#And he spends like half his time on screen looking so concerned--or straight up SCARED--for wangji's wellbeing
guqin-and-flute · 1 year
I can't get over how much Xichen loves Wangji I just
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tabithasomeday · 2 years
Fear Itself
Jane was terrified. 
This wasn’t all that unusual these days. Not since she had joined the Lone Star Protectorate as hero support personnel. 
In theory, she was a non-combatant. Her job was to hang back, out of range of whatever villain, monster, or anomaly her team was dealing with. She was there to provide first-aid to bystanders (and, occasionally to the heroes), tech support to the heroes, and moral support to all involved. All safely out of the blast radius of whatever death rays, negabombs, or otherworldly radiation her team was there to deal with.
In theory.
In practice, in the three months, two weeks, and five days that she’d been on the job, she’d been held hostage by supervillains either three or five times, depending on how you counted being held hostage by three different instances of the Ku Klux Klone in one battle. She’d spent three hours puking her guts out when Stench managed to get a tendril past her mask. Her current undercut was thanks to losing most of the hair on one side of her head to a blast of fire from the Infernal Flame.
So being terrified was not a new thing for Jane. It didn’t keep her from doing her job. By her tally she’d dragged thirty-four civilians to safety while her nigh-invulnerable teammates beat the snot out of supervillains; provided excellent tech support (her favorite achievement there was getting Tex Mech’s armor rebooted mid-combat, just in time to stop the onslaught of General Disaster), and generally done whatever job was required of her no matter what chaos reigned in the her immediate vicinity.
So, terror was not a new thing for Jane. 
What was new was her whole team being scared. Concerned? Of course, occasionally. Worried? On rare occasion. Once or twice she might even have caught a glimpse of fear in they eyes of one of the heroes. But terror? Never.
This call had seemed like it was going to be an easy one. All the report had said was that some newbie supervillain had taken up station on the Capitol grounds and was assembling an ominous looking device. Probably something the cops could have dealt with themselves, but dispatch followed procedure and put in a call to the Protectorate.
And now Athena, whose forcefield could withstand a tactical nuke, was quaking with terror, looking like she might flee at any moment. Jane couldn’t tell what was going on with Tex Mech through the opaque helmet, but he’d dropped to one knee. Even Darius, possibly the most powerful hero currently operating in Texas, was a quivering mess.
Without even turning away from his doomsday machine, this asshole calling himself Fear Itself was doing something to everyone. If he was that powerful, what chance did anyone have? Why did he even need the machine? What terrible thing was it going to do?
Filled with such abject terror, Jane did the only thing she could do. Her job.
Grabbing the tactical flashlight from her belt, she ran up behind the super and, before he could do more than start to turn, hit him across the back of the skull with all her strength. 
The debriefing was more annoying than usual.
At a normal debriefing, she’d be asked if her written statement was true and complete, she’d say yes, and then spend the rest of the meeting scrolling through her phone. Not today. 
FIrst of all, she hadn’t even had time to write up a report. The Protectorjet had flown them straight to headquarters, and she’d spent the flight half unconscious from adrenaline after-effects.
Second, people seemed pissed at her. Rather than sitting comfortably in the background, she was the center of attention. Then the Boss walked into the room.
The boss didn’t waste any time with pleasantries. “Ms. Smith, “ she asked, “how and why have you been concealing your powers?”
“What?” Jane was confused.
The Boss waved her phone toward Jane, letting her get a glimpse of the screen. It looked like a standard power scan report, with a null reading. “It’s been reported,” she glanced briefly toward Darius, “that you have powers, but—” She gestured at the null reading on the screen.
“I don’t get it.” Jane continued, “I don’t have any powers.”
“Liar!” Darius interjected.
“I—” Jane tried to speak.
“You took out that villain on your own, when the rest of us were completely disabled by his powers. Without powers of your own, how do you explain your immunity to his?”
The Boss broke in. “You were unaffected by the terror the villain inflicted on the team.”
“Unaffected?” Jane failed to completely stifle a laugh. “I was fucking terrified. I”
“But—” Darius tried to interrupt again.
Jane wasn’t having it. “I’m scared on every job we go on. You think I wasn’t almost pissing myself when General Disaster was charging at me at sixty miles an hour?”
She didn’t wait for an answer. “Do you think I wasn’t petrified when Maid of Dishonor was holding her sword across my throat? Or when your energy beam singed my cheek to blast her off of me?”
“But—” Darius tried again.
“Of course I was terrified this afternoon. What else is new?” Jane took a deep breath. “But if I let that stop me, I would have quit after my first day. Hell, I would never have taken this job.”
A moment of silence.
“May I go?” Jane asked. Normally, she’d stay for the whole meeting, but she really didn’t want to this time.
The Boss gave her a small nod, silencing Darius with a glance when he started to object.
Jane looked behind her to see Daniel (he didn’t like to be called Tex Mech out of armor) walking after her. She slowed down and waited for him to catch up with her. She didn’t say anything.
“So,” Daniel finally started, when the reached the elevator, “You always feel that scared?”
Jane reddened with embarrassment, and a little anger. As if the debrief hadn’t already been humiliating enough.
“Not that bad. Not every time, anyway, but yeah.” Jane answered. She wouldn’t look at Daniel.
“Why the hell are you support?” Daniel asked.
“I’m sorry I’m such a coward. But I get the job done.” Jane said, halfheartedly. 
Daniel seemed surprised. “That’s ridiculous.”
Jane turned to face him.
“I do so!” Jane defended herself, “I—the team—hasn’t lost a civilian since I came on board!”
“What? No! That’s—”
“Then what?”
“I know you get your job done. The ridiculous part was you being a coward.” Daniel answered. “You are so not a coward.”
“You’re fucking amazing,” he broke in. “I’d never stopped to think what it’s like for you out there. When my armor went down, I was worried, sure, but even powered down, nothing’s really going to hurt me in there. But you could have been killed.”
“Don’t remind me.” The compliment made Jane just as uncomfortable as what she’d thought were insults.
“No, seriously. You’re the best. When I asked why you’re support, I just meant you could be more.”
Jane narrowed her eyes. “There’s something wrong with being support?”
The elevator dinged as its doors slid open.
“Look,” Daniel started again, “Can I buy you a cup of coffee?”
“I don’t drink coffee.”
“I do eat.”
The elevator doors slid closed.
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nekojuro · 3 years
Hello there :) I really LOVED your asl brothers headcanons + the fluffy sabo one
So we know the majority of the fandom headcanons Sabo as a not really jealous type of bf, but what if when he DOES get jealous, its quite a mess ? May I please request an angsty headcanon of this with a fluffy ending ? Female!S/O please,
Thank u ❤
hello, thank you for the request! y'all really love sabo and im in for it, as you should! im not really fond of making angst because i can't take myself seriously but i tried my best with my own version and I'm sorry if it's nothing like you requested. also, I can't imagine sabo in an angsty headcanon but feedbacks are highly appreciated! hope you enjoy it! genre: sfw | v light angst - fluff warning(s): f!reader, modern-day timeline note: not proofread and a really long one so I'm gonna call it a one-shot with headcanon format
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as we all know, sabo is caring and patient. that being said, he doesn't really care about other people and respects those people around you. he's v rational and doesn't mind much those guys who have hots for you.
unless the same guy kept on hitting on you and gets under his skin while he's in a not-so-nice mood, all hell breaks loose.
okay, it's so rare for him to get jealous but when he does, you get lowkey intimidated and scared.
he's the silent treatment type of jealousy, he won't even look at you and let you touch him. he'll be so distant but will expect you to cling unto him and if you don't? he'll get sulky and impatient, he won't be able to stay still istg
he calms down with your scent tho
you know that well and the last time you had this issue was around half a year ago
because you're a dumb bitch who's too oblivious for your own good, it happened again.
sabo is waiting for you at his apartment and since you decided to go on a date tomorrow, you'll be spending a night there since sabo had been whining for the lack of time you've been together for this whole month. unfortunately, you're late because there was a company dinner and you forgot to text him that you'll be late since you thought it won't take an hour but here we are.
god, I'm so stupid! you thought
a co-worker offered to give you a ride home which you didn't refuse because of course, you want to be home as soon as possible. you thanked your office mate and when you were about to unlock the door, it opened and there you saw sabo in his pajamas-- a white shirt and gray sweatpants. he looks concerned and immediately grabs your bag and coat so you could remove your heels.
"I'm so sorry, love. there was a sudden company dinner but it only went for an hour because there's only 4 of us there anyways. have you eaten?" you explained while you walk towards the kitchen to get water.
"yes, did you eat well? there's a leftover if you're still hungry. who was with you anyways?" he curiously asked
"oh, the team manager and his wife then my desk mate. do you remember him? the one who gave me a bento cake last time?"
his forehead creased and you look at him for a second when you heard him clear his throat which you didn't pay much attention to.
"ah, okay. let's go to bed right after you wash up, we're leaving early tomorrow." he smiled at you but it didn't reach his eyes
still, you chose to shrug it off because he's been always like that whenever he's tired and sleepy.
you skipped lightly towards him to give him a hug and kiss which made him chuckle
he hugged you tightly and places his face to the crook of your neck when he stiffened under your touch.
nonetheless, you paid no mind and go on with the night since as he said, you'll be leaving early tomorrow and you just want to dive in the bed--wrapped in his arms.
when the morning comes, you woke up when you felt the other side of the bed--cold and empty. you immediately got up to get a cup of water while thinking that he might be watering the little plants he has.
you tied your hair before going out but instantly stopped in your tracks when you found him leaning at the main door, talking with your office mate.
"uhm? what's up?" you were so confused about what's happening but you can clearly see that sabo is not having fun while your office mate was smiling sheepishly.
you walked towards them that made sabo click his tongue which made you uneasy
"oh, I'm just passing by. i think you dropped this hairpin on my car last night." you mirrored his smile and lightly tuck in the little strands that fell on your face
you were about to reach for it when sabo grabbed it-- a little too hard-- that made you tense as you can feel his intense gaze even though he's not looking at you.
"yeah, thanks. you can go now." sabo blandly shooed him which made your eyes widen as you rush to pull him back and stand in front of him to face your co-worker.
"h-hey! yeah, thank you so much! i didn't notice it but I appreciate it. well, see you at the office...i g-guess?" it was so hard for you to maintain a smile on your face when you can literally feel the heavy pressure of sabo's presence.
"oh, actually the manager announced that we're gonna have a one-day trip to osaka for screening of the new products at the group chat. she was looking for a volunteer and the team manager wanted you to c--"
"she's not available, can't you fucking see?" you almost yelped at the impact when sabo pulled you unto him that made you bump on his chest.
they were exchanging glares so you had to cut it off and apologize because you're not gonna volunteer for that, not when sabo is like this, you're better off dead than go with your team.
when you bid farewells to your co-worker and close the door, you can feel your stomach-churning. the moment he lightly pushes you to go back to his room, you knew this is gonna be a long day.
it's early in the morning and today is date day, what a bad timing to show up in front of sabo.
"love? hey..." you called out when you saw him in front of his study desk and laptop with glasses on. a sign that the date will get canceled.
you immediately go behind him and tried to touch his cheeks but he evaded it smoothly with attitude. you almost laughed but you know it's not the right time and you're not that stupid.
you tried different things but he just wouldn't accept anything right now so you decided to give up pestering him and took a shower instead. you can't allow this day to be a waste, if you have to drag him just to make the date happen--you will.
even after dressing up, he's still ignoring you but you know he's also aware of what're you doing because you can see his hands stop from typing whenever you make a move.
"love, I'm going out. you comin'?" trying a new approach, you asked but no reply.
you sigh heavily and head to the kitchen, you saw him shift around at the corner of your eyes when you opened the door.
pouring an orange juice into the mug and going back to his room, you placed it beside his laptop. your hands place on his shoulders for support, you take off one of his earpods.
"sabo, I'm going out for a while 'kay?" you stand straight after giving him a kiss on his cheeks.
but before you can even take a step, you're immediately pulled by him. standing between his parted legs as buries his face in your stomach. he's a little bit calmed down so it'll be easier to talk to him.
"you come back home late with another man's scent on you then the next day, they come knocking on my door. that fucking assho--"
you cut him off with a light slap on his head, "sabo, that's mean! don't act like i forgot your rudeness earlier." you warned
he looked up to you with a glare, "yeah, he earned it. are you siding with him?"
"no, love. you know you've been rude!" you raised a brow which he mirrored
"baby, I'm your boyfriend." he stated with his cheeks slightly puffed like that sentence will do its magic
you sighed, giving it up. i mean, it's partly your fault! you're just lucky this time because he's attention and touch starved-- that's why he's easy to submit.
"okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'll be careful from no--"
"as you should." he cuts you off with a sass
you squeezed his cheeks and kiss him on his nose and forehead, "c'mon, stop being a baby and get up. we're going to movies instead, my treat." you winked at him.
he instantly stands up and hugged you tightly while peppering you with kisses.
before closing the bathroom door, he looked back at you and flashes his infamous charming smile that made you chuckle.
"you look so good, love."
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vanillann · 4 years
double sided recipe card (pietro maximoff x reader)
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a/n: hi, pietro is literally the love of my life so OF COURSE i’d do this!! also request are always open so don’t be scared to send an ask whenever!!
word count: 2.3k
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“Has anyone seen Pietro?”
I swung around the kitchen of the compound, walking in to find Clint and Nat in a conversation about who knew what. They both smiled when they saw me but Clint's face dropped slightly when he realized my words.
“Why do you need Roadrunner?” Clint crossed his arm, leaning back on the kitchen island slightly.
“I have his physical and if he wants to go to the mission tomorrow,” I tried off, smiling at Clint when he rolled his eyes.
“I think he’s in Wanda’s room,” Nat pointed over her shoulder, patting my shoulder when I passed her.
I did the lightest jog to the evaluator, finding Wanda’s floor number and smashing the button. The folder played between my fingers, my eyes begging to look but I knew I’d get in trouble if I was caught on camera.
The smallest ding drew me from my stares, informing me I had made it to the correct floor. I skipped out lightly, smiling when I noticed Wanda's door slightly ajar, the slightest bit of laughter spilling out into the hallway. I didn’t think much of him in Wanda’s room, he tended to sit around everyones room beside his own.
I stepped closer to the door, my knuckles ready to knock but I stopped when I noticed a female voice laugh. I looked closer, noticing Pietro sat in front of the T.V. his back turned to me but his knees were pressed to his chest as he stared at the T.V.
“Pietro,” a little bit of a younger Wanda's face smiled from the screen, her giggles sounded the same as they do now as she looked up.
“I’m shocked you didn’t see it coming,” Pietro's voice sounded around the room, the entire video was starting to catch up. Wanda mentioned she had a few older home videos in her room, she didn’t watch them but she never had to heart to watch them.
“I’ll kill you.”
Pietro suddenly slammed his hand on the remote, doing his best to make the video stop but the laughter never stopped. He held in the air, ready to throw it at the T.V. before my feet took off. I don’t know how I made it to his side so fast, my hand wrapping around the remote as I placed my other hand on his back.
“Hey,” my voice was soft as I got his hand to fall, he looked shocked for a second and I realized he probably was upset. I was watching but that didn’t matter as he curled closer to me. His hands pulled at the overshirt hoodie that clung to my frame, his face pulling closer.
He didn’t cry, just took angry breaths and held himself closer to me. By the time dinner rolled around he had drifted off, his hands lose on my shirt as I played with the edge of the folder.
“Piet-” Wanda knocked lightly on the door, a little smile on her face before she spotted us on the floor.
“Hey Wanda,” I spoke softly, trying to get his hand off so I could speak away from my ear, making sure I didn’t wake him. Wanda waited a second, most likely reading my mind for a second before she gave a sad smile.
“The home video?”
I just nodded, following her from her own room to the kitchen, where I could smell the food flooding the building.
“He does alot of bottling up, with the anniversary of mother birth-” Wanda trailed off, upset as she spoke about her poor mother.
“When’s her birthday?”
“Tomorrow,” Wanda shrugged, both of us stepping foot in the elevator.
“During the mission? I’m so sorry, I can lie to Tony and tell him you aren’t clear-”
“Don’t worry about it (Y/N), it’ll be good not to think about it.” Wanda smiled lightly, looping her arm in mine as she leaned on me slightly.
“Thank you, for being there for him.
“Of course, you know I care about you both.” The door slid open, the smell even stronger as we heard Steve’s laugh fill the compound.
“Care isn’t the word I’d use,” her accent was thicker as she rolled her eyes at me, the hint of a smirk on her lips as we walked closer to the kitchen. I pinched her side, laughing when she jumped slightly.
Once we made it to the kitchen the smell well smashed into my system, walking over to look down at the soup that was lightly boiling.
“It’s a Saliva meal,” Wanda handed me a bowl, holding one in her own hand while she waited for me to hurry up.
“Should I wake Pietro? He wouldn’t want to miss this-“
“I’ll make it again, for now he should rest.” Wanda held my arm, smiling at my concern for her brother as I gently picked up the ladle and became pouring my own soup in the bowl. I watched the light brown broth pour into the bowl and suddenly I knew exactly what I had to do.
“Wanda, would you leave the recipe card out for this?”
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I stumbled into the kitchen, the reusable bag full of different ingredients practically falling from the bag.
“Aren’t you glad you aren’t an Avenger,” I heard Pepper’s soft voice from behind me, her giggles coming from the doorway. I only shrugged, looking down gloomy as the ingredients that sat over the island.
“What are you making?” I felt her presence beside me now, looking over the food beside me. I didn’t say a word, holding up the recipe card Wanda had thankfully left out.
“This is what we had last night,” Pepper noticed, looking at the side of my face with the smallest smirk ever across it.
“I’m making it for Pietro for when they get back, he didn’t get any last night.”
Pepper bumped my shoulder, my eyes rolling in the back of my head before I reached for a tomato. I let it roll around in my hand a few times, looking down at the card Pepper had placed back down.
“You don’t know what you're doing?”
“Nope,” I popped the “p”, walking around the island to grab one of the pots and filling it up with water. I placed it on the stove, staring at it for a little bit as if waiting for something to happen.
“Would you like help?”
I probably should say yes, I was trying to make this soup when I should barely make a bowl of cereal. Maybe soup was one of the easier foods to make but I would spend half the time as a few words still in Russian on the card.
“I’ve got it don’t worry,” I brushed her off, simply because I was hoping if I could pull this off alone he would be proud of me. I was hoping he’d make a smartass comment with that little smirk and mention that I did a great job.
“Okay, let me know if you need help. I’m always happy to do so for you and Wanda, just not Tony.” I laughed slightly at her sarcasm, waving over my shoulder as I heard her light footsteps leave the kitchen.
I finally reached out and turned the burner on, smiling when I heard the small click signaling it was in fact on and ready to begin boiling the water. I turned back to the island, picking at the index card. I assumed it was a family recipe but the handwriting and the older terms were used within the recipe.
As I finally placed the tomato on the cutting board, a large knife in hand I thought things were falling into place.
I was in fact, wrong.
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I panicked when I heard the elevator open, hearing a light noise of voices enter the floor. I couldn’t be everyone as they weren't as loud and also with how late it was. Clint wasn’t going to hang around with everyone at 2:12 in the morning.
“Just go in the kitchen,” I heard a light female voice speak, my panic rising as I realized Pietro was in fact home and probably seconds away from walking in the kitchen.
I hid my bandage hand behind my back, trying to block the few things I managed to chop before I attacked my own hand with it by accident.
“Why?” His accent was thick with sleep, which made a little smile dance across my lips. I understood why Nat was teaching them to lose the accent for safety reasons but I loved the way they spoke with it.
“Just do,” I saw the door slightly move, knowing someone was going to walk in soon and part of me panicked. I was more worried about Pepper finding me like this, she would have my head if she saw this and I didn’t let her help.
“Fine fine,” I watched him finally walk into the kitchen, lucky alone, as he looked around it for a second. When his eyes spotted me against the counter he smiled but it quickly fell when he spotted the mess behind me.
“Pietro?” I spoke with nerves. my body on high alert.
“What’s this?” He looked down at the island, his eyes spotting the recipe card I had forgotten to put away. His finger picked it up, a sad smile on his lips before he even read the words on the card.
“My mothers,” his voice sounded far away, as if for a second he was back home before the bomb, before they lost everything but each other.
“Wanda let me use it,” I pointed with my unharmed hand, trying my best to make him comfortable with the conversation.
“She told you?”
“Just a few details,’ I brushed off, my eyes suddenly looking everywhere but him as I wanted to leave the kitchen and run into my own room. I had already ruined the meal, let's not ruin a whole friendship.
“You told me you couldn’t cook?”
I laughed at the memory, I completely forgot about the time I told him about Bruce’s birthday. Thor and I thought making a cake was a great idea but it ended up with a weird green blob. I was much younger then sure, but it definitely showed my abilities with making any sort of food.
“You remember that story?”
“I remember all your stories, as you do mine.” I finally stopped looking at the floor, looking up at him as he titled his head at me. His arms were crossed on the island but his under eye bags stood out against the harsh light of the kitchen. The natural light was long gone and it was only the moon that bought light from the outside.
“You should probably get to bed,” I wasn’t thinking straight as I walked forward and lightly pushed open the door for him. I high when my fresh cut hand hit the wooden door slightly too hard.
Even as tired as he was, Pietro was at my side in milliseconds, looking over my hand with the awkward bandage across it.
“What did you do?” I ignored the little pet name, trying to pull my hand from his grip.
“I’m really bad at cutting potatoes,” I shrugged, the awkward smile making its way across my lips. He said nothing, looking up at me with a disapproving look.
“You must be more careful,” he looked at it a little longer but eventually let my hand fall to my side as he smiled slightly at me.
The silence felt like it lasted forever, like it would never end, but it eventually did when he spoke.
“Thank you.”
“I didn’t exactly make it,” I pointed to the brown sad water with nothing else in it. I didn’t make it far before things started going bad. Pietro frowned at me, speeding around the kitchen quickly before he stood in front of me.
A bowl was held in his hand, the brown water now had a few of the vegetables floating around in it, it looked much better but still not what Wanda made last night.
“I don’t know what you mean, I have it right here.” He held a spoonful up, taking a wide bite. I could tell it wasn’t what he thought but he didn’t look like he was going to be sick.
“It’s not your mothers recipe,” I looked up at him, trying my best not a smile at his little pout every time I said something.
“No, it’s your own.” He placed the bowl down, flipping the index card around and grabbing a pen that stayed in the kitchen for any reason. I panicked when I saw him start writing on it, my hand shooting out to stop him but he just quickly moved to the otherside of the island.
“That was your mother Pietro!”
“Now it’s your and my mothers! Two of my favorites on one card, don’t tell Wanda that,” he pointed at me with the last part, his smirk painted across his face making me feel little butterflies in my stomach.
I watched him write my name across the top with the ingredients he saw I had used. Once he was down he slid it across the table, smiling when I laughed at the title.
“(Y/N)’s Happy Mistake.”
“Yes, it’s my personal favorite,” he smiled, my own growing wider as the seconds went on with his looking at me like that.
“Thank you.”
“I should be thanking you, for everything,” he walked slowly, for the first time, around the island. He leaned beside me, his arm touching my own. I let my head rest there, smiling when I felt him leave a gentle kiss on my crown.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Anything Pietro,” I felt myself lean closer to him. I knew we would have to talk about this feeling in the morning, but we were both too tired to care for now.
“There aren’t any potatoes in my mothers’ soup.”
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plsimsuchasimp · 4 years
being followed
ft: Oikawa x fem!reader
warnings: being followed, sexual harassment, catcalling, cursing, fear
genre: fear to fluff
wc: 1800+
side note: you’re aobajohsai’s manager
You hurried along the sidewalk after school, hugging your book bag to your chest as your knuckles whitened slightly. You were still twenty minutes away from home, and the three guys that were following you were getting closer.
Trying not to panic, you pulled out your phone, scrolling down the list of contacts. You couldn't call your parents- you knew they were both working right now, and they were both too far to come pick you up anyways. None of your friends saw your texts, and you were forced to turn to the volleyball team you managed, Aobajohsai's male team. You had their numbers, of course- when you were watching recorded tapes, you'd often call them to discuss their skills and actions in the match. 
You were tempted to call Iwaizumi, knowing that he would come pick you up without a moment's hesitation, but he lived across town and probably wouldn't get there in time. There. Oikawa Tooru, the captain of the team and their cocky, handsome setter. You sighed, not wanting to call him of all people, but you had no choice. He was the closest. 
As you forced yourself to keep looking straight forward, attempting to ignore the approaching footsteps and raucous voices of the men behind you who had been following you for the last five blocks, you began to shake. This was the worst thing that could happen right now, when you were already on the verge of an anxiety attack. Your eyes were blurring with tears, hands shaking so violently that it was difficult to see the screen of your mobile phone. Struggling to maintain steady breathing, you tapped on the icon next to his name in your phone, waiting for him to pick up as the phone's dial tone played.
***Oikawa's POV***
When he slumped onto his bed, opening his laptop to start on late schoolwork, he was distracted by his phone buzzing beside him. Looking over, he was startled to find your name on the screen, two buttons telling him to accept or decline the call. You rarely called him, despite the obvious crush he had on you (although you were too oblivious to see it, and he was too oblivious to notice that you might, just maybe, feel the same way), and he eagerly accepted the call.
"Hey, (y/n)-chan, how's it going?"
"Oikawa, I wouldn't normally call you on this, but I need you to come pick me up." Your breathing was clearly faster than normal, signifying there was something off. 
On the other end of the phone, you were speeding up your pace, trying to hold back the sniffles that threatened to reveal themselves. "Um, I'll explain why when you get here. I'm at the corner of (street name) and (street name.)"
"How soon can you get here?"
He was already heading down the stairs, slipping on his shoes and grabbing his car keys before starting the engine and beginning to drive to where you were. "I'll be there in three minutes. Is that okay?"
"Y-yeah." He heard muffled voices coming from your end of the phone as well as some noise as it slipped out of your hand, landing in the grass by the sidewalk. Unknown by him, the chase was about to come to an ultimatum.
***(Y/n's POV)***"
Hey girl!" called a voice from behind you, followed by laughter and remarks about your body. You tried to keep walking, tuning out their voices as the pattern of your feet became rougher. Your stomach was clenching harder now, breathing coming in short, unsteady gasps, barely hearing what Oikawa was saying on the other end of the phone. "I'll be there in three minutes. Is that okay?"
"Y-yeah," you muttered. 
"Hey, I'm talking to you!" yelled the voice, a bit louder and more aggressive this time. Your phone fell from your grasp, landing in the grass, and you slowly turned around to face the group. They were all tall- they towered above you, malicious grins on their faces as they walked closer. "Turn around so we can see that ass!" You stood your ground, staring defiantly back at them, even though you were shaking so hard you could barely stay upright. 
"Leave me alone," your voice rang out, catching them surprised by the tone of it.
"Ooh, girl's got some spice to her, eh boys?" the middle one smirked, clearly enjoying your discomfort. He moved to put a hand on your waist and you flinched, moving backwards only to realize that another man was already behind you. Shit. Hoping against hope that Oikawa would arrive soon, you hugged your sides and looked at the floor, hoping that they'd leave you alone if you acted helpless. You didn't want to fight against three of them at once. Of course, you knew they would continue harassing you, but you were trying to buy time.One of them put a hand on your back, causing you to immediately shrink away. "I said leave me alone." 
"What are you going to do about it anyways?" taunted the third boy, reveling in the power of harassing an innocent girl. Just as he was reaching for you and you prepared to punch him in the face, you heard a car door slam, startling all of you. 
"Hey!" said the voice of Oikawa Tooru, something which you'd never been so happy to hear in your life, "Leave her alone or I'll break your arms." Clearly they weren't impressed, looking him up and down before judging he wasn't a threat. They just started chuckling, backing away from you with their hands raised mockingly to reveal tears streaming down your face and you hunched in the middle. 
"Protecting your girlfriend now are you, pretty boy?" The tallest one glanced at you, still smirking, and said, "A girl like you deserves better than this loser. Spend the night with me sometime," eliciting wolf whistles and laughs from his friends. After this, they retreated down the block, sneaking glances back at you a couple of times. 
Oikawa was standing there, murder in his gaze as he glared after them. You picked up your phone and bag, gathering the books that had spilled in the conflict. Oikawa tried to help, but you were already done by the time he came over to you.
"Shit, (y/n), are you okay?" 
In response, you just sniffled and went over to the passenger side of the car, opening the door and getting in. He followed your lead, getting into the driver's seat. He noticed you shaking, trying and failing to wipe the tear marks from your cheeks as you sat hugging your book bag in the seat. He'd never seen this side of you before- you were always the confident girl who could stand up for yourself. He had never seen you act like this before, which told him that something was really wrong. 
Oikawa drove in silence until you reached his house, where he unlocked the door and brought you in. Sneaking worried glances at you, he led you up the stairs to his bedroom.It was nice in there, cleaner than you had expected, with a gray down comforter on his bed. He motioned for you to sit down, and you did, eyes glued to the floor. He leaned against the door, closing it in the process. 
"(Y/n). Talk to me." Although he didn't dare to touch you yet, he came closer, sitting on the floor in front of you and trying to catch your eye. 
When you lifted your gaze to meet him, he was surprised by the intensity and darkness in your gaze. You couldn't stop it now- the sobs were escaping, your shoulders shaking silently as your intakes of breath were the only noise in the room. You were still shaking, harder than before, which prompted Oikawa to take a seat next to you. Hesitantly, he put his arms around you, drawing you into a hug. Surprisingly, you didn't stop him. 
You let him hold you until the shuddering subsided, raindrops beginning to patter on his roof as you melted in his touch. You buried your face in his chest, not wanting him to stop holding you this close. His eyes were wide, staring over your shoulder, as he realized what it was like to have you in his arms. Slowly and reluctantly he pulled away, leaving you instantly missing his warmth and tilting your head ever so gently to face him with his index finger. His eyes were heavy with concern, examining your face and staring deep into your eyes.
"Did they hurt you?" Oikawa uttered, voice barely above a whisper. "If they did, I'll kill them with my bare hands."
"N-no," you replied, voice raspy, "I'm okay."
"Thank god," he sighed, "You scared the shit out of me." Staring at your face and noticing how your eyes curved away from his, he quickly deduced there was something more going on. Almost unconsciously, he reached up to trace your face, cupping your chin in his large hand and running a finger along your cheekbones. His touch was light as a feather. 
Opening your mouth, you struggled to get the words out. "It's one of my biggest fears, being followed," you said, and he sensed there was more to come. "It happened when I was ten. I had no one to help me, and I almost got kidnapped. I'm always so scared of walking alone now- I thought I'd gotten over it, but I definitely haven't." 
You can't look at him anymore, your voice dropping to a whisper. Oikawa feels your pain so acutely it's like he was in your body. His hand finds its way to your shoulder, asking permission to pull you into another hug. You nod a little, and he hugs you, resting his head on yours and drinking in your scent. He pulls you close, and you let him, seeking the affection you never knew you needed. Your head is against his chest, so you feel the vibrations when he speaks.
"I'm so sorry." 
"Yeah, well, there's not much to be done about it now." You let out a half-hearted laugh into his chest, causing his heart to twinge at the sound of the bitterness it carries. 
He never lets go of you through the whole time you talk, later into the afternoon and into the evening. Eventually, you both end up lying on his bed, facing each other with your body close to his. It's not sexual, this thing you have- it's something both of you needed: comfort. When you fall asleep in his arms, Oikawa just cuddles you closer. 
When you wake up later, entangled in each other's arms, to Iwaizumi standing awkwardly at the foot of the bed, nonplussed, you spring out of Oikawa's arms and hurriedly say, "It's not what it looks like!" 
Meanwhile, Oikawa wishes you had stayed cuddling him, close to him forever. That's when he realized he was truly in love with you. 
a/n: the being followed when you were ten thing is actually a true story, and i kind of wanted to build off of some trauma. (writer shit)
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getouisms · 4 years
𝐂𝐇 𝟐𝟓.𝟏 - The Guest
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: Y/n, a 22 year old successful model is tired of the tabloids shaming her about her dating status when she’s seen out with her friends. Unsure of what to do to stop the gossip, Oikawa suggests a fake boyfriend. Fortunately, Kenma knows the perfect person who’d go for an idea as stupid as that one.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Alcohol (a drunk person with hostility)
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𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 … 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 … 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭  
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“I’m so sorry, I really thought I could try this recipe out and have it succeed,” Kuroo apologizes sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.
A light giggle leaves your mouth as you stare at the blackened oil burnt to the pan accompanied by charred garlic and half charred onions. It was an honest attempt to make a favorite dish of yours, but he had the pan set too high after an accidental misread of the recipe. In his defense, you look awfully cute peeking over his phone trying to get an idea of what he’s making while he’s hiding the screen from you. Waves of laughter filling the kitchen, a light bouncing in your eyes as you look at him, it’s easy to forget what heat the pan should have been on.
“It’s okay babe,” you hum, pulling your phone out to check the ETA of your sushi order, “it’ll be here soon it says,” you reply, clicking off the screen as Kuroo runs the cold water into the pan.
Your arms slip behind him as he grabs the sponge, trying to wash off the burnt ingredients from the pan. A smile is on his face as he leans into the embrace, mumbling beneath his breath.
“Good thing I didn’t prep all the ingredients,” Kuroo jokes, warmth filling his chest at the small laugh you emit against his shirt.
“Just let it soak, we can worry about that later,” you offer, kissing the back of his shoulder as he hums faintly.
“I’ll get as much as I can off before soaking it and you can go choose us a movie?” Kuroo mumbles, turning his head over his shoulder to peer at you, who nods and reluctantly pulls back away from him.
Shuffling into the living room, you turn on the TV as a knock on the door fills the apartment. Your eyebrows furrowed. The food couldn’t be here, you had just checked it. But, in the event it was, you walk over to the door; unlocking it to see Atsumu with red eyes and alcohol staining his clothes. Your eyes widened, watching his eyes well with water.
“I know I said I’d take space, but I miss ya so much,” Atsumu slurs, pulling you in for a hug.
Alcohol in his breath made your eyes sting as you hesitantly hug him back. You missed him, your heart hurt to see him at your doorstep drunk. He’s never been someone to drink, never been someone to spend his nights late at a bar.
You pull back, patting his chest, smiling faintly and warmly up at him.
“Let me call you a cab okay?”
“Everything okay?” Kuroo calls out, walking around to the living room with a towel drying off his hands.
The warm look in Atsumu’s eyes change as he shoves his way past you to get in. Panic nestling in your body as you follow behind quickly, grabbing Atsumu’s shoulder who didn’t look back at you as he spoke.
“Is this him?” He gestures with his hand at Kuroo, who slung the towel over his shoulder.
“Atsumu, please,” you plead softly, tugging gently at his shoulder.
He could never scare you. Atsumu would do nothing to put you in harm’s way, but you also never have seen him upset like this before.
“Yeah, I’m him, I’m Kuroo,” Kuroo replies in your stead, you cast a pleading gaze over at him to help you and he returns an assuring nod.
“Ya stole her from me, and to be honest, I’m not sure what she’s seeing in ya,” Atsumu taunts, making you step in front of him to block in front of him.
“‘Tsumu, stop please, you’re drunk, you’re not thinking straight. You don’t mean this,” you reason, tears welling in your eyes as the mean gaze is downcasted in your direction.
“No, actually, I mean this. What do you see in him you don’t see in me? He can’t be funnier than I am, I’m nicer to look at, I care about ya more than anyone, what is it, Y/n?” Atsumu spits.
A few tears slip down your cheeks before Kuroo steps in front of you. You see his jaw locked in anger, hand between the two men to keep Atsumu from approaching any closer.
“You’re upsetting her, stop. This situation has been very difficult for her, and you being mean to her to make her feel bad isn’t helping. Sit down, we’ll call you a cab, and you can talk to her in the morning once you’re sober,” Kuroo’s tone holds a serious graveness you’ve never heard before.
Atsumu rolls his eyes, and you hope to never see him drunk again. You’ve never seen Atsumu be hostile, and it hurts. It feels like something that’s your fault.
“I wasn’t talking to you, get out of my fucking face and shut up before I shut you up myself,” Atsumu threatens, trying to push past Kuroo to face you who wouldn’t budge.
“Atsumu please stop,” you plead shakily, but it gets ignored by Atsumu.
“Last time, sit down and we’ll call you a cab,” A warning slips past from Kuroo.
As your eyes are glued to the scene in front of you, it felt like Atsumu’s drunk movements were in slow motion as he lifted his fist to punch Kuroo in the face. Kuroo got a quick punch to his nose that made Atsumu stumble onto the floor, the blondes’ hands over his bloody nose. Your mouth agape as you watched Atsumu mumble incoherently as he leaned his head back against the wall, forgetting he was in the room with you both.
“He’ll be fine,” Kuroo whispers, turning around to wipe your tears that were streaming steadily.
You both turn to look over at Atsumu who leans against the wall, dozed off.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I’m so sorry,” your voice comes out shakily, Kuroo’s hands gently cupping your cheeks.
“Why are you apologizing? None of this is your fault,” he whispers, kissing your forehead.
“I feel responsible for him and I’m so sorry that this is how you first met him,” you sniffle, leaning your forehead against his shoulder.
“You aren’t responsible for him. He’s drunk, he’s having a hard time, so he resorted to acting like a dick. It’s not excusable what he did, but I understand he’s not in his right mind and when we meet again, I’ll consider that the first meeting,” Kuroo’s voice lulls out comfortingly, hand rubbing your back gently, “I have all night to cheer you up, and we still have dinner on the way, but first why don’t we get the big guy home over here. Have anyone we can call?”
You smile faintly, nodding as you pull away to pull out your phone. The obvious call would be his brother, but you don’t have his phone number saved onto your phone, so you go into your favorites to dial Oikawa.
“Y/n! Hi!” His cheery voice greets, you can hear a movie playing in the background.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, um, but Atsumu came over drunk and I was hoping you could come over and I can call Tendou to help get him out of here?” you hate how shaky your voice sounds, but the comforting touch of Kuroo’s thumb against your cheek to wipe the stray tear made you feel better.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry Y/n, yeah, I’ll get him out of here. Don’t worry about calling Tendou, I’ll call and pick him up since he’s on the way,” Oikawa replies, and you thank him before hanging up.
Kuroo pulls you back in for a hug, hiding your face in his shoulder to avoid looking at the slumped sleeping figure of Atsumu against the wall. The only time he let you go was to move you to the couch, sitting you on his lap with his back facing him as he whispered comforting things, things to make you laugh.
He’s special, you think, someone who wanted to stay with you during your rough times. Even now, as one of your best friends nearly hit him, he’s the one comforting you and chuckling faintly at your concern over him being nearly hit.
A knock on the door sounded before it opened to the flurry of brown hair of Oikawa, looking at the slumped Atsumu in disappointment, Tendou following with anger cloaking his features.
“We got here as fast as we could,” Oikawa commented, nudging Atsumu with his foot, “gross he’s a mess. What happened?”
You went to speak but Kuroo mumbled, ‘relax I got it’ before recounting the events, Tendou rolling his eyes.
“Let’s get him out of here before he comes to and tries to start a problem again. You guys okay?” He asks, watching you both nod.
Oikawa shakes him awake, the room watching Atsumu blink awake blearily but only looking over at Oikawa. A pout taking shape on his lips.
“My nose hurts,” He whines, Tendou rolling his eyes once more.
“Good, I hope it’s broken,” Oikawa says through a bitter smile as Tendou helps lift him.
The two men sling Atsumu’s arms over their shoulders while Tendou’s voice calling the blonde a piece of shit echoes through the hall as you shut the door behind him.
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𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭: Every time Atsumu complained about his nose, Tendou would flick it to make it hurt more
𝐚/𝐧: Yall were asking me about atsumu/worried about angst but little did u know! share ur thoughts!
𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 [𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃]: @tepescelsius @elianetsantana @honeymoneyy @oceanblooming @princeabomination @kagebunshiin @tadashi-simp @unicorngluttony @sunflowerirl @snowsmuse @sophieshortcake @tsukkisbean @iwaizooms @aegeanblues @angyboibakugo @manic-punker @miyayassy @kozumecuddles @starry-magicshop @agaashesmilktea  @amarillyis @ptv-hades @runningwitches @missalienqueen  @fo-love  @shiningstar-byulxx  @appleciderslut  @amberalisa   @vicassa  @crescenttooru  @boosyboo9206  @skylarkalchemist  @yeahhemmings-  @akaashikeijisthighs  @bellesowl  @yakus-yakult  @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye  @heyyourecuteyeah  @fi16ns  @yuuuumiiin  @carpecaelo  @awkwardly-anxious-latte  @crybabbicus  @felix-issimus  @alluring-akaashi  @lavenderpisces @tsumurai @melonmayhere @ephemeralsunny @xo-lovelyreign-xo @kellesvt @iish @shrimpypenis @jeffsbarbershop @channiechanchan​
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frogtanii · 4 years
hq boys as the crimes they’d commit
warnings: CRIMES, crackfic, probably many typos idk i’m so tired lmaooo, cursing, drinking ??? idfk 😩💦
an: and i did this for what?? inspired by hq hcs royalty @sugardaddykenma @hina-wit-da-glock (AJSKSJ SORRY FOR TAGGING Y’ALL IF YOU SEE THIS, IT IS DEF NOT UP TO PAR W Y’ALLS WORKS ILY)
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sawamura daichi- insurance fraud!! somehow this is such a dad crime to commit?? dadchi didn’t try (dumb excuse, how do you accidentally commit insurance fraud smh) to commit insurance fraud but at one point in his late-thirties, he was very very broke and was already working as much as possible so, he decided to fake an ankle injury, as you do, and filed a bunch of claims which made him bank. daichi kept doing it until he was able to quit one of his jobs and buy himself a really nice suit and a rolex (uhhh 🥵). he somehow never got caught tho and to this day, none of his friends know how he was able to afford a tesla on a cop’s salary (sorry daichi but acab 😔✨)
sugawara kōshi- child abandonment!! ok you can try and fight me on this but i feel in my bones that suga absolutely despises children. he can tolerate ages 10+ but anything younger than that, he will punt them into the next dimension. the thing is, people just assume he likes kids because of how good he is with his team which is why his aunt begged him to babysit his nephew taro. taro was being an absolute brat when suga took him out for the day and he was 👉👈 this close to snapping. he put taro down for like 3 seconds to pay for their ice cream and when he turned back, the demon spawn was gone. he panicked, running around the park looking for taro when it turns out, taro was just bent down behind the bench. some random karen called the police and suga has never craved murder more.
nishinoya yuu- arson!! you CANNOT tell me nishinoya doesn’t have a ~murder~ playlist that he listens to to get himself hype (me too noya, me too). one night, he got a lil too hype listening to start a riot by duckwrth and watching demolition videos on youtube. he snuck out of his house to an empty shed like 30 minutes away and maybe... lit it on fire while genocide by lil darkie played on a speaker nearby. what he did NOT anticipate was the absolute size of the fire so he freaked out and called the firefighters who promptly called the police. he didn’t want to get grounded so he called daichi to bail him out. daichi still told noya’s parents 😔.
tanaka ryūnosuke- vandalism!! tanaka had been on alt tiktok and saw a group of cool friends spray painting an abandoned building. he thought “that’s cool, lemme do that!” but then he realized he had no friends (AHDGS JK I LOVE TANAKA). he asked nishinoya who was grounded from the arson incident and he knew he definitely couldn’t ask daichi, suga, asahi, or enoshita so he decided to go it alone. that proved to be a MASSIVE mistake. he got the supplies, arrived to the building of his choice (thanks saeko :3), and decided to spray paint a huge p3ni5 in bright red paint. he finished “successfully” and zoomed back home. what he didn’t realize with his two-and-a-half braincells is that he signed his glorious piece with his full name. the cops were at his house the next morning...🧍
hinata shoyō- forgery!! hinata did NOT think that forgery was even a crime. how was he supposed to know that he wasn’t allowed to copy his mom’s signature on a permission form! all he wanted was to go to an overnight training camp 😿
kageyama tobio- attempted murder!! kageyama swears it sounds worse than was and he is absolutely incorrect. what happened was so much worse. he and hinata were having a competition to see who could hold their breath the longest underwater (you can’t tell me they haven’t done some dumbass shit like this) and kageyma lost almost instantly (he has the tiny lungs of an asthmatic). he didn’t want hinata to notice so he held hinata’s head under the water for like 10 seconds. suga walked in though, saw hinata thrashing around in the water and immediately called the police. kageyama never forgave him.
tsukishima kei- cyberbullying!! first of all, i had no idea you could get arrested for cyber bullying!? that being said, neither did tsukishima who spent 80% of his time making fun of people online (and on his real account!! bold). eventually one of the people he bullied (hinata) reported him on instagram and his very lame account was deleted (pls don’t bully people online 😤).
yamaguchi tadashi- shoplifting!! andjksh this is so funny because this scenario has happened to me and i can just SEE this happening to poor tadashi. yamaguchi gets super late night cravings (and usually tsukki will walk with him at like 3 am 🥺 nEWAYS) so he’ll sneak out and walk to the mini-mart near his house. one night, he was so tired but also super hungry so he went onto his nightly routine and basically sleepwalked into the store. he picked out his favorite chips and candy bar (which are sour cream&onion lays and milky ways in case you were wondering 😌✨) and just... walked out the store without paying. the store clerk was mysteriously missing so yamaguchi made it all the way home, ate half the bag of chips and passed out without realizing what he’d done. once he did, he cried for 2 hours straight.
kuroo tetsurō- telemarketing fraud!! kuroo originally did telemarketing fraud as a joke?? like he was trying to prank call someone pretending that they had lost their information and they actually gave it to him??? he was mildly concerned but even more excited. he did it over and over again but he never used the info for anything. to this day, kuroo literally has a notebook full of credit card numbers and bank account passwords but he refuses to use it because he believes it’s ✨wrong✨(but it isn’t wrong to take all that information in the first place under false pretenses, not realizing that once people find out, they are forced to close credit cards and accounts but go off self righteous king). once he brought the book up to kenma and he offered to sell it on the dark web. now kuroo feels less bad about what he’s done! :D
kozume kenma- computer crime!! pfttt this one seems kinda obvious but what do you expect from kenma :). he spends so much time on the internet, he’s definitely picked up some less than legal skills that still help him now 👀. kenma did little mini crimes like getting into other people’s wifi but his crowning achievement was when he hacked into the minneapolis pd website and had it so when you opened the page, a black lives matter screen came up. he never told anyone that it was him who did it but he thinks it’s the best he’s ever done.
yaku morisuke- racketeering!! yaku, the feral king, ran an underground gambling ring in the basement of nekoma (do they have basements?? who knows! i don’t!) during his third year. the only reason it didn’t get shut down was because coach nekomata took a portion of yaku’s profits whenever he won (which was literally all the time). everyone on the team has lost money to him which is why they never play with him anymore. they won’t even let yaku play monopoly 😔.
haiba lev- indecent exposure!! poor lev’s head is so empty, he tends to fall for whatever pranks his senpai’s do to him. this time kuroo had somehow convinced him that in order to grow his schlong, he had to run outside naked for 10 minutes because the moonlight had special growing properties. lev was a lil scared ngl because he was already superrr tall and didn’t need to grow his height (or his dick ((boy is hung)) but poor lev is insecure) but he did it anyway. long story short, an old woman saw him parading around the neighborhood naked and called el policia. 0/10 dick did NOT grow and had to spend a night in jail naked 😿
aoba johsai
oikawa tōru- prostitution!! KAKKAKA iwazumi made fun of oikawa for being so shitty and said that he couldn’t pick up anyone if he tried. flattykawa took this as a personal challenge and went out onto the street, asking people if they’d have sex with him. with the way he was asking (and the way he was dressed), people assumed he was a paid w h o r e and someone eventually reported him. iwazumi had to pick oikawa up from the station- he never let him live this one down.
iwaizumi hajime- battery!! it wasn’t technically battery but oikawa is a lil bitch and overreacts (at least in his words -_-). the amount of times iwa-chan has beat the absolute shit out of oikawa is uNREAL. he just can’t handle the stupidity sometimes so he just smacks the crap outta him. not for real for real but the way oikawa reacts, you’d think a murder was occurring. one time, shittykawa screeched so loud, they got a noise complaint -_- hajime hates it in these streets.
matsukawa issei & hanamaki takahiro- conspiracy!! issei and hiro have a secret blog where they discuss conspiracy theories and such but one day, hiro found an article that explained how jfk’s death was an inside job. he sent it to issei who began to theorize how HE’D do it. that devolved into a massive thread on their blog of how’d they murder a president which blew up and caught the attention of the cia who sent the a letter telling them to quietly delete the blog. they did because they were terrified but they kept the letter and now it’s framed in issei’s apartment.
kyōtani kentarō- assault!! baby is an angry little boy but for all the right reasons. he was at a bar (when he’s all grown up, duh) and he spotted an absolute drunk creep hitting on a girl who clearlyyyy did not reciprocate his feelings. kyōtani, being the respectful king that he is, went over to the guy, pulled him by the jacket and beat. the. shit. out of him. while the bartender was happy with the fact that the creep was out, he was not impressed with the damage to his bar. he just sent kyōtani out who casually adjusted his leather jacket and rings, and hopped on his motorcycle to ride away into the night. i am the FATTEST simp for this man ONG 🥴
ushijima wakatoshi- stalking!! poor ushijima has no idea how intimidating he can be. he was on a train late at night after practice and the woman sitting across from him left her purse sitting on the seat. being the gentleman that he is, he took the purse and followed her to return it. the only problem is that the closer he got, the faster she ran and when he tried to speak (yknow with his scary, deep, baritone voice), the woman screeched and called the cops on him because he was a “strange, big man who was following her home.” when the police showed up, ushijima was painfully confused and just held up this tiny ass purse in his massive hands. the cops laughed.
tendō satori- ???!! no one knows what crimes (or how many 😳) tendō has committed but each of his teammates have different ideas- ushijima: “i don’t believe tendou is capable of committing any sort of felony. well, maybe murder”; semi: “of COURSE he’s capable of crimes??! do you know how many times i’ve seen him come into the dorm with a suspicious stain of red on his sweater?? *shudders* if i end up dead, tendō did it...” in actuality, the only crime tendō has committed is ~drugs~ but he’s not bouta tell his friends that.
goshiki tsutomu- would be a VICTIM!! my baby tsutomu would NEVER commit a crime!!! i love this man with my everything and the only crime he’s committed is being too damn cute 😤🥺
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babymetaldoll · 4 years
The bullies of the future (Matthew Gray Gubler/Reader)
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Prompt: Imagine school in 300 years
Word count: 2,8K
Summary: Matthew starts rambling about the future over dinner. How do you think school will be in the future... will there be bullies... will our kids be bullied. All the questions reader has no idea how to answer. 
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler/ Reader 
Category: Fluff
Warnings: mention of bulling and cursing
- “I'm just saying, when we have kids, they are going to be homeschooled”- Matthew kept stirring the pot and (Y/N) continued chopping veggies, like what they were talking about was no big deal at all.
Of course, 'cos you and your boyfriend of seven years just happen to talk about your future together every once in... seven years, apparently. And it had to happen casually as you cooked dinner together.
So, (Y/N) took a deep breath and played it cool.
- “Home school? you wanna get our kids tutors?”
- “No, no! god no!”- he made a pause and analyzed the idea- “Well, maybe... I don't trust my math, but I was thinking maybe we could both be in charge of their education.”
Matthew was talking about it like it wasn't a big deal. It was: "Which topping do you want on your pizza today, by the way, let's have kids and homeschool them together!". No biggie, right?
- “Other than the fact we were both bullied in school, why do you want to keep them in our little house bubble all day?”- (Y/N) made her best to sound as casual and cool as possible, though she was freaking out inside.
- “'Cos school sucks”- Matthew simply replied, and both of them fell into a comfortable silence for a few minutes.
- “I wonder what school will like in 300 years”- Gubler was thinking out loud, and (Y/N) found herself staring at the ceiling analyzing the idea.
- “I bet it will still suck”- she added and heard him chuckle.
- “And of course, aliens will be the teachers”- he stated and nodded at his own words- “Maybe they can "ET" us, and put all the knowledge inside our brain just with a finger on our forehead.”
- “So you wanna be fingered by an alien in school?”- (Y/N) looked at her boyfriend and frowned pretending to be confused, but making her best not to laugh. He, on the other hand, was laughing so hard she was sure the whole neighborhood could listen.
- “When you put it in those words... I don't know... maybe if they are hot aliens...”
- “I hope they are cool aliens, not the ones who always try to blow up Earth, or end with humankind”
Gubler stared at his girlfriend, she was taking the dough she had already made and had to rest, and started getting ready to prepare their pizza.
- “Is the salsa ready, Gub?”- he nodded and turned off the stove.
- “Do you think there will be bullies in school 300 years in the future?”- the tone of his voice was a little more serious, (Y/N) noticed it right away. Maybe that's where all the homeschooling idea was coming from.
- “It's more likely, people are and will be assholes forever, why?”- he shrugged and moved to the kitchen island, holding the pot with the tomato sauce he had prepared (it was his own personal recipe, and he was proud of it. It might or may not be taken from (Y/N)'s mom, but that was a fight he was never going to quit).
- “Hon, you know you can't keep kids in a bubble just to stop them from being hurt”
- “I know”- he whispered and focused on (Y/N)'s hand kneading the dough. Somehow, cooking with her felt like a place he could hide in.
If he was honest - which he was in his mind, but no as verbally as people might think- he could spend the rest of his life eating everything and anything that she cooked for him. He could gain a hundredth pounds, and he wouldn't care, he loved her home cooking, 'cos it was in fact, his home.
They had been seven years together, and he was now all of a sudden talking about kids. He didn't understand where that thought was coming from, but he knew he was sure she was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It wasn't something he had to think about, it was something he felt on the inside every morning when she was the first thing he saw, as soon as he opened his eyes.
- “Wanna talk about what this is really about?”- her words took him from his thoughts, but he shook his head in silence- “Then pick a movie, I'll put the pizza in the oven and we'll be ready in twenty minutes.”
Matthew picked the original Carrie movie for their Saturday lazy date night, and they cuddled on their couch to watch it eating their homemade pizza. They chatted about all their favorite scenes and laughed at the poor special effects, but by the end of it, after an obscene amount of food and a bottle and a half of red wine, Matthew couldn't shake the bully's thoughts away.
- “Would you go all Carrie with your high school bullies if you could?”- his voice was a soft whisper as (Y/N) turned off the tv and the screen went black.
- “I don't think so... I wanted to when I was in school, but I don't think I care so much right now... although who knows what might happen if I get to see one of those assholes again”
The girl turned to her boyfriend, her legs laid on his lap as he sat next to her, covered with the same blanket. He knew he had to admit it, but there was a part of him that kept thinking maybe if he didn't talk about it, it hadn't happened.
- “I bumped into one of my bullies today”- he looked down at his hands, playing with a napkin as he spoke. He didn't want to turn his eyes to her 'cos he knew she would be scared and concerned. Which she was. She couldn't believe something like that had actually happened.
Matthew openly talked about his bullying experience in school in a positive and inspiring way, to help people under the same kind of situation face it and overcome it. But he never let anyone close enough to his trauma so they could understand how bad things had been for him. And it had been bad. The fact no one could call him "Matt", though it was the "go-to" nickname for Matthew was just the tip of that iceberg.
(Y/N) knew most of it after all that time, that's why it shocked her to know her boyfriend had bumped into someone from that dark era of his life.
- “Who?”
- “Chris Sanders...”- Gubler wished he could forget that name, but it was not possible. He didn't have an eidetic memory like his character Reid, but the trauma of years of bullying wasn't easy to erase.
- “Where?”
- “At a coffee shop this morning when I was out getting groceries... it was weird”
- “I bet it was”- (Y/N) moved closer to her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheeks several times- “Do you want me to kill him? ask me to kill for you, Gubler, please do”
She joked and managed to make him chuckle. But it only lasted for a second.
- “I know I have to be the bigger man, but I couldn't”
- “You don't have to be anything, honey”- (Y/N) leaned to him and kissed his cheek a few times. Matthew closed his eyes and sighed, the sensation of her lips against his skin was enough to relax him. But the memories he had buried were too clear in his head now, and there wasn't much he could do to wipe them off.
- “He put me in a fucking locker every day for a whole year”- Gubler closed his eyes tighter and held his breath for a few seconds.
- “Son of a bitch!”- just thought of her boyfriend going through that torture as a kid, hurt (Y/N) deeper than she could explain. She would give anything and everything she had, to travel back in time and kick those mother fucker's bully asses.
- “And today, he approached me like we were long lost friends”- Matthew scoffed- “Can you believe that? he walked to me and hugged me yelling "Matt" like I should be surprised and happy to bump into him!”
- “That asshole! and what did you do?”
- “I didn't know what to do, so I panicked and stayed still for a second, and he continued talking and talking about how great he was doing, and how he had seen me on tv, and... I tried to get my coffee and run away, but one thing he said just... made me snap.”
- “What did he say?”- (Y/N) whispered. Matthew sighed and looked down at his hands. Somehow, he felt guilty about what had happened, somehow he felt responsible for being mean to someone who had been cruel to him for years.
- “He said he saw an interview of me thanking every bully for being mean to me, 'cos they made me who I am today...”- Gubler whispered every word, and (Y/N) held his hands, trying to make him feel safe.
- “You did say that, I remember”
- “Yeah, but I was trying to be a positive... he just...”
Matthew was struggling with his words. He was trying to clear his head, but he was so mad, so upset, so... angry with himself for accepting the abuse for so many years, he couldn't think straight.
- “Hey, hey!”- (Y/N) leaned and kissed the tip of his nose- “I'm here, you are home, everything is ok, so come back”- she smiled at him and watched him smile shyly.
- “Yeah... I'm here”- he moved closer to her, and slowly rested his head on her shoulder. (Y/N) instinctively wrapped her arms around his body, and held him close to her, protecting him from his thoughts.
The couple stayed in silence for a few minutes. Matthew didn't want to make a big deal out of the whole thing, but deep down inside, he had bottled up so many feelings, he was having a hard time hiding them from his girlfriend.
- “He said I owe him”- Gubler murmured so quietly, (Y/N) barely heard him. He was hidden in the crook of her neck, trying to focus only on the smell of her skin instead of all the thoughts that kept hunting his mind.
- “What?”- his girlfriend whispered and clenched her fists behind his back. Of all the things she could have imagined that asshole telling her boyfriend, "you owe me" wasn't one of it. It wasn't even in the top 10. "I'm sorry I was a mother fucker with you back in high school" was something he should have said, but "You owe me"? only a real sociopath could make such sick joke.
- “And I... just... snapped”- Gubler bit his lips as he moved and stared at (Y/N), his puppy eyes were so apologetic, it made her feel he was indeed apologizing to her for something bad he had done.
(Y/N)'s hands caressed his cheeks as she smiled at him kindly. Whatever he had done - even it that included beating the shit out of that asshole - she knew he meant no harm. Matthew was a pacific guy, he wouldn't get mad, he would always be nice to everybody, even with people who were annoying or rude.
- “Gub, whatever happened, he totally asked for it”- she reassured him.
- “Yeah...”- but still, he didn't say a word
- “Did you hit him?”- he shook his head and sighed
- “I should have, though”- his voice was a whisper again.
- “Yeah, he deserved it... actually, let's google that asshole, I wanna go and smash his fucking face against a brick wall”- Matthew chuckled and stared at his girlfriend- “I mean it, I want to”
- “Maybe then we can google Jen Bennet, and avenge your shitty high school years as well”
- “So you really want me to go all Carrie on my high school bullies?”- Gubler shrugged smiling, but his response was a bluff and she knew it, he was never going to endorse any kind of violent behavior. Not like she would.
- “I don't want you to do that, never”- Matthew gave her a sweet peck on the lips and rested his forehead against hers. Silence hung between them for a few seconds, until Gubler finally sighed and whispered.
- “I threw my coffee to his face and yelled he was a narcissist son of bitch”
- “And?”- (Y/N) moved, looking into his eyes as she furrowed her brows, not getting the big deal of it- “He deserved it!”
- “Yeah but... maybe I overreacted?”
- “Did you stab him?”- but Gubler shook his head- “You didn't kick his balls, right?”- and he shook his head again- “Then, what's the whole deal?”
- “I burned his face and neck with hot coffee, not to mention the fact I yelled and cursed right onto his face in front of a lot of people”
- “So?”- (Y/N) wasn't getting what was the big deal. Sanders had been a bully to her boyfriend, he deserved worse. He deserved hell, 'cos he had put Matthew through a nightmare. She would hurt everyone who had done anything bad to him if she could. That's how much she loved him. No question asked.
- “So?!”- Matthew was in shock his girlfriend was taking things so calmly.
- “Honey, though I know you are the perfect guy who thinks being nice is better than anything else in the world, I have to burst that bubble for you: sometimes, people are assholes and we have to kick ass, you don't have to be a unicorn all the time.”
- “I'm not a unicorn!!”- he replied looking almost insulted. Matthew turned to the coffee table, poured what was left of their bottle of wine into their glasses and gave one to his girlfriend, who was smiling playfully.
- “Ok... a teddybear then”- she took a sip and sighed. Gubler stared at her biting his lips, probably trying to find something to say, but thoughts were overwhelming at that minute. He felt guilty and honestly bad about how he had reacted. He thought standing up in front of a bully was going to feel better, but apparently, it sucked.
(Y/N) could read on his face all the struggles happening in his mind. Her finger found his hair, and ran slowly through it, knowing it was something that always managed to relax him.
- “I just feel I'm no better than him after what I did”
- “Don't overthink it, Matthew Gray”- he felt her hands tug his hair softly, as a small chuckle left her lips- “You are better than anyone and everyone I know or might know”
- “Are you going to encourage our kids to kick ass?”
- “Yes!”- she answered not giving the idea a second thought- “But only if someone is messing with them”
- “Them?”- Gubler raised an eyebrow and (Y/N) felt her cheeks burning in no time. Had she said too much? no way.
- “You said kids, plural, them, kids, them...”- she poorly explained almost stuttering. The fact they were talking about kids was still too much for her to handle. It scared and excited her at the very same time. It felt like something she wanted to do, and couldn't wait to do, but never knew it until that day.
- “I see... maybe school 300 in the future will have better anti-bullying policies...”
- “We are not having kids in 300 kids, Matthew”- (Y/N) didn't realize what she had gotten into until it was too late- “I mean... I don't think we will be alive in 300 years.”
She made a pause as they stared at each other quietly. Neither of them knew what to say next, so she quickly looked for a way to change the course of the conversation drastically.
- “Anyway, it was a good pizza”
- “Yeah”- he nodded frenetically and blushed.
- “And a great shitty movie”
- “It ain't shitty”
- “The book is better”
- “Nerd”- (Y/N) gasped pretending to be offended and watched how Gubler bit his lips. She still didn't know if he did that on purpose or not, but whatever it was, it had one hell of an effect on her every single time, even after seven years.
- “Finish that wine and follow me upstairs”- her words were a command. 
- “Why?”- he raised an eyebrow knowing exactly what she was talking about.
- “I wanna cheer you up for beating up that bully”- Gubler didn't argue with that at all, he finished what was left in his glass and stood up.
- “Are you always going to cheer me up with crazy dirty sex?”
- “Yes”- she turned to him and frowned- “Is that a bad thing?”
- “Did you hear me complain?”- he grinned- “We could have done it on the couch, you know”
- “You can't tie me to the couch”- (Y/N) teased and curled his lips to a dirty smile.
- “I love you”
- “I know.”
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 22
My brain really gave me ideas for four different stories at once and then said ‘good luck’ huh
There were a few moments right after they realized that it was Hawkmoth that the miraculous holders had panicked. They had all half-ran to their rooms and started looking around to make sure their identities were safe.
And, surprisingly, it seemed that they were.
Carapace’s backpack had been thrown across the room hard enough to dent the plaster but the books and folders inside were untouched. His computer screen had been cracked but Hawkmoth hadn’t even tried to unlock it.
Right, so apparently he was just trying to scare them. A kind of ‘I know where you sleep, don’t test me’ situation.
He fixed his overturned desk chair and took a seat with a heavy sigh of relief. His room was in shambles and he was going to have to spend one of his few nights off cleaning and maybe beg for money from the rich kids, but at least his family was safe.
“Hey, guys?” Called Chat, his voice laced with concern.
Carapace was on his feet in a flash. Considering Hawkmoth was only really concerned with getting the cat and ladybug miraculous, it was entirely plausible that he’d only been looking to figure out those two identities.
(Why had he decided to trash the house if that was just it, Carapace didn’t know. It would be better to not let on the fact that he knew who they were. Pettiness, maybe?)
He was the first to Chat’s room, but he could hear the others running over, too.
Chat was standing in his room, a confused frown playing at his lips as he nudged things around with his feet. He looked up at the others. “He didn’t do anything to my room… I don’t…”
“Huh?” Said Ladybug.
There was a beat where everyone looked over the room. Chat was right, he realized. The room was a mess but not in the same way everyone else’s was. Nothing was broken.
And it wasn’t like Hawkmoth would have just missed the room. It was in the middle of the hallway, and everyone else had been hit. It wasn’t a time thing, he had just… somehow not done anything.
The four in the doorway exchanged wary glances.
And then Rena snickered. “He must have thought he’d already done your room. I mean, look at it. It’s enough of a mess, he didn’t need to do anything.”
“That’s true. I’d assume I’d already done it, too,” said Chloe.
“Maybe we should stay in here for the night,” suggested Ladybug. She bunched up the front of her dress in her hands. “It’s safer, no broken glass to step on or anything.”
“The bed’s certainly big enough,” said Rena.
Chloe nodded. “And it’d be nice to have something to do. At least he has a working TV, still.”
“Sleepover in Chat’s room it is!” Said Carapace with false cheer.
If Chat noticed anything off about their demeanor, he didn’t say anything. Instead, he started walking around and picking stuff up.
They all went off in different directions.
He detransformed and changed into a designated Sleeping Hoodie (which was definitely different than his everyday hoodies) and a pair of sweatpants… then he reluctantly added socks. Ladybug had been right about the floor being more than a little dangerous. Still, wearing socks around the house was weird to him.
At least it wasn’t shoes.
He walked down to the kitchen for some snacks and found Ladybug mourning the broken coffee machine. She was curled up on the ground, hugging the few remaining coffee pods to her like she thought Hawkmoth would come back and steal them.
He slowly knelt down next to her to make sure she wasn’t going into shock or something.
She blinked at him, and then her face hardened. She no longer looked sad, instead she looked absolutely livid. He wasn’t sure this was an improvement.
“I’m killing Hawkmoth.”
There was no response to that that didn’t sound stupid (and he didn’t want to mess up and add himself to her hitlist), so he just reached out and rested his hand on her head. He had no clue what he was doing, but it worked, somehow. Her shoulders relaxed.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right. Murder is bad or whatever.”
He couldn’t really disagree, so he just nodded and withdrew his hand.
He got up and realized he’d forgotten why he’d come down to the kitchen in the first place. He stood there for a moment, fruitlessly trying to recall why he was there, before dejectedly going back to his room. It was there that his stomach growled to remind him that food was a thing and he headed back down.
Chloe and Rena were in the living room. Chloe had changed into a nightgown and Rena was sporting a sports bra and pajama shorts.
Chloe had her phone out and she motioned for him to move so she could get a better shot. He did so, moving to hide behind the couch.
She beamed at him before tapping her phone once and beginning to speak:
“Hawkmoth is so lame. I mean, look at all this. He comes into our house when he’s completely sure none of us are around like a --”
“Fucking,” Rena swore for her.
“-- coward. Imagine being so scared of what five teenagers would do in retaliation for trashing their house that you don’t even have the guts to do it while they’re there. And all he did was throw --”
“-- around! Do some damage! Congrats on wasting maybe a few thousand euros, but maybe step up your game a little. Even your akumas do more than this.”
She walked over to show the message Hawkmoth had written them and then rolled her eyes.
“I mean, look at this --”
“What does he think he is? A 90s cartoon villain? PLEASE. At least those have the --”
“-- to actually show up once and a while at the season finale. Give me a break. Hawkmoth, if you want us to be scared, maybe you should try being an actual threat, don’t you think?”
She stopped recording and uploaded the video as is.
He got out of his hiding place.
… did he really forget what he was doing? Again?
Well, he knew whatever it was he was doing was in the kitchen. He walked in and realized that, hey, it was a KITCHEN. What could he be doing except for getting food? He walked to the fridge and found that, to his horror, Hawkmoth had just straight up stolen their food. Like an asshole.
He dejectedly made his way up to Chat’s room, intending to collapse on his bed and whine until the rich kid ordered pizza or something, only to pause in the doorway.
Chat’s room was… clean? The floors were spotless, the bed made. The room smelled faintly of lavender.
His brain scrambled for an explanation. Maybe Chat had been akumatized. Or, maybe, someone else had gotten akumatized into a copy-Chat and they’d taken the wrong one home by mistake. Or Rena was playing a prank on them.
Chat looked up from the game he was playing and gave a half-smile. He was wearing a set of silk pajamas, because of course he was.
“Are you coming in or are you just going to stand there forever?”
He didn’t know what was going on, which was really just a summary of the entire night if he was being honest, so he just went on autopilot and picked up the other controller.
The others filed in one at a time. Ladybug was first and she blinked a few times before she slowly walked over and sat on Carapace’s other side. He had no clue what she was wearing, because she had wrapped herself up tightly in a thick blanket -- wait, wasn’t that just the comforter on her bed?
Before he could ask her this, she wriggled her arms out of her blanket and started sketching. (Everyone knew not to interrupt her when she was working unless they wanted to risk her snapping at them, and the loss of her coffee could only make that worse.)
A few minutes later Rena plopped herself down beside Chat. Carapace flinched and ended up dying in the game. He hadn’t heard her come in, but that wasn’t surprising anymore, just annoying. He glanced at her and saw that she looked angry enough to make an akuma.
Oh. Right. Rena was the one always cleaning up after Chat. He’d be mad, too, if he had to do that for months only to find out that he was perfectly capable of cleaning up after himself.
She calmed down a little when she saw that their game was currently not going well. Karma.
Chloe came in last and, as always, was the most blunt: “Who are you and what have you done with Chat?”
Chat paused the game and pulled an awkward smile to his face. “I… it’s still me. It’s just… I didn’t want to have my first sleepover to be so messy.”
There was a moment as this registered in everyone’s minds.
“This is your WHAT?!”
Fuck the Hawkmoth thing, this was way more important.
@nathleigh @sassakitty @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @blueslushgueen @woe-is-me0 @ladybug-182 @cas-and-their-refusal-to-write @trippingovermyfeet
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julemmaes · 4 years
Zero pressure cuz I know you’re working on other things but are u still planning on writing the sequel to I Love You with Cal?
I’m Sorry
acotar next gen fan fic
part two for this one shot here
A/N: I won’t be giving any summary cause it’s 1am and I’m crying cause I just want to be able to sleep, I just hope this will satisfy you all and maybe makes you cry a little cause it was hard to finish it. Please if there’s any mistakes don’t point that out to me, I’ll check tomorrow. Enjoy!
Word count: 3,857
Cal had returned home shortly after dinner. His family had already finished eating and he just wanted to get some rest after the long day he'd had with Raina.
They'd stayed up all night the day before because her parents hadn't been home, and during the day he'd found it difficult to focus on his classes, so much that he'd skipped one in order to take a nap in the university gardens. All of this, of course, hadn't stopped him from going straight back to Raina's house to spend more time together, and while they were supposed to be studying for the upcoming exam they were both taking, they had decided to spend the entire afternoon doing the nasty.
Now, lying on his bed, he tried not to laugh too loudly at the memes he was looking at, so as not to disturb Ezra who was studying despite the hour. Unlike him, his brother couldn't afford to fail an exam and his mother would surely hit him repeatedly if he tried to mess that up.
He was about to shut everything off and warn Raina that he was going to sleep, when Ezra sighed too loudly to be casual. Thinking it was just for the studying, Cal didn't give it that much thought and opened up the chat with his girlfriend, starting to type his goodnight.
"Fuck it." muttered Ezra, closing the book, "Cal, man?"
"Hmm?" he hummed from his spot on the bed.
"Yesterday after you left, something happened and I think you should know because it's partially your fault too and the rest of us have all apologized already." he said in a tone that was far too serious for the relaxed situation they were in.
Cal's head snapped towards him for a second as he saw Ezra get up and walk towards his bed, before returning his attention to the screen where Raina was telling him she was going to take a shower - and think about him in the process. An idle grin appeared on his lips and he held his breath when she sent him a picture in front of the mirror wearing only a pair of panties.
"Can you please listen to me without looking at your phone?" asked Ezra a little more pressing.
Cal huffed, running a hand through his hair and turning off the screen. He crossed his hands over his chest, smiling sarcastically at his brother, "You have my full attention."
It wasn't true. If he wanted to sleep that night, he too would have had to take a shower to get rid of that uneasy itch between his legs. The picture Raina had just sent him shone brightly etched into his eyelids, but he wasn't going to risk Ezra grabbing his phone out of his hands and seeing pictures of his half-naked girlfriend.
Not again, at least.
"You're not listening to me," Ezra blurted, his voice low.
"God you sound like mom when she gets pissed," he snorted. He pulled himself up on his elbows, jerking his chin, "What?"
"I caught Celia coming out of the tavern yesterday and she was crying," the other said, slipping off his shirt to put on his pajamas, "Mom and dad have already talked to her and me and the girls have apologized more than once, I slept in there with them last night, but-" he cleared his throat, running a hand over his face.
Cal forgot about Raina in a split second.
If Celia had cried and Ezra had felt the need to tell him, it meant it was something important.
"But?" urged Cal to continue, sitting up and setting the phone down on the nightstand.
Ezra looked him straight in the eye as he took off his jeans as well, then looked away, shaking his head, "Before I tell you, it's not your fault specifically, it was a lot of things that built up that made her break down for a moment-"
Cal interrupted him, "Can you get straight to the point, please? You're worrying me."
"It's not even that important, I just think you need to know."
"Jesus Christ, just tell me," he snapped.
"Celia had a complete nervous breakdown last night," Ezra said in one breath, kneeling on his bed without even looking at him. Cal's heart clenched in his chest. "She said we don't love her like we love the rest of us," he sighed, "that mom and dad never have time for her basically."
Then Ezra's icy eyes pierced into Cal's hazel ones, and he knew that whatever he said next would be the heaviest bit to hear. He tucked into his shoulders, breathing through his nose.
"She also said that Nora hates her. That you hate her."
Cal closed his eyes, bringing a hand to his forehead, "Fuck." he muttered, "She mentioned me and Nora specifically?"
Ezra didn't answer and Cal opened his eyes, seeing him nod with a grimace on his face, "Dad told her that's not true, obviously, but I think it would be good for her to hear it directly from you."
"Fuck." muttered Cal again. He put his feet on the ground, leaning forward and taking his head in his hands as he remembered how he'd dismissed Celia not once, but twice in the space of a few minutes when she had needed him.
To go have sex, of all things.
"Why didn't you call me? Texted me?" asked Cal, looking over his shoulder at Ezra, "I would have come home sooner." he sighed again when he suddenly remembered the conversation that had taken place only a couple of hours earlier with Celia.
They had been sitting on the couch in the living room in silence when Cal had asked her what movie she wanted to watch and she hadn't answered him right away. She hadn't even looked at him when she'd said, "You don't have to be pretend like you like to stay home with me." before getting up from the couch and going upstairs, probably to her room. Cal had been surprised by those words, but hadn't dwelled too much on his sister's tone of voice or her hurt expression, continuing to text Raina.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." he cursed himself again, thinking about how much that indifference of his had done nothing but prove her fears. He didn't dwell on the image of a distraught Celia crying that appeared in his head too.
Ezra clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, "Listen, if you go in there like this you're just going to scare her," he told him softly, "Calm down for a moment and take a couple of minutes to think, because it sounds like you've been given the worst news you can get, so breathe, think and if you can't get it all done before eleven maybe you should wait until tomorrow morning."
Cal wanted to tell him that it was one of the worst things anyone could say to him, but looking into his eyes he realised that he must have felt the same way the night before.
"Did you find her crying or..?"
Ezra lifted a shoulder, tucking himself under the covers and folding his arms behind his head, "I told you, she was downstairs and I didn't understand what she was doing there, then dad saw her and she burst into tears." a short pause before he resumed speaking in a lower voice, "I haven't heard her cry like that in a few years.  She has to be holding it all in for so long."
Cal ran a hand over his face, puffing out his cheeks.
His phone screen lit up with a notification from Raina.
He opened the chat without even checking the last picture she had sent him:
'I'll text you later princess, something came up and I'm not really in the mood to send you pictures. Sorry.'
Her reply didn't even take ten seconds to appear, 'No, I'm sorry, I wouldn't have sent anything if I knew something was wrong. You need me to call you?'
Cal smiled slightly at the phone, 'Don't worry, you couldn't have known.'
The message that followed sounded more threatening than anything else, 'Okay, but you didn't answer my question, do you want me to call you? I can be there in five if I have to. Or you can come back here, you know I'm alone.'
As tempting as that invitation was, Cal shook his head, knowing full well that it held no double meaning, just genuine concern. 'It's Celia. She wasn't well last night and no one thought to warn me.'
'Oh, what happened?'
'Can I text you later? I have to take care of this now. It's nothing to worry about, just, I'll tell you later.'
'Alright.' Cal chuckled. It was just like seeing her, biting the inside of her lip, thinking of all the possibilities.
'Love you.'
He didn't wait for her reply and lay back down on the bed, putting himself in the same position as his brother.
"Do you think I was an asshole?" he asked at one point, looking up at the ceiling.
He heard Ezra moving around on the bed and when he turned around, his brother was lying on his side, his head resting on one arm. He looked so much like their mum. "She didn't really elaborate when she said you hate her-"
"Could you stop saying I hate her as if it were true?" interrupted Cal, frowning.
Ezra arched an eyebrow, "Sorry." then looked at him attentively, "I was saying, she didn't say anything in particular, so I wouldn't know. What did you do to sweep her off her feet like that?"
Cal looked at him with a slightly wide mouth, "For someone who says it's not my fault, it sure as hell looks like you don't believe it."
"I'm just fucking with you, though, she said you kicked her out of the room," then grimaced, "Actually, dad and I did that too, so don't worry if it's true."
Cal shook his head, amazed, looking up at the ceiling again, "We're all assholes then."
"What did you tell her?" asked Ezra again.
"I just told her I'd help her with her homework, I guess, and then I left," he replied.
"For?" Cal turned to him with an expression that said it all. Ezra scoffed, "You could have helped her five minutes, before you went off to fuck."
Cal flinched at those words, knowing full well how true they were, "You could have done the same. What were you and dad doing anyway?"
Ezra took a while to answer, "We were supposed to be fixing the bike, but we were actually playing darts."
"Busted." he muttered, "We should scold dad too then." joked Cal, trying to lighten the mood a little.
"I think he's regretted it enough already," the eldest said in a serious tone, "He barely touched his food at dinner yesterday and then went straight to bed."
"Maybe he was just tired," Cal assumed, trying to kill time before the inevitable.
"I don't think so, he pretty much spent all day staring at Celia like she might break at any moment." he ran a hand through his hair, mussing it, "Sometimes I wonder how they manage with five kids. It must be hard."
Cal frowned, looking at his brother, trying to figure out if he was just playing around or not. When he saw Ezra staring at the ceiling with a lost gaze, he realized that no, he was one hundred percent serious.
That he didn't realize the help he gave his parents? It was true, Ezra was only four years older than Cal, but there was no way he shouldn't be considered some sort of third parent. The eldest of the siblings had taken care of all of them from day zero and had never backed down from such duty.
Cal's eyes widened, deciding not to broach that subject that evening.
One thing at a time.
"Do you think you'll talk to her tonight?" asked Ezra, "I only ask because - even if you don't have to tonight - I think you should go say goodnight, tell her you love her before you go to sleep."
"Give me ten more minutes and then I'll go," Cal murmured.
"As long as you need."
"The other day when I went out with Iria and we met one of the boys in her class," Nora said with bright eyes, "he asked me to give him my number and I don't think I should tell mom."
Celia giggled, hiding her face against the duvet on her bed, "She'd definitely tell dad and at that point you'd be quicker to jump in front of a train on your own."
Nora burst out laughing, looking up at her from the upside down position she was in, "Iria said the same thing too."
"What's his name?"
Her sister's face lit up, "Zeke. I don't know his last name." then she cackled, "Maybe I should ask him."
"Is he cute?" asked Celia just as the door opened and Cal appeared.
"Who's cute?" asked their brother, just the instant Nora said, "Don't you know how to knock?"
"An actor." replied the younger one, as any sort of excitement vanished inside her.
She didn't want the strange bubble that had been created over the last few hours to burst. She had finally managed to convince Nora to spend some time with her as they hadn't done in months and she hadn't had that much fun in too long.
Cal shifted his gaze from Nora to her, keeping his eyes fixed in hers for a while before turning back to Nora, "You're not telling me the truth."
"Why are you here?" the older one asked, turning on her stomach and looking at her brother standing in the doorway.
Celia felt herself blush for some reason when Cal's eyes settled on her again and said, "Could you come with me for a moment?"
She arched an eyebrow, "Why?"
The boy seemed to hesitate for a few seconds, "I'd like to talk to you."
Nora yawned, not covering her mouth, "The two of us would be talking."
Cal turned to the older of the two of them, "Stop being so bossy."
"I wouldn't have to if you knocked before coming into our room and then claimed to steal Lia from me," Nora replied tensely.
Celia pulled herself up to her seat, rubbing her hands over her face as she tried to suppress a smile.
She knew they weren't really fighting, but they were bickering to win her attention, her time, and she'd be lying if she said it wasn't warming her heart.
"I-" stammered Cal, gesturing to Nora, "What- I'm not trying to steal Cece from you, I just want to talk to her for five minutes."
"What do you want Cal?" she asked trying to figure out what she needed to discuss at this time of the night.
Cal gave her an exasperated look, "Ezra told me what happened last night, I wanted to apologize."
Both she and Nora straightened up, but Celia was the only one who held her breath, blinking a couple of times, hoping to erase any trace of surprise from her expression.
Nora cleared her throat, sitting up, "I think I'll go brush my teeth." she said getting up.
Celia frowned, "You've done that before with-"
"Brush my teeth!" she repeated loudly, closing the bedroom door behind her.
Now only she and Cal stood in the room.
"Cal, you don't-"
He interrupted her before she could say anything else, crossing the room with two wide strides, "I want to apologize."
Celia looked at him, pulling herself up to sit cross-legged as he plopped down on Nora's bed in front of her. She nodded her head to tell him to continue, "You already said that."
"I know," Cal whispered. Then he shifted his gaze outside the window that separated the girls' beds, "I know."
Her eyes fell on his hands and she saw that he was torturing his ring she knew Raina had given him for their first anniversary. A nervous tic that characterised practically every adult in that house. Celia was just waiting for the day when Nora, too, was given a ring and she, too, would start twisting it between the index finger and thumb of her opposite hand.
They were silent for a few seconds and Celia was about to speak, make his task easier by telling him that everything was fine, that it had just been a particularly tiring day, but the words caught in her throat when he looked back at her and in the most serious tone of voice she had ever heard him use, he said, "You know you're my best friend right?"
Celia didn't know how to respond. She wasn't even sure if she was actually breathing. That's why she forced herself to get some air into her lungs. That strained breath must have sounded like a sob or a gasp, because Cal grimaced before resuming.
"I know it's not always like this Cece, but you're my best friend.
"I'm sorry for leaving you like that last night. I was an asshole and I shouldn't have acted like that. I have no excuse for ignoring you and then leaving for Raina's without helping you first, but I want to tell you something." he looked at her with such intensity that she didn't understand how he could speak. She nodded slowly.
"You will always be my sister. You will always be the person I love most in the world. You, Nora, Andra, Ezra." he swallowed noisily, "You are my life and I love you. Understand?"
Celia nodded with slightly wide eyes.
"We're growing up. These years won't be like the ones we had when we were younger, but that doesn't mean I don't love you as much as ever. That I hate you." he shuddered at those words, "Hell, Ce, I could never hate you. Not even if you did me the greatest wrong in the world.
"We'll go back to being close, as close as... as-" he grunted, throwing his hands to the sky, "Like two broad beans in a pod."
Celia chuckled, frowning, "What are you talking about?"
"I don't know, it's not important," he smiled. "What is important is that you understand that no one in this family hates you. No one could ever hate you."
The words were out before she could stop them, "It seems that way sometimes."
Cal contracted his jaw, "I know, I'm sorry," he said in a lower voice, "I can tell you something that will probably make you feel better."
"Ezra and I are essentially five years apart, and," he straightened, running a hand through his hair, "There was a time when I was a senior in middle school, just like you, and when he was a junior in high school at the same time."
"That must have been hard for you," Celia whispered.
Cal nodded, smiling at her reassuringly, "It was one of the worst times of my life, I think. I was sure Ezra wouldn't consider me a friend anymore, just a brother, because he's legally forced to be that, you know." they both chuckled, "But no, Ezra was just growing up and you get to a point where your interests are too different to keep getting involved in everything the other does.
"It definitely happened to Nora with me and it's going to happen to Andra with you," then, seeing the scared look on her face that one day she would make her little sister feel the way her older siblings were making her feel at that moment, he added, "But Cece, that's life. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's not your fault. It happens."
"It still hurts." she pointed out again.
Cal reached out to her, putting both hands on her shoulders, "I know, but I can assure you that the second you get old enough and mom and dad will let you hang out with Nora, you'll completely forget you ever felt that way."
"Was it like that for you and Ezra?"
He nodded, getting up to sit on her bed next to her, "It took me a little longer than it will take you, because of the bigger age gap, but yeah." he nodded, smiling at her, "When Ezra and I started 'playing together' again," he said mimicking the quotes with his fingers, "It was like all the years we were too far apart to actually have fun together faded away. It was like finding an old friend you thought you'd never see again." he put an arm around her shoulders, bringing her against his side, "That's why I'm telling you not to worry."
Celia closed her eyes, muttering, "You were still an asshole, though. And so was Nora. And a little bit Ezra too."
She felt Cal shake while chuckling, "Andra wasn't? At least she's safe."
"Oh, shut up," she said, breaking free from her brother's grasp.
Cal looked down at her, a smile all too similar to their father's on his lips, "I love you, Cece." he said under his breath.
She nodded, feeling her cheeks heat up, "I love you too."
Then Cal laughed, running a hand over his face to stop the giggles and avoid waking their parents.
"What's up?" asked Celia in an amused tone.
"God," Cal breathed, trying not to laugh, "I can't wait until you and Nora are old enough to drink. Ezra and I have to take you to see so many places."
Celia rested her hands on her knees. She still didn't understand all that drinking hype, but she was sure her brothers would give her unforgettable experiences.
Cal let himself fall backwards on the bed, covering his face with an arm, "I'm sorry for acting like that yesterday, I'll try to pay more attention to your needs or whatever you want." he murmured after the laughter was fully subsided.
Celia lay next to him on the mattress, close enough that she could feel the warmth of his body, "It's nothing, I'm fine now."
"It's not nothing," Cal said, firmly, "The fact that you had to reach such a breaking point that you couldn't hold back the crying isn't nothing, don't even think that as a joke."
When she didn't answer, he took it as an invitation to continue.
"And I know dad already told you, but talk to us before you break down like that."
Celia swallowed, trying to chase away the tears, "I will." she finally whispered.
She heard Cal sigh, "Come here," before he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her towards him. Celia closed her eyes, letting her older brother hold her, letting him give her the love they all said they felt for her.
Finally feeling the entirety of that weight being lifted from her shoulders, she fell asleep with Cal's voice promising her incredible adventures and memorable nights in a future Celia never imagined would be so close.
acotar tag list (if you wanna be added or removed just send me and ask or dm me)
@sjm-things @kris10maas @awesomelena555 @sannelovesreading @queenamydien29 @ireallyshouldsleeprn @messyhairday-me @ncssian @observationanxioustheorist @my-fan-side @booksstorm @maastrash @sayosdreams @thedarkdemigod @courtofjurdan @thewayshedreamed @ladywitchling @nahthanks @archeron-queen @sleeping-and-books @bri-loves-sunflowers @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @queenestarcheron @oop-theregoesgravity @perseusannabeth @simping4bookboisngrls @anne-reads @fantastypenguins @laylaameer01 @thalia-2-rose @darkshadowqueensrule @bookstantrash
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lyssismagical · 4 years
64 and 3?
3 - “You’re cute when you’re worried.”
64 - “Did they hurt you?” 
  Nine days.
Peter had been missing for nine days.
No trace of him anywhere no matter how hard Tony and Harley tried. He was just gone.
And Harley is losing his mind.
“Harley, c’mon, let’s get you up to bed, alright? You can eat and sleep and then, in the morning, you can keep searching, okay? You can’t stop taking care of yourself just because-”
He doesn’t even bother peeling his eyes away from the screen in front of him, rolling with security footage, cutting off Pepper’s concern, “No. I need to finish going through the footage. I’ve got twelve more blocks of footage, about four dozen security cameras.”
“How long’s that going to take you?”
“I don’t know!” Harley knows he’s angrier than he should be. He’s irritated and flustered and desperate because his boyfriend is gone. He’s gone and Harley’s scared and the world feels like it’s ending. “I don’t know and I couldn’t care less! I’m going to go through the fucking footage no matter how long it takes me!”
Pepper’s face falls with a sigh, moving to sit down beside him. She’s got this sad smile on her face, sympathetic and pitying. “Harley, sweetheart, I know you want to help but combing through security footage that FRIDAY’s already scanned, isn’t doing any good.”
“What do you want me to do?” Harley demands, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “I don’t know what you want from me! I can’t just go to bed like everything’s fine, Pepper. I can’t- I don’t want to-”
She’s there, hands gentle and easy on his back, guiding him into a hug when he breaks, tears curling down his cheeks and breath hitching. He’s not okay, he’s so miserable, he wants Peter home and in his arms and safe more than anything.
“I know you’re scared, Harley, I get it. I’ve been in this situation before with Tony, he’s gone missing plenty of times before, but I promise, we’re doing everything we can. You’re not doing any good by working yourself to death down here.”
Harley lets out a pitiful sob, wishing more than anything that Peter were the one holding him instead, that he could breathe in Peter’s cinnamon body wash or the vanilla shampoo he uses. He wishes that he could feel Peter’s warmth, arms always so strong and tight around him, shorter and lean and right.
“I want him home,” Harley says, incapable of stopping himself from the pleading desperation that leaks from his tone. “I want him home and safe and here and with me.”
“I know, sweetheart, I know you do, we all do. But right now, all we have to do is wait.”
* Harley spends the night in Peter’s bed where he’s been exiled until at least seven in the morning. FRIDAY’s watching him to make sure he doesn’t set foot in the lab or the office. He barely eats the food May offers, and eventually he can’t take the awkward small talk and locks himself in Peter’s room.
The bed still smells like Peter. Like cinnamon and vanilla and the vaguest hint of gunpowder and blood from the nights he drops into bed with his suit on after patrols. His blankets are all rumpled from the last time he slept in them, ten days ago, one of them on the floor, one pillow cover stained with what looks like blood on the underside.
It’s the closest thing Harley’s got to Peter.
He doesn’t sleep all night, curled up in Peter’s bed, alternating between crying and trying not to cry. He drifts off a few times, but never for long. He can’t stop thinking about Peter, wherever he may be, if he’s even alive.
Eventually, though, seven in the morning rolls around and he finally leaves Peter’s room, clutching one of Peter’s hoodies to his chest. It’s too small to fit him comfortably, Peter’s a decent half foot shorter and Harley’s shoulders are a lot broader, but he needs to be able to feel like Peter’s close, like he’s safe.
“Anything?” he asks as soon as he sees Tony, Pepper, and May in the kitchen.
They all look up, eyes sad and mouths set in firm lines, echoing expressions of misery.
May’s the one that speaks. “Nothing right now, honey. You want breakfast?”
“Coffee?” his voice is shaking and high. “I’m not hungry.”
“You didn’t eat last night-” Pepper starts but Tony shakes his head. A silent conversation passes through them and Harley assumes they’re arguing whether or not it’s worth it to try to make him eat breakfast.
Eventually, though, it goes quiet and May passes over a mug of coffee. Almost immediately, Harley has to put the mug down, breath hitching.
Peter’s Graduation Mug.
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry-” May says, already reaching to take the mug back but Harley’s quick to grab it first, cradling it close to his chest almost protectively.
“It’s ‘kay. Thanks.”
Tony goes to say something, probably to excuse himself back to the lab, when a cellphone rings.
They all go fumbling for their phones, but it’s Harley’s.
“Hello?” His voice is too high, too broken like he’s expecting it to be the worst news.
“Harley?” It’s Peter. He sounds upset, hurt, tired more than anything. “I, uh, I escaped but I don’t know if they’re following me still. I found a payphone and this lady lent me the coins for a call. I just wanna come home, Harls, please- I- I don’t know where I am, but I- I-”
Harley sinks to the floor, phone cradled to his ear. “Did they hurt you? Are you okay? You’re not- You’re not dyin’ on me, are you?”
“I’m okay. Just get Fri to track the call and come get me please. I want to come home and take the world’s longest nap with you. Please, Harls.”
He waves at Tony, who’s hovering over him with the other two adults, and points at his phone, nodding when Tony mouths Peter?
“Of course, honey, I’ll find you, don’t you worry. I love you.”
“Location Found,” FRIDAY says, voice a comforting lilt. “Coordinates have been uploaded to GPS systems. Near Wilmington, Delaware.”
Harley lets out a pathetic sob of relief, drawing his knees up to his chest, phone pressing harder into his ear. “Give us like two hours, okay? And we’ll be there. Can you do two hours?”
“Okay.” Peter somehow manages to sound even more miserable, voice trembling. “I love you too.”
“I promise. Two hours tops.”
It’s hard to hang up the phone on Peter. Peter who’s scared and alone, two states over, probably hurt and tired and alone. But the moment he hangs up, he’s quick to jump into action, the faster he moves, the sooner he can get to Peter.
“I’m driving,” Pepper says, grabbing the keys from the counter before Harley can reach them.
“I need- I-”
May settles a hand on his shoulder, shaking her head. “He’s going to be fine, Harley, but you’re not in a good headspace to drive. Let Pepper drive.”
He’s still holding his phone, Peter’s sweater bunched up in one arm and mug balancing in one hand which Tony gently pries from his grip, and he pulls the sweater up to his face, breathing evenly to try to calm the erratic hammering of his heart.
May guides him forward and he lets her, goes willingly, until he’s being pushed into a seat, buckle clicking closed. He gets passenger somehow while May and Tony take the backseat.
By the time they’re leaving New York, Tony and May have both passed out, sleeping soundly for the first time in over a week. Pepper’s back is straight, face set in determination as she picks up the pace on the backroads.
Harley finally feels like he’s waking up. “He escaped on his own. Ran away.”
Pepper looks over briefly, offering a small smile. “Yeah, I’m not too surprised. I’m just scared for the day people don’t underestimate him.”
“I just wish this would stop happening… Somedays, I wish I could just tell him to hang up the suit and not look back, to stop putting his life in danger, to stay home and stay safe. I don’t know what I would do if I lost him.”
“Trust me, we all wish we could ask him the same thing. But the truth is, he wouldn’t listen to us. Spider-Man is the most important thing in the world to him, we can’t change his mind as much as we’d sometimes like to.”
* Pepper barely has the chance to slow down before Harley’s throwing himself out of the car.
“Peter!” he shouts, voice rough and hoarse from the lump in his throat.
His boyfriend is laying in the grassy hill behind the payphone he’d called from. He’s only wearing a pair of loose grey sweatpants, chest and feet bare. His hair is greasy and tousled, eyes only half-open, heels digging into the dirt.
He lifts his head, though, when Harley calls for him, and he offers a lazy smile.
Tripping over the sidewalk, Harley barely manages to make it to Peter, racing up to the hill and dropping to his knees at his boyfriend’s side.
Up close, Harley can really see the damage, though.
Cuts and bruises paint their way up Peter’s torso, covering him in every hue of the rainbow. There’s a deep gash by his temple that steadily bleeds down the side of his face. His wrist is cradled against his chest, arm wrapped around his stomach, one eye swollen nearly shut.
“Oh god,” Harley breathes, hands hovering uselessly between them. “I thought you said you were okay! I swear to god, Peter, I- We should call a Quinjet, get you to a doctor, we should’ve just brought Cho with us, made it easier. Are you sure you can last two hours in the car? What happened? Does it hurt? I-”
Peter lets out a laugh, tapering off into coughs at the end but still there and just as bright as ever. “You’re cute when you’re worried. I swear, I’m okay, Harley. Tired, sore, starving, but okay. Look, the worst of it’s already healing.”
It’s true. The gash on his head is slowly stitching its way together, wrist straightening out again. His healing will take care of the rest by the time they make it home anyway.
Harley tugs Peter into his arms, wary of the wounds, and peppers the safe parts of his face in kisses. “Thank god, don’t you dare do that to me again, I was worried sick about you!”
“I’m okay, Harley, really. You can relax. I’m safe.”
Finally, Harley feels like he can breathe, holding Peter in his arms, being able to kiss him and breathe him in and feel his warmth, instead of the sweater he’d been using to pretend. He doesn’t smell like vanilla and cinnamon anymore, more how he normally smells when he drops into bed after a patrol, but he’s still Peter. He’s still here. He’s still in Harley’s arms, where he’s meant to be.
“How about that nap, huh? We’ve got two hours in the car to catch up and then all the time in the world when we get home.”
Peter smiles, a little dopey and too happy for somebody who’d been held captive for nine days, but Harley would give anything to see that smile for the rest of his life. “Sounds perfect, Harls.”
“I love you,” Harley says because he doesn’t want to go another minute without making sure Peter knows.
“I love you more.”
Harley laughs, pressing a long kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead. “I seriously doubt that, but I’ll let you win this one.”
He’d be happy if Peter won every time as long as he gets to hear it.
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina  @spidey-reids-2003  @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @pj-hermes-tonystark-obsessed  @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10 @justme--emily  @hold-our-destiny @imalivebecauseirondad @spiderman-peterman @dykeragee @maryserrao @heeeyitskay @parknerandirondad @lilacsandlilies4 @loveliestdisappointment {Let me know if you wanna be added or removed}
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Please Wake Up
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Jax Teller x Reader
Requested By: @minnicelli​ // hi! how are you? i would like to do a request for Jax with the prompts 5 & 10. Jax and the reader have a solid relationship but Jax is so full of club shit that he’s been distant and cold with her, they fight and she says all that’s bothering her in the situation and he doesn’t care much, until days after that she got into an accident (or kidnapped, something bad happens, it’s your choice) and he realize the shit he was doing. 5 “Wake up! Please wake up.” 10 “Do you even still love me?” thank u!
SOA Tag List; @chibsytelford @talicat713 @corebore123 @nothingeverdies @teapartydreams @mrspeacem1nusone @khyharah @itmejado @woahitslucyylu @beth-winchester21 @minnicelli @everyhowlmarksthedead @trulysuccubus
Another night spent alone curled up in front of the TV. You wanted nothing more than to spend the night curled up in your boyfriends arms but that hadn’t happened for a couple of months.
You knew shit was going off at the club and you weren't going to push things, but you didn’t know how long you could take it. You just felt lonely.
Hearing the front door close and the thud of Jax’s trainers on the hardwood floor, glancing up at the clock you realised that Jax was home before 11pm. Pushing yourself up off the sofa you padded into the kitchen to see Jax stood over the kitchen sink.
“Hey” you said softly leaning against the fridge.
“I’m not in the mood babe” Jax huffed looking out the window.
“You never are any more” you sighed “I know shit is getting tough with the club, I understand that but please stop shutting me out”
“You don’t know half of what’s going on” Jax snapped.
“Because you have been acting so distant baby” you sighed as tears clouded your vision. “I love you with all my heart but I don’t know how much I can take Jax”
He did turn around, just ran his hands through his hairs.
“Do you even still love me?” You whimpered “because right now I feel like I’m second best to everything”
“I can’t believe you just asked me that” Jax laughed.
You couldn’t believe it, his response, you knew it was because he was tired and stressed but it stung.
“Baby I know you are stressed, but it’s affecting me now, I’m constantly worried about you. You aren’t thinking straight because of this shit with the Irish. I don’t know the ins and outs of what’s going on but sooner or later I’m going to lose you, whether it’s from breaking up or even worse you dying” you said as a tear rolled down your cheek.
“I don’t wanna talk about this right now” Jax sighed walking out of the kitchen. You heard his heavy footsteps disappear upstairs followed by the sound of the shower. As much as you hated leaving him alone it was what was best. You both had a temper and the last thing you wanted was to start world war 3.
Yet again you woke up to an empty bed, Jax's side was cold and looked untouched, you knew just by looking he slept on the sofa. Your thoughts were confirmed when you saw the spare duvet and pillow bunched in the corner of the sofa and the house once again empty.
No morning cuddles in bed making you late for work, no morning kisses that left you wanting more, no morning coffee brewing. Just silence.
Like every morning for the past month, you showered, got dressed and headed off to work. However this morning it didn’t quite go that way. You had just finished getting dressed when you heard the sound of a window breaking downstairs.
Your heart was beating so fast you thought it was going to burst out your chest as you scurried round the room trying to find the spare gun Jax kept, in case of emergencies. You could hear him now giving you the big I told you so speech. But he wasn’t here and you were shit scared as you heard the sounds of footsteps coming upstairs alongside the sound of two Irish men.
“Fuck” you mumbled as you finally found the gun and retreating into the wardrobe. Reaching down to your pocket you realised your phone was on the kitchen table.
This was it you were going to die.
“She’s got to be around here somewhere” one of the men said as you heard the tear your room apart. It was then the doors of the wardrobe opened. “Found her”
“Get off me” you screamed fighting with everything you had but it was no use, he was a lot stronger than you.
A fist connected with your face causing you to whimper.
“Oh shut up bitch” the man laughed punching you again.
“Why are you doing this?” You asked as he literally dragged you out the house.
“Your old man took something of ours without paying for it so we are taking something of his” the other guy smirked as you were chucked in the back of a van.
You weren't a religious person but right now you found yourself praying to any and all of the gods.
“Somethings wrong” Jax sighed as he checked his phone.
It didn’t matter if you got in a fight or he was in a mood you would always text him just before you started work at 9, a text that showed you still cared for him even after he was acting cold. But he didn’t get that text this morning.
“Maybe she forgot her phone” juice shrugged and Jax nodded in agreement.
Pushing the thoughts aside they gathered round the table trying to decide what the best way to deal with the Irish was.
It was around 7pm when Jax pulled into the driveway, the hairs on the back of his neck standing. Everything in his body was telling him something was wrong and this was confirmed as he saw the glass on the front door shattered, your phone on the kitchen table and a couple of spots of blood on the cream carpet.
Running as fast as he could upstairs he took in the carnage that had happened just hours before. If only he had listened to his gut feeling first thing this morning.
Dropping to his knees at the foot of the bed, he held his head in his hands. It was in that moment he realised how he had been treating you, acting cold and distant yet you still stayed with him. His mind went back to the previous night when you voiced your concerns and he just shrugged them off, and slept on the sofa.
His heart dropped at the fact you probably thought he didn’t love you, as he didn’t exactly answer the question when you asked last night.
One thing was for sure, when he found you he had made a promise to himself never to treat you like he had over the last month or so.
- - -
The room was dark, cold and damp. You had no idea what time it was or how long you had been here or whether Jax was bothered that you were gone.
Leaning back against the wall your body ached from lying on the concrete floor. All you wanted to do was snuggle in the arms of your boyfriend, but you knew what wasn’t going to happen any soon.
You could hear voices but couldn’t quite make out what they were saying but you definitely heard Jax’s name mentioned a couple of times.
- - -
“This really isn’t helping Jax” Tig said, crouching in front of him as he sat with his back against the bed surrounded by the trashed room.
It had been 6 days since you got taken and every lead they had went cold. Which was why he was leaning against the bed getting high, he hadn’t slept or showered in days.
He didn’t say anything just carried on smoking the blunt, trying to forget, this was all his fault. If he hadn’t rushed out the house that morning he would have been there to protect you. He knew it was the Irish that had taken you but you could be anywhere now.
“Jax you need to see this” Juice came running into with a laptop.
Looking up at the screen he saw you laying on the floor. His heart broke just looking at it and it broke even more when Juice hit play.
“Jackson, as you can see she doesn’t have much left in her” Jimmy's voice laughed. “We warned you after you ambushed us and stole our guns we would get our payback”
“I always wondered how long the human body could go without food or drink and I guess I know the answer now”
Anger surged through Jax’s blood as he kept his eyes trained on you whimpering in the background, weakly calling his name.
“You have 3 days to return what you stole or I’m putting a bullet through her pretty little skull”
The video went black.
“Fucking Irish bastard” Jax roared pushing himself to his feet. Just seeing you still alive gave him a bit of hope.
- - -
“Trust me he won’t be returning the guns” Jimmy laughed crouching in front of you as he dragged his knife over your cheek.
You just felt so weak and numb, you just laid there as he cut you.
“If.. if you’re gonna kill me….just do it” you said weakly between coughs.
“There’s no fun in that now,” he smirked, removing the knife. “Jackson will regret trying to steal from us”
You had just gotten to the point of giving up, your body was so weak, you were so hungry and so thirsty it actually hurt. All you wanted was to tell Jax you love him, close your eyes and give up completely.
Time passed but you had no idea how long you had been stuck in this dingy basement, or if Jax was even trying to find you. The sounds of fun fire drew your attention to the ceiling, someone was here, you just needed to hold on a little bit longer, but you could feel your body slipping into the darkness.
All you could hear was Jax shouting his head off, followed by the sound of footsteps on the metal stairs.
He came to find you. You tried so hard to hold on but your body was too weak as you slipped into the darkness.
Without a second though Jax shot at the hinges of the door before kicking it down.
He didn’t think his heart could break anymore but it did, as soon as he saw you laying on the ground. Running over to you he couldn’t hold the tears back as he brushed some hair out of your face. He took in your appearance and sighed as he saw the cuts littering your soft skin, and the dried blood on your cheek.
One silver lining was he could feel your pulse, granted it was weak but it was still there. He knew he needed to get you medical attention and fast.
“Wake up!” He sobbed as he scooped you into his arms “Princess please wake up.”
164 notes · View notes
halpertstuna · 4 years
motorbikes and mazes - jj maybank
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A/N: thank you for requesting! i hope this is what you meant, enjoy <3
and i’ve already said this before but PLEASE, don’t hesitate to send me requests, questions, messages whatever you want. i would love to make friends and mutuals on this platform plus i love feedback and would really like to hear your opinions(:
-> prompt list <-
summary: motorcycle accidents aren’t that rare, you just never thought you’d get into one, especially not with your boyfriend.
pairing: jj x reader
word count: 2,426
warnings: cursing, blood, mentions of injuries (nothing too graphic), a bath(? idk if that’s a warning lmao i’m sorry), angst, fluff, platonic John B., Pope, Kie and Sarah.
oh and probably typos cause i suck😎 and i’m too lazy to go over this again 😔🕶🤏🏻
-> masterlist <-
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(gif credit: @ptersparkers )
The sense of mortality.
When riding a motorcycle you truly are aware of your mortality, your life is in your hands and if you act carelessly, it could be over.
JJ was fully aware of that, which was why each time you were sat on the back of his motorbike, gripping tightly onto his torso, he was extra careful.
He knew motorcycles scared you quite a bit, ever since you were a child your mum told you how dangerous they were, and as a result you were mildly intimidated by them.
You trusted JJ more than anything in the world and you knew he would never put you at risk, he cared far too much.
And as true as that is, some things are just out of his hands.
It was mid December, the wind outside howled, causing the tree near your bedroom window to rapidly tap the glass.
You laid in bed, drawing, as you awaited a text from your boyfriend, JJ, telling you he was outside.
Like every thursday, the pogues made plans to meet at the chateau for movie night. It was your turn to pick a movie and you were thrilled, you wanted to watch the maze runner series again, so you saw this was a great opportunity.
Just as you were adding final touches to the sunflower you drew, the screen of your phone lit up and with the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of JJ’s contact name.
You swiftly got off the bed and slid into your beat up vans. You made your way down the stairs and slung your, more accurately JJ’s, jacket over your shoulders, slipping your arms through the sleeves as you shut the door behind you. You skipped down the porch steps, approaching your favorite blond boy, whose hair was rumpled from both his helmet and the wind.
You ran your hand through his golden locks, gently tugging, as your lips met the warm skin of his exposed neck, greeting him with intimacy. He smiled at your antics, kissing your temple sloppily, then handed you your helmet and put his back on.
As soon as you placed it on top of your head, you hoped onto the pillion seat and wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his build back. You placed a soft kiss on his shoulder blade, missing the grin he gave you.
He turned the key in the ignition, starting the bike and the two of you rode off.
The wind whispered through your hair when all of the sudden you felt droplets of rain fall onto the exposed skin of the nape of your neck.
Neither of you thought too much of it, as you were already half way there and it was just a couple of drops. But not long after, the rain got violent, and the road got slippery.
JJ knew it was dangerous to ride a motorbike in such weather conditions and so he searched for a place with shelter, in which you could wait until the rain came to a halt.
“Hold tight” he shouted and you obeyed, tightening your grip and holding onto dear life. “JJ we have to stop it’s getting dangerous” you affirmed, voice laced with fear. “I know, I’m looking for a place where we can wait out the storm” he explained.
The pouring rain was bucketing down harshly and the drops covered JJ’s visor almost completely, blocking his sight.
As a result he didn’t see the puddle you were heading straight to.
Lifting up your head, you peeped over JJ’s shoulder, noticing the puddle.
“JJ! LOOK OUT!” You alarmed him, but before either of you could process anything, he lost control over the bike.
The wheels slid, you reluctantly took a wild left turn, losing balance and hitting a tree, causing the bike to flip over to the side.
JJ lunched forward, slamming his ribs onto the twist-grip, then hitting the ground, his shoulder breaking his fall, delivering all of his weight to it causing him to whimper in pain.
You on the other hand, weren’t so fortunate.
You spent your entire life frightened by mishaps like this one, certain that if you were ever to be in a vehicle accident, nevertheless a motorcycle, the only thing you would be able to focus on would be the pain.
But to your surprise, it wasn’t.
To be honest you couldn’t focus on anything, because the second you tried moving, you felt a dull pain wash over you, and your eyelids suddenly felt like they weighed 800 tons.
The pain traveled through your body, and you could feel it in your bones, it completely drained you of any power you had left from the adrenaline. You blinked slowly and heavily.
JJ rushed to you and placed your head on his lap, taking off your helmet and brushing the strands of your disheveled hair out of your face. He noticed there was blood on your forehead, caused by a tree branch after your visor was torn off. It made him absolutely hysterical.
You couldn’t move, you couldn’t speak, all you wanted to do in that moment was sleep. He immediately called 911, waiting for an ambulance as he brushed your hair ever so lightly, terrified of hurting you more than he already had.
The sight of your delicate, weak figure shattered his heart, he kept telling himself this could have been prevented. If only he listened to you, if only he had accepted back then that motorcycles are dangerous. You looked so fragile, vulnerable, and worst of all, in pain. He couldn’t stand the thought of him being the reason.
He noticed you started closing your eyes for longer periods of time and it caused him to freak out even more, if possible. “Y/N?” You tried responding but the tiredness just wouldn’t let you. “Hey! Don’t close your eyes- don’t you dare close your fucking eyes!” He seethed, furious at himself for putting you in this situation.
The last thing you remember was the faint sound of sirens and a sharp pain in your arm, then your vision went black.
The next thing you knew you were on a small, lumpy bed, you shifted uncomfortably, the smell of cleaners enveloped you and you were woken up by the sound of someone shutting a door, audible sounds of chatter came from the other side of the wall. The bright recessed light coming from the ceiling blinded you and you squinted your eyes, feeling an indistinct ache in your head.
You felt giddy and let out a frustrated groan farrowing your eyebrows causing a sharp pain above them. You hissed in pain, then touched your forehead, where you felt a thread, figuring out they stitched up a deep wound.
You casually moved your hand to scratch the odd itch on your elbow, but your fingertips were met with solid plaster instead of soft skin.
You looked down at your right arm and noticed it was in a cast, and your ankle swathed in a bandage, which got stuck under the engine, fracturing it when the bike flipped over.
“Well that’s just fucking great” you muttered under your breath sighing in exasperation.
“Shit! JJ!” you squealed, panicking as you scanned the room. You were so distracted by your pain that for a second you forgot he was there with you.
Five seconds barely passed by and the door was swang open revealing a worried JJ.
You sat up, relief washing over you as he rushed towards your bed and cradled your head tenderly in his arms, squeezing you ever so slightly, as if you were made of china and he was scared that if he added any more pressure, you’d break.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, his voice mellow, calming you down.
“Well, my head kinda hurts and i feel a bit nauseous but pretty numb overall” he stroked your hair as you spoke. “It’s because of the medication” a doctor chimed in as she entered the room “you’re on quite a lot of pain killers”.
“Oh, well, thank you so much for helping us” you trailed off, “but we really should get going”, not wanting to stay there any longer than you had to since hospitals gave you the creeps.
“Actually, I’d prefer you stay here overnight for supervision, both of you” mentioned the doctor before leaving you and JJ alone in the room.
“Well, you heard the lady, guess we’re sleeping here tonight” JJ noted plopping down on a chair beside your hospital cot. “Na-uh” you scoffed, struggling to get off the bed “there is no way in hell i’m spending the night in a hospital”.
JJ gave you a concerned look “but the doctor ordered-“ “no no no, she recommended, see the difference?” you cut him off, motioning with your hand that you need help standing up.
JJ felt so bad he didn’t even argue, and you knew he would be able to take care of you if anything happened during the night.
The two of you started walking, well, he walked, you limped, clutching onto his bicep for support, as you searched for the exit for what felt like forever, all of the corridors looked the same and you were worn out.
“Dang, I just wanted to watch the maze runner, not be in it” you whined and he chuckled at your despair filled tone.
Eventually you found your way out, recognising the VW you’d grown to love so much, parked in front of you. The doors opened and four frames of what you made out to be your friends came running straight towards you and JJ, clasping you in their arms, careful not to hurt either of you.
“What are you guys doing here??” You asked, giggling at the intense feeling of your heart swell.
“I’m JJ’s emergency contact. The second we got a call from the hospital saying you two got in a motorcycle accident, we rushed here” John B. explained, “We were really worried” Sarah added as you made your way towards the van.
“I’m just glad you two are okay” Kie admitted helping JJ lift you into the van. “Yeah, both of you got really lucky” Pope pointed out, “I’m surprised the doctor didn’t ask you to stay overnight”
“Oh she did, I just really didn’t want to” you confirmed, eating the piece of chocolate Sarah handed you knowing it’s your favorite, as John B. started driving towards the chateau.
“Are you crazy?! What if you have a concussion??” Pope yelled panicking, astound by your stupidity, not a surprise “You know they ask you to stay overnight for a reason! The adrenaline your body releases after an accident can mask symptoms of an injury!” He revealed.
“Well that’s why we keep you around, Dr. Spock” JJ joked causing you all to laugh.
When you arrived at the chateau, you and JJ went to the spare room, both desperate for a shower. He helped you with your cast, sealing it with a trash bag and assisted you in stripping out of your clothes. He washed your body for you, and felt horrible knowing you won’t be able to do it normally by yourself for a while.
When you got out of the shower JJ wrapped a towel around his hips then helped you wrap one around your torso. When you turned to him you noticed he had a huge bruise on his abdomen.
You grazed your fingers over the the dark purple swollen skin, brushing it gently, then let your fingers skim over JJ’s wounded shoulder travelling down to the palm of his hand, linking his fingers with yours.
You averted your gaze to his eyes only to find them already on you, filled with awe and remorse as a single tear escaped one of them.
You immediately opened your arms pulling him to you, as close as you possibly could. He buried his face in the crook of your neck sobbing, littering your clean skin with his salty tears.
“I’m so sorry, this is all my fault” he apologised, he could never describe the feeling of guilt he had, knowing he hurt the one person he loves most in this world, the one person he never wanted to see in pain, let alone be the reason for it.
“J, this isn’t-“ “no this is! If only I’d listened- y-you wouldn’t be hurting, and we wouldn’t have bumped into that stupid tree in the first place-“ he started swallowing his words “I don’t know what I’d do to myself if I ever lost you- I-“ he choked on his own tears.
You knew nothing you said mattered cause he wouldn’t listen, he was far too convinced this was all on him. So you just held him tightly for as long as you could, you tried soothing him by placing tender, lingering kisses to his nose, cheeks and forehead speaking only in a hush tone, reassuring him “it’s okay, I’m okay. I’m not going anywhere”. You stayed with him like that until he calmed down.
The two of you got dressed and headed towards the living room where you were met by the others spread across the couch. ”Aren’t you two tired?” Kie asked signaling you to sit. JJ plopped down on the couch beside you, letting you lean your head on his unharmed shoulder.
“Oh sweetheart, in the last five hours I managed to get in a motorcycle accident, go to the hospital, get drugged by so many pain killers, which by the way are still affecting, I managed to escape the labyrinth I was in and get to the chateau alive with a broken arm, fractured ankle, not to mention my stitched forehead and now, I will watch the maze runner. And all of you are going to sit your asses down and enjoy the goddamn movie with me, because I fucking deserve it, thank you very much” you finished your rant of breath.
They all looked at you with wide eyes and parted lips, slightly scared. “Yes ma’am” John B. agreed and turned on the tv. One movie turned into two and eventually you watched all three movies until the sun came up. By the end of the last one, you were all in tears. You fell asleep on the pullout couch on top of each other.
Maybe you were in physical pain, but being surrounded and cared for by your favorite people made you forget all about it, they made you feel whole.
A/N: by the way i decided to make a taglist!
feel free to add yourself <3
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Understanding and acceptance: a short story consisting of things that actually happened
[A/N: I was on the phone with my mum and she told me that I seem to be in a creative mood and that I should write something. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and share a personal story while also writing it as if it’s fiction. So here goes.]
Word count: 2K
-- 2 weeks ago --
It’s a quiet Saturday evening. My brother Max and I are walking home together, deep in conversation. I have no memory of what the conversation had been about when it started, but I do remember that it somehow got to this:
‘...all this assuming you’re straight, of course, and I’m not assuming anything--’
‘What does being straight mean?’ Max says in a tone that tells me he genuinely doesn’t know. So I feel obligated to explain it in the simplest terms possible. ‘Well, in your case it would mean that you, a boy, like girls.’
‘Well, that’s the normal thing for any person!’ He nearly cuts me off with this. I calculate my next step carefully.
‘Not every person,’ I say, keeping my voice as calm as possible. ‘I’m not straight.’ Of course, he knows that. I came out to my whole family at once three years ago, hoping for the awkward discussions to be over with that. It hasn’t worked out quite as I envisioned it yet.
‘Yeah, but you’re not normal either,’ Max parries. Can’t argue with that. Lucky for me, that is when we reach the front door and each one goes off to mind their own business.
I know very well just how ‘not normal’ I am. Not in that cliche ‘I’m not like other girls’ way, but in a way that causes Bulgarians undereducated on mental health and identity labels (which is unfortunately most people over 30) to brand a person clinically insane, unstable, a threat to the Traditional Bulgarian Family™. Being aroace and having severe social anxiety and ADHD to top it off, I hardly classify as ‘normal’. This is a frequent cause for arguments at the dinner table at home, most of which end in a. tears and/ or a panic attack on my part, b. my father storming off and pretending to be asleep whenever someone goes to call him back to dinner, c. my brother gluing himself to his phone, leaving his plate half-untouched, d. my mother crying over ‘what kind of mother am I that I can’t even have my family together at the table once’, and usually e. all of the above. 
For this scenario to play out, however, the whole family of four is required to be present. So fortunately it only happens every other weekend when Dad and I come back home from the capital, where we have been living for the better part of three years now, ever since he got promoted and I started uni. When I’m away from my loving but over-controlling mum and my brother, who seemed to become obnoxious overnight the moment he turned 13 a little over a year ago, I usually have significantly fewer reasons to cry or feel anxious about... you name it. So we do fine. For the most part.
-- this evening --
I am watching Joe and Frankie’s performance of A Whole New World for the thousandth time today when I get a text from Mum.
Mum: How’s my girl doing?
Mum: I haven’t been able to hear from you with all the fuss about your brother.
Max is at that point in his education where he’s applying for high schools. His exam results have just come in and now everyone in the family is stressing about whether his scores will be enough to get him into the school he wants to go to. It’s a big deal, but with all the Rodfini magic going on (and with how terribly behind I am on my internship assignment) I have just been completely unable to care.
Speaking of Rodfini and A Whole New World, I have been repressing the instinctive urge to send my mum the video all day, and when I get her texts, I almost nearly muster up the courage to do it. But between me and her, this is not something you do over text. So I give her a ring instead. 
When she picks up, the sound of her voice combined with the anxiety over what I want to tell her makes me tear up and the words are stuck in my throat. 
‘Erm-- Mum, can I tell you something?’ I say, still not sure if I’m not about to regret taking up the subject at all.
‘Dear, you know you can tell me anything,’ she says, sounding concerned at my obviously-trying-to-swallow-tears voice.
‘You mean it?’ I ask, listening to her tone to make sure. I wish I could read tones better. ‘Anything?’
‘Is something wrong, honey?’ Oh gods, she’s in a really benevolent mood. I grow more and more afraid of ruining that with my ‘obsession with gays’. 
‘Erm, so I guess you should know Dad and I had the tiniest disagreement just now,’ I say, deciding last minute to start with something she might deem ‘more relevant to the family’s personal lives’. ‘You know, we were watching the Euros and then the match ended and we watched the news, and then Dad changed the channel so he could watch the next match. And I was like ‘whoa, what’s with the video quality’, and so dad was like ‘you really need go get your eyes checked out’; and I tried to explain that there was a very obvious difference in quality between the two channels, and he kept yelling at me that I was ruining my eyesight spending all day staring at a screen.’
‘Did he sound annoyed or just concerned?’ Mum asks me.
‘I know what you’re thinking. And I know full well that he’s my parent and he’s concerned about my health. But you should have heard his tone.’
‘So are you two in a fight now?’
‘No. Well, I don’t know.’ I really don’t. It’s hard to tell when one side of the argument refuses to talk about his feelings as if that will kill him. But I don’t tell Mum that. She’s been dealing with Dad since long before I was even planned, so she knows him better than I do. ‘The thing is, he called me back and said that, well, one of the channels was HD and the other was not, so there was indeed a difference, but he thought it was ‘unnatural’ that I was able to register it so immediately, and he kept insisting there was something wrong with my eyes. I should think that seeing something quickly would be a sign of good vision, not bad. Besides,’ I keep talking, nearly  desperate to justify myself, ‘I did some research and sensitivity to light is a symptom of ADHD. So it’s nothing new, really.’
‘Oh, please, dear. You’re of a new generation, and ADHD is something of the older generation. Don’t be so quick to self-diagnose.’
I guess there’s some reason to what she says, or at least the last part of it, so I give up on pursuing the subject further. ‘Yeah, anyway,’ I say, ‘I just thought it was all a bit rich coming from the man who refuses to wear his prescription glasses. I haven’t got any prescription glasses, you know.’
I don’t want to come off too cheeky because I still want to try and talk to her about how happy Rodfini have made me today. A while ago, Mum would accuse me of only calling her to complain when I was unhappy, so I have since made it a point to call her when I am happy and tell her so. That’s why I’ve been itching to share this with her. And now the time has come.
‘You know, I’ve been crying in a completely different way today,’ I begin tentatively. ‘A good way, A really, really good way,’ I add quickly before she can get worried again.
‘Yeah? So what was it that made you so happy that you cried?’ Goodness, there’s no turning back now. I decide to proceed with caution.
‘Oh, well, it was this performance, you know. A really beautiful song. So I’ve been wanting to show it to you, but I was worried about how you’d react.’
‘And why would that be?’ she asks in the same kind tone that keeps making me anxious about potentially ruining everything.
‘Well, erm...’ I feel myself start to stutter. ‘See, it’s a love song, and it’s... ok, I’ll just say it. It’s sung by two guys. As in, a couple, you see.’ I keep feeling up the ground with my words, anxious to hear her reaction. It’s like when I’m opening an exam result -- I want to know, but I’m too scared to look. And so now, in my anxious despair to know what she thinks about it, I miss the beginning of her response. ‘And I know how you are about those things, so I...’ I genuinely don’t know what to say. I’ve done my thing again. I’ve kept talking so much that she hasn’t even been able to react audibly. So I trail off, determined to let her speak this time.
‘Ok, but... why do you get so affected by those things?’ Mum says, starting to sound suspiciously like she’s about to question my own orientation again. I feel the need to justify myself for the second time since the conversation has started.
‘Well, it’s just that... I really wish you would just see them, Mum. If you could just see how they look at each other, you’d see that there’s just love. So much love. And joy at being able to express themselves as they are.’
I’m speaking from the heart now. I am finally letting out how much I want her to give them a chance because she deserves to see and hear their magical performance. She must be sensing the anguished sincerity in my voice as I finally manage to stop crying and I smile through the tears, because she says, ‘Dear, are you... are you trying to tell me something there?’
I sigh. She’s asked me this question nearly every time I’ve started speaking ‘too’ passionately about anything LGBTQ+ Which isn’t an awful lot in her presence, but there have been several occasions. Once about Solangelo, at the beach. Once about NPH and his husband David and their children, at the dinner table, as I was trying to explain how same-sex couples can have kids; that one resulted in a seriously bad scene of the type I described earlier. Once about a participant in a reality show who identified as a gay man then, but has recently come out as a trans woman; whenever she’s been mentioned on television, I’ve fought to repress my inner urge to express my happiness for her and the representation she is for the Bulgarian LGBTQ+ community. I wonder even now if my parents have noticed my silence on the subject -- because they certainly do notice when I am not silent.
So now, when the time seems to have come for me to set things straight about my non-straight-ness (bad pun very much intended), I try my best to keep my voice from shaking. ‘I’m not trying to tell you anything I haven’t already told you, Mum. Really.’
‘Are you perhaps attracted to the same gender, dear?’ It seems so unbelievable that she’s said it, and even more that she’s worded like that, but she really has. I force myself to be calm and patient.
‘No, Mum. I’ve told you -- I am not attracted to any gender, be it male, female or anything else, really. You know that.’
‘Well, it sounded as if you--’
‘No, Mum. Really. But I do need you to understand that part of my identity is that I feel the need to support people with other identities different from straight. I’m happy for their successes. I'm concerned about their issues. They’re a sort of family to me. Do you understand that?’ I say, relieved to be speaking my truth at last. At the same time, I try to sound as reasonable and mature about the whole thing as possible. I don’t want to put her off, especially not now that I’m knee-deep in the subject already. I’ve gone too far to turn back now.
‘Yes, honey. Yes, I do. I just don’t want you to exert yourself emotionally, is all. Plus I’ve been so stressed out about your brother and all, you know...’
‘Yeah, I do know. And I know he’ll be fine. He’s a nice boy. I just wished he didn’t keep calling me ‘abnormal’ all the time...’
‘Oh, well, don’t listen to him. He’s been quite stressed out too. And he’s 14. It’s just how he is at this age.’
I’m not too sure about that. ‘Boys will be boys’. It’s ok for boys, then, to pour salt into their neurodivergent sisters’ wounds? I don’t think so. But I can’t fix every problem in one talk. Plus my mum sounds tired now.
So I just say, ‘I guess... Well, anyway, thank you so much, Mum. For hearing me out, and for supporting me, and for everything else. Please don’t worry so much.’
But I know she can’t not worry at all. I’ve got that from her.
‘If you’re sure you’re all ok now, dear...’
‘Yeah, mum, I am. Or I will be. You know, there’s this expression with English, ‘to run with something’. So I’ve been telling myself, I’ll at least try to walk with things. You know I’m not much of a runner anyway.’ I actually laugh, even though the pun is quite untranslatable into Bulgarian.
‘You know I’m proud of you, right?’
I know that has very little to do with the kind of pride I’ve been celebrating all month, but I say, ‘Of course I do. And you know what? I’m quite proud of myself, too.’ I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I mean it. I mean it wholeheartedly this time.
‘I’m nearly falling asleep, though, dear, so I say we call it a night?’
‘Good night, Mummy. And thanks.’
I hang up. Then I forward the video to her.
I’ve come so far, indeed. I reckon we both have.
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amachaheadcanons · 3 years
(⊙ω⊙✿) Me likes the way you think!!
Fluffy Headcanon Set of Amacha on Dates
You might wanna be sitting for this...there's a lot...
They study hard for an hour and a half before a well-deserved break, in which Rantaro starts cooking up a storm. Tenko insists on helping since he refused to take her money. "Tenko's sure you just want her to pay a high price! Tch, typical--"
Their first date is accidental. She came over to study/work on a school project/get tutored. Considering one of his father's Japan-based houses is close to a train station, the two decide to go there; it was quieter than the dorms.
It's a quaint traditional home for 1, on the larger side in comparison to typical Japanese apartments. Being a quiet, hideyhole for FatherAmami, it was vacant of maids/butlers. Of course, Rantaro cooks dinner for them.
'So that's why Rantaro took so long "getting study snacks" at the supermarket' Tenko realised. This unexpected thoughtful side of his making her soften inside.
"No need, Chabashira-san. Your thanks will be enjoying the meal I slaved away making just for you~." He teases. Despite attempting to refute and ensure he was aware she didn't mind chipping in some money, he refused with no end. Including the train fare and his precious tutoring time. He didn't want anything from her. Though that didn't stop her from asserting he was hiding ulterior motives, nor internally denying the fact she savoured every denial he made whenever she joked about him trying to get in her panties. She appreciated the constant dismissal, while silly, it reassured her; comforted her.
She starts chopping up veggies both spitefully and with pride. The food smells delicious, he can see it on her face despite her verbal denial. They get caught up in cooking and conversation, studying further never gracing their minds. They were too busy enjoying the other's company. He pleasantly surprised her, thus why she continued to launch questions at him.
She speedily sets the table before he can. A little too excited to eat his food.
Because the house is so old, the lights go out. The fuse box is a pain to figure out on an empty stomach, thus why Rantaro breaks out the fancy candles and they eat by candlelight. It's very romantic, Tenko starts to blush as it reminds her of romance manga. Now thankful for the light shortage since he couldn't grasp the extent of her embarrassment.
They talk for hours. By 9pm they're too tired to even attempt studying, and instead finish the night with a Disney movie and tea and biscuits on the pull-out sofa bed. "How luxurious!!"
Tenko's excitement never looked more beautiful/endearing.
Rantarou's dozes off first, his light snoring made her giggle. He was so dainty. She gently lays the blankets he previously prepared over his sleeping form.
Sitting a comfortable distance to finish the movie. A lullaby plays on screen and Tenko is easy prey. She ends up sinking into the bed beside him, the cool autumn air didn't help her sleep-cuddling tendencies, thus making her spoon him for warmth. His sleeping form happily complies and fits in the mould she made.
Both being early risers, Rantarou's embarrassed to be in the situation, but smiles anyway, patting her hair, she instantly stirs, he pretends to be asleep.
When Tenko rubs the sleep from her eyes, she stares at him, their positions exposing she was, in fact, the instigator of such affection. She slowly slides out, utterly embarrassed and completely confused. She gets to work in the kitchen, {even wearing his apron} to surprise him with breakfast in bed. "As thanks" for dinner the night before... He is happily surprised, both at her way of showing gratitude and the feelings making his chest tight at the image of her wearing such domestic accents.
^ Those dinner/study/movie endeavours continue for almost 3 months before he has the guts to invite her to Disneyland, confident she'd love it. She asserts the idea and is all-in after Rantarou confesses the last time he went was with his sisters...he sounded so gloomy whilst reminiscing and she insists they go to restore the happiness it's supposed to invoke!! It'd be a crime otherwise.
He goes all out. He buys them front of the line, year-long passes. They're worth it. This one's the official first date. At least in his head, he tells her it isn't but he wants it to be, and it definitely looks like one.
Tenko is no longer scared or feels threatened around him, not in the slightest. Strangely though, anger stirs inside her chest and makes her lips thin whenever girls fawn/compliment him so boldly.
He waits patiently for Tenko when she's using the bathroom. On her way out, her appreciation is emphasised by a wide grin as he watched her with excited eyes. A stranger crosses their path. Tenko increases her speed, "He better not ditch Tenko for this beautiful and pure ginger fox-- oh how embarrassing that would be!! Not to mention low!"
A girl from school attempts to confess to him, in the happiest, most magical place of all. She's a year younger than them. So pure, kind and sweet. He doesn't have the heart to outright reject her, thus stumbling over his words awkwardly, Tenko can sense he's trying to be gentle.
Tenko smoothly approaches and wraps an arm around his, making him freeze his faltering, "Kasumi-chan. Tenko heard your beautiful speech. You're so brave and sweet and beautiful. Any boy would be lucky to have you, but unfortunately... Rantarou-kun is spoken for." She wants to break it to her as gently as possible, and pretends their dating, as a softer blow. After giving Kasumi the necessary confidence/reassurance, Tenko watches the girl trot back to her friends. A content smile marking her face.
She follows, willingly, paying no mind to the contact whatsoever, excluding the butterflies in her stomach.
With his free hand he pats her head, "Very smooth, Chabashira-san, I'm impressed. I would never have thought you'd-"
"Oh, shoosh avocado!" Avoiding eye contact and hiding her blush. Since their arms were still tangled, Rantaro interlocked their fingers and drags her along, "C'mon, Tiga~"
He showers her in mostly food but of course gifts her something cute she had her eye on.
They have a blast. Afterward, Tenko found herself often speculating when they could go again. Due to his big spending habits she tends to repay her gratitude in free Neo-Aikido training and the rare times she'd make sweets for Himiko, she'd give him a decent portion.
Because Rantaro is so loving and crushing hard but doesn't know how to love her, he often shouts her lunch or packs an extra bento for her. This surprises Tenko.
He's so thoughtful and wonderful she has her suspicions. But still blushes whenever he brings her lunch in public with her friends around.
To combat this, she insists on helping him with his studies and is a great confidence booster whenever she can sense her sparring partner is doubting/self-loathing. Due to their regular training, continuous study sessions, bonding over food and movie nights. They become really good friends.
One day, Tenko can't shake the rejection from Himiko, especially when Himiko happily hugs and is very clingy with Angie and the others. The stinging morphs into a deep cut. Rantaro finds Tenko pushing herself. He's at first impressed. Then majorly concerned after realising she'd been at it for 4 hours straight.
He confronts her, she breaks down in tears. It breaks his heart to see such a loving, devoted girl be treated like this. He knows Tenko would sacrifice everything to see Himiko smile, so instead of taking it up with Himiko...
"You know...we've been making great progress with our school work. This weekend, why don't we go to a theme park, as a reward?"
This marks the third/forth official date since they'd revisited disneyland a few times prior. He takes her on all the rollercoasters, they bond over the adrenaline rush, it's a good distraction. She's like no one he's ever met before, and only falls harder.
Plus, the slow love-story these two would have to build that loyalty, blind-trust and love that's indestructible is a big reason why I love amacha~! Hope it was ok! If not just lemme know and I'll do more future-date things, like further in their relationship haha!
Sorry got a lil' off-topic...BUT it's VERY vital Tenko gets over her dependence on Himiko before anything can really flourish between these two, BUT I love the idea of Rantaro happily pining after Tenko and making sure she's ok, cuz no one else would.
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
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Paring: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Lao)  Word Count: 1.5k Warning: Nothing but the story will be rated T+ Summary: A hurricane is falling over Boston and Edenbrook and it’s surrounding area has been evacuated. 
Author’s Note: This was inspired by an anon prompt request for “protection”. I hope I did it justice! This will also be a multi part story.
Taglist: @ohchoices​@dulceghernandez​ @aylamwrites​ @binny1985​ @ramseysno1rookie​ @interobanginyourmom​ @queencarb​ @imactuallytheceoofthecompany @rookiefromedenbrook​ @eramsey28​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @heauxplesslydevoted​ @schnitzelbutterfingers​ @purpledragonturtles​ @ramseyandrys​ @ermidc​ @mrsdrakewalkerblog​
There’s a hurricane encroaching on Boston in the early-autumn evening; the sky was ominous as bullets descended in every which way. The moon is full and the tide will be high at 8PM. A seemingly cosmic prank. Although Edenbrook is technically five feet from the flood zone, after the destruction that was Hurricane Sandy a few years prior the board was not taking any chances, deciding to evacuate all patients and staff. 
Harper was in charge of triaging patients, scattering them to three other hospitals closer inland. Ethan was reviewing cases for any patients who aren't in critical conditions and can be discharged into their families care immediately. As Chief, Naveen was delegating staff; he had his assistant send a precautionary page to all employees who live in the flood zone to return home and get their affairs in order. He’s already assigned almost all of the senior attendings, nurses and interns to assist alternate hospitals in the area. Once half of the eager staff members were assigned, all others would be on leave until Edenbrook opened their doors in three days or when FEMA came barreling in - whichever was safest. 
They have six hours to evacuate. 
Tension ran high as the wind increased pelting anything in its path with egregious amounts of rain. The sky was dark, making the bright and stark interior of the hospital seem otherworldly. The familiar sensation of pre-calm washed over Becca as she remembered her mother’s hurricane preparations every year. Pack a bag and some food and a sleeping bag, and take refuge in the primary school on top of the hill. Get as high as you can and away from the bay. 
But where is there to hide in the middle of a small city? 
“This is my first hurricane. Oh my god am I going to die?” Elijah panicky asked Becca as they conversed in the middle of the hallway after quickly doing their second set of rounds that day. 
“You’ll be fine, Elijah,” she reassured. She’d made it nearly 28 years without dying in a hurricane, statistically they will survive this natural disaster. “Has Farley said anything?” If Edenbrook is being evacuated then their building was surely in the flood zone. 
He checked his phone to see the message from their building manager. Farley has sent an emergency email out to all residents that he recommends tenants seek shelter at higher elevation elsewhere as a precaution. 
“We’re going to die.” 
Becca put her hands on her friends shoulders, staring right into his eyes hoping to regulate his breathing, “We’re not.” Elijah nodded his head letting her determination sink in. “Who else do we know that lives away from the hospital?”  
“No one with accessible access if the power goes out…” Elijah trailed off.  
It dawned on Becca then and there that Elijah was afraid. He was terrified of getting stuck somewhere, unable to escape because of his chair. The thought never passed Becca’s mind. She felt immensely guilty. 
Her eyes softened as she encouraged, “We’ll figure it out. I’ll meet you in the locker room in ten.”  
Becca made her way to the nurses station, making sure for the fourth and final time that all her patients have been allocated to another hospital and were already on the buses out. She noticed Ethan had taken command of the station and was sitting there alone going through his files. 
He looked up briefly at the approaching footsteps. “All of your patients have been evacuated,” he informed with his attention back on the computer screen.  
A smile immediately perked at the corners of Becca’s lips at his inane understanding of her behavior - he knew exactly why she was still at the hospital and what she was doing here at the nurse’s station. Becca rounded behind the desk to fully take in all he had left to do. There were three piles set before them and a split screen on the computer. 
Her hand trailed over the leftmost pile of unfamiliar names, “Do you need any help?” 
He shook his head and then asked, “What are you doing?”  
“Haven’t really gotten that far,” she shrugged earnestly. “My main concern is getting all our patients out of here safely.”
That was true. Becca wanted her patients and her friends to be safe. But she also wanted to make sure Ethan was not putting himself in any danger.  
He looked at her. He took in her runaway hairs poking out all over her head, the humidity making them more unruly than usual. The dark rings under her eyes were more prominent given her current ten-hour shift, but her brown eyes still glimmered in the fluorescent lighting. Like always his heart beat just a little bit faster when she’s around.  
His blue eyes turned to her, effervescent and full of a clarity Becca craved. 
“Come stay with me,” he said as if it were any other evening and the world wasn’t falling apart outside. 
Ethan and Becca had been delicately exploring their feelings, stepping over the line between professionalism and temptation every now and again. Ever since that evening of the Mass Kenmore and Edenbrook softball game - the night he finally kissed her first. That was months ago. Since then the pair kept their indulgences secret - not even her closest of friends knowing where she’d spend some of her evenings. They never defined their relationship or came to the conclusion that they even had one. 
They were two people who enjoyed the company of the other. Two people who also sometimes kissed.  
As always she couldn’t contain the butterflies in her stomach and the weightlessness of her chest whenever he looked her in the eye, like he was looking straight into the depths of her soul. She wished she could close the gap between them caress his cheek. 
“I can’t.” 
He looked at her as if she just said the stupidest thing imaginable. His mouth was agape but Becca was quicker to clarify, 
“You don’t live that much farther and I can’t leave Elijah alone.” Her selfless eyes told him all he needed to know. 
She was right. He knew she was right. 
Ethan couldn’t believe what he was about to say, “Bring him.”
Becca took a step back, trying to ground herself because right now she felt like she was hallucinating. “What?” 
He noticed her hesitation and began to stand. 
“Take my car,” he began to explain in his authoritative voice. Ethan was not taking no for an answer. “Go home and pack a bag. Then drive up to Naveen’s cabin. You remember how to get there?” 
She nodded. His words were not fully settling in. Was she even still speaking with Ethan Ramsey?  
“If not it’s saved in the car’s navigation. Also pack some food, knowing Naveen I doubt he has much stored.” He took his keys out from his trouser pocket and took off two keys - his car and the cabin - handing them to her. 
She was still in shock as he took her hand and placed the cold metal into her palm. 
Ethan couldn’t help the light chuckle that escaped his lips as she stood there flabbergasted. “Okay?” his left hand gripped her shoulder trying to coax her out of her daze, his right hand with the keys still lingering against her palm. 
Their eyes locked, reeling Becca back to reality. Even in the uncertainty surrounding them Becca felt an overwhelming sense of comfort.  
“Okay,” she smiled up at him. 
Downstairs Elijah was sitting outside Becca’s locker with his backpack in his lap, ready to face the music of his first east coast natural disaster. 
“Hey,” he greeted her nervously once she finally stepped foot into the locker room.  
“Ready to go?” Becca asked.  
“Where are we going? I haven -” 
She grabbed her things out quickly and said with a coy smile, “Come on, pal.” 
Her confidence did nothing to settle Elijah’s uneasiness. She was behind him and moving them along quickly through the halls. 
“What - where are we going?” 
They made their way to the staff parking lot and she unlocked the car door before leaving the awning so they wouldn’t get too soaked. 
“Why do you have a car?” he asked incredulously.  
Elijah was beyond confused.  
Becca threw on their hoods and prepared to dodge the droplets as best they could. “We’re leaving the city!” 
The two made it to their building, luckily getting a spot right out front. They shook off their wet clothes by the front door and noticed Sienna sitting motionlessly on the sofa.  
“Sienna, What are you doing here?” Becca quizzed in confusion, “Aren’t you going to Danny’s?” 
Sienna put her book down and smiled effortlessly at her friends, “He’s taking an extra shift at Mass Kenmore and staying with his parents. It didn’t feel right staying there by myself. And Bryce is at capacity between him, Jackie, Aurora and his sister. So I’ll stay here and man the hatches.” 
Behind her best friend's cavalier attitude Becca knew better - she knew she was scared.  
Without a moment's hesitation she instructed, “Pack a bag and some food, you’re coming with us. I’ll explain in the car.” 
With that all three doctors ran to their rooms and packed their most prized possessions and enough clothes for four days - just in case. Sienna nearly emptied the contents of their kitchen into her bag - all the snacks, alcohol, perishables and baking supplies being of utmost importance. 
It was going to be a very intriguing few days.
A/N: What do you think is going to happen with all these weirdo’s under one roof??
comment and reblog i need the validation.
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