#Also I caved at one point and went to get something to drink
spaceoutdreamer · 1 year
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goldsbitch · 1 month
Our wedding
Y/N and Lando probably went a little too overboard when planning their wedding. She finally looses it when his friend suggests a product placement bucket hat.
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A dream wedding.
Distant palazzo, with acres of private lands to roam around at night. Lavish dress, designed to fit perfectly and re-done three times. Coordinators, who made sure everyone who needed to be invited actually was. And also took care about almost anything one can imagine.
A perfect wedding, that's what they both wanted. Go big or go home. Combining romance, with generously giving everyone they loved, or deemed important, the time of their life. To say that this event was supposed to be extra would be an understatement.
Lando said yes to all of Y/N's wished regarding flower arrangements, menu items and rooming lists. She said yes to all of this ideas about the music, sound systems set up in each part of the venue (because heaven would turn upside down if there had been one quiet spot with no music, according to Lando) and drinks choices. They could not agree on the photographer - so Lando just booked his, and hers option as well. Saving money was not on the table. He knew that the amount of good PR and brand deals the Quadrant team managed to get together was going to pay out in the long run. Everyone loves a wedding.
That's where the first issues started - the amount of people invited grew into higher hundreds. She voiced her point few times, but Lando quickly shut those off with a promise to book a private charter for all friends and family who were coming from her homeland. She caved in and agreed to just few more CEO's she'd never met, as long as they did not share their table.
It was the final two months before the wedding and things could not be more hectic. They had to plan the wedding around Lando's race schedule, so summer break between races it was. Y/N had to juggle her job with all of this planning, so she attended less races than she usually would. Most of the calls she shared with Lando were wedding related and it seemed like his best friend Max took it upon himself to speak on behalf of Lando - so sometimes it felt like she was marrying Max rather than her fiancé. After a total break down she had few days ago, which resulted in her crying on the phone to Lando at 4 am his local time, they agreed she absolutely had to come over to the next race so that they could find some down time.
Having to endure a tiring overnight flight, she finally stepped into the hotel where Lando was staying at. Exhausted, jet-lagged and generally in a bad mood were the main ingredients in the perfect cocktail of "you should just avoid me" Y/N. She finally opened the door to his room and let out a groan. Traveling to see him used to be her favorite thing. A bombastic cherry on top was that she immediately recognized Max's voice coming from the living room. Was this guy staying in the same room as them now?
"Y/N, is that you?" she heard, desperately hoping he hadn't heard her enter in. She felt like a bitch for wishing that, but he was the last person she wanted to see at that point. Her hopes of jumping in the bed and cuddling Lando the first thing coming here dissolved like cotton candy, leaving tooth aches behind.
"Yes, Max, it's me," she said, not even bothering adjusting her tone to something more socially appropriate.
"Great, just on time. Can you come in here? We have some decisions that are becoming pressing matters," he said dryly and added his own frustrated comment quietly "...since someone does not feel like answering emails." She heard that, bit her lip and swallowed all her comments, otherwise she would explode.
"What's up?" she asked, entering the living space. There were dozens of baseball caps and buckets hats laid down on the coffee table with Max and some random young guy towering over them.
"We need you to pick out one of these which you'll be wearing after the reception. I have a great brand deal on the table which I need to close today. So, go ahead - pick one." She could not believe the words coming out of Max's mouth. Was he for real?
"May I ask when did I agree to wearing a baseball cap with my dress right after my wedding?"
Max glanced at her and then rolled his eyes. "Can you just pick one? Lando is on board with this, he'll be wearing this green one," he pointed to objectively very nice stylish item of clothing - but still, it was a bucket hat. Rage levels shot up in Y/N blood steam.
"Max, I'm suppose to be wearing my wedding dress until the evening, that's also in some deal you guys made," she proclaimed, hoping this would finally make him get some sense. "The dress is very classical, I don't think this would fit the vibe."
"Oh, come, we agreed to sticking to the Quadrant Athletes color palette and all of these check that. We want to break the classical vibe up with this."
"I'm sorry, who exactly is we in this scenario? And who the fuck are you?!" she pointed at the guy standing next to Max.
"I'm...I'm the product placement controller," he said in a shy voice.
Her eyes just went wide at that point.
"Y/N, no need to freak out again, you need to create a viral moment to make the brand grow," Max said, as if he was talking about a new merch launch.
And that was the final straw. "I'm getting sick of you guys making my wedding into a Quadrant PR stunt. You need to realize this is my wedding, not yours! The whole event is already dripping with brand deals and promotions, is there nothing out of line to you? Will my mom also have to wear one of these hats? Will force the officiant to wear sneakers? Where will you stop?"
Max stared at her, his own cup finally also full. But unlike her, he spoke calmly - again, giving strong business vibes. "Oh, I'm sorry - I'm sorry I am pulling heaven and Earth to make sure your wedding does not ruin your future husband! I apologize that I seem to be more stressed about this wedding than you are. Sorry for caring and trying to uphold some standard."
"Max, this is all too much! I feel like I'm suffocating," she tried to reason with him once more.
He just had enough at that point. So many little moments of mutual disagreement finally grew on him.
"Yeah, well maybe you're just not suited for this world."
Before she could even take a breath to respond, a familiar voice cut them both off.
"Guys, that's enough I'd say," Lando said as he slowly stepped out the same corridor Y/N had entered moments ago. Both Max and Y/N turned around, knowing they'd have spoken way differently had they known he was there as well.
Max gulped, knowing he stepped over a line and immediately started to apologize. "Mate, I'm sorry, we just sort of lost it. I'm sorry."
Lando glanced at him, his face suddenly hard to read for both his friend and his fiancée. He quickly flashed Y/N a look, seeing the obvious distress finally on his own, in a way the camera on a phone just does not capture. It pained him to see them two fighting, but it pained him more to see her on the verge of crying.
She couldn't find words to apologize to Max. In fact she could barely even see him, as Lando took all of her attention.
"Can you guys leave us for now? I think we need to talk alone," Lando said in a tone so serious that Max hardly remembered last time he'd heard it.
"Yeah, mate. Of course," he said shyly, gesturing to his companion to quickly exit with him.
Once the door finally clicked, Y/N felt like she could get out of her frozen state.
"My god. Lando, I knew it would be a challenge these few months, but I did not expect to grow so far away from you," she said, as the words flew out of her mouth without her being able to control it.
He was more careful with his words, but brave nevertheless. "It's true. I don't think we've even been so distant."
Him acknowledging it just made it real and hurt more.
"Right. At least we have that in common."
There was an awkward silence, something these two hadn't experienced in months.
"Why is Max involved so much?" she asked, hoping that she would not hear anything that would make her biggest fear come true - Lando's lack of desire to marry her.
He took a moment to get his point in the right order. "He's my best friend. This is our wedding. I can't stop focusing on racing, but I want it to be perfect. I'd say not giving him any credit sometimes."
Of course, he was defending him. She wondered if he defended her in front of Max sometimes.
All card on the table. She gulped before uttering the next sentence. "I'm scared that I don't want to go to my own wedding anymore. I feel like an unwanted guest."
They shared a look full of hidden pain. It was impossible to tell, but Lando was scared as never before. "What are you saying...Do you want to call it of??"
She looked back at him, praying that he would understand. "God no, that's the last thing I want to do," she sighed and put her head in her hands. How did it got to a place where he could even assume that? "Marrying you, the love of my life, is my dream. In fact, I'd just like to jump to the moment where I can finally say yes to you."
The air still felt really heavy. "Then let's do just that."
"What do you mean?"
Lando took few steps closer to her, missing her close proximity for the past few weeks. He desperately needed to fix them. "Let's book a wedding for next week in Monaco, just you me and any other people required by the law."
The idea of that seemed silly at first. But the more she thought about it, the more she craved that idea. "So, you want to call the actual wedding off?"
Lando chuckled at the image of them cancelling that at last minute and all the hustle that would bring. "No, silly, not unless you really want to. But who says we can't have a fake ceremony there, celebrate with everyone, while already being married at that point? We don't need to tell anyone, keep the magic for them. We can have two weddings."
It was her time to laugh now. "So because we find organizing one wedding hard, we're going to be doing two now?"
"We are anything but conventional. And if this is news for you then, well...That would mean I'm marrying the queen of delulu. Twice."
The weight of the past weeks was lifted.
"Does this mean I can say "No." at the big wedding?" she teased him, closing the distance between them and holding his hand.
"Not if I'll say "No." first," he winked and quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm not wearing a bucket hat. Just stating that now."
"Oh come, at least one of our weddings," he said as he ruffled her hair. "Wow, I think you need a post airport shower, my love."
"Do not try and change the topic - no bucket hats!" she mumbles as she tried to fix her hair.
"Fine, I'll just get you drunk. You'll wear a bucket hat at one of our weddings one way or another."
It felt so good to just banter with him, like they always did before they got caught up in all the stress. A shot of guilt went through her system, as she flashed back at the whole process so far.
"I should probably apologize to Max," she uttered, avoiding his eye contact once again.
He finally hugged her. "Yeah probably. But...let him rot in his feelings for a moment. I hate when someone makes you upset. Apart from me, of course."
"What makes me upset right now is the alarming amount clothes you're wearing."
"That's my girl!"
They got legally married the following weekend, Lando bribing anyone he could in order for them to skip few spots that were unavailable. The first wedding was secret and full of inappropriate, but honest kisses. The second one was fake, but they slayed it together, as newly married couple. Without the stress of actually getting married, they really enjoyed their wedding. The little secret stayed with them - and Max of course, because he just had to get involved with everything.
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guillotine-drop · 4 months
Ranking New Vegas companions by their alcohol tolerance
Arcade - 6/10: Hear me out, Arcade is a fairly big guy and between his genetics and the work he does, he’s bound to have some weight behind him. Do I think he’s going toe to toe with the average Wrangler patron? No, but I do think you could sit him down with a bottle of wine and by the end he’d be juuuuust tipsy enough to follow you into that Nightstalker cave with minimal complaints.
Boone - 4/10: Despite being a miserable boot boy with a dead wife, I think Boone is on the lower end of alcohol tolerance solely because he’s a sniper; I feel as though the job description means that you can’t exactly be swaying with your shots, so his tolerance would be piss poor. You could probably get him to drink a 12 pack with you, but just watch out: he might start showing a human emotion, and that’ll be uncomfortable for both of you.
Cass - 8/10: There’s something to be said about the fact that you need at least 8 Endurance to be able to beat her at the drinking contest to recruit her. Obviously she can hold her liquor, but I WILL dock points for being sloppy about it. (Girl how did you manage to wake up with a random soldier after the battle??? Don’t you know what your mailman looks like???) Share the whiskey but make sure you loop her belt around a pipe or something so she doesn’t run off.
Veronica - 3/10: I love Veronica. I love her so much. I don’t think she can hold her liquor to save her life. I think Ronnie is a ‘3 drinks and she’s out’ kind of girl. That being said, I also think that she could probably get through most of a box of hard seltzers before she starts feeling it, and I think she’d shotgun them with her Power Fist to be funny.
Raul - 10/10: He’s a ghoul, he’s old, and he’s miserable 95% of the time. I think if you handed him a bottle of Dubious Liquid he wouldn’t even hesitate to drink it. I think he’s drank rubbing alcohol just to see what would happen. I think if you give him a totally intact, unopened, top shelf bottle of tequila, he’d have to excuse himself to the other room for a minute. Definitely the one I’d want to go drinking with.
Lily - 15/10: Mamaw’s 7 feet tall and 500 pounds of sheer muscle with a super mutant metabolism, I don’t even think conventional liquor would affect her tbh. I think she’s drinking that Jacobstown Moonshine that melts spoons and eats through glass. I think she could drink a can of turpentine and it would be like a White Claw. Go grandma, but for the love of god not to the bar. I do NOT have the caps for that.
Rex - 6/10: Okay hear me out (again). He’s an old as hell cyber dog who went through multiple owners, he’s probably got more metal than organs, and the last guys who had him were Elvis impersonators who do fuckall all day but day drink and watch each other do cabaret. You look me in the face and tell me that dog hasn’t had more booze pass through his system than the average wastelander. It’s still only a 6/10 because he shouldn’t be getting it, but are you gonna tell him no? Look at that face. And lower your glass.
ED-E - 0/10: Please do not pour liquor into the orb.
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babygorewhore · 6 months
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Part one
Part two
After text messages from Rafe Cameron who completely ruined your night at his party, he knows every move you make and asserts his intentions through text messages. This starts a game to see how far Rafe will go to make you his, even if that means threats of punishments.
The horny demon took over with this guys. WC. 4,500
Warnings! Not a ton of plot. Dark! Rafe! Stalking! Panty stealing! Perv Rafe! Idk if she’s considered kind of bimbo because she’ caves in easily or what. Take it as you will. Female and male masterbation! Drug use,threats of violence and actual violence! Gun play! BDSM themes! One use of the Daddy! Choking!Degrading! Drinking! Hate fucking! spanking! unprotected sex! Reader is alternative but clothing is relatively generalized so it’s still inclusive. Damn that’s a lot of warnings.
Two days since your last text from Rafe Cameron. He knew about breakfast with John B. You tried not to check your phone as often as you wanted but the anxiety was hard to ignore. It was so insane. He just decided he wanted you after a bet. Why?
You kept tearing apart your room for any sign of a camera, microphone and you even taped the camera of your laptop for good measure. Maybe if you stayed home, that would be the best. But he knew what was going on. How?
John B asked you if you wanted to go to their traditional bonfire with the Pouges. You wanted to say no but maybe spending time with them would deter Rafe from his apparent need to text you vile things. You’d have a barrier. Surely, he couldn’t scare them all off.
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It wasn’t as hot in the evening and you were thankful for that. Sarah gave you an extra pair of flip flops, but she did make sure they were black. You wore them and a black mid thigh dress. It was flowy and comfortable. But it was missing something as you sat down on a beach chair.
You left your underwear at home, on your bed. It was a test. To see if he really was getting in your house or he would go that far. It was a really bold move but you wanted bait him. Maybe if he broke in, you’d have something to report.
“Earth to you-“ A hand waved in front of your face.
“Oh, sorry.” You chuckled and adjusted your skirt. “What were you saying?”
“How are you? Since the whole bet thing happened?” Kie asked and you breathed heavily. This was the last thing you wanted to talk about. Apparently just with the videos disappearing wasn’t enough. “I’m okay. Doubtful I’ll ever swim in a pool again.” You started twirling the end of your hair nervously as time ticked.
No text yet. Maybe this was working. Maybe he was bluffing.
“We’ll kick his ass. Piece a shit picking on a Pouge.” JJ crushed a beer can and glared. “I’m sick of him getting away with it. We need to do something.”
“My brothers crazy. He would probably kill you.” Sarah pointed out and leaned further into John B.
“The fuck he would! He’s just some rich little punk whose never been put in his place.” JJ argued and you started to panic inside.
That was the furthest thing from the truth. You knew Rafe wasn’t just some punk. You didn’t even know him but you trusted your instincts.
“Guys, really. It’s okay. They’re taken down and it’s what I needed. I don’t need protection.” You insisted. God the suspense was killing you. Were you an idiot? Probably.
“Something weird happened today,” John B interrupted, “When I got into the car before her, I had this weird feeling someone was watching me,”
He started but you tuned him out as the night went on. You still didn't mention the texts. You didn’t wanna stir up anymore threats from JJ. You thought about the way he kissed that girl. His big hands roaming all over her hips and ass. It was so wrong for you to think about that considering how much of a dick he was.
But you couldn’t help it.
You were also scared shitless when you closed your bedroom door after you both arrived home, Sarah joining John B. You didn’t want to see that…so you locked your door.
You covered your mouth with both hands when you saw your panties. They were on your pillow and you could see even from here, they were wet and drying on the sides. Your bed was messy, your drawers moved open.
He had been here.
You carefully moved closer, gingerly lifting them. The creamy substance was evident on what it was. He came on it. And from the way it was almost dripping, multiple times. You dropped it on the floor and dug in your dresser.
All your panties were gone. Your mouth was wide open with shock.
You stepped forward, prepared to tell John B that Rafe Cameron broke into his home when your phone finally buzzed.
Frantically you brought it to your face.
“Put them on.”
Oh no. Was he serious? How did he know-there must have been a camera. Where was it?
“Put it on, or I’ll kill him.”
“You wouldn’t.” You speedily responded. Growing angry. How dare he threatened him. Just to get what he wanted in his perverted mind. “That’s a pussy ass threat.”
“Who says it’s a threat? I know exactly where he goes. When he goes. And who he talks too. I know everything about this place. And I know everything about you.”
Chills ran down your spine.
“I don’t believe you.” You started breathing heavier as you clutched at your chest. He wasn’t joking. You knew that. If he was rich enough to afford that house without a second glance, surely he could pull this off.
“You graduated with impressive grades, you’re an only child, you have a habit of reading kinky porn, your parents owned a music store for three decades. John B is your cousin on your Mothers side and you…you’ve only had one boyfriend. Chris. From high school.”
Your knees almost gave out. Everything was true. Not all of those things were even on your instagram. Fuck, not even your FRIENDS knew some of that shit. How did he find out? Did he run some sort of-
“You ran a fucking background check on me?” You typed in all caps, your thumbs slapping on the screen. “ARE YOU INSANE? JUST STOP IT AND DON'T THREATEN JOHN B!”
“Then put them on.”
You weren’t getting out of this. “Okay if I put them on, what then?”
“Lay down on the bed.”
You slithered them on, his cum coating your pussy as you rubbed your thighs together. Maybe it was your own fault with this experiment but he would have done it anyway.
Your back met the top of the covers and you had the image of his leaking cock around the material. Spilling onto the silk and lace. You spread your legs, assuming that’s what he wanted.
“No, you’re not allowed to touch yourself or cum. Not unless I’m inside you with my cock, fingers or tongue. This is just showing your pussy exactly who gets to cum in it. The longer you fight this, I’ll punish you. And I don’t think you’ll like that.”
“Punish me?”
“That’s what I said. If you’re not a good girl, then your little pouge friends are gonna pay. Do you understand me?”
You wanted so badly to tell him to fuck off. “No I don’t speak asshole, I did it. I put them on and now you leave me alone.”
You closed your phone and decided you wouldn’t listen to anything he said. Laying back down, you pulled off the underwear easily and it’s slick smeared on your inner thighs.
You were pent up from sadness, anger and now spite. If he was watching, then you’d put on a fucking show. Spreading your legs, your fingers delicately teasing your cunt and you started circling your clit. You twitched and clenched around the air as your own wetness combined with his. He couldn’t possibly read your thoughts. His muscular arms would hold the headboard as he pounded into you.
You liked challenging him. Secretly, that’s one of the things that made you wet. Talking back to him. Your core tightened as your speed increased before you slipped two small fingers inside, curling them up. They couldn’t reach the spot you wanted. You tried to move at a different angle before settling on just playing with your clit.
You curled up when you came, harder than usual and you bit your lip to keep from making too much noise.
After calming, you hesitated before clicking on your phone.
“Oh, pretty girl. I really wish you wouldn’t do that.”
That was all he said.
Now, you were trembling again. The threat echoed. You started biting your nails. What would happen? What punishment was he talking about?
It wasn’t like he would break in with John B here or would he? He wasn’t concerned about your cousin in the slightest.
You took some initiative. If he knew so much about you, you could return the favor. Have something on him.
You googled his name.
Rafe Cameron, eldest and only son holding Cameron’s name after Ward and Rose Cameron’s passing.
Rafe Cameron, under thirty CEO bringing numbers to the maximum within two years.
You sighed, only getting a superficial history of his age and family line. Huffing, you needed more. There was one option. You went to instagram and found his official and only account. Your mouth went dry. His photos consisted of golf yards, parties and two photos of him wearing a suit next to a giant table in an office that looked like it was in the future.
Absolutely nothing. Nothing to go on. And nothing to rub in his face. Of course.
An idea came to you. Maybe you couldn’t find anything online. But you had an entire group of rebels who could tell you everything you needed to know. You smirked. Finally, you could get back at him.
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“So, John B, was it…hard to be Sarah’s boyfriend? I mean the war between Pouges and Kooks seems pretty intense.” You sat at the dock while he tackled some sort of contraption, working back and forth between boats. It was a half lie when you said you wanted to go with him while he worked.
But you needed information. You didn’t get a text yet but you knew that wasn’t defeat on his part.
“For a while,yeah. Topper made it his mission to come after me. We got into it a few times, then he pushed me. I broke my wrist. Rafe…it’s complicated.”
You quirked an eyebrow, trying not to look too interested. “How?” For good measure, you played with the end of your skirt. All your panties were gone and you were trying not to shift every five seconds.
“Rafe’s crazy. He used to be this out of control, frat boy cocaine addict and he was,” John B stops moving, “Dead set on destroying us. Came at us with guns. He’s dangerous but now he’s got money. All the money.”
Your heart fluttered. And now, Rafe had his sights on you.
“What about their other sister..?”
“She lives with him. He almost shipped her off to boarding school but I guess she’s his one soft spot. Sarah talks to her sometimes. That’s why I was upset you went to that party. They’re bad people. Stay away from him.” His warning makes you nod.
But would he stay away from you?
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A week later, you arrived at the Pouge spot with John B that was even marked by a tree they carved. You carried a cooler of booze as you got closer to the circle but you, John B and Sarah realized Pope and JJ were missing
You were all searching for at least ten minutes now, you called out his name, cupping your hands. “Pope! JJ! Where are you?”
Your converse were getting in the way of the sand and you finally stopped being stubborn, removing them as you maneuver through the woods. You were alone and it felt uncomfortable.
The moon was illuminating your ring clad fingers as a snap of a branch caught your attention. “Pope?”
A large strong hand covered your mouth and you eyes widened, you were being yanked off the ground and carried off. “Mm-he-“ You tried to form words but the hand pressed harder. You kicked, flailed but to no avail.
The assailant dragged you off to a darker corner where you saw a unconscious Pope and JJ lying on the ground as you were pushed against a tree.
Rafe stood in front of you, even in the darkness you could still see the desire and anger in his eyes. “Scream and I’ll kill them.” He growled. “Can I trust you?”
You nodded rapidly, glancing between him and your friends.
“Good girl,” He approved, his hand sliding to your throat. He didn’t even bother wearing black to blend in. His beige shirt was layered with another light jacket and dark jeans.
Rafe’s hair was in his eyes and he leaned in closer. “I told you. I’d punish you if you didn’t do as your told.” Your core fluttered. You knew it shouldn’t but his voice was rasping as his hand tightened. He pulled something out of his pocket.
A pair of red panties. He shoved them into your mouth, far enough you gaged. “Stay fucking still.” You knew if you didn’t listen he would hurt them, he proved that.
Pope and JJ had bruises, swollen eyes and bloody noses. But they were breathing. You started jerking around, trying to gain some sort of release from his hold when Rafe yanked out a gun. You gasped, the sound muffled. “Yeah? You see that?” He pointed it at them. “Do you think I’m kidding?”
Rafe pulled out the panties, a string of drool escaping from your mouth. “Answer me.”
“No-I know you’re not kidding.” Tears came from your eyes but you tried to pull them back.
“My poor little angel, not so tough now, are you?”
“Fuck you-“ Another attempt to defy, fake like you weren’t as scared as you truly were. “You’re bluffing.”
He pressed you harder against the wood. His iron clad muscles pinning you hard enough it hurt. “I really wish you wouldn’t do that.” Then he moved the gun between your shorts. Grazing against your jean covered pussy.
“This is fucking real, princess.” Rafe started smirking. “Move around a little bit. Give me a hint of how well you can bounce on a dick.”
Your face became hot but you obeyed without thinking. You circled your hips, holding your breath and praying the gun wouldn’t go off. He nodded, his lips nearing yours and your mouth parted.
“Rafe-Why? Why are you doing this? Why did you do any of this?” You whimpered as his lips found the sweet spot of your neck. They were warm and soft in contrast to the gun rubbing against your pussy.
“Because you’re mine. That first day I saw you. I was going to have you. John B couldn’t hoard away something that belonged to me.” You wanted to shake your head but he started sucking the connection between your shoulder and neck.
That’s why he stared at you. That’s why he even started the bet in the first place.
“I liked how you stood out with your fucking band shirt and converse you won’t stop wearing. And this,” He pulled back to your displeasure and tapped the gun against your cunt.
“That belongs to me too. I’m gonna walk away, you’re going to yell to your cousin you found them. Feel free to scream and pretend you’re not soaking wet. And you’re going to be a good girl again, aren’t you? You gonna to listen to daddy?”
“Yes.” He stepped away, taking your panties with him. He scanned the scene, nodding behind you.
“Don’t disobey me. This can get so much worse,” With his final warning, Rafe started walking backward before he disappeared.
You waited a few seconds to collect yourself. He teased you but not enough to make you cum. Just enough to mark his territory and scare you.
“J-John B!” You weakly called out. “I found them!”
He arrived in seconds with Sarah right behind him.
John B, Sarah and Kie panicked, trying to wake JJ and Pope. You hastily wiped your face and shook your hair loose.
“I-I just found them like that. I’ve been searching the whole time,” You lied, hoping your voice was steadier than how you felt.
You stayed quiet as they woke by the fire. Your knee bouncing as flashbacks of how the gun felt, Rafes lips. His warnings and worse. How much you liked it.
When no one was looking, too busy planning their wild accusations downfall, you took out your phone. He had texted you.
You pressed your knees together, concealing your phone behind them. “What will it take for you to leave them alone?”
“That’s a dangerous question, little girl.”
You had to change your tactic. The last thing you wanted was for him to actually shoot them.
“When will I see you again? I don’t want you to break in anymore. If you want something, just take it.” Oh no, the words slipped out before you could even think.
Two minutes. Five minutes. Ten minutes went by.
An hour.
“Tomorrow. My house. 8pm. Wear what’s in the box in your bedroom. I’ll have someone pick you up.”
The tense drive home couldn’t have ended sooner as you stepped in your bedroom. Continuing to lie to your cousin about what happened in the woods. You knew he wasn’t stupid. Eventually he would catch on that something was happening. But his life probably depended on it. This was going too far.
You were so stupid for opening the white small box on the center of your bed.
Lifting the lid, your eyes widened as you pulled out a black lace shirt, matching bra, a thong and shorts that would barely cover your ass. Knee socks and connecting garter belts. But the most toe curling item in the box was a pair of black handcuffs. Expensive kind.
You held them to your chest. You’d have to wear something over them to get past John B. Your conscience fought you, insisting to tell John B. Rafe almost killed his friends.
But he felt so good. It was so wrong that it was right. You almost didn’t care right now. He was obsessed with you and you weren’t any better. The way you spent time trying to find information, the way you listened to every word he said. He was breaking you down. You almost didn’t recognize the person you were when you arrived.
Rafe Cameron was intoxicating and you’d only seen him twice.
Third times the charm right?
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He had his own personal fucking driver pick you up the next night. You left when John B was passed out in his room, worn out from a day at the docks. You slipped on an oversized black shirt long enough to hit your thighs as you climbed into the car. You were disappointed that there were no texts today but you had a feeling he was going to make up for it. Or else you’d face another punishment.
The drive was quiet but when you arrived at his house it wasn’t. Another wild party scene was before you, the same changing colored lights on the outside and consistently bright on the balcony. As you got out of the car and started walking, this time wearing your high heels. Only this time you were wearing a hand selected piece from the King Of Kooks.
You hoped you could slip in easily through the front door silently but someone opened the door. He was shorter than Rafe, dark brown hair, wearing a wife beater and shorts. “My bad, come on in.” He ushered you in with a wave and you cringed.
Obviously he knew you. Whether from Rafe or the videos.
“And you’re…?”
“Just like Country club not to mention anyone else. Barry.” He gave you a nod. “He’s up there.”
You couldn’t help but shiver as everyone was dancing, drinking and making their way to the outdoor pool. You understood this could be another set up.
Barry dipped a hand into his pocket, pulling out a bag full of cocaine, apparently offering you some.
“I’ll pass,” You declined and forced yourself to smile and calm your nerves. You could do this. You had too
You wanted too.
Climbing the stairs in high heels was difficult enough but fighting a crowd made it even harder. You couldn’t hardly concentrate and you had the urge to plug your ears to muffle the noise.
Once you reached the top, close to the balcony, your phone buzzed. Embarrassingly, you yanked it out of your clutch.
“Colder.” You jerked your head around, looking for any sign of him. No one. He wasn’t here. No one looked even close to him.
You went left towards another lounge, peering inside the darker room where they were dancing.
“Even colder.”
Okay, you were very clearly not in the right direction.
But you needed something to give you a boost. Marching towards a brunette young man holding two cups, you reached out your hand. “Can I have that?” He stammered but handed it over.
Without even knowing the content, you gulped it down before gagging. Whatever concoction was strong and had you coughing.
But then you took the other one. “Hey!” He protested but you ignored him, going to the opposite side.
You threw them both on the ground, a surge of electricity going through your veins.
“Warmer.” It said when you fished out your phone from your bra.
You resisted wiping your mouth, not wanting to ruin your makeup. Your legs carried you down a hallway, the noise growing into a quieter thump against the walls. There were no photos. Almost no signs of living if you imagined the guests gone. The clacking of your shoes neared the first door.
“Hot. Almost there.”
Swallowing, you walked past the second door.
You breathed like you were blowing out a candle as you drew to the third door.
“Open it, pretty girl.”
The alcohol must have given you an extra boost as you opened the door roughly, your lips forming a natural pout as you took in Rafe standing beside a bed. He was wearing a three quarter length white shirt with small strips and the same dark jeans as he did in the woods. His hair was messy, like he constantly ran his fingers through it.
His entire body radiated danger, lust and control.
But his eyes held a fire, one you were terrified and eager to provoke.
To the right of him was a large desk with several monitors and a laptop. Your mouth parted into a gasp when you saw they were all live feeds.
One of them was outside your room, the others were at the docks and the rest were of his own home. That’s how he was watching you.
“You-you’ve really been stalking me.” You whispered.
“It’s really not that hard. You make it too easy.” He mused with a low voice. “But I’m-I’m having a hard time understanding why you’re wearing something other than what I gave you.”
“Don’t change the subject, Rafe. This isn’t okay. You’re going to stop. I did everything you wanted. Now you leave John b and the rest alone.” Your voice wasn’t steady. From nervousness and the drinks.
And he knew that from the way a smirk formed on his pink lips. “But not you?” He clicked his tongue. “Naughty girl. You don’t want me to leave you alone. I didn’t forget our last…meeting.” His eyes lingered around your hips. “With a gun to your pussy.”
“No, no, stop. I don’t know-I don’t like you.”
Rafe only stepped closer, inching towards you. “Your body does.. Your pussy love our little games. You’ve had so many chances to run. Not that they would work-“ He chuckled darkly. “But you’re doing everything I want you too.”
His hand shot out and ripped the shirt in half. You shrieked, your legs almost buckling as your body was exposed. Rafes breathed in the scent of your perfume as he roamed with his fingers the lingerie, his palms falling to your tits, squeezing before he gripped your waist and spun you around. Your ass against his cock.
“Move like you bounced on my gun,” He ordered against your ear, his warm breath and you could feel his lips trace the side of your jaw.
All your thoughts disappeared as he guided you to grind against him, your pussy dampening the material as your eyes drifted shut. His own breathing quickened as your hand flew behind to palm him.
“Dirty slut, you’re so scared but I know you’re fucking dripping.” He was so tall that he could slip his hand easily between your legs and gather the slick leaking from your center. He then shoved it in your mouth, forcing you to suck.
“That’s all fucking mine, I don’t care if you hate me. I want you to fucking hate me. You like that I stalked you. Watch you, that I know everything.” He was growing more aggressive as he threw you face down on the bed, ripping off your shorts, he slapped your ass hard enough you jolted.
You heard his belt and pants drop as he manhandled you, wrapping your hair around his free hand as you felt his dick line up to your pussy. “Say you hate me,” He spat and slammed into you without warning.
You almost screamed from the stretch and fullness as he thrusted into you. You couldn’t even breathe from the hold he had on your hair, as you started rubbing your clit. “I-“ You tried, barely managing to squeak.
“Say it!” He yelled, slapping your ass again and you fell on your hands.
“I hate you!” You gasped for air and he pushed your head down. “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!”
Your core clenched around him as your stomach tightened, you were so close, so fucking close. Rafe moaned deeply, his movements slowing but still brutal.
He spilled into you and you came right after. Sweat dripped from your face as you jerked. Your mouth was still open, spit gathering and you wiped it off. Your breathing slowed as he pulled out, releasing you to flop on the mattress. Your makeup stains the white comforter.
Trying to calm down and assess the situation you got yourself into, you heard Rafe clear his throat in an expected manner.
You crawled around as he pulled up his pants. “I hope you liked that, because that’s the last time you get to cum tonight.”
“You forgot to bring the handcuffs.” You almost fainted. Half from being cock drunk, still spilling from both fluids and half from horror.
Rafe only gave you a very threatening smile. “But don’t worry. No one is getting through that door. And besides, even if they tried, I can see every move they make.” He pointed to the monitors.
“I’m nowhere done with you yet.”
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Tagging @scene-and-dandylover @xxhellfirebunnyxx @drewstarkeyslut @daivny @slvt4jamesmarch @imyourdaninow @ifeeltoofuckingmuch @chrrymunson @take-everything-you-can @reidsbtch
Please let me know if I forgot anyone! Comment if you wanna be tagged in future Rafe or all my fics!
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lazycats-stuff · 9 months
Could you do one where batfam and batbro!reader are on a mission and reader gets hit with something that temporarily makes him half cat? Like ears, tail, teeth, stuff like that?
Sure thing anon. My poor reader... And also it seems that I'm in short oneshots era.
Summary: (Y/N) gets turn into a half cat.
Warnings: Cat features, but only temporarily, cat behavior, cursing.
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The family was on a mission together. They were hunting down a crazy scientist. (Y/N) was reminded of Lazlo Valentine or professor Pyg if you will. He didn't like any of this and he did voice his concerns. Bruce knew that he needed everyone on this mission, no matter the personal concerns.
Bruce had a suspicion that the scientist did human experiments and his role model was Josef Mengele, the infamous Nazi doctor. Bruce knew what the doctor did and he knew that (Y/N) was clearly uncomfortable with the mission itself. He hated human experiments and he was deathly afraid of them.
(Y/N) and Bruce were going through the vents, while Damian and Jason distracted the scientist. Bruce and (Y/N) got out and walked quietly behind the mad scientist. Bruce got him down and they all managed to restrain him.
It was a great feeling.
But only for a moment. They didn't account for the fact that his victims would fight against them. Bruce didn't see a random man pointing what could be considered a laser. (Y/N) saw that it would be to late for him to duck so he jumped in front of him.
Bruce wanted to scream at him, but he couldn't get anything out. Time stopped and Jason tackled the victim down. (Y/N) felt very warm and weird.
" Hey! Are you okay? " Damian asked, crouching down next to him. (Y/N) was in a daze, clearly not looking good.
Time to travel back to the cave. Bruce stayed back with Jason, while the others started driving back to the cave. Well, Dick was driving. Now there was a chance they could make it in one piece.
Alfred checked him out and he was fine. Well, that was until he woke up and went to the bathroom.
He let out a manly scream as he took in his appearance. He had black cat ears and his teeth were sharper. He paled and had to sit down on the toilet. Okay...
It was going to be okay.
A knock on the door made him jump. Nope.
" (Y/N), are you okay? " Bruce asked. " I heard you scream. "
" Well- "
" Are you decent? " Bruce asked, the door knob moving.
" Yes, but don't come in! "
But it was too late already. Bruce came in and his jaw dropped down a little. (Y/N) cringed.
" Umm... Okay, I wanted to tell you that the laser effect will be gone in a week. " Bruce started, walking closer to (Y/N). He reached for (Y/N)'s new ears, gently touching them.
(Y/N) didn't expect to like it so he purred instinctually. Bruce and (Y/N) looked at one another in shock. What the fuck?
" Bruce... "
" I know. But what you need to do is eat now. Come on. " Bruce said, leading (Y/N) to the dining room. (Y/N) was anxious for about 10 people.
And once they did come, the reactions were... Well, Jason spat out the water he was drinking, Tim looked at his coffee as if it was spiked, Damian's jaw dropped a little and Dick just raised his eyebrows.
" He will be back to normal in about a week. " Bruce explained and (Y/N) sat down. He sighed, rubbing his face.
Jason just smirked to himself, thinking about all of the ways that he was going to make things worthwhile.
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winchester-girl67 · 2 years
Imagine... Wearing Dean's Boxers
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Requested by anonymous: “Hi , idk if we can request but can i have a dean or Sam x reader. Where she comes out of the bedroom in his boxers with just a bra on and everyone (aka cas , jack etc.) just observe her because she hasnt notice them yet and dean/sam is just stunned. She probaly just came for water . Plz and thank you . Is it possible i can be tag also . No rush.”
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 828
Warnings: language, implied smut, talks of safe sex and procreation, mostly fluff
A/N: I kind of love Cas and Jack in this one :) Enjoy!
Sam nudged Dean with his foot under the table when you walked into the kitchen. Cas and Jack watched as you made a beeline for the cupboard and reached up on your tip-toes to grab a glass from the top shelf.
Sam kept rearranging everything every time you left for a hunt and you just got back from a solo one last night. He thought the mugs should be lower since they were used for coffee more often, but you didn't drink coffee and hated having to stretch up for the glasses. Next time he left you’d switch it all back again. You weren’t the one who was gonna cave first.
Dean cleared his throat and you fumbled the glass in your hands, catching it before it hit the countertop. You shot him a dirty look for scaring you and started again when you spotted the boys. Cas and Jack watched with curious expressions while Sam avoided all eye contact and turned beet red.
You had a kind of will-they-won’t-they relationship going on with Dean since you’d moved into the bunker and last night after a close call with a demon, you finally did. But you weren’t expecting the others to find out this way. Standing in the kitchen dressed in your good bra and Dean’s Scooby-Doo boxers which hugged your hips and the gentle curve of your thighs.
You wrapped an arm around your bare stomach wishing you had stopped to change in your room first, but it was in the opposite direction of the kitchen and you were damn thirsty after the late night’s more amorous activities.
Fuck it, you thought after a moment of self-consciousness and went back to filling your glass with ice cold tap water. You chugged it down and wiped your chin before refilling it again; a few droplets hit your chest and ran down the valley of your breasts. You made a satisfying ‘Ah’ sound and placed the glass in the sink.
Dean was biting his lip when you turned back to face the boys who were sitting at the table with breakfast laid out in front of them. Jack had some sort of chocolatey cereal, Sam had a kale salad of course, and Dean had a plate stacked full of just bacon. You sauntered over and stole the crispy piece Dean had in his hand and smiled.
Dean huffed and frowned and Sam chuckled as he pushed around his kale and vinaigrette. That’s when you noticed Jack staring at your chest and you scrunched your forehead in return.
"What's that?" He asked before you could snap at him for being rude, although you knew he didn’t know any better especially with Dean as a role model. "Did you get hurt?" He pointed to the purple splotch above your clavicle.
And it was your turn to turn all rosy as you shook your head. "Uh, Dean, you wanna answer this one?" It was a hickey, a lover’s bite; Dean’s mark to be exact.
"Nope, I'm good." He said, shoving a piece of bacon in his mouth and grinning up at you as he subtly eyed his handiwork. It wasn’t the only one, but it was the darkest one.
Jack looked confused, “Why would Dean know what happened?" He asked you but then furrowed his brow at Dean who just shrugged.
"I think this has something to do with the giggling and provocative language we heard coming from his bedroom last night." Cas explained, “They're marks of mating."
"Thank you, Cas." Dean said around a mouthful of half chewed bacon and coughed when he inhaled a piece.
Cas slapped him on the back, dislodging the bacon. “You're welcome." He said, missing the sarcasm in Dean’s voice.
“Wait,” Jack raised his hand and thought for a moment, “Am I going to be a big brother? Just like Dean?!”
“Uh, Dean?” You said, not wanting to answer.
You were hardly there in your relationship yet. If it was a relationship, you and Dean hadn’t hammered out the details. Though you hammered out a few other things…
Dean cleared his throat, “Cas?”
Cas took the opportunity to explain again, “Yes, it is my understanding that mating leads to procreation.”
Jack beamed at the thought and bounced in his seat like a giddy child. Sam snorted and spit out the bite of kale he just took. He laughed, clearly and thoroughly enjoying himself at yours and his brother’s expense.
You and Dean had taken the necessary precautions and someone was going to have to explain that to Jack and probably Cas too; but that sure as hell wasn’t going to be you. That sounded more like a Dean job.
“Oh my gosh,” you sighed into your palm and shook your head.
Sure, the night before was like you and Dean were making up for lost time, but you never thought you’d be the one things were moving too fast for. Though, there’s a first for everything.
_________________________ Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278 @laycblack @thoughts-and-funnies @mrsjenniferwinchester @crustycheeks @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @lyarr24 @suckitands33  @eliwinchester99 @yvonneeeee @igotmajordaddyissues @djs8891
Forever SPN: @hobby27
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witchthewriter · 1 month
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: I'm rewatching Gilmore Girls for the thousandths time and ... my crush on Luke is still alive and kicking...
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Lawful Good
Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon, Aries Rising
・A grumpy man on a good day, intolerable on a bad day and luckily for you, you met on one of his worst
・You labelled him as a jerk, and vowed never to go near him nor his cafe for the rest of your life
・But then your car broke down and he was the first person to drive past you.
"Need any help?"
"Yeah- oh. No, no I do not," you said to Luke and slammed your car door closed. Hautily crossing your arms over your chest and staring forward.
"Oh c'mon," he called out from his open window.
・This interaction solidified a new way of looking at Luke. You didn't hate him anymore ... no, quite the opposite. But you were damn sure he still hated you
・Heavy on the will-they-won't-they trope. It went on for four months before you both couldn't take it anymore.
・There was something pulling you towards him, like a constant ache and whenever you saw him, it was relieved. You knew you loved him two months after knowing him. And it hurt so much seeing him go out with anyone else.
・But god, by a goddamn Stars Hollow miracle, he saw you. Finally saw what you saw in him.
・Very,, very family orientated. You're in trouble? He's dropping everything to help you.
・You're sitting next to Luke on the couch watching tv and suddenly get a call saying one of your siblings needs help? Luke is already up and putting on his shoes.
・You can try and help him but he shoos you inside and says he's got this.
・Goes over and above for anything that you want.
・Will literally save up everyday until he reaches his money goal to take you to Disney Land because you told him one night you really wanted to go.
・Stubborn as all hell, thinks he knows best but you're the only person who can make him fold.
・When you first told him you loved him, he nearly got the air knocked out of him.
・He's incredibly touch-starved, and doesn't want you to know that (but of course you know that...)
・Despite the grumpy exterior, Luke has shown moments of being supportive and encouraging
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
The Moon and His Star
"Why are you babying me" (Luke) x "Because I know you like it" (You)
Acquaintances to Standing Up For Him to Friends to Lovers
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Like Calls To Like
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Into My Arms by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
Also, for the most part it's gender neutral but in the nsfw section there's female genitalia used for the reader.
I wasn't going to add this but ... I want to ... but for some reason thinking about Luke & smut makes me blush so hard so please forgive me for any mistakes or such :')
・You both stand mere centimetres apart. Your breaths mingling as the snow slowly falls around you.
・Standing outside his diner, you shivered as Luke's hand slowly moves around your waist and pulls you close
・Your lips melt into his, your hands gripping his jacket. Trying desperately to get closer to him. To press against him, to feel ... to feel anything of his body.
"Let's go upstairs," he mumbles against your lips, his hands roaming around your body.
・Your first time together was fast at first; ripping each other's clothes off. Trying to see each other's naked body and drink it all in.
・But once the clothes had been discarded, you both became very ... sensitive and vulnerable.
・So, it slowed down, and rough touches turned into gentle caresses.
・Luke couldn't stop staring at you, smelling you; he wanted to lose himself in you.
・You love riling him up; obviously not when people are around. But teasing him at home; rubbing his crotch innocently.
・Nibbling at his ear, giving his neck a kiss or two, and then walking away.
・Luke's reaction is always the same - nose flairing, hands curling into fists; he knows this game. He's just never good at playing it. He hates teasing. He'd rather just pin you down and jump your bones.
・But you love how much you can provoke him; it means he loves you that much that your touch drives him wild.
・Blow jobs are one of his favourite things; he never expects you to do it, and for a while he never let you service him. But now that he knows you enjoy it too...god his heart pounds whenever he thinks of it
・Loves pulling you to the edge of the bed, slipping down your pants/lifting your skirt and practically ripping your underwear from you. He holds your thighs apart and eats you like a starved man
・At first he doesn't like your sex toys; feeling inferior to them.
・But you showed him how they can be used in sex for heightened pleasure.
・You still haven't gotten Luke to a sex shop though. He has vowed never to stand a foot in that shop.
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billkaulitzwife · 16 days
The Outsiders Coping With a Breakup
(ps guys im not over it leave me alone(i also watched the notebook and i hate myself))
Reading or writing.
How could you ever hurt this little freshman boy he‘s such a sweetheart
He would probably silently cry into a pillow until he thought his lungs were about to collapse or cave in
if this was now … he‘d chain smoke and listen to lana del rey while looking out a moonlit window
he definitely listens to Elvis to get over it.
I don’t know what exactly he would read to get over it but probably some sad ass Edgar Allan Poe. Annabelle Lee lookin ass.
He‘d write the most heart breaking
tear dripping
heavy breathing sad poetry ever.
show him a romance novel.
he’d never stop reading them until he got over it.
just the bare thought of it drives him nuts.
so he reads.
if you hurt this man he would probably hurt himself.
he would dream bout it and wake up in cold sweats, tears running down his face.
in all honesty
i think he‘d be artistic with it
he’d somehow turn each and every single tiny thought into something about you
whether it be thinking about a teddy bear then contorting it into nothing but an image of you and him.
he would never be able to look at the places you went together the same.
he would be an artist.
hand him a pencil and he’ll make your heart break and ache.
might etch and sketch on himself to see if you still care.
ps you obviously do.
Doesn’t know how.
All this man does is sleep, drink, fuck, repeat.
being honest this manwhore is probably gonna screw every hoe in Tulsa to try and get his mind off of it,
but every path leads back to what he knows best.
he would smoke more,
party more,
drink away all his problems, etc before facing a problem head on.
people may see him as this
violent gang member hoodlum kid guy man
but deep down hes really just a kid who wishes he couldve given his momma one more hug
a kid that needed to be loved.
a kid that was never taught how to be loved.
she’s a big ol’ crier, but it doesnt matter since thats not the only way she copes.
she loves to paint and puts every emotion into her paintings.
she may’ve become a kleptomaniac since she needs the supplies.
the curtis boys would
kill you if anything happened to her
one heartbreak and shes done for
love? whats that? it isnt real?
dont hurt her no matter what.
she would also turn to cigarettessss (as if she doesnt smoke enough).
adelaide would develop stage five lung cancer before even admitting that love could in the slightest exist anymore.
soda seems like the kinda guy to go through a breakup and cry a lot
but the only thing that really helped was work.
he’d probably get a raise
yk with how hard and how much he’d be working to get over it.
his siblings would warn him about not overworkimg himself
and guess what.
he didnt listen and got really sick from all the stress.
i know for a fact he would keep away from cigarettes even if someone said they help and he believed it
he would only ever listen to the radio
hoping and praying that when he’d hear a love song he‘d hear your voice
probably the most sane of everybody while dealing with his bs
he wld obviously be heart broken
but not to the point he needed some insane coping mechanism.
he would probably meditate.
i mean this is the sixties cmon he’s either gonna do wxxd
or meditate.
as soon as a thought of you came up and his mind started to panic he would sit on the couch and
he probably has the healthiest coping mechanism he’s definitely got his life together
the others are jealous as fuuuuck
bro wouldnt eat.
every time he thought about the breakup
he thought it was because he was strong enough
or that he was too chubby for his girl.
one time he passed out while on the way to work and the gang freaked out so bad
they couldnt take him to the hospital so they carried him home and stuck a juice box in his mouth
eventually his ass woke up and they all cheered like the war had just ended “HIP HOORAY!”
but then in all seriousness
he needed to get his weight back up so the curtis kids make him eat at their house
even if he says he ate.
theres always snacks for him laying around thay house from then on out
do i have to explain.
in the novel pony said two-bit was famous for shoplifting and his black-handled switchblade…
but for some reason i know he wouldnt shoplift any more.
(he sure did teach adelaide how to tho)
along with his love for “shopping” you gotta remember he’s a heavy alcoholic
he’d drink away all of his problems and thoughts until he blacked out.
his buddies would think its just your average keith
but in all reality he’s really struggling
even though he seems like the usual drunk happy joking guy
okay thanks for watching todays vlog
if u ever need to vent please dont be scared to message me bruv im sure Ik how to help.
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mistywaves98 · 1 year
yfsdtydcstshegwsvjhgv hear me out hear me out,,,, yandere!scara controlling reader like he did Haypasia but instead of just making her follow him, he turns the reader into his personal cumdump- reader tries oh so hard to fight back, watching as if its a movie as her body is used as a fucktoy for the ex-harbringer- but the thing is, after a while of this, the reader begins to believe everything he says, that her only purpose in life is to bring him pleasure and becomes scara's perfect obedient little pet <3
-super duper cool anon
This is such a juicy idea anon!
Edit: I think I strayed a bit from what the ask said, sooo uhh, really sorry about that anon 😬😔
✧・゚:* Yandere! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
✧・゚:* ¡Warnings!: Not proofread, Yandere themes (but not that intense), Non con, Degradation, Lots of repetition of words, collaring, rough sex, Mean! Scaramouche, Kidnapping, I think that's it!
✧・゚:* Minor writing smut! DNI if uncomfy!
✧・゚:* Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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As another one of the scholars who dedicated their lives to trying to connect their consciousness to Irminsul, that is what you spent all of your time doing. Yes, you knew of the tales of what happened to most of those who did manage to accomplish such a task but your desire for the kind of knowledge you could potentially gain blocked out any protests against your actions.
One time you actually saw something while meditating, visions of some sort and although they were blurry and barely distinguishable, it excited you. Since then, you've been training hard, hoping to experience that again.
You heard from somewhere that the Palace of Alcazarzaray was a good place to practice your meditation, so that's where you could be found as the days followed. As you meditated more and more, you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to your goal, it was only a matter of time, you told yourself. However, you also realized that during the rare times when you weren't meditating, you felt dazed and unfocused and often times you swore you saw something, or glimpses of someone. Though this worried you to a very small extent, instead, you thought you just needed to work a little harder. Eventually it got to a point where you spent all your time meditating, evoking worry from your relatives. In fact, the only thing that stopped you from meditating full time was them coming to 'snap you out of it' as they said. This annoyed you very much and although you knew they meant well, you were too close now and you had already accepted the risks this journey was accompanied with.
So, taking a small choice of possessions, you went to a remote, isolated part of the forest where you would meditate for days on end, not sleeping, eating or drinking. Strangely enough, your body seemed fine with it too, you weren't fatigued at all, it was just the haziness and hallucinations.
Now you were sitting on the floor of the cave, face relaxed but at the same time fixed with an expression of concentration. You focused....and focused.....and focused.....
You could feel it, just a little more....
Your eyes suddenly shot open.
Scanning your surroundings you immediately realized something was off. The earth seemed to be layered with a gray tint and there was someone standing right in front of you with their back turned.
"Have...I...finally done it once more? Is....my consciousness.... connected to Irminsul?" You hesitantly ask, "Hmph. Not even a 'hello' at least? I expected better from my first follower."
What? What is he talking about? But wait.... He seems familiar..."Who...are you?" It's difficult to talk, your mind feels heavy and your vision is blurring momentarily. "Me? They call me Scaramouche or 'the Balladeer.' I am a member of the eleven fatui Harbingers but soon I will be known as the god of Sumeru. For now, however, you will address me as 'master,' understood?" He turned around and you were met with two purple eyes glaring down at you. The Harbingers? You've heard of that before, back when you were in the Akademiya, they're from Snezhnaya, right?
Scaramouche's voice brings you out of your thoughts,"I said, 'is that understood?' " "U-uh, yes....master..." His frown turns into an expression of smugness. "Good, I suppose you're pretty baffled by the situation you've found yourself in, but I'll have some mercy and explain it to you."
Your eyes widen when he reveals that he had been watching you ever since you had that experience with the indescribable visions. Those were...his memories? And apparently he's going to become a god? And he has chosen you as his first follower? "Why, you may ask? Well, no one has ever managed to connect directly to my consciousness before, so I took this as a sign. A sign that you are the chosen one." Huh, so you didn't connect to Irminsul after all and instead you're peering into the consciousness of one of the Harbingers? This information is hard for your now unstable mind to process. It hurts...You bring a hand to your aching forehead and try to soothe the pain. "...Can't...focus.."
Suddenly, a hand grips your jaw and tilts your head up so that you make eye contact with him,"You look so dumb right now, but it's alright, you won't need to think much from now on." You gasp as he kisses you roughly, pushing his tongue into your open mouth. His hands grab both of your wrists in a painful grip as he shoves you into the ground, lips still connected. You try struggle under his grip, only to find you can barely move. You try breaking the kiss but not only does he push harder, you can't even move your head and when he pulls away, you cringe at the strings of saliva between you two.
"Why...?" Is all you can manage as you gasp for breath,"Don't ask questions, all you need to know is that you are going to be my little stress toy from now until the day you die." His tone is snappy and you shut up at once, mind hazy. Scaramouche looks as your flushed face and chuckles darkly,"Your mind is weak, you can't even think straight, can you? And without the ability to properly process things you leave your body in a very vulnerable state, don't you know that? Hehe, I'm going to have so much fun with you..." He was right, your mind was under so much strain during your intense meditation sessions, now you don't have the brain to fight back.
His hands let go of your wrists and began to trail down your body, stopping to cup your breasts. You couldn't help but moan as he massaged the soft flesh through your clothes. Then, without warning he tore your top apart, exposing the white bra confining your chest. He made quick work of that two and as soon as the piece of fabric fell to the ground, his fingers went up to flick your now-hard nipples. Suddenly he gave them both a particularly harsh tug, grinning when you yelped in pain. With one hand playing with your left breast, he used his free hand to hike up your obnoxiously long skirt.
"You don't even wear a pair of shorts under this? Such a whore." He smirked at the help you let as as he smacked your pussy. You bit your lip as whimpers threatened to leave your throat as he used his slender fingers to circle your clothed clit. "Please....stop..." "Stop? When you are this wet? Just admit it, you're getting off on your god fucking you." "No...I—" You gag as Scaramouche stuffs three fingers deep down your throat "Stop talking and suck if you know what good for you."
When he finally decided you're wet enough, he slipped your panties off and pocketed them despite your protests. He then flips you unto your stomach before taking his cock out of the confines of his pants,"Now we move on to my favourite part."
A ragged scream is ripped from your throat as he immediately bottomed out inside of you. The situation doesn't get any better when he starts moving right after, barely giving you time to adjust to his size. His pace is fast and his thrusts are brutal, your body rocks back and forward with each slam of his hips. Your own hips feel bruised from the grip he has on them. The burn of his cock abusing your insides has tears streaming down your face and choked out sobs and moans leaving your mouth. A sadistic smile is plastered across his face, clearly enjoying your discomfort and pain,"You look so pretty with tears flowing down your face—hah—you feel so good, these virgin walls are squeezing me so tightly. Yes, cum of my cock, on your lord's cock and show me that only I can pleasure you like this."
Until that moment you didn't even realize you were getting closer to orgasming but you did as he said and the knot in your stomach snapped as you released all over him with a cry. That didn't stop Scaramouche from continuing to fuck you though, his pace barely faltered and his thrusts were just as hard as before,"Please—ngh—stop...no—more..." "Shut up. Your master hasn't had his pleasure yet and you will take everything he gives you until he's satisfied."
He then proceeded to bury his teeth into your neck, biting down so hard the skin broke, causing blood to leak from the wound. You shiver as his tongue darts out to lick a long stripe up your neck, gathering the warm liquid on it in the process. The way his cock is pistoning in and out of you has you weakly clawing at the dirt beneath. You continue to helplessly moan as his breathing gets more ragged and heavy, he must be close. Said assumption proves to be right when you suddenly feel a burst of hot liquid shoot straight into your pussy. Scaramouche finally stops and pulls out of your sore cunt, watching as the white substance leaks out of your abused hole, past your trembling thighs and onto the ground. A pleased look adorns his face,"Hehe, seems like I forgot to mention that I was about to cum, but that's alright, you couldn't anything about it anyway even if you knew."
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You sat on the bed situated in the corner of the room, staring at the wall. Your eyes eventually landed on the chains binding your hands to the bed posts, restricting your movements. They were so short, you couldn't even walk a few inches away from the bed.
It had been months since Scaramouche kidnapped you from the cave you originally resided in after fucking your brains out. Since then he has kept you here, occasionally coming to 'check up' on his little pet which mostly consisted of him manhandling you till you were about to pass out. Everytime he came to you, you could see how he was gradually falling into madness. His words became more cruel, more unghinged, more obsessive.
It made you afraid of him and you were worried that someday he might snap and do something unthinkable.
Your gaze shifted to the mirror on the dresser right across from you. A collar was tightly looped around your neck with the name 'Scaramouche' in bold letters. Your hand came up and you tugged it slightly. It didn't budge. Tears filled your eyes at the humiliating memories it brought back. When he first showed it to you, you absolutely refused to wear it and after a lot of resistance from you he was able to secure it, he also fastened it so tightly it choked you at first. And he never bothered to loosen it. Sometimes, on the days when he was feeling it, he would attach a leash to the collar and use it to suffocate you if you were being to bratty.
Your eyes went lower to observe your attire. You'd been forbidden to wear anything besides a town that barely covered your thighs. That is, unless Scaramouche demanded otherwise. The material was so thin and you weren't even allowed to wear anything under it. For easy access, he said.
You've gotten over your dizzy, hallucinating state a long time ago and since you're usually locked up in the room, it's given you a lot of time to think. What has happened to your family? Have they noticed your disappearance? Are they looking for you? Did Scaramouche kill them? But he has no reason to do such a thing, but then again, you wouldn't put it past him to kill innocent people.
You flinch as the door opens. He's back already?
Your eyes widen in fear and you can't help but back up little by little when he approaches you. Soon you're pressed against the headboard and he gets on the bed and crawls over you. You stare into his dull eyes with your frightened ones. You can't see anything but obsession, lust and insanity in them.
"How's my little servant doing? Have you been enjoying your time here? You better have been. Why do you look so afraid? Hehe, you thought I wouldn't notice? You can't hide anything from your god you know." His cold hand rested on your cheek, slowly going down to trace the letters engraved on the collar you were forced to wear. A maniacal smile stretched across his face as he looked at it, pupils dilating with lust. Suddenly he hooked his fingers under it and gave it a sharp tug, briefly laughing when you gasped and instinctively grabbed his arm, as he pulled you forward.
Now he was so close that you could feel his hot breath against your lips. Without warning he kissed you with so much force your head hit the wooden headboard of the bed. This caused your mouth to slightly part in surprise and Scaramouche's tongue was practically down your throat instantly.
His knee made it's way between your legs, pressing up against your bare pussy and rubbing against it. You felt him smile against your mouth as your thighs squeezed his own in a futile attempt to conceal your now aroused state.
When he finally broke the kiss, you gratefully inhaled the much needed oxygen as your face burned with humiliation. You hated being in such a vulnerable state, you hated being so easy to take advantage of. But there was nothing you could do about the way the Harbinger's hands snuck under your gown to roughly grope your chest. No matter what you did or wanted to do, you could only moan in guilty pleasure.
Soon enough, you found yourself in a familiar but unwelcomed position: face pressed into the pillow with your 'lord's' dick thrusting in and out in an attempt to get off. Your hands held onto the sheets for dear life as you came for the 3rd time. Tears rolled down your face and drool stained the pillow as Scaramouche laughed cruelly at your fucked out appearance,"Need a break? Too bad, you won't get one."
You could only mumble inaudible phrases in between gasps and moans in response,"Ngh—please master—hngh—please cum in me—!" "What's that? You want me to fill this slutty hole of yours with my cum? That's right, fill up you like the cumdump you are?" He smirked as you only panted small, breathy 'yes'' to his degrading words. Moments later he finally reached his high and shot his load into your tight pussy.
Scaramouche didn't bother to pull out and instead pressed his chest against your back and whispered into your ear, possessiveness evident in his tone,"No one else can or ever will make you feel like this, only I can bring you this kind of pleasure. You're mine, mine to fuck how I want, mine to do with whatever I please. Right, my little servant?" You nodded dumbly to his statements, mind too mushy to think straight.
You really were just a cumdump for him.
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severalforraelee · 1 year
Throughout the Years: Mick Schumacher x Reader
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Photo credit to planetsport
Word count: 2,167
Written by raelee / Posted May 24
Formula 1 Masterlist
Six Years Old
“Class, this is our new student, Y/N. Let’s all be kind and welcoming to her,” Mrs. Schneider announces.
She rubs my back in an attempt to reassure me. I give her a shy smile of appreciation, but her action doesn’t calm my nerves. As I look out at the sea of random faces, staring back at me and judging me, I feel myself begin to cave in.
Like a new country wasn’t enough, I have to worry about a new school, too. My mom says that I shouldn’t worry- she says that I have too much anxiety for my age. But now I have reason to be, since dad’s new job changed our whole lives.
I take a seat at the desk Mrs. Schneider pointed me towards, avoiding eye contact with all of the curious gazes. My older brother told me while I was crying this morning that making friends would help me feel better. But all I want to do right now is never open my mouth again.
“Hi, I’m Emma,” the girl sitting across the table from me at lunch introduces herself.
I stare at her with wide eyes. I know I’m supposed to open my mouth, respond hello, I’m Y/N, but my body is frozen in place. I can’t stop just looking at her.
Her face contorts into one of confusion before she stands, grabbing her lunch tray before moving to another table. I deflate. There goes my chance at making a friend.
My gaze returns to the lunchbox in front of me. I don’t even look up when someone pulls out the chair next to me, sitting down.
“Oh, a red car!”
I look up at the comment. A blonde boy is sitting next to me, his finger pointed towards the red car on my lunchbox. Well, it’s not really my lunchbox. Mine got lost in the move so I have to borrow my brother’s one for now.
“My dad drives a red car,” he tells me.
I pause, gaze switching between him and the lunchbox. The sweet smile never drops from his face. I open the lunchbox slowly, looking down at it as I pull the contents out.
“My dad drives a black car.”
I look up to see his response. He opens his mouth to say something but stops, closing it and shaking his head. I want to ask him what he wanted to say, but I don’t question it. I don’t want to ruin my new friendship with this blonde boy.
“Ugh, my mom packed me Oreos today. You’re so lucky that you have chocolate chip cookies,” he states fondly.
“We can trade. That is, if you want to,” I stutter nervously.
I nod.
He holds out the packet of Oreos. I take it gently from his hand, passing him the chocolate chip cookies.
“Thanks. You’re Y/N, right?” He inquires.
I nod again.
“I’m Mick. I have a feeling that we’re going to be good friends.”
18 years old
I’ve been avoiding him all night. As best friends for twelve years, Mick and I have always been by each other’s side. Wherever he went, I went, and wherever I went, he went. We began to believe that our names were actually combined, we go by Y/N and Mick so much.
Which is what makes this so hard.
Mick secured a seat in Formula 3.
“Are you excited for Mick?” Yet another former classmate asks me.
Of course I’m happy for him. I have and will support him through everything. He’s my best friend, I’ll be by his side throughout it all. It’s just… he’s leaving me behind.
“Yeah, he’ll do great,” I smile at them, taking a sip of my drink. I grimace at the taste of the watered down alcohol, not realizing how much time I’ve spent sulking since I got this drink. “Excuse me, I’m going to get a new drink.”
I do actually need a new drink, but I also want an excuse to get out of this conversation. I’m sick of everyone reminding me that Mick is leaving, even if it is going to constantly be happening at Mick’s going away party.
Of course I’m used to him leaving for karting- although he wasn’t gone nearly as much as he will be now- and he’ll be coming back to visit- although not as much as I would like him to. Those factors don’t make the thought of him leaving any easier.
I set my drink down at the bar, slipping outside of the extravagant venue onto its balcony. I turn the corner so that I’m out of sight, sitting down and swinging my feet over the edge so that they hover above the street far below.
“Where’s Y/N? Weren’t you just talking to her?” I hear Mick’s familiar voice from inside.
I sigh, resting my forehead on the bars. I know that he’s noticed my distance. But I just don’t know how to act around him now. I know that our dynamic is going to change, and I’m afraid of that.
“I thought you would be out here,” now his voice is right next to me.
I don’t respond, keeping my eyes on the passing cars below. Still, I feel him sit next to me, slipping his legs through the bars as best as he can while looking below as well.
“That’s a pretty far drop,” he comments.
“How can you just act like that?” I ask him quietly.
“Like what?”
“Like we’re not going to change?”
He’s quiet, then he speaks. “Of course I know that we’re going to change.”
I look over at him to see him already looking at me.
“But that’s part of growing up, right? I’m going to chase my dreams and follow in my dad’s footsteps in Formula 1 and you’re going to school to do what you love. We’re taking opposite paths, but we’ll always be there to hold each other’s hand and encourage each other.” He reaches out, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. “Right?”
“Right,” I breathe out, nodding. “You promise you won’t forget me when you get even more rich and famous?”
He laughs at my tease. “I promise. You promise you won’t forget me when you meet an average college guy?”
“I promise.” We lean towards each other, giving each other the hug that we desperately needed.
22 years old
I wait in the Haas garage, standing up on my tiptoes to peer over the people rushing around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Mick. My heart aches in my chest for more reasons than one.
He ended the race in last place- well, not last place, since a few of the other drivers DNFed, but last place of the remaining drivers on the track. So my heart aches for the emotions that I know he’s feeling and what he’s saying to himself.
And my heart is also aching because… I love him.
And I can’t wait to see him again.
It took me a while to admit that I’m in love with my best friend, but now that I have, it’s all that I can think about. Unfortunately, I can’t tell him about my feelings, because I don’t want to ruin a lifetime of friendship.
I catch sight of the blonde, but it looks like he found me first. He’s frantically pushing his way through the crowd, and once he reaches me, before either of us can even say anything, he yanks me tightly into his arms.
My arms wind around him, holding him just as tight. I know that it’s what he needs right now.
“Let’s go to your driver’s room,” I whisper to him, wanting to get his dismal expression out of the public eye before the media sees and has a field day with it. He guides me with an arm around my waist to his driver’s room, immediately flopping face down on the couch as I close the door.
“What was I thinking?” He groans.
“Mick, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“No, not about the race, Y/N,” he snaps, leaning his torso up and resting his elbows on the couch. He sighs. “Sorry for snapping at you. It’s just- what was I thinking? Believing that I could just get into F1 and instantly become successful. I’m an idiot.”
“No, you’re not,” I reassure him, sitting down next to his head and resting a comforting hand on his back. “You had a lot of pressure from the beginning, we both know that. And you already are successful, look at you, you’re in Formula 1. The podiums and wins just take time.”
He looks up at me and it’s like the atmosphere in the room instantly changes. His baby blue eyes connect with my own, our gazes too captivating to break. We’re both afraid to speak, knowing that it’ll ruin whatever mesmerization we’re in.
Mick opens his mouth, talking softly. “I think… I think that I already won.”
“Why’s that?” I breathe out.
“Because I have you in my life. It’s just that…”
“It’s just that what?”
“My life could only get better with one thing.”
I stare at him, and he stares back at me. My mind goes blank.
“Can I kiss you?” He requests.
He leans up, but from the way that he’s laying down, his torso can only pull him up so far. We both laugh, causing the tension to break as he’s inches away from my face.
I lean down the remaining two inches, pressing my lips against his.
It’s like it’s meant to be all this time.
26 years old
“I love that touch,” Corinna smiles as she looks down at my bouquet of flowers.
“Does he still not know?” Gina questions from where she’s straightening the train of my dress.
“He still doesn’t, I’m surprised that I kept it a secret all of this time,” I laugh, “I almost slipped up a few times, though.”
“He’s going to love it,” Corinna reassures me. “We have to go take our places now, sweetie. See you in a bit.”
I take a deep breath, smoothing out the white tulle at my side.
“It’s not too late to back out,” my older brother comments from behind me. I know that he just has my best interest at heart but even the thought of leaving now hurts my heart.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment since I was six years old,” I confess to him. “I knew that he was the one that I was meant to be with from the moment we traded cookies.”
“I’m glad. I really like him, and you two are clearly happy together. It’s time to go.”
The wood church doors swing open, exposing me to all of my friends and family. But the only person that I see is Mick.
He stands at the other end of the aisle, dressed in his black tuxedo and looking as handsome as ever. His hands are clasped in front of him, that wide, beaming smile that I get to see every single day for the rest of my life on his face.
His eyes flutter downward and he quickly turns to the side, wiping at his eyes as tears begin to form. I know that he sees it, then.
My bouquet of flowers placed beautifully in a lunchbox, the lid open to reveal the red car.
I didn’t know that my parents kept this lunchbox, truthfully the first question that I asked them when they showed me it was why they kept something from twenty years ago. But they told me that from the way that I spoke about Mick and talked about him, they knew that it was love at first sight, even at such a young age. So they saved it, in case we want to give it to our own son or daughter someday.
Mick reaches out to me, grabbing my hands in his own once I’m standing across from him.
“You look so beautiful,” he murmurs, voice shaking.
“You look so handsome,” I whisper back to him, a bashful smile on my face.
I’ve never felt shy or timid around Mick before. I’ve had no reason to, he’s my person, someone that I turn to whenever I need comfort or support.
But there’s something about Mick the husband.
My husband.
I can’t seem to wrap my head around the idea that this is the man that I’m going to be spending the rest of my life with. Mick is the man that I’ll be sharing a bed with, sharing secrets with, sharing children with. My life with Mick is already so intertwined… but my life with husband Mick will be so much more.
And there’s something about that that makes me bashful and more than excited for the future.
I squeeze his hands, wanting to convey those emotions right here and right now without interrupting the officiator.
He squeezes my hands back.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 7 months
Sharing is Not Always Caring
➤Day 14
𖤐Pairing: Soap x Innocent! F! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Smut, NSFW, implied threesome, a bit of insecurities, drinking, some hints of fluff, kissing/making out, P in V, pussy slapping, fingering, eating out, masturbation, dry humping (?), face sitting
𖤐Summary: Y/n wasn't ever big on a threesome with Soap, she thought that if she did a threesome with him, he would love the third party instead of her, but she caved in and did it to please him.
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Welp, you did it, you agreed to have a threesome with your boyfriend Soap, it’s been something Soap wanted to try and if they both hated it, he’ll never bring it up again, they were completely something on their ‘Sex Bucket list’ something stupid they both thought would be funny to do and on Soap’s list in the number 5 spot was.
“Try a Threesome”
Y/n thought it was dumb and didn’t think he was serious but…he was.
They went to a bar to look for someone else to join, it didn’t matter to them who, another guy, girl anyone, as long as they were also okay with it.
Y/n was definitely nervous…Soap was all for it and didn’t seem nervous whatsoever but Y/n looks like if they do this, will Soap still love her or go for the one they both just had sex with.
Her mind would go 100 miles a minute just thinking about it, palms clammy and sweat trickled down her forehead when she looked at Soap looking like he was trying to find the right person.
“Oh what about her? She seems close to our age and looks like she could keep up with our stamina,” Soap said pointing to a woman who looks like she is in her late 20’s 28-29 maybe. Dark hair and slight tanned skin like she came from the beach.
She laughed and looked like she was having fun with some people around her.
“Uhh~ no way, those are probably her friends and she probably won’t leave their side the whole night, plus she seems smart to not have sex with a couple looking for someone to fill in their third spot…” Y/n awkwardly laughed as Soap looked confused.
“Okay~” he turns to find someone else. “What about him?”
“What! I’m helping.”
“You’re being picky and unreasonable. Fine…tell you this…the next person who walks through that door, is our third party, deal?” Soap said.
“F-Fine, deal,” she said, crossing her arms like a child being told ‘no’ for the first time.
So, they waited for that so-called next person. Soap probably stared at that door for 20 minutes as Y/n played with the straw in her drink and messing with her feet under the table.
The bell above the door rung and a young girl walked in, she looked to be 25-27 maybe, she had blonde hair, pale skin, and was wearing a tight blue dress that stopped at her mid-thigh.
“Bingo,” Soap said, quickly getting up. Y/n didn’t even have enough reaction time to follow him, she stayed over at the table as Soap went up and asked her.
“Fuck,” Y/n mumbled looking around like she wasn’t with Soap.
“Love, this is Lanai, Lanai this is my girlfriend Y/n.”
“Hi,” Lanai said with a smile.
“Hi,” Y/n said, awkwardly. They both shook each others hands and Lanai sat down with Soap and Y/n.
Talking, drinking and getting to know each other. Y/n just looked at Soap and Lanai getting along just fine...it scared Y/n. She watched as they laughed together and how Lanai was getting a bit more comfortable around Soap, Y/n felt like she was the third party.
"So, shall we go home then?" Soap asked the girls. Lanai nodded her head as Y/n just gulped and nodded as well.
Soap grabbed his keys and headed home with the girls. Y/n in the passenger seat and Lanai in the middle backseat. Y/n played with her fingers the whole time, Soap grabbed her hands making her stop and look up at him.
"So, how long have you guys been together?" Lanai asked.
"What four years?"
"Five actually," Y/n corrected Soap, who just chuckled at her like he meant to say four.
"Wow, five years and no rock on the finger, Y/n?"
"I mean, if I was with my boyfriend for five years, I should expect a big rock on my finger."
"W-Well we wanted to take it slow," Y/n said.
"Right...but anyways, why are you two all of a sudden doing a threesome? Just to see if you guys are poly?"
"No, we did something called a 'Sex Bucket list' and on my list was 'try a threesome,' we switch every day, so it was my turn, and this was the next thing," Soap said.
"Ohh~ a 'Sex Bucket List' that sounds interesting," Lanai said, leaning forward. "Y/n what was your last one?" She asked.
"Try BDSM...it's not for us," Y/n said, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Ohh~ what did you guys do?"
"Bondage, role-playing, discipline, dominance, submission, and sadism," Soap said.
"And that's not your thing? I've done it before...I think it's for me," Lanai said.
"Good for you," Soap said.
Soap pulled into the driveway, and everyone got out of the car, almost immediately Lanai climbed on Soap, wrapping her arms around his neck, he smirks but looked at Y/n like if it was okay before they did anything.
Y/n swallowed a lump in her throat and nodded her head. Soap placed his left hand behind Lanai's head and kissed her lips, his right hand rested on her waist. Y/n just stood behind them playing with her fingers and feeling very, very, nervous.
A few Hours Before this
"You know if you feel uncomfortable, you can just tell me, and we don't have to do this." Soap told Y/n in the car.
"I know, I know...but can we use a safe word or something? So, when I or we say it, we stop it."
"Of course, love. What's a word you want to use?" Soap asked.
"Sure, if that's okay with you?"
"Okay, light it is," Y/n said.
"Also, we will that word most likely be used?" Soap asked.
"I'm not sure...kissing is fine, dick sucking is fine...I guess if you put your dick in them...I think that's were the line is drawn." Y/n said.
"Fair enough," he smiles.
Back to Now
Lanai's hands were now under Soap's shirt touching his toned body as Y/n felt alone while watching them. Soap finally pulled away from her and looked over at Y/n pulling her in and kissing her lips but a little harder than what he was doing with Lanai.
Lanai just backs up and starts to remove her dress from her body, Soap's hands roamed all over Y/n's body. Going to the bottom of her dress and pulling it up squeezing her bare ass.
Y/n let's out a soft moan as Soap smirked. Lanai was only in a black thong and walked back to Soap gaining his attention from Y/n. Y/n started to remove her dress now but being completely bare now.
It was a competition now both girls trying to get Soap's attention and affection. They managed to get upstairs to Soap's and Y/n's shared bedroom. Lanai fell on the bed first as Soap crawled on top of her and removed his shirt and unbuckled his pants.
Y/n sat on her knees watching Soap now kiss Lanai's neck. Lanai turned and smirked at Y/n like she 'got' her man. Y/n played with her fingers full of anxiety.
"Love," Soap said. He pulled her into another kiss, kissing her lips and then her neck, her chest and between her breasts. Lanai smirks and starts to kiss Y/n's shoulder.
Y/n shuttered at Lanai's touch, it just felt...weird in a way, probably because Y/n isn't used to it. Lanai's hands then went up Y/n's side and squeezing Y/n's breasts.
Soap pulled away from Y/n's lips and saw Lanai squeeze her and kiss her. He saw how red Y/n's face was, he couldn't tell if she was enjoying it or not.
He pulls his pants off completely now becoming bare naked. He grabbed a hole of his cock and started to pump himself looking at his girlfriends red face.
Lanai's hand started to move down Y/n's stomach and reached Y/n's clit. Y/n's breath hitched, and Lanai's fingers rubbed circles around on Y/n's clit and soon pushed two fingers inside of her.
Y/n's toes curled, and her nails dug into Lanai's arm and the bedsheets. Soap pumped himself and moaned at the sight of Y/n's face. Lanai looked over Y/n's shoulder and watched Soap pump himself, she pulled her fingers out of Y/n and crawled to Soap taking a hold of his dick and soon putting it in her mouth.
Soap threw his head back and moaned, he looked at Y/n and smirked and motioning his head for her to come closer to him, which she did. She crawled towards him, he bent down kissing her lips, she moaned wanting someone inside of her again, she started to hump against the bedsheets just rubbing her the right way.
Soap heard her moaning and opened his eyes seeing her just slightly humping.
He smirks and takes his dick from Lanai and pushed Y/n on the bed on her stomach. Her ass in the air, he gives her a hard smack on the butt earning a soft moan from her. He pushed himself inside of her, she grips the bedsheets and moans when he started to thrust inside of her.
Lanai crawled to the couple. She got in front of Y/n kissing Y/n's neck again and grabbed her face and started to kiss her lips. Y/n could feel Lanai smirking and soon pulled away from Y/n.
She flipped on her back and showed her wet clit to Y/n. Y/n's never ate someone out before, she has no idea what to do. She looked at Soap for help, but Soap had his head back enjoying his girlfriend.
She looked back at Lanai who was smirking.
"Aww~ don't worry, I'll help you," Lanai said with a smirk. Lanai placed her hand behind Y/n's head and brought her head closer to her lower half.
Y/n stuck her tongue out and licked between her wet folds. Lanai moans and starts to almost hump Y/n's face. Y/n sucked and licked at Lanai's clit. Y/n then got an idea and pushed two fingers inside of Lanai.
Lanai moaned and pushed Y/n's head a little deeper, Y/n thrusted her tongue in and out of Lanai along with her fingers.
Soap looked down seeing the view, he smirks a little bit when he saw his girlfriend eat out Lanai. He grabs a handful of Y/n's hair pulling her away from Lanai's clit, but she still thrusted her fingers into her.
Y/n and Soap started to kiss again. Soap could taste Lanai on Y/n's lips, he smirks and pulled away from her lips. "I didn't know you could do that?"
"I-I-AHH!" She moans when Soap hit her spot.
"Umm~ hello?" Lanai said, looking up at the couple. Y/n looked back at her, and Lanai forced her mouth back on her clit.
Soap watched how forceful Lanai was. He swatted her hand away and grabbed Y/n again.
"I'm not done," Soap growled.
"Neither am I," Lanai growled back. Y/n was stuck in the middle between Lanai wanting to be eaten out and Soap wanting to kiss her lips.
Soap pulled out of Y/n and Y/n fell on her stomach. Lanai and Soap now were making out letting Y/n have a small break. Y/n looked up and watched them.
She sat on her butt hands between her thighs, she wasn't that nervous anymore but was still scared. Lanai pushed Soap on his back and started to rub his dick in her hand, touching his leaky tip and kissing his lips.
She soon got on top of him, her ass in his face and her sucking him off. Y/n crawled to Lanai and helped her suck off Soap. Soap moaned at the feeling and snapped his fingers getting Y/n's attention, just the person he wants.
She moves closer to him and looks into his eyes.
"Fucking sit on my face," he demanded.
She then moves on top of him just barely sitting on his face, but she was soon forced to fully sit. She starts to rub herself on his tongue, his tongue thrusted up into her.
His hands held her waist and grabbed at her boobs, pinching her nipples and squeezing her boobs as well.
Lanai moved from being on him to now licking his base and playing with his balls earning a deep moan from him.
"F-Fuck," Y/n stuttered. She felt herself close to coming. She looks down at him pinching her tits.
"Ahhh~!" Y/n moans and ends up coming in Soap's mouth. She gets up off him and he swallowed her cum. He smirks and starts to kiss her lips.
Lanai then licked his tip as the couple was making out. Lanai also rubbed herself and started to position herself in a way, Y/n turned and looked at Lanai.
"W-What are you d-doing?" Y/n asked.
"I want him inside of me too, duh?" She said.
"B-But that w-wasn't the deal." Soap sat up and moved from Lanai.
When at the bar, when they were talking before this event. Soap had told Lanai that they could do everything, but he doesn't feel comfortable sticking his dick inside of her, she could suck him off, but he wasn't going to fuck her. Lanai had agreed that it was fine but now...she's breaking that deal.
"What's the big deal? I thought you two wouldn't care, since we are seeing each other naked and basically already fucking and I thought we were all comfortable?"
"But we all agreed that I'm not sticking my dick in you?" Soap said. "And no, we're not all comfortable."
"Light." Y/n said. Soap looked at her and Lanai looked confused.
"Light? What the hell is light?"
"Safe word, you can get your shit and leave, now," Soap said.
"What?! Why was I not informed about this 'safe word'?" Lanai asked.
"Because it had nothing to do with you, it was between me and her, so, please grab your shit and leave."
"Fucking whatever, you two are boring anyways."
Soap rolled his eyes and looked at Y/n. Y/n's face was red and had tears in her eyes.
"I'm fine...I don't know why I'm crying," Y/n said, rubbing her eyes and heading to the bathroom.
3 Hours Later
Soap had sat on the bed and Y/n came out of the bathroom in a towel and got some clothes on. Soap watched his girlfriend change into comfortable clothes.
Y/n laid on her side of the bed and turned away from Soap.
"I'm tired...let me sleep, please."
"Love, come on, I know you want to cuddle," she turned and hugged him. "That's better...we don't ever have to do that again."
"Thank you...I...I don't ever what to do that again."
"Good and we don't have to," Soap grabbed a note pad that was on his nightstand and crossed out number 5 and wrote next to it 'never again.'
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angelsworks · 1 year
Nowhere to Hyde 2 Dark!Tyler Galpin x reader
1 | 2
Type: series
Summary: You and Tyler talk over details of the Hyde that you’ve found from your book. But Tyler feels as though you’re hiding something.
Warnings: mature 18+ only adult themes, obsessive Tyler, dark themes, sexual themes
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“Thanks for waiting, I had to go and sort somethings out in the storeroom.”
Tyler took a seat across from you. He’d been longer than expected before finishing his shift. He’d told the truth when he said he was sorting things in the storeroom. You didn’t however need to know that those things involved his hand and his throbbing cock, held back by denim.
“It’s no trouble, I’ve just been reading more about this Hyde.” You tell him, look back over the book.
In the time he’d been gone you’d flicked through the book. Scanning through the other creatures your ancestors has discovered over the years. Most of these you’d never heard of, others you were sure were myths. Yet you always had a hand on the Hyde pages. Ready to flip back to them at any point. For some reason this creature in particular garnered your interest more than the others.
“So, what have you found out?”
You jumped into explaining all about the Hyde. From your ancestors notes, you shared details of their habitat - which often were dark places like caves. Their changes and things that could trigger the Hyde. Behavioural and physiological changes that the Hyde and human form went through.
Somewhere in your explanation you began to voice your own concerns over the Hyde. You told him that the Hyde must be so afraid and that you were sure it didn’t even know it was doing this. The blame fell on the master not the Hyde. The master was the one controlling the Hyde.
Your sympathy struck a cord within him. It was true that Thornhill had been controlling him, telling him who to hurt. But it would be a lie to say that he hadn’t enjoyed it. Ripping into everyone of those people, watching as the life slipped from their glassy eyes.
You realised that you had been rambling and immediately felt bad. You saw Tyler staring at you with a blank look. So you stopped and apologised.
“Hey, its fine, it’s interesting actually. And I like the way you explain things. I think you’ve got a unique perspective on the Hyde that only someone so kind and considerate would have.”
That moment, right there. Your eyes downcast, hair falling around your face, face heating up as you got flustered at his compliment. His thoughts drifted to getting you flustered in other ways and once again he felt he needed to go to the store room.
“Thanks Tyler.” You saying his name made his heart swell. A smile grew on his face.
“So what else is there?”
“Well we know the Hyde is controlled by a Master. But what we didn’t know before was that according to my ancestors that’s not the only way they can control their nature,” You explained. “In rare cases they can also use a mate.”
If Tyler wasn’t interested before, he definitely was now. His mother had been a Hyde. After her postpartum depression her own had been triggered. Soon after it lead to her own demise. Now she was a forbidden topic in his household. But he was certain his father was not her mate. They didn’t even know she was a Hyde until after Tyler was born. Would it be different for him now that his Hyde was already triggered?
“A mate, so like a friend?” Tyler asked, playing dumb.
You can feel your face get hotter, “No like a mate as in partner - soulmate if you will.”
Tyler had his suspicions, but he had to be sure.
“How did your ancestors know so much about Hydes?”
You pause, taking a moment to have a drink. Thinking of a way to carefully phrase the following sentence, without incriminating yourself in Tyler’s eyes.
“My great great grandmother was mates to a Hyde.”
He was sure. Through some force of fate and luck and all his 11:11 wishes he had made. That you are meant for him. You must be. No one can even begin to appeal to him like you do right now.
You were his
And he wasn’t going to let anyone take you away from him.
But how could a mate stop his Hyde from taking over. There was more he was sure you weren’t telling him.
“Anymore in that book?”
You think, a little too hard for Tyler’s liking. What is there to think about. Are you thinking about lying to him?
“Hmm, no I don’t think so.” Maybe if he didn’t have enhanced hearing, he wouldn’t have heard how your voice goes an octave higher. You were lying. And to him.
He would be sure to set rules when you were his. The first being never to lie to him. He gets lost in his thoughts of showing you how wrong you’ve been. How to make you beg for his forgiveness.
“Hey do you mind watching my stuff while I go to the bathroom?”
“No, not at all.”
While you don’t think anything or Tyler, only that he’s really nice and friendly, he knows the exact opposite.
When he’s sure your in the bathroom he almost pounces across the table, snatching the book. Delicately he parts the pages to the required section and starts to read.
There was so much you weren’t telling him. So much you were hiding. He would use this to his advantage. Make you think the Hyde doesn’t know anything about this book. When in reality he’s sat in your booth reading it.
You belong to him and he’s got the book to prove it.
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Taglist: @moonmaiden1996
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dandylovesturtles · 7 months
I’m glad you laughed at the story of my sister parking me in the corner - it’s funny! XD
Question - as someone who went from being fully able to using a wheelchair, something that surprised me was the way I lost the use of my HANDS while I was in the chair. I couldn’t walk along and eat or drink something, for example, because my hands were busy moving me. Even once I moved to an electric wheelchair, I still essentially only have the use of one hand while I am moving. How does Leo deal with this?
this is an excellent point and something I hadn't myself considered so thanks for bringing it up!
I think for Leo this would come to be his least favorite thing about the chair, not just because he can't eat or drink while moving but also because he talks with his hands and now he can't do that while he's moving either lol. I can imagine him swerving pretty often because he tries to emphasize a point with one hand and keep rolling with another
I'm sure he tries to find ways around it at first, with extra long straws for drinks and stuff like that, but eventually he caves to the reality that his hands are only really good to him while he's sitting still. it's annoying but he's learning to live with it. he will switch to using the electronic controls when he has something to eat or drink so he at least has one hand, it's something
Donnie suggests getting him robo-arms like the one in his battleshell but Leo nixed that because it felt like a little much (and also might have required Donnie putting a microchip in his spinal column, which, uh, no thanks).
thanks for the ask!
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spacefinch · 1 year
Pokemon Incorrect Quotes: Unova Edition
Hugh: *handing out smiley balloons* I have no soul. Have a nice day!
Colress: I don't have one either.
Drayden: Let me see what you have!
Iris: A knife!
Drayden: NO!
Cilan: Fun fact! Blueberries are the only fruit named after a color.
Iris: Star fruit?
Cilan: ♥️ So close! That is a shape ♥️
Colresss: Welcome to physics!
*science project explodes*
Hilbert: *banging pots and pans*
Teacher: Uh, Cheren, can you read number 23 for the class, please?
Cheren: No, I cannot. What up, I’m Cheren, I’m 19, and I never fricking learned how to read.
Chili: Hi, welcome to Chili's.
Elesa: Hey, I’m lesbian.
Emmet: I thought you were Unovan.
Clay: I wanna be a cowboy, baby!
Alder: Hell yeah!
Clay:  I wanna be a cowboy, baby!
Cheren: Why are you guys reblogging this in December?
Cheren: It is February, you ANIMALS
Emmet: "Average person eats 8 spiders a year" factoid, actually statistical error. Average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave and eats over 10,000 every day, is an outlier and should not have been counted.
Chili: Oh sorry, I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich.
Cress: Go back to sleep AND STARVE.
Ingo: Perhaps it is the context in which words are spoken that gives them the power of meaning. *yelling* I LOVE YOU, JOLTIK!
Hilda: Would you like something to drink? *opens fridge* We have water, milk, juice, Joltiks, Dr. Pepper…
Cheren: Joltiks?
Hilda: Joltiks it is, then.
Cheren: Wait, that’s not what I meant—
But she was already pouring him a brimming glass of Joltiks.
Ingo and Emmet: *in the middle of an intense Pokemon battle*
Hilbert: Can I get a waffle? Can I PLEASE get a waffle?
After said battle:
Hilbert, pointing at the losing Pokemon: He need some milk
Ingo: Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does!
Rosa (pointing at a flock of Swanna): Look at all those chickens!
Ingo: *filming in selfie mode*
Emmet: (in background) Bop it! Twist it! Pull it!
Colress (grinning): I'M GOING TO JAIL!
Cheren: Tumblr is just talking to yourself but with an audience.
Cilan: That’s called a soliloquy.
Cheren: Found the theater kid. Get em boys.
Iris: Hey OP, how do we know you’re not a theater kid?
Cilan: Eating chips with chopsticks is unironically galaxy brain. Your fingers don’t get greasy and it lasts for longer.
Chili: Fork
Cilan: Oh, yeah, I’m going to stab my crunchy foods and make them fall apart like an absolute absentminded dunce, fool, clown, jester, like a monstrous moron, an idiot of Shakespearean proportions, a cretin.
Cress: Um, you seem to forget that ‘chips’ can also mean fries. And that’s probably what he was talking about, haha
Cilan: I did not forget anything. I purposely ignore the idea of using British vocabulary to do my part in helping it die out.
Cilan: KNOWLEDGE is knowing that a tomato is technically a fruit.
Cress: WISDOM is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Chili: PHILOSOPHY is wondering if a tomato is a fruit, does that make ketchup a smoothie?
Cheren: COMMON SENSE is knowing that ketchup isn't a smoothie.
Ingo: I went to the store and bought Quick Oats. The next day, my brother came back with Instant Oats. I will not be humiliated like this. I must now find an even sooner oat.
Hilbert: I hope nobody is evil
Ghetsis: >:)
Hilbert: Oh no
Elesa: Don’t post your negativity on a positive post.
Volkner: Electrons
Elesa: I should kick your ass.
Cilan: Being alive is great because there are so many different vegetables you can sauté. But then there are also the horrors.
Cheren: People who say ‘oof’ and people who say ‘bruh’ contribute nothing to a conversation.
Nate: OOF
Hilbert: BRUH
Ingo: Early to bed, early to rise, Burger King burger with Burger King fries
Skyla: Later to rise, later to bed, Burger King burger on Burger King bread
Elesa: Eat at morning, eat at night, I participate in a Burger King fight
Emmet: I slap my knees, I slap my thighs, tonight is the night that Burger King dies
Cheren: I currently have seven empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them.
Cilan: Put spaghetti in it.
Cheren: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone except you.
Bianca: Put spaghetti in it.
Cheren: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone except you two.
Nate: Put spaghetti in it.
Cheren: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Roxie: *playing guitar*
*suspicious crashing noises in distance*
Roxie: *plays guitar louder*
Hilbert: Big mood.
Emmet: What does that mean?
Hilbert: Well… it means, me too, I guess.
*the next day*
Ingo: I'm worried about Team Rocket using our subway system.
Emmet: Big mood, brother. Big mood.
Hilbert: Z is just a sideways N
N: Please stop it
Hilbert: Zo
Elesa: I can't find my earbuds and Target is closed. This is a nightmare.
Burgh: Put a Durant in each ear and they will sing to you.
Elesa: Not a half-bad idea actually.
Emmet: I go to Home Depot
Emmet: I eat the tools
Ingo: Stop it
Emmet: Crumch
Roxie: Is it cheating to teach Toxic to every member of my Pokemon team?
Elesa: Not at all, I'd love to hear them sing it.
Clay: None of y’all know what propaganda actually is, do you?
Hilda: It’s when a British person takes a good look at something.
Elesa: What are you guys going to be for Halloween?
Ingo: Sad
Burgh: Gay
Skyla: Sexy
Emmet: Goblin
Ingo: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds
Emmet: My arms are strong, I would catch you and hug you
Clay: Children, this is dirt.
Nate, Rosa, and Hugh: dirt? dirt? dirt? dirt? dirt?
Hilda: Shoutout to all the people who started saying “same” as a joke once in a while but now use it for the most random things like a car honking their horn at another car.
Cheren: Yesterday a book fell off my desk but instead of picking it up, I just looked at it for a second and said “same”
Hilbert: LOL same
Bianca: Why are we like this?
Cheren: Is there anything better than pussy?
Cheren: Yes, a really good book
Cheren: *plays the keyboard*
Hilbert: Who’s the hottest Uber driver you’ve ever had?
N: Ummm… I never went to Oovoo Javer.
Looker: Where’s the best place to buy fireworks?
Hugh: Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?
Looker: Where are your parents? Kid’s sketchy, back to you.
Emmet: *screams into jar and then screws on the lid* Everything’s fine.
Cilan: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?
Nate: Microwave for 40 minutes
Cilan: Why were you microwaving a lemon??
Nate: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges), but I didn’t own any pots.
Cilan: Did you burn an orange too? How??
Nate: Microwave for 40 minutes
Classroom: *silence*
One of the students: turgle turgle
Hilda: Hey everyone, today my brother pushed me, so I'm starting a Kickstarter to put him down. Benefits of killing him would be that I get pushed way less—
Cheren: I get that you're angry, but killing Hilbert is not the solution.
Hilbert: When will Ted himself finally show up to the talk?
Bianca: The final boss
Cheren: Guys, you do realize that TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, right?
Hilda: I will not let Ted hide behind these lies any longer.
Cheren: I love the word methinks. It’s accurate. Me does think. Thinketh me do.
Hilbert: Methinks therefore me am.
Nate (bragging.): I know every digit of pi.
Nate: I don't know what order.
N: He doesn't know what order.
"Hey besties friendly reminder to drink water, feed your lab Rattata, turn off your evil nuclear generator, change out of your dirty lab coat, go for a walk, and take care of yourself!"
(during a game of Uno)
Ingo: Brother, please, no.
Emmet: I’m sorry. I have to.
Ingo: Please, I’m begging you, after all we’ve been through?
Emmet: I’m sorry. [places a draw 4 card] Uno.
N: Any questions before I move on?
Porygon: *garbled electric noises*
N: ... Great. I really understood that well.
Elesa: This is camp.
Ingo: What does camp mean?
Emmet: Like when something is so yass and slay
Emmet: Do you think Joltiks take fall damage?
Ingo: Emmet, what the heck?
*at Drayden’s home in Opelucid City*
The Pokemon streaming service profiles read as follows:
Drayden: “Person who pays for the account”
Iris: “Granddaughter (Free pass)”
Ingo: “Parasite 1”
Emmet: “Parasite 2”
Cheren: How long does someone have to be dead before it's considered archaeology and not grave robbing?
Lenora: As an archaeologist, I find this a VERY AWKWARD QUESTION.
Cheren: Answer the question, grave robber.
Elesa: Carpe diem— seize the day
Skyla: Carpe noctem— seize the night
Emmet: Carpe natem— seize the ass
Ingo: Seriously, if you guys don't stop reblogging this, I am going to carpe someone's neck and break it.
Grimsley: Carpe collum— seize the neck
Cheren: Not all math puns are bad.
Cheren: Just sum of them.
Roxie: There is so much panic right now and not nearly enough disco.
Elesa: Where do bad rainbows go?
Skyla: …
Elesa: Prism. It's a light sentence.
Skyla: *groan*
Hilda: If you don't know the difference between "their," "they're", and "there", your a idiot.
Cheren: Well, this is awkward.
Hilbert: I was born ready!
Hilda: You were born in Nuvema Town.
Hilbert: When I was your age… (tells Hilda something he did a few minutes ago)
Nate: A theif
Cheren: Thief?
Nate: Theif
Cheren: I before e, except after c
Nate: Thceif
Cheren: No
Hilda: (singing) A potato flew around my room before you came—
Hilda, Hilbert, Cheren, and Bianca: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!
Hilbert: I'm nuts about these nuts. But you know what I'm also nuts about? My close good friends!
Hilbert: *gestures to Hilda, Cheren, Bianca, Nata, Rosa, Hugh, and N* My close good friends!
Ghetsis: Remember one time I liked you?
N: No.
Ghetsis: Good, because IT NEVER HAPPENED! *evil laugh*
Cilan: Would anyone like some stew? Would anyone like some stew? Would anyone like some stew?
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geraldmariaivo · 1 year
that’s one fucked up butterfly
So i have no clue whether or not this counts as a vague one-shot or an overly-detailed story idea. Either way, here’s the spaghetti my brain fed me today.  ————
Jason has been hungry. Like, really hungry. Granted that’s not weird because this lifestyle does that to a person, but it’s more than usual. It’s also kinda weird because he’s been picking up food more often…as Red Hood. Outside of Crime Alley. Something about the confusion and fear of the cashier as a known crime lord who usually stays inside his turf casually plops down and pays for a brick or five of guava paste, containers of butter, and various other sweets, fruits, and other normal foods is just so satisfying in a way he can’t put his finger on.
But he doesn’t really think about that, because by the time it’s a notable trend, there’s something more pressing to think about. Namely, the fact that it’s been getting harder to move in a my-muscles-and-joints-are-stiff-and-achey-because-I’m-not-letting-myself-heal kind of way. This also isn’t super surprising considering the, well, everything about his lifestyle. It was bound to catch up with him sooner or later. It got more pressing when the ganglion cysts started popping up. He got as many important things out of the way as he could, and took a break. It only took the immediate repercussions of pushing himself so much finally rearing their ugly head, but he did it.
Except two weeks in, and it’s gotten worse. He does stretches, drinks plenty of water, makes sure he eats enough fiber and nutrients, but nothing works. He just keeps getting increasingly stiff. And it doesn’t help that the cysts keep popping up (yes, he checked them out with Dr. Thompson, and they don’t seem to be anything other than his body pitching a fit about being beat up on). It isn’t until Steph and Cass visit the safehouse during lunch and tell him point-blank that he’s eating like a speedster that he takes a good hard look at the kitchen and his trashcan that he realizes he did, in fact, just pack away a whole pizza, a very large fruit&veggie smoothie, and was on his way to scarf down a bowl (pot) of pasta that would feed half the bats, plus the cheese, sauce, and meatballs he was in the process of cooking.
It takes too much arguing, and bribing him with Alfred’s cookies, to get him to come to the cave for more thorough examinations.
This, unfortunately, does fuck-all. His blood pressure indicates that he’s stressed but fine, his nerves and reflexes are working fine, and when they did finally get him to get actual scans and take samples, they all turned up negative except for slightly elevated brain activity and a higher body temperature than usual, not even enough to be a serious fever. The cookies were the only good part of going, in Jason’s opinion, because nothing changed from how it was going before. In fact, the period where he didn’t eat anything so he could go in for scans seemed to only make the aches, pains, stiffness, and cysts worse.
The fatigue was to be expected, considering how hard it was for him to move around, and the fact that whatever was going on was clearly taking a lot of energy. It also aligned pretty well with the expected fatigue from people with similar ailments….right up until Jason was suddenly conking out for hours at a time. This was, understandably, very alarming for everyone, especially Jason.
One night when [insert reason for everyone to be out of the cave here, probably the aftermath of a breakout from Arkham or something], things went from bad to “what the FUCK is going on?!?” Namely, because between the time they left to when they got back, Jason was effectively entombed in a weird cocoon of stone-like green shit, and whatever it is, it’s interfering with any and all of the equipment they were using to monitor his vitals.
Of course this sends everyone into a panic, and Bruce is extra freaking the fuck out. He tries to get this off of Jason any way he can short of dropping the cocooned Jason from a skyscraper. Chipping away at it? Didn’t work. Laser cutter? No. Acid? Nope. Sealing some of it in a container with water to see if it would even begin to dissolve? Nothing. Clark is off-world with J’onn, none of the lanterns are available, and as much as Bruce hates turning to magic for anything, none of the JLD will be able to stop by in less than a week.
So the bats wait. They can’t do anything else other than try to find out what’s happening and how to fix it.
And then, one day, there’s a crack. And another. And another. Given that Jason’s under 24/7 surveillance at this point and they’re actively looking for any signs of activity, it’s not long until everyone who can drop whatever they’re doing arrives at the cave. It takes a while for any of the cracks to be big enough for them to get a grip or pry this stuff off of him, but they manage. They manage, piece by piece, and what spills out -anyone who’s been near a Lazarus pit could tell you- is Lazarus water. Lazarus water, and Jason.
Jason, probably coughing and spitting up glowing green goop, does eventually crawl out. After the initial fretting and checking for damage, he gets cleaned up, and he seems fine. Further observation indicates that other than some minor stiffness from being in the same position for days, he’s healthy.
For a bit, everything seems fine. Everyone is still on edge from whatever the hell all that was, but there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with him, other than having a somewhat more even temper, and being more likely play nice on the comms during patrols.
Of course, this is until he falls through a couch while reading, and is found struggling to get up as his arms phase in and out of the floor.
For anyone who’s confused, this is a Halfa!Jason story(?) plot(?), and the basic premise is that Jason’s core had been forming for a long while now, but hadn’t been fully formed yet due to a lack of lots of good ectoplasm. The emotions he’s been absorbing from living in a city, and especially the fear he’s been getting as Red Hood and during rogue attacks, has been really helping out though, and has allowed his forming core enough strength to mostly filter out a bunch of the nastiest gunk left over.
Unfortunately Jason was constantly in danger, and his core wanted time to focus on finishing itself, as lots of newly formed cores do. So it geared up to spend a lot of energy on this (hence eating so much -sustaining the squishy human body while his core is using so much energy is important), but quickly “realized” that Jason wouldn’t stop going out and getting injured on his patrols for anything short of a medical situation of “this is going to affect my immediate future if I don’t treat this now” scale. So it did, and then when it was ready to actually buckle down and go for it, it gathered up the nastiest ecto it could find, and used it to make a protective barrier around him so that A) he couldn’t go anywhere and get himself injured, and B) anything that might want to snack on or harm a vulnerable core with a currently very vulnerable body would be repelled by the sheer nastiness of it.
And when it was over, out came a fully-formed halfa!Jason!
Good luck with those new powers, buddy.
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seokiloquy · 1 year
Wine and Movie Pt 3 - Ushijima Wakatoshi
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Au: Regular (timeskip)
Tags/Warnings: GN! Reader, uhhhh
Word Count: 1k
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3
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Your hands began to crackle as the mud that covered them dried up. Dipping them in a pot filled with water had become a pastime, giving you what only felt like seconds until you had to soak them again. It was hard not to sigh or groan, but you didn’t want the people around you to look your way. While they did chat a bit, it was very quiet, allowing everyone to concentrate on the task before them. Not that they needed it. They were all so talented.
You glanced at Ushijima’s hands. Strong as they were, they were gentle against the clay beneath them, easily forming and moulding it into a smooth bowl with cupped hands. Gulping, you looked back to your bowl, only to find it caved in. “I’m going to break this table.”
“Don’t worry,” a woman said to your right. “It takes time to learn.”
You gave her a sour frown and pointed to Ushijima, leaning back to ensure she could see. “He’s got it.”
“I’ve done this before,” Ushijima explained.
“Show off.”
“I’m just talented.”
You blinked. He told a joke. Well, sort of. But there was humour in his tone. A small lilt that let you know he was teasing you. Grinning, you played along.
“Ugh, when is it my turn to be talented.”
“You have your skills.”
“Maybe, but I’m not a giant made of pure muscle.”
Ushijima turned his head away. Ears tinged pink.
“Oh,” You smiled, “I’m also not as handsome.”
Lifting his foot from the spinning pedal, Ushijima rose to his feet and shuffled away towards the bathroom.
“I think you flustered him,” the woman chuckled as she pulled a wire through the bottom of her cup.
“That’s a very hard thing to do. He’s so stoic.”
“Well, I guess he likes you enough to induce a response.”
You sat silently as she stood up with her cup and walked away. 
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Sitting on the cushions of Ushijima’s home, you couldn’t help but keep glancing over as the woman’s words danced through your head. 
Does he like you? Well, he was the one to suggest the date in the first place. Knowing what you knew of him, Ushijima was the type to do things without purpose, maybe for the occasion selfish purpose, but not without none. So he must like you, right? He couldn’t just want more physical therapy to prevent his shoulder from getting injured, not that you’d mind providing it, but still, he could just come to you during work hours if he wanted. And by now, it’s been long enough that he likely would have asked for something outside of work time if he wanted it. Which he hasn’t, so there really must be a different motive, but that could only mean—
“You’re not watching. What’s on your mind?”
“Hmm?” Your spine straightened as you looked up from the sharp angle of Ushijima’s jaw to meet his brown eyes.
“You’ve been staring at me instead of watching the movie. It’s your favourite.”
You spun the wine in your glass, watching it become a whirlpool. “Maybe I've had too much to drink.”
“You haven't even had a sip. What’s in your mind.”
Sucking in a deep breath, you dipped your head back, letting the wine roll down your throat before slamming it onto the table. “Do you like me?” you asked after swallowing.
“Okay, and this is what kind of like?”
“I find you attractive and interesting if that’s what you’re asking.”
Yes and no. The thought of saying the words made your stomach churn, and chugging back the wine was probably no help. “I—” The words wouldn’t get out like they were trapped behind your tongue.
“If you can’t tell me, I can’t answer.”
“Oh, quiet, this is hard. I don’t know how you were able to just ask me on a date.”
“I wanted something, so I went for it.”
“You— Huh?”
He could talk so easily, calmly, like the words were nothing but information to be shared, despite being able to hide his emotions behind a usually stoic mask.
“What’s causing you trouble? I like you. I want to take you on dates. I want to enjoy your company. What’s so difficult to understand.” If he didn’t have such a calm voice, you would have almost assumed he was angry, but his hunched stature as he turned toward you felt more hesitant. “Is it a label you need?”
“I, well. No? But maybe?”
“I’m courting you.”
“Like a victorian?”
“I suppose,” he blinked, staring off for a moment to gather his thoughts. The laps in time only made your mind jump to the thought of him wearing a suit with long coattails and a top hat and cane to match. It would suit him. He came back, making eye contact and ending your dazed dream. “Does that help? Knowing that I’m courting you?”
Well, considering that you were more distracted by the thought of Ushijima wearing a fancy Victorian dress, yes. You nodded, but quickly tilted your head.
“So, do I call you my boyfriend?”
“I’d like that. But only if you want to. We can figure it out as we go.”
Ushijima leaned away, removing his warmth from the air before you and only then making you realise how close he had gotten.
Your heart continued to flutter, despite the anxiety seeping away, leaving you feeling warm and content. You hoped his was too.
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This is just me writing a coded autistic x adhd couple and failing cause I can’t plot right now. There's nothing else I can think of to write for this? idk - Bacon
Posted: 26/03/2023
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