citrus-blade · 10 months
Little Girls (From the Annie [2014] Original Movie Soundtrack) - Cameron Diaz
I found this through TikTok cause so many people use it there lol
Nightmare was probably the best known Hero in the city, working for the official Hero's headquaters. And he wasn't just the best known, but also the best in general, which meant a lot of work for him. Nightmare - or Dream as his real name was - always worked. The hero association barely gave him a break, his friends always told him they'd work him to death.
But who else was fit to fight against the Blood God, making sure him and his syndicate wouldn't destroy the city. It was on his shoulder to make sure they wouldn't get any data about The End Portal. The portal that would lead you somewhere unknown, a place that is supposed to give you great power.
No one alive ever went through and came back, but they had old books and letters, notes of people who apparently went through and talked about a dragon like beast. They told of cities unreachable and a dark and evil energy.
The heros had to make sure the villains wouldn't ever get there and steal said power. It was to protect everyone and therefore Dream was fine with working himself to death.
Until the day the syndicate had managed to get into the archievs. Not even Dream was allowed into the deeper, more secret part. So when he got there he was shocked to see what the villains had found. Blue prints of a prison to hold villains and heroes?! One known to weaken them and steal their powers and there was a cell for everyone.
There was one for Dream, the most secure one. Blood God had shown him, told him that those heroes were the real monsters who were after the dark power. He had told him to join them, to help them reach their goal. But Dream declined, he was naive enough to believe that there must be an explanation.
Blood God had stared at him in silence before they all fled with the notes. Dream didn't care. When Quackity and Sam came up to him to yell at him he had questioned them. They weren't happy about it, said Dream shouldn't worry. But he did, cause there were cells for not only him but his friends, even for the youngest who had just started training!
Apparently too many questions were ask and Sam - The Warden - started attacking him. They made explosives go off, framing Dream for letting the Syndicate in and attacking the association. Every hero got ordered to hunt him down, to get them to the prison alive.
Dream fled, he had to fight against people he had called his friends, people he had trained and people he had fought side by side. Now they were against him. Heavily injured Dream was able to escape in a storm, using the chaos.
He had knowledge of where the syndicate usually was found, rumors of where to find them when you needed them to do something for you. So Dream went there, bleeding, in pain from the wounds and the betrayal. In a back alley he fell to his knees, wondering if he had gotten wrong information.
But then a shadow fell down on him and in front of him stood the Blood God, pig skull staring down at him. In that moment Dream realized how little his life was worth, that he had given it to the hero association and now he had nothing left, he was a nobody.
With tears in his eyes he started to beg, to plead his greatest enemy to end his life. He didn't want to live in a world where the people he had fought for all his life to be the evil ones. How could he? What was left to live for?
But instead of a sword at his throat, Dream felt a big cloak wrap around him, sheltering him from the rain. In front of him knelt Blood God, his red eyes visible through the holes in the skull. He told him that instead of giving up he should use this desperation - this rage - to help the syndicate.
Dream was asked to join them, a gloved hand held out for him. With only a bit of hesitation Dream accepted, holding the hand that pulled him up back on his feet. Blood God - or Technoblade how Dream would learn in the future - helped the injured man walk.
And just like that the greatest Hero and the greatest Villain joined forces to bring down the real evil.
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zumicho · 1 month
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she’s the first female driver in formula one history to win the monaco grand prix. instead of a celebration, they replace her with a longtime rival. it sends her down a spiral no one can save her from. except maybe race engineer iwaizumi hajime.
PAIRING iwaizumi x reader, not so slight oikawa x reader
TAGS, CWS social media racer au, childhood friends, love triangle, fem!reader, written parts with summaries (indicated by 🏁), language, details on injuries, suggestive, mentions of sex (no smut), maybe ooc, kys/kms jokes, drug tests, alcohol consumption, angst, flawed and imperfect characters, images for visual purposes
THINK lewis replacing carlos + challengers + gran turisimo
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introductions : city girls NOT up , dreem teem , the grid (extras)
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inspired by @plagalkey — thank you again for letting me use some of your art ♥︎ ur an absolute godsend (more credits will be added!)
a/n you don’t have to know about motorsports and racing to read, definitions will be added for certain chapters! if updates take long, imagine me pacing around my room taking deep breaths after typing out each sentence .. this fic is my magnum opus it means the world
masterlist growing sideways
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
I need to... (1)
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1... Get the f*ck out of here
Summary: An awful event leads you to rethink of everything
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader (for now)
Warnings: There are mentions of them being Minors! at some point in their relationship, cursing, cheating, angst, depression, age gap (not for reader), coercion, toxic relationship, drinking alcohol to cope, in some countries it is underage drinking, (reader is 18). might forget some warnings…
Wordcount: 4 k
Notes: This just started like a blurb, and now we are here. AAAHHHH this is going to be soft, romcom sort of thing, but a bit angsty at first… 
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You knew him like the palm of your hand, and that is how you could pinpoint the exact day something went wrong, were perhaps his affair started, you couldn’t be sure 
You wanted to go to Winterfell University, it was far North in the continent, they say it was always winter there, cold, and wild, but you had seen pictures and had been there briefly on vacations with your family and you absolutely loved it, besides, it had a great program on what you wanted to study, you wanted an adventure, you wanted to completely change your surroundings, get out of your comfort zone, fly off the nest. 
But Aemond, your loving boyfriend and highschool sweetheart didn’t think so, you didn’t want to break your relationship, besides, Aemond’s family owned an airline, it would be a four hour journey to meet you there. But he insisted it was too far. You believed that on the one hand that a time apart could be good for you, you would miss him more, and therefore your reunions would be way more intense and hotter, but no.
An that time it made sense, you were drawing your future together, so he convinced you to go to Dragonstone University with him. The university of his dreams. 
It was completely his environment, the university specialized on what he wanted to study, diplomacy and political sciences, so for him it was a perfect fit. 
But not for you
All the alumni were perfect, serious, dressed like they all belonged to old money, just like Aemond, he was like a fish of the same pond, and you? were a fucking Alligator. You felt big, clumsy, unwanted. 
There wasn’t a career in design, like the one you wanted to follow, instead, there was plastic arts and photography, even architecture, so, in your first year, you made sure to take a couple of subjects leading in all of those directions. 
That was your first mistake.
You should have stayed in architecture, maybe, photography even, but instead, you decided to take a course with Professor Alys Rivers. In a plastic arts class
That was your second
Soon you became some sort of friends
She was tall, beautiful, dark long locks, big green eyes, the woman was stunning, young, just started teaching, and soon she became your mentor
You liked her 
She realized you were frustrated, and take special care in you, mentoring you, and keeping you close to her, she told you maybe you would be good at teaching, and maybe she wouldn’t have taken so long in deciding she wanted to teach
She was thirty five years old
But as Aemond was thriving, you were quickly losing yourself
Classes were boring, didn't raise your interest, the people here were strange, you were afraid to say you weren’t making any friends and not for the lack of trying
It got so bad you only went out with Aemond, who was even after a few months, the most popular guy in his class, it was becoming a very unbalanced relationship
You and Aemond had grown up together, you were neighbors with his nephews Jacaerys, Lucerys and joffrey, the first one being your classmate with Aemond
You played together as children, and in eleventh grade he had formerly asked you to date him, to be his girlfriend
Both your families were ecstatic
HIghschool sweethearts, you knew each other forever, you were going to marry and live  a perfect life, Aemond wanted to be a diplomat, and you were catching up to be his beautiful, smart, joyful trophy wife.
You didn’t see it that way then
You wanted to follow a design career, he didn’t take you seriously, but encouraged you
The problem is that Winterfell was too far away, so he convinced you to take architecture courses in his university, the best one in the country for what he wanted, the kind of university that grooms the men and women that were going to take over the world one day. It was huge, a big castle from five thousand years ago, the least you could do was enjoy the architecture. 
He was the perfect man, the perfect boyfriend, the one your parents would adore, and they did, he was chivalrous, patient, kind, generous…
You introduced him to your favorite teacher hen you ran into each other at the campus’ coffee shop
That was your third mistake, to invite Alys to join you both to take a cup of coffee, 
If you only payed attention to the looks they gave each other 
“So she is the teacher you have talked to me about”, Aemond said sheepishly, you only hummed as you kept reading a tome about a tyroshi painter who was the first in drawing the human body in all its forms, he was sort of famous, had lived more than a thousand years ago
“Yes, she is so sweet”, you whispered, “she is an artist, but so down to earth you know?”, you said without even thinking, “you can completely see the process behind her works, she is amazing”
Aemond had the luck (or money), to get single in the dorms, so he slept alone, so you could stay with him anytime you’d like, and you really liked it, your roommate was a bit mean.
And suddenly, Aemond has to study… a lot, you didn’t sleep with him anymore, even though your after class activities were as active as ever.
He was concentrating on his classes, (or that is what you thought), so you were going to start and do the same, and you tried, so so hard
But you were failing
You were already started the last month of the semester, and two of your teachers told you unceremoniously, that you were failing
You barely contained your tears, your lips were quivering and your nose tickled, and you went to the only person who could bring you comfort… one of the two… your professor Alys, whose class you had been getting pure A’s in
You never saw it coming
Her classroom was the last one in one of the towers of the incredible castle, and when you started climbing up the stairs, your stomach sank
It was late, the sun already hiding on the horizon, but you knew she was still in her atelier, and there she was
You could what the moans and whispers before you saw them, your cheeks heated and a sick curiosity made you sneak a peek inside the classroom
Oh how you wish you didn’t
There she was, your thirty five year-old teacher being pounded by your nineteen year old boyfriend 
You’d recognize that silver hair anywhere, everywhere
You wanted to throw up
Alys and Aemond, Aemond was fucking Alys
You just stood there
Your arm moved alone, as you raised your phone and took a picture of them, you could need it for later, but it wasn’t you who made that decision, it certainly wasn’t you
You were crying
You covered your mouth to sob outloud and for them to hear it, and you walked away, it was a miracle you managed to went down those treacherous steps and not smash your head, perhaps you would have preferred it, to smash your head against the stone floors, to turn off your head 
the tears stopped, and your feet moved on your own as they took you out of there, you didn’t want anyone to see you, you didn’t want to give this university more of you, not your tears, not more of your efforts, no nothing
You didn’t go to your room, you couldn’t, you know she was going to be there, Maris Baratheon, and you couldn’t face her, not now, not ever. 
You needed something else…
So you walked to the only bar near campus, many of your classmates would call it a “slum”, it wasn’t very popular with students, and that’s exactly what you needed.
You sat on a stool on the bar, and waited for the bartender to get to you, didn’t push him, just looked at the 
“looks like you need a drink”, you looked to the side to find a young guy, maybe short twenties, dark born hair, green eyes
“Don’t I?”, you mocked, smiling shyly, he was cute. You couldn’t help but notice his Winterfell University Jersey. He offered you a pint, and you took it gladly, you really needed it, “aren’t you a bit far from”, you pointed at his chest where the varsity letters told you where he was from, he only chuckled 
“They sent me in a… diplomatic mission”, he said with a mystery tone, and wiggling his eyebrows
“Are you recruiting students to go to the far North?”, you said, and if he said yes, you were going to beg him to take you with him
“Oh”, you seemed truly amused so he offered you his hand
“Ben Tallheart”, he whispered, and you shook his hand, giving him your name. “What do you know about the university anyways?”, he asked, taking a sip of his beer
“I wanted to apply there”, you answered, and he looked at you surprised, “I wanted to take the designer degree”
“Why didn’t you?”, he asked
“I decided to follow my boyfriend here, who I just found out is screwing my plastic arts teacher”, he spitted his beer 
“What?”, he asked, not knowing if to laugh or just be horrified
“Yep”, you said, taking a long sip of your own beer
“Uf, that must be tough”, speak of the devil, your phone started ringing, to no surprise, you discovered it was Aemond who was calling you, and fuck it hurt
“I’m gonna need something stronger than this”, you said to him, canceling the call, you just wouldn’t let it ring, you wanted him to realize you had hung up on him. Ben smiled, asking the bartender for two tequila shots
It was to pints later and five tequila shots, that you were laughing your face out, hugging him with one of your arms the shoulders of Ben
“I want to go to Winterfell, fuck this college”
“Yes, fuck it!”, he said, “this college sucks, filled with stuck ups…”
Your phone had ringed so much it vibrated off the table and it was currently missing from your earshot and eye shot 
You didn’t want to know either
“You think they’ll take me?”, you asked him with teary eyes
“Of course they will!”, he laughed
“Half semester?”, you asked 
“Of course!”
“Let’s fucking do it!”, you cheered, and everyone in the bar cheered with you, “I need to get the fuck outta here”, you said, and Ben laughed wholeheartedly.
The rest of the night was a blur, you knew Ben had walked with you back to campus and accompanied you to the door of your room
“My stuck up roommate is probably in”, you told him, and he nodded
“If you meant what you said”, he said, “and you are truly interested in coming to Winterfell University, here”, he passed you his presentation card, “give me a ring tomorrow”, you only nodded
“Thank you”, you whispered, and he only nodded, and left you.
You entered your room and there she was, your roommate, putting innumerable creams in her face 
“Eh, where have you been?”, oh that tone
“What?”, you asked, already coming down from your binge, “what do you care?”
“Ugh, you’re drunk!?”
“A little”, you grumbled, dropping to your bed
“Iu”, she whined, “Aemond was here you know, looking for you”, she told you, “you truly don’t deserve him, he was so concerned”
Oh poor Aemond, he couldn’t find you after he was fucking your plastic arts teacher, i bet that filthy motherfucker didn’t even shower before he came looking for you
“I bet”, you whispered, you then remembered you couldn’t find your phone, probably was still on the floor of that bar… Shit you were going to need it if you truly planned on contacting Ben for that transfer. 
But tonight you couldn’t do anything because you were practically kicked out of that bar, it had to be tomorrow, so, to the horror of your roommate, you just dozed off, dressed in the same clothes, reeking of bar and secondhand smoke. 
The next morning you woke up and thankfully, you were alone, your head hurt, but not as much as your heart.
Gods it hurt
You had burned the image of Aemond and Alys, fucking on top of her desk, and you couldn’t believe it. Aemond, your Aemond.
Your nose started to tickle, knowing you were about to cry you stood up, and searched for a change of clothes, you took your towel, and went straight for the bathroom, to wash your night off of your hair.
That morning you had classes with profes-… with that bitch Alys, so you didn’t even bother showing up. And since most of the college was in classes by now, you found yourself alone in the big bathroom.
You hadn't cried until now, but as you undressed yourself and got under the generous flow of water, something inside you just… unraveled. You started weeping uncontrollably, choking with your tears and the water, you hugged yourself under the falling boiling water seeking for comfort, but you couldn’t find any
Every breath you took hurt, deep within your chest, and you cried and cried until you felt your eyes sore
Your Aemond, your boyfriend, the one that gave you a promise ring… the one you knew since kindergarten, the one who was your first kiss, your first… everything! He was cheating on you with your own professor, Alys, the one that encouraged you and tried to nurture you, and guide you through this uncertainty in this part of your life. The one that you considered to be your only stone here besides your loving boyfriend
What was wrong with them? 
What was wrong with you? What did you do wrong? you chose school because of him, you changed careers, you endured a hell for him, you dressed how he liked it, to arranged your hair the way he liked it, you stopped doing things you enjoyed, stopped watching films that made you laugh because they were “childish”, you stopped listening to upbeat music because it wasn’t “proper”
Everything for him
You loved him with all your heart
You knew Friday morning he had this debate class, very important and he couldn’t miss it, or he would have been throwing your door down, so you took that as a sign, you needed to work fast and sneakily.
You needed to get out of here
You didn’t want to see him ever again
So you ran back to your room, got dressed quickly, and the first thing you did was run back to the bar, where the cleaning lady returned your phone to you.
You turned it on and to no surprise, you found thousands of texts and missed calls from Aemond
“love where are you?”
“Are you alright?”
“I’m coming to your dorm”
“Maris says you were not there, wtf? where are you?”
“You clearly don’t want to speak to me, but I just wanted to know you are ok”
“I don’t understand why you are doing this to me, did I do something wrong? Are you mad?”
“The least you could do is face me like an adult”
You rolled your eyes as you read the messages, he growing angrier, trying to turn this on you
But then he sent a video of a instagram story, of you and Ben hugging and laughing, taking tequila shots, it was uploaded by a classmate of Aemond who had clearly saw you
“I see that you were not alone, I can’t believe you would do this to me”, he wrote, and you chuckled darkly, the audacity of him had no limits whatsoever, “I just wanted to see you, and be with you, I wanted you to help me study for my finals, I know this few months had been hard on you, but I least I thought we had eachother”, but then it got worse, he send you a picture of a flower bouquet and a dark red box, “I wanted to gift you this, to show you how much I love you, and how much I was looking forward to a future with you”, you couldn’t kept walking, you had to sit down in a bench looking down at a cliff, you couldn’t even walk because of how much you were crying.
You couldn’t believe this
Why would he do this to you? you had given him your everything, you had sex almost every day, you complimented each other, you told each other everything, you were what you thought a power couple, only that he had all the power while you were his cheerleader…. 
This fucker, you wiped your tears angrily from your face. 
You were feeling a pain in your chest and you truly believed for a second you were having a heart attack, that you were positively going to die right here in this rusty bench, alone.
Your drunken thoughts from last night came rushing back in, of wanting to transfer to Winterfell University half semester.
It was an insane thought
But you also believe you couldn’t stay here, for what? this isn’t what you wanted, the only thing you thought you had was Aemond, who you just found out fucking YOUR teacher in the classroom. Staying here was insane, you had no friends, now you had no boyfriend, no career 
When you finally calmed down and walked back to your dorm room, Aemond was waiting for you right outside. 
And it's like all your convictions of leaving him and this school faltered just like that, just seeing him like that standing, his furrowed brow looking concerned for you. He was worried bout you, for a second you even believed that this was all a misunderstanding, they he couldn’t possibly do this to you 
Right then and there you just wanted to beg him to stop, to stop his affair and look you in the eye and promise you it was never going to happen again, that he loved you, that you were the one. That he was drunk, or she made him do it. She coerced him into it.
But then he looked at you, and his concern went to annoyance 
“Where have you been?”, he asked, walking towards you, “I was concerned for you!”, he immediately went to himself and what he was feeling, and you didn’t know where you got the strength from, but you looked at him, serious in the eye
“I failed color theory and anatomy drawing class”, you said, looking him in the eye, and the worst part is that you weren’t truly lying. His face softened as he looked at you with pity, “I feel like a massive failure, and I didn’t want to cry to you because you are already in the excellency program”, you whispered, looking at the ground in front of you
“So your solution was to go drink at a bar?”, he asked then, again, annoyed 
“I found this guy that was from Winterfell University, the one I wanted to go, and asked him about the programs…”, he sighed
“We talked about this”, he said, “that college is not even ranking…”
“I don’t care Aemond”, you whispered, “I just need to sleep, please, and you are going to be late”, you whispered, not daring to look him in the eye
You believed you knew his schedule, but apparently not, because when he was supposed to be in study group, he was fucking your teacher… 
“Are you going to be alright?”, he asked, “because I need my study partner”, he said, trying to sound hopeful. Yes you helped him study, you prepared flashcards for him, because you knew he had visual memory so he studied better with colors and images, so you prepared his study material and quizzed him
Maybe a couple of times with stripping quizzes… 
Oh how foolish you had been
“Yes Aem”, you said, managing to smile at him, “I just need some time”
“You have it love”, he whispered, “I love you”
“Love you”, you closed the door gently, leaving him outside, and threw yourself in the bed, hiding your face in the pillow and weeped a bit more.
Perhaps you should face Aemond, hear what he has to say, you wanted to believe it so badly, that there was something else to it, that perhaps…
You were a fool
They were fucking on top her desk… what else is there? he was cheating on you, she was violating hundreds of protocols, so was he
You dozed off to sleep
You woke up when your roommate entered the room
“You still drunk?”, she sneered
“No”, you whispered, “just tired”,  you didn’t even know why you bothered 
You have made a decision…
You were going to leave this place
You were going to leave and not tell a soul, not even Aemond, you were going to disappear from his life, from one hour to the next
You contacted Ben, and he told you everything you need to know, the semester was almost over, but the next one was just around the corner, and you had to do this, not even for spite, but because this is what you wanted from your future
So you did the only thing you could think off
So went to speak with the dean
She was an old family friend, she knew your parents and family since forever, she was very professional and never showed favoritism, but, you knew you were on her good side
“I want to know if I can transfer to another university”, you asked shakily, once she invited you to take a seat in in front of her desk, she looked at you puzzled
“Did something happen? the school year is not even over yet”, she said with her kind eyes, truly worried for you
“I realized I didn’t choose the university for the school path I wanted to take”, you tried to explain, but the sorrow in your face made her believe you were not being truthful, or that you weren’t telling her the truth, “I choose Dragonstone because of love”. you continued, “and now I don’t have that love, and… I want to study a design mayor”
“I see”, now she was more pleased, “Where would you like to go?”, she asked
“Winterfell University”, you said without even thinking about it, she only nodded
“I have a good friend up there”, she said, “so the change wouldn’t be the problem, you have the grades and the Maester exams scores in your favor, but, are you sure this is what you want?”, she asked.
“More than anything”, you said with a smile
Rhaenys Targaryen was the cousin of Aemond’s father, but they didn’t get along very well, it was messy, she was the Headmaster to Dragonstone University
“You will have to start in the middle of the year”, she warned, and you only nodded
“It’s what I want”, you assured her, she looked at you, analyzing you 
“Good, but first, I need you to finish the courses you are in”, your face said it all as it froze in place, looking at the face of that witch is the last thing you wanted to do
“That is expected of me”, you said, and smiled, she smiled back
“I’ll start with the paperwork, I have already received a letter of recommendation from Ben Tallheart, a representative of Winterfell university that is in the grounds this week”
“Yeah, I’ve met him”, you said smiling shyly
“Good luck finishing the rest of the courses”
Luck, you will need.
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After chapter notes: look, if I stopped and wrote all the details of their relationship, this whole fic would be around them, so I narrated what happened instead of making the reader “live it”, get my meaning? This is about healing and seeing that there is something more than “that great love”, so I didn’t stop to focus on the toxic relationship with Aemond, so… One mroe chapter of reader's mess, and we are off to Winterfell! jeje
@mxtokko @princesssterek @thefandomimagines @iamavailablesstuff
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scar-lie · 2 years
Seen Before [Natasha/Scarlett]
Summary: You're fantasizing of your comfort Character Natasha Romanoff after the premier of End game you attend (you're one of the hero characters) while loving the person who played Natasha romanoff
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader & Scarlett Johansson x Reader (Brief mention)
Warning: Fluff, Sad, Angst, no happy ending
Word Count : 1447
A/N : This story is inspired by the song, Ceiling by Lizzy McAlpine , I just quickly thought of this plot when I heard the song
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.
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Ceilings, plaster
Can't you just make it move faster?
Lovely to be sitting here with you
This is one of the best days of your life, you couldn't even ask for more
Natasha your girlfriend for over 4 years now is chasing you in this big field of yours and Natasha's property that you two bought a few months ago
Starting to plan and make things flat for yours, Natasha and maybe your future baby, if God bless the both of you to have one or maybe two, who knows, right?
"Run faster Love, I'm gonna get you!" Natasha shouts not far behind you so you look back with a smile on your face, your hair going in front of your face while giggling
"I will!" you shouts running faster so your fiancee couldn't catch you
Natasha runs faster to catch you so when you look back again, you see your fiancee is just a few feet behind you
She could practically, can grab you and you both know to yourselves that if she did you two will roll forward
"AAAHHHH NOOOOOO!" You scream still trying to be faster, it did but just a few feet away from her
Then you're drivin' me home
And I don't wanna leave
But I have to go
You kiss me in your car
And it feels like the start of a movie I've seen
It's kinda random why you both are in this position, well before you two got home you two attend a Gala - Because of Tony - that requires you to wear a fabulous clothes
So Natasha in her famous and gorgeous suit while you are in your silk dress that your mother gave you
(Natasha's outfit)
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From : Pinterest
(Y/N's outfit)
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From : Pinterest
On your way home you both have a great conversation with some dessert you both stole in the event
Once Natasha parks her car in front of your house, you both lean in and have a sweet kiss but once you both pull away with a smile you already open the door and put some icing in her nose and her right check
That makes Natasha gasp, taken back of what you've done while you get out of the car running away from her in a few hectares of your land while you scream for her
"Catch me if you can!!" you shouted already thrown your heels in the porch of your house
"ARGH you better run faster baby!" Natasha shouted back running after you, already removed her shoes that she left in her car with her socks
Bedsheets, no clothes
Touch me like nobody else does
Lovely to just lay here with you
Which lead now, Y/N screaming for her dear life cause Natasha are right behind her ready to grab her
"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH-OH" Y/N scream but groan when Natasha landed on her
"Gotcha!" Natasha wrapping her arm around Y/N's shoulder that makes them fall down on the grass and roll down cause this part of their field has a super dupper little like a Hill
"Aahhhahahahhaha Natasha" Natasha giggles groan when they stop rolling and Natasha on the top and you beneath her
"Now for revenge" Natasha smirks down on you, pinning your wrist down, above your head in one hand while Natasha leans down and connects her lips on yours
What you didn't know is that she gets something in her back pocket and simply puts it inside of your dress, in your boobs to he specific
"I-I......I thought you were going for revenge" you said confused when she pulled away that you lean up to search for her lips again
"I did" she chuckled then got off of you, standing up, Natasha helping you up and there's again her mischievous smirk
"Oh no, what is it Natasha" your heart starting to beat faster looking around to your surroundings
"It's nothing, I promi-" before she can finish her sentence, you start screaming on top of your lungs while jumping and backing away from her when you feel something between your boobs, and they are like moving too and this makes you scared as hell
"AAAAHHH NATASHA I SWEAR TO-AAAAHHHH OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!" you scream, your eyes are now starting to get watery while Natasha is watching and laughing at you
"WHAT IS THIS!? PLEASE GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF" you cry for help but Natasha just laughing and chuckling to you
So when you know that she's not gonna help you, you somehow have the courage, you don't know it come from
But you try to take it out of your boobs while screaming and getting disgusted cause you feel that little legs on your skin
"Oh god" you sigh closing your eyes when you finally take it out with a smile but that quickly fades away when you look up to the thing in your hand, that you just pull out of your boobs and you quickly throw it somewhere screaming again while shuddering at the thought of the cockroach in your boobs - a fake cockroach Natasha bought to scare you -
"NATALIA ALIANOVA ROMANOVA!!" you scream turning around and give her a death stare
Her smile quickly fades away when she sees you and hearing her full birth name, it means she fuck up
"Oh no" she said to herself and ran, away from you
"Yeah, run for your life!"
You're kinda cute and I would say all of this
But I don't wanna ruin the moment
Lovely to sit between comfort and chaos
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But it's over
Then you're drivin' me home
And it kinda comes out as I get up to go
You smile, looking up to the dark night sky that is full of beautiful shiny stars that makes your eyes sparkling and makes you mesmerized by the beauty, and peaceful this night
You held your hand up in your eyesight, what's all in your head is Natasha, how she makes you feel, how she cares for you, her laugh, smile but specially
You kiss me in your car
And it feels like the start of a movie I've seen
How she kisses you in the car before, during and after the ride, but not only in the car, inside your house, in the porch or anywhere she wants to kiss you
You quickly get out of your thoughts when you feel a drop of water that follows by more and that's when it hits you, it's all a fantasy
But it's not real
And you don't exist
You quickly sat up looking in your surroundings while the rain started to drop heavily
Soaking your body and your gown from the after your appearance in the movie premiere of the Avengers : End Game
"No" you whisper to yourself standing up in the field you ran away, a field you bought and fantasize a life with Natasha Romanoff, the character that played by the person you love Scarlett Johansson but can't and will never love you back, you two aren't even a close friend nor a friend
And I can't recall the last time I was kissed
It hits me in the car
You kept turning around until you saw her figure, Natasha Romanoff standing 20 feet away from you
Smiling at you, the sweetest smile you've ever seen, grabbing your gown up and you run where she is, tears falling down your cheeks
"Natasha" you called out but once you're gonna hug her, her figure faded away
That makes you hug yourself with close eyes and a sob get out of your trembling lips
You open your eyes and see her again in front of you with teary eyes, she smiles the best she could
"Let me go......" she whispers putting her hands on your cheeks, you can't feel her touch but you could feel how cold your checks right now and you shake your head no, sob letting out of your mouth
"It's ok........" she kissed your forehead, you feel it, for the first time you felt her lips on your skin
With that you cried hard, sobbing loudly while you're falling in your knees and you hug yourself tightly
And it feels like the end of a movie I've
You know it's the end, you should stop creating fake scenarios in your head and have fun and maybe this time you can take the risk of confessing your feelings for her.............MAYBE
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naffeclipse · 2 years
In light of the last Cryptid Sightings chapter- Super cute btw!!✨ I love the interaction with the kids, especially Phoebe aaahhhh baby!! and Moon comforting her, my heart! <3 also 'no monster will hurt you cause we're the scariest one out there' very Monster Underneath Your Bed of you, Moon ;) and oh, the doppelgänger, I smell some angst brewin’ hehe -back to what I was gonna say xD, I don’t exactly know what you’ve got planned for Mothman, if anything beyond the pjs gag, but if Y/N were to go after them, I hope you don't mind me making a case for the critter with my personal interpretation and old art from some years ago:
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Look at him, would Y/N really hurt this boy? He’s just got a severe case of ‘wrong place, wrong time’. The most criminal thing he’d ever do is steal your lamps, flashlights and batteries to power them cuz moth drawn to light lol. And if he were to ever encounter cryptid Sun&Moon he’d do a frighten and scoot!
He’s just a little guy ó^ò
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I jest of course! Personal interpretation is personal interpretation. But that aside, I’ll just say again how I’m really enjoying Cryptid Sightings! Thematically hits a nice curiosity of mine for creatures and the creepy and uncanny. Plus the dangerous beast that is Sun&Moon is a protector of children! Gah! I love it!
Wherever you take us with the story and it’s characters and creatures, I’m down for the ride! :D Have a nice day/night! <3
Ah, thank you so much!! I'm really glad you like it! That song, too, ooohhhh, big cryptid boys vibes! ♥
Piixel, I am stealing your mothman, he is my boyfriend now, sorry ♥ I am swooning over your animation!! Oh gosh, I could stare at those wings opening up for days ahhha! ♥ He's a scrunkly ;-; He can steal all my lamps, it's okay!!
Y/N might hestiate to hunt your cute little mothman, but Sun/Moon is who he should really be worried about!! They are very much against competition hehe
Thank you for sharing! I hope you have a nice day/night as well! ♥
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olivyh · 2 years
Haircut- Ruggie Bucchi x reader (Little bit of angst)
Publishing stories that I either wrote a while back or started writing and never got around to finish. May do a part 2 to some of these if I have time. Self-indulgent Ruggie fic because he has always been one of my fav twst characters and has been on my home screen for the greater part of two years ;;;; he has so much unexplored depth that people tend to look over and I would really like to write a character study on him (that along with a study on Kalim, and maybe a further study on their friendship dynamic...)(I've been doing a lot of analyzing and interpreting metaphors in my classes,,, the lines between school and hobby are blurring aaahhhh)
TW: Poverty, a little bit of blood but not a lot, injury, insecurity, absent parents, death
Ruggie nervously runs his hands along the now shorter, nearly shaved sides of his head, the fluff that ran between his ears and down the back of his head much more prominent and fluffed out. His ears twitch at the sudden summer breeze, unused to being so open to the elements. He no longer has to blow his bangs out of his eyes, the brown that was once a small portion of his hair now making up the majority, the blonde only coming out when he pushes his hair back with his hand.
His hair had never been cut so close to the sides, never been so short before. He keeps catching himself rubbing his hands over the short strands. Even when he was younger and had to cut it, his grandmother would always leave it a little on the shaggier side, cutting it so that he could see and it didn't cover too much of his neck.
It all started when he was about to return to NRC after spending the duration of summer break in his hometown, picking up extra hours because he didn't have to worry about homework, tutoring the neighborhood kids, and helping his grandmother around the house just as he had before he had to go to school. At some point, it got in his eyes so often that he had to continually tie it back out of his eyes, a short, flower like tuft atop his head with spiky strands sticking out of the sides and the rest of his hair cascading down the back of his neck, another hair tie going to putting that in a small ponytail.
He came home that night, sweaty, tired, and thoroughly worn out from the day. He collapsed on one of the wooden chairs that was in the kitchen, sighing as his grandmother walked in, laughing.
"What...?" He frowns, looking up at the woman.
"Ya look like a show horse," His grandmother holds him close, taking both the ties out and watching as his hair falls around his face, completely obscuring his eyes and draping down his neck. "Don't'cha think you should cut it?"
"Ya think I should?" She hums, detangling the strands with her claws as Ruggie sighs and leans into her comforting touch, allowing his eyes to slip closed as she fixes his hair. She pulls away, cupping his face in her hands and blowing on his face, making him squirm.
"Bibi..." He whines as she pulls away, ducking into one of the cabinets under the sink and rummaging around. "Let me get whatever you're lookin' for, I don't want ya to get hurt-"
She huffs, standing from her position with a groan as she brushed off her skirt, old scissors in hand. "Sit." He does as she says, a little unnerved by the familiar look of determination in her eyes as she brandished the object. "Don't you wanna look put together for your little friend back on campus?"
"Friend...?" He flushes.
"The one you're tryin' to court," She says matter-of-factly as Ruggie feels some of his hair be lifted and he hears the familiar snip of the scissors, watching the sandy strands fall to the ground in thick chunks. The blush creeps up his neck and he pouts.
"Bibi, it's not like that at all!" He winces when she grabs both sides of his head and moves him so he's sitting up straight. "They're just a friend of mine, promise."
"Do not lie to me, mister," She says. "I raised you since you were a minute old, I know ya too well for you to try playin' these tricks on me!"
"Right..." He sighs, staring at his clenched fists that sit in his lap. "It's not gonna get anywhere, though. They don't like me like that." He feels a rush of sadness, his heart aching as their smiling face flashes in their mind, quickly followed by the familiar burn of envy when he thinks about them being with anyone else. Nobody had treated him with such kindness before, nobody had listened to his story in earnest, taken in every detail and attached it to his character rather than just writing him off as a petty thief from the slums.
But even more importantly... nobody else had seen past that. Nobody else had looked him in the eyes and told him that where he came from didn't define his worth, didn't define who he was as a person. That yes, it was a part of him, but it wasn't him.
He was more than a petty thief, more than the slums, more than a deceased mother and absent father. He was Ruggie, and that's all they cared about.
Maybe that's why they were able to capture his closed off heart so easily.
"What makes ya think that?" His grandmother interrupts his train of thought, continuing to cut through his coarse hair, the strands making his neck and back itch until it's nearly unbearable.
"I..." He pauses. "They're smart, and strong, and kind. I-I wouldn't wanna drag them down with me, y'know? They... they deserve more than that."
"If they were really worth this much of your attention, they wouldn't be the kind of person to care about all that," She was right, Ruggie knew that. The prefect wouldn't care to live the kind of life that he had to live, but he didn't want them to. As much as it pained him to say, he wanted for them to not have to fight to live anymore than they already are in Ramshackle.
With a stab of pain to his heart, he realized that he would rather them marry someone like Kalim or Leona- someone with status, wealth, someone that could take care of them and keep them safe, keep them comfortable and happy for the rest of their life.
His grandmother sighs. "If they care about you this much, they'll accept everything about you."
"I-I don't know if they actually care," His gut twists at the thought of them liking him back- a mix of anxiety and excitement that makes him sick to his stomach. He knew it was a lie, though. Of course they cared for him. Of course, after everything they've done...
"They do. They stuck with ya during the Magshift match, didn't they?" She pushes his head down, cutting off another layer of hair from the back. His mind flashes back to that day, the intolerable pain of his throat and lungs being turned to sand, watching parts of his own arm crumble to bits and fall to the ground with drops of his own blood dripping into the dry dirt. And, of course, the prefect pulling him away from Leona, dragging him to safety and holding him in their lap as they tried to get his lungs to function normally, using their blazer to block his face so he wouldn't breathe in any more dust than he already has.
"Breathe, Ruggie," He remembers hearing their soft, shaking voice in his haze, hand rubbing the sides of his throat. "Breathe, please."
And, of course, the other times. Giving him their lunch when they 'weren't hungry', working with him in the Lounge and helping him fight off unruly customers, doing laundry with him, sitting with him while he cried on his eighteenth birthday, the familiar guilt of his life being traded for his mother's filling his heart as it does every year.
They cared. They cared more than anyone besides his grandmother had. That's what scared him the most.
"Listen, kipenzi," The woman's normally gruff voice is soft, taking on a tone that he heard often when he was a little kid. "This person means a lot to ya, I can tell," She resumes, now standing in front of him and cutting his bangs, making him wrinkle his nose and hold in a sneeze. "You're a smart boy, open your eyes and see what's really happening."
"I know I'm bein'..."
"A boy in love. That's what you're bein' right now," She chuckles, taking the hair on the sides of his head off in thick chunks, going shorter than she had with the front and back of his hair. "I know you're not the kind of person to do these things without thinkin', or without fightin' it as much as you can. You've been that way since you were a little boy, y'know?" She chuckles and he closes his eyes, feeling tears well up behind his eyelids. "You're smarter than that, and I know that you know what you're doing."
"I don't-" His voice breaks and he fights the urge to sniffle. Ruggie's face flushed a light pink in embarrassment, crying over a school crush in front of his grandmother, who simply hushes him and wipes his tears with her thumb.
"You do know. You just have to be more confident. I know you can do that. You're my strong, confident little boy," She kisses the space between his eyebrows. "And ya always have been, nobody can change that fact."
"How can I...?" He gulps, trying to hold in his sniffles as she finishes cutting his hair, placing the scissors on the table and pulling him in for a hug, lightly pushing his face into the crook of her neck as he tried to control his breathing, the feeling of doubt that he's become quickly accustomed to muffling any coherent thought he could piece together.
"Do what you always do. That's what attracted them in the first place, no?" He nods as she backs away and hands him a small mirror. He smiles as he looks at his reflection, rubbing the sides and laughing at the rougher texture, playing with his bangs and shaking out the extra hair that may have gotten caught.
He's pulled back to the present, standing in the courtyard brimming with students, new and old. He recognizes some familiar faces; Riddle lecturing some of his new arrivals, the Octavinelle trio practically scaring their new students half to death, Kalim excitedly showing some students around, Epel from Spelldrive club last year adjusting the crown given to the Dorm Leader of Pomefiore every year, Ortho, now donning the Ignihyde Dorm Leader uniform, and the new Dorm Leader and Vice Dorm Leader of Diasomnia, Silver and Sebek, the latter of the two yelling so loud that Ruggie was sure that even the non beastmen could hear him from where he was standing.
His heart leaps when his eyes land on the Prefect, grinning and giving them a wave.
"So," He practically runs up to them, nudging them with his shoulder. "How was summer vacation with the Headmaster?"
They chuckle in response. "Short lived. He sent me to Crewel's after the first two weeks." Ruggie frowns at that, sighing dramatically.
"Oh how terrible~!" They punch him lightly and he laughs. "You seem pretty normal, though, so you weren't tortured or forced to be one of his dogs or anything."
The Prefect nods in response. "You seem pretty normal too, except," They smile, and he feels his heart soar at the sight. "Nice haircut. Trying something different?" He shrugs.
"It's my third year, y'know? Gotta switch things up," He, as if on instinct, pushes his hand along the side of his head.
They smile. "It's cute," He pauses, nearly choking on air as he fights the blush from creeping across his face. "I'm gonna miss the old fluff, though."
"It's still fluffy on top," He simpers, ducking his head. They take the hint and, although hesitant, run their hands through the longer part on top. He bites back a hum of contentment as he feels their delicate touch run along his scalp, brushing over the nearly bare sides before dropping off his head- much sooner than the hyena would have liked.
They smile at him before opening their mouth to say something else, cut off by their first year- well, now second year- friends.
"Prefect! Over here!" The prefect waves at them before turning back to Ruggie. "Hey, so, I have to run. But lets hang out soon, okay? Especially now that you don't have to babysit Leona," They both laugh at that. "See you later, Savanaclaw Dorm Leader."
"Y-yeah, bye!" He watches them run to the former first years, suddenly excited for the school year that lays ahead of him. With a pep to his step, he strides back to the mirror chamber, already planning to decide how he was going to confess.
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aadmelioraa · 2 years
aaahhhh im gonna give you an of monsters and men title: "as the wind fends off the waves (I count down the days)" for valandur pls :))))
Ok so this made me think of some kind of historical AU, or possibly a canon divergent one…they're both sailors…Isildur saves Valandil during a shipwreck but they end up stranded and apart from the rest of the crew…hurt/comfort, plenty of tension and angst...that's as far as I've gotten but…the vibes are there!!
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amrass · 4 days
Excited for Barbwired Tumbleweed! For your consideration: (1) Dutch/Arthur, grooming; snippets from a real fucked up relationship. Bonus points for the cycle continuing with John and/or Jack. (2) Sadie/Kieran, hate sex/noncon. (3) Charles/Molly, sex as self-harm.
I hope your excitement remains, anon 😈 Ah, I like your ideas!
I went with your first suggestion, and I've called the piece Cydonian Apples, because ofc there must be a reference to Ancient Greek practises when the theme is grooming. (Heed the tags. All characters are 16/17 in the fic itself, but stuff is implied, and depending on your country this can be underage and/or non-con.) I went for the most bonus points possible, so there is one snippet of Dutch/Arthur, one of Arthur/John, and a short one with ambiguous John & Jack.
Some more thoughts on the requests after the cut (I liked thinking about them! Warning for Amras going full Pennywise mode) ...
The first request was a bit out of my comfort zone, verging on the "innocence" I dislike writing (but can enjoy reading), buuut I adore challenges so I guess I tried to create a disquiet mixed with a calming quiet, to create fucked-up-ness through the contrast. I'm kind of writing blind, so I don't know if I succeeded. Anyway everyone please go read My Country Has No Borders, the best Vandermorgan fanfic of all time in my humble opinion, the writer nails ambivalence.
For the Sadie/Kieran one, I recommend my friend Purl's Adrenaline Rush, because I'd probably write something similar to that fic, even with Kieran, as I write him rougher than the common fanon interpretation. I would also make Sadie piss on him at the end. And then another gang member (someone who dislikes O'Driscolls) would find him when he's lying there covered in filth. "Aw, did I come too late? I was hoping for a show, but ... I guess a fuck is just as good."
For the third one with Charles/Molly, aaahhhh, I know exactly how I'd write that one, but it's too angsty for me 💀 I'd make the story happen in Clemens Point or Shady Belle after a party, during a storm, both of them drunk and heartsore. Molly seeks out Charles because she thinks he has a big penis that she will use to punish herself, then she's so disappointed (also in herself) because he's average sized. But when she realizes he's a virgin, she convinces him anal sex is normal without lube or any kind of prep, and gets her self-harm that way, but harms him in the process .......... Ensue a lot of pain, confusion and guilt. I see no way out of this but angst galore. Sometimes I want to write really fucked up ideas and wish I could just steal an angst writer to keep in my pocket, dictating that stuff, while I revel in the horror.
Someone else can try their hand, if they want to!
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Thanks for reading 🤡
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pitbullwithaship · 9 months
Okeydoke, time to watch. I love Rose very much and am setting myself up for heartbreak. AnyWHO yeah. Watching time.
Oh cute base
Oh yay, welcome to hell indeed
Ooh old writing that's always cool
They must feed indeed, it would be nice if they fed on not other sentients for once
Oh look people
A big'un indeed sirens and all
Oh well that wasn't so bad *CRASH BANG AAAHHH*
Oooohhh cool a black hole
Just a teeny bit
Ooh creepy voice, never good when creepy voices know your name
She just called him a drama queen I love Rose so much
Awwwwww he's so cute aaaahhhh I love him
Oh dear oh dear oh dearie me what do they do now
Awww poor doctor
Awww hes so cute and guilty feeling
Awww cute comfort hug I love them
Ah the creepy voice
Not nice things are happening
Okay so something is off about the ood I suppose
Oh dear oh dear ooh that's creepy as hell
Okay so he's dead then I suppose?
Aww angst
Awww I love Rose so much
Okay so he's nor dead but maybe he is but he has take over
*stares disgustedly*
Oh dear
Oh dear I hope pretty girl doesn't die
No pretty girl run aaahhhh
Oh shit was that Toby
Oh dear oh no pretty girl
Awww they're so cute I love them
Oh dear the Ood
My that looks like a temple
Okay what's up with Toby now is he having the weird markings on him again
Ooooohh deeeeeaaaar
Ooooohhh deeeaaar
Okay so that dude is dead
Oh shit it's openiiiiiinnnggg
Nooo cliffhangeerr aaauugghh
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transsweet · 2 years
prompt - what are you hiding?
listening to head over heels tff too much .
k_k sighed.
they stood alone in the three's shared bedroom, the silence almost crushing.
why they'd come in here instead of stand out in the shop with sweet and cap'n as they made sales was lost on them.
but, something tugged in its circuits.
his hands shook, legs slowly growing weaker until she inevitably fell into a curled up ball next to the bed.
it hurt to have the smile crack.
they were supposed to be the silly one, the one who makes nonsensical jokes that others laugh at either way! k_k, the silly one! silly people don't cry! it dulls other's emotions!
and yet, the oil tears were uncontrollable at this point.
a brutal week, nothing capn and sweet could should have to worry about. harsh customers, piles of work that needed to be done, and it's own feelings in general. they'd kept their composure so sturdy, a smile, a hug, an upbeat melody, it all kept them afloat.
but underneath the caring words and high energy dances, laid a deeply nervous SOUL.
a SOUL that shivered whenever their partners disagreed and it devolved into back-and-forths, even if they were harmless. a SOUL that ached whenever it was to be alone in the city, without its beloveds.
a SOUL that would one day break in front of their partners, revealing the truth.
the truth that their beloved silly darkner was nothing but a facade. a cover up for a deeply troubled cd player.
a knock.
k_k's head shot up instantly, rubbing the streaming tears from its eyes, correcting posture, and most importantly, plastering it's silly smile back on.
the door opened to both sweet and capn standing, concerned.
"cakes? is...everything alright? we thought we heard whimpers from in here..."
cap'n looked up at k_k, concern behind his shades.
it took a moment, but k_k simply just smiled.
"ah, nothing you two should have to worry about. now, where were we?"
their voice was strained, and sweet could tell.
they stepped closer, their swaying plug tail stilling as their eye met k_k's.
"we...want you to worry us. please k_k."
their hand squeezed k_k's green gloved one.
cap'n mirrored, standing beside him to embrace them.
"what're you hiding from us, k_k? we want to help."
and they were back to square one.
all they could muster before the oil tears spilled once again was a shaky hug, one that brought their partners close.
and yet, no tears came out.
they didn't want to let go.
and they knew capn and sweet wouldn't force her to if she didn't want to.
to be loved. they knew they were. they had two of the best partners in the entire cyber world by their side for life.
perhaps...it is time to be more open.
perhaps, it's time to reveal the true k_k.
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killemwithkawaii · 4 years
I know it’s a day early but-
I’m not entirely sure if I’ll be able to post this tomorrow, so have it now!
K.E.W.K.’s yandere poly boys finding out their S/O is getting married
Larry’s first reaction is to beat the ever loving shit out of them
Sure, he waited for you to come around, but you were manipulated into an engagement!
Sal shuts him up quickly and reveals his plan
On the day of the wedding, he approaches you, a ‘private’ moment requested Larry’s in the room, too, but you don’t need to know that!
He shows you a picture of your beloved, laying in bed with a pretty woman- covered in ‘frosting’
In the midst of your crying, Sal comforts you, and persuades you to “rethink your decision”
He tells you there’s still time before the wedding, why not just chill together while finishing your makeup with your bridal party?
After you two are gone, Larry sneaks to the groom’s room, grinning
He grabs his favorite pen and paper, and gets to work
Look at that! He even found his cologne! Isn’t he clever?~
He writes it quickly, then rushes to your side
“S/O, S/O, LOOK! I found it in his room.”
It’s a goodbye letter
You’re furious, stomping down to his room, the two following behind to ‘protest’
They didn’t want to miss the show, to be honest
You burst in, the two of you screaming, until Sal steps in
“C’mon, sweetie. Let’s just go home.”
Larry joins in with a, “yeah. He’s not worth it.”
You stomp out, your fiancé left behind speechless
You make it to the car, all three of you crawling in, your clothing now stained from your running tears
“Don’t worry, darling- they didn’t deserve you anyways.”
“Yeah, if I see them again, I’ll punch them! Just for you!”
That makes you laugh a tiny bit
They really need to be more careful from now on
After all
You’re already betrothed to them~
Sorry it’s bad, but I thought you might like it. Happy birthday, K.E.W.K.! Stay your kawaii self for many years to come!
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appleteez · 4 years
The Best Friend
Pairing: Wooyoung x reader
Genre: smut, fluff, bit of angst, college au, roommate au. 
Word Count: 3555
A/N: AAAhhhh this is my first Ateez fic and smut ! I hope you guys enjoy it :) I for sure enjoyed writing this one~ Lemme know what you guys think!
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So.. where do I even begin? Probably not the day of my birth it’s a bit too far.. Maybe more like the day I became best friend with  him. My best friend since almost day one, which is actually relatively close to my birth. We grew up together, and were inseparable. One thing led to another and obviously I developed the biggest crush on him. To my happiest surprise he loved me too and we started dating in high school. But it all came crashing down, when we had to go to different universities. When he met this girl. When he became an asshole. When he dumped me coldly and never said anything else to me. Want to know the best part of this whole story? His new girlfriend goes to my university and he is now transferring here too, yay ! I know I’m super lucky~ I tried not to let it affect me too much, but there’s just some things that cannot be helped.
As I walk down the street on my way to my shared apartment, I get a call from my roommate of two long years.
“Ugh..” I answer the phone not too happy to see his dumb face on my screen. “What do you want?”
“*Is that how you answer the phone when you’re favorite human being on earth is calling you?*”
“Get to the point what do you want?”
“*I might have a girl over tonight~*”
“Ugh.. Seriously Wooyoung? It’s a Thursday night..”
“*Most college students don’t have classes on Fridays.*” I can hear him almost coo in the phone and I sigh even louder.
“Ugh.. It’s whatever. Just don’t let her touch my food. Last time you had a girl over she finished my rice cakes.”
“*Promise ! Thanks, you’re the best I love you !*” He hangs up and I just stop walking.
“When did my life turn to shit like this..” I start walking again towards my original destination. On a side note, this phone call might have given the impression that we don’t really get along. That’s not true. Wooyoung is an amazing friend to me. We grew close the past two years and I enjoy living with him. That is when he doesn’t bring back some random girl home.
I finally get to the door step of the small town house. I open the door slowly, and close it behind me directly. I drop most of my stuff down, take my shoes off and directly walk towards the fridge.
“Can’t steal my food if I eat it now..” I whisper slightly to myself. As if I had just come up with the brightest idea ever. I start heating up some leftovers and go to my room to change into more comfortable clothes, which mainly consists of shorts and an over sized t-shirt. As I walk back into the kitchen that was open on the living room, I realize that the said “girl” was now here.
“Oh.. Hi.” I say a little embarassed, I usually never met Wooyoung’s girls.
“You’re Woo’s roommate?” She says shocked and not specifically polite or anything.
“Yeah?” I say slowly getting my food out of the microwave. “Where is he by the way?”
“He went out for condoms, he’ll be back.”
“Goodie.” I say very much sarcastically.
“I thought you’d be a guy.” She then says a little mockingly.
“Why?” I turn around resting against the counter.
“Well, he always talks about you but like. How you guys play video games together and like go party together and drink together. I just figured I guess? I don’t know.” She says nonchalantly.
“I suppose, well here you go, now you know.” I sigh a bit annoyed but, Wooyoung talks about me.. always? I raise an eyebrow at the new information and as I am about to take my food the door opens.
“Ok got em’” He takes of his shoes and his jacket. Once he gets into the living room he turns around and sees me in the kitchen. “Y/N! I thought.. that you’d be home later.”
“My class got cancelled, I was on my way home when you called.”
“That’s something you could have mentioned.” He says almost whining.
“Oops~” I put my hand in front of my mouth smirking at him as I start walking away to my room.
“Oh. My. God ! I know who you are ! You’re that girl that got dumped by her childhood best friend ! He’s dating my best friend! That’s crazy.” My smirk drops right away, and my cheeks start to heat up more out of shame than sadness. “Woo, I can’t believe that’s your roommate.” She starts laughing a bit. “She’s so goodie two shoes, like, if you want we have a room open at our apartment.”
“What?” I hear him say in a pretty scary tone. Which.. is something I had never heard out of Wooyoung in two years together. “Are you being serious?”
“I mean..” She stops for a second, and I turn around slowly. Well that was not awkward at all. I turn my eyes to Wooyoung. He’s staring her down not happy at all.
“Y/N’s my best friend now ok? This guy doesn’t matter. I would be a fucking idiot to dump her for some slut.”
“She’s not—“
“Oh come on ! Both of you sleep around like you breath.” He cuts her off. “Leave.”
“Leave ! Come on !” He says rising his tone lightly while showing her the door. She stays still shocked for a bit before storming out, cursing under her breath. The room stays silent for a bit after the huge slam of the main door. I try to avoid Wooyoung’s eyes but.
“Are you ok Y/N?”
“I’m fine, it’s whatever.” I say trying to hide the blush on my face. “Well.. now that she’s gone at least I can eat in the living room.” I go to sit on the couch trying really hard to avoid any eye contact with Wooyoung.
“What’s wrong?”
“Is it something I said?” He says in a sassy voice. “Is it because I called you my best friend but you don’t consider me your best friend.” He says in his dramatic voice which makes me turn my head to look at him. He’s pinching his lips together and waving his hand around as if he was about to spill some good tea.
“What?” I sigh a laugh confused by his behavior. He comes to sit next to me. He lays back in the couch and takes me with him against his chest after passing his arm around my shoulders.
“Baby..” I kinda freeze at the sudden pet name. Wooyoung had called me baby before but that’s only when we were drunk or just as a joke. This was none of that.
“I was serious about what I said.”
“What?” I turn a bit to look at his face finally. His eyes look at me seriously behind his glasses. He looks at me, studying my face and reactions.
“I wouldn’t dump you for someone else.”
“Well yeah that’s because we’re not dating.”
“Well, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t dump you if I was lucky enough to date you..” I stand back a little, his arm still lightly around my waist, but our bodies not connected anymore.
“But Woo.. Why would you say that.”
“I— I like you?”
“You like me?”
“I thought it was obvious that I had a huge crush on you for the past two years.”
“Yeah so obvious! Especially the part where you have a girl over once a week.”
“Ah.. I guess it was not the best way to get your attention.”
“My attention? Wooyoung I— Seriously?” I say in disbelief.
“Sorry.. I guess, I never really believed that you would date someone like me.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, you’re on top of yourself. You’re handling serious studies plus a part time job and, I’m kinda of a mess in a way. I go out a lot and like having fun.” “Are you saying I’m not fun?”
“No, no ! You just… You make me want to stay the night in watching a movie while cuddling. It’s not something I’ve had before, and.. Nevermind, there’s no point around it. I handled the situation in a really shitty way. I slept with a lot of girls without hiding it from you. Both to get your attention but also to try and forget about you. But at the same time, every time I have a girl in my bed. All I can think about is you..”
“Wooyoung.. stop it you’re rambling right now.” I sigh lightly.
“Did I kill any chances to be with you?” He says scratching the back of his head lightly out of embarrassment.
“You can’t kill something that never seemed like a possibility in the first place.”
“You mean?”
“I never thought about it before but.. now that I think about it now. No chances were killed.” I say trying to hide my smile. “Anyway, I have to finish my food and then go study.”
“Ok~” He says with a small smirk trying to hide his excitement. I take my food in my hand and the remote to turn on the tv. As I lay back in the couch next to Wooyoung, I realize his arm is still around my waist. He brings me slightly closer to him to be cozier.
“Ah~ Isn’t it nice, hanging out with my best friend.” I say in an overly dramatic tone. He laughs a bit, more like an amused scoff.
“Whatever.” He turns to look at me, and as he tries to contain his smile, I start realizing some details about him. Like how his jaw clenches, and how his tongue lightly goes against his cheek. How when he shakes his head lightly when amused, his neck looks delicious, with veins in all the right places. Before I knew it, I caught myself staring. --- To be frank the next few days together were just weird. Not weird in a bad way, just weird out of the usual atmosphere around the apartment. To start, I haven’t seen any girls in a while, but that’s probably because of how high and intense the sexual tension is in this apartment. Every time we end up in the same room, his hands somewhat ends up ghosting my curves. Glances are left floating around all the time. Finally, the very obvious, the way we were lighter and lighter clothes around one another.
One of my foot over the other one, I am standing at the kitchen counter waiting for the water to boil for my tea. I start raising my foot along my smooth leg as I read the magazine in front of me not realizing that it was slightly raising my oversized shirt to the high of my thigh. Remember when I mentioned we wore less clothes. This piece of oversized t-shirt was the only thing on me besides my panties.
I suddenly hear Wooyoung’s room door open and close. I turn my head and see him in nothing but shorts. He looks like he’s about to ask me something when his eyes start to trail down to my leg. To be precise, to the hem of my shirt that threatened to show too much.
“Hu.. Hum, did you see my water bottle?” He says failing to make proper eye contact with me.
“Nope.” I try to look unaffected by his toned torso, but mostly, by the slight bulge that was starting to form in his loose shorts.
“Ok..” He says still not really paying attention. I hear him get closer, until his arm is directly touching mine. I turn my head, he’s standing next to me trying to act as if he was interested in what I was reading. “What are you reading?”
“The horoscope.”
“You believe in it?”
“Not really, it’s just fun.” He hums and I feel him getting closer to read with me. He shifts his body lightly so he can bring the hand away from me closer, and his torso facing me. I feel his other arm lightly ghost my side. A slight breath gets caught in my throat and I feel my cheeks burn up.
“That’s so you.” He says pointing to my section, while his other hand goes onto the small of my back as if to get my attention.
“Yeah..” I say without really focusing on what he’s pointing.
“Mhh? You ok? Your cheeks are red.” Your cheeks are red ? Is that what he has to say to me right now ? Oh the nerves ! I try to shake it off.
“Yeah, I’m—” I turn my face to him, but get surprised at how close he was to me, our lips almost ghosting each other. “Ok..” He looks as surprised as me at first his eyes lightly shocked until it transforms into a smile. His teeth showing in a teasing way.
“Little close there Y/N~”
“I think that, you’re the one that got a little too close to me.” His eyes goes from my eyes to my lips repeatedly and so do mine.
“This is not good..” He says more to himself than anything else before slowly leaning towards me until our lips finally meet for the first time. It starts nice and smooth but soon enough it becomes intense and filled with desire that had been hidden away for too long. His hands cup my face to bring me fully against him. I feel his torso against mine, but the shirt I’m wearing is blocking the friction I’m looking for. His right arm starts to go down until he grabs me firmly by the waist against him, making me now feel his bulge growing. His lips finally leave mine for a second and he let a little scoff out of his now plump lips. “I can’t believe this is happening..” I just bite my lower lip in response and he raises an eyebrow.
Before I know it he’s taking me up in his arms to go to the living room and drop me on the couch. He hovers me, his lips finding mine real quick. Then from my lips, to me jawline, then my neck and soon my t-shirt was in his way. He takes the hem of my shirt not wasting time and bringing it over my head exposing my torso that wasn’t decorated with any bralette today.
“Nothing?” I smirk and proceed to tug at his shorts that directly exposed his length against his stomach.
“Nothing?” He looks back up at me with a lust filled look.
“I guess I’m just that comfortable around you.” He goes back to attacking my neck, decorating it with purple and pink marks. I reach down to take his member in my fingers, my hand being too small for his length I try my best to stroke it lightly. His kisses become not as consistent and his breath becomes more and more shaky. He hides his face completely into my neck and I can feel his hot ragged breath against my skin.
“Is that ok?” I asked shyly. I wasn’t a virgin, but I only had sex with my ex. This was all new to me, being with someone else.
“You’re doing great.. Actually stop.” He says coming up from my neck breathing heavily.
“You’re doing too great, I’m gonna cum, and I don’t want to just yet~” He smiles and we both laugh lightly lightly out of breath. “Don’t more I’m gonna go get a condom.” He stubbles out pulling his shorts up almost falling backwards. He runs to his room and soon his back out with a metallic package in his hands. He kneels on the ouch in front of me and pulls his shorts back down after opening the little package with his teeth. As he tries to put the condom on, I can see his hands slightly trembling and having trouble.
“You’re ok?”
“Yeah yeah wait..” I prop my self up enough to be able to help him put the condom along his length. And as I touch him while putting the piece of latex around him I can feel him get even harder if that was possible.
“I always thought of you as the confident type in bed.”
“I guess..” I fall back down and he hovers me once again trying to align himself with me until he realizes I still have my underwear on. “Mhh.. I guess you just make me that nervous. I never had sex with some I actually have feelings for.” He says as he pull my panties down my legs. “So..” He looks back up and smiles at me. “Be patient with me please~” Yeah I doubt he acts the same with the girls he brought home.
Once again, his hand on the base of his length, his hooded eyes looking at where we’re about to connect and his mouth lightly agape. This was the view I always wanted to see without knowing it. As I’m focused on his features, I get surprised as I suddenly feel him again my folds going up and down to collect my juices.
“Fuck you’re so wet..” He says between his teeth. His eyebrows furrow as he starts to push in the head. I clench my teeth remembering that I haven’t gotten laid in so long and that he didn’t prepare me at all before that. He pushes a little more and I instinctively put both my hands behind my to hang onto the armrest of the couch. “You’re so tight..” He bucks his hips a little more and once his head is inside me, he gets a hold of my hips to completely pull me on him until he’s completely buried inside me. “Oh fuck.. I’m not gonna last long.” He says almost already out of breath.
“Me neither..” He stays still for a bit to get used to this new sensation. After a few seconds pass he slightly bucks his hips up deeper and I let a long whine out. He slightly starts to thrust in and out of me trying to contain himself. His breath still shaky and his mouth agape obviously still not used to the sensation I was giving him. Soon, his thrust became more regular and faster. His hands left my hips and he let himself hover me, both his arms propping him up on the armchair by my hands. He enlaces his hands in mine, still thrusting into me. Both of us a moaning mess, the sound my juices were making, mixed in with the creaking of the couch, the living room was filled with lewd noises that I never thought we would make together.
I look up at Wooyoung’s face, his eyes are concentrated on our connection. I couldn’t believe it, me and Wooyoung doing something like this together. I end up whining lightly.
“Fuuck~ Wooyoung..” I whimper out making him focus back on my face and smiling at me showing me all his teeth.
“Mhmm..” I whimper, and licks his lips lightly as he studies my facial expressions fully. He leans down to catch my lips against his. This time his tongue directly inserting my mouth and exploring everything he could. Our hands enlaced, our tongues dancing together and his thrusts getting harder and more intense, I start feeling a familiar warm feeling in my lower stomach. I start moaning harder and louder in our kiss, and he just grunts in return as he can feel me pulse around his length. “Fuck Woo I’m so close.” I end up almost yelling as I feel my lower stomach growing weaker. My clit starting to be extremely sensitive at each thrust when his pelvis hits it.
“Ah, fuck..” His last curse mixed in with a grunt directly brings me to the edge. My back arches, my jaw clenches, and I start seeing all little white dots floating around the room making me go crazy. The intense feeling between my legs that soon courses all over my body. My pulsating heat making Wooyoung cum inside the latex directly making him drop his head in my neck and let out a deep low grunt mixed in with a moan. He trusts a few more time to ride our highs out and when he fully done he pulls out slowly. I directly feel the cold between my legs, making me whine. He takes out the condom that was pretty filled and he sighs loudly. “Fuck, I haven’t cum like that in so long..” He says tying the condom up and putting it on the wrapper that had put on the side. He then let’s himself fall next me. I finally bring my arms down and wrap them around his torso so I can nuzzle myself into him.
“For the sex?” He says a little confused.
“For everything.. just.. Don’t leave me.”
“I would never~” He says wrapping his arms around me. We stay there for a few minutes but soon enough, we start getting cold after we finish sweating. We ended up taking a warm shower together and fell asleep in his bed together. It was just perfect.
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taetaespeaches · 2 years
Salivating at the thought of tae and peaches angst…. I don’t like having my comfort characters hurt but all in the name of ✨character development✨
Aaahhhh I'm glad you're excited for it!! I gotta say this is definitely an important fic for them like the angst is necessary and it's a growth type of pain so yes let's go character development!!! 🥳
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gyusense · 3 years
AGH! The first chapter of 'Can't Help Myself'!!!! 😭😭😭
First of all, how OC feels about Wonwoo kind of . . . irritates me LMAO. I'm so conflicted!!!! It's just a personal thing - I'm just someone who values the smaller things, routine, and a sense of comfort in a relationship. However, I also understand the feeling of needing "excitement" or showing an ounce of that your s/o cares, I guess 🙄😂 Jk jk - I too would get really insecure if they just kind of stopped giving me attention.
My bias is Mingyu, but high-key rooting for Wonwoo already LOL.
My heart just aches for Wonwoo???? He seems like he has so much to say, but so scared of and guilty for pushing OC further away than he already did 😭💔 HE MEANS WELL OC HE JUST DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SHOW IT - GIVE HIM ANOTHER CHANCE.
That said, why'd you have to put that picture of shirtless Mingyu in my head 🤡💀
Overall, I'm really excited to see where this goes! BRING ON THE ANGST FAM!!!
I can I be added to the taglist for 'Can't Help Myself'? Thank you!!! 🥰
FJKDSFH thank you so much for sending in your thoughts, i had so much fun reading this HAHA
i understand haha i am also a creature of the home. small domestic comforts, routine, all of that stuff. but i think once you find yourself falling into a rut, its easy to lash out and blame the things you once found incredibly comforting. i get it tho, wonwoo is such a cozy guy aaahhhh i would never leave my apartment if he was in there LOL excitement be damned
oof yessss we love an underdog story !! i feel like writing this is going to trick me into becoming a wonwoo stan too tbh LOL
;A; poor wonuuuuu. so many thoughts so little ability to speak them coherently fhdjs
HAHAHA sorry. gyu is nips out in full force ;))
im so happy you're excited to see where it goes !! i will for sure add you to the taglist!! (its growing so rapidly fkhjdsjka really glad people seem to be into this, its my first attempt at a series my other blog is all one shots for the most part LOL)
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aperrywilliams · 4 years
The New Year Fic Writers/Readers Ask Game 2020
I was tagged by my dear friend @andiebeaword
What was your biggest writing/reading achievement this year? 
2020 was the year I came back to fanfics and fandoms in general. I started in 1998 with the XFiles fandom. I stopped in 2005 because of college and work.
This year I wrote almost 20 fics. Mostly one-shots but 3 series. I completed one of them and I have 2 on going and I’m very proud with the outcome.
I read a lot! I lost count but the best part of this is the greatest talented people around here I discovered! Some of them are my friends by now.
What did you learn about yourself as a writer/reader this year?
A lot, honestly. As a writer I learned that you can cross barriers: step outside of your comfort zone. I never thought I could write smut, for example. But I did. Maybe I don’t have the full vocabulary for that (I’m not native English speaker), but I learned a lot about that. I discovered my taste for angst and I love it. As a reader, I learned to appreciate the work of people who poured their hearts on every fic! It’s amazing the passion that you can see. I tried to comment much as I can. When some fic touch some deep inside of me I tried to tell the author. Feedback is something so underrated. We need to change that.
Did you dive into something familiar or try something new this year?
I’m going to try something new but mostly explore more of the style I gained. This is some kind of language exercise for me too. Probably I won’t have as much free time like past year but I’ll do my best to stay tuned in the fandom. This is my scape vault!
Share a comment (if a writer) or story (if a reader) that lifted your spirits this year? 
I had lucky and received some lovely comments in my works. My first one shot (Her Eyes) was pure angst and some of the best comments reinforced that.
“This is amazing! And now I'm crying in the club 😢🥺💔” (@mgg-th1996)
“Who told you to tear my heart out like this? Aaahhhh Great and sad....💔” (@dreatine)
Another best comments are from “Something to Say”, one of the works I’m most proud of:
“Okay. This is officially now my favorite fic with Spencer and his momma!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺” (@andiebeaword).
“... and my heart melts at the idea of spence naming his daughter emily (i'm probably biased but i still just ugh my heart) and him calling her emi just had me going 🦋🦋🦋 and the conversations between spence and diana had me in TEARS, omg thank you so much for this💕” (@emilouu).
As a reader, the list is so extensive but this time I’m going to put in the top “Heather” by @your-eternal-muse. I felt everything. The bad, the good, EVERYTHING!
What are you grateful for?
For the chance to come back to the fandoms and meting some great people here. I’m old but it’s amazing all things you can learn here: about the other people and about yourself.
Have your style (writer) or tastes (reader) changed this year? 
Not much. I’m into “angst” a lot but I tried fluff and smut as well. The options are unlimited and is what I like about this fandom.
What’s the first thing you want to read or write this year? 
I want to read as much fluff I can. I’m writing a mostly angst serie and I need the balance. I want read as much smut I can (scientific purposes only, of course). I want to write more one-shots this semester.
Anything new you want to try in 2021?
I want to try writing other characters in the fandom: Hotch, Emily, Rossi, just for mention some.
Do you have any fic resolutions? 
Read, read and read a lot. Enjoy the writing process too. Sometimes you carried away thinking in the outcome and not the process as well. I want enjoy everything!
***I would like to tag: @andiebeaword tagged everyone already! Maybe just add @your-eternal-muse @emilouu @actuallyspencerreid @brywrites @divinereid @gubler-me-up @lils-writes-stuff @okimargarvez @reidnation @ssaalexblake @spencerreidsmiles @unholyobsessions @zeldah-writes @zhuzhubii
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
Rule The World With Me-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Two: The Accident
Story Summary: Ivar travel's to Kiev to escape his brothers, where he meets you and wants to make you his queen.
Word Count 967
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
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Few Months Later~
Ivar has been staying in your kingdom for a few months now. Oleg and him have grown insanely close. Oleg has even gone to the length of sharing his plan to overthrow Kattegat, to which Ivar agrees with. You are glad that he trusts him because you have grown close to Ivar as well. You talk to him about everything! You have even told him about the beatings that you have endured during your marriage to Prince Oleg. While you told him, he watched you cry. It broke his heart to see you this way. He pulled you into his arms and made you a promise… "As long as i am here, i won't let him hurt you. We have both struggled so much throughout our lives but i am here now. I promise that i won't let him hurt you ever again." You felt so safe in his arms. You have never felt so loved before and it felt so lovely. You were falling in love with him. Hard and fast.
One day, you and Ivar were talking in the dining area. Ivar was making you laugh when Oleg came in, and it angered him. 
Oleg "well well well what do we have going on here? Ivar...are you flirting with my wife?" You felt so scared then. Scared that he has caught on to your feelings for Ivar, scared that he was going to hurt you or Ivar. 
Ivar "no of course not my king, i was just showing princess y/n and Igor a magic trick!" He was clever, not even breaking a sweat. 
Oleg "is that right y/n?" He walked over to you, putting a piece of hair that has fallen into your eye, behind your ear. Making you flinch a little bit, alarming Ivar who was clenching his fists. 
"Of course my king. Why would you think such a thing of me? You know i am loyal to you and only you." You bit your tongue. 
Oleg "oh i think you are being disloyal to be right now y/n. I think that you were flirting with Ivar here. And flirting is not acceptable!" He picked you up by the throat and threw you on the ground, knocking the wind out of you. "YOU THINK YOU CAN BETRAY ME?!" he got in your face, so close you could feel his spit on your face. You couldn't speak, you were in too much pain. He threw you down so hard that you think you broke your back. 
Ivar "ENOUGH!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER LIKE THAT?!!" He got up and grabbed Oleg by his collar, only to get his attention. "GET OFF OF HER! She did nothing wrong! She was not flirting with me, only talking to me. She is loyal to YOU my king. There is no need to hurt her. Please, stop hurting her." Oleg was taken aback by what he said. He felt kind of bad for hurting you, but nonetheless he didn't regret it. You were still on the ground, wincing in pain. 
Oleg "very well i am sorry my princess. I have overreacted, i am sorry." He tried to give you a hand to get you back on your feet but when you tried to move, you only screamed in pain. 
"Aaahhhh i can't! I can't get up! My back... i think you broke my back!" You looked at Ivar. Ivar was infuriated that Oleg hurt you. He couldn't get up fast enough to get to you in time. 
Ivar "i think that you should leave! Igor, go get the medical maid's, they need to help her!"
Oleg didn't shed a tear seeing you in pain, he just walked away when Ivar told him too. Igor hurried to get medical assistance. 
Ivar "i-i am so sorry i- i couldn't get up in time y/n i- i broke my promise. Please forgive me!" He fell to the ground next to you to hold you close. He was crying. 
"It's okay, I've been in more pain than this, I'll live. I'm not mad you Ivar, you got him off of me as soon as you could. None of this is your fault." You held onto his arm trying to get comfort. He held you close and waited for the medical to get there. 
You didn't break your back, just a small fracture. You haven't seen Oleg since the incident. He didn't check on you at all during your examination. Ivar was by your side the entire night. The medics told you that you will have to take it easy, and stay in bed for a few weeks. Once they put you in bed, they left you and Ivar alone. 
Ivar "i still can't believe i let this happen to you. If i would've gotten up as soon as he entered the room, i could've stopped him. I could have-" you put your hand over his mouth. 
"Please stop that! You couldn't have stopped this from happening. Oleg has been wanting to hurt me for a long time, today he just got mad enough to actually do it. None of this is your fault. Please stop blaming yourself i-" he crashed his lips onto yours. You melt into the kiss instantly, like it was meant to happen. 
Ivar "I've been wanting to do that since the day i met you." He smiles at you before kissing you again.
"Ivar, he can't find out. I want to be with you more than i can put into words, but we can't overthrow him yet. He's too strong." You put your hand through his braided hair.
Ivar "i know baby, i know. I won't let him know about us. I WILL overthrow him, and you will be my queen."
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