#Bookstore life
genieinanovel · 7 months
Review: Days at the Morisaki Bookshop
Hidden in Jimbocho, Tokyo, is a booklover’s paradise. On a quiet corner in an old wooden building lies a shop filled with hundreds of second-hand books.Twenty-five-year-old Takako has never liked reading, although the Morisaki bookshop has been in her family for three generations. It is the pride and joy of her uncle Satoru, who has devoted his life to the bookshop since his wife Momoko left him…
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juliaxyn · 2 months
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Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
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theosjunkdrawer · 1 year
There's this guy called Dreamer that comes into work sometimes, he's a raggedy scrappy looking guy. I love him so much, he's just such a great presence. But the reason we know and love Dreamer is because this man needs nothing more than to hear Stevie Nicks' "Street Angel" playing. This guy comes in because he trusts us and our speaker to play Street Angel, and every time I am so so so so glad to play it for him. We made a playlist for him, so we can pull it up at a moments notice. He always listens so carefully, then as soon as its done he leaves with a smile and a thank you. Dreamer I love you I hope you have a good day
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Trying to finish this degree. Last exam to go next week. Wish me luck! 🍀
And of course we must always study inside bookstore-cafes ☕
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annsthetically · 1 year
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new york is overwhelming at times. But, I will never get tired of exploring bookstores.
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logophilist1982 · 3 months
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cuubism · 1 year
At first Hob isn't even sure the shop is open. The tiny door inset above a few steps, the utter lack of welcoming signage, the windows packed with unlabelled stacks of books--it doesn't exactly scream come in and buy something. As Hob steps up to the door, he really expects it to be locked, or for a sign to fall from the ceiling reading, abandon all hope here, mortal.
But the door to the bookshop--the name of which he's yet to determine, again with the utter lack of signage thing--just swings open at his touch, and he steps into a narrow hallway made entirely of--of course!--books.
Dust rises from the rug as he carefully makes his way deeper into the meandering corridors. The lightbulbs overhead are dim and in desperate need of replacement. The stacks are teetering and untouched. If he learned the place had been sitting here on this winding side street, exactly the same, for the past seven hundred years, he wouldn't be at all surprised.
And now Hob's marring its mysterious mausoleum aura by opening a jaunty modern coffee shop across the street.
Hence why he's bringing a peace offering before he accidentally starts a war over noise or crowds or god knows what else. Most places would probably be happy about increased foot traffic, but that's not the sense he's getting here.
This is all, of course, assuming he does find an owner, and not just a skeleton manning a till somewhere in this place long gone dark.
Hob doesn't find any customers. He does find several interesting-looking side hallways labelled things like, ~ the occult ~ , Oneiromancy, and "falconry -- advanced" and has to drag himself back into focus because the only thing worse than starting a turf war with a mysterious bookstore owner on his cafe's opening day is accidentally spilling the coffee he's brought--as a peace offering!--all over some ancient magical text.
"Hello?" he calls, finally giving up on the creeping about. "Anyone there?"
No answer. All Hob finds is a rickety set of stairs leading up the next level. So he ascends.
At the top is an even more cluttered room of books. This time in disorganized, unlabelled stacks on every surface. Waiting to be shelved, maybe? And in the center of it all, sitting cross-legged on the floor with several of these books spread out in a confusing array before him, is who Hob can only presume to be the owner.
An owner who is not dead, nor ancient and decrepit as Hob had kind of been picturing. Definitely not decrepit at all. Oohhhh dear.
The lithe, dark-haired, fey thing that is the owner tapes a note inside another book and says, in a distracted tone, "Can I help you?"
"Uh," says Hob, because he came here on a mission but he's gotten really turned around, "do you drink coffee?"
This gets him a raised eyebrow, but the shop owner does turn to look at him, staring up from his position on the floor. Christ he's pretty, spectacles and all. If there is a battle over street noise levels, Hob's going to lose by dint of caving automatically to those eyes. Pathetic.
The bookstore owner looks at the coffee in Hob's hand, then back at Hob's face. "Why?"
Hob thrusts the cup in his direction. "Here."
The owner looks alarmed now, but takes the cup, gingerly, peering at it as if he thinks Hob might have given him pureed nightshade instead. "Why?" he repeats, and then, because apparently his level of self-preservation doesn't extend to things like not drinking random shit thrust at him by strangers, takes a sip, and hums in appreciation.
"I-- fuck, sorry--" Hob sits down on the floor, which only makes him look more like a maniac to be honest-- "I just-- I just opened across the street? The cafe? So I just wanted to say hi and-- holy shit, is your name actually Dream? Were you a stripper in another life or something?"
This because he's finally spotted a tiny nametag pin on the bookstore owner's cardigan-- a cat curled around a book where the cover reads, I am Dream.
"Yes," says Dream, and Hob has no idea if that's in response to the first question, the second, or both. Both is terrifying to think about. As is the fact that Hob even asked that. "The cafe, you said?"
"Mmhmm," Hob agrees, cheeks burning. Oh, he's making a right mess of this, all right.
"Hmm," says Dream, peering at him over the coffee cup. This indicates nothing to Hob about how he feels about the cafe situation.
"I just worried that more noise and stuff might bother you," Hob rushes to explain. "You seem. To. You know. Like your quiet. Is all."
"It is my understanding that cafes and bookstores frequently have symbiotic relationships," says Dream evenly, though he's still watching Hob with unnerving intensity.
Well. That was easy. Maybe Hob was just worrying over nothing. Wanting to be liked when it wouldn't have been an issue.
"Alright," he says, letting out a breath. "Well. Good!"
"Good," echoes Dream, with a tiny, wry smile.
"What is this place anyway? I've seen no signage whatsoever."
"It's called The Library," Dream says.
Hob waits for him to explain. He doesn't. "Um, but... isn't it a shop?"
Dream raises an unimpressed eyebrow. "And?"
"So..." Hob says, "it's not a library."
"Purchasing something is but extended borrowing from the universe," says Dream, like that makes any sense at all.
But Hob decides there's other things he'd rather do with a pretty goth bookstore/library/whatever owner than argue semantics. "What do you carry, then?"
Now Dream preens like a cat. "The Library contains every book in print."
Now it's Hob's turn to raise an eyebrow. "That seems... unlikely? Impossible?"
Dream's self-satisfied little smile doesn't fade. "You are welcome to browse the stacks and let me know if there is anything you cannot find."
And, well, it's true that Hob didn't really get a sense of just how far back this place goes. It looks small from the street, but he's already wandered pretty far in just to find Dream, and has yet to reach a back wall.
"I will definitely have to come back," he agrees. And get lost. Definitely get lost. He's not even sure he can find his way out. He'll probably get swallowed up in Oneiromancy.
"In return I will be sure to visit your cafe," says Dream. He says it so strangely, like crossing into a foreign land. I will be sure to visit your court. "Are you open late?"
"On Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, yup," says Hob.
"Excellent." Dream inclines his head imperiously to Hob. "Thank you. For the coffee."
Hob figures he should let him get back to his labeling. He has plenty of his own work, too.
"Yeah, sure, any time. Good to meet you, Dream."
And then he scurries away before he can make it any weirder, makes his meandering way out of "The Library," and doesn't get lost in Oneiromancy.
This time.
The following night, Hob looks up from the till to find Dream standing across the counter from him. He looks much the same as before, with the addition of a long dark coat over his clothes, and no reading glasses this time. He offers Hob a tiny smile. "Hob Gadling."
Gosh, he looks, if possible, even prettier in the warm lighting of the cafe than in the darkness of his shop. Though to be honest, Hob had half-convinced himself he'd hallucinated Dream's existence. He hasn't seen anyone go in or out of the shop since.
"Dream," he greets, with a smile. "Anything I can get for you?"
"It is I who have something for you." He hands Hob what must be a book, though it's wrapped in brown paper. "Consider it a return gift. Or perhaps. A welcome."
And before Hob can even ask if he wants coffee or something, if he wants to sit down, he slips back out through the crowd and onto the street like a vapor, and then he's gone.
Hob tears open the paper. And then stares at the book in astonishment.
It's the book. Everyone has one. The book once read but since forgotten in the shuffle of time; title, author, too vague in recollection to pin down. Unsearchable. Never found, for all that the heart of the story might have lodged its way in somewhere deep.
It's one of those books that he remembers in blistering detail now that it's in his hands, that he read in uni but couldn't have found for the life of him on his own, and Dream's just handed it to him over the counter of his cafe.
He runs his fingertip over the midnight blue cover, the embossed lettering. In Search of Nightingales. And it's only as he looks up again at the hidden shop across the street, that he realizes he never told Dream his name, either.
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pagesofjasmine · 1 year
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Back to Uni | Fall Semester
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getbreaded · 6 months
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Visited this lovely bookstore (it had 3 floors!) with a friend today 🌻
I had a free period after calculus, so it was nice to catch up and spend time browsing.
Tomorrow I'll have the AD project discussion and on Friday I have a calculus mini-test, hope they go well 🤞🏻
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coffeebooksandmore · 7 days
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If I love you very much I will be taking you to my favorite bookstores to show you their beauty and magic ✨💞
Black Bird Bookstore + Cafe
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natkhat-sa-shyam · 5 months
People buy drinks for men/women in bars. Why can't people do that in book stores?
Like, if I'm looking at a novel in bookstore and some person walks up to me and strikes up a conversation and offers to buy the book for me. There is a lot better chance of that working out in their favor.
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juliaxyn · 2 months
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The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.
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scarepackage · 7 months
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Dracula bookstore standee i desperately wish was for sale
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itisiives · 2 months
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Hey, y'all, I'm still raising money for this tuition that's gotten me in a chokehold, so I am still selling my books. But if money is too tight, would you mind requesting the title at your local library, instead? That may help!
📚 📖 📙
And to help convince you: I have a poem featured in Janus Literary.
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artistsonthelam · 4 months
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Inside Albertine Books. 🌛 Upper East Side, New York City. // (c) Jenny Lam 2024
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nonasuch · 1 year
Might have finally given in and bought a button maker.
(in my defense the place I usually order pride pins from for the shop was out of stock)
Now I can make Infinite Pins. Design ideas VERY welcome.
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