#But I believe she's related to Rin more than the others
period-of-nocturne · 1 year
I keep thinking about the Virtual Singer from each Sekai and what do they mean
Like what do they represent, what and who makes them appear and what does it mean to the related character
For a long while I thought each VS was linked to a specific kid, based on the focus where they appeared and who it was related to, mostly because of Niigo because... Damn each of them got their assigned VS for a year and half pratically you all know what I mean
But it didn't quite fit all the units and it also fit Niigo less than before, so it couldn't be that
So I kept thinking and
I think each Virtual Singer represent a... "concept", some very specific feelings from each kids
The one I'm the most sure about are VBS and L/N but I just can't explain L/N because they're so obvious to me I don't have the words to express it, so I'll use VBS VS as an example
Starting with Miku
Well, it's pretty simple... Miku is the only one I don't have a clue about (But she's often related to Toya now that I think about it)
So !
Meiko is so obviously that mentor figure, like the role-model... And by that I obviously mean RADers. The way she gives huge Nagi-san and Ken-san vibe and the similarity you can notice between her and those two definitely comes from An and Akito's perception of them, I don't need to elaborate on why I think
Rin and Len are the definition of "partner". I mean, An literally said it in Len 1* side story, she don't see them as sibling or lovers, but as singing partner
And each time one of the kids has some trouble with their specific partner, it reflects on Rin and Len, without much surprise.
They probably both has a distinct meaning, I think about Len's fear of being left behind and being kinda jealous in bout for beside you that obviously fit An but also Akito (those two again, Akito and An are as easy to read as open books it seems. Funny cause they're not the one fond of reading- ahem.), But I can't fully grasp it tbh...
I think I should precise I'm only aware of the stories out on EN before I keep going
Because VBS Kaito and Luka have only one focus feat on EN rn (Vivid Old Tale is the current event) so I could be wrong or maybe I've missed something
But oh by God Miku they make me ill I have to elaborate on them
Kaito first, he appeared during SBD, an Akito focus
And the sweet tooth aside, no one would ever think he looks like Akito. You could even say he's the complete opposite, with his airhead behavior and his innate talent. I even saw some people comparing him to Toya
Meanwhile Luka appeared, or she most likely came back, during SDSC, Toya's focus
And... Well she's also an airhead, kinda. People doubt her link to Toya way less than Kaito's one with Akito, but when you look at it she's everything Toya would think he isn't. She's the carefree and emotionnal one who just go with the flow without thinking about the technical side of things much (something Kaito is way better at even he doesn't seem so). Like, she's just... Living at her fullest, you know
They are everything but alike the kid they came around for... So what does it mean ?
Well I would say Kaito and Luka are what Akito and Toya wish they were, kind of. Akito's frustation being depicted during SBD, how he was chasing after Toya all this time and still kind of do
Toya who was compared to Kaito by ppl (not in game as far as I know), and who's also some kind of talented airhead...
Toya's wish to experience new things in SDSC, that part when he mention how he "has done so little with my [his] life..." But how he would catch up now that he can
And the way how if you ask Toya, the one who made him discover than a such freedom was possible, and kind of open the door for him to this carefree world is Akito. And how he would not be here without him
Did I just typed a whole Virtual Singer analysis only to trick you and makes you read about gay parallels- Noooo, what do you mean... I wouldn't dare
More seriously yeah I have an Akitoya illiness so they're the more developped thoughts I have on the topic, but I wish and hope people would dig into this more because I can't grasp every concept by myself
Don't forget how much Akitoya are gays tho-
Bonus part do you know what happen if you swap the A and the K in Akito's name
VBS Kaito and Akito are kind of the two side of ADHD when you think about it. And that makes sense because Kaito comes from Akito so if you combined them you got the combined style of ADHD do you get me-
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str4ngr · 9 months
Can you do Blue Lock Sae x female reader with "getting caught under the mistletoes!"? The reader is a manager in Blue Lock and she is in love with Sae. But she thought that Saw had no interest in her. But she is very wrong. One day there is a Christmas celebration in Blue Lock and for some reason, Sae is also there.
ⓦⓐⓘⓣⓘⓝⓖ ​[ 𝚜𝚊𝚎 𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒 ]
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓; getting caught under the mistletoe!
cw: none, fluff, mutual pining, confession, public setting, mua mua, fem! reader.
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Luckily, Bachira was out-voted when it came to his idea of the party theme; ugly sweaters.
Ego was not the most emotionally relatable man, but it seems public humiliation wasn't something he would be a fan of either. The lot of you laughed together in the scarcely decorated lunch room, enjoy the no longer level-separated food.
Hundreds of people, guests and players, and yet your eyes always seemed to connect.
Low, green against the maroon of his red shirt, Sae always looked in your direction. Or maybe you were just delusional, but you felt their burning stare.
Of course, 'bowl cut' didn't loose all his cards, his ace up his sleeve dancing at an unsuspecting entrance.
You weren't very conscious of it, of course, you never really had someone to wish to stand there with — apart from the eyes that followed you — besides, you players were more than entertained by trying to force each other under it. You laughed, watching their grinning faces as the shoved and pulled, acting as though their tailored suits were not taught at the seams.
Suits were very flattering, especially on Sae. You couldn't help it, really, it was like he was making you look! He was always in your direct view, his jacket covering his seat as his vest sat snug around his waist, his sleeves rolled to reveal his forearms. Something about it was just so —
"Hey, Ms. Manager! C'mere!"
Jumping at the holler and swiveling your head, you saw Bachira waving and jumping. A laugh, a tried one, and with distracted eyes you walked over, looking away from the now empty table where pink hair once lingered.
Luckily your dress didn't drag on the floor, since Bachira would have surely stepped on it at this point. You stood beside Rin, who, shared with you expression, watched in amusement as the comedically made a soap opera before the mistletoe. It was stupid, extremely, but definitely an entertainment to the guests visiting Blue Lock.
You grinned and laughed, the strange story unfolding, your eyes not aware of the figure creeping behind you, or the one just beyond the chaotic figures of plot-arguing football players.
Hands pushed your shoulders forward, and luckily your heels weren't a tripping hazard as you stumbled to rebalance yourself, staring at growling Barou and aloof Nagi. You quickly turned to see the devilish face of golden eyes before someone began jeering,
"Oo~! Guess what the people under the mistletoe have to do~!"
You argument died in your throat as you stared up at the green eyes you've seen all evening. The boys cheered, though definitely not believing anything would happen. Neither did you. Sure, you may have a bit of a crush on him, but so what, there was no way he would feel the same! Right?
"Did they actually kiss?!"
"Are you stupid? Use your eyes, bowl-cut, they did."
i didn't know how to end it :p someone else requested the same prompt but i can only answer one lmao
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choicesmc · 28 days
😃 for rin
👗for Fiona
👪 for Sawtooth
thank you!! from [these] asks
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
okay, so rin is a sucker for children’s show + amusement parks! i genuinely think my little pony (g4) is one of her all time favorite shows. it’s the sort of stuff that never fails to cheer her up on her worst days. (and, yeah, the ending of any mlp episode always makes her cry)
some other notable tv mentions are: sofia the first, wordgirl, famous five (the animated show), and jakers! the adventures of piggly winks (the animated vers.)
on top of all that, dnd is a great place to find her smiling and laughing and, like, actively enjoying herself in a social setting! she has a couple sets of dice she rotates between + some macabre vaguely dnd related candles. think:
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hc + 👗 for a clothes-themed headcanon
so, recently, I’ve been expanding on the idea that fiona likes gloves. he’s a real fan of wrist-length, lace detailing, flared, and fitted gloves. some examples in case im not making sense:
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i think his collection would have more color than black/white but I’m not completely certain which colors would be featured just yet
hc + 👪 for a family-themed headcanon
hmmm, you know. ive actually thought about this. like a lot. But.
would you believe.
i don’t have too many hcs on this yet?
however! i do have two (2) <3
his father actually worked in oil + gas —that’s what tugged his family into Alaska in the first place (it is a point of contention in the family :/)
his mom is an EMT (and, unfortunately, made her like almost immediately aware of whatever the fuck sawtooth was up to because this boy gets hurt all the fucking time 😭)
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melonisopod · 6 months
I still really like the way DunMesh introduces Kabru's party. Where they're clearly set up to be foils to our main party but not in a way that the narrative is pointing at them and saying "These guys suck and you should hate them!" They could just as easily have been the main characters and have the Touden party introduced second and it would have worked just as well IMO.
Cause I think a 'lesser' show would have set up characters like them as unpleasant jerkwads that you immediately can't stand. Maybe Mickbell is like that but even then he comes off more like a "funny asshole" than a genuinely detestable person. But the show goes out of its way to show that Kabru is incredibly smart and perceptive and knows and trusts his crewmates. The fact that he stopped Rin with a kiss tells me the two must be pretty close (it was pragmatic but I don't think she'd have reacted that way if they weren't at least on good terms, her main gripe was the illusion magic making Kabru look like a fish).
Plus, even though his reasons for going after the Touden party are /wrong/, he doesn't know that, and has no reason not to believe they've acted maliciously against his crew. So even while his party innately has it in for our heroes they're not bad people.
There's less that we know about Shuro and his current party and so it's harder for me to glean exactly what's up with him, but I also don't think he's set up as a 'bad person we're supposed to hate' either. I think the fandom is a little hard on him for his one-sided crush on Falin too - for all the "she's just like her brother" jokes she really isn't, not "exactly" at least. Falin seems a bit better at masking than Laois and has a better gauge for handling people, which makes her more "tolerable" in their eyes, hence why more people are willing to "tolerate" her monster obsession.
I know that Shuro has/had feelings for her and that it didn't go anywhere but that's...fine? There's no indication he acts entitled or pushy or doesn't respect her feelings or boundaries, and just having a crush on someone isn't a morally bad thing. I haven't seen the "outburst" when he and Laois fight either so I dont' have a lot to say here, just that I relate heavily to Laois, but I dont' think Shuro is bad for not speaking up on his dislike of him either.
As much as I desperately wish more people would tell me when they have a problem with me, how awkward is it to have to tell someone that to their face? How do you even say that? "By the way, I find you really annoying and can't stand you, I just want to clarify that so you stop assuming we're friends," I would love for someone to let me know but also imagine having to be the other person. I wish there was a nice way of saying it (and Shuro DID have a "nice way" of "saying it" but Laios is too autistic to pick up on subtle cues)
I still kind of hold the opinion that every character in DunMesh is some degree of autistic, but it's possible Laios is like the one guy who never really learned how to mask beyond "never talking about his special interest in public".
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cinderella-ish · 5 months
5, 8 through 13, and 18 + 20 for the Furuba asks!
Woohoo! Thank you for sending this! (ask game here)
5. not at all! I was born in the year of the horse, so maybe that's part of why I felt such a disconnect with Rin at first.
8. I have to go with Chapter 88 (the Cinderella-ish play)! I know I already gave the corresponding episode as my favorite, but it's just SO GOOD! It's hilarious and heartbreaking and has beautiful character moments for much of the main cast. It's almost a credo statement for the series. And Hiroshi's brilliant narration is the cherry on top!
Question 9 answered here | Question 10 answered here
11. Yuchi is my OTP ❤️
12. The fabulous Yukeru writers on Ao3 have me shipping them. Same for the YukiKyo (? what's their ship name?) writers. And I've really come to love some of the rarepairs I'm writing for my longfic Bloom Within Us. I'll put them under a cut down below for those curious.
13. Ooh, this is such a good question! Right now, I think my answer would be Momiji & Kyo because of the series I just finished writing. I have a soft spot for Yuki & Kakeru, of course, and Yuki & Haru, as well as Tohru & Arisa & Saki. I also really enjoy Kyo's sibling-esque dynamic with Arisa.
18. Ok, to combine 18 and 20, here are two hot takes that sort of deal with character headcanons. Let me know if you want to hear headcanons for someone else, or more fleshed out hc for these characters.
I think my hottest take is that Tohru needed Kyo more than he needed her. I don't think she had anyone she let her walls down for beyond him; not even her best friends. Kyo at least had Kazuma, and he was pretty candid with Momiji, too. Tohru regularly refused to let people take care of her (except for Kyo), and she would've been trapped in her grief & unable to move forward without him. Kyo would've struggled, and he may not have survived, but while they both would've had friends, he would've at least had a loving parent who would've done anything for him.
While Bloom Within Us ultimately has a positive outcome for Kyo after Tohru dies, I've been thinking about writing a sort of companion piece where Kyo dies and Tohru has to grieve him. I believe that would be a much sadder story, especially with the timing related to her processing her grief for her mother and choosing to move forward with Kyo. We saw in the hospital arc how hard of a time she was having just thinking he rejected her. She'd also struggle with how the other cursed Sohmas - some of her dearest friends - treated/viewed him, and that might create a rift between her and her new found family. If he disappeared, I just don't think she'd be able to cope.
It's also probably a hot take that Shigure only gets as much hate as he does because a) people take aspects of the manga seriously that Takaya never intended us to take seriously (like his "high school girls" song. Creepy, yes, but that's a Takaya problem, not a Shigure problem.) and b) he's so full of self-loathing that he says he's not "kind" and "the worst kind of man" and people take him seriously for some reason. If you actually look at his "unkind" actions, they consist of a) speaking honestly and directly to Akito without first fawning over her, b) actually trying to break the curse (sure, he and Hatori and others refer to it as "using" Tohru, but the way he was "using" her was to try and help the younger Zodiacs form strong bonds outside the curse and to house a lonely, homeless teen), and c) sometimes asking insensitive questions or speaking uncomfortable truths. And yes, he was cold to Mayu, and yes, he slept with Ren (which is maybe the most bananas thing that happens in Furuba), and yes, he fucks with people for his entertainment (especially Mitsuru and Mayu, though, again, Takaya signals we're not supposed to take that seriously). But then we see him trying to cheer Hatori up by bringing him to the lake house, or giving Kyo guidance (and a place to live) from the day he appears, or removing Yuki from Akito's abuse, or using his cunning to get Tohru to relax and have fun, or at least stop stressing so much.
I truly think his speech about kindness came from self-hatred and not from some deeply-held belief about the meaninglessness of things like kindness. I think his speech about being the worst kind of man was again from self-loathing and not something he was proud of. And when he provoked Tohru about Kyo, I also think that was borne of his self-loathing and guilt over how the Zodiac viewed the cat.
Anyway, I know you aren't a Shigure hater, so this probably isn't terribly controversial to you. 😅
Oh, also, I read Arisa as straight. She totally gives me queer vibes, but the fact that she likes Kureno because he reminds her of Tohru, yet she doesn't like Tohru that way... I see that as confirming her straightness, tbh. (I still love AUs where she and Saki are together! They're cute!)
Rarepairs in Bloom Within Us below the cut! (These could be read as answers to 18/20, too!)
Yusuke and Kagura get together in chapter 32, and Hiroshi and Momiji finally get together in chapter 67. In Bloom Within Us, mourners sort of converge around Kyo due to his closeness to Tohru and help him through his initial grieving period. This leads to a situation where Kyo kind of slowly becomes the center of the Sohma family, hosting regular group dinners at the dojo and becoming close (to a degree) with all the formerly cursed Sohmas. Since he always was close with Momiji and Kagura, it made sense to me that he might connect them with Hiroshi and Yusuke. I don't give Yusuke and Kagura a lot of focus, but Hiroshi is basically the second protagonist of my story, and the relationship between him and Momiji (and Hiroshi's development to be ready for a relationship with Momiji) is one of the most important subplots. I've really grown to love them, and might write some more content with them just because I adore them so much. (And Yusuke and Kagura are cute together! But I'm not really interested in exploring them any more.)
I haven't written the chapter where Kyo and Saki get together, but yeah, Kyo ends up with Saki.
I always read Saki as having repressed romantic feelings for Tohru. Due to her extreme loyalty and her powerful wave-reading abilities, I think she'd catch Tohru's message to Kyo (to keep moving forward) and ensure she passed it on first opportunity, thus saving his life. And I think Kyo, with his people skills and unfortunate familiarity with grief, would be the one to figure out how Saki felt about Tohru.
In my story, Kyo has to first decide to live. Once he truly does that, he starts pursuing a future as a karate instructor, realizes blaming himself for everything only hurts the people who care about him, and finally decides to allow himself to fall in love again. He's already in love with Saki by this point, and has been for a while, but he's a dumbass about love and it takes him a while longer to realize how he feels, and even longer to decide to do anything about it.
I think it's possible to read Kyo and Saki as having sexual tension in canon. That plus them playing the prince and Cinderella in Cinderella-ish makes them a fun couple to explore.
Anyway, I think there's a strong case these couples would get together in a universe where Tohru dies, but not in any other universe.
Thank you for asking! This was fun!
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rinseveryday · 1 year
Hello! I have so many thoughts and theories in my mind, especially I want to ask you the one. What do you think about the Demon King Rin? In the last chapter we saw how all pieces of the puzzle is coming together....
Hello! Thanks for the ask! I also have so many thoughts, please ask away anytime.
Massive spoilers for chapters 139 (138? I don't remember) and above!! Putting my response under the cut because it is long :> Like, I had to sit down for over an hour, long.
Demon King Rin my beloved boy
You know what's funny about life is that I fell in love with him way back in 2013, and he ended up becoming exactly my type of character 10 years later. I kept up with the series, but I discovered my tastes through other media so it was a huge shock to me when Demon King vigilante Rin shows up in canon. I was/am OBSESSED with the anti-hero or jaded hero types, like Daredevil and Deadpool just to name a few (I had a Marvel phase) as well as serieses like Devilman and Chainsaw man on the anime side. A monster with a human heart, bonus points if they live in a world that doesn't accept them. Now why am I talking about other shows? (Bc I wanna, that's why)
Well, Blue Exorcist didn't start as an adult rating, morally gray, anti-hero series did it? It was a fun, cliché Shonen show for teens set in an academic setting with all the typical school festivities and classmate crushes you can expect. Kinda different than Daredevil. But it's slowly been creeping towards darker, more serious topics over the years because Katoh's specialty lies in her ability to twist clichés into her own thing. AoEx's plot runs a lot deeper, and more sinister than your typical devil shonen manga. I still see a lot of theories about AoEx that still think it'll follow a Shonen plot, though, where the end will be a big fight against Somebody and then they'll all go home, become exorcists, and move on.
But really, Katoh's already said that Rin is a character that, if she's not careful, becomes real dark, real fast. I bet she had been wanting to add an anti-hero plot to the story for a while. He's no Naruto. He is the fox.
And so, newsflash! Rin's biggest antagonist isn't a demon. It's himself. Not demon!Rin, but Rin, as a whole. The plot isn't anywhere near being finished. Right now he's not the Blue Exorcist quite yet. He's a guy (level of humanity questionable) wreathed in the flames of a demon god. The day where he must choose between Assiah or Gehenna, is coming closer.
We see in the timeskip chapters a world where the current day has become Rin's tragic anti-hero backstory. Where he made choices that led him away from his human allies. Where he chose to embrace his demonic nature and fight against the corrupt human organizations.
I used to think that someone else was leading Rin, using him as a puppet leader of a resistance with his friends kept away as blackmail. Because how could Rin be so organized as to lead any sort of resistance right? Did his friends die which made him go rogue? What did Paku see? Was it related to Rin's reasons for becoming the Demon King?
However, now with the things Rin brought up in the most chapters, I don't know. I still find it hard to believe Rin would lead anything, but maybe he was just doing his own thing and the demons followed on their own *shrug.* If Rin's friends were still in the picture, he'd go to the ends of the Earth to get them back. So that leaves us with either a) they're dead or b) he chose to leave them.
People wear masks to hide. He doesn't need to hide his identity because his flames give it away so... Maybe he's hiding from shame.
His face went from sad to blank when he realized Paku was around. Rin Okumura? With a blank face? Our Mr. Wears his heart on his sleeve? Dude who cries from manga and slaps his knee when he laughs?
The blank face is a coping mechanism, just like the mask. He's probably disassociating so he doesn't have to deal with the painful memories she brings. Memories of his friends... Memories of being human.
Which brings us to the question, What did Rin remember when he woke up? I have a feeling he never reconciled with his demonic nature in that future, which led him to be at odds with exorcists. (RIP Malchidael Miku, you were too annoying to live). He probably didn't see the same future Mephisto did, but considering he does have all the same powers Satan does, he definitely saw Something.
Rin is right in that he was wrong to cage his so-called "demonic side." Or, if you read the raws too, he called it the "demon me." Everyone has anger and violence and desire and scorn in them as part of their survival instincts. That's not even a purely "demonic" thing. Rin forces the embodiment of those feelings, demon!Rin to yield and stay put. He doesn't understand why demon!Rin lashes out so strongly nor why he wants to take over.
Uhmmm sounds real healthy right? *Checks watch* demon!Rin should be back any chapter now~ It really begs the question, is demon!Rin the evil one for wanting to break out? Or is human!Rin the evil one for forcing demon!Rin to keep seething in jail?
Going back to the topic, it seems that Rin doesn't want to become the Demon King this time but he also isn't sure what to do. He knows he needs to do something about his burning questions and he knows the key to truly taming himself lies in knowledge and understanding. He has only caged himself, and has yet to reach Yuri's level of taming. Demon!Rin will come back. He'll always be there to protect Rin when he needs him the most.
While I sure love me some villain and anti-hero AUs, I do hope my beloved Rin Gone Wrong to stay in those chapters. He deserves a happier True Ending than becoming a Demon King 🤧
Well, there's some of my thoughts on Rin as Demon King and the plot. This got super long and was actually longer before I cut out all the unnecessary rambling.
Tl;dr he scares me
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cocogum · 1 year
The Shiemi logic doesn’t make any sense. (rant)
(I love Blue Exorcist tho don’t get me wrong-)
If you happen to forget, Shiemi’s name is an extremely shortened version of the name ‘Shemihaza’.
Why does it matter?
Well! It’s cuz the name “Shemihaza” isn’t just some normal name.
Shemihaza is in actuality the EMPEROR OF CREATION, is one of the Sol and also one of the three FOUNDERS OF THE LITERAL ORDER. She was one of the three members of the GRIGORI which are also the supreme advisors of the True Cross Order.
In short, she’s basically one of the three cloaked people that you always see sitting upwards in the stands while people are getting judged by law underneath them.
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After her body got crystallized, she became a tree and now currently overlooks the land of EI which is also known as the garden of Amahara.
So she basically turned into a holy sanctuary.
Now that we got reminded how much of a big deal she is, let’s get back to Shiemi.
So I’ll ask anyone again.
How in the hell did none of her classmates know about this before or haven’t at least managed to make some kind of connection?????
You’re telling me that the most knowledgeable students which are Bon, Izumo, and Koneko haven’t noticed some kind of pattern with Shiemi??
These students perfectly know The Order.
They know so much shit cuz they study a lot and you’re telling me that NONE OF THEM, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM have tried wondering what the hell was up with her????
And what’s the deal with Yukio???
He has known her far longer than anyone else and even HE hasn’t noticed any weird vibes she gives off????
I don’t know about you, but if I was in Yukio’s place, I would’ve actually found it sus that a blonde girl whose name sounds closely similar to Shemihaza, has summoning powers that look a lot like the Shemihaza’s, looks nothing like her mom, doesn’t have a dad, and lives in the official exorcist shop.
Like bruh.
The only people who I’m okay for not saying anything about Sheimi’s weird case with Shemihaza are Shima, Rin and Mephisto.
I’m fine with Shima not knowing anything about the Shiemi case because he deliberately wants to ignore any important things of the True Cross and just wants to have fun. So the thought of him knowing anything that might relate her and Shemihaza together would be thrown out of the window for this guy. However, if he got assigned to spy on Shiemi then yeah he would’ve probably found out about her.
I’m also okay with Rin not saying anything cuz he’s a dumbass when it comes to studying or knowing things about the Order in general. So he wouldn’t have been able to know what was up with her in the first place even if he tried really hard. Oh yeah and even if he miraculously suspected her to be something far more than she says she is, I bet he’d find no hint anywhere despite the fact that the literal answer (Shemihaza) would be right under his nose. He’s the type to ignore huge hints until someone points them out for him.
And it would be obvious for me to be fine with Mephisto not saying anything about the matter cuz that guy already knew and is not spilling the beans yet simply for the sake of waiting for the right moment to finally reveal to them.
Our iconic weeb just loves suspense.
The same thing could be said for Amaimon.
This guy already knew but had to be sure if she was the real deal (and by that, I mean if she was worthy to be related to Shemihaza or some shit like that).
As for anyone else, I’m not too sure.
People like Shura and the other teachers are hard to tell if they knew or not.
But like it’s pretty easy to believe that they should know about the prestige future that Shiemi would eventually have???
And yet not??
Cuz they seem to act like idiots when it comes to her safety??? And they treat her like a random girl studying at their school instead of you know…
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Just picture this okay?
You’re a random student of the True Cross Academy studying to become a full fledged exorcist.
Your class is composed of a weird looking kid (who is not a kid) with a puppet for a hand, two girls with one looking as bland as a potato and the other one looking like a breed between a fox and a dog, a guy with a rooster for a head, a pink haired dude, a baldy with glasses who gets all the ladies and a lazy disappointment whose twin brother is your literal teacher.
One day, you meet a new student in your class and she’s a girl who lives somewhere on the campus of the True Cross Academy and has been living with her mother who also happens to be the owner and shopkeeper at the Exorcist shop for exorcists.
She has a strangely strong spirit which can transform her tamer into a LITERAL GIANT
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or a freaking FOREST to use as some kind of barrier to save her friends from Rin’s blue flames depending on when she wants to.
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Her name also strangely resembles the name “Shemihaza” which you are aware that her name literally represents one of the Grigoris.
Like come on man. This is so stupid.
The exposed hints are all on the surface.
There is no layer to hide them.
At this point, Shiemi could literally be dangling a flyer on her forehead saying “hey look at me! I’m related to Shemihaza!” and no one would bat an eye at that cuz they’d be unable FOR SOME REASON to know what she means by that.
Like it has come to a point where even SHE has tried hiding that secret to everyone when she found out because of her mom telling her the truth. And we all know Shiemi sucks at hiding secrets but she’s surprisingly really good at keeping that one.
But all of a sudden, when she states that she gave up on being an exorcist suddenly everyone’s on her ass suspecting that something’s wrong and that she might have a secret she ain’t sharing???
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Gurl no, the time where her friends had to care was when she wasn’t hiding a secret.
When she wasn’t aware about her divine roots.
As soon as you see her you can immediately tell that she even LOOKS like the people who stay at the holy sanctuary made by Shemihaza. She has so many similar physical traits as them that you would just look really stupid if you were in the same class as hers and have NEVER noticed some kind of ressemblance between the two.
If there was one thing that would make me not admit that Bon, Koneko and Izumo were actually smart, then it would be this.
The fact that they haven’t ONCE suspected that Shiemi might have been something more than just their classmate/friend before even she realized it herself.
The only one who was ever good at hiding his power was Rin until he had to expose himself due to Amaimon being a pain in the ass.
RIN. That’s it. He’s the only one that made any sense. Unlike Shiemi, his fangs and pointed ears in his human form could have been explained since it’s not unusual for people to have pointed teeth or non-rounded ears. His immediate decision to fighting alone could be easily explained by the fact that he’s just a reckless stupid guy or because he prefers fighting alone.
Shiemi was normal from the start but slowly gave off weird suspicious vibes in class and during missions. (Also how come no one tried asking her about her dad? He’s clearly not in the picture. Izumo and her became close so why not just ask her about her father? She could’ve asked Shiemi when they had that sleepover that one time.)
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autumnsorbet · 6 months
Epilogue and theory v9/10
So today a few hours ago for me the epilogue came out I'm very excited about it since this is the most Ruby content related to the main show we've gotten and about a year it's better than us waiting and confusion like we did wondering what was going on with volume 9 where it was a to what felt like to 4 year wait 😅
I also like to hear a rise then there's possibly been a time skip of longer than we think and vacuole even though the epilogue shows the characters and the same outfits they've been wearing since volumes 6 and 7 I do like to think that when we do see these parts of the epilogue and volume 10 like we've been told by Eddie and kerry
We'll see new updated looks maybe some of the characters will look older or a bit taller I really hope this happens and I can't wait to see what their character designs look like especially Oscars and winter
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So let's get started with what I liked from the epilogue and some theories all throwing you here and there
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wondering if the others were alive and actually trying to do research into it even though remnant has limited resources and information even ozpin didn't know what happened to Ruby and the others
So I'm excited to see their reaction and volume 10 I'm guessing we'll get the reunion with everyone and episode 2 whenever we get volume 10 and these explanation of the ever after will come up an episode 3 because I believe in episode 2 if they do end up getting to vacuo and reuniting with the
others then that's going to be the main focus and then maybe a fight will happen and after that and episode 3 they'll take a break for episode they'll explain everything that's been happening with them Ruby and the others will explain what happened to them and the ever after, team Rwby will see how Oscar's merge is affecting him I wonder if jaune using his Aura amplification would help Oscar I'm not sure it might make it worse we'll have to see
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but like I said in other post on here and Twitter I Believe by the end of volume 10 Oscar's merge will be complete and will be left on a cliffhanger as to who it is or will actually get to see who it is at the end and we'll have to go from there sadly cuz either way we're either losing ozpin or Oscar
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I'm so happy that this epilogue started out with Nora cuz she was one of the characters even more than Oscar that I wanted to know what was going to happen with since from the beginning they'd always set her up it's kind of like a pair with Rin and now we're getting to see Nora Branch out and do
her own thing away from rent even though he can tell that now after telling himself and Nora that he loves her, he still gives Nora her space I'm glad that Nora got to stand up to people who were being hostile towards orphans since Nora's been an orphan for longer than we've probably known
We get to see Nora actually interact with other characters for once outside of her team it's just amazing and I wish they had done this sooner
I can't wait till when we actually give volume 10 because I hope we'll see so much more of Nora and maybe if we're lucky maybe she'll somehow become a maiden
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I like what they're doing with Ren Ren sees that John isn't there anymore so now he's trying to be supportive and uplift the team the same way his leader would and I'm happy they're doing this he learned a lot from him and Atlas he saw how
confident John became after losing so much and struggling since the beginning of beacon and now he's not there to uplift or support them like he used to so wren's trying to support and uplift everyone
even though they're separated I also look forward to seeing what happens with him and volume 10 especially with his relationship with Nora he's still trying to give her space even though you can see he does want to be with her at the moment so I wonder what they'll do with him from what it seems maybe they'll have some moments with him along with maybe other characters like male characters
kind of like we seen in Ruby Chibi where he'll be with some of the male characters and they'll be looking into Tyrion and Mercury working with the group called The crown from the before the dawn and after the fall light novels which are Cannon to the main story of rwby
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I actually got to see more of winter than I thought I would with the rest of the epilogue I'm happy that we see how much control she seems to have over the maiden power so far her flying her combat and skills she truly is a good candidate for the powers
I'm hoping at some point we'll get to see winter interact with the other maiden I'm hoping that this maiden is very young somewhere around winter's age but has a bit more control over her powers than winter and maybe she can learn from someone instead of trying to teach maybe form a friendship or a bond and that will help them in their upcoming battle with Salem and speaking of Salem
❤️🖤Salem in vale
For the longest time now I theorize that Salem probably went to Vail I think she used up her grim pools on the dark Continent and needs to go to a place where a larger amount of her grandma are still active and that would be veil she's there looking for the crown possibly with cinder since she has Tyrion and mercury and vacuo teaming up with the crown
Salem can sit back and make more grim using the staff I honestly do have some doubts here and there when it comes to the writing in the show but so far over the past several volumes is actually gotten so much better and I love it it was especially amazing and volume 9
I'm not sure what they'll have Salem do with the staff maybe if we're lucky Salem will somehow separate Oscar and Oz before they merge I doubt that will happen with that could maybe happen so she can actually confront the person she wants to instead of a 15-16 year old
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why0should0i · 1 year
I love blue lock but i would have really like it if blue lock was about girls instead of boys... They keep the premise and characters same but they are girls... All the girls are crazy and obsessed with soccer... They talk about egos and they steal the ball from their teammates... Girl Raichi is still as agressive... Girl Bachira is still as crazy... Girl Shidou and Girl Rin are the same and they fight each other by punching and kicking and pulling hair... Girl Reo and Girl Nagi are the same and they still are gay and Girl Reo braids Girls Nagi's hair and does her mackup and picks out dresses for when they go out cause is still a lazy slacker and those entire interactions are so queer coded that the subject becomes text... The homoerotic tension and rivalries and undertones are all there... They are girls... No, they don't have an eposide dedicated where the talk about boys... Yes the matches are still as intense... No there aren't any wierd boob and ass and panties undershots... Why can't people be normal about teenage girls and their bodies... Why do they always have to sexualized in media... Every time I take a bath i don't bathe in this uncomfortable sexy way... Ego jinpachi is a woman who is crazy... Anri chan can be a man for once... The characters have different body types... Not all of them are slim or curvy and whatever thier body type they are not sexualized...
In fact having girls in a sports manga can mean more drama added to the plot and no i don't mean boys and fighting over crushes🙄🙄... The women's team isn't being taken seriously even though they won more than the men's team on a national and international level... The funding is low... Parents hesitate to send their daughters because "playing pro is a boy's thing... Girls should have more realistic dream"🙄🙄... Yes that is a widely prevalent attitude in more conservative countries...
Just imagine a character who was routinely berated by her parents for playing soccer because it was too masculine and a woman becoming pro would be a) bad face for the family for stupid patriarchy reason b) becoming a pro as a woman is harder due to funding reasons and such so the character is forced to drop soccer and she drops her dreams into the trashcan and just when she loses all hope she finds a letter for her from blue lock she rans away from home into blue lock and bows to never return home and when the other characters find out and say where will she go back if she loses in blue lock she says she will live and die for soccer but she makes it as a regular member in the u 20 match where she plays with such a smile on her face and she is so amazing and happy that her parents realise how shitty they are and then the manga panes the the character where she says that even if she has to make an enemy of the entire world she will play soccer and that is her ego and we all wait for three years for the scene to be animated and when it does we lose our minds because it is so amazing and everything is better because it is girls and there is so much lesbian fruity vibes coming from the character and another character who is like I've always believed in you and she says to the character play soccer all you want I'll never be your enemy only your friend... And the hug each other and look lovingly into each other eyes and there are no guys and it's amazing...
And also you can go a bit darker where you can touch on the topic of how old sleazy men are often in positions of power in women's sports and they coerce the young aspiring teenage girl players into sexual relations and maybe the reason girl sae wanted girl rin to quit was because something terrible happened in Spain and she wants to protect her sister... And there can be discussions of body issues and eating disorders not that boys don't suffer them either but teenage girls are statistically more affected by them...
But anyways i think it would be amazing if there was a sports manga where there are all the traditional tropes of popular sports manga like haikyuu and kuroko no baske and prince of tennis... All the extensive sports analysis and commentary and insane matches and skill that borders on Naruto powers and the hype and rivalries and the underdog defeating powerful opponents and a huge cast of different various players where some are nice some are mean some are arrogant and they all have thier own insecurities and feelings that they are not enough...but instead of teenage boys it's teenage girls and i would really like to see crazy ass teenage girls play soccer like in blue lock... It would be so much better... Thank you...
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if I ever write a Blue Exorcist fanfic again, this will be the premise;
What if one day, another exorcist Yukio's age joined True Cross Academy- a genuine, full fledged exorcist, not another student. Someone who, like Yukio, is a very young prodigy.
Of course that person and Yukio start to bond. Maybe Yukio doesn't like this person at first, maybe they clash a little. But then, some older coworker suggests they don't know what they're doing and should let the adults handle an exorcism case, and they share in the indignity of it. They become friends and for once Yukio feels heard; finally, someone who gets what it's like to be a young prodigy, so underestimated and so isolated from the people around him.
This person is new and expresses some uncertainty about adjusting to True Cross when all the other exorcists feel so unapproachable, so Yukio takes it upon himself to help him get to know everyone. He's been there, he understands what it's like.
Suddenly, Yukio and this person are spending all their free time together, and Yukio starts coming out of his shell more and more. It feels so good to be understood and to share in his frustrations with someone his own age and rank, someone who doesn't see him as a teacher or still in training. He can be honest when he has to miss a hangout because he got called in for last minute business, he can talk about his students, he can relate and he gets that energy in return. Maybe, if it develops naturally, things even get romantic, or at least the beginnings of Yukio having a one-sided crush comes into the picture.
Things are perfect. Too perfect. Rin probably thinks so, anyway, and he shares his concerns with his classmates, to mixed results. Shiemi, sheltered as she was beforehand, might be the most naive in this situation. I think everyone would think Rin was just being a little overprotective of his brother at first, and Bon would love the chance to tease him about it. Izumi, on the other hand, grew a lot from being a user and manipulative person herself (no hate, I love the character, but it is true). I think she'd be the first to agree with Rin that something feels off. Honestly, Shima would probably notice too, but might be less likely to say anything.
Unfortunately, they don't have much more time to think about things.
Demons start penetrating the defenses of True Cross Academy, well informed demons who happen to know a lot about the staff and students, and for the first time Yukio begins to suspect. New person turns up, things start going wrong. Yukio probably wants to deny it at first, how could his friend be responsible? They've spent practically all their time together anyway, when would he have managed to do all this to begin with? Maybe he approaches the new person on the matter, and they reinforce all these points towards their innocence- besides, why wouldn't someone else wait until there was a new guy to frame? 'A gut feeling isn't evidence, Yukio. Don't prove them right that we're inexperienced, Yukio.' Person insists. Yukio, who has never been in a relationship with even footing (see; coworkers older than him, kids his age his students) may not have ever even learned to question power dynamics in relationships like this, not how to recognize when it's happening to him. So Yukio believes.
But then, one of his students gets hurt, and Yukio snaps back to reality. Suddenly, it's not just about his own feelings anymore. Suddenly, other people are on the line too, and he has to get it together for them (is this healthy thinking? No, but my fic would aim to address that in the aftermath).
So Yukio does some digging, those fears of following a gut feeling that turns out to be wrong and proving himself foolish still in the back of his mind. Maybe he lands himself in a dangerous situation with the person as a result, but no need to fear; his class has already realized something was wrong, and went after him.
Then comes the aftermath. The day is saved, yay, but Yukio is left with the emotional fallout of coming to trust and care about someone so deeply, only to realize all that faith had been so blindly misplaced. His perception of himself as the infallible young prodigy, the coolheaded master of multiple classes, is shattered, and the students he was supposed to protect had to protect him instead.
He had messed up, completely and utterly, the one time he followed his heart instead of his rationality. At first, it seems to reinforce everything that Yukio had initially thought about himself; he needs to be completely logical at all times, there is no room for emotional thinking, he has to be very careful with his trust...
But trying to close yourself off emotionally like that hurts, and there's only so long a person can do it for.
I don't know who he would turn to in that moment, or if someone would find him like that, but Yukio would get the reassurance that he wasn't being stupid or foolish. He was used, he was the victim, he did nothing wrong, and it might hurt to accept, but Yukio manages to accept the first steps of healing anyway.
End of fic.
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avenger-hawk · 1 month
Another anon. Sorry for interrupting, but (since you said that fandom around you seems to be dead, and I thought it could be upsetting for you) I have some thoughts about ss. It seems to me, that Sasuke could marry because of habit. S*kura and N*ruto is the only fond people to him. They are his childhood friends, they live in one village. Team Taka is distant in comparison with team 7.
AND. To build relations with other woman to create a family he would need to put some effort. Befriend her, treat her well, bond with her. He's not good with that. It's 'people want to befriend me', not 'I want to have friendship with someone'. So, he's stick with people who choose to be with him for some reason. He had not that much of a choice. It was K*rin or S*kura. K*arin is independent, ambitious and she is attracted with Sasuke, but not in love on my opinion. So, who is left? At the end of a day S*kura is the only woman who would want to be with him. Who would accept his behavior. They are close from childhood, they already know how to behave with each other. It was the easiest way.
He could spend the rest of his life alone, but maybe he wanted to have some kind of home to come back. And, finally, someone to wait him home. If we imagine, how would a real guy (not an non-existent anime characted) do? Maybe he would just choose what was the only option in his ruined lonely life. Maybe it's not love, just habit and friendship, and that's enough. It's not like he spends much time with his family anyways.
I don't like this boruto shit as well. And I don't think that either Sasuke or Naruto married out of love. Maybe N*ruto would grow love for H*nata. Maybe Sasuke is feeling some gratitude for S*kura. But well... Kishi did poor job here. To make this marriages seem believable he was need to put more effort to show their feelings and how they would fall for each other. He did not. And now it seems like all of them decided to choose the simplest way and just go with the flow...
P.S: I just thought you were a lil bit lonely (I could interpret it wrong) and decided to chit-chat :D In fact, I'm more interested in Founders era and pre-ending story. So, if you want to discuss something else or just don't want to answer - you can ignore this ask. Have a good day)
Thanks for having nice thoughts about me! I'll share this in case someone like that Anon is interested, and because it's an interesting take that I think many might agree with.
I explained my opinion more times so I don't need to repeat it, except for one thing: Karin IS in love with Sasuke and much more, in a more selfless way than Sak was and ever will be. It shows throughout the whole series, her actions speak louder than her flamboyant words...which, btw, are no less than inner Sak thoughts about Sasuke in part 1, and her nosebleeding at Konohamaru's Sai+Sasuke sexy jutsu...Sak is way more superficial than Karin, her feelings are no different. Kishi chose her because SS was a more popular pairing than SK. Also, real ppl in real life have a third option which is by far the most common: new people. In fiction it doesn't work cause fans stick to the old characters, but in real life it's different.
(now pls no more canon pairings related anything)
Have a nice day!
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Please may I have a Blue exorcist headcanons of being Rin Okumura's female S/O and her name is Emily O'Malley *she is the older twin sister of Yuki O'Malley* (her name is different definitely) and her nationality is Japanese and American. She is half goddess and half human. Her mother is Amaterasu who is the Japanese sun goddess and the head of all of the gods. Amaterasu is the highest deity in Japanese mythology. In the most famous legend about her, she shuts herself away in a cave, bringing disasters to both the world and heaven but that wasn't true considering that she fell in love with a human who was an American nevertheless. Due to complications with Amaterasu being a goddess and her father being human..Amaterasu couldn't survive very long on earth for understandable reasons and left on Emily's and Yuki's seventh birthday. Emily spoke both Japanese and English considering she is multilingual and her father taught her and her sister both languages so they could have the best of both worlds and the O'Malley twins live quite near the Cram school and the Exorcist school. Their father owns a café there and the O'Malley twins worked there and it is generally very popular because the exorcist students and cram students often went there for tea and mostly for Emily's food..she is a skilled cook and oh my god if you haven't heard of the godly Café..People absolutely raved for her cooking and her family's, perfection and balanced sweetness or savoury..you name it they made it but Emily was certainly a skilled cook.
Emily O'Malley is a sweet, cheerful teenager who is always willing to lend a hand for someone who is in some kind of trouble and she never shies away from a friend or family member needing help. Being the eldest daughter of Amaterasu, the head of all gods *she would've never realised that her mother and Rin's Dad hated each other* she didn't think that she would fall for Satan's son when she first met him when he came to join the Exwire class. Emily will absolutely not hesitate to defend someone if they were being unfairly accused of something and she was not someone to piss off on a good or bad day if you wanted to dig your own grave. She is highly intelligent as a Exorcist who taught the Exwire class as a teacher..she was very informative about her lessons and gave her students good tips on how to deal with highly difficult demons...Emily is a Paladin *she controlled nine tailed foxes as a tamer* (her family were quite good people but they were absolutely brutal during training when she was a kid). Emily still loved Rin..and it didn't change what she felt about him after his secret was blown wide open and hers (she was treated like a fragile bit of glass when the angels basically went in front of her like bodyguards and basically gave the hint that she was not to go near him)..a book should never be judged by their cover. Emily understands Kuro big time. Emily can basically control nature and it is fully resistant against blue flames.
Yuki O'Malley is different person to her older twin sister and even Yukio stated that he couldn't believe that they're twins and he couldn't believe that they're related. Emily is often rather exasperated by her sister's behaviour and Yuki is described as a doer, not a thinker. She has a passion for design and aspires to become big in the fashion industry. Impulsive and spontaneous, she is Emily's polar opposite..for some reason Emily feels more like her mom than her sister when she got into trouble in the Exwire community and Yuki is Yukio's girlfriend. Yuki is rather talented in the Exwire class as a gun user but she is too impulsive..and Emily and Yuki had arguments often about Yuki's behaviour and attitude..Yuki became a better person when the incident that caused Yukio to become possessed by his Dad caused her to open her eyes more and she evidently became a better person. She is still a fashion designer. *Emily and Yuki share the same face and appearance but have very different clothing choices*
Their Dad..Patrick O'Malley is an American in a Japanese country but he is a kind man and he loved his daughters dearly. He is always ready to help when he can and he is a very loving man when it comes to his daughters. Patrick speaks both English and Japanese. He is a Paladin like how Emily is..but retired considering that he now worked in a restaurant that everyone loved but he was still a skilled young man and he knew Shiro..they worked together back then.
Rin's relationship with Emily (his girlfriend) and her sister
Yukio's relationship with Yuki (his girlfriend) and her sister
How did the Exwire students (Renzō Shima, Izumo, Shiemi etc..) felt about twins dating twins.
*My apologies for the request being too long if that is the case*
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like the headcanons!
Fandom: Blue Exorcist
Characters: Rin Okumura, Yukio Okumura, Renzo Shima, Izumo Kamiki, Shiemi Moriyama, Konekomaru Miwa, Ryuji Suguro x Emily and Yuki O'Malley (separate)
Emily O'Malley is Rin's girlfriend and her twin sister, Yuki O'Malley, is Yukio's. Emily is calm and collected while Yuki can be quite chaotic at times. What does everyone think of this set of twins?
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Oh, Rin thinks Emily’s the best. She can cook, she’s smart, she can understand Kuro, she’s resistant to his blue flames, and she’s pretty? There is nothing about her that Rin doesn’t like.
He is a bit intimidated by her status as a demigod but he can’t be bothered worrying about what other people think. He’s never done that before, why start now?
Rin also quite likes Yuki but gets along with her better as a friend. They both tend to jump into situations rather than think them through carefully, so they often bond during their punishments.
He’s glad Yukio has someone fun in his life that he’s not related to. He thinks his brother can be a bit of a stick in the mud and is hoping Yuki can help him loosen up a little.
All in all, he thinks the O’Malley sisters are great. He does think it’s a bit strange being around twins who are so similar in personality to him and Yukio though…
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Yukio is so glad Emily’s around to help him keep Rin and Yuki in line. Or at least as best in line as possible…
He hopes she’ll be a good influence on his brother but honestly wonders why she chose him of all people to be in a relationship with. Well, I guess they do say opposites attract.
Poor Yukio. He thought he only had to deal with Rin and then Yuki came along. Don’t get him wrong, he thinks she’s a lovely girl. He wouldn’t be dating her otherwise. But she can be a lot.
He tries to help her use her head more before she jumps into situations and Yuki does certainly listen. But being spontaneous is something that won’t change overnight. Yukio just has to learn to accept that.
Overall, Yukio thinks the O’Malleys are good people to be around. They’re honest and hardworking and, despite their flaws, he cares about them both deeply.
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Shima definitely has a crush on both Emily and Yuki. It’s in his nature, what did you expect. He’s definitely going to flirt with them a bit until he finds out they’re in relationships with Rin and Yukio. Then he’s backing way off. He respects the code.
Loves Emily’s cooking. If he had to choose between her cooking and Rin’s, he’d struggle to make a decision. Can he just say both and be done?
He thinks Yuki’s a bit too much like Rin for his comfort, especially when they’re on missions together. They already had to deal with one spontaneous ball of energy and now they’ve got another one? Ah well…at least it keeps them on their toes…
Not really put out by the whole twins dating twins thing. He’s just jealous that the Okumuras are hogging all the lovely ladies. Leave some for the rest of the guys, huh?
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Izumo is definitely intimidated by both Emily and Yuki. She knows she won’t be able to push them around the same way she did with Shiemi so she’s not sure how to act around them.
Plus, they’re both demigods which is a whole other level of not being able to bully them. She feels like she needs to borderline worship them and that makes her angry.
Once she gets to know them though, she gets a lot more comfortable around them. She has more tolerance for Yuki than she does for Rin but that may just be female solidarity. She definitely prefers hanging out with Emily though, since they can have intellectual conversations.
Not really phase by twins dating twins. She thinks there are way worse things in the world that she needs to worry about. Really, the demon they could be fighting in a few days is a much bigger issue than someone’s relationship.
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More girls! Shiemi is so glad. Don’t get her wrong, she loves hanging out with Rin and Yukio and all of her other friends at True Cross. But hanging out with girls is just different in a good way.
She is definitely intimidated by the O’Malleys when she first meets them, and it will take her a while to stop bowing deeply every time one of them talks to her. She’s very conscious of their demigod status.
Once she gets comfortable around them, Shiemi has the time of her life. She loves chatting with Emily, and hanging out with Yuki always an adventure. Between the two of them, Shiemi’s catching up on everything she missed out on growing up.
Twins dating twins is weird? Shiemi didn’t know. She’s been away from society for most of her childhood so she doesn’t know about a lot of societal norms. She’s just glad both Rin and Yukio have found such perfect people to be with.
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Konekomaru is one who definitely struggles with getting over the O’Malleys’ demigod status. He considers gods and demigods so far above his status that he finds it difficult to be in the same room as them.
Once he gets over his fear of Rin, he’s more open to overcoming his struggle with Emily and Yuki. It will still take him a while but he’s making progress.
He enjoys Emily’s company but finds Yuki a bit draining. He can deal with Rin since he’s a guy and Konekomaru doesn’t feel the need to be overly polite with him. But I see Konekomaru as someone who is very polite to woman. He feels the need to treat them with respect which means he can’t voice his opinions about Yuki’s behaviour.
Out of everyone, Konekomaru is probably the one who will have the most problems with twins dating twins. He thinks it’s strange but won’t say anything. After all, if they’re happy, that’s all that matters.
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Bon finds Emily delightful. He can’t stand Yuki. She’s way too much like Rin and, unlike Konekomaru, he has no qualms about telling her exactly how he feels.
Considering how similar Yuki and Rin are, there will likely be even more arguments in the classroom now that there’s a third person involved. Yuki and Rin often team up, shouting across their desks at Bon who is reciprocating with enthusiasm.
All this being said, Bon would protect the O’Malleys with his life. He cares about them deeply, even if he won’t say it out loud and if anyone or anything tries to hurt them, emotionally or physically, you can bet he’s defending them.
Truly couldn’t care about twins dating twins. If anything, he’s more concerned about the spawn of Satan dating a demigod. But, much like Konekomaru, he knows nothing he says will change their minds.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
>>:3 more headcanons!!
1. Kliff has bad luck with animals he's been bitten by pretty much any animals he tried to pet
2. Yinu and Nova have heelies
3. Tatiana likes fancy Starbucks drinks Don't judge her!! Running vinyl city is tiring!!!
4. Celine collects WWE action figures
5. Yiruk ate 20 bugs as a bet with Dew and Kayane
6. Maydays a good dancer just don't expect the same of Zuke
7. Don't ask West about old cameras he'll ramble on for hours and you can't stop him
8. You better believe Eloni is huge Danganronpa fan
9. Eve sucks at board games much to Cyril's delight
10. 1010 watch K-drama and make theories about what's going to happen next
1). Kliff being more of a plant person in my mind backs this idea up a lot. Also the fact that I find it funny if Ellie tried biting him a lot when he was in the sewers lol.
2). Nova was the one to teach her how to use them. And then proceeded to teach Neon who now has heelies in his feet. (Heelies are heavy/bulky shoes that I hate so much but I can see Yinu loving her bulky shoes at first and stomping around a bit without the wheel in them).
3). I see her as making her own coffee, but if she ever gets coffee from a store it has to be starbucks.
4). Not a headcanon I have, but it makes me think of that Fairly Off Parents episode where Trixie dresses like a boy to do "boy" activities like watch wrestling lol. But Celine wouldn't hide it if she did collect WWE figures, but probably be surprised that Zimelu likes them a lot and is happy when Zi gets her some more.
5). It wasn't a bet! Yiruk was like "you bet me I can't eat these random ass bugs? Okay!" and starts eating them while Dew and Kayane are telling them to stop as none of them know if those bugs are dangerous or not. They can just go to a restaurant that sells bugs if they are craving a certain bug. Dew would gladly pay, especially if it was Beondegi (silkworm pupa) which they like and I don't think Yiruk has tried that kind of bug yet.
6). Love the idea that May can't dance for shit but doesn't care so she dances with confidence. I can see that as happening here but over time she just got a whole lot better and is now a great self-taught dancer. But i can totally see Zuke not being a good dancer what-so-ever. Even with Rin trying its best to teach Zuke.
7). You better believe Purl and Cyril are asking West a LOT about cameras then. Especially as the two are photographers. Not even just asking about what camera is good or not, but letting West ramble about the history of a particular camera or lens or whatever. It's the least they can do for him always listening to them ramble on (especially Purl who probably already knows a lot of this information but loves hearing West talk about it anyway).
8). I can't make a comment on this at all. I have NO knowledge of what Danganronpa is other than I think the fingers in his ass Sans' lover guy(?) with white hair who I don't even know the name of. But Eloni likes a lot of things media-related so I can see him liking Danganronpa.
9). I think it's less Eve sucking at board games and more Cyril cheating lol. But yeah, I can see Eve having bad luck at board games. Probably even worse luck at card games as she tries to read people and fail miserably.
10). Like any good respectable fans of a show would do!
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la-hannya · 2 years
"SeSsRiN iS cAnOn, GeT a LiFe AnD mOvE oN"!!!! cit.
Rumiko Takahashi NEVER said that Yashahime/Sessrin are canon, Sessrinners are living in their own delusion as usual because litterally every canon source tells otherwise but of course they prefer to ignore this truth. Rumiko, after Yashahime was out clearly stated that Sess is Rin's "hogosha" aka guardian/parental figure and in her recent interview also clearly stated that her series, ALL OF THEM, are over. She never acknowledged Yashahime as Inuyasha's canon sequel, we were never told by whoever to consider Yashahime part of the Inuyasha canonical storyline as if Rumiko herself wrote it unlike J.K.Rowling did with the Curse of the Heir that unfortunately is canon. On the contrary, on the Yashahime OFFICIAL WEBSITE is clearly stated that Yashahime is nothing more than Sumisawa's au scenario. Even the author of the YH manga adaption explained on a Twitter post that his work is merely his PERSONAL INTERPRETATION of Yashahime. So basically it's a doujinshi inspired to a fanfiction. These Sessrin pedos stupidly believe that given that Rumiko approved these works means that they're magically turned canon, but just so you know she needs to approve everything related to Inuyasha because of legal rights. She also approved the movies and the drama cds (remember the Inukik one?) but this stuff is never canon and never will be. Toriyama also had to approve Dragon Ball GT but it's still not canon. The day Rumiko will wake up and publicly announce we're supposed to consider the YH series and manga as canon then it's gonna be set in stone, but canonical sources tell otherwise and contraddicting themselves now would embarass and make them look like clowns who're not able to make up their minds. So no, not gonna happen. Not now not ever, sorry. Also, Rumiko never remotely hinted in her CANON story that Sesshomaru and Rin would be lovers, nor that Sess's feelings for her were remotely romantic when he showed to care for her. On the contrary, she always called out pedophilic behaviors in her story, when Miroku asked that 11 yo girl to birth his kids, all the other characters were disgusted as it should be. And Rin had exactly the same age when Pedomaru proposed to her in that disgusting drama cd that again, wasn't from Rumiko but from Sunrise.
So... nice try pedos, but no, your garbage pedo ship will NEVER BE CANON. You can cry as much as you want, just enjoy your fanfiction/doujinshi crumbs and go back to the sewer were pedos like you belong 🤷‍♀️😘
There's an Inukik one???
And yes, that's on point with what we've been saying for the past 3 years and even before that.
Also, even if it's not canon I dunno why they can get so up in arms "Like really? That's gonna stop you from shipping your THING? That is not canon. You gonna die because of that?" If we go by Anastasia's source, (*a person who worked animating some parts of HnY*) and that first leak— it's implied they were more "mom" options on the table and that when present with the idea of "Rin" mostly everyone on the meeting rejected it except ofc you know whos that kept pushing the idea (and we know that backfired). So, let's say it was Kikyo, or Kagura, or Sara Asano, or even Kagome, or EVEN some random woman.
It would still have been non-canon... 🤷🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️
Unless RT says otherwise, it would still be non-canon.
And even if that had happened. I have a feeling they would be rustled at us and the studio for not choosing theirs. Tbh, why care about that? Even if you ignore the saucerib in HnY. The rest of the thing mostly f*cking sucks. They had HnY on the backburner for years after TFA and they couldn't come up with decent writing? They would've f*cked over my ship or the others like they did theirs and InuKag's. The people I know here can come up with something better in a one shot in one day. Hells, weren't they tagging #justiceforsessrin on twitter because they hated how it turned out at the ending?
At this point I don't really give much about HnY. As long as they stay in their little corner and stay off my sh*t I won't give Fs so like I've told em before:
"Block me".
I just want to focus on my headcanons and writing skills to Git Gud. I'm more mad that thanks to a guy with a Loli fetish this fandom isn't what it used to be.
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sanaexus · 4 months
social's as isagi's girlfriend
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-liked by megubachi, chigiwho and 89.2k others
yourusername: the way this mf's date "idea" was also him playing soccer and me js cheering him on. anw i enjoyed it
tagged: isaichii
mikka.kaiser: for the 100th time it's football not soccer ↳yourusername: my account my post i do what i want ↳user1: pop off queen ↳mikka.kaiser: say soccer once more and your boyfriend's deadmeat ↳yourusername: he's better than you anw cry ab it ↳isaichii: why are you in my gf's comments anw ↳mikka.kaiser: my account my comment i do what i want
megubachi: you're everything and he's js ken ↳yourusername: ily bachi come over we'll do a sleepover and paint eachother's nails ↳megubachi: omw rn queen ↳isaichii: no tf not on my watch you can paint my nails ↳yourusername: i tried to but apprently mr football bigshot has an image to keep up ↳isaichii: and i do ↳user2: love the way they give us sm drama
chihiwho: omg you used the hair routine i told you to use!! ↳yourusername: cant believe you gatekept that for so long ↳chigiwho: would have gatekept it for longer but your dumbass annoyed me so much ↳yourusername: no shame in admitting that you love me ↳chigiwho: sigh
user4: leave the ball man for me i can treat you better trust
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-liked by yourusername, megubachi and 102.4k others
isaichii: our dates aren't only on the field (wasn't even a date bachira was thirdwheeling us). i treat my girl js fine
yourusername: bachira is my child !! stop slandering him !! ↳megubachi: fr like your giving my daddy issues pt.2 out here ↳isaichii: since when did we adopt this thing ↳yourusername: since forever and he isn't a thing >:( ↳megubachi: #cancelisagiyoichi ↳rin.itoshi: #cancelisagiyoichi ↳reo.miikage: #cancelisagiyoichi ↳mikka.kaiser: #cancelisagiyoichi ↳yourusername: #cancelisagiyoichi ↳isaichii: my gf aswell? wow. zucky better be watching this.
user5: the way even rin commented js bc it was something related to hating on isagi ↳user6: like that man barely uses social media
user7: not his gf joining on the hate bandwagon ↳isaichii: sometimes it do be your girlfriend ↳user7: OMG HE REPLIED?? IM LIKE UR BIGGEST FAN ILY
user8: ugh not isagi's girlfriend hating on him too! i could treat him so much more better.. ↳user9: girl bffr he ain't gonna choose you ↳user8: why not? he's girlfriend's legit a slut lmao ↳bastard.munchen: that's the amount of copium kaiser smokes bfr thinking he can beat isagi. ↳yourusername: HAHAHA I RAISED U WELL ↳mikka.kaiser: oh fuck off ↳isaichii: admin ily
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-liked by yourusername, shitdo.ryu and 106.8k others
isaichii: girlfriend appreciation post
yourusername: did i mention ily? ↳isaichii: couple of times, could be said more though ↳yourusername: ily ↳mikka.kaiser: i'm sick. ↳yourusername: go be a hater somewhere else !!
user11: oh to be be posted by isagi yoichi ↳user12: nah, it's more like oh to be able to post y/n ↳yourusername: ily ↳user12: ilyt girlie
yourusername: my man y'all ↳isaichii: all yours now come back to bed i miss you ↳yourusername: omw 🏃‍♀️💨
megubachi: my parents guys ↳isaichii: are we still doing this? ↳yourusername: yes ↳megubachi: yes ↳isaichii: sigh
kuniisuke: y'all are cute or wtvr but get the fuck off my feed ↳yourusername: don't be salty !! ↳kuniisuke: i'm not, i just like being single without you two being all gross ↳isaichii: we aren't gross, we just show love to eachother ↳kuniisuke: do that away from me pls
user13: if they break up, i won't believe in love ↳isaichii: seems like your believing in love for enternity ↳user14: they are the perfect couple, your honor
user15: she's sauurrr pretty, idk how some dude who kicks balls managed to pull her ↳isaichii: ikr!!
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js something i came up with impulsively, the other fics i was writing were overwhelming so this is the end result i think i like how it came out. i feel like i should make a series for other characters as well but idk
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calliopesink · 4 months
Youth Vaping Epidemic Sparks Concerns Over Rising Nicotine Addiction 
Health experts called the attention of the public last Thursday, April 4, 2024, due to an epidemic of nicotine addiction causing a rise in vape-related lung injuries among youth.
Regulations and beliefs have convinced various individuals that smoking e-cigarettes is a better and healthier option rather than smoking cigarettes making e-cigarettes and vapes more acceptable to the public.
According to an anonymous e-cigarette seller, they have been selling disposable vapes, and have been on demand since 2021. It helped them financially by selling e-cigarettes. 
“Nakatulong yung pagbebenta ko ng mga vapes kasi ang dami talagang bumibili pati na rin mga kaibigan ko. Aware naman ako sa mga problema pagdating sa mga vapes. It helped me with my financial situation.” the seller said.
Health experts are ringing the alarm as people continue to purchase exclusive flavored vapes such as strawberry, matcha, grapes, and among others that are actually made for ingestion, not for inhalation causing chemicals to enter your body.
Mark Joko Almajose, a Social Worker and college student at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM),  is one of the few smokers who started smoking e-cigarettes as a way to reduce the use of tobacco, “I’m currently sobering up from tobacco usage that's why I continued to smoke e-cigarettes as a substitute for tobacco,” according to him.
“I don’t think I can quit smoking e-cigarettes for now because I’m still in the stage of limiting myself from nicotine,” he said, adding that he wishes to quit smoking e-cigarettes because he’s also aware of the danger of nicotine.
Izabela Cruz, a third-year nursing student at Arellano University (AU) claims that even if you decided to stop smoking tobacco, and started smoking e-cigarettes there’s not much difference between the two. 
“I believe it's important to approach the use of e-cigarettes cautiously. While they may be marketed as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, they still contain harmful substances and can lead to addiction and can still pose risk to our health, especially among the youth. It is essential to understand the long term effects before deciding to outsource these products,” she said.
Non-smokers also find it concerning because of the effects of second-hand smoking that also can also be harmful to their health. 
Janela Pilar, a first-year Public Administration student at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila shares her thoughts on being around people who smoke e-cigarettes.
“Honestly speaking, even if e-cigarettes are labeled as the “safer” alternative to tobacco cigarettes, I still worry about catching health problems from second-hand smoke. The smoke may smell good, but as I second-handedly inhale it, the same number of chemicals that can impose health risks are putting me at risk nonetheless. However, the responsibilities of keeping ourselves safe go two-way, both for me as a non-smoker and those who smoke e-cigarettes,” she  stated. “Hence, no discrimination should be made against those who smoke as much as possible because there is a need to understand other people’s nicotine dependency. It is possible to ask nicely for consideration to not smoke around you and stay away from those who smoke to prevent yourself from inhaling the e-cigarette smoke.”
However, the Republic Act No. 11900, also known as the Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products Regulation Act, was regulated last July 25, 2022. It recognizes the health risks of smoking e-cigarettes, and the need to protect the youth from ‘vapedemic’ happening now in our country.
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Written by: Jackielou Almajose
Pubmat by: Francheska Ivana Piñon
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