#7-8 years old me would be so happy that i still in this fandom
linxunderlife3 · 2 years
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It's been 7 years, and I will forever love this game with all my heart <3
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welivetodream · 4 days
✨ My BSD hot takes/unpopular opinions ✨:
1. Identifying BSD characters as Queer, is not problematic. STOP being so Heteronormative. Gay characters are not gonna kill you.
If I see another "BuT tHe ChArAcTeRs nEvEr SaId tHeY aRe GaY" I would bomb you 💣/j
2. Skk/SSKK/Fyolai/other popular ships, exist because people like it. If you don't ship them, don't engage with their content. Not all shippers act crazy and toxic. Stop blaming everything on shippers.
3. Atsushi/Kyouka is problematic, stop justifying it with "only 4 year age gap". Kyouka is a CHILD, ship her with Kenji if you want. Atsushi, like a normal 18 year old would never look at a highschool freshman and date her. Even if they date in the future, he knew her when she was younger and they had a sibling like dynamic. Lucy is a way better love interest to Atsushi (Don't know if this is an unpopular opinion tho, but I saw some people justifying it 😐😐😐)
4. DAZAI IS NOT EVIL. HE IS FAR FROM EVIL. He is, despite being super popular and the face of BSD, the most mischaracterized and villified character. Morally grey characters exist??!!!
5. Mori is a way worse person than Dazai ever was.
6. PM members get a free pass for any heinous crime they commit by being hot or babygirl-ified (still love them tho, we do not often discuss how bad their actions have been, you can like criminals and acknowledge they are criminals in fiction. I would add DoA to this too, but it's worse with the PM)
7. Akutagawa's abuse of Kyouka shouldn't be forgotten just because Dazai abused Akutagawa.
8. Mori emotionally manipulated and abused Dazai when he was a teen. Just because it wasn't physical, doesn't mean it was nothing.
9. Atsushi is NOT a soft boy, he is way bitter, salty and sarcastic than we give him credit
10. Poe is important to Ranpo and their friendship/relationship is wholesome as hell
11. Ranpo and Yosano's friendship is way better than them being in a relationship in the future
12. FukuFuku is better than Fukumori (imo!!!!)
13. Buying real authors work after watching BSD is actually a really good thing, since more Gen z kids (or other people) will read classics
14. There are layers to Atsushi and Akutagawa relationship/rivalry, and they have the MOST important relationship (not meaning romantic, just in general) in the entire canon.
15. Kunikida and Yosano could be a power couple
16. Fyodor is not a great villain (yet)
17. Nikolai CARRIES the DoA
18. Sigma shouldn't be in the ADA, he needs a happy home, family and some time to adjust to normal life
19. Q and Elise are both underused characters and could become a great dynamic
20. Ango deserves more love, the amount of pressure and stress he deals with is INSANE
21. It's OKAY if everyone joins the fandom for Dazai or skk (I did at first too!!)
22. Higuchi is annoying as hell. I do not get her hype, I like her but not as much as most people (just personal opinion, do not flame me 😭)
23. Everyone in The Guild is forgettable or boring (except Fitzgerald, Poe and Lucy. I like Louisa, but I forget her all the time)
24. Hetero ships are just not that great/interesting in BSD to me 🤷🏻‍♀️ (except maybe AtsuLucy or rare pairs) and female characters are not best utilised, I wish they play more major roles (can't wait for Agatha to arrive!!)
25. Some fan theories/arts get the story better than "canon" stuff at times. Fanon is NOT always the worst (sometimes enjoyable when the canon gets too dark or sad)
26. Toxic ships are okay in fiction as long as they are legal. Humans like toxic things, we consume it like junk food 💅🏻
(These are all personal opinions of mine and do not matter. Feel free to disagree. But, do not hate or be toxic!!!! 😇😇😇😇)
(PS: I compiled all these because of posts I have seen in, Reddit, Pinterest, Twitter and sometimes Tiktok. These aren't really abt you Tumblr folks. I meant to post this on reddit but did not have the courage or mental strength lol)
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June Creator of the Month: Thosehallowedhalls
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Please welcome this month’s Creator of the Month is @thosehallowedhalls.
Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists. The writer or artist is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page. Past COTM's can be found here.
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1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played?
I can't remember exactly. 2021, I think? Laws of Attraction was on its tenth chapter.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined in January of this year. I was upset with Crimes of Passion 2, so I wrote a couple of stories about it. I had deactivated my old Tumblr long ago, so I had to open a new one.
3- How did you pick your blog name?
I love old buildings - the history, the ambiance. I tried hallowedhalls, but it was taken, so I added the article.
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!
I… have zero recollection of this post. But I'm big on nostalgia and mourning past times, so the fact that this was my first post tracks.
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both?
I write fanfiction. I've been teaching myself to draw, but I'm not anywhere near close to sharing what I do.
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
I started writing fanfiction way back in… 2010? For about four or five years. Then I stopped until December 2023.
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
Crimes of Passion on both counts.
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
That would be The 2 AM Christmas Tree Farm, inspired by The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. I do still like it, but I would tighten up the writing a bit. I had barely written any fiction for several years at that point, and the lack of practice shows.
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created?
I keep going back and forth between The 2 AM Christmas Tree Farm and Home Without. Both are angsty short series.
10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
I was taken aback by the comments on The 2 AM Christmas Tree Farm. I'd posted it on AO3 a few weeks before, and had gotten a handful of kudos and one comment, but within 24 hours of posting it here, I had several lovely reblogs. It was a welcome surprise. Stories with fewer comments… I guess Home Without. The first chapter got quite a bit of love, but by the time the final chapter rolled around, fewer people were interacting.
11- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
I love a balance, but I'd say angst with a happy ending. I enjoy the breadth of emotions angst lets you explore.
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
There are bits and pieces of me in all of them. Emma has my sarcasm, and Raine has my need to look for the best in people. There may be more, but if so, it wasn't done intentionally.
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
Perfectionism. Like I said before, the lack of writing practice shows. I know that the only way to get better is to keep writing, but I hate seeing the gap between what I do and what I want to do. Catch-22.
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
My Sebastyan x Emma fic, Of Cloudless Climes and Starry Skies. There are only a couple of chapters left, but I've been struggling with it for a couple of months now.
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first?
Oh, hell no.
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
So many writers have influenced my writing throughout the years, including authors I do not currently read. The Brontë sisters, Charles Dickens, Nora Roberts, Jane Austen, Courtney Milan, Alyssa Cole… I could go on and on. Fanfic writers… There are a lot, but off the top of my head, @inlocusmads, @coffeewithcutcaffeine, @gaiuskamilah, @aria-ashryver, @jerzwriter, @dutifullynuttywitch, @aces-and-angels, @petalouda85, and @storyofmychoices. I know there are more.
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series?
Home Without. I'm a sucker for good pining, and I'd love to see all that mutual longing play out onscreen - not to mention that reunion.
18- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art?
I do. I'm currently working on a horror short story, a MG novel, and a dual timeline mystery that's still in the research stages.
19- What other hobbies do you have?
Reading, non-fandom writing, drawing, learning new things (especially languages!), going on walks, and drinking enough coffee to alarm medical professionals anywhere.
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kiuda · 2 years
Hi, hello and welcome everyone to the 2023 Dreamblr census results! 
Let me start by thanking all of you for taking part - I love looking at statistics like that and making this has been a real joy. I hope at least some of you will find the results interesting as well <3
So, first things first - some numbers. 353 people have taken part in the census. There are over 350 people that say ‘yes I am a part of Dreamblr’. That’s amazing! I am so happy to see this community thrive :D 
Now let’s get to the questions.
What continent are you from?
One of the more straightforward questions on this census. 
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The results are not surprising in the slightest - over 85% of the people that have taken the survey are from North America or Europe. 5.9% come from South America, 4.8% from Asia, 1.7% from Australia and Oceania. 4 people decided not to answer and thus became citizens of Antarctica and one person comes from Africa.
What country are you from (optional)?
Before we get to the statistics, it’s important to mention a couple of things. First of all - this question was optional. The survey site let you pass without putting anything in and the question itself had the word ‘optional’ in it. Despite that 2 of the 4 people that chose Antarctica also wrote in the countries they lived in. All in all 270 out of the 353 people decided to answer this question.
Second of all. 
For the love of everything holy. 
Please. PLEASE. Decide on one way to call your country.
As I was using google forms, the survey was sensitive to lower- and upper-case letters, which meant that in the end there were 25 versions of the your country’s name, including (but not limited) to: America, Murica (including ‘eagle noise’ once), the U.S, The U.S., u.s, U.S.A., U.S.A, United States, united states, United States of America, United states of america, US, Us, us, USA, USA! and u s of a. 
Special shoutout to the person who just wrote in ‘Arizona’ as well. 
In the end the top 10 (eh kind of) most popular countries on the survey were……
Drumroll please!!
USA - 133 
Canada - 26
Germany - 17
Poland & UK - 8
Brazil - 7
England - 6
Russia - 5
Chile, France, Sweden and the Netherlands - each with 4
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As you can see, I have decided to treat ‘England’ and ‘UK’ as two different answers, since that’s how the survey responders decided to specify their countries.
What age are you?
Another straightforward question. Over 70% of us are between 18 and 25 years old. 13 are 31-45 years old and 8 people decided not to specify their age. 1 person has declared to be over 45 years old. You can see all the answers on this awesome pie chart as well!
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I think it’s pretty cool how while a lot of us are young adults or even still teenagers, there are also older fandom enjoyers among us :D I hope you are all enjoying your time!!
When did you join the fandom?
First of the more fandom-specific questions. And probably the first question, where the answers genuinely surprised me!
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A lot of us are OGs! Either having joined in 2019 or early/late 2020! Those people remember it all - the beginning of Dream SMP, the first vlog, Antfrost’s coming out and even the beginning of manhunts in some cases!
Out of the rest, early 2021 was another popular entry point to the fandom. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone either - it was still during the pandemic, probably the peak of Dream’s (and Dream Team’s/Dream SMP’s popularity). 
9 people did not remember when they joined the fandom.
Similarly, 9 people are newbies! They’ve joined us in late 2022, while 23 joined in early 2022. 
No one has joined in 2023 yet. (or haven’t seen the census. also possible.)
Who is your main?
This is a question that I could have made better in hindsight. I think a better answer than ‘I can’t decide’ would be ‘I like them all equally’, since I was assuming that all participants of the census did like the Dream Team members either way. It’s not a big mistake, just a small note I wanted to add.
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To most likely no one’s surprise - the most popular person among Dreamblr’s population is Dream (224), followed by George (63) and Sapnap (15). 51 participants couldn’t decide on one of them.
Who do you watch besides the DTeam the most (out of other mcyts)? Please list 3 people max.
This question caused more problems than I'd imagined. Guys. I was asking about other MCYT (aka Minecraft Youtubers and Streamers) besides the DTeam. That means that I had to unfortunately eliminate some answers, the most popular out of which was Hasan, who I don’t think has ever played Minecraft before.
To answer some of you, who had some doubts about who counts as a MCYT….
Yes, Wilbur Soot does count.
Yes, Charlie Slimecicle also counts.
Yes, Hermits also count.
I am also counting Ludwig, since he did make Minecraft content.
PeteZahHutt also counts.
Corpse Husband counts as well, since he is technically a DSMP member.
RTGame counts as well - again, Minecraft content on his channel.
Again - Hasan does not count.
So now, without further ado… The top 10 most popular answers!
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I have also not counted answers that went over 3 people (as in, I have only counted the first 3 names).
If any of you were wondering - 8 people really wish Hasan did play Minecraft.
Which Dream content is the best content?
Another easy question with an easy answer, where most people either prefer Dream’s Youtube content or just love it all.
Quick shout out to the two people who love Dream’s music the most and two who prefer other content than specified in the survey. 
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What got you into the fandom?
The toughest question to count. I did not expect so many different answers, so in the end I’ve decided to sort all the answers into a few categories (and I am sorry about that I know it’s not the best way to go about it, but here you guys can see all the answers to the question in an google spreadsheet if you want to).
dnf (answers included: ao3, heatwaves, dnf compilations on youtube or tiktok…)
manhunts (answers included: youtube recommendation of manhunts, binge watching manhunts…)
art (answers included: sad-ist animations, art in general, cosplays…)
lore (answers included: Dream SMP, lore vods…)
Other MCYT creators (answers included: SMP live, wilbur soot’s videos…)
Friend/family member recommendation
Among us streams
Twitter (answers included: seeing drama, twitter trending page…)
Other Dream Team content (answers included: other Dteam videos, tiktoks by them…)
Fandom (answers included: a tumblr mutual started posting about them, tiktok compilations, youtube compilations…)
Hot (answers included: found George/Sapnap hot)
I don’t remember
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And finally. The last question of the census. The one we all have been wondering about.
Have you been here since before the face reveal?
As it turns out…
Only 2 people joined us since the face reveal!
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The rest of us has known about this community and about Dream earlier and was waiting the day of the face reveal impatiently.
And that’s it! Thank you once again for taking part, hopefully my rambling won’t make this post too boring to read!
Have a great day/night! <3
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nimata-beroya · 9 months
20 Questions For Writers
This was sitting on my notifs for a few days and i finally took the time to do it. Thank my darling @takadasaiko for the tag!! 💕💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 88 works in total, 31 of which are for Star Wars.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
574,873 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I'm only writing for Star Wars. But I used to write for Arrow and Supergirl, and ASoIAF, Dark-Hunters and Chronicles of Nick are in standby. I'm waiting for right motivation to come back to any of the last 3.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I'm only talking about Star Wars fics here...
Kadala (The Mandalorian) [and 4th place in most kudos of all my works]
Rough Awakening (The Bad Batch) [and 5th place in most kudos of all my works]
Welcome to Yavin IV (Rebels)
An Explosive Situation (Rebels)
Rescue on Ryloth (The Bad Batch)
And the the rest of my all-time fics with most kudos are
Take Your Breath Away (Arrow)
Undisclosed Desires (Arrow)
Made For You (ASoIaF/Game of Thrones)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best, but sometimes I forget, and then it's been weeks and months since I got the comments that I'm embarrassed to reply them after so long. Even though, I think it's important that a writer let the reader/commenter that they appreciate it, even if it's with a simple "thank you" or an emoji. I know I'm being a hypocrite here since I fail to do what I preach, but it doesn't make it less true.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that would be Drifting, because it's kind of open ending, left to be interpreted, so it could end however the reader wants. Although, I left an author's note at the end saying what's my preferred ending, which always will be inclined to the happy side.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
High Above the Ground because is the happy ending i want for Commander Fox and Riyo Chuchi. They deserve only the best!
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
No, not really. I've gotten only 1 stupid message of someone criticizing a fic, but that was years ago when I still posted on FF dot net. The joke was on the reader because I moderated all the comments there so I just deleted it and nobody saw it but me. Honestly, I just laughed about it cuz their argument was just stupid.
9. Do you write smut?
I do, all kinds -from the most tame thing to the most perverted. But I used to wrote way more in my old fandoms, especially for Arrow. I think for Star Wars I've written just 1 or 2 smutty fics, and tamed at that.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I've tried a couple of occasions but never finished them. I'm not opposed to them obviously, but I do think the combination of fandoms has to be just right to work. Or at least, when it's me doing the writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes! Many, many years ago in the first fandom I ever wrote for. It was awful and hated it! You see, this was in the stone age of the internet when fandom specific sites abounded and not everyone had an account on FFnet yet (and Ao3 was not even a dream). The site I published on was split in 2 sections because the ships war in the fandom was bloody and ruthless, so to avoid the slaughter, I kept myself in my preferred side. But one day, a friend who read fic on both sides told me that someone stole my fics. Avoiding to get caught, the person who did it published them under a pen name that was almost exact to mine, she only added a period at the end, which could easily go unnoticed. Oh, and she interchanged characters names so it'd fit the other ship.
At first, my friend thought I had posted them but she knew I'd never write for that ship, like ever. In the end, it turned out that I wasn't the only one who had being plagiarized. Several people ON BOTH SIDES were. Thankfully, the person was caught and banned, but we almost burned the site down because of the whole shitshow.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
By me, yes, several. All into Spanish (my mother tongue). By others, not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! A couple of times for different fandoms, and I loved it. I hope I'll do it again. The thing is that you need to find the right partner for it, or it can be a nightmare.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't appreciate this question, let me tell you. It's hard to choose. But I think I have to go with Olicity. I love them still (even if the show ending ruined it for me). Close second would be Braime (and I'm glad that there's still hope for them on the books, because as usual the show fucked them so but sooooo bad)
And as Star Wars specific, I don't think anyone will be surprised if I say it's Kalluzeb, right 🤣 They're my babies and I adore them!
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Anything for Arrow or Supergirl. I sworn off those fandoms after their respectively awful endings.
No promises, but there's still hope for all if my unfinished works for Star Wars 😅
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Coming up with ideas. So, so many ideas. All the time and I want to write them all.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Finishing writing the above-mentioned ideas. I tend to splay myself too much when I'm writing, and it takes me forever to get to the portion I really want to write (usually the idea that sparked the whole writing process) and I lose steam. That's why I have so many unfinished WIPs. I wish they'd write themselves.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's ok if used sparingly. A word here, a phrase over there is fine, but if a wall of dialogue that the reader needs to scroll down to the notes or click on a tooltip to find out the meaning it's the worst!!! A better solution for a writer that really needs/wants to have a whole conversation in another language for plot reasons or whatever, then all they need to do is to say once that the characters are talking in the other language and put the dialogue in the same language they've been writing the rest of the narrative and in italic.
The characters who don't speak the language won't understand what's being said, but the reader will and their reading will be more pleasant and fluid.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
An Argentinian show called Floricienta. A modern retelling of Cinderella.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I don't like this question either! All my fics are my babies! How do you want me to choose?!! There are so many I'm proud of. I guess I'll point the most recent one: Feed Me Poison, Fill me till I Drown I really like how this story is coming along. It's not done yet (what else is new? 😅) but what's coming is so so good!
Tagging (no pressure): @renee561 @thecoffeelorian @genericficerblog @airlockfailure @mistr3ssquickly @insertmeaningfulusername @fanfictasia
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nopeferatu · 9 months
saw you post a lot of brokeback mountain content so i want to know if you have a list of your favorite brokeback mountain fanfic :)
I do post a lot abt Brokeback Mountain, but I've never actually sat down and made a formal, ranked list of all the Brokeback fics I love?? I have a collection on ao3 called "My Favorite Fanfics" which is where I put fics that I like beyond a simple bookmark, and there are more BBM fics in there than any other fandom I've read for haha. Unfortunately, this list isn't actually comprehensive as there are many that were either exclusively posted to the old BBM LiveJournal groups, or they were posted to LJ then later deleted and are now word documents that get passed around by email.
If I were to rank my fave BBM fics in a top 10 list, it'd look like this:
10. Once Upon a Time by rhye
A happy-ending ranch AU composed of short chapters based on fairy tale themes. As in fairy tales, some plot elements may be far-fetched, the angst runs deep, there is fluff, and they all lived happily ever after.
9. Life Ain't Easy by Creed Cascade (creedcascade)
Jack convinces Ennis to come work on the Twist Ranch after they leave Brokeback Mountain, but life ain’t easy.
8. Come Hell or High Water by Just_K
Ennis Del Mar makes the decision to leave his simple life behind and follow the brazen Jack Twist across the state of Wyoming. With life in Texas heavy on their mind, the two come to realize that dreaming big comes with a price. Will they be able to hold together when the past threatens to tear them apart, or does love truly conquer all?
7. A Place to Hide by Way2
A possible portrait of Jack's relationship with Lureen during the years prior to his reunion with Ennis.
6. it could get easier (if you want it to) by biblionerd07
Ennis decides he has more to say after their fight at the trailhead, so he makes a phone call. And it changes his life.
5. A Various Language by Destina
This is the happy ending they deserved.
4. The Sky Above by mediumorange
August, 1983. Ennis’ postcard to Jack has come back stamped ‘Return to Sender.’ He finds Jack in Lightning Flat, determined to help his father save the failing Twist ranch. His father does not want to be saved.
3. Roots by 271horses
This story tells the complete life story of Earl and Rich. It follows them from deprived childhoods, through the maturation process, the events that bring them together, and the deep, abiding love that grows between them.
Unfortunately I can't link this one as it lives in a word doc, getting passed around from email to email after 271horses purged his LJ acc. It's fantastic, tho! A lot of users on the old Brokeback forums hold it in high regards, as you'll see lots of posts mentioning the great BBM Earl/Rich prequel fic and how good it is.
2. Somebody, Somewhere by mediumorange
If you can't fix it, you've got to stand it. Slowly but surely, Ennis finds a way to stand it.
1. Widower for One Year by 271horses
This story concentrates on what would have become of Ennis after he was left alone trying to deal with the finality of his loss in that beaten up old trailer, still mired in his miserable life.
This one is another one of those that gets passed around through email and I consider it one of the greatest tragedies of the fandom bc it is, no joke, the BEST fic I have ever read in my god damned life, but it was never finished. 271horses purged his LJ acc before finishing it. I actually stopped reading once I got close to the end bc I don't want to deal with the fact that it will never be completed, so for me to confidently call it the best fic ever without actually having finished it says a lot.
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catified-yttd · 4 months
blog master's guidelines
kanna theme cause she's a cutie :D
also the kanna icon is by @feralbreadx he made it for my bday he's super nice btw
GENERAL INFO — follows, likes, etc are from @lyricist-anon
@dogifiedyttd = my evil twin!! (support them or ill fight u)
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1. ꒱ dni with this blog or me if you support ai 'art', are homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc. also people who hate on young/beginner artist/singers/etc let me tell you literally no one wanted your opinion and you should keep it to yourself because I think they're doing great anyway just dni if ur on this list please
2. ꒱ no hating on characters!!! also no arguing please let's be respectful
3. ꒱ please be respectful in asks/comments/etc!! i may take time to answer :'D but i really do my best <3
4. ꒱ all my art on this blog will still feature silly cats— may draw normally but will keep cat theme
5. ꒱ no logic route spoilers!! i only recently finished emotion & am new to the fandom
6. ꒱ do not use my dividers!!
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1. ꒱ thank u for making it this far!! also asks make me really happy <33
2. ꒱ no nsfw
3. ꒱ no drawings that do not include cats
4. ꒱ yes i will draw your fav yes i will draw ur otp yes i will draw your oc etc etc just drop the ask
5. ꒱ just don't claim as ur own :D but why would you claim these as ur own they're shitty cat drawings— also you may use these as pfp w/o asking as long as you don't claim as ur own :DD
6. ꒱ do not flood my asks. ask and then wait. i will do my best to answer them all!! (multiple asks w/ diff topic is ok!!)
7. ꒱ art asks r prioritized by who sent them first!! if you see me answering others but not you, it's probably that they were there first!! also non art related asks may be first because im a little lazy and can get to those first
8. ꒱ i am not comfortable with drawing any 18- char with any 18+ char!! 18- ships must have a 2 yr age gap max & 18+ ships 4 yr age gap max! characters with age ranges x eachother will be given the benefit of the doubt [ ex: early 20s x mid 20s will be counted as 24 x 25] i also am not good with ages so i may accidentally draw a ship im not ok with— please don't call me a hypocrite, i most likely genuinely did not know :((
8. ꒱ do not argue with me over these rules— if you don't like it, please respectfully ask & not attack me and i will explain why. if you still dont understand my pov, please just don't interact with my things for your sake.
9. ꒱ if i recieve annoying/troll/bullying/wtvr w/ anonymous, i will turn them off and people will have to ask to be put as anonymous (i will type the exact ask out). please don't ruin this for everyone
10. ꒱ PLEASE WHEN DOING ASKS— do not write smth like 'safamiley'. please write safalin x miley. i do not know your ship names and it confuses me. also specify your ocs with a link/pic of their appearance and personality. same goes for aus, genderbent names, etc. please treat me like a 3 year old i don't know these things
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kitty joe (ITS SOO CUTE :D)
money (yipeee)
bday kanna kitty (CUTIE AAAAA)
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frozenmoonshine · 2 years
Ok, so, I just randomly decided to make a list of Top 10 hottest (male) TR charcters... No idea why, it just popped in my head, lmao.
I wrote this 97% for the lolz, so don't take it too seriously.
So, here it is:
Top 10 Hottest Guys of Tokyo Revengers
10. MITSUYA - It's common knowledge that he's the Husband Material ™️ of the series! He was introduced as this responsible, mature, reliable guy with a somewhat eccentric hobby, and you may be into the cool, calm, collected, talented, kind ones, who're good with kids and house chores, but you can't convince me that your ovaries didn't do a happy little backflip with his glow-up in the last arc! You just know he's a little devil behind that whole boy-next-door act. 😏
9. SHIN - Ok, throughout the most part of the story, he was just Mikey's dead brother, who Mikey himself led us to believe was weak, generally lame, and a hopeless loser with women. Then we got the flashback chapters in the last arc, and what did we see? Capable, hardworking, caring, loving, selfless, persistant man, strong both in a fight and in holding his ground. Hell, he cared for vegetative Mikey for four years, pretty much all alone, sacrificing his own dreams and life in the process. Also, black turtlenecks and bomber jackets. That's all I'm gonna say.
8. HANMA - Who doesn't love a bit of occasional insanity?! The ultimate troll, both in the verse and in the fandom, tricked us all good! That's just how bored he was. Annoying, completely random and unpredictable, grinning madman who's only there to watch the world burn, by setting it ablaze with his own hotness! I mean, tall, tattoed, well dressed, cocky, handsome bastard, with sleepy eyes, anyone?! I hate the fact that he's giving an inexplicably strong 'boyfriend vibe'! But, I just wanna call him 'Shuuji'... 🤭
7. HAKKAI - This cutie is criminally underrated and slept on! I know Wakui did him dirty by not giving him a more complex personality than just a Mitsuya simp, but look at him! Tall, handsome, strong, blue eyes, lip scar, piercing. No wonder he ended up with a modeling career! And on top of the stunning looks, he's just a pure, shy baby! 🥺 Makes you wanna tease and corrupt the hell out of him! 🤭 Besides, his implied clinginess and loyalty suggest he's a keeper, and if that isn't hot, I don't know what is!
6. MIKEY - The definition and the school example of that old proverb - the strongest poisons are kept in the tiniest flasks. Yes, having incredible fighting prowess is hot, being a capable leader is hot, having endless authority is hot, being "emo" is hot, being painfully cute is hot... We don't care that he's pocket sized (and mentally unstable), with his endless charisma, our favorite gang leader very well deserved his place on this list!
5. WAKA - Simply, he's sexy and he knows it. And we know it. You know it. Your grandma knows it. Everyone knows it. Teen or adult, law abiding citizen or a crime lord, the White Leopard could make anyone anywhere fall for him at the snap of his fingers! ...if he only cared enough to do so, tho.
4. KOKO - Intelligent, smart, sassy, sarcastic, and plain insolent = perfection. This cheeky, well-read, super stylish, handsome motherfucker had us fawning over his strong, passion-driven personality, hidden under the cool façade. What's not to love about a blindly devoted guy?! It doesn't matter if it's the devotion to a cause or a person he deems important (#lucky Inui siblings). But fair be fair, that habit of sticking his tongue out should be X rated...
3. BAJI - If his fiery, man-among-the-men personality, undying loyalty, and endless kindness aren't enough to make you burn like a car, just take a look at that perfectly chiseled face, cocky smirk, and glorious raven locks! Still not convinced? Well, you're either blind, dead, or not into guys at all! We should actually be grateful that his adult version was only ever shown at the very last chapter, cause anything more than that would have been beyond too hot to handle!
2. KAZUTORA - There's just something indescribably magnetic about the whole "redeemed sinner" trope, and that alone would have been enough to get him a spot on this list! But since he also happens to have the handsomest face in the show, a beauty mark under the eye, the cutest smile, a piercing, a tattoo, and a fair amount of badassery and strength, it all sums up to the total of our dear banana tiger being the runner-up!
1. HARUCHIYO - Does this one really need any explanation? Pathological loyalty is beyond hot, wearing a mask is hot, scars are super hot (as already established), suits are hot, piercings are hot, long lashes are hot, pale blond/albino is hot, green eyes are hot, skillfully wielding a sword is hot, smarts are hot, being a little bit deranged is hot... the list could really go on for days, there's literally nothing about him that doesn't make him hot. "...Being a homicidal maniac and a drug addict?" No, he's excused for all red flags on the account of pretty privilege!
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Let's Talk About PingXie: Part 4
Let's Get To Know the Artists 🎨
As expected of a fandom that has actively existed and for so many years, there are many talented artists who make contributions for Daomu Biji fandom, whether they are official artists or fan artists. I hope that more people would recognize their hard work and give them "like" and "support". Above all, please do not repost their artworks without permission/credible sources.
I know that some fanarts are too old and still can't find the artist no matter how hard we try (I feel it myself T_T) If that's the case, please explain it clearly and do not claim them as your own. Some artists also have guidelines on the usage of their artworks, such as: no reposting, no self-printing, avatar/wallpaper only, etc. For more information, you can check their profiles/homepages since every artist has their own rules, make sure to follow them, alright? (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
So, let's talk about PingXie fan artists and Daomu Biji official artists. Of course, only a few... there are too many to put them all here... (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
Please note that some may have quit the fandom, not active anymore, take a break, or indulge in multifandoms. Hopefully, they wouldn't set up their Weibo to only display within half a year, so we can still appreciate their hard work 💖
Note: Mainly on Weibo (🧣), feel free to tell me if there is something wrong.
🌾 Fan Artists 🌾
1. 🧣: 尘心尺雪 ・ Lof: 尘心尺雪 ・ X: @kylin37044
About them: PingXie Only; doesn't like people posting her works without permission, but some people still do it and make trouble, so I can see why she is very adamant about it; sometimes drawing for PingXie fanfictions too; rarely update on X.
2. 🧣: 迪咕咕咕泽天天向上 ・ Lof: 迪泽🐦
About them: PingXie Only; often draws in chibi style and comic strip; often accepts commission for PingXie fanfictions.
3. 🧣: —柒拾柒個柒拾柒— ・ Lof: —柒拾柒個柒拾柒—
About them: PingXie; draws single pictures too.
4. 🧣: finnnnnnnnnn_ ・ Lof: 16n
About them: PingXie; but unfortunately, quit the fandom.
5. 🧣: 阝可王月王月 ・ Lof: 天隅
About them: PingXie; mostly comic strip; but sadly she seems to quit the fandom.
6. 🧣: 柳壮壮的鱼缸 ・ Lof: 柳壮壮的鱼缸
About them: PingXie; HeiHua; often draws single pictures too.
7. 🧣: 霹雳小奸包 ・ Lof: 霹雳小奸 ・ X: @pajiji1206
About them: PingXie Only; chibi style; do not repost to other platform without permission.
8. 🧣: 条鱼豆腐
About them: PingXie; often make cute gif.
9. 🧣 藏九归一 ・ Lof: 藏九归一
About them: PingXie; Iron Triangle, many more; sadly something happened and then she quit the fandom.
Here for more and the link.
There are stores on Taobao if you want to buy their PingXie fan merchs (it's PingXie Only Stores):
🧣: 十一仓出品 ・ 🍑: 十一仓出品
🧣: 互坑组 ・ 🍑: 互坑组
Or the official one from NPSS:
🧣: 南派量子泛娱正版周边
🍑: 南派泛娱 正版周边
🌾 Official Artists 🌾
All of these pictures below are the commercial ones coming from 南派悠选直播间 (NPSS Live Broadcast Account).
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Artist: LiuBabu (刘巴布)
He is the artist who draws Tibetan Sea Flower Manhua (The Secret of Metok) and some scenes in “雨村笔记”, “花夜前行”, etc.
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Image source: GoodSmile
Artist: _丢兜
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Artist: Xishisan (西十三)
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Artist: Kanose
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Artist: 晓泊
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Artist: XmXxiaomoxiao (XmX笑莫笑)
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Artist: Penny Yang (叛逆星)
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Artist: ATangTang (阿堂堂)
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Artist: Guaisanmu (怪三木)
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Artist: YuLinTian (鱼鳞天)
I know it's kind of late to talk about it now, but I need to get it out of my draft lol
Happy New Year! 🎉🎉
🔗 Other related links: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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frenchgremlim1808 · 10 months
Results from the shinnie test
So reminder for anyone who forgotten or didn't see it a week ago i made a test for shinnies, to know what and who is the average shinnies. This is my first one but i do intend to make one about other character one day. The results came and i made some silly math and schematic representation of the vote.
Question 1: What is your gender identity ?
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We can see that the poll was one in majority by enbies. I've counted and more than 64.2 % of the poll is constituted of queer identity without counting the questioning poll because if we count it too then that would make 77.4. One thing that shocked me was the lack of trans women, where were you girls?!!!
Winner: Nonbinary
Question 2: What is your age ?
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So i predicted it, the yttd fandom consist mainly of teen and young adults, but i'm happy that a majority of the shinnies are between 15 to 18, but still there is a majority of 10 to 15 years old in the shinnie fandom since they are second. Also to the two fetuses that voted here(under ten) vanish, please you newborns!!
Winner: 15 to 18
Question 3: Are you neurodivergent ?
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I mean were talking about shinnies, like people who relate to shin, so mostly autistic goobers. And the big maybe part come from the fact that a lot of them are on the younger side so they didn't get an official diagnosis.
Winner: yes
Question 4: Do you have a physical illments ?
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Just gonna say it i don't have physical issues i just have no muscles and i suck so hard at sports. I know most shinnies are just like me, don't lie. Also for a minute i thought of doing a "do you have a iron/vitamins deficiency poll", it would have probably have a higher vote in yes since i mean....... shinies you know.....they....we.. You know.
( i have iron deficiency........😭)
Winner: tie between yes and no
Question 5) DO you have a job?
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If you said yes as adults honestly where are you working? I know most of the no adults are probably in school considering the 18 to 25 ratio in the second question. And to the minors who work already kudos to you, you are the superior shinnie!
Winner: no i'm a minor
Question 6) Are you on the geek/weeb/ tech savy spetrum ?
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The thing that chocked me in that poll is the people who aren't any of these. I'm a big geek so a niche rpg video game is exactly my style, weebs can appreciate the mix of original ideas with some anime archetype in the game, but the people that have none of this like how did you find this game ? Yttd is pretty niche honestly, so normies finding this game is pretty insane
Winner: Two of them
Question 7: Are you good at sports ( lmao)
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This is a shin poll what did you think?
Winner: No (lol)
Question 8) Are you a dumbass like shin in social situations?
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So personally i'm like him in some situation but most of the time i have learned something he clearly did not get, backing down instead of doubling down the stupidity and lies.
So in conclusion: The average Shinnie is a nonbinary, 15 to 18 year old, neurodivergent, either physically ill or not,doesn't have a job ( since they're teens), is a nerd, sucks at sports and of course is a little dumbass like shin.
This was pretty interesting to do! So if you have most of these traits you ARE the average shinnie.
Here the link to the polls if somebody wanna watch the exact results
And if you have an idea for another character please inform me.
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hils79 · 7 months
Catching up on some of the things I've been tagged in. Some of these are very old. So sorry. I'm crap.
Fic author interview! I was tagged by the fantastic @lynne-monstr
No-pressure tagging: @pangzi @foxofninetales @merinnan @killerandhealerqueen @strandedchesspiece @thesilversun @silver-colour
How many works do you have on AO3?
266 as of now
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,467,370 words however some of those words are on collaborative fics. I don't know how to filter out the ones I wrote by myself but it's well over the 1,000,000 mark and that makes me happy
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Unleashed  (MCU, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers) - 801 kudos
Visible to All But Me - (DMBJ, Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling) - 666 kudos (ehehe 😈)
The Truth About Cats, Dogs and Penguins - (Men's Hockey RPF. Evgeni Malkin/Sidney Crosby) - 621 kudos
In which Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are surprisingly capable parents - (MCU, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers) - 530 kudos
Not The Russian Way- (The Man From UNCLE movie, Ilya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo/Gaby Teller) - 516 kudos
I find it fascinating that a DMBJ fic is in my top 5. The other fics are all pretty old and in large and popular fandoms. I think it was just good timing in that I posted when a lot of people who have since moved on to other fandoms were into DMBJ off the back of Ultimate Note airing.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try! I think it's just polite to at least say thank you. Occasionally I do forget of miss one though.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do sad or angsty endings
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Yeah, pretty much all of them.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Very rarely. I think all my crossovers have been co-written with other people.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate exactly, but somone once accused me of plagiarism because I posted a fic with vaguely similar themes to one of theirs. Luckily for me this was back in the LJ days where there was a comm specifically for reviewing accusations of plagiarism where independent people would review both fics. Of course they ruled in my favour but it was really fucking upsetting at the time.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have, but I prefer not to.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Someone translated one of my MCU fics into Chinese which made me very happy.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, a bunch of times! It can be really fun if you get along well with the people you're writing with.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That's like asking me what my favourite fandom is. My favourite ship is whatever ship I am into at the time.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
RIP my au for The Untamed where Lotus Pier was a hotel that famous musician Lan Wangji came to stay in while he was on tour.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Probably dialogue or soft domestic fluff
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description. A beta reader recently commented that in one of my fics I hadn't actually described what anyone looks like. I just want them to talk and kiss, okay?
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Not full dialogue, no, but now that I've started writing in Chinese fandoms I think there are some words that can be used. Generally only terms of address, though. Like someone calling someone 'laoban'
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I do still kind of want to write some Mysterious Lotus Casebook fic. At least one at any rate.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written
Juxtaposition (DMBJ, Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling)
I don't generally write AUs, and I definitely have never written anything close to this long before. It took me a year to write it and I am very proud of it.
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shootingstarpilot · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Thanks for the tag, @merlyn-bane!
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
*sobbing* Star Wars, my beloved. The brainrot is real; I am consumed. When I was still on FF.net, though, I had stuff up in Harry Potter and How to Train Your Dragon.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
back then, i was dauntless
how to bring him home
if i don't make it back (from where i've gone)
though some would harm you
like lightning changing hands
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I absolutely do! I feel bad because I know I've gotten some lovely comments on chapters that aren't the most recent one, and those tend to get lost in the inbox, but I promise I'm working on it- if you get a response from a comment you left a year and a half ago, don't hold it against me 😅
I do it because I want so badly to build community here! I love getting comments from people, responding to something with a wee hint of a tease because I'm AWFUL and then getting a keysmash of a response and then exchanging snippets in the comments, truly, it fills me with delight- and I've met some absolutely wonderful people who I got introduced to by responding to comments-
Anyway. Community. That.
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh. Hm. Hm.
I... guess it would have to be though some would harm you? Although I'm not sure if I feel confident in that designation, because it's very much part of a multi-work series. And I'm too much of a sucker for happy endings to write a stand-alone fic that doesn't have one, I think.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, neural plasticity, for sure! Short and sweet <3
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
A bit. I can brush off the "actually the Jedi were the real monsters" assholes easily enough, but honestly, the comments that hit the hardest are the ones that clearly come from people who think they're offering ✨constructive criticism.✨ Not only because I didn't ask for it, but also because saying my work is "fatiguing" or "I'm sure there's a decent story here, but it's being buried under what you're trying to do with it-" there's nothing constructive there.
Side note: the person who left that last comment deleted it about half an hour later, because when I went to reply, it had vanished from my inbox. I don't know if they did that because they didn't want me to be able to reply, or if they realized that what they said was unhelpful and mean, but if they ever happen to see this-
I still got the email, prick.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Write? No, I haven't quite worked up the panache to try. Reading, on the other hand...
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do have snippets of one crossover that I actually posted in an anonymous collection, ha- an old BBC Merlin/ Good Omens/ Supernatural fic that I dug out of my old documents. Other than that, no- unless you count the Prequels and the Clone Wars as different enough to qualify as a crossover.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that I know of- very much open to it, though!
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Since I don't think taking drabbles in tumblr chats to ridiculous lengths counts, I'd have to say no- I'd like to, though!
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Codywan. Fiercely, unwaveringly Codywan.
Just to reinforce this- 292 of my bookmarks consist of Cody/Obi-Wan. The next most common romantic pairing (Aziraphale/Crowley) has less than half that, at 121.
I'm a goner, and I can't even bring myself to regret it.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
OKAY SO I've written snippets of a modern AU focusing on Helix, Needle and Stitch, and I'm totally gonna take this opportunity to rage about it. I'm probably never gonna finish it, but it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling, so, hey- what else is fic for, really, if not for indulging yourself?
At first, it's just Needle and Stitch. It's just been the two of them, for as long as Stitch can remember. Needle's only a few years older than him, but he's raised him, kept him in school, kept a roof over their heads and food on the table-
Food on Stitch's plate, at least.
Then, one night, Needle does not come home.
A hit-and-run, the nurse tells him, although the words will not trickle through until much later. A coma.
He will not, they say patiently, come home for some time.
(There is so much that needs doing.)
Helix, meanwhile, is studying physical therapy at the local community college and working part-time at his brother Ace's bakery.
It's during one of these shifts that a skinny little twerp comes in and hands him a job application.
(Rent and bills and Needle Needle Needle-)
It doesn't take Helix long to realize something is... off.
Ace tells him not to push it, but-
The kid's a good worker. Great, as a matter of fact. He's never late. Stays past closing, too, if they've had a rush. He tells Helix about his brother and nothing else.
(His brother hasn't come to visit.)
Everything that's not sold at the end of the day gets packaged up and given out. They only toss in the dumpster what's really, truly inedible- stuff that got dropped in the kitchen, scraps left over from customers-
He thinks it's raccoons, at first, until he peers in and sees Stitch flatten himself against a heap of bags in the corner.
They package up leftovers for him, after that. A bit more than leftovers, maybe. Ace sets aside sandwiches. Helix buys him a thermos and tells him it's been in the lost and found for over a year. They make sure he eats.
(Needle's getting transferred out of the ICU.)
Stitch is trying. He's doing everything he can, and more besides. But Needle's life is too expensive and he's buckling under the weight.
(He hasn't even grieved. Not really. No room. No time.)
Eventually, something has to give.
He does.
(He hadn't expected someone to be there to catch him.)
Helix stumbling into adopting first one, then two idiot kids
Ace being a supportive brother
Needle finding his way home
Mace Windu as Needle's (unfairly attractive, Helix thinks) neurologist
Obi-Wan as a hospital social worker who gets assigned Needle's file
Cody as Obi-Wan's husband, Helix's cousin, and children's book author (Stitch's favorite)
(listen I am WEAK for author!Cody, truly)
(Helix was totally the one who got them together and he regrets it every day of his life.)
Sheev Palpatine as the epitome of the evil of the American healthcare system
The Melidaan crew running a long-term, non-profit care facility that offers both in-patient and out-patient rehab services
16.) What are your writing strengths?
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I am, apparently, really good at writing breakdowns. >:3
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Dialogue does not come easily to me. I have to work a bit to hit my stride. But I think it turns out well enough!
Hm. Coming from a purely technical perspective here, I think the reader should be able to understand everything that's spoken in a fic. If a character says something in another language, then I think the best way to convey that is, "X muttered something Y didn't catch," or, if the listener recognizes that it's at least in another language, "X muttered something in French."
If the reader should understand it, then something along the lines of: "'I knew we shouldn't have trusted him,' X muttered in French."
If the POV character doesn't understand the language, it doesn't make sense to provide the reader with a perfect transliteration of what the other character is saying. The character wouldn't have that knowledge. It can really take me out of the fic when two characters suddenly start conversing in written-out sentences in another language, and I have to scroll all the way down to the footnotes for translations.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
But then again, that's just my opinion- I'm sure others have their own thoughts on this!
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
Harry Potter.
Hell, I have to say like lightning changing hands, if only because whatever fic I'm writing at the moment is my favorite. It's the act of creation that does it for me!
(Also because it's such a good opportunity to explore so many relationship dynamics.)
No-pressure tags for @jedi-enthusiast, @themonopolyhat, @shadow-pixelle, and @foreverchangingfandomsao3!
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ernmark · 5 months
Ask Game!
Thank you to @sapphosewrites for thinking of me for this <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
I'm almost up there with Sapphose-- I've got 141, though I really need to finish tranferring my really old fics from my fanfiction.net account.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Those 141 fics give me a grand total of 969,127 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My biggest fandoms are The Penumbra Podcast, Star Trek: Deep Space 9, Welcome To Night Vale (that's an oldie, hot damn) and Les Miserables, with Les Mis being the most recent one I've been active in.
4. Top 5 Fics By Kudos
I'm honestly surprised that Haunting, but not haunted (Penumbra Podcast ghost AU) has overtaken The Issue of Omniscience (WTNV). Just Like an Angel (WTNV Wingfic) ranks just behind those two, then The Case Files of J. Steel (a very very large Penumbra Poscast one-shot collection). What surprised me was I Could Be Your Own Avenging Angel (DS9 alternate take on Empok Nor) making the top five-- apparently that one's gotten some recs lately, which pleases me immensely. The fact that all of these are fairly sexy is not a surprise to me.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I read them all, I squee in delight at them all, but a lot of times I'm just flummoxed about what to say in response. I know theoretically just a quick 'thank you' is appropriate, but it feels... I dunno, trite?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Listen, I'm an absolute sucker for angst, but I tend to go with bittersweet rather than outright angst in the ending.
Just a Little Wooden Boy (OFMD) is the most recent, and plays hard with the idea of deep hurt turning love into something cold that can't be fixed. (Like a Terrier (Sherlock) has a similar vibe.)
Stay With Me (Wolf 359) just plain tragedy. Eiffel succumbs to the Decima virus, the other humans are forced to flee the station, and so Hera is left to comfort him in his final hours. It's in the same vein as The Way Things End (Supernatural) and Off the Path (Bioshock Infinite) where they're very much about accepting death when it can't be fought anymore-- but in the other two, there's the hope of accompanying your loved one on the other side, where Hera is now just trapped alone with her grief and the body of her friend.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I genuinely don't know how you would even go about judging that.
Most of my multichapter fics end with the idea that there's still work to be done-- causes to fight for, mental illness to struggle against, relationship issues to work out. The thing is that they now have a framework for dealing with the problem at hand.
So given that-- Of the Rapture That Impels (Les Miserables) deals with sinking into grief and despair and ends with actually being able to see a light at the end, which is pretty much the epitome of a happy ending in my book.
Skin and Scales (Penumbra Podcast) has the most classically happy ending, I think.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thank all that is holy, I haven't gotten direct hate on fics since high school-- the fandoms I've been in have been lovely, and anyone who has unkind things to say about them has been polite enough to do it where I don't need to see it.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover
I almost never do crossovers, actually. But years ago (so long ago that it hasn't actually been migrated to AO3 yet) I wrote a 9/Labyrinth crossover in which 7 was in fact Sarah, transfigured by the Goblin King in order to save her from the machine apocalypse.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I think they might have been yanked over to wattpad or whatever once or twice. It happens, it gets reported, I move on.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't believe so-- or if it's happened, it was long enough ago that I've forgotten.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. And let me tell you, I am very bad at being a co-writer. The more successful stuff looks less like co-writing and more like parallel play in the same sandbox.
14. All time favorite ship?
I'm with Sapphose here in that I don't have one favorite ship, so much as I have a favorite dynamic. I'm a sucker for damaged, self-loathing characters who are so determined to do right by the person they love that they wind up becoming better (stronger, happier) people for it.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Just one?
Probably A Dynasty of Liars (DS9). I love that story so much, but I genuinely have no idea where it would go next or how I would execute it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm told that my angst is pretty damn solid, and that I can get voices pretty well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Scene transitions, and particularly those detailed descriptions where we describe where we're at. It's one of the things I can get away with more in fanfic than in original writing, because a couple references will convey which setpiece we're in so I don't have to do the work. In anything remotely original, that's a much bigger problem.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm in camp 'translate if the POV character knows it', with the addendum that "and they continued to speak in[language]" tends to be much more effective than actually writing long stretches of that other language, particularly if it's one that the writer isn't fluent in. If the reader doesn't know the second language, it conveys about as much as a keysmash. If they do, then you're prone to embarrassing goofs where you translate something badly without knowing.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Lord of the Rings. A self-insert, Boromir-lives AU.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Pretty much any longfic that I've actually completed, I think. But lately, I'm partial to A Change of a Bizarre Kind (Les Miserables), because I did some stuff with the POV and structure that I'm really proud of.
Now that you've gotten to see me ramble, I'll go ahead and tag @ryosei-hime, @aftershocked, and @alecjmarsh
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the-revisionist · 5 months
Questions for Writers
Jeez, I forgot I left this in my drafts! Thanks for the tag, @calunalilly
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
My initial reaction to this question was, why are these fucking people asking me to do more math? Then I realized it's listed in the statistics tab on my dash. Which tells me 792,881 words. That seems low to me? (My writerly self-image is a verbose motherfucker.)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Last Tango in Halifax, Happy Valley, Collateral. In the past I wrote a lot of words about Xena, well, uber Xena.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Tristan Chord, the marriage plot, The Wandering Star, The Argentinian Maneuver, and The Wild Nothing.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely. If ever I miss a response, it's likely because I have my head up the ass of real life. So if you've commented and I've not responded, I apologize.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I feel like they're all angsty? But I'd have to go way back to the Xena stuff for the truly angsty shit, probably Coup de Grace or Venezia.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe The Argentinian Maneuver or a good fixed star.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I've gotten a couple passive-aggressive comments here and there, but overall I'd say our tiny corner of fandom is filled with folks who have excellent manners and are very supportive of their writers. ;)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
On occasion. You have to dig through a lot of adjectives and dubious metaphors, but it's there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I guess Happy Valley/Collateral is crossover territory, no? Unfortunately it's not crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of but if I find anyone who does, I will seriously go Catherine Cawood on your ass.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a series of old Uber Xena stories. Some brave soul translated them into French (!). I think there may have been one translated into Spanish as well. I have no idea if any of them are still available online.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Cowrote a mad little uber-Xena tale eons ago with my dear beloved @thelnjames. Good times!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Caroline/Gillian on LTiH, and the uber-Xena pairing of Mel/Janice.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I would like to finish Perihelion, the crazy western LTiH AU I started years ago. Might have to rewatch Deadwood for inspo.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Knowing when all the shit I threw in the kitchen sink is too much (i.e., editing).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get too caught up in trying to write pretty and make everything a big old fucking metaphor.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It gives me the shits. I tend to research a lot, so I would try to find a native speaker of said language to verify that what I've written is accurate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is like asking a mother, who is your favorite child?
I'm tagging anyone who's interested in doing this!
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madsmilfelsen · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @thenookienostradamus, quyanaa!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 22 :)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 237, 409, yeehaw!
3. What fandoms do you write for? Magic Mike (allegedly), Always Sunny (allegedly), Killer Joe, True Detective (season one, I get too weepy if I think about season four too long but someday!), Midnight Mass, Shadow & Bone, Tell Me Your Secrets, Loki, and I've got an original work snuck in there, too
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Tumblr media
5. Do you respond to comments? Typically! I have a habit of hoarding my favorites in my inbox so if I take a week or three months to answer you it's because I've been thinking about kissing you on the mouth. Comments really make my day so I do my best to show gratitude to those who take the time to make them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Maybe Sinhound? I don't set out to write angst.................. ever, but ending with Mildred's funeral wasn't what I was expecting either.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them :) I'm a sucker for love and happy endings :)))))
8. Do you get hate on fics? no and that gets more and more shocking each time I post a new work lately as my ao3 becomes a pit of depravity while I work through everything I can't put in my novel manuscript.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? hell yeah fuck yeah. I like playing in varying degrees of consent, unhealthy or unbalanced dynamics, girls who come too fast and have weird relationships with sex, yada yada. I have a really supportive husband who I am disgustingly, deeply in love with so a lot of genuine warm and fuzzy feelings for one old man in particular generates a lot of material.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I simply don't have the mind processes for it and admire those who can mix media like that.
11. free space / no question here, send me an ask with one instead please :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of! would be awfully neat though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Oh man, I had a fun star wars piece I was writing with my dear friend, Jess, when impostor syndrome struck too hard to finish-- I still have the embroidery she did of our title (the inverse must also be true) in my office hanging below my first rejection letter :)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? every goblin couple that make out nasty style, so uh, rust/sugar :( they're so special to me and pulled me out of a Hellacious writer's block
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My only wip is Sunday School Dropout because I sort of forgot where I was going with it, it'll come back with light voyeurism, blood drinking, virginity taking, the usual order
16. What are your writing strengths? I feel like this is question to really sell myself but honestly, hell if I know, creating place? mannerisms maybe? Beyond my general insecurities, some of the nicest compliments I've gotten are for things I did unintentionally so hard to say! I have crafted some fuckin nonlinear bangers I'll give myself that much.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAINTAIN TENSE and I HAVE NO WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF SENTENCE STRUCTURES, which annoy me and are my father's biggest complaints so I can't take them seriously enough to consciously attempt to improve on them yet. Lately, I've been smoking weed and flipping vocabulary flashcards before bed because my diction feels stagnant, a bit repetitive across pieces like.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I can't even speak english well enough to write coherently I'm not going to fuck up further with google translate. I did some ballet au's a few years back that I know have some french in it but I think I did a firmly okay job with the sprinkles of dialogue-- I know damn well my terminology is correct.
19. First fandom you wrote for? technically game of thrones, I have a sansa/sandor reunion very angrily tapped out in my notes app when season eight skipped it. The first work I posted was Seduction of Odile after I saw a post here about the potential of a rey/kylo blackswan au, reached out and asked if I could give it a try and here I am 22 works and years later :)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I'm going to be corny but I have a soft spot for every fic that connected me with other writers who are so talented and inspiring and force me to be better so I feel like I can talk to them lmao
tagging tagging tagging @the-heartlines @labyrinthphanlivingafacade @littleredwritingcat @abeadofpoison @teeth-ing @itstendereye @barbie-nightmare-house
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fazedlight · 5 months
Fandom creators tag game
Thank you @waytooinvested and @fabulousglitch for the tag!
1. What sort of content do you create, and what is the thing you’ve made that you’re most proud of?
Proudest fic - There are a few I tend to choose from, but right now it's Even Though You're Kryptonian
Fanvid - My Rise vid
2. What fandom(s) do you create for?
Supercorp. (And a very tiny amount of Dansen and soon Rojarias.)
3. What is your current favourite ship (or brotp if you prefer), and how controversial is it?
Supercorp!! I don't think it's a controversial ship, lol.
4. For your answer to question 3, are they canon?
They are to me 😌
5. What was your first fandom, and how old were you?
My first obsession (and still greatest love) was Xena. I started watching the show a few episodes into season 1, when I was 6 years old. It was very formative.
That said, I didn't really get involved in any fandom communities until Supercorp (in early 2022).
6. What is your most unhinged fandom creation to date?
I don't think I get super unhinged, but as a pilot I did like creating this dumb incorrect quote.
7. Do you remember what started you off creating fandom content, and if so, what was it?
I was getting frustrated at not being able to find certain types of fics, and it struck me that... I was allowed to write my own.
8. Do you let people you know in real life see your fandom creations?
Yup! My partner read my first two fics in support, and several of my IRL friends have read at least one of my fics because I didn't have the good sense to keep that information to myself when I was getting started. It's mortifying lol. But my friends are very cool people.
9. How do you feel about fanworks of fanworks? Has anyone ever made something based on a thing you made?
Fanworks of fanworks are amazing!!! I've been incredibly lucky to have that happen three times (post), and gotten asked for permission for a different continuation and a podfic that may eventually happen.
10. What feeling do you most often try to evoke with your creations?
Angst. Longing. Bits of compassion too.
11. Has someone ever paid your work a compliment (in any form) that has stuck with you, and what was it?
I love each and every one of my commenters ❤️
Honestly, the compliments that stick with me most are "I came back to reread this" or "this idea is still living rent-free in my head" type comments. I think that's what all writers and artists want - to feel that their art lasted in someone's mind beyond the first time seeing it.
12. What’s your favourite thing someone else has made that you’ve seen in the last 24 hours (and link it if you can find it again!)
Technically it was more than 24hrs ago but this art by @awaitingrain is so fucking cute!!
13. Give a small sneak preview of something you’re working on right now (eg a couple of sentences of fic from a WIP, a gif set theme, a small piece of a larger picture, whatever you feel happy to share)
I have a ficlet (that's getting out of control), here's a snippet:
Lena was cozying into the warmth of Kara’s body, when Lena spoke. “I’m thinking of visiting my mother’s house soon,” she said shyly. “I want to find out more about her. Where I came from.”
“That sounds lovely,” Kara said softly.
“Do you want to come with me?” Lena asked.
Kara hesitated.
14. Have you ever seen/read anything made by the person who tagged you? If so, what was it and what was your favourite thing about it? (pick a favourite if there are several)
Both of them are on my reading list 👀
15. Do you leave comments on fandom works, and if so how would you describe your comment style?
Some of my comments are very simple, some of my comments are very long. I've tried to get more consistent about commenting ever since starting to write, because I know how important it is. Unfortunately, I also read a lot less now that I'm writing more.
16. How many works in progress do you currently have? Will you finish them all?
I have 5 WIPs! I'm very confident I'll finish them all.
17. what’s the longest it’s ever taken you to finish a fandom project?
I guess my worldkiller Kara fic took a bit over 3 months, though part of that was spacing with the Supercorp Big Bang.
I tend to write fast. One of the things I'm actually trying to do is slow down to fill out the story a bit more.
18. Describe the thing you made most recently in a way that is technically true, but also completely misleading. Link the thing if it’s published!
Lena has a bad day in the lab (Clockwork).
19. Do you ever engage with fanworks for a fandom you’re not in? Which one(s) and how did you get into it?
I totally engage in fanart from other fandoms that cross my dashboard, particularly korrasami. I don't tend to read fanfic of stuff I haven't engaged in, though.
20. Recommend a fan work from your fandom to your followers
This fanvid is probably my favorite in the entire fandom.
Suggested tag list, but there are no rules here, follow your heart.
A mutual you have never actually spoken to but think seems cool - oh there are so many of these!! I am tagging @mssirey who I don't think I've had a proper convo with yet
The most recent person whose content you engaged with (eg read a fic, reblogged art, whatever form you feel best fits) - @thealieninhiding (though by the time I finish this very long post it might be someone else lol)
Someone whose content you saw via tags/reblogs and you followed them because of it - @jadedloverart!
Someone in your fandom that you think makes cool things - @ekingston
Someone in a different fandom that you think makes cool things - tagging @thatonebirdwrites who makes korrasami stuff too
Someone you always tag on things like this - I'm not sure there's someone I always tag but I'll pick @nottawriter as one of the people I frequently tag when I do these things
Someone you have never tagged before - @rebellionbear have I tagged you before?? you are cool so I am tagging you!
Someone you would like to get to know better - @femslashhistorian
Someone who makes art you like - @awaitingrain along with others above!
Someone who writes fics you like - @luthordamnvers along with others above!
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