#Blue: hey kids wanna hear about the time-
indigos-stardust · 18 hours
Violet, Blue, And Bruised All Over: Long Talks
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5/ Part 6
Note: this has been in my draft for at least 2 weeks, hit a slump and then a hyperfixation couldn't write lol. so this is alot shorter and the drawings wont make as much sense without part like?? 6.5???... but I just wanted to post it cuz I felt bad
Reblogs and comments appreciated <3 I wanna hear y'all's thoughts >:3c
Red and Blue: a deep conversation filled with compassion and vulnerability:
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Meanwhile Vio and Green:
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(sorry I haven't updated this in a while, real life calls :')
The following days were hell. Red knew how much fights shredded his heart into a bajillion tiny pieces, but really the forced normalcy was so much worse!
The two had gotten an even bigger longer (and honestly ranty) lecture from Green the next day. Red didn't think it really helped much. Like sure they were cowed into NOT biting each other or whatever, but c'mon!
It felt like everyone was mad at everyone else! And even though technically no one was really mad at him, they were all mad at each other which- considering they were all sorta kinda not really the same person? It still felt that way!
Green had gotten really bossy and super serious, and Blue and Vio were just avoiding each other like the plague! Whenever they did come into "an unfortunate proximity" as Vio put it, there wasn't anything but a ton of silent hate! Red really just wanted to curl up into a little hole and die. Well not really! But like, emotionally! Just a bit!
Green kept pushing them to talk about the details, but neither one would talk. Red decided to try asking them one on one, you know, use his charm a bit and soften the edges- But even when he cried it didn't work! Him crying always worked! Especially when he said just the right words in just the right way to softly push them into making a realization.
Red wouldn't really call himself a manipulator in that sense, because hey! He was using his powers for good, right? At least most of the time, anyways. It was a useful way to get out of trouble and get things he wanted...
By why couldn't it work now when he needed it most!!
Vio just treated him like how a parent would to their kid when the kid just, well, asked about death or some hard grownup topic. Like Red just simply wouldn't understand and not to worry about it- But he was worrying! He knew Vio just didn't want him to be sad but still...
Then Blue- Well, Blue was just sad. And a little p*ssed. But it was clear he was just mostly sad. At least when he talked to Red anyways. At first he had been all huffy and insisted that it was all so stupid, so why even bring it up anyways? Because it was "over already!" Which, no that was super stupid of Blue to think, because obviously all their relationships were like super mega sad???
When Red expressed that sentiment though, it seemed to change something in Blue. Blue just closed up and got all quiet. He hated when Blue did that. But it also meant his plan was working. Blue may be a little, uhm, explosive to people and things when he got upset- But really if he was like actually really seriously upset? Then he got all quiet and intense all by himself. But Red knew how to pry all those layers off, even if it was just melting his way though each one of Blue's icy walls, one at a time.
Not even a day later of the guilt obviously devouring Blue inside out, and clearly losing against his ego. (Red knew that's what happened, he probably didn't want to be the "first one to show weakness" and just talk about how his feelings were hurt and acted like he was just all angry and didn't care, but Blue was a big softie and no amount of pouting was gonna change that in Red's eyes.)
They'd been walking to the training yards extremely early in the morning, the sun had barely peeked over the horizon really. In Red's opinion, going all the way to the castle to train in the big professional courtyard before the birds even woke up was probably some sort of crime against humanity. And him. But Red was so close to getting Blue to spill! SO he had to stick with Blue the whole time to make sure his plan would work. He just had to be consistent! Even if... it was at like... Red blearily squinted against the horizon. Five AM? Uegh.
Green was right about those too being similar. But it wasn't just cuz they were so stubborn. More like they were both weirdos that had a vendetta against sleep. Seriously, would it kill Blue to sleep in for five more minutes...
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h0w4m1h3r3 · 2 years
(Classic, underfell, and underswap sanses plz)
They walk into the bathroom while s/o is showering to grab sumthin and are trying to talk to s/o but they aren't responding so they open the curtain to see their s/o unconscious, (do they panic?) Then they in their prolly at least a bit flustered state dry them off and get them in clothes (maybe they take them to the hospital) and s/o finally wakes up and after all that the skellies ask what happend and s/o's just like "so i was dancing in the shower-"
(I just showered and thought of this)
have a great day and no presh to write
Alr swag deff haven't done this lmao anyway haha
oops i threw axe in there too bc he's best boy skrunkly
TW/CW: injury, unconsciousness, mention of pain meds, allusion to axes past
Reader notes: human lol
Headcannon style
-The first to bring you to the hospital and the most panicked
-Thats,,, not a good thing
-Scared but not completely freakin out
-Ok maybe a little bit
-Would have a little difficulty figuring out what to do but would get you dressed in like a jacket and some sweatpants and you would probably wake up when he's about to bring you
-When you explain it to him he thinks it's so fuckin funny
-He won't laugh much if you get offended by that
-Will run to the store for some pain meds and an ice pack bc he prob doesn't have one already
-Not exactly panicking but the most scared for you
-Theoretically he knows you'll be fine
-But what if you're not, there's so many things that can happen to fragile human bodies just from a hit to the head-
-your body is so complicated that pressing different parts of your hand makes your brain work differently
-Of course when you tell him he suggests that you shower together so he can y'know, keep you safe and y'know, stop you from doin stupid shit like dancin in the shower
-The most calm and collected
-But don't get the impression that he is calm or collected
-Dresses you up immediately and you might wake up on your way to the hospital
-When you tell him he thinks it's funny but
-He could always have a dance party with you to get the wiggles out
-why in the shower??
-Where you could hurt yourself??
-will repeatedly bring it up to tease you at dinners or parties or dinner parties (unless you show clear signs that you want him to stop and it makes you uncomfortable)
-you will most likely never make that mistake again
BONUS!! (for me)
-Immediately brake down the scene and finds where you hit your head
-Not much to say he knows the human body inside and out
-You'll wake up quickly
-oh he will absolutely make that joke
-You'll be matching pretty soon if you keep that up
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getosbigballsack · 6 months
Random thought! - Husband Gojo x Wife Reader-chan #inside the diary
Hear me out! Gojo read your thoughts in your diary and came to realize that he was a terrible husband to you.
He knew he was a good lay, hence the reason he managed to knock you up three times. But as of lately, he came to realize that you weren't interested in having sex with him.
At first, he thought it was just because you were too tired, having to take care of the kids while he works, all day by yourself (in which he understands, and he praises you for being such a wonderful mother).
But that wasn't the case. He just happened to come home early from work while you were out shopping with the kids, and he got a hold of your diary.
Interestingly, he took it upon himself to skim through the pages of your book, just to see what's inside your little head. Nothing out of the ordinary, just little notes and reminders to yourself about the task you had to complete and a few words of encouragement here and there.
He usually doesn't read through your thoughts, always thinking that if you had an issue you'd come and talk to him, so he was about to put your diary back where he found it because he didn't want to pry further into your thoughts, but that's until one page in particular caught his eye.
I find it difficult to enjoy sex with my husband nowadays and I don't know why?
Words in blue handwriting are written beautifully on the paper. He kept on reading, and as he continued to move further down the line, he felt his heart break.
It’s just me, but I don't think I'm attractive enough to have sex with my husband.
I wanted to suggest the last time we had sex [that was a month ago], but I didn't wanna ruin the moment for him because he looked like he was having fun.
Satoru came home today and wanted to have sex. I told him no. He never forced himself on me. He only kissed me goodnight and left to go sleep in the guest room. I know he was upset but did he really have to leave?
It's been 2 months, and Satoru hasn't tried touching me since that night. Am I not worthy of loving anymore? He doesn't even buy me flowers anymore or take me out on dates.
He doesn't compliment me anymore, doesn't tell me that I'm beautiful. He doesn’t even call me baby girl, doll or even honey.
No more I love you, only kisses to the forehead and peck on the lips before he leaves for work in the morning.
He comes home late, I'm always alone with the kids, no more family dinners, no more kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom conversations. No more late-night kisses, no more holding me tightly in his arms while he sleeps.
Does he not want me anymore?
Sometimes I wanna visit his office with the children but I’m afraid that he’ll find my presence a bit annoying. I feel lonely without him here with me.
I should've said yes that night and spread my legs for him,
That's my duty as his wife.
To have fulfilled all my husband's needs without complaint.
But it hurts to have sex, I'm just not in the mood. I'm too tired, I just need my husband to hold me, but he's not there.
I can't complain, he's the reason I don't have to work.
But is it so bad to ask my husband to love me without having the need to touch me?
The last entry to your diary reads.
I'm going to do it today, bare the pain and have sex with my husband, just so that I can feel his love once again. 
Now he knows the real reason you won’t have intercourse with him, or let's say the reason you don’t enjoy having sex with him. You feel as though he doesn’t love you anymore, and he needs to fix that. So, until he can figure out a way to prove to you just how much he loves you, he’ll have to deprive himself of your warm loving touch. 
Later in the day when you came home with the kids, you saw your husband cooking up a storm in the kitchen. “Hey baby girl, want something to eat? It’s been a while hasn’t it.” too stunned to even say a word, you just watched as your kids, ages 3, 4 and 6 ran over to their dad and engulfed him in a big hug. He giggled and stopped whatever he was doing to bend to his children’s height and kissed every single of them on their cheeks. “Hey boys. Did you all take your mom out shopping today?” Oh, that’s right you’re a boy mom. You managed to pop three boys, all of them came out looking just like their dad, especially your eldest son. 
The boys chatted away with their dad until he excused himself and walked over to you and wrapped his arms tightly around your body. You're in a state of shock, unable to move for a moment until he whispers, “can I get a hug back?” and you did give him a hug. 
“Welcome home, have a seat, dinner’s almost ready. I cooked vegetable curry today, I know it’s your favourite,” and indeed it is your favourite. For the rest of the day, he spent time in the kitchen cooking while chatting with his kids, not without taking small glances at you. You all ate dinner together, got the kids ready for bed when night falls, before preparing for bed yourselves. 
You remembered that you wrote in your diary that you were about to try and have sex with your husband, all for the sake of feeling his love again, but that didn’t happen. Instead, you found your husband already waiting for you on the bed, fully dressed in pjs, a cup of your favourite tea in his hand and a warm loving smile on his face. 
He immediately started up a conversation with you, asking you about your day and your trip to the shopping centre. You had no clue what was going on inside your husband’s head, but it’s been a while since he last sat down and had small conversations like these, and you weren’t about to miss this opportunity. 
So with a smile on your face, you told everything that happened today and even the fact that you had to buy a bag of grapes you had no intentions of buying, but you did so because your 3 year old son stole and ate a few while you picked up a bag of oranges. The conversation went all a while until he sighed. 
“Y/N,” he whispered in a serious tone. “We need to talk. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I can’t bear the fact that my wife would be going to bed with doubts about our relationship and my love for you.”
You swallow thickly and rest your now empty cup against the nightstand before turning to face your husband fully. He reached his hand out for you, and you gently placed your left hand in his. He wrapped his large hand around your finger and gently pulled you until you were straddling his lips. You swallowed that thick lump yet again, before whispering, “So what is it that we need to talk about.”
“Why do you always refuse to communicate your feelings with me?” he asked as he let go of your hand and wrapped both hands around your waist and rested his head up against your chest. “I know I haven’t been a good husband to you these past few months, but I don’t want you to think that I don’t love you or that you’re not worthy of loving.”
“I don’t understand what you mean.”
He sighed heavily before taking a deep breath. “I found your diary in the living room when I got home, and I read through your notes.” Your body tensed up in his lap, your mind immediately racing towards negative thoughts. Is he angry? Why did you have to carelessly leave your diary out in the open for him to see. 
“I’m sorry for reading through your diary, but I’m happy that I did because my wife won’t communicate with me,” he said with a frustrated sigh. 
You frowned, “Would you have listened even if I tried?”
“I would’ve dropped everything and listened to whatever it is that you have to say. I know it's my duty to ensure that my wife is living her best happy life, and that it’s also my responsibility to take care of your wellbeing, but I can’t always know what's going on with you if you don’t communicate with me.” 
Communication on your end has always been a big issue in your relationship with your husband. It bothered him and he’d hope that after a while you would’ve grown out of your bad habit, but he guess he’s wrong, because here you are now after 8 years of being a relationship total and that includes the four years of marriage, and 3 kids later, you still struggling to figure out a way to communicate your feelings with him. 
“I broke my heart when I read that you thought that as my wife, your duty is to only provide for me sexually or even the fact that you don’t think that you’re attractive enough to have sex with me. What hurts me the most is that you have so many doubts about my love for you. Y/N you know that I love you right?”
“I do,” your voice trembled slightly as you answered. 
“Then why are you doubting my feelings for you? I apologise for leaving you to sleep in the guest room that night, it was wrong of me to be upset all because you told me no.” There was a moment of silence, you figured he was waiting for a response in which you never gave.
“I know I don’t say this as much as I need to, but I love you. I LOVE YOU so very much. I love you as my best friend, my wife and I love you even more as the mother of my children.” Tears started to obstruct your vision as you stared off at your wedding portrait that was above your bed and listened as your husband poured his hurt out to you. 
“I need you to stop thinking that you are not worthy of loving because you are more than worthy. You’re an amazing woman, an amazing wife, and an amazing mother to our children. Just the fact that you're a mother makes you worthy of loving.” 
“Satoru… I- I,” you stuttered, trying to formulate the words inside your mouth, but even if you did, what are you going to say to your husband? You had not one clue. 
“I’m not a mind reader Y/N, so you need to start communicating your feelings with me, because if you don’t tell me, I’m not going to always know,” he said to you as he snuggled his head against your chest. 
“I- I’ll do better.” 
“I’m happy to hear that, and I promise to show you just how much I love you and do whatever it is to ensure that my wife is happy, because your happiness means the most to me. I’ll get you those flowers you want, and I’ll try my best to buy you loads of flowers in the future. And about visiting my office.”
“Yes?” you said. 
“I would love for you to pop up at my office one day with the kids and surprise me. My workers have been dying to meet my beautiful wife and children. And about the late-night work meetings. I can’t promise you that there won’t be any more late-night meetings, but I'll do my best to get home as early as I can to be with you and the kids. I don’t want you to feel as though I’ve abandoned you with the kids. I’ll take a few days off from work too and take the ends out. You’re right we barely have family time.”
“Thank you,” you said smiling as you allowed those tears to run down your cheeks. 
“I’ll do better as your husband. It wasn't my intention to not cuddle and hold you tightly while we sleep. Baby you know you can always smack me in the head or do that cute silly little thing you do and crawl underneath my arms if you want to cuddle with me,” he said to you, and you let out a small giggle. 
He chuckled too as he removed one hand from around your waist to cradle your cheek. “Lastly, this is about our sex life. If I make you feel physical pain, or uncomfortable at any time during intercourse you need to let me know because the last thing I want to do is hurt you. In your diary you said that you wanted to suggest the last time we had sex. I want you to tell me what it is.”
Your face heated up immediately, why would he have to bring that up now. Couldn’t he have waited until a better time. But nonetheless despite the obvious look of embarrassment on your face you whispered, “I was wondering if… if…”
“I was wondering if we could try something outside the usual vanilla sex,” you said to him, and he cocked his eyebrow towards you. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy vanilla sex, I love having vanilla sex with you and you know how to be rough when you need to be. But I thought it would be nice if we could do something different.” 
“What do you suggest?” he asked with a sunning grin on his face. 
“Maybe we could try using some sex toys.” 
“Sex toys heh?” he said, and you quickly covered up your face with your hands. “I’m open, I don’t mind getting a few sex toys here and there for us to use. I can order us a few online on another day.”
“Good girl. I love you.” he whispered as he kissed your lips. "I promise I'll be a better husband for you."
“I love you too, Satoru.”
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lonely-cowboy · 8 months
requests started coming in hot right as i started my midterms so pls forgive me for taking so long to get through my requests (which i'm loving btw i'm so excited to get to all of them)
with that being said i'll stop yapping and let you read in peace
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pairing: connor (rk800) x f!reader
summary: you're very confused when you find a photograph of yourself on connor's desk.
word count: 1k
warnings: none
author's note: i said i'm done yapping and i mean it i have nothing to say. (except i do wanna say this was inspired by the person that said my connor was very you are in love coded bc that made me happy and got me thinking)
masterlist ⟡ requests
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“What do androids do in their free time, anyway?”
“Plot against humanity? I dunno.”
Hank’s laugh came out in a quiet huff, one that indicated he didn’t think your answer was too far from the truth. 
You had come into the precinct hoping to interview Hank and Connor on their latest investigation surrounding a human cult determined to wipe out every single android. As head journalist for the Detroit Free Press, you were desperate to get word before everyone else. And as Connor’s friend, you were sure you could sweet-talk it out of him. 
But when you got to the precinct, Connor was, strangely, nowhere to be found. Usually, he trailed behind Hank like a lost puppy, but not even Hank knew of Connor’s whereabouts. His unusual absence only led to conversations about what the hell an android could be doing on his lonesome. Neither of you had any clue.
“Have a seat, kid,” Hank offered, nudging his chin over to Connor’s desk. “You know he’d feel bad if you were standin’ around waiting for him.” 
Rounding the table, you took a seat in Connor’s chair. You sat stiffly with your hands atop your thighs, the exact same way Connor would. The realization made you chuckle softly to yourself. Even when he wasn’t here, his presence always made itself known in the subtlest of ways.
Your eyes wandered across Connor’s desk, noticing that it was relatively barren. Hank’s desk was littered with mementos– old donut boxes, Detroit Gears merchandise, anti-android propaganda that he’d crumpled up and intended to trash. But Connor’s desk was plain and organized. A single blue pen sat exactly parallel to his recent case file that had been neatly folded. On top of his case file was a quarter like the one he always fidgeted with. You wondered idly how many quarters he had lying around, having never seen him without one. But the only belonging of actual interest was a picture frame right beside his terminal.
Your brows furrowed as your gaze latched onto the photograph. You were staring directly at a picture of yourself.
Believing it to be a trick of the light, you reached for the picture frame and brought it closer. Sure enough, it was you.  
You stared at a version of yourself who was mid-laugh. You could almost hear your own laughter ringing in your ears. It was that genuine kind of laughter, you knew. The kind that was an obnoxious cackle you always wanted to hide. Why on earth would Connor have a picture like that framed?
Come to think of it, where did Connor even get this picture? You didn’t recognize it at all. You couldn’t even place where it was taken. There were zero clues in the photograph as you were the only focus. Nothing else, just you.
You were about to ask Hank about it when a voice over your shoulder startled you, “I really like that picture.”
An inhuman yelp escaped your lips as you spun around in Connor’s chair. You found him looking down at you with a pleasant smile, not even remotely embarrassed to be caught having a photo of you.
“Why… what even… what?” you stammered.
Connor cocked his head curiously, waiting for you to get your words out. But you couldn’t. You were so utterly confused that your brain couldn’t remember a single word in existence. You just stared at Connor with a gaping mouth, holding the picture up for his viewing pleasure. 
When you didn’t say anything, Connor’s eyebrows furrowed for only a moment before easing. An endearing habit of his that made your heart flutter. He definitely was not helping you find the right words. 
“I’d like to clear your confusion as best I can, but… I’m afraid I don’t understand its cause,” Connor said gently.
From behind, you heard Hank’s quiet snort. He wasn’t helping either.
“Well… Connor,” you started slowly like you were gradually putting the puzzle pieces together. No matter how hard you tried, the pieces weren’t fitting. “Why do you have a picture of me?”
The corners of his lips raised into a small grin, his hands moving to clasp in front of him. You knew this stance to mean he was about to tell a story.
“I asked Lieutenant Anderson about the keepsakes on his desk. I was curious as to why these particular items were objects of significance and what classified them as such,” Connor explained cheerfully. “As I recall, he said ‘I don’t know, they’re just alright, I guess.’ Perhaps my interpretation was incorrect, but I took that to mean those items made him happy.”
Connor’s smile widened slightly. That meant he was finished. He didn’t clear any of your confusion.
“Okay…?” you prompted.
“I wanted to do something similar. I thought it could help me accommodate to deviancy, so I decided to surround myself with things that make me happy.”
Your mouth clamped shut as your confused look turned to one of shock. You were almost sure you hadn’t heard him right, but another laugh (hidden behind a cough) from Hank made you confident that you had.
“I… make you happy?” you clarified.
“Yes,” Connor answered curtly. There was another long pause as you waited for Connor to continue. He seemed to get the hint by now, elaborating further. “I always enjoy your company. I look forward to seeing you when we have scheduled plans. This wasn’t a scheduled visit, so I was pleased to see you were here. It made me smile. Seeing you makes me smile.”
With all his talk of smiling, you couldn’t help cracking one of your own. Seeing your smile made Connor brighten.
“Like that,” he said. “If I could photograph and frame you right now, I would.”
You were so giddy with affection that you couldn’t help but laugh. You had never known Connor to be so poetic with his words.
“You know, Connor,” you said with careless laughter. “I came here to sweet-talk you into an interview for the Press. But here you are sweet-talking me.”
Connor looked pleased with himself, standing a little straighter. “I hope that made you smile.”
“It certainly did.”
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lcthebtswriter · 2 months
the blue line
pairing: bucky barnes x female reader
summary: you have to tell Bucky that you’re unable to give him the family he’s always dreamed of
tags: @just-that-trashy, @kpopchangedmylifesstuff, @pensysto-writes, @groovyfluxie, @line-viper, @alien-on-a-treadmill, @statsvitenskap, @aliciabg27, @brianaraydean, @im-that-trash-over-there, @readingemma, @caswinchester2000, @wafflebrian, @redbloodedgurl (hey old mutuals! long time, no see. sorry for the hiatus. if you have no idea who I am lmk and I’ll remove you from my tag list)
warnings: infertility
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It’s raining outside when Bucky comes home.
The ice cubes in your glass clink, mixing with the honey smell of bourbon. You sip from it, the intense taste filling your mouth and warming your chest. It doesn’t make the pain of your doctor’s news any less dreadful, but it helps you compose your thoughts as Bucky drops his keys onto the table in the foyer. 
Bucky has always dreamed of having a family. He’d talk about building a treehouse, teaching kids to fish, and how he would like to have a forest themed nursery. You’ve shared that dream since you talked about trying for a family months ago - not even a year after your honeymoon. Now, you’re afraid you promised Bucky too soon, that your dream of a family might be slipping through your fingers. It causes your stomach to knot.
You hear Bucky’s combat boots thud heavily as he slips them off, the sound echoing on the wooden floor. His footsteps draw nearer, each one heightening your anxiety. When he steps into the kitchen, his face lights up at the sight of you.
“Hey, beautiful,” he says, his arms encircling you as he plants a gentle kiss on the back of your neck. “How was your day?”
You take a deep breath, your voice quivering slightly. “Can we sit for a minute? I need to talk to you.”
Bucky’s smile fades as concern washes over him, his eyes shifting to the glass in your hand. You set it down on the kitchen table, your fingers gripping the edge as you sink into a chair. You’re neither drunk nor tipsy, but the weight of having to shatter your shared dream has left your mouth dry and your thoughts swirling.
“Bucky,” you start, “my doctor called.”
Even though Bucky hoped your appointment might have provided clarity or tips on making the journey easier, he knew otherwise. Bucky could see it on your face. He took your hand in his without you even having to say anything, and the fact that he could read you so well alleviated your anxiety. You wouldn’t have to tell him. He just knew. 
“I’m so sorry,” you whisper. Head hanging, tears fall onto your thighs, and you can’t bring yourself to look at your husband. “I know how much you wanted this. I understand if you want to…” You trail, not even capable of giving Bucky the go ahead for leaving you. 
He shakes his head immediately, scooting closer so he can grab your chin and make you look at him. “Being unable to get pregnant has nothing to do with loving you. That is not what I value about you,” he insists. 
Tears well in your eyes, a mix of relief and sorrow. “You’re not upset?”
“No,” he says, shaking his head. “I’m not upset. I’m just…glad we’ve got answers now. Plus, I don’t mind actively trying. That’s the fun part,” he says, trying to make you smile. It barely works, but getting a reaction out of you is better than nothing.
“In all seriousness,” he continues, “we can keep trying. Or we can adopt. It’s whatever you wanna do, baby.” Bucky’s eyes catch yours and you nod. He offers you a tender smile and places a kiss on your cheek. You feel a wave of gratitude wash over you. Bucky, with his rugged exterior and gentle demeanor, has always been the rock in your relationship. His strength is evident in the way he looks at you. His hands, worn from years of violence, are also the hands that offer comfort during the silent moments when words fail to comfort you.
You spend the following months with a sadness you can’t help but hide. The strain of your infertility is an ever-present shadow that strikes grief in your heart at the most unexpected times. You find yourself with watery eyes when you walk past the colorful onesies in the baby aisle. You imagine your home scattered with baby socks and rattling toys and bite your tongue when you ask Bucky if he’d want to keep trying. There is an empty room in your house that you don’t dare walk past, fearing it will forever contain a simple rug and shelves that will never be filled with picture books. 
In your moments of vulnerability, when the house is quiet and you avoid the unopened pregnancy tests in your bathroom, Bucky sees you struggling to face reality. Your attempts to start a family have been met with setbacks and challenges, but you carry the weight of this burden with quiet heartbreak.
The shared meals, the late-night talks, and the routines stitch your days together and provide a sense of normalcy. It isn’t always so when you stare at the negative sign on yet another pregnancy test. 
Bucky stands beside you, clutching the counter with one hand while the other rests on the small of your back. You’re standing at the sink, your side clear of clutter and Bucky’s filled with cologne bottles and shaving products. The only thing on your side of the counter is a used pregnancy test, the horizontal blue line causing your stomach to sink. You try not to get upset, you tell yourself you’ve just begun ovulating, but you’ve been telling yourself that for weeks. Each negative test chips away at your determination, and you aren’t sure how much more of this you can take.
“It’s okay, baby,” Bucky speaks up. “We can keep trying. Plus, it takes up to a week for the sperm to even implant, right?” He asks, drawing hope from a conversation you’d had a few days ago with a fertility specialist. Bucky reaches a hand out, trying to get you to give him the test so he can throw it away. He hates it when you stare at the tests and just cry – it breaks his heart. 
You manage a nod and hand the test over, shoulders feeling heavy at the thought of yet another month without the hormone fluctuations and morning sickness. You’d settle for reoccurring nausea if it meant giving your husband a family. You can’t help holding your arms across your waist and crying, the emptiness in your belly making you feel like giving up. It had only been a few months, but you don’t know how much more hope and heartbreak you can handle. Your sobs echo in your bathroom, and Bucky can’t do anything but guide you to your bed and lay down beside you, drawing the duvet over your shoulders to provide warmth. 
Bucky holds you as you sob, each wail breaking his heart as you cry into his chest. He runs his fingers along your hair, shushing you until the pain of another negative test eventually ebbs away into a dull ache. The sunset shines through the curtains, your bedroom a golden hue that makes you calm and sleepy. You don’t want to go to bed, but what else is there to do? 
“We don’t have to keep trying, honey,” Bucky speaks up. “Nothing is worth seeing you in so much pain.”
Bucky’s grip on you is tight. His bear hugs stifle your hitching breaths, and your grip on his shirt loosens as you begin relaxing. You hadn’t realized how tense your body had gotten; your shoulders were up to your ears and your jaw ached from clenching. “We could try IVF?” You suggest, although your voice is weak and suggests your heart is not entirely behind the idea. Bucky is aware of this, and he kisses your forehead and entangles your legs together. You’re anchored in bed now and Bucky doesn’t intend on letting you get out. 
“Whatever you want,” he says, “as long as you’re happy.” As you lay entwined beside the sunset’s soft glow, the weight of your decision dissipated gradually as the room grew darker. Bucky’s gentle heartbeat calmed your nerves, and in the silence of your conversation was a sense of acceptance. You were coming to terms with the fact that your perfect idea of parenthood was not going to unfold as you’d originally hoped, but at least your husband was with you every step of the way. Although it felt as if a part of you was dying, you embraced the fact that your husband’s strength and devotion to you would never falter. 
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
It all started with Katsuki being dead-asleep and sprawled out and snoring in a way that most people would deem horrendously uncomfortable, and obnoxiously pleasant. Like an overgrown cat.
He was dead to the world until his phone rang. Biceps twitching and flinging awake in the dark Katsuki’s dark red eyes cut across the grey light of his room to catch into the stark blue phone light that was buzzing like crazy. Hands accidentally fumbling as he grabbed it he squinted with a surprised, “fuck.” Why were you calling him? You were 2 years his senior and the resident babysitter/tutor of his neighborhood back in Musutafu. A smart student and pretty girl: one of the only babysitters his parents ever agreed to come watch him. Mostly because your death glare was one that could really rival his own mothers, but also bc Katsuki harbored a little bit of admiration and a crush on you for some time making him actually behave for you.
And as your name flashes across the screen pressed against his cheek he can only remember sitting at the kitchen counters and sharing orange slices as you quiz him for his practical exams. He hasn’t seen you in years. Your voice flits through same as ever, “Hey Katsuki!” He shuffles and sits up closer. His eyebrows peaked — you sound breathy and stressed. “Hey to you too,” he growls. Another whisky giggle, “I know it’s late. I’m really sorry about that! It’s just — well your mother always tells me to call you if I was ever alone at night and I couldn’t think of who else I trust to call. . .” His damn mother did have a habit of telling resident kids to call him in case they were in dangerous situations. A habit she always kept up since he was a kid; always making him walk with you and the other girls when school clubs let out. And now here he was a fledgling hero and Mitsuki was still telling extras to call him — I guess some things never change. Katsuki could hear the faint music of karaoke bars over the phone. Already getting out of bed and rummaging through his drawers for a pair of sweats and hoodie. “S’ okay. Where’re you at right now?” You huff a little sigh, “I’m out at the bar strip on the west side of the city . . . it’s a little chilly.” Katsuki already has his feet in his slides and is heading out his dorm room, “I can hear your teeth chattering from here.” He huffs, “Now what’s the problem?” “I’m just a little nervous . . .” You admonish finally, “Could you just stay on the phone with me, please Katsuki? It’s really kinda sketchy out here.” He grunts, already stepping out the dormitory door and hitting the streets. “I can do that. How’ve ya been? It’s been awhile.” You huff a little laugh, “College is fine pretty mundane to what you’ve been doing. I’ve seen you on the tv and in the news a lot recently. I’m real proud of you Kit-Kat. Your folks are too.” Katsuki can feel his stupid heart leap at that nickname you gave him.
It’s because he used to give you kit-kats every year on white day — which wasn’t really out of the ordinary since you gave him chocolate on valentines, but you gave chocolates to all the neighborhood kids anyways. And despite his parents teasing and his agony you never seemed to think much of it, ruffled his hair and gave him a cute nickname.
He chest swells with pride nonetheless. A particular school event was coming up and he finds himself mentioning it as he spots your form sitting under the bus stop and shouts into the night instead of the phone. “I’ve got my year-three performance showcase coming up next week. If you wanna come watch I can definitely get you tickets next to my folks.” Your eyes go wide and flit over to his figure in the darkness. And the first thing Katsuki can’t help but think is that you look pretty.
Your arms are crossed over your chest and the black corset top you’re wearing. It makes your waist and broad shoulders pop. And as he gets closers he can see that it’s got the lace closures down the sides with cute little bows that you’ve tied. A pair of cream colored trousers and tall peep-toe heels underneath as you rise to greet him. Phone slack in your hand as you stare at him. The black straps of your top dangling over your smooth collarbone as you inhale, “Kats what are you doing here?” Your head of curled hair — he’s never seen you with curled hair before — tilts like a puppy dog. He shrugs hands in his pockets, “Coulda asked you the same.” He says pointedly, you curl in and flush with embarrassment, “How much have you had?” “Only a few. I’m still sober.” You reply with a shiver as you fall into step beside him, “Not as fun as I thought it was gonna be. My friends are still inside.” At this Katsuki feels himself relax he didn’t think this was really your seen anyway. Especially with those friends he knows you’re referring to: the older kids of the neighborhood. “Yeah the rest of them are real pieces of work, babe.” Babe. Did he just call you babe? Dunce face is rubbing off on him. You notice, glancing to look up at him, but he watches you shake your head a little and dismiss it as quickly. “So what’s this showcase that you mentioned Kit-Kat?” He huffs, taking the side closest to the street, “It’s a promotional showcase for 3rd years. Show the pros what we can do, explain our personal philosophy, our ambitions. It’s like a really big resume preview. It’s real important for getting yourself out there to the agencies although I already have good ties to some.” You nod, bumping elbows with him as you dodge a streetlight, “seems really important,” you muse. “I’d love to come if it’s no trouble?” Katsuki’s eyes are glued into your glossy lips while you say that, turning away with the tips of his ears pink as he grunts, “S’ no problem at all. I can get ya’ one tomorrow.” You hum thoughtfully, “it’ll be nice to see you in action up close. I’ve watched your sports festival showings before — it makes me want s’mores.” at this you giggle and lock eyes with him, “I let you do that one time.” Katsuki groans rolling his eyes. “Still the best ones I ever had!” He chuckles nudging you with his shoulder. You beam ear-to-ear and his heart pitters as you loop an arm through his to steady yourself, “I can’t believe we’re both so grown-up now.” And here you go turning sappy on him.
“You know Suki’ I know you’re gonna be a great hero because you’ve always done stuff like this for me. No matter how often others tell you different, you send them to me okay?” And you’re sniffling now, still shivering against his side as you prepare to fight off all the haters he has. He’s matured a lot since his debut, but they don’t say make a good-first impression for nothing. He glances at you intelligent, well-educated, passionate as you are you weren’t gonna put up much of a fight — he still appreciates the sentiment. He grumbles a “thank you” into your hair as he walks you home in the dead of night.
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ma1dita · 8 months
I think I’d be sort of interesting if, for like an alternate ending where Luke is alive and doesn’t betray camp, Luke when he’s older decides to visit his mother but with diyonius reader
the house on a hill
a ‘partners in crime’ alternate universe installment - luke castellan x dionysus!reader
alternate universe masterpost
words: 663
summary: alternate universe - driving up to mom’s for the weekend & some sweet domesticity - luke castellan x dionysus!reader 
a/n: this was a cute lil way to clear my head! send more luke x trouble asks??
(posted 1/28/23 unbetad)
written in reference to this blurb
Your head bumps against the car window as you jolt awake.
“About time that you woke up, babe,” Luke grins, his eyes still on the road. Blinking slowly, you look around at the trees blurring together as you stare out the window, recognizing where you are. The two of you were driving up from your apartment in Brooklyn, finally going to see his mom for the weekend. With graduation steadily approaching in the next few months, there was a lot to think about.
“How long was I out?” you groan, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. The sun is setting now, and a blue “Welcome to Connecticut! We’re Full of Surprises!” sign whizzes past the passenger window.
“Just an hour, but I got a little lonely,” Luke hums, rubbing circles on your thigh while his other hand is on the wheel. You lace your fingers with his own, watching him yawn. You can tell he needs this, and with all the time your dad drags you back to Montauk for ‘consults’, it’d be nice to get a dose of normal for once.
“Poor baby.”
Laughter spills out of you like a melody as you crack open the still-cold redbull in the cupholder, and he can’t help but admire your side profile as you take big sips. He’s so in love with you, and this weekend will be perfect. It has to be.
“Mmm, want some?”
Your boyfriend takes a sip, smiling when he hears you singing along to a Taylor Swift song. As you hold up an imaginary microphone for him to warble into, the distance to his childhood home gets smaller and smaller, until you spot the white picket fence of the property and squeal in excitement.
“Hurry up, I wanna see your mom!” you giggle, stomping your feet onto the car floor as he drives up the grassy path and honks loudly.
“Hey, I thought I was your favorite Castellan, trouble…” Luke says and his voice trails off when he sees his mom peeking through the kitchen window, waving at you.
“Whatever you say, angelface.”
You almost hop out of the car and run up the steps to hug her, gentle hands pulling you into a feeling of comfort only mothers can give.
“Hi Ms. Castellan!”
“Oh honey, I told you May is fine, or Mom. You’re already my favorite kid!” she grins, her smile exactly like her son’s, and the both of you turn to hear Luke grumbling as he pops the trunk to get your bags.
“Hi mommy,” Luke chuckles, bumping your hip to push you into the house as he kisses May’s cheek, “Stop being so obvious, you’re gonna spoil my surprise!” His hands fumble with the bags as he props a knee up to readjust his hold on your backpack and May’s hands reach out to help him.
“No, it’s okay, I got it, I got it…”
May catches the ring box that falls out of Luke’s back pocket, holding it to her chest with a knowing smile.
“You’re always gonna need some help, whether you admit it or not, my love.” She tucks the box into the pocket of his flannel shirt, patting it before she pinches his cheek.
“Luckily, you have a woman like her. Bless her heart for what you’ll put her through,” May says laughing at his scrunched-up expression.
“Guess I’m just scared she’ll say no.”
Luke sighs, looking at her like she holds the answers to the world.
“She’ll be crazy if she says no,” she reasons, and they both listen to you setting the table in the dining room.
“No, she’ll be crazy if she says yes. That’s why I want to marry her,” he snorts, bringing the bags in through the doorway.
“Um, mom? I think the cookies are burning!” you call out, sounding panicked.
The weight of the box in his pocket feels heavy, but his heart has never felt so light and sure of what’s to come. 
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(pictures are not representative of reader's appearance and gender, simply added visuals for funsies)
luke taglist (struck out won't let me tag, turn on my post notifs?): @kissingyourgrl @dorcas4meadowes @lorarri @andrewgarfldsgf @noodlesketchbook @10ava01 @poppysrin @ashisabitgay @timhalamet @liv1104 @leeknows-wife @mxtokko @bugcuti3 @luvvfromme @midmourn @2hiigh2cry @yuminako @niktwazny303 @targaryenluvs @lukecastellandefender @intergalactic-padawan @iliketopgun @annybah @dangelnleif @thegrinningghost @alyssajunelle @obxstiles @m00ng4z3r @visndcaitswhore @this-barbie-is-having-breakdowns @amortencjja @idonevenknow1359 @maliaaaa @targaryenluvs @sakyira @dhdjdjjdhsjdiri @number-onekidqueen @nininehaaa @bradynoonswife @stevenknightmarc @hoodedhavok @happy-mushrooms @homebyeleven @anotherblackreader @too-deviant @liviessun @b0ok-lover
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satorusplayplace · 1 year
gojo never wanted you to leave. honestly, he would’ve made you stay if he could. god he misses your smell, your touch, the food you would cook, whenever you came home late and he was already home and you melted into his arms because of how tired you were. he missed you so god damn much. but why did he fuck this up? why does he always fuck up everything that’s good for him?
“seriously satoru?” he hears while laying in bed, his eyes are red and puffy, he’s holding a piece of her clothing, her favorite shirt. he didn’t even want to look up.
“satoru, get the fuck up.” he looks up, his hair a mess, he hasn’t shaved in a while, so a little stubble is growing. his eyes have eyebags, they are so red and puffy, she can’t see his pretty blue eyes.
“satoru, i just only said we needed a break. i didn’t say we broke up. i said i’ll be back in a week!!!” she yells and cuddles into him trying to get him to smile.
“but-but you looked so mad and i couldn’t. i thought this was the end. you scared me. i hate you.” he sobbed between his words, making her want to cry but she didn’t. she rubs his back and starts to kiss his cheek.
“oh my big baby, what am i going to do without you? i love you so much satoru. we just needed a tiny break, especially me. that argument had me thinking about our lives, what should we do better and i just, i needed time to think by myself honey. i just wanna know what do you think about getting marr-“ immediately she gets cut off by the white haired man saying, “yes. i wanna marry you. i wanna have kids with you. i wanna do everything with you.” he turns around throwing her favorite shirt somewhere resulting with her hitting him lightly on the shoulder, he cuddles into her.
“well, surprisingly! i can fulfill one of those sentences right now.” she pulls out something from a bag she was carrying. satoru looks at the pregnancy test and get stares. his eyes start to fill with tears again.
“you’re gonna be a mom? and i’m gonna be a dad? we’re gonna have a baby? we’re going to be parents? babe.” he couldn’t handle his excitement, he hugged her and started to kiss her everywhere.
“first we need this house cleaned. what the fuck were you thinking? did you not think i would come back? you should’ve been ready for me. you don’t have our house cleaned! i will make you scrub the toliet with just a toothbrush satoru.” her voice gets stern and he shot up in the bed and started to clean.
in the end, no matter what they go through. they will always stay together. y/n is his sun, while satoru is the moon. in the end, she will shine bright for him while he will shine bright in the shadows for her.
hey guys! i wanted to try a new format! so this is just a little drabble :) but yeah! i’m gonna start trying new formats. this was to get my brain in gear again because i want to write all the requests and get them done :) but here’s a little something to keep you entertained! i want to do a gojo x pregnant!reader series soon so i guess here’s a sneak peak of what’s in my mind?
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 9 months
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White Rabbit
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Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader
Summary: Rafe goes to Barry for help with his “pouge problem” but he gets more help than he bargained for when he meets Barry’s cousin in the most unsuspecting way. He can’t stay away from her, despite Barry’s protests, especially when she’s just as unhinged as he is. Takes place during season 2 episode 4 “Homecoming”. Wk: 6.9k.(oops)
Warnings: Gun violence(reader shoots a guy but doesn’t kill him), cocaine use(both reader and rafe), Barry is not super stoked about R and Rafe being into each other, unprotected sex, oral (m & f), choking, hair pulling, face fucking, Dom!Rafe, Sub!Reader, unhinged reader, spit kink, digration, daddy kink, a lil spanking, biting, Rafe & R are obsessed with each other, R has the nickname “bunny” & is implied to be alternative, her outfit is described but other than that no physical descriptions. Lmk if I missed any please! 18+MNDI!!
A/N: This is my first time ever writing for Rafe, so it might not be the best ever but I fell for this man so hard and I just needed to write him with an unhinged girl. Shout out to my girl @babygorewhore for not only beta reading but hyping me up/brainstorming with me through this entire fic. I might make this into a series of some sort. Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!✨🖤
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Rafe slammed his truck door shut as he walked up to Barry’s porch, scoffing when he saw him sitting there with his feet propped up while he read a book.
“Hey, you got my shit?”
“Shit, you’re early.” Barry closes his book and sets it down on the table in front of him, a condescending smirk spreading across his lips.
“Do you have my shit or not, man?” Rafe groans as he plops his large body down onto the rundown cushion of one of the porch chairs.
“Yeah, I got yo shit.” Barry chuckles, pulling the baggy from his pocket and tossing it on the table. “You got my money?”
“Yeah.” Rafe pulls a wad of cash from his pocket and slaps it into his hand before grabbing the baggy so he can make himself line. He snorts it, letting out a deep breath after. “I need a piece too.”
“Hooohoooo!! You need a piece? Country Club Killer now, huh?” Barry laughs, his hand coming down to slap his knee.
“Don’t!!” Rafe slams his hand on the table. “Mess with me right now.”
“Aight, what the hell you need a piece for?”
“John B is fucking back.”
“John B is fucking dead dude.”
“Nah man, I saw him for myself in the Bahamas, and just now Top saw him in town with my sister scoring beer.”
“FUCK!!!!” Barry kicks the table, sending it flying a few feet away. “Are you fuckin’ kiddin me? I’m done playing with these kids bruh.”
Barry kicks himself up from his seat, walking over to a locker on the side of the porch. He enters the combination before he pulls out a gun and starts to load it.
“You wanna be done with those little shits once and for all? You’re gonna need a lot more than just a piece. You gotta start going at this shit like a soldier.” He spins the barrel, clicking it into place before handing the gun to Rafe.
“You do this, you know I’ll take care of you, alright? You won’t be doing this shit for nothing man I’ll -“
“YOU THINK I’M SCARED OF YOU, YOU LITTLE BITCH?” A male voice came booming from behind the house.
“IF YOU AREN’T NOW, YOU FUCKING WILL BE!” Another voice followed, but this one was unmistakably female.
“Dude, what the fuck was that? Is that chick okay? Should you like - I don’t know - deal with that or some shit?” Rafe’s blue eyes scan the other man’s face for signs of distress but it was almost like if he hadn’t mentioned it, he wouldn’t have even noticed.
“Nah bro, that’s my cousin. She’s got it, stop trippin. We doin’ this or not?”
There’s a loud crash and then he hears the girl's voice again.
“Dude I’m gonna go check it out, that doesn’t sound good.” Rafe isn’t sure why he really gives a shit if this random chick who he hasn’t even seen is alright or not, maybe he’s just high and paranoid. Either way his curiosity gets the best of him and he starts walking towards the back of Barry’s place.
“She doesn’t need your help pretty boy, trust me.” Barry snorts and shakes his head as he begrudgingly follows him.
When Rafe rounds the corner the sight he sees is far from what he was expecting. The man who he heard yelling was shorter than him but more built, probably middle aged, he wore a white tank top and black board shorts and the look in his eyes told him that he was definitely one of Barry’s customers or less reliable dealers. The girl on the other hand? You were half his size, your hair in two braids with ribbons tied at the ends of them, you were wearing a tiny little baby pink tank top and black spandex shorts that barely covered her ass. You had combat boots on your feet that had little white ruffle socks sticking out of the top of them, but what was most shocking? You were holding a Glock in one of your small hands, and the collar of the man’s tank top was gathered in the other. You were standing on your tiptoes whilst also pulling the man down so he was face level with you, the Glock held to his head.
“I said, get on your fucking knees mother fucker, you got a hearing problem or some shit?” You growl at the man and it sends shivers down Rafe’s spine. You were beautiful. He watches as you shove the Glock into the man’s temple and ram your boot clad heel into his thigh causing him to fall to his knees with a grunt.
“Much better.” You smile as you tap his cheek with the gun before bringing it back to the side of his head. “Now, where the fuck is my fucking money?”
“I told you! I told you I don’t fucking have it right now I just need a little time!” The man’s voice is shaky now, his eyes traveling between you and the gun held to his head.
“Time? This isn’t a fucking loan service! Get me my money by tomorrow, or you’re fucked!” Your eyes are filled with fire and you let out a dry laugh.
“What’re you gonna do? Send Barry after me? Where is he at? He knows I always pay, just let me talk to hi-“ He’s cut off abruptly when you hit him across the cheek with the gun.
“SHUT UP!! You’re not fucking talking to Barry, you’re talking to me. If you don’t get my money you aren’t going to have to deal with him, you’re going to have to deal with me. Which I promise you don’t fucking want.” Rafe watches as you lean down into the guy's face, your eyes boring into his, a sinister smile paints your lips, and he isn’t even ashamed of the fact that he felt his cock stir in his pants at your display of dominance over this man twice your size. “Got it??”
“I don’t know how you expect me to get that amount by tomorrow I-“ The man grunts when you hit him in the face with the gun again, his face whipping to the side.
“I said, got it?” You hold the gun between his eyes, your smile never faltering.
“Yeah - yeah! I got it! I got it! Can I go now!?” The man holds his hands by his head in surrender, seemingly not wanting to argue with you further.
“I fucking mean it asshole, tomorrow, by sunset.” You glare at him momentarily before your smile returns, tapping his cheek with the gun again before turning to walk off.
“You aren’t gonna do shit bitch, you’re nothing without that little gun.”
Rafe’s blue eyes widen as he watches the man’s hand reach out and grab for your Glock. He subconsciously takes a step forward in your defense but soon realizes maybe you really don’t need help. Your body whips around, pulling the gun from the guy's reach and shooting him in the foot all in one motion. He screams out in pain, his hands grabbing onto his foot as he falls to the ground.
“Bring me my fucking money. Tomorrow. Or you’re going to be in a lot more pain than that.” You crouch down and spit in the guy's face before walking over him and into the house, letting the door slam shut behind you. Rafe stands there with his dick half hard and his jaw hanging open as he stares at the closed door you just disappeared behind.
“I told you she fuckin’ had it, and don’t even fuckin’ think about it, country club.” Barry’s voice snaps him out of his trance.
“Wha-? Think about what?”
“I see how you’re fuckin’ lookin at her dude, that’s like my sister in there. You stay your messy ass away from her, aight?”
“We should go check on her…” Rafe ignores Barry’s warning, walking towards the house despite his protests.
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You let out an agitated groan as you flop down on the couch and toss your Glock on the cushion next to you. You grab a little clear baggy off the coffee table and sprinkle some of the powder onto the small mirror in front of you, using the random gift card you found in your wallet to push a portion of it into a straight line. You grab the rolled dollar bill sitting on the mirror and bring it up to your nose so fucking ready for this line after dealing with that shit head, but right when you bend over the front door slams open, causing you to jump back. Your foot hits the table and the movement makes a mess of your line. You let out a curse under your breath, your eyes rising to glare at your intruder.
You expect Barry, or maybe that fucking idiot really did want to lose a finger today. But instead of the brown eyes of your cousin, or the bloodshot hazel ones of your unreliable dealer, your eyes lock with piercing blue ones. You have to physically stop yourself from gasping at the sight of the man in front of you. He’s tall, really tall, and built, his chest and arms perfectly filling out the blue button up shirt he wore. His chestnut hair looked silky to the touch, his jaw looked perfect for biting, and his face was just all around beautiful. Especially those eyes, the look in them stern. There was something else there you couldn’t quite decipher, it almost seemed possessive.
“Are you okay?” He asks, his voice laced with concern.
“Uh - yeah? Aside from the fact that you just scared the shit out of me and made me knock my line all over the table, I’m just peachy.” You scoff, throwing him a playful smirk and roll of your eyes.
“Country Club here seems to think you’re some kinda damsel in distress or some shit.” Barry walks through the door behind him, smacking his bicep with the back of his hand and laughing loudly.
“Damsel in distress, huh? I don’t think I’d mind if a pretty boy like you came to my rescue.” You bite your bottom lip, your eyes roaming his figure.
“Hell fuckin’ nah! Quit that shit out right now, Bunny. I mean it. I told him the same shit, I don’t want this.” He gestures between you and Rafe. “To be a thing. You two are a recipe for fuckin’ disaster. This is Rafe Cameron, the dude I was tellin’ you about.”
“What the fuck did you tell her about me man?” Rafe’s voice comes out almost panicked and you find yourself wanting to comfort him immediately. You jump up from your seat and walk around the table so you can stand in front of him. He’s even taller up close, you have to tilt your head all the way to meet his eyes and you stop yourself from clenching your thighs at the height difference.
“So this is the guy that killed the sheriff, huh? Pretty boy is a cop killer? I find that kind of sexy…” You twirl a strand of your hair between your fingers, your teeth subconsciously finding your bottom lip again as you look up at him through your lashes.
“Barry, what the hell man? You told her that shit?” He addresses the other man but his eyes don’t leave yours, the look in them changed from concern to defense, and maybe a little lust? He was honestly looking at you like he wanted to choke you to death and this time you really couldn’t stop yourself from clenching your thighs where you stood.
“Hey, I’m not going to rat you out or some shit. Barry gave me the low down on everyone on the island when I moved, if I’m going to work for him I need to know the ins and outs, ya know? He trusts me, if you trust him, you can trust me. I’m cool.” You give him a smile that you hope is reassuring, you aren’t sure why but you want him to trust you.
“Alright.” His eyes search your face, almost as if he’s trying to read your thoughts, to see if you really mean it.
“Alright, we good?” You extend your hand towards him and he takes it in his much larger one, shaking it.
“We’re good.” You go to pull your hand away but he tightens his grasp, keeping it held in his. “You didn’t tell me your name though, or should I just call you, what did Barry call you? Bunny?”
“Bunny is preferred, but you can call me my real name too, if you’d like.” You let your thumb run across the back of his hand as you tell him your name, your eyes never leaving his.
“AIGHT! That’s enough of alla that.” Barry pushes past you, plopping down on the couch he grabs the bong on the coffee table and starts to load it.
“Bare, stop acting like you’re in charge of who I flirt with. I'm a grown ass woman, you're being dramatic.” You scoff, sending him a death glare.
“Seriously man, you’re acting like you’re her dad or some shit.” He chuckles when your cousin flips him off. “I’m sorry about your line by the way, I really just came to check in on you after I saw you arguing with that asshole out there. Let me make it up to you.”
Rafe brings his hand up to your shoulder, running his thumb over the blade a few times before letting it graze down your arm as he walks towards the couch. You watch as he sits down next to Barry and picks up your gift card, expertly lining the fine power back into a nice row before patting the cushion next to him. A smile breaks across your lips as you take the empty seat. He doesn’t miss the way your tits bounce when your ass hits the couch and the smell of your sweet perfume makes his cock twitch.
“For you, pretty girl.” He holds the folded dollar bill up to you with a smirk and you happily take it from him.
“Thanks, cutie.” You wink at him. When you lean down Rafe notices your hair is in your way so like it’s the most casual thing in the world he brings his large hand up to your face and sweeps the straw pieces behind your ear. He pushes the rest of it behind your shoulder and his hand stays there while you inhale through your nostril. His touch doesn’t leave you, even when you lean back against the couch, he simply adjusts it so it’s around your shoulder.
“You gonna flirt with my cousin all goddamn night or are we gonna deal with your little pouge problem?”
“Pouge problem? What’s going on?” You raise your eyebrows, your eyes traveling between Barry and Rafe.
“You remember that little fucker John B I was telling you about? His ass is alive and back on the island.” Barry shakes his head and lets out a dry laugh.
“That’s the kid the cops think killed the sheriff, right? Damn. That’s not good for you, Rafe.” You make eye contact and bite your lip nervously. “Those kids know you actually killed her, don’t they?”
“Yeah, and my fucking sister is with them. Her and John B were there, they saw the whole goddamn thing.” Rafe groans, his hands running through his hair in frustration. “I can’t have them opening their fucking mouths. I just can’t.”
“Then you know what you have to do, right? Shut them the fuck up, once and for all.” Your eyes darken and it reminded him of the way they looked outside, when you were holding a gun to your dealer's head.
“Yeah, no shit dude, that’s why I said we were going to deal with it.” Barry scoffs, rolling his eyes at you.
“Okay, I don’t know what the hell is up with you attitude Bare, but fucking ditch it.” You glare at him as you grab the couch pillow next to you and throw it at his face.
“Oh? You wanna fuckin’ go bruh?” Your cousin grins at you, gripping the pillow in his hand and swinging it over Rafe’s body, directly into your face with a cackle.
“Oh you mother fucker!” You let out a laugh, your hands go for the pillow but it’s ripped from your grasp.
“CUT IT THE FUCK OUT!!” Rafe takes the pillow in his large ringed hand and throws it across the room causing you to jump, your smile falling. “Barry, are you gonna help me or not man?”
“Hey.” Your eyes are soft again, you put your hand on his chest and rub soft circles onto his skin through his shirt with the pad of your thumb. “He’s going to help you, and I will too. We were just fucking around, everything’s alright. You’re probably under a lot of stress, huh? Poor thing.”
Rafe isn’t exactly sure how to react. No one has ever taken his anger and looked at it as more than just that, anger, yet here you are knowing him for all of ten minutes and the minute he loses his temper you see it for what it is, stress. Plus you’re kind of coddling him, and he’s never had anyone coddle him before. He almost feels speechless.
“I’m not gonna suck your dick about it like she is but I’m gonna help you man, fuckin’ relax. We doin’ this shit tonight?” Barry cracks his knuckles and kicks his feet up on the coffee table, earning an immediate glare from you. He scoffs, taking his feet off the table with a roll of his eyes. “I don’t know why you care so much if my feet are on the table dude, it’s my fuckin’ table anyways.”
“The drugs I put inside my nose are on this table, I don’t want your dirty ass shoes on it. It's common sense really.” He rolls his eyes and you flip him off, sticking your tongue out at him.
“Yeah man, tonight. I want to give this shit over with. I bet you anything they’re at John B’s. They’re stupid enough to go there.” Rafe’s hand is tapping on his already shaking leg and you can tell he’s anxious, you reach out and grab it, stopping his motions. He doesn’t look at you, but he intertwines your fingers, his hand squeezing yours. You squeeze his back and bring your other hand to his bicep so you can rub soothing circles on it. He lets out a sigh. “Once it’s dark, then they won’t see us coming.”
“Aight, let’s do this shit. Bunny, you in?” Barry raises a brow at you, his eyes lingering on the way you’re touching Rafe. “Also, I thought I said I didn’t want this to be a thing.”
“It could be dangerous, I don’t know if you should come, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.” Rafe answers before you can, his hand squeezing yours again in what you assume is supposed to be reassurance but it actually just pisses you off.
“Okay.” Your voice is stern, your hands leave him as you stand from the couch and he immediately misses your touch. “I wanna get something straight, right fucking now. I am not some weak little girl who sits at home while all the fun shit goes down. If that’s the kinda girl you’re into, you are not going to find that with me. I’m a ride or die type of bitch. If my man is in trouble, I’m helping him. So if you want this to be a ‘thing’ as Barry is calling it, then I suggest you accept that sooner rather than later.”
“And you, have no fucking say in who I do and don’t engage with sexually or romatically. Me and Rafe clearly have chemistry and I could tell that the moment I locked eyes with him, so you’re just going to have to get the fuck over it. Are we clear? Both of you?” You look between them, your hands on your hips and that fire Rafe is already becoming addicted to in your eyes.
“Whatever, your lil ass has always been fuckin’ impossible to control. If this blows up in your face I’m gonna say I told you so, cuz.” Barry snorts.
“Yeah baby, I got it.” Rafe cuts in, sending a shockwave through your body with the pet name. “I saw you out there with that guy, you might be tougher than Barry.”
This makes you smile, your eyes turning soft as you approach him on the couch. This time you don’t take the seat next to him, you sit across his lap, facing your cousin with a triumphant smile. Rafe's arm circles around your waist and you nestle in closer to him.
“Alright then. Glad we are all on the same page now. So what’s the plan?”
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“FUCK!!!!” Rafe was pissed, he threw himself into the driver's seat of his truck, slamming his hands down on the wheel. “FUCKING BULLSHIT!! THEY HAD TO OF JUST BEEN FUCKING BEEN THERE! POUGE FOR LIFE SARAH?! HUH?! I SEE HOW IT FUCKING IS!!”
“Rafe…” You approach the open driver's door, gently resting your hand on top of one of his that was white knuckling the steering wheel. Completely unafraid, despite the fact that he’s still holding the gun Barry gave him in his other hand. “Let’s just calm down for a second, okay? We’re gonna work it out, they aren’t going to fuck with you.”
“ARE YOU SERIOUS? I’M FUCKED! YOU DON’T FUCKING GET IT! YOU DON’T KNOW MY FUCKING DAD! YOU DON’T KNOW MY FAMILY, IF IT COMES BETWEEN ME AND MY GODDAMN SISTER HE’S GONNA FUCKING CHOOSE HER!!!” His hands leave the wheel, weaving through his hair and tugging, the gun pressed up against the side of his face.
“Hey.” You put your hands over his, turning his face towards yours. “I might not know about all that shit, maybe not yet at least, but I know that when I say I’m going to do something I get it done. You aren’t alone in this, I’m going to help you, okay?”
Your voice is sweet, the look in your eyes is gentle and reassuring, and your hands? They’re so soft, and cool against his face, the feeling of them soothes him in a way he’s never felt before. He lets out a sigh, relaxing under your touch.
“We are going to deal with this, but for right now we need to get the fuck out of here. Those gunshots could’ve caught someone’s attention.” You run your thumbs over the top of his hands before grabbing onto the gun, pulling it from his grasp with a smile. You tuck it into your boot and lean up onto your tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Yeah, alright.” He nods, his hands smoothing through his hair.
You walk around the front of the truck so you can hop into the passenger seat, Barry already sat in the back anxiously bouncing his leg.
“Okay, let’s take Barry back to the house and then I think you and I should go somewhere together.” You buckle your seatbelt and turn to face him.
“Yeah? Where?” He shoves the keys in the ignition and puts the truck in drive, pulling away from the Châtea and into the night.
“Just trust me, I know a spot.” You kick your feet up on the dash, reaching into your purse for a cigarette and your lighter.
“Every instinct in my body is telling me to tell you to bring your ass home with me, but you’re not gonna listen to me for shit so I’m not gonna waste my breath. Gimme one of those fuckin’ cigarettes though.” Barry leans forward, snatching the entire pack and your lighter from your hands.
“Yeah, you’re better off not arguing with me Bare. Fucking give those back though, dick.” He rolls his eyes, lighting the cigarette he took from your pack before throwing it back to you.
“Yeah whatever, just fuckin’ take me home man.”
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“Okay, take a left here and on your right you’re gonna see a little road that goes through these trees.” You point out the window, directing Rafe as he drives.
“Where the hell are you taking me, huh? You taking me out somewhere quiet to sacrifice me?” He chuckles, looking over at you with a smirk.
“Mmm, I bet you’d like that, huh? Preppy rich boys like you always like the fucked up alternative girls from the sticks.” You return his smirk with one of your own.
“Ha! I guess you’re right, I wouldn’t mind if you spilled a little bit of my blood, as long as I could spill yours too…” he reaches the end of the road, driving into a clearing in the trees, a patch of lone beach in front of you.
“Yeah? That’s hot. Stop here.” He obliges, putting the truck into park and taking off his seatbelt. You do the same, turning towards him with your legs tucked underneath you.
“What’re we really doing out here, vampire girl?” His eyes meet yours momentarily before the trail down your body, taking extra time to admire your tits in your top.
“Mmm, well, I know you’re really stressed and I just thought… maybe you could take some of your frustrations out on me?” You lock eyes with him, your tongue running over your bottom lip before you take it between your teeth.
“Yeah? You brought me out here so I would fuck the shit out of you?” He licks his lips, his large hand reaches out to rest on your thigh, squeezing the meat of it between his fingers.
“Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t want to take me home after that shit you said about your family and Barry would probably either kill us both or have a stroke if you fucked me how I want you to fuck me at my place.” You said it oh so matter of fact, that smirk ever present on your lips.
“And how do you want me to fuck you? Huh, bunny?” His hand runs along the length of your thigh, stopping at the hem of your shorts. He grabs onto it, the tips of his thumb and his pinky just dipping under the fabric.
“I want you to fuck me like you hate me, take your frustrations out on me, Rafe. Use me.” Your voice comes out desperate and it makes him groan.
“I’ve barely even touched you yet and you’re already practically begging for me… you wanna be my little slut, that it?” His thumb runs down the seam of your shorts, stopping at your wet core. “You’re fucking dripping. I can feel it through your panties.”
“It’s all for you, want you, want to be your little slut so bad.”
“Fuck.” The hand not on your thigh reaches for your throat, squeezing it and cutting off your air supply in the most delicious way. “I’m going to fucking ruin you.”
He uses his grip on your throat to pull your face to his, smashing his lips against your own in a bruising kiss. You moan against his mouth and he uses the opportunity to slip his tongue past your lips. You bring your hands up to tangle your fingers through his hair at the same time that his hand on your thigh pushes your shorts and panties to the side, burying two fingers in your wet cunt with little resistance. He begins pumping them in and out of you while his grip on your throat never falters. He pulls away from the kiss, his blue eyes almost black with lust as they bore into your own. His thumb finds your clit and your back arches, a loud moan ripping through you.
“Open your fucking mouth.” You oblige, sticking your tongue out and looking up at him through your lashes. He leans over you and lets a string of spit drop onto your waiting tongue. You moan as you happily swallow it. “Good girl. Want you to cum for me.”
His fingers hook just right inside you, rubbing against your g-spot and his thumb circles your clit perfectly. You feel your high approaching fast, you push your tank top down, letting your braless tits fall free. You grab them in your hands, tweaking your nipples, it causes your eyes to roll back and you feel that coil in your stomach about to snap. Rafe’s hand leaves your throat and grips onto your jaw in one swift motion.
“Fucking look at me when I make you cum.” He squeezes your cheeks between his thumb and pointer finger, causing your lips to pout. “I own this pussy now, that means I own your orgasms too, look at me while I take what’s mine.”
You open your eyes, and the minute they meet his your high crashes over you like a tidal wave. A broken moan leaves your throat and your walls clench around his large fingers as they continue to fuck you through your high. He pulls them from your pussy, holding them up to his face to examine them. They’re creamy white and glistening in the moonlight. You grab his wrist and take them into your mouth, swirling your tongue around them. He growls in response, shoving them further down your throat. You gag and he licks his lips, the sound going straight to his cock.
“Fuck, wanna feel you gagging around my dick. Get out of the truck and get on your knees, now.” He pulls his fingers from between your lips and takes them into his own mouth. The taste of your spit mixed with the remainder of your arousal sending his eyes to the back of his head. You follow his direction, hastily throwing the truck door open and getting out. You start to walk around the back and he stops you halfway, grabbing you by the hair so he can pull your head back, forcing you to look up at him. “I’m going to fuck this pretty little mouth while you kneel in the sand like the dirty slut you are. Bet you’d like that, huh?”
You nod as best as you can with the grip he has on your head, that sickeningly sweet smirk from when he first saw you earlier that day spread across your lips.
“Yeah, daddy, I want you to use my mouth like a fucking cock sleeve.” His eyes widen and a groan rips through him at the sound of that name leaving your lips.
“Fuck. Take this off.” He grabs the hem of your tank top and you lift your arms so he can pull it over your head. He takes your tits in his hands and squeezes them, the coolness of them sending a shiver down your spine and straight to your core, your nipples hardening under his touch. “Fucking perfect tits. Knees. Now.”
You drop to your knees and eagerly reach for the button on his shorts undoing it and his zipper in one swift motion. His cock is straining against his black boxers and your mouth waters at the sight. You pull his shorts and boxers down and it springs free, thick and hard and leaking just for you. You knew he would be big, but goddamn his cock is huge.
“Mmm daddy, you’re so big, fuck.” You spit on your hand and bring it to his shaft, lightly stroking him. That bead of precum on his head is practically begging you to taste it so you lean forward and lick his slit with the tip of your tongue. You circle his tip before taking it in your mouth and sucking eagerly.
“Yeah, that’s right baby, suck daddy’s cock.” His hands grab onto your braids like makeshift handlebars and he uses his grip to push himself all the way down your throat, causing you to gag around him. He holds your head there for a few seconds before pulling you off with a pop. Your mouth subconsciously chases his taste. “Oh you’re such an eager little whore huh? You like that? You like gagging on my cock?”
You nod and his grip on your hair tightens, pulling your head back so you’re looking up into his eyes.
“Fuckin’ answer me when I’m talking to you.”
“Yes - yes daddy, I fucking love it.”
“That’s what I thought.” He smirks down at you, shoving his cock back into your mouth and immediately thrusting into your throat. You gag and your eyes water, your mascara already starting to run down your cheeks. “God. Fucking look at you, I can see my cock in your throat baby.”
So much drool is dripping out of the sides of your mouth that it’s started to run down your chest and onto your tits. You swipe your fingers through it, wetting them before bringing them to his balls, caressing them in your lubed up hand.
“Oh fuck! Yeah, shiiiiit, play with my fucking balls, that’s so fucking good.” You look up at him and his head is thrown back, his neck on display, you can see all the veins in his biceps and the moans leaving him are feral. Your pussy clenches around nothing at the sight. Your hand travels between your legs and into your little spandex shorts, expertly finding your already slick clit and rubbing quick circles over it. Your moans increase in volume and it causes him to glance down at you, taking notice of your hand in your shorts.
“Hey, what the fuck did I say huh?” He pulls you off of him, bending at the waist so his face is hovering over yours. “I said that’s my fucking pussy, that means I’m the only one who gets to make you cum. Get up.”
He lets go of your hair, grabbing you underneath your arms and pulling you to your feet. He turns towards the truck and rips the bed open, grabbing onto your hips and roughly turning you. He pushes down on your back, and you take the hint, bending at the waist so your top half is against the truck bed. The plastic floor is cool and rough against your nipples and your lower half hangs off the truck, your feet not touching the ground. A harsh smack lands on your ass, causing you to help and jolt forward.
“You’re not so tough now, huh, vampire girl? Your pathetic dealers know you’re just a little slut who likes to get thrown around? Or is that just for me?” He grabs onto your shorts and panties, ripping them down to your ankles where they pool at the top of your boots. “Look at you, you’re so fucking wet.”
He drops to his knees, his tongue licking a stripe from your clit to your asshole and back again. He sucks your sensitive bud into his mouth and his hand comes down on your ass again. You feel like you’re going to cum embarrassingly soon. His fingers run through your slick lips before they’re sliding inside you, immediately hooking into your sweet spot. You cum suddenly and hard, your whole body shaking underneath him.
“Please fuck me now daddy, please, I want your cock so bad” you voice is whiney and you shake your ass from side to side, arching your back so it’s further on display for him.
“Quit begging, I’m gonna give you what you want, don’t be a greedy brat.” He stands, two harsh smacks landing on your ass. He takes his cock in his hand and runs the head through your slit, coating it in your wetness. He pushes into you in one swift motion, and immediately starts fucking you at a brutal pace.
“Yes! Fuck! You’re so big, feels so full.” Your voice is a breathy moan, his cock feels like it’s in your lungs and the door to the truck bed is digging into your hips but god it feels so good. His hands are grabbing your hips so roughly that you think his nails might be drawing blood, and god you hope they are. You want him to mark you as his, anywhere and everywhere.
“Fuuuuck, you’re so fucking tight, gripping my cock so good. This pussy was fucking made for me. Say it.” He leans over you, practically crushing you, but his cock hits even deeper than before and his mouth latches onto your neck and it’s like he read your mind because he starts to roughly suck and bite into your skin. Definitely leaving marks behind. “Say it. Say this pussy was made for me.”
“This pussy was fucking made for you, daddy.” You arch your back, pushing your ass back against him the best you can with your limited movement, wanting to feel every ridge and vein of him as deep inside you as possible.
“Yeah it fucking was.” He leans back, his hand gripping onto your hair again so he can pull your back against his chest. The sting of the truck against your hips at an all time high. He releases your hair so he can grip onto your throat instead, his other hand coming down to rub your clit. The feelings of pain mixed with pleasure sending you closer and closer to another orgasm. “You gonna cum already? I can feel you tightening around my cock baby girl.”
“Yeah - yeah I’m - fuck - I’m gonna cum for you daddy, you just feel sofuckinggood.” You’re a drooling whimpering mess and the coil is seconds away from snapping when he stops his movements and pulls out of you, taking your orgasm with him. “Hey what-“
Before you can protest he grips onto your hips, flipping you over onto your back. He grabs your throat and pulls you into a sitting position, grabbing onto your thigh with his other hand so he can pull you to the edge of the truck.
“I told you, I want you to look at me when you cum. You owe me for that last one.” He slams his cock into you, continuing to fuck you like his life depends on it. His thumb finds your clit again and his mouth latches onto your neck, biting down so hard you wouldn’t be surprised if you had a bruise in the shape of his teeth marks. You’d get it tattooed if he wanted. You already knew at that moment this man had ruined all other men for you. He had you.
“Fuck - fuck daddy, I’m gonna - I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum”
“Fucking cum for me, I’ll fill this little pussy up, paint your walls with my cum. Milk my cock, slut.”
His words send you over the edge, cumming harder than you have all night. Your walls convulse around him and your nails rake down his back, leaving red marks in their wake. But that’s not what does him in, it’s the fact that you never break eye contact with him for a second. Obeying him like the good girl you are.
“Fuck! Good fucking girl, best fucking pussy I’ve ever had. Never gonna leave you alone now. Never quitting this pussy.” He cums with a growl, shoving his cock deep inside you. He fucks you through his high, his thrusts never letting up, his face shoved into your neck. When he finally starts to come down he lets his softening cock slip out of you, his lips finding yours and kissing you with fever.
“Never quittting this pussy, huh, pretty boy? That’s a bold statement to make about a girl you just met.” You smirk at him, taking his face in his hands and caressing his cheeks with your thumbs.
“Don’t fucking care, I meant every word. You’re fucking mine now.” He turns his head to the side, placing a kiss on the inside of your palm.
“Does that mean you’re mine too? I don’t do one sided bullshit.”
“Yeah baby, that means I’m yours too. Come on, get your clothes on, let’s get the fuck out of here.” He places a gentle kiss on your lips, grabbing your clothes off the sandy ground and shaking them out before handing them to you.
“You gonna take me home now? Barry is just gonna love all the hickies I know you left on my neck.” You smirk at him, pulling your shirt over your head.
“Nah, I’m bringing you home with me. Gonna fuck you all night long.” He cups your jaw in his hand, his thumb running over your bottom lip.
“What about your family?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Fuck em, you’re my girl now, they’re going to have to get used to it. Get your ass in the truck, I wanna fuck you in my shower.”
You giggle, running around to jump in the truck. You didn’t even see his family that night. But they definitely heard Rafe making good on his promise to fuck you all night long and you couldn’t even find it in yourself to feel bad. Not that night, and not the next morning when he introduced you to his dad and step mom while they had disgusted looks on their faces. You just smiled, happily shaking their hands like you weren’t calling their son daddy until the sun came up.
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Tagging moots who might be interested: @chrrymunson @emsgoodthinkin @imyourdaninow 🖤
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rheiple · 9 months
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Sun wants to be your favorite.
Have you noticed? From the way he greets you with a really tight hug and a little twirl, unlike how he only gives his other friends a quick pat on their shoulder and a handshake at best. The way he like to help you with work whether it’d be passing out the tools you needed, reaching stuff you can’t reach at, or even giving you the emotional support you needed when you feel like you can’t complete a task at hand. Please, he’s practically giving you the puppy eyes waiting for your praises, whenever he gives you a gift he hand made, cause he believes that putting effort like hand made crafts is much more romantic than buying it. Not that he mind buying stuff for you that is! Whatever you need, he’ll give you all, because you’re his favorite human!
And when you do give him compliments and praises? Ohh you flatter him so much! Internally squealing like a school girl who gushes about their crush, it’s so bad that he’s been nagged at by Moon. He doesn’t care though, he’s just jealous that he’s our favorite!
He doesn’t really believe it, but when you gently cup his face to admire his blue eyes, his golden rays and his pearly white smile. You told him that he’s such a pretty boy? He practically melts because of how hot his circuits are! Oh don’t look at him, you’re making him blush!
But you know what he really really likes? Whenever it’s his turn to praise and compliment you, he gets to see you overheat! Your flushed cheeks, awkward smile not being used to such statements about you, and the way your pretty eyes dart around to look anywhere but him. Oohhh he can’t wait to just eat you up! Acting all shy like that, and you’ll get a hyper Sun not letting you out of his love bombing.
He really likes you, and you seem to like him too! So is he your favorite boy? He really really hopes so !
Moon is your favorite.
Oh, he’s not going to sit and hope that he’s your favorite. He knows he is your favorite. I mean, you wouldn’t go out of your way to be nice and be buddy buddy with him right? He found it cute that one time you were too shy to start up a conversation with him, thinking he’s not much of a talker. He really isn’t, he prefers to listen to your voice. But if you asked him, he’d talk and talk. Wanna hear about facts of the solar system? Or hear about that one time a kid took a dookie on Sun? Oh, he’s just joking Sunny boy, he’s not that mean to embarrass you to his favorite human. Do you want to hear a story? About the spooky rabbit lady who likes to kidnap bad children? Or a love story about a human… and a robot..
Hah, he doesn’t know what your talking about Starlight. It sounds familiar? Well, yes because it’s based on a book he read. What book? Uh, he’s actually gate keeping it. Sorry Star, the book was too good for him to share it. Him? Projecting his feelings on the story?
His gonna put you in naptime for that.
Ohh but don’t think he didn’t noticed the way your eyes shined with stars whenever he lifted something heavy to help you with your duties. Like what you see? You’re practically ogling at his physique. Not that he minds, he loves your undevided attention. You get excited and hype him up whenever he does the lifting. His face plate spins in glee thinking about being your big and strong man.
He likes really teasing you, he sees your flushed cheeks and hears your heart rate speeding up little by little. He gets the sudden urge to just pinch and pull your cheeks really hard.
Oh, but you always like to take revenge. Stroking his cheeks and looking at him like he’s the million dollars you’ve won at the lottery. Telling him how he’s such a handsome man. He might’ve grumbled, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t loved it. He’s just very flustered at your compliments. No Star, I’m hiding in my hat- hey don’t take it off of me!
He knows you never get mad at him whenever he steals shiny trinkets and presents it to you. You just really love how he really really loves you. You know you’re his favorite human, his actions have shown it… So it’d make sense that he’s also your favorite, when you reciprocate his love for you right?
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I got the sudden energy to write this when I listened to the song called "Pretty boy" by Naethan Apollo. The song is such a banger I would recommend it to y'all.
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653 notes · View notes
lady-mimis · 9 months
Summary: Where your relationship with Bruce didn't end up well but you still love him
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English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes that might be on the text
Notes: Hey guys! I'm back with an imagine of my favorite hero. I stopped to write for nnt, but I still have some imagines ready so I will post eventually. For me Bruce is such a dads girl. This took me a long time, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Violence and language
"Mommy?" Your daughter called you. You were working on your laptop while your daughter was watching TV.
Tim and Damian asked for your help in some kind of security program they developed, so you were just reviewing and improving the system
"Yeah baby? what's wrong?" You stop typing and look at her.
She was hugging her giraffe plush. It was a gift from her dad. She is such a daddy's girl
"I was wondering..... if you could tell me about you and daddy?" She ask curiously with those big blue, bright eyes
The question took you by surprise. She is still a curious kid, of course, but you wonder why she wants to know it now
She was a copy of her father, except that she has some of your features. Its funny how you waited nine months for your baby to be born with her fathers features
"Hmm, what do you wanna know? Can i ask why the sudden interest?" You asked your baby daughter, then sat beside her on the couch, putting a cushion in your lap
"I want to know how you two met each other, I mean you two are not together anymore but you were one day, right?" She questioned you with an innocence that you felt your heart shake a little.
Thinking about how she feels with her parents not being together. You remember once she was saying something about all of her friends having parents who are married and live together. Of course, you tried to explain that your situation is not so simple, but she was just a kid and couldn't understand anything
"Yeah, darling well.... I met your father at work, he was my boss"
You revive everything in your head
"Good morning, Lucius! I brought some coffee for us" You entered the laboratory, greeting your coworker and put your bag on your table
You worked for Wayne Enterprises and were responsible for the technology that Batman held since the company funded him and his equipment
You were working on a motorcycle for Batman since he asked for
This project was a direct order from your boss, Bruce Wayne. You had never meet him, he was always busy being a playboy
Lucius was the vice president of the company, so he had a lot of work to do. You impressed with how he would help you and find time to be a businessman
"I'm glad you're here, today we have a lot of work" He thanks you for the coffee
After hours in the laboratory, you get ready to leave
"Hey baby let's talk please, don't dare ignore me again!" An unknown number sent you a message, but you already knew who it was
"Answer bitch!" Again
"I need you baby! I can't live without you!"
Your ex boyfriend calls you, but you refuse the call
How did he find your new number? You were angry about him harassing you since you two broke up
"Stop calling me! we broke up. Stop it" Sighing deeply, you reply
"You're okay?" Lucius asks you curiously, raising his eyebrows
"I'm just tired, you know, Matthew has been kind of asshole and... " You fake a smile for him not worry about you
You stop your commentary after hearing the voice of the artificial intelligence of the laboratory announce someone
"Access confirmed. Welcome, Bruce Wayne" The AI greets him
"Bruce, what a pleasure! (Y/N) this is Bruce" Lucius introduce you to him. He is excited for Bruce to finally meet you
Well, you have to admit that he is not only handsome. Bruce Wayne is hot as hell
He looked at you, head to toe and licked his lips. He smiles to you with an arrogant smile and offers his hand for you to shake
What a skirt chaser!
"Enchanted to meet you" You shake his big, rough hands. He looks around, analyzing the lab
Bruce Wayne has an elegant posture. He was wearing a black, expensive suit, probably tailored just for him. This suit must have cost all of your salary
He walks through the lab with a confident posture, analyzing everything around him
"So you're the one who made the Batmobile upgrades" He states uninterested
Okay, you were not hoping for him to know that
"Yeah, it's me. I'm working on the motorcycle project too" You said proudly, pointing to the prototype that was in the center of the lab
Adjusting your white coat, you grab the sketches of the project in your pocket
"Well, I see you're doing good. Have you already made any tests?" He looks satisfied with the prototype
"Not yet, still working on the motor " You give him the sketches, then point at the motor sketch
"it looks excellent! I'm really impressed. Now I know why Lucius trusts so much in your work" He smiled charmingly, winking at you
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Is he really like this?
"Thank you.... I think" Looking at your watch, checking the hours
"I better go. It's starting to get dark" You grab your things and walk to the door
"Take care (Y/N)!" Lucius bids you farewell
"It was lovely to meet you (Y/N), I hope to see you again" Bruce gave a head nod
"Wait (Y/N)!" Bruce calls you, making you stop and stare him, raising an eyebrow at him
"What you think about a dinner?" Bruce asks with a cocky smile, and you find it charming, but no way you're going on a date with him. That could work with other women, but not with you
Bruce asked you out the first day he met you! HE WAS TRULY A WOMANIZER LIKE THE NEWS SAYS
You had recently broken up so you were not thinking about a relationship at that moment
"Thanks but no" You fake a sorrowful look and then smile, winking, teasing him
You leave to your house before gets too dark
That night, you were watching TV on your couch. It was almost midnight
You heard a car stop by the front of your house and assumed that it was one of your neighbors
"Where are you? I'm here. Let's talk " he typed
Okay, you're starting to get scared
You walk towards the window, seeing his car in front of your house
"No! Leave!" You reply in panic
"Baby, open the door!" He knocks on the door, gently at first but then harder
"Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you!" You say it loud enough for him to hear it
"Open the fucking door!" A strong knock. He was beating the door, and in a little time he would open it
You grabbed your phone and ran to your room, calling the police. You close the door of your room, hiding yourself in your closet
Tears were all over your face
"911, what's your emergency?" The policeman asked by phone
"My ex boyfriend.... is trying to enter my home and i ...... " A loud thud echos through the house. He entered in your home
"He's here, please help me!" You whisper, crying in despair
You passed your address to him
"We are sending the police, stay hidden until the police come, please stay in the line"
You could hear him on the underfloor, looking for you
"Baby, let's talk. You know how much i love you!" He always said this
"I can't live without you, you're so good for me, I will kill myself if you don't show up. IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT!!" He screamed with angry
He was coming closer, and you knew that the police would not make in time
"Let's just talk, babe, we can fix this. I CAN FIX THIS!" His voice echoed behind the door as he tried to get into the room
He was kicking the door, and you knew how the material would not resist
"We can comeback together, it's just show up and say yes!" He broke in
He was close, and you could see his shadow through the door of the closet
He has a knife with him
You knew he had found you. He was walking toward the closet
"I don't want to talk to you! LEAVE ME ALONE! I FUCKING HATE YOU, WHY YOU DOING THIS TO ME??" Screaming stunned
When he stops by the closet door, something caught him by surprise and he falls to the floor
A shadow figure was in top of him
The shadow figure knocks out your ex boyfriend
"It's safe now, you can get out of there" A male deep voice spoke, it sounded almost robotic, maybe it was some kind of voice modification
You got out of the closet, and you stared at your unconscious ex
That shadow figure was standing by the side of your ex's damaged body
Then you saw your hero, Batman.
"I..." You could not say a single phrase without sobbing
He stayed there till police siren sounds could be heard, then he just disappears
Batman had saved you that night, if wasn't for him, probably you would not be alive. You were grateful to Batman
You're remembered that night all too well, it was a complete nightmare
The next day after the incident you were given the day off by Lucius.
You stayed at your sister place until you found a new place for you
You had to comeback to your work, everything was so stressful and worst Bruce keep showing up and continue flerting with you
You were on the park lot alone, fetching your car keys, and you feel a presence behind you
You froze
Someone put a hand on your shoulder
"Hey, you alright?" Bruce Wayne ask in a worried tone
You felt so relieved to see it was just him
"Yes, i just got scared, you simply didn't make any walking sounds" You observe him, and take a deep breath
"Oh, i'm sorry about that.. what do you say about dinner as sorry?" Bruce offered, scratching his throat, making a slight frown, and put his hands on his pocket, trying to hide his nervous
That's new, he was always too confident and cocky. Now he just look like a normal guy
So you decide to be honest
"Look, Bruce i will be honest with you, I recently broke up. It's been hard times for me, i am not looking for a date at the moment" You look at him with soft eyes, denying his offer gently
That made Bruce nod in knowledge and look at the floor for a moment. He admired your honesty
"Well... that doesn't mean we can't be friends" Still not convinced he waits for your response
Friends? WITH BRUCE WAYNE? That was a good joke, but he seemed serious about it
With everything that has been happening, maybe you need to relax. You didn't have many friends. All of your friends live in other towns. So why not?
"Hmm.. fine we can dinner together as friends" You hesitantly accept looking at his ocean blue eyes. Somehow, his eyes pass you peace and truth
"Friends then" He smirked and offered his arm to you, guiding you to his car
It was a great night. Nice jokes and good food
That has become a tradition between you and Bruce since that day. You get to know Bruce better and overcome your prejudices about him
You could say that you had a soft spot for Bruce
You even met his first kid.
It was a surprise when he told you about Dick. You had never thought about Bruce being a single dad.
You tried help him with his dads duties but he always declined your help. Even with his interventions, you continued to help him to raise Dick
You remember telling Bruce to go easier with Dick
And finally, he opened up with you, asking advice on how to improve to be a good dad for Dick
Dick was a nice kid but had a sad story. He always used to tell you how Bruce was hard on him and how he wanted some freedom
So sometimes you would take him to do things that a normal kid would do
When you found out about Batmans identity, you freaked out
You were working on the maintenance of the security of the labs
Everything there was powerful and presented some danger. So the technology couldn't end up in the wrong hands
The access was only permitted if the people had registered fingerprint and eye identification
You noted that Bruce and Batman had the same fingerprint and eye identification.
He had saved you that night
When he entered the lab, you embrace him so tightly
All you could say was "thank you" sobbing
Bruce got very confused and worried about you
After a few moments he connected the pieces
He asked you to work only for him in his cave and his Batlab, as you called it
You accepted Bruces offer to work for him.
Most of the time, you would work with him or Alfred on the projects. Alfred always commented to you about how you and Bruce were a good duo
Alfred told you, you were the first person that Bruce let into his life. How was he different after you
You had been friends with Bruce for almost two years
You were at the annual Wayne gala
Bruce had invited you personally and told you how much Jason insisted on your presence. Bruce had recently adopted Jason since Dick left for Jump City
Of course, you didn't approve the kids being his sidekicks. It was not ideal for them, but that was the form they found to let go of the fury and anger they felt inside. Bruce knew it better like no one
Jason was a tough kid, but all he wanted was Bruce's attention. Yet Bruce would be more hard on Jason than he has been with Dick
Jason had a hard life, and even being tough he was still a kid. All he needed was love and kindness. So you did what Bruce didn't. You helped him with everything, homework, patching him, you both played video game together
You taught him everything you knew, how to cook, how to hack, how to make analysis, how to program and more.
"(Y/N) You heard me?" Jason poked you but you couldn't take your eyes of Bruce
Bruce is the host of the party,and of course there will be people around him but you can't avoid to feel jealous at the surrounding women
Bruce was talking with a blonde beautiful woman for a long time
"Sorry jay, what were you saying?" You give him a soft look, messing with his hair
"Its about the new ship you are working, I liked the design its so badass" He said, excited about this project.
Jason was your little assistant in the Batlab
You nod, smiling and keep talking with him until Alfred interruption
"Sorry to interrupt you, Miss (Y/N), but I believe its time for Master Jason go to bed" Alfred explained and put a hand on Jasons shoulders
"Can (Y/N) put me to bed?" Jason asks in a low tone, looking at you with pleading eyes
How cute, your heart melt away with that. How can you say no to him?
Alfred looks to you, waiting your response
"Don't worry, Alfred, I don't care doing it" You shrug, guiding Jason to his room
You were both in his room. His room was all decorated with cream and red tones. The room has some posters of some old popular cartoons you both watch together, and some action figures on the shelf on the wall where the writing desk is. Some books you had gave him as gifts are on top of the desk
He was laying on bed, and you covered him with the red blankets
"Do you think you can sleep with that music?" You ask, fixing the blankets so he could be warm
"Yes, it's not that loud from here" Jason makes himself comfortable
"Thanks (Y/N), it makes me feel home" Jason smile to you, the mix of blue and green of his shining eyes makes he looks so innocent
He was looking at you like you were his whole world
"Good night Jay, I'll see you tomorrow after school in the Batcave" You kiss his forehead and turn off the lights
You lead to the door, ready to leave
"Good night, mom" Jason whispered sleepy
OH MY DID HE JUST CALLED YOU MOM? You stop, stunned in front of the door, felling a mix of emotions
When you got out, Bruce was standing there like a ghost
"Ohh! You scared me! Stop showing up out of nowhere" You raise your hand to your chest, breathing heavily
"You didn't need to do it" Bruce crossed his arms seriously, taking a look at Jason's asleep form
Bruce was in front of you, blocking your passage back to the party. His huge form was hovering you
"I wanted to do it, Bruce" You state, putting your hand on his chest to get him out of your way, but he does't move
So you raise an eyebrow to him. What was he doing? Trying to intimidate you or whatever?
"I thought you would pass the night talking with that blonde woman?" You comment. Maybe a little too rude
You perceive the frown on his lips and how his eyebrows grew closer
"As the host, I have to talk with the guests" He narrows his gaze to you. You hate when he does it
He unblocked the passage, still staring you
You turn back to the party, ignoring his stare
After that, you felt frustrated and resolved to drink to drown your sorrows
At the end of the night, you were a little drunk....okay, so much drunk that your voice was nasal and you were hiccuping
That time, Bruce was chatting with a beautiful brunette woman, and she put her hand on his chest. Okay, that's enough. The jealousy made your face turn red and warm.
You roll your eyes, ready to leave the party.
Bruce was so stupid, why do you care about the women around him? You are nothing to him, just a friend. You hated that feeling, you hate how Bruce makes you feel stupid
You were leaving, but an arm grabbed your hand, stopping you. In the movement to turn around, you stumbled on your feet.
The arms hold you by the waist so you don't fall
"I got you" Bruce is the one helping you. His arms are so big and warm
"What you're doing? leave me... hic.. Bruce" You tell him, trying to get out of his hold while he leads you to the manor
"I'm not gonna let you leave alone in this state. You're drunk (Y/N)" Bruce keeps his hold on you, until you are in his room
"It's your fault, when you were talking with those hotties, I was... hic...drinking by myself" You say with a joking tone and get out of his hold to sit at his bed
"Are you jealous (Y/N)?" Bruce asks, having fun with the situation
"NO! nrgh!" You sink your head into his pillow
"So do you care to share why you are so drunk? We both know you do not drink like that" He asked curiously, looking at you with those beautiful eyes
"Just to shut out... hic.. my emotions. Its was... hic...so loud" You said, snorting with your nasal voice
Bruce chuckles at your comment and leans himself on the wall
"You know you can tell me, right?" Bruce crossed his arms, but his voice sounded soft
"Right, I just disappointed...hic.. that you didn't have any time for me just because you were talking..hic... with your hotties. We are friends, right?" Whispering the last part.
Who were you trying to convince? You or him? You were already over heels for him
Bruce just raised an eyebrow for you, he knew you, and the fact that you just lied to him
"Tell me (Y/N) what really happened for you to get that drunk?" He came closer and stopped in front of you, analyzing you
He is curious, you are not the heavy drinker type. To be honest, he never saw you so drunk as tonight
It was dark in the room, just the moonlight light it. Bruce eyes shone intensely in the dark of the room, his eyes look like the ocean
"You happen, Bruce, I cant keep pretending that i don't feel nothing for you" Your voice is so low that you barely hear it
Nervousness ruins through your body. You start to roll your rings on your fingers.
"Pardon me?" Bruce says confused
He doubts that he heard what you said. He shifts his weight, trying to stay calm. Probably you are just too drunk and were babbling
So you decide to speak out loud
"Damn it! I was so jealous, you can have any woman in your arms anytime you want! I hate see you with another woman, and how I'm not the one in your arms. Your stupid blue ocean eyes that hypnotize me..." Bruce interrupts your sentence and kisses you with desire
"You're the one that I want. The one who has my heart. (Y/N), you don't have to worry about the others women" Bruce cups your face and rubs your cheeks, pecking your lips
He let go of you and stepped back smirking at your shock form
"Okay Bruce now you got me! You always found a ... hic.. way to shock me" You toss yourself in his bed, and your nasal giggles fill the lifeless room
"Well? what can i do? I have been waiting since the day we met for you to realize the great eligible bachelor that I am" His crooked smile makes you laugh hard
"Tsc, you're to cocky, hic.. that time you were the biggest womanizer of the whole country" You state, and hear his laugh echo in the room
Bruce chuckles at your state the bed, your cheeks are red from drinking, and your hair is a little messy, but he finds it cute. You are a sloppy, happy drunk.
How you love his laugh, his smile, and his beautiful eyes. You love everything about him. Okay, sometimes he's a pain in the ass, but still you love him
Then he walks to the door without making any sound
"I should let you rest" Bruce says, opening the door
"Can't you stay?" You watch him hesitantly stop in the front of the door
"Pleasee?..hic" You plead
At first, your relationship was wonderful. Bruce was a caring boyfriend and a good partner
Then Jason died
You were completely broken
You loved him so much. The pain was unbearable
Bruce was dealing with his grief on his own. You knew how he blamed himself for Jason's death. He felt regret for being so hard on Jason
You hated how Bruce closed himself off from you
Everything has changed
Bruce was cold, quiet and reserved
Bruce was not the same person you used to know
The fights started
Time passed, and you two had to move on
When you discovered about Damian's existence. You felt devastated, mostly because Bruce didn't plan to tell you
It was a shock for you when you found a boy who looked like Bruce in the living room
He was just seven years old. About the time you and Bruce started to date
The fights started all over
You were in the batcave. Where you help Bruce with the technology and projects he and you create
"What hell Bruce? Is that kid really your son?" Inhaling deep. You couldn't stop the shake of your hands
God, you were so nervous
You already knew the answer, but you need a explanation
Bruce just murmurs in response
"That's not even an answer, Bruce!" You state, tapping nervously your foots on the floor
"Do you have a son with another woman? I suppose you know who is his mother?" You wait for him to respond decently
You were standing by his side while he didn't even bother to glance you
"His mother is Thalia Alghul" Bruce shrugged it off, like that was nothing
Did he already know about the existence of this child?
"Bruce, look at me for a second! You cannot give a shit about this, but I do!" You shout, trembling
"Bruce! Did you already know about the existence of this kid?" Your voice wavers and the tears rush down your face
You felt betrayed
This time, Bruce slightly shivered and narrowed his eyes, analyzing you. Probably he was thinking you were out of control
Bruce was thinking of a response to calm you, but he couldn't find it, so he stayed in silence.
The silence was the worst answer he could give you. You know how right you were about your suspicious
"ANSWER ME, BRUCE! DID YOU EVEN PLAN TO TELL ME?" Pointing a finger at his chest, accusing him
Bruce gets defensive when you shout at him
"That's none of your business, (Y/N)" Bruce shouts back feeling attacked. Maybe it was, but he didn't think of that because he is too proud
You felt terrible, weak, and disrespected.
The shouts echo through the cave
He was supposed to trust you, right?
There was a time you two were best friends and told each other everything, even the most silly thing in the world. You were a good duo, you were always partners
But the things changed
The love that was pacific became heavy and cold
What you and Bruce had become?
The sound of your cries attracted Tim's attention
"Hey mom! you're okay?" Tim asks gently, giving Bruce a disapproving look
"I.... just need to rest" You take a deep breath, accepting Tim help
You stare Bruce with watery eyes. You waited for him to say something
He stares at you with a blank expression
"Takes your mother to her room" That's the only thing Bruce says before turning back, walking to another part of the cavern
Bruce simply turned his back to you
It means nothing to him anymore. He didn't fight for you two
The situation became more difficult because Damian disliked you
He thought his father should be with his mother, not someone like you. His words were sharp like a knife
To be honest, you thought the same thing. You aren't rich like Bruce, you two had different lifestyles. Two completely different world
In all of these years he never cared to propose to you. Did he ever think of having a future with you?
You started to question yourself after almost six years together
The day you finally decide to leave
You were sick, having nausea, dizziness and vomiting
Alfred realized that and advised you to go to the doctor
You took a few exams
In the same week, Damian got sick. He was in bed, shaking with fever. You were so worried about him
You checked up on Damian sometimes, even with his sharp comments about you or how he disliked you
He was just a kid who was created with a rigid education. He had a hard personality. You couldn't totally blame him
Alfred asked you to give Damian some soup for dinner. You agreed and went upstairs with the soup
"Hey Damian i brought some soup for you" You knock on his door before entering his room
"Tsc you can leave it here" He said with a tedious tone of voice
"Hmm do you need help to eat?" You ask, leaving the bowl on his expensive white nightstand
"No! Leave!" Damian says annoyed by your presence. Okay he didn't seem to be on a good day
Still, he doesn't have the strength to get out of the bed or eat alone
"But... Alfred helped you eat the meals, right? I could help you if you want" You tried one more time
"Don't you understand? I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP" Damian shouts aggressively, he tries to pick up the bowl but ends up toppling it
You look at him in shock
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you" You say in a low tone, holding back your tears
You leave Damian's room quickly and walk towards your room
You couldn't take it anymore. You are unhappy, sick and tired
You were in your room. The room you and Bruce shared together one day
You grabbed your bags and started to pick up your things
"What you're doing?" Bruce's voice surprised you. He was downstairs the last time you saw him
"I'm leaving, Bruce" You didn't hold back your tears. The tears rush freely in your face
Bruce felt his heartbeat skip when he heard what you said. You cannot be serious
"I don't understand..". Bruce comes closer to you, trying to understand why you were doing this
You stop to pick up your things to look at him
He is in shock, and even with his facade, you learn to see through it
"No! I know you don't, Bruce! You don't even realize whats happening around you" You snap angrily
"What? you cannot do that (Y/N)!" Bruce tries to change your mind, arguing with you, but you have already decide
"WHY NOT BRUCE? YOUR SON HATES ME! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT US ANYMORE" You are so close to him but yet so far away. Giving a pleading look for him, you shake your head in deny
"Damian is just a kid..." Bruce answered back facing you.
You could swear that you saw a few of emotion on his eyes
He could see how you were hurt and unhappy
Bruce avoid to look into yours eyes. Not a single word left his mouth
"Your silence answered everything. I hoped you would be honest with me considering all of these years, tsc you are really a dick" You curse, turning back to pick up the rest of your things
You grabbed your bags, and turned around, ready to leave.
You give Bruce a final look, pleading to him to do something, say something or fight for you
You hoped he would say something or ask you to stay, but he didn't
If he had asked you to stay, you would
So you leave
Your words echo through to his head
Bruce's heart stops when he sees that you are really leaving, but he can't move
Maybe that was better for you. Maybe it was better for you to live without him always disappointing you
Bruce stays in silence, watching you leave
You were completely heartbroken after the break up. You moved to your old apartment
Everything looked so empty, it was so strange to live there all alone.
You miss the kids, the noise of the manor, Alfred astute comments, and more... You miss Bruce
You and your sister went to the hospital to get your exam results
You remember all too well
In the doctor's office, sitting in a chair, waiting for the doctor to say the results of your exam
"Well, miss (Y/N), the results are not satisfying, but i have good news you might like" Isla gave you a sympathetic look and read some documents
"So I prefer the good news first, doc" You tried to sound optimist
You looked like crap, and you knew it. The last week had been so lonely. Tim and Alfred passed by your apartment to check on you, but it wasn't the same thing
"You are pregnant, congratulations (Y/N)!" She gave you the news
Your face goes blank
"(Y/N)? You alright?" Isla asked with worry in her eyes
"Yes... I think, I was not hoping for that, Isla" You explained, trying to calm yourself
She wrote something on her computer
"Right, but you have anemia, and this isnt good for you and the baby. It might bring you problems if you don't start to treat it. So you will have an obstetrician consult and I will accompany you with the anemia treatment, okay?" Isla smiles, handing the results to you
"You might consider to consulting a psychologist too, you don't look so well, it will make you good. Take care of your mind health" Her voice was kind, and you knew how she was right. You were a complete mess
"I will prescribe you some medicine" Isla catches the pen on her table and starts to fill out some papers
When you got the results of the exams you couldn't believe it. You are Pregnant
"So? Whats got you so sick?" Your sister gives you a concerned look, as she come closer to you
"I.. cant believe it" You hand her the papers, still in shock
"OH MY! I going to be an aunt!" She is excited about the news
"That's not so bad, you just have to treat yourself" She tries to cheer you up
"Oh no. Why are you crying?" She embraced you while you cried. You were so hurt. It was so much for you
You had been consulting the obstetriciann, and everything was okay with your baby. You discovered you preganant for 3 months
Your sister were sleeping in your place to help you with the pregnancy
Your sister went out to some cheap club with her friends
You wake up to drink some water. Your throat was dry
You heard some steps behind you, so you stay alert
"Who's here?" You turn around to see it was Batman
Bruce was standing right in front of you, after all of those weeks
You relaxed since you're not in danger
"You know you could enter from the door like a normal person" You comment, rolling your eyes
He observed the place and looked at you head to toe
His presence is annoying you. Still, you could tell that his presence made heart beat faster
"What do you want?" You ask, breathing deep
"What is that (Y/N)?" He took some papers off his utility belt and shook them in front of your face. It was your exams
"Are you stalking me? Who gives you the right to pry your nose into my life?" You took the papers out of his hands
"Its not of your business Mr Wayne!" Your harsh look makes him shrugs
He was with his cowl, his blank eyes were observing you through the mask
"Not my business? It's my child!" He stated, with a frown on his lips
"I'm not going to repeat myself again. What are you doing here?" Walking closer to him, you could feel his scent. It felt stronger, maybe it was because of the pregnancy. How you miss him
Is he here to upset you more? To hurt your feelings again? You wish he could forget about you and leave you alone for a moment, since you two are not together anymore. But he always found a way to upset you
"The child... You cant have it!" He states in a deep, low tone
You could not believe him. His words were like a sharp knife in your heart
"What makes you think you can choose it? How cowardly are you, Bruce? hm?" You aggressively question him, pointing a finger at his chest, and staring him with fury in the eyes
"You cant have it! It's my child too!" He argues back, taking off his cowl. His blue eyes lost their shine. He looks tired, with dark circles around his eyes, his face is slightly skinnier
"WHY? YOU'RE JUST AFRAID CAUSE YOU CANNOT BE A GOOD FATHER TO ANY OF YOUR CHILDREN!" You know how to hurt him. Maybe it was too cruel to say it, but that was the truth
Bruce steps back with the comment, feeling hurt. You didn't like to hurt him but, he needs some sense
"Are you hearing yourself? Whats that Bruce? Why you doing this with me? don't you think you have made enough? Leave please! I don't want to see you anymore!" Pleading with watery eyes
His eyes wide, and the realization pass through his blue, tired eyes
What had he turn?
Indeed, He was afraid of not being a good father, but demanding those things from you was not right. He had no right to say those things to you
He broke you into pieces, and left you when you needed him
"I... sorry" Bruce whispered before leaving through the window
The birth of your baby changed everything.
You were so surprised to see Bruce there to watch his daughters birth. At first, you were hesitant, but inside, you relieved
Bruce was watching your daughter sleep in your arms
"Look, I'm sorry for what i did to you. You didn't deserve that. I wasn't there when you needed me. Everything that I did upset you in a delicate moment" Bruce apologizes to you
His face full of regret makes you know that Bruce was being honest. He wasn't a man who expressed himself easily
"I want to be a good dad for her, let me help you. I want to be present in her life if you let me" Bruce held a sorrowful look
You had to make amends with him for your daughter sakes
The kids and Alfred visited you in the maternity hospital
You were surprised that Damian was there to see you too
Dick, Tim, Jason, Your sister and Alfred are somewhere in the hospital, probably eating in the cafeteria
Bruce was taking a shower while you were arrested in that hospital bed, and Damian was staring at you with a doubtful look
"Hey kiddo, a penny for your thoughts?" You try a joke in a hesitant tone
"Tsc...What would I do with a penny? Anyway I have enough of money already" He says cockily
"Now you sound exactly like your dad" You giggle, having fun with his similarity with Bruce
He stayed quiet, still looking at you. This time, he was looking at you like a lost puppy
"You can say whats on your mind, dear" You look at him with soft eyes
He stared at you in shock. No one has ever called dear or been so soft with him like that
"Hm, I've been planning on how to apologize to you. I'm sorry its my fault that you left my dad" He apologizes in a low tone and avoids eye contact with you
"Hey dear, its not your fault. I didn't leave because of you" You sign for him to come closer
He hesitantly came closer, sitting at the end of the bed
"Any of the problems that i had with your dad weren't because of you. You're just a kid, any of this is your fault, Damian" You squeeze his hands
Damians face turns red, and he smiles slightly at you
"Since you're gone, my dad is so grumpy. No one can stand him anymore" Damian complained about his dad being a pain in the ass like you and Jason would say
You really tried to move on, but the man didn't like the idea of dating a single mom
You swore to yourself that you would forget Bruce, but every time you were on a date you remember him.
What if everything was different? You wish it was
But life goes on
You left your work and opened your own workshop. You had your own laboratory and atelier to work on your engineering projects or whatever you would create
You moved to a bigger and safer house to live with your daughter
It has been like this for years
Now your baby is almost turning 6 years. She is your entire world. The biggest present you could ever have
You two were passing the time in the living room before her bedtime. You were working when she asked you about you and Bruce
You just told her how you two met
"Isn't daddys birthday coming?" She climbs into your lap
"Yeah, baby, it will be in three weeks" You caress her hair
"Daddy always looks at you like you are a diamond, mommy" She said, closing her eyes, enjoying the caress
"Hmm, baby lets take you bed"
Talking about diamond
Bruce Wayne left the jewelry shop with a diamond engage ring. The Gotham prince has finally decided to settle down?, the news is on the screens
Maybe its for Selina? Maybe they had come back together?
"Hey (Y/N) you still there?" Barrys voice brought your attention back to the call
"Yeah, sorry about that... and no, your new suit is not read yet" You state, shaking your head, trying to forget the toughts about Bruce
"Hmm okay, isn't Bruce's birthday coming? Barry asked worried
"Why everyone keep asking me that? Yes, Barry his birthday is in three weeks" You say, annoyed by the question, grabbing your mug, starting to organize everything that is on your table
"Sorry, hahaha, I just didn't buy anything for him yet" He was having fun with your annoyance
"You don't need to worry about it, he's not a material man. He will like anything you give to him, you know" You organized the things, and fetched your car keys in your purse
"Sorry Barry, but i got to pick up my baby from school!" You say it in a rush tone
"Right, bye (Y/N)! Tell Gennie that Uncle Barry sent her a big bear hug"
You couldn't help but laugh
"You bet Barry!" You hung up
"Mommy, can we eat ice creamy as dessert??"
You stopped on the mall to eat lunch and shopping with her
"Sure baby, let me just take another photo of you, you're so cute in this uniform" She was just the most adorable thing you have ever seen in her school uniform
She was in kindergarten, and Gotham Academy was a very secure and good school. Evangeline was even learning spanish and french
You pass in front of a decor shop. Once you had been there with Bruce
"I still cant believe you're serious" Bruce stares at you incredulous
"Why not? If i moving to live with you, lets just pretend that we are moving together and shopping new decor to our room" Smiling excitedly to him
"Alright! But nothing too colorful!" He surrenders
"NO WAY! I NOT LETTING YOU WITH THAT DREADFUL ROOM!" You say it loudly, and put one yellow duvet in the cart shop
Yellow was definitely your favorite color
"You need some color in your life, honey" You hold another duvet, but this time a yellow neon with purple leopard print
Bruce couldn't help but frown at that
You graciously laugh, catching his attention
"Whats so funny?" He asked crossing his arms with a grimace on his face
"You look so cute doing this face. Did you know you pout?" You pecked his lips
Bruce facades are gone with that. He holds you with his strong arms
"What? I do not pout!" You felt his breath in the back of your neck, he was laughing
"Mommy!!" Your baby girl shakes you, and you realize that you were standing there for a while
"Oh baby, i'm so sorry" You felt a little stupid to still think about Bruce even after all of this time
"I want ice creamy, and suddenly you stop in front of the decor shop. They don't sell ice creamy" She was pouting exactly like her father
"Tsc, You look exactly like your dad. I cant believe it." You say annoyed, shaking your head in deny
"What? My dad?" She had a curious look
"Lets get you your ice cream, baby!" You ignored and, she seemed to forget that you talked about her dad
"Thank you!" You told the waiter
"Is it of your liking mini chef?" You ask, taking a sip of your milkshake
"Its yummy, mommy! but I think that if they put a handmade ice creamy, it would be more good"
"Why do you say that mini chef?" You lick your lips
"The industry ice creamy has so much sugar. Nothing its like Alfred's handmade ice creamy" She said, enjoying her ice creamy
"Well, with all the odds, you almost over with your milk shake" You state humored, laughing at her dirty milkshake cheeks
"Its still very yummy..." Shes was interrupted with screams
"What the fuck?" All you could do was protect your daughter from the danger
Some masquerade guys entered the place. They were high armed, and started shooting at everyone
"Oh my! How terrified that girl must be. I know them. Her mother, she does some projects for me and the police force. You know, she is the mother of one of Bruce Waynes children, she created the other kids as well. I cant stop thinking that is one of the main reasons that the thieves got her and the kid" Gordon was the talking to someone on his cell phone when Batman showed up on the terrace of the building
What a terrible day. Bruce couldn't believe this was happening to him.
You and his baby were kidnapped, and he didn't find anything. He spent the whole day in front of the batcomputer searching for any trace of you.
All Bruce could feel was fury and fear. Fear to lose you two. Fear that he will never see you again. Fear that he could never say how sorry he is about messing up and how he was a dick with you. FEAR THAT HE COULD NEVER SAY AGAIN HOW HE STILL LOVE YOU
Bruce wishes he was a better man for you, he wishes things were different from the now on circumstances
Maybe its late for that. Maybe its too late to apologize
Bruce wished he never messed up with you. Maybe he wouldn't feel the regret filling his soul every moment since you gone
He wished you stayed, but it was so much for him to ask that of you
Maybe he was too proud. Maybe he already hoped that one moment you would leave him like everyone else did?
All he could do was watch you leave. It was for the best
At least you would not suffer anymore, and it would be safer for you. But God, that was the worst pain he felt in his life
What if he fought for you and him? He would give everything to come back in time. What if he asked you to stay? would you?
"Hey Batman, I assume that you already know the news?" Gordon hung up, looking at the man in the black suit. Batman seemed lost?
"Anyway, we need your help that Vick Vale don't stop calling looking for a scoop" He rolled his eyes, annoyed by the memory of the journalist
"The situation is that armed man entered in a fucking ice cream shop in the Gotham Mall and started shooting at innocent people and left with a single mother and a kid. We believe its a kidnap, and they are keeping they as hostage but they didn't call to her family asking for money though. In the worst case they might be... you know" He whispered the last part
"I wont let this happen! Not in my city!" Batman growls, making Gordon widen his eyes. He never saw Batman like this
"Any death?" Batman asked, holding his hands in fists, trying to calm himself
Gordon realized that Batmans body language indicated anger or better fury
"No, only injured people. Just five" Gordon said nervously
"Well, we talked to the people that were in the shop at that moment. They told us that they took the girl and the woman. The mother tried to fight, but there were many goons. One of them came behind her and hit her head to get her unconscious" Gordon told the statement of the people of the store
"Batman, I found one of them" Nightwing voice echos through the bug
"I'm on my way" Batman ansewered, and looks at Gordon giving him a nod, disappearing in the darkness of the night
"I will only ask one time, Where are they?" He said it with threanteing tone
That mans face would be unrecognizable after that night
A hard punch
Batman punched that man until he spoke. Poor man
"Man, if you want some advice, you might start talking" Nightwing said from behind, watching the interrogatory batman style
"STOP! I WILL TELL YOU, OKAY? JUST STOP!" He screamed scared
Batman stopped waiting for him to say something useful
"WHERE IS HE?" Batman growls aggressive
"WHERE IS HE?" Batman punched him harder
Batman felt the fury through his veins
"Batman stop! you gonna kill him!" Nightwing said, pushing him away from the beaten man
Batman stop and looks at his bloody gloves and the mans face.
"Hes still alive, call the cops"
The mood at the manor was not one of the best. Everyone was worried about you and your daughter. The Batman was trying to find you, and all they had were the goon words
Its been a week since you two had been kidnap
Bruce was on batcomputer all night searching for some trace of you
"Bruce, you should have some rest. We can handle it" Dick said in a worried tone
"I'm okay, Dick" Bruce told him without a glance
Dick was about to say something, but the phone started to ring
Bruce got up quickly, picking up the call
"Hmmm, helloooo Brucieee!" The Joker voice
"Can you guess who it is ? hahahahah" He laugh maniacly
"Joker" Bruce murmured deeply, and sign to Dick start to track the call
"You right, Brucie, its me!"
Bruce wanted to yell at him for taking you and his daughter away from him, but he knew it was not appropriate
If he wanted to find you, he would have to stay on the line long enough to track where the call was coming
"Well, I have something that might be of your interest" He said humming
"What do you want, to give them back?" Bruce asked in an angry tone. He would do everything in his power to get you two back
"Just some money, you know the bank don't liberate loan for prisoners hum, hum what a prejudice, right?" He said it with irony
"How much? How much do you want?" Bruce asked, sinking his nails in his palm hand nervously
"If they are really important to you. You would not care if I asked you for 30 million dollars. I know you are a generous man" Joker said humored
"Right, you will have it. Let me talk to them, i need some proof that they are alive" Bruce required with authority
"Talk to your daddy, girl" Joker demanded
"Daddy? Is that you? I miss you. Uncle joker told me that you would come here soon, but its been a week" Evangeline's voice had an upset tone
Bruce felt relief for hearing the voice of his baby
"Yes baby, its daddy. Im coming for you soon. You just need to wait a little more" He told her in a soft tone, trying to comfort her
"Where is mommy? I miss her too" She asked in a crying voice
Bruce heart skipped a beat when he heard it. Were you not with her?
"That's enough. You heard your kid. She's very, very alive" He laughed at his own words
"What about my woman?" Bruce asked in a harsh tone
"Your woman? Well, Brucie, shes not one of your properties, we gentlemen don't talk about woman like this" The Joker scolded his words, not liking his tone
"And last time I checked, she was completely single. So no, shes not your woman, Brucie" Joker stated excitedly
"I must admit Brucie, you had a beautiful woman, her beauty really amazed me. If I had the chance, I would get her pregnant too. But what a shame, Brucie. How could you let go of a woman like that?" Joker let out a snort of disapproval
That fucker. Hearing Jokers words about you only made him angrier
"Fuck you, I want to talk with MY WOMAN" Bruce growled aggressively
"Bruce? Is it really you? Please tell me our daughter is safe...." The sound of your voice is one of fear, and then they shut you out
Dick gave him a thumbs up. He tracked where the call was coming
"We had enough idle talk. Send the bat with the money in 24 hours. Be in Gotham docks. I will be waiting for you. Don't be late Brucieee" The Joker hung up
"MOTHER FUCKER" Bruce yelled at the phone, throwing it on the floor
He would not let Joker kill someone he loved. Not again
"Master Bruce, don't let the emotions overwhelm your reason. Focus yourself in the search, the time is passing" Alfred adviced him
Alfred was right. He don't have much time. He has to find you
"Indeed, the call was coming from the docks" Dick said, marking the place on the map on the big screen that was showing some information about the investigation
"They have (Y/N) in another place. Shes is not with Evangeline. We have to find her quickly" Bruce told him in a serious tone
"Really Bruce? Did you realize that we spent the whole week searching for them and got nothing until Joker called? He planned everything so you couldn't find mom in time" Dick snapped with a frown
"We know they are far away from the city, It seems they are in the woods" Bruce told him with a narrow gaze
"What we gonna do?" Dick asked worried about you and his baby sister
One thought passed through Bruces mind
"Call Jason" Bruce demand
"Jason? Why do you think he will find it before us?" Dick has a big doubt in his face
"Tell him to look in the woods close to Gotham and Bludhaven. Even the borders" Bruce ignores his question
"I'm not helping you. Im helping mom, old man" Jason stated through the bug
"Copy Jason. Just find your mom, please" Bruce pleaded him
"Don't worry, old man. I will bring her back to you. Just don't mess up again or I kill you" Jason told him before Tim shouted at him
"Jason, come take a look" Tim had found your purse. Your wallet was empty, and your mini mirror was broken
It means that they were on the right trail. They were close to Bludhaven Cemetery
Batman, Robin and Nightwing were observing the place.
Joker goons were everywhere, and Joker was playing with his daughter
"Hmm kiddo, The time is passing, and your daddy still didn't show up to pick you up. Maybe he forgot about you" Joker pretended to be sad
"My daddy would never forget about me Uncle Joker. He's just late." Evangeline defends her father, pouting upset with his comment
Batman looks at Robin and Nightwing, signing to them to follow the plan
They knocked up the goons from the shadows
"Joker, Batman is here!" One of the goons told him
"I know, its part of the game. Hahahaha Hey, Evangeline, lets play hide and seek? " Joker asked and the girl agrees excitedly
"So, we both have to hide from the bat, and we win if he doesn't find us" Joker explains to the little girl
"And what if he find us?" She tilts her head, pouting in doubt
"We will make him a surprise" Joker told her excitedly, and grabbed the girl running from the shed
Nightwing and Robin were fighting with the goons
While Batman fight with other goons
"Go catch him, Batman. We can handle them" Nightwing shouts out
Batman runs in the same direction the Joker ran
"We found mom, B. They keep her trapped in Bludhaven Cemetery. They have just a few goons, but they are all high armed" Tim reported
"Don't die" Batman warns them in a harsh tone
"I'm the only one who got the permission to do that, old man" Jason jokes with irony
"This is not funny, Jason" Dick scolded him
"Actually it was" Damian chuckles, evilly
Batman silenced the bug
Batman was surrounded by sheds
Hearing the sounds of one of the sheds, he walked quietly towards it
An image projector was in the middle of the room
A video started to play
"Hey lady, How about you say goodbye to your family?" One tattooed man told you, holding your face
"Fuck you!" You spat at his face, trying to gel off his hold
"You bitch! I will teach you how to behave" He punched you hard in stomach
The record has a cut
You shows up beaten and all bloody on the screen
"Bruce, please save our daughter. Do not come after me. Take care of the kids and go easy on them. Do it for me... do it for us. Please be safe. I love you" You said goodbye for him
"No!" He cant stand the pain in his heart seeing you hurt like that
Batman got caught in a trap
a fishnet made of barbed wire trap him
"It seems like the bat is not that smart" Jokers voice echos through the loudspekears
"Lets take a look at your woman"
Your unconscious form appears on the screen. You were tied in a chair by ropes
"Hey batman! Are you seeing this beautiful woman here? She will explode in minutes, I hope you enjoy watching it" The tattooed goon said with a big grin on his face
A thud echoes in the background. Some gunshots
"What do you want Joker? Free her!" Batman growled at the clown
"What do I want, Bat? I want to play with you! You know, Ive been feeling lonely since you trapped me in Arkham Asylum again. I think it would be cool to gain some money and play a little with you! Isn't it funny?"
You were in the chapel of the Bludhaven Cemetery
"Shit! Red Hood and Red Robin are here, boss!" The tattooed goon shouts out to the camera
More shoots, and the door is cracked on the floor.
"What a terrific news!! It seems that the birds have come to join Mommy in her explosion!" Jokers laughed excitedly
The vigilantes appear on the screens, running towards you, unaware of the bomb or the camera
"Fuck! what they did to you, mom?" Jason whispered, cutting the ropes in your fists and ankles
"You know how Jason is my favorite Robin, don't you Bat?? He is going to die again because of you! Just because you sent him to search her! And poor Timmy! Hes just a teen that will blow up with his mother and brother HAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAH"
Jason held you tightly in his lap
"Everything will be okay mom"
Tim walked around the place they kept you arrested, and observed the chapel
"Jason are you hearing that?" Tim asked, looking in the direction of the beeps
"Until they found that I put a bomb there. Everything will blow up. BOOM!!!!" The joker laghed mischievous
"RUN" Jason shouts out
The bomb exploded
"NOOOOOO" Batman screamed
"The joke is on you BAT!!! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH"
"TICK TACK TICK TACK. Time is passing, you don't want to lose Evangeline too, right? Tick tack tick tack"
Batman heard sound of steps in the shed
"OH forget Bat! You did find us or we found you, whatever. HAHAHAHAHA" Joker entered in shed with a gun against Evangelines forehead
"Did you know how upset I was with you when I discovered about your girls? You didn't even bother to introduce them to me" Joker pretend to be hurt
Evangeline cries, hurting Bruce in his soul. All he wanted to do was protect her, but he couldn't
"Please let her go! I will give you whatever you want!" Batman pleaded in defeat
"HMM, What a interesting offer but I will pass Bat" He denies, smiling creepy
"I just want you to watch my grand finale" Joker would shoot in Evangeline head
Joker was about to pull the trigger when a blade was thrown into his hands making him drop the gun, and a stick hit hard in his spine
Joker screamed louder, falling on the floor
Robin walks close to the clown and holds him by his purple blouse collar
"Don't mess with my ummi, my sister or my family ever again, or I will kill you with my own hands" Robin kicked hard his spine
"HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH YOU'RE SO CUTE ROBIN HAHAAHAHAH" Joker laughed hard and louder with every beat
Robin was infuriated. Didn't he get hurt?
"That's enough Robin!" Batmans voice scolds him
Robin looked around, seeing Nightwing comforting his baby sister while Batman stood in the corner with crossed arms, watching Robin beat the Joker
With a final strike, Robin knocks the Joker out
"When will mommy wake up?"
You open your eyes but shut them in pain. It felt like a truck had run over you
You moan in pain, trying to feel comfortable where you laid
You open your eyes slowly, trying to adjust with to the light
"Hey, she's waking up!" Jason warned everyone
Everyone shut up and come closer, looking at your dizzy form
"MOMMY!" Evangeline runs to you, hugging you tightly and you breathe deeply in pain
You felt relief to see everyone safe. You hold your daughter in your arms, making a grimace for your sons
"Go easy with her, Ginnie, shes bruised" Dick told her, chuckling at your grimace
The kids were all around you
Your daughter let go of you, leaving space for the other kids to talk with you
"I got really worried about you. I'm happy that you're awake mom" Dick smiles at you warmly, hugging you gently
You opened your mouth to answer, but your throat was dry. You only cough in answer.
Then Tim offers you a glass of water. You drank it
"Thank you Timmy. I was really thristy"
"Its good to see you mom" Tim hugs you quickly
"You scared me as hell, i love you mom" Jason whispered just for you to hear, and hugged you like you were going to disappear any moment
He hold you for a long time until Damian pushed him aside
"I missed you Ummi" Damian squeezed your hand lightly, and you pulled him into your arms
"Its good to see my boys and my girl safe" You smiled caring at them
Alfred walked up to where the kids were
"Its good to see you Miss (Y/N)" Alfred greets you, smiling fondly
You look around, seeing watchful eyes over you. Was he there all the time?
"How you're feeling?" Alfred asked you, checking the serum that was in your veins
"It sucks, it seems that I was hit by an car" You joke humored
Alfred nodded in knowledge
"My whole body is aching, I have a headache, and I'm very hungry" Your stomach is snoring
"I suspected that you were going to say that. I going to bring you something to eat" Alfred heads out of the cave with the kids following behind him
"It seems the anesthesia effects were gone." Bruce deep voice caught your attention
"Anesthesia?" Confused, you question him
Everyone had gone, giving you two some privacy
"You were shot. You lost a mount of blood. When the boys found you, you were unconscious. We had to take the bullet out. You almost had a hemorrhage" He explained
"How long I have been out?" You ask, staring down at your body
You were dressing just in a black top and a yellow Batman loose short
You had some bruises, and some parts of your skin were purple. Your ribs were bandaged. You had stitches on your right arm
Bruce was looking for something in the nursery cabinets
"One week and three days" He states, turning around, looking in the other cabinets
"Oh, your birthday is in two days" You murmur, staring at his back
You could see how his back tensed when you said it. He got quiet for a while, and focus himself on what he was doing
"Yes, Alfred is planning the gala for the weekend. I don't have time to do that" He scratched his throat, walking towards you
"Here take it" He hands you some analgesics and a glass of water
He sits beside you on the bed. You could tell that he was lacking sleep and his beard was to do. He had some scratches on his face
"You lack sleep, when was the last time you slept?" You ask worried about his well being
You raise your hands, fingering his scratches
"You don't need to worry about me, the only one who needs care is you" He says softly, holding your hand in his
You stared at the mirror for a long time. The gala for Bruce's birthday was happening down in the salon
You were wearing a beautiful yellow gown that Bruce had gifted you on your last birthday. You never had the chance to use
You felt uncomfortable with your stitches showing up. Your body was bruised. You couldn't help but feel ugly, even all dressed up
So you decide to stay in the room where you were staying for the week
For a few minutes in the room, you got restless and walked to the library
You loved the manor library. It was a cozy place where you always loved to stay. The big window had a beautiful view of the gardens. You remember staying here with Bruce when you wanted some time alone. You loved the yellow candlelight and the beautiful decoration, it was so classic.
You sit next to the window, looking out at the garden, where some guests were chatting
"I imagined that you'd be here" Bruce entered the library without making a sound
"I don't get scared anymore. I'm used to it" You roll your eyes, annoyed that he doesn't make any walking sounds to enter the places, you raise your eyebrows at him in doubt
Bruce was wearing a beautiful tailored tux. His beautiful blue eyes contrast with the black tux but match his navy tie
"You didn't show up. I come to check up on you" He states, looking at the view of the big window
"I'm sorry for not being there. I don't feel good enough to be around people" You felt guilty for not showing up
"Are you feeling unwell? Do you need anything? What are you feeling? Bruce asks in a hurry, getting closer to you
You stand up, raising a hand for him to calm him
Then Bruce stops, looking at you head to toe, amazed by the view of your beauty. His jaw fell open, and he whispered something you could not hear and licked his lips, straightening his posture
"Wow, you're marvelous tonight" He notes the yellow dress he gave you
"Hm thanks" You doubt he was being truthful. You didn't feel marvelous
You stared at your hands.
"What? You don't believe me?" Bruce asks in shock, realizing your deny his compliment
"Yeah, how could you think that I'm marvelous tonight if I look like this?" You point to your bruised body, looking at your stitches in the right arm
"I don't see nothing but the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in front of me" Bruce states firmly, looking into your eyes
"How?" You whisper, denying
"I can show you if you don't believe me" Bruce steps forward
Bruce gently holds you by the waist and run his fingers through the bruises, kissing them softly. His touch makes you shiver
He looked right into your eyes, asking for permission to kiss you
You lean closer, kissing lightly his lips, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment
The kiss was passionate. How you miss his lips. How you miss the good years. How you miss him
He holds you tightly in his arms
You slowly separate and breathe deep. Widening your eyes in realization. What have you done?
You step back brutally
"Damn it! What we did? We shouldn't do this" You said rude, cursing yourself for letting that happen
You were walking in circles in anxiety
"What? If you regret about it..." You cut him off quickly with a sharp look
"How can you do this? You are engaged and then kiss me, messing with my feelings" The hurt in your voice makes him want to hold you in his arms
"Easy (Y/N). I'm not engaged with any woman" He claimed with a firm tone
"Wait? You're not engaged? But the news said you bought a engagement diamond ring, you didn't propose to Selina?" You tilt your head, doubting if he said the truth
You groaned in pain. You have put too much effort into walking around, the pain fills your ribs and you breathe deep
"Be careful. You cannot make an effort or the stitches in your ribs will open" He warned you, coming closer, guiding you to sit on the leather couch
You stay quiet, staring at the window. The silence was uncomfortable but you didn't want to say anything to him
He was the one who needed to say something
"Hmm... look. I did buy an engagement diamond ring but it is not for Selina. I bought it for someone I cherish and love dearly" He states gently, holding your hands, making you stop to stare at the window
You blink slowly and stay quiet, waiting for him to continue
"I know that I was a dick to you. How I mess the things up with you.... When you left, I felt the regret consume me every day for not fighting for us. I wanted to ask you to stay, but I couldn't. I couldn't be so selfish, I knew you would be happier and safer without me. You would be better off without me. Although I realized that I was nothing without you, just a poor and miserable man" He said in a deep, low tone. It was something so intimate for him to share about his feelings
You look into his eyes, seeing his regretful gaze. His husky deep voice hold honesty over his words
"I was so scared of losing you and not having the chance to apologize for my mistakes. I miss the good years, of our partnership, you were my best friend. I was afraid I could not tell you everything that I wanted. All I wanted to do was hold you in my arms and protect you"
You stay quiet, not finding the words to say something
"I know how I hurt you, and I understand if you don't accept it. But I feel like i had to do it before its too late for us. I still love you (Y/N)" Bruce eyes had a brightness that you had never seen before
Bruce got on his knees in front of you, taking a little velvet red box out of his tux pocket
You were taken back by his confession. Your heart races with his words
"(Y/N) Will you marry me?" The red velvet box had a beautiful diamond ring
You stare at him in shock, speechless. He was proposing to you. You couldn't believe that.
He stares at you, uncertain of your answer, but the big crooked smile you gave him makes him feel more confident
"Oh my! Yes!, I do marry you Bruce" He felt relief with that
Placing the ring on your finger, Bruce kisses your hand tenderly
"I was afraid you would say no" He admitted, getting up and pulling you up gently
"The thought didn't pass my mind, but now i considering it" You pretend to think about
Bruce face went blank with your joke, but then he relaxed seeing you laughing of him
"Don't joke about that. I want to get old with you" He fake a scolds making a frown
"Well you already are old so don't worry" You snap with a teasing grin on your face
"Wow, that hurted my feelings" He put his hand on his heart, faking a heart pain and pouting
You peck his pouting lips and hold your arms around his neck while he holds you by the waist
"I love you too, Bruce" You confess, burying your face in his neck
"I swear to be better for you" You feel his hands tracing circles on your back
"You just need to fight for us when the things get rough. Don't let me go ever again, and stay with me" You embrace him tightly
"I promise" He whisper
"I'll kick you in the ass if you don't keep your promise" He laughed, caressing your hair locks
"DAMN Damian! You let Joker stuck in a wheelchair forever" You curse under your breath
Damian was ready for the scold but you only smiled at him, messing his hair
"Well done Dami, I'm so proud of you" You whispered so only he could hear and winked at him
"Dick gave me a little help hitting the stick on his spine" He smiled slightly, feeling proud about his achievement. Now that maniac would not be able to hurt anyone
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lowkeyremi · 11 months
Double Trouble timeskip!hinata x reader
note: i wanted to expand on shoyo as a dad
CW: past pregnancy, children, twins, established relationship
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"I don't wan' the blue one daddy, I wan' da one Mia has." Nia whines when her father tries to give her the blue tube of yogurt.
"I'm sorry baby, but sissy got the last red one." Shoyo explains to her softly. It doesn't soften the blow though, her face starts to scrunch up.
"Don't cry honey, the blue one is really good! Yummy yum!" Your little munchkin starts to sniffle, "Here go, sissy, you have da red one."
Mia is such a kind little girl, sharing with her twin. Shoyo thought having twins would be chaotic because of how the Miya twins are with one another, but so far it hasn't been that bad. They are only four though, it might get worse when they get a little older.
"Thank you sissy." Nia says with a smile as she trades yogurts with her sister.
"Well, I'm glad that worked out." The girls look up at their dad, big doe eyes, one pair filled to the brim with tears the other pair glowing.
Nia wipes away her tears with her chubby little hand. Hinata follows his little girls to the table. He's on daddy duty today while you're out on a three day business trip. Hinata was going to call the sitter but she's had the flu for the past couple of days, which in terms could affect the girls and maybe just make her feel worse.
As devoted as the man is to his work, he took off those three days because he has enough sick days to do so. Taking time off of work for the children is one of the many sacrifices he makes for deciding to have kids.
"I think mama will be kinda mad I didn't take you guys to daycare today." In his defense, he woke up late, and not just a few minutes kind of late. Two hours, kind of late. It's easier for him to call daycare and say his girls were sick rather than explain that he was unprepared, so that's what he did.
"Ms. Momoko gonna call mama, right?" Mia asks. The yogurt tube is almost empty. She's a fast eater just like her papa.
"Huh? What?!" Your poor husband doesn't even get time to think out an excuse, you're calling him right now.
"Crap." He picks up your call.
"Hey darling." His voice is suave. Best to soften the blow with his sexy voice. His girls giggle at his voice deepening.
"Hey Sho, are the girls alright? I knew something was going around at daycare and Nia seemed a little bit sniffly before I left." The worry in your voice calms Hinata. Luckily you haven't caught on.
"Yeah, they're in bed right now. Do we have any canned soup?" The girls look at him. They give him that face little kids give when you're lying.
"I think there should be some miso in the fridge, heat it up for them, okay?" He nods forgetting you can't actually see him.
"Of course, I'll make clear soup for them." Nia walks up to her father, "I wanna talk to mama!"
Hinata chuckles hesitantly, "What are you doing out of bed little girl?"
You coo softly at Nia when Hinata hands her the phone. He's trying to mouth to her to keep quiet about not being sick, but of course, with her only being four she doesn't get it.
"You feeling okay, baby?" A small fake cough escapes Nia's throat. Hinata hopes you don't hear how fake that was.
"My thoat hurt, but daddy takin care of us." She whines.
"Aww your throat? You're so cute. Mama hopes you feel better, is Mia close by or is she sleeping?" Nia hands the phone over to Mia, "Nia, you still there, honey?"
"Hi mama." Mia has a silky voice which causes you to once again be in awe of the the cute little girls that were once in your womb.
"Hi Mia, Mama misses you." She smiles brightly at your voice. Both of the girls are infatuated with you. When they first started walking they would not ever leave your side. Not even to use the bathroom.
"I miss you more. My thoat hurts too, but I be okay." You find it adorable how your girls comfort you.
"I hope you get better, baby girl. I love you very much. Can I talk to daddy?" She lets out a small hum. Your husband once again has the phone.
"Okay baby, gotta go. The girls need their soup." You quickly notice how he's in a rush to get off of the phone with you.
"I have to get back to work, call you later?"
"Of course, I love you." The sincerity of his voice always gets to you. Shoyo is always so understanding and quick to help. It's one of the many things you love about him.
"Love you too." He says his goodbyes and you say yours. Hinata never hangs up on you, so you always have to do it.
"That was a close one. Good acting girls." The ginger sticks out his hand for them to high five.
"My thoat rweally do hurt." They say at the same time.
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strawberrymochin · 5 months
Springtime Fushiguros♪
Context-: exploring the memories of childhood of fushiguros, marking the spring time of you and satoru gojo.
Summer daze :- cozy afternoon naps and picnic with gojo and the fushiguros
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You cleared away the empty cans into a plastic bag, putting them aside, then closing the lid of the emptied bentos, you prepared this morning.
Gojo streched himself on the blanket, he spread earlier, looking much chirpy and vibrant.
Last few days has been really hectic for Gojo. The higher ups are really driving him up the wall, building up his hatred even more. You didn't want him to get stressed because of those shitty people, thus you recommend to spend this holiday in mizumoto park having a picnic day.
You woke up early today, making different items, including a lot of foods that has a slight sweet hint to it, not forgetting to carry extra candies for him. You also made Megumi and Tsumiki's favourite foods so no one's left out. You are not that of a picky eater, so all these items were enough to please you.
'Hey, that was mine!!' Megumi whines as gojo picks a candy that was particularly reserved for Megumi.
'So what? I paid for it.' Gojo flicks an eyebrow at him, scoffing in superiority.
'That doesn't counts, give it back to me!'
'well, I've already popped it into my mouth. It has my saliva over it....still want it back?'
'Y/n-san!!' Megumi calls for you, 'oh come on 'toru! Teasing Megumi is not considered to be a part time hobby.'
Gojo straightens up, flicking his sunglasses with a swift movement. 'call me that again?'
You couldn't reciprocate for a moment that seemed long. 'um....'toru..?'
He looked at you for a while, intently and steadily, then layed down with a soft chuckle. You couldn't process his response, maybe he found the nickname silly? Ahh I shouldn't have called him that. You smacked yourself mentally.
You were about to explain yourself that it was not something cheesy you made up with and just an involuntary action, when—
'megumi-chan you can have mine.' Tsumiki being the kind hearted angel she is, offers her candy to Megumi.
'Its fine 'miki, you have that, I've got some more of those for you guys. Here.' You hand out the candies to the kids. 'we will leave before evening, wanna have a nap till then?'
'yes!' chirps tsumiki, 'lay down then.' you shift your body weight, lying on the right side while your upper arm supports your head, using the left hand to patt the area beside you, indicating the kids to lay down.
Megumi was going to take the spot beside you, but gojo pulls him beside him instead. Megumi groans, trying to squirm to get out of gojo's grip and run to you. Unfortunately, he isn't strong enough to do that. You laugh a bit, as Tsumiki lays beside you.
Warm rays of sunlight pools over, through the crown shyness, slow breezes cause the branches of the trees, above you guys dance loftily. The sound of the birds, insects and the scent of soil forged a serene environment.
Gojo was fondled megumi's hair, while he slowly drifted in his dreamy slumber. Tsumiki was fast asleep too.
'what was that before?' you said softly keeping your voice low, not to wake the kids up.
'why did you make me repeat—'
'Cuz, i wanted to hear it again.'
'why? Do you think it's silly?'
'You know, what's the most melodic thing to my ears in this entire world?' he smiles softly. His blue eyes shone like the point where the sun rays meet the vast sea. 'It's my name from your mouth.'
You felt a thousand butterflies in your stomach. This simple confession felt more intimate than any subtle physical moments you've had.
He continues, 'Don't know much about nicknames, but you've surely made me silly.....in love.'
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..shut up my moms calling !
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miles morales 42 x black fem reader
sum: miles is always there . warns : cursing . a/n : the blue story is not coming out right now, i done got my heart played wid so bad . it hurts to much to write that story and i need sum happy . it is coming out just not now, sorry to let u down . and sorry this short i got finals coming up , bop = hoe
based off jace nd crystal from swagger .
miles has always been there , even when he wasn’t he was . you could feel his eyes on you when he wasn’t even in the room , you hoped it wasn’t just you being delusional and your falling out hurt him as much as it did you . now what you didn’t know is it hurt him so much more, it consumed him . and he did swing by your house , your school , and your job . where ever he knew you would be just to see you . you fell out because he was with a girl and he wasn’t treating her the best and u checked him on it . he didn’t wanna be with her and you didn’t want him to either but you’ve known each other way too long to say anything . his parents and yours would often tell each other it was only temporary, you both thought it was weird they stayed in touch but you both hoped it was. you checked on him too , watching his location on your phone or even stopping by the bodega he’s always at . you were actually doing it right now , at the lil corner store miles was always at . you roamed the store just to do it and then you saw curly hair that couldn’t be any one else , you saw your best friend . but to not make it look like you were stalking him, you quietly walked in the aisle he was in . fake looking at the candy while your mind and heart were racing . and he noticed you too , he noticed you walk all the way over there and noticed you looking at candy you didn’t even like.
“hey bop” he finally said turning his head to quickly scan you then turning back and his tone irked you a little but you shook it off .
“who a bop ? anyway hey girl .. “ “ i miss you .” he said in a hushed tone so maybe you wouldn’t hear . “i miss you too, a lot.” you said and his nonchalant demeanor broke , the real him returning , only you could do that . he put his candy down , hugging you as he let out a breath he didn’t know he had . you leaned into the familiar touch , you really really missed him .
“can we not do this again ? life so boring without my favorite hoe .” you said with a sweet smile truly meaning every word , “say it again i bet iah smack tf outta you .” he said laughing and you laughed too, acting as it no time had passed , but you both knew nothing could go unsaid , as the laughter died down and you left the store he spoke up . “ i’m sorry.. about acting like that , i just don’t get why it made you so upset i was with her .” he said walking on the outside of you like he always did . “ion know i guess i didn’t want you with her , you were also treating her like a dog .” you said mindlessly only realizing when it already left your mouth , did you just say that ? “shit not that like i wanted you or anything, i just didn’t want gwen to be h-“ “she wasn’t you , i tried to see you in her but i just couldn’t .” he said stopping in his tracks pulling your hand to turn around at him , “oh , u want me real bad get off my body damn .” you said obviously kidding to avoid talking about your feelings “u play too much” he said leaning into kiss you for like the 4th time ? you always ended up kissing miles , so you let him and it happened like it always happened . it was special like always, different than anybody you’d ever kissed . “you like me or sum ? you always kissing me like damn nigga get out my mouth !” “yo stfu fore i rly do sum to you lil boy .” he said as he starting walking again and you looked around for the “lil boy” “where he at? ion see no lil boys” you said catching up with him and he just chuckled as his response . “i want you , i want us” he finally said as you smiled at the words you’ve waited so long for , “me too .”
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silkscream · 9 months
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ੈ✩ gojo satoru x reader, geto suguru x reader
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Satoru Gojo was a lot of things, but he would never be yours. Sleeping with him in his bed as a child didn’t grant you that kind of closeness anymore. Within these halls, you walk past each other like strangers.
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ੈ✩ chapter cw/tags: angst, suggestiveness, making out, light bullying
ੈ✩ wc: 5.5k
ੈ✩ a/n: i am here to ruin everyone's lives. apologies in advance
playlist ✸ read on ao3 ✸ series masterlist
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March, 2008
“Hey, Twigs. Wanna see something cool?”
His honeyed voice chills your spine, his breath warm right by your ear. You roll your eyes as you turn to face Satoru, grinning with all his teeth as he tugs at your wrist. 
“What is it, Satoru?” you sigh.
“You have to follow meee,” he sings, pulling you away from the table you’re setting and towards the side of the porch. It’s secluded. Private. “Bring the spoon.”
With furrowed brows, you oblige. It isn’t like you have a choice. You had followed him around like a puppy ever since you’d met him as a child. You continue to, regardless of your determination to separate yourself from him.
His favorite shadow. His little pet.
The two of you aren’t as close as you were when you were children, but it’s still impossible to refuse him when he has a request. You blame it on your mother and her professionalism. You figure you had inherited it from her. That hyper-politeness. You find that you blame the ocean blue of his eyes more often. Always sparkling. 
He walks a few feet away from you, still grinning. You blink at his tall figure. He's currently dressed in a baby blue dress shirt (sleeves rolled up, of course) and black slacks. His Sunday best for the fancy brunch at the Gojo Estate. Every April, your mother summons you to help set up, then rewards you with a plate and time to play with the other kids. She would continue her work, serving the family and their guests. You would pretend that you weren’t part of the staff.
There hadn’t been a point in you staying for the afternoon in years. Only if Satoru begged you to, and even then, he hadn’t bothered to do so since junior high.
“You’re going to get me in trouble,” you huff, crossing your arms. You wipe your sweaty hands on your smock.
“I’d never let you get in trouble, you know that,” he smirks. “Now, throw the spoon at me.”
“Just do it.”
“I want to throw way more than a spoon at you right now.”
“Relax, Twigs. Do this for me. Please?” he pouts. You can see his bright blue eyes peeking out of his black sunglasses, framed by snow-white lashes. It was unfair how pretty he was. How easily he could persuade you. 
Sighing, you throw the spoon in his direction. It stops right in front of his face as if there’s an invisible wall. He laughs in victory when he sees your confused expression. 
“What was that?” 
“My Infinity. I’ve perfected it so that it’s automatic. Took me a lot of willpower before but now it’s as easy as breathing.”
“Congratulations,” you reply dryly. 
It was typical of Satoru to be invincible. Untouchable. It had been a quality of his since birth, now manifested into a literal power to aid him against threats. You’d been on the outskirts of such threats when you were younger, but Satoru would always spare you the details.
Watching him grow in his adolescence had been like watching a sprout bloom. It shot toward the sky exponentially until it became a tree in record time. You, meanwhile, were still a sprout. A window, they’d called it. Able to see the horrors produced by human nature but unable to do anything about it.
Your head snaps up, alert when you hear your mother yelling your name from the porch. She points a hard gaze at you, then softens it when she sees Satoru.
“Satoru-kun, do you mind if I steal her for a minute? I need some extra hands for the tamagoyaki.”
Satoru nods, expressing his courtesy to your mother in his usual charming poise. It used to work on you before, but it often irks you now. The way he dazzles people to get what he wants. You would rather die than admit it was a characteristic of his that you envied.
He tugs at your braid before you walk away.
“See you later, Twigs,” he calls after you. A playful lilt to his voice. 
“You won’t.”
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Satoru has you memorized. Since the two of you were five years old, he considered you his mirror image, though you never believed him. 
Often, when he sees you now, his heart leaps the tiniest bit in his chest the same way it did when he was thirteen. He’s gotten better at ignoring it. He’s perfected the art of ignoring you ever since high school started.
He likes to indulge during times when you’re not looking. At the moment, you’re concentrated on a flower arrangement, a blush painted on your cheeks from the heat. He’d watch you do this when you were kids, too. Your face would be in a concentrated frown, tongue peeking out. Nimble fingers perfecting an ikebana arrangement. 
Sometimes he missed it. He decided long ago that it would be better if he didn’t.
You two had been inseparable since the day the Gojos' hired your mother as a maid. He remembered you hiding behind your mother’s legs, chewing on the end of one of your braids. You would stay in the guest house of the Gojo estate with your mother, and you would become Satoru’s best companion. 
Both of your mothers would arrange playdates. Satoru’s mother wanted him out of her hair. Your mother wanted to work without your constant interruptions. You were needy, an only child, but Satoru would always please you with his company. It was why you adored him.
He’d show you all his toys and teach you all the games that his extended family would show him to make you feel included. He’d have you sleep in his bed, which would go under the radar until the two of you were fourteen. It would be innocent and wholesome. Satoru would show you the stars he’d learned about and you would look at him as if he’d hung them in the sky himself. 
Satoru often reminisces about the shape of your body to this day. Sometimes, he misses it when he’s alone in his king-sized bed in the winter. Even with the heat on, there’s still something missing, and then he thinks of you.
When you were kids, you’d sleep together, legs and arms intertwined. Drool on the same pillow. Wake up to an abundance of pancakes from your mother.
You had been half a friend, half a plaything. Satoru’s counterpart. Feet kicking each other under the breakfast table. 
At age five, you’d seen the same curse together. A harmless thing, chameleon-like, with eight legs on each side. It had a nasty face, one that you had recognized from your nightmares. It had been exciting at first, knowing that you shared the same ability as your best friend. You believed that you would grow with him and become as talented as him.
But that was an exaggeration. Satoru's parents knew how isolating it would be for their son to be the strongest. Your technique never came.
Satoru acted as your protector, then. Expelled the small, vicious curses in the corners of your room like they were bugs. You’d watch him train, his body overgrowing with knobby knees as you sat on the sidelines. And while you grew up with him, you only got smaller in his periphery. Always lesser. Always weaker.
It’s the reason you’d grown apart. At least that’s what he tells himself. 
Satoru had grown into a tall, arrogant child. He treated school as a hobby and still made the highest marks, which angered you to no end. It didn’t matter to him, anyway, knowing that he’d become a company's CEO or the best jujutsu sorcerer in the world. He had his future in the palm of his hands. You were not a part of that. You weren’t even sure of a future of your own.
Sometimes he would have nightmares of you dying in his arms at the hands of a curse too big for him to control. During adolescence, he experienced many threats to his safety. He knew he couldn't live with himself. He couldn’t bear to see you endure the same. 
So, without explanation, Satoru Gojo pretended you didn’t exist. He exchanged the necessary niceties in school and when you'd come over with your mother, though he'd never ask you to stay the same way he had when you were kids. He was often occupied with new friends, anyway. Often busy working on his technique. Nothing that was your business, of course.
You resented him for it. 
Now, you’re enduring your last year of high school with him, and you are trying so badly to be good. You should aim to make good enough marks to attend a decent university on a decent scholarship. God knows you aren’t fit for the world of jujutsu sorcery. 
In a way, you’re okay with the mundanity of your life. Satoru’s absence in your heart convinced you of that. 
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Satoru’s attendance at school is only an illusion of normalcy for his parents. His mother insists on it. Barely a sorcerer herself, she had wanted to give her son the option of living a normal life. With his grades and wit, she knew that he could easily be successful as a businessman or a doctor. 
Despite this, Satoru knew he would enroll in Tokyo’s Jujutsu Technical College with Suguru. He had met Suguru when he was fifteen, trying to exorcise a curse that only got snatched by a dark-haired thief, one who would end up as his best friend. 
Satoru saw Suguru as his only equal. He had no one else to relate to about jujutsu sorcery. 
Certainly not you.
But still, he was closing another year of high school, his last. Then he could be free from his parents’ restraints. It was easy for him to be the best and make the most friends. It was a shame that he’d have to leave them all behind. 
You’re a ghost in Satoru’s wake. Always near, never faltering yet never consuming too much space. As the school year progresses, he ignores you like a mosquito bite. Harmless but still itching his skin. Always reminded of your presence even when you do nothing to draw attention to yourself. 
And then there are times that you do.
“I’m sorry, sensei,” you mumble, stunned in the doorway of the classroom.
It’s a nondescript weekday in May, one that’s wet with rain, which explains your damp hair and clothes. Your appearance conjures a succession of snickers. The sound of low laughter taunting you and whispers gossiping about you.
You’re too tired for it. You don’t want to be here at all.
“I’m disappointed,” your teacher relays. “You’re usually never tardy.”
“It won’t happen again,” you muster.
You hear more whispers. It hangs on your shoulders as you sit in your seat, still and heavy as you attempt to take notes.
Should’ve worn something more sheer, than she’d get the attention she wants, huh?
Nah, not like her tits are even good enough to be seen like that.
Bet she’s hiding something from all of us. Maybe we can get her to strip in the girls’ locker room and give us a show later.
“Shut the fuck up,” a voice growls. You hear it, turning your head, and your eyes fall on Satoru’s fiery blues. 
You wonder if the feeling of his gaze searing into the back of your head is worth mentioning. It makes your face hotter, the flush of humiliation warming your neck as your peers snicker at you.
You manage to get through class without crying. Haru, a boy you were closer with in previous years, offers his sweatshirt to you as you collect your things. 
“She’s good,” Satoru interrupts as you strip off your damp sweater. Within seconds, he has you under his arm. He ushers you out the classroom door. His oversized jacket drapes over your shoulders.
“Gojo,” you hiss. “He was just being nice.”
“Or he wanted to see you in a wet t-shirt. I don’t think white was the best move for today, by the way.”
Your face heats up when you look down. You realize the extent of skin that’s visible from the sheerness of your damp white shirt. It mortifies you more when you realize that Satoru had caught it first.
“Right. Thanks,” you mumble, hiking up your bookbag tighter on your shoulder. 
“So helpless sometimes,” Satoru sighs. He shoots you a devilish smile that combats your scowling frown. “Why don’t you call me by my first name here?”
“Because we’re in school and it’s polite.”
"Twigs, are you scared of being associated with me?"
He blocks the door of your locker, leaning against it and towering over you. Satoru had always taken up as much space as possible without a care in the world. You were the opposite -– always compartmentalizing yourself to be smaller. Malleable. Amicable.
He’s too close for comfort, nearly breathing down your neck. He only moves when you kick him pathetically in the shin.
Satoru’s smile only grows bigger as you ignore him. He wonders if he could get your fuse to blow in front of him right now. This place is usually where you’re composed, regal, and expedient. One of the school’s top students. 
He knew you had an edge to you, wild as you were when he had known you as a child. But you had only grown to be responsible and sensible. He thinks that his mother would be relieved if he acted more like you.
“Coming home with me or what?” Satoru quips. The way he says it makes your stomach stir. It's an almost salacious suggestion despite its innocence. Satoru always made everything sound more exciting than it was.
“Why would I?” you raise a brow.
“My mother would like to see you. She told me she had some hand-me-downs for you to try on." You know I’d love nothing more than to see you parade around my house dressed like my mother in the 70s.” He grins in amusement.
“Okay, sure, whatever.”
“Yo, Satoru!” 
His head whips around to see one of his buddies, crowded around other jocks. Satoru is quick to leave you without so much as a goodbye. 
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July, 2008
After your semester, you end up second to Satoru. It’s no surprise to you despite how much it infuriates you. You are never anything more or less. 
"Congratulations, Twigs," Satoru murmurs to you. He startles you from your thoughts. You slam your locker closed.
“Why are you still calling me that?”
“Because you’re my Twigs,” he pouts.
Yours. It’s a funny lie. Satoru Gojo was a lot of things, but he would never be yours. Sleeping with him in his bed as a child didn’t grant you that kind of closeness anymore. Within these halls, you walk past each other like strangers.
He pouts childishly like he always does. There’s a devilish spark in his blue eyes underneath his sunglasses, though you can barely make out his irises from his height. Satoru’s growth spurt had him at over six feet tall by the time he was sixteen. It was obvious that he’d only grow taller. 
You scoff, rolling your eyes at the nickname. If you were in middle school again, the notion would warm your heart. It had been a stupid nickname he’d tease you with ever since you were both ten. You had been angry at him for reasons that escaped you, climbing up the tree in the backyard of his estate as high as you could until he begged you to come down.
You wouldn’t, of course. You were always stubborn like that, and Satoru loved it. 
You were also much clumsier when you were ten, slipping your foot as you attempted to climb a different branch and falling into Satoru’s arms. It had been a miracle you didn’t break any bones, but thanks to Satoru’s freakish strength, you were unharmed. Only disheveled with leaves and twigs stuck in your frizzy hair. He had called you Twigs ever since. 
“I’m not your anything. Even if my mother is still your fucking maid.”
“Aren’t you my maid, too? My little servant?” he teases. 
You wonder if he knows how cruel it is, even if it’s a little joke.
“I’m nothing to you,” you mumble. You attempt to hold a faster stride on your walk home. Maybe you’d advance enough to leave him in the dust. You could be the best runner on the track team if you managed that.
But you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t leave him, couldn’t. Not a chance.
“What was that?” Satoru calls after you.
“Slow down,” he whines, running fast enough to follow your stride, much to your annoyance. Him and his stupid, long legs. His taunting smile. “Don’t you wanna come over?”
“Why would I?”
“Your mom’s probably there. And we can celebrate the end of exams.”
“I have… stuff to do,” you stammer.
“No, you don’t,” Satoru chuckles. “The semester’s over. Summer’s here, baby.”
“Don’t call me that!”
He laughs again, the sound twinkling in your ears like a beloved song. It makes your cheeks warm. You don’t want him to see it. 
Yet, he wraps his arms around you, chin nestled to your collarbone as if you were joined together. In a blink, the two of you are in his kitchen, with whiplash only an after-effect. You still hadn’t gotten used to his ability to warp.
“I hate when you do that.”
“You like it, I know you do,” Satoru taunts. “It excites you. I can tell because your cheeks get all flushed.”
“They do not!”
“Sure, they don’t, Twigs.” 
“You’re annoying,” you huff, dropping your school bag on a chair.
Satoru greets your mother with a kiss on the cheek as you follow behind him. She has tea prepared in the sitting room for you and him, along with dorayaki and matcha Swiss rolls.
“Your mom’s the fucking best,” he muses as he gobbles down a third roll. You watch him in feigned disgust. Sipping your tea, you mumble something unintelligible in agreement.
“What, you aren’t hungry?”
“Try this.”
“I have. She’s my mom.”
“C’mon, Twigs, open up.” 
Satoru leans over the table with a Swiss roll between his fingers, waving it in front of your face. There’s no point in protesting -– he’d probably knock something over from his eagerness to annoy you. You part your lips to take a bite, and at the same time, he shoves it into your mouth.
“Satoru!” you groan.
“Stay still.”
You swallow your bite and he wipes his fingertips on the corner of your mouth. He’s close enough to feel your breath on his face, licking up the frosting on his thumb nonchalantly. He chuckles at the flustered look painting your face into a scowl.
“I’m done. I’m going to do the dishes.” 
You excuse yourself to retreat to the kitchen before you can so much as make eye contact with Satoru again. He has to be teasing you with his small touches. It’s something he would’ve done when you were twelve, yet the notion now would be different. 
The two of you were in completely different social spheres. He had separated himself from you years prior. It would be a rare sight for him to be so touchy with you in public, acting as if you were like him. 
Someone who had a big kitchen. Someone who didn’t have to think about expenses.
It’s a miracle that he leaves you alone as you clean the kitchen, washing dishes to keep your mind occupied. After you’re done, you decide to cut up a bowl of strawberries. You knew they were Satoru’s favorite. Knowing him, he’d still crave something sweet after demolishing all the desserts.
You nick yourself. A careless act — you aren’t paying attention, mistaking the sharp side of the knife for the dull one. It slices the inside of your thumb. Cursing under your breath, you hover your hand over the wound. You heal it within milliseconds without so much as a second thought.
This is when Satoru kicks at something. The wall or a potted plant, you don’t know. But it’s a plea for attention and it brings your focus to him, your head snapping up to meet his gaze and his childish pout. 
“I saw that,” he says, lowly.
You freeze under his scrutiny. You don’t say anything.
“So you’ve been lying to me.” It’s a seething accusation instead of a question.
He gets so close to you without you even noticing. He towers over you again, swallowed by the whole of his shadow, and his betrayed frown is petulant like a child’s. 
“You said you didn’t have a cursed technique.”
“I—I didn’t. Not until later—”
Your eyes are wide as you look up at him, hands trembling. He takes a step forward, taking up more space. It reminds you of your worth. The mere fact of him belittles you in that way.
“When I was thirteen. My kitten, Aki. The stray. You remember him, don’t you?”
“I do.”
“He got hit by a car one day, and I couldn’t stop sobbing. And I was holding him in my hands all bloody. And then, I brought him back to life. It just happened.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You search Satoru’s face. There’s a bit of betrayal in it, mostly surprise. It boils your blood in the slightest bit — because why is it so shocking that you ended up with a cursed technique? You may have hidden it from him for a few years, but was it something so unimagined for you?
You assumed that you would always be a plaything in Satoru’s eyes. Something so easy, so useless.
“It wasn’t enough,” you exasperate. 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“It doesn’t matter. None of it does, Satoru. It’s so—”
Insignificant. Small compared to you.
He waits, swallowing the lump in his throat. Eyes flaring like comets.
“It doesn’t matter,” you repeat. “I don’t even want to be a sorcerer, and even if I wanted to be, I could never keep up with you. I don’t see the point in pursuing this if I’m better off just studying at a normal university—”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Your technique is amazing. It’s like Shoko’s! You could’ve —”
“Satoru,” you emphasize. Your tone shuts him up, your hardened gaze, the lightning in your eyes bright and sharp. Menacing, even. You can sense the sound of him swallowing, a lump lodged in his throat loud enough for you to hear.
White lashes flutter. A frown is still displayed on his face. It’s now that he notices the slight bags under your eyes. Evidence of burden, of nights spent awake under the unforgiving moonlight.
You look at him in a way that feels damning — like you’re coaxing something from him. He knows better — knows that his anger is misplaced, that you’re right.
You having a healing technique is nothing compared to him. Even then, he knows that you probably aren’t interested in combat or the world of jujutsu sorcery in general. It doesn’t affect him so negatively. So what is he so angry about?
The question is in your eyes, pleading. He already knows the answer despite not admitting it to himself. He knows that the prospect of you having a cursed technique doesn’t mean you’re stronger than him. He assumes you wouldn’t surpass him, and wouldn’t think you to be someone who would even think about it. 
Satoru knows he’s angry because he feels very close to you. He had at least thought he was close enough with you to know about your cursed technique. It was finding out that you were hiding it from him that made him angry. Learning that you had it manifest in front of you and didn’t bother to fucking tell him about it.
He can’t voice any of these frustrations. He knows you’d yell at him, and criticize him for thinking he’s entitled to you. It’s inappropriate and unfair, but in his younger years, he often felt that he was entitled to you. He’d known you since you were so very little, so vulnerable. He had protected you from all those curses, hadn’t he? He held you in his arms in his bed for years. That had to have meant something to you. It certainly meant something to him. 
“Sorry. I just wish you told me earlier,” he says softly. 
You apologize. Meek beneath him, eyes avoiding him. 
“I know,” you sigh. “I have to go. I’ll see you later, Satoru.”
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You don’t see him for a week and a half. It should be typical to you. It’s not like him to reach out or go out of his way to see you. He’d always been like that, giving you no expectations. And yet, his radio silence had crawled under your skin.
It’s stupid to expect him, anyway. There’s no reason for him to show up at yours, much more of a reason for you to show up at his, but you don’t need to. Your mother does that for her job and it has nothing to do with you.
There’s a Tuesday that’s so quiet, so plain that even the rain falters after two hours to only grant the town wet pavement. You’re curled up with a book in your living room when you hear a succession of knocks on your door. An erratic rhythm, the same as the special knock you would use with Satoru.
It’s him, of course. He smirks at you, an oversized t-shirt loose off of his lanky figure. You try not to fixate on the sweat of his exposed collarbone. You look him straight in the eyes through his pitch-black sunglasses.
He has a large bouquet in his hands. He grins at you. For the first time in a little while, you feel brave.
“Confessing your love to me this afternoon, are you?” you pester, a brow raised.
Something like that, Satoru thinks.
“You wish.” 
He walks past you, brushing your shoulders much to your annoyance. He sets the bouquet on your kitchen table in its little jar, peonies drooping despite how hard he tries to fix them.
“It’s from my mom to yours. As a thank you and a birthday wish and stuff.”
“Thanks,” you murmur. “That’s very sweet of her.”
He hums in agreement, rocking his heels back and forth as his eyes roam your house. It isn’t his first time here, but he acts the part, hands buried in his pockets as he observes you like a wild animal. 
“Will that be all?”
“Dunno,” Satoru shrugs. “What were you up to before I showed up?”
You shrug, too, attempting to mirror his nonchalance. You had long ago buried your paperback in a drawer, promising to return to it by the time Satoru left. But still, he lingers, in front of you, taking up unnecessary space in your childhood home. Too tall and too pretty.
“Just cleaning my room,” you lie. 
“Can I see it?”
“Been a while,” he shrugs. “I’m just curious.”
“Well, it’s a mess right now. I didn’t get very far.”
“Like I care,” Satoru chuckles. 
He stares at you for a bit, heartbeats passing the time in your head. Fuck, he’s serious. He’s already leaning towards the staircase.
You’re hyper-aware of him behind you, eyes exploring the length of your body. If you had known that he would show up unannounced, you would’ve changed into one of your long dresses or a pair of jeans. At the moment, you feel too bare in your tank top and corduroy shorts. You feel like a child outgrown.
Satoru takes up as much space as usual, long limbs splayed over your tiny twin bed. You don’t permit him to sit on your bed, but he does it anyway. He looks at the pictures on your wall, takes in the sweet smell of your sheets. It’s similar to your clothes, your flesh. Your hair. He’d live in it if he could.
“How cute.” He gestures to a cat plushie by the head of your bed. 
“Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not!” Satoru laughs. “It is cute. It’s so you.”
A certain fervor blossoms in your gut at that. The image of him stretched out on your little bed. Despite your closeness with him when you were younger, he had never spent much time at your house. It took you a few years to understand why.
“You should invite me over more often.”
“I don’t invite you over ever.”
“Well, you could start.”
“Why?” You stand by the wall, shifting your weight towards it as you lean backward. You cross your arms in defense, even though he hasn’t said anything to provoke you yet.
“It’s comfy here. I like it.”
He sings your name, beckoning you to him. You take three steps at most, holding your breath. Standing in front of his knees.
“Come sit, Twigs.”
“Told you not to call me that,” you breathe.
“Don’t care,” he grins. 
He reaches out to you, pulling you between his knees with a hand on your waist. He smirks at the sound of your gasp as he tugs at your wrist. 
“In my lap. C’mere.”
It’s difficult to refuse Satoru Gojo. His eyes drink you in, ocean blues glimmering and reflecting the afternoon sunlight. You’re still between his thighs. He tugs you without much effort, making you stumble into him. Your hands hold onto his shoulders as you settle into his lap. He holds the small of your back as you straddle him.
“Wanna try something.”
You say nothing. Your eyes flutter closed when you feel his fingertips grazing your jaw.
There’s a softness against your mouth. You don’t dare open your eyes.
You sense a sharp inhale behind the lips that kiss you, but they stay. Wetting between your mouth with the slight of a tongue. Tasting sweet like honeysuckle.
You whine, opening your mouth a bit more. You swallow down divinity. It's misguided affection that you had wished for when you were so much smaller. It might mean something bigger to you now if you thought about it for longer. You don’t want to. You refuse to.
But Satoru kisses you hard, excited and eager. His tongue peeks into your mouth and you taste strawberries. Lips soft and supple and melting against yours.
He groans, fisting your hair in his hand as he deepens the kiss, falling more and more into you. He smiles against your mouth as he coaxes a small sound out of you. It crawls out of your throat for him to taste with satisfaction. He’s always dreamed of you in his lap, but he could never tell you that.
You’re breathless, weak, and melting into him as he wraps his arms around you. Caging you in so that you can’t escape. So fucking warm in his embrace. 
It takes a second for you to notice the hardness growing underneath you. It prods your center as you mindlessly grind into Satoru’s lap. When you realize, you squeak in embarrassment, and he clutches you harder.
You sigh into each other, eating the other up. Heat surges through you, from your forehead down to your core, to your weak, sensitive legs. Hot from the feeling of him in your mouth. Hot from the proximity of your core to his.
You pull away, exhaling unevenly as you try to catch your breath. You’re shy under his gaze, unwrapping yourself and covering your body as if you’re naked.
“What is it?”
“You’re so cute,” he chuckles. “Acting like that was your first kiss.”
“What if it was?”
He raises a brow as you look away with flushed cheeks. You’re still on his lap and he takes the opportunity to remind you of this, shifting you in his lap and causing friction. Your eyes are wide as you quickly attempt to untangle your limbs with his.
“That was your first kiss?”
You roll your eyes at the sight of his leering smile. God, you knew this would happen. Satoru would never let you live it down.
“I’m going to kick you out—”
He grasps your wrist in his hand. It’s small compared to his palm, engulfing you. His other hand grips your hip firmly but softly. He only moves it to cup your cheek, his thumb stroking your skin.
“How was it? Tell me.”
“Good,” you breathe. “Felt good.”
For the first time in a long time, he looks at you like you have invented something new. There’s a bit of astonishment. Wonder and admiration. Maybe you were getting ahead of yourself. You were easily deluding yourself with the expression of his sapphire blue eyes. 
“Felt good for me, too.”
“Why did you do that?” you ask, giggling nervously. 
“Just wanted to.”
“I want you to kiss me again,” you whisper.
“I want to do more than that,” Satoru mumbles. But he knows better. It’s the best decision for him to get you off his lap right now before he loses composure.
You both hear the sound of your front door opening as if it’s timed -- your mother. 
“I’ll kiss you later, okay?” Satoru murmurs.
“You will?”
“My parents will be gone this weekend. To Okinawa. You should come over on Saturday.”
“Okay. I will.”
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filmbyjy · 5 months
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SYPNOSIS > Wanting to start a new stream series with his best friends, Jay had a bright idea of playing some simple Minecraft with them. Everything was normal, until he realises there is another person in the call with them. He quickly learns that it was ni-ki’s older sister, (name). Watch how streaming a simple game of Minecraft can dig up some interesting feelings between the main leads.
TWENTY-SIX – I’m a werewolf
a/n: idk if anybody watches Chinese dramas but there was one scene from that drama that I referenced. something about how the guy can’t contain himself and he is a werewolf, leading them to- ehem you know🤠
WARNINGS: just slightly suggestive🤏🏼 not that much though.
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jake and sunghoon were crazy. definitely drunk. there was no way in hell were they telling you to actually sleep in the same bed as jay. right? you looked down at your bed. you had to change the sheets because only god knows what actually happened on your bed between heeseung and yvet-
oh my god, speaking off. you had to speak to her about this. how could she just do that with heeseung on the bed, drunk. while you didn’t mind your two best friends for finally getting it on after years of chasing each other. but your bed. you wanted to cry in horror and terror, you didn’t walk in on them but it felt like it.
you shot a quick text and attached a picture of the panties on your bed to Yvette. she surprisingly answers quick and she calls you too.
“babe, that’s not my panties.”
“but jake and sunghoon saw you and heeseung.” there was a clear whine and pout to your voice.
“me and heeseung did talk upstairs but we didn’t do anything. does the panties at least look clean?”
“I don’t want to know.”
“were they just laid nicely on the bed?”
“uh, yeah.”
“then it’s definitely not used. I got them for you, there should a matching set of bra somewhere on your bed.”
“to tell you to fuck jay.”
“no! we’re just friends.”
“for now. anyways, since those panties fooled you into thinking something happened between me and heeseung on your bed, why don’t you go sleep in jay’s bed.” you could almost hear the tease laced with Yvette’s tone.
“how about no?”
“how about yes because I will come over to your house right now and lock you in jay’s room.”
“you don’t even know which one is his room!”
“I think it’s obvious which one is it. the multiple guitars on display?”
‘damn, should’ve thought about that factor.’ you thought.
“no stuttering, get in there and pretend that I fucked heeseung on your bed right now then go and ask Jay if you could share a bed together. oh and wear those cute underwear set when you go to bed with jay.” Yvette teases.
you sighed, “whatever.” you end the call. you looked down at the set. shivers down your spine as you thought of the various scenarios that could happen.
very descriptive things that makes your heart race…
things even I as the writer cannot describe because we are keeping it kid friendly :)
no, I don’t think i should think about this.
your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a knock and when you turned around, jay pops his head by the door. “umm, hey.”
you could tell he was hesitant, almost shy to ask. “do you wanna…uh, sleep in my room?” he finally asks.
it went dead silent before he speaks up again, “you don’t have to if you don’t want-”
“umm, I’ll come over to your room in a minute. I just need to change into my pyjamas.”
jay hums and shuts your bedroom door. just as the door clicks, you felt your heart racing a million times worse. you breathed in and out and then grabbed your favourite pyjamas, a satin dark blue set. not a lingerie set, an actual long pants pyjama set.
after changing into it, you had looked into the mirror. you realise it was actually quite a tight fit. you had debated on actually wearing a singlet but just decided to not do it. you were bare. which, I shall not explain any further. you felt comfortable without anything under the pyjamas. you weren’t sure if this would do anything but whatever, this was your home too.
you had knocked on jay’s bedroom door. when you heard him say ‘come in’, you had peaked your head inside. jay had laid down a pillow and a thin mattress liner onto the ground.
“are you sleeping on the ground?”
“yeah, I wouldn’t want to make your uncomfortable.”
“you wouldn’t do that…” silence.
you could almost see the gears turning in jay’s head trying to figure something out that you weren’t quite sure. “u-umm, why don’t you take the other side. there is more than enough space for the both of us on the bed.” you quickly suggested.
“are you sure?” jay tilts his head.
“yeah, umm.” you had grabbed a bolster and placed it in the middle, creating a separation between the bed. “here. don’t cross the line.”
jay snorts, “okay, don’t worry. I won’t cross the line. I’m not a werewolf like jake who would pounce at you while you’re asleep.”
“he does that?”
“if he sleeps in the same bed with a pretty girl like you, then yeah.” jay teases. you could feel the heat grow on your face.
“let’s just go to sleep.” jay chuckles.
“alright.” the bed dips right beside you and it grows quiet. the only sound was the fan whirling on the ceiling.
a few minutes pass, you didn’t know how long but it felt long. the bed moves and the bolster was thrown aside. you were now facing jay, there was something unreadable written on his face.
“maybe, I am a wolf.” jay mutters. before you could even react, jay’s lips fell right on yours. your heart races quickly, his hands lowered down to hold onto your waist, seemingly pulling you closer towards him as the both of you laid in bed practically making out.
it almost felt like a dream…
god, where was that noise coming from and who was calling out for you?
“(name).” it was jay’s voice but he was kissing you, what’s going on. then, the room shakes. you were slowly waking up and the bright sunlight greets you.
you woke up and looked up at jay. he was dressed up since he probably had classes in the morning.
that was all a dream?
“you were umm, talking in your sleep.” jay explains. your face flushes with embarrassment as you realised that you may have just dreamed of jay kissing you. unfortunate part is, he may have heard your scandalous dream.
you raised up your hand and covered yourself with the covers. “d-don’t. I don’t want to know what I was mumbling, it’s embarrassing.”
jay snickers, “mmm, alright…” he pulls the cover off your face. “must be a nice dream, hmm? I was the main star wasn’t I?”
“shut up.” you looked down on the ground beside the bed and grabbed your comfy home slippers. “say something again and I’ll throw my bunny slippers at you.”
jay laughs. “okay okay! I’m joking, I won’t talk about it anymore. it’s between you and me.” you hummed. “alright, I have to go now. classes start soon and I have to wake those two hungover asses up.”
before jay leaves, he ruffles your hair and leaves a small peck on your forehead. you had no idea why but it still made your heart leap. the door shuts and you fall back onto jay’s bed.
you couldn’t believe it, it was all a dream…
and jay probably knew about your dream talk
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