#At least that other teacher who was weird about black people and people of colour in general actually now that I think about it
If I could kill people instantly with impunity I would be better. Give me blood explosion magic.
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sleepybabybees · 6 months
Incorrect quotes because I'm bored-
Price: Ah, yes. Here we have a beautiful couple...
Gaz: I really care about your feelings!
Soap: I really care about YOUR feelings!
Price, turning their head: ...and then there's the disaster couple...
Price: You know what?
Price: When I join this friend group I thought you guys would be dealing with my bullshit.
*Soap, Gaz and Roach continue screaming about mold water*
Price: Not the other way around.
Ghost: I dunno, sounds like you need to drink the mold water.
Soap: Who the fuck broke the toaster?
Ghost: It was Gaz.
Price: It was Gaz.
Roach: Gaz broke it.
Roach, singing: I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need—
Ghost: A family.
Price: A better love life.
Gaz: Mental stability.
Soap: *clueless* Bagels?
Soap: What's the worst thing you guys have done?
Roach: Rickrolled my teacher in 4th grade.
Ghost: I kicked Price in the shin-
Price: -So I kicked Ghost between the legs.
Gaz: I burned a town down.
Soap: What?!
Price: What the hell is wrong with you?!?
Gaz: A lot of things.
Ghost: No shit.
Gaz: Are oranges named orange because oranges are orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?
Soap: Which came first, the orange or the orange?
Price: Orange was first used to refer to the fruit 1280 years ago but was not used as a colour until 1000 years ago.
Ghost: What was the colour called before then?
Roach: There was no colour, duh! Everything was black and white!
Soap: Why are you burning our marriage certificate!?
Ghost: Good luck trying to return me without a receipt.
Ghost: Boo! Boo, I say!
Soap: Ghost?
Ghost: Oh, I am not Ghost. I am the scariest thing known to mankind. A failed math test!
Soap: Yeah, right… I’m gonna move on now…
Ghost: You can run, but it won’t be to the college of your choice!
Nik: *angrily presses Price against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?!
Price: ...
Price: Are we about to kiss-
Nik: You need to be more careful!
Price, who was dragged into Nik's issue: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Nik, sweating: Price, there’s something I need to ask you-
Price: Finally! You’re proposing!
Nik: How’d you know?
Price: Nik, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
Price: I even picked it up once.
Laswell: Two bros!
Laswell: Chillin' in a hot tub!
Laswell: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
Laswell: Then either Sonic is a god or could kill god, and I do not care if there is a difference.
Price: I love them both, but how do I propose to two people?
Laswell: Two different restaurants, one person at each restaurant. Twice the dessert, twice the applause.
Price: Won’t people think it’s weird if there is a third person just sitting there, though?
Laswell: I saw someone feed their pet peacock crème brûlée from their mouth at the French place on the corner last week: I think faux third-wheeling at an engagement is the least of your worries.
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best-underrated-anime · 9 months
Best Underrated Anime Group I Round 2: #I6 vs #I4
#I6: Highschoolers babysit kids—funny and sweet.
#I4: Colorblind witch meets her granny’s friends by time travel
Details and poll under the cut!
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#I6: School Babysitters (Gakuen Babysitters)
After losing both parents in a fatal plane crash, teenager Ryuuichi Kashima must adjust to his new life as the guardian of his younger brother Kotarou. Although Ryuuichi is able to maintain a friendly and kindhearted demeanor, Kotarou is a reserved toddler still too young to understand the reality of the situation. At their parents' funeral, they are approached by Youko Morinomiya, the stern chairman of an elite academy, who decides to take them under her care.
However, there is one condition Ryuuichi must fulfill in exchange for a roof over their heads and enrolment in the school—he must become the school's babysitter. In an effort to support the female teachers at the academy, a babysitter's club was established to look after their infant children; unfortunately, the club is severely short-staffed, so now not only is Ryuuichi responsible for his little brother, but also a handful of toddlers who possess dynamic personalities.
Propaganda 1:
It is one of the cutest slice-of-life shows, with some really sweet moments. It’s a bit sad that not many people know about it, because it is a very lovely show. Some downright hilarious moments with almost all lovable characters, each with their own quirks, and some unexpected, yet awesome friendships.
Propaganda 2:
It’s definitely one of my comfort shows. Cute, little slice of life where you see the activities of the kids in the club. (They’re super adorable and the stuff they do is so funny.) The bond between Kashima and his little brother, Kotaro, is so sweet, and I love seeing him open up to his new-found family.
Trigger Warnings:
Deaths in MC’s family, which are mostly mentioned in reference to grief. Nothing explicit or graphic. Also, one side character gets overly excited and has nosebleeds around the kids. It’s played for laughs, but at least he’s called out for it being weird. Lastly, there is a pedophile side character, and the other characters think he’s gross and find him uncomfortable to be with.
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#I4: Iroduku: The World in Colors
Despite the kaleidoscopic magic ingrained in everyday life, Hitomi Tsukishiro's monochrome world is deprived of emotion and feeling. On a night as black and white as any other, amidst the fireworks spreading across the sky, Hitomi's grandmother Kohaku conjures a spell, for which she has been harnessing the moon's light for 60 years, to send Hitomi back in time to the year 2018 when Kohaku was in high school.
Hitomi's mission seems unclear, but her grandmother assures her that she will know when she gets there. Following a trip through time aboard a train driven by a strange yellow creature, Hitomi finds herself in stoic artist Yuito Aoi's room, and his drawings flood her world with color. What is Hitomi's purpose there, and why do Yuito's drawings return such breathtaking color to her drab world?
It’s the kind of show I only watched once, but it stayed with me to this day. It has a unique story that, despite having supernatural elements, feels grounded in human emotions the most. A rare but solid example of magical realism.
The premise is so original, yet very easy to grasp from a start. The time-travel and magic simply lay a groundwork for the story to carry on. If you were ever frustrated by how in supernatural shows there isn’t enough time to explore characters’ emotional depth bc plot, then this anime will be a delightful breather for you. Because the whole show is about the main character’s healing process, learning to overcome her fears, opening up to others… It’s a journey of a lonely, broken person who finds meaning to her life in a distant timeline. And it’s wonderful and painful on all levels.
The visuals, animation, background art are all stunning. Usage of colour is meaningful, to portray heroine’s colourblindess with proper weight. The show isn’t black/white for the viewers, but when she sees colours, they truly make them shine. Soundtrack wise, ending song is heartbreakingly beautiful and encapsulates the feeling of the whole series perfectly.
TL;DR: It's magical but not intense. Sad but comforting.
(I hope I did it justice. Pls watch it, it has 12 eps that are 100% enough for this story <3 )
Trigger Warnings: Not stated.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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icarusthelunarguard · 9 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Since there’s no theme specifically selected this week, and how the weather in Buffalo brought out ALL THE FREAKS TO THE SHOP… sorry. We’re getting you all of the Weird But True facts that we can find from the nice folks at We Are Teachers Dot Com”. 
What level of biometrics are you familiar with? Retina Scans? Voice Print? Skin Sweat Composition? That’s nuthin’! Take a swing over to the National Library of Medicine and read a research paper by Radhika, Jeddy, and Nithya titled, “Tongue prints: A novel biometric and potential forensic tool”. So This Week… You know that Jr. Detective Kit you got for Christmas? The one with the ink pad to make fingerprints with? We hear that ink is really tasty. You should try it out.
You think you’re “You”, but that's not quite right. And no, we’re not going down the Ship of Theseus rabbit hole. Research finds that the average human is around 56% bacteria. So This Week… If you take showers before you sleep and after you wake up you'll be more yourself in no time. That’s a sure-fire way to make you Above Average. 
In 1838 Samuel Morse made the first public demonstration of his new invention, the telegraph. In 1903, 65 years later, the first powered airplane flight by Wilbur and Orville Wright took place. And in 1969, another 65 years later, Apollo 11’s Lunar Excursion Module, “Eagle”, touched down on the Moon. So This Week… How old are you again? Can you even imagine how things will progress by the time you’re 65? We bet you can’t, but do try.
Cancer Moon-Child 
And speaking of the Moon, did you know that it has Moonquakes? It’s TRUE! Every once in a while its surface experiences stresses from the gravitational attraction with Earth. So This Week… be glad you weren’t around for Apollo 12’s  mission. Because NASA deliberately crashed the Ascent Stage Lunar Module, “Intrepid”, onto the Moon's surface to get seismic data from it. And since NASA reported that the Moon rang 'like a bell' for almost an hour, people have floated the idea that the Moon is actually a hollow spaceship.
Tigers don’t just have striped fur, they have striped skin to go with it! And better yet, no two tigers have the same pattern, so they can be picked out from a group if you know who you’re looking for. We know you don’t want to believe us. So This Week… get up close and personal with a tiger, bring along some hair clippers, and buzz-cut the edges of those stripes so you can see for yourself.
We know what it’s like for you to go through allergy season. We also know that it gets pretty bad just as the cold sets in and the heater kicks on; all that dust in the furnace vents getting kicked up sucks. At least you can take antihistamines to fight it. You know who can suffer from allergies but can’t just go to the medicine cabinet and get better? Our pets! Dogs can be allergic to pollen, cat dander, and get this… People Dander! So take comfort in knowing that it might not be that your pet actively dislikes you. Maybe you just make them sick with your presence. 
Astronomers have observed some amazing things in the Universe from stars whipping past Super-Massive Black Holes at significant fractions of the speed of light, to the light coming from other galaxies. And what’s special about that light? It has a generally agreed upon colour referred to as, “cosmic latte.” That’s right, the average color in our observable universe is “beige”! So This Week… find that old Gateway Computer Case and build a sleeper PC that shoots fire out the back! 
We’re going to spoil some Movie Magic for you, and you’re gunna hate us for it, but… Oh Well! Have you ever seen “Game of Thrones”? Yeah, well… Ok. Fine, maybe you haven’t. BUT… The Night’s Watch cloaks in Game of Thrones were made by shaving and dyeing IKEA rugs to make them look like medieval cloaks. They do this kind of thing all the time. Because it’s cheaper than coming up with something original. So This Week… Don’t watch the original Star Trek when Dr. McCoy is using those silver surgical tubes to operate on someone. Those were actually Salt and Pepper shakers from the commissary.
If you look up at the sky you might wonder about what’s up there. All the planes and satellites and clouds… OH! Right… Did you know that one cloud can weigh more than a million pounds? You don’t realize just how big clouds can be up there - how much volume they have. And remember, when you increase volume, you decrease pressure. You do remember your basic Earth Science classes right? So This Week… You’re not “overweight”, you’re just in need of more volume. So grow your arms and legs out.
We have to ask.. Are you a Grow-er or a Show-er? Now before you get uncomfortable with this, let’s take this over to Paris and piss off the Frenchies. Did You Know the Eiffel Tower gets taller in the summer; specifically up to 15 centimeters (6 inches) taller due to thermal expansion. So This Week… You’ve got nothing to feel inadequate about. You just need to date in the summer instead.
Here’s a little something to think about. Most of us know that the number “Zero” was the last number added to the Arabic Number System; but do you know what the most recently added letter to the English, or Roman, Alphabet is? Jokes aside, you’ll jump for joy to hear that it was the letter “J”! It dates back to 1524 when it was separated from its twin, the letter “i”. So This Week… Re-read the story of Romulus and Remus, but not the version with Starfleet in it.
We all know bananas are radioactive, but do you know what other common house-found items are also radioactive? Potatoes, spinach, Brazil nuts, oranges, and granite countertops can all set off your geiger counter. But let’s stick to bananas a little more. Do you know how many you’d have to eat at once to get a dose that would kill 50% of the population? You’d have to eat 50 million bananas at once! So This Week… We know you can fit at least two in your mouth at once, but for crissakes, would you PLEASE STOP holding them like that when you eat them! You’re making all the normies uncomfortable! 
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know - or check out the Ko-Fi page ( https://ko-fi.com/icarusthelunarguard )! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord and BLUESKY.
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petallmei · 1 year
Doing this as a preparation for the upcoming semester and my classes with him and also as a form of free therapy. So yeah let's go 😁 (questions by @kissofpoisontcc)
1. Are they a man or a woman?
A man!
2. Do you know how old they are? If yes, what's the age gap?
Our age gap is 13 years, which is kinda fine? lol
3. What subject do they teach?
English lit 😩
4. Do you like the subject they are teaching?
Of course!
5. What are your grades like for this subject?
I've never been one of them straight A's girlies (and especially not now in uni) but they're pretty good compared to my other classes lol
6. What is your favourite assignment they've set so far?
Well he doesn't set many assignments (kinda glad tbh), but I've enjoyed the one about picking a poem and analyzing it.
7. What is your least favourite assignment they've set so far?
Idk it's probably like a poem we were supposed to read but I found it boring/weird.
8. Do they set homework often?
No, not really.
9. Is your TC generally liked as a teacher by their students?
He's kinda meh to the majority I'd say. Like not great, not terrible.
10. Is your TC close to any other students?
He seems like that type of a person who just likes to be very private and he keeps his distance so no one that I know of but I'd like to get closer to him for sure.
11. How often do you have them for lessons?
This semester it's going to be once a week!
12. How long have you been taught by them?
1 year.
13. What do they look like?
He has blue eyes + greying hair (the best combo I'm telling you), has stubble and he's kinda tall I'd say with nice figure.
14. Do you typically find people who look like your TC attractive?
He's basically so unique that there's not many people looking like him.
15. What is your favourite feature of theirs?
Don't make me pick just one!!! His hair - I love when he keeps them longer and runs his fingers through them in frustration/embarrassment 😩🔥 it's my drug give it to me 😭, His eyes - when the light hits them duuuh, His neck - I just wanna kiss it okay, His hands - him writing on the freaking board like yaaas ✨
16. What is their hair like? What colour and style is it?
Greying dark brown/black? So freaking pretty!!! Basic cut idk how else to explain it. Mostly he leaves it a little longer I hate it when he gets it cut 😤
17. What is their eye colour?
Icy greyish blue 💙
18. What would you describe their body type as being?
I've recently learned that he likes to swim and run! So yeah it's kinda athletic I'd say and just overall healthy and normal looking .
19. How would you describe their style?
Kinda plain and simple. He usually wears like navy blue and black but those suit him so I'm not too mad 😂
20. Are there any clothes you think they look their best in?
Anything that is hugging his figure so that I can be a simp 😍 But to pick one item...I really liked this dark blue sweater on him.
21. Would they be considered by most people to be physically attractive?
I think so ig.
22. Do they have any tattoos which you know about?
23. Do they have any piercings which you know about?
24. Do they have any scars which you know about?
This one forehead scar I think?
25. Which is the most attractive to you, the way they look or who they are inside?
I don't know who he is, I just have an idea of who he might be and I like that idea but I have to go with the outer appearance because of me just potentially idealizing him.
26. What is their teaching style? (Eg. Strict or caring)
I'd say demanding in a way but very calm and peaceful.
27. Do you like their teaching style?
I'd like him to show more enthusiasm (I know it's there) and for him to open up and be more warm.
28. How would you describe their personality?
Witty, intelligent, curious, polite, reserved, mysterious and shy.
29. Do you usually find people with their personality type attractive?
I'd say yes.
30. Do other people like your TC's personality?
I don't think they like it as much as I do.
31. What is their sense of humour like? Do you think they're funny?
I mean sometimes he says something semi funny but idk I don't think humour is his area of expertise tbh like it can sound kinda mean even if that was not intentional. I'd describe his humour as sarcastic/ironic 😼
32. If you could change one thing about your TC, what would it be?
The fact that he's married lol
33. What's a song that always makes you think of them?
Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine
34. What was your first impression of them?
On our first lesson with him he played us Bluebird by Bukowski and I instantly developed feelings for him. As if that poem was describing how he feels, just the way he stood there close to the door with that look on his face...it made me feel a lot of things.
35. How long did it take you to fall your TC? Was it instant attraction or did it take you getting close to them to realise you had a crush on them?
It was instantly.
36. What happened to make you realise you had a crush on them?
He just started to occupy space in my mind.
37. When you first met them, could you have ever imagined that your feelings would become so deep?
Yep I knew what I was getting into lol
38. Did you ever think you'd have a crush on a teacher?
I used to have 2 before him so yeah it would likely happen.
39. Have you ever had any TCs before?
Yes. I had one in elementary school and then one in highschool. My previous TCs even shared the same initials.
40. Do you know anyone else who has a crush on your TC?
No. Not anyone I know of.
41. Do you know their relationship status? Are they married, in a relationship or single?
He's married, unfortunately.
42. If they're married or in a relationship, does it bother you?
Yeah it does lol
43. Do they have any children?
44. What do you think they'd be like as a parent?
I have this feeling about him that he doesn't want to have kids (but it might be just my projection lol) but yeah he'd be a very gentle and loving dad imo.
45. Do they have any pets you know about?
46. Are your feelings for your TC platonic or romantic?
Romantic 💕
47. How would you describe your feelings for your TC?
Sometimes they're stronger and sometimes they're weaker, nonetheless, they're still there.
48. If you had a chance to marry them tomorrow, would you take it?
Without a doubt!
49. If they weren't your teacher and the same age as you, do you think you'd be dating them?
I'm not sure if I would.
50. Do you think your feelings for them will fade once they're not your teacher anymore?
I think they will but not completely...I think there still might be something...I dunno.
51. Have they ever complimented you?
So far no sadly.
52. Have you ever hugged them?
No, but I really want to.
53. Have you ever given them a gift? If yes, how did they react?
I haven't.
54. Do you ever dream about your TC?
Yes I do from time to time.
55. What is your favourite dream you've had so far regarding your TC?
I think it was the one when we hugged 🥰
56. Do you ever daydream about your TC? If yes, what do you daydream about the 2 of you doing together?
Frequently! I'm just imagining how it'd be like kissing him, holding hands and hugging. Then also it's things like would he appreciate my fit and makeup? What he's doing rn? How he's going to look today?
57. What is your happiest memory with them?
It sucks because I can't think of anything which made me like super happy, but I liked giving him the attendance sheet...yeah it ain't much but it's honest work.
58. What is your least favourite memory with them?
This one time he was kinda angry, because some guys were interrupting his lesson. Like I understand but didn't expect that of him at all.
59. What's your favorite thing that you've heard your TC say?
"I like cooking" 😋
60. Has your TC ever yelled at you? If yes, why did they tell at you?
No! And I'm so glad, I'm sensitive.
61. Has your TC ever made you cry? If yes, what did they do?
No, I don't think he did.
62. Have you ever dressed up just to impress your TC?
That's my weakly routine 😂
63. Have you ever done anything to impress your TC? If yes, what did you do? How did your TC react?
I always try to impress him subtly whether it's with my appearance or grades. Also, I deliberately chose Poe's love poem to analyze because I know he specializes in Poe's works ofc not just because of that. I like Poe's writing a lot too. Since he likes the author, I feel like he was pleased with my analysis.
64. Have you ever created a TC playlist?
Yes I have one dedicated just to him.
65. Have you ever wrote a secret love note to your TC?
Haha no it kinda seems like a childish thing to do.
66. Have you ever written a poem about your TC?
I have writer's block so no but well ohhh I did write a spicy story about us 🤭
67. Have you ever written a song about your TC?
68. If known, is your TC left wing or right wing?
I'm not sure but I'd say he's centre-left.
69. If known, does your TC support gay marriages?
No idea.
70. If known, does your TC support abortion?
Again I'd guess his against it and he probably thinks that it only should be done in like necessary cases.
71. If known, what does your TC think of cannabis use?
Wooo I like to imagine him as a stoner hahah but dunno honestly.
72. If known, what does your TC think of age gap relationships?
I hope he supports or at least is like love is love you know ofc not if we're speaking about minors.
73. What is a film you'd love to watch with your TC?
Molly Maxwell
74. What is TV show you'd love to watch with your TC?
75. What is a band or singer you'd love to listen to with your TC?
76. What is a country you'd love to visit with your TC?
77. What is an event that you'd love to be with your TC for?
A dance/ball of some sort
78. What is a video game you'd love to play with your TC?
Life is strange
79. If you were going to have a picnic with your TC, where would you like to go for it?
Hmmm we'd definitely find a nice peaceful spot somewhere close to our hometowns.
80. If you were going on a date with your TC, what would you like to do with them?
Honestly I'm such a homebuddy most of the time, only occasionally in the mood for going out so just cooking together, watching something+cuddling and then having a bath together sounds like a perfect date.
81. What famous person reminds you of your TC?
Young Till Lindemann
82. What movie character reminds you of your TC?
Will Graham
83. What cartoon character reminds you of your TC?
Tokiya Ichinose
84. What game character reminds you of your TC?
I can't think of any.
85. If your TC was an animal, which one would they be and why?
Husky - the colour palette and I just feel like he's loyal and calm like that also playful
86. If your TC was a fruit, which one would they be and why?
Blueberry - Bitter or sweet depending on your luck 🫐
87. If your TC was a candy, which one would they be and why?
Those old-school gum cigarettes. They make you feel like a baddie and that's how I feel when he's around.
88. If your TC was a drink, which one would they be and why?
Whiskey. Specifically that Jack Daniel's honey one. Intoxicating. Just like him 🍯
89. If your TC was transported to a fictional world, which world do you think would fit them the best?
90. If you could say one thing to your TC, what would it be?
I want to get to know the real you.
91. If you could ask your TC any question, what would you ask them?
"What are the things that make you truly happy?"
92. If you could give any item to your TC, what would it be?
A white tee with my lipstick kisses on it that he'd wear proudly to his lectures 😌
93. If you could choose your TC's outfit for the day, what would you pick for them?
All black fit so we could match.
94. Have you told any of your friends how you feel about your TC?
My bestie knows and also this one uni friend because she has noticed that I look extra cute on the days when I have his classes haha.
95. Have you told any of your family how you feel about your TC?
Mom and dad know I have a crush on him.
96. Does your TC know how you feel about him?
He must at least suspect something.
97. Do you enjoy being a part of the TCC?
I've been a part of it since like 2016 so yes of course!
98. Do you feel that being part of the TCC has impacted your life? If yes, how so?
When I created my blog it was amazing because it was relieving that somebody relates to me and I relate to them and I still feel that way. Of course I don't always agree with everything but that's okay.
99. Are you scared that your TCC blog might be discovered?
I'd be so happy actually if he discovered it.
100. If you could give people in the TCC one piece of advice, what would it be?
I don't know if it's just me but I feel like a lot of us in the TCC are lonely people which could be used by someone who doesn't have the purest intentions. Always be wary of people and don't trust easily. People have to prove their worth to you. Not everybody is good because you're good. Don't believe what they say, watch their actions and act accordingly. Never do anything you don't feel comfortable doing no matter who is telling you what. No is a powerful word. Use it often. But also know when to say yes. If you really want something, never be afraid to say yes because that same opportunity might not come again. Be kind. Be yourself. Be happy 💖
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wooteena · 4 years
technoblade speedrunning adopting ranboo (high school edition): the fanfic
also on ao3!
hey remember this post? well i got so attatched and impatient that i wrote over 1k words for a pilot type chapter for it <3
chapter one: officer in my defense i punched that guy because he deserves it
Techno Blade-Minecraft would call himself smart. He got good grades without trying, learned second, then third languages with ease, read textbooks for fun, etcetera etcetera. Wisdom without experience was a rare thing to possess, especially in a high school senior but techno had it tight in his grasp, easily making him a ‘Model Student’. He understood he got unneeded attention from that, which sucked, but it was an easy trade-off to be the automatic teacher’s favourite.
But Techno was a man of wisdom, not a man of sense. So naturally, he remembered a fact about baby birds he learnt when he was six years old:
‘Classical "imprinting", as seen with for example, ducks or geese, means that the animal's instinctive programming says "the first big animal you see after hatching is your mom, follow them and look to her for food, warmth, love and learning’
Actually, Techno decided he was the man of Most Sense because at that very moment, the tallest, yet somehow weakest looking freshmen he’d ever seen was being cornered by a group of hefty looking seniors.
And the baby bird, with its innocent, scared eyes was looking right at him.
He looked around the hallway, a desperate scan for other students he could push his growing parental responsibility on to. It was a ghost town, as empty as the remakes of towns from the old west he saw on childhood school excursions.
Technoblade took a deep breath in through his nose, then released it out of his mouth like if he breathed hard enough, his empathy could be taken away with the non existent wind in the soul-crushing grey hallways. It obviously didn’t work because Jesus Christ that kid looked helpless.
As quickly as one could without compromising a freshmen’s still intact nose, Techno examined the seniors. They all wore the school football team’s letterman jacket (‘what is this, Heathers?’), a classic pointer for internalized insecurity, toxic masculinity and most importantly unrightfully self diagnosed Strong Guy syndrome, which meant that they definitely were only beating up a freshmen because that was the most they could actually fight. One point to Technoblade. They also were all at least a solid five inches shorter than him, which Techno would have laughed at if the situation wasn’t so dire. Point two for Technoblade.
Catching himself before letting his wandering mind think up a full five paragraph M.L.A sighted essay to why he could crush these nerds, he decided that two points was enough leverage to still crush these nerds, but with slightly less confidence.
With as much patience as he could, he slowly walked up to the group like a silent lion hunting his soon to be, very dead* (maybe not dead, *slightly bruised) prey. The baby bird, trapped in one of his prey’s chokehold, stared at him like he was a madman. Techno’s objective changed: knock out the dickhead choking a kid.
They stood in a corner, the choker in the middle, the other two blocking off the only escapes and laughing cruelly at the baby bird. Completely distracted.
Techno curled his fist, aiming to punch that asshole’s teeth in or at least break his nose. He starts to run, about five feet away from his target and oh god this is a terrible idea he does fencing not hand to ha-
Choker’s nose made a resounding crack and fell back onto the jock on the left. Probably because it’d be ‘too gay’, or whatever, the guy sidesteps and lets a knocked out, nose broken, probably popular kid by comparing his ego to the size of his dick, fall onto the ground
The two awake bullies look between their knocked out friend, then at Techno, then at each other.
Techno knew they’d call a teacher because they’re cowards but really? Nihachu?
That lady is TERRIFYING what did he do to deserve this.
He let out a long, disappointed ‘bruh’ before with a jolt, remembering the whole reason he punched that jock in the first.
The child.
He doesn’t bother trying to pick up him up because holy hell he’s tall, but pulls one of the kid’s arms over his shoulder, and with his other arm holds their waist and sprints as fast as he can down the hall.
“What the…” murmurs the half dead lump on his back, and while Techno’s surprised his vocal chords aren’t dead? Not even a ‘thank you’? Techno thinks he should start doing charity work at this point.
He continues to run though, because he’s a generous soul, until slowing to open a door that opens the blinding sunlight of the free world outside their prison.
Despite himself, Techno lets his mouth slip into a big enough smile that actually shows his teeth because he just did that. His celebratory moment is cut off though, because the weight on his back suddenly felt even heavier and-
Oh my God the baby bird just fell asleep on me.
Am I a father now?
What do I tell Phil? Does this make him a grandfather?
I can’t just take him home.
What’s stopping you?
Oh my God, I’m a genius.
Techno may be a proclaimed genius, but he is not immune to the inherent propaganda of cute children, so he sets down the kid on the least grimey part of a battered metal bench to get his first proper look at the sleeping giant.
Apart from his injuries (a bleeding nose, bruises forming on his arms, a black eye and a red handprint on his neck) the kid looked… Weird. Techno had subconsciously noticed it while carrying him, but only now the complete oddity of him. His skin from the jaw down was a uniform, warm, dark brown, which was decidedly normal, but his face was… different. Not ugly, no, he looked average, if not perpetually awkward, even in his sleep. The right side of his face was a similar, if not slightly darker tone than the rest of his skin, but where it got weird weird was from the middle of his face and leftward, his face was pale. As pale as Techno, which is saying something because Techno himself has albinism; he has no melanin in his skin.
He found himself sympathizing for the kid again. Techno himself got bullied for his reddish eyes - a symptom of his albinism, and his naturally stark-white skin and hair. It got to the point that he dyed his hair pink, which decidedly made it worse because a guy dying his hair pink ? apparently high school treason to both students and the school rules. His bullies had a colourful range of insults, at least; Techno’s personal favourites being from after he died his hair: homophobic slurs. The teachers had constant complaints and even a couple suspensions, which didn’t stop Techno, obviously. What a wonder public school is.
So yes, Techno understood the baby bird, because despite Techno’s only weakness being himself (and apparently non-threatening freshmen?) as of now, it wasn’t like he came out of the womb a scary pink haired senior. He knew bullying like the hair dye aisle at his local department store.
He knew that helping the kid would make him more attached to the point of no return, but he’d accepted it. It felt like feeding a wild animal more food after making the mistake the first time, it’s not like it’ll get less annoying to have it following you around.
The moment Techno processed his own thought, his face blanched - somehow getting whiter despite literally being the textbook definition of a white boy.
He’d fallen into the ‘senior adopting a defenseless freshmen’ trap.
Even more embarrassingly, this didn't deter Techno from pulling his first aid kit, for once his anxious over-packing doing some good.
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Smile For Me, Sweetcheeks ~ Ghostface x Fem!Reader
I've thought of this for a while, and it's gonna be
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Y/N opened her eyes groggily, finding herself on the grassy ground - As she lifted her head to scan her surroundings, she realised she was in some strange, dark place that resembled some weird park with tall trees, yet had random small buildings here and there...It almost seemed like a place to play hide and seek, was her first thought.
Next to her, 3 other people were getting up, looking extremely frightened, as they bolted the hell out of that spot, going in different directions.
But Y/N didn't, and instead, she walked around aimlessly, until she spotted someone dressed in all black, with a weird ghost-like mask, peeking from behind an old car, almost timidly, only to see him wave at her.
Grinning at him, thinking she finally met someone friendly around this place, she extended her arm up in the sky, waving excitedly, which made the man make his way to her.
"Hi! I'm Y/N! It's great finally seeing someone nice around here. The 3 other guys just yelled in my face and ran away. How rude, right?!" she sighed, crossing her arms with a pout, before going back to her friendly smile, extending her hand to shake his. "Woaw, those guys are jerks. Call me Ghostface, darling." he said in an amused, yet somehow hoarse voice. "Uhhh, Ghostface, how cool! You must be a horror movie fan, then? So am I! ...Hmm...Actually, do you have any idea how we got here? I think I need some lecithin, my memory is failing me." she scratched the back of her head sheepishly, only for him to chuckle. "Welp, there's 4 survivors and a killer. All you gotta do is either repair 5 generators and find the exit...Or find the hatch and escape. Basically, don't die, I guess. Fun, huh?" the guy explained, putting his arm around her shoulder, guiding her to who knows where. "...What the hell is this, the Hunger Games?" she looked up at him with a weird look on her face. "Haha, that would be fun! Alas, nothing like that. Ah, look at this, a gen! Here I'll show you how to repair it. You have to tinker with these parts, and then merge these together...You get the cables in the respective coloured sockets...Et voila! Haha, look at it! Fireworks! What a reward!" Ghostface clapped and cheered at the fireworks the generator made, laughing at the startled look on the girl's face, as she clearly didn't expect something like that to happen. "Uh...Honestly, this is insane. Can't we just, like...Go home? I don't think I'm up for dying, even if someone paid me to go through with this silly game." she sighed, crouching down to the next generator, awkwardly trying to repair it, but she was much slower and clumsier compared to him, and it even exploded in her face, making her yelp and fall down. "Dude! Not cool! This gen is working against me!" "Shoulda seen the face you made, toots! Haha, so funny! You're very entertaining, girl. Here, lemme help ya out." he said as he got on the other side of the of the gen and helped repaired it. "You're a real pro at this, man. Have you been playing this for long? Did they at least give you a worthy amount of money for the trouble you're going through? I mean, I'm sure you won very often...Or maybe you're like...The tutorial teacher or something? Is that why you look eccentric compared to those lame-os?" she was asking so many question, but boy, was she so off that it amused the killer so much! He now perfectly understood the wolf who dressed as a sheep, it was too much fun! She was so blindingly trusting, he could mess with her, and more, with the survivors at his heart's content! "Yeah, I win quite often, but they don't pay me! The guy is kinda blackmailing us to play his game, but it's fun when you get used to it." he explained, only to have two other survivors go past them - Her and Ghostface waved at them merrily, but they just shrieked and ran the hell away from there. "...Do I look that scary?" she muttered, looking at the man next to her with a confused expression. "Nahhh, you're a cutiepie. Those guys are just jerks." he petted her hair, beginning to walk again, only to find some really nasty, rusty hooks. "U-Uhm...Gh-Ghostface...? What are these for...?" she stuttered, frowning as she clinged on his arm instinctively. "I think you already know, toots. Careful with those, killers LOVE to impale their victims on these things. It's like a sacrifice for the big guy who's keeping us here." he chuckled as he watched the girl tremble like a little lamb seeing the knife approaching her neck. "...Can we go away from here, please? M-Maybe we can look for the...Uhm...Hatch, you called it?" she muttered, pulling him away from there. "Yeah. It's like a trap in the ground that leads to safety. It only appears when there's only 2 gens left. Felt that shockwave? It meant that the Hatch just appeared. Ah, sorry baby-cakes, I gotta run, but I'll see you around before the match ends, okay?" he was grinning under his mask, knowing that he has to kill the other 3 to make sure the Entity doesn't punish
either of them for some annoying reason...And oh, the shock and horror on her face will be fun~. "N-No...! Please don't go! This place is huge and scary, I'll get lost without you! And who knows what would happen if the Killer finds me? I don't wanna end up...Th-There...!" awww, that cute, little, frightened pout on her face, how lovely~! If only she knew... "Don't worry, cutie, is'yo' first game, the Killer ain't gonna mess with ya, I promise. And if he does, Imma make sure he regrets it. I'm sort of a boss here, you see." he put cupped both his gloved hands on her face, pinching them a bit too hard, just to hear her yelp one more time - And clearly, she didn't disappoint, as her eyes even watered a tiny bit. What a cute little lamb... "...If you're sure, then...Okay. I trust you." she muttered, turning away as she started walking away, only for her to look back at him and yell "Make sure you stay safe too, okay?! We have to escape this place together!" He raised his arm and waved dismissively, barely able to keep himself from laughing, as he started running and stalking the annoying survivors who actually thought they'd have such an easy game!
No, no, clearly not with him!
First, he slashed one of the survivors and put him on a hook, then mori'ed another and took a really cool selfie with their bloody face, and the last one he just messed around with, before repeatedly stabbing his back and throwing him in a corner, just where the Hatch was.
Those idiots thought they could escape him.
Think again.
He wasn't that idiot 'Legion', or that lame ass Amanda. Four lame thugs who can't do a simple job properly, or Jigsaw's useless lackey. Keh.
And at least he was fun, unlike Boring Michael! I mean, look at this masterpiece he made, it's a perfect piece of art! He even wrote Y/N's name on the wall in front of the hatch, so she could see and appreciate his work!
A loud noise that resounded through the place made him realise that, as he was having his fun playing with the obsolete Survivors, his cute little Y/N had her fun repairing generators, meaning that the exits could be activated, if he wasn't careful.
He had to find her quick.
Not that it was difficult for the Master of Stalking, especially since she was so clueless that she didn't even crouch to hide, or at least try to hide in lockers.
There she was...! Look at her, watching everything like a frightened meerkat! Aww, how he wanted to boop that cute nose of hers~! Maybe he could even let some blood paint her nose, and make fun of her, calling her Rudolph!
Ahh, Ghostface, you're so funny!
Yeah, Ghostface, I KNOW, right?!
"Yo, Y/N, over here! I found the hatch! Come on!" he waved his arms up in the air, yelling for her, and the look of sparkling glee on her face as soon as she saw him...Wasn't she such an adorable dummy~? "Ghostface, you're okay! I got so worried when I didn't see you in so long! I heard screams, and I thought something happened to you! I got so scared that I ran away and tried to do the last generators...And then a loud noise almost deafened me, and I had no idea what to do." she gesticulated rapidly, making him chuckle in amusement. Of course, he was worried for nothing. She wouldn't realise what she'd have to do, even if it bit her leg. Hmm, actually...~ "Nahhhh, I'm cool, haven't see the killer. Here, take the key, it will unlock the hatch. Less'goooo~!" he put his arm around her shoulder, guiding her casually where the hatch was, making sure she didn't see his work of art yet. "Oh, so this is the Hatch, huh? It looks scary. Are you sure this isn't some ladder that leads straight to hell or something? It looks...Shady." she muttered, looking at the dark abyss down below. "Don't worry, chickadee, ain't that long of a ride down. It's like a bunker filled with survivors, you'll be okay. They'll tell you what to do from then on. If you're scared, take this flashlight. See? You can see the bottom of the ladder. You'll be okay." he chuckled, weaving the flashlight around. "Wait...You're not coming down with me?" she gasped, her eyes carefully searching for the truth in his...Covered face. "I'd go down on you any day, sugar, but maybe next time we get to play around." he laughed crudely watching her frowning, flustering face. "H-Hey, don't be a jerk! I'm just worried about you!" she muttered, looking away, hoping her hair would cover her blushing face. "Hahaha, you're so fun to tease, Y/N. Only one person can go through the hatch. But s'all cool, I just gotta open up the door, since you did a great job with the gens. We'll see each other later, I can promise you that. Can't get rid of me that easily." he sniggered under his mask, waiting in anticipation until the girl realises his true nature. "Mhh...Alright...If you're so sure..." she muttered, shakily stepping down a few steps, only to be stopped by the man who took out a camera. "Wanna take a selfie before we finish this? Y'know, your first game, and a victory nonetheless...Come on, Smile for me, Sweetcheeks~!" he got on his knees, raising his mask a bit, before gluing himself to her body, one of his arms extending with the camera, while with the other he grabbed her face, kissing her cheek, making sure he guides her eyesight to his masterpiece, and as soon as he heard her gasp, he took the photo.
It was worth more than all the money in the world.
"Y-You...? You were the killer...?!" awww, look at her tremble! Her eyes were glistering with tears, and her plump, rosy bottom lip was quivering in betrayal. "You're too cute for this world, Y/N." he harshly put his mask down, before showing the girl the selfie he took as he mori'ed one of the survivors, and waved her goodbye with his knife, as she quickly descended down the ladder, soft whimpers echoing through the place.
"Till we see each other again, sweet cheeks~." the Killer rose to his feet, slamming down the hatch with his boot and wiping the blood from his knife with his latex glove, before laughing loudly at the endearing experience he just had.
If THAT was the reaction she had when seeing his little gift for her, imagine her cute faces when he'd actually go down on her, as he promised~.
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mayraki · 3 years
“the weirdo with five colors in her hair” - jj maybank
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-> hvitstark’s gif!
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summary: the weirdo with five colors in her hair and a sexy attitude seems to have caught the attention of the famous troublemaker of outer banks.
inspired by the song five colors in her hair by mcfly
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She's got a lip ring and five colours in her hair
Not into fashion but I love the clothes she wears
Her tattoo's always hidden by her underwear
She don't care
JJ was impatiently moving the pencil between his two fingers waiting for the class to end since he felt like he couldn’t hear the teacher talk anymore. It wasn’t like he knew what she was talking about because he was hearing her at some point, it was because his ears were getting tired of her high pitch voice and the fact that his brain didn’t want to process any of her words since she started talking. He looked at the clock of the room for the tenth time in that hour and took a deep breath when he realized there was still another half an hour to go through.
He turned to see his best friend, Pope, to see what he was doing but he was way into his paper and the teacher’s words for him to pay attention to JJ. There was nothing else to do than to look around the room and try to look for something that would save him from that boredom, but the room was as boring as the history lesson the teacher was giving.
Just as JJ was about to give up and let his head rest on his tiny desk, the door quickly opened to let a girl through. As soon as she was on everyone’s sight whispers started to sound around the room. The strange girl that JJ never saw before had black boots on that would go perfectly with her black oversized T-shirt, some long light blue jean shorts that would end right on top of her knees, it had random drawings of cartoons, lyrics, and just tiny smiley yellow faces on it. JJ wasn’t the type to check someone’s outfit, he didn’t care about fashion at all, but even if he didn’t know anything about clothes he liked the ones she was wearing. Something about the way she was pulling it off, made him like it too much.
Another thing that JJ noticed as she was talking to the teacher was a shiny little ball on the left side of her lower lip, but that wasn’t the thing that got JJ’s attention for too long, or everyone’s, her short hair that would end on her chest was the thing that got everyone whispering. The girl had not one, not two colors, not even four, but five colors on her hair. Her hair was wavy and messy, but that didn’t gave away the opportunity to see all the colors perfectly. Next to her face, on both sides, the color red would make her skin tone shine against the natural light that was coming through the window. Next to it, it followed the color orange, bright as the sun. JJ wanted to see the next color, but for the way she was standing made it impossible.
So mesmerised by her, he didn’t even notice she was walking towards him after giving the teacher a note. As she was walking she took her headphones off and left them on her desk, next to JJ. Without realising, he strengthened his back and layed back to seem relax while his eyes were following her actions very carefully. Her presence did make him feel weird, but excited at the same time.
The moment she sat down JJ saw the colors green, blue and purple also on her hair. Five colors on total. As she was moving, the sound of her multiple rings were the other thing on the room, alongside the teacher’s voice who continued with the class not giving too much importance to the new girl.
JJ wanted to look away, but the longer he stared the more interesting things he noticed about the girl. She reached down to grab something on her backpack and that’s when JJ noticed a snake tattoo on her thigh, it wasn’t that big, but big enough for JJ to see it and be impressed by it.
“Seems like Maybank is way more interested on the new girl that on this class.” JJ heard the teacher say and that made him turn his head to the front and realise some student were looking at the girl too, but the teacher decided to pick on him anyway. JJ heard the girl let out a tiny laugh, but it was almost silent that only JJ heard her. “Pay attention, I don’t have the energy to deal with you today.” The teacher finished her sentence and then turned around to write something on the board and continue with her lesson. He felt embarrassed enough that even the teacher caught him staring at the new girl and called him out in front of the entire class, but the girl didn’t seem to care. She let out a tiny smile and leaned closer to him. He locked eyes with her and then looked down to where her hand was, now heading towards his desk.
“At least you have good taste.” She said with a grin and then moved back to her desk to cross her legs on her chair and start drawing on her paper, without caring about the class at all. Confused, JJ looked down to his desk and noticed a piece of candy that she left. And weirdly enough, it had the same colors as her hair.
Everybody wants to know her name
I threw a house party and she came
Everyone asked me
Who the hell is she?
That weirdo with five colours in her hair
“Who the hell is the girl with the weird colors on her hair?” “I heard she was kicked out of her last school for punching a guy.” “What the hell is her name though? She has to have a cool name, I mean, look at her hair!” “Who would do that to their hair? I could never.” “She’s just a weirdo.” And some other things JJ heard on the hallway after class was over.
He spent the rest of the class questioning if he should talk to her or not, but all that thought came to nothing when as soon as the bell rang, she quickly got up from her chair and walked out of the room, not caring that the teacher was still talking.
He was now, out of the school with his two best friends while they were having a conversation of their own but JJ couldn’t focus on it, since the girl with weird colors on her hair was the only thing on his mind. He was looking around to see if he would see her and catch her leaving the school, but she was nowhere to be seen.
“I think the new girl has our boy’s attention.” John B said when he noticed JJ looking for someone.
“What?” JJ asked turning confused to his friends who had grins on their faces. “She doesn’t.”
“Yes she does. Even the teacher saw you checking the girl out.” Pope said putting his backpack on his other shoulder to start walking away towards the Chateau. “I still can’t believe someone would dye their hair with five colors, that’s crazy, man.”
“I think it’s cool. Sets her apart.” John B said shrugging his shoulders. JJ was about to say something but the sound of a skateboard moving on the street caught his attention, he turned around to see it and who was on top of it made him feel even more surprised. A colourful hair was moving with the wind as she was pushing the board to go faster, she gained a lot of eyes on her, but just like before she didn’t seemed to care at all. The moment that she passed JJ and his friends, he locked eyes with him and a grin appeared on her face. With JJ’s eyes still on her, she winked at him and then looked away to leave the poor boy even more intrigued about the girl with five colors in her hair. Who the hell is she?
“I’m definitely throwing a Kegger tonight.” JJ said once he arrived at the Chateau and threw his body on the couch.
“What? It’s not even Friday.” Pope said before giving a sip to his water.
“Wait,” John B said “do you want to throw a Kegger to see if the girl would show up?”
JJ didn’t give them a response, but they all already knew the answer. “How do you know she’s going to show up anyway?” Pope asked.
“Dude, she has five colors in her hair, she likes to party.” JJ said with a smile. “She will show up.”
She's just a loner with a sexy attitude
I'd like to phone her 'cause she puts me in the mood
The rumors spreading round that she cooks in the nude
But she don't care, she don't care
The music was louder than any other night at the beach. Just like JJ wanted, the party was filled with a Pogues dancing, drinking and just having fun. The more people showed up, the more hope it gave him about the girl showing up at the party he threw. He made sure to spread the word, and he knew the Pogues would take care of talking about it even more, after all, he and his friends threw the best parties in the Cut.
“Who is this girl that JJ is so interested in anyway?” Kie asked after giving a sip to her beer and noticing his friend looking around for someone.
“We don’t know.” Pope answered. “She’s new, apparently.”
“And she actually has five colors in her hair?”
“Ask JJ,” John B said with a smile “he seemed to have stared at her long enough to know.”
Kie let out a tiny laugh when JJ turned to his friends and gave them a fake smile. “I didn’t know wanting to be with a girl was such a crime, man.” He said and then his friends let out loud laughs.
“She just moved here.” Pope said. “And you already want to take her to bed?” JJ didn’t respond, because he actually didn’t know.
There was something about that girl, something different. Yes, she was extremely attractive and she did look good with those colors on her hair. She pulled it off. There was no doubt that JJ was attracted to her, but not in the same way that he was with most of the girls in Outer Banks. Even if JJ wanted to try to understand and give the way he was feeling a meaning, he couldn’t, since his strange thoughts were interrupted by those five hair colors moving in the wind from a far. A wave of excitement appeared in JJ’s stomach and that made him let out a tiny proud smile.
The girl had the same boots as that morning but her clothes were different. She had a white top that would end up real close to her chest, it looked like if she would lift her arms her bra would be totally visible. And by the looks of it, she didn’t seem to have a bra on at all. Then her oversized jeans were as black as they could get and had big holes at her knees. This time, her hair wasn’t as visible as the last time he saw her, she had a dark green hat on, making her face darker because of the light not hitting her.
She looked around and a tiny part of JJ hoped that she would make eye contact with JJ. And luckily for him, she did. As soon as those eyes locked up on JJ, she let out a grin and started walking towards him. A wave of excitement and nerves took over his body but he played it off naturally by taking a sip from his beer and turning to his friends to seem not interested in the girl at all.
“If what I’ve heard is true, this is going to be a sick party.” She said and JJ let out a tiny smile before turning to her.
“And what exactly did you heard?” He asked after taking another sip to his beer.
“That some guy called JJ and his friends throw some good parties, and people don’t like to miss them. But that-” she looked around “is yet to be determined.”
JJ let out a grin and did a single nod. “Is there something I can do to help you determine it?” By the look the girl gave him, JJ noticed that she knew what he was doing and his intentions with his question, but instead of following it and disregarding it, she turned to Kie, who was standing behind him but could be seen perfectly while she was carefully staring at her.
The girl let out a tiny smile and pointed at Kie with her head. “I like your hair.” She said and Kie did the same thing after letting out a tiny smile.
“I like yours too.”
The girl turned to JJ and winked at him with a smile on her face, and before he would say another word, she turned around and left the poor boy with a million of thoughts going through his head.
“What the hell was that?” Pope asked who just witnessed the whole thing.
“I have no idea.” JJ said confused still looking the way she just left.
“Who the hell is she?” Kie asked softly, surprised at the weird girl with five colors on her hair. JJ wanted to answer, but just like his prior answer, he had no idea.
The moment all of his friends went into their own little conversation JJ sat down in the sand with his beer still in hand and his eyes glued to the girl and her big boots, who was across the beach staring at everyone dancing. If JJ ever layed eyes on someone that was alone at a party he would usually think that it’s a creep or they’re just not having fun, but not her. The way she was just enjoying the wind and the music made JJ understand that she was having good time. She let out tiny smiles or laughs when something funny happened at the party, either someone winning a beer pong game or a someone falling because they can’t keep their posture straight since the alcohol in their body wouldn’t let them. She seemed to be be just fine all by herself, and that made JJ even more interested in the weird girl.
His body made the decision all by itself to get up with the intention to walk towards her and join her. When his brain realised what he was doing he felt how his heart started to beat faster than normal and how his hand started to sweat around the beer he was holding. He never felt this way when he wanted to talk to a girl, he was the guy who would usually be extremely confident and smooth around girls, but she, she was different. And made all the feelings inside JJ go into riot mode.
“Are the people right or not?” JJ asked making her turn around and lock eyes with him. She didn’t respond immediately, which made JJ afraid of the answer, caring a lot of what she thought about the little Kegger he decided to throw, but he covered it perfectly by sitting down next to her.
“I’m not sure yet.” She finally said shrugging her shoulders before giving the beer on her hand a sip.
“Maybe if you play some beer pong with me I’ll help you. It’s always a good time.”
“Oh, believe me,” she let out a tiny laugh “if we play beer pong I’ll have a good time because I’ll kick your ass.”
JJ raised her eyebrow. “Is that a bet?”
“Are you sure you want to make a bet? You’ll lose.” She bit her lower lip turning to face the beer pong table in front of them.
“I’m pretty good.” She went back to him and noticed a some fun on his eyes, which she definitely liked.
“You don’t seem the type.” She shook her head teasing him.
JJ did a little slow nod and then took a sip from his beer. As much as JJ didn’t care what other people thought of him, she did care what she thought. So once he saw the opportunity, he immediately took it. “And what type do I seem?”
She locked eyes with him but then went over him up and down with her eyes making him feel nervous under her shiny eyes, but as much as he tried to cover it, he moved his arm uncomfortably trying to seem like it was hurting it and he was moving it to hurt less, trying to hide the fact that he couldn’t handle being under eyes. “The type to flirt with girl, sleep with them and never call them afterwards.” She finally said and that caught him off guard and made his heart sink into his stomach, even if it was true.
“It hurts me that you see me that way.” He said in a joking tone, pretending to be offended even if she did a little bit.
“Am I wrong?” She asked raising her eyebrow and the tone in her voice made it look like she already knew the answer.
“Well, you do seem the type to lie a lot too.”
“Only when I’m talking to the cops.”
“Ah, yes,” she nodded “the troublemaker.”
“And you’re telling me that you’re not?” He let out a tiny laugh.
“I never said that.” She took a sip of her beer hiding th le fact now, he was inspecting her with his eyes.
“Well, miss ‘I know your type’, let me do you now. You seem like the type to act like you don’t care about the attention but you actually do, that’s why you have five colors on your hair. You like the attention.” He said trying to get back at her, but instead of getting defensive, she just let out a smile and shook her head.
“You couldn’t be more wrong.”
“How am I wrong?”
“I don’t like the attention, and I just dyed my hair because I wanted to.” She shrugged her shoulders to give the impression that she didn’t care, but JJ got something different from her, she didn’t like that now she was the subject.
“Admit it, you’re a hot girl that knows it and that likes the attention.” He said, and immediately realised what he just said.
“You think I’m hot?” She asked turning to see him again.
“You think I’m hot.” She said with a smile, and this time it wasn’t a question.
“Well, yes. I’m not blind.” He said when he admitted his defeat with himself.
“You’re terrible at reading people so you might be.”
“Let’s play a game of beer pong and I’ll show you how I am not blind.” He said pointing at the now, empty peer pong table.
“And you keep insisting, you’ll lose!” She said loudly.
“C’mon, let’s play.”
“I don’t feel like it.”
“Are you a coward?”
“No, I just don’t feel like playing tonight.”
“You’re just a chicken.” He was trying so hard to annoy her and convince her, but it didn’t seem to be working since not a single wave of annoyance was running through her body.
“That game doesn’t work on me.”
“What game?” JJ asked even if he knew.
“Hey buddy!” A guy yelled in front of them, making them both turn to face him. “Can you pass me a ball?” He was standing between the two beer pong tables while pointing at a tiny white ball that was some feet away from JJ and her. JJ was about to get up, but she was quicker. She grabbed the ball and with a quick move the ball left her hand and landed perfectly into the stranger’s hand. “Thanks dude!”
JJ slightly opened his mouth surprised. The way that the ball flew towards the guy around the beach like there was no wind around it made him feel impressed. It wasn’t that she just got lucky, JJ knew how to see that, she was indeed good and knew how to play.
Lost in his thoughts, JJ didn’t realised that she was walking towards the tables. “What are you doing? Finally deciding to play with me?” He got up and ran to be beside her.
“You’re good, I can see that. You’re just afraid someone is going to kick you out of the throne.”
“If that helps you sleep at night.” She said walking faster to leave him behind. “I think I’m gonna call it a night!” She turned around without stopping and saluted him.
“Hey! I don’t even know your name.” He yelled and she immediately let out a smile.
“Well, if you think I’m hot, just call me the hot girl!”
Everybody wants to know her name
How does she cope with her new found fame?
Everyone asks me
Who the hell is she?
That weirdo with five colours in her hair
As soon as JJ stepped inside those school corridors he knew something was up. Every group was talking while looking around for someone, some of them where even whispering to their friends with their phones in hand. His mind was so confused and trying to look for answers, but then stopped once his best friend, Pope, arrived at his side.
“Have you heard?” Pope asked looking around and then locking eyes with JJ.
“Have I heard what?”
“The new girl. The rumours that she punched a guy at her last school are true.”
“How do you know?” He asked intrigued, and he indeed was.
“Apparently someone knows a guy that goes to her ex school. That’s crazy, man.”
“So what?” JJ shrugged her shoulder, he had to be honest, he thought that it was going to be something worst.
“So what?” Pope furrowed his eyebrows. “Don’t you think it’s a little bit weird?”
“No. I punched a guy.”
“Yeah, well,” Pope shook his head “you’re JJ.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
Pope rolled his eyes at his ‘offended’ friend and just shrugged his shoulders trying to turn down the situation. “I’m just curious, that’s all.”
“Aren’t we all? She just shows up out of nowhere, a girl that we’ve never seen before and we don’t know shit about even though she’s been here a week. It’s just- I don’t know, weird.” JJ said like he was throwing his thoughts into the air. As soon as he finished he hoped that Pope didn’t ask why he was so interested in the new girl, and for his luck, the bell rang making them say goodbye to leave to their own class.
Class went slower than any other day JJ spent in school. Even if he had his thoughts way deep into the girl and the need of seeing her and talking to her surrounding his body, the clock felt like it was never moving. But finally, the bell rang and he walked out of his last morning class to eat lunch. The moment his feet touched the grass while his hand was holding his lame lunch he looked around unintentionally looking for her. And just like the other day at the party, she was sitting alone enjoying nothing but her own company. But something was off. JJ noticed that when a group of people walked behind her whispering to each other, she turned around and moved uncomfortably on her seat, clearly not liking the attention she was receiving.
For the first time, JJ deepened his sight on the people around her instead of the girl, and noticed that there was the same amount of people clearly talking about her as that same morning. Some of them tried to be discreet, but failed miserably. Others, didn’t care at all that it was clear that they were talking about her not even enough feet away from her for her to not hear them.
JJ looked back at her and noticed that she was trying too hard to keep her attention on her lunch, but her moving uncomfortably her foot up and down was what caught JJ’s attention even more.
“If what I’ve heard is true, you punched a guy.” JJ said the moment he sat down next to her and left his lunch on the table. He tried to make his joking tone very obvious, to try to make her laugh and lose the tension she was clearly having with the situation.
“Apparently.” She said quickly not giving JJ any eye contact, still with her eyes glued to her lunch after giving it a little bite.
“Nice.” JJ nodded and for the first time since he walked into her surroundings, caught her attention and locked eyes with her.
“What?” She said confused, but still with a little smile on her face.
“I mean, I’m pretty sure you had a good reason.”
“I did.” She nodded.
“What was it?” He asked intrigued, but then regretted it since he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Which the subject seemed to do so.
“Doesn’t matter and it’s non of your business.” She winked at him and then went back to her not so appetising lunch. And with that answer, JJ saw the same girl that walked into the class room for the first time. Her body language started to change the moment JJ sat down next to her, something that made him have a lot of questions on his mind.
“Ouch.” He said touching his chest pretending that it hurted.
She let out a tiny laugh and rolled her eyes, but then that expression went away when a couple of girls walked passed them two and stared at her for too long while whispering to each other. She let out a tiny sigh after they were long gone, clearly tired of it all.
“I just don’t get the big deal of it. Just mind your own business and move on.” She said annoyed giving her lunch a little push away from her.
“Oh, that doesn’t happen here in Outer Banks. So get used to it.” JJ said shaking his head making his blonde hair move along with him.
“Been there and I don’t plan to do it again.”
“Why is that?”
“Doesn’t matter.” She said again making JJ wonder if he was ever going to get something out of the new girl.
“A lot of things seem to not matter to you.” He said shrugging his shoulders trying to get to her, but instead of getting annoyed she just let out a tiny laugh.
“Like I told you before, you’re terrible at reading people.”
“Maybe I am. But I can notice that you’re not liking the attention people are giving to you.” He said way too quickly and immediately noticed that he sounded like a creep because he knew that he had been staring at her from a far for too long, but lucky for him, she didn’t caught that at all.
“Never been the type to like the attention.”
“Says the girl with five colors on her hair.”
She rolled her eyes. “We already talked about that-”
JJ quickly nodded. “Yes, yes, you did it because you wanted to. I know.” He said so jokingly that it made her laugh which then made JJ let out tiny smile. He soon realised that he did and slapped himself on the inside for his sudden and weird action. He wanted her to talk before he would go deep into his mind and end up thinking something that he didn’t want to. “Was it that bad?” That was the first thing that came to his mind. And luckily for him, she didn’t find it weird.
“For the guy wasn’t.” She let out a tiny laugh since that seemed to have brought a memory on her mind.
“Didn’t throw a good punch?” He asked with a grin getting more interested in the fight.
“Oh, believe me, I did.” She nodded. “Consequences I mean. He’s just a rich dude who has daddy’s money and who doesn’t have to deal with the consequences of his actions never in his life. They’re the worst.”
“Tell me about it. It’s full of those assholes here, unfortunately.”
She didn’t respond immediately. Instead, she looked down at her legs and took a deep sigh. Something was going on her mind and JJ was trying to figure out what it was, but before he could think of something else, she talked.
“I had this... friend, if you can call her that. She was dating this rich guy that I didn’t like very much, he was a prick but for some reason, she liked him. So as her friend, I tried my best to put up with him. I tried to tell her millions of times that she deserved better than that guy. But she never listened. So, one day I walked into the high school bathroom and I see her crying because- because he tried to do something that she didn’t want to. He layed his dirty hands on her and I wasn’t going to allowed that, so, I went to him and punched him right in the jaw in front of everyone, but I didn’t care. We all went to the principal’s office and- my friend was there as well. I thought, well, she probably finally realized that he’s an asshole and she’s better without him. It’s going to be ok. But- she decided to... lie. And tell everyone I punched him because I was jealous. And everyone believed her. Till this day I don’t know why she did it. But after that I got expelled and... came here. I don’t want to be the girl who punched a guy just because, I don’t want to be the girl who punched a guy in the first place. I just- want to finish high school and have a good time with no eyes on me.”
Her story did made sense and the first thing that he thought was that he would’ve done the same thing. But then, how brave was she. To stood up for her friend even if that meant having bad consequences. But she didn’t care. Protecting her friend was way more important than saving herself, and that meant more to JJ than she could ever imagine. He never thought that maybe she and him would have something in common, but strangely, they did. “Everyone’s going to look at you, people stare at interesting things-” he said after letting silence surround their conversation.
“Weird, better chose of word.” She said jokingly and JJ let out a tiny laugh, but something else came into his mind once she said that word.
“Since I don’t know your name I have a nickname for you.”
“What?” She asked intrigued but JJ didn’t respond immediately. He built the impatience clearly growing on her, and when JJ got her where she wanted her, he opened his mouth to let the words come out softly.
“The weirdo with five colors on her hair.”
She was all I thought about
The girl I couldn't live without
But then she went insane,
She couldn't take the fame
She said I was to blame
She'd had enough
And shaved five colours off
And now she's just a weirdo with no name
Strangely, JJ couldn’t stop thinking about her. Well, it wasn’t strange at all since he couldn’t get her out his mind since the first time he saw her. But now, it was stronger than before. Knowing something about her made the string that was attached to her and him more thick around them. Or at least, for JJ.
He found himself wide awake at 4 am in the morning without a single drop of tiredness on his body. The light of the moon was the only thing illuminating his room. He turned to the side and looked at the mess that was the floor and an idea came to his head to pass the time; maybe cleaning his room wasn’t such a bad idea. But then he realized it was the middle of the night, and he was going to make a lot of noise waking some people in his house up... and that wasn’t something that JJ wanted. Not at all.
What’s another thing that I do when I’m bored or cannot sleep? JJ thought. And immediately, his body moving with his surfing board on the water hit his mind. Without hesitating, he got up from his bed and silently got ready to leave the house and start a late surfing session.
As soon as his feet touched the sand at the beach, his mind started to relax. It was like a button that only when being on the beach could be pressed. He started to walk towards the big waves in front of him but when someone appeared from the dark he stopped, confused on why someone would be at the beach at this late hours.
Yes, he was there too. But it’s not something that everybody did.
They had a black hat on and some oversized clothes. He couldn’t figure out who they were, not even their gender and that got JJ even more confused, a little bit more frightened also. But with decision he grabbed with more strength his board and kept walking towards the water.
As they were getting closer he tried his hardest to deduce who they were. They had their hands on their pockets which made it even more difficult, they had nothing that would set them apart. Until, a little wave of wind hit their surroundings, and five colors in their hair could be seen.
“What are you doing here?” She asked before JJ could fully process it was her.
“I can’t sleep.” He answered and then looked around to see if she was with someone. “I don’t think is very safe for you to be here alone.”
“And you care?” She asked when JJ looked back at her. She seemed annoyed at his presence and wanting to keep walking, but for some reason she didn’t.
Her tone did caught him off guard, so after being silent while his brain was trying to understand her sudden change of behaviour towards him, he said “I- yes?”
“Sure, whatever you say.” She shrugged her shoulders and finally, turned around to keep walking away from him.
“What’s wrong with you? No sleep makes you moody?” He asked jokingly like he always did, trying to lose the tension of the situation. But the way she turned around quickly and the expression of her face made JJ notice it didn’t work out.
“What the fuck?! You never say something like that to someone who’s angry!”
“Ok! Ok! What happened to you?”
“Life! That happened!” She threw her hands into the air and then covered her face with them while letting out a long sigh.
“Care to be more specific?” JJ asked once he noticed her breathing was slowing down.
“Fuck! Everyone knows!” She spitted out so loudly that JJ felt how the waves weren’t so loudly anymore. “Everyone knows what I did and it fucking sucks!”
“But-” JJ added confused “you already knew that.”
“They know the real reason why I did it. And I’m pretty sure I know who told them.” Her tone was angry but her voice was back to normal, but that didn’t take away the fact that she sounded terrifying.
She opened her eyes widely and slapped herself on the forehead before getting closer to JJ. “You, you asshole! You were the only one who I told the story to! Why did you do that?”
JJ felt his heart dropping to his stomach once he understood what she was talking about. “I didn’t! I haven’t talk to anyone from school since lunch break.”
“Then who the fuck did?! Nobody knew about it! Don’t lie to me!”
“I swear I didn’t say anything! And what’s the big deal anyway? It doesn’t matter that they know.”
“Yes it does! It does to me!”
“Because- well,” she said but then stopped, realising that she was about to say something personal. She let her breathing go back to normal after looking down since she didn’t like JJ’s on her “because there’s people who still defend the fucking guy and there’s nothing I can do about it! I’m just a girl who punched a guy and that’s it!” Her tone was becoming louder the more she talked. “And I hate that! I might seem like I don’t care about the attention, but I do. I don’t like it, I don’t like people staring at me just because I am being me. People like to give me labels without even knowing me and that just- it just fucking sucks!”
“I’m-” JJ was about to say but then she stopped him by shaking her head quickly and turning around.
“Don’t. I need- I need to be alone.” She said loudly before quickly leaving JJ and the beach behind.
JJ felt so stupid that he didn’t even want to surf anymore. It was clear that she did open up with him and he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know how to help her. He wanted it so bad but his stupid brain didn’t find the solution to it. And something even worse was happening on his head, a question that was going on on his mind since he left the beach and arrived at his house. Not even when he closed his eyes when his body relaxed on the bed, nothing seemed to distract JJ from it. It kept going on and on without stopping.
Why do I care so much?
Before he could realise, JJ was walking to class with his backpack hanging from one shoulder. He sat down on his usual seat on the back of the class and let his head rest on his desk since he couldn’t get any sleep the night before. And he knew the reason why. But tried his hardest to keep it away from his mind, at least on class. But when he opened his eyes the moment he felt a little bit of relaxation going on on his body and mind, she was there. But... not really.
She was different and JJ was not the only one who noticed. The noise that was happening on the classroom completely disappeared when she walked into the room as the heads were turning to see her. All those eyes on her but she didn’t notice any of them, since her eyes were glued to her phone and she was focused on the song that was playing on her headphones.
She walked to her sit while everyone was following her. It took JJ a moment to fully realise and understand what he was seeing, it was something that he never saw coming, not even a little bit.
They were gone.
All the colors in her hair were gone. Not even a single color left, only her natural color. She had it shorter than before and had little bangs on the side of her face. It didn’t feel like her at all.
The noise was slowly coming back again but JJ couldn’t take his eyes away from her. From her being the girl with five colors in her hair she was now... just a girl. He didn’t even know her name. She was just a girl with no name.
She was no longer the weirdo with five colors on her hair.
Everybody wants to know her name
How does she cope with her new found fame?
Everyone asks me
Who the hell is she
That weirdo with five colours in her hair
Her removing her five colors in her hair wasn’t some news that passed unnoticed at school. Everyone was taking about it, even the younger kids that didn’t even walked pass her on the high school corridors.
Even if after class she was nowhere to be seen, she was the girl everyone was talking about. And JJ knew she wasn’t going to like that at all. Even if he felt like shit after talking to her the night before, he found himself looking for her after class finished. But just like a ghost, she disappeared after the bell rang and everyone went out for lunch.
He gave up after spending almost thirty minutes looking for the girl, his poor feet were tired to walking another to he decided after making sure that no one was around to walk out the front door and take some fresh air without having any school kids around him. But that plan changed completely when the first thing he saw when he walked outside was her sitting on the floor with her hands covering her face.
“Wow.” He said once he sat down next to her and she looked at him.
“I guess you can’t call me with your nickname anymore.” She shrugged her shoulders but then a little laugh escaped her lips.
“I’ll just think of something else.” He said not giving much importance to it. He looked at her but she wasn’t looking at him, she was just staring at the ground while her fingers were playing with the rings on them. She joked about it but JJ knew that she hated it, and she clearly wasn’t expecting everyone to be talking about. “Having one color won’t stop people from staring and talking about you.”
“I guess not.”
“I’m sorry.” He said and that made her look at him confused with an eyebrow raised.
“For what?”
“I don’t know exactly.” He said shaking his head not even knowing what he said that in the first place, but that did make her let out a tiny laugh. And that was a good enough reason for him.
“You’re stupid.”
“I know, sets me apart from other people.”
“No it doesn’t,” she shook her head “everyone’s a little stupid.”
“Uh, little. I’m a lot.” The laugh that came out her lips made JJ smile but erase it once he noticed it. He looked down immediately to find something to change the subject and lucky for him, saw the perfect thing. “You have to teach me how to skateboard.” He said looking at the skateboard under her feet.
“And you have to teach me how to surfboard.”
JJ nodded. “That’s a plan.”
She smiled but then looked down putting the hair that was touching her face behind her ear. “Alright, I have to go. I don’t want to spend another hour at school.” She got up before JJ could say something else. She dropped her board and started riding it with ease.
“I’ll call you later because I have to teach you how to surf!” He yelled since she was far away from him.
“Ok!” She waved at him.
“Wait, give me your number!” She turned around before grabbing a marker from her backpack and writing a series of numbers on JJ’s arm. “What’s your name?”
“Guess!” She smiled at him before going on her board once again.
“If I guess it right, would you go out with me?”
She stopped with her board and turned around to face him. He waited impatiently for her answer, but her little smile told him that it wasn’t a bad idea at all. “We’ll see!”
JJ smiled before looking down at his phone and writing the number on it. His fingers stopped once he got to the option to write the name on it, he looked up to look at her get far away from the school while her hair was moving along with the wind and a little smile appeared on his face. He looked down to start moving his fingers against his screen. He saved the phone number and his smile went even more bigger and proudly as he was reading the new contact on his phone: “the weirdo with five colors in her hair”
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donutdrawsthings · 4 years
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I thought I had already been clear on what my stance was on the matter, but after today I feel like I need to yell it off the top of my lungs. I SUPPORT ROETVEEG PIET AND BLM. LISTEN TO BLACK VOICES AND ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR WRONGS.
(Information about the Dutch holiday and why it’s racist under the cut! includes extern sources and images!)
Sinterklaas is a Dutch tradition that starts at the first Saturday after 11 November and ends at 5 December. A figure called Sint Nicholaas comes on a boat from Spain to the Netherlands to celebrate his birthday on the 5th with his little helpers, the Zwarte Pieten. The Zwarte Pieten give candy to the kids and on the 5th kids get a gift from Sinterklaas.
The Racism (Black Pete)
All sounds fairly innocent, until you see what the Zwarte Pieten look like.
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These are the traditional Zwarte Pieten (it translates to Black Petes btw). These individuals are usually played by white people and are purposely darkened to black with red lipstick, black curly hair and sometimes golden earrings. I have always been told the dark skin was to represent “soot” from the chimneys, however, up until recent years there was no effort made to actually appear as smeared. In fact, a lot of effort was put into making sure not a single speck of light skin was visible because that could ruin the illusion. (the illusion being, hiding your identity behind blackface.)
These characters are also played to be playful, hyperactive, carefree, happy to do their work and often praise Sinterklaas himself. Which are all traits often depicted alongside the “happy slave” stereotype from way back when and the S*mbo stereotype.
other racist depictions are also on display in stores and houses (often on display near a window for kids to see) in the form of little Black Petes, most of them resembling the G*lliw*g. (first image is a common window prop during Sinterklaas, the second image is the racist G*lliw*g)
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This very outdated depiction of black people only really started being questioned in the early 2010′s. However, support for questioning Black Pete only started to become somewhat acceptable around 2016/2017... And even then the public has been largely Pro Black Pete until 2020, after the Black Lives Matter movement also started to become a valid topic of discussion in the Netherlands.
The Transition
Between 2010 and 2020 a lot happened since Black Pete officially got taken into question and talk about whether or not Black Pete should be changed started to become a genuine topic of discussion. When the question first rang, the majority of the Dutch folk were against the change. I was against this change as well. I think I should note that I was around 13 at the time and it is a very common phenomenon for kids to mimic the opinion of their parents and teachers. But this indeed a genuine opinion I had at some point and I acknowledge that with full responsibility. 
The main reasons everyone was against this change was because we did not see it as racist and were convinced the “goal” with this movement was to entirely remove Pete from the holiday or remove the holiday as a whole from the list.
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I would also like to note that the Dutch folk’s opinion on what is and isn’t racist is very outdated as well. (As I write this now in 2020 it is still not a whole lot better but around the 2010′s it was definitely worse.) As this topic gained attraction, jokes about black men having huge dicks (the m*and*ngo stereotype), “watering the Africans” and much more were made to me and other people regularly enough to be normal or at the very least, were seen as a bit of a cheeky thing to say. And despite being a multicultural country, Asian people were still referred to as “Chinese”, Native Americans as “Indians” and Islamic women as “Penguins” as well.
But back on the topic. As the years went on, more and more protests against Black Pete gained attraction and by now parents started to use these protests as another reason to be against the change because “they are ruining it for the kids”  White parents would also start to praise the word of their 1 black colleague/friend for being against the change as well.
When the topic started to become more prominent, people made the attempt to change the Black of a Black Pete to another colour. This created the short lived bizarre creation of Rainbow Pete. (also seen in the picture above)
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Rainbow Pete was a very short lived idea and was considered weird by many. However, I personally do believe this was an important step in the transition. Rainbow Pete took the depersonalisation tied to Black Pete and quite literally, showed its true colours. It’s ehhh hard to explain what “A Pete” is in English. But growing up I never considered them as human, nor were they ever explained to me as ACTUALLY being human. They are just described as a Pete, and a Pete is all they are. They aren’t people who can have other jobs in Spain or can travel the world to find something else to do. They are a Pete, and therefore they will always be with Sinterklaas in Spain, making toys for us, giving us candy and then going back to Spain with Sinterklaas again.
And that’s why I think this odd colour change was so important. Because by making them green or blue or pink it properly showed how ALIEN Petes felt. Like a whole other species. It tied a certain uncomfortable environment to the depersonalisation and after it’s short lived appearance, Soot Smudge Pete was a much easier step to make
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Soot Smudge Pete, or in Dutch known as Roetveeg Pete, is the most recent and most inclusive variant of the Petes. This Pete only requires a few dark smudges to mimic actual soot and can be played by all races.
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in 2018/19 Soot Petes started to become more present in the official parades, which a lot of parents were rather disgusted about. I personally think this is the period in which a lot of people just straight up outed themselves as racist, actively being against “White Pete” and actively longing for the “Real Petes” to return. Even with these Petes slowly becoming more popular, it is still not safe for most people who are against Black Pete to discuss the matter with Pro Black Pete individuals in this time period. Pro Black Pete individuals (often family or coworkers) more often than not become very heated when the topic arises and I cannot say I’ve ever seen the same attitude from people who are against Black Pete.
Present Day
In 2020, thanks to the Black Lives Matter movement, it has become way more socially acceptable to support Soot Smudge Pete. Parents who are still Pro Black Pete are still vocally voicing their disgust every time Soot Petes are present instead of Black Petes and much like what happened to me back then, their opinions also seep through onto their children. With these people still present in Sinterklaas spaces it also sadly occurs they press their believes on Soot Petes by giving them too much soot and still giving them a black, curly wig.
However, with the way things are going right now and the positive, multicultural depiction present in the media, I believe we are finally on our way to a more positive environment for kids of all kinds of backgrounds!
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This whole post sparked after I dealt with a nasty situation myself while playing a Soot Pete at my old Elementary school. I really wanted to play this role to tie a more positive view on Soot Petes with all the parents creating such a negative environment around the Sinterklaas times and thought I could take matters into my own hands. However, I was Sooted up by a Pro Black Pete mother and thus, nearly got as dark as my brown hair. (besides that I also have gender issues and despite the school knowing I’m called Josh, put me in a dress outfit,, but that’s a more personal issue) I was able to wipe most of it off by the time the kids came in, but not without sharing some discouraging words with my mother, who told me to “just suck it up”.
It’s really important to me for people to know how Bad stuff like that still is in this country and I just... don’t understand why people would still support Black Pete after all this time. These people are either friends, family, or just kind people I know and love who around November open their mouths to say the most vile things and create such a sour situation for everyone involved. And after Black Pete is proven to be racist time and time again, still supporting it... It makes me wonder if this has to do with pride more than anything.
No one wants to be called a racist, but is it really that hard to acknowledge some of the shit you said and did was just plain wrong to the point that you’re taking your opinion to new extremes and decide to die on a sinking ship..?
I’ve said racist things. I have compared the curly black hair of a Black Pete to black classmates. I have compared Black Pete to black classmates. I have joked about them not needing to be face painted to be just like Black Pete. I have made those connections and I’m ashamed I did. But you do what you can to deal with it and become better for those around you. You listen to black voices, support black artists and black businesses and become better as a person. We need to start acknowledging how much our society is actually structured to belittle and undervalue black people and you can’t do that when you’re THAT far up your own ass. 
phew... anyways. Black Lives Matter! Don’t use tradition to defend racism! Fijne Pakjesavond!!
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rosiehufflepuff · 3 years
𝓦𝓮𝓫 𝓸𝓯 𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼
Summary : Draco emotions is getting the best of him , as you and Harry are paired for astronomy project , causing a big hit in your friendship not only that but also causing you to ask why he was jealous when you are only friends and how he is trying to control who you can have as friends and who you can’t have as you call out his toxic behaviour and Draco discovers his emotions .
Draco X Fem Reader
Warning : jealousy . Possessive Draco , Insecure Draco , Harry and Draco rivalry , Angst , and too much FLUFF
House : Hufflepuff
Year : fifth
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Link of the casual outfit : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eMCrdnjLtSN-6Xjysfvffq4HzeX-rJk_/view?usp=drivesdk
Draco watched as his anger was getting too big that he felt that his body couldn’t contain it anymore , usually Draco could keep a straight face whatever any emotion he felt but at this moment he couldn’t , you were smiling at Potter being all friendly and such , leading his blood to boil , you were extremely friendly with the annoying Gryffindor!! Yes , he get it , Hufflepuff and all , being nice is the nature , that what made him attached to you in first place , but you were talking and being kind To HIS ENEMY ! You shouldn’t even be talking to him !! In first place !! You were his friend ! HIS !!! You should only talk to him not his enemies !!
“ hoho wow ... we are finally seeing emotions on malfoy face “ Theo couldn’t help but comment with a smug smirk as he earns a harsh scowl from the icy blonde boy “ shut it Nott or I swear the next thing that you will see is my shoes squishing your eyes “ “ he is right though Malfoy , your face is literally changing colours , expression , and literally your eyes are stuck on them ! “ Blaise commented more like stating fact ” that is true also !! , draco do you know what we are doing for this project ? ” pansy gave a questionable look to the pale boy, resulting in draco to run his hand in his hair as he breaths heavily , getting up from his chair “ since you all being Nosy Fucking Twats and it seems like you have plenty of time to blab why don’t you all continue on the project , yeah ? “ with that draco left with glare as he walked out of the library to cool off “ he got it so bad ......” Theo commented with a smirk “ yes completely ” earning an agreement from both Slytherins .
Draco went out , breathing deeply the fresh air , you were his friend and his hate for Harry was no secret for you and you were a Hufflepuff and that was no secret for Draco , he knows ‘ the moral code of the Hufflepuffs’ and how strong did you hold into them .
However what irritated and concerned Draco was you and Potter were friends. Before..... You and him even talked , he is fully aware of Potter ideas about slytherin and him....which leaded to a fear of losing you to him......
Does he trust your judgement? ...........of course he does , does he trust Potter ? Dear Salazar NO .... and that what worries him ... also the idea of you and Harry leaves a sour taste in his mouth , a strong one .
you were quite attractive and you had a decent personality And of course what will make the Gryffindor happier than making the slytherin ‘s life miserable!......... by taking you away from him and as much as he despised it, you and Potter are quite fitted for each other ......but no way in the name of Merlin ’s Bread he would give you to him!!
The slytherin prince now knew for sure that universe actually hated his guts cause just in this moment you and Potter walked out , you , smiling as harry is pointing out the stars while you are carrying a sketch book with your quil as you both admired the dark night sky .
Draco didn’t know what is the assignment was nor he cared about it in this moment , all he cared about was to hear what you and Potter talked about , as the way to do that was neither of you can see him . Causing him to blend with the darkness of the trees shadows
“ and you see here , two days from now we will see Jupiter's movement ! “ Harry explained excitingly causing you to smile “ yes i know !! However ........ I feel it would be hard to see from the astronomy tower as all fifth year students would be there for it ...... do you think we would able to glance it , write the essay and fill the star chart ......? “ you couldn’t help but voice your concerned leading Harry to think for a moment
“ Gryffindor tower !!” “ excuse me ........I meant ......say again..........? “ “ we can see it from the Gryffindor tower !!” “ wait really ??” “ yes , most of students won’t think of this “ “ well I’m sure Hermione did think of that “ you said while giggling a little , making Harry himself chuckle “ of course she would “ he said it , rolling his eyes jokingly as he continued “ we can of course go there .......if you have n-no problem I mean ........” “ of course ! Why would I have a problem in Helga ‘s name ? “ you said giving the chosen boy a big smile , making him grin himself “ excellent ! Meet me in front of the fat lady portrait !” ” you got yourself a deal potter ” you said seriously, resulting in him to chuckle ” beautiful deal I would say ” ” well that was smooth ” you said as you gave the boy in glasses a playful look ” really? I thought it was little sap ” yes kinda but still smooth ” ” ouch well I better go before I say more sappy stuff yeah? See ya tomorrow ” ” see ya!!” you both parted ways, not noticing the hidden boiling fire in the very dark.
Draco was furious and angry, he flirted with you AND YOU FLIRTED BACK !! HE ASKED YOU ON A DATE AND YOU ACCPET IT !! that is a project NOT A CHANCE FOR POTTER TO SNOG YOU !!!
He didn’t like what he saw , in fact, it resulted in leaving a huge fury to swallow his body , to him , it was you choosing Potter over him and it left a wound in the pale boy ‘s heart , like everyone else they would .... he didn’t know why it was hurting , .... it felt like you are leaving him behind .....and replacing him with what people always say, is better than him ........ Draco couldn’t control his emotions anymore resulting in him to run to the slytherin dungeon to be alone with his thoughts , he is not gonna give Potter what he always wanted .... which is a breakdown .
After two days passed , it was the weekend and Merlin , you didn’t wanna to wake up after a whole week the last day always seemed to be so hard but you needed to get up , no matter what , cause no one would Attend it for you .
An annoyed groan slips from your mouth as you jump out of the bed stretching and getting yourself into your yellow and black uniform , last day but one of the busiest , you have heavy school day not forgetting of course the meeting with Harry. However you were quite excited , you are gonna see the Jupiter movement clearly also you never saw the Gryffindor tower from inside so yes , maybe it will be a good day after all.
Walking out to your first class which was herbology a subject you completely adored , being with professor sprout cheerful personality and voice , some people fainting causing a giggle here and there , the whispers of the plants and finally , A current slytherin shared this class with you and being with him made the hardest things bearable , one of these is Snape class of course , with his help and quiet jokes he made you like it a little ,
Giggling at some old jokes Draco did through the classes you shared , you notice that you arrived to the green house .
You stood inside of the green house with Fanged Geranium sitting on the table showing her teeth in front Of you , as you hear the head of your house talking about the quality of it and how to deal with it , your eyes wondered to check on Draco .
You didn’t see him since you entered , you knew draco likes the green house , even though he would never admit it to the world , you saw the twinkle in his eyes when he is looking to the plants however he was no where in the sight ,
it is like the sky heard you or something and wanted to prove you wrong cause suddenly the door of green house opened quietly , revealing the white haired boy , walking as he bows to the older hufflepuff “oh good dear Helga ..... you are so late Mr.Malfoy !!!” “Im very knowledgeable about that Mrs sprout and I give you my apologies....” the older teacher couldn’t help but sigh “ fine , go take your plant next to Miss L/N .....please miss L/N ....update Mr. Malfoy about the topic ....For the rest , please work on your plants carefully ! I don’t wanna accidents !!! Not again !!!!! “
Even thought he looked perfectly put together , the slytherin ‘s face was looking yellowish , was he sick ? , thinking again - you never saw him yesterday at all ... was something going on ....? However you knew he didn’t like to be pressed for stuff so you just watch him as he took his place next to you ...
you give him the warmest comforting smile “ Draco good morning dear .......did you sleep well “ a nod , you get only a nod from the boy so you try to keep the conversation going “ well ... today we are assigned the plant of Fanged Geranium and we need - “ I actually know about it....... I read about it in a book before , you don’t need to waste your energy yeah? “ like that he cuts you off sharply and for some reason he seemed distance , you were weirded out by that kind of behavior but you thought maybe that is his morning attitude which eventually would disappear ...so you both continued to work in silence .
Soon the class ended , you hear Draco sigh as he walks away to his Slytherin friends , ignoring you completely which weirded you out , he never did that he would at least wave or something or make sure his hand brushed yours giving you a smirk ...his new behavior was weird ....you decided to let it to be , till it is lunch time for you both, -to give him a breath of time- , you will make sure to catch him and ask him about his act .
Moving from class to class to class you were half done with the day ......finally Merlin ..........you were getting tired from all these classes as now you have the chance to eat for first time in the day as you skipped the frost meal in exchange of sleeping more , cause Dear Helga....... you were almost dead tired from the whole week and you needed these extra hours .
As you were running from the class , ready for the feast that will be served to your groaning stomach , you got faced by the crowded halls .
Trying to make your way through , you pumped into the slytherin prince, however before you open your mouth , he looked to you in the eyes then just walked away without of course forgetting to pump his shoulder into yours .........saying you were surprised would be underestimating .....what was this all about ...why he is being like that ....you were best friends ......well .....he was your best friend at least.......you were confused and somehow getting an anxious feelings in you Body . That you forget that you froze in mid of hallway till someone told you to move ,resulting into you falling back to the reality , shoving all bad feelings into the back of your head , you start to move to the grand hall .
You sat in the grand hall , Eating your food .......well..........trying , you don’t know what happened but somehow the food didn’t taste as amazing as you imagined or maybe you just lost your appetite, either how, you just ate the food cause your body was in desperate need of energy recharge and the least you need is to faint and let Harry do the work , he was your close friend and that wasn’t fair to anyone in first place .
While eating you glanced The Malfoy Boy , Getting up after finishing his food and going outside , you jump on your feet as fast as you can walking in hurry to catch up to him , as soon as you did , you both were in the halls . “ draco “ you called , no answer “ draco , it is rude to not answer me ! Stop being a child and talk to me “ these words made the pale boy stop in his heels and turn to face you with cold gaze “ wanna talk ? Sure let s talk then ! ”
You took a deep breath to calm your soaring Anger ...someone needed to be the grown up now “ why are you behaving like that !!! What is this all about !!!” “Oh you recall fully what is this all about ....!” You were stunned......... what did you do you? “ what do you mean?” “ well you know what ....forget it !!” “ you know you are not communicating right now !!! I wanna comprehend what is it !” “ oh if I’m not communicating well then why don’t you go to Potter, I’m sure he will fulfill this for you better !”
So this what all of this about ......... with this foolish rivalry!!!...“ draco you totally realize that he is a friend !! Yes, you both are not in best terms but he is still my friend !!” “ yes, but witch !!! being in good terms with him doesn’t mean , being flirtatiousness and snogging him in the gryfindor tower !!! “ “ you were spying on me !!!!” You were sick....you are feeling sick from how the Slytherin boy felt so entitled to spy on you , and question you !!!who does he think Himself is! “ I wasn’t spying , you were the ones who were in public“ “ but you chose to hear it!You were spying !!!” ”Well even if I did !! I was protecting you !! I DONT TRUST HIM “ “ well right now It is you who I don’t trust !!! ....this is not protection THIS YOU TRYING TO CONTROL MY LIFE !! IN WHAT ENTITLEMENT DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN TO FEEL LIKE THAT IS YOUR RIGHT !! IM NOT SOMETHING TO BE OWNED !! I DESERVE RESPECT ! “ you quieted for a moment to take a breath from the pervious outburst before continuing “ And from this sorry .....but I don’t see that you have that for me and I don’t think I would like to be friends anymore “ Draco eyes widened at this for a second almost missing it out before his straight cold look came back “ fine as you wish “ with that he walked away , leaving you behind with tears dripping out of your eyes .
Draco rushed through the halls to reach his perfect room fast , he felt chocked by all crowds that started to fill the halls , he felt the tears already were about to come out and the last thing he needed was the whole school to witness Draco Malfoy crying about a girl that he doesn’t comprehend what he feel about her and hurt him , barely reaching the slytherin common room without breaking down . The slytherin boy shuttered the password out of his lips ,hurrying to his perfect bedroom ignoring the glances that he was getting from his house mates , locking the door as he finally let all his emotions out in the loneliness of his room not attending the rest of the day .
You were getting ready to meet Harry for astronomy project , trying to hold all the emotions inside, like you did for the rest of the day after the dilemma with Draco , you didn’t see him after and that was better for you , you didn’t know how will you react , you trusted him but he has no respect for you , he was acting like you are his doll not his equal .....he didn’t trust you , you felt so small and disrespected , you wanted to cry not cause of him no but cause you feel you trusted someone one who didn’t see you for who you are but saw your as object but you won’t let someone who thought like that stop your life , you looked at yourself noticing your outfit : a lacy off white blouse with lantern sleeves with Peter Pan collar . blue straight ankle length jeans and beige ankle boots ,
breathing a deep breath , you look put together and that is what you wanted , you didn't want anyone to notice your mood and the tears that slipped here and there , the last thing you need to hear ‘are you okay ‘ , cause you knew for sure these words will make you cry , and you don’t wanna to explain to Harry The Who stupidity of situation and causing more drama .
Rushing out of the warm dorm of the Hufflepuff common room to the halls as you walked fast to read the fat lady portrait praying to helga in her grave to not make you face to face with the slytherin boy , as you reach the painting you took a deep breath, Causing a look from the lady in painting , you felt for a second like you almost forgot to breath from how anxious you were till you feel a hand on your shoulder , causing you to turn , you see the brown haired boy with his famous smile as if it is contiguous you smiled without feeling “ did I make you wait for long?” “ oh no no no not at all !! I just came here ! “ “ so ummm shall we ?” You nod with a smile , the gryffindor muttered the password of the week , showing a grand hole as entrance, you both crawl inside of the Gryffindor room , taking the whole inside of you, the room was warm and cozy just missing some plants and It would be a copy of your own house room somehow that was calming .
The chosen boy was correct, not many people was there and of course Hermione was there with some Ravenclaw and Ron causing you to giggle a bit without feeling it , knowing what this was about Harry himself let an airy laugh “ yes yes you were correct ....now stop , she is giving us looks!! “ the boy whispered trying to hold his laughter , indeed the girl was giving you look like you both are crazy or something , as you both failed to hold your laughter , but it was quite humorous for some reason , some gryfindors were there with their groups but it was so few That you can count them on your fingers .
Both of you and Harry settled down close to the window , talking as you admired the stars, trying to fill the chart and waiting to see Jupiter movement “ god when the bloody hell will it show “ you couldn’t help but giggle as you hear Ron hearing him resulting to get a hit from Hermione “ he is right though Harry we have been waiting for long “ you said as you stretched your legs that almost were falling off from having them in same position for long “ “I think it will show soon ....” “ SHH it is happening !!” Hermione screamed on top of her lungs causing Ron to roll his eyes .
you watched......... memorised by the whole thing , it was marvellous thing ... all this beauty happening by nature ...nature amazed you with everything it provided and how beautifully it is done , you for sure won’t forget that ....
After long time of writing the essay , giggling at Ron foolishness , joking around , and helping each other in that pain in the arse assignment.... Yet it was somehow fun, painful work but fun .
later it was done ,Harry walked you to the painting and after huge back and forth, you convinced him that you would be fine going back to your room and nothing to be worried about.
you are now enjoying your walk to the hufflepuff common room , feeling the cold air and the soundlessness, cooling you, ......finally the weekend , done with the deadly assignment , sighing deeply , you realised you reached the entry , you play the rhythm to enter , ready to be welcomed by the talking plants and the warm room ,
This positivity get demolished by seeing a curtain blonde head youth sitting in front of the entry like a dog scolded by his owner , as soon as he sees you , he is quick on his feet , fixing his hair by running a hand in it
“ you are here .....y/n .....” “ ..........Malfoy ......” “ please don’t call me that ......” “ why it is your name , eh ? “ “y/n .........please......... don’t ........” you raise an eyebrow to him questionably , knowing your slient question, you see his face going from emotion to emotion to emotion as he tried to open his mouth to speak “I-I-I apologize for my foolishness and you are fully ........correct .....the way I behaved ...............childish was the way I acted ......I apologize again ......” draco sharp grey eyes was staring hard into your soul trying to read your face , try to see if you hated him or does he has any chance with your forgiveness .
You close your eyes breathing heavily for a second , you didn’t want to look into his eyes , you saw how swollen his bloody shot eyes were and he looked miserable however though some parts of you wanted to forgive the boy, you weren’t satisfied “draco .......the reason of your -“ “ I respect you ........way more than the words can tell .....and you totally deserve to know why this behavior..............it is not cause .....I don’t respect you no ..................it is cause some stupid silly emotions that let......me act like that -“ “ jealousy “
Gulping hard at the name of the emotion , Draco never felt jealous ever !! He is a Malfoy people felt jealous from him not the opposite what he wanted he got it , so this was a hard pill to swallow to him “ ...yes and had some fears.......... about potter.........and his thought about me ....resulting you .............to ........stop being with me ................. “ you held draco hands , finally realizing his feelings And for first time you see a rosiness tint on his cheeks , draco wasn’t very touching persona ....as he was so tense about it but he was used to it from you, later two years from knowing you nevertheless, he never flushed , he was accepting, awkwardly though , but no blushing , yet in his state you won’t point it out , it was already hard for him opening up and you appreciated and you wanna be comforting as you can as you try to calm his creeping anxiety . “ Draco I would never replace or leave cause someone opinion ever !! You mean so much to me !! I can’t imagine you out of my life ....you are very important and unreplaceable to me and thank you for apologising “ you say as you hug him , causing his body to go tense before warping his shaking arms around before squeezing you tightly as he bury his face in your shoulder , your run your hand in his soft messy hair as you hear him speak softly “ I discovered a new emotion also ....” “hmm ?” ..........Love..............”
I don't know if there is going to be part two!! But I hope you all like this
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neovisioned · 5 years
♡ꜜ bed of spider webs﹫mark lee
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this is part of “the spiderverse project” series !  friends - chase atlantic (nostalgia)
pairing: mark x reader (f) ft. johnny and jaehyun.
genre: angst, fluff, smut with too much plot, spiderman!mark, college!au, enemies to friends to lovers.
warnings: violence, mention of blood, language, stupid decisions, mention of drugs (johnny smokes weed in like one scene), spider bite, one short scene of attempted robbery, one short fight scene, trespassing, unprotected sex (be safe everyone), dirty talk, choking, fingering, oral, uses of spider webs during the sex scene, some praising and degradation, i think that’s it ? 
word count: 26k, this is the longest thing i’ve ever written. 
synopsis: where you hate Mark Lee because he’s everyone’s favourite, to both students and teachers. if there’s a number one, there’s a number two, and that’s you. however, after a strange event in a lab, his grades crush down, leaving the number one spot vacant for your very eyes, but as everyone’s favourite looks more and more miserable, you can’t help but worry about him, not knowing that he became the famous friendly neighbourhood superhero that saved you that one night.
a/n: this doesn’t take place in any particular city, don’t worry webs aren’t used for anything that kinky. also, this took so fucking long to write.
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Miss Park likes to think that despite her age, she has a great memory. She finds pride in remembering most - if not all - of her student’s names, with a vague memory of their baby faces, if they were lucky enough. The now old lady also liked to think that she was a nice and soft kindergarten teacher, treating every student the same way, giving them the same amount of attention. 
After all, her class was the first of many other classes and grades, and she wanted it to be a great first experience for everyone. Retired, and only possessing pictures to refresh her memory from time to time, if there’s one student the wrinkly old lady was still fond of, no matter how many years after he had left her school, it was the only Mark Lee.
In her rocking chair, she didn’t even need a picture to remember dark locks, small bangs above his soft eyes, she didn’t need anyone to remember her first meeting with the now successful college student. The lady sometimes likes to tell stories from her working days and her favourite students always have an appearance in those stories. Those stories where her eyes become bright with what looks like small tears and adoration.
See, almost sixteen years ago, the teacher was doing her job pretty well. She had the experience, knew every solution to every problem, she was one of the oldest and most respected teachers of the area, really, she was at the pick of her career. She was working in a small and one of the only kindergartens of the city, a small, one floored building in a calm area, near a public parc.
After so many years giving her energy to prepare young kids to the world, she had seen a lot. From kids saying weird things they heard once, other kids drawing almost creepy imageries, to talented and well-behaved students, she saw it all. 
Most importantly, she saw a lot of what she calls “First Days”. First days of school where the mother leaves her child for the first time. She saw kids crying for their parents while they hesitated to walk back and leave, she saw kids waving to their parents with a smile while they were the one crying, she saw the loud and unstoppable crying of a child that doesn’t want to be here.
These days are all unforgettable and unique in their own way, but really, she would never forget Mark Lee’s first day. 
Winter had started pretty early, that September of two thousand and two, it was cold like it was the high of winter, just after all the new year celebrations. Every kid was more or less wrapped in a large coat, every time accessories with a matching beanie and scarf, even gloves sometimes. 
She remembers greeting every kid like always, offering her best smile for the best first impression, reassuring worried parents and comforting new kids. The teacher also remembers thinking that every kid had been a bit reluctant to leave their parent but none crying yet. And there he had arrived, three years old Mark Lee, looking like a miniature businessman.
To do such a job, you had to be fond of kids, but - oh, how Miss Park felt herself melt in front of the smiley, small boy. The long black coat he was wearing matched with his father’s who was readjusting his son’s backpack with an equally fond smile, giving him a few last bits of advice. The back pack was something colourful, she remembers, a blue off-brand backpack with cars on them, she could tell he was from a middle-class family, like almost every kid. She watched from afar as Mark Lee’s father went down, a knee on the floor, carefully taking a camera out of his pocket. Without complaining, small Mark Lee took place near the door, letting the teacher detail him a little bit more, giving his father his best smile as the flash went on.
That was her first memory of Mark Lee. This, alongside, his everlasting smile as he entered her class, dark, short locks bouncing at his every step he took with his brand-new white sneakers he promised his dad not to ruin, and the small wave he gave before the men left, giving both a smile to his son and his son’s new teacher, his footsteps echoing on the faux marble floor on the school.
One thing that Miss Park really liked about Mark Lee, was how helpful he was, and she saw it the first day.
Things are never calm and peaceful in a kindergarten class, especially when it’s the first day. So the lady wasn’t so shocked when she heard cries before she even saw the child making them. Echoing in the corridor, the teacher could distinguish a mother’s voice, trying to encourage her child, but never did the cries stopped. 
As they got closer to her class, Miss Park gave one last look to the room. Kids were already playing at different spots, most of them were curious about the big dollhouse and the car carpet, no one was biting anyone, she could give the last child her full attention.
A look out of the door, and she immediately saw the woman in distress trying to stop her child from making a scene, rubbing her back, bouncing her body lightly, up and down. But nothing made it better, if anything, as soon as the young girl saw the outline of the class and all those kids she didn’t know, her cries were even louder. Mother greeted the teacher like she could, with an apologetic smile, teacher’s bright and reassuring smile never faded. 
Miss Park doesn’t remember everything perfectly but soon enough, the crying child was in her arms as she gestured to the mother to go and leave quickly. She remembers the messy hair, she could see the attempt at a braid, the wrinkled shirt and most importantly, the big and sparkly, innocent eyes the girl had, alongside the crocodile tears rolling down her chubby cheeks.
Miss Park probably made an attempt to calm the child down, as she usually does, but what she remembers is the slight tug of her dress she felt. Delicate, a small head fisting the fabric of her flower dress as she looked down to a Mark Lee that had just finished taking off his coat and shoes. 
She remembers kneeling, the small girl’s face that was hiding in her neck looking at who was bothering her comfort session but never did Mark erase his small smile, his hand handing something to the teacher. Cooing, the lady took what he was giving her, a tissue he took from his backpack, sitting just below the coat. “See, Y/N. Mark is nice, he gave you a tissue.”
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Perhaps. Perhaps Mark was, or is, nice. But that doesn’t change how much you hate him, since day one. Maybe you were one of Miss Park’s favourite student, but Mark was the favourite student. See, years pass, people change, life goes by, but never did Mark stopped being the number one, leaving you the bitter second place.
He had always been every student’s favourite, boys and girls. He was good at sports, but definitely the best at dancing. He was one of the first kids chosen to be part of any team for any sport ever, people would actually fight to get the two of you in their team and somehow, after years, they knew that putting you two against each other would make a great fight for the win. 
They said the dance club didn’t have a leader but he was the main men, you didn’t join the club but word has it that if you walked by the dance room when class ended, you would hear one pair of foot rhythmically tapping the floor, him and only him practised that hard. It was also said that everyone in the club would turn to him to seek advice and approval.
Imagine your shock when Mark Lee was seen on TV for some dancing competition, thankfully you don’t have a lot of memories of that time but one thing was sure. The next day, as the boy walked down the grey hallways, everyone had eyes for him and only him.
He was nice and helped everyone, he had good grades and still, somehow, was seen like a cool kid to hang out with, most people wanted to be his friend. Even though, with all the teenager movies you’ve seen, good grades and popularity aren’t compatible. You really didn’t know how he did it, but since junior high school, where the sense of competition started growing within you, you’ve had the theory that perhaps, he sold his soul to the devil for both good grades and popularity.
He even was every teacher’s favourite, always the one who could go out for the cool tasks, always the one in charge, always the one praised.
Alright, maybe you were exaggerating. You had a few great tasks too, but you still lived in Mark Lee’s shadow, or at least, you thought so. No matter what you did, he was still a bit better than you, and it was driving you insane. You could complain about him to your friends, to your family, even. Mark Lee was a name that left your mouth with venom and disgust. So obviously, when high school arrived, everyone knew you two were mortal nemesis.
Puberty took a bit of time to do its job on you, only hitting you towards the very end of high school, but it definitely didn’t forget about Mark. That’s another thing your then materialistic young mind hated about him, he had the grades, he even had the looks. Now that you think about it, it’s like he never even had an ugly period, and if somebody asked you, that was just unfair, the universe hated you.
When puberty was doing its job on Mark Lee, making him taller, his features sharp but somehow still holding pieces of his baby face, he was one of the most popular in high school, while you preferred staying out of drama and whatever popular kids do.
However, it was hard to stay completely out of drama when Mark Lee found extremely funny to remind you that he was better than you, sometimes turning around in the middle of class to show you his grade, other times going as far as waiting for you near your locker. His once innocent and kind smile had turned into an everlasting superior smirk, the one that said, I am better than you, we both know it, everyone knows it. Your competition was in the public eye.
God knows you tried to outrun him in at least one discipline. You tried dancing, even if you were good at it, he was still better, with a lot more practice. You tried getting popular, which was a lost cause before you ever tried, Mark practically ruled the school. You tried getting better grades than him, but he was always, always, one small point ahead of you.
Most of the time, unknowing teachers would be amazed by the two of you, at how you two always seemed to be the top two students, always one tiny step apart. Sometimes, they would even ask for the two of you to do a project together, to which you would always firmly and strongly disagree too, while Mark had the same smirk on his face.
However, one year, you found it. His weakness. And really, you should’ve thought about it way before. You’ve always been better than him at drawing, since kindergarten. He was so bad at art that he couldn’t colour inside the lines, he couldn’t draw one decent looking circle, he couldn’t understand the underlying meaning of a piece of art.
And finally, you found something you were better at, something he couldn’t do as perfectly as you did. Art classes quickly became your favourite classes and the original intent of outrunning him strangely faded to actual interest in every type of art.
You would never, ever admit it, but in a way, it’s because, and thanks to Mark Lee that you found your way. As he filled his inscriptions for universities specialized in the scientific field, you were filling yours with art schools, art universities. That’s why, at the end of high school, you really, really thought he was gone. Out of your sight, out of your life. No more competitions, no more Mark Lee.
But boy, you were wrong. 
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You’ll always remember your first day at your new university. You’ve dreamed about it, you’ve dreamed about Mingtian. You may have asked for multiple universities, you prayed to get to Mingtian, one of the continent’s top university. Everything was in your favour. You had moved out of your parent’s home, finally getting the independence you so long craved for, you had your dorm. You would make new friends, finally study something you liked, really, what could go wrong?
At first, nothing did. The weather was nice, the sun was out as you took your first step on campus, you were amazed by how big the campus was. Your first class was as amazing, you never ever liked being in class so much. And you made new friends. Yes, they weren’t in your field, but still.
You met Johnny at your local café. You were exploring the area, trying to find a place to study where you found the small café at the corner of a street, brown brinks and beige furniture. It was welcoming, the scent of coffee and pastries taking over your nose as soon as you took a step in.
Johnny was too occupied to welcome you, another worker did. However, he messed your order up and insisted on letting you get a free croissant, and that’s how the two of you became friends.
He told you he was Korean, lived for over a decade in America. He told you about his city and about his studies. You weren’t surprised when he told you he was at Mingtian, in the dorm just in front of yours. He was new as well and was studying music. Two artists meet and conversation flows easily, quickly, you two become good friends despite the differences. Johnny is the type of guy that doesn’t study until the last minute and waste every free moment partying or working on his music, but one thing is sure, he’s a good friend.
So much so that a month into the school year, when he finds out that he’s you’re only friend you’ve made yet, he insists on introducing you to his new music major friend.
Jaehyun, the other music major, was probably the sweetest person you’ve ever met. The first time you saw him at one of Johnny’s frat house party, he was screaming the lyrics of a song at the top of his lungs, the next day, he was making his mom’s secret recipe to cure any headache.
Quickly, the blond became one of your close friends, he would help you with some art project since he was extremely photogenic, and you would help him practice his vocals when Johnny was too busy working.
As said, Johnny’s frat hosted a lot of parties. If anyone heard some loud bass outside, there was a ninety-five per cent chance that it came from the infamous frat house. To be fair, when you first stepped into your new university, you didn’t think you would ever attend a frat party, but Johnny and Jaehyun both forced you to come, Johnny made it a point to introduce you to new friends every single time.
You can’t remember how many times you walked into the house, walking like a lost puppy, looking for one of your two friends submerged in a wave of college student’s body dancing to the new hit. Vision blocked by a mixture of blinding lights, artificial smoke and weed smoke before you finally found them, moulded into an old couch. You would slowly make your way to them, looking at the new friend they had that night, Johnny would finally, catch a glimpse of you and introduce you as “Y/N that doesn’t have a lot of friends.
Tonight is one of those nights.
When you walk out after waving goodbye to your dorm neighbour, you step a foot outside. It’s still the middle of winter, and you definitely feel it as a cold wind doesn’t need much force to pass through your white blouse. The sky is starting to get dark, the lights of the campus would light up at any moment, and you just figure you should walk to the frat house quickly. Closing your coat in front of your chest, you take quick steps around the campus. It’s surprisingly quiet outside, the heels of your boots hitting the ground at your every step. For once, you actually wanted to go to that party, which was a first. After a full week of finals, you needed to relax a bit, and what was better than a party with your friends.
The lights flicker a moment, before lightening the ground and the grass around the few frat houses. From afar, you can see a few college students having an anti-party in front of the doors, their silhouettes visible every time the colourful lights cast on them. You can’t really make up the song until you’re a few meters away from the house, where one of the members greet you. See, you may not have a lot of friends like Johnny says, but he doesn’t see that he actually made you a bit more popular, at least more popular than you were in high school.
The smell of alcohol and weed take over your senses as you enter the house, squinting your eyes, trying to distinguish a few faces. You know the house pretty well now, making your way towards the living room, you have to stand on your toes to find Johnny. You can’t see if Jaehyun’s here, but you don’t think too much anyways and make your way towards the back of the room.
Sweaty bodies still affect you as much as they did when you first entered a party, holding your hands up to create something that imitates your comfort zone as you navigate between drunk students. Dodging hands and unsteady red cups, once you get to the other side of the dancefloor, you pass by a few other students as Johnny finally notices you.
“Y/N !” You hear his voice before even reaching him, having to abruptly stop as two girls run up the stairs. “Everyone, this is Y/N, she doesn’t have a lot of friends here.”
At this, you were supposed to roll your eyes and deny, like you’ve been doing for the past five parties or so, but once the path clears in front of you and you finally take in exactly who’s sitting next to your friend, you freeze.
“Fancy seeing you here.”, is the first thing he says. There, sitting next to your friend, in your friend’s frat house, in your university, is none other than Mark Lee. God knows you didn’t miss that smirk, and it didn’t change at all. His pink lips match the rose hue that colour his cheeks, probably because of the alcohol or the heat. Tugging upwards to hide half of his eyes, his pupils stay locked on your figure, a few dark brown locks falling in front of his eyes. You notice that he changed his hairstyle, parted in the middle, showing his glowy skin. He’s wearing a loose shirt, collarbones showing as one of his arm’s behind the couch, the other stretched on his leg as he holds a cup as well.
Reacting quite slowly, Johnny’s eyes move between you, still standing there, and his new medicine student friend.
“Oh, you know her ?”, he finally asks, stretching his hand out so you can take it. You hesitate for a moment, suddenly you really, really don’t want to be here. Even, why is he here? You forgot about him, in a few months only, you thought he was gone for good, doing god knows what in another city.
Johnny gives you a questioning look, and for a good reason. You’re here, looking at Mark like he’s an apparition, an apparition of your past, and him, he’s looking at you with a smile, way too proud of himself. You can’t run away, Johnny would probably drag you back, so you have to act normal, you figure. You didn’t know your mouth was slightly open before you close it to swallow your saliva, and you grab Johnny’s hand before he tugs you towards him.
“I think I’ve seen her around my high school a few times, I’m not quite sure.”, Mark responds, a smile still clear only his lips only for you to see as you let Johnny guide your body, forcing you on his lap. The audacity, he really dared to act like he hasn’t known you for almost all his life, a few sits away at every class. 
If Mark could take a picture of this very moment, he definitely would. The way your eyes look round and big like the first time he ever saw you and for once, it’s like you’re missing some words to finally respond, really this party started out great for him, he really didn’t regret coming.
A small laugh moves his chest, taking a moment to take in your figure, curious eyes scanning over you both and Johnny, the same glint he has dancing in his eyes since he was a child. He stays silent for a moment, he wonders for a moment if you’re the girl Johnny had been talking about for the past week and unconsciously, you get a bit more comfortable on his lap.
That’s how you figured out Mark Lee was still somehow in your school. And you should’ve thought about it, really. Mingtian is a well-known university, it’s as big as a small city, the scientific course is one of the best in the whole country. You should’ve known that he had applied here as well, but you can’t really blame yourself, can you? Even if you knew he also got accepted here, the chances to bump into him reminded so, so slim. The scientific department was at one end of the university, the art side a completely other end. But he had to be there, he had to know two of your closest friends, and he had to befriend them.
Your theory’s that he befriended them just to annoy you, and it worked.
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Mark started hanging out with Johnny and Jaehyun even more, and of course, the two wanted you to tag along. You didn’t want to risk losing them just because of him so after a bit of argumentation and a lot, a lot of talking to yourself, you agreed.
At first, it was just some Saturday nights spent in either Johnny’s or Jaehyun’s dorm room, a random movie playing in the background and mostly university gossip about people you barely know filling the room. You have to say that you prefer those nights in Jaehyun’s room, Johnny has the habit to smoke a lot during the weekends, you always end up leaving the dorms with your clothes smelling like weed and having to justify yourself to everyone you encounter.
You also like Jaehyun’s room better because he can open his bed and make more place and two more really comfortable big cushions. Most of the time, you’re on the bed with either Jaehyun or Johnny, Mark standing as far away as possible.
At first, you had to say that you really thought you’d end up jumping at Mark’s throat after the first few hours, but strangely enough, he was civilized. Never did he mention your weird phases during middle-high school, never did he throw any major shade, making those nights a lot more enjoyable than you thought.
However, the competition still remains, even though you two are in two different fields. You like to think that art isn’t about learning every by heart but rather feeling and understanding, voicing your opinion with argumentation and that medicine is more about pushing everything in your head, just learning again and again. Mark doesn’t understand that, or rather he understands when he wants. He understands that your work might be a bit hard when he gets a grade lower than yours, he doesn’t when he gets a grade higher than yours, but never will he admit that.
Remember about the coffee shop? It quickly became your spot to study. Small and quiet, your friend worked there, which meant a lighthearted pause every now and then, their pastries also rapidly became a guilty pleasure. They were pricy, sure, but oh how you loved spending a bit of your money in one of their black chocolate éclair, or one of their cups of vanilla coffee.
However, Mark quickly heard about the shop. After all, his friend worked there so wouldn’t he come by a few times, when his oh so busy schedule allowed it. Sometimes, he sat near the window, never too close from him since again, the shop was small, sometimes he came right during Johnny’s pause and had to tag along and ended up on your table. One thing was sure, he never ever missed a chance to shove his newest grade in your face.
Strangely, seeing him became less and less weird. On your part, you became less tense around him, actually making small talk here and there for Johnny and Jaehyun’s biggest joy, but never did it erase the everlasting competition and the underlying hatred you two had for each other, it was just, hidden.
Johnny and Jaehyun were easily fooled, thinking that the initial weird tension between the two of you had slowly fated, they started making plans for what the called “friend dates.” The first one was planned by Johnny who found a cheap but rather interesting and promising restaurant near the university, and that’s how you ended up in this Italian restaurant.
A yawn escaped your lips before you could even hide it behind your hand, both your arms stretched above your hands as you leaded back on your chair. A small smiled was offered by Johnny while Jaehyun was going back from his phone placed on the small iron table to his position, arm behind his chair as he looked behind his back, scanning the area. 
You don’t really know if it was a restaurant or more a place with a lot of small restaurants, either way, it was really pretty, you had to admit. Slow European songs were playing, lights hanging everywhere, carpets with different designs everywhere. It smelled like pasta and pizza, as cliché as it sounds and most importantly, it was crowded. So crowded.
It took around ten minutes to find a four places table, and now that you were sitting down, on this Friday night, it took everything in your system to not fall asleep right here and now. Jaehyun was, on the other hand, too hyper. Looking everywhere, checking his phone every two minutes, he didn’t hesitate to throw a few insults here and there as Mark was getting more and more late.
“Where is he ?“, asked Johnny again, yet never losing his patience.
“I don’t know, he isn’t answering his phone and this kid NEVER leaves it.”, for a moment you wonder if he’s actually upset or if he’s exercising his acting skills, the pout on his lower lip more and more prominent.
“Wait a few minutes, I’ll go to his dorm if he doesn’t show up.” You and Jaehyun nod at this, only to be cut by heavy footsteps of someone running. Even with all the people and all the general noise, your attention gets caught by the few people complaining about someone pushing them without even giving a single apology.
Jet black hair comes bouncing at his every step, a not so apologetic smile contorting his features whenever his shoulder bumps into someone by mistake. You’ve never seen him this happy, his lips stretching up soon as he finally sees the three of you, his eyes disappearing for a moment. Before he reaches your table, you notice the paper he’s carefully holding in his hands, sometimes holding it to his chest or up in the air whenever someone might damage it.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, notices the phone his holding in his other hand, the one he didn’t care to check for the past ten minutes.
No matter how questioning your looks are, never did his smile fade, both his hands slapping the iron table as soon as he reached it.
“Finally, we were about to call the police and report a missing child.”, was the first thing the blonde found appropriate to say, even though it was well obvious the brunette has something important to say. Nevertheless, his smile never faded as he took a few seconds to catch his breath, his head hanging low for a moment.
“Mark, take a seat.”, Johnny finally spoke, gesturing to the seat right between the second music major and you.
Flopping without any grace on the grey chair, Mark finally sat down, his respiration a bit steadier, he flipped the white paper over.
“Guess who just got a one-week internship in the continent’s biggest laboratory ?”
An internship in the continent’s biggest laboratory. Jaehyun’s pout somehow disappeared after a few seconds just to congratulate the lucky boy, Johnny stayed true to himself and got excited as if he was the one who got the internship. You had to congratulate him, it would look weird right, if you didn’t congratulate your so-called friend, plus you didn’t want to bring the mood down just because of a bit of bitterness. You found yourself congratulating him almost naturally, if it wasn’t for the tight smile you gave him and the full one he returned, you really didn’t get the chance to see him a lot like this back in the days.
After the initial mixture of shock, joy and excitement came down, you finally all got up to get something to eat in this big place, finally settling down as Johnny decided to bring a toast to Mark with his sunset cocktail. 
For once, you weren’t really jealous, after all, you were well placed to know that Mark worked hard to get that internship, you were just a foot away when Johnny made him act his interview out at least once a week to make sure it was perfect. Finally, the tense smile left for a sincere one, who were you to hold grudges from years ago and spit on your friend’s, or almost friend’s, success.
At some point in the night, way too many cocktails were drowned and tested, with alcohol or without, at the end of the night the three boys were at least a bit tipsy, you were at least buzzed by their loud discussion and laughs. You know your teenage self would be screaming at you, but here’s the thing, you aren’t a teenager anymore, you’re a young adult, as they like to call you, and you want to behave like so.
Your hand finds Mark’s arm, catching his attention as you lightly tap the fabric of his shirt. The white button-up he was wearing for the interview was starting to get wrinkled, but he certainly didn’t care, his sleeves pushed up, the way he didn’t even fold them were making you slightly anxious.  
You almost laughed at the puzzled look he gave you for a moment, a smile stretched your lips as you finally spoke. “Congrats on the internship, Mark.”
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One thing was sure, Mark had a lot of hope for this internship. After all, the fact that he worked there for a week looked good on his student’s dossier, but if they also added that he worked hard and well, that could be an important point for a future employer. Maybe he dreamed a bit too much, after all, he was on his first year but, if they saw that he worked hard and most importantly, was serious and had potential, maybe they would keep him in mind after he graduated.
Needless to say, Mark was putting a lot of hope in this. On his first day, he wore some formal clothes, something similar to the button-up he wore for the interview and he swore he couldn’t stop smiling when they gave him the white blouse and a little tag with “Mark Lee” written on it.
The laboratory was huge, even after a month he was sure he could get lost in it but luckily for him, someone took him under their wing. Doyoung had been working there for almost two years now, he made sure to make Mark visit everything the first day, would sit with him during lunch and introduce him to his friends. Doyoung knew what he was doing, he knew he was giving the brunette a chance to make contacts and perhaps play with them after he graduated. The men quickly grew fond of Mark, actually seeing a younger him in the boy.
On the first day, he didn’t get to do a lot, but it was good enough. After all, they made important things there, like drugs, and if he messed up, a lot of people would suffer from it. He knew he wouldn’t get to play with some experiments but watching was already a great experience for him.
After three days, Mark didn’t miss the opportunity to loudly enter the coffee shop pretty late in the afternoon, the only day his internship allowed him to get out early, not that he actually wanted to leave as soon as possible. For a good hour or two, he explained everything about the building, what they did and what he saw, no need to say that when he started talking about some experience they were doing for some new drug and what chemicals they were using, your art student self, the two music student didn’t quite catch everything. But being the good friends you three were, you would nod and listen anyways.
You have to say your interest got poked when he mentioned the closed room he didn’t visit yet, apparently, they kept small animals there to test drugs on them.
“Animal testing.”, you simply said, the tone in your voice enough to project your opinion on the subject.
“They’re actually trying to reduce animal testing until at some point, they’ll just stop doing it.”, Mark said, taking a sip of his black tea, the same he drank every time he stayed a bit at the coffee shop, glancing over at Jaehyun. The boy was big on cruelty-free products and even had one of Lush’s bags to prove it, one of his eyebrows raising, telling him to continue.
“Basically they’re testing on spiders right now, but as time goes by they’ll start testing on cells and human tissue.”, he said, almost too casually. What he didn’t say though, was that he asked about animal testing to Doyoung just to inform you and Jaehyun. Yes, he also was against animal testing but he knew the two of you were a lot, lot more passionate by the subject.  
“Wait, spiders ?”, you asked, after you finished your cup of chocolate. You didn’t even know testing on spiders were a thing, you knew about rat, mouse, and rabbit. Maybe you didn’t really hold spiders close to your heart but it didn’t mean you couldn’t feel bad for them, not now that you knew some weird drug were being tested on them just for humans.
“Yeah, the room I was talking about earlier, that’s where they keep them. Doyoung said he would show me tomorrow and I don’t know if I’m more excited or completely terrified to be in a room with like, thousands of different spiders.”
“Can you imagine if someone like, leaves the door open and all the spiders escape.”, that’s the only thing Johnny found appropriate to say, a noise of disgust coming from both you and Jaehyun and you were sure he felt the same shiver run down his spine as you looked at Johnny in horror, who didn’t seem fazed at all.
“Everything’s pretty secured there, not a single chance that a spider could escape his box, even less the whole fucking troupe guys.”
And oh, if he knew.
Mark liked to think that he was a rather cautious young man, for a lack of better words. He always looked both ways before crossing, he was always cautious when driving, he never got in any sticky situations, but really, he couldn’t know what was coming.
As he was standing in front of the white door, he waited like the good student he was for Doyoung. Now that he took the time to think about it, he could really see himself working here, some people already knew him, greeting him as they walked by. Deep down he was anticipating the last day, but he would cherish this week and all the opportunities he had the chance to have.
“Good afternoon Mark.”, Doyoung’s voice could be heard from the other end of the corridor, lightly singing the college student’s name. His pitch-black hair were a bit messy, which was particularly strange for the men who was always clean on his image.  The sleeves of his white blouse had been crunched up to his elbows, and only then did Mark remember that Doyoung had a reunion for a new drug right before.
A polite smile stretched the boy’s lips as he turned to face the one he considered his mentor now, putting his hand forward so he could shake his.
“Alright, the reunion’s not over yet so, I’m going to unlock the door for you because I trust you. But Mark, make sure to push the door when you leave and it’ll lock itself.”
Only then did Mark notice the way his eyebrows furrowed for a moment, he didn’t dare ask him to stay or even talk about his reunion, not with how quickly he whipped his card out of his pocket, scanning the back. His thumb quickly tapped in the code he seemed to remember by heart, before pushing the door and taking a step back.
“Or you l-“, started Mark, never getting the chance to finish his sentence.
“I have to go kiddo, be careful and don’t let them run away.”, as the only thing he said before walking away, throwing finger guns at the youngest before quickly walking back to the reunion. Really out of his usual state.
Alright, maybe that’s not how Mark imagined his day, after all, he never entered any room without anyone’s supervision, he doubted that Doyoung wasn’t breaking some rule by letting him, a young college student, in a room full of spiders with God knows what in their system. The boy even took a few seconds to rip his eyes away from the figure of the brunette quickly walking away, not quite realizing until the corridor went silent as his footsteps faded away.
Mark didn’t really want to stay in that room alone, he wanted someone to tell him about the species and they were used for, but now he was sure he would just look at them for a few minutes before walking away. When finally, he dared looking at the unlocked door, he at least had to say that it was quite intriguing, from afar. The blue hue coming from the slightly opened door had the power to spike his curiosity, what sounded like a powerful AC helping the room to stay rather fresh.
After all, if it was opened, he could at least give it a look, right? Shrugging his shoulders to himself, his hand easily pushed the wooden door, revelling the squarish room to the college student. Surprisingly, the room wasn’t too blue, he could at least see in front of him, make out the numerous cages, vivarium for the spiders. At first, he didn’t see them. His head to the side, Mark took the first step in, being careful not to close the door behind him, afraid he would lock himself in. Against each wall, he could count three lines of four vivariums, all the same size. They all looked quite the same, some sand or some dirt, some plants and a branch.
Nothing out of the ordinary, really.
His attention first got caught by the way the light danced on his skin, how his rings would catch the blue neon. The room was fairly silent, aside from the vibrating sound of the AC, he took a few footsteps, getting in the middle of the room. At first, it looked like all the vivariums were empty, only when he walked a bit more did he notice some movement.
Keeping his hands behind his back, Mark got curious for a moment. Behind one large wooden branch, at first, he didn’t see anything before a black spider’s legs finally made its way on the piece of tree. The college student didn’t really flinch, he never had a fear for spiders so he didn’t even need to be afraid when they were safely locked in these boxes.
When finally, the spider showed itself, not paying any attention to the men in front of its house, Mark had to say that at least, he never saw any spider that looked like that. Pitch black, he was sure the spider wasn’t noticeable in the dark, making it even more dangerous. Long, skinny legs, a red dot was in the middle of its small body.
Looking for anything with a bit of information, Mark searched around the box, nothing really showed the name of the spider of its species, maybe they stored the documents on top of the boxes, he wondered for a moment. He was tall enough to reach the top of the vivariums, but he couldn’t quite see it. Getting a bit closer to the box, he made sure to not leave any fingerprints on the glass before getting on his toes, his hand flat on the top.
Mark could make the opening of the vivarium, making sure to avoid it, he searched for a few seconds more but never did his hand bump into any paper. His hand did bump into something, but he didn’t know what, not paying much attention before passing his hand one last time. He didn’t hide his deception when he couldn’t find anything, his eyes getting lost for a moment in the vivarium in front of him. On his toes, he could see almost everything in the box, but strangely, he didn’t see any spider.
Looking for a moment from side to side, he could see the other spiders, every one different from the other. One finally got his attention, yellowish body, but before he could even look at the insect a bit more, a small gasp escaped his lips. Immediately taking his hand away, Mark tumbled backwards, almost bumping into the stacks of vivarium behind him. Confused look contorted his features as he took a moment to realize. His hand probably touched a loose piece of metal, his skin probably getting hurt on the sharp object, right? Under the blue light, his blood looked almost black, the two dots so noticeable on the skin of his palm.
Two dots, two dots. The skin around the two holes seemed to burn, his hand growing numb. His eyes widen in realization, they didn’t miss the small black object moving on the floor, looking a bit lost. Mark almost lifted his feet to crush the animal, now that he was looking at it a bit more, it wasn’t black, but brown. He must’ve bitten him and was still on his hand when he backed away, the fall was probably really disorientating for the spider.
Mark couldn’t believe his eyes, one of the spiders had escaped. A curse escaped his lips, his hand flat on the wound, making sure to not leave any trace of blood on the floor. For a quick second, he didn’t really know what to do, his heart was still calming down from the pain of the bite, his mind not quite cooperating after realizing he had one of these spiders in front of him.
He had to think quickly, and leave as quickly. His valid hand took a tissue from his back pocket, one he always carried with him. Not thinking twice, he threw the fabric on the spider before it could run away again, and before it could escape the dark prison, Mark quickly picked it up, almost running to the vivarium.
The college student’s eyes couldn’t leave his dorm’s selling, the index of his left hand tracing the homemade bandage he had for his wound. After what happened, Mark quickly ran to the bathroom, making sure no one was there. He wasn’t sure what he risked, after all, he didn’t let the spider escape, it escaped on its own, but he didn’t want to put Doyoung in trouble for letting him, a young college student, all alone in such a place.
Maybe it was too late and maybe it was unnecessary but he bought his lips to his mound anyway, sucking to blood before spitting, he saw that in a documentary once. He wasn’t even sure if the spider was dangerous, sure he was a bit lightheaded from the chock but his body didn’t seem to react.
He didn’t want anyone to know what happened in that room, he didn’t want it to be heard, so he acted like nothing happened. He made sure to close the door behind him and even stayed a bit more before finally going back to his dorm.
Everything was normal, really, at least he tried to convince himself. He quickly walked back to his dorm, made some food, slipped into his more comfortable clothes. He had been eating pasta for the past week and decided to switch it up for some ramen that night, picking his grey sweatpants and a random hoodie before getting under his blanket, tomorrow was his day off and he could treat himself to some Netflix and fall asleep as late as he wanted as long as it wasn’t after the break of dawn.
Really, everything was normal, he almost forgot about the bite, if it wasn’t for exactly three episodes into Umbrella Academy, around one in the morning. Mark’s wound started itching, at first he didn’t pay much attention, he didn’t want to. But the more he ignored it, the more he felt like the wound was burning, more than it did when the spider bit him.
Lightly, his fingernails scratched the bandage, he didn’t want to hurt himself even more but the itching was so annoying and loud that he unconsciously clenched his jaw, the bone enlightens by his laptop screen. He had to say, he might have panicked a bit when his heart started beating loudly in his ribcage, his ears growing hot, he couldn’t even hear the soft dialogue of his episode.
The more time passed, the more his focus on his screen faded, he couldn’t even pay attention to what was happening as he tried to control his breathing. Under his sweatshirt, his chest was moving up and down irregularly, was he having a panic attack? It never happened to him, but somehow he knew it wasn’t that, it was something else. Cold sweat appeared on his hairline, and that’s when he really started panicking.
Moving his laptop to the side, the screen almost hit the wall of his dorm room, moving his blanket away to completely expose his body to the cold air of the night but it didn’t even change anything. His feet on the floor didn’t even help to regulate his body temperature, neither did the half bottle of water he drowned in seconds.          
Something was wrong, but never did Mark felt like giving in the panic. His hand quickly found his phone lost in his huge blanket, activating his flashlight, he was quick to raise on his feet, putting aside the way he felt lightheaded and almost dizzy at how quickly he got up.
He didn’t even know if he had the right to walk outside of his room at this hour, to be frank he didn’t really read the rules of his dorm but he needed to go to the bathroom anyway, he needed to splash some water on his face and stop this panic.
The whole process to go to the building’s bathroom was a blur, thankfully he didn’t come across anything and he quickly got a hold of the faucet, letting the water run for a moment. His eyes took a moment to get familiar to the white artificial light of the room, the white walls not making anything to help.
Strangely, he didn’t look weird, nothing was strange about his face, about his appearance. Yes, he looked a bit panicked, a bit sweaty but he didn’t get any allergic reaction so why did he feel so…weird, so bad? He starred at his figure for a moment. He had to stop giving in to the panic, he had to think rationally, maybe he ate something bad, maybe the ramens weren’t good anymore, maybe he needed sleep. After all, he had a few rough and full days, maybe staying up late wasn’t a good idea. Yes, it was probably something like that.
Bringing his hands under the water running down, he looked at it for a moment. Breathe in, breathe out, before he brought his hands to his face. The cold water sure helped calming his features, his jaw relaxing, it helped cool his temperature.
A sigh left his lips, his shoulders relaxing as he shook his hands, he needed to calm down. His attention got caught once again by the white, homemade bandage, thinking for a few seconds. With the water, the sticky fabric started lifting up from his skin. He just wanted to check, see if it had gotten worse, so the sleepy college student quickly took the bandage off, he could make a new one if he needed to. For a second, he really thought he was sleepy, for a moment.
The wounds were gone.
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[6:39 PM] Jaehyun: Hey dumbass, you’re almost 40 minutes late, where are you?
Mark doesn’t respond, he doesn’t even know where his phone is. The vibrations make it sound like his phone’s everywhere at the same time, he almost feels them in his spine, both his hands closing around his ears.
[6:55 PM] Jaehyun: We’ll wait five minutes, not a minute more so you better get your ass here quickly.
The college student desperately tries to understand where he is for a moment, he just woke up in a cold sweat yet again, but he doesn’t even remember falling asleep. His mind is still fogged by sleep, or rather the lack of it. Strangely, the floor’s clean, weirdly clean.
[7:05 PM] Jaehyun: Hey, are you ok?
He doesn’t even know himself.
It’s been a few days since the bite, but he didn’t really keep track since his internship ended. Since he left the laboratory, he didn’t feel like himself anymore. Truth be told, when the wounds disappeared, he just brushed it off, maybe he bled a little and the wounds were too small for him to see and he didn’t want to become paranoid over such a small incident. But he couldn’t deny the fact that he felt, different. Waking up in a cold sweat became too familiar, he would run to the bathroom and had to change his clothes at least once every night. He quickly ran out of clothes to wear, forcing him to do his laundry multiple times a week.
He didn’t know if nightmares would wake him up, he didn’t remember his dreams, it felt like he didn’t dream at all and just woke up tangled in his sheets, in a pool of his sweat, completely disoriented every time. At first, he thought he was sick, but he didn’t have any fever despite the weird feeling of being slightly out of your body and seeing things your mind creates to trick you.
As the days went by, his muscles felt more and more sore. It started with his arms, at first he thought it was because he forgot to stretch after his sport session, but arms day was last week. It spread to his shoulders, tense and back arched, he only felt at ease when he was resting, laying. Quickly, his legs didn’t resist, and yesterday he couldn’t even study for more than an hour before he felt like all his resources left his body.
He fell asleep on his desk so quickly, all the will in his body couldn’t even keep him awake for more than a few minutes. Once again, dreamless night, he woke up in the dead of the night, cold sweat collecting on his forehead. Really, these past days only left the shadow of who Mark once was. He barely ate, slept a lot, didn’t get any work done. Even when he slept, he barely got any peace or any energy, he barely felt less sleepy.
All of this, all of this was strange and unusual for him. Mark Lee has always been an energic kid, an energetic men. Never did he ever felt so tired, so out of everything. Mark rather was the type to work even more after school, he had a lot of energy and everyone knew about it, from his parents to his teachers. At first, he tried to stay calm and find some rational reason. After all, he just started college and it was pretty stressed, he had to admit even if he didn’t like to give in to stress, he just finished a week-long internship where he had a few missions, so really, it must be that. It could be it but this, this right now, was not normal at all.
When finally, the sleep started fading away, small eyes taking the fading sunlight in, only then did Mark found that he was a bit more alive. For once in a few days, his body didn’t feel sore, he could stretch a bit and his muscles wouldn’t scream at him. He could fully breathe in, take a deep breath in and look out the window. It was still pretty early but the sun was weirdly down… His eyes narrowed for a moment as a yawn escaped his lips, one of his hands rubbing his eyes. His head tilted to the side, was the building in front of him…upside down?
He almost laughed, before looking up. That’s when a scream escaped his lips, completely uncontrolled, panicked wide eyes took in his room, just like he left it but upside down. He almost pinched himself, what type of dream was that, he looked again at his room before his eyes focused on his feet.
He was on his ceiling.
And as soon as he realized, taking in his ceiling and the way the sunshine filtered through his blinds from way too close, he fell down. The loud sound echoed in his room, alongside his whine as he rolled on his side, the college student didn’t know but his carpet and thick blanket he left on the floor managed to absorb a bit of the pain. Whines escaped his lips for a few more seconds as his hands pressed on his arms, he was sure to have bruises there and on his sides, staying there for a few moments.
“What the fuck.”, what the fuck just happened, what the fuck was that? He was on his ceiling, just moments before, he was up there. He didn’t imagine it, it wasn’t a dream, he saw the way the building in front of him was upside down, he saw his bedroom from up there. He couldn’t explain it but he knew he wasn’t hallucinating, he had bruises to prove it, the way he fell in the middle of his room and how bad his arm ached told him he didn’t simply fell from his bed.
“Hey, Mark. Are you ok ?”, a voice came from the door, he couldn’t mistake the voice of Johnny. He certainly wanted to check up on him, heard his body falling from a few meters, or his whines, and wanted to check. The room fell silent for a minute, Mark needing time to register the situation and find how he would respond. He knocked a few times on the thin wooden door, as thin as the walls clearly, and the young men called for his friend again.
“Uh, yeah. Yes, don’t worry !”, he, himself, wasn’t convinced at all. His voice was somehow still sleepy, shaking slightly. He managed to get up on his elbows, having trouble to even flip on his stomach to face the door.
“Do you need help ?”, asked Johnny, sounding worried. Clearly, he didn’t believe what Mark said in the slightest. The thing is, after months of friendship, Mark had a key to Johnny’s room and Jaehyun’s room, which ultimately meant that Johnny probably had a key to Mark’s room as they were speaking. Whatever was happening right now, whatever was going on with him, his body or his mind, Mark didn’t want anyone to see it. Both ashamed and scared, him, the well put together from the group, didn’t even want his close friends to see his bruised and tired, sleepy body down on the floor for some reason, he didn’t want anyone to see the bags under his eyes and the way they were big with a mixture of both fear and shock. He was scared, scared of what was going on, he didn’t want to talk about it to anyone before he, himself, figured it out.
“No, no don’t worry. I’m just tired and…I need sleep.”, was the only thing he managed to get out, his legs kicking his blanket away without any successful result. At his voice, he was sure his friend could tell something was going on inside that room.
“Mark, don’t lie to me.”, the music major said, sounding a bit disappointed. After all, he was his friend and he couldn’t bear having him lying so blatantly and skipping a friend date without a reason. Before he could even respond, Mark heard the distinct noise of a key sliding in his bedroom’s door, understanding quickly that he wasn’t planning on letting him get away so easily.
Without even understanding, his right hand lifted up. It was just a reflex, he didn’t think it would stop his friend from entering his room, it was just a vain attempt but as soon as his hand lifted, guided towards the door, a white string shot out quicker than he could understand. If his eyes weren’t already wide, they were probably about to pop out. Right in front of his eyes, a white, thick spider web-linked the door to the wall, keeping it from opening. Mouth agape, Mark watched almost horrified as his friend tried to open the door but kept struggling to push it, not knowing what was the problem.
“What the fuck.”
See, Mark Lee is a smart boy. From day one, he used to get those star stickers in kindergarten, he would get high grades in junior high school, always staying at the top of his class and unlike his classmates, his grades didn’t crash once in high school. Somehow, he managed to keep his grades impressively high while keeping a social life. Maybe he had to work a bit more at the start of college but after all, it was superior studies, he had to work. He was also a smart boy outside of studies, so really, when he couldn’t understand what was wrong with him, he couldn’t help but feel extremely frustrated.
For a good hour after Johnny left, slightly hurt and even more worried, the college student spent a good part of the beginning of the night trying to figure out exactly what was wrong with him. He pinched himself a few times, he tried to wake up but deep down he knew he was already awake, from the moment he saw the sun upside down. He knew he was awake, yet he couldn’t believe his eyes.
When his body finally allowed it, he raised to his feet, checking his body. Nothing. Not a bruise, not even a red-ish area, it was like nothing happened yet again. Maybe then, he would’ve given in to the idea that he was hallucinating, if only he didn’t have the huge spider web in front of his eyes to prove that something was going on.   Hesitant fingers traced the spider web. It came from his hand, or his fingers, he didn’t know, but he put two and two together.
Believe himself or believe science and all he learned so far. If he believed what his teachers, what everyone told him for those past twenty years, he feared he might go crazy. Nothing, no book, no specialist, nothing and no one could explain what was going on with his body. If he believed himself, he took the risk to be seen as a crazy person, a freak, a delusional. But after all, he saw what he could do with his body now, great things, but scary things. If he believed himself, he had to understand by himself, and that’s what he chose.
When finally, after a long night of sleep which was surprisingly helpful, he finally texted you, Johnny and Jaehyun to reassure the three of you, he finally decided to understand things by himself, he almost lost all reason. See, Mark never really skipped class without a good reason. He was the type to skip maybe once or twice a year, only when he was really sick or had some family emergency, that week, he skipped all his classes. Of course, he made sure to tell his teachers, talking about some cold he got after the internship that ultimately resulted in him being stuck to his bed, he managed to someone build a good enough relationship between most his teachers that they all excused him for the week.
Mark wasn’t really happy about it, he didn’t like skipping class, he knew that at the end of it all he would’ve had stacks of documents and papers and classes to learn, but if what he saw was real, if what he did wasn’t the result of sleepless nights, paranoia and stress, then he couldn’t go out before he understood everything.
Feeding himself with junk food and leftovers, his workout routine was thrown out the window. He didn’t know how, he just knew it had to do with the spider bite, obviously. But he googled, and even read articles about that specific spider that bite him and it was essentially harmless. Yes, maybe it was a bit itchy and would hurt for the first few minutes but after reading all the articles about it from the first three pages of google, Mark could confidently say that a bite from this spider wouldn’t result in hallucinations, fever, cold sweat, anything he experienced. One box was checked.
He thought about going back to the laboratory, but without the pass they took from him on the last day, it was impossible, he just had to deal with that alone for the moment. He then, after hours of researches on spiders, remembered the bite and bruises. His body and skin were undamaged. He knew, it was just logical for him to have at least a bruise on the arm and side he fell, yet nothing was there. He could touch, press, pinch, he felt nothing, ending up with him crossing another box. Maybe it was the hours of researches, the hours of torturing his mind and turning his brain just to understand what was wrong with him, but somewhere in the night between the first and second day, he decided he would check one of his theories.
His scientific mind told him it was impossible, he would probably end up in the hospital or seriously injured, but after all, his scientific mind wasn’t much help these past few days so he decided to push the thought to the side. Just a knife would be enough, a small cut on his finger he could pass as a simple domestic incident if someone asked about it. Somewhere in the night, in the middle of the campus, Mark sat exactly where he fell. Everything was silent, everyone was pretty much about to fall asleep or studying as he could see all the lights slowly going off one by one room, in the building in front of him. The cold breeze coming from his window faded the sweat collecting on his skin away as he stared a moment at the knife. He was probably going crazy, but he needed to do it, these thoughts kept coming and coming as he took a look around him, papers around his body where he noted all his experiences.
He didn’t think twice, he had to look up as he quickly brushed the cutting knife on the skin of his finger. At least, it wasn’t as bad as a paper cut, the pain wasn’t so bad, perhaps a little hiss escaped his lips as he added a band-aid, but he could deal with it. Quickly, the blood could be seen through the cotton, at least he knows he was really hurt, had a real wound. With his second hand, he grabbed his phone, almost dying, with one swift motion he opened the camera, not paying attention to the message he got. Yes, it was weird, but Mark was ultimately just working on an experiment, and he needed proof and documents to work on. If tomorrow morning, his wound was still there, he would probably put himself in a hospital.
The sigh that left his lips was loud and clear, letting his back hit his bed, only then did he look a bit more at his phone. He had a few messages from the group chat both the one with a few of his classmates and the other with you, Jaehyun and Johnny. But he also had a private one from none other than you.
[10:23 PM] Y/N: Hey, how are you feeling?
Mark started at the screen for a moment. The men was slightly delusional, Mark was the type of person who thought no one really cared about him, or just because of manners. Sure, you, Jaehyun and Johnny expressed some concerns in the group chat which he quickly brushed off but he didn’t know you cared enough to text him privately. Weirdly, it kind of makes him feel good, like he wasn’t really alone. Only when the blue bubbles appeared on the screen, disappeared again, before popping up again did he understand that you were typing and erasing, just like he was doing.
[10:25 PM] Mark: Hey, I’m feeling the same to be honest.
And just as he sent the text, you sent one too, a small smile stretching his lips at the message.
[10:25 PM] Y/N: I made some soup today, want some ?
The thing is, you two never saw each other one on one, at least not in the past ten years. Yes, you two got a bit closer, and a lot more civilized since high school but so much more is happening right now, as Mark started yet again at the screen, not knowing what to answer.
You, on the other side, the building just in front of Mark’s dorm, stare at your screen just like he is doing at that exact moment. You can’t really believe yourself but, you do worry about him. You’re kind of obligated to, too, especially when both Jaehyun and Johnny seem pretty worried about the young college student.
See, you’ve also known the men all your life, so when you heard he would be missing for one of your friend dates and that Johnny heard something, someone falling down in his dorm room, you were sure it was the satanic ritual to keep both popularity and good grades. You weren’t too worried at first, since you had to skip a friend date but when you heard the was skipping a whole, and an entire week of school, you couldn’t help but be surprised.
You remember back in high school when he skipped two days in a row and how happy you felt to finally have a few days to breathe, but now, now that you two are somehow between friends and ex-enemies, you really can’t help but wonder. To add to everything, you didn’t tell Johnny or Jaehyun, but from your room, you had a small view on Mark’s window. Sure, you didn’t see anything, but you saw how his light was always on, it seemed like he wasn’t sleeping, you remember seeing his lights on when you were about to go to sleep and at four in the morning when you needed to go to the bathroom. Even at six in the morning, when you just woke up, his lights were still on.
Perhaps you and Mark didn’t get that along for most of your lives, but you knew he was the type to keep to himself, to not tell anyone what he going through, and again, the fact that he skipped an entire week, refused to see Johnny and seemed to not sleep at all only added to your sense of worry.
That day, you decided to make some soup, both for you who got a cold after your friend date, but also for Mark. Usually, you made food for you only, you rarely had leftovers, but even if your teenager self was screaming at you for the gesture, you had to get used to the idea that you and Mark were friends, and friends look out for each other. It was both an attempt to clarify that you didn’t really hold any grudges against him after all, but also in hopes of making him feel better that you added the Thai soup to a bowl, wrapping it in some transparent paper, you had left.
Isn’t it funny how things change quickly? A few months ago, you thought Mark was long gone from your life, and now you’re almost worried and bringing him soup to his dorm. It’s weird how you also feel anxious, years of hating Mark Lee’s guts would’ve suppressed any feeling for him and yet, here you are frantically tapping your fingers on the hot bowl. Is it too much, too soon? He could’ve denied though, are is it too polite to do so?
Can a few months really change your relationship? Won’t it be weird? You don’t even have the time to think much about all these questions before he opens the door, or at least tries to. You don’t know it but, on the other side, the young men is struggling to rip the thick spider web off, letting a breathy “W-wait, just give me a second” escape from his dry lips.
The young men knew your dorm was ridiculously close, actually he could see your window from his, not that he checked it to make sure you got home or anything, but he didn’t think you’d come so quickly.
The weird and new feeling of goosebumps rising on the back of his neck somehow told him you were close, he had to quickly kick his blanket on his bed, find a way to hide the too many boxes of noodles he had laying around and at least, at the very least, make it look like he was working. Only then did he have the time to give his attention to the web, going back and forth in his bedroom before he found a pair of scissors, hiding both the white thing and tool in a drawer.
Mark hoped he at least looked presentable.
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“Mark Lee? Lee Mark ? Mark and you ?”, Yerim asks over the phone, making you roll over on your stomach. You suddenly regret even telling your old high school about last night, the way she pronounces Mark’s name and yours in the same sentence telling enough about how she’s feeling. 
“Don’t make a big deal out of it.”, you whine on your end of the phone, hiding your face in your soft pillow. Really, you needed to tell someone about the night before and both Johnny and Jaehyun were crossed from your list. They didn’t even know that Mark actually knew you quite well back in the days, let alone that the two of you despited each other.
Yerim was the third-best option, she knew the history between you and Mark, was free and wasn’t sick of hearing you complain like many of your friends. 
“It is a big deal ?”, she started, her tone almost questioning your point of view. “You’ve been hating his guts for years, Y/N. And you’ve been telling me all about it for years too.” 
A deep sigh left your lips, really you didn’t know how to respond. The blonde was right, though. It kind of was a big deal, but you didn’t want to blow such a thing out of proportion. Your fingers ticked at a loose thread coming out of your blanket, a pout forming on your lips. “I knooow.” 
Ah, what was Mark Lee doing to you? The night before, when he opened the door and looked like he had run the marathon to clean his bedroom, you couldn’t help but laugh at him, his tense shoulders dropping down as soon as he heard the sound. 
You had spent the extremely short walk to his dorm wondering if being alone with him wouldn’t be weird and thankfully, it hadn’t been, at any point of the night. You wonder if him being sick and probably a bit feverish by the look on his face didn’t make the whole thing easier, after all, who wants to act though and actively keep grudges when sick? 
Your initial plan was to drop the soup, ask how he was doing and bolt out, make the experience short to avoid any chances of it getting ugly, but Mark had insisted for you to at the very least take a seat and tell him about the friend date he missed. The way he asked wasn’t forced, it wasn’t just something to be polite, and after all, Mark hadn’t seen anyone in quite a while now. The young man was the extrovert, he fed off social interactions, maybe that’s why he felt a bit happy to see you. Being sleep deprived does things to you, he figured. 
The five minutes trip you had planned turned into two hours, Mark was eating his soup on his bed, not wanting you to sit on it because it was “A bed of batteries”, while you sat on his desk chair, making it turn around occasionally as you told him about Johnny’s scream when he thought he lost his camera, Jaehyun’s failed attempt at dinner the other day. 
“And then ?”, asked Yerim, her mouth full of the cupcake she was chewing on. 
“Then? I got back to my dorm.”, you said like it was obvious and didn’t know why she was asking. On the other end, you could clearly hear her disappointment, yet another sigh leaving her lips. 
“Boring.”, she sang, your eyes rolled yet another time before she brushed her words off as a joke. “So, after all these years, are y’all friends ?”, she asked. 
Your head tilted to the side, from your spot, you could see his bedroom window, the light suddenly turning on in the small square as the night started settling in. 
“I guess we are friends now.” 
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“Spring is here, read all about your campus’ events to celebrate !”, the headline reads as Mark scrolls down Mingtian’s website, remembering him how weeks had passed since the incident in the lab.
Crazy how your life can change so quickly, so drastically. Mark didn’t really have the time to look back, or maybe he feared doing it. Either way, his life wasn’t the same. A few days after you brought him some soup was all he needed to get back on his feet and get his thoughts together. Long gone was the shadow of himself he’d seen in the black screen of his laptop when another episode loaded on Netflix. 
Firstly, it didn’t take long for him to figure out that this never happened to anyone, anything like this, for the matter. Mark had dreams, a lot, and one of them was for him to discover something that would break science, find something no one ever laid eyes on before him, and he had it, it was him.  Sure, he didn’t expect such a thing to actually happen, nor happen so early on, but he could work with it, as terrifying as it was. 
Second, he figured that thing wasn’t doing anything too harmful to his body. A battery of tests and his doctor told him he was completely healthy without a doubt. So, he was here, actually healing faster when he got hurt, bruises and cuts disappearing in a day or two, hours if it was small. He could apparently walk on walls, but he didn’t really try again after that night he was stuck on his celling, and had something with spider webs that he would keep and test whenever he had the time. 
And that’s how, on third, he started thinking about helping people with his powers. (Mark actually didn’t want to use this word before a few days ago, but he had to face it, it was the definition of superpowers.) See, the thing is, superheroes weren’t unknown, they just didn’t happen in his city, did Mark Lee really have the pretention to be the first one here? 
After years of reading comics, going wide-eyed in front of the news channels, he knew that he’d have a lot on his shoulders. 
A lot of back and forth, could he rely on his powers? What was he really capable of? He didn’t know. For weeks, he locked himself in, he feared testing everything on the outside world until one night, he did it. 
Winter was still present in the air, but the early spring prevented the wind from biting the young man’s skin. The hoodie he was wearing close to his body, he kept his head low as he walked on campus, hands in his pocket. 
In the dead of the night, the streets were empty, only a few people had given up on classes at the time, making them the only people out at this hour, mostly drunk. As lights were going out one by one behind every window, Mark made his way further into the campus, until he reached a place far from only anyone at that time, the vacant stadium. 
“The campus’ superhero! All we know for now.”
Mark almost missed it, if the word “superhero wasn’t in bold, red letters. 
Without missing a beat, the student’s finger tapped on his screen, turning his brightness to the lowest setting. In the background, your conversation with Jaehyun only became a blur as Mark’s ears seemed to ring, his skin burning a bright red as he found hard to focus on such simple words.
The article was short, blurry and dark pictures didn’t even come close to being dangerous for his privacy, and clearly, they didn’t have a lot of information on him. The article clearly was written in the heat of the moment, little proof meaning little people would believe it right away, nothing was clear and set. Speculations on his age, his major. 
Apparently, someone had seen him on his last night out, the anonymous witness talked about seeing him shot something he couldn’t identify, seeing him climbing a wall before he lost him. 
Many comments weren’t taking the whole thing seriously, yet. It made Mark feel a lot, lot better to know that maybe, just maybe, he had a bit more time left to get ready himself before getting forced to show himself to the world. Vine references about how he was on “XGames mode”, and other memes managed to relax him a bit, before he tumbled upon other comments. 
Some didn’t believe yet, some made assumptions already, those got to Mark Lee. If it was real, he needed to be tested, some said, they needed to find him. The city’s own hero, what a task, he wouldn’t and couldn’t stay hidden too long. They went on, and on, never getting tired of their theories. 
“Oh my god.”, Mark whispers, his finger stuck on the screen, refusing to exit the app. 
“What did you say ?”, Jaehyun asked, chewing on his gum, his attention switching from you to Mark. Only Johnny was missing, his pause starting soon, you three were seated at your usual table in the café. The sun would set a bit later than usual, the golden light filtering through the large windows, the café emptying as it usually was busy early in the day. 
Mark looked up, eyebrows shot up to hide under his dark locks, his eyes moving back and forth from yours to Jaehyun’s, amusement from his sudden reaction clear on the other men’s eyes. “You look like you saw a ghost.”
“I- eh…I just blacked out for a moment.”, Mark finally managed to let out, locking his phone before leaving it on the table, people started talking about the new phenomena way too soon, he didn’t expect this big of exposure without even having everything figured out himself. 
Oh, the superhero life didn’t suit him that well. 
“You’ve been doing it pretty often these days, did you get some rest ?”, you asked, tilting your head to the side. Bringing your cup of tea to your tinted lips, you took a sip, almost chuckling against it as he got lost in his thoughts again, but this time, you were in the centre. 
Maybe it was the lack of sleep due to coming finals, mixed with the slight shock he still had lingering around and the colour of lipstick you chose to wear today, but he took a bit too long to detach his eyes from the nude stain of the white object. Maybe it was the guilt from not telling any of his closest friends, the guilt he had because as time when by, he felt himself drifting away. 
“Yah, this kid is always dreaming”, Johnny’s loud voice and his hand ruffling his dark lock finished to bring him back to reality, a smile softening his features. The tallest took a seat next to him, making the new superhero look small in comparison. He couldn’t help but notice as he thanked Johnny for the cup of coffee, did he have the shoulders to do it? He wasn’t buff, he wasn’t extremely tall, he wasn’t the one to actively go to the gym, he had a few muscles from dancing and sports but so many guys religiously went to the gym for more, and more. 
“What are you dreaming about ?”, teasingly asked Jaehyun, to wish Mark decided to ignore at first. His cup of coffee was brought to his lips, his eyes stuck on the beige table, he vaguely listened to the conversation, trying to keep himself in, the conversation going back and forth until you giggled at something Johnny said. 
“I’m sure he is, I’m sure he’s daydreaming about this superboy.” 
Mark shocked on his coffee. 
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Mark smirks, maybe he does, maybe he does have the shoulders to be the superhero they want him to be. 
But if he doesn’t ? He doesn’t care. 
That’s what he needed to figure out, that’s what has been blocking him for days after the article. Expectations from people he didn’t know, people that didn’t know him. He didn’t have anything to prove, and if he had something, it was something he had to prove to himself. 
His head tilts to the side, the skin-tight black hood only showing his eyes keeping his earbuds from falling. In his ears, the music at a low level only accompanies the street’s noise. Cars drive by, never noticing the shadow lurking at the top of a building, their wheels crush the small bits of wet pavement, a few passerby walk with their heads low towards their phone.  
Everyone looks small underneath him, he blended with the buildings, invisible but all-seeing. After rain’s fragrance tickle his senses despite the thick fabric covering his face, his upper body hangs off the wall, even like this, he’s so high no one see him.
He doesn’t fear falling, he’s confident in himself. After weeks of practice, he knows what he’s capable of. 
After a moment of observing the street’s movement, Mark decides to turn around. His back on the end of the wall, his shoulders, arms and head hanging off. He takes a breath, arms spread, eyes on the sky. It’s getting darker, he notices, the dark blue turning black as minutes go by, stars flickering in and out of his view. 
He’s excited more than afraid, the night sky going black his signal to get up and finally give it a try. His shoes kick a few rocks as he gets up, not even taking a second to brush the dust out of his hoodie. 
He’s on one of the tallest buildings, people are working underneath him, the lights never going off. Another tall building in front of him, the bank. It doesn’t have as many windows as the one he’s towering on, the pale granite looking almost grey under the artificial lights.
That’s the one he had his eyes on, taller from a few meters, he couldn’t make out the roof of the building, but that’s what he wanted. Mark’s eyes didn’t leave the end of the wall of the building, slowly taking steps further and further away. He needed to gain momentum, the steps at a rhythm, forcing his breathing at the same tempo. When the young man’s back finally touched the wall, he knew he had to do it quickly.
Quickly before he lost all confidence.
And so, he did.
Workers underneath him probably wondered what or who was walking, or rather, running on their rooftop. Running as fast, as hard as possible, he didn’t let his mind register what was happening as his right foot landed on the wall he was resting minutes before, one leg pushed his body off the building, and before his mind could understand that he was in the air without protection, he shots.
In milliseconds, the white string easily attaches itself to the wall of the bank, almost invisible yet so strong. Quickly, both his hands gripped the spider web, if he had enough force, he could do it. His arms pulled, as hard as he could, and for a split second, he swore he touched the sky.
He touched the sky, and before he could realise it, he was on the second building’s rooftop.
His back is the first one to hit the rooftop, hard and small rocks digging into his skin. It might hurt now, but everything will go fairly quickly. Furthermore, that’s not what Mark is focused on.  His body rolls for a few meters before he manages to stop himself with his hand and foot, thinking that he should probably wear gloves next time. 
Heart beating against his ribcage, he stays like this for a moment, face inches from the floor, hand firmly on the surface like he fears falling. He did it, he was on the other building. Slowly, the college student gets up, he feels even taller now, the rooftop he was standing on seconds before under him, he really did it. 
He could do anything. 
Adrenaline pumping through his veins, he looked down at the string he shot waving in the air, deciding he’s let it like this, a trace of where his night started. 
After this, Mark was unstoppable, long gone were his fears, the city was his. 
Restaurants, cafes, streets he only knew during the day looked so much more interesting from his point of view, high and proud. When his attention isn’t on the streets, mindlessly trying to find something interesting, his attention was on the skyline, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, he was getting comfortable. 
The young student stopped fearing the jump, he didn’t hesitate anymore, his reception getting cleaner, his footsteps soundless.  He could do this all Friday night, he felt a new type of freedom, something he couldn’t quite describe as he shot yet another string, the night wind puffing his sweatshirt, licking away the sweat forming on his stomach.
He could’ve stayed there all night long, if he hadn’t been stopped dead in his tracks between two smaller buildings as he was risking his way back to the campus. 
The loud sound of a door metal door stopped him at first, his shoes landed on the convenience store’s rooftop.  Although it was indeed Friday night, and most parties were still going on at this hour, he hadn’t come across any fights, at least nothing this loud. 
Before he could get a good view on the scene, he had to crouch down, on hand on the triangle-shaped roof as he tried his best to stay invisible despite the large neon sign a few meters behind him.
And that’s when he almost fell down. 
In the dark, small street was you. Clearly angry and possibly confused, Mark could see a man that definitely was not Johnny or Jaehyun standing a few meters away from you, keeping you from walking away.    Mark understood right away, but he didn’t expect any action so soon, nonetheless with someone he knew involved. 
Slightly frozen at the top, he decided he’d listen to the conversation a bit more. As selfish and pathetic as it may sound, he was scared. He didn’t see himself as a hero, at least, not yet. 
“Your phone, your wallet. Quick.”, the men said, Mark couldn’t see his face, he was more focused on you anyways. 
“I’m not giving you anything.”, you snapped back, Mark was worried you’d get yourself in trouble even more, his guts screaming at him to jump in and take the man down. 
“It wasn’t a question.”, clearly, the tallest wasn’t finding any of this funny, he probably also wasn’t planning on you not giving in so easily.  Menacing, he took a few steps closer, enough that your body automatically took a step back, the back door of the club and the end of the street growing further away. 
“Listen up, slut.”, he started, and as soon as you saw his hand raising, you reacted out of impulse. You were scared, yes, but as a broke student, you couldn’t just give him your phone and your wallet, just most of your life in them. The bottle you didn’t even sip on in your hand found the wall, the glass breaking easily. 
Mark’s eyebrows shot up, being almost full, the liquid in the bottle splashed all over the wall, wetting the side of your top and your shoes. Probably in survival mode, you didn’t care much, you just knew that the now broken bottle would be as sharp as a knife, enough to threaten and defend yourself if needed. 
That’s when Mark almost fell backwards, his back falling straight on the green neon light of the store. If the obvious shadow wasn’t enough, the loud noise that came with the impact finished to give away his hiding spot. 
The robber turned around, surprised as he didn’t find anyone standing behind him. You, on the other hand, wished you’ve had the reflex to hit the men as he was distracted, but how could you when a shadowy figure that somewhat looked familiar jumped from god knows where. 
You swore you didn’t drink, no one slipped anything in your drink, yet you couldn’t quite believe your eyes when this person, who looked like he materialized in front of you gave a straight punch in the other men’s face, knocking him out for a few seconds. 
A gasp left your lips as you backed away completely against the wall, the broken bottle glass falling from your grip and you swear, you swear you almost lost your mind.  The men quickly got up, the difference in sizes was obvious, he towered over your new saver, but the masked one’s next move had the power to freeze you completely. 
His hand lifted, with nothing in it, and in a second, something shot from his silhouette. You couldn’t really see it, but a moment, the tall one was ready to knock the both of you out, the moment after, the was firmly held by something on the wall. 
The large, white substance was covering his body, he could struggle and move, he was stuck. A groan escaped his lips, kicking his shoes on the floor. 
“Who are you, what the fuck is that ?”, anger was clear in his voice, but apparently your new hero didn’t want to deal with this. His hand lifted a second time, the same stringy thing, this time aimed towards the men’s face.  Touching his forehead at full impact, his head harshly crashed against the wall, surely knocking him out for a few hours. 
The questions he asked kept running in your head, the adrenaline keeping you from thinking straight, but one thing was sure, he was the one articles were talking about.  The realisation finally hit your brain, your mouth agape as he turned around. You weren’t surprised when you saw he was wearing a black and thick fabric over his face, his face contoured under the material like he was about to say something before he stopped himself. 
 You couldn’t move, too scared, too shocked, his thumb and index formed an o, silently asking you if you were ok. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m okay.”, you finally breathed, “Thank you.”
He stared at you for a second, your eyes locked and you couldn’t help but wonder where you saw those eyes. His dark brown eyes were a window to his emotions, you didn’t need to see his face to understand that he was strangely really concerned, almost scared.  Maybe he understood that he was staring, he slowly nodded, apparently, he didn’t want to talk and didn’t know how to communicate with his hands. Shooting you a thumbs up, he ended up holding his hand a bit up, palms towards you, like he was asking you to slow down, probably telling you to be careful. 
You nodded again, every one of your braincells had left your brain at this very moment, you couldn’t believe what you just saw, you couldn’t believe the sight in front of you. “Who are you ?”, you finally asked, like he was going to give you his name just like that.
He didn’t answer, he didn’t have the time before your phone started ringing. Both you and Mark recognised the special ringtone for Johnny. Without thinking, you picked up with a trembling hand, you almost forgot where you were but seeing your friend’s name on you phone only made you want to get back to security as soon as possible. 
“Yeah Johnny, I’m outside, please com-”, you started, before the masked men retreated. “No ! Wait !”, you screamed out, but he was too quick, climbing the wall of the club like it was some simple stairs he was going up. And just like that, he disappeared. 
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“Look! Look, look, look, look !”, you jumped on your seat, leaving your phone screen up on the table. Jaehyun quickly looked at it, before resting his back on his chair, torn between getting annoyed and laughing at your attitude. On your phone, was an article about the night you almost got robbed and got saved by “Spiderman”, the name you and a few other people gave him, slowly starting to take off.
You were lightly featured in the article, this wasn’t what you cared about, you cared more about the encounter, you never thought you’d see someone with powers with your own two eyes, you could hardly wrap your head around the fact that they existed. For days now, you were almost obsessed, you needed to thank him, weirdly, you didn’t remember doing it. 
Sadly for your friends, there was hardly a day without you talking about him, hardly a day where you didn’t try to understand who he was, how he became like this.
Sadly for your friends, especially for Mark. 
Oh, how he didn’t know where to put himself. He knew you’d talk about it, a little bit, but not that much. 
“Do you think he’s a student here ?”, you asked, you eyes going scanning your three friends’ faces. Mark dodged the question, shrugging his shoulders before going back to his book. 
“Most likely, yes.”, Johnny though, answered. If Jaehyun was slightly annoyed by the new obsession, Johnny, on the other hand, was getting into the entire conspiracy mood. After all, the mysterious man was the one who saved his friend when he wasn’t around, he almost felt like he owed him something.
“That’s such a weird power, though.”, Jaehyun said, stretching his legs until they were resting on your lap. Dropping you flashcards on him, you continued as he only added oil to the fire. 
“Right? I don’t think he chose this power. No one would pick this out of everything, right ?” 
“Do you think it was like, an accident ?”, Johnny asked, Mark sunk down on the sofa, bringing his book higher to hide his face. He had been reading the same phrase for the past hour, he couldn’t concentrate with his three closest friends unknowingly speculating about him. He couldn’t either deal with the fact that he didn’t tell you, he couldn’t now. He felt like it was too late.
“What do you think, Mark ?”, you asked. No matters how much you hated admitting it months ago, you knew Mark, and seeing him so out and distant was out of the ordinary. The young men usually was one of the mood makers, his loud laughs never failed to grab attention and make you follow his attitude, it didn’t take you long to understand that something was off. 
When Jaehyun was on your left, Mark was on your right, easy to reach, your fingers snapped in front of his eyes. 
“What ?”, he finally asked, making it feel like you didn’t hear his voice for hours. Both Johnny and Jaehyun had caught his odd behaviour and reaction, “His powers, what do you think he can do ?”, you asked a second time. 
“I, ugh-…I don’t know.”, he mumbled, avoiding any eye contact, his attention focusing on a random heart drawing he couldn’t memorize. Even in a bad mood, and you never really saw Mark in a bad mood, not this bad, he’d never avoid such a topic.  Mark Lee had always been kind of a nerd, he would bring comics to class, he’d get pretty excited when a new hero would break out. 
“Are you ok ?”, you finally asked, the question sounding more like a threat than anything else to the young leo. Silence was forced in the room, three pair of eyes waiting for an answer that should normally be obvious and given without a second thought. Was he ok? He didn’t really himself, to be honest. A few days prior, he was confident in himself and almost flying between buildings, now guilt and stress were the only things clouding his mind.
“Yeah, I’m ok. Just stressed.”, he shrugged, thinking he’d be able to go back to trying to work with such an answer. What he wasn’t ready for, though, was your hand on his shoulder. In a millisecond, electricity ran down his spine as he finally looked over his book. The small smile and sweet look in your eyes was one you’d usually give to your two other friends, but he definitely wasn’t used to this. 
“Don’t stress, you’ll do just fine, I promise.”, you finally tell, to which the two other agree, a series of nods and, “You will, don’t worry.”, follow your sentence. 
For the first time in a while, Mark feels small, tiny butterflies in his stomach, a pink hue creeping on his high cheeks.  See, the young men felt accepted in the friend group, something he hadn’t felt since junior high, most likely. None of you knew, but Mark needed the encouragements, more than ever. A small smile crept on his lips as he thanked you, any memories of your old bickerings long gone. Finally, the mood settled down, as everyone seemed to go back to their studies, the leo’s mind somewhat calmer. 
“Anyways, I need to find a way to thank Spiderman.” 
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"How stubborn are you ?”, your classmate Renjun asks, pushing the cubes of ice in his cup with his bright green staw. The sound gets drowned by the hubbub on the park you two are studying in. Or at least you are, eyes trying to adjust to the bright sun as you read your art book under a tree, few students passing by. 
“Very.”, you answer, tapping your pencil on your book, not taking a break from the small annotations you’ve been making. Yes, you were very stubborn, and you’ve been since your childhood. Weeks after the accident outside the club, the “encounter”, as you call it, you’re still determined to see him again, the hooded and mysterious young men almost everyone call spiderman. 
“It’s been weeks. You don’t even know who he is, where he is.”, pointed Renjun, like you’ve never heard it before, you’ve heard it from Jaehyun, Johnny, Yerim, everyone.  Sipping on his too cold iced tea, he coughed a moment as you roll your eyes, frowning at your book. 
“And ? He’s still on the campus, people saw him yesterday.”, you tell him, pouting. Putting emphasis on the last word, you almost sounded like a really dedicated fan of a still sketchy and unknown hero. But you weren’t lying, he did appear last night, Friday again. Almost flying between buildings in the chilling night, shooting spiderwebs after spiderwebs. 
 Actually, he appeared multiple times during the last weeks. Pictures clearer and clearer, it seemed like people were going out, hoping to get a glimpse of him, get the best picture yet. He always seemed to appear at night, during the weekends, but some people still managed to get some good, though grainy shots.  Average height and skinny was what you could see from the series of pictures. “That means I still have a chance to bump into him.” 
More and more, people stopped being septics, theories flying left and right on social medias, but no one really knew who was the masked student. 
“Just to thank him ?”, your friend asked, raising one of his dark eyebrows. Giving up on your book, you looked up as he spoke. 
“Yes, just to thank him.”
Saying it out loud almost made you sound ridiculous…Were you ridiculous? You just really wanted to thank him, in person and without the adrenaline that probably made you lose all of your words last time. Plus, the way he seemed so surprised as well, and how familiar his aura was only pulled you even more in.
“You’re unbelievable.” Renjun sighed, sipping on the last drops of his overpriced tea, making your crunch your nose at the noise. “So, what’s your plan ?” 
You chuckled. You don’t have one. 
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“At least try and have some fun.”, Renjun visibly pouts, at least you think he is. The dim, red light of the club isn’t helping your vision at all, eyes tired from hours upon hours on the computer. Turning your attention to your friend, you sigh against your glass, the taste of the non-alcoholised drink you ordered still lingering on your lips, the loud music isn’t helping either when you try to respond. “I’m not here to have fun!”, you’re growing more and more annoyed by the minute, you’ve been here for an hour or so but it feels like you’ve been sitting here for far more, shoe unconsciously tapping on the club’s floor as all your friends dance to the beat of the song. Needless to say, your sentence didn’t make much sense in such a setting.  This seems to be the last straw for your friend, who, you have to say, you’ve been putting through a lot, frustration clear on his face as he sits down in the booth, just a table filled with bottles and glasses between the two of you. “You’re way too focused and obsessed with this thing.” He’s right, you know he is, but it doesn’t stop you from looking down at your half-full drink, swirling the liquid around with a finger, one side of your brain refusing to understand his very rational point of view.  “Come on, let’s dance a bit ? Even if you don’t see him tonight, it’s not a big deal.”
Once again, he’s right. Even if you don’t see him tonight, it shouldn’t be a big deal, it shouldn’t affect your mood nor your night, it really shouldn’t. But see, aside from thanking him, there’s something else that really is bugging you, the more you think about it, the more it’s suspicious, but the more it feels like you’re being paranoid, delusional.  How familiar he was, you didn’t mention it, it was just a feeling and didn’t think much about it, but now that his identity was a big, red question on everyone’s lips, you truly couldn’t push the thought aside.  Maybe it was someone from your class, someone you came across while going to one of your classes, you didn’t know and Renjun didn’t let you think more about it, slender fingers wrapping around your wrist to force you on the dancefloor. 
You can’t spot Johnny, probably dancing somewhere else and out of your vision or, knowing him, taking shots at the crowded bar. Jaehyun wasn���t there, nor was Mark, the first needed to get back home, while the second needed to study for upcoming tests. 
Not having half of your group did feel weird, especially on Friday nights and weekends. But, you understood that Jaehyun was pretty homesick and needed to recharge with his family, while Mark seemed to get back to his old self and tried as best as he could to regain his first place, nothing exceptional. 
“I need some fresh air, I’ll be back soon, alright ?”, you finally tell Renjun. Fuck it, you needed to get over it, eventually, all of this would get unhealthy way too quickly.  Pushing through bodies, you quickly walked along the painted walls of the club, lights flashing and dancing on the dark colour, easily finding the door to the exit. 
One push of the door and the chilly air of this Friday night rushed on your body, licking away the thin layer of sweat that had gathered near your hairline. Outside, the campus’ streets are animated despite the cold weather, groups of friends meeting before a week of midterms. 
It’s crazy how a bit of fresh air managed to clear your mind, filling your chest before you let the fog form in front of your tinted lips. You have to correct your own posture, back straight, head high, rolling your shoulders, bones screaming from your bad postures.  Walking away from the building, you take a few steps on the main street, wandering aimlessly until you’d cleared your mind, gradually managing to think about something else that isn’t him.  But it seemed your mind wouldn’t be left peaceful for long, the world wasn’t so good on you. 
It takes a few seconds for your ears to peak up the loud screaming from afar. At first, your ears peak up, only registering how loud they’re being before understanding that a fight is taking place some meters away from you. Screams and words you can barely make out, it’s clear both parties are already pretty intoxicated, both it seems nothing physical started, yet.  Humans are curious by nature, and it shows when a few people gathered around the two drunk students, you included, walking a bit closer. Only, when you see exactly who’s arguing do you drop your curiousness to worry and fear, you didn’t recognise Johnny right away, thinking he was still in the club. But without a doubt, there he is, his leather jacket gone as his tall and impressive figure towers and walks towards the unknown second party. 
“Come on, touch me!”, the stranger taunted your close friend. If there’s one thing you rapidly figured out about Johnny, it’s that, when he was sober, the brunette wasn’t quite aware of his strength. A lot like a puppy who grew up too fast and wasn’t accommodated to his grown body. Drunk Johnny, on the other side, wasn’t afraid of acting recklessly, and it made you fear for the unknowing partygoer. 
A small crowd had formed around them, mostly cheering on, blindly pushing the fight to go on. You couldn’t let it take place, you couldn’t let it happen.  In his drunken state, Johnny gave in, fist clenched in a way you knew he’d throw it at any second, your heartbeat picked up and before you knew it, your body threw itself between the two men, not thinking twice. In seconds, you couldn’t really process the multiple shouts of your friend’s name tumbling from your lips as you desperately tried to push his body away. Somehow, you find yourself behind him, tugging at the plain white shirt he chose to wear, hands gripping the fabric. 
Most likely because of the alcohol and adrenaline running through his veins, Johnny didn’t pay any attention to you, trying to reach the stranger again and again. 
“Hit me, hit me!”, obnoxious and way too cocky for his own good, the second party you quickly learned was named “Jinyeon”, was free of his movements and quickly getting railed up.  You couldn’t hold onto Johnny for so long, it seemed no one was really trying to actively break the fight, leaving you alone. Your grip on his shirt was quickly slipping away, your desperate voice calling for your friend again and again, but it seemed you couldn’t get past his drunken mind.  And, just as your fingertips were letting go of your friend, a promise of a fight you couldn’t stop after it’d start, Jiyeon’s screams stopped. 
For a few seconds only, before his drunken swears were directed towards someone else, someone you knew too well.  Red hood mask, a collective gasp and whispers followed the appearance of the one and only campus superhero. Visibly, he liked popping out of nowhere, you didn’t even fully register his presence before he was standing between the two dunk fighters.  Despite his smaller figure, he didn’t need to use any strength to stop the fight at once, both with the surprise he caused and by the string of spider web that stuck Jiyeon’s hands together. 
“What the fuck is that ?”, he screamed, desperately trying to get the unknown substance away from him, his watered-down senses causing him to tumble backwards. Only then, did his friends walked out of the crowd, finally deciding to put an end to everything as they helped him regain his balance and walk a bit away.  You, on the other hand, was stunned, to say the least. Your hands had flopped down to your side, it seemed the mere apparition of Spiderman had managed to sobber Johnny down enough that he didn’t try to throw a fit and mimicked your moves, arms falling at his sides with an open mouth. 
“You need to calm down.”, second, or maybe the third shock of the day, you didn’t really count. The hooded hero spoke, but his voice was audibly altered, making him sound almost like a robot, a layer of autotune on his original voice.  Lips parted, you watched as he hesitantly walked towards Johnny, a clear opposite to how confident he was when he restrained Jiyeon’s hands. 
“Are you okay ?”, he spoke again, body language visibly thorn between two extremes, only when Johnny nodded did his shoulders flop down, nodding to himself. 
“Are you ?”, you asked yourself, finally processing the entire situation. It felt surreal, you never thought you’d have to stop a fight, nor a fight with one of your closest friend. 
“Yeah. I need to walk a bit.”, was the only thing he said, taking a few steps away from you as his heart-beat slowed down. 
“And…And you ?”, it almost made you jump back when your attention turned from Johnny to the campus’ hero, he had walked a bit closer, fingers tugging at his gloves.  Finally, you took a long look at his appearance, he was just like in the pictures, still wearing the same hoodie and mask over his face. Only then, did it hit you.  There was your chance to thank him ! 
You probably had a weird expression on your face, his face lolled to the side, a small gasp left your lips. You almost touched his arm, but had to restrain yourself from getting too much into his private bubble. “Y-Yeah! Do you remember me ?” You couldn’t believe your own voice, almost shy and quivering, pearly teeth biting down on your lower lip. 
He took a few seconds to respond, for you, it seemed like he was searching back in his memories. After all, he saw you once in a dark street, a weeks ago. 
What you don’t know, is that Mark, under his thick mask, debates fainting amnesia, he really does. He recalls starting a phrase two times, before vomiting out a string of words like an awkward teenage boy on a first date. “I-Uh, yeah. I remember you.”
Oh, how Mark doesn’t know why his palms get sweaty even when they’re covered with gloves, nor why his heartbeat picks up now, when it didn’t while breaking the fight up, fight that included one of his close friends. Mark doesn’t know why his words get mushed in his brain, or why his mouth goes dry.  He’s too focused on trying to understand why to comprehend what you’re saying, he sees your lips moving, he hears, but his brain doesn’t process. 
“What ?”, he asks, almost feeling guilty for not listening to you, but he sees you giggling for a second, maybe because the whole conversation seems funny with his autotuned voice. 
“I wanted to thank you for the last time.”, you say again, a giddy smile taking over your features, one Mark decides he likes why more than the worried and scared look you had on your face moments before he arrived. Did he have the power to give you that smile, he only wondered for a quarter second. 
“Oh, no worries. You don’t have to thank me twice.”, Mark smiles under his mask, of course, your stubborn mind wouldn’t let go.  “No real-. Twice ?”, the way your face grows red in embarrassment makes him giggle, in autotune again, causing you to laugh at both him and yourself. “I was sure I didn’t the first time.”
“No worries ! Just, keep the gossiping down from now on.”, Mark wanted his phrase lighthearted and was ready to fly away with that, not giving you time to register what he said before he turned his back to you and, within a second or so, managed to shoot a string of web to a building and swing away as quickly as he came.  Leaving you alone, the weird feeling bubbling in your stomach left as rapidly when your mind connected two dots. Gossip ? How did he know about your gossiping about him…? He couldn’t have ears everywhere, of…did he ?  And that’s how, in the middle of a cold street, surrounded by tipsy friday night partygoers, your eyes grew twice their size. That’s how, with one sentence he probably didn’t think through, you unmasked Spiderman, you unmasked Mark Lee. 
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You don’t know what entity took over you, but it craves closure, and a good shot to drown everything. 
When these two dots connected, you never felt so dumb in your entire life. Everything made sense, in a way, yet you needed a clear proof, or else you were going crazy.  The voice, the body language, the corpulence, the unending awkwardness every time the subject was brought up. That’s why he seemed so familiar, because it was Mark, someone you’ve know your entire life. How dumb you must’ve looked when he was hiding under his mask.  Even, why has he hiding this from you, from Johnny and Jaehyun of all people ? Or did they know ? And you were the only one in pure secret and ignorance ? You thought you two made up, but if he told your two friends and not you, it was clear the friendship you felt between the two of you was one sided.  And somehow, this hurts a bit too much. You blamed it on the trust you had finally given him, the multiple efforts you’ve made to go along, and nothing else. Yet, the confusion was a bit too intense, and it drove you to his dorm door. 
Lucky for Mark, he didn’t forget to lock his door. Lucky for you, dealing with three chaotic and forgetful guys means you can pick a lock. After all, it’s a simple dorm, your old credit card is enough to dislodge the small piece of metal and let you enter.  It’s dark inside, curtains pulled to the side, streets lights helping you adapt to the lack of light. For some reason, your eyes linger on his bed, it’s neatly made and you don’t have to fear that he’s sleeping under the covers.  Faint smell of his earthy cologne floats in the air as you fully enter the room and close the door behind you, locking itself in a second.  Now what ? Adrenaline brought you there and now what ? Feet dragging on the floor, you didn’t dare turn the light on. One hand softly brushing his blanket, your first thought goes to his desk. Surely, if there’s something to find, it must be here. Mark’s laptop lays there, closed but from the faint light, still on.  What are you doing ? You ask yourself a few times, you’re either crazy for thinking that your friend’s the neighbourhood superhero, or you’re crazy for snooping in your friend’s room.  Fuck it, now that you’re here, might as well clench your curiosity before Mark comes back from where ever he is.  One finger is enough to lift the screen, light pouring in the room, almost blinding you at how bright it is.  Your eyes take a few moments to adapt to the digital screen, your university’s page on the screen. The headline’s about Spiderman, you bite your lip before leaving your fingers on the touch pad.  It’s not a clear proof, maybe he’s just searching or reading about him. Mark has always been a huge superhero fan anyways.  Exiting the page doesn’t unleash more information either, the laptop’s clean, nothing special. His biology paper is here, multiple pages into it, notes here and there. After closing every page, guilt washes over you. His laptop wallpaper faces you, forces you into rethinking your actions, a selfie Johnny took a few weeks ago with your whole group in it. You smile brightly between him and Mark, both of them throwing peace signs as they usually do.  Who would’ve thought you’d end up as Mark Lee’s wallpaper, definitely not junior high school you.  You take a few seconds to regain yourself, guilt builds up alongside the stress you didn’t know you had, grabbing at your throat. Only now do you feel like running away, red alarms going off in your head as your head screams that Mark could enter at any moment.  Another side of your brain tells you to search a bit more, your hand goes down his open drawer and you feel around, not thinking that you might come across something weird, being in a boy’s room.  “What are you looking for ?”
The voice seems to come out of nowhere, you jump on your spot, the back of your hand hitting the wood of his desk. Turning back around, your mind goes blank, empty, no thought’s you’d even say. But you can clearly feel your ears getting red as you face none other than Mark Lee.  The young adult’s standing in the middle of his room, the cold breeze of the night coming in by the open window. Fuck, you didn’t even here it opening, how did he get it so quietly ? The light’s still off, but you can clearly see his mask in his fist, gloved fingers clenching it. Spiderman’s mask.  Yet again, your mind has two reactions.  “Mark…”, voice small, you just got caught red headed. He’s probably going to kick you out and tell Johnny and Jaehyun you’re crazy. Your throat goes dry as he doesn’t say anything, lips a straight line, eyebrows slightly furrowed.  He’s speechless, something you never thought he could be. The brunette shakes his head lightly, looking down and preventing you from seeing his face anymore, and there you decide you hate not being able to look into his eyes. As he moves his head from left to right, like he’s trying to shake himself awake, you notice his brown locks, sticking in different directions.  Mark disregards his mask on his bed, like a rag doll, lifeless on the white covers. 
“Mark ?!”, you voice calls him again, you dare address him again after being caught in such a sticky situation. He hisses, maybe sighs, you don’t really know. It’s the confirmation you needed, you were right. Your voice’s high pitched, shock clear in your voice. You know he knows, he knows you know. Thoughts, chaotic in both heads, yet no words are spoken. 
“Don’t tell anyone.”, is what he says first, voice soft and almost weak, you understand he’s exhausted and almost feel bad for making him deal with you, this, after a night of -what you think is- fighting small crimes and keeping peace on the campus.  You take a step back, you don’t know why. Maybe because realisation just hits you a second time without giving you a proper time out. He didn’t tell anyone, and you foolishly assumed he told Johnny and Jaehyun, you knowingly questioned your friendship with him. 
Maybe you stayed silent for a bit too long, the student finally dares looking at you like he’s the one trespassing, calling your name. 
“They don’t know ?”, you finally articulate, mouth putty, like you desperately need water. “They” doesn’t need to be defined, both you and Mark know who you’re talking about. All he does is shake his head no again, before letting his body fall on his bed.  Your mouth hangs open for seconds, like a fish. You feel like you just forcefully robbed someone from a huge secret, which, you’ve done. When you thought weight would’ve been lifted up from your shoulders, it just adds on. 
“Oh.”, is all your mind can find. It’s all you can say. What do you even do ? Tell him you had suspicions and decided to break into his bedroom ? 
“Yeah.”, silence feels the room. Awkward, tense, you’d be able to cut it with a knife, pierce through it with a needle. Strings in your heart pull and inevitably break when you remember last time such a silence took place with Mark was before you two met Johnny and Jaehyun and silently decided to get along. 
“I-.”, you try, but before a mix of different phrases and words can escape your mouth like a river, Mark stops you. 
“When did you find out ?”, he asks. He’s visibly stressed, fingers playing together before he eventually throws his gloves next to his mask, right leg moving up and down. You hate being the cause of this. 
“When we were outside.”, you finally find your words, pearly teeth repeatedly biting down on your -probably- red bottom lip. You had to lean against his desk, knees weak. “When you said to stop with the gossiping.” 
In another situation, it would be comical, how his pretty brown eyes widen in realisation, just like yours did. His palms rub his face and he audibly groans, a small “fuck”, tumbling from his lips. 
“I don’t even remember saying it.”, he confessed with a speechless laugh. Hearing it helps you relax the slightest bit, he doesn’t sound bitter, just dumbfounded. He says silent after that, though his eyes never leave your figure and you understand he wants to know more. 
“Then-…Then it just clicked, you know. The voice, the body language.”, -You’ve known each other for years- you wanted to add, but decided against it for the moment. The young superhero only nods, looking to the side for a moment. 
“So you decided to break in.”
It clearly wasn’t a question, more like another dumbfounded, almost hurt observation. You shift on your feet, balancing your weight from one side to the other, really, you look like a child who just got caught stealing candy before dinner. 
“I’m sorry, I just-…I thought-…I thought you told them and not me…”, your voice gets quieter as you speak, if you could, you’d disappear in thin air alongside your embarrassment. Eyes on the floor, you miss how his eyes get bigger, before shifting under his frowning eyebrows.  You’re ready for another row of uncomfortable silence, but Mark has too much to say to let it go so easily. 
A gasp leaves his lips when he registers what you just told him, his bed shifting as he stands up. The young men’s sudden move catches you off guard, your eyes taking in his figure as he smoothly lifts his left hand towards the wall on your right.  There, you clearly witness his powers for the first time. From what you assume is his wrist, the brunette shoots a sting of spider web. It’s so fast you almost miss it, but the substance lands on the light switch, turning the light bud on immediately. 
You’re almost blinded by the light, taking seconds to adjust to the sudden change. You understand that he’s mad, maybe even disappointed. You, yourself, are disappointed with yourself. you could’ve taken the issue in such a different way, but now was too late.  
“You really thought I wouldn’t tell you ?”, the disappointment, clear in his voice, has the power to pull at your heart for some reason.  You don’t even know how to answer. Yes ? You thought he didn’t. 
“N-No…It’s just that-”, your throat tightens, oh how you hate this feeling, your heart starts pumping faster, lips going dry.
“Don’t lie to me, you thought I told them and not you. Who do you think I am ?”, 
“I’m sorry, I don’t-”, that’s when you finally dare to look up at him, cutting your sentence halfway. With the lack of light, you didn’t notice the cuts on your friend. Blood on the corner of his lips, a small cut on his cheek, it’s your turn to furrow your eyebrows. Your eyes travel down, so does Mark’s. His knuckles are bruised, a deep shade of purple on his milky skin. 
You feel gutted, it hits you. He is Spiderman, he puts himself in danger, he could get severely hurt everytime he flies out his window. 
“What happened ?”, you’re almost on the verge of tears at this point, bottom lip trembling as Mark looks up at the ceiling, a deep sigh expanding his chest.
“Had to break another fight.”, he simply says, like it’s nothing. 
Your heart tightens, you don’t want to cry, not now. Blinking your tears away, you almost manage to escape the discussion, turning around to clumsily fumble with the papers laying on his desk. “Do you have anything to clean yourself up ?” 
From the sound his bed makes, he probably sat down again, letting his body fall on his covers with another sigh. “Under the desk, in the white bag.”  You have to clear your throat, nod slightly as you bend down and take the said bag. 
“We’re friends.”, he finally tells you as you seat next to him, and oh how guilty you feel. From all the times you, him and your two other friends hung out in his very room, you don’t remember Mark’s bed being this small. You have to move closer anyways, one of your knees against his thigh as you face him. You look down and get busy with the first aid box, it seems he used it a few times already and you can’t help but picture him, in the dead of the night, having to clean his cuts and bruises when his friends think he’s peacefully asleep. 
“Look at me.” His voice’s softer, he probably knows you could cry at any point now. You do as you’re told after letting a few drops of liquid soak a cotton ball, finding yourself looking right into his brown eyes. 
“We’re friend, right ?”, this time, he asks, and you almost laugh and sob at the same time, a breathy sound coming from your lips. Mark sounds like a small kid on the first day of school trying to make friends, maybe a bit like when you two first met. 
“We’re friends.”, you tell both him and yourself before lightly tapping the cotton on his cheek, he smiles, your heart flutters. The young superhero doesn’t move, he doesn’t even acknowledge what you think would at least be a small sting. “Doesn’t hurt ?” 
“Why do you sound disappointed ?”, he asks with a laugh, one sound you like way better. “Small cuts heal quickly. The whole power thing, y’know.”
“Oh.”, is the only thing you’re able to let out, unconsciously leaning closer to rub at the cut, who you discover is just a bloodstain now. A pout on your lips, you have to look at his cheek a little bit closer. “Lucky.”
“Yeah.”, he says softly, but lets you finish your job anyways. Soon enough, his skin is clean, and as he said, there’s no cut underneath. You don’t think anyone knows about this side of his power, after all, the university’s newspaper doesn’t know a lot either, feeding itself from witnesses. 
“Thank you.”, you finally tell him, voice hushed as prepare another cotton. 
“Hm ?”
“For not getting mad and y’know…Kicking me out.”, you don’t look at him, turning your attention towards another cotton ball you soak in product now that you know it won’t hurt him. He laughs at that, air fanning over your face, you smile. 
“You could’ve, I don’t know. Threw me out the window. Covered my body with spider webs. Or- Can you bite ?” Mark laughs again, genuinely amused by your small monologue, so amused he doesn’t notice your fingers under his chin, nor does he notice how naturally he lets his face rest in the palm of your hand. 
“I can, but it won’t do anything special.” 
“Hm, interesting. Making a mental note for the school’s newspaper.” you joke, the mood is a lot less tense, Mark has this everlasting tired smile on his rosy lips, dusty cheeks and lazy eyes as he silently watches you. 
“Shut up.”, he breathes out, and you don’t answer to that. Finally, the silence that takes place isn’t as awkward or strange as it was, you press the cotton ball at the corner of his lips when he decided to shut up and stop talking, your heartbeat quickens. 
“Ouch!”, he whines as soon as the liquid touches his skin, visibly flinching away from your hand. “Oh, fuck, sorr-”, lips parted, eyes wide, you fumble to find a clean cotton ball in hopes of whipping the excess. 
“-m joking ! Y/N, I’m okay, I was just joking.”. No matters how many hours you spent with the brunette, or how many years you’ve known him, you won’t ever get his humour sometimes. Shooting him a death stare, hands still deep in his first aid kit, you’re the one who frowns. “Why would you do that, fuck.”
“This one’s because you wanted to tell on the school’s news, you snitch.”
“I was jok-”, you’d rather not finish your sentence, by the way he’s looking at you and smiling a bit too much for a bruised man, you know he just wants to annoy you. Fuck it, you have to grip his cute face in your hand for him to stop moving every minute. Rising on your knees, the lack of light makes you tilt his face upwards to get a better view. “Wait, don’t move.”, high school you would throw up as you move one of your knees, planting it between his legs, your palms get sweaty. 
“Let me take care of you, hm ?”, the sentence cames out a lot quieter than you wanted it to be, but after all, you’re close enough that the whisper rings in his ears, you have a lump in your throat. Mark’s lips part, just for him to close his mouth less than a second after, and he visibly swallows.
“O-oh, yeah. Okay.”, and that’s when you understand. That’s when you understand how close the two of you are and yet, you don’t pull back, you don’t really want to. His body heat and perfume strangely seem to calm you down. You’re almost body to body, you feel him breathe, you feel him move his legs the slightest bit under you, you see his pupils grow a bit more. 
The honey brown of his eyes seems to disappear, and you can’t decide if it’s because of you, or because of the lack of light in his small dorm. 
You don’t dare think it’s because of you, could it be ? You don’t know yours are as blown as his, and it’s definitely not because of his room’s darkness. 
Two clueless kids.  You press the cotton a second time on the corner of his lip, gentle as you clean the blood. He still has the habit of biting his lip, you think to yourself. He almost looks like he wore a cheer coat of lipstick, uneven and blood red. Soon enough, you’re cleaning nothing, simply stroking as you stare down.  
When did he become so attractive ? It’s when you catch yourself asking yourself this very question that you decide it’s time to back away, his scent and the warmth of his body does nothing but pull you in even more and you don’t think you can deal with that at this very moment. 
Mark, on the other hand, thinks something else.  As you’re about to pull away, completely detach your body from his and hopefully shake the haze he pulled you in out of your mind, his own hand gently wraps under your jaw. It’s a firm, yet delicate grip you can’t register right away because milliseconds later, his lips crash against your own. It starts off hesitant, trembling and unsure lips against your bottom lip. He tastes like the melon lollipops he likes so much, no signs of iron from the blood previously on the corner of his lips. For a moment, Mark doesn’t move, Mark almost pulls away when he realizes what he’s doing. 
He’s kissing you, the young hero doesn’t remember the first time he thought about actually doing it, that’s how long the brunette has been wanting it. It’s when his lips detach from your own, scared he crossed the line that you chase after him. You chase after his lips, you’re scared of it being a one time thing, you want more than the small kiss he dared to give you. Taking advantage of your position, your hand sneaks behind his head, fingers already finding purpose in his hair, tilting his head back as you dive in.
Clumsily, your mouth moves against his own, capturing his bottom lip. Your knees grow weak, body shivering when his hands dare to hold your hips. He’s unsure, hands resting on your hip bones, scared to move without your approval. You give it clearly once you softly bite on his bottom lip. The brunette quietly gasps against your mouth, and you dare to present your tongue, the pink muscle meeting his own in a breathless, wet, kiss.  Out of breath, you both have to pull away. Your reddish lips reflect his own, matching glossy eyes, it’s probably then that Mark loses it and pushes aside his shyness around you. Quickly, his fingers hook around the belt loops of your jeans, using his grip on the clothing piece to force your body down.  Your knees don’t need more to let your body fall onto his lap, or rather, his thigh. Strong and firm under your core, it takes all your will not to desperately grind on him, but your body aches to do it already.
“Waited so fucking long to do this.”, he confessed against the skin of your neck, dragging his lips on the side. His words make you blush a bit too hard, blooming flowers in your heart, your fingers tighten their grip on his locks. Such a simple gesture, yet it managed to make your old enemy moan, a stained sound he tried to hide by busying himself on your neck, painting dark petals. He sucks lightly there, and with this action only, it’s your turn to moan out. It’s a breathy sound, but it gets Mark so worked up his hands slide to the small of your back, resting just above your ass.
“You should’ve done it sooner.”, you tease him a bit, he can’t see the small smile on your face, but he definitely notices when your hips drag themselves against his thigh, losing your self-control. Another simple gesture, driven by pure lust, but it gets Mark’s eyes wide, his jeans a lot less comfortable. He groans, it comes deep from his chest, fuck it, he thinks.
Suddenly, he’s on top of you. Your mind’s so hyper focused on him that you follow his movement when he leans forward. Your back softly hits his bed, hair spreading on his pillow in a halo, the neighbourhood hero’s eyes linger for a moment on the two purple marks he left on your untouched skin, he decides he wants nothing more than to ruin you while having your body as close as possible to his.
“Pretty.”, it’s a simple murmur, so quiet you almost missed it, his right thumb softly draws circles on the two purple petals he left, like he couldn’t believe he was the creator, his left hand pinned just next to your head to support himself. You smile at yourself at the soft manner, but your smile quickly drops to have your lips parted when his thumb moves across, his hand now fully wrapped around your neck.
It gets your skin burning, legs closing for some relief as you feel yourself getting wetter, and Mark certainly notices your body’s reaction. Mark, or someone else. You don’t really know who’s facing you when his lips tug upwards in a devilish smirk, you’ll understand after that his newly found powers also brought a bag of confidence. “Fuck”, is all you’re able to mutter when his grip slightly tightens. He doesn’t even restrict your air canal, but it’s enough for you to understand what he’s thinking about.
“Mark.”, you call out, voice so small he just hums with another knowing smile. “Touch me.”, and it’s all he needs. Slowly, ever so slowly, his lowers his body towards you, making it harder for you to breathe. Resting on his forearm, his eyes never leave your face, he details every feature like he won’t see you ever again after this, he looks at you like he can’t get enough. You, actually do the same. You never noticed how cute his nose looked, small and button-like. However, you noticed how sharp his eyes looked, but never how one of his eyelids was more defined, or how good his new undercut looked.
Arms linked behind his head, you bite down on your bottom lip when Mark uses his knee to part your legs a little more, enough for him to get comfortable between your thighs. This time, it’s your turn to initiate the kiss, bringing his face towards yours with your arms. He’s more than happy to bend under your needs, smiling softly against you as he kisses you back.
This time it isn’t as hesitant, his lips dance at a rhythm you match perfectly, diving deeper before meeting your tongue again. You could easily get addicted to the taste and feeling, his saliva coats your taste buds when he licks into your mouth. It’s an exchange that gets sloppy, messy. Sighs, moans, and a whimper from you when finally, finally, his fingers toy with the button of your jeans.
“Can I ?”, he asks already knowing the answer, his forehead against your own. Throat dry, you nod quickly, so quickly it’s almost funny. Your hips rise up to help him take the tight fabric off of your body. “Good girl.”, Mark praises as he grips the fabric and easily slides it off your legs.
Strangely, you don’t feel exposed, you don’t try to hide, and even if you did, you both know Mark would’ve used his knee to part your legs again. You appreciate the way his eyes linger on your bare skin, right hand running on your outer thigh.   That’s when you remember the mismatching underwear you chose to wear that day, not thinking you’d end up in such a situation. Mark’s hand finally travels to your inner thigh, thumb stroking just next to your burning core.
“Baby, you’re leaking.”, the nickname rolls out of his tongue so naturally, it rings in your ears, makes your head spin a little more, you never thought you’d hear it. You downfall when his forefinger and middle finger press against your white panties, just so he can punctuate and prove his words. And yes, you’re drenched, the simple touch under the fabric is enough to have you clenching around nothing, silently anticipating his next move.
Thankfully, the college student isn’t planning on teasing you too much for tonight, he’s aching to finally touch you, feel you arch for what he has to give you. His fingers hook under your undies, swiftly taking it off your body to completely expose your core to him. “Off. Take it off.”, you’re babbling, at this point, hands fisting the fabric of his thick top, tugging at it. Mark finds it amusing, how weak you already are, begging just for him to take his top off, but he plays on it anyways. “Ask nicely.”
“Please, Mark. Take your shirt off.”
And he does, hands gripping the fabric from the back to pull it off over his head, and quickly disregards it on the floor of his room. And, fuck.
Fuck, it’s the only word your mind can form, how ethereal can he look.
His pale skin reveals itself under the shy moon, the light makes his jaw and collarbones look sharper, his muscles and faint abs look carved in marble by Rodin himself. You think his nightly workouts on top of buildings really helped his figure, and your hands can only lock behind his back, fingers caressing his curved waist.
Quickly, your soft touches turn into sharp, red lines on his milky skin when he inserts a finger into your core without a warning. A gasp leaves your lips, his digit starts moving quickly, helped by the wetness between your legs and soon enough, another is added. His rhythm turns slow and steady, your walls hugging his fingers as you adjust to them. It manages to steal your breath, leaving you a panting mess under Mark’s body. His lips find purpose on your neck again, determined to decorate your skin even more. His breathe is ragged, like he’s the one being pleasured, “That’s right, let me hear you.”
You both forgot about Mark’s neighbours and how thin the walls are, soft moans filling his room, the sound of the brunette’s wet kisses for your ears only. And, when he’s satisfied with your sounds, the superhero adds a third finger and picks up the rhythm, one that gets your back arching, eyes fluttering shut, biting your lip at how he stretches your walls. “So fucking tight, you can barely take my fingers.”
The men cooed, you barely register what he says, you never took Mark for the dirty talking type, but you definitely won’t complain. Not when he’s looking at you the way your core and his fingers connect like he’s about to eat you up. 
“Fuck, Mark, faster!”, you hands travel from his back to his hair, hips raising in an attempt to feel him a little more.  The light strain from the stretch is still there, but it’s a small amount of pain added to the pleasure, a mixture you love too much, a mixture you decided you’re addicted to when your old enemy pressed his thumb to your bud of nerves. The familiar knot in your stomach is threatening to burst at any moment, waiting for Mark to give the last blow.
“’m close.”, you realize, as Mark does. In seconds, his left hand pins your lower half to his bed, his lips find yours again when he understands how loud you could get. The kiss’ messy, teeth clashing, your moans and sighs breaking the exchange every few seconds. Mark decides he might be in love with your moans, a few flicks of the wrist, and his fingers reach deeper, thumb presses harder until you come undone underneath him.
You don’t really remember what you said, a mess of tangle words, swears and Mark’s name, but you do remember the slight taste of blood in your mouth from how hard you bite your lower lip. Mark’s fingers don’t slow down the slightest bit, his mouth leaves yours, wanting to watch your face as you come around his fingers.
“Fuck, look at you.”, he muses when he takes his fingers out, watching in awe as he finds them glittering from your essence under the low light. “Already so fucked out, just from my fingers, hm ?” And you are, slightly breathless, eyes glossy, lips red.
You were about to complain and whine about how empty your felt, until your mouth hangs open as Mark takes his fingers into his mouth, moaning around his digits like a starved moan finally getting a meal. That’s when you decide, you want him, you need him.
It takes him by surprise, how you rise to your knees and make him sit on his bed. “Are you okay ?”, he asks, like he’s scared he went too far or harmed you by accident. “Wanna suck you off.”, is all you tell him before your knees find to floor of his bed.
“Oh.”, and it’s his turn to lose his words, eyes hooded as he watches you slide down and gently start working on his jeans. Mark might cum right then and there when you take his pants off, the hand palming him through the thin layer of his boxer, humming at how hard he feels under your fingertips.
“Don’t tease.”, he warns, voice a bit deeper, but he isn’t fooling you, the impatience in his eyes is way too obvious. They never leave your figure when you take this very layer off of his body, judging your reaction. You think you choked on your saliva. The young men’s member might be average in weight, he’s above in length, something you didn’t expect, but again, won’t complain about. Your body also reacts by itself, you remember that you’re not wearing any underwear, and you don’t want to leak on his floor.
“Bab-.”, he calls to catch your attention, his voice getting caught in his throat when you overtake him by wrapping your hand around his dick. “Oh, shit.”, the breathy curse tumbles from his lips as your hand moves up and down, using the pre-cum already leaking from his head. His head automatically rolls to the side, his tongue poking out before he takes his bottom lip between his teeth, sharp eyes impatient. “Thought you wanted to suck me off ?”, he asks, breathless, challenging.
He wanted to play, push your buttons like he used to in high school, but now, you have the upper hand. “Come on big girl, take i-“, you overtake him a second time, tongue flat running on his shaft, finding how his jaw drops and voice cuts a bit too amusing. “Fucking slut.”, is all he manages to articulate, chuckling at your antics. You, on the other hand, wasn’t expecting such words, a choked moan leaves your lips before you busy your mouth by taking Mark’s head between your lips, but he doesn’t miss your reaction.
His hand quickly finds your hair, freeing your vision from any locks that could block it, before slowly guiding you down his length. “Oh, you like when I call you a slut ?”, it’s a rhetorical question you’re not able to answer to anyways, you can only moan again against his dick as he eases himself into your mouth. “Dirty girl. Taking me so fucking well, god.” Jaw relaxed, he feels heavy on your tongue, your eyes might start tearing up.
His praises only make you more determined to pleasure him, you let him control the pace but hallow your cheeks, sucking on his head every time he guides your head up. “That fucking mouth, you were made for this, weren’t you ?”, he groans. His nails lightly scratch your head before he loses his composure, the steady and average rhythm he set turns rapid, his hips meeting your mouth halfway.
It’s when his squishy head hits the back of your throat that you have to breathe through your nose a bit harder, gagging around him every now and then. And, apparently, it drives Mark crazy. When you finally look up, innocent eyes planting themselves into his, you wished you had a camera to immortalize this very moment. The young superhero’s head thrown back, neck and Adam’s apple exposed, abs clenching as he’s getting closer and closer to his own high, his groans slowly turning into full moans. It’s melodic, beautiful sounds you don’t think you’ll ever get enough off. But, as your head starts moving faster, disregarding your sore throat and independently from his rhythm, he stops you. You whine when your mouth’s left empty, robbed from the want to see him come in your mouth.
“Wanna be inside you.”, his finger curl under your chin, helping you get up, and this time, he doesn’t hesitate, his hands are on your hips, before travelling under your shirt.
In a swift motion, he throws your body on his bed once again, before he towers you.
“Y/N, do you want this ?”, he asks, and how careful he is now compared to the way he spoke before makes you genuinely smile. You take things into your own hands, quickly taking your shirt off, leaving your bra on for Mark to take off. “Mark.”, you call out softly, and your arms like behind his head again. He hums, the college student looks like he’s in a daze, eyes wondering on your covered breasts. His face comes down once again, nose nuzzling against your cheek as he takes a deep breath, and that’s when you realize how fast your heart is beating. Despite that, your lean into his touch, closing your eyes, “Fuck me, wanna feel you.”
It’s all he needs to take things into his own hands, a shaky breath leaves his lips as he nods to himself. He can’t tease himself or tease you further, at this point, he just wants to be inside of you, be one, and take you. So, he does. His right hand aligns himself with your entrance, his eyes leave your figure for a split second before he finds your eyes again. You have to break the eye contact when he finally enters up, head stretching your walls even though his fingers prepared you moment prior.
Your eyes roll back as he gradually slides in, “There you go, fuck.”, sweet nothings are whispered into your ear, his right arm sneak under your back to keep you close, he wants to mold his body against yours, feel every breathe you take and sense every vibration from every moan, feel the sighs you let out die on his skin. His left forearm planted next to your hand, he used his leverage and chase after your lips again before moving his hips.
You, feel everything, every vein, especially when he slides out and rams in. You can’t keep up with the kiss, your head is thrown back, your body almost follows the movement and hikes up his bed, but he holds you close. You understand he’s been waiting to do this for a while, with the way he lets his cock move in and out of you in a slow pace, but still manages to thrust deep, so deep.
“You feel so fucking good. O-h god, Mark, babe.”, you cry out, in pure bliss, as Mark hides his face in the crook of your neck, the way you moan his name gets to his head a bit too quickly, it poison his mind and makes him lose any self-control he had. He who wanted to take things slow at first doesn’t keep up with his internal promise for long, he craves to hear more of your moans, more of his name falling from your lips in lust. The brunette picks up in pace, he gets rough, hips slapping against your own.
You’re surprise his bed isn’t moving more than that, actually, you’re glad. His bedframe would’ve banged against the wall of his room, your mouth agape. Your moans flow freely, maybe a bit too freely for Mark’s neighbour’s and integrity, god knows he would’ve let you be as loud as you wanted if he could.
“Tsk.”, a tired smile stretches his lips, his left hand finds your throat again and you welcome it with appreciation, letting the young man tighten his grip on the side of you neck. “Little slut is so loud.” You shake your head from left to right, you didn’t want to be, one of your hands leave Mark’s body so you can bite down on it and hopefully muffle your noises. But, the young men doesn’t like this idea so much, his left hand now wraps around your wrist, and before you know it, it’s stuck to his bedframe.
You blink, did he just ? Did he just use his powers on you ?
From the slight smirk he has on his face, on the white, web-like substance around your wrist, he just did.
“I never said I didn’t like it.”, he muses, before his thumb sneaks in your mouth, forcing your mouth open. Then, he gives one particularly hard thrust, one that actually sends your body up his bed, one that has you moaning loud enough that his entire floor probably heard.
“Holy sh-. Do that again.”, you could beg, at this point, eyes watery, and he doesn’t hesitate do to so. Your second orgasm comes so quickly, clenching around him.
“So greedy, you’re gripping me.”, he articulates between clenched teeth, you know he’s as close, but you’re so lost in him that you just nod, you stop trying to free your hand and grip his dark locks, trying to archer yourself to something, anything. Half opened eyes search for his, you mumble about how close you are as his left hand finds the bed sheet. He doesn’t hide in your neck, Mark lets you hear exactly how good you make him feel, he lets you see him. The thin layer of sweat on his hairline, his locks messy from your hands, the rose hue over his chest, the red lines your created creeping on his sides.
“Make me feel so good, fuck.”, you babble, Mark pulls you closer to his chest, “Come around me, wanna feel you.”, and it’s all you need. Like an order your body registers in this split second, you come a second time, a second orgasm that leaves you breathless. The air is knocked out of your lungs, you’re sure the entire building heard you moan out Mark’s name.
On the other hand, the young men follows quickly behind you, only needed that one last clench for him to let the sinful liquid spill inside of you. He comes in a few long, moaning frantically. Visibility, it leaves him tired as well. Mark doesn’t even take his shaft out, his body lazily lays on top of you without crushing you, a reassuring weight on top of you own tired body. The both of you just lay there, tired and maybe a bit choked, surprised, in a good way. It’s when Mark chuckles next to you that you dare and look at him. Your hair’s probably a mess, lips red and wet, makeup ruined, but Mark still runs a hand on your cheek, a sweet gesture you lean into, reassured. “What ?”
It’s almost comical, how his eyes turn from sharp and lust-filled to the sweet and joyful eyes you grew up around, the one that remind you of home. He looks up at your wrist, still firmly stuck to the bed frame, you almost forgot about it.
“What do you call a spider into BDSM ?” 
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jupitermelichios · 3 years
So I decided to try watching Riverdale, and I have... thoughts. And also the words ‘holy homoeroticism batman’ written several times in increasingly large letters.
I started on season 2, because everything i read suggested that was when the show went off the rails, and i am here exclusively for the batshit weirdness. but it’s fine, because the show decided to fill me in on what i missed during the two consecutive 'previously on' sequences. was one not enough? was there an ad break between them? did they think people would forget what show they were watching if there wasn’t a little break and a logo splash halfway through?
we open on archie rushing his dad into the worlds most empty emergency room. there’s no one, no patients, no doctors, not even a receptionist, just a big empty room, right until the extras smell the blood of a protagonist and all converge. i assume they’re just desperate for something to do, working in the world’s least used hospital.
does snake pliskin exist in this universe? betty makes a reference that doesn’t really make any sense otherwise and given what i know about where the show goes eventually, it feels like a very real possibility. is this the escape from new york universe?
jingle jangle. they called the drug jingle jangle. honestly no criticism, amazing job everyone on the writing team, keep it up!
“dropping vintage bon-mot like vintage bon-bons” is a hell of a line that only works if you have no idea how bon-mot is said (and no idea what one does with a bon-bon. why are you dropping your candy on the floor veronica). fortunately neither the writers or the actress delivering it do, so it’s fine.
getting into the shower with someone without asking is a risky proposition. You have to be really sure they want it. there’s normal ‘i thought you were into it but you’re not’ awkwardness, and then there’s ‘i thought you were into it but you’re not and also i’m standing here wet and naked now’ awkwardness.
how many gangs are opperating in riverdale? I count three so far. riverdale is not that big, is it?
Actually for real, how big is riverdale? I have absolutely no idea. it’s a local small town with exactly one place to eat but it supports two highschools and three gangs. do we know where riverdale is, and is it anywhere near smallville?
cheryl sure knows how to dress for maximum drama. in general i’m basically neutral on the costumes, but everything cheryl has worn has been a Look and i am here for it. sexy runway victorian ghost aesthetic, yes, amazing, no criticisms.
define hood, because i’m not sure you know what it means. that’s a mask. i get that the comics character is called the black hood, but the costume team could have put him in a hood, why was their solution ‘ski mask but no one in town will admit it’s a ski mask’
half the high school is in this fucking hospital to support archie’s dad, good thing there’s zero other patients or staff or it would be getting crazy crowded
what riots, pop? you can’t just drop in ‘someone threw a brick through our window during the riots’ with no further explanation. what fucking riots?!
wise old spiritual black man, but he's just some dude is a take honestly. does he have some kind of special knowledge or divine connection? nope, he’s just a dude who likes being extremely cryptic in service of absolutely nothing
is cheryl magic? does she think she's magic? what does she think the kiss of life is?  i was under the impression that magic wasn’t going to be real in this show for another season or two, but cheryl apparently does not agree!
the problem with every actor playing a kid in this show being in their mid twenties (insert KennieJD ‘brooding hot 25 year old teenager’ jingle) is that then they show a music teacher kissing a student and i have absolutely no context for how creepy it’s supposed to be. like, she’s twenty, he’s twenty, we’re not in a school setting, I have no idea how i’m supposed to be reacting. he might be an adult who’s decided to take up piano, or she might be a straight up paedophile, and i have literally no idea which. am i supposed to be sad she’s dead?
headmaster is weirdly supportive of his students becoming armed vigilantes. i feel like every teacher i’ve ever had would have had more questions than that.
as the grandchild of a silversmith, i have to say, veronica polishing the silver cutlery as one of her chores is a weirdly believable detail for a show this unhinged. that was one of my chores as a teenager, and still is when i stay with my mum for more than a couple of days. pros of your grandad knowing how to silver-plate: pretty. cons: absolutely everything that stood still long enough eventually got silver plated and it all needs polishing.
Love that everyone still has archie comics names. the mob lawyer is called penny peabody. amazing.
maybe it's the fact that i'm in my 30s but archie's dad is the only attractive person on this show
ebony dark'ness dementia raven way would be very disappointed by how milktoast the goths in this show are. try harder, CW wardrobe department.
oh man, the lighting team absolutely went off for this show, and i kind of love that it's in service of absolutely nothing
holy homoeroticism batman
i’m in this weird place where objectively bonkers things have happened, but not as much or in the way that i want them to, and i can’t decide if it’s worth sticking with it to get to the later more bonkers seasons.
on an unrelated note though, this is the creative team i would choose for a nailbiter adaptation. the weird lighting and colour pallettes, the time displaced americana vibe, honestly even some of the writing, exactly what i would want from a nailbiter tv show.
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kopikokun · 4 years
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Snack Run with a Snack༄ j.jh
↳ On your usual movie night with the members, they assign you sudden snack collecting duty. You’re a little peeved, but at least Jaehyun offers to tag along. Unfortunately for you, things really aren’t going in your favour tonight.
pairing: idol!jaehyun x camera operator!reader (feat. johnny, jungwoo & doyoung)
genre: fluff, comedy, co-workers to lovers
warning(s): expletives
word count: 3526 words
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁: crush (souly had) ✧ mango love (shawn wasabi, satica) ✧ make you feel pretty (lovelytheband)
Request 39: Jaehyun x Staff!Reader during movie night where she’s an extrovert and is close to all of the members.
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— 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝.
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Your fortnightly movie nights are always something you anticipate eagerly, no matter how frequent or repetitive they may be. It’s always nice being able to take a breather from the grievous monotony of your daily schedule to just kick back and—essentially—do nothing. You know the rest of the members cherish these ephemeral moments too, because despite all odds, they’ll valiantly try to show up and join you, or at the very least make an appearance. Once, Ten had even barged in, still with his extensions intact.
    To be fair, you’re not any better. When you heard that Jaehyun was participating the other day, you had dropped all other priorities just to come over. Safe to say, your roommate was not pleased seeing the state of the abandoned living room.
    Your vision sweeps the perimeter of the room. Usually, it’s packed to full capacity, but there are only four others here besides you today.
    “The glasses.” Doyoung purses his lips, planting his stare on a startled Jungwoo. “Where are the glasses? I thought I told you to get them?”
    Jungwoo smacks a hand to his mouth, the sound of skin against skin so loud that you wince on his behalf. “It totally slipped my mind. Honest to God. I got sidetracked.” He clasps your—an innocent bystander’s—shoulder with such force that you physically jolt forward. Jungwoo flashes you his signature million dollar smile.“Hey, could you be a dear and help me out? I still haven’t decided what movie we should watch tonight.”
    “Yeah, sure.” You grimace, already turning on your heel, mumbling, “You didn’t have to hit me.”
    “Thanks!” he calls after you. “And sorry!”
    His voice cuts through the hurried chattering between Jaehyun and Johnny which comes into earshot as you step into the kitchen. Their mouths move at the speed of bullet trains and Jaehyun’s hands flutter around his pensive face frantically. Maybe it’s the rose-tinted lenses, but the sight endears you. The slightest of chuckles escapes your lips at his delirium.
    Their bodies seize, their zealous conversation slipping into a steady silence.
    “What’s wrong?” you smirk. “Were you guys talking about me?”
    “No,” Jaehyun snaps, so quickly that it almost prickles. “Why would we be talking about you?”
    “Ouch,” you pout, masquerading the sting with a frivolous cadence . “How mean.”
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that,” he says. “What are you doing here? I thought you were, uh, clearing the table?” There’s a nervous edge to Jaehyun’s voice which insinuates that he knows something you don’t.
    “I was, but then Jungwoo asked me to get the glasses in his stead since he’s too busy fussing over which movie we should watch.”
    Johnny laughs. “I should go help him out then, or he’ll be stuck on the selection page for ages.” He pats Jaehyun’s back as he leaves. “Don’t make a fool of yourself.”
    You toss an inquisitive glance at Jaehyun. He turns away, cheeks blooming with colour.
    Admittedly, you’re more than intrigued by what Jaehyun had been so ardently conversing about. A small part of you whispers the possibility of it being you, and your heart soars. Now you’re the one getting sidetracked. Of course, you are. This is one of the rare moments you and Jaehyun have shared alone. Although you see him almost daily, there’s always someone closeby; a fellow staff or member of the group. And while you’d consider yourself someone who thrives in social situations, there’s nothing more you desire than a few seconds in solitude with the charming man.
   You swing the plywood cupboard door open, extinguishing your idle delusions, the handle cool in your grasp. Three shelves greet your vision; each stuffed full with either miscellaneous tableware or seldom used kitchen utensils. You spot the mug you gave Mark for his birthday collecting dust in the corner and scoff bitterly. And he said it’s his ‘favourite mug’.
    Your face screws in bewilderment. Usually, the glasses are graciously arranged on the bottom shelf; easily accessible for the people who are less gifted in the height department (namely you). Strangely, today they are at the very top, shoved deep inside, so far in that you’d think that it had been done with malicious intent. If they were in the middle, perhaps you could’ve reached them with a little extra effort, but given their current position, even on your tiptoes you wouldn’t even come close. The tips of your fingers barely graze the bottom portion of the glass. You huff.
    “Do you need help?”
    Your head swivels to see a clearly humoured Jaehyun, his eyebrow arched.
   “Yeah, someone’s kept the glasses on the top shelf,” you grumble, tenaciously continuing to reach for them despite knowing that you and your height—or rather, lack of it—have been bested. “Must’ve been Johnny. The tall-ass.”
    “You’re probably right. It wouldn’t be his first time either.” You groan in exertion. “Hold on, let me help.”
    “Thanks, Jae—”
    Your eyes widen and your stature stiffens. Just the smell of his aftershave is enough to knock you out.
    Jaehyun’s chest presses against your back firmly. His hot breath tickles your neck; the fine hairs stand on end. His right arm, hugged in the most breathtaking way by a black sweatshirt, reaches forward while his left is planted on the counter in front of you, caging you in. You’ve done your fair share of ogling at Jaehyun’s more than ravishing physique before, but only from afar. At this proximity however, you can individually trace every vein on his forearm. They’re like roots branching across the ample muscle. God, you’re making it very apparent that you’re staring.
    While probably not the most proficient, you don’t dispute this method of reaching for glasses. You’re sure Jaehyun knows there are better ways to do this too.
    Stunned, you all but stare in what you can only describe as awe at Jaehyun’s side-profile. Sharp lines accentuated by peculiarly delicate features, you can’t help but imagine how it would feel like running your fingers over the curves of his cheekbones, the arch of his nose and the dip of his cupid’s bow.
    Jaehyun’s gaze latches onto yours, his arm still hanging above your head. You swallow dryly before licking your lips. Jaehyun’s jaw clenches, the movement guiding his eyes to them. The counter is digging into your hip.
    “I got the glasses,” he breathes, your vicinity means you can practically taste the mint on his tongue.
    “Thanks,” you mumble.
    Neither of you move farther or closer to each other.
    Jaehyun places the glasses beside you. “I should probably go set up the projector now.”
    “Yeah, you should.” No, don’t.
    He nods curtly, prods the inside his cheek with his tongue and shuffles out of the kitchen. You lean on the counter, recomposing yourself. Your heart pounds in your ribcage. Jaehyun’s lingering aftershave muddles any chance of a coherent thought.
    What was that?
    Sure, over the past week or two, you and Jaehyun have made your ever augmenting attraction to one another remarkably tangible, but neither of you had acted upon it. Until now.
    Dazed, you almost forget to do what you had initially come in here for. You have to literally turn a 180 to retrieve the five glasses which sit innocuously on the countertop; they lay witness to your sins.
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    “So, how’d it go?”
    “Did you do it?”
    “Well, technically no, but—”
    The four men are huddled together in the middle of the living room, each with equally suspicious expressions carved into their faces. Jaehyun’s back is turned to you as he’s hunched over, almost like he’s sharing some petty gossip.
    You set the glasses down on the communal dining table, shift your weight on one leg and perch your hands on your hips like a disgruntled teacher waiting for her class to fall silent. Doyoung is first to sense your presence, nudging Johnny and jutting his chin towards you.
    You can’t suppress the snort that courses through you when—simultaneously—all four of them disperse. It looks almost rehearsed.
    “Why are you guys acting so weird today?”
   Johnny sputters, Jungwoo chokes on presumably his own spit, Doyoung makes a sound which resembles more of a wheeze than a cough, and Jaehyun’s body goes completely rigid.
    “We’re not acting weird,” scoffs Johnny.
    You’re unconvinced. Just the way the whole room was immediately shrouded in a thick cloud of tension at your question was very telling.
    “Yes, you ar—”
    “Alright then,” Jaehyun clasps both of his hands together like a middle-aged man in the midst of a conference, “the movie! Jungwoo, what did you pick this week?”
    Jungwoo hammers a fist to his heaving chest. “I picked Jojo Rabbit.”
    “Oh, Minji noona watched it the other day. She told me it was so good she cried,” Johnny says. “And she rarely—if ever—cries over movies, or anything, really.”
    “Why didn’t she and the others come over today? They’re always here for movie night.” By the others, you’re referring to the rest of the staff who are usually present. Being more or less the same age, the members naturally gravitated towards the rest of you; your closeness in years meant that you could easily relate to one another. You’d consider yourself a decently convivial person as well, which was probably another fundamental factor.
    Once again, a restless fog congests the room. You seem to have struck another nerve.
    Jungwoo tightens his grip on the remote. “They were… busy.”
    His spontaneous lie is deplorable at best, but you let it slide.
    You assume they think your conjectures have diffused because they seem to share a relieved glance; Jaehyun casts an appreciative smile to the bunch. He clears his throat. You don’t miss the mental exchange between him and Johnny, who grins wittingly.
    “How about the snacks?”
    All eyes are on you.
    Your eyebrows cinch. “What?”
    “The snacks,” Jungwoo reiterates. “You’re on snack duty.”
    The way he says it makes it sound like you were aware of this. “No, I’m not.”
    “Yeah, we told you in the groupchat,” Doyoung says. Jungwoo seems to be restraining a smile.
    “No, you in fact, did not.” Scorned by this blatant accusation, you begin fishing your phone from your front pocket to show the others that none of you had come to that agreement.
    Jaehyun’s hand coils around your wrist, halting your movements. “I’ll come.”
    “I’m sorry?”
    “I’ll come along with you to get the snacks,” his grip loosens, “if you want me to.”
    “Oh.” Your arm falls limp to your side. You study Jaehyun’s earnest gaze. “Sure.”
    It’s painfully palpable that the rest of the group were expecting this; their lips curling with a smirk of gaiety.
    “Great, I’ll go grab some cash.”
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You really should have thought twice about letting Jaehyun tag along.
    “You should’ve stayed at home.”
    “I wanted to come.”
    You’re reasonably terrified, both for you and Jaehyun’s sake. Getting recognised out in public is an all too plausible scenario, and you really do not have the resolve or strength to fend off a horde of fans right now.
    “Relax, it’s like 11pm. Nobody’s going to be just walking out here. At least, not anybody sober.”
    While he makes a valid point, you’re still skittish. “Alright, but keep your head down.”
    “How will I see where I’m going?”
    Collecting your wits, you reach for his hand to tug him forward. “I’ll lead the way.”
    Though Jaehyun is more than capable of staying grounded in his spot, you drag him along with relative ease, like a lifeless rag doll.
    “I… was just kidding.”
    Not looking back, you say, “Does that mean you want me to let go of your hand?”
    Brazenly, Jaehyun intertwines his fingers with yours, strengthening his palm’s embrace. A jolt of exaltation zips up your spine.
    “No, don’t.”
    The remainder of the brisk walk to the convenience store is spent in exhilarating quietude, one that conveys a hundred messages. Not once does Jaehyun’s hold of your hand weaken.
    The intimacy of the store welcomes you wholeheartedly. From its single constantly flickering bulb, that one cooler door with the rickety handle, and to the out-of-order slushie machine, you could peruse this store with your eyes closed. Being NCT’s camera operator first and designated snack buyer second, you’ve been in here more times than anyone should ever have to be in a lifetime.
    It’s not the most popular store on the block. Their selection is limited, their interior outdated, but in your humble opinion, they are leagues ahead of any other store out there. Plus, it’s usually vacant, meaning minor risk of being spotted. Other than you, Jaehyun and the single weary employee, there’s only one other person in here, a tattered hood draped over their head. While they’re sketchy in a certain sense, you’re confident that they don’t pose a threat to you or Jaehyun’s safety.
    “I’ll go get the crisps and you get the chocolates,” you declare, standing on your tiptoes.
    “Chocolates? We’re getting chocolates? We already have some in the fridge.”
    “Okay, then I’m getting chocolates.”
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Another reason you love this place to bits is because of its prices. Everything is outrageously cheap. The first time you had visited, wet behind the ears, soul bursting with vigour yet pockets embarrassingly empty, you almost cried. You had one of the best dinners of your early adult life in this very store. Sure, it was just a truckload of processed, packaged food, but here’s the thing: it was a truckload. And when you’re as financially stable as a thumbtack balancing on the tip of its point, a truckload of food is a blessing bestowed by the Gods.
    So, safe to say, you and Jaehyun definitely got your money’s worth.
    In fact, in the time the two of you expended scouring the aisles for tid-bits, a forlorn cloud had consumed the sky. It had started raining. Lightly at first, but the drizzle had swiftly transitioned into a furious storm.
    Thunder claps in the distance, the sound so tumultuous it shakes the tiles of the store floor, the vibrations so intense they reach the tip of your head.
    “Do you have enough money for an umbrella?” you ask.
    “Even with an umbrella, I think it’d be too dangerous for us to go out there,” Jaehyun says, and as if to illustrate his point, another bolt of lightning strikes the Earth. The convenience store trembles. “And no, I don’t have enough money for an umbrella.” From the tone of Jaehyun’s voice, his delight is hidden by the pretense that he too is upset by this development.
    “Then I guess we’ll have to call one of the guys to pick us up.”
    Jaehyun’s expression immediately turns sour. “I mean, yeah… I guess we could.”
    Under normal circumstances, you would have been pouncing at the opportunity to spend some quality one-on-one time with Jaehyun, alas, three other undoubtedly starving men are waiting for your return.
    A long, dull white counter, meant for customers to sit and eat at faces the heavy gloom outside. Droplets of rain cling to the glass like fluorescent crystals embedded to cave caverns, before slipping down in a wavering trickle, racing each other to the bottom. You take a seat on one of the plastic stools and Jaehyun takes the one beside you, dropping the bag of snacks to the floor.
    “Hello?” Johnny’s sonorous voice greets through your speakers.
    Jaehyun stares at you, anguished. To his right, the hooded stranger from earlier slips into the third stool, leaning forward and shelving their chin on a palm. They stare outside the window.
    “Hey, Johnny. We got the snacks, but Jaehyun and I have a separate problem.”
    “I know. It’s pouring.”
    “Exactly,” you nod. Jaehyun looks like he’s about to crumble into a heap of anxiety. “Can you pick us up? We don’t have enough cash to hail a taxi.”
    There’s a commotion on the other side of the line; hushed discussion and rustling of fabric. You can’t pick up a lot, only the words, “Yeah.” and “So, that’s what we’ll say?”
    “Sorry,” Johnny finally says, after much delay. “I can’t.”
    “What do you mean you can’t?”
    Beside you, Jaehyun visibly perks.
    “Car’s being repaired,” he replies languidly. “Mark popped a tyre while learning to drive the other day.”
    You groan. “You’re joking.”
    “Dead serious.”
    “God, the car just had to be out today of all days.”
    “Sorry, it can’t be helped,” Johnny sighs, a twinge of mischief to his voice. “The matter’s out of my hands.”
    “It’s fine. We’ll just… wait it out or something.”
    “We’ll try and see if any of the others can swing by and pick you guys up, so just stay put for now.”
    “Alright thanks, Johnny. Sorry about tonight.”
    “Nah, it’s fine,” he says. “Have fun with Jae.”
    The call ends with a click before you can probe Johnny further.
    “No go?” Jaehyun chirps.
    You shake your head. “No, though you don’t seem bummed out about it.”
    “Yeah,” he shrugs. “It’s not often I can spend some time alone with you anyway. In a way, I’m glad.” You bite the flesh of your cheek, face turning hot. Jaehyun turns in his seat, reaching down for the plastic bag. “And, we have snacks to—”
    His eyebrows furrow.
    “Jae?” His adam’s apple bobs in his throat. “The snacks?”
    “They’re… gone.”
    “I put them right here beside me, but they’re gone! I swear I—”
    The bell above the door chimes as the mysterious figure—the one who had been sat beside Jaehyun mere seconds ago—dashes out, with, lo and behold, a very familiar plastic bag dangling in their grasp.
    You point a finger towards them. “They stole our snacks!”
    Jaehyun’s head whips around to gawk at the culprit who has already made their way out of the store, head-first into Mother Nature’s wrath. He leaps out of his seat, hell-bent on chasing the person down, practically foaming at the mouth. “Motherfucker—”
    This time, you’re the one who grips his wrist. “Jaehyun, wait. It’s not worth it.”
    “They just stole all of our snacks! Am I supposed to just watch them get away with them?” he seethes. If not for his genuinely fuming expression, you would’ve laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
    “They already had a head-start, Jae. I doubt you’ll be able to chase them down. And what if someone sees you? How are we supposed to explain why Jung Jaehyun of NCT was sprinting in the rain after a stranger with a bag of snacks?”
    His shoulders sag. “But… our snacks… and your chocolate! What about your chocolate?”
    “It’s fine. I didn’t even get the version I liked. They were all out of the original ones.”
    Jaehyun slumps back into his seat, defeated. “Should we call the police?”
    You snicker. “And tell them our snacks got stolen? They’d laugh in our faces.”
    “I hate that you’re right. I wish they’d treat snack theft with the same severity of other crimes,” he jests, despite still being obviously disheartened. “Hope whoever that was gets struck by lightning and fucking sizzles out there.” He cards a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry.”
    “It wasn’t your fault, Jae. I mean, who the hell steals snacks anyway?”
    “No, not that. Well, I am sorry about that but what I meant was... I screwed this up.”
    “Screwed what up?”
    “You know how everyone was acting really strangely today?”
    “You guys weren’t being very secretive about it.”
    He huffs out a laugh. “Yeah, well, it was because they were helping me get us alone.”
    Jaehyun’s confession is like the final piece of a puzzle; the final thread to connect all the dots together. “So that explains why everyone collectively decided to not show up today, and why the glasses were on the top shelf, and why you guys said I was on snack duty when I clearly wasn’t! And I bet the car isn’t even busted too!”
    He nods, a wry smile etched onto his lips. “The glasses weren’t actually a part of the plan, but in the end, they were in my favour, so I’m not pissed about it.” You flush as the memory floods you. “They did all of that, and yet I still blew it.”
    “Who said you blew it?” you say. Jaehyun lifts his head to look at you. “We’re alone right now, aren’t we?”
    He swipes his tongue over his teeth. “Well, yeah, I suppose we are.”
    “So, just tell me you like me already.”
    Jaehyun jerks back in his seat. “You knew?”
    “Of course I knew,” you grin, “because, I like you too.”
    His face breaks out into the widest smile possible; one that stretches his lips so much that it must ache. “You do?”
    “Yes, I do,” you giggle. “Even though you got our snacks stolen.”
    By the time you two make it back to the dorm, clothes dripping rainwater onto the carpet, lips swollen from stolen kisses, and smiles teeming with euphoria, the rest of the street is already dark. Johnny, Jungwoo and Doyoung greet you with knowing smiles and playful comments.
    “Look, I’m super happy for you guys and stuff but,” Jungwoo gestures to your empty hands, “where the hell are the snacks?”
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icyteaa · 3 years
Fandom: Trash of the Count's Family
Title: Tangled with Them
Premise: Cale had a peaceful and quiet life until suddenly two jobless wraiths annoyed him and nagging him to do this and that like annoying uncles they are.
Tags: Reincarnation, Senior High School AU
Relationship: Kim Rok Soo | Cale Henituse & Lee Soo Hyuk & Choi Jung Soo, Kim Rok Soo | Cale Henituse & everyone
Rating: Teen
Part: 2/?
Part 0 Part 1
[The Fragrance of Tea with Poetry]
It was a cafe that allowed you to read poems and novels while drinking many variants of drink, especially tea. It was a three-story building that was arranged in front of Roan High School. Allowed students and workers in the nearby place to get rest in this quiet and pleasant place as they end their school and work time.
Cale took a like to this cafe in his first attempt to visit. Cale sat up near the window on the third floor with a novel in his right hand. Let out a satisfied sigh because of the calm atmosphere that he finally gets after the second day of chaotic high school.
It was very likely because of yesterday's incident. The girls whispering in the hallway, the boys getting more chaotic as if they want to impersonate that vicious boy action; everyone's attention was stolen to the boy who successfully made a boring ceremony for something else.
Even Cale, who really didn’t want to know anything about that boy, took a few facts about how yesterday's incident ended and who was actually that boy forcefully, because everyone in his class was discussing it with rather high volume.
First, that boy's name is Choi Han. It was a really weird name, like a foreigner. Moreover, the fact he had black hair made it more obvious that he wasn’t from Roanna City. But the actual information about his birthplace is left unknown. His classmates didn’t know why either. They said the teachers won’t talk about it as if it's secret information.
Second, he is—unfortunately—really a new student in Roan High School and unfortunately enough, he is supposed to be Cale's classmate. But because Choi Han made a commotion in the opening ceremony before, now he has been suspended 3 days from today.
Maybe Cale should be grateful because he couldn’t meet him in 3 days, but how about after that? He really wanted to move to another class to just avoid Choi Han and even tried to make a deal with his homeroom teacher, Eruhaben-nim, but immediately got rejected because Cale didn’t have a good reason for moving.
'As if my life isn’t a good reason', Cale snorted when he got kicked out of his homeroom teacher’s room. But he didn’t express it out loud because he realized that his homeroom teacher didn’t seem like a good teacher either. He has a heavy atmosphere around him that makes him look vicious.
So he stopped arguing. He didn’t want to get out of the tiger’s den just to walk into the lion’s den instead because he made his homeroom teacher annoyed.
Cale got up from his couch after finishing his second glass of sweet honey tea. Looks down to the road in front of the cafe and nodding satisfied with the first arrival to this cafe. He had noted this place to be the place he wanted to visit whenever he felt tired after school. He will tell his driver to pick him up later than usual so he can visit this cafe first, just like today.
After checking the time on his smartphone and finding it was already time to go home, he walked downstairs light heartedly. Pay his bill to the cafe’s owner (that he internally called like piggy bank but utterly called him with proper attitude as Billos-nim outside) before getting out of the building.
Cale jolted when he suddenly found two small figures in his foot. They were kittens with grey and red fur. It is a surprisingly rare colour for cats to have, but he didn't have time to appreciate it because the fur is really dirty and that dirty now sticking to his trouser.
Cale sighed. The kittens are definitely hungry and try to make him give them food. Cale tried to avoid the big golden eyes they had and waited for the traffic light for pedestrians to turn green. But unfortunately, the volume meowing the kittens let out increased and made other pedestrians around him glance at him with any expression that Cale didn't want to know.
Of all the people standing there, why is Cale the one they approach anyway?? The piercing gaze the people gave increasing as the meowing voice. And as the one who likes to stand low and just relax in a quiet place, this kind of situation is really worse. Cale frowning. Sigh once again before walking back slowly. The kittens following him and deep in his unconscious he worried these small and skinny creatures would get step by the pedestrians.
Cale walked to the restaurant that is right next to the cafe he visited before. He didn't want to get more bothered with these tiny creatures that amazingly had a loud voice. He frowned again in front of the restaurant before looking down and found the kittens still sticking to his feet. "Hey," Cale called. The kittens' head now looks up to his face. "Just wait here. Don't follow me in."
It would be bad if the workers saw the dirty cat in their restaurant, Cale thought. But in another seconds, he felt stupid too to try talking with kittens. The kittens, however, stop meowing and sit up next to his foot while their eyes are still looking at his face. As if they understand what Cale said before.
Cale felt baffled, there was a pause in his voice before he added, "Wait me there." He pointed to a place beside the front door. And the kittens wagging their tails happily before doing what he said. Cale's mouth opened a bit, amazed. He shook his head and walked fast to the restaurant. It looks like he is so tired and thinks too much. There is no way the kittens understand human language.
Cale ordered two chicken roasted without salt and came out of the restaurant after taking the bag of chicken he ordered. The kittens were really waiting for him in the place Cale had pointed at, but he didn't want to think about it more. He walked to the alley between the cafe and restaurant and set up the bag to be plate for warm chicken roasted.
"Eat a lot. And don't come find me again."
Cale crouch down and look at the kittens eating the chicken at a fast pace as if they are starved days, which is likely to be true. He barely wanted to stand up and walk away before they finished the meal, but Cale jolted again after feeling a vicious gaze shot out towards him.
His face naturally turned to the left where the gaze came from and flinched when he realized there was someone in the shadow back in the alley.
It's Choi Han. It's definitely the boy he saw yesterday. He didn't even change his uniform from yesterday. But compared to the neat and clean uniform yesterday, all of those seemed completely ruined in one day. And Cale didn't want to imagine just what the hell happened to this boy.
But now, that murderer's gaze shot out towards him. Cale immediately turned to the front again. Gulped as he felt goosebumps in his nape.
Isn't Cale very unlucky today? After glued with two loud kittens, now he has this vicious boys gaze and wary towards him? I am just weakling who didn't want to harm or even want get near you, please spare me. Cale mourning. He felt he should plea so he could move from this position.
Cale gulped again as the gaze felt more intense piercing his head and it made him sweat a lot on his face. Does he want my money? Cale imagined the boy would do what thugs always do. Well, yes, it's better than having body beaten up to pulp like the man he saw yesterday. Cale nodded as he firmed his result. Let's lure him to spare me with my money. He thought before he said, "Hey."
There is no answer.
"Are you hungry too?" Cale asked something again, but still, there is no answer.
"I can give you food too." And money if you insist, so please stop staring at me with that vicious glare. Cale added in his head. But still there is no answer.
Cale wanted to run away. But compared to the power of the boy who dragged another human without a problem, he certainly will not make it. He rarely does physical exercise, so he sure just running a bit will make him tired with this feeble body.
"Young master-nim, what did you do here?"
Cale never knew there would come times he felt relieved because of this voice. He immediately turned to the left and found his butler with ginger hair colours looking at him who sweated a lot in front of cats with a puzzled face.
Cale jolted and stood promptly and reached out his hand to the butler's shoulders. His eyes finally saw his own car that always picked him up to school just a few meters from here. "This is my Butler," Cale explained again even if there was no answer from the vicious boy. "You can tell him what you need and Hans will help you."
Hans stiffened when he realized another presence back in the alley. He then peaked at Cale with a confused face. Cale smiled a bit, felt his path of runaway finally opened wide. And now, he can at least make this butler struggle a bit as his revenge because Hans always annoys him. He isn't really worried about his butler being. After all, even if he looked as feeble as Cale, Hans had learned about martial art.
There was no answer from the boy, but Cale didn't care as he immediately walked toward the car after telling Hans he could go home with taxi after taking care of business here. He finally breathed after he went into the car. And the car shortly left the place and left Hans with a sad expression as he saw the car disappear.
What Cale didn't know is, what he did today will be the beginning of misunderstanding everyone had about his personality and he abruptly should denied the title The Kind Young Master because of his 'deed'.
Two half transparent men saw the car left with a giggle and snicker expression. One of the men commented with a fond in his face, "He is still softies as ever even if he thinks he is not, isn't it?"
Another man chuckled again, "Well, that's our Rok Soo."
The man who made the first comment paused a bit. There is pain in his eyes but quickly disappeared, "It's Cale now."
The other men stopped smiling too. He looked towards the place where the car was parked before. "Yeah … he is Cale now." The man turned to his friend and hyung with a rather sad expression, "You really think this is the best thing we can do?"
His hyung nodded with firm expression. "Yes, we shouldn't make him remember again. But at least, we can talk to him to a certain extent. Isn't that enough?"
"Yeah, that's enough." The two of them who share the same pain and worries fall silent for a few moments, before their half transparent form disappears without traces.
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cloudraker · 3 years
Hello I've seen that your matchup requests are open,So if you don't mind can i have a platonic TFP bot OR con as you prefer matchup request. Also thanks for opening the matchup requests
‌ I'm 5'2 black curly haired. I'm an INTJ 6w5. I'm quiet and quiet scary in many people eyes,I'm not an edgy but the kids cry when they see me😂,It may seems like I'm cold distancing but actually I care and look after people who i think as friends or family,But usually I don't really have much physical interaction to show how much i care about them/their problems, I'm good at many things sports, schooling,arts but totally not social interaction, only my close friends can see the weird side of me and my actual personality,self(because somehow i expressed it in a different way,I still couldn't find why it works differently).I don't want to be anyone's burden so every time if there is anything I can help or do I'll help,if there's any colour to express me it'd be dark-navyblue and black for my outside appearance,and colourful orange and mint green for my actual personality not based how i expressed it
Also thank again for accepting/reading my request how you have a nice day/night luv
Hello! So sorry for the wait, and thank you for sending in a request <3
I match you with...
Under the cut :)
Your friendship started out rocky, to say the least. He was less than thrilled to have yet another human at the base, the three already there were a big enough problem as it is. He does eventually come around though, just give him time and he'll warm up (as much as he can) towards you
Doesn’t think anything of your appearance, you may be considered scary by others, but to him you’re just another human that’s going to eventually get underfoot. Later on though, after a friendship has developed, he won’t let anybody talk bad about the way you look, pointing out how they should know better than to judge a book by it’s cover (however hypocritical that may be of him to say)
Your friendship is a quiet one, care being shown rather than outright said. Asking each other if the other has eaten/refueled recently, how the other slept/recharged, etc
He’s not the best conversationalist, but he does put an effort into asking about your day or whatever activity it is you’re doing at the time
Enjoys discussing your art projects with you, drawing similarities between art here on Earth and art from pre-war Cybertron. He pulls up pictures of old artwork to show you, explaining the meanings behind them if there are any
If you ask him for help with schoolwork, he’ll huff and puff but he will help you. Probably explains whatever you’re having trouble with better than your actual teachers, and if you bring this up with him he tries to brush it off as human teachers having a flawed understanding of whatever it is they’re teaching, but inside he’s alight with pride
Offers to drive you home sometimes if there’s no other bots available to do so, and rides are usually spent in a comfortable silence
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imaginesbymk · 4 years
“Something’s Wrong with Mr. Pink.”
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Reservoir Dogs One Shot
Summary: There’s been spark between you and Mr. Pink, but he’s one to shield his emotions. He realizes he’s starting to lose you, but he’s out of ways to win your heart. Desperate, he approaches Mr. White for help.
Pairing: Mr. Pink x Fem!Reader
Tags: swearing, sexist remarks, smoking + mentions of drug use (marijuana)
Non Requested
Word Count: 2,054
Author’s Note: as you can tell, quentin tarantino movies have been on my list!!! the reader is codenamed Miss Beige!! i never thought i’d have this much appreciation for steve buscemi until now, he’s such a cool guy :(((  also thank you @myriadimagines​ for checking my title capitalization aksnskdns - leave a like/reblog + feedback!!! <333
MR. BROWN gave Mr. Pink a ride to the next meeting, and the whole trip there, Brown rambled on and on about God knows what. It came through one ear and out the other for Pink. Brown didn’t seem to notice because of his investment of his proven theory of a movie he had seen and wanted to share it with someone. 
If he wasn’t listening in silence, Pink would always have something to say. It would usually be a comment, an opinion on something about social life. This one afternoon, he bit his tongue, despite the guys knowing his mind was occupied, even Nice Guy Eddie raised a brow. It didn’t start the day they were all given your colour coded names. It didn’t start the day they reviewed the plan of the heist with each other. It all started when you two were unintentionally left alone at the large dining table, moments after the guys had walked out the restaurant for something.
“Pink’s a pretty colour.” You gave him a reassuring smile, stirring your straw in your milkshake.
“To you.” 
“And to anyone else who would want to be codenamed Pink!” you scoff. “Sexist.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re Miss Beige,” he says, his mouth full of his toast. 
“And I happen to like my name. It’s a pretty colour,” you paused. “Just like pink.”
Pink huffs, swirling his coffee mug. “I can’t wait to smoke.”
“My buddy sets up Thai sticks like it’s one of those model boats in a bottle. It’s so fragile to him, and he saved one for me. Something tells me I owe him a shit ton.”
“You smoke Thai sticks?” you ask. “Your poor lungs.”
“Nah, I gotta smoke outta one anytime after coffee just for me to either black out or jump off the Empire State building by the time we hit Easter.”
You chuckled.
From the windows of the restaurant, you could see the guys standing outside their parked cars including Nice Guy Eddie and Joe, talking to each other about whatever. You could see their mouths moving, Nice Guy Eddie using a lot of hand motions at Mr. White, and Joe calling someone on the phone.
This wasn’t the first time you spent a limited amount of minutes alone with Mr. Pink. At Uncle Bob’s Pancake House, you two did sit close to each other, except Mr. Blue sat in between the both of you, and you had to lean forward to see Mr. Pink if he was speaking or if you two were giving each other looks if someone said something stupid.
If you were that childish, you would've considered the five minutes of alone time with Mr. Pink a first date - without the formal introduction. You two didn’t give each other your names because of Joe, but you wouldn’t mind slipping it out.
Silence, and then-
“I know this really cool café near my apartment. We should check it out sometime,” you blurted out.
Pink was in the midst of swallowing his food. He chokes on his ketchup dipped toast, taking his coffee mug to chase the contents down his throat.
“Wait a minute-” Pink cleared his throat, then cleared it again. “Are you-” he cleared his throat for the final time. “Are you asking me out?”
“Y-yeah,” you sheepishly smile, holding in your breath. “I mean, we can go get coffee, hang out at my place afterwards - it’s just a five minute walk - and sit on my couch, listen to K-Billy’s Super Sounds of the ‘70s, you can smoke your Thai stick, I wouldn’t mind...” By looking at Pink’s face made you trail off your words. You knew where this was going. 
“You couldn’t ask Brown or Orange?”
“No, I wanted to ask you. We’ve been talking lately, we seem to get along, thank God, and you’re really cool. Even when you can be an absolute dick almost all the time, you haven’t scared me off. Just one date, it won’t kill us.”
“A date...” he frowns a bit. “With you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” your heart sank.
“Nothing’s wrong with you, Miss Beige. Ya just got the wrong idea. We’re here for a job, not to hook up. If you want to suck someone off, try your luck with Mr. Blonde. Besides, I go for chicks at a bar. I know from experience, they’re always coming in hot - first come, first serve typa’ shit.”
“Right. My bad.” You felt yourself shrinking now, fighting the urge to get up and make a dash outta there, somewhere to scream in embarrassment, whatever emotion it was. 
“Excuse me.” Mr. Pink gets up and walks away, just as the rest of the guys start making their return to the large table.
“Where did Mr. Pink go?” Mr. Orange asked.
“Little men’s room, I’m guessing.” You sighed, sliding the milkshake away from you. “I’m full.”
“Something’s wrong with Mr. Pink. Did you guys get in a fight? We were only gone for five minutes,” Mr. Brown laughs.
You sat in silence, staring down.
“Nah, I bet she finally put him in his place and he’s crying like a baby in there,” Mr. Blue said, lighting the cigar in his mouth with a match.
“Most definitely not.” Mr. White shook his head, patting his pockets in search of his lighter. “That man’s a smartass, and smartasses like him know how to shield themselves. He’s fine. If anything, he can walk his ass home.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Pink calmly entered the restroom, placed both hands on each side of the tiny sink, stared at his reflection in the dirty mirror, and screamed in anger. 
He jumps when he notices a man had appeared from one of the stalls just a moment ago, staring at him worriedly.
“WHAT?!” Mr. Pink snaps.
If someone treated him like a friend, he goes along with it if they weren’t weird or creepy. If someone told a joke, he’ll laugh if it isn’t corny or cringeworthy. But if someone admitted their feelings to him? Let alone ask him out?
That was the thing: Mr. Pink doesn’t like the idea of vulnerability. He’s aware that it’s unavoidable, it’s human nature - he just chooses not to give into it. Mr. Pink won’t waste a breath giving anyone the impression that he’s easy to get along with and that he’s a kind of guy to not act like a complete jerk half the time, because that’s not true. Not on his behalf, at least. 
“Mr. White,” Mr. Pink approaches him in the vacant room at the hideout one day.
He knows people can judge. So he naturally survives on witty remarks, being a sarcastic ass most of the time, and coffee, coffee, and more coffee. Coffee times six. 
Mr. White finishes combing his hair in the small mirror, nodding at him as a response. “You all right, son?”
But at the same time, his heart was telling him he wants you all to himself.  “I got a problem...”
"SO you want my help?” Mr. White said, a few moments after Mr. Pink had explained the situation he was stuck in. “You’re completely hopeless right now? Gosh, is it my birthday already?”
“You’re full of shit,” Pink mumbled.
“Thought you’re s’posed to be a fuckin’ professional, like you said?” Mr. White chuckled. “I would have thought you would know what to do by now.”
“What am I, the Dalai Lama? I don’t know the answer to everything.”
“I mean... I kinda figured something was goin’ on between you two, I tried to warn her,” White shoots him a blank stare.
“Warn her?” Mr. Pink scowls. “Like I’m some fuckin’ tiger on the loose?”
“I did tell her: Listen, honey,” Mr. White grimaced, as he saw you like a sixteen-year-old teenager not knowing better than to get her heart broken. “Are you one hundred percent sure you like Mr. Pink? He’s a pretty cynical guy. You know he doesn’t tip waitresses?”
You shrug.
“Look, I know I can be very close to myself while very outspoken but,” Mr. Pink sighs. “I mean, c’mon, you’ve seen Miss Beige. Who wouldn’t want her? One time, she called in sick for a job she worked at just to play Super Mario World.”
“You could go there and apologize to her.”
“It’s not that easy, White.”
“How so? Just tell her you freaked out but you had a change of heart.”
“No, man. I could have accepted it right there and then, I could be taking her out somewhere, a place she likes, or that café she was talking about. But no, I turn into the cold piece of shit I always am ‘cause I’m a fucking-” Mr. Pink kicks the rusty chair in anger. “-idiot!” He kicks it again, hurting his foot in the process. He cries out in pain and hops away to the table for balance.
“Mr. Pink, it’s not too late to win her heart. If you really like her, and I can tell you’d take a bullet for her, then brush the professionalism aside for one second and make your move.”
“How?” he chuckles, taking a seat in the chair he had just kicked.
“Well, you can start by introducing yourself.”
“Already done.”
“No I mean, your name.”
“Whoa, whoa whoa. What we’re not gonna do is that.” Mr. Pink ran his fingers through his hair, turning his back to White to therapeutically stare at the light pink tiles on the walls. 
“Why not?” White shrugs. “I told her mine. And it’s-”
Mr. Pink turned around. “What?”
Mr. White furrowed his brows. “Huh?”
“You told her your name?” he said. In his mind he prayed Mr. White gave her a fake name on the spot.
“I mean, not just her. Mr. Orange, too. My first name and where I was from, it was a normal conversation.”
“...WHY?!” Pink’s voice echoed in the warehouse.
“Orange asked.”
“You know what Joe said, we’re not supposed to reveal any personal info about ourselves!”
“Joe said this, Joe said that- fucking teacher’s pet,” Mr. White mocks.
“What the hell were you thinking, White?” he shouts.
“How else can you and Miss Beige take a step further if you can’t even tell each other your fuckin’ names? Just introduce yourself, Pink. That’s one way to start,” Mr. White says.
“And what if she doesn’t like my name?” He could only come up with such a question like that.
“What is your name?” 
“Fuck you, man.” Mr. Pink stood up from the chair, earning a chuckle from his colleague.
“All right, if you won’t tell me your name, then tell y/n. Y/n should be the only one who can know.”
Mr. Pink turned back to him again. “Y/N?” he says. “That’s her name?”
Mr. White nods. As heated as Mr. Pink was, he knew one day your name would have to fall out of his lips and not a colour, and he wouldn’t mind that. Y/N...
Mr. Pink wouldn’t mind that one bit.
FROM now on, the café near your apartment complex would be your go-to. It was a café not too small but not too big, and no one would bat an eye if you showed up in your pajamas. The following Saturday you went there alone, sipping your coffee and turning to the second page of the morning paper. 
What sucked was the fact that after you were turned down, you came to think that Mr. Pink wouldn’t be able to see how cool the interior was. He sure was missing out. Sure his Thai stick won’t be stinking up your living room while throwback songs from the ‘70s play on the radio, but indeed, sucks for him.
“Shit, you were right, y/n. This place is pretty neat.”
The newspaper crinkled when you lowered it down. Standing at the foot of your booth was Mr. Pink. This time he didn’t have on his silly Hawaiian shirt like last time, and no, he didn’t ironically wear pink as a kind gesture. He did look good in a white tee, though. 
You had to smile. He knew your name. And you wondered how...
“Oh, Mr. Pink. Morning,” you nodded.
He takes a seat in front of you. “C’mon, we’re not at work. Just call me—”
TAGLIST: @locke-writes
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