#American whump
worldboywhump · 17 days
Emerald City: Ep 2 (“Stay With Me”)
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patr0nsa1nt · 1 month
Movie - Harry Potter: The Half Blood Prince
Well, I'm going offscript here for my teenage crush Draco Malfoy aka Tom Felton. So I gotta add it to my whump list.
He grew up to be so good and his character was so confused and scared and conflicted throughout the movie. It was fun watching him going ferral finding his own place with other death eaters. But turns out he's such a softy who doesn't want to do bad things even though he's a bad boy. I could relate to his character.
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staydandy · 11 months
Numb3rs (2006) - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : FBI agent Don Eppes recruits his younger brother, Charlie, a mathematical genius and college professor, to help solve some of Don's toughest cases. Although others at the bureau are skeptical of Charlie's involvement, he finds support in a colleague at the university where he teaches. (wiki) AKA : Numbers
Whumpee : Charlie Eppes played by David Krumholtz (left)
Country : 🇺🇸 America Genres : Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Family
Notes : This is a Partial List - I didn't list every bit of whump, just what caught my attention the most • Unrelated - but some of you might recognize Charlie/David Krumholtz as Bernard from The Santa Clause movies (I must admit I had a crush on Bernard as a kid, which continued to Charlie as I got older 🙈) • The episode list is formatted season-episode : 00-00
Episodes on List : 5 Total Episodes : 118 Total Seasons : 6
*Spoilers below*
01-02 : Charlie is in shock upon seeing a crime scene he didn't predict correctly … queasy … shuts himself up to obsessively work on a near impossible math problem
02-21 : Whiteboard near his head is shot.. scared, shock … returns to where shooting happened, flashbacks
04-11 : While driving at night chased by a truck … chased a second time, crashes his car (minor), hits his head, shot at … shocked by sound of book dropping (similar to gunshot)
04-14 : not whump : funny - goes through FBI training, fails just about everything except for shooting range
05-23 : Hit in the head, collapses, passes out … thinks his girlfriend is in a burning car, stopped from running to it, collapses
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lizzydizzyyo · 10 months
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bamber344 · 25 days
reblogging a whump post call that a reflog
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hatelangdon · 8 months
Pt 1, Pt 2 / 3k words.
(Franken!Kyle x Witch!Reader)
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Hurt/comfort, & fluff, Slight angst (it's just me rambling about Kyle's mistreatment from the Coven)
(🚨 Warnings: Talks of Fever, Being sick, Vomiting (not in detail), seperation anxiety, Crying, Zoe and Madison being terrible caregivers so neglect, problems with eating and drinking🚨)
Summary: Kyle doesn't feel good, he hasn't for a while...but what he needs now is kindness, understanding, and care from someone who actually wants the best for him.
(A/N: We all just want Kyle to feel better, he's so sweet. You could honestly just read this one by itself, but if you want more lore I would look into the last 2 parts...I definitely got carried away so I understand if ya'll don't feel like reading all this but I TOLD YALL I LOVE WHUMP but Misty is back and Kyle is wearing silly straw glasses so how mad could you be? I would highly recommend that you listen to this song near the end of the story , it adds a layer of sentiment that I can't even describe. I hope you have all enjoyed this little series as much as i've enjoyed writing it <3)
Also, this is not proofread so there's probably errors, ya'll know the drill by now.
When you returned with the broom and dustpan to clean the glass up, Kyle was laying in the bed twirling the ring around his pinky. He was so enamored by its beauty that he barely even noticed when you came back, until you started to sweep the glass off the floor.
He realized your presence and perked up, watching you with big eyes.
“H-help?” He started sitting up, but you gently pushed him back down onto the pillows.
"I got it Kyle. You need to rest, and I don't want you to accidentally step on something" You assured him.
Cordelia had taught him how to sweep since he basically became the coven’s butler after Zoe and Madison decided to bring him back from the dead. This always raised ethical concerns in your mind because…why would they do that?  
Kyle must’ve had dreams of his own, he was in college, he had friends that cared about him, he had a life that he wanted to live. Now he was unable to communicate and in constant pain from the terrible stitch job that Madison and Zoe had used to put him back together. His body never felt like his own, and thats because it wasn't...fully; They had decided to stitch Kyle back together using the body parts of his fellow frat brothers, which caused a lot of issues for both his mental and physical health.
It was all wrong. He was wrongfully killed in a bus crash, by Madison's hand and then he was brought back to be Zoe and Madison's personal toy & used as "the help"
Bringing someone back from the dead after you killed them, just so you could have sex and make them clean your house and serve you drinks didn't seem morally correct or fair. Those two had played “build a boyfriend” with Kyle’s life and didn't even take care of him properly.
Kyle never once took his eyes off of you while you swept, he had always admired how pretty you were and how warm your heart was.
After all of the glass was cleaned up and disposed of, you sat on the side of the bed, gently taking your ring from Kyle's hand and putting it back on your finger
"I told you I would be back" you stroked his hand with your thumb, and he gave you a gentle, sleepy, smile.
“P-p-pretty” Kyle blinked at you, still smiling
“yeah, it is a pretty ring isn't it? I can get you one like it, would you like that Kyle?"
He took a minute, allowing himself to fully decipher your words, before nodding and placing a gentle hand on your cheek 
“Y-you pretty.” He blinked hard, and nodded again to insure you knew what he was talking about.
You felt your face heat up and your heart flutter like it housed a butterfly garden,
“thank you Kyle. You are very kind.”
Your words only made his smile bigger.
You had moved yourself to the side of the bed, your back resting on the wall. Kyle balled himself next to you, resting his head on your lap.
You rubbed the side of his head with your thumb to let him know that you were with him, even as he slept. You could feel that he still had a fever....in fact he was burning up. Luckily, he was being taken care of and resting, maybe that was all that he needed.
Kyle only slept for an hour before all hell broke loose
You had stayed where you were, you didn't mind since Kyle was resting peacefully on your lap and no one really noticed that you hadn't come out of your room, it was still pretty early in the day.
You just sat there watching tv on your phone. Kyle had started to stir in your lap, his eyebrows furrowed like he was uncomfortable. He curled in on himself tighter, practically hugging his knees to his chest.  
You ran your nails down his spine, hoping to comfort him a bit. His eyes suddenly opened and he sat up, looking panicked and tapping his chest desperately trying to convey something to you.
Your eyes widened, you were just as confused as he was
“Um- what's wrong? Are you choking?” You were very unsure “is it your stitches???”
Kyle’s eyes were tearing up and he started turning red, as he continued to try and show you what was wrong with him by patting his chest. He started gagging and you realized what the issue was, quickly. 
“NO! NO! KYLE PLEASE DO NOT THROW UP ON MY BED” You practically sprung 4 feet off the bed and tackled the trashcan by your desk, luckily there was a bag in it. You rushed it over and put it in front of him. 
“You’re okay Kyle, just let it up” you rubbed his back gently, as he dry heaved over the bin, sobbing. He didn’t understand why this was happening to him, why his stomach hurt so much, and why his throat burned. The muscle tension from him being bent over and heaving caused his stitches to pull on his skin, which made his experience much more painful.
You hated to see him this way, you didn’t think it would get this bad but he was clearly much sicker than you had anticipated, the sound of him being sick and his desperate cries broke your heart, but all you could do was stay there with him and talk him through it. 
“I know it hurts Ky, I know. Just keep breathing. It’ll be over soon.” You pressed your lips to the back of his neck, rubbing on his shoulders. 
You could tell he was finished when the heaving stopped and he was just crying with his head in the bin.
You took it away from him with your eyes closed tying up the bag, you’d deal with it later. 
Kyle was back lying on the bed, curled up in fetal position while his body shook with sobs. He was exhausted and everything hurt.
“Ky, I know you don’t feel good. I’m sorry.” You were gentle with him, squeezing his hand “I’m gonna get you something to drink okay? You need to hydrate. It’ll help your throat.” you tried to sound encouraging, but he didn’t seem to care at all. 
He turned to you, sniffling while his eyes still pooled with tears and his nose blushed in bright hue of strawberry rouge, he held his hand out expectantly.
You looked around confused at first, until you realized that he was eyeing your ring. He had remembered.
You smiled, and pushed it into his palm, closing his fingers around it and kissing the back of his hand.
You made your way down to the kitchen to get some water from the brita, you used some old water bottle you got from a school event, it was best to give Kyle a drink with a lid, because he was prone to suddenly jerking his body. You came back upstairs, where Kyle was staring at the wall completely worn out.
“I’m back, ky”
He just hummed, his eyes closed to keep the light out. You had noticed Kyle didn't like to drink water that much, he didn’t really know why he needed to, so Zoe and Madison would just give him Diet Coke and apple juice all day to keep him quiet. This was a habit you could have fixed, but you didn't feel like arguing and Kyle needed fluids and electrolytes in him immediately. 
You opened your nightstand, You kept cherry flavored liquid iv in your top drawer because you were also prone to forgetting to hydrate. You poured the powder in, shaking it up so it would be dissolved.
You kneeled next to the bed, running your hands through Kyle’s hair, massaging his scalp. 
“Here Kyle, sip it. I made it sweet for you, it’ll help you feel a bit better” 
He nodded, sipping on the water bottle, he liked it enough to take it from your hands and try to drink from it himself, it took him 10 seconds before accidentally squirting himself in the face, flinching
"Careful, Kyle" you took it from him, and he grunted. 
You looked around your room for a better straw for him to sip on, your eyes landed on your desk. You had a pair of those silly straw glasses, from your little cousin's birthday party. You looked between the glasses and Kyle's wet face and knew exactly what he needed. 
You grabbed them and tapped Kyle on the shoulder so he would look up at you.
“I’m gonna put these on you, alright?”
Kyle was intrigued by the tubing, but he recognized that they were also glasses of some kind and allowed you to put them behind his ears.
You were careful putting the straw back into the cup, making sure he would be able to actually drink it. 
“Okay Ky, these are very special glasses,” you showed him the part of the straw that went into his mouth and he just stared at you, tilting his head in confusion “You’re just gonna drink from it like a regular straw.” 
You helped him put it in between his lips and he did as he was told, sucking on it like a normal straw. When he realized that the liquid was circling his eyes and coming all the way around the glasses, he immediately gave you a giddy smile thinking it was the coolest thing in the world.
He suddenly latched onto your waist from where you stood in front of him, hugging you close. His head rested on your chest while he happily sipped on his water. This took you by surprise, but all you did was pat his blonde head and return the favor by wrapping your arms around his back, giggling at the unanticipated declaration of love.
“Y/n care Kyle?” He took the straw out of his mouth, lifting his head to look you in the eyes.
You nodded, giving him a smile. You had never felt so much love and admiration for someone in such a little amount of time.
“Yes Kyle, I care about you very much. I will always value you and make sure you’re treated well from now on.”
He smiled, and went back to sipping his drink through his silly little glasses, still holding onto you.
All you wanted to do was keep him safe and comfortable in your arms but you still had other things to attend to, like breakfast for both of you…well brunch.
“Kyle,” You were careful with your movements as you wriggled your way out of his grip, you watched his entire face drop as he reached out for you once again wondering why you suddenly didn’t want to cuddle him. It took every ounce of your strength to not jump right back into the bed and hold him.
“I gotta make us some food, are you hungry?” You put your hands on the sides of his face.
“Hungry.” He repeated, nodding.
“Okay, I’m gonna make you something. Do you know what you want?” 
“Mac n cheese.”
“Alright, I’ll make you some Mac and cheese.” You made your way to the door and Kyle tried to follow, holding his water and looking at you like a lost puppy. 
“Ky, you can’t come. You’re sick honey.” You guided him back to the bed 
“Cold. B-bored.” He whined, trying to pull you into the bed with him. If he wasn’t sick he probably would have been able to. 
“No Kyle, I gotta go. I’ll only be gone a little while.” 
That’s when the tears started, he was exhausted and these past couple of days had been really difficult for him. He felt like you weren’t listening to him, like you didn’t care.
“Oh no no no, Kyle please don’t cry my angel,” You sat with him, wiping his tears away “I know you don’t feel good and you want me to hold you, I promise I will come back. I know it’s hard for you to understand, but I would never lie to you Ky.” 
He sniffled, he didn’t get it 100%, words always got fuzzy in his mind but as he studied your face, he realized the sincerity in your eyes. 
“I think it will help if I make the room comfy for you, hm?” You got up and closed your black out curtains which helped take some strain off of Kyle’s eyes and dull his headache, you had twinkling fairy lights that added some warmth to the room. 
Kyle looked around, seeing the change in scenery and almost instantly he felt calmer.
Autumn had just begun, Kyle always loved the change of the seasons, but autumn was his favorite. It was so cozy and pretty.
You set up your laptop on a pillow near him, turning on the first episode of “over the garden wall” and covering him back up with your weighted blanket.
He suddenly felt relieved of all the tension left in his body.
“Is this better?” You rubbed the bottom of his back and he nodded, sipping away on his drink.
He was so entranced by the show, that you were able to slip out without saying another word.
You went down into the kitchen where you were graced by the presence of Misty dancing to Fleetwood Mac and twirling around in her flowy clothes 
“Good morning, darlin!” She took your hand and twirled you, “Can I interest you in some French toast? I think I made too much batter.” 
Misty was by far your favorite sister in the coven, she was so kind and sympathetic, especially towards the vulnerable creatures of the world.
“oh Misty, you know that I love your French toast, but I gotta make a mac & cheese cup for Kyle so I’m probably gonna eat one too.” You tried to make your way over to the pantry, but Misty pulled you back towards her playfully. 
“no, you both can eat my French toast it's better for ya,  and I'll even put some strawberries and cream on top to sweeten the deal.”
You happily obliged and sat on one of the bar stools in front of the stove watching Misty do her thing.
“What’re you doing with Kyle, where’s Madison?”
You raised your eyebrows, “Well there was some conflict between the two of them so I decided it would be best if they took a pause- and Kyle is pretty sick, so I told him I’d take care of him.” While it wasn't technically a lie, it also wasn't the truth but you couldn't tell Misty that you had froze Madison in time and kept her in her room for the past 2 days. 
“Aw that’s too bad, why didn’t you tell me the poor angel was sick? I made some elderberry gummies a couple of days ago.” She flipped the toast in the pan, “They do wonders for the immune system, we're coming up on cold and flu season. I'm gonna get ya’ll some, I'll be right back!” she skipped off to her room her golden locks bouncing behind her, “if you smell something burning, just take the pan off the heat!”
She came back with a mason jar, filled with dark purple star shaped gummies,
“these will help him get better faster, but you should probably take some too.”
You nodded, giving her a big smile  “Thanks Misty, you're the kindest person I know.”
“Awww, you don't have to say that. I try to help out where I can. I've seen you do the same, don't think that big heart of yours goes unnoticed.” She gave you a wink as she plated up French toast for both Kyle and You.
“I’ll cut his up,” She grabbed a butter knife from the drawer, cutting the toast in tiny square pieces, “Now, you go take this up and make sure that boy is taken care of!” She handed both plates off to you and turned her little radio up louder, quietly humming the lyrics to herself while she cooked.
“You could be my silver spring Blue-green colors flashin' I would be your only dream Your shinin' autumn ocean crashin"
The music followed along as you made your way back up the spiral staircase, opening the door to your bedroom to see Kyle resting peacefully with his cheek smushed against your pillow, his eyes sleepily taking in the calm scenes of the show. 
“Ky, Misty made us some French toast” you sing-songed. 
He turned to you eyebrows furrowed. That wasn't what he asked for., you noticed his confused expression and took a seat on the bed right next to him.
“I know it's not what you asked for, but did you wanna try?” You asked encouragingly.
He could smell it, and he liked the smell, so he was willing to try. He opened his mouth for you to feed him and you stabbed a piece with your fork, placing it in.
He chewed it up, it was very sweet so he liked it and showed you by opening his mouth for another piece. If he wasn't sick, you wouldn't have babied him so much, but you could still feel the warmth of fever on his skin so you needed to coddle him for just a little bit more.
and after a few minutes and what felt like magic you had managed to feed Kyle and yourself with no mess, you placed your dishes on your desk you would worry about them later. 
Kyle had felt much better, but he still wanted you all to himself.
“Y/n done?” He perked his head up and looked at you with his big puppy eyes,
“Yes Kyle, I’m all done with everything” You came right over and grabbed his hand, which caused him to smile, shyly.
“L-lay with Kyle..and-and watch p-p-pumpkin?” He pointed to the show, wanting you to enjoy it as much as he did even though you were the one who introduced it.
“Of course, Ky.”
And with that, you wrapped your body right around his, holding him close to your chest. Your fingers intertwined as both of your faces were illuminated by the warm orange lighting of the show. You didn’t know what to call your relationship, you didn’t know if Zoe would ever return, and you didn’t know if you would ever unfreeze Madison by your own will…but you did know one thing, You would love Kyle forever and no one else would ever be able to hurt him as long as there was breath in your body. 
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dilfgifs · 23 days
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Jon Bernthal as Julian Kaye American Gigolo (2022)
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aceofwhump · 8 months
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Day 12: Red
Daredevil 3x07 | House of the Dragon 1x03 | Lucifer 3x24 | Once Upon a Time 5x13 | White Collar 6x0 | American Horror Stories 1x02 | Wednesday 1x04 | Hawaii Five-0 10x22 | Scream | Supernatural 9x23 | The Witcher: Blood Origin 1x01
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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msj4d3m4rv3l · 5 months
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therandomartmaker · 1 year
A little angst for the soul using dp x dc because it’s what crack i am on right now
When Danny snaps, Bruce just feels so so tired.
“What do you want from me? What do you want me to say?” Danny yells, frustrated and broken and, worst of all, genuinely confused.
Bruce just wanted to know if Danny knew that his parents weren’t good, and why they weren’t good, and why Danny still protected his parents. A few well-placed questions that were just a little bit to the left, apparently.
What does it say when a child learns far too early that there are ‘right’ opinions and ‘wrong’ opinions?
‘It says that that child has been let down and beaten and broken by the words of adults that should’ve been rolemodels,’ Bruce thinks.
Bruce wonders how many times Danny has been told the his parents are the professionals, that they are the experts about ghosts. How many times he has been told that he is a non-sentient unfeeling entity, and how many times he has been scorned for trying to say otherwise.
“Only what you think, Danny, only what you know,” He answers, gently, softly. “Not what you think I want from you. I want you to trust that I will acknowledge your opinions.”
How many times will Bruce have to hold a broken child before they are ok?
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whumperer-86 · 2 years
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Prodigal son ep 02
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letthewhumpbegin · 5 months
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American Assassin (2017)
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whump-adjacent · 2 years
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American Heist, Dir. Sarik Andreasyan (2014)
Please enjoy this deeply out of context gif from American Heist where brothers James & Frankie have just had a very violent reunion (post Frankie being released from jail). 
I originally giffed the whole scene, but for added me context: where I’m at mentally/ship-wise atm is watching back through Hayden Christensen’s filmography & giffing anything that could possibly fit into an Obikin narrative if you replace the other character with Obi Wan. So basically this gifset posted itself in the end 🙃
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hatelangdon · 9 months
I got you, baby.
Pt 1 / 1094 words.
(Franken!Kyle x Witch!Reader)
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Angst, Hurt/ No comfort turns into Fluff and Hurt/comfort
(🚨Warnings: ABUSIVE language from a partner, physical ABUSE from a partner, crying, verbal stutters, anxiety attack? Maybe?🚨)
Summary: Zoe left, it was all too much for her. Kyle has made himself physically ill from the heartbreak he feels, and Madison isn't necessarily the best caregiver and someone needs to show him some kindness.
(A/N: I love my sweet angel baby, he deserves only the best. IM SO SORRY IF THIS BREAKS YOUR HEART IT BROKE MINE WRITING IT Also, this is not proofread i'm sorry but Kim, there's people that are dying.)
It had been a week since Zoe's departure from the coven, it was all too much. Taking care of Kyle, Madison's constant harassment, and the pressures of training her powers had drowned her spirit. She had managed to make it out of Kyle's grip in the middle of the night and sneak out.
The only thing that she left was a goodbye note telling Kyle that she loved him but ultimately she chose herself. 
Nights were always the hardest you could hear Kyle crying throughout the walls of the mansion.
 Zoe had basically left him high and dry and in the hands of Madison, who’s attempts to comfort him weren't the greatest. Her patience was thin and if Kyle wasn't calming down fast enough for her she would often become very cruel towards him.
The other girls tried to help him stay sane during the day, Queenie would often read to him, and misty would play Fleetwood Mac and invite him to dance, in attempts to lift his spirits.
You wanted to do more but you had only joined the coven about a month ago so you didn't really know Kyle well enough to extend more than a passing smile if he was near. 
It would work for the most part, he felt better as long as he was distracted.
But once nighttime rolled around and he had no Zoe to hold onto that's when everything would change. It had gotten so bad that Cordelia often had to create botanic concoctions from the greenhouse and have him drink it as a sedative so the poor baby could get some sleep, instead of keeping himself awake from sobbing from heartache. 
It was Wednesday, 8 PM that's usually when the trouble started
“Zoe…Zoe...” you could hear Kyle sobbing but his voice was more hoarse than usual
“she's not here you idiot! I keep telling you this! she left you, she didn't want you, she doesn’t love you like I do!,” Madison barked back
which only made Kyles cries louder, he hated when she spoke to him like that.
“I am so sick of this!”
There was suddenly a loud thump on the wall and you heard Kyle scream which caused you to get out of bed and see what was going on.
Madison had thrown him back onto the wall where she was repeatedly kicking him and yelling.
It's only made Kyle cry harder as he shielded his face from her relentless attacks, he was much stronger than her and more than capable of throwing her across the room if he wanted, but he couldn't seem to get up.
“Kyle sorry! Kyle Sorry!” He choked out repeatedly but Madison was not letting up.
She suddenly stopped, stooping down and grabbing his face making him look up at her.
“you wonder why Zoe left," she scoffed "look at how needy and ungrateful you are, I'm trying to help you and all you can think about is her.”
Your heart broke at the sight, and without even thinking you had thrown Madison across the room with a flick of your wrist. You didn’t even know you had the power, but it came to you with ease in that moment. You marched over to Madison where you had thrown her, even though Kyle was in distress you needed to set her straight first and give him time.
“HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?” She sat up to look at you, rubbing her head
“have you lost yours?” Your tone was so calm it was almost sinister, you stare down at her your eyes piercing she suddenly started to cough it felt like someone was gripping her throat, you were doing it, with your mind. “Now, Madison I'm going to keep this very short and simple for you,” you tilted your head
“you can choose to leave the house or I can crush your windpipe, and have you die a second time." You smiled "hold up your fingers, option one or two?”
Madison, lips blue held up her index finger and you released your grip from her neck.
“I never wanna see anything like that again.” your glare intensified and you turned around to check on Kyle.
"stupid bitch"  Madison stood up, of course she tried to lunge at you but you're smarter than that, all it took was a slight raise of your hand and she was frozen mid air, you decided to keep her that way.
Kyle had balled himself into the corner, he was absolutely inconsolable, hitting his head with his hands as he sobbed
“Stupid, stupid, stupid” he repeated over and over again as his face only got redder and redder.
Your already broken heart had torn clean in half at the sight. You got down to his level 
“Kyle no, no no no no no” you whispered, grabbing his hands to stop him from bashing his own head
“Hey buddy, it’s y/n. You’re safe, just calm down for me." You tried to rub his back to comfort him, but you were suddenly surprised by his arms wrapping around you completely, as he sobbed into your shoulder, shaking.
“I'm sorry she did this to you, I got you. I got you." You rubbed his cheek with your thumb, trying to soothe him as he hid himself away in the crook of your neck, you could feel his muscles become less tense as you held him. He felt so warm, and his eyes were rimmed red and puffy, he obviously wasn't feeling very well.
"Let's get you into bed honey, you're exhausted." you rocked him back and forth, his cries had calmed down but his hold on you had not eased. You were very careful to lift him with your own body, you felt him tense back up as he realized Madison was still in the room although she was frozen his knees buckled, if you hadn't been holding him up he would've fell back down.
"...We'll put you in my bed tonight, is that okay?" you held his cheek in the palm of your hand while his big brown eyes met yours.
He nodded
"Y-y-y/n g-good." he pressed his forehead to yours.
you blinked a couple times, and nodded,
"I am good, I'm going to take care of you Kyle. okay? I won't let anyone else hurt you."
The blonde gave you a gentle smile, and held your hand as you lead him down the hall to your room.
(Part 2 )
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Former military Whumpee never revealing their former service for whatever reason but Caretaker (or just friend/partner) figuring it out fast thanks to Whumpee's use of 24h time.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 6 months
Merry Whumpmas 2023 Day 17: Pneumonia
TW: pneumonia, coughing, sickness
Whumpee coughed and hacked violently, each subsequent cough sounding worse than the last until the fit finally subsided. Grimacing, they turned and spit the gigantic wad of phlegm into the trash can near their bed, kept there for that exact purpose. Wiping their mouth with a tissue—and dropping that into the trash as well—Whumpee settled back into their blankets, staring miserably at the ceiling.
They were so sick of being sick.
They’d called their doctor earlier that morning after waking up and nearly coughing their lungs out, then barely having the energy to make it to the bathroom. “Sounds like pneumonia,” they’d said, “we can get you an appointment to come out for testing tomorrow morning, if that’s okay.”
“...yeah…” Whumpee rasped, “I can do that.”
The best thing about the whole ordeal was calling off work. It wasn’t hard convincing their boss they were sick when they couldn’t speak without sounding like Batman had swallowed some gravel. It also helped that they couldn't finish a sentence without intense coughing.
Except now they were stuck in bed, dead tired but unable to sleep because of their lungs’ constant need to expel the disgusting substance building up inside them, unable to do anything but half-heartedly watch movies punctuated by the occasional coughing. 
In almost every other circumstance, that would’ve been a dream come true for Whumpee, but being sick had the unfortunate downside of being miserable. But a sick day was a sick day, and all Whumpee could do was rest and drag themselves to the doctor the next day, get on antibiotics, and get on with their life.
That was what they planned to do, so that was what they did.
Of course, life doesn’t like to play nice.
“Your symptoms aren’t improving?” Their doctor repeated, sounding puzzled on the phone. “Hmm… try this other type of antibiotic, maybe that’ll work…”
“They’re still not improving? There’s this other antibiotic, try that one…”
“This one…”
“That one…”
Whumpee groaned in frustration, tearing their face mask off and face-planting onto their bed. They’d been sick for over a month now and were forced out of necessity to go back to work. But between all the coughing and the fatigue, their coworkers gave them a wide berth. And the antibiotics their doctor kept recommending them were not working!
Whumpee screamed into their pillow, the guttural cry sounding like Gollum being tortured into the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring. This wasn’t working. They needed a different approach.
They just had no clue what that approach could be.
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