#Anti Ghetsis
kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Hi hi! For the ask game how about 🔪 + Pokémon, who you fighting to protect your sweetie? 😊 bonus![optional!] DO you fist fight this enemy or do you have an amazing team of pokemon who wipe their team out? 👀
I love this ask love it because at the bottom of my F/O list is a link to my Fictional Foe List, which while not as long as my F/O list is still a very important part of my self shipping.
Send me 🔪 and a fandom and I’ll tell you about my f/e (fictional enemy; character I would fight with my self-insert)
My Pokemon Black/White S/I does in fact throw hands more often than he Pokemon battles. That's probably not true actually but he does throw a lot of hands. Particularly at Ghetsis and Ghetsis' Hydreigon.
Ghetsis' Hydreigon is more for self defense, after cornering Team Plasma in Castelia for taking Bianca's Munna I'm not exactly ready to let the leader walk out without a fight. This is a mistake as Ghetsis decides to make an example out of us and sends out his Hydreigon, which doesn't just attack Pokemon, he lashes out at anything in sight. We all end up in the hospital, luckily with mostly minor fractures, though I ended up with a big gash in my shoulder from where he bit me. It wasn't a great time.
End game, final confrontation though, that's where we fight for the F/O. We beat N in the dragon fight, Ghetsis throws him down, calls him a freak without a human heart, raises a hand to strike him, and I do not hesitate to grab that old fool's arm and pull him down. I would have beat the shit out of him for it too, if not again for his Hydreigon.
Luckily my Pokemon Master's S/I does get to beat the actual shit out of Ghetsis, along side Guzma, with our fists because FUCK that old man Fuck Father or Foe there is no hesitation once Ghetsis shows his hand I am on top of him beating his face in!
There's other Pokemon character I'd like to throw hands with, Swordward and Shieldbert being first and formost, but Ghetsis is the only one I want to throw hands with to protect an F/O, particularly N who doesn't deserve such a crappy father.
I'll fist fight your shitty dad no questions asked.
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themattress · 12 days
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Credit to @illustrious-rocket for the idea.
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shouta-edits · 5 months
Content warning: incest, manipulation, age gap, and hostage mentions & imagery. Don't look if you dont like any of this content.
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"hiya !!! can i request a moodboard of n x ghetsis x s/i (characters are both from pokémon black and white) with themes of manipulation, incest (brothers and father/son), abuse, and keeping one of them hostage? sorry if im bad at descripting, english is very hard !!!!! 😭 appreciate your cooperation!" -anon requested
[Ps: sorry it took me so long; hope you still like the moodboard!]
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urfavisproship · 1 year
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Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius from Pokémon is Proship!
Antis DNI
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aaa fuck. pla dhau thoughts.
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teamplasmaofficial · 1 year
Err...I wouldn't take that as a good thing if I were you, Ghetsis. Rotomblr (and, other social media I guess) have been getting a problem of time travel...
Anyway, I'm drawing silly things everywhere in Unova, and you can't stop me <3
( 🍪 anon/anti-plasma anon)
Drawing silly things? What kind of things? Graffiti and vandalism are unlawful.
Time travel is, at this point in time at least, impossible. So do not worry about that.
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proselfshipsafespace · 2 months
seeing antis selfshipping with my problematic f/o is so strange. yes emily selfshipping with Doe is in fact problematic. he literally stabs you in one ending, he purposefully uses psychokinesis in another to force you to be with him, he would be a proshipper. how do you manage to be so close and so far away
also seeing antis selfshipping with him is bad but proshippers are fine for some reason?? but with antis i start losing it over how they mistreat my boy :( idk
op i feel the same way.. with some of the f/os im selective about sharing, that usually means i will smite you with the power of a thousands suns if youre an anti and selfship with my f/o /SLASH J
hypocrisy is nothing new, i saw an anti that selfshipped with ghetsis from pokemon which if you arent aware, is an abusive father who tried to take over the world so shit BEWILDERED me
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calebwittebane · 2 months
i have either great or terrible lily orchard event news for you; 6hr pokemon retrospective where nearly everything she says is wrong
my fave was the idea that b/w's story was an anti-critic screed from masuda himself (ft. "debate me bro" incel N)
oh, golly... i appreciate the news you bring me, royal messenger. honestly even if i had the time i know better than to engage with something like that. good lird, 6 hours. but to be honest i was already somewhat familiar with her takes on N and ghetsis, in particular them being Worst Antagonists Ever in part because they "talk too much"--as well as her deeming b/w as petty Anti-Critic non-storytelling--as i had stumbled across her tumblr posts about it once upon a time. calling N a debate bro just feels very in tune with that. overall when it comes to her pokemon takes its all just so flaccid it almost feels like half-hearted rage bait. just very very weak as far as "bizarrely bad takes on what should be quite easy to comprehend, on account of being major plot points in a very popular piece of media that appeals to most age groups, including, if not primarily, children" go.
by comparison, her takes on steven universe were groundbreakingly bad, and let me give you an example that really seared itself into my brain. it is widely known that she was very very insistent on comparing the diamonds to nazis specifically--in what i can only see as a combination of not knowing shit about history or geopolitics beyond an offensively shallow pop-culture-based idea of it, and extremely malicious digs at the jewish showrunner that lily held (holds?) a frankly concerning type of hatred towards. however, at one point she actually made a comparison, or more accurately implied an intentional analogy, between the star symbol that the crystal gems made the symbol of their rebellion, and the yellow patch. like, specifically making that comparison almost off-handedly while quickly giving a list of the reasons why the diamonds (who are, in case its not clear, cartoon villains who are big alien women who function as an allegory both for a strict traditionalist family and for the powers that be destroying the environment and people in it for resources, regardless of ones opinions on how well said allegories are executed. but i digress) are obviously stand-ins for nazis, and why the shows final message obviously ends up being that you have to be nice to nazis. man, just recounting all of that really makes me grimace in pain and second hand embarrassment. to say it was in bad taste is honestly an understatement. and once again, some the points she repeatedly made about the show having made their way into the general bunch of commonly regurgitated statements just makes me wonder what the hell people think was going on in that show.
i am sorry. there is no hope. kids media youtubers--when will they learn?
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oxtoxtoxto · 1 year
i think i had an epiphany about pokemon black and white.
i think it was released about 5 or 6 years too early. what do i mean by that? BW came out in 2010, around a decade ago, and im going to assume it probably started full development not that long after HGSS finished up development, which would have been somewhere in 2009.
2009 was definitely a complex time, especially in Japan, but it was a *very different* time to now.
See, I think team plasma would have had a much more smooth narrative if they had incorporated the idea of *misappropriating progressive language*, and otherwise misusing certain terminology to the point of rendering it completely meaningless in its prior context.
we know the language bigots use to talk about minority groups nowadays, right? how there's pieces of language that used to serve a *very specific purpose* to refer to a *very specific kind of act* (such as grooming, a term which is now just thrown at the LGBT community whenever a bigot feels they need to drum up hate) which have now been sandblasted down into just another sneer to spit at people they hate?
and how by doing this they've tainted the usefulness *of those terms* to the point where it's genuinely impacting people's ability to report on certain things?
this was not as close of a topical issue in 2010 as it is today, where language is increasingly being weaponized due to the availability and reliance on social media our society has increasingly found itself with. this is why i think in a better world, pokemon bw would have come out in 2015, maybe even *later*, when this shit not only really began to develop into the cancerous issue it is now, but also when people began to actively speak out about it in a way that was wide-reaching.
think about a reframing here. at its core, team plasma is a pokemon welfare organization being used as a front as an elaborate way to dismantle any potential threats ghetsis might have to succeeding in a coup. ideally, this means trainers are pressured into releasing their pokemon and the ones who aren't have theirs *taken by force*, causing immense trauma to both pokemon *and* person, thereby necessarily weakening them in the process.
so, lets approach it as it might be done today. the first thing you do is you start widening the meaning of *abuse* and applying it in situations where it absolutely isn't the case, just to *force* people to legitimize a conversation that, say, owning a house pet might qualify as pokemon abuse.
you muddy the meaning of abuse until you have caused schisms in local culture. you rely on what examples of abuse you can find--neglect, power-hungry trainers who do view their pokemon mostly as instruments to increment ever-higher in ranking, but you do not turn you ire, *specifically*, on them. you turn that blame on your real targets: everyone else.
and all the while, what *abuse* or *neglect* or *mistreatment* even means when it comes to pokemon is muddled. people start reporting people for what they perceive *as* abuse even when it's not, and wasting the time of the organizations designed to look after this kind of thing, while also making anyone who reported things and got a "this wasnt abuse" feel validated that, yes, *everyone is in on it*.
with of course the occasional group of aggro anti-trainers reporting in such large numbers that the legal bodies involved have to investigate and maybe even separate pokemon and human because, well--look at all of these reports. there might be something going on.
and this snowballs. those who dont immediately bend to the pressure are targeted. they get picketed, they get people screaming at them. they have their organization decried as "abuse enablers" and with the way social media flattens nuance and these people already making sure to leave out all of the important details, many of these figures become hated by people who have been caught up in a cultural hate furor towards someone who has really been the one looking after these issues. people who are good, but are now demonized by a very vocal and aggressive group.
and then, you twist the knife, because with the eradication of all meaning to terms like *abuse*, you also make it a lot easier for abusive trainers to get away with what they're doing so long as they just pay the correct kind of lip service. just look at ghetsis: he has a hydreigon that genuinely seems to fucking hate him, judging by its frustration. abuse doesnt actually *get reduced*, because the words have been muddled so much the kind of clues and hints that might help a pokemon abuser get caught and put away are lost in the endless froth of vitriol.
abusers dont get hurt by this so long as they know how to phrase it.
and when you add in that the people who would actually be handling cases of abuse and mistreatment being either demonized, bent to the will of an angry mob, or too terrified to speak out, real abuse goes untouched.
people, *figureheads* of the movement, become untouchable because they crusade for the campaign with the right combination of words that *surely* they're not using this as a smoke screen to cover for their own goals.
this, this right here? i think people have always been aware of how language can be shaped like this, but genuinely the last 5 to 8 years have been the absolute worst of it, and most obviously criticized. if BW came out during this period, and used this as a touchstone rather than the absolute stance it does, it could have been a much more nuanced and compelling narrative.
the point is, though, Pokemon BW could have come out in the late 2010s and probably had a much stronger real-life example to build on and work with. The conversations we are having today are eminently relatable to Team Plasma's goal, it's just *too early* to have that connection.
It also would have permitted some nuance within the narrative. As it stands right now, the Pokemon universe simply rejects the idea that mistreatment of Pokemon is a realistic idea in the first place. Even among some of the darkest, and arguably the most likely teams to abuse their Pokemon (Galactic and Rocket) mainly view their Pokemon as integral sources of power that they must nourish and improve for their own benefit. It's not a purely benevolent reason, no, but Cyrus has a Crowbat (only evolves with high friendship) and while some of it is anime apocrypha, virtually *nothing* implies that Giovanni mistreated his Pokemon, and that Team Rocket mainly mistreated Pokemon via stealing them in the first place or by attempting get rich quick schemes (slowpoke tails).
In other words, the only group that has been shown to actively and aggressively *abuse pokemon* is team plasma itself, where in one of their first appearances two grunts, claiming to want to protect Pokemon, repeatedly kick a fucking Munna not ten feet away from you.
These would be the leaders, the problems, the actual criminals stringing the others along who have been caught up in the momentum of finally having someone to just *hate*.
This would let the story also progress as you work your way up from the grunts (who may fall anywhere on the scale between shitheel or ideological warrior consumed by the movement) to the admins (who are all eerily powerful, well-connected, and giving away hints that their Pokemon are mistreated, its just that they have the language and reputation to avoid scrutiny) and finally to Ghetsis, who is the embodiment of these leaders in the worst way possible. Part of the story, then, would be figuring out where N falls, if what he's saying is just lip service or the truth, and it would make his struggle to reconcile the world Ghetsis has painted for him (one of casual Pokemon cruelty and Pokemon forced into subservient roles to do as humans wish) against the one he faces (one where Pokemon and humans work together--not always perfectly, but with a lot of care) and the slowly dawning realization that everything he's been told is a projection of how Ghetsis and his admins actually feel about Pokemon a lot more meaningful.
You could even include hints. Admins putting their Pokemon away whenever N is around, almost in a panic because if N got a single chance to speak to any of their Pokemon, the entire plot would go up in smoke.
N not knowing about certain operations or being intentionally redirected to you to keep him occupied as Ghetsis and his admins are finally allowed to throw their weight around.
By making it much more reflective of trends we know about today, you could get a fair bit more intense narrative about deceit and the real fucked up consequences of this kind of thing.
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chaoticsoulsword · 2 years
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This is anti-Ghetsis propaganda btw.
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just-antithings · 1 year
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antis in the selfship community make me go insane bc the hypocrisy is so stupid. you could be an anti in love with a fictional villain and people are like "YESS LOVE THAT EVIL FUCK!!" like ive seen an anti selfship with fucking ghetsis from pokemon (for context, hes a terrorist and a child abuser who abused his own kids. love him tho <3) but lord forbid i say that man is my father and we are having hot steamy toxic gay sex.
+ selfshippers are aware that their f/os are fictional yet still love and cherish them and respect others who selfship (most of the time). why. cant. they. use. this. logic. with. proshipping. i'll. fucking. LOSE. IT. YOU CAN TELL ME THAT YOU CAN SELFSHIP WITH A VILLAIN, UNDERSTAND HES FICTIONAL, ALMOST IF NOT FORGIVE HIS ACTIONS IN HIS SOURCE (some don't but STILL LOVE THEM) BUT GOD FORBID THOSE FICTIONAL SIBLINGS FUCK??? IM SHAKING YOU, CRYING, SOBBING, BEGGINGGG BRO. IM ON MY KNEES WHAT IS THERE TO NOT UNDERSTAND
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heroftruth · 10 months
behind the scenes character notes
'heroftruth' used to have two o's. It's been a constant user name/url/ present somewhere. While Hilda will not refer to herself as a hero so to speak, that position of Reshiram's chosen has been a constant central theme since the night I started writing her. It's a defining point in her story.
Expressing Hilda's trauma more properly has been a theme since I picked her back up in 2020. I've had this muse for a LONG time and while the heart of her (a small-town girl who had a strong belief in what was right and refused to back down) has stayed the same, she has definitely evolved.
I view her and N as two sides of the same coin, a foil to one another. N isn't a villain, he's an anti-hero. In older takes on Hilda I followed as her reasoning for leaving Unova was to look for N, because one she wanted to make sure he was okay and two it felt to her like he would be the only one to really understand what she went through. They both had the weight of the region on their shoulders. While she still does look for N and follows leads (same reasons still) I changed things in 2020 as her needing to get away because I didn't want it being viewed by others as the stereotypical "oh the protag dropped everything to find N". Because there is more to it than that.
Her Samurott's name, Percy, comes from Percy Jackson. I know, look I was 14 and couldn't think of another water-type male name, and it just STUCK.
Hilda having trauma from the events with plasma has been a constant. Having experienced that sort of intense fear and pressure is trauma and so is something that shouldn't have happened to you making you lose out on normal experiences. I've just progressively better at writing expressions of trauma as I've learned more about it.
One of my goals with Hilda has always been showing a female character with trauma not letting it own her. One of my favorite book series, Shatter Me, has a character like this (Juliette Ferrars) and that character has been a big inspiration since around 2015.
Katniss and Snow (hunger games) conversation scenes are inspo for writing involving Hilda and Ghetsis. That cold & calculated dynamic vs unwilling to give up because there are people you care about that need you to keep going.
Hilda was not the strongest protagonist in terms of pokemon team levels. If you play though BW without excessive training, only doing enough training to be up against what the game puts in front of you, you'll finish with your pokemon in the 50's. The strongest opponent pokemon is level 54. All of my other games main teams (without excessive training) have finished in the 70's. I see her strength coming from the way her and her pokemon work together and her determination. People are going to have a challenge facing her, even if their pokemon are higher level, but it may be more of a "she and her team are very much one" type thing. Her team is definitely higher levels now, around 70's-verging 90's maybe one or two is in low 90's but it's been years.
The levels you end in bw are the reason WHY I hc that the events of BW occurred at a FAST pace and within MONTHS. No later than ten months at the MOST.
my last thing is this muse is just, I love her okay? Hopefully that shows <3
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themattress · 1 year
Another post on how the original plan that Atsuhiro Tomioka and the writers had for Best Wishes’ Myth Arc can be gleamed by what ended up happening in XY, both when and how.
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Ghetsis, the intended co-Big Bad alongside Giovanni in Best Wishes, was slated to debut in BW024, which was the direct follow-up to the events of BW022 and BW023. And when did Lysandre, the Big Bad in XY, debut? The first The Strongest Mega Evolution special, which aired before XY022. The second of these specials aired between XY049 and XY050, the third between XY064 and XY065, and the fourth at the end of XY’s second year when the episode count had entered the 90s. So what’s the correlation to those points of time in Best Wishes?
BW049 and BW050 was Team Rocket’s mission to hijack the Nimbasa City Subway to pull off a massive Pokemon theft operation, which included Dr. Zager returning to Unova after having left in BW024. If the original plan was in effect, there almost certainly would have been mention of Team Plasma here, since Team Rocket was to be primarily motivated in increasing their offensive power to stand against them. BW064 was the start of a storyline continued in BW065 and BW066, which introduced Cedric Juniper and the Golden Dark Stone in the Black Hero’s Ruins (so if the original plan was in effect Team Plasma would show up here and attempt to claim the Golden Dark Stone for N, failing and needing to settle for the Light Stone later on), and also brought back the Sunglasses Krokorok after his previous showing back in BW023. Incidentally, this was also preceded by Team Rocket’s attempt to claim the Forces of Nature, and the end of the show’s second year when the episode count entered the 90s was all about their second attempt at it, which included Giovanni returning to Unova after having left in BW024. Again, defeating Team Plasma would have been cited as a factor behind these attempts if the original plan was in effect, rather than simply conquering Unova.
However, as it stands, Team Plasma lost out with the change of plans. They couldn’t even end up dominating the third and final year of Best Wishes (aka Episode N) the way Team Flare did the third and final year of XY (aka XY&Z), since Junichi Masuda’s swell-headed ambitions for Gen VI meant that Episode N wound up just being 14 episodes sandwiched between the last of 11 of vanilla Season 2 and the 20 (+2 specials) of Decolore Adventures.
I love you, Lysandre, but I’ll always be kind of bitter your gain was through Ghetsis’ loss.
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shouta-edits · 1 year
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"a moodboard of ghetsis from pokemon x a s/i who is his daughter with themes of manipulation, stockholm syndrome and blood?" -anon requested
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sundove88 · 1 year
Despicable Me (Sundove88’s Version Casting)
You can find the original Here.
A man who delights in all things wicked, supervillain Guzma hatches a plan to steal the moon. Surrounded by an army of little green bug types and his impenetrable arsenal of weapons and war machines, Guzma makes ready to vanquish all who stand in his way. But nothing in his calculations and groundwork has prepared him for his greatest challenge: three adorable orphan girls who want to make him their dad.
Now that Guzma has forsaken a life of crime to raise Nezuko, Eri, and Lillie, he's trying to figure out how to provide for his new family. As he struggles with his responsibilities as a father, the Anti-Villain League, an organization dedicated to fighting evil, comes calling. The AVL sends Guzma on a mission to capture the perpetrator of a spectacular heist, for who would be better than the world's greatest ex-villain to capture the individual who seeks to usurp his power.
The mischievous bug types hope that Guzma will return to a life of crime after the new boss of the Anti-Villain League fires him. Instead, Guzma decides to remain retired and travel to Freedonia to meet his long-lost twin brother for the first time. The reunited siblings soon find themselves in an uneasy alliance to take down the elusive Binary Bard, a former Astro Knights inventor who seeks revenge against the world.
Evolving from single-celled multicolored organisms at the dawn of time, bug types live to serve, but find themselves working for a continual series of unsuccessful masters, from T. Rex to Napoleon. Without a master to grovel for, the Bug Types fall into a deep depression. But one bug type, Golisopod, has a plan; accompanied by his pals Accelgor and Escavalier, Golisopod sets forth to find a new evil boss for his brethren to follow. Their search leads them to Maleficent, the world's first-ever super-villainess.
In the 1970s, young Guzma tries to join a group of supervillains called the Vicious 6 after they oust their leader -- the legendary fighter Jiraiya. When the interview turns disastrous, Guzma and his Bug Types go on the run with the Vicious 6 hot on their tails. Luckily, he finds an unlikely source for guidance -- Jiraiya himself -- and soon discovers that even bad guys need a little help from their friends.
Guzma as Felonius Gru (Pokemon)
Beedrill as Bob (Pokemon)
Centiskorch as Carl (Pokemon)
Golisopod as Kevin (Pokemon)
Escavalier as Stuart (Kirby)
Accelgor as Jerry (Kirby)
Dustox as Mel (Kirby)
Butterfree as Dave (Kirby)
Ledian as Tim (Kirby)
Yanmega as Otto (Pokemon)
Ribombee as Themselves/Gru’s Emotional Support (Pokemon)
Eri as Agnes (My Hero Academia)
Nezuko as Margo (Demon Slayer)
Lillie as Edith (Pokemon)
Awoofy as Kyle (Kirby)
Agatha as Marlena Gru (Pokemon)
Professor Turo as Dr. Nefario (Pokemon)
Ghetsis as Robert Gru (Pokemon)
Kai Chisaki as Vector (My Hero Academia)
Scar as Mr. Perkins (The Lion King)
Zira as Herself/Mrs. Perkins (The Lion King)
Dolores Umbridge as Miss Hattie (Harry Potter)
Raiden Shogun as Lucy Wilde (Genshin Impact)
Asgore as Silas Ramsbottom
Ruto as Jillian (The Legend of Zelda)
Magda as Shannon (The Legend of Zelda)
Vaati as Antonio Perez (The Legend of Zelda)
Ganondorf as Eduardo Perez/El Macho (The Legend of Zelda)
Lady Maud as Herself/El Macho’s Wife (The Legend of Zelda)
Maleficent as Scarlet Overkill (Sleeping Beauty)
Hades as Herb Overkill (Hercules)
Mal as herself/Scarlet's Daughter
Felix as Walter Nelson (Encanto)
Pepa as Madge Nelson (Encanto)
Dolores as Tina Nelson (Encanto)
Camilo as Walter Nelson Jr. (Encanto)
Antonio as Binky Nelson (Encanto)
Various Villains as the Villain Con
N Harmonia as Dru Gru (Pokemon)
Youngster Joey as Himself/Dru's Adoptive Son (Pokemon)
Binary Bard as Balthazar Bratt (Poptropica)
Holmes as Clive (Poptropica)
Monster Kid as Niko (Undertale)
Gogoat as Lucky (Pokemon)
Jiraiya as Wild Knuckles (Naruto)
Magica De Spell as Belle Bottom (Ducktales)
Haxorous as Dragon!Belle Bottom (Pokemon)
The Ghoulfather as Jean Clawed (Yo-Kai Watch)
Annihilape as Monkey!Jean Clawed (Pokemon)
Gaston as Stronghold (Beauty and The Beast)
Tauros as Ox!Stronghold (Pokemon)
Queen Grimhilde as Nunchuck (Snow White and The 7 Dwarves)
Arbok as Snake!Nunchuck (Pokemon)
Jafar as Svengeance (Aladdin)
Incineroar as Tiger!Svengance (Pokemon)
Korina as Master Chow (Pokemon)
Duke Caboom as The Biker (Toy Story)
Here’s your hint to the next Crossover Casting (It’s Don Bluth):
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Fave drinks of all The Men + Lusa?
Why was my first thought "alcoholic drinks?" The answer is not, in fact, alcoholic drinks.
Big fan of Horchata, even though everyone thinks he's weird for it. Only drinks it on occasion as a treat to himself.
Vodka Iced tea, either sweet or peach. Especially the kind that's actually just powder/liquid that you mix into water, because he has to trick himself into drinking water.
Water, obviously. He also likes the squeeze bottles, particularly MiO Water Enhancers.His favourite is Wicked Blue Citrus.
He's not picky, usually he'll pick up whatever is put in front of him, but has become weirdly fond of Faze Pop Ghost. Guzma bought some and didn't like it, so it got left in the fridge, where Cyrus decided to take it, and he got kind of hooked to it because it tastes better than the stuff he usually drinks to stay up when he's working.
Chamomile Tea, but generally any hot tea or hot drink he enjoys. Strongly anti-iced tea and thinks Maxie is an idiot.
Coffee. There's a very uneven Coffee/Energy Drink split on the team, and he's the main coffee guy. They literally didn't have a coffee machine until he bought one. He makes it with vanilla almond milk.
Anything with pomegranate juice in it. Big fan of the Raspberry Pomegranate Refresher from Starbucks.
Energy drink enthusiast. Usually gets the fruit punch flavors. There's this thing at the coffee shop by my house I think he'd like called a Blenderkiller that's a bunch of ice blended up with a redbull, a rockstar, and 5 types of Torani syrup.
Cherry lemonade, preferably with Maraschino cherries. Big fan of fruit drinks in general, but lemonade she gets weirdly specific about. Hates pulp in drinks and wants to strangle whoever puts it there.
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