#And make sure I get the hell out of dodge before she comes back.
damiemontclair · 1 year
Alright motherfucker. You're gonna ignore me trying to do this the friendly way? Then I'm going to buy some extermination spray.
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azriels-human · 20 days
In Your Dreams: II ☁️🌙☁️
Azriel x Reader
A/n: Heyy😖 sorry for the long delay. Lowkey, I don’t like using Y/n but since it’s more Azriel’s POV we just have to put up with it. God gives his strongest battles to his strongest warriors😔✊🏽
Summary: Az isn’t very fond of the newest member of the Night Court so much so that you even plague his dreams.
Warnings: Smut. MDNI.
Part I
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Azriel could help but let his mind wander to that dream. To the way you looked at his mercy and how his name sounded coming from your lips. Those lush rosy lips.
Azriel hits the ground forcefully, his sword flying out of sight.
Cassian rolls his eyes and extends a hand to his brother. “What the hells is it? You’re distracted this morning.”
Azriel takes his hand, standing to his feet. “Nothing.”
Cassian tugs Azriel’s hand and gives him a knowing look. “Is it the stuff with Elain?”
Azriel’s brow pinches in confusion for just a second before he answers. “No. There is no ‘stuff’ with Elain.”
As Rhysand had made it very clear to him.
For a moment he’d forgotten of the incident he shared with the Archeron sister. Of course, he has thought of her many times since but she is not what plagued his thoughts this morning.
It was you, quite the opposite, in fact.
While Elain is the picture of innocent loveliness and blooming roses, you are the essence of grim allure. The thorns of those roses.
Shit, he even forgot that he promised to take Elain to her favorite bakery as soon as he returned from his mission. He’d been so focused on not focusing on you that he hadn’t even tried to find her at all yesterday.
Another thing he adds to the mental list of reasons not to like you.
“Then what is it?” Cassian asks, readying his blade for more action while Azriel picks up his own.
Though his distaste for you is apparent, he hasn’t spoken of you to anyone but Rhysand. The only reason he ever does is to get him to do something about you. What that something is, he’s not too sure but anything works at this point.
“I have to take…Y/N with me on a mission tomorrow.” Your name feels so foreign on his tongue, chilling, as if speaking it would summon you.
Cassian shrugs, gesturing for Azriel to strike him first in their new round of training and he does. The two begin to spar once more.
“What of it?” Cassian asks dodging Azriel’s attacks.
“Only that I cannot stand the sight or smell or idea of her.” Az grunts.
“Yeah, I kind of got that.” Cass chuckles between blows. “Remind me why? is it because she out sneaked you?”
“She did not out sneak me!” Azriel growls. “Something is just off about her.”
“Like how bleak and foreboding she is.”
Cassian laughs, “I can’t argue with that. She’s definitely intimidating at first.”
“At first?”
“Well once I got to know her, I discovered that’s she’s actually pretty interesting.” Cassian swings his sword.
“Got to know her?” Cassians attack misses.
“Yeah. Shes kind of like you in that sense.”
Az staggers back, not from Cassian’s attacks but from utter shock. The accusation of being anything like you. “What do you mean by that? I’m not like her at all.”
“Just that some people aren’t as scary as they look.” Cassian doesn’t bother to strike Azriel in his baffled state.
Azriel really didn’t know what to make of it all, couldn’t picture you smiling and chatting away with Cassian. You’re all but a stonewall whenever he’s seen you. But Cassian wouldn’t just lie for the fun of it. Unless…
“Did Rhysand tell you to say that?” Azriel runs his hands through his hair, wiping the sweat that drips from his curled tips.
He doesn’t wait for an answer before returning his training sword to its proper area, Cassian in suit.
“Why would he?”
“Well he seems quite adamant on me getting along with her.”
“Maybe you should. She’s-”
“I get it Cass. Shes your new best friend but that certainly does not mean she has to be mine.” Azriel rolls his eyes. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a promise to keep.”
Thankfully, Elain wasn’t upset with Azriel’s forgetfulness, allowing him to escort her to her favorite bakery and even stopping by a jewelry shop for some new earrings.
“What do you think of these?” Elain asks pointing to a pair of small pearls.
Azriel leans forward, inspecting the timeless jewelry. “They’re very nice.”
Elain nods at the shop owner who adds them to the small pile of jewels she’s picked. “Maybe one more pair?” Elain sheepishly smiles.
Azriel nods. “Take your time.”
“How about you pick them?” Elain suggests. “They’re all so beautiful, I can’t choose.”
The idea makes Azriel smile at the middle Archeron sister. That she might like to wear something he chose for her.
Azriel scratched his chin examining the rows of elegant and extravagant jewelry. Gold, silver, diamonds, all kinds of jewelry that he knows she would appreciate but there is one piece that calls to him.
A unique piece for sure, nothing like he’d ever seen before. A silver pair of earrings with a stone so black it’s like looking into a void and the tiniest diamonds scattered across it like stars.
However, Elain is not who came to mind upon seeing them. It’s you.
The earrings would go flawlessly with your usual pure black attire but it’s the way they make him feel like he’s looking right at you.
His chest tightens. Daunting yet fascinating.
He hates himself for letting you distract him from Elain again. You, who could not be anymore different, should be far from his thoughts right now.
You steal his siphon, his thoughts, his dreams and he detests it. He just wants to return to the life he had before he knew of your existence.
“You seem to like those.” Elain’s tranquil voice brings Azriel out of his thoughts. “I’ll take them.”
The shop owner reaches for the unnerving jewels but Azriel stops him. “No, not those. The ones next to it.”
Azriel hadn’t even taken notice in the plain, diamond studs beside them and mentally cursed you for keeping him from finding a beautiful pair for Elain.
Elain nods and the owner rings her up.
The walk back to the house is silent. Azriel’s thoughts consisting of half trying not to replay his dream of you grinding on his cock and half wondering where the tension between he and Elain is coming from.
Did she know he was thinking of you when he saw the earrings? Was she upset that he’d chosen something so boring for her?
Whatever the reason, it’s your fault for being a parasite in his brain.
“You seem distracted lately.” Elain breaks the silence between them.
Distracted. The same thing Cassian had said this morning and what he is trying so hard not to let you do to him.
“It’s nothing. Just thinking about my assignment tomorrow.” It wasn’t a lie. You are the most troubling part of his work now too.
“Right, you’re going to the Hewn City with Y/n.”
Azriel’s eyes almost leave his skull at Elain’s comment. You are not a topic he EVER needs to speak of with Elain.
Elain giggles, “She told me about it.”
“You…talk to her?” Azriel asks incredulously. It’s one thing to hear that Cassian has spoken to her but Elain? Sweet, sunshine Elain?
Elain nods, “Why wouldn’t I?”
Azriel shakes his head. It felt like worlds colliding. World’s he didn’t want to mix at all.
It was foolish of him to believe Elain wouldn’t talk to you though. Despite her months of casting everyone out, Elain is kind hearted.
Even before the cauldron, when she was afraid of him, she still did her best to be polite.
“I just assumed she didn’t speak to anyone.”
Again, Elain laughs. “She gets along quite well with everyone.”
Another piece of shocking information. “Everyone?”
Elain nods. “I won’t lie, she’s a bit scary when she’s quiet, but one day she asked to join me while baking and I got to know her a bit.”
You approached her? Azriel didn’t think he could be anymore shocked but there he was his jaw practically on the floor.
That isn’t at all like what he imagined you to be like. With your cold and strange disposition, he couldn’t even imagine you and Elain in the same room, let alone baking together.
Now, Azriel by no means believes Elain to be a liar but the thought of you actually getting along with his family is so…bizarre. He needs to know for himself to believe it. So he set forth on his own personal mission.
Upon his departure from Elain at the House, Azriel begins the search for his first witness, Mor.
He beelines for her room, knocking on her door a bit too urgently.
She’ll tell me him the truth.
Mor opens her door, brow pinched in slight annoyance. “Want to knock a bit louder?”
“Have you spoken to Y/n?” Azriel wastes no time on formalities or her mood.
“About?” Mor shrugs.
“Anything. Anything at all.” Azriel sighs, growing impatient. He needs answers now, before he’s stuck with you for Gods know how long tomorrow.
“Uh…yes?” Mor’s irritation turning into confusion.
She shakes her head, her confusion only furthering. “And what? I don’t know what you’re asking me, Az.”
“What do you think of her? What did you talk about?” Azriel runs a hand through his hair trying to calm his edge as he realizes how frantic he is coming off.
Mor taps her finger against her chin. “She’s great! We talk about clothes, we talk about clubs, we talk about boys.” Mor wiggles her eyebrows.
Boys? He didn’t care about that. He wants to know what she knows about you.
Yet he couldn’t help himself.
“What ‘boys’?” Azriel glances down the hallway, as if you’d appear there, staring him down as you always do. “Anyone I should be concerned about?”
Mor chuckles and rolls her eyes. “None. Unless you’re concerned with who she may share a bed with.”
Something like nausea twist in his gut. He did not need to know that. He will absolutely never need to know that.
“I am most definitely not. I mean, is there anything suspicious about her? Anything I should know?” Azriel shakes the thought from his head.
“Nope. She seems alright to me. Anymore questions that you can find out for yourself?”
Azriel resists the urge to learn every detail she knows and shakes his head, bidding her a good evening and setting off to search for the next subject to his questions. If there’s anyone that will tell him what he wants to hear, it’s Nesta.
Azriel finds Nesta lounging in the den, a book (that she obviously is very concentrated on) in hand.
Nesta isn’t fond of being interrupted while reading but this is important and time sensitive. He needs to know who it is he’s going to be stuck with.
Azriel clears his throat, stepping into the den. Nesta continues to read.
He clears his throat again, a bit louder this time.
“I’m busy.” Her eyes remain in the book.
“What do you think of Y/n.” Azriel decides it’s might be worse to try and ease her into conversation.
To his surprise, she actually looks up. A smirk stretches across her lips as she puts her book down and crosses her arms. “Why the sudden interest? I didn’t think you liked the poor girl.”
Poor girl? Nesta thinks you’re the victim here? He’s the one you stole from!
“That doesn’t matter. Do you like her or do you not?” Azriel asks, doubt begins to fill the hope he held out for anyone else to feel what he feels.
Nesta waves him off. “If you’re not going to tell me, then I’m not going to have answers.”
Azriel’s patience is worn thin at this point. He has a feeling he knows her answer. He just wants to rip the band aid off.
“My only interest is making sure she isn’t going to stab me in my sleep when I take her with me on my assignment tomorrow.” His hands rest on his hips, awaiting Nesta’s response.
Nesta scoffs. “I doubt that. Though it seems you might be the one doing the stabbing. You look like you’re going insane.”
“I feel like I am.” Azriel slumps onto the sofa across from Nesta and burries his face into his palms.
He doesn’t know what to think and he has yet to see any of this ‘great’ personality as Mor had described you. Anytime he has been around you, you’ve always been tucked away in a corner, languishing in your own mysterious presence.
“Stop being so stubborn and talk to her. Maybe then you won’t run away like a scared child when you see her.” Nesta pokes fun at him but he couldn’t deny that he mostly feels the need to flee when you are around.
Speaking to you does not sound appealing, not only because you seem as interesting as watching paint dry, but mostly because of how you make him feel.
Being face to face with you always results in his every nerve being on fire and a gripping ache in his abdomen that won’t go away. He’s on high alert, anxious that you’ll break from your spine chilling stillness and put your cunning skills to use.
You are a source of stress that he does not know how to relieve. Even after learning that you’ve earned his family’s affection, he can’t settle the unease that you stir in him.
But he’s afraid everyone is right. Maybe it’s best for him to grow a pair and face the discomfort to try and alleviate some it at least.
Azriel hesitantly searches for you throughout the rest of the evening and night, occasionally gathering the courage to peak into a room to see if you are there.
He has faced beasts and armies and kings yet facing you is what terrifies him?
The walk to the library felt long in the dead silent house. Not even Cassian’s snores can be heard from here and it only makes Azriel more nervous.
Since he could not find you anywhere else, the library seems to be where you hide at night.
He silently creeps into the library. The illumination of moonlight from the back of the room proves him right as he slips past the row of bookcases until he reaches the now open balcony.
There you were lying on the bench, eyes closed, hands tucked tightly to your chest.
Now he’s sure you are insane. Sleeping on a hard bench in the cold night.
Azriel stalks towards you, unsure if he should wake you or let you freeze the death. Maybe that’ll solve this whole thing.
But once again he just can’t walk away.
Your skin seems to glow in the moonlight and each strand of your hair glitters in the gentle night breeze. Peace replaces your usual stone features.
Heat pulses through his veins and his every nerve begins to vibrate with alarm just as he knew they would. Except there was something more.
It’s not only that he can’t leave but its as if once he gets close enough to smell you, to notice the details of your being and to be able to reach out and touch you, he is lost to an unseen enchantment that only draws him closer.
Azriel looks down over your sleeping form. His eyes roam over your nightgown clad figure. The hem, riding dangerously up your thigh, would do absolutely nothing to cover your center if you move half an inch.
Visions of his degenerate dream flit through his mind, the lewd things he did to you. The sound of your breathless moans and the feeling of your tight pussy contracting around his fingers as you came.
Unwelcomed desire pinches deep in his stomach. Despite his best attempt to push down the carnal feeling, all is for not when his eyes lock onto your lips.
Pink and plump and parted in your slumber, he cannot look away, can’t stop the vulgar thoughts flooding his mind. Hypnotized, his fingers twitch with the need to touch, to feel, to know.
Cauldron, he needs to know.
“Do you enjoy watching people sleep?”
Azriel jumps back as his heartbeat sky rockets. What the hells is wrong with you scaring someone like that!?
You look up at him through your lashes. “Well?”
What is he even supposed to say? There is no way to make staring at someone while they sleep sound normal.
Azriel swallows, “I was making sure you weren’t up to anything.” Turning the tables of accusations is one way.
Your brow quirks up. “Oh? And what exactly do you think I’d be up to?”
Azriel shakes his head as if it should be obvious. “Stealing.”
“Stealing? With my eyes closed?” You scratch your chin. “Though I probably could from you.”
Lightning strikes his pride. “You could not. Even the worst of the worst get lucky from time to time.”
The corner of your tempting lips curl into a smirk and a chuckle escapes them. You laughed. He made you laugh. Not at all intentional but still the sound weaves its way into the deepest corner of his mind, engraving its melody for what he knows will be eternity.
He wants to hear it again.
“Okay. So what would I be stealing?” You sit up. Azriel doesn’t miss the way your soft thighs glide against each other as you cross your legs.
“Whatever you can get your little hands on.” Azriel sneers, already regretting letting everyone influence him to speak with you.
“Hm. Well, I can get these ‘little hands’ wrapped around just about anything. Sounds like you’ve got trouble then.” The smirk on your lips turns devious, like a cat toying with a mouse.
Your choice of words incite that thrill in him again. The same one when he retrieved his siphon. The same one he felt fucking you with his fingers in his dream.
“Say I was stealing, what would you do to me?” You blink once, twice.
Azriel couldn’t ignore the thrum of his heart. Just as you had in his dream, you feign innocence. Chin tilted down as you watch him behind long fluttering lashes. “I’d…”
You did not want to know what he’d do to you. What he had done to you.
For stealing he’d send you somewhere as dark and cold as you. For your arrogant attitude, it would involve three fingers in your soaking cunt and your ass grinding on his throbbing cock.
“Rhysand would lock you away.” Azriel keeps himself out of the scenario completely. He’ll be damned if he shows you just how much your provocative choice of words affect him.
“He already didn’t do that.” You pout. His frown must be more apparent than he thought it to be because your vacant eyes fill with a devilish amusement.
It’s blow after blow at his dignity as a spy master. Azriel’s ego was never high to begin with but your words get under his skin. “Yeah, instead he decided to give a very important job to a less than impressive thief.”
You chuckle again.
Azriel scoffs. Why are you laughing at his jabs at you? Why aren’t you as annoyed and desperate to end this conversation as he is?
“I beg to differ. I did impress the High Lord.” You lean forward just an inch. An inch that seems like a mile to Azriel. “And I think I impressed you too.”
“Impressed by a common thief from the slums of the Hewn City?” Azriel wanted to hit where it hurt, to knock you off your high horse.
“Where I’m from you’re either a thief or a whore.” You shrug, brushing your hair over your shoulder. “I chose thief.”
The persistent ache deepens within him as he recalls the noises you made in his dream. The way you begged to feel his fingers and make a mess of you. The way he had made you his whore.
“Maybe you would have been better at the latter.” Azriel steadies his breaths, unsure if he truly meant offense. He wanted to mean it that way but his crude memories begin to blur that line between hate and desire.
You stand from the bench, eyes never leaving his with their crushing weight. “You think I’d make a good whore?”
You take a step towards him only this time he did not step back. You tilt your chin up, a knowing look dances across your expression.
“More than a thief.”
“Why?” You ask.
Why not? Is what he wanted to say. How could you not when you made such tempting noises and felt so fucking good against him.
Upon his lack of response, your sultry smirk returns. “Is it my body? My face?”
Both. Your figure is one thing but your face is a whole other. Your darkened eyes stare into his soul, cheeks tinted pink from the pinch of the cold air and your pretty lips just waiting to be kissed.
Gods, you’re incredibly beautiful. Every time he sees you, he notices something new. More and more beautiful each time.
Azriel can’t help but stare, unable to say the words he wished to say. All he could think is how badly he wants your hand on his chest. For it to travel lower and lower until he stops you. For his all consuming dream to become a reality.
“Tell me what would make me a good whore.” You challenge.
He couldn’t think. With you standing so close he can feel the warmth of your skin through his leathers. He could touch you, the real you, only inches apart.
He could know how soft your kiss is in a split second.
His eyes flit to your lips then back to your magnetic eyes.
Suddenly you burst into laughter. Full blown laughter as you clutch your chest from the hysterics.
Azriel steps back in surprise.
“Don’t tell me you want a kiss, spy master?” Your lips curled back in a full grin, perfect teeth gleaming back at him.
A mix of humiliation and awe swirl through his every sense. Cruel splendor you are.
You chuckle once more and wink at him as you make your way out. “In your dreams.”
If only you knew. He doesn’t know if he’s furious or turned on but either way, he’ll make sure you pay for it tomorrow.
Azriel plops down onto his bed, running his hands over his face, a deep sigh following.
What was he to do about you? That conversation went far worse than he anticipated. Instead of finding some kind of relief to his assumptions, he found that he wants to fuck you senseless. The attitude mixed with that silver tongue of yours is a lethal combination, cracking down on his hard exterior.
He only hopes you’ll stay silent so he can focus on the assignment instead of your lips.
His pants tighten at the thought of them. How your lips would look so good around him.
Azriel couldn’t help but squirm, the friction of his pants against his cock making him even harder inside them.
His hands don’t leave his face, embarrassment and desire flood his senses.
His hips move in slow, deep circles. The soft fabric of his briefs caressing him.
“Having fun by yourself, Shadowsinger?” Azriel silently gasps, sitting up to see you stood in the center of his bedroom. Nightgown clinging to your body, loose hair swaying at you tilt your head to the side.
“Get out.” Azriel growls. As much as he tries to avoid you, one conversation has you following him around like a lost puppy?
“That’s no way to talk to a lady.” You pout.
“Leave.” Azriel points to his door. Heart racing, from surprise or lust he doesn’t know.
You shake your head, silky thighs brushing against each other as you move towards him. “You don’t want me to leave.”
“Leave.” Azriel repeats hardly over a whisper, chest visibly rising and falling with each heavy breath.
“You don’t want me to leave.” You match his volume. Your condescending tone mocking his decaying self control as you come to a halt right between his thighs.
You look down at him with those enthralling dark eyes. Words, thoughts, air all elude him as you lower yourself.
Azriel’s eyes never leave yours, his lips part slightly in fascination at the sight you on you kneeled before him.
“Do you?” You ask virtuously.
Azriel subtly shakes his head
Your pouted lips morph into a wicked smirk. “Then tell me I’m better.”
Azriel blinks. Confusion trickling into his intoxicating lust. “What?”
“Tell me that I’m better.”
“A better what? Whore?”
You scoff a laugh. “Spy. Everyone thinks it already, just admit I’m better.”
The haze of infatuation decomposes into disdain. For only a second he forgot about that arrogance, that you aren’t this innocent, amazing person everyone thinks you to be. You’re rotten and he’ll make sure you know it. Tonight he’ll teach you.
Azriel roughly grips your jaw in his hand, jerking you closer to him. An inaudible squeak leaving your puckered lips as your eyes widen at the unexpected movement.
“You will never be a better spy than me. You’re hardly a good thief.” Azriel’s grip tightens, pushing your lips even more together. His index finger brushes over them before he presses it down hard to keep you silent. “I still think you’d make a better whore.”
Your muffled response is lost on him as he squeezes even harder. You flinch at the ache forming in your cheeks.
“You’re going to show me just how good of a whore you can be.” Azriel’s thumb caresses your jaw. You glare at him but it only earns you a wry smile. Seeing you start to become irate just as you make him every second of the day is so satisfying.
“Show me.” Azriel releases you with a shove of your face. He leans back slightly on his palm, it’s his turn to wear the arrogant smirk.
And it’s your turn to be speechless. You only sit there, jaw clenched and red with his finger prints, debating your next move. “Not until you give me what I want.”
Azriel’s smirk widens. “I don’t think you understand. You are going to give me everything that I want and you are going to take everything I give you. Every last inch.”
You sneer up at him, eye glaring with animosity. Yet you stay there on your knees for him.
“Come here.” He coos, gesturing you to lean closer. Hesitantly, you come closer. His eyes fixate on your mouth again as he brings his index and pointer finger to rest on your bottom lip. “Open.”
You don’t open. You only glare at him as his fingers play with your lips. Moving them side to side trying to find an entrance into your mouth.
“I said open.” Azriel growls growing impatient with your attitude.
You take a second, another before parting your lips slightly. Letting him slide his long jagged fingers into your mouth. They slide across your tongue, reaching even further until they touch the back of your throat. Knuckles pressed to your lips.
Your eyes squeeze shut holding back a gag, his fingers curling deep in your throat. “This is where I want my cock. All the way back here, baby.”
He pulls his drenched fingers from your throat, sending you into a coughing fit as you try catching your breath.
Azriel chuckles, completely taking pleasure in assaulting your pride. “Good whore. Now show me where it goes.”
Your chest rises and falls with heavy breaths as you glare up at him. “Fuck you.”
Azriel frees himself from the confinement of his pants. His throbbing member pink and leaking with need. You bite the inside of your cheek, contemplation in your stare.
You roll your eyes with a grimace before sticking out your tongue and dragging in from his base to his cum beaded tip.
Azriel takes in a sharp breath.
You roll your eyes again, taking his head into your mouth. Lazily and indifferent you bob your head around his tip.
Azriel scoffs, lacing his fingers through your hair and tugging you off of him. He leers down at you. “Don’t be a fucking brat. Suck my cock.”
He pulls you back down into him. Your soft whimper duly noted.
You wrap your mouth around his shaft, slowly sinking, throat stretching as he guides you further.
A strangled moan leaves Azriel when his head hits the back of your throat. You gag around him, clamping his stiffness.
His stomach tightens at the euphoric feeling. He can’t imagine you anywhere but here with his cock down your throat forever.
You go to pull away but his hand holds you down tightly.
“Not yet. Stay right there.” Azriel moans, grinding his hips into your face, wanting every inch of himself to be covered in your warm saliva. “Stay right fucking there.”
You gag again, reaching up and digging your nails into his thighs as his cock pulses in your throat. He groans pulling off of him again.
Your coughs are replaced by whines as you struggle to regain your breath. “Asshole.”
Azriel laughs at the image before him. Your cheeks pink from the pressure, drool dripping from your lips and eyes glossy. He reaches out, swiping his thumb over your tantalizing lips, spreading your spit across them.
You turn your head away, glaring daggers he knows you wish to impale him with at this very second. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
“Bullshit.” Azriel smirks. You raise a brow in question. “I think you’re bullshitting. You want my cock in your mouth. You want me to stretch that little throat of yours.”
Azriel gently caresses your jaw. Your eyes fluttering shut. “You want me to fuck your face until you’re covered in my cum.”
You open your half lidded eyes, chewing on your bottom lip. Unadulterated lust filling your gaze.
He could cum at this sight alone.
Azriel pushes your loose strands behind your ear and his hand slides to the back of your head, cradling you with affection. “Now suck it and make it yours, angel.”
You waste no time, taking him as far as you can, bobbing your head up and down, sucking and twisting and drooling all over him.
“Oh shit.” Azriel’s eyes roll to the back of his head. He grips your hair, not needing to guide you anymore. You devour him with an insatiable hunger, gagging and choking around him.
Azriel brings both hands to cup your face and hold it still. “F-fuck, look at me.”
You look up at him with wide eyes, tears streaking your cheeks. His hips thrust up into your tight throat, wanting to be impossibly deeper in your warmth. “You look so good choking on my cock.”
Your nose crinkles as you smile and what he assumes is your muffled attempt at giggling vibrates around him. “So fucking beautiful.”
Azriel continues to drive himself into your mouth. Tension begins to build inside him, hips bucking as he starts to lose his pace in the heightening feeling.
“I’m so close. Fuck!” Azriel pulls your mouth off of him. You whine at the sudden loss but quickly open wide and stick your tongue out with excitement.
Azriel groans taking his cock in his hand and stroking desperately as he tilts your head back. His tip brushing your tongue earning even more moans from the Shadowsinger.
Azriel lets out a long, breathy moan, feeling himself start to come undone. Shockwaves grip his entire body as hot white ribbons shoot across your tongue and face. A smile graces your lips as you hum in content.
Azriel gawks at his masterpiece in admiration.
You swipe your fingers over your cheek, gathering his seed and toying with it. You chuckle and he can’t help but do the same.
“I do make a good whore.” You smirk before leaning forward. Your eyes closing gently as you slowly tilt your head and come closer.
You were going to kiss him. Azriel’s heart beats even more rapidly. You were going to kiss him and he would finally know.
Azriel closes his own eyes, awaiting your lips.
Azriel opens his eyes to see the ceiling. He sits up finding himself in the same position he had upon returning to his room last night.
Another dream? How do they feel so vivid? You were right there, sucking his cock and making him cum.
Azriel sighs, making his way to the bathroom to clean up the mess he’d made of himself.
This is going to be the longest day ever.
Tag list:
@quinzzelx @mybestfriendmademe @quiettuba @kksbookstuff @bloodicka @lilah-asteria @honk4emoboyz
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Hi again, I'm the awkward anon (lol)
So I had this scenario in mind and even though I'm new to this fandom, I haven't found anything similar.
So, reader (gn) is Lucifer's partner and is a fallen angel too, but not as powerful. During the final battle they fight with Adam, and just when he is about to eliminate them, Lucifer arrives and saves them and goes full demon mode.
You're obviously not obligated to write it, and please take your time!! Thank you🥰
AWKWARD ANON, YOU GENIUS 😍 I’m in love with this prompt oh my god. And thank you for being so polite, what a gentleman, what a lady, what a scholar. Enjoyyyy!
Notes: gn!reader, fallen angel!reader, reader has their wings still, reader is sort of a parental figure for Charlie
TW: blood, bruises, fighting, cussing
Lucifer x reader- To the Rescue 🎇
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It had been a long, grueling battle so far and watching Sir Pentious disappear into nothing within just a split second brought tears to everyone’s eyes. “Ugh! Razzle, Dazzle!” Charlie summons her fuzzy companions who magically morph into giant, elegantly fierce dragons.
You stood beside the others as you watched Charlie and Vaggie charge forward towards Adam on Razzle and Dazzle, the entire group cheering them on before continuing the battle against the exorcists. Upon seeing Vaggie and Dazzle fall at the hands of Lute, your eyes then land on Charlie next, a cry of worry leaving your mouth as you watch Adam smack Charlie so hard she goes flying into the lights of the hotel sign. “Charlie!” Using your wings, you race to get to her, dodging other angels as you fly. You had no time to waste- sure Charlie is powerful but Adam is quite the equal match. If anything, you worry that he will conquer her if she fights him alone.
The moment you step foot on the roof of the hotel you take a moment to watch as Charlie stabs Adam with her weapon and swings it around, sending him crashing down as she glares at him. “That’s princess of hell to you, pig.” Despite the tense and scary situation, a proud smile grows on your face as you watch her. “I’m here. I’m with you.” Your words grab her attention and she smiles at you before you both raise your weapons up in defense.
“Ah! I see another traitor has come to die, huh?” Adam teases you as he gets back to his feet, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Long time, no see, babe. So this is what you’re up to since you fell? Hm, you seem to fit right in with these idiots.” As she suddenly charges forward, Adam quickly flies out of the way of Charlie’s attack and instead grabs a hold of her weapon, swinging her around by it and knocking her down again, this time tossing her weapon far aside where she couldn’t reach it. Before you could get between them, Adam hits Charlie hard across the face then raises his angelic weapon above her. Sprinting to Charlie’s side, you manage to stop him in his tracks by putting your weapon up against his, a loud clash of metal sounding between you two. After a few moments of struggling against each other, Adam uses so much force that it brings you to your knees and you watch as your weapon begins to bend and buckle under his. Pushing back against him, you manage to make him stumble back for a moment. Tossing your own weapon aside then grabbing a hold of his weapon with your bare hands and not letting go, you panic as you realize there’s no where else to go and no way you’re getting out of this alive. You just have to hold on and push back for as long as you can.
“NO! Adam, please. You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to kill these people. Please…It’s n-not too late-“
Within seconds, Adam has you knocked to the ground right beside Charlie with a brutal punch to the face. “You don’t know anything! I know it’s been a while since you were in heaven with us but things have changed, hun.” Weak and exhausted from the fight, you stay down beside Charlie, even reaching over to put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You really think these disgusting vermin can change? HAH! You are so stupid. Even more stupid than I thought you were before!” Adam crouches down to get a closer look at your bruised face covered in streams of gold blood.
You saw your chance and took it without hesitation, reaching forward to grab Adam by his clothes and slam him down to the ground. “I’m not stupid, you asshole!” The words come as a guttural scream from you as his back hits the hard ground. As fast as you can, you climb on top of him, straddling his waist as you begin landing blow after blow to his face. After only a few hits, his mask falls off and clatters to the ground beside him. “You’re disgusting! What kind of angel are you?!” And before you can get another punch in, he has you by the throat. His fingers dig in to your skin, his face now matching yours with patches of gold blood staining it. It made you feel somewhat proud to know that you made those marks on him.
You continue swinging on him but to no avail, he just won’t let up on your neck and your chest is starting to burn from the lack of oxygen. Finally, your hands find his, frantic fingers trying to pry his off of you as you gasp for air. “(Y/N)!” Charlie scrambles forward to try and stop Adam with a fierce expression on her face but it only takes him a second to remove one hand from your neck and latch it onto hers with deadly force. With your throat in one hand and Charlie’s throat in the other, Adam squeezes with all his strength, making your vision start to go dark and fuzzy. “A-Adam. P-please…” you squeak out, still trying to get his hand to loosen up. Your wings pop out again, trying to flap and get you away from him but he had such a strong hold on you. You suddenly worry that Charlie’s whines and choking beside you will be the last thing you ever hear.
“This fight was cute and all, but it’s time to die with the rest of them.” He uses his leverage on your neck to pull your face close to his. “Im glad you fell. You didn’t deserve to be up there with someone like me. You’re just a stupid little-“
Without another word, Adam was flung to the side by a hard punch from a suddenly appearing Lucifer. The blow had you swiftly dropping to your feet before Lucifer catches you, kneeling down as he cradles you and Charlie gently. “I’m so sorry I’m late, my darlings.” He looks back and forth between you and Charlie with apologetic and loving eyes. “Are my loves okay?” Charlie nods with a sweet smile towards her father while you give him a smirk and a wink. “Took you long enough.” You teasingly reply as Adam finally crawls his way back to the fight.
“Hmmph! Ugh…how man of you freaks do I have to fight?”
“Oh I’m the only one that matters. See, you messed with my daughter and my partner and now, I am going TO FUCK YOU!” You actually face palm as Charlie steps closer to her dad with an embarrassed look on her face. “It’s ’fuck you up’, dad…” “Wait, what did I say?”
As Luci and Adam fight and soar around in the red sky above you, Lucifer shape shifting and bullying Adam, you notice Charlie running to help Vaggie who was still fighting with Lute. Just as you began running to assist her, Adam hit the entire hotel with an extremely powerful blast, slicing the whole building into two. You trip backwards, thankfully avoiding the huge canyon that had formed in the middle of the hotel. All you can do is watch with fearful eyes as Charlie goes falling down into the deep pit, Lucifer chasing after her with impeccable speed. In just seconds, he catches her and circles around back to check on you.
“I got you.” “Dad, look out!” You flinch as Adam approaches but fortunately, the two demons with you were prepared and countered his attack, Charlie sending Adam crashing down to the hard asphalt. Lucifer then scoops you up and holds you and Charlie up in each of his arms as if you weigh nothing, then he flies all three of you into the air together. You couldn’t help but admire both of their passion, their anger and burning hate for Adam radiating off them. Charlie looks so much like her father and Lucifer looks so protective- both of them with glowing red eyes, horns fully protruded from their heads, tails wild and whipping behind them.
“You come at me and my family?! Don’t forget-“ In the blink of an eye, Lucifer has cautiously set both of you down before rushing to Adam. “You’re in my house, bitch!” Within seconds, Lucifer has reduced Adam to a golden bloody pulp as you watch, arms crossed and a vengeful smile on your face. “Whoa, whoa! Dad!” Charlie grabs her father’s shoulder and gains his attention. “He’s had enough…”
Lucifer complies with his daughter’s pleas and retreats back with you and the rest of the group as Adam crawls forward, whining and bitching about how cool he is and how he started all of mankind and blah blah blah. Lucifer’s hand slips into yours and his other finds Charlie’s hand. Just as you think you’ve heard enough of Adam’s bullshit ranting, he stops very abruptly and falls to the ground to reveal Nifty to be the one who finally took down Adam. Of course the entire group was shocked but relieved nonetheless.
“Oh, damn.” You can’t help but pity Lute as she begs Adam to get up and cries over his slowly dying body. “It’s over.” Charlie spits out as she stands beside a beaten up Vaggie. “Now take your little friends AND GO HOME! Please~” Lucifer growls out.
Lucifer watches as the exorcists retreat before he heads over to bring you and Charlie into a crushingly tight group hug. “I’m so glad my babies are okay. I love you both so much.” “I love you too, dad.” Charlie replies as she smiles, her eyes fluttering closed. “I love you, too, Luci.” He pulls away and sweeps your hair out of your face before letting out a soft sigh. “I can’t ever thank you enough for protecting my little girl.” All you can offer him is a smile and dreamy eyes. “She’s like a daughter to me. She’s our daughter. I love her just as much as you.” And this time, you initiate the group hug, cherishing the feeling of knowing both of them are safe and in your arms.
And Lucifer couldn’t be more happy and proud of his family. He’s so thankful to have both of you in his life now and he feels truly blessed to have you both safe with him again.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
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Summary: After making a scene and storming out of Eddie's trailer, you're left to wonder if you even have a boyfriend anymore, since he hasn't spoken to you in three days.
a/n: congratulations. you bitches wore me down. you all know how much i HATE angst with no happy endings so enjoy me fixing it.
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
word count: 3.3k
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  It’d been days since the fight in Eddie’s trailer. Days.
  You were mad as hell when you’d left, so mad you almost appeared calm. You’d angrily cried on the drive back home, hot tears leaking steadily past your lashes as you scowled and you were sure they left a trail of mascara behind.
  You’d dodged your mother when you got home, unwilling to face the barrage of questions she’d  send your way that would no doubt trigger a breakdown. The last thing you needed was anyone asking if you were okay.
  Besides, you thought you’d be fine. Eddie would get the point, come to his senses and be at your front door a little past dinner to apologize for hurting your feelings.
  You’d composed yourself to the best of your ability while you ate, forking the food on your plate down with the excuse of having not had lunch when your mother started questioning you and then hurried back upstairs to your room.
  Your landline was plucked from its place on your nightstand drawer and set on your bed in front of you. When half an hour passed, you assumed Eddie was still wrestling with his pride. When half an hour turned into an hour and a half, you started wondering if maybe he was still cooling down from the argument. He’d call.
  By 2 a.m., the tears were back and speeding effortlessly from the corners of your eyes, down the bridge of your nose to meet your pillowcase as you realized he wasn’t going to call.
  He didn’t call the next day, either. Or the day after that. 
  The two of you weren’t in school anymore, so you couldn’t track him down in the halls but you didn’t want to go find him. You wanted him to come find you, you wanted him to chase after you when you left his trailer, you wanted him to call you and tell you he loved you and you wanted him to not bring girls who wanted him the way you did over to his trailer. 
  You wanted Eddie. But you wouldn’t go crawling back, your heart may have been wailing in agony but your pride was howling at you, wounded and bleeding.
  Were you broken up? You hadn’t intended for your exit to be the end, but by day three, you were starting to get the feeling it was over.
  And despite how badly you wanted to, you couldn’t rot in bed. You had responsibilities, a job. You’d called into the arcade the first two days but you couldn’t put it off forever, couldn’t avoid leaving your house because you feared running into Eddie.
  Yes, you were desperate to see him, but under your specific conditions. What if you ran into him and he confirmed the two of you were over? What if he was with that girl you’d seen leaving the trailer? He said he’d given her a deal for flirting with him, had it progressed? Was he rebounding?
  The more you thought about it, the more sad you got. Samantha Stone, your former lab partner and current co-worker had stepped in to awkwardly comfort you when you kept dipping into the back room to cry and eventually sent you home with the promise she could handle the riveting crowd of three plaguing the arcade.
  You’d kicked off your shoes and thrown your bag onto the floor the moment you got into your room, but you hadn’t changed, just fell face first onto your bed as your tears mingled with your comforter.
  And that’s how you found yourself thinking about how long it had been since that damn fight. Maybe you were overreacting. Sure, Eddie had been a little intimidating in high school, but he’d also had no trouble in the romance department. He’d told you he’d been cynical about it, since it never went beyond sex, but he’d also said that had been before you had looked twice at him. 
  Unfortunately for you, the stupid ass curse that comes with having a boyfriend struck you. Now that Eddie had a girlfriend, all of a sudden he was a wanted man, even more so than he had been in the past.
  You’d seen girls overstep, had been waiting for him in the van during a deal while you watched one reach a hand out to caress his arm and it had taken everything in you to not storm out of the van to tear the offending appendage off and beat her silly with it.
  Maybe you really were just blowing things out of proportion because of your jealousy. Maybe you owed Eddie the apology. Would he even accept your apology? It had been days, after all. Maybe he’d take you back if you groveled. Tears were a no brainer, you were pretty emotional and aware you were in a somewhat manic state, so they’d come the moment you caught sight of him again. Your feelings, your love for him, and this stupid mess would overwhelm you.
  You glanced at your phone, still poised on your bed and taunting you without a single ring. Your mother would have mentioned it if he called. He hadn’t.
  You wanted Eddie.
  That singular sentence plagued you, wrapping around your heart over and over again, constricting like a boa until you felt like you couldn’t breathe, like you were about to have a heart attack. You could hear the loud and insistent banging that was your heartbeat, beating in time with your much too fast breaths.
  Eddie was the last thing you thought of before you shut down, body allowing exhaustion to overcome you to stop your impending panic attack.
  You hadn’t even realized you’d fallen asleep, eyes prying open to your room shrouded in darkness. A lazy glance at the window confirmed night had fallen and you sagged further into your bedding, sighing when you remembered you’d fallen asleep in your work uniform which meant you couldn’t slip back under the veil of rest and peace until you’d gotten out of it.
  You sat up, fingers gripping onto the hem of your shirt to lift it. 
  A flash of movement at the foot of your bed caught your attention just before you raised your shirt over your head and you nearly had a heart attack as you fell back, quickly reaching for your lamp.
  The warm glow of it illuminated the room and revealed Eddie standing near the foot of your bed, hands up to show he meant no harm.
  “Sorry,” he gave a brief huff of laughter, mouth pulled into a nervous smile, “didn’t mean to scare you. Your mom let me in.”
  Your heart calmed instantly at the sight of him, but your anxiety made its presence known, sinking into your belly.
  He’s here to break up with you, it whispered.
  You pulled your shirt back down, smoothing it out to give you something to do. Suddenly, you were incapable of words, nonverbal as your mouth refused to part. Your heart had won the battle with your pride and was desperate to beg him to forgive you for overreacting, would say anything to get him to hold you but you were paralyzed.
  Eddie cleared his throat, a hand reaching up to scratch his head before he sat down on the edge of your bed and you took him in.
  The most apparent difference in his appearance was the dullness of his eyes and the bags under them. Eddie was usually so full of life, an eccentric being buzzing with a sort of energy at all times, even when he was pretending to be the cool, collected bad boy. Now, he looked tired. And he had a light dusting of scruff on his jaw and cheeks.
  Eddie never had facial hair. Hated it. He’d tried it out once, he wasn’t fond of not being able to feel your kisses directly against his skin, and it made him itchy so it didn't last long.
  He shaved everyday to make sure he could feel your lips on him and the reminder made tears pool at your waterline once more.
  “Look, I─”
  “I’m sorry!” You rushed out, cutting him off as emotion muddled your voice and made your throat thick with it. The tears followed, just as you’d predicted they would when confronted by Eddie, “I’m so sorry, you were right, I was overreacting! I was just jealous, you can bring whoever you want to your trailer, I know it’s just business. I was just stupid and jealous and upset, you were right to not call me, and I’m sorry!”
  Eddie’s mouth parted, eyebrows rising in bewilderment.
  Then he was kicking off his shoes and climbing onto your bed, softly hushing you as he pulled you into his arms and you sobbed against his shirt, relieved to finally have Eddie back.
  You hadn’t thought he’d ever hold you again so you clung to him like a lifeline.
  Eddie held you tight, hand rubbing comfortingly over your back as he pressed kiss after kiss to your head and nuzzled his face there, trying to make sense of what was happening.
  After you’d left, he’d trashed his room. Well, more so than its usual state. He’d wanted you to come right back after you stormed out, was hoping you would—but like an idiot, Eddie just stared at the door as his mind replayed the entire conversation, emphasizing the moment he’d crossed the line. By the time he finally snapped out of his stupor and ran out after you, you were gone.
  Eddie was frustrated with himself, so he took it out on his room. When that was done, he’d grabbed a beer from the fridge, a joint from his stash and got crossed on the couch out front as he thought about the fight.
  He had no interest in anyone who wasn’t you. None. And for some reason, you didn’t understand just how much he loved you, how not a singular fucking person on this giant rock could compare to you. Not Cindy Crawford, not Pam Grier, not Irene Cara, not a single member of Metallica, no one.
  You were Eddie’s favorite person. You were his person.
  And he made you feel like shit. The longer he thought about it, the guiltier he felt. It was easy to write off your behavior as jealousy, but your jealousy hadn’t been unwarranted.
  He couldn’t see the big deal about having her pick up weed from his place since she’d phoned to let him know she was already in the area, but when he imagined some random guy coming out of your home, you walking him out?
  Eddie saw red. The thought alone knocked the air out of him and it was a feeling he was keen to not experience.
  But you had. And instead of just owning up to his slip of the mind, he’d stuck to his guns and had promptly shot himself in the metaphorical foot, not before hurting you. You were upset, and you lashed out when you got like that. Eddie had realized a long time ago that you only made digs like that because you wanted him to tell you you were wrong without having to ask him.
  Only, Eddie hadn’t told you that no, he didn’t give her a deal for being ‘pretty and flirty’ as you’d accused. She had been flirty—yes, he felt even more guilty when he thought about it—but he’d been blunt and brief, exchanging the bag of nugs for cash before he was sending her back the way she came. You’d just been on the other side of the door when he’d opened it for her to leave.
  It looked fucking terrible. How the hell was he supposed to make this up to you??? He’d spent the remainder of the night lingering near the phone, picking it up and then putting it back on the receiver. Nothing he could think of was a worthy enough apology for you, and he assumed you didn’t even want to see him. Fuck, you’d been so upset.
  He ended up passing out on the couch.
  The next few days went the same, he tried to figure out what to say, how to to explain himself and dove for the phone anytime it rang. It was never you, but of course it was when Eddie was desperate to hear your voice on the other end of the line that all his usual customers had run out of weed and other things.
  And she had called. 
  Eddie wasn’t stupid, she’d smoked with him and a group of friends at a party once, she hacked up her lungs and coughed herself into delirium after one pull; there was no way she’d finished what Eddie had supplied to her that quickly. It certainly didn’t help that she knew Eddie had you, and she still kept up the flirting. You were right, Eddie knew what she was trying to do and he was a shit boyfriend for not turning her down outright. Eddie had nipped that problem in the bud over the phone.
  In his desperation, he’d done multiple drives by the arcade, too. You were never behind the counter, only that gothic chick that liked to curse people was.
  He got anxious fast, hoping like hell that you hadn’t broken up with him. When it became too much for Eddie, who missed seeing your beautiful face, he caved in and drove to your house, despite the fact that you might not want to see him. When your mom let him in instead of throwing pots and pans at him like he’d imagined she would, Eddie figured you hadn’t told her about the fight which gave him hope.
  Maybe you did still want him.
  There was no light under your bedroom door and when he knocked you hadn’t answered but Eddie walked in anyways, heart clenching at the sight of you sprawled on your bed asleep.
  God, how he’d missed you.
  Eddie found himself blinking back tears as he stared down at you. It was selfish of him, but he really wanted to wake you up, touch you, hold you, kiss you.
  And then he realized he was at your house uninvited, in your room, watching you while you slept. Could he get any fucking creepier? Jesus…
  Eddie had been in the middle of pacing a circle in your carpet, trying to play out how this conversation would go when you stirred and he froze.
  Then you sat up and he got a little excited when you started taking your shirt off, but Eddie was aware of how bad this could go if he didn’t announce his presence.
  You hadn’t started yelling at him like he expected, no. What you did was worse. You were apologizing. 
  He’d been inconsiderate, he’d put himself in a situation that would look bad to literally anyone who saw him knowing he was in a relationship, had hurt your feelings—even more so because you’d apparently been waiting for him, wanting him this whole time and he’d just been holed up in the trailer, phone in hand but never dialing. 
  “Baby,” he mumbled against your head, leaning back and moving his hands to frame your face, thumbs wiping your tears away as he angled your head up at him so you could see the sincerity on his face, in his eyes, “you have nothing to be sorry for.”
  You hiccuped and started, “But I─”
  “Shh, no. Let me say this okay?” Eddie waited for you to nod and when you did, he leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead and another to the tip of your nose.
  “You didn't overreact or do anything wrong, sweetheart. You were right. I knew exactly how she felt, and while I promise you I had no intentions of letting anything happen, I still shouldn’t have had her over. If the roles were reversed, I would’ve been jealous, mad, and really hurt. She called, tried to come over again and I told her I’m in love with you and I’m not interested in her. If she needs to replenish her supply, she’ll have to get it from Rick from now on. And I’ve never given her a deal. The only person who gets free weed is you, pretty girl.”
  You sniffled and his thumb stroked over your cheek once more. He added, “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings and I’m sorry I didn’t call. I wanted to, so badly, but I didn’t know what to say or if you even wanted me to. I've been dying to see you, drove past the arcade a ton of times just to see if I could get a glimpse of you—your coworker, the scary one, flipped me the bird whenever she saw me, by the way.”
  That got a laugh out of you and Eddie grinned victoriously, leaning in to nudge his nose against yours, “I love you. I love you so much.”
  “I love you, too.” Your gaze dropped from his eyes, the brown in them now swirling with warmth, to his lips, “Can I kiss you?”
  “Oh, baby. You don’t ever have to ask.” Eddie didn’t wait for you to make the first move, closing the small distance to press a deep, chaste kiss to your lips. Once you were returning his kiss, he got a little more insistent, you realized this was Eddie’s way of asking for reassurance and you were more than willing to give it to him, parting your lips so your tongues could meet again.
  The two of you made out on your bed at a leisurely pace as you reaffirmed your love for each other. When things got heated, and you soon found yourself on your back with Eddie on top of you and between your legs, he pulled away from your mouth with a smack, and winced.
  “I really want to have makeup sex, baby, but I’m about to pass out. I haven’t been sleeping well.” Rarely has Eddie slept without you, add in you being upset with him and he could barely sleep at all. The last thing he wanted to do was pass out while he was inside you and leave you unsatisfied. 
  You laughed, pulling him down for another kiss, “That's okay. We can fuck in the morning.”
  Eddie let out the most pornographic moan at the mental image and you laughed again as you shushed him, “Eddie! My mom will hear you!”
  Reluctantly he rolled off you to undress, yanking off his pants while you shimmied out of yours, pulled your shirt off and discarded your bra. When Eddie yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it towards the ground, you’d intercepted it and pulled it over your own head.
  Eddie gave you a very appreciative onceover before he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to will his hard-on away, “Down, boy.”
  You snuggled up to his side, and he pulled you into his arms, throwing your blanket over the both of you and letting out a sigh of content as you nuzzled your face into his neck, “Fuck, I missed this. Missed you.”
  “Missed you, too, Eds.”
  “Next time you get mad at me, I’m sitting on the hood of your car so you can’t leave.”
  “That’s fine with me.”
  “Or maybe you can just kick my ass instead of leaving.”
  “No, I like it too much.”
  Eddie’s chest shook with quiet laughter and you smiled, eyes fluttering shut. 
  This time, when sleep finally overcame you, your heart wasn’t in pain or beating loudly in your ears. It was nestled against you, and snoring into your hair. 
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cranberryjuice-posts · 3 months
please do clarisse la rue x aphrodite reader who’s gorgeous and glowing and short like a ball of sunshine
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- opposites attract -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Aphrodite! Reader
An - ive gotta rewrite by Abby series bc it’s not going the way I want it 😭 I wasn’t really sure exactly what to write so I hope this is good 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
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Everyone at camphalf blood knew who you were. Not for negative reasons however. Being a daughter of Aphrodite not only boosted your social status but it was also your actions.
The first to volunteer to help when the infirmary was low on staff, ready to take on any chore from helping run the camp store to labor jobs that required you to get dirty. Even when the saytrs felt as though they were being ignored by the demigods you helped give them their voice.
So when you of all people started dating clarisse the most intimidating person at camp it was a bit of a culture shock. Though with you sweet and kind nature you seemingly took the most aggressive cabin and somehow made them slightly calmer.
Though when people tried to approach clarisse about you her former aggressiveness would come back. Most things that involved you got her heated. The recent endeavor being you both Separated for the weeks capture the flag game.
“No you’re on my team it’s not for discussion” clarisse spoke as if she knew it was fact, her arms crossed and her armor on you couldn’t help but fall back in love with her.
“But it is for discussion because I’m not” you chuckled softly, a gentle smile crossing your features. “I’ll be fine Claire I’m not a child”
“I’m aware of that but what if someone on my team hurts you? Or what if you get hurt by one of our traps I don’t like not being able to protect you” she placed her hands on her hips trying to open her stance to you.
“Aww” you gave a playful frown tucking a loose curl behind her ear. Placing both hands on her cheeks you gave them a small squeeze. “I’m ok, besides I have charmspeak remember I know how to handle myself”
Her shifting weight and the look of annoyance on her face all showed she did care about you deep down, and as much as people wanted to Deny it clarisse was yours just as much as you were hers. “I’ll see you after the game pretty” stepping on your tippy toes you gave her a kiss.
Turning to start walking away clarisse began yelling instructions to you. “Wait! Make sure your breast plate is tight— oh! And be sure to wear a helmet an—-“
“I got it clarisse!” You laughed back at her, giving her a final wave.
The games had already began with you being in charge of reclaiming the flag with Luke and his team.
Stepping through the forest you carefully looked around worried that maybe someone would jump out. Which like it was a movie happened. Red team kids running out with blades swinging. Blue team defending themselves and you mentally scolding yourself for not wearing enough armor.
Before you even realized it you had a deep cut in your calf. Landing on the ground with a cry of pain you looked back instantly having to dodge the falling camper.
“You good!” Luke shouted helping you up, limping some you found your balance breathlessly nodding. The red team currently had either been knocked to the ground or retreated in fear.
“The flags up ahead.. behind Zeus’s fist if I’m correct” you took a stance against a tree, using it as support. “I’m gonna stay here”
“You’re sure you’re fine” he asked cautiously. Even though luke knew clarisse couldn’t touch him he still didn’t want to hear her mouth afterwards.
You nodded giving him a semi confident look. “Just go” You chuckled sending him off.
Though it was quiet for a while you heard a crying like sound. Confused you pushed off the tree and started limping towards the noise. Through the trees and down to the creek you saw a hurt hell hound.
Most times you would of killed a monster without hesitation but this time… this time she wasn’t a monster. It seemed crazy but this hell hound almost seemed domesticated.
Slowly walking towards her You knelt down beside the dog. At first she bared her teeth at you acting as though you wanted to hurt her, but once she realized you meant no harm she pressed her snout against you.
Once gaining her trust you began to examine her leg. Realizing it was broken you made the conscious decision to quickly leave to grab some sticks for a splint. Petting the hound softly you got up limping away some.
The ground was filled with a multitude of twigs though finding your two heafty pieces of wood was easy. The sound of the conch and a campers scream filled your ears, nearly running back to the creek you saw about all of the kids from the two teams with clarisse and Luke in the creek, their weapons aimed at the hound that looked as tough she was going to attack.
“Stop! Oh my gods stop!” You screamed running in-front of her causing clarisse to dodge to the side and roll fully into the creek.
“Move!” She shouted. The other campers looking equally confused as you shouted a no back at her. “Are You insane?! Don’t go near it” clarisse scrambled out the water to quickly grab your arm.
You turned around trying to pull free only to be unsuccessful. The tension around you made you want to cry but right now isn’t the time. “I need you to trust me… please” you practically begged.
She looked you up and down with a look of worry before gently letting you go. Without another thought you knelt down to the dog, ripping your shirt in half exposing your stomach and began wrapping the hounds broken hind.
The dog was huge, given that she was a monster she was bigger than even a Doberman and beefier than a pit but that didn’t mean she was aggressive.
A few of the other councilors walked down to the water with Chiron standing on a rock near by. “She’s harmless!” You shouted trying to get the defensive campers to become calm. “See! If she wanted to hurt anyone she would of!”
Your urgency only convinced maybe a handful of kids. “It’s a monster.” Clarisse scoffed.
“Yet she didn’t try to bite me when I put her leg into a splint” You corrected. The hound nudged her head into your leg in a comforting way, trying to get your hand to begin to pet her.
Annabeth took a step forward, extending a hand the hound sniffed her before licking up her arm. “Seems harmless to me” the wise girl shrugged.
Chiron made his way down looking across the water and holding a hand up signaling for every camper to relax. “This game is dismissed. Grover summon the Cloven council, get them to set up a meeting so we can figure out what to do for the hound, and for you.. keep her with you until we have a plan”
The following week camp halfblood had a new pet. A hellhound you named Rosie.
Sitting with clarisse by the lake letting the water run over your legs from the docs. I’m the distance you saw Rosie swimming around enjoying playing with the water naiads.
“How did you know she wasn’t ruthless” clarisse asked turning her head to look at you.
“I guess the same way I knew you weren’t as mean as everyone assumes. It’s your aura, Rosie’s was soft and hurt begging for any form of kindness” you turned looking at her. The sun light casted across clarisses features illuminating her eyes and skin. “Your so beautiful” you smiled leaning over and softly kissing her
Clarisse smiled wide returning the kiss. She pulled away only keeping her hand on the side of your face. “What did I do to deserve someone like you”
You shrugged your shoulders happily. “Working out helped”
She pulled away with a playful attitude. Causing you to laugh and reach out to her once more.
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actiniumwrites · 4 months
kiss me (not)
synopsis: how they’d react when you dodge/ wipe off their kisses for a day as a prank
characters: gaming, kujou sara, heizou, tighnari, cyno, kaveh, and lyney x gn!reader
warnings: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, some humor, established relationships, etc
notes: i love this prompt so much omg. i’ve read a lot of fics other people have written for different fandoms and i’m actually shocked i haven’t written it before considering i eat it up every time (especially when there’s some angst 🫠)
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the first time he sees you wipe off his kiss, something in him dies a little, especially when you don’t say anything after he asks if you’re okay
so he starts doubting himself and compensating for where he may went wrong
maybe he had bad breath? or you weren’t having a good day today?
he hates that he doesn’t know what he did wrong, and even worse, why you keep doing it throughout the day
you only stop when you see the way he genuinely starts beating himself up over it, deciding it wasn’t funny anymore and honestly never was
“it was a prank,” you nudge him softly, regret overflowing from your voice, “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. i shouldn’t have kept it going for so long.”
a relieved breathe and a small smile from him follow right after. you can tell he’s still a bit stuck on the whole thing, but deep down, he’s just grateful he didn’t screw up somewhere because there’s no way in hell gaming would ever let himself lose you
“it’s okay,” he breathes out, clutching your hand a little tighter than usual, “just please, don’t do it again, okay?”
kujou sara:
to say she’s confused is an understatement
she’ll immediately backtrack to make sure she actually just saw that correctly. did you really just wipe off her kiss?
so she goes in for another one, and sure enough, you dodge her this time and send her a quick goodbye before slipping out of the house and running off to work
it legitimately ruins her whole day. she can’t even function at work because it’s all she can think about
and by the time she’s home at night, she’s already tired and just wants you but she’s also too afraid that maybe she did something to upset you
fortunately for her, you spare her of the prank knowing your girlfriend well enough to know that the second she walks through the door she had a shitty day
so you apologize and tell her it was just a prank and you didn’t mean any harm
and she wants to be so mad at you for it, but literally can’t no matter how hard she tries so instead she just gives in and gets the kiss she’s been thinking about all day
he realizes right away what you’re doing and finds it rather amusing
so he’ll play along too, not trying to kiss you at all and even going a step further and not showing you any sort of physical attention
try to hold his hand? not happening. hugging him? not a chance
and it ends up becoming a competition, because what can you say? you’re both competitive people
goes on until the end of the day and only ends when you’re both too tired to keep it up
“you’re no fun, you know?” you poke his chest as you tiredly lean against him
he smiles down at you, “how so? i let you play your little pranks, didn’t i? i even played along.”
you just scoff and scoot away, tucking yourself into the warm blankets and ignoring his teasing
but then he’ll grab you and pull you into his chest, giving into you, “fine. next time i’ll give you the reaction you want. happy now?”
the opposite of heizou: he’s very unamused, and is very aware of what’s going on.
as soon as you back away from him after he tries to kiss you, his face falls into a deadpan and he crosses his arms menacingly
“i’ll have you know i don’t find pranks like these very funny,” he’ll immediately tell you off, not wanting to act so childishly when it comes to affection
tighnari cares a lot about people, whether he shows it or not, so to have you pretend to dodge it upsets him — even if it is meant to be a mere lighthearted prank
so you apologize instantly, feeling a little bad over the whole ordeal, “it’s just a prank, you know? i thought it would be funny to see how you’d react.”
definitely the kind of person to feel a little bashful and guilty for overreacting over something so silly, but also doesn’t want to admit it
so he’ll just silently kiss you and act like nothing happened, secretly hoping you’ll never try to pull something like that again
at first, he thinks it’s kinda funny since he always plays jokes. however, i think he’s similar to tighnari in the sense that he also takes a little offense to it
like, he knows it’s a joke, but he just can’t help feeling a little hurt over it
“is something the matter?” he’ll ask while you’re both on the way to meet with friends. you shake your head no, fighting a smile
defeatedly, he leaves it at that, knowing you won’t budge. he’ll feel miserable the entire time and won’t stop thinking about how you won’t give the prank up, even in front of your friends
and when you both leave for the night, he crosses his arms and confronts you as you both walk home, “it isn’t funny.”
“what isn’t funny?”
“your prank. it isn’t funny. i don’t like the way you’re avoiding kissing me,” he says bluntly. it makes your heart sink into your stomach a bit, admittedly starting to feel a bit bad
so you apologize and work everything out, telling him you got the idea from alhaitham who was curious to see how he’d react in a situation like that — that, and he felt like pissing cyno off for a day, but you didn’t need to know that part
he’ll get frustrated, but is glad it’s all settled. he’ll also be extra affectionate throughout the next week, feeling as if he somehow lost time with you
gets so offended omg he will literally hate you
the first time you do it, his jaw drops to the floor and he calls you out on it immediately
“what was that?” he points an accusatory finger at you
you bite back a smile and feign innocence, “huh? what are you talking about?”
will not let you leave for the day until you drop the act and properly return his kiss
when you continue to go on with the prank, however, he’ll start to get all pouty and just ask you to kiss him
and he just looks so cute that you cup his face and give him a big fat kiss and walk out the door immediately after without a word and a big smile on your face, satisfied with his reaction
he gets so dramatic about it it’s not even funny
will literally clutch his chest and fall to the ground in public so that you stop him
when you don’t and you let him face public humiliation (because you find it funny too), he stops himself and gets back up
follows you around like a lost puppy all day and will constantly try to sneak in a kiss while you’re caught of guard, but you never fall for it and he gets so much more frustrated each and every time
then he begs lynette and freminet to help him, except they think it’s funny too seeing how whipped he is for you
and he knows it’s a prank too, but the fact that you won’t break makes him so lovingly annoyed with you
you don’t stop until lynette genuinely intervenes, complaining about how annoying lyney had gotten throughout the day, “please end his suffering already. you know my brother is an idiot who doesn’t shut up and i’ve had enough of him today.”
you laugh it off, but ultimately agree
so you go and find him, which wasn’t that hard, and tap him on the shoulder before planting a gentle kiss to his lips, “sorry for pranking you. it was just too funny of an opportunity to pass up.”
“you’re so mean to me,” he’ll complain, but will then continue to kiss you so often that you’re now the annoyed one instead
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byechristopher · 7 months
I hate you, too.
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Author's note: okay so, I was listening to Les – Childish Gambino, and this idea came to mind because uhm, I love Chris, I love parties, I love angry, messy, toxic sex. So, sue me. I got carried away so, super long. Do not copy/steal my work. :)
Warnings: this, once again, is pure filth. Super long, didn't proof-read so fml, angry & rough sex, toxic sex, slapping, choking, semi-public. Just a mess. Minors dni!
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The lights are so damn bright in here, I can see blue, red, purple, all kinds of colors, everywhere. Not that I'm really complaining, this place is so dark that I can barely see anything – only when the lights flash. I can see people everywhere, their silhouettes, dancing, kissing, drinking.
I quickly pour myself a drink, making sure I'm keeping it safe in my hand; I haven't been in a house party in ages. But I remember how messy they get, I know everyone will pass out at some point. I'm trying to search my friend group with my eyes but it is almost impossible – how big is this goddamn house?
"Hi! You made it!" a friend screams when she sees me and I smile. I try to greet everyone but my eyes meet someone's face that I really didn't want to see here. My ex.
"What is he doing here?" I groan, turning to glare at my friend.
"I'm sorry, babes, he literally just came. I texted you. He's friends with the host, Jake, I didn't know." she has an apologetic face and I check my phone to realise she did text me about it. Fucking hell.
I can feel his blue eyes on my body, burning it like daggers on fire. I try to avoid him as much as possible and the fact that he looks this good, doesn't make it very easy. His hands are shoved into the pockets of his jeans and I can't help but steal a few glances. He's already looking at me. He's smirking.
Fucking asshole.
"Hi, pretty." he is next to me now, dangerously close to me, as I take a sip of my drink.
"What do you want, Chris?" I roll my eyes.
"That's not how you treat your ex." he scoffs, looking around playfully before looking at me again. I turn my head to look at him, too.
"Let's not open that topic here." I try to push him away, his body doesn't really move.
"I agree. Let's talk about the car sex we had a few days ago." he smiles and you would think he's talking about the most innocent thing. His hands still in his pockets, he looks cool and unfazed by my angry glare.
"Shut the fuck up, Chris. Don't you have anywhere else to go, anything else to do?" I yell. Now I'm facing him, my body turned towards him.
"I'd like to do you." he comes closer to my ear and I sigh, downing my drink before turning my back on him. I am afraid I won't be able to hold myself back this time either.
"Well, I don't."
"Yeah?" his chin is touching my shoulder and I can feel his jeans pressed against my butt, "so if I touched you now, you wouldn't be wet?" he hums.
I am not wet. I am dripping. But that doesn't mean anything, right.
"You're not allowed to touch me anyway." I dodge his fucking question.
"Well, you weren't saying that when you were pressed against the car door." he chuckles, "you're wet, then." he whispers but it's enough for me to hear.
"Not for you. Maybe for your friend, Jake." I smirk, knowing this will stop his attack. He's always been extremely jealous. So have I.
"Fuck you." he almost growls in my ear, but the smirk still stays on. He turns me around and as soon as he says that, one of our favourite songs starts to play. Les by Childish Gambino, "fuck you.. can I have this dance?"
I can't help but chuckle a little, which I try to hide immediately. The timing, the line he used from the song, this songs specifically, him. Fucking Chris.
I quickly grab him and drag him in the center of the room that we're in, he holds onto my hand tightly and brings me closer, pressing my back against his chest. We dance to the music, he's not moving much but I can tell he's enjoying the little show I put on for him. My butt is pressed against him then whole time and I can feel the bulge in his jeans. Good.
I turn around and continue to dance with him, my hands traveling to his back to grip his shirt and pull him as close as possible. The part in the song that we love the most comes on and he cups my cheeks, pressing his forehead against mine as he looks into my eyes. We're both singing the lyrics.
"Oh, girl, I wanna know, are you ready to cry? 'Cause I'm no good, no good.." his playful smile never leaves his face.
"Oh, girl, I wanna try, I'm an awful guy and I'm always away.." my lips curl up into a playful smirk as well, my hands sneak under his shirt and I dig my nails into his lower back.
"And I'm tryin' to say, I'm a piece of shit.." he stops singing and the next second, he's kissing me. I fucking hate myself for kissing him back as hungrily as I did.
He grabs my hand and makes me follow him – nothing else matters, as the song says. Only us. We practically run up the stairs and I see a wooden door, he seems like he knows this place. My friend did tell me he's friends with the host.
He opens the door and then locks it once we're inside the room. It's a bathroom, not very big and the light is so dim, I'm not sure if it is there to match the party's vibe or if this dude just doesn't like actual lighting in the house. We don't waste anytime – Chris picks me up and sets me down on the counter next to the sink, my dress rides up just enough for him to move closer, pushing my legs apart with his body. We can still hear the music from here.
I take his shirt off immediately, throwing it somewhere behind him before wrapping a finger around his chain, pulling him closer for yet another hungry kiss. He grabs the hem of the dress to push it up, my skin meeting the cold counter but it is soon replaced by Chris' large hands. He squeezes my butt, pushing me forward so that his bulge rubs against me. He sneaks a hand in between us, his fingers rubbing my soaked panties.
"Is this for Jake, hm?" he grabs my bottom lip in between his teeth, biting it roughly.
"Maybe." I moan, leaning forward to take his nipple in my mouth, flicking it with my tongue.
He moans, "why are you here then?" he puts pressure on my clothed pussy and let go of his nipple, throwing my head back.
"Fuck off." I groan, moving my hips so that I'm rubbing myself on his fingers.
"You're dying to have my dick inside of you." he whispers, chuckling.
"And you're dying to have me in any way you can." I push him away, jumping off the counter and quickly pulling his jeans down together with his Calvin Klein boxers, "isn't that why you keep following me around, hm?" spitting on my own hand, I grab his dick, rubbing up and down while staring into his eyes the whole time. They're filled with lust, anger, passion. He moans.
"Fuck off." he groans this time, his head falls on my shoulder as I jerk him off, both of his hands grab the counter on each side of me. He thrusts into my hand.
All of a sudden, he slaps my hand away and turns me around, making me press both of my hands on the mirror in front of us, pushing my lower back down so that I arch my back and spread my legs. His hands are on my breasts now, pushing my dress now so that they're free for him to see and touch. With one hand he pushes the dress up to reveal my ass as well, the dress now only covering my stomach and a small part of my back. I don't dare to move, I only watch him as he pulls my panties down – he spreads my ass and spits, not that he needed that, I'm already dripping.
"What the fuck are you waiting for?" I groan, pushing my back against him.
"Beg for it." he slaps my ass a few times as he smirks.
"Chris, fucking hell. Fuck me already." I say but he's not pleased. He slaps my skin again and I groan, gently hitting the mirror out of frustration. His cock rubs against my clit and I lose it, "fucking.. Chris! Please, fuck me. I want you inside me." I whine. He smiles. Thank fuck.
He finally pushes inside of me and my eyes roll to the back of my head as I look at him in the reflection of the mirror. He pushes his cock all the way inside me and grabs my hair in a ponytail, wrapping it around his hand to push me back every time he thrusts in.
"Fuck.. fuck.." I moan, licking my fingers before dragging them down my body to rub my clit, always looking at him, as he fucks me roughly. My fingers touch his dick every now and then, it makes him moan a little louder. He leans forward to sink his teeth into the skin of my shoulder as he watches me cry out in both pain and pleasure – with his free hand, he grabs my hand that was rubbing my clit, bringing to his mouth to lick the juices off my fingers. I almost cum.
My breasts bounce with every movement, he thrusts into me and I push back against him. He pulls out of me and I curse under my breath. He turns me around and places me on the countertop again, wrapping an arm around my waist as he guides his dick so that he can start fucking me hard again. I grab a fistful of his hair, tugging it harshly when he pushes into me; it makes him lightly slap my cheek before wrapping his fingers around my neck, choking me. I gasp and slap him back, grabbing his throat with my hand, too.
"I fucking hate you." I moan, his eyes staring into mine.
"Yeah.. turns me on.. love it." he moans and smirks, and that's all it takes for me to come closer to my high.
"Chris.. Chris.. I'm gonna.." I whine and he lets go of my neck, hugging me close and pressing his forehead against mine as I let go of his neck as well.
"That's it, baby.. fuck.. will you cum for me? Hm?" he says and that's closest thing to affection that we showed tonight. I nod and moan loudly, holding onto him as tight as I can. I cum, trembling, and he does the exact same thing, moaning my name over and over again.
We stay like this for God knows how long – he's still inside of me and I almost pass out in his arms, his hand rubs my back soothingly.
"You okay?" he whispers, as if it was a crime to be affectionate with each other again. We used to be together after all.
"Yes.. you?" I whisper back, the feeling of not wanting to let go of him just yet comes back and I try to push it away as fast as I can.
"I am okay, yes." he mumbles and after letting me know, he slowly pulls out of me, earning a wince from me, "sorry." he mutters.
"Do you want me to take you home?" he says and I sigh. This is wrong.
"It's best if you don't." I whisper, looking at him and I can see the vulnerability in his eyes too.
"That's true." he nods and fixes my dress, pushing his boxers and pants up right after.
"I still hate you." I mutter. I don't want him to leave.
"Yeah." he wears his shirt, he grabs my chin and leaves a sweet kiss on my lips, "me too."
And with that, he leaves.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
I AM LOVING THESE FRAT PEOER FICS, ESPECIALLY THE TEXTS THEYRE SO FUNNY, i was wondering if i could request frat peter having to save his girl from being hit on and followed by a guy (just happened to me)/ how he would react to it
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ayyyyy yuhhhh, this is jumbles but i really didn't wanna seperate these parts. pls enjoy peter being daddy and doing a protec, also a lil sprinkle of spider-man
Peter’s room was pitch black. 
When you first started sleeping over, he got you a nightlight so you could navigate to the bathroom easier and you’d gotten used to the small gold it cast on the wall. Some nights when you tossed and turned you’d find yourself looking over Peter’s face as he slept, the soft glow highlighting just enough of his features. 
He hadn’t turned it on for you, but then again it wasn’t night when you fell asleep. It took you a moment to gather your surroundings, you don’t remember falling asleep and you’re not sure how long you’ve been out. You could hear music from the floor below you, it was muffled enough it wouldn’t’ve woken you. 
You smack your lips, you have cotton mouth from hell. Searching Peter’s bedside you find less than a half full bottle of water and down it. Blinking awake you sit up, you feel bleary and unwelcoming to a party but you could really use a Peter hug right now. Maybe you could swoon him into ditching his party for cuddles and a movie. 
Reaching for your phone, which had somehow landed under your pillow, you peer at the time and your eyes widen. You’d been asleep for almost six hours, you almost felt bad, you’d come over to hang out with Peter and ended up passing out in his bed. 
‘awake and alive, come see me? :)’ 
After two minutes, ‘petey?’ 
Another three pass, ‘don’t make me come find you :(( i just want a hug.’
‘i promise you can go back to the party after.’
After five minutes of being left on delivered you sigh and drop your phone to the sheets while you stretch. You turn the bedside lamp on and stand, you look down at your outfit and decide against changing back into your clothes, you’d only go down for a minute or two. 
Unprepared for everything you knew was happening, you unlock his door and step out into the bright hallway in only Peter’s frat shirt and workout shorts that were so short they were hidden under the hem of his shirt. Your feet dug into the plush carpet, you could feel how soft it was under your socks. 
You feel dizzy walking down the stairs, the music gets gradually louder until you can't hear your own thoughts, you look into the kitchen as you stepped carefully and were unsuccessful in your first attempt. When you reached the landing you rubbed an eye and yawned, you almost turned back around. 
The next place was the garage, dodging bodies as you moved through the enclosed space you held your breath when you walked through a smoke cloud. Peter wasn’t in the room, but his best friend was. You didn’t want to ruin his hang out, he was sandwiched between two girls while he shared a backwood, a hookah on the table in front of them. 
“She lives,” he smiles when you approach, he’s made the first contact so you don’t feel as bad. 
“I don’t even remember falling asleep,” you look down at your socks and bounce on your toes. 
You watch Ethan take a hit of his backwood and you eye the smoke before he reaches his hand out, “you’re drooling,” you take it and inhale deeply, blowing it out and go to pass it before taking one more hit and handing it to the girl on his right. 
“Do you know where Peter is?” 
“Uh, no. Somewhere. Wanna hang here for a sec?” He takes a puff and hands it back to you, you cough hard on a deep hit. 
“Nah, I’ll go find him, thanks though.” You nod and bow to the girls, “goodnight, ladies,” they return the sentiment. You turn back around, bumping shoulders with a stranger on your way out, you shoot an apologetic smile and slide past. 
Bracing against the wall connecting to the kitchen you look at your phone again, with no new text you frown deeply and sigh. You’re so focused on finding a white cap you don’t see the body slide next to yours, when they speak you don’t notice they’re talking to you until they say it louder. 
“You look comfortable,” your eyes flash down, you were. 
“I am,” you swivel your neck around. 
“It’s cute,” at last you look at him, he’s blonde and one front tooth is longer than the other. It’s charming on him, he has at least ten bracelets on and black fingernail polish. He’s a little interesting, you think he’s hitting on you but you give him the benefit of the doubt. 
“Thank you, can you tell I wasn’t prepared for a party?” You give him a small spin, and he whistles. 
“Prettiest girl here,” you curtsy and smile politely, “that’s very kind of you.” You go back to scanning the crowd, you see a flash of navy and poke up to see the figure better, it wasn’t him. Your face drops to a frown and you sigh, the new follower leans closer. 
“Looking for someone?” 
He is hitting on you, you commended his confidence. He’s playing with fire, flirting with you at Peter’s house. You’re wearing a branded shirt, isn’t it obvious you’re with someone in it? It’s a heather gray with blood red detailing, you couldn’t miss it. 
“Parker, have you seen him?” 
Blonde shakes his head, it’s not long or curly or brown like Peter’s, it makes you look away. 
“Nah, I’ll keep you company though. I’m Connor, nice to meet you.” You eye his hand, you don’t want to shake it, you want to find Peter. In an effort to be polite you shake it and introduce yourself, he says it’s a beautiful name and you want to roll your eyes. 
“What’s a nice girl like you doing involved with Parker? He’s a dick, you know.” 
But he’s not. He can come off as abrasive but never, ever to you. With you he’s gentle and soft, he’s giggly and cuddly, he even uses baby talk sometimes, and he loves when you play with his hair. Peter’s not a mean guy by nature, but if he doesn’t know you or like you, he won’t pretend to be your best friend. 
“He’s not at all, actually. You must not know him well enough.” 
“I know him enough to know he’s a shit bag to girls, you’d be no exception.” 
“Do you think that line earned you any points with me?” 
Conner grins, “tell me, are you wearing pants under that? I hope not.” You immediately slide away from him, you frantically search for Peter in the crowd. When you can’t find him you try to find a familiar face, you know you have Ethan in the other room. 
“That’s… not an appropriate thing to say to me. Pet- Parker will have you banned.” 
His eyebrow quirks, “and he’s the good guy?” 
Your eyes narrow, “he doesn’t sexually harass me.” 
Conner scoffs, “you call that sexual harassment? If you want to cry wolf at least let me make it worth it.” You swallow harshly, you don’t like how it’s turning. You pull from the wall to go back to the garage, but Conner’s hand catches your wrist and tugs you back to him, it’s tight and you try to shake him off. 
His smile looks less charming and more intimidating, “c’mon, don’t run away now. We just started having fun.” You tug your arm back harder, he tightens his hold and you wince. Hissing through your teeth you bend your knees, leaning into his grip. 
“Please stop, you’re hurting me.” 
“But then you’ll run away, and I’m just having so much fun.” 
You blink back tears, it’s not about his tight touch it’s about being scared. 
“I’m not. I’m seeing someone, I’m sorry.” Maybe if you’re gentle he won’t be as aggressive. 
“Really? I’m not seeing him… Maybe he’s with another cheap whore.” 
You see a blur pass by your face and suddenly a hand is wrapped tight around Conner’s shirt as his back and head are thrown against the wall. Your shoulder vibrates against the drywall, the sheer force of Conner’s entire body weight flinged into it.
“Get your fucking hands off her!” His body was pulled off the wall before he was thrown back, you wince as his head smacks off the wall, you look at the assaulter and stay silent. You’ve never seen Peter so livid. 
“Get your fucking hands off her or I swear to god I’ll knock you out right fucking now!” 
Your hand is dropped and you stagger several steps back, you want to pull Peter back but he’s a little too scary to stop at the moment. You’ve never seen him in a fit of range, and not that you think he would, but you didn’t know if he’d direct that on you. 
“I should fucking kill you right now, don’t you ever put your hands on her again. Don’t talk to her, don’t even look in her general fucking direction.” 
For someone who had a lot to say he’s real quiet now, you look away when his body is thrown back into the wall, you could imagine how sore and bruised he’d be the next day. 
“Get out of my fucking house, and if I ever see you here again you won’t be walking out, do you fucking understand me?” 
A timid nod, he shuffles off holding his ribs. You almost felt bad. 
Peter turns to you the second he’s out the door, he races to your side and cups your face. 
“My baby, are you okay?” You nod, when you blink you can see how upset he was. Eyebrows turned it, cheeks flushed. His eyes were glazed over and narrowed, all he saw was an enemy. But when he looked at you his features softened, hard eyes turned into soft puppy dog eyes. A small pout took over his clenched jaw, he looked as gentle as you always knew him to be.
“You were really upset.” 
Peter’s face falls, “did I scare you? I’m sorry, trouble. I just panicked when I saw him holding you like that and you looked like he was hurting you.” You rub at your wrist, “he did.” 
He holds your hand and looks it over, red marks that would bruise his fingerprints wrapped around your wrist. “I’m so so sorry, baby. I should’ve looked at my phone sooner.” 
You breathe deeply, “it’s not your fault he was a weirdo. I just wanted a hug.” Peter feels his heart melt. “I know, I know you did. C’mere, give me a cuddle.” 
You wrap your hands under his arms around his waist, your head tucks into his chest and you listen to the metronome of his heart. Peter’s strong hold is wrapped around your shoulders, he tugs you in even closer and rests his cheek on the top of your head. You sway against him for a moment, breaths matched, your chests rise and drop at the same time. 
When you pull away you’re brought back in by Peter, something he hasn’t done before, you do it all the time. He’s never had such an urgency to have you in his hold, keep you steady against him. Keep you hidden and protected in his hold. It dawns on you that Peter was just as scared as you were, it makes you give in and melt back into him. 
“Can we go upstairs?” You use your pout and his guilt to your advantage, almost immediately he presses a kiss to your forehead and tells you ‘anything you want, kid.’ Peter’s hand held yours tight all the way up the stairs, walking behind you, protecting you from any vantage point until you reached his door. 
You didn’t even pause before hopping a few steps to his bed and jumping into it, you waited for the gentle beratement but didn’t hear anything, you poked your neck up and watched Peter scratch at his now naked curls. 
Making grabby hands you give a yearning smile, you wanted Peter all to yourself and you got what you wanted. He abides the request and sits on the edge of the bed before kicking his shoes off and shimming out of his jeans. 
The second he lays down you glue yourself to his side, you happily adjust as he does, you haven't given him any time to get comfortable. The second he gives you the ‘fine, you can lay on me’ look you tug your left thigh over his hip and sling your left arm over his chest. Your right arm bends and pulls at his air. 
“You sure you’re alright?” 
Your cheek smashes into his navy shirt as you nod, the cotton ultra soft under your skin. You peek an eye up, it’s a Ralph Lauren, you can’t deny the amazing thread count. 
“I think you should give up on the physics major, you have a way better calling.” 
Peter’s right hand started dragging down your back, his fingers tickling up your spine and back up. A comforting movement, it kept you pulling forward, Peter doesn’t give you many back rubs. 
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” 
You hum and trace spirals over his ribcage,“ever thought of being a superhero? I think you’d be alright at it.” 
Peter snorts, the implausible irony doesn’t go past him. 
“Just alright? I can’t give up my day job for ‘just alright’ can I?” 
“Okay fine, you’d be like… I can’t compare you to Spider-Man cause he’s-” your mind derails, for a second Peter’s thankful, he’s never had the Spider-Man conversation with you and as far as he’s concerned, never will. Just mentioning the name makes him feel sticky with panic. 
You stop swirling and look up at him, thinking of telling him made you bite back a grin. “If I tell you something do you promise to keep it between you and me and never, ever repeat it again?” 
“Oh jeez.” The last time you said that it was something gross and girl related. 
“I… okay, um… maybe I shouldn’t tell you,” you can’t stop giggling.  You never said the words out loud, it wasn’t necessarily embarrassing but looking back on it, it was goofy and nerdy. Telling Peter would be a huge insight into your personality. 
“Well now you have to tell me,” seeing you so giggly made him want to be too. 
“Okay, so when I was like… I dunno, sixteen/seventeen maybe? I had a huge crush on Spider-Man.” Peter’s mouth twitches, you shake your head before he can make a joke. “Just wait, and I get that sounds creepy because we-” you gesture between yourself and Peter, “we have no idea who he is, right?” 
“Right,” even if he wants to bolt from the conversation he can’t deny it’s cute. 
“But in my world I was like, no he’s definitely my age and he’s gonna totally save me and we’re totally gonna fall in love and have some weird mutant spider-babies. Side question, do you think he was born that way? Like, are there spider people walking around we don’t know of? Could Spider-Man have regular babies? If he has a baby with a human, I mean. Do you ever think about that?” 
“I don’t think I’ve ever thought about reproducing with Spider-Man, so, no.” 
You’re not pleased with his lack of imagination, he could at least have fun with it. You raised a pointer finger, “we’ll circle back to this,” You continue with your story, “but, what I’m admitting to you, is my deepest, darkest secret, that I’ve never told anyone by the way!” 
You try to finish but pause and turn your head away to laugh before saying the words. 
“I used to read Spider-Man fanfiction. Like, everyday, all the time.” 
Peter’s heart lurches, it’s a downright adorable confession. Not to mention the odds of you being semi-right and things falling into place, he’s not a big universal sign guy but this is one that he might be swayed on. Cause he definitely was your age and he’s learned he can’t stop everything, it was a hard truth, but one good thing he couldn’t stop was Love. 
“Oh my god, me too!” You bat your hands at his chest, he was taking the piss.
“I told you my deepest darkest secret and that’s all I get!?” Peter grabs the hand you’re poking him with and intertwines it with his own,  “Alright, alright. I got one for you.” Your held tilts, he knows you’re saying ‘go on…��� 
 “I was fourteen with a dream, I had heard all about it from my friends and I needed one. I was ready for it, I had been preparing. How to ask for it, saving up the money, making sure the right guy was working that night. It took time and patience but I finally had it, right there in my hands.” 
A dramatic build up, it made you, metaphorically, sit on the edge of your seat. When Peter sees he’s got your attention he makes a ‘boom!’ sound effect. 
“My very first nudie mag,” you snort and he clicks his tongue, “not done yet.” 
“It was beautiful, and it was mine. I had a whole fucking book of spank bank material there, babe. This was the first time I’d ever looked at porn, and it felt like a right of passage so I’m on cloud nine. Obviously, I go straight home and the whole time I’m on the bus back I'm looking at everyone with this brown paper bag and feeling like I just got away with murder.” 
Peter laughs, “oh god, no one but my aunt May and now you know about this, okay?” 
You nod, you feel like the most special person in the house at the moment. 
“I waited hours, and finally, I’m home alone. Boom, go time. Shut and lock my door, set up the lotion and tissues, and pull that glorious brown paper bag from under my mattress. At this point I have a full on adrenaline boner, I am tugging down my pants at the speed of lighting, pull out that glossy, pristine magazine of the holy gods and open it.” 
Your smile matches the one on Peter’s face, “and it’s a guy, dick out and all. Not what I expected but cool, so I flip the page and there’s another, and another, and another and finally I’m no longer excited and I start flipping through the pages. I distinctly remember saying ‘where are the fucking girls?’ and after looking at, at least, eighteen penises, I realized it was a guy magazine, not a for guys magazine.” 
Yor smack a hand over your mouth at the sound that came out, he nods at your reaction like he expected it. “Yeah…” he drawed out the word and you cackled, “oh my god.” 
“Was there a guy on the cover?” 
“Yes! I had never seen one before and I thought that the guy meant it was for guys, not that it was full of guys!” 
“Man, I was so pissed. It cost me like thirty bucks too, cause the guy charged a tax for selling to minors. The worst part is I wasn’t sure how to get rid of it so I put it back where it was and my aunt found it like a year later and I had to have so many “you don't have to be ashamed of who you are” conversations, the whole time I’m like, rocking back and forth foaming at the mouth explaining the situation and begging her to believe me when I say I’m not gay.” 
You tug at his hair, “just so you know, you don’t have to be ashamed of who you are.” 
Peter groans, “that’s it, now you and May can never be in the same room.” 
“Yeah, right. Like you’d ever have us in the same room.” 
“Of course not, you’d team up and try and coax me out of my non-existent closet.” 
Nuzzling into him you both tease each other and more than a few times Peter finds his fingers rubbing across your ribs sending you digging into him further and further. Wheezing as you laugh and try to run away from his tickles he rolls over to trap you underneath him before kissing you. 
Peter lowered his voice, keeping it a secret, you gave him a deep, dark secret and he’ll give one back. 
“Just so you know, I’d do anything for you. I’d even let you be in the same room as my aunt.”
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perlelune · 1 year
Tag, You’re It | Ethan Landry | ii.
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Happy, carefree college days meet their abrupt end when every guy who approaches you mysteriously turns up dead.
Warnings: NON-CON, Stalking, Bimbo!Reader, Clueless Reader, Loss of Virginity, Incel Ethan, Cheerleader Reader, Skin Carving (w/knife), Canon Typical Slashing, Voyeurism, Kidnapping
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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The party’s already in full swing when you arrive at the OKB house. While getting ready, you lost track of time. Putting the finishing touches on your hair and nails took longer than you planned. 
You dodge the bodies swaying to the loud music to make your way to your friends through the swirling blue lights. 
Mindy spots you right away and waves at you. 
"Not bad, freshman," she praises as you twirl in front of her and Mindy to show off your nurse costume decorated with splashes of fake blood.  
They’re both sprawled on the couch, limbs twined. Expectedly, only Anika made the effort to don anything resembling a costume, a pumpkin-colored hat with a bloody knife poking out of it sitting atop her head. 
Mindy even bothering to come considering what happened the last time she attended a frat party is already a huge effort on her part. 
You chat for some time, sharing the latest news regarding your friends. 
 You learn that apparently Tara got into it with her sister…again.
A lot of tension has built between the two of them lately, Sam’s protectiveness clashing with Tara’s craving for independence. 
Maybe Sam’s been overdoing…but who can blame her?
Those two have been through hell and back. 
"Have you guys seen Connor?" 
While you attempt to sound casual, even tossing a shrug, Mindy sees right through you and flashes you a teasing grin. 
"One-track minded, huh?"
Your face warms. "Sorry, I just…I really looked forward to seeing him."
Anika gives your hand an encouraging squeeze. 
"It’s okay, babe. To be young and in love."
"And horny," Mindy adds, dragging a quick eye over your outfit as her smile broadens. 
Her comment sparks more heat in your cheeks. Sure, things between you and Connor are growing steamier. But you don’t want to rush anything. You like him, and you want your first time to be special, romantic.
"I’ll see you guys later."
"Have fun," Mindy says, waving her beer bottle at you.
Your search resumes and you grow nervous, pondering if Connor is even in attendance. Maybe you missed him. Downsides of running late. 
Damn you and your tendency to spend hours dolling yourself up. 
 As you wander across the room, you nearly crash into a familiar broad, muscular back.
An easy smile creeps on your face when your friend turns to face you. 
"Hey, looking good."
"You too, cowboy."
You’re pretty certain Chad’s never looked bad a day in his life. There’s a reason why he’s the most popular player on the team, and one of the most sought-after guys at Blackmore. Well…several, starting with the fact that his hotness is only matched by his unwavering kindness to everybody he meets. 
You suppose if you hadn’t known him for so long, you’d harbor a crush on him too. But you’re too familiar with Chad to see him in that light. You still recall when he insisted on wearing a Pokemon onesie for nearly a year. You used to watch cartoons with him and Mindy as children, play together. He’s even tried to get you into Magic: The Gathering at some point but you couldn’t understand how the game works so he gave up. He’s like the brother you never had. 
"So I hear you've met Ethan. He's cool, right?" He throws his muscular arm around Ethan’s neck affectionately. "A whole snack he is. Look at him." An endearing tinge of red decorates Ethan’s cheeks, his gaze fleeing yours. 
It draws a smile from you. You’re glad they’re getting along. 
You tilt your head, gauging his appearance. Confusion fills you.
You’re not exactly sure what Ethan’s costume is supposed to be. A knight perhaps? Either way, it’s original and it suits him.
"Hey again," you greet. 
He lifts two bashful fingers as a response, returning your smile.
"Yeah. I appreciate him helping me out."
Ethan’s chestnut gaze widens at your words. 
College’s busy enough for everyone. It’s incredible of him to offer some of his free time to help you out when it doesn’t benefit him in any way. 
Ethan opens his mouth as if he were about to say something but, before he can speak, someone taps you on the shoulder, beckoning your attention. 
You pivot in your high heels.
Your chest floods with warmth at the sight welcoming you. 
"Hey, gorgeous," Connor hums, giving you an appreciative onceover that turns your legs into jelly. His voice lowers as he approaches you. "I’ve been looking for you all night. Where have you been?"
Your heart skips a beat at his closeness, the scent of his masculine cologne and his mesmerizing blue eyes overwhelming you. 
"Just ran a bit late," you mumble. 
His hooded gaze takes you in as he suggests, "Well, you’re here now. Wanna go hang out in my car?"
Pursing your mouth, you hesitate. 
"I…I don’t know. Is that safe? Mindy says it’s always best to stay in crowded-"
He halts your explanation with a hand under your chin. Bewildered, you gawk at him. 
His pearly whites shimmer in the dusky blue and green hues saturating the room. 
"Do you trust me, gorgeous?"
You blink up at him, dazed and lost in the sea of his gaze. 
"Y-Yes, I do."
"I’ll keep you safe. I promise. Come on."
His hand engulfs yours as Connor begins to drag you toward the exit.
Chad’s deep, concerned voice interrupts the abrupt getaway. 
"Are you sure?" His forehead creases as he inches closer. "You don’t have to do anything you don’t want. You know that, right?" 
At first, you’re a bit confused. 
Then you remind yourself he’s just being protective. Both he and Mindy share that trait. In fact, her attentive eyes carve a searing dent in your skin from the other side of the room. 
Usually, you adore that about them, how caring they are. But right now, you find it a bit much. 
Connor isn’t a threat. He’s just the guy you like, not a serial killer. 
You place a placating hand on Chad’s arm. 
"It’s fine. I trust him. Catch you later, okay?"
He gives a belated nod, his jaw clenching as he stares Connor down, before letting you walk away. 
You wave Ethan goodbye but are somewhat dejected when he stares at you and doesn’t reply, his blank expression unreadable.
Both you and Connor step outside. 
Moonlight bathes the damp pavement in silvery light as you trail behind him. 
He wastes no time once you’ve reached his expensive sports car, pinning you against the hood and kissing you senseless. 
"Fuck, been dying to do this ever since I saw you in that slutty costume," he purrs against your temple. His hands begin to roam over you, impatient fingers fondling your curves. 
When he sneaks under your short dress and tugs at the waistband of your panties, you push against his chest. 
A sudden tide of discomfort swells inside you. 
"Connor…wait. This is going a little fast for me," you giggle.
Ignoring your protests, he keeps kissing you and even turns things up a notch by grabbing a fistful of your ass. You gasp. 
"Just relax. I won’t hurt you, gorgeous."
His weight presses against you, a sizzling cage of need you can’t escape. Tears prick at your eyes. 
"Connor, please…" you whimper.
Annoyance ripples in his tone as the grip on your rear gets firmer. 
"How you’re gonna be a fucking cocktease then give me blue balls, come on, gorgeous."
His tone is light but your chest is heavy. This isn’t how tonight was supposed to go. You hoped Connor would be gentle and nice. 
This isn’t nice. 
And you’re starting to feel a little scared. As the taut bulge in his crotch rubs at your front, your stomach knots.
But things don’t get to wander any further.
In fact, they hit a sudden stop as Connor stills against you. Your brows knit. 
As he chokes on his own breath, blood gushes from his mouth, painting the front of your costume crimson. 
Your eyes widen as his head lolls before he slumps to the pavement with a heavy thud. 
Time stands still when your gaze lifts. 
Your heart slams against your ribcage.
A tall figure clad in black and donning a Ghostface mask is now standing before you.
The blood rushing in your veins makes your ears ring.
The stranger cocks his head, studying you for a few seconds before pouncing on Connor’s prone form like a starved hyena. 
Horror-struck, you gawk as the stranger rains vicious stab after vicious stab upon Connor's writhing body. Each strike draws a shudder from you, more violent than the last and causing scarlet rivers to flow from every part of Connor. 
The world becomes red. 
A scream bubbles in your throat but remains trapped in it, shock striking you mute. 
When Connor's body stops moving, the sickening squish of the blade twisting out of his mangled flesh reaches you. 
With the knife in his hand still dripping blood, its crimson hue catching the moonlight, the killer rises to his feet. 
His focus travels to you. Your insides coil, deadly anticipation gripping you as tight as a fist. 
A gravelly, distorted voice rises beneath the mask. 
"This is the part where you run, princess."
It’s what happens in those horror movies Mindy had you watch with her, you think. The characters run away, fighting whatever’s chasing them with all their might. 
It’s the sensible thing to do. 
And you want to move. You should move. But you can't. 
Even breathing is toilsome, stilted whimpers and gasps spilling from your chest instead. 
All you can do is peer into the pupil-less gaze of the mask as you crumble into a quivering, sobbing heap onto the pavement. 
The killer inches closer and it's as if your heart jumps out of your chest. 
His blade kisses the trembling flesh of your throat, right above your racing pulse. 
Languid tears roll down your face as he traces your jugular. 
Cool metal slices past your collarbone, to your rapidly heaving chest. 
The song of the night yields to the symphony of fear echoing in your ears. Every scattered heartbeat. Every uneven breath. Every desperate sob.
A sharp stinging blooms in your delicate flesh as he carves oblong patterns on your breast with his knife. 
His motions are slow and focused, as if your skin’s the canvas and his blade the brush. 
Paralyzed, you don’t move. His cloaked figure bends and blurs in your misty vision, more monster than man in the scarce light provided by the street lamps.
He slants his head when he’s done, admiring his handiwork. 
This must be it, you infer, the moment all of it ends. 
Your eyes quake shut as you wait for the inevitable blow. 
You wait… An eternity it seems. 
For the blood. For the agony. For the darkness. 
Yet nothing comes. 
When you open your eyes, Ghostface is gone, the only nightmarish vision before you being that of Connor's body lying unmoving on the pavement. 
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You pay no attention to the chaos around you as you pull the thin blanket closer to your frame.
The lights of the ambulance twinkle in your hazy sight. 
Amidst the chatter of shocked students standing in the street behind the yellow tape, the whispers of reassurance of Mindy and Tara fade to white noise in your ears. 
Numb, you gawk as they drag Connor’s body away on a gurney.
For some silly reason, you keep expecting him to rise again, to not be dead.
Because this cannot be real.
This cannot have happened. 
The police ask you a barrage of questions and you give mechanical answers. None of them help and they grow frustrated with you, sparking a heated argument between your friends and the stubborn cop. 
"I’m just doing my job," he insists, raising his hands when Chad gets in his face.
If it weren’t for Detective Bailey vouching for you, you’re not entirely sure you wouldn’t be sitting in the back of a patrol car right now. 
"Can’t you see the kid’s traumatized. She doesn’t know anything," he berates one his co-worker who seemed unwilling to accept your version of events. 
The one where you froze and Ghostface somehow let you live with only a strangely shaped scar on your chest as a souvenir. The one the medic commented looked a little like a heart. 
Absently, you pat the gauze covering the healing wound. 
It's weird…but it hurts your head to ponder why this occurred. The only emotion you can process is the crippling guilt consuming you. 
You’re alive while Connor's cold body is on its way to the morgue.
Your friends gather around you, their warmth chasing away the night’s chill. While Tara and Mindy sit next to you on the pavement, Chad stands protectively in front of you. 
"I-I didn’t do anything, Tara. I just let him…" Your voice cracks, withering into a sob. 
The arm around your shoulder gets tighter.
"Hey, don’t talk like that. It’s not your fault," she feverishly responds.
You open your mouth to argue but close it once it dawns on you that all the energy’s been drained from your body. There is none left in you.
Still, you can’t help but disagree. If it were Tara, her sister, or even Mindy, you bet they’d have fought tooth and nail instead of shrinking and crying like you did. 
You’re the weak link in your group. Not smart enough, or strong enough. 
The thought makes you sob harder. 
Mindy rubs circles on your back. 
You cast a quick glance around before your tearful gaze finds hers. 
"Where’s Anika?"
"She went home. She’s not great with blood. She sends her love though."
You nod at that. If you could, you’d be home too, hugging your stuffed bear and trying your best to forget this awful night ever happened. 
Chad’s irate tone startles you out of your fog. 
"Speaking of people not being here… where the hell is Ethan?" 
You blink up at him, confused as he and Mindy trade a pointed, heavy look.
You don’t get it. 
Sure, Ethan’s new to the group, and the twins are slow to give their trust. You know that. But Ethan? He’s entirely too sweet and kind to have anything to do with this…Right?
Ethan wouldn’t. You’re sure of it. 
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡pink rover♡
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♡ Pairing: biker!boyfriend!seonghwa x chubby!fem!reader
♡ Summary: When your boyfriend accuses you of cheating, you go to his shop to tear him apart but a revelation brings you closer than you were before.
♡ Genre: angst/smut/fluffiness
♡ Word Count: 1.2k-ish
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♡ Warnings: strong language, mentions of violence/criminal activity, hwa & y/n are unhinged (but v sweet to each other), daddy hwa, pet names (pretty girl/good girl), unprotected sex, creampie, oral (f receiving)
♡ A/N: I'm just down bad for Hwa with that goddamn grill in, ya'll. Outlaw Hwa is hitting different rn.
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“Just go down there and talk to him!” your best friend shouts from the window of your 4th-floor apartment, “Don’t overreact!” Don’t overreact? My boyfriend’s accusing me of cheating and you don’t want me to overreact? You hop onto your hot pink motorcycle, the one Seonghwa gave you for your birthday, and smile up at your roommate. “Calm down! I’m not gonna hurt---him!” She says something else but your bike’s already roaring down the street, headed straight for Hwa’s shop. 
It’s a good thing that the streets are empty tonight. Your mind’s so clouded that nothing good could come of you dipping in and out of cars, dodging drunk partygoers. Hwa would kill you if he knew you were riding like you had a death wish. Then we’re even. You already want to kill him for implying that you’d ever cheat on him with anyone. Let alone Yeosang.
Before you met Hwa you were on your own in this city. As capable as you are of handling yourself, there are bigger badder things out there than you. Not only did Hwa protect you from them, he introduced you to the girl who’d become your best friend, and accepted you into his little family like there’d always been an empty spot there waiting for you. 
The love you have for each other is precious to you. It’s the one thing in life you’ve never questioned, making it hurt that much more to find out that he does. When he called you tonight saying that Yunho saw your bike outside of Yeosang’s apartment a few times you didn’t think much of it. Hwa’s been getting into some pretty dangerous things lately and he wouldn’t listen to you when you tried talking him out of it. 
You thought, out of everyone, maybe you’d be able to get Yeosang to talk some sense into him. Would it be sorta awkward to tell Hwa that? Probably. What you didn’t expect was to be defending yourself against this after all you’ve been through together. 
You pull up to the shop and the garage door’s open as usual. Music’s blasting while Yunho and Jongho work on their bikes, knocking back soju like it’s water. “Ah, shit” Yunho mumbles, eyes widening at the sight of you charging towards him. Stepping into the fluorescent lighting of the shop, you grab the baseball bat Jongho keeps by the door and bust a headlight on Yunho’s bike. 
Yunho rushes to the aid of his baby, “My bike! What the hell?” “Did you tell Hwa I slept with Yeosang?” you ask, arms ready to take another swing. Jongho, unphased but not stupid, moves his bike out of the way to avoid being caught in the crossfire. “Hi, y/n” he says innocently, flashing you that gummy smile. You can’t help but smile back, “Hey honey, how’s it going?” 
“I didn’t say you slept with him!” Yunho shouts, “I said I saw you two together…” “You said you saw us ‘together’, Yunho? Together?” Your next swing lays waste to a workstation full of tools. “Where is he?” Jongho points to the office, Yunho much too busy weeping over his baby to be of any use. Tossing the bat to the ground, you gently pat Yunho on the shoulder, “My condolences.” 
You push your way into the office and, surely enough, there’s your boyfriend. Hwa sits at his desk, toiling away at his comfort engine, a piece he’s taken apart and put together a million times. Something about it helps his nerves and you’ve never questioned it. 
There’s a half-empty bottle of soju on his desk and his eyes are puffy. Almost as if he’s been crying. His eyes flick up at you for a split second when you close the door only for him to continue what he’s doing as if you’re little more than a gust of wind. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I came to talk.” 
“And fuck up my shop?” 
“Yeah and fuck up your shop because you’re an idiot!” you yell, snatching the tools from his hands, “How could you ever think that…” Hwa shoots up from his seat, angrier than you’ve ever seen him, at you at least. “Then what were you doing with him? Hmm?” “I was…” “You were what?” “I was asking for his help to stop you..” you admit. The anger on Hwa’s face turns to confusion, “Stop me?” “From doing this…this…suicide mission!” 
Tears well up in your eyes at the thought of anything happening to him. You try your best to choke them down but they’ve already begun to fall. “You trust Yeosang so I thought if I could get him to change his mind it’d change yours too.” You lower your head to dry your tears on your sleeves but Hwa’s already rounding his desk, pulling you against his chest. “I’d never do that to you” you sob, breaking away from him. 
You dig the keys to your bike out of your pocket, slipping them into his hand. Hwa stares at the keys, his heart skipping a beat as he soaks everything in. “Y/n, I didn’t…” “Don’t, okay? Just…I’m sorry about your shop. I’ll pay for it” you apologize, turning to leave. Hwa blocks the door, wrapping his hand around the knob before you can grab it. “I don’t care about the shop!” he snaps, “Now sit down!” 
His shoulders drop, his body language softening, “Please. Sit down.” Noticing your hesitance, he goes back over to his chair, patting his lap. “Please.” Since the day you met, he’s been using that sweet voice and those puppy dog eyes to disarm you. If he thinks it’s gonna work this time he’s…correct. “I’m sat” you huff, plopping down on his lap. 
He wraps his arms around your waist, squeezing your soft body. “I’m sorry” he sighs, resting his head against your shoulder, “I don’t think you’d do that to me. You know if I did he’d be dead by now.” A quick reach into the recesses of your brain reveals flashes of what happened to the last man who tried to touch you. Rest his soul. “Then why’d you say it?” Hwa bites at his lip, looking as if he’s ready to cry. 
“Hey” you whisper, stroking his cheek, “Talk to me.” Staring into his eyes it becomes clear that what you saw before wasn’t anger at all. It’s fear. “I’ve been on edge all day. I haven’t eaten or slept. I used to be so sure about this mission but now…” Hwa hugs you even tighter, “I have something to lose and that scares me. I have to do this though. They need me.” 
He’s right. You can’t even argue with him about it. Trying to stop him has been a lost cause from the start but you had to do something…anything…in case there was the slimmest chance that you’d be able to keep him safe. You kiss him on his temple, petting his head, “You’ll never lose me, Hwa. Promise me you’ll come back and I promise I’ll be here waiting for you.” 
Running your hand down his face, you feel his lips curve into a smile. Hwa looks up at you, the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, “I promise.” Instinctively you kiss him and, as his hands dance along the curves of your body. What was meant to be a peck on the lips quickly becomes something deeper. Turning to face him, you straddle his lap, arching against his chest.
Hwa groans, fingers kneading your plush ass. “Are you starting trouble?” You giggle, grinding down against him, “I am.” “Good” he grins, “I like trouble.” He slips away from your kiss a moment to remove the silver-plated mouthpiece adorning his bottom row of teeth. “Oh baby” you whine, lips brushing against his neck, “You know I like it when you eat it with the grill in.”
When you talk like this it makes him go feral, just like you knew it would. Lifting you onto the desk, he shoves everything behind you to the ground. Metal clicks and clanks into the darkest corners of the room as you tear at each other’s clothes, your mouths drawn back to each other with every movement. You’re two magnets bound only to each other.  
Hwa pushes you back on the desk, your arms dangling over the edge as your back hits the warm wood. “Ah! Don’t let me fall!” He tosses your legs over his shoulders, pressing your knees to your chest. “Never, my love,” he says through mouthfuls of your thick thighs. Hwa grabs you by the hips to keep you still but you’re still squirming and giggling. 
In your defense, his tongue moves so lightly over the surface of your skin that he makes the touch of a feather seem like sandpaper. Hooking two fingers between the cotton of your panties and your clit, he moves his hand up and down, knuckles teasing you each time they graze you the slightest bit. 
“You want it?” he asks, fingertips dipping into your moistening entrance for a fleeting moment. You say something unintelligible. An answer jumbled by the loveliest moans. Taking his fingers away, he wraps his lips around your mound, taking all of you into his mouth. The heat that he breathes against you, his tongue running over the outline of your pussy, has you grabbing at the back of his head. 
He tilts his head back, licking his lips, “Be a good girl and use your words. Tell daddy what you want.” “I…mmm…fuck” you stutter. You’re doing your best to focus but he presses his tongue against your slit and your mind goes blank. “Eat my pussy, daddy. Pretty please” you pout and he’s ripping your panties off before you can finish your sentence. 
Hwa’s tongue dives into your core, feverishly traversing the ridges of your warmth to stroke your sweet spot. Fingers tangled in his hair, you swear you’ve gained x-ray vision with all of the stars he has you seeing. Every curl of his tongue in your center, every slurp of your folds, radiates through your body. Pleasure knocks through your system like dominos. One nerve ending sparking another. Each sensation more intense than the last.
Hwa twists his fingers into you, massaging your walls while his tongue pulses against your clit. The tighter you pull his hair, the faster he moves, driving you higher and higher until you’re ready to implode. “Mmm, that’s it. Cum for me, pretty girl” he hums, his mouth not leaving you for a second. He reaches his free hand up to grip your breast, tearing it free from your bra to thumb your stiffened bud. 
“Hwa! Oh my god! Aah…yes, daddy. Yes…y…” A fire sparks inside of you, consuming your entire body. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you clutch your hands over your mouth to muffle your screams. Hwa delights in how wet you are, creaming all over his fingers, drenching his wrist. Taking your hands away from your mouth, he kisses you, swallowing every noise you make. 
“Gonna cum one more time for me? Hmm?” he asks and you feel the head of his swollen cock rubbing against your still core. Hwa thrusts into you, coming down to kiss and lick between your cleavage. You lose your grip on his hair, hands sliding down his back. “Fuck, you’re so sexy baby. Feel so fucking good around this dick.” 
There’s no moment of tranquility. No chance to catch your breath. No calm before the next storm begins to roll in. Hwa’s so deep inside of you, so determined to make you take every thick throbbing inch of him. “Hwa…I…I can’t feel my legs” you gasp, clawing at his back. Hwa hisses at how wonderfully it stings, “Good.” 
Heart racing, sweat coating both of your bodies, the pressure comes to a head again. “Shit…mmph…don’t stop. Fuck me, daddy!” you cry out, going limp. Hwa cradles you in his arms, his movements becoming sloppy. A uniquely strong twitch of his cock introduces a new warmth to your core as he fills you with so much cum that there’s a fullness in your belly. 
He collapses onto your chest, the two of you desperately gasping for air. “Y/n, I…have…something…for…you” he says, his breathing still labored. Hwa reaches down and pulls one of the desk drawers out, digging around for something for a second. You arch your back to stretch your tightened muscles, “Is it a chiropractor?” “Not quite.” 
Hwa dangles a familiar looking set of keys in your face. You pluck them from his fingers, inspecting them. Keys? His keys. “To the shop? Hwa, why are you giving me these?” He props himself up on shaky arms, “Someone has to take care of business while I’m gone, right?” “Take care of it? I can’t…I’m not you.” “No you aren’t. You’re better.” 
A cacophony of twisted metal, crumbled concrete, and arguing blares out in the garage. Jongho and Yunho rush into the office, immediately turning their backs to keep from seeing more than they already have. The two of you jump to your feet, scrambling to throw your clothes back on. “Seonghwa, we have an uh…problem” Yunho coughs, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
Jongho peeks out the corner of his eye, grinning, “It might get a little physical so you might wanna…uh.” Yunho slaps him on the back of the head, “Shut up.” In the distance, you can hear the screeching of tires. “Go! I’m right behind you!” Hwa shouts, clearing them out of the office. 
“Are we ripping heads off?” you ask, hopping back into your combat boots. He shrugs, tossing on his jacket, “Maaaaybe.” “Yay!” you cheer, kissing him and running to catch up with the boys. Hwa rests his hand on his heart, utterly smitten with you, “Fuck, I love you! I’m gonna marry you one day, woman!”
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paleprincessturtle · 3 months
harvey fic request! :) maybe they get in a spat about harvey getting jealous or a miscommunication but then they fix it and then super fluffy
Hiiii!!! Thank you so much for the request and I'm so so so so sorry it took so long for me to continue writing here. Life been tough but here I am. Enjoy❤️
The Greenest
When Harvey received a phone call from Mike, he was happy, to say the least. But upon hearing what he had to say, Harvey sighed. There was this charity in Seattle, and both Mike and Rachel invited him. Harvey dodged the question by saying that he had to ask his wife. It wasn't that Harvey didn't want to donate his money for a good cause, but he rarely spent time with his wife now. He just wanted to stay home and do absolutely nothing with his wife in his arms. He could just write a check for it and make up some excuse later.
Harvey got home to Pink Floyd blasted through the house. He couldn't help but hum along with the song. It would be useless, he thought, to call out for his wife. He found her in their bedroom, a few dresses draped on the bed as she stood in front of her kingdom of shoes. "Are we going somewhere?" Harvey asked casually as he took off his suit. She jumped at his voice, eyes wide. "You scared the living hell out of me," she said, reaching for her phone to turn down the volume of the speaker. "Well, I suggest you shouldn't give your husband a spare key, then." Harvey rolled up his sleeves as he observed the dresses. "We're going somewhere?" Harvey asked again. "Oh yes! Mike and Rachel invited us to this charity gala. It's for abused women and children. Can you imagine?" Harvey watched as his wife's face scrunched in sadness. He swore this woman wouldn't even hurt a fly. "It's in Seattle?" Harvey asked again as she earned an eager nod. Well played, Mike, Harvey thought. Going straight to his wife. Well played. "We sure can come, yes?" Harvey looked at his wife, knowing damn well it wasn't a question. He nodded and smiled. 
Harvey's favorite thing to do whenever he went out with his wife was to watch her get ready. He watched his wife put on matching underwear in black, all lacey. He stole a glance at his watch as his brain raced at the possibility of tempting his goddess of a wife for a little fun activity. "Don't think about it, Harvey." His wife scolded him as she watched him from the unreasonably huge mirror in their hotel room. "Think about what?" Harvey asked, pretending to be clueless. "Think about taking off my underwear, bending me over, having your way with me, being late, and what excuse should you give Mike for being late?" Harvey smirked at the sultry way his wife said it. "We've been in this dance before, Harvey. I will not fall for it again. Now, why won't you be a nice gentleman and zip my dress?"
"Jeez, Harvey. Didn't you arrive at the hotel yesterday? This whole thing started an hour ago!" Mike scolded Harvey, who gave him a knowing look. "Seriously?" Mike gave him a disgusted look, and not long after, his wife came along. Mike hugged her and thanked her for coming. He then managed to explain this charity he and Rachel are now part of. He also said it would be good for the charity to know two successful New York lawyers are here, siding with the charity. It just meant more money for the charity. Which was great.
Not long after, Rachel came, and she gave them brief hugs. She managed the whole event, so Rachel was running around as she made sure that nothing went awry. The three of them were having a good time. They talked about what was going on in their lives. Harvey probably would have to admit that this wasn't an entirely bad idea to come. Mike nudged Harvey, "There, that's the city attorney. Let's put that pretty face to good use." Harvey looked back at his wife, signaling for her to come along. "I need to go to pee; I'll look for you later." Harvey smiled at her as he followed Mike.
Harvey just realized that his wife was never to find him. It had been 20 minutes; surely she didn't need that long. Harvey tried to look around. He squinted his eyes at the sight of his wife, who happened to look way too comfortable with a man he had never seen before but was somewhat familiar. A man her age. Harvey frowned as he hurriedly excused himself. He made a beeline to where his wife stood but slowed down his pace when he was near. "Oh Jackson, you know how it is in New York," Harvey heard his wife laugh not long after. "Well, then maybe you should consider moving here." Before he could hear what his wife's reply would be, Harvey stood beside her, an arm wrapped around her hip. Harvey didn't miss the way this Jackson guy's eyes followed where Harvey's hand rested. "Won't you introduce us, sweetheart?" Harvey asked a rhetorical question. She sensed something wasn't quite right with Harvey's attitude. "Jackson, this is Harvey, my husband." Harvey extended his free hand. "Harvey, this is Jackson ...." Before she could finish her sentence, he jumped in. "I'm her ex-fiance," Jackson said, shaking Harvey's hand. Harvey gave him a curt smile. "Who would have thought that Harvey Specter is your husband?" Jackson said to her, but his eyes never left Harvey's. Again, before she could say anything, Harvey said, "What can I say, Jackson? I'm immaculate, and my wife has an immaculate taste." They looked at each other for quite some time, trapped in an uncomfortable silence as the two men tried to intimidate one another. Harvey then remembered that he once went against him in court. Harvey won, of course. "Well, it was nice to meet the two of you," he was about to leave when he stopped in front of her, "especially you; I'll give you a call when I visit New York." Before he left, he touched her bare arm. And Harvey was seething. Harvey took her hand to make them face-to-face. "What the fuck was that?" Harvey said, his jaw tightening. "What the fuck was that? What the fuck was what? I was just trying to get him to donate, Harvey!" Harvey scoffed, "By flirting with your ex-fiance, who suggested you move here?" She looked at him, exasperated. "We're going back to the hotel," Harvey said quietly. He took her elbow as he guided her out of the crowd. "Harvey, we are invited here to help them raise the donation," he said, shaking his head. "We're going back to the hotel." Harvey's voice left no room for argument. Before exiting the venue, she caught a glimpse of a confused Mike. She shook her head in silence before Mike became out of view. 
The two of them were silent during the ride back to the hotel. "We're back now at the hotel, happy?" she said sharply as she took off her heels. "We could've helped more if you weren't being so childish and being all jealous!" She raised her voice, both hands on her hips. She looked at Harvey's back, and he poured himself some scotch. "If you weren't flirting like a high school girl, we would still be there." Venom laced his voice. He turned to face his wife. "Do I need to pack your things and send them here so you can get back with Jackson?" His wife shook her head in disbelief at his words. He finished the glass in seconds, opened the door, and slammed it hard. She sighed and prepared herself a bubble bath. There is no use in arguing with him now.
She woke up with the curtain open. She squinted her eyes. She was greeted with the sight of Harvey sitting in a chair just beside the bed. "Hey, sunny," Harvey said softly. She didn't say anything or react; she just stared at him. "I'm sorry," he said genuinely, she could tell. "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did; I'm really working on my issues. She nodded, she knew he tried. "Did I hurt you?" he asked as he took her hand in his. He did so as if he might break her, so gently. "You did," she answered quietly. "I'm really sorry," he kissed her hand softly. "It's okay, Harvey. Just try to work on yourself harder, okay? I'm here ready to help if you need anything, but no more lashing out," she said as she caressed his cheeks. Harvey leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" Without answering, she moved over and signed for Harvey to lay beside her. 
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loving-barnes · 4 months
A/N: It took me some time, but here we go again. Chapter Seven, my friends. Just something stupid, fun.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x mutant female reader
Warning: none
Summary: It's a fun night out at a bar.
Please, do not read if you are under 18. This story is suitable for mature audience.
Words: 3300+
Important note: Again, Logan is a tall MF, because they fucked up in the movies. Also, Hugh Jackman!Wolverine. This is set in AU.
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Y/N stood in front of the mirror, looking at her reflection. When was the last time she dressed up and put on make-up? She couldn’t recognise herself in the mirror. Since she came to the school, she would wear simple outfits and almost any make-up. Tonight, she wanted to look nice and make an impression on the people. Hell, she desired to catch Logan’s eyes. Honestly, she would catch his eyes even without all those things.
White blouse, dark blue jeans, black combat boots and a black leather jacket - this was her style. She put her hair into a high ponytail. Y/N couldn’t help but smile at herself in the mirror. It felt like lifetimes since she felt this confident and sexy. Damn, even the drawn cat-eye looked good. 
She winked at herself in the mirror and then glanced at her phone. Yes, they’d given her a phone. It was time to head out. She put it into the back pocket of her jeans. Before leaving, she had to check herself one more time just to be sure everything was perfect. 
To her surprise, she didn’t see any familiar faces. Usually, the students would walk around the school at this hour and hang out. Some noises came from the kitchen or the TV room. She didn’t recognise JJ’s voice. Maybe he was in his room.
Y/N made a mental note to spend more time with the boy. She didn’t keep her promise when she told him she’d come to him before the accident happened. 
“Well, look at you,” said a voice beside her. 
Y/N jumped, gasping. She was ready to hit the man in his face. “Jesus, Peter,” she glared at him. “You scared me, you ass,” she punched him in the shoulder. He could have easily dodged it, but he decided to not use his ability and laughed it off. 
“You get scared easily, Y/N. You should work on that,” he winked at her. “Can I walk with you?” he raised a brow. 
“You already are, so why ask?” she grinned at him. 
They walked out of the school and headed to the main entrance gate. Peter kept his hands behind his back. He had silver aviator goggles on top of his head that matched his silver jacket. “So, Y/N, what is your weirdness? You know about mine. I want to know about yours.” 
That made her laugh. “Nice way of saying it. I have, uh, protective abilities?” 
“You ask, or you know?” 
She glared at him playfully. “I know. I wasn’t sure if that description was correct. Let me put it this way - I can create and manipulate forcefields.” 
“Nice.” That was his only comment. “So, you have a codename?” 
“What?” she raised a brow. 
“You know, like Scott is Cyclops. Logan is Wolverine. I am Quicksilver,” he explained. “Do you have any name you go by?” 
Wheels were turning inside her head. “No,” she said. “I never thought about it, actually. Do I need one?” Was it necessary to have a codename? Holy shit, Logan was called the Wolverine? She could see why. It suited him well. 
“That’s up to you, I guess.  Okay, changing the topic - how long have you been here?” 
“Over a month,” she replied. “It’s been a hell of a ride. What about you?” 
He thought about it. “It’s been over a decade. I love this place, to be honest.” 
They slowly approached the main gate. They could see some people standing there, talking. Y/N was sure Logan was not there. “You took a break or something?” 
Peter nodded. “I needed some time off. It was all overwhelming. Charles granted me a lengthy vacation. I took a break, travelled the States, and here I am, ready to work again.”
Storm, Kitty and Kurt were the first three there, chatting. Y/N felt some excitement building inside of her. It was nice being a part of something bigger and better. Both Storm and Kitty were great women and friends. Were they friends? God, she hoped so. The last three to arrive were Bobby, Logan and Rogue. Rogue and Logan were squabbling. She couldn’t hear what it was about until she heard: “Let it fucking go, Rogue.” 
She had to chuckle. What got Logan so worked up? 
“Let’s fucking go, people,” Peter called them.
Thus, a thirty-minute walk to the bar started. Rogue linked arms with Y/N, and they walked ahead of everyone. Her arms were covered with gloves that hid under the denim jacket. That way, she could touch the other woman without fear of hurting her.
“Isn’t it annoying?” Y/N asked her. 
“The gloves? Yes, a little bit. Luckily, I can touch Remy without them,” she said with a smile. “He’s the only person that I won’t hurt. I don’t know how it is possible, but I don’t care. What matters is that I can touch the person I love.” 
“What if you subconsciously learnt to not hurt him?” Y/N thought out loud. “I can shut my brain from the Professor. I don’t know how, but I do it. Well, I might have already figured it out.”
They talked together the entire way to the bar. Rogue wouldn’t let anyone speak to Y/N. She wanted to have her for herself and get to know the woman better. 
Y/N felt a pair of eyes on her back the whole time. She suppressed the urge to turn around and look at Logan. She was more than sure it was him staring at her. It kept happening until they arrived at the empty bar. 
It looked like an old dive bar. Country music was playing in the background. An older-looking man was standing behind the bar, cleaning glasses. He had short white hair and glasses on his nose. When his grey eyes found a group of mutants at the door, he smiled. 
“Welcome, friends,” he greeted them with a raspy voice. “I was wondering when I will see you again. Come, sit. Ah, I see a new face here,” his lips crooked into a smile. 
Rogue grabbed Y/N by the shoulder and brought her closer to the man. “This is Y/N,” she said happily. “She’s been with us for some time now.” 
“Nice to meet you,” said Y/N, shaking hands with the man. 
“What can I get you, sweetheart?” he asked. 
“A beer would be nice, thank you,” she replied with a smile. They told her the owner was a mutant. What was his mutation? 
Rogue took her to the table where the rest of the people were seated. Y/N sat next to Storm, right opposite Logan. Rogue sat by the man’s side. 
It felt like a friendly gathering. The atmosphere was inviting. It’s been years since Y/N felt safe in a group. They were all like her, unique and not criminals. When Y/N’s eyes travelled around the table, her soul got warmer and relaxed. A gentle smile appeared on her face. She listened to Bobby talk about his day. The teens got on his nerves today. 
“In case you haven’t heard,” Storm interrupted him. “Y/N will become the newest English and Literature teacher.” 
“No kidding!” Rogue shouted excitedly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
All eyes were on her now. “I asked the Professor today,” she explained. “I don’t know. I simply didn’t. I kind of forgot, I guess.” 
“Another smartass,” Logan commented. 
“Aren’t you one, too?” Y/N glared at him, her lips turning into a grin. “Listen, I asked if he’d need an English teacher, and Charles said yes. I’m glad that I would be able to repay him at least a little.” 
The bartender brought them a tray of beers. They all grabbed one. Y/N put the drink to her lips and took a sip. Then another one. Before she knew it, she drank the whole glass in one go. She burped a little and smiled. “Damn, that was a good beer.” When her eyes lifted from the empty glass, everyone stared at her. Some had their mouths open, and others were impressed. “What? It’s been years.” 
“You’ll be out before you know it,” Bobby warned her. “Be careful.” 
“So,” Rogue clapped her hands. It got everyone’s attention. “Since we are all here, let’s get more information about Y/N.” 
“Oh, no,” Y/N hid her face in her hands.
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” Storm nudged her shoulder. “We want to know everything about you. Let’s start with the basics. Tell us something interesting about yourself. For example, I like gardening.” 
Y/N peeked at Storm, raising a brow. “That’s quite shocking. I could never picture you in a garden, on your knees and covered in dirt.” 
“The more you know. Now, it’s your turn.” 
“Ah,” Y/N sighed and thought about her life. “I used to attend guitar lessons,” she said after a while. “My parents made me take guitar lessons. That was years ago. I don’t think I remember anything.” 
“At least someone who’s not tone-deaf,” Peter commented. “I can’t listen to some of you singing off-key.” 
“I’m saying I played the guitar, not that I can sing,” Y/N corrected him. 
“It’s still the same,” Peter shrugged. 
“Anything else?” Storm asked. 
Y/N’s eyes moved around the place. She found darts and a pool table farther away. “Nothing is interesting about me,” she said. “I’m going to get another beer. Anyone want anything else?” she asked them. 
Y/N’s eyes fell on Logan’s empty glass, and she raised a brow. Their eyes locked. It was a silent plea to save her from the interrogation. “I’ll go with you,” he said. 
They walked from the table and straight to the bar. Logan ordered them more beer. He leaned against the wooden counter, elbows resting on it. “Everyone is curious about you,” he commented. 
“I hate that,” she sighed. “It’s like going to a confession. They all get information, and I get nothing out of it. It makes me nervous. I feel like the least interesting person here.” She turned her body to him. “Back in the day, when I started high school, this was a nightmare. People wanted to know everything to convince themselves that their lives were more interesting than others.” 
Logan’s eyes travelled around her body until they landed back on her face. “True,” he shrugged. “But here, people are genuinely curious and want to know you. You are part of the team, you know?” 
“It feels forced,” said Y/N. 
The bartender handed them beers, and he winked at Y/N. She chuckled at that. He wasn’t too discreet about the flirting. Then again, she didn’t mind. 
Her eyes landed on the pool table again. “Listen. Do you want to play?” she pointed with her head. 
Logan turned to look at it and then back at her, smirking. “Not only do you want me to kick your ass during training. You also want to lose playing pool?” 
“Is that a threat I hear in your voice? I will beat you,” she threatened with a finger.
“Only one way to find out, princess,” he grabbed his beer. “We’ll have a game, Stan,” Logan said to the bartender. 
Storm and Kitty watched them walk around the pool table and play. They both had grins on their faces, squabbling here and there. “They are so blind,” Kitty whispered to Storm.
“Let them have this dance,” Storm whispered back. “Five bucks, they’ll end up together by the end of the month.” 
“I’m giving them a week,” Bobby joined on the bet. 
Y/N held the billiard cue tightly in her hand. Logan was the one who started the game. They flipped a coin, and he won. Logan got himself solids while Y/N remained with the stripes. When he screwed up his move, it was time for her to play. The last time she played pool was years ago. It was a game she wasn’t able to master. All she could do was to try and have a good time. 
She sank one of her balls and moved to another one. She leaned over the table, placed the cue on the table and focused. There weren’t any good shots for her. Therefore, she had to play something and try. 
Logan stood next to her and laughed. “Your stance is wrong,” he said. He reached for her hand and brought it higher on the cue. 
His body was oh so close to her, and Y/N forgot how to breathe. She could smell the cigars, a heavy man’s cologne and something musky. When he pulled away, his hand brushed against her lower back. It made her hit a ball that sank one of his solid balls. “Shit,” she cursed. 
Logan’s howling laughter echoed around the bar. “You really want me to win, princess.” 
“You are distracting me,” she frowned at him when she straightened her stance. She reached for her beer and drank from it. 
Her eyes were stalking him, watching his every move. When did he light up a cigar? He held it between his lips while he played his turn. Y/N huffed. She took off her leather jacket and threw it on the nearest chair. Then, she fixed her blouse and popped open the highest button to show some cleavage. If he could distract, so could she. 
He sank two other balls when the third try was unsuccessful. “Fuck,” he growled. 
Y/N snickered. She walked to the table and scanned her stripes. This round sucked. There was nothing good to play. She sat at the edge and held the cue behind her back. 
“You won’t be able to make it,” Logan stared at the scene. “It’s a difficult move, kid.” 
Y/N exhaled and hit the red stripe ball perfectly. “Ha!” she shouted happily when the ball sank. “Did you see that?” 
Logan smiled at her and rolled his eyes. “Go on, it’s still your turn,” he goaded her. “Show me what else you can do.” He took a drag of the cigar.
Y/N felt confident. Even though she was three balls behind, she started to believe she could win. She gave him a smug face as she walked around the table, trying to find another good shot. It was all fun and games. When she brushed past him, Logan wanted to grab her by the neck and bring her lips to his. He only took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts away. 
Y/N leaned over the table and hovered the cue on the table. There was one ball that had the potential of being taken down. She took a deep breath. Again, Y/N felt Logan’s eyes on her body. She started burning up. With this knowledge, she hit the white ball, and with some dumb luck, she managed to sink the black eight ball. 
“No!” she shouted, horrified. 
Logan’s roaring laughter brought everyone’s attention. “Holy shit,” he placed a hand on his belly. “You did not!”
Y/N leaned against a wall and hid her head in her arms. “What the fuck was that?!” she shouted, pissed. 
Laughter came from the table where the rest of the people sat. They saw what happened. “Oh, Y/N, no,” Kitty gasped, laughing. 
“I’m never playing this dumb game again,” Y/N made a dramatic announcement. “Oh my god,” she pushed from the wall and turned around. She noticed all eyes on her. “Listen,” she blushed. “I am talented. I am the best there is. I should stick to drinking,” she said ironically. 
“Hey, hey,” Logan walked to her and put his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. “If you’d like, I can also kick your ass while playing darts,” he teased. 
She glared at him. “Very funny,” she shook off his hand and went to get her beer. “I will kick your ass when we have the next training session,�� she threatened. Once she got to her beer, she went back to him. “I will find a way to burn all your clothes.”
Logan tilted his head and grinned. “If you want to see me without clothes, all you need to do is ask.” 
“Is that a challenge?” she looked into his eyes and wiggled her eyebrows. “Think twice, or you might regret it.” And then, she drank the rest of her second beer in one go. “Refill?” 
He snorted. “You’ll get drunk, princess.” 
“Well, you only live once, right?” she shrugged and walked to the bar to order another beer. 
The rest of the night went smoothly. Everyone talked and laughed. Y/N wasn’t interrogated as she was at the very beginning. Bobby told her about the students and what to expect from them. Kitty added some of her funniest memories and challenges as a teacher. Storm included what to do when the school is under attack.
“It happens,” she said. “Not often, but at least once a year.” 
Before they knew it, Y/N was on her fifth beer and feeling it. Her face was burning, the world spinning, and she could feel it in her veins. Her voice got louder, and words went flying out of her mouth.
“I love my life,” Y/N said out of nowhere. Some giggles spread around. “Everything’s good, you know? I have a place to sleep, food to eat, and amazing friends,” she said with a wide smile. “I fucking hope we are friends.”
“Of course we are,” Bobby nodded.
“No more beer for you, young lady,” said Peter. “By the way, how is it possible to get drunk from beer?” 
She took a big, dramatic breath. “Let me tell you a short story, my friend. When you are locked up for years, barely able to eat and an involuntary abstainer, you can get drunk easily.” 
More laughter followed. “Take it easy, girl,” Storm patted her shoulder. 
Y/N stood up from their table. “I’m going outside to take a breather and clear my head.” She tripped over her feet but managed to stand tall. “It’s the floors,” she blamed it. 
The midnight air was cold. Y/N walked outside without her leather jacket. She wrapped her arms around herself and closed her eyes. Getting drunk was not the plan. On the other hand, the beer tasted good. It eased her nerves. Walking around Logan got easier the more she drank. That fucker was such a tease. 
Y/N let her hair loose and put the elastic band between her fingers. She let her hair fall over her shoulders and face. 
How would his lips feel against mine? Where did that question come from? Her mind was racing miles. All she could see was Logan’s face and those lips she wanted to taste. She shook her head to get rid of those thoughts. 
“You okay, kid?” 
She sighed. Of course, Logan would be the first one to check up on her. It was nice. But it brought back all those impure thoughts. 
“I’d like another beer,” she said to him. 
“Go get some. But I’m warning ya, I’m not the one carrying ya back to the school.” 
“I’m not asking you to,” Y/N winked at him. When she took a step, she almost tripped again. Sighing, she said, “Seriously, what is with the floor?” 
“Y/N, you are drunk,” said Logan. “The floor is fine. Also, you are outside, so there is ground under your feet. I think it’s time to go back to school.” 
“You are right,” she nodded and yawned. “I’m going to get my jacket. I’ll head back to school. You guys have fun.” Y/N wanted to walk inside to get her belongings. However, Logan stopped her. Y/N was about to protest, but she noticed he already had her jacket. “How did you get that? You are not the one who can run fast. That’s Peter.” 
Logan was a bit annoyed when she mentioned his name. He put the jacket around her shoulders. “Come on, princess. Let’s get ya home.” 
“You are coming with me?” she looked up at him, confused. “Why?”
“You think I’m letting you walk there alone in this state? Come on, Y/N, I’m not leaving you when you are drunk and barely able to walk on your own.” 
A bright smile appeared on her face. “Aw, you are my knight in shining armour,” she sang. 
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sydsaint · 6 months
If you don't think he's the hottest member of The Bloodline you are simply wrong I fear.
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Summary: The reader is an old NXT friend of Solo's that makes her debut on Smackdown to challenge Iyo for her championship.
"You wanna tell me why the hell you dragged me down here when we could be chilling in the locker room right now?" Jimmy complains from Solo's side as they make their way through the backstage area. 
"I told you earlier," Solo replies vaguely. "There's something that I want to see." 
Jimmy scoffs but continues to follow his baby brother. The pair finally come to a stop backstage over by the production crew. Jimmy idles by and watches Solo intently turn his attention to the monitor set up against the wall displaying the action in the ring. 
Iyo is currently out in the ring with the rest of damage control and talking about who her next opponent is going to be. "What are we waiting for here, Solo?" Jimmy starts to get annoyed by the lack of information Solo is providing him. 
Suddenly, entrance music that Jimmy doesn't recognize blasts through the arena speakers. Solo cracks a rare smile and points to the monitor while the crowd out in the arena all go wild. "That's what we're waiting for." He points to the monitor. 
"What? Who?" Jimmy steps forward to get a better look at whoever Solo seems to be excited to see. "Y/N L/N? Who's that?" He turns back to Solo with even more questions than before. "And why do you care so much?" 
"Y/N and I are old friends from my NXT run," Solo explains. his gaze still transfixed on the monitor. "I haven't talked to her since I left NXT. But when I heard rumors backstage that some A-list talent from NXT was getting called up to Smackdown to challenge Iyo, I knew it was going to be her." 
Jimmy turns his gaze back on the monitor as you march your way to the ring with no fear. Damage Control all encircles you to protect Iyo, but you pay them little to no mind. Iyo is the one you're here for. And no one is going to squander this opportunity for you. 
"Long time no see, Iyo." You flash a smug smile at the current Smackdown Women's champ. "I'm going to guess that you're smart enough to know why I'm here?" You add. "So why don't we skip the niceties and get right to it?" 
"You're a little outnumbered here, don't you think?" Bayley scoffs from Iyo's side. 
You turn your attention to Bayley for a second. "No one asked, Bayley." You inform her nonchalantly. "I'm here for Iyo, that's it. So everyone else? Well, you're all just in my way." 
Bayley scoffs and nudges Asuka and Kairi at her side. Dakota laughs with them but she's still not cleared for action, so you know that you don't have to worry about her. 
"That's some ego you got there, newbie." Bayley's attention snaps back to you after whispering with Asuka and Kairi for a moment. 
"It's not ego if you're just that good, Bayley." You reply. "And trust me on this. I am that good." You assure her. 
Backstage, Jimmy watches with intrigue as you work your mic skills against Damage Control. "Well, she's certainly got balls, that's for sure." He turns to Solo. 
"You ain't seen nothing yet." Solo cracks a knowing grin and nods to the monitor. 
After a bit more verbal sparring Bayley is the first one to attempt an attack on you, she goes for a clothesline which you dodge swiftly. Asuka and Kairi plan a combo attack but you send both of them out of the ring as well. Dakota retreats since she can't fight, and all that's left is the woman that you're after. Iyo Sky. 
"Look's like you're out of goons, Iyo." You laugh and gesture to the rest of Damage Control all laid out on the floor. 
Not about to back down from the challenge, Iyo makes her attack and the two of you trade a few blows. You get the upper hand and send Iyo out of the ring to join the rest of her crew. Iyo's championship belt remains on the mat in front of you so you pick it up and raise up to a roaring crowd. 
"You and me, Iyo! Royal Rumble!" You issue the challenge with the belt held high in your hands. "It's time the 'Genius of the Sky' got grounded." 
You leave the belt in the middle of the ring and hop down off the apron. Iyo glares at you from the safety of her peers and retrieves her belt while you make your way up the ramp. 
Backstage, Jimmy shakes his head in awe of your performance. "Damn. I can see why the two of you were friends." He chuckles. 
A few minutes later you enter the room and spot Solo hanging around with his brother. Having not seen your former NXT buddy in almost a year, you head over to him. 
"Well, I'll be damned." You march over to Solo with a smile. "If it ain't the hardest working man in The Bloodline." You tease. "Solo! It's been too long, man." 
"Y/N, it's good to see you." Solo nods and opts for a side hug. "I see that you haven't lost your touch." He alludes to your performance out in the ring with Iyo and Damage Control. 
You giggle and nod. "You know me, Solo. I take what I want. No matter who's in my way, or what I have to do to get it." You remind him. 
"Solo was saying that the two of you used to run back in NXT?" Jimmy speaks up from Solo's side. 
"Yep." You turn to Jimmy. "Solo's the only one that I could ever get to train with me on the regular. Everyone else was too afraid." You laugh. 
Jimmy nods, starting to see why you and Solo were such good friends. You turn back to Solo with another smile and get back to catching up with your old friend. "Anyhow. Nick Aldis signed me to the brand so get ready to see a lot more of me, Solo." You inform him. "Especially with a title belt around my waist. Because I am so kicking Iyo's ass at the Rumble." 
"Oh for sure." Solo agrees. "You busy after the show? I'd love to catch up some more." He asks you. 
"Yeah, I'm free." You nod. "Just shoot me a text after the show. Now, I've got a meeting with Aldis that I probably shouldn't be late for. But we'll talk later, Solo." You dismiss yourself. 
Solo nods and waves you off. He waits until you are out of sight before he turns back to his waiting brother. 
"So you two definitely did it right?" Jimmy asks. 
"What? No!" Solo scoffs. 
"Liar," Jimmy replies with a smug laugh. "You most definitely hit that, bro." He insists. 
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ladykailitha · 5 months
Never Hold Back Your Step... Part 2
Hey, hey! I told you you'd see more this story soon.
In this one, Nancy and Steve butt heads, and Eddie and Steve talk about having to hide their relationship. Then it gets a little spicy.
Part 1
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Going to regionals proved to be a sticking point between him and Nancy. Every time she got within speaking distance it was all she would talk about. Even sweet, patient Jonathan was starting to get annoyed.
That strange limbo of a week after state and a before regionals it all finally came to a head.
“All I’m saying is that the money could go to the arts,” Nancy said when Eddie, Steve, and Jonathan all rolled their eyes.
“The swim relay team going to regionals is a big deal,” Steve huffed. “It’s unprecedented. A school of Hawkins’ size has never made it to regionals. In fact Couch Hall was saying that we might even have a chance at nationals. Like a really good chance. We could break records. Lyle, Nick, and Ezra have good chances of being scouted to college teams. Hell I have a good chance of being scouted.
“But I’m talking specifically about them because they need the scholarship to get into the nicer schools. Why can’t you let this little vendetta against the swim team getting to go to regionals go? I’m sorry funding was cut to the newspaper. I am. But stop blaming the four of us for it.”
He slammed his locker and strode away leaving a very stunned trio in his wake.
Eddie licked the bottom of his lip. “Look, I’m not going to pretend I understand why he’s still friends with either of you,” he turned to Jonathan with a nod, “no offense, man.”
Jonathan scoffed. “None taken. Honest.” He held up his hands to show he meant no harm.
Nancy stomped her foot. “It’s none of your business.”
Eddie leaned over her. “Now that’s where you’re wrong, Steve will always be my business and if you can’t let this sports thing go, maybe avoid him until it’s over.”
She rolled her eyes. “Like you care about sports anymore than I do.”
“You’re right,” he said with a menacing growl. “I don’t care about sports, but I sure as hell care about Steve. He wants to be happy about making it to regionals, but you won’t let him. Knock it off.”
“You’re a smart girl, if you want more money funded to the arts,” Eddie said, “you’ll find a better way then by harassing your ex.” He turned on his heel and went off to find Steve.
If Steve avoided his locker for the next week, with Eddie or Jeff getting his stuff for him, his friends wisely said nothing. Eddie wasn’t sure if Nancy had taken his advice or if Steve was successfully dodging her, but it didn’t matter because he feel the change come over Steve like a warm welcoming blanket. He was focused on the upcoming meet and practicing every day after school with relay team and was happier then in had been in a long time.
Eddie also tried to push down the jealousy that boiled up in his stomach every time he saw Nick or Lyle sharing a joke with Steve as they walked out from practice to him waiting for them in the parking lot.
The only thing that kept Eddie from marching over there and staking his claim was that Steve would say goodbye as soon as he spotted Eddie. They could be in the middle of the greatest discovery known to man, but as soon as Steve saw Eddie in the parking lot, he would say his goodbyes and trot over to where he would be standing outside his van.
Once they were on their way, Eddie asked, “What do you tell them about me picking you up from practice?”
Steve took a deep breath. “I told them my car wasn’t working and that I had to wait until my parents were home again to get it fixed.”
“And when it suddenly works again next week?” Eddie asked with a raised eyebrow.
Steve grinned. “Miraculous!” He waved his hands in the air.
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, okay.”
Steve took his hand. “I know this is hard for you and I want you to know it’s hard for me too.” He played with the singular ring on Eddie’s right hand.
“Yeah?” Eddie breathed.
“I don’t know if you ever had to witness the trainwreck of my relationship with Nancy,” he murmured, “but I’m super touchy-feely boyfriend. I Iike kissing by my locker, I like picking them up and spinning them around as a greeting, I like touching them in some way, like all the time. And that I can’t with you is killing me.”
Eddie pulled off to the side of the road. “Sweetheart, why didn’t you say something?” He had been feeling like he was alone in his fears, but hearing Steve’s confession cracked open something in him. A protective instinct to hide this boy away from every bad thing in the world.
Steve continued to play with the ring. “I didn’t want you to think I was being too clingy.”
That word. That horrible little word. It was final. He was going to go over to Nancy’s Wheeler’s house and forcibly make her apologize to Steve for every little thing he could think of. She took the sweetest, goofiest little dork and broke him to the point he lost all confidence in himself.
Steve had been firm that there was bad blood on both sides of his former relationship with Nancy Wheeler, but Eddie still had a hard time seeing that scales were anything but unbalanced in favor of Steve coming up roses. Like literal fucking roses. Steve had said that he had gotten sidetracked by Dustin when he went to apologize to her for their fight, and he had bought actual fucking roses. That girl did not deserve Steve in the slightest.
Eddie grabbed Steve’s hand and held it tightly in his. “Baby, have you met me? I make literal koalas look standoffish. But it is going to be way harder for you then for me. I’m used to people thinking the absolute worse about me. I don’t like it, but it’s a fact of my existence.” He brought Steve’s fingers to his lips. “You, on the other hand, went from...”
Eddie closed his eyes. “I don’t want to say being able to get away with anything. Because even I know that’s bullshit. But it was pretty damn close. And now you’re off the basketball team and they didn’t even make it to district finals much less state because you weren’t there. You’re still making waves with the swim team–”
Steve giggled.
“Laugh it up, smart ass,” Eddie snarked. “You knew what I meant.”
Steve ducked his head. “I know, but listening to you always makes me happy inside and that was too delicious a pun to pass up.”
“I make you happy, baby?” Eddie murmured, leaning across the center console.
Steve nodded, his blush tinting more than just his cheeks red. The flushing skin went from the tips of his ears all the way down that delicious column of throat.
“You make me happy, too,” Eddie breathed. “But the point I was trying to make is that I’m used to sneaking around, even if I don’t like it anymore then you do. It’s going to be a lot harder for you, and it’s something I’m going to have be reminded of once in a while, okay?”
Steve smiled, his eyes sparkling with warmth.
“Now come on,” Eddie said, pulling back into traffic. “I need to get you to my place, because Uncle Wayne isn’t home and I would really, really like to hear all the pretty sounds you make when you’re in my bed.”
Steve ducked his head.
“I need to see how far down that blush goes,” Eddie growled.
“Then you better step on it,” Steve whispered, lowering his eyelids and looking up at him through his eyelashes.
Eddie hit the gas and prayed to the traffic gods that a cop didn’t pull them over as he shifted in his seat to try get his erection to shift so it wasn’t so painful against his zipper.
They were barely through the door when they fell all over each other. Hands and mouths seeking their favorites spots on each other’s bodies. They grasped at the clothes that became a barrier to their want. By the time the backs of Steve’s knees hit the edge of Eddie’s bed, Steve was only wearing one loose sock and Eddie was completely naked.
“Baby,” Steve whispered. “I need you.”
Eddie let out feral growl as he bullied Steve onto the bed, tossing the sock over his shoulder. “Thinking of you in that skimpy little Speedo, water dripping down your toned, tan chest as you exit the pool, gets me so hard baby.”
Steve grinned. “You like that?”
Eddie grounded his cock into Steve’s and Steve let out a breathy moan. “It’s why I haven’t been able to actually watch you practice, Stevie. You’re practically sin on legs when you look like that.”
“If I’m sin, Eds,” Steve whined, “then you’re the devil himself.”
“Sap,” Eddie teased. He pecked a kiss on his boyfriend’s lips. “God, I love you so much.”
Steve wrapped his hand around Eddie’s neck, slipping underneath the curtain of curls. He pulled him closer. “I love you, too.”
Their bodies moving in time with their breath. Hands clasped together as Eddie continued to make the most delicious sounds come out of Steve. Breathy moans, little gasps, his name bubbling from those kissable lips. Eddie devoured each one. And then with one final shuddering gasp Steve came. Eddie swallowed that one, too before his own release came with a grunt.
Eddie got up and cleaned them off. He then slid into the bed next to Steve.
Steve pulled him close, so they were cuddling, Eddie’s head resting on his chest.
“I’m sorry you can’t be as affectionate as you want in public, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured. “Does it ever...I mean do you ever–”
Steve squeezed him tightly. “Never. You keep saying how hard it is for me and while that’s true up to a point, there is no doubt in my mind that this is worth it.”
Eddie raised his head. “Yeah?”
Steve kissed him deeply. “Always.”
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Just a little heads up for this story, the first part of this story is NOT Nancy friendly. She feels vindicated about cheating on Steve because he is gay and really takes it out on him. Nancy and Jonathan also don't know that Steve wrote that comic book for Eddie and Eddie is more aware then they think he is.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @counting-dollars-counting-stars @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @angels-of-hades @mugloversonly
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short-honey-badger · 3 months
Peppermint Tea 31 - All Blends 2
Holy crap is this chapter a doozy lol. It's quite a bit longer than my other chapters. Lotta stuff happens. So I hope you enjoy!
Warnings! None this time? Sad stuff happens ofc. We are introduced to someone new.
P.s. I was going to use some random son for Big Mom but like. I did a Lil research and I can't help but like Katakuri. 😬 again. I apologize if Big Mom and Kata seem a bit off. I'm trying to keep myself spoiler free for the anime.
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Benn runs through the courtyards of Mihawk's castle, dodging swipes from the Humandrals until he hears the sound of striking steel. He turns that way, picking up speed as he goes until he arrives at a small clearing in the dirt. Shanks and Mihawk are both grinning, a joy so easy to see that Benn thinks he may go blind. Usually, he'd stay and watch, but he can still hear your terrified voice pleading for help.
He slides to a stop, and the two men sparing turn and look at him, brows raised.
“Benn? What's going on?” Shanks asks his first mate. Benn wouldn't come get him unless it was important.
“It's, _ Shanks. They found her.”
The temperature of the surrounding area plummets, and all ambient noise disappears. Neither man can believe what they are hearing. They'd both been so sure that no one would be able to find your tiny island tucked away in Paradise, so close to the Calm Belt that most ships would be torn apart by sea kings. How could this have happened?
“What did you say?” Mihawk hisses and his grip on Yoru tightens to the point of pain, his nails digging into the flesh of his palm. He ignores the feeling of hot liquid dripping down his hand.
Shanks isn't faring much better. He looks ashen, pale faced and nervous. He and Benn share a look, one that Mihawk easily catches.
“_ called the transponder snail. She said that the Big Mom pirates had made landfall,” Benn frowns, one hand running through his graying hair.
“She sounded terrified.”
Mihawk is moving before his mind fully registers what's going on. He speeds through the castle, grabbing his coat and bag he'd packed the other day in case you called them. His haki is lashing, sending furniture falling and making the old stone walls of the castle crack and fracture. The ringing of his snail grabs his attention, and Hawkeye grabs it before loping out of the castle and to the bay.
Shanks is right behind him, Benn keeping up with his captain. It is with a silent, shared look with his lover that Mihawk reluctantly steps aboard the Red Force. He isn't fond of being on another's ship, especially one as big as this one, but like hell, would he let the younger man out of his sight.
While Shanks is barking orders, Mihawk takes the time to answer the still ringing snail that he clutches too tightly.
“Mihawk! Finally! I've been calling forever!”
Perona’s shrill voice is a little comfort, but fear still clutches Dracule by the heart. She is rattling on before he can get a word in.
“You've got to get back to _’s island. She thinks it might be Big Mom and her crew!”
Mihawk feels a vein pop in his brow with his hard he scowls down at the snail.
“I know! Where are you? How quickly can you go back?”
“I'm three days out! So, two and a half if the sea doesn't hate me. What if she's already gone? What if…what if it's worse?”
Mihawk can hear the thickness in Perona’s voice and knows that the ghost girl is probably crying now, having worked herself up in a tizzy. He sighs heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Perona. I need you to calm down, girl. Listen to me when I say that _ will be fine. We can handle anything that's happened, but I need you to do something for me, okay?”
He hears the pinkette sniff over the transponder, but she sounds like she's gotten a hold of herself.
“Okay. What do you need me to do?”
“I need you to go back to her island. Find out if she's still there, but be safe. If you see her jolly roger, then you sail right to us. You've got your log pose, right?”
Perona sniffs again and nods even though her father-figure can't see it, “Yeah.”
“Good. If the island is clear, then investigate carefully.” He stresses the word, “Call me back as soon as you can, got it?”
“Yes, Mihawk. Will she really be okay?”
His heart breaks at the fear that he can hear swimming in his charge’s voice. He licks his lips. He is terrified in all honesty, but he keeps it together for her sake.
“She will be. Be safe, Perona.”
The ghost girl assures the older man that she will be careful and the transmission ends after that. Mihawk pockets the snail and looks around the ship to try and find Shanks.
The redhead is at the helm, still barking orders at his crew. Dracule picks his way past the pirates until he arrives at his lover's side. Shanks glances at him and then looks away, his haki curling tight around himself as if he was trying to hide away from the other man. Mihawk can't help but feel a little hurt.
Shanks is panicking. How could he tell Mihawk that all of this was his fault? That it had been him That had slipped up, his lips loose with drink and his heart heavy with wistful thoughts of his treasure that night so long ago.
The hawk hadn't trusted him with this from the beginning, and it killed him to admit that Mihawk had been right about Shanks after all? All the trust and affection that his lover had given him would go up in flames so quickly that Shanks wouldn't even be given a chance to mourn it. The redhead had little doubt that Mihawk would spirit you away from him as soon as he was able once he found out about his mistake.
The captain keeps himself busy for as long as he is able, but Mihawk is nothing if not patient, and he stays by his side until there are no more orders to be said. Before he can make a getaway, his hawk grabs him by the arm and practically drags him across the deck and into the Captain quarters. Shanks could have wrestled away, but then Mihawk would have been even more suspicious of him.
Shanks is shoved in a chair, and his lover putters around the room, pouring them both a drink before settling down in the seat across from Shanks. He sips delicately, but Shanks' nerves have him knocking back the glass of rum like it's a shot of whiskey. He jumps when Dracule speaks up.
“Perona is three days out from _’s island. She'll call me with news as soon as she gets there and if the island is clear or not.”
Shanks forces himself to nod. He licks his lips and scrubs his hand through his hair, “Good. That's good.”
Mihawk raises a brow at the other man's attitude. The man was acting more like a scared rabbit than the powerful Emperor that Dracule knows him to be. He sets his glass away and stands, crossing the short distance to stand between the redhead’s legs, and sets his hands on those tense shoulders. Mihawk guides him forward to rest his head against his bare chest, and his hands snake up to thread into red hair.
“How are we going to find her, Mihawk?”
The Emperor’s voice sounds shot, broken and beaten, and it breaks his heart listening to it. His grip tightens in Shanks’ hair, and Mihawk sighs softly.
“I don't know. But we'll search every island in Big Mom’s territory if we have to.”
~~~~~ Tomura ~~~~~
Tomura dashes through the streets of the city, a mischievous smirk on his face when he looks behind him and sees his little sister chasing after him. You look furious, but the expression just looks adorable on her chubby baby face. Tomura had snatched her favorite blanket this morning to try and wake up the sleepy head, and the chase had been on since.
Obviously, he wasn't going as fast as he could. Tomura was older than her by almost a decade, after all, and he didn't want his sister to get lost in the crowds of people. Not that the citizens of their Kingdom would let their only princess get lost.
The people laughed and urged her in the way her oldest brother ran, encouraging her to catch up to him. Their king and Queen had always been kind to their subjects, and in turn, they stayed loyal to the royal family.
Tomura slows to a stop, ducking behind a stall selling fruit and waiting for his little sister to dash past him. He springs out and grabs her by the waist, spinning you around in the air. You shriek in laughter, clutching at his wrists as he turns his lower body into dust and flies back the way he came, back to the castle and to where breakfast awaits.
Tomura opens his eyes, squinting when the sun makes them water. He wonders what you look like now. Had you found a way to survive and flourish after he left you behind? Would you even remember him? The thought of you not knowing who he is made his chest tight with fear and his throat clog with emotions he carefully hid from his men. Could you forgive him for leaving you behind, even if it had been the best course of action?
An angry scowl twists his lips, and Delemur lets out a string of quiet curses, mostly centered around a certain red-headed Emperor who had somehow stumbled across the safe house. Damn Red-Haired Shanks.
“Captain! We're going to make landfall soon!” The voice of one of his crew startled Tomura out of the fond memory and his less than savory thoughts. He rubs his face, sighing as he straightens up from where he'd been leaning on the railing.
“How long?” The white-haired man asks and looks at the lieutenant before him.
“Lookout said we're about thirty minutes out, Sir.”
Tomura nods. They would need to be prepared if some of Big Mom’s crew were there. Same with Shanks and his crew.
“Get the men prepared for a skirmish. Big Mom won't be here, but I'd bet she'd send some of her stronger men to get my sister.”
The news of his little sister being the reason behind his sudden disregard of orders had swept through the ship quicker than scurvy. But his marines were loyal, and technically, they were still chasing after pirates, so the higher ups could be too mad at them.
“Yes, Sir!” his lieutenant snapped, and then he was off, getting the other crew members up and running.
Tomura stalked to the front of the ship, and from here, he could see the outline of your island. His mouth twists in a grimace, and he prays that he's gotten here quick enough to beat Big Mom’s crew.
However, the closer he gets, the more his chest grows tight. There is grey smoke rising into the sky on the east side of the island, and even after so long away, Tomura knows that is where the safe house is.
The shore comes into view soon, and Delemur frowns when he sees a small ship docked at the shore, a large cross on the flag. He's seen that before, but he doesn't understand why Dracule Mihawk would have a shit all the way out here. Maybe it'd been stolen?
They drop anchor in the next couple of minutes, and Tomura flies ahead and drops to the sand, taking a look around with a frown. The beach looked awful, the beautiful sands trampled all the way up to where it became grass. Most of the lush forest had been torn down, most likely caused by the larger members of the raid party. He followed the trail up, picking up the pace until he was in an all-out run.
Tomura slides to a stop, sticken at the sight before him. The entire place is a disaster, the cottage a charred husk of what it used to be. The scent of burning wood is thick in the air, and the once lush and full gardens that you had cared for have been overturned and stomped on. He can see the broken remains of a small pen on the side of the building, but there were no animals in sight.
Carefully, he steps forward, bending down to collect a shard of green sea glass that had survived the fire. The Vice-Admiral flips it end over end then pockets it before walking inside the destruction. The living room is full of burned books and clothes, the furniture broken and ashen like the rest of the house. There is a shelf holding on for dear life, an old record player with a stack of melted records resting beside it.
Tomura moves to the kitchen, taking in the shattered glass of the window and the many planters that take up the majority of counter space, each plant dry and brittle or nothing but ash. A wind chime is still intact, and he reaches forward to brush the pads of his fingers across the metal tube, frowning when the beautiful melody fills the air. That kind of sound didn't belong in such destruction.
Onward Tomura goes, learning about his little sister as best he can through the ruins of her home. Your love for music and books could easily be seen, but how could he ever know what they were? What is your favorite song to listen to now, or what you liked to do on long lazy days. Were you all alone? The pen outside suggested his sister had found animals, but where were they?
Your bedroom was in a bit better shape from the rest of the house since the door had been shut before the fire had started. Tomura carefully sits on the ashen bed, green eyes looking at everything he can as quickly as he can see. He wanted to know everything about you. He had missed so much of your life, and the regret of leaving you behind was suffocating.
Would you have been safer in the military? Maybe, but Sengoku would have taken one look at you and your devil fruit and thrown you into training, just like they did with him. Tomura didn't want that for his baby sister. He had wanted you to live a good life, even if it would be a lonely one.
His thoughts are stalled when he catches sight of what hangs in your closet. His green eyes zero in on the long coat with a high collar decorated with intricate designs. Delemur knows that coat. He has seen it on the occasional times he had run into Mihawk.
The two of them had a mutual understanding to not speak about what had happened between them. Tomura didn't like that the older man had helped Big Mom, but being in the Navy gave him a different perspective. Not to mention his own skeletons hidden away in his closet, and in the end, Mihawk had been the reason that Tomura and his sister got out alive. They were even as far as he cared.
But seeing the Warlord’s coat made him pause. The tiny ship in the bay had already been suspicious, but the coat only added to his rising confusion. All the rumors had pointed at Shanks being the one to have found you, so then why in the fuck wasn't he seeing anything that might belong to the Emperor?
The sound of a bleating goat suddenly grabs his attention, and then he picks up the sound of his men shouting. Delemur bolts out of the house and finds Mihawk's pink charge, Perona glaring daggers at his men, specifically Private Nitchell, who points a shaking pistol at the young woman. Three chickens and an ornery looking goat stand behind her.
“What the fuck is going on out here?” He demands, and glares at the private, “Stand down, Nitchell. Does she look like a threat to you?”
The young man shakes his head, a blush high on his cheeks at getting reprimanded, “No, Sir! Sorry, Sir!”
The Vice-Admiral watches Nitchell stow his weapon and back up from where the ghost girl looks ready to tear his head off. Tomura rounds on the pinkette, cockimg a brow at her.
“Perona right? The hell are you doing here?” He demands and crosses his arms over his chest, unimpressed by the glare that she proceeds to aim at him.
“What's it to you?” She spits at him and floats up, crossing her own arms. He spots several ghosts behind her and prepares to turn himself into dust if one flies at him. He'd seen what those things could do. However, his annoyance skyrockets at her answer, and Tomura is hard pressed not to reach out and try to wring her neck.
“I asked you first,” he snarls right back, and feels like he is arguing with a little kid when Perona sticks her tongue out at him.
“I was coming to visit my friend, Navy Man. You should leave before my dad gets here.”
Tomura rolls his eyes and ignores the threat, “Your friend is my little sister. How did you find this place?”
Whatever argument that Perona was hyping herself up for deflated like a popped balloon when she registered what the marine said. She looks him over, dark eyes flickering from head to toe. The more she sees, the less Perona thinks that this man is lying. He looks like you. His cheekbones and brow are a familiar and comforting sight. But what should she tell him? Perona didn't think that Mihawk would be very happy with her if she happened to spill the beans on everything that he's been doing.
Perona licks her lips and floats back down, dismissing her ghosts and setting a hand on top of Neal's head. The goat grunts at her and butts his head into her hand, happy that the only other person he tolerated had found him and the three chickens hidden away in the intact part of the forest.
“Mihawk found this place a few years ago. After a while, he told me about your sister, and I wanted to be her friend. She seemed lonely, and I know what that's like,” Perona begins and shifts her weight with a sniff. She's been here for two days looking for anything that would help them find out where Big Mom’s crew may have taken you. The only luck she had was finding your goat and chickens. Hank and Sukuna were nowhere to be found.
Tomura's hands clenched into fists at the information. Mihawk had known about you for years, and Delemur was just now finding out about it. How were Shanks involved then? To his knowledge, the redhead and the hawk stayed away from one another. Until recently, that is.
Just what the hell had his baby sister gotten up to?
“She called me five days ago and said that some of Big Mom’s crew had found her island. I came as fast as I could, but I was too late. Shanks and Mihawk are on their way here now.”
Tomura doesn't like the thought of such powerful men working together and all for the sake of his little sister. What had you done to catch their attention? Did he even want to know the answer to that?
“How long until they get here?” Tomura asks after a moment. He would wait here until they arrived. At least he wouldn't have to go tracking the pirates down. He had a couple of choice words to give both of them now that he knows that Mihawk has been here as well. That bastard had looked him in the face not four months ago and had said nothing about knowing you.
Perona shrugs at him, her face morphing into a pout, “I don't know. Another week?”
Shanks and his crew were strong enough to go through the Calm Belt if they wanted to, and that would cut their travel time down by a lot. Gloom Island was a two week trip from here by normal means.
Tomura grumbles at having to wait that long, but he isn't that much of an asshole, and so stalks forward and offers Perona his hand.
“I apologize for getting off on the wrong foot with you. My name is Tomura. Thank you for being my sister's friend.”
The ghost girl blinks dumbly up at him before tentatively taking his hand and shaking it.
“Uh. You're welcome?” Perona has never been thanked for being someone's friend before. It was a little weird, but Tomura seemed genuine and kind like you. Just a bit more…violent it seemed.
Tomura blushes and takes his hand away, rubbing them together before pointing at Neal and the chickens, hoping to change the subject.
“Are those _’s?”
Perona nods and introduces Neal and the chickens. She couldn't remember if you had named the fowl, so she had taken it upon herself to name the rooster Henry and the two hens Harriet and Henrietta. The crew of his ship piddled around the island while Perona told Tomura stories about his little sister, and soon, the sun was beginning to set on the little island. He sighs heavily and invites Perona on his ship for dinner. They may as well get to know one another if they were to be stuck on an island together for the next couple of days.
Those days pass in the blink of an eye, and it is late in the evening on the fifth day when the lookout on his ship announces that the Red Force is entering the bay. Tension skyrockets, and Perona stands away from Tomura while they watch the pirate ship navigate to the shore. She can see two people standing at the bow of the ship, and tears of relief sprout in her eyes when she spots Mihawk's wide hat.
The fear and anxiety that Shanks has felt during the entire trip explodes the moment they spot the navy vessel docked at his treasure's island. Of course, the rumors had reached your brother. Shanks should have known Tomura would be on his way here to see you. He curls his haki close to himself, refusing to let the older man feel just how manic he is right now. He needed to keep his head clear for this.
Next to him, Mihawk's haki lashes like an angry snake, golden eyes wide and full of fire when he sees the ship. He recognizes who it belongs to and cuts his eyes over at Shanks, who won't even look his way. Dracule had been silent about his concerns with just how Big Mom had found out, and he doesn't like the picture that has been painted for him. He doesn't want to accuse anyone of anything until he has all the knowledge he needs.
Mihawk and Shanks flash to the shore, and the warlord gets an armful of sad ghost girl the second his feet touch sand. Perona buries her face in his chest, arms wrapping around his waist and holding the warlord tightly. Tears sprout and run down her cheeks, and Mihawk can do nothing but sigh and hold the young woman close, one hand stroking the back of her pink hair.
Shanks steps up beside him, a kind smile that he forces on his lips as he pats Perona on the back, “It's alright, kid. We're here now.”
Mihawk shoots him a grateful look, and thankfully, Perona decides to pull away, reaching up to wipe her eyes free of smeared makeup.
“It took you two long enough to get here,” She grumbles and takes a step away, turning to look over at the Vice-Admiral, “Tomura has kept me company.”
Dracule looks up and catches the Navy man's eyes, the green dark and full of suppressed rage. He doesn't expect the younger man to bypass him almost immediately, instead, aiming that almost familiar glare at Shanks. The tension deepens, and sand is kicked up by the haki that coils between the three men. Tomura wasn't anywhere near the pirate's power level, but that wasn't about to stop him. The Emperor was the one responsible for his baby sister getting taken.
“Did he, now,” Mihawk murmurs and carefully maneuvers Perona to stand slightly behind him. He didn't want her to get caught in this, and the Warlord could tell that whatever was about to happen wasn't going to be very pretty.
Tomura isn't here to beat around the bush and cuts straight to the case, “Did you have any fucking plans to tell me that you knew my sister, Mihawk? How the hell did you even find her?”
Mihawk keeps his face free of any kind of expression that may give away his true feelings. Brother or not, Mihawk wasn't in the mood to deal with this right now. Not when you were obviously still missing. What he doesn't expect is Tomura rounding on Shanks, his tone dropping and turning dangerous.
“And you, you son a bitch. You're the fucking reason my gods damned baby sister was found.”
The silence that blankets the shore of the island is deafening. Tomura grins meanly when he sees that panic that pools in Shanks’ dark eyes and stands taller, pointing an accusing finger at the redhead. Mihawk follows the gesture, his heart seizing in his chest when he catches sight of the look of devastation that paints his lover's face. He takes two steps back, bringing Perona with him, away from the man who had promised Dracule that he could trust him.
“You promised me, Shanks,” Mihawk remarks and tries to keep the hurt out of his tone, but the younger man easily picks up on it, making him feel worse than scum stuck to the bottom of his shoe. The hurt quickly turns to anger, and the warlord reaches for Yuro, the blade swinging around to point at Shanks.
“You promised me that you would keep your mouth shut! You drunken, lying bastard. I never should have put my trust in you again.”
His ringed eyes blaze with a rage Mihawk hasn't felt in decades. Not since he was young and impressionable. His heart feels shattered, and out of everything, disappointment rings through his body like a live wire. He shouldn't have allowed the redhead to pass his walls.
Shanks’ eyes widen at the threat, and he takes a couple of steps back from the wicked blade. His own hand curls around Gryphon, and Shanks braces for the fight that would no doubt happen because of his mistakes. He didn't want to fight Mihawk, but he would defend himself if the older man made the first move. He quickly began to explain before Dracule could try and take his head from his shoulders.
“I know, and I'm so sorry, Mihawk. I was drunk that night, and I missed the two of you so much. I didn't know I was being so loud until Benn told me to shut it. I never meant for any of this to happen.”
Shanks is pushed back when Mihawk's haki lashes out, his face flushed red from how angry he is at the lame excuse. How dare he.
“When are you not drunk off your ass, Shanks? There is no excuse that you can give me that will make any of this okay. _ is gone! Most likely slated to be married off to one of Charlotte’s sons because of your inability to keep your mouth shut!”
Perona grabbing him by the arm is the only thing that prevents Mihawk from following after Shanks. He glares at her, about to snap at the girl to let him go, when he sees the unshed tears and fear in her dark eyes.
“We need his help finding her, Mihawk,” Perona says, voice thick with emotion. She doesn't like seeing them fight, and it hurts seeing what she has begun to call family fall apart in front of her eyes.
Her words seem to bring everyone back to the situation at hand, and the wild haki from the three men is pulled back and settled. Tomura relaxes his shoulders, shifting his weight and glaring at the two pirates.
“She's right. Big Mom has a lot of territory. It'll take months for us to search each of her islands if we don't work together,” Delemur frowns even as he speaks, disliking the idea of working with the men who'd found his sister. What even were the three of them?
“What is she to you?” Tomura demands and regrets it the second both men look at him like he was an idiot.
“We,” Mihawk begins and then swiftly corrects himself. He didn't want anything to do with Shanks right now, “I love her. She had no idea who I was when I found her, and it was…refreshing to have someone like that. We should move quickly. _ is in a delicate state.”
Tomura doesn't even want to think about what that means and glances at Shanks for the redhead’s answer.
Shanks shifts his weight, his hand falling from his sword once Mihawk had sheathed his own, but he keeps his distance. He gives Tomura a helpless shrug.
“My crew and I drifted close to her island one day, and we got to know one another. I can admit I was jealous of what Mihawk had with her, so we made it work. The three of us.”
Tomura doesn't know what to say to that, so he keeps his mouth glued shut. How the hell had his little sister pulled not one but two of some of the most powerful men on the Grand Line. He would ask once he found her.
“I'll use whatever resources the Navy can give me to find her,” Tomura says after a moment of rather awkward silence. He reaches into his pocket and takes out two mini transponder snails, and hands them to Shanks and Mihawk.
“I'll ring you if I find anything. I hope the two of you do the same.”
Mihawk dips his head in agreement, handing the snail to Perona and Shanks pockets his. They would work together to find you, even if none of them wanted to.
“I'm going to take a look around and see if we can't find something that'll lead us in the right direction,” Shanks says and whistles loudly to signal to his crew that it was fine to disembark from the ship now. He chances a glance at Mihawk, but the dark-haired man refuses to look his way. He frowns, guilt eating him up from the inside out before he lopes away without a word.
“Perona and I will head to the New World and begin our search,” Mihawk says and then he struts to the ship Perona had taken from his island, not bothering to look back at the Vice-Admiral. He can't bring himself to search the island. Dracule had seen the smoke curling into the sky, and seeing whatever remained of his home away from home would only make the hurt worse.
Tomura is left standing alone on the white sands, and he sighs heavily, looking out over the crashing waves. He smooths his white hair away from his forehead, and he murmurs to himself.
“Where the hell did they take you, Princess.”
Thousands of miles away, you are escorted past hallways full of mirrors that make you feel dizzy if you look too closely. You cast your eyes back to the floor, one hand tangled in the fur of Hank's shaggy coat and the other holding Sukuna close to your chest. Your pets had chased after the men who had dragged you kicking and screaming from the tiny cave you'd forced yourself into.
Surprisingly, once they had seen that you were pregnant, the men had handled you with much more care and had even allowed you to take the cat and dog with you. Despite not wanting to leave, you had been much more willing once they assured you that you could have them. Hank and Sukuna were the only two things keeping you sane right now.
Sukuna wouldn't stop hissing, a constant low growl echoing in the hallway. His tail was poofed, and he glared at everyone with furious golden eyes. Hank fared no better, his hackles raised, and his ears pulled up. He stayed pressed against his human’s legs as they walked, unwilling to let you out of his sight.
It wasn't long before your group stopped at massive double doors that creaked open. You waltz inside, relieved at the lack of creepy mirrors, but that relief disappears the moment your eyes lay on who hovers in the middle of the room. She is the biggest human you've ever seen, sitting atop a cloud that glares down at you.
Beside her, another massive man stands. He has deep purplish hair, and the bottom half of his face is covered in a black and white scarf. He wears an open vest, and you can see a tattoo running down his exposed chest.
“It's about time you showed up,” Big Mom’s booming voice startles you, and you cut your eyes up to look at her. She grins down at you, her smile wicked as she looks you over.
“Such a pretty young thing. You'll make a nice wife for my son Katakuri. Don't you think so?”
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Thinking about toji
Tw: k!dnapping, K!LLING
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"Megumi.. baby?"toji said with a cracked voice "Yes papa?" "Get a nice job and make papa some money okAy.?"😃👁️👄👁️
Get this, your a jujutsu sorcerer. Your on his list and your so dam FINE. He kidnaps you instead of killing you.
Yeah sure toji loves him some money but how about he makes you his new househusband/wife?
Fucking you over the table while you make meals, his body is so FUCKING big compared to yours.
"cum all over my fukin' cock for me doll. F-fuck yeah just like that. Milk this cock"
You tried to escape a couple times or even attempted to kill him but that just ends up on you being his personal cock sleeve for the night. As he drills into you non stop no matter what you say until you pass out
"oh? Yah fucking sorry now huh? Want me to be gentle with you baby?" He would mock you, grab your throat and rub gently with his thumb on the bone with his big veiny hands. "Daddy's not gonna stop..mhmm shh shh stop crying. Stop fucking crying. Daddy's gonna fuck you well and your gonna stay with me mkay.." he'd slap your ass and tell you to stop moving your thighs so he could go balls deep inside of you. "Aww you can't breathe doll? Mmm but I bet you feel so FUCKING good on this cock right.. look at that bulge in ur belly baby. My cock fits you so well. Ah~ fuck me doll. Just like that.."
You even tried domain expansion but it was no use. As the sky turned pitched black when you turned around from running deep in the forest with him chasing after you and Shinto shrines began to form from it. He lunged at you, leaving your expansion incomplete as you went to dodge. Of course.. toji fucked you last night so your legs gave out and he knocked you out and picked you up bridal style. The faint smell of blood lingered from your nose.
You awoke to your hands and legs tied on a chair.
Toji was snickering under his breath. "I like you y/n. You keep me moving doll, this little fucking game of cat and mouse is getting tiring though. It's as if no matter how much i make you feel at home. And fuck you, you won't fucking stop. Annoying. Me-."
"mmm papa.. it's time for my m-medicine" poor little megumi had to come downstairs and see his "new momma/papa" all tied up and bleeding. He still gave a blank stare as if he was use to this. One day after prepping dinner toji came late and before that megumi mentioned how you we're the first one "Papa liked and hasn't got rid of" "yeah.. my real mommy. She died. But I heard papa saying earlier you we're really pwetty(pretty) and he is right! Your a great pawrent (parent) papa should be nice to you though.."
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Flash forward. Toji sighed. What the hell has his life come too. He uses you like a cocksleve and cant even afford his son's medication.
Maybe he should change. Or maybe, you should change him.
The next day toji didn't touch you. He made breakfast for the 3 of you. It was awkward considering how you we're always tied up for "family meals" and your cursed objects we're locked away. But after what megumi said about his mom. You stopped trying to fight back. Or at least that's what toji thought...
Part 2?
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