You mentioned that you tend to work through a Nobody Dies lens. Does that apply to Dimitri, and what is his relationship with the Hresvelg siblings?
Thanks for the ask !! ^^ It took quite some time for me to make up my mind about this specific thing and yes, that lens does apply to Dimitri. There's a few reasons to this decision, which I need to recontextualize a bit in regards to the Hresvelg siblings:
I'll start by this: Aline and Adel do not consider Dimitri as their sibling at all. This isn't due to the fact that they are not related by blood (they both have different mothers than Patricia), but rather because they have basically never met before the Academy nor developed a meaningful relationship during their time there. Both of them always had in mind that they would end up betraying and declaring war on everyone in Garreg Mach, and that Dimitri would end up being one of their fiercest enemies as King. Moreover, Adel has never liked him because they are both faced with very similar mental health issues and he has some internalized trauma that he doesn't like to see reflected in someone else. As such, if it had only been for the two of them and Edelgard, Dimitri's death, although incredibly sad and unfortunate, could have been a logical conclusion to his arc in Crimson Flower.
The real issue here is Loki. For some context (although I just linked his character sheet), he is Patricia and Lambert's kid and since their couple was already Going To Shit™ by the time he was a toddler, he mostly stuck to his older brother's side. However, during the events of the tragedy of Duscur, during which he travelled with his mother, TWSTID decided to abduct him rather than kill him, and raise him to be a puppet with a legitimate claim to rule Fodlan in case Edelgard ever decided to rebel against them. And although he got brainwashed by his uncle Thales/Arundel, he never forgot about Dimitri and deeply wished to reunite with him; this also means that when he first got to meet with and learn about the existence of the rest of the Hresvelg siblings thanks to Kronya (I'll go over this in a later post) as a young teenager, his whole world was completely shattered. Long story short, that led him to join the Hresvelg siblings and get to be part of a family again. However, Loki never once forgets about Dimitri, on the contrary: realizing that Edelgard and him are on their merry way to fight each other to the death only amplifies his wish to see him again after all those years and convince him to make peace with her, because he just wants to have his whole family back and alive. As such, seeing any of his siblings die would absolutely destroy him.
That means that Dimitri could survive in Crimson Flower. and if he doesn't Loki might never recover. But then, how so ?
Sadly, it is in my own opinion unlikely that Edelgard and Dimitri could ever see eye-to-eye and become allies, even with Loki as a middle ground. Especially since Loki doesn't care for the Kingdom per see and feels a lot closer to his Agarthan culture of adoption and his focus is on bringing TWSTID down. Any attempt at discussion would just end up being a repeat of their Azure Moon talk at best, because their world visions are just too different.
This entails that any of Loki's attempts at convincing Dimitri to make peace with his sister would be unfruitful. First, because Dimitri would've thought Loki had died a long time ago, and finding out his little brother is alive would be a pretty big blow: but you know what would be an even bigger blow ? Finding out that he was raised by and thus, helped TWSTID, the same people who are responsible for the genocide of Duscur and their parents' death. And that he is still technically helping them by standing at Edelgard's side, the very person who betrayed all of them. The only way they could rebuild a stronger relationship would be if Loki decided to join his side, something that he is unwilling to do since A) he has three siblings on the imperial side and B) all four of them are planning to take down TWSTID. Unfortunately, this means that all of Loki and Dimitri's interactions post-timeskip end up in disaster- although none of them ever physically hurts the other in battle. This depresses Loki quite a bit, and enrages Adel, but he eventually accepts that he cannot take responsibility for his older siblings' actions and settles on one goal: keeping them from beating each other to death.
However, Loki brings something new to the table regarding Edelgard and Dimitri's relationships: memories. At his contact, El makes the connection and remembers the time she spent in Faerghus with the prince, which does make her take a step back. Although that is definitely not enough to make her negociate, it is to make her consider sparing him in battle- a bit like how in-game, Claude can be spared. Her unwillingness to back down from her ideals, though, makes it absolutely necessary that Dimitri is removed from any position of authority, else he could always rally support against the Empire. The Kingdom of Faerghus as a geopolitical entity may survive, but the Blaiddyd monarchy needs to go.
So... Where does that lead us ? To a rather bleak solution which is far from perfect, but has to make-do in their complicated circumstances where both sides can't meet in the middle. Edelgard agrees to spare Dimitri in the battle of Tailtean, and lets him go- letting Loki take the lead on this one. This means that Loki has to accept that he might never see him again, and that he might never forgive him. This can turn one of two ways:
I do believe that if Dedue survives and hasn't turned into a demonic beast yet, he can convince Dimitri to go without pulling a stunt similar to the one Edelgard pulls with the dagger in Azure Moon in a last desperate attempt to kill the Empress, because he still has him to cling to.
Otherwise, Dimitri truly loses everything and everyone: in which case convincing him to seize the opportunity to stay alive would be pointless. In that eventuality, Loki forces his hand and just teleports him out- making it impossible for him to make it back to the battlefield before all is lost. Which... is an even bleaker alternative.
In any case, that means that the Hresvelg siblings and Dimitri have to cut contact, at least for a good number of years. Maybe someday, when Fodlan (and especially Faerghus) is rebuilt, they might get in contact again- once both Loki and him can have some time to heal. Maybe slowly rebuild a semblance of a relationship, who knows ?
... Well damn. That was a BUMMER and incredibly angsty. Sadly, not all things can have the best ending for everyone involved. =(
=D Thankfully, Claude and Edelgard's relationship would be a lot better- no fucking thanks to Aline !
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nouverx · 4 months
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Day 5 and Day 6 of Radiostatic Week
Free day (Picture) and one sided attraction. Seems like purple doesn't suit Alastor...
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d34dlysinner · 1 year
Mc dying after giving birth to the 4 kings daughter and their reactions to it(Ngl I am a sucker for angst and)
THE AAAANGST (thanks for the ask XD)
Que rage. He doesn't feel rage at you or your daughter. He feels rage at himself as he looks at your lifeless body. All sounds of your child crying and the others panicking got drowned out by his thoughts. His vision started to go blurry as he tried his best to focus on you. Could he have prevented this in any way? Could he have been nicer to you during the pregnancy so you would atleast leave feeling reassured. He walked to your body and demanded for the others to leave the room. When he was alone with you he took your hand and cried silently. He wished that you could've stayed. Maybe he could make a pact with someone and get your life back. But who's willing enough to risk something like that. Who can he keep close so he could monitor them. When his daughter came into his mind he felt like there was some chance. Maybe she's too young now, but he'll try when she's old enough to understand what he means. Thus the wait for you to be revived started. He just hopes he can succeed in reviving you after the wait.
When it comes to his relationship with his daughter. He loves the girl and sees fragments of you in her. He would protect her even more than he did with you during the war. He didn't want another one he loved this much to disappear.
He was busy with things when he heard about you giving birth. The second he heard that you started, he dropped what he was doing and rushed to be at your side only to find out that his daughter was healthy, but you were in critical condition. He stared as your life faded in front of his eyes. That's when he started demanding others to keep you alive. Long and torturous hours went by with no succes. The doctors and helpers all tried what they could but the king wouldn't let them rest until he was sure that they've tried everything. After some conversations with Bimet and after seeing your crying daughter did he give up. Finally convinced that you were truly gone.
He made a special resting place for you and made sure to keep your healthier form for eternity. He displayed your body in a glass coffin in an winter garden designed for you. Only he had access to it. And everyday he went into the garden to see your resting body decorated with jewellery he picked out for you.
In his relationship with his daughter, he made sure to let her have what she wanted. She became spoiled, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't scold her. He wants her to experience some things that only you could have taught others. Such as putting limits to how spoiled and demanding someone could be. To be humble and kind. It was hard for him, but he's comforted knowing that you would've been proud if he did so.
He felt as if his ability to feel drained away with your life force. He could only stare at your lifeless body. Not even a tear was shed. He couldn't understand what he's feeling or why he's not feeling anything at all. Multiple emotions raged in him as they started to cancel each other and left an emotionless shell.
It wasn't until he saw your daughter (after hours of silence and waiting near your body) that he started to shed some tears. He held the girl and curled up as he held the child as if the child would disappear soon after.
After a while he decided to have you buried in a special place where you both would hang out privately. He wouldn't want anyone to come near the grave as he fears that it would be disrespected at some point. Only he would come at the start and clean up the grave himself. Later his daughter would join him and help him with cleaning the grave as he told amazing stories of her mother. His envy not present when he tells about you as he felt something stronger like love and pride.
He arrived late and hoped for all of it to go well only to see the faces of others. He knew that something went bad and hoped it wasn't what he thought it was. When he entered the room he could hear his child cry for any attention as the scent of metal entered his senses. "Blood-", he thought as he pushed some people away to look at your form. It only confirmed his fears as he saw your unresponsive state. He was in shock. He didn't know how to react as he stood there with his mouth agape. Beel was soon after guided into the hallway and had to wait there. He paced through the hallway and waited until someone comes out of the room to give him some good news, but yet again his hopes got shattered again the moment he heard that you were pronounced dead.
He sat down and ran his hands over his face to his hair as some tears spilled onto his lap. Bael was right there to console him.
After some hours was he able to face you again as he gave you one last kiss on the forehead and held your cold hand in his.
He made a promise right there. He couldn't be there for you each time and would disappear sometimes to chase after his dreams. It caused him to miss seeing you alive for the last time.
He promised to always be there for your child. It was proof to him that you were real. It was proof to him that he could actually love someone. His daughter became his new home. Whenever he leaves he would take her with him unless it was actually too dangerous.
He regrets leaving at times for some adventure. Now he'll stick around to raise his daughter. He may be clumsy at times since being a father is new to him, but he tries to make the girl happy at a times.
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squiddokiddo · 21 days
Continuation from this post here:
I'm so glad y'all liked the first part, hopefully this one will be good too, it's angst with some hurt/comfort, sibling fluff and 100% feels.
Thanks to @tracybirds and @mrmustachious for looking it over and beta reading it for me.✨
It wasn't long before a light knocking broke their spiral of doom.
"Hey Squirt, you ok?" A cheery voice called from the other side of the changing room door, the one they'd been dreading, the first and last voice they wanted to hear.
"You seemed a little upset back there, and I just wanted to check in with you. Can I come in?"
They knew they wouldn't be able to avoid him forever.
"Yeah..." Squirt's response coming out a lot more mangled and scratchy than they'd hoped.
Gordon pushed the door gently, laying eyes on the sopping wet, chlorine covered mess that was his little sibling, squished up against the wall. The kid was so ashamed, they didn't even look up as he entered.
Grabbing the big bath towel from the bench, he made his way over, draping it over Squirt as he plopped down on the floor, wrapping his little bud in a soft cocoon. His hands remaining clenched to the fabric, he tried his best to meet Squirt's gaze under all those soppy strands of red hair.
"Hey." He started firmly. "I know what you're thinking..."
Squirt's eyes darted away anywhere they could escape their brother's, they started to well up again.
"I'm sorry..." They whimpered, tears spilling over their cheeks. "I let you down, I- I- you- I mean..." They stumbled over their words, searching for the right ones to patch up the damage.
Gordon pulled his sib a little closer, still clutching the towel like a big net to prevent the little guppy from escaping.
"You were amazing."
Suddenly, the weight lifted, the air was clear and they could breathe. Squirt lifted their head to look at their big brother, wide eyed and relieved. As another batch of tears slid down their cheeks, Gordon released Squirt from their soft prison and took their face in his hands, gently wiping away the damp around their eyes.
"Third place?? That's awesome!!" He beamed "I'm so proud of you, kiddo!!"
Squirt sniffled. "But, I- I should've done better. We trained for months, I'm an IR aquanaut, my coach is an olympic champion, how..." They trailed off. "You've given me so much and I failed."
Gordon sighed. "You're also still learning. How old are you? Twelve?? You were up there with fourteen and fifteen year old kids, they should have had a huge advantage but you still beat 7 of them!!"
Squirt shifted uncomfortably in their towel.
"And it wouldn't matter what happens, you could never let me or the others down." Gordon tilted Squirt's gaze towards him to drive his point home. "I am proud of you."
Here came the tears again...
Gordon pulled Squirt into a tight hug and just let them cry it out for a moment, their face buried in the crook of his shoulder, rubbing their back gently. They needed it.
"I love you, you dork." He muffled, his face smushed into the towel. Squirt replied with an incoherent mumble but Gordon knew what they meant.
"Right!!" Gordon released from the embrace, grabbing the towel and pulling it over his sib's head. An outburst of protests and giggles came from underneath as the aquanaut ruffled up the kid's hair with it. Squirt emerged from the makeshift guppy trap, a mess of wildfire now occupying the top of their head.
Gordon, sensing the possibility of revenge, had already gotten up and made his way towards the door again. "I'll let you get changed." He blew a mock kiss as he backed out of the room. "I wuv you!!"
Squirt scowled but couldn't help cracking a grin. "I love you too, weirdo..."
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nailbatss · 3 months
"Lie to Me"
This is another entry for @harringrovesummerbingo !!
Square & Prompt: A3 - “Lie to Me”
Rating: Angsty
Word Count: 3.1k
Major Tags: Harringrove (obviously), angst, like the most hurtful piece I’ve probably written, blood, mentions of wounds, confession of feelings, aaaangst, character death
Summary: When things go wrong in the Starcourt Mall, who’s going to be there for you when things all go wrong? Billy doesn’t have anyone, or so he thinks. That is, until things go wrong for him to find out.
Who can you count on when things go south? Who’s going to be there for you to patch your wounds when you get in a huge fight?
If you were to ask Steve, he would easily say this group of weirdos that he pulled together last minute.
If you ask Billy, he’d answer nobody. He couldn’t count on his friends back in California, they’ve probably long forgotten him. Tommy H and Carol weren’t even his close friends either. They were groupies looking for the next hottest commodity, him. 
What happens when you lose that fight?
Steve would answer he gets drugged by the Russians and forced to tell the truth about something he doesn’t even want to spill out. He was pretty sure his head would be raging about that one. It was already bad enough he got the shit beaten out of him by Hargrove and he hated him for that, but he understood his panic about Max. That part he could forgive, now his comment about Lucas? Absolutely not.
That was his kid. He wasn’t going to play around when it came to his kids. Hell, Billy couldn’t blame him for protecting his little sister. In fact, nobody could actually. He realized he lost his connection to her the moment she decided to drug him and knock him out in that abandoned house.
He lost everything.
Billy wasn’t the type to sulk about, in fact, he was going to do the exact opposite. He was going to pretend like none of this shit bothered him.
That’s why he almost had a thing with Mrs. Wheeler. Yeah, he doesn’t like to think about that. It was only for show anyway since he felt sick the moment she started to reciprocate and pretend to think about leaving her husband to be with him.
God, what was he thinking?
That night when he was driving to the motel, he was actually going to break it off. He wasn’t going to continue flirting with her since someone else had caught his eye. He had it bad for Harrington; that he wasn’t proud to admit, but it was something.
He’d stopped flirting with girls, stopped trying to pick them up, and instead, he started to lay it thick on the brunette boy. Though he was older, Billy took that as a challenge to keep doing it. He liked pushing the envelope and seeing how much he could get away with.
Crash. Squealing of brakes. Smashing of glass.
After he had wrecked by the old mill, Billy pulled himself out of his car for now to investigate what the hell had happened. Rubbing the back of his head, his sharp blue eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of what could have made him crash. Raising his brow, Billy knew it was better not to ask who was there in the darkness. Huffing to himself, he shook his head and turned around to return to his car. 
Fwoop. Snatch!
“What the hell?!” He exclaimed as something wrapped around his ankles, pulling him back towards that abandoned factory. “Hey! What the fuck, let go of me!” He roared as he tried to kick whatever had its hold on him off of him. “LET! GO!”
His heart was racing with something he was very familiar with, fear. His screams were contained within the walls of the steelworks, his hands gripping everything in his path to try and hold himself off. His cries of anguish weren’t heard by anyone and he was sure this was how he died. Someone had him and they weren’t going to let go anytime soon.
A single tear slid down his cheek as he whispered an apology into the darkness.
“I’m sorry Steve… I’m sorry Max…”
That was all before he was dragged into the darkness.
“What are you doing out here, amigo?” He confidently strides up to Steve, playing coy for a moment. He noticed a figure in the window as soon as they started talking. Now wasn’t the time to draw attention there yet.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Steve retorts and puts his hands on his hips. Bitchy, he liked that in the man.
“My thirteen year old sister goes missing, all day. Then I find her out here with you, in a stranger’s house, and you lie to me about it.” Billy’s face contorts with an almost angered expression.
“She’s not with me, man.” Steve scoffed.
Suddenly, Billy gestures with his lit cigarette towards a window, seeing a familiar figure in the dim lighting of the house.
“Then who’s that?”
“Oh shit.”
The air was knocked out of Steve’s lungs as he hit the ground. Billy tossed his finished cigarette into the woods somewhere and he exhaled the smoke.
“I told you to plant your feet, pretty boy.” 
Then he swaggered on into the house, the door closing behind him.
Stars danced on the edge of Steve’s vision as he was once again knocked down. He couldn’t lose. Not this time.
So he pushed himself to his feet and chased after him.
Dark. Everything was so dark. Billy began to wonder what happened as he recalled that sudden memory. Was this all Steve’s plan? Did his little group of freaks crash his car and do this to him?
No, they weren’t smart enough for that.
Well, maybe the curly-haired one, that kid was freakishly smart from what Max told him.
Either way, he didn’t like this.
“Hello?” He called out as he stumbled through the dark, attempting to find a light source, anything like that.
“This isn’t funny.”
“You mean you do not like this game?” A growling voice questioned him.
There was a chill in his bones. Something didn’t feel right here.
“What the fuck? No, I don’t like this! Let me go!”
“Oh, but we cannot. We have work to do, William.” 
Yeah, Billy most definitely did not like that.
“What do you mean?” His heart rate picked up, obviously frightened by the voice and how it knew his name. His real name. Not the nickname he went by.
“You and I have work to do. These people, this place, it did not give you anything. I will make things right, you will see. Everything will be perfect.”
“Stop speaking in fucking riddles! Tell me what you want from me!”
A deep chuckle rang out, making the ends of his hair stick up on his neck. Something was deeply wrong here and he didn’t know how to go about fixing it.
“We will start by fixing your relationships with your family. Your sister will thank you for this.” 
“Leave Max out of this!”
He was met by silence, then suddenly, he was left alone it felt like.
The darkness quickly gave way to a window opening, which he seemed to realize was his body. He watched as his hands lifted up, his ring glinting in the pale sunlight as it crept through the boarded up windows.
“Oh shit.”
That wasn’t him moving anything. 
That thing was moving him.
And he had no idea where it was headed.
Hissing, the creature hated the fireworks as they hit his body, and Billy stood still, watching it all happen from inside. He was screaming for himself to wake up, to not harm anyone else. He was tired of seeing the destruction that befell his hands. He had already sacrificed Heather and her family to this thing. Now, he had to watch as it was after that girl Max was friends with.El, he seemed to recall. 
Before he knew it, his body was turning, heading towards the girl as she was on the ground. He was wrestling with her in an attempt to pick her up. Her leg was damaged and she was a prime target for that creature who was made up of their townspeople, the people who had lived in this town and he had made fun of. Soon, the monster slammed him away from the window, his body slamming into the floor. He picked himself up and he decided to sit on the nearest surface, a perfect mockup of his bed. 
He hoisted himself up, sitting down on the not so plush surface to wait. Tears were falling down his face at this point. Nobody could save him, not even himself. This creature had caused mass destruction and the town was fearful. He didn’t know if anyone was left. Or if anything was left for that matter. All there seemed to be was this stupid mall. 
Billy balled himself up and he let the tears flow, apologies flowing from his lips.
Basketball. He was good at that.
His father had found out that he wasn’t actually into girls. He screamed at him and berated his son, throwing punches left and right, beating the hell out of him to “teach him a lesson”. Blood poured from his nose, bruises were blossoming underneath his t-shirt. Neil wasn’t stupid enough to leave marks were people could see them.
That’s what made getting away with it so easy. Neil didn’t have to worry about Billy snitching to anyone because that would mean he loses the roof over his head, he loses the food that’s on the table, and he loses access to the one person who treated him like a son. 
He took beatings for Max too. She was too young to go through that.
He wasn’t going to lay a finger on her.
This one was particularly bad. He sat on his bed and wiped his nose, wheezing from the beating he took. Hearing a soft knock at the door, he didn’t even move. He knew that was Max from the pattern of her knocks. He didn’t have the strength to tell her to piss off. He could actually use the company.
“‘Min.” He muttered.
Max must have understood, or she was coming in anyway, that was a choice too. Lifting his head, Billy acknowledged her with a nod. A soft gasp escaped her as she took in the sight before her. Neil hadn’t been so careful this time and really let Billy have it. His nose was busted, his lip was too, and his eye was swelling shut. There was no way he could write that off as an accident.
The red-haired girl approached him with a first aid kit. It broke his heart knowing she had to know how to fix him up. Kneeling on the floor in front of him, Max opened the kit and immediately began tending to his wounds.
“How d’ya know how to-”
“Fix you? I’ve bandaged you up a few times.. You know, Mom showed me how to do this.” She answered with a soft scoff. “He beat the hell out of you, huh?”
“I’ll fuckin say.” Billy muttered and winced as she put a cotton ball on his forehead. It was soaked with hydrogen peroxide to clean out the wound. Damn, she’d be a good nurse if she wanted to be.
“You shouldn’t have to do this.” He said quietly, so quietly that Max almost didn’t hear him.
“What kind of sister would I be if I didn’t? After all, you took that one for me, didn’t you?”
“No… I deserved it.”
“Why?” Max questioned as she paused wiping the wound to bandage it.
“He found out I don’t play for the same team.” Billy answered somberly.
“What does that-” Max paused to process what he said, “Oh…”
“Yeah, oh.”
“I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry.” Max whispered.
“Why are you sorry? You didn’t do this to me.”
“Because you didn’t deserve it.” 
Billy’s bottom lip nearly trembled from hearing how heartbroken she sounded. After she closed the kit and stood to leave, his arms snaked around her and pulled her in for a hug. Leaning his forehead against her stomach, he swear he didn’t feel the tears start racing until she hugged him back.
One day they’d get out of there. One day he wouldn’t have to hide who he is.
“You ever think about what it would be like to get out of here?” Billy questioned one night. 
He and Steve were at the Harrington residence and smoking outside by the pool. It was a warm enough night and the pool had been cleaned since Barb’s death. He wasn’t about to let some bad juju come back while he was trying to have a good night.
Steve exhaled his smoke. “I do, yeah… Other times, I feel-” He paused to think of the word he was looking for.
“Trapped?” Billy finished.
“Yeah, yeah, trapped. That’s it.” He took another drag from his cigarette.
“You never did tell me why you called so suddenly. And what happened to you?” Steve asked as he turned his attention towards the blonde.
“My dad found out something I was hiding from him and he didn’t take it too well.”
“Shit, dude, I’m sorry.” Steve’s expression softened and his brows furrowed in worry. “Don’t hit me for this. But why did he hurt you? Like what exactly did he find out?”
Billy chuckled softly, ironically even.
“Neil Hargrove doesn’t like the fact that his son likes dick, not pussy.”
“O-Oh.” Steve coughed and he tried to recover from what he had just heard.
“Right on, good for you dude.” Steve flushed with a brilliant shade of red. “How’d you find that out?”
“I tried sleeping around, nothing ever felt… right. Not until I met someone.” He shrugged. “Not like I’m going to pursue anything with him though.”
“Why’s that?”
“I think he plays for the opposite team. He likes chicks too much.” Billy shrugs.
“Well, how do you know?” Steve questioned, sitting shoulder to shoulder with him now.
Billy took that moment to look at him. “I don’t know, Harrington, do you like dudes?”
Steve’s eyebrows furrowed inquisitively. “I- why are you asking m- oh.”
It was silent between the two of them for a while until Billy stood up. “That was stupid, forget it.” 
Before the blonde could completely walk away, Steve stood up quickly and caught his wrist.
“Hey, I never said I didn’t like dudes.” Steve smiled softly.
“You also didn’t answer my question. Just let me go, we’ll forget about it.” Billy tried to yank his hand away.
But that was before Steve caught his jaw, pulling him in for a searing kiss. 
His eyes widened before he melted into the kiss. The boys pulled away for air a moment or so later. Their eyes met; blue met brown in a clash of colors, all their feelings being unsaid, but lingering in the air. It was obvious they had a connection.
One that Billy wasn’t going to let go now that he had it.
"Be mine?"
"Fuck yeah, pretty boy. M'all yours."
The next time Billy lifted his head, he saw her standing there. That weird girl, El, her name was. He could see the 011 tattooed on her wrist. How she had one so young, he’d never know, but she was a badass in his eyes for it.
“It is time to go now.”
“Go? Go where?” He questioned. “And how are you here?”
“Go home.” El smiled. “I came to find you.”
“You mean?”
“Yes, out of here.” She extended her hand, wanting him to take it, so she could bring him home. “Back to the others, to Max, to Steve.” 
A blush creeped along his cheeks. Yeah, he wanted to go home, back to Steve, and where he felt the most comfortable. 
“Okay.” He placed his hand in hers, standing to his feet, “Take me home.”
After opening his eyes, Billy’s met those concerned brown ones all over again. He was laying on top of her and keeping her pinned beneath his body. Suddenly, he felt sick, so he stood up and faced towards the loud screeching noise. The Mindflayer was extending its tentacles towards the two of them. He figured since he had been sacrificing her to it, that’s why it was creeping so slowly.
He grit his teeth together and reached out, basically pushing the tentacle’s arm away. He screamed, “Don’t touch her!”
Steve watched on with agony as Billy was doing that. “Billy stop!” His heart was pounding. Robin grabbed his hand and pulled him back. “Stop! You’re only going to get yourself killed!”
“He’s going to get himself killed! Rob let go!” He panicked and he looked at her. “Please.”
“No, Steve, I’m sorry. I can’t lose you.” Robin pleaded.
He managed to turn back, only to watch as that other tentacle impaled Billy right through the stomach. His scream erupted through the mall as he shoved the thing away from him, obviously taking back his authority.
“Fuck you! I’m not letting anyone else run my life for me!” He growled, desperately trying not to choke on his own blood. 
The next tentacle went right through his chest, making him fall to his knees. Before he could completely collapse, he felt someone cradle his head and pull him into their lap.
Cloudy blue eyes met those deep pools of chocolate.
His smile was tinted with blood, his own blood. “H-Hey pretty boy. F-fancy meeting you here.” He coughed.
“You promised me… You promised!” Steve sobbed softly.
“I-I know I did.” Billy wheezed again, staring up at him. Picking up his hand, he gently placed it on Steve’s cheek.
“Need you to do me f-favor.”
“A-Anything! I’ll do anything!” Steve sniffled.
“Lie to me, pretty boy.”
“W-What?” Steve was confused.
“Lie to me. Tell me we-we’re going to make it. T-Tell me about our lives after this.” Billy requested softly and his gaze seemed slightly far off.
“We’re going to get the hell out of here. A-And we’re, we’re going to get married. I don’t give a shit if it’s legal or not.” Steve sniffled. “I-I want a house on the beach with you. I-I want about two or three kids.” He wiped his tears away. “We’ll get a dog.”
“W-What kind of dog?” Billy wheezed.
“A golden retriever, o-or a lab. And you’ll be a mechanic to fix cars, I’ll be a teacher. We’ll just be happy, I don’t give a damn how, but we will.” Steve sniffled.
“S-Sounds good. M’tired, p-pretty boy.” Billy’s eyes were slowly shutting.
Steve knew he was losing this battle. He wasn’t going to be able to fight anymore. After all, he spent his whole life fighting. Billy had been through it all.
“Go ahead, baby, you go ahead and rest, okay?” Steve choked out.
“M’kay. L-Love you, S-Steve.”
“I-I love you too, Billy.” He stroked his cheek, getting the curls out of his face.
The gesture made Billy smile slightly before his eyes fully shut, slipping off into that peaceful warmth that he felt. His hand fell into Steve’s waiting one and a sob rang out from Steve’s chest. 
His beautiful California boy was gone. With him, Steve’s heart.
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emswritingsstuff · 3 months
oh i’d LOVE some carol x reader angst
like reader getting shot or bit or something. and carol being as calm as she can but then throwing or knocking smth over like she did w the water bin at the prison? daryl finding her too. “she needs you in there.”
if i wanna do it longer or a couple parts i’d like to see carol there for recovery. reader being v detached and carol helping as much as she could. “don’t touch me!” aaaangst
maybe carols walking down the hall way later and reader finally speaks up “i need you to help me” and she’s trying to do her hair or smth.
this took me so long, but i think it's my favorite so far. live love carol <3
Without You (Carol Peletier x Fem! Reader)
Slight Warning: Violence (typical for TWD)
WC: 2.3k
Everything had seemed okay finally, the prison was finally ours. Our group was all together again, minus Daryl. You had been outside with Rick working on making small gardens around the clear patch within the walls. Loud gunshots soon echoed through the silence looking over to see Axel fall to the ground, presumably shot down. As soon as your head turned to see where the shots had come from, a sudden pain erupted in your shoulder and stomach. 
Shit, you were shot. 
Everything had turned into slow motion. Holding your stomach, the last thing you fully recalled was seeing Rick bolting towards you and picking you up. Doing his best to hold both of your wounds to prevent bleeding out. Everything felt like a blur, Rick had gotten you through the second set of entrance gates before promptly passing out from the pain. 
No one had processed what had happened to you until they saw Rick holding your unconscious body. All of the group was hiding from the attackers, Carol almost blowing her cover to help you. Beth had to hold her back as she would’ve been risking her life if she had gone out of her spot. Carol was inconsolable as she saw you get taken into the prison; she couldn’t handle the idea of losing you. “Ricks got her, don’t worry, she’ll be okay,” Beth was doing her best to calm her, but it was to no avail. 
As soon as you were dropped off into Hershel’s care, Rick ran back into action. And to Carol’s dismay, he was still covered in your blood. To her, it confirmed her worst fears. 
The Governor and his men were driven away, realizing you all outpowered them. As soon as the coast was clear, Carol had sprinted into the cell block, just needing to see you alive. The first thing she saw was Hershel washing blood off his hands, she did her best to ignore it but it was like a car accident. She couldn’t look away from it. 
“She’s asleep, lost a lot of blood. But there were exit wounds so patching her up was easier,” Hershel told her while he dried his hands off. He grabbed his crutches and made his way over to Carol's disheveled form. “She’s alive, I’d say it’s a miracle,” he squeezed her shoulder and made his way outside of the prison to check with Rick. 
Carol took a seat at one of the tables in the common area of the block. Her head was in her hands, she was trying to calm herself from totally freaking out. Losing you would be the straw that broke the camel's back for her. After so much loss these last few weeks, she wasn’t sure how much more she could possibly take. 
Once she got the courage to stand up, she slowly made her way over to your cell. Just wanting to peek in to see how you were doing. She peeled open the curtain to see your sleeping figure, bandages all over your stomach and shoulder. The extra blood from your wound leaked through the bandage. You had looked so peaceful, but also in pain. She had assumed you were going to be out for a few days at least. Carol walked over to your sleeping figure and pushed some hair from your forehead to place a soft kiss there. 
All the days you were asleep, Carol had found herself more stressed than before. Every day you weren’t awake she worried more and more. She found herself pacing back and forth outside, or doing mindless chores that could distract her. One of which being cleaning sprees, she’d clean her cell every day, clean up the common area, just do anything and everything to not think about your injury. 
While washing some cups, she had accidentally knocked over a few dishes stacked up beside her arm. Causing everything to come crashing down and making an even bigger mess than before. She couldn’t take it anymore, she took one of the ceramic mugs and smashed it on the ground as hard as she could. Having it completely shatter on the ground. The realization of what she did and she bent down to try and pick up the pieces, falling to her knees and sobbing in the process. 
She had felt so torn down, it had been punch after punch with no chance to get up and take a breather. She no longer could be calm and collected, not for the group and especially not for you. As she composed herself and picked up the pieces of the mug another set of hands helped to pick up the mess. 
Daryl was silent, not wanting to address the elephant in the room until the mess was dealt with. Just picking up the pieces and disposing of them appropriately. Once clean he looked at Carol, her face red and puffy. His strong arms wrapped around her shoulders and held her close, not letting go until he knew she would want to talk. 
Seconds past before she patted his back, signaling she was ready to separate. Daryl was the first to speak, “She's a tough chick, she’ll be okay.” Carol silently nodded along and hide her face in her hands. She knew that you’d be okay, the days passing with not seeing you is what made her scared. 
“Ya should go to her, she needs ya in there. Even she has no idea yer there,” Carol gave a tearful nod, walking out to go to your cell. She kept looking down at her hands, it wasn’t a long walk by any means but it felt like that. 
When she got there she peeked in at first, making sure you were still out and she wasn’t barging in at the wrong time. You were still sleeping, now on your right shoulder. She smiled fondly at your sleeping figure and sat down in an extra chair you had in your cell. She took the time to look around your cell, really taking in all the decor you managed to have. 
You had borrowed Glenn’s instant camera after getting super lucky and finding more film for it and you had taken pictures of everyone. You had told everyone it was for ‘memories’ and you strung them all up on your wall. An extra one was propped up on a piece of decorated cardboard on your makeshift bedside table. It was one of you and Carol, you had Glenn take it for you and you loved that picture a lot. Carol also had a copy as Glenn was smart enough to take two of them, hers always lived in her pocket. 
She had found herself getting sad again, taking your hand in hers and kissing it softly. There was no way that you knew she was there, but she still wanted to be affectionate to show her love. 
It had gotten late and she spent most of her time sitting there, she had decided to spend the night in your cell. Climbing up to the top bunk and instantly falling asleep, all the stress and tiredness from the week knocking her out. 
Later that night she woke up to the sound of footsteps leaving the cell, confused as she sat up and looked around. Seeing no evidence of anyone visiting, she'd leaned down to look at your bed under hers and it was empty. 
You were up, thank God. Carol sat up and sat on the edge of the top bed, letting her legs dangle off as she waited for you to come back. Minutes later, your shadow appeared outside of the curtain. A small hiss came from your mouth as you lifted your left arm to move the curtain to go in, the shoulder still quite tender. 
Walking in, you immediately went for Carol. You were only able to hug her waist, but that didn’t stop you at all, even if your arm hurt like hell to move. You needed her. She returned the hug gently, not wanting to hurt you more. She ran her hands through your hair, managing to relax you, forgetting about the pain for a minute. 
You didn’t feel like speaking, mainly because your throat was sore, and everything just hurt. You just laid down without a word, Carol took that as her que to leave but as she got her stuff ready to go, you grabbed her wrist and nodded a quick ‘no’. She looked at you fondly and gave you a quick kiss before hopping back up in the top bunk. 
In the early hours of the morning, Hershel had come into the cell surprised to see that you were awake. But glad nonetheless. He woke both you and Carol up to let you both know he was there. Greeting him, he explained that he had to give you meds and clean your bandages. You’d tensed up as Hershel went to remove the gauze from your shoulder, quickly stopping him. 
You cleared your throat and finally spoke up, “Um, I hate to ask this but Carol can you please leave? I don’t want you to see me like this.” That took Carol by surprise, but she left wanting to be respectful in such a sensitive time for you. 
She ended up going to the common area and fetching you something for breakfast, knowing you were probably starving. Her que to go back into the cell was when Hershel made his way out, Carol walked back in to see you in a baggy t-shirt. You were wearing a tank top before, probably to make it easier to get to the bandages. 
“Brought you breakfast, it's nothing much. But its food,” she let out a light laugh as you took the food from her. “Thanks. Appreciate it.” You silently ate with her by your side, just living in each other's company. She had gone to touch your leg comfortingly but you quickly moved away, folding into yourself. 
“Please don’t touch me,” your voice sounded broken and it shattered her heart. As much as it hurt to hear you say that, she listened. “Do you want to be alone?” She asked in a hushed tone, having a feeling that she already knew the answer. 
“Please,” Carol just sadly nodded and let herself out. “Let me know if you need anything honey,” all you gave in response was a weak smile. 
Carol would never cry in front of you. It was something she just never did unless something really bad happened. But as soon as she left your cell the silent tears fell, she had just got you back. Now she lost you again. She respected your choice, but she missed you. She wanted to hold you in her arms, she wanted to tell you everything was going to be okay. Now she couldn’t. 
She hadn’t seen you for days, really nobody has. You had locked yourself away. Most of the time Carol would find herself sitting outside of the cellblock. Holding the picture of you both in her hand, hoping you would feel better soon enough to talk to her. Her prayers couldn’t get answered quick enough. 
On one restless night, Carol found herself walking the halls of the cell block. Just trying to get tired. Behind her she heard a hushed voice coming from your cell, she decided to check it out only to be met with your weak figure.  
“Carol, I need your help,” you whispered to her trying to make sure you didn’t wake anyone up. She nodded and let herself in. “What is it honey?” 
You grabbed another baggy t-shirt from your pile of clothes and handed it to her, “I can’t get it over my head. Please. help” She quickly took the shirt from your hands and slung it over her shoulder. Her hands trailed down to the bottom of the shirt you were wearing, and she carefully pulled it over your head, careful not to move your arm. She then made quick work of replacing it with the new one. 
“All better?” Carol smiled, happy she finally got to see you in the flesh. “Yeah,” you smiled back at her, then quickly moved your head to look away. “Can you do something else for me?” 
“Of course, what is it?” You laughed a bit to yourself, but then told her. “Can you braid my hair? It's a little too chaotic and I can barely brush it right now.” Carol had to admit that made her very happy to hear, so she quickly agreed and got to work messing around with your hair. 
It was comfortably silent, no need for words to be spoken right now, but you needed to apologize for what you did. 
“I’m sorry for shutting you out. I just really didn’t want anyone to see me weak. I hate being viewed like that, so I just preferred to just stay out of everyone's way. But I realized I probably came off as a bitch,” you were quietly laughing to yourself. Carol continued to braid your hair, laughing a little bit with you then speaking. 
“I understand. Not going to lie, it did hurt to hear you say that. But I understand you needed time to heal.” You nodded slightly so as to not mess up Carol’s work on your hair. 
"But you also need to accept help, and no one thinks you're weak. Even Daryl called you tough," you looked down and smiled to yourself, grateful you had her there to reassure you.
Carol quickly finished off your hair and said “Ta-Da!” quietly with litte jazz hands which made you laugh. You didn’t have a mirror on hand to see what your hair looked like, but you knew it was perfect. 
Her hands moved to your face and held you like you were made of glass, looking at you with admiration. “I missed you” 
“I missed you too” you responded back as you kissed her. You pulled apart and just stayed like that. Finally, back in her arms.
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sphnyspinspin · 1 year
The funniest thing just happened to me as of recently.
I was scrolling through ao3 as per euge~ and I came across the ship tag known as First Aid/Vortex. I was like, “Oh yeah, the nurse guy and the unstable helicopter guy, yeah I could see that-“ then it hit me.
First Aid is an ambulance who’s an empathetic and compassionate doctor with blue optics/visor. Vortex is an insane helicopter maniac who has magnetic capabilities in FOC(from TFwiki states is from Aligned)and has an ‘x’ at the end of his name.
You don’t think…
First Aid + Vortex = Medix
Oh my god. Ooooooh my god. Oh no no nononono no-oh my gawd. I need to reevaluatesomelifechoicesatthemomentjusthangon-
Medix……Medix is going to be a uh, a uh, sparkling-conceived by Vortex and First Aid, and and they both weren’t ready for a baby. So uh they um, they put him up for adoooption and he got adopted by a dude, who traveled t-to Junkion and like, left or something, leaving Medix alone to be raised by the community. Afterwards, he eventually gwoess back to cybertwon and like First Aid’s like instincts kick in and like recognizes the itty bitty baby boy and like there’s gonna be angst-SO MUCH AAAANGST!!
I’m gonna twaumatize de sit outta dis tid.
mua ha ha ha.
Bare witness to my discovery @asmoteeth @magically-maddie @sonia-aquamarineson @sonicnerd @novafire-is-thinking @geluatekurama
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pleasssse angst with sinclair!reader and eddie?? AAAANGST LOL
HELLO! Okay, so, this is my first ever prompt! It’s not super long and I don’t know if this is the type of thing you wanted. But, I enjoyed writing it so much. Thank you for the idea. I know it’s not super serious angst but it could probably lead into it more. Please let me know what you think!
Don’t think there are any triggers!
If you read this, please feel free to message more prompts!
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What the HELL is Hellfire?
“Lucas, wait in the car for like…10 minutes, I want to go and talk to this Eddie guy.” You groaned, running a hand down your face. Lucas mumbled a reluctance to your big sister duties. “No, it’s 11.30 at night Lucas. You were meant to be finished an hour ago at least. You have school tomorrow, you have a game the next day!”
You knew what you had to do. Lucas was spending too much of his time as this ‘Hellfire Club’. He needed to focus on his studies. He was your little brother, you had to look out for him some how, right? What even was DND anyway?
Getting out the car, you headed to the school, straight to the drama room. That’s where the club was always held, you knew Munson would be there. He was always there a while after the club finished.
Knocking on the door, you heard a sing song voice say:
“The score was fair and square, man, we aren’t doing another game.” The voice sounded cocky, almost like someone was putting on an act, trying to sound a lot more confident than they actually were.
Deciding that that was a good an invitation as any, you walked into the room. Greeted with a large table, dice everywhere, a large banner with ‘Hellfire’ on with a small devil underneath, you stood at the door way.
“Eddie? Eddie Munson right?” You asked quietly, slightly intimidated by the man sat in the large chair at the head of the table.
“Tis I! You’re Sinclairs sister, right? Take a seat upon this fine upholstery.” He quipped.
You did as he said, sat down opposite him and took a breath.
“Right, I don’t know you. You seem to know me though?” You smiled. You couldn’t hide it. Lucas and Erica were your world. Of course, their best interests came first. Even though you were angry, you couldn’t help but feel slightly elated that Lucas must have spoken about you to Eddie before.
“I mean, he always mentions that you’re picking him up. He didn’t mention you, ya know, you were so…” Eddie didn’t finish his sentence, he just looked down into his lap and played with the large silver rings on his hand. He wanted to say you were pretty, or something like that. But absolutely could not find the right words to do so without feeling like the ground would swallow him up. You didn’t know this. You thought this was just an absolute terrible attempt at flirting, to smooth things over. In a way, it was. Munson had no idea of the storm heading his way any second.
“Look, I don’t know what you’re trying here with me but…now isn’t the time. I need to talk to you about how late you’re keeping my brother, it’s not good for him. All of this.” You explained, gesturing around the table at all the memorabilia on it. Eddie watched you closely, his eyes not leaving yours for one second. “Eddie, you’ve kept him an hour late. For what? To play some dumb board game? He has school. He has his basketball games. I know you don’t care about school, how long have you been kept back now?” You spat spitefully. There was something about this Munson boy you couldn’t figure out. Did you dislike him? Did you find him intimidating? You couldn’t tell.
“Hey now! I’m graduating anytime now, just you wait. I’m gonna walk on that stage, take what I’m owed and get the hell out of there as fast as I fucking can!” Eddie said in defence.
You were getting irritated now. He wasn’t getting the point. This wasn’t about him.
“Yeah, right. Lucas said you’ve been saying that for the last two years.” You mumbled back, venom in your voice. “This isn’t even about you Eddie! I’ve come here to say that either you quit keeping the kids here so long or I’m pulling Lucas out. Now is an important time for him, more important than make believe or whatever this is.”
That seemed to ignite something in Eddie. Anger flashed across his large, brown doe eyes. He stood up out of his chair and paced the room, nervously. Absolutely full of nervous energy. Mixed with anger.
“Look, I know you don’t get all of this but, life is hard out there, Sinclair, I can call you that right? I mean I’m going to anyway.” Eddie babbled. He was going to drive you absolutely insane.
“Sometimes, a lot of the time, this is all we have. A few hours to take us away from all the shit that goes on out there. They call us freaks you know? They call us all freaks for being into this stuff. Your brother, too. He’s been called a freak, I’ve seen it, I’ve heard it.”
You leaned back in your chair. Lucas hadn’t told you this. Why wouldn’t he tell you?
“Eddie…I…that’s…that’s not the point. The point is…” You couldn’t find the words, you were trying so hard. Eddie could see the change in your expression and he pulled a seat out next to you.
“Look, I know you’re just looking out for the kid. And he’s a good kid, brilliant, the scores he rolls? Sweeet!” Eddie grinned, sitting down and showing genuine pride. “I promise next time I’ll try and round the game off an hour earlier, deal?” He reached out a ring clad hand towards yours.
What were you to do? You reached out and took it, shaking it firmly, before you stood up and turned towards the door.
“Ugh, I came here to absolutely chew you out…but look, just look after him, yeah? But for the love of god, please work on your time management.”
Eddie gave you a huge Cheshire cat grin and led you to the door, opening it for you. “After you.” He said softly. “I can see where Lucas and Erica get their fire from, good job.” He seemed to think this went better than it did.
“You’re not off the hook Munson, one more late night and that’s it!” You called seriously as you walked out the door, back towards the car.
It’s decided. You personally disliked him, you think, anyway, at least that was your first impression. For now.
Thank you for reading! If you liked it, I’m willing to do any sort of prompt you wanna send. 18+ look at the pinned post on my blog for more detail 🦇
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mirkwoodmunson · 2 years
moonie’s fic list #1
minors dni!
total fics: 30
final update: dec. 9, ‘22
07/17/22 -> there was a wonderful lovely silence, there was a wonderful lovely sound; 2.7k words
you spend a cozy night hanging out at eddie’s place contains: fluff, smut, praise kink, dry humping, stoned sex, pet names tw: cursing, drug use (weed)
07/23/22 -> bad day; 2.3k words
you thought you were getting over the anxiety, bad dreams, the panic attacks. but you find even just a bad day can let it all flood back. contains: established relationship, soft!eddie, angst, vol2 spoilers/rewrite, living together tw: ptsd, flashbacks, cursing, anger struggle, trauma, anxiety/panic attacks, mental health struggle, pet names
07/24/22 -> eat your lunch; 815 words
eddie has a hard time calming down when he’s in one of his loud-mouthed moods, until you cram some food in his mouth for some peace and quiet. contains: fluff, goofs, hellfire club, established relationship, jason carver, chrissy cunningham, pre-s4 tw: cursing, food mention/eating/forced eating but in a lighthearted way, playful hitting
07/25/22 -> uncle wayne; 956 words
wayne munson is very much the strong/silent type, you wonder how he’s doing after everything that happened with his nephew —your boyfriend — eddie. one night he decides to tell you. contains: wayne munson, vol2 rewrite/fixit, comfort, established relationship w/ eddie, light angst, no pronouns tw: alcohol, smoking, cursing
07/26/22 -> matrimony; 1.4k words
it’s been two years. everything is calm. eddie, one summer morning in july, asks if you’d marry him today. contains: fluff so much fluff, v2 fixit, established relationship ofc, almost everyone is in this one, non-traditional wedding but not really a wedding technically tw: cursing, alcohol
07/31/22 -> meltdown; 2k words
sometimes the bullying is too much. sometimes eddie needs you to step in. contains: aaaangst but then a lil fluff at the end ig so it’s ok, jason carver, hurt!eddie, pre-s4 tw: cursing, physical/verbal bullying, violence, meltdown
08/03/22 -> what you want; 2.4k
after trying to let eddie have a distraction-free week to focus on his schoolwork, you reward him for a job well done. contains: smut, fluff, praise kink, est. relationship, pet names, fingering, unprotected p in v (use protection — we don’t live in a fantasy world) tw: cursing ofc, all of the above mentioned
08/04/22 -> silly boy; 850 words
you pick eddie up from lockup and give him a good scolding. contains: lil angst, lil fluff, lil bit of hopper, est. relationship, pre-s3-4 tw: cursing, drug mention, jail mention, self-deprecation, scolding
08/08/22 -> dozing; 838 words
it’s movie night with eddie, but you struggle to stay awake. he’s happy to let you nap in his arms. contains: fluffff, est. relationship, lots of naps tw: eddie only says one (1) whole curse, food/eating
08/09/22 -> work; 185 words / fluff
08/11/22 -> the fair; 562 words / angst->fluff
tw: anxiety, overstimulation
08/22/22 -> ask prompt; 1.2k words / fluff;minor smut
Anonymous said: Eddie crushing on a girl and then after a long time he finally gets to see her naked and he can't help but say "oh wow" all soft cause of how breathtaking he thinks she is.............. tw: cursing, perceived nudity
08/30/22 -> ice cream; 645 words / fluff
tw: food/eating, pet names, stressed/overstimulated reader
09/08/22 -> ask prompt; 496 words / fluff
neversky said: getting high with Eddie and you can't stop laughing or having a really good deep conversation tw: drug use (marijuana)
09/09/22 -> eddie comforts sick reader 1 | 2; 1k words total / fluff;comfort
tw: cursing, feeling sick
09/15/22 -> ask prompt; 776 words / fluff
Anonymous said: eddie munson x reader fic idea - eddie and reader are classmates and one day they both end up in the nurse's office sick. tw: cursing, feeling sick
09/22/22 -> bad dreams; 1.6k words / fluff;comfort
tw: bad dreams, anxiety, drug use (weed), implied to take place post vol2 (fixit)
10/01/22 -> mending his vest; 481 words / fluff
10/05/22 -> wrestling with eddie; 379 words / fluff
tw: eddie accidentally trips reader
10/08/22 -> (prompt) mighty munsons; 896 words / fluff;comfort
‘what if Eddie consoles you crying and he starts laughing and you get offended but he can’t help cause you’re so cute’ tw: injury & blood
10/13/22 -> chronic pain comfort; 458 words / fluff;comfort
10/16/22 -> ask prompt; 780 words / fluff;comfort
Anonymous said: […] I was wondering if you could possibly do a lil hurt/comfort blurb where reader has a tough time showing emotions because of that, and Eddie insists that she can and won’t be judge n all that stuff? 💖
10/24/22 -> ask prompt; 1.2k words / fluff
relocatedheads said: […] what if eddie and reader get lost in kissing each other in the kitchen or on the way to his room, and eddie knocks them into walls, corners, side; they stumble around; and its all giggly and cute-
10/29/22 -> short blurb; 78 words / fluff
10/30/22 -> ask prompt; 1.2k words / angst;comfort
your-mum-and-i said: Would you pretty please turn this picture into an Eddie munson fanfiction? I've been searching the Internet and have yet to find anything like this. […] tw: cursing, angst, panic/anxiety attack, dissociation, night terrors, depressed/anxious reader, post-v2 (fixit)
11/15/22 -> titanic!eddie x reader blurb; 97 words / angst
11/24/22 -> eddie x sick!reader (again); 470 words / comfort
12/02/22 -> eddie x reader watch rocky horror; 487 words / fluff;minor smut
neversky said: smoking with Eddie and then you're straddling him and kissing and then a song comes on u really like so you are like dancing while straddling him and he's just watching u and maybe he starts undressing u while u lipsync to the song maybe huhuhu
12/06/22 -> eddie comforts sad reader; 945 words / comfort;fluff
Anonymous said: Hi. I’m struggling a lot and I was wondering if you could write a Eddie comfort fic? […]
12/07/22 -> mid-west monster; 1.5k / horror(?)
you’ve been with eddie munson for a few months now, and while you knew the boy harbored some secrets — you weren’t aware just how hairy things were about to get tw: cursing, body horror(? i think?)
312 notes · View notes
bardicious · 3 years
Notable Witcher Season 2 writing I willingly discard completely from my canon of the show:
Geralt's instant parenting skills
Roach being alive for 33 years.
Eskel's death (though personally I like that it might have been a doppler or something similar and he comes back after the season ends)
The unreasonable amount of Witchers still living. And their fighting skills (that are subpar and henchmen like). My canon has only ever had Coen, Lambert, Eskel, Vesemir, Geralt, and whoever else is still alive (if they become relevant in Season 3, if not than I don't care - they don't exist either)
The other Witchers' armor that can't compare to Geralt's or Vesemir's.
Toxic Masculinity in the Witcher keep! BLEH! (Or I turn it into Toxic Witcher...inity? Cause they've had a hard life and hate outsiders now or something. Idk)
Rience finding the Witcher keep somehow???
Jaskier's fumble while sandpipering
Geralt's whole ass personality, really. (As in, take out all the toxic masculinity, the apparent uncaring of his friend and past lover, his only emotion being "protect ciri")
Anything Rience does past Jaskier's torture scene (cause I really don't get how he got to be anywhere in that story, also let him use more magic! I get it, he likes fire! But I need more, wtf)
Emhyr's whole ass face.
Any too ridiculous comic relief bit with Jaskier (they went way too much into it at several inappropriate times - which they've done in Season 1 and I've happily ignored in those instances too + though Im not saying I can't see Jaskier making jokes to lighten up tense moods - thats something I happily accept in his character and is in my keep list)
Yennefer and Ciri making it all the way back to Cintra... (feels like it makes light of Ciri's journey outside of there).
Triss' sudden wig, and Ciri's.
Lots of costuming choices this season.
Triss' attraction to Geralt and their whole thing... felt awkward honestly.
Alternatively Witcher Season 2 writing I will be keeping for angst purposes, things I like despite everything, and things I love.
Jaskier accepting Geralt's apology and Geralt not giving him a better one (thats really just on par with their relationship)
Geralt and Jaskier's entire rocky relationship
Jaskier's drinking problem before and after Rience (clearly started either after Geralt abandoned him or possibly another result of how the war and the persecution of the Elves has hit him hard)
Jaskier's destroyed lute (I miss you, I love you, but aaaangst)
Jaskier's sense of humor at the wrong place and the wrong time. What can I say, the man hides his tension and fear well.
Yennefer's everything. She's perfect. I love her.
Ciri, my love. You're doing wonderful.
Jaskier is fantastic too accept for how they did him dirty.
Lambert, Coen, Eskel's Netflix looks (yall are all lovely, and we don't need no game!canon versions).
Deathless Mother/Baba Yaga - I GUESS - she's the main villain of this Season so I have to keep her, but I wish she weren't so anti climatic. (She needs rewriting)
Every Witcher has their own personal medallion (I think it's really neat)
Jaskier and Yennefer bbfs. <3
Rience, my beloved.
One more, just for good luck, Witcher headcanons I add in to make myself happy and angsty:
Jaskier's torture burns are not healed up and he hasn't showed anyone the marks.
Jaskier's general ptsd after Rience tortures him.
Rience mildly (or a lot?) obsessed/attracted with Jaskier. (Why, yes, Jaskier, he is a big fan)
Rience finding Geralt, Yen, and Ciri by mistake and then attacking them.
Eskel is alive, and he's got a goat, he just hasn't made it back to the keep yet.
There are more Witcher schools (just in case there aren't in the Netflix version)
All the Witchers, including Geralt have scars on their faces.
Geralt starts showing facial hair.
Jaskier isn't human, but he doesn't know about it.
Stregabor is dead (I hate him - I hate Vilgefortz and Emhyr too but unfortunately they're too important to sacrifice to the canon gods)
Triss gets a change of heart, and makes up with Ciri. (no book/game canon Triss here, I know she's awful)
A year and a half passed - since Jaskier saw Geralt last. (I don't know how much time really past, but it needs to be more for me cause this all happening at once is too much)
The Deathless Mother is the reason Yen lost her powers.
The Deathless Mother's grip on Yen being so powerful Yen doesn't realize herself, how little in control she was. She believes it was her decision to sacrifice Ciri, and on some level it was, but she would never have done so if her mind was all hers.
Ciri and Yen bond for more time before Yen ultimately tries to sacrifice her. It's her budding love of the child that fights the Deathless Mother's grip in the end, but not quick enough to stop completely from her goal. Geralt still stops her. They still fight and don't quite make up for the finale.
Lastly (only one point), things I know f*ck all what to do with:
Jaskier's purpose for being in Kaer Morhen (WHY DOES GERALT GET HIM OUT OF JAIL???? NO REALLY? WHY?) I haven't the faintest how to place Jaskier there in a way it makes sense. Because the way Geralt's been acting, there's no real reason for him to have gone to jail break Jaskier (who was in trouble, but when he got there, Geralt didn't seem to care anyway, sooooo....)
This list is not at all concise enough. I have more thoughts and rewrites, mentally speaking. But Imma leave it at this.
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Voltron Part 28
Everyone says that S7 and S8 are bad. But at least they dont have this stupid half-season thing going on. Season 6, episodes 5+6! These ones were pretty wild. Let's go!:
The aaangst! So much aaaangst!
Also. Congatulations, it’s a Sheith!
Keith once again went off on his his own because of Shiro...
Colourful Ty Lee, Big Gal! Don’t call Shiro “it”. He’s our fucking space daddy!
Space witch calling Keith the “Red Paladin” is literally me. Like. Guys, you’ve had your new lions long enough! Colour coordinate accordingly!
This entire episode, I'm just that meme, “Hey. Check out how hard I can cry”
Stone Cold Bitch is hesitant to shoot Keith! The brOTP continues!
Is the virus affecting the castle supposed to be created by Shiro/space witch? And therefore it knows what Pidge would do?
Lotor don’t talk to your mother like that. She may be an ass, but you’re the bigger ass
Lotor got his girlsquad back, eventhough he doesn't deserve them
That stupid fucking clone theory got it right!
Okay. First of all: How did people think of this theory? I only knew that it existed because of old Voltron-fandom videos on YouTube. Did I miss so much foreshadowing?
Second: I absolutely hate this. I want MY Shiro. Not some stupid clone
Third: That discovery scene was really well done! Kudos to the people responsible
(Fourth: There probably exist a Sheith Gangbang fic on AO3 based on this scene. And i will find it)
It’s time for more ANGST!
That fight scene is SO anime
Tam Voltron, don’t fucking mistrust Shiro (even though you now know that the virus is his doing)
Did Keith just have goddamn yellow eyes? It’s probably a Galra thing, but I just wanna send him to an optometrist
“Shiro”, honey. That “Your parents abandoned you”-thing won’t work on Keith. He basically just had a 2 year pep talk with his mom
I know it’s an animation thing, to show that Keith's breathing heavily. But the Paladins armor must be really shitty if it just bends like that
Keith said “I love you”. I repeat: Keith said “I love you”
(I know it won’t be canon because apparently !No! shippers were happy with the ending. But just let me have this)
And their backstory is so cute!!!
Is Shiro good again? Because of the power of love, or something like that?
God. This episode was just an emotional roller coaster...
Hey, it's the spirit realm where Shiro fought Zarkon!
It's good-haircut-Shiro!
God. Him telling Keith he died broke my fucking heart...
Sooooo. What are you gonna do with "Shiro" ?
~I predicted it~ ~It's time for some Allura-angst because of this whole situation with Lotor~
Is it bad that I don't feel that sorry for her? Because, like. Lotor was obviously still an evil ass
And being a Leader, she should have a better judge of character
But. At least we got a good Allurance moment out of that
Big Gal and colourful Ty Lee are suprisingly okay with siding with Lotor again. That's either non-developed character motivation. Or part of some greater scheme(?)
Moustache man, sorry but I do not care about your b-plot of trying to fix the castle.
(But also: Good for you, for living this ~Disney princess life~ with all these animal companions)
Lotor. I don't think that anyone still believes that you're a good guy
Does Allura get to kill Lotor?
His reaction to being compared with Zarkon sure was something. Dude got some serious daddy-issues to work through
Wow, Lotor you're such a great guy~♡. Talking about, being the Altean's great leader and erasing Allura+her dad from history. Such a good guy~ ^^
And the girlsquad abandoned him again. Nevermind
Why did Lotor decide to have his 99cent-version of Voltron be a scalie?
It's kinda sad that Keith has to listen to his friends potentially dying.... But I'm also pretty impressed that he's still getting signal all the way in space...
Shiro said his line! "Patience yields focus".
And now Keith had his magical-girl transformation sequence with the black lion!
So the final episode gonna be an epic mecha battle? Again? Like in season 2?
Is Allura gonna "die"? Again? Like in every other season-finale-episode?
Also they still have to figure out, what to do about this entire Shiro and "Shiro"-thing
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 4 years
Is She the Reason? - Part 3
Parts: 1, 2
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Black!Reader, Nestor Oceteva x Black!Reader
Summary: Angel, Nestor. Nestor, Angel. Girl....what the hell you gon’ do now?
Warning(s): Aaaangst, a fluffly bit, a confrontation, but aaaaaangst. This is the angst series :)
Word count: 2,508
AN: I uh...I did a thing. After this there is only one part of this series left. Comments, questions, and concerns are always welcomed. Okay, bye. Love y’all xo
TAGLIST:   @holland23567 @trulysuccubus @pearlkitten33
You were at the salon getting yourself a downright sickening blowout. You could feel how silky the hair was and you were happy for a change. You didn’t wanna do something so drastic like chopping your hair, but you needed something new. 
“You finessed the hell out of my hair. Thank you so much Shonda.” You smiled at your longtime hair stylist.
“You know I got you, girl.” Shonda smiled back, still running her fingers through the hair and slinging it over your shoulder. She noticed you looking at your phone, “You got a hot date with that fine ass Angel?”
You felt a tug on your heart at the mention of him. “Nope. We aint together anymore and no I don’t want to talk about it.” You got up out of the seat and placed the money she owed plus a tip on the vanity.
“Oh, uh okay. I’ll see you next time!” Shonda called out to you as you practically ran out of the salon to avoid any further questions about you and Angel.
You breathed a sigh of relief at being outside and away from the possible interrogation that would have happened if you stayed there longer. You were ready to casually talk about your breakup with others. You were not over it. 
The familiar smell of delicious Mexican food wafted through your nostrils as you reached your lunch destination for the day. You walked in and saw who you were looking for already at a table.
“Hey Nes.” You greeted the man with a smile that turned into a giggle as he stood up from his seat and pulled you in a big hug, lifting your feet off the ground a little. “Put me down.”
“I’m just happy to see you, mi cielo.” Nestor murmured, letting your feet drop back down to the floor and leading to the table.
“Oh don’t start sweet talking me.” You laughed, taking a seat.
“Ain’t no one sweet talking you. I can if you’d like me too. I see you with the straight silky locs. You trying to impress me?” He teasingly asked as he sat across from you.
“Boy, please.” You scoffed, taking a look at the menu.
“Good. Cause I’m already impressed by you.” He replied in such an earnest tone, it caused her to stop looking at her menu to meet his eyes.
The look in his eyes made her pause. He was staring at you so intently that you were relieved when the server came to get their orders. You had no idea what to say to him. Nestor really was a nice guy. He was fine, secure, and had yet to disappoint you. You’d been relying on him a lot over these last few weeks. He’d kept you company, wiped your tears, and made you laugh. He showed up every time he said he would, but what did that mean? 
It wasn’t until after you two enjoyed a hilarious and delicious lunch together that you felt ready to broach the subject. You two were standing in front of his car saying your goodbyes.
“You’re a great friend and I appreciate you so much. You know that, right Nes?” You asked him, fiddling with the collar of his shirt.
“Of course, cielo.” He responded, his hands on your hips. 
He pulled you in for a hug and you hugged him tight. When you two pulled back, he leaned forward as if to kiss you and you buried your face in his chest. Nestor instead held you tightly again and placed several kisses on your exposed neck. The kisses make you shiver and you pull away again to look at him.
“Nestor..” You begin but get interrupted by his phone going off.
He checked his phone and pulled further away from you. “It’s Miguel. I gotta go, but call me later okay?” He placed a kiss on your forehead and then he was hopping in his car and speeding away to meet Miguel wherever.
You just stood in the same spot he left you, staring at the tail lights of his car until you can’t see them anymore.
The “alliance” between the Mayans and the Galindo Cartel was a precarious situation from the very beginning. Things had grown more tense with the dissolution of Y/N’s relationship with Angel and her blossoming friendship with Nestor. Meetings between the gangs had an added uneasiness with Angel glaring at Nestor and Miguel’s bodyguard not giving him any energy back.
It had been two weeks since the diner and Angel could not get those images out of his head. Angel was waiting for the right opportunity to address Nestor. Where the fuck does Nestor get off having his hands all on you? Yes, Angel knew you were mad at him, but that doesn’t mean he was ready to see you with anyone else especially someone associated with fucking Galindo. He wanted him to stay away from you. 
The opportunity presented itself when Miguel left the meeting with his other guards, leaving Nestor behind to complete a different task. The Mayans had all turned to head back into the clubhouse but Angel stayed behind and walked up on Nestor.
“Aye!” Angel barked out at Nestor’s retreating form as he walked up on him. “What are you doing with Y/N? I saw y’all the other day.”
Nestor turned around and stared at him for a minute before saying, “What the fuck did you say to me?”
“You heard me. Why are you sniffing around her? She’s not gonna be with you. She still loves me.”
“Oh she told you that? Then why aren’t y’all still together huh? Cause y’all aint together right now right? Right?” Nestor asked, staring Angel down. Angelcito would be even more upset to learn Nestor just came from lunch with you, but he wasn’t about to gloat out of respect for you.
“Yeah but-”
“And whose fault is that?”
Angel was silent. He knew it was his fault. He didn’t need to be reminded by the likes of Nestor. As the man went on, Angel found himself getting angrier and angrier. His hands balling into fists.
“So let me get this straight: you fuck some random bitch so Y/N dumps you and now you in my face because you fucked up and lost her?” Nestor stared at Angel and chuckled. How pathetic could he be? The audacity of the Mayan to tell him anything was laughable. “Own your shit, homes. Don’t worry about what I’m doing.”
Angel couldn’t take it anymore and grabbed Nestor by the shirt and pushed him up against the car. “Stay the fuck away from her.” He barked, voice harsh and loud.
The commotion must have gotten someone’s attention because the Mayans poured out of the clubhouse, pulling Angel off Nestor who only laughed and straightened his shirt.
Bishop tried to apologize for Angel but Nestor waved him off, still laughing. “I’ll give him that one. We can chalk it up to emotional distress at his recent loss.” He goes from speaking to Bishop to looking Angel dead in the eyes. “But if you put your hands on me again I’ll blow your brains out and leave your mangled body at your pop’s front door, comprende?”
Nestor was in his car and gone without another word. Angel just watched him go, before turning to look at EZ. EZ could tell from the look on his face that he was planning something and he just hoped it did not backfire and make things even worse.
“Open the fucking door!” You screamed, banging your fist against the locked office door. You couldn’t believe you had gotten played like this. “Whoever is on the other side: EZ, Coco, Gilly, or even Letty when I get out of here I'm gonna hurt you.” You threatened, but the door remained closed.
You had received a text from Chucky asking you to stop by the garage to look over some contracts with him. You had the day off so it was no big deal. When you walked in the office you were not greeted by Chucky but instead a pensive Angel. Obviously this had been a set up. 
“It’s not getting opened until I say the magic word.” Angel explained from the chair he had yet to move from. He was completely relaxed and his sentence just confirmed what you already knew: he set this whole thing up.
“Oh so it’s you I should hurt, then?” You turned around from the door and crossed your arms as you stared at him. “Why would you do this?”
“I needed to see you.”
You scoffed. “Angel tell them to open this door right now.”
“No?” You angrily walked to the desk and swiped a paper weight off the desk that you chucked at his chest, hitting him square on the collarbone.
“Ow! Shit.” He groaned, rubbing where the weight hit him. 
“I will throw everything on this desk at you. Let me out.” You threatened once again and he stood up from the seat. He walked around the desk and every step he took, you took one backwards.
He was approaching but you wanted to keep some space between the two of you. It wasn’t until you backed into the door that you realized he was just getting you away from the potential weapons on the desk.
“Okay fine.” You threw your hands up in defeat. “Fine. Let’s talk Angel. What would you like to discuss?”
“Your hair looks nice. You’ve never worn it like that before. You look beautiful.” He complimented.
“Thanks.” You were wound up so tight as you tried to keep your emotions in check.
“I bet Nestor likes it too.”
You narrowed your eyes at the mention of Nestor. “Why are you bringing him up?”
“Just heard you two have been hanging out.” He tried to nonchalantly mention, but you saw right through that.
“I know you’re not jealous. Please fuck right off with that. If you want to talk about Nestor, this conversation ends now.” You were not about to get into a discussion about Nestor with Angel. It wasn’t his business and also you weren’t even sure what was going on. The last time you saw him was at lunch earlier in the week.
Angel was silent for a moment as he debated with himself. “Do you miss me? Cause I miss you.” He asked, staring at you.
“No.” You tried to keep a bored look on your face.
“You really don’t miss me at all, querida? You don’t miss us?” He implored, taking a step closer to you.
It was quiet as you two simply stared at each other. He was waiting for an answer and you were fighting with yourself to keep quiet.
“Of course I miss you, you selfish asshole!” You finally exploded. You missed him every damn day. The situation was hard enough but he made it worse by just not leaving you alone. “Doesn’t mean I want or need to be with you. You don’t understand that I can’t trust you Angel. I refuse to torture myself by being with you and worrying what you’re doing every second of the day.”
“I want to earn your trust back. You tell me what you want me to do and that’s what I’ll do. Starting right now. You want me on my knees? What’s that Temptations song….I aint too proud to beg right? Call me David Ruffin.” Tears filled your eyes as you listened to him. This was the Angel you fell in love with. All earnest good intentions with a side of sarcastic asshole that you found irresistible. “Give me something, Y/N. We can’t just end like this. I can’t accept this. I know it’s my fault, but I can’t let you go.”
“You have to! I just..I can’t Angel. You hurt me so fucking much. I can’t go back. I won’t let you do it again. I won’t.” You began shaking your head as the tears poured down your cheeks. He shattered your heart with his actions and selfishness. You would never put yourself in that position again. And yet, your traitorous heart still yearned for him.
Angel had tears in his eyes as he watched you break down. He took your face in his hands and wiped your tears. “Oh, querida. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” He repeated apologies and sweet nothings over and over again as he held you close.
After crying for a moment, you raised your head and looked up at Angel. “Sorry just isn’t enough.”
He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know how to make it better. So he did the only thing he could do. The thing he’s been wanting to do for almost two months and he kissed you firmly on the lips.
You froze at first before gripping his kutte tightly as he pinned you to the door. The kiss was sloppy, passionate, and everything you missed about being with you. He kissed you like a man who knew exactly what you liked and he did. You both pushed all of your pent up feelings into that kiss.
He got your legs spread and wrapped around his waist as he pushed you even harder into the wall. You grinded against him as you two continued to explore each other’s mouths.
The pounding on the door broke you two out of the haze of emotionality and lust you’d lost your head in.
“Angel! Get out here! Now.” EZ called out through the door. There was an undercurrent to his voice that made you pause. What was going on?
Angel was content to continue kissing you, but you pushed him away and let your legs hit the floor again. You fixed your hair and wouldn’t look him in the eyes. 
“Y/N…” Angel began, but you ignored him as you opened the now unlocked door.
When you stepped out Angel was right behind you and he bumped into your back as you froze, after seeing who was on the other side of the door.
EZ was the first face you saw and then you noticed Coco towards the back of the room. Behind EZ stood a strange young guy next to a familiar face you hadn’t seen in awhile.
You hadn’t seen her since that fateful day. Your blood turned to ice as you looked at her now. Did she know Angel had a woman when they began their affair? Would it have made a difference had she known? You give her a once over, trying to figure out what made her so damn special. What was so good about her that he’d break his promises to you? What made her better than you?
It wasn’t until the other woman shifted in her stance that you noticed the hand she had placed over her stomach….over a slight bump that was only just becoming visible.
You stopped breathing.
Adelita was pregnant.
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Fic Masterlist
Oh boy, I’ve never actually put all my fics together in one place aside from AO3 but here we go...
[warning: loooong post, I’ll stick a read more in there to save your dash]
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Integrity Compromised
Set after the events of Chapter 8, Din discovers his armour isn't working quite the way it should do. In fact, it's becoming a dangerous and inconvenient pain in the ass. But the Armourer is nowhere to be found and he must seek out a specialist engineer to help him fix it...
It was Greef who recommended her. Of course he ‘knew a guy’. Or woman, in this case.
 “An engineer of extraordinary talent,” Greef had said over the holo-com. And she would have to be, if she was going to be able to handle Mandalorian armour. Din would much rather have sought out the Armourer, of course, but there had been no trace of her – or any of the covert – since Navarro, and he was starting to get desperate. A Mandalorian without functioning armour was nothing at all.
Word count: 80,565 (WIP)
Content: hurt/comfort, emphasis on the hurt, sickfic, din x female oc, the slowest of burns, aaaangst
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The Longest Dark
Festive one shot! Din remembers a seasonal celebration from childhood...
For the most part, knowing the date was largely irrelevant unless he had a rendezvous or a deadline for a bounty. Mandalorians had no fixed festivals or events that relied on cycles, given their nomadic nature. He usually made note of the anniversary of his taking the creed, but that was a private affair—a quiet contemplation in memory of his parents—and certainly couldn’t be called a celebration. But today… he couldn’t help feel a tiny flicker of something in his stomach when he saw the date.
 It was stupid, really. Thirty odd years since he’d even set foot on his home planet. There weren’t even any seasons in space, for kriff’s sake. No light except the glow of a passing planet and the after-echoes of a billion, trillion, dead stars, still shining in the darkness.
 But despite all that, the truth remained, it was midwinter on Aq Vetina.
Word count: 1,710 (complete)
Content: one shot, mostly fluff, minor angsty, childhood memories, happy holidays
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Below the cut:
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Last of Us
Death Stranding
Star Wars
The Hobbit
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Brothers And Sons
If you like your found-family stories full of angst and foreboding, you're in the right place.
Let's start with how Arthur met Dutch...and Hosea...and Grimshaw... Except it's not the beginning. Not quite yet.
He watched his daddy hang.
A part of him hoped the old man would end with some kind of pride. Show some spine. Jut his chin at the sky and meet his maker like a man. But the bastard was whimpering by the end. Snot and tears all running down his face. Eyes wide and white. Begging the sheriff not to throw the lever. Promising all sorts. Making up all kinds of nonsense to try to save his sorry hide. Didn’t even look down at the crowd to see Arthur there. Probably would have tried to barter off his own son in exchange for his life if he had.
Arthur figured maybe that’s when you really saw what a person was made of - what stuffing they had inside of ‘em – right at the end, with nowhere to run. And, at eleven years old, an angry, choking lump in his throat, he made a promise that he would never go out like this. He’d keep himself a little dignity, keep a little fight in him to greet the reaper with.
Word count: 38,135 (WIP)
Content: pre-canon backstory, young!arthur, super angst, found family (eventually)
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Note: Ok so here’s where I become entirely unhinged because apparently I’ve written nearly 200,000 words for these chumps. Dive on in:
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Loyalty, Divided
Soooo I started out writing an expanded backstory for Uncharted 3 (in which Sully has a brand new apprentice but hasn't factored in the fact that there's a second Drake brother to deal with...) and somehow it morphed into an epic novel-length behemoth tracking Sully's perspective all the way from Cartegena to the end of UC4. Because why not write 100+k about these dorks and their angst-ridden found family? I mean, who needs a life? Warning: this fic is a BIG BOI.
“Let’s try this again,” Sully said, stretching his hand across the table. “Victor Sullivan. My friends call me Sully.”
The kid smiled a little at that.
Friends. Don't suppose he has a whole lot of those right now.
“Nathan Drake. Nate,” the boy replied.
Sully leaned back in his chair and brandished his cigar. “I see great things in our future, kid. Great things...”
He meant it, too. The kid knew his stuff. Translated Latin faster than Sully could read it, and moved like a whippet, even if his pickpocketing skills needed a little work. Sully didn't know quite what he felt for the kid yet – if ‘friends’ was something possible between a scrawny, half-wild teenager and a gnarly old sailor – but there was something there. Respect between artists, perhaps. His prediction of 'great things' wasn’t hyperbole, either. There was a frighteningly determined tenacity in the kid’s eyes. And maybe Sully just wanted to be a part of that – something really special – something spectacular.
Word count: 120,812
Content: angst, a lot of angst, so much angst, canon-typical violence, as much backstory as you can eat, papa sully deals with his wayward boys, young!nate, young!sam, young(ish)!sully, protective siblings, did I mention the angst?
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Blood Brothers
All the times Sam Drake ends up bleeding for his brother in Uncharted 4
Head for the lighthouse.
They were so close. Sam could see the top of the dilapidated tower jutting up above the cliffside. They were gonna make it. Of course they were. It’s what they did – scrambling and half-assing their way through situations that should have been the end of them. If the Drake brothers had a business card, By The Skin Of Our Teeth would be their tagline...
Word count: 25,097 (complete)
Content: Sam’s POV, sam gets beat up a lot, brotherly angst, backstory, memories
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To Baby Drake
Sam comes to terms with the fact that he's about to become an uncle.
“Holy shit.”
The phone dangled from Sam’s fingers as he wandered back into the hotel room from the balcony, looking a little dazed.
Chloe was dealing cards on the bedside cabinet they’d requisitioned as their poker table for the evening but paused when she saw the glazed expression on Sam’s pale face. She’d seen that look before – the guy had a whole apartment full of skeletons, not just a closet – but it wasn’t often he let his guard down and allowed his worry to show. Just like his brother, he’d laugh it off or grit his teeth and fight through the pain. But right now he looked like he’d just been punched in the gut.
Word count: 9,398 (complete)
Content: mildly angsty fluff, family feels, post-canon
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Babysitting Cassie
Looking after the littlest Drake is a task taken very seriously.
Sam fidgeted at the front door, listening to the various noises of family life behind it. Little running feet; Nathan’s voice raised in a teasing kind of threat; that big dumb dog of theirs, barking its big dumb head off; Elena yelling at them all to stop fooling around, then giggling as she presumably got caught up in whatever game they were playing.
He knocked again and this time someone heard him. The door whipped open and he was greeted by... the back of Elena’s head as she continued trying to corral her family into some sort of order with feigned seriousness. “Nate, will you just stop? You’re getting her all hyped up. And get the damn dog OFF the couch… Oh, hey Sam!”
“Hey…” But she was already off back down the hall, scooping up various bits of domestic detritus as she went. Sam took a deep breath and followed her in – there was not enough coffee in the world for this, but a promise was a promise…
Word count: 19,492 (complete - for now...)
Content: so much fluff, domestic-family-feels, found family, mild angst, everyone takes a turn babysitting, post canon, chlodine
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A Normal Life
A collection of drabbles and one shots about Sam readjusting to 'normal' life post-UC4.
“Look, kiddo. I’d rather do a lot of things than eat my vegetables but you gotta do it,” Sam sighed, as Cassie pouted over her plate.
“They’re mushy.”
“They are cooked to perfection you tiny Gordon Ramsay.”
The pout deepened. “I’m not a gord-damn namsy!”
Sam smirked at the four-year-old as she prodded at a carrot. “No. You’re worse. And you’ll never grow hairs on your chest if you don’t eat ‘em.”
Cassie looked up at him in awe. “Hairy like Daddy?”
“Exactly. He always eats his vegetables.” He leaned in conspiratorially. “Even broccoli.”
It was a bold lie. Sam had spent years cajoling his little brother to eat some sort of balanced diet when they were younger, even when their grifting budget only ever really stretched to fast food or endless days of rice and tinned veg. And broccoli had been Nathan’s nemesis. Still. If you were hungry enough you ate pretty much anything. But he didn’t think starving his niece was a viable option here.
Word count: 8,168 (complete unless someone makes a new request!)
Content:  post canon, mostly fluff, backstory, babysitting, chlodine, sam x reader, puppies and kittens!
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The Investigation
Cassie digs a little deeper into what really happened back in Shambhala, and the rest...
Ever since Cassie had ‘accidentally-on-purpose’ opened her father’s cabinet and discovered the artefacts inside, no one was safe from her cross-questioning.
Her dad had given her what she suspected was a highly abridged version of each adventure – there were a bunch of inconsistencies and certain moments where he'd skip over details without meeting her eyes – and he made the whole thing sound like a great big game, not the life and death struggle it must have been.
But it still wasn’t enough. And so, like her mother’s daughter and a true-born researcher, Cassie had sought out secondary sources and evidence and corroborating accounts.She’d begun ‘The Investigation’.
Word count: 2,434 (probably gonna stay a one shot)
Content: post-canon, domestic fluff n mild angst
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There Must Be Somethign You’re Good At
The gang try to help Sam find a new exercise routine
Five times Sam Drake tried to exercise, and one time, well...
“I’m getting a beer gut,” Sam moaned, hands spread over his stomach, the remains of a takeout littering the coffee table.
“Middle age'll do that to ya,” Nathan replied, leaning forward carefully to grab a half-empty container and balance it on his knees. Baby Cassie was asleep on his chest and he spent a few minutes trying to work out how to use chopsticks in his left hand.
“Don’t you dare drop noodles on her head,” Elena chastised.
Nathan waved the sticks at her dismissively, then surreptitiously picked an errant beanshoot out of Cassie’s hair.
Sam made a face, "I'm sorry, did you say middle age?!"
"You're past forty, Sam," Nathan shrugged, "Sorry. Middle age."
Word count: 3,959 (complete)
Content: honestly this is probably the most fun I’ve ever had writing fanfic, sheer domestic fluff, running jumping climbing shit
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On The Road
Snippets from TLOU1 through Joel's eyes, with a few extra little scenes added in along the way.
“Your watch is broken.”
She points it out as if he hasn’t noticed.
He almost laughs. Snorts air out his nose, but doesn’t bother to reply. There’d be no way to explain it even if he did. The watch’s face is cracked and the battery died a long time ago, but it would be like losing a limb to take it off. Some days the weight of it is all that keeps him in the world.
Word count: 4,682 (WIP - only one chapter so far but I plan on updating this one before the HBO series comes out!)
Content: angst, hopefully some fluff too, grumpy dad and his stabby daughter, bonding time, hurt/comfort all that jazz
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The Last Strand
An A-Z of Death Stranding reflections from Sam’s POV, post-game (obvious spoiler alert)  
There’s so much he needs to tell her. So much he’s gonna have to teach her. But what the hell does he know? And where does he even begin?  He starts with the alphabet because even though she can’t speak and doesn’t even know what the fuck a letter is, he figures it’s a fundamental thing you’re meant to teach kids and she seems to like the rhythm and recitation of it as he walks. And somewhere between there and the next mountain the letters turn into words…
Word count: 20,522 (WIP)
Content: mostly angst and father & daughter fluff while Sam figures out how to dad / found family hell yeah
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The Thread Between Us
Ever since Manhattan, Bruce Banner's hold on the Other Guy has been slipping. The link between them is splintering and his nightmares are threatening to become reality. He knows he's not cut out to be a hero, no matter what the others say. And they have a lot to say on the matter. Between Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint and Fury, Bruce is forced to face up to the grumbling monster in his belly...
There came a point each night when the coffee had to stop, and Bruce was forced to succumb to the promise of dreams that would leave him screaming silently into the darkness of his room. The nightmares were worse at Stark Towers. Before Manhattan, in the bustling anonymity of Calcutta, he had let himself believe they had eased just a little. Back then, his dreams were made of indistinct, long gone memories, and only woke him when they showed him Betty. Or his father. But here, in the opulent ridiculousness Bruce liked to sarcastically call ‘Tony’s place’, reminders of who he really was surrounded him. Here, his nightmares hit like a sucker punch, and would not let up.
Word count: 63,826 (WIP, probably abandoned for now...)
Content: so much Bruce angst, science bros, psychological and phsycial torture, PTSD, flashbacks, nightmares, backstory (set about a month after the events of the first Avengers movie)
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Fun And Bruises
Clint and Kate get into their usual kind of mess, only this time Clint comes off considerably worse...
Clint’s voice came out like ripped paper. His lungs refused to inflate properly, and the little air he could take in was splintered with pain. The familiar ache of broken ribs. A bubbling of blood in his throat. The slow thickening of the senses before shock came crashing down. He lay on a bed of shattered glass and crumbling concrete, half-crushed by debris from the explosion. Explosions? Plural. He couldn’t remember. All was quiet now, at least. To his left, a fire lazily took hold of a stack of pallets and the warmth was soothing, threatening to lull him into a concussed nap.  He fought against the flickering of his eyelids. There was something more important than sleep. There was a word he was meant to say. Something someone needed to hear. A name. Whose name? More important than dying. His head lurched up and clarity hit him like a pistol-whip.
Word count: 1,970
Content: one shot, graphic depictions of violence and injury, hurt/no comfort (sorry Clint), inspired by the Matt Fraction graphic novel series
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The Littlest Siren
The Avengers discover that Bruce has a way with babies - even when half naked, covered in concrete dust and in the middle of a battleground.
“What the hell is that noise?” Bruce asked, stumbling forward a few steps and leaning on Clint’s shoulder to see what they were all looking at.
A baby: red-faced, mouth wide, fists clenched. And screaming. It sat strapped in its stroller in the middle of the road, thoroughly unimpressed by the team of superheroes that surrounded it.
Bruce looked from one teammate to another incredulously. “Is no one going to… I don’t know, pick him up, maybe…?”
Word count: 955 words (complete)
Content: one shot, mildy angsty fluff, Bruce doesn’t every time get what he wants
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When the Fire Goes Out
Claire gets a call to come patch up Matt, but something is very wrong...
She promised she’d always be there to patch him up – and nothing beyond that, they’d both agreed – but a little shiver still skitters down her back every time he says her name. Even when (okay, especially when) he’s all busted up and at her mercy.
“Claire…” His voice is faint down the phone line, and she almost misses the next part: “I need you.”
Word count: 11,050 (complete)
Content: hurt/comfort to the max, m/f, heavy angst, a little yearning, graphic descriptions of canon-typical violence, Claire’s POV
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Wait For It…
Filler scenes from Poe and Finn’s perspectives in the early scenes of TFA
He knew where they were taking him, knew what they wanted and how they would get it.
But even weaponless, cuffed, and deep in the belly of a star destroyer full of First Order troops, Poe Dameron still had the one thing that had got him in and out of trouble his entire life: his big, stupid mouth.
Word count: 7,822 (unfinished, probbaly abandoned tbh, sorry)
Content: In-between canon stuff, torture, angst, hurt/comfort
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A Bed Of Earth
How The Battle of the Five Armies should have ended.
Bilbo returned home to an empty, dusty hobbit hole. His over-eager neighbours have cleared the place, save for a few tattered books and the portraits of his parents. Gently, carefully, he replaced the frames above the mantelpiece and let out a little sigh - home was home, no matter how empty. The work it would take to sort everything out seemed far less insurmountable than outwitting a dragon or finding a keyhole in the face of a mountain. And Gandalf was right - he was different, now that he’d returned - so perhaps it was best that Bag End had a fresh start, too.
Word count: 653 (complete)
Content: one shot, bagginshield if you squint, canon character death, grief, sad fluff, closure
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professorbellarke · 5 years
Why do I like Josephine so much? No really tell me why when she's so bad lol!
Josephine is fun as a villain because there is nothing redeemable about her at all. No sympathetic side, no grey areas, no “I’m sacrificing my humanity for the sake of my people” like every other sympathetic, mass-murdering antagonist (and protagonist) we’ve had on this show. (I mean, technically she is doing it for “her people” aka the Primes aka other murderers BUT REALLY it’s for herself. She coldly, efficiently, and gladly shed her humanity like dirty laundry hundreds of years ago. And she has no problem erasing Primes like her BEST FRIEND the unfortunately named Kaylee Lee. Not to mention sacrificing babies to trees!!! Even Cage Wallace is like YIKES GIRL and McCreary is picking up hot tips).
No, Josephine Lightbourne is the straight up god damn worst and it is SO FUCKING SATISFYING. It’s very rare that The 100 gives us a black and white moral stance on any character, which is why it’s so….relaxing?? in the deluded nonsense emotional logic of this whackadoo show?... to have Josephine just SUCK ABSOLUTELY. It’s like a vacation from fraught moral quandaries. THE BITCH IS TERRIBLE! SHE’S SO TERRIBLE AND I LOVE HER, AND EVEN THOUGH WE KNOW HER BACKSTORY AND SEE THAT SHE’S A CREATED MONSTER SHE HAS DOUBLED DOWN ON HER MONSTROSITY IN A REAL WAY, CAN’T WAIT FOR BELLARKE TO KILL HER IN THE FACE!!! And then make out!!!!! After Josephine squeeeezes all the angst out of them first, naturally.
BECAUSE OH YEAH. That’s the other reason so many of us fucking love Josephine—she is the human embodiment of Bellarke angst. Like, she exists mostly to make them suffer precisely because they love each other! That is just tremendous!! (And also to show what Clarke at her ABSOLUTELY WORSTEST AU could be—a blonde sociopathic Slytherin princess not only willing to make the murdery choices to further her cause, but HAPPY TO DO IT. She’s Clarke without empathy, without guilt, and without Bellamy).
All of which makes her the most perfect Bellarke angst factory. All Josephine has to do is walk into a room and a part of Bellamy’s heart collapses. That shit is gold. I want to tattoo it on my face. Josephine is also set up as someone extremely adept at manipulating the SHIT out of people by focusing in on their emotional weaknesses (she played Abby like a FIDDLE, she played Bellamy like a SYMPHONY), which she uncovers with ease. 
She clocks Murphy’s greatest fear in like two interactions (finally losing the fight to stay alive), not to mention she clocks his love for Emori from like one look and knows to give him TWO mind chips, keeping him firmly on her side. And she needles straight at Clarke’s weaknesses, and then Josephine drops BELLAMY as the fatal blow, with Madi to seal the deal. She’s not a physical villain; she’s a psychological one. She’s Scar from The Lion King convincing young Simba that he killed his own father and everyone would be better off if he disappeared forever. AAAANGST! More please it’s my favorite fucking meal
Thank the god for Josephine Lightbourne. I love that literal garbage can and I can’t wait for Bellarke to kill her in the face!! And then make out!!!
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fullmetalscullyy · 5 years
Uh Hi! So I am new to the Royai fandom and I am looking for fics and honestly I don’t know where to start :( Do you have some writer recs or fics recs for me? Thankyou!💕
hey anon!! welcome!! yo there’s so many good fics out there you’re in for a real treat!!
i have far too many to choose from but i guess i can choose a top 5? 10? 15? we’ll see how long this list ends up being lmao
Vacuous Heart of Blood by MoonStarDutchess - supernatural au with roy as a vampire? sign me the fuck up. this is 100% one of my all times favourites and i very highly recommend reading it! the world building and the relationships are phenomenal. it’s ongoing and has been for years but i’ll follow this fic until i die i’ve read it like eight times already sdkfnd
In His Bed or Mine by Pokypup49, Rando29 - royai swingers au with havolina thrown in there too! oh. my. god. the way pokypup49 writes royai makes me melt on the spot i’m not even kidding. they’re so in love with each other in this fic (and!!!! there’s an ongoing prequel to this fic too!!! Only You) there’s smut, there’s exquisite romance, and there’s beautiful angst. it’s literally got everything!
The Trickster and the Lionheart  by  LadyAureliana - THIS FIC. OKAY. SO. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. it’s one of my all time faves. fbi agent roy is on the hunt of thief riza….. oh hell i’ve read it about five times i won’t lie. just… please read it. it’s so worth your time.
Best Kept Secret by MoonStarDutchess  - another one from this author which explores what would have happened in canon if royai had been secretly married from the start. top tier angst in this fic too
may i feel, said he by bergamots, haganenobeato - smut for days and good smut. porn with plot? real life consequences and conflict about what the characters are doing? excellent relationships? this fic has it all. a college au where professor mustang and student hawkeye have the hots for each other and it is /chef’s kiss
Ex tempore by Tasia (ruikosakuragi) - historical/gangster au where riza gets transported back in time to meet mobster hughes and roy. ongoing and still in the early stages but oh my god there’s so much going on already and i adore it
City of Stars by Tasia (ruikosakuragi)  - another one of tas’ fics! this one is a modern au with aspiring actor roy meeting upcoming songrwriter riza in la. the setting and the progression of their relationship is beautiful ;_; it’s my go to comfort fic when i want to feel warm and fuzzy inside
Breach of Contract by Stockholmsyndrom  - victorian au 👀 marriage of convenience 👀 the pining!!! 👀 it’s heavenly. definitely worth a read!
Unexpectedly by waddiwasiwitch - college au where riza finds out she’s pregnant and who does she confide in?? her best friend roy of course! the pining!!! the denial (“we’re just friends”)!!! the aaaangst i love it sm
Where is Our Gravity? (Hunger Games AU) by the_musicalbookworm - fuck me up the royai in this is phenomenal. it’s a mix of edwin and royai but omg read it. please read it. it’s so beautiful. it says its ongoing however they are oneshots and are mixed up in the timeline so it’s not like there’s an ending missing
Our embalmed hearts, our desolate kingdoms by spooky_bee  - neon genesis evangelion au! this… this fic had me binging it immediately. the relationships in this are perfection
Royai kid by ohmytheon  - now, this is a series on ao3 and i urge absolutely everyone to read it all!!! oh god… basically post canon events where royai had a kid. the angst… oh my god. it gets me man. it’s perfect. if you want to cry and scream (”close your eyes, bug”) then read this part of the series: i would part the sea
Atlas by Tasia (ruikosakuragi) - historical/espionage au!! yooooo tas nails the history aus again. she’s an expert and the amount of thought and thoroughness she puts into these fics realy brings them to life. they’re so real and you as the reader really feel like you’re there with royai. well worth a read!!
Buried Alive by rizahawkaye - riza kicking butt? riza stealing the show? riza in general being an absolute badass?? this fic has it all. an au where she fakes her death to go undercover to infiltrate the group who tried to kill her. the group? based in ishval. the ocs and the villiaaaans omg they’re perfect in every way
Reign and  Sovereign  by  sarabethloves  - fantasy au where riza is the queen of aerugo and roy is the king of amestris. that description is excuse enough to read it for me bc fantasy royai aus own me. there’s pining, there’s romance, and there’s angst!!!!! my faves!!
The Amestrian Revolution by  LadyAureliana - roy and riza are on there way to fuck up fuhrer bradley!!! an au where they’re members of the resistance who are fighting against bradley’s 300 year rule of tyranny. the action is /chef’s kiss
ok so that was so many lmao but i can’t pick a few. all of these are my all time faves, although i’m sure i’ve missed some!!! if you want anymore just hmu i’ve accumulated a collection over the years haha
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 years
5, 12, 36,& 41 for the fic readers asks! I’m excited about these ones! :) there was so many good ones to chose from!
Oh thanks, these are all so great!! So just to be clear all of these will be exclusively about Good Girls fics, other fandoms what?
5. Do you prefer angst or fluff?
Aaaangst!!!!!! Miscommunication, murder attempt, pride over pining... bring it all to me! The more the darker. Fluff is boring!
12. List a few of your favorite AUs.
Oh that's a tricky one, I'm usually not very much into AUs (especially college/high school and coffee shop - never understood the point of that last one tbh - these are not my jam...) although I do make exceptions sometimes, so I'm absolutely in love with: - @pynkhues‘s pornstar AU and I can't wait for her pirate AU - @sothischickshe's vampire AU - @riosnecktattoo's fisherman AU - @niham87's period AU
36. Has a fic ever left you unable to fall asleep or think about anything else?
Mhhh, I generally manage to compartmentalize my emotions, but fireinsideforfun's A Rational Choice is a solid contender!
41. Name a fic that has a perfect ending.
@sothischickshe's Even The Best Laid Plans. The last chapter is so sweet (fluff is boring except when it comes after 50k+ words of angst. Then I welcome it :) ) and perfectly circles back to the first chapter (love that stoned callback). Also the story moving along Pink Floyds' Dark Side of The Moon album is a touch I really appreciate. I don't know, I find this ending perfectly balanced with the rest of the story and very satisfying, and I also like the evolution of the Rio POV with respect to the beginning.
Ask me reader questions!
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