#A day in the life of Twst
sherbet-shark · 2 years
May I ask for an Ace centred fan work? Over him slowly realising the fact that Deuce might be better than him. With an angst scenario
Kneel to the Queen
|〘⋇ Genre: Angst〙|〘 ⋇W/C: 2.6k〙|〘 ⋇ Format: Fic 〙|〘 ⋇Content: 〙 | Aged up Ace and Deuce, Deuce becoming dorm leader. |
|〘 ⋇ 〙 Summary: Ace Trappola always thought he was better than Deuce ever since meeting at the chandelier accident. Ace was more clever with plans and, if he said so himself, handsome too! He made sure he was on top of his game the weeks prior. But things don’t go the way he planned. What went wrong?|
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Ace impatiently counts the days until their dorm leader would crown the new ruler of Heartslabyul at their private ceremony. It was weird to think Riddle would be away for the upcoming year for an internship. Living without the strict man’s incessant nagging was something the second year was happy about, but stranger enough, making him feel melancholic. Maybe it’s because it’s another blatant sign that time’s unending, forever marching onward. Or the absence of Trey and Cater weighed on his mind more than he initially thought. Perhaps, it was both.
It’s quieter in the dorm without Trey and Cater. The fun pair was off working at Clover’s bakery for a year. So this meant the fourth years were rarely around the college campus, and when the seniors were on campus, the students were far too busy to hang out with their friends.
The mischievous ginger-haired second-year didn’t mind at first, but when moments of nostalgia overtook him, it made him reflect. The dorm’s unusual yet fun dynamic was still there every year, but the change was undeniable. Heartslabyul had new eccentric students, but there was a stark difference. Trey isn’t baking his famous handmade pastries or reeling in Riddle when he gets out of hand.
Instead, the dorm leader learned when and how to act—maturing each year while retaining his strictness. Cater’s sickly sweet pesters ringing out in the dorm with his first-year students with cutesy pictures were gone. Well, that was the past, and moping around like a certain blue-haired man won’t do anything. To imagine early this afternoon was sem-peaceful. The last Unbirthday party of the year was today, and the dorm members’ eager hushed rumors about the upcoming tradition erupted.
They spread like wildfire at the end of an Unbirthday party as Ace carried a curious porcelain white and sporadically colored teapot with two spouts. Trappola peers over his shoulder upon hearing their dorm leader’s calm voice checking in on his student’s cleanup process. The smaller man makes concise steps on the grass toward Trappola, making the second-year shoot his head back and placing the delicate teapot in a box.
“Hey, get those boxes back inside, so team C can clean and store them.” Ace orders the first-year students, glancing at a trio of boys looking around at their phones just in time for Riddle to see how responsible Ace became over his job.
“Ah- Sorry, Trappola, we’ll get to it.” Their heads turned at breakneck speed to see their senior looking displeased at the still trio standing around while a mouse beast man nervously spoke up and scattered back to work. Ace had to be on top of his game to assert his authority in hopes of getting into Riddle’s good graces to be the next dorm leader.
“Ace, how is it going over here? Nothing is amiss, I trust,” Riddle quips a crimson brow at his rowdy student. Riddle’s features matured slightly, and the gentle roundness of his fair cheeks was faintly sculpted by age. His hair had grown a few inches, swooping up to cup the third-year’s cheeks if Ace had to take a wild guess, to everyone’s surprise.
The smaller man did get taller; even if it was a mere few inches, it was enough to have the older man beam with pride. Riddle’s subtle changes weren’t stark, but it was evident that even time brushed along the stern third year.
“No sir, the first years are being a little annoying, complaining about their clean up. But I’ve got everything under control.” The tall second-year replies, arrogance laced in his words as a cocky grin spread on his face, overlooking the first-year group together, complying with Ace’s orders. Thankfully his group was relatively calm and controlled, too much of the trickster boy’s amusement recalling Deuce’s assigned unruly B team.
Riddle glances at Ace’s face rolling his eyes at his smug smile. Gray eyes skimmed over to the students. Fast at work, folding pristine table clothes and returning silver utensils to its box. He hums in thought regarding the ginger-haired boy.
Despite how a year passed, Ace and Deuce still had a talent for causing trouble, but at least it hadn’t been so frequent that the third year had to be off their heads. The Heartslabyul dorm leader was glad he didn’t keep them on a tight leash but was wise enough to know Ace and Deuce were desperately vying for his consideration for the next role as dorm leader.
Grim, however, didn’t grow out of his obnoxious way, but that was for another time.
“I see. Keep up the good work, Ace.” A fleeting short compliment leaves Ace alone as the red-haired man turns to leave, savoring the last remnants of his last Unbirthday party. Riddle’s dorm uniform sweeps across the grass as Trappola clicks his tongue, watching the short man stop to stare at the painted red rose walls sway, and the ruby-wet paint drips to the green leaves.
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Ace recalled later that night getting after Deuce’s kicked dog face that night, the boys safely tucked away in their shared dorm room for their night curfew. Their sizable double room was a welcome upgrade from their four beds last year, but you wouldn’t hear Ace complaining if he somehow had a single room.
But regardless, it was… pleasant to have someone familiar be his roommate; Ace had to admit begrudgingly. Even when they inevitably butted heads like right now.
“Loosey, you can’t keep moping around when you keep thinkin’ about the seniors. They’ve flown the coop, dude. Geez, I knew you were a dweeb, but it’s even worse seeing that miserable sentimental frown on your face.” Trappola’s vicious snarkiness tears open his self-proclaimed rival’s solemn vulnerability.
The basketball player carelessly sat on his bed, turning his head from staring at his phone to see Deuce’s hunched-over figure at his desk. Since the two finished helping with the Unbirthday celebration, Spade acted off. His head held lower than usual, and his eyes always seemed to stay in places where Cater and Trey hung out during their first year.
“Shut up. I know that, Ace!” Deuce bit back at Ace’s heartless remark; that was one thing the former delinquent hated about his roommate. His innate ability to be a blunt jackass bothered him, but even the blue-haired boy had to admit it could be a great breath of fresh air when it wasn’t directed at him. The fellow second-year glares daggers at the lazily propped-up student on his bed, gritting his teeth.
“Then why mope around? We’ll see them during their graduation, that is, if you’re even going, or would you start crying then too?” Under Ace’s scrutinizing stare, he sighs, placing his glowing phone on his chest. Deuce grunts and pushes his chair back. He was standing up, leaning on his desk. His brow furrows while folding his arms across his chest.
“Would you show some respect for our seniors? You’re always like this, a heartless jackass only in it for himself- unlike you, pretending to be a top student when Riddle turns his head for a chance to be the dorm leader. I’ve been at it since last year-” Deuce continues until Ace promptly interrupts, mockery dripping like the blood-red paint from one of the freshly painted white roses.
“Oooh, how admirable. Remind me, who broke the million thuramark chandelier? You’re not as much of an honors student as you pride yourself on being. I doubt Riddle would hand his crown to someone that can barely pass pre-calculus.”
“At least I got my Unique Magic in our first year,” Deuce’s brows knit together as his grip on his ‘Bad boy’ facade slipped as he spat out at Ace.
The silence that followed from the boys was deafening as Ace’s eyes widened and his mouth agape, his iron gaze cracked as he lifted his body off the bed, dumbfounded that Deuce would say that especially knowing that it was a soft spot.
“A-Ace, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean….” Words died out as the blue-haired man reactively placed a hand to his mouth, starstruck that he would utter his friend’s weakness. An indigent scoff escapes the red-haired boy at the man’s hasty apology as Ace places his phone on their shared nightstand and turns off his lamp.
“Ace- I’m so sorry. I didn’t know what I was saying. I was angry.”
“Yeah, I noticed. Night.” Ace’s voice was frigidly cold and short. Turning his back, arms folded on his side, facing away from the man.
“.... Goodnight.” Deuce shamefully replies as his head lowers, outgrown blue locks brushing his forehead as he reaches over to turn off his lamp, knowing that he can’t and won’t listen to anything Spade says. The dead silence that night never felt more earsplitting.
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“Trey, I apologize for calling late at night, but I imagine you know why I’ve called,” Riddle’s self-assured voice rings out from Trey’s phone as the fourth-year nods and smiles at his childhood friend, understood more than anyone than his friend’s work ethic.
“Yes, you’re about to ask me about my thoughts about who will be the next dorm leader, yeah? As a reminder, I’m no longer your vice dorm leader, so you shouldn’t think my word is the law, ok?” Trey calmly reminds his dorm leader, hoping that Riddle shouldn’t take his opinion too seriously and recalling that the discussion of the ceremony and its candidates were strictly for the current vice dorm leader and the dorm leader to eliminate any biases.
Riddle nods along with the fourth year’s thoughtful words and feels his cheeks burn lightly, admitting a small loophole in that rule. “I am not here to ask you as a dorm leader to his former vice dorm leader but as a friend. You know who I’m thinking, yet I want my friend’s thoughts and see if his eyes see something mine cannot.”
Silence follows the green-haired man speaks then a hearty chuckle burst forth, “Well, color me surprised, Riddle. Are you sure everything’s ok over there? I never thought I’d hear you exploit a loophole. Are you hanging out with Floyd too much,” Trey muses as he cups his hand under his chin, leaning on a table and smirking at the cunning action the usually uptight man would frown on.
“Ah, I am not…! Stop teasing, and tell me what you think.” A choked-out sound escapes Riddle’s throat, hearing Trey’s gentle goads and shakes his head, cheeks and ears burning red, thankful the cover of night and geographical difference hide his embarrassment.
“I’m kidding. I’m sorry, Riddle, it was too good to resist. But now, back to business, personally to me….” An airy hearty laugh rings out in Riddle’s room as Trey, on the other line, has a wide smirk imagining Roseheart’s face.
“Goodness, do your jests have no end? But yes, I do want to hear what you think.” The dorm leader shakes his head, sighing at Trey’s tricks but thankful for getting back on track sooner than later. The young man holds the phone to his ear and turns to a neatly placed calendar with the coronation ceremony in a half-week circled.
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The long-awaited moment arrived as Deuce stood up in his clean dorm uniform on the phone with an all-familiar grey monster yowling out his irritation on the speaker.
“What do you mean the great Grim and his minion can’t come along for this corn-nation?! Did Riddle forget who saved his life– Yow! YUU, THAT WAS MEAN AND UNCALLED FOR.” A dull thunk echoes from Deuce’s phone as the young man glances at Ace across the room, the man’s back to the blue-haired man. They didn’t talk about what happened two days ago. It would take a fool to see Ace wasn’t mad about the fight.
“Sorry about that, boys. We understand why this coronation is a private thing. Call us and fill us in on everything, though, and good luck, guys.” Yuu enunciated the word coronation in a slow strained voice. They must already be exhausted by the Grim’s attitude but happily ignores the unspoken tension between their friends.
“We will, won’t we, Ace?” Deuce calls out to his roommate, hope twinned in his words, mentally praying that Trappola would play along for normalcy. Thankfully, Ace answer’s the second year’s question in a short, cocky. “I’ll be sure to tell you of my accomplishment, don’t worry, and I’ll be changing some things around here.”
“Ok hot shot. See you both later. Say bye Grim.” Yuu coaxes the little furball to say goodbye, and they hang up. A few moments later, Deuce turned his head to glimpse at the red-haired man who was already at the door, already for the next moment that would change his ongoing school years.
The former delinquent dejectedly sighed, seeing his peer refuse to meet his gaze, reluctantly and followed suit into the twisted hallway and the coronation room. Both walk into the unknown future together.
Dorm members flood the room and file into organized groups of clubs, spades, hearts, and diamonds painted on their faces gazing at the dorm leader’s elegant and powerful throne, the scepter and crown gleaming, enticing those that hunger for power. Riddle’s form is soaked above in the sun’s pouring glow from the windows behind him.
Deuce and Ace were group leaders for the Hearts and Spades at the opposite ends of the large room, standing tall in front of the young people eager to hear who the next Queen of Heartslabyul would be.
The track and field member’s gaze keeps flickering at his roommate to see some form of acknowledgment or camaraderie, but not all for naught. Confident and curious murmurs ripple through the crowds as Riddle raises a gloved hand for silence seeing no other student coming into the room and speaking.
“All of the Heartslabyul members are accounted for, yes? Good. Now all of you are gathered here for one reason and only that I know. With this upcoming year, I will be unable to be on campus to keep an eye on my students, and due to this, I must bestow the role of dorm leader to someone that encapsulates the spirit of Heartslabyul, One I know will do their best to make this dorm’s legacy shine brightest on this campus: a person that I trust their ability both academically, with magical prowess, and personality. To that end, they also must appoint their vice dorm leader to assist them in the coming years. I have come to the said conclusion, and I wish for them to step forward and bow in front of all to see your next dorm leader.”
Riddle takes a deep breath as his grip on his magic scepter puffs his chest out and calls the name, pride overtakes him, and he smiles. Ace proudly puffs his chest, ready to hear the fated words; with bated breath, his restless heart pounds inside his chest and mentally urges Riddle to get to the point.
“Deuce Spade, the second year of Heartslabyul, step forward.”
Collective gasps surge around the room as Ace’s heart shatters into a million pieces on the floor as the second-year student listens to Riddle’s stern, steady, authoritative voice addressing his friend’s name as the man in question stumbles to the center of the room and kneels.
Riddle stands up and steadily walks down his throne. Roseheart’s gray-blueish eyes observe the blue-haired man. Each step slowed Ace’s world to a painstaking crawl as the former dorm leader placed the staff and crown atop Deuce’s head. The specter morphs into a spade-shaped top rather than a heart symbol as the second year turns to see the whole dorm stare back at him.
“Now kneel to your new queen of Heartslabyul. All Hail dorm leader Spade!”
“Dorm leader, Spade!” The cheers were deafening, yet Ace wouldn’t find it himself to cheer along, leaving him wondering what went wrong.
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Tag list: @luvielle, @hey-its-cweepy @anavalibleusernameatlast, @yourneighborhoodraincloud @honeyuuyuu @twixxsted @rrasado
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suntails · 4 months
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new plushie just dropped
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crystallizsch · 1 month
i’m telling you the snakes are just Little Guys
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also: the uncolored/original version bc i kinda like this one too and yes this outfit is a mix of his overblot outfit and book 7 dream outfit (+ some creative liberties)
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qwakque · 2 months
Say Goodbye To Yesterday my Friend
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tinyfantasminha · 1 year
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Happy Birthday❗❗❗❗❗🥹🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💖💖💖💖💖
I had this finished before the card even got revealed and I added the beauty and the beast and jungle book wolves just cause I wanted to and then I find out that Jack aCTUALLY CANONICALLY MENTIONS THEM IN HIS VIGNETTE IN THE FIRST TWO DIALOGUES?????? I'm going crazy
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potatotrash0 · 1 year
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Back at it again at krispy kreme *backflips into the sign of mostro lounge*
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daily-trey · 7 months
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It's Neko no Hi day~
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evilcokito · 11 months
Didn't do the Halloween drawing *cries* too late.
As a reward you can dance with the Blog Princess.
I mean-
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The Blog Princess.
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iamapoopmuffin · 6 months
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Jamil my malewife
[I had so many memes I split them between two posts and all the Jamil ones ended up here somehow]
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quess-art · 2 years
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Some scenes I had in mind when I drew angry Malleus in the sketch, The Lonely Little Prince
Original Concept:
A young noble played a cruel prank on Malleus and pretended to invite him to a party he wasn't invited to. He and Lilia weren't fooled but the little prince's budding hope for companionship overshadowed his wariness. Seeing the truth in front of his eyes, he was furious.
Revised Concept:
Malleus decided to take a walk to stave off boredom and isolation after Lilia had briefly left due to a royal decree. A young noble child mistakenly invited Malleus to a party after misidentifying him with another noble they briefly met at a soirée. Little Malleus gathered flowers from his garden as a kind gift and gesture for his very first invitation! On the day of the party, the noble's guardian apologized for their child's mistake and told him the truth; after all, how could a child of an outskirt fiefdom lord dare invite a royal like Malleus? Seeing an ocean of flames, Lilia rushed toward the furious fae prince, ordering the Briar Knights to get the people to safety. As the fire receded, the despondent prince bore the shame of his rage.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 8 months
Malleus looking at everyone else being happier than him:
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citrine-elephant · 9 months
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not the kind of "weekend vacation" that was expected, but...
still thinking about that lil au/fic... never leaves my mind...
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crystallizsch · 9 days
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AGH happy (definitely-not-late) bday to mr jamil viper 💖🐍 and thank u harveston jamil for coming home as well as two of his bday cards 💖💥
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qwakque · 3 months
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months
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those 2 guys
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janahanooo · 1 month
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