it because she was running for president and thought she could win.”
Gojo made a dismissive gesture with his hand. “Same thing.”
The sound of the television filled the silence that followed after that. The house smelled of the dinner Gojo had prepared before I arrived home, and I knew it was some delicious soup. It was warm but cool simultaneously, as one of the sliding doors was opened with just a crack.
There was a familiar buzzing in my bones as it almost lulled me to sleep.
Key word: almost.
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“Summer festival?” Gojo suddenly was peeking over my shoulder and I jolted from my spot, hand clutching my chest from the surprise.
“What the hell? Why are you looking at my messages?”
The prier completely disregarded my question and further pressed me about it. “Why aren’t you going?”
“Don’t want to.” I muttered, my attention returning back to the movie.
“Megumi.” He warned.
“It’s the summer before you turn 18. You really wanna waste your last summer as a kid?” His eyes averted from the television to me. I didn’t have to look to know that he was practically shooting daggers at my head.
It’s moments like these where I was slightly scared of him.
Just slightly, though.
I sighed, completely ignored his nagging. “Yuji is more outgoing than I am. I’m sure he can find someone else to spend his time with.”
Gojo huffed and abruptly switched off the movie, fully positioning his body to face me, and I did the same.
“Listen, you do nothing every summer. I even remember when you were little I would try to get you to play with the neighborhood kids and you never would.” His eyes held an inmidating intensity that I had never seen before. He was sincere and I knew better than to dismiss him when he got like this.
I considered him for a moment, exhaling and pondering my next move. He continued, his voice low and considerate. “Plus, Yuji is your friend and he seems really excited about this.”
A huff and then, “Fine.”
He smugly smiled and leaned back in his original position, arm resting behind his head and feet propped on the table. “Ah! Take my camera when you go, I need pictures for my megumi scrapbook!” He yelled across the room.
“I told you to burn that!” I yelled back, leaving him by himself.
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next chapter
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TAGLIST (OPEN) 2/50 : @nicememerino @rrinkyoo
@baylz please do not copy, translate, or repost any of my works onto other platforms!!
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84reedsy · 5 months
The Mentorship, Part 15
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The Mentorship
Characters: Curt Hennig/FemOC , Scott Hall/FemOC
Part 15 of ? (Parts not chapters, parts length varies)
Word Count: 3396
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Warnings/Considerations: Smut, Age Gap, Power Dynamics, Dirty Talk, swearing Tag List: @writeandsurvive @theweaselandthekilt (feel free to ask to be added)
“I figured she’d be here by now,” Scott checked his watch again, but no sign of Brinkley. He’d thought she’d be fine on her own. She’d smarted off that she didn’t need a baby sitter, but even the guys didn’t travel alone much. It was better to have someone to at least watch your back.
“Probably lost track of time,” Kevin could tell Scott was worried or at the very least anxious, “She’s a tough girl,”
Scott wasn’t sure if he was more worried about her safety or if who his imagination suggested she might be with.
“GOD, I haven’t had red meat in so long,” Brinkley nearly passed out as she chowed down probably the best burger she’d ever had in her life. She hadn’t had a cheat day in months - she could splurge a little. 
Curt chuckled a little as he took a bite of his own. He knew some would be upset if they knew she was here with just him. But, he wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was here by choice. He laughed to himself again as she took another bite and let out a satisfied groan. 
“Not sure I’ve ever heard you make those noises before,” He joked, but his smile fell a little as he thought better of the comment in retrospect.
“Sure you have,” She nudged him under the table with her foot, “You’ve heard worse,”
He was relieved that she felt comfortable enough to joke about such things.
“Well…I guess,” He couldn’t stop his instinctive wink. 
Brinkley smirked back at him, but did not like the uneasy feeling in her gut that was telling her she was doing something wrong. Curt noticed a change in her face.
“You alright?” He asked, wiping his hands on a napkin, looking mildly concerned.
“Yeah…just probably my stomach not liking all this fat and grease,” She joked, willing it to pass. 
“Told you it’d do that…” Curt was smug, recalling his warning long ago when he was staging her diet. He checked his watch, noticing they still had a couple of hours before they had to be at the arena, “Do you wanna kill some time before the show?”
Brinkley’s stomach tingled again, but she ignored it as she considered his offer. Perhaps it was foolish, but she found herself willing to trust him again. Afterall he wasn’t the first person to be an asshole when drunk. She placed the boundary there - she could trust him sober. 
“Sure, what’d you have in mind?”
Country music played over the radio, nothing new when it came to riding with Curt. He had a different rental car now - no long front bench seat. The console between them was a welcome barrier for Brinkley who knew in all logical scenarios that nothing would happen. But she knew, even now, that there was a weakness in her specifically for Curt. She couldn’t pinpoint it, but it was definitely there. 
He drove through a natural everglades area where all that existed were only power poles, a few clusters of palm trees, and sawgrass broken up by wetlands. The narrow highway had few other cars. It wasn’t much to look at, but it was better than any concrete jungle. 
“Makes me want to go fishing,” She lamented, passing yet another boggy lake that was probably teeming with wildlife. 
“I love fishing down here, especially on the ocean - not far from here is where I got that shark on my wall at home,” He tried to watch the scenery too, but kept turning back to her. 
“You’ve mentioned that a time or two,” She teased, having sat through the bullshark story multiple times, “What?” She asked, catching him looking yet again. She was dressed down in leggings, a sports bra and a loose-fitting tank top, she was no stunner right now. 
“Nothing…” He blushed a little being caught, “Just realized the last week or so has been weird because I missed this. You know, riding together, bullshitting. Guess I didn’t realize how used to you I got,”
“Yeah, I don’t think either of us realized that. It's been weird for me, too, ya know,” She wanted to put her hand on top of his that rested on the gear shift. 
“I bet. Having to share a room with those two constantly would be a big change by itself,” He had been wondering how that arrangement was going. It had shot a few eyebrows up, but Scott didn’t seem to be hiding anything anymore. 
“Well…I kinda don’t anymore,” Brinkley admitted, chewing her bottom lip a little as Curt looked over curiously, “It felt too much like…living together? And way too soon to even think about that. Staying a couple days at his house was one thing…but together every night day in and day out. I’d get on his nerves. I don’t think it’d last very long,”
“Tell me about it,” Curt teased, taking a firm nudge from her. 
“Hey! I’m not THAT bad,” She pushed his arm, “...was I?” She followed after a thought of uncertainty. 
“Nah, I’ve had way worse travel buddies,” He shrugged his shoulders, “Way worse,”
“Yeah, but did you ever rib any of them into a surprise threesome,” She said, trying to get shocked reaction. 
Curt feigned thought and she slapped his shoulder as he laughed. 
“But I got you good, didn’t I?” He cocked one eyebrow at her. She tried to pout but couldn’t resist smirking. Curt felt the weight that had been weighing on him the last several days lift away. 
“So paying for your own room gets pricey after a while,” He cleared his throat, knowing he wasn’t being subtle. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Curt,” She said, though she sounded somewhat forlorn about it, “For a few reasons. But yeah, it would add up if Scott wasn’t paying half. I told him he didn’t have to, he’s basically paying for a whole room.”
“Yeah, but how many times might he be in yours…it probably comes out even,” Curt reasoned. He noticed she blushed, “You don’t have to act like I don’t know what goes on between you two,”
“I know…it’s just -” She thought for a moment on how to put this, “It’s still weird for me, navigating everything. And now I’m doing it without you,” She sighed, “Just a lot of adjustments. It's kinda scary being alone sometimes.” She looked around curiously when Curt pulled the car over onto a gravel shoulder and parked.
“I know I didn’t make things any easier on you,” He said turning to face her, “I am truly sorry for anything I did ever that hurt you,” 
Brinkley could see the sincerity in his eyes and couldn’t stop looking at them. She felt desire and guilt collide in her gut and found herself very confused at the mixture of feelings. 
“I know you are, Curt.” Her hand itched to reach up and touch his face. But her stomach twisted at the thought of betraying Scott, “I think I can trust you from now on…as long as you aren't drinking,” 
“Well that made my day…” he flashed a smile, “You know…if you're ever too scared or anything.  You can always call me…” he offered, “I'll have a roommate, probably Ray, but you know everyone likes you. You're always welcome.”
“Thanks…I appreciate the offer, but at some point I gotta grow up a little,” she shrugged, biting her tongue to keep from asking if he'd just come to her room instead. She knew what those kinds of invitations could imply and clearly she wasn't disciplined enough quite yet with the thoughts flittering through her mind.
“We should get back,” Curt clenched his jaw as he noticed the digital clock in the car, “Don't want anyone worrying about you,”
Brinkley knew that was barely code for Scott. She nodded, finding herself slightly disappointed.
“Where the hell have you been?” Scott asked as he saw her enter the back door of the arena. His eyes went to Curt as he walked in directly behind her,  “What's this?” He asked,  barely concealing his accusation.
“He was the only one at the gym.  He just gave me a ride,” she said in an even tone,  hoping to not rile him up further. He reached out for her,  pulling her to his side.  He kept a warning glare on Curt as he encouraged her to walk down the hall. 
“I'm fine,  Scott. You don't have to worry about me…” she set her things down in the locker room.
“Its not so much you I'm worried about,  it's him and whether he's learned to keep his damn hands to himself,”
Brinkley couldn't help but enjoy the way Scott desired to protect her,  even if it was a little patriarchal. She went over to him,  slipping her arms around his torso and laid her head against his chest. 
“I didn't mean to make you worry, I'm sorry,” she was relieved when he returned her embrace. 
“I'm gonna be honest,  I don't like caring about other people this much.  It's not easy to trust people.  Especially around here. I don't want to be made into a fool,” he stroked her hair, but his words felt like a warning,  even a veiled insult.
She swallowed any offense she felt. She could butter him up later and hopefully make up completely. She definitely did not like being on his bad side. 
“Did Scott say much?” Curt asked as they were alone in the gorilla once again.
“A little…but nothing really much,” Brinkley adjusted the sports bra top paired with the black shorts, “Do you like it?”
“It looks incredible on you.  Hell, what wouldn't?” He looked her over.  He bought the damn clothes. He should be able to look. 
“The other shorts my ass half hangs out of them…. Saving those for the pay per view. People will be paying 29.99 for each cheek,” she joked. 
“And lucky me,  I get the view for free,” Curt teased. 
“Nothing you haven't seen before,” she teased back,  getting ready to open the curtain. Just as she stepped out,  he leaned in to her ear. 
“Nothing I haven't fucked before either,” he murmured, smug that she'd have to spend the next fifteen minutes in front of the crowd without responding. 
Brinkley was glad the next show was in Miami, they didn't have to change hotels, staying near Hollywood, Florida. She was tired and was happy to decline the invitation to go to a nearby club. Even Kevin tried to convince her to go,  again raising her suspicion that he and Scott were in on this together. 
She was comfy in a tank top and panties,  not having to care about appearances in her own room.  That alone was freeing. She cranked up the air to combat the humidity and collapsed on the bed to mindlessly watch tv just as there was a knock at her door. She groaned and drug herself off the bed. Looking through the peephole, she instantly recognized that stubbled chin. She opened the door with her hand on her hip.
“Can I help you?” She said playfully, but her face fell when she saw Kevin standing right next to Scott. His eyebrows went up as he reactively looked her over before she darted herself behind the door. 
“Well…I was making sure you didn’t wanna come with us to the club,” Scott stepped a foot in the door, “But now I’m kinda thinking I’ve got other plans,” 
“No, I told you I’m getting some rest in while I have the chance,” She saw Kevin step in after him, “Hey, I didn’t say you guys could come in!”
Scott shut the door, letting her hide behind his body. 
“He’s seen me fuck you before, doll,” Scott laughed as she pushed Scott towards her bag so she could at least grab one of the oversized t-shirts she’d stolen from Scott. At least it would be long enough to cover her.
“But it was dark, you guys were drunk and we were mostly under the sheets,” She reasoned, still standing mostly behind Scott. 
“True, she wasn’t as much of an exhibitionist as that Toronto chick,” Kevin recalled, laughing at the warning face Scott shot him. He knew from the intensely curious look on Brinkley’s face, that he might have started something. 
Scott might have hinted that Brinkley may be down for some fun with all of them, but at the moment, it didn’t seem like she was. Maybe he hadn’t asked her yet. Sharing a room with her occasionally would be a lot better if he was also getting something out of the deal. Satisfied at the moment by stirring the pot with Scott’s road history, Kevin decided to leave for the club. 
“Toronto chick?” Brinkley asked after the door closed.
“Some of us guys have regular girls in certain cities. Not every one…but some.” He admitted, suddenly thinking about Pittsburgh, “Not gonna get mad that I got my dick wet before I met you, are you?” He asked, almost condescendingly. 
She frowned and walked back to the bed, flopping down on it again. “NO. I was just asking…” She couldn’t help but be a little jealous of them and wondered if he’d turn them down if they showed up. She had a comeback on the tip of her tongue, but guessed better of mentioning anything with Curt for the moment, “Sorry, just in a bad mood,” 
“Well that’s why I’m here,” He walked to the bed, crawling across it to slide up behind her, “I know I was an ass earlier,I wanna make up for it,” He pulled her hair away from her neck, kissing the tender spot behind her ear down to her neck. 
“Scott…” She meant to say it in protest, but her tone softened itself. She lost more of her will to resist as his hand slid over the curve of her hip and down over her ass, “You know…I know you jacked off that first night we ever stayed in the same room…” She remembered how he’d grabbed her ass that night in a similar way. 
“You did?” He asked with a hint of surprise in his husky voice, “Were you awake the whole time?” He squeezed a cheek, remembering how he’d fondled her that night, “And you weren’t mad?”
“I mean… a little,” She gasped as he manhandled her backside, “But…I was turned on, too…when you touched me, it felt different than when anyone else ever had,” 
“Did you want to touch me?” He pulled her back against him, slowly gyrating against her as he worked himself up, “Were you dying to turn over and see my dick?”
She nodded, her breath quickening, “I was close to turning over…but I didn’t want to freak you out or make you stop. I almost touched myself right as I felt you cum on me,” She flexed her hips, pushing more firmly into him. 
“God damn, you’re such a dirty girl,” He bit the back of her neck lightly as his hand snuck around and down the front of her panties, pleased to sink his fingers in the evidence of her arousal, “I didn’t mean to…but damn just touching you turned me on so fucking much,” He nipped and pulled at her earlobe with his teeth, “Cum for me, baby girl,” He softly commanded as his fingers toyed rhythmically with her clit. He knew from the tremors of her body that she was close. 
His words were all that she needed as she bit her pillow to muffle some of the strained whimpers. Even if she was ticked off at him, Scott had a way of making her respond so easily that it made her forget why she was even upset. 
As the aftershocks tingled across her body, she couldn’t take his teasing anymore.
“Scott, I need you…” she said, the words barely leaving her mouth before he was stripping her of her clothes. He wasn’t sure why he was so aroused, but he knew the moment he slipped inside of her that he was not going to last long. He started with quick, firm strokes, laying between her legs as they wrapped around his waist. 
The way she dug her nails into his back didn’t help stall his stimulation. He felt those impulsive words battling their way out of his mouth, but he held them back, not believing they could be true. They were just words brought on by a passionate affair. There wasn’t much he wouldn’t say when he was buried to the hilt inside of her. 
“Don’t stop…please…harder,” She begged, trying to stall her orgasm as long as possible to match his. She struggled to withstand the pleasure she felt, heightened by the heat and weight of his body laying firmly against her. She could tell he was losing control, his restraint was dwindling as he shortened his strokes, penetrating deep into her sex. 
She cried out into his shoulder, the frantic pleasure coursing through her as she felt him pulsate inside of her. She loved the feeling. Damn Curt for not pulling out or using a condom…she preferred the feeling of a full cunt, damn the consequences. Thinking his name so soon after climaxing flooded her with an awkward sensation, but she shrugged it off as she relished Scott’s full weight over her. She loved the feeling of him over her. He barely supported himself on his forearms as he collected himself. 
“Sorry baby, you got me pretty worked up…” He apologized for his short tenure, “Give me a little bit…I’ll make sure you’re taken care of,” he felt guilty now, not saying the words. Sure they were in the heat of passion, but he would have meant them. He could just as easily say them now in the afterglow. The way she was looking up adoringly at him, like he was the only man on earth should be good enough for her. But he didn’t want to say them only to have to take them back later when, as everything else had, it inevitably failed. 
“Scott…it was amazing…and as long as I’m with you, I’m happy,” she ran her fingers tips along his cheek. 
“I don’t deserve you,” He kissed the tip of her nose and then her lips lightly, “I’m just some dirty old man who can’t keep his hands off your beautiful, hot body,” He teased her a little. Brinkley laughed, pushing him off of her and to his back. She swung her leg over his hips, straddling him. 
“You might be a dirty old man…but I have the same problem of keeping my hands off of you,” She ran her hands down from his shoulders over his broad chest and torso, “I can’t get enough of your body.” 
Her praise went straight to his groin, surprising him that his spent cock ever so slightly twitched. 
It was late as Curt walked back to his room. He had limited himself to two drinks and that had been hours ago. He knew he was walking to the wrong door, but he couldn't seem to will himself elsewhere. 
He stood outside her door, staring at the room number.  He had no excuse to tell her why he was there. She would assume it was because he was horny and she wouldn't be wrong, but it wasn't the only reason. It was nearly 2am - she was probably sleeping. If he just knocked softly he wouldn't disturb her if she was asleep. 
Just as he lifted his hand, the door cracked open slightly. He jumped and moved quickly around the hallway corner.
“No,  Scott…don't leave.  Just stay….pleeeeeease,” Brinkley begged in a sleepy, pleading voice.
“Are you sure baby?” Scott paused at the door, “I don't want to impose,” he joked,  not quite as tired.
“Shut up and come keep me warm,” she demanded, causing him to close the door. 
Curt felt his heart racing. How could he not have considered Scott might be there. She did say they didn't always sleep together all night.  But he was guessing they did so more often than not and didn't realize how often it truly was. 
It was a close call, he should take that as a hint to stay away. But he only seemed to think of how to be more careful next time. 
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
You wrote about Clarke trying to get back on Lexa’s good side after ignoring her in front of her friends and getting her to agree to go on a date but How does their first date go in AWTR? What does Clarke plan to woo Lexa? Do they kiss at the end of the night?
Their first is a bit of a mess.
But not terrible.
It's just that barely anything Clarke plans goes how she wants it.
She makes dinner reservations at a place in the city only to get caught behind an accident that leaves them running 45 minutes late. 45. Minutes. Which means they spend 45 minutes sitting in her car in the sweltering heat of summer as her shitty honda civic coughs out only minorly cool bursts of AC air.
Clarke feels awful about it. This was, after all, supposed to be Lexa's first actual date.
Lexa is a good sport about it though, just laughing and saying that, yeah, this makes sense for her life. Clarke doesn't really know what that means. But also says that she's just happy to be here with her at all, might as well make the best of it. So instead of taking her out to a lovely 5 course meal as planned, they spend the first 45 minutes of their night talking and splitting a tiny bag of stale goldfish crackers and a warm Sprite Lexa had found stashed under the backseat while sitting in traffic.
It's really not entirely so bad when Lexa gives in to the heat and slips off her sweater to reveal the thin straps of the camisole underneath and perfectly slim shoulders underneath...
It does not escape Clarke's attention that she's lusting after a bare shoulder like some Victorian era harlot.
With her dinner reservations a complete bust, Clarke reroutes their evening to something a bit more simple, instead opting for an old mom and pop drive-in place that sends skate-laden waiters careening toward customers car windows to deliver orders. They order some grease bomb style burgers with fries and a couple of cokes with extra cherries, which the guy promptly forgets, thus sending Clarke on two trips inside just to grab them and their requested packets of ketchup along with some extra napkins.
But it's... it's nice. Just being there and talking about anything and everything.
Especially whenever Lexa does this little hum when she seems to take a particularly good bite of her burger.
Clarke has to gulp down her ice cold Coke and struggle not to accidentally inhale it every time. She drinks it so damn fast Lexa very graciously offers to split the rest of her own.
The next part goes a bit better, but only because she had always intended on winging it, the two of them wrapping up eating just in time for Clarke to zip them across the city part of the date working out just fine. It's a bit of a risky choice for a first date she realizes considering she only has a vague idea of exactly what Lexa likes, but when she'd heard about the small intimate concert being played in the park, it'd felt like a decent bet.
And at least that part comes together perfectly. Because Lexa's eyes light up at the sight of the mini stage and the tree line sparkling with fairy lights. She's out of the car before Clarke can even turn the engine off as the sounds of guitar and a piano playing come to life. It's a small affair. Just a band local to the city, but Clarke had listened to their stuff enough to be confident that Lexa would like their sound.
The next few hours pass in a blur of ridiculous dancing and singing along as they lose themselves in the music and the crowd. Clarke barely takes in one goddamn thing that happens on stage though. She's too focused on the girl beside her. The way Lexa bobs her head to the more lively beats and closes her eyes when she likes the melody of a particularly soulful song. The way she claps loud enough it has to her hurt hands a little and tosses in a few whistles for good measure when she'd really liked a song.
When the sound starts to wind down and the band slips into their slower numbers, Clarke takes a chance and slips behind her. She matches Lexa's swaying with every shift of her hips and rests her hands there as though to guide her along to the beat. She's nervous and shaking at her own boldness and ready to back off the second Lexa tells her it's too soon, too forward... but instead of brushing her away, Lexa just leans heavier back into the touch. Takes Clarke's hands and wraps them fully around her waist. Lets her fingers find the spaces between Clarke's fingers and rests her head back on Clarke shoulder like she's been waiting for exactly this kind of closeness all night long.
They end the concert that way. Wrapped up in the music and each other, the whole last part of the set spent with Clarke peppering kisses to Lexa's cheek, her shoulder, the soft patch of skin that lives just under her ear. And by the time the band calls out that it'll be their last number, Clarke wishes the night didn't have to end at all.
But Lexa's getting tired. She can tell because the last half hour has had her listing so heavily into Clarke chest that it feels like she's practically propping her up. As though her legs are starting to struggle just to lift her and keep her steady, but she doesn't complain once.
Clarke thinks she should've planned their date for a day when Lexa hadn't worked. Thinks that's probably the reason why when she turns to Clarke and says maybe it's time to head home, that she looks so achingly bone-deep tired.
It's an easy decision to leave her plan for a drive out to the lake unsaid, figuring they'll just save that one for their next date.
Assuming Lexa wants one that is.
Lexa seems to catch a bit of second wind on the drive home, spending the whole right quietly singing parts of different sings that they'd heard and chatting Clarke's ear off about things like harmonies and base notes and melodies. Poor Clarke doesn't really understand all that much about music beyond a surface level, "Yeah I love/hate that song." But she listens to every word. Struggles quite regularly to keep her eyes on the road whenever Lexa gets excited by a thought and starts talking as much with her hands as she does with her lips, Clarke pulling her gaze from the road more times than what would be considered safe just to watch Lexa's lithe fingers seemingly play a tiny drum set and she hums out a string of notes before launching back into her thoughts again.
She's just so fucking adorable, and Clarke's heart is seriously in trouble.
But... she kinda knew that long before tonight.
Lexa tries to say goodnight in the car, but Clarke just clicks her tongue because, "Are you crazy? Of course I'm walking you to the door."
That's exactly what she does. Opens Lexa's door for her just like she'd done when she'd picked her up. And she's kind of grateful when Lexa immediately reaches out to take her hand this time rather than giving Clarke enough space to spiral over worrying about whether or not they were too clammy.
They walk up in silence, Clarke painfully aware that all the lights are on which logically means Lexa's warden Gus is still up. But that all kind of fades when she takes a moment to drape Lexa's sweater back around her shoulders as Lexa breathes that she'd had an amazing night. That it was more fun than she'd ever thought a date could be, despite not really having much to compare it to. And it's so sweet how she says it. In that perfectly serious and somber way that Lexa says everything. It both fills Clarke with a fresh wave of butterflies and makes her stomach bottom out with a sour twist.
Because she can hear it in Lexa's words. That she'd never really thought she'd get to experience this feeling at all. That before tonight she'd resigned herself to leaving such things to musings and idle daydreams.
It's enough for Clarke to step closer, to slip her arms around the small of Lexa's back and pull until they're flush. It's enough to have her heart beating wildly as she tells Lexa that she wants this to be the first date of many. As many as Lexa is willing to have with her. Because "I like you, Lexa... More than like... I..."
She doesn't say what she already feels.
Lexa's eyes look entirely too scared for that just yet.
So it's kind of a surprise when she feels hands cup her face, and draw her into Lexa's lips. She has the presence of mind to pivot them so Lexa's back rests against the house, using the slight bit of leverage the shift gives her to take control of the kiss. Reveling in plumpness of Lexa's mouth, lips chilled and chapped from the late evening breeze and singing songs all night long. Her tongue tastes of cherries and salt when Lexa moans and lets Clarke lick into her...
And it's not even close to really getting out of control when the porch light above them flicks off and then immediately right back on 😑
She should've expected that as well.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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Fourth of July/Independence Day
Americans come together on July 4 to celebrate the nation’s birthday and Independence Day. On this day, most Americans enjoy grills in their backyards, at beaches, or in parks. Some partake in parades or marches and enjoy the fireworks that are often launched at dusk. We kick off the festivities with details, trivia, and anything else you need to know about Independence Day. Happy Fourth!
When is Fourth of July 2024?
The American glory of Red, White, and Blue, is celebrated on Independence Day on July 4.
History of Fourth of July
Although most of us already had this history lesson in school, we probably weren’t really paying attention as the clock ticked closer to recess or the end of the day. But we can’t fully appreciate our freedoms if we don’t know how we got them — and, more importantly, how close we came to losing them. The story of America’s independence is truly fascinating with more historical twists and turns than we can possibly get into here. But at least we can get you started with the basics.
In the 1700s, America wasn’t really a nation of ‘united states.’ Instead, there were 13 colonies with distinct personalities. From 1763 to 1773, Britain’s King George III increasingly placed pressure on the colonies as he and the British Parliament enacted a succession of draconian taxes and laws on them. Excessive taxes on British luxury goods like tea and sugar were designed to benefit the British crown without any regard for the hardships of the colonists. By 1764, the phrase “Taxation without representation is tyranny” spread throughout the colonies as the rallying cry of outrage.
The more the colonists rebelled, the more King George doubled down with force. Imagine if enemy soldiers not only had the right to enter your home but the soldiers could demand that you feed and house them. The Quartering Act of 1765 allowed British soldiers to do just that.
But the Stamp Act of 1765 became the straw that broke the colonists’ backs. Passed by Parliament in March, this act taxed any piece of printed paper, including newspapers, legal documents, ships’ papers — and even playing cards! As the colonial grumbling got louder and bolder, in the fall of 1768, British ships arrived in Boston Harbor as a show of force. Remember, the British Navy dominated the seas all over the world due to the far-reaching presence of the British Empire.
Tensions boiled over on March 5, 1770, in Boston Harbor during a street fight between a group of colonists and British soldiers. The soldiers fired shots that killed 47-year-old Crispus Attucks, the first American and Black man to die along with three other colonists in the Boston Massacre. 
In 1773, the Boston Tea Party (from which today’s Tea Party Republicans get their name) erupted when colonists disguised as Mohican Indians raided a British ship, dumping all the tea overboard to avoid paying the taxes. Continued pressure led to resistance and the start of the Revolutionary War in the towns of Lexington and Concord when a militia of patriots battled British soldiers on April 19, 1775.  Conditions were ripe for American independence.
When the first battles in the Revolutionary War broke out in April 1775, only a handful of colonists wished for total independence from Great Britain, and those who did were considered extremists.
However, halfway through the following year, many more colonists had come to lean more toward independence, as a result of growing hostility towards Britain and the spread of revolutionary views like those conveyed in the bestselling pamphlet published in early 1776 by Thomas Paine — “Common Sense.”
On June 7, 1776, the Continental Congress met at the Pennsylvania State House (later Independence Hall) in Philadelphia and Richard Henry Lee, the Virginia delegate, introduced a motion calling for the independence of the colonies. Amid heated debate, Congress rescheduled the vote on Lee’s resolution but appointed a five-man committee — including Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and Robert R. Livingston of New York — to draft a formal statement justifying the defect from Great Britain.
On July 2, 1776, in a virtually unanimous vote, the Continental Congress voted in favor of Lee’s resolution for independence, and on July 4th, it formally adopted the Declaration of Independence, which had been written largely by Jefferson. Ultimately, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence was a contentious process. After much debate over what to include and what to leave out, Thomas Jefferson, tasked with pulling the document together, envisioned a nation where “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness” crystallized the very meaning of being an American. The document proclaimed the 13 American colonies’ liberation from Britain and reaffirmed their rights as free men — declaring that they were no longer subject (and subordinate) to the monarch of Britain, King George III, and were now united, free, and independent states.
John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail that July 2 “will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival” and that the celebration should include “Pomp and Parade…Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other.”
By an extraordinary coincidence, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, the only two signatories of the Declaration of Independence later to serve as presidents of the United States, both died on the same day: July 4, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration. Although not a signatory of the Declaration of Independence, James Monroe, another Founding Father who was elected as president, also died on July 4, 1831, making him the third President who died on the anniversary of independence. The only U.S. president to have been born on Independence Day was Calvin Coolidge, who was born on July 4, 1872.
Fourth of July timeline
A Taxing Time
Britain’s King George III subjects colonial America to harsh taxes and laws, which benefits the Crown, not the colonists.
Stamp Act
British Parliament's so-called Stamp Act taxes the colonists on any piece of printed paper including newspapers, legal documents, ships’ papers, and even playing cards.
Shots Heard
British soldiers fire shots that kill 47-year-old Crispus Attucks, the first American and black man to die along with three other colonists in the Boston Massacre.
Boston Tea Party
Disguised colonists take over a British ship and dump all the British tea overboard to avoid paying the taxes for it.
July 4, 1776
Declaration of Independence
After spending two days on revisions, the Continental Congress approves the historical document's final wording.
Declaration of a Holiday
Independence Day becomes a federal holiday.
Establishing Independence Day Traditions
Barbecues, parades, flag-raising ceremonies, and fireworks become the norm on Independence Day.
Americans celebrate the country's 200th birthday — the U.S. Mint issues a special Bicentennial quarter — with new designs featuring all 50 states.
American Independence Day parades go way back. By the summer of 1776, Americans celebrated the ‘death’ of British rule with mock funerals, revelry, and feasting. Americans still love to celebrate — and if you’re seeking a truly authentic experience, travel to Bristol, Rhode Island, home of America’s oldest Independence Day parade since 1785. Watch fife and drum corps marching bands, cartoon characters, and celebrities in vintage cars.
On Independence Day, we haul out family recipes for chili, barbecue ribs, chicken, and even tofu. We savor Louisiana gumbo and Maine lobster boils. There are zesty potato salads and delicious sweet corn roasted on the cob. Pies and cakes are laid out. Independence Day lets you get your patriotic grub on.
They chirp, whiz, and bang. Fireworks originated with the ancient Chinese, spread to Europe, and later added colorful displays to early American Independence Day events. Both Boston and Philadelphia launched fireworks on July 4, 1777. John Adams told his wife, Abigail, that Independence Day “ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, bonfires and illumination.” This year, enjoy your Independence Day finale with a phantasmagorical fireworks display! 
2.5 million – the estimated number of people living in the newly independent nation in 1776.
327 million – the estimated population of the country in 2018.
56 – the number of signers of the Declaration of Independence. 
1st – signer was John Hancock.
70 – the age of the oldest of the signers, Benjamin Franklin. 
$4.0 million – the dollar value of U.S. imports of American flags in 2013.
$781,222 – the dollar value of U.S. flags exported in 2013. 
$302.7 million – the annual dollar value of shipments of fabricated flags, banners, and similar emblems by the country’s manufacturers.
1 in 4 – the number of people who will set off their own fireworks. 
150 million – the number of wieners consumed on the holiday nationwide.
Fourth of July FAQs
What does the 4th of July mean?
The 4th of July is America’s Independence Day, and the annual celebration of the nation. 
How old is America today?
As of 2021, the United States of America is 245 years old.
What is the most famous text in the Declaration of Independence?
The best-known part of the Declaration of Independence is “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness … “
What fun ways can I celebrate Independence Day?
Parades and grills are commonplace on Independence Day but if you’re looking to go the extra mile when we suggest you take a look at our list of Fourth of July nail ideas to get you in the mood for celebrating.
Fourth of July Activities
Read the Declaration of Independence: Most Americans have never actually read the Declaration of Independence. But if it weren't for this short but historically significant document, they may not have been able to spend the day grilling or lighting fireworks, and definitely wouldn't have had the day off.
Watch fireworks: It's a blast — in more ways than one. Gazing at fireworks on the Fourth is a tradition that goes back centuries. In fact, John Adams alluded to this type of celebration in a letter he wrote to his wife Abigail on July 3, 1776.
Visit a national landmark or historical site: America is full of fascinating historical landmarks and sites. No matter where in the country you live, there is almost certainly a site of historical importance nearby. Some ideas could include a Native American reservation, a Civil War battleground, a government building, or a war memorial.
5 Fascinating Facts About The Declaration Of Independence
John Adams refused July 4: Because the actual vote for independence took place on July 2, 1776, John Adams refused to recognize celebrations for July 4.
Technically… The Declaration of Independence was finalized on July 4, but most of the signers actually signed the document on August 2, 1776.
Edits and revisions: There were a total of 86 edits made to the original draft written by Thomas Jefferson.
Independence wasn’t the only reason: The Declaration of Independence was penned down formally so that colonies seeking foreign allies could legally declare themselves free from the British.
It’s not a map, but… There isn’t a treasure map as shown in the movie “National Treasure,” but there is actually something written on the back of the Declaration of Independence — “Original Declaration of Independence dates 4th July 1776.”
Why We Love Fourth of July
It's the most delicious day of the summer: There are few days of the year that offer as much food variety as the Fourth of July. Steak? Check. Chicken wings? Yep. Fresh strawberry pie? Absolutely. Macaroni and cheese? You got it. No matter what you're craving, it's sure to be available on Independence Day.
We're all in this together: Admit it, the Fourth of July makes you feel giddy. Maybe it's the parades, the BBQs, or, most likely, the fireworks. This is the one night of the year you can watch the sky light up, while surrounded by children laughing, dogs barking, and patriotic music playing.
You can wear whatever you want — as long as it's red, white, and blue: That bandana you never get to wear? That decades-old T-shirt with an American flag on it? Those are all fair game on Independence Day — as long as they're red, white, and blue.
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lovewriting-5 · 2 years
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4. Miracles
6. Brothers in Arms
5. Open Hearts:
Karen drives us back to her motel room. Sean and I walk in and not sure what to do. Karen tells us “You two can get cleaned up.” I tell Sean “You can go ahead and go first.” He says “Okay.” He heads into the bathroom and I hear the shower running. Not really sure what to do, I stand by one of the beds. She tells me “Make yourself at home.” I set my backpack down on the bed. She asks “How do you know Sean?” I tell her “I’m his (girlfriend/boyfriend), (Y/N).” Karen says “Nice to meet you, I’m Karen. So, you have been with him on this journey. Is that right?” I tell her “Yes.” Karen grabs a few things and tells me “I’m going to the store and pick up a few things. When Sean gets out of the shower, let him know I’ll be back in a little bit.” I say “Okay, will do.”
Karen leaves. Sean steps out of the bathroom in clothes that Karen gave him. He says “Man, didn’t clean the pain away, but that felt good.” He looks around the room, asks “Where’s Karen?” I tell him “She went to go get a few things. She said she’ll be back in a little bit.” He says “Yeah…like I haven’t heard that one before.” I say “She wants to help us.” He rolls his eyes.
I head to the bathroom and get in the shower. While the water is running over me, I ask myself “Wonder how long Karen has been here? Did she see one of Daniel’s…’miracles’?” When I was done, I put my jeans and t-shirt back on. When I walked out of the bathroom, I was dabbing my hair with the towel. I saw that Sean was reading a note. I ask him “What’s that?” He tells me “It’s letters between Karen and Jacob.”
I sit on the bed across from Sean. He picks up the phone and dials Jacob’s number. Sean says “Jacob? It’s me, Sean and (Y/N) is here too.” Jacob said something. Sean says “Yeah.” A few more conversations then Sean hangs up. He says “Damn…he couldn’t really talk…all this is so messed up.” I ask “What’s up?” He says “Something seems weird. Jacob wants us to meet him tomorrow at noon on Brandy Highway by a Wild Mice Ranch.” I say “Okay.”
I hang the towel in the bathroom. When I come back out, I say “Let’s just rest while we wait for her.” Sean adds “If she comes back.” I sigh and shake my head. Sean lays down on the bed. I lay on the opposite one. We fall asleep.
After some time, we are awaken to the sound of Karen re-entering the room with several shopping bags. She tells us “Hey, sorry it took so long. Fucking store was packed.” We sit up as she places the bags on the desk by the television. Karen asks “How you two feeling? Nothing broken? Altar boys don’t fight fair.” I tell her “Nothing broken.” Sean says “Yeah, I’m okay.”
She pulls out two fast food cartons. She says to Sean “Double cheese, no onions, right?” Sean stares at her for a few moments and then grabs the carton from her, says “That’ll do.” Karen then tells me as she holds the second carton out to me, “I also got you double cheese.” I take it, say “Thank you.” We open the cartons and begin eating.
Karen says “Got you some gauze and, uh…anti-bacteria stuff for your eye.” It looks like the two of us haven’t eaten in days because we are chowing down on the burgers. She tells us “Hey, don’t wolf that down…Or at least take a breath.” I pause, swallow what I just ate, set the burger back in the carton and wipe my mouth with a napkin. Sean says “Like you care.” She says “Sean…I do…”
“Come on, Karen. Don’t act all hurt. It’s too late.” Sean says. Karen looks down and I look at Sean. I see tears forming in his eyes. I place a hand around his right forearm. He continues “Where were you when I broke my leg when I was 13? Not with me…When Daniel got a bad flu a couple years ago, you didn’t sleep next to him every night…Where were you?! Where…were you?” Karen says “Fair enough. So let’s talk. Because we do have to get your brother out of a cult.” I say, calmly “We’re listening.”
She asks “How did you three survive alone on the road for that long?” Sean tells her “We just got lucky, and got some help along the way. Total strangers…We even had our own little family.” Karen asks “Good. How did you go to Beaver Creek?” He says, blatantly “You know I don’t have to answer your questions, right?” Karen looks at us then says “You’re right. So tell me what you want from me, Sean.” He says “Nothing, Karen. I mean, what do you want from me? A fucking hug?” She says “Hey, I just want you to know what I did and why. If you care. So, ask me anything.”
Sean pauses then asks “All right. Why did you bail on us?” Karen lets out a breath, tells us “I wasn’t meant to be a wife…or a mother. I thought I was supposed to…I tried to pretend for many years…but I was unhappy and the urge to leave became unbearable…I had no other choice.” He says “Are you serious? You chose this life! You fell in love, you made your own choices. Right?” Karen tells him “Making your own choices doesn’t mean you can never fool yourself, Sean…After I had Daniel, you were about eight and Esteban’s garage was getting busy. There was so much going on around me yet somehow I just…felt that my own life was just slipping away. Felt like an empty shell. Sean, it was the hardest decision I ever made. I knew I might never see you all again, but I took that responsibility.”
“Did Dad know about all this?” Sean asks. Karen explains “I was honest with your father. We did family therapy, but it wasn’t about him. It was me.” He says “He was heartbroken for months after you left. Years.” She says “I was too. I was in love with your father. He was the best person I ever met.” He tells her “But just not enough for you…” She tells him “Something was missing from the equation, yeah. I was.” This is all things Sean never wanted to talk about. I never pushed.
I ask “Karen, if you don’t mind me asking…So what exactly are you doing in Nevada? You live around here?” She tells us “No, I’m way out in Arizona. I told you. Your friend Jacob wrote my P.O. Box and said Daniel was in trouble. That’s it.” Sean says “Arizona? Holy shit, it’s just lizards and rocks.” She says “Guess I found something there. New York didn’t really do me good, so…” I move my hand to his right wrist and slide it slightly to on top of his hand.
Karen explains “I didn’t have a choice, Sean. We only have one life, and I didn’t want mine to be spent in regrets. For years I’ve fooled myself, thinking I’d find satisfaction into what society expected me to be, and that was my mistake. I hope someday you can understand that…but I never stopped caring about you…For what it’s worth, I am sorry for hurting you and Daniel…and Esteban.” Sean says a little understanding “I know you are, Karen. That still doesn’t change the way I feel…” She says “Of course not…I know I can’t change the past, Sean.” He says “I don’t think you would…I need some air.” Sean pulls away and heads for the motel door. Karen and I look at each other. She heads outside to join him. I say to myself “I’ll give them a few minutes.”
I walk to the door and join them outside. I sit on the sidewalk to Sean’s left and face them. Sean asks “I mean, I get you wanted to leave and stuff…Okay. But why ghost us like that? Not even a fucking birthday card.” Karen says “I just…I thought if I vanished, you would all move on. But I wanted to contact you guys so many times. I almost did.” He continues “But you wanted a clean break…” She continues “I didn’t want to be a part-time pissed off mother. Not fair to any of you. I left when Daniel was still very young so he wouldn’t remember me.” Sean explains to her “Yeah, I wasn’t so lucky.” She says “Oh, Sean, I know. Do you want to tell me how you felt, then? Or now?”
I sit cross legged and move some rocks around on the ground. Sean explains “I felt guilty that we weren’t enough for you.” She says “No, no. You guys were the reason to stay. I left because of me.” He says “Whatever…You sound so careless. It’s like you can’t even realize how much pain you’ve caused.” She says “I do care, that’s why I’m here…To help you, and your brother…If I didn’t step up to help him now, I couldn’t live with myself.”
She takes out a cigarette, lights it and takes a drag. Sean asks “Hey, um…mind if I bum a smoke?” Karen says “Sure. Still got a few left.” She holds the cigarette pack out to him. He takes one and then she offers me one. I say “I’m okay but thank you.” Sean puts the cigarette in his mouth and Karen offers him her lighter. He declines and pulls out his own. Karen says “Wow…” I look at Sean to see what she’s referring to. She continues “Haven’t seen that lighter in ages…you dad loved that thing.” He tells her “I know. Only thing I have left of his…” I give him a small smile.
Karen tells us “Oh, man, Esteban hated when I smoked…He didn’t want me to die an early death…Fuck…life can be so cynical, sometimes…” He tells her “I remember he would smoke sometimes…long ago…” She explains “We didn’t fight much, but when we did…I would go out on the porch and light up so I could calm down…Esteban would come over and ask for a drag. Then we’d just look up at the sky and watch the stars…or the planes…I do miss that.” Sean tells her “I used to do the same with (Y/N) and our best friend, Lyla…Sitting on the porch, just letting time go…”
A memory just popped in my head, The three of us sat on the porch, Sean and Lyla sat in the two chairs. I sat on Sean’s lap as the two of them smoked. We just shot the shit, as Brody would say. When Lyla would go in the house to do something or to see Daniel, Sean and I would make out. Karen says “That’s when you know they are good to you. When you can just sit together…shut up and let the universe do its own thing.” She gives me a reassuring and approved smile. I give her a smile back. We sit there for a little while longer as they finish their cigarettes. Sean says “We should go back inside. I gotta change this dressing.” I say “Okay. Let’s go.”
We go back inside. I close the door as Karen says “Sean, I know I can’t change the past…or what I did…but this is about helping your brother. You gotta trust me.” As he sits on the bed after grabbing the bag of supplies, he says “I know…it’s still hard…” I add “We have to be a team to rescue Daniel.” Karen sits down next to him. I lean against the motel desk. She says as she places a hand on his leg, “We can do it.” Sean lifts her hand away and asks “Okay…how?” She tells us “We need to get in touch with this Jacob. He obviously knows a lot more than us about the church.” I say “Well…Sean called him when you were out…we can meet him tomorrow.” Karen says “Okay, good. I also got these,” as she pulls out walkie-talkies and adds “Just in case.” Sean says “Okay…better take care of the eye.”
Karen asks “So do you…need any help with that?” He says “Yes…thanks.” She asks “So…you feel like telling me the story here?” Karen carefully removes the bandage from his eye. He tells her “When we have time.” She says “Gotcha.” Karen gets his eye clean and then pulls out an eyepatch from the bag. She tells him “Here. Try this on.” Sean puts it on, ask “How do I look?” Karen says “Great.” I say “Badass.” He says, sheepishly “Thanks…” Karen tells us “Big day tomorrow, so we should get some rest.” I say “Yeah.” Sean says “I’m ready to get Daniel.”
The rest of the evening, we go over the plan to get Daniel back. When the sun started going down more and was getting dark, we got ready for bed. It was a little awkward but Karen didn’t have a problem with Sean and I sharing a bed. The three of us go to sleep until the next day.
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digimonloving · 8 months
hiiii could I get headcanons about the kind of dates Dynasmon takes his s/o on? 💗 thank youuu!!!
Headcanons of the dates Dynasmon takes his S/O on
A digimon that is known for their strong sense of Chivalry. Of course Dynasmon is going to open the door for their S/O and pick them up for their dates.
Dynasmon prefers to plan out the dates for their S/O, they don't want them to worry about the planning and what they'll be doing.
They prefer the nicest restaurants too, the ones with cloth napkins that bring you 5 pieces of silverware wrapped in them. There won't be any stops at the burger place nearby.
Dynasmon is going to want to pay for all the meals, not in a way to make you think they own you, but more of they think it's more respectful that they take care of the tab.
All the dates are going to be planned days ahead, Dynasmon doesn't want anything last minute because they want you to have enough time to plan accordingly.
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twwpress · 1 year
Weekly Press Briefing #50 - June 4th - June 10th
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from June 4 - June 10, 2023! Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing!
The following is a roundup of open challenges/prompts. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
The Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda Josh/Donna prompt fest (hosted by @jessbakescakes and @thefinestmuffin) is open for claiming; fics reveal on June 24th. Details here. 
Here’s what was posted from June 4 - June 10.
Allison Janney posted a photo of her dog and coffee mug. 
Richard Schiff posted a photo with his castmate Lisa Edelstein promoting Swipe NYC, a short film they both appear in.
Bradley Whitford posted a photo of his pets. 
Dule Hill posted a promo video for his show The Wonder Years, which returns June 14. 
Josh Malina posted on-stage and backstage photos from his 100th performance of Leopoldstat on Broadway 1 | 2 | 3
Josh Malina posted a photo of a letter he wrote to Playbill about himself (under a false alias) in 1989.
Josh Malina posted a photo of the cast of Leopoldstadt Broadway wishing everyone a happy Pride Month. 
Marlee Matlin posted photos and video of herself on the picket lines in support of the WGA.
Marlee Matlin posted photos and a birthday wish for her friend Jack Jason.
Rob Lowe posted photos of himself and his son Johnny golfing.
Rob Lowe posted a video of his dogs.
Rob Lowe posted a promo photo with his son Johnny for their Netflix show, Unstable.
Donna Moss Daily: June 4 | June 5 | June 6 | June 7 | June 8 | June 9 | June 10
Daily Josh Lyman: June 4 | June 5 | June 6 | June 7 | June 8 | June 9 | June 10
No Context BWhit: June 4 | June 5 | June 6 | June 7 | June 8 | June 9 | June 10
#ABBEYANDJED: i gave so many signs by @livsbensons [VIDEO EDIT]
#JOSHDONNA: right there where we stood was holy ground by @JessBakesCakes [VIDEO EDIT]
 Editors’ Choice:
Crackfic, humor, and (apparently!) Sam ending up with at least one concussion: this week we’re recommending some of our favorite funny fics!
Conspiracy by hufflepuffhermione | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | “What do you think all the conspiracy theorists out there will make of this?” Will asks.
“I think they’ll be disappointed that the White House is wasting its time and energy on getting these two idiots together instead of executing, you know, actual conspiracies."
After witnessing the snowball incident, the whole White House staff decides that the Josh-and-Donna thing needs some outside interference.
 Concussed by jariadiamond | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn | Complete | He never thought that in his life he’d think of someday making a speech that begins with “Thank you, Sam, for walking into a tree.”
 VC-25A by Punk, Sab | Rated G | Gen Fic (No Pairings Listed) | Complete | CJ, Sam, Ainsley, filet of sole, Toby, a raft, some other people, and a room with a glass door, in the great tradition of experimental dinner theater.
 I'll Have What She's Having by thefinestmuffins | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | “I’m just saying,” Josh says around a mouthful of burnt burger, “Meg Ryan’s a professional actress. Like, a famous movie star. Of course she can fake it.”
“You don’t think other women do, and get away with it?” Donna stabs a fork into her salad, flickering her brows at him. “You don’t think I could?”
Josh splutters his Yoo-Hoo so hard that he has to sop it up with a napkin. “I never said that!”
 Political Science and First Impressions 101 by Palgrave (goldenrod) for Ayadec (Crossover with Community) | Rated G | Gen Fic (No Pairings Listed) | Complete | The President of the United States visiting a community college? Good idea. The President visiting Greendale? Less so.
 all i’ve ever learned from love by hanyolo for mikaylawrites | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | “Are you seeing him again?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”
“It is when the guys you date are idiots.”
Donna stops so suddenly that Josh walks into her, a furious expression on her face as she whirls around to look at him, but he doesn’t miss the hurt in her eyes, the sadness that has him feeling like a massive jerk.
“As though the women you date are any better,” she snaps, before turning on her heels and storming into Toby’s office.
Josh doesn’t follow her this time, his head ducked and his shoulders slumped as he trudges back to his office.
And when Donna finds him at the end of the day to tell him she’s leaving, he doesn’t have the energy to tease her about her lightly curled hair, the knee length blue dress he’s seen on wear on countless dates before.
// donna gets a boyfriend. josh gets jealous
 Shenanigans by Nkala99 | Rated T | Gen Fic (No Pairings Listed) | Complete | A Congressman, a reporter, and the White House Deputy Chief of Staff go to a bar . . .
Presenting your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own.
I Thought You’d Like to Know by Shonio | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
The Theory of Entropy by Jane_3yr3 | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Errors and Omissions by Chinesepapercut | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Domestic Days by spooky_spacegirl | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
The Next Thing by outtabreath | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
Eighty Eight Minutes by outtabreath | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
Changing Conditions by outtabreath | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
this is the wonder (that's keeping the stars apart) by joshatella (shuuuliet) | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Our Time Now by starbuckmeggie | Not Rated | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
a flamboyance of flamingos by miabicicletta for onekisstotakewithme | Rated T | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | Complete
your love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep  by Luppiters | Rated G | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | Complete
12 Months by Jxjxjx |  Rated G | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | In Progress
Off the Record by  onekisstotakewithme for daylight_angel, miabicicletta, Luppiters, hondagirll | Rated T | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | In Progress
Other Pairings/Gen Fic
Adorable, Yet Ill Adored by HotchkissRoyale | Rated E | Ainsley Hayes/Sam Seaborn | In Progress 
Wait For Me by imperfectirises | Rated M | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet | In Progress
Favorites by Jxjxjx | Rated G | Jed Bartlet & Charlie Young (No Pairings Listed) | Complete
Multiple Pairings
A Silence Full of Sound by mandolinrains | Rated T | Leo McGarry/Original Female Character(s), Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Operation in the Desert by mlea7675 | Rated T | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Helen Santos/Matt Santos, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Ainsley Hayes/Sam Seaborn, Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg, C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler, Will Bailey/Kate Harper, Zoey Bartlet/Charlie Young, Leo McGarry/Annabeth Schott | In Progress
There are no second acts in American lives (except when there are) by norahb | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Original Female Character, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Sam Seaborn/Original Male Character(s) | In Progress
dearest constellation, heaven surrounding you by rearviewmirror | Rated T | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet/Leo McGarry, Jed Bartlet/Leo McGarry, Abbey Bartlet/Leo McGarry | Complete
Twitter: @TWWPress
Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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janelley-fish · 1 year
Chapter 2
Story warnings: angst, very slow burn (mostly Eddie has feelings), friends to lovers, eventual smut, eventual violence and gore, language, some fluff eventually. This chapter has some dirty little Eddie thoughts. Think that’s it but overall 18+ so get outta here babies
You let out a small groan as you looked down at your sweater. It was dark, a deep maroon, but you could definitely see the small shape of the spilled root beer float seeping through. Eddie had practically whined like a baby about being hungry on the way to practice, so you had stopped at a drive in diner that was new to town. Eddie got the biggest burger on the menu, and you had told him you weren’t hungry. But knowing you had a major sweet tooth, he ordered you a small float to go. You started to argue but Eddie just stuck his tongue out at you and blew raspberries loudly so you couldn’t get a word in. You flipped him the bird, but wore a grin on your face as he dramatically clutched his heart, pretending you shot him straight in the chest. You rolled your eyes, but thanked him anyway for thinking of you. Eddie knew you would be stealing his fries, but it didn’t bother him. He liked pretending it was a big deal and complaining about it just so he could see that adorable smile light up your face at his teasing.
Because you stopped for food, you were running late, and the combination of Eddie’s rushed reckless driving and him holding a burger in one hand as he scarfed his food down resulted in him hitting a curb going much faster than he should have, and while the van was fine, you ended up wearing your drink. You couldn’t really be mad, it was an accident. But it was uncomfortable. You were sticky and you smelled like root beer. The rest of the way to Gareth’s house Eddie was snickering and trying to hide his amusement while you dabbed frantically at the mess with spare napkins, trying to salvage your sweater.
“Don’t worry about it, Dee. It’ll dry.” He waved his hand around in the air in a motion to brush off the whole incident.
“Eddie it’s not like it’s water, it’s soda and ice cream. It will not just dry.” You huffed a little as Eddie jumped out of the driver side door, still giggling to himself. He casually walked to the back doors of the van and swung them open, obviously looking for something. He tutted to himself while he searched, and you heard him mutter an enthusiastic bingo! as he pulled some sort of white balled up fabric from behind an old amp.
“Here, you can wear this.”
He tossed his hellfire shirt up to you.
“It’ll probably be a little big, but it’s dry at least” he said with a shrug. He closed the door to the back and came around to open yours for you.
“Although,” he paused as you climbed out of the passenger seat and jumped to down to the gravel. “I could get used to you smelling like a root beer float all day. It’s pretty sweet.” He flashed his teeth in a big cheesy grin before leaning into you to take a big whiff, and then signing contently. You rolled your eyes and smacked his shoulder, but still wore that adorable smile that made his heart melt.
“You’re such a weirdo. Now, can you turn around please?”
Eddie took a moment to register what you had said. Then he gulped, more loudly than he meant to. “Wha— you’re changing right here? In the driveway?” He looked at you with wide eyes and you snorted.
“Relax, it’ll take like 5 seconds. It’s not like I’m stripping naked, and no one is around. Now turn, please.”
You shoved him to face the other direction and quickly stripped off the sticky sweater and pulled his t shirt on. It was a little big, but not by much, and it was comfortable. Whether or not it was clean, you couldn’t say. But at least you didn’t smell like root beer anymore. “Okay you can turn around now.” Eddie stood for a moment that seemed much longer than it should’ve before slowly turning, his face just a tiny spec of red, and you saw your opportunity to tease him. You couldn’t help it, it was just one of your favorite things to do.
“What’s got you all flustered, pretty boy? Are you that embarrassed for me? Or is it something else, hmmm?” You winked and gave him a smirk as his face grew more red, looking towards the ground and kicking the dirt with his high top. He stood like that for a moment before he let out the breath he had been holding and met your eyes again.
“Come on, let’s go inside before the neighbors think they’re getting a free show.” He tugged your arm towards the garage door as you threw your head back in laughter.
Eddie hadn’t registered what you had said at first. Why did he need to turn around? unless… “wha—you’re gonna change right here? In the driveway?” He could feel himself growing hard at just the thought, and it was taking everything in him to calm down and keep himself from giving his feelings away. He barely heard your response, while you spun him around. He was so caught up in what you were doing; wondering if anyone was watching. If the guys could see. Fuck, that would suck. He would never get over it if his band mates saw you like that. He was lost in his thoughts. Dreaming about The color bra you were wearing, the way your skin would look in the low evening light, how it would feel under his rough fingertips-
“Okay, you can turn around now.” You words snapped him out of his thoughts; the dirty images playing in his mind of you, and again he had to stop his growing errection before he turned to face you. He had hoped you wouldn’t catch sight of the way he adjusted himself slightly, and you didn’t. But you did notice his pink-tinged cheeks.
“What’s got you all flustered, pretty boy? Are you that embarrassed for me? Or is it something else hmmm?”
Pretty boy. Fuck why did you have to say that. Your nicknames for him were few, but they always had such an affect on him. God the things that came to his mind when you called him pretty boy. Eddie felt himself getting too excited again, so he grabbed your arm and pulled you along behind him, hoping that by the time you both made it inside that the bulge in his pants would be gone and he would have calmed down enough to stop growing hard at every little impure thought of you like some fifteen year old boy.
“Come on, let’s go before the neighbors think they’re getting a free show.” Eddie heard you laugh, really laugh, and it was his favorite thing in the universe. The kind of laugh that could make other people smile. Eddie loved that laugh; he loved more than that laugh. But he could never tell you, for the same reason you didn’t want anyone reading your journal. Fear of rejection; of losing the people who mean so much to you because of the possibility of them laughing in your face. So Eddie decided it was better to long for you in secret, no matter how much it hurt, instead of risk losing you completely.
If only he knew that all you needed was him to say the word, and you’d be his. Even if you didn’t know it yet either.
End of chapter 2
(I promise they’ll get longer. Thanks for reading 💕)
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striveattemptfail · 1 year
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zatr #47
a look into wtf is in zatanna's room bc I Am The Way I Am lmao:
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1) nintendo switch (how did she play this without a charger??)
2) pop fountain drink/cup
3) mcdonald's fries and a napkin (or i guess wcdonald's according to ep #25 lol)
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zatr #25
4) baseball bat (i could've sworn she gave this to roz in another ep but idr rn)
5) book
6) i am assuming that is a ketchup packet and not............something else.......LMAOOO ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
7) burger container and another napkin
8) pop or energy drink can (probably monster or bang bc of the can's length)
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zatr #25
9) ????? (i've got no clue what this is. maybe a broken cd??)
10) tv (how did she use this without an electrical outlet???)
11) a glass and the liquor she drank for her 21st birthday
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zatr #6
12) another pop or energy drink can
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