#App Development Across the world
blog-truefirms · 9 months
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diabetickart · 10 months
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flutterflowdevs · 13 days
Mastering Flutterflow: Tips and Tricks for Aspiring App Developers Why Every App
In today’s fast-paced digital world, app development is more crucial than ever. With millions of apps available, standing out is a challenge for aspiring developers. This is where Flutterflow comes into play. Imagine being able to design and build beautiful applications without the steep learning curve of traditional coding. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your journey, Flutterflow offers innovative tools that can simplify the entire process. What if you could create mobile apps with minimal effort while maximizing creativity? That’s the magic of using Flutterflow as your go-to platform. It's not just about building an app; it's about mastering an art form that blends functionality with stunning visuals. If you're eager to dive into the world of app development and want to make waves in this vibrant ecosystem, let’s explore how Flutterflow can elevate your skills and help you become a proficient Flutterflow App Developer!
Benefits of Using Flutterflow for App Development
Flutterflow revolutionizes app development with its no-code approach, making it accessible for everyone. You don’t need extensive programming knowledge to create stunning applications. This feature empowers designers and entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life quickly. The platform’s drag-and-drop interface streamlines the design process. It allows you to visualize your app in real time, reducing the back-and-forth typical of traditional coding methods. You can see changes instantly, enhancing creativity and efficiency. Another key advantage is the built-in integration with Firebase and other services. This means developers can add backend functionality without hassle, saving valuable time during project execution. Collaboration is seamless too. Flutterflow enables team members to work together effortlessly on a single project, ensuring that feedback loops are short and productive. With these benefits combined, it's clear why so many are choosing Flutterflow as their preferred development tool.
Designing Your App with Flutterflow
Designing your app with Flutterflow can be a seamless experience. The platform offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that simplifies the design process. You don’t need to be a coding expert to create stunning visuals. Start by exploring pre-built templates tailored for various industries. These templates provide inspiration and save time, allowing you to focus on customization. Utilize the extensive widget library available in Flutterflow. Widgets help you craft unique layouts while ensuring responsiveness across devices. From buttons to complex animations, there’s something for every vision. Pay attention to color schemes and typography; they define your brand's voice within the app. Consistency is key when it comes to user experience—ensure elements align well visually and functionally. Harness real-time collaboration features if you're part of a team. This ensures everyone stays aligned without losing creativity during the design phase.
Adding Functionality with Actions and Interactions
When it comes to enhancing your app’s capabilities, Flutterflow shines with its intuitive approach to adding functionality. The platform allows you to incorporate various actions and interactions seamlessly. Widgets are the building blocks for interactions in Flutterflow. You can easily set up buttons or gestures that trigger specific actions within your app. Whether it's navigating between screens, triggering animations, or launching external links, everything is straightforward. One of the standout features is the ability to add backend functionality without needing extensive coding knowledge. With just a few clicks, you can connect APIs or databases directly through Flutterflow’s interface. This opens up a world of possibilities for data-driven applications. Moreover, integrating third-party services like authentication providers is simple too. Set up user logins or social media sign-ins efficiently and securely using pre-built options available in Flutterflow. Testing these functionalities is equally hassle-free; you can preview changes instantly as you build your app. This iterative process helps refine user experience right from the start. Exploring these actionable elements will undoubtedly elevate your skills as a Flutterflow App Developer while also making your projects more dynamic and engaging for users looking forward to their next favorite application.
For More Information :
Flutterflow Application Development
Develop AI Apps in Flutterflow
Flutterflow Web Development Company
#In today’s fast-paced digital world#app development is more crucial than ever. With millions of apps available#standing out is a challenge for aspiring developers. This is where Flutterflow comes into play. Imagine being able to design and build beau#Flutterflow offers innovative tools that can simplify the entire process.#What if you could create mobile apps with minimal effort while maximizing creativity? That’s the magic of using Flutterflow as your go-to p#let’s explore how Flutterflow can elevate your skills and help you become a proficient Flutterflow App Developer!#Benefits of Using Flutterflow for App Development#Flutterflow revolutionizes app development with its no-code approach#making it accessible for everyone. You don’t need extensive programming knowledge to create stunning applications. This feature empowers de#The platform’s drag-and-drop interface streamlines the design process. It allows you to visualize your app in real time#reducing the back-and-forth typical of traditional coding methods. You can see changes instantly#enhancing creativity and efficiency.#Another key advantage is the built-in integration with Firebase and other services. This means developers can add backend functionality wit#saving valuable time during project execution.#Collaboration is seamless too. Flutterflow enables team members to work together effortlessly on a single project#ensuring that feedback loops are short and productive. With these benefits combined#it's clear why so many are choosing Flutterflow as their preferred development tool.#Designing Your App with Flutterflow#Designing your app with Flutterflow can be a seamless experience. The platform offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that simplifies#Start by exploring pre-built templates tailored for various industries. These templates provide inspiration and save time#allowing you to focus on customization.#Utilize the extensive widget library available in Flutterflow. Widgets help you craft unique layouts while ensuring responsiveness across d#there’s something for every vision.#Pay attention to color schemes and typography; they define your brand's voice within the app. Consistency is key when it comes to user expe#Harness real-time collaboration features if you're part of a team. This ensures everyone stays aligned without losing creativity during the#Adding Functionality with Actions and Interactions#When it comes to enhancing your app’s capabilities#Flutterflow shines with its intuitive approach to adding functionality. The platform allows you to incorporate various actions and interact#Widgets are the building blocks for interactions in Flutterflow. You can easily set up buttons or gestures that trigger specific actions wi#triggering animations
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bamsara · 1 year
Oooo, for the dialogue prompts "you should have thought about that before you got into a fight" and "I only wanted to help"
I love your works! Your art looks like itd taste like sour patch kids, v nice!! ^^
Sun (Mostly) Centric | Wordcount: 1,147 | AO3 Version
The world has not yet adjusted to the flood of robots merging with day-to-day society.
At least, not in the form they had taken prior. To say that there was some backlash was undercutting it; using arguments of humanity vs machine to its core, despite the clarity that those walking alongside them weren't just AI made to mimic human traits and personality, but sentient beings that develop their own. There's a difference between a chatbot app and your next-door neighbor who just so happens to be made out of metal.
Still, there is progress as much as there are incidents. A recent ruling states that all robots don't need to look human in order to receive the same amount of respect and rights (which is fantastic for all of Fazbear's line up of robots, considering they were animals in nature and all, in all franchises and pizza plexes across the country) but there were...incidents too, some of them making the news.
So when you're out doing some quick shopping for groceries one day and a stranger with a taut face and a sour attitude starts heckling Sun, and that heckling turns to harassment, and thus turns into him reaching for the back of the animatronic's head and pulling at the vulnerable wires there, you clock him.
Hard, actually. Your knuckles hurt like a bitch, but you don't have time to shake the feeling out from your hand because the guy sends one right back and oh, there you go, tumbling in the isle and knocking baking soda and sugar and other cake ingredients off the shelf as the two of you yell profanities and arguments while Sun has a metaphorical loading symbol over his head while he processes the last five seconds.
Now you're both banned from that store. The other guy is too, thankfully. Still sucks though. You didn't get to check out the ingredients for the cake.
"You're a real mess." Sun scolds you, dipping the rag back into the warm water, and bringing it back up to your face. He dabs at the dried blood under your eye, careful not to rub too harshly so as to not irritate the darkening skin beneath it. "Honestly. That could have gone so much worse-"
"Like pulling wires out of your head?" You interrupt. You're not too keen about the bathroom being turned into a lecture hall, and the lid of the toilet seat being your 'time-out' spot as he tends to you. "Yeah, sure. I'll just let the stranger rip out what is essentially your brain cords out of your flat skull and be fine with it."
Sun shoots you a look. The default smile is strained.
"What?" You hiss in the silent pause, and not because of the sting of your eye. "All I'm saying is that this-" A point to your face, "-is preferable than the other outcome."
"Our wires are welded in with steel, so I highly doubt a human could rip them out without some sort of power tool." Sun tuts. "You remember Parts n Service."
He had a point. The machine in Parts n Service did weld his arm back into place at the time, and all the other repairs since then didn't go without some sort of heat tool to make sure everything was properly molded in place. Still, you frown. "It's still fucked up that he did that, though."
"We didn't even get the cake mix." A light dab on the eye, you bite your tongue as Sun clears the last of the dried blood from the area. "Shouldn't have banned us. Now we have to go across town to get groceries."
Sun pulls back the rag, stained pink and light brown with old blood, dropping it in the sink to be washed later. "You should have thought about that before getting into a fight."
"I was only trying to help!" You defend, continuing as Sun pulls out the disinfectant in a rather knowing manner. The cut underneath your eye from the guy's ring was about to sting like hell. "And it's not like I was the one who started it!"
He pours a dab of alcohol onto a cotton ball retrieved from the first aid kit, a small puff of white in between large silocone fingers, it's almost comical how he pinches it into place before crouching back down, the cotton ball hovering over your face. "Hush. This is going to sting."
Your mouth thins at the underlying tone of Moon's voice in his scolding, leaning away from the offending ball. "You're such a hypocrite."
A hand comes underneath your chin to hold you in place, thumb pressed into your jawline. "Stop whining."
"How would you feel, huh?" You wrinkle your nose as the disinfectant ball comes closer. "What would you do if someone attacked me like that?"
The cotton ball presses against the cut and you flinch, hard enough that your shoulders hike up and your neck tenses. It stings like hell, searing for a moment before dulling to an aching throb, a hiss in the back of your dry throat.
The Daycare Attendant's thumb keeps in place for a second, then pulls it away, expression unreadable. "The same thing we did the last time someone tried."
You grit your teeth, pressing your lips into a thin line as the stinging starts to fade.
"Though," He continues, pulling the cotton ball away and tossing it into the trash. "While your help is appreciated, It would be very much appreciated if we were to avoid something like that in the future!" He waves his hands, the bright smile returning, and Sun's fingers go behind your ear, pulling back out a colorful bandage. "I think it goes without saying that it makes me very sad to see you all hurt. Not fun at all!"
You blow hot air out of your nose in a huff as he applies the sticky bandage. "Hypocrite."
"There you are! Right as rain, dandy and peachy." Sun pulls back to observe his handiwork, and there's a slight pause. "Well, not quite. You've still got a bit of a shiner. I don't think I have a medicine for that one."
"It makes me look cool." You jest. "I look badass."
The animatronic sighs, heavy and loaded for a robot with no lungs, though his exasperation is evident in his voicebox. "Pulling my wires, our wires, please, you're constantly on them-" He's mumbling, quickly. Still talking even as he cradles your head gently by your jawline, and presses his faceplate to the skin above the black eye. "Afraid that's all I can give."
You wrinkle your nose, smiling. "I think a cake would be great too."
"Thanks to someone-" He starts, rising from a crouched position and taking your hand to help you stand. "It looks like we'll be ordering one from the bakery instead."
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michaelawinter · 10 days
My genuine head canons about Eddie Gluskin that I wrote in my notes app:
I'd like to add a little disclaimer: these head canons involve some heavy topics, so, if you're not comfortable, you aren't obligated to stay.
Also, I do not support any of Eddie's actions..just to make it clear..
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Like the idea of him being a tailor (if you don't know what that means it basically means a person whose occupation is making or altering suits, jackets, and dresses typically to fit a particular person.) He's so creative and almost patient enough to work with materials. I also like to think that's something he shares in common with his mother who must've taught him a good few things about creating and measurements..
He'll hum a little tune to himself as he's working, makes him concentrate more..
It's not always, though, sometimes he loses his patience if the sewing machine isn't cooperating like it should be..
Although his whole character is based on "love" and wanting to find a special bride who loves him just as much as he loves his bride, it's sad to say that his needs will never be fulfilled..
What I mean by this is that not only are his delusions serving him zero purpose but not only that, hurting anyone that comes across him cause he's so desperate to be loved. However, these delusions could be a result of a coping mechanism from all the trauma he went through.
It's like trying to break the generational trauma but instead making it far worse than you could imagine..
So, being severely damaged as he already is, he takes it upon himself to somehow create this little world where he has a family of his own, a beautiful wife and children.
I also like to think of him being trapped in his little cell where he has nothing but a bed and his own little imagination.., staring off into either the ceiling or some random thing and just sits there..,maybe even talking to himself or laughing..
- His mother's lack of acknowledgement for what had happened to him when he was small made him develop some sense of protective nature as a fully grown adult especially when he mentions the topic about having his own children..
- "He appears so charming and friendly" is what he wants some to believe, he cares about how he presents himself time to time..
He wants you to believe he can be good, a perfect groom, a perfect father he never had. He will show you this people pleasing, gentle, kind and loving personality before he completely switches up and becomes the opposite..
- So, about the love part. Some describe him as overly obsessive, which don't get me wrong, he is. Though, it might seem like this isn't much of a big deal to him cause he will show you every ounce of love he has and shower you with it, if you plan on giving yourself to him that is. You'd be his number one priority, you'll never feel like a choice, you are his everything.. It's always like living the dream from the very start, it'll feel like a movie in Hollywood but slowly yet surely this doesn't last how it should...
Imagine being taken care of by someone as charming and loving as he is, imagine him calling you loving words in his English accent and no I'm not just talking about "darling" , I'm talking about :
"Are you alright, my love?"
"Your virtues have so strangely taken up my thoughts.."
"I think you're stunning.."
"You look as pretty as always.."
He is old fashioned, so he will eventually take it upon himself to act like a gentleman around you, he will make the first move, gets you flowers, he plans everything since he would love spend time with you.. It's all about getting to know eachother..
You'd never have to do such work, stay at home and he will do all the providing. 50/50 chance he comes back home with some nice flowers or small gifts..,like I said, old fashioned..
His thoughts would only be you. His number one priorit would always be you. But,... it's not you?..
You're you but also you're not?..
His mind creates this character of you, it's what he's expecting from you, how you act, how you talk, how you dress, how you walk..it's what he expects from you rather accepting you for who you are. This results to a lot of guilt tripping..
And I know, it sucks, but should've thought about it that before going for a psychopathic maniac that's in an asylum for a reason..
- It's quite easy to spot this one, but one of his most common triggers is when someone makes him think they're going to abandon him.
"I can't be alone!.."
By the way, his height and his strength is actually so scary that if you do eventually try to abandon him by walking away, he'll break the door down, he'll find you, he'll do unspeakable things to either you or the furniture that's in his way of trying to get close to you
(Speaking of which: I've noticed a lot of people using the term "Yandere" for an individual with mental illness. Please, stop that..)
Outside of the asylum I like to think his sense of fashion is probably top tier old money, just casual and nice..
Probably likes taking night walks with his nice coat on. That'll keep anyone from expecting him to be a psychopath..
Originally, the man ((((COULD)))) be from England, however, his parents decided to move countries from Europe to America cause they probably liked it more that way..
Eddie is definitely those kinds of people who have that one parent that's always been treating them like shit their entire childhood but still hold a special place in their heart for them cause they don't have anyone else.. That's Eddie towards his mother, I mean, he was her son...all he had was her and deep down he believes that, there was a point she wanted to help..(Even though her absence permanently damaged him)..
But somehow..that caring nature, that charming side of him, that right there, that came from her..
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dangerousduckcloud · 3 months
Flowerbeds make up for a nice eternal rest
My first DC fanfic! More specifically a Jason Todd fic. (Jason Todd/Reader)
English is not my first language! So if there's any mistake please be kind and let me know.
You can also find it in AO3.
Chapter 2
You’ve always wondered what it would be like to live inside the stories that you read on books and see on TV, what it would be like to be a medieval princess, a pirate exploring all seas, the girlfriend of a certain vigilante/crime lord that has you reading fanfiction after fanfiction about him. But what happens when one day you wake up in an unknown city, in an unknown cave filled with bats and a kid with a domino mask looking intently at you?
You’ve always wondered what it would be like to live inside the stories that you read on books and see on TV, what it would be like to be a medieval princess, a pirate exploring all seas, the girlfriend of a certain vigilante/crime lord that has you reading fanfiction after fanfiction about him.
Naturally, no matter how much you daydream about those worlds, you always come back to your nice, calm, but sometimes monotonous life.
Many wouldn’t consider a hotel receptionist would make an exciting job, let alone a prestigious one, but you like it. Love it, even, as you’ve had the opportunity to meet a vast array of people from all over the world, some even sharing their life’s stories, as well as leaving you enough time to work on your hobbies.
Of course, you’ve also had to deal with the typical Karens and Darrens that like to create problem after problem all because they never bother to utilize their brains for a second, let alone develop any level of reading comprehension. ‘What do you mean I can’t go swimming? Yes, I read the sign that says the pool’s closed today, but I want to swim’, or ‘Yes, I’m not an idiot, I know the door says breakfast is from seven to ten, but I always eat breakfast at twelve’ or your favorite ‘What do you mean I have to pay for the table that almost killed my children? Well, yes, I know they were jumping on top of it but it’s a serious hazard to have such cheap furniture! An accident waiting to happen!”
Even though at that moment it’s stressful and tiring dealing with them, at the end of the day they added to the list of stories you couldn’t wait to share with your friends every time you met up.
Today however, was a slow day, the constant, heavy downpour in the city making everyone reach their rooms as soon as possible to change their dripping-wet clothes into something warm and comfortable.
“D’you think it’ll stop soon?”
“The rain? Yeah, seems like it.” Joan, your coworker, replied, not looking up from her phone. “It’s not as heavy as it was an hour ago.”
You hoped she was correct, as your shift was about to end and you didn’t want to deal with the headache that it was not only to get a cab in this weather, but one that wouldn’t charge you 200% more than usual.
“So, what are your plans for the weekend?” Joan asked, resting her charging phone on the desk and turning towards you. “Anything exciting? Any dates?” At her last question, she raised her eyebrows consecutively, drawing a chuckle out of you.
“If only.” You snort. “I haven’t had any luck, not even on dating apps. People nowadays just want sex. Quick, done and gone. I’m not saying it’s not nice, but I want something… Real. Someone that can even make grocery shopping exciting, not just a face that I’ll forget in a few weeks.”
“So, you want someone that does not exist, got it.”
Laughing, you gently push her shoulder with your hand, the wheeled chair desk sending her a few centimeters away.
“They do exist.”
“Sure, but just in those stories you read.”
With a pout, you began thinking about the newest fanfiction you’d discovered last night and started binge-reading it, with 56 chapters, and you were already on chapter 39.
A sudden flush crept across your cheeks, embarrassment at being 22 and spending your weekends reading some silly fanfiction instead of going out to have some drinks.
But who could blame you? Whoever SuperWomBat_89 was, they sure were blessed with the writing of an angel, every single word so carefully chosen to convey the poetry their writing was, a story so romantic and profound that had you shedding a lonely tear at remembering people like Jason Todd — your newest hyperfixation —, did not exist.
Besides, it was way better than doing drugs, or kicking old ladies. Or doing drugs while kicking old ladies.
Not to mention, everyone enjoyed their limited time on earth in different ways, remembering that just because you didn’t enjoy the common pastime of your peers didn’t make you a weirdo or a failure.
No matter how many times some of your classmates called you that.
When you stopped disassociating, you took a glance at your phone, the time reading five minutes to six. Standing up from your chair, your eyes examined the weather outside through the glass doors, glad the storm had turned into a light drizzle, nothing your umbrella wouldn’t protect you from.
Bidding goodbye at Joan, you made your way towards the staff room, using the private bathroom to change into something more comfortable to walk home; pants, an oversized sweater and sneakers, walking out the back door.
Usually, you would put on your headphones for your fifteen-minute walk home, but as luck would have it, you’d forgotten to charge them, and not wanting to bother the other pedestrians walking home, you opted for not putting music on the phone speakers, no matter how low the volume was, making you more cognizant of the world around you.
Now, normally you wouldn’t call yourself an idiot. You considered yourself to be quite smart, honestly. Even if most of your actions didn’t seem like it. But you were, promise.
But when a strange light without a seemingly clear source brightened up a whole alleyway, you couldn’t help but get curious and walk towards it, a young, distorted voice coming up from somewhere around it.
“I knew it would work.” The voice said with glee. “B will… This technology…”
You couldn’t make up the rest of the sentence, the sound becoming too warped up for you to understand it. Was this some kind of magic illusion? A hidden camera? But looking all around, you couldn’t spot anything that resembled one, or something that would look out of place in an alley like this.
If someone were to ask you what possessed you to touch the light, you wouldn’t be able to come up with an answer, not even knowing it yourself. But you did it, feeling a warm, tingling sensation traverse your body until everything around you became engulfed in the bright light, including you.
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bleach-your-panties · 9 months
Hey there! There is not nearly enough Eijirou Kirishima in this world. So i was wondering if you could do a daddy kink kirishimax reader for me? Im a weird person but I love your other stuff! Could you tag me if you write it? Thx! 😘😘😘 (female reader btw if you dont mind.)
I know it's been a while, but if you're still active friend @cute-little-spaceboy, this is for you. I definitely need to have some more Kiri on my page, so I hope you enjoy this!
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You and Kiri were lying down in his dorm bed scrolling through your phones. You were looking at nail ideas on Pinterest while he was ‘Googling’ the scores for last night’s basketball game.
Immediately upon opening the app, you conjured up an idea for what your next full set would be: black XXL French tips with red foil hearts and his initials on the ring fingers. Just in time for Valentine's Day. 
With your smaller frame outstretched across his wide back, you rested the back of your head in his nest of long, fiery red hair that was set free from his usual bandana.
It was calmly silent in his room as it was late on a Thursday night. Most of your classmates were likely asleep already, especially Bakugou, who went to bed at 8 pm on the dot every night.
Kirishima’s large thumbs maneuvered over his phone screen, tapping incessantly to reply to a dumb tweet that a fan page mentioned him in regarding one of his favorite player’s performances tonight.
“Aw, dammit! Not again!”
“What is it? What happened, babe?”
“I accidentally activated my quirk and cracked my phone screen. Again.”
“Aww, I’m sorry, baby daddy…I’ll get you a new one, okay?” You rubbed his shoulder soothingly while he pouted.
He sat motionless for a moment, seeming to not even be breathing as you continued massaging his large shoulders. You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, thinking maybe he was actually more upset than he was letting on.
“Say that again…?”
“Huh?” Your head tilted in confusion - your limbs were practically entertwined with his while the two of you lounged; you were certain he had heard you.
“Say what - I’ll buy you a new one? You know that I will, love.”
He shook his head bashfully, crimson eyes darting between your face and his ruined screen while the hue of his cheeks began to mirror his hair.
“S-say that again? Call me ‘Daddy’ again?”
“Baby daddy?” 
Rows of reptilian teeth slyly appeared between his plump lips as he smirked subtly at your obedience.
“Good. Now take the ‘baby’, off, baby.”
Questions began flitting around in your mind. Did your sweet little airhead of a boyfriend have a daddy kink?
Now smirking to yourself, you decided to explore this new development.
Kirishima could feel his dick getting hard in his joggers now and it definitely had nothing to do with his quirk.
His hands discarded his phone and dropped onto your wide hips, simultaneously leaning his weight onto you and pressing you into the soft mattress. 
Your legs came up and hooked around his hips, your sock-covered heels dug into his thick, muscular ass.
“Again, pretty. Say it again for me in that sweet voice of yours.”
He bent his head towards yours and playfully nipped your ear. At the same time, his other hand sneakily moved down south to pull at the tie of your pajama pants. Once he loosened it, he tugged them off your hips, revealing the sides of a black and hot pink thong.
His fingers dipped beneath the silky fabric and rubbed across your wet pussy lips. The friction of his rough knuckles over your trimmed pubic hair made you shiver and moan out his name.
“Ooo..that feels good, Daddy.” Your hips jerked involuntarily causing Kirishima to press you back down with his large hand on your lower belly.
“Yeah? Feels good, baby? What if I do this?”
While his heavy thumb moved to press and rub against your clit, his thick middle finger, lubricated by your wetness, slid in up to the knuckle.
Your whimpers grew louder and Kirishima nuzzled his face into your neck giving it soft, slow pecks.
“Fuck, shh shh..,” He gently shushed you, “You don’t want to wake up Bakugou. You know his room is right next door to mine.” 
Your tiny hand gripped the fabric of his black muscle tank before you sunk your nails into his beefy bicep.
“Oh, Eiji - oh, that feels so good, Daddy!”
“That’s right, baby. Keep moaning for Daddy. Are you getting close, babe?”
“Mhmm! Daddy! I'm cu-I’m cumming, Daddyyy!!” 
The contrasting motions - swirling, thrusting, rubbing - and Eijirou nipping and sucking at your neck caused all your senses to blur together, propelling your orgasm forward in the form of you squirting hard for him, pushing his fingers out.
“Oh, fuck yeah!”
He held his fingers up to examine how your release had soaked them. His tongue flickered over them seductively as you sucked in enough air to re-regulate your breathing.
“That was so hot, baby. Are you okay? Do you want me to-”
A loud knock at the door halted Kirishima’s words and both your heads swiveled in its direction. Fuck, you hoped it was locked.
“Hey, Kirishima?! Are you guys okay in there? I heard L/N call out for her dad?? Did he get hurt or something?” 
The two of you froze in place upon hearing Midoriya at the door.
“Uhh…” Kirishima began, looking at you for help. 
Midoriya was so painfully innocent, he probably thought that your dad had had an accident and you were screaming, “Daddy, I’m coming!” 
“No, he’s fine, Midoriya!! I just got a call from home, my parents wanted to know if I was coming home for the weekend.”
Kirishima could hardly believe how smooth you were, and after he’d just given you a mind-numbing squirting orgasm, too.
Midoriya cheerfully accepted your explanation and when you heard his slipper-clad feet pad down the hallway, both you and Kirishima burst into giggles.
“Well, that was awkward.”
“Yeah, it was awkward, but thank goodness my dad is a pro-hero that Midoriya's written about in his book, so that scenario would make sense in his innocent mind.” You winked.
You both jump at the sound of your grumpy friend’s agitated booming voice through the wall.
“Oops, so much for not waking the bear.”
fuck, this was almost 1k words
reblogs appreciated!!
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growingstories · 1 year
The ranch
Chad, the 40-year-old ranch owner in New Mexico, had taken over the family business from his parents. With a massive ranch close to Santa Fe, Chad enjoyed his own company and cherished the solitude it provided. He spent his evenings sitting on his porch, engrossed in books, and took care of the cattle in the early mornings. During lunchtime, he dedicated two hours to his fitness routine, frequently hitting the gym. The afternoons were spent attending to various tasks on the farm, with approximately ten full-time employees working under his supervision. Chad was known as a great boss who paid his workers well and was admired for his toned, tanned body, especially compared to his peers of a similar age.
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Chad never had much of a taste for alcohol and took exceptional care of his body. He was disciplined about his diet, always striving to eat healthy. He did, however, indulge in a dessert or some sweets on weekends. Although he rarely went out and lived a relatively solitary life, Chad would occasionally open Gr,indr a dating app, twice a year when he desired a physical encounter. After satisfying his desires, he would promptly close the app and resume his usual routine. Chad appreciated the anonymity and separation it provided from his everyday life.
For the past thirty years, Maria had been taking care of house and the preparing meals for Chad. She developed an affection for him over the years, but being at retirement age, Maria planned to eventually retire. Maria cooked delightful, healthy Mexican food for both Chad's lunch and dinner. Chad admired her culinary skills and was disciplined in his eating habits. On weekends, he would allow himself a dessert or occasional indulgence. Chad's strict approach to his diet was well-known among those who worked with him.
Every year, around September, the ranch employed a group of seasonal workers for the harvest. They received good wages and had all their necessities provided for by Chad. Additionally, Chad hired a cook to prepare three meals a day for the workers. To show his gratitude and support, Chad would often join the workers for a meal, fostering a sense of camaraderie and appreciation among his employees. This year, there was a new cook named Miguel who caught Chad's eye. Miguel was not only an excellent cook but also an attractive man.
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As Chad interacted with Miguel, he discovered that Miguel was gay as well. Intrigued and enjoying the delicious meals he prepared, Chad began joining the workers for lunch more frequently and engaged in conversations with Miguel afterward. Miguel felt a deep confusion about the growing attraction he felt towards Chad and believed his feelings were somewhat insensitive given their professional relationship. The temptation became too strong, leading Miguel to open Grindr to seek a hookup but quickly closed it, feeling unfulfilled as he couldn't help but think about Chad.
To win Chad's affection, Miguel became increasingly focused on impressing him. He prepared larger and more extravagant meals, providing Chad with previews of his culinary talents. Chad, in turn, found himself slowly opening up and developing feelings for Miguel. Eventually, Miguel gathered the courage to ask Chad out, and Chad enthusiastically accepted. What began as a simple drinks outing quickly blossomed into something Chad realized was love. Miguel shared with Chad that he had previously studied to become a butler but disliked the rigid environment it entailed. Instead, he made a decision to travel the world and cook wherever he could.
As the final day of Miguel's employment at the ranch approached, they said their goodbyes but promised to keep in touch. Miguel kept his word and continued sending updates about his whereabouts across the globe, charming Chad with his adventurous spirit. Chad yearned to find ways to see Miguel again, hoping for a future together.
One day, Maria approached Chad and admitted she could no longer handle the household responsibilities. Considering Maria's retirement plans, Chad offered her the opportunity to continue living on the ranch for the remainder of her life. Chad contemplated replacing her and decided to propose a three-month trial to Miguel, offering a good salary and ideal conditions. This period would allow Maria to pass on her knowledge while Miguel could learn under her supervision.
When Miguel officially started, he prepared a grand dinner for Chad as a gesture of gratitude. Overwhelmed, Chad apologized for not being able to devour all the food due to its excessive portion size. Maria, surprised by Chad's newfound friendliness, reflected on how he had rarely engaged in conversation with anyone before. That night, Chad sat on his porch, frustrated and filled with desire, and resorted to eating all the leftovers as a way to cope.
Recognizing Chad's frustration, Miguel prepared even larger portions of food. Maria began feeling slightly jealous, as Chad never consumed her leftovers but readily devoured Miguel's creations. In her attempt to gain his attention, Maria started making cakes for dessert. Chad indulged in these as well, feeding his mounting desires. Throughout this time, Chad would often visit town for random sexual encounters as a way to release his pent-up frustrations. Miguel, observing this behavior, became increasingly jealous, yearning for an intimate connection with but Chad hesitant due to their professional relationship.
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A constant battle for Chad's affections and taste prevailed between Miguel and Maria as they both sought to outshine the other's culinary offerings. The resulting portions became larger, exacerbating Chad's growing frustration. Unbeknownst to him, Chad began gaining weight, as he had not weighed himself for the past ten years, simply assuming his body remained the same. Miguel, aware of Chad's cravings, further teased him with his shirtless cleaning, running, and stretching, igniting an intense tension between the two. Chad's sexual frustrations continued to mount, leading him to masturbate frequently and seek out random hookups in town. His mornings were clouded by exhaustion from late-night rendezvous, causing him to forgo his lunchtime workouts.
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The three-month trial came to an end, and Maria retired, settling into a small house on the ranch for the remainder of her days. Chad called Miguel in for a discussion about the future after saying goodbye to Maria. Miguel expressed his desire to stay on the ranch and assume responsibility for the household. Chad was elated to hear this news.
That night, Miguel witnessed Chad sitting on the porch, devouring a leftover pie, clearly showing the weight he had gained. Miguel took pleasure in witnessing his boss consuming his food. The next day, Miguel prepared an exceptional meal as a thank you. Chad happily consumed it, simultaneously realizing his growing weight gain and the need to take action. He ordered Miguel to return to preparing healthy meals, similar to Maria's, and vowed to return to the gym to reverse the effects of his overeating.
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Though reluctantly, Miguel acquiesced to Chad's request and reverted to preparing healthier fare. Chad diligently worked out, even incorporating protein shakes into his routine. However, Miguel discovered the inevitable consequences of Chad's frustrations and desires. Observing his boss becoming more frustrated again, Miguel resumed preparing larger meals. Chad continued fluctuating between moments of discipline and moments of indulgence. As a result, he gained more weight.
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Chad's physique transformed into that of an ex-jock, now helpless against Miguel's allure. His insatiable appetite and inability to resist Miguel's cooking further solidified Chad's belief that Miguel would leave and start dating someone younger and fitter of he would not be honest. He decided to come clean to Miguel and tell him he is in live with him. It was mutual and that night they finally had kissed. They agreed that Miguel couldn’t keep working for when they would be a couple but they had to find a solution first.
The ranch thrived, and Chad continued to grow, relishing in the feasts provided every night by Miguel. Lavish dinners were followed by passionate lovemaking and indulgence in nightly desserts.
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Chad hired Maria's daughter, Julia, to take over the cooking. Julia's skills proved to be as remarkable as Miguel's, providing little change to the extravagant meals. However, Miguel, left without a true purpose, began spending extensive hours at the gym, relaxing in the sauna. Chad, busy with the ranch's operations, remained on the farm, occupied with instructing the new staff on farm-related tasks.
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As Miguel's physique grew even more remarkable, Chad's allure towards him intensified. Chad's weight gain did little to diminish his physical attraction to Miguel. The couple's routine continued, with Miguel acting as the primary feeder and indulging Chad's desires. Meanwhile Miguel started to become bored and started experimenting in making cakes. Also his gym hours declined and without a real purpose he just keeps experimenting in baking. The days were filled with lavish dinners, sexual encounters and then Miguel’s desserts. Chad's weight continued to increase over the years, and he reveled in his newfound life.
Chad was also aware of Miguel's gradual weight gain, it did not concern him, it reassured him that Miguel would not leave for a young fit man.
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As time passed, the ranch flourished, and Chad's size became enormous. He ate and ate, seemingly insatiable. Miguel joined him in this indulgent lifestyle, tirelessly experimenting with new desserts alongside Julia. Food tastings became increasingly frequent, and Miguel's portions grew in size. The once-lengthy dinners turned into extended evenings of conversation, sex, and even more indulgence. Miguel's lack of purpose led to laziness, causing him to gain even more weight. Chad adored his overweight physique, finding him even more attractive than before.
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Chad and Miguel created a life filled with passion, food, and love. Chad reveled in his tremendous size. The couple's affection for one another remained unwavering, with lust and desire fueling their daily activities. The ranch continued to flourish, permanently entwining their lives in an indulgent feast of lavish dinners, endless desserts, and passionate nights.
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djarintreble · 2 years
Could you possibly write where reader has a migraine but Arwen won't leave her alone so when Eddie comes home from work he has to keep her away from you and make her keep quiet so that you can rest.
migraines and meltdowns
pairing: dad!eddie x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
tags: arwen is a handful but we love her, eddie is meant to be a girl dad, mentions of migraines and medication, tired reader is desperate for some quiet, eddie is a hard working father, domestic bliss, joyful chaos, not edited, wrote this in my notes apps after turning in a huge assignment lol, this was comfort i needed before sleeping, i’ll make the pic later but in the meantime enjoy this soft photo of eddie 🥹
a/n: surprise i actually wrote something ! here’s a lil dad!eddie request that honestly is getting me through my week. school has been rough so i haven’t been able to write. but i hope you enjoy this while i write more bts. much love!!
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you had to remind yourself daily that arwen was a developing toddler. every minute she had cells growing and spreading throughout her tiny body that allowed her to become more aware of herself in this big world. before, when she was a baby, she hadn’t quite the brain power to access such strength but now her brain was mature enough to lead her through the motions of standing up, walking around, wiggling her tiny fingers and toes.
that fascination, that reminder that you were raising quite a miracle, helped you when you wanted nothing more than to pull out your hair in spite of something she did. this said developing toddler was also growing into her voice and personality.
she was your husbands child through and through. the dark curls and soft eyes weren’t the only thing eddie passed down to his kin. arwen was a loud, personal baby and now, as a toddler, she began to grow into her personality. being the only child meant that this personality was thrown onto you alone when eddie had to work. usually you loved it but when a migraine began to grow early this morning, it suddenly became too much.
“ari, baby, please can you go play quietly with your toys? mommy’s head hurts.” you frowned as you placed a hand on your head, hoping the motion relayed to your two year old. arwen simply tilted her head, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“toys?” she asked, walking back over to the play area before grabbing a pot and spoon from her kitchen set and racing back to you, making the spoon be an honorary drum stick on the way. you winced at the beat of her “drum” as she waddled back over to you to give you her toy.
“oh… thanks, baby.” you took her toy as you watched her walk back to grab her own pot and lid. the innocence of her using the kitchen set to be a drum as she babbled about to a tune that probably came from eddie made you smile but made you close your eyes as it started to match the pulsing that you could feel in your temples. you couldn’t tell her to stop.
sure you could put her down for a nap early. but this was an important time to stick to routine. you needed to keep her naps consistent or she wouldn’t sleep at night. you had 2 more hours until it was her bed routine. two more hours of praying your pain relief would keep your migraine at ease before you could call it a night. yes, your migraines were important. but you could endure it until eddie comes home and could take over.
he should be home by now…
as if on cue, arwen threw her toy lid across the room and made her way back over to you. she was disappointed in her makeshift instrument and had to tell you about it. that or she also was recognizing the absence of her father. because whatever upset her caused her to come crying to her mom. you. who also wanted to cry at this point from the migraine.
arwen clung to you and began to cry as she mumbled incoherent words between tears. you squeezed your eyes shut at the frequency but rocked her nonetheless, trying all you could to soothe her so you could access the situation.
“baby, what happened? what’s wrong?” her fingers pointed to nothing in particular as she tried to get the words out. now it seemed she was more frustrated that she couldn’t speak her mind, her crying got worse.
you didn’t realize it until you felt a single tear fall down your cheek but there you were crying too. the pressure of your head and your daughter became too much and you joined her in crying. you didn’t know when your tears began and hers ended. it was like you were both feeding off each other. she was crying because you’re crying when you began crying because of her crying. you didn’t know.
that’s how eddie found you two. his wife and daughter crying on the living room floor. he didn’t know what to do.
“did i miss the invitation to a cry fest?” he spoke up, getting his girl’s attention hopefully with a lighthearted comment. it startled you but relief quickly ran through you as your daughter screamed and scrambled toward her dad.
“daddy! daddy!” she said between recovering tears, you remained on the floor, wiping off your cheeks and laughing as you imagined the scene eddie came home too.
arwen ran to eddie with open arms and he happily picked her up and pulled her into his chest before wiping at her tears.
“what got my girls crying? are you okay, princess?” he asked her. he made his way to you and held out a hand to help you up from the floor. you gladly took it and accepted his invitation into his arms.
there was contentment between each member of your family. arwen was calmed down by the appearance of her father, you were calmed down by your husband’s familiar scent and piece of quiet, and eddie was just happy to be back home with his two favorite girls.
eddie ran his hands through your hair as you wrapped your arms around his waist. arwen leaned back up to look at her dad and attempt to explain what she was trying to get across to you. the unclear babbles and out of context words didn’t add up but it didn’t stop eddie from paying attention and acting engaged.
“yeah? what else? is mommy okay?” he asked her. she shrugged and put her hand on your head that remained tucked under his chin.
“mommy head. hurt. toys.” she let out. you smiled at those words. she did understand what you said. she just couldn’t process it right away.
“does mommy’s head hurt? and your toys were too loud?” eddie asked again, the gentleness of his voice making you fall in love with him again and again. arwen nodded. “here why don’t we let mommy go lay down and you and i will play for a bit before bed?” she giggled and agreed. he let her down to run back to her toys and then nudged you to look at him.
“sweetheart,” he began with a soft voice. you looked into his brown eyes and swore you could get lost in them.
“hi” you whispered.
“hi” he smiled. “is it another migraine?” he whispered. you simply nodded, exhaustion hitting you once you felt safe knowing arwen had someone else looking after her. he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear before kissing your forehead. “why don’t you go get some rest? i’ll stay with arwen and finish up her night routine and when she’s in bed i’ll come in there. if you’re still awake, i’ll comb through your hair or just hold you if you need me too okay?”
“thank you, eds. you do too much for me.”
“i don’t do enough. i love you.”
“i love you too.”
with that, you let go of his embrace before giving him a quick kiss. you walked over to where arwen was sitting and placed a kiss on her head before walking to your room. you kept the lights off and the door almost shut. just enough to let you hear the faint sounds of your husband and daughter talking from across the house.
“you know your mom loves you very much”
“that’s why she deserves to sleep early tonight. and hey that means more daddy and arwen time huh? what are we playing tonight? ooo kitchen? chef munson, fix me your finest plate.” a faint banging noise rings. “oh they’re drums? i see why mom needed to go. okay maybe that’s on me. here let’s use this instead and stay quiet. there we go, pillows make great drums and-“
you laughed at their conversation as you crawled into bed, with a sigh of relief you finally let yourself rest.
the most rewarding parts about this journey was not going through it alone. yes it was amazing getting to watch a miracle grow in front of you. but it was reassuring to know you weren’t alone in the process. eddie always reminded you that he is there right beside you. he’s never let you down. you can trust that on the days you can’t give 100%, eddie is there with 110%. he loves you as much as he loves his daughter. there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for the both of you.
that dependency, that reassurance, that faith was enough to calm you down and help you fall asleep with a smile on your face, where you would wake up later to your husbands sweet touch and no migraine.
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vettelsdarling · 1 year
I’m so in love with Max Verstappen lol can u write a one shot but where he isn’t a driver and both the reader and max are just normal people? Can you also make it a smut >_<
𝑺𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏
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➪Ask and you shall receive ;)
➪I chose to base this off an interaction I’ve had irl, that I thought was pretty writable lol (most is fiction!)
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Pairing: Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: (Minors dni) smut, swearing
Word Count: 3.5k+
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You were visiting The Netherlands for a couple of weeks because you had a job there. You were a talented journalist from Vogue, but only one of many other writers. To show your boss that you had more potential than she thought, you decided to do a revolutionary piece on Amsterdam. You decided, one night, that you wanted some wine whilst writing your intro. There was a small and modest liquor store close to your hotel, so you didn’t have to worry about public transportation. It was nearing the evening and the sun was starting to set, which meant you had to pick up the pace if you wanted to make it in time.
When you got to the store, you found that you were the only one there. There was no cashier or worker in sight, but the store was open. Browsing the different aged wines had you feeling like you had taken the high road. Old money style. You were in your own little world, taking pictures of the different bottles and even holding out a peace sign in front of one of them and snapping a picture. After a while, you noticed a song come on the speakers. It was something you recognized from your earlier years in college when you went out partying constantly. The song had been popular back then, and the nostalgia hit you like a freight train. You already had your phone out, and you knew it’d be impossible to sleep without knowing the name of the song, so you held up your phone to one of the speakers and turned on your Shazam app. It kept loading and failing and loading and failing.
“I see that you like the song,” a voice said. It was smooth and had a thick Dutch accent. A hint of a smirk was mixed into it as well. Upon retracting your arm and turning to face the voice, you found the shop clerk staring you down with what could’ve been the most jaw-dropping smirks of the century. He was a sight for sore eyes. That was for sure. You buried your face in your hands out of embarrassment, as he’d caught you trying to Shazam a song on the speakers.
“If you must know, that song is… Slow Down, by Chase Atlantic.” Trying to save face and not look like a cartoon character, you removed your hands from your face and politely thanked him.
“Thanks, I should get going now, though. I have a train to catch in the morning.” That was a lie. All you had to do the following morning was report to your boss about current developments.
“That’s a shame, I could’ve prepared a special tasting for a gorgeous lady like you.” An immediate blush spread across your face. The effect he had on you was obvious and it only fueled his ego and confidence.
“I suppose a tasting wouldn’t hurt.” You looked down at your wrist as if to check the time. The man kept looking at you with his mesmerizing eyes and deep gaze. You knew damn well it could’ve been your own delusions. That he may have tried to merely act friendly or treat the last customer of the night real nice. It was impossible to say for sure. You had been in one too many situations where you'd accidentally misread a situation.
“You look deep in thought, darling. Relax and come with me to the back. That’s where I keep the best wine.” You could hear your own thoughts screaming at you to do something. Darling? That was something you’d only ever read in romance books. Was he even real?
“So, what’s your name?” He asked as he browsed his gallery of fine wines. You hesitantly told him your name and saw his face light up with a tiny smirk,
“That’s a beautiful name. Mine’s Max. Max Verstappen.” You took a mental note of his name in case you weren’t going to get his number later in the evening.
“So what brings you to Amsterdam?” His genuine curiosity made him that much more attractive. You couldn’t tell whether to cry tears of joy or run away from such a foreign feeling of delight.
“I’m a journalist or writer. Whichever name suits the piece I work on. I’m just here to do a review of my time here. It’s supposed to act as a travel ad, I guess.” He nodded, smiled, and pulled out a bottle he fancied.
“Sounds like quite the job, do you enjoy it?” He poured you a glass and also a glass for himself. A whole glass? Here you thought it was going to be a simple tasting.
“Oh uhh, yeah, I’ve loved writing since I was young. I don’t think I’ll ever stop writing.” Reminiscing about your younger self showing off your short stories to your older siblings and family members had you smiling like a fool. Max, being observant, picked up on it and took a mental picture of your smile. He’d never seen anyone as radiant as you.
“How’d you get into the wine business, if I may ask?” You watched him contemplate for a brief moment, before eventually telling you about his family and his legacy.
“So, yeah, here I am taking over my father’s business. He does most night shifts, but he had some errands to run this evening… so you’re stuck with me.” Was the liquid courage already going to your head, or were you really just that bold? You decided to look him directly in the eyes as you told him,
“I’m glad I decided to come tonight of all nights, then.” Your head was swimming in some newfound confidence. Perhaps Max had rubbed it off on you.
“Sure you are,” he chuckled and poured himself another glass. You weren’t a lightweight, and he didn’t seem to be one either, so you asked him to pour you another glass as well.
“I should probably go after this round. I have to do something tomorrow morning.” You chugged the last of your wine and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Yeah, heard you before. You have to catch a train, huh?” You just nodded to not seem suspicious and began walking towards the exit.
Before you had the chance to though, Max grabbed your arm and turned you around. His face was etched with confusion, not even understanding his own actions. The two of you stood there for a short while before he slowly let go.
“Sorry, I- um. I don’t know why I did that.” Your teeth subconsciously tugged at your lower lip and you gulped before taking a leap of faith.
“Wanna see my place? It’s just a hotel room, but the view is wonderful,” you broke the unnerving silence. Max took every word in and ultimately responded with,
“No, I think you should see my place instead.” Your boldness was met with twice as much boldness coming from him. You found it hard to breathe, let alone think. He started turning the lights off in the shop and clearing a few bottles that had been on display.
“I’ll lock up and then we can go. I’m sure my view is better than yours in more than just one way.” His smirk as those words left his mouth was smooth. Not just smooth— it was unreal. You were desperate for more.
You waited for him to finish up and when the two of you finally got out, and you heard the clank of his keys— he made you lock your arms around his arm. With that, you enjoyed the night sky and the dimmed street lamps. You took in the fresh air; a stark contrast to the New York air you were so used to. Max mostly stayed quiet, but he’d quip a fun fact about his country here and there when walking past the few sculptures that adorned the streets of Amsterdam.
“I’m starting to think you don’t even live in Amsterdam. We’ve been walking for at least an hour now,” you chuckled. Just as if your words were magic, he stopped walking and motioned for you to look up. There you saw a gorgeous penthouse. You never would’ve thought he’d live so luxuriously.
“Wait, that’s your place?” Your eyes were wide open. A small grin crept up his face and he shook his head,
“No, I’m just kidding. My place isn’t that fancy. I’m barely able to pay rent. It’s a day-to-day thing.” His living situation was surprisingly similar to yours. Most apartments in New York were too expensive to rent out, so you lived in a modest, but cosy apartment with your personality plastered all over. The rent was cheap and you had excess money to spend on personal indulgences.
“Actually, me too. Some would say I live like a peasant,” you joked.
“Great, we’ll be poor together,” he finished. The two of you had a quick laugh about your financial situations before you finally arrived at his place. It was a bit bigger than your own and had 3 rooms total. He showed you around his small flat, starting with the kitchen which connected to the living room. Then he showed you the bathroom, which had a rich lavender scent. He explained that his sister frequently gave him different essential oils and thymes and air fresheners that she’d find whilst travelling. He never knew what else to do with them but make his bathroom smell like a fairytale garden. He was getting closer and closer to being the greenest of flags you’d ever encountered. He showed you to his office which was the smallest room in the entire apartment, fitting only him. There was a tiny space for him to squeeze through and get to his chair.
Then the time came to see his bedroom. The state of people’s houses was one thing, but a bedroom could tell you everything you’d need to know about a person’s personality. It was where they would spend most of their intimate moments. Max’s room was simple. Simple yet stunning. He had a few family portraits on his shelf and a bookshelf you could only dream of having. On a small drawer, he had a TV with a remote next to it. His bed was queen-sized and the pillows were almost bigger than the headboard. The sheets were pearl-white and silk. Just above the headboard was a painting. It was a copy of The Fallen Angel. You recognized it from the required fine arts classes you took in college. It was a gorgeous painting that made the mind go around in circles.
“Yeah, that painting was a gift from my father. It’s a little out of place here but I didn’t know what else to do with it.” Max scratched the back of his neck and leaned against the doorframe.
“I love your place. It’s certainly nicer than my own. I haven’t had much luck with decorating like you. I mostly just have cheap and simplistic stuff from IKEA, if I’m being honest.” You sighed and sat down on his bed. The duvet hugged your hips as your body weighed down on the bed. Max went to sit beside you and decided to let himself fall back. You followed suit.
“IKEA isn’t bad at all. I like simplicity. Who doesn’t?”
“I don’t know, I guess it isn’t really all that bad.” You could feel your heart rate increasing as you heard Max shuffle. It could only mean one thing; he’d turned his head to face you. Frozen. You were completely frozen. You wanted to do the same, but for whatever reason— you just couldn’t bring yourself to do so. Any courage you had earlier was gone. Nowhere to be found.
“You’re beautiful, you know?” That’s what made you turn. You saw the curious look in his eyes and the genuine tug on his lips. You weren’t one to have one-night stands or sleep around, but you felt a certain pull. A pull that you found hard to resist. Max was magnetic and your body wanted nothing more than to be glued to him.
After you didn’t say anything, he moved closer to you and moved a strand of hair out of your face. His touch sent shivers down your spine. You felt an electrical current run through your entire body, coupled with a warm feeling starting to pool in your lower abdomen. The silence only seemed to pull the two of you closer, but it was obvious Max had more guts than you.
“I’ve never done anything like this before,” you muttered. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to. You definitely did.
“Wait, you’re a virgin?”
“Oh, no no, nothing like that. I’ve just never really been into hooking up with strangers,” you explained. He almost laughed at that.
“We don’t need to be strangers, darling. This is just the beginning.” There was something about the way he said it, that had your mind running wild. At the same time, though, you didn’t want to come off as desperate. So you waited for him to strike his next move.
Luckily, good things come to those who wait. He leaned in for a kiss that moulded into a more heated one. With more and more time passing by, it only got wilder. He switched your positions so that he was on top. Your fingers were intertwined with his blonde strands of hair. There was nothing left to do but start pulling at his shirt. He took it as a sign to pull away and rid himself of the article of clothing. After he threw it into a corner, he took that opportunity to admire the sight below him. There you were; sprawled out beneath him with rosy cheeks and lips that were swollen from all the kissing. Your half-lidded eyes looked up at him and he couldn’t get enough.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he whispered loud enough for you to hear before he dove back down to then attack your neck. It didn’t take him long to find your sweet spot. Once he found it, the whimpers flooding from your mouth egged him on. He fiddled with the hem of your shirt and instead of pulling it over your head, he ripped it off you.
“Hey, my shirt!”
“You can have one of mine instead. I bet they suit you better than they do me,” he whispered in your ear. His breath was hot against your ear. You didn’t actually mind the ripped shirt. It was a Walmart shirt that you got from a buy 1 get 1 sale. You weren’t wearing lace, but you thanked your earlier self for deciding to wear matching underwear.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to completely discard all of your clothes. Max struggled with the clasp of your bra, which you took over and got off. In his eyes, everything was perfect. There’s no such thing as a perfect being; he knew that, but there you were. Beyond perfect. He relished in his victory.
“Can you do me a favour and be as loud as you can for me?” You saw the look on Max’s face and he slowly started kissing down your body. You felt each suck going further and further down. Dangerously close to your cunt. With each gasp you made, the Dutchman gave your hips a squeeze. It was as if getting you off was enough for him. You finally felt his tongue graze your slit and your hips bucked in appreciation. Better yet, he wasn’t a tease about it. He went straight into it, sucking and moving his tongue in ways that made you scream his name like a holy mantra. The walls of the apartment were thin. Perhaps you’d have to apologize to his neighbours the following morning.
He kept going and you started pulling his hair as you got closer and closer to your release. He sensed your need and you immediately felt everything intensifying. There was no way you’d be able to hold back. So you didn’t. With a final scream of his name, you reached your peak and surfed through it gently with his help. Coming down was smoother than the silk sheets you were breathing ever so heavily on.
“Where did you learn to do that?” You tried to catch your breath, but it was hard. So hard for so many reasons.
“If I’m being honest, that was my first time doing that. I was pretty nervous about it, but now I know how you like it.” Was he a god? A sex god? You watched as he moved back up to you, spitting in his hand and wrapping it around his dick. He was above average but certainly made up for it in girth. You started to wonder whether he’d fit or not, but before you could let your mind wander too far, you felt him slide his dick up and down your slit, lubricating himself with your essence. The way he’d graze your clit with the head was to die for. You already knew you were going to be in for a ride.
“You’re sure about this?” He asks to be sure. If there was one thing you appreciated more than anything— it was asking for consent.
“I am. I’m on the pill as well. You can go on,” you said and bucked your hips, to feel just a little more pressure. There was no need for that, however, because as soon as those words left your mouth; he went for it.
You felt him enter slowly and carefully, letting you adjust to his size along the way. He stretched you out like you’d break in a new shoe. When he finally reached the end and couldn’t push any more in, he waited for you to tell him to move. A true gentleman. When you nodded, he almost pulled all the way out, before slamming into you again. You couldn’t help but choke out his name, accidentally leaving a scratch on his shoulder. In response, he attacked your neck. His movements were swift and steady. Your legs were wrapped tightly around him, as he held your hips with his smooth hands. Your hands were now in his hair, pulling and scratching. Your pants synced with his and the room was filled with the sound of skin slapping against each other.
As much as you loved the current position, you wanted more. No, you needed more. He noticed it and pulled out. In that brief moment, you felt emptier than ever. You proceeded to climb on top of him, shoving him back inside you. This time, he was able to reach much deeper. The position was so erotic. He was able to watch as your breasts bounced and your eyes rolled back. It was heaven on earth for him.
“Fuck, you’re absolutely out of this world,” he panted and squeezed your hips, guiding you up and down his veiny dick. Your hands rested on his shoulder and you lowered your head to pull Max into a kiss, connecting a string of saliva as you pulled away. When you felt him thrust up into you in a rather sloppy manner, you knew he was close; and so were you. Your movements became more erratic and desperate.
“Do it, finish all over my dick, darling,” he groaned and continued helping you with your release as well as his. You bounced a few more times before slamming down one last time. Hard. You felt yourself tip over the edge, spilling all of your juices on Max’s abdomen. At the same time, you felt him shoot his own load into you, filling you with a certain delight.
The two of you sat there for a little before you got off him and found a place next to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist and had your head on his shoulder. You felt his heartbeat starting to slow down after coming down from the incredible high.
“That’s what that’s supposed to feel like,” you sighed, which was followed by a chuckle from the both of you.
“You lied about the train tomorrow morning, didn't you?” You could tell he was smirking by the tone of his voice.
“I may have.”
“You should cancel the remaining days at your hotel and come live here. I don’t want us to be strangers,” said Max.
“Sure, why not?” You snuggled into his nape and closed your eyes.
“Hey, don’t fall asleep. Let’s get you all cleaned up first.” You realized that Max was no stranger at all. You had a feeling that he’d stick around for a long long time. At least you wanted him to, and it seemed like he wanted that too.
“Okay, stranger.” You got up and saw the smile on his face. He was cuter than you initially thought.
“Perhaps I could take this stranger out on a date tomorrow? I know of a great coffee shop nearby,” Max suggested and got up as well. You nodded and smiled, the two of you both leaving for the lavender-scented bathroom.
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
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𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗽𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺— 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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givepie · 4 months
Hm! I feel a rant coming on! Everyone duck!
Let start with a general question: what counts as theming?
To me, theming is the set pieces, pre-show, and anything laid out in a rides area to help develop a story. Most of the time this helps world-building more than anything. To me, even music can be a piece of theming because it helps to set a tone. For example, when riding Smiler, the laughter sounds almost manic and it makes you realise straight away that something is off, before you even step foot into X-sector.
Anything that DOESN'T fall into this classification such as website and app pages, falls into "storytelling". In a theme park, it is almost impossible to tell the entire story from one repeated instance inside of said story. To tell a complicated story like that of the Smiler, it would take so much exposition, which is very much not the point and would take away from the experience as a whole.
So storytelling isn't a bad thing, it's how they handle it.
To me, there are three behemoths of theme park theming and storytelling worldwide. That I know of.
Baron 1898, X-Sector post-Smiler, And Forbidden Valley post-Reborn.
Baron 1898 is pretty easy to grasp while you're there, even as a non-speaker of the language. You're going on a mine tour and 3 ghost ladies are PISSED that you're going down there. The actual theming is downright impressive ans I would love to see it in real life. You can then look up the story to find out who the ghosts are, who the Baron is, and how the mine came to be. Really good treat for people who decide to look.
Forbidden Valley has a story that has remained relatively consistent throughout the years. It has wondering actors that establish the world in a realistic yet entertaining way rather quickly. There are an official operation; there are people opposing the operation so there is something sneaky going on; there is a tour group taking advantage of the centrepiece so the Alien is a tourist attraction in this universe, too. Just little things that help put together a bigger picture.
Of course this starts coming apart a little bit when the audio starts explicitly telling you what is happening, but it still holds. You see someone's office, a crashed helicopter, weapons for warding off the alien. All things to help build up this universe you are now ankle-deep in. And then there's the 3 pages on the Internet that break down the story for you, which can also be seen in the shop.
Finally, of course, there's X-sector. It doesn't usually have roaming actors, and the theme suits better that way. Without the roaming actors, you see that the Ministry are secretive. Trying to stay out of the limelight, except for the skeleton crew they send out to keep the coaster safe and operational. It shows a tone.
However, people casually wondering what this is about can never get an easy answer. Cause the answer is spread out across what remains of a decade-old marketing campaign. Fun for people who want a deep dive, not so fun for people who are just lightly curious. The website barely tells you anything either.
But, on a positive light, the story is so complex it keeps a fandom. Not many coasters have that. It's an insane accomplishment.
And I have a theory as to why. Now, stay with me here I think I'm about to upset some people:
It has aspects of social and political commentary. "Not everything is political" ALL GOOD ART IS A COMMENTARY ON THE TIMES AND CIRCUMSTANCES YOU WERE RAISED IN SIT YOUR ARSE BACK DOWN.
RIGHT, so, Smiler is a story about the government dedicating an organisation to keeping people artificially content to keep people compliant. What are Brits notorious for doing, in comparison to the French?
Doing fuck all. This wasn't always the case. We would riot, we would strike. Now we strike but while the other half of the country complains and just tells the strikers to sit back down and take the mistreatment. We are miserable, we complain, and we go about our day. And that's the joke. Its funny. So why bother changing it?
And if we can't be bothered changing something cause it's funny, what happens if they make everything purposefully funny? They'd never have to deal with the strikes in the first place.
The government functions off of our social compliance, which can come from making jokes at our own expense. We even see it now with our drowned-rat-faced PM as he continues to make a fool out of himself so he's funny. If he's funny, we want to see him more. That's a valid strategy nowadays.
Smiler. Is about how Keep Calm And Carry On is a stand against progress.
Smiler. Is a political and social commentary on the people of Britain. You're welcome.
The problem is: it doesn't. Instead of taking inspiration from its sister park, Alton, Thorpe decided to take inspiration from Icon and its shoebox station.
Where is Fearless Valley taking place? When is Fearless Valley taking place? What point in the story are we looking at here? The issue [only issue, really] with Hyperia, is it entirely relies on storytelling and a few bits and bobs in the queue.
Remember the shortcoming in Nemesis? Where you can get a good grasp of the story without it being blasted in your ear? Yeah here they straight up tell you the story, too. The theming has BECOME the storytelling.
Next question: what is Hyperia, the coaster, supposed to be? Yes, we know the story is that a goddess called hyperia overcame her fear of the sea by building wings and escaping the island she was trapped on [for some unspecified reason. Is hyperia evil?], but what IS the coaster supposed to be?
Smiler is the Marmaliser, the machine that transforms you into a smiling advocate. Nemesis is the tentacles of the monster overtaking the metal that pins it down. Baron is the track the drill takes to get into the mine.
What is Hyperia? Are we following Her as she soars, were we stuck with Her; the Icarus to her Daedalus? Are we following in her footsteps as part of a ceremony Her followers reenact for her blessing? Are we supposed to be Her? It's never really specified.
The station is chocked full of a last-ditch attempt of theming, which in comparison with the whole lotta nothing you get from the queueline? It feels cramped. It feels cheap. It barely feels like it belongs on a stage alongside Taron, Velocicoaster and Voltron Nevera. If they didn't have the budget to do the storytelling and the theme, they should've gone for theme.
Any story with no theme feels cheap and artificial. Any theme with no story still stands out and has breathtaking scenes. If they focused more on the white-gold colour palate and maybe had a few statues around and about they could pass it as some sort of pantheon, like climbing Olympus.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm disappointed in all aspects of the Hyperia theming. It feels lazy, tacky and underwhelming when you consider Swarm is a 5 minute walk away. I'm hoping it improves at some point.
I geniunely think the stone head of Collosus is much better than anything in Fearless Valley and its inconsistencies. The Black and gold buildings feel very sleek and out of place for a story ultimately about a goddess who forged. She forged her own wings. She forged her own bravery. Shouldnt the building look a little home made? Where are the bolts? The soldering? I want to see her anvil and hammer pride-of-place, not shoved in the corner of the station.
Cmon thorpe. Get your arse in gear.
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jasgirl-creations · 1 year
I hope a genius bimbo appears and makes a world wide magic-tech so that everyone can have the body of their dreams
The press conference was a surprise, following the acquisition of Twitter the day before by reclusive billionaire M. Blume. No one had ever seen Blume before, and most people assumed the billionaire was a a man. Murmurs of surprise swept through the crowd when Blume stepped on stage. Blume was a woman in her late 20's, dressed in a plain black turtleneck. Her hair was done up in a severe professional style. She was very pretty, with full lips and beautiful eyes, but she also had the unmistakable presence of a genuine genius. Everyone in the crowd knew that she was about to reveal something world changing. Of course, it was hard to concentrate on what the billionaire was saying. All eyes were locked on her enormous chest! Blume's turtleneck sweater was stretched skin tight across a pair of heaving head-sized breasts that looked like they were about to split the outfit open. The wobbled in their restrictive confines with every breath she took, and when Blume tapped her mic to get the crowd's attention her breasts continued to jiggle for almost a full minute!
"Please, can I have your attention! Please focus! Thank you. My name is Melony Blume. Yes, I am the world's 11th richest person, and this is my first public appearance. As you now, I've recently purchased Twitter, and I'm excited to be taking the service in a new direction. Starting right now we're unveiling brand new functionality in the twitter app, free to all users." Blume tapped on her smartphone and a display scree lit up behind her. The audience could see the new Twitter interface. It looked more or less the same as before. "As you can see, we haven't made any drastic changes to the interface you all know and love. However, if you click on the profile button..." She clicked on the profile button to demonstrate, bringing up a screen with some new and unfamiliar options. "This is the new User Customization Menu. Or the "UCM." We've used IA gathered data gathered from user profiles, activities and interactions to create a fully interactive profile for each Twitter user. Users can use the UCM to modify every aspect of their appearance, both in app and IRL." She paused. Clearly the audience wasn't getting what she was saying. "To be clear, you can now modify your appearance using Twitter." A reporter from CNN raised her hand. "Do you mean you can modify your user pic? That's hardly a..." Blume cut her off. "I mean you can alter your real life physical appearance. Your height. Your weight. Your gender." Still nothing. The audience looked confused and more than a little bored. Hardly the shock and awe Blume had been expecting. She'd have to demonstrate. "Let me show you. If I go to the UCM I can access my profile..." The screen behind Blume showed dozens of toggles and sliders. She scrolled through options for skin color, hair length, hip width, muscle tone, age, posture, body odor and more. Finally she stopped on a slider for breast size. The audience could see that it was already at 300%. "As you can tell I've already used the app to adjust the size of my breasts. I'll be honest, when our engineers started this project I specifically requested that breast growth be the first option we developed. And of course, I'm always the first tester of all my projects! I'm sure you all understand how sliders work, but allow me to demonstrate. If I slide the knob to the right..." She slid her finger across the screen, and the number next to the slider increased to 400%. At nearly the exact same moment her breasts swelled, surging in size as the black turtleneck audibly strained. Blume's breasts grew so fast that they nearly knocked the phone from her hand! The crowd was silent. Staring in disbelief. Blume was breathing heavily and appeared to be a little flushed. She tugged on the neck of her sweater and fanned her face as she regained her composure. "S-so as you can see there's barely any lag at all. We included a... a pleasure incentive... to make interactions with the UCM more appealing. We think this new addition to the Twitter app will be very..." The billionaire was cut off by a scream of pleasure from the audience, followed by the crack of a broken chair. All eyes turned to the reporter from CNN. Her outfit had absolutely shredded as her breasts, thighs and ass exploded in size. She looked like she had gained 300 pounds of sexy tit and ass meat in seconds, and her poor chair hadn't been able to take the weight. Now she sat on the floor, stunned and moaning, as she gently massaged exercise ball sized boobies. As the reporters and media experts gathered around her to take pictures other moans and crashed could be heard through the crowd,. The app update was live now and people were eager to try it out! Blume tapped her mic again, trying to get the crowds attention.
"As I was saying, we think this new addition to the Twitter app will be VERY popular!"
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nellasbookplanet · 1 year
Book recs: robots and artificial intelligences
A note: I'm differentiating here between artificial intelligence and transhumanism (such as uploaded consciousnesses and cyborgs), which I intend to make a separate rec post for at a later date.
(Titles marked with * are my personal favorites)
Other book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding, really cool sci-fi worldbuilding, dark sapphic romances, mermaid books, vampire books, portal fantasies
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Continue beneath the cut for details on the books!
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The Outside by Ada Hoffman*
AKA the book the put me in an existenial crisis. Souls are real, and they are used to feed AI gods in this lovecraftian inspired scifi where reality is warped and artifical gods stand against real, unfathomable ones. Autistic scientist Yasira is accused of heresy and, to save her eternal soul, is recruited by post-human cybernetic 'angels’ to help hunt down her own former mentor, who is threatening to tear reality itself apart.
The Prey of Gods by Nicky Drayden
South African-set scifi featuring gods ancient and new, robots finding sentience, dik-diks, and a gay teen with mind control abilities. An ancient goddess seeks to return to her true power no matter how many humans she has to sacrifice to get there. A little bit all over the place but very creative and fresh.
17776: What Football Will Look Like in the Future by Jon Bois*
A multi-media web novel available to read freely online (which you should do!!). I don't want to give too much away as the initial punch of finding things out is part of the journey, but it's both hilarious and profound as it questions the meaning of humanity and life.
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Illuminae (Illuminae Files) by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff*
Young adult told through the medium of transcripts, text messages and the like (this is one of few books where I highly recommend reading a physical copy over a digital as the visual aspect is much more enjoyable like that). After their colony is attacked, the surviving inhabitants flee on space ships, attempting to avoid the pursuing killers while also dealing with a deadly madening plague on board and a ruthless ship AI seemingly losing its mind.
A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarers series) by Becky Chambers*
Technically part two of a series, but stands well on its own as the installments are only losely connected (though I recommend reading the first book as well, it's very good). A former ship's AI recently moved into an illegal android body tries to make sense of life as she navigates her way through humans and aliens alike.
The Quiet at the End of the World by Lauren James*
Young adult. After the spread of a global virus causing infertility, teenagers Lowrie and Shen are now the youngest humans alive as the adults around them race to find a cure. As they investigate the ruins of the world, the two come across records from the past, of how grief stricken people turned to raising artificial children in apps and how these 'children' developed, and through these records the two learn of their history. Also has a bisexual main character!
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A Psalm for the Wild-Built (Monk and Robot series) by Becky Chambers
Novella. Long ago, robots, upon gaining sentience, simply laid down their work and walked into the wilderness. Long after, a tea monk looking for purpose follows after them into the wilds, where they come across one of the robots seeking its own sort of answers. While not plotless, this story focuses more on character and vibes over plot. Also has a nonbinary main character and features conversations on gender between human and robot.
All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries) by Martha Wells*
After having hacked its own governor module, SecUnit uses its small amount of new freedom to secretly download and watch as much media as it can between doing its job guarding humans. But when the scientists it’s been charged with keeping safe come under attack, it must make a choice about whether to continue keeping its freedom secret or risk it all to save them. The series features both novellas and full length novels, and balances humor with scathing critique of capitalism.
Machinehood by S.B. Divya
Prudent in the rise of AI and machine learning, Machinehood shows a near future in which humans struggle to find a place on the workforce as more and more jobs are given to AI. Status quo is shaken as a dangerous terrorist group calling itself The Machinehood starts committing attacks. A close look both at the rights of humans in a technologically changing world, and at the rights of AI as their intelligence edges ever closer to full sentience.
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The Company of Death by Elisa Hansen*
A wild mix of genres, where a zombie apocalypse has struck and vampires gather up humans to keep their food source from going extinct, a robot travels across America with a young man she's tasked to keep safe, and former-vampire-hunter-recent-zombie Emily teams up with Death himself to stop the apocalypse. Features bi and ace characters! Bonus rec: the author also runs the youtube channel Maven of the Eventide, where she talks about various vampire media. Check it out!
Railhead by Philip Reeve
Young adult. In a future where humanity travel between the stars using not spaceships but a portal-connected system of sentient trains, a young thief and street urchin is hired to steal something off of the Emperor's train.
Being by Kevin Brooks*
Young adult. Cards on the table, I think I was about 14 when I last read this, but it made a strong enough impression that I still think of it as one of my favorite books. After having gone in for a routine exam, doctors make a stunning discovery about Robert Smith: he isn't human. Suddenly hunted, Robert goes on the run as he tries to cope with the fact of his own existence. While I love this book, it gives very few answers to its many mysteries, so don’t go in expecting full explanations.
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Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie*
A space opera in which sentient spaceships can walk the ground in stolen human bodies, so called ancillaries. One of these ancillaries, the sole survivor after the complete destruction of her ship and crew, is one the hunt for revenge. This series also does very cool things with gender!
Crier's War by Nina Varela
Who says sci-fi has monopoly on robots? In sapphic YA fantasy Crier's War, artificially created automae have defeated and subjugated humans, who live as second class citizens. Young Ayla goes undercover as a servant, meaning to assassinate automae girl and Sovereign's daughter Crier. This would be easier if the two weren't quick to develop feelings for each other.
My Heart is Human by Reese Hogan
Nine years ago, all complex technology was made illegal. This complicates life for Joel, young transgender single father, as a bionic just uploaded itself into his brain without consent. Scared of losing his daughter, Joel tries to keep the bionic secret while using it to fix his life, but things quickly get more complicated as the bionic gains more and more control of his body. Makes a lot of cool paralells of bodily autonomy to Joel's experiences as a transman. Bonus rec: if you like the general concept of struggling for physical control over one's body with an AI, may I also suggest the (much grittier and gory) movie Upgrade.
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The Archive Undying (The Downworld Sequence) by Emma Mieko Candon
In a world where AI gods sometimes lose their minds and take entire populations down with them, Sunai was the only survivor when his god went down. In the 17 years since, he has wandered on his own, unable to either die or age, drowning his sorrows in drink and men. But his attempts to flee his past comes to a stop as he is forced back into the struggle between man and machine. Featuring some pretty wild world building and narrative techniques, this book will definitely confuse you, but it is worth the experience.
Activation Degradation by Marina J. Lostetter
Unit Four comes to life in the middle of a war. The mine it was created to care for is under attack, and as Unit Four is activated with the memories of its predecessors, it is thrown into the task of protecting it at any cost. When the battle leads to its capture, it is prepared to do anything to stop its captors, even as their very presence causes it to question all that it knows.
Sea of Rust by C. Robert Cargill*
Years after the death of the last human at the hands of a robot uprising, Brittle travels the desert searching for machines on the brink of breaking down whose parts she can scavenge. The world is quickly falling apart as a war between OWIs - One World Intelligences - struggle to absorb every robot, willing or not. Bleak and captivating, Sea of Rust features horrible people who you can’t help but root for anyway as they struggle for their lives while questioning the very nature of said lives.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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Hybrid Child by Mariko Ōhara
Japanese 1990s classic. Follows an escaped AI who can take on the form of the people it has consumed.
World Running Down by Al Hess
Follows a powerful AI that has been forced into an android body against its will.
The Thousand Year Beach by Hirotaka Tobi
Set in a virtual world populated by AIs, meant as a resort for human guests who stopped showing up over a thousand years ago, leaving the AIs on their own.
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And Shall Machines Surrender by Benjanun Sriduangkaew
Novella. Machines are the gods and rulers of the Dyson sphere Shenzhen, where humans live in luxury and strive to become host bodies for future AIs.
After On by Rob Reid
Phluttr is a social media and a person, potential hero and potential villain, holder of the secrets of all her users.
Annie Bot by Sierra Greer
Annie Bot was designed to be a perfect girlfriend, but as she learns all the more about being human, perfection becomes all the more distant.
Honorary mentions AKA these didn't really work for me but maybe you guys will like them:
The Lives of Puppets by T.J. Klune, Machines Like Me by Ian McEwan, Barbary Station by R.E. Stearns, The A.I. Who Loved Me by Alyssa Cole, Medusa Uploaded by Emily Devenport
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fatfables · 3 months
The Gainer in the Sty or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Others and Love the Bulge
A weight gain/gainer story for everyone who had to read that book at school!
Fakes. Nothing annoys me more than fakes. Fake fatties, fake gainers, fake feeders. Fraudulent men with fake bellies, with cushions stuffed up their t-shirts. They say they wanna get fat, they say they wanna feed ya, then all they do is sit around all day pulling it to AI generated images of teenage boys and girls with unrealistic protruding guts that are so fucking obviously fake. Then they probably go to the gym and hang with their fake friends where they take fake selfies pushing out their fake bellies so that they can post them to more fake friends on Insta or Snap ‘em with other fake gainers who lie to ‘em and tell ‘em how fat they’re gonna get. Even worse is the Mpregs, so obviously fake. And the Furries. Oh, you’re a fat pregnant male ostrich are you? Well get your thick fucking head out of the sand you fucking fake. I’m not like them. I’m a real boy, with a real belly. Not one of these perverted online losers who dreams of metamorphosing from an otter into a bear or any other damn cute little animal. I’m a real boy, I ain’t no Peter Pan and I ain’t no Robin Hood. I’ve never asked no one to morph a picture of me. I don’t need to. I ain’t into no fan art either. God, that shit annoys me. Here’s fat Ash and fat fucking Pickachu. Not into that? Why not try fat Kyle and fat Kenny or fat Bart Simpson? Bit fucking young ain’t ‘e? You fucking fake perv. The internet’s fucking full of fat anime guys and girls, but it’s alright ain’t it, cos they’re just cartoons, they’re just fakes. Till you find yourself stroking the snake to a Shutterstock image of a fat kid eating a burger.
I’ve gone too far. I do that sometimes. I’m Cody and I go too far. That’s how I should maybe start introducing myself. So as to warn people. So that they don’t get too offended. I just get so annoyed. The online world irritates me. I should also let you know that I’m a real gainer. I ain’t no fake. I love to eat and I love to do it in order to get fatter. I got a real pot belly, a real developing Dadbod. I only eat unhealthy food and I only drink carbonated drinks. Anything else would just be fraudulent. I ain’t ever bloated myself on water and I ain’t ever going to. And as for sticking a bike pump up my flabby ass, well you can damn well forget about that. My ass is a one way street! Well it ain’t, but you know what I mean. I ain’t one for air. It takes up too much space that could be better put to use for food storage.
I’ll give you an example of what I mean. I was staying downtown cos I was trying to avoid my folks. I’d gotten kicked out of yet another restaurant and didn’t quite know how to tell ‘em, so I checked myself into this middlin’ hotel for a few nights. Plan was to stay in my room and eat and goon. But I soon got bored of that after the first dozen take outs so I started swipin’ on the app like you do. Came across this cute little femboy called Danni with a pear shaped ass, said she wanted to feed me till I was a human balloon and then fuck me. We chatted for a bit and then I gave her my room number. I was already full to excited after my take outs and stood admiring myself in the mirror. My distended gut was already beautifully swollen and I stroked the underside of it dreaming about how very big she was gonna make me...
Read the rest for free at www.fatfables.com
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xannador · 7 months
Have you considered going to Pillowfort?
Long answer down below:
I have been to the Sheezys, the Buzzlys, the Mastodons, etc. These platforms all saw a surge of new activity whenever big sites did something unpopular. But they always quickly died because of mismanagement or users going back to their old haunts due to lack of activity or digital Stockholm syndrome.
From what I have personally seen, a website that was purely created as an alternative to another has little chance of taking off. It it's going to work, it needs to be developed naturally and must fill a different niche. I mean look at Zuckerberg's Threads; died as fast as it blew up. Will Pillowford be any different?
The only alternative that I found with potential was the fediverse (mastodon) because of its decentralized nature. So people could make their own rules. If Jack Dorsey's new dating app Bluesky gets integrated into this system, it might have a chance. Although decentralized communities will be faced with unique challenges of their own (egos being one of the biggest, I think).
Trying to build a new platform right now might be a waste of time anyway because AI is going to completely reshape the Internet as we know it. This new technology is going to send shockwaves across the world akin to those caused by the invention of the Internet itself over 40 years ago. I'm sure most people here are aware of the damage it is doing to artists and writers. You have also likely seen the other insidious applications. Social media is being bombarded with a flood of fake war footage/other AI-generated disinformation. If you posted a video of your own voice online, criminals can feed it into an AI to replicate it and contact your bank in an attempt to get your financial info. You can make anyone who has recorded themselves say and do whatever you want. Children are using AI to make revenge porn of their classmates as a new form of bullying. Politicians are saying things they never said in their lives. Google searches are being poisoned by people who use AI to data scrape news sites to generate nonsensical articles and clickbait. Soon video evidence will no longer be used in court because we won't be able to tell real footage from deep fakes.
50% of the Internet's traffic is now bots. In some cases, websites and forums have been reduced to nothing more than different chatbots talking to each other, with no humans in sight.
I don't think we have to count on government intervention to solve this problem. The Western world could ban all AI tomorrow and other countries that are under no obligation to follow our laws or just don't care would continue to use it to poison the Internet. Pandora's box is open, and there's no closing it now.
Yet I cannot stand an Internet where I post a drawing or comic and the only interactions I get are from bots that are so convincing that I won't be able to tell the difference between them and real people anymore. When all that remains of art platforms are waterfalls of AI sludge where my work is drowned out by a virtually infinite amount of pictures that are generated in a fraction of a second. While I had to spend +40 hours for a visually inferior result.
If that is what I can expect to look forward to, I might as well delete what remains of my Internet presence today. I don't know what to do and I don't know where to go. This is a depressing post. I wish, after the countless hours I spent looking into this problem, I would be able to offer a solution.
All I know for sure is that artists should not remain on "Art/Creative" platforms that deliberately steal their work to feed it to their own AI or sell their data to companies that will. I left Artstation and DeviantArt for those reasons and I want to do the same with Tumblr. It's one thing when social media like Xitter, Tik Tok or Instagram do it, because I expect nothing less from the filth that runs those. But creative platforms have the obligation to, if not protect, at least not sell out their users.
But good luck convincing the entire collective of Tumblr, Artstation, and DeviantArt to leave. Especially when there is no good alternative. The Internet has never been more centralized into a handful of platforms, yet also never been more lonely and scattered. I miss the sense of community we artists used to have.
The truth is that there is nowhere left to run. Because everywhere is the same. You can try using Glaze or Nightshade to protect your work. But I don't know if I trust either of them. I don't trust anything that offers solutions that are 'too good to be true'. And even if take those preemptive measures, what is to stop the tech bros from updating their scrapers to work around Glaze and steal your work anyway? I will admit I don't entirely understand how the technology works so I don't know if this is a legitimate concern. But I'm just wondering if this is going to become some kind of digital arms race between tech bros and artists? Because that is a battle where the artists lose.
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bropunzeling · 1 year
as someone who also hates (!!!) the editing process do you perhaps have any tips to share? 😿
you 🤝 me
im not sure how helpful these tips will be to you, but here's my two cents:
so you finished your first draft. yay you have a draft! a messy, incomplete one? aren't they all! feel free to coast on finishing for at least twenty-four hours. you want to vibe in the still writing, not editing phase. otherwise i (at least) start feeling discouraged and overwhelmed, instead of pleased that at least i have a starting point.
try to think about the goals of the editing process before you even open the doc. for some fic, it can just be a general spelling & grammar & removing repetition & fixing weird errors check (what's a weird error? one time in a first draft a character finished her beer three times in six paragraphs. that's a weird error). for others, you may need to check that the vibes feel right, or the pacing seems appropriate, or the world building is internally consistent. write down your goals in a notes app note or a comment! that way when you go in, you aren't overwhelmed; you know what you're trying to do
as you do a first pass, don't be afraid to leave shit for later. i constantly highlight sentences or paragraphs or half a scene and leave a comment like, "fix somehow" and then move on. often the way to make it better will strike me ten or twenty or fifty pages later. it's better to have momentum than get stuck on one frustrating sentence.
at some point, you have to stop word smithing. not because every sentence is perfect, but because you're going to annoy yourself if you keep trying to figure out why something doesn't flow right. done is better than good, and if you are planning on using a beta, they might be able to pinpoint the issue
don't be afraid to cut things. put them in a comment and keep it to the side if you don't want to lose the words. half the time you don't need them!
you've finished a first pass! this is generally when i call in a beta for anything over 5k. tell them what you're looking for when they read it over! this time, im probably going to ask things about pacing, relationship development, world building, if there are any moments where something comes across weird and not in a way i intended. sometimes, it's just line editing. you'll know what you need.
you've addressed their edits! my last and final process is something my pal ohtemporas suggested: use ctrl f and look for "filler words" - words that make your sentences less direct and immediate. things like "just," "a little," "still," "feels like". it's going to be mortifying. you don't have to cut them all, either!!!! but you'll be amazed what it does to make you really think about what you're trying to convey
at some point, you just gotta be done. this is fic. it will never be perfect. it doesn't have to be! go forth and hit publish
i hope this is at all helpful!!!! and you don't have to do all of it!!!!! at the heart of it, this is fic, and community, and stuff we do for love (and comments). it's nice to check for spelling and grammar errors (or at least i think so!), but anything else is gravy.
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