trashworldblog · 9 months
me after getting home after all of the things went wrong: DEATH DEATH FIRE DEATH HATE RAGE ANGER RAAAAAAAAAAA
me in about 10 to 20 minutes: hehe :) everything is wonderful :)
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faeriekit · 1 year
I’m writing this only to excise this from my body.
So. Recently dropped out from college, kicked out of Wayne Manor, and fast tracked through police training Officer Grayson is having a real fucking shit time at the precinct. No one respects him or his deductions or his opinions. Everything sucks ass. His most familiar and longest-living support structure was ripped out from underneath him, he’s broken up and no-contact with anyone he’s ever dated, his Blüdhaven apartment is awful and full of black mold and there’s never enough food to sustain him, his creation of his Nightwing persona is slow-going and the public is reluctant to catch on, there’s a kid hiding under his bed, his partner thinks he’s a total nepo baby even though he has no money and no contacts, and—
There’s a what.
Dick double checks under his bed. Yerp. Sure enough, just hanging out, is a black-haired kid with a raggedy coat and a backpack, just peering back out at him with his big ‘ol eyes.
“What the fuck,” says Dick, before remembering not to swear in front of kids. “...freak.”
The kid scrunches his nose.
Dick doesn’t kick the kid out because, fuck, it’s cold out in November and at least his shitty apartment has heating, but he does tell the kid that this ain’t cool and that if he wasn’t literally in the cops to take most of them down, he wouldn’t let this fly at all. In the morning, the kid skedaddles, and Dick assumes that is that.
Except he’s here the next day.
“What the fuck,” Dick repeats, and commits to the swearing this time.
In the mean time, Tim already knows what swearing is and Is On The Fucking Lamb.
His parents were murdered in their bed on their one week in Gotham for the season, and escaping the same fate had been a lot of sneaking out of the house and hitching a ride on the Gotham city bus and laying low on the streets for the week, keeping only his most important photos, his camera, and a spare set of clothes on him at all times. There had been warnings of upset in the company that Tim had overheard, but he hadn’t expected this. With no safety in Gotham, no money, no food, and no one he knew personally, Tim was Very content with his plan of hiding out under Robin’s (ex-Robin’s?) bed until the murderers are appropriately found. The company can’t be bought, traded, or sold until Tim’s found dead, after all.
So. With a motivation to avoid getting murdered, Tim very rudely ignores Dick Grayson’s attempts to keep him out of his apartment with strategic uses of puppy eyes, lockpicks, and general knowledge of exploits in electronic locks.
“Little monster,” Dick warns, even as he has a plate for Tim in the hand opposite his own, “You can’t hide under my bed forever.”
Tim ducks back further under the frame. Yes he can!!!
It devolves into day-to-day shenanigans from there. Tim never speaks since he knows his Bristol accent is recognizable. Dick suddenly has to juggle his day job, Nightwing, and stopping this little kid with a camera from crawling around this crusty and crime-riddled city all night, just so the squirt can dart into the precinct in the morning with entirely inadmissible evidence of wrongdoing?? JUST managing the baby is part-time job. Fuck. Dick is buying double groceries now. He might actually learn how to cook more than ramen-with-egg.
It’s good that Dick has mastered some kind of weird almost-parent bullshit with the little monster, because overnight one kid under his bed turns into two.
“What the fuck,” says Dick. He tries to reach under his bed, and the new kid tries to get him with a knife. “What?? The fuck??”
“Back off! The shrimp was here first!!” the new kid growls, his street accent thickly prominent.
“This is literally my apartment?!”
“So what? What’re you going to do, call the cops to this shithole?”
“…I’m a cop?!”
Anyway. This new kid is deeply protective of the little monster, and his name is Jay something-something, mind your own fucking business, and Dick’s a little bit grateful because now at least the ten-year-old-monster has backup when he starts darting around town and also is wondering why it’s suddenly his fucking problem that he has to feed two kids he is not related to, and also apparently bailing them out at work when two not-even-pubescent kids get caught breaking and entering at seemingly random places in Bludhaven.
“Fuck off,” says Jay, to a cop, while the more silent kid is busy trying to get a look at evidence on cop desks. Dick watches from his own desk in silent horror.
“Is this yours?” asks Dick’s haggard partner.
“…Sure,” says Dick, to Jay’s clear surprise and suspicion. The monster beams with all of his adorable and also entirely fake innocence, the little shit. Dick bails them out, and then they all have lima beans for dinner as punishment for getting caught. I mean doing illegal things. (I mean getting caught.)
And then Bruce asks if Dick is coming home for Hanukkah.
Dick does not want to come back for Hanukkah.
…But the leftovers would feed the kids, actually. And it’s good food. And free. Maybe he can go for one night and not kill Bruce.
Spoiler: Dick cannot go for one night and not kill Bruce. Dick stomps to the other end of the house, texts Alfred an apology, and makes it all the way back to his car in order to drive home. Dick is on the parkway and on his way back to Bludhaven by the time that the tiny assassin in his car tries to Get Him.
They tussle. Dick only wins because he is An Adult and the assassin is, like, four foot nine.
Anyway. Cass is driven home in an improvised belt-and-dress-shirt restraint and cannot live under the bed, as she has to receive lice treatment. She stays because there is food and also other kids her age.
“Where are you getting all these kids?” Dick’s work partner asks, which is a fair question.
“…Cousins,” Dick lies.
“They live at your place.”
“Until their moms get sober again, yeah, probably,” Dick says, banking on the fact that he looks ethnic enough that no one will question the blatant reference to substance abuse or the basically-still-a-kid raising kids.
No one questions him.
He’s kind of disappointed in them about that.
Jay drops a reference to Crime Alley about this point. “You’re from Gotham?” Dick asks, perplexed. “Then why are you here?? This place sucks ass.”
“I’m in hiding. Duh.”
“From who??” Dick is fully prepared to go Nightwing on someone’s ass.
“Batman,” Jay says, severely. “I stole his tires. And then I hit him with a tire iron.”
Dick gapes. Monster gasps. Cass doesn’t get it, and takes a good heaping of spaghetti off the monster’s plate while he freaks out.
Much cute domestic shenanigans, and then it all goes to shit when the party is crashed by an assassin, who has been paid reasonable amounts of money to kill Timothy Jackson Drake.
Fighting ensues. Jay, who had known everything But the fact that Dick was Nightwing, freaks the fuck out.
"Yeah," Dick says, sheepishly, putting the escrima stick back in his pocket. "Uh. Whoops?"
"I'm harboring you all, aren't I?" Dick points out, and rightfully so. "Cops do illegal stuff all the time. I literally got you out of trouble for your little B&E adventure in the inner city warehouses last week. If you weren’t fake related to a cop, you’d be in juvie right now for repeat offenses."
Jay, who was pretending that didn't happen and whose face is a bright scarlet, changes the topic. "Why didn't you tell us you were a fucking vigilante, then?? You should have said something?"
Dick points to the under-the-bed monster who has been squatting in his apartment since last year for that exact reason and the mostly mute mini assassin, both of whom had already known this information and said nothing. “I assumed they told you tbh.”
Jay stomps away.
Unfortunately, Tim's plan of hiding in Dick's apartment is no longer safe, and now everyone has to haul ass to move somewhere more secure.
This means needing more money.
This means needing somewhere to hide until a new place can be secured.
…Shit. This means playing nice with Bruce and asking for favors.
Dick does not want to play nice and ask for favors.
…Dick looks at the kid who’s depending on him to protect him from assassination, another orphan with nowhere else to go, and a girl who underwent abusive training and who’s never known a safe space apart from them.
Dick is going to have to get his shit together.
And he will hate it the whole fucking time.
Everyone piles into his early 2000s toyota something and off they drive, one bag each, to the house with the guy who never quite adopted Dick into his family and probably never wants to see him again, based on how literally every time Dick tries to spend time with him, Bruce can’t help but push on every one of his fucking buttons.
From there it’s a slow-churning reconciliation arc, baby! Bruce learns how to actually communicate with his kid, finds out that having the kids around improves his quality of life by 200%, and Alfred gets an early plural grandkid arc. Dick struggles not to take shit personally while they solve the deaths of the Drakes, Tim breaks his leg falling off of a place he Should Not have been, and Jason continues to learn that protecting others isn’t the same as genuine vulnerability and intimacy, and that he has value, and Cass learns that although she hates killing, she loves fighting, and using that for good isn’t bad.
Reasons I will never write this fic:
Too long!! I would never get it done in a reasonable time frame, and I can’t commit right now.
I actually…writing mysteries bores me. Sometimes actual mysteries bore me. I couldn’t execute this the way I would want it to be read. I’d give up. (Or, you know, I technically already have?)
In-betweens between the action scenes are too vague. They’re not solid in my head in the way I would want them to be if I was writing this.
This entire fic was premised under the basis of Dick looking under his bed and finding a twelve year old Tim Drake. I wanted some good old fashioned Tim & Dick bonding that wasn’t Red Hood based, since it’s still one of the most prominent tropes in their ‘&’ relationship tag.
Want to use any of this…? Go nuts. Or don’t. This has been exorcised from my body. I am now free.
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anti-romantico · 9 months
[distraction] ateez seonghwa
warnings: protected sex (yay), almost getting caught, oral (m receiving), cum swallowing
words: 971
Tumblr media
Night shift wasn't exactly your dream job, neither was checking security cameras from 10pm to 7am. But at least your co-worker made the shift less boring.
His grunts resonated through the empty room. Seonghwa had his hands on your hair, controlling the pace you were sucking his cock. 
— Are you gonna swallow my cum, baby? — His raspy voice made you moan around him. — Back. — You obeyed his words, watching him get up from his seat and grab your head. 
It wasn't the first time he fucked your mouth, and you hope it wasn't the last one. Your throat used to the feeling, gag reflex more than controlled by now. 
Seonghwa threw his head back and shot his cum down your throat. You loved the taste, but every time you tried to suck more of it, Seonghwa would give you a hard pull to keep you away. Just like right now.
You stood up and turned around, getting shivers when you heard him open a condom. 
Without saying a word, Seonghwa started to fuck you senseless, gripping the skin of your hips creating new bruises. You were holding the control table for dear life, trying really hard to not push any button. 
— Looks like someone's coming. — You heard him say, but his fingers on your clit made you forget it instantly. None of you were careful of the sounds you made, this time not being the exception.
Your head snapped when someone knocked on the door. For safety reasons, it had to be locked the whole night.
— Shit… — Seonghwa pulled out and started to get dressed. You grabbed your clothes and ran to the small bathroom you two had in there.
Seonghwa opened the door when he made sure the room didn't have any sign of the recent events. — Mingi, I thought you weren't working tonight.
You heard Seonghwa's voice from the other side of the door. You cursed under your breath. Mingi was your other co-worker, but only on the weekends, it was tuesday.
— I won't come for the weekend, I'm covering these three days. I was checking the place before coming. — Mingi entered the room and sat down on the chair where you were previously sucking the life out of Seonghwa. — Where's [Y/N]?
You got out of the bathroom, looking normal, but deep inside you wanted to murder Mingi for ruining your orgasm. — Mingi, hi! 
Mingi stood up and hugged you. — Hope you don't mind my company tonight. — He said while sitting back down.
— Of course not, we were about to have our lunch break. — You answered, taking out of the locker two small bags with food.
— Oh, I forgot my lunch bag in the car. Be right back. — Mingi ran out of the room and Seonghwa went beside him and locked the door and then sat down on the couch. You pulled your jeans down and threw them beside him. 
— How many condoms did you bring? — You asked, watching him remove the one he was using before Mingi interrupted and wearing a new one.
— Stop asking stupid questions and ride me or he's going to interrupt us again. — Seonghwa was already out of breath, pulling you from your hand.
You sank down on his cock and ignored the pain when you started to rock your hips up and down without letting yourself adjust. Seonghwa pulled you to kiss you and gave you a hard spank, making you moan in his mouth.
Seonghwa's phone rang, and you were about to stop. — Fuck no, don't stop. Just don't make a sound. — Seonghwa answered the call.
— Bro, I'm going to the convenience store for a drink, do you guys want something?
You could hear him, almost making you feel guilty for riding Seonghwa while he was talking to him. Offering drinks 
— Yeah, how about iced coffees and cookies for dessert? — Seonghwa tried his best to sound normal.
— Sounds good, does she want something else?
Seonghwa made a pause, as if he was asking you. — She says she's ok, just the coffee. 
— Perfect. Don't miss me. — Mingi hung up.
— Take your time, princess.
You slowed down your pace and kissed him again, this time in a more romantic way; sucking each other's tongues and biting your lips.
You finally felt your orgasm coming back and grabbed Seonghwa's hand. He understood and started to massage your clit. With his free hand, he was pinching one nipple and biting the other one.
All those sensations sent you to heaven and back, coming undone over Seonghwa. 
You didn't stop, though. Seonghwa grabbed your hips and moved them back and forth to help him cum, your juices spilling out to the couch. 
After cumming in the condom, Seonghwa pulled out and went to the bathroom to wrap both condoms in paper and threw them to the trash can. You were all dressed and cleaning the couch before Mingi's return. 
You felt Seonghwa hugging you from behind. — We're going to be alone the whole weekend.
You giggled and turned around in his arms, kissing him passionately.
Mingi knocked on the door and you went to open it. Thanking him for the drinks.
Seonghwa excused himself and went to the bathroom. Leaving Mingi and you alone checking the cameras. 
— Anything interesting? — Mingi sat on your chair and looked back at you.
— Nah, boring night — You sat on the other chair. Seonghwa got out of the bathroom and went to the couch, opening a pack of cookies. 
— Really? — You slightly panicked at his tone. — So you didn't notice a group of teenagers pranking one of their friends and locking him in one of the dumpsters? 
Fuck. Double fuck. Seonghwa almost choked when Mingi looked at him.
— Look, I'm not snitching on whatever you two do here, but always check the recordings, the guy was crying when I came back.
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marvelmusing · 2 years
Don’t Blame Me
Pairing: Billy Russo x Dark!Fem!Reader
Summary: After keeping Billy locked away in your guest room, you give him a proposition.
Warnings [18+]: abduction (by the reader), mentions of sex.
My Masterlist
“Are you mad at me?” You ask tentatively.
Billy is still handcuffed to the bed, just as you left him the night before. His dark eyes had flickered to yours as you unlocked the door, but he had quickly looked away - refusing to acknowledge you.
His only answer is a small huff, and you pout as you set the tray of food down at the foot of the bed. Then you sit down on the edge of the bed, next to him.
You don’t like the silent treatment. You liked it when he was snarky and argumentative - even threatening you was better than this.
You watch his face carefully as he refuses to look at you, and you reach out to trace your knuckles delicately against his cheek.
“It’s for your own good. You’re not built to run a business, baby.”
If his hands were free, you’re certain he would have crossed his arms at your comment. Or throttled the life out of you.
“We both know you didn’t get the funds for Anvil legally.” His eyes are sharp and defensive as he finally looks at you. “You really think you could keep it afloat?”
“And you could?” He snaps, though his voice has lost most of it’s venom. You shrug lightly, you’re not particularly interested in Anvil. You’re only glad that the merger between your companies will appear natural to everyone else, making it easier to keep Billy to yourself.
“I already own New York’s top security service, merging with Anvil would be a natural progression for our companies.”
The look he gives you is almost wounded. You know how protective he is of his company, and everything he’s worked so hard for. But you don’t want him to need to work so hard any more. You didn’t want him working late into the night, hardly sleeping or eating.
You want him to wake up with the creases of your pillow imprinted on his face, after sleeping so heavily, exhausted by your nightly activities. You want to make him breakfast, and run your hands through his hair as he reads the morning paper. You want to give him bubble baths and massages.
You want to fuck him so good he’ll never want to leave. You want to spend hours running your hands over every inch of his body, and to leave little kisses against his skin. You want to leave marks along his throat, for everyone to see, so that when you do let him out of the apartment everyone knows who he belongs to.
You want to watch him do his workouts, and to lick the sweat from his skin. You want to do all his paperwork, knowing he couldn’t handle it by himself, and you want him on his knees between your thighs as you work. He could rest his head against your thigh, or bury his tongue into your pussy to thank you for taking care of him and his business.
You want to give him the world.
“I wouldn’t take Anvil away from you. I’d let you train the recruits, and talk to clients. You could still be the CEO, just without all the difficult parts.”
His eyes continue to search your face, waiting for the catch, and your heart aches at the thought of Billy not believing he was worthy of an easy life. Your gaze falls to his chest, and you smooth out some of the creases on his shirt as you admit softly,
“I just want to take care of you.”
Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23 @restingbitchsblog @tiredbeebo @rafaelakelley @theysayitscrazy @hummelmi @nyx2021 @skybridgerton @dragon-of-winterfell @profoundme444 @misstimeless @booksandbenbarnes @blanchedelioncourt @chickensarentcheap @katedrexel @stardust-danvers @sweetwritingfanficfriend @witchcraftandwit
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trappedwriter · 2 years
Chapter 10
Content Warning, this is intended for people that are 18+ and this chapter includes graphic acts of violence, swearing, mentions of sexual assault, unplanned pregnancy, mentions abortion, stalking, torture, DDLG, pet names, smoking. Let me know if I miss anything.
Sebastian’s POV
I dropped Jessica back at her house, watching the poor thing look back at me as she closed the door I almost felt bad for her. One date and she was already head over heels, I couldn't truly feel bad for her though. She would be mine soon and that's where she belonged. Poor thing is walking right into my trap. Soon she will be mine and only mine.
The door slammed shut and the smile I had pasted on for hours sank into a scowl. Her talking to those other men was bad enough, but I could forgive her, once. My baby girl had not been informed of the rules yet. What I couldn't forgive was how they treated her. How Brad had treated her, he hurt my baby's feelings, there was no forgiveness for that, for that he had to pay.
I pulled out my phone and called “?”.
“Hey Seb, how was the date? Sorry I called, I just…”
“I don’t care about the call. Is it done?”
“Uh yeah, all taken care of” “?” said, he sounded confident, but I knew him well enough to see through it, to hear the slight hitch of hesitation as he swallowed around "yeah". I knew it would be hard on him, but at least it was taken care of and we could move on to more pressing concerns.
“Good. Make sure you do it right. I want the freezer full, ready for when we get there. But first I need your help. Some asshole hurt my baby’s feelings. I need to know everything about him, where he lives, works, shits, and fucks. Everything.”
“Sure thing. Nobody hurts our…”
“Our?! I think you’re forgetting who’s plan this was Chris. You got to pick the last pet and look what happened. Jessica is mine. If you do a good job with this, and things go well with her I might share later, for now she's all mine”.
“Ok, sorry. So, what’s this guy’s name?”
“Brad”. The name comes out in a snarl and I have to pause to gather control of myself, and wipe the image of his smug sneering face from my mind. "He went to school with her and probably follows her on Instagram”.
"Leave it with me and I'll get you everything there is to find."
“You better, and no more screw ups or you'll be the one in the freezer." I cut the call there not interested in anything more he had to say.
As promised, I took Jessica out on a little date to the park. We picked up some food and had a late lunch picnic by the cherry blossom tree. She waffled on about some brand deal with a clothing company. I tried to focus on her but my heart wasn't in it. There was only one thing I wanted to do and when I got a text from Chris I smiled a true smile for the first time since I had seen Brad hurt my baby.
Check your email
"Sorry baby I have an important work meeting that's just been rescheduled. I promise I'll make it up to you."
"What, but our date." Her cute little lips curled into a pout and her tiny hands balled into miniature fists. It was so cute that I was tempted to stay, maybe let her argue a bit and see if she would stamp her dainty little feet. But no I couldn't, protecting her was my responsibility, until Brad was dealt with it would always be there distracting me.
Before she could get any more worked up I pulled her in close, she squeaked as she rose through the air, but I silenced her with a kiss. I held her there, our lips locked tongues coiling together, until I felt her melt into me. When I set her down she looked almost hypnotised, I ruffled her hair and planted another kiss on her forehead. "I'll see you soon darling, and we'll go wherever you want my treat."
In the comfort of my new home I opened my email to find that Brad was a very bad boy, not that I was shocked. I could have guessed that just from looking at him, even before I had seen the way he treated my girl.
• Brad Hastings, 20, son of Emily Hastings and Josh Hastings. Mom is a local news reporter. Dad is unemployed. Stepdad Will is a police officer. Still lives with parents at 52 Maple Grove.
• Brad works at the Walmart in Auburn Creek. 10 minute drive from New Market. Schedule is fixed at 9pm to 4am Monday to Saturday.
• He was diagnosed with anger issues after an altercation with his Father.
• Brad also sexually assaulted a girl at a party. She got pregnant. His mom and stepdad kept it quiet and paid the girl to get an abortion. She never did, she kept the money and moved out of state.
By ten to four that night I was waiting outside Walmart. I could've taken my time and planned it out, but the bubbling rage inside was too much I had to punish him, had to hurt him as soon as I physically could. The one concession to practicality I made was to drive by beforehand and scope out the lot for cameras. When I walked back, after finding a convenient spot to stash my car, I made sure to stand in a spot that I knew the cameras didn't cover.
Twenty minutes later I spotted an orange ember hovering in the air, a moment later the dim shadow behind the cigarette tip grew close enough to a streetlight that I could see his face. Brad. And on his own, just what I wanted.
I pulled the balaclava over my face, maybe not necessary in the dark, but experience had taught me that it was better to be safe than sorry. I started moving walking directly toward him, he might have noticed if he had been aware of his surroundings, but on a dark night like this and with a dim mind like his that was never going to happen.
He fumbled with his keys by the car, I could see his face in the reflected light on his window, and just when it was too late he could see mine. My gloved hand snapped around his face tight as a vice. I ripped his coat and shirt up at the back exposing some bare skin and pressed the taser to him.
He jerked and squirmed In my grip, more a reaction to the taser than in attempt to escape. I held it there until I knew any fight in him had been broken. I let the taser die and his body grew slack and still. My hand on his mouth and body against his back were the only reason he still stood. I let go and he slid toward the ground, slid past the taser. I couldn't resist, just one more taste. The taser crackled and Brad spasmed one hand shot out and slammed into his car door with a painful smack then he hit the ground with an even more painful thud.
“Where should we start?" I asked aloud, I heard a faint grunt from Brad, but couldn't be sure it was a response he might have just been trying to breathe. "How about we start at the bottom and work our way up? Sound good to you Brad?" He screamed in reply, too loud for me to hear his ankle crack under my foot. Maybe I should've started at the top so I could do my work in peace.
By the time I got to the top I was sweating even in the cool night air. My boots and gloved hands were encrusted with blood. I chided myself for leaving wipes in the car and made a mental note to clean the car inside and out when I got back. The quivering wet lump at my feet gurgled, looking down at it I wondered if I should just put it out of its misery.
"No." I gave it another hard prod with my foot. "It deserves the misery." If I had the time I would take it back with me and show it what true misery was. But time was one thing I didn't have, I had to get my baby to the cabin soon, and this thing in the backseat would ruin the trip.
I grabbed its wallet and phone, in this state it would be hard to believe the motive was robbery, but I had learned never to overestimate cops. Still the more red herrings the better. "Think about this the next time you stick your pencil dick where it isn't wanted." I hissed into what might have been an ear once.
Ten miles going the wrong way out of Auburn Creek I pulled over If they could track the phone it wouldn't lead them anywhere near me or my baby. I checked its phone, there wasn't even a pin, just a tap and it was open to me easier than spreading a whore's legs.
I remembered it and its friends laughing at something on this phone in the diner and I wanted to know what.
I checked his social media, nothing. I checked his photo app and bingo, I found the source. The motherfucker took a video of me and my baby on our 1st date. Making comments on how she looked. I deleted everything off the phone.
Smashed it to smithereens and tossed it out the window along with a cashless wallet. Only a measly $35 bucks, but I’ll buy my baby something with it, as payback.
Chapter 11
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Someone hurts Y/N at work; and Harry’s owner of the company.
Angry young man CEO!H very protective of his lovie :)))))))))))))
It was Tuesday. Tiring Tuesday is what Y/N calls them to be because they lurk in the middle of week and drags you after a Monday. Today, it’s the worst fucking Tuesday since the day she started working at this company.
Harry offered her. More to say tried to convince her with his sweet puppy tactics, tried to lure her in with his seductive begging and would mumble the same thing in her sweaty neck while balls deep in her, “Please sweet toots ... promise I wouldn’t be there to take ye' interview, please work in my company.” He squished her sides in desperation. Y/N whined, mind too occupied in the way he’s leaking into her, the head of his cock angled to rub at her spongy wall making her hug herself into him.
“I could be a very hard boss in my office, ‘s all ‘m saying.” He wiggled his brows at her playfully, hissing when his double joke earned him a tight fit around his prick and he was soon forgetting all of it when she canted her hips to let him slick deeper inside her.
It’s not that; Y/N doesn’t wants to work at his company. When her boyfriend asked her so sweetly and stout-heartedly. Call him a sap but he actually wants to be closer to her in every possible chance he gets – she gives him an unyielding amount of comfort and happiness when she’s with him.
There’s this silver of pride he wants to take (since he’s the biggest narcissists) in being a power couple, because in the end everything will be theirs.
But she doesn’t want to seem like she took advantage of him. She didn’t study and worked hard many years to be called dependent on her boyfriend. She wanted to find her first proper job herself – feel all the odds and jitters of her firsts after UNI.
Harry called the battles off knowing his little stubborn baby’s too much a wiggler and he believes in her and he’s very proud of her previous achievements, he just wants to see her happy working with him or not.
She indeed got it. She was finally a design editor at a grand magazine company, excited to meet her boss who’s one of her absolute favourite graphic designers in the industry.
Harry and her celebrated her baby step towards her success by going out at this cafe which had cats you can pet and love on.
He was blissed to see her this happy, considering it a win win situation. But she doesn’t need to know? Does she? And Harry didn’t do anything suspicious? Did he? Nobody even know who she's! And if Y/N wants that, he’ll have it that way.
Soon her enthusiasm deflated like a sorrowful balloon whirling in the air for seconds before falling on the ground and getting it’s existence neglected, because, her boss was the meanest bitch alive.
At the moment, Y/N forced the pertinacious lump of pathetic tears down her throat, not blinking to dry out the moisture threatening to fall from her waterline feeling humiliation creep up her skin and making her want to shrink into herself and never show her face.
She listens patiently and optimistically as her boss practically screams at her for not liking the designs Y/N worked to modify for damn 62 hours and the Karen still had an audacity to degrade, Y/N.
Y/N gasped, stumbling back in fright shock when the file that had her precious designs composed in it flew and hit Y/N, the ragged corner of it scratching Y/N’s delicate skin and her boss was spinning away from her to stare coldly at the bustling city outside through the window drowning into fumes and anger.
Y/N opened her mouth, guppy like. Wanting to say something back and call her out on her act but she felt like her voice got strangled into her chest.
Hammering in her brain when she felt something warm oozing from her skin and she’s panicking, wiping a vicious streak of blood from her jaw with her trembly fingers and scuttled straight to the washroom before anyone was able to see her in such vulnerable condition.
She had enough of it and left out of there without a word to anyone, not even to her cubby mate. She bottled all the emotions that were rattling against her bones to flood out of her each pore, until she could reach her home and once she did she was having a humongous and ominously scary breakdown, glad that Harry was stuck in meetings and the house was all of hers to cry ugly.
Once she was all blue lips, puffy and swelled up cheeks and eyes, nest of a hairstyle and all burned up lungs she was calming herself down with deep breaths just Harry taught her.
Scrubbing and cleaning herself off then going to bed without waiting for Harry, something very rare and the right hit in the nail for him to know she isn’t feeling well.
He was welcomed by silence. No dinner, just leftovers in fridge and his insides became all crummy and not very pleasant when he tailed to the living room and wasn’t met by his lovebug; either cramming her head to sketch down designs with an ipad in her lap while a buzz of random Netflix show accompanies her, dossing off cutely with hundreds of her study journals and magazines messed around her on the floor, or her in sleeping pyjamas with food already set up on the coffee table and brightening the whole room with her squeals when Harry announces his presence.
None of that instead he finds her in their bedroom, drowned under layers of blankies and her stuffies with room lit dark.
He coos softly, mattress dipping down from his weight and his heart expands and melts all around his other organs at how adorable she looks sleeping in his hoodie. He chuckles shaking his head at the way she has the strings of the hoodie squeezed around her head, not sure how she’s able to breath at how tight it seems around her neck.
Doing his own routine he was slipping into the bed, sighing from the warmth and how toasty she has made the bed already.
He bunched her against his chest and kissed her head then spooned her up in his arms, lips fluttering into a smile when she hummed and sniffed basking into his scent.
“Oi sleepy.” He whispers down at her cupping her neck and giggles softly when she whines mushing her cheek against his chest only to grunt sleepily and muffle her yelps into his sweatshirt.
Harry’s brows shoots up into slight bafflement then dips down into a frown when he slipped his calloused palm under her hoodie to cradle her jaw and felt something graze against his thumb that was about to press into her soft skin to bring her for a night kiss.
“Hey...” He perches himself on elbows, switching on the lamps and ignores her groans grasping the blanket she was about to pull over herself, huffing at him to let her sleep but Harry’s more stubborn than her if it involves assuring himself she’s okay and right now she’s not and Harry was already feeling it in his bones.
“Lemme see.” He persists gently, peeling the blankets and the hoodie off her head while she’s still stirring into sleep not able to open her eyes how much she tries because of the exhaustion dumped on her from whole day.
He stares at the wound she did a shit effort to cover with a gauze messily over her jaw and tiny bit area of her neck, a long bandage reaching to her ear and Harry tries to think rationally and not freak out as he touches it with cautious fingertips.
“What ... the –- fuck, Y/N what is...is this?” His mouth falls slack. His ears buzzing for a moment and he wraps his arm around her shoulder to bring her up as he leans them against the bedhead.
He feels bad when she knuckles at her eyes warily and mumbles something that’s barely audible.
“What happened, baby? Talk t’me? How did y'hurt yourself so bad?” Worried and fearful. He bombs her with questions not waiting for her to be fully awake and his heart breaks miserly upon focusing his gaze on her face, her angelic face that’s now soaked with sadness –- she’s been crying.
His loves been crying and he wasn’t there for her.
“Who did this to you?” Y/N's eyes widens abruptly. The alertness in them vivid for Harry to see under the lamp glow and she gasps, nose twitching and lip wobbling as Harry grabbed her chin and ducked to her eyelevel to ask her tenderly with a layer of strictness under his tone, “’M asking, Who did this to you, Y/N?” Her fragile heart could already take so much and she strangled out a sob lowering her head down in embarrassment.
“’M.. I’m —-.. no –..not telli –-..telling you,” She hiccups breathlessly, shaky fingers fisting onto the blanket thrown over Harry’s lap and he holds her hands kissing them gently, “I’ll know it one way or another baby. Don’t force me to get outta my way to find —–“ His soul stabbing glare was enough for Y/N to ramble and at first he thought he didn’t heard her right, that she was mumbling too much but when the reality seeped in gradually Harry almost froze in his spot.
“I know it’s very shameful —..” Y/N stammers barely able to get in a breather and Harry’s head snapped at her words, removing his nails away from making little graves in his palms and his jaw which almost felt like breaking from the hinges from how painfully furious he had it set relaxes as he tries to calm himself down and not to grab his keys and drive to that bitch's house to trash her place.
Because how fucking dare she treat anyone like that in his own fucking company.
“Hey, hey. Now none of that toots. Look at me darling, oh my sweet moppet ... shh.” It slices his heart in pain to see Y/N like this -- so small and disheartened. How dare she hurt his such delicate, sweet, loving girl like that? How!?
“You shouldn’t be ashamed of yourself moppet. She should be, fo’ being such a heartless prick.” He spat, his guts full of bitter and hatred. His skin hot, his grip on her tightening protectively and his chin quivers trying to lock all his anger inside and not to burst out like a pressure cooker.
“I’ll deal with her tomorrow.” He nods curtly to himself, poking his tongue to wet his grimacing lips and Y/N was too woolly to get what’s he’s saying.
His gaze flitters back on her. His demeanour turned incredibly soft and gentle for her smooching a big generous kiss to her salty lips and then to both of her cheeks cared in both of his palms, “Are y'okay? D'you want me to take you to hospital?” She shakes her head mewling and melting and caressing herself into his wrist.
“Why didn’t you call me baby?” He asks her doing anything in his power to mask the hurt in his tone and sighs touching his forehead to her's when Y/N sniffled, “Didn’t wan’ you to worry.” He slid his forearm under her bum and scooched her atop of him, patching tiny careful pecks to her jaw.
“But, that’s love moppet. Worryin’ bout you, takin’ care of ye' and beating anyone raw who even dares to have evil intentions towards you,”
“Remember the time y'snubbed that one guy’s oh so expensive shoes who was very rude to me at one of your graduations party?” His simper turning into a proper ironic grin when she giggled hoarsely nodding along and the tension in his muscles released watching her getting better.
“Proper broke his big toe with your heel darling.” He giggles with her and then Y/N realised how sad and awful Harry’s feeling, how it’s hurting him the same way it hurt her an year ago.
“How about we have a glass of milk .... it’ll help us sleep less grumpy y'know.” He murmurs in the crook of her neck, elbow cocooned safely around her shoulder blade as he kisses the side of her head again and again nose buried in her hair to smell her treacly smell.
In the morning he was tragic to hear Y/N sound so heartbroken and dejected as she told him, “I’m going to resign and accept your offer.” Her smile small and sad, hugging him looping her limbs around his torso lazily.
“’kay baby, but first eat your brekkie.” He kissed her hair and squished her pout when he moved away to make some calls to his assistant.
Y/N had no-idea what he was upto. Glad that he was driving her to the company and that he was immensely supportive of her decision, her insides pooled with warmth and giddiness when he tried to cheer her up with his silly jokes and singing along the radio murmuring rubbish whenever he forgot the lyrics.
She was utterly confused when upon reaching he was giving the keys to valet boy to park his car and interviewing their fingers in a strong grip before leading her inside, even though she should be the one to do so.
She sputters a, “Huh?” when instead of telling her he’d wait for her in the lobby he’s rounding the corner towards the elevators and turns his wrist to push her infront of him to keep her closer to himself all the time.
When the doors are sliding apart the people scurrying outside halts for a moment, not looking Harry in eyes and keeping their heads low.
Phones were already rung in the building that Mr. Styles will be coming un-announced and everyone should be prepared to face the consequences if they stumble upon him – because well he isn’t in such a nice mood to start with.
“Harry.” She pokes him in ribs feebly, stepping away from him feeling timid due to few pair of eyes in elevator watching her awkwardly and maybe judgingly.
The tension in space could be cut through knife, as if everyone’s holding their breaths and she pouts taking a good look at Harry who’s smirking smugly confident in his element.
Do they all think her boyfriend’s way too intimidating and out of reach for them? They should know he’s such a sweetie!
Y/N huffs. Folding her arms over chest when Harry paws at her hips and pulls her back against his chest resting his chin atop of her head with a shit eating grin.
In all seriousness. Showing them that’s she’s his's and belongs under his wings, which will keep her safe and protected till his death.
“How did you know my boss's office’s on tenth floor?” She squints up at him suspiciously.
“Hmm. Dunno, moppet. Magical powers or summat?” He teases her, putting a hand at the small of her back to nudge her forward making her blush pink and ducks down to whisper in her ear, “You got this toots.” Biting her earlobe playfully to stroke down her anxiety upon sensing her hesitancy to step in the hallway that has cubicles lined up.
He already got this. He ordered his assistant to get the resign letter ready and showing her who’s the boss here’s not much of hurdle for him.
It’s weird. Bloody weird. Y/N wants to turn back and run away because the moment they step inside the whole damn hallway falls eerily pin drop silent and everyone’s peeking up from the short walls of their cubicles and then diverting their eyes immediately in embarrassment and apology seeing Harry behind her.
The ones who’re standing bows their heads lightly in respect for him and scurrying away to give him a way and that’s insanely surprising and weird.
Harry on the other hand was no stranger to those bogey looks. Of curiosity, uneasiness and dread when he passes through the crowd of his employs. Y/N is.
Slowly perhaps. It starts to sink in— jumbled and disoriented when she looks back at Harry. He’s keeping his head held high and shoulders tilted back with poise and conceitedness, hands stuffed into the pockets of his pants and because though it makes him look like a proper snob— he is their boss and the owner of this company, he should act like one.
“Mr. Styles.” Y/N’s boss assistant Marina who’s usually very chirpy (and undeserving of all the yelling she gets from her boss) turns pale at Harry’s presence. She’s the only person Y/N's very keen of, now she’s fretting towards them with her head lowered and tries to stammer something but Harry’s walking past her with his lips pursued as he goes inside without knocking.
“Harry...” Y/N tattles behind him, lunging to clutch onto the hem of his suits coat, to scold him to stop babying her and let her handle it herself, too late since she’s already meeting with the sight of her overly stressed and upset boss.
Her knees almost gives in when Harry snaps his fingers for the employees that were inside to give them privacy and takes in the most relaxing breath of oxygen, feeling a gag of bitterness in his mouth from even looking at her.
Y/N gasped. Her boss (which she’s not sure is her boss anymore) gasped. The sweet assistant Marina gasped. When Harry told her in the most composing way– though his blood’s boiling absolutely sheathing through his veins.
“You’re fired.” His demeanour cold and voice monotone not giving a fuck how much she shakes and cries for his forgiveness.
“Mr. Styles. I..I can explain–-" She stammers rushing from the back of her desk and stops obediently when Harry gestures her to not to take another step forward.
“There’s no excuse for abuse. I don’t want your lame explanations, I can’t have an abusive asshole running my company for me ... we might be strict on our employees but we aren’t monsters.” He grits, his eyes flaring piercingly with rage and showing no empathy towards her as she pleads him to forgive her mistake– those bricks of money makes you work baby.
“You hurt someone so dearly to me ‘n think I’ll forgive ye'?” The assistance eye’s blows away at newfound information, Harry Styles love of life’s none other than Y/N. The girl she used to have smoked sandwiches and milkshakes with in their lunch breaks.
“I didn’t know ...” He chuckles ironically at her hypocrisy and that’s the last straw for him before he’s threatening her to call the security and she’s getting out of there cursing him under her breath but Harry grabs her from elbow roughly, conceding his brow at her dauntingly.
"Apologise to her right fuckin' now."
"Sorry, Mrs Styles. I'm very ashamed of what I did." She says nervously and Y/N nods not able to speak from the butterflies that are flapping around her stomach, which sure didn't go unnoticed at Harry's side and he smirks at Y/N.
When they’re left alone. Jovial cackles are bouncing against the walls and he’s pressing his hip to the desk, securing his hands around his triceps as he folds his arms infront of his chest entertaining himself to the cute and fuzzy reactions of his girl at what just happened.
“See. Told ya, nobody could defy my bossiness at work.” He grins at her, jerking his hand towards his chest to usher her closer to him and boops her nose smacking an obnoxiously loud kiss to her mouth when she toddles in his arms.
“The offers still there,” He looks down at her cheekily and she shakes her head, a small smile kicking up her lips at his determination and devotion.
“Couldn’t say no to you, could I? What will you be owning secretly next time?” She nips at him, planting her palms firmly against his midriff feeling the crispiness of his shirt underneath his jacket.
“A bakery shop ....?” He muses in the most pondering voice and she scoffs at him through pattering of giggles, “Suck it up Mr. Styles.”
“Hey! I know my prick’s huge but not tha’ much for me to suck it myself.”
Y/N chokes onto her own spit. Shaking her head at him.
“Your innocent employees knows how vulgar you’re?”
“Uhmm. Infact, She gets very hot hearin’ me like tha'.” He bobs his head grinning at her wickedly and she smacks his shoulder, “Harry!”
“Yeahhh! Tell everyone how good I make you feel babbbyy—....” Y/N clamps her hand around his mouth to muffle his lewd fake moaning.
“You’re so embarrassing.” She grumbles wiping his spit sticking to her palm down her skirt and spins around to head for the door expecting him to follow her.
“You don’t talk to boss like that!” He trails behind her, “Boss my ass!” She quips out a squeal looking around to make sure that nobody saw it when Harry slapped her bum.
“Boss someone’s ‘bout to get a pink ass.”
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eremiie · 3 years
Hello there how is everything I am a fan of AOT and I wanted to ask you if it okay you can do a headcanon of eren and zeke dating a black s/o
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dating a black s/o;
❥ hiii, i hope you enjoy, ty for the request, i’m a poc so this is nice :)
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eren jaeger
first of all he fucking loves you, like he’s infatuated with you because you’re so beautiful and just everything you do is like wow.
let’s start with your hair, he loves it so much and he’s always trying to touch it even when you tell him not to lmao
he’ll sit in the bathroom with you while you do your hair and just talk to you while reading the labels of the products you use
he spritz the spray bottle at your hair sometimes just for fun too 
one time you let him try to braid your hair and the braids weren’t terrible but he knotted a lot of your hair ngl😭
he gets so confused when you ask him to buy certain products and constantly comes home with the wrong stuff
“what do you mean this isn’t it? baby, it literally says deep condition creme!” “but it’s not the same, i wanted the coconut oil one!” “well this is the castor oil one, it’s basically the same thing.”
no eren. no, it is not the same thing.
he likes joining you in the shower for wash days sometimes, but he probably leaves halfway through the shower because you’re taking way too long
he hates that sticky feeling of lip gloss but just the way it makes your lips look he finds it so alluring, he’ll peck little kisses on your lips all the time and then wipe his mouth after 
he loves your cooking. he really enjoys it and is always open to try new things, he swears he’s getting the most exotic shit even though it’s literally just baked mac n cheese or something...
“baby what is this? it is so good.” “eren it is literally fried okra.”
you put him onto so many songs and he can probably belt out the lyrics to some of your favorite artists because he’s heard their songs so many times
occasionally if you’re just dancing in the kitchen and getting down, he’ll join you for a few minutes even though he looks like a complete fool (i doubt he can dance, but he thinks he’s doing an amazing job💔)
sometimes he can ask a lot of questions when he’s bored to know more about your culture, heritage, etc because he thinks it is genuinely interesting
he def seems like the type to put #blm in his bio or something, or post a black screen to show his support 
he brags about you all the time to his friends, he just thinks you’re so cool and not in like a weird way, just genuine admiration for you, and he has a lot of pride that he even had a chance with you, it’s endearing
zeke yeager 
zeke automatically thinks you’re the baddest bitch he’s ever seen, i mean he’s all for you 
i mean this dude was like AWOOGA when he first saw you— pls😭
and it’s not that he brags about you, it’s just more of a “you see her? yeah, she’s mine.” but he doesn’t say it audibly, he just flaunts you in a more physical way
zeke actively tries to help with your hair but it’s more to pester you than anything, like he’ll comb the ends of your hair carelessly and you’ll slap his hands away 
not that he’s not trying or anything but he just doesn’t know what he’s doing LMAO
since i keep talking about the lipgloss thing since i find it funny, zeke out of these 3 doesn’t mind the lip gloss at all, he actually probably goes out of his way to kiss you, and ngl he probably licks the lipgloss you left on his mouth or something jokingly—
zeke lets you talk to him about anything, your culture, foods you want to try to make, issues that you have, and he’ll casually pitch in his own questions and stuff like that, he’s a good listener
if you’re at the store together looking for hair products and stuff he’ll just point to random stuff and tell you you should get it, even if he knows it won’t work for your hair
“what about this, sweetheart? i think this is pretty neat.” “zeke... that is tresemme... i need shea moisture shampoo.” “well i use this, it works just fine.” *cue a staring contest between zeke’s beard and you* “yeah... it’s working i guess.”
but in the end he probably understands why you use certain products and why you can’t use certain products, he just likes messing with you.
he really enjoys your cooking and probably tries to be in the kitchen with you and help you cook, he’s good company and he’s not to bad at cooking himself 
he’ll also give you recipes you should try that he’s seen as well, he just thinks that if you cook it, it automatically tastes better LMAO
he’s like a little sugar daddy, if you want him to buy you a $300 lace front he probably will, or if you want him to buy you some expensive ass shoes he probably will
he probably put on your bonnet or wig just to make you laugh or something, it was actually quite funny—
he treats you like a little princess too, like he’ll probably check the weather and be like “honey, we can’t go out today it’s too humid for your hair.” and he’s really just pretentious about little things like that, he goes out his way to make sure you’re okay, and good, especially when it comes to things that are important to you
he asks you if you can comb his hair and oil his scalp and stuff like that for fun, and lets you braid his hair and beard for practice, he just sits back and enjoys😭😭
levi ackerman
i feel like levi doesn’t show his admiration as much but deep down it’s definitely there, he finds you interesting, and an amazing individual
he has probably stuck around once or twice to watch your hair routine but he’s not always there to watch, the funny thing is though he probably remembers it; you’ve had him help you with the routine before and you were surprised when he wasn’t even really listening to what you were saying cause he kind of already knew what to do
“so then you’re gonna— yeah, yeah... how’d you know?” “i’m not stupid, i’ve seen you do it before.” “yeah— like once!”
we love our educated king <3
he’s surprisingly gentle when he’s doing it too, like his hands are so delicate and light and he’s lowkey afraid to hurt you so you have to tell him to be a little rougher when trying to untangle/comb through your hair
he will not kiss you when you have lip gloss on. i’m sorry but he doesn’t like the feeling, and if you kiss him he’ll wipe it off of his lips immediately, he doesn’t like it at all
he rarely brings home the wrong items if you ask him to run to the beauty supply or something. it’s just not hard to get the right thing, he looks at the photo of the product you sent him and scavengers the isles. he hates going for beauty supply runs though because he doesn’t like getting stared at, he’d rather go with you instead of by himself
he thinks your cooking is good but he’s not that surprised to be honest, maybe the first time you could see in his face that he was enjoying it but he never really exaggerates how good it is like eren would.
he does ask for another plate though, and if you tease him about that he rolls his eyes😭
he doesn’t take racism, any of that lightly, i can definitely see him getting immediately defensive over the slightest things that could even come off racist to you. it’s not that he’ll immediately say something but he does get sus of the person and a little more protective of you 
he probably secretly has so many pictures of you in his phone, and one of them is definitely his lock screen because he finds you so gorgeous 
he probably would put your bonnet on your head for you if you forgot it before going to sleep, or wake you up to put it on
he probably knows some hair care tips because he does his own research for your sake, he wants to know as much as you do so he can be a help; so even if you already knows what he’s telling you, act like its new information, you’ll see his eyes light up a little bit when you tell him you’ll try that next time :’))
he complains about your hair being left everywhere though, i also think he doesn’t like to participate in your wash days because he doesn’t like seeing your hair everywhere
but despite this he still is usually the one to clean it up if you’re taking too long to, thank you levi<33
another thing is, if you have beads in your hair, he really likes it because the sound they make is somewhat relaxing to him + it lets him know when you’re around, it’s almost comforting sob sob
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amusedyan · 3 years
Powdered Snow
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Katsuki’s favorite thing is when he first steps through the door.
He is Bakugo Katsuki, the Number 1 Explosion Hero; Dynamight. He is unstoppable, he is the best. He’s done it. He loves it- loves his agency, loves being the boss, being the one that people turn to to protect them, because if there’s one thing that Katsuki can do, it’s protect people, all because you taught him.
But it’s a lot of pressure.
Home is safe.
Home has the best security contracted by a company specializing in the private sector (it’ll keep people in as much as keep them out).
But more than that, home has you.
Just walking in the door makes him relax, and when it’s shut and locked behind him and the system is primed again, like now…Katsuki is different. There’s no mask, literal or figurative, no gauntlets, nothing between him and you but a few rooms and a set of clothes each (sometimes, if you’ve been good).
For now, he’s hungry, and not for the shit at the agency- takeout or microwave shit that’s either shit for you or strictly for nutrition, because fuck the taste, right? No, Katsuki’s hungry for your food.
Which is all the more irritating because he knows for a fact that you haven’t cooked.
The tip off is not the lack of noise in the kitchen, or the clean, homy smell of the apartment. Katsuki walks through the apartment; everything is just as he left it this morning when he went to work- tidy, because he is, but nothing disturbed over the course of the day. The dishes are still in the rack, bone dry by now, and the bed is still made, but unmussed from sitting on it for a moment of rest, the couch is still pristine.
To the rest of the world, you might be missing.
But Katsuki doesn’t hesitate as he walks to the balcony, flicking on the outside light. Light snowfall has been off and on all day, and the balcony is dusted with a powdered snow so light it looks like sugar.
And in the corner of the balcony, gagged, and bound, but wrapped snugly in a blanket, is you.
“Hey,” he says, spitefully cheerily, leaning against the doorframe. “How are we feeling? Comfy?” He asked.
You snarl wetly behind the gag, but he can see how red your face is, and he can imagine how cold you are.
Katsuki considers himself to be a loving partner, okay? More than loving, he’s downright devoted to you, but you just keep fucking pushing him. So today he’d found you trying to get out of the apartment. Well your wish was his command; since you wanted outside he put you outside. And he loved you so much he even gave you a blanket to keep you warm.
It wasn’t too cold, he’d checked the weather before he left for work, and he kept checking throughout the day.
There was a small part of him- a part that sounded like Deku, goddammit, that worried that he was pushing you too hard. But he’d handled you with kid gloves the whole fucking time, so maybe some tough love was warranted now and again, to make sure that you didn’t do stupid shit like this.
He pulled the gag down, and with your mouth free, Katsuki can hear your teeth chattering now.
“Are we going to behave?” He asked, crouching down in front of you.
“Katsuki, m’cold,” you growled. Like a dog, he wanted to mock.
“If you were god you could be inside right now, nice and warm and…” Your stomach growled, making him smirk, “eating dinner. Doesn’t that sound nice, baby?”
"What if I say no?" You didn't break eye contact. He loved that about you, that fire. But right now it was starting to piss him off. "Gonna leave me out to freeze, Katsuki?"
It was a bluff.
If he brought them in, Katsuki was showing weakness.
If he didn't, then they'd never open up to him again, it would be easy fodder for future arguments or attempts to leave him.
And Katsuki loved you.
But he had his pride.
So he put the gag back on, tucked the blanket back around you, and went back in, ignoring your muffled screams as he fixed himself dinner.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Midnight Diner [M] ~ MYG
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PAIRING: Tattoos!Yoongi x Fem!Reader
GENRE:  Smut, AU, Tattooist AU, Diner AU, friends to loves, touch her and you die vibes, established friendship, protective Yoongi
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An old fashioned diner was not where you had pictured yourself working but here you were dressed in a pale pink dress with a white apron around the middle to look as though you worked as a vintage waitress from the '50s. It used to be a small cafe but the new owner decided that he wanted to turn it into a '50s diner so that it would become a well-known truck stop along the highway. Lots of people stopped by all of the time but not just because of the diner but because of a famous tattoo studio right next door run by one of your friends. Yoongi. He had two full tattoo sleeves each tattoo was designed by him and put onto his body by him or someone else he trusted with his life. 
"I'll be right with you sir," You said as the bell above the door chimed to let you know that the first customer of the day had walked in, you cleaned up the desk and turned around to see Yoongi waiting for his morning cup of coffee. Every morning like clockwork he would be waiting for you to open, watching from his apartment above the tattoo studio to see if you'd been in yet and then he would make his way down. 
"Take your time." You rolled your eyes at him playfully, telling him to sit wherever he wanted to but he would always pick the same spot, the bar stool in front of the till. You figured it was so he could keep you company and make conversation while the diner wasn't busy but that wasn't it at all. 
See Yoongi didn't see you as just a friend, to him you were someone he had to protect and he was going to do that until his last breath. It wasn't that he thought you needed protecting, lord knows you could look out for yourself but there was something about you that intrigued him. You were someone that he loved and cared for deeply not that he would ever admit that out loud to you or anybody else for that matter. Whatever it was about you made him want to stay around you all of the time was relaxing to him, with you he felt he could be his true self instead of his persona that everyone seemed to perceive him as, the tattooist that hated everyone he met or came into contact with.
"The usual?" He glanced up when he heard your voice and nodded, it was still quite early so the diner was empty apart from the two of you and the chef in the back. 
"Jack? Yoongi's usual," You called out with a giant smile on your face, it was now that Yoongi realised you were wearing makeup, it was the first time he'd ever seen you with so much on. 
"Oh? The lipstick." You mumbled as you caught his gaze staring at you,
"Keith wants us to look more in the part," You grumbled as you did a small spin in the dress showing off everything you were wearing, Yoongi's heart practically leapt out of his chest. You always looked breathtakingly beautiful but today there was an allure about you that made it harder to resist you.
"But you can't say anything Mr bleach blonde!" You cried out running your hands through his blonde hair that was recently dyed, he was always doing different things with it. When you first met him it was long and up in a ponytail dyed bleach blonde, then he went black, green and one time pink. The two of you had been best friends for three years ever since you started working at the diner, every morning he would come in and order the same thing. Black coffee, pancakes and a second coffee to go with it. Then he would do the same at night after closing up his tattoo studio. A herbal tea with whatever dinner you got to pick out for him, the two of you would eat together every night. Even if you were on the late shift. 
"Any famous clients today?" You teased as you began to clean around the bar with a dishcloth and some cleaning spray, 
"We have a very special client," He laughed as he continued watching you clean, 
"Who?" You knew Yoongi would never give you details if someone famous was truly going to him to get a tattoo but it was always fun poking him for information. It was the best of the best in his industry and even though his studio was right out on the highway people still came from far and wide to get tattooed by him.
"Well it would be her very first, she said she was nervous but she's got nothing to worry about." As soon as the words left his mouth you knew that he was speaking about you and you rolled your eyes, throwing the rag that had been attached to your apron at him. 
"I'm not getting it done today, I'm on the morning and late shift." You whined as you thought about going over there to get a tattoo. 
Both of you had been planning it for so long, doodling ideas that you had for a tattoo on your arm but never fully committing to it until Yoongi designed the perfect design for you. It was your birth flower and birthstone fused together with a crescent moon surrounding them and Yoongi's artwork made it look truly magnificent.
"But I've already drawn it up, you have to get it done eventually," You knew it was true and you wanted to but it was hard with how often you worked. 
"What about after I've shut and you've finished, you're my friend I don't mind doing it after hours," He reminded you before blowing into the scolding liquid and watching you. 
"That could be good...This weekend?" You suggested as you glanced at him, the door opening to reveal more customers walking through the door, he nodded before you went off to greet the couple taking them to a table. 
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Yoongi left not long after finishing his breakfast and a second mug of coffee, leaving his money and an extra-large tip the way he always did whenever he was served by you and you were left the enjoy the rest of the busy day filled with bikers, families that were travelling on holidays and regular customers that came in almost every day. It was finally near closing time which meant Yoongi would be in any second to have dinner with you before you would head home for the night. 
"Hey sweet stuff," You glanced over your shoulder to see truckers walking through the door, usually truck drivers were some of the sweetest people you came across but towards the end of the night was when the worst of the worst came to come into the diner. Tired from driving all day, testosterone high from not being around their partners and thinking they could groop and touch whoever they pleased without consequences. 
"Take a seat, I'll be right with you." You did your best to appear confident in front of the six men who were all larger than you and walking towards you. Slipping by them you carried a tray of plates through to the kitchen and tried to calm yourself down to go and talk to them. Reminding yourself that they were just tired and rowdy after a long day and just needed to cool off. 
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The bell signalled and you relaxed knowing that the person who came through was going to be Yoongi, no matter what, if he was around you were more calm and relaxed. 
"Hey, do you want the usual or something special?" You asked as a giant grin appeared on your face as soon as you saw Yoongi sitting at the bar stool by the till but Yoongi wasn't smiling. He looked tired and pissed off, as soon as he'd walked into the diner he could sense that something was off, normally you would be on the floor waiting for him not hiding in the kitchen. 
"Something special? Does that involve you hot cheeks?" You ignored the man at the table who yelled out to you, his friends all whistling as you stood unamused in front of Yoongi. 
"Listen-" Your hand gripped onto Yoongi's arm as you sent him a silent signal with your eyes not to bother saying anything, it wasn't worth the effort since they would leave soon enough but that wasn't soon enough for Yoongi. He wanted them out now since he could see just how uncomfortable you were with them in the diner. 
"How come he gets something special?!" Another one yelled before you walked over to their table, smiles and graces plastered across your face as you tried to keep a good face-up. 
"What can I get for you all?"
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Time passed and you served the truckers before having your dinner with Yoongi. The two of you sitting together at the till and sharing food and stories from his day had been a slow one for him. Only booked clients had arranged to come in with short tattoos and he was bored of not getting to show his creative side. 
"Which is why you should have come to let me do yours," He complained playfully as nudged you,
"Okay, I'm a little scared of the needles," 
"I'll hold your hand baby," A deep voice said from behind you as the main man from the group came up to pay for their meals, 
"Maybe if you're a good girl I'll let you hold something else," He moaned dramatically before making some inappropriate thrusting movements with his hips and then everything was like a flash. Yoongi was no longer sitting beside you and the man was on the floor bleeding from his lip. 
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Just like that everything seemed to be moving quickly, Yoongi was punching two men when another grabbed him and punched him in the face. Panic washed over you as you didn't know what to do first, you grabbed a tray from beside you and bashed the man holding Yoongi around the head and he let him go. 
"You little fucking whore," He boomed out ready to throw a punch but you kicked him in the groin before slapping him across the face with the tray again, his nose splurting blood out on the floor. 
"Get the fuck out of my diner," You hissed as you grabbed one of them by the ear lobe and began dragging the whimpering man to the door. Yoongi smirked from where he was standing as the men stumbled over to their trucks not saying another word. 
"Yoongi." You breathed out as you saw blood dripping from a cut on his lip and forehead, 
"I’ve got a first aid kit in the studio, I’ll be fine”. He shook his head trying to pass it off as though it was nothing and that he would clean it up but you began shaking your head, telling Jack to lock up for you as you dragged Yoongi out of the diner and over to his store. 
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"I can look after myself," He mumbled as he suddenly felt like a baby with you dragging him around, he'd been trying to protect you in the diner but now he felt like a failure when you began kicking them out instead. 
"Shut up and let me do this," You mumbled as you walked through the door, sitting him down on one of the tattoo chairs and waiting for him to tell you where the first aid kit was. 
"Sit still before I poke you in the eye," You ordered as you sat across from Yoongi, the both of you squished onto the tattoo chair as you forced him to let you clean up the wound on his forehead. 
"It would heal with a bandaid," He mumbled poking out his bottom lip as you cleaned it up with some alcohol wipes and then placed a bright pink band-aid on top, smirking to yourself as he gave you an unimpressed stare. 
"It's pink-"
"It's cute," You reminded him as you began packing up the kit, 
"You're going to have to stop defending me at some point, you can't keep getting hurt because of me," You whispered as you remembered the last time Yoongi jumped in when someone had been making inappropriate comments at you, it hadn't ended well for the first guy and Yoongi was left with bruises and cuts too.
"But I want to protect you," You heard the sadness in his voice and you turned to look up at him not realising how close your faces were to one another until you almost headbutted him.
"Y-You don't have to protect me," You stuttered because of how close you were together and sighed shaking his head, 
"You don't get it," He mumbled trying to slide off the chair but you took his hand in yours, begging him to explain what you didn't "get",
"I'm in love with you," As soon as he told you it was as if a weight had been lifted from his chest and he stared at you waiting for you to run off. That was what happened the last time he told someone he truly cared about them but instead, you didn't, you slid down from the chair and cupped his face in your hands. Running your thumb over his soft skin before leaning forward and connecting your lips together. He was hesitant at first but as soon as he realised what was happening he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his body. You were in love with him too and had been waiting so long to finally hear those words fall from his lips. 
Your lips touched yet again but this time he didn't hesitate against you, there was passion behind every peck and kiss he gave to you, his hands wandering up your sides as he picked you up, carefully placing you back onto the chair you had gotten off. As soon as his lips touched yours is like like your whole body became heated as if you were set on fire. The kiss made you feel as though you were alive and you pulled him closer, wrapping your legs around his waist to try and cause some friction between you, 
"I need you." You whimpered feeling needy as his hands touched your inner thighs, the skirt bunching up against your hips as you kissed him again, he grabbed fistfuls of your skirt and smirked as you let out a whine. 
"Say the word and I will stop," He whispered as he pulled away to look at you, you nodded before kissing him desperately wanting nothing more than his touch on your body. He kissed won your neck as he began to take off the dress you were wearing, throwing it somewhere behind him as you fought off the urge to hide from him.
"You're beautiful, you don't need to hide from me," He reminded you as his fingers trailed over every inch of exposed skin making you needier for his touch. Yoongi laid a gently kiss on your thighs and you cried out as you waited for something more. 
He worked his way down using his tongue to follow where his hands had touched, running his tongue over each of your nipples before kissing each of your thighs again. 
"Y-Yoongi," You whispered as he looked up at you, he had a wicked smirk on his face as he looked up at you, licking his lips as though he was about to eat his first ever meal. 
"Yes?" You whined at him as he blew cold air onto your exposed core making you whimper as he run his fingers through your folds your fingers dug into the leather chair as he used his tongue to glide through your folds. Your heartfelt as though it was about to stop as he continued to eat you out on the chair, growling against you as he heard your moans of approval at what he was doing. Every small flick of his tongue earned another moan from your lips, your head fell back against the chair and you were squirming and writhing around unable to keep your movements still has his tongue continued to work wonders on you. It wasn't long until the intensity began to build leaving you stunned and unravelled as you cried out his name cumming around his tongue. 
Yoongi smirked as he lifted his head his lips were swollen and glossy from your juices that were on him, you whimpered looking at the state of him. 
"F-Fuck," You growled pulling him onto the chair with you as you began to kiss him, his legs tickled your core as you ground against him, 
"Y/n," He breathed as his lips touched yours, kissing you all over as you began to whine for more from him,
"Touch me," You smiled as you kissed him, running your hands down to his trousers as you pushed them down, smirking to yourself as he let out a shaky breath. Kicking off his pants and looking at you as you run your hand over his hardness, running your thumb over his slit as his breaths became jagged and his body seemed to jerk. 
"D-Don't stop," He begged with his jaw clenched, fingers holding onto you tightly as you began to slow pump nim in your hand. Watching his face for all of the reactions he was giving you, his jaw pipped, lips parted as he let out moans. 
"Fuck," He moaned out as he rolled his head forward into your neck, biting down on your skin as you continued to pump him in your hand. 
"Your touch kills me," He whimpered as his hips began to move in the rhythm of your pumps, moaning out as you gripped a little tighter. 
"I-I need to be in you?" He asked it as a question wanting to make sure you were comfortable and you nodded, 
"I-I'm on the pill and I'm clean," You reassured him as you realised that neither of you was exactly prepared for this to happen, he kissed you softly lining himself up at your entrance. The tip of his cock made you clench around nothing as he slowly began to move into you. There was intense pressure for a moment and you weren't sure if he was going to fit, then there was a sudden sharpness as he sank into you holding himself deep as you cried out. 
"I-I'm sorry," He kissed you lovingly as he realised it was hurting you, but it wasn't a terrible pain it was just that the fullness was a little too much for you.
"I-It's okay, you're j-just big." You whimpered as he kissed you again, softly, and then he began to rest his head on yours waiting until you were ready for him to move but to be honest you would have been perfect laying there with him inside of you all night, it felt as though he was the perfect fit.
"Y-You can move," You promised him as you kissed him again, he began to move his hips slowly, you lifted your hips against him and it began to turn into intense pleasure, something you'd never experienced with anyone before. Your head was totally lost as he continued to move with you, the sound filling the room where your moans mixed together with soft sighs and whimpers as he pushed in and out of you passionately and lovingly. 
Yoongi worked his arm under your head and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he angled himself deeper inside of you, your stomach tightened as you felt yourself getting closer. He began to move faster, deeper his thrusts getting stronger as he looked into your eyes the feeling was intense. 
"Y-Yoongi," You breathed out as you could feel yourself trembling around him, it felt as though you were going to burst until you finally came undone around him without warning. Yoongi's features turned dark as his jaw tensed again, he lost control as his body pounded against yours making the chair move across the floor until his muscles flexed and his head rolled back, crying out and shuddering as he came undone inside of you. 
His head laid in your neck for a while before either of you began to move or speak, 
"I-I'll get us a hot bath." He whispered as he slid out of you, giving you his shirt to change into while he looked at you. 
"You're so fucking beautiful," He breathed out in a raspy voice as he looked at you, even after sex you were still just as beautiful as before. 
"Shut up," You whined following him up the stairs to his apartment so the two of you could clean up together and talk about what all of that meant. 
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​ @taestannie​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @anxiousbobatea​
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149 notes · View notes
h34rtizuku · 3 years
𝔭𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔶
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i hate angst without happy endings, but i’m also self-destructive. therapy is expensive, but ripping your own heart out and bearing your insecurities into a full-fledged story for you and others to read? free.
warnings : angst without a happy ending, insecurities, jealousy, mayhaps toxic behavior?? idk if ur looking for a good time, this isn’t for you bestie <3 also i might misspell uraraka’s name wrong a few times, i’ll fix them later :*
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being quirkless had its advantages. with such a small number of us being born without powers, it left a lot of the mundane jobs open.
which is why, as soon as pro-hero deku opened his agency, i came to him with the request to be his assistant.
on the daily, he had people coming up to him asking for internships or to be his sidekick. but he never had anyone ask to be his assistant.
being the number one hero often meant that every day things, things one may take for granted or deem insignificant became just another list of things on the busy man’s to-do list.
therefore the appeal of having someone file his paper work and run to get him coffee in the morning was great enough to hire me.
and i was glad he did.
this is what i have been working for since i was a first year in high school. after watching the freckled boy break limb after limb to defeat his opponent.
yeah, i saw it as irresponsible and stupid that he had to break his own body to save others. but i was willing to overlook it.
my one goal during my remaining years of high school and up to college was that wherever that little green haired boy went, i would follow.
and that reigned true as his assistant. i would shuffle after him like a duckling following it’s mother, wherever he needed me.
if he needed me in a briefing to take notes for him, i was there. if he needed me to put in overtime to help him file the last minute paperwork, i was there. if he wanted a particular pastry from a specific bakery half way across town, i was there.
izuku was never mean, or demanding. always thanking me profusely for anything i ever did for him. leaving me to remind him that this was my job, and any way to make his life easier was good enough for me.
but maybe i should have held onto those blushed cheeks and crinkled eyes as he thanked me for the coffee that he didn’t even know he needed, for a just a little bit longer.
you know how a child will open a new toy on christmas and it quickly becomes their new favorite toy? playing with it non-stop, taking it wherever they go. until one day, they grow bored of it and never touch it again as it grows dusty at the bottom of their toy bin.
i know izuku wasn’t doing it on purpose, he didn’t have an intentionally mean bone in his body. i guess you could say, some other toys came around and took his attention away.
and that toy, was a particularly difficult mission in collaboration with uravity’s agency.
the two spent long hours cooped in his office as they went over notes, plans, intel, etc. until the conversation melted into talk about the old days and the wonderful memories they had together in high school.
i went to work the following days with absolutely no energy to handle whatever would be thrown at me. i hadn’t been able to get much sleep, as when i closed my eyes the only thing i could see was the look in his eyes when he saw her.
my patience was already thin given the events of the most recent week, but when the printer started malfunctioning leaving me unable to fax the papers izuku wanted me send, you could say that was the first domino.
i swatted and kicked and pressed any button on the stupid machine. telling myself i was merely trying to get to stupid thing to work, but deep down i knew that the printer was just my temporary punching bag. an outlet to unleash my anger and emotions onto something instead of letting them fester inside me.
so when one of izuku’s sidekicks came by, giving a snarky comment about my behavior, i was able to brush it off with a roll of my eyes and an equally snippy comment back.
but as the hunk of plastic remained steady in its plan to ruin my day, the lack of sleep and lingering resentment started to bubble within me once more.
i heard footsteps behind me and a joking voice say, “having a bit of trouble are we?”
if it weren’t for the white hot anger buzzing in my ears i may have been able to identify the voice before i lashed out on them. but we already established this was not my day.
so as my hands moved to clutch the machine below me, most likely to restrain my abuse to merely verbal instead of physical. i spit out, “listen i’m fucking trying okay? so how about you get off my ass and do something useful.”
i turned around to face who i thought would be another sidekick sent to push my buttons. but i instead came face-to-face with the green haired man himself.
eyes blown wide, mouth agape in shock, a light blush dusted under his freckles as he fought to handle the situation the best way he could.
but i beat him to it with a deep bow and an endless flow of apologies, opting to only blame my anger on the malfunctioning piece of junk behind me and not the several other reasons i was plotting murder in my head.
with a gentle smile and a soft chuckle he placed his hand to the back of his head, rubbing at the baby jade hairs of his undercut. “i see. bad days happen to the best of us.” he replied, his voice like honey.
i became drunk on the minor interaction he was giving me, bringing me back to the beginning days at this job where we would spend late nights trying to keep each other awake under the only singular yellow light as we finished paperwork. or where sometimes he’d invite me to spend lunch with him as he felt he’d enjoy the company.
i got lost in the intricacies of his face as he tampered with the printer. thin eyebrows furrowed in concentration, bottom lip captured between his thick scarred fingers as he muttered to himself.
i fell in a trance, locked on the slope of his button nose, his gemstone eyes, and chubby caramel cheeks dusted in freckles.
he looked essentially like the same boy i saw on the screen all those years ago, yet matured and hardened by the realities of life.
i wanted nothing more than to reach out and protect him any way my small quirkless body could. to be there for him the same way he was for everyone else.
he eventually got the printer to work with a boyish smile on his face as he told me that despite the good roughing up i gave the machine, he was able to locate and handle the issue. “next time, skip the punching and come find me, yeah? i’ll help with any problems you face.” he joked as he made his way into his office to resume his work.
i didn’t know it was possible to fall harder for that man, but he proved with every day of his existence that the impossible didn’t apply to him.
i was finally able to get some sleep the next few nights as my eyelids filled with the blush on his cheekbones and his gaze of concentration.
but my trip to cloud 9 didn’t last very long as the occasional meeting with uraraka became trips to her agency, and occasional meetings in civilian clothes to civilian places, like coffee shops and corner stores.
to anyone else, those would read as dates. to me, they read as dates. but izuku assured the gossiping sidekicks that it was strictly professional ~ nothing more, nothing less.
i knew that i would end up with more fits of restlessness and sleepless nights as i pictured the two of them laughing over a cup of coffee. so i sought out a replacement.
a moment. a look. a sentence.
anything directed at me that would choke out the ugly thoughts and images my brain would show me of the two of them together.
so that afternoon as i brought him his lunch, i placed the box safely onto the table beside him as he continued skimming through the papers littered across the desk.
he muttered a small ‘thank you’ but it wasn’t enough. as my hand moved to place his drink that i held in my other hand next to his food, a different idea popped in my head.
my hand moved faster than my brain could register what it had just planned to do. squeezing just enough for the lid to pop off and slip from my fingers to tumble into his lap.
as soon as the liquid and ice hit his lap he flew up from his seat and away from his desk.
my hands flew up to my mouth as a string of apologies fell from my lips. eyes watering in guilt as they moved around the room trying to locate something to soak up the mess with.
“i am so sorry, my fingers slipped and before i knew it i had lost control of the cup. i-i can’t tell you how sorry i am.” i rambled as i took my blazer off to wipe at the wet stains starting to form at the bottom of his teal suit.
“hey, hey, hey.” he said softly, taking my tinier hands into his large and battered ones. warmth enveloped my clutched sticky hands as he gently urged me to stand from my crouching position in front of him.
“it was an accident. no harm, no foul.” he said with a soft smile.
i should feel bad, as it wasn’t entirely an accident. but the warm and gentle look in his eyes made what little guilt i felt crumble away.
his thumbs rubbing soft circles to my skin as he worked to get the tears to stop streaming from my eyes was enough to get me to sleep like a baby for a good 2 weeks.
until it became a cycle. he would spend too much time around uraraka, and then i would do something all in the name of garnering his attention back on me.
was it wrong of me to do, to take advantage of his kindness? to take advantage of the fact that he was naive to my true intentions? maybe.
but i felt i deserved it. i felt i deserved to be looked at the same way he looked at her.
i wasn’t any different than she was. with the way she used her big brown eyes to pull him in. or the way her cute behavior made him blush. or the way her sweet way of talking made him laugh.
i can’t be her, or compare to her. so i found my own way around it. and no one could fault me for doing so. they just couldn’t.
at the end of the mission, uravity decided to throw a party in celebration of their win. a nice formal gathering, with everyone she had involved.
when izuku pulled me aside one late night to tell me that he was extending the invitation to me felt akin to a marriage proposal.
i wasn’t involved much in the case, merely being used as the one who provided them their lunch on their long meeting days. or filing and organizing the paperwork and notes that they would compile. i wasn’t out in the field, breaking bones like izuku or saving lives like uraraka.
i didn’t deserve to go, but i didn’t care. izuku had invited me personally and damn it, i was gonna be there.
yet, i shouldn’t have gone.
i shouldn’t have spent the hours on my makeup. i shouldn’t have enlisted the help of my best friend to do my hair as i gushed about how izuku had personally invited me, how he was the most perfect man ever, and how i was undoubtedly in love with him.
i shouldn’t have spent the week leading up to the event going from shop to shop trying to find the prettiest dress that was just the exact color of his eyes. i shouldn’t have spent about half my paycheck on said dress when i found it.
i shouldn’t have decided to face my fears and step out of my comfort zone to join a group of heroes that i knew were old classmates of izuku’s as they whispered about something that clearly was a raving topic.
because then i wouldn’t have heard how izuku was planning on confessing to uraraka. i wouldn’t have heard how this mission caused old high school feelings to rekindle. i should have known my place.
and that was far away from here, from the hero scene. i should have grown up to be an accountant or a chef.
when my father took me to get that checkup when i was 5, to confirm that there truly resides no quirk inside me.
i should have left it at that.
when i was riding my bike that day as a first year and i saw the group of boys huddled around a screen as they tuned into the u-a sports festival, i should have kept riding.
as maybe it would have saved me a lot of pain.
i backed away slowly, heels tapping against the tile floor as i hurried out of the building.
i didn’t realize how suffocated i felt until the chilly autumn hair brushed my face and into my lungs.
my whole body felt hot, i felt numb. i stumbled onto the sidewalk as i looked into the dark azure sky glittered with stars.
the tears finally spilled from my eyes as the stars muddled together into a messy blur. my stomach swirled and tensed as pit of nausea sunk in my stomach.
my chest heaved as it tried to process the crisp cold air into oxygen, but my throat was too tight to let much in.
i gasped and sobbed as my back hit the brick behind me, my legs wobbling unable to carry my weight much longer.
i slid into a crouched position as my tears mixed with the black of my mascara. streaming in pools down my cheeks, neck, and chest.
in the midst of my sobbing and heaving, i called my friend who was still at my apartment awaiting details of that night when i came home.
knowing it was far too early for me to be calling her she picked up the phone with confusion. it didn’t take much words from me, not like i gave her much, to convince her that she needed to come pick me up.
as she hung up the phone, my hand slipped from my ear, falling limp to my side as i placed my head into my other arm resting atop my knees.
this was inevitable and i knew it. no matter how many ways i was able to manipulate a sweet glance from him, it didn’t mean anything.
izuku was nice to everybody. sweet to everyone. kind to anyone.
but with her, it was different. he treated her that way, not because he had to, but because he wanted to.
they had years of memories, of laughs. they were perfect for each other, both smart, and kind, and always looking to help others. never acting selfishly or for personal gain.
they shared soft touches like they did old stories. they looked at each other with the same respect and admiration.
i was wrong. uraraka and i are nothing alike. she didn’t have to beg izuku to look at her like she hung the moon, he did so without asking.
unbeknownst to me, as i was manipulating izuku into these fabricated moments of gentle gazes and kind words, i was manipulating myself.
lying to the deepest parts of me that knew that this wasn’t real. that i wasn’t her. that he didn’t think of us the same way.
to him, uraraka is an old friend, who views the world the same way he does, who shares his same passions, who built her quirk to do some good within this world.
to him, i was a coffee-getter, the girl who knew his lunch orders like the back of her hand, the girl who filed his papers. the quirkless little fangirl who practically begged him to give her a job under him.
i heard the metal door open and snap shut announcing that someone was now outside with me. however, i just assumed it was a party-goer stepping outside for a smoke or a phone call so i didn’t bother to look up.
i also wasn’t in the mood for if the person happened to be a drunk girl who was ready to become my therapist as she saw me crouched on the sidewalk wishing to become one with the cement and simply cease to exist.
“there you are, i was wondering where you went?”
i would have taken the amateur therapist over this.
the voice belonged to izuku, dripping with sugar and default kindness.
if i could become one with the bricks just a little bit faster that would be great.
“hey, are you alright?” his tone became worried but i still didn’t dare to look up from my arms.
“do you feel sick? did something happen? do i need to take you home?” there he goes, into hero mode. ready to drop anything to help anyone facing the slightest of inconveniences.
“please just leave me alone.” i mumbled, throat tight and voice wavering as i try to hold the tears that still remain to fall.
“what did you say? i didn’t quite hear you.” he said softly, gently setting his large hands onto my exposed shoulder.
they should feel like welcoming warmth, but instead they felt blistering hot as i shoved them away as quickly as i could.
“i said leave me alone.” i said, slightly louder as i no longer was stuffed in my arms and knees.
he immediately saw the mess my face was in, i could tell by the way he quickly reverted fully into deku.
“hey, what’s wrong? whatever it is, i can help. didn’t i say you could come to me whenever you ne-“
“oh my god just stop! i can’t take it anymore.” i snapped, finally able to look him in the face.
but not for long as i saw the same look on his complexion as the first time i snapped at him.
“you’re too fucking nice. leaving you vulnerable for people to take advantage of you. giving them a reason to be selfish.”
“i dont-“ he tried to start but i cut him off.
“i don’t need a hero, izuku. there are people you just can’t save.”
as he worked to wrap his head around what was happening, my friend pulled up in my getaway car.
i bent down and grabbed my purse, but before i could fully escape this night, izuku grabbed my wrist causing me to stare into his eyes.
now lit aflame with desperation, “please just tell me what’s wrong. let me help you.” he encouraged softly.
but i wasn’t going to fall for it, not again.
i wasn’t gonna be played for the fool as i took the soft look in his eyes for anything but the gaze of a hero hoping to add another save to their statistics.
“god you never know when to quit!” i yelled as i yanked my wrist back. “and i hate that i-“
loved that about you?
no, love that about you.
i shook my head, thankful that for once my brain caught my actions before i spilled and made a mess again.
i walked quickly to the car, opening the passenger door almost as fast in hopes that within its metal sanctuary i could finally escape this hell.
“y/n- i-“
“mr. midoriya.” i just about whispered, my energy long since drained.
he laughed gently and i cursed the way my heart squeezed a little at the sound.
still head over heels for the angelic sound.
“you haven’t called me that in a long-“
“i quit.”
“w-what?” he muttered in disbelief.
i wouldn’t believe it either, not after the way i came to him nearly 4 years ago saying i would even be willing to clean toilets if he asked me to, so long as i got to work for him.
“i quit.” i repeated.
“you don’t mean that.”
he’s right i didn’t, not really.
hot tears started to dribble as my lower lip puckered in a sour quiver.
“no i do, sir.” i shook. “i will send someone to collect my things on monday.”
and with that i closed the door.
“drive.” i whispered to my friend who after a moment of looking at me, trying to read me, silently put the car into drive and started forward.
leaving izuku behind to stumble after the car, mouth muttering, trying to form any sort of sentence or sense.
but i couldn’t see him, knowing not to look at the mirrors situated on the side of the vehicle.
for they too are liars, as objects in the mirror are farther than they appear.
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*** my little blue bitch working overtime
🧼 also mayhaps “soap” by melanie martinez fits this story… unintentionally ~ but if i’m wrong it’s cuz i haven’t listened to it in a while
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babylooneytoonz · 3 years
the Vessel [ Pt. 12 ]
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pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader
summary: When Calanthe tries to separate you from Geralt, you finally decide to take matters into your own hand and fight for what is yours. And your baby's.
warnings: 18+ smut and a lot of fluff
[My Masterlist] [My Witcher Masterlist - Read the other parts here!]
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You woke up to a ray of sunlight falling right across your face, for a massive window was just right next to where the bed was. It still took you a full minute to completely open your eyes.
You smiled to yourself, when you heard the faint rise and fall of the man's chest next to you, and you turned to your side, your eyes falling on his peaceful form.
He looked peaceful, his hair messy and all over his face. He had an arm tucked around your waist still, and yet even in his sleep, the hold he had on you was light.
You rolled over, only slightly so that you were completely glued to him, listening to him stir from his sleep, and slowly, open his drowsy eyes.
"Morning, my love," you whispered to him, bringing your palm up to cup his cheeks, your thumb stroking gently over.
A faint smile crossed his lips; and his hand came to rest against your waist. In one tug, he pulled you into him, his firm body pressing against yours as he brought his lips to yours, kissing you softly.
You moaned in a low voice, Geralt's morning erection, like a hard rock, pressed to your core; his steady grinding into you causing your core to ache, "Geralt—"
"Hm?" He chuckled in his low, morning raspy voice, still grinding into you.
"Don't tell me I didn't warn you, Witcher," you playfully smacked him across his chest, and his eyebrow shot up in question; but before he could even reply, you were already climbing up on his lap, straddling him and his hard cock.
His head fell back against the pillow, and a groan left his lips. His hand came to rest on either of your hips, as he gripped you tight.
In a really painfully slow move, you went down on him, until his thickness completely filled you up, stretching you up bit by bit. You looked down at Geralt in his eyes, and he looked at you, as you began rolling your hips, riding the Witcher.
"Fuck," Geralt cursed, as you stopped your movements all together, and suddenly, began rolling your hips once again, feeling Geralt almost squirm underneath you.
When Geralt felt that you were tiring, he suddenly flipped you around, and you coiled your feet around his waist, as he continued to ravage you, pulling his slick coated cock out completely, before slamming hard into you. Your nails ripped through the flesh on his back, your nails dragging over his flesh, as you arched your back and let out a low pitched moan, driving the Witcher crazy.
This time, neither of you lasted long; and you finally exploded, stars in your eyes, as your pussy clenched around his cock, and a sudden electric current shot through your body as your orgasm took over, leaving you trembling and shaking. This was enough to push the Witcher over the edge; his movements had become sloppier, his thrusts dragged but it didn't take long for him to mutter a curse under his breath, his cock twitching once before his hot seed spilt inside of you.
You groaned against Geralt's sweaty forehead against yours; your fingers threading delicately through the Witcher's locks as he slumped in bed next to you. You could feel his breaths on you, and it took you a moment for the realization to sink in that Geralt was actually leaving for a while.
He noticed the lost look in your eyes, and he propped himself up on his elbow, looking at you.
"Say it," he chastised you.
You sighed, letting your hand rest against your growing bump, tenderly rubbing circles over it.
"When will you be back, Geralt?" You bit your lip.
A faint smile crossed over his otherwise stoic features. He leaned forward, so his face was above yours, his eyes gazing into yours with utmost tenderness.
"I thought you hated my company."
"That's not true," you protested, sitting up and rubbing your eyes with the balls of your palms, "I just didn't like you back then. Things are different now. I realized you aren't what you show others to be."
He nodded and leaned forward so he could kiss you, but before he could, there was a loud knock on your wooden door.
You glared from him towards the door that was pounding.
"Aunt [Y/N]?!"
"This is why I prefer the woods. No early morning visitors," Geralt said in a gruff voice, and laid back down casually. You smacked him hard against his chest and he growled at you in retaliation.
"You want me to hide?" He looked at you in disbelief, his jaw almost hanging loosely.
You gave him the most innocent puppy dog eyes and Geralt couldn't help but groan. You were irresistible like that.
"Please, Geralt—"
"Aunt [Y/N] ? Are you alright?" Ciri called out from outside.
"Yes, Cirilla, give me a moment, I'll be right out, love," you called out, and you turned towards Geralt, quickly tossing him his shirt. You motioned towards him with your fingers to quickly get dressed, but he just smirked at you, intentionally leaping off the bed at a pace of a snail's.
"Geralt, can you hurry up?" You snapped as you pulled the covers off your body and began pulling your slip over your head. You could feel Geralt's gaze over your form and you sighed, in frustration, "Geralt."
"Then stop distracting me," He smirked, moving round the bed towards you, his eyes hungry and clouded with lust. He pushed you to the wall, placing both his hands on either side of your head as he ran his thick, beefy fingers under your slip, until he was cupping your breasts.
To be fair, Geralt couldn't keep his hands off you ever since you had let him close. He had been fighting off these feelings for too long now and ever since he had seen you grow his baby in your belly, your belly swelling up as the time passed, his feelings for you grew, warmth filling up his otherwise cold heart.
"Geralt, we can't, Ciri is right outside—"
"She must have left by now. You didn't open the door," he took your taut nipple into his two fingers, pinching them and you winced, in pain and pleasure mix, letting the back of your head rest against the wall.
"You're so beautiful with my child inside you," Geralt placed his palm on your belly, rolling your slip up so he could see your bump. He smiled at how round and beautiful you looked, nurturing his baby.
Suddenly there was a knock again.
"Aunt [Y/N]? Are you okay?"
"Well, fuck," Geralt groaned in annoyance and you couldn't help but give him a toothy grin. You reached up on your toes so you could give a quick peck to his lips, "Geralt, please!!" You pleaded and Geralt groaned in annoyance, turning away as his eyes scanned your bedroom, until he saw a bannister in the other end of the room. He walked up to it, pushing himself behind it. You took a deep breath and straightened your slip, unlocking the door.
"Aunt [Y/N]. I was starting to get worried," Ciri stepped into your room, eyeing you, and your clothes carefully.
"Sorry, I sort of overslept? Anyway, is everything okay?" You asked, nervously running your hand through your hair.
"I just wanted to let you know grandmother wants you to get dressed in your best tonight, there's a few special guests arriving, just to see you."
You raised your eyebrow, frowning slightly, "Guests?"
"I wish I knew."
"Thanks Ciri," You smiled and placed your palm on her shoulder, squeezing it tight.
The little girl nodded at you, her blue eyes twinkling as she gave you a small smile back. She turned around and began walking through the door. She paused when she reached the door, and smirked slightly, biting her lip, "Aunt [Y/N], I'd wear a scarf tonight if I were you," she winked, and ran away.
Geralt couldn't help but let out a snort once she had left.
At first you didn't understand what she meant by it, but once she was gone, Geralt stepped out of his hiding spot and you gave him a confused look. He cleared his throat, and slowly placed both hands on your shoulders, turning you around to face the body size mirror and you looked at the countless darkening bruises you had on your body, from where Geralt had sucked against your flesh.
Flustered you buried your hands in your face, "You could have told me you did that Geralt. To hell now with the whole plan of keeping this discreet."
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"I would have rather stayed in the palace here with you, [Y/N]—" Jaskier whined in protest, swinging a sack that he was holding across his shoulder, while Geralt just grunted in response to his words and you shook your head. You were walking in the middle of the two of them, Geralt on your right and Jaskier on your left.
"Jaskier, I need you to go with Geralt," you whispered. Geralt rolled his eyes but he didn't argue. He had already had this discussion with you. He had wanted Jaskier to stay with you but you insisted that you wouldn't be able to stop worrying about him anyhow and it would make you feel better if Jaskier accompanied him, although you ones that if they were in some sort of danger, Geralt would have to protect Jaskier's ass and it definitely wouldn't be vice versa. But Geralt had finally relented and agreed.
"You know he can take care of himself, you're making me miss on the palace life, the luxuries and the rich food," Jaskier pointed out.
"I thought you wanted your lute, Jaskier," Geralt suddenly deadpanned, cutting Jaskier off, and you couldn't help but press your palm to your lips to suppress the unladylike snort that escaped your lips.
The three of you reached the front gate of the palace, and you couldn't help but feel sad. Geralt's fingers twitched, brushing against your palm and suddenly, he clasped his hand in yours, the skirt of your dress hiding your entwined hands from the rest of the world.
"You take care of yourself."
"I'm not the one leaving, Geralt. I'm not the one going back to the sorceress," you whispered in a low voice; a hint of jealousy playing in your voice.
"I'm just going to get Roach back. I promise there's nothing left between Yen and me," He squeezed your hand.
You stopped walking as you had already reached the palace door. The heavy doors were opened by the guards and you kept standing there, watching the two of them walk out of the palace until they weren't in sight anymore. You sighed to yourself, and started walking back inside.
You knew there were probably thousands of people in the castle right now; yet your heart felt lonely.
You spent the next three hours locked up in your bedchambers, sleeping most of the time. It was only at around sunset when one of your mother's handmaidens woke you up and told you that the Queen wanted you to be there at the dinner tonight, that some really important guests were coming over.
You looked at the beautiful golden dress that she was carrying in her hands. It was pure gold, with sparkling gems strewn to it. It looked expensive. As if the handmaiden had seen your expressions, she smiled and whispered, "this belongs to your mother. She wore this on her wedding day to King Eist. Now she wants you to have it."
She noted the look of discomfort that flashed in your eyes as you reached out and took the heavy dress from her.
"Why would she want me to wear this? Can't I wear something more simple? More comfortable?"
"Queen's orders, my lady."
You knew best to argue with the handmaiden so you groaned, rubbing your baby bump tenderly as you began slipping out of the simpler dress that you had been wearing. The handmaiden assisted you with the dress, and finally after an hour or so, you looked at yourself in the mirror.
The dress did seem to be a little tight from your waist given the fact that your baby bump was almost six months huge now but it did make you look beautiful, and divine. The gold colour blended perfectly with your skin tone, the pale make up that your handmaiden had done for you finally made you look like the Princess you truly were. If only Geralt had seen you like this, he wouldn't have been able to keep his hands off you.
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Faint music from a lute played inside the hall, as you walked towards it, holding the skirt of your dress. You were trying your best to make your waddle a less of a waddle and more of a walk, but it was proving more difficult as your baby was growing inside of you fast, making it difficult for you to not waddle about due to your growing bump.
One of the guards opened the door for you, and you stepped into the hall, your eyes falling on your mother, Ciri and Eist seated on either side of her. Ciri, upon looking at you, couldnt help but openly frown at you, but Eist and Calanthe seemed to be in a jolly mood.
"Come on, join us, love, we would like to speak to you before our guests are here," Calanthe pointed to an empty high chair in front of her.
You nodded, and lowered yourself into it, keeping your eyes fixed on her.
Calanthe turned to Eist, and gave her a look, before she lifted the goblet in front of her and brought it up to her lips.
"We talked a lot, and decided something, love."
Her eyes fell down as she fixed her gaze on your bump, and then back towards your face.
"I should, perhaps, excuse myself?" Eist muttered, but Ciri snorted, "Why? I think you should stay. This is your masterplan too."
"Cirilla, leave us. Go back to your chambers—" Calanthe said, sternly.
You didn't understand what was up with them. You kept glancing from Ciri to Calanthe who finally looked at you.
"We love our grandchild. We really do. And we know how powerful and strong that child is. Which is why, we have made a decision. You will marry King Foltest of Temeria." Calanthe blinked.
"What?" You snapped, your voice coming out sharper than usual.
"Your union with Foltest will save the baby from being a called a bastard child, [Y/N]. They will be the legitimate heir to the Temerian Kingdom, and you will be protected."
Ciri stood up and she walked over to you. She placed a palm on your shoulder and squeezed it. Hot tears were already beginning to form in your eyes. You began blinking, rapidly, trying to get the cloudiness to go away.
"Are you serious mother? My baby's father is very much with me. You want me to wed King Foltest? I want Geralt," you whined.
"Listen [Y/N]—" Calanthe stood up, her angry eyes looking at you, "You are not an ordinary woman. You are the Princess of Cintra. You cannot leave everything for a Witcher on the road."
"But mother I love Geralt!" You shouted back, curling your fists against the fabric of the dress.
"We all sacrifice, child. For what is right. Foltest is the key to securing your future. Also, you should thank him [Y/N]. He is accepting your hand in marriage even knowing the fact that you are carrying another man's bastard child inside you."
You flinched at the harshness of your own mother's words, the mother you had tried so hard to be in the life of.
"I don't want to marry Foltest. I want to live my life with Geralt."
"And do what? Assist that Witcher in killing monsters?" Calanthe spat, taking a sip of the drink, shaking her in distaste, "You think you can own it all? Have a Witcher sit on the throne to Cintra by your side?"
"Mother, this throne means nothing to me if there's no Geralt by my side."
You turned around, and turning your back towards them, you began walking away, ignoring your mother who kept screaming at you, "Do you think you have a choice? This Kingdom chose you, you didn't choose this kingdom. You are going to marry Foltest, [Y/N]. Whether you like it or not."
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You wiped the base of your eyes with the balls of your palm and sniffled as you looked at yourself in the mirror. The dress lay discarded on the floor, and you were dressed in a slip. Your fingers grazed over the marks that Geralt had given you last night, that one night of passion you had shared with him, and your heart ached. The man had marked you for himself, and even the destiny had. He was your lover and the father of your baby, yet you were now being faced with this gruesome situation of being married off to someone else— someone that wasn't Geralt of Rivia.
You were startled when Ciri wrapped her arms around your shoulders and let her head rest against your shoulder. Well, atleast there was someone who supported you, and your decision.
"I am sorry, Aunt [Y/N]. Grandmother can be overbearing."
"Can be?" You asked, sarcastically and she kept quiet, her head still resting against your shoulder, until she propped her head up and turned to you, her expressions serious.
"What are you going to do?" She asked.
You took a deep breath, and looked down at your bump, the only thing left to remind you of the man who had promised he would come back for you.
"I will run away. I don't want the Kingdom Ciri, if it means I have to marry Foltest. I cannot betray Geralt."
"Can I come with you?" She asked, and you turned towards her, shaking her head.
"Someone needs to be with mother, Ciri. And if it can't be me, it has to be you."
You told her, taking both her hands on yours, your thumb stroking gently over her knuckles.
The two of you stayed in momentary silence; before the two of you dropped each other's hands. She stood up and gave you an apologetic glance before she started walking out when you called her.
"Ciri, will you help me? I need to leave."
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The Vessel Taglist:
@kawennote09 @viking-raider @raspberrydreamclouds @pterodactylterrace @singeramg @historianwithaheart @miss-emilia-cavill @ayamenimthiriel @crazynocturnalkiki @xxxkatxo @coffeebreathy @fanaticnae @kmuir1 @little-jana @pineapplemama @auds24 @sassy-pelican @bitchynicole @cavillsim @ragamuffin285 @hista-girl @oliviali0930 @introvertedmouse @madbaddic7ed @libbymouse @nerra75 @maxineswritingcenter @superawesomegeek @waifu4lifeu @funalpaca @petitefirecracker10 @marantha @vikingsbifrost @babypink224221 @jessyballet @strrynigxts @rn7rocks @theroyalbrownbarbie @amirra88 @naughty-koala07 @xuxszx
want to be added to the list? plz let me know via my ask box, inbox and comments. ✨
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s son (Part 1)
Tony Stark x son!reader
a/n: me and noah are abt to blow ur minds lmfaooo -> takes place around the same timeline as the daughter!reader ones aka y/n was born in 2000
prompt: i had to
part 2
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the world was raving over this billionaire playboy’s newest title: father
and boy, did the headlines get interesting
among your favorite magazine covers, your all-time favorite was
Tony Stark: World’s Most Eligible DILF
^accompanied with a picture of your dad holding you
(tony stark’s superpower is being a dilf, it’s just a fact ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
“look at us, kid. that’s me and you! wow! you make me look magnificent”
you were so...boring to him
like tony watching you was wonderful, he absolutely adored having a kid to take care of...but babies don’t do much of anything
rhodey came to see you every chance he got
“rhodey! what’s going on?”
“i’m not here for you, i’m here for the baby”
rhodey was a fuckin awesome uncle
one of the only level-headed people you could call family
back to dad:
“hey, little guy, what’s up? any baby-things you wanna do today? anything on your mind?”
he really wanted you to speak to him
your first word was “duck”
he’s pretty sure you meant “fuck”
“love this kid!”
who wouldn’t?
“let’s play ‘superman’” he runs flies you around the house
he talks abt single dad things to get women to swoon over him
tony always has baby food stains and spit up all over himself
he has a separate garage for those tiny drivable cars that kids can vroom in, you know what im talking about
“god, you’re gonna be so cool when you grow up”
tony stark is a rough-and-tough dad
loves to get wild when it’s playtime
“y/n, catch!” *ball hits you in the face* “alright, not an athlete, that’s okay”
“i’m good!”
tinkering in the workshop with dear ol’ dad
“alright, sport, what’s your million-dollar idea?”
“a car that’s powered by water”
“i knew i shouldnt have let you watch that 70s show”
you actually did become a handful growing up
if tony didn’t want to Dad(tm) for a few hours, he’d make happy take you to chuck e. cheese
“buy the kid as many tokens as he wants, it doesn’t matter”
tony would either take a long, much needed nap or work until he crashed
one time he heard you blasting black sabbath in your room and opened the door to see you playing air guitar and he shut the door and cried
so proud
you wanted to go to school but you were a budding genius so he wanted to teach you himself
this would be around the time that tony went missing
which was traumatic for you and it didn’t seem like anybody cared
pepper was your godmother so she had to take care of you while he was away, but she was super busy and emotional about the whole thing
happy and pepper honestly acted like divorced parents shuttling their child back and forth
“it’s your day, happy! pick him up, i have to go to work!”
but eventually, tony found his way back to you and you cried really hard and there were snot bubbles and he tried to lighten the mood with jokes and he was like
“hey, i brought you some sand from my vacation!”
sir,,,, please
this mf started making a suit of armor and you didn’t think a thing of it
“can i help? can i help? can i help?”
lab assistant y/n reporting for duty
“sure, junior. grab me that screwdriver”
“flat or philips?”
“lets try flat, i gotta wedge this thing apart the old fashioned way”
you were learning so much
and he was really supportive of any idea you pitched
“we can give that a try, no problem!”
you hacked into the avengers initiative files bc you were curious about what agent coulson had to say
“dad, you would be such a cool superhero!”
“are you saying i’m not a superhero already? hellooo, single dad?”
“you’re not single! you have pepper!”
“dammit, you’re right i cant use that line anymore”
you started to DREAM of becoming an avenger
you thought you’d be able to get an in if your dad committed to it
“my dad’s an avenger” -you to everyone when youre trying to threaten them
“so, mr. fury, when can i become an avenger?”
“how old are you?”
“i’ll be 13 real soon”
“ask your dad”
honestly tony liked the idea of a father/son superhero team
but in practice?
“hey, y/n, sorry if i don’t tell you this enough, but i love you”
“love you too, dad”
the avengers seemed to enjoy your company
you still radiated stark energy, so that really hurt your likable-ness
“c-can i get your autograph?” -you to captain america
“not you too!” -tony
“shhh, dad, i’m talking to a celebrity”
tony is majorly offended
soon the avengers were your family, which was odd to get used to
lots happens in your life, that was for sure
every time you turned on the news it was something about an avenger
“dad...cnn says steve is a fugitive”
“sucks to be him” *eats toast*
tony makes u breakfast special :)
“want a pop tart?”
“sure...yeah, nat’s a fugitive too, it seems”
“she’ll be fine”
avengers tower was pretty cool, you and thor played ping pong together when you were there
“thor, if you use mjölnir as a paddle again you’re gonna kill me with a ping pong ball!”
you hung out at the malibu house a whole lot
theres a framed picture of the “Tony Stark: DILF” magazine cover on your wall
your friends were other rich kids
“y/n, you know all your friends are douchebags, right?”
“i am well aware”
you threw parties at said malibu house when tony and pepper were gone
“sir, there’s a disturbance at your home”
“which one, JARVIS?”
“shit, y/n’s there! what’s wrong?”
“see for yourself” *pulls up cameras*
“are you kidding me, JARVIS? you think i care if y/n’s trashing the house? you had me thinking he was being attacked or held hostage or something, jesus”
you programmed “the panic protocol” into JARVIS’s system without tony knowing, which can sense when tony has anxiety/panic attacks and figure out how to calm him
JARVIS sends you a notification if you aren’t in immediately vicinity, then he troubleshoots to find the best solution for tony until you can help
either music, counting, breathing reminders, water reminders, etc
“dad, everything alright?”
“im good, son! real good!”
eventually you found a good excuse for getting a suit
“dad, i think terrorist attacks warrant a need for armor...for my protection!”
“fine, we’ll develop a suit for you”
“no need! i already engineered one while you were busy, it’s downstairs”
“impressive. you’re grounded”
“nooo! unground me please!”
“fine, ungrounded”
youre one foot in the door becoming an avenger
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 10
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on on Mayans M.C. are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambigous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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Angel brought Nina by the drug-store on the way to the clubhouse. She got herself a new inhaler, but was still confused about where her last one had disappeared to.
They went straight to the scrap-yard afterwards. While Angel went ahead of her into the clubhouse; she decided to do one last check in the trailer, just in case her old inhaler might be there. Opening the door, she found Tig sleeping it off on one cot, and Quinn cleaning his gun on the other. “Have you seen my inhaler in here?”. “No… Do you need it?”, he asked worriedly. “Nah… I got a new one. It’s just weird”. “You shouldn’t leave it laying around, doll. You might need it”, Quinn scolded. Tig jostled in his sleep. “But baby; I wanted sprinkles… It’ll bite you in the ass…”, he mumbled. Nina chuckled, and shook her head. “Chibs?”, she asked Quinn. “Inside. We’ll be there in a minute. I just have to wake sleeping beauty first”, Quinn said. “Keep that gun on hand. You know how he gets”, Nina smiled, and walked out the door again.
Chucky met her in the doorway with a mug of steamy caffeine. She smiled in thanks. “Where were you last night?”. “I don’t like parties like that. It gets noisy”, Chucky replied, and ran off to make a fresh pot of coffee. He seemed – just like her – to be happy, surrounded by both his families. Happy came over, and wrapped an arm around her for a half hug, and a kiss to the top of her head. “’Morning, princess”, he said. “Get some food in you. It looks like you got worked over last night”. “I did”, Nina sighed. Happy laughed, and led her over to the bar, where Chucky had set up breakfast for the hungover Mayans and Sons. “Does he treat you good?”, Happy asked, a warning tone to his voice. He looked over his shoulder at Angel, who was seated by a table with Gilly and Coco. “Yes, Hap’. You don’t have to kill him”, Nina smiled, and began filling a plate of food. It seemed Gabby had been by with some goodies, and Nina quickly took her fair share of leftover mole. “I wasn’t gonna kill him… Just cut a few toes off”, Happy muttered. “Maybe break his arm”. Nina laughed, and patted his shoulder. “I love you, Happy”, she said, and went over to sit by Angel and the rest.
Gilly had a mouth full of bacon and eggs. “You not eating?”, he asked Angel. “Nah, I had cereal”, Angel replied, and shot Nina a panty-ruining look. She felt her cheeks burn, and kicked him over the leg. He grabbed her thigh, and squeezed it teasingly. Sipping her coffee, Nina sat quietly and listened to the tales of debauchery the bikers had gotten in to after she and Angel had left the night before. Angel didn’t seem remorseful about having missed out, simply laughed at the stories, and stole food off Nina’s plate.
The door to the clubhouse opened, and Quinn and EZ came in; dragging Tig between them. Creeper slipped in behind them, ready to catch Tig if he fell backwards. “We need coffee. STAT!”, Quinn laughed. Tig moaned in discomfort as he was deposited on a bar-stool. EZ poured him a mug, and went around to do refills for everyone else, before getting himself a plate of food, and joining Nina’s table. Ratboy arrived soon after, nodding politely at everyone in the room. He swallowed thickly when he locked eyes with Coco, but the Mayan simply gave him a forgiving smile in return. “He was sleeping on my couch when I got home”, he said. “Letty?”, Angel asked. “Nah… I don’t think anything happened. She was out cold on her bed”.
Creeper came over to join them, a displeased expression on his face. “What’s up, bro’?”, Gilly asked. “Did any of you see Camille leave last night?”, he asked. “Who’s Camille?”, Coco asked. “The redhead…”, Gilly said, and smirked at his friend. Coco chuckled embarrassedly. “My bad… She give you the slip?”. Creeper frowned. “We were… getting acquainted in the trailer, and she went to get a rubber from one of her friends; but she didn’t come back”, he said. “When I went out to look for her, she was gone”. Angel sputtered with laughter. “Aw… Did she leave you with blue balls?”. Creeper shrugged. “Nah… I mean, she gave me an hj; but it’s just weird. None of her friends saw her leave”.
Gilly leaned back in his seat and smiled. “Well, except for Creep’s runaway bride, all in all, it was a somewhat successful night. The food was good, the cagefight was good… Letty didn’t get pregnant”, he said. Coco punched him hard in the shoulder, and Gilly laughed. “Even the Vatos seemed happy when they left”. “What about that deal they wanted to make?”, Nina asked, almost afraid of the answer. “On hold for now”, Coco said. “They decided to check out that other lead before using our services”. “Yeah. What was that about?”, Angel asked. “They didn’t say”, EZ shrugged. “Just took off”. Nina frowned to herself, and began poking at her food with her fork. Coco met her eyes. “You good, niña?”. “You think Palo… is he gonna kill some woman…?”, she began. “Nah… You don’t have to worry”, Angel said, trying to calm her. It didn’t work. “I don’t want anyone…”.
“I am not joking, brother. Do not let her cook. I’ve never been more constipated in my life!”. Bishop roared with laughter at Filip’s proclamation, as the two entered the clubhouse. The SAMCRO-president locked eyes with Nina, and grinned. “Speaking of the she-devil… Good morning my love!”. He walked over, and pressed a kiss to her cheek, before accepting a mug of coffee from Chucky. “Chibs was just telling me about the lasagna-incident”, Bishop said. Happy, almost choked on his coffee, and Tig looked like he was looking for the nearest trashcan to barf in. “This I gotta hear”, EZ smiled. “Shut up! Just because your girlfriend is a five-star chef…”, Nina frowned.
They spent the next hour enjoying the food and the good company. Filip took a moment to share some friendly words with Chucky. Through the noise of all the men laughing and talking in the room, all Nina could make out of their conversation was Chucky saying something along the lines of; “I’m happy here…”, and smiling. Chibs nodded, and went to pat Tig’s shoulder. “We need to roll out, boys. T.O.’s waiting for us in Oaktown”. The Sons all got to their feet, and began collecting their belongings to head out. Nina felt her heart sink, and once noticing it, Angel took her hand, and squeezed it encouragingly.
They got up to follow Filip and the rest outside. Tig slipped an arm around her as they walked; holding her tightly, and kissing her temple. “I’m gonna miss you, sweetheart”, he said. “Shit… This wasn’t what we planned for, when we decided to send you down here”. “I know… But it’s the way it has to be”, Nina replied. “Stay in touch, ok?”, Tig said, and pulled her closer for a warm hug. He turned to face Angel. “Get her to quit smoking, would you? It’s not good for her asthma”. Angel gave him a sly smile. Happy nabbed her from behind, and swung her around for a hug, and only grudgingly released her into the arms of first Quinn and then Ratboy. While the rest of the Sons all said goodbye to the Mayans and then got on their bikes, Filip wrapped his arms around Nina, and kissed the corner of her lips. “I love you, little sister”, he said. “I love you, big brother”, Nina croaked. Filip released her, quickly wiped his eyes, and put on his sunglasses, before getting on his bike. Nina took a step backwards, and was immediately caught in the grasp of Angel, who held her close, as she bit her lips to keep from crying. “I got you”, he whispered into her ear. “Let's get the fuck out of this heat!”, Filip called out, and the Sons all rolled out.
Unable to hold it in anymore, Nina let her tears fall. The Mayans all discretely slipped away, to let her fall apart in Angel’s arms. “It’s ok, querida. Let it out”, he said. She wrapped her arms around his waist, and buried her face in his chest, while he rubbed calming circles on her back, and kissed the top of her head. “This ain’t goodbye”. “I know…”, Nina rasped. “It just feels like I’m turning my back on them. No one’s ever taken care of me like they have”. Angel lifted her face with a finger under her chin. “I’d like to try…”.
Nina wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry. I know you’ve put yourself on the line for me; and all I’m doing is whining about it”. Angel shook his head, and stroked her cheek. “Nah… You’re just hurting”, he said, and began leading her back towards the porch. “You love them, and they love you back; that’s obvious. And I get it”. “What do you mean?”, Nina asked. He smiled, and halted her before she could open the door to the clubhouse. “You keep saying how they took care of you, and how Teller did…”, he began. “Yeah, but you all do as well…”, Nina said. Angel kissed her softly to shut her up. “Let me finish… We take care of you, because you take care of us”. “I serve beers and pick up papers that Chucky drops”, she muttered. “Yeah”, Angel said and nodded vigorously. “You know everyone’s favorite beer before they ask for it. You put those nice smelling sticks in the bathroom...You fucking killed it with that party last night. That wouldn’t have happened without you”. “Yeah, I know how to run a clubhouse… But…”. Angel groaned and rolled his eyes. “But, but, but… Cállate!”, he chuckled. “You take care of us, ma’. You don’t think Tranq noticed how you organized his dyes…? Riz keeps talking about that stupid ass hair product you recommended for him… Taza told me about…”. “Stop…”, Nina said. Her cheeks were burning. Angel chuckled. “You’re amazing, Nina”. She shrugged embarrassedly. “What do I do for you?”, she asked. “Don’t start, mami”, Angel grinned. He moved his hands down to cup her bottom. “You know what you do for me”. “Is that all?”, Nina scoffed in mock offence. Angel shrugged. “Well, you can’t cook”, he shrugged. Nina frowned at him; and when he leaned in for a kiss, she pulled away, teasingly avoiding his kiss. “Are you gonna make me hold you down?”, Angel asked. “You can try…”, Nina replied. He smirked at her, and was about to make his move, when Nina took a step back. “I have to go clean up after the party”. Angel narrowed his eyes at her, and pulled her back into his arms. “Skip it. The prospect’s got it”, he said. “What kind of den mother would I be if I did that?”. “Are you calling us boy-scouts now?”, Angel scoffed. Nina shrugged with a smile. “I dunno… You’ve got the uniforms”.
She literally had to jump over the railing of the porch to get away.
After having changed in to a Romero Bros. shirt – needed after having been sprayed down with a hose by Angel; for, apparently, being a brat – Nina was back to work.
Cleaning up after a biker party was nothing new to her; but due of the success of the event, the state the yard and clubhouse had been left in, meant it took her, EZ and Chucky most of the morning to get it back to normal. While his brothers where busy doing important biker shit – Gilly’s exact words, as Nina had tried handing him a mop – Creeper helped out some, but seemed to be deep in thought, and frowned his way through the work. Nina put a hand on his shoulder as he threw a trash bag in a dumpster. “Are you ok?”, she asked. He seemed surprised at her gesture. “Yeah. I’m… Fuck. I liked Camille. We were talking about taking a ride to the ocean next weekend”. Nina smiled as comfortingly as she could. “I’m sure she just too much to drink… Went home. Try calling her”. “I did”, Creeper sighed. “She’s not picking up”. “Then, give her a few hours. She’s probably sleeping it off”. Creeper sighed. “Yeah… Thanks”, he smiled sadly.
She went to head back into the clubhouse, when Creeper halted her with a hand on her shoulder. “Nina… Look, I’m sorry about how hard I’ve been riding you about that tequila story, and everything else”. Nina shrugged. “Like I said; we’re good”, she smiled. “Besides, my old man kicked your ass for it last night. It’s history”. “So Angel’s your old man, now?”, Creeper grinned. Nina’s face dropped in realization of what she’d just said. “I mean… I don’t… Yeah?”, she croaked. Creeper chuckled and nodded. “I’m just fucking with you… again”, he said. Nina smiled, and felt heat spread through her body; letting the thought of Angel being hers settle in her heart.
Inside the clubhouse, Bishop, Taza and Hank were going over plans for a gun-run. Apparently, Bishop and Filip had agreed on an expanded deal, which could potentially bring both clubs more money in the long run, and the Mayan president was in a good mood. When he locked eyes with Nina, who’d gone behind the bar, he sent her a sly wink. “He likes you”, EZ muttered bellow his breath. “We all do. We’re happy you’re here”. He nudged her with his shoulder, and set down a box of lost and found items he’d gathered around the area. “Yeah… I don’t hate it here either. It was just tough saying goodbye”. “I get that”, EZ said. “Shit, I almost forgot. You dropped this”. He held out an inhaler. Nina frowned in confusion, and patted her pocket, where her new inhaler was still laying. “No, I got…”, she began, before looking at the small plastic container in the prospects hand. Picking it up, she noticed that doses had been taken of it, and it had a small dent from where she’d dropped it on the trailer floor the night before. This was her old inhaler. “Did you take this from the trailer?”. EZ shook his head. “No… I found it in the garage while we were cleaning up”. “I haven’t been in the garage since yesterday morning…”, Nina muttered. “I left it in the trailer, after I used it. Bishop told me to keep it there”. EZ furrowed his brows, and looked as confused as she felt. “Didn’t you go in there with Angel to get on his bike?”. “No, he parked by the gate”, Nina replied. “Right, we all did; to make room for the SAMCRO and VM bikes”, EZ said. “Weird…”. Nina chewed her lips, trying to make sense of the reappearing inhaler.
While she crouched down behind the bar to tie up the last trash bag, the door to the clubhouse opened; and Coco peeked inside. “Are you finished?”, he asked. “Yeah”, EZ replied. All three men stepped inside. “Dodged a fucking bullet”, Angel laughed. EZ shot Nina a look. “You were just trying to get out of clean-up duty, weren’t you…”, he said. “Well, yeah”, Gilly said. “You know she would have made us work, if we stayed”, Angel said. Nina stood back up, and raised a disapproving eyebrow at the three Mayans. “Yeah. I would have…”. Bishop, Taza, Hank and EZ tried to stifle grins. Gilly literally ran over to Nina, and took the full trash bag, muttering apologies under his breath; before moving towards the back door, and the dumpsters. Coco simply bolted for the exit. “Gotta pick up Letty from school…”, he said over his shoulder. “It’s Sunday!”, Taza called after him. “Sunday-school”, Coco yelled, and let the door close after him
Angel tried for a wry smile; but Nina simply rolled her eyes. “Your dad needs his containers back, and EZ needs a break. You take them”, she ordered, and nodded her head in the direction of the back room. “Out back”. EZ threw a set of keys to his brother. “You can take the van”, he grinned. Angel smiled sarcastically at EZ, and went to load up the containers.
After wiping down the bar-counter one last time, Nina went to the back room to check it; and saw that Angel had left behind one of the containers. She picked it up, and ran after him. Outside, Angel was grumpily huffing away on a cigarette, and loading the van. Nina was about to call his name, when she saw Daniella come around the car. The blonde went straight up to Angel, and put a hand on his arm, as if squeezing his bicep; and seemed to be chatting him up. Nina began walking towards them. “It’s just styrofoam”, Angel said, once Nina was within earshot. “Still. Looks heavy… It’s kind of hot”, Daniella smiled, and bit her lip flirtatiously. “Angel… You forgot one”, Nina called out.
Daniella looked dumbfounded. “What are you doing here?”, she asked. Nina shook her head confusedly. “Where else would I be?”, she said, and handed Angel the container. He put it in the van, and turned towards Daniella. “Did you need something, Dani?”, he asked casually. Nina decided to try for politeness. “Did you lose something last night? EZ made a lost and found box”. Daniella looked like she’d been slapped, before a halfhearted smile spread across her face. “I’m… No. I just came by to see if you needed help with the clean-up. I know I haven’t been around so much lately”. “We just finished. But thanks”, Nina said. “But if you wanna help, I guess you can go check if the guys inside need drinks”. The blonde’s eyes were wide, and something unreadable ghosted her face. “Actually, I’m just gonna go”, she said, but didn’t move. Nina and Angel looked confusedly at her for a moment, and Nina suspected Daniella was fishing for a ride from Angel; who either didn’t catch on, or just didn’t care. “I’m gonna call a cab”, she finally said. “Well go inside anyway; while you wait for it. It’s hot as all hell out here”, Nina smiled friendlily. Daniella nodded, and walked towards the clubhouse.
Angel went to get in the driver’s seat. “I’m gonna go drop these off at pap’s”, he said. Nina walked over to him, and linked her pinky with his. “Do you want me to come?”, Nina asked quietly. “On the way there you can apologize for ditching clean-up…”. He smirked slightly. “It’s a ten-minute drive. There isn’t much we can do with ten minutes” “Fine…”, Nina sighed. “But you could buy me a cup of coffee afterwards. Take me on an actual date that doesn’t include beers, babes and bikes”. “But you like beer”, he said, and slipped an arm around her. “And you are a babe”. He pressed a warm kiss to her lips. Nina giggled, and tugged at his beard. “You’re still not forgiven for bailing on me today”, she smiled. Angel sighed. “Alright; what do I have to do, cuervo?”. “Bring me back some of that chorizo from your pap’s, that you didn’t let me have yesterday”, Nina replied. “Then I’ll think about forgiving you”. He kissed her one more time, and gave her butt cheek a quick squeeze; before getting behind the wheel, and driving off the lot.
As Nina walked towards the clubhouse again, Daniella came rushing out the door. Nina was tired of the coldness between them, and decided to try to mend fences. “Hey, Daniella…?”, she said, as the blonde went to pass her. She held her phone in her hand, and looked like she was in a rush. “Yeah?”, she said, an edge to her tone. “I just wanted to apologize for that night…”, Nina said. “You know, your arm. I hope I didn’t…”. “Oh, it’s fine!”, Daniella said with a sugary smile. “Everything’s fine. Don’t worry about it. You just go… do whatever it is you do around here”. Without another word, she quickly walked towards the gate. “So much for trying to kiss and make up”, Nina muttered to herself, and went back inside the clubhouse, to get a cool drink.
It wasn’t long, before Coco stepped through the door, a somber expression on his face, and carrying a net of fresh apricots. He handed them to Nina. “Instead of that dried shit…”, he muttered. “I forgive you”, she smirked. “How was Sunday-school?”. Coco smirked embarrassedly.
Gilly came over to the table, in the process of hanging up a phone call; and looked at Coco. “We gotta roll”, he said. “What’s wrong?”, Coco asked. “Trouble in Vicky’s tunnel. She didn’t say what”, Gilly said over his shoulder, already on his way out of the door”. Coco went after him. “Call Angel!”, Bishop yelled. “Have him meet you there…”.
About an hour later, Nina was seated with Hank, EZ and Creeper, discussing tattoos. “I like the concept…”, Creeper said, after Nina described her idea. “Wouldn’t get one myself, but it’s your skin”. “You know, I could do that on your ribs, but it might hurt less on your thigh”, Hank said. “You think I’m afraid of a little pain?”, Nina chuckled. Hank grinned at her. “No, you strike me as someone who takes pain well. You drink that battery-acid Chucky calls coffee”, he said. Nina, EZ and Creeper laughed out loud.
Taza came over to them, his phone in hand. “That was Gilly. They’re crossing to go see the doc”. Nina’s heart dropped. “What happened?”, she said, trying to keep her voice level. “Is someone hurt?”. Hank nodded. “The guys are fine, but that girl… Camille. Vicky found her beat up just inside the tunnel by her place”, he said. “It’s not good. She’s pretty banged up, and she won’t talk.”. Nina felt ashamed for the sigh in relief she let out, at hearing Angel was ok. EZ – who’d tensed up at what Hank had said – also relaxed somewhat. Creeper, on the other hand, almost ran for the door. “Tell them I’m on my way”, he said. “No, man. We need you here”, Bishop called after him. He walked over and patted Creeper’s shoulder. “They’ll get her taken care of down south. She’ll be ok”. Creeper looked like he wanted to punch something or someone, but went to sit by the table the plans for the run were laying on.
Nina grabbed a cigarette, and went outside to sit on the porch. Something undefinable was bothering her, and she was frowning deeply when Letty arrived in Coco’s car, and got out to greet her. “Have you seen my dad?”, she asked. “He’s crossing to see the doc. A girl who was at the party last night got hurt”, Nina said, and took a draw from her smoke. Something felt terribly wrong – beyond Camille getting hurt. “Who”, Letty said, and sat down next to her. “Camille”, Nina said. Leticia looked confused. “Your wannabe stepmom”. “Oh… I guess she shouldn’t have taken off with that Vato”, Letty said. “What are you talking about?”, Nina asked. Letty shrugged disinterestedly. “I saw her coming out of EZ’s trailer, and then that Sala guy and her talked for a while”. Nina swallowed thickly. “What happened?”. “I don’t know. I was busy getting yelled at by Coco for my top, but I saw them talk, and then they drove off on his bike”, Letty said. “The rest of the Vatos left just after”.
Nina almost tripped over her own feet, running in to the clubhouse. She slammed the door open. “Vatos Malditos took Camille last night! I think they thought she was me…”.
After Letty had relayed what she’d seen the night before, Taza called for Angel, Coco and Gilly to get back to the clubhouse as soon as possible. Nina explained how her inhaler had been lost, but showed up in the garage where the Vato’s bikes had been parked, and Bishop pulled Taza into a corner for a private conversation. The two men looked towards Nina a few times, and she was beginning to feel increasingly uneasy. The VM’s had taken Camille at a Mayan party, which could only mean that either they didn’t give a shit about club decorum, and the unwritten rules about not hurting anyone connected to a club they were at peace with; or they rightfully suspected the Mayans of double-crossing them.
She was chain-smoking and pacing the ground in front of the clubhouse, when – after what seemed like forever – Angel and the rest finally pulled into the yard. Without shame, Nina sprang into his arms. He cupped her face and examined her expression. “Nina, what’s wrong?”. Nina didn’t reply, simply pressed her lips to his; desperately needing to feel his closeness.
“Templo!”, Bishop called from the door. EZ came out behind him, and walked up to Nina and Angel. “We should get out of here”, he said to Nina, before looking at his brother. Angel frowned. “What’s going on? Taza didn’t say anything over the phone”. “It’s bad”, EZ said. “We’ll go to pap’s”. “Just take her to mine”, Angel said. “It looks like you’re gonna take a while in there”, EZ said. Nina frowned in confusion. “But…”. “Angel!”, Bishop growled from the porch. Angel cursed bellow his breath, pressed a kiss to Nina’s temple, and went to join the others in templo.
Nina was shaking as he walked off, and almost jumped when EZ tugged at her arm. “Come on, hermanita. Let’s go”. He pulled her over to his bike, and they drove off the lot.
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levis-hazelnut · 3 years
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Summary: when you and your best friend, Hanji, were younger, you had made up stories about your dream guys - what they would look like and how you would meet. What happens when the one you had made up appears to be real?
Warning(s): I don’t think there are any in this chapter. But, please do tell me if there are any.
Taglist (closed!): @castellandiangelo @fandom-addict19​ @20coldhearts​
Status: completed!
part 4 > part 5 > part 6
series masterlist
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It's been exactly five days since that time I yelled at Jean and Levi. What did I do during these days? Well, first of all, both males had sat down with me at lunch the next day, making Hanji, Connie, Sasha and Armin leave the table. Surprisingly, they apologised for things they weren't at fault for, so I shut them up, telling them they did nothing wrong. After that, they told me they won't stick their noses in my business and would let me tell them what was on my mind if I wanted to. We sorted everything out and ended up spending the rest of lunch being stupid, including Levi who tried covering up a couple of chuckles behind coughs. Since our table looked fun, those who left came back, along with Petra, Isabel and Farlan.
After uni ended that day, Jean and I stopped by at the cafe Eren worked at. I spoke to him about how I think he should forget about me because the relationship we had was in the past and he should move on. He did seem upset (obviously) but he understood what I was saying. Of course, however, he continued flirting with me. But that made sense since he can't just get over me like that and it's a habit of his to flirt with the first girl in sight. He claimed he was glad that I wasn't avoiding him or acting awkward around him. Soon, we parted ways and headed home. And the rest of the four days, I got over the fact that Petra and Levi were now in a relationship and I can't do anything about it. So, I was back to my usual, crazy, energetic and friendly self which Hanji, Eren, Jean and Levi were happy about. Though, one of those people had no way of showing me that (Levi). Now, it's Saturday (one week after the raven and strawberry-blonde went on their first date). Once again, me and Levi were sitting at the table with our laptops in front of us. Instead of hot drinks, we had iced drinks with all the windows open, seeing as how the weather was smouldering. This time I didn't have a gloomy expression, more like a smile which would often widen as Levi and I messed around. And there wasn't the depressing sound of Lo-Fi, we took turns in playing summery songs that only made our moods better. "Oi, stop singing. You sound like a cow and sheep fucking." I laughed and chucked a pen at him since it was the only projectile near me and he swiftly dodged it. Unfortunately, for the brunette with glasses, who happened to walk behind Levi at that moment, she got hit by the pen. I quickly apologised before locking eyes with Levi. "As if you sing any better," I retorted, about to take a bite of my sandwich, but it soon disappeared from my grip because of Hanji who took a bite before passing it back to me. "Hey, by the way, Erwin's coming over soon, but then we're going to go out," Hanji announced as she chewed on the food, causing both me and the raven to scrunch our noses up in disgust. "Wait. Erwin?" he repeated and shot me a questioning glance. "Yeah, our professor," I confirmed his vague query. "They're in a relationship." What the hell?" he murmured which I snorted at. "Anyway, that's fine." "You aren't going to be distracted?" "Uh, we're barely even concentrating because of the heat and this assignment isn't exactly fun," I said, standing up and stretching before taking Levi's glass and going into the kitchen to refill our glasses with mojito that I made. "You don't mind, right, Ackerman?" I questioned and placed the glass in front of him. "Yeah, whatever. It's not my apartment," he stated, looking down at his phone. I flicked his forehead, causing him to scowl once he glanced up at me. "What was that for, brat?" "I'd appreciate it if you give me your full attention when I'm talking to you," I smirked. "Sure, your majesty." He rolled his eyes but put his phone away, nevertheless. "What do you want?" "Nothing, really. Just wanted to make you look up." "To see your repulsive face? You're torturing me too much," he teased and I snorted before taking a sip of my drink. "Hm. You're really thirsty, aren't you?" If I hadn't swallowed the minty beverage a second before his remark, it would have spewed onto his face. My face grew red and I chucked a pencil at him. He dodged it once again as a smug smirk rested on his lips. "I hate you, you know," I muttered. I was so grateful that Hanji went back to her room because she would irritate the hell out of me about it, with Levi's presence here or not. "Yeah, right. Just as much as you hate that Eren kid?" "I have no romantic feelings for him. He's my best friend, other than Hanji, and he's a hell of a lot better at keeping me company than you." "Well, I obviously can't give you the attention he does since I'll be cheating." "Ugh, why did I even invite you?" "Because you don't hate me and I'm amazing at keeping you company." "Say whatever you want, Ackerman." "... Oi." "What?" "I'd appreciate it if you had your attention on me while I'm talking." "Yeah, give me one second," I told him as I continued typing away on my phone and I heard a sigh, which made me look up at him. "Is your pitiful ass upset because I'm not noticing you?" I mocked in an innocent voice. "Tch." He crossed his arms over his chest and faced away from me. "Why would I be upset, darlin'?" "Because you love me so much. And I'm your bestest friend in the whole, wide world." "You're such a child," he chuckled lightly. which made me smile. "Thank y--" I was cut off by the sound of the buzzer, so I stood up and approached the front door before getting pushed by Hanji who sprinted down the corridor to answer the door for her boyfriend. I clicked my tongue before going back to the table where Levi and I sat. "Someone's horny," I mumbled. "Hey, I'm not bothered to carry on with this. Let's just chill." "Sure. What do you want to do?" "I don't know. You should never ask me what I want; I'm the most indecisive person." "Fine. Seeing as how the weather is nice, let's go out somewhere." "Stop, stop!" a hushed voice giggled, catching mine and Levi's attention. "(Y/N) and Levi are here." I rolled my eyes and I could see that Levi was holding back a laugh. "Forget about them. So, where should we go?" I inquired, which Levi shrugged to before both of our heads turned towards two figures entering the room. "Hey, Erwin," I greeted with a smile. "Ah, hi, (Y/N). I didn't expect to see you here, Levi." "Likewise, Smith." The blonde male didn't regard the way in which Levi spoke and simply smiled at both of us. I'm going to be completely honest and say that Hanji is lucky to have a man like him. He's handsome, caring, polite and basically the embodiment of charming. And Hanji mentioned how great he is in bed. I never wished to know that, but whatever, it's Hanji so no one can stop her from saying her shit. Nevertheless, I love her. And I would never think about moving onto her boyfriend, well, it's not like I actually developed feelings for him. I kind of see him as an older brother or something of the sort. "Hey, Hanji, what's something fun to do outside today?" I questioned. "Um... Picnic in the park, go to the beach, cycle, visit a zoo--" "Okay, thanks," I cut her off before there would be too many decisions to choose from. "Why are you asking?" she asked before gasping in excitement. "Are you going on a date?!" "I don't see why you would be so surprised if I had a date, but no, I don't," I said, arching a single brow. "Me and Levi gave up on this shitty assignment, and since we shouldn't be inside when it's so sunny outside, we decided to do something," I told her before realising that the work we were doing was for the professor standing beside her. "I mean, we've finished it and we deserve a reward for doing so well," I joked and the male with cerulean eyes chuckled softly. "I appreciate your choice of words for describing the task I gave you. I'll be sure to remember that when I grade it," he teased, with an undertone of warning. "You know, you're the best professor in our uni." He shook his head and smiled. "Go out. I don't want to ruin your fun because of 'this shitty assignment'." "Haha, you know I was only joking about that. Anyway, let's go, Mr Moody," I said and got up from my seat, stretching. "You're going to out in your pyjamas?" "Oh, right. Wait here, I'm going to quickly change." "Okay." I rushed into my bedroom and sifted through my clothes, finding a white, lace singlet, along with baby blue, jean shorts. I slipped both pieces of clothing on before styling my hair into a half-up, half-down ponytail and put on sunglasses to rest on my head for now. I grabbed whatever I needed and stuffed it into a small bag, hooking it onto my shoulder before leaving my room. Hanji and Erwin were on the sofa as I spotted Levi leaning against the table, we previously sat at, with his backpack slung over his shoulder. I gestured for him to come and he came to my side as we both waved at the couple before proceeding to leave. We both slipped on our shoes and left, taking the stairs to go down. As soon as I opened the main door of the building, the heat slapped us and the sun blazed in our faces so I positioned my sunglasses to protect me from the light that threatened to blind me. "So where are we going?" the male beside me asked. "Pick from the things Hanji suggested. Maybe not a picnic since we didn't prepare any food for that unless you want to be lazy and just buy things. Also, not the beach because it'll take a while to get there and then there'll be no point since we'll only be there for a short while." "So picnic, cycling, and the zoo?" he listed and I nodded as he thought about it. "... Picnic in the park - let's be lazy and buy things." "Okay. Shall we head to the shops first?" "Yeah." ~/~ The grass tickled my bare skin as I laid on my back, with my eyes closed, one leg was arched as the other was stretched across the ground. My head leaned on one of my arms as my other arm rested over my stomach. Music rang in my ears, which I softly hummed to, from Levi's phone that rested in between us. Said male laid on his side, propped up by one of his elbows. He had his head in his palm and held a book in his other hand. Before we were relaxing like this, we had eaten the snacks and food we bought, though, some remained since we may have gotten too much stuff. Then, we decided to take over the playground, and apparently, we seemed to have intimidated some kids. Pfft, they're such scaredy cats. Why couldn't an eighteen (me) and nineteen-year-old (Levi since he's a few months older than me *eye roll*) mess around as well? Once we laughed at the children's faces, we came back to this spot and decided to just relax. Barely any words were spoken. A sigh left my lips when I felt my phone vibrate in the back pocket of my shorts. I fished it out before bringing it to my ear. "Hello?" "Hey, (Y/N)!" "Hi, Petra," I smiled and rolled over, onto my stomach. "What's up?" "I was wondering if Levi is still with you." "Yeah. We're in the park. Is something wrong?" "No, no. I was just trying to call Levi, but he wasn't answering his phone." "Oh, here you can talk to him.” "Thank you," she said before I passed my phone to Levi, so he could talk to Petra. He put his book down before taking my phone. I took his book and read the blurb before turning to the first page, trying not to listen in into their conversation. I'd say I've improved - there's barely any jealousy in me (okay, maybe a little), I don't turn bitchy when I see them two, and I don't have to fake smile anymore. The tone in which he spoke in was hardly any different to how he talks to anyone else, but I could hear a hint of something gentle. A soft smile touched my lips when I listened to his voice (not his words, mind you) and I wished I could listen to it on repeat. It was his usual nonchalant voice, mixed with a soft timbre, which was a sign he cared about Petra. He spoke in a hushed tone that almost sounded like a purr. I wasn't even concentrating on the book in front of me anymore. I kept on reading the same sentence over and over but I still wasn't able to understand the printed words since I was stuck in a daze because of Levi's voice. "What are you smiling about?" "Your voice is nice," I blurted out without thinking what I was saying. Once I realised what I said, my eyes slightly widened as I averted them from the book to him to see he was smirking. "I mean--" "Whatever, you weirdo," he cut me off, the smirk still present. He gave my phone back and stole the book from my hands and flipped the pages over until he reached the one he stopped on before his phone call. "And what are you smirking about?" "It's amusing to see you get nervous," he replied with a shrug, his eyes absorbing the information on the page. With a roll of my eyes, I returned to my original position but rested my head on Levi's lap this time since he was sitting with his legs outstretched. He flicked my forehead, which I ignored, as I took my phone in my hands when I got a few messages from Eren after taking a sip of the iced tea I bought. 'Hey (Y/N)' 'I got off work early today' 'Wanna go out somewhere since the sun's out?' I wasn't bothered to type so I decided to call him. He picked up after about five seconds and spoke a small 'hello'. "Hi, Eren." "Hey." "Basically, the thing is... I'm in the park with Levi right now." "Oh." "But," I began before glancing up at the raven whose eyes were still on the book. "Hey, Ackerman?" "What?" "Would you mind if Eren came?" "He's your boyfriend, do whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Sorry about that. But, you could come and join us, or we can go out somewhere later?" "I don't mind. What did Levi say?" "He doesn't care. We aren't really doing anything, though." "What park are you at?" "The one near my apartment." "... Do you mind if I come since I'm around there?" "Of course, I don't, you doofus. And, we can still do something later." "Okay. I'll be there in a few minutes. See you later, angel." "Bye, love," I went along with the joke. "And you say he isn't your boyfriend," Levi muttered. "He isn't. I already told you we're just stupid kind of friends that act like a couple by calling each other names. Don't think anything more of it." "Well, why are you so defensive? Also, you've never mentioned that you have an interest in someone." Yeah, well, that's because the person I have interest in is you and you're taken, I thought. "Just because I haven't mentioned it, doesn't mean I don't." "Well, do share, darlin'." "I thought you weren't going to get involved in my business." "But you don't seem upset about it." "Look, you asshole, I have no obligation to tell you, so--" "Hi," a voice cut me off and I flitted my eyes over to the figure that was protecting me from the sun. "Eren!" I beamed and tugged on his wrist which caused him to fall. I hugged him as he struggled to get off of me. "Where are you going? I haven't seen you for the entire week." "I'm probably crushing you right now. Let go of me, (Y/N)." "Hmph. Fine." I released him from my grip and he rolled off of me, sitting up next to me as I still laid on my back. "This is a park, you two might want to keep it PG," the male that I rested my head on commented. "Shut up and read your book." I scowled at him before facing Eren. "There are snacks and drinks, help yourself." "Okay, thanks," he grinned and laid down next to me, resting his head on Levi's leg as well. "Oi, I'm not a fucking pillow." "You are now," I told him bluntly. "So, how was work?" "It was all right. Horseface came in and decided to annoy me. However, he did look kind of upset about something. When I asked him what's up, he just scoffed and told me that it's none of my business. Typical of him, but I think if you ask him, he'll tell you." "I'll ask him later. Right now, I just want to relax without having to deal with anything," I sighed and turned to look at the sky. Eren glanced at Levi to see that he was still engrossed in whatever book he was reading and he slightly nudged me. I gave him a questioning glance and he motioned for me to come closer, so I did. "What's wrong?" I questioned the teal-eyed male. "How come you aren't depressed anymore?" "I got myself together. I realised there's no point in getting upset over something I can't change and just pushed everything to the back of my mind. Are you proud of me for doing that?" I asked like a little child, wanting praise. "Yeah," he smiled, tousling my hair. I shifted my head to rest on Eren's shoulder and closed my eyes, breathing in his entrancing scent and feeling content next to him. "Ackerman?" "Hm?" "Are you okay?" "Yeah, why?" "You're unusually quiet." "Maybe because I'm reading. Are you okay? You're being unusually kind." "Excuse me? I'm always nice." "As if," he scoffed. If my eyes were open, I would have rolled them. "If you're so nice, why don't you have a boyfriend?" "Seriously? You're still asking about that?" I didn't even bother to look at him since I was comfortable with my position. "Forget about it. Forget I said anything about liking someone since I have no intention in telling you, or anyone, right now." "... Is it Eren?" "No," I huffed. No matter how much Eren and I acted like a couple, we would never develop feelings for each other. I always have and always will see him as a brother, but not one that annoys the hell out of me. The one that cares for me and gets angry if someone would hurt me. The love we feel for each other is not romantic. ~/~ "Ah, it feels so nice to have a shower after sweating all day," I sighed in delight and plopped down onto the sofa in between Eren and Levi, who were talking about something before they both fell silent. I only cocked an eyebrow but didn't say anything, brushing it off. "Eren?" "Sure," he already replied without hearing my request. I grinned and passed him my hairbrush as he proceeded to brush my hair when I slightly turned my back towards him, now facing Levi who had his gaze on the floor. "Do you two want something to eat? We haven't had dinner and it's already nine o'clock," I suggested. "Yeah. But, do you have things to cook?" Eren pointed out. "Yep. What do you guys want?" I asked them, and Levi only shrugged, leaning back against the sofa. "What do you have?" "I'm not sure. I'll have to check, but I know we have ingredients to make a simple meal." "I kind of just feel like pasta," Eren spoke. "But like really saucy and cheesy." "What, like me?" I chuckled at my own stupid joke and I could imagine he rolled his eyes. I witnessed Levi's lips curl upwards slightly as he shook his head at my stupidity. "Anyway, I'm sure we've got pasta, and stuff to make the sauce, and cheese. Thanks, by the way," I smiled at Eren when he passed me back the hairbrush. I got up and quickly placed it back in my room before going back to the living room. "Both of you can have a shower while I cook something if you want," I told them as Eren nodded, leaving the room. "Darlin', there's one bathroom, so you better not be suggesting anything." I rolled my eyes. "There's actually two. Hanji has an ensuite and she won't mind if you use it. I'm sure you don't want to sit around after sweating, especially with you being a clean-freak, so go ahead. You can borrow Eren's clothes since I'm pretty sure he's left some here." "And you still claim you aren't in a relationship with the boy?" "Yes. Also, if we were dating, why would we hide it? And don't you think that I would've just given up and told you by now?" "Maybe you hide it because you're ashamed of something. And you're a stubborn brat, I doubt you would break." "Just shut up and go have a shower," I snapped with a playful tone, showing him I wasn't actually annoyed. "I'll get you some clothes and leave them on Hanji's bed; there should already be a towel in there." "Okay, thanks." I went to look for some of Eren's clothes. After a bit of hunting, I found a t-shirt and joggers, neatly folded, and I left it on Hanji's bed. When I went to the kitchen, I noticed Eren already fishing through the cupboards and had previously already found the pasta. "Hey," I spoke, catching his attention. He turned around and gave me a grin before looking for ingredients again. "You can sit down, I don't need help." "Are you sure your clumsy ass doesn't need help? I do remember when you nearly sliced your finger off like an idiot. And when you tripped over your own feet and dropped a plate. And--" "Okay, okay. Fine, you can help," I pouted. "I'm not that clumsy, though," I muttered to which Eren only chuckled softly. "Whatever you say, princess. Boil water in this pot," he told me and I nodded, doing as he said. I then helped him look for everything else as we set everything out on the counters and began preparing our dinner. It was silent until the teenage male spoke up. "... (Y/N)?" "Hm?" "What are you going to do about Levi and Petra?" he asked quietly, causing me to look up at him as he came by my side. "I don't know... There isn't anything I can do. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. I mean, me and Hanji did say that there would be so many girls chasing after him, yet he still chooses me," I described another detail in the stupid story thing we created. "Hey, don't look so down. It's been five months, not a few years, so you still have time to see what the future holds," Eren grinned, noticing the gloomy expression that cast over my visage. I gave him a small smile and looped my arms around him, feeling him embrace me tighter as my cheek pressed against his chest. I wish I could live in Eren's hug, there's nothing I love more than his hugs since he always comforts me and cares for me, and he smells so damn good, especially after coming out of the shower. "Oi, lovebirds." I huffed inaudibly before parting from the hug. "... What?" I spat, not meaning for it to sound so harsh, as I turned around to look at the raven. "Hm, so you are dating?" he smirked and went to sit down at the dining table, crossing his leg over the other. "What do you mean?" I inquired, folding my arms over my chest as Eren continued cooking. "If you weren't dating, you would have responded to 'lovebirds' or at least retorted with something. However, you didn't." "Or maybe I just got tired of correcting you." I arched an eyebrow, approaching him to flick his forehead. But, he grabbed my wrist, preventing me from doing that. I wiggled out of his grip and just frowned at him. "What will it take to prove that we aren't in a relationship?" "I just want to point something else out: Eren doesn't deny it whenever I say you two are dating." "Because he thinks you're an idiot. Now, tell me what it'll take." "Not a legitimate answer, but whatever. Anyway, you know I'm just messing with you when I say all this. I know you two aren't boyfriend and girlfriend." "Tch. Why do you have to be so annoying?" I muttered, plopping down in a chair next to him and he ruffled my hair. "I only annoy you, darlin'. You should be happy that you're special." "Whatever. I'm going to go help Eren with dinner." "Do you need help?" "Two people are enough. Thank you, though." "You just want to be alone with your boyfriend, don't you?" Levi stated when I turned my back to him, but he never knew I was holding a knife in my hands. So, to let him know, I faced him. "You better shut your mouth before this accidentally pierces you, Ackerman," I growled and he only laughed under his breath. God, what being on Earth is able to make that sound? Why is he so gorgeous in so many ways? Why can he make me feel like this, yet, I have no effect on him? Why can't I just jump onto him, and hug him, and kiss him, and love him, and marry him?
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graykageyama · 3 years
SYNOPSIS: arguments are bound to happen to couples, especially those in the long-term ones. you just have to forgive the other right? but what if one of you was already tired from always being the one to reach out?
PAIRING: miya atsumu x reader
GENRE(S): angst
WARNINGS: cussing, swear words
12:32 AM
It had been 3 hours already, and yet no text from Atsumu. You both had another argument which eventually led him to leave your shared apartment. You never even thought the argument would blow up like this. You don't even know where he went. As usual, he will never text you unless you do first. Not a trace from your boyfriend, you sighed as you recalled your last exchange.
You opened the front door with a heavy heart. Today was a great day, well supposedly. You finally had been recognized for your efforts in the company you've been working for. It was supposed to be a big company party, where you can finally bring your boyfriend as your date. Receiving the trophy and announcing your new position, your eyes scanned once again the halls for the familiar blonde. But alas, he wasn't there.
"Where are you?" (Sent, 2:39 PM)
"I'm about to be called up on the stage soon. I'm so excited about this, TsumTsum!" (Sent, 3:15 PM)
"Finally, got it Tsum! HA! I can finally add a trophy of my own in our collection. I still hope there's some space though, after all, your trophies took up so much space. Tsktsk. Kidding! You know I am so proud of your achievement , babe! Anw, where are you? You missed me receiving my award, but maybe, you can still catch up to the party! Message me, okay?" (Sent, 3:38 PM)
"Hey, where are you baby? I thought you are able to celebrate with me?" (Sent, 4:05 PM)
"Baby.. Will you still be able to come here?" (Sent, 5:45 PM)
"The party just ended. I'm on my way home now. Reply soon babe, yeah?" (Sent, 6:27 PM)
"Home already, love." (Sent, 7:16 PM)
You went straight to the bedroom, and changed into your loungewear. You didn't bother to remove your makeup yet, still slightly hoping that Atsumu would make it up and bring you to a dinner date. You looked at the suit hanging on the handle of your closet. Still no text from Atsumu, you thought. Maybe practice is just running late? But he promised though, he told me he would support me today.
You heard some keys fumbling from the front door, and the lock being opened. You finally saw your boyfriend still in his casual clothes from training, taking off his shoes, and dropping the gym bag at the floor. You walked towards his direction.
"Hey, honey" you said with a weak smile. "Where were you today"?
Atsumu gave you a side hug as he fumbles with the pockets of his jackets to take out his keys, wallet and phone. "Training was so tiring, babe. Coach had us do 6 full sets today, but we were so evenly matched and grouped so each set ended like with around 30 points. But my serves were completely off today, which is why I wanted to work on them for about 2-3 hours after practice. I couldn’t even score a single service ace today." He grumbled as he walked towards the kitchen. "Hey, no food today? You haven't cooked dinner yet, honey? You know your cooking always cheers me up after a stressful day."
"Uhm, sorry honey. I had already eaten at the company earlier today, and I'm still quite full." Guilt coating your words with not being able to feed your boyfriend.
"Huh, well , I guess I have no choice but to order take out then. You should have ordered me one babe if you weren't planning to cook me some dinner." He said as his eyes quickly scrolled through his phone and called the Sushi place, missing the notifications of messages he received from you.
"Mhmm, I'm sorry love. Won't do it again, will make it up to you soon." 
The sushi delivery arrived after a few minutes, and Atsumu immediately scarfed down the meal. You sat across from him, while scrolling through the phone. "Leave the dish washing to me babe, it's the least I can do."
"Thanks babe, you're the best!" Atsumu chuckled as he took another bite. His eyes focused on you, noticing that there was slightly different with your makeup today. "You look pretty today, baby. Where did you go today? You only wear that makeup when there are parties you had to attend to, love" He took the last piece into his mouth, as he waited for your reply.
"I, uhmm, my promotion was finally announced today Tsum, at the company party.” You said with a low You saw Atsumu stiffen from your peripheral vision. He quickly opened his phone again and saw the date today. He also read the messages you had sent him today. 
“Fuck shit, I’m sorry Y/N. I completely forgot today, and training was so rough. I’ll make it up to you.” He said as he held your hands. 
“Uhmm, it’s alright Atsumu, I understand.” Your eyes still remained low as you cannot maintain the eye contact he was giving you. 
“You don’t look okay though, babe. Tell me, what’s wrong? ” He squeezed your hands and rubbed reassuring circles against your skin. “You told me we’ll be open to each other, yeah?”
You squeezed your eyes shut as you took a deep breath. “Well, this was not the first time this has happened Tsumu. You missed a lot of big events in my life. The time I had a successful presentation, the time I scored a huge client for the company, and the 7 times I was recognized as employee of the month.” You squeezed his hands as you tried to stop your tears from forming. “Not once, Tsumu. Not once did you attend any of them. “ 
“But I gave you gifts in return right? I was able to make it up you. I thought we’ve already talked and forgotten about this.” He retrieved his hands from you and cross them in front of his chest. “You’re being pathetic, Y/N. Stop bringing up past arguments, you know this does not have to do anything from them. I said I was sorry, okay? I also gave you those jewelry, and that red dress you absolutely loved. I thought we’ve already settled this”.
“I know, Tsumu, and I am truly thankful for the gifts you have given me. But I was just hoping that you would support me too with my career. I mean, I have always went to support you with your games and I just wanted you to do the same for me. “ Tears were definitely filling up your eyes as you choked up a sob. “Just once, Tsumu. Is it that hard to ask?”
“Well damn it, Y/N! You already know how busy my schedule can be. You can’t keep on demanding these things from me. My time is so limited, and I have to train hard since the tournament is coming up.” He stood up and raised his voice, pointing at you. ”You have always been so needy, so clingy of my time. Why can’t you understand that I am giving you the best I can give with my time? What else do you want, huh? Are you just making this up so I can buy you another purse? A pair of earrings? Tell me what you want so we can forget about this already.” Taking out his card, ready to give it to you.
Your eyes widened with his actions. “What do you think I am, Atsumu? A fucking gold digger? I just wanted your time for pete’s sake. I just wanted my boyfriend to watch me receive my award as recognition of my two-year efforts with this job. I wanted my boyfriend to hug me as I go down from the stage, telling me how proud he was of me.” You stood up as you met his eyes. Rage covered his honey-colored orbs, but you did not back down, not this time. “You just had to attend one company event for me, Tsumu. Just do the bare minimum for me. But apparently, I am not worth any of your time.” You seethed through your teeth. “You haven't even congratulated me ever since you came home late. Even noticed the one thing I wasn’t able to do for you today, and you made it definitely feel like I made huge mistake as your partner. I am so tired from this, Tsumu. It can’t always be me who had to do things for this relationship.” You closed your fists as you brought them up to your chest, like you’re trying to protect your heart from being broken. Tears were streaming down your face, staining the puffy, red cheeks with the smudged mascara. “I just wanted you to meet me halfway, babe. Just even a quarter, just make me feel like I’m not the only one doing things for our relationship.” 
“Well, I’m sorry Y/N. I can’t be the boyfriend you want.” He snapped as he rubbed his forehead. “You know what? I don’t want to deal with this right now. Talk to me when you’re finally okay and all moved on from this drama.” He went to the counter and grabbed his keys, phone and wallet. 
You stood up from your seat and followed him. “You told me to be open with my feelings, and I have just always been honest to you. You can’t just leave during our arguments, baby. Are you just gonna leave me hanging again? Will you really leave this unresolved? This happens every time, and I am so fucking tired --” The loud slam of the door shutting you off as your eyes stared at the empty space where your boyfriend had left. 
This wasn’t the first time he escaped after one of your arguments. He was always like this. You were the type to be the one who wants to solve problems quickly. But your boyfriend was completely the opposite. You sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose, as you tried to stop crying for the nth time. 
It had always been me. It was always me.
He wasn’t like this before though. At the start of your relationship, he was always the one who initiated the make ups after arguing. He would always try to comfort you and solve through the problems together. But after a year, with your relationship going on for three years, why did it have it go like this? He no longer was the first to message you, or give the reassuring touches.
But Atsumu was still a good boyfriend. He was physically affectionate, and he always tried to make up with you through dinner dates and gifts. He would try to fetch you in front of your workplace if he has the time. He would always respect your boundaries. He would smother your face with good morning kisses, and give you the best hugs when he arrives home. He had never cheated within those three years, well, not that you know of. You trusted him with your whole heart. You were always the happiest when you were with him. You know that he loves you, and he never fails to tell you that each day.
But why do you still feel unloved? 
You always had guarded your heart whenever you feel a problem is about to be brought up. You always tried to think of other versions of how you were going to express yourself to him. You were always scared of how he would react when you would fight. You were always scared that he would never return when he leaves you in an argument.
You felt secure with him when you were both okay, and happy. You had no problems with him being a great boyfriend in those happy moments. But on the other hand, you felt the most vulnerable when you need him the most, and he wasn’t there. It was like seeking comfort and security from the man who left you defenseless in the first place. Ironic, isn’t it?
You know that he would come home once you texted or called him, and told him that you had forgiven him already - that you could forget about it and move on from the problem just as always. Everything will be okay for the mean time. This was just a cycle you had to endure from your relationship with the MSBY setter. 
But is this the relationship you would want to have for the rest of your life?
12:51 PM
Atsumu returned back to the shared apartment the next day, wondering why you haven’t messaged him to come home yet. He massaged his sore shoulders as he had spent the night at his brother’s place, cramped in the small couch in his living room. He really expected a thread of your messages to welcome him in the morning, or maybe a few calls last night telling him to come home to you already, and that he was forgiven. But to his dismay, he stared at his lock screen with no notifications from the one who he wanted from the most. 
He opened the door, expecting you to run to him and welcome him with a warm hug, a cheerful smile, and on your tippy toes as you try to reach him for a kiss. But he received no greetings from you. He walked through the space and glanced around. The apartment was quiet, and a wave of panic rushed through his body. He went straight to the bed room and saw that his closet was already half-empty. Your bottles of skin care and perfume gone, and your work table decluttered. He searched through all of the rooms in the apartment hoping to see those sweet eyes again, hoping to ask for another chance to make your relationship better again.  But, there was no you - no patient and understanding you to forgive him again. 
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kpopmultifan127 · 4 years
Liquid Dreams (M)
Tumblr media
Pairings: Haechan x female reader 
Genre: SMUT, a little bit of fluff
Contains: unprotected sex *please use protection*, oral sex, finger sex, swearing
Word count: 3,246
when you see words in italics it means their thoughts or what they were dreaming
Summary: You’ve been roommates with Haechan for almost 6 months and you’ve been having wet dreams about him constantly. Then ended up having really strong feelings for him. He takes notice and does something about it.
You and Haechan have been roommates for almost 6 months now. He was the only guy you trusted with everything. When your old roommate had to move out because they gotten a job offer in a different state Haechan stepped in to be your roommate. You’ve been friends for so long so you had no problem agreeing to him moving in. It was better than having a stranger live in the apartment with you.
It’s 8 AM you were always the first to get up since you had a 9a-5p job so you were use to waking up early. You made breakfast for just yourself seeing how Haechan always finishes work late and sleeps in like passed noon, so you never really made more than what you would eat. As you were leaning over the kitchen counter in your silk robe while scrolling through your phone you were startled to hear a voice come from the hallway. It was Haechan. Walking towards the kitchen while half asleep and rubbing his eyes.
Haechan: morning y/n.
y/n: oh my god, Hyuck you scared me!
Haechan: oh sorry, I didn’t mean to.
y/n: you’re up really early....
Haechan: I know, I have a photoshoot today at 10.
y/n: ah ok...would you like me to make you something? I made a bagel sandwich...I can make you another one.
Haechan: oh no it’s ok...that’s too much trouble for you.
y/n: Haechan....if it was trouble for me I wouldn’t have asked....
He let out a soft giggle as he took up on your offer. You were standing in the kitchen getting everything made for him. When you turned around you saw him staring at you.
y/n:...what? do I have something on my face?
Haechan:...no...but um I can see through your robe.
You had totally forgot you were still in your robe, because you weren’t use to him being up this early. By the time he usually wakes up you’re dressed. You turned a shade of pink while turning around really fast.
Haechan: why you all shy...we are roommates....and you’re cute.
As he took a bite and walking back to his room with his sandwich to get ready.
Haechan: thanks for the food y/n!
y/n: ...oh um you’re welcome.
You stood there frozen by his words “you’re cute” you felt heat form on your cheeks and felt your heart flutter. You snapped yourself back into reality realizing you still had to get ready for work.
You were finally at work, it was really slow day at the cafe you worked at. You couldn’t really concentrate at work because of what happened earlier that morning. Then you were brought back to reality when you’re coworker and friend Joy. Waving her hand in front of your face.
Joy: hello!!! y/n! Earth to y/n!!!
y/n: oh...oh um sorry.
Joy:  oh my god were you day dreamin again?!
y/n: sorry it’s slow today what else can I do?
Joy: who is it this time?
y/n: Haechan...
y/n: oh my god can you be ANY louder?
Joy: sorry..but ok what happened?
You proceeded to tell her the little incident that happened earlier.
Joy: oh my god....so you flashed him a little. not a big deal...not like you like him or anything..
You stood there quietly not saying a word...she put 2 and 2 together..
Joy: oh wow...do you really like him?
y/n: honestly, I don’t really know....I mean when I’m around him I get all shy and my heart starts to beat really fast....we’ve been friends since we were freshmen in high school. But I don’t know lately I’ve been seeing him differently.
Joy: oh god...yeah y/n you really like him.
Your day at work finally finished. When you got home Haechan still hasn’t gotten back from his photoshoot. So you had the place to yourself for the time being. You showered, ate ramen, then caught up on some of your Law of the Jungle episodes. Before you knew it you looked at the clock and it was already 11:30 pm. Haechan still hasn’t come home. You were too tired to wait up for him, so you changed into your sleeping clothes.
When your eyes dozed off you started to dream away.
Haechan: y/n can you come here a second and blow in my eye.
y/n: why do you have something inside of it?
Haechan: yes I can’t get it out can you help me.
you walk over to him to lean foward to take a look in his eye.
y/n: oh I think I see it.
you slightly blow in his eye.
y/n: is it out?
Haechan: no I can still feel it, can you just sit closer.
Without realizing it, you’re straddling over Haechan’s lap. You slightly blow in his eye getting rid of the debris from his eye.
y/n: better?
you make eye contact with him, forgetting you were still straddling over him. you were in still in your short sleeping shorts. When you attempted to get up he stops you holding you by your waist.
y/n: wha-what are you doing Hyuck?
Haechan: were you always this sexy?
You then felt him shift himself to get a more comfortable angle. That’s when you felt his bulge under you. And you felt yourself become really hot and a slow wetness started to form.
y/n: what---
Haechan: i know you can feel it y/n.
y/n: fe--feel what?
you knew exactly what he was talking about. You then felt his hips roll forward as you let out a small whimper.
Haechan: see you do feel it...what are you gonna do about it now.
He then slips his hand in your shorts feeling how hot and wet you are.
Haechan: hmm...seems like you want something baby.
His lips then met yours and he pulls back kissing your jawline. You let your head fall back as he could get more access to your neck. 
Haechan: damn baby i’ve been wanting to do this for a long time now.
He pushes you off laying you down on the couch as he tugs at your shorts giving you the sign to take them off.
Haechan: may i? unless you don’t want to.
y/n: mmm...please Hyuck..I want you.
Haechan: damn y/n....
He then pulls everything off leaving your exposed glistening clit to him. His hunger for you got stronger as he licked the bottom of his lip.
Haechan: i’m so hungry for this beautiful clit...
y/n: please Hyuck....I want you.
He begins to eat you out...he took his time with you.
You shot up from your bed....
y/n: oh...my. god....
you looked down at your shorts as you see a wet spot that had formed on your panties. You just had a wet dream about your roommate. It was 1 AM. Hyuck heard you make a noise and came running to your room.
Haechan: are you ok? I heard a noise.
you quickly covered your bottom half with your blanket so he wouldn’t see what he did to you in your dream.
y/n: oh...um no I’m fine...I just um...I have to use the bathroom.
you jetted out from your bed heading straight to the bathroom. hoping he doesn’t see what formed between your legs. The next morning you ended up leaving even earlier as you hope you didn’t cross paths with him. When you got to work Joy got there a lil before you.
Joy: woah what’s with you? you look like a hot mess.
y/n: I’m going crazy....
Joy: what happened now?
y/n: I had a wet dream about Hyuck last night....
Joy busts out laughing at the words you told her.
Joy: ok ok i’m sorry. but oh my god really?! You should tell him maybe he’ll make it into a reality.
y/n: oh. my god Joy! Why. do I even tell you things.
The passed few nights you kept having wet dreams about Haechan over and over. It drove you insane. So bad you had to fix your hunger for Haechan by yourself. When he was in the other room you always made sure to not make too loud of moaning noises so he wouldn’t hear you. It would be easier to just tell him to come fuck you but he was your friend and your roommate. You can’t just say to him “come fuck me please” it would make things so awkward for him. It wasn’t only lust that you wanted from him, you wanted to let him know you liked him so much. After you finished your business, you came out of your room with Haechan standing in the doorway.
y/n: oh my god! why you standing there?
Haechan: are you ok? you’ve been acting weird lately...
y/n: oh--I’m-I’m fine...
Haechan: how come your door was locked? you never lock your doors....do you not trust me now?
y/n: I was ---- changing.
Haechan: y/n we’ve been roommates for 6 months now...have I ever walked in on you while you were changing?
Haechan: well...ok if you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t force you to. I’m going to make ramen want some?
you nodded your head yes. You went to shower and by the time you came out the ramen was ready. 
y/n: thanks Hyuck...
Haechan: mmhmm...If you want more I can make you more.
You both sat in the living room eating the ramen and enjoying each other’s company. You’d glance at him once in awhile with a little smile. He’d notice...while still looking at the tv.
Haechan: y/n I know you think I’m handsome...would you like me to take a picture for you?
y/n: oh my god...
Haechan: well you keep staring at me.
y/n: why I can’t stare? you do it to me all the time.
Haechan:...ok true....I can’t help it you’re too adorable.
You felt your cheeks turn red. And you shot up. 
y/n: um..I’m gonna--gonna go to bed...night.
You then ran off to your bed as you shut your door. You didn’t realize you didn’t close it good leaving the door cracked open. You ended up dreaming about Haechan once again. This time Hyuck finally found out as he was passing by your room hearing you talk in your sleep.
y/n: mmm oh my god Hyuck right there...please don’t stop
he stood in the door way hearing you call out his name 
Haechan: is she dreaming about me?
He pushed the door open a little more. He wasn’t sure if you were sleeping so when he got closer he noticed you kept shifting yourself in your bed.
y/n: Haechan..you feel so good. Please cum inside me...
His eyes widen at the sound of you. 
Haechan: oh damn...that’s hot.
He thought to himself should he touch you? But he stopped himself as he wasn’t sure if you’d be embarrassed that you were dreaming about him. The next morning came and he was already dressed and making breakfast. You slowly came out of your room.
y/n: what’s---this?
Haechan: breakfast what does it look like?
You looked up and down at him, he looked so good today. He was wearing his black ripped jeans, a nice white button down tucked in the front.
y/n: you--you look really good today.
Haechan: as to any other day...
He lets out a little before sitting you down so you both can eat together.
y/n: do you have another photoshoot today?
Haechan: yeah for elle korea. Want me to take you to work today?
You were a little confused...why was he so giddy today. But you took him up on that offer. He took you to work, you kept glancing at him. You just couldn’t take your eyes off of him. Especially after all those wet dreams you’ve been constantly having of him. When he arrived at your work, you got snapped back into reality when you felt him put his hand on your thigh. You slightly flinched at the touch of him
Haechan: oh sorry, haha you were like staring into space. but you’re here...did you want me to pick you up too? I should be done by 5.
y/n: oh no it’s ok, it’s a short day for me so I finish at 3 today. I’ll just see you at home...thanks for the ride.
Then off he left. Your heart fluttered so much as how well he’s been treating you lately. You didn’t hate it, you sometimes wish you’d just tell him how you felt. But you kept telling yourself it will make things awkward.
You got home and changed into some comfy clothes. You ended up stealing one of Haechan’s hoodies that he had laying in the living room. You slipped it on with just your shorts under. You knew he wasn’t gonna be home for a little while so you needed to do your “business” before he got home. You didn’t lock your door as you knew you’d finish before he got there. 
You got comfy on your bed and began to play with yourself. Losing yourself in pleasure and thinking about Hyuck doing things to you that you’ve been wanting. You were so hungry for him but all you had was your fingers. You let out a soft moan as you slipped in 2 fingers pulling it in and out. 
y/n: hyuck...
you whispered...
y/n: i wish you could do this for me..
you kept going...letting out soft moans here and there you’d mention his name. You were so deep into pleasure you didn’t hear the front door open. Hyuck came home. He heard your little moans and worked his way to your room. He carefully opened the door and seeing you knuckles deep into your pussy.
Haechan: damn y/n
you quickly threw the blanket over you.
y/n: I thought you were coming home late....
Haechan: i finished early...but please continue.
y/n: wh--continue what?
Haechan: baby...we both know what you were doing here....or I can do it for you.
He slowly walked over to your bed sitting at the edge.
Haechan: I know you’ve been having dreams about me y/n.
y/n: wh---what are you talking about?
He leans forward as he then yanks the blanket off of you exposing your bare naked half, glistening. He looks down at your core with hunger in his eyes.
Haechan: I can help you with this y/n. 
y/n: ....hyuck.
You than can feel his hand work up your thigh. You felt goosebumps all over your body with every inch he touches. You moaned out his name when you felt him start to rub circles at your wet clit and your head falls back.
Haechan: mmm...I wanna hear you moan my name again baby.
He starts to place kisses on your neck then his lips met yours. He pulls you down lower to make you flat on your back. While he’s still rubbing circles on your clit he hovers over you.
Haechan: if I knew you wanted me this bad I would’ve done something sooner.
y/n: I want you in me Hyuck...please.
He then inserts 2 fingers in your pussy as you screech out a moan.
Haechan: you want my fingers in you? you got it baby...
y/n: no...I want your cock in me Hyuck. Please fill me up.
Haechan: damn y/n...your wish is my command.
He pulls his fingers out of you as he slowly unbuckles his pants and undressing himself. Letting his hard member spring out from being locked in his pants. You looked at him licking your lips. Without any warning he inserts himself in you. You both letting out moans of pleasure.
Haechan: fuck y/n you’re so fucking tight!
y/n: Haechan...you---you feel so good...fuck me please....hard.
He begins to thrust in and out of you faster and harder. With each thrust you can feel chills forming all over your body. In your mind you are saying you finally get to fuck the man you’ve been having wet dreams about. You felt him nibble at your neck leaving marks. You could tell he was coming close to his high as his thrusting became sloppy.
Haechan: y/n i’m almost there...where do you want me to cum...
y/n: please Hyuck...fill me up...I wanna feel you cum inside me.
Haechan: damn baby you’re so fucking hot.....
Without your body warning you, you hit your high so bad...clenching your walls on Hyuck’s cock as you felt him shoot out indside of you. You both ended up making a huge mess on your bed. He slowly lays on top of you placing kisses on your neck while he got soft in you. Dripping out both of your cum on your bed.
Haechan: damn...i’ve been wanting to do that for awhile now.
y/n: wait what?
Haechan: i never told you anything...but I knew you were having wet dreams about me lately.
You put hands up covering your face as you were embarassed.
y/n: oh my god....I’m so sorry....I don’t know what has gotten over me
Haechan:...why you sorry baby....I thought you knew I liked you for awhile now.
You sat up against the headboard and looked at him.
y/n: wait what?! you like me too?
Haechan: too?
y/n:...oh well yeah...I like you a lot too.
Haechan: for how long?
y/n: 3 months....
Haechan: so how long have you been having these dreams about me?
y/n:....a few weeks now....are you mad?
Haechan: why would I be mad....that was fucking hot seeing you squirm in your sleep for me.
You felt your cheeks turn red. He then leans in to give you a kiss on the lips again. Then looking back at the ruined bedsheets.
Haechan: well looks like you’ll be sleeping in my bed with me tonight.
You smiled at his words as you got up to get dressed. 
Haechan: why don’t you go shower and I’ll clean this up.
y/n: thanks Hyuck...
When you started to walk away to head towards the bathroom he says something to you.
Haechan: oh and you keep wearing my hoodies like that with nothing underneath, expect to get touched by me a lot.
You let out a giggle as you left to shower. He showered as well. You were laying on his bed scrolling through your phone when he came out he was wearing just a towel.
y/n: hyuck...
Haechan: ...what?
You got up from the bed to walk over to him. 
y/n:....if you come out with just a towel like this...you really think I can hold myself back?
Your hand worked over his bulge.
Haechan: babe you can do whatever you want...I ain’t stopping you.
He then lifts you up and throwing you on his bed.
y/n: babe what if we ruin these sheets we’ll have no where to sleep.
You both let out a giggle.
Haechan: ugh...yeah you’re right...
He got up and got dressed then jumps back into the bed with you wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You wrapping your arm on his waist. You could feel his heartbeat faster as you squeezed him tighter. You then looked up at him.
Haechan: you’re making my heart do that y/n....
He then places a kiss on your forehead and then your lips. Your eyes began to get heavy at the sound of his soothing heartbeats. Before you knew it, you fell asleep in the arms of the man you’ve been wanting to be with for 3 months...if you ended up closing your door completely that night he wouldn’t have known how you felt about him. 
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