maddymajolish · 2 years
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sokuroo · 1 month
in the spirit of matrimony.
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𓆩♡𓆪 summary — iwaizumi hajime is getting married, and you and your ex, oikawa tooru, must pretend you’re still together to avoid ruining his big day. the charade, however, proves to be a lot more complicated than you thought.
pairing — oikawa tooru x fem!reader genres — romance, angst; exes to lovers, fake dating!au word count — 3.0k
warnings — profanity, alcohol consumption author’s note — please excuse the writing, it is wildly inconsistent, and most of it feels like i wrote through a fever dream 😭 a little bit of info on some terms used: an izakaya is a type of informal japanese bar; oshibori is a wet towel offered at dining places used to clean one’s hands before eating; otoshi is an appetizer offered at izakaya
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Oikawa Tooru is currently using the shower in your hotel room, and you are running late for dinner with Iwaizumi Hajime because of this.
You sit on the plush armchair in the corner of the room, picking at the raised swirls and curlicues embroidered on the cushion. You’re supposed to be meeting with Iwaizumi for dinner in fifteen minutes, but Oikawa seems to be taking his own sweet time getting ready. You can’t say you’re surprised. 
Irritated? Yes.
When he finally bursts out of the bathroom, looking like a Louis Vuitton model, you simply grab your purse and hotel card, and stride out the door without a second glance. Oikawa Tooru isn’t worth your time or energy—for now.
He catches up with you quickly—volleyball legs, and all that—and you can smell his perfume: Cremo spice and black vanilla. You hate the fact that you remember; you’d rather not, but he hasn’t changed the scent in five years and it’s always the little things that are the hardest to forget. In his black button down shirt and with his hair styled carefully with gel, Oikawa definitely looks attractive. He knows it, too, probably, and it gives you a twisted sort of satisfaction knowing that he can’t go about flirting with every person who catches his eye.
He simply cannot, because as far as Iwaizumi Hajime is concerned, you and Oikawa are still together.
“Don’t forget,” you mutter, just low enough that only he can hear you.
“Yeah, yeah.” He waves his hand dismissively before tucking it back into his pocket. “It’s just Hajime. Don’t worry.”
You bite back a sigh. It would do you no good to appear so visibly vexed—and it would cause Hajime to worry unnecessarily, which does a lot more harm to everyone involved. The only thing you want him to be worried about is wedding preparations and becoming a husband in three days. 
Your old friend meets you at the hotel lobby, right before Oikawa furtively slips his hand into yours. Iwaizumi looks tired—his clothes look rumpled and he has dark circles under his eyes—but he still smiles at you and Oikawa in the same way: boyish and crooked. You grin back at him.
“Hey, you two.” Iwaizumi opens his arms and pulls you in for a hug. His stubble brushes against your cheek, and you frown. 
“You’re growing a beard?” you ask incredulously, when you pull away.
He chuckles. “I wish. I need to look handsome on the day of the wedding. Akari thinks it makes me look rugged.” He shrugs and adds, “Personally, I can’t tell the difference.”
“How’s Mrs. Iwaizumi doing?” Oikawa cuts in. He smiles at his best friend, a quick flash of his teeth that you haven’t seen in ages. It almost makes you wish he still smiled at you like that. Almost.
“Akari’s great,” Hajime answers, the edges of his smile turning fond. His fiancé is truly the sweetest, and she’s perfect for Iwaizumi in ways no one else ever could be. It’s difficult to doubt their love, and you consider yourself lucky to have witnessed them falling for each other in college. “Really great, actually. She told me to tell you she’s sorry she couldn’t make it today, but she can’t wait to see you both tomorrow.”
Your ex-boyfriend sighs dramatically. “Iwa-chan. The only entertaining person of the evening is missing. Whatever shall I do?”
“I’m sure your girlfriend will provide ample entertainment, Oikawa,” Hajime deadpans.
Your cheeks flood with heat at the implication. You’re the furthest thing from being Oikawa Tooru’s entertainment tonight, and you don’t need to look at him to know he’s laughing internally at the predicament.
“She’s good at entertaining me with other things,” he retorts, waggling his eyebrows in that infuriating way of his. “Not funny enough, unfortunately.”
You bristle. “Uncalled for, Oikawa.”
He turns to you—the first time he’s looked at you properly since you arrived at the hotel in their hometown—and, taking your hand in his, rubs his thumb along the back of your palm. You nearly shiver; Oikawa used to do that all the time when you were still together, and the small gesture now makes a lump form in your throat. 
“Just kidding, babe,” he says indulgently. “You know I make up for the lack of humour on your part.”
You have to give it to him. Oikawa Tooru is a magnificent actor. 
The way he talks to you, as though both of you hadn’t walked out of the hotel room without saying a word to each other is a feat in itself. He speaks to you as though nothing has changed, as though everything about the way you’re projecting yourselves to your friend is completely natural. You close the hole in your chest where Oikawa used to reside; you will not fall for his little antics—not when he chose to leave you alone.
You roll your eyes, meeting Hajime’s fond—if exasperated—gaze. “Ignore him.”
“I’ve been doing it my entire life,” he responds.
“You are mean and I hate you both,” Oikawa whines. Both of you ignore him.
“Let’s go,” Hajime says. “The izakaya gets really crowded later in the night.”
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You wipe your hands on the soft cotton of the oshibori, scanning the menu taped onto the wall. Next to you, Oikawa digs into the otoshi, and in front of you, Hajime sips on his glass of beer. 
“Yakisoba noodles sounds good,” you murmur, “don’t you think?”
“I wan’ the chmmkn kraagh,” Oikawa says immediately through a mouthful of potato salad.
Iwaizumi sighs and translates, “He wants the chicken karaage.”
You scowl. You and Oikawa Tooru can never agree about things. You’re both too stubborn and hot-headed to budge from your opinions, and towards the end of your relationship, the number of petty arguments that were a result of your clashing personalities was high. At one point of time, you might have said that it was one of Oikawa’s qualities that you admired.
Right now, it just irks you to no end.
“We can order both,” you suggest. “Don’t talk with food in your mouth.”
Oikawa rolls his eyes. He makes a show of swallowing, exaggerating the bob of his throat, before he turns to you and states, “I want the chicken karaage, and I know Iwa-chan likes it more than yakisoba noodles.”
“Actually,” Hajime says mildly, “I kind of want the sashimi.”
“Let’s just order all three.” You bring your glass of beer to your lips and take a sip.
Iwaizumi looks curiously between you both. You take another sip of your beer, and you come to the realisation that for an outsider—like Hajime—you and Oikawa look absolutely nothing like a couple.
The fault is yours: You didn’t tell Hajime about your break up with Oikawa, and neither did he. Hajime still thinks you’re together. Neither you nor your ex-boyfriend are tactless enough to tell him that you aren’t dating anymore three days before he’s getting married. Iwaizumi is excited, and you aren’t about to dampen his happiness by telling him his two best friends haven’t spoken to each other in months.
That’s how, for the first time in ages, you and Oikawa Tooru decided that you couldn’t ruin Iwaizumi Hajime’s Big Day, and it was also how Operation: Pretend Like You’re Madly In Love So Your Surprisingly Intuitive Best Friend Doesn’t Feel Bad came about.
You set your beer down again, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. 
“Can I try some of that?” you ask, nudging Oikawa’s shoulder with yours.
He pauses mid-chew, chopsticks held high in the air. “Sure.”
You nudge his shoulder again, a little bit more forcefully this time. Oikawa glares at you. You narrow your eyes at him, trying to send him some sort of telepathic signal. His eyes widen.
“Here, babe,” he says, plastering a grin on his face. He picks up a chunk of the creamy potato salad that was served as the otoshi and holds it up. He uses his thumb and pointer finger to gently bring your face closer to his chopsticks. You fist your fingers, nails cutting crescents into your palms, and accept the mouthful he holds out to you.
“Good?” Oikawa murmurs, his eyes not leaving your face.
You hum. It is good, rich and tart with a touch of sweetness, but for some reason, you can’t bring yourself to verbalise it. Your gaze flits downwards as you gently pull away from his grasp. Your jaw tingles where he held it.
Iwaizumi grins at you—almost knowingly—when you pick up your beer again. He holds a hand up, calling for the waiter to take your orders.
The alcohol washes down the taste of the food, but your heart is about to leap out of your throat.
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It is always alcohol that loosens your tongue, and it’s the same for Oikawa Tooru as well. The beer you had at the izakaya lowers the towering walls between you both somewhat. It’s easier to speak to him, now, and after you switch on the lights in the hotel room and kick off your sandals, you whirl around and face Oikawa.
“What the hell was that?” you seethe, glaring at your ex-boyfriend.
He pauses in the middle of taking off his shoes. “What the hell was what?”
“You almost blew our cover! Didn’t you see the way Hajime looked at us?”
Oikawa cocks his head to the side, and his cluelessness only infuriates you even more.
“God, you haven’t changed one bit!” you rant. Your chest heaves with emotion—you’re not sure what emotion, exactly. Anger? Resentment? Foolish hope? Or perhaps a cocktail of all three that causes you to feel nothing but confusion. “Hajime is getting married in two days, and I know you couldn’t care less, but for his sake, can’t you make this whole—whole act more believable?”
“You— What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” Oikawa’s eyebrows raise upwards incredulously. “You think I don’t care about Iwaizumi’s wedding? I met him before I even knew you existed.” He scoffs. “Of fucking course I care!”
“Then would it kill you to act like you still love me?” You take a step forward, eyes narrowed and index finger pointing at him. “Is that it? Is it so repulsive to pretend like you still have feelings for me, so that your best friend doesn’t worry about us?”
“That’s not it, and you know it,” Oikawa snarls, a frown marring his features. “We should’ve told him as soon as it happened.”
Hearing him refer to your relationship as it feels like a slap to the face. You falter, cursing yourself inwardly.
Of course he doesn’t care for you now. Why would he, after he decided that long-distance relationships were too much effort? I don’t see us working out in the long run, he’d explained over FaceTime. I’m sorry.
Two days later, you declared yourself officially single. You burrowed yourself in piles of work and forgot to tell Iwaizumi Hajime because talking to Hajime would remind you of Oikawa, and you weren’t ready for that yet. Eventually, you just… didn’t tell him.
That’s why it came as an unwelcome surprise to you when you walked into the hotel lobby and found Oikawa Tooru waiting there, with his arms crossed over his chest and his suitcase by his feet. You’re here, he’d said, and you wanted to punch yourself for the way your heart somersaulted in your chest.
You finally find your voice again. “But we didn’t, so would it kill you to just… not be so fucking obvious?”
Oikawa remains stoic, though you suspect he’s just as agitated as you are. “Yes. I don’t want to do this at all.”
Something in you breaks. How easy it is for Oikawa to break your heart. You’d given him the fragile thing, made of glass, and he had knocked it over like it was a house of cards more than once. 
“Fine,” you grit out, bending down and picking up your footwear again. The alcohol buzzing in your head isn’t enough—you need to stop thinking, need to find some way to stop yourself from constantly imagining him. “See if I care.”
You shoulder past him and place your hand on the doorknob.
“Where are you going?”
If you really strained your ears, you could almost hear the imperceptible concern in Oikawa’s voice. You brush it off; he doesn’t have any feelings towards you, as he’s made so amply clear.
“Why do you care?” you retort, before pushing open the door and heading in the direction of the hotel restaurant’s bar.
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The room is dark when you open the door.
It’s a little past one in the morning—or so one of the bellhops had said when he kindly escorted you back to your room. Your mind is swirling.
It seems even getting yourself batshit drunk isn’t enough to eradicate all thoughts of Oikawa.
The walls spin. You stumble inside. Your hip bumps against something solid—a table, probably—and you let out a startled yelp. 
Oikawa’s voice is like a balm, soothing your feverish forehead, when he says your name.
How are you supposed to get over him? How are you supposed to go back to living alone when you’ve had this taste of what it could be like, regardless of how authentic it is?
The answer is clear as day: You cannot.
A pair of hands guides you by the shoulders to the bed. Oikawa is careful, gentle with his hold on you. You sprawl on the bed sheets, the fabric cool against your cheek. He appears like an outline in the darkness. 
“Are you okay?”
“God,” you mumble, screwing your eyes shut. “You can’t keep doing this to me, Oikawa.”
He remains silent for a moment, before he clears his throat and says, “You asked me why I care about where you go.”
You don’t say anything.
“I just do,” he continues, “and I don’t know how to explain it. But I do care.”
His fingers are warm when he caresses your cheek. The last thing you do before succumbing to sleep is murmur his name—a curse, but somehow reverent.
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When you wake up the next morning, the sheets next to you are rumpled. There is no sign of Oikawa anywhere in the room, but there is a tall glass of water placed on the bedside table.
Through the pounding of your head, you squint at the note written using the hotel stationery placed beside it. 
Drink up. Hajime and Akari are bringing us breakfast.
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Breakfast is a lively affair. You’re glad to see Akari again, happy to see the to-be-newlyweds so patently in love with each other.
Oikawa keeps his hand on your thigh, steady and comforting, and offers you golden smiles whenever you catch his eye, and you swallow down the awful lump in your throat.
The day passes by in a blur.
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It’s on the day before Iwaizumi’s wedding that Oikawa Tooru kisses you.
Wedding photos are unnecessary, you think. After all, you’re not the one getting married. But Akari had been insistent that you and Oikawa take some pictures together, and you couldn’t refuse her beseeching gaze.
Oikawa, clad in his dapper suit, with his hair styled using copious amounts of hair gel, places his hands on your waist and draws you in. His fingers bunch up the material of your dress. The photographer asks you to place your hands on his chest. His heartbeat is a steady thrum underneath the pads of your fingertips. 
“Is this okay?” he whispers, leaning in. 
You nod.
His mouth tastes like spearmint and the chocolate muffins he’d shared with you at breakfast. 
The afternoon passes by in a daze.
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As you walk through the wedding venue, noting all the decorations and the flower arrangements, Oikawa slips his hand into yours. 
“You don’t have to,” you say. “No one’s here to see us.”
“I want to,” he replies simply. He is serious now, not his usual boisterous self, the way he is around Hajime and Akari. “It’s a nice place, no?”
You press your lips together. His words are oddly reminiscent of what he said the night you were drunk. Your stomach twists into knots, but if you don’t ask him the one question that has been nagging at you since then, who will do it for you?
“Tooru,” you say.
He stiffens. It’s the first time you’ve used his first name since you broke up with him.
“Why didn’t you tell Hajime we broke up?” you ask.
His shoulders loosen and his mouth twists upwards in a crooked, sad sort of smile. 
“Because I love you, and breaking up with you broke me in some way.”
Your voice is quiet when you ask, “Why did you?”
“I didn’t want to be the one holding you back,” he says, just as quietly. “I didn’t want you to be constantly worrying about someone who didn’t even live in the same country as you. You deserve someone who will be there for you. Someone you can come home to after work, and talk about your day, and cook dinner together with. I couldn’t give you that.”
You want to hit him and kiss him at the same time. What a stupid, idiotic fool you’re in love with.
“Silly,” you say. “I only want you.”
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The wedding happens on a sunny afternoon, and it is beautiful. Akari is radiant, and Hajime tells her that he’s the luckiest man ever. They are in love, and looking at them doesn’t hurt anymore. Your ex-boyfriend turned current boyfriend presses his shoulder against yours and gives you a small, knowing smile when he catches you almost tearing up. You nudge him back, and his smile grows into a grin that envelops his face in gold.
(“You’re the golden one,” he’ll tell you later, pressing feather-light kisses to your collarbones and cheeks. You’ll say he’s wrong.)
Right before the crowd disperses, Oikawa takes your hand and brings it to his lips. He presses a soft kiss against the knuckle of your ring finger.
Later, he whispers to you that it’s all in the spirit of matrimony.
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Oikawa Tooru is using the shower in your bedroom, and he’s running late to catch his flight back to Argentina, and everything is perfect.
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author’s note (again): this fic is a birthday gift to my best friend, @hanluex! it's the most last-minute thing ever and i apologise but HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOKI!!!
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hysteria-things · 8 months
you should do a story of like chris and the reader play like an adult card game. it just randomly appeared in my head i hope it’s not out of ur comfort zone 😭 also i love ur writing and stories sm!
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sub/dom!chris x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: everybody goes off to bed except for you and chris. you find a card game and decide to play, not knowing what it has in store.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, swearing, drinking, tied hands, blindfold, teasing, oral (male receiving), degradation, p in v, cream pie, unprotected sex (no bueno!)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,445
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: THIS IS MY FAVORITE REQUEST SO FAR! nothing is out of my comfort zone anon, don’t worry😘 (and thank you for the compliment!)
shoutout to this game that randomly appeared on my tiktok to give me this idea.
enjoy ;)
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“i think i’m going to head off to bed.” nick announces, stumbling his way to his feet.
you, the triplets, nate, and madi decided to rent out an airbnb for a weekend getaway. it’s rare when you guys have free time.
you all have been drinking and talking for the last three hours. nate and madi went off to bed about an hour ago, and nick stepped out of the living room.
“i’m going to go too.” matt says a few seconds later. “we got a busy day tomorrow.”
that leaves you and chris left as you two wave goodbye to his brother. there's no doubt that the group is at least a little tipsy.
“you can go to bed too, if you want. i’m sure i’ll be gone soon.”
chris shakes his head. “i’m good right now.”
you scan your eyes around the room until you land on a shelf that’s next to the TV. there’s a handful of games on them, but one sticks out to you. it’s a red box.
you get off of the couch and walk over, taking the box and studying it. there’s a black cat on it, and underneath it says ‘pussy out.’
smirking, you hold up the box so chris can see. “want to give this a try? it says it’s for 3+ players, but we can make it work.”
he laughs. “sure. bring it over.”
you go back to the couch and set the game on the coffee table, laying it all out and reading about how it works.
the group goes in a circle and picks a card. you can either do what the card says or take however many shots it displays on the bottom of it. easy enough.
“i’ll go first,” you say, picking the card that’s the first on the deck.
let the group see your my eyes only on snapchat.
pussy out.
two shots.
“sorry, no.” you start, shaking your head and grabbing the vodka bottle that you guys have on the coffee table. “i’m not doing that.”
chris looks amused. “why not? you have nudes and shit in there?”
“no.” you lie. you pour two shots and drink both. you gag at the alcohol going down your throat.
chris sighs, taking the next card.
wild card!
all leo’s take a shot.
this is your chance to be the center of attention.
he groans. “this shit is so not fair.”
you laugh now. “you heard it. bottoms up, sturn.”
he glares at you before downing one drink. you stare at the card in your hand, a little taken aback.
passionately kiss the player to your right.
pussy out.
four shots.
chris is technically across from you, but it’s the same difference, right?
you bite your lip and slowly crawl over to chris. he glances at your eyes and lips a few times before you lean in and kiss him.
your mouths move in sync with the sound of your lips smacking together. you invite his tongue into your mouth.
you kiss for a few more seconds before pulling away.
both of your lips are red and you clear your throat. “y-your turn.” you stutter.
chris quickly reaches for his second card.
choose a player to spit a shot into your mouth.
pussy out.
three shots.
he reaches for his shot glass and pours the liquid into it. you smirk at his cowardliness. this card isn’t so bad.
“you going to spit in my mouth, or what?”
your eyes widen, staring at his hand that’s holding the glass in front of you.
“o-oh.” you stammer, taking it from him. “um, yeah. sure.”
you pour the vodka into your mouth and hold it there. you grab chris’s jaw lightly as your noses touch. his mouth is already open for you, and you spit the alcohol down his throat.
you pull away as he swallows. for some reason, none of this feels awkward. it feels like young adults having a good time.
both of you let out giggles when you take a card.
wild card!
do whatever your heart desires to a player. if not, you have to take three shots.
(come on, you know you want to)
chris brings his hands to the back of his head and grins. “you heard it. bottoms up, y/l/n.”
you snarl at him using your words against you. “no. put your hands together.”
he raises his brow but obeys. you grab two black pieces of fabric you found and turn to him.
you bite your lip as you tie his hands.
“so… what are you doing, exactly?”
“you’ll see,” you reply, taking the other piece of fabric and putting it over his eyes.
his chest heaves as you straddle his lap and slowly graze your hands over his chest. “y/n—”
you cut him off when you start to roll your hips. his mouth is agape, groans leaving it each time you move upward on his now growing erection.
“y/n— fuck. don’t tease like that.”
you shush him as you move yourself so you’re straddling his calves. you take off his shorts to see pre-cum already leaking through his underwear.
you rub his dick through the piece of clothing, a moan and hiss leaving his lips.
“you want my mouth, handsome? you want my mouth wrapped around your needy cock?”
he whines and nods vigorously. “god, yes, please.” he pants.
you hum, kissing his twitching dick a few times before finally letting it spring free.
you grab the base; your small hand doesn’t fit around it. you start to kitty lick the tip and move your hand up and down.
he moans, his hips thrusting upward at the sudden contact.
you suck at what’s coming out of his tip before moving your head down, gagging when it reaches the back of your throat.
bobbing your head at a fast pace, chris wiggles and whines from underneath you. the sound of you sucking his dick also filling the room.
“shit, wait.” he exhales. “please. i need to fuck you so bad. need cum inside your pussy. please.”
you grip his thighs when he starts thrusting up into you.
you lift your head before it gets too much and cough. he’s panting as you move your face up to his ear, untying both his hands and the blindfold as you speak. “then do it.”
he flips you over in milliseconds, your back now against the couch. he tears off your panties, the elastic ripping against your skin causing you to yelp. he doesn’t bother to remove your shirt and skirt; he just needs you so badly.
chris gives you no time to adjust when he starts to plow into you so fast that the couch moves with each thrust.
“ch-chris! fuck!” you scream. “you’re f-fucking huge.”
he chuckles and covers your mouth to muffle your moans and screams. “you don’t want them to hear, do you? you don’t want them to hear how much of a whore you are; getting fucked by one of your best friends.”
it’s crazy how fast his demeanor can change. just a few minutes ago he was under your control, even though you hate being the one to take over.
he lifts your legs so they both are over his shoulders, which has him drilling into you deeper. luckily, he holds you in place. if he didn’t, you’d go flying off the couch.
you gasp in his hand and roll your eyes back, arching off the couch so he can hit just the right spot. you grip his hand and move it away from your mouth, not caring if the others can hear.
“o-oh, chris!” you grip his biceps, leaving crescent shapes on them. “i’m gonna— shit, i’m cumming.”
your legs start to shake as you start to spread your cum down his dick.
“look at me,” he demands. your eyes flutter back open and stare into his lust-filled ones. “you want me to fill your pussy? huh? you want me dripping out of you for the whole weekend like a slut?”
“mhm! please— please.”
he starts to rub your clit with his thumb, your eyes crossing at the pleasure washing over your body.
he thrusts a few more times before stopping deep inside you, feeling his orgasm fill you to the brim.
he grunts before pulling out, falling on top of you as you guys breathe in sync.
“can’t wait to spend $50 on plan b tomorrow morning.”
he laughs, kissing your jaw. “my bad.”
it’s no secret that you’ve always liked chris more than a friend, but it’s bizarre that having sex with him happened because of a crazy card game.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom
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penelopepine · 3 months
Okay but I saw this and tell me why I couldn’t help but think of the cod guys when they get back from deployment like 😭🥺🙈 and your baby is just waiting with you, excited bc ‘daddy’s home!’
You know exactly what to say to get my thoughts running! I just had to write about this!!!
Welcome Home!
141 reacts to you and your kid welcoming him home.
It was his first time home in months, and Price has plans to surprise you and your daughter by coming home a few hours early. He made sure to arrive at a time where he knew you would be out of the house; you were currently picking up your daughter from school. 
Price knew that as soon as you and her pulled into the driveway you both would know that he was home. Which is why the front door being thrown open followed by an excited scream he wasn’t surprised. Even more less so when a little body slams into him before he can stand from the couch. 
“Oof- Hello sweetheart!” Price pulls her in close to his chest, and gives her a kiss on top of her head. “How are my girls doing?” He asks as you sit down next to him. You two share a quick kiss before leaning into his side; wrapping yourself around him. 
“Sweetheart, don't you have a surprise for Daddy?” You knowingly ask the little girl. 
With a gasp the girl is up and running back to the door where she had thrown her backpack, and brings it back to where he is. Throwing open her back pack she pulls out a clearly homemade card. She excitedly hands it over to him before settling back in her spot. 
On the front of the card it had a big heart with ‘Daddy’ written inside of it. Opening it up he found a picture of the three of you all holding hands. Hearts surrounded you all and the words ‘Welcome Home!’ were written at the top. 
“I love it sweetheart, thank you!” Price exclaims. His words seem to make his daughter’s smile grow tenfold.  It was moments like this that really made him reflect on his time away from you and her. How he ended up with you, the love of his life, and a precious daughter he didn’t know. Price wasn’t going to question it that’s for sure; not when his life was this perfect.
Three of you continue to sit on the couch, and just cuddle with one another. It only takes about 20 minutes for your daughter to fall peacefully asleep in her parents arms. “I love having you home.” You softly whisper into his ear as you rest your hand on top of his. 
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” That was true too. This is all he’s ever wanted in life, and he wouldn’t let anyone take this away from him. 
When Gaz opened the door he was immediately hit with a sweet smell filling the house. As quietly as he could he shut the door behind him, and followed the scent. Slowly approaching the kitchen he heard the sounds of both you and your daughter quietly giggling to one another. 
Looking in he saw you two with your backs to him standing over what he assumes, based on the smell, is a cake. Your daughter is standing on a stool next to you laughing up a storm as she reaches into bowls set up next to her, and dropping whatever she had on the cake. It truly brought a smile to Gaz’s face as he watched the scene in front of him. 
Just as he’s about to make his presence known you speak, “You excited to surprise Dada with the cake you made?”
“Yeah! He’s going to love this so much!” She excitedly announces, “When is Dada gonna be home?” 
You look at time before answering, “He should be home any second now!” 
Gaz takes that as his cue to finally show himself. “Well what’s all this?” He says as he steps forward to wrap his arms around you two. 
“Dada! Look, we made you a cake!” 
Glancing down at the cake in question he sees the words ‘Welcome Home’ written in frosting with m&ms and sprinkles of every color haphazardly thrown around the whole thing. In other words it was a mess, but that only made Gaz love it more. How could he want anything more than this? “This is for me?” directing his question towards the little girl grinning widely while nodding at him, “This is amazing darling, by far the best looking cake I’ve seen!” 
“Let’s cut you a piece of this then!” You happily say before wapping one of your arms around his waist.
Gaz can’t help but pull you closer to him for a kiss right then, You always know what to do to make his homecoming something special, “I’ll of course take a corner piece!” 
His little girl watched attentively as he took the first bite; making sure to make a loud hum of enjoyment.It was only then that she too took a big bite of her own piece. 
“Thank you.” He whispers to you, “For doing all of this.” 
“You know I’d do anything for you.” 
Soap was so fucking ready to be back with his family. He practically ran out of the airplane knowing that you and his boy would be waiting for him. Before he even reached the terminal he was searching for you two; not wanting to waste a second of being home again. Coincidentally he heard you both before he saw you. 
“Da! Da!” Soap would recognise that voice anywhere. Looking in that direction it took him, but a second to find you both. There right in front of stood you and a little boy with a sign as big as he was with ‘Welcome Home Da!’ written on it. Childlike drawings of hearts and smiley faces surrounded the words. 
“I’m coming Da!” Instantly the little one is throwing down the sign and sprinting towards him. You don’t make any moves to stop him knowing that he has only one destination in mind and nothing was going to stop him from reaching it. Soap at the same time is kneeling down waiting for his son to slam into him. 
As soon as his son is in his arms he’s squeezing him close to his chest before standing and walking towards you. Adjusting to have his son to have one arm free Soap then brings you in as soon as he is able to. The three of you standing there for a few seconds just holding each other. Soap can’t help thinking to himself that he’s holding his whole world right now, and doesn’t think he could live without this anymore. 
“I love you both so much.” He says with his head resting on yours. 
“And we love you.” You reach up with a hand placing it on his cheek, “We love you being home.” 
“I’m home; I’m not going anywhere for a while. I made Price promise to not call me back there for anything less than a state of emergency.” 
It was at this point when he finally noticed what seemed to be different about his son. The little bairn had a very similar hairstyle that matched his own. “What’s this buddy? Got a haircut while I was gone?” 
“Yeah! Do you like it?” He excitedly asks, “I wanted to match you!” 
“I love it! A real mini me you are.” Soap can’t help but ask as well, “Why do you want to match me?” 
“Because, I love you, Da! I want to be exactly like you!” 
It was already late into the night when Ghost arrived home. He wasn’t expecting either of you to be awake at this time, but was pleasantly surprised when he saw you awake sitting on the couch. His son on the other hand was absolutely knocked out; his head was resting in your lap as you silently played with his hair. 
Once you saw him you reach out to him with your other hand and draw him close; pulling him to sit down with you as well. As he does, Ghost puts his son's legs on lap; doing his best to not wake the little one up. “You should be asleep as well, y'know.” 
“I wasn’t sleeping until you came home tonight.” You lay your head on his shoulder. “Little man wanted to stay up as well; He fought himself to stay awake for about an hour after his bedtime before he finally crashed.” 
He hums lightly and looks down at the sleeping figure in both your laps. If you had told Ghost that this would be his life he would have called you insane. There was no way that someone like him would end up with a life as perfect as this. 
“Let’s get you both to bed now that I’m home.” With that Ghost stands lifting the boy into his arms. Immediately the sleeping child clings onto him. 
“Dad? Are you home?” He mutters still half asleep. 
Ghost softly rubs his back while lightly shushing him, “Yeah little man I’m home. Go back to sleep. It's already way past your bedtime” 
“...Ok.” The little boy sleepily says before falling right back to sleep again. With that Ghost and you walk together, and tuck him into his bed. 
After that you two quietly make your way out of his room, and down the hall to your own bedroom. Silently you help him undress into more comfortable clothes before sitting him down onto the bed. You then step away and grab a washcloth, and begin to gently wash his face.  
“Come on love, you need your sleep too.” Ghost says as he grabs you around the waist and tugs you into the bed next to him after you’re done with his face.
You tuck your head into his neck before muttering, “I love you.” 
“I love you too, lovie.” With those words both of you fade into unconsciousness; arms tight around the other. 
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balletfilmss · 3 months
✸ pairing: rockstar! percy jackson x ballerina! reader
✸ synopsis: after months of sneaking around behind the media’s backs, you and your boyfriend make your relationship public!
✸ warnings: not proofread. like, at all.
✸ notes: hey so im alive btw…. so here’s pt.2 to could you make it any more obvious?
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“are you sure you want to do this?”
you asked the question for the millionth time, finger hovering over the bright blue button on your phone screen, identical to the one percy was eager to press.
the two of you sat together with phones in hand, seconds away from making instagram posts that would launch your relationship to the public after months of sneaking around. even though you’d already been caught once or twice…
“sweetheart, how many times do i have to tell you yes until you believe me?” percy chuckled, looking at you with those kind eyes of his.
this was his idea, for crying out loud. you knew that the media would eat it right up, with the two of you confirming their month-long suspicions and dating rumors.
that being said, you also knew that there’d be a lot more backlash from his fans than yours. who cares if a popular ballerina got a boyfriend, right?
but a eligible, hot, bachelor rockstar that had millions of fangirls all around the world?
oh, you were totally in for it.
one of the great things about percy was that he seemed to not only have great musical talent, but also the ability to read your mind.
“look, i can’t promise you that making everything public will be easy, though i think not having to sneak around definitely will,” a laugh out of both him and you. “but what i can promise is that whatever happens, we’ll deal with it together.”
that paired with a reassuring squeeze to your leg drew a smile right onto your face. you took a deep breath, reassured that no matter what happened, you still had him.
“okay,” you nodded, skimming over your Instagram caption one last time. “i’m ready.”
“on the count of three?” percy asked, holding his phone directly beside yours.
together, you clicked post and watched as the upload line chased the edge of the screen until finally, it was public. everything was public.
dropping his phone on the couch, percy wrapped his arms around your abdomen and squeezed, pulling you from the cushions until you landed in his lap.
with a shriek of surprise followed by a fit of laughter from you both, you held his face in your hands, grinning at it another like two idiots in love, which you were.
“alright, swan lake,” he smiled, face close to yours. “everything just changed.”
“i don’t think so, not really,” you shrugged. “i’m still me. we’re still us. only difference is now we don’t have to go sneaking down alleys to avoid people.”
“always a bright side with you,” your boyfriend swooned at the mere sight and sound of you, his eyes filled with nothing but adoration and love. you could’ve sworn you saw hearts in his eyes.
“well, you are mr. brightside.”
that reference to one of his songs was all it took. percy leaned back into the couch cushions, pulled you with him, and kissed you so good that it didn’t matter what anyone commented on social media.
…now playing: last call — greek symphony
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officially.yn: yeah, my boyfriend’s pretty cool 🤍🎸
tagged: impercyjacks
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impercyjacks: wow who’s that hottie in the last picture?? 😍
╰┈➤ officially.yn: idk, some musician 🤷‍♀️
its.piper.mclean: you big fucking liar, I KNEW IT
╰┈➤ its.piper.mclean: I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS 😭😭 breaking up with you IMMEDIATELY, yn ln
╰┈➤ officially.yn: NO, piper bby don’t do this 😔
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: i am RIGHT here
╰┈➤ user72: and HIS BAND’S song playing???
the.leovaldez: i KNEW i wasn’t crazy
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: bffr. you didn’t know SHIT
╰┈➤ jasegrace: leo. frank’s deaf cat knew he was sneaking around with someone.
╰┈➤ frankzhang: you leave maisie out of this.
user289: this is THE hard launch of all hard launches
╰┈➤ user: but was this REALLY the launch, or was it all those tabloid articles 👀👀
impercyjacks: spoiler alert: she didn’t break my heart & i did, in fact, see her again ;)
╰┈➤ username: SHUT THE FRONT DOOR
impercyjacks: love you, swan lake 🤍
…now playing: paparazzi — lady gaga
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impercyjacks: but i’m not as cool as her 🩷🩰
tagged: officially.yn
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officially.yn: last pic was not necessary.
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: but you look so cute :((
╰┈➤ user293: girl get a grip….
╰┈➤ user: okay but like the gf is YN LN, it’s okay
the.leovaldez: yeah and guess who knew first? ME
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: actually…that was jason
╰┈➤ the.leovaldez: …. GUESS WHO KNEW SECOND?? ME 🗣️🗣️
username: girls, we lost him 😔
jasegrace: thank god, im sick of keeping your secret
╰┈➤ officially.yn: didn’t you tell us once that it felt like gossip girl?
its.piper.mclean: im forwarding every last piece of media paper work to you.
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: send it on over 🫡
user29: majority of the pictures just being her 🥹
╰┈➤ fan9: and the fact that the FIRST one’s her, so she’s on his feed now
username: isn’t yn ln like…a terrible dancer? she’s so overrated fr
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: shouldn’t you like….get a fucking life??
╰┈➤ user28: OH GAH DAMN
╰┈➤ fan28: GAGGED THEM FR
officially.yn: i love you so big, rockstar ♥️
484 notes · View notes
fandomzwriterk · 4 months
can i request yandere remy labeau x reader smut. Maybe he confesses his love to his darling and it leads to smut( if your comfortable with that)
My Queen of Hearts
Warnings: Yandere Remy + slightly ooc Remy + possessive Remy + NSFW content + Virgin Reader & Remy
A/n: I’m gonna do my best for this request and I’ll do the smut but be warned I’m not the best so don’t laugh. Also 3rd person reader! Pardon my poor Cajun-French I’m sorry😭😭
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NSFW below 👇🏻
Remy Labeau was an eccentric man, and everyone in the X-Men knew that, none more so than Rouge, Remy’s past lover. Past? No that can’t be right… right? He still loves her right?
Remy moved on after Magneto came and moved into the mansion. He knew he stood no chance against the very man whom she could hold and touch. Much to everyone else’s surprise, even you, he said he was uninterested in her anymore.
“She ain’t my type of girl. That’s it bon amí.”
Logan didn’t believe him, after all he still loved Jean even if she was married, but he kept that to himself. Remy was just confused according to Logan. Morph and even Jubilee just went along with it… almost too well. But who were you to judge? Remy was one of your closest friends here, so of course you’d be by his side through his complicated relationship with Rouge.
“Hey Y/n can you, Storm, and Jean help me out with something?” You heard Jubilee say from down the hall
“I’ll be right there!” You spoke as you looked at Remy as he sat on the sofa, arms crossed behind his head as he listened to whatever Morph and Logan were telling him. “I’ll be right back Remy. Jubilee needs me.”
Remy smirked at you, just a classic thing he did to any girl he had “feelings” for. They weren’t real feelings, just a facade he put up around women, that’s just how Remy worked. But if you happened to be someone Remy wanted to give his attention to… he really showed you attention.
“Oh hello Y/n.” Jean spoke kindly as she waved a hello at you with a smile. It was nice to see her, she’d been gone with Scott for a few days. “Anyways Jubilee what did you want to talk about?”
“Well you know how Magnetos been here and… well I’ve just been wondering what you three have been thinking.”
Storm muttered something under her breath as she sat looking out the window thinking long and hard as a storm came rolling in. Jean couldn’t decide what she thought either.
“I think that, even with our rough past with him, he has good intentions for us and what the Professor wanted.”
“I’m not so sure Jean. He’s fought us for so many years and now that suddenly the Professor has passed and he’s deciding to forget it all? Something doesn’t add up.”
Both Storm and Jean were right. You hadn’t been around long enough to witness the bloodshed with Magneto that everyone had, but your time was long… just not long enough to meet the Professor. You’d been here when he had left, after Remy, Scott, Logan, Rouge, and Jean brought you back from a dangerous mission. You would’ve died that day if they didn’t save you from that gang and that half destroyed Sentinel.
“Well at least for Y/n it works out.”
“Jubilee!” Both women shouted
“What?! Rouge has been all ‘cuddly and friendly’ since Magneto got here and that leaves Gambit open.”
You just sighed, turning to walk out the door as the other three women stayed silent. Closing the door behind you hard, made you want to scream out loud about what Jubilee said.
“Just ignore it Y/n. Maybe it’ll-“
Your sentence cut short as a card flew in circles in front of you, doing a flip before heading into the darkness. Your eyes could barely see who it was, but you could just figure it out on your own anyways.
“Hello Remy.” You spoke to the dark hallway
Remy held the card between his pointer and middle finger, then spinning it between his other fingers. He took one step towards you, just barely being lit by the light of the moon through the window.
“My chérie what’s wrong?” Remy spoke with a smile, putting a hand over your shoulder as he pulled you along for a walk down the hall
“Nothing Remy. I’m just fine.”
“My ange I think differently. Let ol’ Gambit talk it out with you.”
You could never object to Remy’s kindness to you. He was the one who found you that day, trapped in a cell with nothing but a bucket and pieces of bones from any sort of meat. Everyone treated you with the utmost kindness. Scott and Logan kinda felt like your older brothers, sweet but also stubborn. Jean, Storm, and Rouge were like aunts to you, kind but never getting in the way as a “parent” like Scott did. Maybe that’s just because their baby hadn’t been born yet and he was so worried about a young mutant like you. But Remy… Remy was different. Remy was there on your darkest days, your companion through the nightmares, especially at nights like these.
“Alright let’s talk then.”
“That’s it ma princesse. Let your dear Gambit hear what you’re thinking about.”
You sat on the edge of his bed as Remy walked around and went straight the bathroom, winking at you before closing the door behind him. Well, that’s Remy for ya. But here’s the thing… you don’t even have to ask what anyone is thinking… you already know.
“My dulcinée… what are you thinking about?” You hear as Remy opens the door to reveal himself with nothing but his pink crop top and boxers on
You sat up, coving your eyes because you were raised to be decent for people. Taking one step away towards the door, you couldn’t dare look at someone, especially Remy, like this.
“Mon amour where do you think you’re going?”
Remy followed you, grabbing your wrist as he pulls you back and spins you around so he’s against the door and you’re more inside his room. Remy, without a second to spare, locks the door with a smile on his face, his eyes scanning you up and down as if he was going to pounce on you that second.
“Remy I-“
Being much taller than you are, and able to pick you up easily, Remy walked up and pushed you down onto his bed, watching you as you stared into his crimson-black eyes. You scooted away, trying to crawl off onto the other side, but Remy was faster, practically jumping onto you and keeping you there, trapped under him. You couldn’t move, your body felt paralyzed as you looked into Remy’s adoring eyes. You always had a feeling about him… but you could never place what it was, that is, until now.
“Do you know what I’m thinking Ma Belle?”
“N-no Remy I-i don’t.”
Your words were honest, you truly did not wish to peek into Remy’s mind right now as he had you trapped under him, on his bed, half undressed already. With his one hand on your hip to keep you there, his other went to the side of your face, caressing it as he stared into your eyes, looking for something in them.
“Well darling I’m surprised you didn’t already look. Gambit’s been having some thoughts about you since he told Rouge to fuck off.”
If your face was red, you could feel it and Remy could see it. He knew what he was doing. But at the same time, what was he saying?
“You see my dear, once I realized Rouge would gladly leave your sweet and loving Gambit for some old prick, I decided to move on from her.”
His eyes stayed onto yours as he grabbed both sides of your hips, now turning to push your head down onto his pillows. His grip was hard, almost needy. Grabbing one of yours hands with his, he continued to look into your eyes, even as he brought your hand up to kiss it.
“Now looking back on it… I’m glad I did. Rogue could never compare to what I feel when I’m around you.”
“Ma Belle you are everything I want, and even if Gambit can’t decide what he wants sometimes, he knows he wants you.”
Remy broke eye contact lifting himself up a little to look at you from head to toe once more, before burying his face in the crook of your neck. His body gently laid onto yours, keeping you there in his arms and trapped under him. Even if this was a trap… did you truly want to leave him when he’s right here, willing to love you when you’ve wanted it for so long already?
“Remy do you… is this a fling or are you serious?” You asked
Remy’s head perked up, staring down at you once more. He looked confused, as if you just asked him the hardest question ever in his life.
“My déesse there is no one that could ever make me feel the way you make me feel. I adore you… I treasure you… and I don’t want anyone else to have you. Not any of the other men here. Not anyone. Just me.”
Remy gripped onto your hand tightly, as if you were going to leave and never come back. His eyes searched yours for an answer.
“I want you… I’ve always wanted you my ange.”
You didn’t even have to think twice before sitting up and wrapping your other arm around Remy’s neck, pulling him closer.
“I love you Remy.”
“And I you my angel.”
Remy didn’t hesitate to let go of the grip on your hip, holding himself up as he moved closer to your face, staring at your lips. But he didn’t do anything, waiting for you to say those words he needed to hear as well.
“Chérie I… as much as I want it… I want to know if you want it too. Gambit doesn’t wanna force you to do anything you-“
You leaned up slightly feeling lips touch yours for a quick second, then moving your head to the side to show him your neck.
“I want it Remy… I want you.”
He quickly yanked off his shirt that had barely put it on a few minutes ago. Who cares? As long as Remy gets what he wants right?
“You are so beautiful my sweet.” He whispered as he started to help you take off your top, staring at your chest with wide eyes
Remy, being Remy, just kept his eyes there for a little longer than he should’ve, almost forgetting the best part of what was in front of him. It was hard to look away as he helped take off your bottoms and left you in nothing but your underwear as well. There was silence as you both looked each other in the eye, waiting for one of you to do something.
“Sweet god you are so perfect to me.”
He wasted no time, letting you move your hands to his back while he moved his face to the side of your neck. His breath was warm, yet shaky. He seemed… confused.
“Remy is this-“
“Ya. It is my dear. And… yours as well?”
You nodded. So at least both of you were willing and wanting to be each others first. You moved one hand to go behind Remy’s head, pushing down to his mouth on your neck. Then he seemed to understand where to start. One bite was all it took for Remy to start losing himself.
“Fuuuucckkkk Ma Chérie you taste so good.” Remy groaned as he pushed you deeper into his pillows, biting almost every inch of your neck as possible
“R-Remy I- fuck. Ah~”
Remy was practically laying on you at this point, and you could feel his erection through his boxers and your panties.
“My beauty you are so- fuck- sweet to me.”
Remy leaned back, staring at you as you felt your hands go for the waistband of his boxers. He shuffled a little so you could pull them down, seeing his cock pop out. He was big, but then again you’ve never seen another man’s dick before. He pulled yours down as well, flinging them over his shoulder and onto some part of the floor.
“I… how is this supposed to-“
No hesitation from Remy and he had you pushed back, putting all his weight onto you as he crushed you with his body and his lips on yours. He was hungry, and he was hungry for you. Here you were, finally in his arms and so ready to get fucked by him. Remy was shaking with need and want, holding himself back from unleashing all his feral energy into you.
“Fuck me my dear you are so sweet on my tongue.”
Your tongues fought for a few seconds, hands moving just to hold each other closer in such need and want of each other. After a couple more bites on your neck, Remy looked down to see your cute little hole wet and needy. He didn’t even have to prep you and you were already wet at all of the things going on with you two.
“F-fuck my dear I want to push it in so bad. Tell me you want it. Tell my you want me.” He growled in your ear
“I want it… I want you Remy. Please Remy I want you so badly.” You whined, practically moaning it out loud for everyone in the mansion to hear
With one hand holding onto his cock, the other set right next to your head as he carefully put the tip up to your entrance.
“This will hurt a little my dear. Don’t worry I’m here.”
With very little effort, the tip of his cock was past your entrance. You bit back the moans daring to escape, making sure nobody else could hear you two fucking just down the hall. Remy didn’t look any better, panting like a dog in heat and ready to fuck his mate. He wanted you, slowly going deeper as you sucked him in.
“Ah my darling you feel s-so good.”
It took a little bit of time, but eventually Remy was fully seated inside you and ready to go. Remy was losing himself in you, but it’s not like you were both feeling uncomfortable with each other. Being in this position with Remy just felt… right.
“I-I’m gonna go my dear.”
One pump out had you wanting him back in. One pump in and Remy had you screaming for more. Slowly, Remy waited for you to adjust to him, holding back whatever he was wanting to do to you.
“F-faster” you begged him
Remy had you moaning and pleading for him in a matter of minutes. Maybe you always did love Remy, you were just too much into denial to listen to yourself.
“Gods be damn my love you feel so-“
Remy’s inner mind snapped, staring down at you as he grabbed both wrists and pulled them over your head and pined them there. Remy’s hands wandering, going straight for your chest and grab at your tits.
“F-fuck Ma Chérie you really know how to take my cock don’t you? Is this what you’ve been wanting this whole time? Waiting for me to be alone with you and fuck your brains out? Huh? Oh yeah you feel so good.”
Remy started to ramble, letting his mind speak freely about everything he felt about you. You didn’t care, Remy made you feel good and you were happy to be making him feel good.
“Ma Belle you’re gonna- make me- ah~”
Remy was starting to get sloppy, and you were feeling a coil in your stomach build.
“Fuck yes my dear I can feel you. I can feel you squeezing my cock, wanting me to cum. Is that what you want?”
His voice was taunting you, as if knowing you’ve had feelings for him for ages. All you could do was nod, no words able to come out aside from screaming Remy’s name and any profanities that came to your head.
“Y-yes my darling. Oh yeah I’m gonna cum inside and that way, everyone will know I’m the only one who gets this. I’m the only one who gets you. Nobody can have you, and I’ll make sure of it.”
Remy had a few more to go, he was waiting for you. Feeling the coil about to snap, you screamed Remy’s name as you felt it break.
“O-oh yeah I’m cumming Ma Chérie… Ma Belle… I’m cumming inside. Fuckkk-“
And with one final thrust, Remy spilled inside you, shaky breaths coming out of both of you as you came down from your highs.
“Fuck. That felt… so good.” Remy spoke before collapsing next to you
You felt the cum spilling out of you, not caring that Remy’s bed was now smelling like the two of you. Remy pulled you close to him, your back pressing against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you protectively. You felt so drained from this whole endeavor with him, you might as well pass out right then and there.
“Sleep well my angel. Dont worry… I’m going to make sure nobody gets in the way of our love… not even our friends.”
You felt the grip on you tighten a little, Remy not willing to let you go at all.
“I’ll do anything for you… my sweet… I love you.”
A/N: I’m sorry if it sucked I’ll get better. This is literally the first smut I’ve ever written so uh… yeah I hope you enjoyed 😅
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hitomisuzuya · 5 months
Aventurine x fem!reader. Smut. Cunnilingus. Slight manipulation. Soft in some spots. Purely self indulgent. Implied size difference (Aventurine is taller)
My hands are shaking while I write this. I'm gonna slink off and hide when I am done 😭 I'm very nervous.
Aventurine had felt a soft tug on his sleeve one night at a roulette table. He kept betting more and more each time he won, and was drawing a crowd around him. He looked over and then down.
"Hold on," You'd said in the shyest voice, finding it hard to look away from his eyes. You'd never seen eyes quite like his. Eyes that could stop your heart in your chest with just one glance, the shock of how beautiful they were restarting it.
You'd been looking for a way, any way to get his attention all night. "Let me kiss your roulette chip," An even shyer blush crept into your cheeks, which he found incredibly endearing. "For good luck," You added, forcing yourself to look away from his eyes to control your pounding heart.
It bewildered him nonetheless that someone was showing him such sweet consideration without him having to ask for it.
Over the next few months, it soon became routine for you brush your lips against whatever gambling tool Aventurine was using that night. All in the name of good luck. Sure, he never lost but you, you were starting to make his winning feel even better.
That led to lingering touches and looks between the two of you. And it wasn't long before he felt the foreign feeling of wanting a level of deeper intimacy with you.
Aventurine knew he could seduce you for little tastes of you at a time, but why do that when he could go all in and win the chance in the fashion he was accustomed to.
He chose to simple game to play with you. Blackjack. First one to bust three times lost. And if he won, he got to eat you out. He couldn't lie to himself and say that he didn't choose this game specifically to get what he wanted.
You'd innocently told him that you weren't very good at math, agreeing to play if he checked your math for you.
His gloved fingers looked so beautiful dealing the card. He could see you considering your decisions to hit or stay very carefully. Did you want to impress him?
Aventurine selfishly fudged the math each time. His smirk on your third "bust" was one for the ages. One that made your heart flutter. Your wager was that if you won, you got play with his cat cakes.
Which he would still let you do. The way you smiled, giggled and cooed at them was just too adorable for him not to let you play with them.
After he devoured you first, of course.
Aventurine took his time slowly licking up and down the stripe of your cunt outside of your panties. The soft, shaky sighs that started to sound from your pretty mouth as his tongue deftly teased at your clit, coaxing it to throb stronger with each languid lick as his saliva soaked onto your panties.
He chuckled softly as you reached down to peel your panties aside. "I'll do you one better, sweetheart. Let me," He slowly pulled your panties down your legs and discarded them on the floor next to his bed.
Aventurine's eyes drank in the sight of your puffy pussy, almost embarrassingly wet from the teasing ministrations of his tongue. He was determined to take care of properly, returning all that consideration you'd showered him with by kissing his gambling chips for good luck.
You clamped a hand over your mouth to muffle your loud moan as his tongue parted your folds. He chuckled, his tongue dancing on your clit. He could tell you were being reserved about your noises.
His fingers brushed on the inside of your thigh, making you shiver as your hips suddenly jerked to grind against his tongue, the taste of you assaulting his senses. "You look cute when you are shy, but let me hear you enjoying yourself," He encouraged with an easy smile.
Aventurine didn't want you to think. The only thing he wanted you to focus on was him, and how good his tongue was making you feel. He groaned happily into your cunt as you grinded against his mouth again.
He was tentative about holding onto your thighs or your hips too tightly at first while he lost himself in your pussy. He didn't want to restrict your movements. Anything to keep you grinding and imprinting your taste on his tongue.
The way your hand shook as the found the back of his head, tugging on his soft, blonde hair as you pressed his mouth down onto your cunt was addicting. His fingers found purchase on your thighs, pressing inevitable marks of possession.
Now that Aventurine had you, he wasn't going to let you go. Especially not when you tasted this fucking good. He was absolutely reeling as he plunged his tongue as far inside of you as it could go.
He swirled his tongue, and it felt like every pleasurable nerve ending in your body was coming to life. The staticy haze of pleasure was overwhelming. It wasn't long before you forgot all about covering your mouth with your hand to hold back your noises.
The feeling to submit to his every intimate whim gripped you like a vice. He wanted you to moan, so moan you did. Your legs shook as his mouth latched out your clit, the wet slurping noises that mingled your moans said how much he was enjoying himself.
The wetter you got, the louder you got, the more your body twitched in response to him made him want more with each lick and suck.
Aventurine didn't even hear himself whimpering at first as he rutted his aching cock into the mattress. He was completely and wholly focused on you. You looked so beautiful with tears of pleasure welling in your eyes, his tongue teasing and swirling between your gummy walls.
His cock throbbed harder each time feeling your walls tighten around his tongue. Tears of pleasure were so interesting to see. He was used to tears of different variety. It was refreshing for him.
He vibrated moan after moan onto your clit as he sucked on it, feeling twice the rush observing you pinching one of your nipples to chase the high he was building up oh so agonizingly slow.
"Aventurine!" Your cry of his name as your orgasm hit you sounded even sweeter than he imagined. His tongue never stopped fucking into you through your orgasm.
"Let's up the ante," He purred, releasing your clit with a wet pop. You looked so defenselessly beautiful all fucked out above him. "How about we bet that I can make you squirt now?"
You pushed his mouth back down onto your pussy in response.
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raspberrybesitos · 8 months
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soft side | joel miller x f!reader
Main masterlist | Palestine
Please take some time to go through the Palestine links. If enjoy my writing, I ask you to help Palestine in any way you can.
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Word count: ~2.5k
Summary: You and Joel enjoy a quiet Valentine’s Day.
Warnings: no outbreak AU, pwp, established relationship, fluff, oral (f!receiving), fingering, squirting, cum eating, unprotected PIV (wrap it up y’all), creampie, praise kink, pet names (baby, darlin’, good girl), after care, reader has no description, no mention of hair type/body type/skin color, NO USE OF Y/N.
A/N: i haven’t written Joel in ages, so i’m a little nervous i can’t lie. i do have a dbf fic in the works for him, but he’s very intimidating since he’s so well-loved. i hope i did him justice 😭 anyway, i hope y’all enjoy! thank you for reading! as always, not beta’d - all mistakes are my own. 🏃‍♀️
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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His truck is parked in the driveway. He’s home before you, something out of the ordinary with work being so busy all the time. You park your sedan beside his pickup and gather your belongings before heading to the front door. It’s oddly quiet as you shuck off your boots and toss your keys on its respective hook, save for the record player going in the living room.
Warmth glows throughout the house, painting the walls in a sepia hue.
Sauntering into the dining room, you spot a vase of tulips sitting atop the dining table. A card sits beside it, his chicken scratch scribbled inside.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, baby. Thank you for loving me and the girls the way you do. Don’t know what I did to deserve you. I love you.
-Love, J”
Your heart flutters at Joel’s sweet message, knowing he isn’t typically one for declarations. Rustling comes from the garage door, Joel trudging in with a bottle of that sweet wine you like.
“Hey, cowboy,” you mutter, grinning ear-to-ear. His head snaps up, a goofy grin crinkling his features. 
“Hey, baby. Didn’t even hear ya come in. How long you been home?”
“Just got in.”
You waltz towards him as he sets the wine down on the table. His arms wrapping around you. 
It’s instinctual.
Slotting your arms around his neck, you meet him halfway into a soft kiss. Melting into him, mindlessly carding your fingers through his hair as you kiss him sweetly, slowly – something you haven’t had a chance to do very often lately. Savoring every bit of him he has to offer.
“Hmm. It’s quiet. What’d you do to our girls, Miller?” You ask against his lips, Joel chuckling into you.
“At the movies with Tommy. Slipped him somethin’ so we could have the house to ourselves tonight. Should be back ‘round 9. ‘S a school night, but just wanted some time with my valentine,” Joel mumbles, his chocolate irises meeting your gaze.
Smirking, you hum in approval. 
“Smart man,” you murmur before crashing your lips against his.
“Mhmm,” Joel agrees as he grins into the kiss. Both of you chuckling at his conniving plan. 
“Missed you, cowboy. I feel like we haven’t had a moment alone in a while,” you utter as he places tender kisses on the column of your throat.
“Mmm. Missed you too, baby. Feel like I haven’t seen ya in ages,” he says into your skin, the two of you mindlessly swaying to the record playing in the living room. Unable to contain your laughter, Joel snaps his head up - his signature scowl returning.
“What’s so funny, darlin’?” He asks, a smirk playing on his lips. 
“Nothing. You’re just… you're so… I like when you’re soft,” you timidly murmur in between giggles. His brows scrunch further, smirk pulled into a thin line.
“Soft? The hell you talkin’ about, darlin’?” Joel asks in genuine confusion.
“It’s not a bad thing, Joel. You’re just… real soft when it comes to me and the girls. It’s sweet,” you explain. He grunts.
Typical Joel.
“Well you three are the only people I care about,” he mumbles, his kisses resuming, nibbling on your neck. He draws out a breathy chuckle from you as your resolve slowly starts to crumble.
“Come on, Joel. I gotta make dinner,” you whisper, no conviction in your voice.
“Mmmm. ‘S alright. Already ordered us somethin’. ‘Sides - rather have dessert right now,” he rasps against your lips before smashing them together again. The kiss grows sloppy, heady, full of tongue and teeth. You moan into his mouth, feeling drunk just off his touch. He cups the back of your head while squeezing your waist with his other hand, leading you out of the kitchen.
“Lemme have my dessert first, baby,” he mutters before dragging you up the stairs. Drunk giggles bubble from your lips as he leads you to your shared room. Flinging the door open, Joel tosses you on the bed, diving into your neck as he litters kisses along your throat. 
He nips at the spot beneath your ear, earning him a breathy moan. Soothing his bite marks with his tongue, he fumbles with the hem of your blouse. He tosses it over your head as you fiddle with the buttons on his flannel. 
His rough hands undo the clasp of your bra, a moan breaching his chest as your breasts spill out of the cups. You slide off his flannel, revealing his taut chest and soft tummy, your mouth waters at the sight of him. Rugged and soft around the edges, you frantically undo his belt. A smug laugh rumbles from his chest.
“Eager now, ain’t ya, baby?” He teases, shucking off his jeans. He visibly twitches in his boxers, a damp spot of precum already leaking through. You palm him through the fabric, Joel groaning at your warm touch. Sitting up on your knees, you snake your hands up his torso and wrap them around his neck, slamming your lips together in another heated kiss.
“Want you in my mouth,” you rasp hungrily.
“Later, baby. Need to be inside you. Gotta get you ready for me first,” he grunts as he throws you back on the bed. In one swift move, he slides your trousers down your legs and discards them on the floor. He groans at the sight beholding him. Your lacey pink thong with a visible wet patch on them. He wildly yanks it off, nearly ripping the lace. 
His lips ghost over your bare sex as he settles in between your legs. He peppers kisses along your thighs, his beard scratching against your skin.
“Joel,” you pant, plead. Your desire grows with every kiss to your thighs. He hums, the vibrations sending another wave of arousal to stick to your panties. His callused hands rest atop your tummy, settling your squirming.
“Joel, please,” your voice barely above a whisper. He laces his fingers with yours before diving in. Drowning in you, he moans at the taste of you. Savoring your tang on his tongue as he licks languid stripes up your glistening folds. Your wanton moans making his cock twitch, boxers growing messier with precum.
“Always taste so fuckin’ good, darlin’. So fuckin’ sweet,” he rasps before suckling your clit between his lips. You keen above him, arching your back into the mattress as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“So fucking good, Joel. Feels so fucking good, oh my god.”
Mouth still wrapped around your precious pearl, he prods a thick finger at your entrance. Your eyes fly open, gasping at the intrusion. His thick, long fingers hardened by a long day at work always hit that spot in a way you never could. He groans as he watches you suck him in, gliding in with ease.
“Joel, oh fuck, Joel. More, please,” you beg, breathless as he brings you closer to your release. He slides in another finger, moaning into you as he watches them glisten every time he pulls them out, squelching around him with every pump. Crooking his fingers deeper, your moans grow pitchier with every stroke as he brushes your g-spot.
He releases your clit from his lips, licking hurried stripes through your folds, slurping up the juices that have pooled at his wrist. 
“C'mon, baby. Can feel you squeezin’ my fuckin’ fingers. Fuck, can fuckin’ hear ya. Let go for me, darlin’. Come on my fingers, baby, let me have it,” he growls before flicking at your clit relentlessly. Your tummy clenches tightly, pressure bubbling over as you gush all over Joel’s mouth and fingers.
He groans as he skyrockets you into orbit. Floating around the sun, your vision burns hot and bright, body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Joel hungrily, wildly drinks every drop before licking back up to your clit.
A puddle of your release gathers beneath you, it coats Joel’s wrist as it sticks to your thighs. Whimpering as you return to Joel, he releases your clit from his mouth and greedily licks up your slick from your thighs. Roaming up your body to meet your gaze, he brings two of his fingers to your mouth.
“Open for me, baby,” he snarls. You mindlessly obey, sucking in his slick-soaked fingers with heavy eyes. Moaning around him, savoring the taste of yourself. 
Joel lets out a wrecked moan, his mouth gaping as you suck his fingers clean. Hastily removing them from your mouth, he hurriedly slips out of his boxers and kicks them off to the side. You catch glimpse of him through heavy lids, whining as he pumps himself, precum smeared along his throbbing length through gritted teeth.
You flinch when he lines himself up with your weeping cunt, clit throbbing as your breathing becomes even more ragged. Whimpers and moans reverberate off the walls as he slides home. Fluttering around him as he splits you open, tears prick your eyes. The sting heightens your pleasure. His cock kissing your cervix as you adjust to the size of him.
“Fuck, baby. Always so fuckin’ tight,” he grits, holding his orgasm at bay.
“Y-you’re so fucking big, Joel, holy shit,” you whine, gasping with every word. 
His size is something you’ll never get used to. 
He sloppily slots his lips against yours, the taste of you melding into the kiss. Threading your fingers through his salt and pepper curls, he groans into your mouth as you tug on them. His weight making the pressure in your tummy rise.
“Joel,” you whisper against his lips. He hums, capturing them in his again before you can speak. He smirks as you let out a hmph.
“Move. Please.”
Joel hisses as he slides out of you almost completely, before ramming back into you. Your back arches into his chest, his rough, large hands slitehering to cup the sides of your waist. Pinning you beneath him as he snaps his hips into yours. Nudging at that spongy spot with every thrust.
He’s incredibly deep, fucking an endless stream of whines and moans out of you. Gripping his broad shoulders for purchase, your nails drag down his back. You can feel him twitch inside you, his hips stuttering at the dull sting of your scratches.
“Pussy’s so fuckin’ good, baby. Best fuckin’ pussy I’ve ever had in my life. Good fuckin’ girl, takin’ all of me, squeezin’ me so fuckin’ tight. You my good girl, baby? Huh?” Joel babbles, drunk off your pussy.
Your eyes struggle to stay open, every thrust sending you closer to the edge.
“Y-yes, Joel. Your good, fuck, your good girl,” you wail. 
“‘S right. You’re mine. All fuckin’ mine, baby. So good for me. Wanna feel you soak my cock, baby. Come on my cock, baby. Need to feel you."
With no preamble, he brings his thumb to your clit.
One stroke to your clit catapults you to your orgasm. Stars bursting behind your eyes, dizzy as he fucks into you harder and harder. You feel his cock twitching as he nears his own release.
“Gonna let me fill you up, baby? Gonna take all my cum like a good girl?”
“Yes, Joel! Fill me up! Please! W-wanna feel you dripping from me, please, Joel!” You scream as you ride out your high, tears streaming down your face.
“Fuck!” Joel barks, hips stuttering as he cums hard. Coating your fluttering walls with his cum, his guttural, drawn-out groan echoing in the room. The two of you ride out your highs together, babbling nothing but Joel Joel Joel as the sheets crinkle in your deathgrip.
He collapses on top of you, his weight pushing you further into the mattress. He can feel his cum seeping out of your throbbing cunt, but he can’t bring himself to pull out. 
Not yet. 
He catches your lips in a searing kiss, a silent check-in, bringing you back to him as you whine and writhe.
“I got ya, baby. I got ya. So good. Did so good for me,” Joel rasps, voice hoarse and mouth dry.
He slips out of you slowly, reluctantly leaving your warm, wet walls. Your cunt achy and puffy as it gleams in the setting sun that glows through the window. Both of you covered in sweat and sticky with cum.
Laundry definitely needs to get done tonight.
Before he rises from the bed, Joel revels in the sight before him. You swollen, shiny hole weeping with his cum. Diving in, he licks up your folds. A wail bursting deep within your chest as he cleans you up with his skillful tongue.
“J-Joel. Too much, baby. Too much,” you gasp, your clit stinging from the overstimulation. He pulls away, but not before he can stuff two fingers inside your pussy.
“Gotta keep you full of me. Want you to feel me drippin’ outta you tomorrow."
Moaning at the fullness, at his words, you helplessly keen as he shoves his cum back inside you.
“Good girl,” he rasps before slipping his digits out of you, he places a soft lingering kiss to your thigh. Sliding out of bed, he pads into the bathroom. The water runs as you lay sprawled out on the bed, legs like jelly and head spinning.
Returning with a warm washcloth, Joel carefully swipes between your thighs, gently cleaning up the mess you two made. You hum, the warm water soothing your aching legs and cunt.
He tosses the cloth in the laundry basket. Scooping you into his arms, you nuzzle into his chest. Basking in the warmth of his tender embrace. Smiling at the feel of his lips on your head.
“Love you, darlin’.”
Humming against his chest, you bring your eyes to meet his.
“I love you too, Joel. Best Valentine’s Day ever,” you giggle, Joel laughing along with you.
The doorbell rings, Joel sighing at the interruption.
“‘S the delivery guy. Let me go pay him, baby,” he rasps into your hairline, a bratty whine bubbling from your chest.
“I���ll be right back, darlin’, I promise,” he says as he slips from your grasp. Playfully smacking your lips, Joel rolls his eyes, smiling at your antics.
While Joel handles the delivery guy, you get up and strip the bed. Tossing the sheets into the laundry basket, you head into the hall to grab a fresh set. Making the bed with the new sheets, you sigh as you plop yourself on the mattress, snuggling under the blankets.
Joel clambers up the stairs and back into the room, pizza box in hand along with two glasses in one hand, the bottle of wine carefully resting atop of the box.
He sets it down on the dresser, pouring you each a healthy glass. He hands you a slice of pizza along with your wine, graciously thanking him with a smile on your face.
The two of you share the pizza on the bed, sidled beside each other as you debrief your days. As Joel goes for another slice, he stops in his tracks.
“Why’d you strip the bed?”
“Huh?” You ask through a mouthful of pizza.
“Why’d you strip the bed?”
“Oh. Well… it was messy. I thought I’d clean up,” you explain through your muffled mouth.
“And who said I was done with ya, darlin’?”
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tag list: @nostalxgic @honeyedmiller @gracieheartspedro @undrthelights @harriedandharassed @pedrostories @morallyinept
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🎊 twst 4th year anni ABEMA stream 🎉
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***TWST JP news + anniversary spoilers below the cut!***
The stream starts with Ace, Deuce, Jack, Ruggie, and Sebek's VAs replying to a bunch of quiz questions. I think Ace or Deuce responds with "810" when asked how many items there are on the Heartslabyul lounge's coffee table. Sebek's VA also has a hilarious answer when asked how many Draconians (wakasama fans) there are, he pulls out some super absurdly high number with tons of zeros in it.
There is then a Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles-type section where the VAs decorate their own cake for TWST's anniversary. It’s a team effort! Ace and Deuce put on the cream, Sebek added cookies on top, and Jack and Ruggie did the final decorations. It ended up looking pretty cute ^^ (Ace's VA is the one that added all the whipped cream peaks; it was mostly thanks to Ruggie's VA that the cake still looked aesthetically pleasing at the end.)
Actual game-related news time!!! The SR Grim card for the 4th anniversary is... drumroll please...!! 🥁Apprentice Chef Grim!!! ABGKSKVUkvuDSQEVUOFDFIHAFVA HE'S SO CUTE, HE EVEN HAS A LIL TUNA CAN CAKE 😭
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For anniversary, there will be a series of free items given out if you log in during the event period (11th to 25th), which includes THREE 10-pull keys (released on the 11th, 15th, and 18th, respectively). You can receive up to 12 days' worth of freebies. There will be an anniversary banner as per usual; you can earn tokens by pulling on this and then trade them in for a SR magical key (50 tokens) and/or past event-limited SSRs (150 tokens), including past years' birthday cards (100 tokens). There will be a new "Event Recollection" feature which allows you to experience events that you may have missed getting the initial chance to play through yourself.
Mr. S's Mystery Shop will sell items from past events such as limited Groovy materials and spell upgrade materials. This is called the "Memory Shop".
You will be able to mark (multiple) parts of the story as your "favorite". This will be indicated with a pink heart icon.
Battles will have a new feature which allows you to save team compositions for them. Up to 25 compositions may be saved at a time. You can also pin your supports, so you no longer have to scroll to find a specific friend's character to borrow.
There will be 3 new item gachas added to the "Item Lotto" of the shop (for Crewel, Vargas, and Trein). Previously, there was only Sam's. You use a new type of medal (obtained by taking classes) to roll on the teachers' lottos, and can pull items related to what you'd typically earn in each of their classes.
Crewel's gacha may provide an herbal tea which can be used to boost Buddy Levels, including those for characters that are otherwise unable to take Alchemy classes. That means Crowley, Rollo, etc. are fair game. (Yes, you can force feed them tea to obtain FRIENDSHIP✨) The tea may also drop during Special Lessons or Alchemy class.
We finally get magical key conversion! On the summoning screen, you can turn 10 single pull keys into one 10-pull key (which guarantees at least 1 SR; single keys do not have this benefit).
The Guest Room will receive a second floor to decorate. This will be unlocked once you reach a Guest Room rank of 31.
The Guest Room rank cap will be increased from 30 to 40. Additionally, all properties of floor 1 appears to carry over to floor 2. This means the same comfort level and attributes will be present across both.
New BGMs will be added to Mr. S's Mystery Shop. There will also be new voice lines added to Alchemy, Flying, and the outfit selection screen. The official TWST soundtrack will be released on the 29th of May, though preorders are tentatively open now. It is 140+ tracks (149, to be exact!) across 4 discs and goes for 4620 yen (inclusive of tax; without tax the soundtrack is 4200 yen). Japanese retailers are offering different dorms' A5 sized holographic sticker sheets as bonuses for preordering.
That's it for now, mostly quality of life changes! There will most likely be a 4th year anniversary PV/animated short on the actual anniversary day (the 18th)!
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narcissarina · 6 months
So! Something more normal.
Leon’s s/o gets new lipstick. She’s not sure about it and asks Leon to see if it smears.
Leon might be alittle confused but he’s happy to help.
So his s/o just starts kissing him. All over his face and collar. They pepper his checks with lipstick marks. Afterwards, he’s absolutely dotted with them.
The lipstick didn’t smear though. And it might just be Leon’s new favorite.
Smooch Swatches💋
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The moment you come rushing to Leon to nag him to come with you so you could buy another pair of lipsticks because you had finish the old one.
You want to get a few lipstick in different colors for different aesthetics that you plan to wear, Leon came with you in the mall as you go in to the usual shop where you always buy your cosmetics.
Leon offered to pay for your expenses, “are you sure?” You asked Leon while looking at your own reflection to the small mirror and apply the sample nude color lipstick on your lips.
Leon nodded as he watch you apply the lipstick to your lips, “I’m sure…” he said, you pop your lips and look at the color, “does it smear?” you asked Leon while your eyes is on the mirror, confuse as he is—he tilts his head, “don’t lipstick smear?” he asked.
“come here, baby.” You called, Leon leans down to your level as he was caught off guard when you started kissing his left cheek and the side of his left eye. “This color doesn’t quite suit me…”
Leon chuckles and smiled at you, showing off his white teeth, “I think every color suits you best, sweetheart.” he said lovingly, he was falling hard and he’s so god damn lucky that he was the one who snatched you up.
You took out your tissue and wipe the lipstick off of your lips and apply the maroon one and start peppering Leon’s face with it, he could only take it and melt at the feeling of your lips.
How many lipstick had you tried on and swatch on to his face?
Around three or five, Leon’s face and neck is full of different color of the lipstick you have tried on, and Leon love every second of it.
The sales lady was amused at the sight, “oh my…” you and Leon swear you could hear the two ladies giggle and mutter to themselves, you were too busy spoiling him kisses with different colored lipstick and finding blank space to his face and neck.
You froze as you realized, “Oh my…” you blink your pretty lashes towards Leon, “hm? Why did you stop?” he asked as you point to the mirror, he looks at himself and chuckle, “I’m so sorry, I’ll remove them once we get home.”
Leon looked at himself in the mirror and brush off one lipstick on his face, “huh, it doesn’t smudge proof once it dried.” He remark and looked at you. You could only chuckle and pull him towards the register.
People were looking at you and Leon’s way, eyeing Leon from his face to his neck—covered with the lipsticks you tried on. The cashier raised a brow and flashes the two of you a smile, “oh my, you have such a loving girl. Aren’t you lucky, sir?” the cashier spoke to Leon, he agreed and handed his card.
This might be Leon favorite thing whenever you two go out shopping, he wish that your lipstick ran out quickly so that the two of you could get a new one and be your lipstick swatch again.
He still has few things to take care back at the D.S.O, if his co-workers saw him, they’d tease him about it. But he’d be proud to show it off and that his girl is spoiling him with kisses.💋
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This request is cute>:D i hope i delivered😭😭🙏 sorry it took a while, I went out to watch a movie lol.
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cherryrikis · 1 month
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ONE LESS LONELY GIRL - 002 ! inconveniently convenient
PAIRING idols riki x fem reader
SYNOPSIS fans always point out the chemistry between you and riki, and it only continues to grow after you become mc’s together on music bank. but as your feelings rise, so does the tension. and people begin to notice, so you try not to let riki know how you feel. but unbeknownst to you, he feels entirely the same way.
authors note im trying to update as often as i can bc i start school in 2 days😭
previous <> masterlist <> next
with the manager’s permission, you and minji left the dorm to walk together to the local convenience store.
“look, they have an enhypen lucky draw event here.” she pointed out as you both walked past it by the entrance.
“can we get one on the way out?” your eyes lit up at the mention of it, while you followed minji down the produce aisle. “sure, why not.”
the two of you picked out a few snacks and some drinks for the dorm until you began making your way to the cash register to check out. “would you like to buy a bag today for 500 won?” the clerk asked with a cheerful tone. “yes please.”
“your total is 35,500 won. also- i don’t mean to intrude. but i am a big fan. you guys did so good performing at music bank today!” she encouraged.
“aw, thank you so much!” minji smiled with a wave, paying for the groceries before following you to the lucky draw machine.
you each pressed the button once, flipping the photocards over so you couldn’t see who you got. on the count of three, you both turned it over, revealing your pulls. you had gotten sunghoon, and minji had pulled riki.
“oh, it’s your boyfriend. here, keep it.” she teased with a smirk. but as soon as minji slightly looked at the person behind you, her face fell.
“wow. he’s pretty handsome.” a voice from behind you called out.
you were mortified. as soon as you turned around, you were met with none other than-
“-riki! poor yn. you’re scaring her!” jungwon frowned, lightly slapping riki’s arm with the back of his hand. “sorry about that.” he apologized on the younger boy’s behalf.
“no worries. i’m sorry. you really caught me off guard.” you smiled.
“suddenly i feel underdressed.” minji joked as she gestured to jungwon, who still hadn’t changed out the stage outfit he wore on music bank.
“oh, not at all. if anything, i’m overdressed.” he waved. “normally i’d change as soon as we get home, but practice ran late. and this one here was hogging the shower as soon as he was first inside the dorm.” jungwon nudged riki’s stomach.
while they became immersed in their own conversations, riki moved closer to you, wanting to engage with you as well.
“hey, good job today at mubank. nice to know you find me.. charming.” he winked.
“gosh. if i hear someone say music bank one more time, i might just die. it was awful.” you groaned.
“i thought it was pretty cute.” he shrugged.
“what are you guys doing here anyway?” you asked, changing the topic. “it’s pretty late.”
“oh. jungwon got the penalty to buy everyone food, since he was last to the dorms. but i came because he never knows where to find the japanese snacks. good thing i didn’t stay home though.” riki gestured to you who currently held his photocard in your card.
“sorry about today. i was really nervous..” you looked down, scratching the back of your neck.
he tilted his head in confusion, before using his hand to tilt your chin up. “yeah, no kidding. you were practically shaking the whole interview.” riki pouted.
you groaned as you suddenly felt shy yet again, beginning to bring your hand up to cover your face once more. only riki had held your wrist, bringing your arm down.
“stop avoiding me. it’s okay. we’re all like that at first.” he comforted.
and suddenly, you felt better.
“hey, we’re gonna go now.” jungwon informed. “let’s walk back together? i mean, we live in the same building anyway.”
surely, you were bound to be recognized. but you couldn’t bring yourself to care in the moment. you laughed freely as riki joked with you, walking shoulder to shoulder together as minji and jungwon were a bit more ahead.
“you know, i was pretty nervous too. at the interview. to think that i got to be next to you, let alone have the yoon yn stare at me whenever i spoke? dream come true.” he clutched his chest, faking a fainting motion.
“you’re just saying that to make me feel better.” you rolled your eyes playfully.
“no, really. i’m dead serious. why do you think i kept making eye contact with you?”
and suddenly the world stopped spinning once more. you smiled as you felt riki’s arm wrap around your upper half, securing you as you walked towards the entrance of the building together.
you screamed into the pillow yet again, but this time, not out of embarrassment or fear.
“what’s going on?” hanni asked, coming out the bathroom with a sheet mask on.
she took a seat next to you and hyein on her bed, while minji, danielle, and haerin stayed on danielle’s bed.
“when we went to the store, we ran into jungwon and riki. they were talking to each other the entire time. jungwon and i saw them literally making heart eyes.” minji’s lips curled into a smirk, as she took a spoonful from her pudding cup.
“no kidding.. check this out!” hyein called out, gesturing for everyone to gather around her as she held out her phone.
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TAGLIST (italics = couldnt be tagged) @hannicorpse @luvvhaerin @itzningning @en-verse @ren2jay @choppedballoondetective @heartheejake @imanalien143 @istglevi-gotmesimping @yndairy @eleanorheartschishiya @lonelylandofan @gweoriz @jaemified @onlyhyunjin @softpia @frecklesbrownies @riksaes @wensurr @rikifordmiami @brideslit @ant-onie @yumilovesloona @aeminju @hoonics @catecita @clampclover @rei4sunoo @addictedtohobi @rikidaze @baekxo07 @xotyla @melancholy-z @rikisgeef @jung1w0n @tocupid @onlyseung @i03jae
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magicalrocketships · 1 month
Daniel is not special!!! I am also fucked up over de-aged max 😭😭
And sometimes Daniel is very fucked up. All earlier parts can be found in this masterpost and on AO3 here (I was planning on putting the outstanding ones on AO3 tonight, but I'll do it over the next couple of days instead, including this part).
This sort of follows on from Waking Up and Max is big again.
It's You And Me (I Know It's My Destiny): In which Daniel is sad, and Max and Daniel go on holiday (this part 2.9k)
"I have sand in my shoe," Max says. 
"You can't have sand in your shoe," Daniel says, because they have been out of the car approximately 36 seconds and the beach is still the other side of the car park. All Max has stood on is the gravel next to the car. His Pikachu trainers are still tightly laced up. 
"I can," Max says. He's not been enthusiastic about this beach trip from the moment Daniel's mum suggested it. He plays with the handle on the car door as if that's miraculously going to unlock it again and let him get back inside. 
"You'll like it when we get there," Daniel says, sounding like his mum and her mum and probably every mum in the history of his family. 
"Hmmm," Max says. "When are we going home?"
There's a strange little pull in Daniel's chest. Home. Max talks about home like it's a plant with Daniel's flat in Monaco the root and wherever Daniel is right now the leafy green. His favourite thing is when they're all together, but he'll take being with Daniel so long as going home is also on the cards.
"Later on," Daniel says. "We've got some fun to have first. We can go in the sea."
Max looks decidedly dubious. "There might be sharks."
"We won't swim if there's sharks," Daniel says. He rifles through his mental compendium of fun things they can do on the beach today. "There's tomato soup?" he offers. He's got a flask of it in his bag. He's learned. "And you can take pictures with my camera."
Max blinks at him. Unimpressed. 
"My mum and dad will be here soon," Daniel says, desperate. "You can tell them all the facts out of your flag book."
"All of them?" Max asks. 
"All of them," Daniel agrees. "Come on."
"Hmm," Max says, but he slips his hand into Daniel's. 
Daniel finally acknowledges that he's hungry, so he gets out of bed and goes into the kitchen to find something to eat. It has been a week since his last supermarket delivery, and four days since he woke up to find Max gone, big again, disappeared back to a life which doesn't involve Daniel in any real way. There are apples slowly going soft in the bowl. Max likes apples. He likes them cut into slices with the core cut out. Depending on how crunchy the apple is, sometimes he likes the skin cut off. He doesn't like them when they're soft. Daniel can't be bothered to eat them, so he leaves them in the bowl. The fridge doesn't contain anything useful either, and the bread's gone bad. He stands in front of the kitchen cupboard with the crackers in and eats three of them. He follows it up with a packet of dried vegetable snack food for toddlers, significantly out of date, from when a tiny chunky three year old Max came to stay. He drinks a can of Red Bull looking at the empty cat litter trays. He needs to sweep the few remaining bits of litter up and take the bin out. 
He doesn't do it. He finishes his can of Red Bull, goes for a piss, and climbs back into bed again with the covers over his head. 
He hasn't showered in four days. He hasn't eaten a proper meal in five. He closes his eyes, buries his face in the pillows, and ignores the buzzing of his phone. 
"I'm not jumping in."
"Okay," Daniel says, zooming in on a picture of the pool. "You don't have to jump."
After their relatively unsuccessful beach day, Daniel drops the idea of renting a beach house for his parents and Max for the remainder of their trip to Monaco, and instead, goes for a gîte up in the hills. It has a pool and a pétanque court and somewhere to play badminton. It has two bedrooms up in the attics, which Daniel plans on claiming for him and Max, and one downstairs with a massive bathroom for his parents. The local village boasts two specialist bakeries. Daniel hopes they're specialised enough to do a boring sliced loaf for Max to have buttered on a daily basis. 
"You won't make me jump in?" Max asks, pressing himself to Daniel's side. He's so close that Daniel might require a spatula to get them apart. He's looking at the pictures of the gîte on Daniel's laptop. It's a last minute booking; they leave in the morning. 
"Promise," Daniel says. He hasn't actually asked if Max knows how to swim, so his mum and dad have got floats on their shopping list just in case. They've gone out to buy last minute things for their holiday tomorrow.. 
"There's no sand?" Max asks, leaning over and digging his elbows into Daniel's thigh so he can get a closer look at the pictures. 
"Not by the pool," Daniel says. 
"I don't like sand," Max says, which is something Daniel knows, after Max had refused to touch it at the beach. "I don't like it in my shoes."
Daniel ruffles his hair. "No beach trips. I know. There is a train, though. We can go for a ride on it if you like." 
"At the house?" Max asks dubiously. 
"No, we'll have to drive to it. We can take my mum and dad."
"Yes, please," Max says. "Are the Jimmy or Sassy cats coming on holiday with us too?" 
"They're going on their own holiday." A fucking expensive one too, at a luxury cat hotel. Cat ownership, even of the temporary variety associated with Go Small guardianship, is tremendously expensive. They've got the 'getting the cats into their multi storey cat carrier' experience to have later on too. They cats have clearly spotted the cat carrier and are sitting on top of the cupboards in Daniel's kitchen in protest. Daniel foresees a number of new scratches later on. A little pre-holiday gift.
"Will they poo in the cat carrier again?" Max maintains this is the funniest thing that has ever happened in his life, even beating the noises the camel made at the zoo, which he asks Daniel to imitate about three times a day. 
"Probably," Daniel says grimly. 
"Good," Max says. He leans his face against Daniel's shoulder. "Can we take the night lights? In case you are scared, Daniel."
Daniel kisses the top of his head. "Sure," he says. "We can walk around the flat and you can tell me all the important things we should take."
"Good," Max says. He's a solemn little boy sometimes, quiet and thoughtful and terribly protective of Daniel. Daniel is equally protective in return. "Pikachu won't get lost if he comes, will he?"
"No," Daniel says. "He can wear his own seatbelt in the car."
Max nods. "Good," he says. Then, "Let's pack now."
"Sure," Daniel says, who's never packed anything early in his life. "It'll be a fun surprise for my mum and dad if they come home and we're all ready to go."
The sound of the key in the lock should rouse him out of bed, but it doesn't. He's not expecting anyone, but if they've got a key it can't be all bad. Anyway, he can't be bothered to care. 
He stays where he is, in bed, and waits for whoever it is to come and find him. To tell him what they need from him. It won't be a seven year old Max come to visit, so it doesn't matter anyway. 
It's his mum. She's supposed to be in Australia. She isn't supposed to be here. He would have remembered that. 
She pushes open the door to his bedroom. It smells in here. It's been six days since he showered. He's eaten the remains of the stale crackers and there's crumbs on the sheets and on the floor. 
"Oh, Daniel," she says. 
"Hi, Mum," he says. She looks sad, and worried, but Daniel doesn't feel anything. He's had a hole in his chest for a long time now, and it's grown every time Max got big and left him again, and getting to have a Go Small Max all over again and then losing him like clockwork has just meant the hole has swallowed him up. "Did I know you were coming?"
"You didn't answer your phone," she says, coming over and sitting on the bed. He moves his legs to let her sit down. "We've all been very worried about you."
Daniel hums. "It's okay," he says, although it seems like a long way to come just because she's worried about him. He's fine. "I'm just tired."
"Okay," she says. "Can I get a hug?"
She must have been travelling a long time. Daniel hugs her. He can smell himself, warm and stale and tired. She seems upset. Maybe he should be upset too. He just misses Max. He wants Max back. 
She picks Pikachu up from the floor and brushes cracker crumbs off him. She tucks him up in bed next to Daniel. "I'm going to go see what's in your fridge, and then I'll come back and run you a bath, okay? We'll get you fixed up, Daniel, I promise."
Daniel nods. He just wants to sleep. He settles down into his sheets again, pulling Pikachu in close. He smells like Max. One day he won't, and Max won't Go Small again, and Pikachu will be all that's left of the months Max spent with him, small and serious and perfect. 
His mum leans over and kisses him on the forehead. "Love you," she says. 
Daniel closes his eyes. 
Max stands on the side of the pool. Daniel's in the water, doing a very stupid dance. He's singing along, making up the words as he goes along. Max tells him he's being very silly. 
Daniel agrees. They've been here two days so far and they've barely been out of the water. They've splashed and played and made up stupid games and done piggy back rides and played water badminton and piggy in the middle and had races where the point was to come last and Max has been happy the whole time. They've blown up stupid floats and ridden a giant flamingo and floated on a palm tree and paddled a boat. He suspects his parents haven't spent this much time in a pool in their lives. 
They've made their excuses now, though, his dad getting the barbecue ready for dinner and his mum reading her book and taking a million pictures and videos of Daniel and Max together. 
Daniel's heart sings. Max is having such a good time. He'd spent about 25 minutes in his own bed on the first night, and then gravitated straight into Daniel's, Daniel coming upstairs to bed to find Max sprawled out sideways, flat out, with Pikachu in one hand and his toy otter tucked under his other arm. The nightlights were on in both rooms. Daniel had resigned himself to sleeping in Max's bed until he'd managed about seven minutes sleep and Max was waking him up because Daniel would get scared if he slept by himself. Max had assigned himself Daniel's protector a long time ago and wasn't going anywhere. So, Daniel had the edge of the bed and Max had the remaining diagonal space, and everyone was happy (but mainly Max). 
And now Max wants to jump in. He's practiced putting his head below the water, which he didn't like the first time and is now better at. Daniel's told him it doesn't matter if he decides he doesn't want to, but Max is brave and resilient and trying his best. And Daniel's ready to catch him. His mum's got the camera ready, and his dad's cheering Max on. 
"Will you catch me?" Max asks. 
"I won't let anything happen to you," Daniel says. "I promise."
Max studies his face. "Okay," he says finally. He puffs out his cheeks and jumps. 
Afterwards, when Daniel's finished parading a cheering Max up and down the pool, his mum shows them the pictures. Max is beaming. Daniel doesn't think he's ever seen a picture of himself looking happier. 
It's scary, if he stops to think about it. But he doesn't, so it's okay. 
Daniel eats a sandwich and then has a bath. He can barely find the energy to wash his hair. When he gets out, the water's gone cold and his mum's put fresh pyjamas on the chair by the bathroom door. She's changed the sheets too, swapped Daniel's gross ones for fresh ones. She's even folded up Max's Pokemon blanket that Daniel's been hugging all week and put it at the end of the bed. The window's open and the curtains are pulled back. Pikachu isn't on his pillow anymore, because Max is sitting on his bed, holding him. 
He's not small. He's big. He's just Max, normal sized, world champion Max. 
Daniel gets back into bed. He takes Pikachu from Max and tucks him under his chin. 
"Daniel," Max says. 
"I'm tired," Daniel says. Max doesn't ever stay. He gets big and he leaves. He stops needing Daniel and he leaves. 
Max's hand hovers over Daniel's arm. It rests on his elbow. "You didn't say you were not okay, Daniel."
"I'm fine," Daniel says. "Just tired. What are you doing here? You don't stay here when you're big."
Max flinches. Daniel feels it.
"I think I should not have left you," Max says. "But I am here now. Your mum has gone to the shop. You do not have any food."
"I'm not hungry," Daniel says. He doesn't feel anything. He misses Max. Max is here and he still misses Max, his Max, the one who needs him. "I want to sleep."
"Okay, Daniel," Max says. "Then I will stay here with you. So you are not alone."
Daniel nods. He doesn't believe it. Max always leaves. He takes his cats and his things and leaves a big hole behind him, and Daniel's chest swallows it up. He gets emptier. He feels empty now. "You won't stay," he says. "You don't stay."
"I will," Max says. "I will look after you. I am going to help your mum."
Daniel closes his eyes. He's tired. He'll wake up and Max will be gone. It's okay. He's good at losing him now. He'll cope. 
He sleeps. 
Max jumps in and he jumps in and he jumps in. He's delighted, excited, happy. He jumps in without Daniel holding out his hands to catch him, and lets Daniel float off to the side and just cheer him on in instead. 
Afterwards, still excited, he wears his special robe to sit next to Daniel by the side of the pool and demands Daniel's mum show them both all her pictures. Daniel, in his matching robe, sits through picture after picture of the two of them together, of Max beaming, of Daniel beaming back. Of them beaming at each other. 
Max is happy enough only to complain a little bit when Daniel reapplies sun cream to Max's flushed face. When Daniel's mum goes to help with dinner, Max buries himself in Daniel's side. 
"I love you," Max whispers, like it's a secret. He tilts his face up and kisses Daniel's cheek. 
Daniel wraps an arm around his shoulders. He kisses the top of Max's head. "Love you more," he says. 
Max shakes his head. He's steadfast. He loves Daniel the most. He can't conceive otherwise. But it's okay. Daniel knows the truth: there's no one in this world he loves more. 
When Daniel wakes up, he knows Max will be gone. He'll have left again, gone home, gone to find his real life, the one that Daniel isn't a part of. The one where he isn't needed. 
Daniel doesn't open his eyes. He can hear his mum in the kitchen. He recognises her tread, the soft sound of the radio. He recognises her. 
If he opens his eyes, Max will be gone. 
"It is okay, Daniel." It's Max. He's here. He's stroking Daniel's hair. "Your mum is here and I am here. I'm not going anywhere."
Daniel swallows. He opens his eyes. Pikachu is still tucked into bed with him, the sheets pulled up over his shoulders. Max is lying next to him. 
"I didn't want you to wake up alone," Max tells him. He's still stroking Daniel's hair. He's not very good at it. He's a little awkward and unsure, but Max doesn't stop something if he doesn't know what he's doing. He just keeps on going. 
Daniel trembles. 
"It's our turn to look after you," Max says. "We will get you better, Daniel. We'll make everything okay. I promise."
Daniel—who is desperate, exhausted, and scared—clutches at Max's hand. 
Max laces his fingers with Daniel's. He leans in to kiss Daniel's forehead, and Daniel—that hollow in his chest suddenly aching, and he's breathless, his hand hot in Max's—abruptly starts to cry. 
"Are you enjoying your holiday, Max?" Daniel's dad asks. 
Max looks up from his new book of cat facts. He's been laboriously sounding out names of cat breeds to Daniel for half an hour. 
"It's my best holiday ever," Max says in satisfaction. 
He tucks his hand into Daniel's, looks up, and beams. 
(thanks to Zoe @flawlessassholes for her help with the first 7/8ths of this and to Lin @andwegogreen for her help)
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willalove75 · 11 days
hello hello!! I hope you’re doing well and also super congrats on your baby 🎉🎉
Was wondering if you could possibly write more about domestic Alcina based on that one fic you wrote? Maybe something along the lines of a romantic night in together when it’s stormy outside. I’m a sucker for how you wrote her in a domestic and modern setting and I’d love to see more if you wouldn’t mind ^^’
no worries at all if you don’t take this request!! I just super love your writing for Alcina Dimitrescu and it makes me super happy to read your work when I can 🩵🩵
Hiii! Thank you so much! Baby and I are doing great! He’s the best thing in the whole world, I love him so much🥺😭💕
Thank you so much for the request! An idea for this popped into my head immediately when I read this ask and I’ve been super excited to write it since!! I’m so glad you liked my domestic!Alcina so much! She’s so much fun to write in different settings but a modern Alcina always has me in some kind of a chokehold😂
I hope you enjoy!!
Tags/warnings: fluff, smut, teensie bit of degradation kink and mommy kink, and more fluff.
A/N: ITS FINALLY DONE😭 I proof read this once so please ignore any errors or whatever. Or let me know and maybe I'll fix them (wishful thinking lmao) also soft!Alcina is baby.
Rain pelts against the back door while lightning fills the sky with flashes of white. The boom of the thunder makes the house shake. You find yourself curled up on the couch, staring out into the inky, rainy night as you pout. Usually, you’re not one to pout, but tonight, you make an exception. Justifying your sour attitude by telling yourself if anyone else was in your situation, they would be pouting too.
Today is your anniversary with Alcina, a day you were immensely looking forward to. The two of you have been together for a few years now, and every year Alcina would take the reins and plan what the two of you would do on your anniversary. Extravagant vacations, expensive jewelry, on your one year anniversary she even got you a brand new car meanwhile there was nothing wrong with the one you were driving. Alcina spared no expense and always went above and beyond.
This year, however, you begged her to let you plan the day. She could still arrange whatever ridiculous plans she could come up with; because a three year anniversary normally doesn’t call for a two week stay in a luxury resort on a tropical island, but for Alcina, it wasn’t something she thought twice about before booking.
After softening her up with some good sex and puppy dog eyes, Alcina rolled her blue-gray eyes while a smirk pulled at the corner of her lips as she relented.
“Fine, draga. You may plan what we do the day of our anniversary. However, I still fully intend to book the European getaway I’ve been eyeing for you.” You look up into her eyes as you lay on top of her, resting your chin on your arms folded over her chest, a wide smile gracing your features. Before you can speak she holds up her finger to stop you. “Only on one condition.”
Arching your brow at her, you ask “what condition?”
“In the condition that I finance whatever it is you are planning.” You go to argue and she cuts you off again. “Absolutely not, I will not have you spend your hard earned money on our anniversary. You may plan whatever you like, but you’re using my credit card.”
You roll your eyes at her and groan in disapproval. Before you can register her movements, Alcina’s large hand lands a firm smack on your ass. A yelp escapes your lips; your ass is already red, raw and sore from the night's earlier activities.
“Don’t make me spank that attitude out of you my darling. You know I won’t show you mercy.”
Rolling off of Alcina and onto your back, you cup your ass as you let out a whine.
“God damnit!”
Alcina smirks and before you can recover from the sting, you feel her weight settle on top of you.
“So, have we fixed that attitude? Or is a punishment in order?”
“Nooo.” You whine. “Fine, I’ll use your card.”
“Good girl.” Alcina says as she trails her lips and nose up and down the side of your neck, her skin just barely brushing against yours.
After the multiple rounds the two of you just went, you were convinced that you were tapped out for the night. However, in typical Alcina fashion, she knows exactly what to do to elicit a response from your body. As she places feather-light kisses up your neck, her hands slide up from your hips to the dip of your waist. Her hands travel higher until her fingertips are skimming the sides of your breasts. Even with the weight of her breasts on top of yours, you can still feel the sensation of your nipples hardening against her skin.
A familiar wetness forms between your legs for what feels like the hundredth time tonight as Alcina presses her thigh against your cunt. She smirks at how easily she’s able to arouse you. Sitting up, Alcina hooks one of your legs over her hip and rocks into you, grinding her cunt against yours.
“Mmm, I love how wet I can make you with just a few light touches. My sweet, sensitive girl.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you let out a filthy moan as she picks up the pace. Before you know it, the two of you are rutting against each other, crying out each other's names as you chase your highs together.
The closer your anniversary got, the more excited you were for what you had planned. From morning until night, you had the whole day planned out. For breakfast, you were going to take her to her favorite cafe for coffee and pastries. After breakfast, the plan was to walk to her favorite art museum, which conveniently happened to be only a couple of blocks from the cafe. Knowing Alcina, even though she’s been there hundreds of times, the two of you would be wandering around the museum for hours. Especially since a new exhibit was supposed to open up a couple of weeks before your anniversary. It would be lunchtime by the time you were done at the museum, so you planned to have a picnic set up in the park in her favorite, secluded spot. You spared no expense on buying all of her favorite meats, cheeses, crackers, spreads, and of course, a couple of bottles of her favorite wine: Sanguis Virgnins. After lunch, you planned to walk around the park a bit and then before sunset, head to the beach for a sunset walk along the water. For dinner, you made a reservation at her favorite restaurant that overlooks the ocean. To conclude the evening, you planned to have rose petals scattered across the floor and candles lit around the house to set the mood for a passionate, romantic end to your anniversary.
Everything was set and perfect, now you only had to wait for the day. For days you were on the edge of your seat with excitement, hoping Alcina would love what you’ve curated for the two of you. It wasn’t until yesterday did things go south. A storm warning lit up your phone screen as you and Alcina were having dinner. The storm was supposed to veer off into the ocean and bypass you completely, but as if god himself wanted to shit all over your perfectly planned day, the storm came straight up the coast and landed practically at your front door.
Alcina knew how excited you were to surprise her with the perfect day so she insisted on doing as much as you possibly could. So on the morning of your anniversary, the two of you headed over to the cafe. Even though you were only outside just to get in and out of the car, by the time you finished breakfast and made it to the museum, the two of you were soaked to the bone. To make matters worse, the museum had the air conditioning on full blast, which caused the both of you to shiver as you tried to enjoy the artwork. You weren’t even in the museum for half an hour before you decided to cut your losses and head home.
So here you are, sitting on the couch staring out into the storm and pouting. After you got home, Alcina went to shower. She invited you in but you were too down and didn’t want to bring her mood down also, so you declined her offer and changed into comfy sweats and made your way downstairs to the living room.
“Draga?” Alcina’s voice pulls your focus away from the dark, dreary outdoors.
“My darling, don’t look so upset.” She says as she makes her way over to you.
“I can’t help it, I am upset! I had the perfect day planned and it got completely shat on.”
Alcina comes to a stop in front of you and lifts your chin to look up at her. When you’re standing you have to crane your neck to look up at her, but when you’re sitting? You basically have to bend your head as far back as it can go.
With her other hand, she cards her fingers through your still-damp hair, gently scratching at your scalp.
“I’m sorry your plans got rained out, draga. But we still have plenty of time to turn this dreary day around.”
You place your hands on her hips, that are practically eye-level with you, and smooth your thumbs over the silk of her robe. “I guess.”
“Besides,” she says as the hand in your hair slides to the back of your head where she slowly grabs your hair by the root, just the way you like it. “You weren’t the only one who planned something for today. And luckily, the inclement weather has no effect on what I have planned for you tonight.” 
She gently pulls you up by your hair as she leans down and brushes her lips against yours. “So, what do you say, iubirea mea? Come, show me what you have here.”
Alcina pulls away before you can lean in to kiss her and she grabs your hand, leading you into the kitchen where the spread that was supposed to be for your picnic is laid out on the island.
Picking up a few items and inspecting them, Alcina raises an eyebrow and smirks at you when she recognizes all of her favorite, super fancy meats and cheeses.
“This is quite an impressive spread you have here, draga.”
You pick up a jar of caviar and turn it over in your hands as you speak. “Yeah, this was supposed to be our lunch, which was supposed to be in our favorite spot in the park.”
Alcina’s eyes soften at your words, touched at the thought and little details you put into your plans.
“Well, even though it’s past lunchtime, it would be a shame to let all of this go to waste, don’t you think?” She says, trying to bait you, but you can be just as stubborn as she is. So you just shrug your shoulders, mumbling an “I guess” in response.
She walks around the island and takes the jar of caviar out of your hands. Knowing how much you love her hands, she makes a show of popping the jar open and dipping a tiny spoon into it. When that doesn’t work, she offers you the spoon, knowing damn well you hate caviar. You take one whiff and you scrunch your nose and pull away.
“Oh stop, it doesn’t even have a smell.” She says before popping the spoon in her mouth and slowly closes her lips around it. Always one for theatrics, she slowly pulls the spoon from between her lips and rolls her eyes back and moans in pleasure. “Mmm, delicious.”
When her gray eyes open and meet yours, you can’t help but shake your head and let out a small chuckle at her antics. She leans in to kiss you and you pull back, avoiding her lips.
“Nuh-uh. I am not kissing you when you most certainly taste like fish.”
Alcina rolls her eyes for real this time and sets the jar and spoon down on the counter. To your surprise, she grabs the ball of mozzarella with her hands and pulls a chunk of it off. Splitting the piece in two, she leans her head back and drops the cheese into her mouth. After a couple of chews, since she is never one to speak with food in her mouth, she swallows it and arches her perfectly manicured brow at you.
“Better?” She says, flatly.
You can’t help but smile at her and nod your head. She leans down and places a soft kiss on your lips.
“Open.” She says once you part, still holding the other piece of mozzarella in her hand.
Opening your mouth wide, she drops the piece of cheese onto your tongue and you happily chew it. This time it's your turn for your eyes to roll to the back of your head and let out a moan - only it’s genuine, you’re not trying to put on a show like Alcina was earlier.
When you open your eyes, you open them to Alcina sticking her finger into her mouth, cleaning off the remnants of the cheese. Your mouth goes dry and your pupils dilate as you watch her. She always knows how to get you going and offers you her other finger to clean, and because you’re a total slut for this woman, you part your lips on command and take her finger into your mouth.
You caress her finger with your tongue a few times before Alcina presses down on it, pinning it in place. Her lips part and her eyes dilate as she looks down at you with her finger in your mouth and she slowly thrusts her finger back and forth across your tongue. With each thrust her finger goes a little deeper and deeper and you whimper around it. After one final thrust that goes deeper than all of the other ones, nearly making you gag, she pulls her finger from your mouth and captures your lips in a kiss. Cupping your face in her large hands, Alcina flicks her tongue into your mouth, once, twice, and as you lean in for a third swipe, she abruptly pulls away.
An actual whine leaves your lips before you can stop yourself and Alcina chuckles, brushing her nose against yours. She pulls away and makes her way back around the island, putting a small plate of food together.
Looking up at you, feigning innocence, she cocks her head to the side and asks “aren’t you going to eat?”
You let out a groan, now that you’re almost uncomfortably wet, you rub your thighs together and make your way next to her. Alcina smirks, knowing just how turned on you are. Her little plan to distract you is slowly coming to fruition.
Some time passes by and you end up sitting on the counter while you and Alcina feed each other different meats and cheeses and refill each other's wine glasses well before they need refilling. She spreads your favorite fig jam on a cracker and puts it between her teeth, offering you the other half. With a giggle, you bite into the other half. As you’re each chewing your piece, in an uncharacteristic move, no doubt fueled by the copious amounts of wine you’ve both had, Alcina presses her lips into yours. You can’t help but laugh as she kisses you while you both have crackers and jam in your mouths and you feel Alcina smile into the kiss. She places both hands on either side of you on the counter, caging you in and continues to kiss all over your face, jaw and neck. In a fit of laughter, you try to lean back but she wraps her arms around you and pulls you to the edge, her hips slotting perfectly between your legs.
By the time her kisses come to a stop, the two of you are giggling like teenagers and you wrap your arms around her neck as you nuzzle into each other. When you pull back, you still have smiles plastered across your faces and you see the sparkle in Alcina’s eyes. When you’re this close to her, you can really see the crows feet in the corners of her eyes and the delicate smile lines that line her perfectly plump lips. 
Your heart stutters in your chest at the way she looks at you so lovingly. It still amazes you that you were able to melt the heart of the self-proclaimed Ice Queen. There was a time where you weren’t sure if you were ever going to get past the layers and layers of walls she had built up over the years before you met. It took time and patience, but she slowly let her walls come down brick by brick. There were a few times where you thought you were never going to see the real her and you debated on ending the relationship. Alcina always seemed to know when you were reaching that breaking point and even though it was hard and wildly uncomfortable, she tore down a few more walls and let you further in. She showed you the scared girl underneath that cold exterior. The girl that was terrified of having her heart broken again, each time you saw past another wall you melted for her.
There was one time where you were literally walking out the door after an argument over her keeping you at arms length. The only thing that stopped you was the way her voice cracked when she called after you. When you turned around you saw her lips trembling and tears threatening to roll down her cheeks. That night she broke through the rest of her walls and let you completely in. She told you things she’s never told anyone else before. Told you about her childhood, her tumultuous relationship with her family, how they tried to marry her off just to get rid of her. She poured her heart out to you and you knew then and there that no matter what else happened, you were going to be the one that protected her fragile heart from then on.
“What?” Alcina asks as she stares back into your eyes.
“Nothing.” You say as you shake your head. “I just love you so much, Alcina.”
“Și eu te iubesc atât de mult, draga mea.” 
(I love you so much too, my darling)
Alcina takes your wine glass from your hand and sets it down next to hers on the counter. Before you can protest she silences you with a kiss. It starts out soft and slow, but before you know it your kisses become more passionate, more frenzied. Her hands slide from your hips to underneath your ass and you grab the hair at the back of her head with one hand and hook your other arm around her neck.
In one swift movement, Alcina lifts you off of the counter and you squeal into her lips. Instinctively, you wrap your legs around her waist. She carries you up the stairs as if you weigh nothing, and heads into the bedroom. Often times when the two of you get to this stage, since it’s not the first time she’s carried you into the bedroom, Alcina will unceremoniously toss you onto the bed and either pounce on you, or torture you by making you wait. As you brace yourself to be tossed, you’re surprised when her grip on you tightens and she gently lays you down, allowing some, but not all, of her weight to rest on top of you.
Alcina looks at you in the most tender way. Her eyes take in every detail of your face and you can’t help but do the same, admiring her naturally long eyelashes, the blues and grays that swirl in her irises, and her lipstick-free lips that look all too kissable. She brushes a stray lock of hair out of your face before cupping your cheek and capturing your lips in a soft yet passionate kiss. The kiss intensifies when you feel her lick against your lips and you eagerly let her in. More of her weight settles on top of you when you pull her closer, her hips slotted perfectly between your legs. As you’re reveling in the feeling of her on top of you, Alcina takes you by surprise by taking your bottom lip between her lips and sucking on it, drawing out a moan from your lips. She nips at it before letting it go and dives in for a hungrier kiss. You can’t help but roll your hips into her as she claims your mouth, and she groans into the kiss, rolling her hips into you in response. If she was wearing her strap right now she’d be buried to the hilt and the thought sends a shiver down your spine.
Chuckling at feeling you shiver, she rolls her hips into you again and again, a little harder each time. You desperately try to grind into her but there just isn’t enough friction at this angle and you let out a pitiful whine before you can stop yourself. Alcina smiles into the kiss and slows down before pulling away. She rubs her thumb across your eyebrows, softening the furrow that developed between them once she stopped kissing you.
“Do you want your present now, sweet girl?” She asks as her fingers dance across your skin.
“Mhm.” You hum, nodding at her with a smile. 
“As you wish. There are just a few things that need to be done before you get your present.”
“Like what?”
“Well, first things first, this,” she says, tugging at your sweatshirt. “Needs to go.”
Alcina sits back on her heels, giving you space to sit up. Her hands slide under your sweatshirt, letting out a purr when she feels bare skin underneath her fingertips. 
“Nothing underneath? Today must be my lucky day.” She teases.
She helps you pull your sweatshirt up, her hands stopping at the sides of your ribs. You pull it over your head and toss it onto the floor. She guides you to lay back down, each of her hands palming a breast as you fall back into the mattress. Cold fingers send a chill down your spine, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin and your nipples to harden at the touch. Alcina gropes and massages them before squeezing one and dragging her tongue across a hardened peak. A gasp of surprise escapes from your lips and you hum and roll your hips as she mirrors the action on the other side.
Alcina peppers your chest with kisses and small bites, soothing over each sting with her tongue. Once she is satisfied with the marks she left, her fingers hook into the waistline of your sweatpants.
“Next, these need to go as well. May I?”
Your hips roll at the question and you nod your head, not wanting to let her hear the desperation in your voice.
Alcina lets out a tsk.
“Use your words.” She reprimands.
“Yes, god, take them off!”
“Good girl.” She says with a chuckle and she begins to pull your sweatpants down your legs.
Her eyes glow with lust as she pulls them off, realizing you’re bare underneath those as well. 
“And no panties either?” She hums. “You spoil me, draga.”
Your sweatpants are cast away, landing somewhere on the bedroom floor and immediately forgotten about. Alcina takes a moment to admire you sprawled out, naked on the bed before her. A faint flush develops on your cheeks and across your chest as her eyes roam over every inch of your body. 
“Doamne, ești uluitor.” She whispers to herself.
(“God, you are breathtaking.”)
Even though you’re not sure exactly what it was that she said, you feel your flush deepen and you instinctively cover your face with your hands, a sudden bout of shyness overtaking you.
“No, no, don’t hide.” You can hear the smile in her voice as she takes your hands and pulls them from your face, holding them at your sides but not restraining you. “Let me see you, draga.”
You open your eyes to see her gray-blue eyes staring back at you and you can’t help but smile up at her.
“You are so beautiful, my love.” Alcina says before capturing your lips in a soft kiss.
The kiss doesn’t last long before Alcina pulls away and sits back up. Her hands slide down the hourglass of your waist and down your thighs, coming to a rest at your knees.
“Now, there’s one last thing that needs to happen before you get your present, my sweet girl.”
Alcina spreads your legs apart, opening you up wide for her.
“I need you absolutely soaked for what I have planned next.” She says as she drags the back of her knuckles up your already dripping slit, just barely nudging your clit. “Can you do that for me?”
“Yes.” You pant. Her thumb brushes over your clit a few times before slowly circling it. “Fuck, yes, I can.” You moan.
“That’s my good girl.” Alcina says before settling herself between your legs.
She teases your clit with her fingers for a few more seconds and just before you become too impatient, she holds you by the back of your knees, spreads your legs wide, and licks a broad strip up your cunt, flicking your clit with her tongue. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you let out a guttural moan as she repeats the motion over and over again. Just as your legs begin to tremble, Alcina pulls away and removes one hand from your leg. Looking up at her, you see her lips, nose and chin glistening with your arousal and she sucks two of her fingers into her mouth, her eyes never once leaving yours. Heat pools in your belly when she releases her fingers with a pop and they disappear below her. Without taking her eyes off of you, she effortlessly slips them into you. You’re the one who breaks eye contact when she pushes them deep into your pussy and curls them into that spongy spot that makes you see stars.
With your eyes rolling into the back of your head, Alcina nips and licks the inside of your thigh as she gently massages that sweet spot inside. It’s enough to have you moaning her name, but not quite enough to get you where you so desperately want her to take you to. Alcina senses your growing frustration and gently laps at your clit, adding even more pleasure to your body. You don’t feel yourself getting close until she takes the hardened nub between her lips and sucks at it, occasionally flicking her tongue over it. At the first spark of arousal that shoots up your spine, you cry out as your hands grab at Alcina’s head, burying your fingers into her hair.
Just as you’re about to get to the edge, Alcina pulls her fingers out and releases your clit from between her lips. A pathetic whimper leaves your lips and you look down at her in disbelief.
“Patience, draga, you can’t come yet.”
“Why not?” You whine.
“Because I said so. Now be a good girl and spread your legs wide. You can take more of me, can’t you, draga?”
“Yes, fuck, please. Fill me.”
“Be careful what you wish for, draga.” She says with a dark chuckle.
Before you can react, Alcina slides three fingers into your cunt and sets a near brutal pace. You collapse back onto the bed with a cry as she fucks you harder and harder. Your legs tremble around her and just as you’re about to reach your peak again, she slows down, taking your impending orgasm with her.
“Fuck!” You cry. “Why?!”
“I already told you, I’m just getting you ready for what’s to come, my love. Patience.”
She thrusts her fingers in and out of you, keeping you right on the precipice of bliss until she’s satisfied with how drenched and stretched out you are. 
After edging you once more, Alcina pulls away all together and sits back up.
“I think you’re ready for your present now, don’t you think?”
“God yes, please!”
“Is my sweet girl's tight cunt all wet and stretched out for me?” She teases as she hovers over you.
“Yes, fuck.” You breathe.
Alcina places a soft kiss on your lips and moves off of the bed and towards the walk-in closet.
“I’ll be back in a second.”
You wait, impatiently, for Alcina to return and when she does, she’s holding a double ended strap-on dildo in one hand, a bottle of lube in the other and a towel slung over her shoulder. The dildo is purple and quite large, both in length and girth; it’s easily one of the biggest toys you own. Now you get why Alcina needed you so stretched and wet.
She sees the excitement in your eyes as she makes her way towards the bed and lets out a low chuckle.
“Are you excited about your present, draga?”
With your bottom lip caught between your teeth, all you can do is mumble “mhm” and nod your head; your eyes never straying from the toy in her hand. Your legs unconsciously open wider for her as she approaches.
Alcina kneels in front of you on the bed and guides you to lay back down before popping open the lube. She coats her end in the lube and makes a show of using two fingers to spread her lips wide. You can already see how wet she is and that her clit is enlarged and puffy. It takes all of your self control to stay where you are and not pounce on her and bury your tongue inside of her. Noticing the look in your eyes, Alcina teases you by slowly rubbing the toy between her lips, letting out tiny gasps as she nudges her clit with the tip. Just as you feel yourself begin to clench around nothing, Alcina slides the toy into her cunt and throws her head back, letting out a satisfied moan.
When she looks back down at you, her irises are all but swallowed by her dilated pupils. Wordlessly, she pops open the lube cap again and this time coats your end in it. You think she’s going to wipe the excess off on the towel but instead, she cups your soaked pussy and spreads the remaining lube all over you. She takes you by surprise when she shoves three fingers deep into you again, making you cry out in pleasure. After a few twists and thrusts, she pulls them out and begins stroking the cock jutting out from between her legs.
“Are you ready, sweet girl?”
“Yes, fuck, please. I need it.”
Alcina lets out a chuckle. “We haven’t even started and you’re already begging for my cock? Such a desperate little slut, aren’t you?”
“Mhm.” You whine.
She takes a moment to admire how turned on and eager you are, her eyes focused on your throbbing pussy and she takes her bottom lip between her teeth.
“Look at you, so wet and clenching around nothing already. Since you’re so desperate, you’re going to be a good girl and take mommy’s whole cock. That’s fine with you, isn’t it, draga?”
“Yes! Please, please give it to me. I’ve been so good.” You let out a whine as Alcina rubs the head of the purple strap up and down your drenched slit, just barely brushing over your clit.
“You have been a good girl for me tonight, so I won’t tease you too badly. Let me get you a little more stretched before I fuck you into the mattress. Is that alright, sweet girl?” She asks as she slowly pushes the head between your lips and past the first ring of muscle. It's deep enough for you to clench around, but not enough to get any pleasure from, just the sensation of the head stretching you out.
You whine and try to rock your hips to get her deeper, but Alcina grabs your legs underneath your knees and spreads you wide, holding you in place.
“You’ve been such a good girl this far, don’t make me punish you this early.”
All you can do is whine in response and try to not squirm on the bed. Finally, Alcina decides to stop teasing you and without warning, sinks the entire length of the strap into you and you let out a strangled cry.
“Fuck, I stretched you out so nicely and you’re still so tight.” She says as her eyes flutter from the pleasure she’s receiving from her end of the strap.
Alcina pulls out and thrusts back into you again, she does this a few more times before she begins to lose her composure and she pushes your knees so far backwards they’re practically at your ears. At this angle, with you so spread, Alcina is able to pull out and fuck you deeper and harder as she sets a pace that causes you to cry out with each thrust.
“Good girl.” She purrs. “Look at you, taking my cock so perfectly. God, I love all of the little noises you make when I fuck you.”
Just as you feel like your orgasm is about to build, Alcina switches her pace and bottoms you out, with her hips flush against you and begins to grind the cock deep into your pussy. A surprised gasp escapes your lips and you whimper each time she grinds into you.
“Oh fuck! Alcina!”
“I know baby, it feels so good doesn’t it? That’s it, keep taking it.”
Outside, the storm begins to pick up. The room is occasionally lit up by the lightning cracking across the sky and the thunder continues to shake the house. But with Alcina being buried so deep inside of you, neither of you give it any attention.
The room is filled with the sounds of both of your moans and cries and the sound of her hips slamming into you over and over again. Alcina lets go of your legs and you wrap them around her, keeping her close. Your arms wrap around her neck and you pull her down into a sloppy kiss of clashing teeth, tongues and noses. She bites down on your lower lip, nearly breaking the skin and you rake your nails down her back as she rails into you over and over again. She cries out from the mixture of pleasure and pain from your nails. One of her hands wraps around your neck, just the way you like it, and she adds a slight amount of pressure to the sides.
“You take my big cock so well. Look at you, such a perfect little fuck toy for mommy, aren’t you?”
“Yes! Fuck.” You whine as your eyes roll back.
“God, you’re so fucking wet for me, I can’t wait to make you explode.” She says with what sounds like renewed determination as she switches her strokes to long, hard ones.
The new pattern causes you to arch your back into her, letting out a guttural moan. Her relentless pounding causes your orgasm to build once more, this time much more quickly. As Alcina feels you begin to clench harder and tense around her, she lets out a dark chuckle.
“You’re so close already, I can feel how hard you’re clenching. You want to come so badly, don’t you, my sweet girl?” All you’re able to muster is a whimper and a slight head nod. “Tell me, tell me how badly you want to come.”
“So fucking bad. Please, please don’t fucking stop.”
“Oh, I won’t. I’m nowhere near done with you, draga. Especially not before you give me what I want.”
Knowing what she means, you let out a whine and tightly grasp at the hair on the back of her head. Alcina reaches between your bodies and her thrusts falter for just a moment. Before you can even complain, the cock begins to vibrate inside of you and you cry out for her.
“That’s it, draga, that’s it. Don’t fight it, give it to me my love.” She says in an unexpectedly soft tone, especially given how hard she’s fucking you; but you’re too far gone to really notice.
After a few hard thrusts you’re right on the edge and you can hear how wet you are each time she slams into you.
“Fuck, Alci, fuck, please, please, make me, I’m gonna-”
Before you can finish your ramblings, your orgasm hits you like a bus. Your back arches off of the bed and your eyes roll to the back of your head. A scream rips through your vocal cords as the intense pleasure takes over your body. As Alcina fucks you through it, you feel a rush of liquid between the two of you. Your orgasm gets splattered across your thighs and lower stomach as Alcina’s thrusts continue until your body collapses back onto the bed. She slows her pace and comes to a stop, the strap still nestled deep inside of you as you clench around it while your body trembles from the intensity of your orgasm.
Alcina buries her face into your neck and you feel her panting against you as she catches her breath. When you finally come back into your body, because you’re pretty fucking sure you soul was separated from you for a few minutes, you run your fingers through Alcina’s hair and hold her close.
“Holy shit.” You pant. “That was crazy.”
“That was so fucking hot.” Alcina mumbles into your neck. “I don’t think I’ve ever made you squirt that much before, we’re fucking drenched.”
You let out a breathy chuckle and Alcina presses a kiss into your skin. She sits up and slowly pulls out of you and you whine from the loss.
“Oh hush, don’t think I’m done with you just yet.” She says with a devious smile. “I still have to come.”
“How you didn’t during that is actually insane.”
“I came close a few times, but that’s not how I want you when I do. And as you well know, I usually get what I want.” 
You can’t help but laugh at her arrogance. Does she usually get what she wants? Of course she does. But you have her wrapped so tightly around your finger that more often than not, you get what you want too. 
“Oh? Then how do you want me?”
“Ready for more already?” She asks with an arched brow.
“I will be, I just need a minute.”
Alcina leans down and pulls you into a passionate kiss. Your tongues dance around each other as your hands wander across your bodies. After a couple of minutes, Alcina pulls away and has you flip onto your stomach. She begins to pull your hips up and you get up onto all fours. Before you can get comfortable, you feel Alcina’s strong grip on the back of your head as she pushes you down onto the pillows, face down, ass up.
“Just like that.” She says as she holds your head down and spreads your legs wider.
Even though you’re drenched, Alcina still pops open the lube and coats the toy in it again. Both of you agree, there’s never such a thing as too much lube. Plus, the last thing she wants is to subject you to any kind of friction burn. The two of you have been down that road before and even though it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, it definitely put a damper on the night and kept you out of commission for a couple of days.
She rubs the toy against you a couple of times before slipping it back in. A few slow, long, deep thrusts have you mewling beneath her and you hear her smirk with pride at how easily she can unravel you.
“For my final gift to you tonight,” She says as she keeps her thrusts steady. “You can come as many times as you want.” You let out a satisfied moan that turns into a cry as she thrusts hard into you. “Don’t get too excited, there is a catch.” She says as she returns to her slower pace. “You can come as many times as you want, but I won’t stop until I come. Alright?”
You know if you used your safe word she would stop in an instant. As torturous as the orgasms she forces upon you can be, they’re also other-worldly and there’s definitely a part of you that never wants them to stop, even if you’re a trembling, overstimulated mess.
Eager for her to start, you whine a “mhm” and nod your head. A sharp smack lands on your ass and you yelp both from the surprise and the sting.
“Use your words. Do you understand me?” She says as her tone darkens and the grip on your hair tightens to the point of almost being painful.
“Yes! I can come over and over again and you won’t stop until you come.”
Another sharp slap meets your ass and Alcina immediately soothes it by running her hand over the mark that is definitely starting to develop.
“Good girl. Now be a good little slut and take my cock like the perfect little toy you are.”
Alcina immediately sets a brutal pace, slamming her hips into your ass over and over again. Even if you tried, you wouldn’t have been able to keep the moans and whimpers from slipping through your lips. The grunts coming from behind you as Alcina fucks you spurs you on and you rock back into each thrust, causing her to let out a groan.
“Fuck, good girl.” She says, smacking your ass again. “I love your cunt, taking my cock so perfectly.”
The first orgasm hits you hard and you cry out as you tremble underneath her. It came faster than you were expecting but you’re too blissed out to care that this will inevitably be the first of many orgasms in this position.
Alcina’s pace doesn’t falter or slow down as you come and you whine from the slight overstimulation.
“I told you, draga, I’m not stopping until I come.” She says between pants.
The next two orgasms come one right after the other and you cry out while you shake underneath her. Alcina tightens the grip on your hair and pushes you harder into the mattress while she digs her fingers so hard into your hip there’s no way there won’t be small bruises there later tonight.
You lost count of how many times she made you come by the time you feel yourself losing steam. Her thrusts begin to falter just a bit, signaling she’s getting close. Cracking open one of your eyes, you see Alcina in your peripheral. Her eyes are screwed shut and her lip is caught between her bottom teeth. She tries to keep quiet but you can still hear the small moans and whimpers that escape from her as she gets closer to her release.
With a renewed determination, you slam your hips back into each of her thrusts and she lets out a groan of pleasure.
“Oh fuck, draga, good girl. God, yes!” She says as she throws her head back.
Alcina stops holding back her moans and her thrusts start to lose their rhythm, her low moans and whimpers get higher and higher the closer she gets to her release.
After one high-pitched moan, you can feel the hand in your hair begin to tremble and she releases her grip. Alcina falls forward until there isn’t an inch of room between your bodies, catching herself on her hands that landed on either side of you. She buries her face into your neck and sinks the strap deep into you before grinding down. The closer she gets, the sweeter her moans are when she cries into your skin. With her forehead resting against your cheek, you sink your fingers into her tousled hair, holding her against you.
“Baby, I - I’m gonna -” she whimpers softly into you. “Oh, oh! Oh fuck!”
Her body trembles on top of you and as she fucks herself through her orgasm crying out your name. You hit your peak once more and try to grind back into her as much as you can with her laying on top of you. Your bodies tremble in overstimulation as you both slow down, loud moans and cries softening into quiet whimpers and panting breaths.
The two of you lay there for a couple of minutes as you catch your breaths and come down from your highs.
“I just need a moment and then I’ll get off of you. I’m sorry, I must be crushing you.” She says softly. You can hear the vulnerability in her voice that she lets through only when she’s with you in the privacy of your bedroom.
For someone who is so strong and confident in herself and her body, Alcina also holds many insecurities about her size. She’s learned to accept and embrace the space she takes up, but in quieter moments, she’s opened up about how there are days she hates feeling like a giant. Especially when you’re so small compared to her, with nearly a foot in height difference between the two of you, she often worries about putting all of her weight on you, or afraid she’s going to do something that will hurt you.
She moves to get up and the hold you have on her hair tightens, keeping her against you.
“No, it’s okay, I’m fine.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t. I like the feeling of your weight on me. It makes me feel safe.” You quietly admit.
“Are you just saying that?”
“Nuh-uh.” You hum. “I promise. I always feel so well protected by you, but when you’re on top of me like this, I feel like nothing in the world can hurt me.” You say as you do your best to nuzzle into her.
It takes a few moments of an inner battle inside of Alcina before you feel her relax, the rest of her weight settling on top of you. After a quick wiggle to adjust so you can breathe, you let out a content sigh and you scratch at your scalp. Alcina snakes her hands underneath you and holds you tight.
You feel something wet on your shoulder just as you hear Alcina sniffle above you.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” The concern in your voice is thick and you try to turn your head towards her as much as you can.
Alcina shakes her head and takes a quivering breath in.
“I’m alright.”
“Baby why are you crying?” This time you try to turn your body a little to get a better look at her but she keeps you pinned in place.
“Thank you.” She whispers.
“For what, honey?”
“For loving me. All of me. You have no idea how much I treasure you.”
“Can I look at you?” You ask.
Alcina nods her head and slowly pushes herself off of you before sliding out the toy still buried in you. As you roll over, Alcina removes her end of the you and tosses it onto the towel at the end of the bed. Stretching your arms out towards her, Alcina crawls into them and you place a kiss at the top of her head, holding her tight.
She sniffles again and you pull back from her and place your knuckles under her chin, raising her gaze to look up at you, as she’s done to you countless times.
“I love you so much. Every inch of you. Every part of you, even the parts you don’t like about yourself, I love them and I always will.”
Looking into her gorgeous eyes, she looks up at you innocently. Alcina may be a lot of woman, but in moments like this you see the young girl she keeps buried inside of her. With all six foot three of her curled into you, you can’t help but cuddle her like she’s your size.
Alcina slides her hand into your hair and pulls you into a deep kiss. It was the kind of kiss that made up for when words failed. The kind that conveyed so much love it made your heart nearly burst.
When your lips part you wipe the trail her tears left behind and she lets out a huff before sitting up and wiping her eyes.
“Ugh, well this wasn’t part of the plan!”
You let out a chuckle while rubbing your hands over her thighs.
“Maybe not, but I do love when you’re soft.” Alcina rolls her eyes at you. “What? I love seeing the soft side of my big, bad, intimidating girlfriend.” You say as you wrap your arms around her waist and rest your chin on her chest, looking up at her. 
Alcina playfully rolls her eyes at you before wrapping her arms around you and pulling you back down onto the mattress. You let out a surprised squeal and laugh as she pulls you down.
“I’ll show you big, bad, and intimidating.” She says, flippantly snapping her teeth at you.
“Oh no, I’m so scared!” You say with almost too much sarcasm in your voice as you laugh.
Alcina scoffs at you.
“Don’t be fresh!” She says as she goes to tickle you.
“No! No, no, no!” You yelp, trying to squirm away from her.
“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere!”
The two of you end up in a pile of limbs and laughter before she finally gives up on tickling you. The drastic shift of moods tonight has you absolutely wiped but Alcina convinces you to shower with her before going to sleep.
Once you’re both done and ready for bed, you notice the rain has finally stopped and all you hear outside is the sound of frogs croaking in the distance. Alcina holds you against her and kisses your forehead.
“I truly am sorry your plans got rained out today, draga.” She says. “Perhaps we can reschedule what you had planned for next weekend?”
“You really want to do that?”
“Of course I do! You put so much time and effort into it. All of the little details you decided to add, like my favorite foods or my favorite museum, it means so much to me that you wanted to do all of those things with me for our anniversary.”
“Well, yeah. I have fun when you have fun. Besides, it’s not like I get many opportunities to woo you.” You say with a smirk.
Alcina laughs and kisses the side of your head.
“We shall have to remedy that, then.” She puts her fingers under your chin and guides you to look up at her. “Happy anniversary, draga mea. Ai toată inima mea. Te iubesc atât de mult îngerul meu.” (You have my whole heart. I love you so much my angel).
“Happy anniversary, Alcina. I love you.”
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
being on team 141 and being one of the youngest people in the team HCs [p.02]
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𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢. ✦ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞!!
𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺: 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒋𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒔, 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 141, 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒎𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈,
𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹'𝑺 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑺: 𝒖𝒏𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒅
back at it again, its another fatherless rapscallion😭
100% believe you and soap call people bestie if you dont like them
ex: "soap come hither, i have tea on bestie chloe" and he comes barreling down the hall to hear the tea
lmfao speaking of soap
this man whines when you give him the silent treatment fo sheezy 💯
ghost thinks its really funny when soap watches you with a '☹' face evrry time you ignore him
gaz always knows everything because you know everything so you tell him its hilarious asf
you and gaz always be talkin about topher fr
(i dont have the of so an edit will do:)
price is highkey tired of your humor
"is there anything you need?" price "other than a father/mother? nope. thanks, tho" you *insert gaz laughing from the other room*, distressed price leaved the room, clutching at his sussy goofy wacky little hat
if you are fluent in spanish i strongly believe ghost will be scared of you
as i have been trading my spanish for german, i wont put anything else involving spanish, thanks 😍🙏
screaming judas in tge shower
ghost yelling at you to shut up
soap joining to annoy his babygorl
gaz humming along because lady gaga is goddess
price needing to leave the room
l m f a o
ok so like what if you're really good at card games, savvy?
you and 141 are laying low in a safehouse somewhere
soap finds a deck of cards, and everyone plays and/or watches
anyway you suggest playing manipulation
price immediately agrees, he hasnt played in a while but still thinks he could beat everyonr
ghost joins in, but gaz watches
what if you sat in his lap
no sorry my bad im in love
the first, like, three rounds everyones drawing like five cards
and price somehow ends up with two cards while everyones drawing cards
hes getting cocky, thinking that he'll go out first because of his amount of cards
he had an ace
so that was virtually impossible to get rid of lmfao
price had on his poker face, and surprisingly, so did you
no one could tell you were able to get rid of the five cards in your hand only in the eighth round
bada bing bada boom you served the team their ass when you quickly arranged your cards into their appropriate piles
and then you look at everyone's flabberghasted expression
price is 😯🙁ing so hard
not only did price lose, he lost to one of the youngest people on the team
ghost is a sore loser tbh
"fuckin' hell, reaper. the hell you learn to play like that?" ghost "around" you shrug
price thinks about that all the time tbh
after a somewhat rough mission, you go MIA
everyones worried; you generally let someone know whenever you go somewhere
but its hour 4 of you being gone and price is worried
you did this when the whole situation with alex went down, so price has limited experience with your MIA bouts
highkey feels bad he can't protect you emotionally :(
it was well below sun down when price found you
poor captain almost had a stroke when you saw you
you were outside sitting cross legged facing the direction which the sun had set, indicating you'd been there for a while
you had a lighter in your hand, lighting up cigarette number unknown
"what are you doing, kid?"
you had heard him coming so you didnt jump or anything you just shrugged
"do you want to talk about it?"
a mocking laugh fell from your lips, spewing out with smoke "nah."
price was at a loss. you had never acted like this before- cold and sharp
he moved to sit by you though </3
soon ghost trailed out, wondering where price was
an inky black mass caught his eye
but as he was making his way over, he saw a cigarette get smushed into the ground and a knew one being pulled from a pack
price didn't smoke cigarettes, he smoked cigars, so who would that be?
but then ghost heard your voice and an exhale and you had the cigarette
ghost: 😯
"hell's goin' on out here?" ghost grumbled, sitting on the other side of u, eyes widening at the amount of boxes at ur side
price answered when you didnt "getting some air"
ghost blinked at the cigarette hanging from your lips. okay
the guys tried to get you to talk but couldn't get anything out of you but a scoff or two
even when ghost offered to let you sleep in his room you said no :(((
after that you gathered your shit and left for the base leaving ghost and price concerned </3
whoa who broke my heart i sure am angsty today 😟💯
you didnt get any sleep that night btw
on another note
obviously he goes to you first
"hey y/n" :))) "do you wanna" :)))))) "watch a movie" :))))))))) "with us?" :))))))))))))
i'll be damned if you say no. 😐🔪
so you said yes 😍❤
he smiled so big </33
went to soap next
then pulled up the movie
with everyone ( minus ghost ), price couldn't say no 🙃
ghost pulled up, ffs 🤯
gaz chose either a horror movie or a horror movie
so you watched a horror movie 😁
gaz was probably clinging to you the whole time
so was soap probably
ghost was somewhat interested, but price fell asleep
his goofy snore is so loud bro im not even playing 🤧😭😭
if you have migraines you best believe everyone has midol/typenol for you
never ibuprofen tho bc after a mission if you had a headache, 141 might think you possibly had/have a brain bleed and wouldn't give you ibuprofen bc thats a blood thinner and could start another bleed
you and gaz have playlists for everyone
you both follow each other on EVERYTHING
if you were too poor (like me HDJSNEHDJEUZ) gaz would let you and only you on his netflix acc ❤
im sorry im a gazlvr
will probably edit later tbh
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞!!
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jishyucks · 5 months
Crayon Confessions – njm
‣ pairing: na jaemin x reader
‣ genre: fluff, f2l/co'workers'-to-lovers
‣ wc: 2.2k
‣ summary: You have two weaknesses—Gojo and men with kids… and you guess, Jaemin. That would make it three, but he falls under that second category; alternatively, in which you weren’t really planning on developing feelings for Na Jaemin but seeing him work with kids all the time at the local community centre is making it damn hard not to.
‣ warnings: genuinely don't think there's anything, low-key rushed ending
‣ an: this is honestly not my best but FINALLY MY LAST PART OF THE SERIES IM CELEBRATING YIPEEEEEE—yes i know this is set in december and its now may but it's bc this was supposed to be posted during the holidays 😭 my dumbass overestimated my capabilities and school got in the way but all that matters is that i actually finished a 12 part series?? patting myself on the back,, ANYWAYS to those who actually followed my series I thank you so much. PLS ENJOY THIS! <33
Series Masterlist
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You have two weaknesses—Gojo and men with kids. And within the past few months, Na Jaemin has been fighting his way to the top of that list despite (technically) fitting under that second category. 
The more time you spent with him, the more you were able to make out that Jaemin obviously wanted to make a name for himself rather than being lumped into a handful of men—and you didn’t like it.
You’ve only known the guy just shy of six months, having chosen to volunteer at the community centre since July, and he’s managed to shimmy his way into your life like it was his purpose. And it makes you angry because he was perfect—perhaps as perfect as the dozens of fictional men you’ve crushed on.
Only Jaemin wasn’t fictional. 
In fact, he was sitting two tables away from you, helping the kids spell out the words they needed to include in the holiday greetings cards. 
“You’re staring again.” 
Giselle presses her lips into a tight line to keep her laugh from bursting out. 
Your eyes widened, trying to recollect yourself when you realized that you were, in fact, staring at Jaemin, “Was I being obvious?” 
Giselle hums, tilting her head to muster up an answer, “Mm… a little?”
“Not a little. A lot.” 
You and Giselle turn to Lily, one of the kids you’ve both grown close to over the past few months. You raise a brow at her, “Aren’t you supposed to be making these cards?” 
Lily snickers and goes back to her given task of colouring a poorly printed Santa Claus. You turn back to Giselle, who’s already offering an apologetic look because kids are blunt. 
“Okay, you were more than a little bit obvious but that boy was too oblivious to notice,” she shrugs, “I think, at least.” Giselle taps the pile of finished cards against the table to line them all up before placing them again at the centre of the table.
You groan, tempted to bang your head against the shared table in front of you. “Please tell me you’re joking.” 
“I’m not,” Giselle snorts, “But I really don’t think he saw you. He’s too busy with the kids.” She nods her head in Jaemin’s direction and your eyes follow without a second thought.
The sight was one you’ve seen countless times yet it still makes you swoon every time you lay eyes on the scene. Jaemin’s perfect smile is etched on his face as he leans over one of the youngest kids, fixing the way the boy is holding the marker. The boy lets out a little giggle, reciprocating the smile on the elder’s face.
“Look away before you lose yourself again,” Giselle teases, using her index finger to turn your face away from Jaemin’s direction. Giselle immediately notices the way a look of sheepishness replaces your charmed expression. She pats your shoulder, almost coming in the form of a push, “I bet if you asked him out he would say yes.”
“I’ll only ask him out if I’m sure he likes me back,” you whisper. “I have literal receipts of clues that he does like you back,” Giselle threatens to pull her phone out despite your organizer discouraging the use of any devices during the shifts. 
You shake your head, head mentally raking through all the times you Jaemin had made you feel like sinking into the hard cold cement. “Those were just times I was overthinking everything… I’m sure he’s just naturally nice.”
“Well, he is naturally nice,” Giselle nods, “But you can’t tell me that all the things he’s done were done solely to be nice.” Giselle leans back on her chair and narrows her eyes at you, “He’s too old to be on Santa’s list anyway.” 
“I don’t consider holding the door open for me and bringing me hot chocolate that one time as clues.” 
One of the other little girls pushes an unfinished piece of paper and the small baby safety scissors your way. By reflex, you pick it up from where she started having trouble, snipping away the excess paper before handing it back for her to glue onto construction paper. 
“How about that one time he walked you home?”
“He said he was going to his grandma’s—” you counter.
“Could’ve been an excuse,” Giselle shrugs, “Real reason could be he wanted to spend time with you without having to ask for it.” 
“I was wrong. I think you’re the delusional one here,” you narrow your eyes and tap your feet against the floor underneath you. Jaemin was Jaemin. Soon after meeting him, you caught on to the fact that he was naturally playful, almost coming off as a flirt to everyone he encountered. 
“I’m not being delusional,” Giselle rolls her eyes and leans in closer to you so that whatever comes out of her mouth next can’t be heard by anyone around you, “Do you want me to list everything that’s happened between him and you over the past few months? ‘Cause you’re asking for it.”
You shake your head, already knowing which ones she’d list. Giselle already told you that if she could, she’d make a PowerPoint presentation of Top 10 Jaemin and Y/N Moments for fun, but you were lucky that she had been swamped in both school and volunteer work to even start it. 
“You’re acting like I’m not the one who’s told you these things,” you blink, “And like I said, any of them could be a product of delusion.” 
Giselle peeks over at you through the corners of her eyes and smirks, “Oh, but there are ones that you haven’t seen that I have…”
And just like that, Giselle has all of your attention. It’s like she’s grasping it with the tips of her fingers, playing with it to tease you. 
“Like?” You gesture for her to begin, not wanting to waste a single passing second.
Another kid at the table holds up her card for Giselle to see, “Miss Giselle, how does it look?” 
Giselle’s eyes light up and she smiles, “I love how you coloured the tree, Nari! Do you need help cutting it out?” 
Nari shakes her head, “I’ll try myself first.”
Giselle nods, “Sounds good to me!” Then once she’s sure that Nari is back and busy with the paper tree, she turns back to you, “Do you want it in chronological order?”
Your brows furrow, “It doesn’t matter to me.”
She hums and begins, “You know how you came when me and Jaemin have already been here for a little while?” 
You nod.
“Well, Jaemin, every single day since we both started, kept his things in that one corner locker. He told me once he hated the other lockers with a passion but never really told me why. It was actually hilarious because there was one shift when Jisung came earlier than he did and he snatched it before Jaemin and Jaemin told him off,” Giselle snorted, recalling the memory, “It was stupid. I remember telling Jaemin to let the boy be, but he was… territorial? I don’t know how to word it.” 
“Where are you going with this?” you say impatiently.
“I’m getting there,” she huffs, “Anyway, when you came, you were stuck with that one locker at the top, right?”
You nod again.
“I remember you kept complaining to me about hating the locker—”
“It was too high for me to even reach the hook!” You say.
“I know, but that’s beside the point,” Giselle laughs, “My point is the very next day, Jaemin came early for the shift and instead of taking that corner locker, he claimed that top locker despite his usual one being free. It’s been that way ever since. Now you always take that corner one.”
“What do you mean ‘And?’” Giselle’s jaw drops, “Don’t you see? He was territorial over a damn locker and when you came along, he went out of his way to move lockers just because he saw you were struggling with the top one.” “He’s just being ni—”
“Do I need to remind you that Ningning, who’s shorter than you, literally complained about the same thing and he didn’t do shi—” Giselle catches herself from swearing, remembering the setting, “—Anything to help her?”
You don’t reply and Giselle takes this as a sign to continue, “Then, there have been those days you come to a shift tired because you’ve been awake since dawn because of your eight AMs, right?” You don’t do anything but blink and Giselle continues, “I’ve seen that man go out of his way to take up some of your harder tasks just so your shift is easier and you can relax. But when I come to the shifts tired and you’re not there and he is, he just laughs in my face!” 
You laugh because it just sounds like Giselle’s taking this as an opportunity to rant to you about her playful rivalry with Jaemin. 
“Don’t laugh! Can’t you see where I’m going with my examples?” she whines, “I know you’re smart, Y/N!”
You shake your head, “I need you to explain it more bluntly, Gi.” 
Giselle facepalms, a sigh flying out of her lips, “What I’m saying is that Jaemin pays attention to you more than you think… he treats you a hundred times better than any of us but, obviously, you’re too blind to see it because you’re still hung up on the idea that he’s just ‘being nice’.”
You swallow a pool of spit you didn’t even know was sitting in your mouth and you process your friend’s explanation. The idea of the possibility of Jaemin actually liking you back was something you thought about once in a while, but it was usually in your bed right before you went to sleep giggling. Never did these thoughts appear in broad daylight, much less with Jaemin sitting just yards away.
The thought tickles your stomach and you wanna say something to Giselle, though you’re unsure what. And before you could bring yourself to open your mouth, you felt a light tap against your shoulder.
“Miss Y/N?” 
You’re punted out of your thoughts when one of the little boys from Jaemin’s table appears to your left, entering your line of sight.
“Hi, Junnie! What’s up?” you bend down slightly at the waist, eyeing the card and the crayon he’s holding in his hand. 
He makes no effort to say anything else. Instead, he holds out the two items in his small hands, waiting for you to take them. When you gently do, he takes a step back, holding his arms behind his back to watch you read the card.
The front of the card was just a normal card, the greeting ‘Happy Holidays’ written on the front in a child’s handwriting in red and green crayon. Underneath the words was a Christmas tree, glued on there by, who you assumed was, Junnie. 
Then, when you open it, your heart skips a beat and a half. 
In crayon, in messy yet very cute writing you read: 
Are you a Christmas tree? 
Because I'm really pining fir you!
Dinner date?
“It’s from Mister Jaemin,” Junnie says from behind the card. He’s teetering on the balls of his feet, cheeks being pushed up by his smile.
Your heart is now pounding against your chest because it is all playing out perfectly, like how it would in a movie. With Giselle telling you things you’ve never noticed before, to you denying, and now Junnie was just sent by Jaemin to send you this cute little letter to confess to you—you’re not sure how to react.
“Oh, really?” you question.
“Really?” Giselle gasps from next to you. 
Your eyes immediately dart across the room and to the mentioned boy, who’s awfully pretending to busy himself with the scraps of paper littering the table.
“What’s your answer?” Junnie questions.
Embarrassingly, you don’t even hesitate to scribble down your answer underneath the question. Handing it back to Junnie, you wave for him to come closer and you bring your mouth up to his ear, “Can you help me play a small trick on Mister Jaemin?” 
Junnie nods, a mischievous smile appearing almost instantly on his face.
“When you go over there to give him this, I want you to pretend to be sad, okay? Make him think it’s not a yes.” 
Junnie struggles to contain his smile before nodding once more, then turns to make his way back to Jaemin.
You follow the young boy with your eyes, watching as he does his very best to maintain a poker face. You watch as Jaemin turns to him, a look of confusion surfacing his face when he sees that Junnie is not smiling like he had anticipated and you can’t help but snicker.
The moment Junnie’s within hearing vicinity, Jaemin says something to him that you obviously couldn’t hear. Junnie glances back at you and then reveals your answer to Jaemin and you know he’s done it the second Jaemin’s face lights up. 
You chuckle as Jaemin looks up at you, his face breaking into a wide smile. He waves at you shyly, like a bashful kid, before silently mouthing, "Tomorrow?"
You nod, warmth spreading across your cheeks. Giselle makes a comment over your shoulder but you don’t quite catch it, the cells in your body buzzing in excitement. 
Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.
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taglist: @tytrackfebreze @lovesuhng @hoonieji @niinjo @dinonuguaegi @reignessance
an: 12/12!! This was poorly proofread so I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors or mistakes but I wanted to finish this so I can work on other wips!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED READING THIS,, THANK YOU!
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almond-tofuuu · 8 months
Zayne x reader break up prank on him?!? How'd he react?!?
Break up prank on Dr Zayne?! Ofc it's only a prank, none of us would actually wanna leave this man 😚
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Playing with hearts💙
Warnings: none except for bad writing and a little bit of angst (happy ending tho bc I cannot bear to hurt this man 😭)
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It all began on a lazy afternoon, the sunlight filtering softly through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. You and Tara found yourselves with an unexpected surplus of free time. With no urgent missions or reports looming over your heads, you decided to indulge in a few rounds of kitty cards.
As you shuffled the deck, Tara's mischievous grin hinted at an impending scheme. "How about we up the stakes a bit?" she suggested, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Winner gets to choose a dare for the loser."
You paused, considering her proposal. You'd been on a winning streak so far, your kitty card skills unmatched. With a shrug and a confident smile, you agreed, eager for the challenge.
But fate had other plans.
"...I lost?" you muttered to yourself, disbelief washing over you as you stared at the cards in your hand. Tara had orchestrated a flawless victory, leaving you stunned and humiliated. She reveled in her triumph, a victorious gleam in her eyes.
With a resigned sigh, you accepted your defeat and braced yourself for Tara's dare. Little did you know, it would lead to a moment of unexpected turmoil.
Which brings you to where you are now, standing awkwardly outside of Zayne's office as he's typing away on his laptop, oblivious to your current predicament. Tara's 'brilliant dare' was for you to pull a prank on Zayne, pretending to breakup with him, and as a woman of your word, you were determined to see it through. However, as you hovered in the doorway, watching your loving boyfriend hard at work, you couldn't help but feel guilty about what you were about to do. Taking a deep breath you put your nerves aside and sauntered up to his desk. Hearing you approach, Zayne raised his head to look at you, a small smile gracing his face and his eyes softening upon seeing you.
"I wasn't expecting to see you until later tonight, what brings you here, love? You haven't gotten yourself injured again, have you?" Zayne asks gently, his eyes scanning your body for any signs of injuries.
Your resolve wavered as you met his gaze, his concern melting away your confidence. But you pressed on, determined to execute the prank with finesse.
"No, Zayne, I'm not injured.... But I think we need to talk" you try to keep your voice steady as you speak, knowing Zayne is very perceptive so you need to do this right if you want to successfully prank him.
"Oh, it sounds like you've got something important to tell me" Zayne's brow furrowed, sensing the gravity of your words. He rose from his desk, taking your hand and guiding you to the couch with a gentle touch, "go on, what is it you need to say, love?"
As you prepared to deliver the fake breakup, guilt weighed heavy on your heart. But you steeled yourself, unable to back down now. With a deep breath, you uttered the words, your voice barely above a whisper, "I-... I think we should break up..."
One second passes.....then two, three, four.... The silence is suffocating. After 30 seconds of no response from him, you sigh and look up at him, assuming he already realised it was a prank. However, when you finally see his face, your heart breaks. His brows were furrowed in confusion, lips parted slightly as if he's trying to speak but can't quite get the words out, and his eyes, you've never seen such raw emotion in his eyes, and you realise they're glossy with tears he is trying desperately to hold back. Before you could retract your words, Zayne spoke, his voice laced with pain.
"I see... I'm sorry that you're not longer happy with me... I'm aware that my work takes up a lot of my time, and perhaps I haven't given you as much attention as you deserve..." he trails off, his eyes glistening with unshed tears as he fights to keep his composure.
In that moment, you curse yourself for agreeing to that damn bet. Your facade shatters, tears blurring your vision as you reach for him, hands gently cradling his face, desperate to undo the damage. "No, Zayne, please don't think like that!" you pleaded, your voice breaking. "You make me feel like the most special girl in the world! It was just a prank, a really stupid prank. I love you, Zayne."
"A prank?..... You mean, you don't actually want to break up?" Zayne's eyes search yours, hopeful that you're telling the truth.
Nodding, you reply earnestly "Yes, it's all because I lost a bet with Tara. I love you, Zayne, I don't want to break up with you"
It takes him a minute to fully register what you had said, but when he finally does he exhales a shaky sigh of relief, wrapping his strong arms around you and pulling you into his chest, head buried in the crook of your neck as he breathes in your scent, trying to calm himself. You both stay like that for a few minutes, Zayne refusing to let you go, his voice barely audible as he softly whispers into your ear "please don't ever do that again.... I can't bear the thought of losing you... You are everything to me"
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