#Beast boy x reader
a1307s · 7 months
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Mating Season #1
(Garfield Logan Smut)
[Art is not mine! Credit to mothyx]
Requested by: Liviejc
Word Count: 3653
Warnings and/or Pre-notes:
Titty sucking
Oral (female receiving)
     The sound of my boyfriend moving around the bed wakes me up. On instinct, I reach for Garfield. "You okay?" I ask, my fingertips brushing his bicep. 
     Recently Gar has been acting really weird. He's been super short tempered, to the point that Conner had to break up a fight between him and Bart earlier this week. Though, Conner thinks it was just Garfield being territorial instead of him being upset.  He might be right, Gar has been super clingy lately, so he probably misinterpreted Bart's behaviors. On the other hand, my boyfriend has been picking fights with everyone so I'm not sure what's going on with him.
     "Ya, I'm just warm," Garfield answers, moving closer so I can wrap my fingers around his arm. 
     He's right. His skin feels like it's boiling under my touch. About the time his anger picked up, his body temperature did too. "Maybe you should see a doctor," I say, propping myself up so I can look at Gar. 
     Garfield turns his head so he's facing me. His eyes are a bright green that stands out in the dark. His pupils are a bit slitted, reminding me of a cat. "I'm usually super warm, babe. You know, the whole 'animal kingdom' thing," Gar answers, trying to put my worries to rest.  
     "Ya, I know. You're just warmer than usual and you've been kind of moody. Maybe you're getting sick."
     "I'm not getting sick. I'm just a little warm."
     I sigh in defeat and lay back down. "We could turn down the heat," I offer, sliding my hand from Beasty's arm up to his hair. I softly twirl the ends around my fingers, soaking in the softness of it.
     "It's already at sixty-five. I don't want to make it too cold, you won't be comfortable then," He answers, eyes shut and soft purrs coming from him because of my petting. 
     "We could take the comforter off the bed and just sleep with the under-sheet."
     "Ya, but if you're too cold you won't be able to sleep," Garfield says again, opening his eyes to look at me. 
     "You're pretty much a personal heater at all times. If I get too cold, I'll just snuggle up closer," I answer, scooting over some to place a soft kiss on his forehead. 
     Gar doesn't answer so I pull off the comforter before laying back down. I snuggle up to him, laying my head on his chest and slinging my leg across the waist band of his pj  pants. It seems to help for a couple minutes, but not very long. Garfield starts shifting again, so I roll over to remove my body heat from him. He relaxes again, but again, it doesn't last long. 
     "I'm going to try a cold shower," he says, kissing my shoulder blade before getting out of bed.
     I hum in response but stay curled up in bed. It's silent for a second before Gar turns the shower on. After a couple minutes I start to think that maybe less clothing will help. With this thought, I reluctantly roll out of bed to change out of my long-sleeved shirt and fuzzy pj pants. By the time I'm changed - now in a sports bra and spandex - and back comfortable in bed, Gar is out of the shower. "Did it help?" I ask, sitting up in bed, causing the sheet to pool in my lap, and look towards the bathroom.
     "Ya," Beasty answers shortly, his eyes locked on me. "Did you change?" He asks, taking quick steps towards the bed. 
     "Yes, I did. I figured less clothing might help so maybe take off your shirt and pj bottoms before laying back down."
     Beasty hums, eyes still locked on me as he pulls his shirt off in one swift movement. He drops his bottoms, leaving him in his boxers as he crawls back in next to me. He lays down before wrapping his arms around me and tugging me closer. My mostly bare back is pressed against his chest. Gar's skin feels a lot cooler than earlier which brings a bit of relief to me. Maybe he was just a little warm. 
     I close my eyes and snuggle into him. I lay there, almost asleep, when Garfield starts moving his hands. They rest at my waist for a moment before sliding up my sides. It stirs me a bit, but not too much since I'm use to his wondering hands, especially when we cuddle. His hands slide from my sides, across the band of my bra before dipping down to my stomach. They rest there for a bit before sliding back up to my sides. "Are you going to sleep?" I ask, poking a bit of fun at my boyfriend.
     "Ya," Garfield says, his voice raspier than I thought it would be. "You just... feel really good on my skin," He adds, nuzzling his head into my neck.
     We're quite for a few minutes, the whole time I can feel his skin heating up again. "You should really see a doctor tomorrow," I whisper, moving my arm behind me to run my fingers through his hair. "Please?"
     "Fine," He whispers back, his arms tightening on me and pulling me closer. I can feel every inch of his scorching skin pressed up against me. Garfield shifts his head, gently pressing soft kisses against my neck. He makes a neat line down my neck and over my shoulder before working his way back up. Gar starts down again but rests against my jugular. He makes soft hums against my skin before gently sinking his teeth into me. He follows the line he made before, making soft nips along the way, but soon the nips turn into full out biting. He covers my neck and shoulder with teeth marks, sinking his teeth in as far as he can, causing a stinging sensation along his path. 
     "Hey, hey, hey," I yelp as Beasty starts to work over the bite marks again. "It hurts," I whine, trying to shrug him off.
     "I'm sorry," Gar whimpers, nipping into a pervious made mark, causing prickles of pain to overtake my nervous. "I can't help myself," He whines, running his tongue over the marks. This doesn't help the stinging. Garfield's hands slide back down from my sides, sliding between my legs to paw at them. "You smell so sweet," He bellows as his nails dig into the flesh of my thighs. 
     My heart skips, fear and arousal both rushing through me at Beasty's sudden roughness. In the past two years Gar has always been so gentle with me during everything. He's always so gentle when he intertwines his fingers with mine to avoid clawing me. Always careful not to accidently nick my lips with his canines when we kiss. Always only using feathery touches and making sure to go slow and gentle during sex. He has only ever once left a mark on me, and it tore him up for a month after. Beasty has never acted like this.
     My legs squeeze shut out of fearful instinct. "You're scaring me," I whisper, trying to pace my breathing.
     "Don't be scared," He mumbles into my ear, nipping at my ear lobe before continuing to add to the collection of teeth marks on my neck. Beasty's claws dig further into my thighs as he tries to spread them open. "Open your legs," He hisses. "Please," Garfield's voice softening for a second, sending a wave of relief through me before digging his teeth back into my flesh and starting the feeling of stinging pain all over again.  
     "Please," I whine, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. "You're hurting me, Gar."
     Garfield rolls onto his back, dragging himself away from me. In the process, he tears the skin of my neck where his teeth were buried and his claws tear into my thighs. Warm blood slowly trickles from the wounds. My legs shake a bit, but I can't tell if it's from fear or arousal... or both.
     "I'm sorry," Gar mutters, turning me to my other side so that I'm looking at him. His eyes are still slitted, like a predator looking at their prey and his jaw is clenched. "Did I hurt you?" He asks, running his fingertips across my thighs, causing the wounds to ache more. Garfield's eyes widen for a second before slitting more than before when his fingers come in contact with my blood. "I'm sorry," He repeats, wrapping his hands around my legs and pulling me onto his lap. 
     His body presses against me, my knees resting at his sides as the rest of me rests on his torso. The hold he has on my legs reminds me how defenseless I am against him. The thought makes me tingle, and this time I know it's both with fear and desire. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Garfield repeats again, his eyes flickering from my face to my chest and then my pussy, back up to my eyes. "I just... you... I need... I want... I don't know what's happening," He stumbles over his words, his eyes constantly flickering over me as his hands rub up my legs, over my sides and rest on my chest. 
     He softly paws at my chest, his eyes locked there along with his hands. Garfield lets out a sigh of frustration, squeezing my boobs a lot harder than normal. "Are you horny? It's okay if you are," I say, wrapping my hands around his wrists to try and get him to loosen his grip a bit.
     "I don't know," He answers, letting go and resting his hands against my chest for a moment. Gar's eyebrows scrunch together as he thinks, his hands picking up where they left off, but his touch is softer this time. "I just... I don't know," he says, running his thumbs under the band of my bra.
     "What are you thinking about?" I hum moving my hands from my lap where they've been to run them over Gar's chest. 
     He stays quiet. I take the silence as a chance to line his chest and shoulders with soft kisses. After a couple minutes he stops me, moving his hands from my tits to my shoulders to push me back up in a sitting position. Gar places his hands back on my boobs, squeezing them hard like before as his thumbs start to work my bra up. "Take it off," He orders, glancing at my eyes before focusing on my tits again.
     "Take. It. Off," He growls, eyes glaring into mine before snapping down again. My knees squeeze his sides as my pussy tingles at his tone. Maybe I like Beasty being aggressive. "Jesus," He mumbles, sliding the rest of his fingers to the band and ripping the sports bra off of me before tossing it to the floor. The chilliness of the room hits my nipples, causing them to start hardening. "It's been making me so angry; seeing any other dude near you, let alone talking to you," Beasty says, his hands warming my chest up.
     "Is this about my disagreement with Bart the other day?"
     Once the words are out, Garfield flips us over, his weight pushing me into the mattress. My legs are sprawled out under us, and my arms wrap around his shoulders to try and steady myself. One of Gar's knees are pushed into my cunt, the other one is being used to prop himself up some. His hands are digging into the mattress on either side of my head and his eyes are glowing as they burn into me. 
     "Say his name again. Say it again, I dare you. I don't see him being able to sense your heartbeat from ten miles away. I don't see him being able to sense your smell from six miles away. And I certainly haven't seen him dipping his head between your legs every night to help you sleep," Beasty says, digging his claws further and further into the mattress after every sentence. "Do you ask Bart to pump in and out of you when you're horny? Is Bart the one you choose to spend your life with?"
     "No," I mewl out, closing my legs around his knee.
     "Keep your legs open," He orders, ripping my legs open and shoving his nails back into the claw marks he left on me. "For the past month, every time I've seen you sparring with a guy, talking to a guy, being anywhere near a guy, all I've thought about is leaving pretty little bruises all over you so that everyone could see that I'm fucking you. I don't want too. I don't like having those thoughts but they're there. And then, ever since your pretty little body started letting off your ovulation pheromones all I've thought about is putting a baby in you. Thought about filling you up, watching you walk around with my baby in you, seeing your pregnancy waddle when your tummy gets all big and round."
     "Gar-" I start but he cuts me off by bending down and taking one of my nipples into his mouth. "H... hey," I whimper, shoving my hands into his hair. He lifts his hand to paw at the breast not in his mouth. He sucks on me for a while, most definitely leaving a bruise before switching to the other side.
     When he's satisfied with himself, Gar lifts his head up to look at me. His eyes have gone soft and are no longer the predator slits from earlier. "I'm going to leave bruises on you, okay? I'm sorry. I need to. I really really need to. I need to make you hurt. I'm sorry," His words come out almost as cries. 
     "I know. I'm sorry. I don't want to, but I need to. I don't know. It feels like... I don't know. I'm sorry," Gar says, constantly repeating himself as he rubs my hips and nuzzles the unmarked side of my neck. "I can leave. I don't want to hurt you. It's just... in me... in my veins... I feel it, right there. Right under my skin. The need to prove I touched your body. The need to put a baby in you. I can leave if you're not comfortable." Gar murmurs the last part, running his tongue across my skin and rutting his knee against my spandex. "I need it," He whispers into my skin. 
     I can feel Garfield's tears against my skin as he holds me. I move my hands to his shoulder to softly rub them, trying to help him relax as he starts marking up my neck again. He was already rough on the other side but he's being a lot harsher this time around. By the third bite mark, I can already feel the blood tricking from the new wounds caused by him. "Beasty-"
     "I'm sorry."
     "I'm really sorry."
     "Garfield," I say a little harsher, moving my hands to his hair in order to tear his mouth off of me. "Beasty... I think you're in heat," I say, trying to ignore the increasing pressure building in my groin from the friction happening between my legs.
     "Ya, sure, whatever," he says, pulling my hand out of his hair and attaching himself to the first thing he can get his mouth on. His mouth works down my shoulder, across my collarbones and down my chest. He leaves hickies and bite marks the whole way down. 
     "Gar," I moan out, trying to get his attention but reacting to his tongue running just above the waist band of my spandex instead. "Garfield, please stop," I whimper, tugging on his hair again.
     He does listen, stopping the movement of his mouth and his knee. I'm left a bit sad from the loss of frication against my pussy, but he is just doing what I asked. "I'm sorry," he says again, his hands rubbing my inner thighs, spreading the blood that's been left there. His eyes are back to being slit but they're red and puffy now.
     "Baby," I say, softly taking his face in my heads. I force him to look at me as I rub circles on his cheeks. "I think you're in heat," I repeat, giving him a second to register what I'm saying.
     "Oh... oh! Oh, ya. That... would make a lot of sense," Beasty says, gently running his fingertips over my clothed pussy. "Though, technically it would be called 'rut' cause I'm a dude," he says, watching my legs close around his arm. "I really want to put a baby in you."
     "You... you really can't put a baby in me," I breath out, leaning my head back and shutting my eyes to soak in Gar's touch. 
     "But I really can," he says, using his free hand to pull my legs open again. Beasty dips his head down, going to leave hickies and more markings across my thighs. "Let me put a baby in you. Please?"
     "No... no baby, Beasty," I whimper, my legs starting to shake from the stimulation and the pain starting to gather from the new and old marks. 
     "Please?" He asks again, wrapping his fingers around the bottom of my spandex, starting to pull them down. Once he gets them off of me, he starts licking over the newly exposed skin, leaving my pussy untouched. 
     He teases me, running his tongue and mouth close to my cunt but not close enough to continue the stimulation I want. "Stop teasing," I beg, trying to unwrap his arms from my legs.
     "Let me put a baby in you and I'll stop teasing," Garfield comments, slowly running his tongue through my folds before lifting his head up to leave bruises along my hips. I whine, getting a retaliation of his claws digging into my legs again.  "I'm going to fill you up by the end of my mating season so you might as well let me now."
     "Gar... please... you... you can fill me up all you want after... after my ovulation, okay? Stop teasing. You're bruising every... every inch of my skin. The least you can do is... is make me feel good." 
     He hums, thinking over my words for a second before ducking in between my thighs. His tongue slithers over my clit a couple times before he latches on it. The feeling mixed with the sound of Garfield suckling on me fills my head. My fingers tangle in his hair, pushing his head further as I grind against his tongue. 
     Beasty continues for a few minutes until I come unraveled on his tongue. He stays down there, slurping up my juices before popping his head up to look at me. "I want to cum in you," he says, wiggling two of his fingers into me. 
     "You can't," I say, shifting around to try and get his fingers deeper in me. 
     "Please? We can get the Morning After Pill tomorrow," he says, pretty much begging before he sinks his teeth into my stomach to mark me up even more.
     "Fine... fine...," I mumble, using his hair to pull him up my body. 
     He smiles up at me, nipping at my breasts as he pulls his dick out of his boxers. "Say it," Gar orders, poking his tip in and out of me. 
     "What?" I ask, digging my nails into his back as I try to pull him forward so I can feel more of him in me.
     "Say you want me to fill your pussy," Beasty says, working his way from my breasts back up to my neck. "Say you want me to try to put a baby in you."
     "Please fuck me, Garfield. Please fill my pussy," I whine, finally winning at my tug-of-war. Gar sinks into me, wasting no time to bottom out. 
     "Good," He murmurs against my skin, bring his hands up my body to pin my wrists down. His thrusts are fast, and hard, the complete opposite of what I'm use too. It doesn't take many thrusts before my hips start to hurt. "I'm going to put a baby in you," Gar whispers into my ear, his claws digging into me as he recks my hips. "You're going to get a nice big belly and a cute little waddle. Your titties are going to swell up and get big and heavy. Then, as soon as possible, I'll fuck another baby into you.  Over and over again until I give you a nice big litter."
     "I don't want a baby," I whine, trying to pull my wrists out from his grasp. 
     I can feel Gar's smile against my ear. "I know baby... I know... It'll be okay." I whine from under him, wrapping my legs around his waist as his thrusts get sloppy. As I'm getting closer, the walls of my cunt tighten around him, not helping the sloppiness he's already experiencing. "For someone that doesn't want a baby, your pussy is trying awfully hard to milk me," He teases, sinking his teeth into my neck again. Beasty thrusts a couple more times before he buries himself in me as deep as possible. His teeth dig deeper, breaking my skin again, as he bottoms out.
     Garfield slumps over, laying on top of me as he falls off his high. His hands are heavy as they slip on to my hips. Our bodies stick together from a mix of sweat and cum. The room is quiet for a couple minutes, nothing but our heavy breathing to fill the room. "I'm going to fuck you again," Beasty says, slipping his hands down my legs to wrap them around his torso again. 
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 months
the little princess (g.l.)
Pairing: Garfield Logan x Tamaranean!Fem!Reader
Warnings: None i think
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: If the Titans had a nickel for every time one of Kori's sister's, that she apparently had a very bad relationship with, landed on Earth, they'd have two nickels. Which isn't much but it's weird that it happened twice.
A/N: This is just a little ode to the Starfire that was in the OG Teen Titans show because I just love her so much. She's just a little cutie patootie and I loved all of her quirks and antics. I wanted to make the oneshot a little longer and end with both Gar and her getting together but I realized that it would've been far too long and I didn't want to write all that in the same one-shot.
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It was in Dick's poor judgment to listen to the police radio while they were taking the cross-country road trip while getting back to San Francisco. Well, if we're debating Dick's poor judgment, he really should have taken the jet but not like the team could do anything about it now.
They were in Nevada, near Las Vegas when the chatter on the radio went wild. He spared a glance at Starfire, wondering if they should respond but she shook her head. So far, all alerts on the police radio had been insignificant things like disruption of business or public intoxication. Nothing that required their intervention.
So, Dick didn't bother to turn his indicator on for the exit from the highway. That was until they heard something cut through the static, clear as day, "Attention all units, need immediate backup! There's some sort of human flame thrower here! Like that superhero chick!"
They shared a glance and Dick swerved off the road and into the exit, nearly hitting another car in his hurry.
It took longer than it should have to get there, considering Starfire was driving while Dick changed into his Nightwing suit in the bathroom. To say that LVMPD were surprised when an RV rolled up with five superheroes inside was an understatement.
They directed them to the building, the perimeter heavily guarded by multiple officers, all armed.
Once they entered the building, everyone froze, noting how the girl on fire in the middle of the room looked much like the one standing beside them. Her hair was glowing and floating along with her body as she clenched her molten fists.
This never would have happened if they just took the jet.
Before any of them could even come up with a game plan, their target noticed just who was standing there and stopped. When the flames and the nearly blinding glow had subsided, they noticed all that was remaining was a young girl.
"Kori?" She asked curiously, wondering if that was really Starfire or just someone who looked exactly like her. After all, it was a new planet, she didn't know much about the inhabitants here.
"(Y/N)?" Kori breathed out, equal parts shocked and relieved.
The girl's face crumpled, and she broke out into sobs before flying right into her arms, "Kori!"
It was kind of amusing to see Kori attempt to hug you back, considering that you were floating off the ground but once you were consoled, she let you go, and you remained floating a couple feet off the floor at her side.
Kori gestured to the rest of them, and you bashfully hid behind her, scared of the newcomers. Ever since you landed on this planet, they had been nothing but cruel to you. All you had done was use your powers to reheat the tea you were served and suddenly there were men who had pointed weapons at you.
You looked at Nightwing's escrima sticks apprehensively before tucking yourself further behind her back. She spared you a glance before turning to her teammates with a tolerating smile.
"Guys, meet my sister."
"Another sister? Is she gonna try and kill us too?"
"You know Komander?" You asked curiously, floating a bit higher so that your head peeked over Kori's.
"Vaguely." Conner answered and you tilted your head, watching him with a deliberating pout. He seemed a little uncomfortable by your piercing stare, so you averted your gaze before whispering in your sister's ear.
"Are they holding you hostage?"
She chuckled and shook her head before introducing all of them to you by name. You listened attentively, noticing how neither of them bothered to give you smiles aside from the youngest girl and boy named Rachel and Gar.
They had pretty hair. You liked them already.
"Another sister you didn't tell us about?" Dick pressed, leaning over the centre console and Kori sighed, running a hand down her face. You were floating in the back of the RV, listening intently to Tim's conspiracies about aliens and attempting to explain your history and more to him.
"I didn't think I had to. I never thought we'd actually have to run into her." She explained and he gave her a hard gaze.
"Yes, but a little heads up would have been nice."
"Well, I didn't know she was going to be here, now did I?!" She snapped and the RV was immediately silenced. She sighed and turned to give the rest of you a reassuring smile and you reluctantly went back to your conversations.
When she was sure they weren't listening, she turned back to Dick, "She's the youngest. After Komander was born without powers, the public and nobles pressed for my parents to have another child. She was born with powers and also the first one in like 5 generations to be born with the power of flight. She's considered a gem in the public eye. She can do no wrong. And she's too young to assume the throne so she's never pressured like Komander, and I were. I'm surprised they even let her off the planet."
Dick cast an uncertain eye on the woman beside him. It was obvious that she had some unresolved issues with you, although he couldn't exactly put his finger on why. From what he gathered, you were pretty delightful and made a cute first impression, unlike the time he met Jason.
"What's this?" You asked loudly, pointing to a hole in their table.
"Um, it's a sink." Gar answered, flustered that you didn't know about its existence, "It's where we wash our hands and dishes and things."
Your face scrunched up, "Well that sounds unhygienic. Can't you just acquire new ones?"
Kori rolled her eyes.
"What are you doing here, (Y/N)?" She asked, finally acknowledging you now that she had wrapped her head around it.
Your brows furrowed at her tone as you flew closer to her, "Maybe I'm assuming but are you perhaps angry with me?"
She scoffed. Of course, you didn't even know when you upset someone. People back home usually jump through hoops for you, so it was no wonder that you had absolutely no idea of other people's feelings or thought that you could do any wrong.
"Yes! What the hell are you doing here?! You can't just come to a planet like Earth and then go around causing trouble!"
"Excuse me?" You asked cautiously, trying to reason with her. You had come here to find your older sister because you thought she would know what to do. The more you spoke with her, the less she seemed like the rightful ruler and more like Komander, "What was I meant to do, Kori'Ander? Our parents were murdered, the crown princess disappeared. People began looking toward me for an answer. What was I meant to tell them?"
She scoffed once again and you were starting to get very irritated by the sound, "Of course, couldn't even run a kingdom for a while."
This struck the wrong chord. You were never quite close with your older sisters; they both considered you the runt of the family and frequently made comments about how you were too young to join them on their excursions. Kori would seem like the doting older sister to the public, but you never really connected.
And Komander hated you since birth.
It was undeniable that your parents treasured you. I mean, how could they not when you constantly strived for their attention. You didn't have any friends growing up and your sisters scorned you when you did nothing wrong, so you depended on your parents for intimacy and connection.
It wasn't rare for you to be floating around the throne room, giggling when your father teased you by attempting to catch you, even though you were way out of his reach.
The people treasured you as well, you realized that very early, when you were first introduced to them as a young girl. You had been hiding behind your mother's gown, intimidated by the sheer amount of people and held her skirt in a tight fist.
You remember your parents cooing at you as they slowly revealed you to the rest of them and then the deafening sound of the crowd cheering. Your parents watched with pride as you began flying to try and see just how many people were there and they cheered louder.
You were adored.
And even though you did want to spend time with your sisters and play with them, you were eventually steered away from them by your parents after you had returned to their room in tears and inconsolable when your sisters had slammed their door in your face when you had just asked to play.
"I'm not the one meant to be running the kingdom, Kori. You are the crown princess. It was your duty to be take over the throne or officially abdicate it. Not mine." You explained, not quite understanding why she was being so negative. This had been her birth right and her path, way before you were even born.
You didn't realize it when you were younger but as you came of age, you understood that your role in the royal family wasn't one of politics or even running the kingdom. You were nothing more than a symbol to the people. Of purity, peace, and hope.
That had been made clear, so why was she suddenly expecting you to take over?
Everyone stared out the window, trying extremely hard to blend into the surroundings. While all of them respected Kori a lot, they all knew that she was impulsive and often said things without thinking them through. While Kori was excellent at giving advice, she herself was awful at controlling her emotions and lashed out often.
Tim began making prayers that they would make it through without something catching on fire.
"I realize that (Y/N)! But you're still the princess in our absence! You should have done something instead of running away and make someone solve your problems for you!"
You gasped, "My problems?! The kingdom that you're the ruler of is my problem? I'm the one who's running away? You're the one who ran so far that you went to a completely different planet! You—You zarbnarf!"
Kori froze, watching as your eyes glassed over with furious tears. Immediately, she regretted speaking to you that way, feeling panic build in her system. It was probably because growing up, she had learnt to grow terrified whenever you began crying around her.
Because you were the golden child. The fragile flower among molten rocks and you were treasured by your parents beyond anything. If either Kori or Komander had made you cry, they usually faced a punishment. That was something that you took advantage of, as an immature, mischievous child. When had you grown up so much?
She wanted to apologize, take it back but her pride was swelling so big in her chest that it clogged her throat. She was still angry and humiliated and all the things she felt as a child began coming back to her.
How could she be so immature? She had no idea what happened on Tamaran, and she had been foolish to think it was still the place she considered home. But it was inevitable for the people to ask about their ruler. She had been running away from the thought for too long.
She had completely forgotten that you were left behind in the chaos.
"You abandoned our family! Our people! And for what? A servant’s quarters on wheels?" You spat, turning away from her. She expected you to throw open the door and fly out but instead you stomped over to the seat beside Gar, not noticing the way he began scrambling to wiggly himself out of the booth and away from you.
He was too slow, and you ended up plopping down onto the seat beside him and he stared apprehensively at you from the corner of his eye.
Kori scoffed, "Why don't you just leave?!"
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms, "I'm done with this conversation but not with you. If your first response to confrontation is to run away, then I can see why you weren't gifted with the power of flight in the first place."
She swelled, puffing out her chest, "You know what—?!"
When Kori realized that you weren't in the mood to talk anymore, she returned to her seat even though she wanted to keep yelling at you. Why did you get to decide when the argument was over? You both weren't on Tamaran anymore and your parents weren't around anymore to scold her for picking a fight with someone so much younger but still, she fumed silently in her seat.
You turned to Gar with an apologetic pout, "I apologize for calling this a servant's quarters. You have a lovely home."
He chuckled at your guilty face, "Yeah, this isn't where we live, we're just using it to get back home."
You gave him a smile, "So you're not feeling hard with me?"
He blushed furiously, ignoring Conner as he laughed quietly into his hand, "Yeah, no hard feelings here."
Since you were an "unwelcome" guest in Kori's eyes, you were confined to the couch when you reached the tower. She was expecting you to throw a fit or whine about having to sleep like a servant, but you didn't mind, didn't complain, didn't say anything as you sat silently on the couch.
They didn't know what caused the sudden damp in your mood, you had been smiling the entire trip back, asking questions and making conversation but it was like everything vanished the second you entered their home.
Gar came out of his room in the middle of the night for a snack when he saw you sitting up on the couch, knees pulled to your chest. He thought he would just grab whatever he needed and leave quickly but he heard you sniffle.
"You okay?"
You looked up at him startled, and quickly wiped away your tears before plastering a fake smile on your face, "I am fine. Thank you for asking."
He should have just nodded, giving you an awkward smile before retreating back to his bedroom but he seemed unable to get the apathetic words out at the site of you hiding your faltering smile behind your pink hair.
Superman had kryptonite. He had pretty girls.
"Would you like some ice cream?"
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Iced screams? What is that?"
He chuckled, finding the way your nose scrunched up absolutely adorable, "Not 'iced screams'. Ice cream."
"Like cold milk?"
"Cold, sweet, hard milk."
You looked mildly repulsed, "I shall decline. Thank you for the offer."
He just breathed out a laugh, sitting next to you with a bowl of cookie dough and two spoons, "Just try it."
You kept giving him cautious glances all while lifting the spoon of the sugary treat to your mouth, watching as he nodded encouragingly and tentatively took a tiny taste (wow alliteration).
Gar had the absolute pleasure of watching your face scrunch up immediately, not expecting it to be that cold but it slowly faded into a small smile at the flavour.
When you had taken another spoon, he glanced at you and noticed your swollen eyes and red nose, "Is everything okay?"
You gave him a small smile and nodded, "I am merely just sick of your home."
He froze in disbelief before reminding himself that you were a literal princess. You were probably very used to luxury and had a literal castle to yourself.
And you're Komander's sister. That part explains a lot.
He shook the thoughts from his head before smiling politely and taking a spoon of ice cream himself when he didn't know how to respond. Luckily, he didn't have to because you continued.
"I know I have been here only a short time, but I miss Tamaran deeply."
The tension in his spine melted away and he slouched with a sigh of relief, "Oh, you're homesick."
You gave him a refined smile, "Yes, I just mentioned about the home-sickness."
"It's not exactly--nevermind."
There was a moment of silence while you quietly ate a couple more spoonfuls of ice cream before Gar spoke again, "No offense but if you miss it so much, why don't you just go back?"
You bit your lip, "My planet is in political instability. I'm unfit to take the throne. So, I vowed to bring the true heir back home."
His brows furrowed, "Why are you unfit to take the throne? You seem smart and powerful."
His compliment had heat raising to your cheeks and you felt a small smile grow on your face before it was dampened by the heavy topic and you sighed, resting your head against the back of the couch.
"My people wish that I take the throne because they see me as a beacon of hope but that is the very reason I am unable. My gift of flight has made me different from the rest of the Tamaraneans, so in a political sense, I have become a figurehead for nobility, equality and neutrality."
He nodded even though he wasn't quite understanding where this was headed.
"Because of this I have been trusted to be a mediator between my planet and others. I am but a symbol of peace. The rulers of other planets trust me because I am not part of the political party on Tamaran. I have never even made my debut into noble society. If I take my place as the ruler, those alliances could fall apart. The common people couldn't possibly understand that."
"So, you're supposed to be this unbiased figurehead but if you acquire any actual power, you think your alliances with other planets will fall apart?" He summarized, wanting to make sure that he actually understood, and you nodded.
"Well, why don't you just tell Kori that? I'm sure she'd understand."
Your eyes drifted to your feet that were folded up onto the sofa, "I was going to, but I lost my temper when she accused me of not taking initiative. She never acknowledged the work I did for my people. I suppose I got defensive."
He placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, giving you a comforting squeeze, "It's alright. Second time's the charm."
Your face scrunched up in confusion and he laughed quietly, "I mean, you should try again tomorrow. Maybe it'll go better this time."
"Hey (Y/N)?"
"Yes, Garfield?"
He offered you a small smile, "If it makes any difference, I really do believe that you did the right thing."
You felt the corners of your mouth tug up, "Thank you, Garfield."
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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prompt list 
requests or open!
1: “i think i might be in love with you”
2: Saying something flirty mid-fight which catches them off guard, giving you the perfect oppurtunity to strike
3: "I won't go easy on you" and "I don't want you to"
4: "Didn't know you liked being pinned to the ground this much"
5: “Do you want me to slow down for you?” 
6: “I can keep going.” 
7: “I fucking hate you.”
8: “Oh, fuck. say that again.” 
9: "hold my hand" and "absolutely not"
10: "Oh, come on! Don't act like you care!"
11: Never do that again. Please"
12: "Say it, you love me."
13: "Because I want to hear it from that pretty mouth of yours."
14: "Please don't push me away, I love you."
15: "What if someone sees us?"
16: "But I don't care about what anyone else thinks”
17: "You're not my dirty little secret. And I never want you to think that."
18: "We should kiss, Right now."
19: "I have a key, it's not breaking an entering,"
20: "who's apartment are we in?"
21: "Shh! They’ll hear us!"
22: "Get behind me"
23: “Come over here and make me.”
24: “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
25: “Your mouth says you don’t like me but the way you stare at me tells me everything I need to know.” 
you can also make up something an request it if you’d like<3
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gangrenados · 1 year
titans kinks you say 👀 here's my personal headcanons - Dick: breeding, bondage, sadism/masochism, pegging, praise, marking, body worship, getting caught, and of course monsterfucking; Jason: praise, mutual masturbation, phone sex, orgasm delay, overstimulation, cumming untouched, marking, knife/blood play (only on him tho he won't risk it with his partner), and maybe a slight daddy kink? he seems like he'd be into his partner calling him daddy lmao (might send more with the other titans)
(2) back with more kinks! Gar I can see just going with whatever his partner wants to do lmao like maybe a size kink? but otherwise I think he's down for anything; Hank: definitely size kink for sure, public or outdoor or car sex, porn (watch it with his partner or making it), first time/corruption, spanking, lingerie, morning sex/maybe somnophilia; Donna: definitely bondage I can totally see her tying up her partner with her lasso, riding (her or her partner), sensory deprivation, and body worship
Nonnie I love you <3 OKAY TIME TO SIN Y'ALL this is long omg
Warning: a ton shit of kinks like gun kink and breeding for example, sex (obviously)
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Do I think Jason would be able to make you see stars? Yes, do I also think he'd make you laugh cuz he banged his head against the headboard? Of course. The duality of a man.
Sex with Jason is chill, it leaves you with this nice fuzzy feeling in your head.
-Switch: I don't think Jason would have a preference when it comes to which role he takes during sex, he doesn't care as long as he gets to get laid.
Sometimes he'll take the lead, sometimes you'll be the one in charge, or perhaps there wouldn't be any role at all!
However, I feel like Jason (s1 and s2 at least) would brag about him being all dominant and stuff.
Also, I feel like red hood!Jason would rather take a more dominant role to take out all the pent up frustration on you.
-Names: I know nonnie you said that he might have a daddy kink, but I have to disagree (at least with this version of Jason tho). However, I do think the red hood version might enjoy being called sir.
It gives him authority and dominance, it's a strong word that makes him fuzzy on the inside.
-Praise kink: he needs the validation so badly, Jason aches for it and if you tell him how good he's doing he might cry.
-Marking: There's no doubt that Jason is a little shit and would leave a hickey in a place that it's pretty much impossible to cover up. He loves the fact that, by doing this, he's letting the rest know you're taken.
-Gun kink: Jason loves playing with his guns, and the thought of you suckin the barrel of on his pistols, as if you were suking his dick surely gets him going.
He'll facefuck you with it, telling you that you gotta earn it if you want him to fuck you stupid
He's not stupid though, Jason would make sure to empty all of them and put the safety on.
-Mirros: I have no doubt that tmhe would love to fuck you in front of a mirror and force you to see how hot and slutty you look.
-Humilliation: Jason loves dirty talking, most of the time he uses it to praise the fuck out of you, but there are times that he's so mean and all he wants to do is degrade you. Aside from words, I feel like at some point he'll make you hump his boot.
-Sex on his bike
-Mutual masturbation and phone sex (these two go hand in hand most of the time)
-Maybe this might not be related to this version, but comics!Jason would have a size kink
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Imma be honest here you guys, I don't think Hank would be really good at sex lol. Like he's not awful, Hank could probably give you a nice time, not a good time, but a nice kinda decent time.
As my lovely bestie @prettybitchfatwitch said "Hanks treats sex sex as if it's the gym" and well, I have to agree lol. I feel like with him you probably would have to fake an orgasm, anyway that's our little take. back to topic 💀
-Dom: He just gives those vibes, that's all. Maybe during his younger days he watched so much porn that know he has the need to be the one in control.
Names: I feel like at some point Hank would call himself daddy, does that mean he has a daddy kink? No, just like Jason, I feel like Hank would enjoy the power behind the name and how nice it feels to say it and hear you saying it.
Size kink: Hank would use his height and strength to his favor during sex, things like picking you up and fucking you or manhandling you would be his favorite things. Maybe he would brag about how strong and hung he is.
Anal: Hank strikes me as the guy who would be so into anal, I think he would love it.
Butt plugs so he can keep his cum inside of you, or perhaps he'd make you fuck yourself in one, or he'd make you keep it when you go out. Also I feel like he'd be into rimming aka eating ass.
-for some reason I feel like he and Dawn would really into threesomes or they'd be swingers lol
Zero doubt that Dick is good, he'll make you see stars, end of discussion (I mean, have you seen what he had pulled off? He must've got game, passion, skills. Hello?)
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Switch leaning dom: Dick assess in both, but usually he prefers to be the one in control. Totally soft dom vibes, although he can get pretty mean sometimes.
It takes a while to convince him to sub, but he gives in and boy, Dick is a bratty sub. He'll take any chance to get on your nerves, making you mad it's his favorite thing.
However, he can shut up quickly and moan like a little bitch. His brattines it's just a little mask for the slut he hides inside.
Praise kink: this one goes both ways, he'll tell you how good your making him feel and call you things like "good girl" for example. Now, do the same to him and you'll make him explode.
Daddy kink: Dick loves the name and I think he might engage in the dynamic, nothing too wild, but he would make up some rules and pamper you. Perhaps he likes the control this gives him.
Breeding kink: Filling you up with his cum it's one of his favorite activities, it sends shivers down his spine whenever he gets to do it.
Dick loves watch his cum drip down your pussy, but he's also down to plug it, let's not talk about fucking his cum back into you.
This man is gross, he jus loves to fill you up.
BDSM: I mean, it's canon that he loves being tied up, also adding to that I do feel like he would low-key be into masochism.
Like, it might not be his biggest kink, but it's where the mean side of him comes out. However, he knows your limits and will not hesitate to stop if you tell him to or if he notices that something is off.
Adding to this idk why i feel like might enjoy a little bit of pet play? Like he won't engage with it, but would rather use it as a punishment if you really get to get on his nerves.
He'll be condescending with you, pretending to be nice when it really he's quite degrading. He'll put you on a collar and make you walk in all fours, dare to misbehave and he'll tug on it.
-Oral (he's a godsend for oral, the guy's good)
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Just like Gar, Conner doesn't have much experience, but from what we've seen my boy it's passionate and pretty damn good lol
Sub: Conner is a sub, he just screams sub to me. If you wanna switch things up, then he might try be more dominant, but overall he prefers having you take control
Names: why do I feel like he'd melt if you call him baby boy?
Mommy kink: Yeah, I'm a believer of sub!Conner, to be fair he'd be a really sweet and obedient sub. He loves calling you mommy when you fuck him so good he's seeing starts.
Strength kink: Even though Conner is scared of potentially harming you with his strength, he loves the things he can do it it. Like fucking you mid air or manhandling you into a position.
Marking: He wants you to make him as yours.
sadly hickeys doesn't last long on him due his quick healing, but loves when you do it. Perhaps make him wear something of yours as a subtly way to let other knows he belongs to you.
Somnophilia: Conner doesn't need much sleep and sometkme he gets needy on the night, so getting to fuck you while you sleep it's his way to deal with the problem.
-Mirror fucking
-getting spanked
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scp230kinnie · 1 year
Hcs for the titans mcs pls (Dick, Gar, Rachel, & Kori)
Lowkey gonna marry whoever sent this 😜
I assume you meant relationship, so here’s that
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Characters: Dick Grayson, Rachel Roth, Gar Logan, Jason Todd, and Koriand’r
Genre: fluff 😜 relationship hcs
Warnings: SPOILERS ⚠️ mentions of death & injury. Slightly suggestive. None of the characters mentioned are mine, all Headcanons are made up by me, not canon whatsoever. Everything said/mentioned is fictional.
On with the fic
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Dick Grayson
He a baddie
He tries actually so hard to keep you out of danger
I feel like he would try to hide the whole titans thing from you if you didn’t know about it, but realistically finding out would be inevitable
He can always tell when you’re lying. It’s like a sixth sense to him
As a matter of fact, he can tell when anyone lies to him
He probably likes it when you help patch him up after a fight (not that he would admit it)
If you’re expecting a man who’s open about anything (his past, etc) you have another thing coming
It would take a lot for him to actually open up
Even if he does open up, he doesn’t like telling you much about his time with Bruce.
Dont bring it up either lol
Man is so touch deprived omggg
It’s not exactly that he never got it, it’s more that he never wanted it
He would like flinch if you ever touched him, but he would get used to it
He has a fat ass I wanna slap it
If you do that, he’s probably gonna slap yours back
No PDA. Holding hands at the MOST. Unless you’re upset or hurt, then he’ll give you a quick hug or something
He likes to stay serious generally, but sometimes he’ll be silly and it’s so cute ong
He wants you to stay away from the crime fighting scene.
He even gets scared for your health in case one of his enemies decides to go for you
He would try to teach you some self defence
If you are a crime fighter, he helps you train, and stays close to you on missions if he can
His favourite part of your body is your face. He loves looking into your eyes or kissing your lips or cheeks
Next 😜
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Rachel Roth
She’s probably so sweet and understanding
You are always her main priority
All she ever wants is to keep you safe
Sometimes, she gets very distant because she can’t control her abilities and she doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you
If you didn’t already know the titans, she would absolutely introduce you to them as soon as she can
She can’t help but smile when she looks at you
She gives you her clothes if you want <3
She’d only open up after a while, it wouldn’t take too long, but she would still be a little distant
She loves being close to you and like hugging you or holding hands
Very up for PDA
No making out or anything, but will hug you and hold your hand in public
She just thinks you’re the most interesting person ever
She remembers every word you tell her
She would probably get matching piercings with you omgggg
She loves painting your nails to match hers
Like Dick, she can also tell when you’re lying. (But that’s just a side effect from her abilities)
She always posts pictures or videos of you on her social media if she has any
Will always offer you an earbud if she’s listening to music, will be very happy if you do the same
She loves learning about what music you listen to
Loves getting matching anything (hoodies, rings, even online profile pictures)
Her favourite part of you is your eyes or your hands
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Garfield Logan
When he sees you’re upset, he will say the worst jokes he can think of to make you laugh
Even when you’re not upset he does that anyway
He just loves hearing your laugh or seeing your smile
He thinks it’s the cutest thing ever
Absolutely LOVES playing video games with you
It’s literally his favourite thing in the world
If he notices you’re cold, he might give you his jacket for a bit
Will defo turn into your favourite animal for you
Especially if it’s a dog or a cat so he can cuddle with you
Opens up so fast tbh
It’s good tho that means he trusts you
Little spoon fosho 😜😜😜
He loves holding or touching you in some way
Loves PDA sm
Just loves proving you’re his
The titans probably knew about you the first day he saw you💀
He’d get you guys matching white shoes and get sharpies to Color them together <3
Would draw a wiener somewhere on em tho
He would make you do some stupid ahh tiktok dances with him
Would give you some stupid nicknames
His favourite thing about you is 100% your hair. He would absolutely adore touching it/playing with it, no matter the length
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Jason Todd
He a little cute patootie
Everyone he talks to knows about you tbh
He’s just so proud of you
He makes so many sexual jokes it’s wild
Also always grabs your ass 😢
Gives you some cringe nickname
He doesn’t like opening up, I can understand that
He prefers hearing you talk, rather than him
Would protect you with his mf life
Also would teach you to fight
He wants to know that you can protect yourself when he’s not there
Adores it when you clean his wounds or rub his shoulders after fights
He’s pretty secretive but would probably break down one day and tell you everything
Would definitely give you his hoodies/sweaters
Into PDA
He just likes to prove to everyone that you’re his tho
Loves to hold you
His face part of you is ur nose
Easy to kiss
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She’s gorgeous my wife
She seems more stoic, but she really cares about you, more than anything
She loves to talk shit with you tbh
Only abt people who deserve it ofc
She loves when you make her laugh, it makes her feel more comfortable with you
Matching jewelry 🔛🔝
Loves it when you play with her hair
She can’t really use words to express how she feels about you, prefers to use her actions instead
She doesn’t want you to think differently of her because she is a princess or whatever
She’s had plenty of past lovers, but she knows you’re her favourite
She’ll take a while to open up, but she will eventually
Doesn’t do PDA
Or very much physical affection as it is
Will still hug you tho <3
Like everyone else, she will do everything she can to protect you and make sure you don’t get hurt
Will k word anyone who looks at you the wrong way
She’s very protective
And kinda jealous
She loves every part of you lowkey
The end guys idk what else to write
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ynbabe · 7 months
Can you please do young justice incorrect quotes or headcanon about a reader they lex Luthor child. They are completely opposite of him. (Maybe they can speak to animals to)
One dish of YJ headcannons coming right up!!
Thank you for the request! Hope you like it.
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Technically you weren't his 'child' just another experiment that had failed, but you looked like him and the public adored you so keeping you locked up in a lab was out of the question.
To the world, you were your father's child, rich, disconnected from the rest of the world and spoilt
but to those who knew you, you were the direct opposite. Whatever money was given to you you'd donate or organise food drives for the underprivileged in Metropolis.
You'd often use your company credit card and the only reason you weren't punished was because PR said it was good for the company's image.
You met the Young Justice team through your powers but not in the way everyone would think.
You were on your way back from one of the drives you'd organized when the city was attacked by one of the many villains that tried to take on Superman but this time it was the sidekicks- or as they preferred Young Justice.
You ran and hid inside a shop but soon the fighting reached right outside and a green tiger was thrown in through the shop's window.
Even though you were panicking you mustered up whatever courage you had and spoke to the wounded animal and it looked surprised and even more so when it roared back and you understood what it- he said.
The tiger then transformed into a human, threw a flirty line at you, and ran back out to fight.
Later that night, you were visited by the very scary, very hot and very concerning Robin, who interrogated you before giving you his 'number' and disappearing.
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cantdothis-nomore · 1 year
Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven with a cold and distant reader with the others more affectionate and kind to them
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Honestly he'd probably be the same
Wouldn't have a problem with it although it might be a problem sometimes with the others if they thought you were doing it to just be mean to them
Robin would probably actually appreciate that you're like that cuz he likes his privacy so it's probably a good thing
He loves watching you just cuddle up to him after a long day and it honestly probably serves as a source of comfort for him
He'd make up excuse after excuse after excuse of why you acted differently towards the others then you did to him just to see the other side of you when you two were alone
Wouldn't judge you for being like that tho he probably would ask you about it a few times gathering you had an idea about it
Wouldn't mind at all as it's more of you for him in the end lmao
Wouldn't understand and would try and get you to be nicer to others for the first few times until she basically realised she couldn't do anything about it
She wouldn't judge you for how you were but would be more confused than anything
She'd love seeing the more affectionate and clingy side of you when you two were alone but would wish you were just a tad bit friendlier to the others
Just like robin she'd make up excuses for you endlessly out of pure love of seeing the other side of you
Wouldn't have a problem of getting people away from you if she could see you were uncomfortable around them
She'd try and introduce you to others thinking thst maybe it's just the people your around and yeah you'd try your best for her but mostly it just wouldn't work out
But all would be forgiven when you two were cuddled up to each other late at night forgetting the day and leaving everything else behind you
Beast boy
Again would be confused about why you acted like you did
But wouldn't try and force you into doing anything you didn't want to with others
He'd shout at anyone who made fun of you because of how you were and took you away to his room so it was just you two
After he realised thst you were only nice and affectionate towards him and even more when you two were alone he'd try and be alone with you more than he did before to make you more comfortable and happy with your surroundings instead of being uncomfortable and uptight around others
Your #1 supporter til the end istg
He'd never have a problem about how you were and would state that to anyone who asked about you to him
He loved you more than you eould ever know and would never hesitate to drop anything for you ♡
This one's rather short cuz I couldn't really think anything up lmao
He wouldn't care or mind at all how you were to others unless you were purposefully unkind
It's your decision how you are not his and so he'd support you however you wanted to be
He'd have a go at anyone who dared to come at you for how you acted and protected you to the best of his abilities
He wasn't really the biggest fan of people either so it didn't really make a difference
Loved that you were affectionate to him though
Adored being around you alone because both of you could be how you wanted to be alone and also have some privacy without someone poking their head in constantly
Loved u no matter what you were like ♡
Wouldn't care
She would probably appreciate you being how you were because neither of you put up with anyone's shit
The rest of the team tended to stay away from you two to avoid any issues
You were both completely different whilst alone and preferred to be snuggled up into each other instead of talking with people who made you feel like your braincells were dropping out your head at an alarming rate
If you had to be around the others you tended to stay close to each other and limit speech towards the others
I feel like you'd have a resting bitch face and she'd probably have the thing of asking you if you were angry at her every two minutes just incase
Even though you didn't seem it around others you two were closer than everyone thought and adored being in each others company instead of having to struggle in others
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So I had this very funny thought also I accidentally deleted this the first time around 😭😭😭 incredibly sad about that
You can read this as a romantic pairing or a strictly platonic pairing
A/N: Also this is more based on young justice beast boy because I feel like he's better written in young justice and that's what I've watched most recently
Beast boy x reader
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So imagine you and beast boy are hanging out with your two cats at your place, your cats aren't exactly fond of him but you don't think they hate him either considering he constantly brings them cat treats and toys honestly with him around they're absolutely the most spoiled cats on earth... Your cats are used to you being clumsy and making loud noises so one day your a bit surprised to find that your long time partner Garfield isn't as chill as your cats are about the noise...
As your preparing lunch for the two of you, you forget about the pot that's near your elbow and as you turn to move the pot goes crashing to the ground your cats just stare at you judging but suddenly you hear hissing you turn expecting it to be your two cats fighting over a mouse that one of them had caught but no you see this third very green cat hissing at you and the pan wildly fur puffed out and spitting at you... For a moment you just blink and stare because we'll this is a new development you knew he could transform into any animal he wants but you didn't quite expect this... So you go over to the cabinet with the calming cat treats that are made with hemp witch is safe for cats and you assume cat adjacent people you gently go down to his level and sit on the floor like you've done for the strays outside your apartment complex and your own cats when they've been startled or upset by something. You gently start making hushing sounds saying it's okay as you start to break up the treats and placing them in front of the green kitty he slowly begins to sniff at them while growling at you, your by no means offended by this, this isn't the first nor will it be the last time an animal has growled at you.. you watch as he sniffs and begins eating the treats you've laid on the floor and you take that opportunity to scoot a bit closer while whispering reassurances and slowly hold out your hand in front of him with the treats he eats those out of your hand and it honestly tickles you reach out and begin to start stroking beast boys fur. Surprisingly it's silky soft as you begin to pat him you look into his eyes and see some of his awareness has returned after a while of you holding and patting him all the whole telling your own cats no and to leave him be sternly he suddenly changes back to his usual self...
He looks absolutely embarrassed and can barely look you in the eye without turning a bit red ..
"uhhh sorry about that my hearing is super sensitive", he says a bit bashfully...
You can only smile at him and say "honestly its not the first time I've dealt with a very startled and disgruntled cat nor will it be my last", you can't help but giggle a little at that last part but you gently place a hand on his shoulder and give him a reassuring squeeze while also handing him some cat treats to give to your cats that are now growling at him ... You bend down to pick up the pot that was dropped and place it back on the counter while listening to beast boy gently saying words of apologies to the cats as he promises them that next time he comes over hell bring them a bunch of cat toys to make up for his turning into a cat and eating there treats witch he mumbles the last bit...
"WAIT WERE THOSE TREATS EVEN VEGAN", is all you hear from the other room as a blur goes past you to the cat treat cabinet and at this point you can't help but laugh ...
A/N: throughout this I was picturing the scene from lion king where a young Simba starts hissing and spitting but isn't threatening at all also I do not own the art above it just felt fitting to add
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yandereteentitans · 2 years
Garfield: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Y/n: Wow. They sound stupid. Garfield: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Y/n: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Garfield: I guess you’re right. Hey Y/n, I love you. Y/n: See! Just say that! Garfield: Holy fucking shit. Y/n: If that flies over their head then, sorry Garfield, but they're too dumb for you. Garfield: Y/n.
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hanluex · 1 year
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gar x gn!reader | wc : 0.1k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationship, domestic fluff, comfort
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"do you even know what you are doing?"
you asked, stifling your laughs as you watched your boyfriend from the mirror in front of you.
garfield logan sat on the edge of the bed, a pile of bows and hair ties on his lap. you could only laugh as he messed around, adding all sorts of accessories to your hair.
"hey, hey," he grumbled, frowning playfully. "you can't rush perfection, okay?"
"gar, i don’t know what you mean by perfection..." you took a breath, shaking your head. "… but this is far from it."
"is it really that bad?"
"babe, my hair literally looks like a bow store."
you turned to face your boyfriend, the two of you bursting into laughter as you made eye contact.
the green-haired male rolled his eyes. "fine, then. do your own hair, i guess." he watched you as you took off the accessories.
you were all giggles as you removed the bows from your hair, oblivious to the heart eyes and endearing smile your boyfriend had as he looked at you.
and in that moment, he knew. heck, you were just taking out the thousand bows he put in your hair, but he knew. and he wanted to let you know.
"hey, y/n."
"yeah?" his serious tone gained your attention immediately. "what’s up?"
"i love you. so very much, i do."
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a1307s · 6 months
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Artwork #2
(Garfield Logan Smut)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to Exegaytioner]
Requested by: Liviejc
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 6,063
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Sorry it took so long; it’s been a mix of the holiday and a bit of writers block
Pet Name Used (Bunny)
Slight degrading
     It's been a couple of months since I walked in on Y/N painting her wall. Since then, I've been a little attached to her. We spend a lot of time together, whether that's me watching her work on different art projects, or Y/N watching her show as I game, or just sitting in each other's presence.
     Over this time, I've learned a bit about her, but not as much as I'd like. She's a 'freak accident', like I am; like most of the team is. Other than that, I don't know anything about her, but it seems there's not much to know. I will say that kind of explains her hatred for her shifting color schemes.
     The most recent activity we do together has been napping. Y/N always gets excited about her afternoon nap. She has issues sleeping alone which means her napping makes up most of her daily sleep. She used to nap with Nightwing but most days he'd be too busy for it, so she'd miss out. Y/N did end up asking me to nap with her instead. I answered yes, a little quicker than I meant.
     I won't admit it to anyone, but I've started growing feelings for her, which have only gotten worse over time. We used to just nap. Well, Y/N would nap, and I would lay next to her. Then we started making out before she'd nap. Now we make out before and after she naps.
     I enjoy it. I like her rubbing up on me and kissing me. I like the dark crimson color that coats her lips after we kiss. I like her. All that doesn't help my denial.
     Y/N on the other hand, I have no clue how she feels about it. You would figure with the whole 'hue of her skin matches her emotions' it would be easy to tell how Y/N feels. Well, when you don't know what the different colors and hues mean, it doesn't!
     It also doesn't help that the only thing I ever see her in is that dumb white cloak of hers. Given, her hood is never up anymore - unless we're on a mission. She's more loose about letting her arms show too, but with how big the sleeves are they tend to cover her more than they don't.
     When Y/N naps, she's usually curled up, so her ankles end up showing. Sometimes her cloak parts and shows a bit of her thighs. It makes me feel like a Victorian boy. 'Oh, her ankles! How sinful of me to look at such things!'
     I have asked Y/N a few times about our kisses. How she feels about them and such. Usually, she ignores me. The few times she has answered haven't been very nice. Her answer is usually something like 'You tolerate my naps, so I tolerate your kisses'. I don't want her to tolerate our makeouts. I want her to want them. I want her to want me.
     I have talked about our situation with Nightwing, and he usually helps. How he's explained it is that Y/N struggles with expressing emotions. Weird to think about since her powers are linked to her emotions, but not knowing much about her leaves a lot of room for speculation. However, seeing how she lives at the mountain like a lot of us, assumptions are easy to place.
     Like every afternoon, Y/N is curled up against me, fast asleep. Her back is pressed up against my side and her head is resting on my arm. My other arm is thrown across the bed, forgotten. Y/N won't sleep if she's not touching me in some way, but at the same time, she doesn't like being touched a lot. It makes for a weird balance. Too much touching and she can't stay asleep, too little touching and she also can't stay asleep.
     She's cute when she sleeps, and not angry which is always a plus. She gets angry pretty quickly, but I'm not that surprised. Y/N just happens to have the same hair-trigger temper that Conner does.
     The thought of glancing under her cloak flickers through my head. That would be perverted and wrong... but, she is sleeping in my bed so it couldn't be too bad... right? No. Nope. That's wrong.
     I shift away from her, putting a bit of space between the two of us as I shake the thoughts out of my head. If I want to see her coloring that bad, I can just ask. The worst she can say is no, right? Or... it could put us back to square one again. Put us back to barely talking and her walls shooting back up.
     Y/N whimpers a bit, turning over so her head is on my shoulder now, her arms - exposed - resting on my chest, and her front pressed up against me. I watch as her skin shifts from milky white to a soft pink. The color blotches over her arms and the exposed part of her chest that comes in contact with me.
     I'm not too surprised by this. Usually when Y/N wakes up the side of her face is this soft bubble gum pink color from where she was pressed into my arm. Even at this moment, her cheek is decorated in the coloring, though it's starting to fade back to white now that she has switched sides. I enjoy watching her colors shift, it's relaxing.
     Some of Y/N's coloring is obvious. The dark red, almost black means she's mad and is usually paired with matching tight curls. When her hair is short, fuzzy - and usually grey - it means she didn't sleep too well, which also means Y/N will have an even shorter temper than usual. Yellow - the bright one, not the washed-out one; I don't know what the washed-out coloring is yet - means she's happy. How bright it is shows how happy she is. Other than that, the rest of the coloring is still a mystery.
     I stay like this, watching the pink spotting get darker the longer she lays against me. I wonder what the pink means. To me, pink is the color of love. Maybe she does like me and just doesn't know it. However, I have seen her turn pink while working on her art and while reading and such. Those things can't exactly bring feelings of love... I don't think.
     Maybe I should get a feelings chart. That might help my situation. Especially since I'm not sure if every feeling has a different color or if it's more of an umbrella thing. I'm pretty sure it's an umbrella thing... maybe.
     Y/N shifts, pulling my attention back to her. Her head picks up, eyes open this time. They're milky white, like the rest of her, for a second. Soon they shift to her bright yellow with flickers of pink through them. God, what does the pink mean?
     "Good morning, Garfield," she says, dipping her head back to my shoulder as she shifts herself on top of me. I tense a bit as Y/N slides into my lap, her legs bent at my sides, her arms draping themselves over my shoulders and her chest pressed into mine. She sits like this all the time, after every nap, in the middle of every day. It shouldn't be any different today, but it does feel different. It's probably because I was deep-diving into my thoughts today.
     "How'd you sleep?" I ask, placing my hands on her thighs. What color are my handprints under her cloak? Are they pink? Yellow? Are her inner thighs littered with blotches from where they press into me? I want to know so bad. Y/N just hums in response, shifting her head onto my neck instead of my shoulder.
     Once again, she falls still, her soft breathing coating my neck and making my nerves spark. I think I just need something new for us. Something more than just our makeouts. Something to let me know Y/N enjoys this instead of seeing it as a chore.
     I slide my hands around some, my fingers curling around the edges of her cloak that has parted a bit from her position. My eyes stay locked on the ceiling as I tip my fingertips over the hem, barely coming in contact with her bare skin. It's silent for a beat, the warmth of her skin sliding up my fingers, but the silence doesn't stay long. "Don't do that," Y/N says, her fingers sliding down and wrapping around mine to pull my hand away. She lays it back in its usual spot, gently placed on top of her thigh, over her cloak.
     So much for something new, something to prove that she enjoys whatever the hell this is. Y/N's head tilts back up, her eyes now their ashy grey. Besides the angry red color, grey is the most used color on Y/N. Her eyes, skin, and hair, are all grey when we go on a mission. Unlike her sleepiness, when we're on a mission her hair is pin-straight and long. I don't know what the grey means. Maybe focus. What is she focusing on right now? Is focus even an emotion? I don't think so.
     Her head tilts some, eyes slowly melting back to the yellow and pink from before, her hair doing the same. I'll take that as a good sign. Happiness is always good, even if I don't know what it's paired with. Y/N's fingers are soft and airy as they slide up my neck, stroking my cheeks as she cups my face. She bends down, her lips sliding over my skin for a second before finding a new place to butterfly a kiss too. Maybe she does enjoy our kisses, why else would she be so gentle? So soft? Her lips trail over my face, leaving their warmth across my nose, my eyes, my forehead, my jaw, anywhere she can reach.
     My hands slide backward, jumping over her butt to slide around her back. I feel so loved, and so cared for when Y/N starts our kisses like this. If she doesn't feel anything for me, how could she make me feel this way? How could she push so much love out in these little touches if she doesn't care about me too?
     "Y/N?" I ask, my words coming out softer than I meant them to.
     "Garfield?" She whispers back, her lips sliding against the corner of my mouth, making my heart rate rise and blood rush down my body. It's annoying. This is annoying. I hate feeling so in love, so needy for her, just for nothing to ever happen outside of the few minutes before and after she sleeps. Outside of this, Y/N rarely lets me touch her, and the one time I tried to kiss her, I got a broken nose and a week of her being skittish. No naps during that week too which meant no kisses either.
     I gently slide my hands up Y/N's body, sliding them up her shoulder and cupping her face. I tilt her back, so her eyes are focused on me instead of her kisses. She looks so pretty, her back arched, her cloak opened some, showing me the top of her chest, the soft blue of her bra poking out a bit. This isn't helping my rushing blood or my thoughts. I can't touch her thighs, but I can see down her top? She's half awake, I doubt she knows this is what she looks like.
     I rub my fingers across her cheeks like Y/N has been doing to me. Soft streaks of pink are littered across her face, from where she's rubbed up against me. The paths of my thumbs are darker pink from the constant contact. Why do my fingers leave a pink spot, but her lips are red when we kiss? If I kiss other parts of her, will those turn pink? Or red?
     "Do you like our kisses?" I ask, trying to focus on her eyes but instead, my eyes keep dropping down her top and rising back up to her lips.
     Y/N shifts, her back going straight as she sits up, and her knees tightening around my sides. I'm a bit disappointed at the shift, the beautiful scene is gone now, but I can't complain much. The added pressure to my groin feels nice, teasing even. She shifts more, pressing into the half-hard situation in my pants for a second, her eyes wandering around the room. This is getting heated quicker than usual. All the build-up from the last few weeks looming over us, threatening to snap if Y/N keeps rubbing up on me like this. I place my hands on her hips, keeping her in place. Maybe not the best placement, but her being still is better than her adding friction.
     "I don't mind them," she answers, wiggling out of my hold and lying back down next to me.
     That pisses me off. Y/N is not dumb, she's a very smart girl, so she has to know touching me like this has some kind of effect. She has to know normal people don't nap and have heated make-out sessions with their friends. And what does she mean? She 'doesn't mind them'? What the hell Y/N?
     I look over at her, watching the pink on her skin fade back to white. Watching it helps me calm down a bit. It always relaxes me when I get to watch her shift. "Y/N?" I call again at a normal tone this time, as I slide my hand back to its place on her thigh. I massage it softly, debating if I should try to dip it down again.
     "Garfield?" Y/N answers again, her head turning towards me. Her eyes are starting to shift to red, the same crimson red her lips usually are by now. Is she mad at me for touching her? She sounds pretty calm compared to how she usually is when she's mad. Maybe she isn't mad.
     "Do you not like me kissing you?" I ask, giving into my want and dipping my fingertips down, toying with Y/N's inner thighs.
     "I don't... not like it," she answers, turning her head away from me. I watch, waiting for a reaction, but I don't get one.
     "So... you do like them?" I push, sliding closer to her. I'm leaning over Y/N's face, hovering barely over her, and slide my fingers down slightly lower, the hem of her cloak coming into contact with my fingers again.
     Y/N's eyes are wide, mostly grey with flickers of red throughout them, her skin doing the same. Her body is a bit stiff, and her chest jumps faster than normal. Is she nervous or scared? Maybe both? "Umm... I guess so," she answers, her legs closing and squeezing my hand between them.
     She guesses so? She doesn't know? The anger from earlier bubbles up again. I want Y/N to know she wants me, I want her to be as needy for me as I am for her, I want her to voice her thoughts and feelings about me.
     "Y/N?" My voice rings out, my fingers curling around her cloak again. I just need something, anything from her to let me know she feels somewhat good about this, about our kisses, about whatever relationship we have. I move her cloak, moving the fabric up her legs so her inner thighs are exposed to me.
     "Garfield," she breathes out, her skin and eyes redder than grey as I slide over her warm skin, her cloak now covering both my hand and her thigh. Her skin is smooth, soft, and hopefully colorful. I like Y/N's voice like this, I want to hear her say my name like that again.
     My name ringing in my ears makes my pants tighter, the half-hard-on is now a full-blown-hard-on. "I want to see your coloring," I tell her, gently parting her legs some so I can move my hand easier. The small circles I've been pushing into her skin have left a red ring on her skin. Is that good or bad? Is Y/N enjoying this or not?
     "You... what?" She asks, her voice still light, her head tilted down some so our eyes are connected. Y/N's eyes are fully red now, and her mouth is slightly parted. Is she horny? Is that what's happening? I mean, she looks horny. Picked up breathing, wide eyes, parted lips.
     My head falls to the side as I lean down, connecting our lips as my eyes snap shut. Y/N's lips feel soft and plump against my own. She tastes like honey, a leftover flavor from her tea this morning. It's not long before her mouth falls open, giving me access before I even have the chance to ask for it.
     I let my hand continue to squeeze the flesh of her thigh, bringing my other one up to do the same thing. My tongue slides over Y/N's, the feeling only causing more of my nerves to go haywire. Her hands are stiff but gentle as they cling to my biceps, her fingers shaking against my skin.
     "Why are you so nervous?" I ask once we pull apart, Y/N panting some under me. "I just want to see your coloring," I add, slowly pulling her legs further apart, her cloak falling open and pooling at her hips. Crimson red colors are littered across her skin, dark purples swirling with the color from where my fingers have crossed over her skin, the rest of her still grey. Matching soft blue panties stand out against her ashy color of her. Little Miss Matching, how cute.
     "I'm... I just..." Y/N stumbles, her panting slowed some but still present. I inch my fingers up, letting a finger on each side slide across the bands of her underwear clinging to her legs. This gets me a shift of her legs, but they fall back into place, wide open for me to admire.
     "You have to use your words. I'm tired of trying to read your mind," I murmur, scooting down the bed so I can dip my head between her legs. Y/N's hands slide up to my shoulders from my movement and soon knot themselves into the hair on my neck. Once again, her legs fall close, tapping against me before falling open again. "Why are you nervous?" I whisper against her skin, sliding my lips over her inner thigh. Like my fingerprints, an outline of my lips forms a dark red with blotches of purple through it. I continue pressing kisses into her left thigh, leaving new outlines in my wake.
     "I... you're.... you're touching me," Y/N answers, her legs tapping against the side of my face again. It's cute, how nervous she is about me seeing her like this, how her legs fall open when she's reminded of my placement.
     "So? I touch you all the time," I comment, switching to her right thigh. I let my eyes flicker up, taking in Y/N as I leave a long lick from mid-thigh to the dip of her hip meeting her legs. A hissed breath comes from her, a red streak forming as I watch. Y/N's back is arched the slightest, her knees repeatedly bumping into me before falling open again, her body shaking a bit, hands buried into my head. I think this is prettier than the scene I got to see earlier.
     I pull back from her, kneeling in front of her bent legs so only my hands are in contact with her now. This lets her knees bump into each other when they go too close again. Y/N whimpers at this, her fingers sliding down to my face as I sit up. "Aww, is someone whiney?" I tease, inching my hands up her stomach, letting them slide under her clothing. "Why are you whiney? What do you want Bunny?"
     "I... I don't... I don't know," Y/N stumbles out, her body scooting down to move my hands up further. Her hands have moved back down to my shoulders, her nails digging into them. Her eyes are blown out, dark purple with spots of red, and watery as she looks at me. I've barely even touched her, and she's already overwhelmed. Y/N is going to need a long cool down after this.
     I mess with the bend of her bra, snapping it against her, running my fingers under it, inching up just a bit before dropping them back down. My eyes jump around her, her skin turning the same purple as her eyes, washing away all the grey. The previous prints on her thighs are now crimson red instead of their previous purple, making them stand out against the cooler color. "I think you do know," I answer back, completely pulling my hands down and planting them on her hips.
     Y/N whines again, thrusting her body down to attempt to move my hands further up her body. It doesn't work though; I keep them firmly in place as her legs bump into mine from her movement. "Please?" She whimpers, an involuntary pout forming on her face.
     "Please what? What do you want Bunny?" I repeat as the idea of Y/N dressed up in bunny ears and a puffy bunny tail serves as a nice reminder of my hard penis, which pulses at the thought. I just need to hold on a little longer, long enough to get Y/N to beg, long enough to get her prepped, and then I can have my pleasure. "If you don't tell me what you want, I'll leave you here to deal with this all by yourself," I threaten, rubbing soft circles into her hip bones to try and encourage her words out.
     "Touch me, please?" She begs, the words coming out desperate as her legs fall open again, filling my eyes with the sight of her panties. They're slightly wet now, a small spot forming as her juices seep out of her, only encouraging my actions more. She likes the teasing, she likes me forcing her words out, it's turning her on. Is that what the crimson red is? Or maybe that's what the purple is.
     "Touch you where, Bun? Here?" I tease, ghosting my fingers over the little mess Y/N is already forming. Her legs jerk from the touch, bumping into my arm before falling back into place. "Or here?" I ask, pressing soft circles into her clothes clit. Bump, bump, bump. Y/N's legs jerk again with every circle I push into her nerve bundle, squeezing my arm each time she comes into contact with it.
     "Garfield," she breathes out as she did earlier, another pulse from my dick and my breath hiccupping from it. I don't like how easily she cracks my swallow confidence. I am not a dominating partner by any means, but Y/N is even less a dominating person in bed so if I don't hold on to this tiny shaving of confidence, we'll be back to me panning over her with no retaliation.
     "Take it off," I bark out a lot meaner than I meant to. I clench her cloak in my hands, tugging it softly. "Please, Bun," I add, softening my tone in hopes of not scaring her off. I can't scare Y/N, I can't get this close to having her just to shove her back into her shell from being too rough, too mean.
     Slowly, Y/N's hands fall from my shoulders to the cute little white bow that keeps the cloth tightened to her body. Her fingers are shaking like crazy as she works on undoing it. Her eyes are still watery and so fucking hot as I look at her. I want to see her crying under me, I want to see her whole shaking because of me.
     "You're doing so good," I tell her once the bow is undone and her clothing falls to the side, exposing the skin of her torso, of her chest. Streaks of a mixed grey and red outline where my hands previously rubbed against. "So, so good, Bunny," I whisper against the skin of her neck, pushing soft kisses into it as I work on tugging her clothes the rest of the way off.
     Y/N curls around me as I'm bent over her. Her hands wrap around my shoulders, pushing our chests together, her legs wrapped around my hips and crossed on my back. Soft whimpers fill my ear as I push more sloppy kisses into her, now trailing them down her shoulders. It's so pretty, seeing the smooth white sliding off of Y/N, watching it pool behind her as small groups of colors form under my touches.
     I bite down gently into her shoulder, getting a soft cry of pain, and nails dig back into my shoulders, but I don't mind. I need to leave behind some marking, some proof of ownership, something to show that Y/N is mine for everyone to see, even if I know my eyes will be the only ones to ever see it. "Garfield, that hurts," Y/N whines, tugging on me gently to try and remove me from her.
     "I'm sorry," I murmur, littering kisses across her jaw before placing a soft one against her lips. Her tears have spilled over slightly, her cheeks damp as I pull back and look at her. "I want to be inside you so bad. Do you want me inside you?" I ask her, rubbing my thumb across her bottom lip as I look over her face. I do want to be in her, I want to be in her so badly, but I know she's overwhelmed. Y/N is shaking against me, and her tears aren't just from the bite mark, so I need to make sure she's okay with this, that she's not going to hate me if we do have sex, that she'll be okay after we have sex.
     Y/N's head nods a short yes, but that's not enough for me. I need to hear her yes; I need to hear that she wants me. I press another soft kiss to her lips, dropping my hands back down to the band of her bra. "I need you to use your words, Bun."
     "Please?" She whimpers, sliding herself against me. The sudden friction of her pussy against my ignored penis pulls a low moan out of me, getting me another soft hump and another whine from Y/N.
     "Please what?" I push, hooking my hands to her hips. I use this leverage to shove Y/N down hard onto me, to pick up the pace of her soaked panties rubbing against the front of my pants. I continue this, using my hand placement to hump myself as whimpers and whines spill from her, but not an answer. "I swear to God Y/N. Tell me what you want, or I'll jack myself off onto your pretty titties and leave you here whining like a desperate little Bunny that can't get herself off."
     Worry flickers through my head for a second but is quickly squashed when a moan tumbles out of Y/N's lips. "Please... I want you. Please? Pretty please Gar?" 
     That's enough confirmation for me to continue moving forward. I drop my hold on her long enough to shove my pants down and pull myself out. It's a struggle, getting myself out of my pants and boxers. Random body parts from the both of us bump together as I wiggle out of my clothes.
     Once I'm freed, I slide back between Y/N's legs, the head of my penis gently tapping against the soaked spot of her underwear. Her hands are back in place, tugging on my shirt that's covering my shoulders. "Needy, needy Bunny," I tease softly, leaning down to kiss Y/N's cheek before pulling my shirt off. 
     "Please?" She begs again, grinding her hips down against me. 
     I grab at her, having a tight hold on her hips again to stop her. "Don't do that," I warn, lifting her hips off mine. There's too much tension and if she keeps pushing, I'm not going to last long enough to fuck her. "I want to play with you first," I add, sliding my fingers down and letting them snag on her underwear.
     As I start pulling them down, Y/N grabs my wrist, pulling my attention to her face. Her skin is tinted in grey, only adding to the pretty mixes of red and purple. "Just... be gentle," she says, worry flooding her eyes and washing all the color out of it. Grey is fear. When Y/N is grey, she's feeling fearful.
     "I'll be gentle," I tell her, leaning up and placing a few soft kisses across her face before landing one on her lips. I continue this, littering her face in kisses, as I pull her panties off her legs. Grey is still present in Y/N's eyes, but the purple and red have started spilling back in. "You're so pretty," I whisper, moving forward so our hips are connected again. 
     Y/N's legs are back at my sides, squeezing me as my fingers dance around her folds, touching her but not touching where I know she aches. Her nails are sharp and a bit painful as they dig and release themselves from the skin of my shoulders. She is pretty, really pretty. Big watery doe eyes, body covered in explosions of colors, small noises spilling out as I tease, her clinging to me like she'll fall apart if she doesn't. I would be thrilled to spend the rest of my life looking at her like this.
     I slide my lips over hers, a distraction, something to calm her as I dip a finger into her. Y/N's fingers jolt again, digging into me as I pump my finger, helping her stretch out. "You're doing so good, Bunny," I whisper into her ear, dipping another finger in before curling inside her. I let my focus shift down, gazing at the sight of me disappearing into her.
     "Garfield," Y/N moans, pulling herself tighter against me.
     "Bunny," I tease, continuing to pump and curl against the walls of her pussy. Her body responds to the stimulation, tightening around me, her chest pumping to get more air into her lungs, and noises and whines for me spilling out. "You're doing really good," I repeat, pressing kisses anywhere I can reach. I debate whether to continue until she finishes or not. I don't want her to be overwhelmed, I don't want Y/N to stop enjoying this.
     I decide not to let her finish, not quite yet. I start pulling my fingers out, getting a distorted reaction from Y/N. "No! No, no, no," she whines, her hands sliding down my arms to try and stop me. 
     I turn my focus back to her face, taking in how beautiful she looks. Y/N's eyes are still doe-like, not a thought behind them besides me. Tears have spilled over again, making her cheeks all dewy and almost sparkly from the lights above us. Her chest has slowed down a bit, but it still looks full, pretty, soft. "God, you are pretty. You are beautiful, Y/N. You are gorgeous," I tell her, shifting myself around again.
     Heat rolls off of Y/N as I line myself up to her, tapping the head of my penis against her again, but with nothing in the way this time I'm able to poke just barely inside her. I tug her hands off my shoulders, lacing our fingers together as I gently press her hands against the bed. I want her to know she's able to let go, to call this off, to push me away if she needs to. "Y/N?" My voice rings out, a difference from the whimpers and whines that have been filling my ears.
     "Ya?" She answers, slinging her legs around me and attempting to pull me further into her.
     I give into her want, moving slowly, feeling just an inch of me sliding inside. "Are you sure you want this? We can stop," I tell her, hoping my own noises stay stuck in my throat.
     "Please? Pretty please? I want - I need more. Please Gar?" Y/N begs again, her fingers and legs tightening around me, trying to get more of me inside her.
     How can I say no to that? I pretty girl underneath me, begging me to fuck her. What sane person says no to that? Not me. I give again, letting the rest of me sink inside of her. Y/N is warm wrapped around me. Warm and loving. Perfect. 
     "You are so pretty. You are smart. You're gorgeous. You're so sweet. You are perfect. You know that? You are perfect, Bunny," I tell her, spilling out a new compliment after every thrust. A broken thank you falls from Y/N's lips after every one of my compliments, a moan or my name breaking up her words.
     This is perfect. She is perfect. Y/N likes me back, likes me enough to fuck her. Likes me enough to beg for me, to need me. My hands tighten around hers as I continue to thrust into her as I dip my head down. I clamp my teeth on her shoulder a couple more times, making sure to be gentle as I do so. Little whimpers fall from her at this action which only makes my thrusts sloppier.  
     The sloppier my thrusts get, the more upset I get. I don't want this to end, and I really don't want it to end this soon. I knew I wasn't going to last long from the start, all the teasing today and during the whole week made sure of that. "Bunny," I murmur, sliding my tongue over Y/N's neck before I continue. "I'm not going to last much longer."
     "No, you have to keep going. Please?" She whines from under me, her hold on me as she complains.
     "I can't, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Bun," I mutter against her skin, covering her raw skin in kisses. She squirms from my lips brushing against the forming bite marks. It's cute, but doesn't help my rushing high that's closing in. "We'll go again, I promise, I just... I can't," I add on, sliding more kisses over her markings, making her squirm around more.
     Another whine comes but is chased by Y/N pressing her own kisses into me. She leaves kisses wherever she can reach, my arms, my chest, my shoulders, everywhere.
     "Fuck," I mutter, sliding out of her as the band in my stomach slightly tighter than I want. As I pull out, my cum spills out onto Y/N's thighs. It leaves a pretty scene for me to enjoy. My cum covering her thighs in a pretty white, it stands out against the dark purple of her skin and the crimson red from where I was placed between them.
     Damn, all of her looks pretty, looks hot. Once again Y/N's chest is heaven for breath, a slight dew of sweat coating her body. Her skin is a pretty mix of reds and purples, every place I've touched her being empathized by the red and the rest of her being that pretty purple color. The bite marks I left littered across her shoulders - all five of them - a softer red, and slightly bruising. 
     "I'm sorry," I repeat, letting myself slump on top of her. Our hands are still intertwined as I let my body weight crush her a bit, my head buried into her neck. My dick is sensitive, but I push myself back into Y/N anyway, putting her whimpers of dissatisfaction on a slower setting. "I promise we'll go in again in a few minutes, okay?"
     "Okay," Y/N responds, her breathing slowing a bit. Her fingers slide gently against mine, helping me calm down from my high.
     I let my eyes focus on the coloring of her neck, the colors slowly dulling down before settling back to her peaceful white color. The soft pink returns again in all the places I'm touching her. I change my mind; this is the scene I'd be happy to watch for the rest of my life. Her skin shifting colors, me tangled up against her warm skin, Y/N's soft touches against me as I relax. God, I love watching Y/N's coloring, and I can't wait to make the colors shift again.
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tenpintsofsundrop · 11 months
Not A Good Time
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Gar Logan x Gender Neutral Reader Smut Blurb
Concept: You witness Gar using his fighting skills while on a mission, and you can't wait to get home to show him just how turned on you are by him.
Word Count: 2,000
Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
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This fic contains (Slightly) Dubious Consent. Both characters are feeling lustful and want to have sex, but one of them is feeling hesitant about having sex in a semi-public location where they could get caught. The other person has to convince them to have sex while these risks are at play. If this makes you uncomfortable, please choose one of my other fics to read.
Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: smut, semi-public sex (with a risk of getting caught), slightly dubious consent/coercion (see the above explanation for details), Gar gets a blowjob, the reader swallows Gar's cum, switch!Gar, the reader is more dominant in this, fuck-drunk Gar, the reader is completely gender neutral/there are no specifics mentions of genitals for the reader, nipple play (Gar receiving), Gar calls reader ‘my love’ and ‘lover’ (cause that is my new obsession), dirty talk (kind of), slight scent kink/sweat kink, mentions of choking/gagging on a dick and slight breath restriction because of it. Hmmm I think that’s it? this is short and sweet. could be set outside the canon, or between season 2 and season 3.
A/N: This is another repost - because I am trying to break up the Titans Blurb Collection. I still love this one just as much as when I first wrote it, because every time I watch Gar fight/spar, I go batshit. He is so hot while doing it. I am pretty sure that my next post is gonna be the sequel to Missing You (I hope so) - but I have so much stuff in my drafts that needs to get done lmao. Anyway, please enjoy, whether you are reading this for the first time or re-reading it.
“Now is… now is so not the time for this!” 
Gar’s declaration came out broken, thanks to his breath wavering with a gasp as your teeth nipped along his stomach. You were mouthing right on the hem of his jeans, knowing it was a place that he was the most sensitive. His muscles jumped and jolted under your touch, a sure sign that he was getting wound up, even if he was attempting to verbally deny you. 
You definitely enjoyed the taste of his skin, especially seeing as a light sheen of sweat had gathered on him during the fight. It was a natural musk that you found absolutely delicious under your tongue, something so Gar that it almost hurt. If you had been in your bedroom at home with him, you would have been tempted to strip him down and lick every inch of him, practically give him a tongue bath and tease him for hours before finally letting him cum. 
You loved to drink up the sounds he made when he was fully at your mercy, loved seeing his muscles quiver when he was desperate for release. You loved making him beg for you. 
But he was right. Now was not the ideal time for this.
Police sirens rang in your ears and you heard the distant chatter of Kory’s voice as she talked to the cops and likely to some reporters as well. Dick was off somewhere avoiding the reporters, and Conner was helping a crew lift some heavy barrels of some toxic chemical to load them onto a truck and get them away from the scene. 
Once the rest of the team had all the loose ends tied up, they would eventually come looking for you and Gar. 
But for now, you were on your knees in front of Gar - and you had no plans of giving the position up just yet. You had him pinned against a concrete wall inside the winding warehouse that the Titans had just cleared out. It was secluded enough that you didn’t think you would get caught. 
You just had to convince Gar of that. 
“Tell me ‘no’.” You announced boldly to him, mostly for the fact that you knew that this would be very hard for him. “Say the word and I’ll wait til we get home.” 
You looked up at Gar through your lashes, tempting him as best you could with a bite to your lip and a lustful glow in your eyes. You gave another sharp nip to his exposed skin, digging your teeth into the soft flesh with taut muscles underneath. He drew in a sharp breath at this - clearly you were heavily testing his patience. 
You had his shirt raked halfway up his body and held there by your hand, because surprisingly, all of his clothes were still on. You crept your grip under the fabric and blindly felt around until you got your fingers on his nipple. You gave it a sharp tweak as you sucked a visible reddish mark beside his belly button. 
“Y/N!” He yelped out your name at this unexpected burst of pleasure-pain, his body jolting under your touch. “Wait-” 
His protests dissolved into a needy whine as you continued to roll his nipple between your fingers and tongue wetly along his skin. 
His fists were curled tight at his sides, clearly trying to keep some semblance of self control. Obviously, he was using every ounce of willpower not to bend you over the nearest object (which appeared to be a large chemical drum that was an ingredient for the mass chemical weapon the Titans had just disturbed the plot of) - and fuck you senseless. But he wasn’t pushing you away. The temptation was just as big for him. 
Especially if the thick bulge sitting under your chin was any indication. 
He was just as enthralled by the idea of possibly getting caught. He was intensely turned on at the idea that you couldn’t wait to get him home. 
“Someone is gonna come by-” He argued, his voice almost breathless. 
“That’s not a ‘no’.” You replied, your voice a melodic taunt as you reached for his zipper. 
Watching Gar fight always got you horny. It was a simple, but firm fact of life. 
You did love the Tiger. It was something you found oddly cute where others considered it terrifying, and you loved to pet him and cuddle with him while he was in the Tiger form, given any opportunity to do so. 
But you loved to watch Gar fight when he was his normal human self infinitely more.
Back when the two of you had started training at Titans Tower, you were quickly struck with the realization that Gar wasn’t adorable when he fought in his human form - he was downright filthy hot. The two of you almost never practiced sparring together, because if you did, you became far too distracted by the sight of him. You always left wet spots on your underwear and spent many minutes staring at him gape-mouthed as he moved with athleticism and increasing skill.
Seeing Gar Logan covered in sweat, seeing his muscles flex and stretch as he moved to defeat an enemy - in practice or with purpose - was always the highlight of your day. 
And Gar knew this. 
It’s probably why he had chosen no to utilize the Tiger for the mission that night. He would tell Dick it was because he wanted to put his fighting skills to good use. But in reality, he had wanted to turn you on. He had tempted you into this. 
Gar took one last haste look around. 
Of course, you had pulled him away to a somewhat secluded area. You weren’t that dumb. You weren’t in the direct eyeline of any of the other Titans, and you would definitely be finished by the time someone thought to come looking for you. 
“Fuck it.” Gar sighed. “Go ahead.” 
“Ask me nicely,” You dared to tease him further. 
You began to pull down the zipper anyway, the metal teeth moving loudly and slowly as you looked up at him with a coy, almost bratty expression. 
You had won. That’s all that mattered. 
“Suck my cock.” 
Gar replied, the words ripe and full of want on his tongue. 
It was something that instantly made heat bloom between your thighs. 
Then he added this on - almost sarcastically, with that entitled, witty little smile. 
You could have devoured him whole. 
Instead, you chose to suck his soul out through his dick until he was absolutely dizzy. You wanted to make him regret being so snarky. 
You took the zipper down the rest of the way and popped the button on his jeans, knowing that his mighty cock would need the extra room to escape. As per usual, he wasn’t wearing any underwear, which only made things more convenient for you. His long, thick cock, hard and ready for you, was exposed to the chill of the air for a fraction of a second before you had him in your mouth. You sucked him halfway down with enthusiastic determination. 
He let out a downright needy whine - something so utterly beautiful coming from him. The sound was unhinged, bouncing off the concrete walls as he tipped his head back and closed his eyes with pleasure. If he was worried about getting caught before, then he very quickly forgot about it. 
Luckily, all the bustle of shifting off the criminals and quiet whoop of police sirens securing the scene easily drowned out any of his sounds for other ears. You were the only one able to hear his sweet little whines and desperate huffs as you fucked him with your mouth. 
You were lucky to have your hands on his hips because it meant you were prepared for the motion of him bucking forward into your lips. And although he had enhanced strength from his powers, you were able to hold him back somewhat and keep him from choking you. You weren’t a stranger to choking on Gar’s cock, and it was something you equally loved.
But this time, you were going to be in control. 
“Fuck, Y/N, your mouth is so fucking good,” 
He jumped into lust-mumbling, something he often did when your mouth was on his cock. It wasn’t intentional dirty talk, so much as it was a hazy, lust drunk set of words that fell from his mouth without much thought to it. It was something about him that you found to be entirely endearing. 
“God, you’re so perfect, oh! Your fucking tongue-”
You pulled back slightly and shoved your tongue into his slit. You licked up the precum that was freely leaking from him as you pumped the rest of his cock with your hand. His dick felt wonderful and thick and pulsed in your hand, and you took a glance upwards at him. His chest heaved from your efforts already and he looked so fucked out, his head leaned back against the concrete wall while his mouth was wide open in a beautiful, pornographic O. 
“Fuck, I love it. I love the way you suck me off, lover. You’re so fucking good at this.” Gar continued, his breath stolen by you already. 
You loved it, too. 
You pressed your fingers to the base of his dick and held him steady for your mouth as you sunk down on him again. And then, with the time constraint in mind, you began bobbing your head, keeping a tight suction on your lips and flattening your tongue against him. You turned your mouth into a perfect, wet little place for his cock, sucking him off with vigor - eager to drink his cum. 
“Ah!” Gar cried out, moving to buck his hips again. 
With only one hand holding him down, he was successful this time. He inadvertently made you gag as the head of his dick poked at the back of your throat. It spurned tears from the corners of your eyes, but you loved it. He heard the gag and immediately felt guilty for his uncontrollable muscles, driven by his wild lust for you. 
“Sorry, my love, I - oh, fuck!” 
You simply doubled down and sucked harder on him. You hollowed your cheeks and intentionally let the head of his cock slip back into your throat, cutting off your air supply for a dizzying moment before you pulled yourself back. 
That really got to him. The feeling of his ultra sensitive cockhead being completely surrounded by your tight, hot throat - that was what truly pushed him over the edge. 
“Fuck, ‘m cumming,” He moaned, reaching out and taking a tight grip on the fabric at your shoulder, digging his fingers in there and holding onto you tight. “Cumming, oh fuck, oh Y/N, fu-”
He cut himself off with another moan, the words completely choked off in his throat as he delivered on that promise. 
You had to put both your forearms firmly across his stomach to pin him against the wall with all your might to keep him from bruising your throat mindlessly with his hips as his orgasm rocked his body. You kept bobbing your head, lovingly drinking his cum down as it shot into your mouth in thick, hot spurts. 
As you swallowed the last of it, you continued to vigorously suck around him - you were feeling a little bit spiteful that he had tried to deny you. It was a small, petty revenge. The action caused him to whine and shake from the overstimulation - one of your favorite sensations with him.
“You’re a menace.” Gar huffed out, now entirely breathless as you pulled off his softening cock and wiped your mouth.
“I’m your menace.” You easily corrected as you tucked him back into his pants.
When you found your way back to the others, Gar was still dizzy in his post-orgasm haze, leaning on you for support, and Dick questioned if the criminals you had arrested had drugged him with something. Oops.
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Yandere Batfam x neglected reader, (platonic), 8639 words, GN reader
Damian Wayne:
Yandere Damian Wayne with Tim's best friend pt. 1, 10k+ words, GN reader
Yandere Damian Wayne with Tim's best friend pt. 2, 4834 words, GN reader - (Requested)
Yandere Damian Wayne with Teen Titans/Black Canary's sidekick reader, 11k+ words, GN reader - (Requested)
Yandere Damian Wayne if his beloved escapes, 1460 words, GN reader
Cute things that Damian does for his beloved, 1094 words, GN reader
Damian with a league of assassins reader, 3468 words, GN reader
Damian Wayne x thief reader with Kitty Pryde powers, 4181 words, GN reader - (Requested)
Yandere Damian Wayne x Alien Leader reader, 2636 words, GN reader - (Requested)
Damian Wayne x reader with Ice Powers, 3829 words, GN reader - (requested)
Tsundere Damian Wayne x Reader, 5654 words, GN reader - (requested)
Yandere! Damian Wayne x Cinnamon roll! Reader, 2257 words, GN reader - (Requested)
Platonic! Yandere! Batman! Damian! x Robin! reader, 5604 words, GN reader - (Requested)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing:
Yandere Dick Grayson X reader, 3236 words, GN reader
Jon Kent/Superboy:
Soulmate! Yandere! Jon Kent x reader, 4719 words, GN reader
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy:
Beast Boy/Garfield Logan x reader with Ice Powers, 3829 words, GN reader - (requested)
Patrick O'Brien/Plastic man:
Yandere! Plastic Man x reader, 1895 words, GN reader - (requested)
Kurt Wagner:
Yandere Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner x reader, 4254 words, GN reader - (requested)
Submit a fanfic request:
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workingbynyx · 5 months
hey yall fyi my requests are still wide open and i'm free to take any submissions right neow :D (i'm desperate to write something)
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pomegranate-pen · 2 years
Beast Boy Dating headcanons with fem s/o!
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part three of anons request!
Being as childish as he is, Beast Boy probably caught your heart by being extremely cheesy but with a heart of gold.
Before getting into a relationship, Beast Boy was the first to notice his feelings for you and he’s very obvious about them, even if he doesn't want to be. Melts from any sort of praise or positive reaction you give him and takes pride in your compliments.
Pickup lines are his go-to flirting methods but after he utters the last word in it, he freaks out and starts stuttering out an incomprehensible explanation of what that line meant and that he didn’t mean to offend you in some way. He blabbers on for quite a long time, so you have to make sure to cut him off quickly and reassure him that you get it. In the end, he’s a blushing embarrassed mess.
He’s so out of character when he confesses. He’s blushing, he’s stuttering and for the whole day he hasn’t done anything but stress out over the details of the confession. He had a whole plan in his head, compliment, give good pick-up line, flirt then confess in a super chill way.
You come to the balcony and as soon as he lays eyes on you his thoughts speak before him.
“I love you.”
Panic. He panics and laughs. Why is he laughing? He’s not sure. But it's probably a backup for his plan if you rejected him. He’ll just say it was all a prank!
Extremely happy when you accept it. He’s never grinned so hard in his life. Throughout the whole week, he’s more upbeat than he ever was.
Even when you’re dating, you can never escape his teases and pranks. Sure, he’ll go a little easy on you, but you’re still a victim of his antics much like anyone else.
Lots of inside jokes between you two. the titans would be left confused as you two snort because of one word you said.
Gaming nights are one of your primary go-to dates. It helps you both rest and also have fun. Whenever you’d win, beast boy pouts and mutters about you being lucky but whenever he wins, expect many gloats and prideful speeches for hours on end.
Beast Boy’s pranks on you are usually harmless casual fun. But there are certain ones that really made your blood boil or were just not there for the right time. The first time he laid a prank on you on a bad day was one he cringes at the most. Your whole sunken, beaten down and sour mood made him feel extremely guilty. After that day, he always makes sure you're in the mood for a prank before initiating it.
Always shares food with you. Whether it’s the last slice of pizza messily cut into a half or a scoop of ice cream with two spoons, he loves sharing it with you. It's one of his small ways of showing his love and trust for you.
He definitely has at least one matching T-shirt with you. Corny cute lines like “If lost return to (Name)/ I am (Name) “are something he wears with a sense of pride.
Whether or not you were there for the Terra situation, the conversation about her would come out at some point in the relationship. Beast Boy at first avoids any mentions of her name or actions and always skips the conversation to something else. It’s obvious he doesn’t want to talk about it yet. At some point, when he does feel comfortable, he calmly, yet with the lowest voice, vents to you about the whole situation.
Beast Boy is often careful with his choice of wording during an emotional situation you could be going through. He’s always stuck on thinking of what to say, what will comfort you, and what won't. He gets quite stressed when he doesn’t come up with any good replies.  
Very big on PDA. Hand holding, cuddling, holding each other bridal style, you name it! He loves showing others how much of an awesome girlfriend he has. He often shapeshifts into cute or your favorite animals and cuddles up next to you.
You like dinosaurs? Then do expect him transforming into one in a fight, then leaning down to get a head pat from you right after. You like cats and tigers? Well, get ready to not mind him suddenly transforming into one and sitting next to you on the couch while softly purring.
If you have a pet, he would be best friends with them no questions asked. Would help you take care of them all the time and take them to vet checkups.
He loves attention. He gets quite joyful when you praise him for beating a bad guy or winning a video game match against the others. He gloats and boasts about his victory and gets the glare of others while he’s at it.
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gangrenados · 2 years
can u do a mornings with gar type of fic? u totally don’t have to if you’re busy. i love ur work btw!!
I did a few headcanons about it, how you don't mind 😅
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•Before starting the headcanon I wanna say that I feel like Gar's a heavy sleeper, the world might be falling apart and he'd be in a deep slumber.
•Gar doesn't move much, the way he felt asleep that's the way he's going to wake up.
•This means that you can use him like a pillow, also if Gar falls asleep holding you then there's no way you're getting up from that grip (he got that gorilla grip on you)
•Bedsides, he tends to snore a bit, it's not the "grandpa" snore, but if you're sensitive when it comes to sleep then it might be a little bit annoying if you pay much attention to it.
•Waking up beside Gar would be a cute thing. If you happen to wake up before him then you'll witness how adorable and peaceful he looks when he's asleep, even if Gar's drooling he's still a cutie to watch.
•But if he's up before you are, then you'll wake up to Gar caressing your hair or skin as he gazes over you with heart eyes.
•He'll blush and deny that he was watching you if you point it out, in fact "when you put it like that it sounds like I'm some kind of creep, stop." That's his defense line.
•Okay but why I feel like if Gar stretches he'll end up snuggling you and purring into your neck like a cat? He'd trap you into a hug and beg you to not get up.
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