#Black x Asian
I am making a masterlist of ships with Black woman x Asian person, eventually.
Fresh on my mind are Dom & Mor, Tammy x Tomoya/Sam from He's Harmless, I Swear (two recent webcomics I've read), and Marie x Jordan from Gen V, which I am watching in progress?!? Lol.
I remember Thundergrace, from Black Lightning/DC Comics, and I was very much wild about Abigail x Adil from Motherland: Fort Salem.
I have various tags I can sort through to make the list, but just in case, I AM accepting suggestions. They don't even have to be canon if I can find content, I'll add them.
Please Note: I be working a lot. There's no telling when I'll create this list. But it'll be with my to do things.
And I am only looking for ships with at least one Black female character. Sometimes, people come to me and say things like, "I know you said femme, but here's this not female, not femme character I like instead." Keep them for yourself love.
Editing, because I want to just add for the time being that I have a tag for Black women with Asian men and a tag for Black women with Asian women, and I’ve even started one that specifically speaks to a particular ship that has a Black Woman with a Bigender Asian.
But, what I intend to do is put them all on a master list that helps followers find them on this blog. Like these: BFCD Masterlists
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blacksapphicguide · 2 months
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Sam x Quinn eyelash (short film)
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ang3lik · 2 years
𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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#pairing:: ethan landry x fem!bimbo!reader
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no one expects ethan to be with you. since ethan is all nerdy, smart and shit they don’t expect you coming.
ethan likes the way you are. exactly the way you are. you’re just enough for him.
he likes that you’re so different to him. that you need him. you make him feel loved and appreciated.
definitely calls you a spoiled little brat all the time.
has to keep an extra close eye on you especially around times as it gets closer to when ghostface shows up.
actually likes seeing splashes of pink around his room, your heels thrown by his door or next to his bed, (which he definitely trips over sometimes), has a pink fluffy pen in his pencil case that he accidentally picked and put in his own because you were taking too long to pack up your stuff leaving class, has a hello kitty plushie on his bed
when you ask him for help with turn work or studying, you just sit in his lap and talk his ear of and he just ends up finishing it for you because your getting too distracted.
is way too soft. you want or need something ethan is straight on it.
chad just looks at him like ‘😑’ but he’s then like ‘you gotta do what you gotta do’
mindy just snickers as he does what you ask him too whilst anika (fellow!mini!bimbo!bestie in this hc) just looks at you both so proud 🥹
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lemon-popp · 1 month
Spending time with the sith: episode iv
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Pairings: Qimir x Black! female oc
warnings: Unprotected sex, Fluff, swearing, pining, slight rejection, Typos (sorryyyy)
words count: 5k
Luna’s body is lifted onto the elevated bed with Qimir aiding her every move as if she’s some hurt bird while lifting each of her legs. Although she deeply appreciated his tender help, it wasn’t really necessary, it was just a twisted ankle. She wasn’t ran over by a ship and left completely disabled. But despite these thoughts, she basks in this feeling.
Back home she has always working. Never had a break since the day she was old enough to join the workforce. It was tough at first, but eventually she got used to it…because she had to. It wasn’t enough just living off the salary her mom made at the apothecary, she knew she needed to help. Though much protest from her mother, Luna insisted, Sacrificing her freedom to give her mom even just the slightest break from being the sole provider. Allowing her to reduce her hours so they can spend more time together.
As of recently though, her mom quit. Not by choice of course, but because of her rapidly declining health that caused her to even have difficulty standing at the cash register. The day her mom returned home with the news, Luna knew that she had to step up. She knew that she had new responsibilities on her dainty shoulders, responsibilities to which she took on with no hesitation. She would do anything for her mom, which meant picking up multiple shifts, getting another job and taking care of her mom’s every need. So it’s safe to say this girl was on the clock 24/7. So yeah, she’s definitely appreciating this treatment, ignoring the guilt that sat in her stomach, just for this moment.
“I’m gonna go make dinner,” Qimir’s pleasant voice seeps through her ears like a musical melody. Her big brown eyes meet his, and she almost completely forgets about relaxing. Her workforce robot brain rebooting into action.
“Oh i can help—,” Before the eager girl can finish her suggestion, Qimir’s places his large and on the top of her thigh, as a means to stop her.
“No,” His eyes glare deep into hers, his eyebrows low and face straight as if he was scolding her. Luna’s eagerness dissipates almost immediately and she cowers like a scared puppy, but a heat swells up to her cheeks, ”I got it. You just lay there, looking beautiful and rest. okay?”
The dominance oozes off his tongue as every word that was spoken enunciated meticulously in a stern tone.
He meant it
Qimir wasn’t sure where this came from. Any of this. The hospitality. The tender words. Just being giving in general. He just wanted to give to her. Whatever she wanted. He even wanted to give her everything he never received.
Luna nods in agreement, sinking back down into the cotton sheets that covered his luxurious bed. Qimir turns on his heels and makes his way to the kitchen, his large figure disappearing from her view.
With him gone, Luna takes this time to ‘tame’ her hair, or at least that’s what the people at school and work would say whenever she wore her hair out. She loved her hair, her mom always encouraging her to have her on style and to feel confident. It just so happens that when she felt most confident was when her curls framed her face like an angel in the clouds. The brown lengthy coils that resembled a male lion.
But right now, as her hair was still damp from the bath, took the opportunity to make a slick low bun with her hands. She didn’t necessarily feel like Qimir was unwelcoming to her hair, or her self expression in general. Especially after the way he manipulated it in his large hand, careful not to entangle is fingers inside the thicket. She decided to style her hair simply because she still had no bonnet and didn’t enjoy waking up with knots, tangles and dry hair.
After fifteen minutes, the slick back bun was a slick as it could be and as if on cue, Qimir entered back into the bedroom with one ceramic bo in hand. Steam escaping from the dish.
Excitement rushes through Luna, preparing her taste buds for the delicious soup she had yesterday until the bowl finally arrived in her hands.
vegetables? really?
Qimir catches how her face that was just bright with excitement, dropped when faced with the dinner for tonight. Her thick eyebrows furrow in confusion and plump lips pouting. He shakes his head at her in amusement.
Funny that she wants the soup now.
“What’s the matter?,” Humor coats his sentence in a teasing manner, a smirk crawling across his face, knowing exactly what is the matter.
Luna rolled her eyes at him, taking the metal fork in hand to stab the sautéed carrots, broccoli and cauliflower in spite. Masking the slight disappointment in her face and her annoyance at him noticing this disappointment.
Truth is she felt bad for judging his food so early. Granted it did look like a boil of green thick bile, but nonetheless it was still rude of her to have act that way. Luna sighed lightly, bringing the fork to her lips consuming the vegetables, which were perfectly seasoned.
is this man a chef? holy cow this is delicious.
“mm, never a chef. just had enough patience to learn,” Qimir answered the question that rang in her mind for the third time that day. Not caring about hiding his power anymore. Who he was. He trusted her.
Well, he trusted that she wasn’t working with the jedi. She’s far too emotional to be with them and there’s no way she’d just freely let him roam her mind if she were.
Luna’s eyes flick up to meet his, her almond eyes burning into his with a dissecting squint. Her mind ran a million kilometers per minute, trying to once again understand how. The question repeats around her brain as it attempts to make up reasonable answers, but to no avail. The only way is to ask.
“Are you a jedi?,” Her voice clear, eyes locked as she takes another bite of her food, awaiting for his confession.
Him being a jedi is the only possible explanation. Well…besides the fact that he’s alone, on this planet.
Qimir surprising breaks the interrogating eye contact with the beautiful girl in front of him, his gaze dropping along with his mischievous smile.
He figured this moment would come. I mean, he fully expected it with how he was recklessly answering the burning questions that played in her head. But the feeling that washed over him as the words left her sweet lips, was something he would never expect.
His stomach dropped, heart slowing to a deathly rate and his skin grew cold, but he still broke out in a light sweat on his forehead. The thought of telling this compassionate, caring, and charismatic woman that he was a fallen jedi, who murdered and felt no guilt, crushed him. The thought of her possible reaction crushed him. Her eyes succumbing to fear at the realization that she has been living with an evil sith. He feared this. But why?
she’s not yours Qimir. she was not and never will be yours. if anything this is for the best. Telling her will drive her back home, back to safety, back to her mother and away from you.
A lump forms at the back of his throat, this prominent adams apple bobbling as his tries to swallow it away. It lingers anyway.
With a sigh, he reaches out to grab Luna’s injured ankle to which she slightly winces at, but doesn’t protest as he places it across his thick lap. His eyes focus on the bare skin of her leg, avoiding the intense chocolate orbs that stared at him with concern.
Qimir’s large calloused hands caress her injury, his fingers massaging the tender bone. At first it just felt like a deep contusion, but at the seconds went by the pain that was once there is completely gone.
he just—he just healed me.
Her eyes widen at her realization as she slowly circles her foot, testing whether she’s being delusional or not. The bleeding organ in her chest thumps harder, her brain buzzing with questions all while her fingers grip onto the warm bowl.
Qimir softens the grasp he has on her ankle, letting his hands fall off of her smooth skin. Taking her sudden change in demeanor as a sign to give her space.
The burly man sighs, the most defeated he has looked in their shared time together.
“I am not a Jedi, Luna. Not anymore,” Qimir sighs but spoke directly, firm with his words. His hands that now sat on his lap, fidgeted the the hardened callouses that formed on his palms.
Luna’s brown eyes light up at his confession and small smirk forming across her lips at the thought of being right. Or so she thought.
“I was thrown away by my master. I was unable to tap into the power of the force with their methods. I was unable to cut ties with my emotions. Unable to let go of the life i had before them. My family. They just expected me to just…forget about them. But i did, to the best of my abilities.”
Although Qimir’s strong voice doesn’t falter while telling his story, Luna can sense how heavy it weighs on his heart. The way his dominant eyes that never shy away from intense eye contact couldn’t even meet hers. The way his heavy shoulders slumped in an egregious posture.
Luna takes the bowl in her hands and sets in down next to her to instead reach out for his large ones. Along with his hands, she also take his gaze. His saddened eyes finally met her warms ones that reassured him.
“Q, im so sorry,” Qimir flinches at the nickname. It may have been something so small, but that small thing lit his chest on fire and warmed his cheeks. His natural confidence started to sprout again thanks to her.
“I use the force on my own terms now. By using my emotions. my anger, my sadness, my passion. my desire. I use it. i have used it on you. to heal you. to read your mind. and I have used it on others. on the jedi”
Luna’s compassionate smile drops for a second, letting the last sentence register in her head.
i have used on others. on the jedi.
To luna it seemed very clear what he meant by that statement. Of course he wasn’t reading their minds to flirt with them easier or using it to heal them like he was doing to her. He used it for revenge.
The thought didn’t necessarily scare her, knowing that she personally didn’t need to fear him. But coming to the realization that this man that she has given her trust to has possibly killed, did shock her.
This is the same man who carried her bridal style over a twisted ankle. Who comforted her while ranting about her mother’s sickness. Who fed her meals, bathed her, and pleased her like no other, including herself. So Qimir being a murder definitely failed to run across her mind.
However, this realization didn’t change anything. “thank you for telling me,” she spoke gently, almost in a whisper-like manner.
“Why aren’t you scared?,” Qimir chews on his pink bottom lip, confused on how such a sweet soul like her isn’t running away at his confession.
i read your mind. i lied about my identity. i killed. why is she still sitting here, staring at me with those gorgeous eyes.
“Why would i be scared of you, Qimir. From the sound of it, you were taken away from the purest love anyone could experience and forced to sever those ties. You were never allowed to heal from such a traumatic event. Unable to build a potential relationship to fill that void. You’re not a bad person. You’re just hurting,”
Luna’s rogue thumbs draws a soothing pattern on the back of his veiny hands, making sure that he not only heard her words, but felt them too. Feeling how much she truly sympathized with him.
“i do have one question though," A small smile spreads across her lips. Curiosity and intrigue forming. "Outside of revenge on the entire jedi, what is it you desire most?”
Although the question was meant to be light hearted, the air grows thicker as she awaits for his response. The previous sympathetic gaze they shared was soon washed away, replaced with something else. Qimir’s eyes scan the woman that sat in front of him taking in all of her beauty. The way the curls that were once free and wet, was now pulled back presenting the masterpiece of her face.
“The power of two,” Qimir brings his gaze back to her chocolatey eyes, locking them in an intense stare off that neither of them backed down from. A look that spoke a thousand words yet nothing at all. The hands that once held his were now overpowered as he gave her dainty palms a knowing squeeze.
Now it's time for Luna to take her bottom lip in her mouth, chewing it nervously. The thought of him referring to her in the sense of the 'power of two' sending her mind in an overdrive, but so did the thought of him referring to someone else completely. While rather fearless, Luna was no fighter much less a wielder of the force, it would foolish of her to think he was making such an implication.
“Q—I hav,” Luna starts but is interrupted with Qimir's full plush lips against her's, the had that were once holding onto hers found its way to the sides of her head, keeping her hostage. Confirming that he was indeed referring to her.
The girl only takes a second to recover from the surprise of his lips before joining his feverish kisses, allowing herself to let her hands wander over his cream robe. Qimir's lips sizzled with desire and he sucked on her juicy ones, all restraint he had leaving his massive body.
Qimir was extremely skilled at keeping his cool, that was what most fear about him. The fact that it was nearly impossible to detect what he was truly feeling, unable to predict his actions. However, when it came to Luna. Her loving eyes boring into his soul, reassuring him and showing such loyalty only after these short two days, it made him lose it cool, to put it lightly.
With lips moving in unison and fitting together like cogs in a clock, Qimir crawls towards her, his lengthy body hovering over her tiny frame. Luna peers at him through her thick eyelashes, admiring the way his biceps bulged against the linen long sleeve cloth, allowing her fingertips to follow her gaze up his arm up to drape hers around his neck.
The oversized robe that enveloped Luna parted slightly at the neck, exposing her impressive décolletage. The threatening unveiling drives Qimir to insanity as he attempts to hold himself from ripping the thin linen from her body himself. But Instead he opts for soft kisses that trail down tantalizingly slow, tasting the sweet honey of her skin.
Luna arches off the bed, her back forming a deep curve that’s practically begging for qimir to take advantage of. Her chest fully pushed out as a result causing the robe to open up even more. Qimir groans at her reaction. pleased
all of this over some kisses. she has no idea.
Qimir loops his arms through the gap between the sheets and her back, allowing his arms to wrap around the girl’s waist. His pink lips reach the hilt of her covered breast before using his teeth to tug at the cloth that barely covered her hard nipples.
Luna gasps at the cool feeling of air that caressed her nerve as she stared down at the man who had hunger written all over him. He was a starved lion. and she was a gazelle.
His eyes meet her’s, stalling at her newly exposed skin 1) to check if she was okay with this 2) to see the pure bliss on her face when he latches his lips around her stiff brown nipple. Qimir starts with gentle licks which later progresses into sucking and nibbling while he frees a hand to pinch the other.
Luna’s eyes roll back, her hands dragging its way to his hanging hair, gripping softly. Moans escape her lips, her back arching even more into his mouth which Qimir takes note of.
she wants more
Q detaches from her swollen breast to kiss down even further, using the force to untie the robe and open it up completely. Luna’s full body now on display.
Goosebumps litter her golden brown skin that burned under Qimir’s gaze. Which were filled with nothing but admiration. If she looked closely she could see the hunger subsiding for a second being replaced with awe as he observed her.
There was a goddess lied underneath him. Trusting him to please her. To serve her. And serve he shall.
Qimir swallows the sudden lump of shyness that formed at his throat due to the sight before him. The cocky confidence rushing back.
The burly arms release her from his unwavering hug around her waist allowing him to use his wide hands to wrap around her calfs, lifting them. Her legs now nearly reached her head, her womanhood fully exposed. At mercy to whatever he had in store.
Luna’s chest starts to pound in excitement, a toothy smile spreading across her beautiful face. Qimir looks down between the girl’s legs, catching her wide smile that caused him to grin with confusion. His thick eyebrows knit together at Luna’s untimely humor.
“What’s going on little one?,” He gives her a playful smirk as the hands wrapped around her calfs drag down the length of her legs, running over the developing goosebumps that littered her strong quads before stopping right at her inner thighs.
Luna's breath hitches at the back of her throat from the growing anticipation at feeling his warm hands touch her even warmer delicates, “I just— I’m excited.”
“Excited hm?," His lips latch on to her dangling legs, starting at her previously swollen ankle to which he littered clement kisses against before trailing down, his tongue slipping out to take the same path his hands took. The pink buds tasting the sweetness of her skin, only what Qimir could image to be just a snippet of what she really tasted like. The man stops only a couple inches away from her exposed core, the smell her dripping arousal filling up his senses. If he wasn't enjoying this teasing, she would've already been on her third orgasm. but the way her heart thumped in her chest, her mind already nothing but tv static and how she arched her back after every touch was something worth savoring.
Qimir inhales deeply, filling his lungs with her pheromone that sends him into a high to which he blows out with a dramatic sigh. The air that leaves his lips blowing directly onto Luna's throbbing clit.
Her body contracts, eyes shooting down to his with a pleading gaze. Begging to give her what she wants. Begging for his lips on hers. Qimir catches the sent glare, reveling in the power it gave him but only for second as his desire to please this gorgeous woman overthrew his need for power.
Luna throws her head back with aggression, her back lifting off the bed as if she was being possessed as she felt the way his tongue swirled and lapped at her bud. The hand gripping onto her left thigh moved to her core as he gently inserts two fingers in. The moan that escapes her mouth drives him crazy as he pumps his thick calloused fingers all while still obliterating her lit with his talented tongue.
Luna's hands find their way to his hair, pulling on the long hair that sat at the top of his head, begging for more.
It was nice feeling the way his lips sucked on swollen clit and how his fingers hooked inside of her. Hell, it was one of the best feelings she's ever experienced in her life. But somehow she craved more. She craved closeness. She craved him inside of her. She craved the feeling of them coming together as one.
"Q- Qimir, I nee-- I need you," She pants with closed eyes. the grip on his hair tightening attempting to lift him from his dinner. Qimir raises his head revealing his absolutely drenched chin and a slightly annoyed face. Luna giggles at his bewildered state before dragging him up by his wet chin to meet her eye level, "I need you Qimir."
Her chestnut brown eyes stare pleadingly through his oak ones, hoping that he would just use that awesome force power of his to read her thoughts. To save her from the humiliation that was starting to bubble up inside of her.
Lucky for her, Qimir didn't have to use it anyway, he knew what she wanted from her words alone. The playfully annoyed expression is replaced with a soft look as he takes in the current situation. He stares down at her, a swirl of emotions brewing in his chest. Lust, excitement, warmth, comfort…fear.
Qimir shakes the last thought out of his mind, narrowing his focus back on the beauty who was currently begging underneath him.
The distance is closed with a tender kiss to Luna’s full lips before pulling away just slightly.
“Are you sure?,” He asks just centimeters away, eyes locked in a unwavering gaze, both searching for signs of uncertainty. None arises and Luna nods, committing to her statement as the ache in her core grew exponentially.
Qimir mouths an ‘okay’ before sitting back on his knees to give him space to fully remove his robe. Unveiling his godly body that makes the woman shift up to get a better view.
A part of her felt like she needed to be pinched. That there was no way that she was experiencing the privilege of laying underneath him. His detailed abs and large biceps on display for her. His desire rock hard just for her.
Luna stretches out to run her delicate fingers down the length of his torso, feeling each ripple that decorated his abdomen in disbelief. He was real. Truly real. Too real.
A pleased smirk formed across Qimir’s pink, swollen lips, savoring the feeling of her fingers trailing down his body, nearing the lengthy member that throbbed for her. Qimir throws his robe off to the side and takes back his previous position hovering on top of Luna, as she continues her venture.
Without warning, Luna wraps her hand around his warm cock, taking in the size as her hand could barely fully wrap around him. Her jaw goes slack, mouth gapped open in surprise and Qimir’s smirk only grew wider.
He was going to enjoy tonight.
Qimir removes Luna’s grasp off of his member to instead pin it above her head by intertwining their fingers together. The head of his cock grazing her clit as he did so. She was ready for him.
and so was he.
Qimir takes his free hand, aligning his length with her begging entrance. He pushes in gently with a sharp inhale that is shared with Luna who tightens the grip on his hand. The thickness of his cock and the lack of experience on her end making it rather difficult to go fully in.
The burly man pulls out and pushes back in with the same technique as before, but this time Luna breathes out, fully relaxing into him. He slips in deeper than before, a strangled moan leaving Luna’s lips with an arch in her back.
Although he wasn’t fully in yet, it felt like she was full to the brim with him. The way his veiny length stretched her out further than anything else had ever before sent her to spiral. Her once strong eye contact, faltered with fluttering eyes that threatened to roll to the back of her head.
“You’re doing so good little one,” Qimir’s hips came to a stop, giving Luna some time to adjust to his impressive size. In the meantime, Qimir brings his free hand to her face, gently caressing the apple of her cheek with his thumb longingly. His eyes never leaving her just in case she shows any sign of discomfort before she mentions it.
While admiring her face, he is brought back to moments ago to when she comforted him. Validated his feelings. Understood him.
Heat starts to swell at his chest at the memory. A swarm of butterflies following right behind that choose to settle at his tummy. An emotion he longed to feel as a padawan in the jedi. An emotion he still denied himself of seeking until all of his business was taken care of.
Luna came back to her senses, catching Qimir’s lightly glossy eyes staring down at her so softly. Her breath hitching at the sight of him before giving a quick squeeze of his hands, bringing him back to reality.
“I’m ready,” She whispered between them with a soft smile. Qimir nods, pulling out and pushing back in repeatedly in a languid manner. Making sure he didn’t push too much of himself inside. At least for tonight.
His slow strokes drove Luna insane as they allowed for her to feeling almost every inch of him. Every throbbing vein raking the walls of her vagina.
Qimir dips his head in the space between her shoulder and head, his lips locking in on her neck. Kissing, nibbling and licking on her carotid artery.
He could kill her right now, the idea did cross her mind. He was a hurt, damaged man with nothing to lose, what would be stopping him from killing me? but that thought also drove her insane. That such a powerful, majestic man could end her like that, however chose to heal her. she felt like putty in his hands, at mercy to his touch. It made her wonder if it was because she was just an exception or he’s really just a good person. She hoped both were true.
Qimir’s thrust starts to pick up, his hand leaves her cheeks lowering to the round of her hip, his digits slightly digging into her skin. Luna wince at the increasing speed but soon adjusts with loud moans following suit.
“So perfect. So perfect for me,” Qimir gruff voice groans in her ear through his kisses. The compliment ignites a fire pit inside her stomach, A fire pit that eventually evolves into a lit stick of dynamite. Her walls grip onto him impossibly tighter, pulling a gruttual moan from him.
They were like animals. In their most primitive human state as they filled the air with strangled moans and heavy breathing. Bodies colliding like the moon and the stars. Moving in unison. Hearts beating in unison while their hands grip and claw at each other. Luna’s untangle their way out of Qimir’s possessive hold and make their way to his muscular back, her nails digging into his flesh, holding on for dear life.
Qimir gives one last lick to her neck before lifting his head to level with hers that struggled to stay still. Constantly being thrown back with every powerful thrust. His now lonely hand finds its way to her jaw, holding her still with a tender yet stern grip. He held her captive, forcing her eyes to stay on his.
The desperation on her face sent qimir into orbit. His confidence through the roof at seeing her fluttering eyes, gaped lips and flushed face. He found her absolutely breathtaking.
Qimir’s lips take hers by surprise and they kiss. Slow and sloppy. Lips crashing together, tongues exploring the inside of each others mouths. lips occasionally being bitten, but soothed by a loving kiss.
Luna’s mind was now obsolete. Head empty. no thoughts running. All she could possibly think about was Qimir and his touch. He was all she could consume.
The ignited dynamite reached its end point. At brink of explosion and with every thrust, his torso rubbed the nub of her flower. It was impossible to hold on. No matter how badly she wanted to stay in this moment forever. Her body begged for release, thrashing underneath him chasing her high. Qimir takes notice, breaking the kiss to egg his girl on.
“Come little one. Come for me love,” And with that she did. Her barely open eyes rolled to the back of her skull as her body convulsed violently as a strong orgasm rushed through her. Her nails dragging down the length of his back, deep enough to draw blood, well if Qimir wasn’t…Qimir.
The mix of the stinging of his back and the relentless pressure wrapped around his cock, only sent Qimir to meet his own release. With haste, he pulls out, coating her stomach with his seed. Luna too busy coming down from her own high to even notice.
The man reaches out to grab the nearest thing, which so happens to be his robe, to wipe his cum off of her. While delicately cleaning the girl, who now seemed so relaxed that she sunk deeper into the bed, a vision of his seed dumping inside of her popped into his head. Her smooth stomach eventually rounding as she carried their creation. Their love child.
Never in his life, or as long as he had been sexually active, had the thought of impregnating a partner made him feel such a way. Typically the idea would come from the mouth of the desperate woman he chose from the bar, who extremely overestimated the extent of their relationship. Not him.
Aside from the fact that he never found anyone worthy of carrying his seed, having a family scared him. He knew he wasn’t fit for fatherhood considering the lack of representation and love he has received.
Qimir removes himself from his thoughts, knowing that if he kept going it would end with him spiraling. So instead he keeps his focus on her, thinking how glad he is that she cannot read his mind or else she’d probably be off running too.
The man throws the robe back on the ground and rolls off the girl onto the empty space in the bed beside her, lying in his back. He opens his right arm out, inviting Luna to snuggle up next to him. An invitation she takes with great pleasure as she places her ear to his chest, wrapping her bare leg around his.
The laid there in silence, skin to skin, breaths per second decreasing reaching ultimate relaxation. Both of their eyes growing heavy, and their hearts swelling with pure warmth. Qimir rests his chin on her slicked back hair, inhaling the coconut smell that emitted from her.
Luna felt like she was neck deep in quicksand, officially unable to claw her way out. Every second, starting from the moment she was brought back to this cave unconscious, she was sinking further and further. There was just something about this man. Even though he is practically a stranger, sooo much stuff still left to learn about him, she felt compelled to him. A strong desire to know him, all of him, and to accept whatever baggage came with it.
Her moms voice rang through her head, wise words breaking through her own consciousness. The honey voice filled her mind with a quote that never really made sense, until this moment.
They were watching a movie in the living room, as they did every friday night if they were working a night shift that day. A movie about a princess and a knight having a terrible first impression, resulting in mutual disdain for each other to then being engaged and in love in the span of a day.
Young Luna scrutinized the legitimacy of the plot. Screaming that falling in love in a day was impossible. Someone would have to be crazy to do that.
Until her mom dismantled her entire argument with one sentence. The sentence that played through her head now.
“Love does not deal with time, but with the connection shared between the two,”
Luna closes her eyes, taking in a deep meditating breath to calm the racing of her heart. She can’t push her feelings down, her mom wouldn’t want that. Plus the fact that Luna always leaned towards being outspoken even in situations that didn’t really call for it.
With a huge exhale, Luna breaks the comfortable silence.
“Q…I think i— i think i love you,” Luna declares with a shivering voice, the first time she has outwardly expressed her nervousness around him, as she waited for his response.
Qimir’s breathing stops, every bone in his body turning into titanium too heavy to move. Her genuine words falling to a void of silence as the only thing Qimir could register was the pounding of his heart. Sweat pricks at his forehead, unsure of how to respond. Literally.
His mouth parts, preparing to return the sentiment, to confess all of the emotions that he tried to bury. But the hand of fear restricted him from doing so. Its grip tightening around his neck in a death hold.
“it’s okay, you don’t have to say anything. i just— i just thought you should know,” Luna reassures, a hint of disappointment coating her tongue.
She wasn’t necessarily expecting him to say it back. Of course she hoped for that. Hearing that the feeling was mutual and that he didn’t view her as some delusional little girl would’ve sent her to the moon. However, she didn’t confess for the purpose of it being thrown back at her. She wanted to tell him the truth, she wanted to live her truth because life is far too short to live a lie. To not take chances.
Qimir’s heart clenches at the sound of her tiny voice. Wishing there wasn’t some unhealthy trauma preventing him from chasing what he really desired. Wishing he wasn’t the way he was. A piece of trash. A failed Jedi. A murderer.
With heavy eyes, Luna shoves the sting of rejection towards the back of her head as she flips her body, her back now facing Qimir. Figuring that he would want space after her pathetic confession, ignoring how her body turned cold once she left his chest. How she longed to feel his bare skin against hers. she just wanted to respect him.
Little did she know that this was the opposite of what he wanted to happen. Luckily, his fear didn't restrain his ability move anything else of his body as he flips on his side, his front facing her back. His bulky arms reaching from behind her to pull her body into his, spooning her.
A small smile spreads across Luna's lips as she slowly drifts off to sleep.
episode v
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wing-ed-thing · 5 months
Stay the Night (Smoker x Reader)
Synopsis: Smoker is surprisingly, bafflingly competent at taking care of you while you're drunk.
Word Count: 2.4k
Tags/Warnings: Alcohol, Intoxication, Alcohol Sickness, Vomiting, Fluff, No Reader Pronouns Explicitly Mentioned (Reader Wears Heels, Makeup, and a Wig), Language, Mildly Suggestive, Two Longtime Friends and Peers who are Clearly in Love with Each Other
Notes: I felt like Smoker was the kind of guy to reluctantly hold your hair back while you're throwing up.
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Unlike the rest of his present company, Smoker usually avoided overindulging in elaborately planned social events, especially those with an open bar. It was best to stay out of the way. 
The Marines rarely allocated funds to such frivolous occasions, and so most officers and honored guests took it upon themselves to find the bottom of the generously offered bottomless champagne. While the hangovers were never worth it, that didn’t stop even the highest leadership from stumbling out of the ballroom doors with hair tousled and neckties hanging across their shoulders. 
Smoker preferred to sit at a table out of the way: a sanctuary among the chaos, away from the main path of foot traffic, with a clear view of the door. That’s where he nursed his single glass of whisky. If he were feeling especially celebratory, he would have two. 
You, on the other hand… were already standing on top of a table. Your stilettos were positioned on either side of the floral centerpiece in the middle, and the tiny point of your heels barely allowed you to balance as the bottle in your hands exploded in a loud, crisp pop. 
Smoker watched how the sea of Marines that gathered around you in disheveled formalwear cheered, and your hypnotized face admired the bubbles pouring from the bottle's neck. 
A group of newly trained officers jumped up and down together in time with the music on the opposite side of the circular table in celebration, knocking some tall glasses over onto the white cloth below. Smoker nearly leaped out of his chair as your knees began to buckle. But even despite your tiny shoes and even tinier dress, you managed to catch yourself. Your laughter resounded loudly among the voices around you.
Smoker heaved a deep sigh, sitting back down, swirling his drink with a flick of his wrist. 
He didn’t even need to see that stunt to predict what would come later that night. 
The streets were utterly empty. Aside from the glow of the street lamps, the only light that shone was from the venue as the staff hurried their clean up. Smoker strolled out of the double doors, tie loosened around his neck and suit jacket draped neatly over his arm.
He barely had to make it outside before he saw you. Hell, he’d be able to spot that glittery ass anywhere, even without your blinding choice of attire. 
You were bent over on your weak knees as you hurled your guts out into a bush. Smoker let out a low, resigned grumble, swiping a hand over his fatigued face as he approached you. You barely registered the large shadow that overtook you, let alone the hands that gingerly and neatly gathered your hair away from your face. 
You sputtered, coughing as a few tears streamed from your eyes. The insides of your cheeks were wet and bitter, and your throat burned. You spat onto the ground to get more foul-tasting mucus out of your mouth. 
You were a Marine, dammit, and a few too many took you out quicker than any pirate ever did. 
“Koby?” you whined. Tears continued to stream from your eyes at the pressure in your sinuses. You spat again. God, something was in your nose.
“Sorry to disappoint, Lieutenant Commander,” Smoker gruffed from where he squatted next to you. 
“Don’t call me that,” you whimpered, not wanting to be reminded of your rank during such a state of weakness. Your stomach convulsed, causing your sickness to start again. Smoker’s gaze drifted to the still street like another weekday night. “I’m never gonna drink again.”
“Mh-hmm” was about the only noise you got out of Smoker. He sat patiently and wordless, not one to croon words of assurance at you as you paid for your night of over-indulgence. But for his silence, he continued to pull your hair back, meticulously smoothing the bundle back as best as he could so as not to knot or tug at your stands. 
In a moment of relief, you finally turned over to sit on the curb. Despite the extra alcohol emptied from your stomach, you were far from sober. Smoker knelt on one knee in front of you. You could hardly get his face to focus, let alone register the warm jacket he hung across your shoulders. 
He took the pocket square from the left breast pocket and unfurled it with a snap of his wrist. Smoker swiped the fabric over your mouth, clearing away saliva and slime. The backs of your fingers knocked against his wrist belatedly as you shook your head.
“‘M gonna fuck up your hankie, Smokey,” you sighed, even though he had already wiped your mouth. He shoved the square roughly into his pocket, paying no mind to you as he heaved you onto your feet. “‘M alright. I can make it home.”
“Like hell, you can.” You stumbled as you tried to step forward, but Smoker caught you around the waist. “These, too. You know the whole street’s cobblestone, right?.” His movements felt incredibly fast to you as he bent down again to slide your shoes off, and with two large fingers hooked around the pinch of your stilettos, Smoker moved to throw you over his shoulder. 
“Whoa, whoa, wait…” Your hand flew over your mouth, and the other splayed across Smoker’s right shoulder. He held you at length, studying your face and movements carefully. 
“What’s goin’ on?”
You shook your head in small but rapid swivels.
“Can’t do that.” You heaved a deep breath, slowly removing your hand from your mouth. 
Smoker grumbled a hum of acknowledgment, pulling his jacket closed over your chest before shepherding you down the street toward your apartment. 
You barely remembered the walk, although you were sure your drunken meandering was more than a test of Smoker’s patience. Even so, he hardly said a word, only breaking his silence to ask you where your keys were when you reached your doorstep. 
They were in your clutch, which Smoker was holding with your shoes, of course. 
As soon as the door opened, you nearly collapsed into your apartment. With Smoker's help, you fell neatly onto the couch by the entrance. He slipped off his boots— no matter how formal the event, Smoker was wearing his combat boots— and disappeared somewhere into your apartment. 
You didn’t even care. Your head was so heavy that all you wanted to do was sleep as you slowly sank into your couch cushions. 
“Sit back up.” You heard Smoker call sternly from the other room. You didn’t think you could obey him if you wanted to. 
In a second, you were being repositioned. The light from the lamp in the corner of the room was sobering and borderline upsetting, but it allowed you to see the small trashcan Smoker brought for you on the floor to your right and the bottle of make-up remover on the coffee table in front of you. Smoker sat beside you, tilting your chin to delicately rub your make-up away with a prepped, textured cotton pad. 
It caught you off guard, to say the least. Even in your drunken haze, Smoker still didn’t seem like the type to have patience for tender acts of service. Hell, you didn’t even know he knew what make-up remover looked like. 
But despite your judgments, Smoker sat on the couch next to you, one elbow resting against the back cushion as he held your chin while his other hand swiped away your perfect contour. 
“Who taught you this?” you giggled. Smoker, make sure to get the creases around your nose. 
“Doesn’t matter,” he muttered. “Where do you want your lashes?”
Smoker had already pulled your left eyelash off, the entire strip. 
“I’ll put ‘em back in the book I saw.” Before you could protest, Smoker had already pulled off your right lash. He stood quickly, stuffing the solution-soaked pad into your hand as he pivoted to carry your lashes to the other room. “Work on the rest of the glue.”
He turned back to you slightly, leaning over you just a bit to grasp your wrist and manipulate your hand to move in a circular motion on your face before you slapped him away. Smoker disappeared once again into your apartment. 
You finally noticed the plastic cup of water on your coffee table and mustered up the energy to take it. The outside was wet with condensation. It was cold. You couldn’t remember the last time you drank water. 
“What do you wanna do with your unit?” Smoker appeared from around the corner again; some linens balled in a wad under his arm. He held a pillow in his opposite grip as if he were holding a stray dog by the scruff. 
His white collared shirt had been pulled from the waistband of his dress pants sometime during the night. The black tie that was already draped over his shoulders drooped to one side, making one side longer than the other. The first three buttons of his shirt sat on his chest untethered. A dampened towel rested over his shoulder.
You blinked at him between sips of water. Your stomach was handling rehydration so far, but you were about to push it.
“You’re not touching my hair, Smokey.”
“Though I’d offer.” He set the pillow down to take the towel off his shoulder. Smoker wadded it in a ball before throwing it your way. You somehow still had the dexterity to catch it out of the air. A generous amount of adhesive remover had already been applied to it. 
Smoker pulled the coffee table out of the way, and as you stared at the towel he threw to you, Smoker began arranging blankets and pillows around you. You supposed he was trying to get you to sleep somewhere you could sit up. He draped a fuzzy throw blanket on your lap and moved two large decorative pillows to your right and left.
As your eyes moved from the remover-soaked towel to Smoker and back, you couldn’t help but laugh. The sensation moved through you before tearing out of your chest. Unrestrained by the liquor, it probably came out louder and more shrill than it would have usually, but if Smoker had any comments, he kept them to himself. 
He knelt before you, both his wrists resting on his bent knee. He shook his head as if regretting the question he was about to ask in advance.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
You swayed forward, racked with trembles, as you continued to laugh. The back of your heels knocked against the bottom of the couch. Smoker didn’t move, even as your face inched gradually towards his. Your cheek settled into your palm, allowing you to sit folded over to meet his eye. He waited as your laughter gradually subsided.
“What are you doing here, Smoker?” 
He stared directly into your irises, and you didn’t know if his expressionlessness or the intensity of his gaze made your smug smile waver. Intending to tease him, Smoker didn’t humor you with an expression. Nothing you had done that night—nor anything you would do—could sober you up faster than the sharp and sudden twinge in your chest that came with simply meeting Smoker’s dark brown eyes. 
What the hell?
“Your girlfriend’ll be pissed.” You sharply recoiled, kicking your legs over Smoker’s bent knee to swiftly stand. You made a beeline deeper into the apartment. 
Smoker only wavered a moment, his eyebrows creasing for a second in confusion before he stood and followed you.
“What girlfriend?” he shouted. He nearly ran into you as you closed a small cabinet by the bathroom. The side of your lip drooped downward in an acute pout. Smoker, never one to enjoy feeling left out of the loop, hovered over you expectantly. You entered the bathroom without a second thought. Smoker found himself in the doorway.
“Weren’t you with that…” You snapped your fingers as you tried to recall her name. You didn’t have to wait.
“Six months ago… and we only went on a few dates,” Smoker defended, although he wasn’t quite sure why he felt the need to defend himself to you in the first place. The two of you had known each other for longer than he recalled knowing anyone else, and more prominently, the two of you were peers. Why should it matter if he took some petty officer out for a few drinks a few months back? His eyes narrowed at the back of your head. “Why?”
You shrugged. You seemed far less worried about the whole thing; your face practically pressed against the mirror to remove the remaining patches of product Smoker missed. He did a more than adequate job. He hardly missed anything regarding your makeup, but the pointed glance you stole in the mirror escaped him. 
“Now I know I’m pretty wasted—” You met his gaze through the mirror. You cocked your head, and your hands gripped the side of the sink in pure bafflement. “But you said ‘lash book’—?”
“Got it. Got it.” Smoker crossed his arms as he tore his attention away. Steam filled the air. He hardly noticed the shower running, and he most definitely didn’t realize that you were standing in front of him, presenting your back, until you started speaking again.
“So, you’re just kind of a—" You glanced over your shoulder at him, and for as off as your judgment was, you knew you probably shouldn’t finish your sentence—even if his reaction would have been hilarious. You turned back around. “Get my dress for me?”  
You could have noticed Smoker’s single beat of hesitation if you were any less intoxicated. But for yet another instance that night, Smoker went quiet as he slowly tugged down the back zipper of your dress. The invisible zipper was thin and difficult to grip, but it slid down your spine like butter regardless, revealing the soft skin underneath.
“I have a pair of your shorts in the bottom left drawer of my dresser. The couch is yours.” You pivoted again on your heel, one hand holding your dress up on your chest and the other pushing Smoker back through the doorway. “Now get out.” 
You shut the door. Smoker sighed and resigned himself to rifle through your dresser, wondering why he had clothes at your place at all. 
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: Based off my personal headcanon that Smoker has a surprisingly extensive dating history and an equally surprising library of knowledge about girly stuff because he's an extremely involved boyfriend. I'd say most of his previous relationships had amicable break ups. Reader was also going to say "so you're kind of a whore" but decided against it.
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25shadesoffebruary · 9 months
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melaninpov · 1 year
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Lovecraft Country S1E6: Meet Me In Daegu
“Ji-ah there’s nothing you can tell me, that will change the way I feel about you” - Atticus
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BFCD Masterlist || Black Femme x Asian Character Relationships
This is a list of the ships with at least one Black female character x at least one Asian person or performer (Instances in which the characters aren't human will count as the person portraying the character's race).
As of the 4 Year Anniversary of blackfemmecharacterdependency April 30th, 2024, I am not going to be active. I decided to simply post what I had. The list is incomplete for the foreseeable future, but everyone is welcome to add on to it. Especially because I had several ships planned that I didn't get a chance to add before I had to stop maintaining the blog.
General Tags:
Black + Asian (This is for People with Black and Asian in them. They aren't necessarily ship representation, but sort of are because they are a product of such relationships and may be used for FC's if you have a character of similar makeup)
Black x Asian (This is for ships) | Black women with Asian men | Black women with Asian women | Black Woman with a Bigender Asian | Black Woman with Nonbinary Asian
Exceptions include if there is a nonbinary performer who plays the role of a female character, or vice versa, on the Black end. If there is an EXPLICITLY AFAB MALE, please do not suggest or expect them to appear.
List will include people from and with backgrounds from the countries on the map, but I don't intend to put any from Russia's portions, unless a special circumstance appears.
It was a little bit difficult for me to figure out how to curate the list (there are more of these relationships than I realized. So, for now, its mostly separated by regions of Asia, with the left portions on one list and the right portions on another. Not a perfect breakdown but everything to the left of China (west) and South is going to be the first part, and China to the east will be the second.
4400: Keisha Taylor x Soraya TV
Anything's Possible: Kelsa x Khal Movie
Big Brother: Taylor Hale & Joseph Abdin Reality TV/Real Life
Jonesy: Susan x Nisha Comic Book Series
Mythic Quest: Dana x Rachel TV
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Hannah Grose x Owen Sharma Mini-Series
Lucifer: Mazikeen x Eve TV/Comics
The Princess and the Frog: Tiana x Naveen Cartoons/Misc
Ragnarok, The Animated Series:Judia x Iruga Alam (Idk enough about these characters to know anything. I will put them on this end, because it sounds like this is where they go)
Sleepless: Pyppenia x Cyrenic Graphic Novel
Tut: Suhad x Tutankhamun Miniseries
Basquash!: Miyuki Ayukawa x Dan JD (I will be so honest with y'all. Inthe years of finding content, none of the times that I have ever found some, I have never seen an inkling of a pairing from that show and so just don't expect to see them here just because I included the names from suggestions)
Bleach: Yoruichi x Soi Fong
Borotu: Karui x Choji Akimichi (Once again, had no clue. Actually, I didn't know there was a Black women even In this series, which gives me pause to seek out content. Them fandoms where you never see the negress usually 1000% cannot be trusted. Long story short: Don't expect content.)
Hunter x Hunter: Canary x Amane | Revolutionary Girl Utena: Anthy x Utena
Can't Escape Love: Regina Hobbs x Gustave Nguyen Book - Alyssa Cole
Let's Talk About Love: Alice x Takumi Book - Claire Kann
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Hazel Levesque x Frank Zhang Book Series | The Sun is Also a Star Natasha Kingsley x Daniel Bae Book/Movie
And just a fun tidbit for y'all. This assignment has my computer thinking I need suggestions. I haven't read any of these, but came across them, so here you are.
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Amphibia: Jess x Ally | Dragon Age Absolution: Miriam x Sapphira | The Dragon Prince: Janai x Amaya | Inside Job: Gigi x Andre (Adult) | Invincible: Amber Bennett x Mark Grayson (Adult) | Miraculous Ladybug: Ayla x Marinnette | The Owl House: Skara x Willow | The Proud Family: Penny Proud x Kwok
Comic Books
Batgirl: Rebirth: Frankie Charles x Malaya | DC Bombshells: Nell Little x Alysia Yeoh | Goldie Vance: Marigold "Goldie" Vance x Diane Kimura | X-Men: Ororo Munroe x Yukio
Boogie: Eleanor x Boogie | Bottoms: Josie x Isabel | Cinderella: Cinderella x Christopher | Lightyear: Alisha x Kiko Hawthorne | Ninja Assassin: Mika Coretti x Raiko | Romeo Must Die: Trish O'Day & Han Sing
TV/Streaming Series
The Baby-SItters Club: Ashley Wyeth x Janine Kishi | Black Lightning: Anissa Pierce x Grace Choi (Comics/TV) | Chicago Med: April Sexton x Ethan Choi | Dark Matter: Nyx x Two | Fate: The Winx Saga: Aisha x Grey | Gen V: Marie Moreau x Jordan Li | Heartstopper: Elle Argent x Tao Xu Webcomic/Streaming Series | Hunters: Roxy Jones x Joe Mizushima | Into the Badlands: Veil x Sunny | Killjoys: Aneela Kin Rit x Delle Seyah Kendra | Motherland: Fort Salem: Abigail Bellweatherx Adil of Tarim | Neon: Mia x Felix | New Amsterdam: Helen Sharpe x Cassian Shin | Helen Sharpe x Akash Panthaki | Nine Perfect Strangers: Delilah x Yao Book/Miniseries |
Orange is the New Black: Poussey x Soso | Power Rangers: Aisha x Adam | Aisha x Rocky x Adam aka Nesha's First Throuple | Tanya Sloan x Adam Park Kids TV | Riverdale: Josie McCoy x Reggie Mantle | Josie McCoy x Sweet Pea | Shadowhunters: Maia Roberts x Jordan Kyle Book/TV | Star Trek TOS: Uhura x Sulu TV/Movies | Star Wars: Jannah x Rose | Ketsu x Sabine | Pamich x Jessika Cartoons/Comics/Movies | The Umbrella Academy: Jill x Ben Hargreeves | Wheel of Time: Nynaeve al'Meara x 'Lan Mandragoran Book/Streaming Series
Dom & Mor: Morgan x Dominique | He's Harmless, I Swear: Tammy x Tomoya | If You'll Have Me: Momo Gardner x Priscilla Giang Webcomic/Graphic Novel | LMLY: Sofia x Leon Webcomics
Video Games
Mortal Kombat: Jacqui Briggs x Takeda Takahashi
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To Reiterate: The list is incomplete for the foreseeable future
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blacksapphicguide · 6 months
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the beginning & the middle (Short film)
Available on YouTube. 2020s short film. Romance, drama.
Plot points:
Childhood best friends.
Debating a relationship.
Queer sexuality.
Interracial sapphic couple (main).
Female writer and director (Alexis G. Zall).
Black sapphic characters:
Grace Genneya Walton
Grace x Olive (black x asian sapphic)
Sex & Nudity - None
Violence & Gore - None
Profanity - None
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking - Mild
Social drinking.
Frightening & Intense Scenes - None
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ang3lik · 2 years
!Scream IV Spoilers!
Smut with Ethan Landry after he gets back from a kill🙈
𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: ethan landry x fem!reader 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: vaginal sex, slight nipple play, biting, oral ( m x f ), spanking, begging, slight degradation and mentions of murder and violence. 𝐰/𝐜: 1.1k 𝐚/𝐧: i wrote this in like two hours, so sorry if it sounds rushed. if there’s any warnings i’ve missed or any errors, let me know, hope you enjoy !
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as ethan walked back to his dorm, he couldn’t help the stir inside of him. the stir of revenge being fulfilled. he had succeeded in killing anika. he knew that would torture mindy most, but it’d scare the group as one by one he’d kill them. he still felt a little on edge however, all the adrenaline pumping inside him after his second kill.
it put his mind at ease that he knew you were waiting for him in his dorm, thinking he was just returning home from econ. as he got to his dorm door he double checked his hands, checking his clothes and pulling out his phone to check his face to make sure he was clear of blood.
he made sure his phone was on so not disturb to so no one would interrupt you both with the need of anika’s murder. he unlocked the door, walking in and closing it behind him, looking around the living room as he called your name out. you called back from his bedroom, laying on his bed as he walked in, dropping his bag to the floor, the ghostface costume and knife still stained with blood inside, making it think from the weight of it.
he flopped straight on top of you, face immediately in your neck, kissing your soft skin as you squirmed and giggled beneath him. your right hand ran through his curls your other wrapping around his large shoulders, holding him closer to you.
“what’s gotten into you?” you laughed out, his curls tickling under your jaw as he nibbled at your skin a little, the sharp pinch of his teeth, making your body heat up.
“stupid, fucking econ.” he breathed out, his cold hands, pushing up your tank top from your hips as he gripped them. “oh, you forgot your notes.” he paused. looking over to his desk, where his notes lay over the table, forgetting to hide them away before he left, as if he’d taken them with him.
he gulped, feigning annoyance before turning to you again.
“yeah, i know.” he answered. you took note of his heavy breathing, the fast inhales of air, audibly breathing out of his nose as his eyes darkened. he seemed angry, and there was only one thing that could calm him down. you. you took initiative, leaning upwards, capturing his lips between yours as he moaned loudly in content.
the kiss grew hot fast as he rushed to get you both naked as fast as possible. your tank top was tugged up, your tits bouncing before his eyes as he looked at you, hungry. his lips attached to your nipple, sucking on it gently as you sighed out in pleasure.
his thumb twisted the other, flicking it between his fingers. your cunt grew wetter as a jolt of excitement ran down your spine, squealing lightly as ethan let his teeth graze your nipple, sucking it lightly to ease the pain. he looked up at you through his curls, pulling away from the peak, smirking, a thin trail of spit connecting from the bud to his lower lip, breaking as moved down your stomach.
he stood up at the end of his bed, pulling of his shirt, his eyes watching you as he unclasped his belt, undid his jeans and pushed them off. you watched his thick cock, throb in his boxers before he pushed them off too, wasting no time to pounce on top of you.
he pushed your thighs apart, kneeling between as he pulled of your shorts by the waistband. he watched as your hole clenched around nothing, waiting for his thick, wet tongue as he leaned down sucking your clit into his mouth. you sobbed out in delight as his tongue flicked your nub, the sounds of his tongue licking up and down your slit, shaking his head slightly, as he ate you out messily, reaching your ears.
your thighs clamped around his head, as you leaked out into his tongue. squirming upwards on the bed, his hands pushed your thighs over his shoulders, his arms wrapping around them as he pulled you down, closer onto his younger as he pushed his tongue deep inside you.
curling it inside you, he let his teeth graze your clit, that warm feeling of your orgasm creeping up on you setting inside your stomach. the noises of him slurping your juices into his mouth, sent you over the edge, cumming all over his tongue and clenching around the muscle as your back arched up off the bed.
you yelled as he pushed your thighs of his shoulders, twisting your body to lay you on your stomach as he pulled you hips up, level with his. overstimulated, from your orgasm only seconds ago, your body shook as he pushed the top of his cock, slapping it on your clit as he teased your hole, pushing in and stretching you out before leaving again.
you squeezed your eyes closed as he pushed in, ethan letting out a loud groan as he looked down, watching his cock disappear inside of you as he pulled back, repeating his movements. you made whiny, meek noises at his slow movements, pushing your hips back, urging him to drive deeper.
a harsh slap to your left ass cheek has you crying out in ecstasy as he finally started to thrust faster. the erotic sounds of his hips slamming into yours, loud. you moaned loudly, your body buzzing with thrill as you felt the need to cum again. begs and whines of ‘please’ and ‘ethan’ left your mouth in desperation, as his hand came down on the opposite cheek, spanking you again.
he dropped down, leaning over your shoulder, as he rutted into you, his tip prodding your g-spot as he grunted into your ears.
“beg for me baby, like the little slut you are, tell me what you want?” he uttered. tears lined your eyes, as you tried to hold your orgasm off. “i want to cum!” you called out as you squeezed around his length. he could feel his sack tighten, as it slapped against your sticky clit, feeling the need to cum himself.
“cum.” he demanded. “cum for me.” you screamed in pleasure, deep, intense, thrusts carrying you through your orgasm as his cock twitched inside of you. warm, white cum, spewed from his tip as he whimpered. his body dropped down, the small bed leaving his arm laying across your back, your body tired but feeling heavenly.
neither of you said a thing, laying in a peaceful silence, until your phone rang, both your heads shooting up as ethan picked it up from his bedside table, chad was calling.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @astarborntowrite @liyahsocorro @anonoussy @gr4veyardg1rl
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charliesangel67 · 5 months
This will be a fic about (character) walking in on reader having a shower and they fuck (basically)
Lmk if you want this to be a x black!fem reader, x plus size!reader or whatever you feel comfortable with. If there are no responses, I will write it in my perspective of slim white fem reader as it is what I am used to writing. But please, if you do want to request a fic that makes you feel comfortable reading, just DM me or send a request in the requests box.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
"We need more duos where the hardcore one is the super feminine one and the sunshine one is the super masculine one!!!!"You guys can't even handle Hobie and Pavitr
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POC Writer/Artist Masterlist
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ID also in alt txt.
[ID: The banner for our blog! On top of a peach pink cloud background with sparkling stars are two rows of six circles, filled with characters played by actor Pedro Pascal. In the top row from left-to-right, are characters: Din Djarin/The Mandalorian, Javier Peña, Javier Gutierrez, Oberyn Martell. In the fifth circle there is cursive text reading: “The Inclusive Pedro Library.” In the sixth and last circle of the row there is a photo of Joel Miller. In the bottom row from left-to-right, are characters: Jack Daniels/Agent Whiskey, Dieter Bravo, Marcus Moreno, Marcus Pike, Pero Tovar, and Frankie Morales. In the bottom right corner there is text reading: “Tumblr: @inclusivepedrolibrary​.” End ID]
This blog and all of our fic recs are for 18+ friends only. Minors DNI. Listed in alphabetical order. Please feel free to inbox us with more suggestions so we can add to the list! And please support these writers and artists by following and reblogging them!
📝 Writer
🎨 Artists
If you wish to be removed from the list please let us know and we'll happily do so!
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@artemiseamoon Masterlist 📝
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luvyuki0 · 2 months
Amber ── .✦01.
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✦ Summary: In which Esme and Hoseok fall in love but of course with love comes trouble especially when you're dating an idol.
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"JUST SHUT UP! PLEASE!" Her cries echoed throughout the house, covering her ears as she laid on the floor. She couldn't deal with it anymore, the constant gaslighting and the mental abuse was getting to the point where it was too much. "I should've listened when they warned me, but nah I ignored them 'cause my dumbass didn't know any better, cutting the people I loved off FOR YOU! just so that you could be happy, for us to be happy!" She screamed while crying. He stood there confused as if he didn't know why she was crying, as if he wasn't the reason her mental health depleted and still is. when she finally looked up at him all that could be seen in her face was disgust. Disgust with they were he was looking and acting towards her over the years. "You know what I'm done with this bullshit." She got up wiping her tears, leaving the male's apartment ignoring all sounds and stares she received. All she could think about was why she never realized sooner......
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Esme's POV:
        "Should I be doing this right now?" Biting my fingers anxiously as my decorated camera sat on my bed. I knew I would have to come back to making YouTube videos eventually,as it was all I knew and I would be nothing without it and my subscribers. I just never expected it to feel so foreign to me. Honestly I don't even know if I'm ready to get back but I know many of my fans miss me, and of course theres some who thought I'd be gone for good, and honestly I don't blame them for that knowing I did take a 6-month break with no heads up, not only on YouTube but on all my social media platforms, kinda like I just disappeared but if not now then  when?
I sigh grabbing my camera and turning it to start recording. "Hey guys! I know it's been a while and y'all are probably wondering where I've been, what I've been doing and more some of y'all were right and I did break up with Rome but I'm not gonna go into full details about it, cause I'm not ready yet when I am though you guys will know the full story and understand why I took a break but lemme not ruin the mood it's a time of comebacks and celebration! now I am going to get back on my routine, posting weekly and spamming my socials!" As I speak, I can just feel some of the weight I've been holding on being lifted off my chest.
I clasp my hands together before I continue talking. "To be honest with y'all I wasn't even going to start recording again this soon, but Jazmine and her Lil boo invited me and one of his friends to a trip to Hawaii!!! Like y'all don't understand how hyped I am right now! Like I may regret this later but who am I to say no to a trip to Hawaii." I shrug my shoulders jokingly.
"I didn't plan much for this video honestly, but I did want this video and the Hawaii flight video to be separate, and since I and Jaz are going tomorrow imma drop COCO off at my mom's, and hopefully jaz is gonna be home by the time I get back so we can pack together and hopefully make some cute matching fits." I explain to my viewers what I have planned for the day though it wasn't much. (A/N: coco is the name of her Pomeranian I didn't put her in the characters cus she wouldn't be mentioned much💀)
"Come here coco! Y'all why he tryna act like he dont know mee! get a hold of Coco who was trying to run away, I grab my keys, slip on my slides, and lock my door, leaving my apartment complex as I make my way to my car.
I prop my camera on my dashboard, so it won't fall, and put on Apple Music to play "Normal Girl". "As always y'all we're gonna stop by Starbucks so I can try a drink I saw going viral on TikTok then I'll head over to my mom's house to drop coco off." I look back at coco than at my camera as I speaking
"So, this is the drink I got and y'all already know I had to get my grilled cheese! Tew good." I showcase my order to my camera as I get the drink and my grilled cheese sandwich. I eat and drink my order as I make my way over to my mom's house.
I get there and ring the doorbell repeatedly to which she opens the door. "Esme gimme the damn dog so I can go back to sleep too damn early for this shit" she speaks groggily with an attitude.
"It's actually one though...and I don't even get a hello wooow" I joke with her knowing we were on the phone last night.
"Esme quit playin' with me and give me the damn dog."
"Damn here, Bye coco bye mama." I hand her coco and walk back to my car hearing her hum bye back.
"Ok so now that I dropped Coco off imma just head back home and hopefully Jaz is back so we can pack together." I talk to my camera as I start driving back home. . . . . .
I finally get back, unlocking my door to see Jaz in the kitchen getting a snack. "Oh, hey Esme" she turns and greets me.
"Hey sweetheart, did u have fun with your Lil boo," I ask with a smirk.
"Girl yes I have to fill you in on literally everything so fir-".
I cut her off before she started ranting on about what she and Yoongi did. "Before you even start let's pack while you tell me what y'all did because I know you ain't start yet and I know you gon be talking for a good minute. "
"You right" she laughs knowing what I said was true.
We both go into my room and start packing for the trip tomorrow.
A/N: I edited this chapter WAYY more than the second time and I'm actually happy with the beginning chapter and I made this chapter before the whole Starbucks boycott  so that's why they were mentioned I DO NOT SUPPORT them at all not even to the slightest degree
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propussyslayer · 3 months
Turkish Remus on his way to give Turkish Sirius a Bars Bar. Hope nothing bad happens!
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bonobochick · 2 years
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April & Ethan’s wedding and HEA exit. 💍 ❤️
Chicago Med ep 8x09
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