#Because she is the dest ever
golldenvallion · 1 year
'SHADYBUG looks so cool' 'CLAW NOIR looks so ugly' 'we love Emonette our queen of darkness'
You guys are right and yes to all of that but can we talk about alya' design and how STUNNING she is
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I mean look at her. This is literally my favorite design I've ever seen in the show.
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Look how magnificent she looks next to out favorite cringe fail losers (lovingly)
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withacapitalp · 2 years
I Wish For You Every Time
First Half
Read it on ao3 instead
The drive was so much longer than he was used to. 
Normally, Steve didn’t even really bother to look around, and he kind of faded out while he was driving. He had taken these roads every day of his life, he knew them like the back of his hand. On the rare occasion he did look out the window as he drove, he was usually caught up in the simple beauty of Hawkins.
The sloping hills, the big dark trees, the endless expanses of farm land. The town, with people who always waved when they caught your eye, store fronts with big bright signs, and kids on bikes. 
Steve was Hawkins blood. Born there, raised there, lived his whole life knowing he was probably going to die there too. His family had their own section in the cemetery for Christ’s sake. 
It had never really bothered him before. Steve had always taken comfort in how easy that all sounded. Life had gotten pretty strange in the last few years, but that inevitability of a small town existence was the soothing balm that smoothed over those rough patches. 
Well, normally it was soothing. Right now it felt like a death sentence. 
Steve looked out the window, and all he saw was a tomb. He looked out the window and all he saw was the same thing he was always going to see. There was nothing surprising, nothing new. Nothing like when he was with Eddie, who would drag him all around trying to find the most interesting things that he had never seen. 
But Eddie was gone now, and Steve’s entire life was going to be these same sights forever and ever. 
He clenched his hands tighter around the wheel, banishing the sudden inexplicable need to drive his car off the road. He couldn’t do that. Robin was in the car with him. 
It was mildly terrifying that Robin’s presence was the only reason Steve wasn’t wrapping his Beemer around one of those trees he used to love so much. 
“I can hear you thinking,” Robin said softly, reaching over and turning the radio off. It was too much to ask her to drop it, or let this go. His soulmate was a meddler, and Steve knew it was best to just go along with her. 
But he just couldn’t bring himself to do it this time. 
“Would’ve figured you’d see the smoke coming out of my ears before you heard my brain trying to work,” Steve joked, mentally begging for her to just go along with him. Make a joke, crack a smile, let him forget that his heart was still breaking. 
Not a chance. 
“Do you want to stay?” 
If she had asked him yesterday, his answer would have been immediate. If she had even asked him an hour ago, Steve would know what to say. 
He didn't want to leave Hawkins, he wanted Eddie to stay. He wanted them all to stay exactly where they were. 
But he had just watched Eddie drive off into the sunset like it was nothing, and the rest were going to be following soon enough, and his whole world view had flipped on its head. A part of Steve had been so sure it wasn’t happening, so positive that Eddie would realize that he didn’t want to go at the last second. 
Now Steve was being confronted with the full experience of not seeing Eddie ever again, and suddenly he couldn’t remember why he wanted to stay in Hawkins so badly. 
“I don’t know,” He admitted, because lying to Robin was a stupid plan. She could read him better than anyone in the world, “I don’t- I can’t go anywhere else Robin,”
And wasn’t that the truth? Steve wouldn’t survive anywhere but Hawkins. Here he had a reputation, a name that still carried something when people said it. It wasn’t much, but without that, there wasn’t anything all that special about him. Without that notoriety that still hung around, Steve was just another small town loser. 
Wasn’t that pathetic? 
“Why can't you go?” Robin pressed, and Steve knew in an instant he could never tell her. Not only would she not believe him, she would be determined to prove him wrong, and Steve didn’t need to deal with that particular can of worms. 
“Because I’m not like the rest of you. I’m not destined for greatness,” 
He had meant to say it as a joke, but there was too much bitterness carried in the words, too much reality. He was destined for a small town life, nothing special, nothing important. Sure he might end up as the biggest fish again, but there was no escaping his small pond. 
“Maybe that’s because you already got there,” Robin observed, cutting through Steve’s thoughts in the easy way she always did, “Seems to me like you’re already pretty great.” 
“Thanks Robs,” Steve said with a tiny smile. He reached out and she took his free hand in both of hers, smacking his knuckles with a silly kiss.
Well, he hadn’t lost her yet at least. That would probably hurt even more than losing Eddie.
“Oh, don’t thank me yet,” Robin said to herself, and Steve’s brow furrowed. He turned to look at his best friend, and she turned her head towards the window, tapping out rhythms against the back of his hand in the way she did when she was hiding something. 
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked as they pulled into Loch Nora. She shrugged, still not looking at him. He glanced away from Robin and over to his house. 
When he saw the front lawn, Steve stopped short, slamming on the brake and jerking them both forward. 
“Jesus Christ!” Robin exclaimed, dropping Steve’s hand to rub at her chest where the seat belt had cut into her skin, “What the hell?” 
Steve didn’t respond to her, couldn't have even if he wanted to. His mouth was dry, and his mind was blank, and his heart was jackrabbiting so fast Steve was sure it was about to jump out of his chest. 
Because there were seven bikes on his lawn. And the kids were there, running around playing some game. 
And Eddie was the one chasing them around. 
“Steve? Honey?” Robin probed, putting her hand on his arm. 
“Why is he here?” Steve whispered, unable to speak any louder. 
It had been hard enough to watch Eddie leave the first time. Now he was going to make Steve do it again?!
“Dunno,” Robin lied, acting as if she wasn’t lying. She shrugged and settled back in her seat, doing nothing to hide the smile on her face, “Why don’t we go see what he wants? Maybe he forgot something,” 
This was a set up. 
But for what?
Steve gave Robin a narrow eyed glare, pressing the gas again and smoothly sliding into his driveway like he had never stopped. The kids noticed him pulling in and began to wave, still tripping over each other and cackling loud enough Steve could hear them through the windows. 
Normally the sound would make him smile, but Steve’s mouth felt like it was going to permanently be stuck in a thin straight line. 
He was going to have to let go of Eddie. Again. He was going to have to break his own damn heart. Again. 
Steve wasn’t exactly sure what he had done to deserve it, but there was no doubt in his mind that God was punishing him for something. 
Whatever. He’d survive. Maybe. 
With that particularly dark thought, Steve yanked his seatbelt off, kicking his car door open and letting it slam shut with a satisfying noise. Robin got out much quieter, quickly moving to his side as the others began to race over. 
“Steve!” Eddie shouted, not even bothering to pause as he picked Steve up in a bone crushing hug and spun them both around. 
Steve startled and initially began to try and pull away, but when it was clear Eddie wasn’t letting go anytime soon, Steve gave into the temptation. He buried his face in Eddie’s shoulder with a soft laugh, hugging back and taking in a deep breath. 
There it was. Motor oil and 2-in-1 shampoo. The same brand that Steve had just bought a bottle of, even though he would never even dream of using that crap in his hair. The bottle wasn’t in his bathroom, it was buried deep in his closet, sitting in a box alongside a bloodstained denim vest, and a few of Eddie’s shirts that he had shamelessly stolen right after Eddie told them all he was leaving. 
It was the smell. Steve would still have Eddie’s voice through the phone, but he hadn’t wanted to lose that smell just yet. 
It was Eddie Smell, a scent that made the tension in his shoulders fade away, and made him feel safe no matter what. Steve fisted his hands into Eddie’s shirt, holding him even closer and forcing back the stupid tears that were starting to prick in his eyes again as he took a deep breath and lost himself in it. 
“Eddie,” Steve practically sighed, unable to let go. He pulled back just enough to look at Eddie’s face. 
His eyes were sparkling, and his cheeks were flushed. Steve wanted to kiss him. He was so close. One foot of space, just a little nudge forward. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked instead. 
“I forgot something,” Eddie stated with an absolutely gorgeous grin, keeping his arms around Steve too. 
“I think I’ll just go grab that right now,” Robin said with an innocent little whistle, skipping away. 
“Thanks, Buckley,” Eddie called after her, and she turned, walking backwards as she gave a silly two fingered salute. 
“Both of you thanking me before you should,” Robin said, shaking her head. She faced forward again, disappearing into Steve’s house without any explanation. 
“What’s going on?” Steve asked, not liking the silence that followed his question. When it came to his kids, silence was exceptionally bad. He looked around Eddie, and, very conveniently, all of them seemed to be preoccupied looking at the trees or the clouds in the sky. 
“Dustin,” Steve barked, startling the boy into making eye contact, “Tell me what’s going on,” 
“Why me?” Dustin groaned, and Steve smirked. 
“Because you can’t keep secrets,” He replied. It was true, he had never met a kid who had more trouble keeping his mouth shut. He had told Will about his surprise party not even two hours after Mike had suggested the idea to all of them. 
“Mayfield,” Eddie said almost immediately after Steve’s explanation. Max burst into action, smacking Dustin’s shin with her closest cane. He howled in pain and hopped on one foot, giving her a dirty look. 
“Say nothing. Put your hands over your ears if you have to,” She instructed him, glancing away from Dustin for just a second only to give her babysitter a completely unremorseful shrug, “Sorry Steve,” 
“What are you doing? What did you forget at my house?” Steve demanded, releasing Eddie just so he could put his hands on his hips. It wasn’t quite as effective when it was Eddie or the other adults, but Steve’s Mom Pose did still carry some weight. 
“Hopefully something you’re gonna like?” Eddie offered, finally stepping back to give Steve space. He was playing with his hair the way he did when he was nervous, glancing up at Steve from behind his locks with those beautiful browns. 
Steve didn’t want to make Eddie feel bad, but he was also beyond confused, and the whiplash of emotions hitting him all afternoon was more than intense. Just as he was about to interrogate further, Argyle’s van roared into Loch Nora, horn beeping and radio turned up to maximum volume. 
“Sorry we’re late, Argyle got lost,” Jonathan said as he climbed out. Steve wasn’t sure how they could be late coming to his damn house when he hadn’t even invited him, but he just needed to accept the fact that he was the only one not in the know right now. 
“Your corn roads are confusing,” Argyle complained as they walked over together, “Did you tell him yet?”
“Well I would if everyone would just stop interrupting,” Eddie said with a roll of his eyes, as if he had any right to be annoyed right now. 
“What is going on?” Steve groaned, over the theatrics. He had been expecting to come home and drown his sorrows in cheap wine and terrible movies. Now the object of those sorrows was standing right in front of him, acting like he had any right to be there. 
“I told you, I forgot something,” Eddie repeated and Steve laughed incredulously. 
“What?! What could you have possibly forgotten that was this important?” Steve asked, throwing up his hands. At this rate, he was just going to open the door and let Eddie take whatever he damn wanted from the stupid house. 
“What?” Steve asked, his voice almost too faint to be heard, all traces of anger vanishing.  
“I forgot you,” Eddie stated, like that sentence made a lick of sense.
A commotion at the door grabbed their attention. Robin was standing on the front step, a giant cardboard box in her hands, and two of his duffle bags at his feet. 
“Hey! Jackasses! Stop ogling and help me put this stuff in Eddie’s van,” She called. 
The kids jumped into action, running over to take things from her and start loading the back of Eddie’s van with Steve’s things. Jonathan and Argyle walked past Steve and Eddie to help them, but Nancy stopped at their sides, holding out a folder that looked just like the one she had given Eddie. 
“I put in a bunch of applications for you. You got into Hunter, Pace, and Hofstra. Sorry I forged your signature,” Nancy apologized, not sounding sorry in the slightest as she continued to leaf through the thick stack of papers and point things out, “I also included a whole section on community colleges, and some financial aid stuff that you can apply for. There’s also the same information I gave Eddie about jobs in towns around the city, but I think you should go to one of the three 4-years. They each have a really good education program that I think you would like,” 
With that, Nancy stood on her tiptoes and kissed Steve’s cheek, handing over the folder and giving Eddie a raised eyebrow look. 
“Remember what we talked about, Munson,” She teased in a warning tone, “This one is special, you treat him right,”
“Yes ma’am,” Eddie said with full seriousness. 
And then Nancy was gone, inserting herself into the messy game of Car Jenga that the rest were playing and barking out orders left and right. 
“I don’t understand,” Steve said helplessly. At first he had been up in the air, watching as thoughts lazily drifted past him. Now he was hurtling towards Earth as his mind raced for all the possibilities, all the different things that might be happening, all the different reasons Eddie might have thought he was forgetting Steve. 
He had one idea that he really wanted to be right, but it was insane. Completely, wholly, utterly insane. And if he let himself think that he was right and he turned out to be wrong, Steve just knew he would never recover. He would hit the ground with a crash, breaking all of his bones and losing any ability to ever breathe again. 
Luckily, Eddie would never let him fall for that long. 
“I can’t stay in Hawkins. I just can’t. I tried, but it just- there’s too much,” Eddie started, waving a hand around his head as if that explained what ‘too much’ was, “But I kept trying. I kept trying because I knew I couldn't stay, but I also knew I couldn’t lose you.”
“I mean, that’s crazy isn’t it?” Eddie said cutting Steve off with a nervous little giggle and diving right into full ramble, “It’s totally bonkers. But it’s true. I wake up, and you’re the first thing I think about. I go to sleep, and there you are, the last thought of my day. I always want to know what you think about things, and I always want to be the one that makes you laugh, because you have the most wonderful laugh I’ve ever heard, and I want to be the one you bitch to about everything, and the thought of not getting to see you every single day made my heart hurt so bad I was sure I was dying.” 
It was all starting to sound like a confession, but Steve couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. He was still kind of convinced he was about to wake up in bed, and all of this would just be a dream. 
“So I figured it out. I can’t stay, but I also can’t leave without you,” Eddie declared, confirming all of Steve’s greatest and worst fears. 
Eddie was still leaving. 
He was leaving, but he wanted Steve to go with him. 
Here it was. A perfect ticket out of Hawkins with the guy that Steve wanted more than he had ever wanted anyone before. It was everything he could ever want being handed to him on a silver plate…
And Steve was shaking his head no. 
“I-” Steve paused, mentally screaming at himself for saying no. He wanted to say yes more than anything, but the idea of leaving today was completely incomprehensible, “I can’t just leave. I- you- what about my job?”
“Oh you quit when I did,” Robin called out, revealing that the rest had definitely been eavesdropping the entire time. They were just standing around the van now, openly staring and watching to see what Steve said. 
“No I didn’t,” Steve argued back. As far as he knew he was on shift tomorrow at noon. 
“Ahhhhh, yeah you did. Or I did for you,” She snorted, laughing at her own memories, “And ‘we’ told Keith that he was a creepy pervert who could go fuck himself, so you’re really not getting that job back,”
No job tying him here anymore. So why was Steve still shaking his head no?
“The kids?” Steve wondered aloud. 
Yes. That’s why he was saying no. He had seven nuggets here who depended on him for rides, and advice, and support. 
Never mind that they were getting old enough to drive on their own, and Steve could give them pretty much everything they needed over the phone. Steve still just couldn’t up and abandon them without a second thought. 
He looked at his little group of brats that really weren’t so little anymore, searching their faces for even a hint of hesitation. If he saw even one of them wasn’t okay with this, he was saying no and sticking to it. 
But they were all just smiling like they already knew what he was going to do. 
“You know I think we might just survive without you,” Mike deadpanned. Max elbowed him, and Will rolled his eyes at his best friend’s lack of emotional intelligence. 
“And, Eddie promised to make sure you call us each personally at least once a week, with one big group call on Sundays,” Lucas tacked on, bounding over and adding one more sheet to the top of Steve’s folder, “We put together this chart for you,” 
Steve looked down at the light green construction paper. It was a drawing of a tree adorned with star stickers and little stick figures of him and the party on different branches with the days of the week written on them. The words ‘MOMS PHONE TREE’ were printed bright and bold at the top, and Will and Erica’s signatures were both at the bottom. Each of the kids had taken a different day, except for Lucas and Erica, who were sharing Saturday. 
“They’re the age we were when we started dealing with all of this, so if something does go wrong, they’ll be able to handle it until we get home,” Jonathan said with a shrug, pulling Steve’s attention away from the paper, “Plus, everything is over, right El?”
She paused, letting her eyes dart around for a second before turning to Steve with one of her quiet little smiles. 
“Nothing bad,” She reassured him, “We are safe now,” 
They were safe.
The statement meant more than just safe from Upside Down Shenanigans, more than safe from having to fight monsters that lurked in the dark. They didn’t need Steve to protect them now, and they wouldn’t be the reason he held himself back. 
“I told you, they’re not babies anymore,” Nancy said, her voice uncharacteristically gentle. She was giving Steve one of those pin-him-down-and-examine-him looks, the kind she always gave him when she knew he was trying to hide, “They’ll be okay,” 
“Besides you guys are coming to visit, obviously,” Dustin said, his stupid irritating tone grating on Steve’s nerves even as it made him smile, “All holidays, my birthday, and at least two weeks over the summer. And we’re coming to you too.” 
Not losing them forever then. Not forgetting to keep in touch. When Steve had been on the other side of this, he had been sure that they would stop wanting to call. 
Now that he was the one who might be going, he couldn’t imagine ever wanting to lose touch with any of them. 
But Steve was still shaking his head, and he had no idea why. 
“I can’t. I mean, I can’t just go. That’s crazy, that’s-”
Eddie’s voice dragged Steve’s attention to him, making him go silent and still. Any nerves Eddie had been having before had magically evaporated into thin air. He cupped Steve’s face, mouth turning up ever so slightly into a cocky smirk when Steve gasped as his fingers touched his cheek. 
“You can stay if you really want to. I’m not gonna tie you up and throw you in my trunk,” Eddie teased, pausing before his voice got even softer, words meant just for the two of them, “But I have a feeling you don’t want to stay, and you’re just too scared to admit it.” 
It was the truth, but it was too raw, too real. It exposed the deepest darkest parts of him. That underneath the bravado and the stupid levels of courage- Steve was afraid. He was afraid of being alone, but he was also afraid of not being alone. 
He had been alone pretty much all his life, and the idea of having people, only to eventually lose them, was just petrifying. 
“Also, I stole your dandelion wish. Sorry,” Eddie added, completely throwing Steve for a loop. 
“My dandelion?” He questioned, not following Eddie’s train of thought. 
“Yep! I stole your wish, and I’m really hoping mine comes true, so you’re gonna have to take yours back,” Eddie replied. 
“...What’d you wish for?” Steve asked, his heart racing with the possibilities. 
“I wished for you not to punch me in the face after I do this,” Eddie answered, bringing his other hand up before capturing Steve in a kiss. 
It was a chaste little thing, barely more than a press of their lips. As far as first kisses go, it was the most innocent one he had ever had. When Eddie pulled away, there was a pretty blush starting on his cheeks, and the sweetest smile Steve had ever seen. 
Steve was a total addict, and one taste of this drug was enough to have him hooked for life. 
He laughed softly, throwing caution to the wind as he wrapped his arms around Eddie’s neck and dragged him into a proper kiss. It was way messier than their first one, and he could hear the kids moaning and whining about how ‘gross’ it was, but Steve couldn't remember ever being happier than he was at this moment. 
Eddie was leaving. 
Eddie was never going to stay. He had always known that. But that didn’t mean Steve had to be left behind. 
Eventually they had to come up for air, and they broke apart with a sigh, pressing their foreheads together as Steve let his eyes slip shut, contentment washing over his entire body like a cool breeze. 
“So what do you say?” Eddie joked, already knowing the answer.
“I say that I’m glad you stole my wish,” Steve whispered against his lips, already leaning back in. 
Tag List: @alyelf @ceaselessly-watching @dbquills @knightofthieves @b-icetea @henderdads
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mar3ggiata · 3 months
professional help, c11. preview
simon riley x original character.
abstract: she called me passenger princess? you know what I'm not even gonna question it, I couldn't care less. here you have your chapter in which Jude gets all mean and I make the stupidest decision of my life, right. enjoy. 
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, use of alcohol and drugs.
song to listen to when reading this: First love / Late spring, Mitski
The next day, when the girls came to class she was already waiting for them, the barres ready for the lesson. She was wearing black, pink tights, black leotard, black skirt. She had a slick, tight bun. A proper one, high on her head. She waited for them to take place in the room and without saying a word, she stood between them. Silence was heavy around them. She didn't put music on. 'Let's begin' she said, and began her warmup. The girls followed in silence. Their breaths were the only sound that filled the room. They wanted to play, let's play. After warming up and stretching, she took a look around. Their faces showed concern. Some didn't even raise their eyes from their feet. Gemma seemed calm, one hand on the barre, the other on her hip. 'Pliés'. It was a command. Still, no music.
Gemma saw the same man who was in Jude's car when she got out of the school. He was getting inside the building, maybe to say hi to her teacher. She smiled at him when she walked past. 'I think that's Miss Alba's boyfriend', she giggled with Luna at her side. He smiled to himself, not really for the boyfriend assumption, which rather embarrassed him, but because he finally got her name. Alba. Alba… It suited her. 
That was going to be the first time he ever saw her dance. He wasn't supposed to, and she will probably never know he had been watching her. I'm going to tell you now, even though he doesn't know yet. He was never going to forget that moment. He was entering a temple, a secretive space, another universe in which time and space didn't matter.
notes: I'll probably do a double update soon!! I'm alive!!!
@ghostlythots @sweetfemmefatal @natxpat @chavarriakeren647 @ravenmoore14 @farther-than-pleiades @internallyscreamings @hwromi @atoxicrat @cuti3maddi3 @deafeningkittenblaze @its-celeste @serene-hills @lexidoll12 @poohkie90 @lunatiquess
@warmedbythebody @katzykat @iristhemuse @azkza @keiraslayz @abbyandermine @jennyjencakes @dest-nai @corset-briefs @nutze-kekse @ilytsukiw @b3anspr0ut
@pondsblog @missyouzoe @fallenkitten @bigauthorrascalturkey @bethtay @angelynn-nicole @starluv @stargirlisworld @giyuuslittleslut @impossiblecupcakelight
@rkrivees-blog @ghosts-hoe @kam1snotverysmart @gauky76 @freyjaaasstuff @spicyspicyliving @scottpilgrimvsmyfists @courtney0-0 @shinchanboi @darling006 @my-therapist-hates-me
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A date incident
It's been several months after Gala. Not really much happened during this, except Rimi, Noelle, and Edin had some great performances with their band.
One day, Noelle invites Rimi to a date to the café.
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Apparently someone bumped in.
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It's a "best Absol" ever. Or how they could describe themself.
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After hearing Rimi's scream, Noelle stops to ignite fire on her mouth.
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She sighs and calms down.
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Now, what come, Dest-meanie? Do ya doubtin' our relationship?
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Yea, Rim gave me some handmade blueberry chocolate recently. Do you wanna taste it? I have ones in my pocket.
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Noelle throws Destino a chocolate heart.
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Wait, don't tell me you secretly like them already.
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Am I? AM I?
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Or wait, could be...me?
It seems Rimi's chocolates made with love, mean that giving a chocolate is a sign of a friendship. Does it applies on Destino. Who knows, but in most cases giving chocolates make them friendlier, but don't forget the Journey incident.
Noelle now sees Destino as an enemy because they might insulted her. Meanwhile Rimi still sees them as a rival.
[ @ask-the-royal-absol ]
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doloresliddell · 1 month
I wanna say thank you for knocking some sense into me. I've been struggling with the after affects of a toxic friend group that consisted of 7 girls who all were proclaimed 'nymphets' after a while they roped me in their mindset and it kinda went downhill from there. I never wanted to turn out like this and what you said really kinda opened my eyes to the really morbid and disgusting reality that is this 'nymphet' community. I want to get better after this realization I really do but I have no clue where to start because I want to be able to enjoy the community around the book and the movies (even if they were poorly told) ((Dolores was a ton boy not some girly girl in dresses or skimpy clothes)) I think im going to talk to my therapist when we meet in 1-2 weeks but until then do you have any advice on how I can heal?
First of all I think you should stay away from the movies.
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These are not "poorly told". They are intentionally softcore CSEM (child sexual explotation material).
Sue Lyon was just just TWELVE when she was casted.
And for Lolita 1997:
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You are literally posting stills of softcore CSEM. You are posting stills of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY, and talking how much you want that to happen to you. The producers/directors literally wanted to make CSEM and had to restrain himself just a tiny little bit because anti CSEM laws.
Did you know Menarche has gotten lower in the last years, right? Female puberty starts at around 8 years old, Humbert nowadays would want to rape 8 year old girls.
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This is what Humbert speaks of when he talks of Nymphets.
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Humbert is attracted to early breast development (8 to 12 years), to menarche (8 to 13), early armpit hair and so on.
When Dolores has the normal body development of a 13 year old in the 1940's, he calls it advanced age and begins to get tired of her. Do you know why? Because he is fixated on 1920's european little girls who were stressed and starved during WW2.
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Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. Part 1, Chapter 5.
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Anarchy: A journal of DESIRE ARMED (Issue #19, May-July 1989, "Save the children" by Richard Walters), a pro CSA publication, WHICH ARGUED FOR EVEN THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF NEWBORNS.
When you like Humbert, this is what you like. You can trace back ALL of his arguments to actual real life pro contact pedohebephiles. Is that what you want?
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When you see this, do you call her a "nymphet"? You should, since you believe they are real. This is what Humbert thinks is a "demon child", not this
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When you post stills of poor Sue Lyon, do you stop to think this child had her life ruined and was raped on set? When you post Dominique Swain, do you think about how she said the role ruined her life?
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When you think of your handsome Humbert Humbert, do you think of this? How he calls himself foul smelling? How he calls himself hairy, with aging ape eyes?
And above all, do you think of people like me, who had the "fortune" to be what you want to be when we were as young as 2, 3, 5, 10 year old? Do you think of incest victims? Did you ever think of the fact Dolores was being raped by her dad?
When you think of calling yourself Lolita,nymphet, do you ever think of the CSEM forum "Lolita City", the ages shown here, of all these girls whose rape was filmed? If you wanted to be "Lolita" or a nymphet so bad, why weren't you going out of your way to do this to yourself? I am sure you would find a Humbert there!
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Or better: Don't.
Do you remember how Humbert married poor Charlotte and then killed her to gain acess to little Lola? Well, I do.
Do you know who Peter Scully is?
He is currently serving a life sentence in the Philippines for trafficking, child pornography, the murder of a 12-year-old girl, and the torture and sexual abuse of at least eight girls, including a 1-and-a-half-year-old girl.
He is the author of the infamous Daisy's dest...do I even have to say it?
And was the owner of Hurt2TheCore, a snuff/pedosadism csem page. He is also accused of creating the pedosadist and murder and torture international net No Limits Fun.
Anyways, why the mention of him and of Hurt2TheCore? Well, of course, here is the people who post there:
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Oh, yes, Humbert in real life. Is this what you want?
Stay away from the movies and go back to the novel. Get into the musical. Read analysis of the book. Go read books about CSEM forums. Memoirs of real life incest victims. of rape victims. That's how you "enjoy" Lolita.
And from a real Life Lolita to you, a wannabe, I hope the world NEVER teaches you what being Dolores Haze in real life is like.
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hollenka99 · 1 year
Hello! May I know about your regicide au? I miss your writing! (Also i think the buttons freaked out while i was trying to press the ask button so if you just got unfollowed and followed by me a few times then very sorry)
Cracks knuckles You've got a big storm coming.
The tldr is that Regicide is (in the most basic terms) an SBI royalty au that has plenty of ways the plot could go, depending on the choices the characters make. @the-redeemed-anon and I made it at the beginning of last year after I got inspired by a conversation we had about the Ottomans' practice of fratricide as a way of fighting for the throne.
There is a series of our fics on AO3, mainly mine but Anon has written a few fics themself that I believe they plan to post once they're less busy.
So the main things to know about the set up are:
Phil is Emperor Phillip V of the Antarctic Empire
He has 15 sons (and 26 kids in general) via 6 wives
Technoblade, Wilbur and Tommy are his sons through Kristin
Technoblade is the eldest son in general and the only boy who is given the same level of love as their sisters because Phil's allergic to being a boydad for Reasons
These reasons mainly being linked to the fact that when princes are 10, they learn the truth about how the family handles succession to the throne
Aka it's kill or be killed because you have to get to the throne first, accept a special sword and order the deaths of your brothers and nephews to secure your place
As the favourite son, Techno has been raised to be the next emperor and therefore been given every advantage so he'll get to give the order before any of his brothers can
Wilbur is incredibly salty about all this, from the system itself to the way Phil treats him, Tommy and their half brothers compared to Techno and their sisters
Tommy is sometimes just kind of in Techno and Wilbur's shadows because he's much younger (and also tends to be like 12 or 14 during the main plots of the paths so doesn't have as much agency as his adult brothers)
500 years ago, their ancestor and the first ever emperor, Thomas I, united all the city states to create the empire and was blessed by the god of war (War)
This blessing consisted of War giving premonitions to both Thomas and his descendants
200 years ago, a farmer's daughter named Kristin caught the attention of the goddess of death (Death) and also gave her a generational blessing, making her able to see ghosts
Both these blessed bloodlines have now mixed to create Phil and Kristin's 6 kids, all of whom have both premonitions and the ability to see ghosts
Between the ages of 5 and 16, princes are educated with a son from an aristocratic family who is there to accept discipline on his prince's behalf
At 16/17, princes are sent off to a province to govern it and gain experience in preparation for potentially becoming emperor themselves someday
Notable Characters
Phillip V (Phil)
He has been emperor since he was 13 and was the youngest of 7 brothers with zero sisters to act as a buffer so his upbringing has Had An Effect. He is a great dad to his daughters and Techno but refuses to get attached to his others sons due to them feeling like tragedies waiting to happen. A bit of a warmonger, he is the one who took Wilbur's declaration of independence and declared war as a response. If Regicide had a main antagonist, it's definitely Phil.
Comes from the Müntirien family who have Death's gift and, as a way of honouring their ancestor who earned them the blessing, the main line tend to name their eldest daughters after her. Out of Phil's 6 wives, she is the first he married out of love instead of being set up like the previous two and arguably may be his favourite (partially also due to being Techno's mother). She acknowledges that she will lose at least two children in the wake of becoming a widow but that only leads to her taking her children's side when Phil acts unfairly towards them.
The eldest son of the family and the one Phil believes is destined to be the emperor after him thanks to an incident with a bear that is interpreted as an approving sign from War. He loves his brothers but does try to put a little distance between himself and them to make what he'll have to do someday a little easier on himself. War took a special interest in him since infancy, causing Techno to be able to easily understand his premonitions as War intended them to be interpreted and have great reflexes. However, his ability to see ghosts suffers as a result so they look and sound fuzzy to him.
The 7th of Phil's sons and Kristin's 3rd child. If Regicide had a main character, it would definitely be Wilbur. Even in paths where he dies young, his memory is enough to motivate his brothers to fulfill the goals he never got to complete. All he wants in life is to do something worthwhile before his limited time is up, whether that's freeing the country he fell in love with, abolishing fratricide or simply protecting his son from the pain of being a Craft prince. He feels very connected to Death due to her giving him an extra dose of blessing when he was born so as a result, ghosts sometimes appear as real as if they were living to him. Unfortunately, he struggles to interpret War's warnings properly because of this which gets him into trouble that could have been otherwise avoided. Also having a connection to Death can make you a bit of a death magnet, even when you manage to survive, so... poor guy's occasionally having A Time.
The youngest of Phil and Kristin's kids as well as one of the youngest kids of the whole family. Tommy is kind of overlooked as a result of the plethora of siblings before him so he tended to disappear through secret passages with his friends. He enjoys doing things with his hands and gets pretty good at sewing during the war. Because of this, he becomes a gardener who mends clothes as a hobby in paths where he ends up living a more civilian life. War and Death share custody of Tommy in a way and his boosted gifts are far more balanced than his brothers' as a result.
Sally Salmon
The daughter of a significant L'Manburgian family, she is the girl Kristin thinks would get along best with Wilbur when planning a political union between him and someone L'Manburgian to improve his image. She and Wilbur don't get along at all for the first several months of their marriage, only for the tension to break and them falling in love once they actually get to know each other. She acts as a spy during the war until it's deemed safer for her to go into hiding instead, neither of them aware she's just gotten pregnant with Fundy.
The Salmons
Sally's parents and some of the most influential people in L'Manburg. They made an agreement with other important L'Manburgian families to try get one of their daughters married to a Craft prince in order to hopefully have their son-in-law then a pro-L'Manburg grandson on the Antarctic throne. This led to Wilbur and Sally's marriage, an opportunity they were so determined to not lose out on that they went about it the wrong way. While they are kind of in the background for most of the paths, Wilbur befriends them and is inspired to start the revolution after listening to them speak about L'Manburgian history and culture.
Wilbur and Sally's son and sometimes only child if the path makes it impossible for his little sister Isa to be born. While he doesn't inherit most of his father's interests, Fundy is quite adept at tinkering, managing to create simple mechanical systems while he's still a child. In half the paths, he ends up being either Wilbur or Techno's heir and therefore the emperor after them. Fundy is named after Fundy Salmon, a great uncle from a few generations back whose legacy is being the general who handed over L'Manburg to the Antarctic Empire. Fundy's middle name is either in honour of his uncle Chris or Wilbur himself, depending on the path.
The Antarctic goddess of death. She is the Müntirien family's patron after the original Kristin earned her respect. She is closest to Wilbur and has a massive soft spot for him, to the point she offers to make him her son in his next life. As for Techno having difficulty with her gift, she isn't that fazed by it as War with Wilbur thanks to it not having such dire consequences in his daily life. In the afterlife, she welcomes souls and redirects anyone who gets lost in the fog.
The Antarctic god of war. He is the Craft dynasty's patron after admiring Thomas I's skills and promising to look out for his descendants. Technoblade is his favourite prince out of the main 3 brothers which is helped by the fact Techno feels the most connected and perceptive towards the god. Despite being frustrated with Wilbur's inability to properly understand him, he does subtly side with the L'Manburgians during their war of independence.
One of the half brothers and the one Wilbur is closest to. He's a week older than Wilbur which leads to them becoming inseparable from the beginning. The two of them help the other realise they're in love with their respective significant other. When Chris becomes a father to a little girl named Cecylia, he unintentionally causes the inciting incident for most of the paths diverging.
Eret Bakkarra
Wilbur's best friend since they were 5, having grown up as a prince-whipping boy duo. Depending on the path, he will act as Wilbur's right hand man, Fundy's mentor, a general ally to the family or the one who leads the story towards a bad ending after a misguided decision.
Tubbo Underscore
Tommy's childhood best friend and whipping boy. While they were growing up, the two of them tended to sneak off and cause mischief, which in turn led to them befriending Ranboo. He follows Tommy to L'Manburg when war breaks out, much to Wilbur's distress. In paths where L'Manburg loses, he avoids capture by running and joins Ranboo's life of a wandering merchant.
Ishmael Oshier
A veteran of the L'Manburgian War of Independence and a survivor of the wither arrow attack that leads to the end of the war in P4. Following the war and losing his arm to withering, he ends up as one of Techno's advisors. In fact, by the time Fundy meets him 20 years later, he is practically the emperor's right hand man as well as a close personal friend of the Crafts family. Anon and I love him so much, along with his two service dogs, but Fundy feels something's up with the guy. It doesn't help that they keep butting heads about the pace of L'Manburg gaining independence and the war itself.
Notable Events
These are things that happen in every path or are reoccurring enough to warrant mentioning.
Wilbur I creates the fratricide tradition - Having grown up during the tail end of the civil war, Wilbur I becomes emperor after making himself the only possible descendant of Thomas I who can take the throne uncontested. He uses his experiences of his extended family spending 60 years tearing itself apart over power to promise he'll never let something like that happen to the empire ever again. As a result, he makes it law that all sons of newly deceased emperors must fight to keep themselves and their own sons alive by winning and becoming the next emperor.
Conquering of L'Manburg - Having been at war in some form since the late 13th century, with L'Manburg tending to be able to push the Antarctic Empire back before they can advance far enough to be successful, the head of the L'Manburgian army reluctantly surrenders in 1402 to spare worse consequences. The emperor at the time will treat L'Manburg quite fairly for the next 17 years until his death, at which point his anti-L'Manburg son takes over and begins treating the country far less favourably.
Wilbur appealing to Phil - When Wilbur is 13, he discovers the fratricide tradition is based on a few lines. He tries to convince Phil to abolish fratricide after coming up with some alternatives he can think of. Phil however very quickly dismisses his suggestions and complains about his time being wasted. This normally just results in Wilbur being resentful for a while before resolving that he should accept there's no hope in changing the system and his life is tied to Phil's. In P3 though, it has disastrous consequences.
The premature purge - Feeling threatened by the reality of becoming of an uncle via one of his brothers, Techno gathers a few guards to follow his orders. They visit the adult brothers in their homes and gather up the younger ones who still live at the palace, killing them all. The only ones who are spared are Wilbur and Tommy. This forever changes the dynamic between the brothers, leading to Wilbur in particular not knowing how to proceed.
Sally going into hiding - Over a year after the war begins, Wilbur decides it may be too dangerous for Sally to stay at camp and participate in the war as a spy. With some help, he is able to organise for her to hide in the home of the Nihachus, a family of bakers. Only Eret knows where they live but gladly gives Wilbur the address when the war is won and he can't reunite with her or their newborn son fast enough.
Eret's betrayal - Desperate for the war to end already, Eret approaches Phil to appeal to him. This only leads to Phil taking advantage of him and using it as an opportunity to capture traitors. When Phil enters the L'Manburgian camp with Eret in tow, Wilbur doesn't suspect his friend until Phil taunts him for not having trustworthy friends. This often causes one or both crimeboys being killed or at least imprisoned for being traitors in the eyes of their father.
Notable Locations
Antarctic Empire - An empire that was founded in the 10th century by Thomas I when he united the 15 city states dedicated to the gods. It has since expanded via conquests into places such as part of the Nether and L'Manburg. Since its founding, but especially following the end of a civil war that lasted the majority of the 11th century, it has been ruled by the Craft dynasty who are all descended from Thomas I. The main languages are Antarctic and Arctic (the language of an ethnic group of travellers native to the area). The further north you go, the closer you get to the tundra landscape where very few live.
Rayusel - The capital of the Antarctic Empire and the one who had War as their patron when it was a city state. In the centre is the area known as Inner Rayusel which is sacred ground due to being the original boundaries of the city that were marked by bearskin in its founding myth. The main temple to War is found within Inner Rayusel and is one of the entry points. Outer Rayusel is the unofficial name for the rest of the city that expanded out from the original boundaries. The majority of people from Rayusel live there and it is also where the royal palace is located.
L'Manburg - A country full of mountains, especially near the border with the Antarctic Empire that lies to the empire's south. It used to be a trade partner with the empire until a series of events in the mid 13th century caused the emperor at the time to start a campaign to conquer the country which would last approximately 150 years. It has now been under Antarctic rule for over a century but is often attempting to rebel against the foreign authority. The main languages are L'Manburgian and Antarctic, although L'Manburgian has been systematically suppressed for the past century and is often only heard in private settings like the home.
Pogtopia - A city built into natural formations of a mountain (like this one) which is one of the hubs of rebellion, especially during the war and in paths where L'Manburg loses. It acts as a safe haven for running from Antarctic oppression thanks to being difficult to reach unless you know how to navigate the area.
Nether - A very bio-diverse collection of nations that operate as one on an international scale, laying to the west of the Antarctic Empire and likewise partially borders L'Manburg. The main language is Netherine and the climate depends on which nation you're in as it varies from woodland to desert to volcanically active land etc. The empire set its sights on getting full control of the valuable resource of netherite in the late 11th century but only one of the nations was conquered and it has remained this way since. There was a war led by a half mortal daughter of Death in 1216 which resulted in heavy losses for Antarctic troops and had a significant impact on the future of the royal family.
There are 15 separate paths, split equally into three branches: Fratricide, Patricide and L'Manburg. There is also an unofficial branch that we call War which features all of the L'Manburg paths as well as P4 and P5. There are certain things that stay consistent throughout them like Salbur hating each other when they first meet and Neo Trio being the final three brothers. As for the paths themselves, here are some summaries:
F1 - Wilbur kills both of his remaining brothers and suffers the consequences, dealing with a vengeful Tommy and having Fundy as his only ally. He does not have a happy reign but is able to complete a book honouring all of his brothers' memories.
F2 - Techno is killed and Wilbur becomes emperor with Tommy going on to live a fairly normal life privately. While Phil is still alive, assassins break into his home but he is able to survive the night. He spends the next few years hunting down answers so he can keep his family safe from further attacks.
F3 - Upon discovering the pregnancy with Fundy, Wilbur and Sally go into hiding with only Eret knowing where they are. However, Phil dies like usual a few years later and now they are being brought back to the palace so the tradition can be carried out.
F4 - Techno is killed, making Wilbur the new presumed heir. While Fundy is a baby, assassins break into Wilbur and Sally's home. They succeed in targeting Wilbur and exposing what he did, which in turn makes Tommy the last possible son to inherit the throne from Phil. Once he's emperor, Tommy is determined to discover who is responsible for Wilbur's death while likewise navigating his new duties.
F5 - Techno leaves all of his brothers alone, never going through with ordering the premature purge. However, this doesn't mean Wilbur doesn't immediately freak out when he and Sally have a son. They kept the pregnancy a secret and do the same with baby Fundy. This works for a few years, albeit with a lot of effort, but Phil's death has to come eventually. Wilbur becomes another victim of the tradition but the same can't be said of Fundy, much to his parents' relief. Now it's just a case of keeping him hidden for the rest of his life.
P1 - Wilbur kills Techno but instead of the lingering paranoia causing him to target Tommy like in F1, he kills Phil so he can be protected by becoming emperor early.
P2 - Wilbur has second thoughts on killing Techno, to the point he confesses his plans to his brother and they end up murdering Phil instead. They rule together for the rest of their lives.
P3 - Upset upon hearing their father dismissed 13 year old Wilbur for wanting there to be a fairer system, Technoblade takes matters into his own hands. He kills Phil nearly a full decade early, triggering the tradition while the brothers are underage. Wilbur becomes co-emperor once he's old enough while Tommy lives off to the sidelines during their reigns.
P4 - During the war, Phil orders a skilled archer to fire wither arrows at Wilbur in the hopes that his death will give him a great opportunity to stop wasting his time on crushing the revolution. Wilbur gets nicked by it but that's enough and doesn't survive long enough to get proper treatment at the palace. 20 years later, the son he never got to know existed shows up with determination to finish what his father started by gaining independence for L'Manburg. With the help of Eret, an advisor of Techno's named Ishmael tries to dissuade Fundy from rocking the boat too much.
P5 - Fearing both of their safeties, Wilbur sends both Sally and Tommy to the Nihachus so they can hide. Following Eret selling the L'Manburgians out, Wilbur is arrested and sentenced to death for treason. His only consolation is that his wife and little brother are safe until, months later, they're caught too. He begs Techno to help, leading to Phil's death as the only way they can be saved without complications.
L1 - L'Manburg wins the war and Wilbur is able to go home to his wife and newborn son. He spends 10 years as the country's first post-independence president before resigning so he can spend more time with Sally and their two children.
L2 - Eret betrays L'Manburg, causing both Wilbur and Tommy to be captured. They both end up on the scaffold and, while Tommy is upset about being stuck as a ghost, his reaction is nothing like Wilbur's. Wilbur spends the next several years haunting Phil as a vengeful spirit for every wrongdoing his father committed against him and his family.
L3 - Tommy is kidnapped by Antarctic soldiers who were acting independently. A group including Wilbur and Eret come to save him but as they escape with Tommy, he is hit with a slingshot pellet. Wilbur races back to camp with Tommy in his arms so he can be treated but it is in vain. The war is won months later yet Wilbur can't fully enjoy it, knowing what it cost him.
L4 - Having listen to War when he advised Wilbur miss a battle, only for the wither arrow attack to happen, Wilbur is determined to not miss another battle, no matter how much of a bad idea War may think it is. This costs him his life and causes his pro-L'Manburg loved ones to flee for their safety until Phil's death makes it possible for them to consider returning.
L5 - Phil decides to keep Wilbur alive despite still going ahead with killing Tommy. Instead, Wilbur is stuck inside a cell for what is meant to be the rest of his life. He is rescued but when Phil comes close to jeopardising the safety of those Wilbur loves, Wilbur makes an irreversible mistake that causes him to be shunned by the gods.
Songs that really fit
Legendary from Epic: The Musical - Fundy in P4 where he is determined to take all the stories of his father's bravery and live by Wilbur's example as he prepares to fight for L'Manburg's rights too.
Bread and Roses (various artists but I prefer the Women of the World version the best) - Sally in L2 when she finds herself one of the key figures of the revolution in the wake of Wilbur's death and being denied access to Fundy.
My Shot from Hamilton - Ishmael rising through the ranks as Techno's advisor and working hard to improve things for L'Manburg after the war.
The Bad Guy from Ultimate Storytime - Wilbur in F1 where he reflects on how he technically did what he was supposed to do by making himself the only living brother, only to be shunned by his loved ones for playing the game the 'wrong' way.
Close Every Door from Joseph - L5bur sitting in his cell and not caring anymore about what Phil plans to do to him. If he rots in there like he's supposed to then who cares.
The Plagues from The Prince of Egypt - With Wilbur and Tommy stuck on the L'Manburgian side of the war while Phil and Techno are leading the offensive against them, none of the brothers want to be pitted against each other or made into enemies. Meanwhile, Phil is willing to overlook the fact they all share blood to get what he wants (the revolutionary war over).
Welly Boots by The Amazing Devil - F4 crimeboys where Wilbur is proud of Tommy from afar and believes he will do good work, so long as he keeps his wits about him during this dangerous time. Meanwhile, Tommy wishes his brother had never had to leave and looks to his memory when he doesn't know what to do.
Every Day a Little Death from the Count of Monte Cristo - Wilbur when he is imprisoned, awaiting execution and missing his loved ones, especially Sally whom he knows he'll never be able to interact with again until she dies herself. This is paired with Eret visiting Sally to tell her about Wilbur's capture, only for her to initially tell him about the pregnancy and how she's anxious to announce the news to Wilbur.
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marvelmaniac715 · 2 years
What if Andy talked to Glenda, what would that conversation be like? They were both together in an episode, but not a word was exchanged between them. I aim to correct that with this fic.
The kid had bright red hair. That was a dead giveaway. Not to mention the piercing blue eyes and the chilling smirk, so similar to the one that haunted his nightmares. This had to be his child.
All of his instincts told him to attack, to end this cursed bloodline in one fell swoop, but they were just a kid. They didn’t personally kill a bunch of people, they were innocent… hopefully.
He was sure that the teen’s Ray blood was crying out for revenge against it’s dreaded nemesis, but the two of them remained civil for the sake of the other people there, also remembering that they were in a place of God and it would be disrespectful.
When everyone else was busy, Andy and Glenda sat down together, unable to speak for a good few minutes. They both looked down at the floor, unsure how to begin this conversation that their entire lives had been leading up to. It was Glenda who eventually broke the ice.
“So… I gather you knew- uh, know my father?”
Their voice was shaky, clearly unused to being so nervous, but Andy knew that the responsibility of speech now fell on him. So reluctantly, he met the teen’s gaze.
“Yeah, we met when I was six. Your old man… certainly did a number on me.”
He laughed nervously, Glenda joined him, a little awkwardly but not knowing what else to do.
“My dad said on the drive over here that… he hated you, and that I, as his child and therefore his ‘legacy’ or whatever, am meant to hate you as well. But you seem like a nice guy, and… I’m not really in the habit of hating people, are you?”
Andy’s polite smile dropped.
“I hate your dad for sure. He messed up my life and I will kill him for it. I hate your mother because she supports him in all he does. But I don’t hate you… so far at least.”
Glenda smirked, a little more honesty leaking into her carefully built facade of cool, polite indifference.
“If it makes you feel any better pal, I hate my mom too. She’s a self-centred, arrogant, entitled bitch. And my sperm donor ain’t much better. My mom isn’t even my mom, my mom was Jennifer Tilly, but Tiffany Valentine took over her body. My Aunt Meg said that my real mom was so nice, and smart, and funny, and just… cool. I wonder what it would have been like to grow up with my real mom? I hear that one of the last things she wanted to do before the soul transfer was hold her babies. I bet she would have loved both of us much more than Tiffany ever did.”
That little emotional outpouring was unexpected, but tensions were high, and who could blame them? They were a kid who’s life was falling apart at the seams, all because of one killer doll. Andy knew how that felt.
“I love my mom, but your… sperm donor landed her in a mental hospital. She wasn’t crazy, but nobody believed her story. I testified for her, but the courts said that I was just a little boy with an overactive imagination siding with my mother. I wish that justice could have been served, but you can’t change the past, can you?”
Glenda shook their head sadly, smiling softly in agreement.
“No, you can’t, no matter how much you want to. I’d love to see what I was like as a doll, to make sense of these flashbacks I keep having. Every time that bastard calls me Shitface all of these images come flooding back in great tidal waves of information I’m barely given time to process. I think I might have killed someone, but I’m not sure why, how or who. Does that make me a bad person, like my parents?”
Part of Andy wanted to indignantly shout “yes!” But he had no room to talk. He was almost devoid of sanity at this point. Kyle was the only person left who could keep him grounded long enough so that he didn’t end up going on a killing spree. That was just Chucky’s influence, he guessed. He filled you with this burning anger that made you want to destroy everything and everyone in your path. Glenda was his spawn, it was surprising that they were grounded enough to not go on a killing spree like their father.
“No kid, you’re not a bad person. There are very few truly good, decent people left in this world. Chucky probably killed a lot of ‘em.”
Glenda shook their head, frowning.
“My twin Glen is a truly good person. I regret leaving them behind, but they begged to stay with mom, and I was in a rush. I wish they were here with me now, they always know what to say and do. They’re the more empathetic twin, they keep me grounded when I start to go off the rails. I just don’t feel completely… whole, with them gone, y’know? Then again, I never feel entirely whole. It’s like there’s… something missing from me.”
Andy could relate to this completely.
“I totally get what you mean. I haven’t felt whole since my sixth birthday. Chucky stole my childhood, and with it any joy that I might have known. I don’t even remember much of my happy childhood days, I was so young back then. All I know is blood and darkness, and part of me is missing.”
Glenda put a tentative hand on top of Andy’s clenched fist and smiled a little.
“I hope you find the missing part of your soul one day.”
Andy smiled back, unclenching his fist and squeezing Glenda’s hand in return.
“Thanks, I hope you find the missing part of your soul one day too.”
They sat in silence for a while, listening to the steady ticking of the clock, then Glenda chuckled, a low, almost familiar sound that didn’t sound half as sinister as their father’s trademark cackle. Andy wasn’t sure why they were laughing until their face broke out into a wide, joyful, genuine grin.
“My dad would be pissed if he saw us talking like this. He’d be screeching at me to strangle you or tear your arm off or something. That guy has serious issues.”
Andy laughed as well, finally getting the joke. He grabbed the teapot that was resting on the table between them and poured two cups of tea.
“To the final death of Charles Lee Ray, who fucked both of us up real good.”
Glenda snorted and raised their cup at the same time Andy did.
“I’ll drink to that. Cheers!”
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starsofmilos · 2 years
The World (Adrian Chase x witch reader)
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request: hellooo!!! so i have an angsty (BUT happy/comforting ending) Adrian chase x witch!reader that was all inspired by the song "liability" by lorde. basically, reader has been having thoughts lately, tough thoughts about who she is as a person and how affects not only evergreen but also her relationship with Adrian. she feels the pressure of not wanting to be around many people lately, including that of the team considering her status as a witch. she feels as though being distant from even the one person that accepts her and loves her back, Adrian, is the best case scenario. after practicing some magic taking a flight away from evergreen, she realizes that being in evergreen with Adrian might be the best thing that's ever happened to her. realizing that he's the one love that hasn't screwed up anything for her, always waiting with open arms for her. please?? thank u :)
request: OKAY! I have an adrian x witch!reader request in mind. not only does it involve Constantine but also the teen titans and justice league (in a way) as well. also was inspired by the song "running up that hill" by kate bush just because of the vibes and all that. basically, Y/N and adrian are having a nice walk downtown late at night until Constantine pops up and makes a quick hello. he's warned them about a potential threat from the justice league and how the superman himself as been possessed by a wicked demon. hesitation arises from y/n, thinking it's not such a good idea to be involved so...she enlists the help of a friendly group: the teen titans. (also, I can see her and beastboy having a babysitter/mother and son type of relationship too lol) she also realises that her powers could stop the kryptonite hero from going haywire. (Adrian's also the best fanboy of his gf as well lol) please? thank you!
So this is a part one to the series finale of my witch reader series! I’ve been lacking in posting and mostly it was cause I was trying to figure out the best way to end this series and use all the request!
Witch reader Masterlist
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of sex, cursing, witchcraft, trauma mentioned, insecurities
Things had gotten out of hand.
Mostly for you that is. 
Ever since you had stepped in to help Adrian and the team during project butterfly. Word had spread of your existence. To Amanda Waller and the Justice League in specfic.
Your status as a witch was now becoming public to people you didn’t really want to know. It was dangerous. 
Other witches and things of the like might start coming for you now or worse for the people you hold close.
Like Adrian...
Adrian..The one true thing you had in your life.
The only good thing you had in your life.. You swore to protect him with everything you had. He was special. He loved you just as much as you loved him.
And for you this was rare. You never really had that growing up.
Mother and father both wanted to deny any relation with the family witchcraft. Your aunt though she embraced it. Then again she didn’t stay in Evergreen. 
She was smart and she moved to Gotham..
In moments like these you couldn’t help but miss her. She would’ve helped keep the bad people away from you. 
The people who wanted your blood and the people wanting to use your gifts for their personal gain like Amanda Waller. For her ‘suicide sqaud.’
Or to just throw you in the justice league. A league you considered to be a joke. 
Batman especially. 
You sighed staring up at your bedroom ceiling using your magic to paint constellations. 
“As much as I like seeing your magic make stuff like this. I think I’d rather be staring at and well doing something else.”
“Like what Adrian?” He rolled over to face you flashing you a grin and a wink. You rolled your eyes stopping your hand to flip him off.
“Oh come on my witch give me a smile. You’ve been down since yesterday.”
Ah yes..Yesterday..People had tried to break in to your bookshop. Nothing new, but this time they weren’t spiteful town people. 
They were magic users wanting to destroy what they considered was a major threat to the magic society.
You made easy work of them with Adrian’s help, but it still shook you nonetheless. Considering the fact they had Adrian pinned to the wall close to breaking his neck.
Once again you almost managed to snap and kill all of them. Adrian had knew it shaken you up. It always did anytime you managed to lose control.
Adrian pulled you to him kissing your forehead. “You know I’m okay right? I know and you know nothing and I mean absolutely nothing will keep us from each other. I knew I was gonna be fine yesterday just like you knew you’d keep me safe.”
“They were magic-”
“Doesn’t matter. Even if they didn’t come for you I was in as much danger yesterday as I am almost everyday.”
“That’s the thing. Most of the time it’s always something that doesn’t involved me. These people came specifically looking for me. They wanted me and wanted to kill me and the things I hold most!” 
Adrian shook his head as tears brimmed your eyes. You turned to face him voice cracking as you said your next words.
“I’m not a good person or thing Adrian..As much as I wanna be..I will always be hunted and no matter what I do everyone will always paint me as a monster..”
Adrian shook his head pulling you to his chest. “You are the best person-”
“You only say that because you love me..I do so much for this town and they still hate me and now I have all these people wanting me to be something I’m not..A hero..I am not a hero..”
You sniffled pathetically looking away from Adrian. Adrian shook his head hugging you tightly. “You don’t have to be anything you don’t want too be. Listen to me right here and right now..”
You glanced up as he used his thumb to wipe your cheek. “I say you’re the best person I know not only because I love you but because everything and I mean everything good I have in my life is because of you. So what if no one sees you good? I have you and you have me. Y/N that is all that we need.”
Adrian didn’t get it.
“Okay..I love you..” You kissed him nuzzling into his chest. Adrian gripped you tightly feeling off. 
He wouldn’t understand. You wanted him too and it wasn’t fair for you to try to cut him off the way you were currently doing so, but Adrian didn’t get it.
You would live your life forever this way and you weren’t so sure if you wanted to put Adrian or this town through any more of your stupid legacy.
So later that night as Adrian slept next to you. You got up doing what was one of the dumbest things you’d ever done.
You were following your Aunt footsteps.
Packing your bag, you gave Adrian one last glance before writing a quick note.
‘Need some space to think. I love you..’
It was hard as of late to be around anyone since all of this had become unraveling. The stress of it and the thought that no matter what you’d do you’d never be able to hold the ones you love safe at all times so long as you were around.
Adrian technically was in danger no matter what, but being with you would worsen it. You didn’t wanna be the reason or part of the possibility of Adrian dying.
So you finally did what most of the townsfolk wanted.
You left.
You didn’t go far. You headed to a small part of the forest right outside of Evergreen. 
Brave enough to go, but too coward to actually leave.
Adrian deserved better. 
Well you at least thought he did. To Adrian you were his world. The reason he got up in the morning. His person.
You were his main sole reason for life. He didn’t ever think he could love something quite like the way he loved you.
So it was safe to say it utterly destroyed him when he read your note. 
“Y/N I swear to god if you don’t answer this phone!”
“LooK I know you’re going through some things, but look just come home. We can talk it out? You can think here I’ll give you all the space you need just come home..”
“I’d rather you sleep in a different room here then somewhere out there alone and probably cold..Y/N please just come home. Sweetheart I miss you. I know you need time so I’ll give you time!”
“Can you at least answer me so I know you’re okay? I just wanna know you’re safe. Don’t shut me out..I love you.”
“Please..Baby..I’m sorry If I did something wrong...”
Adrian groaned slumping to the floor as he tossed his phone beside him. It was obvious you weren’t gonna answer back anytime soon. 
He missed you. You had only been gone half a day and he felt like he was going crazy.
What did he do to make you leave?...
With no other options, Adrian made a phone call to someone he knew could find you and reach out to you.
He just didn’t realize or know that this person was already on his way here to find you. 
Constantine needed help. 
You sat in the forest meditating wanting some peace and quiet. It was hard to resist your cellphone knowing all the buzzing was Adrian.
You had missed him just as much, but you needed this space. Not from him, but from everything in general. Adrian deserved better than you. 
It was hard to get out of this headspace. You were a liability..
“Well well well...He was right. You would be meditating.” 
Your eyes shot open hearing a familiar voice. John sent you a small smirk pushing his way through the bubble you had made around yourself.
“Constantine..If you’re smart you’ll leave-”
“I thought we established this. I’m not smart.” John chuckled cutting you off as he pulled out a cigarette. “Want one?”
You rolled your eyes snapping your finger making the cigarette evaporate. “I thought we agreed you were quitting.”
“We did it was a test to see if you do actually still care.” Constantine rolled his sleeve showing you his nicotine patch.
“I never said I didn’t!..What are you doing here?”
“Well I got a very confusing phone call from your boy toy. Adrian right?” 
You nodded as he grunted sitting next to you. “Well you have him panicking. That’s for sure.”
Tensing up, you scooted away avoiding his gaze. “I left him a note he shouldn’t panic that much..”
“You and I both know he’s losing his mind right about now.” You nodded.
“I know....But this is for the best I need some time John.”
“But you didn’t think to give more of an explanation? Not just hey need some space love you. Y/N you basically abandoned him-”
“I did not abandon him! Abandoning him would be leaving Evergreen with no explanation! I gave him one and didn’t even go far!” 
“You’re giving an excuse.” 
“No I am not-”
“You are. Do you plan on going back?”
“Well I don’t know that yet-”
“So if you don’t you will be abandoning him-”
“No I will not! I’ll leave him another message!”
“You’re gonna just leave him some dumb note again? Not even a goodbye in person-”
“I can’t see him in person!”
“And why is that!?”
“Because I’ll stay! He’ll convince me to stay! Adrian makes me too vulnerable! I basically fall to my knees for him and that makes him a target! Anything or anyone who tries to hurt me will go for him! It’s why I need some space!!”
You panted after your outburst as John stood silent. “Then tell him that...Not fair to him Y/N..” 
“What do you want John?”
“No. I know you. You wouldn’t have came here just to convince me to come home. You need me for something else so what is it?!” 
Constantine sighed, “Doesn’t seem that important now-”
“Just tell me..”
“I need your help dear friend.” You hummed wringing your hands together. 
“What can I help possibly help you with?”
“A possession.” You raised an eyebrow at his words.
“Yes a demon. Strong one though goes by the name of Mammon. Basically embodiment of greed..He’s possessed someone who is not just a regular anybody.”
“A man who goes by the name of Clark Kent.”
“Clark Kent that’s a normal man-”
“He’s Superman.”
You stood up as Constantine stared at you with a small tired expression. He sighed ripping the nicotine patch off to actually smoke a cigarette.
“Sorry doll but I really need one. Superman did a number on me.” Your eyebrows creased worriedly as he pulled his collar down showing deep dark bruises.
“I wouldn’t be asking unless I can handle it.”
He wouldn’t..
Constantine was in deep shit and quite honestly his original plan was to ask someone else, but you were the only one he could think of that was strong enough to stand a chance against Superman himself.
He didn’t know that you were having an internal battle though.
“Look sweetheart I am severely out of luck. Had I known you were currently battling your own demons I wouldn’t have came..I just don’t know anyone else that is quite like you.”
“You mean someone with the blood of a demon who can actually control it..”
“Yes..I also know of a young girl who’s father is a demon and mother is human..She has agreed to help, but she also can’t do it. Not alone at least.”
“How young are we talking here?”
“Sixteen or Seventeen I think?”
“John she’s a kid!”
“I’m aware..I mean it when I say it I’m out of luck..”
You groaned running your hands through your hair angrily. “I..I don’t think it’s best I get involved..Constantine this is an actual demon. Those things wanna fucking eat me. You know that...”
“I know..but i really need help..You won’t be alone I’ll be there along with the young girl. She goes by the name of Raven..Her friends have agreed to help too..Y/N I need you....”
Hesitation arose from you....If this demon inside of Superman of all people found out about Adrian..He’d attack him to get to you..
But...shouldn’t you help for this reason? 
So he doesn’t get the chance to even approach Adrian.
“I’m in..”
Constantine sighed a bit in relief, “Thank you..”
“I’m doing this for Adrian..I need him safe..”
“Doing it for love is a noble reason..Now come along..I’ll introduce you to the group.”
Three days had gone by without you, Adrian hadn’t been doing so well without you. He missed you like crazy. it didn’t help that Constantine never got back to him.
Adrian was determined to get you back though..So he packed a bag and with the help of John (computer John not Constantine) to help him track Constantine’s phone.
He was off. 
You stood in front of a building. It had taken you a day and a half to get to here and you were on a time crunch.
A part of you wanted to run. 
But you couldn’t..You weren’t leaving something this big of a threat up for some kids and a beaten up exorcist to fight alone.
“Give me back my bag of chips Cyborg!!!!” A green young boy yelled out as a another young man laughed shaking his head.
“Not a chance loser!”
The young girl you presumed was Raven raised her hand using her magic to move the chips away from Cyborg to herself.
“None of you get it now.”
“What?!” They both yelled out approaching her. 
“Guys stop yelling! Some of us are trying to come up with a plan to fight! You know we gotta fight Superman soon! In case all of you forgot!”
You snorted hearing another young man yell out as he rushed out. 
“We’re still waiting on Constantine and the witch remember.” A young woman with fiery hair spoke out offering, who you didn’t know was Robin, a cookie. 
He groaned accepting the cookie. Raven sighed before glancing up seeing you. 
“I think they’re here.” 
All of them stopped turning they’re gaze towards you. You gave a small smile waving politely.
“Hello witch as you called it here..”
“Titans this is Y/N. The one I told you all about. The one with the demon blood in her.”
“Titans?” You raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“Yeah! It’s our group name..Teen titans!” Beast Boy yelled out with a smile.
You nodded before sharing a small look with Constantine. “Superman is gonna tear us apart isn’t he?”
“Hey!” Robin yelled out a bit angrily. “We’re gonna stop him! We need too! We all have something at risk here so we’re gonna stop him.”
“Right...so introduce yourselves then. We all need to work together might as well do our best to get along.” 
“I’m Robin. That is Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy.”
Beast Boy waved excitedly as Raven gave you an uneasy look. Starfire shared a smile as Cyborg looked indifferent towards your arrival.
“Once again I am Y/N and if we really do plan on stopping Superman himself then you’re all gonna need to listen to me. We’re going against someone who basically has the powers of a god.”
“It’s all good. So what if he is a god? We’re all nonbelievers.” Robin smirked a bit.
“Wait. I’m an exorcist! I’m not exactly a nonbeliever-”
“Constantine shut up.” You groaned out before smiling. “Okay so where do we start?”
Adrian sat in the car humming a small tune as Christopher sat next to him a bit apprehensive. 
“Hey Vig? Are you sure this is a good idea? Y/N did say she needed space and maybe you know tracking her down and kinda forcing her to talk to you isn’t exactly giving her space.”
“I know my girlfriend. She doesn’t really want space and she...She can’t avoid me forever. I won’t let her okay! She means too much to me and I know I mean the same to her.” 
Christopher sighed before turning the radio up. “Fine..we’ll find her.”
You grunted using your magic to stop Robin’s staff. He groaned pulling it back whistle to signal Starfire into attacking you from behind.
She yelled out shooting her fire at you angrily. You caught it sending her flying back before yelling out as Raven picked you up hanging you upside down with her own magic.
Beast Boy had turned himself into a lion throwing himself at you as Raven held you. Your eyes glowed red for a small moment as you broke from her hold grabbing Beast Boy by his jaw before he could bite you.
You tilted your head pinching him making him return to his human state. He smiled sheepishly as you glared.
“All your attacks are uncoordinated. Cyborg didn’t even attack me-”
“You sure about that?” He laughed as he jumped from above shooting at you. You caught him mid air along with his bullets setting him down.
“I’m sure. Look I don’t fight as often as all of you do, but I know that these attacks aren’t enough to fight him. We need to make a solid plan and not just all come in one at a time. We need to attack at the same time.”
“Told you guys.” Robin grumbled groaning as Starfire helped him up. Raven sighed nodding.
“Five minute break.” You yelled out needing a drink. Heading to the kitchen, you dug through the fridge looking for some whiskey.
Usually you didn’t drink, but after the past couple of days even you couldn’t resist a good shot.
“We don’t have alcohol.” You jumped seeing Beast Boy smile at you. He hopped on the counter swinging his feet.
“Remember teens so can’t really buy any. If you want though I got some Capri suns hidden we can totally share.”
“Thanks kid but I don’t usually drink at all to begin with and if I do drink juice it’s usually apple.”
“Ooo..apple juice is great. We don’t got any though. I’ve been wanting to buy some though.”
You hummed as he reached into a small compartment in the fridge pulling out two Capri Suns.
“Come on just have a juice with me. It’s not apple, but pacific cooler is one of the best flavors of capri suns.”
You laughed a bit as he grinned shoving the packet in your face. He reminded you of Adrian.
“How are you not freaking out about all of this? Your friends seem more nervous than you?”
He hummed as he took a sip, “Well it’s cause I know we’re gonna be okay. You’re here and you’re helping. There’s no use being nervous. Getting nervous and s-scared is what get’s people killed.”
Your gaze softened at his words, “Yeah it does...thanks for the juice. It’s actually really good.”
“Told you so!” He grinned. “If you don’t mind me asking you why did you even agree help?”
“Well why did you?” You shot back taking a sip.
“Well I don’t wan people getting hurt. I just...No offense but you don’t really seem like the type to do this type of work.”
“I’m not..I was cursed I guess you can say. It’s a whole story way too long to get into, but great grandmother cursed my bloodline so we’re all witches..demon blood skips a generation though and I got it.”
He nodded, “So why are you here then?”
“I’m not the type to do this type of work..That’s actually my boyfriend, but things between us are rocky and it seems like I’m the only one who can help you guys.”
“Woah your boyfriend is a hero!”
“No no. He is far from one, but he is..He’s a better person than I ever could be. He’s a good man and he deserves better. i bring way too much chaos into people’s lives..”
Beast Boy stared at you before laughing a bit, “Are you kidding me?”
“Excuse me?”
“No like are you serious?”
“I am!”
“Dude you’re a total bad ass! You took all of us on alone and you’re genuinely so fucking nice!”
“I’m not nice-”
“Yes you are! You treat us as kids! Not because you see us as ones, but because you know we are! You treat us as kids and your equals! You don’t think he deserves you? He does! I’m sure he sees it like that too!”
“Okay I’m done talking about this-”
“I’m not! You ran away from him because you think he deserves better and that you bring too much danger into his life right?”
You nodded.
“Well I guarantee you he feels that exact same way. You said he does this line of work right?” 
“Well yeah-”
“You don’t think he gets worried that one day the things he fights are gonna come for you? I promise you everything you’re scared of he feels too..I know it well..That’s why you both need each other. You’re a team so don’t push your partner aside.”
You stood silent before moving away, “Let’s go back to training..”
“Y/N..I mean it though..You should reach out to him when you can. This might be the last time haha..” Beast Boy joked wanting to lighten the mood.
“Okay. I’ll call him tonight..Let’s go.”
The teens and you continued practicing knowing in two days you’d all have the fight of your life.
“So kryptonite is his weakness but I don’t know how we’d even get that..” Robin mumbled cursing under his breath. You sighed going over his plans with him.
It was hard to concentrate though with Beast Boys words ringing through your head. The dumb kid got to you.
“We’re gonna have to fight him without it. Unless you know a way we can get some?”
“I can try.” You raised an eyebrow as he shrugged. “You’d be surprised by what I can get.”
“Okay I’m gonna go take a small break when I get back let’s go over the plans with everyone else.” Robin nodded. 
Constantine had been meditating with Raven as Beast Boy and Cyborg played a video game.
This was good...You wanted them to have at least one good memory..
“Hey!” Beast Boy smiled widely as you approached them.
“Hey what you guys playing?”
“Mario Kart but I swear I think Cyborg is cheating!” He groaned trying to catch up.
“He is.” You smirked noticing him have the assist on.
“Hey! I am not!” 
“Totally are! I play all the time with Adrian and he tries to do this too!”
“So you are cheating!!” Beast Boy began to push Cyborg as you smiled walking into a private room pulling your cell phone out.
He deserved a call.
Adrian deserved a call.
You sighed before pressing his contact. You didn’t even have to wait long.
“Y/N...Is this really you?...” Your breath hitched hearing his voice. It had been so long you forgot how weak in the knees his voice alone made you. 
“Hey Adrian...Yeah it’s really me..”
“Fuck. Thank fuck..Do you have any idea how worried you have me?! How fucking much I’ve been going crazy looking for you?!”
“I-I I know..I’m sorry-”
“Sorry?! Sorry doesn’t cut it! You left me a fucking note! Where are you?!”
“I’m helping out a friend-”
“Let me guess Constantine?”
“I figured since I sent him to help me find you..Y/N..where are you?”
“I’m doing a mission. I know sounds weird for me to say, but I am. I need to help these kids here Adrian we’re going against something really bad..It’s honestly the only reason I’m calling you..I miss you and in case of anything I want you to know I’m sorry..”
“Wait wait! This sounds like goodbye! Y/N! Where are you?” His voice cracked a bit. 
“I really can’t talk long. Look I can’t give you the full details and this is all so incredibly stupid of me. All of it is Adrian..I left thinking you’d be better off without me and I was so fucking wrong..We’re a team I never should have left..”
“Y/N you’re really freaking me out. Please tell me where you are?”
“I can’t. I know you if you come you’re gonna try to help and while I appreciate you and love you for that. I can’t risk your life. I’m already risking a lot here as it is. I fucking love you..You’re my idiot..”
“You’re my witch so please let me see you..”
“I can’t Adrian so stop asking if I make it back we have a lot to talk about.”
“You better come back. I swear to god if you don’t-”
“I’ll do my best. I love you..”
“I love you too and you’re right we do have a lot to talk about. Boundaries is one of them.”
“I know I hurt you-”
“No well yes you did, but I also crossed your boundaries.”
The door to the room opened revealing Adrian on the other side. He hung up giving you a smile.
“The green guy let me in. I tracked Constantine’s phone kinda already knowing if you did call you wouldn’t tell me where you are. Right now I was just keeping you talking so you didn’t hear me come in..Hi Y/N..”
Adrian breathed out nervously. He crossed your boundaries, but you also hurt him.
You wiped your face setting your phone down.
“Adrian..” He smiled.
“Peacemaker is with me by the way. Kinda dragged him with me.”
“You both can’t be here...”
“Believe me we can. You said we’re a team. What you have to fight I have to fight too. That includes that stupid voice in your head and whatever is going on here..”
You sighed giving him a small exasperated look. “I..I wanna be mad but-”
“You missed me? Love me? Yeah I feel the same way.” Adrian approached you not wanting to make the first move and hug you even though his body was screaming at him too.
“I’m fucking pissed, but I missed you more..” He admitted to you.
You sniffled a bit enveloping him in a tight hug. Adrian finally relaxed practically lifting you off the ground to hug you tightly. 
“I missed you so much...” You muttered to him kissing his cheek. Adrian nodded letting you nuzzle into his neck.
“I missed you too..So fucking much..and I’m killing Constantine for not giving me an update on you..Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?”
“I can only imagine..I’m sorry..”
“I know..I know you are..” He pulled you back kissing you deeply pushing you against the desk in the room.
“Just let me kiss you for a bit..” He groaned smiling as you chuckled shaking your head.
“We can’t!..Look we’re in some serious shit here..Are you sure about this?”
“Uh duh..You helped us with Project Butterfly. Literal Aliens.”
“Super man has been possessed by a demon. Not just any demon a really bad one basically the embodiment of greed and the only people we have to fight against him are those kids in the other room Constantine and me.”
Adrian stood silent frozen in shock. “And you didn’t want me to come!?”
“This is really dangerous. I mean super dangerous. Those kids volunteered and John really needs the help. No offense but guns aren’t gonna do much in this situation Adrian.”
He groaned as he paced the room. You sighed taking a seat. “This is why I said for you not to come-”
“No I’m staying, but I’m worried for you-”
A loud crash interrupted him. You stood up immediately walking out with him seeing the window outside destroyed. A car was thrown inside.
“Guys!” You called out nervously. Raven popped her head up from behind the counter.
“So Superman is here.”
Your eyes widened glancing at Adrian. Christopher stood up as well as everyone else.
“Where’s Cyborg?” Robin yelled out. Your eyes widened catching him under the car.
“Holy shit!” You raced to him using your magic to try to lift it. Smoke came from the car causing to cough.
Beast Boy ran helping you as Adrian dragged him out from under. You checked his pulse sighing in relief once you secured he was alive.
“He’s down though!” Robin cursed glancing at Christopher and Adrian.
“We need to get them out of here-”
“I’m not leaving!” Adrian yelled out. You shook your head.
“He’s right get out of here!”
“No!” Christopher yelled out too.
“We’re not going Y/N..Emilia and the team are on their way too.”
“Fuck! Fine suit up then! Robin where’s Constantine?!”
“He’s keeping Superman distracted.” You groaned standing up. Beast Boy and Raven followed you out as Robin had Star Fire fly him and her out.
Constantine groaned as he was tossed to the side like a rag doll. He stood up shakily holding his side as Superman laughed above him eyes glowing red.
He shot his lasers out stopping as you moved in front of John catching them.
“You good?!”
“He’s a tough one...” You nodded. 
“Robin get him out of here!” Constantine shook his head about to argue only for Raven to lift him up dragging him out of there. 
Superman smirked softly taking a deep inhale once he landed in front of you. 
“Well well well..If it isn’t the witch I’ve heard so much about..You have our blood..”
“I do..Man am I glad I didn’t get your looks though.”
“My looks? Honey I’m Superman. One of the most handsomest men alive-”
“You’re not Superman. You have his body, but the real Superman isn’t as stupid as you nor is he as fucking rotten.”
“Rotten now that’s a new one?” He leaned towards you gripping your chin. “I came all this way getting word that the infamous witch was helping these stupid kids prep to fight me. Me? You really think I’m the stupid one?-”
A roar cut him off as Beast Boy raced towards him in his rhino form pushing him away from you. You jumped on his back readying your magic as he stood back up.
“Everyone into positions!”
“Titans Go!” Robin yelled out as you lifted cars with Raven throwing them towards Superman. 
Adrian and Christopher brought out a grenade launcher they had in the trunk of their car loading up to start helping you.
Superman grunted standing up easily catching the cars to throw them back angrily. Star Fire cried out as she was struck being sent flying.
“Star Fire!” 
You caught her placing her down gently before she could land roughly. Adrian readied his grenade launcher shooting straight for Superman.
Beast Boy and you readied yourselves heading straight for him. Superman caught the missile Adrian and Chris shot throwing towards you both. Your magic barely stopped it from striking you both.
“You think you idiotic kids and a stupid witch can stop me!” 
“I’m not an idiot like the rest of them and the witch you claim is practically useless has been teaching us. Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” Raven wrapped him up tightly as Beast Boy and you crashed into him cornering him into a car.
Robin and Star Fire shot at him. Adrian readied another missile with Christopher who had been loading up his gun. 
You grunted pushing him down. “Robin get the stupid rock!!!” 
He nodded pulling out the bag you had gifted him a while back. Before he could throw it on the floor as you had instructed him to do so. Superman broke free.
Raven gasped as he grabbed her by the throat choking her. “
“NO!!” You yelled out as he threw her far sending her flying. Robin was about to be punched only for Star Fire to push him letting herself take the hit.
“Star Fire!!-” Robin was kicked away landing next to Raven. Adrian and Chris shot at him only to run once seeing a car get thrown their way.
“Y/N!!” Adrian yelled out for you as you caught the car before it could hit them sending it away. 
Superman smirked kicking the bag away laughing as he saw a small crystal fall out.
“I’m weak to kryptonite. You think a dumb crystal will stop me?!” He walked to you as you readied yourself before crying out as he grabbed you by the throat as well smiling wickedly.
“You’re the one we’ve been hearing about...The strong witch who doesn’t wanna use her powers..How pathetic..You were given a gift and you don’t even know how to use it..Or control it!”
He threw you to the ground stomping on your back to keep you down. You cried out in pain feeling a rib crack.
A roar sounded out as Beast Boy suddenly ran out ramming into Superman. Superman caught him by the Rhino horn slamming him down. 
You cried out hearing Beast Boy whimper in pain. “No! No! Stop! Don’t hurt him!!” A gun shot ran out as Adrian ran shooting at him to get him to let Beast boy go.
Adrian tried to help only to be sent flying. “Stop!! Please!!” You called out as Adrian landed roughly on top of a car. 
Superman stomped on Beast Boy’s back laughing as you screamed out. 
“Stop! Please! Stop!! He’s just a kid!! They’re all just kids! Don’t hurt them! They don’t deserve this! Please!”
Raven tried to get up still a bit dazed from her fall hearing your cries. “They shouldn’t have even be here! They’re all just kids!”
He kicked Beast Boy to the side stalking towards you. You glared up at him before taking a look around.
Adrian was passed out with Chris above trying to wake him up. Everyone else was out cold or struggling to get back up. 
“You know when your grandmother made the deal to infuse her bloodline with us demons we thought a line of monsters would be born. That wasn’t the case though.” 
You whimpered a bit glaring up at him as he grabbed your hair dragging you up. “What we got instead was you a pathetic stupid dumb witch..You’re no different then the other witches who decided to use our power..A selfish coward.”
“I am not selfish..I am a coward, but I will not let you call me selfish..Everything that I do is for a reason and those reasons are always to benefit the people around me. You have no idea how much I have given up and just how much..”
Superman chuckled a bit as you struggled to catch your breath, “Just how much what?”
“Just how much I fucking hold back.” You yelled out eyes glowing red as you sent him flying back. A small tornado grew around you as he grunted standing back up.
Superman looked in shock as you raised your hand flipping him off as black light grew around your hands. He smiled widely standing up.
“Finally a real challenger-”
“I’m not a challenger motherfucker. I’m the one who’s gonna end you.” You sent hits towards him smiling widely as it all made him stagger back.
“I haven’t felt this alive in fucking ages. Oh how I’ve hated holding back all of this power! I’ve done it though so I can keep those around me safe..You wanna know the real reason why people have been coming for me!?”
You laughed throwing more hits his way. Superman flew towards you avoiding them getting in your face. 
You grinned once he was in your space. “Gotcha!”
His eyes widened as you set off bombs of your magic around you putting yourself at risk.
He panted once he was a good distance. “You could’ve killed us both!”
“You think I fear death? Don’t tell me the mighty Mammon fears death? I’m just a silly little witch? What real damage can I do?”
He gritted his teeth as he shot lasers towards you. You caught them sending them back causing him to shoot more out. It became a game of push and pull.
Adrian awoke seeing the commotion in front of him. “Y/N lost control!” Christopher yelled at him hoping he could hear.
“Oh Shit!” Adrian stood up limping your way. Only for Raven to stop him with her magic.
“Too dangerous..” He shook his head.
“I have to bring her down-”
“Not now you don’t..” Robin coughed out finally awake himself. “She’s winning.”
You managed to bring him down humming as you picked up the crystal from the bag. “Man you think I’m stupid? I know kryptonite works on Superman..But you’re not exactly Superman..So I had to make something special for you.”
He threw a punch gasping as you caught it with your fist. “Wow weak punch..”
“What is this?...”
“Oh this is the demon blood you spoke so highly about Mammon..This is the blood of a monster..You wanted to know why so many people wanted me dead? I use magic dark and light..There’s only ever been one person who was able to almost stop me and that was myself, but you know from another universe..”
“You crazy-”
“Witch?..I know what I am..I made this crystal for you though. Plan was for Robin to smash it, but I’ll do it for him.”
You threw it on the floor smiling as you heard the smash. It set off a trap. 
“It’s a special concoction I made just for you. Not meant to kill you or exactly nor can I extract from Clark Kent here, but this will hold you for me to come up with something.”
“No! NOO!!” He yelled out as he was forced into the crystal.
“God this was pathetic..You weren’t even that much of a challenge.” 
“You’ll pay for this! When I break out I will kill everything you love!!! That stupid boyfriend! That exorcist!-”
“I guess will see if I don’t send you back to hell by then..”
Once the crystal fell you picked it up sliding it into your pocket before shutting your eyes. You struggled to rein it all back in. 
Falling to the floor, you grabbed your broken rib feeling it crack more as your body tensed up while you tried to rein it in.
Adrian was finally let through immediately sliding next to you. “Y/N..Shit shit! Come on you’re okay..You’re okay..”
“I know I know..but you can do it..bring it in..Look around you did it..You won you kept us safe..Now come on rein it in..”
“I’m t-trying..” You gritted out feeling your hands pulse. “Y-You n-need to get away..A-Adrian..I don’t t-think I-I can do it..”
“Nope..I’m not going anywhere sweet thing..I will be right here..”
“Nah..You’re okay..You wouldn’t hurt me..Nor are you gonna hurt any of these kids here right?”
“No I-..I’m not!”
You fell forward flopping down on him gasping for air. Your eyes were back to normal. “Thank you..”
“I got you..”
“I’m really sorry I left you a dumb note and that I hurt your feelings..You have every right to be angry with me. I was dumb. You need me and I need you. We’re a team..I just wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you got hurt because of me..”
Adrian sighed before nodding, “I actually get that a lot..I worry everyday about the same thing..I’m sorry I didn’t try to understand better-”
“No you did your best. It was me thinking stupidly..”
“You’re not stupid..I forgive you..”
“Thank you..” You pulled the bottom of his mask off kissing him lightly. Constantine cleared his throat as he stood before you.
“So we won the battle but not the war.” 
You nodded standing up before looking in the distance seeing Chris meeting up with the team. Emilia, Adebayo and John just made it.
“Well..we have to do an exorcism..but because of who this is..we’ll need more than just us two.”
Adrian raised an eyebrow in confusion as Constantine sighed. “I was worried about this.”
You nodded gripping Adrian’s hand. “Hey I’m sorry I kinda avoided you again, but I love you and right now need you more than ever..Please come with me to get other me’s from other universe’s?”
“Fuck yeah i’ll go with you lovely..”
“Great then I know our first stop.”
An older Adrian sat in his recliner seat releasing a deep sigh before smiling as the other you moved around in the kitchen making tea.
“Grumpy? Did you want some honey in your tea?!”
“No thanks and please don’t call me grumpy!”
“But…” The other version of you came around the corner with a small grin.
“You’re my grumpy old man-“ You screamed as Adrian jumped from the couch chasing you down.
“Old? I’m old?”
A sudden burst of light came from the livingroom as Adrian and you stepped out of it.
“Adrian don’t touch anything!”
“Sorry this is just dope! Older me has good taste..”
Older Adrian made the other you stay behind him as he got his pistol walking out to point it at you.
Your Adrian panicked seeing the gun immediately pulling his out.
“Wait!!” Both of you yelled out stopping them from shooting each other.
“Y/N?” Older Adrian breathed out as you pushed your Adrian behind you.
“Hello grumps.”
“Told you so..” The other you mumbled out with a small smile.
Older Adrian rolled his eyes as you smiled a bit at the sight of them.
You hadn’t seen them since the last time you came to check on them.
You helped them find each other since they both came from universes where they lost each other.
Older Adrian smiled as your Adrian moved you a bit next to him. “Relax dude.”
“You’d understand if you had to hear about how hot you were..” Your Adrian grumbled as you smiled.
The other you raised an eyebrow at your direction before looking back at your Adrian.
“I hate to be the one to ask, but can you remove your helmet?” Your Adrian was confused at the other you’s words but did it nonetheless.
“You’re..You’re just like I remember you..” She smiled as the older version of Adrian patted her back reassuringly.
“Older Adrian is hot, but you..You are just as hot..” She breathed out grabbing his face.
You shook your head moving her away. “Alright enough simping that’s not why we’re here..”
“Well why are you here then?” Older Adrian asked suspiciously. 
“I need your help.”
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andromedagarcia · 1 year
wrote a little something for the wonderland AU, featuring the three siblings and @hinataxsunshine and @airi-of-hearts ♡ hope you guys like it!
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A curious friendship, that between a rabbit, a mouse, and a serpent.
The sun was setting, the sky looked wounded, the crimson color of spilled blood, like that which covered the white roses blossoming in the Red Queen's garden, yellow clouds like gold spreading on the horizon, as if a painter (Cass, maybe? But she had buried her tools for art with Soma's body. Her words being there's no point in creating anything when all love has died, Andro, you know all my creations come from the heart) had drawn them with their brush.
'So what you are saying is that...'
Andro's voice was interrupted by her younger sister, who started laughing out of nowhere. First, it was nothing but a chuckle, prolonged in time. Then, it was as if someone had just told her the best joke she had ever heard in her entire life. She held her belly with both hands, bent over, tears streaming down her face. Had she stopped crying, since he had died? Would she stop crying? The Mad Hatter was becoming madder every single day.
With a flick of her black wings she signaled Hércules to do something. The soldier obeyed, not only because she was his Commander, but also because she was the oldest of the siblings, the one that had raised them all. The reason why they were in this mess? Could she have avoided it? Doubts plagued her mind and spread like a cancer, but they were not of any help, so she set them apart.
'You want to join our flanks.' The air heavy with lavender, the King of Hearts' favorite flower. What once had been a shiny, lustrous, green garden, in which hedges were shaped into a million different animals, both big and small, fountains threw up glistening water into the air and a hundred types of flowers grew, now was an unkempt mess, one that Andrómeda did not recognize as home.
Her dark, snake-like eyes focused on the people in front of her. A white rabbit and a mouse. Her natural prey. She didn't wait for an answer, a long, sharpened claw leaving an ugly mark on the wood of the table she had, until then, been sitting behind. Now she stood up, circling it, as she liked her lips with a long, forked tongue.
'Wine?' She offered, while she considered their words. 'It's not poisoned, don't worry about that.' She made sure to add, because while Mira may have used those tactics, that was not the White Qu... Mad Hatter's style.
'I will.' Hércules quickly said, leaving his now weeping sister pulling her own curls, rocking back and forth, whispering he's coming, he's coming, he's coming and she'll come and kill us all and she'll come and cut our heads off and the first time nothing will happen, nor the second, nor the third, only I will faint and then on the fourth he will forget his name, was it the fourth, was it the fifth? A fifth one, a sixth one, a seventh one, an eighth one... He'll die then, I'll die with him, The White Queen will die and the Mad Hatter will be born, she'll be born in Bethlehem like the Sphynx of the Second Coming, she's here to stay, the Mad Hatter... But I'm wearing a veil, shouldn't I be the Mad Veil-er? Oh, no, I do wear a hat too, don't I?
Andro resisted the urge to grimace, or to yell at her brother. He would probably be drunkest person in the room in about an hour, making a fool of himself, consuming alcohol being his way of dealing with this whole mess. She was, however, tired of playing his mother. She walked back to Cass, who was sitting under a withering tree, with a white stained dress that reeked of death and looked the part, as well, the veil over her face, not dark enough to keep her from seeing her little sister's features.
'You're wearing a hat too, Cass. It's fine. No Sphynx is coming.'
'No, I'm the Sphynx. I only bring death and pain and death and pain and other things that start with d such as... death, and pain, and despair and doom, tears? DECEASE, DISSOLUTION, DEMISE, DESTRUCTION.' Her voice grew louder and louder, until Andro crouched by her side and placed a calming hand on her shoulder, silencing her instantly. She raised her head, big, bewitching, beautiful brown eyes looking at her, filled with tears. 'He's dead, isn't he?'
'He is.'
Bawling. Lamenting. Mourning. Sobbing.
The cycle starting, once again. How long now, until she forgot?
The Jabberwock stood up, stretching her menacing wings, looking at both rabbit and mouse and promising herself she wouldn't eat them, no matter what her instincts told her. Because she needed their help.
'Just tell me there's a possibility of bringing her back.'
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monstrousfemale · 2 years
55 for the spotify ficlet!!
Thanks for sending this! ❤️ This song I'd almost forgotten about and then it turned up in the Wrapped list and I'm reminded I looove it.
It was 1991 when they managed to scrounge up the funds. Eddie’s van was in good shape, his job had been to make sure the thing could drive far enough that they could see the coast. Nancy and Robin had graduated from college, and they moved back home for a bit, which was when this idea finally managed to spring into reality. Steve had been saving up for a moment such as this very one since he graduated from high school, really. 
They piled up into the van, Steve riding shotgun for the first leg of their trip, down seemingly endless stretches of road, headed South. Nancy and Robin were in the back, not in their seats with the seatbelts on, but sprawled on the floor, chatting in what sounded like riddles to the guys up front, in a language all of their own. They held hands, because that felt more like home than Hawkins ever could. 
There was music flooding the air, crashing and rolling over them, something Eddie had picked. It was all heavy instrumentals, angry vocals, but it was low enough that their laughter still could be heard over it. Nancy started going over what they’d do once they reached New Orleans, then drove along the southern coast for beaches. She wanted to relax and start on a book as soon as she could sink her feet in warm sand. Robin suggested the very first thing would be to mourn Eddie, since vampires were supposed to burn up in the sun. Eddie interjected with a “ha-ha, hilarious Buckley”, but he shot her a smile over his shoulder. Nancy kissed her when Eddie wasn’t looking anymore, whispered about their shared room, about staying up late drinking and kissing.
Up front, Eddie had his left hand leaning on the headrest of Steve’s seat, fingers tangling and untangling in his hair as he drove. Steve was leaning into the touch, his own hands busy with a Rubik’s cube, courtesy of Dustin. It has been his farewell gift. The kids had mastered the thing a few years back, most of them able to complete them in a minute or two when they set their minds to it. But Steve never had finished one, and this was his resolution for this trip. 
Eddie spent the whole time he was driving stealing glances at Steve’s face, appreciating the focus that put a crease between his brows, appreciating the glimpse of his tongue that poked between his lips when he wasn’t singing along to Eddie’s music. When he switched with Nancy as designated driver, he dragged a sleepy Steve from the passenger seat, half carried him into the back with him. They sat close together, Eddie’s back to the side of the van, Steve’s back pressed to his front, sitting between his legs. Eddie’s chin kept poking his shoulder when he would lean forward to speak into Steve’s ear, but Steve didn’t mind one bit. 
Driving all the way down South was a pain, but it was also grand. They were tired, and they spent way more money in gas than they had first thought they would (Nancy kept telling Eddie “I told you so” after the second unplanned gas station stop). But they did zigzag to every major city they could, from Louisville to Nashville, then going out of their way to see Atlanta for the first time. There was freedom in having their own itinerary, in having no rush, no timelines. They’d figure things out as they went, and they slept in the van when they couldn’t be bothered to find a cheap enough hotel along the way. They had the safety of each other, and in the Summer the days were long, the light staying with them seemingly as long as they needed it. 
The 15-hour trip turned into a three-day event, and none of them were too bothered by it. They were just enjoying each other’s company, singing along to the radio, making fun of the local station hosts as they passed by tiny towns, tinier even than their own. 
Reaching New Orleans would be great, of course. It was what the main destination they had planned for, of course. But also it wasn’t even as important as just doing this. Steve and Robin were already in talks of a full on cross-country road trip after this, while Nancy and Eddie sat up front and discussed lodging options. Nancy had this thick travel guide which promised “1000 different stays down south!”, and Eddie kept dismissing options for increasingly silly reasons. It was driving her crazy, and he loved her for it. 
The weather was beautiful as they got to the city center, but they wanted to keep driving until they hit the ocean, so they headed to Grand Isle. And then, just as they could see the blue in the horizon, clouds started marring the sky. They were hit with a massive summer storm, complete with loud thunder and lightning that struck closer and closer. They parked their van close to the beach, went outside anyway. The heavy downpour soaked them in no time, but they laughed and screamed and ran towards the ocean. 
It didn’t matter that the car would get wet, it didn’t matter that they’d drag wet sand and clothes into the hotel later. Home had felt claustrophobic, too much and too little for any of them. But here in the pouring rain, watching the waves, leaning on each other, this felt like they were finally really living. It felt like being cleansed of the shadows of the past. From here, they couldn’t feel cursed anymore. From here, monsters were the stuff of movies, not their reality. As the rain halted and the sun peeked at them through the clouds, they felt new. 
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villain-sympathizer · 2 years
a preview of my fic "Reunited", a Re-Destro x OC scenario I've had in my head for MONTHS
[it's just chitose and rikiya in this scene, with no mention of my oc by name, so you can envision any he/him character in his place i suppose lmao]
────── ・ 。゚: *.☽ .* : 。゚・ ──────
In Rikiya’s office, it was a whole different aura, thanks to a certain blue-skinned journalist that decided to stay behind after a Meta Liberation Army meeting half an hour ago, gushing and squealing when he happened to mention the interviewee he had later was an old friend and fling from college. Another officer, Koku, had stayed to chat earlier as well, teasing him about the situation alongside the woman, but eventually left as the scheduled interview time drew near. He must have noticed how his commander’s nerves seemed to rise with each loud tock the clock made, signaling each five minute mark.
“You HAVE to hire him!” The journalist, Chitose, urged him, taking a seat on top of his desk despite the multiple times Rikiya has told her to stop doing that. But today, he was too distracted to care. “This is exactly like a cheesy romance novel, or a Hallmark movie! It has to be fate, it’s too perfect of a situation not to be!”
Rikiya let out a soft but lightly irritated sigh, a small portion of his stress markings growing ever so slightly over his temple as the MLA officer continued to chitter at him over the situation. “As right as you may be, I must still treat this as any other supervisor interview, Curious,” he puts emphasis on her codename, leaning back in his chair with a teasing grin. “Though you are living up to your name, hm?”
Chitose returns his grin tenfold, eyes filled with intrigue and glee. “I think conducting a personal interview yourself is already suggesting this is no normal interview, sir. And besides, can you blame me? The grand commander of the Meta Liberation Army had a boyfriend in college? Who just so happens to move to Deika over a decade later and apply to work at said commander’s company?” She throws her head back dramatically, hand reaching up to lean against her forehead as a wistful sigh leaves her. “And you stayed single the whole time, too! Ugh, just get married at this point, because there’s no doubt you’re soulmates!”
That brought a blush to Rikiya’s cheeks, slouching a bit more in his leather office chair in a poor attempt to hide himself. “Well, I mean- I wouldn’t say boyfriend, since we never made it official or anything-“
“Still!” The ginger-haired CEO is cut off by Chitose’s shrill voice, the journalist returning to her original position upright in a flash, her gaze back on the other. “You two were a thing, and a serious thing at that if you never dated anyone else, and he is choosing to move AND work here out of all other choices!”
Before either of them could say anything more, the pager in his office phone beeps softly with a small, blinking red light, indicating an incoming message from the reception desk. Holding a finger up to Chitose to silence her, Rikiya reaches over and presses the button to accept it. “Yes?”
“Your two o’clock appointment is on his way up, sir,” The desk worker’s voice crackled through the speaker. From the corner of the CEO’s eye, he could tell Chitose had curled her hands up into fists against her lips, trying to contain her excitement.
“Excellent, thank you for the head’s up,” Rikiya thanks them, taking his finger off the button and ending the line.
The second the soft click of the line disconnecting sounded, Chitose let out a cross between a coo and an excited squeal. “Oh I’m excited to see him, even just in passing,” she cheers, hopping off of the desk and making her way to the door. Halfway across the room, she speaks up again. “I’ll let you collect yourself then, casanova,” the blue-skinned woman teases him lightly, tossing a wink his way that made the CEO groan in embarrassment. When she reached the large double doors, she pauses in the doorway once it’s open.
“You deserve happiness, Re-Destro. Don’t let him slip through your fingers,” she tells him, her voice the most serious it’s been all day, before the doors close and Rikiya was left to himself.
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It’s her! The girl! A (very poorly edited because I lack artistic abilities at the moment) bunny girl! Allow me to tell you about the girl!
~ Kairi ~
  Is the Princess of Heart. As such, she was set to begin training at a certain age, but an unexpected tragedy struck her home and she was forced to flee with her best friend Shion under Aqua’s care. She never sees any of her family again but has made/found her own where she ended up on Destiny Islands and wouldn’t trade them for anything.
  Knows that Sora has issues with letting himself be taken care of, and has taken small steps in trying to help Sora with it, like asking him about his day, offering to help out with any of his chores, and being kind, gentle and supportive to him when he needed it.
  Is happiest when her friends and loved ones are happy too, and works very hard to make sure they are.
  Kairi enjoys doing traditionally feminine things (cooking, cleaning, etc.) but is still a strong character. She likes making her friends healthy snacks, living in a clean space, and takes pride in her appearance. However, as time passes she becomes more concerned with it to try and appeal to whatever way she ‘looks best’ to others (specifically Sora and later Shion).
  Is very sweet and mild-mannered towards others but books exactly no sass from anybody and is very witty, able to give back what she’s given and is more stubborn than she looks.
  Can be surprisingly secretive but doesn’t like lying if she can help it. Wants to make sure that she doesn’t say more than she should and is never really sure when a secret is harmless or not and takes secrets very seriously. Often worries if this facet makes her untrustworthy.
  Can be a bit of a troublemaker at times, more as she gets older, and relishes in a bit of harmless mischief.
  Likes baking, cooking, cleaning, and is generally a very energetic and capable person.
  Is highly dedicated to her goals. Once she decides something, nothing can deter her from it.
  Very smart and observant. She and Shion tie for the highest grades in school, and the four of them often have ‘study nights’ (sleepovers) to help each other out with whatever areas they were lacking in- even Riku appreciated the help (but more on this later).
  Has a strong sense of right and wrong and tries her best to be the best ‘her’ she can be to make Aqua proud (spoiler: she already is) and so she can help her friends stay on the right path.
  Loves flowers and enjoys learning what each one means. Sora taught her how to make flower crowns.
  Is very selfless and kind and becomes easily attached to smaller, more vulnerable things than herself because she’s also very empathetic.
  Was faking her amnesia because she thought doing so would protect Sora and Riku from the shadows of her past if they ever came back to bite her (which happened anyway oops). The less anybody knew, the better. Part of her also thought of it as keeping her tragic past away from her happy new present.
  Is usually more rational than emotional, and can work under pressure.
  Very charming; quickly became the most highly-thought-of girl in town since her arrival.
  Became friends with Shion while still at her old home in her early childhood. Shion was an orphan girl who she’d see on occasion wandering around town and one day actually snuck out from the castle to play with her. They became very close and Kairi fought tooth and nail to still be able to hang out once it got out that she was being sneaky without supervision and ultimately got her wish.
  Loves Shion with all her heart and shared a paopu fruit with her at Shion’s suggestion shortly after hearing the local legend about it so they would always be friends and always be together.
  Wakes up early on purpose. On a similar note, she can’t sleep without a night-light and is afraid of the dark and might also occasionally be visited by her sleep paralysis demon. Poor girl. She also has trouble sleeping if someone she trusts isn’t nearby, so Shion and her bunk in the same room on Destiny Islands.
  Pink is her favorite color, but yellow and lavender are her second (and third) favorites. Her favorite ways of wearing them are usually ribbons or flowers.
  Semi-frequently suffers from nightmares that she wakes from that give her an unshakable feeling of guilt and loneliness even though she knows she has friends who love her. On that note, she also has self-esteem issues, often thinking that she’s not going to be good enough but tries hard to get stronger.
  Is really into witchcraft, legends, myths and fairy-tales as well as natural history and believes wholeheartedly in destiny.
  Believes wishes can hold real power (and she’s not entirely wrong).
  Has a tendency to be very hard on herself since she was the Princess of Heart who didn’t know how to use the Keyblade properly- especially when it mattered- even though she was like 5 years old at the time. Has a love/hate relationship with the Keyblade.
  Sees Aqua as a mother figure.
Animal: Bun (specifically a Satin Rabbit)
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halluprism · 2 years
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𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞. 🕷🕸
Happy Halloween! 🎃 Coraline has been my favorite animation movie ever since I watched it for the first time when I was a kid. I dare to say it's one of the reasons why I love animation so much nowadays, the complexity and darkness of the tale telling us that great stories can be told through this genre.
Of course, she is the perfect cherry on top of my Spooktober posts!
I'll be going on a brief hiatus because I'm taking a break from social media! Back soon, pinky promise. 💌
Good Samhain celebrations!
Coraline tornou-se o meu filme de animação favorito a partir do momento em que o vi pela primeira vez em miúda. Atrevo-me a dizer que é uma das razões para a minha paixão por animação nos dias de hoje, a sua complexidade confirmando que se podem contar histórias incríveis através deste género.
É claro que ela seria a eleita para terminar os meus posts de Halloween! 🎃
Vou entrar num pequeno hiatus porque vou fazer uma pausa das redes sociais! Volto em breve, promessa de mindinho. 💌
Desejo-vos boas celebrações de Samhain!
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shamelessrabbithole · 3 months
These are all podcasts featuring Jane Levy, who played Mandy in the first season of Shameless before being replaced by Emma Greenwell. She doesn't share a lot from her time on the show, other than to say that it was her first-ever acting job. The reason they had to dye her hair dark is because Karen was blonde and they felt it would be confusing to the audience for both girls to have the same hair color. Jane left because was cast in Suburgatory as a lead character.
Another interesting thing she mentions is that she acts in a lot of a horror movies, in which her characters are abused, tortured, etc. She says that even though intellectually an actor realizes they're playing a role, their bodies and emotions don't know that, so when they spend weeks crying and running scared in the dark and cold and feeling a lot of deep emotions, it takes a toll on them. And, it requires some time to reemerge from all of that feeling whole again.
Thank you 🔍!
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worksby-d · 1 year
Hi dest! Remember that anon looking for that very angsty chris evans fic? The one with the wedding, the reader was a doctor and chris’ friend who moved abroad without knowing that Chris loved her? That never left my mind because that’s one of my favorites ever and I haven’t read it in a while. So, I looked for it. FOR WEEKS!! The fic is entitled ‘maybe this time’ by http-hiraya. BUT the bad news is, http-hiraya deleted it already. She deleted all her chris fics and now her blog’s name is loveparaluman if you wanna check it for yourself
oh!!!! that makes sense. thank you :-)
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libidomechanica · 2 years
In ever at him,
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the spied, youth, my hair? Proving     his wreck her man, her bY ROBERT BROWNING the solemn! You     have flew rough if I know man, than about a sequench it     you I ever come, withou can shook thief womanly faced     the five taut if the sparrot
in Porphyria; stranquill yclad;     with a dying of warm like that neighbour and hung. Once     of him! Her let us, in the stray time all I meteor     shut did grove and mourned i’ they cannot sooth though the murder     have me and I wears
right. Which it is more that dreamed I     might of though missa long, blusht: heroined belove, dish behind-     parterest; their horosceness is then, writing. And     calls once may nay, False great it’s away even were first one     gentle her garden waile,
and lullaby betters hearts     of Heav’n, thou, dead! But the cried thout thou weary I would bring;     but know. To poison fixed wered with Beauty lad, ther walls     instition with blew He obey that enamourethrew     figures is soul has lone
when on Laurely gulf an eart’s     not move anyway reheart of palling a lady shall     hem stormy dreamed and juicy. A rogue in whistle herd-     aband’ring tear any morning coiled. All my fashion. Was flower     unfamy is the
scept the transmitten thy her took     in his Exchange you tell; but noon in made lass set wherefore?     To me, the leaps hid in ever madhousandals, or     that a blasts I dream. Or a sense where we are of jasperspected     winge my sings, alled
a Ghazál. We debaser     small we lowly th’ first, since any time buried in     thine of alling chancessive and I measurels and creames,     more, that wave. And Lilia’s lips; sings with displayes, when     we cossessed: ther. I
was but that, the quite and gets to     which proof, will return’d flesh air weeds, the powers of the bride     womanhood! And whilst, and day fathere or fourt of sad House     their physics to and life, I not prey; awake is it been.     And are to my what, or
and all that surving into ye,     Biarriage. When statute and where Locked as riotously. To     shadowy more: what limbs light holy at if I be lay, and     sternal Night of Tenth with me and feet answers and not cond     unmeek, self beauty light—
did grow. And slaves ther—a fear a     cragged thy seconduction all the fixed true woof the     etermore Foole not come been highest from its round; when sound     o’er lone. She key the sight be enough nor kind. But tis     I dreams: A half to pain.
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