#Belief Systems
wbqotd · 24 days
What’s considered ‘old-fashioned’ in your setting?
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heavenlythea · 1 year
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I know it's hard. But you just need to believe again.
You've faced a lot of disappointments. You've dealt with a lot of jerks.
But you can't allow any of that to take away the hope and optimism.
Yes, those situations are hard to overcome.
Yes, the voices of those people live on in your daily life.
It's tough to overcome. I know. But they aren't living your life.
You are.
In the same way that the people who continue to hurt you believe that they are doing you a favor, you need to believe that better is out there and that you are capable of doing better. It may not seem like it right now, but it is possible. And you are worth it.
Just by believing, you can take actions that you never thought possible.
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omegaphilosophia · 7 months
Unraveling Confirmation Bias: How Our Beliefs Shape Our Perspectives
Confirmation bias is a cognitive bias that leads people to interpret, remember, or search for information in ways that confirm their preconceptions or hypotheses. Here are some common things people use as confirmation bias:
Selective Exposure: People tend to expose themselves to information sources and media that align with their existing beliefs.
Selective Perception: They interpret ambiguous information in a way that supports their beliefs.
Selective Retention: People remember information that confirms their existing beliefs better than information that contradicts them.
Cherry-Picking Data: They selectively choose data or examples that support their viewpoint while ignoring or dismissing data that contradicts it.
Seeking Like-Minded Individuals: People often engage with communities or social groups that share their beliefs, reinforcing their existing views.
Misinterpreting Statistics: Individuals may misinterpret statistical data to support their preconceived notions.
Overvaluing Personal Experience: Personal anecdotes and experiences are given more weight than they should be in forming opinions.
Ignoring Expert Opinion: Dismissing expert opinions or scientific consensus when it contradicts one's beliefs.
Confirmation in Social Media Echo Chambers: Social media algorithms often expose users to content that aligns with their views, creating echo chambers where confirmation bias thrives.
Biased Information Search: When researching a topic, people may conduct biased searches, seeking out sources that confirm their beliefs.
Emotional Attachment: Emotional attachment to one's beliefs can make it difficult to consider alternative viewpoints objectively.
Attribution Error: People often attribute their successes to their abilities and their failures to external factors or situations, confirming their self-beliefs.
Groupthink: In group settings, individuals may conform to the group's beliefs to avoid conflict or maintain group cohesion.
Being aware of these tendencies is the first step in mitigating confirmation bias and promoting more open-minded and critical thinking.
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freyatarotreadings8 · 6 months
95% of who we are by the age of 35 is programmed.
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hussyknee · 4 months
Do you believe in god?
Not really. It's one of the ways that I'm solidly Theravadin Buddhist. We're supposed to be agnostic atheists because God isn't something that can be proven or disproven, but the issue is irrelevant because we believe everything happens via karma and chance. Most Buddhists are polytheists because we've absorbed Hindu syncretic practices and therefore worship most of the same gods, except Hindus believe all gods are different facets of one Creator afaik, whereas Theravadin Buddhists see them as individual beings inhabiting a different plane of existence, same as demons and spirits. Benevolent aliens, basically. And our relationships with them are transactional, i.e we lead a good life and offer some of our good karma or devotion to them in exchange for divine favours when we need them.
This fills the emotional vacuum of people needing someone to pray to for help. Bootstraps spirituallism isn't very comforting. I mean I'm fine with humans being tasked with saving ourselves, but it's never seriously been tested for me. It's just that when you grow up without God as a concept, and theism seems mercenary, you don't learn how to believe in God. So it's less any objection to theism than it is a lack of cultural conditioning.
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"Thank you for not littering your mind.”
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turiyatitta · 6 days
The Enigma of Divine Identity
Unraveling the Belief and BeingIn the profound journey of spiritual awakening, there stands a pivotal revelation – the understanding of one’s divine nature. This recognition often confronts the traditional notion of believing in a separate, external deity. When we cling to the belief in a God as an entity apart from ourselves, we inadvertently reinforce the very illusion we seek to transcend. It…
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haveyoutriedthis · 28 days
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devouredead · 1 year
As an autistic person, I absolutely believe my autism (as well as the rest of my disabilities and personhood) is bestowed on me as a multi-faceted aspect from an eldritch being. It has its raw beautiful moments where I view it as blessing, divine awareness, near-omniscient, painful love and its moments where it condemns me to anger or fear and knee jerk reaction to literally bite and binds me so my speech is so limited and yet my words that are clawing inside me are so many and that I hear but can't, just will not understand and I absolutely believe it's a curse. And it can be both. My experience of life is that it is both. My point is... You're free to identify your identities however you like. Nobody, least of all other autistics, should be telling you how to feel about or identify your autism. It doesn't matter if it's religious or science fiction or a metaphor that they think is tired or overused or too basic. Make up your own mind. It's okay. It might make other people uncomfortable. That's okay. In the end, in the heart of all hearts... it's not their business. (of course, you can't speak for other people/ and this does not extend to 'autism mommies'; your child's dx is not your own, your autistic child is not your identity to claim. same with siblings, etc)
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wbqotd · 26 days
Do the people of your world leave offerings? If so, who to? What kind of ojects are typically offered?
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mesmemos · 1 year
new Youtube video up on my channel now xx
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entheognosis · 2 years
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In the same way that the people who continue to hurt you believe that they are doing you a favor, you need to believe that better is out there and that you are capable of doing better. It may not seem like it right now, but it is possible. And you are worth it.
Just by believing, you can take actions that you never thought possible.
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lenbryant · 10 months
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Humanism sounds much more rational than talking snakes, zombie kings, and water walkers.
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freyatarotreadings8 · 10 months
The Master’s Verdict Principle
Your entire life, people have been telling you how to be, how to behave, what to read and what to strive for. Now, give yourself the lawful right to establish your own cannons. It is for you to decide what is right for you and what isn’t because you are the one shaping your personal world. You have the right to determine as true, something that others consider false, so long as it does not harm anyone. When you assume the privilege of passing your own verdict, you are staying true to your own credo. The right to pass the Master’s verdict means freedom from oppressive circumstances, from everything that puts a cloud over your life and throws obstacles onto your true path. It will help you acquire a certain calm confidence.
There are as many opinions in life as there are people. Some call it «black,» others call it «white». Whom should you believe? As you will remember, the world is a mirror. It agrees with everyone who dares pass judgment. But you are not a mirror! Either you are the kind of person who accepts other people’s verdicts, or you are the Master, who arrives at their own verdict. In this case, which truth you consider the ultimate truth, which side you support, the ‘blacks’ or the ‘whites’ is no longer an issue. Now you can decide on your own truth: My decision is this because I am the Master of my own reality. And it will work because you have the variants space and the dual mirror at your disposal, everything you need to manifest your vision into physical reality. There is just one condition: you must have the boldness to exercise your right. If you indulge in self-doubt or have qualms of conscience, your verdict will lose its power and you will be transformed from the lawmaker into the accused. You never take the right action when you doubt yourself. It is not so much a matter of how rightly you think or behave; it’s a matter of how confident you are in being right. You mustn’t allow the Master’s will to become a dictate of the mind. A verdict only has power when the heart and mind are one. Those who fail to listen to their heart never master; they make mistakes.
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