#BUT that will not stop me from sharing snippets. i’ll write a little more tonight and then i will definitely post some more snippets<3
reagan-mclean · 4 months
OC Kiss Prompt Day 1: Almost
This is a snippet for OC Kiss week 2024 for the prompt almost. I've never shared these particular OC's before, so I'm a little nervous, but I really enjoyed this piece.
Pain shot through Remys as he shifted into yet another uncomfortable position. Instinctually, he pressed a hand to his side and winced when he’d only made it worse. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself into a sitting position. There was no way he would be sleeping tonight. The pain made him let out a hiss, and he winced waiting to be chastised for not sleeping.
No reprimand ever came. Surprised, Remys blinked a couple times, then looked around to find the woman who’d offered to keep watch. He expected to see her sitting around the fire, making some tea, or writing in her journal. When he didn’t see her, he forced himself to get up. 
He stumbled slightly, the world starting to sway. Still he forced himself to step forward, biting down on his lip not to groan and wake the others. A quick glance around confirmed that both Kol and Anyssa were sleeping in their bedrolls. He knew the last member of their party wouldn’t be far. She took her responsibilities seriously. One of the few things that hadn’t changed. 
Sure enough she was seated on a broken piece of wall close enough to the camp to be aware of any trouble, but far enough to have a moment to herself. For a moment, Remys just watched her. She was humming a soft tune while looking down into her lap. She was bathed in the light from the full moon while the firelight brought the red out in her dark hair. Looking at her like that, he was reminded just how beautiful she was. 
He approached slowly, not wanting to ruin the moment. The short walk from his bedroll to the wall where she was seated, took just about all of his energy. He plopped down next to her with his back to the wall she was seated on, causing her to look over her shoulder. 
“You shouldn’t be awake,” she scolds, wrinkling her nose. 
“If you’re not sleeping, neither am I.”
“Remys, I’m on watch. That’s my job.”
“Technically it’s my watch rotation. You and Anyssa just decided that I can’t keep watch with my ribs wrapped up.”
“It's a serious injury. You need to rest. The last thing we need is you getting more hurt.”
“I’ll make you a deal,” he suggests, looking into her magenta gaze. “I’ll go back to bed, if you tell me what’s causing you to brood all the way over here.”
“First of all, I’m not that far from camp. Second, I do not brood.” She turns back around so she’s facing away from camp and folds her arms across her chest. 
“Aurora, you are a brooding champion. Stop trying to deny it, and just tell me what’s got you staring into your lap.” All the elf does in response is toss a charm she’s holding over her shoulder into Remys’s lap. He picks it up in confusion. “Your necklace charm?”
“Not mine, Ava’s,” she swallows. Even with her back turned, Remys can tell she is trying not to cry. When she speaks again, her voice sounds hollow. “Do you know what that means? It means she was here. She was here and we missed her.”
“But that also means we can catch up.”
“Not likely. Kol said he chose this spot to stop because it showed signs that a party had just left after making camp for several hours undisturbed. That means they’re probably a whole day ahead of us,” she looks back over her shoulder again. “Likely more since we’ll be moving slower.”
She didn’t have to say it. He knew what she meant. If he wasn’t injured, they would have  a much easier time catching up with her sister. He leaned his head against the stone, drawing in a sharp breath. 
“You can leave me, if you have to. Go catch up with her.”
“What?” She gasped. “Why would you ever suggest such a thing? More importantly, what makes you think I’d ever agree to that?”
“The whole reason we came all this way was to find your sister. If you need to leave me to do that, I won’t hold it against you.”
“I can’t do that,” she declared, and Remys almost allowed himself to hope that it was because she still loved him, and couldn’t leave him behind. “What if she’s still with those creatures that kidnapped her. I’d rather face them in a group of competent combatants than alone.”
“If you don’t want to go in alone, and you have proof we’re heading in the right direction, what has you so worried?”
“Why are you so certain I’m worried about something?”
“Because you are by nature a worrier, and you scrunch your face when you’re worried about something. It makes your freckles fold in cute shapes.”
“How much attention are you paying to my freckles?”
“This might surprise you, but once upon a time I used to enjoy spending countless hours admiring your face, and you are avoiding my question.”
She breathed out in a huff. “How can you still know me so well after three years of absence? I am worried. My sister is missing, I’ll be worried until I find her.”
“It’s more than that, isn’t it?”
“What if we’re too late?”
“Then we find a cleric to revive her,” Remys offers, knowing the solution is over simplistic. 
“What if that’s not an option?”
“Then at least you’ll have answers about what happened to her, and we’ll pray about what to do next.”
“That’s not good enough.”
“Auri,” he says, the affectionate nickname slipping out as if it hadn’t been three years since he’d last used it. “I can’t promise you that we can save Ava’s life, but I can promise you that I will do everything in power to help you bring her home. Worrying in a situation like this is natural, but if you worry too much, you’ll just wear yourself out.”
“I know you’ll do everything you can. You never have been able to do things halfway. I’m worried about me. What if I’m not good enough? My whole life has been a series of almosts. Almost gifted in music. Almost a favorite child. Almost the best student. Almost the leader of my cloister. Almost your wife. I can’t afford to turn this into another almost. We may not get along well, but Ava is all I have now, I can’t lose her.”
“Hey,” he whispered, gaining her attention. She leaned over to hear the soft words better, but went too far and lost her balance on the wall. She landed in his lap, and immediately winced. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that, especially with your injury.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he assured, just as soft as he’d spoken before, wrapping his arms around her. As he did so, he worried the gesture would be too familiar for where their relationship had fallen to. Instead she leaned into him. Perhaps out of instinct or a need for whatever comfort was offered, but perhaps she was just as stuck in the past as Remys was, remembering a time when they would sit like this for hours with no uncertainty.
His desire to comfort was so strong he couldn’t keep himself from pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead before he continued whispering. “And don’t worry about being not good enough either. You are probably the most competent person in this camp. You’re an incredibly gifted cleric, loved by the god you serve. You put years of dedication into your craft. You’re smart and insightful. Perhaps overly cautious, but only to help you gather information from which you make sound judgements. You may have changed in the past three years, Auri, but you still have all your best qualities, and I have no doubt that your stubborn streak of yours is going to pull us through.”
“Realistically, I know you’re just trying to make me feel better and there’s still a high likelihood that we lost our best chance at saving her, but I actually do feel better,” she admitted, leaning forward to give him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you.”
“I’m here for you anytime you need me,” he promised, more than a little surprised she was still allowing him to hold her. Even she could acknowledge that she needed him in that moment though, even if she may not have wanted him. But he still wanted her. Seeing her so distraught hurt him much deeper than his wounds, and holding her again just reminded him of every happier moment they spent together. She may have poured out a heart full of regrets, but Remys really only had one regret in that moment: the time when Aurora went from his soon to be wife to the woman he almost married once. 
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teamdilf · 9 months
Tagged by @outpost51 - thank you!
In a reblog (or new post/w rules attached) post up to five filenames of your WIPs, not titles, file names
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be something you wrote in the last 7 days (we're posting progress here. If you haven't made any, go make some and come back to post!)
After you've posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from, write 3 sentences on it anyway and then 3 more on another to share!
That's it! You can invite others to join in or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request.
Tagging @westernlarch, @nicolasadrabbles and @kaos-kappa
Putting my snippet under the cut because things get a little saucy. 🌶️
Astarion is sitting atop a royal blue duvet, eyeing her suggestively; no indication of any lingering anger from their argument yesterday. “Would you care to feed on me tonight?” she asks him, and he raises an eyebrow. 
“A peace offering. How generous of you. Gladly.”
She sits down beside him, and he does not stop her, and she hugs her knees to her chest. “Have I ever told you about my family?” 
“It hardly seems something that would come up.” 
“I was the disappointment,” she says, glancing at him and giving him a sad smile. “I wonder if they think I’m dead, or if I’m simply maintaining a particularly long tantrum by hiding away in Rivington. I’d messed up and forgot that I was supposed to babysit my brother’s kids. Not… for the first time, and he was pissed. And maybe he was right to be pissed, but I just got so sick of him looking at me as if I were a child in need of a scolding, instead of his sister, who happens to be ten minutes younger than he is. I snapped, and… left. And now I’m a big fucking hero. Imagine that: the stage performer and occasional stripper is now what stands between peace and whatever the mindflayers want with us.”
“Have you ever considered… not being a hero?” Astarion says, as if that’s an easy solution to her problem. 
“My family lives in Baldur’s Gate. Yes, that’s a ways away, but I can’t risk them. My grandfather is a dragon - a silver one, which means by nature he’s always been more curious about the lives of us mere humanoids, and he’s lived in an elven community for centuries now. The village is under his protection, and he’s always said that it’s our duty to take care of our people. Father is no warrior but took that to heart, and when he was chewing me out for failing to meet my obligations, he reminded me of that. So - that’s what I’m doing. I’m taking care of my people, and you’re here helping out, even if you’re a whiny little pain in the ass while you are, so that makes you my people. Which means I’m going to take care of you, and you don’t need to mainline tadpoles in order to obtain protection.”
“Cute, how you think you know what I need. If only you knew,” Astarion says bitterly, but fails to open up further. He then shifts, turning flirtatious and gives her a coy smile. “Lie back; I promise I’ll be gentle.” 
She lies back, offering her neck. “You’re eating me; this is hardly gentle.” 
“Oh, but I’m not. Yet.” His fangs puncture her neck and she winces; her belly stirring with desire and her cheeks growing hot as she realizes the precise meaning of his flirtatious words. 
“I could later if you like,” he says, pausing long enough to lap at the tiny wound he’s made on her neck.
2. bg3 fic quotes
3. Shepard & Castis
4. Adrien & Aurelia Final Year
5. Cazador
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queenofbaws · 3 months
Tumblr media
these weeks just...just keep comin, huh??? like they don't stop or something ;P
another quick update from queenie hq: things are going to c o n t i n u e to be sporadic and strange on my end for the next couple weeks. i'm going to be hosting family, again, until roughly the end of the month, so alas, i'm not anticipating a ton of writing time. or relaxing time. or time where i'm not gritting my jaw and screaming internally. SUCH IS LIFE!
however, i'm totally psyched to report i fiiinally got to cross one long-running wip off my list (the tale(s) of the champion), and oooh the feeling of seeing a complete checkmark for that baby over on ao3 is fueling the fire for me to wrap some others up too ;P my plan for the time being is still to try and get out a chapter or two of like wringing blood in the near future, but i'm also going to be working on finally wrapping of mummy men & bathtub soup so i can open the door for other CREEPs projects. we shall see.
as always, i've thrown some snippets under the cut - strictly supermassive projects this time, hehe - and i hope you're all doing well <3
of mummy men & bathtub soup
“Uh huh. Look. I’m sure you guys have something hilarious planned for me tonight. Another A+ jumpscare courtesy of Washington Pictures, Inc. And I’m also sure that the more of this crap you get me to gobble up, the antsier all your cloak and daggers bullshit makes me, the funnier it’ll be when I fall into a swoon or whatever, but it’s not happening. Am I the brightest bulb in the lamp? No! I’m not! Am I the sort of moron who gets bit by a dog and tries to pet it a second time? Also no!”
Sam had barely started shaking her head when Fliss joined them, an unspoken question in her eyes. She latched onto her instead. “People keep talking about last night. I've heard someone mention weird stuff happening on at least three separate occasions already, so if anyone could give me just a little context, that would be so great.”
“Weird is…one way to put it,” Fliss said. “It’s not the word I would’ve picked. Freakish, maybe. Terrifying, definitely. It must’ve taken you guys forever to set that up! It was—”
“Oh no,” she breathed, dropping her head into her hands. Conrad almost expected her to sink into a nearby chair or go full-on crisscross-applesauce on the floor, so intense was her reaction. She didn’t: If anything, she set her shoulders and squared herself off, assuming the air of a battle-hardened soldier. “Okay. Okay. Okay. Listen to me. I know you think this is about you because you think everything’s about you, but I am telling you, it's not."
upcoming CREEPs project with a title that 100% spoils ALL the surprise of it and thus will not yet be included asdlkfjalskjfklsjdf
“Any word from our housetergeist?”
“Uh, not unless they suddenly share yours and Josh’s love of absolutely inscrutable inside jokes,” Ashley called back, equal measures relieved and disappointed to see the fridge decorated with the same message the guys had put up before their trip: DO THE BARTMAN. Rolling her eyes, she pulled the door open and rummaged around, making a happy little sound when she spotted what she’d wanted. “Hey,” she called again, “are you gonna be upset with me if I drink the last cream soda?”
“Josh might be!”
“I wasn’t asking about Josh, you dip! I was asking about you!”
“Oh. Then, yeah, heartbroken. I-I-I don’t know how I’ll survive! I might have to reassess this whole relationship thing. Honestly, I can’t believe you’d do something as heinous as drink the last cream soda! I thought I meant something to you!”
She grabbed the can and shut the door, groaning, “Ha ha,” before stopping cold.
The fridge magnets had moved.
a fic that started as a joke post but now has almost 40k words written for it
“Hey,” he said, giving the grate a hard shake. They all winced, pulling even farther away until they pretty much fell on top of each other. “Chill. They’re fuckin’ dead. Shit’s fine. Don’t be weird about it.”
Good deed done, he turned back around to rejoin the guys, and—fuck.
Right away, Bobby knew he didn’t like the way Chris was sizing them up. He didn’t know why he didn’t like it, he just knew it spelled trouble, one way or another.
Jack seemed to agree with him. “No,” he said long before Chris even opened his mouth. “Whatever it is you’re brewing in that snowglobe you call a skull, quit while you’re ahead. Or while you still have a head.”
“Your plan didn’t work.” For someone who usually stayed at base during their hunts on account of ‘not wanting to die the world’s stupidest death,’ Chris sure was sticking his finger awfully close to Jack’s face. That was biting range. And Jack could move quick when he wanted to. “Your plan worked even less,” he continued, moving that finger to Travis’s face instead, and Jesus Christ, that was worse!
Travis didn’t answer him. Not at first. He sucked his teeth, though. Stared at Chris’s finger. Probably thought about breaking it off if he didn’t get it out of his face. “If you don’t get that outta my face, I will break it off, so help me God.”
Yeah. Checked out.
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psapphic95 · 2 years
Tumblr Snippets - Cab for Regina Mills?
So, I'm still working on Unbound and I did promise that the next thing I update on AO3 would be the second chapter. However, I had this funny little splurge in Google Docs and I thought it would be nice to share it. I plan to write a few more short, Tumblr snippets that are just a bit too short and plotless to put on AO3. Let me know what you think and if you'd like to see more of this stuff!
It had been a peaceful, quiet evening for Emma. Curled up on the sofa with Otis and Frosty, she had been switching between reading, watching TikTok, and colouring all evening. She was waiting for Regina’s call before she would finally go to bed. She was pleased that Mommy was out for drinks and dancing with her friends - Emma sometimes worried that Regina’s social life, beyond the friends that they shared, lacked somewhat. So, when Regina informed Emma that she and her friends from the gym, the ‘MILF brigade’ (as Emma called them) were going out on the town, she excitedly gave her recommendations for the best bars and clubs in Boston. 
It was just past 1am when Emma’s phone began buzzing on the coffee table. She had offered to pick Regina up from whatever bar she had ended up at, the quietly protective girl didn’t want her potentially intoxicated Mommy taking an Uber so late in the evening. 
The caller ID confirmed that it was Regina and Emma answered with a cheerful, “Hi, Mommy.”
“Mommy?” a confused, but familiar British accent responded. “No, Emma, this is Regina’s phone.” 
The awkward, pregnant pause that followed was almost painful. Emma’s hand covered her eyes in utter mortification as she recognised the voice of one of Regina’s friends from her spin class. 
“...Jasmine?” Emma asked hesitantly.  
“Yes? Did you think your mother was calling you?” 
“I-yes I was expecting her call and I didn’t look at the caller ID,” Emma lied with a silent prayer that Jasmine would just drop the subject. 
“Ah, okay. That makes sense,” Jasmine seemed satisfied with the answer. “Anyway, I’m just calling because Regina has had…one too many cocktails tonight and she mentioned that you were going to pick her up?” 
“Yeah, I was. Is she okay?” 
“Oh she’s fine, just a little too sloshed but I’m not sure a cab driver would let her into their car.” 
“Jesus,” Emma couldn’t help but sound a tiny bit impressed. “I’m on my way, just send me your location.” 
It was only a short drive to the bar that Regina and her friends were in. Pulling up in her Mommy’s Mercedes, Emma spotted Jasmine with her arm wrapped around Regina’s waist to stop her from swaying around, as well as the rest of Regina’s friends being wrangled into their respective vehicles by their partners. 
It wasn’t in Regina’s nature to get this drunk, but Emma didn’t find it worrying or concerning. It had been a while since Mommy had let off some steam, and she probably just got caught up in the conversations and dancing and accidentally drank more than she normally would. Indeed, the little girl was happy to have some material to tease her hungover Mommy with in the morning. 
Parking in front of the pair, Emma rolled down her window and leaned out slightly.
“Cab for Regina Mills?” 
Jasmine chuckled as she manoeuvred Regina towards the backseat of her car and opened the door for her. 
“Do you need a ride too, Jas?” Emma asked. 
“No no, don’t worry,” the woman reassured as she mostly managed to contain Regina’s long arms and limbs into the back seat. “My husband is coming, he’s just around the corner.” 
“I’ll see you later, Regina,” Jasmine leaned into the car and kissed Regina’s cheek goodbye. “Be good.” 
“B-bye Jasmine, see you soon…” Regina mumbled under her breath. 
“Laters, Jas. Thanks again,” Emma spoke through the open window. 
After Jasmine slammed her door shut and began walking to her husband’s car, Mommy finally managed to slur, “Hi, I’m Regina.”
Emma glanced at the rearview mirror to look at her Mommy, wrapped up in her coat and her eyelids drooping. She was no longer wearing the glasses she had left the house with, and her head was drunkenly lolling from side to side. 
‘She’s so hammered,’ Emma thought with a little shake of her head. 
“Hi, Regina?” Emma smiled.
“Are you taking me back to my house?” the brunette rubbed her hand across her face as if it would sober her up slightly. “As beautiful as you are, I have my sweet angel waiting for me at home.” 
Emma’s eyes darted sideways in confusion. 
Was Mommy trying to flirt with her?
“Yes, I’m taking you home,” Emma replied slowly and cautiously as she started the car. “To your sweet angel.” 
“Yes, perfect. Perfect, thank you,” Regina’s penchant for excessive politeness was made worse by the alcohol in her system. 
With a chuckle, Emma understood just how fucked up her Mommy was. “Don’t worry about it, Regina.” 
Ignoring Emma’s comment, Regina started with another intoxicated ramble. 
“Your voice is so lovely, you know. It reminds me of my Emma.” 
"Regina, I am Em-..." the blonde stopped herself and decided to play along for her own amusement. She’d never seen someone so drunk, let alone her prim-and-proper Mommy, that they completely forget their own partner. 
This is where the saying ‘blind drunk’ must come from. 
The blonde corrected herself quickly and played the game. "I mean, I am flattered. Your girlfriend is called Emma?" 
"Yes, yes. My Emma. She's so..." Regina's voice trailed off in a dreamy slur. "She's just...everything." 
A chorus of voices in Emma’s head sang a simultaneous ‘awwwww,’ at the soft, adorable confession. 
“She sounds like a great girl,” Emma responded as she pulled up to a traffic light. 
She was driving slowly, a little faster than a crawling pace through the fairly empty back streets of Boston. Partially because she didn’t want to round corners too quickly and risk upsetting the stomach of the big drunk idiot in the back, but she was also enjoying the impromptu love confessions. 
“She is…she’s so smart. She’s so smart and pretty and kind,” Regina paused and corrected herself. “So kind but also a little mean sometimes… it’s the best” 
Emma giggled and looked up again at the rearview mirror to see Regina’s eyes still closed, but a wide, closed-mouth smile spread across her face. 
“You like it when she’s mean?” 
“God…I love it. I love her,” Regina mumbled. “Mean little demon spawn.” 
Unoffended, Emma continued the conversation, only to see what else Regina would say about her. 
“Why do you like it so much?” 
A small, almost guilty chuckle left Regina’s mouth. 
“Between you and I, nice Uber-Driver lady,” Regina’s voice was lowered and secretive. “It’s so hot when she orders me around.” 
“If you met her, you would understand what I mean,” the brunette added in the silence. “You should come upstairs to our house and meet her when you drop me off.” 
Quietly, Emma thanked Jasmine for calling her instead of putting Regina into an Uber. Emma wouldn't have known what to do if Regina had invited some random Uber driver to meet her whilst she was in her pyjamas, reading with Frosty. 
She’d need to talk to her Mommy about responsible drinking in the morning. 
How the tables have turned. 
“I’d love to meet her but won't she be asleep?” 
“I don’t know. She doesn't sleep well when she’s alone ‘cause she has to keep all the lights on,” Regina pointed out and then drunkenly snickered. “She's scared of the dark.”
Narrowing her eyes, Emma sounded more defensive than she intended to. “Well, scary things happen in the dark, Regina.” 
That made Regina laugh even harder until she sighed thoughtfully. 
“I hope she isn't asleep, I haven't gotten to see her properly all day and I want to give her a big kiss.” 
It was sweet how Regina could barely keep up a mutual conversation without her drunk mind steering her back to what was, apparently, her favourite topic - Emma. 
“A big kiss?” Emma chuckled at the endearing confession. 
“Yes…maybe she’ll let me kiss her pussy too, if she’s awake,” Regina nonchalantly followed up her statement with a satisfied smile, just imagining the possibility. 
For a moment, Emma was entirely startled that Regina was saying such a thing to someone that she drunkenly presumed was an Uber driver. However, given her earlier confession of her secret submissive desire to be ‘ordered around,’ by her little girl, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise. 
“No, you’re right…I’ll just kiss her pussy until she wakes up,” Regina misread the surprise in Emma’s voice. “That’s such a good idea…what is your name, sorry?” 
“Ava,” the semi-lie rolled straight off Emma’s tongue.  
“Ava. Such a good idea, Ava,” Regina nodded her head and somehow slumped back into her seat even further. “Emma’s middle name is Ava…” she added, still not connecting the dots. 
The rest of the five-minute journey was silent, and Emma had fully thought the older woman had passed out after a few minutes. After parking the car, Emma got out and circled around to open Regina’s car door. The woman was, indeed, snoring lightly with her head against the window, but was jolted awake 
“Mommy? Wake up, you’re home…” 
It took a good few minutes for Regina to come to, her unstable legs taking her off balance one too many times before Emma huffed and had to literally peel her out of the car. 
“Baby girl,” the overjoyed woman sang when Emma, stronger than she looked, hoisted her up by her armpits. “I missed you.” 
“I heard,” Emma replied dryly, holding the wobbling woman close to her body so she wouldn’t trip over her heels. “I missed you too.” 
Stabilising herself with her arms around Emma’s shoulders, Mommy leaned in for a kiss, breathing heavily into Emma’s face. The sour smell of tequila and lime from the four million margaritas she had probably consumed, stung the sensitivities of Emma’s nose and as much as she wanted to pull away from the kiss, she couldn’t. Regina always kissed her when she came home smelling and tasting like cigarettes and vodka, she could at least return the same courtesy. 
Wasting no time, Mommy slid her tongue, still tasting of the salt rim of her many drinks, into Emma’s mouth. Her hands grabbed the girl’s cheeks as she laid it on her, not in the slow, dominant, controlled way she normally kissed and commanded Emma, but all mess and saliva and teeth. 
“I am going to blow your mind when we get into bed,” Regina whispered sloppily after Emma wriggled out of her grip. 
The utter, blind confidence in Regina’s voice was astounding given she could barely stand up straight. In her minds eye, Emma could see Mommy collapsing on their bed as soon as she entered their room. With a small chuckle, Emma wrapped her arm around Regina’s waist and steered them both to the door of their building. 
“Sure you are, Mommy.”
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blossom-adventures · 11 months
Snippet Someday!
I’ve been tagged by @thequeenofthewinter to share something for this, thank you so much for the tag my dear ☺️💙
I’m going to tag… @oblivions-dawn @seradyn @garbria @bostoniangirl21 @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @miraakulous-cloud-district
Rules: Revisit an old fic (or earlier chapters in your current WIP) and share a snip from:
Your first chapter
Your favourite chapter
Your most challenging chapter
Alternatively, if you don’t write longfic, feel free to share one of your one-shots. Provide as much or as little commentary as you want.
I’ll be sharing from my Skyrim longfic - Far Horizons & Ancient Stones. I’ll put my snippets under the cut, so I don’t clog everyone’s pages with my ramblings 😆 (I would have done some for my FFXV stuff but I haven’t got enough chapters written for them yet)
First Chapter: Love at First Sight
Galmar pointed out the people who he had met personally; Hoag Stormcloak - obviously, High King Istlod, his son Torygg, Torygg’s bride-to-be, Elisif. Then there was Hrolfdir, Jarl of Markarth with his son Igmund as his Housecarl, Jarl Skald of Dawnstar and Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun - their host. As Galmar pointed to Balgruuf, Xander couldn’t help but stare, not at the young Jarl, but at the woman walking with him.
“Who is that? Next to Jarl Balgruuf”
“Helena,” Galmar said, “the Jarls cousin” Galmar looked at Xander “stare any more and you’ll burn a hole through her dress”
“I wasn’t starring” Xander said as he - a little too quickly - turned back to look at Galmar who laughed
“Sure you weren’t”
“Galmar!” the young Housecarl looked over to Hoag who gestured for him to join his Jarl.
“I’m needed, nice to meet you Captain”
“And you Galmar”
Favourite Chapter: Hircine’s Curse
“I killed him?” she gasped, panic started to set in, she gasped for breath and clutched her chest “Gods… I killed him” Skjor shifted so he could hold her closer to him
“Don’t… Jaina listen to me, don’t think like that… you said yourself he would have killed you!” He held her tight against his chest “Jaina, you need to calm down, deep breaths kid… you didn’t kill him, listen to me, you acted in self defence… you didn’t kill him”
“I did… I stabbed him” Skjor didn’t know how else to convince her that what happened wasn't her fault, so instead he just held her, and tried to calm her down, easier said than done. She continued to sob and gasp for breath into the early hours of the morning.
After a while she finally began to calm down, she was still shaking in his arms but at least the crying had stopped.
“Would you tell my cousin what happened… tell him everything”
“If you want me to, I will”
“Yes please”
“I’ll go in the morning; will you try to get some sleep tonight?” Jaina sat for a moment as if she were considering his request “Jaina, you need to sleep”
“Would you stay?” Jaina asked “I… I don’t want to be alone”
“Of course, I will”
Jaina grimaced as she settled back down onto her bed, Skjor moved to the chair that was at her bedside.
Once she was asleep, Skjor leant forward, letting out a sigh as he did. How in Oblivion am I going to tell her cousin? He thought as he looked up at her, she looked uncomfortable, wincing in her sleep as she tried to find the best position to sleep in, one that would not agitate the wounds that still hadn’t healed.
Why couldn’t I have stopped him? How did he manage to best me in a wolf fight?
“I’m so sorry Jaina” Skjor whispered
Most Challenging Chapter: The Crown & The Dragonguard (current chapter I’m working on)
That afternoon, Kaidan walked over to Jaina while she prepared her horse that Galmar had let her ride
“You sure you want me to come alone with you? The Jarls Housecarl hasn’t taken his eyes off me since we got here”
“Maybe he likes you” Jaina smirked, Kaidan laughed, “the don’t trust you, Kai… I heard Ulfric tell Galmar too keep an eye on you on my way out of the palace, you just need to give them a reason to trust you” Kaidan nodded
“If that’s what you want, I will try to do it”
“Thank you, Kaidan”
“Dragonborn! Come on, we’re ready” Kaidan returned to his horse while Jaina mounted hers before joining Galmar’s group on the road which led to the west
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peachcitt · 3 years
I read some of your wips that you shared and I’m so excited to check out your works/see what you have in store!! As a stem major I know how hard it is to write with school ㅠㅠ so don’t feel too bad about it!! Take your time if you need to and I wish you the best of luck with everything!! Super excited to read your stuff <3
omg thank you so much :”) im just so eager to share with everyone, but i know i should take my time to really make sure everything is good and polished before i post it. your and everyone’s support has really comforted me in taking my time so really thank you!! ily
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bluesora · 3 years
celebrating mother’s day with you
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tsukishima kei ; sugawara kōshi ; oikawa torū ; kita shinsuke
headcanon ; fluff ; age up ; snippets of cuteness ; parenthood ; special edition — mother’s day
note: i’m not sure if i portrayed each characterization well but i just thought it’ll be fun to write one. after all, i was blessed to be born with loving parents and i just wanted to share the love i’m grateful for.
tagging: @forgetou @amjustagirl @yacoka @haikyuutothetop @luvnami ;; thank you for dropping these characters as i couldn’t decide who to write for. (of course it was more exciting without context)
ps. it’s longer than expected i’m sorry :’)
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tsukishima kei
tsukishima isn’t one who would remember special occasions unless someone had schedule a plan in advance with him. when he wondered if he should do anything for you after hearing his colleagues whispering during break, his work got busier than usual so he had forgotten about it.
that was, until he realized he had ten missed calls from his son; which was odd because he weren’t one to call him so often.
“i was in a meeting, what hap—” before tsukishima could finish his sentence, his son interrupted him, “i bought mom’s favorite cake since you’re slow. hurry home or there’s none left for you,” the line was cut right after; which of course left poor tsukishima’s partner to deal with the aftermath. “tsukishima-san, about the report—”
“it must be so urgent that it needs my immediate attention even when i’m packing up right?” his words dripped of pure sarcasm despite the polite smile hanging from his lips. everyone could literally see the panic swirling in his partner’s pupil.
“i’m sorry!! good work today and see you tomorrow!!” it’s the weekend tomorrow, but tsukishima was too hung up on his son’s attitude to shoot another of his sarcastic reply.
you, on the other hand, were neither someone who would celebrate such occasion unless it was for birthdays or holidays. therefore, you didn’t really had anything in mind nor were you expecting anything as well.
when you finally reached home from a tiring day at work, you were definitely not expecting to see your favorite cake on the table while your son popped a party popper with a party horn in his mouth right beside you.
“happy mother’s day!” he tried to mumble out with the horn still in his mouth. you couldn’t help but chuckle at the unexpected surprise, dropping your bag on the counter just so you could hug him—one that he wholeheartedly hugged you back because tsukishima wasn’t around.
it took an hour for tsukishima to be home, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand when he walked over to where you and the cheeky lad was sitting. “oh! you didn’t have to though,” you smiled in surprise.
“dad’s just guilty he forgot about our promise and didn’t want to come home empty handed.” you chuckled at that, perhaps it wasn’t entirely wrong either but you still appreciate the sentiment. it was rare for him after all.
“those who break promises don’t get desserts.” he continued to press his dad’s buttons, only to see tsukishima loosened his tie with an expression he could not understand.
“oh, but that’s on your mom to decide if i’ll get one tonight or not.” you could feel your face heating up at your husband’s words, the tone and smile that dawned on his face was a look you knew oh so well.
“tch...i thought i hid it well.” of course, your clueless son didn’t know the true meaning of those words and thought the strawberry shortcake he bought for his dad was found out.
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sugawara kōshi
sugawara would definitely plan in advance with the children. especially when they were the ones who excitedly wanted to do something for you.
“mama like animals! lets go to the zoo!” the middle child exclaimed with so much enthusiasm, sugawara could only chuckle at her adorable smile.
“you only said that because you wanted to go to the zoo, dummy.” the eldest one huffed, feeling proud that he saw through her obvious tactic.
it didn’t take long for the two to start crawling over each other in a fight while the youngest one giggled amusingly as if she was watching a performance. that was, until an insult was thrown at her so she joined in the fight to prove her worth.
“if you don’t stop now, we’ll be celebrating at home like how we did the past two years.” that immediately ceased all action, since they haven’t had the chance to go out together as a whole family thanks to your busy schedule.
“how about the park? the cherry blossoms have bloomed and mama likes going to the park!” of course, sugawara was fond of this idea. it’s been a while since there was a family picnic session.
and so on that very day in which you finally managed to take a day off, you weren’t expecting to be blind folded while having your children guide you to wherever you were supposed to be.
knowing how clumsy the trio could be, he wanted to accompany them as well but was outright rejected when they said they could do it themselves with so much confidence, he wasn’t sure who they got it from.
with their tiny hands, it took a while for them to tie the piece of cloth around your eyes, and even when they did, it wasn’t tied well enough so you could actually still see your footing (which saved you immensely from all the accidental knocks along the way)
after what felt like forever, you finally reached the park where they shouted ‘happy mother’s day’ in unison. you kind of already knew it’ll be a picnic from the soft grass beneath your feet and those fallen pink petals, but you were still moved to tears when you saw your children squeezed together into your husband’s arms while cute decoration and plates of food were spread between you and them.
“mama, try the cookie first! i made them myself!” the middle one was the first to break the silence.
“no! try my sandwich first, i’m the eldest!”
“so what if you’re the eldest? mama must be thirsty from walking so have my ultimate happy berry juice!” the youngest chirped with pride, as if her logic was a straight pass to winning.
you laughed at their competitive nature, which was oh so endearing at the same time. and it was obvious if you don’t decide soon, an all out food war was going to happen.
“before that, shouldn’t mama receive papa’s present first?” sugawara’s cheerful voice interrupted their little argument, and just before the youngest could ask what it was, her eyes was covered by the eldest son along with the middle one.
you couldn’t help but hit his arm in embarrassment when his lips met yours longer than it should’ve been.
“hey! that’s not fair, i didn’t get to see papa’s present,” your middle one sulked, only to be carried into sugawara’s arms as he peck her little cheek with a wink. “why don’t you ask mama what it was, baby?”
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oikawa torū
it was supposed to be a big surprise where he came home earlier than the date he had told you. he even told the kids about it and they promised to make it a success (money was definitely involved to be honest)
“make sure you delay mummy at the grocery store long enough for me to set everything up in time.” he reminded his daughter time and time again, only to have her sigh at his impatience.
“i think i’m old enough to not forget something so simple dad. and please stop addressing mom like that, it’s creepy.” she cringed, wondering how you even deal with oikawa every day.
“dad, have you even baked a cake before? do you think you can get it done within an hour or maybe two?” his son asked the third time that day, which did irk oikawa with that tone of his.
“of course i can! are you looking down on me? it’s just a simple vanilla cake and some fruits on top. how hard can it be?”
of course, with every rhetorical question that pose a challenge, there would always be an answer exactly of what’s to be expected.
you, with no idea that your husband was making a mess of your kitchen, took your own sweet time at the grocery store since your daughter was there to help and it’s been a while since you had a mother and daughter bonding time.
“do you think your dad would like to have curry tomorrow? or should we just have hamburger steak?” you asked, still unsure of the menu for a celebratory dinner.
“i think he would like anything you cook, so don’t worry about it. dad’s always so happy to eat your homemade meals.” she answered with shrug, but you could tell she was happy to rely the same sentiment.
everything went smoothly and she did managed to stall your time with her longer than the agreed duration. that was, until she received a text from her brother saying dad’s cake was a failure and they should just get one outside; you two were already at the apartment lift when she read it.
“dad, i think you should just give up. they are already walking over from the—” oikawa having enough of his son’s constant nagging about how he should’ve just bought a cake instead, threw a whiff of flour to his son’s face without thinking.
and of course, which kid would not retaliate from that. the kitchen, which originally wasn’t as messy, turned into chaos of white fluff and sticky childish banter between the two.
you, not expecting to see your husband, was clearly surprise when you heard his voice by the door. the only excitement that came from that vanished the moment your eyes fell onto the state of your kitchen.
“happy mother’s day?” oikawa managed to choke out when he felt your growing presence with each step towards him.
“i’m sorry mom, it was my fault please don’t kill dad—” your son pleaded softly by the side, only to fell speechless when you threw yourself into oikawa’s arms instead.
“welcome home,” you greeted with so much warmth, oikawa couldn’t help but embraced you tightly as he replied, “i’m home.”
“mom? you’re not mad?” your daughter asked in disbelief when she brought the groceries – including the ones you dropped – over to the kitchen.
“mad? why would i be when you dad’s sleeping in the kitchen tonight.” you were so serious and certain, the two broke into fits of laughter as they ran from their father (which was fertile because they got caught immediately and was tickled to tears)
“why are you laughing when you two are having a sleepover with daddy tonight.”
“please dad, just stop.”
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kita shinsuke
there was no surprises because kita’s way of celebrating was just regular activities but doing it together. which was honestly, what you love to do most since you don’t always get the chance of spending weekdays with your family often.
from preparing meals to visiting town, usually it would be done by kita himself. however, this time because of the special occasion, you took time off to accompany your husband while bringing your little ones along with you.
“mama here’s the carrot,” your little girl placed the orange vegetable on the chopping board before humming a tune while the other twin helped kita with picking the ends of the beansprouts.
“papa are we going to town later?” she beamed excitedly, hands still working on the tiny vegetable while her legs swung to the rhythm of her twin sister’s melody.
“yes, we are. do you have a place you want to visit?” he was done with his side so he continued onto the pile his daughter was removing.
“yes! we want to go to onigiri miya!” they both said at the same time, giggling right after when their father looked surprise.
“all right, let’s go after our lunch.” and everything went along smoothly with the little twins setting the table together while you and kita took turns to cook up the dishes. lunch was pleasant despite minimal words being exchanged since the twins were taught to not talk with their mouth full (and their mouth are always stuffed full)
while you and kita held hands with the twins walking hand in hand by themselves in front, the feeling of nostalgia seemed to tickle your bones at the memory of how you used to take long strolls with kita during your younger days.
“what’s wrong?” kita tugged your hand gently which snapped you back to reality when you realized you all have reached the store.
“nothing...i’m just grateful to be your wife and mother of two beautiful angels.” your smile had him press a fluttering kiss to your temple as he softly replied, “me too.”
“i see yer two are still as lovey-dovey as ever captain.” atsumu popped his head out from the entrance, both twins sitting comfortably on his arms as he carried them as if they were feathers.
“i’m not your captain anymore atsumu, but i see they both seemed to like you.” kita smiled at his two lovely dolls, one that atsumu have never seen much of because of his busy schedule.
“of course, who do you think i am? the better—” but before atsumu could even finish his flex, the two snapped their head over at the appearance of osamu in his apron. their hands immediately reaching out for the man to hug.
“uncle osamu!!” they squealed happily, trying their best to squirm out of atsumu’s grip.
“i guess not huh ‘tsumu,” osamu smirked at the annoyed twin, patting his hands dry before prying the little twins from his brother’s vice grip. of course, they both would fight over the kid’s affection. who wouldn’t right?
you watched the pair of twins in amusement with your head against kita’s shoulder as he wrapped an arm around your delicate frame. this too will be yet another moment kita would not forget, for he felt blissful to be their father and your husband.
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angellknives · 2 years
are u gonna post any fics for mailee week? love ur writing btw
I definitely am! And thank you so much!! That means so much to me💜. Here is a little snippet of the first chapter of a mailee fic I’m working on!! It’s a continuation of ‘too good to be true’:
Mai lingers by one of the fold out tables, barely looking up when Ty Lee ducks beside her, beaming.
“Hi, Mai.”
Her black lips purse, matte and unaffected by her time in the pool, and it’s barely a frown; a twitch of undisguised disinterest, but it’s enough for Ty Lee to grasp onto with delight.
“I like your hair tonight,” Ty Lee says, twisting her own braid between two fingers. There’s a flutter of nervousness pooling in her stomach, an unfamiliar weight she’s rarely had the burden of carrying. But Mai is ethereal under a red glare of light, flickering from poorly hung LEDs.
“It looks very pretty when you wear it down,” Ty Lee continues, when Mai maintains a stony silence, eyeing the last bottle of pink gin with intrigue.
Before she can make a grab for it, Ty Lee plucks it up, hiding it behind her back with a wide grin.
Mai’s thin lips curve, and she turns, finally meeting Ty Lee’s eye, a scowl twisting the delightfully red apples of her cheeks.
There’s few others who could make irritation sound so severe, like a gust of exasperated wind, fed up with everything in its path.
“Is it alright if we share?” Ty Lee asks eagerly, brandishing the bottle with an exaggerated eyebrow waggle, “gin is my favourite.”
It’s not a lie, either. Any drink tinged with pink ends up cradled by her hands at some point during the night, always sweet and light, instead of the disgusting tang of expensive whiskey that Azula favours.
“I’ll find a different drink,” Mai says flatly, turning on bare feet to stalk into the crowded kitchen. Ty Lee follows, ducking under an elbow half blocking the doorway, easily keeping sight of Mai’s head, hovering over almost everyone. Billows of smoke erupt from a poorly wrapped joint, dangling from the fingers of a grinning Jin. It wafts with the breeze from the open windows, and Mai is a hazy figure disappearing through the cased opening.
“Hi, Ty,” Jin calls, though Ty Lee only spares her a jubilant wave, skipping lightly on her feet until she catches sight of Mai again, scowling down at a harassed looking Sokka.
“Stop playing garbage,” Mai is saying when Ty Lee sidles up next to them, eyeing the expensive record player that’s hooked up to an array of large speakers.
“Does Zuko know you have that down here?” Ty Lee asks, curiously.
There’s a sticky cup dangerously close to the glimmering case.
“It’s not garbage,” Sokka snaps hotly, “it’s classic.”
“It’s boring,” Mai says impatiently, apathetic to the offence painted across Sokka’s face, “if I have to listen to one more song by Kiss-“
“Let’s sit by the hot tub,” Ty Lee urges, when Sokka begins to turn an infuriated red, “it’s finally empty!”
Mai glances down at her, lingering briefly with guarded eyes, before snatching the bottle of gin back with a heavy sigh.
She turns to Sokka, who opens his mouth, reconsiders, and shuts it again.
“I’ll change it, I’ll change it,” he grumbles, “impatient, gloomy-“
The rest of his sentence is muffled by the raucous crowd that parts as Ty Lee tugs Mai through it, floating through the swaths of people as if they were a field of swaying flowers. A few people wink, some leer, and she recognizes a few girls from the gymnastics team, who whistle drunkenly at her, tittering at their own genius.
Ty Lee merely grins.
If there’s anyone who would know about her horrendously large crush on Mai, it would be the Kyoshi girls she gossips to as they warm up, stretching their legs and laughing about their coaches malinger (a headache, apparently, but more obviously a hangover, if her Snapchat story the previous night was anything to go by.)
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sfb123 · 3 years
The Final Goodbye - Chapter 1
Book: The Royal Romance, Book 2
Pairing: Liam x Riley
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Description: In a slight canon divergence from book 2, Riley reaches her breaking point with the engagement tour and decides to restart her life when the court gets to NYC. Can the rest of the group clear her name, and convince her to come back before it’s too late? 
Rating: PG (I think there are a few swear words in there, very angsty, but otherwise pretty mild)
Word Count: 1,496
A/N: So, I did a thing. This started as a one shot that I half wrote like a month ago and gave up on. Then I got haunted by Whitney Houston (and later, when she got sick of bugging me, she moved on to @jessiembruno, I’m assuming to send her to harass me about finishing). This week, inspiration struck and I finished it...and it became a mini-series. So look forward to this over the next 4 Wednesdays. 
A couple of quick shout outs I wanted to get out there: @callmeellabella, thank you for being so sweet and taking a look at the snippet I provided. @queenrileyrose, thank you for taking the time to chat with me, I hope the story lives up to the hype I gave it. 
A not so quick shout out to @jessiembruno, I pretty much annoyed you every step of the way in writing this one, sharing screenshots, and letting you know every time that damn song showed up in my life. Your notes when you read it for me gave me so much encouragement, you were invaluable in helping me get through that last emotional push at the end. Hell, you even titled the thing! I don’t know why we hurt Liam the way we do, but I know in the end, we’ll always give him a happy ending (wait...not like that...well, maybe sometimes like that). 
Tags: Listed below. If you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know! 
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Riley sat on the rooftop overlooking New York City, Maxwell rattling off the different images he saw in the stars as she got lost in her thoughts. They were in New York as the last leg of Liam and Madeleine’s engagement tour. Soon, they would be going back to Cordonia where she would be expected to sit in a cathedral and watch the love of her life marry another woman. 
They had been investigating the scandal that came out at the coronation for weeks, and didn’t seem to be any closer to finding Tariq. As the time ran out, Riley’s hope of a cleared name faded further and further away. Could she really go back there and watch another woman steal her happily ever after? She was already in New York, it would be easy to just stay and try to start her life back up again. Honestly, if she wasn’t going back there to marry Liam, what was the point of going back at all? Sure, she had made a couple of great friends, but there were a million and one ways for them to stay in touch. Or ghost them, to avoid hearing about Liam and his wife. She wasn’t quite sure which option she would choose once all was said and done.    
She weighed out the pros and cons, and finally decided that she would not be returning to Cordonia with the rest of the court. But she wasn’t going to tell anyone, she wasn’t going to give them the opportunity to team up on her and talk her into going back. And she certainly wasn’t going to tell Liam, he had already talked her into being the other woman for this entire tour, a moniker she swore she would never take on in her lifetime. She knew she wouldn’t be able to say no to him, and would be convinced to come back to Cordonia and be miserable. She would do it tonight, once they returned to the hotel, she would get her things together, and sneak out while everyone else slept. Daniel had an extra room, conveniently, he was using it to store the stuff she didn’t bring with her when Maxwell whisked her away. 
“Earth to Riley. Are you even listening? I’m dropping some of my A+ material right now.” Maxwell waved his hand in front of her face, snapping her out of her thoughts. “Where’d you go?”
“Sorry Max, I was just thinking. Must have zoned out a little.”
“It’s ok, I get it. There’s a lot going on right now.” He replied empathetically, suddenly jumping to his feet in excitement. “I know, let’s go out!”
“We are out.” She looked up at him.
“No, not boring UN Gala out. Fun out! I’ll grab everyone, the dream team will cheer you up!”
Riley paused to think about it for a second. If she wasn’t going to give her friends a proper goodbye, maybe one last adventure would be the perfect way to remember them. They could do it up big, and then she would start over in the morning. She smiled softly at her friend before responding. “That sounds really nice Maxwell, I’d love to.”
“Yes!” Maxwell raised his fist in the air and pulled her into a hug. “You go back to the hotel and change, I’ll get the gang together and text you where to meet.”
Riley went back to the hotel and put on some more comfortable clothes. Something she would typically wear on a night out in New York. She didn’t want to start packing yet, in case Maxwell offered to walk her back to her room. She reached out to Daniel to make sure she could stay with him. Of course he said yes, while also trying to get the details. She promised to fill him in on everything when she got there. The more she thought about her plan, the more she started to worry. Maxwell said he was going to get everyone together. Did that mean Liam would be there? Would she be able to keep herself composed, and keep her secret, knowing that this would be the last time she would ever see him? She started second guessing her plan, she should have just left. Tonight was going to suck. 
She entered the bar, and immediately noticed Maxwell, Drake, and Hana in a corner booth. No Liam. She took a deep breath and approached them. “Hey guys!” She put on her cheeriest face. 
“Thank God, Brooks. Maxwell can harass you now.” Drake rolled his eyes and patted the seat next to him. 
Riley slid into the booth and put her arm around Drake, giving him a side hug. “Aww, poor Drakey. I’ll save you from big bad Maxwell.” Hana and Maxwell laughed, and Drake rolled his eyes. “So Maxwell, why this place? You know I’ve lived here for like ever, I could have picked.”
“No, this is your cheer up night, so I needed to find the perfect place, and this is it.” He gestured to the stage. “It’s karaoke night!” 
“So, if this is to cheer me up, and it’s karaoke night, does that mean Drake is going to serenade me?” She turned to face Drake, smiling sweetly and batting her eyelashes. 
“Fat chance.” Drake looked at Riley with a stern expression. “I’ll buy you drinks, that’s as cheery as you’re getting from me.”
“Sold!” She put her hand out and shook Drake’s. She signaled for the waitress to come over, and ordered a round of shots for the table, and a drink for herself.  
As the night went on, the group laughed and sang and told stories. Riley was having a great time, and wasn’t letting on in the slightest that this would be the last time they were all together. Maxwell had just come offstage from his third performance of the night, as he walked toward the table, his smile grew and he waved his hand to greet someone. “Liam, you made it!” 
Riley’s breath caught in her throat, and she could swear she felt her heart stop. She closed her eyes briefly to compose herself before standing and turning toward the door to greet him. “Hey, I didn’t know you were coming.”
Liam’s eyes started to sparkle the second they met hers, his smile lighting up at the sight of her. She looked just as beautiful as she did the night they met, he loved when she was dressed casually. Sure, she was stunning in ballgowns and expensive designer clothes, but this was her. Authentic Riley. The Riley that had captured his heart. “It took me some time to get away, but Maxwell said you needed cheering up, so this is where I need to be right now.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek gently. 
Suddenly, Riley was frozen. She wasn’t sure what to do, or what to say. Everything had been going so smoothly. Why did he have to show up? She couldn’t be there anymore. Not as long as he was. Now that she was faced with the reality of her plan, she didn’t know what she was thinking just leaving Liam without saying goodbye. Without telling him how much he truly meant to her. But she also knew she couldn’t give him a chance to talk her out of it. She decided she would use this opportunity to sing her feelings. 
“I have to go. It’s my turn to sing.” She turned away from Liam abruptly, pulling the shot glass out of Drake’s hands before it could reach his lips, bringing it to hers and throwing her head back. With that, she walked to the front of the bar.
After a quick conversation with the DJ, she walked to the microphone and looked down. As the music started, she looked up and locked eyes with Liam. She proceeded to sing ‘I Will Always Love You’ while keeping her eyes locked on his. Their friends looked back and forth between the two of them, seeing the pain in both of their expressions. As the songs continued, Riley was finding it harder and harder to keep her emotions in check. She started to avoid Liam’s gaze, only glancing up at him occasionally. To most of the room, it sounded like she was leaning heavily on her vibrato, but her friends all knew that was her emotions getting the best of her. 
Once the song finished, she placed the microphone back on the stand and quickly ducked into the crowd, before any of her friends could catch up to her. She carefully made her way to the door and left the bar. She walked a few blocks before she lost the battle she was fighting with her tears. After taking some time to gather herself, she continued on her way to Daniel’s apartment. There was no way she would be able to go back to the hotel, she’d figure out how to get her stuff later. 
Permatags: @anjanettexcordonia @athena-penrose @chemist-ana @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @gabesmommie1130 @gkittylove99 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @jessiembruno @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @kingliam2019 @lucy-268 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @mile9213 @mom2000aggie @pixie88 @queenrileyrose @secretaryunpaid @sweatyrysconnoisseur @theroyalheirshadowhunter @twinkleallnight @txemrn
Liam X Riley:
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starshine583 · 4 years
could you do A for the soul mate thing with felinette?
(Sorry it took me so long to reply! I’m still trying to keep up with my schedule for the “New Girl on the Block” fic, but rest assured that I’m totally writing all of the requests for this when I can! The next one I’m going to be working on is V for Daminette. I hope you enjoy the snippet and thank you for the ask!!)
If someone had the choice between technical immortality and certain death, it should be safe to assume that that person would accept the former. Technical immortal was the only logical option, after all. No one wanted to die. And yet, people chose death everyday. In fact, they were obsessed with it, because certain death guaranteed one thing that immortality couldn’t: a soulmate. 
When a person turns eighteen, their aging process freezes due to some strange magic that scientists still can’t explain. From then on, that person will remain eighteen until they find their soulmate, specifically until they touch their soulmate directly with bare skin. Once their soulmate is found, they will begin aging as usual, as if they’d never become temporarily immortal in the first place. Some people speculate that this gives the two soulmates a chance to grow old together.
Felix, personally, believed that it gave him a chance to harbor an unlimited life span free of charge. Who needs a soulmate when you can explore all of the things in the world that are normally hindered by the aging process? There were too many things that he wanted to accomplish for him to worry about something as fickle as love or relationships. 
One of those things happened to be building up the fashion empire that he had inherited.
It was hard to gain the respect that he deserved at first considering his physical appearance made him seem like a child, but once people found out that he was in his late twenties, it made things much easier. Now, three years has passed since his accepting the role of acting CEO, and the company’s success rate has been steadily rising until their profits were through the roof. He’s quite proud of it, if he’s being honest.
Felix straightened the papers on his desk and set them to the side, catching the glimpse of his golden wrist watch as he did so. The little hand pointed towards one in the morning, telling him that he’d spent another late night at the office. He didn���t mind, though. These were the things that needed to be done for his company to excel.
However, he also needed sleep for the company to excel, and this seemed like a good stopping point if ever he saw one, so Felix stood from his rolling chair to begin gathering his things to leave. 
“Hey, Sir, are you up there?” A voice crackled across the intercom. Felix paused his preparations to smile at it. It was the unmistakable voice of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, his personal secretary for the last two years (and his close friend for the last year and a half). They always happened to work late on the same nights, didn’t they?
He pressed the glowing red button on the intercom. “You know I am. What do you need?”
“I’m working on another piece for a fashion show. I want your input.”
Felix chuckled. How many of her pieces had he given his input on now?
“I’ll be down there in a second.”
“You’re the best!”
Felix set his stuff back on the desk and moved towards the door to his office. He hesitated briefly when he spotted his black, leather gloves on the edge of his desk- he made a point to wear them constantly, along with a number of other pieces of clothing, so he could avoid direct skin contact with others. No sense in taking any chances -but decided to leave them alone for once. Marinette should be the only other person in the office, anyway. It wouldn’t make a difference.
He took an elevator down to the second floor, where most of his top designers worked, and walked over to the desk that had its lamp turned on. He’d know which desk was hers either way- could probably find it in his sleep at this point -but it was a nice give away.
Marinette was crouched on the floor when he got there, stabbing a needle into some material that was draped across a mannequin. Her eyes were narrowed with concentration, and her tongue was poking out of her lips as it always did when she was working hard. Felix held back a snort at the endearing sight and glanced around her desk while he waited for her to notice his presence. 
When she first joined his company, she was a budding fashion designer, someone who had been gaining a bit of fame for working with Gabriel Agreste, Jagged Stone, Aubrey Bourgeois, and many other note-worthy people. Apparently, she thought it was time to build a business of her own, and therefore, applied for the job as his personal secretary in an effort to gain experience on how a business should be run before actually starting anything. 
The notion admittedly impressed Felix. People rarely thought to find personal experience in running a business before actually starting one. They normally just took a class and hoped that it paid off. Someone with that kind of rational thinking was someone he knew he wanted in his company, though, so he agreed to hire her, even if she would still be working independently on personal commissions.
Now that two years had passed, she would probably be leaving any minute now to become her own boss. It might be in a week, or in a few months, perhaps even a year, but he found himself dreading it no matter how long she continued to work for him. He’d grown quite accustomed to having her in his life, be it getting lunch together or going over the morning schedule or giving each other advice on their work. The quiet moments they shared made work life a little more enjoyable and made those rare nights of loneliness from refusing a soulmate a little more tolerable too. 
“Oh, Felix!” 
Felix’s eyes dragged back down to Marinette, who was staring up at him with wide eyes.
“When did you get down here?”
A small smile crossed his lips. “You know how it used to be one in the morning?”
Marinette tisked, picking up on his light-hearted tone. “Oh, whatever. If you don’t want to get stuck waiting then tell me when you get here. Now, come look at this and tell me what you think.”
She stood up and moved away from the mannequin, then gestured for Felix to step closer, which he gladly obliged to do. The outfit hanging on the mannequin was a dress that appeared to have several layers and a few frills. It seemed to be made out of silk on the inside, and on the inside was another material that had an antique, flower pattern. The way the materials were sown together, though, and the things she must have added to the flower pattern, didn’t  give off the impression of it being old or outdated. It was a mix between old and new that created a unique combination.
“I think it looks fine.” He said after studying it.
Marinette groaned. “Fine doesn’t help me, Felix. What does it strike you as? Stunning? Charming? Old-Fashioned? I know you have more descriptive terms than ‘fine’ in that word bank brain of yours.”
Felix laughed. “Work bank brain?”
“You know what I mean.”
He does.
“Alright, Alright.” He knelt down next to the outfit again. “Might I inquire about your purpose for this garment?”
“See, there are fancy words you use all the time.” She remarked teasingly, even though she often used the same words herself. “I’m trying to create a modern Victorian type of style for my next show.”
Felix hummed. “Can I see the sketches?”
“Oh, yeah, they’re right over here.”
The pair moved back to Marinette’s desk, and she sat down in her rolling chair to slide a paper towards him. Felix leaned towards Marinette, placing his palms on the desk for balance.
“So, if you look at- oh!” Marinette had just started explaining her original thoughts for the design, when their hands brushed against each other. She drew her hand back immediately, surprise reflecting in her bluebell eyes.
“You’re not wearing any gloves.”
“Ah.” Felix drew his hands back as well. “No, I’m not. I figured they were a waste of time tonight, since it’s only us here.”
“Oh..” Marinette said. “I don’t think I’ve ever touched your bare skin before.. N-not that I’m keeping track or anything! Wow, that sounded so weird-”
Felix, being used to her ramblings by now, only chuckled. “It’s alright. I don’t think we’ve ever touched like that either.”
In fact, he knew they hadn’t, because he does keep track of who he does and doesn’t touch with his bare skin. So far, he’s managed to maintain a low count of five or so, but he supposed adding one more to the list didn’t hurt.
“Anyway, I like the way it looks. The colors combine nicely, and I can certainly see where you’re coming from with the modern, yet old-fashioned design. I’m sure people will enjoy them, especially for costume parties.”
“My thoughts exactly.” Marinette smiled. “Thanks for your help.”
“Of course. I’m actually on my way out the door, but don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything else.”
“You know I won’t.”
Felix laughed and pushed himself off of the desk to begin making his way back to the elevator. “Make sure you leave soon too.”
“Yeah, yeah, I will.. Eventually.”
Felix threw her a playful glare over his shoulder. “I’m not kidding, Dupain-Cheng. If I see bags under those eyes tomorrow, you’re going to be fired until you get a proper night’s sleep.”
“Thank goodness for make-up then.” She joked back.
Felix rolled his eyes and bid her farewell as he entered the elevator, and her soft call of “Goodnight, Boss” managed to reach him right before the doors slid closed.
The next morning began as any other morning. Felix woke up to his blaring alarm clock, forced himself out of bed, and started the brew for his morning coffee. He then dragged himself over to the bathroom to get ready for the day, starting with his hair.
The mirror provided a picture of his sluggish figure as he combed his platinum blond locks to the side. His hair didn’t seem to care to cooperate that morning though, because his cowlick was refusing to lay aside as they were told. No matter how many times he combed over it, the chaotic locks refused to budge.
Felix huffed and leaned closer to the mirror, but before he could continue furiously coming his hair, something caught his attention.
At the front of his bangs, dangling loosely to the side of his face, was a single, grey hair.
Felix frowned, moving even closer to the mirror to get a better. It was definitely a grey hair, but why on earth would he have one? People at the age of eighteen didn’t get grey hairs, and he’d never gotten one before. The only reason he could possibly get a grey hair out of the blue like this was if-
Felix froze, his eyes blowing wide. No.. no, it couldn’t be. There’s no way he found his soulmate. It was impossible. The aging process only started when he touched them directly, skin to skin, and he’d been horribly precise not to do so with anyone under any circumstances. 
Well.. anyone except..
A knock came from the front door.
Although his mind was racing for answers, Felix pulled himself together enough to throw on a robe and go answer the door. 
Imagine his surprise when he found none other than Marinette standing right outside.
She looked up at him, her figure tense, and a certain anxiety painted her features. He wanted to ask what she was doing there, or why she hadn’t called to tell him that she was coming, but all he could do was stare. Perhaps it was because a part of him already knew why she’d come to visit him. She was the only person he’s touched directly in the last year, the only person who could have caused his hair to change.
Slowly, Marinette held up a strand of her hair. It was hard to make out, being a single strand, but Felix didn’t need to see it know it was grey too.
They stared at each other, both floored by the discovery, but then Felix almost had to laugh. Because of course it was her. Of course the person who he had come to know and adore and yearn to be around daily would be his soulmate. He should have known that soulmates would find each other eventually, whether they had “Soulmate Magic” to guide them or not.
Before he could say anything, Marinette let out a grieved sigh and buried her face in her hands.
“Oh, Felix, I.. I’m so sorry!”
For a moment, Felix stalled, and worry started to set in. She’s sorry? Why would she be sorry?
“What do you mean?”
Marinette looked up from her hands. “I know you didn’t want to find your soulmate and start aging. I should have noticed your ungloved and been more careful, but I just wasn’t thinking, and-”
Felix blinked as she continued rambling. This girl was apologizing to him because she accidentally found out that they were soulmates. She wasn’t thinking about how much she’d wanted to find her soulmate- because he knew that she did -or that she would have gone without a soulmate for the rest of her life had she not made the discovery. No, she was thinking about him and what he had wanted, just as she always did.
“Marinette.” He said, taking her by the shoulders. “Marinette, stop.”
The ravenette paused, glancing up at him with her beautiful, concerned eyes, and he felt himself smile. 
“If anyone had to be stuck as my soulmate.. I can’t express how delighted I am that it’s you.”
A wonderful blush tinted her cheeks. “R-Really? But I thought- what about being immortal?”
Felix chuckled, and he reached out to cup her cheek. “Immortality’s a small price to pay to have you.. if you’ll have me too, that is.”
Marinette exhaled, looking completely baffled, but that didn’t stop her from grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him into a kiss.
“Yes.” She breathed, a shining smile coming to her features. “Yes, of course I’ll have you.”
Felix couldn’t help grinning as well, and as he pressed another kiss to her lips, he wondered how it could have taken him so long to realize what the soulmate magic was really all about. It wasn’t a choice between immortality or death, but rather a choice between immortality and life. All of the things he’d been searching for- fame, fortune, glory -and the experiences he’d been chasing meant nothing without Marinette by his side. She was the one who made him feel truly alive, and he never wanted to live without her again.
(Send me a letter and I’ll write a thing!)
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shashawip · 3 years
Mia Asking Jason About His Feelings For Roy While Cooking
Mia asking Jason about his feelings for Roy while cooking, and Jason didn’t deny it.
English isn’t my native spoken language so there can be grammatical errors.
This snippet is from an originally planned fiction revolving around Roy, Jason and Mia with Mia being the witness of Royjay’s developing relationship. I may never find a chance to finish their story so I will just post moments that I enjoyed writing while picturing their world. Hope you enjoy.
Published on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33110860
It wasn’t Mia's turn to cook today, but not like she minded it and all. She’s in a good mood lately given how well the day job has turned out, and the camaraderie she’s developed with the colleagues at work.
To be frank, the two other housemates’ cooking skills just weren’t satisfying. Jason was alright, if he really paid attention and invested his time to cook. Same cannot be said for Roy, however, who was an entirely different story. The only edibles on his menu might just be that ham and cheese sandwich he seemed to be barely able to assemble.
Mia hummed in joy while she poured her lasagna sauce into a rectangular Le Creuset, which had already been layered with some pre-made lasagna sheets. She raised her eyes to look at Roy who’s sitting across the kitchen island, while still preserving her attention down at the stoneware.
“I never knew you’d be so interested in a wooden door before.” Mia chuckled.
Roy seemed to be dragged out of his lost thoughts and back to the world by her voice, quickly moving away his glaze, looking a little embarrassed. He’d been fixed to the stool he’s sitting on and stared at Jason’s bedroom door with his head rested in his elbow in the same position for quite a while, even the oven had been pre-heated.
Mia continued to work on layering sheets and pouring the mixture from the saucepan, the warm steam spreading the fresh smell of tomato, garlic, slightly caramelized pork and veal bolognese along with other goodness that’s been well combined into the open air kitchen. She kept her head down while going on, “Figured what’s getting into your head. Now that James and I are dating, Jason seems like about to start one himself, you’d be thinking of finding someone to hang out with too?”
Roy admitted almost immediately, let go of an unnoticeable sigh for Mia seemed to not be aware what’s really going on in his mind. “Didn’t you always mention that girl… the one on that team you and Dick were on back then, was it Danielle?” “Donna.” “Donna. Anyway. I don’t know, maybe you can try contacting her again?” Roy looked a little confused by her suggestion. “Donna… she’s a partner and a good friend that’s all. Also I haven’t caught up with the Titans for quite some time.” “But there is always a chance out there somewhere, right?”
By now Roy seemed to have lost interest in this topic, and just shook his head towards the room that Jason was in, and steered the conversation back to what’s happening in there. “You can’t know… that girl, she came here and was after Jason…” Mia knew what he’s going on and about, “If you ask me, well, from a female perspective, what she’s after from Jason could not have been any more obvious.”
Just a little less than half an hour ago, a silver white long haired girl walked in from the front door of their apartment without giving any heads up, she promptly glanced over the room, including Roy who was laying on his back in the couch at the time, and Mia who’s busy preparing their dinner behind the counter. She briefly studied the situation, confirmed with the cook which bedroom was Jason’s, then dashed and disappeared into that room with a not-so-gentle bang as she closed the door, leaving Roy and Mia completely dazzled and curious.
Roy exchanged looks with Mia as he got up. He thought that girl looked familiar before he remembered that he, or rather, him and Jason had met her on the plane from Gotham back to Star City. She was sitting across the aisle, had started to strike a conversation with Jason around halfway of the flight. Roy hadn’t paid them too much attention as he curled up comfortably in his window seat and napped almost the entire time. When their plane had arrived and the seatbelt signs turned green, and Jason stood up to reach their backpack from the overhead bin, Roy saw the girl had slipped a thin piece of paper into the back-pocket of his jeans.
Roy had never seen her again after they got back home, until just now. He bet that Jason had contacted her without him and Mia knowing, and for Christ’s sake, he’d exposed their secret headquarters - an apartment on Winnick St that the three of them would scramble each month to come up with the rent for - to a stranger that hadn’t gone through their little gang’s trust test.
Mia saw him shuffled around yet eyes glued to that door, so she ordered him to buy some more basil leaves from the store that apparently her topping sauce is now short of. Roy groaned before leaving the apartment, still managed to strike a last look at that door that the girl has vanished into.
Some time later, the girl has finally decided to stomp out of that room again, she glimpsed over Mia, without saying a word then bounced across the communal space before walking right out, seemingly assuming oneself to be one of, otherwise, the owner of the house.
When Jason emerged just a little later too, Mia then stared at the ceiling and started talking at loud to herself, “Gotta be impressed with all the soundproof works of these walls, you can’t even hear a thing that you’d expected from the other side.”
Jason said that he and Roslyn merely spoke while in there and nothing more had happened. He looked around and asked where Roy is. Mia told him that she requested him to go to the shop and get her some more basils. Jason pondered on that. Mia figured out he’s gauging whether he should go out too, “I thought he might want some air for himself seeing that both his housemates are romantically involved in a relationship.” Jason started to look confused.
Mia thought to herself, Mia Deardon, don’t you screw this one up. She made an effort to calm her tone of voice before speaking up again. “That girl and you, aren’t you a thing or about to be?” She probed in a slightly joking way.
“A thing?” Jason now looked even more puzzled, as if this image of presumed future has never come across his mind before, “I don’t recall anything remotely like that ever discussed in our conversation.”
Mia stopped what she’s doing and pointed a silicon spatula at him, which was still covered with warm tomato chunks, “Jason, when you let a girl walk into your room, you should be prepared to provide her the chance of a mutually respectful association that is what we called a relationship, instead of just fooling around and walk away like a jerk.” Though in this particular scenario, the female individual seemed to matched that perona more, Mia had no intention of pointing that out.
“I’ve not even had a clue how she found this place, I thought she’s just some upper manager of a business, not some sort of a detective.”
Mia squinted her eyes, clearly not buying, “You know, usually a girl found out a guy’s address through a text message or a phone call.”
“Trust me, Mia, I’ve never even asked for her number.” Jason wiped his forehead and started to feel the angst up his gut, but he tried hard to not let it unleash upon Mia. “Do we have enough ingredients for tonight?” He indicated the kitchen bench filled with mixing bowls and food scraps with a nod. Mia gave it a thought, then answered, “We might have just run out of paprika, can you give Roy a ring and ask him to get a jar from the shop?”
“I’ll head down myself, don’t think he can hear the call right now.” Jason turned around to leave. Just when the door’s about to be opened, Mia called his name.
“Jason, do you love Roy?”
His hand on the doorknob came to a sudden halt. He paused for a second, “Why’d you say that?”
Mia took a deep breath, giving her best to not give away the fact that she’s rehearsed over and over what’s coming next. Instead of answering the question, she continued, “I’m not saying the kind of brotherhood you’d shared with Dick or your other partners from the cop shop, what I meant was something like Ollie and Dinah, like between me and James.”
Jason looked to be caught off guard with what she’s just said, and Mia for one was happy with how this whole situation had been going, as he at least didn’t just abruptly deny the question nor went on interrogating why the hell she’d stir up some shit like that. She heaved a sigh of relief, carefully thanking herself for the sharp observation and analysis she’d secretly inducted on themselves.
Jason looked at her, without saying a word, seemed to be still waiting for her to go on. So she did. “Roy is the kind of person that, how should I put this, would rather let his feelings sink than swim if you don’t show anything to him first. Probably why he and Ollie never saw each other eye to eye when they came across.” Jason nodded in agreement. “If he thinks that the other person doesn’t share a mutual feeling, I bet you he’d take it to his grave than ever speaking up about it.” This actually has contradicted to Roy’s impression on him, as he always saw the guy as carefree and weren’t shy about showing his affections towards the others, but Jason wasn’t going to oppose otherwise and just let Mia kept on.
“He had a crush on a girl in that crime fighting group he was in before, always claimed that he wasn’t good enough for her, so the girl never found out his feeling for her in the end.” Mia fixed her eyes on him, her spatula had now dropped to the bench surface as she leaned against the edge with both of her arms, looking at him demurely, “He’s recently acting more and more like that again. I don’t know about you, but here’s what I thought, if that other person this time at least showed him some sort of hints, maybe he wouldn’t have too many regretful undone deeds to carry with him to his tomb after all.”
Jason lowered his head and thought on that for a moment, his hand already loosen from the doorknob and he just noticed how his palm had been sweating all this long. He turned around to face Mia behind the island, who’d clearly done speaking and was waiting patiently for a response. Jason found her gaze again as he meticulously raised his eyes, “And you think this person… is… me?”
Mia grinned, “We both know that his current social life, or rather, his only life is devoted on bringing down that Merlin’s evil little scheme, which the whole operation comprises only two people, and he’s surprisingly one of them.” She could not have been clearer than that who the other person she’s referring to.
Jason couldn’t bring himself to let out of a word. There was too much to be said, too many questions bursting in his chest. When did Mia start to notice Roy’s altered behaviours as she described? How did she work out the confidence to ask him about it and not even worry that she might’ve been wrong? Did Roy ask her to feel him out, or was her perception of Roy’s feeling for him even legit?
“Jason, hello, someone in there?” His thought had been interrupted with her teases as he drown, “So let me ask again, Jason, do you love Roy? The kind of love like between Ollie and Dinah?”
The former Robin had let out a deep breath before cracking her a smile, “I’m gonna go get us some more paprika from the shop.” Then he opened the door and left the apartment.
None of the three housemates had ever demanded paprika when they had lasagna night, Jason knew better than that, and he secretly thanked Mia a thousand times as he sprinted downstairs.
End of snippet
End notes:
I draw Royjay fan arts from time to time, if you liked this story you’re welcome to also check them out on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shashawip
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unimooshi · 3 years
Christmas Fluff Snippet Megapost
(brought to you by your host Mooshi bc I’m stuck at home and wanna procrastinate cleaning my room :) )
Rated: G/Fluff
Relationship(s): Literally as many I can think within the span of 3 hours as they’re all basically 1 paragraph long. Feel free to read whichever ones you want I’m making word soup rn. We smackin’ tonight kings, queen, and royals in between😌😭✨
All relationships can be whatever universe you want, unless stated otherwise. Have a good time
Also please keep in mind that I haven’t read a lot of the comics and have a limited knowledge on the cartoons bc I haven’t watched some of them, but I’ll try my best to write out the dynamic as I see it.
1) Starscream/Optimus (StarPrime) you knew we were gonna start with OTP
“I know you wanted to visit Earth for a small vacation, but did you really have to choose the coldest of Earth months to visit?”, Starscream said with borderline disgust as he stared at the snow at the bottom of their ship, the only redeeming thing about the environment was the setting sun.
He kneeled down and scooped up a pile of snow, watching it crumble away between his digits. His internal heating system kicking into overdrive to compensate, little puffs of steam floating into the air. It wasn’t that it was cold, the issue was how wet it would be. The mess that would be made inside their circuits and the water dripping from exposed wiring made Starscream shiver.
“No, I didn’t have to but Earth has such a happy culture this time of year and I wanted to share that with you. I think you’ll like Christmas. Cheer up, let’s take a walk.” , Optimus planted a small peck on the side of Starscream’s helm and stepped outside, the soft crunch of snow following the Prime.
Starscream reluctantly stepped into the snow and groaned with how much water his sensors were already detecting, “How happy could this holiday possibly be with frozen condensation falling from the sky and getting into your circuits?”
“Well, according to what can be found on the internet, it’s an annual religious festival, but most humans use it as a time to see loved ones and celebrate their love for one another.”, Optimus took Starscream’s servo and interlaced it with his own, removing his battle mask to reveal a soft smile with blue optics to match, “and besides you can take a warm lather in the washracks later while I warm up some energon. I know you like watching Earth movies every once in a while.”
Starscream really couldn’t argue with his conjux and just vented out more heat, the puff leaving a trail of white steam as it floated into the evening sky. If being on a mud ball planet meant Optimus would be relaxed then he supposed it would be worth getting his circuits drenched for. Honestly, doing anything was worth it if it meant his Prime would stop thinking about his responsibilities even for just a cycle.
“Your strobes are blinking by the way.”
Starscream stopped walking and flapped his wings into view then dipped them low, brushing it off.
“It doesn’t mean anything.”
“I’m sure it doesn’t.”, Optimus rolled his optics and laughed, holding his conjux’s servo a little tighter.
2) Knockout/Breakdown (KOBD)
“Merry Christmas Knockout!”, Breakdown burst into the Medbay with a clumsily wrapped box.
Knockout nearly dropped his datapad and jumped from the sudden intrusion, his servo switched out for his buzz saw until he saw who it was.
“Breakdown!”, Knockout vented out and transformed his servo back, “Don’t scare me like that so suddenly.”
“I’m sorry, but I just wanted to finally give you this. I knew you just had to have it when I saw it and I really hope you like it.”
“All is forgiven. Thank you.”, Knockout casually tore away at the wrapping and lifted the lid, his optics glowing brighter.
“Well...do you like it?”
“Like it? I love it!”, Knockout unfolded the white stripe vinyl inside to it’s full length, laughing with a full smile, “You always know just what to get me!”
He put his gift down on the examination table and went to go hug his conjux, climbing up a little to properly plant a kiss.
As high as the mood was brought up, it was quickly shot down again.
“Wait, I’m not done with your gift yet.”, Knockout left for his datapad and scrolled through something.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to give me one. Your company is the only gift I need.”, Breakdown tried to comfort his conjux, but Knockout held out a servo to stop him.
“That’s a sweet sentiment, but it doesn’t feel fair if I had my gift before yours is even done and I don’t want you seeing it while it’s incomplete.”
“I’m sure I’ll like it even if it’s unfinished. The thought matters more than what it is. Can you tell me what it is?”
“Are you sure?”
Breakdown nodded excitedly.
Knockout sighed and handed over the datapad, “It’s only about 75% of the way done, but it’s a transcription of that Earth book you wanted to read but couldn’t find an online PDF version of it.”
Breakdown scrolled through the pages of words and felt his frame melt.
“I know it’s not as good as what you gave me but—”
“I love it!”, He lifted Knockout off the ground and squeezed, “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome but watch the paint!”
3) Bumblebee/Blitzwing (TFA Blitzbee)
Bumblebee wasn’t one for snow to be perfectly honest. Sure, making snowmen and having snowball fights with Sari were fun, but he mostly did those activities to make her happy as her best friend. The frosty windows on the base served as another reminder as to why he liked to stay inside where it was warm and there was plenty of oil to drink, so it was rather ironic when he started seeing a mech who could make ice and enjoyed just burying himself in the frozen stuff.
“Come outside my little bee~”
Random sang softly and taunted him from outside the Autobot base. The heat from Blitzwing’s system fogging up the window further. Everyone else in the base had retreated back to their rooms for the night, leaving Bee free to do what he wanted in the living room. At least, he would be if there wasn’t a giant beige and purple bot trying to get him outside.
“No way Blitzbrain. It’s beyond freezing out there. I’m not locking up my servos just so you can eat street snow again.”
Bumble whispered harshly and opened the window, a gush of frozen air creeped their way through the cracks of his frame. His central heating system kicked online.
Random’s glossa slithered out of his intake, “Aww why not?”
“Because it’s gross. And that’s saying something when it comes from me!”
“I suppose that’s true.”, Icy’s lips pouted outward as he pressed his digits to his chin. His sharp features standing out in the crisp darkness of the night, “But aren’t you the one always wanting to go out? Why is it so different this time?”
“Because time impossible to drive in snow and I don’t wanna deal with traffic.”
“It’s the middle of the night.”
“So why don’t you want to come out here and spend some time away from this stupid base you tiny bug bot!”
Bee held a digit to his intake, “I’m right here idiot, you’ll wake everyone up and then they’ll see you and then we’ll have to fight.”
“You’re afraid of the snow aren’t you.”
“What? No. That’s not—I’m not afraid of it are you kidding me? Only sparklings are afraid of stupid things like that.”
“Ok, so you just don’t like the cold.”
“So what if I don’t?”
“Even if you can’t drive, it’s still a nice night for flying.”
Bumblebee’s optics widened, “Flying?”
“Yes. Calm winds, clear skies, no organics or bots in the streets, what more could you wait for?”
“You’re gonna take me flying?”, Bee’s voice rose in pitch and he looked up at his mechfriend with stars in his eyes.
“If you keep repeating the same thing I’ll crush you with this wall!”
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen something go splat!”
Random laughed at his own morbid thought.
“Ok, first of all, don’t crush me. You’re like three times my size, you don’t need a wall. Second, as long as I don’t have to get my servos wet I’ll be there in a nanoklik.”
Bumblebee gave a quick peck before racing away to touch himself up a little for his small impromptu date.
4) Megatron/Soundwave (MegaWave)
Megatron was busy. Again.
Soundwave didn’t mind it much as he just worked on his reports, but deep in his spark he really hoped he would’ve made some time to be with him. There was no such luck unfortunately. Soundwave knew his leader was always busy which is what made their small times together all the more special and intimate. Nobody ever saw the side of the warlord that he did and he was quite proud of that. It made him feel special.
A private communication line blipped open from Megatron. What convenient timing.
>Yes, Lord Megatron?
>I need you to send a message to Shockwave about the latest export of energon. There will be a delay because of Autobot meddling, but it shouldn’t take more than a couple earth cycles to have everything in order.
>Message received. Will be sent as soon as possible.
>Good. By the way Soundwave, I’ve left something for you in your desk compartment. Consider it a token of my appreciation for all you’ve done staying loyal to the Decepticons.
>Understood. Thank you Lord Megatron.
With that, the line cut off and Soundwave was left alone again in the communication center. His optics glanced over at the large compartment in his desk and opened it. Inside he found a small stack of datapads and one single use datapad filled out.
‘To: Soundwave
Silent as a thief in the night
You crept into my spark and took flight
Your visor so full of mystery
Yet take away much of my misery
In war there is treachery
In war there is loyalty
No words could ever be strung to say how much you mean to me
Merry Christmas,
From Megatron
A/N: I’m done with this post. Whoop. 4 short stories in one post. This is all I could crank out in a few hours. I didn’t anticipate this day to be so busy for me😭😭. I’ve been hanging out with family and dropping off gifts for friends at their door step. You can kinda tel I gave up at the end and poems aren’t really my thing. I’ll finish the rest tomorrow, so just pretend that whatever I post tomorrow was done today. Tell me what you think and have a nice night. I’m gonna pass out now. Mwah.
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maleksrami · 4 years
snippet sunday
hello i’m nervous cuz i don’t really share snippets of my wip since i like to be secretive BUT @mediawhorefics tagged me to do this and i’m feeling generous tonight! also i’m kinda struggling lately and wouldn’t mind some motivation lol. maybe i’ll delete this later idk
anyways here’s a snippet from a chapter i finished a while ago. i chose a moment that was tender, but still vague and doesn’t give too much away ;) enjoy! 
not sure who to tag, so if you see this and you’re working on something...tag you’re it 💞
Louis stops outside the door and leans back against the side of the building, drawing Harry into him and wrapping his arms around his neck. Harry folds himself into Louis’ hug, caging him in and wanting nothing more than to feel smaller under the size and weight of this farewell. He shuts his eyes and bows his head down into the crook of Louis’ neck—his safe place—and lets himself feel every inch of where their bodies are touching. 
They stand there for God knows how long, just holding each other. Louis cradles the back of Harry’s head, runs his fingers through his hair for what feels like ages, the movements not slowing until Harry realizes Louis has started to doze off standing up. Harry can’t help himself anymore. He lifts his head, cups Louis’ face in his hand, and doesn’t give himself time to think before he starts dotting gentle kisses all over it. His lips press over Louis’ closed eyes, the crease between his brows, the constellation of freckles on his cheekbone, his chin, nose, and jaw. 
The sun is higher now, light starting to pour through the two buildings they’re so comfortably nestled between, a grim reminder that Harry’s time is up. He grapples with the idea that he, too, must go through phases with the moon of feeling empty, empty, empty until suddenly he’s full, full, full. So, he kisses and kisses and kisses. Chases the high of an overflowing soul. Enough to last him for a while after he goes.
Louis hums, languid and drowsily. “Feels nice,” he mumbles. His eyes stay closed, like he thinks he’s dreaming. “You kissing me.”
Harry responds by trailing his hand down the side of his neck and pressing his lips a little firmer, repeating the scattered pattern of pecks across his skin. He tries to recreate the feeling Louis had given him when he’d done the same to Harry that night in the meadow behind this very building, only he hopes Louis doesn’t cry like he’d been doing at the time. 
“Why won’t you kiss my mouth?” Louis asks quietly after several dozen kisses have been placed everywhere but there. 
“It’s too late now. I wouldn’t survive. I’d never leave,” Harry breathes, dragging his lips down past the corner of Louis’ mouth.
“That’s why you should.” He’s so pliant, Harry can’t tell if Louis even knows what he’s saying. 
“I can’t. I can’t, Louis. Please don’t ask me to,” he begs. 
Louis’ face crumbles the tiniest bit, then he whispers the most gut-wrenching thing. “We waited too long.”
It’s too fucking much. Harry presses their foreheads together and they stand even longer that way. Eventually, Louis’ heavy eyes peel open and Harry’s hit with blue. He drinks the colour in, savoring every last fleck of sea green within them. There isn’t much left to say and Harry doesn’t have much time, so he forces himself to step back. 
“Go on, then,” Harry says. “Get some sleep, angel.”
Louis yields, nodding and pushing himself off the wall. The definitiveness of it causes Harry’s eyes to start stinging because Louis seems strangely unbothered all of a sudden. He doesn’t know whether to chalk that up to Louis being close to passing out or if he’s just a really good actor trying not to fall apart until they’ve parted ways, but still… it hurts. 
“Write to me as soon as you can,” Louis repeats, hand braced on the doorknob.
Harry nods fervently. “I promise. Tell your family I said goodbye for me, will you?”
“I will.” Louis pulls the door open, shuffles inside, and looks over his shoulder one last time. “Take care of yourself, my liege.”
There’s something odd, something coy about the sleepy smile he catches a glimpse of on Louis’ face before he closes the door behind him and Harry isn’t sure why it unsettles him so much.
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
A Wonderful Christmastime
Klaine, 1600 words, A03.
Summary:   Sometimes being up in the middle of the night together is an act of love.  A moment of holiday peace for Kurt and Blaine.
Note:  This fic incorporates the first seven words of Klaine Advent 2020 (abashed (a classic fic word if ever there was one), brake, careless, dispensable, event, farm, and gray).  It also marks my sixth (non-consecutive) year of writing for Klaine Advent.
The inspiration for the story came from a conversation with @mildly-allergic-to-life  and is a gift for her - I hope you like it!   Thanks also to my wonderful beta,    @perryavenue.
Blaine snuggles deeper into the blankets and turns over, reaching out to pull Kurt against him – it’s chilly on this December night, and he knows Kurt’s feet will be cold, but he doesn’t mind.  Sadly, his hand flops onto their soft flannel sheets without finding his husband.  Moments later, Blaine’s half-asleep brain registers the sound of Kurt’s voice through the monitor and he smiles despite the late hour.
He drags himself out of bed and steps across the narrow hall to Taylor’s room.  Kurt is lying on the floor next to her crib, singing quietly with careless grace, one hand resting gently on their baby’s back.
“Hey,” Blaine whispers.  “How long have you been in here?”
Kurt twists his head to look at Blaine.  “Most of the first act, and part of the second, but I skipped some of the songs.”  He glances at their daughter and back at Blaine.  “Legally Blonde is inspirational, but not entirely age appropriate.”
“Come to bed, you must be exhausted.”
“I can’t,” Kurt says.  “Every time I take my hand off her back she wakes up.”
“Bring her with you,” Blaine says.  Since they brought their newborn home six months ago this has been the topic of constant debate in their house, and with everyone they know, who all apparently feel qualified to share their opinion on how to get babies to sleep.  They waver back and forth between keeping her in bed with them and trying to get her to sleep on her own, and various compromises in between.  (And as they told Tina, who insisted that their very lack of routine was the problem, maybe as long as the three of them are happy and healthy she should just keep her opinions to herself.)
“You have rehearsal all day tomorrow,” Kurt says.  “You need to rest.  I can stay here, I don’t mind.”  Kurt has built himself a little nest on the floor out of a spare quilt and throw pillows, and he’s wearing his fluffy slippers on his ever icy feet, but he still can’t be all that comfortable.
“I’ll sleep better with the two of you in our bed,” Blaine replies.  Kurt shrugs, and accepts Blaine’s hand as he reaches down to help Kurt up.
As predicted, Taylor blinks her gray-blue eyes open as soon as Kurt stops touching her, but Blaine scoops her out of bed and nuzzles her little face before she can make a noise.  When he looks up, Kurt is gazing fondly at the two of them.
“She has your eyelashes,” Kurt says, and Blaine grins.
“She’s a baby, they all have eyelashes like this.”
“That’s a lie, she has the best eyelashes of any baby ever.  And she’s definitely going to have your enviable curls,” Kurt goes on, touching the still wispy dark hair on their daughter’s head.
“If she does, you’re in charge of hair care.”
“As if I’d let you get your gel anywhere near her.”  It’s a running joke, but Blaine is serious – his hair looks so much better now that he let Kurt take charge of his products.  Of course, these days he’s lucky to catch a shower before running off to rehearsal, let alone have time to style his hair, but that’s another story.  Taylor comes first, and no amount of bedhead is going to change that.
Back in their own room they slide under the covers, carefully settling Taylor between the two of them, Kurt reaching across to lay his hand on Blaine’s waist.  There’s a soft reddish glow to the light, coming in from the Christmas decorations in their living room.  It feels peaceful.
“So what made you choose Legally Blonde to sing tonight?”  Blaine asks, keeping his voice quiet as Taylor settles back into sleep.  “With all the Sondheim you’ve done lately, I would have thought you’d have picked one of those.”
“I know, right?” Kurt replies.  “I think it started because I had the part about the department store stuck in my head.”
“First take a deep breath, take it all in.  Feel all the halogens warming your skin,” Blaine sings.  
“I always loved that song.  I mean, who would have thought there’d be a song about how amazing it feels to walk into the fragrance section of a department store?” Kurt says reverently.
“Don’t tease, you know I’m serious about the value of personal service for some things,” Kurt says.  “Websites are good for certain products, but you can’t discover your personal scent on your computer.”
“Did you know that Harry Gordon Selfridge started putting the perfume counter by the front doors in part to cover up the, um, less pleasant odors outside?”
Kurt frowns.  “No, but if that’s true, it makes sense.  I figured it was just to entice people into spending money on scent while they were on their way in looking for clothes.”
“That too.”  Blaine sighs.  “So, what made you think about department stores?  Have you been worrying about holiday shopping?  Because we said we were going to go easy on that this year.”  He inclines his head towards the baby lying between them.  They love their child more than either of them can express, but she is a money pit, and they have had to revise their current budget several times to identify dispensable items.
“I think it was more that I’m so used to searching the web for deals at night…” Kurt breaks off and glares at Blaine, “and no, I was not online shopping just now.”
Blaine smirks.  “I know.  Your phone is still on your nightstand.”  For the first few months of parenthood Kurt had spent way too much money keeping himself awake during midnight feedings by scouring the web for deals on fabric and craft supplies.  After a frank review of their credit card bills, Kurt had agreed to put the brakes on his nighttime online shopping sprees.
Kurt taps his finger against Blaine’s hip.  “I may have purchased a few items yesterday,” he admits, abashed.  “But they were all for Taylor.  Mostly I just send my dad and Carole links.  If we leave them to their own devices who knows what they’ll buy her, and they’re happy to farm out the task to me.”
They lapse into silence, listening to the even, soft breaths of their little girl, who has finally loosened her grip on the silk-trimmed blanket she can’t bear to be without.
“I do understand the urge,” Blaine says.  “Like wanting to stop and shop for unnecessary plastic objects…” Blaine says, a snippet of another song passing through his brain, and Kurt looks at him questioningly.  “You know, from Nanci Griffith’s intro to that song, when she talks about the need to go into a Woolworth’s and buy unnecessary plastic objects?”
Kurt gazes at him, charmed.  “No, I don’t know that one.”
“It’s called Love at the Five and Dime.”  Blaine hums it for a second, remembering driving in the car with his mom, singing along.  
“Rita was sixteen years, hazel eyes and chestnut hair.  She made the Woolworth counter shine.  And Eddie was a sweet romancer, and darn good dancer, and they'd waltz the aisles of the five and dime.”
”And they'd sing -  "Dance a little closer to me Dance a little closer now Dance a little closer tonight Dance a little closer to me 'cause it's closing time and love's on sale tonight at this five and dime."
The melody is soft and sweet, and Blaine does his best to echo the singer’s gentle, swinging style.
Kurt rubs his thumb along Blaine’s hip.  “That’s really pretty.”
“I’ll play it for you sometime.  She does this neat thing where she plinks her guitar string to sound like the ‘ding’ of the elevator. I think it would work on the piano.”
“It’s a nicer shopping song than the Legally Blonde one,” Kurt says.
“It’s about love, not shopping, really.”
“So is the Legally Blonde one,” Kurt insists.  “Elle is taking Emmett shopping for clothes so that he has exactly the right look to give him the confidence he needs.  That’s an act of love.”
“I know.”  Blaine smiles at Kurt, thinking of all the hours they’ve spent selecting outfits, Kurt never failing to offer his opinion on what Blaine should wear for an audition, or an interview, or some other career defining event.  Kurt always does everything he can to help Blaine feel prepared to face the world, and Blaine appreciates it more than he can say.  
“Anyway, I like the song,” Kurt says.  “Sing some more.”
Blaine smiles and sings the rest of the Nanci Griffith song.  By the end, the hand Kurt had rested on Blaine’s hip has gotten restless, and is moving enticingly towards Blaine’s ass.
“Honey?”  Blaine asks, catching Kurt’s eye.  “Is me singing about shopping turning you on?”
Kurt runs his hand back over Blaine’s hip, then walks his fingers up Blaine’s chest over his pajama shirt, his touch light and teasing.  He catches Blaine’s gaze.  “You should know by now, you singing about anything turns me on.”
They both look at Taylor, who is sleeping deeply now, her whole body lax.  They obviously can’t get intimate with her lying in between them, but…
“Wanna go fool around by the Christmas tree?”  Blaine asks, grinning.
They extricate themselves from the bed carefully, arranging the blankets just the right distance away from and around their daughter, and creep out to the living room.  Kurt takes an afghan off the couch and spreads it on the floor.  They lie down together, gazing at each other under the twinkling lights, until Blaine pulls Kurt into a fervent kiss.  
At one point they roll a little too close to the tree, and they freeze, giggling, as Kurt re-positions a sparkling ornament so it doesn’t fall on them during an inopportune moment.  And if Blaine has a bit of tinsel in his hair come morning, no one minds a bit.
End notes (sorry, I seem to have a lot of notes for this little fic)
The songs mentioned are Nanci Griffth’s very lovely Love At The Five And Dime, and Take It Like A Man from Legally Blonde.  I really also wanted to work in the Barenaked Ladies ode to shopping, too, (just called Shopping) but it didn’t fit.  Title is from Paul McCartney’s song A Wonderful Christmastime, covered by the Barenaked Ladies on their holiday album (which is great and includes some really fun Hanukkah songs too).
Note also that Blaine and Kurt are also tired of people asking about their baby’s name, as well as poking their nose into her sleeping habits.  They picked Taylor because it’s gender-neutral and they like it, and not because Blaine knows the words to every Taylor Swift song.
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anon-rebel-writes · 3 years
WIP Wednesday!
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a fantabulous Wednesday!
I have a couple of WIPs that I’ve been working on. I kept trying to decide between working on the next chapter for ‘Of Pink Fairies and Teenage Boys’ or for that sibling body-swap story thing or working on the LBSC Sprint Challenge for this week (Last week? How would I phrase that XD)
I think I’m making good headway with that body-swap, so I’ll share a snippet from that today! I definitely have to completely switch out multiple phrases. Why was I okay with writing so many sentences with alteration?!
In my sleep-deprived mind, I was like, ‘Yeah people would love the fact that Juleka basically says the b sound over and over again!’ Which reading over it, it does add charm but is a headache and a half XD
Anways, wow that’s a lot of words for an opening, the point of the cut is to shorten the post! (Also sorry if this seems wordy and strange, I fell asleep at 4 AM and remembered that it was Wednesday and had to fling myself out of bed to post. Just imagine a lanky twig falling out of a tree and hitting every branch on the way down XD That was basically me this morning (or ten minutes ago, who knows?))
Another anyways (wow I should get to the point and stop using ‘()’) I hope you enjoy this snippet! It starts under the cut! <3
“Okay, we need to think rationally. No one else got hit with this but us, so the Akuma must’ve been personally trying to attack us. We should try to flag down Ladybug, the sooner she knows, the sooner we can get them to safety.”
Juleka (or Juleka in Luka’s body) scowled at him, scrunching her face as she stared back into her eyes.
“I’m literally in your gross body and your first concern is getting the Akuma ‘to safety’? You’re lucky I don’t have full control over your body, otherwise I’d pummel you with yourself.”
It was now Luka’s turn to scowl. “Well, do you have a better idea?!”
Luka tried to wipe away the stress in his eyes, “Sorry, Jules. This just... isn’t the most ideal situation. I didn't mean to yell.”
“Guess you’re not as level-headed as you thought?” she said with a sly smirk.
She let out a soft laugh that completely freaked Luka out, his voice was a lot deeper in his head, not that his voice was super high pitched anyways. He was clearly still a baritone. The whole body-swap thing was still just new and fresh. As the siblings had been trying to figure out how to change back, they never got the chance to just look at themselves.
Juleka must’ve been having the same thoughts because she began looking around at her body. It was strange seeing yourself as everyone else sees you. Looking at herself made Juleka a little more happy. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she was looking through Luka’s eyes and he always reminded her how beautiful she was, or maybe she really was beautiful. The thought made her smile.
“But back to the topic at hand, while- sure- the Akuma shouldn’t be the first priority, they’re still a victim who needs help. The sooner we tell Ladybug, the sooner they’ll be helped, the sooner we get our bodies back-”
“And the sooner you get to smoochin’ on Mari’s face tonight?”
His face flushed red. Well her face flushed red, which was definitely interesting to see from someone else’s perspective. ‘Note to self, try not to blush, it’s very obvious.’
“That’s not- I wasn’t trying to, y’know, if she wants to- but I wouldn’t”
“If she wants to swap spit, I get it Luka. I have a girlfriend, y’know?”
Luka let out a disgusted groan and tried to wipe the heat away from his face. “Please don’t put the image of you and Rose making out in my mind.”
“Yeah you’re right, you probably only want the image of you and Mari making out in your mind.”
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bellamyblake · 3 years
that bellamy-kane story seems so good 🥺🥺🥺 I know you aren't comfortable sharing the whole story but can you post your fav snippets from it??
Oh, God thank you! I’m writing for it right now too actually. I honestly tend to love the stories I do not post and they turn up much better. It’s a very whumpy story with much MUCH hurt/comfort but hmmm let me see-
I like this part: 
That first month in the Army hospital was hell with him constantly losing and regainin consciousness, multiple surgeries and procedures, his heart stopping twice, him being on the verge of dying in the middle of the night-fever sky high and heart beating so fast it threatened to burst in his chest. Bellamy had seen through Kane’s fears then.
“You think I’ll regret not seeing her again before I die.” he had confronted him on a late Sunday afternoon when he was miraculously feeling a little better “But I won’t. I have my memories-the good and the bad ones, seeing her come here and breaking her heart won’t do her or me any good and she’s already had enough pain in her life.”
Kane had agreed then but he dug out Octavia’s parents numbers and kept it in his wallet in case Bellamy died and he needed to contact them. They talked about that too, then, about him dying-unafraid and unabashed. Bellamy spoke of it as if it was the weather and Kane had to sit down and listen through everything.
“I don’t want an open caskett, it’s too scary and fucked up.” he’d say as Kane adjusted his pillows “Just that nice photo from the ceremony before my first tour, okay?”
“Alright.” Kane had to swallow down his tears as he adjusted the blankets and helped him get some water. He always needed to be doing something during those conversations, because simply sitting down and listening to him would not be acceptable.
“Did you manage to get that spot next to Murphy and Miller?” Bellamy had asked for a place in the graveyard next to his team. He didn’t want to be buried with Aurora, said he’s had enough motherly love in the real life to want more in the after one and Kane had agreed.
“I spoke with the Army and the cemetary and they said if we pre-pay now there’s no problem. Usually team guys are buried in the same place unless relatives ask otherwise.”
“Good, good.” he had closed his eyes then and swallows hard-he looked worse then than he did now-half his body still had open wounds that had to be rebandaged twice a day, he could barely breathe on his own and the bad side of his face-the one that lost his hearing and eyesight was wrapped in gauzes and bandages making him look like a mummy more than a human being. “You should draw money from my account and get on it on Monday.”
“Okay.” Kane had agreed, he took it all stoically, but inside his heart was bursting into pieces. “Anything else you’d like?”
“I don’t want the flowers to be white, it ain’t a damn wedding. Get something simple, let it have blue and red, maybe orange too, Gina loved orange.” Kane nods in yet another agreement as he passes him more water after noticing he’s eyeing the glass again but not saying it explicitly-he never did.
“My truck goes to you.”
“Bellamy, can we stop it already?”
“I have to say this, we don’t know if I’ll pull through the night and I don’t want you fucking my burial up.” he says it jokingly but Kane’s struggling to keep his tears at bay and Bellamy notices it “Hey...come here.” he pats the place near his leg and Kane carefully sits up “I know this is a lot, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. Trust me, I wish I had died out there to save you all the trouble but here we are.”
“Don’t you dare talk like this!” Kane scolds him finally letting all of his emotions out “And stop saying you’re dying! You can do this if only you wanted to!” Bellamy smiles then and rests his head on the pillow, turning his good side to Kane so he can see his thoughts for himself “But you don’t, do you?”
“I’m tired. I think it’s time.”
“What if it isn’t?” Bellamy shrugs.
“I’d rather it is, there’s nothing else for me to give to the world.”
“What if you is enough?” Kane says squeezing his hand.
And that part that is more descriptional! TW abuse!!!
Kane remembers so clearly that one evening, it was after dinner and he was half dozing off on his couch when someone frantically knocked on his door. 
He opened up to find Bellamy with his face busted and bloody, eyes angry and tired and his little sister tucked under his arm.
 “Can we sleep here tonight?” he had asked and Kane had rushed them in right away. 
One of Aurora’s stupid boyfriends had raised his hand on Octavia who was trying to sneak food from the table but he stood in his way.
The man grabbed him up and tossed him to the wall, hit him until Bellamy passed out. 
Bellamy hadn’t said a word-he was still in shock and pumped up from everything that had happened, it was all Octavia who blabbered it out-she was crying and scared, jumped in Kane’s arms and refused to leave even though he had to take care of Bellamy’s wounds.
When he perched him up on the bathroom counter and took off his shirt he found out that not only had the idiot beat his face-he had kicked him in the stomach, the ribs-the boy was already bruising. 
Kane wanted to take him to the hospital but Bellamy had refused. He grabbed his hands and shook his head hard-no, if they went there, they’d have to explain how this happened in the first place and that meant removing them form their home, splitting them up, letting them spill into the system like little tired dandelions into the world-never to be brought back together again.
So Kane had gotten angry, he wanted to go there and kick that idiot’s ass but for that night he had to take care of this eleven year old boy who was beaten up so badly, that his ribs were at the very least bruised if not broken. His mouth had already swollen and so had his eye. 
Kane had cleaned him up as best as he could and then because he literally couldn’t walk, he had carried him to his couch, placed him on one side and O on the other, tucked them in and given Bellamy a bag of frozen peas to keep on his eye while he wrapped his ribs with cold towels to relieve some of the pain there. 
He had been quiet the entire time, broken beyond anything Kane had seen before. 
He had made them sandwiches but Bellamy couldn’t eat because of his swollen mouth so Kane just let him drink juice from a straw and fed him soups for the next few days. He had been so beaten up he slept through most of it and it wasn’t for three days later when he finally got the strength to get back up to his feet. 
The entire time Octavia wouldn’t leave his side either, curled up next to her brother, even when he woke up with a start, quietly crying, even when he coughed up blood and scared the shit out of Kane, even when he couldn’t breathe and held his ribs with his hand.
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