#Avengers Movie Night
goryhorroor · 2 months
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horror sub-genres: campy
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marvel-lous-guy · 10 months
Tony: here, hold this *hands Peter a wrench*
Peter: *now holding 17 wrenches* I think I'm gonna drop it
Tony: You're fine
*loud clang and crash*
Peter: I dropped it
Clint: *from the vents* 16! I repeat, he can hold 16 wrenches! Who had the bet for 16?
Tony: Damn it! You couldn't have held one more wrench, kid!?
Peter: ...what is going on?
Steve: *from upstairs* BUCKY WON! AGAIN!
Tony: Thats 4 rounds Barnes has won now! How does he do it!?
Bucky: *from upstairs* I'M JUST A REALLY GOOD GUESSER
Clint: This is bullshit! He's cheating!
Peter: Not that I understand remotely what's going on... but how would he cheat?
Clint: Well I dont know that! If I knew how you could cheat at this bet dont ya think I'd have won by now!
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fanofspooky · 4 months
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Horror movies of 1984
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bakanokiwami · 1 year
To make this bar chart race, all series titles in the Movies Crossover Section on November 29 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, and then inputted to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
In March 27 2009, FFN launched support for crossover fanfiction. Before this date, authors either posted their crossovers in just one category and noted that it was a crossover in its summary, or posted them in one of the generic crossover categories in the Misc. section (such as X-overs, or Movies X-overs). There wasn’t a filter to screen all crossovers of specific fandoms back then.
Originally, the fanfiction list was sorted alphabetically, but was changed to number of fics at around early 2013.
Interestingly enough, the crossover sections don’t seem to be suffering from a total fanfiction discrepancy, unlike the sections for non-crossover fanfiction.
Please refer to this post for more fanfiction bar chart races.
Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t mess up anywhere! 🙏
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passwordispassword · 1 month
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Ultron posting..
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newtdrawz · 2 months
My fav thing to do ever is when a TV show/movie/book are really fast passed and like really serious/dramatic and have a found family is to like think abt them doing regular stuff 😭
Like ya ykw I WILL picture Sam and Cas having a day spent at the local grocery store because Dean's out on a hunt so it's up to them to get their groceries and it just gets really silly
And I'm so glad I'm not the only one cuz I'll see a really serious post/a deep dive of a characters trauma and then right after it is a post abt like "what if they had a garden :) and made bread? :)" like you're so right they DO have a garden and make bread
I LOOOVEEEEE thinking abt THE CHARACTER doing mundane things and going out and running errands
Fix it fics are one of my favs can you tell? 😭
(And also ik this is NOT an original thought I just needed a reason to share my 'Sam and Cas go to the grocery store' thing cuz I think it would be fun lol)
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I see requests are open. What about training with Steve and Bucky. They are both feeling playful and teasy. Rip little Lee reader 💕 �� 💕
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You were in the gym, warming up with some push-ups and later walking to the treadmill.
That was of course your choice because you just LOVE to get up at 5 am to exercise and feeling like you just ran a god Damm marathon.
You hear the sarcasm?
So with already sore muscles from yesterday's mission you hopped onto the treadmill and began to ran your miles.
A few miles later you heard the gym door open and in walked Steve and Bucky. That's just great!
"Hey Kid! Your form is a bit off" Steve said with a grin as he and Buck walked towards you.
"Say another word about my form and I will end you, do not test me Rogers" You said as you keep looking right ahead and continue to run.
"Well that's not very nice, he was just trying to help" Bucky laughed as they both watched you.
"I've been up since 5 am, I'm not in the mood to be nice"
Behind your back Steve and Buck looked at each other with the same mischief look in their eyes.
"I think that you need to lighten up a bit kid" Bucky said.
Before you could even say anything they both grabbed you around the waist, pulled you off of the treadmill which stopped immediately and pinned you to the mat on the ground.
"What the hell guys"! You said as you tried to free yourself.
"You see, we've been trying to be nice to you but your just so moody all the time, how about we change that"? Steve said innocent as he traced your ribs which weren't covered due to you only wearing a sport bra and shorts.
You giggled softly as you swatted his hand away "Don't you even think about it! The both of you!"
"Too late, we already thought about it" Bucky said with a grin and scribbles up and down your neck.
You immediately turtle up your shoulders as you giggle "Quit ithihihihi"
"Aww is the little Y/N ticklish"? Steve cooed as he draws circles on your tummy.
You blushed bright red as you giggle and put your hands over your tummy.
"Your getting a little flustered there"? Bucky grinned as he gently grabbed your hands and pulled them above your head, pinned them down with one of his hands.
"Are you sure? your a little red which is adorable by the way" he smiled as he suddenly scratched over your armpit.
A shriek escaped your lips as your giggles turn into laughter, which motivated Steve to dig into your ribs and hips.
"AHHAHAHAHHA STOP ITHIHIHIHI" you laugh madly as you squirm around (even though you didn't want them to stop, you knew you needed this)
The guys seemed to notice that you didn't want them to stop so they grinned and continue to tickle into oblivion.
"Ah tickletickletickle" Bucky cooed as he scribbles over your neck.
"PHAHAHAHAH" you laugh loudly as you turn your head from side to side.
"You know Buck I'm really hungry, how about you?" Steve asked with a grin
"Oh yes I'm really hungry for some... Raspberries"
Your eyes widen and before you can protest you felt Steve blowing raspberries on your tummy while Buck does the same in your neck.
Your absolutely scream with laughter as wiggle around, kicking your feet.
"Nom nom nom" Buck grins as his beard tickles your neck.
Eventually your cheeks flared up and your laughter went silent.
They both let you go as they smile fondly at you.
"Gosh you really are adorable" Buck smiled as he pulled your head on his lap and played with your hair as he looked at your bright red face.
"I'm not" You giggle as you blush.
"yes you are" Steve said as he sat infront of you two and pulled your feet in his lap so you were laying comfortable.
You saw no point in agreeing with two super soldier's AND tickle monster's so you just smiled as you relax in their embrace.
"How about this? no training for the rest to the day and we will do a movie night with the whole team" He suggested and you looked at him surprised.
You looked at the both of them and smiled brightly "I would like that"
So the rest of the day went by relaxing with the team and watching movies till deep in the night, all the while enjoying each other's company.
God you loved all of them so much and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
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watchmorecinema · 8 months
Another thought on comic book movies: I'd like them to branch out more. I can only watch so many "this new superhero punches the bad guys" stories, you know? I loved WandaVision because it was so different. Love letter to different eras of comedies is a fresh idea, while also being about Wanda trying to cope with grief. Loki had fun time travel shenanigans. Werewolf by Night is basically a Hammer Horror film. The GOTG Christmas Special was so fucking stupid that I love it. I've heard GOTG3 is basically about themes of mortality and depression so I've really got to watch that soon.
Like, my ideal new Marvel movie would be a superhero getting PTSD. The first act of Endgame was brilliant because it was just the heroes we know and love being deeply, deeply depressed and grappling with the fact that they full on failed. Give me more of that. I want to see Ant-Man (the most comic relief character) suffer and become broken.
It doesn't all have to be depressing though. Give me a story about a woman becoming a surrogate mother and navigating that new relationship. Give me a full on horror film. Just do something different.
Hard to follow is one thing, but being repetitive is another. I've heard that Wanda's arc in Multiverse of Madness mostly follows the same shape as in Wandavision because the script writers for both didn't communicate at all, so it just ends up being repetitive. It's like, why even bother putting so much effort into having a shared universe if you don't have any real long term plans?
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lotusxpop · 9 months
Peter: so Loki do you wanna do a prank with me?
Loki: will people get hurt?
Peter: no, it's more like psychological torture
Loki: fine what is it?
Peter: okay so Clint and Sam are building ikea furniture. All you need to do is make a few of there materials disappear, the more ridiculous the better.
Loki: I already love this.
1 hour later:
Clint: Where the fuck is the screws???
Sam: Where's my hammer?
Down the hall Peter and Loki is laughing their asses off.
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k1ranishf4 · 10 months
I’m neck-deep into Loki hyperfixation again there’s no escaping him
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ayoungeststark · 3 months
I think I'm going to start doing the same thing here that I'm doing on my other blog, and start focusing more on being more comic book-inclined or at least a lot more mixed rather than focusing on the mcu.
It's not that I like the mcu, but I feel like it limits me and Logan a lot, and forces me to be stuck with some stuff that I don't really like. There are a lot more things to explore using the comic book world, a lot more characters to use and things like that so… yeah. It’s a change I’d like to make. Some differences I’d be implementing in my replies/threads right away would be:
Tony's alive.
The avengers are still a thing ( it could be the mcu team with the original six and some others or the current one from the comics that i really like )
The x-men/fantastic four/all the other heroes exist, and Logan knows ( at least by reputation ) all of them.
Logan grew up alongside the Avengers and is friends with other young heroes/other children of the Avengers ( say Frank & Valeria Richards, Katie Barton, Gerry Drew, Mayday Parker & some ocs too bc why not. Also Riri, Harley, Kate, Cassie, Billy & Tommy & more ! )
SHIELD still exists too
And some other things that i’ll be implementing with time ( bc I can't remember everything right now ).
I’ll still be exploring the mcu timeline and some points that i find interesting too but it’s just not gonna be set in stone you know ? If we write together and you prefer to strictly follow the mcu timeline that's okay, you can let me know and we're doing this. But if not, you'll notice that i'll leave things a bit more open to new possibilities
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simonbreeze · 3 months
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My quest to watch 80 x 80s movies continues with the absolute classic Troma movie, The Toxic Avenger! A brilliantly bad movie, it's so good. Not sure why there was a need to remake this classic film in 2023.
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phantomwitch16 · 8 months
In the recent release of the FNAF movie, I just want to put out some head cannons about Avengers Academy. The comic Avengers Academy, not the game.
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These guys. I really like the team here and it genuinely hurts me that there is not a lot of stuff about them anywhere, except for X-23 (mainly Reptil, why is there barely anything about you, you’re so cool😭). This would take place before the end of the comic series, where everyone is still part of the Academy.
Anyway, Reptil is 100% a FNAF fan and nerd. Watched Markiplier, played the game, subscribed to Game theory Pre-FNAF era. Became obsessed with the game and watched all the content, listen to the fan made music, watched the FNAF musical, read the books and bought merch. Keeps his interest in it mostly to himself, mainly because most of the others weren’t fans when they met. Was thrilled when the movie was announced the movie and was counting the days to see it. Organised a month long event where he would watch/play through all the available FNAF games, write down some of his own theories and draft up a timeline, watch Game theory and Markiplier again before finishing off with the Musical. This month would lead up to the film’s release. The month took into account to any world ending events that might take place while also making room for training. Basically set up a cinema experience in the biggest spare room on the campus
Finesse learned about it through Reptil when they were having their situationship but wasn’t all that interested in it. Did humour Humberto by allowing him to talk about it but didn’t like it.
Mettle got into it when Reptil was playing through the whole FNAF games and a jumpscare are got the both of them. He was aware of the games cause of the Markiplier memes, just wasn’t into. Cause of the Jump scares and Reptil’s interest in it, he decides to watch a few play throughs of the games. Got very into it, and talks about it with Humberto daily and started watching Game Theory as well. Mostly talking about what the hell happened and what happened when.
Hazmat got into it cause of Mettle and saw him cackle and jump at all the funny moment of the play throughs. Has a passing interest. Knows squat about the mystery and doesn’t care. Just in it for the vibes. Same with Lightspeed, Striker and White Tiger.
Actually Striker would hate it. He didn’t see the point in obsessing over the mysteries in a game and genuinely find it stupid. Especially when seeing how much merch Reptil had in his room.
Veil was very into FNAF when she was younger but lost interest in it after the fourth game. She thought that was a good stopping point in the series and didn’t pick it up until after.
X-23 got surprisingly somehow got very interested in the FNAF. Happened when hearing Mettle talking about it with Reptil and decided to use it as a way to fine something to talk to them about. But she did not expect to really get into it. Finished watching the play thoughs and reading the books in a few days before coming to Mettle and Reptil about it.
All of them somehow got involved in watching the reviewing all the FNAF content. Even a few other members in the academy attended, finding out through Mettle about what he was doing. Most of them don’t really know what its about but come anyway to watch. They all ended up going to watch the film with him when they left.
Giant Man, Tigra and the other teachers are mostly unaware of FNAF. Quicksilver found it annoying for the team’s leader was distracting himself with it and got the others into it as well. Tigra and Giant Man don’t really mind it as he did take into account to space it for a month and saw it as a nice team bonding exercise. Jocasta didn’t really care. Speedball and Hawkeye love it and hate it, mostly because they walked in on Reptil talking about the Bite of 83 and 87 in extreme detail with X-23. But they did find it hilarious when Wolverine called them asking why the hell X-23 spent nearly four-hundred dollars on FNAF stuff.
Also, Reptil, Mettle and X-23 wore FNAF merch. Both Reptil and Laura wore security guard uniform, Humberto in Purple while X-23 was in grey with a white mask strapped to her security belt, and Mettle cosplayed as Golden Freddie.
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spider-mancan · 2 years
tony relies on FRIDAY too much and peter talks to karen more than most of his friends. part of what makes them so incredible is their ability to learn.
once FRIDAY learns what matchmaking is, it’s all downhill from there.
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recursive360 · 1 year
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cryoutloxd · 5 months
HEY , Look out !!
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-- Ryan , 18 , he/them ! Xnfp, gemini ,, DARK CONTENT , MDNI with nsfw posts. I don't mind fem assigned reading my works as long as they're not weird about it.
requests : open
masterlist | what I write for
Tags : #rytalks!! #rythirsts!! #rywrites!!
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