#Anyway; stop doing the 'not like other girls trope'...it's a bad trope
fastfists · 7 months
Cause, I have to add...I do love me strong female characters BUT I also like when they have personalities and arn't just 'one of the guys but with boobs'/'not like other girls' type. Like, the reason all the Sonic girls are awesome? Yes, they all can fight BUT they all have distinct personalities — we got Amy who sweet, kind, and a hopeless romantic than we have someone like Rouge who is flirty, confident, and sassy. And that is just two of them, all them are distinct and badass. And other examples outside Sonic characters? Sailor Moon is a badass too; Sally the Ragdoll is a badass; Jessica Rabbit is a badass— why? Because they all are allowed to be characters that happen to be women and they're not shamed for that. And yes, not all of them are 'fighters' but Sally was willing to risk her self to help save Santa, Jessica was putting her career and self in harms way for her husband, and Sailor Moon whole thing is about protecting the world through love; most might not be fighters in the traditional sense but they can fight when needed. In conclusion, please stop making 'badass women' the 'not like other girls' trope. No one likes it, let them be bad asses by being good characters and strong ladies without having to basically shaming other women.
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twpsyn-who · 1 month
Soulmate AU in which when you touch your soulmate you swap bodies. It needs to be skin on skin contact and is instant. The only way to get back in the previous body is to touch again, otherwise you're stuck like that.
No matter the body all psychological and physical damage stays with you. That means if you get hurt then swap bodies, you will still feel it despite no longer having the wounds. This is only the case of existing wounds prior to swapping ; if new wounds happen to the hurt body after the swap you won't feel them, but the person in the body when it happens will. A very complicated way of saying that you can't get away from pain by swapping bodies with your soulmate as it will follow you.
There's no known consequences to not changing bodies back once swapped, though some might get sick for a few days after swapping back if they waited a long period of time to change back (say over a month, even longer depending on individual)
Now this but, you know... JeanMarco. And of course they find out during their time in the 104th Training Corps, because there's no way their skin didn't touch at least once in +3 years of training and being as close as they are. It isn't until break when they're able to visit home that they learn what it truly means ; up until that point they used it to swap chores (is the only reason why Jean didn't try to kill Eren during their shared chores- because it was actually Marco all along). At that point they knew each other perfectly.
Of course the whole situation was a little bit awkward for both of them when returning. They probably would end up avoiding each other for a bit because teenager boys and stuff, all until someone finally got the guts to mention the tension and ask them what's wrong- which forces them to talk and stuff. Doesn't matter, this is not what I want to talk about.
But the beautiful battle of Trost and what if, hypothetical speaking of course, they touch skin after Jean gets another ODM? And they're so used with each other by now, they don't even notice until the mission is nearly done anyway. And I don't know man, the idea of Jean dying while in Marco's body? Marco (in Jean's body) saying "I need to find Marco" once the mission is a success and research for his soulmate, just for him to not find him?? Not find him until 3 days later when some of them are assigned cleaning duty in Trost and he finds his own fucking body bitten in half???
The realization that it should've been Marco who died that day, but didn't because he was in Jean's body. The realization that not only his soulmate is dead, but he's stuck living his life. He's stuck living the life Jean can't because he died in Marco's place.
SEEING YOUR DEAD SOULMATE EVERYDAY WHEN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Poor Marco would most likely avoy any reflective surface for a very long time, unable to see Jean's face looking at him.
The guilt of lying to everyone, because how does one even begin to explain what's going on? Him lying to Jean's mother to protect her from the harsh truth of the reality- that her son actually died and the one in front of her was a fake.
And the sad truth is that no one would notice because they've been doing it for months already. They knew how to act like each other to perfection. Even if Marco slipped at some point no one would question it because they got many traits from each other already.
#Ok Armin might notice at some point. But I think somewhere later in the series#And only because of something extremely trivial like idk man Jean thanking Eren for something like#You heard of twins switching lifes now I present to you soulmates doing the exact thing but there's no turning back from it#Don't we all love the swapping bodies trope?#Marco crying when he learns of how Jean truly died because //he only got killed because they thought he was Marco//#With the amount the angst thrown at him Marco might as well just stay dead#anyway#aot#jean kirstein#jeanmarco#aot jean#marco bodt#marco bott#aot marco#jean kirschstein#soulmate au#JeanMarco Soulmates AU#Because there's a weirdly big lack of this trope for them and they deserve more#Hey hey. Is just a little scenario. There's 100% a lot of fluff going on during their training days#Lots of shenanigans too while learning to be comfortable in each other's body and stuff. And The Talk man#Everyone remembers that week in which Jean and Marco avoided each other like the worst week of their life#And some watched loved ones get eaten by titans man like it was THAT bad#Shadis was this 🤏🏻 close to starting an intervention because he wasn't paid enough to put up with whatever was going on#Oh nvm Ymir probably knew but that girl knew a lot of shit and said nothing so it doesn't matter. What's another secret added to the pile?#She could tell right away#Ymir takes one look at you and can tell immediately if you're gay or not. That girl got the gift#Marco living a life Jean would be proud of <3#Also Marco seeing the same exact illusion like Jean saw in canon and being like 'I'm right. Jean was born to be a great leader. I must#follow that path' then joining the Survey Corps because it felt right to do#The amount of times Marco has to stop himself from acting as Titan bait is ridiculous
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boowritess · 5 months
gaz is my favourite to do the whole friends to lovers trope because imagine:
ya'll were childhood best friends, somehow managed to stick side by side despite having different interests and set of friends. knowing the other had their back when needed.
but it was nothing more than friendship.
atleast that's what the both of you delulued yourselves to think...
anyways, gaz joins the military, somehow ya both still managed to stay in contact. gaz messaging or calling at any free opportunity.
shower, bathroom, on a run, cleaning, as soon as he wakes up.
and it's crazy cause the 141 are like, "so when we gonna meet your little girlfriend?"
and gaz is like !?!?!??! "what girlfriend?"
in return 141 are just !?!?!?!!?!?!? "da fuq you mean what girlfriend, gaz? the girl you've been talking to every 5 minutes!"
and gaz, just- blushes. he doesn't know why but he does. like haha, you as his girlfriend- that's weird! could you imagine!? could you imagine...
gaz starts to fucking hyperfixate on imagining you as his girlfriend than bestfriend.
and like you and gaz have always heard people say that before but for some reason being thousands of miles away from you made him really fucking start to fixtate on that scenario. the 141 boys did not help. at all. always asking how gaz's girl is- making gaz roll his eyes and hide the blush as he talks to you on the phone.
then idk he gets to go home. gets to see you. and he forgets about the whole girlfriend conversation and is just happy to be with you. his best friend. his confidenant. his ride or die. his girl.
but then he realizes that he'd have you in whichever form you'd give him. and that's why- that's why he shoves away the thoughts about you being his girlfriend- UNTIL-
he's pissed. some lad you're seeing isn't treating you right (ofc it's some guy you met while gaz was away) and you're defending the guy. but every defence you bring up, he's got a rebuttal right back.
"he's not always so mean..." "bird, i've never talked to you like he did tonight, that ain’t an excuse."
"he's just having a shit time at work." "love, seriously? i get shot at on a constant basis and have fallen out of a helicopter twice."
"okay well- it's just a bad day today for him- that's all." "doll, when i've had the shittest day, any message, call, gift from you, anything that reminds me of you, makes me feel millions and millions more better. my 'bad day' is when we haven't talked."
...so things get pretty intense, and idk, maybe your stubborn and just like sarcastically say, "well not every guy feels the same as you gaz."
"damn right they don't because how i feel for you, none of those assholes could ever comprehend how much i lo-"
and he stops himself. clenches his jaw and swallows down the 'i love you'. he looks away from you when you look at him confused.
becauae you both have said those three little words before. throughout your whole friendship. what's different now???
ahhhhhhhhhh i just wowwww gaz w/ friends to lovers trope yes pleasee
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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zeykoyu [zɛj.ˈko.ju] n. healer
Anonymous Request: I would like to request a Neteyam x Na'vi reader with the "you'll never be her trope", where reader is promised to Neteyam, but he loves another. He is sort of a shitty asshole to her, a girl who is a quiet not very well known member of the clan; he treats reader with the coldest shoulder. However, he overhears the girl talking to her friends about how she just using Neteyam to gain status in the clan. He then sees reader for the caring person she is, and grovels for forgiveness.
I have resigned myself to my fate.
In what feels like a very short amount of time, I will be mated for life before Eywa, to a man who does not love me. In fact, he barely seems to tolerate me.
He looks at me with disappointment, and sometimes, it even looks like he feels disgusted by me.
It wasn't always this way. Neteyam used to be a friend, and someone I trusted. He was so kind and good-hearted when we were younger, but he has turned his back on me and come to resent our pairing.
As if it is my choice! I am the next Tsahik of our people, and he the next Olo'eyktan. We are promised to each other from youth, and there's nothing either of us can do that would not cause much upset in the clan, and with our families.
Though Neteyam clearly does not want to be mated to me, even more than that, he does not want to upset his family.
The change in his heart happened just a year ago, and it was slow at first. We went from friends to acquaintances to strangers, and now to near enemies, because of her.
I don't really blame her, though. He fell in love with her, and she can't control that. I felt jealous at first, but over time, as Neteyam has treated me more and more coldly, I have started to hate both of them.
If I'm being honest, I understand why he loves her; she is beautiful, and funny, and many men have had their eyes on her. I am plain, and small, and not many people speak to me. She does seem a better match for someone like Neteyam, and I almost wish we could be free of this pairing.
As much as Neteyam does not want to disappoint his family, I don't want to disappoint our people; I am a talented healer and I will serve our people well as Tsahik.
So I have resigned myself to my fate.
Our fate.
Neteyam watches Sa'me from a distance, as she approaches the center of home tree with her friends, dropping off a full fishing net from a day's work.
His heart swells with pride at the woman he loves, and then, he gets angry. These two feelings always accompany each other.
Love and adoration for Sa'me, and disappointment towards his fate. It doesn't matter who he loves; he's promised to Y/N, and he can't get out of it. That's just not how it works.
She is the next Tsahik and he knows, despite how he wants things to be, that she will be an excellent Tsahik for their people. He has to put the people before himself.
But he does not have to be happy about it.
He approches Sa'me and her friends, but their backs are to him as they empty their nets, and as he gets closer, he hears their conversation.
"Aren't you worried, about his upcoming mating ceremony?" one friend asks.
To his surprise, Sa'me laughs. "No! I have gotten what I wanted, and I am relieved it will end soon."
He stops in his tracks, listening closely.
"Sa'me!" a friend chastises.
"Well, I have three offers for my hand, from fine men. I owe that to Neteyam. When they knew he wanted me, that made them want me. I think I'll pick Marek - he's handsome and strong. Neteyam is nice, but too boring for me. Plus, the way he's treated Y/N since we started spending time together... I almost feel bad for her. She will have a miserable life."
The girls laugh, and Neteyam spins on his heel, charging away.
He expects sympathy from his sister, but earns only an eye-roll when he tells Kiri what he overheard.
"Well, she's right. You knew you were promised and pursued Sa'me anyway, even though it was kind of obvious what she was doing. And you have been an asshole to Y/N. She's really nice to still put up with you - to even speak with you. You've treated her like dirt the last year, and she's never said a mean thing about you. Even though, she would be right to do it."
Neteyam stares at his sister, slack jawed, unsure whether to feel angry or guilty. A fine mixture of both rises in his chest, and he sighs.
"You used to be friends with her, you know. She's so sweet, and so kind. She's only putting up with your behavior so she can be Tsahik, and not because she cares about the title. She wants to help the People, and knows she'll be able to if she's Tsahik. She just has to marry an asshole to do it."
"Okay, okay," Neteyam says, waving his hand in the air, begging his sister to stop.
"Well, I just don't feel bad for you, Teyam. You need to grow up and deal with what you did."
He rolls his eyes, but he can't deny it: Kiri is right.
Without her noticing, Neteyam starts to watch Y/N as much as he can from that day in. Her daily routine is simple. She rises early, and heads into the forest to gather supplies she can use in her healing practice. Once she's done, she begins going around to people who she knows need her help, in and out of their homes all day, gaining hugs and smiles and thanks wherever she goes.
She is soft-spoken, and kind hearted, and her small stature only serves to make her seem more gentle, more dispositioned for healing.
He sees the way people look at her as she approaches - they look at her with relief, and hope, and when she leaves, she leaves people better than she found them.
Neteyam feels sick to his stomach.
He tries to remember what it is about Sa'me that drew him in. He sees her beauty, he can't deny it still, but it's clear now that her beauty is only on the surface.
Did she ever compliment him? Support him? Offer him a kind word?
He can't even remember what they talked about... for a year.
He turns from the tree he's leaning against and sees Y/N approaching, a large basket in her arms.
"You look ill. Are you okay?"
Neteyam wants to tell her he's fine, that she should leave, but he feels light-headed and instead, he sinks to the ground, a sweat breaking out on his brow.
"I'm... okay. My head feels light."
She kneels in front of him, rummaging through her basket. She pours a few things in a cup, and mixes them together with a powder.
"Here," she says, handing it to him. He takes it, his hands touching hers for a second, and he's struck by how small her hands are.
She's so delicate, like a flower, and he has certainly done his best to trample all over her.
The shame he feels is unlike anything he's ever felt before.
The drink is bitter, but it starts working almost immediately, and the faint feeling begins to fade.
"Thank you, Y/N," he says, handing the cup back to her. She takes it with a small smile and a nod, and rises to leave. Neteyam reaches out, grabbing her arm. "Wait."
She turns, frowning down at him. He stands up.
"I want to apologize to you, Y/N. I have been... terrible. I have neglected you, and I have been an asshole. I'm sorry. I would like to start again."
She tilts her head to the side and narrows her eyes, staring deep into him. He wonders if she can see his soul.
Of all of the things I thought Neteyam wanted to say to me, 'I'm sorry' was not even on the list.
My instinct is to tell him to go to tell, but there is such a strange look on his face... he still looks sick, and sad, and a little bit ashamed.
Well, he should be. But also - what choice do I have? If Neteyam is offering me a chance to make the best of this situation, shouldn't I take it?
I remember how I felt about him once. Hopeful, excited, nearly in love... but that feeling is so far away now. I'm not sure if there's even a possibility of re-gaining it.
But, it seems smart to try, if we are to have any chance at a happy life.
"Okay," I reply finally. "But I don't think Sa'me will appreciate it."
Neteyam hangs his head for a moment, and then meets my eyes again. "What she appreciates does not matter. You are to be my mate. You are all that matters."
He places a hand over his heart.
I would like to trust him, but it's going to take more than one conversation where he says the right things.
It seems I cannot get rid of Neteyam now. When I gather supplies in the morning, he is there. When I make my rounds in the village, he is there. He is always... there.
Not silently, either. He is full of questions. Everything I do and say, he has a question about. If it wasn't endearing, it would be exhausting.
After a week of this, he asks me to take a ride on our ikrans with him - and I can't say no. I have been so busy working lately, that it sounds like a wonderful and welcome break.
Early in the morning, we head out together, and take one of the longest rides I've ever been on. In the air, we twist and turn and glide together, and all the while, Neteyam is whooping and throwing me ear-to-ear smiles.
He gestures to a nearby cave in the floating rocks, and we land together, dismounting. We are both wind-burnt, but smiling.
"I must ask you something," I say.
"Anything," Neteyam replies, chest heaving from the effort of riding.
"Why did you change your mind? About Sa'me?"
His face darkens, and he sighs. "I overheard her talking about how being seen with me has gotten her offers from many fine potential mates, and she doesn't care that I'm promised to someone else."
I wince. Even if Neteyam is a jerk, I don't think anyone deserves to be used like that.
"I'm sorry, Neteyam. Though, that does explain your sudden... interest."
He shakes his head. "No. After I heard what Sa'me said, I went to Kiri and she, uh, pointed out what an asshole I've been. She also pointed out how kind and smart and talented you are, probably to let me know, uh, what an asshole I've been. So I started kind of, uh, watching you. And I realized she was right."
"About what?"
"Well, I am an asshole but... you are the most kind-hearted woman in this clan. And you did not try to withdraw from our match because you deserve to be Tsahik. Not for the title, but because you are best suited to serve our people. You care about them more than yourself. You're selfless. And beautiful. And I was blind to think anyone could be better suited for me."
I bite my lip, and take a step back. "Neteyam, that all sounds very nice, but I..."
He steps forward, reaching out and taking both of my hands in his. "It isn't enough. I know that, Y/N. I don't expect our problems to be solved now. I just want a chance to prove to you, who I really am. What a good mate I can be for you. I can make you happy. I want to. It's all I want."
I can feel the tears gathering in my eyes, and I blink hard to keep them at bay. "I always thought so highly of you, Neteyam. I want us to be happy. I want to try."
He squeezes my hand tightly, pulling me to him.
"I will make you happy. I promise you, Y/N. Please, let me kiss you."
I hesitate for only a moment. The look in his eyes is so sincere, and his eyes fall down to my lips for just a moment, then back up to my eyes, and I can't resist. Everything I want seems to be within my grasp.
He places his hands around my waist, and pulls me in.
"Say yes," he whispers. I can't find my voice, but I nod.
The kiss is explosive. A year of anger, frustration and want packed into one kiss. My body is flush to his, and I feel the tears spilling over, but I can't stop them, and I don't want to pull away.
It feels too good.
I put my hands in his hair, gripping tightly, sighing against his lips, and he groans.
Finally, we pull away, and stare at each other, both breathless.
"I will make you happy, healer," he whispers.
I might believe him now.
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yourfatherlucifer · 6 months
Oh Bite Me (CS)
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Vampire!San x afab!Reader
Summary: A blood thirsty demon of the night, but he’s your best friend and your roommate. You have to deal with his antics and his flirtatious acts.
Warnings: MDNI, male masturbation, slight voyeur, getting caught, unprotected sex, biting/blood, marking, pervert!san, short pwp, switch!san, cursing, sarcastic!reader
Trope: Friends To Lovers
Genre: Smut
AU: Supernatural
WC: 1.1k
Rated: R
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“San, quit leaving your underwear in the damn washer! You’d think being alive for so long you’d know how to do your laundry.” You had growled in frustration, slamming the washer lid shut.
San snickered from the other room, “Oh well, you know you love it!”
You threw a disgusted look towards his voice, “I do not like seeing your underwear.”
San brought himself out of his room, shirt missing from his torso, “Then what about this~”
You groaned and turned away from him, “Please put a shirt on, dude.”
You waved him off, having enough of his crap, "Whatever, I've gotta go to work, so see you later. Don't," you point your finger in his face, "do anything weird."
San smirked, "No promises, baby girl."
You grimaced, "Don't fucking call me that."
You grabbed your things and left for work, leaving San to his own devices. Which meant...he went through your underwear drawer, pervert.
San smiled as he held the fabric in his hands, twisting the material in his fingers, it was fresh underwear, but that didn't mean it didn't have your smell anymore, right? San tried to locate your smell anyway. He buried his nose in the fabric as if trying to pull your pheromones from it.
His dick hardened just from the smell engulfing his nostrils, he knows you'd drive a stake through his heart if you caught him. It gave him a thrill, going out like that.
He ran to his room with the panties in hand, his dick straining against his basketball shorts. He didn't even bother shutting his door as he knew you'd be home late. With his back to the mattress, he trailed his hand up his chest, giving his small nipples a squeeze. His back arched off the bed, giving a breathy moan.
"f..fuck, oh my god." San whines out while tweaking his now pointed nipples, giving them equal attention. His cock twitched in his pants, eager for the attention he was giving to his chest.
He whined in frustration and shimmied off his shorts, he didn't wear underwear, it was like he was expecting this to happen.
When his cock slammed against his abdomen, he grabbed it hastily, wrapping the panties around his base. The precum from his cock was near dripping, almost as if he came untouched, but he hadn't yet.
The fabric created such a friction on his wet and red cock that he was near tears from the feeling. His hand pumped up and dumb, twisting left and right in a vigor motion, eager to cum on your panties.
He was already pussy drunk, but without the pussy, god he wanted to be inside you so bad, but your underwear would have to do for now.
His fangs bit into his lips, nearly drawing blood from the pressure. Little did San realize you had turned your car back around to return home, you forgot some paperwork you needed for work.
You had walked into the apartment, San's moans filling your ears, but you didn't see any other shoes by the door. Was he by himself?
You slowly walked into the hallway, stopping in front of San's room, eyes wide, the door was wide open for you to see his lewd act of getting off on your underwear. Which were now stained with his cum.
He quickly shot up, grabbing a pillow to cover his still rock hard cock, "Y/N! Fucking hell, you're home! Hi!" He smiled nervously, his fangs retracting into his mouth.
"The hell are you doing, dirty boy? Is that my underwear?" You approached him and in return he backed up into his headboard, staring at the dirtied pair of underwear in his fist.
You shook your head and pushed San down onto the mattress, 'You're such a pervert."
San's eyes grew in size as he became nervous, "no.."
Something snapped in San as he flipped you around, to lay you on the mattress, "Why, does it bother you? That I fuck myself to you? To your underwear?" He licked a stripe up your neck, "Can I bite you?"
You nod and pull him closer, "Do it."
San sunk his teeth into your neck, careful to miss an artery. As the blood filled his mouth, he moaned in pleasure, “You taste so good, Y/N.”
You held his head to your neck, eyes closed in pure bliss, "More, feels so good."
San smirked against your neck, "If I do, I could drain you dry, and I don't want that. I want to fuck you everyday if I can have the chance. I want to feel your wet cunt around me. I want to feel your heat as I push my cock into you."
The vampire pulled himself away and moved down to your clothed cunt, pulling down your work pants, gawking at your soaked underwear, "Awe, this for me?"
You glared at him before rolling your eyes, "Who else, dumbass?"
San's cat-like eyes narrowed at you and decided to punish you by sinking his teeth into your plush thighs, gulping down the blood. Your hands flew to his hair, pulling each way. What a fucking tease.
"Watch it, don't be a bad girl."
San slipped a finger inside of you and stared into your eyes, smiling mischievously. His finger pumped in and out, curling around the sponge-like surface.
Your moans filled his ears, it was bringing him pleasure just by hearing your delicious sounds and listening to your heart racing. He kissed along your stomach and abdomen as he brought you pleasure with his fingers.
"San~ faster, please!"
He bit along your stomach, leaving marks behind but not drawing blood, he didn't wanna drain you too much.
Once he felt you begin to tighten around his fingers, he pulled his fingers out. Now replacing it with the tip of his large cock.
You nodded, eager.
San pushed his cock in slowly, throwing his head out, his tongue flying out of his mouth, "Fuck! This is so much better than I imagined! I fucking love your cunt wrapped around me. I never want anything else again."
His grip on your waist tightened as his cock pounded into you, his moans were overpowering yours. Whines poured out of his mouth as he thrusted his own hips into yours. Curses flew out of his mouth as he kept going.
San was near tears once again, "what, pretty boy, can't keep up with the pleasure?" you teased.
San growled, "Shut up! You know you feel just as good as I."
His orgasm was rapidly approaching, "Gonna cum in you."
He bit into your neck once more as his cum spurt inside, some even spilling out as you came with him.
San fell to your chest, "Fuck..that felt so good."
He then sat back up, "wanna go again?"
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rimunagenius · 28 days
So Bad
ʚ pairing: Kate Martin x Roommate!reader
ʚ word count: 2.5k
ʚ warning: RPF!! , slight angst?, fluff, sexual tension, two idiots inlove trope
ʚ rimunagenius speaks: sorry this took too long to put out guys…i’ve been trying to write but it’s been so stressful since i broke my foot. i missed a whole week of school so i was trying to catch up and do homework, while doing the current assignment, while doing college classes, and trying to write…it’s been ROUGH. anyways…hope you like this!! it’s a little short but the next part is gonna be long !! just a heads up
Part 5
| Series Masterlist |
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The plane ride to Albany was a little tense. You wanted to go in support of the team because this was a game on neutral ground. You guys had made it to the elite eight and that was something you all wanted but had to fight like hell to get. You were only an assistant trainer, theoretically, you didn't have to be here, but you wanted to be here for Kate and the girls. Your best friends. The girls managed to make sweet sixteen and won, and now it was time for the elite eight. 
You and Kate haven't talked about the night in your living room. You guys just seemed to pick back up where it was to begin with. Jada thought it was great but was also concerned about the will of self-control you two had to have. 
Caitlin eventually found out, pressing Kate about why she had been a ray of sunshine for the last month. She had become the biggest shipper and supporter of you both. Her, Jada, and now Gabbie had known and it felt okay. No hard feelings or bitterness. 
"What room are you staying in tonight?" Kate whispered as she tried to put her face in the small gap between your seat and the side of the plane, you both having window seats in stacked rows. 
"Uh, might have to delete this from the vlog, Kate." You give her a small pointed look as you turn your body, pointing to the small camera you had been using to record a vlog for an Athletic Trainers day in the life. 
"Oh shit, I'm sorry." Kate laughed, knowing how that might have sounded. 
"No, it's fine. But I'm technically under staff, not a student, so I'm staying on the same floor as Lisa, the assistant coaches, and other staff. Why?" She had a small frown after she realized you guys weren't on the same floor tonight. 
"Because I want to sleep close to you."  You were quite confused as she had never had this issue before. It was okay on past travel games because she had Caitlin or Jada, but she was sort of attached to your hip since that night, but you didn't think it was going to be a problem. 
You looked around, seeing AJ and Molly asleep right next to you, before looking back into the crack between your seats. "Isn't that against the whole, not starting a relationship thing, Kate?" You gave her a soft smile, finding it cute and endearing that she wanted to be close to you. 
"I never said we had to share the same bed, I just said I wanted to be close to you. You know, like the apartment?" Your guys' rooms were right next to each other's in the apartment back home. 
"I promise you'll be okay Kate. You can call me in the morning and I'll go to your room to get ready if you want me to?” You suggested, turning your camera completely off after you stopped recording. You set it down inside the bag at your feet before sliding on your headphones. 
You had Chappel Roan playing, the irony in the song that was blasting through your beats, ‘Good Luck Babe!’, and your arm resting on the armrest where you had previously had your face talking to Kate when you felt a hand tap your forearm. You lifted your head from resting on your fist and looked down. Her hand extended palm to you. You frowned softly, appreciating the small acts of affection Kate was always willing to give you. 
You got up on your knees, and looked over the seat, spotting Kate's head resting against the back of your seat, looking down on her phone, sacrificing better posture just to simply be close with you. You sat back down normally, sparing your exposure to spying on Kate, and placed your hand in hers. You two interlocked your fingers and held hands. 
You both knew this wasn't out of the ordinary. But something felt so different about it this time. Knowing the connection you two share and the love you two have for one another is something that hangs a thick fog of tension and uncertainty about what to do with all the emotions. You took a picture of your hands, wanting to capture the small moments of intimacy. 
You truly loved this girl with your whole heart and you were so willing to give it all to her if she wanted it. 
A free day in Albany was granted before getting back to work the next day. So the staff, including you, and the team were free to explore together or separately. It was a lot of the girls' first time in New York so everyone wanted to go sightseeing. You had been looking for an outfit to wear, not much to throw together since you packed a lot of lounging clothes and your Hawkeye gear for the games, when there was a knock at your door. You assumed it was Jada having talked to her on the phone not that long ago talking about getting ready, letting her know what room you were in. "Coming, Jada!" You shouted from the edge of your bed, throwing your clothes back in your suitcase. 
"Not Jada." Kate smiled when you opened the door for her and let her in. You laughed and told her it was because you were also expecting Jada. 
"Kate, I cannot find an outfit." You looked too stressed for a small team exploration outing. You sighed as you proceeded to dig through the suitcase some more. 
"Relax, you'll find something. Let me see what you have." Kate walked over, standing impossibly close next to you while she helped neatly pick out clothes and placed them on the bed still neatly folded. She picked what seemed to be your black flare leggings and your all-black long-sleeve. "That's cute. What shoes did you bring?" 
You looked at her, jaw dropped. There was no way the most plain, midwestern masc, was dressing you in something cute. You pointed to the black and yellow dunks that the Iowa staff gifted you this season. "Okay, wear those shoes with your Iowa puffer vest? Basic but still you." Kate shrugged, mumbling a small 'I don't know though.' 
"I love it. Thank you, Kate." You smiled softly, disappearing into the bathroom. She nodded softly, before sitting down on the edge of the bed, placing some clothes back into your suitcase, before sipping on the water she had in her hands. Your phone pinged. 
Notification from Jada, texting she was on the way up to the room. "Jada's on her way," Kate said, pausing after seeing your lock screen. The picture of you and Kate holding hands. Her cheeks turned red, sudden butterflies in her belly and her palms growing clammy, it didn't help you came out of the bathroom, fully dressed. You looked so beautiful…she was in deep. 
"How do I look?" You asked, posing with hands on your hips. You saw how red her face was, and the way she just slowly dragged her eyes up your body. It made you shuffle of nervousness, suddenly so nervous under her gaze. 
"So gorgeous, sunshine." The nickname gave you butterflies, not having heard in a while. Not since before you confessed your feelings to her. Suddenly that name felt like you were carrying a new title to her. 
"You think? Looks like you know to dress after all." You teased, and she stood up before taking your hand and spinning you. 
"Oh, yup! This fit is so cute!" She needed to act normal, especially before Jada came in and noticed the tension between the two of you. It's like you both just wanted to hurry up time and get to the good part. You wanted each other so bad but you two made a deal. After the tourney, you could be together. You were almost there. 
You spun back around to face her, immediately wanting to kiss her. You two stood so close, your self-control wearing thin as you saw her eyes dart from each of your eyes, down to your lips, and doing it all over again. One hand of hers now ghosting your hip, wanting to pull you in closer. 
"We can't, remember?" You don't know why you said it. You should've let it happen. You could've but Kate said you two should wait, so you needed to say something. 
"Why not?" Her whisper sounded desperate. 
"Because you said so." 
"When do you ever listen to me anyways, gorgeous?" Her lips were so impossibly close to yours, you damn near almost fell to your knees. Her other hand found your waist, her slowly inching your chest against hers when a knock on the door was heard. 
She dropped her hands from you, your body already missing the feeling of her and the sensation she forced through your whole body. Catching your breath, you walked to the door and opened it for Jada who was accompanied by Gabbie and Caitlin. 
"You guys ready to sightsee!" Caitlin's enthusiasm through the roof as always, made you laugh as you walked away from the door to grab your shoes next to your bed. You didn't miss the way Kate watched you saunter through the room. Neither did everyone else. 
"Yes, I just need my shoes, and I'm good to go." You slid your shoes on, grabbed your purse, and ready to walk out the door. The three girls walked out, you following. You felt a hand grab yours, pulling you back slightly. 
In turn, a piece of hair fell into your face, Kate wasted no time in moving it back to the side of your face before handing you your phone and room key. "Left it charging, and this right next to it."
"Oh, thank you." You both were blushing. You two always seemed to be whenever you were around each other. Something about the other just made your body have a reaction, instantly feeling warm and welcomed in the other's presence. You two truly couldn't describe it, but you both knew it was real. 
You five spent the whole day walking into local coffee shops, and boutiques and just enjoying the scenery that Albany had to offer.  You guys ended the night in front of billboards of Caitlin, taking pictures of her and her success and the impact she's had on the game. You all took pictures of each other and with each other. One of your favorites was you on Caitlin's back, kissing her cheek, while she did her signature hands out in front of her billboard where she's shooting her record-breaking logo three. 
You guys even got strangers to take pictures of all of you lined up with each other. You guys were having so much fun. Missing days where basketball wasn’t the main focus for once.
"Hey, we're going to go to that place real fast, Gabbie wants lemonade and I want a soda." Jada told you before she and Gabbie walked off. You looked to check on Caitlin, who was taking pictures with fans, making sure she was alright. Some fans were acting crazy earlier that day.
You and Kate kept pointing at places you could see from where you were standing. "Oh my god, are you Kate Martin?" A girl walked up to Kate, she couldn't have been older than twelve and she looked so amazed at the six-foot blonde next to you. 
"Yeah! What's your name?" Kate was beaming, she loved kids. There weren't many in her family aside from little cousins but she didn't see them often, just Carson, but he wasn't old enough to talk yet.
"I'm Audrey. But I'm a huge fan. Everyone likes Caitlin, and I do too, but I think you're pretty cool too." Audrey was nervous. 
"Oh, my. Thank you, so much! I bet you're pretty cool, too." Kate bent down, trying her best to stay at eye level for the girl so she didn't have to look up.  
Two adults approached you guys, who you assumed to be Audrey's parents, and smiled as their daughter beamed at meeting her favorite player. "Sorry, she spotted you and took off. I hope she's not bothering you, guys." The parents apologized, not wanting their daughter to invade your guy's space, especially Kate's.
"No, not at all! She's so sweet." You said, smiling at the girl. 
"Can I get a picture?" Audrey asked. 
'Of course you can!" Kate was excited that people noticed her too. She’s used to be in the shadow of Caitlin, and she was happy there. But to know that people loved her as much as you and the team did was another level of belonging she loved to feel. The parents pulled out their phones and took a picture of their daughter. A smile on all of your faces. 
"I can take a picture of all of you if you want it?" You offered, wanting the parents to have the memory like their daughter, and the evidence to go with it. They thanked you as you took a picture of the family with Kate. 
You could tell this was a good experience for Kate. You loved to see her being recognized for the skills she also brings to Iowa women's basketball. It was cool to see it outside of Iowa too. Kate and the girl said goodbye, but not before signing the girl's white Converse. She wasn't going to leave without it. I wouldn’t either fr…
That's when Caitlin came back, sighing after all the photo ops she just partook in. "Cait, I know you're tired but lets get a pic with us three?" You asked softly, a warm smile hoping to convince the girl. 
"Oh my god. Let me take a picture of you guys. I can't be in another picture…if I am I don't know if I can do it without wanting to smash my own head with the phone." You laughed out loud, Kate hunched over laughing next to you. Your cheeks are now red, from the breeze and the laughter, Kate with her beautiful wide smile you adored, smiled for the picture. Caitlin said something else behind the camera, you didn't catch it but the look on her face made you giggle, so you turned your head when she took the picture. 
"Aw, man! Take another one, I moved." You pouted before moving closer to Kate's side, smiling wide. After the pictures were taken, you looked at them while you three waited for Jada and Gabbie to get back so you could start heading to the hotel. You scrolled to the first one, butterflies in your stomach when you saw your head tucked in close to Kate, her smiling big into the camera. It was so cute, you didn't have the heart to trash it, the next one was normal, and the last one was you smiling at the camera and Kate looking down at you. 
This was definitely your new favorite picture. You sent the pictures to her, listening to her phone ding as they came through. A soft smile on her face as she looked at them. You sent her the last one, with a small text. 
sunshine ☀️💕
"You look like you're in love with me, Martin." 
bear <3
"Kinda hard not to be." 
Neither of you couldn't stop smiling the rest of the night.
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whenlilyfallsinlove · 3 months
the three times you and georgie cooper were jealous of each other and the one time you acted on it
a/n: ahh first post!! i was actually watching young sheldon while writing this :) sad it's the last season but excited for georgie and mandy spin off!! anyway felt like there was a lack of georgie x readers so wrote this with my fav trope! enjoy!
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i - the time when veronica duncan punched georgie in the face
"and then... she punched me in the face!" your best friend georgie recounted to you, as you sat on the front porch of his house, a can of beer in both your hands.
"she punched you in the face, in front of everyone?!" you chuckle, raising an eyebrow.
"yeah.." he replied.
"no way! what did you even do?!" you take a sip of your beer, looking at him. your best friend georgie was one of your favourite people in the whole world and very good looking, hey! you were allowed to say that!
"i kinda.. told her i loved her. in front of the whole church." georgie muttered, slightly flustered.
"you what?!" you spluttered, hardly believing a word he was saying.
georgie saw the look on your face.
"hey i'm not lying!" he says, chuckling.
"what did you expect?!?! poor girl. you barely know her georgie!" you laugh teasingly, this boy really was something else. you had grown up alongside the boy and everything he did even to this day still surprised you.
"i know but i'm bummed by it.. i really like her y/n." he looks at you with wide eyes. he sounded... serious?
this stopped you laughing.
"you really like her huh?" you look at him, encouraging him to say more.
"yeah.. look" georgie sighs, taking a swig of his beer. "i've never felt this way about any girl before. ever."
oh. why did this feel like a massive kick in the stomach? your insides had gone all funny.
"oh.." you mutter, looking down. "didn't realise you were that serious."
"yeah.. i need to make it up to her, i care about her.. even if she don't about me" georgie sighs.
woah he really seemed to care about her. why did this aggravate you so much? veronica was a nice girl, pretty and kind.. even if she did (rightfully) punch him in the face. she was good to your best friend. so why didn't you feel supportive?
"don't worry georgie.." you reach out and comfortingly pat his arm "she's a nice girl, she'll forgive you."
he smiles and wraps his arm round you "thanks y/n, you're the best friend ever, ya know that?"
"yep.. what would you do without me." you chuckle, nervously.
friend. why did him referring to you as that make you feel queasy? that's what you were, right? best friends? this felt weird though.. different.
you suddenly felt sick.
"look i gotta get home.. got a lot of homework" you stand, trying to ignore the feelings you were currently having.
"going so soon l/n?" georgie grins.
"yeah sorry.." you chuckle "good luck with the veronica thing anyway.. i'll see you tomorrow."
"see ya" he smiles and waves you off.
you wave back and walk down the street to your house, thinking about what had just happened.
the sickness feeling, the disgust, the small bit of sadness you felt when georgie said he'd never felt that way before
then it sunk in. you were jealous. fuck!
ii - the time that guy from your spanish class asked you out
spanish was somehow both your favourite and least favourite class. i mean you hated the class - you were awful at it but you got to sit next to georgie in it.. so maybe it wasn't too bad.
today started like any other spanish lesson. you listened to the teacher drone on about grammar, you and georgie had a footsie war under the table etc. everything was normal. that was until the end of the lesson.
you were packing away your notebooks, listening to georgie babble on about football when adam, the boy who sat in front of you, approached you.
"hey y/n" adam smiled shyly at you,
"oh uh hey adam" you said friendly enough, but very confused on why he was speaking to you.
you weren't the only one confused. next to you, georgie had been interrupted by this exchange and had stopped talking, now listening, his eyebrow raised.
"uh i was wondering.. if you'd like to see the new ghostbusters movie with me tomorrow night.. its okay if not, i understand." adam chuckled nervously.
georgie frowned at this. who did this adam guy think he was, asking you out to the movies? he didn't even know you! who asks someone out that they don't even know.. this guy was a total weirdo. there was no way you were gonna say yes.
"um.. okay" you interrupted his train of thought. adam was quite handsome, and seemed nice. and although it was bad to admit, you needed a distraction from the unknown feelings you were having for your best friend.
your answer shocked georgie. why on earth did you say yes? did you feel bad for him or something.. or maybe you just wanted to see the new ghostbusters? he would've taken you if that was the case! not this idiot.
"oh good. i'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow then?" adam smiles at you, and god georgie wanted to punch him.
"yeah okay." you smile back, and watched as he waved at you then left class.
"well that was.." you turn to georgie, who is not looking at you but is looking straight ahead.
"let's go to lunch." georgie ignores you and starts walking off.
"oh okay" you mutter, then follow him.
georgie was mad. this guy didn't deserve you, he was definitely punching! you were beautiful and deserved someone way better. someone like.. him! but no you were best friends.. he couldn't ruin that. but the more he thought about it the more he realised he was jealous.
you were his, not that adams! that was the day georgie cooper realised he liked you, his best friend.
iii- the time georgie ditched you to hang out with jana boggs
every summer, you tagged along with the coopers (well more so georgie but you had long since been accepted as a member of the familt) to the carnival set up by pastor jeff and the church.
every year, you and georgie usually went off together and did your own thing but this year was different. georgie had been dating jana for a while now and of course it was only normal for him to not hang with you as much and you shouldn't get mad at him for wanting to spend time with her.. right?
"oh look.. jana's over there." georgie chuckles, awkwardly looking to where his girlfriend was stood.
"yep." you reply.
"and she looks.. pretty lonely" georgie states, again awkwardly.
"uh huh" you nod.
"maybe she needs someone to talk to?" he says.
"hey i get the hint, you go hang with her.. she's your girlfriend after all, i'll stay here with missy" you try and say encouragingly, but your voice wobbles slightly.
"really?!" george smiles.
"yeah!" you reply.
"you're the best" he gives you a tight hug. "i owe you one!"
"don't worry" you say, watching him walk off to jana " that's what friends are for" you mutter.
you look to the ground. it felt like it was time to finally accept that you liked georgie a lot. and not just as a friend.
"that was pretty sad to watch" missy speaks up, looking at you half sympathetically, half in enjoyment.
"well i'm glad my sad life gives you joy." you let out a weak laugh.
"look i've always liked you y/n, you're cool, and i've always thought you can do wayyy better than my dumb brother" she tries to comfort you.
"well thanks." you smile.
"and just so you know... i think georgie likes you back. he's just stupid.. and scared." missy smiles.
"i hope that's the case." you smile back.
as you watch georgie laugh along with jana, you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.
you really liked your best friend.
iv - the time where missy matchmakes.
"georgie.. please please please can you take me and marcus to the movies tonight" missy begged, standing in georgie's doorway.
"missy.. i'm supposed to be hanging with y/n tonight." georgie frowned, secretly he had hoped tonight would be the night he might finally confess to you.
"bring her with you! she loves me." missy smiles smugly.
"we'll see." georgie sighs.
four hours later, georgie, y/n and missy were in the car, going to pick marcus up. georgie didn't take much convincing after learning it would entail missy and her boyfriend being alone, and you were quick to accept to come with.
"so missy.. how serious are you and marcus?" you ask, turning round and smiling at her.
"we're kinda serious.. we've held hands a bunch and hugged. we haven't kissed.. but we've shared a straw" she replies, subtly bragging.
"oh wow pretty serious then." you chuckle. georgie smiles at you. he loved that you got on so well with his family, it was something he'd always liked about you.
there was silence for a while.
"can i ask you guys a personal question?" missy breaks the silence.
"umm sure" georgie responds as you nod.
"so you're both single..."
"thanks for the reminder" you smile playfully.
"and i know jana broke up with georgie because of you y/n.."
"how do you know that" georgie exclaims, confused.
"i know everything." missy deadpans. "and i also heard you on the phone to each other."
"anyway.." she continues "why don't you just date each other? it's very clear that you like each other, everyone can see it. it's simple." she says, proudly.
both your eyes widen. you were not expecting that. you start uncomfortably laughing and turn to look at georgie.
georgie was looking straight forward , avoiding eye contact.
"well.." you start "i don't think i'm georgie's type.."
"you kidding?" georgie exclaims. "not my type? of course you are! i compare every girl i ever meet to you!"
you sat shocked. what. the. hell.
"you do?" you look at him.
"of course i do. i like you a lot y/n." georgie blushes, avoiding eye contact.
your heart stopped. finally!!
"oh really? georgie i also like you a lot!" you smile, brightly.
"you do?" georgie grins.
"yeah of course i do! i have for ages.. i was jealous of jana.. and damn this was ages ago but i was jealous of veronica as well!" you chuckle.
"no way!! i was jealous of that adam guy! and pretty much any other guy who talked to you as well!" georgie replies, smirking.
you smile.
"i was just too nervous to say anything." you say.
"holy shit, me too!" georgie agrees.
you reach over and touch his shoulder. he smiles back. and at that moment although it sounded cheesy, it did really feel like a moment from a romcom.
"aww that was real cute guys." missy smiles.
"but don't you dare say any of that cheesy stuff when marcus is in the car!"
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starlitmark · 1 year
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Summary: The moment Mingyu saw you on the beach in that skimpy bikini, it was over for him. Pairing: Mingyu x fem!reader Rating: R18+ Genre: smut Tropes: spring break au Word Count: 1,525 Warnings: language Smut Warnings: public sex, body worship, breast play, unprotected sex, creampie
Chapter 1: Honey Flavored Lips ៚ WITT Masterlist ៚ Chapter 3: Patience is Key
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The last thing Mingyu wants to do right now is sit in the bungalow. He slept on the couch last night and will be for the whole week; he’s not the most pleased with the arrangement, but at least it’s a comfy sectional. He weighs his options and ultimately decides another day on the beach couldn’t hurt at all. If anything, that’ll be the most fun option without getting absolutely drunk at 2 pm in a club. The club is a half-hour drive away into the city anyway. It’s not very easy to do without a rental car. He doesn’t even bother to ask the others if they want to join him. Changmin and Hyunguu are off exploring the town and the jungle that lies just behind it. San and Jaehyun went to the nearby city earlier, and Youngkyun is likely still a recluse despite them being in a tropical location.
He leaves the house after preparing, and, of course, he lacks a shirt. Why should he wear one when he is on the beach anyway? His hair is up and out of his face, and he still wears a silver chain despite his lack of clothing on his upper half.
Luckily, the beach isn’t too busy despite the nice day. He sets up his spot and stays sat on the sand for a while. There are a few other people in his surrounding area but not too close that he feels like he’s on top of them. It’s not too hot that he feels the need to be in the water, and the wind isn’t too strong to make him feel the need to bake in the sun, either. It’s just all around a really nice day.
He notices a gorgeous girl walking up the beach and toward the beach blanket set up nearby his. Her bathing suit leaves just enough to the imagination that Mingyu wants to know more. It couldn’t hurt to at least try, right? The moment she’s settled and laying belly down on her place, Mingyu glances over. His glance must’ve been more of a look because she looks over at him and giggled quietly.
“Enjoying the view?” you ask flirtatiously.
“Is it so bad if I am?” he flirts back.
You chuckle, flipping your hair over one shoulder, “You trying to do something about it?”
Mingyu smirks, leaning back on his hands behind him. He looks up in the sky for a second, then drops his gaze back down to you. You’re giving him a rather suggestive look. It conveys very clearly to him. He returns your gaze, and it tells you all you need to know.
“There’s a private bathhouse over by those palms.” you jerk your head in the direction of the trees.
“I do need to learn the beaches a little better. Care to show me where you mean?”
You stand up, brushing a bit of dry sand off your chest and stomach. You can feel his eyes on you, and you absolutely love how easily you can get a reaction out of him. You walk over to him, swinging your hips a little extra, and stop right in front of him. You squat down, resting your butt on your heels. His eyes are transfixed on your chest, which is now basically at his eye level. You reach out a hand in his direction.
“Let me show you around then.” you ask with undertones of flirting.
He takes your hand, “Show me the way, beautiful.”
You’re pinned to the wall of the bathhouse the moment you step inside with the tall man. His lips are immediately on your throat, pulling sweet sounds from you. He has one hand holding your hip while the other is playing with your chest. Your hands find their way around his neck and up into his hair. You gently tug at the locks soliciting a quiet groan from the man. His hand travels around to your back from your chest. He pulls the string that’s holding your bikini top shut, and then you feel the release of the fabric.
“So fucking beautiful.” he sighs, “If we weren’t stuck in this stupid building, I’d spend so much time making you feel good. We don’t have a whole lot of time, though, do we?”
“We could go to yours or-”
Before you can finish your thought, he takes one of your nipples into his mouth a swirls his tongue around it. His hand that had previously been untying your top returns to your chest, playing with the breast not occupying his mouth. Your breath is stolen from your lungs, and you grip his hair just a bit tighter so as to hold onto a bit of sanity. You start to grind against him, hoping that he catches your drift and fucks you soon.
“God damn,” he moans slightly, “you okay if I fuck you raw? I didn’t bring anything with me.”
“If you don’t fuck me in the next thirty seconds, I’ll leave and find someone who will.” you threaten, though there’s no intent behind it.
Mingyu chuckles slightly, knowing there’s no true threat to your words. His lips continue to kiss paths across your body in any way he can. You snake your hands down his muscular form and into the front of his bathing suit. You feel a shot of arousal run through your body and center itself in your core, just thinking about how well he’ll fill you up. He lets out a shaky breath as you start to move your hand around his member. His hand moves away from your chest and glides across your side to tug at the strings holding the lower half of your bathing suit together. The moment one side falls loose, his fingers quickly find your clit and rub circles on it. It takes everything in you not to crumble against his body.
“You’re so wet. Bet this pretty pussy would take me so well.” he muses between a few kisses to your collarbones, “Let’s see if I’m right.”
You can’t think of anything to say. Your brain is practically mush hearing and feeling how he worships your body. You simply shove his bathing suit down as best you can to finally release him from the fabric. Within moments he’s fully inside you, and if you thought you couldn’t think straight before, now is even worse. He waits a few moments to allow you to adjust to his size. Still, he kisses any skin he can reach on your body, whispering praise between each one.
“Y-you can move; please move.” you practically moan.
“So fucking pretty, and you take me so well. Fuck, ‘m gonna start moving now, pretty girl.”
When he starts moving his hips, you swear that you see heaven. He’s hardly started, but you already have a continuous stream of moans and whimpers escaping your lips. Your back is pressed against this wall rather uncomfortably, and your hair is definitely a mess, but right now, all you can think about is how good he’s making you feel. He’s an expert with his hips, rocking them at a pace that isn’t too fast or slow. His fingers never stop drawing circles against your clit. You clench around him slightly, making him groan against the junction of your neck and shoulder.
“If you squeeze me like that, I don’t know how long I’ll last, beautiful.” he warns you.
“Can’t help it,” you breathe out, “you feel so good inside me.”
Soon enough, Mingyu’s pace becomes rougher and slightly uneven. You couldn’t care less since your high was quickly approaching. You feel like you’re on cloud nine, high off of the adrenaline of fucking a stranger in a public place. Just as you’re about to topple over the edge of an orgasm, you hear someone outside the small bathhouse. The man fucking you couldn’t seem to care less, though. You moan loudly but try your best to muffle the sound against his neck.
“Don’t hide those pretty sounds,” he tells you, “those guys out there are just my housemates; they won’t mind one bit.”
Normally, something like that would make panic swell in your belly. This time though, it makes you feel more of a rush of arousal bolt through you. Tossing your head back against the wall of the building, you let your moans fly free. The tall man warns you that he’s about to cum, and you let him know he’s more than welcome to cum inside you. When he does, it triggers your own orgasm, and he carries you through it with the continued stimulation to your clit, now combined with him toying with your nipples again. His hips slow to a stop. Both of you pant, trying to catch your breath. He chuckles slightly and rests his forehead on the wall beside yours.
“I, um, I never caught your name.” you admit.
“Mingyu,” he informs you, “that was one hell of an adventure for being strangers, huh?”
“Mmh,” you hum in agreement, “You gonna be around the rest of the week?”
“Name a time and place, gorgeous. I’ll be there.”
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted.
Networks: @caratwritersclub​ @kwritersworld​ @k-vanity​ 
Tag List strikethrough = unable to tag: @meowniee​ @cryoculus​ @2nk-3554  @yumekowhore​ @hyunjaespresent-deobi​  @chibby11
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
yule shoot your eye out // lance stroll
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summary: it was supposed to be a relaxing getaway. instead, a snowstorm traps y/n ocon and lance stroll inside the mount tremblant cabin they had rented, and strands esteban and his girlfriend at the airport. so until the snow melts, she's trapped with her brother's best friend, and forced to reckon with her feelings.
pairing: lance stroll x female ocon! reader ( forced proximity, brother's best friend )
warnings: sexual tension, smut scene that really does nothing for the plot but i wanted to put it in there anyways, super brief mention of masturbation (one sentence), drinking, discussion of kinks (or lack thereof because y/n is like me and needs to constantly know she's loved and desires closeness and intimacy-), mentions of poor mental health, half-assed love confessions where they somehow both know exactly what the other was going to say, esteban walks in on lance and y/n making out on the couch. i use too many romance tropes.
mount tremblant, quebec.
y/n ocon had never seen snow this bad. and she considered herself a country girl through and through. or at least, as close to the countryside as one could get in normandy. she drove at a cautious pace, a sharp detour from the way that she normally drove, in an attempt to keep control over the rented toyota.
"lance, i can't even see three feet ahead of me." she huffed, phone resting in the cupholder at the highest volume. lance stroll, her brother's best friend of over a decade was on the other end of the line, chuckling to himself as he tried to calm the girl down.
"calm down, y/n. you should be almost there, if the find my friends app is working the way that it should."
"that doesn't instill me with a lot of confidence, sir lancelot." she rolled her eyes, taking a turn far too cautiously for it to have been safe if there were any other cars on the road.
it's not her fault she's never experienced a proper canadian winter.
"just take one more right turn, you're almost there. do you not see the road signs?"
"i can't see through the fucking snow! i don't understand why we decided to come up here instead of going down to dallas with mick."
"you're the one who wanted a proper winter getaway."
"i meant the swiss alps!"
lance laughed down the phone before redirecting the conversation. "okay, i can see your headlights, you're at the bottom of the driveway. give me like, ten minutes and i'll meet you in front of the cabin. why are you using your windshield wipers to fend off the snowflakes?"
the aston martin driver did nothing to hide the laughter in his voice.
"fuck off, stroll."
lance tried to stop laughing, but y/n could still hear the joking tone in his voice. "just park near the top of the driveway, i'll come out and help you with your stuff."
"you're an angel, lance. and when i say 'angel' i mean the fucker from buffy the vampire slayer."
"duly noted." the canadian laughs, tugging on his parka before stepping out of the cabin and making his way down the steps. "where's your brother?"
"we weren't on the same flight. no, dear old estie decided not to come and visit if we were all going up to the cabin together." she rolled her eyes as she hung up the phone, watching as lance braved the snow, stumbling towards the rental car.
y/n had been studying at the university of manchester for the last two years and was almost done her program. staying in continental europe had allowed her to stay close to her family, and kept her close to racing, which had always been her passion. she was studying mechanical engineering, with a student placement at carlin. of course, her ultimate goal was to be the first female race engineer in formula one, and being able to get in at alpine wouldn't hurt.
esteban and elena would be flying out of paris, but their flight was supposed to leave an hour ago and she hadn't heard anything. no confirmation that esteban had boarded the plane, no word on any delays.
she tried not to think about it as she stepped out of the car, the hood on her puffy white jacket pulled up against the harsh wind. "let me give you a hand."
lance shook his head. "you've been driving for hours, and your flight was what, six hours long? no, i am carrying your bags."
"at least let me take the suitcase, it's heavy." she insisted, although there was a fuzzy feeling in her stomach at the stroll boy's enthusiasm to help her out.
lance had always been a sweetheart, and she'd be lying if she said that in the last three years, she hadn't felt warm and fuzzy around the aston martin driver. he always went out of his way to make her feel comfortable and included, make her laugh when she felt down. when she had been having a hard time at university, lance had come up to visit her when esteban couldn't, or when she didn't want to worry her parents.
she'd be lying if she said that picturing lance stroll in her bed was the only thing that got her off when her hand was between her thighs. that the reason she was probably still single was because she never made it past a second or third date because she kept comparing every single suitor to her brother's best friend.
"absolutely not." lance insisted. "but you can take the backpack."
"all the backpack has in it is books, a travel pillow and a fucking water bottle. come on, i feel bad." y/n insisted, making grabby hands towards her hard-scheel suitcase, backpack slung over one shoulder. "lance."
"y/n. stop arguing with me, it's cold out here. let me help you."
"fine." the ocon girl caved, locking the car and trudging her way up to the front steps of the rented vrbo cabin.
the two stumbled inside, dropping bags in the foyer and stripping out of snow-covered winter coats.
lance would be lying if he said that his line of sight wasn't immediately drawn to the tight holly-green sweater that y/n was wearing, and the way it made her curves look perfect in the warm led lights.
"i haven't heard anything from esteban since i left manchester. has he called you at all?"
"i'm sure you're overthinking, y/n." lance tried to placate the girl in front of him. "he'd call if anything was wrong. i haven't heard from chloe and scotty either."
y/n laughed, slumping down on the faux leather couch. the cabin was cozy: all cedar wood and plaid accents, shockingly Canadian in the sense of décor. fairy lights hung from exposed timbers and she tried to allow herself to relax, tucking her feet underneath a thick plaid blanket.
"i guess that's typical younger sibling bullshit, isn't it?"
lance laughed, taking a seat on the couch next to the young woman. it was all he could do to keep a respectful distance, knowing that if he was any closer, he'd probably do something stupid.
like kiss her.
"i'm sure our siblings are fine." lance reassured, thinking about his own sister and her fiancée.
"hold that thought." y/n said, sitting up straighter as her phone began to ring, esteban's name flashing across the screen. "estie? where are you?"
"we're still in paris. our flight just got cancelled because of the storm. the airline moved us to a flight two days from now, so we're going to stay down the road from the airport." esteban sounded exhausted, his voice far off as it flooded through the small speakers at the base of her iphone. "they said they'd call if anything changed. did you land okay?"
"the flight was rocky, but i made it in one piece. lance and i are at the cabin now. there's still nothing from chloe and scotty."
"putain. listen, as long as you're with lance, you're safe from the storm. just hang tight and i'll call when i have more news."
"okay. estie? stay safe. i love you."
"love you too." the phone began to crackle, her brother's next words getting lost somewhere between phone lines.
"esteban? esteban?" the three beeps from her phone indicated that the lines had gone down, the simple 'no service' icon appearing in the top right hand corner.
y/n groaned, leaning further back against the couch, knees drawn into her chest as she dropped her phone on the cushions. "the lines are down."
she knew what this all meant. she was stuck in a log cabin with lance stroll and every fond feeling that she had ever harboured for the aston martin driver. she'd either lose her mind or do something freakishly stupid.
"is esteban all right?" lance asked quietly, gingerly moving closer on the couch. y/n took that as a cue, falling straight into his arms, resting her head on his shoulder. breathing in his cologne.
she'd always loved that fucking cologne.
she sighed, closing her eyes. "his flight got cancelled. they're trying to get him on a flight in a few days, but he's not exactly hopeful. it's a miracle that i got here alive, if i'm being frank."
"it's not all bad. we may not have cell signal, but we do have heating, and there's a fridge full of food and wine. a dvd player and a stack of christmas movies."
"alcohol sounds great right about now." y/n agreed, pulling the blanket further over her body.
"red wine or white?" lance asked, getting to his feet and crossing over to the kitchen. "i've also got my mom's sugar cookies."
"red, please. and bring the cookies. tell claire-anne i think she's a bloody legend."
the canadian laughed, popping the cork as he switched on the small radio on the counter, oldies christmas music flooding the open concept main floor, elvis crooning about how he'd have a blue christmas without the one he loved.
me fucking too, mr. presley.
"don't worry, she already knows." lance beamed, coming back to the living room with two wine glasses and a tin of cookies shaped like christmas trees. "have you been doing all right lately? i never felt right about heading back home after that one weekend."
the french girl knew what weekend lance was talking about. she had been in a bad place that entire week, and esteban was worried about her. he was too busy with sponsorship events and couldn't catch a flight out of france soon enough, so he had called lance. the strolls had been at silverstone that week running simulator time at the aston martin factory. lance had driven the four hours from towcester to manchester, and had stayed with her all weekend. as soon as lance came inside the apartment, she had broken down crying in lance's arms. all she had been able to say at the time had been 'i want my mom', repeating it in both english and french while lance held her, whispering that everything would be okay.
"they've been getting better. the semester ended and think the break has done wonders for me. winter semester starts up in january, and my schedule is a little lighter. i'll be working with carlin again, so once the season starts, hopefully i'll be able to get out a little bit more. i'm supposed to be back at the factory three times a week after christmas." y/n started, taking a sip of her wine, still curled up in a blanket. "i'm thinking about getting a rabbit or something. just so i'm not alone in the apartment all the time."
lance nodded along. "that might be nice. how many years do you have left?"
"two years. stephanie carlin is actually really excited about signing me on full time. just as a junior engineer, not a race engineer, but one day i'll get there."
"i have full faith. you'll be coming for brad's job in no time."
y/n laughed, the sound bordering on a snort. "what, so you can tell me that you know the car is already on fire, or that i don't know that the 'pit confirm' and 'ok' buttons are the same thing?"
"you love listening to me and brad and you know it. you think it's charming."
she raised her eyebrows, taking another sip of her wine. "charming isn't exactly the word that i would use."
the duo didn't realize how fast time would fly. conversation flowed comfortably, the wine bottle already halfway empty, the tin of cookies now reduced to a few small crumbs at the bottom of the metal container. they were now sharing a blanket, their legs resting on top of each other.
"this is going to sound completely absurd, but i need to know." lance laughed.
"it's twenty questions. nothing is too absurd." y/n laughed back. "hit me with your best shot, pat benatar."
lance cocked an eyebrow "are you wine drunk?"
"maybe." she giggled, taking another sip. "was that your absurd question?"
"no, not at all. this is: what are you into? like, in bed? because i walked in on your brother and elena once right before a press conference, and i cannot unsee that shit.”
“try hearing him through the walls. our house was small as hell, lance. imagine hearing your older brother have an orgasm. it’s traumatizing.”
“come on, you have to be into something. stop avoiding the question.”
“lance stroll, you don’t ask a woman about her kinks before a first date!”
“what are you hiding?”
“I’m not hiding anything!” she managed to say through laughter. “really, I’m not. I don’t have any kinks.”
lance raised an eyebrow. “everybody has at least one, come on now.”
“really, I don’t. my roommate in freshman year made me take an online bdsm test, and it came back a hundred percent vanilla.”
“a kink is anything that turns you on during sex, y/n. there has to be something.”
y/n rolled her eyes, staring at her almost empty wineglass. “there is not enough red wine in the world for this conversation.” she reached towards the coffee table, pouring the last dregs of the deep red liquid into her glass.
lance looked at her intently. “now I’m curious. what secrets is little miss perfect hiding?”
“I suppose if I had to pick something, because you seem so desperate to embarrass me today,” she rolled her eyes dramatically. “I would say that my kink is romance. some girls want to give up control and have someone tell them what to do during sex, or be tied up and shit, and that's perfectly fine, for them, but I just want to be loved and cared for. I want grand gestures and rose petals and hand holding. I want to be called sweetheart, and darling, and pretty girl.”
lance raised his eyebrow again. god, he shouldn’t look that good when he looks at me like that, she thinks to herself. “that’s it? that’s what you’re so ashamed of?”
“grand romantic notions get you nowhere in the real world. I know that men are going to get bored with me real quick that way.”
“I wouldn’t.”
her heart stopped beating for a fraction of a second, her breath caught in her throat. it’s the alcohol talking, she tried to tell herself. there’s no way he just said what he said.
“I’d call you ‘pretty girl’ all night long, fuck you as tenderly and lovingly as you wanted, and I’d hold your hand the entire time, as long as you wanted me to.”
she couldn’t form a proper response. her mouth had gone dry. she stared at the beautiful man across from her, blinking rapidly as she tried to comprehend what was happening.
“uhm, y/n? hello…earth to y/n?” lance said, confusion in his voice as he looked at her. “are you okay? I think your brain kind short circuited there-“
she cut him off by planting her lips on his, practically jumping into his lap. the driver gasped in surprise before gripping her hips and holding her close. her hands flew up to cradle lances face, moaning into his mouth at the rush of sensations, the buzz that she felt throughout every nerve ending in her body.
she was kissing lance stroll.
“that’s my pretty girl.” he mumbled between kisses, pulling the blankets around their bodies.
at the sound of the pet name spilling from the canadians lips, the lips she had dreamt would someday be spilling that same praise for her in a much more intimate context, she thought she would crumble under his touch, moaning faintly as she tried to press herself up against him. she was sitting on his lap now, legs hanging off the side of the couch and lips against his, her fingertips dragging through his hair as he gripped her thigh tightly.
“lance…” she breathed heavily, the french accent in her voice wavering as the driver began to press sloppy, open mouthed kisses to her neck. “lance, baby, please don’t stop.”
lance grinned against her skin. he wanted this as much as she did, if not more. “anything for my pretty girl.”
the driver leaned back on the couch, pulling y/n's body flush against his, sliding his warm hands up the back of her sweater. she shivered under his touch, only spurring him on more.
until the lights went out with a high pitched beeping sound, the entire cabin plunged into darkness as the battery-operated radio continued to eerily play 'baby it's cold outside' as y/n jumped, tripping over lance's legs as she slid off the couch.
"jesus christ" she groaned, leaning back against the couch, the floor a piercing cold through her jeans. "what happened to the lights? even the fucking string lights are out."
"shit. the storm must have taken the power lines out." lance groaned, pulling the blanket over his lap to hide the growing tent in his jeans. "so now we have no cell phone signal, and no power."
"fucking hell." she mumbled, getting to her feet. "and no power also means no heat. esteban and elena are going to find our frozen corpses huddled for warmth in front of the fireplace."
"you're so overdramatic." lance laughed, getting up from the couch and reaching out to stop y/n from picking up the empty wine glasses. "sit down, y/n. let me handle this, pretty girl."
he said it with a grin and a wink, an overall sense of cheekiness that sent shivers down y/n's spine. she was still struggling to comprehend what had just happened.
she had made out with lance stroll, and she was about ninety eight percent certain that he enjoyed it, if the tent in his jeans was anything to go off of.
"do you have any candles or anything?"
three hours later.
the power still hadn't come back on. neither had the heat, and the fireplace couldn't warm an entire cabin. a cabin intended for six that was currently only occupied by two. a bath and body works candle that smelled scarily like a christmas tree sat on the dresser, dimly lighting up a small circle against the wall that allowed her to see just enough to pull on her plaid victoria's secret pajamas. but the flannel fabric wasn't nearly warm enough for a cabin that was rapidly losing heat.
a shiver wracked her body, goosebumps sprouting all along the hairs on her arms as she reached for the plush blanket at the foot of the bed, draping it around her body before blowing the candle out and edging the door open.
she crossed the hallway, her hands shaking from the temperature drop as she knocked on the door. she could feel heat from inside the room, indicating that lance had somehow managed to get the old woodstove in the corner working.
she hadn't bothered to try with the one in her room.
"lancelot?" she said quietly, playing into the nickname she had always used for him. "can i come in?"
the door creaked open. a loud sound against the rusted hinges. nothing wd-40 couldn't fix. "is everything okay, y/n?" lance asked, a confused and concerned look on his face.
"i'm fucking freezing. and you managed to get a woodstove to work." she shrugged, laughing softly as she gestured at the blanket she was wrapped in.
lance opened the door wider. "come on in. i've got piles of blankets, and probably some body heat."
"how reassuring." she said sarcastically, crossing the threshold into lance's room. crossing a line that could never be uncrossed as she dropped the blanket, tucking herself into the left-hand side of the bed. lance followed shortly after, draping himself over her, his arms securely around her stomach as they spooned.
"lance?" she said softly, as they lay there in the quiet and the dark. "i'm in love with you."
lance inhaled, and she could feel his entire body shudder behind her as he leaned in the whisper in her ear, his breath hot on her skin. "i've been in love with you almost since i first saw you. when my dad was first thinking about buying force india and we walked in the garage and you were there arguing with otmar in that cute little top with the bell sleeves, insisting that you knew more than the team fucking principal." he laughed, his chest rumbling against her back. "you were such a little firecracker, you know."
"and i was on a gap year as well. i took time off to help my dad with the garage. god, i thought i knew so much. i wasn't even in university yet."
"otmar followed your strategy calls that race, you know. he was unsure at first, but he got on the phone with vijay and vijay told him to go for it."
"i know. otmar told esteban afterwards, told him to give me a fucking pandora gift card."
lance laughed, trying to hide a yawn. "sounds about right. get some rest, pretty girl. see you in the morning."
eight hours later.
the room was still dark when y/n ocon woke up. she could still hear the howl of the wind outside, but the room still felt cold, the piles and piles of blankets still pulled over her shoulders. she rolled over, eyes still closed as she nuzzled into lance's chest. the aston driver groaned, one of his hands slipping down her back to cup her ass gently.
"mornin' beautiful." his voice was husky and seductive as he leaned in to kiss her.
"good morning, handsome." she said softly, her face breaking into a smile as she kissed him.
their lips moved in tandem, the air punctuated with soft giggles and wide smiles as she threw her leg over lance's thigh, trying to pull him as close as she could as he playfully smacked her ass, rolling the pair over so that he was on top.
her hands slipped up the back of his heather grey t-shirt, sliding the fabric over his head while the canadian trailed kisses down her neck, the stubble on his chin grazing the delicate skin. she moaned underneath him before he pulled away briefly to get the shirt the rest of the way off his body, casting it aside before kissing her again. her arms came up to loop around his neck, his fingers dancing across her stomach as he slowly undid the buttons on her pajama top.
"lance," she breathed. "is that. . . "
"my hard cock against your thigh?" lance winked with a sly grin. "you bet. see how turned on you make me, pretty girl? if you had said something sooner, we could have been doing this for years now. maybe i'd have even managed to put a ring on your finger."
"i guess we'd better make up for lost time, then." she grinned, helping lance take off the remainder of her flannel shirt before urging lance's head towards her rapidly hardening nipples.
"you're so beautiful, darling." he crooned, kissing and caressing as much of y/n's body as she could, her fingernails lightly digging into his upper back as he swirled his tongue over her breast.
they easily could have wasted the morning away like that. in lance's arms, y/n felt safe and secure. she felt loved, and it all felt right. something that her mother said to her when she was eighteen stuck out in her mind: when you know, you'll know.
and as she and lance shed their flannel pajama pants, his arms around her, his hands in hers as he began to thrust into her, she knew.
but she had a feeling that she had known for a lot longer than that.
"that's it, pretty girl." lance groaned, thrusting deeper and drawing a loud moan from the girl underneath him. "tell me how good i make you feel, hey? i want to know that you feel just as good as i do right now."
"yes, god, yes." she whined, eyelids fluttering shut as she watched lance bring her knuckles up to his mouth, pressing kisses to each knuckle before trailing the kisses down her arm until he reached her neck, the pace of his hips never faltering. “oh, lance, you feel incredible, love.”
"yeah? yeah, you look so pretty like this, beautiful. my pretty girl."
"oh, god! i think i-"
"are you going to come for me, pretty girl? i've got you, baby, you're safe, let go for me. milk this cock."
"oh, lance!"
as they were laying together, a tangled mass of limbs and hair, fingers still pressed to skin, sweaty bodies pressed up against one another, the power came back on, dim lights filling the bedroom as lance kissed her gently.
"i love you, y/n."
she smiled. "je t'aime aussi, lance."
four hours later.
they'd wasted the day away in the shower (having more incredible sex while they were at it), cooking together and watching christmas movies on the vhs player in the cabin's living room ("who even uses vhs tapes any more!" "people who live in cottages, babe!")
as the end credits to 'deck the halls' played on the big screen, lance and y/n softly made out in the dim light of the string lights hanging from the ceiling, curtains still pulled shut.
neither of them heard the door creak open, but they all heard esteban ocon's disgusted shout.
"what the fuck!"
"esteban, i can explain." y/n tried to reason with her brother, aware that lance's hands were in a very compromising position on her body
the alpine driver stood in the middle of the living room, snowflakes melting on his parka as he blinked, trying to make sense of why his sister and his best friend were heavily making out on the sofa.
"are those hickeys on your neck? y/n ocon-khelfane!"
"lance!" she hissed, looking over at the boy. "really? how old are you, seventeen?"
"you didn't notice when you got out of the shower?" the driver asked, trying to avoid making eye contact with esteban. "i thought you said his flight was delayed two days!"
elena shrugged. she had been standing behind her boyfriend, making the conscious choice not to get involved. "we got an earlier flight last minute. we did try to call."
"phone lines are down." y/n said apologetically. "power was out all last night, too."
"and i bet lance kept you warm, didn't he?" esteban glared at lance, ready to destroy their friendship to protect his baby sister's honor. "you have until the count or three, strulovich."
lance's eyes widened. "count fo three for what?"
"lance, run."
"he's my best friend, he's not going to hurt me. estie, come on!" lance laughed nervously. "let's talk this out."
"i think she's right." elena piped up. "you can talk it out later."
lance was off the couch in a flash. "okay, running now!"
they did, in fact, talk it out later.
but not before they wrestled each other and esteban made lance swear not to break y/n's heart.
Tags: @magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @daydreamingleclerc @flannel-cures @sidcrosbyspuck
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xuqijie · 1 year
< new jeans as love tropes 𖥔 ͙ࣳ
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# genre ; fluff, hints of angst
# tags ; ot4 x f!reader (no hyein), probably ooc but use your imagination okayy ! [requested]
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< kim minji ๋࣭ # your sister’s bestfriend
spends all day in your house and never leaves it, just because she says that the wifi was better in your living room than hers.
spends all day in your house and never leaves it, just because she says that the wifi was better in your living room than hers.
spends all day in your house and never leaves it, just because she says that the wifi was better in your living room than hers.
doesn’t know the effect she has on you with her always being around your room like it’s her own.
you always had a crush on her but minji was your sister’s bestfriend, so naturally you were off limits for any relationship. but that doesn’t stop her from having feelings (not that she recognises them anyway).
minji will lie and say she was forced by hanni to stay by your side the whole day to protect you even though hanni didn’t say shit.
will deny having feelings for you and only starts to admit it when she sees you with another one of hanni’s friends 🙈🙈
probably ends up confessing in a super stupid way; like thinking you were asleep and minji just starts saying how much she likes you and how she got jealous seeing you with sunoo.
“minji, sunoo’s gay.”
“i didn’t know that! and does that mean you don’t like sunoo?”
“are you serious? i like you back, you idiot.”
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< pham hanni ๋࣭ # rivals to lovers
will quite literally do anything to make sure she’s number one, and you’re not. like purposely sending you the wrong dance practice and embarrassing you on the day of the rehearsal. (maybe she does feel a little bad when she catches you crying in the toilet).
hanni doesn’t really know why she wants you to know she’s the best. maybe it’s because you two have been pitted against each other since you joined ador.
thinks you’re super pretty but can’t translate it well to korean and ends up just telling it to you straight in viet. too bad you think she was talking shit about you :(
disguises her jealousy as hatred for you. “y/n, i can’t believe you’re slacking off again. seriously, hanging out with jungwon is just going to make you even worse.”
“i’m not even hanging out with jungwon? what the hell is your problem?”
purposely makes you mad because it’s cute to her. but when you really get upset she feels so so bad and you will find chocolates in your bag the next day.
and when you get praised by the instructor, hanni can’t help but feel happy at your beaming expression. only for her smile to dim when jungwon congratulates you.
“see that, hanni? i finally beat you!” you would grin smugly at her and all hanni can do is wish quietly for you to continue talking to her.
so what does she do? suck up her pride and relish in the shocked expression you carried when she says, “i’m happy. you did well.” and leaves the practice room.
and hanni’s feelings are left undiscovered for another day while you are stunned.
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< danielle marsh ๋࣭ # sunshine x grumpy
meets you on the first day of kindergarten and thinks you’re super mean after you tell her to leave you alone. but danielle is persistent and she really wants to befriend the grumpy girl that sits at the back of class.
calls you ‘her moon’ and it embarrasses you but secretly, you like it a lot. and her contact name is your phone is ‘my sunshine ☀️’.
it wasn’t until you two got older when you realised that you had feelings for danielle. but you didn’t want to act on them in fear of her rejecting you and losing your friendship forever, so you just keep quiet, hoping she catches on.
you also didn’t want danielle to choose between you and her other club friends, so you just sit alone during lunch. normally, danielle would join you but you sneak off before she finds you at your designated table.
of course dani gets confused when you start to distance yourself but she doesn’t know what to do. only until she gets ahold of you, she confronts you.
“why are you acting like this? i thought we were friends, y/nnie. and i’ve told you before, i don’t care about anyone else, i just want my moon back. please, y/n.”
and when you finally work things out, danielle smacks you on the shoulder and scolds you for keeping things from her. you deserve it but you also don’t deserve someone like dani.
the sweetest angel you’ll ever meet when you start dating. always brings you your favourite drinks when you’re studying, makes sure you’re well taken care of when you’re sick and tries her best to help you out when you’re feeling upset.
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< kang haerin ๋࣭ # hates everyone but you
haerin is an enigma. a person you would describe as eccentric. she would repeat all the swear words you said, randomly stare blankly at you and sometimes steal your sweaters. she also bears uncanny resemblance to cats.
since you two live in the same dorm, whenever your personal friends come over, haerin will glare at them warily but when her eyes filter to you, her gaze softens and she waddles to your side for cuddles.
“even though you look like a cat doesn’t mean you have to actually act like one, kang haerin.”
“shut up, hyein.”
“no, hyein’s right, rinnie.”
“okay, y/nnie.”
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
hello!! i absolutely love, love love, your buck fics, cowboy like me was so good. i was wondering if i can request a fic? buck and reader are best friends too stubborn to realize their feelings and have to share a bed for some reason, buck for some reason knows this trope and prepares themself like “i can do this, they’re my best friend it won’t be weird” so morning comes and he wakes up but they’re not cuddling and he gets gets disappointed and that’s how he realizes his feelings and maybe a confession. thank you if you do this but no worry if you don’t get to it. take care ❤️
sweet nothing - e.b
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summary: basically for the request above :)
evan buckley x reader
a/n: i was so so happy to see that someone requested something and i hope you enjoy it! 🩶🩶 i’ve never done a one bed trope before so hang in there. i’ll be editing this a little later as i am going out but i wanted to get this up for you!
edit: omg i lowkey read this wrong i’m so sorry i can def write it again if you’re not a fan of it
y/n and buck have known each other for years, working together at the station. they meshed so well together and they realized that their connection might be stronger than a normal one between co-workers.
they started hanging out more and more, going to bars and getting dinner. they’d go to parties together and they talked all the time. having to deal with the repercussions of being a first responder, they found comfort in each other. after a death or near a death, they’d go back to someone’s place, hoping to bring normality back to the day. the bad days and the good days, they were always there.
it’s hard for buck not to get attached to someone so easily after dealing with people leaving. he never received affection from his mother or father, and his sister leaving so soon changed his view on things. his ego might be big, but it’s not big enough to prevent him from clinging to someone who shows him an ounce of love.
they were scarily similar, and they knew it. that’s why they were friends. they could talk to each other and actually understand each other after not having anyone for years.
they both know they’re more than friends, and everyone at the firehouse teases them anyway. buck normally has no problem with admission, taking girls home and letting them forget him the next day. he cannot admit his feelings for y/n after all these years. whether it be encouragement from eddie or bobby, the fear of ruining the best relationship he’s ever had outweighs that.
after a crazy day off, driving around the city and doing anything they can imagine, they realize how late it is and start to drive home. bucks mood of the night goes from pure happiness to dread. he doesn’t want it to be over, because any time that is spent with her is more time that he feels like nothing could stop him.
“buck, where are we?” y/n asks in the passenger seat of his jeep.
“oh, we’re um… at the place i went a few weeks ago. i just-“
“don’t know how to get back?” she finished his sentence and he gives her a look.
“yes, i do actually! we just have to go down that freeway.” he tries fixing the situation, not wanting to leave her stranded in the middle of nowhere. “ok, i have no clue where we are, but it’s fine! we have google maps.” buck pulls out his phone and sits on the app for minutes, praying that the little loading sign goes away. some small part of him wants to turn on airplane mode and hope she doesn’t notice, so they can stay together for a little while longer. she looks over to the phone and sighs.
“just pull up to that gas station over there. i have to pee.” she says, and he starts driving over to the dark gas station with the 24-hour sign. after she runs in, she runs back out with a ton of snacks and drinks.
“i thought you were just using their bathroom?”
“what? it’s just a few snacks, what’s wrong with that?” she laughs and throws them back into the car as he’s waiting outside too, filling his tank.
“did you buy a map in there too?”
“very funny, buck. like you can read a damn map.”
“i could if we were stranded somewhere! and oh, take a look around.” he acknowledges the fact that they don’t know where they are, but can still make fun of each other and laugh.
“listen, let’s just drive around for a bit and see what we find.” y/n recommends. buck grumbles and gets back into his car, turning on the engine.
it mutters and doesn’t turn on, he tries again and realizes it’s not going anywhere. he keeps playing around with it before y/n interrupts him. “i think it’s broken, buck.”
“it’s a jeep, it’s fine!” he says, trying to defend his precious car.
“ok, well. i’m gonna go inside and ask where any hotels are.” y/n says, and buck runs his hand down his face.
“get a bag of doritos while you’re at it.”
after minutes of waiting, y/n comes out of the gas station and walks over to the car. “did you call a truck?”
“yeah, they’ll be here soon.”
“well, get your walking stick, partner because the nearest hotel is a mile away.” she says sarcastically, grabbing her stuff out of his car.
“we’re sorry, ma’am but all our two guest rooms are full for tonight,” the hotel receptionist tells them.
“shit, ok. do you have any other available rooms?” buck peeps in and asks.
“we have a one person room on floor 3, it has a full bathroom and everything.” after the exhaustion of the night and having to walk around looking for this hotel, they basically will crash anywhere.
“we’ll take it.” they both say simultaneously.
they climb up the the room with their arms full of stuff they don’t even need. they swing open the door and make their way inside. “ladies first,” buck says, leaning against the door.
“thank you very much, sir.” y/n replies and places some of their goodies on the tv stand. “this is nice, i guess! we could fit in here if we really wanted to.”
“yeah, i can stay on the floor and you take the bed.” y/n laughs at his request and he gives her a confused expression.
“really, buck. we all know you’re picky about your sleeping situations. take the bed. i’m fine on the floor. ladies always take the bed.” she smirks at him.
“oh, well if you put it like that, i’ll take it,” he says, throwing himself on the bed. “you’re gonna sleep in jeans?”
“well, i didn’t bring an overnight bag. it’s fine, it’s just for one night.”
“i have en extra shirt in my car, just wear that. it’s big on me, so it’ll be like a dress!” he tells her. “a nightgown for the queen herself, if i must say.”
“you didn’t bring it in? you even brought your med kit?”
“you never know, y/n. what if you cut yourself open? you never. know.” he jokes.
“whatever,” she smiles and laughs. “i’m going to wash my face and i’m going to bed.” she walks into the bathroom and buck stays on the bed. he doesn’t want to leave her on the floor, but he doesn’t know if he could contain his thoughts if they slept together. that sounds really awful, but that might make him spit out words he doesn’t want her to know.
when she comes back out, buck is stripped of his shirt and left in his pants. her heart rate noticeably speeds up, and she doesn’t really know what to say. she’s seen him without a shirt, but spending the night together? she’s in for a hell of a night. her mouth is slightly open, and she closes it again, realizing he’s looking right at her. “like what you see?” he says, looking up from his phone. she shakes her head and turns around. she pulls on his massive shirt and now it’s his turn to have an internal freak out.
seeing his name on her back and his shirt on her body might send him into arrest. her soft hair falls down her back after she pulls out her bun and she runs her hands through it. buck looks around at her body, her shoulders peeking out through the top and the neckline down. he shakes his head and forces his eyes to look back down at his phone. she gets down on the floor, pulling the blanket over her and laying on the few that she placed under her. “g’night, buck. go to sleep.”
“n-night, y/n.”
buck stays on the bed the whole night, being able to sleep peacefully in the quiet room. y/n on the other hand, feels like she’s gonna fall through the floor. she hates the floor, she would’ve taken the bed, but his comfort was more important to her.
she loves him, she really does, but both of their stubbornness and lack of acknowledgement of their feelings prevents her from making any moves. but she swears this hard, itchy rug might be the death of her.
buck feels the corner of the blanket get pulled up, and a light hand on his shoulder, pulling him out of his slumber. “move over, i cant stay on this rug.”
even the deep sleep he was in couldn’t keep his mind from going places. he was so happy, probably too happy. “yeah-yeah, of course.” he says, moving his body. he was wide awake now, turning to face her. “you know, i’m really happy we got stuck here together.”
her faces reveals a bright smile and buck can still see through the darkness of the room. “me too.”
they both turn over and fall asleep, trying to quiet the thoughts in their head. the ones that have been begging to be released for months.
when they wake up in the morning, y/n feels so much better. the sun was shining lightly through the shades and she rubs her eyes. she looks over and buck, whos much closer than she thought.
she realizes their closeness, his arms wrapped around her and their legs tangled together. her head is right next to his, their foreheads practically touching.
she thought about moving from her spot, it physically, she couldn’t bring herself to. the warmth of bucks body brought a whole new feeling. she felt at peace, which sounds silly but she felt like she could take on anything as long as he was there. it was her opportunity to be with him, being as close as ever.
he woke up from his own sleep, eyes fluttering open and his breaths were deep and slow. he looked up at her, and smiled when he saw how close they were to each other. “hey,” he says, with a raspy voice morning voice and y/n feels grateful to even hear one word.
“hi,” she whispers back to him. “sleep well?”
“i slept great, i wonder why,” he looks around and then lands his eyes back on her. “i’m glad you’re here.”
“you know, i kinda thought i was dreaming when i woke up,” she speaks. “i’m glad i wasn’t.”
“i’m glad you weren’t dreaming too.” he pulls her in, wrapping his arm around her lower back. he leans in, planting a sweet kiss on her lips. they stay in this position for a while, taking the time to spend with each other after waiting the past few years in hiding.
“uh… we should probably, um, get up?” she smiles and is practically speechless. she tries to form the words but really doesn’t want to go anywhere.
“nah, let’s stay here.” he pulls her in and rolls over her, but keeping his weight off. they whisper sweet nothings at each other and she giggles at his soft kisses all over, finally relieved that they can be together without the fear of ruining something great.
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I’ve been binge reading your fics all day, and i’d love to request one!
So, we all know that Fred Weasley is always energetic, loud and a troublemaker, right? He’s totally golden retriever energy. Maybe he meets a girl the exact opposite of him- Quiet, Shy, maybe somewhat emo? Like a golden retriever boy x black cat girl trope? Id love to see your perspective on this! 🤍
Such a fun request! I hope you enjoy!!
Opposites Attract Pt. 1
Fred's POV
Fred stopped his loud, boisterous bouncing around and watched as Y/N sat down in her favorite spot under the big oak tree and pulled a book out to read. Of all the girls at Hogwarts, Y/N was the one that fascinated him the most. With her jet-black hair, all-black wardrobe, and her quiet manner, she was the exact opposite of every other girl he'd ever fancied. She was shy, reserved, and even though she had friends, she seemed to prefer being on her own most of the time.
"I wonder what she's reading." Fred strained, trying to make out the title.
George glanced up from the invention he was tinkering with. "Looks like a book to me."
"Don't be cheeky," Fred grumbled. "You know what I mean."
George grinned. "I see you're crushing hard on our little black cat girl."
"I am not crushing on her." Fred looked away to hide his faint blush.
"Ok." George shrugged.
"I'm not."
"Seriously, George, I'm not."
"Ok," George finished. "Now come help me with this."
Fred snuck one final, quick look at Y/N before turning his attention to his twin and their newest invention.
Y/N was nervous. She knew she was being watched by Fred Weasley. And she also knew he had taken an interest in her. At least, that's what her friends said anyway.
She wasn't sure how she felt about that. She'd never had a boyfriend before, and it would be nice to have one. But Fred Weasley? Mischief maker extraordinaire, the life of party, the center of attention everywhere he went. If she dated him, she'd get sucked into that, and the possibility terrified her.
Y/N had spent her life happily being a wallflower. Sure, her black-on-black style garnered a bit of attention from time to time. But it was usually only momentary. Once people realized she wasn't going to do anything interesting, they got bored and turned their focus elsewhere. That suited her just fine. She liked being the invisible one. The one everyone's eyes slipped over.
Daring a quick peak through her bangs, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw she was no longer being scrutinized. Good, she thought. Now, maybe she could relax and get some reading done before dinner. Putting the older Weasley twin promptly out of her mind, she turned her attention to her newest potions book.
Fred's POV
Fred stared at the back of Y/N's lovely head as she worked on an assignment in Potions. She excelled at the subject and was probably the only non-Slytherien student who didn't think Snape was horrible. "He's really not that bad." Fred had overheard her telling one of her friends.
Indeed, Snape did treat her differently than most of Hogwarts' students. While she didn't receive the preferential royal treatment reserved only for Slytherin, he never tormented her as he did everyone else. He generally just left her alone, occasionally praising her on her potions work.
Fred couldn't help but wonder what sort of spell she cast to achieve this unprecedented feat. Maybe when he asked her out to Hogsmede, she'd share her secret. He sighed, gazing at her lips as she turned to speak to her partner when someone slapped the back of his head.
"Ow!" Fred looked up to see Snape glaring down at him.
"Save your Don Juan scheming for after class, Weasley." Snape ordered, rolling his eyes.
Fred rubbed the back of his head, pointedly ignoring George's smirking, knowing look as he watched the professor stalk back to his desk. Once again, he wondered why Snape left Y/N out of the matter. If she'd been anyone else, he would've made a point to embarrass her, too. What was so special about Y/N?
Snape's POV
Snape had a soft spot for Y/N. Aside from her loner nature and her penchant for black, which reminded him of himself, she was one of the most brilliant students he'd ever taught, and that was not a term he threw around lightly.
A few days into her first year, Y/N approached him after class to discuss a particular potion in her textbook. She was shy and uncertain of herself, but her questions and insights broached ideas that went far beyond anything he taught in his most advanced classes. Snape was impressed in spite of himself.
Y/N didn't have much practical experience with mixing potions, obviously, being too young to practice magic outside of school. But, she was incredibly well-read on the subject, spending hours pouring over any potions book she could get her hands on.
Mid-way through her second year after she'd read every potions book in the library, Snape began letting her borrow books from his private collection. Every couple of weeks, like clockwork, she'd stop by after class to trade out another book and ask a litany of thoughtful questions.
Much to his surprise, Snape found himself looking forward to their little chats. It was lovely to have a student who wasn't a complete dolt for once. And whose mastery of potions made her a worthwhile conversationalist. However, if he were completely honest with himself, he mostly enjoyed them because it was like having a friend.
Fred's POV
Y/N was sitting in her usual spot reading. Fred smiled at her. She looked extra adorable today with the little fall leaf that had fluttered into her hair unnoticed.
"Hi!" Fred greeted, striding over to her.
"Umm, hi." Y/N looked up at him for the briefest of moments before her eyes darted away.
"Mind if I join you?" He was all but bouncing in place.
"I-uh-ok." Y/N stuttered.
He flopped down beside her with all the grace of a drunk walrus. "Beautiful fall day, yeah?"
"Yeah--" she mumbled, shrinking away from him.
Fred noticed. "Oh shit, sorry, am I coming on too strong?"
Y/N only blinked.
"I am, aren't I?"
Unsure how to respond, Y/N continued to say nothing.
"Dammit! George told me to tone it down," Fred rambled on. "But did I listen?" He shifted away from her so he was no longer up in her face.
Y/N swallowed, watching his every move. "C-can I help you with something?"
"As a matter of fact, you can," Fred smiled. "You see, I have this little problem. George and Lee both have girlfriends they're taking to Hogsmede on Saturday, and I don't, and I'd really prefer not to go alone. I'd love it if you accompanied me. What do you say?"
@princess-paramour @milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley
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isaksbestpillow · 8 months
Gmmtv 2024
I'm now going to watch and review all the trailers of GMMTV 2024 part 1! Glad they're splitting up the announcements this year because watching a year's worth of trailers in a row last time was rough for me personally lol.
The Interest ผ่อนรักนอกระบบ Was this movie already in last year's selection or does Bright keep making the same movie??? Not really into the whole guy who can't take no for an answer trope so I won't be camping out at a Thai cinema for this. Moving along!
รักแรกโคตรลืมยาก The Series /My Precious Wait so the first trailer was a remake of a Korean movie and this one is a tv show version of Gmmtv movie that came out like yesterday??? Here's your Japanese word of the day: netagire, running out of ideas. The cast is cute. Moving along!
หนังสือรุ่นพลอย/Ploy's Yearbook Oh thank god the first minute was a flashback because these people are too old to be playing high school students, a minute of horror haha. Namtan, Film and Aye are all talented women, I'm glad they're getting the spotlight but the plot feels confusing. Earth's there, and some other bl guys, so at least they're breaking the mould of those branded pairs a little. I've frankly wanted to see Namtan & Earth for a long time.
We are คือเรารักกัน Is We are the official international title? The original คือเรารักกัน means well we love each other. Anyway. We are at university. Pond and Phuwin are here. They're engineers. Everyone is potentially gay for each other. Stop me if you think you've heard this one before. Moving along!
The Trainee ฝึกงานเทอมนี้ รักพี่ได้มั้ย Annual OffGun bl, a GMMTV staple. The title means The intership Can I love you (/Phi)? Might watch this for silliness purposes. Also for Kapook purposes.
แค่ที่แกง / Only Boo A school setting with actual new faces???? I might not be watching but good for them. GMMTV is probably eager to recreate the FourthGemini magic, we'll see how it goes. Moving along!
Pluto นิทาน ดวงดาว ความรัก I will admit I didn't understand a single thing about the plot but Namtan and Film are kissing and that's enough to lure me in.
บ้านหลอน ON SALE/Peaceful property There are ghosts and slapstick vibes. TayNew are back again. Might watch for culture learning purposes because Thailand is all about the ghosts.
Ossan's Love Thailand No trailer yet, but apparently Earthmix are cast as the leads. This may seem like a very random adaptation at first, but it's actually not that surprising since TV Asahi that produced the original has been heavily involved with GMMTV for a couple of years now and Earthmix are the most popular Thai bl couple among Japanese audiences. There's also a big Japan boom happening in Thailand right now and Japan is eager to get that dime considering the miserable state the of the Japanese yen. In all its silliness, Ossan's Love was an important milestone in Japan because it was the first time gay people were shown in suits in mainstream Japanese media when for the longest time gay has been pretty much synonymous to cross-dressing and funny drag queens. The world has changed quite a bit since 2016 when it comes to understanding sexual harassment so we'll see how this is going to get adapted for this era.
My Golden Blood เลือดนายลมหายใจฉัน Listen I may not have been a vampire girl before but I sure am now haha. What was that and where can I get more. Maybe the special effects are leftovers from that paranormal Win Metawin show, but that won't bring me down. I love Gawin collecting GMMTV men like trash. I've been a GawinJoss shipper for five minutes now and counting. The original title means Your blood is my breath.
Kidnap ลับ-จ้าง-ลัก Is that one of the houses from Bad Buddy??? Is this a bl???? Is Ohm doing another bl????? Good for him. Maybe people will be less weird about it this time. I appreciate actors exploring their chemistry with multiple partners, it keeps it interesting for all of us.
Summer Night ความลับในคืนฤดูร้อน Heterosexuals? In high school? Groundbreaking. You could've merged this with the My Precious trailer and I wouldn't have noticed. Eteenpäin sanoi mummo lumessa, forward said a grandma in the snow!
วันดีวิทยา/Wandee goodday Gays are boxing and performing surgery. Good day, sir. I'm vibing with the casting. That leg cramp during sex was the best thing I've ever seen in these trailers, count me in.
High School Frenemy มิตรภาพ คราบศัตรู Three trailers left, almost there!! This has Japanese or Korean remake written all over it. I don't recognise the story meaning it's probably Korean. Look, there's a glimpse of Mark in a minor role, where are all his major roles!! View's also there, she's a great actor and I'd like to see her in bigger roles. I hope they will both be heavily featured in GMMTV 2024 part 2. Alright, I have now finished watching people get beaten up for five minutes, moving along.
My Love Mix-Up! เขียนรักด้วยยางลบ GeminiFourth are rekindling Kieta hatsukoi. Like I said, Japan is big in Thailand and media houses in both countries are establishing connections so is adaptation is not a surprise. The tempo of the trailer was a little dull for me. The original show is quite short so the pacing is obviously going to be different but we'll see!
Enigma 2 บุหงาหมื่นภมร Buddy I didn't even watch Enigma 1. I consider my work here done.
A lot of big GMMTV players were still missing so I look forward to part 2! I mean there's gonna be more, right????
Thank you for reading!
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lpsgirl109 · 15 days
This is a post for @just-allovertheplace because they brought up a point on one of my Phin posts and I wish to elaborate
So when I say some of Phin's actions should've been a result of her own ignorance, I dont mean like, all. The attacks against Roxxon should absolutely be done from a place of hate, those fuckees killed her brother and are selling off nuform as a clean energy thing despite Knowing it's harmful. Everything against Roxxon is fine to have been malicious intent
What I mean with that post is I feel there should've been an emphasis on Phin not really thinking about the damage her attacks may cause to innocent people until after the fact. She's not putting civilians in harm's way just for shits and giggles, Roxxon is her first priority and her grief sort of blinds her to how she may be hurting others in the process. The reason I like to add her warning the people at the rally to run is that the fandom Loves using that scene to call Phin a horrible person for putting Rio in danger. And in my honest opinion, some of that can be equated to bad writing, since Phin is sort of all over the place in terms of her actions. I can definitely word this better when I finish my replay of the game but like, there's moments where the narrative villainizes her a bit Too much and it leads to people hating her more than sympathizing with her, which really doesn't work when the point of her arc was to make the player feel bad for her by the end, not cheer for her death.
This is why it works better for me if she's going into these attacks clouded by her own rage and not entirely understanding the consequences until after it has been done. She doesn't want to hurt innocent people, she wants to hurt Roxxon. She just doesn't realize innocent people Did get hurt until the action is already done. And one could say I'm watering her down and making her less evil or some shit, but I also do this because I don't really like how her or the Underground are handled in the game. You have to tread carefully when playing with the "character figting worse character is Doing It Wrong and is therefore just as bad" trope, especially in the context of the 'worse character' being a corrupt rich asshole in charge of a corrupt company who is knowingly making people extremely sick with his product just so he can sell it. And the game uses this trope pretty poorly, with how horrible Phin and the Underground are portrayed. The Underground is a literal terrorist organization and Phin herself shows no care for the people she hurts in the process of taking down Roxxon. She doesn't even care that the Underground is getting sick from handling the nuform, and that's a scene that really Icks me because there are Connotations behind saying the black girl trying to fight a huge corrupt organization that killed her brother has become no better than the white man who owns said organization and just about takes Pleasure in what he's doing. I really hope this is not a hot take and I am not the only one who thinks this.
Anyway, that's largely why in my rewrite, I tone down both Phin and the Underground a bit. If they were the only villains in the game and weren't fighting any sort of higher power, I'd probably be fine with them the way they are. It's the fact that their goal is to stop a large organization from harming the city with their product, and are written as terrorists who don't care about the innocent people they hurt that makes me look at them and go Hm. This was not handled well. At all. It's why in my opinion, Phin works best if her attacks are never meant to hurt innocent people, rather she's sort of in over her head and didn't think about the damage she'd be causing until it was too late. And like this also checks out when you remember she is an 18 year old girl, yeah she's gonna fuck up. Girliepop never even made it to her 20s /ref
Anyway this has been an episode of Peg Speaks
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megsforpresident · 2 years
Damn you, Steven Hyde! - Fluff
Steven Hyde x fem! Reader
A/N: Hi! this is the first one shot i have ever posted anywhere to be honest, but I've been obsessed with That 70s show and I wrote this directly here knowing that i would be forced to post it.
English is not my first language but I always loved to write so hopefully this is not too bad. let me know what you think!
I will make a part 2 of this, that will contain smut.
trope: two idiots in love, a little bit of miss-comunication.
TW: name calling, swearing, bad bad writing, smoking weed, under-age drinking. i think that's all, let me know if there are other things i should consider.
anyway, here we go!
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"Oh c'mon, I'll spend the night with you Fez." You promised. "We can watch a movie if you want, your pick." Fez smiled and crunched down a bit, hugging your neck from behind since you were sitting down on 'Hyde's chair'.
"This is why you are my favorite, Y/N/N." He smiled, accent thick on his tongue.
It was true. You were always nice to Fez and, even if you were Eric's twin sister, you were the only girl in the group that was single and Fez always thought he could have his way with you like he did with Donna and Jackie, if they were single.
Being Eric's twin sister had it's good sides. You were your parents favorite. It was more than likely to happen when you are the youngest and a girl. You weren't whoreing around high school like your older sister Laurie had been, and you brother, well Red just thought he was a dumbass while Kitty tried to baby him.
You didn't need that tho. you knew how to stand up for yourself, you were well behaved and your parents trusted you. Even if you did exactly the same things Eric did, it was always more fun to you even if you got caught.
Another thing, your friends were his and, most of the times, vice versa. The both of you had been friends with Donna, Hyde and Kelso since forever, always hanging out in your basement.
The bad side was Hyde. Not him necessarily, but the close relationship with him. You and Hyde would flirt all the goddamn time until your brother got uncomfortable.
Since you were around 11 or 12 that you had been fighting over who sits in that chair just for the sake of it, and that only stopped when you both decided by sharing a look that you would do anything to annoy your brother, so Hyde pulled you to his lap and ever since then, you would always sit on the chair or on Hyde, it basically just became a habit to everyone really.
And you absolutely adored the relationship you had with him. That's what fucked it up, Hyde grew up to be exactly your type. Or maybe your type was based on Hyde. You just know that on your last sleep over with Donna and Jackie when you borrowed your mom's cosmo you figured that Hyde filled all the categories as your dream man. And oh boy, did they tease you about it.
"But in all seriousness." Jackie said after a few laughs. "Hyde would never deserve a girl like you."
And that played over and over in your head.
After that you had gone to the disco and you bugged and bugged and bugged Hyde to come with all of you until he said yes.
That night you had danced with Fez after Jackie and you totally tired him out, after that you tried to dance with Kelso, cheer him up a bit and teach him a few moves so that he could keep up with Jackie before he realised that Fez and Jackie were outside alone.
And even after dancing for so long, you still wanted to keep going. You got that from your mother. The problem was, you obviously wouldn't dance with your brother, specially because he can't dance for the life of him.
"Hey that guy over there looks like he can dance." Donna declared, pointing over your shoulder. "He's been looking at you since you were dancing with Fez." She added quietly, mostly to your brother sake because he was obviously over protective of you.
In Eric's mind, if anything happened to you while you were both out, Red would absolutely kill him for not protecting his precious little angel enough.
"Let's see if he can dance." You add with a smirk, getting ready to get up.
"You wanna dance?" Hyde said before you even could get up. You looked at him puzzled, as did Eric and Donna. "C'mon, let's dance." He got up and grabbed your hand.
So that night you danced with Hyde to Fernando by ABBA. And he told you that he wanted to kiss you. And just for a tiny moment you thought he was joking, before you saw the seriousness in his eyes. And, god, did you wish the song could have lasted just a minute longer because you would've absolutely kissed him right there.
Ever since then, it had been different between you two, but only you had noticed. Hyde didn't want to make you weird around him and since you didn't answer, he took it as a hint that you would always be just friends.
That was another bad side of being a Forman. There were things that were hard to talk about, specially feelings. You got that from Red. But did you want to have the guts to tell Hyde how you felt.
When Christmas came along, he gave you his gift on the cruiser. He didn't get anything to anyone else because he didn't have the Money to do so.
He gave you the polaroid you had taken with Jackies camara on the next town over that you had lost over a rock, paper or scissors game. Hyde put a black frame on it with a bracelet from the concert you went to that night, and it had been in your night stand since he gave it to you.
You got him a new pair of sunglasses. The same exact ones he had and had you worked your ass off to find them. You were the only one who noticed they were broken so the lent would fall out. And he smiled so big when he opened the box, it was like he own a contest.
You thought he got the hint. He didn't. So now here he was, bragging about Chrissy, and the wild sex they just had, and how she had asked him to move to New york.
You weren't even listening until you heard your brothers pinchy voice, telling him he couldn't.
"Damn it Forman, now I lost my train of thought." He got up angry, touching your shoulder so he could sit on the chair. "Hey sweetheart." He said loudly, like he always did, coming to kiss your cheek, like he always did before you both sat back down.
"Hey Hyde." You said with a small smile, but avoided his kiss, reaching for the cruiser keys that were on the table. "What do you say Fez, wanna go grab a few movies?"
"Oh yes. Maybe the pretty blonde that works there will be there." He said excited, reaching for his jacket.
"Wait for us." You said more to your brother, knowing that as soon as Donna was gone and Michael was back they would get high, and you always did it with them, Donna didn't because she didn't like the smell.
Hyde found your behaviour weird since you never acted like that with him but your brother made the stupid joke that you were probably on your period which Donna hit him in the arm for, and quickly got back to trying to get Hyde from going to New york.
When you got to the video store, you gave Fez enough Money to rent two movies and stayed in the car. You cried, and you were woman enough to admit that you cried. Out of jealousy that he was with that Chrissy bitch, that he would leave town, but mostly because he would leave town with her.
You only realised Fez got back because he hugged you and you appreciated it even if you made him promise not to say anything and didn't exactly tell him why you were crying.
As soon as Eric heard the vista's doors closing, he got the pot from its hiding place.
"I don't think is a good ideia Hyde." Your brother said when it started to kick in.
And you blacked out. Not literally, you just didn't want to listen.
"Y/N you gonna help me and Fez out?" Eric asked.
"Nop." You answered, getting up from where you were resting against Michael. "Hyde can go to hell for all I care." And he laughed.
"Don't kiss my ass, sweetheart."
"But Y/N/N weren't you crying in the car because of..." And before Fez could continue, you threw a shoe at him. Yes, a shoe because your stoned mind couldn't think of anything else.
"You were crying?" Eric and Hyde asked at the same time but you quickly ignored them.
"I gotta pee." And with that you left before anymore questions.
The feeling left and Hyde went home to pack his bag, his mind set on going even after your brother's many tries. After dinner and before he went on his 'drive' with Donna, Eric tried to bug the truth out of you but you wouldn't open up.
"You don't want to tell me, fine." He said, annoyed. "I'm going over to Hyde's to try and talk him, do you wanna come?"
"Eric, mom and dad already talked to him, you bugged him all afternoon, me talking to him won't change anything, it won't either if you just keep repeating the same thing." You finally said, finishing up washing the plates from dinner.
"You haven't even said anything, I thought you cared for Hyde a little bit more." He said before he left and you just kept washing the dishes.
After a few minutes Donna showed up, sitting on the high stool as you cleaned the counter.
"Eric went to see Hyde before he left, he might be a bit late." You told Donna, avoiding looking at her knowing that she would know how you felt by just looking at you.
"And you stayed because?"
"It wouldn't matter if I went." Your voice was clearly emotional, not thinking about anything else but losing your best friend Hyde over New York, and the wild bimbo Chrissy.
"He likes you! You could make him stay!" Now Donna got up and you looked at her. "What are you waiting for? For him to leave with that bimbo? He's going to ruin his life in New york, Y/N/N. Talk to him, have him ruin his life here, with us." You laughed a bit.
"Do you really think I could make him stay?" You asked on a small voice, clearly wanting to ask something else.
"Of course!" Donna said. "Hyde is absolutely crazy for you." She smiled and you just left the counter half cleaned before you ran to the living room.
"I'm going out, but I promise I won't be gone long." You said before you tried to leave.
"Hold it." Said Red Forman and, you didn't even register before you stopped and turned back to the living room. "You're finally going to talk to Steven?"
"Yes daddy." You mumbled. You could have tried to fool your dad but it wouldn't pass the Red-dar.
"Take the Toyota. I don't want you walking alone so late at night." He pointed to the keys on the high table behind him.
"Thank you daddy!" You kissed his cheek and ran to the garage pass Donna showing her the keys.
You drove quickly but a lot more careful than you would have done if it was with the cruiser. Parking next to the cruiser, you quickly checked yourself in the mirror, cleaning the remaining tears and fixing your lashes, knowing that Hyde would know if you were crying.
When you got to his front porch, you saw Eric and Hyde sitting, laughing a bit. Nervously, you put your hands on the front pocket of your denim skirt and walked to them, clearing your throat so they would notice you and stop the conversation, never trusting what they talked about when alone and definitely didn't want to over hear.
"Hey Y/N/N, did you walk here?" Your brother asked quickly. "Why didn't you wait until I got back?"
"Red borrowed me the Toyota." You said showing Eric the keys. "Be careful when you back up the cruiser."
"Oh right." He said, looking between the two of you. Eric might be dumb most of the times but this one he could tell. "I guess I'll see you around if I ever go to the big Apple Hyde. Good luck." And with that they hugged, Hyde thanked him, and Eric left.
It might have been a twin thing, but you shared a look and you knew Eric hoped to every God out there that you would get Hyde to stay, even if you were going to try, it made you lose a little bit of hope that it was all up to you now.
"Hey sweetheart." He tried again, reaching for a cigarette in his pocket.
Tears were back in your eyes when you finally got closer to him, pushing him in the chest.
"How dare you, Steven?!" You asked annoyed. "How dare you even think of leaving without saying goodbye?!"
"Sweetheart..." He started, finally noticing the tears on your face, trying to get closer to you but you pushed him again, pointing a finger to his face.
"No. Don't 'sweetheart' me. You were supposed to leave this town with me. Follow me to college like a creep and sneak into my dorm room like we promised." And that's when it hit him.
You had promised that one time on a sleep over when you woke up in the middle of the night and Hyde went to use your bathroom. He was the only boy you would let use your bathroom and he noticed you were up. You both got high on the room just outside your window and made that promise with each other before you went back inside and read to him the book Eric had gotten you for christmas and you both fell asleep.
Before he could respond, you had glued yourself to his torso, crying quietly on his chest.
"Don't go. Please." You asked before he tossed the cigarette aside and hugged you back. He calmed you down, before you pulled back to look at him.
You took the glassed from his face and held his face lightly. "Even if I lost my change with you, Steven, please don't go. I don't want to lose my best friend." You whispered.
And this time it was Hyde that was absolutely speechless, just like you were the night at the disco.
"I think I really want to kiss you right now, y/n." Your breath changed, as Steven reached to put a strand of hair behind your ear. "You don't have to kiss me back if you don't want to."
And with that you took initiative, you pulled his face to yours and kissed him. You felt him smile into the kiss, holding your neck and your waist as you passed one hand to his hair pulling him to you and smiled back.
"Promise me another one of those and I might just stay the rest of my life in this stupid town." Hyde joked when you broke a part and you both laughed a bit before you pulled him back in for another kiss.
"Can have as many as you want if you go tell that bimbo you're not going with her." You joked this time.
"Oh baby, are you jealous?" Steven tried to joke as you pulled him inside his house and picked up his bag. "Straight to the bedroom, hum?" He pulled you back by the hips, kissing your neck.
"Steven?" His mother asked, loudly.
"Gotta be quiet baby love." He whispered in your ear.
"Not right now, pretty boy. You got a heart to break." You pushed him back from you a lot softer than you had done outside. "Hurry up and you might just get lucky." Kissing his cheek you, left to the living room.
You knew his mom, and she surprisingly liked you.
"Hey Edna." You gave her a warm smile before she turned from inside the fridge to look over her shoulder.
"Oh hey Y/N! What a beer?" She took two out of the fridge as she asked and turned to you. "Would offer you a soda but I don't have any."
"Yeah sure, I'll take one." You kept your cool.
"Take a seat." She offered and you sat at the small kitchen table. "What are you doing here?"
"Steven came to pick some of his stuff up, we're having a sleep over." You lied easily, taking a drink of your beer.
"You are good to him." She said, sitting across from you and only then you realised that she was drunk. "I think he has a crush on you." Edna laughed.
"Mom." You heard Steven whine from the kitchen door.
"Really?" You laughed. "Do you have anything to say about it Steven?" Before you could embarrass him further he pulled you hand and started walking through the house to get out like it was eating him alive.
"I'm staying at Foreman's tonight." Was all he said before you both left the house, and he forced you to run to the Toyota.
part 2 - to be added.
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daystarvoyage · 2 months
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Luz Shouldve Been Dressed By A POC (Person Of Color Or Luz Batista To Show Better Cultural & POC Reprensation)
Hello Tumblers, This is kyoko cane of daystar voyage, as a proud black person who’s genderqueer who makes content creations On Pop culture such as Cosplay & drag, I do talk on Animation & Family Entertainment So glad to get this topic cause what we see on tv can be put into reality, Now (Disclaimer)
I will not accept hate on the daystar voyage anyone who can’t handle different opinions, ship whatever (unless legal) if not walk out or off this spaceship into a asteroid belt and black hole
Don’t hate appreciate.
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One more thing I do love my girl Luz pilot outfits, there goals however wish they had time to put patterns into her clothes often, like I said in my hootview
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However the female cast had a better closet then her, and I did discuss that in my video, for some time they did make her dress in a shonen archetype, (which I made a post about her hair) or an spicy Latina Which of of course personality wise too, (cause she’s made to be the gender non confirming character) but excuse all that cause in a way, the staff shoulda hired someone whos Either Afro, African American Or Latin to dress this girl.
Oh boy now that im done rewatching The Owl House there’s so much in store soon anyway,
I do feel its time to start this short post, I have a fashion hootview which is the intermission so there’s still a lot to come meantime, finished my rewatch of The Owl House as an animation lover,
Lets discuss this topic at hand,
2020s animators need to take notes on costuming & style tips to make characters stand out in environments and to treat there characters better in fashion or color coordination,
yes you can have a color coded character and not rely of a main palette to be able to bring out there features & complexion,
Animators need to take notes, how to properly show kids & there audience that good clothing could be put onto a character of any occasion & not have to rely on sexuality or Stereotype (Disney Programs have a hit or miss on certain shows.)
while proper fashion can do justice, that goes into making a franchise and making a product to sell for marketability in retail & consumers.
if the character or product can be sold with a great design if executed flawless by character, design, costuming, and the app that comes within the series,
This goes to the fandom cause there might be future artistsor small indie creators reading this who probably never read, or look up fashion brands, magazines either hot couture or brand clothing and don’t have that knowledge But that shouldn’t stop you from being able to experiment with different color palettes on what goes into your art.
The fandom needs a wake up call that not only is everything’s perfect and people have the right to critic and criticize a show or any form of art.
cause fandoms today has a self righteous way of bullying others of different opinions and ostracizing others and ithas to stop,
Here’s a quick tv trope in color-coded characters, & a Toonsmag article on fashion in animation.
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Marketability is a important factor, industries rely on that to make the money off of that series, be a cartoons or projects,
it impacts the character and representation that kids see when they purchase said item and teaching kids, see good representation within media can matter if done right.
Especially POCs if executed well however
DONW BELOW in some cases miraculous ladybug fumbles it hard, at one point had all the poc of color (EXAMPLE limited to alya and nino if not max be lighter tones on there merch.)
You know lighting character's skin tones like Alya and other brown or dark skin characters, on their products & merch (bad ethnic representation award goes to them).
Not to mention the whole Vas underpaid controversy, that’s been discussed countless times.
(still disappointed about there business decisions)
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I appreciate the love of anyone who can view and read this article if you gotten this far,
thanks for reading make sure to check my Tumblr and YouTube vlog cause so much of this particular series I’m gonna debunk
The show had a-lot going for it however feel flat including in the fashion department along miraculous ladybug that’s another thing to be discuss OH BOY so anyway
here’s an example of the video game art of Guilty Gear showing great costume progress years later
always educate yourself cause I do want my platform to show variety on what I offer creatively and semi-education-wise to be able to let people be inspired and that you don't need to follow trends, thank you very much seeya on the next space voyage.
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