#But I'll be busy with packing stuff up soon so I should get it done now.
kagedbird · 11 months
Oh shit. I need to make something Skyrim themed for my birthday. Guess I'll be drawing today.
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
Broken Hearts~ Diluc
featuring:- Diluc, fem!reader (Y/N), Childe warnings:- break-up, angst, hurt/no comfort, hurt/comfort, lmk if i missed anything a/n- pls i got max votes for a xiao ending but i already wrote it as another ending by then 💀 so I'll get an alternate ending out soon
word count- 1k
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“We should break up Y/N.” Those words. Those dreaded words that shattered your heart. Those words that meant all of your efforts were wasted, that they weren’t enough. You couldn’t stop the hitch in your voice as you tremblingly asked, “Why? Diluc, why? Was it not enough? Have I done something wrong?” You loved him, you truly did. And that’s why it broke you more, the sudden realisation that perhaps, he did not love you back in the same way.
“It isn’t working out.” He said simply. “It won’t work out. I have a lot of work, and I am unable to fit in a relationship into my life. It is proving to be quite a burden and a hindrance.” He said emotionlessly. He didn’t even feel anything about his words, no remorse, no sadness. It was as if he was talking to another business acquaintance. 
A burden.. Is that what you were? You were trying so hard, you helped him out daily, you sacrificed your free time for him, all because you loved him. ‘Was it worth it?’ A small voice in your mind whispered. ‘No.’ you thought. ‘It wasn’t worth it. It wasn’t enough.’ Even after two solid years of this relationship, two years of you being the one who approached him, helped him through dark times, did almost everything in the relationship, it wasn’t enough.
Maybe thats what love did to you. Made you blind, so that you couldn’t see it was an unhealthy, one sided relationship, where Diluc always received, and you always gave. You were the one who confessed, he accepted. You were the one who planned the anniversary, he went along. You gave him gifts, he received them. You waited for him every night, he never did.
Maybe he was correct… This wouldn’t work out. “I see…” “I have to go work at the tavern. I’ll see you later.” He bluntly said. Somewhere deep within, Diluc was wondering why you hadnt protested. Somewhere, he did want you to disagree. But he ignored it obviously, as he walked out of the room, calm, elegant, poised as always. 
The house was silent, alone. Adelinde overheard accidentally, she knew. She tried her best to comfort you. You told her your plans, she supported you. She helped you quickly pack up your stuff during the time Diluc was away.
You left the moment you were done. You couldn’t bear to stay another second in your ex-boyfriend’s house. You didn’t want to see him again. He had torn your heart, you didn’t want him to shatter your mind as well. You were determined to get over this, to not let this tie you down. The Dawn Winery was close to the Stone Gate. And so, you went to Liyue. You went there to permanently settle, to get over your heartbreak. To forget about Diluc.
(Diluc POV)
To someone who knew him incredibly well, like Kaeya, it was clear he wasn’t doing great, although some would say he deserved it. He devoted all his time and attention to work, and protecting Mondstadt. He always avoided thinking about [Y/N], it only brought him deep regret. Your distressed face flashed across his mind again..
He shook his head, clearing it. He had come to Liyue on a business trip, to discuss possible collaboration. He looked around the bustling Harbor, full of life. He cleared up the discussions with Mr Zhongli, a reputed gentlemen who suggested him possible companies for collaboration. He was just leaving when, “Hey!! Oh god, it’s been ageeesssss since I’ve seen you! Where have you even been!” 
His breath hitched. That voice.. So familiar.. Was it [Y/N]?
Your voice was directed in his direction. A selfish hope bloomed in him. But then, as he laid eyes upon you- looking radiant as always- you ran right past him with your arms outstretched. He stupidly turned his head, following you with his eyes-  to see you run into another man’s embrace, hugging him tightly. 
First he had shattered your heart; now you got your revenge by shattering his. He watched you, a sorrowful, dumbfounded look in his eyes, as you kissed the ginger, excitedly talking to him later. Snippets of your conversation reached him. “How.. mission go? …not hurt, right?..... going to meet your family?”
As they separated, Diluc saw the insignia on the ginger’s uniform. Fatui.
Y/N was dating a fatui. A fatui harbinger no less.
Were you aware of this? 
Seeing their loving exchange, made the hatred Diluc held for the Fatui boil up even more. “I wish people saw the goofy, non-Harbinger side of you.” You laughed. “Now now, that side’s reserved for you, my love.” Tartaglia uncertainly added, “You’re happy, right..? If you’re ever unhappy or unsatisfied with me, please let me know… I don’t want to lose you.” There was unmistakable sincerity in his words that made his thoughts stop. 
[Y/N] was silent for a few moments, then an angelic smile spread on your face. Oh, how he’d missed it. You beamed, “The fact that you’re thinking this is more than enough for me. I will always love you, because I know that you won’t leave me alone in the dust. Remember that, kay? Don’t think like that again.” You held up your pinkie, and Tartaglia linked it with his. “Together forever.” You both said.
He saw the radiant smiles on your faces, the unmistakable love you both held for each other. The sort of love he wasn’t able to give you.
As he saw Tartaglia treat you the way you deserved to be, the way he didn’t, he knew it. He knew. He knew that he had never been worthy of your love that had once been for him, that was now directed towards someone far more deserving. Seeing your happiness, he left, with a broken heart, the way [Y/N]’s had been, except he knew his would never heal. At least you’d found someone worthy of yourself…
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Parents Night | Boss!Eli Moskowitz x Nanny!Reader Pt. 3
Chubby!Fem!Reader ○ Parts One and Two
Series Masterlist
Big thank you for @sensei-venus for the idea for this part 💖 small note, but when it comes to naming characters, I just use the first name that comes to mind sometimes, so sorry if you're name is in this.
CW: mentioned parental/spousal death, angst & fluff, nothing much else (half edited).
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When the twins came running up to Reader with a flier from their school, their excitement was contagious. Phoenix shoved it as her whilst she was enjoying some down time in the living room, but she was quick to close her book and give them her undevided attention. Their grins were so big and happy as they started talking over each other, practically bouncing in place.
She took the flier and discovered it was for family night at their school, where the children could show them their classroom and where they learned. Reader had small memories of such nights when she was in grade school, how much fun it was to see her little friends and show off all the art projects she'd done.
"Oh, this is exciting," she told them, smiling wide. She flatted the slightly crumpled paper out on the table, imagining one of the twins had shoved it in their backpack and only remembered it now. "We should go give this to your dad, yeah?"
"We want you to come too," Mia giggled, barely able to keep herself on her feet as she hopped with enthusiasm. "We want you to meet Ms. Summer."
"And we want to show you our classroom!" Phoenix boasted proudly.
Reader laughed as she nodded along. "Alright, I'll come too. I think Junie will like it, don't you?"
"Yeah!" They shouted together. Then they started talking over each other again and somehow hatched a plan to go pick out their clothes for the special night - which was at the end of the week.
They ran off in a hurry and Reader softly laughed behind her hand. She stood up to take the flier to Eli's office, knocking on the door gently. When she heard him say "come in," she opened it swiftly and walked in with a smile.
"I hope your schedule isn't too busy Thursday night," she said and slipped him the paper.
He took it and smiled before looking up at her. "Not at all. I can take the kids and you can have the night off."
She grinned, flattered by his offer but ultimately more happy to join. "Actually, I've been invited."
"Phoenix and Mia want you to go?" he asked softly.
She nodded. "They're very excited for it. I think they're proud of learning, which is nice. I never wanted to sit down and do homework, but they're very receptive to it. So I don't mind joining you all if you don't."
He shook his head. "Not at all. I think it's sweet of them to want you to go. Plus, I really don't want to watch all three of them in a crowded school for two hours."
They laughed over the ordeal and set up a little game plan to have the night running smoothly. It was a short conversation, as soon Mia was yelling down for Reader's help and Eli's phone rang. They parted ways with smiles on their faces, thinking nothing more of it.
Thursday night approached a lot quicker than expected, almost surprising Reader when she realized what day it was early that morning. After the kids were dropped off, she spent the morning going over statements from her boutique when she saw the date. She had to double check everything and then plan out the rest of her day around that. She finished up her work early, saving some stuff for tomorrow, and had a pretty standard time taking care of Junie.
When it came time to go pick up the twins from school, she knew that they weren't going to have a lot of time between then and when they had to go back up to the school. So she went ahead and dressed Junie in her little dress and leggings, had her bag packed, and everything they could need in the car. Then she picked up the twins, brought them home, let them have a snack, then helped them get ready for their special night. It was hassle free, thankfully, and they didn't hit any bumps in the road.
They arrived at the school and Reader made sure to keep the twins close, even though they were practically bouncing off of the walls and trying to tug her down the halls to their classroom.
Her phone buzzed and she checked it, finding a text from Eli. Running late. Start without me. Be there ASAP.
She smiled, knowing that he was trying his best. With that being said, she let the twins walk her to their classroom while she pushed Junie in her stroller.
There was artwork all over the walls, from finger paintings to yarn projects, and more. Mia jumped up when she found hers and pointed it out to Reader, smiling wide as she told her about her finger painting and about what all there was to see on it. Phoenix was less interested in showing off his artwork and wanted her to see his writing handout, which was pinned up along with others that showed off how much they were learning.
"Look, see! See! I can spell smile!" he boasted.
Reader grinned. "That's amazing!"
They finally made it to the classroom, which was full of color and laughter. There were other kids inside, showing their parents and even some grandparents around the room. The teacher was standing near her desk, talking with a couple as she wore a bright smile.
Mia took hold of the front of the stroller and started pulling it with her in the direction of her teacher. "Come on! Come on!"
Phoenix bounded ahead, laughing as he hugged the woman around her leg. "Ms. Summer!"
The adults all laughed with him and the couple excused themselves as their own child came running over to show them something. The teacher greeted Phoenix happily, then looked up as Mia lead Reader and Junie - who was squealing with glee - over.
"Hi," Reader said with a short wave.
"Hello. I'm Summer Jensen, but everyone around here just calls me Ms. Summer," she said in return. She put her hand out and Reader took it to shake. "You must be the twins mother. They talk about you so much."
Reader was taken aback, slightly shocked. She licked her lips, quickly recovering as she held the woman's hand. "No, actually I'm their new nanny, Reader."
"Oh, I'm so sorry," Ms. Summer said softly, though she looked a little confused. However, she covered it up with a smile. "They just speak so highly of the pretty dresses you wear."
Flattered, Reader couldn't help but do a little twirl. She owned a vintage clothing shop after all, so she had to dress the part in her opinion. It was one of her many loves and she wanted to share that with the world as much as possible, that was why she opened her store.
"How sweet," she said. She cut a quick look at the twins to see their reaction, and though Phoenix hadn't seemed too bothered by the comment, Mia looked a little sad. "Well, Mr. Moskowitz is on his way. He's just running a little late from work."
Ms. Summer nodded. "Alright-"
"Phoenix! Mia! Come meet my big brother!" another child shouted from across the room.
Phoenix grabbed Mia by the hand and pulled her over, the two looking in better spirits than a second ago.
With them away, Ms. Summer addressed Reader. "Again, I am so sorry. I was under the impression Mrs. Moskowitz was coming."
"Um, I don't really know how to say this, but the twins' mother passed away," Reader told her, voice gentle and low. She didn't want anyone to overhear who didn't need to, or make anyone upset. Even so, Junie became fussy, as if she knew what they were talking about. "Oh, sweet baby."
Reader bent down to take her from the stroller and console her. Ms. Summer watched with sad, careful eyes.
"I assume this is Junie," she said.
Reader smiled as she bounced the baby, who started to giggle, a crisis averted. "Yeah, she's a doll. The twins love her."
"I can tell. They talk about her quite a bit as well," Ms. Summer said.
They both entertained the baby until Phoenix, loud as ever, called Reader over to the book corner. The women said goodbye and parted ways. Ms. Summer let Reader put the stroller out of the way before she walked over to the little bookcases.
"You can sit on the beanie chair," Mia said, fluffing up the beanbag chair for her.
Reader smiled. "Alright," she said and carefully took a seat with Junie on her lap.
The twins proceeded to show off all the books they liked, mostly from being read to in class. Mia showed off the ones she especially liked to sit down with during their practice reading time. Phoenix showed off the picture books with cars and monster trucks, making sure to show his baby sister all the pictures.
They sat like that for a while before the twins wanted to show Reader another corner of the room. It was a fun time, but made even better when Eli showed up.
"Well well well, having fun without me?" he asked as he walked up.
He was still in his dress pants, but had gone forgone his professional looking jacket and tie. Reader had caught onto the fact that he was a far more casual person than his position let on, though he still took it very seriously. She got the impression, though, that if he could wear a tee shirt and sweats to work, he would, but as the CEO he had to keep some sense of professionalism about him. However, when he was working from home, it was casual all the day long.
"Daddy!" the twins shouted. They ran to him and hugged around the legs, buzzing with excitement.
He crouched down to give them a hug, squeezing them tight as they giggled. Then, once he stood up, it was Junie's turn. He took her into his arms and she held onto his shirt tightly, squealing with joy at seeing him.
"I hope they haven't been too much trouble for ya," he said, looking to Reader.
"No, of course not," she said.
"Come on, daddy," Mia said, taking his free hand. "I wanna show you my sea turtle drawing!"
"Reader!" Phoenix jumped up. "I need to go potty!"
"Oh, okay," she said. She and Eli shared a look before she turned her attention back onto Phoenix. "Do you want me to walk with you to the restroom?"
"Yes, please," he said and put out his hand.
She took it and the little group split up. Reader and Phoenix walked out into the hallway while Mia took Hawk and Junie to a wall full of more artwork. The restroom wasn't a long walk from the classroom and when they got there, Reader waited outside for him.
When he came out, he took her hand again and they started walking back to the classroom. However, he had something on his mind.
"I'm sorry I told Ms. Summer you were our mommy," he said, a little sadly.
Reader stopped and crouched down to his level. "Oh, Phoenix, it's okay. But can I ask why you did that?"
"Everyone else has mommies in my class... They're all real mommies and step mommies and just mommies, but I don't have one... I miss my mommy."
"Aw, honey, I know you do," she told him. She gave him a hug, holding him close as he began to sniffle. Rubbing his back gently, she shushed him. "I may not be your mommy, but I hope I'm someone you can trust, because I'm here for you and your sisters."
He nodded and buried his face in her shirt. When he wouldn't let go, she picked him up and held him on her hip, lightly rocking him as they stood in the lightly crowded hall. She let him cry softly until he was ready to go back to the classroom.
She walked with him in her arms, his face hidden in her neck because he didn't want his friends to see him upset. She didn't mind. However, when Eli saw them, he grew worried.
He walked over, leaving Junie and Mia to play on the rug with some toys and another child. "Hey, is everything okay?"
He layed a hand on his son's back, comforting him. Phoenix was receptive to it, but clung to Reader the entire time.
"Yeah, everything's okay," Reader said softly. "I'll tell you later."
Eli nodded, though still wore a worried expression. However, it melted away when she gave him a reassuring smile, and they continued their little tour of the school.
By the time they all arrived home, the twins were starving. Dinner was ready for them, so it was as simple as sit down and eat, then get the twins cleaned up and ready for bed.
Eli took care of Junie, ensuring she was fed and that she was dressed for bed. She fell asleep quickly and he laid her down in her bed, giving her a final kiss on the forehead and a soft goodnight.
When he walked down the hall, he heard Reader's voice coming from twins' room. It was split in half between Phoenix and Mia's sides, toys strewn about, costumes hanging off of bed posts, and from what Eli could gather, a Barbie was leading a dinosaur army into battle in the corner. It reminded him about how he needed to clean out one of the other rooms to turn into a bedroom, and he mentally put it at the top of his to-do list.
He came to stop at the door and peered in, seeing her reading to them. She was almost done, but that didn't mean anything, for Eli soon became just as spellbound by her storytelling abilities as the kids were. They were hooked to every word she spoke as she gave it bravado and flare, smiling the entire time.
As it came to an end, Phoenix yawned tiredly. Reader closed the book and placed it back on the little bookcase in the room, smiling at the kids softly.
"Goodnight," she said sweetly.
"Can I have a hug?" Phoenix asked abruptly before she could even think about walking to the door.
She smiled. "Of course."
Reader leant over to give him a big hug, then made sure to tuck him in tight. Then she hurried over to Mia's side of the room to do the same, mentioning how they could all have hugs. It made Mia giggle.
Eli came into the room to give each twin a kiss on the head and tell them goodnight, then exited with Reader. He turned out the light, watching the nightlights come to life, then he pulled the door almost shut.
The pair of adults walked down to the kitchen, Reader looking to make herself a cup of tea and Eli hoping to have a word with her. He waited a moment, not wanting to rush into things since it had been an eventful and long evening. He didn't let the silence hang for too long though.
"So, what happened tonight?"
Reader looked up from her cup for a moment, then put her eyes back down. She swallowed hard, an odd lump forming in the back of her throat. As she remembered everything the twins' teacher had said, she became a little embarrassed.
"Oh, well, uh, as it would turn out, Phoenix told his teacher that I was his and Mia's mom," she explained, hoping she'd found the right words. She didn't know how to navigate the situation as well when presenting it to her boss. They were his children after all.
Eli's posture changed. He stood straighter and became a little rigid. The thought of his wife came to mind and saddened him. He'd always miss her since her passing, but it wasn't as depressing as before. The wound was healing. It wasn't hard to talk about her anymore, but it hurt knowing his children missed her so much.
Then there was Reader, who was put into an awkward position because of it. Something completely out of her control. Something she still knew so little about.
"I'm sorry," he said. He bit his lip, trying to figure out where to go from there. All he could think of was apologizing.
She smiled kindly, awkward but understanding. "It's alright. I know and understand why he did it. He really misses her and feels like he's somehow different from his classmates without a mom. I mean, he was telling me how the other kids all have moms whether they're their "real" mom or not, and I think it makes him feel a little... othered in a way."
"Did someone say something to him?" Eli asked, a ting of worry in his voice. He knew from first hand experience that some kids were unusually cruel.
She shook her head. "Not that I know of. He's a smart boy, so I think maybe he's picked up on it over time."
They were silent for a moment, and still Eli could think of nothing but apologizing.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be," Reader said. She finished making her tea and walked up to him. "There's nothing to be sorry for. He's still coping, and it might be a little confusing to me still, that I'm here. I mean, look at it from his view. I'm a woman that's come to live with you and your family, and I take care of them everyday. They know I'm the nanny, but I don't think they quite understand what that means."
He nodded gently, letting everything sink in. It made sense. She made perfect sense. Who was he to go out and hire someone to come into their home and help take care of his kids? Sure, he made them all a part of the hiring process to ensure compatibility, only for them to find the perfect match off of the street, but that still had to be confusing for a child.
"It's almost no different than if I'd remarried," he said softly. He didn't like it, though. The hurt was still there and such a thought had not crossed his mind once since his wife died.
Reader chuckled, lightening the mood. She smiled. "Almost. You and I are far from romantic love interests, Mr. Moskowitz."
He smiled, glad that she could tease him like a friend. He was glad that the night had not ruined the entire agreement they had. He was glad she was so involved and nurturing and good with the kids. For, if it weren't for Reader, he wouldn't know what he'd be doing now. He supposed life would be that much harder, harder when it was hard enough; when there was still an emotional toll being taken out of him and his kids; when he was a single father at a loss for what more to do, left asking himself if he was doing it all right. He was thankful she was there, beyond thankful actually.
"I can't thank you enough."
"You don't have to thank me at all."
She took her cup of tea and sipped it, then started walking to the kitchen door.
"Goodnight, Eli."
He watched her pass through the door and disappear behind it, smiling. "Goodnight, Reader."
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Azul Ashengrotto Tsumsitter Personal Story: Part 3
"A Moment with Azultsum III"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Mostro Lounge]
[Azultsum nudges a student]
Savanaclaw Student: Alright, alright already. Hey, can I get a refill over here?
Jade: Yes, of course, I'll bring it right away.
Floyd: That Tsum's so tiny but it's got a ton of stamina. It just keeps going and going.
Jade: Thanks to the Tsum's enthusiastic service, the first branch over here is overwhelmingly packed, as expected.
Jade: Compared to us…
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Azul: I should angle the chairs like this... No, more in this direction, I think.
Azul: Now, I only need to set this for each table…
Azul: …Whew. Even half the space feels quite large when working by myself.
Azul: And then there's this serene silence…
Azul: Even the usual background music resonates differently when it's quiet.
Floyd: Maan, what're you doin', Azul?
Floyd: What, are ya just redecoratin' just 'cause you got nothing better to do? That's so sad.
Azul: Heh. Talk while you can. You'll understand soon enough.
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Floyd: Huh? The Tsum's just as energetic as before, but ain't it kinda weird?
Jade: Ah, so you've noticed, Floyd? That the number of our customers have been gradually decreasing.
Floyd: Ah! Look over there.
Azul: Here we have the special for today, an herb tea. It will soothe your weary body.
Azul: Are you ready to order over there? I'll be right with you.
Floyd: Are we losing our customers to Azul?
Jade: Oho. I see…
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Floyd: Haaah? What's goin' on? All our customers're gone!
Jade: It seems so. And on the contrary, Azul's second branch is…
Azul: Yes, I shall go check on that immediately.
Azul: Forgive me, currently we have no available seats. Would you please wait outside?
Jade: It seems business is booming.
Floyd: I don't get it. What's this all mean?
Azul: Thank you very much for your patience. Would this table be acceptable?
Heartslabyul Student B: Wow! From this seat, I have a great view of that cute Tsum.
Scarabia Student A: This chair's so nice to sit in, too. The cushion is so soft and comfy.
Pomefiore Student B: How cute is that Tsum...!?
Ignihyde Student B: When it recommends stuff, I end up ordering too much and lose all my money. It's much better to be able to watch it from this distance.
Azul: Oh my, you seem so weary. Please, rest at this table.
Savanaclaw Student B: Wheeew~ This is so calming. I'm starting to feel a bit sleepy.
Azul: That is aroma oil with a maritime fragrance. I do hope you are able to relax with this bit of solace.
Jade: I see… You've put us in a bind, Azul.
Azul: Oh, why, if it isn't Jade-san and Floyd-san from the café's first branch.
Azul: You seem to have nothing to do. How pitiful.
Jade: So, you were adjusting the chairs earlier in order to cater to those who wished to view the Tsum from a fair distance…
Jade: When all's said and done, it seems the concept of the Lounge's second branch was "A relaxing space to observe the Tsum."
Floyd: So, what, he basically used our own secret weapon against us? Seriously?
Azul: What the customers of the Mostro Lounge seek is a top-class experience that differs from their ordinary lives.
Azul: An exciting and new experience like you provided would of course pique their curiosity, but I cannot see them enjoying it for long.
Azul: In the end, they will pursue a soothing place to relax. That solace is what will drive people to come.
Azul: Thus, the demand for my various types of relaxing herbal tea is soaring through the roof.
Azul: I don't believe your side will have another customer ever again.
Jade: The competition has been decided, then. I can acknowledge it. We've lost.
Jade: I did think we'd be able to have a little fun since the Tsums had shown up again...
Jade: Fufu, it seems we've concluded this game with a reaffirmation of your abilities, Azul.
Floyd: Awesome, that's Azul, for ya! Though that smug look's starting to piss me off.
Azul: This was a foregone conclusion.
Azul: It was beyond foolish to challenge me, as I am always thinking about what's best for the Mostro Lounge.
Azul: This proves just how much of a difference our capabilities are. I hope you've fully grasped that!
Jade: Oh my, are you truly that pressed to be declared the winner like this against such a small creature? Your ruthlessness is quite admirable.
Floyd: Ah, the Tsum's doin' something.
Tsum: …......
[Azultsum bounces]
Floyd: Ahahah! It's bouncin' like a flathead mullet! What, you getting' all worked up on your own over there?
Azul: What a lovely rebellious spirit. I would have been disappointed indeed if my copy here were to have given up so easily.
Azul: While you weren't able to match my level, well, I suppose you didn't do too terribly, either.
Azul: Moreover, even if it was only for a short while, you did increase the profits of the Mostro Lounge.
Azul: When we eventually open a new Lounge, perhaps I shall seriously consider making you a manager.
Azul: It would be of that second branch, of course.
Floyd: Aw, you're so nice, Azul. So, whatcha cookin' up then?
Jade: Well, it would be problematic if this money treeー or rather, I should say, this Tsum, felt dejected and chose to never come back again…
Jade: So I assume he merely said that to prevent that from possibly happening.
Azul: How could you possibly say that? I am always kind to everyone and anyone…
Azul: Aren't I just the epitome of generosity?
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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sunshinejeonglixie · 1 year
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Coming Out - Bang Chan
tags: sfw, nonbinary reader, afab reader, coming out, anxiety, bang chan x reader, lots of comfort & softness from Chan, all around just sweet and wholesome even with the anxiety
a/n: I was gonna write all 8 parts of this into one post and just have it be a "coming out to skz as nonbinary" post but then I got halfway through this and decided it would be far too long to put them all in one so we're starting with Chan and going from there. I'll finish all 8 at some point (not tonight but probably within the next couple weeks all the parts will be done)
!!Everything written here is fiction, not meant to be taken as real life, if anything here makes you uncomfortable please just block & move on!!
You and Chan were a great couple, you’d been together for a little over 3 years now & everything was perfect. But then you started questioning your gender and in your mind everything came crashing down. After about 4 months of thinking and questioning, you’ve finally come to terms with the fact that you’re nonbinary.
You had no idea what Chan would think or what to tell him. You knew that he accepts lgbtq+ people of course, you both had multiple friends that were part of the community, but that doesn’t mean he’d still be interested in dating you. Your brain was just too full of all the what ifs. Everything that could change if you told him how you felt.
Finally, you decided to just rip the band-aid off and tell him. He needed to know. This was something important about you and you were honestly getting even more nervous the longer you waited so you needed to get it over with.
You picked a day when he wasn’t going to be super busy, and you had the day off so you could go over to the studio during his lunch break. You picked up your favorite food on the way, hoping it could bring you some comfort and calm your nerves. The walk up the stairs of the JYP building was extremely nerve-wracking, you almost turned back about 4 times before you finally got to the right floor. Taking a deep breath, you slowly opened the studio door to find 3racha hanging out in there, an unexpected sight since Chan said he was working alone today.
“Ah! y/n!” Han smiles & waves
“Hey y/n!” Changbin leans around Han to wave as well.
“My baby!” Chan giggles, excited to see you.
“oooh, food for us?” Han reaches out to the bag in your hand.
“uhh no sorry guys, I only bought for Channie & I. I didn’t know you’d be here too.”
Han pouts but accepts it and moves back to where he was.
“We were actually getting ready to head out for lunch anyways” Changbin says, packing up his backpack and telling Han to grab his stuff too.
“We’ll work on it more later, yeah?” Chan asks as they walk out the door, both of them nod and head on their way.
As soon as the other boys are gone you’re reminded why you came here and the nerves set in again, trying to force your whole body not to start shaking.
“what’s wrong?” Chan asks, immediately sensing your anxiety.
Your mind races, no words come out and you can’t even think of a real sentence to start this conversation. Before you know it tears are falling from your eyes and Chan is pulling you into his lap in his chair, holding you close.
“Hey, take a deep breath, what’s going on? Talk to me please” Chan speaks softly.
You take a deep breath before finally just letting it all spill out.
“I feel like I’m not a girl and I know you probably hate me and want to break up so I should probably just go.” You ramble while trying to climb out of his lap, expecting him to push you out any second.
“Woah what?” Chan says before taking a second to process all that information you just threw at him.
Finally, he finds the right words to respond, pulling you back into his lap fully while you continue to cry.
“How long have you been holding all that in?” is the first question he asks, face and voice filled with concern.
“Like… 4 months probably” you hang your head, feeling slightly guilty you kept it from him all this time.
Hearing that, Chan’s heart breaks. The idea that you’ve been struggling all alone and feeling like you can’t come to him all that time makes him hurt.
“I understand if you want to break up Channie…” you say, not knowing what to do with his silence.
“What?! No! Why would I want to break up?” He genuinely sounds confused.
“Because you like girls… and I’m not that.”
“Baby no I love you for you. If you feel like you’re not comfortable as a girl then it’s my job to take care of you the best I can and help you.”
You melt at his words, just curling into him closer. So thankful that he’s not upset with you and doesn’t want to leave you. After a bit of silence and just trying to settle your anxiety, Chan speaks up.
“Do you want to use different pronouns?”
“I would prefer to use they/them pronouns.”
“What do I call you now? Like not my girlfriend anymore but what do you want instead?”
“I haven’t thought about it much, I think just partner is fine.”
“Are you wanting to change your name?”
“No, I’m ok with it now.”
Chan pauses, thinking of more questions that could be important.
“Should I just say baby now instead of baby girl?”
“Yeah I’d like that” you get a little shy, just loving that he loves you so much and cares about how to make you comfortable.
He pauses again, obviously thinking about something.
“What is it Channie?”
“Earlier this week, I called you a good girl when we were uhm yaknow…” he trails off, ears red with embarrassment.
“Channie just say it please” giggling and rolling your eyes about how he has no shame when you guys actually have sex but afterwards he can’t even say what you did without looking like he’s going to burst into flames from embarrassment.
“You know what I mean. But when I said that you kinda like, zoned out or something. Took a second to get you back in the moment I mean. Is this why?”
“Yeah…” You feel bad because you really do love the praise, just not the gendered portion of it.
He sighs, disappointed in himself more than anything. He never wants to make you feel uncomfortable so knowing he did, and he didn’t even think much about it makes him mad at himself.
Noticing his sadness, you try to comfort him a bit.
“Channie there’s no way you could’ve known it would make me uncomfortable you say that all the time, how are you supposed to suddenly know?”
“I should’ve noticed babe; I’ve been your boyfriend for 3 years I should be able to tell when something’s changed.”
He pulls you even closer, if that’s even possible at this point with how tight he’s holding you, and just takes a deep breath before talking again.
“Shit I probably sound like this is all about me and how I feel, I’m sorry my baby it’s not about me” he apologizes.
“No no it’s ok Channie I understand what you meant; I know this is an adjustment for you too.”
The two of you continue to sit together in a comfortable silence for a while before you hear footsteps and the door opening with Han and Changbin returning to work again.
“Ewww get a room” Han jokes, seeing you in Chan’s arms.
“Uh believe it or not this isn’t your studio.” Chan reminds.
“Technically they had a room already.” Changbin points out.
“Ay woah Changbin hyung you’re supposed to be on my side.” Han whines
“Now why would I do that?”
“Alright alright quit whining I’ll let you guys work” you say, starting to get up before Chan pulls you back down quickly.
“Don’t leave yet baby” he pouts.
“Chan you guys have work to do.” You scold while laughing.
“I can work while you’re here.” He argues.
“Bullshit you cannot.” Changbin points out.
“Yeah hyung last time you tried to work with her here it took like a week longer to get the song done.” Han agrees.
Chan notices you cringe just a bit at Han referring to you as “her”, running his hands through your hair to comfort you a bit before leaning down and whispering to you.
“Do you want to tell them? Should I?”
“You please… I can’t do it all again myself today.”
Chan clears his throat before speaking up over Han and Changbin who had moved on to some other random topic.
“Actually, Hannie it’s them, not her.”
“Huh?” Han had completely forgotten anything he’d said more than 30 seconds before
“You said her, referring to y/n. They actually use they/them pronouns now.” He tells them.
“Oh, sorry y/n!” Han smiles
“Cool, good to know.” Changbin says before they move back to their conversation.
You smile, hiding your whole face in Chan’s chest, just so overjoyed that your boyfriend loves you exactly as you are, and his friends are cool with it too. You know he’ll take care of you and protect you no matter what against anyone and it makes you feel so safe and warm inside.
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makangerous · 3 months
Ayumu Rank 7 (Fortune Confidant)
You receive a text message from Ayumu.
Emi… Turns out I couldn't help myself after all. It's probably better if you don't talk to me anymore.
(Ayumu sounds down. I should go see him soon.)
You rush over to Shinjuku and find him outside his usual building. Ayumu has his few belongings in a pile beside him on the sidewalk.
No, don't look at me. I can't take it! I don't deserve your concern! Go away!
Ugh, I figured you'd say that. You didn't leave after I told you to go away when we first met. Why would this time be any different?
Stuff obviously didn't work out with that asshole Fukui. He showed up and demanded my final offer. Then he said my rent money wasn't good enough. That he could get twice that from a business tenant. He forced me to pack up and leave. I'm back on the street, with no idea where to go. If only I'd started saving up earlier…
>Stay with me.
Don't pity me! …It's not that I don't appreciate you offering. It's just that I'd never be able to repay you. I'm done being in debt to others.
Part of me says I shouldn't leave this spot and let myself rot away instead. But you're not going to allow that, are you? …Fine, I'll get a cheap hotel room somewhere. What will happen when the money runs out, though? Nah, I can't allow that to happen. Time for me to start calling hotels. I'll see you… sometime.
Your phone rings in front of Leblanc.
I made it into a hotel. It's cramped, but at least I can charge my phone. And I've calmed down a little. You seemed worried, so I wanted to let you know. I'm also on edge because Mementos has been way too quiet. Before he got arrested, I used to hear a voice there that sounded exactly like Kiritani's. The things he said were horrible. Yet I wish I could still hear him. The silence is worse, somehow. Anyway, I don't expect you to understand. That's all. Bye.
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crmsnmth-journal · 5 months
4/14/2024 9:00 PM
I had a really good Sunday. I didn't get much done at all, but I got to refresh my head. I went down to the river's edge and hiked to the bridge and back, about four miles all together. The woods are really waking up now that it seems spring is officially here. I'm not sure, but if I had to guess, we probably hit seventy degrees today. There's a tradeoff though, because now my room seems unreasonably hot. I won't open my window, because my screen has holes in it, and I really do not like bats in the house. I love to see them outside, but I do not like them flying around my house. They freak me out, and for some reason or other, rabies scares the absolute hell out of me. I don't mess with wild animals that can bite me and kill me with a disease that looks like something extremely horrible to go through.
I got my first negative "you suck" comments on one of my poems, and, maybe this is weird, but that makes me beyond happy. Sure, getting likes and reblogs, and nice comments are fun and all, but I was waiting until someone thinks I am so awful at what I love to do, that they need to tell me. If it's constructive, I'm all for it, and I will take those opinions with deep consideration, but to those who just tell me I suck, without really knowing anything about what I do, or more importantly WHY i do what i do, I feel sad for. Art critics. The idea of being a critic in any form of art fields is a laugh. Art is subjective. What I write means something different for someone else. What I see in my head is a totally different painting then the one hanging up on the wall. What I hear in music is far off from what someone else's ears hear. And that should be respected. I can't stand Taylor Swift, but I respect her place in the music world. I don't think Van Gogh paintings aren't all the beautiful, but I still consider him one of the masters but I'd put Robert S. Connet on that hill too. Memento dragged on, but Christopher Nolan is one of my favorite directors. And if you see something, and your thought is "wow, this sucks" and not "Let's try to make it better" maybe it's best you just shut the fuck up and let people have their thing. I will always love "You suck" comments, on the simple fact I've pissed one more stranger off.
But now, I'm sitting here, writing this and I'll write a few other lines while watching Melancholia for who knows how many times. I love me some Lars Von Trier films. The guy is a master at his craft. I need a break from Futurama anyway. As much as I love the show, after a bit some of the characters just irritate me and I can't do the show. I'm at a good spot to take a break anyway. The very beginning of the "movie" season.
Hopefully my brother turns up soon. They were headed into town so I sent them with some money to pack me up some soda and pop tarts. Yes, I know. I eat like a twelve year old. I don't care. I don't eat much, and when a strawberry poptart and a coke is all I can get down, it's healthier than not eating anything at all, right? Kind of ironic isn't it? A chef with no appetite. I can't remember the last time I ate something from where I work.
I did forget to take about Jolie yesterday. I've known her for years, as she used to run the kitchen in the American Legion at the same time I first took over the bowling alley kitchen. And we have always gotten along extremely well. It's always a good time when she's around. Just that kind of person. So she left the legion and hasn't done anything in the business since, but her and her husband are looking to buy a restaurant, and she offered me the job to come on has an actual head chef. I mean, I'd get to do menus again, and work with distributors and come up with stuff and have the actual fun parts of the job handed back. Of course, that means I'd also have to do the shitty parts too, budgets, scheduling, budgets, most maintence, did I mention budgets? Still, maybe it's a sign? I've been talking about how badly I want out of the alley, that maybe this is the universe giving me an option to do that, and maybe even re-light the fire and the passion for food to burn bright again?
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 5 months
My Mate - Chapter 13 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
"If you'd walked into my room and found another Alpha in my bed, naked and waiting for me."
Apparently we hadn't done a good job at talking.
This was still heavy on my mind and I couldn't get rid of the thought of them together.
Of that blonde Omega male having a part of my Mate that I'd never have.
We're wolves... we all know we have Mate's the moment we can understand words.
Robby ignored my question.
"It's been over a year since Max and I, fucked around. Our relationship had always been like that, we'd meet up and have fun together before parting ways again," Robby growled.
"He wouldn't have done it if he knew about you."
"But..." Looking down at my bare feet, I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.
I knew it was something I should get over.
There was no changing something that had happened in the past.
Besides, there was no way I was loosing my Mate over this.
I'll just make sure to keep my eyes on that male and make sure he doesn't try anything.
The day he or anyone makes a move on my Mate will be the day they regret their mother giving birth to them.
Sipping on my hot chocolate, I watched over the brim of the mug as Jasper inched away from Tommy.
He looked his regular put together self today and he wore a turtleneck, obviously covering his mating mark.
'Who'd want to hide that? I'll show mine off to everyone.'
I just had to wait until after my dream Ceremony.
"Here you go, sweetheart," Grandma smiled, sitting a plate of food in front of me.
"Thanks, Grandma," I chirped happily, immediately digging in.
She's the only person whose food is better than Mom's, and that's only because she taught mom everything she knows.
Mom was still at the pack house, working overtime with all the guest still visiting.
I had no idea why they hadn't all left by now.
My Robert had to stay and do Alpha stuff... whatever that entails.
Tonight will be the first night we've slept apart in over a week.
I had gotten so use to using him as a full body pillow.
I'm going to miss my favorite pillow.
"Does that father of yours do nothing around here?" Grandpa came stomping into the kitchen, having to duck so he wouldn't hit his head in the archway.
"That bathroom door still doesn't latch, even after all these months," he complained, sitting heavily on the stool beside me.
Dad was at work but he would definitely get an earful when he got home.
Then again, he'll probably come in late when everyone goes back to the pack house.
Mom's family all had it in their mind that Dad was lazy and did nothing to help Mom.
That wasn't the case but it's hard to change their minds.
Mom got pregnant with Calvin while she was still in her senior year of high school.
Which now that I'm thinking about it, was that before their Mating Ceremony?
"So when am I going to get some great grand-pups?" Grandma asked, piling a mountain of food on a plate for Grandpa.
"Soon," I burst, giggling like crazy.
"What? Did you Mate before your Mating Ceremony?" Grandma's sweet nature morphed into one that was scary as she turned on me.
Her brown eyes narrowed.
I watched Jasper's eyes grow big as he looked at the tall female with fear.
"Nope," I said easily, unfazed.
"But Calvin got a female pregnant."
My brother was lucky he wasn't here.
I'm sure Grandma would have put the fear of the Moon Goddess in him.
Like Mom had been, Grandma was livid.
He'd knocked up a female that wasn't his Mate.
That was the biggest sin in Grandma's eyes.
I was just happy to be the one to tell the family.
I only hoped to be around when Grandma finally got her hands on him.
Grandpa was grumbling, agreeing with Grandma but too busy eating.
Should I be this happy getting my older brother into trouble?
Yes... Especially when everyone looked at him like he was the perfect example of a male.
Definitely after being ignored by him for all these years.
I deserved some sort of revenge.
After everyone had finished eating, I helped clean up the kitchen and accepted any praise I got for it.
That was an Omega thing I couldn't help.
Like a little attention whore who got off being helpful.
I wanted to be seen as useful.
Blowing soap bubbles off my hands, I pretended not to be listening to Jasper and Tommy's whispered argument.
They were the only ones left in the kitchen, thinking because they were on the other side of the room that they couldn't be heard.
Grandma and Grandpa were in the living room probably napping.
It's something the elderly did a lot.
I could see my uncles through the window out in the backyard talking and shoving each other around.
Most of my cousins stayed at the pack house or went into town with their Mom's.
"No, they're going to hate me," Jasper whined for what I think was the fifth time.
Rinsing off my hands, I dried them on my pants and turned towards the pair.
"They'll just be mad at Tommy for a little while, he's the dominant of your mating," I butted in, shuffling over towards them.
"He's supposed to have more control."
It was an unfair way of thinking but my grandparents are traditionalists.
Back in their day, Omegas weren't Mate worthy and instead were just pretty little wolves that should stay round with pups.
Thank the Moon Goddess times have changed.
Jasper wasn't an Omega though.
He's the son of an Alpha and dominant enough to be a warrior.
The family will praise Tommy for getting such a Mate.
Jasper's ears turned red and he looked down to avoid my eyes.
I was distracted though.
If I were to complete my mating with Robert before our Ceremony, would it be overlooked by the family?
He's an Alpha, they think the Moon Goddess blessed me.
Mom would probably be the only one mad.
Shoot, Grandma had already asked me about pups and I'm not even done with school.
Glass shattering made me jump out of my thoughts and I looked up.
Tommy had Jasper half on the breakfast bar as they attacked each other's faces.
My mouth popped open in surprise but I couldn't look away.
It was interesting seeing a dominant male submit to another.
I thought maybe they'd fight some over who'd be the one in charge but no, Jasper willingly let Tommy have control.
It was weird to think that not so long ago I'd been sure I was in love with Jasper.
Why did I have a crush on him again?
He was pretty. Oh and he was nice to me when I went into my heat for the first time.
But we're those reasons to have a crush on someone for so long?
There was no way a relationship between us would have worked out.
He liked the rough touch of a strong male as much as I did.
Now Robert, he's perfect... so big and strong.
Shivering, I tried not to get caught up thinking about my Mate and what simple touches from him does to me.
It's all I think about these day.
By the Moon Goddess, a majority of my thoughts were dirty ones about my Mate.
"Guys," I whined, jealous because I wanted Robert and a little scared they'd go all the way in front of me.
Tommy pulled away from Jasper, who stared at the ceiling as if in a daze.
Their lips were swollen and Tommy almost had Jasper out of his shirt.
Snickering, I ran and got the broom before running back and giving it to Tommy.
Just because I'm an Omega doesn't mean I'm going to clean up after everyone.
Only bad Werewolves take advantage of us in that way.
Jasper had climbed off the island and was sitting on the barstool looking embarrassed.
"It's okay Jazz, I like kissing my Mate too," I assured him, offering a hug. 
That only made him blush and cover his face with his hands.
Tommy laughed loudly as he swept up the glass from a broken cup.
Luckily Jasper was saved from further teasing as the Aunts and cousins came through the front door.
They were loud but I'd expect nothing less from mom's family.
Dana, Uncle Wallis' youngest pup, was the first to enter the kitchen.
She was a few years older than me but most of my cousins are.
Mom's the youngest of her siblings and her brothers were already Mated and had started their own families by time she met Dad.
"Guess what," Dana said, sitting down a shopping bag on the counter.
"I heard there's going to be a party tonight."
"Oh, I can't go to those," I said, climbing on the stool beside Jasper.
I wasn't going to tell them the last time I went to a party, I ended up throwing toilet paper all over the pack house with Robert.
That was something better forgotten.
"You're going, Bean," Dana declared.
"It's at the Pack House, your Mate will be there," she smirked, knowing the mention of my Mate had convinced me that easily.
"We're all going," Zachary said, entering the kitchen.
"Well, everyone but the old wolves," he chuckled.
I looked at them with wide eyes.
A party with only young Werewolves was a disaster waiting to happen.
My future home was going to be destroyed.
Maybe I'll get to redecorate.
"Okay," I agreed with a wide smile.
Hopefully I'll actually remember this party.
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keigo-writes · 1 year
Act One Part One: Chapter One
Haneul's POV
“I never stood a chance did I?” Haneul said, staring up at his lover's eyes, grasping on his breath.
“You’re not dying. You can’t die yet. You can’t leave me.” Caesar replied heart breaking into a million little pieces, not ready to answer Haneul’s answer, not ready to admit that he loves Haneul.
“You never answered my question, my love. I can’t leave you until you tell me if I stood a chance.”
Four Months Earlier
Haneul's POV
It was a normal day for my father and I. My mother left when I was just a young boy, we didn't have enough money. I think that's why she left. My father and I are farmers, we own a shop downtown that I work at whenever I can. Before the war started (approximately six months ago). We were doing good, business was booming but since the war lots of people have died. Our crops being bombed, half of our soldiers are dying. The war supposedly happened by a failed assanation attempt by the king of England. The king denied everything, but we all knew he did it.
My father is working at the shop, he is extremely old. The King keeps telling us to enlist or we will get drafted. I pray to our gods each day that my father won't get drafted. If they had to draft someone I hope it's me. If it means my father gets to live, and I can see the world like I always wanted to.
I was out getting rid of the weeds in our vegetable and fruit garden, when I saw some of the king's guards walking towards me. I put down my shovel and took off my gloves. I looked around and realized none of them didn't have any guns, I instantly realized but soon got nervous. What about my father did they tell me my father got drafted into the war? I sure hope not.
"Is something wrong sir?" I ask the closest one, nervous to know if they are gonna take away my father.
"Ma'am you mean." The lady corrected me. She walked towards me and patted my shoulder.
"I am terribly sorry Ma'am. Is something wrong? Did my father get drafted? He's too old, please don't take him."
"Oh, don't worry. Your father should be here any minute. Your father was already told, would you like us to wait for him before we tell you or would you like to know right away?" The lady asked in a sweet mother tone.
"I. I Uh. I-I wo-would li-like to kn-know now pl-please." I stuttered out, feeling super embarrassed I normally don't stutter.
The other soldiers didn't react or anything, she probably was a higher ranking officer than them.
"Okay. It's okay if you feel nervous. I understand. Would you like to sit inside and talk about it?" The woman replied and I relaxed knowing I'm not being judged by her.
I nodded, "Can we please sit inside? Follow me please." I walked inside but before I went inside I opened the doors for the soldiers.
"I'm sorry if I seem out of it, I was worrying about my father. He is all I have so I don't want him to go off and fight in the war. Would you like anything to eat at all or drink anything? I can get you some tea or milk." I asked the soldiers.
All the boys shake their heads, but the girl nodded, "Yes please I'll have some tea. My name is Kim Ae-Ri, I'm a five star general." She sat down at the couch whilst I made some tea for her and myself.
Once the tea was done I walked over to the couch and handed her tea. "Careful it's hot, what is it that you needed to tell me?"
She took a deep breath and looked at me and smiled sadly, "Unfortunately we have lost lots of our men and we need more soldiers. The King and the other 5 star general drafted your name out of a random hat. We are here to inform you of that decision and to let you pack your stuff. You won't need a lot of your clothes, just some boxers, everything will be supplied there. You can bring some books or anything you would like to bring for comfort during your training. We ran into your dad at your shop downtown. We already told him." Ae-Ri said, looking up at me with an even sad smile, taking a break from time to time to drink her tea.
I slowly nodded and my father stormed through the door and ran over to me and gave me a bear hug. "I-I, that's okay. I can go pack my stuff right now, and leave you guys with my father," I was startled by my dad, but I gave him a hug back.
I slowly walked towards my room sipping my tea. When I got to my room I started crying. I didn't want to leave my father behind but I wanted to leave no matter what way possible. I started to pack my boxers, cleaning care stuff, some pictures of my dad and I. I also packed some clothes just in case. I grabbed a notebook right before I left my room. My dad was sitting on the couch crying, and Ae-Ri was comforting him.
I told one of the soldiers I was ready to go and that I had my stuff packed. My dad gave me one big hug before he looked at me in my eyes, "Remember to be true to yourself."
I nodded to him, "I always will be, you promise you will be true to yourself too." He just nodded and didn't say anything else.
My dad just walked away, probably to the cellar to get himself drunk. We walked out of the house and towards the carriages. I got into one of the carriage and as we were going towards the military camp, I was watching out the window questioning how my life was going to be now.
It felt like it was two days, when in reality it was probably three to five hours to get there. Ae-Ri showed me to the place I was going to be staying for the next eight weeks. I unpacked my stuff to a bunk, surprisingly I was the only one in the camp. There was only one bed, and one toiletry room.
I looked back and she was smiling sitting on my bed and nodded, as if confirming that it was all mine indeed. "We should go over the schedule. I wrote one just in case you forget. We wake up at six in the morning each day unless it's Sunday, then we wake up at eight in the morning. We have breakfast at six thirty in the morning each day unless its Sunday then we have it at eight thirty in the morning. We have training from seven to three thirty pm. We have lunch at four pm. For Sunday our training is from nine to noon, we have lunch at twelve thirty, and then training from two to six pm. For any other day, that's not Sunday, we have training again from five to eight pm, and then dinner at eight thirty. Sunday we have a chill day from six thirty till dinner which is eight pm. Lights out at nine pm each day." She looked over at me, but when she was saying that she handed me the schedule on the paper. I smiled and nodded.
"Thank you Ae-Ri, I mean General of the Army. It is a bit much but it helps that you have it written down. But since it's Sunday and it's noon, am I going to train today?" I was scared I was going to get into trouble for not calling her military name.
She nodded, "Correct, you're not gonna train, you're just gonna watch how it is done, I'll show you the ropes and everything. But don't worry about not calling me the military name I am. As long as we are in public and you do, please do call me that. But if we are alone you can call me Ae-Ri." Ae-Ri responded with a mom smile and gave me a warm hug.
After the hug she stood up and reached out her arm, "Now let's show you around. First let's head our way to lunch. Nobody should make fun of you in any way, you have an important job to us and to the war. If they do, please do tell me. I will be overseeing your training and I will be the one training you." Ae-Ri walked out of my bunker and headed to the cafeteria.
"What sort of job is that?" I asked, generally curious.
"I mustn't tell you, the King will tell you at Dinner." Ae-Ri responded as I nodded in understanding.
Ae-Ri explained what sort of training I will be getting and what sort of weapons I will be using, and life on the base. We soon made it to the cafeteria and we got our food. Ae-Ri walked me over to where we will be seated. We ate in peace and quiet. When we were done eating, we threw our trash away."Follow me, we will be heading towards one of the training areas first, after that we will be heading to the armory and weapon training area. If we run into the King you can ask him what job you will be assigned. Is that clear?" Ae-Ri commanded and told.
I nodded, "Yes Ma'am." I was a little stiff but soon relaxed. I followed where she was going and I was watching the areas.
When it was dinner time we made our way back to the cafeteria and we started eating again, in the same place. When we were done eating, Ae-Ri made me throw away both of our stuff as she was talking to the King's right hand man.
Ae-Ri made her way towards me, "It's time Haneul, we are going to meet the king and you're going to learn what your job is for the military.
I nod stiffly, and follow her to the room where the King is waiting. We make our way to the room and Ae-Ri knocks on the door three times and then walks in.
"You may enter Ae. I'm assuming you got young Haneul." The king commanded from the other side of the door.
"Yes that I have Haneul." Ae-Ri and I enter the room and I start to fiddle with my hands.
"It's okay that you're nervous young Haneul. I would be nervous if I was in your place. Now you must be wondering what your job is, and why I specifically drafted you." The king smiled
I was shocked, I looked at Ae-Ri, "But I thought it was random, that's what General Ae-Ri said."
The king sighed, “That is what we agreed on to say. I have known Ae-Ri for a very long time, I know that she won't do something I have ordered her to do. Now your job is to get close to prince Ceasar of England, and to kill him. He is the one who must die in order to stop this war, or more innocent people will die. I'm sure you don't want that. I knew how close the last bomb was to your house, I can move your dad and he can be somewhere closer if you give me the go ahead. I am a man of my word." The king smiled wickedly at me.
All I could do was nod, "Yes your majesty. I will get close to it, just protect my father please."
The king nodded, "Of course young Haneul. I will be proud of you for serving this country. I hope you succeed in killing Prince Caesar."
I smiled back at him, "Thank you, your majesty. I will succeed in killing Prince Caesar." I bowed politely at the king.
0 notes
jungshookz · 3 years
maybe, she can drive his car; mechanic!yoongi
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➺ pairing; mechanic!yoongi x spoiledbrat!y/n
➺ genre; mechanic!yoongiverse!! sfw!! honk honk humour!! some suggestive behaviour because this is mechanic!yoongi and his y/n we're talking about!! the green-eyed monster inside of y/n is awoken after being dormant for so long and she's ready to bite some heads off
➺ wordcount; 11.6k
➺ summary; yoongi's ex is back in town for a visit and you'd be lying if you said you weren't slightly envious of a) how knowledgeable she is about stupid cars and b) how well she gets along with literally everyone.
➺ what to expect; "right, about that- i know i was supposed to come over for dinner tonight but- listen, i don't know what lisa did but obviously she's got a lot of connections now and the shop has literally never been this busy before... you understand, don't you?"
➺ currently spinning on the record player; mustang sally (originally by wilson pickett, covered by andrew strong)
(unfortunately i wasn’t able to track down the original maker of this gif but this is where i sourced it from! all credits go to the original creator of course :-))
»»————- 🛠️ ————-««
namjoon usually doesn't pay too much attention to you whenever you're hanging out at the workshop with everyone because of how often you're here, but there's something about the way you're acting today that even he has to admit is oddly very...
and it's not that you're not cute all the time (because you totally are!!) but it's just that the version of you today in particular is suddenly making him want to go off and find a y/n of his own
"whatcha doing?"
namjoon jolts in surprise when a grimy hand suddenly burrows itself into the warm bag of freshly-popped popcorn that he has cradled to his chest and he scowls before turning his body away slightly
"hey, you're contaminating the popcorn, man-" he huffs, quickly grabbing the mega-sized pack of hand wipes from the desk before plopping it down on the countertop for jungkook, "at least have the decency to wipe your hands before digging into my popcorn- also, i'm watching. duh."
"watching?" jungkook frowns as he sloppily wipes his hands on the front of his shirt, turning to look out the open door, "watching what?"
"yoongi and y/n." namjoon hums, popping a couple of kernels into his mouth with a crunch, "she's been following him around like a little duckling all day."
"mm." jungkook props an elbow up on the counter as he looks towards the two of you before clicking his tongue, "...he must've really given it to her good last night if she's acting like that-"
"okay, now you've ruined the moment-" namjoon frowns, his shoulders dropping slightly before he gestures to you guys, "it's sweet! this is obviously a wholesome thing-"
"call it what you want, but all i'm trying to say is that good sex makes you do crazy things-" jungkook snorts before aggressively shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth, "cravy phings."
"i'd like to argue that good sex forms a strong emotional bond which explains why there are cartoon hearts currently floating around y/n's head-" namjoon perks up when he notices the way your eyes light up at something yoongi says, "look at her! look at the way she's looking at him!"
"oh, please." jungkook tuts, "that dopey look on her face is telling me that the only thing on her mind is yoongi bending her over the hood of that car and just ramming-"
"namjoon and jungkook are arguing again." you point out, turning to look towards the office just in time to see namjoon throw a handful of popcorn at jungkook only for him to open his mouth and chomp wildly at the air to get some into his mouth
"jungkook probably said something stupid, as per usual." yoongi snorts, leaning over to lock the hood of the car into place before pulling away and taking a look at the situation, "now, let's see what we have going on here..."
when namjoon told him that this was a brake master cylinder repair he immediately felt all the excitement leave his body
he hates doing brake master cylinder repairs
all the parts are so small and the handiwork is super tedious anD the last time he did one of these he took like four hours to get it done
overall it's a pretty boring repair job and as much as he wants to pass it off to one of the others to do, he knows that he's the most skilled with the internal mechanics of a car compared to everyone else which he usually likes to brag about but today he wishes that that wasn't the case
"so what do you have to do?" you frown, stepping over so that you're standing by the side of the car and you're not in yoongi's way, "all the thingies look fine to me."
"well, i actually need to replace the brake master cylinder thingy." yoongi teases, smiling lightly as he points at some kind of container, "there's a leak in the seals, which is pretty common since they wear out after a few years. it should be an easy fix! it'll just take a while, that's all."
luckily, taehyung already took care of the messy part and emptied the fluid from the reservoir for him so now it's time to start the actual repair process
"so does beeper have one of these cylinders in him?" you ask, tilting your head in curiosity
you've never actually taken a look at beeper's under the hood situation before so you wouldn't know
(it feels like he's all naked and exposed whenever yoongi lifts his hood up and you just want to give beeper some privacy, that's all.)
"if beeper didn't have one of these cylinders in him, you wouldn't be able to brake, silly." yoongi snorts, reaching down to unclip the sensor from the reservoir, "see, when you push down on the brake, it pushes a piston through the cylinder and forces hydraulic fluid through the brake lines, which goes to the slave cylinders of each wheel, and then-" he pauses when he notices you've gone all quiet and he turns to see you staring directly at him with a dopey little smile on your face "-what? what'd i say?"
"i like it when you talk shop to me." you giggle quietly, "i mean, i don't understand 98% of the words that come out of your mouth when you do, but i still like it a lot-"
"yeah?" yoongi teases, taking a hand off the edge of the car so he can gesture for you to come closer (and you do, obviously), "you like it when i talk to you about... hm, i don't know..." he feigns cluelessness as he stands up to slink an arm around your waist and bring you towards him while your arms automatically hang loosely around his neck, "how the rubbing of the brake pad against the brake disc generates friction..." he lowers his voice as he sits lightly on the edge of the car and gives your hips a squeeze
"mm, tell me more..." you play along, letting yoongi pull you closer so that you're settled nicely in between his legs
"i don't know, maybe i should save all the good stuff for the bedroom..."
you resist the urge to immediately start whining when you lean in only for yoongi to dodge your kiss, "hey, i like you in these baggy overalls, by the way." he suddenly changes the subject and you feel your cheeks flush when both his hands slide in through the gaps until he's able to grip your bum, "big, big fan of them-"
"you- namjoon and jungkook are right there-" you gawk, "at least have the decency to turn me around so they don't see you fully groping me-"
"they can always just close their eyes or something-"
"okay, you two, break it up-!" you hear namjoon's claps echoing from the office as he tries to get your attention and you immediately turn to look at him with a grin, "god, it's like you sick freaks want to rub it in our faces-"
"okay, i have to get to work so why don't you go and hang out with namjoon in the office?" yoongi stands up, being careful not to hit the top of his head on the hood, "he'll let you play chess on the computer if you ask nicely."
"i thought i was helping you out today!" you frown, grabbing onto his hand before waving it back and forth, "you said i did a good job handing you the tools and stuff. i'm getting better at not mixing all the different types of screwdrivers up!"
yoongi can't help but laugh at how needy you're being and he reaches up with his free hand to adjust his bandana
"i know you wanna help, but i promise you there's nothing exciting about repairing a master cylinder." he hums, reaching up to pinch your cheek playfully, "plus, don't you still have a huge research paper to work on?"
"yeah, but i'd much rather hang out with you..." you pout, yoongi cooing before leaning in to give your pushed-out bottom lip a little kiss
"we can hang out when we're both done with work."
"okay..." you purse your lips before letting go of his hand, "it's your loss. i'm a fantastic helper."
"mhm, you certainly are-" yoongi spins you around before pushing his palm against your lower back to get you to move, "now go and bug namjoon!"
you turn back to glance at yoongi one last time and he sweeps his hands at you to tell you to gO
it was getting hot in the garage anyway and namjoon always has the aircon blasting in the office
"sorry! only sad, single people are allowed in this area-" namjoon jokes as soon as you step in, gesturing to the office space with a grin, "leave or i'll have security escort you out."
"oh, stop it." you giggle, folding your arms up on the counter and leaning forward, "i keep telling you i'd be more than happy to set you up with one of my friends!!"
"i know, and that's very nice of you to offer, but i just want to find someone organically, you know?" namjoon sighs, leaning back against his chair before looking up at the ceiling wistfully, "being set up with someone doesn't feel like a natural process."
"namjoon thinks he's the main character of a shitty netflix romantic comedy." jungkook mutters, the two of you exchanging low giggles with each other
"well, if no one comes into your life organically you can always let me know and i'll- woah-" you jump in surprise when the sound of a roaring engine suddenly shatters the peaceful atmosphere and you turn around just in time to see a sleek car veering into the shop
you wince and raise a hand to shield your eyes from the bright headlights and you don't get a chance to make the first comment because jungkook beats you to it
(for the record, you were going to talk about how dramatic of an entrance whatever that was)
"oh my god. that is the sexiest car i've ever seen in my entire life." he breathes out, stepping away from the counter so he can stand by the door and get a closer look, "a 1965 mustang. nice."
"fun fact: i was actually thinking about getting a vintage mustang! i wanted an olive green one because i could've named her 'olive' which is super cute-" you nod enthusiastically, looking back and forth between namjoon and jungkook only for them to.,., completely ignore you and continue staring at the glossy mustang sitting out front
"okay, you guys, it's just a car-" you roll your eyes and let out a little snort of disbelief, "this isn't going to change your life or anything-"
a high-heel clad foot steps out of the car and onto the pavement and you immediately recognize the classic red-bottom louboutins
you actually own a pair of them as well but you rarely wear them out because you're always paranoid that you're going to topple over and snap an ankle and that would be completely mortifying
they're six inches tall!!!!
for the record, they look very nice sitting (collecting dust) on your shelf but now you're starting to think that it might be a good idea to wear them out again because this stranger makes it look like walking in them is easy breezy beautiful
"holy shit. is that lisa?" namjoon murmurs, reaching up to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "oh, wow. she..."
"i don't remember her looking like that the last time we saw her." jungkook whistles lowly, "hello, miss manoban."
"lisa- who's lisa?" you frown, tilting your head in curiosity as you watch this mysterious lisa toss her oversized sunglasses into the front seat of the car before slamming the door shut
"uh, she's just one of yoongi's exes- she actually used to work here but-" namjoon reaches over the counter so he can nudge you aside gently to get a better look, "when did she get a vintage mustang?!"
lisa leans down to look at herself in the side mirror, smearing some red lipstick over her pillowy bottom lip before rubbing her lips together and nodding satisfactorily
"guess her car-wrapping business really took off." jungkook hums, his eyes glued to the car
she seems to be moving in slow motion as she takes her hair down and shakes her head back and forth, the three of you tilting your heads at the same time as you watch her in awe
"car-wrapping?" you ask curiously, "she must spend a fortune on wrapping paper and giant bows-"
"no, obviously it's not actual wrapping- like-" jungkook huffs and you resist the urge to bop him over the head at how snappy he's being with you when he already knows you're clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff, "okay, you know how you said that if you ever got a g-wagon for yourself one day that you wanted to make it baby blue just like beeper and also matte? lisa could do that for you."
"oh! in that case, it might be nice to get a business card from her or something-" you make a mental note before shaking your head and turning back around to face namjoon, "hey, so, super casual, can we round back to the whole 'yoongi's ex' thing real quickly because i-"
"yoohoo, boys!" lisa whistles, grinning excitedly when she's suddenly joined by everyone outside one by one, "what, no one thought to roll out the red carpet for me?"
"c'mon, namjoon! let's go say hi to lisa and her vintage 'stang!!" jungkook grins, gesturing for namjoon to hurry before he's darting out the door, "lisa, hey!"
"yeah, okay!!" namjoon gets up from his seat so quickly that he sends his chair rolling back and smacking against the file cabinets, "oh, y/n-! if anyone calls, just send them straight to voicemail-"
"but i-" you don't get a chance to say anything before namjoon's brushing past you and dashing out the door as well
you don't know too much about lisa but obviously she's a pretty big deal around here
it'd probably be good for you to go and introduce yourself instead of awkwardly hanging out in the office by yourself
"hello, lisa. it's very nice to meet you. firm handshake." you mutter to yourself as you step out of the office and head towards the bustling group of boys, "hey, lisa! so great to meet you. firm handshake. hi, girlie-! nope, don't like that one-"
"-in town for business so i thought it'd be nice to swing by and visit my boys." you manage to catch the end of lisa's sentences as you join the boys, trying not to make any sudden movements to catch her attention
"you should've texted one of us or something!" namjoon pulls his phone out of his back pocket, "we could've ordered a pizza for lunch-"
you reach over to give the back of yoongi's jumpsuit a little tug just to get his attention and he glances over his shoulder at you before offering you a teasing smile and reaching back to wiggle his fingers against your stomach
you giggle lightly before swatting his hand away and he turns back to look at lisa
"well, i wanted to surprise you guys!" lisa chirps, tucking her clutch underneath her armpit before clapping her hands together, "i see nothing's changed around here... except for..." you feel your heart drop when she suddenly leans over and looks directly at you, "hello! i don't think we've ever met."
"oh, shoot- sorry, i should've introduced you sooner-" yoongi steps aside so that he isn't blocking you, "lisa, this is y/n! y/n, this is lisa." he smiles, gesturing towards lisa, "my girlfriend." he pauses and quickly shakes his head at his little flub-up, "i mean- lisa, this is y/n, my girlfriend-"
"he's definitely gonna pay for that later." jimin mutters, jungkook snickering before nudging at his side to get him to shut up
"it's super nice to meet you, y/n!" lisa doesn't acknowledge yoongi's error and she steps forward to get closer to you
she's practically towering over you but it's really just because of the stilettos
she turns her head to look at the boys and a second of silence goes by before they realize what she's asking of them and they all scatter in different directions
you give yoongi a look that basically screams S.O.S. and you resist the urge to burst into tears when he gives you a cheery thumbs up in return and trots off to go and do something else
you'll be fine
you have nothing to be nervous about!
this is just yoongi's very hot ex who looks like a million bucks while you'e currently dressed like a giant toddler
it doesn't help that you're wearing what's commonly known as a 'baby tee' under these overalls
"you- yeah, you too-" you chuckle uneasily, giving her a weak handshake before pulling away with a smile, "i'm sorry, i'm a little underdressed-" you pause to gesture to the grubby overalls you have on, "i promise i look better than this most of the time..."
"oh, don't be silly. i just grabbed the first outfit i saw out of my suitcase and threw it on-" she sighs, reaching up to pick some lint off her blazer that you're pretty sure you saw in the most recent YSL spring catalog (in fact, you're pretty sure it's on your to-buy list), "so, what do you do?"
"me? i- uh, well, nothing, at the moment- i'm still studying for my undergraduate degree, so..." you shrug sheepishly, reaching up to scratch the back of your neck
for some reason you can't seem to maintain eye contact with her for more than three seconds at a time
"oh! you're still in school?"
"yeah, i- well, i'm graduating this year, so i'm almost out of school if you think about it that way- but yes. yes, i... am currently a university student, so that's what i'm doing."
"mm, cute! what are you studying?"
"history! i'm a history major and a marine biology minor." you nod, "so... the cold war and... like, sharks. something like that."
"ah, very cool."
to be honest you're not entirely sure if lisa's being sincere or not but you'll take the compliment either way
you can tell she's trying to scope you out - which is fair, because this is the first time you two are meeting and you're currently involved with someone she used to be involved with
"i'm sorry. i'm probably, like, freaking you out right now, aren't i?" lisa snorts, reaching out and placing her hand on your forearm for a split second, "i promise i'm just genuinely curious and i'm not trying to, like, interrogate you or anything. it's super nice to meet you! and honestly- i love the overalls. the little knee patches are adorable."
"oh, thank you..." you smile nervously, reaching down to glance at the mismatched patches of fabric sewn onto the knees of your overalls, "yoongi actually sewed 'em on for me! i usually wear this whenever i'm here because i'm okay with getting it dirty- i, um, i like your blazer! and your heels. and your purse- a chanel clutch is a classic!"
"ooh, someone has an eye for fashion..." lisa winks, raising her clutch and waving it slightly, "maybe after i'm done talking business with yoongi we can talk about gucci's new multicolour line-"
"oh, i have so many thoughts on gucci's new multicolour line!" you gasp, suddenly reignited with a spurt of energy, "honestly the colour scheme is very stabilo highlighters to me but we can talk about it later- i'll just be hanging out in the office, so you can find me there whenever you're ready-"
"perfect!" lisa gives you a thumbs up before pointing over to where yoongi is, "if you'll excuse me, i have to go and talk about boring things with yoongi-"
"mhm!" you watch with a smile as lisa click-clacks off towards yoongi before you spin around on your heels, giving yourself a mental pat on the back for how well you handled that interaction
lisa's actually nicer than you thought she'd be!
obviously the saying don't judge a book by its cover is very applicable here
"so... what'd you think of lisa?" namjoon joins your side before nudging you gently, "she's nice, right?"
"i like her! she seems really cool." you nod enthusiastically, pausing to glance over your shoulder to look at her from behind, "i need to ask her for tips on walking in those louboutins and how not to fall over."
"you know, i must say i'm pleasantly surprised at how you're handling this." namjoon snorts, holding back for a second to let you into the office first before he steps in behind you, "colour me impressed!"
"thank you!" you reach over to pull the lollipop jar towards you before suddenly pausing and looking back over at namjoon with a frown, "hold on a sec, what's that supposed to mean?"
"hm? oh, it's nothing." namjoon scrunches his nose, dismissing you with a flick of his wrist as he takes his seat behind the counter, "i just know that if i was in your shoes and my significant other's very attractive and very successful ex came back i would be a little antsy about it-" namjoon glances up from the computer and his eyes widen in panic when he notices that your eyes have widened in panic, "i- i mean- not that you're not very attractive and very successful- what i'm trying to say is that you have nothing to worry- you and yoongi seem like a very stable couple so-"
"do you think maybe you could tell me a bit about yoongi and lisa?" you interrupt his spiral and you feel yourself starting to get a little fidgety, "because i- i actually don't know anything about that situation-"
namjoon has a point, now that you think about it
lisa is very successful and very attractive and can walk in high heels very elegantly
and what about you?
yesterday you submitted a paper one minute before the deadline because of how much procrastinating you had done
and you haven't worn heels in forever because they just hurt so much
but lisa wouldn't complain about her feet hurting in high heels
lisa could have a hundred blisters and still walk into the room with a beautiful, red-lipped smile
"has he never told you about her?" namjoon frowns, "i feel like every couple should at least have one conversation about their past relationships."
"i think he tried to one time, but i- i dunno, you can't blame me for not wanting to sit there and listen to yoongi talking about all the girls he's been with, so i just changed the subject..." you mutter, pushing the jar away from you after pulling a strawberry lollipop out, "kind of regretting that decision now."
it's not like you have a reason to be insecure or anything, right?
your relationship with yoongi is very solid and there are certainly no trust issues or communication issues or anything of the sort
but he is your first boyfriend...,., and this is your first serious relationship which means you've had no prior experiences to learn from which means you're just going with the flow most of the time.,., so is it possible that you're being a little naïve right now?
"still, i don't think me telling you all the details of their relationship is a good idea because i feel like this is a conversation you should be having with yoongi-" namjoon chuckles nervously, leaning back against his chair before tucking a pencil behind his ear, "sorry, kiddo. i'm not trying to stir the pot here."
"i- oh, c'mon, joon- what's it gonna take, huh?" you reach into the front pocket of your overalls before subtly flashing a folded up hundred dollar bill, pursing your lips slightly as your eyes flicker back and forth between namjoon and your chest-money, "hm??"
"first of all, it's very concerning to me that you stash loose cash in your pocket like that. second of all, are you really trying to bribe me into telling you about yoongi and lisa?" namjoon asks incredulously
"what?! no!" you scoff, tucking the bill back into your pocket before pausing and raising an eyebrow, "...is it working?"
"no! in fact, i find it offensive that you think i'd be so easily swayed-"
"the next time i bring sushi for lunch, i'll get you your own mango shrimp tempura roll." you offer, namjoon staring at you blankly before he suddenly springs into action
"so, they used to sleep together, obviously." he clears his throat, "when lisa started working here, i kind of expected her to get involved with one of us and unsurprisingly it was yoongi, because... well, it's yoongi- i'm pretty sure it was a friends with benefits kind of thing because i remember asking him about it and he said they didn't want to put a label on it? and then at one point jimin asked lisa about it because all of us were super curious and she called it a 'situationship'... which, personally, i think is a pretty cheesy label- i dunno, they'd go out to dinners sometimes and occasionally they'd come into work together in the morning because- well, you know- uh, they were in this 'situationship' for... maybe, like, eight months? and then lisa got an opportunity to work elsewhere and she took it and they decided to call it off and fast forward to now... here we are!" namjoon claps his hands together before pressing his palm over his heart, "and i promise you that's all the information i have- well, maybe this piece of information might be useful to you: they were, like, super horny for each other all the time. like, almost outrageously horny, which i think is one of the downfalls of the relationship because you can't base a solid relationship off of animalistic sex, right? ooh, there was one time i caught them in yoongi's office and lisa was-"
"okay, i think that's enough-!" you hold a hand out to shut namjoon up and he shrugs before leaning back against his chair, "more than enough, actually-"
you weren't expecting to learn about the raw, animalistic sex yoongi had with lisa, but then again, you weren't expecting to even meet lisa at all
oh, god
should you be nervous??
you shouldn't be nervous, right??
...yeah, you're being ridiculous!
yoongi has been with other girls before and that shouldn't bother you because you didn't exist then
this has nothing to do with you!
so what if he bent her over the office table and-
okay, maybe it's time to stop thinking about this because the point is: you're fine. don't worry. everything is normal. yoongi is your boyfriend. lisa is his ex. everything is great!
"by the way, i want you to know that you honestly have nothing to worry about." namjoon suddenly chimes in as if he can read your mind, "lisa was yoongi's past but you are his present and most likely his future as well, so- seriously, don't even worry about it."
"yeah, you're right. it'd be silly of me to be upset about yoongi being with someone else when i wasn't even in the picture yet." you snort, reaching up to smack your own forehead gently, "okay! i'm feeling a little better. it would've been nice to not be informed about how horny they were for each other, but thank you for that detail-"
"yo, where are the snap ring pliers from my toolbox?" you turn just in time to see yoongi pop his head in, "i can't find them anywhere... i swear to god, everyone keeps borrowing my tools and 'forgetting' to put them back-" he rolls his eyes before looking over at you with a smile, "hi, baby-"
"hi yoongi-" you giggle, all your doubts and insecurities immediately fluttering away
see? nothing to worry about!
it feels like a weight's been lifted off your shoulders
"i think hoseok might've been using them earlier this morning." namjoon hums, "what do you need them for?"
"oh, lisa offered to help me out with the master cylinder repair and she needs 'em." yoongi points back over his shoulder, "you know how great she is with her hands-"
"woah, i thought-" your voice cracks slightly and you clear your throat, "i thought, uh- you were working on it yourself? like, i thought you didn't need any help and that's why i'm in here-"
"oh, i don't, but- well, lisa's good with fine-tuning so i might as well take advantage of her expertise while she's here." yoongi snorts before looking back over at namjoon, "you said hoseok had them?"
you bite down on your tongue to keep yourself from commenting any further
it's fine!
as we've already established, you have nothing to worry about.
»»————- 🛠️ ————-««
"and... voilà!" you smile satisfactorily to yourself after you set the scented candle down on the coffee table
the living room is going to smell like warm brown sugar and cinnamon in a few minutes and you can't wait
this is yoongi's favourite candle so you hope he'll be excited about that when he gets here :'))
you've been preparing the apartment for his arrival and lighting the candle was one of the last things on your to-do list
you still have to order dinner for tonight and you've always been awful at making decisions so you figured it'd be best to let yoongi choose instead
you haven't seen him for about a week and a half because of finals (and, being perfectly honest, you were the one who implemented this distancing rule in the first place because you know you won't be able to focus on studying when yoongi's in the apartment with you) so you're pretty pumped for tonight!!
you hum to yourself as you click on yoongi's phone number in your contacts, flopping back on the couch with a fwump! while your legs swing lazily over the arm
the phone picks up after a couple of rings and it takes you a second to realize that the voice on the other end certainly does not belong to your boyfriend
"he-" you pause, pulling your phone away from your ear and frowning at the unfamiliar voice before bringing it back, "um, hello?"
"hi! who's this?"
"who's this?" you point to yourself before scoffing lightly, "what do you mean who- who's this?"
"oh- oh, y/n! hey, it's lisa!" lisa greets enthusiastically and you relax a little knowing that it's just lisa, "sorry, i didn't look at the contact name before picking up- what's up?"
"well, i-" you pause again to recollect your thoughts, "um, sorry, i guess i was just expecting yoongi to pick up his own phone so i'm a little lost right now-"
"oh my gosh, don't even worry about it! yoongi's hands are super gross right now so i offered to take his call for him which is why i picked up the phone. is there something you wanted me to pass along to him?"
"yeah, you could pass his phone right along to him-" you joke before reminding yourself to keep the unnecessary cattiness to a minimum, "yeah, um- can you ask him what time he's coming over? so that i know what time to order our food and stuff? i want the food to still be nice and hot by the time he gets here, so i just need a time from him, that's all-"
"yeah, about that... i actually don't think yoongi's going to make it for dinner."
"i-" you frown, pushing yourself up so that you're leaning back against an elbow, "what? why not?"
"the thing is, i hooked him up with a bunch of clients so the poor thing's been working like a dog all day and it looks like he's going to be stuck here for a while... if you're worried about him skipping dinner, i can totally go and get some food for him if you want! there's this sandwich place a block away and i know what he likes-"
your eyes widen slightly at how... happy? lisa sounds about the fact that yoongi potentially won't be joining you for dinner and you nod to yourself as you clench your jaw
"that's- that's very kind of you, lisa-" your voice is a little pitchier than usual at this point and you clear your throat obnoxiously, "i'm sorry, i just really have to talk to yoongi for a second so if you could just, like, hold the phone up to his ear that would be okay too-"
"okay! gimme a sec." there's a bit of shuffling on the other end and you press your lips together as you wait (im)patiently, "yoongs! it's y/n... dinner... hot food... her place... clients... pretty busy tonight..."
and she even has a nickname for him
that's just downright adorable, isn't it?
"god, just give him the damn phone." you mutter under your breath, raising your other hand to inspect your cuticles as you lie back down on the couch
you should probably schedule another manicure soon
"-it's okay, i can hold the phone myself- y/n?" you perk up when you hear yoongi on the other end and you can't help but kick your legs in excitement
you can't help it!!!
you haven't heard his voice in a whole week and a half!!!
"greetings, yoongs." you tease, "what time are you going to be here?" you bypass lisa's whole monologue about yoongi probably not being able to come over tonight in hopes that she'll be wrong about him ditching you to continue working, "i wanna order the food so it'll get here a little before you arrive. also, i haven't chosen what we're going to eat tonight so you're going to have to choose for us-"
"right, about that-" yoongi clears his throat, "i know i was supposed to come over for dinner tonight but- listen, i don't know what lisa did but obviously she's got a lot of connections now and the shop has literally never been this busy before..." he pauses and you hear the sound of loud clanging in the background, "you understand, don't you?"
it takes you a couple of seconds to process the fact that yoongi really won't be coming over tonight and you puff your cheeks out to keep yourself from immediately whining in protest
to say the least, you are.,.,,. very disappointed,.., but!! it won't be the end of the world, right?
you hate that lisa was right, but that's a conversation you can have with yourself another time
and if yoongi won't be here, that means you can hog all the garlic cheesy bread to yourself so maybe this is a blessing in disguise >:-)
"no, yeah, i- yeah, get it!" you nod, "i love that business is booming, i just don't love that you didn't text me or call me earlier to let me know you weren't going to come over tonight," you frown, turning your head to look at the flickering candle, "a heads up would've been nice, that's all..."
"i asked lisa to text you earlier when my hands were full... sorry, she must've forgot..."
"oh. yeah, i guess it could've slipped her mind." you respond dryly, "it would've taken, like, five seconds to text me-"
"okay, i-" you hear yoongi let out a small sigh before he speaks up again, "i'm sorry, baby, i really am- do you- i can come over now if you want me t-"
"no, it's okay! i'm sorry, i'm just-" you shake your head quickly before chuckling uneasily, "i just haven't seen you in a while so i miss you, that's all- but i'll let you get back to work now and i'll see you later?"
"yes! you are the best, you really are- look, i promise i'll be all yours as soon as i-"
"yoongi! these tires aren't going to change themselves, silly-"
"oh, c'mon-" you grumble, your teeth grinding slightly at the interruption of lisa's peppy voice in the background
"uh- yeah, in a sec-! i gotta go, doll- i'll call you later-"
"okay, b-" you don't get a chance to even say goodbye before the line goes dead and the only thing you can hear is an obnoxious beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep- "-ye."
»»————- 🛠️ ————-««
one of your goals for the new year was to try your best to not hold a grudge
admittedly, holding grudges is one of your specialties so it's been a little bit difficult but you think you've been doing an okay job so far!
like that time jungkook accidentally drowned you with dirty car water because he didn't see you and also he had headphones on so he couldn't hear you
you were ready to strangle him right then and there but you just took a deep breath and reminded yourself that *~deep-cleaning services exist~*
and sure, you were a little upset that yoongi couldn't make it for dinner the other night and that the two of you haven't really had a chance to have a moment alone because of how swamped he's been with work, but... well, the past is in the past and challenges like this are good for your personal growth!
plus, it's the start of a new week so you're just going to focus on the present
you try your best to keep your footsteps as quiet as possible as you approach a preoccupied yoongi from behind
he's currently sorting out all the things to do on his giant whiteboard (you bought this for the boys because you thought it'd be a good way to organize all their tasks and unsurprisingly, namjoon was the most excited about it)
"guess who?" you hold your hands over yoongi's eyes with a giddy smile and he immediately spins around to face you
"hey, what are you doing here?" yoongi asks, leaning down to give you a quick kiss before pulling away to check the time on his watch, "aren't you supposed to be in class right now?"
"my history seminar was cancelled because my professor had some kind of an emergency so i thought i'd come and have lunch with you guys!" you hum, reaching over to fix the thin silver chain hanging around yoongi's neck, "i was going to pick the food up before coming here but i didn't want to just choose for everyone so i thought it'd be better to get everyone's orders first-"
"oh, you don't have to do that, baby-" yoongi shakes his head, capping the marker and dropping it back into the wire holder, "lisa actually offered to treat us to lunch- apparently there's some bagel place that has, like, a hundred different fillings-"
"lisa's here?" you interrupt, suddenly straightening your back before looking around quickly, "i... was not aware that lisa was... still here! i thought she was only here for a little while-"
"mm, she ended up extending her stay! one of her clients pushed their appointment to thursday so she came over to help out for the day."
"oh, cool." you nod, pressing your lips together as you take a second to sort through your thoughts
your nose scrunches slightly as you weigh the pros and cons of saying what you're about to say to yoongi
it won't kill you to ask, right?
"hey, i don't wanna, um-" you pause, "you know, i don't wanna... be that girlfriend, but... do you think that there's a slight possibility that lisa might still have feelings for you?"
a moment of silence goes by before yoongi practically barks out a laugh of disbelief
"what? lisa? no, no- that- no, don't be ridiculous." he snorts, shaking his head before turning back around to face the whiteboard, "lisa most certainly does not still have feelings for me- and, by the way, she was the one who broke things off with me, so if anything, i should be the one who still has feelings for-" he stops himself midway and presses his lips together before turning to glance at you over his shoulder, "you know, i'm hearing the words coming out of my mouth and i... am going to shut up now."
"mm, good choice." you raise a brow before shrugging, "alright, well, i just- you know, it's a possibility but if you say that lisa doesn't still have feelings for you, then i believe you-"
"alright, boys! it's chow time!"
you turn your head to see lisa waltzing into the shop carrying two large paper bags and the rest of the boys immediately rush over to her like moths to a flame
she brought bagels for lunch?
you're not trying to be biased or anything sandwiches are easier to eat, in your personal opinion
you basically have to unhinge your jaw to get a good bite of a bagel
"y/n!" lisa looks more than surprised at your presence when you and yoongi walk over the join the group, "i wasn't aware you were going to be here today- yoongi told me that you had class so i-" she pauses to set the bags down on the table, "oh my goodness, i am so sorry but i really didn't know you'd be joining us for lunch... yoongi, you could've texted me or something-"
"she just got here!" yoongi shrugs as he takes a seat at the table, "don't pin this on me-"
"ah, i probably look like such a jerk right now..." lisa winces, scratching the back of her head before reaching down to grab a bagel out of one of the paper bags, "here! you can take my bagel-"
"no, no, it's alright!" you hold your hands out before shaking them, "don't be silly, you don't have to do that- it's very nice of you to offer but i- it's alright, you go ahead and enjoy yourself!"
"oh, stop- take the bagel, y/n." lisa scoffs playfully, practically shoving the bagel into your arms before rummaging through the bags again, "i'll just share a bagel with yoongi! you don't mind, right, yoongs?"
"yeah, i had a snack earlier so i'm not, like, starving or anything-" yoongi nods, "what kind of filling is it?"
"this one is..." lisa pauses to look at the sticker on the top, "smoked salmon and dill cream cheese with capers."
"yoongi doesn't like capers." you chime in, suddenly feeling the need to prove to everyone that you know your boyfriend very well, "i remember they were sprinkled in a salad one time and he said they were too salty-"
"eh, i'll survive. i can always just pick 'em out." yoongi shrugs nonchalantly and you can't help but purse your lips in mild frustration at his response
"'atta boy! luckily, they're already sliced in half otherwise we'd have to take turns taking bites which would be weird-"
"agreed." you mutter, peeling the label off your bagel and sticking it onto the side instead
"oh, lisa! i was wondering if maybe you could help me out with some custom headlights i'm working on?" hoseok perks up, "i'm having some trouble getting the halo lights to work and i need your magic hands-"
"mhm! i can definitely check them out after lunch-" lisa grins, taking a seat next to yoongi, "anyone need a napkin?"
"yes, please!"
"i need one too-"
"pass one over here-"
you know it's silly of you to be feeling jealous over this because god knows the only thing you know about cars is that key go in and car go vroom so obviously the boys would never ask you to help them out with anything like how they're asking lisa to help out
and you're trying very hard to noT throw a self-pity party but it's getting harder and harder to not to that
(and it certainly doesn't help that there aren't any more seats left at the table)
you just can't help but feel so!!!!! inferior!!!!! compared to lisa
she's so cool and pretty and witty and obviously very knowledgable about cars
and what are you bringing to the table??
ham and cheese sandwiches??? fancy sushi rolls????
obviously not anymore because they've been replaced by these stupid bagels
this is the first time you haven't been able to throw money at a problem and you're not,.., sure.,., how you feel about it,..,
"i, uh, have to work on a paper, so i think i'm going to go and eat this in the office if anyone wants to come with?" you clear your throat quietly as you start to back away from the table slowly, "...or i can just go fuck myself, which is fine too."
you're not entirely surprised when your comment isn't acknowledged by anyone and you nod to yourself before swiftly turning on your heel and trying your best not to storm towards the office
you force your fists to uncurl and your shoulders to relax slightly but you can't help but make a face when you hear the boys laughing obnoxiously at one of lisa's jokes
of course she has to be funny as well
because the woman literally has zero flaws
you've been trying to find a reason to hate her and so far you haven't found anything negative to say
hating someone for having perfectly styled hair is a little odd
the legs of the chair screech against the floor as you pull it out and plop down
you like eating alone anyway
you unwrap the parchment paper and pick up the bagel before taking an overly aggressive bite of it, your cheeks practically bursting from how much food is currently in your mouth
you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand as you chew, tossing the bagel back onto the wrapper with a thunk!
this is the best goddamn bagel you've ever had in your entire life!!
"phtupid phriggin' bavhel." you grumble, reaching up to wipe the sauce off the corner of your mouth before swallowing roughly, "even the mayo is delicious! god, what is this? some kind of garlic mayo-"
"oh my god. i think she's finally lost it." you jolt upon hearing jungkook's voice and you turn to see him and jimin standing at the door
"what's your problem?" jimin asks, the two of them walking over to join you at your sad, lonely table
"what? nothing. i don't have a problem." you shake your head stubbornly, "i just- i just wanted to be alone, that doesn't mean something's wrong-"
"is that why you're in here basically yelling at a bagel?" jungkook points out as he pulls out a chair and sits on your right
"i'm- i'm just stressed about- my paper. or whatever. it's whatever, i'm fine-"
"you can talk to us, you know." you frown when jungkook suddenly reaches over and in an uncharacteristic move, places both hands over yours
"is it about lisa?" jimin asks, crinkling his nose as he sits down as well, "it's about lisa, isn't it?"
"no, it's not-" you press your lips together before letting out a light laugh, "you know, i don't even have a reason to be upset about lisa, right? she's super cool and very nice and knows a lot about cars and is yoongi's age and namjoon blessed me with the knowledge that she, apparently, was a very passionate lover- so i have nothing to be upset about!" you snap, slapping your palm down on the table before wincing and cradling your hand to your chest, "...everything is fine."
"i have to say, i really don't think jealousy is a good look on you." jungkook clicks his tongue before glancing down at your feet, "i also don't know if those shoes are a good look on you- jeez, it's like the people at gucci are just pulling design elements out of a hat-"
"you are not making me feel any better, jungkook- these shoes are new!"
"ooh, you should make him jealous!" jungkook suddenly lights up and the fluorescent light hanging above you guys flickers for a second
"we're going to have to round back to my shoes later because i really don't think they're that bad-"
"you should make him jealous and give him a taste of his own medicine..." jungkook trails off, ignoring your previous comments once again, "it's what you deserve."
"i'm not- i'm not doing that." you chuckle uneasily, "are you serious? this isn't high school and getting him back would just be petty of me-"
"but it'd feel so nice to be petty, don't you think?" jungkook encourages, scooting a little closer to you with a devilish grin, "think about it, y/n. don't you wanna see yoongi get all hot and possessive over you-"
"i don't think it's a good idea." jimin chimes in, shaking his head quickly as he moves in closer as well, "because if yoongi finds out you orchestrated something just to get him back, that might create an issue of trust in the relationship, and that would be very, very bad-"
"oh, but it feels so good to be bad..." jungkook coos, poking your arm with his pointer finger, "so, so good..."
"uh, i don't think so! i'd like to argue that it feels bad to be bad-"
"don't listen to jimin, he's a wuss-"
"don't listen to jungkook, he's an idiot-!"
"okay, cut it out!" you snap, shoving your hands into both their chests to keep them from coming any closer, "i... must admit, i do want to do something to piss yoongi off because of how much he's pissed me off, but... i'm not like that, you know? and i don't want to come off as some crazy girlfriend because-" you pause when you notice jungkook's finger creeping closer and closer to your bagel and you immediately deflate as soon as you realize what's going on here, "oh my god. you guys only came in here because you wanted to try my bagel, didn't you?"
jungkook and jimin exchange knowing glances before looking up at you sheepishly
"yeah, that makes more sense-" you snort, rolling your eyes before pushing the bagel away from you, "have at it, you animals."
you lean back against your chair, stroking your chin in thought as the sound of jungkook and jimin bickering over who gets the bigger half of the bagel starts to fade out
to be petty or not to be petty, that is the question...
»»————- 🛠️ ————-««
(spoiler alert: the answer to the previous question is to be petty. very, very petty.) »»————- 🛠️ ————-««
"namjoon! where did you put my keys??" yoongi calls out, yanking open another drawer to rifle through its contents, "i'm supposed to pick y/n up from campus and i can't find them anywhere... i don't want her to just stand there waiting for me..."
"looking for these?"
yoongi looks up to see lisa standing by the door with his keys in her hand before she tosses them to him
"yes! you're a lifesaver, thanks-" he catches them with one hand before stepping out from behind the counter, "i thought you were leaving today? we already said goodbye to you this morning-"
"yeah, i know-" lisa chuckles as she steps into the office, "it's just that... well, i was going to just leave but i actually had something i needed to talk to you about before i left. i felt it wouldn't be fair to either one of us if i didn't say anything."
"mm. what's up?" yoongi hums, sticking his hand into the lollipop jar to pull a cherry flavoured one out
he pulls another one out before tucking it into his pocket (one for you when he picks you up!)
"well, i guess i should just go ahead and say it- just gotta rip the bandaid off-" lisa straightens her blazer before clearing her throat, "yes."
"...yes?" yoongi frowns, unwrapping his lollipop before popping it into his mouth and scrunching up the wrapper, "i'm not following. yes to what?"
"oh, don't play dumb-" lisa snorts, flicking her wrist at him, "yes, as in: i would love to rekindle our friends with benefits situationship-"
"woah, what?!" yoongi immediately chokes and he yanks the lollipop out of his mouth before patting his chest roughly, "what are you- what the hell are you talking about??"
"what do you mean what the hell am i talking about??" lisa stares at him incredulously before shaking her head, "you're the one who's been giving me secret signals all week-"
"signals-" yoongi's gawks, "what signals??"
"you know, like, how you cancelled dinner plans with her so you could be with me..." lisa croons, taking a step closer towards him
"i cancelled dinner plans with y/n so i could be with twenty cars-" yoongi inches to the side so he can make a quick getaway to run behind the counter in case lisa pounces, "which, i'm realizing doesn't make me sound like the best boyfriend but- i most certainly didn't cancel just to spend private time with you, no offence-"
"what about when we shared a bagel and you didn't complain about the capers??" lisa snaps, lunging towards yoongi only for him to quickly spin out of the way and hurry to get behind the counter
"uh, we shared a bagel because i wasn't hungry for a full bagel and i thought you weren't either, and also-" yoongi grabs namjoon's wheely chair as a makeshift barrier between him and lisa, "i'm a grown man, i'm not going to throw a fit over some friggin' capers-"
"how about when i squeezed your arm and asked you if you'd been working out and you totally flexed your arm for me??" lisa grabs the arms of the chair before yanking and aggressively rolling it behind her, yoongi's eyes widening in panic at the sudden empty space in between the two of them
"i flexed it to prove to you that i have indeed been working out-!" yoongi hops up onto the counter as soon as lisa darts towards him and he hurries to jump off so he's on the other side of it, knocking the phone and namjoon's pen holder down onto the ground in the process, "friends can ask each other if they've been hitting the gym!! i squeeze namjoon's arms all the time because his biceps are literally boulders-"
"i just feel like we have unfinished business, you know?" lisa whines, pausing for a second before bringing a hand up to bite down on the tip of her pointer finger teasingly, "plus, you have to admit that our sex was super hot-"
"are you- hello, i'm dating y/n!" yoongi gasps, "our business is finished! we have no more- we're out of business, lisa!"
"oh, c'mon." lisa raises a brow, clearly unimpressed with his reaction, "it's not going to hurt anyone to keep me as your sexy little secret- it's perfect! i only come into town, like, once or twice a year, so she won't even suspect anythi-"
"what are you- are you insane?! i'm not going to cheat on y/n-" yoongi chokes before raising his hands in defence, "lisa, you're a very beautiful woman and we do have a history, but- look, i'm sorry if i sent you mixed signals this week, that was certainly not my intention- please understand that i am very much not trying to cheat on someone who i love very much and who i'm pretty sure loves me back, so-"
"then who's that person she's so obviously flirting with right now?" lisa points over his shoulder, "also, she's barely visited you this week. what kind of girlfriend doesn't want to always be with her boyfriend??"
"first of all, space can be healthy, and second of all, she- hold on, you said flirting?" yoongi turns to look over his shoulder and out the door, tilting his head slightly when he sees you standing at the front of the garage laughing with... someone he certainly doesn't recognize...
"you can leave all of this behind and come and work for me, yoongi-" yoongi jumps when he suddenly feels hands grasping at the collar of his jumpsuit and he turns back to see lisa standing right in front of him (how did she move so quickly and quietly?!), "we can be happy together, i swear-"
"yeah, cool, just give me a second-" yoongi gently yanks lisa's hands off of him before hurrying out of the office and making a beeline right for you and this mysterious stranger
"oop- okay, he's coming this way-" baekhyun mutters, glancing over your shoulder before looking back at you, "it's show time. you ready?" he hums, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear
"what do you think? do we look convincing?" you reach down to unbutton another button on your blouse before adjusting the collar
it's taking everything within you noT to whip around to see if yoongi's just walking towards you or if he's storming towards you... because there's definitely a difference and you definitely want it to be the latter
the plan you came up with had a pretty simple formula: one handsome stranger + one flirty, oblivious y/n = one jealous yoongi
jungkook had a point about how nice it'd be to get yoongi all riled up and possessive and frankly you think you deserve it considering how dismissive he's been with you all week... which is why you were more than happy to recruit your very handsome friend baekhyun (he's very sweet / you met last semester in one of your history courses / he was more than willing to help out with your plan because he's a theatre major and this is good practice for him) to help you out with your plan!
"you're laughing like a robot." baekhyun lowers his voice, "i told you to act natural-"
"i'm being natural! ha, ha! ha! ha-ha. you're so funny, baek-" you giggle obnoxiously, reaching over to slap his chest gently, "you are absolutely the funniest person i've ever met-"
"y/n!" yoongi clears his throat loudly and you bite back a grin at the hint of annoyance you can detect in his voice, "i... thought i was picking you up from class today? i wasn't aware you hired a chauffeur!"
"oh, yoongi!" you spin around, feigning surprise as if you totally weren't expecting to see him at all, "oh, this is actually my friend- i know you've been busy so he offered to give me a ride!" you hum, stepping aside to let baekhyun step up onto the sidewalk, "baekhyun, this is yoongi-" you gesture to yoongi, "yoongi, this is baekhyun! ...my boyfriend."
you're hoping your accidental on-purpose flub-up triggers yoongi's memory of how he accidentally introduced lisa to you as his girlfriend and you're delighted to see the way yoongi's jaw drops slightly, "oh, my bad! i'm sorry, i don't know how that happened- what i meant to say was baekhyun, this is yoongi, my boyfriend. there we go."
"baekhyun..." yoongi repeats, his eyes narrowing slightly when baekhyun suddenly wraps an arm around your shoulder and gives you a squeeze "well, that's very nice of you to drive y/n all the way here. thanks for doing that, man."
"oh, it's no problem at all!" baekhyun hums, reaching over to pinch your cheek, "y/n's the sweetest and i didn't want to abandon her on campus-"
"okay, she wasn't abandoned, i was literally about to leave to pick her up-" yoongi points out, lifting his keys with a jingle before abruptly shoving them into his back pocket, "you know, y/n's never mentioned a baekhyun before. you two seem... close!"
"oh, baek and i go way back." you snort, digging your elbow into his side with a grin, "isn't that right, baek?"
yoongi pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek at the fact that baekhyun still has his arm wrapped around your shoulder and you haven't made a move to shoVE it off
how can you not see that his intentions with you aren't just chummy??
he wouldn't have driven you all the way here if he didn't want to get his grubby hands under your skirt-
"we most certainly do! we made some great memories in that lecture hall- i have to say, i was, uh, pretty disappointed when i found out she was already in a relationship..." baekhyun sighs dramatically, shaking his head before looking back at you, "i would treat you right and never cancel dinner plans with you-"
"okay, i think it's time for you to go, bacon-" yoongi forces a smile on his face before reaching over to gently pull you towards him, "thank you for dropping my girlfriend off. have a good one."
"oh, no problem!" baekhyun points towards you, "hey, lemme know if you need a ride to campus on monday because i'd be happy to swing by your apartment and-"
"no, i can take her!" yoongi manoeuvres you so that you're standing behind him and basically blocked from baekhyun's sight, "i've got it from here, thanks."
"bye, baek!" you wave at baekhyun as gets into his car and he salutes at you before his right eye drops in a cheeky wink and it's at that point that yoongi really thinks he's about to lose it
what the hell was that?!
he spins around to face you as soon as baekhyun zooms off and you keep yourself from asking him why his ears have suddenly turned super red
"why are you wearing lowbuttons to class?" yoongi crosses his arms over his chest, "i thought you said you were going to use them as, like, apartment decoration."
"louboutins, yoongi." you correct, looking down at your slick stilettos, "and why can't i wear louboutins to class?"
"you wore them out to dinner one time and i ended up having to carry you back to the car because your feet were aching-" yoongi reminds you with a pointed tone, "are you telling me that you walked up and down and all around campus in those things?"
"maybe i did." you shrug, turning to stick your nose up in the air a little, "i can wear stilettos to class if i so please."
"and the miniskirt?"
"what, you don't like it?" you pout, reaching down to pick a piece of fluff off the surface, "it's new!"
it's a plain black skirt but it has a little slit on the side and you purposely bought this specific piece knowing that yoongi has expressed how much he likes you in black
"of course i like it, and obviously i'm a big fan of the heels but-" yoongi huffs, "all i'm saying is that it's a little odd- the timing is weird for your miniskirts and heels to make a sudden comeback now that you're all buddy-buddy with this backyawn-"
"it's baekhyun-"
"that's what i said!"
"you know, i don't know what you're implying here but i haven't done anything wrong-" you shrug, "are you feeling okay? maybe you need to take a nap-"
"stop being stubborn, y/n. just tell me what's going on!"
"nothing's going on!" you insist, raising your hands in defense before flicking a strand of hair over your shoulder, "everything is perfectly fine and nothing is-"
"are you leaving me for baekhyun?" yoongi interrupts, his eyes suddenly softening, "because if this is how you're telling me we're over, it's a pretty shitty-"
"what- what?? no!" you shake your head quickly, "no, of course i'm not- why would you even- okay, fine! fine, i-" you let out a breath and your shoulders drop a little, "it's just that... i don't know, it kind of feels like i've been fighting to get your attention for the whole week and i... i feel like i shouldn't have to do that as your girlfriend, you know? and i'm not... i guess i just felt like i wasn't stacking up to lisa and how cool and smart she is and- this whole week it's just felt like you're in a relationship with lisa and not me, so i... wanted to make you jealous to see if you still cared. or whatever."
"are you serious?" yoongi's eyes flutter shut and he reaches up to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration, "fuck, i'm sorry, ah- i'm sorry, y/n, i really am-" his brows knit together in remorse as he looks at you, "i think i just got swept up in all the new clients she was bringing in so i was focusing more on that than on noticing what was going on with you... i'm sorry. why didn't you just come and talk to me about it?"
"i didn't know how." you mutter, reaching up to scratch the side of your head, "i've never had to deal with something like this before, so... i know it was silly of me to come up with this whole thing-"
"you are my girlfriend, y/n." yoongi reminds you, his voice softening, "not lisa. it's you." he reaches over to hook a finger under your chin so he can get you to look at him, "i promise i only have eyes for you, pretty girl. you still love me?"
"god, yoongi-" you feel your cheeks flush at the nickname and you roll your eyes playfully before turning your head, "yeah. duh."
"oh, you silly thing..." he tuts, pulling you in for a hug and propping his chin up on the top of your head, "i'm sorry, baby. i really didn't mean to make you feel like that..." he pulls away and reaches down to glide his finger down the bridge of your nose before poking the tip, "i hope you can forgive me for being a shitty boyfriend."
"i'll forgive you if you forgive me for pretending to flirt with someone else." you smile sheepishly, yoongi grinning before nodding in agreement
"deal." he wraps an arm around your shoulder as the two of you head back towards the direction of the office, "so you really went through all that trouble just to make me a little jealous?" yoongi grins, "just for a little bit of attention? as if i'm not already all over you when we're alone-"
"well, it worked, didn't it?" you take your bottom lip in between your teeth as you squish your cheek against yoongi's shoulder and look up at him, "my acting skills are not half bad, if i do say so myself-"
"oh, shit, uh-" yoongi suddenly stops in his tracks when he sees lisa step out of the office and he spins around so that his back is facing her, "not to make you worry, but you should probably know that lisa's somehow convinced that i've been secretly flirting with her all week because i want to become friends with benefits again and she almost, like, body-slammed me in the office- also, if namjoon asks, tell him a raccoon snuck in and that's why his desk is a mess and his pens are all over the floor-"
"wait, what?!" your brows knit together and you're about to lean over to look at lisa but yoongi quickly reaches out and grabs onto your shoulders to keep you in place
"-yeah, so i'm going to lay you down on the hood of that car now because doing something extreme is probably the only thing that'll prove to her that she's wrong and i am very desperate to show her that she's wrong-"
"lay me down on the- and do what?! yoongi-!" you don't get much of a chance to say anything else before yoongi's suddenly bending down to pick you up off the ground in one swift movement, his fingers digging underneath your thighs as he lays you down on the hood of the nearest car, "yoongi-! you can't just-"
"shush!" yoongi hisses, pressing his lips against yours to shut you up promptly
it doesn't take you very long to melt into the kiss once you realize you haven't kissed yoongi like this in like a week and a half and you can't help but smile at the familiar faint taste of cherry you're getting from him
yoongi's warm hand slides down from your waist so he can hitch your left leg up against his hip, one of your heels slipping from your foot and clattering onto the floor
your senses are so clouded with yoongi cherry yoongi cherry that you nearly forget the two of you aren't alone (and also, all of this is definitely being recorded on the security cameras right now)
"hey, so- i- i'm gonna get going-" lisa announces loudly as she stands at a good distance away from the two of you, her eyes looking up towards the ceiling so that she doesn't have to watch the way yoongi's kissing down your neck, "i have to check out of my hotel, so-"
"yeah, sounds good!" yoongi pulls away for a second and shoots a quick thumbs up over his shoulder, "see you later, pal!"
"bye, lisa!" you chime in, giving her a wave even though she isn't looking at you and is really trying to double-time it to her car, "it was so nice meeting you!"
the two of you watch silently as lisa practically leaps into her mustang, the sound of the engine revving before she quickly speeds off like she just remembered she left the oven on at home
you turn your head to look up at yoongi before scoffing lightly, hooking a finger against his chain to pull him back down towards you, "you're ridiculous, you know that?"
"yeah, i know-" yoongi's nose crinkles before he offers you a boyish smirk and a half-hearted shrug, "you love it, though."
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m-jelly · 3 years
Request by @camilo-stuff <3 Sick reader and Levi
@carlos-stuffs Y'all asked for Sick reader and Levi <3 So, I got ya <3
I'm going to put this in a modern setting, hope you don't mind.
Only I can make you better.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: romance, cute Levi, Levi trying to help, Levi looks after you, Levi is adorable, couple things, modern AU.
Concept: Levi always wakes up before you, so he lies there and waits for you to wake up. However, one morning he finds you not in bed making him panic. He finds you in the bathroom trying to cool down and feeling very unwell. Levi calls up work and declares he's not coming in because you are his priority. So, he spends the whole day looking after you, even though you protest against it.
Peace, warmth and happiness. Levi loved waking up next to you. You were the most beautiful thing to wake up to. When he'd wake, he'd gaze at you for a bit, then drag you into his arms and snuggle with you until he had to get up for the day. Most mornings Levi would cut it very close with getting into work because he was too busy cuddling you.
He inhaled deeply and smiled when he could smell you. He opened his eyes ready to see your sleeping face, only to be met with an empty bed. He stared, then blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes as if they were playing up. He looked over again, but you were still missing.
Levi sat up quickly, then looked around the room for you. He jumped out of bed and looked for a note, but there was nothing. He grabbed his phone and looked through messages, but there was nothing new from you. The last message he had from you was a selfie of you in lace underwear asking him to come home soon, so he raced home and ravaged you against the wall.
He paced as his mind raced. "Think Levi, think." He ruffled his hair and could only remember your sweet moans last night. He frowned a little when he remembered you were a little warm to the touch. He called out your name. "Where are you!?"
You coughed hard as you sat on the bathroom floor. "In here!"
Levi opened the door to see you were pale and looked tired. "What happened!? Was it something I did?"
You giggled and shook your head. "You've done nothing wrong, I'm just unwell. I have the flu, I think. I'm trying to stay cool by sitting on the bathroom tiled floor." You coughed a bit, then sighed. "It's not working well."
Levi knelt in front of you, then placed the back of his hand on your forehead. "Tch, damn it brat. You're red hot."
"It's nothing. I'll sleep it off and then go to work tomorrow."
Levi lifted you up into his arms making you gasp. "I'm the only one who can take care of you. Only I can make you better." He lay you in bed. "Sit tight."
You coughed into the back of your elbow. "Levi, I'm full of germs."
"It's okay. I'll be right back."
Levi left you in bed and checked the house. He made sure the house was fully kitted out with all things medical so he could take good care of you. He pulled on a mask, then cleaned his hands with antibacterial. He grabbed a nice drink for you, along with some food that you could manage to eat. He returned to you, then placed a cool pack on your head. He gave you meds and made sure you took everything.
You sighed and put your hand up. "No more, please." You coughed into the back of your elbow. "I can't take any more meds."
Levi wiped your tears away. "I'm sorry. I went a little overboard. I just want you to get better."
You smiled at him. "I'd kiss you if I weren't so ill."
"I miss kissing you."
You coughed a little. "You should call work."
"I will." He cleaned your face, then took his food and the tray away. "Go to sleep."
You slipped down into the bed and sighed. "Fine."
He left you and cleaned up your things. He called Erwin and told him that you and he would not be at work due to you being sick and Levi wanted to look after you. Erwin was fine with it, in fact, he told Levi to not come back in until you were better. Levi told him that it was his plan.
He ended the call, then checked on you to see you'd passed out from exhaustion. He felt a little bad that he had filled you with so many meds. He was just worried about you. Levi had lost his mother to an illness, so you getting sick was terrifying to him. He couldn't lose the love of his life. You were his world, his love, his life and his soul.
He brought in more drinks for you and snacks, then lay on the bed next to you and just watched you sleep. He changed the cold packs on your head when the ones you had stopped being cold. He checked your temperature now and then to see the meds were working. He was so thankful that you were getting a bit better.
You inhaled and woke up, then looked over at Levi and smiled. "Hi."
Levi smiled as he gazed at you. He reached over and moved the hair from your face. "How are you feeling?"
"Better. You were right about the sleeping and meds." You rubbed your eyes. "Sorry I cried."
"Don't be sorry. You're really sick." He pulled you against you and held you against his chest. "I wish I could fix this."
You hummed a laugh. "I'll get better because you are an amazing boyfriend and you are taking great care of me. I know by tomorrow that I will be all better."
Levi whined, then pulled his mask down and kissed you. "Sorry, I had to."
You gasped as you stared at a masked covered Levi. "You removed the mask to kiss a sick person. Who are you and what have you done with my Levi?"
"Tch, shut up."
You giggled and hugged him. "You're so cute."
He kissed your forehead a few times. "You need a bath."
"I'm okay."
Levi jumped out of bed. "Bath for the brat."
You sighed. "I should just accept my fate."
Levi ran a perfect bath for you with loads of nice things and even put in a rubber duck. He came back for you, then picked you up like a bride and carried you into the bathroom. He took your clothes off, then sat you in the bath. "Okay, now it's time to clean the cute brat."
You smiled as Levi scrubbed your skin, then he wet your hair and started massaging shampoo into your hair. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
Levi hummed a little song to himself. "Yes."
You leaned your head back when he rinsed your hair. "This won't be a regular thing." You coughed a little. "I know you like it, but I love sharing a bath with you."
Levi sighed. "I love tending to you like this, but sharing a bath is nicer."
You yawned, then coughed for a while. You gasped, then sighed. "Damn."
Levi rubbed your back. "I might have something for that cough. It does mean more medicine though."
You hummed. "That's okay. I won't cry this time."
Levi helped you out of the bath, then dried you off and helped you change. He picked you up, then put you back into bed. "I'll be right back."
You nodded, then relaxed in your bed and sighed. You were exhausted and so thankful for Levi. He was taking such wonderful care of you and it warmed your heart. You smiled when he returned to you with soup and cough medicine. "You have a lot of meds."
"I wanted to be prepared when you got sick." He sat on the bed and placed the tray on your lap. "Medicine first, then soup."
You did as he told you, then smiled at him. "The soup was perfect. Thank you."
He cleaned you up. "You're welcome."
You smiled, then frowned a little. "Levi, are you scared?"
He blushed a little. "Why would you ask that?"
"Because of your mum."
He gulped. "I am. You know me too well."
You cupped the side of his face and ran your thumb over his cheek. "I'll be okay. I swear to you."
Levi pulled his mask down and kissed you. "I love you so much brat."
"I love you too."
He pulled his mask back up. "Sleep."
You nodded and wiggled back down into your bed. "Levi? Are you coming back?"
You hummed a laugh and rolled onto your side and stared at Levi's side of the bed. You smiled when Levi got into bed. "Hi."
Levi pulled his mask off and smiled. "Hi. No coughing on me, okay?"
You nodded. "I'm so tired anyway."
Levi kissed your forehead. "Get some sleep. I'll be right here for you."
You closed your eyes and hummed. "Night Levi. I love you."
He held your hand in his. "Love you so much brat."
You fell asleep and passed out right away. You went into a very deep sleep. You woke up feeling refreshed and much better with just a little cough. You looked over to Levi to see he was sweating and panting in his sleep. You touched his forehead and felt he was on fire. You ran around the house and got meds, tea and a cool patch. You placed the patch on his head and smiled at him.
Levi opened his eyes and groaned. "Holy shit I feel like a train has hit me."
You hummed a laugh. "My poor handsome boyfriend." You sat on your legs and rubbed his chest. "Looks like I'll have to take care of you."
Levi shifted over and used your lap as a pillow. "What a shame."
You laughed as you played with his hair. "You know, you probably got sick from kissing me."
He hummed and smiled. "Worth it."
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captainmalewriter · 3 years
My Brother
My older brother Antonio has always been the good looking brother out of us two brothers. I'm pretty average looking myself, and I honestly don't mind it. I got the brains, and my brother's got the looks. Not gonna lie though, Tony's a pretty handsome guy.
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I definitely see what people mean. Honestly, Tony was one of the reasons I figured out I was gay. Growing up, I just couldn't stop admiring my brother. It wasn't until we were in high school that it finally hit me that I was into dudes. I never came out to my family though. They don't need to know, not until I bring someone home anyway. Until then, I'm happy living the single life. No commitment, no worries.
It was an early summer morning when Tony and I were sitting around on the family couch. We both had come back home to visit our parents for the past month. This was the first time we've ever come home together though, it's usually just me visiting Mom and Dad. Mom has asked Tony why he doesn't come home to visit more often. He said that between college, work, and social life, time just slips way from him. Mom insists he should come home more, but Tony says he wants to enjoy his last year of undergrad to the fullest. Mom didn't push the issue anymore.
I still wonder what exactly Tony does all the time. I'm only in my 2nd year of community college, so I don't know what university life is like, but I imagine you can't be busy 24/7 seven days a week. It just doesn't seem realistic to me.
"You alright bro bro?" Tony asked me, snapping me back to reality.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I was just spacing off." I looked around the living room. My gaze rested on the wall clock. "Hey it's almost 12, you gonna head out soon?"
"Yeah, just waitin' for Ma to come home. You know how she gets."
I nodded. He then raised his eyebrow.
"Hey didn't you say you were leavin' for some writer retreat or some shit?"
"The retreat? Yeah... I think I'll leave later though, I miss spending time with you. I almost never see you nowadays."
Tony snickered. "That's gay bro,"
I winced. Tony didn't notice though and kept chuckling for a bit.
"But yeah, sorry about that bro. I've just been busy with college shit, you know,"
"Yeah. I know." I stood up. "I think I'm gonna head out now though, I don't wanna be too late."
"Alright man, catch ya later." Tony didn't get up from the couch. Damn... that kinda hurt, not even a handshake or anything.
I walked to my old bedroom and picked up the suitcase I had sitting by the door. I went back to the living room and made my way to the door. I opened it to leave, but I stopped in the doorway and turned my head around.
"Catch ya later Tony," I said. Tony only responded with a wave. Disappointed, but not surprised.
I went on ahead out of the door, closing it behind me as I left. I then walked to our driveway, and threw away the empty suitcase I was carrying. It was fake. All of it. There is no writer's retreat, that was a lie.
I went around my house to my bedroom window. I left it unlocked so I could sneak back inside. My mom was out of the house, my dad was sleeping, and no doubt Tony would just ignore any noise I might make. 
I crawled in through my window flawlessly. I then walked to Tony’s room down the hall from mine, making sure to make no noise as I did so. I walked into his room and saw his duffel bags packed and ready to go. I took a look around the hallway to make sure Tony wasn’t nearby. Once I made sure, I proceeded to open one of the duffel bags. The duffel I opened was stuffed with clothes, practically ready to burst open. Luckily, I didn’t really need to look for anything specific. I just took out the first pair of swim shorts I saw and threw it onto the pile of dirty clothes Tony kept in his closet. With that part done, I fixed the contents of Tony’s bag as much as I could remember. Though honestly, I half assed it. Tony was never the type of guy to fixate on smaller details. I doubt he’d notice some of his stuff slightly rearranged. 
With everything set, I put the duffel bag on the floor with the flap right open. I stood directly above it, and focused. 
Blue shorts with pink flamingos...
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I kept that image in my head and transformed myself into the pair of shorts. I felt myself float in midair for a brief second before falling straight down into the duffel bag. My consciousness was already beginning to fade. A human conscious cannot survive in a clothing vessel for very long, unless it’s being actively worn of course. 
With the last bit of my energy, I folded myself haphazardly the way Tony folds his clothes. I successfully replaced one of Tony’s shorts with myself. Now, I’ll get to see firsthand what Tony does. My vision faded away to black inside the duffel bag.
I regained consciousness when I felt a cold spray of water landing on me. I sensed I was being worn. That must’ve brought me back, though I’m not sure for how long I’ve been out cold.
“This water is so fucking cold!!” 
I heard Tony’s voice. Yes! He put me on! Just as planned.
I could feel Tony’s dick push against the back of me as he moved around under the shower faucet. The water was numbingly cold, but I could feel the very little body heat Tony was exuding. That was enough to keep me warm. 
I almost couldn’t believe I was actually being worn by Tony. This was as close to Tony as I’ve ever been, but I wanted to get even closer. I want to get as close as possible, no matter what. 
I don’t know what happened, but my line of sight shifted upwards. I went from being at crotch level to normal height level. It felt strange. 
I blinked, taking in what I had just felt, when it hit me that I could suddenly blink again. I felt hands touch along the sides of my face, then quickly realized that those hands were my hands! I felt around my face, and noticed I had a jawline that I’ve never had before. Then, it hit me.
“Holy shit! I’m Tony!”
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I stood there for a while after I shouted, only moving to comb back Tony’s- er, my hair from all the water running through it. I was really Tony. I went from being myself, to being a pair of shorts, to actually being Tony after he put me on. 
“I am Tony... I. Am. Tony...” I repeated it to myself over and over again until the shock faded. Then, reality began to sink in. A smirk spread across my face when it did. 
“I am Tony.”
“Are you okay?” I heard coming from behind me. I turned around to face some shirtless guy with a look of concern on his face. He was pretty cute too. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m good,” I answered him, but he didn’t seem too convinced. 
“You’ve been swimming all day again, haven’t you? C’mon on, let’s get you out of the sun and back inside.” 
He took me by the arm and began pulling me. He pushed me so that I was in front of him. I had no clue where I was supposed to go. I started walking slowly, hoping whoever he was would walk alongside me and lead the way. I was waiting for that to happen, but it never did. Instead, I felt two hands grab onto my shorts.
“But first, let’s get these ugly ass shorts off you,”
I couldn’t stop him in time. He ripped the shorts right off me, sending my consciousness out of Tony and back into the shorts. The shorts hit the floor, and my conscious faded to black again.
I felt woozy regaining consciousness again. It’s not a fun feeling, it feels like waking up on a Monday morning after a weekend of nonstop drinking. I’m just glad the nausea, although intense, fades within a minute or so.
“Nice! Now move your arm down and give me a smile!”
I heard a voice talking. It was not Tony. I don’t know who was wearing me, but it wasn’t Tony. Fuck. 
I needed to get my bearings again. I forced my conscious into whoever was wearing me, taking control of their body. I was back to normal eye level, and the first thing I noticed was Tony posing for a poolside photoshoot.
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Goddamnit big bro, there you go being the sexy brother again. 
“Alright, I’ve got some nice shots so far. Take 5 and I’ll be back for some more.” The photographer said to Tony. Tony nodded to them, and they left the pool area. Tony’s focus then went straight to me. It honestly caught me off guard. He was smiling as he crept further into the pool, his finger beckoning me to come to him. I did so and followed him into the water. I got close to him, only for him to pull me in even closer.
“Thanks for being here for my first shoot Boo Bear,” Tony said, right before giving me a quick kiss on the lips. "I know you hate those shorts but it was the only spare I had. I'm just so glad you're here with me."
He then put his arms around me and pulled me into him for a hug. I hugged him back, as tight as I could. I felt his hands slither down my back and onto my ass, then giving each cheek a squeeze. I moaned into his ear, and I could hear him chuckle.
“I’m so grateful to have a supportive boyfriend like you,” he kissed me again. The second one was longer than the first, and this time I kissed him back. Tony was such a great kisser, and with strong arms like his, I wish I could've stayed in his embrace forever.
The sheer bliss of kissing Tony distracted me from the fact that Tony was kissing another guy, and his boyfriend no less! No wonder Tony would rather be at college than at home. I'd do the same.
"Yesss," I heard a camera shutter. "Lemme get some shots of the two boys in love!"
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The photographer kept snapping away. Then, when I noticed a pause from the photographer, I quickly placed my hands on Tony's temples and pulled him in for a kiss. I caught him off guard, but he caught up right away, even slipping in a little tongue this time.
I could hear the camera snapping in front of us, but honestly I didn't care.
"I love you," Tony said as he nuzzled himself into my neck. I held him tight in my arms, and nuzzled my cheek against his cheek.
"I love you too, Tony."
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matbaerzal · 3 years
Swedish Summer | J. Markstrom
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A/N: This is for the fic exchange that the lovely @antoineroussel put together! I got @bqstqnbruin , I hope you like this ❤️ Summary: You spend your summer in Sweden with Jacob and it brings up a few memories. Warnings: None that I can think of... A few Swedish words?? Words: 1,6K (it's a short one I'm sorry 🥺)
Italics = flashbacks
"I don’t think I ever want to leave this place" you murmur as you lean your head against Jacob's shoulder. Your eyes are set on the view of the sea from the sunroom of the cabin you'd rented for the week. You'd only just arrived and just placed your bags in your room before sitting down. It had been a long drive to get here, so the last thing you wanted to do was unpack.
It was your first time in Sweden, your first time meeting his family - there were a lot of firsts. After two weeks around his family, you both decided that you needed some alone time together. His family had been great, like better than you could've imagined, but you felt a little overwhelmed and he could spot that from a mile away.
"The cabin or Sweden?" he laughs.
"Sweden" you smile, looking up at him.
You see the excitement in his eyes, he'd been nervous to ask you to come visit. He knew it was a big step, but he was more than ready to take it, and he thought you might be too - but the "what if's" always played with his mind.
You'd been hit by the harsh reality that the season was ending soon - which meant that Jacob was eventually going to go home to Sweden. He could see how quiet you got, which gave him a little hope that maybe you'd say yes to his pending question. "Time will fly by," he tries to promise, and you huff out before he continues. "but I was thinking maybe you could come with- or I've been meaning to ask you"
You're taken aback by his question at first not sure if you heard him right or not, the look you give him is nothing but puzzled.
"It's only if you want to, of course- I don't expect you to just up and leave everything to come with me to Sweden-"
It's like his rambling woke you up, and you don't have to think it over before you say "I'd love to, of course I'll come to Sweden with you Jacob."
The excitement he'd had then, once you said yes resembled the one he had right now. And his heart swelled at how comfortable you felt in his home country, with his family - you fit right in.
You lean up and kiss his cheek before laying your head back on his shoulder, basking in the sunlight, listening to the waves of the ocean.
"Wanna go for a swim?" he asks, nudging you softly.
"Do you think it's gonna be cold?"
"We can check once we're down there"
"Alright, I'll go get changed"
The water was perfect, just warm enough to go right in, but still, a refreshing break from the sun, cooling your skin. He'd jumped right in from the pier and you'd taken the ladder, needing to dip your toe in the water first.
After swimming around each other for a bit you'd ended up back by the ladder with you seated on one of the steps and him between your legs holding on to the ladder with one hand, the other tracing patterns on your skin.
The softness in his eyes was a familiar one - one you saw every day when he looked at you.
He's sure of himself when he leans in and captures your lips in a sweet kiss.
There'd been a time when he wasn't sure when you'd first met and started seeing each other. He knew he liked you, he knew he wanted to kiss you, to hold you, to be yours. He didn't know if you felt the same, however.
"Can i kiss you?" he whispers.
He was so close you could feel his breath on his face as he spoke, and you'd been ready for him to kiss you when he'd moved closer. His question took you by surprise, knocked the air out of you - here's this confident, handsome, kind man and he's asking if he can kiss you as if he's not sure.
Instinct takes over and before you know it you're nodding - "kiss me, Jacob"
His lips felt as if they were made for kissing yours from the first time you kissed, even though he'd been cautious - testing the waters. But now that you'd both gotten to know every in and out of each other, it was shocking you ever did anything but kiss. His hand wrapping around your waist - just the way you like it. Your nails softly scratching his scalp - just the way he likes it. Your tongues teasing each other as you deepen the kiss.
You dry off in the sun together and Jacob gets up before you to make some dinner before you finally unpack all of your stuff. You follow him shortly after to help out, moving around together in the unfamiliar kitchen to find all the things you need.
After dinner, you're both too full to even think about unpacking and you end up on the couch, forgetting all about it until you head to bed. A groan leaves him when he sees the bags you left on the bed - "shit, should we just leave it till tomorrow?" he tries
"Then we'll never get it done" you sigh, walking over to unzip your bag.
"Yeah, alright" he follows your lead, bumping his hip into you playfully before opening his own bag. You help each other hang and fold your clothes, and you would've been done in a few minutes if he didn't keep distracting you by grabbing your hips, kissing your lips, and ticking your sides.
It reminded you of how he acted whenever you spent a weekend at his place when you first started seeing each other. He was always so happy to have you in his space, acting as if slowing you down would make the time slow down too. He'd especially distract you when you were packing your stuff back up - as if the weekend wouldn't end if you never packed.
"Don't go" he almost whined as you zipped up your bag.
"You know I have to, all my stuff for work is at home"
"Just bring it here next time then, I'll even drive you to work"
"It'd be too much to bring back and forth all the time"
"So don't"
"What- you just said-"
"No, I mean don't bring it back and forth, leave it here"
"What do you mean leave it here?"
"Move in with me," he says as if it is the most obvious solution to your problem.
And it made complete sense to you too, you spent every moment you could at his place. There was no need to weigh the pros and cons, you knew you wanted it straight away.
"What are you thinking about, Älskling?"
"Us" you smile and he hums, asking for you to continue to which you tease him about how he always used to distract you - "old habits die hard, I guess" you giggle.
You could swear it's the middle of the night when he wakes you, your eyes struggling to open as he whispers in your ear "baby, wake up, I gotta show you something"
There's a dim light coming from the window, and you're barely awake as he wraps the duvet around you and helps you out of the bed. The air is cool as you step outside, the birds chirping as you make your way to the pier.
By the time you get there, the sky starts to slowly change colors. You'd been too tired to notice what was going on until now, your eyes blinking to take in the sight of the sunrise. You lean into his side as he wraps an arm around you. Even though you could easily fall back asleep in the comfort of his embrace you can't take your eyes off of the way the sun colors the sky as it starts a new day.
"Love?" he murmurs as if to check if you're awake. All you can manage to reply is a hum. "C'mere" he tilts your chin to look up at him and kisses you softly.
"Jag älskar dig" he smiles
"I love you too"
There's a sudden serious look that crosses his face, not in a bad way, but in a way that tells you he's about to say something important and it sharpens your attention as he looks into your eyes.
"When I first met you I was afraid that my life, my busy schedule would make us drift apart. I wanted to hold on to you for as long as I could, and could only hope that you would do the same. But now, now I know that it's you and me - it's us."
He pauses, and you take a deep breath after having unconsciously held it while he spoke, hanging dearly on to every word.
"I've been waiting for the perfect moment to ask you, but I've realized that every moment I spend with you is perfect"
"Jacob-" his glossy eyes match your own as your voice trembles. You know what he's about to say and you know your answer, holding it in until he finally speaks them.
"Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"
Your mouth is agape, but the words you want to say don't seem to come out as you look at him.
"The ring's inside- I forgot to bring it, I didn't know I was gonna-"
"Yes, of course" you interrupt his rambling, "of course, I'll marry you"
He'd been waiting for the perfect moment and your think to yourself as you melt into each other that he couldn't have picked a better one. There'll be a day when you share your love for your family and loved ones to see, but this moment right here is just for the two of you.
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natswritingz · 3 years
Sexting next door / Sam x Reader
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Note : This is my first fic in I don’t know how long, I tried my hardest so I really hope at least someone can enjoy this lol, also might be typos!
Words : 2.4k
Warnings : Sexting, exchanging pictures, dirty dirty talking, talk of oral/penetration/dry humping, swearing, lots of stuff.
The last week had been occupied with a hunt which ended with the three of you searching the woods for an old cemetery, laying all the buried souls to rest. Working with the Winchesters made the gigs easier. You found some joy in their presence, especially around Sammy.
You guys obviously had crushed on eachother, Sammy made the most moves while you took them as innocent jokes. You just didn't want to complicate anything for anyone.
You all had just got back to the motel, while the brothers shared a room like always, you got your own right next door. Your phone sat next to you as you pried off your dirt caked boots, hidden graveyards were something else. The device chimed with Sams assigned ringtone, you grabbed it in eagerness.
"You get settled in?"
You smiled at the text, he knew how to make you feel special even if it's a simple check in. You struggled with a response that sounded natural, typing then deleting, you finally wrote one and went with it.
"Yeah, just got the boots off lol"
"Are you getting anything good on the tv?"
"Nope, nothing"
That was a lie, you haven't even looked at the tv yet, but he didn't know that. You began unbuttoning your grimy top, feeling the cool air nip at your skin while the material still hung on your shoulders. You bit your lip as you typed another text to follow your previous one.
"Finally getting out of these clothes too"
You locked your phone quickly with embarrassment, you couldn't believe what you just sent. He was your friend, but the entire day he had been constantly flirting which made the temptation even harder to resist. The phone chimed after what felt like ages.
"Me too, I was able to get the shower first"
You read the text through squinted eyes, terrified to read his response with fully opened eyes. Your mind trailed to the image of him without anything on, the warm water running down his toned body, it made your heart race.
"Just about to get in"
You nervously pulled at your lip while intently watching the screen.
"Maybe I should hop in too, hot water sounds amazing right now"
"Do it, I'll keep you company ;)"
The wink confirmed it. He was leaving an opening for you to accept or decline before pursuing anything more.
"I'm taking off my clothes right now, what are you doing?"
"Turning the shower on, already undressed"
"I wish I could see that"
He opened it and hasn't responded in a while, you completely fucked it up. You cursed at yourself before seeing the tiny text bubble come up and disappear a few times until one finally came in.
"I wish I could see you take off those jeans, I could not stop staring at your ass today. All I wanted to do was pounce on you, you've been all I could think of."
You gulped at his message, this was would be your first time sexting, you were already loving it. You felt yourself getting excited at his message, reading it over and over. You pulled your shirt off the rest of the way.
"You were looking? That's very unprofessional of you, Sammy. If only I knew, I would've been 'accidentally' grinding against you all day."
Both of your tones suddenly changed, it wasn't the laid back no-period texts you normally exchanged, it was dirty and intriguing. You couldn't wait for him to respond.
"If you had done that, I don't think I would've been able to control myself."
"What would you have done? I would've loved to feel you press against my ass, I'm clenching my thighs just thinking about it."
"I would've pulled you into the nearest room and commanded you to grind against me until you came in your pretty panties."
You groaned at the thought, Sammy made dry humping sound hot, he could probably make any sexual act sound compelling.
"How do you know what panties I wear?"
You found yourself completely wrapped in texting back and forth you forgot about your plans to shower. Deciding to get comfortable, you leaned back onto the comforter. You were invested in where this was going, a shower could wait, unlike this.
"I've done your laundry and seen you in your undergarments before. I think I pretty much know everything about you, Y/N."
"I'm imaging my lace covered pussy grinding against your bulge covered by your boxers. It would feel so good to have you rub against me. I'd be soaking through my panties you could definitely see it dampening both our cloths."
You wanted to get dirtier so you tested the water, you wrote the first thing you thought of. It may have been a little too forward but your lust clouded all rational thinking.
"Jesus. My imagination might not be doing this scenario justice, I think we'd have to try it out next time we see eachother."
The elation in you grew with each suggestion.
"And when will that be?"
"If you keep it up, soon. Have you stripped yet?"
Sam was a great dom, he wanted everything to be in his control and you couldn't help but like it. You could trust him with control.
"I've been so busy with our little daydreams, I forgot I was even going to shower. Laying in bed still partially clothed."
"Take your pants off now, then give your ass a nice spank for me. Make it sting."
You followed his orders, placing the phone to your side as you lifted your hips to remove the jeans. You held the phone again as you flipped, now laying on your stomach, you used your free hand to rub on your cheek before giving it a sharp smack.
"Both are done, I'm thinking this might leave a mark?"
You raised your phone in a rush of confidence, snapping a photo of your ass and the handprint that reddened with time, attaching it to your message, and sending it without any hesitation. The mark was not as big as Sam could do and you dearly wished it was his hand instead.
"Fucking hell Y/N, I was not expecting that. You're making me want to come over right now to fuck you senseless."
"What do I do next? Still have my panties and bra on."
"Take your bra off baby girl, play with your nipples till they're both hard. Pinch them, flick them, be rough with it."
It was easy for you to follow his words, you found yourself loving his demands and dominance, you could keep following them for hours. You held yourself up with an elbow, you pinched the tip hard between your fingertips, rolling them slightly for more stimulation. You moaned with each uncoordinated flick.
"They're feeling so sensitive now."
You attached another picture, your tits in frame with your now erect and red nipples. After his reaction with the last one, you wanted to get more from him.
"So so perfect. Picture I'm there, sucking and biting on them. My warm breath fanning your soft skin. I want to make you feel good."
"You're making me feel good right now, I can't believe we're actually doing this."
"We can stop whenever you get uncomfortable, I want you to be good with all of this."
His message made you smile through the lust, he really did care about you. It wasn't the most ideal timing, but you could easily get worked back up again with his skills.
"Sorry, never wanna stop this <3"
You shook your head with a small laugh as you flirted.
"Good, me neither. You still have your panties on like a good girl?"
"Haven't taken them off yet, you haven't told me to."
"Sounds like someone's enjoying being bossed around, huh? What if I told you to suck me off, would you do it?"
"I'd let you throat fuck me. I want to gasp for my breath when you finally pull from my mouth."
"Your lips look perfect for my cock, I want to see them wrapped around me as I thrust into your mouth."
"I want you to be as rough as you can, Sammy."
You flipped over to your back once again, your hand dipping into your undies, rubbing soft circles over your clit as you awaited another message. You wanted to invite him over that instant but you had to resist the urge, sexting was fun and a good first step for the two of you.
"I've finally entered the shower, I'm stroking myself to the pictures you sent me. Kinda hard keeping the phone dry."
You laughed a little to yourself at the end of his message.
"Your turn?"
Not that your heart hadn't been pounding the entire time, your recent text made it even faster. You bit your lip in anticipation, you couldn't lie to yourself, you've always wondered what he was packing. And just like that, you revived a picture. Your jaw clenched at his size and width, you weren't entirely sure you'd be able to fit him if you ever got to doing this stuff in person. It was hot and impressive.
"How am I going to fit all of you? I don't think any amount of wetness would prepare me for you."
"We'll make it fit princess, I wanna see your warm pussy stretch around me. Fuuuck, I want you so bad Y/N."
"I want you bad too, maybe our next session can be face to face. I can't imagine how you'll make me feel when I have your hands on me instead of my own."
"You touching yourself right now? I don't remember telling you to stop playing with your tits."
"I couldn't take it anymore, I was aching for some relief."
That was true, your pussy throbbed for attention to the point it hurt to not touch yourself. No one else had this affect over you, making you soak through your lace like nothing.
"Fine, you can touch yourself as long as you don't cum until I allow you, and take it easy, I want you to enjoy this."
"Yes, Sammy."
You slowed down, rubbing slow circles on your aroused clit. Everything was heightened and sensitive, what was he doing to you?
"I'm touching myself, paced instead of rushed. I wish this was your hand. Not gonna lie, I constantly think of how good your large hands would feel on my body."
His response was immediate after he quickly read your message, considering what he told you just a little ago, you knew he was getting off to your little conversation.
"On my ass, in my pussy, around my throat. Even you holding my hands above my head or behind my back sounds like a pleasure. I want you to touch and explore every part of me."
The typing bubble appeared just as it did when he responded to every other text, this time you cut off his response with another one of your own, you wanted to get him really worked up.
"For future reference, I'd probably cum instantly with your tongue on my clit and your fingers in me as deep as they'd go."
You weren't a newbie when it came to sex, you knew what you wanted in the bedroom. Being a hunter and constantly hopping town to town, you had your occasional one night stand to release the stress that came with your job.
"Oh really? You want me buried in you while tasting you all at once? I can do that for you princess, I've been wanting to taste you. I'd eat you out till you came on my tongue then I'd make you kiss me, deep."
"You already know I'd return the favor."
You referred back to your message you sent not long ago about going down on him.
"We haven't even talked about getting to the main act and you've got me almost cumming. I had to slow my pace in order to not finish."
You smirked at his reply, biting your lip with a small groan as you still touched yourself. You were hoping you had the same effect on him that he had on you.
"Let's get onto the main act then. How'd you want to fuck me?"
"I can think of a few ways... But I most definitely want to see myself slide in and out of you. I want to enjoy every bit."
"Maybe my hands holding onto the back of my thighs while laying on my back? Everything would be on display."
"I could put your legs up on my shoulders and get really deep in you. Wouldn't that feel good?"
"I'd be seeing stars. And I would not be able to walk afterwards. Feeling you brush against my cervix repeatedly with your big cock, you're gonna fill me so good."
"Y/N you're gonna make me cum. Speed up."
With his permission, you started to rub faster. You moaned loudly, forgetting about anyone else in the seedy motel.
"Fuck, keep moaning."
You blushed in embarrassment, he could hear you from their rooms bathroom which definitely meant Dean could hear you, the strangers on the opposite side didn't concern you. You allowed yourself to moan with each lap, not holding back the cries. You went on for a minute before diverting your attention back to the phone.
"Imagine how much louder I'd be with you inside me."
"I've been thinking about all the noises you'd be making the entire time. You sound so hot. Are you close?"
"Yeah Sammy, I'm almost there."
Your breathing pattern became rapid and harsh, small wines escaping your lips as you played yourself to perfection.
"Beg for permission to cum."
You groaned at his response.
"Please let me cum, please Sam, I'm not sure I can hold it."
It was hard enough holding back your release but even harder to beg with one hand.
"You can cum baby, just cause you've been so good."
Your body released the tension, the relief rolling in as you came in your panties, finally. It hit you hard, your hips shaking as you moaned louder than earlier. You couldn't deny it, you never orgasmed like that when you were doing it solo.
"I couldn't help but finish to your moans"
His response was like his usual ones, not so formal and more playful. You could get used to seeing both sides regularly.
"We should do this more often, or try it in person, either one"
"I am 100% on board with that"
If for some reason you wanna be notified when I post a new fic, leave a comment to be tagged and your username will go here!
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postwarlevi · 2 years
Eliza, hon, how are you?💖
I'm currently packing my stuff before I move out of my dorm, and y'know, I had to toss out my clothes and fold them ☆again☆ to make them fit better into my suitcase— follow me on this, please😭
I'm folding them the Marie Kondo way (bless this woman), and I can now picture Levi as someone who would ADORE her videos! How to better tidy up a place? He's in. How to make your clothes occupy less space? He's ecstatic to know.
I can only picture him being all peaceful and quiet at he tidies up his space and puts everything in order, but the best part? If you're too busy or too out of it to keep up with your own messes, Levi would absolutely extend a helping hand and fall into the lovely rhythm of making sure everything is clean and comfortable for you to rest in. He'll clear out the trash, fold your laundry, organize your messy pile of books. When he's done, he'd stand there, admiring his work and nodding in approval. He's silently excited to see how you'd react to his little act of love.🥺💕
Hi Pau! I saw you're getting ready, hope it's going well. Travel plans all set?
I'm okay, actually still hurting from my fall. Wondering if I should get checked out, really don't want to. I'll give it a couple more days. *crosses fingers*
But anyway! You got those clothes in there before, you can do it again, unless you got more LOL
I bought Marie Kondos first book! The Life Changing Magic... I read it so fast and was all ready to put those methods to use! I went through all of my clothing and then...stopped haha oops. I'll reread it and try to get inspired again.
Levi loves being tidy of course so this is made for him! Better folding methods to allow more room, tidying and decluttering, keeping the bare minimum of items only that spark joy so less dusting!
Of course he won't go through your things without permission, but he'd encourage you to get started and not worry about parting with things, because most of it really is just stuff.
He'll help you sort and and be happy to donate anything you're able. It takes a while to declutter and now everything you keep has to be put back, and it's way less than what you started with, but it's still overwhelming!
But you're both committed and use the proper methods. However, you need a break because, it's a lot! So while you leave the house foe a few hours because you couldn't possibly look at another shelf or piece of clothing, Levi gets to work!
He gets everything folded into drawers and up on hangers and there's so much more room now with less things and proper folding! He gets both yours and his shoes back in the closet, there's even room in a drawer for some important papers now. He gets the books aligned and has started on the kitchen before you get home.
You see the progress he's made and he bounds up to you and you smile at his excitement as he shows you what he's been able to do. You give him the biggest, warmest hug he can remember getting as you hope this helps him understand how thankful you are.
So, you finish helping him in the end and both do your best to keep it tidy. Levi is a little better at it and if you get a little overwhelmed again thinking it's looking like a bit too much again, he kisses your worries away and tells you it's nothing you can't handle.
You dedicate at least an hour on your day off to making sure everything is in order, because even if it's not what you wanted to be doing, it's much better then letting it pile up again.
And every time you do, you notice it's never as bad as you thought, and you soon realize it's because Levi has already made a dent in it. He likes keeping up with it and it takes a bit of a load off of you so it makes him that much happier.
Seriously, with all you do for him and mean to him, Levi does not mind helping out with this.
This way, when you're off together, you spend time with each other having fun and relaxing instead of going through papers.
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Folklore [song series]
my tears ricochet
Modern Day AU! Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff; Steve Rogers x OC!Reader
Plot: Inspired by Taylor Swift’s new album Folklore. The story follows the timeline of Bucky and Elizabeth’s life throughout the years
[warnings: death, and funeral]
word count: 4829
[a/n: sorry for such a long wait. I've been busy. I thought once I was done for the semester I would have a lot more time to work on my stories, but if anything my summer break has been more hectic. Just because I haven't been posting, doesn't mean I haven't been working on them. Just know that I am working on the new chapters for this and for TKWBA, just need a bit of patience from you all. Also thank-you for the continue love and support on all my work]
Series Masterlist
Tag list info here [if you want to be tagged please read this]
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Age: 21
Year: Sep. 2015
Location: Brooklyn, NY & Stanford, CA
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Elizabeth was sat at her desk doing her homework. She was anxiously waiting for Steve's call about the baby arriving. He had called her two hours prior to let her know that Natasha had gone into labor, and they were at the hospital. Steve told her that he'd call her as soon as he heard the news. She tried her hardest to focus on her homework, but she found herself constantly checking her phone for any updates.
Suddenly her phone started going off. She instantly picked it up and answered the call.
"Is the baby here?" She immediately asked.
"Liz," Steve choked out.
"Steve, what's wrong?" She could hear the distress in his voice.
"Natasha, she," he tried to say but the words got caught in his throat, and she could hear the soft cries.
"Steve, breathe," she tries to calm him down the best she could without actually physically being with him.
Elizabeth was simultaneously trying to keep herself calm, and not rush into any assumptions.
"She died," he said after calming himself down enough to tell her what happened.
"She died?"
"I guess there were complications, he tells her, still unsure of what exactly happened.
Steve hadn't thought to ask further into what exactly happened when Bucky's mom called to tell him the devastating news. He couldn't wrap his head around what she was telling him. He just never imagined that this would be the outcome of his best friend welcoming his first child into the world.
Steve clears his throat trying to force the lump back down.
"I'm catching the next flight out to New York," he tells Elizabeth, "I just gotta be there for Bucky."
"Yeah, of course," she says, completely understanding.
"I know you can't exactly fly out now, without letting your professors know, so as soon as I find out all the funeral," his throat catches at the word, he takes a small breath, "all the funeral information I'll let you know."
"Okay that works," she agrees.
"Okay. I haven't to pack real quick and get to the airport within the next hour," he tells her.
"Okay, I'll let you go."
"Wait, Steve," she calls out before he could hang up.
"I love you," she says with a shaky voice.
"I love you too, so much," he says, "I'll text you when I board the plane."
After one final goodbye, Steve hangs up the phone.
The flight seemed like Steve's longest one he's ever been on. As soon as he landed he quickly grabbed his carry on, the only thing aside from his backpack that he brought with him. Elizabeth had messaged him letting him know that she could bring more of his stuff once she flies out.
Steve made his way out of the airport to find his mom waiting for him by her car. He quickly made his way towards her and wrapping his arms around her.
On the drive to Bucky's apartment Steve sent Liz a text letting her know he landed. He then called Bucky's mom to let her know he was on the way.
"Thank-you for coming out Steve," Winnie thanks him, "The baby is just about to get discharged, we should be at the apartment before you get there."
"Of course, I'll see you guys soon," he says hanging up the phone.
Steve then sends a quick email to his boss and professors explains his absence and why he'll most likely be gone for a couple of weeks.
An hour later Steve's mom was stopping outside of Bucky's building.
"Let them know I'm here if they need anything," his mom tells him before he exists the car, "I'll come back at noon with lunch for everyone."
"Thanks Mom," he says leaning over to kiss her cheek.
Steve exists the car leaving his bags with his mom. He takes one final breath before walking to the front doors. Steve presses the call button for Bucky's apartment and was immediately buzzed in.
As soon as he reaches Bucky's door, he knocks quietly. The door opens and he's welcomed by Rebecca. He takes in the sullen face on the teenage girl.
"Hey Bec," he says.
"Hi," she quietly says, as they hug each other in the door way.
When they pull apart she steps aside letting him inside.
"It's just my parents and I here. Bucky didn't want to deal with a lot of people right now," she explains to Steve.
"Steve," he hears from his left, Keith, Bucky's stepdad makes his way out of the small kitchenette over to him, and embracing him, "Thank-you so much for coming. We know you're a very busy person."
Before Steve could respond Bucky's mom Winnie walks into the living room.
"Oh Steve," she immediately wraps her arms around him.
"Thank-you so much for coming on such a short notice," she says. Steve could hear the shakiness in her voice. He could tell she was trying to keep it together. No doubt the last 12 hours being the most stressful and emotional she's ever been.
"There's no need to thank me. This is where I need to be," he tells them.
"Let us at least pay you back for the flight," Keith says.
"No, don't worry about that," Steve waves him off, "I had a lot of miles that needed to be used."
"Well, thank-you again," Keith nods his head, understanding where Steve was coming from.
"You can go on ahead Steve. Bucky is waiting for you in the nursery," Winnie tells him, giving him an assuring nod, he nods back making his way towards the nursery.
The short walk seemed like it was much longer. Steve has never felt so nervous in his life. When he approaches the closed door, he softly knocks on it.
"Come in," Bucky calls from inside.
Steve walks in, closing the door behind him. He's immediately greeted by Bucky sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of the room, feeding his newborn daughter.
"Hey," Steve softly says, not sure what to say.
"Hey," Bucky greeted Steve with a sad smile.
It had been 12 hours later and it still didn't feel real to Bucky. The hospital had even offered the chance for him and Poppy to stay a couple of days, but all Bucky wanted to do was to go home and get away from the hospital. But now being back in the apartment without Natasha was surreal. He was trying his best to keep it all in, at least while the baby is awake and needs him.
He was determined in being the one that cared for her, even when his mom offered to take care of her for a few hours while he gets some rest. He assured her that he needed to do this. He had to do it alone, because he knew that soon enough it would just be him and Poppy.
Bucky was very grateful when he heard Steve was flying out. He felt like Steve was the only one he could really talk to about everything going on.
Steve was still standing by the door, just watching his best friend be a dad for the first time. He had no idea what to say in this kind of situation. The words were caught in his throat the moment he actually saw Bucky.
"Thanks for coming," Bucky says breaking the silence. Steve immediately looks away from the baby to meet Bucky's eyes.
"You would've done the same thing," Steve says, "And like I've said before, I'll always be here for you."
"I don't care how far, I'll always be on that first flight to you," Steve continues, he glances down at the now sleepy baby, "You're my brother Buck."
There was a moment of silence between the young men. Both understanding what the other one means with such few words.
Steve watched as Bucky gently placed the sleepy baby on his shoulder to burp her.
"It suits you," Steve quietly remarks.
"What?" Bucky looked up at him confused.
"Fatherhood, it suits you," Steve says again, stepping closer to his friend.
"You think?" Bucky looks back down at the now sleeping baby.
"Yeah. I know it's only been less than a day, but you look natural. Make it look easy."
"Thanks," Bucky smiled, getting up for the he chair and walking over to the crib to gently place Poppy in.
Steve walked over, standing next to Bucky, watching the little one sleep peacefully.
"What's her name?" Steve whispered, realizing that he hadn't found out what the name of the baby was.
"Poppy James Barnes," Bucky proudly says.
"That's cute," Steve commented, he placed his right hand on Bucky's left shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
Bucky looked over at Steve and they both nodded their heads in agreement, before falling into an embrace.
"I am so sorry," Steve quietly says.
"It happened so quick, she barely even got to see the baby," Bucky quietly cried into Steve's shoulder, "I never even thought of this would be the outcome. I never imagined I'd be coming home solo with the baby."
Steve tightened his embrace on Bucky, just listening to his friend.
"I don't know how I'm going to do this Steve. I don't know how I'm going to raise her without her mom. I'm trying to keep it together to not worry my mom, but fuck Steve, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm scared I'll screw this all up. I'm scared I'll screw her up.
"I'm so scared Steve," Bucky cries.
"It's okay to be scared," Steve tries his best to comfort Bucky, "I'd be more concerned if you weren't scared. This is entirely new territory for you. You're raising a child, a child who unfortunately no longer has her mother. That alone is a fucking terrifying thing to go through.
"It's not going to be easy. There's no point in lying to you, and saying it will. You and I both that won't be the truth. But if there's anyone I know who could do this, it's you Buck. You're the strongest person I know. Whatever has happened before this doesn't matter. The only thing that matters now is that little girl. And I know damn well you're going to give her the best life she will ever have," Steve pulls away from Bucky and holds onto his shoulders.
"And you're not alone in this. You have a lot of people who care about you, and now Poppy. You will never be alone. You'll always have someone to call, someone to help you. You're crazy to think we would ever leave you to do this alone. We're here, and we're not going anywhere. You and Poppy will never have to be alone. She might not have her mom, but she's got you, and I know damn well you won't ever let her wonder what being without one parent truly feels like.
"You've got this Buck," Steve assures him, "And we're here every step of the way."
"Thanks Steve," Bucky sniffles, wiping the tears away.
"No need to thank me," Steve smiles, "Now why don't you go take a nap. Get some rest. We're here if Poppy wakes up."
"Yeah I could use some sleep," Bucky yawns, his adrenaline from the last 12 hours fading away.
Steve walks Bucky to his bedroom and watches as he gets into his bed, and quickly falls asleep. He quietly closes the door behind him, with the baby monitor in one hand checking to make sure Poppy is still asleep.
He walks back into the living room, placing the monitor by the tv for everyone to see and hear.
"They're both asleep," Steve announces to the room.
"Oh thank goodness," Winnie sighs, "James hasn't taken a moment to rest since everything happened."
"Knowing Bucky, we'll probably have to be forcing him to rest for the next couple of weeks," Steve says.
"I just got off of the phone with Natasha's father," Keith said walking back inside the apartment.
"What did he say?" Winnie asked.
"He said that the funeral is all up to us," Keith sighs, "Something about how Natasha made her own path with getting pregnant, and that once she left she was no longer his responsibility."
"He really said that?" Winnie asked mortified.
"I'm afraid so," Keith sighed, "I tried reasoning with him saying we would handle everything financially and he can come to the funeral but he said no."
"What kind of father doesn't show up to his own daughter's funeral," Winnie shakes her head in complete disbelief.
"Explains why Natasha was the way she was," Rebecca whispered, so that only Steve could hear her.
He reluctantly agrees.
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Two weeks later
Elizabeth was helping Steve with his tie in his childhood bedroom. She had flown in yesterday for today's funeral services. Elizabeth had gotten in late last night, so she still hasn't seen Bucky or Poppy yet. She was a let to get a week off of work and her professors gave her an extension on her assignments when she explained to them what happened.
"I still can't believe Natasha's dad isn't going," she says as she straightens out Steve's tie.
"Bucky's mom is still holding out hope that he shows up," Steve says.
"What does Bucky think of it all?" Elizabeth asks.
"He's not worrying about it," Steve explains, looking over himself in the mirror, "His only concern right now is Poppy and only Poppy. If Nat's dad shows up then he does. But as of now Bucky has made the decision that he will not be in Poppy's life. Not until he proves himself."
"That's very mature," she says grabbing her purse.
"This Buck is like a whole new one you've never seen before. Fatherhood has made him a thousand times more grown up these last couple of weeks."
"That's good."
"Ready to go?" Steve asked her, grabbing the keys to his mom's car.
"Yup," Elizabeth says following Steve out.
Bucky had asked Steve to pick him and Poppy up, and Steve had of course agreed.
They arrived to Bucky's apartment in fifteen minutes. Walking up to Bucky's door they could hear a lot of commotion coming from inside. Steve used the key Bucky gave him to let himself and Elizabeth in.
As soon as they walked in they were greeted by the sounds of a baby crying.
"Buck?" Steve called out.
"We're in here," he calls from the nursery.
They go to the nursery to find Bucky looking frazzled while trying to change Poppy's diaper.
"I'm so sorry. I'm running so behind," Bucky tells them, glancing over his shoulder quickly,
"Poppy didn't sleep well last night. And nothing I've tried has been working."
"It's okay Buck, just take your time," Steve calmly says.
"I still need to shower, shave, and get dressed," Bucky rambles, "She's going to need another change of clothes because she spat all over herself, and my mom only bought this one outfit for today."
"Hey Bucky, calm down," Elizabeth calmly spoke up, placing her hand on his back, "Take a breath."
Bucky felt the warmth and comfort from Liz's touch. He listens to what she says and takes a deep breath.
"Okay good," she says, "now you go get ready. Steve and I got this."
"Okay," he nods his head, handing the baby over to Elizabeth, "thank-you."
"Of course," she softly smiles at him, "now go get ready."
Bucky quickly makes his way out of the room and into his own to get ready.
Elizabeth looks down at the small baby in her arms. She could see so much of Bucky in the baby with hints of Natasha. It was a little strange for her to be holding Bucky's baby and it not being her baby as well. Not that she ever wanted to get back together with Bucky, because she didn't. There was just a little voice in her head, that of her teenage self, saying how it was supposed to be them, doing this together.
She quickly shut the voice down.
Elizabeth was incredibly sympathetic of Bucky's situation. All she wanted to do was be there for him, as a friend. She wanted Bucky to succeed as a father, and she would do what she could to make that happen.
Steve silently watched Elizabeth watching Poppy. He couldn't really read her expression. He hates to admit it to himself, especially with everything going on, but he was slightly worried about how Liz would react to all of this. He had faith in their relationship, of course he trusted her immensely. But he still couldn't help but feel like she might decide to leave him for Bucky. Elizabeth turned around to see Steve looking at her with a distant look in his eyes.
"You good?" She gently asked, breaking him from his self-destructive thoughts.
"Yeah. You?"
"Yeah," she nods her head, handing the baby over to him, "I'm going to try and find her a new outfit.
"Okay," Steve says sitting down with the baby.
"I love you," Liz quietly says to Steve, knowing what could possibly going through his mind, if hers was also wandering.
"I love you," Steve replies back, finding himself relaxing at just hearing those three words, any doubt slipping away.
30 minutes later Bucky was ready to go. He walked out to the living room where he found Steve and Elizabeth sitting with each other holding the baby. He paused for a moment taking in the scene in front of him. He felt a sense of warmth and low flow through him as his closest friends admire his daughter. In that moment he knew he had made the right decision in what he would tell them next.
Steve glanced up to see Bucky leaning against the frame of the hallway.
"Ready?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, but I actually wanted to ask you two something before we go," Bucky says walking over and sitting on a chair next to the couch.
"Sure, what's up?" Steve leans forward, leaning on his knees, giving Bucky his full attention.
Elizabeth tears her eyes away from Poppy to also give Bucky her full attention. She smiles at him, letting him know he could continue on.
"I first and foremost just want to thank you Steve, for what probably is the hundredth time," Bucky says, "I know you have a lot going on with work and school. So I really appreciate everything you've done for me and for Poppy. And you too Elizabeth, I know you're incredibly busy especially with law school prep. And with everything that's happened between-"
"Don't," she stopped him, "What's past is past."
"Well anyways, thank-you," Bucky says, "Now here comes what I wanted to ask you two. There's no other two people I wouldn't trust more with Poppy. So I wanted to ask if you would be her godparents?"
"Really?" Elizabeth asked taken back by Bucky's request.
"Yes," he nods his head, "There's no one else I wouldn't trust with her if anything happens. It'll help me sleep better knowing she'll have two people who'll love her like I would. Two people who have so much love between them, that I know will always be together."
Both Steve and Elizabeth were taken back by Bucky's last statement. They knew Bucky had accepted their relationship, but to actually have him not only say it out loud but to practically give them his blessing, it meant the world to the couple.
Steve and Elizabeth both share a look with tears glistening in their eyes. Elizabeth nods her head.
Steve turns back to Bucky, "We'd be honored to be Poppy's godparents."
Elizabeth and Steve stood up to hug Bucky. All filled with a wide range of emotions. Bucky felt a huge sense of comfort after asking Liz and Steve to be Poppy's godparents. He knew he made the right decision, and he knew he could now sleep better at night knowing his daughter would be taken care of. And by two people he knows can love her the way he does.
After what happened with Natasha, Bucky just wanted to make sure Poppy would be taken care of. If she couldn't have her parents, then she would have the closest thing to having parents. And Bucky knows Steve and Elizabeth would be amazing parents.
That alone allowed him to be at peace for whatever may happen.
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Arriving to the funeral location Bucky felt his nerves start to spike. He sat in the backseat looking out the window at the familiar faces walking into the chapel.
"You okay?" Elizabeth asked turning in her seat, after Steve parked the car.
"I don't know if I can do this," he mutters, glancing towards the sleeping baby in the car seat next to him.
"We'll be right next to you along the entire way," Liz calmly says.
"If you feel too overwhelmed we'll leave whenever you want," Steve tells him, "We won't stay if you absolutely can't handle it. No one will hold it against you."
"Okay," Bucky takes a deep breath.
"Stay here, I'll get the stroller out," Steve says, getting out of the car.
"No one is expecting you to be brave, Buck," Elizabeth says, "You're allowed to be vulnerable. You're allowed to show emotions."
He nods his head, taking in what she's telling him.
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small necklace. Clutching onto it as if his life depended on it.
Elizabeth catches the small 'N' on it, realizing that that was the necklace Natasha wore everyday since she was 13.
Bucky takes one final deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.
"Okay, I'm ready," he tells her.
"Okay, let's do this."
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Bucky was grateful that they arrived only minutes before the service started. Everyone was already seated in the pews.
He slowly walked down the aisle pushing the stroller, Steve and Elizabeth walking right behind him.
Bucky tried his best to avoid any eye contact with everyone. He couldn't bare to look at the pity in their eyes.
He caught sight of his family siting in the second row. He also noticed a man sitting alone in the first row.
He instantly knew who it was.
Once Bucky reached the first row, the man made to movement to greet Bucky.
Bucky cleared his throat, "Mr. Romanoff."
The older man looked over at Bucky, then at the stroller.
"James," he stiffly said, turning his attention back to the front.
Bucky awkwardly sat down placing the stroller next to his legs, away from Natasha's father, while Steve and Elizabeth sat next to Bucky.
The service was going smoothly up until the priest announced that Natasha's father would be making a speech, catching everyone off guard.
Bucky looked at the older man as he walked up to the stand. He turned around to face his mom, "Did you know this?" he whispered.
"No I didn't," she shook her head.
Right as Mr. Romanoff was about to start speaking, Poppy began to cry. Bucky quickly went to get her out of the stroller, while Steve quickly went to grab a bottle to help him out.
As soon as the baby calmed down Mr. Romanoff began to speak.
"First and foremost, I want to thank everyone for coming," he begins, "I really appreciate it. Natasha would be eternally grateful for all of you."
Bucky started to get annoyed by the beginning of Mr. Romanoff's speech. As if the man didn't turn down the invitation for the last two weeks. Now he's trying to act like the perfect father, as if he didn't kick her out and cut off his pregnant daughter.
"Natasha was a kind hearted person. Only wanting the best for those closest to her. She was the most selfless person you would have ever met," he continued on with his speech.
Elizabeth couldn't help but be confused by Mr. Romanoff's speech. She hated thinking ill of the dead, but that man had no idea who his daughter truly was.
"Natasha was so smart, earning her way into Yale. She was only months away from graduating. I was so incredibly proud of her. If only we would've gotten the opportunity to watch her walk across the stage.
"Other than leaving an everlasting impression on all of us, she also left behind a part of her. Her last moments on Earth was spent bringing in another Romanoff," he says.
Bucky's head snapped up to Mr. Romanoff, then towards Steve.
"Romanoff?" Bucky whispered, "This man has the fucking nerve."
"Ignore him," Steve whispered back, trying to calm Bucky down, "He's just saying all of this to make himself look good."
"Natasha brought her daughter into the world," Mr. Romanoff continued, forcing fake tears to fall, "I remember being by her side as she was in labor."
Bucky clenched his jaw, forcing himself not to call Mr. Romanoff out on his lies.
"As she was dying," Mr. Romanoff paused for dramatic effect, "Her only request was to name her daughter after her."
Steve paled his hand on Bucky's shoulder, trying his best to calm him down. It was too late, Bucky was already placing Poppy in Steve's arms.
"What a fucking lie," Bucky stood up shouting at Mr. Romanoff, causing everyone to gasp.
"James," Mr. Romanoff said through gritted teeth, as a warning.
"How could you just lie to all these people?" Bucky shouted, "How could you lie as if you didn't disown Natasha months prior when she told you she was pregnant. Or when my parents kept inviting you to the funeral, you kept saying no and how Natasha's decisions led to their death. How dare you say you were in the delivery room. As if you didn't have her number blocked.  My mom and I were there when things took a horrible turn. We were there when the doctor walked out and told us Natasha didn't make it. Not you! Us!
"Then you go on to make some shitty story about Nat's last words. Which is completely false. Natasha never wanted to name the baby after herself, you'd actually know that if you were actually present in her life. But you weren't. And you sure as hell will never be a part of your granddaughter's life."
Bucky turned to Steve and Liz, "Let's go."
They nodded their heads and helped put Poppy in the stroller. They followed Bucky as he walked out of the chapel.
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After leaving the funeral services, Steve was able to calm Bucky down. Winnie had called Elizabeth to let her know that the burial services the next day were officially going to be private. Liz agreed that that'd be best for everyone involved. Especially with what happened during the funeral services.
The burial service was only attended by Bucky, and his family, along with Elizabeth and Steve.
Everything went along smoothly. Everyone giving Bucky the safe space to grieve.
After the burial, everyone gave Bucky a few moments alone at the grave site so he can say his final goodbyes.
"Hey Nat," he pauses taking a deep breath, "these last two weeks haven't been the easiest. But boy have they been amazing. I may be more exhausted than I've ever been, but boy is she worth it.
"She may only be two weeks but I can already tell she's going to be the most amazing person ever," he softly cries, "You would've loved her so much. But like I promised back at the hospital, she'll never not know who her mother was. I will always make sure she knows who you were. Always."
"Goodbye Natasha," he whispered, before walking away to join his family waiting.
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Age: 26
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Year: 2020
"Daddy, what's this?" Poppy calls out to her father from his bedroom.
"What's what petal?" He asked walking into the room, finding her surrounded by boxes, as they prep for their move uptown.
"This," she holds up the small necklace with the 'N'.
Bucky kept that necklace in a small box in his nightstand. He kept it at the bottom of his nightstand for safe keepings. Planning on one day to give it to his daughter. He always planned to wait until she was 16, but he figures now is as good as ever.
"That was your mommy Natasha's," he said walking over to her, and sitting next to her on his bed, "She got it when she was 13, and wore it every day up until when she died."
"It's pretty," she says admiring it in her hands.
"It is isn't it," he smiles at his little girl, "It's now yours."
He grabs the necklace from her little hands. He unclasps it, then gently moves her dirty blonde hair to the side. He places the necklace around her neck, and clasps it shut.
"Thank-you daddy," she smiles brightly at her father, admiring the necklace that now lay on her chest.
Bucky smiled at his daughter, watching as she kept admiring the necklace. It was a little big on her, but he knew she would grow into it.
"Anything for you baby," he kisses the top of her head, "Anything."
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