#Breakthrough Influence Company
thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter Tork at a Renaissance fair, 1969; photo by Henry Diltz.
“Right now I’m working with my friend Bobby Hammer on a film. I’m going to deliver a lecture on the generation gap in Aspen, Colorado, and I’m going to show a film just to keep them interested.” - Peter Tork, NME, January 25, 1969
“Early in February, [Ruth M. Adams, Wellesley student] served on the resource staff of a five-day Humanities Seminar for the Young Presidents’ Organization, Inc. in Aspen, Colorado. […] In Aspen, ‘Generation gap or civilization gap — can we cope with it?’ was the question at hand. The delegates included both members of the sponsoring organization, (which consists of men who became president of the businesses before they reached the age of forty,) and resource consultants in widely varied fields. Among these consultants were Miss Adams, author Max Schulman, Peter Tork of The Monkees, SDS leader David Littman, and Edgar Friedenberg of the State University of New York. Vast differences in backgrounds and occupations served to split the conference delegation into two ideologically distinct groups. ‘It must be remembered,’ observed Miss Adams, during a News interview last Friday, ‘that many of the delegates were men in their forties, often parents of children of high school or college age… As parents and as men carrying corporate responsibility, they found it difficult to comprehend, to understand, the views of the radical left.’ At Aspen, this radical view was voiced primarily by Littman, Tork, and Friedenberg.” - The Wellesley News, February 20, 1969
“Tork, now 36, is an avowed socialist and lives in Venice, California." - New West, January 1979 (x)
“‘We’ve all got to stick together or we’re all going to come unglued.’ [Peter] noted a drive for only one’s own fortune is at the expense of others. 'Without community, the individual is dead.’” - The Life, May 3, 1996 (x)
“Now, the business of wresting power away from those who make a specialty of wielding it will be a long and protracted struggle, with a lot of setbacks along the way. The outlines of the new style of governance are only dimly perceivable, and won’t become clear for a long time to come. In the meantime, our job is to practice the principles of fairness and service to the extent possible. One thing is clear: there is a much higher joy in service than there is in acquisition of wealth. (Remember that it isn’t money that’s the root of all evil, it’s the love of money.) Hanging together in brother - and sisterhood is so happy-making you want to sing right out loud. Yeah, I feel the same about those ideas as I did then…in case you couldn’t tell. heheheh, Peter” - Ask Peter Tork (x)
“I believe very much in all that I believed in back in the 60’s. I hope I’m more aware of the practicalities than I was then, but I am positive that the values and principles I held then are critical to the well-being of the planet, or at the very least, critical to growth and contentment in the population. As to the practicalities: the chance of no more war in our lifetimes is so close to zero that I don’t imagine it possible, tho’ there well may be progress along these lines. May be. Sometimes I see the world as an eternal horse race between salvation and dissolution, now one, and now the other gaining the lead. But to the extent that we can learn, each and all of us, that the cooperative good is good for the greatest individual good (with safeguards, to be sure), that forgiveness is the route to true inner peace, and that not everything we deem wrong or bad may be so, to that extent hassles of all shapes, sizes and colors will diminish. I am so sure of all this that I would, I hope, be willing to bet my life on these principles.” - Peter Tork, Ask Peter Tork (x)
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errihaienx · 7 months
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sypnosis : you, a renowned journalist, once Atsumu's lover, are assigned to interview his team, MSBY Black Jackals, in the V League. amidst the echoes of your past romance and the intensity of the game, emotions flare as you navigate the thin line between professional duty and unresolved feelings. as questions linger and the court holds its breath, you must confront the love you left behind on the court of your shared history.
disclaimer : just to clarify, the storylines of the fics and the original meaning of the songs may not match up. each fic was crafted based on specific lyrics. for instance, 'reminder' by the weeknd is about him 'reminding' listeners of his identity and successes as a pop/R&B artist. however, in this fic, it's focused on an ex reminding you of their presence, highlighting your shared history with them.
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Eyes scanning the email that had just arrived, you found yourself fixated on one particular line, unable to fully process the rest of its contents.
"Am I seeing this right?" you muttered to yourself, struggling to grasp the reality that you were being tasked with interviewing the MSBY Black Jackals for their upcoming match against EJP Raijin.
The weight of the assignment was not lost on you; both teams were immensely popular, and this opportunity could significantly boost your career and benefit the broadcasting company you represented. Yet, amidst the professional excitement, something stirred deep within your heart—a feeling long forgotten, ignited by someone from your past.
With closed eyes, you drew a deep breath, torn between accepting this golden opportunity and the memories that now flooded your mind. You were still carving your path in the media broadcasting industry, and this interview could be the breakthrough you had been striving for.
You tried to push away the distracting thoughts of the past, but they persisted, vivid flashes of moments shared with a smiling Atsumu dominating your mind. A bitter smile crossed your lips; this was merely work, a job that demanded professionalism above personal sentiment. Journalists couldn't afford to skip assignments due to old feelings.
Finally deciding to accept the job, your hands trembled slightly as you typed out a response to the email.
It had been years, and the likelihood that he would remember you seemed slim. Perhaps he would shrug off the past, considering his current fame and influence, or maybe he wouldn't even recall you at all. It was foolish to believe that Miya Atsumu, the volleyball star, still carried any remnants of a heartbreak from his high school days.
That thought lingered, engraved in your mind—that he wouldn't remember, or if he did, that it wouldn't matter to him. He wouldn't care about his ex, the one who ended things during his final year as a third-year student.
You knew you had made a mistake. Atsumu had been a devoted boyfriend, loyal and kind, giving you more love and affection than you had ever dared to hope for. Yet, despite all that, you couldn't say you regretted the breakup. You had always understood his passion for volleyball, knowing it was his calling. You convinced yourself that ending the relationship was for the best, a decision made to allow him to focus on his dreams.
A tear escaped, quickly wiped away. The internal debate had been exhausting, keeping you up all night after receiving that email.
Reaching for your phone, you contacted a close friend.
"What the actual fucking fuck?! Are you fucking for real now!? "
"Yeah… so I accepted it…" you replied, your voice barely above a whisper, recounting the job you had been assigned.
" Fuck, that's unexpected,"
You nodded in agreement, feeling the weight of this unexpected turn of events.
"Well, don't be too bothered by it. There's only a 1 out of 10 chance you'll end up interviewing him. There are like ten people on that team, and Atsumu has a reputation for skipping interviews if he's not in the mood. "
Nodding along, you felt a semblance of relief. Amidst all the focus on Atsumu, you had momentarily forgotten that he was just one member of a larger team.
"However, if fate has it out for you and you do end up face-to-face with Atsumu for an interview, just think of it like a chat with your ex."
Your face twisted in discomfort at the thought, watching as your hopes seemed to evaporate. Your friend rambled on a bit more before ending the call, citing her late-night date with her boyfriend as the reason.
Exhausted, you collapsed onto your bed, shrugging off the swirling thoughts. You needed to act like you didn't know him, to focus on the task at hand. You had two weeks to prepare, a seemingly ample amount of time for a mere interview.
In two weeks' time, you vowed to do your best to forget about him. As your eyes drifted shut, sleep enveloped you, and you ventured into the realm of dreams.
• two weeks later...
Sweat dampened your palms as you flipped through the crumpled scripts, the two weeks leading up to this moment feeling like a whirlwind. What was supposed to be a slow, preparatory period had raced by, leaving you on the brink of losing your composure.
Now, mere minutes away from your interview with the MSBY Black Jackals, the clamor of loud cheers and the clicking of camera shutters filled the vast volleyball stadium where you stood.
"Don't let the pressure get to you! You've interviewed bigger stars before; this should be a walk in the park," a staff member from your company reassured you.
A smile tugged at your lips, finding some comfort in their words.
"You've got this. Just stick to what you've rehearsed over the past two weeks," you murmured to yourself, drawing from the intense preparation you had put in, a departure from your usual approach to interviews.
Taking a moment to collect your thoughts, you took a sip of water. The deafening roar of the crowd reached its peak, causing you to flinch. Could this be it?
"Shit!" you cursed under your breath as you caught sight of the imposing figures of the MSBY Black Jackals, their silhouettes commanding the space.
Composing yourself, you braced for the inevitable. You knew the drill. Your gaze met first with the familiar form of Bokuto Kotaro, striding confidently towards the media area. You dared not let your eyes wander further; it was dangerous, far too dangerous.
But it seemed danger had a penchant for seeking you out. With eyes as cold as ice and a physique that demanded attention, Miya Atsumu fixed his gaze on you. As your eyes met his, he arched a brow, a smirk playing at his lips as he scanned you from head to toe.
This was unexpected, catching you off guard. Yet, you reminded yourself to stay resolute. You were here for the interview, and nothing would shake that resolve. A member of the MSBY management approached, handing you a paper.
"I apologize, Miss (name), but we can only spare 15 minutes for this interview. However, we have scheduled an off-camera interview with the team," they informed you.
You nodded, forcing a smile at your lips. Fifteen minutes was more than enough. You need to get this work done immediately anyways.
"Yes? Is there something else?" you asked, sensing the nervousness in their stutter. Remembering your own early days of stumbling over words, you made an effort to be understanding.
"Y-you're so pretty in person, Miss," the staff member blurted out before quickly turning away.
A laugh escaped you at their candidness, finding it endearing. It helped ease some of the tension, bolstering your confidence for the impending interview.
But of course, just when you thought the danger had passed, there he was—Miya Atsumu, heading towards you with that familiar smirk.
ah, here it is the danger.
• twenty three minutes later...
With trembling hands, you tried to compose yourself after that disastrous interview with Atsumu. In the taxi, tears threatened to fall as the film of the interview played in your mind. You found out that he had volunteered to handle the media and they found it amusing, considering it was out of character for him. Taking deep breaths, you watched your interview with him, grateful that you had at least managed to maintain your composure as you had rehearsed. If you hadn't known yourself and watched this, you would have never guessed you were once exes based on the interview.
Just as you thought you had survived the danger, it came back for you. After the interview, another journalist from a different company asked Atsumu why he had taken the lead in presenting himself to the media.
"I feel comfortable with (name)! I guess that's the reason," he replied casually.
"Oh, you mean, Miss (name), the one that interviewed you earlier?"
"Yeah, we knew each other…" he smiled, a glint of pain visible in his eyes.
The aftermath was a flood of texts, emails, and calls from your coworkers after they saw the clip. Frustrated and anxious, you personally emailed Atsumu's management requesting a meeting to ask him not to mention anything about your past again. His management agreed, asking to sign some documents first before scheduling your off camera interview with MSBY. You had thought that a staff member would be handing the paper works to you but, to your surprise, it was Atsumu himself who showed up.
and now here he stands, in a tight red button-up shirt, with a familiar dogtag hanging from his neck.
"You're a renowned journalist now…" his voice was soft, as if he was yearning.
You straighten your posture, making the best efforts to make this as professional as it should be.
"Please, let's get to the point…"
"I'm so proud of ya…" His lips quivered, you're just so....so pretty that he would die.
"Stop skirting the issue and stick to what's relevant." you replied coldly, but your hands are trembling.
he smirked, the previous yearning dissipated like it was never been there.
"Ahuh? why're you tryin' so hard to act like we didn't have somethin' before, hmm?"
"Why are you doing this…"
"I am just remindin' ya, (name), you know me."
He reached for the script from you and scanned the first page; the first part of this interview was about the player's introduction. In his opinion, you should have simply introduced him because you know him so well, you've seen everything, explored his mouth, and screamed his name.
"Are you forgettin' things now? Then let me remind you. Startin' with my name, I am Atsumu Miya."
"I know that you are the A-atsumu Miya.."
"Oh, didn't even stutter while sayin' my surname. I mean, of course, ya once asked me to give ya that, right?" he continued, flipping through the script. After the introduction of names, it stated that the interviewer should ask about Atsumu's relationships, so he decided to answer himself.
"Fer my relationships, I had a few flings before entering a serious one in my late second year. My relationship with that girl was so great… so amazin' that I kinda want to experience it again."
You shivered, feeling the weight of his words.
"But unfortunately, she broke up with me during a tournament match. Oh, why did ya flinch? That situation rings a bell, huh?" he smirked.
"'Tsumu…" you called out to him, and he was stunned.
"Quit it, please… I am truly sorry for my selfish acts. I know I couldn't make it up to you after all these years, but you are very successful now…"
your eyes were warm, you should not cry this is an interview, right?
"You could do something to make it up if you want to—"
"Please stop… Our breakup probably was the reason you're successful now! Right! You can't deny that. If we didn't break up, I could have been a burden, and maybe you wouldn't have reached your dreams, so please let's not—" you pleaded, desperate to end this conversation, but he cut you off.
"If we didn't break up, I could've won that match and become successful way sooner," he said with a stern voice and hurt yearning eyes.
"What do you want…" you whispered
"I am just—" he trailed off, trying to compose himself first.
"I am just reminding you that you know me. I can't bear the fact that I am the one who was left, but why am I the one who's restless about it? How can you act like you never loved me?"
"It's not like that, I am just trying to forget things—"
"Forget everythin' but not me."
he reached for your trembling hands, closing his eyes before kissing it.
"Please, not me…"
"Even if I have ta remind ya over and over again, I'll do it. Jus' don't forget about me. About us…"
He kissed your ring finger once more after carefully touching each one of your fingers. You should be aware that he hasn't changed and is still completely smitten.
"It was always you, baby. Can we—no, we will try again. You ain't forgettin' me."
You were left stunned, the weight of his words sinking in. The air crackled with unresolved emotions, the past colliding with the present. Atsumu Miya, the boy you once loved, stood before you, asking for another chance.
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more about this series : TO BE POSTED! ( please check the link later ^^ )
up next : ????
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sensualnoiree · 4 months
astro notes: daily transits 6/1 WELCOME TO JUNE LOVES!
The Moon in Aries This Saturday, the Moon travels through the dynamic and pioneering sign of Aries. Aries, ruled by Mars, is a fire sign known for its assertiveness, courage, and initiative. The Moon in Aries brings a burst of energy and enthusiasm, encouraging us to take charge and lead with confidence.
Leadership and Initiative: The Aries Moon encourages us to step into leadership roles, take bold actions, and initiate new projects. It's a time to embrace our inner warrior and approach challenges with a sense of bravery and determination.
Independence and Self-Assertion: Aries energy is highly individualistic, emphasizing the importance of asserting our needs and desires. We may feel more inclined to prioritize our personal goals and pursue our ambitions with vigor.
Moon Sextile Venus and the Sun In the afternoon, the Moon forms two subtle yet harmonious sextiles with Venus and the Sun, both in Gemini. These aspects encourage spirited intellectual exchanges and enhance our ability to connect with others.
Moon Sextile Venus (3:15 p.m.): This aspect brings a touch of harmony and pleasure to our interactions. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enhances our ability to connect on an emotional and aesthetic level. This is a good time for socializing, engaging in creative activities, or simply enjoying the company of others.
Moon Sextile Sun (4:34 p.m.): The sextile between the Moon and the Sun promotes a sense of balance and harmony between our inner and outer selves. This aspect supports self-expression and clarity in communication, making it easier to share our thoughts and feelings with confidence.
Mars-Eris Conjunction and Jupiter-Pluto Trine While the Moon's sextiles to Venus and the Sun provide a backdrop of harmonious interactions, two major aspects peaking the next day are already influencing us significantly: the Mars-Eris conjunction and the Jupiter-Pluto trine.
Mars-Eris Conjunction Mars, the planet of action and drive, forms a conjunction with Eris, a dwarf planet associated with discord and disruption. This conjunction is exact tomorrow but its effects are already being felt.
Energizing and Provocative: The Mars-Eris conjunction can be a highly energizing and provocative influence, stirring up a desire to challenge the status quo and assert our independence. This aspect can bring about sudden actions or confrontations, pushing us to stand up for our beliefs and fight for our rights.
Disruptive and Revolutionary: Eris is known for her disruptive and revolutionary energy, which, combined with Mars, can lead to significant breakthroughs or upheavals. This is a time to embrace change and be willing to disrupt old patterns that no longer serve us.
Jupiter-Pluto Trine Simultaneously, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, forms a harmonious trine with Pluto, the planet of transformation and power. This trine is also exact tomorrow but its positive and inspiring effects are already influencing us.
Expansive Transformation: The Jupiter-Pluto trine supports deep and expansive transformation. Jupiter's influence encourages us to seek growth and expansion, while Pluto's transformative energy helps us to tap into our inner power and resources.
Inspiring and Empowering: This aspect can be highly inspiring and empowering, offering opportunities for significant personal and collective growth. It's a time to pursue our goals with determination and optimism, knowing that profound changes are possible.
Integrating the Energies To navigate the diverse energies of this day, consider the following approaches:
Morning: Embrace the leadership and initiative of the Aries Moon. Take bold steps towards your goals and be proactive in addressing challenges.
Afternoon: Use the harmonious sextiles between the Moon, Venus, and the Sun to engage in positive social interactions and intellectual exchanges. This is a good time for networking, creative activities, and enjoying pleasant conversations.
Throughout the Day: Be mindful of the building energies of the Mars-Eris conjunction and the Jupiter-Pluto trine. Channel the provocative energy of Mars and Eris into constructive actions and be open to transformative opportunities presented by the Jupiter-Pluto trine.
Practical Applications and Reflections
Leadership and Initiative: Take on leadership roles and be proactive in initiating new projects or addressing challenges.
Social and Intellectual Engagement: Engage in social activities and intellectual discussions, leveraging the harmonious influences of the Moon's sextiles to Venus and the Sun.
Embrace Change and Transformation: Be open to change and transformation, utilizing the energizing influence of the Mars-Eris conjunction and the expansive potential of the Jupiter-Pluto trine.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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justforbooks · 4 months
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Morgan Spurlock
American film-maker best known for his acclaimed 2004 documentary Super Size Me
Few film-makers can say that their work has made a change to the real world, but Morgan Spurlock had a stronger claim than most. His 2004 documentary Super Size Me, an exposé of how the fast food industry was fuelling America’s obesity epidemic, appeared to have direct repercussions for the world’s largest fast food chain, McDonald’s.
Shortly before the film came out in May that year, the company introduced its Go Active! menu, which included salad items; six weeks after its release, the company abolished its supersize portions entirely.
McDonald’s claimed these menu changes were a coincidence. But the director, who has died aged 53 of complications from cancer, struck a timely blow at the business when awareness about fast food’s corrosive role in public health was on the rise.
Super Size Me’s high-concept premise – eating three McDonald’s meals for 30 days straight – was key to conveying Spurlock’s message. With the director gaining 11kg, plumping out his body fat from 11% to 18% and inflicting heart palpitations, impotence and depression on himself, his gonzo approach put him at the forefront of the early noughties boom in cinematic documentaries instigated by Michael Moore. “There’s real power in a documentary,”Spurlock later said.
Doubts later emerged about Spurlock’s experiment in bodily attrition, after he refused to release his diet logs from the period; and then when it later emerged that he was an alcoholic who had also imbibed during the shoot.
An inveterate attention-seeker and twinkly-eyed showman, he was not going to let these details affect either the purity of Super Size Me’s marketing line, or his emerging career as a documentary star; a budding Moore for the Jackass generation. He would consistently target totems of modern capitalism and consumerism, though none of his subsequent works had the same kind of influence as his 2004 lightning-bottler.
Spurlock was born in Parkersburg, West Virginia, and grew up in Beckley in the Methodist household of his auto-repair shop-owning father Ben and mother Phyllis, an English teacher and high-school counsellor. Though his parents later divorced, he credited his mother in particular with instilling in him a sense of activism: “She was one of those people who speak up when she didn’t agree with things. She was a collector of people too: if you had the ability to help people, you should,” he told the International Documentary Association.
A childhood fan of British humour such as Fawlty Towers and Monty Python, he was already exercising his entertainer’s streak doing “funny walks” around the house aged six or seven.
Rejected five times by University of Southern California’s film school, he graduated from the New York University Tisch School of the Arts in 1993. “I wanted to be Spielberg. I wanted to write and direct scripted movies,” Spurlock told Interview magazine. He originally showed promise in this direction, winning an award for his stage play The Phoenix at the New York international fringe festival in 1999.
After stints as a personal assistant on Woody Allen’s Bullets Over Broadway and Luc Besson’s Leon (both 1994), Spurlock first stepped in front of camera as a promotional spokesman for Sony Electronics. But his breakthrough came though hitching himself to the reality TV bandwagon with the self-created internet webcast, and, later (in 2002), MTV show, I Bet You Will. As one of the presenting team, Spurlock goaded members of the public into humiliating themselves for money – with stunts such as being “wedgied” or eating a worm burrito.
Super Size Me grossed $22m on a $65,000 budget, making it one of the most profitable documentaries of all time. Spurlock believed his body never fully recovered – though he lost the weight thanks to a special diet concocted by his then girlfriend, the vegan chef Alex Jamieson (the pair married and had a son, Laken, in 2006, before divorcing in 2011; Spurlock had been previously married to Priscilla Somer between 1996 and 2003).
He also later expressed doubts about the longer-term impact of Super Size Me on fast food corporations, later reflecting: “People say to me, ‘So has the food gotten healthier?’ And I say, ‘Well, the marketing sure has.’”
Spurlock could not skewer the zeitgeist again to create a second “doc-buster”, despite tilting at big-hitter topics such as terrorism (in 2008’s Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?) and product-placement and advertising (POM Wonderful Presents: the Greatest Movie Ever Sold in 2011). With his trademark handlebar moustache, he settled into a reliably affable front-of-camera presence nosing around socio-cultural issues and foibles – sometimes fatuously.
In total, he directed and produced nearly 70 films and series, including a One Direction hagiography in 2013 and a Super Size Me sequel in 2017. But he retained keen business sense and marketing nous throughout this prolific output. “He taught us that we have to be chief executive artists,” his fellow documentary-maker Ondi Timoner told Variety.
Towards the end of Spurlock’s life, his career was on hold after he confessed in a 2017 blogpost to sexually abusive behaviour, including an allegation of rape while at college and paying off a production assistant he had harassed. “I have been unfaithful to every wife and girlfriend I have ever had,” he also wrote, explaining he had been sexually abused in his youth. He divulged all this possibly pre-emptively in anticipation of future accusations in the up swell of the #MeToo movement.
Making himself the focus of the story was true to his modus operandi, and his professed desire for self-improvement could indeed have made a fascinating documentary.
But the mea culpa proved an effective self-cancellation, with him resigning from the production company, Warrior Poets, he had founded in 2004 and being sued by Turner Entertainment Networks for an aborted project.
He divorced his third wife, the producer Sara Bernstein – with whom he had a second son – in 2024. His final documentary credit was for a mockumentary creating a fake history around the classic 1992 Simpsons episode Homer at the Bat.
Spurlock is survived by his children, Laken and Kallen, by his parents and his brothers, Craig and Barry.
🔔 Morgan Spurlock, director and producer, born 7 November 1970; died 23 May 2024
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midnight-oily · 8 months
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nashuri cosmic horror | 3/3 | 12.0k words | ao3
“Y’called Captain?”
“It’s unfortunate but Miss Shuri has left us no choice. We must free her from that creature’s influence.”
“...aye, Captain.”
“May she find some comfort that her final resting place will be in the sea.”
As the fog rolls through on this somber night, Professor Shuri Udaku tip-toes her way to the bow of the fishing vessel. Heart pounding loudly, she peered over the edge of the railing to stare into the endless dark of the ocean. The flickering light of the moon on the water made it seem like the whole cosmos was dancing upon the calm waves. A trick of the light perhaps but Shuri knew that there was something to it—something enigmatic.
“Namor…” She murmurs quietly, wrapping her arms around her waist, “Where are you?”
El niño sin amor.
Her memory flickers to the first time she heard that wretched name, given to the legendary creature that haunted these waters. It was on a night like this one—somber and cold. The crew was already half drunk, sipping on canisters of bitter alcohol to keep chill away from their toes and fingers. Shuri sat further away, maintaining a cordial distance to the group with her own cup of warm tea. No alcohol for her. She has seen the dark glint in some of these men’s eyes—she would keep her wits about her.
The fishermen were already not happy about having a woman on board but she was wealthy enough to shut them up. Even with their misogyny, men cannot resist their endless greed for wealth. She remembers the hunger in the crew gaze as she pulled out large stacks of bills. So little is known about the marine life in the area that she was willing to pay exorbitant prices to have a spot upon one of the few vessels that dared to sail these waters. This patch of sea is her only option left. She was running out of time.
Shuri is the youngest distinguished professor at Oxford—an achievement that came from her groundbreaking research exploring the greatest mystery of their time: the ocean. The new species of coelacanth she discovered off the coast of Sri Lanka led to a breakthrough in cancer research due to their unusually high healing factor. As a reward, her face was plastered upon many prestigious scientific magazines and she was lauded as one of the greatest minds of their time. A short-lived fame however. People’s memories are short and that discovery was seven years ago. Nothing she has discovered recently has ever matched up to it and there was pressure in her department to publish something substantial or risk having their funding cut.
So, she struck a deal with a fairly dubious captain and his crew. She would be left alone to conduct her scientific inquiries and in return, she agreed to not to interfere with any of the fishermen’s work.
The arrangement worked well enough. There were a few grumblings on board about all the space her scientific equipment would be taking up on the deck but the captain kept the crew’s grips in check with the promise of a cut of her money. Most of her days were boring and uneventful. Shuri would spend her mornings with her notebook in hand, taking notes on all the readings her equipment took over the night. She would then write up her findings in the afternoon underneath a baking sun before spending her evenings in her own private cabin, eating a lukewarm meal that barely kept her warm during the cold, wet nights.
Finally, tired of only having the four walls of her cabin to keep her company, she agreed to join the crew on deck for dinner. Though regret simmers in her gut as she cringes at all the lewd jokes and remarks thrown around between the crew members. As the alcohol flowed, so did these men’s tongues. Luckily, most of them just ignored her. Most of them.
“Did the locals -hic- tell ya about it missus?” One of the men, an American that smells like a wet dog, stumbles towards her, “There’s a beast that haunts these waters. A beast with -hic- dagger teeth and eyes of night that consumes the souls of black hearted men! Nobody dares try to sail over here because of the bastard.”
Shuri flinches as the American looms over her, the stench of alcohol filling her nostrils, “Lucky for you, we are the only dumbfucks brave enough to get on this boat. We aren’t afraid of some el-neen-o-s’more!”
“¡Orale, guey!” scolds another man, a local sailor with missing teeth, “How many times have I told you? It’s el niño sin amor.”
The boy without love. A chill runs up Shuri’s spine.
“That’s what I fucking said! El Neeno–Simor–sin amur–fucking damn—Namor. Yeah, Namor—that's what the captain said it’s name was. Better be careful, missus!”
The local sailor shakes his head, “Keep my beautiful language out of your mouth, guerito.”
“Fuck off, I’ll keep my cock in your ma’s mouth if I want—”
The man wasn’t able to finish his sentence before the local sailor smashed his fist into the side of his jaw. With a loud crack, the man topples over onto his back and the rest of the crew swarm around him including the captain. Shuri is frozen in place, shocked at the violence that had just taken place.
“He’s alive, cap. Nothing feels broken.”
“Carry him to his bunk and let him sleep it off,” grumbles the captain, “Rest of you? Party’s over.”
Shuri decides not to join the crew for dinner again after that.
(Read the rest on AO3! Mind the tags. Eventual 18+ and updates every Sunday)
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thatrickmcginnis · 8 months
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LAUGHING HYENAS, DIE KREUZEN, KILLDOZER - Touch & Go Records Roadshow, Toronto, Jan. 1988
By the time Grunge broke I felt like I was being aged out of the music scene since so much of it sounded like things I'd been listening to a few years earlier, when it didn't have a name except for maybe "indie" or "the music no major label will release." The bands who came to Toronto in January of 1988 as part of the Touch & Go Records Roadshow are a perfect example, and for some reason I was moved to try to get portraits of all three of them that night, despite my increasing wariness of photographing bands. (Long story short: like herding cats. Cats with shitty attitudes.)
Killdozer might have been the most popular band on the bill that night. The Wisconsin trio comprised of bassist/vocalist Michael Gerald and brothers Bill and Dan Hobson on guitar and drums sang sarcastic lyrics from debased or demented first-person characters over a pummeling grind. They were also the most eager subjects of the night, goofing for my camera and giving me my most successful shots for the spreads that would run in Nerve magazine.
I knew the least about the Laughing Hyenas when they showed up on the bill for the Touch & Go Records Roadshow in 1988, which might explain why I (shamefully) don't have any live shots of the band. They grew out of Detroit-based groups like Negative Approach and L-Seven, and I photographed their classic lineup before the show, with John Brannon, Larissa Stolarchuk, Kevin Monroe and Jim Kimball. The band had a troubled existence, with drug problems and lineup changes, but they produced some incredible records, and of the three groups I photographed that night, they're probably my favorite today. Sadly, Larissa Stolarchuk died in 2006 at just 46. John Brannon still tours with a revived version of Negative Approach.
Die Kreuzen were the band I was most excited to see on the Touch & Go Records Roadshow bill that played Toronto in early 1988. The Illinois band (whose name is pronounced either "Die Crusin'" or "Dee Kroy-tzen" depending on how metal you feel, I guess) had just put out October File, one of my favorite records of the '80s, which still had some traces of hardcore amidst all the prog, metal and post-punk influences on the record. Like all the other bands on the bill, the group was produced by Butch Vig, and Kurt Cobain's love of Touch & Go acts inevitably led to Vig producing Nirvana's breakthrough record for Geffen, breaking Grunge big but making me feel like this was where I came in.
I shot all three bands around soundcheck at what was probably the Apocalypse Club on College Street, with my most ambitious setup at the time - a white painter's tarp I carried around in a gym bag, gaffer-taped to the wall and a single flash bounced into an umbrella. The only real yardstick I had for band photos at the time were the promo glossies that record companies sent out in press packages, so it's not surprising that mimicking press handouts was the height of my ambition. I've re-scanned and worked on these shots pretty heavily; some of them are still just weaksauce attempts at band promos, but a couple are a bit more successful.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Why don't we build a renewable energy grid NOW?
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Renewables are developing fast now. Like really fast. It kinda seems there is new breakthroughs every other week. We are figuring out how to make Solar more effective, how to use wind better and how to use ocean currents. And it always brings up the question: Well, why don't we do that now?
To be fair: We are investing a lot into renewables. A lot of countries are. But most countries are not investing as much as they had promised to - and are still putting money in coal mining and other fossil fuels instead.
I kinda studied the ideal stuff for this. Economics and GIS, with a heavy helping of ecology in there.
So, let me tell you abot the two problems:
We currently do have an issue with the way we build our energy grids. Because currently the energy grid is build around the idea that we have few big power plants, from where the energy originates. But with renewables we have several smaller "power plants". And that is not how the system currently works. There is a proposed solution to his: Build micro grids instead of macro grids. Something, that would also make the energy grid less vunerable to large scale black outs. But... It would mean a lot of rebuilding of the grid and it would add to the costs. But that is only one problem... the other...
You have to realize, that there is a lot of money currently bound in coal. Like, a real lot. The power companies and their investors have literally invested billions (or internationally rather trillions) both into the coal plants and the coal mines - as well as into the rights to look for more coal in certain areas. If we were to decide now, that we go green, that money would be gone. Like POOF and gone. Because once we go green, they cannot resell those mines and plants for any proper amount of money. And I agree, that should not make a difference, but... currently money buys power and influence. And as long as that is the case these companies will do anything in their power to prevent us going green. Because otherwise the money currently they have currently bound to coal will be lost to them.
Again, I agree that this is wrong. But... Literally the only thing the states could do, was to buy those mines and power plants from them with tax payer money.
Or, you know... We could do a revolution and get rid of capitalism. *coughs*
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imaginalstudio · 2 months
In recent years, we have observed an accelerating convergence of three major areas: societal change, technological advancement, and spiritual evolution. This convergence is reshaping the way we live, think, and interact, driving profound transformations in human civilization.
Societal Acceleration
Historically, societal changes were gradual, influenced by major events like wars, economic shifts, and cultural movements. However, in the modern era, the pace of societal transformation has significantly accelerated. This can be attributed to the rapid exchange of information and ideas facilitated by the internet and global connectivity. Generational conflicts, which have always been a part of human history, are now more frequent and intense. Each new generation brings fresh perspectives and values, often challenging the status quo and driving societal evolution at an unprecedented rate.
Technological Acceleration
The concept of technological singularity, popularized by futurist Ray Kurzweil, suggests that technological progress is accelerating exponentially. This means that advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), fusion power, ubiquitous sensors, off-world industries, space mining, immersive virtual reality (VR), and regenerative medicine are occurring at an increasingly rapid pace, with each new development building on previous breakthroughs.
• AI and Ubiquitous Sensors: AI is revolutionizing various sectors by enabling autonomous systems capable of performing complex tasks. The integration of AI with ubiquitous sensors enhances real-time data processing and decision-making in industries ranging from healthcare to defense .
• Fusion Power: Fusion power, long considered the holy grail of energy production, promises a nearly limitless and clean energy source. Current advancements are bringing us closer to practical fusion reactors, which could revolutionize energy generation and significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels .
• Off-World Industry and Space Mining: Companies like OffWorld are developing autonomous mining robots for use both on Earth and in space. These robots are designed to operate in harsh environments, paving the way for sustainable resource extraction from the Moon and asteroids. The concept of off-world industries includes not just mining but also manufacturing and resource extraction on celestial bodies. This development could lead to the establishment of permanent human settlements in space, providing new opportunities for economic expansion and reducing the environmental impact of resource extraction on Earth.
• Immersive VR: Advances in VR technology, driven by high-performance sensors and immersive experiences, are transforming entertainment, education, and even remote work, creating entirely new virtual environments for human interaction .
• Regenerative Medicine: Researchers like Michael Levin are pioneering regenerative medicine, exploring how to control and manipulate cellular processes to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs, which could lead to breakthroughs in treating various medical conditions.
Spiritual Acceleration
In parallel with societal and technological changes, there is a growing sense of spiritual evolution. This concept is reminiscent of the imaginal cells in the metamorphosis of butterflies and moths. Imaginal cells are the precursors to the adult structures in these insects, driving the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. Similarly, certain cultural and spiritual movements act as catalysts for a broader societal transformation, integrating new technologies with evolving human values.
The Convergence
The convergence of these three accelerations—societal, technological, and spiritual—is creating a unique and dynamic landscape. Rapid technological advancements are reshaping cultural norms and societal structures, while evolving spiritual perspectives are influencing how we integrate and adapt to these changes. This convergence suggests that we are approaching a critical juncture in human evolution, where the pace of change is so rapid and interconnected that it leads to a transformative period in human history.
Implications for the Future
Understanding this convergence is crucial for navigating the future. It highlights the importance of adaptability, openness to new ideas, and the integration of diverse perspectives. As we move forward, the ability to harness technological advancements while maintaining a strong sense of cultural and spiritual grounding will be essential for creating a balanced and sustainable future. This may also lead to the development of new political and economic systems that are more efficient and effective for a post-convergent singularity civilization, addressing the unique challenges and opportunities of our rapidly evolving world.
In conclusion, the accelerating convergence of societal change, technological advancement, and spiritual evolution is driving and simultaneously represent a profound metamorphosis in human civilization. By recognizing and embracing this dynamic interplay, we can better prepare for the transformative changes that lie ahead.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Movie Theatre Day 
Movie Theatre Day is celebrated on April 23 each year. This holiday celebrates movie theaters and the thrills they bring into our lives. Today, movie theaters are more than relaxation centers, they also offer a great avenue to have romantic dates, meet new faces, and hang out with friends or family members after a hard day’s work. Much more, some movies now premiere first at the theaters before they are released to other channels for sales and streaming. This underlines the influence and importance of movie theaters today. Sadly, with the advent of the internet and the proliferation of streaming networks, movie theaters now face extinction and low patronage.
History of Movie Theatre Day
A movie theater (also sometimes called a cinema) describes a place where people go to see movies on a big screen. For over a century, movie theaters have served as a favorite spot to unwind, meet new people, and enjoy quality entertainment. On June 19, 1905, the first common type of public motion picture theater in the U.S. opened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Harry Davis and John Harris — owners of the movie theater — named their cinema Nickelodeon. The name was derived from the words ‘nickel,’ the price of admission into the movie theater, and ‘θέατρο’ or ‘odeon,’ the Greek word for ‘theater.’ Previously, there had been several attempts by different individuals, groups, and companies to bring relaxing entertainment to people in the form of motion pictures in a film theater. Due to the limited technology available in those days, Nickelodeon’s first films were short films (only about 15 to 20 minutes long) shown as flickering shadows displayed on white sheets. While they may appear ridiculous today, they were a scientific breakthrough back then, and the films were largely successful. As they grew in popularity, more theaters multiplied across the country, heralding what became the cinematic industry.
Subsequently, color and sound films arrived in the 1920s. As the technologies improved, so did the size, architecture, clientele, location, ownership, and the types of amenities movie patrons enjoyed. Such were picture palaces, drive-in theaters, optimized movie formats, and large multiplexes and megaplexes (theaters with more than 10 screens). With these innovations came popcorn — a favorite cinema snack — and other concessions like candy and soft drinks. Today, cinemas have facilities like air conditioning, comfy cinema chairs, restaurants, arcades, and exquisitely decorated interiors to attract customers and enhance the viewing experience.
Movie Theatre Day timeline
1905 The Birth of Nickelodeon
Harry Davis and John Harris establish the Nickelodeon theater in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
1925 Popcorn Arrives in Theaters
Movie theater owners introduce the electric popcorn machine to cinema patrons.
1937 Adding Colors to Films
Walt Disney produces the first animated full-length color film, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”
1950s The Era of the C.G.I. and V.F.X.
Producers employ computer-generated imagery (C.G.I.) techniques and visual effects (V.F.X.) to create fantastical settings, impossible creatures, and jaw-dropping effects in movies.
Movie Theatre Day FAQs
What is World Theatre Day?
World Theatre Day is sponsored by the International Theatre Institute (ITI) each year. The day is celebrated by ITI Centers, ITI Cooperating Members, theater professionals, theater organizations, theater schools, and theater lovers across the world on March 27 every year.
What is the oldest movie theater?
The oldest continuously operating cinema theater is the Washington Iowa State Theatre in Washington, Iowa which opened on May 14, 1897, and has been in continuous operation for over 125 years!
What was the first movie in a theater?
As of 1905, the Nickelodeon theater in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was the first to show short films like “Poor but Honest” and “The Baffled Burglar” all day long.
Movie Theatre Day Activities
Visit a movie theater
Go on a movie date
Involve your family
Celebrate this day by visiting a cinema closest to you to see a movie or two. This is a great way to support local movie theaters and keep them in business.
If you’re not the outdoorsy type, you could go out with a friend or romantic interest. Buy some snacks and drinks along for a better movie date experience!
Find out if your local cinema is showing a family movie. Go out with your family and have a fun night out at the cinema!
5 Interesting Facts About Movie Theaters
Americans’ daily spending at the movies
Half a dollar for a movie ticket
No smelly feet in the theater, please
A movie theater in the White House
The world's first drive-in movie theater
Americans spend about $26.6million a day at movie theaters and they spend even more before and after a movie.
A movie theater ticket cost 50 cents in 1956.
It was once illegal to remove your shoes if you had smelly feet while in a theater in Winnetka, Illinois.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President who got permission to build a movie theater and swimming pool in the White House.
The world’s first drive-in movie theater was built on June 6, 1933, near Camden, New Jersey.
Why We Love Movie Theatre Day
Celebrating history
A day to relax
Supporting local businesses
The movie theater industry has come a long way, evolving and adjusting to meet the needs and demands of its customers. This day is an amazing opportunity to celebrate the cinema industry and its historic innovations.
Cinemas offer a relaxing and thrilling experience like no other. On this day, we can kick our feet up and enjoy a true cinema experience, guilt-free!
Today, the cinema industry is under threat by streaming services. Movie Theatre Day offers a great opportunity to support the threatened industry and its dedicated employees.
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nividawebsolutions · 1 year
Next-Gen Personalization: AI-Powered eCommerce Development
In the ever-changing domain of electronic commerce, it is crucial for firms to maintain a competitive edge in order to succeed in the digital environment. The integration of AI into online purchasing systems is considered a groundbreaking breakthrough that has significantly transformed the eCommerce industry. The integration of AI with eCommerce has ushered in a new era of advanced personalization, revolutionising the manner in which firms interact with their clientele and augmenting the overall retailing encounter. From concept to conversion, choose Nivida Web Solutions - an excellent eCommerce development company in Vadodara for exceptional eCommerce development!
This blog article aims to explore the concept of AI-powered eCommerce development and its significant influence on next-generation personalization.
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●    Understanding Next-Gen Personalization:
The incorporation of personalization has consistently proven to be a pivotal determinant of success in the realm of electronic commerce. Customising product recommendations, offers, and content to align with the unique preferences of individual customers has the potential to greatly augment user engagement and stimulate sales. Nevertheless, the conventional method of customising frequently depended on segmented data and pre-established criteria, constraining its efficacy and precision.
The notion of next-generation personalization has been significantly enhanced by the utilisation of AI to analyse extensive quantities of data, encompassing browsing history, buying patterns, demographic information, and even real-time interactions. The AI algorithms process a vast amount of information in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of individual customers' preferences, intentions, and behaviours. The extent of comprehension attained allows eCommerce platforms to provide exceedingly pertinent and timely suggestions, thereby establishing a shopping encounter that imparts a sense of personalization to individual users.
●    AI's Role in Next-Gen Personalization:
The efficacy of future-generation customization relies on AI's capacity to effectively process and analyse intricate datasets. ML (ML) algorithms are crucial in the identification of patterns and trends within data, hence facilitating accurate predictions and suggestions by the system. Natural Language Processing (NLP) plays a crucial role in augmenting the user experience by facilitating chatbots and virtual assistants to comprehend and address client enquiries in a manner that closely resembles human interaction.
The recommendation system is an exemplary utilisation of AI within the realm of eCommerce. AI algorithms have the capability to examine a user's historical records of purchases, patterns of online surfing, and activities on social media platforms in order to provide recommendations for products that are in line with their individual interests. This not only contributes to increased sales but also promotes consumer happiness by streamlining the process of product selection and minimising the inconvenience of sorting through useless items. Stay ahead in the digital landscape with Nivida Web Solutions - a trusted eCommerce development company in Gujarat!
●    Enhanced Customer Experience:
The advancement of personalisation in the next generation extends beyond just product recommendations. AI-driven eCommerce platforms have the capability to generate customised purchasing experiences throughout the whole customer journey. Consider a hypothetical situation in which a customer is promptly welcomed by a virtual shopping assistant upon accessing the website. This AI-powered virtual assistant facilitates the customer's shopping experience by offering guidance, assisting in product selection, providing immediate support, and offering recommendations for complementary items.
Furthermore, the implementation of AI-driven personalisation has the potential to be applied to interactions that occur after a purchase has been made. The implementation of personalised order updates, recommendations for related products, and bespoke content have the potential to cultivate a sense of loyalty and sustain client engagement beyond the point of purchase.
●    Data Privacy and Ethics:
The advantages of next-generation customization are indisputable; yet, it is imperative to acknowledge and confront apprehensions pertaining to data privacy and ethical considerations. The need for transparency and security in retaining user data becomes increasingly significant as AI systems collect and analyse extensive quantities of information. It is imperative for businesses to adopt comprehensive data protection protocols, acquire appropriate user consent, and guarantee the ethical and impartial decision-making of AI algorithms.
Final Thoughts:
The incorporation of AI-powered next-generation customization has emerged as a significant development in the quickly expanding eCommerce market. The utilisation of AI to comprehend, anticipate, and accommodate unique client preferences is fundamentally transforming the manner in which businesses interact with their target demographic. AI is significantly enhancing the eCommerce experience by providing precise product recommendations and tailoring shopping trips to individual users. This advancement is propelling the eCommerce experience to unprecedented levels.
As the advancement of this technology progresses, enterprises that use AI-driven eCommerce development are poised to attain a competitive advantage in attracting client interest, facilitating transactions, and cultivating enduring loyalty. Nevertheless, it is of utmost importance to proceed cautiously, prioritising the preservation of data privacy and ethical issues throughout this process of transition. Empower your eCommerce venture with the best eCommerce development company in India - Nivida Web Solutions!
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bad0mens · 8 months
Tagged by @suspiciouspopsicle <><><>
Everything currently in the works is Octopath Traveler 2 (who could have possibly guessed?) Tagging @auncyen (if you feel like doing it! no pressure!)
Actively working on!
Casting Shadows - Partitio/Hikari Supernatural Horror/Urban Fantasy Modern AU Where Partitio and Papp move to an apartment in a new city and Partitio finds himself entrenched in a darkness he could never have imagined. (Probably about 2/3s or so complete, updates monthly on average. Read Here.)
Salve for Serpents - Castti/Throne faery tale inspired Fantasy AU, a follow up to The Prince and the Magpie, where Castti and Throne try to find a way to break the curse that binds them together. The first two chapters up Here.
A Mother's Blade - Canon Divergence fic about Kura being the chosen warrior and searching the continent for her lost son, Hikari, and finding herself entangled in the machinations of the country that she's left behind. First chapter Here.
Where The Wind Calls Home - Partitio/Hikari Stardew Valley AU. Partitio finds himself smitten with the new farmer in town, Hikari, a polite and quiet man, who's smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. Two of Eight total parts Here (along with a recipe in the notes of part two.)
Backburnered (for now)
The Light Goes On - Crick/Temenos faery tale inspired Fantasy AU, where Temenos has been charged with the murder of the Pontiff and must make a pilgrimage to atone before the gods before his execution. Along the way, they meet Ochette, and Temenos starts to get answers to more mysteries than just how the Pontiff died. 3rd fic in the cycle starting with The Prince and the Magpie.
Untitled Fantasy AU - Fourth in the cycle starting with The Prince and the Magpie (if I get around to it before I lose steam), which sees Osvald and Agnea thrown together for their own goals, better off together than alone. Agnea has never left home, but the cursed shoes on her feet compel her to move and dance at the slightest music, and Osvald, who seeks the knowledge that might save his wife and daughter. Not romance fic like the others, but will focus on Osvald and Agnea growing into a father/daughter type relationship (there may be background romance, but it will not be for these two).
Untitled Canon Divergence/Meta fic where the travelers are all revenants, stuck undying until they've completed the tasks the gods have chosen them for, banding together in this bitter immortality and trying to forge friendships and relationships with each other, as no other people know the same pain that they do.
Untitled Canon Divergence where guns exist en masse thanks to the Roque Company, and it just so happens that General Mugen of Ku shows a great interest in what help these new weapons might prove in his bid for the throne of Ku, and further, the world.
Untitled Canon/post Canon fic with Fire Emblem Awakening influences, where Hikari and Partitio have an adopted daughter who travels back in time to save them from some unknown threat. (will probably feature other adopted children from other pairings if I ever really get it off the ground).
I lied about it all being Octopath Traveler 2!
I have one original story that's currently backburnered.
Detective Lilith - 1910s era period mystery piece about a cross dressing autistic lesbian detective. Meant to be the first in a series kind of like Poirot, but featuring lots of queer people and POC in a wide variety of roles and relationships. I had a bit of a breakthrough on it recently regarding the mystery so I might be picking it up again soon.
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Release (Peter Tork, Reine Stewart, Judy Mayhan, and Riley Cummings), 1969.
“[Judy Mayhan] had played the folk circuit and worked as a waitress at New York’s famous Gaslight Club when she met Peter Tork […], who helped her along in the business.” - The Columbia Record, December 18, 1971
“According to Judy, Peter is another one of those good guys. It seems he frequently opens his doors to needy guests.” - Star-Gazette, March 7, 1970
“Shortly after the [Factory and] Fraternity [of Man] party ended, [Lowell George] took on a job for Peter Tork of Monkees. Tork quit the group [...], was doing some teaching, formed a production company [ed. note: Breakthrough Influence Company (BRINCO)], and managed a folk singer, Judy Mayhan. One of his students was a cousin of Lowell’s, and Peter gave him a call, inviting him to help with the music for demo for Atlantic Records. Mayhan got the deal, [but] Tork was soon out of the picture.” - Ben Fong-Torres, Willin’: The Story of Little Feat (2013) (x)
“That [‘Peter Percival Patterson’s Pet Pig Porky’] was taught to me by Judy Mayhan, who was a singer that I worked with and managed for a time — she had an album on Elektra. It was just a thing she had heard at a nursery school. I got credited for it [on the album] because Screen Gems never asked me who wrote it. It’s actually public domain.” - Peter Tork, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd. CD liner notes, 1995
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doctorbrown · 1 year
Now that I'm at a computer, it's time for me to start leaning into these thoughts about some of the connections between Doc and Nikola Tesla.
This post isn't going to have much in the way of structure, it's going to be more of a me rambling the parallels I see and reach for, so if it doesn't flow, that's why. I'm not apologising.
One of the biggest similarities / influences that I can draw between Tesla and Doc are their respective not only achievements, but views on science and positions within the scientific community.
In an interview, Tesla gives his famous quote which says:
[...] the mind is sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude. No big laboratory is needed in which to think. Originality thrives in seclusion free of outside influences beating upon us to cripple the creative mind. Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.
This quote alone speaks volumes to me. Seclusion, loneliness, they're all major themes in Doc's character story. He's alone, mostly by choice (but also not as even if he didn't have a hand in perpetuating most of the lasting rumours in Hill Valley, people will always shun others for being different), for a large portion of his life with only his dogs for company until Marty comes along. It is when he's alone that on 5 November 1955 that he falls off his toilet and cracks his head so hard he has a vision of the flux capacitor. It is when he's alone and reading H.G. Wells' The Time Machine that he becomes fascinated by the idea of time, of time-travel, and then it is again when he's alone and goes to see the film production of the novel that he realises that the time machine would be better if incorporated into a vehicle. Throughout almost the entire construction of this device, he's alone in his garage, working tirelessly.
Also, Doc does not have a big laboratory. He's got a converted garage.
Both Tesla and Doc were/are very secluded individuals and history has written both these men off as eccentrics, among other things. They're viewed as wild, almost crazy individuals, recluses, both with very few friends. Tesla befriends pigeons in New York and gets kicked out of a few places for both not paying rent and for bringing too many birds around with him. For a long while, Doc's only friends are the dogs he adopts.
Both men eventually fall into financial difficulties due to their pursuits. Tesla didn't inherit money and a mansion from the death of his parents as Emmett did, but their projects were extremely costly, and both men struggled.
I personally headcanon that Doc's journals are full of other ideas that had come to him in the moment, some before he'd dedicated himself almost exclusively to building his time machine and some that he'd scribbled down during its construction with plans to revisit later. Many of them never saw the light of day, but they exist somewhere in the cluttered mess of Doc's garage-turned-laboratory. Some of these ideas, like his brain-wave analyser (read: mind-reading device), border more what would be considered fringe science or science-fiction.
Tesla never kept it a secret that he saw visions of things that weren't there.
[...] suffered from a peculiar affliction due to the appearance of images, often accompanied by strong flashes of light, which marred the sight of real objects and interfered with my thought and action.
Both scientists had seen visions of things that would eventually end up leading to ideas and breakthroughs. Doc had a vision of the flux capacitor! Their imaginations are both active and strong, something that serves both men well when it comes to visualising concepts and devices well. Without both imagination and a grounding in the sciences, neither of them would have been able to accomplish and envision the things they had. This is something they both share that makes them great inventors (even if only one of Doc's personal inventions to date have worked.)
Tesla once claimed that he invented a death ray (originally called 'teleforce;' it was a particle beam which he hoped would make war obsolete and it was more so called a death ray by others/history) that could destroy several thousand airplanes at 400KM. In '51, Doc, in order to get the seclusion and peace he both desired and needed to complete his time machine, personally sends a letter to the editor of the local paper under the guise of a concerned citizen, claiming that he's a mad scientist and he's working on a death ray. Need I say more?
In 1898, Tesla unveils his teleautomatic boat at Madison Square Garden; it's a small, remote control guided boat sailing on a small pool of water. In 1985, Doc controls the DeLorean with a remote control for its first ever temporal experiment.
Both Tesla and Doc had rocky relationships with their fathers, seemingly never able to please them regardless of what they did. Erhardt never supported Emmett's scientific endeavours, maintained a cold and detached relationship with his son, and was both disappointed and disgusted by his son's interest in the sciences over law.
Personally, I'd argue that in his youth, and I do like this aspect of BTTF: The Game and incorporate it into canon, he would have shared Tesla's drive to want to patent his work and make it available to the general public in order to benefit humanity. He was younger then, naïve (one might even dare to argue), and still without the harrowing experience of the Manhattan Project and the devastating side of science that would plague him later on. It's after this, the all-encompassing guilt that surrounds him after the reports had arrived and the realisation sunk in, that Emmett changes his tune, even going so far as to ensure that the government would not seek him out to fund his time-travel experiments by sacrificing his family mansion, despite enthusiastically pitching the idea at Los Alamos.
"Thrilled with how he could use his imagination to find those principles and envision new technology, Tesla knew in his heart that he wanted to be an inventor." Hello?? Sound like Doc to anyone??
And then, to wrap this all up, let's not forget that both Doc and Tesla are practically synonymous with lightning, seeking to manipulate and harness its power for their inventions. Doc rigs up a whole elaborate setup from the Clock Tower to channel that lightning into the flux capacitor. You could even take this one step further with BTTF: The Game because Emmett says that it was when he saw Frankenstein and saw the flash of lightning bring the monster to life that he came to a scientific breakthrough for one of his inventions and if that doesn't say a lot then I don't know what will.
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theschoolproject · 4 months
Bags To Riche$!: The Digital Dynamo Behind BUHI Bags’ Meteoric Rise
In the heart of bustling New York City, where skyscrapers kiss the clouds and dreams are woven into the fabric of the streets, there exists a tale of triumph – a tale that begins with a young intern named Daniel Lean.
From Humble Beginnings to Digital Heights
Daniel grew up in Brooklyn, where he discovered his love for technology. He studied Digital Marketing Management at Yale and impressed his professors and peers with his creativity and data-driven strategies. His internship at BUHI Bags was a turning point for him.
The BUHI Breakthrough
BUHI Bags, a promising player in the fashion industry, was driven by a vision to revolutionize elegance through practical designs. Their bags were more than just accessories; they were bold statements waiting to be showcased. However, there was a need to enhance their market presence – a surge in the digital realm was imperative. This is where Daniel Lean, armed with his prestigious Yale education and an unwavering thirst for success, stepped in as BUHI's social media marketer. He fearlessly delved into the vast expanse of the digital world, skillfully crafting captivating captions that resonated with both human emotions and complex algorithms. Daniel comprehended the delicate equilibrium between visual appeal and data-driven insights, effortlessly wielding this understanding like a virtuoso.
Tripling the Market Share
Daniel’s magic worked wonders. BUHI’s Instagram followers multiplied faster than Lightning McQueen! Their Twitter engagement soared, and Pinterest boards became runways. Daniel’s secret? A fusion of passion and precision. He didn’t just post; he curated experiences. Each bag told a story – of empowerment, of wanderlust, of dreams carried with grace.
His breakthrough campaign, "Mimics Social,” swept social platforms like wildfire. Influencers flaunted BUHI bags against city and mountain skylines, and user-generated content flooded the #BUHIBags hashtag. Daniel’s data-driven insights guided the company to a new chapter. The market share? It didn’t double; it nearly tripled.
The Legacy of Daniel Lean
Today, BUHI Bags stands tall, its logo etched in the digital skyline. And Daniel? He’s no longer an intern; he’s the digital dynamo who turned pixels into profits. His humble beginnings remain his anchor, reminding him that passion and persistence can rewrite destinies.
So, next time you spot a BUHI bag on the subway or at a rooftop soirée, know that behind its elegance lies the spirit of Daniel Lean – the boy who merged technology and creativity, leaving an indelible mark on the fashion cosmos.
Daniel Lean – the name whispered in boardrooms, celebrated in pixels, and etched in BUHI’s success story. 🌟👜
Follow Daniel’s journey on Instagram and discover BUHI’s latest collection at BUHIBags.com.  📸💼
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latestindustryreports · 9 months
Biotechnology Market- Trends Shaping the Future
The modern biotech realm provides cutting-edge technologies to tackle rare diseases and minimize environmental impact. From companies leveraging human genetics to possibilities of personalized medicine, biotech influence spans a profound spectrum. This technology is capable of feeding the hungry and offering them a cure. It is a cleaner, safer, and efficient technology for the future.
Biotech holds significant promises for companies. The approach to precision medicine allows pharmaceutical companies to reduce the risk of human complications. The biomanufacturing trend is transforming the ways to produce chemicals and materials that are conventionally produced through synthetic processes. Biotechnology in manufacturing is foreseen to improve productivity and innovation.
Biotechnology is expanding in additive manufacturing processes such as 3D printing. Bioprinters print organ-like structures to benefit the healthcare sector. The potential of biotech is widespread from drug discovery to the creation of personalized medicines. Recent bioprinting innovation is foreseen to be a breakthrough in the coming years.
The biotechnology market is anticipated to hold promising growth potential in coming years driven by trends that engineer new biological systems and aim to redesign existing ones. Although there are challenges in the biotechnology market ahead, its potential outweighs the hurdles. Biotechnology is capable of delivering new solutions in agriculture, medicine, and industrial sectors foreseen to increase biotechnology market share.
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dangalante · 10 months
Trends in AI & Generative AI: Insights from The 2023 AI Summit New York 
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Last week, I covered the AI Summit in New York. I was excited to learn about the trends in AI and generative AI and to see some commercial applications of these new technological advancements. 
Patrick Murphy of UAB led the AI Exhibitor hub. Patrick shared insights from his research on Entrepreneurship. He shared how start-ups use AI, and Generative AI to scale up and bring products to market. 
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Generative AI is being used in the following eight ways:
Content and Asset Generative
Automated Processes
Financial Management
Project Design
Optimized Structures
Acceleration and incubation
Ethics and Risk Management. 
There was a pitching completion where start-ups did pitches in multiple rounds. At the beginning of the competition, they received advice from judges on best practices. 
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One of the start-ups that was of interest was Botwise. Jan Nowak shared how his team shared a use case on how they leveraged Language Learning models (LLM)using statistics and GPT solutions for rapid automation in customer service for Mylead.global is a platform that allows influencers to earn money. As a result, MyLead.global was able to screen influencers faster and better for their big brand clients.
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AI-Powered Use Cases from across the board panel discussion
Leaders Saira Kazmi Ph. D. (CVS Health), Matthew Blakemore (Creative Industries Council) Taha Mokfi (HelloFresh), Kriti Kohli (Shopify), and Kris Perez (Data Force) share how they use chatbots, improving both the buyer and seller experience using AI. How AI can be used in video games to identify levels of violence and how AI can improve in healthcare and Radiology reducing the amount of time images are read while improving accuracy and detail. 
Another interesting Panel was by Tim Delesio CTO of techolution
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Tim asked What’s driving the explosive rise of AI all of a Sudden?
The answer is the economics of the labor market.
On the demand side, he cited labor shortages and persistent high inflation. 
On the supply side, he cites the rise of ChatGPT and, major scientific and Technological breakthroughs in the past five to seven years. 
He shared trends in AI for 2024 that include:
Physical Labor with AI to help deliver small batch sizes with high-precision quality control
Improved customer engagement by providing a new generation of customer service agents using Generative AI 
Tim demonstrated some of these trends when he ordered a soda using an AI-powered robotic arm. 
The booth had another machine showing how AI can enhance inventory management when items are ordered. 
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I was amazed to see some AI Tech that techolution brought to the marketplace.
On that note, I saw an AI-powered Kiosk by Graphen where a man ordered his food and paid. This company is using AI to revolutionize all industries.
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Man orders food AI Kiosk
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Man pays for food at AI Kiosk
There were so many great talks and exhibits. 
Additional pictures can be found on Instagram. 
I want to thank the AI Summit for having me as their guest. If you want to use AI and Generative to improve business outcomes, sign up for the AI summit in your city.
What do you think is next for AI and Generative AI?
Comment and share below.
Additional pictures can be found on Instagram. 
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