mickeygifs · 8 months
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Im soooo tired of seeing my baby (Peter Pettigrew) get ignored in fanon content :(((
He was one of the four marauders!!! EQUALLY IMPORTANT!!!!
sooooo many people ignore him because of what he did.
but back in the 70s? He was just my little guy
Young Peter baking at the Potters over Christmas break?? Sirius is constantly licking batter from the spoons. Remus is always trying to add a little more cinnamon and a dash more vanilla, I think these cookies could use some more chocolate chips you know? Effie sharing family recipes with him??
Young Peter who was the tallest in the group until 13~14 where everyone else shot up like bean poles? Peter stuck being the shortest from there on out. they all tease him about it but James crawls into his bed one night because hey wormy, I know we like to joke, but you aren't uncomfortable right? you sure this isn't bothering you? because I would feel horrible if it was.
Also James and Sirius were close, but Peter and James were close. like, James and Sirius would go everywhere and do everything with each other but those quiet nights? when James just needed someone to talk to or cry to? James would always crawl into Peter's bed and they would talk about everything until the sun peeked in through the curtains.
Young Peter who always recommends their parties are potlucks because all of his friends are such great cooks? (even if he spits out whatever Sirius is trying to convince them is cooked properly)
Young Peter who is great at lying and has saved the boys too many times to count. (Looking straight at James and Sirius 👀) like Remus would try to lie but the staff knew he was just as bad as the rest of them but Peter? The sweet one? The kind one? Nooooooo he would neeeeeever
anyone else got some headcanons? any ships? please my plants are dying
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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them. Take them. The sillies
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
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btw. if you even care
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boycaca · 1 month
Admittedly im no hardcore tartaglia fan so idk what kind of discussions you guys are having over there but i feel like i always see people talk about his traumatic past in the abyss or the fatui but what about his childhood. What about the fact that he is basically just some country bumpkin in the fatui. I like to think that the first “weapon” his father made him learn how to “wield” was an axe, not to fight people, but for chopping wood for heat fuel for the house at The Grown Age Of 6 Years Old. I dont know much about the climate in snezhnaya so i cant tell you if they’re able to grow a lot of crops in the summer or if it really is just an everlasting snowstorm there but i can feel it in my bones that whenever his mother was gardening he was called outside to help her weed out the crops (is that what you call that process in english???). Do you think his favourite dessert was kissel or something, or maybe those sugar rooster lollipops they would sell at markets. Do you think he ever slid down a snowy hill so fast he crashed into a tree. Do you think he would beg his mom to bake him a honey cake each year for his birthday (with his help, of course). Do you think when he first arrived at the capital in snezhnaya he got lost and confused because he just did not know how to navigate a big city. Do you thin
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sad-trash-hobo · 1 year
Ahsoka kicking Anakin in the face and Anakin responding by literally taking the floor out from under her
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breesperez139 · 1 year
Dc x Dp Prompt #5
Demon Twin AU only Damian never had a blood son phase and has “biological siblings” (how absurd):
Damian would like to start by saying he is not at fault for this… miscommunication. Truly, how was he to know sharing the same blood as Jasmine and Danyal would make them “siblings”? Not once has anyone mentioned such absurd claims. He has never and will never treat either of the two the way he would Richard or any of his other siblings, but apparently sharing the same donors when being created automatically makes people siblings.
Worse, father is upset at him and mother for “hiding away” two of his “children” from him. Richard and Thomas will not stop staring at him. Todd, Brown, and Drake will not stop laughing. Cassandra has not stopped looking at his body language since this whole encounter started. Alfred is giving him his patented disappointed face he oh so hates but what is he to do?
Damian was not hiding anything or anyone. Jasmine and Danyal have not nor will they ever be his siblings. They are the children of Jack and Maddie Fenton just as Richard and the rest of them are Bruce’s children. Blood has nothing to do with family. They are at best “god-siblings” or “cousins” if father refuses to believe they are simply childhood companions.
There is barely a hint of emotion as father purses his lips while his siblings continue looking on at him in disbelief. Damian is not understanding why they are having trouble comprehending such simple logic. It is common sense to know that siblings are the children at least one of your parents have raised other than yourself. Parents are the people who raise you. Talia raised him therefore she is his mother. He lives with Bruce who is now raising him and therefore he is his father.
Neither Talia nor Bruce raised Jasmine or Danyal, therefore they are not siblings. It is merely coincidence that he shared blood with both Bruce and Talia. After all, every time he’s visited Amity Park, most children look nothing like their parents. How can it not be coincidence when it is clearly far more normal to raise children who don’t share an ounce of blood with you, than those who do.
How can it not be normal when Jack Fenton took Jasmine in so easily knowing he didn’t share any dna with her? Even more so with Danyal who doesn’t share even a drop of blood with either Jack or Maddie. Look at yourself father. Out of all your children, only one shares your dna. Do not try and pin this on Damian for being the only sensible person in this family. Blood siblings, ha, don’t make him laugh.
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie decides that he wants to do a whole Day in the Life of a Middle School Math Teacher thing when Steve gets the go-ahead that Eddie can come talk to his class. Steve thinks that’s dumb because it’s not like he has an interesting life.
The first video in the series starts the night before. Eddie is filming Steve while they get ready for bed (mostly removing the five hundred pillows Steve insists they need
on their bed) while he warns Eddie that these kids are not like The Party. Middle school kids have not developed empathy yet and they’re mean in like, an accurate way. It’s like having 16 to 22 Erica Sinclairs every class period.
It then cuts to the morning where Steve is lecturing Eddie on the do’s and don’t’s. DO encourage students to find safe creative outputs to express themselves. DO talk about your struggles in school and how you overcame them. DON’T tell them about the illegal shit we used to do. DON’T antagonize student athletes and, for the love of god, DON’T climb on the tables. This lecture spans every room in their house as they both get ready.
The second video is filmed inside of seventh grade English teacher, Mrs Casal’s Honda Civic. Steve doesn’t drive anymore and Eddie insisted on joining his teacher carpool, a decision he has come to regret and Patty Casal drives like she wants them all to die. He’s squeezed in the back between Ozzy and another teacher that keeps fussing with his jacket collar.
The whole video is just zoomed in on Eddie’s face while you can hear four middle school teachers telling the most batshit insane stories you’ve ever head. The caption is: Why am I having RV flashbacks?
The third Tiktok is just Eddie filming Steve reviewing the last test with the students before Eddie’s Q&A. The text overlay says, “Why is this so hot?” Hot for Teacher is playing.
Eddie doesn’t actually film his little Q&As with Steve’s classes because it feels weird to film kids he doesn’t know, but a lot of the students do so videos go up on Tiktok of Eddie answering each question sincerely while still maintaining his usual chaotic Eddie charm. A student called his music old and Eddie flipped backwards off his chair, grabbing his chest, “You wound me! Rock n Roll never gets old and it never dies!”
He does talk about the hurtles he had to jump to get into the music industry, how his uncle bought him his first guitar and that he had to teach himself because they couldn’t afford lessons. He talked about school and his three repeats of senior year. He talked about how Dustin and Nancy sat down with him and worked out a way to teach him that actually worked. One student asked why he was with a math teacher when he could be married to a celebrity and Eddie tells them, “Don’t let the dorky sweater fool you. Mr H, over there is a total bad A S S. Coolest guy I’ve ever met. He’s saved my life.”
Someone does try to ask about the murder allegations but Steve shuts that down so fast no one dares to try again. It gives Eddie the worst case of heart eyes ever seen by man.
Steve’s class before lunch asks Eddie if he wants to eat with them and he says of course. It’s only by good fortune that one of the students catch on video Steve calling ‘Mr Munson’ back to his desk and then tells Eddie that if he climbs on a table, Steve will give him detention.
Eddie does, in fact, stand on the tables. He gives a big dramatic lecture about forced conformity but instead of talking about jocks and basketball, he talks about instagram and Tiktok and how it’s constantly hounding kids into looking a certain way, acting a certain way, and it’s destroying creativity. And that’s what’s killing the kid’s.
And Steve does, in fact, walk into the cafeteria mid-way through this speech. He lets him get through the important bits before calling out for Edward Munson to get off the table.
Someone post this whole speech on Tiktok and Eddie duets the video from detention because Steve was not kidding.
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luna-loveboop · 4 months
A reminder that hurting Twilight is analogous to hurting Time
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"This could just as well be my own blood"
Time is struggling in the updates following Twi's injury and recovery, because he's recovering too. To him he was bleeding out as well- that's how much he cares
Art by Jojo @linkeduniverse :))
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tobisiksi · 8 months
the disastrous life of saiki k its only a comedy anime because we see everything from kusuo's pov and the things that's happens in the episode are just a normal day for him so he sees everything like normal and even comedic
I just KNOW that if it was from someone else's pov the anime would turn into psychological horror
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firefly-fez · 2 years
nothing gets to me about star wars like the fact that ahsoka and rex were forced to leave dead brothers discarded and abandoned in the ruins of war literally day after day, battle after battle, and the first thing they do when the war is over is take the time to bury the dead.
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“Always thought I was fairly well adjusted for a guy who looks forward to wearing a costume. I mean I’m not out for revenge. I don’t need to prove anything to myself. I have money…so why do I do it?”
“Barbra would say it’s because I know it’s the right thing…but no. She’s wrong.”
“I do this because it’s the only thing I dare let myself do. I do this because it’s easier…easier than having to think.”
Dick thinks about why he does what he does (Nightwing Vol.2 # 128)
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 7 months
do ya'll remember how awkward and tense it was between Fitz and Tiergan when he first started mentoring sophie and him??
cuz I do. It's good fic material is all I'm saying...
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katnissmellarkkk · 8 months
ever since someone — and unfortunately i cannot remember who — reblogged one of my posts about haymitch and katniss’ relationship with the tags “they don’t have a father/daughter relationship, they have a mother/daughter relationship” i’ve never viewed their dynamic the same way.
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magnusbae · 1 year
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You have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be.
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eff-plays · 1 year
Actually, no, I disagree. Astarion has his reasons for many things he thinks and disapproves of, but some of them are just ... He doesn't like it when people are nice. He actively likes cruelty. Those are both true.
And yeah, you get why. He's well-written and his motivations are understandable! You can have a lot of very long and sad meta posts about how he thinks cruelty is natural and kindness is fake, but that doesn't remove his joy at cruelty and his distaste for kindness. Those things are still true. He can get better, yes. He does get better if you encourage him to. But he starts out as an absolute jackass.
Stop woobifying him fr. He's a piece of shit, even if he's a well-written one. Just because you understand him doesn't mean he's right or somehow the only sane person in the group. Cruelty is not intelligence, kindness is not a weakness. xoxo <3
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