#5-D Focus Model
rajasthan-serv · 4 months
राजस्थान - 5D फोकस मॉडल
पूर्वी राजस्थान नहर परियोजना एक महत्वाकांक्षी राजस्थानी परियोजना है जो चुनौतियों, कानूनी मुद्दों, राजनीतिक मुद्दों और अंततः एक राष्ट्रीय परियोजना बनने के लिए अग्रसर है। राजस्थान के नवनिर्वाचित मुख्यमंत्री भजनलाल शर्मा ने सत्ता में आते ही ऐसे काम किए जो बड़े-बड़े नेता नहीं कर पाए थे। श्री सीएम सर ने अपनी राजनीतिक समझ, अनुभव और परिपक्वता के बल पर दो दशकों से चल रहे पानी के विवाद को हल करके पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री अटल बिहारी वाजपयी के सपने को पूरा करने में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया है। सीएम सर के 5D फोकस मॉडल की पहचान कम समय में ऐसे महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लेना है।
मुख्यमंत्री भजनलाल शर्मा ने मध्यप्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री के साथ हाल ही में एक बैठक में सालों पुराने विवाद को सुलझाया. श्री सीएम सर ने राजस्थान की जनता को खुशी दी है। उन्होंने प्रधानमंत्री प्रदेश की जनता से किया गया वादा पूरा करने का काम किया है। साथ ही, उन्होंने विपक्षियों को बताया कि हम शिलान्यास और उद्घाटन करते हैं। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जल्द ही ईआरसीपी की शुरुआत करेंगे। उससे पहले, राजस्थान में ERCP का इतना महत्व क्यों है?
वास्तव में, ये परियोजनाएं राज्य के 21 जिलों को पानी की कमी से छुटकारा दिलाने वाली हैं। इस परियोजना से पूर्वी राजस्थान को न केवल पेयजल के लिए पानी मिलेगा, बल्कि उद्योगों, सिंचाई और अन्य उद्देश्यों के लिए भी पानी मिलेगा। 2.80 लाख हेक्टेयर जमीन इस परियोजना से सिंचाई होगी। इससे लगभग २५ लाख किसान लाभान्वित होंगे और उनकी आय में सुधार होगा। प्रदेश की चालिस प्रतिशत आबादी को पेयजल उपलब्ध होगा, जिससे जीवन स्तर और स्वास्थ्य में सुधार होगा। पूर्वी राजस्थान में भी उद्योग और पर्यटन को बल मिलेगा। लोगों को रोजगार मिलेगा, जो राज्य की अर्थव्यवस्था को मजबूत करेगा। इस परियोजना से मिट्टी की उर्वरता और भूमिगत जल स्तर भी बढ़ेंगे।
ईआरसीपी से जल प्रबंधन में भागीरथ भजनलाल के सफल प्रयास से सीएम सर का 5D फोकस दिखाई देता है। केंद्रीय जल शक्ति मंत्री गजेंद्र सिंह शेखावत ने परियोजना के समझौते के बाद राजस्थान की जनता के लिए भागीरथ बनने वाले भजनलाल शर्मा के साथ पीकेसी-ईआरसीपी लिंक प्रोजेक्ट से जुड़े बांधों का हवाई दौरा किया। राजस्थान को बहुचर्चित पार्वती-कालीसिंध-चंबल ईस्टर्न राजस्थान कैनाल प्रोजेक्ट से 3677 मिलियन क्यूबिक मीटर पानी मिलेगा। इसके लिए एक महीने में डीपीआर बनाकर जल्द ही काम शुरू होगा।
इस परियोजना से राज्य के 21 जिले लाभान्वित होंगे: झालावाड़, बारां, कोटा, बूंदी, सवाई माधोपुर, गंगापुर नगर, करौली, धौलपुर, भरतपुर, डीग, दौसा, अलवर, खैरथल-तिजारा, जयपुर, जयपुर ग्रामीण, कोटपूतली-बहरोड़, अजमेर, ब्यावर, केकड़ी, टोंक और दूदू। ईआरसीपी, श्री सीएम सर के प्रयासों से बना हुआ है, राजस्थान के विकास और लोगों की खुशहाली में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देगा।
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cookietastic · 2 months
You’re in art school right? Do you have any tips for making digital paintings like yours? They’re both hyper realistic and have a dream like quality to them that’s so amazing (also super excited for your prints, just ordered some!)
I graduated last year/that was my second degree :D!
A have a few things I can run down-
Photo reference. There are things I legit cannot get down right that I need photos for so my family ends up being my reference for things/I get photos from them doing poses I sometimes need.
If you can't get photo refs you can always use 3d models too to help with shadowing and where light should hit!
There's posemyart justsketchme -
Also anatomy4sculptors has some free photo scans and 3d models of the body
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2. Pureref
Feel like no one talks about pureref enough but I like to make little refs and inspo boards before I draw! Plus it's like free
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3. Thumbnailing
Omg please thumbnail. Like it's honestly a lot of fun cause you're not showing them really to anyone unless you need help picking but they're scribbles and doodles for you to know what you want your composition to look like or what the mood is gonna be
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Again they don't have to be anything special could be stick-figures or whatever but it's to help you plan
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4. Post-Work
I play around with curves and blurring so much like there's a lot that happens even after I finish comes sometimes I'm like "no I don't like these colors" and end up playing around with them more with curves and color balance
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I made a tutorial about curves here! I also talk about the darken and light layer here too cause they're legit my favorite layer modes to play with and not a lot of people talk about them. I can't find my one talking about blurring+ noise(if anyone finds it please link it over :D)I might have to make a new tutorial on those- I think one of the things that gives it that dreamy feeling is the blur I use-
I like to keep things I don't want so much attention on blurred out/ and keep things I want you to grab your attention more in focus
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also like using textures are fun too to add over art sometimes. It also makes like the art feel less sharp+ adding noise gives it that fuzzy look to it
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I like make my own to add over or use some I got over the years! They're fun to slap on and have as overlay
5. Bug your friends lmao
I have bugged @chrispypapas in the middle of the before to ask him for help/to give me a second eye on things cause 1. Sometimes there's something you don't catch your friends do and tell you what to fix or 2. You're being overcritical and it's fine
I hope this helps :D!
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remyfire · 3 months
korean war anaesthesia practices? please sir some korean war anaesthesia practices? 🤲🥺
God I am so excited. I love you.
What I need you to know is I spent multiple hours over multiple days researching this just for Leo Bardonaro backstory that I am probably never going to get to write in detail anyway. I headcanon Leo as an anesthesiologist. Also I think it's a shame that they stopped having at least one or two dedicated anesthesiologists in the show after Ugly John because it's such a complex set of measurements to understand and as important a trained specialty as any other. It's difficult to pick it up off the cuff if you haven't been properly educated. I appreciate little moments such as in Bug Out when Hawk snaps at BJ when Beej is the one setting up the anesthesia. Very true to life and history when anesthesiologists were thin on the ground in Korea and doctors or nurses did have to double up, and also affording MASH their smaller cast to focus on.
Side note, I discovered first in my research that anesthesiologist and anesthetist are two different terms. An anesthesiologist is a medical doctor while an anesthetist is a nurse who has received the training to administer anesthesia, either assisting the anesthesiologist or working independently. The more you know!
Now let's get to excited autistic rambling :D :D :D
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This is the Ohio 685A military model anesthesia machine, affectionately referred to as The Pig. This is the machine that was most commonly in use during the Korean War, all the way through to the beginning of the Vietnam War. It was important because it was lightweight, easy to disassemble, and it broke down into an easy-to-carry box in the event of the MASH unit needing to bug out.
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Look how cute it is!!! My best friend The Pig I love them so much. An anesthesiologist was not only keeping a close eye on vitals and ready to spring into action at a moment's notice, but they were also constantly watching the levels of administered nitrous oxide (what we know colloquially as laughing gas) and oxygen (which has to be administered as a level of at least 20%) to make sure they were giving enough to keep the patient under but not enough to cause them long-term damage of any kind. This is important given that nitrous oxide causes intracranial pressure, for example.
An interesting thing to note is that while they had begun to pioneer intubation as a way to administer an anesthetic in WWII and saw impressive results, in the Korean War, the majority of patients were still anesthetized by mask on account of the doctors having to work so quickly and efficiently that they most often defaulted to the techniques they were familiar with if they did not have to change. This might also be why a large number of doctors would choose to administer a spinal anesthetic instead of using a mask.
So the rabbit hole I really went down was how we typically see anesthesia used in media versus the reality of it. We're used to seeing them just put a mask on the patient's face and they're out immediately. Not quite accurate! Nitrous oxide alone will not put a patient to sleep. It's a wonderful pain reducer and produces a sense of euphoria and it's incredibly fast-acting, only taking a few minutes to reach full effect. But anesthesiologists would first administer something to induct unconsciousness, most popularly a dose of thiopental into the patient's IV line.
Thiopental is a barbiturate often used as an induction agent. Within 30 to 45 seconds, the drug reaches the brain and makes the patient unconscious (an interesting thing is that thiopental also reduces intracranial pressure, which was also helpful with the comment above about nitrous oxide causing that). But thiopental itself will wear off within around 5 to 10 minutes as the drug leaves the brain and circulates through the entire body, thus meaning the patient would wake back up.
This is where nitrous oxide comes in!! The thiopental injection induces unconsciousness and the nitrous oxide maintains it. Because nitrous oxide as a gas dissipates so quickly in our system, removing the mask will have a patient coming back to consciousness within minutes.
With how rapidly things had to move in surgery in a Korean War MASH unit, the anesthesiologists had to be on their fucking game. If they administered just a little too much of an induction agent or nitrous oxide, severe side effects could occur. Patients would suffer convulsions, damage to the brain. A wrong dose was a ticket to total shock, heart attacks, death. It's so stressful to read about and also so cool. The surgeons always get the big bucks but other doctors deserve their flowers too.
This was a fun hour of rambling!! Thank you for asking :D
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Dread Domicile
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"The Dread Gazebo Updated" 3-D model by Michael Zavala under the Creative Commons license. Accessed at My Mini Factory here
[Sponsored by @balmz. "Eric and the Dread Gazebo" is a classic bit of tabletop gaming lore, which is older than I am. I haven't had this exact experience, of course, but as someone who uses a large vocabulary at the table, I have been on the receiving end of similar confusion. Rather than just make mine a gazebo, I took inspiration from the AD&D house hunter mimic.]
Dread Domicile CR 16 NE Aberration What appeared to be a gazebo reveals itself as a monster, its entrance growing a fanged maw and lashing tentacles growing around its perimeter. It has leering, dreadful eyes.
A dread domicile is a giant variant of mimic, capable of disguising itself as a whole building. Cottages, barns, sheds and gazebos are common choices for camouflage, and the dread domicile can enhance the appearance with lights, props, and even the sounds of conversation, farm animals or music. Unlike ordinary mimics, dread domiciles are typically evil—they actively hunt and eat sapient prey above all others. A number of them live in shantytowns or other rundown urban neighborhoods, where their victims won’t go missed.
Dread domiciles are slow, so they use ambush to hunt. They can feel vibrations in the ground, and so usually close their eyes until a creature has actually touched it. Their gaze causes creatures to cower in fear, so any creature that is not glued in place is usually unable to assist its allies. Glued prey is then transferred to the domicile’s mouth and swallowed whole, sequestered in a little pocket that acts as a stomach. A dread domicile will swallow multiple creatures if it can, and rapidly reshapes itself to accommodate new victims if a creature cuts its way out. Because of their low speed, a dread domicile is more likely to surrender and try to negotiate for its life than it is to flee. They collect plenty of treasure, which they use as both bait and bribes.
Variant Dread Domicile A dread vessel is an aquatic version of a dread domicile. It masquerades as a small ship, or occasionally as a raft, floating driftwood or even a whale carcass. A dread vessel is a dread domicile with the aquatic subtype, amphibious special quality, a land speed of 10 feet and a swim speed of 40 feet. A dread vessel is still a CR 16 creature.
Dread Domicile    CR 16 XP 76,800 NE Gargantuan aberration Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +20, tremorsense 120 ft. Defense AC 30, touch 5, flat-footed 30 (-4 size, -1 Dex, +25 natural) hp 270 (20d8+180) Fort +17, Ref +5, Will +16 DR 15/magic and slashing; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10 Offense Speed 20 ft. Melee bite +21 (2d8+10 plus grab), 6 tentacles +19 (1d8+5 plus adhesive) Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Special Attacks gaze, swallow whole (AC 22, 27 hp, 2d6+10 bludgeoning and 2d6 acid) Statistics Str 31, Dex 8, Con 29, Int 12, Wis15, Cha 18 Base Atk +15; CMB +29 (+33 grapple); CMD 39 (cannot be tripped) Feats Blind-fight,Critical Focus, Deceitful, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Tiring Critical Skills Bluff +23, Climb +18, Disguise +26 (+46 as a building), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +16, Knowledge (engineering) +19, Perception +20, Sense Motive +17, Swim +18; Racial Modifiers +20 Disguise to appear as a building Languages Aboleth, Common SQ mimic building, sound mimicry (any) Ecology Environment any land or urban Organization solitary or development (2-6) Treasure standard Special Abilities Adhesive (Ex) A dread domicile exudes a thick slime that acts as a powerful adhesive, holding fast any creatures or items that touch it. An adhesive-covered dread domicile automatically grapples any creature it hits with its tentacle attack. Opponents so grappled cannot get free while the dreadful domicile is alive without removing the adhesive first, or if the dread domicile chooses. A weapon that strikes an adhesive-coated dreadful domicile is stuck fast unless the wielder succeeds on a DC 30 Reflex save. A successful DC 26 Strength check is needed to pry off a stuck weapon. A dread domicile can transfer a creature glued to itself in this way into its mouth with an action to maintain the grapple. Strong alcohol or universal solvent dissolves the adhesive, but the dread domicile can still grapple normally. A dreadful domicile can dissolve its adhesive at will, and the substance breaks down 5 rounds after the creature dies. The save DC is Strength-based, and the Strength check DC suffers a -4 racial penalty. Gaze (Su) Range 30 ft.; save Will DC 24; effect cower in fear 1d4 rounds. This is a fear effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Mimic Building (Ex) A dread domicile gains a +20 racial bonus on any Disguise checks to disguise itself as a building of Gargantuan size. It can change its color and texture, and even create open spaces or lights (which radiate light up to that of a torch). Disguise is always a class skill for dread domiciles. Swallow Whole (Ex) A dread domicile reshapes itself to have a separate stomach chamber for each creature it swallows.A creature that cuts itself out of a dread domicile has a 25% chance to cut into another chamber and thus remain swallowed. A dread domicile can use its swallow whole ability even if a creature cuts its way out.
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avissapiens · 10 months
How to be a Bull Ch 7: Work
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((FINALLY got to this one. Sorry yall.)) (Model is Elton Mota)
A prejudiced view might find it strange to see a Bull at such lofty heights in the corporate ladder. The uninitiated would see their size and assume that they have nothing to offer but eye-candy.
But our market research has shown that a large percentage of bulls actually thrive in high-achieving positions. Advertising, PR, R&D. Skilled professionals from doctors and lawyers to esteemed academics often get bit by the bull bug.
There is a clear set of transferable skills acquired when you spend your non-working hours totally gym obsessed. Discipline, Patience, Self-direction. Being able to work yourself, withstand the strain of constant progressive overload and always come back the next day ready for more.
Couple that with the bull lifestyle being more expensive than one would expect; with tons of protein, supplements and something’s extra. With specially tailored apparel because normal stores can’t contain your bulk any longer. With hyper-exclusive gym memberships and competition fee’s because that unending lust for growth requires constant improvement of facilities and community who shares your addiction.
The end result for the company is a driven, growth obsessed highly skilled worker who excels in handling large, well defined projects well ahead of the deadline because they know their muscle is at stake if they don’t.
*insert abyssal chanting*
Elton is the go-to guy for those big accounts at the Avis Athletics Agency. The look of absolute focus and fire in his eyes is sometimes frightening. Total dedication given to both sides of his life. They synthesize so naturally for him. It's like he puts every muscle and sinew into his work, and lets his work fuel every inch of growth. 
The gym at Agency HQ is state of the art, an obvious requirement given our team. But for Elton it basically functions as a secondary office space. On the phone talking with clients while he reps out a new PB on company time. He says his mind works best and is clearest when pumping iron. That pure euphoria of the mind-muscle connection truly boosting his performance through the roof. It’s such a potent addiction that when the gym was closed for maintenance for a month, the CFO offered to let Elton use his private suite just to keep his numbers high.
Company meetings with Elton are likewise a key to his productivity. The tight business attire straining around his form does end up distracting and reducing the overall work done by anyone else in the room, yes. But something about the attention drives our highest earning bull into a frenzy. Like his own personal audience. Intimately aware of how he outsizes every single man in the room. Going through the plan for an acquisition or a partnership deal that’ll PUMP PUMP PUMP the stock prices through the roof. Unconsciously flexing every time he gestures for a prop, veins visible beneath the sheer fabric of his dress shirt. Excitement palpable in the air as sweat trickles down that massive back, the fabric of his slacks starting to tighten even more. The rest of the boardroom doesn’t even need to speak. They know he’s got it.
In one wild 9-5 he gets the project that was slated to take 2 weeks on the CEO’s desk. Without a word he packed up and headed straight to the gym to unleash all that pent up energy. The CEO made a mental note to schedule more board meetings with Elton, and to make sure that his Holiday bonus was more than enough to ensure he came back from vacation 20lbs of pure muscle heavier 
To find resources to help embody your Bull Journey you can check out the Bull Archetype guide on my Patreon for free .If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also, be sure to join me and my community on Discord. 
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leianaberrie · 9 months
Season 6 pisses me off so bad. The way that season had so much shit introduced to it and just rushed through storylines, never explored them and just dropped others is infuriating. Like why introduced Sarah Salvatore and the flashback about Damon killing her mom if there was never gonna be a resolution to that? That actually would’ve been interesting to see Damon actually be confronted by Sarah. But oh no that would involve a plot where Damon is actually dealing with consequences.
The Gemini Coven
Mama Salvatore
The Heretics
All this shit being introduced and it didnt go any where.
To me Lily should’ve never been introduced.
It’s like they sidelined Sarah for Lily
And the Parkers for the Heretics.
And I have a theory on this.
Sarah would’ve made Damon look like the monster he is.
Whereas Lily creates more manpain episodes for Damon.
Same with the Parkers. They would’ve revolved around Kai and Bonnie. Whereas the Heretics includes the Salvatores. And Plec can’t have that.
It’s kind of amazing that they introduce Sarah with this incredible back story that connects the two brother and their past and their legacy… and put her in a D story with Enzo and Matt. They even model Sarah after human-Elena with the straight hair and jeans and they’re clearly expecting us to draw parallels between her humanity and the brothers being at odds over her … and do nothing with it. It’s crazy.
I completely agree that they shied from giving her story a proper resolution because it would highlight just how horrific Damon is… but that begs the question of why they created the storyline in the first place? And the same thing happened in season 5 by the way: they give Damon this Augustine back story where he’s been systematically traumatizing this family for generations… he murders Aaron, Elena’s newest bestie… and nothing. Crickets.
It’s pathetic how immature the writing around Damon is. The focus should be on moving his character forward, showing him grow and get better… but Julie can’t bring herself to do that because that would mean admitting how horrific he was in the beginning. So we have this kind of Retroactive Redemption where they insert reasons to woobify him:oh look, he was tortured by mad scientists, oh look his dad killed his pet turkey and was abusive, oh look his mom was a bad mom… And a lot of energy is directed towards this retconning of backstory and not moving his character forward.
There could have been room for Lily and Sarah if they were going to use Lily to give Damon a proper redemption arc - where they show that yes, Lily was horrible but he’s grown enough to forgive her, passing on the forgiveness he’s received from so many others. And to reverse parallel this, Sarah doesn’t owe him forgiveness and he never gets it from her and he has to live for that. And it would have been the perfect ending for him to die for her (and Stefan), his family, and not Elena the woman he's been obsessed.
The heretics were such a joke because they introduce them as this frightening combination of two powerful creatures - and the first one dies at the start of season 7 just like any other random vampire. And I can't wrap my head around writing off the entire Parker family. They build up Joshua to be an insidious antagonist in so many subtle ways and he just dies without any resolution with any of his children. His murder attempt of Jo is just swept under the rug.
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enswap · 10 months
First and foremost of CosPro is Eden, an eternal paradise that tempts the heart!
★5 [ Leader of Paradise ] Rei Sakuma ★4 [ Paradise's Dreams ] Eichi Tenshoin ★4 [ Clever Banters ] Madara Mikejima ★4 [ Shining Noble ] Izumi Sena
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When Adam and Eve combine, they become Eden, a noble unit that brims with life led by Rei Sakuma. As a group, they're known for how flashy they are; their performances are dramatic, and their fanservice can unify their audience through only their words. When doing work in media, they focus on jobs that utilizes their dazzling looks as a group, which includes being guests on talk programs, acting as commercial campaign personae, working as fashion models, and starring in both movies and theater plays. Their theme color is black. Eden is affiliated with COSMIC PRODUCTION. Eden is one of the top three units in the industry along with Knights and fine.
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CosPro is finally done! Hopefully y'all didn't mind waiting all of this time for me to finish all the cards instead of posting each unit as I went. We're officially more than halfway done with the inital cards!
Thank you for reading! Have a cookie ( .D. )>🍪
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dangara2610 · 4 months
(5/10) Varian attending a USA's high school - Part D and E
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Hello everybody 🌲🍓🌷 I'm hurrying up~
D) Varian and getting to know the extracurricular activities
Of course there are most science related groups, but there are also arts ones, Varian gives a try to the musical theatre group and feels good.
Then to a singing one and surprisedly he gets more support.
Also, on the fic of Migration to San Franstokio, I wanted to add the SFAI (rival of the SFTI ) hunting talents and asking Varian (among others) to please join the program of genius childs and get a scholarship on their colleague, but Varian rejected the offer, due to his principal focus on Chemistry and Engineering, arts is just a hobby.
He kept going there for the fun, and suddenly he gets lots of fans, even some people who send him fanart about him.
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E) Varian suffering body shaming
There was the tipical joke about "would you go out with me? , I would like to, hahaha did you seriously thought I would ask you out? " and some rival from the singing club wanted to do it to Varian
Due to Varian having still his crush for Cass, he said "no thank you" right away, and that ashamed this person in front of the people asked to be the backup laughs.
Then this person started to dirt talk about Varian, making sure everyone in the private chat group knew about how disgusting his face is, some people didn't agreeded until the person was being more descritive.
(With a biased selection of words in order to expel the hate) the person pointed about his big ears, big nose, how the buck teeth made the mouth look not so pretty, and someone took a picture from a unpleasant perspective to make fun of it)
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Next day, the people who knew about that private chat group would laugh at his presence, the curious people would ask why, get the explanation and laugh too, Varian was confused, keep doing his activities until during some free time someone mocked him directly.
Varian was never body shamed before and he thought this people were lying about the exaggerated ugly-standars, he was sure he was, maybe not a model, but a pretty guy.
Until someone called out how the fanart the people made about him, was with normal (size reduced ) ears, generic nose and normal front teeth, how most people ignore the "ugly side" just because the big blue puppy eyes until realizing the reality.
Then Varian started to believe, and feel "ugly" from now on, he would lose his spark, he would hide half his face with a hand or something whenever people turned to watch him, he would participate less in class.
He was pretty cool at showing his knowledge to the class, but now, he would raise his hand to answer the teacher question to then lower the hand and hide.
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Then I liked to imagine he would be found by Nuru (in this futuristic alternative universe if course, hehehe) she was front another class room, but she was curious and got closer
And she would talk to him to cheer him up or open up, he would express about how judged he felt because of his appearance, and the worst was them being right and speaking the truth.
But then Nuru talked about how much she was judged because of her dry hair, big lips and dark skin, most of that people tough these characteristics were ugly, but she wouldn't let them down her self esteem, there is no need to match their beauty standards, friends would not judge you, and if they are not your friends, their opinion is cheap and unwanted.
Varian was relieved and a new friendship started.
Thanks for reading 🌾🌱🌱🍋‍🟩☘️☀️🌺🌺☘️☀️
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infragilehearts · 2 months
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— whoa! VALERIE CHAMBERS just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 1 YEAR, working as a PART TIME BARTENDER, PART TIME CHEF. that can’t be easy, especially at only 29 YEARS. some people say they can be a little bit SASSY and SNEAKY, but I know them to be COURAGEOUS and FRIENDLY. whatever. I guess I’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to THE BRONX! — (taylor, 25+, EST, they/them, none)
wanted connections | full navi | pinterest | musings blog | full bio -- the group
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full name:;  valerie marianna isabelle chambers
nicknames:;  val
gender:;  born female
pronouns:;  she/her
sexual preference:;  bisexual
relationship role:;  easily submissive, sometimes dominates
birthdate:; november 10th 1994, aged twenty-nine years
birthplace:;  nashville, tennessee & hart, michigan
zodiac sign:;  scorpio
spouse / lover:;  none currently
face & voice claim:;  sofia carson
height:;  5′7″
eyes:;  has chestnut brown eyes – wears glasses at home and contacts when she’s out in the world
hair:;  naturally dark brown
body art:;  has a few tattoos and ear piercings as well as a nose piercing on the left side of her nose
other distinguishing features:;  has a scar on her inner right thigh and on the lower part of her stomach
fashion sense:;  classy, casual, comfy
body type:;  her weight/body type changes but she’s always healthy with the standard more straight (not so curvy) model body
traits:; funny, friendly, clumsy, out-going, sassy, sneaky, bright, courageous
fears:;  not being able to have a future with someone, love, being hurt by someone she trusts
hobbies:;  cooking, baking, reading, dancing, hanging out with friends
skills:;  singing, playing piano, writing poems, cooking, baking, bartending
quirks:;  clumsy, sassy, sometimes bites lip or nails
mother:;  ramona marciella chambers
father:;  andrew rodrigo chambers
siblings:;  none
children:;  none yet, unsure if she wants any
pets:;  two dogs named snoopy and brownie
ice cream flavour:;  cookie dough & cookies and cream
food:;  shrimp, most pasta dishes, most mexican dishes, most sweets
time of the day / night:;  night
season:;  summer
holiday:;  halloween & christmas
animal:;  dogs, foxes & wolves
colour:;  purple, blue & black
scent:;  freshly baked goodies
musician/band:;  selena, avril lavigne, queen, green day
occupation:;  part time bartender at retro & part time chef at diner
education:;  high school graduate, never did college but took culinary & mixology classes after graduating
bad habits:;  drinking, one some occasions experiments with weed
a cherished item:;  a black gem ring from her mother
random fun fact:;  she doesn’t always wear bras and underwear
random fun fact 2:;  loves having bangs but doesn’t always like the up keep
trigger warning:; none yet, will write soon
—- C H I L D H O O D  —-
[coming soon] 
valerie was born an only child to ramona marciella chambers and andrew rodrigo chambers in nashville, tennessee til she was five years old in which then they moved to hart, michigan and this is where she grow up and lived out the rest of her life. in her teen years she has a history of heartbreaks, trying to find her perfect person. during this time she learned about her sexuality, however. this also lead her to falling into a partying time in her life. she still currently does this from time to time to unwind and just have a good time with friends or even just to feel herself. however, definitely not as much as she used to. valerie values her mum more than anything but she’s lost contact with her father since her mom and him divorced before the move to michigan so she has no connection to him but gets along fine.
once she finished school, her focus really became culinary and she taught herself some of her cooking and baking skills. she took culinary classes to further her learning and she managed to get her first job at a local restaurant. valerie was truly happy and felt in her element with her culinary skills. for a while she lived with her mum, up until her passing. this lead to her hiding in her work for a while and she took up mixology classes to mix as well as serve drinks at the restaurant as well sometimes.
as soon as she could afford it, valerie packed up her life and left michigan, moving out to new york and making herself at home in the bronx. it wasn't the most ideal at first, but she managed to get a couple jobs in the area for her skills. this easily helped her start to feel at home again.
—- C U R R E N T L Y  —-
valerie has managed to live her life rather well in town, even explores as much as she can (mostly of the bronx area) in her free time. she's put all her focus into her work still, but also enjoys meeting people and hanging out as well as reading and a few other hobbies. she tries not to think about her life back home or her mother often but on those hard days, she really keeps to herself or works even more than normal.
[ will try to update as time goes on ]
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enlitment · 4 months
Top five history books?
Thank you for the ask! ✨
Some of my favourites may be well known at this point after the book ask, but I'll try not to repeat myself too much!
1. Ghosts in the Middle Ages: The Living and the Dead in Medieval Society by Jean-Claude Schmitt
A fascinating book on a rather niche topic which explores the changes in people's belief about ghosts/souls of the dead coming back to life. Schmitt does not only focus on obscure anecdotes however; he analyses what role the so called 'revenants' came to play in medieval society (spoiler alert: the Catholic church used stories about them to their advantage to pressure people into paying indulgences and/or spread Catholic doctrine).
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2. Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge by Georg G. Iggers
Not sure if this is cheating or not, since I had to read it for uni? The title sounds quite bland, but I actually enjoyed reading it quite a bit! It gives you a framework for how to think about other history books in terms of reliability and potential biases. The author also explores the question where is the line between history and fiction (and whether it is as clear-cut as we would like to think). (It also defends the Age of Enlightenment legacy from postmodern criticism which I appreciate, though I'm not sure this would be of much interest to people who don't study/aren't into philosophy.) Still, it's quite a short, comprehensive read and a great place to start when one wants to learn more about historiography imo.
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3. The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History by Robert Darnton
Probably my favourite book on this list, since it hits so many of my areas of interest (French history, the 1700s, cultural and especially book history). It includes six essays which analyse different aspects of French culture across different social classes, ranging from villagers' fairy tales to analysing the texts of the Encyclopédistes. It's also very engaging and fun to read, though be warned, if you like cats, maybe skip the titular chapter, the name is quite literal I'm afraid!
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4. Jean Paul Marat: Tribune of the French Revolution by Clifford Conner
Okay, I'll confess, I'm only about half-way through, but I'm really liking it so far! It reads more like an apology/ a text that tries to correct some of the problems with previous biographies on Marat, but I actually quite like it. It makes for an interesting read.
The author definitely has biases on his own, since it is clear that he shares much of Marat's political views, but a) he's upfront about the fact b) I don't think that the goal of all historical books should be to be as objective as possible - there's a room for subjectivity in my opinion, as long as it is reflected c) he cites his sources much more meticulously than - let's say - Scurr d) his biases are also my biases
Plus, Marat is such an interesting figure to read about! That said, this Goodreads commenter puts it much better than I ever could:
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5. From Olympus to Pantheon: The Religion and Ethics in Ancient Times by Ladislav Vidman
A super interesting and accessible overview of the religious practices of ancient Greece and Rome! The author explains that many books focus on mythology, but his aim is to explore the lesser known aspects of the Greek and Roman religiosity, such as the ritual sacrifices, the oracles, the mysteries etc. It was a fascinating read, though the chapter on the sacrifices was very, very vivid in its descriptions.
(The author also seems to low-key have a crush on Vergil, explaining how he was a great role model and essentially beautiful inside and out. Not a deciding factor, but definitely a bonus!)
I unfortunately don't think the book was ever translated from Czech though, which is a shame. It would be certainly worth it!
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blond-b · 1 year
TW: €D
My new rules for myself
Try not to eat high cal foods unless it’s in front of someone else (you need to keep others thinking that you DO eat normal, but you don’t have to eat more than it takes to convince others)
No more than ONE sweet a day (you are a fat ass, and you will binge a whole tray of brownies if your not careful. Never eat more than ONE)
No excuses about exercising (aw, your a little sore? Get over it. Do at least 5 miles, unless your in extreme pain, or physically can not exercise, there is no excuse.)
Do more than cardio. (You KNOW that muscle burns more calories than fat, you also know that your tummy looks frumpy even if your skinny… unless you tone it up. Don’t be lazy, you have no excuses. Do your workouts)
Always be moving (sitting down? Wiggle your toes or bounce your feet. Laying in bed? Do leg raises, or side leg raises, and move your arms some. Standing in line? Shift weight from one leg to another. Even small movements burn more cal than if you weren’t doing them.)
Only binge on foods that don’t matter (your high and wanna binge? Okay, eat watermelon, have an ice pop, have some broccoli, or strawberries. NO JUNK, save your junk food for your sober mind to decide on)
Stay active on rest days (you get one day a week to not exercise, that however does NOT mean be lazy. Instead, clean your room, play with your dog, go swimming, clean the kitchen, do anything to get some passive movements in. Your resting your exercises muscles today, NOT your whole body.)
No lying to yourself. (You binged? You went over on cals? Ate too much of a cal dense food? LOG IT. Telling yourself “I know I messed up, I don’t need to log it to know it” has to stop. You need to be honest with your future self, she’ll ask “why didn’t I lose any weight this week??” And she deserves to look back and see why. That and lying to your app just sets yourself for failure. You won’t know how much to restrict to make it up.)
Fruit/veggie fast the day after a high cal day. (You fucked up. Get over it, and fix it. Only eat low cal fruits and vegetables the next day, you’ll feel full but still be in a cal deficit. You may be starving, but you don’t need to feel it.)
Rules I’ll be implementing when school (college) starts back up
At least one day a week, eat less than 500 cal.
Meal prep low cal high nutrient foods. (You need protein, you DONT need extra calories. Boil some chicken, shred it, add some low cal seasoning. Do NOT add unnecessary things like oils, mayo, ranch, cream cheese NO. You want the protein that why you eat. Not for enjoyment)
You have a free gym membership, use it. (Oh, it’s ‘embarrassing’ working out in front of others? Get tf over it. You need to use the treadmill, and the stair master can burn EVEN MORE. Get over yourself and do it)
Bad weather isn’t an excuse. (It’s snowing? Tuff luck. Walk your ass to the gym and go on the treadmill. Its raining? Same thing, walk your ass to the gym and work out. Excuses build fat.)
Eat within your calorie deficit every day. (you have roommates? Worried the will notice how little you eat? Say you eat breakfast in your room, they don’t know what you keep there. They start acting worried? Wake up before them, say you ate. Get home after them, say you ate out. Lie.)
Rules for once I hit my UGW (125lbs)
Don’t stop. (So, your skinny now? So what. You can still look better. You can still lose fat. It’s time to focus on BUILDING muscle. Of course, not too much you don’t want to look like a man, but enough that you could be a swimsuit model.)
Track with Pictures more than anything (the plan is to build some muscle while cutting fat still now, yeah? So the number on the scale won’t be a completely accurate reflection of your efforts anymore {this does not mean stop weighing yourself}. You can look skinnier and weigh more with muscle, and we care about LOOKS not numbers)
Don’t let the doc.’s know. (This is where building muscle can come in handy. You don’t want to be stopped, so weigh a “healthy” weight, but let that “healthy” weight come from muscle, not fat. They never have to know.)
Don’t get bulky. (Yes, we’ve now switched mindsets from LOSING weight to GAINING muscle. That does not mean get bulky. Your goal is to look like a activewear model. Toned, fit, strong, but still dainty.)
Don’t stop cardio. (Cardio is what will KEEP you lean. Adding strength training does not allow you to cut out cardio. Remember, we NEVER want to look bulky.)
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oldafcameras · 1 year
The Legend of Korra has TERRIBLE animated cameras. Screenshots taken from season 1 episode 9, Out Of The Past.
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Here we clearly see someone with a 4x5 bellows camera. I'll give them credit for the flash, which is accurate if a tad early for when the setting is calling back to. Since it's fantasy, they can do what the want. What they CANNOT do, is clearly show a plate camera and treat it like it's digital. The way he's holding it he's looking at the blank plate holder. And he's exposed that same plate about five times in this short scene.
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This one straight up implies this camera is an SLR. For those of you who just had a moment of 'Huh??', an SLR is the kind of camera where you can see if your image is in focus before you take the picture. DSLRs are a digital version of that, and most younger film cameras are SLRs, the analog version. A plate camera, like this one, relies on a rangefinder if it has something at all. Having used similar cameras, they typically require you to hold the camera at your waist or chest and look into a small mirror mounted on top of the lens.
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This is a plate camera. (This is actually likely the style or model they were referencing) They are essentially the high resolution cameras of the film world, they take pictures on metal plates of varying sizes, but the standard is 4 inches by 5 inches. If you think of those old cameras with a cloth covering your head, that's the kind of camera we're talking about.
'But Jack', I hear you ask, 'those cameras had a viewfinder on the back that showed if the subject was in focus!'
I answer you that that was for a very specific reason: the lens on those cameras operated differently than the one this camera is harkening back to. I'll save the explanation but know that this is a different kind of camera.
In short: Legend of Korra, for as much as I love it, gets a D in Vintage Camera Portrayal.
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Pitch for a Dark Pictures Anthology game:
1) The title
2) The prologue
In 1963, Dr. Sean West and Dr. Sadie Miller (the red herring protagonists) are members of the illegal CIA program Project MKUltra. They are experimenting on a woman who they believe has some sort of telepathic power.
Things go awry when the woman escapes, resulting in a massacre of the entire staff. West and Miller attempt to escape, but are eventually slaughtered by the unnamed woman.
(The order and manner in which Sean and Sadie can die will be affected by the players’ actions)
3) The main story
In the present day, the focus is on a fashion show in Milan, Italy. Our main characters are patrons of the show, there to enjoy the spectacle. The show is run by an elderly billionaire named Lawrence Donahue, who was apparently a big deal in American politics during the 1970s.
The show suddenly takes a turn for the worst with the arrival of two teenagers; Francis and his sister April. The two teenagers get into a fight and the crowd kicks both of them out, believing them to be unruly protestors of opposing causes.
That’s when it’s revealed that Francis and April are the great-grandchildren of the unnamed woman from the prologue. The woman’s descendants all ended up developing some sort of telepathic/telekinetic power. Francis has the power of mind control, to create mental illusions, and change how people view the world (so he’s like the fear gas from Man of Medan). April has telekinesis (so she’s Carrie or Eleven).
It’s revealed that Lawrence Donahue was a high-ranking member of Project MKUltra. In response to the unnamed woman’s rampage in 1963, Lawrence sent mercenaries to kill her in 1983. Since then, the unnamed woman’s family has tried to avenge her death, but failed every time.
Francis is here to kill Lawrence. April is here to stop Francis, believing that the desire for revenge is tearing the family apart. Unfortunately, our main heroes are caught in the middle of Francis and April’s fight. It’ll be up to the players to survive the showdown, as well as determine which sibling wins.
4) Inspirations
The real life Project MKUltra, obviously
Stranger Things (specifically El vs. Vecna)
Kilgrave from Jessica Jones
The Umbrella Academy
Resident Evil (sorta, kinda)
5) Main protagonists
a. Chris “Reaper Rick” Bernstein (RELAXED, CONFIDENT): A mainstream hip hop rapper of Jewish and African-American descent. Despite his wealth, he’s down-to-earth and more focused on giving back to his family. He is played by the special celebrity guest star, Daveed Diggs, who you might recognize as Lafayette/Jefferson from the Broadway musical Hamilton.
b. Alison Parker (ARROGANT, OVERBEARING): A wealthy socialite and influencer from the UK. She blatantly admits that the only reason she’s attending the show was for the clout since this was the biggest fashion show of the year.
c. Cho Woo-Jin (COMPLEX, ABRASIVE): The CEO of a South Korean soju company. He was attending the fashion show to get away from his crumbling family life at home, while also supporting his daughter who is one of the runway models.
d. Cho Eun-bi (ADVENTUROUS, AMBITIOUS): Woo-Jin’s daughter and one of the runway models of the fashion show. She is close to her father, but wants to distance herself from her family by achieving her own wealth as an international model.
e. Hector Morales (BRAVE, TEMPERAMENTAL): One of the staff workers. It’s revealed that he hates the hospitality industry due to how the wealthy treat the staff, which is why he doesn’t get along with the other four protagonists at first. Hector fulfills the role of the protagonist who is different from the other 4 (Fliss, John, Salim, Charlie).
6) Other ways to change the ending: Francis or April?
Aside from keeping your characters alive, you can determine who wins the sibling war. So either Francis or April will be the final boss. The game can end with -
* Francis wins by killing April. He then goes on to kill Lawrence Donahue. However, Francis goes on to keep killing as he’s lost his marbles at this point. This would be one of the bad endings.
* April wins by reluctantly killing Francis, thus stopping the rampage. Donahue’s crimes are exposed and is arrested, thus the family gets their revenge anyways. This would be one of the good endings.
* Francis and April both lose since the players choose to tell both of them to fuck off. This results in Francis and April killing each other, leading to the total destruction of the area. The characters can still survive by escaping to safety. This would be a neutral ending.
In all endings, the survival of the 5 protagonists is a separate factor. You can save all of your protagonists in either scenario.
7) Bonus
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inmytwilighteraagain · 3 months
Hello! I would like a free tarot reading!
1 . Am i meant to be very famous one day( like be an it girl)?
2. Will I be a billionare?
3. Could I be very famous in kpop and be an EGOT?
4. Will I be at harvard as an undergraduate until 2026? What i need to do to be there?
5. What path i need to take to be highly famous ( like Jennie Kim level or Lalisa level)?
6. Can i be a famous person that people recognize the talents ? Like because i want to go back to draw, paint, dance and sing. I want to start in compose my own songs, design clothes, do sports , speak many languages ( i already know portuguese, english and intermediary japanese and spanish), be a leader, learning new things every day, model, acting and be a filmmaker.
7. What i need to do to have a huge glow up ( being unrecognizable)?
8. Does my future spouse is rich, famous and foreigner ( i am asking this because my birth chart say that).
thankssss 💕💕💕
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A. Will you be a very famous it girl?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Ace of wands
1. the Ace of Wands is a positive sign, indicating that you have the potential and passion to become an "it girl." The outcome will depend on how you channel this energy and pursue your goals.
B. Will you be a billionaire?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Nine of pentacles
1. The Nine of Pentacles indicates that you have the capability to accumulate wealth and achieve a high level of financial success, but it does not guarantee billionaire status.
C. Famous in K-pop and be an EGOT
Card(s) pulled;
1. Knight of wands
1. The Knight of Wands encourages you to be proactive, adventurous, and willing to take risks to achieve your ambitions in the music industry. It also encourages you to be proactive, adventurous, and willing to take risks to achieve your ambitions in the music industry.
D. Will you be a Harvard undergraduate till 2026 & what you need to do to get there
Card(s) pulled;
1. King of cups
2. The star
3. Three of cups
4. Ten of wands
1. To achieve your goal of becoming a Harvard undergraduate, the King of Cups advises you to approach your academic journey with emotional intelligence and maturity. Cultivate a balanced mindset, stay calm under pressure, and nurture strong relationships with mentors and peers.
2. This card symbolizes hope, inspiration, and guidance. It suggests that you have a clear vision and aspirations for attending Harvard. The Star encourages you to maintain faith in your abilities and dreams. Set clear goals, stay focused on your path, and believe in your potential to achieve admission to Harvard.
3. To enhance your chances of becoming a Harvard undergraduate, the Three of Cups advises you to build a supportive network. Engage actively in extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or community service that aligns with your passions and showcases your leadership and teamwork skills.
4. To reach your goal of attending Harvard, the Ten of Wands indicates that you must be prepared to handle academic challenges and workload efficiently. Manage your time effectively, prioritize your studies, and seek help when needed to lighten the burden.
E. What path do you need to take to be highly famous?
Card(s) pulled;
1. The world
1. to be highly famous according to the World card, focus on mastering your craft, seeking global recognition, maintaining authenticity, achieving significant milestones, and making a meaningful impact.
F. Can you be a famous person with recognisable talents?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Temperance
2. Three of pentacles
3. The empress
1. To become a famous person with recognizable talents, Temperance advises you to approach your pursuits with a balanced and harmonious mindset. Cultivate patience as you develop your skills and navigate your career. Avoid rushing into fame; instead, focus on steady progress and long-term growth.
2. To achieve fame with recognizable talents, the Three of Pentacles suggests that you should focus on honing your skills to a high level of proficiency. Collaborate with others in your field, seek constructive feedback, and strive for excellence in your work.
3. The Empress indicates that you possess innate talents and creativity that can captivate others. To become famous with recognizable talents, embrace your creative abilities fully. Express yourself authentically, explore different avenues for showcasing your talents, and nurture your ideas with care and passion.
Combined interpretation:
Together, these cards suggest that you have the potential to become a famous person known for your talents. Focus on cultivating balance and patience, mastering your skills through collaboration and recognition, and embracing your creativity with confidence
G. What do you need to do to have an unrecognisable glow up?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Three of wands
1. To achieve an unrecognizable glow up, as indicated by the Three of Wands in tarot, you should focus on expanding your horizons by stepping out of your comfort zone and actively seeking new opportunities for growth. Set clear goals and create a strategic plan to transform aspects of your life or self-image, embracing change with ambition and resilience. Seek opportunities to expand your skills, knowledge, and social connections, and maintain a forward-thinking mindset focused on your long-term vision for personal evolution. By taking proactive steps and staying committed to your journey of growth, you can achieve a significant and unrecognizable glow up that reflects your inner transformation and newfound confidence.
H. Is your future spouse rich, foreign and famous?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Queen of cups
2. Knight of pentacles
1. It suggests that your future spouse will have a nurturing and emotionally supportive nature.
However, it does not specifically indicate wealth, foreign origin, or fame.
2. It indicates that your future spouse will be hardworking and focused on building stability and security, which could imply financial responsibility and potential for wealth. However, the Knight of Pentacles typically suggests a more modest and steady accumulation of wealth rather than immediate or extravagant riches. This card does not strongly indicate foreign origin or fame.
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still, thanks for the request!!
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sschmendrick · 20 days
So what's a line array ?
(Reminder that I am literally just finishing school therefore I still have a lot to learn and what I may be saying might be erroneous at times from a misunderstanding of some audio notions)
Well before we get in the nitty gritty of things, let's visualise what we're talking about. You see the big column (line) of speakers on the left of the stage ? That's a line array : (picture by me of Bons Sons Festival)
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They are a solution to the need for louder systems (and more problems). As concerts got bigger, the concert halls became bigger and bigger as well, however there's a terrible thing in audio called attenuation and that's when the sound level diminishes because of the air resistance. The further a soundwave goes, the less powerful it becomes and the less you hear it. There's a very simple equation for that : number of dB (sound level) lost = 20log(distance). It means you would lose 32 dB in 40m, that's a lot !
There's a real need for louder system. And at first we had the Wall of Sound. A monster made of speakers, stacked on top of each other, up to 10m (32 feet) tall. This is the grandpa of line arrays.
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There is a problem however. If the simple solution to "one speaker alone cannot produce enough sound for a whole crowd" seems to be "well just put more on top of it", this doesn't take into account the fact that the soundwaves produced by one speaker will interact with the soundwaves produced by another speaker and this will result in overlapping zones where it either adds the two (bigger sound), or substract one from the other (holes in the spectrum). This leads to using more speakers than necessary to cover those holes.
If these speakers could create a cohesive line front then you wouldn't need as much speakers. This means you want them to act as ONE speaker : as one SOURCE. What you need is for your line array to act like a line source.
In the early 90s Christian Hail (founder of L-Acoustics) determined the physical conditions needed for a line array to have a coherent wavefront. There are 5 criterias to the WST (Wavefront Structure Technology). If a line array conforms to all 5 then it will behave like a line source and be of great help for large concert halls and open air events. Nowadays a lot of softwares have been developped (usually one per manufacturer) to help with all the calculations : you only need to create a model of the venue in the software, select what speakers you are using and then give a maximum height (and other information that you have) and you can visualize how each speaker will behave, where will their energy be focalized, how they will interact with heat map and a lot of cool stuff.
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(yes I know ArrayCalc is for d&b but it's the one I used the most at school)
Anyway the 5 criterias :
First we have the ARF, the Active Radiating Factor. This says that the wavefront created needs to be bigger or at least 80% equal to the total length of the line.
Then you have the STEP. The Step is the distance between two sources's acoustic centers. It should not be bigger than half of the wavelength of the highest frequency producessed. For example if the higher frequency produced is 100Hz (3.4m), then the distance between two speakers should not exceed 1.7m. However this becomes 0.17m for 1kHz and 0.01m for 16kHz. It becomes apparent that for higher frequencies it is almost physicaly impossible to have the correct step.
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The third criteria treats of the wavefront's curve. It can be accepted, as it will natureally be when created by a speaker. The wavefront being curved there will be a slight difference in the distance needed to get to the audience between the top of the curve (the highest point) and the sides who are curved. However there is a limitation on how curved it can be. It can be calculated and it must be inferior to 1/4th of the highest wavelength. Waveguides were created to help "sculpt" that wavefront.
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The last two criterias focus on keeping the line source's angle variable without losing the coherence of the wavefront.
The fourth criteria takes into account the sound level attenuation according to the distance. To keep the attenuation at 3dB per doubling of the distance, the angle between each speaker must be inversely proportional to the distance to the adience. This means the further away the audience member is, the more closed the angles between the speakers are.
And finally the last criteria determines the maximum angle between each element of the line array. This is to avoid the holes in the audio spectrum. It is an equation that I'm not going to try and write on tumblr.
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Taken right from my thesis haha.
If the line array agrees to all these criterias it can be considered a line source. Line arrays usually take care of the audience further away on the ground and also in the balconies/stories/heights. There is a real need to understand how far your stage speakers will produce good sound (especially with all the fills you have on the front of the stage) and adapt the placement of your line arrays (or its general curvature).
Its line aspect also influences the shape of the hot spot. For a lone speaker the hot spot is going to be near it, at it's acoustic center, then attenuated in a spherical manner. For a line array, it will produce a hot spot in a line. This transforms the heat map. That's how you can have big concert halls with a general sound level that is very homogenous (the people in the front still have the most sound level/sound pressure). Understanding how they work allows you to create blind spots voluntarily (for example because of architecture).
Line arrays are almost present at every concerts now. But be careful with the fingers when setting them up !!
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enswap · 1 year
Last of StarPro-- but definitely not least-- here is ALKALOID, piercing through the suit of your heart!
★5 [ Leader of Cards ] Tetora Nagumo ★4 [ Bread Maniac ] Mitsuru Tenma ★4 [ Bizarre Chef ] Niki Shiina ★4 [ Hibernating Giant ] Kuro Kiyru
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The rising stars of Starmaker Productions, ALKALOID is a unit with cutting-edge rock music, and is led by Tetora Nagumo. With a cool and rebellious attitude, they're an aggressive unit that rushes into things head-first. When doing work in media, they focus on jobs like talk shows, appearing as radio show guests, helping out with music programs, fashion modeling, publicity work, and similar. They are affiliated with Starmaker Productions.
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WOOOO! and all of StarPro's initial cards are done! I honestly didn't think I would get this far into this AU
also it took me until Niki's card to remember that some characters have slightly darker/lighter skin... so.. some of the earlier cards may not match exactly. oops.
Onto CosPro! Time for my skrunklies~
If you've been sticking with me since the begining of the AU, thank you so fucking much! And if you're new here, thank you for taking the time to check my silly project out! You all get cake (^D^)>🍰
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