#Ally Orion
adharastarlight · 2 years
James: I'm gay-
Sirius: Oh, thats fine
James: -for your brother.
Sirius: Go. Back. Into. The. Closet.
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lexi0507 · 4 months
A little thought I had of Starlo being nervous to return home and Orion being a helpful brother
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cupcakerias · 2 months
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more of her. i have ally kabam disease instead of brain there is ALLY KABAM
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threadsun · 1 year
Ooooh thinkin about getting tag teamed by Alan and Allie...
Like they're best friends who share everything, including this cutie with the nice eyes they found wandering in the woods~ there's a little jealousy, but only enough to make them both fuck you harder to try to prove they're the better lover. Enough to make them both all the more desperate and eager when they go down on you to prove they're the most generous. But when it comes to kidnapping you and keeping you all drugged up and compliant in their cabin, they're in full agreement.
They like to bring you out to the woods and let you loose, growling at you to run and giving you a head start before they hunt you down. Sometimes they work together to catch you and then they fuck you together. Other times it's a competition, and to the winner goes the spoils. The other gets chained up and muzzled, forced to watch the winner take you. Though that only makes them rougher with you when they're finally let loose.
Just two loving, obsessive, murderous partners to keep you like their perfect pet forever~
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When A Feminist Doesn't Like Something In An Anime Game They're "Trying To Insert Western Values Into Japanese Culture" Once Again A Reminder How Black Culture And Culture Of Any Kind Are Nothing But Abusive Conservative Weapons. But A Dudebro Is Allowed To Cry How "Annoying" A Woman Or Feminine Man Character Is And How Annoying The Game Is And How All These Woman Characters Should've Actually Died For Being "Annoying" Typical Misogny I Can't Believe Juna From Trails Of Cold Steel Gets Insane Amounts Of Hate We've Seen Piles Up On Piles Of Dudebros Say Her Focus Should've Been Given To Kurt Because She's Woke Wtf Super Abusive And Evil + Kurt's The Boring One Like Rean They're Both Characters That Only Work Around Other Characters And Are Self Inserts And Having 2 With Similar Personalities Makes The Early Game Of 3 Super Boring. Suddenly They Aren't Trying To Insert Western Values Anywhere And Iguess Japan Is Apparently Super Pure And All Feminism Comes From The West. 100% Untrue. One Of The Nastiest And Stupidest Most Ignorant On Purpose Mainstream Popular "Apolitical" But Actually Super Political Things Ever With The End Goal Of Making Everything Misogynistic And Cruel And Depowering Progressive People The Threat To Their Ideology. And The Thing Wanted Them There Wants Them There This Makes Them Dangerous If The Dudebros Overpower The Progressive The Capitalist Thing Will Become More Bigoted. And These Machines Rule Over Things Like Every Single Reddit And Most Youtube Videos. Without Anyone To Take Them Down With Progressive Things.
Juna Is Super Fun I'm Glad She's Feminist Except She Really Wasn't That's Funny How She's Annoying And Should Be Replaced With Kurt When She's The Secondary Protagonist And Rean Makes Speeches All The Time Too And Nobody Cares About That. + She's Badass And Pretty Woke And Epic. I'm Glad They're A Little Woke... Everything Should Become Super Woke And Make Dudebros Super Cry 🔥🔥. Also Woke Marvel (Not Anymore) Last Of Us 2 And Star Wars Sequels (Not Number 3) Are All Epic Woke Wins And We Should Get More. The Hate Is Only Sign The Wokeness Is Working And Anything That Isn't Labeled Woke Anything Praised By Them In Any Way Is Showcase Something's Wrong Perfect Reminder Vaush All The Evil Things Abuser Bigot Is Evil For Having So Many Conservatives Praising Him A "Leftist" That Has Done So Many Bigoted Things...
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Wysfm au
Orion: perhaps we should get a therapist to deal with all of this
Erik: and explain to them that we used to be giant alien robots who tried to kill eachother? I have the slightest feeling they won't believe us
Bumblebee: I've got a plan *takes them to the old human allies*
Rodimus: oh I was going to call Rung
Okay so I'm not sure which human allies to use because if we did like the TFP their not too far away in age but idk it's not a very TFP universe to me and I just don't know which human allies would be good for this situation
Ah yes, exactly who we drop in when we need a therapist to explain the unexplainable to: Rung.
You can maybe? use some of the bayverse human allies, or you can use the g1 allies who I swear they were there sometimes
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ace-and-ranty · 2 years
Liesel and Aadhya are 100% part of the polycule in that IT IS CANON that “school allies” is its own specific kind of relationship for indie kids in this setting. They are all basically queerplatonic partners. It is canon. Naomi said it. Right up there next to marriage.
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cringefaecompilation · 5 months
critical role has basically admitted that they were being hypocritical in silencing and sidestepping concerns about the plight of palestinians being genocided by israelis for months in order to retain "neutrality" (aka not lose sponsorships) and finally put their money where their mouth is and used their relief charity to help out, but dropout is still like "idk what you want from us, we're just a comedy improv group, why are you expecting to us talk about politics? that's weeeeeird" despite being completely fine talking about raising money for multiple other charities. given both of their reputations in the ttrpg community regarding politics this feels like such a flip
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temptedtantrum · 1 year
Hey guys! I have an idea for a Marauders AU that I just cannot get out of my head, so I’ve written a little teaser up. I’ve never written a Marauders fic or a long fic so I’m very unsure how this will go. I’ve been outlining but I got v excited and needed to just start writing so I don’t have it all worked out yet. Looking for thoughts on the concept and for a beta/accountabilibuddy. Anyways, here’s the teaser for the Marauders x I’d Tell You I Love You But Then I’d Have to Kill You by Ally Carter. I’d love honest feedback ❤️
Can’t Spy Me Love
By: TemptedTantrum
James sits in the large bay window overlooking the front drive and feels his excitement build as the first non-descript, government issue, black SUV pulls in.
They’re back. His brothers and sisters are returning.
A bead of relief trickles down James’ spine. Logically, he knew they would come back. In practice though, the waiting is hard and seemingly endless. He’s been trapped in this castle for weeks now with just his mother for company. He loves her, but he’s also a fifteen year old boy and there’s only so much trouble he can get up to on his own.
Just like every other year, he feels his mask begin to slide back into place. He forces the anxiety and doubts away. They have no place in his cover. It’s simple really. James Potter is the golden boy. He’s always cheerful, always friendly, and nothing ever seems to stick to him. Nothing ever gets to him. He’s the headmistress’ son and he knows the castle better than anyone since the founder, Godric, walked the halls. James Potter always has an escape route. All together, his cover protects him. It lets him fade to the background where he can operate unnoticed. Even his closest friends rarely see through it at this point.
Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black are his best friends and roommates, and they have their own covers they hide behind. James grew up with Pete so he has an easier time seeing the soft, sweet boy hidden behind the anxiety and hacking skills. Sirius, on the other hand, was born to be a field agent. His cover is loud, brash, and obnoxious. He wields it almost as proficiently as his knives. His cover allows him to hide in plain sight. Next to him, it’s easy for James to fade away to the background. He’s never said it, but James suspects that’s part of why he draws so much attention to himself. He knows James prefers not to be seen.
Some people might find it odd that they live such lies, but to the Gryffindors, it’s second nature. Even Hogwarts, the castle they live in, holds a thousand secrets. James has spent his time here mapping out the various secret passageways and closed off rooms, but he’ll never find them all.
James continues staring out the window watching the SUVs and limos roll in. He can now hear his classmates loudly discussing their fancy vacations and the newest designer trends as they enter the building. Yes, covers come naturally to them. After all, no one would expect that the rich, stuck up brats at the Gryffindor School for the Exceptionally Talented were actually training to be spies.
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confusedpsychic · 2 years
sometimes i like to think about the fact that i successfully converted my snape apologist boss into a shameless wolfstar and jegulus stan
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lexi0507 · 4 months
Where my background character fans?
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An Orion for the starved
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mydarlingdearestdead · 10 months
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starlytenight · 2 years
So what are the differences between the powersets of Galacta Knight and Orion Knight? I've read Orion Knight can't do portals or that their spears are different, are there other differences?
Ah, not exactly! Orion is the one who really uses portals. Galacta just didn't know that he himself could do that too.
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In the story Gala does it the moment he realizes he could, though he's hesitant to try and use it right away on others (like Meta) since he doesn't know how well that would go and he's a little worried he might screw it up.
Both of them are very capable of doing portals. Orion just knows how to actually do it from years of teaching and being used.
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But yes, their spears are different! Galacta uses Heart Spears while Orion uses Spade Spears.
Their powers are essentially the same save for a few small teensy details that cater to their differing personalities and upbringing.
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I'll explain a bit more under the cut for spoiler reasons:
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As we know Orion is a clone of Galacta. Orion was also subjected to what is effectively Nova-enslavement because the Ancients wanted a Galacta they could control. So, Orion was made and left with Star Dream just before the great fall. Haltmann Works found him and used him against his will, as well as gave him robotic "enhancements." He has extra spikes on the back he can use to attack but also his eyes were modified, so he has extremely good aim.
Galacta on the other hand was given his powers very quickly and isn't as refined in using them as Meta has called out. Galacta has decent aim from his time with Artemis, but he's not as effective without a bow.
Orion was trained with the same wild powers to be a living weapon, so he is precise and deadly.
Galacta had a lot of trouble with him because he has never encountered someone who could actually stand up to him. They are equals, but as mentioned, they have differing skillsets.
Orion is far better with his spears and portals and is also skilled with some levels of melee with his metal claws, Galacta is better with his Tornado Ability, lance and shield, light-blades, and hesitant to hurt someone unless he really has to (compassionate, hence the Heart Spears.) Galacta is more emotionally driven while Orion is more logic-driven/"robotic."
Both also have pretty high stamina and cannot feel pain, so a battle between the two would be brutally lengthy until they couldn't move anymore. Granted, Gala could probably just take the air out of Orion's lungs, but Orion could get enough back to strike and be able to continue the fight but obviously wouldn't be able to do that forever compared to Gala's better grip on wind. Gala just didn't think to do that in the heat of the moment and seeing someone just like himself with all his powers.
Galacta commented in his head that Orion was behaving similarly to how he once had around The Ancients, and that's sort of the idea. Orion is like a Galacta that did not follow his heart and became the weapon they desired, rather than the tender hero he is. We do see some hints of compassion from Orion, but it's so stifled his spears can never become Hearts. They're Spades; reverse hearts. :')
Oh and one major thing with Orion is that he HATES being compared to Gala. Can't say I blame the guy.
Also another fun bit of tidbits:
Orion is a different color than Galacta because Gala is carrying an albino gene! The Ancients just accidentally activated it when they were messing around with cloning Gala.
Haltmann just replaced Orion's original eyes because they were photophobic and "hindering" him. They also gave him the spikes and parts of his brain are cybernetic to connect to Star Dream more effectively since he obviously tried resisting a lot.
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Bonus babs below. :')
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Will they ever get along? Who knows.
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magicalgirloftheday · 2 years
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✧・゚:*Today’s magical girl of the morning is: Magical Girl Allie from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~!✧・゚:*
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celebiii · 2 years
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hee hee >:3
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orionthenightfury · 7 days
I recently discovered that aplatonic identities are a thing. I don't fully understand it, to be honest. But that's okay. I don't have to understand for it to be valid. To any and all aplatonic people who may stumble across my weird little blog, you are welcome and valid. /gen
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