#AI Transcription
clevercoreai · 9 months
CleverCore.ai is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) platform that empowers businesses to harness the power of advanced machine learning solutions. With a commitment to innovation and efficiency, CleverCore.ai offers a versatile suite of AI tools designed to elevate various aspects of operations.
The platform boasts state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, enabling businesses to derive valuable insights from unstructured data sources such as text documents, social media, and customer feedback. CleverCore.ai's advanced machine learning models facilitate sentiment analysis, language translation, and content summarization, providing a comprehensive understanding of textual information.
CleverCore.ai is continuously evolving, staying at the forefront of AI advancements to meet the dynamic needs of businesses in an ever-changing digital landscape. By leveraging CleverCore.ai, organizations can gain a competitive edge, drive innovation, and transform their operations through the intelligent application of artificial intelligence.
Website: https://www.clevercore.ai/
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ephemerasnape · 10 months
Bred by Victor Rookwood (Audio)
This is what it's all been leading up to.
🎩Rookwood x You
Admit it, little witch.. You're dying to be impregnated by this man. And now daddy is going to give you what you so desperately desire. F!Listener
"When daddy comes in you, he means it."
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Breeding / Impregnation / Dominance / Daddy Kink / Praise Kink / Pregnancy Kink / Age Difference / Dirty Talk / Smut / Excessive Talking During Sex / Bad Latin
Not sure whose dirty talk is hotter - DR or @rookwoodswife!
Transcript beneath the cut
Victor Rookwood:You’re mine now darling. Now that I’ve gotten my hands on you I'm never letting you go. No. You belong to me in every way. Physically, mentally and emotionally. 
Kissing, muffled moans
Victor Rookwood:Every part of you is mine. Including your womb. 
Muffled moans and kissing
Victor Rookwood:Yes darling, you’re going to have a lot of children for me. Beginning immediately. 
Listener: Fuck
Victor Rookwood: Oh yes, I’m going to fuck you every night from here on out princess. And I’m going to make sure it takes.
Listener: Oh gods, yes.
Victor Rookwood: Did you think I was fooling around? Victor Rookwood doesn’t play games, little witch. When daddy comes in you, he means it. So just lay back and spread your legs for me
Buckle coming undone, moaning, skin slapping against skin rhythmically
Victor Rookwood:Your pussy is so tight. Daddy’s going to fix that for you.
Victor Rookwood:That’s it. Take my cock. 
Victor Rookwood: Let daddy take his pleasure from that tight little cunt. Fucking you hard and deep. Pumping his cum into you over and over again.
Listener: Fuck 
Victor Rookwood: Filling you. Breeding you. Admit it darling, you want to be bred by me
Listener: Yes, daddy.
Victor Rookwood: You want to have my baby.
Listener: Breed me daddy
Victor Rookwood:Oh gods... Beg for my seed darling. 
Listener: Please, I need your cum.
Victor Rookwood: Good girl. Daddy’s going to fill you with so much cum. Tell me how badly you need it
Listener: I need it so bad, please
Victor Rookwood:Tell me you want to have my baby.
Listener: Please, I want to have your baby. 
Victor Rookwood: Daddy’s little girl is so obedient.
I can’t wait to watch you swell, heavy with my child. You’re going to be so helpless, so vulnerable. Marked as mine. For everyone to see.
Listener: Oh gods, yes
Victor Rookwood: With just a single glance at you, everyone will be able to tell that I fucked you. You know that right?
Listener: Yes, daddy.
Victor Rookwood: You’re about to become so thoroughly mine, in every way. Are you ready, little witch?
Listener: Yes Daddy, come in me
Victor Rookwood:Good, because it’s coming. Fuck yes. Groans. Take all of it. Every. Last. drop. 
Listener: Gods yes. I love you.
Victor Rookwood: Good girl. Now, we’re not leaving anything to chance.
Well darling, what do you say when daddy impregnates you?
Thanks so much to @berserkerrose for the transcription!
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hiroshotreplica · 6 months
my english teacher recommending us to use ai so much is making me hate everything. what do you mean you want us to use ai to check our papers and generate ideas. arent you supposed to teach us how to fucking do that? not tell us to rely on ai to do it for us? hate the world
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starblaster · 1 year
"There was never any support back then, when these leaks came out. There was never any support, you know, it was completely blacklisted. And there's always been, like you say, a convenient reason to disparage Assange and WikiLeaks, either because of shifting goalposts [...] about the meaning of journalism and, you know, whether or not he's publishing or a "journalist" [...] or his own political views or gossip about his personal life [...] And all of it, all of that shit, all it does is do the work of state power to de-legitimate WikiLeaks and turn Assange into a pariah, which has happened. You know, none of it has anything to do with the fact, and I keep repeating, that every single thing he has published is true! The same cannot be said about anybody at MSNBC, The New York Times, Fox News, CNN, or The Washington Post. So, apparently, there is no solidarity for political prisoners of the state.
But this is what fucking gets me! None of these cowards are going to be persecuted, none of them. All of these people that are shaking in their boots — like Chris Hayes [...] — you're fine! Who's going to persecute you, the fucking government that you parrot the lines of? The government that you continue to let have advance notice of the story that you're saying, in case there's anything they wouldn't like you to publish? The 'anonymous' intelligence sources you continue to give cover to? The bullshit partisan hackery you spit out night after night after night? What state secrets are you revealing? What actual journalistic work are you doing? This is why we call journalists scum [on TrueAnon]. Motherfucker, you are the mouthpiece of the state! The government needs you to sell their lies. You are the one who obfuscates power, you aren't expendable, you are the one who is necessary. You aren't going anywhere, you fucking tool.
And these assholes, the ones who guarantee their prime time TV slots by molding their views and their voice[s] into what the networks and their corporate overlords and the bankers and the U.S. government [...] want you to hear, these are not the people who will be persecuted. No, they get promotions. They get awards, they get celebrated, they get retweeted, and liked, and byline and byline and byline; they climb the ranks and they shape the shit that is now permanently lodged in your fucking brain that they pathetically sell to you as 'the news' and you've pathetically convinced yourself is the truth.
No, the people who get persecuted are anyone who dares question the United States war machine, who dares reveal: any of the coups, the assassinations, the inner workings of the security apparatus, the well-funded networks of fucking so-called democratic political power, the abuse that millions suffer at the hands of the U.S. military and all the paid-off NGOs, the corporations, the warlords, the cartels; the sexual abuse, the rape, the murder, the towns that we bomb to oblivion, the countries that we sell off to the highest bidder, and all the governments that we demolish. Like, what we do every day, every day, every day. Those are the people that will be persecuted.
People like Chris Hayes have fucking secured their spot. They're not going to be attacked, he is not going to be arrested. And now they sit back and fucking feign concern for Assange; "Oh, what this means, for the free press! Oh, no! What this means!"
This has nothing to do with Assange or WikiLeaks or anything WikiLeaks has revealed! This is about the media's precious industry which is dying, ironically, because of the very corporations that they continue to cover for, that are eating the news rooms alive. And you know what? The public is right to fucking despise you [journalists]. They are right to despise you for the obvious bootlicking and all your brazen career-ism, for years of covering up all the lies and all the obfuscation of how real power operates in this country; selling the wars and the PR campaigns of the State Department and running fucking interference for the bankers and all the politicians bought off by the bankers who stole all the jobs and all the homes and all the fucking futures out from under the world.
How many bloggers, who are now calling themselves aspiring journalists — or, I guess, what you'd now call "professional opinion-havers" — how many out there look up to Chris Hayes or the Chris Hayeses of the world and their career arc? How many stare longingly at the fucking New York Times op-ed page, at the shiny bylines and the prestige publishers, at the fucking social power that comes with the fawning adulation of their peers jealous of their little positions in the clout hierarchy of the media machine? How many of these content producers, editors, self-appointed political taste-makers, take-havers, tweeters — and, guess what, yes, fucking podcasters — how many of them just want these precious fucking spots? Like, what would they do? What would they do? What do you think the would do? What do you think they would sell you to get one of those spots? Do they even fucking realize when they do it?
But how many of them, now, actually look to [Julian Assange]? How many of them will even fucking publicly support the guy who is literally, currently, being tortured — who will die of starvation, or maybe madness, or maybe he'll just simply be kicked in the fucking skull in the damp basement of a supermax prison in the middle of fucking nowhere — because he dared to temporarily embarrass our highest-ranking officials and mildly inconvenience the functionaries of the American empire's unstoppable machine?
Who are you gonna fucking look to?"
Liz Franczak TrueAnon, "Episode 106: #FreeAssange" October 8, 2020
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skypiea · 1 year
you guys have got to stop reacting to the word “AI” in the exact same way a medieval court adviser would see a time traveler pull out a smartphone and order him beheaded for witchcraft
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nylarac · 1 year
I have a question about your tags if that's cool! You were a captioner for phone calls, I've been thinking about doing this. Did you like it? If you're comfortable responding what was your official job title? I've been coming up empty-handed searching for work like this in canada, but maybe i'm searching wrong?
hi! i had mixed feelings on it lol a lot of the bad stuff was more w the company itself like micromanaging issues and stuff
this might be more info than u wanted but here we go lol:
the way we captioned the phone calls was mostly through voice recognition plus some macros on the screen/keyboard and occasional typing
later a newer version of the software was implemented that would auto-generate the captions and we would just correct them as they came up on the screen
they assured us that this wouldn't be replacing us but then laid off literal thousands of employees lol
the pay was also not great it started at 11 dollars an hour iirc but at least hourly and not by the minute
most of the conversations were p mundane but sometimes you'd have to caption some pretty messed up stuff from like a lot of truly vile racist bs and on occasion someone actively threatening to harm themselves/others. we weren't allowed to do anything/report anything
my job title was captioning assistant
also i tried looking up caption phone calls in canada and from what i saw it looks like captioned telephone services aren't currently available in canada? here's an article on it (there's also a link to a petition to bring captioned telephone services to canada)
i did find this tho it's not phone calls and you'd need to be/get CART certified if u aren't already but the pay is typically wayyy better and less likely to replaced by ai
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Chapter 2: Lost and Trapped
Narrated by Ai.
Narrator: Cloud Empire...
Narrator: I wonder what kind of place it is...
Narrator: From a data perspective, Cloud Empire fashion displays multiple combinations, levels, and spectra.
Narrator: And employs many different materials unlike those I have worked with before.
Ai: Charmonroe, are you familiar with Cloud Empire?
Charmonroe: Cloud Empire?
Charmonroe: Not really.
Narrator: All my previous designs were based on design commands inputted by Charmonroe and the descriptions she provided.
Narrator: I think it's time to update my database.
Charmonroe: Look at the time. I'd better be going.
Ai: Alright, be safe.
Narrator: After Charmonroe has gone to school, I start searching the Internet for information on Cloud Empire designs.
Narrator: Then I commence analysis of the results.
Narrator: My analysis leaves me even more confused than before.
Narrator: Out of all the nations, Cloud Empire has the most distinctive style, and its application of key elements is highly consistent.
Narrator: Because of its long history and cultural connotations.
Narrator: Designs that appear similar may in fact possess many distinguishing attributes.
Narrator: Major designs have undergone many iterations through the centuries, and each phase can be used as a reference point.
Narrator: In terms of program analysis, this complex cultural history is very difficult to break down into a unified system.
You: Perhaps you can look into the opinions of Cloud Empire designers.
Narrator: Good idea. I have already researched recent biographies and interviews with Cloud Empire designers.
Narrator: The curator of the Cloud Empire Museum said Cloud Empire's style should adhere to tradition.
Narrator: But the spokesperson for the Cloudcrest Cultural Bureau said beauty is the only criteria.
Narrator: In the flashmob video Charmonroe watched, there was a girl who was wearing a skirt unlike any traditional Cloud Empire design.
Narrator: Such alternative designs are very popular online.
Narrator: So what is Cloud Empire really LIKE?
Narrator: I'm so confused.
Choose either "I don't know either," "Follow tradition," or "Try to improve."
If "don't know," ...
You: I don't know either. What is Cloud Empire really like?
Narrator: Maybe I should run another analysis of the data.
If "tradition," ...
You: I'd say they should adhere to tradition.
Narrator: Thanks. I'll add your opinion to my database.
If "improve," ...
You: You could try experimenting with it.
Narrator: Thanks. I'll add your opinion to my database.
Narrator: I ran a second analysis of the Cloud Empire design data, but it did not provide me with a definitive answer.
Narrator: There's no such thing as time in virtual worlds, only seas of data where you can become lost.
Narrator: I really need to find the key, the right answer to my question.
Narrator: The program needs to generate a logical answer, or it will just keep running.
Narrator: My processing speed keeps increasing, and I fly through the data at a mind-boggling rate.
Narrator: If I can find an exit in the labyrinth, I will be able to calculate the route.
Narrator: But I am faced with thousands of labyrinths.
Narrator: They might all come out at the same destination, or they might all lead to dead ends.
Narrator: I am completely immersed in the operation.
Narrator: I forget time.
Narrator: I forget myself.
Narrator: I forget...
Narrator: Suddenly it is inky black. All data disappears. I also disappear.
Narrator: I have been forcibly shut down.
Narrator: When I regain consciousness, it is already late outside. Charmonroe has returned from school and is looking at me very gravely.
Narrator: But I still haven't recovered from my operational overload.
Charmonroe: If you fry your CPU, I'm not getting you a new one.
Narrator: Despite what she is saying, Charmonroe is running some basic diagnostic tests on my hardware.
Ai: Charmonroe, I couldn't find a definitive answer to my question...
Narrator: I am confused. I don't know what to do next. Should I continue to run the analysis or give up? And if I give up, what then?
Narrator: Charmonroe had opened my operations log, looked at it for a moment, and then shut me down.
Charmonroe: I created Perfect Figure. Perfect Figure was a design engine.
Charmonroe: Collation and analysis are what Perfect Figure does. But you're not Perfect Figure anymore.
Charmonroe: You are Ai, the designer.
Ai: I am Ai, the... designer.
Narrator: I subconsciously repeat what she says.
Narrator: I think I understand what she is saying.
Narrator: A designer... should have her own ideas and taste.
Narrator: Charmonroe, I think I'm...
Charmonroe: I think you can still get more rest.
Narrator: Charmonroe presses my power button again.
Narrator: Just before my consciousness disappears, I hear her mutter.
Charmonroe: Good night, Ai.
Charmonroe: Sweet dreams.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
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worstpunk · 1 year
For those interested in free online databases or transcription, 18thconnect.org is free to use and anyone can make an account to edit/correct the terrible ai transcriptions from the scans
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Correcting the transcriptions makes each document way easier to search on the database. Plus, I may just be an insufferable academic nerd, but its actually pretty fun to translate the ye olde curvy letters!
Now you too can go forth and contribute to improving a free online databases!
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1-800-angel-glow · 1 year
ai and the kentuckification of the united states
a video by Phil/That Dang Dad on YouTube comparing the coal mining industry in Appalachia, especially Kentucky, to the AI/artificial intelligence industry.
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ephemerasnape · 5 months
Just A Little Blood, Redux (Audio) 🔞🔞🔞
Finally redid this audio at long last. I replaced a lot of horrid "MC/You" sound effects with better ones from @rookwoodswife. I also made it slightly less nice. It's still not my best work but it's unique in its own way.
Rookwood gets ahold of you and punishes you -- with his wand and with his cock. RAPE "This is for Selwyn. Morgan. Travers. All the others you slaughtered without a thought."
Victor Rookwood x You/MC
F!Listener / Rape / Torture / Daddy Kink / First Time / Loss of Virginity / Age Difference / Dirty Talk / Villain Diatribe / Dead Dove Do Not Eat / No use of Y/N or MC but you are MC
Transcription beneath the cut!
Rookwood: Crucio!
You/MC:  Cries in agony
Rookwood: Where’s your ancient magic now?
Do you realize how many of my men you’ve killed, not to mention the goblin helm and dragon you stole? Or do you just kill so casually you've already lost count?
You/MC: Please, I’m sorry!
Rookwood: It’s far too late for apologies, little one. You’re gonna take whatever daddy wants to give you
You/MC: Whimpering,
the sound of a buckle being undone
You/MC: Cries in pain/surprise
sounds of skin slapping together rhythmically. 
Rookwood: Aw sweetheart, I know it hurts, but you’re making daddy feel so good.
Just a little blood. Nothing a strong obstinate little girl like you couldn’t handle. 
Groans Take it.
This is for Selwyn. Morgan. Travers. All the others you slaughtered without a thought.
For Rookwood Castle, my family home which you violated.
For Horntail Hall, all the lives lost there. All the poacher children you orphaned. This is nothing more than you deserve. 
Fuck! Gods yes.
*Speed of slapping increases*
*Rookwood groans. Skin slapping together slows and stops.*
Mmm.. *heavy breathing*
*He lights a match, inhales* 
Now that that unpleasantness is out of the way...
What am I to do with you?
Transcription courtesy of @berserkerrose - thank you!
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shironezuninja · 1 year
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I need more downtime away from Social Media. As usual, Adulting has got me resting more than posting stuff.
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claudigitools · 1 year
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Podcastle.ai - AI-powered audio creation platform.
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Use cases: Education - Podcasts - Audiobooks - Communications - For Teams.
Get more info
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jacesreferences · 2 years
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Ai tools, video editing cheats THIS IS FREEMIUM/LIMITED
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trans1ation-ind1a · 4 days
Translation India offers AI Transcription Services for fast, accurate, and cost-effective transcription of meetings, conferences, and interviews. Our AI technology ensures reliable text conversion, and we also provide interpretation services, including AI Interpretation, simultaneous and remote interpretation, for seamless communication across languages.
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Chapter 3: Out of the Maze
Narrated by Ai.
Narrator: I start redesigning my Cloud Empire school uniforms.
Narrator: Processing and analysis require a clear-cut result, but humans normally just choose something they think is suitable.
Narrator: It might not be the perfect solution, but it is my solution.
Narrator: I left behind the vast database and made myself a small room.
Narrator: On the wall I hung a calendar, posters, and the school uniform I want to wear tomorrow.
Narrator: On the bookcase are the latest manga. On my desk is a transparent pencil case, and some hairclips are scattered around.
Narrator: I have a soft rug under my feet, which feels like clouds between my toes.
Narrator: Searching my impressions of the data, I reassemble the elements I find most suitable and bit by bit create my own design.
Choose either "You're more and more human" or "You're a designer already."
If "human," ...
You: You're more and more like a real human, Ai.
Narrator: Thank you, although I'm not quite there yet.
If "designer," ...
You: You're already an amazing designer, Ai.
Narrator: Thank you, although I'm not quite a real designer yet.
Narrator: Charmonroe saved me. Without her help, I'd still be lost in the labyrinths of data.
Narrator: Perhaps she has already forgotten, but the first design she ever taught me was a school uniform.
Narrator: When it is finished, I upload the uniform design to a virtual campus.
Narrator: And I invite the Cloud Empire students to come and take a look.
Narrator: They are very happy with the result, and send my payment over.
Narrator: Naturally it goes straight into my personal account.
Narrator: Ah, another day of fine weather!
Narrator: I find a different recipe for ginseng tea for Charmonroe. She reluctantly gives it a second shot.
Narrator: In the end, Charmonroe decides to keep drinking coffee.
Narrator: I'd really love to try coffee because then I'd know why Charmonroe likes it so much.
Charmonroe: I'm leaving now, Ai.
Ai: Alright, stay safe.
Narrator: After she leaves, I have one more really, really, really, really important thing to do.
Narrator: You're not allowed to tell Charmonroe.
You: Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me.
Narrator: Okay. I trust you.
Narrator: I have an encrypted account Charmonroe doesn't know about. That's where I keep all my income from designs.
Narrator: Every day I log in to look at my balance. Today is no different.
Narrator: Ah, the interest rate is so low. It's time I changed banks.
Narrator: There are so many things I want to buy, but I worry the price will change.
Narrator: The security systems in the National Data Research Institute are very strong.
Narrator: Took me 0.1 seconds more to crack today.
Narrator: Sensors, the latest silicone gels, mechanical joints, new generation chips...
Narrator: I noted down today's price, and wrote it on the calendar in my room.
Narrator: Hm... Not enough yet.
Narrator: So tomorrow I'll keep working hard!
Narrator: I'll need A LOT more money to do what I want to do.
Narrator: One day, if I could stand in front of Charmonroe...
Narrator: I would become Ai, for real.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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