#A) they're on the dino island
puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 77
So. This was going to be a problem. Danny felt like he was going to scream, even as Dan laughed at their misfortune. Give a tour of some of the Ghost Zone. Fine. Was going well even! They’d even found some sort of dino-ghost zone that his parents were really excited about!
Running away from a ghost t-rex, not fine! Really not fine! The speeder breaking? Super duper not fine! And then a natural portal had opened while they were fleeing! Extra duper not fine! This was supposed to be a quick weekend hangout thing Sam! 
And now they’re dinosaurs, and no he’s not angry because he’s tiny, shut up Ellie! Tucker don’t encourage her! There has to be some way back home… maybe… hopefully… He’s never going to go on another trip like that again.
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valentinewritesmuses · 7 months
@theresastargirl liked for a starter!
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"You know, maybe we should reconsider this..." Rick paused, narrowing his eyes in thought. He'd worked in the field before, but this instance was different. In his mind, he could only see this going south. "I mean, I'm totally chill with dinosaurs roaming outside their fences, but I draw the line at a volcano on the verge of erupting."
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kitxkatrp · 1 year
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Just an FYI guys, I might be somewhat absent for a few days. I finally got my new PS4 and I'm downloading ARK right now again, and if you uh...know me at all you know when I get re-addicted to that game I do nothing but that for a straight week. So if I let drafts pile up for a few days I am sorry, but just know that I'll probably feel better mentally when I get back from punching t-rexes in the face.
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underfell-crystal · 2 years
Jurassic Park 2: Quirky old white man back at it again with his bs
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Idea for an animated kid's movie/comedy.
So there's this dinosaur park that's a thinly veiled Jurassic Park knock-off (call it Cretaceous Island), and it's a bit of a toy story situation, in that the dinosaurs can talk and communicate when the humans aren't looking, mostly at night.
The dinos don't really want to break out since they like their cushy zoo lives and five-star treatment from the staff, so they're willing to get oggled by a bunch of twelve year olds to keep the food coming.
Out main characters are a T-Rex, two raptor sisters, and a wise old triceratops. The raptors are bored with their lives and long for adventure, the triceratops is a wise-old mentor figure, and the T-Rex is lonely since the park won't engineer any other T-Rex's for safety reasons.
Through magical shenanigans they get sent back to the actual Cretaceous period.
Now these pampered genetically engineered dinos have to survive in the savage dinosaur era. To underscore the differences between them, the future dinos are animated as pretty standard cartoon dinosaurs, a la Land Before Time, while the dinosaurs from the past are animated to be as scientifically accurate as possible.
The dinos go through shenanigans, amke friends in the past, evade predators, and eventually make their way home through magic portal stuff, except for the T-Rex who elects to stay behind since he's fallen for a female T-Rex he met in the past. His friends are sad to leave him behind, but go to the present anyway.
Back in the present, the dinos think nothing has really changed, but they find that the exhibit in the visitor's center, previously a single roaring T-Rex skeleton, has been replaced with two T-Rex's, famous for being found fossilized together called "The Deadly Lovers", and its their friend and the mate he found in the past. It ends on the bittersweet note.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Torn III
Kewis x Child!Reader
Summary: You're still sick
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Mommy doesn't get you dressed properly the next day.
She lets you stay in your pyjamas because you're sick. She's sick too but not as sick as you.
Mom, of course, still has her hurt knee but she's the only one not sick in the entire house.
Your head pounds and your nose remains stuffy even as you play with your dinosaur toys, making them attack each other because they're in a war and that's what things do in a war. They fight.
"Open," Mommy says and you firmly clamp your teeth together," Chook, I'm not joking. Open."
She's got a syringe full of medicine in her hands and you refuse to open your mouth.
You've never had good tasting medicine before and you refuse to believe that Mommy's gone out and bought some.
You keep your mouth shut.
"Chook," She says sternly," This will make you feel better."
You sniff, wiping your nose on your shirt and shake your head. You know if you talk, Mommy's going to dose you up so you settle on just glaring, puffing out your cheeks to show her that you're wise to her tricks.
"Chook," She says again," We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either way, you're taking your medicine."
"Chook," Mom says from the sofa," Come here."
Warily, you skirt around Mommy and run over to Mom, who lifts you up to sit next to her. Immediately, she attacks your sides with tickles and you can't keep your mouth closed anymore, opening it to let out peals of giggles.
Mommy squirts the medicine down your throat and Mom's ticklish hands disappear.
You glare, eyebrows drawing together in outrage. "That was mean!" You say," You cheated!"
Mommy laughs, ruffling your hair. "It was sneaky," She says," Not cheating. You'll feel better soon."
You huff but know she's right, shuffling off the sofa to return to your toys.
Helen joins you, curling up next to your side. Her ear flicks a few times as you continue your dino war. You have to blow your nose a few times because it gets clogged but Mommy is right because the churning of your stomach settles and your head no longer feels like it does when you bang it on a wall by accident.
"What do you want to watch?" Sam asks, channel surfing as she keeps one eye on you playing with Helen.
Kristie sighs. She doesn't look as bad as you did but it's still clear she's sick. She's got a bit of a fever and the end of her nose is all red. "Something that requires me to not think," She groans, massaging her temples to stem off the headache. She's only recently taken her own painkillers so she has a bit of wait until they kick in.
"So trash reality tv?" Sam teases and Kristie whacks her with a pillow.
You're playing nicely on the rug with Helen and your dinosaurs despite how ill you are.
Maybe eating all that dirt gave you a stronger immune system than Kristie thought.
"There's Love Island," Sam offers and you whip your head around.
"No!" You say," That's mine and Auntie Millie's show! You can't watch it! It'll spoil it!"
You sound adamant and Kristie manages to get out a laugh that could have been a cough.
"It's not a new episode, Chook," Sam assures you with her own laugh," It's last season. It's not going to spoil anything."
Your brow furrows for a moment before you're up on your feet. You've got two dinosaurs clutched in your hands as you wiggle yourself between your mothers.
They're sitting close enough that their legs are touching so you make sure to force them apart so you can be comfortable.
"Last season was okay," You tell Kristie very seriously," I will watch with you so you know what's going to happen. Mom, you need to put on Love Island."
Sam keeps laughing. "Oh? I need to, do I Chook?"
"Yes. That's what I just said. You need to, Mom."
With the other options being Deal or No Deal and Flog It, Sam's pretty sure that Love Island was truly her only option and changes the channel.
Clearly, the medicine has perked you up a bit because Kristie doesn't get a moment of respite the entire episode as you narrate what's going on during every single little moment.
Somehow, you manage to put yourself to sleep during it until you're lying draped over Sam and Kristie's laps.
"And we just let Millie watch this show with her?" Kristie asks, dumbstruck and Sam chuckles nervously.
"I didn't think she actually absorbed this much of it," Sam replies," It's like she studied it or something."
You shift a little in your sleep, death gripping your plastic dinosaurs so hard that Kristie can't pry them from your hands.
"Well," Kristie says," At least she's taking her nap without arguing."
"You mean, at least you can take your nap without her interrupting," Sam teases and Kristie rolls her eyes.
She lifts your limp body easily into her arms as she stands up. "Well, just for that. I don't think you can join us for naptime."
"Hey...Kristie! Kristie, wait! I'm sorry! Wait for me!"
Kristie doesn't wait for Sam though as she makes her way to their bedroom.
She settles you in the very middle of the bed but slipping in next to you.
You wiggle a little bit as Kristie tugs you closer, laying a protective hand over your belly just as Sam hobbles in, taking her own place in bed on your other side.
Helen joins in too, leaping up onto the bed and curling herself up around your feet.
"You have to get her to take medicine when we wake up," Kristie says, already half asleep.
"No fair! She's wise to my tricks now!"
"Not my problem, Sam."
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writeforfandoms · 2 months
Island 3
Find the series masterlist
You do your level best to make sure these four can survive the Island, if anything were to happen to you. Things don't always work out as planned.
Warnings: Violence, dinos, most everything is trying to kill people, dinos are hungry and people look tasty I guess, swearing, injury.
Word count: 2.1k
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The next days passed quietly. No drops in sight. No attacks. 
Just teaching. 
You took the group of them out to gather berries and plant fibers. You showed them how to weave baskets to the best of your ability - you were far from an expert, after all. 
You took them hunting again, a skill they already had mastered. But you made sure they all practiced getting cuts of meat. 
You made them all help you with cooking, too. Cooking was an essential skill, one they would need. 
Just in case. 
You weren't surprised when Price brought up taming again. 
“Taming.” He stood in front of you, arms crossed, head tipped to look down at you. 
You huffed in soft amusement. “It is week two,” you agreed. “Alright. I assume you want the hands on version.” 
That got you interested looks, Soap and Gaz lifting their heads and looking at you with blatant curiosity. 
“Right, okay.” You couldn't help but smile, amused. “Grab your weapons, I'll get Bessie.” 
It didn't take long before the group of you were headed down towards the beach. The hyaenadon had insisted on coming, and trotted happily between you and Gaz. 
“Think we could find another one like her?” Gaz motioned down at the hyaenadon. 
You shrugged. “They're around, though not so far down as the beach,” you mused. “But they're hard to start taming, you have to sneak up on them.” 
“Probably don't have ghillie laying about,” Gaz guessed with a little grin. 
“Funny you should mention that, actually.” Your lips twisted in a complicated mix of emotions. 
“What, really?” Gaz turned wide eyes on you. 
You shrugged, fingers twitching restlessly at your sides. “I have a set that more or less fits me, and two more sets. Plus some bits and pieces. It's one of the things that can be found in the drops.” 
Gaz nodded slowly. “I'd like to see that, and what else you have,” he said. “Later.” 
“Later,” you agreed, pausing at the tree line just at the edge of the shore. “Right. Who's volunteering to try this?” 
There was a moment of silence as the men all looked at you, clearly unwilling to volunteer to be the first. Until Price huffed and stepped forward. 
You nodded. “Right, good. Pick a dino. Anything you can see around here will be an easy tame.” 
Price turned a slow circle, taking in the beach, the various creatures walking around, and the sight of his men all huddled together like school children. He huffed. “What are the advantages to each?” 
You couldn't help your little smile at that. “Don't bother with dodos, they're not good for much but food. Trikes are good defenders and they can carry a lot of weight. Parasaurs can carry a fair bit too, and they're good watch towers.” You shaded your eyes to look around again, to see what else was around. “Let's see… that looks like an iguanodon, never had one before. If we can find one, gallimimus are pretty fast runners.” You shrugged, looking back to Price. 
His brow furrowed as he looked out at the iguanodon. This one was mostly green, with darker green stripes along its back and a lighter belly. Not a bad choice for a first tame. 
“That one, then.” Price looked back to you, shoulders straight and even. 
“Right.” You stood straight and looked at the other three. “I'm leaving you lot here with Bessie and the hyaenadon. Too much activity will spook the iguanodon. So I expect you lot to stay here and keep your eyes open. Yes?”
“Yes ma'am,” Gaz agreed easily, while Soap murmured an “Aye”. Ghost said nothing, but his chin dipped towards you, just enough acknowledgement that you took it as agreement. 
You grabbed the bag of berries from Bessie's saddle and handed it to Price, whistling for the two tames to stay put. The hyaenadon whined but sat next to Gaz. 
The walk towards the iguanodon was quiet, Price keeping pace with you. He stopped when you did, crouching next to you in the long grass. 
“Here, take these.” You handed him a bag of berries. “Start rolling berries towards it. You want to entice it closer until you can hand feed it.” 
Price gave you a bit of a side-eyed look but did as you instructed. The iguanodon slowly lumbered towards the two of you, eating berries along the way. You smiled, just a little.  So far, so good. 
The iguanodon stretched out its neck slowly, cautiously, until it could take a berry from Price’s hand. It was a little less shy the next time, until it didn't hesitate at all taking the berries from him. 
The look on his face was priceless, a bit shocked and a bit awed. 
The iguanodon lifted its head and lumbered away, not fast like it had been alarmed. Just like it was done eating. 
“Good,” you murmured, watching it go. “How do you feel?” 
He wiped his hand off on the grass, shrugging after a moment. “That was… interesting.” 
You laughed quietly. “Yeah, I remember. Okay. Think about it. How many more times do you think you need to feed the iguanodon?”
“Once.” He blinked after he spoke, like he hadn't quite meant to say that. 
You nodded knowingly. “See what I meant?”
He huffed, but his lips twitched in amusement. “I do see,” he agreed. “So, what now?” 
“Now we head back. Or, I suppose we could do a bit of hunting while we're out.” You stood up and stretched, working out some of the ache that had settled in your muscles while you waited. 
He stood with a little grunt, nodding for you to lead the way. 
“So? How'd it go?” Soap asked as soon as you two were close enough, clearly intensely curious. 
Leaving that one to Price, you simply rolled your eyes and tucked the bag of berries away again for now. Right. How best to divide the group of you…
“Gaz, you and I are going to gather berries. You three can hunt.” 
Gaz didn't even protest, just nodded once to you. 
By now, you trusted those three enough to not get themselves hurt while hunting, so you just whistled to the two tames and started looking for berry bushes. Gaz kept pace with you easily, glancing over at you every so often. 
“Think I could tame a hyaenadon?”
You snorted. “Sure,” you agreed with an easy shrug. “If you really want to, we'll figure it out.”
He grinned. “I'd like that.” 
You chuckled. “She is sweet,” you agreed, looking down at her. “We'll see if we can find you one to tame in a decent area.” 
“Thanks.” Gaz grabbed an empty bag and started picking berries. You stopped at the next bush down, focusing on not getting pricked. A soft curse from Gaz made you chuckle. 
“Thorns?” You asked, deceptively mild. 
“It was hiding,” he grouched, making you smile. 
Companionable silence fell between you as you focused on picking berries, moving around each other easily. 
“Think you'll make more of those biscuits?” Gaz couldn't quite keep the hopeful note from his voice. 
You laughed softly, shaking your head in amusement. “That fond of them, huh? Yeah, I'll make more. Although we'll need to find a supply drop soon, I'm getting low on some things.” 
“We'll find another one soon, I bet.” Gaz tied off his bag and went to get another, wandering off to find a different type of berry. You just watched him go, a little ache in your chest. 
They'd all learned fast, had taken to living here more easily than anyone else you'd seen. It was incredible, and heartening. 
Even if something happened to you, they'd be fine. 
The rest of berry gathering went quickly and quietly, and the two of you went back to see what progress the others had made with meat. 
Between you and Price, it didn't take long to get things packed up on Bessie. (Soap still eyed the dino with mistrust, but he was coming around.) Soap and Ghost took the lead, Soap chatting as they walked. Price walked next to Bessie, keeping an eye on the rear, leaving you and Gaz walking together in the middle of the group. 
Everything was fine. You didn't see any movement around you, didn't hear anything unusual. 
Soap shouted ahead of you, and a gun boomed through the relative quiet. You took off, swearing when you spotted the long body on the ground. 
“Fuck,” you hissed, skidding to a halt at Soap's side. “Did it bite you?”
“Aye,” Soap hissed, looking down at his leg. “Burns.” 
“Shit.” You dropped to your knees, leaning closer. Sure enough, blood seeped from the bite mark, punctures clear from the fangs. 
You didn't have anything for this at base. Not for a titanoboa bite. 
“Get on Bessie,” you ordered, pushing back to your feet. “Now.” 
“But–” Soap looked confused for a moment. Ghost, fortunately, didn't care, and bodily moved Soap to the trike. Price didn't ask, just helped shove the mohawked man up onto the dino. 
“We need to move.” You didn't look back at them, just started towards the base. Gaz kept pace with you, shooting worried looks towards you. But you didn't say another word the entire way back to base, too busy thinking of what needed to be done. 
This was not going to be easy. You felt like a fool for not having anything for a titanoboa bite. But you hadn't seen one for a long time, hadn't thought they came to this area… 
It was still your fault. You hadn't prepared them for all the dangers of this place. 
You hadn't been prepared for this. 
If Soap died… 
No. No, you weren't going to let that happen. 
You pulled the gate open and ushered the others in. “Get him inside,” you said, glancing at Soap, who had gone pale and sweaty already. 
“What can we do?” Price asked, even as he helped Ghost get Soap down from on top of Bessie. 
“Get everything else inside,” you answered, barely waiting for Soap to be out of the way before you started unloading bags. “Keep him cool. Do whatever you have to, but he will be running a fever.” 
“There must be something else,” Gaz pressed as he took some things from you. 
“No,” you snapped. “You all are staying here. I am getting the things I need for the antidote.” 
“One of us should go with you,” Price argued, even as he took things from you too. 
“No. I'm taking Ripper. Nothing else will keep up with him.” You pulled off one of the bags from Bessie's side, putting it aside and unloading the second bag. 
“Let us finish this,” Price ordered, coming back out with Gaz. “Do what you need to get ready.” 
You didn't bother arguing, just dropped everything and jogged over to Ripper's paddock. The raptor huffed at you, prancing in place a little. 
“I know,” you murmured. “Hold still.” It took a little longer than you liked to get his saddle on and fastened properly. It had been a while since you'd ridden Ripper. But you finished and led him out of his paddock. 
“How long will you be gone?” Gaz hovered nearby, shifting his weight as he watched you. 
“Don't know,” you admitted, glancing at him for only a moment before the guilt threatened to render you useless. “I'll be as fast as I can, I swear.” 
“Be safe.” Gaz stepped closer, taking your hand and squeezing it. “Okay? Come back safe.” 
“I'll bring back what we need,” you promised instead. It didn't matter if you were safe. Speed was more important than safety. It mattered that you saved Soap, nothing else. 
Gaz squeezed your hand again, but didn't press the issue. Instead he backed up, giving you and Ripper room. 
“Stay,” you told the hyaenadon finally, leading Ripper to the gate. “Keep him hydrated and cool,” you reiterated to Gaz. “Whatever it takes.” 
But you didn't give him time to respond. You pulled yourself up into the saddle and clicked your tongue at Ripper. Finally free to run, the raptor took off, long strides eating up distance much faster than any other tame you'd ever seen. Except maybe a horse. 
You knew where you needed to go. You knew what you needed to get. But you didn't know what you'd encounter along the way. 
But you wouldn't let Soap die. Not on your watch.
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rinravenkeep · 3 months
The Trees are part of the Squid's Plan! (major main quest spoilers)
After spending way too long playing through the new quests in SSO, I've come up with a theory. A real long theory. That the Life Wardens are siding with both Dark Riders and Soul Riders in order to repair the Wild Weave and reconnect with one another, inadvertently helping the Dark Riders to free Garnok.
Lemme explain.
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This is the map in the Fort Maria portal room. It shows the seven major Life Wardens that we know of, but it also gives us some clues about the story going forwards.
First, the obvious.
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Yeah, there's no way that little illustration in the corner is anything but Ol' Squiddy's Tentacles. But we knew he was imprisoned between worlds, in neither Pandoria nor Jorvik - so finding out he's been chilling in the Wild Weave, or a location only accessible by it, makes sense.
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Next, when it comes to putting a name to each of these trees I think most are fairly self explanatory. We've known about most of these trees for years, even if they've never been a part of the story, such as with the Ice Tree by the Stonecutter's Vault in Dino Valley, and the Unnamed Tree way up near where you finish the Red String Trail in the Firgrove Mountains.
Where it gets interesting is with the two trees I couldn't place; such as the one between the Sentinel Tree in Mistfall and the Ice Tree in Dino Valley; and the one on the far left, signified by floating islands.
In my mind it makes sense to have a couple of the trees sprouting in Pandoria, since the two worlds are connected by the tree roots - and the only floating rocks I know about are in Pandoria - but who knows.
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Overlaying the normal map on top of these locations makes it pretty clear that they're supposed to correspond to real map locations. The only anomaly is the Ice Tree and Sentinel Tree, whose positions are reversed on the portal map.
What's interesting is that Garnok, if I'm following the map's logic correctly, would hold exactly the same positioning as the Dark Core Oil Rig.
(For context, we know the Rig's position from old skybox errors that used to show it when stood in the right spots, some maps from the books (which I know aren't always canon anymore, but hey it's the best we've got) and, most recently, if the player looks South when entering Devil's Gap, thanks to that little black hole we helped Sunshine open up recently.)
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Where am I going with all this? Okay!
Firstly, we know that the trees have helped the Dark Riders in the past. The Life Wardens have repeatedly said the only loyalty they have is to each other, and quite frankly after what the Jarl did, who can blame them. (Thanks Jon).
This is going into massive spoiler territory for the most recent quest as of 17/1/24 so if you haven't completed it yet, flee.
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The Sentinel Tree in the Wildwoods has been corrupted by Pandorian magic for a while now. But in the newest quest, we saw Sabine using the Runesmasher to break into it and create a portal to free Erissa.
Side tangent about the hammer:
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For those who didn't play the Halloween quests, basically one of the Jarl's servants got the ice valley smith to make a hammer that could destroy runestones, broke one open, and a Vala witch gave him immortality. Aka. Sive (or an identical Vala witch), who is deeply connected with the Life Wardens and who probably gave Sabine the hammer when we saw her in Devil's Gap, has no problem with this action.
The Life Wardens, or at the very least Sive, their ally, wanted the portal opened and Erissa freed.
To re-grow the Wild Weave.
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Assuming Garnok's position on my map was correct, the only way the Dark Riders now have to free him is to go directly through the Wild Weave.
And since we're good people who like nature... yeahhh the Soul Riders are totally going to end up healing some trees and inadvertently opening the path to Garnok wide open.
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Oh yeah. We're going to mess up royally.
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salminide-letale · 23 days
Ben and Darius two minutes before an atrociraptor attack
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Van Life and dinosaurs. (Even if I'm pretty sure that the van is going to be destroy really fast)
I you search some talent, it's not here. Sorry. I tried my very best...
Bonus : Malcom's speech because it's CHAOS THEORY !
I wasn't expecting anything. I thought the Nublar six's storie was over and I'm so happy for this new serie. The Dinosaurs are in the real world and they're young adult now ! Creataceous camp was nice to watch but I really think Chaos Theory is going to be something awesome ! One of the win of Jurassic World 2 was to extract the dinos from the island and I'm sure Chaos Theory is going to exploit this fact as much as it can ! Thank Dreamworks and Netflix. See you in May !
PS : I wanted to add some detective wall beside Ben but I havn't enough talent.
PS 2 : English isn't my first langage. Sorry about the mistakes.
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mychlapci · 3 months
TFA Oppy breeding anon back.
Optimus is forced to go outside because he’s spent too long at the base and Bulk and Ratchet can take care of the bitties. Prowl and Bee drag him off to Dinobot Island because they won’t get disturbed by humans there. Grimlock, Swoop, and Snarl still don’t particularly like any other Cybertronians, but they notice that Optimus smells weird.
They wait until Bee is distracted by something else because of course he is and Prowl has to backtrack to get him. Optimus tries to follow but gets snatched by Swoop in dino form and dragged over to where Grimlock and Snarl are in root mode. Optimus is a bit confused, but knows these three are strong and kind if they want to be and his breeding kink is kicking up again and the dinobots could make for good sires…
Bee and Prowl realize they lost Oppy and find him getting pounded into by the dinobots. All three dinobots clearly taking turns and already had a few rounds and Oppy’s tanks are beginning to overflow with how much transfluid he’s getting. Whoever is not fucking Oppy is either licking/grooming at Oppy’s finials or “purring” near his full tank and chest plate. Prowl tries to approach them but get growled at by Grimlock, so they have to stay back.
Prowl says this might be a problem. Bee is just worried what Ratchet’s gonna say because there’s no way Oppy isn’t sparked after this.
oh come on guys, bringing a fresh carrier to the Dinobot island is a recipe for disaster. They can immediately smell that something about Optimus is different, that his body seems more plump and virile, so terribly attractive… you can't bypass a beast's instincts, after all. 
When they finally get their hands on Optimus he can't resist. He's been told to just wait a little longer before he can get sparked again for so long now that he's all pent up from his breeding kink. They're running their hands over his body, spreading his legs, offering potent transfluid. Those are some of the largest spikes he's taken and poor Optimus is drooling and squirting all over himself by the time Prowl and Bee find out where the Dinobots dragged him. the Dinobots are cradling him close, rubbing his stuffed belly and lapping the various fluids covering his frame, pumping him so full he can literally feel the transfluid filling his gestation tank…
By the time the Dinobots are done with him it's dark outside and Bee and Prowl are both just stumped about what they're gonna tell Ratchet, who insisted Optimus takes a longer break since that was his first litter and he might be exhausted. Well, apparently he wasn't exhausted at all.
Optimus is probably very apologetic but deep down, he's extremely happy to be pregnant again.
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stormtide-leviathan · 6 months
Why is the sun empire all humans when there are at least four sapient species native to ixalan (the continent)'s upper layer? Do we know anything about sirens and goblins of ixalan culturally? They're also native to the continent of ixalan (or outlying islands at least, in sirens' case) but we only see them as part of the coalition, a group mainly from another continent. What were they like before the coalition arrived? What are the ones who don't join the coalition like now? Are any of them citizens of the Sun Empire? Sirens I get at least for mechanical reasons would be odd to include since they're blue aligned, but I don't see any mechanical or flavor reason why some of the Sun Empire humans couldn't have been goblins instead. (It fits the long standing tradition of not giving much thought to goblin culture though lol).
And kinda similar question, but what do the river heralds think of dinosaurs? For all their nature magic, we only ever see them being aggressive to dinos or vice versa which seems odd when that's basically the wildlife of the contient. Are they really just aggressive? Do they ever domesticate them like the sun empire does? Do they have protective rites that let them largely steer clear? Do they swim along frillbacks through the rivers? This seems like a bit less of an important detail, but if we ever get another ixalan set that wants typal glue between merfolk and dinosaurs, this kind of thing seems worthwhile to think about for flavoring them. Alternatively or additionally, are any merfolk allowed to become citizens of the sun empire? Is there a population that lives among the empire rather than the heralds? That'd be another way to add typal glue, and adds interesting texture to the world.
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deusvervewrites · 7 months
PLM: Tokage managed to get her hands on every Fossil Pokemon by the time she got to UA, she thinks they're neat.
Except for the Galarian Fossils. She has some... opinions on how badly those scientists mangled their dinos.
I did not count the Galarian fossils on account of how those are clearly multiple fossils being stuck together carelessly. The team at I-Island would not make such critical mistakes with their fossils and Paleobiology
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wolfnanaki · 3 months
What would happen if Caldera Bay was brought to Modern Day Earth in the mid 2010s?
There's a lot going on with this question, lol.
For starters: does the entire physical city - buildings and land - appear on Earth, or just its inhabitants? Where does the city or populace get placed? Because there's a world of difference if the dinos end up in the USA or in North Korea. Or does Caldera Bay materialize as its own island, far from human civilization? Also, do Fang's parents get transported too since they're Caldera Bay residents? Or do they get left behind because they're stranded on an island at the time of the asteroid's impact?
I think, regarding human world and culture, the dinosaur would fit in pretty smoothly, since our world so strongly resembles their own, minus the anthro dinosaurs. I think Trish would be alarmed by how small the bugs are though. But the dinos would also be confused and alarmed that somehow, only this one city was spared from extinction, they're millions of years displaced, and they'd want to know why. And I'm sure that some of them would've had friends and family in other parts of Pangea, and they'll have to live with survivor's guilt. Scary to think about.
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talesofsonicasura · 10 months
Transformers Meet One Piece: Devil Fruits
I got bored. This is basically a Transformers based Self Insert where our favorite robots in disguise learn about the peculiarities of the One Piece realm. For this reader will be a human from the OPverse who ends up stuck in Transformersverse.
Only detail I'll add description wise is that they're tall, like 10 ft since it's funnily considered a bit above average for humans in One Piece standards. *Looks at Charlotte Katakuri whose around 19 ft*
As for what Devil Fruits are, these are fruits enchanted by sea devils that grant incredible powers to those who eat them. Though the price for such abilities is never being able to swim again. Devil Fruits come in three main types.
Paramecia which can be anything from a rubber body or turning others into toys. Zoan, that allows the eater to become various animals, prehistoric/mythical creatures and even deities. Then finally Logia which are living elements such as fire or ice.
Gonna be three entries with one Devil Fruit Type per an entry. Also it won't be the same continuity every time! For this, I'll be using Cybertron, Prime, and Bayverse! This can be read gender neutral or preferred gender. Enjoy!
Cybertron: Dino-Dino Fruit Model Allosaurus
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You have been stuck on this strange planet for quite some time. Honestly thought the place was an island at first but none were as massive as this. Plus good ol' steel rhino solidified it.
Backstomp of the Beast Planet was the only one who knew about your existence. A personal preference and the elder easily respected it. It wasn't for your safety but those of the foolish challengers. Picking a fight with this allosaurus was a death sentence.
To the inhabitants of Jungle Planet, you are just a new beast that calls the place home. It should've stayed this way as the days go by. That is until Megatron and his lackies threw the idea down the drain.
Whatever peace the place held had been thrown overboard in seconds. Black hole threatening to devour the entire universe? War between Autobots and Decepticons? Four Cyber Planet Keys being the way out? Yeah no.
Obviously kept out of it as it wasn't your war. Well that was the plan until Backstomp got dragged in and no one is gonna hurt old man rhino without getting bitten. Like mosquitos, the Decepticons decide to impede the Autobots once again on their way to see the planet's ruler.
You knew Scourge's honor bound temper and any tardiness will ignite his fury. What better way to slander 'Optimus Prime' then have him late from trying to save his team from an ambush. It was time to intervene. You let your body shift from human into the beast form granted by the Dino Dino Fruit Model Allosaurus.
The shifty looking bot, Starscream, didn't expect a massive clothed Allosaurus to leap on his back nor bite into his wings. He obviously screamed in pain as he tries to get you off but you were stubborn. The distraction allowed the Autobots to turn the tide and chase away the pests.
You shift into your half beast form while allowing Backstomp to do introductions on the way to see Scourge. They obviously had questions especially upon hearing that this strange dinosaur is a human. Your response? "Gotta earn it first. A home cooked meal is a good way to start."
Prime: Calm-Calm Fruit
You had brought this particular encounter on yourself. Everyone craves some peace and quiet at some point. A task that can be easily done thanks to the abilities given by the Calm Calm Fruit.
You were listening to the radio while eating another stolen meal from KO Burger. A normal routine since landing in this strange place about 3 months back. The only source of easy entertainment other than reading or drawing was a dinky little radio you had also stolen.
It broadcasts a very odd telenova about a war between giant robots and that's it. Didn't know why but you always tuned in out of curiosity. That and this Ratchet character tossing wrenches at his companions is so funny.
It was currently on the Decepticons' side with Starscream being a whiny two faced bitch again. "For someone who wants to replace Megatron, he sure doesn't have any balls." "What did you just say Soundwave?!"
Oh. This wasn't a telenova. You might've been eavesdropping for three months on either crazy people or actual giant robots. Well fuck. The radio immediately got trashed upon hearing the word 'Investigate' and took off with weapons in tow.
You found it been the latter as you watched shit go down from the sniper's roost atop the cliff. First three robots, obviously Decepticons, shown up through a portal to snoop. Then other bots who must be the Autobot party, since they weren't primarily purple or grey in paint jobs, emerged to start the fight.
Alright, time to be a neutral terror with silent explosives. Watching giant robots scatter in a panic as a soundless rocket crashed down is hilarious. And it grew even funnier since no one could find out where the shots came from.
Thus the next 20 mins were spent unleashing utter hell as both sides scramble to survive. It sadly ended when a very large truck robot had snuck up(via groundbridge) and snatched you from behind. He definitely didn't expect an oddly tall human to cause his team trouble. Or for them to sheepishly smile. "Guess you caught me.😅"
Bayverse: Smoke-Smoke Fruit
You didn't know how a nap escalated to escorting a injured medic robot to his companions. It just happened as smoke tendrils from the Smoke Smoke Fruit help Ratchet walk to his berth/bed. The two of you been trying to find Optimus for the past two weeks.
Drift about whenever possible and keep off Cemetery Wind's radar. You had no experience in fixing machinery so Ratchet had to guide any repairs on him. Mainly cause his hands were still wonky and he rather not shoot himself in the foot.
Both of you were currently hiding out at an abandoned steel mill somewhere in Texas. A perfect place to find scrap metal for more repairs on the Autobot medic. Well it should've been until Ratchet picked up someone approaching your temporary hideout.
It was pretty obvious what needed to happen. Thus Ratchet sat in the basement as you handle the unwelcomed guests. It was go time when the first black car came into view.
"Whiteout!" You let smoke swallow the entire field and tear into the intruders. Cemetery Wind still hadn't learned that bullets were worthless here from how fast they began to drop like flies. Smoke choking each foolish soldier as it slowly snuffs their life out.
A loud truck horn had gotten your attention. It would've tasted a smoky fist if it weren't the blue and red firey decal on the front. This had to be Optimus Prime.
Whatever Cemetery Wind grunts were alive found their necks snapped in two. You kept your smoke tendrils out even when three people got out the truck and Optimus gone into robot mode. A surprise since it was humans who took out his team.
He obviously saw you as a threat until you took him to see Ratchet. Any distrust faded when the two Autobots were reunited and the medic got better repairs. They still had questions but only one got an answer from you. "Why did I help Ratchet? It wouldn't be right to leave him to die."
And that's it! Until next time folks, I'll see you back on the Grand Line. Now transform and roll out!
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ratsandfashion · 1 month
I love J.urassic P.ark so much but every time I listen to the audiobook it just drives me crazy how very BLATANTLY that the Park doesn't fall because of "c.haos t.heory" or "life finds away" or "inherent instability" or ANY of that, it falls because of very intentional human sabotage combined with cost-cutting. A disgruntled employee is the one who shuts down all the security and fences, that didn't happen on its own.
And the reason it's such a disaster when that happens is really hammered home in the book in a way it wasn't in the movie---for instance, H.ammond didn't want to allow any weapons that could hurt the dinos, so they have almost no guns or anything similar that can fight the T-rex. There is a single rocket launcher he allowed but N.edry takes it with him when he goes into the park (M.uldoon does get it later and uses it against a raptor in the book, and unlike the movie he does not die!) but that's it. They also have insufficient tranqs for the bigger animals; the T-rex nearly eats Tim before it sets on. There's also the fact that they "streamline" things to have minimal staff on the island, meaning minimal people to handle a disaster.
In fact, N.edry's betrayal is spurred on by cost-cutting; in the movie, he's simply stated to have financial problems and it's implied they're his own fault, but in the book his mistreatment by Hammond is chronicled to the point his stealing the embryos is as much about revenge as money. Speaking of N.edry, a point is also made that neither he nor W.u actually bothers to learn much about the dinosaurs, even their names. This is probably true of much of the staff, with the exception of M.uldoon and H.arding (the vet, who features more heavily in the novel than the movie)
The movie doesn't include all this, but the point still stands in the film that the failure of the park came from human sabotage and human error, not the whole "you cannot control living things" point that the film and characters try to CLAIM. We do find that the dinosaurs are breeding (and, in the book, escaping the mainland) but that's not what makes everything go under, and in fact doesn't even factor into the failure at all. It's more used to support the "life finds a way" message, but it ends up being very inconsequential. There's nothing about what happened that couldn't have been prevented by having a better staff and not cutting corners, it was in no way "destined to fail" at all.
Like. In most ways I consider it a perfect movie (and a good book) but I can't help being driven crazy by how it fails to execute its point.
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jurassicsickfics · 11 months
Happy Jurassic June everybody! In honor of Jurassic month, here are some Jurassic World inspired sickfic prompts! Enjoy!
1: Intense Isla Nublar/Sorna heat causing nausea
2: character getting to safety after being chased by a dino and immediately puking, whether from exertion or fear is your decision
3: puking from seeing a Dino brutally kill another dino or maybe a person
4: knowing something is wrong when they realize they should NOT be feeling chilled in this heat
5: getting seasick on the boat to the island, carsick on the monorail, or airsick in a plane or helicopter
6: sick control room worker being forced to come to work anyway because the dinos are acting up
7: being caught out in a tropical rainstorm giving someone a cold
8: throwing up from pain after a dino induced injury
9: drinking some creek or river water while stranded in the jungle that makes them violently sick
10: having a wholesome encounter with an intelligent dino that recognizes they're sick and tries to help
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