#Are Villains that need to be in seperate shows
firerose · 1 year
A little teaser for an au I thought of recently……..
What if the sequels had been different?
What if they had more buildup/and a new original villain?
What if Baylan and Shin went to Peridea on their own ( The whole Thrawn, Rebels, Ahsoka stuff happening in the unknown regions being its own series while Peridea would be solely Baylan and Shins)
What if the power calling to Baylan would have been Snoke?
A being bitter and obsessed with breaking the forces cycle just like Baylan
What if Baylan and Shin would have been the reason Snoke was unleashed to our galaxy?
What if Baylan somehow died leaving young scared Shin alone alone with this dark creature that clouds her mind with lies and manipulation (Just like Kylo)
What if Shin would have been a part of the first order in the Sequels?
What if she would have been the founder of the knights of Ren?
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snoopythemage · 1 year
i finished the bear today…… i feel incomplete now
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chorusofcrows · 8 months
"I want to help."
"I don't need help."
Hero frowed at Villain. Of course they needed help, "You've been acting different. It's super noticeable."
"Wow." Villain said dryly, "thanks for noticing me, senpai."
Hero sighed, "Villain, please, cut the jokes. This is serious."
Villain suddenly swung the door open.
A long while ago, they were neat and tidy. Once, to defeat a someone common enemy together, Villain had straightened out Hero's uniform because the crookedness of it had irritated them greatly. One way to piss them off was to ruin their suit beyond a simple brush-off. The way Villain would strighten the sleeves of their suit jacket when they were ready to get to buisness was attractive.
Now, they couldn't be more different. They suffered massively from adorible, fluffy, messy bedhead. They wore loose, long athletic shorts. Villain hated shorts, even in summer. They always complained that they were too cold. They were sporting a loose grey and blue band-tee that Hero didn't recogised. They held a beer can in their hand. Villain had prefered champaine, always muttering into their glass that beer, or worse, canned beer, was for savages. Their beautiful, brilliant grey-blue eyes were now dull, unfocused, half-lidded, dark eye-bags underneath, either drunk or not used to the lighting of the hallway. Or both. A scar ran openly across their face and down their neck. It had to be new, but it looked old. Had they been covering it up with foundation this entire time, or was their mask hiding their face?
Beyond them, their apartment was a mess. Villain had always been neat, so far as to cleaning Hero's appartment when Hero was black-out drunk and Villain had taken them home (Hero still couldn't find stuff to this day, and they were sure Villain had stolen a few objects). Villain's furniture was upturned and torn, as if a rabid animal had rampaged about.
Villain stepped outside of their apartment, into the hallway. They closed the door behind them, "What do you want, Hero."
"You haven't showed up for a few months."
"Maybe I retired." Villain sneered, "You should be celebrating."
"Everyone else is. Those who aren't are concerned you're planning something to let down our guard."
"Is that why you're here?" Villain laughed coldly, "Does it look like I'm planning something?"
"You're not telling me why you're acting like this. Why your home looks like this. Why you look like-"
"Maybe it's none of your buisness, Hero." Villain snaped.
"Technically, as a representive of the Agenc-"
Villain sighed loudly, dramatically, reaching for the doorknob.
"Wait-!" Hero grabed their wrist. At Villain's glare, they let go, "Then, as you're friend."
"We're not friends."
"Well, as your coworker."
"We work for very seperate organisations."
"As your enemy?"
"Then it's definately not your buisness."
Hero sighed, "You sure you can't tell me anything? Not even a sliver?"
Villain practically growled, opening the door and throwing it closed behind them.
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crooked-wasteland · 2 months
I just saw your essay on the codependency of FizzOzzie and it cleared up a lot of things I've been thinking about this ship and to be honest, I myself thought it was the most healthiest ship in the whole show even better than the trash that Stoliz is but well... (btw, I was trying to scroll through tumblr to find it but can you just link it for me so I coud read it again)?
It also brings me to an idea of the possibility brung up in two fics each with different ideas:
#1 if Hazbin's events every leak in Helluva's since they're the same universe, there's a possibility that Lucifer would want to have precautionary heirs for the defense of Hell and outright force Ozzie and any other relationships with lowerclass apart since it's "not compatible with angelic DNA" or some thing, so Ozzie could in fact leave Fizz because of his status
#2 Ozzie getting tired of Fizz... Ozzie is the sin of Lust after all and Lust can be ever-changing and capricious in its nature as a sin. Ozzie’s character, embodying Lust, might lead to a fluctuating commitment level, influencing his interactions and relationships. In biblical lore, he did end up causing a lot of sinful things like fucking a human named Sarah or so I remember?
Again this is the same guy who humiliated Blitzø in Ozzie, S2 just rewrote him completely (btw, in my rewrite I'mma change him to be more evil and instead give the whole "lovey-dovey Sin" idea to Satan who is female and thinks Asmodeu's "fake-love" is like a slap in the fact to her idea of realistic and true romance)
I'd just feel like Fizz would be better off with Blitzø tbh or Striker or all in a threesome... the possibilities are endless, and why is the show making love seem too fairytale and unrealistic?! Like Blitzø shouldn't have to fuck Stolas just because he was his arranged playmate for just one day??? The show did the childhood friends trope dirty and would be better if Stoliz was a thing until mid-teens broke up for [insert reason] and reconnect but honestly, Stolas should've had his own seperate season/arc dedicared to himself if HB was an anthology show
Also the fact that Asmodeus couldn't just burn the contract, one-shot the lawyer and go on a rampage to save Fizz is just beyond me... the Sins are supposed to be these scary demon lords so why aren't they, hm?
Sorry for rambling and what do you think or want to add?
Absolutely here you go.
The consistent failure of Vivziepop is to commit to a mature story. She describes her own protagonists as "Deeply flawed but understandably traumatized people who just need love to fix them" while the villains of her shows are "irredeemable" (and women, but that's a tangent).
I mentioned before that trying to use the excuse of the setting being Hell and playing that out to the logical conclusion would end up exactly like Good Omens. The whole moral of said show being that imperfect humanity is worth saving, that life is worthy and beautiful for its own sake of existence. That is why the story of Good Omens uses the Bible, angels, and demons to tell it's story, to make that point.
Why is Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel set in Hell? What is being said by the plot, themes and story? So far we have that demons are better people than the Angels in Hazbin. That sacrifice is the only virtue worthy of redemption and thus reinforces backwards Christian ideals of penance.
Personally, I would have made Hell less absurd. Less a place of debauchery and chaos and more a mere continuation of life. We see in the Hazbin Pilot a character falls from the sky and says "I'm alive?" Before being hot by Travis' car. The point being that people just transition from one life to the next and in that they keep living life the way they always have.
My personal criticisms of the series' use of Hell is that it established this idea that people only behave if they have a god to fear. Once in Hell, there is no salvation, so why bother. It's like a Christian asking an atheist why they wouldn't commit murder if they don't believe in God. The answer is that people like order and security. People dying would seek to maintain their status quo from life. A lack of salvation wouldn't change that for them.
And frankly, I wouldn't have redemption be a thing. This story and its messages are actively devalued by the act of redeeming sinners when the Angels are just the same as them. By having Hell just be a warped continuation of life on Earth, it makes the message more universal: Life is Hell. Life is suffering in a way Hell can never hope to be. Physical anguish and torment for all eternity can never amount to the pain of the fleeting and the terror of change and uncertainty.
I would have made it impossible to be redeemed because the fact is, regardless what you believe happens after death, what we know we have is life. We fear death so much we have created salvation throughout history, the wish to keep living forever in some way. But, especially for young people, life is harder now than ever before. It's more terrifying and uncertain and cruel and uncaring.
So if life is Hell, how do you be happy?
That would have been my thesis for the show. The message underneath is all about finding happiness in the absence of salvation. Even the idea that maybe salvation is something we should reject to really feel what it means to be alive. Giving up on our deaths and seeking our own fulfillment, and in that finding community, love, and hope. To see true humanity as something selfish and kind at the same time.
That's how I would have taken the concept.
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wilcze-kudly · 2 months
The more I think about it, the more I think Bolin could easily embody that "human treated as a weapon/tool, who also believes that of themselves" tropes.
Like, it is not a stretch to say that Bolin has been "used" at least three times by antagonists of the show. By Kuvira, for his unique bending abilities and his good reputation, by Varrick for his looks, charisma and popularitu and by Eska for physical labour and her... um... you know I think I'll need to make another long post about Eska's weirdly intense attachment to Bolin.
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In these relationships there is an onbious pattern, Bolin letting a more assertive/experienced person take the lead and order him around. Even when he's hurt or humiliated or frightened, he keeps his head down and does what is required of him until some big event (usually only vagely related to his current predicament ) allows him to "break free".
But without a decisive push, Bolin often appears unable or extremely unwilling to disobey the people he views as currently 'in control of him'. Often he's manipulated or pushed into something he's uncomfortable with, or explicity doesn't want to do, even hurting those he cares about.
Sometimes I wonder if even Bolin subconsciously sees himself as just a tool for others to wield and command. That it's easier to let others take charge than to think for himself, than to deal with the responsibility of governing himself. A responsibility he was never taught to handle.
This, as most analysis of Bolin ties back to his traumatic childhood and his codependent relationship with Mako.
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Bolin grew up following Mako's lead. He never got to peel off from Mako, never got to slowly build up his independence, as children in more stable environments do. Because seperation from his brother would usually mean danger.
Hell, Mako often acts like a strict parent, since he had to step up to the role. However, often Mako tends to disregard Bolin's own agency and preferences in favour of Bolin's physical safety. Which isn't a bad thing, and Mako was doing as best he could, however this does obviously lead to Bolin being a little stunted in the decisionmaking department.
Bolin lacks agency, as a person. He relies on others leading him. One of the reasons him and Korra get along so well. She's headstrong and decisive and can easily direct him. This is probably why he also gravitated to Kuvira after Korra became incapacitated. He even explained to Mako that "Kuvira is basically just like Korra".
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Bolin likes to be given a purpose and that purpose is given to hin by other people. You can see how lost he is when left to his own devices. I mean, Mako left him alone for like 2 days in B2 and Bolin immediately glued himself to Varrick like an abandoned baby koala. And the only times he was able to stand up to Mako, someone who often guides him, is when Bolin is, let's say, "wielded" by someone else (Varrick or Kuvira respectively). It's also fucking painful that whenever Bolin does branch off from Mako, he's always slapped back down, because the person who lead him "astray" turned out to be a villain.
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Especially between seasons, and post B4 when team Avatar isn't together, isn't actively driven to do something, Bolin gets lost.
He's aimless in times of peace. He bounces from career to career, unable to focus on anything, because he's so used to tob being directed to fight, to literally survive. It's also important to note that he started training under Toza when he was like 13, no wonder all he can do is combat.
This, coupled with his lavabending being one of Bolin's most prominent skills (also note that lavabending is the only discipline of earthbending we've seen that can't easily be translated into building or art. Lavabending is pure destruction, at least in the form we're shown.).
Korra has her Avatar status, wisdom gained through adversity and her determination. Asami has her company, her ingenuity and drive. Mako has his detective work, and deductive skills. Bolin's just a good fighter and occasionally lifting the mood.
How is he meant to exist in times of peace?
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Even though he is clearly uncomfortable with conflict.
Does Bolin have any interests? Things he likes to do other than eat? Other than perform and contort himself for other people to like him?
I thought the mind control plot from Rote could've started an arc of Bolin realising he can be more than a pawn or a tool, but alas, the comic was dissapointing on many fronts, including this one.
I know Bolin is supposed to be the imamture comic relief character, but he's very compelling and multifaceted to me. He has a lot of potential to be a groundbreaking character, however it doesn't seem like the creators are going that way. So um. That sucks.
Also this whole thought process came to me from listening to She was a bird, I was an arrow and thinking of weilin so that's the context of this analysis lol.
I'm gonna need to clear these thoughts up after a while, but hey, enjoy the silly Bolin rambles
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communist-octoling · 1 month
This has probably been said a thousand times but Silco is genuinely such a brilliant character that it almost makes me mad. When he's first introduced he seems like a typical villain with the evil lair and the plotting and the monologue on power, and throughout the first arc of the show they build on that, he tricks Marcus, he (literally) backstabs Vander, and he takes in Powder all Palpatine style. But then throughout the second and third acts we slowly see that he's not some super villain, and not only that but we also see how he's sort of right about how Zaun needs to seperate from Piltover because we see more of how horribly Piltover treats Zaun. Not only that but we see him being a father toward Jinx, and how he would do anything for her and how he can't go through with his plans if they harm her. Thats not half of what i want to say about him but i cant express the rest in words
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imagineanime2022 · 1 month
League Of Villain With A Popstar S/O
Tomura Shigaraki X Reader, Dabi X Reader, Mr. Compress X Reader, Spinner X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Heyy hope you're doing well! I was wondering if you could write a fic with Dabi, Shigaraki, Mr Compress and Spinner (seperate) where their s/o is a pop star and she keeps their relationship a secret but writes a song dedicated to them which is please, please, please by Sabrina Carpenter (Which just came out and I totally got the idea from the song) and their reaction to the song. Also how their dynamic would be!! Tyy
🔥 He met you before you became famous but you never told anyone about him and that never changed after you became famous. 🔥 Dabi did hate the way that some of your male fans spoke about you and there were sometimes that you found those people disappear off your feed. 🔥 He didn’t often attend your live performances but he definitely watched the ones that were recorded but don’t you worry he knows when every show is and always calls to wish you luck. 🔥 This time you told him that you wrote a song for him and begged him to listen to it when you performed, which he promised to do.
You had just gotten back to your dressing room after the performance on the talk show that you were on when your phone rang, you smiled at the little fire emoji that you had programmed as Dabi’s contact name “You wrote that song for me?” He asked, you could hear the smirk on his face. “What’d you think?” You asked. “I think that you should hurry home.” He answered. “Why is that?” You asked. “I wanna tell you what I thought in person.” Dabi answered, you knew what that meant, Dabi had never been good at expressing his feelings through words and he was slightly better with actions at least with you, you didn’t expect to get much out of him over the phone but it was nice that he called. “Are you home?” You asked. “Nah at the bar with the others, Toga loves you she had the talk show on.” He answered. “Maybe I should come meet her.” You suggested. “Absolutely not.” He answered. “Thought you’d say that, I should be home within a couple of hours so do what you need to and meet me there.” You ordered. “Yes ma’am.” You could hear that he was distracted by something so you decided to end the conversation and get yourself ready to leave. “I’ll see you later.” You said. “Yeah see you.” He said after a second before you ended the call, you couldn’t wait to see him when you get home, where you could finally see his face.
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Tomura Shigaraki
🤚 Tomura is a hermit, he had never been to one of your live shows, in fact the league were confused as to how you even met him in the first place. 🤚 He’ll never tell you but he does know when all of your new music is going to drop and often listens to it, even if it isn’t always his type of music, he has watched all of your live and recorded interviews and performances. 🤚 His room is always open for you to hide in if you need it and actually has quite fond memories of you appearing in his bedroom to spend the night away from the chaos of fame. 🤚 Never would have dreamed for a second that you would write a song about him yet here he was listening to the new release that you had told him was for him.
“You wrote that for me?” He asked, scratching at his neck as the song ended. “Who else would I write it for?” You asked. “Not me.” He answered, picking up his switch, a way to redirect nervous energy. “Any song that seems like it’s about someone I love is probably about you.” You informed him as you leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Why?” He asked. “Why?” You repeated the question taking the switch from his hand and straddling his lap to make him look at you. “What is that supposed to mean?” You leaned forward when he didn’t answer, pressing your face into the side of his neck, careful of his hands as wrapped one arm around his torso and the other moved up to rest your hand on the back of his head. “You're spending too much time reading social media comments aren’t you?” “I don’t care what those losers say.” He mumbled. “No of course you don’t but if you by chance saw something you should know that I don’t want anyone other than you, my quiet place, my person who protects me from everything.” You explained. “You really think all that about me?” He asked. “Of course.” You answered. “Even all the things you said in the song?” He asked. “Especially the things that I said in the song.” You affirmed pressing another kiss to his cheek before moving around until you were leaning against his chest handing back the switch where you both sat, he played and you watched happy with the relationship that you had.
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Mr Compress
🎩 Given the fact that he always wears a mask he will often come to your live performances and support you because no one knows who he is, he’ll even sneak into your dressing room. 🎩 Loves your music and supports anything that you want to do, trust you no matter what and sometimes protects you from people that are a little too obsessed. 🎩 Always encourages you and tells you that you look beautiful and he is your No.1 secret fan. 🎩 Complements you even when he is off doing villain work, you were trending on all social media when that happened for the first time.
You sighed as you closed the door to your dressing room and walked over to your chair and sat down, closing your eyes to take a moment. “You seem tired.” You smiled at the sound of his voice and before long you felt him press a kiss to the side of your head. “Amazing show as always my love.” “Thank you.” You said softly “Did you like the new song?” “I did, it seemed very personal.” He mumbled as he started to massage your shoulders and neck. “It was very personal, there’s this one person that I really love, that I wrote that song about.” You explained leaning your head back against his chest as you looked up at him. “Really who’s this person?” He asked. “This guy's name is Atsuhiro Sako.” You shrugged. “Me him and he really left an impression on me.” “He sounds cool.” Compress smiled down at you. “I love when you don’t have your mask on.” You informed him, lifting your hand to cradle his cheek. “Do you now?” He asked, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips. “I still don’t know how you get in here all the time.” You mumbled and he hummed. “Your security isn’t as skilled as I would like them to be.” He answered as he glanced at the door. “I’m not worried you’ll always be here.” You said lazily. “That I will promise.” He assured you “now get changed to that we can get out of here, you need your rest.”
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🦎 Spinner would come to a few of your performances personally other times he would watch them through recordings and fan posts. 🦎 Spinner liked the time that he could spend with you after the performances, when you got back home, no matter how late at night. 🦎 He would always be there waiting for you to come home. Never care much for what your fans said about you and they didn’t know about him so there was nothing to be seen there. 🦎 He doesn’t know how you ever saw him in the crowd and decided that he was the one that you wanted but he kept trying to prove that he was worth it everyday.
You sighed as you closed the door, pressing your back to it as you kicked off your shoes and took off your coat. “Long day?” Spinner asked as he walked out of the living room. “Very long day.” You answered. “The new album comes out soon so there’s so much promotion to be done, nothing tomorrow though.” “Come on, let's get you washed up and relaxing and them we can talk some more.” He promised as he guided you to the bathroom where there was already a bath run for you, you remembered texting him but you honestly don’t know how he managed to get everything done to coneside with when you walked through the door. “Did you see the show today?” You asked as he washed your hair for you. “I saw it, I liked the song that you performed today.” He softly runs his fingers through your hair massaging your scalp before rinsing your hair. “I’m glad that you liked it, I wrote it for you.” You admitted. “For me?” He asked. “Yeah, I can’t always show you how much I love you in public so now every time you hear that song or see me perform it I know that I’m thinking of you the whole time.” You explained. “And I’ll be saying I love you right back.” Spinner reciprocated. “I love Shu.” You said softly. “I love you too.” He pressed a kiss to your head before helping you get ready for bed where you both stayed for the rest of the evening.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 months
Gale’s Top 5: Best Songs in Epic the musical (first Act)
1. I will be focusing on only the first act of the Epic . (So from the Troy saga to the Underworld saga)
2. I will be listing one song PER saga. So I will be picking my personal favorites from each saga and ranking them accordingly.
3. The way I Decided to rank them was on the following: how well it portrays the story, the music, the epic lines, and overall willingness to listen on repeat.
4. This is based on my opinion. And you are free to share your opinion in replies.
5. If I did include the Thunder Saga. Thunder bringer would be the arc rep and arguably in first.
5. Done for
Now when I first thought about doing this list. I was surprised how low I had this overall saga. If I was ranking it without limits this song barely cracks the top 10. BUT it is a great song. It embodies the clash of wills between Circe and Odysseus. Both have people they want to protect and are both willing to do what they need to in order to win.
Circe has the upper hand with her magic, but thanks to Hermes, Ody is not out of the running. And you can feel his struggle. He is doing what he can to stay in the front seat in this battle. So when he thinks he won, Circe threw him a curve ball and that ending leads to the next song.
In truth, it has the most emotional variety in this saga, and I love the musical progression. It really feels like a duel to the death. And for that it’s great.
4. My Goodbye (both versions)
This is the parts definitive Athena part in my mind.
This song is where I actually think both the original release and re-release have merit.
The original being more solemn and appearing as both feeling like they have to seperate in order to go forward. Athena seems to be lamenting this more. It felt more heart breaking, like they tried and failed to fix a friendship but nothing could be done as they were set in their ways.
While the re-release feels more like a falling out. Both sides are angry at the other. And the scathing remarks REALLY hit in this one. Athena is more offended, Odysseus is resentful of Athena. In eachother’s view, the other failed them. They are both too prideful.
3. Just a man (re-release)
I originally had Warrior of the mind as this slot, but after listening to the re-release. It sold me on Just a man. The only thing really shocking is that I have this at number 3.
This is the start to Odysseus arc. He had been tired from war, and thought he could end it with just killing the villains and leaving. But now told by Zeus he must kill an infant. He is torn. He sees an innocent infant, much like the son he left so long ago. You hear Odysseus heart break as he is talking to this baby. It’s arguably his most cruel action, and he feels so much guilt over it. He is singing to the infant as much as he is to himself. And we even get faint previews of Other songs in the re-release which was enough to sell it for me.
This song really makes the man.
2. Monster
The song that fully describes Odysseus’s transformation. He laments all his pain through his journey. The underworld was a constant smack in the face of all his failures. And while I do believe Underworld is a more emotionally intense song. Monster is the song with the payoff of all Odysseus went through to get to this point. He would become the monster that WILL get home. That is what he decides, and nothing will stop him. Even if he must be heartless.
This song does a great job showing Odysseus’ doubts and realizations and then the moment he accepts it, the crescendo is simply transcendent. And honestly would be my favorite song on this list… if it wasn’t for one more.
1. Ruthlessness
The big man of the sea had to be number one.
Poseidon steals the show with this one. His song matching his tone and building up like a crashing wave. He is reprimanding Odysseus, and mocking him.
The god of the sea even gives the captain a sense of false hope, just before he kills most of his crew.
Then after leaving only 43 men left. He tells him the words he said to the cyclops
“I am your darkest moment.”
F***ing vicious and vindictive.
Every action Poseidon did, every word said was just to MOCK him. It even adds to the hypocrisy of it. Or it would be if Poseidon wasn’t a force of nature.
The gods are often portrayed earlier in this as these beings that have reasons beyond understanding. But Poseidon’s appearance is surprisingly simple. They hurt his son who cried out to him and now they gotta pay.
And Just when Poseidon was going in for the kill, Odysseus pulls a trick that helps him escape for now. But the last line stays
“Remember me.”
As another line Odysseus yelled at Polyphemus.
Poseidon isn’t done. And he WILL be back
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askunclejack · 11 months
Screw it, it's late where I live and Uncle Jack is a massive comfort character of mine, so lemme lay out some things I noticed after watching Literally All Of His Broadcasts
- He pitches his voice up a little during the show! Especially when reading. When he goes off-script and gets a bit sadder, his voice lowers ever-so slightly. (Customer service voice moment)
- He gives nicknames to people when he worries for them!! "[Name]— May I call you [name]? Well, [name]..."
- " 'Mister Worthing—' ... Oh, [name], there's no need to be so formal. You can call me... Jack!"
- Loves jokes about Scottish people.
- Doesn't like talking about Germans or Joy. He gets a little tense when he has to talk about either.
- There's a subtle bit of grit in the way he says Joy.
- Audibly grows angrier and more jaded as the broadcasts go on. :(
- None of the fairytales he tells involve children, even when the more widely-known versions do.
- All of the fairytales give the villains German accents.
- Talks wistfully about food a lot. A lot.
- Despite his cheerful demeanor, he's audibly uncomfortable talking about certain topics like death and danger.
- Has two seperate broadcasts directly asking the viewers what they're doing?
- He's so. fucking. Vague. About everything. Vague about the weather, vague about events, vague about people. So vague.
- "I'd be belligerent if I were off my Joy! Who knows? I might go 'round murdering people in the middle of the night and leave a trail of corpses missing their kidneys! ...But I do take my Joy."
- Mentions he has a taste for V-Meat. Yikes.
- "It's good to stay young at heart! So, use our playgrounds! ...After all, if you don't, who on Earth will?"
- Is quietly upset at times when he has to deliver his propaganda. :(
- He's trying so hard to help people between the propaganda, whether it's distracting them, making them smile, or explaining ways to find food during the shortage.
- "If there were a plague, wouldn't you expect to notice dead bodies in the street, strewn here and there?"
"But you don't notice them, do you?"
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heyimcelery · 6 months
Okay so I watched all of Ninjago Dragons Rising s2p2! I've got so many thoughts and I'm dumping them all here in a long list. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
to start: Cole!! He's a family man! He's got a boyfriend and they hold hands and they care for their kids and Bonzle so obviously came out to them and omg I wanted to cry. The joy of acceptance. I mean come one she kept saying how alone she felt, they're found family, she was repeating that she chose he town name and identity and the villains were insistent that she wants a person but just a spell like come on
But there's more than that, I have questions I have concerns!! Like wtf happend on Coles quest?? With Sensei Wu??? Like he disappeared and turned up again and said he would explain but never did.
Cole also came back from that in his bolder form so did he figure out he could do it on his own then? Is that what he learned on his quest?? If so it's gonna be a little awkward when he tried to explain that to his bf Geo.
With part 2 I really want to see the whole gang meet them and talk and catch up on everything. Like cole has been missing since the merge and no one this season cared. At all. They hadn't seen him in ages- didn't even know if he was alive until drs1 but nope no worries or concerns. Not even a question of what he was up to.
When he came through the portal Zane wasn't worried or confused at all, just oh? You need some help?? Sure let's beat these bad guys and not worry or show emotions! Is a tearful reunion for my fav character too much to ask?? Cuz he clearly deserves it. :(
And then into both Zane and Coke this season!! Love them!! They've always been my fav duo (gonna have to start shipping geo/Cole/Zane as poly now) it was so fun to see them going around together with Bonzle. They had some great moments and I'm praying we get more in the next part.
On the other hand it was a shame they got such small roles- just seperated from the others as a way to help Bonzle. It means they didn't have the same lessons or knowledge the others got which is totally unfair!! They have a lot to catch up on. They also never got a chance to be part of the main battle
It's dumb but I was kinda hoping for Cole to show off his stronger powers (he always seems to get new powers every other season but that's a discussion for another day). Like sure he could use his robotic mech suit but that's been done before! He can do his boulder thing now (unless somehow he still thinks he can't which means he kept up that form for several days on his quest) and when he made that giant mid hut to protect his family!! I want to see him do that again! Let me man go ape shit to protect Bonzle.
And on another note, Geo my beloved, you should get a chance to shine with your powers. A chance to show off or at least have a talk about them with Cole.
Next up WyldFyre. I was worried they would make her the annoying comic relief cuz if her injury but her talks about losing loved ones and dragon culture and her home were really sweet and it was great to see some development so driven by battles. I love those too don't get me wrong but like I needed to see this side of her. And I adore her relationship with Kai, being besties/mentors/dad for her works so great for both characters.
I will be first to admit that
Kai wasn't really my favourite. If you couldn't tell I love Cole followed by Zane. Always have and likely always will. I suppose that early Kai reminded me too much of some guys form my class and they turned into shitheads and I've always struggled to reconcile Kai's image form theirs. He was always a little too brash, hotheaded, and too often written as stupid to fall into my good graces.
And yet this season I adored him. Of course I've never hated him but like this season made me see what all his fans (many many fans) see in him.
I thought Kai being the first to master such a new, difficult and crucial skill was incredibly satisfying. Form all the way back to season 1 he's been the butt of jokes- having to learn he's not the centre of the universe and sometimes it's others like Lloyd who are the chosen ones. That's all great but him now getting a starting role, his ability being fueled by thoughts of his family, by his childhood and by protecting is friends was just too good to ignore him. Love this form of his character more than any other I've seen.
And now Kai is trapped :(
I'm glad he's got Bonzle with him tho so hopefully they can have each other's backs (she's meant to be a POWERFUL spell after all) they'll need each other if they're trapped with those other 4 guys. If they can apparently demolish everything then I'm rather worried for the duo. Tbh I'm sure they'll survive just fine, probably making jokes at Cole's expense all the while.
On a side note, I found it super cute how WyldFyre was willing to protect and go down with Kai. Besties I'm telling ya
Now Jay. I've never thought too hard about him I know he's one of the favs of the fandom but like Kai I was never so besotted with him. Still a great guy and omg I feel so bad. One of his worst fears was always being alone and now stuck, confused, forced to hide such a fundamental part of himself.
On the other hand he's got a gun now so that's fun!!
And you can't talk about him without mentioning Nya. He worst fears being him forgetting hurts my soul. And she was so sure it could never be true that she snapped out of her nightmare state!! She's going to break when she finds out.
She's already grieving her own brother, we saw her break down into WyldFyre (more proof she's an honorary sibling by now) but now knowing what's happening with Jay, I'm saying the angst is going to be overpowering. It's a greek tragedy fr
Part 2 is going to be rough. Jay only had a single scene but it's already a sign for the worst to come.
Speaking of things being rough, Lloyd is going THROUGH IT!! give this poor guy a break. I do appreciate that we physically get to see the effects of all his trauma- that everything that's happened has real consequences for his character and the story but I can't help but feel bad.
I've also suffered from anxiety for most of my life so to see it in a character like that feels really personal to me. Hope he gets a little break though, god knows he deserves it.
Have to say it's pretty funny that Lloyd's had so much Oni trauma that he forgot that he's part dragon too. Yes ninjas dragons can do spinjitsu why are you surprised at this point
The animation this season has been incredible, the fights were beautiful the angles so interesting and dynamic and I could go on for hours about how much I love it. It's always great when kids -and even animation in general is treated with respect. It doesn't dumb it's ideas and stories and characters for the sake of it's younger audience, and that makes it so much better for me who is definitely out of the age range.
I have my more points to make but I've been adding stuff in and off for ages so I'll probably go through this all later. Thanks for reading, please I want to know your own thoughts too I love discussing that kinda stuff!!
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crittrzz · 5 months
my Katsuki Bakugo headcanons
currently experiencing Katsuki Brainrot and need to get some of these out of my system.
(also i haven't actually watched the show in years cause i'm a fake fan so i'm hoping nothing in the newer seasons contradicts any of this)
Ft. a few guest appearances from Kirishima
He started his transition the year before middle school. He BEGGED his parents to let him go to a new middle school where nobody knew him, and after months and months of pestering, they finally gave in. Izuku, not knowing how to be anything without his one-sided best friend, followed him to the new school.
He has severe PTSD due to the sludge villain, sports festival, and especially getting kidnapped by the League. Becaus of this, he can't handle anything covering his face and neck, and he's become even more on-edge when fighting someone he doesn't know.
He gets a very light layer of freckles over his face and shoulders every summer and he hates it. At first he tried covering it up with concealer, but it ended up being way too much work, and he usually sweat it off after an hour of training anyways
He found two stray cats outside his house one day and decided to give them the last few bites of his lunch just to get them off his ass. It worked, and he didn't see them again, at least until a few days later when they came back with kittens. He gave them the last few bites of his lunch again, and they both went their seperate ways. Eventually it became a daily routine for them, and Katsuki actually got very attached to the cats.
When he moved into the dorms he made his dad promise to keep feeding them, and his dad still regularly sends him pictures of the cats.
When he reached the point in his transition where he was starting to finally pass, he asked his mom to please take down all his old pictures on her social medias. She adamantly refused, claiming they were still good memories, so he stole her phone and deleted them himself. He was grounded for a month after that, but they never got re-uploaded.
He loves being outside. Before the dorms, he spent more time out hiking or at the park than he did at home. He planned on continuing this when he moved into the dorms, but when everyone else found out what he was doing they insisted on coming with, so he stopped.
For his 6th birthday "Auntie" Inko took him and Izuku to a planetarium. Katsuki thought the whole thing was a little dumb, but when Inko said he could pick something from the gift shop, he was instantly drawn to a pack of glow stars. He and his dad put them on his ceiling as soon as he got home, and they stayed there until he moved into the dorms.
After a couple weeks away from home he realized he had a really difficult time sleeping without him, so Kirishima bought him a new pack for his dorm ceiling. Katsuki acted mad and accused Kirishima of calling him childish, but the stars were on his ceiling within an hour.
He absolutely hates being restrained, but he loves being held. Whenever he and Kiri cuddle, he has to slowly work his arms around Katsuki's body, being super careful about not holding him too tight, or putting too much pressure. Katsuki feels bad about it, but Eijiro will do whatever he has to in order to be with him.
The only people at UA who know Katsuki is trans are Izuku, Eijiro, and certain staff members. Izuku keeps trying to convince him to tell the others, at least his close-ish friends, but he refuses.
and finally
He was Springtrap from Five Nights at Freddy's for halloween one year, and will fucking kill anyone who mentions it now.
Izuku sent Eijiro a picture. It's now his contact image for Katsuki
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red-velvet-0w0 · 5 months
thoughts on the new digital circus episode:
I know some people were complaining about the gummigoo plotline and how there was so much time spent with him and develpment only for him to be killed off, but I honestly thought it was pretty well handled. The pointlessness of it all was the point. it wasnt just a subversion of expectations for the sake of subversion, it was a subversion so we can see just how powerless and alone the characters are, and how distopian their world is, which otherwise the episode would be missing.
Supporting cast really needed more screentime, we dont get much time with them, and there is very little that they say/do that isnt what weve already seen, or breaking the tropes of their characters. (the only real exeption was the "figurine thing" conversation with gangle, but that was barely anything). I hope in future episodes they work more to flesh out the supporting cast.
I know a lot of people hated Jax in the pilot, but I actualy found him entertaining and well written. After this episode I understand why everybody hates him. It feels like they took all of the things people disliked about him and turned them up to eleven, while removing all of the actual charm and charisma he had in the pilot. Seriously Jax made the episode basicaly unwatchable for me whenever he showed up.
Honestly I really want to do a gummigoo villain AU, and im actualy starting to do some work on it, but that would be a seperate post.
All in all, I think it was a good episode, though the show definitely has room to grow before it becomes really as great as Murder Drones or similar indie productions. (though then again a few of the earlier MD episodes were also a bit rough, so I do think they can pull it off)
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adrift-in-thyme · 2 months
Hallo! I wanted to share some of my theories and other things I noticed from the latest LU chapter-- feel free to completely ignore this, these are just some things I thought were interesting
First off, Time's entire demeanor this chapter. It's clear that everything that came with Twilight's injury deeply scared the man. He's not treating this as casual as he did in the beginning and even middle of the story- he is terrified and acting based on his experiences. I'd like to think that Time understands that if the situation is underestimated, then more harm will befall the Chain- and although I think it's good that Time is being cautious, it's obvious that he's pent up, and I think that pent up, terrified state is what will lead to him getting hurt (maybe targeted).
At the end of the chapter, Time agrees to splitting up, but no one is to go alone. Time is absolutely gonna get separated from the group- just singled off. I think that in later chapters Time's fear will only grow, potentially causing him to panic or mess up in a critical moment, once again, leading to him being separated.
I don't think I really need to explain why (if my theory is correct) Time would be the one targeted- it's shown that he plays the main leadership role in the Chain.
I understand that everyone in the Chain has their own experiences with danger and working alone, but in this large group setting, Time helps create a connection and guiding force which adds to their functionality as a team.
Now normally, I think everyone does a great job of staying on topic and understanding the situation, but in this chapter (and other recent ones), the Chain has seemed a bit... relaxed? I'm not sure how to put it- they've mostly just been more distracted(?). So much relief over Twilight's recovery that they've almost forgotten just who hurt Twi. Time is acting to remind them of recent threats and to get them back on track.
Overall, my biggest theory is that Time is going to get seperated from the group.
Have a great day/night
(Also, that one panel with Epona in the background- I swear if Dink hurts Epona we're gonna have some issues)
First off I’m SO SORRY that I took forever to answer this!! Life’s been insane lately
But you make some great points and I completely agree!!
Time’s always been on edge a bit more than the others have imo (the Like Like incident, him repeatedly ensuring the boys team up/stay together when in new situations, taking the lead in heavy emotional situations) but this last update he’s gone over. As you said, he’s absolutely terrified (I’m wondering if this has anything to do with Malon’s letter in addition to Twilight’s near-death experience).
I can see him wanting Twilight with him when they inevitably split up to tackle the dungeon, and the rancher’s presence worsening his panic. He wants to protect him, he knows the dangers of the dungeons, he knows how easily one can lose and that point has just been driven home for him YET AGAIN. Having his pup beside him will make him more comfortable cause he can ensure he’s ok. But bring some crazy powerful villain into the mix? He’s gonna crumble. He’s too panicked and while anxiety can heighten senses (fight or flight anyone?) too much of it dulls them big time. It leads to slip ups.
And what if the worst happens and the Shadow shows up? From previous updates it seems like he’s gonna go after Twilight. If he shows up and Time jumps in between them, things are gonna get real FAST.
And yeah if Epona gets hurt I’m gonna throw hands. NO ONE TOUCHES MY GIRL
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namjoon-koya · 2 years
hiya, how you doin? hope you’re doing well! if i may request, i would like todoroki, shinsou and hawks (all seperate!) with a therapist-like friend / s/o? a person that’s always there for them when they’re in their toughest moments and the first person they come to for advice. friend / s/o is quite wise and always has time for them.
gn!s/o , it can be platonic or romantic. all up to you! i dont mind it being oneshot or headcanons etc . .
please take your time on this requests, i dont mind waiting : ) thank you!
a/n: I’ve been doing fine thank you for asking:) so I really don’t write a lot of platonic things I’ll make this a platonic one.
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Todoroki, Hawks, Shinsou having a therapist-like friend.
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He knows he can count on you if he ever needs to vent, hawks doesn’t often show what he’s feeling at times. He bottles them up and the only time he’ll let go of what he’s feeling is when you tell him it’s okay for him to feel what he’s feeling, he’s been through a lot. You know that because he told you about it, so if hawks ever needs comfort your arms are wide open for him.
Platonic cuddles, he needs them. He’ll either lay his head down on your chest or lap and when you run your fingers gently through his hair, he won’t stare at you when he tells you about his problems. He thinks you’ll see him as a weak person, even after countless times telling him you didn’t see him like that it’s hard for him to accept it.
He vents to you about anything his job, the agency, his childhood, his mom. Your heart breaks for him anytime he tells you about something that has been bothering him, you do try your best though to give him the right advice. You kind of felt like a parent-figure in a way to him, but he won’t admit that he’ll take that to his grave.
Hawks hold you in a special place in his heart, he really doesn’t know what’d he do if he didn’t have you as a friend. Sure he has a bunch of friends, but you’re different. He tells you that every time when he leaves, him feeling that way though does make him protective of you. If you ever need him or anything else he’s right by your side instantly, he’ll drop anything he’s doing to help you with whatever you need.
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oof he has been through A LOT as well, just like hawks he keeps everything bottled up. That’s what drives him away from people and making him focus on his own success, but when you came along it changed. Todoroki still doesn’t understand what made him find comfort in you, maybe it was the way you slowly made him open up to you while he completely ignored everyone else in class. Maybe it was the way you didn’t judge his current situation with his family, you did raise some questions; but Todoroki reassured you that he was fine.
Living at the dorms at school made his mood a bit better as well, if something was heavy on his chest he would go straight to your room (knocking first of course) it felt more easy to tell you about things he felt considering he opened up to you first. Even when it was about his father you’d patiently listen to him until he looked at you, almost like in a way of asking what he should do.
Even when he didn’t need to vent about his frustrations, he would often come to your room and just chill out with you. Your presence calmed him, you didn’t have to say a word to him and he would just feel so calm with himself. “Maybe Bakugo should come talk to you?” “Hm, why?” “because he’s always angry.” You laugh.
His father better not say a word about you either, if he tries implying that Todoroki shouldn’t be focusing on making friends Todoroki won’t hesitate to tell him to mind his own business. (He’s protective of his friends)
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Makes friends, but doesn’t tell them about how he feels about his quirk. He’s been called a villain just because of it, and it made him feel like he wasn’t worthy of training to become a hero. Yet when you showed interest in his quirk it almost made him feel a bit better, he remembers what Midoriya said to him during the school festival and now you; it gave him almost like a boost of confidence.
Even while he’s training with Aizawa sometimes he can’t help, but overthink about his quirk at times. Should he really be doing this? Training as a hero after so many students have told him his quirk is more like a villain quirk? “of course you should continue to train! In the end students can say whatever they want, but I know your quirk can help people Shinsou.”
Jokes about you becoming a motivational speaker, but he appreciates what you said to him. He’s never really thought of his quirk that way before so it’s.. refreshing to hear you say that to him. Comes to you for now on when he starts having doubts about his training, but he holds onto every word you tell him. If he starts doubting himself during training he’ll remember what you told about.
Lowkey Aizawa will ask about it, but Shinsou just tells him that he has to make a certain friend proud.
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cosmic-pheonix · 3 months
Feeling bored and unmotivated in posting stuff (and probably in a need for some interaction with fellow moots/followers). Saw a post on Twitter on everyone sharing their cartoon crushes. (In case you missed it!)
I decided to be brave and share my fictional crushes! 😖🫡 Feel free to either agree or roast me! (Civically of course!) I'd love to see others fictional crushes and gush over them as well! So don't be shy in sharing them under the replies!
So to first start off...
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The 1st pic and GIF of him always does something to me (My god...)
Yami Yugi/Atem (Yu-Gi-Oh! DM/DSOD) | Main Crush - My first anime fictional crush 💜✨🌟 (and still is to this day! And has been recently the cause for all those self ship/self insert reblog posts on my other blog, as embarrassing as it sounds....) This man has inadvertently popped back into my brain all of sudden and slowly got me back to hyper fixating on YGO, (in the year of our lord saviour 2024), specifically for him 💜! There's really a plethora of reasons why I enjoy and appreciate him as a character (ie his personality, aura, kindness, complexity and flaws as a character, his voice - both in English and Japanese 😳 etc. - if anyone's interested maybe I might make a seperate post about it and share my headcanons for him perhaps)
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2. Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh! DM/DSOD) - Do I really need to say anything? 🤷🏾‍♀️ Same reasons applied as Yami/Atem really! The guy’s iconic, what can I say?
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3. Dartz (Yu-Gi-Oh! DM) - Unpopular opinion/hot take but I think he’s pretty underrated as a villain (fuck him for making Yami Yugi cry + manipulating him and everyone else - Affectionately?? Just so my words don’t get twisted out of context, I’m appreciating him as a villain/character here, so don’t get it twisted). Is the story a hit or a miss or is it necessary? Can’t really say for sure, sorry🤷🏾‍♀️.
It’s been a long time I watched YGO, so go easy on me and take it with a grain of salt. All I will say honestly, is that I really like his design, him as a character (I think there’s a lot of missed potential that could’ve been explored more) and his voice (English preferably, Wayne Grayson’s performance as Dartz really did it for me! No hate towards the Japanese VA/Dub, just a preference towards his eng voice)
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4. Pantalone (Genshin Impact) - Okay, so here’s the thing with him…If I happen to come across a guy with this much drip, charm and mysterious aura, with glasses to boot than I’m already sold! I haven’t played much Genshin in a long time, so I’m not sure what role he plays into the story. (I’d love to hear your thoughts and theories, though no spoilers please! 😊)
I’ve only seen snippets of clips and fanart of him and the fatui from here and there, but I hope he’s playable in the near future.
If Arlecchino (Father - MORE LIKE DADD-), can become playable in the future, then so can he (among other fatui members, aside from Childe).
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5. Boothill (Honkai Star Rail) - I don't know about you guys, but ever since he's been leaked (and now recently added to the game have seen his character trailer - the way he just sauves and moonwalked like the smooth criminal he is did it for me!) I just adore him - Design, personality, voice everything! I love me a spunky, sassy rootin tootin space ranger cowboy that loves to cause havoc and chaos! (and serves cun-) I just think he’s neat! (Also is it just me or does his theme song in the character trailer sounded something you would hear in a freakin Ford Truck Commercial, his theme screams pure “America. Freedom, F yeah!” Vibes. PLEASE TELL ME I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT THINKS THIS?! I JUST FIND IT FUNNY TO ME)
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6. Miguel O'Hara (Across The Spiderverse) - Haven’t seen the movie yet (dw I plan to watch it but PLEASE NO SPOILERS!) but this man is everywhere and I don’t blame you! I’ve seen fanart/edits of him (especially ones whenever they show his fangs 😳👀) and honestly it’s on me because I been rewatching ColeyDoesThings video on him and it immediately got me back to start watching the spider verse movies (it’s on my to do list) So thanks Coley! (You should go check out her YouTube videos on everything fandom related, it’s great!)
UPDATE: Got another honourable mention! ✨⭐️
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7. Lycaon (Zenless Zone Zero) - I’ve recently started playing ZZZ and so far it’s pretty fun! I’ve seen so many clips and fanart of this dude it’s not even funny. He’s pretty cool and got a nice design and voice. And that’s all I’m gonna say. I think this video on Twitter should speak for itself:
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lady0lunamoon · 1 month
Check Out What Was In The Mail For Me Today! >:3
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Greatest sale ever! Only payed 44,08€ for the whole costume — hat and wig included! (Sword not included! That was bought seperately!)
I ain't showing my face, cause I didn't wear any make up here and it just doesn't look good without! 🙈
Plus, I still need to style the wig so it looks accurate!
But imagine, Scaramouche with the Musou No Hitotachi! He'd probably be the happiest little villain boi alive while everyone else would be crying in fear!
......except for Miko, who would probably say something like "I told Ei, she should've destroyed the puppet."
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