#ASD maybe? Or not!
ohara-n-brown · 9 months
funny story
I'm late diagnosed autistic however i use to stim A LOT as a child
but the thing is - my main stim was PLAYING WITH PEOPLE'S EARS.
Not my own. I never ever did it with my own because my own aren't the right texture. But my parents ears were, so I would reach out and flip the top part of their ear back and forth like one of those pop fidget thingies
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Like DO YOU SEE IT do you see what I mean
my cartilage was too thick to do it so I would literally sit there in my parents lap with a pacifier in my mouth just fiddling with their ears staring into space
for like 15 minutes at a time.
I am an only child so my parents never questioned it they just assumed that's what babies did 😭😭😭
Adults would be like why is your baby doing that and my parents would be like 'oh ya know - im sure they have their reasons'
Family members would be like hey you should get them to stop doing that and my parents were like 'why??? it's harmless. they're literally a baby. chill.'
Meanwhile I was like six years old
And I did it for YEARS.
Theyd be like 'cut it out my ear is getting sore' so I'd stop five minutes later im like
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gimmie ear.
I even remember trying it on people who didn't have the right ears for it and being like... completely disinterested in having them hold me
thinking like 'oh ur ear sucks u can put me down now 😖😒'
and honestly i love myself. that's such an autistic power move
being like not only will i stim but you will stim with me. in public. right now.
like imagine a baby with a little mandated autistic bonding ritual that I subjected all allistics to
yes I will sit quietly and play with my toys but you have to sit next to me and give me your ear
ur having a conversation? okay u can listen with one ear now gimmie the other
my mom didn't wear earrings for years. 😭😭 sorry mom
and they somehow didn't notice I was autistic until I was 25.
Assert Dominance Over Neurotypicals. Enforce Mandated Group Stimming.
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mobblespsycho100 · 5 months
BTW ik theres less toshiro bad takes now (thank God. Thank Goodness) but I just want to reiterate that "recently, I haven't been able to stand you" ≠ "I've hated you from the very beginning and never considered you my friend" btw. like.
Toshiro never outright stated "I hate you and you should shut the fuck up and fuck off and die forever" he was more like "hey you're so fucking annoying sometimes man, please understand the concept of personal space, your lack of self-awareness have been pissing me off" which YES is still not the greatest thing to say to a fellow autistic person HOWEVER laios never even holds it against him and toshiro doesn't. fucking. hate. him. like would a hater give that man a bell of "im gonna help you if you need my help also don't die" ⁉️
I didn't think so.
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pheadhones · 7 months
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ASD sounds as beautiful & brutal she looks
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Yesterday, I messaged one of my friend in my year to say that I probably have ADHD and I just wanted them to know, and I mentioned that I texted them in my RSP lesson today. I know for a fact thatshe saw my message, though she actually has not responded and said in the lesson that she had something she wanted to say in response, but that they had kind of forgotten. I am so confused.
@this-machine-runs-on-coffee, @bluggluglfgh, @france-unofficial, @dandelionflowery and @kianf1sh, what exactly do I do now?
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 8 months
Autism advocacy YouTubers are cool and all but honestly I find it hard to listen or care about most of them. Like sure, they’re probably very helpful to lots of people in the community, but also NONE of them seem to be able to talk about autistics who aren’t high masking high empathy and low support needs.
They keep going on and on about the social model of disability, that autism isn’t inherently a disability, which is literally SO insulting to medium and high support needs autistics whose lives are severely impacted by autism. Or they’ll talk about how it’s just neurotypicals who don’t understand us when part of AUTISM is not being able to communicate well with ANYONE, other autistics included! We’re not some mythical species, we’re disabled humans with a developmental and communication disability.
Also when it comes to low support needs autistics, they only EVER talk about masking and high empathy and all that. What about the LSN autistics who don’t mask well or can’t mask, what about the hell they go through because no matter how hard they try they can’t fake being neurotypical well enough. What about the low empathy LSN autistics, what about their struggles and how they’re treated as lesser humans for not feeling other people’s emotions. What about the LSN autistics who are still impacted in negative ways by their autism, who don’t see their autism as entirely positive, who see it (correctly) as a disability and not a ‘difference’.
They never talk about any autistics outside of the narrow cutesy and palatable worldview they put online. The world outside of plushies and hyperempathy and memes and beige food and shit like that which while great for some lighthearted content still does nothing for the many, many autistics who aren’t like that. It still does nothing but represent the small percentage of autistics who exactly fit that type of autism in a cutesy, internet-friendly way while leaving the rest of us ‘bad, stereotypical autistics’ to rot.
I want a low empathy low masking autism advocacy YouTuber who maybe knows what it’s like to go through my type of autism. Or a MSN/HSN advocate with a whole different take on autism than what’s being spread online by LSNs. Sadly we’re not cutesy and nice enough for the online world..
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awetistic-things · 3 months
awetistic things {1087}
feeling more comfortable being yourself around adults than people your own age
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briarmae · 2 months
I have autism and I'm touch repulsed.
My sense of touch is super sensitive. (Even though I have a pretty high pain tolerance, idk.) I base all my clothing choices first and foremost on how it feels against my skin.
Human touch is... awful. Skin to skin is even worse. If it's one of "my people," I can tolerate it. They now know that I prefer not to hug, and they wait for me to offer, or in rare cases, ask for one.
Crowds? I take anxiety meds and actively dissociate. Handshakes? Dissociate. People touch me without permission? Try not to punch them.
My family was fairly tactile growing up. They loved tickling. I would literally collapse on the floor crying. It was too much; it didn't feel like fun or whatever it is that people like about tickling. It felt more like pain.
I've tried explaining what it's like to people who are not touch repulsed. People on here will probably get it better.
Let's see... touching people makes me want to claw my skin off (it's somehow even worse if there's skin contact). Even when it feels less extreme, my skin is still crawling. I am constantly aware of every part of me that is touching someone else. It's too much, and then I get agitated on top of it.
Being touch repulsed with autism probably has a lot to do with me being asexual. I'm fine reading about sex (sometimes I even enjoy smut), I'm pretty uncomfortable watching sex in media, but the idea of ME touching another person, let alone naked... gross. Just gross.
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wanderingmind867 · 11 months
Random question, but who do you think was worse: Reagan, Thatcher or Brian Mulroney? The three conservative leaders of the 80s. Personally, I think Reagan was the worst of the three. And I think Mulroney was the best. Let me explain:
I think Mulroney was best. Because while Mulroney seems to have had some very bad domestic policies, at least he didn't get us involved in any major wars (as far as I'm aware), and he also opposed apartheid. So his foreign policy was at least not as bad as it could have been, which gets him the top spot.
Reagan was worst because both his domestic and foreign policy sucked. Reaganomics was bad for america, and his response to things like the AIDS crisis was also disastrous. And it's not like he had too good of a foreign policy either. He supported millitary coups all throughout Central and Southern America, and also there were things like Iran-Contra which probably show his bad foreign policy. Also, he tried to veto MLK Jr Day from becoming a thing. Who does that!?
So because Mulroney is best and Reagan is worst, I guess Thatcher is the one in the middle slot. She's worse than Mulroney, but better than Reagan. She had a bad domestic policy too (I think), but at least she didn't get the UK involved in as many coups and wars as the US (I think this is true). Also, at least one can say she has an interesting background. She supposedly wanted to be a chemist before going into politics. Which is interesting to me.
But either way, I wonder if anybody else has any thoughts on all this? Who do you consider worst, and who do you consider best here?
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r4incl0uds · 4 months
autism criteria be like "deficits in developing and maintaining relationships" have you considered that maybe i don't want to develop relationships with a bunch of foolish arseholes whose idea of humour is getting blackout drunk and screaming at the top of their lungs for a minute straight at 3am to wake up the entire building?
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feetdonttouch · 3 months
It's like I'm stumbling around my own personality, only able to occupy a few corners of it at a time. Each time I return to a corner I stumbled away from, a wave of relief goes through me, like "yes, this is what I was missing." I can never occupy all corners at once. It's difficult to direct my energy amidst all the movement: some corners cycle every day while some are abandoned for months or years. It's difficult to focus on goals when goals are ever-shifting. Will I ever be able to experience everything all at once? What am I missing?
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sprinkleofquirk · 5 months
Rather than explain that I cannot have Asperger’s syndrome because that hasn’t been included in the DSM since 2013 since Hans Asperger was, among other things, a fucking Nazi, I used my ✨healthy coping mechanisms✨ (kinda) and made these 🙃
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And I say ‘kinda’ because I don’t… exactly… remember? Making them? They just kinda… ✨appeared✨ and a few hours had passed
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muscadevil · 1 year
One thing I find interesting about being autistic is that my communication struggles, quietness, etc aren’t because my brain is slower and I don’t have much going on inside. I feel like my brain is constantly set to hyperspeed. Every one thought turns into a train of hundreds of thoughts all blended together and shooting off one after the other. All the time. And it never stops. I struggle with being able to filter those thoughts and cull information before it leaves my brain, not to mention how my brain thinks so much faster than I can speak.
Being so constantly overwhelmed with thoughts, and having to make a conscious effort to ensure only the thoughts that matter come out in a way that’s coherent and doesn’t confuse the listener, is hard enough. It’s even harder when as I’m already using so much brainpower processing that, I also have to think about stuff like - am I making enough eye contact? Is my tone right? Am I using body language properly? Is my expression appropriate?
Therefore, communication is overwhelming. Which is why when I have the choice, I choose letting my thoughts rattle around in my brain as much as they want over trying to get them out.
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andresmounts2 · 9 months
Wait, wait, lemme just start liking trains
And then they'll HAVE to diagnose me with autism.
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r-18g · 24 days
throwback to the time when i was assessed for adhd by a psychologist and i mentioned i thought i was also autistic and this old guy who wasn’t even using the up to date version of the DSM was like “oh no, you’re too normal :)” (even though he’d literally just diagnosed me with adhd) and went on to say that maybe i had asperger’s. but i certainly didn’t have autism.
so i asked if i could borrow his copy of the DSM-IV and pulled up the section about autism and went point by point by through the diagnostic criteria to go through every trait that i had (also pointing out that asperger’s wasn’t even a diagnosis anymore, that as of the DSM-V it had all just become autism spectrum disorder) with a note that a delay in reading was no longer one of the required criteria for diagnosis, and, well.
he seemed kind of defeated, after that. yay! ^^
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awetistic-things · 2 years
pinterest was made with autistics in mind
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