#ANYWAYS. i am going to read his manga SOON. VERY SOON.
honeyviscera · 2 years
aaaaah i reallly need to read kara no kiouku (eve's manga series) because i absolutely adore the inochino tabekata music video, which features the main character, and with the release of thefight song mv, which expands upon the rich world this character lives in and fleshes it out it really creates a beautiful narrative, i am in love with those two mv's and the story they tell and the worldbuilding and the character design and the stroy being told in them. also watching them sequentially (inochino tabekata first and fight song next) the way the songs themselves sound really very nicely complemet each other with inochino tabekata having a bit of a darker feel and fight song being comparatively upbeat and energetic but still maintaining a very similar vibe. and to know that they're based off of his manga????? i need to read it. i have been planning to read it. also i've heard that hitotsume (reoccuring character in his mv's and featured heavily in his live action/animated movie adam by eve i love hitotsume he's silly) is a character in the manga as well and i juust. everything referenced in his music videos is all tied togehter in this series and AUGH I NEED TO READ IT. i need to see which othe reoccurring characters i keep seeing in his mv's are in the manga i need to find out the root of the references being made i need to have one of those bulletin board with the red thread where i am tying everything together and looking like that one meme w that guy. that needs to be me with kara no kioku and the eve mv's and adam by eve. hjcghfdvkjglbj;flkn;gmfhvdgcsjfbvdhcvjfgkbjlgk;hk';kjnkhbugtfyrydctugfhlvj;blinkgfb;nmkvlbxcjhvugilh;ojfhdugvsodlhibkvj;lsbuguhiodjk;lkvfigubhvljk;divfjhupbvi'j;fjvbidfhvkjlk;cksjfvhkldsjljdvj;lsdkjgh;jsdh;khsjklfhklgefhjv;jfnkvfnjdspk;hnjhfkjdfvbnsnslkdnslkjjksljkvhkjfvlsjkfbvkjf;vbbvildksjbvkjlbvfdkljfnlkdvjbslkjdgkjlndkjbnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnhgjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
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dead boy detectives but i've never watched it (read: 0% plot 100% gay summary)
There is dead gay repressed Edwardian twink named Edwin.
He has that autism rizz.
A cat king god (a cat who is a god? a god who is sometimes a cat? a god of cats? a god of kings? a king of cats? the cat of a king? the king of cat gods? the god of cat kings? WHAT IS HE IDK BUT HE'S A GAY LIL SLUT) wants to do the ol' hanky panky with him.
A lot of people want to do the ol' hanky panky with him. He be pullin' bitches.
Except for the bitch he's in love with, his best friend and soul partner, Charles.
Charles is full of Charm and Whimsy and Making Friends.
He has trauma.
(The previous point was obvious to me after learning point 6 but then I realised maybe I should be clear)
There's a... some kind of creature named Niko and she reads a lot of explicit gay manga.
She tries to use it to help Edwin out of his repression I think. I don't know if it works. Edwardian bitches do be repressed like that.
She has... a deadly parasite? That's a lesbian relationship?
Are lesbians deadly parasites? I do not know. I am too much in awe of lesbians to ask them.
The Cat King gives Edwin white lilies. Like I said, Edwin got that 'tism rizzm.
Niko and Edwin are weird besties.
THIS IS PART OF THE SANDMAN UNIVERSE!! So @neil-gaiman is not the show's creator, but it is his universe and a bunch of his characters and he wrote a few scenes I think?? IDK SANDMAN FANS COME HELP ME.
Edwin goes to hell and Charles saves him? I think?
Death is very lovely.
Okay so so so this show needs a second season but apparently Netflix's thinking of cancelling it because not enough people are streaming it (IT'S BARELY BEEN OUT A WEEK OR SOMETHING WTF??) so PLEASE GO WATCH IT EVERYONE WHO'S SEEN IT LOVES IT AND I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH IT RAGH ANYWAY I LOVE YOU EITHER WAY HAVE THE LOVELIEST OF DAYS <3
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natsuyuki-w · 1 year
Not one of the boys
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Twisted wonderland cast realizes that (Yuu) is a girl.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 Featuring: Idia and Ortho - Sebek and Silver
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The dark figure in our dorm's yard was unmistakable, and like in his prior appearances, I jogged to him as soon as I noticed.
- VDC you say? Are you actually trying to invite me to this?- - Why yes...The boys have been working hard, I assure you, it's stunning! And well... As fun, as it is following your "Will-o'-the-wisp", I would like to be around you a bit more. - and hastily added - Only if you want to of course! -
Much as his Fae companion, Tsunotarou laughed at my expenses leaving me with my lingering smile and owlish confused eyes. - You really seem to know no fear. - he smiled broadly - Very well. I humbly accept your invitation.- and I smiled satisfied.
- Will you be going on stage? - - Ah no! I'm their "Manager", as Vil likes to call me. - - Mmm a shame...- I chuckled flustered - Crowley didn't want to risk other schools finding out I'm a girl. You never know what could ever happen. Ha ha ha - - Mm yes I can see the risks. Lilia told me he discovered it as well. -
Thinking back to each event I recalled the surprise on everyone, and feeling a little insecure I asked - ...Tsunotaro, you think...Am I perhaps...not feminine enough? - he threw me a weird look - I-I mean, nobody ever noticed till seeing my... More prominent features. And is not like I'm going out of my way to hide it! So you know...- and I scratched the back of my head.
He hummed and smiled beautifully - No, I think you're plenty. - his words without an inch of tease - I think the beauty of your femininity is enhanced by your boyish charm.- ... - Wai..what!? - - I'm looking forward to the day of the show Goodnight (Yuu).- *puff* and he left me standing in a blushing mess.
- Tsunotaro thinks I am beautiful...- I sighed dreamily - and he looked happy, I'm glad.-
A couple of days before the culture fair I made my way to Mr. S's Mystery Shop - Gooood morning Sam! How is it going? - - Hello (Yuu), very well thank you. Radiant as always are you? hahaha. - - Of course! My delivery has yet to arrive? - I scanned the shelves. - The pile is right there next to the Grimoire. - he pointed. - You almost caught them this time. -
- Uff... they're so... slippery. They've been so kind to sell all those manga for such a low price. I would really like to thank them face to face. - - They are elusive indeed. - commented Sam - Sorry, but he begged me multiple times not to say a word. - and winked. He wasn't sorry at all, he just enjoyed seeing my frustration. - Yeah yeah... I'm not here just for those; 'must refill our team. - and I handed him the grocery list.
- Another pile? - Commented Grim. - I know right?- completely missing his point. - And for like 500 Madol??? - - Shopping again Trickster? - I nodded happily to Rook - Have you seen them this time? - - Nah. Again, they ran away before my arrival. - I climbed the stairs to pose my new collection - And it's so frustrating! Sometimes they go for an hour via chat. Talking about what I should watch or read, his thoughts and theories. But then, they shut down completely saying stuff like: "Sry I'm such an otaku lmao bye.'" and then avoid me for days. -
- Would you like me to do a little research? - asked the hunter with a sharp smile. -...no...thank you for...the thought. I guess. - I patted his shoulder awkwardly. What I didn't know then was that he already discovered the identity of my seller long before. - But why give away all those books anyway? - pondered Grim. - Apparently bought a stock and he already owned some of them. "I must share the words of those artworks for the greater good". Something like that. -
On the day of the festival, me and Grim joined the booth check team. Entered the boardgames club exhibit we found a tall boy with long hair like flames sulking in a corner of the class. - Ahh, two hours left until the research presentation...- -... Idia, what are you doing at a place like that? - frowned Riddle. - It's called anxiety. - I mumbled.
- Uwah!!! Riddle master!!! Why are you here? - he jumped. - M-master? - - Fist of steal even outside the dorm eh? - I nudged the redhead on the side. He frowned at me and taking advantage of his distraction I saw the awkward boy nodding profusely. - Are you ready for the research presentation?- turned back the little tyrant. - Y-you don't have to worry. Just wait and see. - responded the other.
I stared for a moment in thought, making him even more fidgety than before - Are you perhaps... Ortho's brother? - - Sigh... *Eh-hem Y-yes. - he exhaled relieved. - 'Knew it I saw somewhere that blue hair! I have to say, after seeing him "draw a sword" defending your honor at the VDC auditions, I was very curious about meeting you. - - I-well-there's n-nothing i-i-interesting aab-b-bout m-me...I CAUGHT THE INTEREST OF A NORMIE IKEMEN????? - he mumbled hiding from my view.
- Riddle Roseharts, Trey Clover, Grim, hello! Of course, I'll always be there for Nii-san, he's a genius, (Yuu) (Wander)! - appeared the brother in question before I could protest the title of normie. - (YUU) (WANDER)??? - Idia jumped back but quickly covered his mouth and his back faced us all for a second time. He sneaked a look from his shoulder, caught my eyes, and the flames on his head turned pink. My companions looked me over questioningly, but seeing my expression just as confused, they searched for answers in his most trusted subject.
*Blank stare.* - W-well...*eh-hem Hi Ortho! I'm sure you speak the truth about your brother, I'm looking forward to hearing the...- - ...(Yuu) (Wander) - interrupted me once more in a softer tone. The four of us stared back and forth at the pair in search of answers.
- But it's great! - suddenly quipped Ortho. - Nii-san don't you understand? Is like in that Shojo where the girl in disguise in the boy academy becomes friends with her crush and...- - W-W-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ORTHO??? - The floating boy started to chant robotically. - (Yuu) (Wander) has sent at 09:45 a.m., Friday 2...- - I KNOW WHO HE IS BUT WHAT GIRL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? - - (Yuu) (Wander), student at Night Raven College, is a non-magical human being. Gender Female, height...-
- Stooop - I interrupted the chaotic theatric playing before our eyes. - 1, How was I unaware of sending messages to...you... - but the teenager was no longer with us, his soul probably left his body, and the now empty shell lay on the ground stiff...- ...and 2, when did you find out about me, Ortho? Being a girl that is. - I got closer to check on the dorm's leader's well-being. Tho, sensing my nearby presence he recovered immediately and ran out in a string of apologies. His hair turned a Barbie pink.
- I... Hope his presentation goes well. The magic, engineering that he specialized in has a lot of interesting articles about modern magic. So let's hope this...predicament hasn't caused too much brain damage. - pondered Riddle. - I'm a bit worried, but I'm sure he is going to recover. - and the little Sheoud turned back to us.
- So... What just happened exactly? - trailed off Grim. - You asked: 1, how were you unaware of sending messages to my brother? Nii-san has been chatting with (Yuu)San under the nickname of "Gloomy Samurai" in the second-hand shopping app: Twyst. - *GASP! I reacted dramatically - He was my generous dealer!!!! - - What was he dealing to you??? - Riddle panicked already picturing me falling into the drug club. - One launched Man, flexible cover edition from 01 to volume 23, Junior High attack, redesigned edition, flexible cover, complete... - - Mangas Riddle, Mangas. - I reassured.
- And for number 2: I scanned and stored your physical information when we met the first time. - he confessed nonchalantly. - That's... Fascinating intimidating. - I commented, eyes wide open. - And what was that Shojo girl in a boy academy... - teased Trey. - Please Ortho, don't answer that.- I flashed the green-haired boy a sharp gaze.
I had the impression Gloomy Samurai would've shut me down completely from this day on, and if before there was little possibility of him wanting to meet up in RL, now... stupid to even take it into consideration. - Say Ortho, what's your brother's favorite food? - If I couldn't thank him with me present physically or digitally, a gift would've sufficed.
- TSUNOTARO????? - Sebek was in a tantrum.
- You too? - I murmured in disbelief once they finished their back and forth - Tsunotaro, can I confirm a suspicion of mine? - he smiled and nodded curious about what was going on in that small brain of mine. - This is just a stretch... But is it perhaps that you are searching gazes different from "Mighty prince" or "Terrifying magic user"? I mean why come to a public school otherwise right? -
His faithful knight threw again insults, but the subject himself stayed quiet. Silence needed to be fulfilled for my brain to function so I rumbled even more, in search of an understandable response from the boy - You know,...People can be so focused on What we are, instead of the Who. I mean I thought of it because I saw in us some similarities...Of course, is totally on a different level and type,...but, you know,... I can see a behavior change when my friends discover I'm a girl. And it's...- - WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??? - Sebek screamed and became a blushing mess.
Silver widened his eyes in realization. - The infirmary, it wasn't a dream...- and pink gradually made its way on his face. I flew a hand on my mouth. - I got lost in my thoughts. - Malleus petted my hair chuckling while Grim clapped his paws with a flat face - It could've gone worse - I enquired to the cat - It could've rained...- I joked nervously.
- NOW EVERYTHING IS CLEAR! You have been luring our master! - screamed Sebek - That's why he has permitted you so much! For sure, under that innocent cute look, you're hiding some secret spell, seducing him you little witch. And grumble, grumble, grumble... - - I would take this as offense honestly - I murmured to the prince. - I would take that as a compliment, cute innocent witch, fufufufu.- he teased.
After recovering from my blush, he was still on fire with his ranting. So I decided to suffocate it with my trashing around - Doll, I'm not stealing your man dah. - - Wha...- As I predicted, his voice died stunned. - Not this again...- groaned Grim recalling the joke Catfights between me and my ginger friend.
- This relationship is completely consensual. - I gestured, and perplexed but very amused Malleus nodded - See? And now, look at ya. - I returned to Sebek - Chasing after him, seeking attention - and with a click of my tongue I concluded - so desperate. - - You... Never stop to surprise me child of man. -
Earthquake magnitude 6.2 in the Isle of Sages Possible causes: tectonic plates moved by repeated sound waves with abnormal peaks of decibels. Location: Night Raven Collage.
They say that I'm a witch And that I weave a spell Well, I'll be a son of a I don't know what Well, let me tell you brother I'd rather be burned as a witch than never be burned at all (I'd rather be burned as a witch - Eartha Kitt)
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*Eh-hem so... What happened? - inquired Crowley. Both me and Ruggie despite the clear frustration of the headmaster, sat nonchalantly, being confident in our innocence.
I roamed my eyes on one of the topper shelves in the library holding on a ladder to reach them better. - What are you doing up there (Yuu)? - I heard a whisper from the ground. - Oh! Hi Ruggie! Just searching for my way home. What about you? - Maybe I could find some documents about magical transportation or alternative universes. - Ehmm okay(!?) Me? Same usual, Leona's chores. I'm taking some books for him or he'll just forget to do his research. - - Lazy ass... - I snorted reaching for another book. - Leona. That's who he is. *Shshshsh.-
His eyes then darted down. On the topic of asses. - *Eh-hem... Can you lend me a hand? I think I saw one of the books I need up there. - - Oh sure! Which one?- I responded. - There on the third, no no the fourth down,... Yep, A little more on the right...- - This one? - I glanced back. - No no the other one on the left. *Shshshhshs -
Yep, TOTALLY looking at the books.
* SBAM I jumped down. - AARGH DON'T HIT ME! - and neither of us expected the disaster after that.
- That's what you get looking at my boogie! - - YOU WERE TRYING TO THROW THAT BOOK AT ME! I can't believe you chicks! Thinking you have permission to use violence on men, am I right? - - NO I WASN'T! I just jumped down, You scared off yourself and hit the shelf on your own!... And don't deflect!!! You were the one scheming to... -
- SILENCE!!! - Crowley's strong voice covered both of ours. - Ruggie. - he called out sternly. The ears of the hyena were now flat waiting for the worse. - By "chicks" you mean,...girls? - he then trailed his eyes on me with that scary glowing gaze of his. Ruggie thought about it for a while and then smirked. - Yes. I meant girls. - he probably thought the Crow would get too distracted, so he could make a run out of his disaster. - That's quite an interesting predicament (Yuu)... Didn't I warn you to take secrecy? How is that this dear student know?-
- You... Didn't know, headmaster? - I blinked confused. - Know what? - I caught him unprepared. - *ps... What are you doing???- whispered-yelled Ruggie. Sure, he wanted for me to be scolded for HIM knowing, but he didn't expect... - I thought either Azul told you or you had noticed already. - I responded. - Aw. That's nice! It means they really did maintain the secret. - I reached the ahs blonde boy and patted his cheek. - I have such good friends! - - H-hey!It's because there was no advantage in telling anybody.- Embarrassed, he drove my hand away.
- (Yuu).- - Yes? - - EXPLAIN. NOW -
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Finished this series!!!! Ruggie was with Silver the less brought up in the "discovery timeline", so I thought it might've been nice to include them a little more with two mini stories (Silver's is in part 3).
Malleus, on the other hand no, he didn't need more timing. But my simping for him did.
I hope you had a fun time with lil old me! Wish you the best, 'till next time! ✨💙
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 6 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 96... You have been warned...! 👌
This chapter is probably gonna be a new favorite of mine, especially because of that absolutely unexpected thing that happened right before the end of the chapter...!! 😵 So let's talk about it, shall we? 😉
Mission 96 starts back where we basically left of...
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...to see who will get to dance with Damian!!💃
To figure this out, Ewen and Emile come up with some challenges to see who is worthy to dance with their Boss Man!! 😆
The first challenge has to do with endurance so the young ladies have to stand on one leg and clap to the until only remain... And since Twilight's there to help Anya win at cost, of course he has a way cheat!!:
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But then, THIS HAPPENS...!!:
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Also... What Twilight said about his arm after Anya's silly antics was ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS TOO!! 😂😂😂
Moving on to the second challenge, the girls must do an obstacle course and who ever are the five fastest will advance to the third and final round!! 👏 A lot of the girls are struggling, but Anya is off to a great start!!
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They had to jump over a hurdle (which Anya fell on her face afterward, but still kept going 😂), get through a trap zone (which Anya ripped her dress and stuck for a bit LOOKING LIKE THIS...!!):
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The final part of the obstacle course was the Inchworm Crawl, AND ANYA GOT THIRD PLACE, so she's still in this!! 👏😆
The third and final challenge was a quiz about Damian, and Twilight thought that he had it in the bag, but...:
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Twilight you silly, silly man...! 😌
Anyway, since this is quiz, of course Anya is gonna use her mind reading abilities to get the right answers...!! Though she almost slips up when she answers a question that probably only Damian, Emile and Ewen know, she makes up for it by missing some questions...!! Anya and one of the other little girls only needed one answer to win, and the question was: Who does Damian love the most?
At first I thought the answer was gonna be Anya, but I'm pretty sure that Ewen and Emile still have no clue that Damian likes her...! 😅 So everyone guessed, but Anya knew what the answer was...:
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MY HEART...!! 💗🥹💗
And so, Anya was victorious and got to dance with Damian!! 🎉
HELL, HENDERSON AND MARTHA EVEN GOT TO DANCE WITH EACH OTHER!! 💗😍💗 (This chapter is GOATED for that as well...!!! 👏😆)
Besides that, though Damian and Anya were having some trouble dancing with each other at first, they started to get hang of if it!! 😁 And then...:
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Luckily, Damian didn't believe her, but THIS BOMBSHELL may have some ramifications if Damian just casually mentions this to either Melinda, Donovan or someone else dangerous in the future...!! 😱 I am confident that Damian if does eventually believe what Anya told him, he would most definitely keep her secret, but if he doesn't realize it soon, who knows what could happen...!! 😥
And that was Mission 96...
I still can't believe Anya told Damian the truth, though he doesn't believe her yet, it is very possible that he will in future...!! 😊
And to all those that those that thought that Damian would be the first one to know that Anya can read minds, I tip my hat to you guys...!! 👏😄 (Also the damianya shippers are EATING GREAT!! 👏😆👏😆👏😆)
Anyway, I think that's all I wanna say, especially since I know that I'd be here while spouting out theory after theory about what is to come (and wonder if this is gonna lead into Mission 100...!! 🤔) So until next time; take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! 💗 LATERS!! 👋😄
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piracytheorist · 2 months
Spy x Family Code: White thoughts!
Alright, time to write down my thoughts about the film! I liked it a lot, and for this anime only it was a HUGE satisfactory dose after not having had anything new since December 🥲 there were a few parts that I found meh, and I will mention them here too, but overall I got a very positive view of it!
Related to this, my mom was in the next room where I was sitting watching the film, and when I finished and passed by to get some water, she asked me what film I watched that made me laugh so much. So I think that speaks for itself 😂
Anyway, on to the film!
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Having seen the trailer where Twilight rips off the disguise of a woman with long, curly blonde hair, as soon as I saw her here I was like is that her? But then that guy appeared and I recognized his voice and, dare I say I was confused XD
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Damn, isn't that past their rating? XD
And then the music started! STRIX theme with a new twist for the film!
I think by this point we've already shrugged away Twilight's ability to make disguises. It gets even crazier near the end, so it should be of no surprise that he just disguised himself as that woman. Lucky she happened to wear a choker, too, good cover for his Adam's apple.
The way they showed the woman wrapped in a blanket underneath the desk, though 😳 that's the kind of visual you'd use to show a character died. What am I supposed to infer from this, guys?!
Then we cut to Yor!
There's a review on letterboxd saying how easy the film is to watch and follow for someone who hasn't watched the original, and I'm happy to hear that because as someone who already knows these characters and their dynamics, it didn't feel like it dragged on too much on that.
Yor, ever being the sweetheart, will call a guy a traitorous scumbag yes but she will be kind as ever when she kills him 🥰
The way she dodged the bullets! Queen! And also a set up to later show her dodge all the ammunition thrown from the shooters and Type F!
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This. Was. Amazing. I actually gasped out loud. The animators understood the assignment, 10/10.
Right after that, we see Loid reach his door, and for the first time we see him go to use keys. A few other times I remember anyone opening the door they just... opened it. You'd think an apartment where a spy and an assassin live would have better security! XD
I love how they kinda showed it like Yor was going to attack Loid, and then Loid just turned and went like "Oh hey beautiful wife, welcome home! :D" It must have looked funny for anyone who hasn't seen the anime/manga before XD
Yor wants to cook! Everybody hide!
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That... is a horror of an omelet. Yor's cooking is always for the "congrats lil buddy that’s the worst anyone’s ever done it" meme. She does try, though, bless her heart.
Anya evades the horror. And Loid wants to make... peanut butter pizza???? Is that even a thing??? WITH MEAT ON TOP???
What does it say about this film that this isn't the weirdest thing to happen in it
Damian, shut the fuck up
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... I mean, with a mother like that... I'll give this to him XD
Did Anya call him an asshole? Serves him right, tbh XD
Knowing that the story can't veer a lot far from the anime/manga canon, I already knew Anya wouldn't earn a Stella in that competition. But it was a good set-up for the rest of the film to move on from.
Twilight read Henderson's lips through a window and through the latter's thick moustache, and lip reading is already hard to do accurately, if not nearly impossible. Boy's nuts. But I think it only prepared us for a fucking falcon to fly above him and throw him the message from WISE. Show-offs XD
A rare view of Berlint!
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DAAAAMN the higher animation budget is really doing those characters such good favour 🥰
Bro actually read a book by flipping through it. Get outta town.
The idea of having another guy take over Operation Strix from Twilight feels a little shallow. It's already a very delicate and long-term operation, it feels that it wouldn't make sense to replace their best agent with just a dude just because said dude has connections.
Twilight meets with Nightfall outside, and Yor sees them across all those streets (I mean, she is an assassin with a deadly aim) and... she doesn't recognize Nightfall? Is this supposed to take place before Nightfall visits the Forger household?
I mean, at the current time in the anime, Yor is supposed to be over her fear of getting replaced, but I get why they retreated back a little, so they could explain the later scene of Loid taking her hand and reminding her of his vows.
Very conveniently, Yor's coworkers are chatting about cheating men, and Yor, being inexperienced with relationships, immediately believes everything, her suspicions even taking root with what she just saw.
Back home, Twilight thinks about how, since he's dismissed from Operation Strix, he'll have to move out, and the camera shows their happy family picture 🥺 he's not ready to admit his feelings to himself but the narrative is.
Making the dessert that's the favourite of the judge and in particular the one he grew up with feels kinda cheating, no? XD
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Come on, Loid. A child filling her bag with toys does not deserve that murder glare 😂
That train looked a little too modern for the supposed 60s/70s aesthetic. I know Germany has some top trains (as does Japan) but like, still XD it's very different from the train we see on the very first episode when Twilight boards one for Berlint.
Lovely visuals, though!
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I wonder if there's any system as to how Bond's powers work. He has the vision of Anya finding the suitcase and opening it... but that's creating a sort of paradox because without the vision coming to him and without Anya seeing it, it wouldn't have been made true. I mean, I get why it was put there, but still.
Again, the story needed a little backtracking in order for Yor's doubts to make sense. I'm not sure how much they contributed to the whole story, but at least there it was funny. The small awkward laugh she throws at the end before she exits their booth to go look for Anya was hilarious XD
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Gremlin Anya is best Anya <3
LMAO at least she enjoyed the chocolate XD
The following part was intense! I found myself saying "Run Anya run!" even though I knew from trailers that they'd eventually catch her anyway.
So the microfilm hides intelligence about a research lab in Westalis. Hmm.
I think it was at this point I noticed that they had Anya react to people's thoughts way too little. I get that it can get repetitive but with her curiosity she would have tried to look for more information through the guys' thoughts.
"Chocolate thieves" is actually perfect to describe those two. They were conveniently - and hilariously - incompetent.
But it did get intense. It's always like that when a bad guy threatens to hurt, let alone kill, a child.
I love how Yor asked Anya to close her eyes while she was beating up the guys but then told her she can open them when they were down and fully expected her to believe her lie that they just passed out XD
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Also, her snowman jgvllublftlulbj
Chekhov's military airplane! I didn't expect it would actually work by the end, though XD
I love the music in the restaurant. Poor Bond being left alone outside where it's snowing, though 🥲 at least they brought him food!
Yor notices that it's rare for Loid to wear turtlenecks, and that's actually true. Too bad, though, they fit him so nicely :)
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I actually laughed out loud at the guys jumping on Yuri to stop him. They were prepared. They knew who they were dealing with XD
"Rubble and Bonds"... the chef is very wholesome but he literally named his restaurant after his trauma and like... dude. Therapy exists. And then he starts laying out his trauma thick while Twilight is sitting there like yup this doesn't affect me at all
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I don't think he was prepared for that when he asked about the restaurant's name. I was kinda disappointed they showed the exact same footage of him as a kid from the first episode. I think they could have afforded making a few seconds of new footage of the same imagery. But maybe that's just my anime-only ass who has been waiting for a certain manga arc to be animated for nearly two years now 😶
Snidel appears! And he has the absolute nerve to just... steal the meremere plate from someone else's table. Perfect way to make us hate him.
And... I'm sorry. I have to say it. When Snidel challenges Loid to a game and the camera focuses on Loid... that zoom-in and fade to black was SO CRINGEY. Sorry XD
The music there was nice, though. I think I notice a tiny bit of James Bond music influence.
Fucking Snidel shifting the goalposts with the amounts of sugar. That's not being detailed, that's not explaining the rules of the game properly. They really wanted us to hate the guy.
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Twilight looks really stricken by the fact that he lost. And we know it's not because of despair - since he immediately says they can have meremere the next day - and it's not because his pride was hurt... so you can't take it out of my mind that it was because he was disgusted by how a grown-ass man practically stole a piece of cake from a little child, and Twilight was unable to stop him.
But then XD Loid has the absolute gall to ask a chef for his recipe, and then reprimand Anya for calling him stingy. Like mah dude it was already a far-fetched request to have the guy give you the recipe XD
Twilight being totally not suspicious and bolting through the market to buy all the ingredients. Cause that's what normal people do.
The way Twilight tries to cheer Yor up and he only manages to make her feel worse never disappoints XD
Right, I forgot this film was released in December in Japan. It feels weird for it to have a winter-y, almost Christmas-y feeling while I have my A/C on XD
I like how Twilight actually cared enough to expose the guy at the shooting gallery, and advise him to run an honest business. You'd think this would be low on his priorities... but having a child will expand your sensitivities. It feels similar to how he encouraged Carroll Campbell into playing tennis more fairly and to depend on his own strengths.
And then he wonders why a little child has fun on a train ride XD
I... am not sure how I feel about Yor's outburst there. It feels directly inspired by the Disastrous Date, if not a copy of it, and I'm not sure it helps Yor's character develop in any way. I mean, again, I get that the film can't allow the characters to develop a lot since it can't veer from canon, but still, it felt a little forced just to give Yor more screentime and to have a very subtle twiyor tease.
Anya finding out about divorce through Becky's soap-opera filter, though XD
They feel too confident leaving Anya all alone (even if she's with Bond) in a strange town. I know they can keep an eye on her from the ferris wheel cabin, but still.
Now that's a character development moment you can have without veering from canon: having Yor feel guilty for allowing Anya to notice her dark mood, and then feeling happy that Anya pushed her and Loid to having a moment together to talk things out.
Also, beautiful visuals!
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Twilight, best™ spy™ of Westalis™, being unable to read the room whenever his wife is involved.
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That's a phrase you don't wanna hear from your little kid, especially when you're fake married XD
Handler: Go and help Twilight. Nightfall: Yes ma'am! Handler: Not you. Nightfall: SENPAI WILL NOTICE ME SENPAI WILL NOTICE ME Handler: jfc
It was really sweet seeing Anya and Bond play, and then Yor joining in. That makes it more plausible that the film is set earlier on in the story, since it looks like Yor isn't used to playing with Anya.
No, really, what did that woman who was at Franky's kiosk want to ask him when she would come by with her friend??? 😳
One day the way Twilight abuses Franky's services will come bite him in the ass, I'm calling it now.
Yet another scene where character/relationship dynamic can happen without veering from canon: Loid comes back to the hotel and says he'll go out again, Anya says she wants to come too, and Loid tells her she has to stay in the hotel. Anya goes back to the bedroom dejected, but Yor reminds him it's a family trip and they're supposed to spend this time together, connecting that to her memories of Yuri being happy whenever he spent time with her.
And I think that speaks to another level of distance Twilight has kept from his emotions; he denies himself that he loves his family, but that also leads him to forget that his family won't like missing out on quality time with him.
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I especially noticed his surprised reaction at Yor saying that being away from loved ones can make one feel lonely. I don't think Twilight has allowed himself to grasp just how lonely he's felt all these years, it was just the norm for him to have no-one. He's forgotten what it's like to have loved ones and to miss them when you don't get to spend enough time with them, and he's also forgotten that for most people, this is how everyday life is like. We love people, we like spending time with them, we miss them when we haven't seen them in a while. A master of disguises he may be, but this role forces him to face the thing he understands the least: human relationships.
And so, he realizes that Anya's motivation here wasn't petulance or restlessness. It was her need to have fun with him. He considered it easier to sneak around to find the liqueur if they weren't with him, but he failed to consider that casting them aside would actually impact them. Give yourself some credit, dude 🥺
Nightfall: I will surprise Twilight with my effectiveness!
Twilight when he sees her unexpectedly:
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I did love however how he looked so sternly at her when they were outside. Like lady, first, bad timing, second, this is why Handler didn't want you to be the one to help Twilight XD
Once again, Bond's power works in a form of paradox. He saw the shop where the liqueur was, and Anya went there because she saw it. If she hadn't seen it, she wouldn't have gone, and Bond wouldn't have had the vision.
I love how the military guys get a rough sketch of Anya and go like "Nah no-one can actually look like this" XD
Anya must have swiped some dalcs as she ran off. That liqueur wasn't gonna be cheap!
Poor Bond!
Endo has surrounded Anya with two physically exceptional parents and a big strong dog to protect her, so it's hard to make a case of her getting kidnapped believable. Realistically, I think Bond would have fought harder to keep her safe, but to achieve the kidnapping the bad guys would have had to get more violent with him. That would make for a sadder scene and also take away from the humor of those guys' incompetence, so the most violence against an animal they could resort to was a conveniently falling beer can.
And thus, the "Anya Has to Poop" side plot starts! With the amount of fear she went through in those scenes, I'm surprised she didn't just... accidentally let go 😶
I just realized when Loid was checking the plane's radio they were also refuelling it. Again, kind of a surprise the whole system worked XD They were a little too chill about the fact that Anya was with the military, though? Maybe I got the wrong vibe off of their acting, lol.
The way that Yor decides at the last moment to join Loid and just... runs and jumps into a plane that's right on takeoff. Madwoman. I love her.
Meanwhile, at least Nightfall is funny XD
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They really went on and made an entire sequence in a different animation style for a poop joke. Respect where it's due 👏
Someone: So how did you save world peace this time? Anya: I refused to take a shit.
The incompetent duo have a bedpan that's shaped like a duck and, funny thing... in Greek the word for "bedpan" can also be called, colloquially, with the same word that we use for "duck". So. There's that random connection I found funny XD
Twilight tries to ask for permission to land on the airship and they immediately turn their guns on him and damn, that must be terrifying.
And damn, again, that's a huge risk he took just to get Anya back. My man was prepared to do anything. And he walked out of the plane crashing into the airship without a single scratch like GET OUT OF HERE. I wanted my whump and I only got a single drip of blood near the end 😞 when will I have my whump.
And then Yor just... ran on the top of the airship, fully exposed to the freezing weather of not only outside but also a few hundred (thousand?) feet off the ground. My girl runs on hot steam. AND THEN SHE ALSO FUCKING TOOK HER COAT OFF.
Meanwhile, Anya finally finds a private moment to take a shit. And that marks the end of the wackiest plotline in this movie XD
Okay now, look. I can maybe imagine Twilight quickly making up a mask of Snidel's face from earlier in the day (though he wasn't shown to have any time to do that), and he somehow had it ready when the time came for their duel. But making a mask of that random military guy? Yeah, my suspension of disbelief is stronger for that than for freaking time travel XD
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Yor also has her moment of going like "Excuse me, may I ask a question" and immediately getting guns aimed at her.
Damn. What the actual fuck is Type F even. At first I thought it was a full-on robot, but apparently it's a modified human? The fuck. Also. Just how many fucking bullets does he have???!
For real, though, Snidel isn't fucking around. He not only is fine with murdering a kid in cold blood, he also finds it entertaining to make her terrified as well. Like, even that guy from the Doggy Crisis arc said "Nothing personal, kid," when Keith commanded him to kill her.
And then Twilight overhears the incompetent dudes mention Anya... and mighty spy Twilight's emotions get the best of him and he beats up those guys for no other reason than getting back at them? More likely than you think.
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Fuck, that scared me. That bullet was literally millimeters from piercing his brain. Cool visual, though, with his real hair popping from beneath the mask.
Anya worrying about her papa :(
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Okay, I don't care about the logistics. This was fucking awesome.
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10/10. They understood the assignment.
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No, but really, their fight was going in circles because Type F has a shit ton of bullets and Yor has great stamina and ability to dodge bullets. She can't win with her strength, so she has to use her brain and her environment. AND SHE SLAYS 👏👏👏
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My dude why are you still surprised 😭😭 what did you expect your kidnapped daughter to do once she saw you came to her rescue 😭 HUG YOUR DAUGHTER BACK I BEG 😭
Nah, I know he can't yet, this guy's got the emotional type of constipation. He'll get there.
So we'll never know what he thought about her sneaking out to get him the liqueur, and why that made her smile, eh? Okay 🥲
I love how Yor and Loid just both buy each other's lies. Oh yeah I just decided to jump on your plane while you were taking off, no biggie! Yeah this military ship was totally run by chocolate thieves! And also, I was flying part-time as a student :D
(I also love how high his voice went there. It's full-on "nice sweet Dr. Forger" voice XD)
And then :)
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My crops are watered :)
With the action part over, I gotta say that they handled it all of it awesomely! I felt that the whole film was a little slow at first, but I didn't really mind. The climax was great, I got my whump, I got my fake family working together with all of them pretending that oh it was just chocolate thieves and not an actual threat of war breaking out.
My question is... didn't Anya just gulp the chocolate down?
... how did the microfilm get stuck in her teeth?
... you know what, never mind XD
Aw, Twilight got Handler a bottle of wine! And she actually looked thankful for it!
... was she the one who went in disguise to trap Depple into cheating on his wife??
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Yor offering to help with the dessert and everyone going "Naaaaah you don't have to 😁"
Damian, shut the fuck up.
It is funny, however, how Anya can say one (1) thing and unintentionally leave him a blubbering mess. Girl is not even trying for that, lmao.
And then, another trip! Buddy who has the time and money--
Oh, wait. Yeah they're going on vacation on WISE budget lmao XD
It's kinda funny to see this with me having the Cruise arc as the "last" I saw of them, as an anime only, cause it was "trip to the ocean!" then "trip to the north!" and now it's "trip to the beach!"
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Meanwhile, after the credits...
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Hang in there buddy. Your time will come to get Twilight back XD
Overall, definitely recommended, it did have its weak parts and its parts that you had to happily kick your logic out the window, but it was great fun, with awesome action, character depth, and even angsty parts that I adored. This will keep my anime-only ass satisfied for a little while, hopefully we also get news about Season 3 soon!
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apparently-artless · 5 months
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Content warnings to take note of before you read: poorly written explanations and BAD ENGLISH [like extremely bad I'm not even joking XD], a few manga spoilers like mentions of characters that might not be included in the current season of anime
A few days ago, I started reading the manga of Wind Breaker by Satoru Nii and reached the latest chapter after two days. Considering I have a life to deal with, this is actually fast because I couldn't stop reading for as long as there is a next chapter to read. This series was suggested to me by my sister and I was already looking forward to the anime. After watching 2 episodes so far, I couldn't contain myself and decided to read the manga instead. In all honesty, delinquent theme is not my cup of tea. At the very least, it is not a genre that I would actively seek. However, this series piqued my curiosity, kept me engaged, and made me want to read more. And now here I am, desperately waiting for the next chapter to come.
Before anything else, I would like to let you know that [as far as the latest chapters are concerned], there are no teachers involved in the story. Even if they are going to school, there are no scenes of them actually studying. There are also no authorities involved. So just think of them as students only doing social studies by protecting the townsfolk and interacting with them daily. But then again, THIS IS FICTION, SO IT'S OKAY!! So with that out of the way, let me point out a few things that I really love about this manga.
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The main character, Sakura Haruka has such a cool character design. Bicolored hair and different eye colors, who wouldn't be interested? To top it all off, he's good at fighting and he is such a tsundere he ends up blushing all the time! He also has a sad past that makes us want to protect this baby boy from all the pain and suffering he encountered thus far. If you've watched the first episode, it's quite evident that he was ostracized because of the way he looks. Ugh, my poor baby boy. T_T
The anime actually did a great job of including more tidbits of Sakura's dark past in the first episode. There were scenes that I noticed that are included in the later chapters. In fact, the first 1 minute and 30 seconds of the first episode gave us something that manga did not give until almost 50+ chapters.
Some of the scenes are these:
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And this:
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It may seem like a normal dark-lit room but it actually speaks a lot. One room, no other furniture, and just a futon he can sleep on. What I am trying to point out is there is a difference between someone who started living alone as soon as they moved to a different town and someone who has been living alone almost their entire life. Now, don't get me wrong. Sakura's past is yet to be revealed. The full details of how he ended up alone are not yet even shown in the latest chapters of the manga. We can only make assumptions based on what was shown thus far and his behavior as he tries to interact with more people. Anyway, as you read more chapters, you will eventually realize that the main character lived a painful life before coming to Furin High.
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If the main character is great, it's a good series. But it's even better if the other characters are interesting too. The mangaka did an amazing job with the other characters and how they contributed to the story. Each character has their own personality that you will also love. I bet you might even have a top 5 or even top 10 favorite characters just for this series alone.
Now this is one of the reasons why I fell in love with the series. I am not just referring to the character development of the MC but also the other characters! What's more, is that the author finds a way to make their development interesting but brief and how their past contributes to who they are right now. Sometimes, the past is even included in a single chapter and with a few more scenes of the present. Of course, there are longer backstories but I assure you that every scene is important and contributes greatly to the plot.
You know how there are times that the main character feels like they are being forgotten in some series? I can think of a few but let's not mention those. XD Anyway, this one will surely not disappoint. The MC is a first-year high school student and even though it was already proven how strong he is in the first two episodes, there are surely other characters that are more OP than he is.
To me, this is very important. If the MC is the only one progressing, it's quite boring. But if there are other characters developing to the point that it makes you think, oh maybe he's the MC all along, it makes the series annoying. If I ever encountered such tropes, I would immediately put that series on hold and get back to it once I felt like it. Or maybe just never get back to it, at all. XD
Wind Breaker, despite having many interesting characters, manages to highlight the secondary characters without having the main character overshadowed and underappreciated.
Since delinquency is one of the themes of this series, of course, there's action. And the anime so far is doing a great job with the animation of the fight scenes. The drama is superb. It tears my heart out and rip it to pieces every single damn time whenever one of the characters' past is introduced. And then there's comedy. MC is socially awkward, and tsundere to boot. Who wouldn't laugh at his antics? What's best is that despite the fact that Sakura's behaviors are quite disturbing [signs that indicate that he did not have a normal life], the author managed to portray these scenes in such a way that you will find them painful but endearing at the same time.
As for the found family, I wouldn't want to spoil a lot but just think of it this way, the founder of BOFURIN considers every member not just as a friend but as family. And not just the students, he also considers the people of their town a big part of their family. Not some strangers to protect, but a family to treasure. If that's not sweet, I don't know what it is.
Since it's been confirmed that the anime will only have 13 episodes, the character I am referring to will not be introduced in the anime. As you may have already noticed, Furin High is an all-boys school so needless to say, all students there are males [at least, biologically speaking]. She's the only rose among the thorns. She was included in the screenshot below but I doubt we'll get to see her completely in this season. So I will leave it to your capable eyes to identify who I am referring to. XD
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Anyway, the portrayal of this character is very close to reality. Her story of how she struggled with her sexuality and how she wanted to be accepted by other people is so beautifully and at the same time painfully written.
I really love Sakura and this character's interactions. It feels like Sakura has a very reliable and beautiful older sister. I do hope that this series will continue getting more seasons because I am really in love with this character.
I can still go on but I think that I already made my point. Anyway, if you are still having doubts about this series, just give it a try. Read at least 60 chapters and if you really don't like it, there's nothing wrong with it. We all have our own preferences when it comes to anime and manga. I thought I just needed to make this review since it's really a surprise how this series managed to make me love it a lot.
So if you are looking for a series that has these elements: fluff, angst, action, drama, comedy, found family, lgbt themes, you will definitely enjoy it!
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Half Of My Heart
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TimeSkip!Satori Tendou x Female!Reader
Warnings: Language, Satori and Reader are both oblivious ASF, Wakatoshi and Reader are lowkey besties~, just fluff!
Word Count: 4.9k
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! I spent a lot of time with Mod Kenma the other day and it was the absolute best! We were talking a lot about our AU's and headcanons that we have and we even wrote for a while together! My visit was long overdue! Anyways, this is the last Tendou fic (Maybe) That I'll be writing for a while! I love time skip Satori so so much! I'm a little iffy on how I ended things, but hopefully you all like it! Enjoy everyone <3 ~Mod Shoyo <3
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It was so painstakingly obvious that Tendou had a crush.
She wasn’t just some girl he saw walking around school, someone that he just happened to run into by pure luck. She was perfect. From the very first time he saw her standing on the opposite side of the court at one of his games, he knew that she was going to be the love of his life. He was never one to believe in soulmates or love at first sight, but she managed to change his mind. He could see the red string tying their hearts together, the moment that she met his gaze he knew that he needed to have her.
His entire third year at Shiratorizawa was spent pining over her. Asking her to come visit his dorm so they could read manga together, taking her to his favorite bakeries and cafes, inviting her over to help him “practice” when he knew that he did enough of that already. Any excuse that he could find to spend time with her, he never hesitated to make plans.
Tendou couldn’t help the tears that welled up in his eyes when he saw her at his graduation ceremony. He could hear her screaming and cheering for him when he picked up his diploma from the principal’s hands. She was still a second year, yet she didn’t miss a beat when it came to supporting him. She came to see him and Ushijima graduate and get on with their lives. He remembered leaning over to tell Wakatoshi that she had come. The face that Ushijima made was forever engraved in his mind. Ushijima smiled as brightly as he ever had before.
“Where is she sitting?”
After the ceremony, Y/N walked out to meet their best friends with open arms. Ushijima pulled her into a tight hug and thanked them what sounded like a million times for coming. Y/N then excitedly threw herself at Tendou, the bouquet of red tulips that she had bought for him being flung around a little too harshly. She didn’t care, though. 
“I’m so proud of you, Tori.” The waterworks started up and soon enough, Satori was wiping the salty tears that rolled down his cheeks.
He looked down at the bouquet in her hands and gave her a big smile. The dimples that turned his lips upward were on full display and Y/N could feel her heart melting. She outstretched the flowers towards him with slightly shaking hands and a quivering lip.
“These are for you. I picked the prettiest red flowers I could find just for you, I can’t tell you enough how happy I am for you.”
That’s when tears started to roll down Y/N’s cheeks and her quivering lips shifted into a sad pout. She sniffled and wiped away her tears, looking down at her shoes to avoid Satori’s gaze. Tendou felt his heart shatter for her. Yet somehow, just a small part of his mind couldn’t help but be elated at the fact that she cared about him enough to cry over the fact that he was leaving soon.
“Now, now, why is such a pretty lady crying over little ‘ol me?”
Even on the saddest day of his life, he still managed to sound just as energetic as always.
“Don’t you shed another tear over this.”
Tendou curled his index finger and used it to wipe the stray tear that just fell from her eyes. He happily took the flowers from her hands and brought them up to his nose for him to sniff. He let out a happy sigh and set them down safely. He was quick to bring her into his arms for a more intimate hug this time. He was petting her hair and rested his cheek on the top of her head. Despite how sweet those flowers smelled, nothing quite matched the way that she always smelled. He had grown fond of the shampoo and conditioner she used, as well as the lotions and perfumes she’d use. You’d think that it would be a jumble of a bunch of random smells, but it was quite the opposite. She smelled delicious to him, every single scent of her products blended together and created a scent that was absolutely unmatched.
That night, Satori planned on spilling his guts.
He was going to tell her about how he’s felt for the entire school year and that he wanted nothing more than for her to be his. But when finally had a moment to himself, he found himself thinking it was rather selfish of him. How could he tell her that he was in love with her when he was just about to leave for Paris and start his career? To have her just sit here and wait for him until the next time they got to visit each other was something that he couldn’t bear to think of. So instead, he settled for kissing her. He didn’t even get to kiss her for as long as he wanted to, but it's a form of intimacy he’s wanted to share with her for so long. So many times he had to hold himself back and remember that best friends don’t kiss each other, that he had to limit himself no matter how badly he wanted to. He felt her kiss him back and that’s all the reassurance he needed.
“Until next time,” He sighed.
It had been two years since Tendou had left for Paris. Y/N couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he didn’t get to make it to her graduation. But from what she’s heard from Wakatoshi, Tendou’s career had really taken off.
Despite Satori saying that he wanted to get interviewed when they made a documentary about Ushijima’s life during high school, it was actually Ushijima that got interviewed when Satori earned himself a show on TV. ‘Miracle Sweets’ had gotten popular in France and the show was getting broadcasted everywhere. Y/N had the pleasure of watching the debut of the show. 
He shaved his head.
That was the first thing she noticed and it made her giggle. Despite the buzzcut he had, he was still the same old Satori. He measured his chocolate mixtures with feeling, he baked and cooked with love, he sounded the same. 
On one special episode, Y/N noticed that he had subtly mentioned her while he was waiting for the mixture to set. She was doing the dishes while watching the show. The second that he mentioned her, she dropped a glass cup on the floor and didn’t even flinch when it shattered at her feet.
“I’m making this chocolate for a good friend of mine. She always told me how she loved the Ferrero Rocher chocolates and I made it a mission to always get them for her when I could.” He smiled to himself and looked down into the bowl fondly.
“Paradise, if you’re watching this, I hope you think these chocolates look just as delicious as your Ferrero Rocher’s”
Tears welled up in Y/N’s eyes once more. She finally felt like moving and quickly swept up the cup she had dropped onto the floor. In a frenzy, she looked for her phone and dialed Wakatoshi’s number. 
“Do you play in France anytime soon?”
A few months later, Y/N was on a plane to Paris to go and watch one of Ushijima’s games. Despite how much she loved to support Waka at his games, Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if Satori would be close by. Maybe one of his stores was nearby, or maybe he’d come to the game as a surprise to support Wakatoshi.
Y/N sighed anxiously as the plane started to land. What if there was a reason he hadn't contacted her? She didn't have his new number, none of his socials, all she knew about him was whatever she heard on TV or from Wakatoshi.
She just hoped that coming to Paris was a good idea.
The days leading up to Ushijima’s game were filled with lots of “sightseeing” and touring all around Paris. Y/N had actually found the famous bakery that Tendou owned now, but when asking to see him, she was told that he had taken a vacation week and wasn’t going to be back until next week. She felt hopeless. Her brain started to flood with memories and every single one made her question whether or not it was a good idea to even try and find him. He was busy, he was so successful, why would he have time for someone that had a crush on him in high school?
Y/N decided that she would just make the rest of her time in Paris with Waka.
Y/N quickly started to have fun once she was watching Ushijima in his element. She'd been doing this since they started attending his games in high school. Every time he was on the court he was always a force to be reckoned with. It was crazy to know that even as an adult now, he still managed to intimidate and confuse players with his talent the same way he did as a fresh eighteen year old.
The game was so intriguing to watch; nothing new. Y/N felt like she was going to lose her voices in the morning from how much she had screamed and cheered for Wakatoshi. It all felt so nostalgic. Once the Adlers had won the game, adding onto their winning streak of ten games in a row, Y/N made her way down from the stands to the court to meet up with Ushijima. Upon seeing her, Wakatoshi smiled and wiped his face with the towel he was given. He opened his arms for her and brought her in for a small hug
“Did you have any luck finding Tendou?”
Y/N shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “I just figured I’d stop looking. I’ve spent so long looking for him,”
Ushijima let out a dissatisfied hum. “That’s not like you at all,”
Y/N raised an eyebrow and met eyes with the professional volleyball player. “The Y/N that Tendou introduced me to in high school was persistent, and didn’t give up. Why would you give up on searching for him?”
Y/N couldn’t help but agree with Ushijima, but she also thought about how defeated and sad she's been since she landed in France. It was tiring to spend all two years searching for someone and feel like they’re not even bothering to do the same. She’s just tired of looking and feeling like everything was so one-sided.
“I’ve had something to tell him for two years, Waka. I’ve held onto it for two years but I still don’t even know if he’d like what he hears, or if he even wants to hear it. It’s exhausting.”
Ushijima just stayed quiet. After grabbing all of his things, the two of them walked out of the stadium to look for somewhere to eat dinner before heading back to the hotel they had booked. It was freezing outside and Y/N wished that she would have packed warmer things, then again, it was summer time. The nights normally aren’t this cold. 
The sounds of volleyball fans calling out to Ushijima were sitting behind Y/N’s head as they continued to walk to the restaurant. She wondered how Ushijima had grown so accustomed to just ignoring everyone’s screams, Y/N felt like her head was going to explode if she heard one more person ask Ushijima for a picture or for his autograph. Then again, Ushijima was already a tough cookie to break.
“Wakatoshi!” There it was again. 
Y/N wanted to cover her ears like a little kid to drown out all of the noise. Her head was pounding and all of the cameras that were flashing and following them made her want to just go home, pop some Excedrins, and go to bed. 
Just keep walking. Y/N kept repeating this in her head as she took each step. She was following directly behind Ushijima, who kept turning around to make sure that Y/N was still behind him every little while. Y/N didn’t hate being Ushijima's friend at all, but she the baggage it came with. She looked like she was just following Ushijima around like a lost puppy. Like some dog that was trying to find its way back home.
Ushijima stopped dead in his tracks and it made Y/N crash into his back. Y/N groaned and looked up at Ushijima, only to see that he had vanished already. When Y/N turned around, all of her discouraged and ugly thoughts from while they were walking completely vanished.
“I-Is that?”
Y/N couldn’t believe her eyes, she felt like she was going to cry and throw up at the same time. Her heart was pounding against her chest, she felt like it was going to break through her skin and jump out of her body. Her breathing was erratic and she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. He was so gorgeous. Even with his crazy red hair gone, she still couldn’t help but fawn over him. Her Tendou. Her Satori. He was finally here, right in front of her.
Ushijima was hugging him, laughing at something that she couldn’t hear them talking about. It wasn’t until one of Wakatoshi’s slender fingers pointed into her direction that Tendou’s ruby eyes finally shifted over to look at her. The lump in the back of Y/N's throat was sore. She couldn’t even speak. Everything felt like it was in slow-motion.
Her legs weren’t walking fast enough, her mouth wasn’t moving fast enough, her heartbeat stilled inside of her chest the second that his eyes met her own. Her hearing was gone, she couldn’t focus on one audible thing around her. But thank god she could read lips, because she saw his lips move to speak her name. 
Tendou pushed through the crowd of people to get to her, his still tall and lanky figure towering over her short stature. Her dark doe eyes stared up at him in wonder and her lip was quivering again, just like when he left after graduation. This feeling in his chest was like an old friend. His heart was thumping at the sight of her, his legs felt weak and his knees were ready to buckle.
“Look at you,” Tendou scoffed in disbelief. “Is that really you?”
Y/N nodded frantically, tears streaming down her face.
“It’s me, It’s me!”
Tendou wore a bright smile and nearly tackled her to the ground once she responded to him. His arms engulfed her into a hug and he lifted her off the ground, digging his nose into the crook of her neck. She still smelled exactly the same, the same scent that he absolutely adored. It was flooding his senses and he felt like he was home again. One of his hands gripped the back of her head to hold her impossibly closer to him, while the other was wrapped around her waist. 
“You’re still as beautiful as ever, Paradise. You haven’t changed a bit.”
Y/N smiled through her dampened eyelashes. “You still look just like my Tori, just with no hair!”
The pair of old friends giggled and intertwined themselves together once more in another hug.
Tendou turned to face Wakatoshi now, still holding onto Y/N tightly. “You guys should come to my place! Have you eaten yet? I’d love to cook for you and catch up!”
Ushijima smiled. With an affirmative nod, Tendou was leading the two of them back to his house, Y/N's hand tightly woven with his fingers.
Tendou’s success was very noticeable once you saw his house. Despite the mansion that most people would assume he’d have, it was actually just a very nice, modern two-story house. His front yard’s grass was perfectly trimmed, the car that was in the driveway obviously wasn’t cheap, yet he somehow still managed to keep it on the more humble side.
Third-year Tendou probably would’ve bought a Lamborghini just for the sake of saying he had enough money to buy one, but this Tendou seemed to have matured a great deal. He was living in luxury, but he still managed to keep himself humble with everything his money went to.
Watching Satori in the kitchen was just as riveting as watching Ushijima play volleyball. He was in his element, throwing spices into the pan and using his heart to cook. This was the first time since watching him play in high school that Y/N really noticed how focused he was. Tendou in the kitchen was by no means quiet, however. He was keeping conversation almost effortlessly while he waited for the soup he was making to simmer. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t been home to visit in a while,” Tendou sighed. “This business is really taking it out of me, there’s always something to do once I finish one thing.”
After the soup was served, Tendou was pleased to see that Y/N had gone for thirds. Ushijima had gotten so full that he felt ready to head to bed the second he finished his second bowl. Tendou offered to let Y/N stay with him, so Ushijima could have no worries when heading back to his hotel. After Wakatoshi double checked, he left, hugging Tendou tightly and thanking him for dinner.
Once it was Satori and Y/N all alone, that’s when the gravity of how long it had been since they’d seen each other really sank in.
“I never stopped waiting, you know.” Y/N spoke up. Tendou looked at her from across his dining table and sat up taller. “These past two years, I’ve waited for a sign, or for an opportunity that would lead me to you.”
Tendou looked down at his fingers that were tapping on the glass table. “I didn’t stop thinking about you. Not for a second.” He replied.
Y/N let out a small huff and looked up at him. “I tried to find ways to contact you, the only way I managed to get through was by telling Ushijima to text you that I was thinking of you and missed you.”
Satori stayed quiet. “You know, I’ve been holding onto something for so long, and I really need to get it out. I meant to tell you the last night that I saw you before I left, but no time ever felt right.”
Y/N raised a brow and waited for him to explain himself. “That night, when I kissed you.” He began. “I didn’t plan on kissing you. I was actually going to confess. I was going to tell you that I was in love with you and I wanted to be with you.”
Y/N’s heart sank in her chest. She could’ve had him two years ago? She could have avoided all of this had he confessed that night? Had she confessed that night? She was too lost in the ‘what if’s’ to even respond to his story.
“I figured it’d be selfish of me to tell you that I was in love with you and then just get up and leave for Paris the next morning.”
Y/N was speechless. She got up from her chair across from him at the table, and moved to the one that was right next to his seat instead. 
“Tori, you really meant to confess to me?”
He nodded and rubbed his face with his hands. He let out a harsh sigh. “Not confessing to you that night is one of the biggest regrets of my life. I probably would’ve been able to have you here with me while I go through all of this. I wouldn’t have been so alone, and I’d be even happier because the woman that I love would be right by my side.”
Y/N could feel a blush rising up to her cheeks. He wasn’t even speaking in the past tense about his feelings. It was a small detail, but it changed the entire meaning of everything he said. The woman that I love. 
“I meant to tell you my feelings for you on the day of your graduation. Ushi helped me pick out red tulips because they symbolize confession. But when I was at your graduation party, I just got so nervous and choked up and I couldn’t do it. I kinda just silently prayed you’d read into the text a little bit more and research the flowers.”
Satori’s head picked up and his eyes locked with hers. That thumping of his heart came back once more and a smile spread across his face. Y/N couldn’t help but notice how well these two years had done him. He still looked like third-year Satori, but something in the way he spoke now showed more confidence. None of that false arrogance that he had when he spoke to people was there anymore. He seemed comfortable with who he was finally, and Y/N couldn’t help but feel emotional noticing that.
“Well, looks like we were both too scared to say anything, huh?”
She sighed through her nostrils and shook her head. “Guess so,” She let out a soft chuckle and looked back up at Tendou.
His ruby eyes were piercing through hers, she felt so warm under his gaze. The silence between them was so uncomfortable, Y/N never had to sit in silence with Tendou like this ever. After getting what they needed to say off their chests, she wasn’t sure what to do next.
“Do you,” Tendou began. He paused almost as if he was going to regret asking his question. “Still feel the same?
Y/N looked down at her lap again and twiddled with her thumbs for a bit.
This was so hard to admit. How was she going to just tell him that the whole reason she’d been waiting for him throughout these two years is because she thought she still had a chance with him? That she turned down multiple confessions and dates because she felt like she was betraying him.
“It’s been two years,” She spoke hoarsely. “And my feelings haven’t changed one bit.”
The weight of the world came off of Tendou’s shoulders. He sat up straighter in his seat and he couldn’t help the excited smile that spread across his face. The more that he stared at her, the more he could feel his feelings for her rushing back to him. 
Although, they never truly left.
Every time he was making a new chocolate, or experimenting with sweets at his shop, he couldn’t help but think of her and what she would think of his new creations. He’d fantasized about her being in the kitchen with him, begging to lick the spoon that he had mixed his chocolate with. He would giggle to himself when he would imagine her cute little face scrunching up with delight once she realized how delicious his concoctions were. He imagined her face looking the same as when he first introduced her to one of his favorite bakeries and he had her try a chocolate croissant. Her eyes were tightly shut and she was licking melted chocolate off her fingers, humming with delight as she licked her lips.
Tendou cleared his throat to clear the silence between them once more. His eyes lit up with excitement and then he stood up from his chair to head over to the fridge. “Actually, now that you’re here with me, I need you to try something for me.”
Y/N shimmied in her chair a bit. “Ooh! I was actually going to buy something from your shop when I was looking for you earlier today, everything looked so delicious!”
Tendou chuckled and puffed his chest out confidently. He pulled a tray out of his freezer that was covered with plastic wrap and pulled the wrap off. Just by Y/N taking a peak, she immediately saw that it was chocolate. She smiled eagerly and watched him put a couple pieces on a small plate.
“Well, this item is off the menu until further notice,” Satori smirked, placing the plate down in front of her.
“Tell me what you think.”
Y/N picked up the chocolate in between her pointer finger and thumb. Tendou was standing off to the side with his hands behind his back to wait for her thoughts. He looked like the contestants on those competitive cooking shows waiting to hear feedback from the famous chef that’s judging them. But Y/N didn’t have nowhere near as refined taste buds as a famous chef. Tendou could feel his heart pounding in his chest the second that her perfect lips wrapped around his creation.
She curled her hand into a fist and banged it onto the table a couple of times. Tendou chuckled at her reaction and waited for her to swallow to hear her start talking about what she just tasted.
“Tori, this is the most delicious thing I have ever put in my mouth.” She sighed. “I want to buy a hundred dollars worth of this so I can have it when I’m back home!”
Satori’s smile only widened at her praise and his heart felt full. His eyes looked like half-crescent moons when he smiled and Y/N was too busy appreciating her third piece of chocolate that she had popped into her mouth.
I’m so so glad that you like it,” Tendou sighs in relief. “Because I made them just for you. I named them Paradise chocolates. I was waiting for your approval so that way I can put it as a special item on the menu.”
Y/N gasped and looked into Tendou’s eyes. She stood up from her seat and wrapped her arms around Satori excitedly. “Tori, you’re serious? That’s so sweet of you!”
Satori gladly accepted her hug and held her close to him. He forgot how good it felt to have her in his arms. After working his limbs to the bone every single day and coming home so exhausted, he’d kill to have her waiting for him as soon as he walks through the door. More than anything, he wanted to see her standing in the doorway waiting for him, her cute little face adorning that gorgeous smile she has with open arms.
Y/N pulled away from their hug and looked up into his ruby eyes. The two of them had yet another moment of silence fall over them, but this one was different. There was a tension that the both of them were too oblivious to notice. Tendou’s eyes fell from her eyes to her lips, shifting back and forth between the two features of her face a couple of times. They both started to inch closer to each other’s faces slowly, as if they were unsure of what the other would think of their actions. Tendou was finally the one to close the gap between them and smashed his lips onto hers. Y/N visibly relaxed into the kiss and moved her hands from his neck to the back of his buzzed head. The grip Satori had on her waist tightened as he pulled her into his body more.
His heart was pleading to burst right out of his chest, Y/N could feel their two elevated heartbeats beating in sync with one another. She couldn’t help but feel like this kiss was long overdue. She’d had so many things to tell him, so many feelings that she needed to show him, but she was so glad that she could put all of her pent up frustration and how much she missed him into just this one kiss. Satori swiped his tongue over her bottom lip to bring a blush up to the apples of her cheeks. Her lungs were burning but she didn’t want the kiss to end. It wasn’t until Satori gripped her bottom lip in between his teeth and pulled away from her that she finally took in a deep breath.
“When do you leave back home?” Tendou queried, his chest still heaving with uneven breaths.
“Two days.” Y/N responded a bit glum. “This sucks.”
Tendou smirked and gripped her hips tightly in his fingers. He gave them a small squeeze. “Wanna know what wouldn’t suck?”
Y/N stayed silent and raised an eyebrow. 
“Being mine.”
She blushed deeply and looked down at her feet. Satori tried to meet her gaze as she looked down at the floor, trying to find the answer in her expression.
“How about we put that to the test?”
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Touya Todoroki x Childhood Friend! Reader Part 4!
Part 5!
Here you can find Part 1 Part 2 and Part 3!
I appreciate the few sould reading this random thing, so thank you! I hope this is half decent. Anyway! On to it!
Tsuki's note 1: this is not proof read. I am feeling too lazy to correct grammar, so forgive me.
Tsuki's note 2: a reminder that I have not read the manga. So it will probably have a few different things, such as the ending. So yeah
At first you had a hard time shaking that incident of off your head. Probably it was that villian's quirk that messed up with your head, but something about it felt awfully familiar.
You went to see Touya's grave a bit more often than usual, to try to make sense of it and surprisingly enough Touya, did not catch you there these days.
There were two reasons for it: 1) he was trying to avoid you and 2) except for a few especific days, you came over at random times so, he often missed you than saw you hanging out at his grave.
Days went by. Touya got more and more involved with the league. Dabi was in a lot of news and again, he look somewhat familiar to you. You shook it off by probably being in, well, another news, he was a villian after all. And you, were getting closer to your graduation.
It should be a happy moment. But you were very very overwhelmed by the expectation of find a job, finishing with good grades and just life. You were also having little to no support from your friends.
Eventually, you were feeling so stressed and distressed that went to the only place you could vent openly - the graveyard.
You sat in front of Touya's grave as usual. Placed flowers and a sweet. But soon tears started to drop out of your eyes, as you started to tell him how soon you were graduating.
At this exact moment, Touya had just arrived. There you were. He approached to eavesdrop you, but he did not except to hear your choked up voice:
" -You know? They all keep saying I just, just- cry at everything and complain all the time! But i am just- it's just- "
They? You just what? Touya was curious, but soon he had to go, phone on his hand just waiting for a message from league. At this point you were ugly sobbing.
" Am i that annoying? Did you hate me this much too? Probably did, right Touya? And as of now you can't even leave or yell at me to go away..."
He clenched his fists. You were not annoying and he didn't remember to ever yell at you, sure sometimes he got a bit annoyed at your crying, but he was sure he never yelled at you or told you to go away. You didn't stop babbling and you could finally say what you have wanted for so long:
" I am so sorry! You always had to hear me cry like an idiot and you still do, meanwhile I left you alone. I shouldn't have let you go alone. I am sorry!!"
Touya was unconsciously walking towards you. No, shouldn't be apologizing, it was not your fault. Why you felt so guilty? You did nothing wrong.
His arms was extended, just a bit more he would be able to touch your shoulder. Touya wanted to flick your forehead so bad. But, his phone vibrated on his other hand- the league was calling out to him.
The light on his phone made him step back many steps. So many that he started to walk away from you. If he stayed, you would be involved on this, they were dangerous.
Touya was worried that you could have heard him - he was awfully close to you, but he did not dare to look behind.
You did hear footsteps close by, but did you not want to look up - you didn't want anyone seeing your tear stained face. You just stayed there crying, sobbing for a few hours.
Needless to say the next few days Touya or Dabi, was sulking and crabby. The league felt the difference, since he was a lot more crabby than usual, but the man never really shared anything so, the usual, they guessed?
It took you weeks to get this behind you. Fuyumi noticed you seemed awfully upset, but you were not one to share either.
So she decided to tell you something good, Shouto started visint their mom. That news made you smile a bit, you knew Rei was probably lonely and that poor woman went through hell. Alas, she was always kind to you, really liked her.
Fuyumi suggested you should drop by too, after all you had a lot of contact with Rei. You were happy for them and you loved Rei, but you thought it was a bad idea. You presence could trigger something bad, so you politely declined and explain the Fuyumi why you would skip it this time.
But you promise to send her a gift through Fuyumi, if she agreed. Obviously, she agreed.
During those weeks that passed by, you finally spoke with Shouto. It was during a phone call - you called Fuyumi because you found the type of notebook that Natsuo was looking for. You called her to ask if he still wanted.
Quite simple thing, yes? But you understood it very well, being a college student meant you had a liking very particular type of notebook - one that was easier for you to write on.
During this call, Shouto happened to be home. Fuyumi went over to Natsuo having you on speaker. Shouto was near by and heard his siblings on the phone and got curious.
Natsuo sounded very happy about something:
" Natsu-nii, nee-san, who are you talking with?"
You heard the boy and cheerfully called out:
" Is that Shouto?"
After Fuyumi confirmed to you it was her little brother, she montioned to him get closer. She proceeded to introduce you:
"Shouto, this is Y/N, my friend! They found the notebook Natsuo was looking for."
He did recall your name, Fuyumi mentioned you quite often. So the boy awkwardly greeted you:
" Huh... nice to meet you, Y/N"
You giggled:
" Hello! Nice to meet you, too! It's great to know you are all together! Oh by the way, do you want something, Shouto-kun?"
He awkwardly declined your offer. You find it terribly cute, though. But your interaction was cut short - endeavor returned home - so you rushed to end the call promising to get that notebook for Natsuo.
Not much later than that, Shouto's friends went to have dinner with the Todoroki's. You were absolutely shocked that endeavor took his friend to internship and even more shocked that he was ok with them being over.
But you couldn't lie, you were happy too. Finally, things seem to be changing for them. Great.
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happypotato48 · 5 months
We Are EP 3 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
Back by popular demand??? i guess this is my thing now. sorry for the lack of screenshots but i watched this thang live and i'm not going to give IQYI 49 baht for just this one show. i'm cheap like that baby!
This aunt-newphew relationship is so delightful. pheem called her "Aha" this word is a gender neutral term for your father's younger sibling so the aunt is either that or a relative from pheem's father side of the family. also girl don't misgendered yourself.
So toey used his name as a first person pronoun, idk how to feel about this cause if this is real life he definitely gonna get make fun of for doing that. but it's BL and satang is a cutie patootie so, meh.
Tan is down so bad it's embarrassing. i need more scenes with these two asap. i love myself a good simp and aou is great playing one and he's definitely the strongest comedic actor in this cast.
150 baht for one cup of green tea!?! that shit better taste like nectar of the gods, i knew shits in bangkok are pricey but damn. anyway where in the story am i again oh right, phum and pheem oh boy these two, yeah i'm kinda not vibing with these two's plotline at all.
Insert rosa diaz meme here for pun. i can't with this boy 🤣wtf is this nonsense at the noodles shop, this boy is so dumb and pure (also kinda read like he's on the spectrum.) forcing a boy to blow the food you ate in YOUR MOUTH is legit the most unhinged BL shenanigan i ever witnessed. 10/10 no notes.
Winny put the guitar... put that down!, nyoooooo! welp atleast it ended quickly.
Ok, soooo yeah. this show definitely is mostly fluff with barely any substance. i'm glad that we get the apology from phun this fast so maybe thier dynamic might be a little bit more enjoyable in the future. i think this show at its best is when it focus on the friends group unfortunately there not a lot of that in this ep. as a person who really love slice of life manga/anime, i feels like this show could have been great as that, a slice of life show about dumb college boys with BL element. i hate saying this but some of the bl tropes definitely weighted the show down. i'm still vibing with the show and still very much want to stick around for aou and poon. hopefuly with the apology phum and pheem story will pick up the pace soon and we'll get to move on to other pairs.
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everlasting-rainfall · 11 months
Hi💖, I have an idea for pages au What if the reader was born much earlier and the story was written at a time when Figarland Garling was still young and like Crocodile was not attached to any character, but he admired MC and decided that he was the only one who deserved her, so he kidnapped her and locked her in a room away from any kind of interaction. With anyone but him and can I get Stockholm Syndrome and maybe a little smut (there's no way I can resist falling in love with him🫠🫠)
Excuse me… Excuse me, dear… I think you dropped something… Here it is! 🥇, it’s your best request that I think I’ve ever received medal! Like this one is one of the best!
Thank you so very much for sending it in as I didn’t ever think that I would ever in a million years get a request for this crescent moon man and would simply have to write my own shit for him, ya know?
But I am so happy that you sent this in, I love this guy! Like I hate his actions but everything else is just 🥵… You get me?
Anyways before I start absolutely just losing myself, let’s get into it! Shall we?
Keep in mind though! MANGA SPOILERS!!
Celestial Dragon Bullshit, Slavery, Delusions, Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, Severe Isolation, Impregnation, Pregnancy, MANGA SPOILERS
Okay so I’m not entirely sure how Garling would go about getting his hands on one of your books because you know… Technical Celestial Dragon Man with a book from a lowly peasant person? How scandalous!!
But at the end of the day, he seems like someone who doesn’t really give too much of a shit as he doesn’t wear those stupid ass spacesuits or have that dumbass hairstyle so he probably does pick up one of the books at some point
Maybe it’s one day while he’s bored with absolutely nothing to do that he decides to pick up the book, he flips through the pages and although it does help pass the time. It probably bores him even more to be honest
He thinks the love interests are both annoying and the story is okay at most but there is one thing that is keeping him reading and it’s the MC, he didn’t like the MC either at first but he started to like them after a chapter where he saw that they did something that he honestly considered impressive
He kept reading simply for the MC and he steadily began to like them more and more eventually deciding that neither love interest was good enough for the MC and honestly you know how like when you watch a show or play a game, you can’t help but imagine yourself or a character of yours in the story too?
I feel like that’s what he would do like he would start imagining himself in the story when he would read, he would imagine scenes between himself and the MC where they would spend time together until he was considered the only one good enough for them
Eventually though, all good scenarios have to come to an end and he reads the last book finding out that the MC got with the more annoying of the two love interests in the end but not only that, the MC was pregnant too?
This was absolutely unacceptable, they didn’t deserve the MC at all! No one did! No one was good enough for them except for him and a relationship with him was the only thing that he would accept…
Alas though, the MC was simply a fictional character and even he knew that so there was nothing he could do…
Everyone probably was scared shitless of Garling for a few days like bitchass Celestial Dragons were probably scrambling to get out of his way as he’s someone with the power to judge even the Celestial Dragons so him being angry is something that no one wants to be on the receiving end of
However soon enough, his anger comes to an end when he finds a picture while looking at the book covers and this picture just so happens to be of you but you’re dressed up as the MC of your book while giving a happy smile to the camera as the text underneath thanks the buyer of the book for reading the story
Garling could only stare at your face, he was frozen there just standing in front of his bookcase while staring. He couldn’t believe that he hadn’t seen it before, you were the MC and the MC did exist in real life because you were them!
He needed to have you… He would have you…
Imagine your shock when about a week later, you got a knock on your door from some men who looked incredibly prestigious and honestly very intimidating like to the point where you just wanted to shut the door and lock it tight
You could probably try but it wouldn’t work and these people would tell you that someone in the holy land is requesting your presence immediately and you should feel honored which was the very last thing that you were feeling
Maybe you tried to request to pack your bags only to attempt an escape out of like a window but you aren’t going anywhere, you’ll get captured and dragged off without any of your things so it’s best to just pack if you ask for that
The entire way there, you’re terrified as you’re likely going to wind up as the slave to some horrible and disgusting celestial dragon that makes you want to puke just by looking at him and these fears probably only get worse the closer you get to your destination
Once you’re finally there, you’re greeted by Figarland Garling who you assume that you’ll become the slave of but instead he tells you that you’re his spouse now and that you should devote yourself to him now that you’re with someone whose truly good enough for you
It’s confusing as all hell because he’s talking like he knows you when you have never met before today but despite that, he takes you back to what is now your home and lets you get settled into your shared bedroom before he tells you that you are never leaving the house ever again and that you are never to interact with a person who isn’t him
I’d say that you try to argue but do you really think that’s a good idea trying to argue with a man like this? I’d suggest simply listening and hoping that he’ll let you go after a while even though he probably won’t
Things aren’t the worst that they could possibly be when living with Garling as he is a bit distant and doesn’t allow anyone to interact with you but at least there’s a lot of things to keep you busy and he does allow you to continue writing
Even when Garling has company over, you aren’t allowed to meet them even if they’re another holy knight or a slave as Garling keeps you locked in a room so no one unworthy (aka anyone that isn’t him) can lay eyes on you
Really truly, Garling would only make an exception to who could see you if you had a medical emergency or required medical attention of any kind but even then they’re on thin ice and better not touch you more than he deems necessary
Seeing as you are still a writer as well, you are allowed to have your books published but there is to be no letters from fans coming in and you aren’t allowed to head out to do things like book signings or meet ups because that would require leaving the house and interacting with other people
You definitely grew to hate this arrangement and tried to plead with Garling to let you leave your home at least once in a while as you want to go outside and just breathe some fresh air away from the home for once
He would of course refuse anything that isn’t going out into the backyard for a bit though and even then, it feels suffocating because of how closely he monitors you during this time
The situation is becoming unbearable for you even when he tells you that this is all for your own good and that he does this because he loves you and wants you to be safe, you can only just cry as the feelings of being trapped weigh on you
This man can likely see the way that it weighs on you and that’s probably when he starts to become more affectionate with you like he starts bringing you things when he leaves for long periods of time and lovingly embraces you in longer kisses whenever he kisses you
He even starts to talk with you more than he used to and often reminds you of just how much he loves and adores you, no one else is good enough for you except him and now that you’re starting to become vulnerable. He’s sure that he can make you see it
As time passes with his new more affectionate behavior, you start to have thoughts. You start to think in the back of your head that this is truly good for you, this life with Garling is the best one that you could live like you still know that this life isn’t the best especially with all the horrible shit that comes with being in the holy land
But some part of you starts to love Garling back even though he’s a dangerous man who kidnapped you and forced you into being his spouse, you start to think that he really is just doing what’s best for you as what’s best for you is being kept only with him
He’s your loving husband and he would never let a single bad thing happen to you after all, how could you ever think about wanting to leave him when he loves you oh so very much? That’s what you think to yourself
Your life is here with Garling now as his loving spouse where you’ll never leave him and you’ll be sure to show him just how much you love him in exchange
When you truly and genuinely kiss him back for the first time with your arms wrapped around his neck, he knows that you’re his and that you’re never leaving him
You don’t even bat an eye when he starts to refer to you by the name of the MC now instead of by your name, your brain rationalizes it to you that your husband loves you so much that he perceives you and the MC of your story that he adores as the same person
Stockholm Syndrome and Delusions have started to set into place for you causing you to start to believe that you are the MC of the story and Garling is the only one who deserves you, the love interests are simply too annoying
And when Garling finally has you, he’ll pin you down on the bed underneath him and listen as you cry out his name in pure pleasure and leave scratches down his back while he thrusts into you
It’s the most beautiful sight that he could ever see, his love writhing underneath him from the pleasure that he’s providing them but not only that. They’re giving themselves completely to him and devoting themselves to him just like he has done for them
There’s simply one last thing that he needs to do to you and he knows exactly what it is as when he finally finishes, he makes sure to do it inside of you
And a few months later when you’re sitting a belly large and full with his baby, he comes up and kisses you deeply before moving you to sit on his lap while he sits on the chair
Not a day goes by where he ever regrets reading those books and when he looks at your face only to see just how absolutely in love with him you are…
He knows for a fact that you don’t regret making them…
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Round Two Match Eight: Sasuke and Naruto (Naruto) vs Gojo and Geto (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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why should you vote for them?
Sasuke and Naruto (autoqualified but still got 4 submissions):
Idk I don’t go here I just wanna help them for all the tumblr girlies
because of every single crazy quote they’ve said
Gojo and Geto (3):
uh…divorced. i love them
STSG ESSAY TIME >:)))))) Warning for Jujutsu Kaisen anime/manga spoilers ahead! I had to explain deep dark depths of the story to prove that they deserve to win the crown. Here I go. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru (also known as Satosugu or simply stsg) deserve to win the crown for the following reasons. Please bear with me throughout this whole essay because I am unequivocally insane about them. First of all let’s get into the rivalry side of things.
In high school, Gojo was an absolute menace. The first time Gojo and Geto met, the latter hated the former because he was annoying, rude, and arrogant. Now eventually they became best friends, but you see, their rivalry returned when Geto was exiled from the school because they had a stark disagreement in moral ideologies, which resulted in a dramatic breakup in front of a KFC (yes, this is actually canon). Gojo was supposed to execute Geto because he did some Bad Things (that we don’t need to get into right now) but as Geto walked away he said (paraphrased) “Go ahead and kill me. There’s meaning to that.” And My Lord is that a line. So for the next ten years of their lives, these two were separated, now on opposite sides, now each others’ enemies. Eventually this came to a climax when Geto declared war on Gojo, but before we get to that, let’s pause for a second, and talk about the meaning behind this all. I’ll try to make this part quick because without restraint this would become excessively long. So technically, Gojo and Geto’s breakup directly caused the plot of Jujutsu Kaisen to unfold. If they hadn’t broken up, then Geto wouldn’t have declared war and then died. If they hadn’t broken up, Geto’s body wouldn’t have been possessed; his body wouldn’t have, completely against his will, trapped Gojo in a prison, as Geto sat back helpless, unable to do anything to stop his best friend from being sealed *by his own hands*. Every single other tragic event that happened in Jujutsu Kaisen would not have happened, because, assuming you have never watched/read Jujutsu Kaisen, no, Gojo and Geto are not the main characters, and the whole rest of the cast was affected by this event. Yes, this homoerotic rivalry breakup is the very Big Bang for Jujutsu Kaisen, because if it didn’t happen, Jujutsu Kaisen wouldn’t have the incredible plot that it has. Butterfly Effect at its finest. Anyway, now that their rivalry is out of the way, I will now get into their homoeroticism.
My first piece of evidence for their homoeroticism is that… it’s in the name. Both of their first names start with “s” and end with “ru”. Both of their last names start with “g” and end with “o”. And both of their full names have the same amount of syllables. There is no possible way that this wasn’t done on purpose to get the point across that they are literal soulmates. Do I sound insane yet? In addition, Gojo called Geto, and I quote, “my one and only”. Now if that isn’t some fruit ass shit then idk what is. And now the most damning evidence of homoness, comes when Geto died by Gojo’s side. This was after the war that Geto declared on Gojo, and Geto ended up on the losing side. Even though they had been rivals for ten long years, they still had an important and heartfelt history together, so as Gojo walked over to his dying best friend, Geto smiled, glad to see not only an old friend, but the most important person in his life, for the last time. Gojo’s last words to Geto as he died were NEVER REVEALED. Only very very few producers of the anime know the words. They will be released soon but for now we don’t know. But it was confirmed that his last words were THREE WORDS. Now I don’t wanna put any words in Gojo’s mouth but the most obvious theory here is that he said “I love you” as his best friend and rival of 10+ years died by his side. This is even further affirmed when, after hearing those three words, Geto BLUSHED, SMILED (as he was in the process of bleeding out!) and described the words as (paraphrased) “embarrassing words that they had never said to each other before”. IT’S BARELY SUBTEXT AT THIS POINT YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THEY’RE GAY AS HELL!
Now before this gets any longer I will cut myself off here. Thank you for coming to my way-too-long Ted Talk about these stupid ass anime men who have been plaguing my mind for months, I hope you take my submission into consideration! I don’t expect them to win but I’m just happy I get to aggressively type an essay about them in this google form :D
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panda-puma · 10 months
Luffy's "I know exactly who I am"
Warning: Don't read unless you are up to date with the Manga Chapter 1070 and OPLA! (or don't care about spoilers!)
(still not available in the Anime)
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(One Piece Live Action, Episode 2)
Very long post ahead:
(First of all, appreciation for Iñaki's awesome acting, knowing exactly how to look intense, eerie and God-like through the whole Live Action. And look how the hat makes a perfect Halo or Sun around his head...)
This will probably be a little over the place, but bare with my silly brain.
At first this scene can just look like he reinforcing his own dream and regaining confidence after all the doubt Buggy has tried to inflict on him, and it probably also is that! But with the intense expression, the music and the wording... I think it's also a message to readers that are up to date.
Nowadays we know that the Gum-Gum is just a name used to hide the real name of Luffy's fruit: the Mythical Zoan Human-Human Model: Nika (Sun God)
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(Chapter 1044, Wano Country Arc)
The World Government has since its origins (after the Void Century, 800 years ago) tried to control this Fruit, and Vegapunk states that there's no mention to this "Gum-Gum" Fruit anywhere previous to that, so this new name is just a way of the Government to hide the importance of the Fruit and make it as unappealing as possible.
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(Chapter 1069, Egghead Arc)
Who would want to be rubber, anyway? Anyone who hears about it thinks it's a silly power and wouldn't want to eat it.
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(Chapter 585, Post-War Arc)
But here's the thing: it doesn't matter that the new Devil Fruit Guides or Encyclopedias have no information about a Fruit.
If we go way back to Enies Lobby, we get to see this explanation by Lucci (another Zoan fruit user): you learn the name of the Fruit when you gain its power.
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(Chapter 385, Enies Lobby Arc)
Lucci specifically states that the Fruit itself will reveal its powers and name to you once you've eaten it and gained its power. Luffy gained his power long time ago, when he was a child, and his goal started changing as soon as manifested his powers.
He went from: "Take me with you on your next Voyage!!"
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(Chapter 1, Romance Dawn Arc) To: "I've decided to become a Pirate on my own!" after eating the Fruit.
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(Chapter 1, Romance Dawn Arc)
At first he was just content with being a Pirate in a crew, but suddenly he has a definitive goal: being the King of the Pirates (to achieve something else).
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(Chapter 1, Romance Dawn Arc)
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(Chapter 585, Post-War Arc)
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(Chapter 1060, Egghead Arc)
In the first chapter it is also shown how his personality changes:
Luffy was a very sad and angry 7 year old, who wanted to desperately escape from his horrible life (loneliness and abusive Grandpa). He only smiled when people were nice to him, or when he was listening to pirate stories.
It is not until after he eats the Devil Fruit that he starts to smile and laugh on his own, looking at the bright side of things even if he gets teased.
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(Chapter 1, Romance Dawn Arc)
It seems clear that the fruit changed something in him that was way more than just his body, but in the manga one doesn't think much of it until you read the Five Elder's description of his fruit (ch 1044) and remember Lucci's explanation (ch 385).
If the Fruit communicated its real name and abilities to him, he should know exactly who and what he is.
One could argue that he specifically states he is not a Zoan in Punk Hazard while talking to Momo:
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(Chapter 685, Punk Hazard Arc)
But maybe he doesn't consider his fruit as a Zoan, as he doesn't really turn into an animal. (Zoan comes from the Ancient Greek and means "animal" or "beast"). Luffy's Fruit enters the same category as Sengoku's: a Human-Human Fruit.
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(Chapter 585 SBS, Post-War Arc)
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(Chapter 1044, Wano Country Arc)
Gear 5 is Luffy's awakened form, one that he couldn't use before because his body and mind were not ready to catch up to his powers. But that doesn't mean he didn't know about it's existence.
In this form, Luffy manipulates his surroundings giving everything he touches the properties of rubber, just like the awakening of Don Flamingo. But is it just that?
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(Chapter 1070, Egghead Arc)
I believe we have been seeing him manipulate reality since the very beginning of the series, inadvertently thinking it was just typical main character things. Yes, everything usually goes how he says in the end, just typical in a MC... But is it? Or is it an intelligent way of covering his real powers behind the typical shonen clichés?
There's so many instances where Luffy and his powers feed directly from people's hopes and prayers (just to name a few: Skypea, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, FishMan Island, Dressrosa, Wano...), and all he asks is for people to have faith in him.
When people have faith in him, reality changes in his favour.
(Even with Ace's Execution, the one instance where Luffy failed... he actually achieved what he said he would: to free Ace from the Marines. Ace was killed not because Luffy couldn't save him, but because he stopped running away.)
Going back to OPLA: this is Oda's opportunity to explain things in a different way and medium, to hint to things that are very far away (like how they showed that Garp is Luffy's grandpa so soon in the series, because it made it more interesting sooner).
Then we have the scene were Luffy wishes for Zoro to be by his side, and to wake up.
I can't stop thinking about how... intense this scene is. How they wrap it with eerie music, so you know something special is happening.
We are in front of a Miracle.
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(One Piece Live Action, Episode 6: The Chef and the Chore boy)
Luffy closes his eyes, concentrates and makes a wish. Or not even a wish, he just states that he needs Zoro (to fulfill his dreams).
Luffy manipulates reality a bit, even in this early stage of his power (Gear 1) and, seeing how he phrases everything he wants, he seems to know it. (for example, the way he always says "I will" instead of "I want to")
In OPLA it seems clear that Zoro was not going to wake up from Mihawk's attack, no matter how strong and resistant he is. Even if Mihawk said it wasn't his time to die... He would probably not make it without external help.
Luffy doesn't really know what to say, for a while. He is shocked and shaken in his beliefs, as he thought believing in Zoro would already make him the greatest... but instead his friend got badly hurt. With that and everything that's been said around him, he is losing faith in himself.
But eventually he understands that he needs to express how much he needs Zoro out loud. Why would that be, if he wasn't conscious that his needs and desires get usually fulfilled, even more if they serve his goal?
He concentrates and says "I need you, Zoro", and nothing changes. Why? Well, Zoro is there. His body is there and he is alive, even if just barely. It's not like he has really gone anywhere. Then Luffy, seeing that it didn't work, reformulates his way of saying what he needs: "I need you to wake up".
And then the Miracle happens: Zoro starts really recovering and immediately wakes up. He then makes the vow of never leaving Luffy's side until they reach his objective, fulfilling his needs.
This is not Zoro being awake and just teasing him, or him just waking up to the voice of his Captain. No.
This is a Miracle. This is Luffy consciously using his God-like powers and his destiny to get Zoro back from the dead.
And that's why Zoro can never die. Even in Wano we get a look at that:
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(Chapter 1038, Wano Arc)
He was supposed to die, but Death couldn't finish the job. Something is protecting Zoro from Death, and it's probably how Luffy has tied Zoro to his own destiny.
And I am going to finish this post here, because I need way more space for my theories of Luffy, the others and One Piece in general xD
Thank you for reading this huge and all over the place post ^^
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truly-morgan · 11 months
[Gojo messes with Yuji's mind for a happy life (18+)]
GoYuu | Jujutsu Kaisen 15-05-2023
[#GoYuu, Mind Control (dubcon because of it I guess?)]
Yuji immediately perked up when he heard the sound of the door closing, footsteps soon coming to the basement he was in. He was off the couch in no time as he heard his sensei call out to him happily, nearly jumping into Gojo's arms, the man spinning them around. Yuji couldn't stop giggling as the man nuzzled against him.
"I'm so happy Gojo-sensei is finally home" Yuji beamed when he was finally put back down properly, although the man never let go of him entirely.
"I am really happy to be back with my adorable little Yuji" Gojo smiled, kissing the young man, which made him blush a little. "I couldn't wait to be back, I even got something for you" the man grinned.
Yuji yelped as Gojo lifted him up as if he weighed nothing, legs wrapping around the man's hips. He was soon carried back to the couch, the man talk about how excited he was to give him his gift.
He sat in Gojo's lap, bag sitting next to them. Without many surprises, a lot of what the man had brought him back was sweets.
He was surprised when he saw many of the volumes he was missing from a manga he was reading, looking back at Gojo. "You mentioned being sad that your training here is keeping you from going to get the latest volumes, I saw them and thought you'd like it" the man smiled.
Yuji smiled even more brightly, kissing him while thanking him. He kept checking what the man had gotten him, which was a lot really. He had even gotten him some new clothes (despite how he never came out of the house). It was to wonder if the man really wasn't just going shopping for his little lover instead of doing his work.
his attention got pulled away when he heard Gojo's phone start buzzing on the coffee table behind them. Yuji looked back to see who it might be.
"Fushiguro Megumi?" Yuji read aloud, before frowning.
He felt like the name sounded familiar, but where could he have heard it before? He felt so close to figuring out why it sounded familiar, yet the more he thought about it, the bigger and stronger the headache he started to have was.
Gojo leaned over, keeping an arm around Yuji so he wouldn't fall off his lap, to reject the call. He even ended up shutting off his phone entirely.
"Just a colleague from work" Gojo smiled, "But now is Yuji time, so they will have to call back later" he laughed.
Yuji looked back at the phone, unsure about this answer. He was certain he was missing something about it.
"Are you... sure?" Yuji asked.
"Of course, I am" Gojo replied, kissing away the crease between his worried brows, "Doesn't my pretty tiger trust me? he asked with a childish pout.
To this Yuji immediately shook his end. "Of course, I trust you" he assured him.
"My pretty tiger shouldn't worry about it, you'll soon forget about my colleague anyway" Gojo stated, a smile on his lips. And to this Yuji mentally agreed, of course, he didn't need to worry about it. And he was right, he had already forgotten the colleague's name. They could call back later when Gojo had time, or when he would go to work again.
Instead, he allowed Gojo to hug him more tightly, babbling once again about how much he had missed him when he was away.
Soon large hand started wandering around his body, teasing Yuji here and there, trying to get reactions out of him. When he started feeling worked up the young man grabbed his teacher's hand, stopping him.
"W-wait, I'm not... I haven't showered yet and I trained this morning" Yuji mumbled, feeling a bit self-conscious. He was certain that he smelled and was dirty, compared to Gojo who always looked and smelled so clean.
"My pretty tiger doesn't need to worry about any of this" Gojo assured him, kissing his forehead. "You are always perfect in my eyes, no version of Yuji is bad" he continued. "I also know that my pretty tiger is already feeling very excited right now, aren't you?".
Yuji flushed at his words, indeed feeling the way his cock was filling up, pressing uncomfortably against his underwear and sweatpants.
"Plus, look how Yuji is making me feel right now" Gojo stated, guiding the young man's hand to his cock, making him feel how hard he was already from just this. This had Yuji even more flustered than before, hand giving an experimental squeeze.
"Why don't we try to take care of this" Gojo grinned, hand going back to his ass, one even slipping in. This had Yuji immediately tense up, feeling apprehensive.
They had never gone farther than handjobs and the occasional blowjob. Gojo had touched him a little down there to get him used to it (and Yuji might have tried by himself), yet he still felt scared to go any farther. Plus he still felt somewhat tired from his training, he wasn't sure he could keep up with his lover.
Thankfully Gojo seemed to pick that up, gently kidding him. "It's okay, we can do something else," he said, "Why don't you show me just how good with your mouth you are, hm~" he suggested.
The way he said it made Yuji blush again, although he still nodded.
"But let's make it more fun" Gojo then added.
Yuji soon found himself stripped from his sweat pant and underwear, on all four over Gojo, face in front of the man's crotch. He looked back to see the man grinding back at him, leaving a gentle kiss on his thigh.
"Like this, I can also pleasure my cute lover~" he stated.
Yuji couldn't help but grumble a little about being embarrassed that he was the only one half-naked right now, but didn't protest anymore. He was actually curious as to how it would work out.
He decided to start taking care of his sensei, pulling his hardened cock out of the confine of his pants. It didn't take long before he started stroking it, giving a tentative lick at the tip. Soon he found himself with nearly the whole length in his mouth, trying to move and do what he knew would make his teacher feel good.
although it was a little hard to focus when Gojo was also doing the same to him. He quite liked this actually, maybe they could do it again another time.
He was surprised when he suddenly felt something cold on his ass, letting go to look back at Gojo.
He found the man grinning at him, lube bottle in hand. "Do you always carry this around with you?" Yuji asked, "Pervert".
This made the man laugh, kissing his inner thigh again. "Of course not, I just keep one near the couch here~" he smiled, "For special occasions like this".
Soon Yuji wasn't quite able to argue back about it because Gojo was back at sucking him off, a finger working inside of him, letting him get used to it.
It went well until Gojo went to have a third finger into him, pushing in deep. this was starting to be too much for Yuji who tried to move away from his devilish fingers and mouth. All he got was a firm hand keeping him close, unable to move away from the uncomfortable stretch and weird feeling he got.
"Sensei I-I wanna stop, it's scary" he tried to say.
Gojo gently shushed him, kissing his thighs some more in an attempt to calm him down. "I know you can do it, all my pretty tiger needs to do is relax, let sensei take good care of you".
Yuji found that all he could do was nod, trying to relax as much as possible as Gojo.
He tried also continuing, but it was hard to keep up with Gojo's expert mouth and the fingers reaching deep in him, teasing something that made him feel something he never really did before. He ended up only being a moaning mess above his lover, barely able to keep pleasure Gojo too.
"W-wait no, Gojo-sensei, I am going to come" Yuji tried to warn, even though there was no way he could move away.
"The cum for me pretty tiger".
Yuji's orgasm ran through him like electricity as Gojo pressed against something in him even more intensely than before, not stopping messing that part up even as he came into his mouth.
When he was done coming he nearly fall back down on Gojo fully. "Sensei... is still hard" Yuji pointed out when he started coming down from his high, now feeling bad for not having given something similar to his lover.
"Yuji did so good for me, I loved it" Gojo assured him, gently caressing his legs, "But there's something else you can do to help even when exhausted"
Yuji was then moved around, allowing Gojo to do so with ease. He found himself laying on his belly, Gojo on top of him. He could feel his erection pressing against his ass, grinding against him. This made Yuji feel a bit anxious. Was Gojo going to try and put it in?
The man had likely felt his anxiety, since he felt lips kiss gently behind his ear. "My pretty tiger wants to be a good boy right?" Gojo whispered.
This had Yuji immediately nodding. Of course, he wanted to be a good boy for his boyfriend!
"Then let sensei use your ass, you can do that, right pretty tiger?" Gojo asked, "I promise I won't put it in" he then added.
This had Yuji nodding some more, reassured. All he could think about now was pleasuring his sensei, he would let him do that.
Soon he could feel Gojo grinding against him, the weight of his body over his feeling so comforting. He drank in all the exhale, groans and moans Gojo would let out right next to his ear, making starting to feel hot all over again despite how tired he was.
Especially when he moaned his name the way he did.
Gojo had likely not been too far behind since it didn't take that long until he came, hugging the young man close as he lazily moved his hips as the last of his orgasm washed over him.
After that he flipped them around so Yuji would be the one laying on top of him. he stole a kiss from the young man, smiling down at him happily and lazily. Yuji offered back a sleepy but just as happy smile.
"You look really tired" Gojo chuckled, "maybe you should sleep".
"But I haven't cleaned up," Yuji said, which earned him a soft kiss on top of his head.
"Don't worry, I'll clean up" Gojo assured him, "Just take a good nap, my pretty tiger".
This is all Yuji really needed to allow himself to fully lay on Gojo, closing his eyes to go and sleep.
He was vaguely aware that his sensei seemed to be mumbling something, but it was all washed away by the light feeling that came afterwards, head feeling fuzzy and light, as if he had no worry in the world. Feeling safe like this in his sensei's arms.
(I feel like the mind control part of it is very subtle, but I didn't want a fully noncon story either. Gojo is just doing this for Yuji's happiness, he knows that his cute student loves him as much as he does (which Yuji really does, but he's missing important stuff))
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Opening Requests (Cuz I'm Bored)
Hi hello greetings and salutations anyone and everyone!
I'll be stuck home for the next week so I can write some stuff. I've already written a cute goofy Law X Luffys Sister, my first ever angst fic for an Ace X Reader, and another just cute wholesome Law X Reader so I'll be publishing them soon to get sum track and find my people.
The characters I'll write <3
Sanji (anything) Luffy (only wholesum cute shit, hes too adorable for SEX) Law (anything) Ace (anything) Sabo (anything) Koby? Coby? (idk and I like the wholesum shit with this cutie) Shanks (anything for daddy) Buggy (anything for baby girl)
I can't think of anyone else but if ya suggest and I dig it I'll start cookin. I would also like to add that I am very sorry for my Zoro fans, I'm stupid as shit and idk how exactly to write him (I've read Zoro fics, I've read the Manga, I've watched the anime, I've watched the live action, I'm just as lost as he is)
Anyway here ya go lovelies, hope ta post soon.
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lys, hi. this video randomly popped up on my fb -- yes, it's the most accessible socmed platform where im from - feed (a friend shared it), and i just got so sad again.
obviously, this is fiction, right? and i usually am so good at releasing it all out once im done internalizing it in my head. it's very stressful lol but i think it makes media content enjoyable, at least for this sort of media. the song isn't really something i've given a second listen - or even a full listen - but oh it works so well for this scene.
but i just get so sad, so incredibly sad whenever i think about canon eremika. as a sucker for well-meaning (lol) angst, their story was so beautifully written, but damn. i think i said this in an ask years ago...that i read your work as some sort of escapism, like 'oh it ends well for both of them' kind of thing. i dont ever do that with other anime/manga/fandom-centric entertainment etc; thinking about them just hurts a bit too much for an irl feeling. i need to think of them happy and flirty and cranky and just alive in that silly little place in my head reserved for media consumption. little nico doesnt hurt too
tbh, we cant really ask for canonical representations right? most writers dont write them that way anyway, but i feel like i could see canon eremika in your works, if they were ever given the chance to live out different lives in different worlds, haha. ig that's what happens when the emotional range has been fleshed out in canon material (tho at what cost??).
until know, i still cant laugh at those memes of mikasa developing an attachment to birds and whatnot because it's just really sad. lol like the dark humor doesn't work for me here.
anyway, that's all! i hope you're doing ok. maybe im just feeling blue because i just had a session of root canal treatment and the cost + post-session pain make me want to sob too. considering a dental implant after all this because if im going to go thru this, might as well do it for something that's guaranteed to last lifetime (with good bones & proper care ofc)
sending you my love, in the most non-weird way, if that's possible haha
AWW ANON SENDING U MY LOVE RIGHT BACK !!! I have never had a root canal but I think both my parents have and they fucking suck from the sounds of it, so wishing you a speedy recovery!!
oh god the fucking song tho 😂😭 i don't think ur alone, that song kind of hits different, I feel like I saw it on insta reels or something recently and I was definitely crying. I ALSO JUST CRY A LOT THO !! I was crying bc I watched the fast and the furious the other day , like who am I?? Media has the ability to bring it out in you!! Especialyl AOT!! ACTUALLY U KNOW WHAT THO IT WAS ANGEL BEATS THAT WAS MAKING ME SOB THE OTHER DAY, I ABSOLUTELTY SOBBED!!
I think I have emotionally removed myself enough from canon eremika that it doesn't phase me anymore, like I have not and likely will not rewatch AOT ever or any time soon at the very least because I just have no desire to put myself thru it bc I am simply too attached!
As far as me writing canon eremika goes, as I always say, never say never! So far, captain Eren is the closest I'm getting LOL! Altho I think i do have a few canon EM drabbles somewhere in the depths of my blog! I would like to write canon EM, but i don't know how i'd do it tbh. Like how I could spin a happy ending for them other than cabin EM which I did attempt but didn't finish as usual!! you never know what type of garbage I'll cook up tho 😂
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Trigun Thoughts Vol. 1 Pt. 1
(Note: I have only seen Trigun Stampede - this is my first reading of the manga! I'm very open to discussion but I do ask that you not spoil anything please! :))
Ok so I'm really curious about a few details on this poster, because right off the bat, some of it is odd.
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Firstly, I desperately want to know - why that picture? Wouldn't they want to make him look dangerous on a wanted poster? Although, perhaps, given the destruction the poster claims he is capable of causing, making him look harmless and silly is a way of encouraging people to go after him, like, "he doesn't look so tough" kind of way. It's funny, because he really is competent and dangerous, making it misleading, but then, he's also genuinely friendly and a bit silly, making it also honest. So, in a way, this looks like a juxtaposition to the reader but is in fact pretty accurate to at least the surface level of Vash's character. ...but also I want to know why he is posed like that. Did he pose for his mugshot? Hello???
I'm confused about "Appearance: Unclear". Don't we know what he looks like? Is this referencing something else?
"Suspected in the murder of Count Revenant Vasquez." Ohhhhh ok. I won't say anything here, as I don't want to spoil, but needless to say I will be paying very close attention to that going forward.
"$$60 billion double dollars dead or alive!!" First of all. Who has that much money. The only thing I can assume is that the remaining major cities issued a joint bounty to catch him as soon as possible - but then, even that is strange to me, because if it's about eliminating a threat before he has a chance to cause more destruction... wouldn't it just say "dead"? Why would you want him alive? (no offense Vash I am speaking from the perspective of the people who placed the bounty ilu) While I do understand it's probably just a fun little nod to the kinds of wanted posters in westerns, and not that deep, it does kind of have me questioning the rationale of that decision, haha.
"The worst kind of outlaw, and an unrivalled killer." / "Note: Staunch pacifist." Um. ???????
So this is really interesting to me. People know Vash is a pacifist, which again, I'm guessing, emboldens people to go after him despite how dangerous he allegedly is. But if people know he's a pacifist then... doesn't anyone question how strange this contrast is? He's an unrivalled killer but also a pacifist? What is the truth? I wonder if anyone will call attention to that later.
Anyways, especially when taking into consideration the frames where he looks really ominous in Chapter 0, this is such a great character introduction. I know absolutely nothing about this guy and I have multiple questions (some of which I know the answers to from Stampede but I'm trying to read as if I know nothing).
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