#But like this guy just like genuinely LOVES and respects the medium in ways that I don't feel from many other modern writers.
scarletfasinera · 8 months
I have a lot of opinions about MacKay's Moon Knight, some of them are good and some of them bad (the bad will mostly only make sense to anyone else who has read the entirety of Moon Knight's 48 year publication history), but like there's no denying that this man loves comics. Not just in the "guy who is in the comic industry/grew up with comics" way but in the "guy who deeply understands the medium but is also endlessly curious about the medium, not just big 2 and not just superhero/vigilante genre and not just modern day either, and he is willing to do a hell of a lot of research on it at pretty much any point in his day for any reason or no reason" way. Just from my observations. And idk I think it's pretty cool that the current Moon Knight guy isn't just a guy that loves Moon Knight or a guy that loves Marvel or whatever, but also a guy that just loves comics in that particular way (I am failing to articulate what I mean by "in that way" but I hope you get it).
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crushedcoffeecups · 1 month
okay but imagine being a student of Saiki Kusuo's class. how fuckin weird would it be?
there's this guy, Saiki, that you don't know very well, but seems to be completely average in EVERY way. like, concerning average. you genuinely know nothing that he likes or dislikes or is particularly good or bad at. the only thing that sticks out about him is his weird hair clips and his tinted glasses. oh, and all the people that surround him
the weird, big, loud guy that no one really likes is his best friend. he basically follows Saiki around. one time Saiki made a completely to scale statue of him for a class fair.
the kid with a hero complex that is constantly going on about some shadow organisation and fantasy world is also his friend. the one that rips all of his clothes and always wears bright red bandages over his arms. he also follows Saiki around like they've been best friends since childhood. sometimes he talks about the both of them being soldiers in some army.
one day a psychic medium who can see ghosts and guardian spirits transfers to your school. the next day you see him hanging off of Saiki. what is it about this guy that attracts all these people? he doesn't even seem to talk to them. he's apparently the vice president of the medium's occult club.
the perfect dream girl of your class that everyone loves is weirdly obsessed with him. constantly trying to pair up with him in class. they've been seen on multiple dates together and members of the kokomins seem hate him. you're pretty sure they tried to kidnap him one time. he doesn't even seem to like the girl.
the over-enthusiastic class president that everyone respects is also his friend. you're pretty sure Saiki doesn't play any sports, but apparently he joined him on a tennis camp over the holidays. you heard that he hit a tennis ball so hard he sunk a boat.
an ex-delinquent joins the school, and immediately tried to be friends with Saiki. within a week he has joined the large group that follows Saiki around. one of your friends apparently saw the two of them taking motorcycle lessons.
the poor girl in class, the one with a dozen jobs who's constantly searching for food? yeah, she's friends with him too. one time you walk past a cafe she works at and see him inside, talking to the owner. what does he have to do with the cafe? and why was she wearing a maid dress? there's rumours in the school that the both of them took shady clinical trials over the holidays.
also, the girl who has a new crush every week gets weirdly into him for a while. you see her try a bunch of classic cliches to try to win him over. none of it works, but she still hangs around him for some reason.
a super rich guy shows up to your school and demands to date the beloved perfect girl. no idea why, but Saiki seems to some part to play in the weird love triangle. later on, you see Saiki and his friends visit the rich guys house.
a fortune telling gyaru joins your school, insisting that Saiki is her soulmate. the two are polar opposites, yet seem attached at the hip, along with that spiritual medium for some reason.
another new transfer (why does your school get so many transfers?) who never seems to shut up insists on following Saiki around. apparently they're childhood friends? they don't seem very friendly.
that famous actor, the one who is in everything on tv? you see him yelling at Saiki one day. something about a sister? you don't have any idea how they even crossed paths in the first place
on a random school day you overhear some of Saiki's friends talking about their trip to Britain together. did they really travel that far for just a weekend?
one day you see Saiki walking around with a young man with a weird headband. he looks familiar somehow. you could've sworn you've seen him on some science program or something.
you've seen Saiki walking around plenty of times. he walks everywhere it seems, and gets to places at a pace that is logically impossible. doesn't he have a motorcycle license?
his parents seemed perfectly ordinary when you met them, if a little too lovey-dovey. how is their son so different?
the dude never seems to change his clothes. obviously he does, seeing how they never get dirty or damaged. you guess he just wears the same thing on repeat.
you see him out and about with a little boy. probably babysitting. the kid keeps calling him by the name of some superhero.
the school brings in a magician one day. he greets Saiki like an old friend and calls him 'master'. you had no idea they knew each other, or that Saiki liked magic.
you've only known of this guy for a year, yet it seems like so much longer. it feels like too much has happened for the school year to have not ended yet. when did all those people transfer again?
feel free to add to the idea!
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dccomicsbracket · 3 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Batgirl (2000)
Perhaps my single favourite piece of writing in the comic book medium. This was my introduction to Cassandra Cain, and is the perfect place to get into her. Everyone should read Batgirl #19, and bask in the way it lays out the core of Cass' character with surgical precision. Puckett's Cass is fascinating: a fine balance of absolute confidence in her ability, crushing guilt about her past, a desperation for redemption and to see others redeem themselves, and a fundamental belief in the preservation of life. 1st batgirl on going, very good overall run, do it for Cass everyone its quite literally required reading for cass, babs, and steph. the way kelley puckett is able to explore cass’s character through her relationships with the other bats and the parallels between her and bruce is actually insane. theres so many little details in the visual story telling as well that just make the experience that much better. the fluidity and expressiveness of the art also adds on to the overall experience. it is literally DCs magnum opus Life changing series.
Young Justice (1998)
It's 6-8 fifteen year olds living in a cave, and their only adult supervision is a robot wind machine one of them graffiti-ed all over within the first five minutes of meeting him. The only two with anything even RESEMBLING normal childhoods are the demigod and the son of two billionaires (literally just some guy). They have an alien motorbike and at one point they save the world from aliens by playing baseball. Everyone in it is just so stupid all the time and I love that for them (god bless 🙏) Never has a comic quite that batshit and quite that sincere graced my presence I just love it and I enjoyed reading it
Blue Beetle (2006)
Just a good introduction to a character with a satisfying conclusion. I love you, Jaime, a guy who's just trying to do his best for his loved ones and his local community. I love you Khaji Da, scrungly lil dude speaking in glyphs. I love you, Brenda, and your complicated relationship with your aunt who adores you, but is also a crime lord. I love you Paco, a genuinely good friend. I love Jaime's family and the way they all adjust to Jaime being a superhero. I love the effort made to portray Jaime as a person with community and connections. i looove jaime sososo much he's such a fun protagonist and the developement of his character + his relationship w khaji da is sooo interesting and well written. i love seeing him bond with his little alien bug parasite !! all of the side characters are also so great like brenda and paco are so fun and la dama is suuuch an interesting character. jaime's family is also so lovely they clearly care abt jaime so much and its nice to see a kid superhero with parents who respect and also deeply care abt their kid. the art is also very fun overall its just a really stellar run Quite honestly one of the best written comic runs I've ever read, DC or otherwise. It flips so many standard comic book tropes on their heads and does it well. The main character is the epitome of just some guy and he is my favorite of all time. AMAZING characters. Fresh perspectives on comics tropes that are so overused it's hard to imagine comics without them. Everyone is worthy of respect and treated with dignity, even the villains. Khaji Da's character arc is amazing. And the adults make me laugh so much. Guy and Peacemaker as mentors who IMMEDIATELY recognize this kid is FAR more emotionally mature then they are, so they're not going to bother with that side of mentoring!
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jesncin · 6 days
Honestly, you are like the most based person ever. A Martian Manhunter fan and a MAWS critic? F YEAH!
I'm so disappointed with MAWS' Lois :( Her romance with Clark could've been so good. SO GOOD. But they decided to go for fan service instead. She just gives off Lena (from cwsg) vibes and that's never a good thing.
Speaking of Supergirl, what's your opinion on the show? And on the show's portrait of J'onn. It baffles me how much hate the show got for the same things fans are willing to overlook now on MAWS. Aren't those some double standards, geez...
Aw shucks thank you! 2 incredibly niche but based things to be...
Sob! Call it the ace in me but whenever people think MAWS!Clois have chemistry because they're easily amused by seeing hot characters undress I lose life force. I didn't witness a couple that grew mutual respect and affection, I saw an insta-crush that led to Lois becoming so entitled to a guy she'd known for less than a week to the point of demanding full transparency of his private life before they even started dating. And then the narrative says it's Clark's fault for having reasonable boundaries, and then they're a couple. What is this.
I've briefly talked about CW Supergirl before, but my takeaway is: if people think MAWS is genuinely good writing then they should absolutely watch CW Supergirl because it must look like high art in comparison to MAWS. Maybe people are less judgy when something's animated and that's not fair. If we want to take animation as a serious medium we should hold it to the same standard and not coddle it. As someone who watched a few eps when CW Supergirl aired and then revisited and watched the whole thing years after the show concluded, I feel that the misogyny surrounding people's discourse around the show has led to people judging the show based on a fanon idea of it rather than its own merits.
more under the cut!
CW Supergirl is a show with great highs and lows. This results in things being hit or miss. But when something hits- CW Supergirl is not given nearly enough credit as it deserves. As a Martian Manhunter fan, I believe that their take on J'onn is the most competent and well adapted in not just adapted media, but all of comics canon. That doesn't mean I like everything they did with his lore and character, but I can acknowledge that they actually bothered developing him outside of the comics/cartoon's fixation with making him mope about his Origin Story all the time. He gets to find love, have adopted daughters through Kara and Alex, reckon with what it's like to preserve aspects of a culture he doesn't fully identify with, deal with his dad going through Martian Alzheimer's disease, and most importantly MAKE PEACE WITH HIS BROTHER. CW Supergirl has hands down, the best take on Ma'alefa'ak in all of canon.
I think Lena is a great character on the show. She's dealing with the trauma of being constantly manipulated by her own family, the legacy her name carries and who she is in all that. But because the supercorp ship permeates the way people perceive the show, she's reduced to that by discourse. When Lena has drama over Kara's secret Superhero identity, it's something that's built up to and informed by trauma, trust-issues, and TIME. We are shown that she has these problems. It gets melodramatic at times, but it's still something that was built up to. Meanwhile in MAWS Lois just tells us she has daddy issues and that it's why she really needs the cute guy at work to spill all his personal info to her even though she gets to lie to him for her own personal gain multiple times. I appreciate what CW Supergirl did to bring more attention to what was an obscure character. Whenever I bump into Lena in the comics, it hasn't stacked up to the character I met on the show.
I've called this out before but while CW Supergirl isn't perfect by any means especially with their treatment of Jimmy Olsen as a love interest to Kara and a generally sidelined Black supporting character, they still discussed and acknowledged Jimmy's identity as a Black American man! Sure it was heavy handed many times, but that's way better than MAWS straight up ignoring Jimmy's Blackness and even making an unintentional jab at it!! Like cw Supergirl Jimmy knows bigotry and has experienced it. MAWS Jimmy thinks bigotry is being ghosted for a camping trip. I have seen the exact same critics call out cw Supergirl for Jimmy's treatment while gleefully thinking Jimmy's treatment in MAWS is so uwu perfect. It makes me sick! Am I going insane?? It's the double standards for me.
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hisui555 · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel thoughts : Foils
More of a ramble than anything speculative like the previous posts, just gonna blabber muppet-style about something I like from this show : the Foils between the Good/Ambiguously Good Guys (I mean, Alastor's there, right ?) and the Bad/Opposite Side Guys.
If you have time to kill, fancy yourself the read (<- not even sure that's proper English, and it's my third language anyway. Let's hack it up some more, shall we).
(Foils 2 here)
(Foils 3 here)
(Foils 4 here)
Masterpost here.
I mean the main thing that made my brain go "ding !" like a microwave and scratched it just right like my cat kneading my back when I'm too lazy to stand up and give her food right away, is the parallel between main couple Charlie & Vaggie (they're so sweet together) and villain couple Valentino & Vox (they're horrible people that are hilarious together).
Both have one of them at the head of their 'organisation' (Charlie is the founder of the Hazbin Hotel, Vox is the CEO of Voxtech and the TV tycoon in Pride), composed of one bi character (Charlie and Vox) and one Hispanic character (Vaggie and Valentino - and respectively they're lesbian and pan if you wanna know), yet Charlie & Vaggie are in a mutually supportive, kind, very encouraging, healthy, stable, devoted and genuinely loving relationship, and if they have fallouts (see Episode 7), deal with it in a mature and upstanding way. Vox & Val on the other side are mutually manipulative (see Episode 2), on-and-off together-but-not-dating (nothing wrong with that in itself, it's just how it's the opposite of Charlie & Vaggie), freewheeling, chaotic and co-dependent relationship (as Vees : Vox provides the medium of TV, Val provides the content), even if, for now, it appears to be somewhat functional, if unhealthy - they are less about fallouts and more dealing with the other's tantrums (Vox keeps Val in line, then does a 180 about Alastor as Val riles him up).
They're both same-sex couples but the first are a healthy couple because they mutually love each other and encourage the best qualities they have, always being there for the other, while the second are an unhealthy couple because they based it on power, and being together because they're mutually attracted to their worst qualities : they're a couple AS the worst people, while Charlie & Vaggie are two of the nicest people in Hell. Funnily enough, Val seems pretty open about Vox' past crush/unfading obsession on Alastor and Vox doesn't seem to mind Val's (horrible) obsession with Angel that much, while Vaggie easily gets jealous when another girl is (what she thinks) too affectionate with Charlie : see her reaction to Emily holding Charlie's hand in Ep 6.
Also, both Vox and Vaggie have to deal with an easily overwhelmed-by-their-feelings partner with a penchant for childishness and drama while being the (usually) more cool-headed and rational one (I mean, Charlie does her plans in crayons for hell's sake), but while Valentino is a psychopathic manchild with very little impulse control when angry, that needs to get his head screwed on straight and hurting people to come down from his tantrum, with Vox' babysitting (before he blows his top in the same way), Charlie has that side to her because she actively doesn't want to harm people, as well as being empathetic and a bit naive, along with her usual musical theatrics - it puts her at odds with the rest of Hell, who for the most part are raging jackasses indulging in their worst behaviors. But just like Valentino, if she focuses on what's urgent or important (and is willing to go that far), she can be quite dangerous and capable (Ep 8) - ironically, in a physical fight, while Val shows perfectly capable of using his mental capacities to manipulate and pressure both Angel and Charlie into making her leave (alongside the heavy beating on Angel, but he actually avoids the confrontation with the Princess of Hell - way more powerful than he is - that way).
Vox and Vaggie also have quite the temper underneath the rationality : Vaggie when loosing her nerve with the Hotel residents' idiocy, Vox when hearing the first wink about Alastor. Vaggie and Val may be the more readily violent (in completely different ways, because, I mean, Valentino) while Charlie and Vox the ones to plan things out (Hotel group activities and redemption VS getting Pentious to spy for the Vees), with material and budget back-up for each (Princess of Hell VS CEO), so there's kind of a square crossing between the two teams : they each share personality traits (in WIDELY different ways though) with the two others on the opposite side.
Valentino & Vox is also a foil for Angel & Husk (whether these latter two stay friends or become more remains to be seen, but as things are for now, I'm telling it how it currently is and will call them friends) : both Val and Husk are pansexual, but one follows the stereotype and jumps on anyone (Val), while the other doesn't wear his sexuality on his sleeve, is respectful with others' boundaries and has a clear, justified limit on his (see Ep 4). Valentino's horrible abuse of Angel becomes even more gut-wrenching when it shows (for now, and if the Instagrams are loosely canon by now) that he's perfectly capable of having a functional (if mutually manipulative and unhealthy) relationship with Vox - meaning he's chosing to hurt Angel and be a sadistic bastard.
Angel does a (very toned-down) certain version of sexual harrasment (constantly hitting on Husk, invading his personal space, H24 innuendos towards him, etc) just like Valentino, to try to get what he wants - but Husk sees it as the unhealthy mechanism it is to mask his pain, coping with the abuse, and calls him out on it. While Angel is naturally promiscuitous, he stops his tryharding, coke-myself-out-of-consciousness ways, and stands up to his rapist - all of that supported by Husk, while Vox doesn't lift a finger to stop Val until it Harms The Image, and even offers his lowest-earners so that his squeaky moth asshat of a boyfriend can shoot someone. Angel detaches himself from the Valentino-shaped shadow that looms over him, and Husk, an ex-Overlord dealing in souls and gambling, having them under his control, is the better version of Vox, who watches and controls everything he can.
Last but not least, Sera is a foil to Carmilla (and obviously, Lucifer, but I might do that one in another post). They're both mom-like figures (if not outright moms, like Carmilla is to her daughters) that are greatly motivated by protecting those under their charge (Winner souls and Emily VS Sinner souls and Odette, Clara, and even Zestial if that line in Whatever It Takes is to be taken at face value - though Carmilla means it at the very least as a close friend). Sera is willing to lie to her daughter (sister ?) figure Emily to keep her happy and out of the loop, regretting allowing the Exterminations to happen, and refusing to question the system for fear of retribution (like what happened to Lucifer), on her or her wards. When called out on her behavior and for help, she refuses to lend a hand and upholds the status quo, even if she's trying to be compassionate and doesn't agree with the sheer pettiness that motivates Adam and Lute.
Carmilla on her side outright broke the rules (on accident - she wasn't expecting for it to work), killing the unkillable in self-defense for her daughters. When asked about in Ep 3, she tries to deny it, both out of fear of a suicidal uprising, and just like Sera, retribution for her own family (plus the Sinner souls), yet after a little push from Zestial, she semi-confides in him (VS Sera who didn't brought Emily into the loop), and when Vaggie confronts her about it in Ep 7, she stealthily gives her what is needed to break the status quo : tactics on how to fight, and weapons. In fact, Carmilla's help from the shadows, while she didn't participate in the fight herself, proved to be instrumental in flipping the scales towards victory. She, a demon, was reluctant too, but she did help despite not knowing all the stakes, unlike Sera, an angel.
And this is what I love about that part of the show : it shows us a spectrum. People being people. To each more stereotyped character, there's a non-assuming counterpart. To each character with a specific trait on the bad side, there's one with the same trait on the good side. And that trait isn't their whole personality either.
Just that : people being people.
(Welp, that's the second post in a day, got enough socializing for the rest of the week. I'm gonna crawl back into my cave.)
Again, Masterpost here.
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rosetyler42 · 5 months
In my opinion, the Hotel Transylvania films were underwhelming, cliché and too juvenile, they simply weren't for me. I didn't find the characters that interesting and so I didn't care about their relationships, the character I liked most was Ericka because of her potential as a goofy villain.
While I know it's a kid's movie, I dislike when vampires can opt out of drinking blood using blood substitutes. Its my opinion that vampires should be scary, and if they don't have to feed from living things then what's the point?
Do you like vampire-themed media in general, and do you like any mature vampire-media? I'm currently into Vampire: The masquerade which is an rpg taking place in a dark, gothic-punk version of the real world where supernatural beings live in secrecy.
I think they were good films, especially HT and HT3. They had alot of untapped potential I think. Transformania in particular did NOT measure up to what it could have been, and HT2 had it's problems too. But I liked the cartoony Addams Family approach and family dynamics. I wouldn't necessarily call them "Juvenile," particularly since there's a tendency to brush off animation - particularly cartoon animation, as being for kids and somehow not as valuable a medium. (You're also talking about something made by a person who was used to doing family cartoons like Dexter's Lab and Samurai Jack, and loved cartoony animation. So it's not surprising it takes a more family friendly spin on monsters.) Along with Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, it helped bring cartoony stylization back to modern animation, which it deserves respect for.
I'd say there's something for everybody in the films. Heartfelt moments, funny moments, angst, surpeising depth at times, even some adult humor. But they're definitely not for those that believe vampires should be scary or evil as the big point is the "Monsters are just like us" racism/discrimination allegory. Then again, particularly as a queer neurodivergent and someone brought up on films like Iron Giant, Monsters Inc, Megamind, Shrek etc. I've always liked films that humanize characters we're expected to hate and be scared of and show them in a different light. And I personally found the introduction of blood substitutes and animals as vampire food sources an interesting way of doing that. Particularly now I know how vampire mythos can intersect with blood libel and the HT Drac fam's jewish coding.
(Here's another read more:)
Now, I DO agree Ericka is one of the best characters, and has been at the center of my obsession. Not only is she a fun goofy villain, but she's genuinely an interesting, loveable character too with an interesting backstory who deserves FAR more love than she got. A beautiful mix of feral chaos and charming elegance, who can be just as nuts as the guys, and definitely not the norm for a woman character. Particularly a love interest. And like many in the fandom, I feel she would have made a BEAUTIFUL vampire. But characters like Johnny, Mavis, Dennis, Drac etc are also fun to watch and play with for me.
In terms of other vampire media, I actually have gotten into some of them, particularly with my recent HT obsession! Dracula Dead and Loving it is a recent watch I liked. It has the tongue-in-cheek humor of HT but being more like the book and other Dracula adaptations, it's darker and more adult. Rocky Horror Picture Show's vampire adjacent and is pretty fun, particularly the music. As is Little Shop of Horrors (both versions of the musical film AND the OG black and white one.) And I've been meaning to watch the Van Helsing film. I've also read Dracula Daily and plan to do so again this year. While not exactly SUPER mature depending on how you define that, I've also played some of the Monster Prom, Camp, Roadtrip series which includes vampire characters. Alot of my "horror" stuff tends to be more like Nightmare before Christmas, Ghostbusters, Monster House, Corpse Bride, Gremlins, Addams Family (both Live action films and the TV series, plus I plan to watch the animated film some point,) Blithe Spirit, Bendy and the like. More family friendly type stuff.
Coraline (and Laika in general,) Bendy, Poltergeist (OG), The Twilight Zone (OG and one of the new series') and sometimes Doctor Who are probably the most hard horror things I've really gotten into. I've kind of dipped into FNAF on occasion, Quite a few of my friends are into Undertale, and have meant to watch Supernatural as well. But never fully got to watching either of those.
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hunger games posts gave me Thoughts i wanted to share so uhhh hiiiii local friend who studies literature and it’s place/function within society here with a comment. stories and writing (even though this p much goes without stating) have always been modes of entertainment and education and much more, we humans love our mediums. i think the biggest issues with the hunger games bullshit is people have begun to treat it like it’s a meme to just make the comment about it and leave it behind without using genuine critical thinking skills. it’s been going on for months and it’s starting to water down focus on what’s happening in favor of talking about fiction. i think the fiction shouldn’t be getting this in the way of the discussion of what’s REALLY happening. if it helps to click in younger minds that what their country is doing is wrong, that can be a positive, but fully grown adults repeating it like it’s a joke feels abysmal. like they’ve missed the point somehow.
i don’t know if this makes sense but summary is: literature as a tool for understanding the world = important especially for kids, but, constantly talking about the literature ONLY and not what it actually reflected of the world you live in/treating the real world thing with the same level of respect as the fiction = missing the point and making real issues into what feels like fandom talking points. i don’t think it should take a book or movie series for the average adult to understand horrors of violence on the scale we are witnessing and i definitely don’t think that they need to use that as the only frame of understanding what’s happening.
anyways hope that made sense and also to others who might be reading this…. the moment something fictional clicks you into something really happening, try to understand the real world through the real world information you can find, not a novel. any novel. go learn real history. as much as possible do not distance yourself from the worlds pain with a wall of fictionalization, engage with the world like you actually live in it and like life matters to you. even i engaged with people pointing out comparisons once or twice, months ago when they started, but i have not sat and made that all i will talk about, and certainly not to the point i’m not even keeping up with what’s //really// happening in rafah right now. especially not in favor of all the soulless “ooogh omg guys the capitol is real???” jokes i keep seeing from ppl talking about the kentucky derby.
this turned into a micro-hate rant about western europeans / US citizens thinking it’s some brain blast enlightenment to point out a dystopian novel about the US is a dystopian novel about the US. from fully grown adults it’s almost embarrassing, there is real life suffering happening and you need to talk about it like it’s real not like it’s a fucking story. it is baffling
Exactly like fiction can be a tool to help initial understanding of subjects especially for young people but when we're talking about current genocides and invasions going on people really need to learn to pull their socks up and behave like adults with sense. It's so insulting and dehumanising to the people of Palestine to be compared to some fictional group of ppl from some district in a book written by a lady whose father was a fucking Veteran.
It's so immature and stupid and so intentionally obtuse and unserious. It's cruel and selfish and totally just being done to be self congratulatory like ' haha look at me i made this connection between fiction and reality I'm so cool and special' like SHUT THE FUCK UP.
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
maybe this is a 'hot take' for which i apologize but. i feel like fanart is a big aspect of this too- how different even is it to make 'rpf' of gerards stage characters as opposed to fanart of it. it's essentially only a different medium. keeping it separate from gerard (Person In Reality Who Has A Life) outside of (character he made up to have fun with) can also easily be an invitation for fans to have fun with it too. which is why a healthy relationship with it can and does bring good things. in theory i mean. ive never seen an mcr fanfic i really liked but :p
yeah i see what you mean, it's one of the reasons that the step from tumblr (or twitter) fandom to the ao3 tag feels like. quite an arbitrary place to draw the line? as if the same thoughts and behaviours are fine right up into they're intentionally put to prose - but images or even comics are okay, textposts discussing their emotions and states of mind as extrapolated from live shows or song lyrics, putting research into constructing timelines of their lives or compiling facts about them as people - even writing (sometimes quite detailed) sexually explicit posts/tags about them is common around here. i do a lot of these things too - i'm not saying they're inherently wrong or bad - but i genuinely don't see how they're any less prone to being disrespectful or invasive or comically removed from reality than a writer putting them in a situation lol. they all involve some level of assumption, scrutiny, and interpretation.
there are definitely valid arguments to make against engaging with rpf in a fandom sense! i totally respect that, and it's something i felt kind of ashamed/guilty about when i first got into mcr, so i understand the reservations. it's just that...the way i see it, i truly think those arguments just as reasonably apply to so much of what happens in any fandom involving real people. behaviours that are extremely common and far from unique to the online fan spaces of today, to the point where avoiding them is a more conscious decision than engaging in them. i respect if people do make that choice, but...that isn't any of us who are running mcr fanblogs yk? haha.
anyway yeah. i agree with you anon, i reckon most people's definition of what does and doesn't entail rpf is just a lot narrower than the reality. there's a lot of extremely beautiful, highly-skilled emotive fanart out there, for which i'm so appreciative! i 100% don't mean it as an insult when i say those often a different kind of rpf. so are the emotive posts about how much this tour means to all the guys, how happy they are, how much they love each other and how they're all friends. i'm not saying these things are untrue, i'm just saying they absolutely don't paint an unbiased holistic picture of real human beings and their genuine emotional states hahaha. neither does fanfiction. and i just think it's impossible to not realise that if you're engaging with fanfic in any kind of thoughtful way, as opposed to reblogging textposts about them on tumblr that also project a lot onto them, yk?
and okay. i also think "the bible/succession/velvet goldmine etc etc is rpf too! shakespeare wrote rpf!" is equally as reductive as "rpf is when fangirls write about band members boning each other." as always, there's just so much more nuance there. what does and doesn't make rpf is a lot more about intent, and if you're parasocially attached to these people as deeply as we all are, most of us just share that same intent. and from what i've seen (though in fairness this is the first real person fandom i've been in, and i only really talk to other adults) it tends to be the people actively engaging with fanfic who are a better at accepting how much of fandom is pure projection and assumption based on very limited information. and that acceptance is a huge part of having a healthier relationship with celebrities/bands/bandom (along with the conscious acknowledgement that these people don't owe us anything at all besides the shows we bought tickets for - least of all insight into their personal lives or private thoughts.)
like genuinely? free your minds. we're all making shit up based on the little parts we see, i think it's healthier and more fun to openly accept that. who cares what's real when we can talk about things in terms of narratives and arcs and metaphors - none of which truly exist in real life, which is infinitely complex and individual and messy. or, more precisely, who cares what's real as long as you know what isn't! and keep that stuff far far away from the real human people involved in the band.
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 year
I genuinely like main characters who are not the 'heroes' (and I don't mean that in the sense of morality, although that's fine too) I mean that in the sense of being the character the story is all about or who always swoops in and fixes everything and is front and center. And this is especially true for episodic mediums- yes it can be done for the case of the week to merely be a vehicle for whatever's going on with the main character, but often that's poorly done and the case of the week are shallow and boring as a result, for me at least. It really works better for me if the case of the week is the point, and the main character is the vehicle for exploring that.
All this to say, I suppose, that the complaints that Din isn't the main character of his own show is faintly baffling to me, since his character has always been a bit that of 'just some guy', and the bigger his mythos, the less he feels like Din to me. But I suppose that is just my personal preference. I genuinely would prefer to watch him inspire and aid the next Mandalor than watch him become the mandalor. Having a main character who is... almost liminal? and dips into other people's stories and effects and experiences their course without being at their center is good for me. It makes the story feel like it's about a world instead of a person- I love both those kinds of stories.
It's also something I like about Andor- Cassian isn't muscling into the narratives he finds himself in, and his genuine interest in the characters he's interacting with, his angling to play support rather than THE hero, is part of the appeal. And the jedi! For example tpm and anh are in a lot of ways Padme and Leia's stories respectively, and we follow the support jedi- and I like it like that.
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The Deities, are more greater than the images and myths; than we have of them! (Or... To how they show up to us!)
    The Gods and Goddesses, show themselves in ways than trespass our knowledge; meaning than they are not enclosed to they way they appeared in myths, and the way they look; could be closer or exactly, as how they are describe in myths. (But... We shouldn't be distracted in how they look so much, 'cause is the way they act and their energies; is what we should pay more attention, equally as the words they say: Is the only way to know, if we are with deities, or... Dealing with impostors, than copy the appearances of Deities; to confused us and misleading us) Saying that... I will say how is my interaction with The Gods and Goddesses, in all the time I have with them: Maybe, you may find something useful in this info; or, than focus in your relation with them, is more important than how they appeared to us. (And that their actions speak volumes about their complex character and feelings toward us, even when we didn't knew than they want to help us... )
    Aphrodite... She is a very skillfull warrior too, and she is the kind of Goddess; than doesn't accept disrespect of no one. (Specially, of men...) ...She is strong, determined and beautiful; beyond words! She can be extremely serious sometimes, at the point I have felt worried for her; and it pains me so much to saw her like that, and the only thing I can do is being at her side; until she backs to have an genuine smile again, and filled the place with her warm, bright and loving energy. (When I'm going to sleep, or after I have awake; I felt her hugging me; which help me to fall sleep easily at night, or... Wake up in a joyful state, ready for the day ahead! [Curiously... She is very strong too, 'cause under her soft skin; it felts very solid: How that is even possible?!... I have not idea!])
    Loki... I have moments than I have seen him serious, and in deep thought; (Sometimes, I feel like he is remembering something) he is a loving father to all his children, and he sometimes do something nice and unexpected for me; like when he teached me to fight with a sword in three dreams in a row I had with him, ''Just in case...''; or, when in a vision he put his hand over one of my shoulders; and healed me together with Athena quickly, of a horrible migraine's attack. He appeared to me a few years ago in a few dreams, as Loki! Marvel; Tom Hiddleston, or; as Damon Salvatore... Until I told him than I didn't like that joke anymore, so... He stopped! He usually appears to me, as blond with medium short hair and midnight blue eyes; ( 'Cause he know than I like blonds too much) and sometimes, he appears as a man with long red hair with pale skin and green eyes; rarely, as a brunette... But, he never loses his unique energetic's signature and personality; his love for sweets, or... His flirtatious nature!
    Athena... She appears to me, like in ''Saint Seiya''; (Except, than her hair is medium dark brown; she looks as made of flesh and bones, her eyes have the color of new leaves bathed in sunlight; wears her helmet and armor, mostly with her spear in one of her hands; and... Than her eyes, are not that big) She sometimes looks relaxed too, and she can be very compassionate; so... She doesn't always is, in ''Big Stern Sister Mode'' with me; which is something I'm very thankful with her, like when she just showed up to sit next to me; when my ex-friends betrayed me, after she warned me to don't trusted them that much; but sadly, I didn't listen to her; in that time.
    Hades... He appears to me, like in ''Saint Seiya'', (Except, than he looks of flesh and bones; he doesn't have those big chunks of hair at the sides of his head, and... Than he is, not ''The bad guy!'') and he wears a long white ancient tunic, and sometimes; an ancient long black shirt with long black pants. He has a stern but calm energy, than commands respect; and he show interest in what people feels when they are as his vicinity; to the point than he was really sorry for me, when I figured it out about something I was to ask to him; but he just confirmed my suspicions. (That's why he is like a big brother to me: He really cares, and he really does have a heart!)
    Thor... He appears to me, as this big muscle young man with his hammer; wearing a black with red Nordic tunic, big belt and pants; (AND, By the way... Redheaded, with a red beard) with this ''Full of energy and ready for a challenge's attitude'', than makes a delight, to have him near. Curiously, when I was writing about him; he was trying to calmed me down with his words, while I was very angry and furious on how he is portraited in the Media; specially, in the last years. (In fact... He looked really excited, when I was going to watch ''Thor: The Dark World''; and before I leaved the house to watch the movie, he was like acting as the actors of the Marvel Movies and acting with Loki; in front of me: With Thor, as a brother... Is hard to be angry at something for too long, when he does things like that... LOL!)  
    Gaia... She appears to me, like a 25 years old woman with dark red hair and eyebrows; slightly tan skin, dark green eyes, red lips, thick dark eyelashes; mediun frame body, wearing a tunic of three colors; (brown on top, bright red at the medium of her body; and bright green in her skirt) her hair in a medium thick red braid surrounding the rest of her free down hair, always barefoot, and... Like visible pregnant. Her energy is warm and strong, with eyes than speak of endless love to all her children: The kind of love than never give up on anyone, waiting than they get out of Darkness; to never back to fall in it, again! And, as a mother... She will be harsh with us too, if that is what we need to return to Humanity's real nature: Kindness.
    Ares... He may looks intimidating, (You know: Always in a short armor, with sword in hand; helmet on his head, and everything...) BUT... After months of moving into a new house, he showed up to me one night; after days I was wondering when he will come to see me, and he appeared in silence to surprise me; and when I felt his energy in the vision; I turned around to saw him armored and smiling me at me, with open arms... I just standed up, and run quickly to hug him, and he just gave me one of the warmest hugs; I ever recieved in my life. (Is like the Cousin I always dreamed, than was good with me! [And sometimes, we played fists-fights; as way to show affection to each other...]) He appears to me, like a young man with medium long reddish brown hair; with big brown eyes; a beautifully tan colored skin, a body with medium size muscles, wearing a short white tunic under his armor, and... Armored, from feet to head!
    Poseidon... He appears to me, like in ''Saint Seiya''; (Except... Than he looks of flesh and bones, his hair is dark reddish brown; and looks almost black when is wet; his skin is more pale than in this series, and... He's not Evil!... [Just, a bit moody; sometimes...]) His energy, is like The Sea: Deep, and surrounds all around you. In visions, he is seems with his trident and he looks very imposing even without it; and sometimes, I have saw him mostly near of mermaids and/or witches; looking at him with amorous eyes and sighing at his sight... (I can't blame them: He's really beautiful, respectful; very chilvarious, and flirts a lot... [That's why he have so many kids, during The Myth's Era?!...])  
    Odin... He appears to me, (Mostly, in my visions of Asgard; and rarely, far from it) with a long white Nordic tunic till the ankles; white boots, mostly with his Spear, white long hair and beard, (But looks strong and powerful, despite the white hair and beard) and mostly; with one blue eye than is very expresive, 'cause can transmit Interest, being amused; or sadness, even if the rest of his face, doesn't show any emotion: He is very stern, and looks like he is always thinking in something; his voice is so strong to the point than you can't focus in nothing else, until he finished to talk. His energy is so strong, than I felt than it can fill the whole place.
    Hel... She appears to me, (Mostly in Helheim, but at times; in our world) as a young redheaded woman; with her hair at the high of her shoulder, with a long white Nordic dress til her ankles and white boots, (sometimes, with a long clear grey Nordic dress) clear green eyes, rose lips; and... She showed in two ways: In ones, she appears as a redhead as I described above; but, in most times; she appears as half redhead with a clear green eye; and the other half... Is totally dark. (Meaning: You can't distinguished nothing in her other half, like in a shadow: I never was afraid of her appearance, but... I admit than I was surprised the first time I saw her like that, and it takes me a awhile; to finally get uses to saw her like that!) Her face is stern, and doesn't show emotions; and the only way to know how she feels, is looking at her eye/eyes. Loki, sometimes appears near of her; and acts like a loving father than still looks after his child, even if she is now; The Queen of The Underworld. (...Awwwww!...)
    Quetzalcoatl... He appears to me, (Mostly in my visions of Pre-Hispanic Mexico, in sometimes in visions of Ancient towns in Central America, and sometimes; in dreams) in his human form: A blond young man with white pale skin, beard; and blue-green eyes. He is very compassionate, and loves people unconditionally; but I realized than he have a very positive humour, and is very patient with me; when he is trying to teachs me the next piece of wisdom I need, to navigate safetly in The Spiritual World!  
    Oya... She have a joyful side, and likes to dance a lot; (When she is not angry, of course) and I saw her in visions, with a tall and long black ponytail; wearing a burgundy cloth wraped around her chest and a burgundy skirt till the knees, chocolate skin color, dark purple lips, wearing copper brazalets on her arms and ankles; and with amber eyes: Her energy is lively, (been chaotic at times, angry or joyful; at times) and she looks like an African Queen, 'cause she have this air of elegancy and security.
    Artemis... I saw her frecuently, when a was a little kid; and she stopped to appeared to me, a few months after I turned 6 years old. I saw her again when I was a teen, many years later: When I was little, she appeared in front of me as a young woman with a very dark brown loose hair; and a white long ancient tunic in her twenties. When she appeared again in my life, she was wearing a short white tunic; with a pair of braided golden sandals, her arrow and bow, with her hair in a high ponytail and a diadem made of silver with the moon engraved in the center, green eyes; rosy-pale skin, and...  rose color lips. Her energy, feels wild and hyper at moments; and very calm and collect, at others. Sometimes, I saw her too with Apollo; than looks exactly like her, (except, than he have golden blond hair; and is a bit taller than her) and in those times; they mostly get along really well, showing how fraternal love really looks like: Respect and care for each other, above all the things!
    Morrígan... She appeares to me, (Mostly, in visions in Ireland; and sometimes far from it) as a young woman with bright long red hair and white pale skin; bright grey eyes, red lips, which wears two different clothes: In some times, she wears an Ancient Irish clothing for warriors and with a sword; and in others... She wears a beautiful long dark blue dress, with engravings than is similar as ''The Eternity's Knot'', around the shoulders; and in both clothes, she looks secure and fierce; and wears dark boots. Her energy feels for me, like fire: Bright, warm; beautiful, and can change quickly from; been barely notable... To be all over the place, in matter of seconds! She can be joyful too, and likes to use magic once in a while; and she have this way of act, than makes me believe without a doubt, than she really is like her name: A Queen! (Plus: When she dances The Irish Traditional Dance... Is so contagious, than I have ended dancing by her side! [...I'm not very good in it, but; in that moments... I don't care!])
     Eris... She appears to me, as a young woman with a white slightly tan skin; with long curly brown reddish hair; green eyes, and rosy pale lips, with an ancient greek red armor over a long black dress, a sword; and very combative in character. Her energy is chaotic and strong, (Like a warrior very eager to fight) and she uses her disruptive energy; to makes than people finally have the strenght to end with relations in their lifes than are not fair; or than will provoque more suffering if we cling of them, out of fear to be alone; or, of not finding a place to be happy.
     Anubis... I don't have much to say about him, except; than I have never saw him angry, and he has a cool and very comforting energy.
     Amaterasu... I don't have much to say, about Amaterasu-Sama; except... She appears to me, as a young woman dress in a long white kimono with long sleeves till her wrists, red sandals; a red cotton bell around her waist, her black and perfectly combed long hair till the waist, with a perfect pale skin, dark brown eyes; thin black eyebrows, rosy lips, and... Her energy is so positive, warm and full of light. (...Just like The Sun!)
    Dionysus... I just saw him three times, but his energy is very refreshing and a bit over the place: He appeared in front of me, as a young man with a short white or burgundy ancient tunic; dark blue eyes, slightly tan skin, and dark blond hair. He can look so sad at times, one can feel very bad for him and trying to makes him feel better; and looks so lose in thought... Than it feels, like there is ''entire stories''; behind those eyes!
    Guabancex... She appeared to me mostly, as a very pale 25 years old woman with dark brown eyes; black long thick flowing hair till the end of her back, black thin eyebrows, dark cherry lips, wearing a Native American golden slip skirt; (like in those drawings of Native Women of The Arawaks) over a modern black suit till the ankles and long sleeves, a golden cape till the ankles, and with a thick circle crown of gold around her head: Even if she is a Deity, ''Than I love, to hate''... I have felt sympaty for her at times, when she said to me in visions; how hard is being in your land, where she was so worshipped and loved; and when today... She doesn't have the respect of people in her own lands, and they doesn't even remembered her myths, and neither her name. When Fiona was to hit my country, she blends reality in my vision; and even when I was totally awake... I saw her pass in front of me and felt her energy for a moment, the day before Fiona entered and caused devastation: I felt her energy, everytime than some disaster is about to hit somewhere soon; in The Caribbean. Her energy is chaotic and very strong, but she have moments of calm and positive energy, too. (Is weird: She can handle positive and negative energy, and change from one to the other in seconds; without any effort of her part!)
    Even if Deities may copy their looks from TV Shows, Movies; and; from different kinds of Animations/Animes... I see them in dreams and visions, in the same way than you see a person; than talks in front of you: Very real!
    Deities, can be identified for their energetic signature: Each Deity or Spirit, has an unique energy than lingers in a dream; vision, or in real life for a while; and once you are sure than is an benevolent being, then... Is your job to learn, to how to know to differentiate the energy of each one of them; including the Spirits or Deities than visits you little. (Don't worry, and take your time: You will have moments than, after a few weeks or months trying to identified to two or more of them... You will have your ''Eureka moment!''; but in others, it will take longer than that; and you will have to pay more attention to your intuition; together with the symbols and the words they spoke, to finally being able to one day identified them; as soon than they appear in front of you, [like when you are visited by a friend; than before he or she speaks to you, you feel the fragrance in your nose as soon they enters your house; and you realized who EXACTLY is the person, than came to see you: Is the same with Spirits and Deities, just than... You have to do the same, with their particular energetic signature.])
    People thinks than, The Deities than are different of each other; or of different Pantheons, fights against each other constantly for all the eternity, or can't joined for a common well; BUT, that is not what I have seen; in all the time I have knew them...
    ...Gaia, is treated with the utmost respect; even by Deities of other places.
     ...I saw to Aphrodite and Athena, being good with each other; as family.
    …Poseidon and Loki, leaved their rivalry for a while for came to my aid; together with other Deities.
    …Loki and Aphrodite, seems to be okay with an emotional and romantic relation; with the same mortal.
     ...Greeks and Norses Deities, with Krishna; they appeared one day to save me in real life, of been robbed; or hurt.
      ...Loki, with Eris; Ares, Athena and Poseidon, saved my life one night; when I almost did something horrible. ...And...
      ...Guabancex, is the one than presented me to other Gods and Goddesses; and they respect her, because they are in her lands: The Gods and Goddesses, showed me than differences between their own Pantheons; or with Deities of other Cultures... Are not really important; in the end.
    And, that's all in this post; and remember than The Gods and Goddesses love us; and they talk to us in subtle ways, even to the ones than can't hear them or see them; at all. (Pay attention to your dreams, or used any of the tools I suggested in my ''Paganism Class 101: Ways to Communicate to The Gods and Goddesses'', so you can uses a safe channel to know or ask to who reach to you; while you gain an stronger intuition.) And take your time: I have to exercises my own Intuition for years, than now is just as important; as my other six senses.
    Than you be able to see to The Deities, with the eyes of your Heart and Soul... So Be It!
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scatterbrainedart · 1 year
Found a recorded performance of the Frankenstein musical and so naturally I have more thoughts to share about it
(Sort of a continuation on this post)
Like I've said before, the changes they make from canon in the musical always serves a very real purpose for the sake of the medium they're telling the story in, like the origins of the creature. Because, they'd have to have just one guy play him so it makes sense, and I really like how they executed it. It's made in such a way that it doesn't feel out of place at all, or jarring, as some adaptive changes very much can. So that's very exciting!! But it does, however, make him even more tragic. So, ouch.
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This part. Just very fun lyrically. The condemned man asking for his creator (God) to claim him before he dies, and then after his execution, Victor does. So simple yet so effective. I love this musical. (Also just the rest of that line as well. The man accepts his death, only wishing for his cruel life to be over. Despite that, Victor continues and prolongs it, and consequently only fills it with more pain and suffering. Will not analyse and reflect on the "I'll trust in you" bit of the line as I believe that would cause me to implode. Thank you for your understanding)
Whoever decided that the same instrumental would play for Your Father's Eyes and Amen (Reprise), I HATE YOUUU. I AM IN SHAMBLES. Not only did they have the line "Forgive this foolish father" in there, but the fucking parallel itself of Victor's father reassuring him vs Victor seeking the creature's grace is gonna be the end of me. Genuinely. I am so so weak for family dynamics, this is NOT fair.
So far I have not found a single Frankenstein adaptation that doesn't do Henry Clerval outrageously dirty. People just hate friendships fr. I get that they change him for drama reasons, and to make him less like the other characters (since they all pretty much serve the same purpose, and therefore interact with Victor the same way. Changing some of them to interact differently with him adds some more dynamic to it all, which I do understand but it still annoys me). Henry absolutely adores him, and more importantly respects and wholeheartedly trusts him. Henry's death plays for the same reason as all the other deaths in the story: to hit Victor where it hurts and further fuel his grief and anger. Which, again, I get why you'd want more drama out of it. But the Clerval slander, man D: The slander.
Where are the adaptations with an overly affectionate Clerval?? The Clerval who cares for Victor in sickness and in health without asking any questions whatsoever, the Clerval who would rather be next to his best friend on his absolute lowest possible point than with strangers who lift him up indefinitely??? The Clerval who is always there when he's allowed, but respects Victor's wishes for the contrary when asked???? WHERE are the adaptations in which Clerval's trusting nature and his affections towards Victor is what makes him the creature's target??????? That CAN make good drama if you're not a COWARD. Oh yes, family bonds broken from the death of William, tragic. Oh no the loss of his romantic love in Elizabeth, how sad. But his friendship with Clerval?? Eh, just do whatever seems the most interesting. It's basically a gap to be filled with anything, really (/s). And, I mean, it could be. And I get it. But every goddamn time?? Friendships aren't boring dynamics. They have just as much love and pain as romantic and familial bonds, again, if you're not a coward. That is my main critique, because they really didn't need to do that honestly. But eh, whateverr, it's finee, I'm coolll. I just wish people would just let men be pals more often. Just let em be bros. Pls.
Anyway. The creature's origins also ties really well into how Victor would get his materials for the female version, since in the musical that whole bit is directly after Justine's trial (and the fem creature is played by her actress, at least in the version I watched, which seems reasonable).
Hm. I wonder if there was a time skip in there. Coulda been since the trial is in very end of act 1 and The Modern Prometheus is first thing in act 2, so the break could have functioned as a time skip I suppose. But if not, that would mean all of his guilty moping, which passed that time in between, in the book, wouldn't have happened in the musical version. Not even off-screen. Which does add up, I suppose, since I complained last time about how that whole portion of the story being overlooked by The Modern Prometheus anyway. Could expain why he was surprisingly easy to convince to make a second attempt at creating life. He wasn't quite as regretful, and the dream hadn't been dead for quite as long. Huh. Well I guess that doesn't matter then. Fair enough.
This specific performance of the musical painted Victor as this particularly selfish, pathetic little man and I'm kinda obsessed. I mean, obviously he kinda is in the book as well, but they really went all out. Especially on this one part (during The Proposition, I think) where the creature just grabs him by the collar, almost lifts him up and then throws him on the ground. Such a small little man. A little guy but slash neg. Short guy energy, but filled to the brink with self righteousness and the aspirations of greatness, mostly just for the sake of greatness. Very hubris indeed (especially as he clearly clings onto that hope of greatness, as showed in The Modern Prometheus). I mean he has enough empathy to feel human and real but man is he a little freak. That's almost peak blorbo material right there.
Also, the musical honestly drove home the theme of hubris better to me than the book did. Like, it was obviously prominent in the book as well, but Frankenstein's hubris in that only lasted for around a quarter of it at most. Then the rest of it was him just cursing himself for it in silence and hoping the world would just take him out of his misery already. Which is also peak blorbo material. But, a musical wouldn't have executed that particular well I don't think, so what they ended up doing was great. Again, adaptations whose main changes are made in favour of the medium are the best kinds of adaptations. The ones that preserve a lot of the story, or emphasize parts of it, while adapting it to fit their way of storytelling. The musical is one of those. It's pretty close to the book but most importantly it conveys the same ideas, shares the same vibes and tells the story of a longwinded book in such a way that it feels as if it always was a musical. And that, in my oh so humble opinion, is what makes it so good.
But ah. Oof. The ENDING. Alright, so- there was a lot of context to stuff that didn't quite land with me until I actually watched the thing, and the ending was one of those. Is it accurate to the book? No. Is it GREAT? I mean, that's a matter of taste, but I would definitely say so. But then again, I am weak to family dynamics. See, I didn't realise The Coming of The Dawn was practically just Victor having a parental epiphany. So you mean to tell me he travelled to the arctic in a haze of rage, and then that all that anger shimmered down into grief somewhere within that fatigue and exhaustion, and he kept going only to apologise on his deathbed?
Ah. Hahahah. Haha.
Yeah, no, I'm fine. I'm good. Especially with how the creature reacted to it, assuming to find his creator in the midst of the cold, forstbitten and crawling his way forwards with nothing but the desperation of revenge. Assuming to find hate and violence, and instead finding a grieving father using his last breath to seek forgiveness where he already knows there might be none. I'm especially fine with how caught off guard the creature is at that, not really sure how to handle that emotion, that sudden, unfamiliar softness. And then the regret seeping in, the grief upon gaining all he truly wanted (his father's love) and losing it just as quickly. And it was his fault, and it was too late to take it back (HMMMM parallels. Victor almost,, turns their dynamic upside down in a way).
Frankenstein still comes to a sort of peace of mind at the end of the book, but not asking forgiveness. He asks Walton to continue his hunt for the creature even. It may not be passionatly said, but it's still his dying wish. That "yeah I'd appreciate to see him wiped off the face of the earth but also, I get that it's kind of a big thing to ask of someone so I wouldn't blame you if you didn't". Then the creature comes, after his death, and talks some of his own sincere thoughts before running off with Victor to die somewhere (which, I would assume, is what These Hands have drawn inspiration from and just moved around. Which is wonderful. It flows better that way anyhow). It's totally not heartbreaking at ALL, I'm FINE, I'm GOOD.
Ahhg. And then the Workings of The Heart parallels and instrumental. Fucking hell. I could go on about that, I feel, but again. Gonna refrain from that as I would probably implode if I were to try.
Victor in the musical goes from being far more selfish and hubris-inflicted than book!Victor, to being empathetic enough to beg at the feet of the murderer of all his friends and family, for grace. Book!Victor is a lot more steady in his emotional journey in comparison (which really does say something), and both versions are great. Ahhg, the musical is such a masterpiece. Honestly.
Alright. As a reward for reading all of that, he's the links to act 1 and act 2, the version I watched, in case y'all wanna watch them too. The expressions and emotions are definitely the highlight :)
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tentacleteapot · 1 year
when I was in college I was very fond of tossing around the phrase “a good zombie movie is like a sonnet”. it sounded clever, made me feel like I’d figured out something profound about storytelling, and it sometimes made people curious enough to ask me to elaborate, which allowed me to get to my actual point, which is as follows: I think it’s silly at best and irresponsible or ignorant at worst to write off all works of a specific genre or medium as inherently bad or worthless.
there are specific genres and mediums that are more or less interesting than others depending on your individual tastes, of course, and there are specific genre ‘rules’ or accepted genre staples that either really work for you or really don’t, but I don’t think it’s reasonable to say all art that belongs to a specific genre or comes from a specific medium is bad or not worth someone’s time.
when I say a good zombie movie is like a sonnet, I’m actually focused more on what I like about sonnets than what I like about zombie movies: I love seeing how creative somebody can be within the confines of a specific genre, and how a good storyteller can utilize standard genre conventions to do something unique and compelling. I think any form of writing that follows a rigid structure and still manages to tell a unique and fascinating story or convey an engaging and compelling message is worth appreciating, even if it’s in a genre I’m not drawn to, and the more I explore new anime, film, western animation, and all other fictional narratives the more I realize that the genre of a thing really doesn’t determine if I’ll like it or not: I just have to be interested in the ideas it presents and how the characters react to and are affected by the narrative itself.
circling back, the reason I used to use zombie movies in this analogy is because I’d just exited my big zombie phase when I started college and had watched dozens of zombie movies, going back to my favorites and revisiting them over and over again, and appreciating how they all followed the exact same formula but the ones that I really enjoyed found ways to make the formula interesting or put a unique spin on it. if I were to have that realization now, I’d probably have to ‘modernize’ it and say that good superhero movies feel like sonnets to me—movies like Birds of Prey or Into the Spider-Verse are pieces of media that do extremely unique and interesting things with the same building blocks as movies like The Avengers or the original Suicide Squad, two movies I have no interest in ever watching again and don’t enjoy talking or thinking about.
I’m thinking about this as I examine my own taste in media and think about how sometimes I feel like I have to defend the movies I like most, because so many of the movies I really love are either from genres outsiders refuse to take seriously or are weird ‘bad’ movies that white cis guys on YouTube have been saying are cringey and childish for the last couple decades now. I think the reason my movie tastes are so weird but that I also throw myself wholeheartedly into adoring the movies that really do something for me is because ultimately I still most enjoy seeing the creativity that some artists almost magically seem to always find within a very rigid structure.
it takes sincerity and earnest intent to make a movie that follows and incorporates genre cliches in ways that feel earned and genuine and creative, rather than mocking or ‘deconstructive’ or ‘subversive’, and i just really respect that. admittedly it makes for really awkward conversations when I try to show somebody a movie I love and it’s something they think is really corny or childish or cliched, which is why I often don’t actively engage with fandoms or talk about the movies I love outside a few very close circles, but I am at least happy I’ve been able to identify where that love comes from. I’ve been really trying to embrace sincerity and earnestness more and more over the last decade or so and it’s lead to my enjoying so many more things I would’ve never given a chance to otherwise, so at the end of the day I’m glad for it, honestly.
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year
Criminal Minds 5x18:
'The Fight'
So, I think this is the episode that's the backdoor pilot for their first shitty spin off. Ugh. I should probably skip this. But then again, I probably have a lot to complain about...
Spoilers: Assume so.
Just fyi, the episode was worse than I remembered. So. Much. Worse.
Reactions/Commentary Below The Cut
God I'm not looking forward to this. I very distinctly remember Forest Whitaker did NOT know how to TV act. The overacting was STRONG. I do remember the first time I watched this, the previous time I had seen him he had weight a lot more.
Janeane Garofalo was fine though. Her character had a stupid name though.
I do feel bad it failed because the cast was done dirty through bad acting and writing.
Forest is doing better than I remembered...so far. And he's so much younger in this than I remember.
AHHH! That's right! Matt Ryan was in this! Poor guy keeps shaving shitty things happen to his show.
Oh, no, here comes the over acting. And not just from him, this woman, "Gina," too.
Also, why tf would this serial killer kill transients AND father's and daughters?
Oh, did they have too much music and stuff? That might have been another issue I had.
Oh that's why the different types of victims, but god is this so complicated. It's literally straight up torture porn shit. Like, fanfic torture porn that's kind of fine in that medium, but not like this.
This other guy in the red shirt, he usually plays bad guys. Happy for him he god a show, sorry it had to be this one.
Cooper, Hotch probably has caller id. Seriously, what the fuck is with this crap. And the STAGING of everything is shit. Like, Hotch introducing himself while Cooper is actually closer? In what situation does that make sense? None. Like, I don't know if this is just writing issues, or directing issues.
Oh my god, all the over acting. This mother/wife too.
Liking down, "oh my god," looks up, "you just got my family murdered."
WHAT THE GENUINE FUCK?! Is this acting direction or just all bad acting?
She is so BAD!
The contrast between Whitaker and Gibson, movie actor and TV actor respectively, is so, so strong. Forest is way too strong, and Gibson, as deadpan as he plays it, comes off so much more of a person and less of an actor playing a part. And god I hate giving Gibson any degree of anything that sounds like a complement.
The pauses Whitaker makes are just so MOVIE and not human. Crap and I have like 30 min left of the episode.
God I love Matt Ryan. I'm watching for him. I'm watching for him. I'm watching for him.
Over dramatic story though. But I love him. That poor, poor man.
How do they know they are fighting each other? Jumping quickly to ideas. UGH.
I do like the idea that Cooper has this odd team. But god, the execution was just calling for this to get the ax.
I would be down for Matt Ryan's character and Prentiss getting together. That would have been fun.
Oooo, bring him back for Evolution Season Two! They need another male cast member, two vs. four just doesn't cut it. And Matt deserves the work.
Ugh, I do NOT like this plot.
I don't even understand how Cooper made any connection between any of this at somepoint.
They are juggling too many cast members.
Did Strauss just introduce herself by her full name, or did she really just say, "Agent Hotchner, Aaron Strauss?" Or did I miss hear that twice and she said "agent"? God that just. UGHHHHH
Just put Matt Ryan back on.
I hate this episode, I hate the new people's acting (except Matt). I hate this. So much worse than I remember.
Oh yes, the overacted, overdramatic Gina. Janeane replaced her, right?
Smart girl. She saved her dad with the quick "not a liar too" bit. Though I am surprised she didn't do that sooner.
Whitaker's posture with the gun, the hopping, geezus.
How would going to some random roof top help? Like, they didn't get away fast enough? He's gonna make the shot right? How did they get the chopper up that fast?
Oh, that's how the roof would help.
Thank goodness, just a few more minutes.
He's been hurting other people's daughters, why would he stop at this one?
He ...had a silencer? Is that legal? And of course that angle was bullshit.
"Trust me it's not" "What'd you mean?" HAHA
Only good dialogue of the episode, that bit.
God that was so bad. I'm surprised the IMDb rating isn't lower.
How could a casting director fuck up so bad to higher three over actors for one episode? And arguably the bad guy under acted.
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novumtimes · 2 days
How Womans Mindset Shift on Dating Attracted Golden Retriever Boyfriend
It’s worth waiting for the one you deserve. This is Jill Amirault’s advice to women who are anxious to find a man who desires, respects and prioritizes them. Amirault, 26, recently posted a video to TikTok revealing the “golden retriever” man she’s found who does just this. Since it was posted, her video has received over 200,000 views and nearly 17,000 likes. She spoke to Newsweek about the mindset shift that she said enabled this love. “POV: This time last year, I was begging a medium-ugly man to be with me. It gets better, I promise. Don’t settle, girls!” she captioned the video. “We love a golden retriever.” The video shows her boyfriend tying her shoe lace for her. Jill Amirault’s boyfriend in her TikTok video. Amirault spoke to Newsweek about how her mindset shift about dating attracted a “golden retriever” boyfriend. Jill Amirault’s boyfriend in her TikTok video. Amirault spoke to Newsweek about how her mindset shift about dating attracted a “golden retriever” boyfriend. @jill.amirault/TikTok Amirault said this relationship came into her life after a bad experience with another person that left her reeling. “A year ago, I honestly thought my life was over and I would never be happy,” she told Newsweek. “My toxic situationship had dumped me and I truly hit rock bottom. I dated a little bit right after that but then took a few months break from the apps and from trying to meet someone on a night out. I actually didn’t want men to come near me for a period of time.” Six months ago, Amirault met her current boyfriend on Hinge. The video she captured of him showcases his most genuine form, she said. “It was the fourth time that day my shoes had come undone, and I started filming without him knowing…we have different ways of showing we care,” she said. “My hope with this video was that it would reach another girl who, similar to me, needs a reminder that a…man who sends mixed signals is not her soulmate, and there is most definitely someone else out there.” Her Advice? Stop Searching Amirault said that her time off from dating helped her reorient toward a different outlook on relationships. “I never want to force something again,” she said. “I think when we stop trying to force timelines and relationships, that’s when things can work out how they’re supposed to. I met my boyfriend because I shifted my mindset to ‘I’m just going to enjoy life and assume I’ll meet my person at some point,’ instead of trying to picture my whole life with a guy after a first date.” She spoke to comments on her video that claimed she was lucky and those from users who said they were stressed about not having found their own “golden retriever”. “I’m only 26 and they’re only 30,” she said. “People get divorced at 35 and remarried at 70. Life is always changing and nothing is guaranteed.” Amirault is adamant about going with the flow—and while some may think this attitude will lead them to their “soulmate”—this is not a viable aim, she said. Going with the flow also means knowing that things may not always work out. “I’m very happy in my relationship right now but you never know where things will go,” she said. “I could be single again in a year—and that’s okay if that’s what I feel is best for me, or if my boyfriend decides it’s not working for him anymore.” Uncommon Knowledge Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground. Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground. Source link via The Novum Times
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
“They love relationships that don't bother to develop the romantic aspect just as long as there's a no holds barred sex scene then who cares about the rest?”
THIS! I recently got a cis female friend into KP and when we were discussing it, everything came back to the sex and how “hot” it was. I at first didn’t think too much on it because, yeah, some of the love scenes were pretty hot and that’s just a fact. That’s fine. As we kept talking, one thing I noticed was that she was a big fan of a certain ship -you know- and I was confused by that initially because I’m sorry to say it but, I don’t get the draw. There was no chemistry, no real buildup that made sense to them having an actual relationship, and I didn’t feel anything during their specific (and uncomfortable) love scene. Every time I tried to get her perspective on why she loved them so much it was just comments about how hot and kinky their nc scene was. That was it. I genuinely thought she’d have a lot more to say about it but I was just further confused because… that scene wasn’t even kinky but to each their own I guess.
We then discussed Ep 7 and why it’s my favorite. Before I could explain why, she brought up the bathroom mirror love scene and thought that was my reason. I told her I loved that scene because so much passed between Kinn and Porsche and I love that you could see how well the actors translated that love, intimacy, and connection on screen. How it was the start to a more honest and solid relationship because they bared themselves to each other. I explained to her that I specifically loved the way porsche was observing Kinn and I especially loved the way Kinn broke down at the end and they just held each other through the emotions. I thought it was beautiful but, my reasons for loving the episode had a little to do with that specific part. My fav scene was actually KP on the balcony at the minor family home. She didn’t seem interested in discussing that aspect and in a way it was like she disregarded alllll of the character development and relationship development because it held no interest for her. After that I stopped wanting to talk about it and she got kind of annoyed with me. That’s when I told her to just watch porn at that point because that’s all she was after.
She then said something like “you think they’re hot too so I don’t know why you’re being so condescending” and I again explained that yes, the actors are attractive and the scenes are sexy but my love for the show and the ship had so much more to do with everything and not JUST the sex. I mean, she’ll lose her shit over the the romance in a Jane Austin book/movie but any BL or LGBT piece of media, she acts like that doesn’t exist within it. That’s the moment I knew I didn’t want to be friends with her anymore because that mindset is so disgusting, and it also showed me that she wouldn’t ever respect my own personal relationships if I was in one with a partner of a certain gender.
Don’t get me wrong about all of this, I’m aegosexual so I’m down with sex scenes but those scenes, especially in this show, add so much to the dynamic of the relationship and I actually think it’s really sad that these actors put so much into their characters and people who fetishize just really… disregard, downplay and honestly l intentionally ignore all of it for three minutes of “hot guys” simulating sex. I find it extremely weird. Anyway sorry for the long rant but that sentence popped out at me and I was like OMG I just experienced this one on one with someone!
And this is why I said there needs to be a happy balance and a happy medium. Cishet people already think the way we live, love, and fuck is centered around sex and just sex. Cishet people don't see the humanity in people who are in the LGBT+ community, even if they're not consciously aware of it. We live in a society that already demonizes us, so it's not enough for cishet people to believe we're human beings with the same hopes, dreams, and desires they have. They have to actively unlearn and unpack the homophobia that's embedded in the very fabric of our society. That's not the job of the media we consume, but it is important that people realize that just because they're not actively lobbing slurs at other people that they're not bigoted. You have to actively unlearn those beliefs that you've been conditioned and socialized to internalize.
This is why some people would believe and claim that a ship that had no true relationship/romantic development and a shoddily directed (and acted) BDSM-esque scene "stole the show." They believe that because they care about the sexual aspect of it. Anyone who says that can't tell you how this ship "stole" the show without mentioning that one extremely weak, "kinky", BDSM sex scene. That was a scene made palatable for people who aren't truly into BDSM and cishet people. But it's funny that's the only thing they can use to justify this statement. They can't tell you anything else other than that, and that's why I say there needs to be more. Just more of everything. We don't have enough representation for mlm/wlw ships to be centered around sex and just sex. We don't have enough representation in the media for that to be a thing that we can get away with. Again, I don't see the issue with these characters having sex. Get as downright freaky and nasty as you want! But I do have an issue when the narrative reinforces homophobic ideals that are harbored by an already homophobic audience. The BL fandom is homophobic and misogynistic and these shows continue to reinforce both belief systems in many different ways.
No offense to your former friend, but that's what I mean when I bring up fetishization. I won't proclaim to know her sexual orientation, but that's what I mean. The only thing she brought up was their sex scene. What about the rest of it? What about their actual relationship? Granted, there wasn't any real relationship development so I can't completely blame her for her perspective. Even though there was another alternative to that ship that actually had both, she still couldn't be bothered. However, you're right, anon. If that's the only thing that comes to your mind and nothing else, then you may as well watch porn. It's the same thing. You don't have to worry about getting emotionally invested in a complex plot that you're not interested in anyway. Just watch porn. It gets you to the finish line much quicker!
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80s4life · 3 years
God Help Me*
Word Count: 2,306
Status: Not Requested!
Fandom: Orange Is The New Black
A/N: Just watched some more of oitnb and felt that Joe was an underrated character. So, here's something dirty for the dirty dog!
Relationship: Joe Caputo x Female Reader
Summary: (Based loosely on S3:E7 (”Tongue-Tied”) where the new recruits for security are supposed to be getting the 40 hours of training, but denied by the new employers. Specifically, when Bayley makes his mistake with the pepper spray incident, Caputo is outraged, in the need of a break. Luckily, you know how to ease his tension.
Warnings: language, age-gap pairing, against laws, forbidden, smut, retardation name calling (once, not me though, a line from the show!)
Taglist: @intersellars-the-networks-of-eve @snapessecretdiary
Masterlist Orange Is The New Black Masterlist
{gif is not mine, credits to @thompsonconnors}
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"What the fuck was that?" Joe Caputo asks, confused and struggling to keep up with the messes every corner he turns. "You assess the situation and you respond with the appropriate level of force! And you never, ever, ever discharge your weapon unless it's absolutely necessary!" he continues, not done just yet. "And if you do, and that weapon happens to be pepper spray, you better damn well make sure you're upwind!"
Bayley, the new recruit, alongside Donaldson, a long-term member of this prison, look down, ashamed of themselves. Blinking their eyes every so often, the pain in their eyes searing with the combination of the regret in how they got in this position in the first place and the stinging pepper spray.
Motioning towards Bayley, Caputo continues with his mantra, "You are a trigger-happy knucklehead who just got out of diapers," now turning his attention to Donaldson, "But you, how could you let this happen?" he finishes, exasperated.
Donaldson, finding some courage, fires back, "Sir, with all due respect, I'm not a nanny." He may have screwed up, but he is not putting his life on the line for an idiot.
"No! You are an officer with 20 plus years' experience, and your job was to impart some wisdom on fucking Baby Huey over here!" Caputo spits, motioning towards Bayley once more.
"Well, this is what happens when you put untrained officers in gen pop," Donaldson says once more, although very quickly and almost fearfully. As if he were a child talking back to his parents.
"You don't think I know that? I fucking know that!" Caputo says once more, placing a hand over his head, letting out a tired sigh as he walks back behind his desk. "Bayley, I should be firing your ass," he motion towards the young man with two pointed fingers.
"I know," is all he manages meekly.
"But, it's your first day, so I'm gonna chalk this up to mental retardation. If you so much as look at an inmate wrong in the next week, you're out of here!" Caputo motions with a "whoosh." Now looking Bayley up and down in disbelief, he catches the small paper taped to his chest as well, "Take that stupid fucking name tag off."
As the men nod once more, he finishes with, "Now go! Get your asses down to medical and get an eyewash. And read the stupid fucking manuals!" he grunts, shaking the book in question and slamming it on his desk as the officers leave.
Throwing himself into his chair, he almost considers kicking and flailing around like a child in order to let off steam, but he is quickly denied the chance as you knock and burst through his office within a second.
“What is it now?” he asks quietly, a hand holding his head up by his chin, fingers covering his now closed eyes.
“Well- uhm- well...” you continue, quite nervous as you don’t know where his hostility had come from, you being unsure whether it was your doing or not. It was uncharted waters you weren’t sure on stepping into or not.
“What. Is. It!?” he yells now, eyes wide open, hands clutching the ends of his armrests. Making you yelp and jump a bit, taking a few steps back into the doorway.
Seeing this reaction, he sighs once more, taking in your wide eyes and slightly tense posture, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. It’s been a long day, okay?”
“I-I understand sir.”
“How many times have I told you to call me Joe, or Caputo if that’s what floats your boat?” he says, an attempt to coax you out of your startled state.
“I’m sorry s- Caputo. I only wanted to tell you that I bought ya’ something. A little gift, I guess.” you say, a blush tinting your cheeks.
“What? You didn’t have to get me anything!” He smiles now, relieving you, and bringing a smile to your own features at his now somewhat upbeat mood.
“Well, ya’ know...I remember you telling me about a band of yours, right?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he smirks, looking back at fond memories and the new ones with his new band.
“Well, since your style of music was rock, and I just so happened to be in the area of a new music store, I found some goodies there!” Pulling a seat in front of his desk, you grab the wrapped presents from the waistband of your belt, having hidden it behind your back in attempt to completely surprise him.
He smiles at your childish antics, lightly taking the wrapped good from your small, delicate hands. Unwrapping the smallest one, he finds a box underneath the covers. Opening it, his smile grows bigger as his eyes meet a black guitar pick, a skull etched into it and painted white. 
His eyes meet yours for a second, a fondness there, looking back down once more as he admires it. “I love it,” he says after a second.
“That’s not all!” you say, excited now as he already likes one of the things you’ve picked out for him, pulling out a medium-sized present next. You take this sudden change of attitude as a sign, wanting to hopefully ease the stresses the guards and staff have been taking, especially Joe.
Taking it from your hands once more, your hands make contact, the blush on your face intensifying a little more. Unwrapping the present, he finds a black bandanna, his band name printed onto it, matching the guitar pick. He giggles at this, tying it around his head for your view.
You laugh as well as you go to hand him the biggest and last of the presents, his eyes lighting up once he finds what it is. “Nu-uh! You didn’t! This must’ve cost a fortune!” he almost yells now, a genuine leather guitar strap in his grip as he jumps up from his seat.
“No, actually they gave me a little discount on it. It took a lot of searching to get the one you’ve been specifically looking for, but the guy said I was cute- anyway! I just thought you needed these since work has been beating your ass,” you say, smirking lightly.
“You didn’t need to do this,” he says, settling back into his seat as he grasps your hands lightly, still star-struck as he looks at the strap still in his hand.
The gesture was innocent, but as time goes on, you blush a deep red, him still not letting go of your hands. Noticing this, he goes to pull away, clearing his throat, standing, and straightening out his suit. There, you notice a slight tent in his pants, igniting a flame in your belly. 
“Well, thank you Miss Y/L/N, these were very nice...”
“Anytime...” you say slyly, dragging on your words as you stand as well, not bothering to fix your pants as it sticks tightly to your ass and thighs. 
He looks down, gulping as he takes in your curves he usually tries to ignore, clearing his throat once more as his eyes meet yours. Only now did he realize the close proximity between the two of you, you intending to lean in and fix his tie. As you do so, he grabs your hand, pulling it away, “Don’t tempt me. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”
“Oh, I’m pretty damn sure I do,” you say as you pull him down to your height by the tie, pulling at the base of his neck, kissing him now. 
Breaking apart for a moment, you make your way around the desk, perching yourself atop it as you pull him between your legs, kissing him once more. Tongues fighting for dominance, you tease him, sucking on it, and nibbling on his lips. He growls, the tent now very evident in his pants, the tightness an annoying constriction.
He pulls away once more, going to lock his office door, having placed a ‘On a lunch break’ sign above his name. Making his way back over to you, his lips attach to yours once more, moving to remove your weaponry belt. You do the same, unbuttoning the top of his dress shirt, moving to leave kisses, bites and hickeys. 
Continuing your attack, you move your hand to his belt, working quickly as he unbuttons your shirt, exposing your constricted, perky breasts. He grunts once more, adding to your eagerness as you finally get his belt out of the loops. Now both full of impatience, you unleash his cock, him doing the same for your breasts and pants. Completely removing everything from your being, leaving your half-unbuttoned shirt.
Not wasting time, he starts to work your clit, moisturizing ever bit of you as he collects it and moves his finger in all the most special parts, lubricating your core with ease. You grip his cock, teasing it as you run your finger along the slit at the top, precum already oozing. Looking him in the eyes, you notice his golden browns now a dark chocolate eyes, admiration sparkling them as he looks back at you. 
You moan as he enters a finger into your core, soon adding another as you loosen yourself for him. Finally, when he deems you ready, he reaches into one of the desk drawers, pulling out a condom. Motioning to him, he hands it over, letting you take over and do the honors. He simply places both arms on either side of your form, caging you in his embrace, smirking down at you.
Finally, once the condom was rolled onto his member, he goes to line himself up to your entrance, tip placed right at the beginning, not crossing the threshold just yet. “Are you sure?” is all he asks, wanting consent.
Knowing that this is wrong, you contemplate your options. You have already thought of the many ways he could take you, having been attracted to the older man for many years. Looking him in the eyes, you nod, “I’ve wanted this for too fucking long.”
With this new reassurance, he thrusts deeply, not giving you a chance to adjust just yet, pushing in and not stopping until he’s bottomed out. Taking a breath, you relish in the familiar sting of being stretched out, leaning back on your elbows for a minute. When you’re finally ready, you grab onto his shoulders, nodding once again. 
He starts slow, not wanting to hurt you, but, as you bite his pulse point, he jumps, taking the hint. Pounding into you mercilessly now, you moan and scream loudly, meeting his thrusts with the same momentum and speed, wanting this just as much as he does.
Instead, wanting to hold onto this feeling for as long as you can manage, you busy yourself with admiring and teasing the man before you. Specifically when he switches positions slightly, hitting your g-spot, your hands find their way into the tiny tufts of hair remaining on his balding scalp. Tugging lightly, he groans, pounding harder.
“Fuck!” you choke out, “I’m gonna cum! Joe! I’m gonna cum!”
“Just hold on a bit more, I’m almost there!”
Using his hands, he moves one to your clit, rubbing hard circles, intensifying the pleasure. You moan, the pleasure almost too much for you, settling for leaning your head on his chest. The chest hair tickles your nose, making you giggle between whimpers, kissing him there every so often.
With all your strength, you try to maintain your composure, the knot in your stomach begging for release. But, as you feel his dick twitch, the veins touching every inch of your walls deliciously, you couldn’t hold on any longer, milking his cock. With the sudden tightness and feeling of warmth bursting against him, he continues to thrust just a few seconds more, riding you through your orgasm as he meets his. 
As he slowly comes down from his high, he sighs peacefully, placing his head underneath yours and in the crevice of your neck. You kiss the top of his head as you take his weight, leaning back on your hands, one wrapped around his neck. After a moment, as he now goes soft within your being, he pulls out, disposing the condom.
Smiling, the two of you joke and throw clothes at each other as you get changed again. “So what are we now, Joe?”
“Well, it’d be fucked up to say nothing after mind-blowing-sex, now wouldn’t it?”
“I guess...So does that mean we’re together?”
“Do you want to? I would’a thought a young girl like you would want someone who can keep up with ya’?”
“I mean yeah...but they aren’t you, Joe. I want you,” you say honestly.
“Shit...” he mutters, smiling now, “This is the best thing that’s happened to me all day.”
“Is that a ‘yeah’?”
“Hell yeah it is!” he says happily, “Now how about round 2?”
“You’re on Old Man,” you say giggling, hopping into his lap on his desk, kissing him once more.
However your giggling and kisses get cut short with a knock on the door. You sigh, getting off of him not and making sure your clothes are straightened out.
“I guess not...” you say defeated.
“Well...Not right now,” Joe answers, going to the door, giving a sly wink as he opens it. 
Work is only temporary, you know this. You’ll get all the time you need with him tonight.
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