#BUT i will say immersion can blow a lot at the beginning
luckydoeslanguage · 5 months
🎏Immersion, its quirks, and tips for language learning this way!
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its the 5th of May, so happy children's day! 🎏 I got a question in one of my posts asking for some advice on immersion learning! i thought it would be a good opportunity to talk about immersion in general, my current study(?) routine and perhaps give some useful advice! As the name suggests, Immersion language learning is done primarily by consuming media in your target language. Immersion can seem super intimidating to us learners, mostly cause we can't understand most of the stuff available to us. But! its not impossible to start out using immersion right out of the gate. i think people tend to get scared or go "I'll immerse when i get better at my TL!" But the truth of the matter is, your not going to get used to, or better at your target language unless you consume actual content. (in my opinion.)
Honestly, a lot of immersion learning is being able to tolerate that i probably wont understand everything right away. I will someday, but for now i have to be comfortable with not understanding a lot. which is okay! So, what is my current study routine?
right now, my routine consists of:
doing vocabulary cards on Anki from a premade anki deck.
playing about an hour of Animal crossing everyday
watching 1 - 3 episodes of an anime
watching Youtube videos
weekly (ish) grammar done by reading Imabi, and watching Cure Dolly videos on Youtube.
The bread and butter of my routine is learning vocab, and occasional grammar studies. I'm using the core2k/6k deck. which as the name implies, is an optimized vocab deck that contains the most common 6k JP vocabulary. i currently take 5 new vocab cards a day, and try to get my reviews in everyday. my anki deck has contributed a lot to me being able to immerse so early in my language journey. learning and then reviewing new words everyday lets me recognize words in my immersion. As time has gone on, i can recognize more and more words, and even some words I haven't encountered yet in my deck. Immersion, while still uncomfortable, (especially with complex media) is the other side of the coin. i try to spend double the time i spend on anki, immersing. Mostly because i enjoy what I'm immersing in, but also because i get more out of it the more time i spend immersing.
"that's all well and good Lucky, but what advice would you give to someone who wants to learn this way?"
Well! first of all, and this is very important:
Be comfortable with ambiguity. you may not be able to understand some, or maybe most of the thing you are immersing in. that's okay! Your brain is already looking for patterns to see in your TL, and is growing more accustomed to it. I got a lot of headaches in the beginning, i still do actually. but i know that's my brain working hard! (take a break if you get a headache!!)
Second, and probably just as important:
Follow your interests. make immersion fun! whats the point of immersing if its torturous?! I'm a lot more likely to continue immersing in something if i actually enjoy it. there are a lot of easier anime to immerse in, but if I'm not having fun, I'm not going to learn anything. you should do the same! even if its too difficult to understand. I'm currently watching someone on YouTube play a dating sim, and even though its waaaay above my skill level, I'm really enjoying myself watching it! I've even recognized some words i know. whole sentences, even.
Be Consistent! This is probably advice you've already heard, but it bears repeating! even if you do something small like listening to a song in your TL, that's immersion babyy :) consistency is key, above all.
Lastly: Track your Immersion. a problem with immersion is it can feel like you are going nowhere. tracking how much time you spend doing an activity, (watching videos, reading, etc) is a great way to make immersion more tangible. lots of people reccomend toggl, but i personally use polylogger. its built with language learners in mind, and is stupidly easy to use. i also keep personal logs in an online diary, as well as here on my blog to measure my progress. it helps!
alright, i think thats everything i have to say for now! if you've made it to the end of this long post, hello! and thank you <3 hope you've had a good day so far! I will leave you with some links to more reading on the subject under the cut, they go into more detail than i have here.
take care for now! またね!
this article by Refold about tolerating ambiguity:
The Moe ways guide to immersion:
Making the leap to Immersion, Video by Cure Dolly:
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ozzgin · 1 month
wtf HOW WAS ROMULUS OZZIE Hello??????? I CANT WAIT TO WATCH ITRTR i miss david 8 tho 😓😓 “you finger and i blow” ok gorgeous whatever you say
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Ok ok, I let it sit overnight so I could formulate a less feral opinion. I'll do my best to be objective, though you should keep in mind that I'm very biased when it comes to the Alien franchise.
Alien: Romulus First Impressions
Plot. The movie takes place between Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986). If you've seen the old Alien movies, you will notice it follows the same formula: somewhat slow beginning, a grand reveal, a lot of high-stake escape attempts, shady android behavior, and the classic, speedy succession of plot twists where you think you're safe, only to be surprised the very next moment.
While this movie is meant to behave more like the pre-2000 releases, it does bring some novel elements, which, in my opinion, helped build its own authenticity. Additionally - and without spoiling you - it will involve its own Xenomorph variation. Fantastic idea, and I cannot believe it hasn't been done earlier.
The cast is a group of orphaned youngsters who want to escape their space mining colony. You're introduced to a dystopian, grimy world of overworked humans who've never seen the light of the sun. The main character, Rain, is accompanied by her "brother", Andy, an android programmed to take care of her after the death of her parents. Here's another aspect I enjoyed: an anxious, imperfect android who seems to display an emotional bond with his human.
Rain's friends discover a shipwreck which may contain enough sleeping pods to take them away from these unbearable conditions. Their plan is to sneak in, take the pods, and speed away to a more humane station while in cryosleep. The twist? It's not just any regular ship. They have stepped into the Romulus and Remus research station, operated by Weyland-Yutani, and haunted by yet another failed attempt to contain the Xenomorph horrors.
Characters. Let me tell you, this was a breath of fresh air. Prometheus and Covenant have left me rather skeptical when it comes to a competent cast, yet from the ashes of pathetic military personnel rose a bunch of kids who are built for survival. Rain reminded me so much of Ripley - extremely intelligent, efficient, and strong. Her friends are equally brave in the face of disaster. This was a 10/10 cast, and I'm so glad they finally found the balance between being terrified and still navigating the situation without catastrophic mistakes.
Visuals. The imagery was an absolute treat. They seamlessly combined modern special effects with throwback, retro detailing. The futuristic equipment and locations reminded me a lot of Alien: Isolation. Upon further research, it seems that the director was indeed inspired by the game! It made everything so nostalgic and immersive. The Xenomorph design was flawless as usual, involving a lot of body horror.
Audio. I am desperately waiting for the album to be released on Spotify, because the soundtracks were amazing. The music was composed by Benjamin Wallfisch, who seems to have rather big movie titles under his belt, such as It, and It: Chapter Two. Safe to say this man knows how to instil terror in you. They made sure to incorporate some of the classic pieces, then expanded on that. The alert beats reminded me of Covenant, while other tracks provided their own take on the story. The intro of the movie is aided by dissonant chanting in the background, hinting at the ancient, religious imagery used for the Xenomorphs.
Conclusion. Overall, I'd say this is a must-watch for any Alien fan. It is a tribute to the classic movies, but it still offers a brand-new take to the Alien Universe. The movie had some moments of complete silence - staying true to the "In space, no one can hear you scream" quote - and everyone in the cinema held their breaths. It will keep you on your toes.
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villainousauthor · 5 months
heyyyy love ur writing (SO IMMERSIVE IDK)
can u do a snippet where the villain likes to lie a lot (but in a joking way. Maybe sometimes not. UP TO YOU) x a hero who can tell when the villain is lying
"Okay. I'm sick of this. How can you tell?" Villain demands, stopping mid fight. They hold Hero in place, not giving them an inch of leeway.
Hero's smug smile is so infuriating, they can feel their heart beating faster at the sight.
"What ever do you mean, enemy o' mine?" Hero spoke in a sing-song voice, still grinning. They don't fight Villain's hold, perfectly content at annoying them currently.
"How can you tell when I lie. You always seem to know, you're always calling my bluffs." They say, trying to keep their stern tone. "I know your power isn't lie detection. It's telekinesis... unless you have multiple powers?" Villain muses, like they haven't considered this possibility yet.
Hero laughs lightly. "I'm sorry, am I supposed to believe you when you threaten to blow up a bridge or kidnap the mayor?"
"Sometimes I'm being serious. You always seem to know when I'm telling the truth or not." Villain responds in a huff. Their grip on Hero tightens ever so slightly, but they don't seem to mind. "Tell me how."
"That's some pretty useful information you're demanding. Why should I tell you? It's nice being able to call you out on your lies." Their voice is lighthearted, but Villain knows Hero won't give them what they want without something in exchange.
Groaning, Villain bites. "Alright, alright. I'll leave the city and all civilians thereof alone for... two days. 48 hours of me not kidnapping, killing, maiming, or destroying."
Hero hums as they consider this offer. "Make it a week." They insist after a minute of deliberation.
"Fine," Villain snaps, not particularly happy but relenting, "I'll be on my best behavior for a whole week. Now tell me."
Villain's grip on Hero eases up as they sit up, steadying themselves. "Your nose scrunches up when you lie. You also get this adorable crease between your brows." Hero speaks, a thumb going to brush up against their forehead softly. Villain doesn't move away but instead frowns in response.
"That's it?" They ask, disbelieving they have such obvious tells.
"Also you clench your hands. Like you can't keep your fingers still." Hero adds, voice still airy and teasing. "If it makes you feel better, I don't think anyone else has figured this out."
Villain backs away now, putting some distance between the both of them, as they feel the beginnings of heat rising to their face at this.
"God, I hate you so much." They say through gritted teeth.
Not returning their irritated or embarrassment tone, Hero smiles, stepping back into their personal space yet again. They lean in close, grabbing them by the chin.
"Your nose is all scrunched up again, liar."
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izzywantscheesecake · 8 months
leo valdez x female reader!! dating headcanons *blows kiss*
Dating Leo Valdez Headcanons!
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Pairing: Leo Valdez x Fem!Reader Fandom: Camp Half-Blood Chronicles/Heroes of Olympus Quick Synopsis: Just some paragraphs headcanons on how you and Leo would meet/what dating him would be like. Tags: Use of Y/N, Fluff, no specific physical description of the reader (other than the fact they're female coded), Comfort
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HOW YOU TWO WOULD MEET I imagine Leo to be someone who looks for a person he's able to have a lot of common ground with in a relationship. Of course, he's able to crack jokes (even the not so funny ones) around practically everyone, but there's a difference between small banter and just full on being able to vibe with someone. I think he'd be very attracted to someone interested in the arts, or someone who likes to make their own things as a mean of self expression in general. We all know how Leo is in terms of self confidence - he'd like a person who is unapologetically them, proud of their art and self expression and someone who has enough emotional awareness to give him reassurance in a relationship when they can sense he needs it. You guys would probably first meet at some type of event or workshop, or if you're a camper, probably at the dining pavilion when he sees you and has to do a double take because "who is that cool girl I've never seen before?" he'd muster enough confidence to come up and tell you a corny joke, stumbling on his words, which makes you laugh.
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
You looked up from your feet, now practically face to face with this guy you'd never seen before. His clothes were wrecked with dirt and debris, so were his gloves.
He was standing awkwardly, and his hands, clearly shaking, were clenched into tight fists.
"So um, riddle me this. Why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?"
"Because pterodactyls went extinct 65 million years ago?"
His eyes widened, and a red tint began to become more visible around his face as he scratched his head, messing up his already tangled locks of hair.
"Oh.. That wasn't what I was going to say," He chuckled.
You smiled, suddenly feeling a warm aura coming from this boy.
"Well, what were you going to say?"
"Because, uh.. The P is.. Damn, whatever. My name's Leo. What's yours?"
ACTUAL RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS He was awkward at the start of the relationship, not really knowing what to say or what exactly "being a boyfriend" entails, but once he starts getting comfortable and more confident around you, that's where the fun begins (yes this is a star wars reference) Expect every Spanish nickname to be pulled out of the book. "Mi amor," "Hermosa," "Bonita," "Mi vida," "Corazón," if it exists in the Spanish language, he's most definitely said it. And he won't skip out on variations of your preferred name, or even silly sounding nicknames in public, like: "pookie" and "sugarplum" or some other stupidness. For dates, I believe he'd very much vary between educational and immersive dates and just straight up goofing off. It honestly depends on the season. Late Fall/Winter is for going to museums, workshops, possibly a joint coding class or hanging together in one of your rooms, and Spring/Summer is for exploring the town and having those cute little boardwalk + beach + ferris wheel dates. (I also imagine him to be somewhat clumsy and he WOULD drop ice cream all over the pavement.) As the son of Hephaestus, he is most definitely a human radiator. Definitely had a lot of fever scares just because of his temperature alone. But don't worry, he's fine. And the heat is an extra bonus if you're cuddling. Speaking of cuddling and physical proximity, Leo's love languages are gift-giving and physical touch. It doesn't matter if you guys have been apart for 2 minutes or 2 days, if he hasn't seen you in a little bit, he will greet you with one of those spin around hugs or a kiss on the hand. And for gift giving, he enjoys giving and receiving gifts. He likes to either make you little trinkets, or make/buy your favorite foods. He is a firm believer of giving his lady princess treatment, even on a dollar store budget. Though he wouldn't consider himself much of a photographer, I think he probably enjoys taking lots of pictures of you, both with and without him. It's to savor the moment, and also because he wishes he could've taken more pictures with his mother when she was still alive. He has a photo album of just you, him, and the adventures you two go on. You're not a stranger to pranking by him, by the way. If anything, he probably pranks you the most, out of love. You'll chase him down for a few hours, and he gets a thrill out of it knowing you won't stay mad at him forever. In conclusion, dating Leo can be rocky, calming, and give you a whirlwind of emotions, similar to how being on a floating trireme would feel.
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A/N: I'm going to be real I never really paid much attention to Leo in the books, so I'm hoping this is accurate?? my bad if it isnt gang 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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I had a sudden thought come to me about TUA season 4 today that I haven't come across anyone talking about yet: The CIA doesn't have jurisdiction on US persons/soil.
I'm not an expert on the subject but a quick search generally defines that the CIA can't do anything that the CIA is doing during season 4. That's the FBI's role.
So we have no context about how Five has advanced this far in the CIA at the point season 4 begins. I can only assume he and the others got fake paperwork to immerse themselves in the world. (I'd argue it actually makes a lot more sense that all the characters have effectively entry level or self-made jobs, both from lack of experience and lack of work history/real world skills, which is harder to fake than papers).
Five's young, but I'd bet he got ID that aged him up a couple of years, and he's smart enough to compensate for the fact his educational history is also probably faked. But he's got to have had some damn good fakes to slide past the CIA.
But he's clearly established and has a good rapport with his boss, and we have no context for that. And we start in the middle - he's already investigating The Keepers. So he's past the point he would have questioned the order to do that. Which says one of 3 things happened:
Five has questioned his boss why he's breaking the rules and the boss gave him a good reason he could live with.
Five has some sort of deal with the boss that he follows sketchy orders either by mutual agreement because his history/papers are suspect but the boss likes him, or blackmail from the boss because the boss wants someone on his payroll he has a hold over for less reputable tasks.
The writers have straight up forgotten or changed Five's personality without warning.
There's no way Five (or at least seasons 1-3 Five) did not know or would not easily figure out on day one the CIA's jurisdiction. And Five has never found an authority he won't question. But previous seasons have also taught us that Five will work with someone he disagrees with, IF he has a good motivation.
But you're telling me that Five worked for the CIA for an extended period of time, and never questioned his boss for clear violations like investigating or being in charge of crime scenes on US soil? AND his boss was so obviously suspicious Luther put it together in 1 day with the man? Well, I call serious BS.
Keep in mind - this is the man that lasted ONE DAY working at the main office of the Commission before questioning all authority and blowing half of it up.
Just rolling along with his boss breaking the rules with no explanation why in no way resembles the Five we as the audience know prior to season 4. And the writers don't even give us the decency to try to explain how Five changed in the interim or why.
So at the end of the day - we're kind of back at shitty writing no matter the choice - either by omitting scenes to make a character motivation make any sense, or by forgetting/not realizing they changed the character so drastically they need to explain why he changed.
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thornsandtulips · 5 months
Omgggg someone that writes Gilmore girls??? Could you do something for Dean Forester there’s like, nothingggg 👉🏻👈🏻 anything
Yeah totally! I’m gonna do a fluff A-Z but if you want any other ideas feel free to commission in! I hope you enjoy! - Tulip
Dean Forester fluff A-Z headcannons
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A = Affection (are they affectionate with you?)
Very affectionate
loves to give you a lot of physical affection ( hugs, cuddling, little kisses when wanting to give you attention)
But I definitely think gift giving is more of his love language
Dude literally started building a car for Rory only 3 months into their relationship
He’s definitely the type to spoil you in gifts , you’ll find a lot of handmade little trinkets like jewelry for you to wear.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Okay we’ve seen his other friends like with Todd, but definitely think he’s the type of friend that doesn’t require a lot of energy with.
He’d be the type of friend who’d help you with any maintenance around your house or car. He doesn’t want you having to pay anyone for work he’d do for free.
The friendship would start at school, he’d catch you reading a book or just sitting alone.
He’d watch you for the span of a few days, seeing you completing immersed in your book or drawing before having the nerve to come over and talk to you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
feel like in the beginning of the relationship, he’d only be the big spoon in order to comfort you.
Definitely later on the relationship he’d ease up and slowly grow okay to being the little spoon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Seeing how his married life with Lindsey was, he’d definitely try to be the provider in the relationship.
He wouldn’t be opposed to be stay at home and cooking and cleaning while he works, but he does seem the type to At least try and help around the house when asked to.
Let’s just hope that marriage doesn’t turn out like his and Lindsey 💀
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’s definitely the type to try to hold off talking about his problems until eventually he blows up
It’s been seen in both his relationship with Rory and with Lindsey that when there are arguments, he tends to let out his bottled up emotions .
He’s definitely the type to have a big argument with you, and in the heat of the moment, he dumps you.
Instant regret on his part but what’s said is done.
He’d definitely be avoiding you for the first few weeks out of heartbreak ( even though he’s the dummy who dumped you)
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Ummm he’d want to get married very fast and we all already know how he is about commitment 💀 ( just keep Rory away from that man fr and you might be safe)
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s kinda emotionally here and there, but he’s very physically loving as stated before. He’s the type to hold your hand and wrap his arms around you.
Emotionally it’s 50/50. Sometimes he can be a bit immature when handling any emotions that are more leaning to sad or angry.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
When first being friends, he definitely gives side hugs since he’s not all too comfortable with being physical.
When you two have been in a relationship for a while however,He gives big hugs, very warm and welcoming.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Definitely three months into the relationship, he tends to rush a bit but the feelings are true.
He definitely wants you to know his feelings are there not just by actions but words as well.
He wants you to feel the same and let him know that you love him too
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He gets jealous very easily, and WILL get physical with the person he’s jealous of, especially if that person makes you cry.
Man will fight and win.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He kisses on your lips, your cheek, your forehead, your nose. He likes peppering you with kisses when you’re alone
Dean would like to be kisses on the cheek or on the lips, you can’t really reach his forehead unless you’re the same height. He wants as much physical attention as he gives you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s pretty good with children, having a little sister and all helps build some form of patience.
Definitely the type to swing them around or put a child on his shoulders to make them happy.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Dean wouldn’t want to get up early, he’d cuddle with you and have the blankets wrapped around you so you can’t escape his morning nap.
He’d make some coffee for you and give you his shirt to walk around the house with. He desperately would want you wearing his clothes.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Movie nights for sure. He’d buy some food and you both would hang out and watch any movie of you’re choosing ( that or he’d pick one of his favorites)
You’d both watch quietly unless one of you breaks the silence, then there’s chatting for the rest of the night.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Once he feels comfortable with you, he’ll open up about more personal emotions and thoughts he has.
Overall though he’ll tell you bits and pieces about his daily events.
He’s very much a guy who will tell you anything you want to know, but more personal emotions he might hold onto for a bit.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Very easily angered.
He tends to blow up because he bottles his emotions in most of the time.
If there’s communication and no accusations then the chances of him blowing up are slim to none.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’ll definitely remember little things about you that you won’t even remember telling him.
If you like sci-fi or cars or books, he’ll keep that in mind on an outting.
He’s definitely the type to find stuff you like and gift it to you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Definitely the first time you told him you loved him.
He’d try to not be emotional, but he’ll remember looking into your eyes as you dropped those three small words onto him.
You’d definitely put a stupid, goofy smile on his face now anytime he thinks about that night.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s super protective!
Can and will beat the crap out of someone if anyone tries to disrespect you.
Dean will not tolerate anyone disrespecting his partner or making them uncomfortable.
He would 100% would go to comfort you after the discourse and make sure you’re okay.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dean 👏🏻Forester👏🏻 puts👏🏻 in 👏🏻effort 👏🏻like 👏🏻no 👏🏻other! 👏🏻
Romantic outings
Building you a car from scratch
Would take you out around the town
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He blow up very quickly
He also will try to hold it in so him blowing up will be very very stressful
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He doesn’t really care too much how he looks
He just doesn’t wanna look dumb or uncool around you
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Very much so, whenever the relationship between you both grows, the more clingier he gets.
You’ll get calls and voicemails whenever you both aren’t together.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He has most definitely at one point practiced kissing his pillow before trying to kiss you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn’t like someone who’s pushy or unhygienic.
He’s not into someone who doesn’t want to put effort into the relationship
And he’s not into someone who’d use him to get to others.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He snores and drools in his sleep
He’s definitely the type to love tummy time ( sleep on his tummy and sprawled out )
You will probably be crushed underneath his weight.
I hoped you enjoyed!! Commission me for whatever characters you want! I’m mostly doing A-Z headcannons until I’m comfortable enough to write . Thank you !!! - Tulip
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elodieunderglass · 1 year
Referring to you "anxieties of the culture" horror tropes post, I just watched the 1990 adaptation of IT and this comes less than a month after watching both Kolchak movies & starting the TV show. What do you think it was about the late-70s/early-80s that led to "the killer is a monster that hibernates for a set number of years before returning to perform the killings again, as a grim echo of the past, and it's up to the heroes to stop it now before it rears its ugly head again"? There's gotta be some "pass-the-buck" crisis that PEAKED in that time period, something that was a long time coming before that and may or may not have continued since. I don't think it's climate change, that wasn't really at Critical Mass yet until the HFC hairspray crisis of the mid-80s. Your thoughts?
(In reference to this post: https://www.tumblr.com/elodieunderglass/729604545735458816)
Oh that is SO interesting! I also like the Horrors of the Past that Re-Emerge. You get them in fantasy too. To some extent they’re quite nice, because they displace responsibility, allowing the heroes to grapple with something distanced. necromantically resurrected Zombie Nazis will always be a more appealing enemy, for a broad market, than your present-day actual real life QAnon uncle. You can blow up an Ancient Horror as much as you like, can’t you? You don’t need to worry about the tricky present-day political circumstances that birthed the serial killer if it’s actually an ancient time-travelling monster. Monsters are often articulated and described and used because they are “safe” in this way: a displaced thing that can be used. Separate from us in species, appearance, home planet, history of origin, motives, spacetime - the farther they are from us and our shared background, the more justifiable it is to nuke them from orbit, to make a splashy movie.
HOWEVER. As I said in that post - “horror reflects social anxieties” is a SUPER well-described piece of media study and you can read proper writing about that anywhere. I encourage you to seek it out! They say it much better than I do.
I also said in that post that I, myself, don’t watch horror/movies/film. It isn’t due to contempt for the genre, or fear of the content - I just can’t get into it or get immersed, which defeats the point of an immersive genre meant to provoke response. (For example, despite being explicitly told that I would love Stranger Things Season 4 and that I was required to write fic about it for a friend, I gave out at the beginning of season 2; despite being really fond of Welcome to Night Vale at a formative time of my life, I dropped out before StrexCorp. And those are things I generally liked, wanted to consume, and knew I would enjoy! It’s a me problem, and I’m not bothered by it. I am TOO BUSY.)
That’s just to say that I could spitball some thoughts, but I’d be out of my depth.
But here’s an idea. A very small minority of people in the notes took offence to me having meta thoughts about horror when I don’t consume the genre - and worse, saying them out loud, while also openly admitting that I’m out of my depth and would prefer an expert to say it better. “YOU are a COWARD,” they say. “The audacity of commenting on a trend in a genre that you don’t even watch.” “You complain so much but don’t even watch these films” “imagine writing all this with such a bad attitude about horror.” etc.
I think those people have effectively volunteered to write you an essay. They clearly have the horror-consuming chops! Perhaps not the reading comprehension … or analysis skills… but they definitely watch a lot more horror media than I do, so why not give them a crack at it? (This is jokes, don’t bother them.)
Alternatively - there are a lot of clever and savvy people with good takes around here, so they’re welcome to spin out some answers on this post.
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noowayybroo · 1 year
That nameless fic - Part 2
People liked this fic! So thank you! It felt nice to write about happy Leon, and helping him (Like he helps all of us!) This fic is a lot softer and sweeter, and as requested, you and Leon get closer! And closer! Annnd then you date! This fic is real soft, really sweet, and that was really nice to write! I hope you like!
Characters: Leon Kennedy, GN!Reader
Warnings: Not NSFW. GN reader! :)) No mention of age but faint job and relationship to Leon suggestions. I struggle to keep the fic GN instead of saying "she, him etc" for you to make it more immersive, so it can get repetitive. Huge sorry. Some cuddle some kiss (v little at the end but be warned nevertheless)
It'd been a few weeks since you'd helped Leon out of his large predicament (to put it very lightly). Three weeks, to be exact. Three weeks of barely putting down your phone.
Well, come on.
How could you with a handsome, sweet blonde blowing it up all the time?
Daily, almost hourly, the two of you typed to each other about this-and-that. You spoke about work, about the weather. You talked about family and friends, gossiped about neighbours and told tall tales from every day life.
And Leon, on the other end, drank up each story and each word, becoming more and more enthralled by the letter. You weren't sure how he saw things. You'd never get into his mind, but to you, it felt as though you'd been good friends from birth.
The man appeared at your place of work just as consistently as he'd done before, cheering you on and heckling those who did not. He looked exhausted sometimes, and you'd wonder if he should be fast asleep rather than trudging over in the rain just for something small and random like a tub of ice cream, or once - a hand-powered fan. You'd not seen someone buy one of those since you started that job.
It was endearing, the way he checked on you and cheered you on, yet not once disrespected you or your space. He only found you during boring hours at work, and only when you weren't too busy for him.
Whilst his visits were short and sweet, he recently began banging on about a new job. Not for him, but for you. It was strange to see his face light up how it did whenever he spoke about it, as if he were certain that this would change your life in some way.
"There's this place-", he would begin, waving his arms around to try and hand signal the shapes of buildings and their locations, "It's near here! The pay, man, the pay is much better than here..." Leon seems bewitched as he stares off, spouting strangely enthusiastic words about a random store. You wonder who he's really trying to sell it to: you, himself, or the elderly lady towards the back of the store who's browsing loaves of bread.
He turns to you, excitement in his face. His eyes forced to squint by his beaming smile, his joy on just as full of a display as his teeth. "You could actually work normal hours!! Like any hours you want! But during the day! And they sell, like, everything! And the employee discount! Don't even get me started on-"
"Oh yeah, Mister Salesman?" you quip, raising a playful eyebrow towards your suddenly silent customer. You lean forward on the counter, propping yourself up on an elbow. "What's got you so obsessed with this place anyway?" Leon's brows furrow, contemplating a reply which doesn't come before you quiz, "And what's got you so excited about my career, too?"
Leon flushes a little, probably overheating from the gears you can hear turning away in his brain. For a while, there's silence, before Leon looks at you quite solemnly.
"Look… I know I haven't known you long, and I'm not trying to overstep, honestly, but it kills me seeing you work here. I know the pay isn't worth it, and the late nights…" his voice trails off somewhat pitifully as his eyes sink to just below yours. He's probably observing your eye-bags. The same ones that you're too tired to even try and hide. "I just want you to have a little more in life. You know?"
"Leon." you scoff, "You know they're not gonna take me, right? I'm here cuz I got nowhere else to be." you fix your posture and give a polite smile, greeting your actual customer as she approaches the till.
She's polite and in a fairly good mood, stepping forward as Leon moves to let her by. She thanks you, gives you and Leon a somewhat knowing look, and takes her leave, declared by the door chime. Meanwhile, Leon thinks carefully about what to say.
You wouldn't know this, of course, but he spent a lot of time thinking and planning, regarding you. To him, you were somewhat a saviour. You were becoming his best friend. You seemed to care relentlessly for him from day one, and honestly, he could not fathom why.
Perhaps he was biased.
Perhaps, you were some kind of angel.
Anyway, Leon in no way ever wanted to upset or insult you, so he was always considerate. It'd worked so far, he'd genuinely never upset you.
"You're wrong. While it's true that some people have to have jobs like that, because they can't find anywhere else... Not you." Leon leans in, gently taking one of your hands in his and squeezing softly so you look at him. He then continues to muse, "You're amazing, Y/N. You work so hard, and personality wise... Well, all I can say is you deserve better, and you can get better. You just have to try." Towards the end of his sentence, Leon's eyes drift away from yours. He seems awkward, but what he said really did mean something to you.
You stand together in silence for a while, until Leon shatters it like glass. "Please, just. go. Any time you can. It's on North Street, alright? Just go in, ask to speak to a manager. Say you're there for an interview and give them your name, they'll give you one. Alright?" You nod weakly in response and give Leon a small, grateful smile. Whilst he was a bit pushy and strangely confident, his pep-talk did put quite a spring in your step. You were going to do it. It'd be a good idea, and it would be great to get out of here.
He gathers some things, deciding to be courteous, and pays for them. "It's called Johnny's!", is the last you hear before Leon leaves for the night, wishing you well. A simple 'good luck and good night'.
The night passes quickly and uneventfully, a sweet taste left on your tongue. Eventually, you head home, arising at around 1pm, ready for that interview.
Oh God, an interview.
I mean: You hadn't booked anything... You didn't still have to go. But Leon. You remembered how excited he was, how enthusiastic. He was so sure you'd get that job. You had to at least try, just for him. You freshened up, put something nice on, wrote a small shopping list, and headed out for the day.
The day went well, you bought some home essentials before visiting that accursed store... For Leon. This was for Leon. Strong, be strong.
Two wide glass doors slide open to allow you entry into the store.
"Hello, I'm uhm... I'm here for an interview?" The shop was huge, aisles and aisles packed with fresh food, toys, appliances and DIY supplies.
"An interview? Are you sure? Hang on... can I have your name?" There were at least five members of staff on duty, three of which alone manned the tills you stood at currently.
"My name? Oh, yeah, it's Y/N... It's alright if you weren't expecting me-" You notice just how much more wonderful this place looked, and deep down, you started to wish you could work here. You didn't just want this for Leon anymore.
"No no, it's no problem at all, honestly, Please let me just get a manager, alright?" No 'owner', not 'the manager', 'a manager'. There were so many people here, and not just employees - customers! Loads of them! People with carts, families, smiling people, kind people.
Oh! How much nicer it was here...
"Oh, hey, can I help you? Y/N, right?", a tall man stands before you on the other side of the counter. His hands are clasped together as he smiles in a genial manner, nodding his head slightly "You're here for an interview?" Oh man, he was already so nice. All of this was already so nice.
"Yeah! ...Yes, that would be great, I am... Please, yeah..." You fumble over your words, but the shop crowd seems un-phased. The first employee you addressed is already back to manning the tills, and the manager makes his way around the till to address you properly.
Oh no. You began to panic. It was so nice here. Everyone was so... sophisticated. They had their heads screwed on... but you? Some... sleepless 24/7 dweller? With your moods? With your attitude? There was no way you'd get this job.
It felt draining, petrifying, being led into a flush, stylish office looking room and sat down. The man before you was friendly, introducing himself as Jack before waiting patiently for you to catch your breath a little. He then asked you a few questions about your availability, your previous work experience, and your personality. Rather, whatever personality you'd have him believe you had. You focused a lot less on his questions about customer scenarios, and more on how his eyebrows and lips quirked when you knew you'd gotten the answers wrong.
And just like that, terrified and sweating more than you'd like to admit, you give Jack your name, your number, and are asked to await his call. You'd done something that day, you think, as you shake hands goodbye and make your way home, that you wouldn't have done in a good few years, and that was thanks to Leon.
Your feet feel heavy, your footfalls sharp as you march home, just so ready to collapse into your bed, or onto your couch. Maybe call Leon, maybe tell him you did what he'd asked. Maybe you'd laugh at how scared you'd been, maybe you'd cry at the fear of throwing away an opportunity you actually really wanted by not preparing.
Perhaps you'd get home, unlock your door, and look down to find a small envelope on the floor. And then, if that were the case, you'd place your bags down in the hallway, close the door, and bend to pick up the paper. And then, should you have done that, you might open it to find a card. A 'congratulations' card, from none other than Leon Kennedy. To you, it read:
Knew you could do it!
You just had to get out there, Y/N!
See what you're capable of?
Put in your notice!
I'll see you at your new job soon!
-Leon :)
Suspicious, to say the least. But he was correct - within a few days, Jack had called you back to confirm your new position, and your manager, with a surprisingly heavy heart had bid you goodbye. Of course, you called Leon. In fact, you interrogated him about the whole thing, but he remained utterly zip-lipped about the entire thing. Permanently. Like he'd trained for it. Really, it was impressive considering just how excitable and eager to share he usually was around you.
With your new job, Leon's visits only became more frequent, despite it being further from his home. He stayed for longer, bought more, and spent time with you on whichever of your lunchbreaks he could get to around work. You became closer as friends. Just friends, you told yourself. Sometimes, you'd get dinner together: restaurants, fast food, the lot. You'd get drinks and desserts: bubble tea, coffee, shakes, waffles - you name it. The excuse remained the same: "I'm curious, you're wanna try it, let's go together."
It often led to jokes between the two of you about how others must have thought you were both dating by now. Another excuse for you to both share warm, genuine laughs. You loved the way his eyes and nose scrunched up, the way he grinned. You liked hearing his loud giggles and laughs, the way he leaned back and threw his head, and the way he swept his fringe from his eyes to get a very good look at you whenever you spoke; an astounding contrast from the Leon you first met.
Sometimes, you'd catch films together or go for walks in parks. Whenever you suggested an interest in a place such as a shopping centre, a zoo or a landmark, he'd instantly plan a day out with you, just the two of you, going wherever you wanted. And you'd do the exact same for him. You were quickly introduced to his friends, and him to yours. Everyone got on without fault, it was truly meant to be.
His gifts, whilst stressfully frequent and undeserved, were always thought out. From hand-adorned items to homemade food and good deeds, he gave you wonders money could never buy, and was always extremely grateful for whatever you gifted him with in return, especially your time. Leon treasures you, and he won't let you forget it. He always tells you how much you mean to him, and after every time you meet in person, he texts you and thanks you for the day, wishing you'd get home safely.
That's not the only time he messages you though. Sometimes, you wake up to a 'good morning' or a 'thank you again for yesterday.' Sometimes it's well wishes for the day ahead, others he's sent you a meme or a post he thinks you'll like. You feel as though this man is your best friend, your soulmate even. But unfortunately, he wasn't yours. Specifically, you feel this for about the next 4 months.
Recently, Leon's begun to tell you when he sees someone he likes. He tells you all about them: how beautiful their body was, how lovely their face. He tells you how wonderful their voice made him feel, or how nervous he was to approach them. He asks for advice, and he thanks you a billion times, reminding you that if it weren't for you, he'd never have any of this. He wouldn't have the confidence, the power or the freedom to find true love, and it was thanks to you that he could get out there.
He could love and be loved, and it wouldn't be by you.
But that was okay.
It was bittersweet, sure, it was bittersweet, but Leon was your friend. You protected each other, you looked out for one another, and that meant wanting the other to be happy. You'd find someone, and whether he did or not, the only thing you could be was grateful that he'd be happy, and far away from his horrible past.
Strange, though, it never seemed to work out. Each interest, he'd have an excuse for. You couldn't recall how many times you'd heard the blonde nervously explain that he'd 'chickened out' or claim to have 'lost interest.' Leon once went as far to claim that he was too busy between you and work, but when that upset you and he realised it'd sounded entirely as unintended, he spent about 10 solid minutes apologising and babbling and another 15 with his tail between his legs.
You wonder if he's lying to please you. And then you wonder if he tells others about his time spent with you? Could it be that you matter more or less than those he crushes on? Or, do you mean more or less than his other friends?
Woah pal, stop right there. No more of those thoughts, damn.
You've got to focus right now! You're walking home with Leon after your 9-5, and he's eagerly telling you about his own day at work. It's an early summer evening, and everything seems to be in full bloom. The trees sway in soft winds, proving you both with graceful shade from the slow-setting sun. Leon's walking with you, risking looking like an idiot whilst he uses his umbrella to further shelter you from the heat as you exchange information about your day. You decide to take a detour through your local park.
"I'm glad I could get off work on time to walk with you today!", Leon sighs, aimlessly strolling alongside you, seeming to be trying to draw out the duration of your walk, "It's been such a shit week, but now we can just relax, right?? Feels good to catch up."
"Yeah, of course", you laugh, always seeming to be in a good mood when around him, especially watching him kick at the gravel below his feet as he keeps a hand in his pocket. He seems to be acting casual, while desperately fighting going home and parting ways. "Sorry I was a bit quiet earlier, just thinking. Also, busy day for me too."
"Oh? Thinking about what?", he pries, innocent and curious, but you're not at all in a position to be honest about that.
"Just work, nosey!" Leon grumbles at your response before chuckling. Then, he is promptly approached by a very excited dog, which jumps up at him, barks excitedly and lets him pet him before running over to you and then off to its owner. "Awwwww cutteeee" Leon coos, unintentionally putting on a very sweet pet voice as he watches the dog leave, slightly sad.
"You like dogs?" It was amusing, to say the least.
"Love them, love them so much, we used to have a doggie growing up, he was the best." Leon proceeds to tell you about the dog he used to have, including some memories of their times spent together.
"Oh really?... Hey Leon, if you were a dog, which-"
"Retriever. Golden retriever." He replies instantly, well, at least he was self aware.
Eventually, you and Leon each your home. Just as before, he seems reluctant to leave you. Doing your best to hide your joy, you invite him in. You're a lot less excited than you would have been say a few weeks or months ago, having somewhat come to terms with your platonic relationship. Leon, however, is not so good at hiding his excitement as he rushes inside and gets comfortable. He kicks off his shoes, jumps onto your couch and prepares to be pampered.
"Hey, what's gotten into you?" You laugh, disbelieving. "What do you know that I don't this time?" You trudge over to Leon slowly after removing your own shoes, an eyebrow raised. Your confused expression is met with his chill, enthused own.
"No.. uh, nothing I just wanted to chill. Wanna watch a film??" He does seem a little apologetic, to his credit.
"Yeah, alright, a film will do. Mister 'In my house', I will watch one of my films. Netflix?"
"And chill." He interjects, smoothly. What's gotten into this guy? To be fair, it'd been the first time in months he hadn't been able to see you in a few weeks due to work, so he was probably just interested in catching up.
You both get comfortable on the couch, quite close to each other, and chat the night away as you watch film after film. Until you get hungry, that is.
"Hey, uh, what'd you wanna do for dinner?" his voice rings out amongst the loud action scene you're mutually enthralled with. "I could get takeout, as a sorry for inviting myself in?"
"it's all good Leon... uhh... actually, I kinda have leftovers from yesterday. You mind?" You worry for a second that Leon won't want to eat your seconds, especially reheated. You'd completely understa-
"Sure! I'll go find it." Well, that was nice of him. Leon makes his way to the fridge after gently shaking you off from your comfy cuddling position. (It had developed overtime) and with your instruction, finds the food. Soon, he brings back a bowl of spaghetti each, and some popcorn for later, and you continue to enjoy your night.
You enjoy your night so much in fact that you end up falling asleep on the couch, in between Leon's legs. Originally, you'd been sitting there, entirely innocently. Upon waking up, however, you were laying against him, curled up on his chest with his arms wrapped firmly around you. The glowing digital clock by your TV told you it was late, as did Leon's soft purrs and heavy breaths just above you as he relaxed there with you in his arms.
He'd since turned off the TV, probably to allow you to sleep, and whilst it was too dark in the room to see him, you could feel the strong beat of his heart and the slow rise and fall of his chest, lifting and dropping you methodically as he rested there with you. You were unsure whether Leon was awake or asleep, but didn't move to check, for fear he may become spooked and change positions. That was probably your worst nightmare at this moment, because this was the first time you'd ever been this close and intimate with your good friend.
Was it really so bad? So disrespectful to like him?
How could you not like him when everything about him was so wonderful?
He was handsome and strong, kind and considerate. And he smelled... so good. You relax into him a little further, taking in his warmth, revelling in how his muscular arms held you as if they'd never let you go. Oh how you wished it could be true. You wanted him to hold you like this all the time, you wanted him to love you, to mean it. Each soft breath from his nose fanned your fringe, tickling you slightly as you let out a very small yawn and melted against him. Just like that, hands on his chest, head by his neck, you fell asleep again.
When you woke up and Leon was gone you couldn't help but wonder if it was all a dream. The most sad dream: a fake paradise. It was all you'd ever wanted, and Leon's absence in your awakening only proved it was merely a mirage. The plates from last night's dinner were gone, and as you came to you could hear the sounds of something frying coming from your kitchen. You could also hear Leon cursing to himself about where things were or any other mishaps that may have been occurring. Lazily, you opt to lay in.
After a while, soft padding sounds alert you to Leon tiptoeing over to you as if in a cartoon, eager to not wake you up or disturb you, but alas, you were awake. He curses himself again.
"Morning sleepy head" He coos, ducking down to your level as you lay on the couch to look you in the eyes "You feeling alright? I'm making breakfast!"
You nod groggily and rub your eyes, stretching as your voice cracks "Heyyy Leon... Thanks. you didn't have to... What are we having?"
"Sit up and find out!" He chirps, dashing back to the kitchen "I lied actually, I finished! It's ready! Give me a minute!" Once you've sat up and woken up a little, Leon brings you a plate of food. The portions are hearty but that's not his merit, it's your food! It's also delicious, if not a little... extra crispy. (We all know Leon is not a master chef) Together, you and Leon enjoy breakfast and you afterwards excuse yourself to get changed and ready for the day.
When you're back, Leon's washed up and is sitting on your couch looking quite serious. He sits you down to have a talk, and immediately you worry. You'd completely forgotten about last night, having written it off as a dream like an idiot. Could that be what he was about to speak about?
"Listen... Y/N", he begins. His voice is a soft whisper, yet it's assertive, and commands your attention. Once you nod and lock eyes, he continues. "About last night..." Oh no, this couldn't be good. "I woke up in the middle of the night, and I don't know if you did but-"
"I'm sorry Leon I didn't mean to fall asleep on you I'm really sorry-"
"Oh..." Leon hums and looks away thoughtfully for a while. What? Was that not what he was talking about? What the- "Alright, that's okay. I wanted to say actually that I was sorry if I made you uncomfortable... I wasn't sure if you were awake at any point but I didn't want to risk waking you so I thought it would be best if I left you." Your heart sinks a little at his words. How sweet of him.
You know what? You could tell him now, you could tell him how you feel... or how you did feel, and it'd be in the open, and then you guys could go back to being friends.
With Leon, at least, you never doubted that he would accept your emotions and stay friends.
"Actually Leon, I did wake up, yeah... I liked it, I really liked sleeping with you. It felt safe." Leon's baby blue eyes widen suddenly as he watches you. They almost shiver, he looks strangely emotional as he hunches over forward, listening intently to you and not once dividing his attention. "Leon... I have to be honest with you.. I think I liked it because I like you, you know... Like like, like... as in..." You trail off, feeling pathetic and instantly regretting your words, and this time, Leon doesn't instantly pipe up.
He just sort of sits there in silence... for a while.
"You're very special to me, Y/N."
Oh God. Here it comes, here's where he tells you that he sees you as a friend or sibling or whatever else.
"I think you mean more to me than anybody I've ever met does. I only met you about a year ago, and yet since then, I can't even begin to count all of the things you've done for me- the ways you've made me feel... But... were you... Were you talking about dating?" He's hesitant and wildly bashful, which you can't help but be worried by. In an ideal situation, he'd just tell you he loves you, and you'd, I don't know, get married or something.
"Leon... I'm sorry I said it, it's ok that you don't feel the same... Can we just stay friends please?" Your eyes drop to the floor beside Leon, unable to even look at any part of him. You feel guilty and awkward, and regret opening your mouth two minutes ago.
You also feel Leon's gentle, large hand cupping your cheek, slowly guiding you to look back up at his kind eyes and reassuring smile. "I feel the same. I love you, I just thought I had no chance with you, you know? And I wasn't ready, but now..." His other hand cups your face, and he stoops a little to look up into your eyes, giving himself to you, "I really really want you, and I'm ready to admit it."
There's a small silence as you feel your eyes well up. Leon notices and quickly melts, face softening as you bewitch him and he sighs, giggling "Ahhhhh, look at you! You're just so amazing..." he seems stunned, gazing on at you in awe. To him, you were all 8 natural wonders of the world and more, and he decided to prove it by getting a little cocky.
"Sooo... did you wanna date me?? Maybe get on my d-"
"Yes, Leon, Yes I do want to go out with you" you breathe, quickly cutting him off before he can take your beautiful moment to any kind of low. Perhaps that was his plan. As soon as he gets your confirmation, his smile crowds his reddened cheeks and he pulls you in for a soft, lingering kiss.
At first, he's shy, cupping your face tenderly as if afraid you'll leave, but as you wrap your arms around him and pull him close, he cuddles into you. You fuse together, relishing in the others' touch and warmth, smiling into the kiss you share before pulling away to further confess your love to one another.
What a start to the morning. It's 11am, Leon Kennedy is your boyfriend, and he's impatiently waiting outside your bedroom door for you to be ready. Ready for what? Ready for a whole day of being paraded around as his partner.
Aaaand then a whole week of it...
And then a whole month...
And so on.
Funny how time flies!
Hi! Sorry I come out with fics so rarely now! I'm kinda lazy! I don't intend to do another part for this fic! But that's just cuz I think others need one a bit more desperately! I hope you liked it I really do! No ideea where I was going (I'm saying that too much lately!) Anyway hope you enjoyed cute wholesome Leon! Sorry if it didn't go as you want! Please message to ask for stuff maybe! Thanks for reading I love you bye!
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blackbloodedisabel · 4 months
evil women weird sex why
OHKAY!! let us discuss erygora. this will take some time as there are literally billions of years of history and be very confusing as there are literally billions of years of history. plus I am a chronic yapper.
meta info:
this is my main oc collection (the poera mythos) which stems from my immersive daydreaming (started aged 7) and exists purely as a convoluted vehicle for me to torture fictional women in my mind. there are a lot of them but I think about the weird sex evil gods a lot. (side note they are not women they are gods who just. look like women because I made Erykwana when I was like 10 and Gora when I was 13. insanity. we will call them majaerajji and use she/her)
there is. a lot of lore since I've been living part-time in this universe (triverse. there are three) for 9 years (scary!!). but I will (try) give only necessary info. also pls don't worry about how to pronounce any of it.
there are three universes. two are for mortals, one is much smaller and for the Gods. these universes were created by the Feqa (literally translated as 'Creator') who you don't need to worry about. The Feqa also created two kinds of Gods to 'take care' of the triverse. these are the lumadiimi (gods of concepts) who you don't need to worry about and the majaerajji (gods of 'elements' as in like the arcane elements but I really stretch the definition of that by the end) who you do need to worry about.
there are 4 different majaerajji for each element (so. eg 4 majaerajji for water), and these majaerajji are sorted into four clans, with one majaerajji for each element in each. so every clan has one majaerajji of water, one majaerajji of air etc etc. are you keeping up I promise this is relevant.
you need only worry about two of these clans: the mraninia-csora (gilded clan) and vryciila-csora (burnished clan). the mraninia were chosen by the Feqa to 'rule' over the triverse and be regarded as above the other majaerajji (the Feqa impose a strict hierarchy of beings. remember this because it will be important later). since all majaerajji are referred to as 'queens' eg. gilded queen of fire, the ruling clan are referred to as 'high queens' eg. high queen of earth. notice I say 'ruling clan' not specifically the mraninia-csora. this is foreshadowing.
one of the majaerajji elements is 'matter'. this is essentially control over particles ranging in size from quarks/leptons/other fundamental particles etc to large monomers (not polymers!!). majaerajji of matter can do cool stuff like break/form atomic bonds, do nuclear fusion/fission on command etc (this is where. head exploding comes from). anyway.
actually talking about the weird sex evil gods:
the majaerajji of matter in the mraninia-csora is Erykwana. the majaerajji of matter in the vryciila-csora is Gora (yes I know shut up).
I will now talk at length about their characters because goddamnit I didn't do all that development for nothing.
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most of Erykwana's beliefs etc come from her very very strong belief in the heirarchy set out by the Feqa. the only thing you need to know about this is that it places majaerajji above humans. boy does she internalise this. this bitch does not give a single fuck about mortals and she never has. this means she feels zero shame about anything she's done. speaking of which:
most of Erykwana's actions etc (in the Stability Epoch anyway. oop what's that) come from her being a massive sadist and weirdo who likes to torture people.
in the Stability Epoch (beginning of time - about 400 years ago) Erykwana would go down to mortal worlds, eat chunks off people (majaerajji do not need to eat in fact they do not digest things. everything they eat they permanently destroy. she enjoyed the feeling of perma-destroying stuff because she was an immortal god with not enough enrichment in her unchanging existence. fun fact.), blow up their heads and kidnap them back to the Gods' universe. this is where Gora comes (haha) into the picture:
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ignore the name🤗🤗 thank you. anyway I think it's funny.
Gora was also an artist in a similar way to Erykwana: while Erykwana's art was broken bodies/screams, Gora's art was broken minds. she liked to see people break and took it as a challenge to break down the strongest most resilient people.
Gora and Erykwana spent almost every second of every day together and they don't even need to sleep so you know it was every day bro!! wow. lots of people died during this time (like. hundreds of billions. it's crayzy)
but why would Gora stick around Erykwana when they had different art styles. haha.
I'm glad you asked!! there are two reasons for this:
all the other majaerajji are actually not awful (debatable. in fact probably untrue). anyway so they did not want to be friends with either of them and really really hated/excluded them both. Erykwana and Gora were viewed as one entity with no differences between them (untrue!!) and this kind of. pushed them further together because (and this is important) they were the only people who could ever fully understand the other!!
this is very important also!! Gora wanted to be Erykwana. the desire consumed her. she resented Erykwana for existing because if Erykwana was Erykwana.. then Gora wasn't. if that makes sense. Gora was absolutely obsessed with Erykwana and spent all her time trying to emulate her in many ways
Klla (the beginning of the end):
Erykwana was looking for a new shiny enrichment torture method which would make people really really scream. she pitched the idea to Gora and they started to create Klla.
Klla was a spell which was embedded in a knife. it would cause indescribable pain (like. literally the worst ever possible I can't convey to you.. anyway this 1/2 of how I torture the fictional women) to the victim without leaving a physical mark (the knife just. passes through. this is what appeals to Gora). anyway you don't need to know much except that a) the spell is in two parts, the first part allows the knife to be used as Klla and the second part 'activates' it so the next time the knife goes into someone it will begin the Klla process in them😈 so the knife functions as a normal knife between the first and second parts of the spell. this is irrelevant beyond when Erykwana and Gora are just regular stabbing each other. b) it's contagious heehee so if you touch someone who's just been stabbed then the process begins in you too😈 anyway none of this is particularly important but it's useful context if you. read my stuff
Klla was the ACTUAL last straw for the majaerajji who had just been chilling up until now. most of them thought it was 100% Erykwana (it was like. 90% but still).
it especially pissed off a certain member of the vryciila-csora (remember? the family Gora is in? I'm crying there's so much of this) who will not be named, who then went to her sister (also unnamed) and they decided to overthrow the entire mraninia-csora (remember?? the ruling family that Erykwana is in???)
I won't go into detail about the LVD/etc etc because it's irrelevant but you do need to know that they approached Gora in the early stages of their plotting and she was jumping for joy!! at the possibility of usurping Erykwana because that was one step closer to fully becoming her..
ok you don't need to know anything about the last violet dance/Big War beyond that Erykwana used the Klla knife on Gora first. anyway fun fact.
Klle (a different thing!!):
during the Big War (name pending) Erykwana emotionally manipulated her pathetic spineless wet wipe sister into helping her make a new weapon to use in the war.
this new weapon was Klle, which is basically the mental equivalent of Klla. (no details that's far too deep in my own brain)
I mention Klle even though they never use it on each other because it's the obvious second part to Klla right? like Erykwana = Klla, Gora = Klle. Klle is what they would've eventually made together if the Big War had never happened. and Erykwana (subconsciously-ish) made it for her. anyway. GOD I miss them.
what happened next: the ACTUALLY ACTUALLY relevant bit
sorry about all the shit you've had to read that didn't really matter. um.
well, Erykwana/her family lost the war and the vryciila-csora became High Queens. so Gora is now High Queen of matter. there's a fuck tonne of other stuff this caused but there's no need to worry about that
Gora being High Queen continues to deeply piss of Erykwana since it is so flagrantly in opposition to the natural order set out by the Feqa, which intended for Erykwana to be High Queen.
and so Erykwana has become genuinely obsessed with the idea of killing Gora forever (difficult since Gora is. an immortal god. but hey go off queen) side info: she's committed to the idea of remembering Gora's final scream forever and ever because she can't fathom existing without Gora by her side in. some capacity. Erykwana derives immense psychosexual pleasure from hurting Gora. this is why there's all the torture sex with the knife they made together... the bridge between them.. the child of divorce..
Gora is of course still obsessed with becoming Erykwana etc etc. and also gets a definitely psychosexual pleasure from doing to Erykwana everything that Erykwana has done to her and doing to herself everything she's done to Erykwana (including torture because. she's number 1 committed to the bit) as a form of symmetry. you know. that's why she's returning all the knife torture sex.
final info:
if you want more information:
send asks
check the tags. these goobers will be under "#erygora"
read my literature boy!! it's not very good but. it's there. my ao3 is here
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thenarddogmeister · 9 months
Fight Club. Dir David Fincher. (1999)
I re-watched this film a couple of days ago and I want it to be my first review of 2024.
Firstly, I love the aesthetics and the ideologies in this film, I think they both support each other to make a very interesting film, that has a lot to say. I love how generically ordered the Narrator's apartment is to showcase his obsessive and meaningless consumerism and the juxtaposition presented to us when we see Tyler's place - a dilapidated ruin of a house. This house is dirty and disrepaired and contains no furniture, a complete reversal of the Narrator's apartment. These battling aesthetics show us the polarising lifestyles regarding consumerism - complicitly giving in to it or radically opposing it. I think Fincher wants us to see that both lifestyles have their flaws. Many people confuse Tyler to be the aspirational man but the dirty aesthetic and his destructive acts negate this idea.
I love the metaphor used through the Narrator having insomnia. "Woke" has become a popular term to refer to progressive qualities and being socially or politically aware so I think the Narrator's insomnia is a signifier for him being painfully (he is miserable due to his lack of sleep) aware. Moreover, he says a line about insomnia stating that when you're affected by it "everything is a copy of a copy." This almost resembles Baudrillard's theory, which implies we live in a post-modern world where everything (down to the products we consume) are just copies of earlier things. The Narrator's awareness of this makes him utterly miserable, which can be relatable even more so in 2024 due to the rise of social media, which thrives in incessant advertising and inevitable regurgitation.
Brad Pitt's character is a symbol for chaos and pure destruction - what would happen if we opposed the system too radically. We see this pure destruction in his action but also in the way he breaks normal rules surrounding films. He breaks the 4th wall by appearing in ironic flashes during frames (a reference to what he does working as a projectionist), he also breaks the 4th wall in lines of dialogue such as "flashback humour" which makes us aware that, yes, the joke is funny because it uses a flashback. This destruction of traditional film immersion also alludes to his over-awareness and "wokeness" as even as a character in the film, he is extra aware of what is happening. After all, he's the one that confirms the Narrator was Tyler all along. Brad Pitt's character represents the opposite side of the capitalistic spectrum and whilst he is used as a useful mouth piece to share valid criticisms of capitalism and consumerism, his level of demolition is obviously not aspiration as it's depicted as grimy, upsetting (Bob's unnecessary death) and chaotic.
And obviously, I absolutely love that last shot where the Pixies begin to play and the bombs (the most iconic symbol of destruction there is) begin to blow. The window separates him from Martha and he is trapped and alone - perhaps ultimate destruction is just as imprisoning as capitalism. He's just one man, who has caused all this wreckage, and was it worth it? I don't think so but I guess it's up to the audience.
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fancyfade · 2 years
Okay so. Very long set of notes after having read all of Ra's and Talia's appearances from the first appearance (including Dr Darrk's prelude stuff) to Bride of the Demon. (Ra's, Talia, Bruce)
These are notes on the means the League used to kill people, motives of League of Shadows employees, and League bases
League's means:
Trained attack dolphins
attack leopards
Trained assassins, in the beginning they seem to be specialisty in certain weapons? Like we have one knife fighter guy who has knives held between his toes for some reason, one sling guy, assassins who use poisoned claws and tetsu bishis, poisoned blow darts
group of "The finest assassins on earth" who beat up batman with sticks. the finest assassins on earth are the closest i can think of to them having ninjas so far in that they wear identical black uniforms that cover most of their faces. however they are not referred to as ninjas.
we see a lot of men with guns (no ninja outfits yet) in batman 232
underwater assassins
The league of shadows has many unique types of serums or drugs that affect people including mind-erasing-serum and hallucination gas (which seems to let people see specifically what you want IDK how it works), sedative lipstick, a healing salve
Talia has trained pet snakes
there is a special gun that goes off w/ body heat and auto aims itself
Ra's uses ionized gas invented by vasco markewitch to knock out communications and make citizens sleepy. Characterization notes: this implies he cares about limiting collateral damage somewhat
The league hires a supervillain illusionist, tzin, to kill batman in 'Tec 477
a spy for LoS is in LoA in 'tec 485.
The League of Assassins (not working for Ra's, working for Sensei at this time) place bombs in a fault line to try to cause assassination via earthquake.
when written by marv wolfman: Mutates, which are mutated humans who are super strong who seem to be only able to fulfill orders and are not written as if they have free will of their own.
on infinity island, ra's has some floaty orb thing that can capture people. IDK how it works at all
Ra's starts a secondary cult in Batman Annual 8 (
giant murder machine that reacts with an agent distributed into the water
Batman 400 by Moench: using the rogues of gotham as a bargaining chip (releasing them from prison and then offering to help imprison/kill them). The gotham rogues also kidnap people important to bruce ot use as hostages under ra's' orders. The demands are to rescue gordon and his cops from the people who just kidnapped them (also under ra's' orders).
Hostage taking is used again under a different writer: Mike Barr has Ra's take Tim and Alfred hostage in bride of the demon. Ra's says the stakes are high enough that he will do what he must do, rather than what he wishes he would do.
mini cameras on bruce and dick's buttons and belts of costumes
Ra's immerses himself in a lazarus pit while healthy to try to amp up his body and have the strength of 10 normal men. (Batman 400)
Bride of the Demon (Mike Barr again): ra's' has a plan to 'fix' the hole in the ozone layer. He has some ozone that will 'self-replicate' (aka turn oxygen into ozone once it gets to critical quantity idk how). This will in the lower atmosphere act as a greenhouse gas, raising temperatures, farmlands would become dust belts incapable of producing harvest, seas will rise as volume expands and flood coastal cities. He says the greenhouse effect will be devastating but overtime the earth's ecosystem will return to normal, but the ozone hole is more important because of the ultraviolet light – humans shall die but plankton will also die and that is the source of the food chain
talia leaves a microdot on carmody's fingernail when shaking his hand (she is disguised as fawn zbrignew) to contact him without alerting anyone else.
The league airplanes have bombs capable of being detonated by remote control
League of Shadows employees characterization:
'Tec 411: The assassins run when outmatched
Ubu is super into making sure you respect Ra's.
lurk is a big guy who seems to temporarily replace ubu. He also hates Batman and blows his mission (to stop sensei's guys from getting something during the LoA vs LoS war) to try to beat up Batman.
a lab assistant named striss tries to kill ra's and steals molybdenium 5 to sell it. (EDIT: OK it was a compound that renders molybdenium 5 weak he stole)
There was a very bad plotline where a guy felt like he owed a life-debt to ra's b/c ra's saved his life and then changed that to batman b/c batman saved his life.
Talia hires Scrag Donovan (a criminal guy + crew)
vasco markewitch, a scientist who figured out how to convert gems into pure energy, seems to be working with Ra's in DC special series 15
the spy who has poisoned blow darts implies he assassinated an ambassador at some point.
saltzer (one of ra's' minions) shoots talia on accident when she is working with bruce in wolfman's plotline and ra's kills him.'
Batman 400: ra's' minions seem worried of his health and say he should flee to fight another day. Ra's says if they suggest it again he will kills them
Ra's had a trusted lieutenant, Landar, who had been blessed with a son and he had made Ra's the godfather. Ra's said that he cared for the son when his parents were out on missions.
a chemist who was working for ra's betrays him and sells to penguin a chemical that breaks down the liver and kidneys that won't work on bodies w/ lots of testosterone. the scientist is terrified that ra's will come after him and wants more money than penguin initially promised
There is an implication shard gets punished for killing the guy he was sparring, he says “how many nights in the box for killing this one, Grind?”
Shard also kills himself when he starts to lose a fight against batman which is like... wut.
ra's presumably pays his guys – he offers 1 million dollars to the guy who captures batman
League of Shadows Base locations:
Mount Nanda Devi (Batman 232)
There is a base in the desert but the writers do not refer to where. this is possibly in the sahara in north africa as another comic by the same writer (Denny O'neil) says Ra's has a base there.
Infinity Island (which is an island in the indian ocean)
Ra's has a base in the Amazon rainsforest (bride of the demon)
Base in antartica
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oh-my-may · 4 months
After much consideration I have decided to dip my toes into Wuthering Waves!
Surprise is an understatement of my feelings and definitely still an unfit description of my feelings.
I remember seeing gameplay of some closed beta test like what... 2 years ago I think? Thought it looked really cool, like a darker version of genshin... right up my alley.
Of course things changed since then and my laptop broke snd I got a ps5 in the meantime... which meant I might not be able to play. However I also got a phone now that can handle games like genshin and HSR, so I might just try it.
So I did. Was a bit hesitant ofc because I much prefer playing huge games with open world on a big screen, it makes the whole experience more immersive and exciting to me. I only played genshin and hsr on my phone when I wasn't at home and didn't have another option.
I really wanted to try WuWa just to have a more casual approach at a game like this. I previously barely knew anything about the game except for very few small clips of gameplay and some character designs. With HSR I knew a lot about the game already due to it being a hyv project so I basically followed a lot of the process of the game between cbt and official release. I also thoight it would be fun to judt play a bit and blow all the pulls that the game gives out fpr free in the beginning.
SO. I was very surprised by how nice the beginning sequence looked on my phone. I was also immediately hooked with the OST of the starting screen. Very much liked the mysetery beginning - no talking, just these two characters interacting... yes.
When the actual game started I was a bit concerned that the graphics of the character designs might not look the part, because I saw that many people apparently had issues with this. But it was fine, looked very good actually.
BUT THEN. Launch day, right. Apparently WuWa was created on an engine that is usually used to make games for high end devices such as good PCs, so there was some issues expected for mobile right... but when it came to me actually playing and controlling MC... she was T-Posing floating around 😭💀 no walking animation just ... it felt like an awful issue tbh. Restarted the game several times but the issue kept coming up. It was so bad that I couldn't even climb up the first wall, so I just had to stop. Made me really sad because I really wantwd to get into the game but that was unplayable... when I logged back in sometimes she's get a climbing animation but then get stuck on the wall and nothing worked to get her off there... the graphics and everything looked fine... good even? But this just didn't work so I sighed and closed the game.
I wasn't the only person experiencing issues tho... and the devs were quick to respond on the issues saying they were working on solutions and giving out more compensation. So I wanted to wait until there was some update.
The next say a friend of mine asked me sbout the game and I explained my issues and because I was bored I opened the game again just to see whether something might have changed. And well what can I say... it worked just fine now?? The game had downloaded something and then it was as if nothing ever happened and I was SO HAPPY. Also sad because I could barely play that day because of work but I played 30 minutes and i loved it.
The combat is so refreshing! It feels really dynamic and even though I previously had my issues with the controls for genshin, I somehow managed to get used to it now. Ofc I still can't wait for a ps5 release (praying) but so far it looks really good. Love the designs of the first few characters we meet. First battles were also no problem.
A me-problem is definitely the wordy-ness(?) of the beginning. Just like in every other game they try to explain to you the basics of the world building and system in simple terms but there's just so many new words 😭💀 my gp to attitude is fuck around and find out. Wouldn't be able to explain what a Tacet Field or Echo is to save my damn life. But I can play the game! I have played like a maximum of an hour and haven't even unlocked the banner system yet but while the game lets you roam around freely between mission points... I got that dangerous feeling that I could spend hours doing that and that is definitely a good sign. Very excited to play more. Might make it a before bed routine.
I want to be more casual about it and I think the fact that it's mobile is gonna help. Can't wait to meet more of these cool looking characters. Gonna try and pull Jiyan :) wish me luck.
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girlwaitingforvienna · 10 months
I feel like there are words crawling around inside of my head- but not just any words; flowing sentences that are skimmed by eyes and turned into something great and magical inside someone else's head. Eyes that can turn any sentence into something real, something playing out in front of them almost like a movie; only unlike a movie- the words on the page gives the reader a choice to imagine whatever they want to imagine, but to an extent.
Let me give you an example of this by writing a small descriptive- yet imaginative excerpt of my own.
The autumn air in West Virginia was cold & crisp. The leaves burned a deep, red - crimson color as they started making their slow descent towards the ground for fall. The hills sat on top of one another in such a neat way, looking almost comfortably placed; it satisfied me.
I could feel the breeze against my skin, blowing my hair back behind me in tangles. The sky was a beautiful mess- looking like a finger painting that had been done by a child; but a beautiful one at that.
I feel like I have a lot to say, and yet; I'm not saying it. Words try to come out of me every day, but they never seem to be heard by the people around me; or is that just what I think?
What are we if we are not the things that we simply "think"?
I've always liked to write, ever since I was a young kid; I felt like it had already been engraved into me. (I know that sounds cheesy, but that's the best way I know how to explain it.)
I've always been drawn to words on a page. Once I meet a main character or plot or beginning of a story, a beginning of something, I slowly sink further and further into the book- further into the pages until I'm mentally immersed into a different world; it's eye-opening.
I suddenly see things like I have never seen them before; I'm placed into someone else's shoes, put behind someone else's eyes and lenses to which they see and view the world.
I notice that we all share the same similarities at heart, but I also notice that a lot of us don't; and some of us are simply born into life holding a bad compass, and they spend the first-halves or even the majority of their lives- trying to fix that compass. Yet others are born with a relatively "normal" compass- and yet while we are greatful for it, we still want to be able to get an upgrade of that compass; we want to be able to do better things. That's everyone's goal isn't?
I mean, shouldn't that be everyone's goal in life?
Be a better person today than you were yesterday? Even if the you from yesterday sucked, TRY to do better. Don't procrastinate, don't simply succumb to mind-numbingly "easy pleasures" that make you feel like you've achieved virtually nothing in the end. I don't know, all of this is way easier said than done I know that for a fact. But it's still good to write down; as a reminder to me and anyone out there who may or may not read this.
Until next time.
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xianoii · 3 years
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︶꒦꒷♡ . . . ARATAKI ITTO 𓂃 GREEN LIGHT . ·˚ ༘
( DRABBLE ) 𓂃 a lil somethin’.
゛꒦꒷♡⃕ ࣪ WARNINGS ༝ fem!reader ⸝⸝ size kink ⸝⸝ praise ⸝⸝ belly bulging ⸝⸝ daddy kink ⸝⸝ overuse of pet names ⸝⸝ dumbification ⸝⸝ minors do not interact.
゛꒦꒷♡⃕ ࣪ NOTICE ༝ i want him to blow my back out n rearrange my vertebrae :(
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“THAT’S MY GIRL, fuck,” itto pauses, his lip falling between his teeth. a hand presses on your lower stomach, the pressure seems to tighten your cunt around him, “takin’ me so well..” his praises flying straight to your clit. you whine, jerking into him as an attempt to pull him in full - your pussy aching for attention. he continues slowly, agonizing you in the wait. it’s drawn out and you’re begging to be filled, your lips muttering feeble pleads that barely knock on the barrier of sound. when and finally when itto buries himself to the hilt do you moan, your pussy crowded with his girth.
he’s fat and long, filling you up adequately and deliciously. if you had no self-control, you’d have came all over already. he’s still in you, not a muscle being moved as he allows you time to adjust. he’s a lot, and he knows— but he knows that you can take much more.
his thrusts begin. they’re short and sweet, yet powerful. he lets your cunt take control - sliding in and out as far as he could when your sporadic contractions occur. it’s irregularly paced and sloppy— but that’s what makes it so good. your head is cushioned by the pillows beneath you, your body immersed in comfort as itto rocks into you, driving pleasure through your veins. your moans are sung lowly, escaping your lips with small calls of ‘daddy’ following. it’s repeated - like a mantra glued to your memory. he barely catches the title, focused on the sweet throb of your pretty pussy, engaged in the way your body reacts to him. you think he doesn’t hear you, doesn’t realize what you’ve called him, but he does. “shit, baby,” he whispers, leaning over you, his hand that was once on your stomach now anchoring him up. “my princess likes daddy’s cock? hm, like it when i fuck you..” he pauses, pulling out ever so slightly. his hips twist, an angle producing from his lazy precision. “..like this?”
it’s an ego boost. you’re a confidence booster, making his blown head skyrocket. he’s seemingly fucking into you with more power, the head of his dick diving into your depths, kissing your sweet spot. your moans are more frequent, the roughness of his thrusts sending you bobbing up and down the mattress, your voice bouncing along. he’s serious, now, a determined look painted over his features, “say it again,” you’re too fucked to know what he’s talking about. he grinds his thumb on your clit, narrow circles running around the bud. his hips continue to snap into you, his sheer strength having you adopt a fear of snapping in two. “fuck— say it again, baby. let me hear ya’,” his words are slurred. but you manage to pick apart what he means. your babbled slip-ups has obviously stuck with the oni, a need to hear the title fall from your lips burning in his chest. weak and fucked out, you try your hardest to please him, batting your lashes prettily and pursing your lips, “harder, daddy. wan’ more..”
itto has never felt this before. an undying, insatiable, burning appetite that drives him mad. madly fucking into you, your legs hiked up on his shoulders and your abdomen tightened at the position. his cock is wedging deeper into you, widening what shouldn’t be touched for his girth to contort it in his shape. your hands are scrambling for dear life, air barely flowing through you properly as you fail to catch yourself at the receiving end of this bittersweet brutality. you feel full - happily stuffed. that’s not enough for itto. no, he wants to see the beads of tears group on your lashes, running down your face and spoiling your pretty makeup. he wants to hear you whine that “‘ts too much, daddy! can’t take it—!” so he can dote on you, properly assess your needs before taking you and fucking you silly ten times over. it’s a fixation, a need that he must suppress. you’ve brought this upon him and yourself, and now you must bear the consequences.
but he’s too much for you. your head is knocked empty, babbles and incoherent cries tumble past your lips. you whine for him, tighten your walls and curl your toes — the pleasure building an orgasm deep in your tummy. itto is consistent, sloppily thrusting into you and churning your insides deliciously, brewing the orgasm within you with his own hand. he’s skilled in the way he pleases you, stretching you quite literally thin to delve deeper in you, the flesh of your stomach displaying his cock faintly. your cries turn shrill, his name clashing with ‘daddy’ as he fucks you straight into your high - launching you straight to cloud nine.
itto will continue, only so he can hear you moan for more, “daddydaddydadd— hnn fuck! ‘s much, it’s s’much!” that’s what he likes to hear. you’ve gotten him started, and given him the green light to keep going.
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the-wayside · 2 years
I think I just need to say this about Porsche's fighting style.
Porsche has adapted competition level Taekwondo and underground boxing into beating up fighters/thugs. I can't speak to Taekwondo but in kickboxing, the highest points you can garner are kicks to the head. I would assume it's similar. So throughout his former years of training, that was what he was driving to achieve. Almost like his default setting, it's where he feels comfortable. Foot to head.
And people do have key/signature moves based on style and all of Porsche's rely on range and distance (for his beautiful legs) which, funnily enough, mafia men don't like. Mine and Porsche's styles are very similar that's how I know that the reason we see him struggle is because you need speed to get your legs up and to be hitting the person with your foot and not breaking your shin. Distance gives you time. Porsche has been forced into a lot of close combat situations as I said and as much as people might think not, you have to fully extend your leg (wheelhouse/hook kick) to get the full momentum to drive the kick. There are whole drills dedicated to fish kicks (kicks that go under the guard and aim for the ribs [5x5s: 5 left, 5 right, do it 5 times for speed]) and speed switching between roundhouse to the head and to the side.
What I'm trying to say is Porsche is excellent at what he does. Only, no one cares. They close the space, they hem him in. He isn't anticipating his opponent enough. He is, as we saw in ep 1, used to "arriving" and being the most skilled and relying on his abilities to carry him through. That was his issue with Kinn, he kept getting caught in Kinn's range and he couldn't get out. He couldn't employ his style of fighting but had to on the fly adapt to Kinn's and that led to biting.
With Pete, this flows better. Ultimately Porsche isn't trying to hurt Pete. They trade blows quite easily. Pete does what Porsche doesn't, which is mix up the range and tries to anticipate Porsche but we also see Porsche enter that closed combat space. He is learning.
It's funny because when we prepare for matches and our approach, sure there's the basics of what you need to do physically, but it's actually about the mental prep you do and that's told like a chess metaphor because you need to be mentally thinking three moves ahead from where you are.
Porsche at the beginning of the series is very much a pawn, chaotic and all over the place. In his fight with Pete, he moves with a surety of his place, not only in his style but his righteousness and his place as the queen. He approaches and circles, that's how he catches Pete. He is learning and we see it in his style. He's acclimatising to his environment.
Porsche's losses before were never a symbol of a lack of skill. They were a symbol of a mental lack. He lost the internal chess game. He has been immersed in that world now, he knows the rules and he can apply them to the board. Kinn and Porsche in that respect are two sides of the same coin (oh a Merlin reference); that's why they work. They both understand the game.
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kaorisun · 3 years
Thank you! I love angst too! Can I get random 5 stars (not in the previous request) to see
s/o got an illness and is about to die? A lot of angst pls
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❀ GENSHIN. your illness and eventual death
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characters included ; venti, zhongli, xiao
tags ; angst, reader death, character death
author’s note ; ofc! angsty as always, i hope you enjoy!
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— You were an adventurer for the Guild. You had noticed yourself having increased trouble in your travels, and began getting sick. Worrying for your health, you visited a doctor in Liyue, soon met with a deadly diagnosis and limited time left in the world. You tried to hide it from Venti for a while, not wanting to dampen his spirit with your grim diagnosis, but when you eventually start to physically weaken, you have no choice but to tell him of your ailment.
— Venti is absolutely crushed at the news. The last thing he needed was to lose someone before it’s their time to go. You reassure him best you can, and he insists that you spend as much time as you can experiencing things you haven’t alongside him. To travel the rest of the world— just like you’d originally wanted.
— Venti, with the help of Dvalin, takes you beyond the outreach of Mondstadt, constantly by your side as he helps you experience the many wonders Teyvat has to offer. Beyond just Liyue, you visit and enjoy the immersive cultures of Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine— everything. However, with each new thing you both do, Venti notices your condition deteriorating.
— You somehow manage to travel the expanse of Teyvat despite your illness. When Venti asks you what you’d like to do next, you simply ask to return home. You didn’t have much time left— but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him. You wanted to pass at home in the familiar environment you grew to love. The place where you met Venti— the love of your life. You wanted to spend your final moments in his city.
— Upon your arrival back at Mondstadt, you briefly separate from Venti to say your farewells to the rest of your friends. Many tearful goodbyes later, you return to your lover’s side. Venti takes you to Windrise and you rest underneath the large tree with Venti by your side. He cooks for you and plays a few songs on his lyre for you to help you relax and to keep your mind off of the sickness plaguing your body.
— You eventually rest your head on his lap, watching him with careful, yet loving eyes as he sings a familiar tune to you. One telling the story of how you both met. After he finishes, you gently shut your eyes as you breathe lightly.
— “You know I love you, right? Thank you for everything, Barbatos. I’ll always be with you.”
— Venti knows. He knows why you’re saying that, and he’s ready. He brushes his fingers through your hair gently as he feels you take your final breath, a gentle smile present on your face as you pass. He watches the color fade from the vision adorning your clothes, and with that, he shuts his eyes and allows the tears to fall. Using his anemo power, he blows a gentle breeze to allow your soul to return to Celestia. Your journey together comes to a close. You have a quiet funeral, buried underneath the same tree where you spent your final moments with him.
— He frequents your grave and always brings the freshest picked flowers to adorn your headstone. He carries your vision with him on his belt, and often sings or talks to you at your grave when he gets the chance.
— And in those moments, he made a quiet promise. When you eventually were reborn into this world, he would meet you again when you were ready.
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— You had a very strong relationship with Zhongli, after all, you were a well respected researcher and his lover. You had even eventually learned his secret of your own accord. You both spent a lot of time together, so when you begin to fall ill, he’s incredibly insistent that you visit the pharmacy. You listen, and when Baizhu finishes his diagnosis and walks in with a crestfallen expression, you both know that you’re now living on limited time.
— At first, Zhongli is incredibly protective of you. He insists on bed rest, constant medicine and care, being rather overbearing. Eventually you both have to have a serious conversation. Your illness is incurable. There’s no changing that. You’d like to spend your final days experiencing things. You don’t want to die cooped up in a room. It crushes him, but Zhongli knows he has to accept it as the truth.
— You both do a lot together. Indulge in many foods and fancies, listen to countless stories and visit many friends. Your illness is kept between you and Zhongli per your request. You wanted to keep up appearances as to not worry or be coddled by anyone else. However, when it becomes increasingly obvious that you’re ill, you eventually share the news with others.
— The one who takes it the hardest is Hu Tao. You and Zhongli had become parental figures to her, so she’s devastated to learn that you’ll eventually succumb to your ailment. She tries her best to keep her usual chipper personality, but she struggles. You tell her that you can plan your funeral on your own, but she insists that she wants to be a part of the process. You and Zhongli both notice the quietly shed tears as she picks the best possible flowers, embellishments and procedures for your funeral, but you both say nothing.
— After all proper preparations are arranged, you spend out your days with those you love— far too weak to participate in anything particularly exciting or strenuous. Zhongli watches you slowly grow weaker as time goes on, but he loves you all the same. He helps you out when you become too weak to do things on your own.
— It’s on the night of the Lantern Rite releasing that you feel your end oncoming.
— “Morax, my love. Could you take me to the cliff overlooking the harbor?”
— Zhongli was torn. He knew very well what that request meant. He agreed, though. He knew you didn’t want to die in a room such as this. He carried you gently out to the cliff that overlooked the Harbor. Your quiet breathing was the only sound that filled the silence as the lanterns were released, creating a beautiful glow in the sky.
— Zhongli has gotten you both a lantern, and you managed enough strength to write something on the slip of the lantern. Together, you released them before you eventually laid yourself in Zhongli’s embrace. He rubbed your back gently, assuring you that it was okay. That he’d be okay.
— You quietly passed in his arms, a peaceful expression on your face. Zhongli was devastated, allowing his tears to fall and allowing the strong front he put up to crumble. Despite his own mourning, he was relieved. He knew that you were no longer in any pain.
— What he didn’t know is that your final wish was the exact same as his. You hoped that Celestia would return you to him, and that in the future, you’d find each other once more.
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— It surprised many to hear that you were in a relationship with the Vigilant Yaksha, let alone that he’d actually be willing to be in a relationship given his view on himself. However, it did not surprise those who were close to Xiao. Zhongli, the other Adepti— even Verr Goldet— were all less than shocked by the evolution in your relationship. You had a peaceful, cleansing air about you and it was infectious. It’s only natural that Xiao had been drawn to you. Your personality was one of kindness and care that sealed the deal. You two were made for one another. It came as no shock to your close confidants.
— However, what was shocking was that after a long period of time, you seemed to be less and less well. It was odd to see such a kind, powerful vision user suddenly fall ill. The worst part was that when you had collapsed, Xiao wasn’t there. He was out cleansing the world of evil— something you knew he had to do because of his duty. Luckily, Verr Goldet had been there when you had collapsed and arranged for you to be transported to the city swiftly. The other Adepti were quick to assist, given the circumstances.
— When Xiao returned to find you missing, he became worried. It was unlike you to disappear without leaving him a note. He was protective and you knew that, so you never did anything without ensuring that Xiao knew your whereabouts. This worry lasted only a few moments before the Innkeeper told Xiao of the situation. Your sudden illness, collapse and eventual emergency transport into the Harbor. Within a moments notice, Xiao was gone, making his way to the Pharmacy.
— Upon his arrival, Xiao met Zhongli. He’d been there as next to Xiao, he was the closest to you, and he was available to be there in Xiao’s absence. Zhongli explained to him that he was in the dark, as well. Baizhu had not finished his assessment, yet. The two waited and eventually, Baizhu walked out with Qiqi, the man looking equally as perplexed as he was stressed.
— Baizhu explained that your illness was unnatural in nature. It wasn’t anything that could be accounted to genetics or circumstance as it was far too sudden. The word unnatural rang free in Xiao’s mind— had his Karmic Debt taken a toll on you? It created a deep pit of guilt in Xiao’s psyche— but it was quickly dispersed when Baizhu had noticed.
— Baizhu then mentioned that his use of the word “unnatural” didn’t insinuate anything spiritual or soul-binding in nature, rather, the illness seemed to have been almost man-made. Physical symptoms caused by no naturally occurring disease that he knew of. On top of that, you were rendered unconscious, so he could not ask any questions of you. There was nothing they could do until they could get answers. Xiao knew you were an adventurer, but didn’t know much of where you went off to. You both still did your own jobs separately— it was normal for you to go off on your own, and from the places he remembers in your notes, nothing was particularly suspicious.
— Xiao stayed by your side, only leaving to fulfill his duties as much as he didn’t want to. He only left when he was absolutely certain that you wouldn’t be alone. He didn’t want to rest until you were returned to him. And by some miracle, you had eventually woken up. You didn’t look well, though. Your fate was sealed at this point. It was a fact Xiao didn’t want to accept, but deep down, he knew when he saw the hazy look in your eyes. He demanded to know who did this to you— if you even knew. You smiled softly. You knew who it was, but you didn’t want your lover to live the rest of his life seeking vengeance for your sake. You were non-violent in nature. You wanted him to remember you by your best memories, not by your death. You told him as much. Xiao was angry at first, but then he saw it.
— Acceptance. You had already accepted that you were going to die, but despite such a cruel fate— you weren’t even the slightest bit angry or upset at whoever did this to you. He didn’t need to get you vengeance. Things always balanced out. You truly believed that. He didn’t, but he wouldn’t go against your wishes. Instead, he remained by your side. He watched you deteriorate further and tried his best to help you keep what little strength you had left. It was a mournful sight, truly.
— Then the day came. You turned your head away when Xiao tried to offer you your breakfast, instead asking him to lay next to you. He obliged, wrapping his arms around you as you tried your best to relax in his embrace.
— “Xiao. Thank you for protecting me, even in my final moments. You’ve put more good into this world than you’ve taken from it. I truly believe that. I love you, my Yaksha.”
— He held back tears, whispering a small “I love you too.” You gave a gentle smile before inevitably shutting your eyes and letting out your last breath. He felt your life leave your body, but with that, he felt the weight of his debt somehow lift. True freedom from the shackles of his endless pain. He could finally rest. Soon enough, he felt his own eyes close and sank into the peacefulness of the dark.
— Baizhu relayed the news to Zhongli, and for the first time in a while, the entirety of Liyue was under a somber rain. What Zhongli had learned was that not only did you pass, but as if you were truly made for one another, Xiao had passed soon after you, being released from the debt that had taken such a toll on his entire being.
— It was Zhongli’s hope, as he told the story of the Vigilant Yaksha and their unwavering lover, that you both would return to Teyvat together in a different life where perhaps, life wouldn’t be so cruel to you both.
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