#Ahhh to be someone important w/ connections
desultory-novice · 1 year
Welcome back!! Also, I’d LOVE to hear that pitch idea 👀
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To get this out of the way first, when it comes to hypoethetical Kirby movie ideas, I often hear things like "Return to Dream Land would be the best game to adapt to a movie!"
It's a really nice story, with an intriguing beginning, middle, and an infamous last act twist. But you actually need to understand what kind of character Kirby et al are, their world, and Kirby's themes before you can really understand what makes RtDL's (and Magolor's) story effective. Because of that, it's not a good introduction.
So, which game would I adapt?
Ah, see, here's the thing. I think the best way to handle it would be to combine several plots together! For this, I'm loosely adapting Kirby's Dream Land 2/3, Kirby Super Star, AND Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. That's right! All of 'em!
Let's dive in!
We open on a colorful storybook-esque backdrop, with a young girl narrating to us about the peaceful Planet Pop Star and the story of "Kirby of the Stars", a mysterious traveler from afar with even more mysterious abilities!
...The camera pans back to show us an excited Adeleine showing off her notebook full of idea sketches to curious Kirby, who speaks (yes, speaks - all throughout the movie, in fact) that they're not certain why, exactly, they're being made out to be the hero of this story Adeleine is conceptualizing in the first place. Adeline points out that Kirby is fascinating and exciting (and lovable! :cheek squish:) and that more people should know about them!
Kirby replies that they're happy with the life they have right now, panning out to show Kirby's house in Whispy Wood’s forest, as well as the rest of the animal friends. Also, "...isn't it lunch time?"
But lunch is put on hold as Coo points out some suspicious activity in the sky. We switch POVs to Ribbon, frantically clutching her crystal while being chased by vague shadow resembling Dark Matter Swordsman and a handful of Dark Matters in tow. In desperation she attempts to activate the crystal as they near in, causing a sonic boom type effect that rocks the land below, sending bits of light and dark debris everywhere. Ribbon goes flying too.
Kirby and the gang find her, where she wakes up to explain to them all in a panic that "...Zero is coming!" and their whole planet is in grave danger. She answers only few brief questions about where she came from and who Zero is before demanding directions to the ruler of their kingdom. She can't waste time here. She needs a hero!
They (some of them swallowing their doubts) point her in the direction of Castle Dedede and she flies off before they can even ask if she wants anyone to "...accompany her?" (Kirby offers to go after her anyway, but everyone kind of groans at the idea of actually, you know, TALKING to Dedede and puts forward they idea they should get back to lunch, something that immediately wins Kirby over.)
A bat-like shadow flies out from the trees just as something gooey that had fallen from the sky in that explosion begins to rattle from the inside of one of Adeleine's paint buckets.
We follow the shadow of the bat-like creature across the landscape of Dream Land till he swoops in for a landing in front of Castle Dedede... revealing himself as Meta Knight.
He's given a friendly but harried greeting by a certain Waddle Dee. Meta Knight is interrupted from asking about the current status of things in the castle by the appearance of Marx, the king's jester, who cracks a few jokes at Meta's expense. Meta shows some anger at Marx who plays at being threatened right as King Dedede arrives on scene. Dedede looks for all intents to be the villainous foil, self-absorbed, egotistical (easily manipulated) and agreeing without thinking too hard about it to everything Marx says. (Even when that thing is mocking himself.) Meta interrupts to remind them all that there are more important matters at hand. That's when either Ribbon arrives at the castle or - we hear that she's already arrived.
Back in the forest, lunch turns into comical hijinks as the group discovers the weird life-form in Adeleine's paints. It hops out, spooks everyone badly, including itself, until Kirby tries inhaling it to stop it from running - only to immediately spit it out. "It tastes...Gooey." (Gooey repeats the word, finding in it a descriptor...and, a name?)
The gang wonder if this weird creature could be the Dark Matter Ribbon spoke of, or even Zero itself! Gooey can't provide any answers about who or what they are (and is still learning the concept of speech) but the forest denizens are able to put off their suspicions thanks to their positive experiences with Kirby, who was also an outsider once. Kirby and Gooey bond quickly over that, with Kirby showing Gooey that just because they don't know what they are, that doesn't make them so strange. Kirby has strange abilities too - showing off a few Copy Abilities too, like using Fire to cook up some baked yams for everyone.
This happy meet-and-greet is interspersed with scenes of Ribbon now catching the Castle Gang up on her story. That "Zero" is a force of pure negativity that has threatened countless planets, most recently consuming her home of Ripple Star, its queen, and all of her friends. She alone escaped with Ripple Star's treasure, the Crystal of the Ancients. The Queen told her to seek out heroes who could unlock its power and stop Zero but... King Dedede stops her there. She was right in coming to see him. The greatest, toughest, bravest "hero" in all of Pop Star. (Dee, Marx, and even Meta Knight all share an eye roll at this declaration.) Let Zero come! The Great King Dedede will stop them in their tracks! (...And get all the fame!)
...Ahem, to start summarize things a little faster (so that this doesn't turn into an hour and a half long read) Ribbon very quickly starts to have her doubts about King Dedede's fitness as a hero (and her choice to come to him for help) as he blatantly ignores her actual warnings to focus on the celebration when he finishes saving the day. The rest of the Castle gang sympathize with her doubts and all agree that this is pretty classic Dedede. Marx and Waddle Dee especially have their gripes with the King's rule, except that we begin to see more and more that Marx, who plays the adorable, long-suffering jester of an idiotic, despotic king when anyone's eyes are on him, is snide to Waddle Dee in the shadows and has been manipulating Dedede into making himself even more of a big useless oaf that no one respects. (Not that Dedede is without flaws, Waddle Dee confesses, but he buys into Marx's false praise too much and doesn't realize he's become something of a laughing stock.)
Ribbon's mention that Zero's agents chased her here end up leading to Gooey being considered a dangerous target to be arrested on sight, just as Kirby and Adeleine take Gooey into town to show them around/teach them more about Dream Land/maybe stir some memories or just good experiences?
Meta Knight, who is sent on this task, catches them in town, despite Adeleine and Kirbys' attempts to disguise Gooey, and the Forest Group and the Castle Group end up clashing, as Dedede wants to splat "the evil Zero" with his hammer in front of everyone, but Kirby insists that Gooey isn't Zero, Gooey is a friend and wouldn't hurt anyone. The only way to solve this argument...?
...Set up a giant arena in front of Castle Dedede and challenge Kirby to a big public tournament for the right to keep Gooey! Poor unprepared Waddle Dee is sent in first, providing a few moments of future friendship bonding for the pair. Next is Meta Knight, who uses this mostly as an exercise to test finally Kirby in combat, giving him several grim warnings during the fight.
Despite Meta seemingly outmatching our puff in every way, Kirby surprises him, inhaling Meta's sword and landing a shocking blow that cracks his mask. Kirby is ever so briefly surprised to see that Meta Knight...looks just like they do. Meta quickly vanishes before a shocked audience can see. (Marx grins.) A stunned Dedede, who didn't expect Meta to lose, quickly recovers to face Kirby in the final round for possession of Gooey and the right to the title of Dream Land's hero.
Ribbon, who has been watching Kirby closely throughout the tournament, and remembering their offers of assistance from the very beginning, has realized they're the one who fits her ideals of a hero. (And the Crystal begins to glow...)
King Dedede, for all that he fails to impress as a king, is one heck of a fighter and proves a pretty even match for Kirby! Refusing to be outdone, he manages to use his build to his advantage to mimic Kirby's own unique abilities. (This is partly because he's giving it his all, unlike Meta Knight, who was holding back.) But a shriek mid-way through the fight alerts both combatants to trouble and brings the duel to a sudden close.
You guessed it! Marx has turned on everyone. With Meta Knight out of the picture temporarily, he's caged Ribbon and snagged the crystal for himself. He gives a stunned Dedede a verbal kick in the ego, pointing out every one of his flaws that everyone was too dull to call him out on till he showed up and says Zero can have this planet. 
"...For now!"
Its time for the gang to regroup to chase after Marx and get Ribbon back! Alas, King Dedede is feeling defeated after that verbal smackdown until Waddle Dee steps up to give him a much needed reality check / pep talk. Its true, King Dedede wasn't the best king till now. Marx was kind of right about that - if unnecessarily mean about it. But he's still THEIR king. And if he tries, Dedede can still be a "Great" King! Kirby chimes in too. They had a really good time with that fight, if only they weren't fighting over possession of one of Kirby's friends...Okay, NOW Dedede's motivated and on board!
...Which is good because an army of Dark Matter has begun to flood the skies above! There's no time left! Zero approaches! A freshly-masked Meta Knight returns to unite the frightened, under-trained Dees in the defense of Dream Land against the Dark Matter forces - something our main Dee helps rally them for - while Kirby and the others go to rescue Ribbon!
(At a certain point in the battle with the Dark Matter, our main Waddle Dee takes an injury protecting another Dee. Meta Knight compliments the Dee's bravery and maybe giving him some combat pointers, all while bandaging him up with a scrap of blue cloth.)
The rest of the group catches up to Marx as he's in the middle of trying to use the crystal for...something mysterious. There's some sequel tease dialogue there that Marx refuses to elaborate on to "...a couple of idiots." Kirby and Dedede team up to fight him as Adeleine and Gooey work to rescue Ribbon in the background, away from Marx's attention. Kirby and Marx have a mid-battle chat, Marx chiding Kirby's naive ideals after Kirby affirms that there's nothing weird about befriending Dark Matter and that they'd even be friends with someone like Marx. Marx reacts with disgust at this. At Ribbon's suggestion, Kirby copies Mirror from a broken bit of Marx's wings Dedede cracked earlier and tricks the trickster, allowing Dedede to smack him so hard, he sends him flying off into the stars.
That's all done with but they still have Zero to contend with. Dedede announces he has to return to the front to help Meta Knight and the Dees as "...That's what a true king ought to do. Right?" Adeleine goes with him to help with the evacuation. Leaving Kirby and Ribbon (and Gooey too, who, after hearing Kirby's speech about friendship to Marx, is able to reveal their mock matter form before Ribbon) to face Zero with the  reawakened and fully charged (Huh. Did Marx prove...useful?) Ancient Crystal.
Zero (with traits of both Zero Two and some oblique references to Void) is unlike anyone Kirby and co has ever faced. They do not talk, for one thing, leaving Kirby's greatest strength, their empathy and willingness to reach a hand out to anyone, all seem meaningless in the face of pure negative emotion.
Plus, fighting them brings both Kirby and Gooey face to face with their fears (or un-asked questions, till now) as to just what they are. But a pep talk from Ribbon ("I KNOW what you are! I've seen you help everyone you come across. No matter whether they've done anything to earn it or not!") and Meta Knight's wise words the tournament comes back to Kirby at a key point in the fight.
In the end, the battle of "where you come from" vs "what your actions say about you" ends in a victory for our heroes. Zero is defeated, the day is saved, Gooey is considered a welcome resident of Dream Land by all, Kirby has some new friends, Dedede is taking steps down the road to real leadership (and won't stop hounding Kirby to a rematch to find out who really is the strongest) and Ripple Star and the fairies are freed from the darkness!
There are questions, of course. Still mysteries to be had. But food, friendship, and nap time are most important, for right now.
The post-credits stinger? ...Marx's unconscious body floating through space. Up until he bumps up against the hull of a very familiar looking ship that is. (1)
Anyway, that's basically the idea!
My goal was to try and introduce as many familiar Kirby characters and conflicts as possible, even if that meant reworking the context they originally appeared in, while also trying hard to avoid an overdone "origin story" movie feel.
King Dedede doesn't steal all the food (although there could be a line about him doing that) but we see that he is too self-obsessed to be a good king atm. Except that he has a heroic enough streak deep down that he DOES know the difference between right and wrong.
Marx is still a tricky traitor who knows more than he lets on but is more concerned about selfishly getting his way than the damage to others his ambitions could cause. Zero is still a frightening, unfathomable, otherworldly evil with vague connections to Kirby. 
Adeleine and the animal friends play the role of Kirby's supportive family and represent everything that's good and comfy about Planet Pop Star. Ribbon is an at-times heroine-in-distress who still knows what she needs and can also hold her own when the chips are down. 
Gooey is the cute, wanna-protect-them fish-out-of-water character for us to examine/learn about both Kirby and Pop Star with. (Bandanna) Waddle Dee still has their sassy attitude while beginning an arc that would grow with each successive appearance. Meta Knight is cool, intelligent, tactical, but always mysterious.
I know that not a lot happens TO Kirby directly in this pitch but...Kirby is a character who stays pretty consistent throughout the series. We don't really have a strong ground for saying "In the early days, Kirby was more like this..." (outside of things like their rash decision to blame Dedede in Adventure and Squeak Squad) so I freely admit... Kirby does not have a character arc here. Which could be considered a major flaw, where this to be a real film. Kirby could be considered a "boring, infallible hero." And I don't really have a rebuttal for that except that I personally wasn't that interested in using this experiment to deeply examine Kirby's flaws via the template journey ten thousand movie heroes have gone through (and Kirby has so few flaws anyway) as much as I was interested in exploring how Kirby's steadfastness manages to (positively) affect the those they meet and the world around them.
The other thing of course is that it’s not a very lore heavy treatment. Plenty of classic, even iconic stuff gets left out. Outside of the food-stealing thing, Dedede never gets possessed. They never go off planet. There’s no Galactic Nova outside a few easter eggs in the fight with Marx. No Star Rod or Fountain of Dreams. No Kracko, Kabula, or other bosses and enemies as anything more than background cameos. I mention adapting Super Star, but Dyna Blade and Wham Bam don't really play a part, so it's really just Milky Way Wishes. A movie with less ground to cover would have plenty of room for these individual elements to breathe, but when I first started thinking of this, I set myself a personal goal of seeing covering as much "Kirby" as I could in just three movies.
Other thoughts of mine...
I only hinted at Dark Matter Blade's appearance in the beginning summary without having a full role for them in the story. That's because... I couldn't decide. ^^; I did want to tie them to Gooey, but I also wanted Gooey there for the fight with Zero, when Dark Matter Blade would likely be leading the invasion of Pop Star. (And thus, probably have an awesome duel with Meta Knight??)
The whole thing is also a little jam-packed. But I honestly don't think these 3 (+) stories are as discordant as they might seem! Especially since putting them all together allows us to have a fuller cast with a nice spread of flaws, goals, skill sets, and attitudes. And yes, I ditch Adventure (even though I love Nightmare) but I think the stuff with the Fountain of Dreams could always be used as a flashback sequence in a sequel movie. Maybe to tie off the trilogy?
Anyway, for getting through all that, have a bonus sketch of what a potential movie poster might look like!
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(1) Speaking of trilogies / as for the stinger...
Not to go too much into it here, but the general plan in this hypothetical would be to try and get as many mainline stories into three (?) movies as possible. While I haven't QUITE worked out how to mix Planet Robobot, Adventure, Star Allies, and Forgotten Land cohesively (the science vs magic aspect of having Haltmann and Hyness as dual villains was intriguing though, and its possible to twist the HWC stuff to fit with the Beast Pack's activities while making Eflilis into Hyness's desired form of revenge was a bit poetic) but I did figure out much of the structure of movie two, which combines Squeak Squad, Return to Dream Land, and Triple Deluxe. (With a sprinkling of Amazing Mirror and Canvas Curse.)
Here, the Lor Starcutter crashes on Pop Star as per usual, only Magolor AND Taranza emerge from it. Magolor is an antiques dealer now ("ANCIENT" artifacts especially) and he and his ship were hired by Taranza as transport on a very important delivery mission for the "glorious" Queen Sectonia when they were attacked by the inter-galactic band of thieves known as The Squeaks, who stole their extremely important cargo! They require Kirby and the gang's help to get the ship fixed and put everything in order.
It's treachery left and right though, as the stolen cargo WASN'T the Dimensional Mirror, like Taranza had been told by Sectonia. Furthermore, the framed Squeak's were originally hired BY the queen (through Magolor!!) to steal the real treasure, the Master Crown, so she could claim it to secure her rule. But, say it with me now, everyone then gets triple crossed by Magolor, who steals the stolen Master Crown for himself. Because of course he does.
(And by this point, we know enough about Kirby and their feelings on friendship and forgiveness to know that they would of course be willing to try and help save Magolor, even after being betrayed, when Magolor's plan goes all sorts of wrong. ...You also get some call backs as Magolor's frightening transformation into Dark Matter can pull on some trauma of Kirby's for not being able to reach out and communicate with Zero. There's actual stakes now as Kirby needs to save him before he, too, falls beyond his reach!)
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littledamadelfuego · 1 year
ahhh!!!! thank you so much!!! i swear we could have a full-blown conversation about this. I've always wondered whether western synastry is more accurate than vedic synastry but honestly it's so haywire. also i do agree w the "subconscious block" part. he does seem like he needs a little bit of time to think about some things- like he's not fully mature yet or there yet. also i completely see your point w the nostalgic love part!!! he's VERY attached to his parents, very vocal about it, esp how close he is to his mom. i don't know how into that i am LMAO. & i completely get what u mean about the mutual aspect. usually, to figure out how a particular synastry placement may affect someone w my planets in their house, i try to visualise/remember how i was affected by that synastry placement as the house person myself in a diff friendship/relationship. ofc this is so complicated given that people respond to situations so differently & there are so many other niche aspects to consider- both within & beyond astrology. I've tried to understand houses in synastry by how i feel towards people w their personal planets in my house & I've realized I'm not usually open to 12th house synastry (as the house person)? it bothers me a bit & i tend to find those people quite annoying, usually i have a short fuse w them, they tend to get on my nerves easily (& i never express it, it's always hidden) but that might be bc i have absolutely no 12th house influence. perhaps i might be a bit welcoming to that 12th house energy if i had more 12th house influence in my natal but i don't. it's hard to tell whether he would perceive me the same way??? I've never viewed 12th house as the "soulmate" synastry (for me it's 8th house rather bc I'm quite 8th house dominant w my venus and saturn in 8th & moon sqr pluto among a lot of other pluto aspects). thank u for ur advice!! I'll definitely keep ur words in mind moving forward <3
You're welcome!!! Honestly, I think each type of astrology is valid, and it's best to use the one that feels the most true to you! But I think it's useful to learn different types of astrology to gain an added perspective!
& Yes!!! 4th House Venus can definitely indicate being close to his mother or even potentially wanting a partner like his mother... it's a definite possibility!!!
& Honestly, yes there are so so many ways to read synastry!! And it affects everyone differently!! That's why it's so important to first account for someone's own natal chart before making any general assumptions about how a certain synastry will work for them because everyone's own charts are so different, and we all have different karma's, chart configurations, familial patterns which can all affect how we react towards a certain synastry. And some are meant to experience certain synastries over others-- there is so much room for nuance.
And 12th house synastry is definitely controversial! If you don't already have a connection to it or your planets aren't making an angular connection to it, it can definitely be irritating! But I've noticed 8H'er's in particular either love it or hate it (I am an also an 8H'er with my Sun & Mercury-- caveat though, my chart ruler is in my 12H), but the thing is 8H'er's will either love how deep the 12H goes, or, conversely they will hate it, and in particular with your Venus in the 8H you probably prefer to keep certain aspects of what you love and your love life private, and you won't receive that privacy with people who are in your 12H. Most 8H'ers like to control who is able to see the deeper sides of themselves, and you don't get that choice with people in your 12H. More so, as an 8H'er you're probably quite skeptical of someone who seems to know more about you than you know yourself (as is the nature of the 12H), so it can feel very off-putting when someone brings you that energy!! & of course not everyone in your 12H has good intentions for you so it is again, always important to consider the whole chart.
Also, I don't think any house synastry alone is a *soulmate* synastry. I just think 4th, 8th, & 12th house synastry can be indicators of a potential soulmate connection because they are all spiritual houses, and these synastries imply that the connection is slightly more than what we can feel physically, and since the very nature of soulmates is spiritual I think any of these houses can be indicative of a potential soulmate, but there are again so many interpretations, but any of these houses I would want to see when considering a potential soulmate!!
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starglitterz · 2 years
cynosure. (xv)
─── chapter 15 ! ~ cynosure.
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summary; you and xiao are genmates under the famed streamer company genshin impact. the chemistry between the two of you is undeniable, and your fanbases absolutely love your collaborations. but when you both start meeting up offline more and more, your connection starts to deepen past just harmless flirting and playful banter. with these real feelings starting to affect both your job and reputation online, how will you two react when your relationship becomes the internet’s cynosure?
a/n: i hope you enjoy this chapter and that it provides a satisfying ending for this rollercoaster of a series :] thank u for all the support on cynosure, i love u guys and i'm so grateful to be part of such a sweet community <3
warnings; suggestive
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
biggest thank u to; @hurricanectar & @noctua-koi for always talking abt cynosure w me :) i became friends w both of you through this series and i'm so glad we've become so close!! i love u both sm <3
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livestream !
y/n: hi everyone! sorry for the unscheduled stream, but thank you very much to all of you who decided to tune in!
xiao: yes, thank you. so as the title of this video suggests, the two of us have an important announcement to make.
COMMENTS ylovrr; omg what could it be siluc; i mean the two of them r tgt for it so im p sure we all alrdy k xiaoxiaoo; ahhh i hope it isn't anything bad :< kazu-topia; it should be fine (i think)
y/n: i think chat is going to murder us if we keep dragging it out, so, xiao, would you like to do the honours?
xiao: me?! didn't we agree it was going to be you?!
y/n: i changed my mind! *sticks out tongue*
xiao: ._.
COMMENTS auradragon199; THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!!! venvens; what if them bantering was my final straw,,, it's too wholesome :sob: dendrobivms; i want to marry both of them atp LSKDJSK
xiao: fine. since y/n has very kindly thrown me under the bus, i'm just going to say it - the two of us are dating.
y/n: ?!?!?!
xiao: why do you sound so surprised?? you asked me to say it!
y/n: I KNOW!! it just sounds so cool when you say it out loud like that.
xiao: ...
COMMENTS hamayumis; AHHHHHHHHH XIAOYN REAL OFFICIAL noctua-koi; OFMWAKJDKJSA THIS IS NOT A DRILL EVERYONE I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL XIAOYN IS REAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sprayio; aww xiao's blushing :>>> so cute !! hurricanectar; theyre perfect for each other :))) contentedbean; yes they deserve the world noirkkat; my scrunklies <3
y/n: holy archons, thank goodness you're all taking it well. not to exaggerate, but i was honestly terrified that most of you would hate us.
xiao: mhmm. but even if you did, that wouldn't change anything between y/n and i. i've been stupid enough to let hate comments affect me once, and it will never happen again. i love y/n, and since i'm lucky enough to call her my girlfriend, i'm not going to allow anything to ruin that.
y/n: aw, xiao! i always knew you were head over heels for me.
xiao: yeah, yeah, whatever. anyways, if you have any questions we'll be more than happy to answer them.
COMMENTS 120802; xiao won't meet y/n's eyes... looks like someone's down bad anon; will this affect your streaming?
y/n: nope, not at all! xiao and i are still very much our own people, so our schedules for streaming won't change at all.
xiao: except for maybe a few more off-collabs with just the two of us.
y/n: *pretends to whisper to chat* xiao's just saying that 'cause he wants me to stay over. *wink*
xiao: I AM NOT!
y/n: *laughter* next question!! 'have you heard that all of scaramouche's social medias have been deleted?'
xiao: ...no, i haven't. nevertheless, i wish him the best of luck in all his future endeavours. there is no bad blood between us and i genuinely hope he's happy.
y/n: exactly! also just a reminder, please make sure not to send any hate to anybody who was involved or a fan of scaramouche. we've moved on from that chapter of our lives, and we'd like to leave it in the past.
COMMENTS scaramew; theyre so mature omfg sohyuki; another day another slay as per usual alatusxiaoo; mwahhh i hope the pillow of whoever asked that qs is warm on both sides kdaehara; them. that's it that's the comment tofuthoma; screaming sobbing crying rn /pos normalisthenewnorm; hmm what else is there to even ask cynokine; i'm assuming scara had to either delete his socials or go to court and he picked the better option test-tube; soooo, any plans to play two-player games more in future?
y/n: great question! personally, i'm looking forward to human fall flat, or maybe fall guys!
xiao: or maybe stardew valley could be cool. or even phasmophobia.
y/n: isn't that a horror game?! xiao, not everyone has your ability to be utterly unafraid in the face of jumpscares.
xiao: hey! is that an insult or a compliment?
y/n: hehehe, i'll never tell!
COMMENTS afchicken; theyre so sweet im going to get diabetes istg yelansrightarmpit; AWKJDJAKSJDKAWKDJSAKD BARKS LOUDLY thomacrumbs; me when they <3_<3 goblefunk; xiaoyn the world xiaophobic; I LOVE THEM SO MUCH !!!!!!! c02z; so, how does it feel being the hottest streamer couple on the planet?
xiao: on the planet...? well it's mostly y/n.
y/n: xiao! don't say stuff like that!
xiao: it's just the truth!
y/n: *swats him* anyways, you're very kind for saying so. and personally i think it's thanks to xiao, and it hasn't been that long yet but so far dating him is very fun!
xiao: dating y/n is very fun too. she's an amazing person and i'm honoured to be hers.
y/n: how can you say such cute stuff with such a calm face?! i swear i'd kiss you right now if we weren't streaming.
xiao: then maybe we should end the stream here, because if i'm being honest i'd like to kiss you too.
y/n: archons, you're lucky i love you. we aren't ending the stream yet, we've still got more questions to answer!
xiao: hmph. *pouts* fine.
y/n: so anyways, i think we'll end the stream here! thank you so much to everyone who joined, i'm really glad to know that you all support our decision and we hope that you'll continue to watch our streams!
xiao: yes. thank you for the kind words, have a good day.
y/n: byebye!
COMMENTS nurserinnn; that was the best stream ever!! yanfeishere; brooo xiaoyn has my whole heart omg aijlin; if they don't get eternal happiness im rioting van-chii; them !!!!!!!!!!!!
*stream ends*
y/n: xiao, holy archons, my hands are shaking so much. aHHH i was so nervous!
xiao: you did great, dove. *holds y/n's hands* i'm so happy we did that.
y/n: me too! i must be the luckiest girl in the world; our fans will still enjoy our content, and i get to date the person i love.
xiao: *under his breath* you're so cute.
y/n: i'm right next to you, y'know. i can hear you.
xiao: ?!
y/n: haha, i'm just teasing! i think you're super duper mega awesomely cute too, xiao!
xiao: *ears turn red* it's getting late, we should go get ready for bed. you need to get enough rest, especially after your travelling.
y/n: okay then, boyfriend. i call dibs on using the shower first.
xiao: *swallows* go ahead... girlfriend.
xiao: STOP, JUST GO SHOWER ALREADY! tsk, no respect for the adepti.
irl !
"hey y/n, i used the other bathroom, so you can take your time and you don't have to worry about rushing so i can use this one," xiao hesitates slightly before knocking on the bathroom door to let you know. if he's being honest, he can't tell if he's awake right now because all this feels like the best kind of dream possible. sure, you've slept over at his house before, but this time the two of you are an official couple! "it's okay, i'm already done anyways," you reply cheerfully before opening the door and grinning at him. as xiao looks at you, he hopes that if this is all a dream, he gets to sleep a little longer.
"you look really pretty," xiao murmurs, swallowing the lump in his throat which miraculously forms whenever he's around you. he has always been soft-spoken and quiet, preferring to keep his thoughts to himself instead of voice them out loud, but when you're here, this quality is amplified tenfold. everything he wants to say to you is frozen on the tip of his tongue, and he can only gape at you like a goldfish and pray to any deity listening that somehow you'll understand what he's trying to convey. you twirl, allowing the fabric of his shirt to swoosh around your legs, "aww, thanks! this is the shirt you left out for me, right?" your boyfriend nods, and you swear he looks so adorable when he's too shy to make eye contact. little do you know he's thinking the exact same thing, except it's more so about how you're drowning in his shirt - he knew it was a good idea to buy the biggest size, too-large clothes are always the most comfortable, and if he gets to see you like this that's just an added benefit.
"actually, dove, can i kiss you?" the words slip out before xiao can stop himself, before he can filter them like he usually does. perhaps this is just the effect you have on him, reducing him to an incoherent mess who acts before he thinks. but as you smile, "of course," and move forward to kiss him, xiao thinks that maybe it isn't that bad. your hands travel upwards to tangle in his hair as you push his back against the bed, tugging on the jade strands as you deepen the kiss. xiao can barely think clearly at this point, his mind has been wiped to a clean slate, every thought replaced with the feeling of your lips as he does his best to memorise everything about you. hands gripping your waist tightly, his golden eyes flicker from yours to your lips, fixing every inch of your features into his mind. his thumb smooths across your cheek, admiring the way you lean into his touch, eyes fluttering shut as you nuzzle into his warmth.
the two of you have come so far, xiao thinks to himself as his fingers idly dance over your skin, unknowingly igniting a trail of fire in their wake. throughout everything you've both been through, xiao definitely knows that there were things he could have done better, ways he could have reacted better, but if varying the method won't lead to the scenario where he gets to kiss you like this right now, xiao thinks that he wouldn't change anything for the world. he's learned so much these past few months, from healing himself after his past and convincing himself to be brave enough to step into a new future, and it's all thanks to you. you, who coincidentally strolled into his life and captured his heart and attention without even trying, you, who gave him a second chance even when he thought he was unforgivable, you, who was willing to accept him for his flaws and love him nevertheless. it was always you.
as your mouth sears across his collarbone, xiao cups your face, tilting it up to look at him, "y/n, i love you so much." your expression relaxes into a smile, affection glimmering in your irises as you gaze at him with so much tenderness in your eyes, "i love you too, xiao." his hands slide down your torso to rest at your hips, but his stare is focused on yours still, "you know i'll always be there for you, right?" "mhmm," you mumble, pressing your lips to his once more, matching the heat building up between the two of you with an equally passionate kiss. xiao is helpless to do anything but melt into it, enjoying the feeling of your lips moulding together perfectly like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle slotting into place. you're making his head spin with just your lips - he's always been at your mercy, for you've got him wrapped around your little finger; all his attention, all his admiration, and all of him.
when you pull away, xiao leans his forehead against yours, amber irises shining with fondness, "after all, you're my cynosure."
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a/n; so we're finally at the end, huh? it's been a pretty wild ride over these 8 months ever since i published the cynosure masterlist as a surprise on 18th july last year :') i never even dreamed it would gain this much popularity or that so many people would like reading a streamer au, but i'm really glad it did. i've met countless wonderful people through this story whom i'm proud and lucky to call my friends until now. i just want to say that i'm so so so thankful for all of you who gave cynosure a chance. ily, i quite literally wouldn't be anywhere on tumblr without you guys <3 also, all the fan accs in this chapter are people whom i love + people who i've recognised interact frequently w cynosure posts !! i hope it's okay that i used your urls without permission, tell me if you'd like me to remove it. do stay tuned for my future projects too mmkay? anyways, as per usual i'm still finishing cynosure chapters at stupidly late hours, so i'll be heading to bed now. goodnight everyone, take care of yourself, and please do lmk what you thought about this chapter / cynosure as a whole! i'd love to hear your thoughts on it :> mwahhh byebye !! <3
taglist; @noirkkat / @c02z / @hojichangel / @glazelilyy / @oreoz-unfortunately / @tiny-aroace / @xiaophobic / @test-tube / @120802 / @storytravelled / @mirikusashes / @ben6ett / @oliviasslut / @bluexiao / @lunachelly / @aelatus / @mimion / @akiiyukii / @angelhxneyy / @give-xiao-almond-tofu / @abyssheart / @xuanya / @normalisthenewnorm / @viagiraffe / @fuhuashandholder / @astersg4rden / @dilucbar / @nachotrash / @childe-support / @kinekyuu / @axerrri / @ventirain / @kait-is-always-late / @venvens / @celestair / @rim0na / @indecisivehusky / @nurserinnn / @ariesreii / @saving-for-xiao / @hellokittykuroo / @auradragon199 / @xiaoszn / @liarchive / @hurricanectar / @berryqueue / @noctua-koi / @yunaholics / @yoimimi / @http-mewchuu
usernames in bold cannot be tagged. pt 2 of the taglist will be tagged in an rb after i wake up :)
general masterlist.
© starglitterz 2022. do not repost or modify in any way.
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nsjdiidj tendou general fluff plsplsplsplsplspls just domestic and tooth-rotting things like y/n helping tape his fingers, y/n singing and doing his baki baki song🥺, them making their own songs with tendou and all that cheesy stuff hhhhhhhhhhhh i beg for any cute tendou content pls
anywhoo, i was thinking of how i could make this soo fluffy it’s nauseating soo i decided to compile a bunch of cute lil relationship hc for our bby :)
this is my first time doing a head canon without any structure so I apologize for how messy it is
regardless, i hope you enjoyyy !!
•Relationship HC w/ Tendou•
warnings: none
genre: fluff, like an insane amount of fluff
character: Tendou
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tendou could not believe you reciprocated his feelings 
he had liked you for such a long time but honestly he thought he was just leading himself straight into heartbreak
he didn't believe you could like someone like him
I mean sure, you two were good friends but he was always waiting for the day you would tell him you were just sticking around out of pity or you were using him to get to Ushijima
so, when he finally said screw it and confessed the last thing he was expecting was for you to wrap you arms around him and say you liked him too
safe to say that one of the happiest days of his life
you two were as close to the perfect couple as anyone could get
if someone were to look at you two they would think you had been childhood sweethearts
you two had a connection that just flowed, never uncomfortable or awkward
anyone could see just that just by the way you two interacted with one another
you we’re very affectionate towards each other not the face sucking butt grabbing in public type of affection, don’t worry
he would tend to sneak up behind you when you were doing something or talking to someone and wrap his arms around your waist, placing his chin on your shoulder
you tended to do the same, clinging to his arms or playfully hugging him from behind and burying your face into his back, allowing you to inhale his calming scent
when you would walk with one another he would always be attached to you in some way
didn't matter if it was an arm around your shoulder or waist or having his fingers intertwined with yours, he just liked feeling you right by his side
you didnt mind any of this one bit, you loved being so close to him
occasionally people would give you two strange looks or mumble something under their breath but you didn’t care one bit
however, this bothered tendou from time to time so you always let him know how much he meant to you, usually pulling him in for a hug or a quick kiss whenever you noticed his expression falter
you also attended every single one of his games, no matter their importance
he loved seeing you up there in his jersey, cheering just for him
when he would sing his song on the court he would always turn to you and you would mouth the words along with him with the brightest smile on your face
he always played at 100% when you were there
you would run up to him after games and give him a tight hug, occasionally pulling him to the nurses office after to wrap his fingers if he happened to get injured that game
a very fun part of your relationship was your very spontaneous dates
you didn’t do the typical dinner date or go to a theater to see a movie
you two went to the park to push each other on the swings or took a road trip to a new place while singing your hearts out or had movie nights at home that ended in you two cuddled up on the couch
that was more your type of style
tendou was a very loving s/o and he showed it in his own special way
occasionally at school he would give you rocks or leaves or flowers he found on his walk there and as you two would walk he would tell you all about what had led him to that very object you had a shoebox full of everything he gave you
as for presents like birthday or christmas, every gift you received was homemade. he believed that things made from the heart held more meaning and it gave him an opportunity to show you how much he really loved you
his usually expressed his love through the little things
he did your hair when you had ran late to school and forgot to do it yourself 
he would make stupid jokes and do stupid things whenever you were upset to try and cheer you up
he always moved you to the inside of the sidewalk when you two walked home
he gave you his food when he noticed you forgot yours and always checked up on you in between classes
every single thing he did, he did with love and you knew that
you two spent a lot of time at each other’s houses, usually reading manga or watching movies
watching movies during the day usually ended in a pillow fight,  initiated by tendou of course mans had way too much energy to sit down and watch a movie unless it was a date night
he loved to hear you laugh and watch that lovely smile pull at the corners of your mouth
just looking at you made him fall in love all over again
he loved doing all of these things but his favorite time with you was when your eyes had fluttered shut and your chest rose and fell with each soft breath
just being able to hold and admire the person he cared so much about allowed him to shut the whole world out and just focus on you
you were his world and he was so hopelessly in love with you
he promised himself that you were the one he would build a life with
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calltomuster · 3 years
“Oh god… what did they do to you?” w/Cody to Obi-wan? I adore your writing, but especially your angst and hurt/comfort it's just so good!! I hope you're having a great day/night!
Ahhh that's so nice of you to say, thank you @hecca-the-jedi!! I hope you're having a great day/night as well!!
From these caretaker dialogue prompts: 4. "Oh god... What did they do to you?"
Cody should have known something was going to go wrong as soon as the locals spirited General Kenobi away for some sort of ceremony.
Of course, he really should have known something was going to go wrong regardless, because this was General Kenobi and things always seemed to go wrong around him, but the man had assured him that everything would be fine, and who was he to argue with his general?
Cody did, on occasion, find it quite funny when his general got into trouble with the local inhabitants of whatever planet they'd found themselves on. How could it not be amusing when he was dyed orange to match his hair, or forced to participate in a ceremonial dance that involved walking exclusively on his hands?
This was not one of those times. This was not amusing at all.
When the woman who'd led General Kenobi away returned without him, alarm bells started ringing in Cody's head, but he kept his calm.
"Where is General Kenobi?"
"He is deep in communion with The Other," the woman, Leader Yanji, answered. "Not to be disturbed."
"Might we be able to see him?" Cody forced himself to remain even-toned. He was having one of his general's bad feelings, but he couldn't let Leader Yanji become suspicious. "We would like to commune with The Other too." He gestured to Waxer and Gregor beside him, who dutifully looked earnest and eager.
Leader Yanji burst into laughter. "You? You, who are not real people?" She looked amused. "No, you could not hope to commune with The Other."
Cody tamped down on the flare of anger-hurt that arose from that. It was not the first time he'd heard anti-clone sentiments and certainly would not be the last.
"Could we at least try?" he pressed. "We... aspire to be as good as you."
Leader Yanji mulled that over, then nodded her agreement. "Fine. It couldn't do any harm. You will find General Kenobi down that path." She pointed into the forest she'd emerged from.
"Thank you," Cody said, bowing as his general always did. With a quick hand signal, Gregor and Waxer were following him into the trees.
It was dark and cold and silent but for the slight wind rustling the trees and the soft thump of armored footsteps as they walked. Cody's apprehension grew as they went further and further down the trail.
Soon they saw a light up ahead, beckoning in the distance. Cody picked up the pace. It was still eerily silent as they approached, but Cody didn't let that disturb him. His general could be meditating, or something.
His general was not meditating. His general was hanging from his wrists in the center of a clearing, half naked and bleeding from over a dozen wounds.
"General!" Cody cried, rushing towards him.
General Kenobi lifted his head groggily, and Cody could now see there was some sort of collar around his neck. He didn't seem to have the energy to speak.
"Oh god, what did they do to you?" Cody mumbled, half to himself, as he, Waxer, and Gregor worked on untying the restraints and gently helping the general to the ground. They did not touch the collar. Experience told them that messing with a Jedi's connection to the Force (or current lack thereof) while severely injured could sometimes have adverse effects. Best to leave that one to the medics. Speaking of...
"We have to get him back to the ship," Cody ordered the two other troopers. "See if Tambourine can send down a shuttle with a medic to our location. Discretely."
Waxor and Gregor saluted and turned to their comms.
He turned back to see that General Kenobi had directed his gaze towards him and was now attempting to sit up.
"No, sir, you have to stay down," he said, gently but firmly putting his hand on the general's shoulder and pushing him back down.
"Wha' happen'd?"
Cody huffed a laugh. "I was rather hoping you'd be able to tell me that, sir."
General Kenobi hummed, visibly struggling to remember. "I... There was... chanting? And... said I had too much? To talk with the...?" He waved his hand weakly.
"Too much what?"
"Force," Kenobi replied. "Tried bleeding out the... Force." Then he gestured to the collar around his neck with a wince. "Tried this when tha' didn't work."
Later, Cody would let himself have a private freakout about someone trying to bleed the Force out of his general, but not now. Now, he had to focus on care.
General Kenobi's eyes started to slip close, tired as he was from the small conversation.
"Don't go to sleep, sir," Cody said. He had to keep him talking... "Where did they put your robes?"
"Didn't lose them!" The general was wide awake now. "Tell... Tell Anakin... didn't lose them. Took them."
Cody had heard enough of the ribbing that Skywalker gave General Kenobi to know that his general was apparently rather infamous for losing his robes across the galaxy. Delirious, the point that his robes had been taken and not lost seemed to be very important to the general.
"I'll let them know," Cody assured him, and gave up on the robes query.
After that, the general began to lose more of his grip on his surroundings. He became increasingly anxious, muttering about how "they" were going to turn on him, about blood-filled hallways and children dying, about hot, endless sand. Cody tried to get him to drink something, but he refused and kept turning his head away when Cody tried to force the issue. By the time half an hour had gone by, General Kenobi was barely conscious and had turned feverish.
Cody stared at the sky fervently, hoping beyond all measure that the sound he heard was repulsors from the shuttle and not anything else. Please, he thought. He needs help.
Thanks for reading! Requests are currently closed!
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softlymellow · 4 years
abandoned -- J.G (part 1)
pairing: Javier Garcia x reader (the walking dead)
word count: 1.3k
part2: https://softlymellow.tumblr.com/post/642439386705854464/abandoned-jg-part-2
warnings: angst and swearing
You are able to choose dialogue options to make it seem as if you are playing the game. Pick a letter and read the corresponding text that matches that letter. It will not effect the outcome of the story, it’s there to match the theme of the game. 
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The warmth inside my stomach comforted me- a taste of home that I hadn't felt in a long time. An ecstatic joy overcame me once I heard that my lover, Javier García, has returned.
Having David watch over me as if I was an incompetent child is something I didn't want to endure anymore. In all fairness, if something happened to me, I wouldn't know what he would do. I was David's only family for years now -we only knew each other once the world fell- but everything is different now.
Gabe is back. Kate is back. Javier is back.
Not many others could say the same nowadays.
He and Kate have been together on the road for a while now. I wouldn't lie and say that I don't think something happened between them. The affection between them was instantly recognized when we reunited. But the feeling of euphoria was enough for it to fly past me at the moment.
  That was a few days ago now, I could sense something was off between us but it's Javier and I haven't seen him in years. It's foolish to think that things would just go back to the way it was before the Muertos appeared. Heading towards Kate's room to check up on her, I made slow, steady steps outside her closed door.
I could hear muffled talking inside. Looking between the doorknob and the door I then... -------------- CHOOSE AN OPTION AND READ THE CORRESPONDING OUTCOME
A) Knock on the door B) Secretly listen
A) Not wanting to interrupt Kate or any important discussions. I mustered up the courage to knock. Bringing my hand on the wooden door, I knock 3 times. Instantly hearing the voices quiet down, it remains silent for a few seconds. Regretting the decision of interrupting anything, I turn away from the door before hearing someone call out. "Who's there?" I recognize the voice of Javi. Javi? What's he doing there. I awkwardly clear my throat, swaying from side to side.
"It's me, Y/N... I just came to check up on Kate." I waited a few more seconds before the door opened. Javier stood there, staring at me blank in the face.
B) Placing my hand on the door and putting my ear close, I try to listen to their hushed voices. "We have to tell her!" "No Kate. We aren't telling her anything." "But Javi-!" "Y/N's back in my life now and I won't lose her just like I did everyone else."
Stepping back a bit in shock, I gulp and wait. Thoughts started to cloud my head and I could do nothing but think of the worst scenarios. Wanting to listen more, I put my head back on the door. The door creaked open with the sudden force of my ear and my head pressed up against it. "Fuck." I mutter under my breath. Javier and Kate wide-eyed as they watched me, wanting to see my reaction and if I heard or not. Javier took a few cautious steps forward. "Y/n, what are you doing?" --------------
I gave him an uncertain smile. "Sorry if I interrupted anything, I just wanted to see how Kate was."
Kate and Javi shared a look. Kate was sitting in her bed, the side of her stomach was wrapped up in bandages, her hair in a side braid like it always had been. Looking over at Javier and furrowing my eyebrows, I tried to depict what he was thinking. "Y/n, I need to tell you something." Breaking my trance from Javier, I look over at Kate.
"Kate stop, we aren't doing this right now." Javier gave her a stern look, but the determined yet guilty face of Kate was enough to know.
"What exactly are we doing?" I crossed my arms.
"Y/n, after the Muertos appeared, J-Javier and I." Kate looked down at her hands, trying to finish her confession. Javier could do nothing but let her speak, he'd already given up and he would regret it.
Knowing what was coming, I tried to harden myself. Giving the pair a stern stare, but nothing could compare to the real thing.
"W-We loved each other!"
"What the fuck are you two talking about?" I stepped back, shaking my head, eyes glistening.
“Y/n, it was all in the past! If we had known that you were back...” Kate attempted to comfort me but I couldn’t bring myself to look at her.
“Mi amor, it’s not as bad as it sounds.” Javier stepped forward to reach out to me.
----------- A) *Slap him* B) "You're pathetic." C) ...
A) Javier reached out to touch my arm, in a way to get me to listen to him but at that moment I felt so hurt and I wanted nothing more than to be away from him.
I brought my hand up high and slapped Javier across the cheek.
"Y/n!" Kate yelled at me from her bed, trying to stand up. Javier hissed, rubbing his now red cheek, he looked up at my tear-stained face. "You're such a fucking asshole García." I shook my head, stepping back from the now shook boy.
B) Pushing his arm away from me, I felt a burning feeling inside of my chest. The once excitement and joy I received from looking at him, was now diminished.
"You're pathetic, Javier." I glared at him. His heavy eyes watched my every move. He wanted me to be angry. To show him that I wasn't just a second option. That he's wrong. But those 3 words hurt him more than he could imagine.
"Listen to me Y/-"
"Just shut the fuck up!" I clenched my fists so hard, I could almost feel blood.
C) Unable to choke out a response. I stared at them dumbfounded. It couldn't be happening. I waited so long for Javier. I was too idiotic to realize that he would just move on. I felt abandoned. 
"Y/n, I swear to you I had no idea that you were still alive!" He exclaimed, wanting desperately for me to see his side.
I frowned and shook my head, taking slow step backs.
"Please, Y/n... That was in the past and I want nothing but to be with you right now."
--------------- "What would you do if I was with you from the start? Would you still go off with her?"
"W-what? No Y/-" He stumbled on his words, not used to seeing me outraged.
"I spent YEARS looking for you!" I stressed. "And what? You were off fooling around with Kate?" I scoffed. "Did you even try to find me?"
"Of course I did! You were the only thing I could think of!" He defended, "I had to raise two kids, I was lost and hopeless. I saw an opportunity, and I took it."
"Huh, was it that easy now, Javi?" I mocked, reverting my glare to Kate.
"I could've easily gotten with David then, right? I mean, I had no one else!" I took a few angry steps towards Javier, faces inches away.
"But you wouldn't fucking like that, would you now?" I poked his chest hard, eyes glaring.
----------- A) "Fuck you both." B) "I really don't want to talk to either of you right now."
A) "I hope you guys have a bloody great relationship together!" I stepped back, gaze still connected with Javiers.
"After all, you both have my blessings. Fuck you both." I bowed to them, leaving the room and slamming the door shut.
B) Taking a deep breath, I looked between Kate and Javier. Disappointment seething through my eyes. "I don't want to talk to any of you right now."
"Y/n, just wait, please..." Kate spoke quietly, not wanting to anger me any further.  Not letting them get another chance to speak, I walked out of the room and closed the door.
---------- Clenching my fists, and wiping away my tears, I leave the building. I had every right to be mad at both of them. I waited for years to be with Javi only to be told that he had feelings for Kate. Javier trying to stop Kate from telling me to save our relationship only made it worse. If there was one thing I was still certain of, was that I still loved him.
A/N: ahhh yay first imagine, I just made this one up myself. I hope you guys enjoyed the whole “pick your own adventure” kind of thing. it doesn’t really effect the story but I thought it’d be fun to include anyway :) this was kind of short tbh but there will be a part 2 anyways.
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dulce-pjm · 3 years
30 Questions Tag Game
tagged by @softbobamilktae​ my beloved <3333333
name/nickname: call me naomi !! 
star sign: capricorn
height: 5′8″ (and getting closer to chim every day muhaha)
birthday: january 15!
favorite band: ummm bts, txt, twice, every day lol (and like any musical theatre cast ever lol)
time: 8:35 pm 
favorite solo artist: taeyeon, baekhyun, agust d, jhope, rm 
song stuck in your head: signal by twice :))
last movie you watched: the princess diaries !! iconic
free space!: hmmmm i’m giving you a big hug can you feel it !!!!
last show: the great british bake off (paul f*cking hollywood i hate him but i love the show)
when i created this blog: february 2021 (i think?)
what i post: bts fics and weird not quite shitposts?
last thing i googled: huening kai side profile (i was texting a friend it was relevant uh yeah)
other blogs: @naomis-library​ for fic recs !
do i get asks?: sometimes!! and i treasure every single one you guys make my day <3
why i chose my url?: @kidcoredreamz came up with it !! i explained a bit in this tag game
following: 43 blogs :)
followers: more than i deserve !!!
average hours of sleep: um like  5-7? but then i’ll make up for it once a week and sleep like 10 hours lol
lucky number: hmm 7, 10, 15
what am i wearing?: a hoodie and pajama shorts lol (i was dressed cute earlier though haha)
dream job: oh gosh i don’t know still figuring that out lol
favorite food: just one ????? probably my grandma’s cavatelli (alternatively cold pad thai i don’t know i don’t know)
tea or coffee: oh my gosh don’t make me choose >.< i guess tea bc it won’t give me the jitters?
nationality: american 
favorite song: seesaw !!!
top three fictional universes i would like to live in: ugh okay before i decide this is so annoying bc to me my motivation is more the characters and friendships and relationships but i feel like this has to purely like the universe itself so i’m gonna do that and probably explain why for each lol (but also all the worlds seem so scary if you aren’t connected right ahhh !!)
1. harry potter obvs i have always wanted to be a wandmaker !!! i have a fic in the works (she says, having like a bajillion wips and ideas lol) kinda about that but i just think it’s such a cool career and it sounds so rewarding !!! i also just love kids and helping people so i think i’d love it someone pls hire me as a wandmaker 
2. the mcu i guess ??? but i’d spend most of my time wandering nyc looking for a radioactive spider LOL having superpowers is the actual fun part (idk if i wanna be an avenger though that’s a lot of responsibility !!! i like the friendly neighborhood role a lot more i’ll take over for peter parker lol)
3. steven universe !!!! i really hope i could be involved with the gems but like even if not the whole show makes every scene and landscape and location look so gorgeous !!!! i’d love to explore that world if i could, but i’d also be just as content to hang with sadie at the donut shop <3 (but i’d very much like to move in with lapis and peridot at the farm LOL)
okay i went way too in depth with the last question but it was important and my answers would be different if i could like choose my life and friends and stuff haha (i ramble a bit more in the tags lol)
anyway~~~ i’ll tag @hyungieyoongi (sorry if you’ve done it already) and @kidcoredreamz my love <33
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drabblily · 4 years
Bad Confessions
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Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, of course. Fluff. 
Word Count: 2.1k
Synopsis: Y/N seems to have fallen in love with a certain hotheaded blonde, might as well confess and get rejected to move on with it, right?
A/N: First Post! Hope you enjoy <3
Falling in love was scary.
There was nothing gentle about it, hence the “falling” part of it. You were either all in or not in at all. You could be pushed, you could take that jump, or you could accidentally take one certain step and fall to your impeding doom.
And it was so, so fucking terrifying to you. When you fall in love there is supposed to be someone waiting for you at the bottom to catch you, that was the fortunate option. The unfortunate side was that when you fall in love, that person could move at the last second to let you splat to the ground.
You guess, that’s what made you so scared of it. That someone would move to let you die. To be manipulated. To be used like that. It scared the hell out of you.
That was probably why you never noticed the signs when you were in it. The constant checking of a text message to see if he texted you, the sweaty hands and speedy heart whenever he walked by, the overthinking about him, trying to grab his attention by looking pretty.
It was torturous and you thought nothing of it, perhaps you were going crazy, though. Because you definitely should not be feeling like this.
So, you visited the school nurse, Recovery Girl, in hopes that she would cure your unknown disease.
“Hello? Recovery Girl?” You knocked on the open door to alert her that you were there before stepping in.
The old woman turned towards you with a smile on her face, “Hello, Y/N, are you hurt?”
You gulped, fiddling with your fingers, what if she weren’t able to help you? What if it was a fatal deadly disease and you couldn’t be cured no matter what??
“Well…actually, not really. I just think I might be feeling sick and wanted to ask you for your advice on how to help me out with it?”
She patted the hospital bed she had, implying for you to take a seat, so you did.
Recovery Girl silently grabbed her thermometer, going across your forehead to see if you had a temperature. You didn’t, normal temperature. She grabbed a stick and told you to open your mouth and say, “Ahhh…” With her gloves, she felt around your throat to see if there was anything that could hint at you being ill.
Unwrapping her gloves and throwing them out, she finally spoke with that constant smile of hers, “Well I did the minimum and it doesn’t look like you are sick. You don’t have a fever or any signs of a sore throat. Are you sure you feel sick? What are your symptoms exactly?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, there was no way you couldn’t be sick. Oh my god, what if you were right. What if you were uncurable!! Leg slightly bouncing in anxiousness, you told her, “W-well, actually, I think my mind is all fuzzy. I’ve been getting urges to check my phone when we are out of class…I sometimes get really feverish around people and it feels like my stomach is twisting when around somebody…do you think a villain could’ve used their quirk on me to make me feel like this?”
Your elder slightly chuckled, as if she knew a little secret, smiling even wider with a slight tint of pink to her cheeks, “Oh dearie,” She patted your bouncing leg to calm you down, “you sound like you’re in love.”
Your eyes widened, blood rushing throughout your entire face, “What! With who?”
“With whoever you want to be around, or whoever you think about most.” She clasped her hands together, nodding her head to convince you further. You couldn’t believe it though. You? In love? Doubtful, you were a future pro-hero! You had no time for love!
The bell rung, hinting you should be at your first period class soon, “Well, dearie, you better get to class now. You know how your teacher acts when you are late.”
You numbly nodded, jumping off the hospital bed and walking out of the nurse’s room. On your way to class, you felt heavier, your mind racing with ideas of who exactly you could be “in love” with. No one came to mind. It was torturous.
Finally, you made it to class, opening the door—luckily Aizawa-Sensei wasn’t here yet—and walking to your seat. Eyes scanning the chatter filled room, you made eye contact with mean crimson eyeballs, your heart picking up pace and your tummy feeling nauseated again.
“Got somethin’ to say, damn extra!?” His rough voice asked you loudly, looking to pick a fight.
Your bottom lip quivered in realization, breaking eye contact and sitting down in your chair. You put your head on the table between your arms, “No no no no no no…him?? Really? That cannot be true, he’s an asshole for crying out loud, what is wrong with you??”
You felt a loud slam on your table, “Hey! I’m fucking talking to you, dumbass!”
Your head jolted up at the suddenness, your big eyes staring up at your crush and classmate, Bakugo in confusion and sudden fear. Your cheeks flushed and you licked your lips, feeling thirsty out of nowhere now, “I…”
You noticed a deep red dust his ears as he opened his mouth, “Nevermind.”
Heart skipping a beat at his unexpected calmness, your eyes trailed his body as he stomped away to his chair with a slouch in his posture.
You felt a tap on your right shoulder, your close friend, Mina leaning over to whisper to you, “Bakugo’s never that nice to anyone, he’s totally got the hots for you!!” She squealed in excitement.
You choked on your air, sputtering out words, “N-No! I doubt that’s it, he probably just didn’t want to deal with Aizawa-sensei, he could’ve walked in at any second after all…”
The pink alien playfully punched your shoulder whilst giggling, “Hah! Yeah right, he doesn’t care if he gets in trouble, he totally has a crush on you, I can tell!”
You opened your mouth to respond when your teacher walked in with a ‘dead inside’ expression plastered onto his face, the entire class going silent so they wouldn’t get in trouble.
Ever since you found out your crush on your hotheaded classmate two weeks ago, you’ve done your best to avoid him as well as possible. No eye contact, no walking near each other, no talking—which meant also doing your best to not piss him off so you wouldn’t have an excuse to talk to one another. You did whatever you could in hopes of your stupid crush on him to fade away.
But nothing was working. So, you could only come to one reasonable conclusion.
Confess to him. You knew rejection was coming and you just wanted to get it over with so you could wallow in self pity instead.
Maybe that’s why you were here, standing in front of Bakugo Katsuki’s door, a rather large lump caught in your throat as you raised your hand to knock on the door. Swallowing it down, your fist quivered, hesitating to actually knock.
You couldn’t do this. It was way too nerve wracking and you were too much of a coward to actually do it. Placing your hand back down to your side in defeat, you pressed your head on the wall next to his door with a sigh.
“Why can’t I just tell him…” You murmured to yourself, looking down at your hands, imagining his rough ones holding yours. Which was stupid, considering it would never happen, you told yourself, pushing the silly daydreams away.
“What the fuck did you just say, damn extra?”
The sudden voice made you yelp, jumping away only to trip on your own foot and fall straight onto your ass. You groaned at the impact your palms and butt just got, both in extreme pain. You brought your hands up to your line of sight, inspecting how they were red and felt like it burned.
The man above you clicked his tongue in frustration before offering you his hand, “Dumbass. How did you hurt yourself from that?”
“I...” You started, grabbing his hand hesitantly; staring at your hands connected made blood rush to your face, “You scared me. I didn’t see you there.”
The blond snorted, “Idiot. How are you going to become a hero if you just jump from hearing my voice.” He mocked, narrowing his eyes at you before tugging you up and off the ground.
You flushed, reluctantly pulling your hand away from his to cover your face in embarrassment, “Shut up…”
“What the fuck are you doing in this hall anyways?”
“I just, um, you see…”
“Spit it out already, idiot.”
You peeked through your fingers, making eye contact with him, and taking a deep breath, “I just…wanted to tell you something.”
Bakugo crossed his arms—which you couldn’t help but admire how his muscles tensed and moved—raising one annoyed eyebrow at you to signify to continue.
Okay. You had to do this now or never. If you didn’t do it now, youd be a failure, a disgrace. Maybe rejection was what you needed! Maybe if he rejected you, your feelings for the hothead would dissipate and you could focus on more important things, like being a hero. Not fantasizing what kissing your classmate would feel like in the middle of a test.
‘Okay, just spit it out. You can do this’ You told yourself, putting your hands together and gulping.
“Alright, just listen,” You glanced towards him, seriously, hoping he wouldn’t interrupt you until you got your words out so you wouldn’t feel like a fool midway, “I, well to put it simply, I think…I think I like you, a lot. And its terrifying because ive never felt this way about anyone before. But I know you don’t feel the same way, so…please—”
Before you knew what was happening, Bakugo pushed forward, uncrossing his arms to grab ahold of you.
This was different. A lot different than how you expected.
Soft lips captured yours, passionately. You froze up, your mind going haywire trying to figure out what the fuck is happening right now. You noticed two things, does this mean he liked you back? It had to be right? That thought made you dizzy, there was no way this man liked you back. Bakugo fucking Katsuki, no way.
The man in question pulled away, taking note of your flustered expression, smirking at it waiting for you to speak again.
You reached up to touch your lips, still unbelieving that just happened. The second thing you notice was that his lips, oh god. They were heaven. You expected them to be chapped, rough, but it was far from it. Of course! This man would be perfect like this, after all he did seem like one to take care of himself.
Suddenly snapping up to your senses, your eyes widened, “W-what was that!? I said not to interrupt me!”
Katsuki snickered, “Seriously? I just fucking kissed you and you’re thinking about how I interrupted your stupid confession?”
“N-no! The kiss was nice!” His smirk widened. “No! It wasn’t nice, that’s not what I meant! Well, it was nice, I mean I liked it of course! B-but—”
“You’re stupidly cute when you ramble, you know?”
Your breath hitched before reaching over to smack his arm for teasing you, his strong hand catching your wrist and tugging you into his arms, his free hand coming to grip your waist.
“Stop teasing me!” You whined, struggling against his grip to leave your embarrassment.
“Hell no. Its fun to see your expressions when I do.” Bakugo grinned, his grip tightening for a second, “Your confession was ass though.”
You placed your head on his chest, squeezing your eyes shut. You knew it was bad, but he didn’t have to point it out for crying out loud!
You felt the pressure on your wrist disappear only for it to show up on your chin, “Hey, look at me.” His vermillion eyes surprisingly gentle, his tongue coming out to lick his lips.
You were the one to lean in this time, tilting your chin up to kiss him, after all, you didn’t exactly reciprocate it when he did. However, Bakugo immediately responded, his mouth moving against yours with a passion.
After what seemed like an eternity to you—which in reality was about thirty or so seconds—you pulled away, speechless and breathless.
His forehead leaned against yours, his eyes snapping open to make eye contact with you, “I like you too dummy, don’t forget it.”
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leejeongz · 4 years
cravity ideal types- MY OPINION
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🔸i decided to not include an empirical height since we don’t know all of their real heights, i just did it in comparison to them so “shorter” or “taller”, i hope this is okay!🔸
*once legal
serim: 1999-2003*
i think serim would like someone who was shorter than him, but still considered quite tall in society, with long legs. someone who also dressed well would match him perfectly. i think he would want someone who took care of their appearance and presented themselves well at all times. he would probably like someone who never really “dressed down” when they were out, saving it only for when the two of them were alone. i get a feeling he finds the alternative aesthetic attractive on others, including piercings (and tattoos possibly).
in terms of their personality, i think serim would look for someone who would stand by him at all times (when justified) yet would challenge him to better himself. i get the feeling that serim always wants to be number 1 and wouldn’t settle for anything else and so someone that gives him that confidence and tells him where to improve without fear would be perfect. i think he would really like someone who was always smiling too, someone who was content with their life even if they weren’t living the lavish lifestyle that they had dreamed, it would make him feel like he should be happy too and would allow him to appreciate the little things in life that maybe others didn’t. oh also, someone with god tier playlist hehe.
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allen: 1999-2004*
i think allen would want someone who was a similar height to him, maybe a little shorter but he wouldn’t mind, with an athletic build. i feel like he would adore someone who wore a natural look most of the time and appeared quite youthful in their looks. the clothes that they wear wouldn’t really have any effect of allen but seeing someone in colourful clothing would make him subconsciously very happy. i see him with someone who has big eyes and big lips, quite like himself, with pale skin and light hair, shoulder length or shorter. idk why but i think he’d find tattoos kinda hot and would love to learn about their meanings when he was alone with that person.
personality wise, i think allen would want someone who was a little flirtatious and playful, but only to him. he radiates playful energy himself so someone who was also like that would compliment his personality really well, especially when the two of them were alone. i don’t think he would like someone with no goals and no ambitions, i feel he would want to be inspired by his s/o and so they really need to be driven and determined to reach their own goal, whatever that may be. allen would probably find it really cute if they saved a part of themselves for his eyes only, for example if they acted tough in front of others but were actually really sensitive and in touch with their emotions behind closed doors.
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jungmo: 1999-2003*
i don’t think that jungmo would take height into consideration when finding an s/o, but the idea of him with someone taller is so cute in my mind ahhh. i think he would like someone with beauty that is unique but can still be appreciated if that makes sense. he would want the right amount of cute and the right amount of hot in a person, just like himself, but would maybe only reveal one of those things to other people, leaving the other one just for him. hair wise, i think he would like someone with long brown hair that he can play with. i don’t really think he would fall for someone based on looks alone and would probably weigh it wayyy more on personality and attitudes.
like i mentioned before, i think someone with duality would make this boy w e a k. he would appreciate someone with a kind heart but a sharp tongue, someone that wouldn’t be afraid to call someone out on their bs. their humour would be what attracts him the most though, his partner must have a sense of humour that compliments his or else he would feel restricted in what he says or does. i get vibes from him that he is a good listener, so i think he needs someone to talk to too sometimes, someone who could also offer him sensible advice when he needs it. cooking for him is probably the way to his heart and so he would want someone that knows their way around a kitchen.
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woobin: 2001-2005*
i sense woobin would want an s/o who understands him and his values and has a similar mindset to him, it would make communication easier and neither of you would be afraid to overstep any boundaries. i think he would want someone who knows what they want but isn’t afraid of making mistakes along the way, mistakes that they could both learn from together. someone who could show him new things would really spark his interest, he’d want to know more about your passions, especially if they were something he wasn’t too knowledgeable on. learning, to him, is an important part of a relationship and he sees it as quite an intimate aspect.
height wise, i see woobin with someone taller than him, whether that’s a lot or a little, he doesn’t really care. body type isn’t something he cares about either, nor the length of their hair, however, i do think he has a soft spot for mousy brown hair. i don’t really know how to explain this but i think he would like someone who wears neutral colours or house colours that compliments their skin tone, whatever that may be. probably likes people who overdress for every occasion and are a little out there with the style of clothes since the colours aren’t that bold. someone that looks put together is what he finds really attractive and makes him immediately want to learn more about them.
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wonjin: 1999-2003*
i don’t think wonjin would be fussy and wouldn’t have a specific type, instead just going off vibes and the connection he has with the person. because of that, i think someone with a similar mindset would match him well since he feels like he can actually converse with them naturally. i think he’s quite an open minded person and so he wouldn’t care for cultural differences and would love to learn things about the other person’s culture. of course, since he loves to be funny and have a laugh, someone uptight wouldn’t be a great match for him and so he would love it if they could be their goofy selves in front of him. honestly probably just wants someone to vibe with more than anything.
height wise, i think he’d look good with someone shorter than him, it would probably make him feel most comfortable- like i said in a previous post, i think he would like to take the lead in a relationship and would prefer more of a “traditional” relationship. i think he would take an interest in the person’s clothing and would judge someone quite quickly off of their fashion, but is always open to changing his opinion on them. dressing well isn’t necessarily something he looks for, instead someone who is brave with their clothing choices and can pull it off. probably likes people who have their nails done, especially when they do it themselves and they aren’t really long.
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minhee: 2002-2005*
since he’s an absolute g i a n t, i think he would struggle to feel comfortable physically (sharing a bed, cuddling etc) with someone taller or the same height, and so he would therefore like someone shorter (probably without even realising his reasoning lmao). not to mention he would find it insanely cute and would be his favourite topic of conversation. i think he would like someone with long, light brown hair, which is a lil bit wavy, and would find it very attractive if their eye colour was the same as their hair. he would really like it if they had an interest in fashion and could give him tips on how to make his outfits better.
i think he would like someone academically clever, always achieving good grades and reading in their spare time who could help him study sometimes and keep him motivated, but was also a little bit of a scatter brain. would probably fall for the “class president who everyone actually liked” type of person. someone who didn’t think too much into things unless they were really important would make minhee slightly intrigued. he would find it funny hearing their questionable thought processes but could also understand where they were coming from because he is also chaotic asf. little moments like those made him feel closer to that person and made him fall more in love with them.
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hyeongjun: 2001-2003*
okay so, hyeongjun wants to be babied, that’s for certain. i think he’d love a person that was quite motherly, the mum of the group for sure. he’d really admire it if they could help him with things that he struggled with, even if that meant going out of their comfort zone just for him, it would allow him to trust them more. i think he’d be best with an extrovert. at the times when hyeongjun might shy away from things, he would be thankful of someone who could push him forward and make him do things that he might regret not doing later on. since he is sensitive himself, someone who wasn’t sensitive at all might intimidate him and he might feel pressured into acting okay when he isn’t and so i think someone sensitive, like himself, might be more suited to him.
his ideal height for an s/o would probably be shorter, someone who fit the “cute and bubbly” stereotype, while still having some more mature features. i think he would want someone with chubby cheeks and plump lips, both with a pink tint that was more than the average person’s. i don’t think he’d mind about the colour of hair, he might find shorter hair kinda cute tho. i think he would like someone who wore a lot of pastel colours and simple clothes, just like jeans and a tshirts. i think he would prefer someone more feminine.
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taeyoung: 2003-2005*
his worst nightmare would probably be having an s/o who was really introverted and serious and so i think he would like someone carefree and just happy, ya know? he would like it if they were optimistic on every occasion and weren’t that cautious about new things, a risk taker. his ideal partner would be described as fun, simply put, there would be nothing that they wouldn’t try. he would appreciate some sarcasm, just to spice things up. for him i think it would be ideal if there was nothing he couldn’t joke about with them (idk i just get a dark humour vibe from him lmao) so he wouldn’t constantly be worried about what he was saying. obviously, it would be preferable if they had an idea about their future, but i think taeyoung would find it admirable if they were adaptable to any career and he would be supportive of whatever they chose.
in terms of height, i don’t think he would mind too much, perhaps preferring someone his height or a little taller. he would like it if they experimented with their looks, whether that be through their hair, their outfits, their make up, their accessories or all of the above, making them look different from the average joe. i’m not saying taeyoung has a thing for hands, but i think he would notice someone’s hands first and would make a judgement from this. he doesn’t strike me as someone who really cares for their appearance and would more likely fall for someone solely for their personality.
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seongmin: 2002-2004*
i think he would like someone with a balanced mix of feminine and masculine, someone to compliment his mix of both (does that make sense? probably not). i see him being happiest with someone who is quite shy like himself but not exactly introverted. like they would still rather go out than stay at home to have fun but it would only be the two of them most of the time. he wouldn’t want them to be AS shy as him though because how else would he talk to them? i think he would like it if they were more sensitive than him and weren’t afraid to show their emotions, and at the same time made him feel comfortable about showing his emotions. at the end of the day, he just wants someone who accepts him for who he is without trying to change him in a way that he doesn’t want to, he wants to develop into a better person during a relationship.
seongmin having a smaller s/o would be so freaking cute like he could baby them and a g h so yea i think someone smaller would suit him well! i’d say he likes someone with black hair, maybe dyed underneath like a bright pink or blue or something (that’s a thing, right?), i think he’d find that so cool. i think the first thing he notices about someone is their smile and would like to see that person smiling like all the time. someone who radiates cute energy would make seongmin feel so weak he’d have no choice but to fall in love with them.
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peach-pops · 4 years
hello! romantic matchup request for hq and bnha pls :). she/her, bisexual, 5'5, asian, brown eyes, short black bob w dyed underside. i love the song Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now by the Smiths! fave hq team is probably nekoma, i think theyre the most interesting team in terms of in game dynamic/strategy. for bnha, i'd prefer a student. my go to outfits are between 1) DMs, cropped jeans, an oversized sweater / tee, silver chains/rings 2) stitched converse, baggy pants, oversized shirt/hoodie....
i get attached to people v easily and ive been hurt a lot bc of it. i laugh out loud when i read a funny text message. im v straightforward and value communication and honesty in all relationships. i tend to fall for people w confidence&charisma and i'd want my partner to be someone i can have playful banter with. a little dream of mine is getting matching tattoos/piercings w a partner. wouldnt call myself the dumbest or the smartest, but i dont procrastinate. excited to see what you give me!
I’m sorry this took so long but thank you so much for being patient!! Also the song rec AHHH thank you! Matchups are closed!
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I ship you with Lev!
You started out as Nekoma’s manager because Kuroo had convinced you to join and omg Lev would try extra hard to impress you but would fail almost 4/5 times. BUT you can bet on that fifth time, he got your attention in the best way by totally nailing a spike. 
This boy is not shy at all, after your first day as manager, HE HAD THE NERVE to ask you out so easily??? NOW you usually aren’t the type to just go on a date with a dude you don’t really know but you trusted him since Kuroo vouched for him and you’re glad you went on a date with him.
Long story short, you two totally hit it off. You two are always connected at the hip, literally. This fool will never let you go anywhere alone cause he's a bit protective and it’s really sweet. 
Again, I also love pointing this out since you included your height but GIRL!!! He’s a whole foot taller than you so yes piggyback rides are always a thing!
Will always bend down to your height to kiss you cause he doesn’t want you to strain yourself trying to step up on your tippy toes!
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I ship you with Kaminari!
If it’s playful banter you want, you will def get it while dating Kaminari
You will NEVER have a dull moment with him and he is always so on board with anything you have to say cause he adores you
You two would spontaneously get matching tattoos somewhere a bit hidden like on your wrist, ankle, or hip (the design is totally up to you)
Aw and he would be so supportive while ur getting ur tattoo like squeezing your hand and will crack jokes to take ur mind off of it. Lots of reassuring hand kisses!!!
Okay he knows how important school is to you and he totallyyyy gets that. BUT he also likes to mess with you so you can bet he would send you funny text messages or memes to try and make you laugh in class and every.single.time. it works!!! you have to leave ur phone back at the dorms so aizawa doesn’t get mad at you yet again
He loves calling you sunshine, he thinks it’s sooo clever cause of your quirk
Quirk: Sol - you can absorb sunlight and convert it into blasts of light energy 
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Ep. 12: “everyone is feeling pity for me...WHICH IS AMAZING” - Pedro
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I don't think I'm good at survivor lmao. I don't like what it's doing to me. Initially the blindsiding and voting put felt like nothing but it's getting so hard every day. I've known these people for almost a month now and I've grown so close to them. These feelings of paranoia and trying to go after people is just a lot. Also the idea of using people pisses me off. I told Cody and Sarah that my bond with Amy wasn't like that but they still felt as though they needed to try to get Amy "for the numbers" instead of trying to talk to Pedro or something - which annoys me. I don't want to use people for numbers. I don't want to use people at all. My perspective has changed completely. I'm still PLAYING but as I say repeatedly, my connections with humans is more important than an ego boost that comes with winning. Amy finally contacted me again after I asked her whether she was angry with me. She said yes bc I didn't choose her as my closest ally in the previous challenge.  Thanks again James. So basically she saw I chose someone else, but she chose me as her closest ally. And I chose her as the person I trust the most and she chose Maddison? Am I not supposed to be mad at that too? I just miss her. We had such a fun friendship going. Now it's just scrambling and game talk with Sarah and Cody. It's a lot. I'm still not sure whether I want to tell Sarah about my super idol but I'm guessing Cody already had. That's why he's pressurising me to tell Sarah lmao. Also I'm not sure where their heads are at and how they feel about me. Whether they are just keeping me here because of my superidol. Either way, I guess I'm glad to be here. 
Olivia A
Cody has been VERY enthusiastic about the fact that he wants to work closely with me moving forward. In this challenge, however, when given the choice to take away Pedro’s immunity or my immunity, he took away mine!! That was very telling that they are trying to pull Pedro in for numbers and don’t actually want to work with us lol. Kinda stupid of them. 
Pedro keeps scrapping by and is definitely now working with old Hanuha... Pedro! you’re on the bottom with them!! (and us too, oop)
Pedro A
okay everyone is feeling pity for me...WHICH IS AMAZING.....i can use that to get a little further in the game...even tho i still think my days are numbered....BUT I THINK WE MIGHT GET MADDISON´S ass out of game..its my only chance to stay lol
I dedicate this song to Maddison! Alina Baraz - Trust https://youtu.be/Akgs6Lu0AiI I’m so happy I can trust you in this game. I feel it. You really comforted me when Grae and then Ben got their torches snuffed. You have never wronged me and I think I’m a good judge of character. We just click. I’m glad I can just pour all myself out to you and all my game thoughts. You never know when you’re the next one off the skype island and I want you to know everything. I’m not writing your name down in this game. Old Hanuha it’s gonna have to blindside me a 4th time. Lol and I’m closer with Pedro in this game than they realize. So if they try to pull his vote, hopefully I will know. 🤞 I honestly hope I wasn’t too suspicious on last immunity challenge that I never cut your rope. I wish you didn’t get out first round in this one! 😢😟 Aimee
Pedro has really helped pass the time at jury duty today. It’s fun chatting with him about the legal systems in our countries and cracking jokes at each other. Speaking of game for a moment, you can’t just ignore someone in this game like Pedro and treat them like an outcast and then expect to use them when you see fit. I have a genuine connection with him and even now I’m sitting here wondering.... do I save him this vote? There’s a lot to consider. It’s funny how old Hanuha thinks they can just grab any old Maola and work with them. Sorry guys you might be a little bit late to that game. I’ve heard from just about all of them how disingenuous old Hanuha is being. Hahahahaha sorry but I’ve been there with all of old Maola WAY before you have. They can see that I’ve been forthcoming and building relationships for days and not some last minute sketch as hell thing. It truly pays off to not lie or be messy when you have no reason to be. I guess that’s what happens when you’ve been blindsided and left out so much....I had no choice but to adapt my game. Maybe one day you’ll find out what that’s like too? I’ve been thinking so many steps far ahead and predicting potential moves before they happen. It’ll take a lot for them to get an old Maola vote without me knowing about it. https://64.media.tumblr.com/5edf24d4321044ba332b90b161d0f442/587280b4d69b93c7-b5/s400x600/8f010451e459cb39058854d9655031b4bb9b617f.gifv
I know I’m a target again tonight, so its a good thing I have the idol in my pocket.
Olivia A
Maddison found an idol!! We think they are going to go for Maddison so she’ll play it for herself and we’re going to vote Cody out. He might have an idol too, though, so we might switch it to Najwah and hope they don’t expect that. I think we have Aimee with us so if we get Cody or Najwah out we’ll be in the majority. 
So the plan initially was to get Olivia out but Amy L messaged me to tell me that her tribe is trying to get Aimee on board to vote me out? And apparently Pedro is on board with that too. However, Amy wants to get Maddison out but just not right now. And that's problematic because I really wish Amy would work with me. At what point does she want to work with me I don't understand. Also, she's talking to Pedro about her and my alliance and its starting to freak me out. For some reason she thinks I'm at the bottom of my alliance? Sigh. So she told us Olivia has an idol which puts a spanner in the works. It's two hours to tribal and I think I'm about to get blindsided lmao. Unless I vote for Amy, this is a high possibility. If she just came to work with me to get Maddison out, I could protect her but as long as she's part of their alliance, I can't really do much. I honestly wish she'd just vote with us. I don't want to get her out. I wanted an African Queen final. She suggested that we get Maddison or Olivia out and then she, her and Pedro and Maddison start our own alliance and get Cody, Sarah and Aimee out. And then Maddison and it's her, me and Pedro in the final. 💀 I just.. I don't want to betray people to that extent. Yes it's a game but also, it's just a game. I hate that I'll have to write Amy down for this. HATE It and it makes me fucking sad but whyyyyy won't she just work with us. Now she has my fake idol too dammit. We could trick Maddison so easily. Ugh. I just hope she'd change her mind within the next couple of hours. I really don't want to lose the one person I trust in this game. Fuck. While Magnificent Maddison is still in? Our game could definitely go to shit. Who's to say Aimee won't vote with Maddison and Pedro next. Why are we not getting the biggest threat out? I don't understand. Even Amy thinks she's a threat but when it comes doen to it she just never wants to vote her? Whyyyyyy
My video link won’t upload so... I’ll send this in for now. 
For tonight’s vote, the four old Hanuha and Pedro want to vote together and we don’t have too much of a preference who we vote for. But, Naj found out through Amy that Olivia has an idol so we can either make it sound like we are voting Olivia or Maddison and hopefully flush an idol. So I talked to Naj and said I think we may be safer to vote Amy because we know an idol won’t be played on her and Amy won’t vote with or work with Naj completely. Amy is just being a messagener so she’s not really worth keeping around if she won’t work with us. Also, I don’t think Aimee wants to vote Olivia or Maddison. So the plan is to blindside Amy tonight and hopefully nothing crazy happens with advantages.  
Olivia A
Maddison found an idol!! We think they are going to go for Maddison so she’ll play it for herself and we’re going to vote Cody out. He might have an idol too, though, so we might switch it to Najwah and hope they don’t expect that. I think we have Aimee with us so if we get Cody or Najwah out we’ll be in the majority. 
Amy A
There’s so much happening in my personal life and this game is my sanity which is funny because it’s ANYTHING but sane in here. The vote is going bonkers once again. I don’t know what will happen. There are names everywhere. I just hope I survive another night. 
Olivia A
So the official plan is to vote Najwah. Amy told Pedro that we’re voting Cody so hopefully he relays that false info to Hanuha people. He also accidentally sent Amy some messages along the lines of “amy and maddison want me to vote w them but don’t even tell me the plan...” lmao so we have it confirmed that he’s telling Hanuha everything. I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing that Pedro didn’t include me in that/assume I’m working with them. Maybe I am a goat! Not sure. Everything Maddison has done (whom everyone thinks is the big target) is something that I also did. We’ve been working in collaboration literally the whole game and come up with all plans together. That doesn’t feel like a goat to me. 
Pedro A
I'm FUCKING SCAREDDDDD....like I don't trust Maddison and olivia....why would I vote with them...but at the same time...... I would just get 6th and 5th...LIKE COME ON...from the bottom to the powerful position..Idk how much more I can take...IM DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGG KILL ME ALREADY...sorry im literally a psycho ...#streampsycho by red velvet THO....but at the same time...Amy wants me to vote Cody......I CAN'T BE THE LAST MALE IN THE GAME....everyone will come for me
I know I’m a target again tonight, so its a good thing I have the idol in my pocket.
Olivia A
Ahhh now Amy is being sus. She said she started talking to Najwah pretending she was interested in flipping to get info. But she never shared that w Maddison and me while it was happening so that makes me think she was actually interested in flipping. Also she apparently told Najwah that Maddison and I are super close! I don’t like that. I feel like I’m going home tonight. 
Cody A.
Cody A.
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 3: "This is a lying game. You have to be good at lying." - Michael
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It’s sad bitch hours with your boy skinny penis!!!!!!!! Uhm I’m not in a good position I don’t think KSKSKSKSKSKSK Alex told me he, Caeleb, Evan, Jules, and JJ all have a 5 person alliance possibly forming,,, and if you do the math that’s 3/4 of the brigade,,,,, yk,, the one with Jules, JJ, Alex and some irrelevant bitch named ME!!!! Alex is reassuring me saying it’s all for the brigade, but I’m waiting for Jules or JJ to say something about it, or else I’m not gonna feel so good yk??? Like if it’s for the brigade then you should feel comfortable w telling me about it,, like basically all this is telling me is that I’m the most expendable member of the alliance but I die gress,,,,,, Speaking of the brigade idk how I feel about the brigade strategy ? I just feel like there are a lot of moving parts to it, and it lowkey feels like a selfish excuse to have more allies for yourself JSJDJSJSJJSSKS like,,, idk, plus I feel like there are more chances for flipping and I’m like blehhhhh. It’s dumb. Everything’s dumb. I’m dumb. I flopped in the bridge. I’m soooo dumb. Pls destroy me. I’m probs fonna throw this immunity to JJ bc WHILE I LOVE alex’s joking remark about blindsiding him at 18th, I feel like if I try and set it up for a JJ win then it’ll seem like he’s good w everyone and put a target on his back,,, idk!!! Idk. I just want some form of power. I’m hungry. Gimme gimme.
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Omg me and Ali are SOOO close to the idol....!!!! unless its already been taken ugh but I was like almost there today but fell at 90 so he will prob get it which is cool better than anyone else !! altho would still be nice to have it hehe . tho knowing my idol history of wasting and being blindsided with it.. .maybe its for the best not for me to have it LOL
So its kinda awk last round I voted Noah I think most people did so now idek what to say to him ahhh . and now its a double tribal soo hopefully its just a repeat but. after this its prob a swap which is scary but I hope I atleast end up with ali or mitch or even jared, and from the other side my queen willow
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omg Reuben "sandwich" Studdard, american idol season two WINNER helped me get that IDOL
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We shockingly won immunity wow!! That at least saved us from going to tribal and kinda spared Noah if everyone was telling the truth to me before the results.
Then here comes double tribal and first of, it’s good we won immunity on the previous round because the double tribal is screaming a swap next and all tribes will probs be equal in og tribe member numbers. Secondly, if everyone is still in the same page then the target is still Noah.
Honestly tho, I kinda want to target Michael just cuz he threw my name out to Julia. But it’s difficult to go against the consensus even more so because of this twist.
Right now, I’m in an alliance with Jason and Julia which I’m gonna be loyal to. I’ve also got this thing going with Jared where we share information and I think he has something going with Michael? I’m also working my relationship with Ali and Benj, so I’m gonna keep them in my back pocket for now. I’m also a bit close with Mitch. That only leaves Michael and Noah as the people I haven’t really connected with. I mean did talk with Michael about academic and stuff but it’s still hard talking to him hahahaha. Talking to Noah is fine but like from what I’m getting he is the next to go, mainly because Jared and Michael were I think the ones who threw his name out among the others including to me, so it’s hard to become invested to talking to him :((
I’m trying to cover all my bases here, and not be a so oblivious on what’s happening in my tribe. Nicole G is my spirit animal!
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me: I should at least try and keep this idol a secret
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okay so.... its paranoia o'clock and julia is who the clock struck on.
"i think a couple others might put me as 1"
this is what she said when i told her i was putting her top of my list. this is freaking me out, because a) this means others think she is their top ally b) its just.... what? like... julia is obviously connected and this freaks me out.
in other news, my list for the challenge is probs gonna be this: julia > jared > ian > benj > mitch > jason > michael > noah
julia because she is my ally, jared/benj in 2nd and 4th because that is our plan, ian high because king, mitch/jason middle because kings, and then michael and noah because they are my biggest worries.
i think some shenanigans could happen with this challenge and a twist or something, i don't really know what to think. i don't think i want to win, i feel like i've already got a lot of attention from doing good in challenges, if i win this one thats going to get me even more unwanted attention.
but ya, so otherwise... benj is such a king, he is playing the kind of game (at least I think) that i always want to... just super social and nice, and like lowkey strategic. i think earlier on, i made jason my winner pick, i think he might be a lil' bit too inactive, i think i'm feeling ian or benj as a winner pick now. its defo not gonna be me, have you ever SEEN me play, i'm a whole mess.
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okay so... nancy drew hat is on and i'm onto the biggest threat on our tribe. its Ian.
here is the evidence, it comes from two people who freak me out on this tribe. julia and jared.
STAGE 1: Jared sending his list (a choice...?)
This is apparently Jared's list. 1. Ian 2. Ben 3. Jason 4. Ali 5. Michael 6. Julia 7. Mitch 8. Noah
Couple of interesting things here. Jason is high, Ian is VERY high and Julia is low. Already my radar is ping-ping-pinging about Ian being high, because he has been on my radar before, he hasn't got far in games before by fluke, he is smart. Also, I've been feeling for a while (and have been talking to Benj about this), that Jared has other allies, other people he is working with (he is evidently playing multiple sides, but he is obvious so i'm not as fussed). Anyway, so Jared I've felt has been playing other angles, and now Ian is his top choice!
I think I did a smart today too. My 2nd/4th strategy. What it was, was for me/Benj/Jared to put each other 2nd and 4th on our lists, to not sabotage each others' chances of winning, but also not give away our alliance. It had two additional purposes, to allow me to put someone else 1st to build trust, and to see who they put first. Jared put Ian. which... is very interesting. very very interesting. This ties into theory #2
STAGE 2: Julia says Mitch is targeting her....
"Hello!!" - from Ian, at 00:41 "ummm mitch is throwing my name out" - from Julia, at 00:47
okay so this solidifies to me that Ian is defo playing SO smart. When I told Julia she was top of my list, she was.. notably quiet about where I am on hers. And like... i dont care jkalsfda, i don't want to win. But it means, in the very least someone else is first. So with that said, the question is a) who is top b) who told her about mitch. Now I had no idea Mitch was targetting Julia, I think its a dumb, dumb move, since his name has already been thrown out there versus Noah, so he needs to... play a whole lot smarter. But... someone obviously told Julia, and I know it wasn't me, it wasn't Benj (he likes Mitch). I am just now realising as I type this that Jared had Julia about Mitch on his list, so he couldve told her, but I am thinking it was Ian.
I was talking to Julia before her saying Mitch was targeting her. Its only when Ian came online that she knows this? I think Ian is working with everyone, playing it super super smart. I think he is playing all sides, but less blatantly than Jared.
STAGE 3: What the frick-a-frack do I do about this?
Okay so.... an important preface is that... I could be totally, totally misreading the situation. But I have felt since the start that Ian is a better player than he was letting on. But what do I do about it?  Well for starters, I need to look at numbers I know I have. Benj/Jared/Mitch I think are all in my corner, Michael/Jason I could hopefully swing, and Julia is tight with me, Noah.... Noah is tough because he trusts me but also... we like all voted him out last round so we will see what to do about that pickle. So I don't think Ian can make a move on me if he wanted to, and I can't make a move on him.
so we wait. I'm keeping Ian 3rd on my list, because I really really want to keep an eye on him, and wanna get in close. keep your friends close (benj/julia) and your enemies closer (ian). I love Ian, he is a real king, but I'm onto his winner shenanigans, and is he going to march to the end unopposed? Well...
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okay hey freaks. my tribe? decided to all snort from the collective crack pile in the middle and lose their HEADS and its unacceptable. UNACCEPTABLE.
first off, my cracked tin foil ian conspiracy? was CORRECT. benj also trusts ian! ian is playing EVERYONE, I'm on to him and I hope this challenge exposes him! I am ONTO YOU IAN! YOUR TRICKS HAVE BEEN OBSERVED.
in other news? budva tribe has lost their ENTIRE minds, and if we go to a double tribal with durmitor? we are going to fracture faster than you can say '18' (coincidentally also the placement i'm getting).
Here is the break down. Noah told Julia that Mitch threw her under the bus, and Noah wants to work with me & Julia. WHICH CRAP, I do not wanna work with Noah because I already voted for him. And in the grand scheme of things, having voted them out is an exceptionally poor foundation for an alliance.
If Mitch seriously threw out Julia's name to Noah, he is exceptionally foolish. WHY. he has already almost been the vote twice, he needs to just NOT AJKLDFASF. i just.... my tribe is driving me absolutely insane. Jared actually is like... back on this planet and being less scary, but Michael is off recharging in his robo-station and GONE, mitch/noah are losing their minds, Julia is leading charges and Ian is playing TOO WELL.
honeslee if its a combined tribal, budva is going to literally explode. explode.
i want to work with noah if he wants to work with me.... but i literally voted for him, how do I get back from that JKLASD. I also want to work with Mitch but he NEEDS to control his mouth, its causing problems. i just want everyone out except benj/jared/julia/jason, the other 4 can go BYEBYE.
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So apparently Mitch leaked the vote to Noah and was attempting  to vote out Julia. So I talked to Ali, benj, Ian, and Noah about it and we are all voting Mitch. Depending on what happens at immunity 
(Continued) Mich and Michael were gunning for me??! RED ALERTT RED ALERT WEEEEE WOOOOOO WEEE WOOOOOOOO. Luckly I gathered the forces and we had the majority to vote Mitch. I might have managed to convince Michael to vote Mitch (maybe not? We will see tomorrow) but he doesn't trust me. Womp womp. I mean Michael was not in my immediate line of threats so I don't know why he wouldn't trust me. I guess we don't talk much but it seems like I always have to talk him, it's not reciprocal. 
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Okay so it has honestly been a roller coaster.
Following Madeleine's vote I thought that I was going to be in a FABULOUS position, but that was not the case.
Most of the tribe went fucking silent on me. That round brought me to a whole new level of frustration that I can't even DESCRIBE. I was freaking out because I genuinely felt like I was just getting iced out and was going to be eliminated.
As soon as that round from Hell was over, I felt the need to act quickly and harshly to try to improve my position in the game. I took a major gamble by creating 100% false rumor (there wasn't even the slightest bit of truth to it), and took it to Julia. I told her that Mitch had been talking about targeting her to me. Now this was a huge risk because she could've sniffed me out right away, but luckily for me she's kind of nutty and bought it.
With that lie I essentially destroyed whatever alliance Julia and Mitch had. In the process I managed to A) Make Julia feel like she can really trust me to have her back, and B) Increased Mitch's already sizable target to decrease the odds of people coming after me.
I further pushed Mitch's game down the drain by stroking Jared's paranoia that Mitch is plotting against him, but in this case I was actually telling the truth because the truth could be used to my benefit.
So I really have two major goals that I would like to complete within the next 24 hours; 1) Solidify a F3 alliance with Julia & Ali. 2) Send Mitch home.
I suspect that we're going to see a tribe swap after this vote, but just in case we don't swap that soon, I'm already planting VERY subtle, small seeds in people's heads that Matthew should be the next one to go following Mitch.
Overall, the twists being thrown at us early on this season have really forced me to take a much more aggressive, offensive battle strategy. I've essentially found myself in a position where the best way for me to ensure my own survival is to jump on any opportunity to turn my tribemates against eachother.
My hope is that if there IS a tribe swap, it'll benefit me and put me in a more comfortable position where I can lower my profile a bit and stay more under the radar. Obviously it's great to make moves and have some control in the game, but I also know from experience that playing too aggressively for too long is the best way to set myself up to crash and burn.
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Literally people are telling me they’re putting me first on their list ahsjdjsjs ok folks assuming y’all aren’t lying immunity could work!!
The scoop that just came in this morning is apparently Mitch is being one hot mess? Julia told us that Mitch threw her name as a target and then Jared told me Mitch leaked to Noah that he was getting wacked had we lose the puzzles challenge. Naturally this made things quite difficult because Noah was obviously the easy vote but here comes Mitch making a mess out of things.
This morning made me realize that Jared is dangerous. He is calling the shots and I won’t be surprised if he actually faked all this information about Mitch being a mess because he did wanted to go after Mitch the previous round before we all decided with Noah. My alliance with Jason and Julia better keep an eye on him. As much as dangerous Jared is, he still trusts me with information so I ain’t getting rid of him yet, contrary to what our friendly neighbourhood robot/Michael is concocting. Jason told us that Michael wants to make a move against Jared now, and uh no I don’t take orders from a robot and he would just replace Jared with himself as the so called king pin of Budva. I’m gonna relay this info of Michael targeting Jared on the wraps until the time to take out Michael presents itself because bringing my name up will get ur ass burnt!! Assuming there ain’t a swap incoming which the likelihood of a swap occurring is VERY.
Julia told me and Jason she’s already in the 60’s on the bridge and me and Jason are here in the 20’s like ok.
I’m also becoming very close with Ali and Benj. right they’re my back up if we do swap and I’m separated from Julia and Jason.
So in summary of this little rant, the targets are Mitch and Noah. Mitch is the more likely to being the one getting whacked and although I do like the guy, him being messy and with the potential of going rogue is a big liability. Although Noah can also go rouge but at least he ain’t messy!!
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okay so confession time, since its looking like the vote is kind of finalising.
its looking like mitch, and he is such a king, but he also like... kind of did this to himself? i can kind of understand why he did, like he was the Plan B for both of our previous tribals (even though he was never in jeopardy), but like... particularly since i think its kind of obvious we are swapping after this double tribal, he only needed to ride out one more tribal.
but he just did so so much, like first he threw Julia under the bus to Noah and then with Michael started targeting Jared. Like that just isn't smart, like going to the person who was the other potential vote, to throw people under the bus. Noah I'm sure wants to elevate his own standing, and Mitch literally gave him the ammunition to do so?
also like Jared and Julia are maybe two of the louder personalities on our tribe? Like if he wants an easy target to divert attention off himself, Julia apparently isn't great socially, but also like.. its obvious she was going to be able to rally support for herself, as is Jared?!? Like I get Jared is a threat, he is doing a lot and very clearly at that, but a big move like this while maybe justifiable at merge, is just way too early.
so yeah, at the moment I think Mitch will go 7-2, because I could see at least one of Benj or Michael throwing him a pity vote. I really wanted to work with Mitch, but he would just do... too much, like people were mad at him for his weird feud with Madeline, and like... he just needed to take it easy.
for the swap, i'd like to swap onto a tribe with jules, because LEGEND LOVE THEM. i really hope the swap situation is not 4vs4, i want to build trust with the other tribe going into merge. I really hope Thomas doesn't make merge, he makes me SOOOOO nervous.
also idk if i ever confessed about this, but rip david robb. to reuse an emathia joke (a season he will not remember), david robb-ed.
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I’m voting for Willow, and I feel awful because she’s a really sweet girl. But the brigade has to stick to its guns. Willow is the only person excluded from our brigade plan, and especially with a supposed tribe swap coming soon, we need to keep the eight of us as tight as we can be.
Sorry Willow!
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so this round has been an absolute cluster fuck and im really emotionally drained because of it. mitch first of all fuck you, you stupid lying ass bitch. you wanted to throw my name under the fucking bus are you fucking kidding me you idiot??? I HAVE BETTER SOCIAL CONNECTIONS RN. I don't even want the damn thought of me leaving rn as an option like are you serious. fuck you!!!! second of all jared is now a target and i'm literally so stressed I cant think straight. but my goal to get mitch out is hopefully gonna work.
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As far as the rest of the game goes, I’m kinda scared and kinda excited by the prospect of being so beloved by everyone in the game. I was talking with Alex, and apparently everyone that he’s talked to in this game has mentioned how much they love me when asked about how they feel about the tribe. While it’s a big change from being voted out 9-1 for being “Hostile and unapproachable”, it’s scary. What if that makes me a big threat? I hope not. My fate in this game most likely rests on loyalty, which isn’t a great standpoint to have in a game like survivor.
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I’m mitch saying he hasn’t heard anything and Then suddenly saying he’s hearing Jared
Boi what should have been an easy vote for Noah has now become a mess of a vote and your probably gonna be the one hit in the crossfire. Assuming the people who I’ve talked to are being truthful.
Meanwhile Julia, Jason and I have more or less come to a consensus to end Mitch with Julia probably earning Michael’s supposed allegiance since I think Michael is pissed that Mitch had become messy so the robot is now prolly voting mitch and Michael is always talking with Julia?? Idk mess
On a different note, I’m really liking Ali. He’s got a great insight on the status of the game rn and he HAS A DOG!!
Wow at me doing more the 2 confessionals
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Shit literally hits the fan when you’re eating breakfast yeah?
Julia crossed the idol bridge only to discover the idol has been found!! Kudos to whoever did that, I only got to 25. Right now everyone is panicking, mitch could have the idol idk Michael could have idol idk
Right now the plan needs to split the vote between Michael and Mitch. I assume none of them won immunity but the idol is still in question. The potential people to be caught in this mess of crossfire will be either mitch, Michael or Jared. It could also be me or it could also be anyone!! Who knows let’s see if I live to tell the tale!!
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this vote is a mess, and... i am the cause of it KJLSADFAF.
so julia has learnt that the idol has been found, she told jared, who told... literally everyone JKNLASDFASF. but i have the idol, but people are kind of assuming either Michael or Mitch does which... works for me KLSDAF.
But of course people (especially Jared) want to split the votes. Which YIKES, the Budva tribe is dead six feet under after this for sure EEEK. Like literally... we as a tribe voted Noah OUT, and he is gonna be so comfortable after this vote he DID THAT WHAT A KING.
but yes I think Budva tribe is not going to be able to stick together long term. Like after this vote, Michael and Jared are gonna be out for blood. Noah can sense sharks in the water after last tribal. I'm also now really hoping for a swap, people want Jared out, and if we don't swap, Jared has DIRT on me and benj which could be really problematic aklsdfa.
yeah i think tonight the plan is to split the votes between michael and mitch to save jared? who people literally want OUT this is such, SUCH a mess. we are about to swap and everything is literally going to explode oh god.
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omg imagine if noah made up all that stuff mitch apparently told him and he caused all this chaos (well except for the idol, that was defo me KALSDFSA). his MIND, noah is flexing that big brain on us lesser mortals.
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my game is over. jared is going and i want to vote him, but also he will just expose our alliance and idk what we do about that EEEEEEEK.
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I swear this is my fucking last confessional for this round. So jared’s messy ass finally caught up to him and now me and my golden girls are flipping the script! If everything goes accordingly jared’s going?? And Noah is the only left out of the loop probs
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okay i'm going to confess as much as i can, as quick as i can. the vote is now jared and benj & i have a really cracked scheme to make sure he doesn't expose us. noah is being left out of the vote. benj is voting mitch too, so it looks like jared has two votes alongside him and thus he doesn't expose me and benj?
ITS CRACKED AND A MESS. also jared going and the mess is good, it made me look like a REAL follower which is good news i think.. i was worried about looking threatening.
honeslee cut to jared winning immunity and this mess being... even messier KASLFSADF like honestly i'm just. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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also michael truly terrifies me. i'm freaking out about the vote, and he pops in being like 'hear jason out'. LIKE SIRI I KNOW YOU WANT YOUR CHUM MITCH TO STAY, but its VERY unhelpful to just pop in and make it REALLY clear i'm on the outs K;JLSDFA.
i just am so tired. Julia/Benj/Ian are the only ones I trust, Jason too kinda but he defo runs the show. Michael is just confusing and Mitch/Noah are both not gonna trust me after this vote. I'm so getting screwed over in this swap KLASDFSAF I HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
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lookslikechill · 6 years
21 Questions Tag Game
Tagged by @knightsofeclipse
Rules: Answer 21 questions (they don’t have to be the same questions) and tag 21 people who you’d like to get to know better.  You do NOT have to answer the questions if you don’t want to, even if I tagged you.
I changed some of the questions bc I had already answered them on previous tags!!  Also even tho I wasn’t tagged in this today, I enjoy doing this today bc today happens to be my 21st birthday!!
1. Eye Color
2. Favourite composer?
Ohhh, I suppose Danny Elfman, who composed the score for the Black Beauty movie.  (love it)
3. Favourite smell?
I find the smell of fresh baked bread super comforting and pleasant, but I also enjoy fruity and flowery smells, as long as they aren’t too overpowering.
4. Following
I am following 153 blogs and 47 blogs follow this here writeblr!
5. Writing motto
6. Favourite Movie
Well, newly, Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, by a long shot.  It is a MASTERPIECE, OKAY
7. Favourite (Non-English) song?
Still like 50% English, but Pure Love by Arash feat. Helena
8. Favourite (English) song?
Currently? Gotta say Man to Man by Dorian Electra bc it’s so important and awesome
9. Favourite Youtuber
Mmmm I haven’t been using Youtube as much lately but if I was going to go watch something from a particular channel right now it would probably be JackSepticEye, he’s just such a sweetheart
10. Writing quirk?
Gosh, I dunno, run on sentences?  Frequent description of smells and textures?  
11. Top 5 mythical creatures
Unicorns, dragons, seamonsters (the kraken and the like), mermaids, fairies
12. Favourite food
there’s so much food in the world, how dare you ask me to pick a favorite! tomatoes?
13. Favourite (Japanese-anime) character?
Gosh it’s been a while since I’ve watched an anime that wasn’t Attack on Titan, I remember being very fond of a great many characters from Darker than Black though, or at least appreciating their sense of Dramatic Style 
14. Favourite (Non-Japanese-anime) character?
Ahhh, let’s see, Bucky Barnes from the MCU, Hollyhock from Bojack Horseman, Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds, Connor Walsh from How To Get Away With Murder . . . 
15. Favourite (book) character?
Not gonna lie, Lyra from The Golden Compass has really stuck with me as a very interesting and dynamic character (I only ever read the first book tho)
16. Favourite (Original Work) OC?
Oh nooo, don’t make me pick a favoriteeee . . . although if I REALLY have to, I suppose my absolute favorite, edging out over Quince and Clay, would be Alistair, I just feel most connected to him and he’s very easy and enjoyable to write, moody man.
17. Favourite (Fanfiction) OC?
I don’t have any.
18. Favourite Fanfiction (authored by me):
Don’t have any of these either!
19. Favourite Fanfiction (authored by someone else):
oooof, I have no idea, I’ve read so many really amazing fanfictions but I don’t keep track (I really should start keeping track)
20. Favourite Original Story (authored by me):
Daydream Walking, of course, even though it isn’t finished yet!!  The story and characters continue to hold my interest and I w i l l finish this shit, even if it takes me a million years
21. Favourite Original Story (authored by someone else):
I just can’t pick a favorite, but I am most familiar with @transboywrites‘ work in bulk hehe
And I tag: @transboywrites(of course) @requiemesque @cawolters @storyteller-kaelo
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 4X10 Heaven and Hell
hey isn't this one important
boy I sure can't wait to find out how
Uriel why are you so happy about this
Cas: no ur right we're heartless" ??CAS?
Uriel: beats up Dean for Funsies
Cas: just *go sleepy bye* Sam
ah they stick her in Bobby's panic room
Ruby and Dean being civil is kinda fun tbh
Dean Eldest Daughter Syndromes it up: yeah no we're all good
"confusing reality with porn again" WHAT WAS THAT FACE
"nice job watching her" "I'm watching her" pffttt ahaha
I'm glad Pam's doing...ok? after Castiel blinded her?
Dean just got YEETED
the light thing was cool though
aw she was their leader
Fallen Angel HELL YEAH
Dean not a single word you just said made sense
ah the meteorite set up
hey wait how the HELL does Ruby know all the references
Dean: WHY AM I H E R E
heheh the "why would you be human" question ohoho
look I don't get chemistry, but I do get like...Sad Connection?
hey look angels don't feel...HEY W A I T IS THIS WHERE HE GOT THAT IDEA
Dean: I would like to Never Feel Again
Believe or Die
this feels like two soldiers who went through Different Shit talking to each other
wheee absent father parallels
again, I don't get chemistry, it's jUST SAD
grace being pure creation is Neat tho
well this is a severely awkward car ride
"it's like an opening to a bad joke" look he IS right, that's an angel and a demon
I really appreciate how much fucking shorter the girls are compared to the guys, gotta love the Masculinity
ooo the light flickering is a nice touch
the fucking panic on his face about going back to hell oh NOOO
"maybe I don't deserve to be saved" nooo that's the trigger
ah she knows what he did in hell
poor Dean oof
"last night on earth" *deep deep beleaguered sigh*
no seriously people were right, there's no chemistry??
ahhh yes impala sex scene I heard about that one
I...don't know what notes I'm supposed to take from this
aw she at least...tries to protect them both
oop poor Ruby
"he has this weakness....he likes you" AHHHH
~free will
It's so fun how he calls people's bluff though
Dean...Dean damn ur pretty good at lying but you're TERRIFIED
oh good the Girl Torture Scene, how could I forget
....look I don't like that she's naked or being tortured,...but gen is like also very attractive
"Hello Anna" and the smile WAIT NO THAT MAKES ME SAD
of course the demons
what the hell is the hierarchy, who's where, what's happening?
oh good Anna's back
and she killed everyone!
heh according to plan, not bad Sam, not bad
I love the Knowing look Ruby and Dean exchanged
and told him it would stop if he tortured...oh no he said no for thirty yeaRS OH MY GOD
ah the Fear
boy he's REALLY good at repressing things
hey at least he gets to cry, thank god for that cuz JESUS
"I wish I couldn't feel anything" so he didn't have to deal with the pain, ok this makes...a lot of sense
someone please give him a hug
i...wrap up:
2. Yeah I see where the fear comes from. Like Dean messes with fear and showing it, but that's because he feels he has to. Like he's keeping a LOT locked up
and also he thinks he's Tainted and Bad because of what he did in hell, so when anyone knows he Freaks out or does the intimacy or-
Seriously was I NOT Supposed to read it as that? WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO READ IT AS?
3. It was a lot of fun having Sam's plan just be "yeah go FI GHT"
and they played it convincingly too
and having girls around was fun! please keep them around more!!
Also I like how tall the guys are compared to the girls it's so funny
4. I see what people mean when they say Dean and Anna have no chemistry. They have like...a sad bond, but not chemistry
unlike a certain some-[gunshot]
5. Boy this was a lot
0 notes
queenharumiura · 7 years
Valentine’s day memes: [x] Send me…💐: A playlist for our muses ||No longer accepting||
Putting this under readmore for reasons. The ‘we know that Neo talked too much again, huh? That’s why she’s using the readmore’ reasons. 
Note: It’s supposed to be a playlist for both of our muses so I guess it’s like a playlist that kinda sums up their relationship kind of a thing? I’ve never really made playlists before, so this meme is making me do so for the first and second time. Sorry if it’s no good. I tried. This playlist will reflect something that Haru put into a playlist for herself to listen to. 
So this playlist of hers will kinda be all over the place. I think there are themes of her being in denial, coming to terms with her feelings, some feelings of feeling invisible that comes from her onesided feelings of Tsuna, and also just some of her creative imagination--- we know how she can be when she’s in ‘love’. She gets very creative with her puppy love thoughts. 
Namimorianthem (by Hibird/Mi-chan) – There is no video really for that so whoops nolink Anyways. I mean, is it a surprise that it’s here? NamimoriMiddle school is such a big part of Hibari’s life that ironically she’d put itin there. It means a lot to Haru as well since that’s the school that all herfriends went to. It’s at that age that she met everyone. She’s come across manydangerous times and things, but she loves her friends. There may be someregrets every now and again, but she wouldn’t turn around and change it. Shecan’t imagine a life if she hadn’t met them. She treasures her friends a lot,so the anthem (as lame as it is to put in a playlist) will have a spot in herplaylist.
What hurts the most (Cascada) - Just the beginning of the song relates a bit to how Haru feels after getting affiliated with the mafia. It’s tough being alone and being left to wait. The song itself sounds pretty romantic, but Haru translated this song about feeling pain about watching the guys going off to do something dangerous. There’s been many a time she wanted to tell them ‘don’t go’ or ‘why do you have to do this?’ This especially was evident in the TYL arc during the choice arc. Haru and Kyoko wanted to hold the guys back, but instead of saying what they truly wanted to say, they bit their tongues and wished them luck. Instead of this song being sad about what could have been (love), she interprets the song to reflect how she feels when she knows everyone is going off into a danger zone. She’s fine with being left alone. She won’t mind if she’s not treated the best. You can scare or or say mean things to her. You can try to keep her in the dark about things, but nothing will hurt more than being left behind. Having to stay behind and... wait. Anxiously waiting to be told: Someone died. Of course, though Hibari scares her a lot, she still cares about him. She knows he’s strong, but shit happens, yanno? It’s like the stronger someone is, the more they are targeted. She worries about him too when the guys go off into battle. She worries for everyone. 
Invincible (Kelly Clarkson) - This song relates to her one-sided feelings for Tsuna. She was hurt and probably cried a lot, alone. Seeing the way he only paid attention to Kyoko, it made her feel invisible and not as important. She took some time to collect her thoughts and fix her broken heart. After she cried all her tears all alone, she’ll pull herself back together. She’ll be strong and she won’t let it hurt her anymore. That’s what this song means to her. How does this relate to our muses? Well, I could say something like: ‘Well after moving on fro Tsuna she’d likely look somewhere else, right?’ though really I think that it’s an uplifting song for her. If she made a playlist relating to Hibari and her ‘relationship’ with him, a song that relates to her moving away from Tsuna is important to that. Cannot forget about the fact that the title is ‘invincible’ and who would give off that kind of an image? Hibari. Who coincidentally is someone who could make Tsuna cower a lot throughout the series? Hibari. So it’s almost a subconscious notion of: I need to get onto Hibari’s level. I can’t let myself be weak and succumb to the sadness. I should support my friends. It hurts, but I do treasure my friends and if Tsuna-san loves Kyoko and she likes him back, i’ll congratulate them-- no matter how much it hurts me. When I get strong enough and have an invincible heart, I can truly be happy for them from the bottom of my heart. 
Scars to your beautiful (Alessia Cara) - Another song that relates to her feelings post-Tsuna. She tried really hard to get him to like her, to look at her. She was training hard to be a ‘Yamato Nadeshiko’ to be the best ‘mafia bride’ she could be for him. He never really looked at her in favor of Kyoko. After some time of that and realizing how she had no chance at all, it hurt her deep. It started to make her start to question herself. Is there something wrong with her? Is she that undesirable? Once she reaches this stage, she would start to reflect on things. Start to remember things and connect some dots. Remember all the times that Tsuna tried to push her aside or her feelings aside so Kyoko wouldn’t get the wrong idea. The many times she’d try to do something for him and he wouldn’t appreciate it very much, but his tone would change when he found out that Kyoko was also involved in her plans. She’d feel very invisible, unlikable, and just--- worthless. She’s a prideful girl who has a lot of self-worth and self-love, but she is also young and very impressionable. I still think about the ‘Are you really looking at Haru?’ ‘Did you change your lipgloss?’ It kills me all the time. She asked him straight out like omg my baby girl. Of course she’s not dense enough not to notice. She knows but she was still trying her best and she’s realizing that it’s not really going anywhere. 
I won’t say i’m in love (Disney Hercules movie) - I mean the title alone should be enough to explain that this is a song of ‘denial,’ eh? Now, Hibari is ‘surprisingly’ (Haru’s thoughts, don’t look at me) considerate, and that probably caught her interest. Like, wow, someone is actually paying attention to Haru. I’m sure that like previously mentioned she had a bit of emotional and self-confidence issues to deal with after her first puppy love kinda thing. Ahhh young teenagers, yanno? ANYWAYS, I’m very sure there was also a feeling of alienation at times because everyone else was in Namimori. She was the only one that wasn’t. So she could understand when she thought about it logically that people would care for Kyoko more. One of the guardians is her brother, and it’s obvious who Tsuna has a crush on. So he pays attention to her, as does Gokudera as the possible future wife of Juudaime or whatever. So the fact that he’d consider her by returning favors by means of White day gifts or getting her birthday presents and the like would be very surprising to her. She wouldn’t have believed it (if you recall from the first few attempts where she thought it was a trap). He is considerate and he’s got very cute animal friends. A person who is the friend of animals must be a good person, even if they’ve got some violent tendencies. So she may start to form an interest in him from that. I don’t know how credible we think of the Haru interview shorts, but she did say she likes someone who is a bit dangerous and aggressive. I laugh. Certainly, Hibari is ‘dangerous-desu’. Aggressive is definitely also in the equation. Now, she’d already gotten over Tsuna but now she is starting to feel something for Hibari? That would make her seem very easy to move on, no? Thus the denial phase. Also, I mean, he’s a violent ‘hooligan’ so of course she can’t like him... right? She does know he’s not just a ‘violent hooligan’ as she’d term it, but she’s trying really hard not to fall for another person so easily after Tsuna. She has to learn her lesson eventually, yanno? With the lyrics of the song, in the end, she does admit to it and accepts it. So it’s a song that pretty much sums up that part of her feelings.
Listen to your Heart (DHT) - Somewhere down the line, she accepted her feelings and has to come to terms with needing to learn to listen to her heart once more. It led her down the wrong path, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will be the same this time. Though when one thinks of Hibari, you don’t really think of a person who is easily capable of romantic feelings. He’s such a... a... fightophile for a lack of a real word that I can think of. lol So really, she starts to question herself. Did you really start liking Hibari-san? WHHYYYY? Don’t you realize that this seems like even more of a final boss stage than Tsuna was? Can she really trust her heart? Can she really try to keep her feelings like this? So this is a song where she’s accepted her feelings, but she tries to really actually think about it. It’s not like that puppy love thing she had with Tsuna where she didn’t truly try to think of everything. She loved the idea of being in love. She daydreamed a lot, glorifying things. Here, it’s like she’s learned and matured just a bit in regards to the subject of love. Here with this song, it signifies the time when she started to question things. She’s already ready to say goodbye to him. Not like literally, but the love of him she started to harbor if that makes sense at all. So she’s basically preparing herself to say goodbye to this love that she already thinks isn’t going to last very long given his nature. She doesn’t think that it would really go anywhere. So she’s accepting that to hopefully lessen the pain. 
What is love (V Bozeman) - So here is another song of questioning love. It’s just a lil bit different. Here, she’s gone past the phase of her wondering why it is she started to have feelings for him. After she started to have doubts, she’d only have to investigate. She’s an intelligent girl despite her odd actions. She is pretty scholarly, doing her father proud, i’m sure. She does like to test people a lot, like she did with Tsuna a couple of times. I don’t know if she’d so much test Hibari, but she would observe him a lot. I’m sure she’d learn a few things she didn’t know about him before. Just how tender he can be with his animals. See that though he’s scary and dangerous, it does stem from a strong sense of duty and responsibility in a way. He may be violent and thirsty for a fight, that doesn’t mean he’ll fight and hurt everyone. He won’t just start hitting babies/children for no reason. Reborn is an outlier and thus doesn’t count. He doesn’t really show many instances of hurting females either. Adel--- I mean, she’s strong? She had the ability to fight. She was prepared for the battle and it’s only right to fight someone who is determined and has the will to fight till the end. I figure it’s a respect kinda thing and also hello strong person let’s fight. There is a bit more to him than one would think initially. Thinking on this, it gives him more of a dimension. Then you also think about the fact that he’s been kind to her. Sure there’s been times he’s scared her, but there were also many a time he was pretty nice(?) to her as well. He’s not as bad as she thought he was originally. Is he still capable of falling in love with someone? Debatable. Still, by now, she’s not as against the idea of falling for him. It’s not like after she fell out of love with Tsuna that her standards went down. Yes, he’s scary and violent, but there is more to him than that. He’s got honor to him. He repays his debts. He protects those who are weak and the honor of his school. That’s respectable and she does like that about him. So really, what is love? She should already know that there is like a 0.00000001% chance that he could fall in love with her, but why do her feelings persist? Why can’t she give up? Why is it that though they aren’t romantically involved it hurts her when they’re not together. It hurts when he goes on a dangerous mission. If he ever gets hurt, it pains her too. What. Is. Love. A mysterious emotion that still, evades her and causes her pain. Still, she’d already accepted her low chances from the start. She loves him, but from the beginning she’d already known it wouldn’t go anywhere. With Tsuna, she thought with hard work she had a chance. With Hibari, she’s already given up on the idea that there is a chance. At this point, she’s fine with just having these one sided feelings and basically be an admirer. She’s fine with that. 
Unconditionally (Katy Perry) - I guess this song kinda just sums up her feelings on a general level. She may have come to love him, and she’ll do so unconditionally. There is nothing that she needs from him in return. He doesn’t need to return any feelings as she’s already given up on that part. I feel like he would have realized her feelings by this point but I don’t think he’d outright mention it? I feel like he’d just ignore it, and not really do anything about it. It’s not like she’d been trying to do anything. After the Tsuna thing, i’m sure she’s learned to not try to push her feelings out there too much. So the very opposite of last time, instead of pushing her feelings out and letting it be known to the world, she’s keeping it in. She’s internalizing it. Perhaps it’s a bit of a complex after how the last love of hers turned out. She doesn’t feel so comfortable with being so open about it. It also goes back to the whole ‘I can’t believe I moved on from Tsuna-san to one of his guardians’ idea. There is a bit of shame there, I won’t lie.Maybe by the time this song became relevant enough to be added to the playlist, she’d gotten more comfortable being around Hibari, getting a bit closer to him. It could be a one-sided thing. Who knows. Though it was mentioned in the tags of the vday thing for this year that Haru does know how to brighten his day, though he refuses to admit to it. That alone leaves me to believe that their relationship can get to the point that the two come to respect each other and somewhat enjoy each other’s presence. Maybe he won’t look at her and think of her as a nuisance. Maybe she could become a person who he could see in a positive manner. Perhaps Haru has learned even more things about him. Things that many don’t know about him. Who knows? She’s quite the observant little thing and she’s all about having theories and such, after all. Let’s be real at this point, she’s already started theorizing about him, character and all. Why is it that he’s the way he is? Maybe there is more meaning to a lot of his actions? Things like that. By now, she’s comfortable with the idea that she loves him, and is fine with the way things are now. It doesn’t have to go past this. She understands that it would be a difficult thing to bring love into things, especially when the Mafia is involved. It’s dangerous and she’s not much of a fighter. I do HC that she’d eventually try to learn but still I don’t think it’d be an easy learn for her and it would take time. A romance can be a tragic one and she wouldn’t want to put him through that, so she wouldn’t pursue it. Ouch I hurt myself. 
More than words (Maaya Sakamoto) [lyric]- The only Japanese song of the bunch lol. I personally like this song and I think the song sounds pretty. The lyrics are interesting to me as well as the sound of the song itself. It’s very calming and beautiful. To me, it sounds like a song that Haru came to like because it reflects her calm. She’s long since accepted her feelings. She understands a bit more of Hibari than she did to start. She knows that he is not the best kind of person for her. It’s a dangerous love for one, two, he’s not one who is very open with his emotions, and more thoughts, but somehow she finds the feelings she has for Hibari to be soothing to her somehow. Since she’s not really trying to get anything out of it (don’t get me wrong it still hurts her, obviously), but there is a lot less stress when compared to how things were with Tsuna. It’s more relaxing. It’s sort of liberating. The song is light and free sounding, kind of like her feelings on the matter. There are points of the song that sounds a bit sad, and it’s not hard to understand why. It’s a slow and sort of reminiscent sounding to me. Like a Haru that is reflecting on her feelings while in her room, sipping on a cup of tea. I mentioned before there is a bit of her romantic fantasy kinda stuff in here right? It relates back to her ‘theorizing’ things. How she thinks that there is another side to him that people don’t know of. Having freedom is painful for not only herself but possibly also for him. There are questions she wants to ask him. Why are you so obsessed with the school? Why are you so hung up on regulations? Is it a compensation for something? Why are you so against people crowding around you?Is it possible that something happened to you that made you close your heart? Did you lose someone? Did someone betray you? Are you just a socially awkward person who doesn’t know how to relate to other people? Is violence the only thing you know? Is that all you were given? Is the freedom you have now that comes from your displays of violence a throw back to your own life at home? Did you have a tyrannous upbringing? He’s a pretty traditional guy and when you think about the house he lives in, it’s possible he was raised very strictly and what not. So parts of the song relates to her feelings, but it also delves into her thoughts about Hibari himself. Could she help him somehow? Does he feel alone? Does he sometimes crave company? Would it be okay if she offered some of her time for him? Is he someone who is hurting and is secretly crying for help? Who knows. He’s a hard one to understand. He’s a very confusing guy. 
BOY DID I TRY. I really tried hard, okay? I really did. I honestly never really made a playlist before. The first one I ever made was for the meme I posted before this one. OTL So yours is the second playlist i’ve ever made-- in my life. I really hope that I did it properly???? Did I do it right? 
I also wasn’t too sure about how to answer the meme. It was a playlist about our muses and it’s like, i’m not too sure about their relationship. When I thought about it, taking into consideration all their interactions to date and filling in the blank spaces with some HC’s on how I think I’d play Haru’s character, I think things could go down this way. 
I do think it’s possible for him to develop feelings for Hibari and maybe as she comes across different songs, she slowly starts to collect songs into her playlist. Ones that make her reflect on her journey of accepting the fact that she fell for him. 
I hope that this was okay. Hopefully I didn’t do anything wrong like making anything too ooc or anything. I wasn’t really sure what to do so I kinda just went with it. I’m sorry, friend. OTL|||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sorry if it wasn’t any good. I did my best. //lays down. I’ve been working on this for so long, i’m so tired. Let me sleep. 
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tayegi · 7 years
This second chapter made me feel so much of everything, and I admire the OC for being so mature and put her anger aside. I feel sort of ashamed that it's not something I'd do hehe(seems like I need to grow more) I've never felt this way before but somehow your amazing writing makes me feel everything the OC feels! So thank your very much for sparing time to write all of this amazing stuff, even tho you're really busy. Really, thank you. I love you. ♥
Anonymous said:New rules isn't even about the boys for me anymore it's about this lowkey toxic friendship even if they've been friends for years that's the problem. OC couldn't talk to Mijoo about how she really felt not saying she should've told Mijoo to stay away from Jimin but let her know that it really hurt her feelings and Mijoo clearly didn't have a problem putting a boy over friendship. Even if it started with something small like this it could be the downfall to their friendship.
Anonymous said:I just wouldn't be able to trust Mijoo and that kinda ruins the whole friendship right then and there. It's I would think if she was so quick to ruin something for me for her over a guy what else will she do to put herself before me. I know friendships are important most of the time and the reader and Jimin were never together but I just wouldn't be able to associate with her. This is only what the reader is finding out now what else could Mijoo be hiding and I know it might not be that deep pt1
mirajoey said:Fml. I just hate how sweet demure pretty girls who are actual snake. And people keep misunderstanding 'ice queen but true' type of girls. Why do women need to be attractive (pretty) but superficial af to please men? My ex-crush is in relationship with my bestfriend tho😂 she and my other girl keep mocking me for being the only single ass in the group. Idk if they are intentional or not. I'm about to say fuck off bitch whenever they do that. But i'm a softie for friends. So yeah, am i weak?
Anonymous said:i feel like all this hate towards mijoo and the desire to hurt her is exactly how the oc initially reacted, and everyone who had sent in asks about physically hurting her is an instantaneous reaction, but will not actually do so. its kind of like being so angry during an argument with someone that you say things you dont mean. don't take it at heart. im one of the anons who sent in something about hurting her, and i would not in any way physically harm a person. much less a best friend.
Anonymous said:NR 2, Great writing as always. But I wouldnt have been as forgiving, maybe after a day or 2 we could talk things through with her after that. I get why some friendships crumble because of that. Its not because of the guy but because of the betrayal. It would hurt so much more from a friend you trust and have been open with all this. It just means they didnt choose to trust you with the truth and she didnt even admit it after all this time.
Anonymous said:wow that Mijoo... I have two thoughts: 1. "I hate snakeu" and 2. Haven't she heard the phrase, fries before guys? btw I would cut all connections with a "friend" like that. But you are wonderful Lu and never fail to amaze us♡ Thank you for sharing such quality contents so often~ Have a nice day!
Anonymous said:oH MY GOD! New rules 2 had me screeching. Bruh you make me so sad but i love it. Im in emotional turmoil for OC. Im. I just dont know man. Her friends are such asses.
Anonymous said:Ahh new rules hit me so hard, i actually cried! I relate so much to the oc and my own best friend of over 10 years pulled that shit on me and I was so, so hurt that I didn't even cared about the guy anymore but her betrayal really hit me....ahhh anyway that's such a emotional ride!!!! I love your writing 💕
Anonymous said:new rules makes me really sad of how friendships are always regarded as smth less than relationships. and the worst part is people around me would literally question me abt why im so against relationships when im not? i just feel like relationships and friendships are different but equally important.. it's so upsetting to know that friends that you treasure dont treasure you in the same way just because u r not their partner.
Anonymous said:Forgive me if I'm reading way too much into this, but I think the reason Mijo's betrayal brought so many strong emotions in a lot of readers is because most women "dread" something like that happening.. No one wants the "girls hate other girls/pick guys over friendships" stereotype to be true because it IS an awful stereotype, so when it happens (cause some people are awful and some of those people are girls) it's really heartbreaking.. 1/?
Anonymous said:the act alone is terrible but add to it that this proved the stereotype for some people and it can really sting!!I think that's the reason why "Mean Girls" is so popular! It satirizes that feeling and makes it funny/tolerable! The OC is acting in a mature way but given that she's a feminist it can also be that she doesn't want to prove that stereotype and wants to act above it! 2/?
Anonymous said:It's very understandable BUT no one would expect boys/men to be friends after something like that because it WAS hurtful and selfish and awful and Mijoo shouldn't get a pass just because she's a girl and OC wants to prove a point! Remove jimin from the equation and add a job promotion with Mijoo being sneaky and getting it instead of OC for reasons SHE instigated and it should be clear why OC needs to be angry! 3/4
Anonymous said:They should at least argue about it with a line in the sand drawn if it happens again! *not saying you should do that of course, the story is a stroy and should have this kind of layers/complex feelings, I'm talking in a real life scenario I guess* sorry to dump all this on you but it brought so many feelings and I had to write them down!! What do you think? A stretch? 4/4
Anonymous said:There would have been at minimum a month of radio silence from me if I were OC and one of my girl friends pulled a stunt like M.
Anonymous said:To be honest, I feel like maybe how the MC handled Mijoo maybe wasn't the mature thing to do? I guess in the past I always felt like being mature was keeping friends no matter what they pulled, but lately I feel like cutting off toxic friends actually is sometimes the best way to handle things? Like not causing a scene, or anything. It's just that I've come to value trust and respect in my relationships, and after part two I feel like I personally cannot trust or respect her. Just some thoughts!
Anonymous said:how is the OC so patient and... nice ?!!1!1!1 if i were her i’d be a salty ass bitch at mijoo like heck you just stole my crush away from me just because YOU like him. kdndksjsoana i feel aNgEr
Anonymous said:i hope karma fucks mijoo in the ass. i hate everything and i hope jungkook gets his ass whooped too so he can actually act like a human being for once. thanks for writing new rules
Anonymous said:As much as the OC is remarkable for her self sacrifice I feel Jimin had the right to know what happened and Mijoo really needs to know that what she did was not okay. Sure OC didn’t do the wrong thing by throwing a tantrum and ruining Mijoo’s life but I just felt like honest communication is necessary. This brings me to the point that I like how you write realistic stories because in life decisions aren’t so black and white.
Anonymous said:Yes I totally get you Lu. And in all honesty, I wouldn't have forgiven her. I wouldn't have caused that much or big of a scene, but I would have definitely ended my 'friendship' right then and there. It irritated me though that OC even went up to her and touched her asdsfhk. I would have went to sleep. I once had a friend who did the same shit twice. She dated the boys I liked, knowing about my feelings for each of them and then acted innocent. It felt like reading about me. - Reasoning Anon
Anonymous said:And the worst part is that I felt exactly the same way OC did. I just can't be mean to people. No matter how much I despise them. No matter how much they hurt or angered me. Because then I feel so evil, so I let it happen. Then I leash out on other people who never did (Jungkook). I just let them hurt me. And then I feel guilty about having mean thoughts about them. And when OC thought and felt like the asshole, the monster ... man. I already hate this story, go away 😩 - Reasoning Anon
Anonymous said:the oc in new rules is like waaay too kind to her "best friend", why would a "best friend" sabotage a girl's chance to get with a guy who genuinely likes her i still don't understand. it doesn't matter if the "best friend" likes the guy, i am betting the oc is some martyr to be that sacrificial. i would drop my "best friend" if she tried that on me
Anonymous said:LIVID. I'm so angry that Mijoo never gave OC Jimin's confession note, then had the nerve to involve OC as she was stressing over him. I'm frustrated that OC puts Mijoo on a pedestal just bc she's pretty, & seems to see Mijoo as more deserving of happiness than herself. Mijoo is a snake & deserves to be exposed bc she did both Jimin and OC dirty by not giving her his note. She deprived them both of what they wanted, & any relationship she now has w Jimin is tainted by what she did to him a yr ago
Anonymous said:I can only hope that Jimin wakes up and realizes what a snake Mijoo is. With a girl like her, I doubt their relationship can work out (or at least that's what I hope).
Anonymous said:mijoo gotta go
Anonymous said:I'm in love with new rules omg if I found out my best friend hid something like that from me I would be livid I don't know how she kept her cool. Can't wait for the next part! 💖💖💖
Anonymous said:Omg her friend is a snake and she's too forgiving 🤧😫😩 I just want to grab OC's shoulders and shake some sense into her, she's allowed to be angry at her friend, she's deserves to be happy too. I'm excited to see how the rest of this story is gonna develop, I really love all your writing. You have such a way with words that makes me feel like I watching a movie rather than just reading a story. 👌❤️👌
bangtanboys-hoe said:This may be the bitch in me talking but I would've made her feel like shit. I would move out, block her number, and tell Jimin everything. I would've made her life a living hell hole. But this is just a story and I'm too nice of a person to do that.
Anonymous said:okay first how's your day, how you're doing. And second MIJOO IS SUCH A BITCH NO FUCK FHAT. WHAT HAPPENED TO LOYALTY, OC GAVE UP HER LIVE AND MIJOO DECIDED TO TAKE IT DOE SELF. FUCK JIMIN (I love you jimin) BUT BOTH OF THEM FUCK UP THEIR FRIENDSHIP. I couldn't even enjoy the smut I'm so mad. Plus GOOD JOB ON THE NEW CHAPTER! It's really good! Hope you have a good day :)
Anonymous said:Fuck mijoo AHHSGAHHDH WHY WHY WHY
omg im very overwhelmed by the incredible response to ch 2 of new rules and i feel so bad but i srsly cant answer all of your messages. But the intense reactions this fic inspired is so shocking yet understandable. I just hope you all aren’t too upset and that you can have an open mind for the next chapter ^^
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