tinngunblr · 1 year
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ventisehe · 3 years
crying on their wedding day, or not / genshin impact / part two
this is the second part of crying on their wedding day. i didn’t add dainsleif and baizhu because i don’t have enough creative juice to squeeze them in. 
requested by: @bakuhoe-is-my-bakubro
includes: venti, kaeya, xingqiu, scaramouche, razor, albedo, chongyun, xiao, kazuha
warning: unedited, not proofread, different variation of not seeing the bride before the wedding ceremony, written before kazuha was released
part one
            Although his wings that have soared through the vast open azure skies was as ancient as the winds that swept ever so delicately through the lands that made up Teyvat, although his curious viridescent hues have become quiet witnesses to numbers of renowned and untold tales of mortals across nations, no matter the countless years he devoted trying to cognize the mortals and their atypical behaviors, Barbatos – or Venti, as he refers to himself now – can never truly understand how so many human beings can stay in one place with one person.
                            Before he had even come to be the Anemo Archon, all that Venti knew was how to heed the call of the wind. To him, it was confounding how mortals do not have the similar urgency as he to follow the winds. Even when he had taken the form of his dearest friend, Himmel, and has elapsed through myriad of seasons and centuries, still he soared gently in the air, lyre in his possession as he sung melodies of his own composition and strummed symphonies for those who yearn to hear his voice, and with his braids billowing in his travel to a destination even he cannot tell yet.
            One has made an attempt - and unfortunately, a fruitless one - to make sense to him why some has gone against the heed of the wind, a very peculiar decision in the eyes of someone like him. His form nothing but a mere wisp at that time, nothing but a small creature with little understanding, and he remembered he was seated on the shoulder of his companion as they perched by the edge of a mountain, legs dangling and kicking gently back and forth. They basked in the caress of the wilting warmth as the sun bid its farewell.
                      Himmel was humming a tune with the corners of his mouth curving up and his eyes closed, and Venti's small frame thrummed with delight at the euphony he made.
                And in the serene quiet, his dear friend spoke, "Someday, you'll find yourself wanting to stay somewhere. For something, or for someone. You don't understand now, but when you come to love one thing, you'll always want to be close to their side." Himmel turned to him, a subdued smile etched across his features, and upon catching sight of the sincerity and fervor Himmel in his bright eyes, Venti cannot help but mirror his sentiments and reciprocate his smile the best he can with the body he manifested in.
     "When that day comes, you'll understand why many choose to . . . stay." Venti tilted his head to the side, and Himmel let out a small chuckle once he catches on the puzzlement that he displayed in his actions. "Don't look at me like that. I know you're curious about the whole marriage thing. Who knows, maybe someday you'll find yourself a nice fellow wisp and - "
            All it took for Himmel to cut his statement short and burst out in laughter was how Venti prodded against his neck as a feeble attempt to make him quiet down.
               And as Himmel has predicted, Venti - in time - did understood.
                        Venti was able to perceive the reasonings of mortals to turn their heads away from the beckon of the wind, to live a peaceful and quaint life, some alone, and some with their spouses. Himmel had done his absolute best to explain to him the wanders which are humans, and gleefully watched as Venti attentively listened to every word he spoke.
      However, at the end of the day, Venti was still a free spirit. He can never be tied down to one place, much more to another living being. He will always find himself favoring the whisper of the winds in Teyvat, adrift and letting himself go adrift.
            It was after he had witnessed the life in Himmel's eyes leave, heard his last breath, the whisper of the triumph of Mondstadt in achieving freedom, and his final request as he stroked Venti's quivering figure - A sad smile has been painted upon Himmel's brims as he gazed at the smaller entity weeping under his touch, "I ask only for one last favor from you, my dearest friend. Look after Mondstadt, after our people, for me, and never let everything we've sacrificed go for naught."
                          Venti was still a free spirit, but with what happened to Himmel, he longed to understand how he saw the world. It seemed he understood it differently than he did. And thus, he took the form of his beloved friend, and ventured closer than he had before to mortals.
      The day he found a place in The Seven, the fateful he became the Anemo Archon, Venti has not once missed an event with his people. He celebrated with them in festivities, cried with them in their sorrows, aided them in battles against transgressors or wars within their own mind. He laughed with them, ate with them, drank with them, and his love for his people grew everyday.
          But still, he can never stay for too long.
                      Venti tried to, he really did, for his friends, as his last gift before he lets go of the pain of losing him. But cannot force himself to remain in one place if his heart kept searching for places to explore, people to meet, discover the secrets of Teyvat.
    Hopelessness was beginning to gnaw inside him as hundred of years has passed, and he has already traveled through long distances and saw generation after generation of his people in Mondstadt, and yet nothing he has yet to fulfill his own promise to hos friend.
           Perhaps this was the way it was supposed to be. Maybe only mortals are giving the ability to be content and stay, but the Anemo Archon was forever to be appearing and disappearing - always, always stringing along with the wind.
                      And Venti believed that thought of his, and it stuck to him throughout many more years in Teyvat.
       Not even a dust of faith was left in the ruins of what he now thought of as a vanquished promise, marring Venti with a wound in his heart, and a doubt in his standing as an Archon. However, it was through this belief that took him by surprise when he met a rather strange woman at the last day of the Windblume Festival, and in Stormterror’s Lair, no less.
                    The Honorary Knight, and their odd traveling companion have long been gone after they bid him farewell and a safe travel in his return to his abode – or whatever dwelling was the closest he could denote as home – leaving Venti by himself to reminisce in the ruins of where Old Mondstadt once stood.
                                        The heavens were a color of black dotted with stars and the moon. The wind has grown softer, as though to accompany him in this lonesome hour, leaving chaste kisses against his pallid skin. From afar, the City of Mondstadt remains lit with lanterns and plethora of flowers. Even in this distance, he can oversee the joy that exuded from the people as they celebrated the remaining hours of the festival and take in the fragrance of the flowers friends and partners exchanged with one another. It was a beautiful sight to behold if one sits in such a desolate and dark place, in the very tower that he had confronted Stormterror – no, it was Dvalin now, Stormterror has perished along with the danger of the past.
                                        But a presence – curious, sorrowful – has intervened in the quiet evening Venti thought he had saved for himself. He stood up from the platform where he has previously perched upon and took off to take a gander in the Lair, and it did not take a moment longer for him to spot a figure nearby. There, standing on top of a boulder clad in a crestfallen expression was a lone woman. She was casting her gaze around Old Mondstadt, and the breeze blew her tears away,
            Venti had never seen her before. He had met every family, every person, in Old Mondstadt, and the same was to be said to the generation that followed after them. He knew them well, recalled their quirks and appearances, and this woman has no resemblance to any of them. Has she come from another nation?
                                   Venti made it his point to glide down and noiselessly land behind her, but it seems his efforts have failed him for this stranger spoke the second his feet made contact with the ground.
        "I wonder how this place used to be." You stated, and Venti was unsure whether you have felt his presence or you were speaking to yourself.
   “So, this is Old Mondstadt.” She stated in a murmur. Her voice was laced with awe, but with evidence of forlornity. “I heard rumors about what happened here, and-and the thing with Stormterror too. Archon, I wish someone would tell me the real story of the City of Freedom. Back in my home, we’re not even allowed to learn much about the Archons of other nations. It’d be foolish to just trust rumors.”
                                  There was something about her that piqued his interest. He did not know what it was. Maybe it was the way she talked about Mondstadt, her interest in the history of his city and his people, the sincere sorrow she felt for what the fallen tyrant of Mondstadt had had done to his former subjects, and how he had forced their hands to rebellion to protect their nation.
                            Venti spoke before he can stop to think. “If you’d like, I can retell the story of how Old Mondstadt came to be. I’m well versed in the history of this city, so rest assured everything you’ll hear is the truth.” He carved a smile to his lips. “And I am a Bard, so you have no need to worry about me chatting your ear off. All it takes is an audience and my lyre to get me started. Of course, a private performance will cost you, but since you’re new in the city, I suppose I can – ”
                                  His breath was taken away when the stranger turned to face him, and his words withered from his tongue. Ever seen a speechless bard? It was a sight people will scarcely see.
                Could he ever compose a song to even come close to the lovely view that was before his eyes? Gleaming curious pair of eyes, a smile so eager to listen, hair flitting with the wind as his heartbeat raced –
             Venti was used to captivating his audience with his songs and stories. However, this time, it was he who was captivated, and when he took out his lyre and played a sweet tune to sing the story of his beloved city, with this gorgeous woman listening to him with bright and shining eyes, Venti knew then that he wanted to play for her every song he knew, every story he saw and heard, to the end of time.
                            You told him your name after his song, and you came all the way from the isolated nation of Inazuma. It took him by surprise how you have confidence in him to reveal to him your identity and place of birth. Surely, not everyone will trust a stranger who has appeared out of nowhere who offered to sing them a song. But then again, Venti trusted you as quickly as you trusted him, and now it was his turn to listen as you confide in him.
  You have escaped from your home nation and survived out in the seas under the heat of the sun and threat of starvation for days until a compassionate Captain from Liyue, and her crew found you and delivered you to safety. And it was after your recovery that you fled to Mondstadt, the opposite of the nation you were born in.
                     Venti found himself sitting down in front of you as you told him your story, sight never leaving your frame as he did so. You were no Bard, and you were no storyteller, but he cannot tell the time or noticed the sun has set as you regaled him with story of Inazuma and your life after and before your escape. He was enchanted with the way you spoke, how you looked about Old Mondstadt with saddened awe, the fervidness in your voice – Have I found myself a rival? Thought Venti, eyes softening as you went on about your admiration for the affability and generosity his people have shown you.
                                                          When you left that day, you promised to come back and when you do, you shall ask him to sing to you more of his songs. At first, Venti was hesitant to believe your promise, but to his relief and happiness, when he saw you in the same place in the ruins undoubtedly waiting for him with your eyes closed and relishing in the wind that rushed past you. Venti always came to Stormterror’s Lair to oversee what remained of his old home, but for once, his sights were held torn and you have all his attention.
                   Seeing you keep your promise of return made his day, but when you whipped your head to face him with a smile, waving a hand as you asked him to sit with you, Venti knew that his heart desired yours. Was it a wise decision to fall for someone you've only just met? Certainly not, but he was an Archon who had too much time but too little for those who he holds dear. He cannot afford to be unsure when his time with you was limited.
     So, he decided – when the day is right and the wind is quiet, he shall make his feelings for you known.
            It became a routine for the two of you to meet in Stormterror’s Lair and share your stories with one another, Venti always telling his in songs, as a Bard would. There was never a dull moment between the two of you, and every story told in the ruins were to be fascinated of. And soon, it wasn't just stories. Soon, he was finding out more about you, knowing you better until he couldn't get you out of his head.
                  It became a routine for the two of you to meet in Stormterror’s Lair and share your stories with one another. Venti always told his in the form of songs, as a Bard would, you will always applaud him after, to which he would respond with a melodramatic bow. There was never a dull moment between the two of you, and every story spoke in the ruins and the silence of the night was to be fascinated of.  He was learning more about you, knowing you better, until he couldn’t get you out of his mind when his head falls against his pillow.
    Venti cherished these times he had with you. He knew it won't be long until you were gone. He knew his fate as an Archon – seeing loved ones perish and more to come, and the cycle continued.
                                           He hasn't even told you about his identity.
                          Venti was grateful for the Traveler for pushing him to tell you about his feelings and his standing in Teyvat, but he was still uncertain. What would you say if he confessed to you? What will you say if he admits to being the Anemo Archon? Will things change between the two of you? Will you leave? Venti can’t think about that.
                                                                       Venti grew worried when you didn’t come to Stormterror’s Lair one day, and then another, and his concern grew as days turned to weeks. Everyday he found himself visiting Stormterror’s Lair in hopes of seeing you waiting for him again, but he was always left disappointed. You did not mention going on an adventure or a commission, so his worry was warranted. Were you safe or were you simply sick of him?
                 When the day you finally appeared in the Lair, relief washed over Venti and he practically jumped off the broken tower he frequently resided and made haste towards you. But his footsteps faltered when he found no traces of a smile on your face. He can see the relief and joy, but the smile was absent. From that, Venti’s own beam wilted as he walked over to you with reluctant steps.
      When he came close to you, he opened his mouth to ask how you have faired for the past weeks and question your abrupt disappearance when you said something that took him by surprise.
                                    “I know who you are.”
          It felt like his entire world has stopped for a moment as he stared at you with disbelief smearing his countenance. How ever did you discover the truth? Certainly, he had similarities with his statues, but none of his people nor visitors from outside ever pieced the puzzle together.
                            He averted his gaze, ashamed. Why was he wallowing in shame? Or perhaps was this regret of not telling you sooner? Did you feel betrayed? Will you cast him away?
                      “But how . . . ”
                                            “The man at the Tavern told me, Master Diluc.” You answered. “I was telling him about you, and I guess he thought I already knew of you being the . . . Anemo Archon.”
           “Is that why you were gone for weeks?” Venti questioned, and when you nodded in response, he winced. He can’t help but think of the worse – She’ll leave me.
                          Venti looked away. “Ah, I shouldn’t be surprised. I mean, it is hard to believe someone like me is an Archon.” He laughed out, but the humor was nonexistent in his statement. “So, how do you feel about that?”
                      Venti let out a gasp when you threw yourself to him and enveloped him in a tight hug. Venti froze at your actions and waited for you to withdraw, but when you did not, he slowly accepted your embrace with gratefulness. He didn’t know what you do this, but he was more than happy to reciprocate your actions before he lets you go.
        It won’t matter, anyway. He’ll hear the winds calling for him somewhere soon. Maybe letting you go now would hurt less in the long run.
                    “Are you not . . . angry?” Venti asked as he closed his eyes and rested his chin on your shoulder.
                                    “Oh Archons, no, Venti. I could never hate you.” You assured him in a whisper and from the brokenness on your voice, Venti knew you were crying. “Those times you told me about Barbatos . . . all the stories about his past . . . everything he had gone through . . . ” You murmured, tone lowering. “ . . . you must have been so hurt and lonely.”
                                              He didn’t know why your words shot through him. He can feel tears streaming down his cheeks as memories of his past and the continuous pain of loss and regret caught up with him. Finally, after thousands of years, his false smile was shattered.
          How pathetic. He thought. An Archon weeping in front of a mortal that he is in love with. Could things get any worse?
                  Your hand stroked his hair, comforting him as he cried against your shoulder and in your arms.
                          “I was . . . ” He breathed out, choking as he tightened his grip around you. “ . . . it never stops hurting . . . I keep seeing Himmel, and everyone, and – ”
                He couldn’t finish what he was saying and just relished in the comfort of your arms, breathing in your scent.
                                    “I don’t understand what you’ve been going through these thousands of years, and I never will, but it’s okay now, Venti.” You whispered in his ear, and he can detect the compassion and love lacing your voice. His heart hammered against his chest. “You have me. You don’t have to pretend everything is okay. I’m here for you. I want you to be Venti and Barbatos with me, I want all of you.”
             He couldn’t believe his ears. Did he hear you correctly? You want him?
                    Venti gently retracted himself from you, but his arms remained at your sides. “You still want me, even after I kept this from you?”
         “I want you, Venti.” You clasped your hands over his shoulders, firmly looking into his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere anymore. I’m staying here, with you.”
                 And so, you stayed, and so did he – it was the first time he stayed, and he will never regret it.
One would think that as a renowned Bard in Mondstadt, Venti would push for a grand wedding where all people of Mondstadt are invited to wine and dine together as bards banded together to regale everyone with their music, and as the Archon who values freedom above everything else, a big part of him wanted to. But he thought of you and what you wanted. It took some time for him to deliberate over how selfish it would be for him to make you uncomfortable in your wedding day and agree a small wedding would be a much better option considering how sacred and intimate marriage is.
However, knowing you cannot simply have the Anemo Archon go against his belief, and of course because of your love for him, you have secretly devised a plan with Jean and Kaeya to invite all the citizens of Mondstadt to your reception to celebrate this joyous occasion for the two of you. There was more than enough food and drinks to feast, courtesy of Master Diluc, and you’re sure Venti will be over the moon with this surprise. 
Venti had no family, and those he did consider as family were long gone, just a memory from the past. Even though it is unusual for a groom not to have a best man in his wedding day, Venti claimed he was fine without a best man. He had no doubts in marrying you. When he proposed to you, there was no touch of regret or doubt. Albeit reluctantly, you were in a mutual agreement in that matter, as well. Until, of course, an unexpected tribute arrived offering his services.
Venti was not the least nervous when the day of your wedding came. He did not waste time when he woke up and immediately got to work on his appearance. Jean was kind enough to have his wedding suit tailored for him, an early wedding gift, as she says.
Venti knew of the rule that a groom mustn’t see his bride in her wedding gown until the time she walks on the aisle. But he was just so thrilled for this day that he forgot all about it. And even if he did remember it, who in the world would stop him from seeing you? He has no best man to stop him anyway -
Venti almost choked to death when a hand came to grasp him by his the back of his collar, and he blubbered pathetically as he was thrown off balance and was dragged back to the altar.
“Who are - Master Diluc? What are you doing?”
Diluc let out a huff as he continued dragging Venti away from your house. “Stopping you from upsetting your bride. I’m sure you know that you shouldn’t see your bride in her gown before the wedding?”
“But Master Diluc, as much as I appreciate what you’re doing, you’re not in any position to - ”
“Actually, I am in a position where I’m allowed to stop you from making a mess of your wedding.” Said Diluc. “I’m your best man, after all.”
Venti couldn’t put to words how touched he was, and more so when you revealed to him after the wedding that Diluc has offered to be his best man by his own volition. As thanks, the next time Venti visited the tavern to drink, he paid for a single bottle of wine once. It wasn’t exactly ideal but considering how he had no original plan to pay Diluc for any of the drinks he will consume, this was as good as it gets.
When the doors opened to reveal you in your pretty white wedding dress, Venti swooned, and a large joyous smile stretched across his lips.
A gentle breeze swept in the altar and Venti felt his feet leave the ground briefly, floating in the air as he excitedly watched you walk down the aisle, and it took Diluc’s hand pulling him down by the back of his suit to stop him from floating up above the cathedral.
“My, my, if I knew any better, I would have thought the Archons have taken favor on me and blessed me with a beautiful bride.” Venti said once you join him in the altar and took your hands in his own. “You look beautiful, darling. I might just write another song about you.”
You shook your head, pink tinting your cheeks. “Haven’t you written enough songs about me?”
Venti inched his face close to you, his large smile altering to a soft smile. “There aren’t enough songs to tell you how much I adore you.”
The wedding went on, and when the two of you kissed, only one thing entered in Venti’s mind - I found my reason to stay, Himmel. I just hope you can see this.
The wind blew gently.
                      Kaeya did not know what to feel when his brother has made it clear once and for all that he wanted nothing to do with him. His dismissive remarks, his heated glares, his cold and aloof treatment – he had known Diluc for so long, and his memories with him in their childhood never grew old in his mind, so it pained him to have his once bright-eyed sibling who aspired to be part of the Knight acting as though they were strangers. No, strangers would have been merciful. He acted as if the bond they had never meant anything to him, and casting him aside and seeing him under the light of contempt was the easiest decision he has ever made.
                                               Even you were not spared from the same fate. The three of you become inseparable the day you and Kaeya were introduced to each other. You’ve done everything together, and it would be a strange sight to see one missing from the group.
                When Diluc has cut ties with Kaeya, you suffered the same fate as he. You poor, poor thing – you tried your best to patch the friendship he no longer wanted to be part of, and Kaeya did not waste time running to your side and picking up the pieces Diluc shattered. It was not an easy feat for both of you to lose Diluc – he lost a brother, and you lost a good friend.
                                 But it was because of your fall out with him that you and he become closer than ever, closer than before, if that could even be possible. The two of you support one another and you go to each other when things get difficult.
             Kaeya will never admit it, and he would rather die than do, but he has loved you for many years. The moment Diluc pulled him into an unknown house, claiming that he wanted to meet someone important to him, and his eyes landed on your form with the sunrays kissing your skin, a wide smile stretching across your face, and a fake sword in your hand, his heart was taken.
                            You were one of the reasons he wanted to become a Knight. Diluc admitted his want to become a Knight, and you expressed the same sentiment, and of course, hearing his friend and brother say so, he became inclined of joining the Knights. I’ll get good training. He thought back then as stared at you, blushing as you braided Diluc’s hair. Then, I’ll be able to protect ( Your Name ).
        Now that Diluc no longer wanted to be in contact with you than more than is necessary, Kaeya grew to be more protective over you. He knew you can handle yourself as you were a Knight yourself and wields a Vision, too, but his heart clenches at the thought of you getting hurt when he could have easily had your back, like he always did.
                                                 Kaeya didn’t knowif you had feelings for him, or for anyone, for that matter. Many times he thought of confessing to you just to rip the band aid off, but he couldn’t. He’ll keep his feelings to himself and continue being the Cavalry Captain that everyone adored, and your own personal protector.
   But it was getting harder and harder to hide his feeling. Everyday he was always under the threat of falling deeper in love with you. Everyday, you always give him more reasons to love you. Waiting for him to come home after taking too long in his work, taking care of him after a nasty battle or when he’s drunk, always checking up on him even if your schedule was hectic, offering him help if you deem the responsibility given to him is too much. How much longer can he pretend that he wasn’t thinking of you everyday and every night?
                                He was pulled back from his train of thoughts when he felt a soft material doused in alcohol perch on the wound blemishing his skin. “Ah, be gentle, ( Your Name ),” Whined Kaeya, stilling himself to refrain from moving and delaying your nurse on his cuts.
                          “We wouldn’t be in this situation if you had only been careful fighting those Abyss Mages.” You reprimanded with a stern glare. “Think of this as your punishment from me. Now, hold still.”
                      “I was fighting Abyss Mages and came back with small wounds. How am I not careful?”
       “You can be more careful.” Quipped you, and finding your chance, you pressed the cotton again his skin, causing the Cavalry Captain to hiss in pain.
                      “Ow, ow, ow – I said be gentle!”
                                         “Oh, you can fight Abyss Mages but can’t handle getting your wounds treated? What a baby.”
                        Kaeya pouted while you pulled away from him. “My dearest ( Your Name ) doesn’t love me anymore.” He cooed. “Tell me, what can I do to make it up to you, hmm?”
                                      You shook your head and placed your hand over his head, beaming. His heart leaped in his chest. “Stop being reckless.” You responded. “You’re the most important person to me, Kaeya. I don’t want to lose you too.”
             Days and days he spent thinking of what you said. He never truly knew how he important he was to you. The thought of that had him sleeping and dreaming of you and your smiles, how the days will be if you loved him the same way he loved you, and the fateful day you owned his heart.
   He had to thank Diluc for introducing him to you. He couldn’t imagine being in a world where he has no one to lean on when he lost the only family he had. You became his rock, someone he could lean on and trust. His friend who he loved more than he should have, the woman he wished to see in his arms someday.
                     But it will never be. He has to protect you. He is always in danger and he doesn’t want to hurt you more if he died and you two are in a relationship. And he had seen firsthand how affected you were when Diluc no longer wanted to be friends with you. He won’t let you go through the same pain if your relationship didn’t work. He loved you too much to let you suffer again.
                                  Kaeya didn’t think he would be able to thank Diluc again after their fall out but he was mistaken.
                            He didn’t know the full story of what had happened the night he got shitfaced drunk in the tavern but woke up the next day to learn he has revealed his feelings for you in front of his brother, and the latter had casually mentioned it to you when you dropped by the tavern to escort him back home.
                      Regret and frustration welled up inside of him and he spent ten minutes walking back in you guest room, trying to explain himself and perhaps even jest about having feels for you but his preparation was all futile when you opened the door just as he was about to.
               Before he can speak, you beat him to it.
        “The next time you get drunk like that, you’re sleeping on the couch.” You chastised, shaking your head and proceeding to turn your back to him to return downstairs. “Freshen up, and head down. I already cooked you breakfast, so hurry up before it gets cold.”
                                              Kaeya stared blankly at the spot you previously stood before smiling. He rushed over to the staircase and looked down to watch you descend the steps. “I won’t keep you long, love.”
                            His smile broadened when he saw redness rush to your cheeks.
Kaeya proposed to you in a way you expected him to propose to you. A fancy dinner at a fancy restaurant where he ordered a fancy bottle of wine and placed the fancy ring he bought into your glass. It was only because you knew him well that you have no accidentally imbibed the accessory. 
Upon receiving your answer to his proposal, the first thing Kaeya did the day after is hunt down for a best man. As a popular and charming Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, he thought it would be an easy task finding himself a best man but that notion gradually wilted as the date for your wedding approaches, he has yet to find someone to take the position.
In his pursuit for a best man, Kaeya came to realize something. His relationships with others aren’t exactly intimate. They drink and laugh together, but none of them really knew him. Kaeya couldn’t go to them with his personal problems or have their shoulders ready for him to cry on. They were good friends, but not people he would let inside his heart and vulnerability.
There were only two people who knew him behind the title of Cavalry Captain - you, and of course, his estranged brother, Diluc.
The very thought of Diluc sent a shiver down his spine. Diluc hated him and ( Your Name ). He pushed them away, treated them horridly, like they had been nothing to him but strangers with bad memories. Why would he want him to be his best man?
He remembered one day in Angel’s Share, he asked Venti if he could stand as his best man in the wedding and he swore he heard a glass dropping from behind the counter but when he turned, he saw Diluc wiping a wine glass with a blank expression. When Kaeya faced Venti once again, the excitement of being asked of such honorable position has withered and the Bard kindly declined before telling him to ask Diluc to be his best man. He did not.
Who cares about best man? The only thing important to me right now is marrying ( Your Name ).
But when the day of his wedding dawned, Kaeya was in a panic. Behind his charm was a man with a dark past, dark memories, and dark thoughts. He began doubting his ability to give you the life you deserve, began feeling insecurities he thought he had set aside.
He tried his best to remain calm, and for the most part, it worked. Everyone did not find something amiss when Kaeya was interacting with them before the wedding, but someone did, and that someone took him by his arm and dragged him a far and secluded corner after excusing him from who he was conversing with.
“Stop fidgeting with your tie, it’s beginning to bother me.”
Kaeya let out a huff. “Master Diluc, what a . . . surprise that you’re here.”
“You sent me an invitation.” The red head retaliated.
Kaeya had indeed sent him an invitation but he had no recollection of this or whatsoever. He was too wasted to remember.
“The Cavalry Captain losing his cool. Now this is a wedding just waiting to be ruined.”
It was almost like magic how the anxiety that has been eating him up vanished at his brother’s taunt. Kaeya glared at Diluc, opening his mouth to retaliate but before he can even let a single word move past his lips, Diluc turned his back to him and returned to the cathedral, leaving Kaeya in disbelief.
He let out a huff as he stared at his brother’s retreating form. “Bastard still knows me best.”
Kaeya has taken the reins over his emotions again, and he was sure he can keep his composure when you enter through the doors. But he was thoroughly mistaken as he swallowed the lump in his throat when his sight landed on you.
It felt like a dream. How can someone like you love him? In all his flaws, mistakes, and faults, how did you see him as someone you can lean on? Someone you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Surely, he must be dreaming. He’ll wake up in his bed any moment now and realize that everything had been the foolishness of his mind -
Except you continued making your way down aisle, and then you were in front of him with a veil covering your flushed face, and then he was slipping his hands in yours. This was real. You love him.
You leaned forward to him, nose brushing against his. “You look very dashing today, Kaeya.”
Kaeya chuckled. “And you look splendid today, Mrs. Alberich - oh, don’t go shy on me now.”
His smile broadened at the sight of your reddening cheeks. If it wasn’t for the priest speaking right now, he would have flipped over your veil and kiss you.
But there is plenty of time to do that. Kaeya will make sure of that.
          The youngest of the Guhua Clan will rarely be seen without a novel in hand. Everyday, Xingqiu will be seen with his friends with a book near him, always different from yesterday. He had read many novels and heard stories from storytellers, but one story he will never get tired of was his story with you.
       Although it may not seem like it, Xingqiu was a hopeless romantic, and he has always imagined seeking a woman to make his bride. However, it will always be something he can only imagine. As a heir of the Guhua Clan, he has responsibilities to keep and adhere, and he has willingly accepted this. Being given the freedom to choose his bride is something he cannot afford. When his father has informed him about offering him to a daughter of another prestigious clan, he has voiced his discontentment and disinclination to the arrangement but has nonetheless followed.
                  What a horror it would have been if he had followed through with the tiny voice inside his head saying to run away because if he did, he would have missed the chance of laying eyes on you and experiencing what many romance novels he read called – a heart skipping a beat.
           It was a tiring charade of formalities and display of pristine etiquette. All Xingqiu wanted was to retreat to a secluded area and continue immersing himself in the book he has picked up from the local library. With how often he reads, the novels in his own house he has already read, twice.
                                And so, he did. He kindly excused himself from the dinner between the families, making up a lie about feeling unwell and needing rest, and hurried over in the fields near his place. It is not exactly rude for him to skip dinner. It is not exactly ideal for his bride-to-be to be late in an important occasion like this so why shouldn’t he exhibit the same treatment as they did to him?
                    When he came to the spot be frequented, he caught sight of an unfamiliar figure from afar. A girl around his age sat on the bench under the tree, in the same spot he always occupied. She wore clothes similar to the families of the clan his family are negotiating with, so it didn’t take long for Xingqiu to learn this girl was related to them. He just didn’t know what her standing was with them.
 She was beautiful, he will admit, but it was the book in her hand that caught his attention. Thus, he approached her, adorning a friendly mask as to not scare her away. It is rather uncomfortable meeting strangers in the dark of the night and somewhere far from civilization.
           “Her hair billowed as she stood by the precipice, golden hues dimming in the dying light as she was left disappointed for yet another century. Her tears stung her skin and her throat tightened, but another century is simply common for someone like her. She will wait for his return, even if every mountain has eroded and all that was left of her was hope.” He recited a line from the novel as he took even ambles towards the girl, and he did not falter as she turned to face him. He offered her a smile and bowed with the elegance that his family taught. “Apologies for my disruption, my liege, but I can’t help but be thrilled to see someone with such incredible taste for literature. Not many are fond of historical fiction. Well, in my case, not many are into literature.”
                                        Her eyes appraised him with wonder as she perfected her posture. “That’s one of the lines in the book. My, even I haven’t memorized a single phrase from any of the books in my collections.” She remarked.
                                “I like to memorize a line or two from all the books I’ve read. It feels like a part of them will always be with me even if my memories fade in time.” Xingqiu gestured to the vacant spot beside her. “May I sit next to you?”
     She let out a laugh, to which sent shivers down Xingqiu’s spine. “You may. It’s not everyday I get to speak with someone with the same interests as me.”
                      He gladly seated himself beside her and immediately, he was greeted with the fragrance of flowers.
                    The girl extended her hand to him, smilingly softly at him. “My name is ( Your Name ),” She introduced herself. “You’re probably thinking you haven’t seen me around in Liyue, and you’re right. My family is here to meet with the Guhua Clan.”
                                                      Xingqiu took her hand and pressed a chaste kiss on the back. “Glad to make your acquaintance, my lady. My name is Xingqiu from the Guhua Clan.”
      Her eyebrows raised in acknowledgment. “Is that so?” She mused. “Then, I must show my sincerest gratitude for letting my family into – ”
               “Ah, there’s no need for that,” Dismissed Xingqiu as he shook his head. “We’re far from the dinner they’re sharing together. No need to be so formal with me.”
          Her smile brightened. “I have a feeling we’re going to get along splendidly, Xingqiu.”
                        Upon returning together to his house and finding an excuse as to why Xingqiu had been outside did he and ( Your Name ) learn that it was them who were destined to be married when they are of age. The disappointment of meeting his soon-to-be bride has dissipated at the revelation, leaving him filled with utmost joy and pride as to having you as his, and from the shy and gleeful smile that wandered to your lips, Xingqiu can tell you think the same with him.
It was to be expected that the two of you will have a luxurious and grand wedding. With the two of you coming from wealthy families, it was no surprise. If you have insisted for a small wedding consisting only of close relatives and friends, your parents will fear some other elite clans will perceive this as them losing power and money and will take advantage of them or simply cut ties with them. You and Xingqiu had no other choice but to respect their requests. Although Xingqiu was secretly relieved you agreed to a big wedding. For him, you deserved only the best of the best, and in this case, larger is better.
Both families came to an agreement that it would be for the best if the two of you are not to see each other for the week before your wedding day. You found nothing wrong with this arrangement. Xingqiu, however, was the opposite of you.
Many times he tried to sneak out of his house to visit you in secret but Chongyun has thwarted this attempts many times. When he goes to adventures with the Traveler, he find himself missing you in mere hours. How can he survive a whole week without communicating with you?
Oh, how foolish of him. He was now allowed to visit you but he can, however, write letters to you.
For the whole week, Xingqiu will be writing to you without ceasing. You’ll have a difficult time keeping up with his letters but you’ll always find time to respond to him. After all, you missed him just as much as he missed you.
Xingqiu woke up before the sun can call for him. He walked around in his room, breathing in and out as he tried to soothe his joy. Chongyun, who was tasked to look after Xingqiu for the whole week, woke up from the sound of his footsteps. When he stepped inside his best friend’s room, Xingqiu held Chongyun’s hands and twirled him around, startling the half-asleep Cryo user.
“I’m getting married to ( Your Name ) today!”
“I know, Xingqiu. I’ve been stopping you from visiting her the whole week.”
Your wedding was held in a beautiful garden where cherry blossoms flutter and the wind was gentle and cool.
Xingqiu always held his composure in any situations and circumstances he encountered. But he was going to admit that seeing you in your wedding dress with the cherry blossoms kissing your skin and tresses every now and then had him malfunctioning.
It took a worse turn when you finally stood before him, expectantly looking at him. A compliment, a playful jest, a seductive remark - but there was none of that.
Xingqiu stared at you, eyes shining with admiration and his lips parted in pleasant surprise.
“Xingqiu, earth to Xingqiu,” You whispered. “You there?”
It was only after you spoke that Xingqiu snapped out of his stupor.
“Get yourself together, Xingqiu.” Stated Chongyun beside him in a whisper.
It took him a while to find him bearings but when he did, Xingqiu smiled at you and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
“Beautiful, just like the first time I saw you.”
            Scaramouche has dedicated his entire life to seeing through what his majesty, the Tsaritsa, desired. His life shall be nothing but a pawn for her to use in her schemes and may her will be done through him and her subjects. If she must dispose of him to make success of her endeavor, Scaramouche will gladly surrender before her eyes and bare his neck for her to cut. He will do anything she commands without a second thought, and anyone who dares get in his way will face the wrath of an incensed Harbinger.                
         It was all about the Tsaritsa. His entire his existence is for his majesty. It was all he ever believed in when the honor of being the sixth Harbingers was crowned over him. With that said, Scaramouche can never bring himself to admit his resolve has been altered upon his discreet visitation to the City of Freedom to conduct a more intimate investigation over the meteorites and the impact it had on the people of Mondstadt.
                      His skull was throbbing, his thoughts scattered, and frustration was beginning to settle inside of him. Scaramouche has just dispatched his soldiers to continue their research on the meteors after his failed attempt to eliminate the traveler. He was left alone in the tranquility of the night, with the remnants of the astrologist’s escape glittering beneath his eyes, mocking him.
     “I should have acted quicker. The Traveler will continue foiling The Tsaritsa’s plans.” Mumbled Scaramouche to himself. “No matter. There will be another chance in the future to finish off the hero of Mondstadt, and I’m sure it’ll come sooner than I expect. I must prepare for that time. I can’t make this mistake again.”
                  A curious hum that echoed behind him had him stiffening in his place and drawing out his weapon from thin air. “Are you interested about the meteors too?” A voice asked.
          Scaramouche turned around, and he found a woman standing behind him a few meters away. She has a beauty that he favors, a smile so gentle that it thawed a bit of ice in his heart, but a scowl made its way to his countenance. She’s taller than me.
  She didn’t look particularly like anyone he would have any interest in knowing, and when she has introduced herself to him after he supplied her with no answer, Scaramouche predicted correctly. She was merely an ordinary folk in any ordinary city with no Vision or any skillset that could benefit him in anything.
                                                    “I must get going.” Curtly stated Scaramouche and he turned around without even bidding goodbye to the woman.
                          “So soon?” You asked. “I thought we could at least talk what’s been happening – about the meteors, the stars.”
              Scaramouche frowned at the mention of the latter and he spun back around to meet your gaze. “The stars? What about the stars?”
                                        You smiled a secret smile. “The stars . . . they’re fake.”
         Scaramouche stared at you with wonder and amusement in his dark hues. He has always believed in that notion, and only a handful came to agree with him. Now, here a lady stands before him, with nothing in particular to offer him, speaking of the truth many has rejected.
                      He examined you from head to toe, evaluating your form before beckoning you to come over to him, saying, “Perhaps I can spare some time to talk.”
                  What was supposed to be a conversation within an hour or so has extended for a day, and when you requested to accompany him back to ship docked in Liyue Harbor to continue your conversation (it surprised him but has nonetheless allowed you to tag along) about the meteors and the stars, it dragged on for weeks.
     But Scaramouche would be lying if he said that was all you discussed about. There was only so much information they can relate to the subject that has intertwined their fates that it did not take long for the two of you to stray from it to favor a more civil conversation. He learned of your mundane life back in Mondstadt where you were merely another dot in the bustle of the city and he managed to extract from you valuable material regarding the Honorary Knight (in truth, you have willingly told him everything you knew about the Hero of Mondstadt and this he was very pleased with). He learned about your family, your work, your past, and your ambition to adventure throughout the lands of Teyvat even without a Vision.
                He thought it was foolish of you to believe you can ever get out of your city without a Vision. There were too many enemies that a simple adventurer like you could easily be overwhelmed with. Not to mention the Fatuis that he and his fellow Harbingers has placed all throughout Teyvat. The thought of you getting hurt, especially by his own soldiers . . . it did not sit right with him.
                                 Arriving at Liyue Harbor, Scaramouche proposed that you come with him. It is no secret that anyone who do not possess a Vision cannot survive if they were ever to embark on a journey. Hearing your desire for an adventure, Scaramouche has come to decide that as gratitude for your pleasant company and for your compliance in giving him information about the renowned traveler, he shall take you along in his voyage, showing you the grandest landscapes, granting your every need and desires, all the while keeping you at his side where he was certain you were safe.
    It was all to thank you, nothing else. It wasn’t because Scaramouche knew he would find himself missing you and the comfort you bring when you leave, nor was it because he was fond of you. Yes, yes, all just to show his gratitude.
              As his soldiers watched as Scaramouche led you aboard in ship with his hand interlocked with yours, they thought the same thing – Scaramouche is never the one to show gratitude to anyone. You had him smitten.
How you were able to fall in love with Scaramouche in such a short period of time is fascinating. Especially with his horrid personality.
But he was different with you. He was gentle, caring, and never raised his voice. The insults remained but there was no venom behind them. It took you quite some time to get used to his belittling remarks but it didn’t evade your perception how Scaramouche begun lessening his insults, opting for a more playful jab instead.
He proposed to you over at dinner. He had just come back from an expedition and came home to a table filled with your cooking. As the two of you are exchanging your stories of what went with your lives when you two were separated, Scaramouche placed his chopsticks away, looked at you straight in the eyes and said, “Marry me.”
How can you say no to such a romantic proposal?
Actually, you made him redo his proposal before you accepted but nobody else has to know about that.
There was no best man for Scaramouche in your wedding. The man was feared by everyone, and his fellow Harbingers hated him. Childe did insist on being his best man at one point but he almost ended up being fried by a lightning bolt. Apparently, the 11th Harbinger pestered him for a whole week trying to convince him to let him be the best man so his actions were justified - just a little bit.
You have to give it to Scaramouche. Regardless of his busy schedule and the current predicament in Inazuma, he managed to find time and opportunity to plan your wedding and marry you without having to worry about the Electro Archon and her subjects.
Scaramouche scoffed at the tradition of not being able to see you on the very day of your wedding. What good would it be? You were going to be his wife, and he wanted to see his wife. He saw himself above tradition, and visited you first thing in the morning at the day of the wedding.
It was no question Scaramouche was an authoritative man but he was more so as he prepared himself for the wedding.
His maids ran about in the room, providing everything he needed and wanted. Scaramouche was not known for being compassionate, but this was the first time they’ve been on the receiving end of his wrath. Normally, he would ignore their existence and not even bother to call them by their names but today, he was different. He acted worse than when he comes home after a failed mission.
The maids knew he was beyond frustrated with the wedding. So, they called to ask for your help.
“Scaramouche, you’re scaring the maids.” You cooed as you came up behind him and placed your hands on his shoulders.
Scaramouche let out a scoff, but you felt his frame soften. He sat before a mirror, and he gazed at your reflection as he placed a hand over one of yours. “Even they weren’t so terrible with their jobs . . . ”
“You’re making things so hard for them. And for yourself too.” You stated. “Marrying me shouldn’t be hard, should it?”
That statement set Scaramouche right, and when you left to carry on with your own preparation and the maids returned to their duties, he was more civil with them. If that’s what you want, then he can endure it.
The hour has finally arrived. Scaramouche has faced many dangers in his life, but it was only now he felt restless. What is taking you so long? He thought you wanted to marry him. Then what’s warranting your late arrival?
At that thought, you finally appeared by the end of the aisle, holding a bouquet in your hands. Everyone in the venue gaped at your beauty, and Scaramouche was thankful you had everyone gazing at you. He didn’t want them to see the dumbfounded and poorly hidden lovestruck expression that crossed his mien for a moment.
But a sense of pride also touched him. 
That’s my bride.
When the ceremony begins, you and Scaramouche were seated side by side. You smiled brightly at him when you sat, but he didn’t any indication that he saw your smile and continued giving his undivided attention on the person conducting your wedding. You pouted heavily at this but said nothing and followed his actions. However, your smile returned when you felt his fingers hooking with yours. It was a small improvement, but it was intimate and loving.
Scaramouche didn’t cry in your wedding but when his arms held you tightly to his chest when evening came and two of you lied down on your shared bed, it was enough for you to know he loved you as much as you loved him.
Maybe more so.
   Razor rarely experience human interaction, and if he did, it would be abrupt and depending on how the communication was being dealt by both parties, it would either be Razor who parts from them first out of wariness or lacking knowledge of being social or the other would, most of the time for the reason they find it disturbing a human could act so much like a wolf. The humans Razor constantly encounter are the hunters from Springvale and due to their bellowing voices and violence against his Lupicals, he has limited his ventures to Mondstadt unless something calls for an emergency.
        Other than the man who gave him his name, Razor only knew a handful of people – six of them being the Traveler, Traveler’s companion, Bennett, Klee, her big brother Albedo, and the woman he sees as his mentor, Lisa. He can only ever let his guard down when around them, though he was still a wee bit cautious of Albedo whenever Klee drags him to his camp.
                          He didn’t think he could meet anyone else who can consider a Lupical. That was until he met you. You were taking a peaceful stroll around Wolvendom – Archons know why you chose the most avoided place in Mondstadt to walk through – at the same time he was hunting down boars for his Lupicals.
  There was no rescuing or danger involved when he met you. It was a simple encounter, to which Razor was pleasantly surprised with. In almost all occasions, when he is meeting a fellow human being, it would be under rather unusual circumstances. He met the Traveler and her floating friend when they were being attacked by slimes. He met Lisa when she has painted the skies dark as she was singlehandedly fending herself off from a mob of Hilichurls. He met Klee when she was using her bombs to fish. He met Albedo in the middle of a chaotic experiment to which resulted in an evacuation. He met Bennett when he was hanging upside down from a tree when he tried to take an apple from a high branch, and the tree was up in flames.
                   To say, meeting you normally was a breath of fresh air.
      The two of you hit it off almost immediately, or so that is what it seems to you. Although you consider Razor a good friend even in just the few days you have met, he was still very careful of you. He had been deceived by humans before and it may be a little unfair to you since he trusted the Traveler and Bennett almost in an instant, he must first know you are trustworthy.
  And indeed, you’ve proven yourself as such. Perhaps, more so than the Traveler. You have done everything to show him you have no ill intentions against him and his Lupicals – helped him in hunting for sustenance for his family even if you have to knowledge in hunting, helping him broaden his vocabulary, helping him read and write – but it was your sacrifice to protect them that made him truly open himself up to you.
             An Abyss Mage has appeared out of nowhere and has wreaked havoc in their residence. Razor can feel his heart thundering as he raced through Wolvendom along with a few of his Lupicals who he had gone out with to hunt. Upon arriving at their home, Razor has anticipated to see the grass painted with red and wounded wolves whimpering in pain as others try to battle against the Abyss Mage. But to his relief, such image was not implemented into reality. Instead, he found his Lupicals sleeping soundly in their den, and the remains of the Abyss Mage has slowly evaporated in thin air. As the particles gradually disappeared, they made way for your presence to be revealed.
           Razor let out a gasp when he laid eyes on you. Bruised, bleeding, exhausted, but smiling as you happily waved at him with the hand clutching your weapon.
                              You happily advanced towards him, tittering. Razor reached out to take your hand, and reluctantly asked of your welfare. Now he understood why humans ask how one is fairing when they are clearly unwell – they do not know what else to say.
                      “Why would you do that?” Razor questioned as he brought you far from his den to tend to your wounds without waking his family. “You are hurt now.”
    “I can’t let an Abyss Mage hurt your Lupical.” You answered firmly, the smile you wore dissipating as you gazed into his eyes. “I might not be as strong as the Honorary Knight or Acting Grand Master Jean, but I fought well.”
               What was this odd sensation he was feeling? This strong urge to protect you, to take you in his arms and never let you go – what was this? He has never felt like this before. So light, so . . . flustered. He thought this feeling would be gone after a few days, but months has passed and since then, the feeling became more prominent, stronger. All the time he could never get enough of you and there will always be that lingering trickle of pain in his chest when you have to leave for the day. Razor knew you would come back the day after when the night has gone, but it never stopped that little ache.
                          Razor understood that he lacked understanding of feelings, so he confided to Bennett about it. Bennett was almost as clueless as Razor about feelings – almost – but he did know when someone was taking a liking of someone in a more amorous manner. He has filled Razor about exactly what he was feeling for you, and not the kind of feeling that he has for him and the Traveler, but the kind of liking he would have towards a . . . girlfriend? (Bennett had to explain to him the meaning behind girlfriend and it was no easy task).
            “Liking someone like a girlfriend . . . ” Razor muttered, scrunching his face in puzzlement. “ . . . like a mate?”
                                 Bennett flushed at the word but nodded. “Yes, like a mate.”
                                                Bennett tried his best to help Razor confess to you, and this is where disaster happened. Since Razor is mostly uneducated in terms of romantic feelings, he did not feel any anxiety crawling up to him when he decided to admit his feelings to you. The problem is that he has decided to confess in a wrong time and in a difficult situation.
       “You should confess to her after you’ve saved her from danger!” Exclaimed Bennett, beaming at Razor.
                   The latter tilted his head to the side. “Razor doesn’t . . . get it.”
    “Well, in the books I’ve read, the guys confess to the girls they like in a dangerous time. I don’t know how that’s safe, but it works. But since we don’t want to hurt ( Your Name ), you’ll save her before confessing!”
                    Bless his innocent heart, Razor trusted Bennett’s word without a smidge of doubt. His opportunity to admit his feelings came when the two of you saw Reckless Pallad being surrounded by Hilichurls getting ready to pounce on him. The thing is you too knew your way around a battlefield and have efficiently begun fighting off the Hilichurls. Razor watched as you made quick work of rescuing Reckless Pallad and he didn’t even notice himself beginning to pout in disappointment until you were right in front of him again, worriedly gazing at him.
             “Razor, what’s wrong?” You questioned, appraising him. “You’re not injured, are you?”
                                     He shook his head. “Razor not injured.” He confirmed.
        “Well, that’s good, but why aren’t you moving? We need to save that man.”
                            “Razor wanted to confess to ( Your Name ) by saving her.”
       Razor explained the plan of his confession he conspired with Bennett, how he would save you from danger and tell you his everlasting love that he didn’t notice the redness tinting your cheeks and the wide smile stretching across your face.
           Razor only took note of the phenomenon occurring on your features when he has finished elaborating his scheme. He narrowed his eyes curiously. “Your face is all . . . red. Sick?” He asked.
                                                                         Razor didn’t have a chance to further speculate just exactly was ailing you before you took hold of his face and softly placed your lips against him, catching him off guard.
                                      There was a blossom in his chest when you kissed him – this is love, right? Razor decided there and then he liked this feeling of love.
                      Needless to say, Reckless Pallad was left alone for the Traveler to save. Again.
Razor had no idea what weddings were. He has never heard of such thing before. The first time he did learn about it was when he was hanging out with you and the Traveler. The latter mentioned that you and him are invited in a wedding. Razor tilted his head in confusion but when he turned to ask you what it was, he froze. Your eyes were shimmering with joy and excitement. Razor liked seeing you like that.
So when you were preoccupied, Razor asked the Traveler what a wedding was. Perhaps a wedding was some sort of food that he can find in the wild?
After Traveler has explained what weddings are and the concept of marriage as well, Razor did not waste time trying to propose to you. Since he had no money to buy a very expensive ring, he asked Bennett for help to find materials so he can make one of his own. In the end, they had Wagner help them form a ring. It wasn’t exactly the best looking but when Razor showed it to you and asked for your hand in marriage (Traveler helped him with his proposal speech and had to explain that asking for your hand doesn’t mean literal), and he saw the pure joy on your face, he thought it was pretty enough for you.
Razor didn’t know you were happy mostly because he proposed to you but you didn’t tell him. He looked so proud with the ring.
Your wedding was small and only a very few people were invited. Klee insisted on being one of the flower girls and Razor almost agreed until she began spouting about bombs which will detonate in the air and will explode with flowers. Albedo advised Razor not to make her one of the flower girls because Klee, for sure, will bring flower bombs (it will explode with flowers, but the explosion is still there).
Razor chose Bennett as his best man. That was supposed to be a good thing but when the two of those pair up together, they can tend to cause a lot of chaos, unintentionally.
At the day of the wedding, nearly all the invitees refuse to enter the cathedral as they claim there was danger inside. When Kaeya and Jean came to inspect this danger they speak of, both wielded their weapons once seeing a pack of wolves huddled at the front, just before the altar, with Bennett and Razor telling them to behave.
You had to explain to Razor why it was dangerous and made people uncomfortable when there are wolves present in the cathedral. Although Razor was understandably disappointed by this, he conceded and brought his Lupicals back to Wolvendom. To make it up to him, you promised a private celebration will be held in Wolvendom with nobody else but you, him, Bennett, and of course, his Lupicals.
Razor didn’t know why Bennett seemed more nervous than him when the two of them were standing by the altar. 
“I’m going to ruin your wedding, Razor! Aren’t you worried?”
“ . . . but you not ruining anything . . . ?”
When you finally arrived in the cathedral, Razor felt excitement surge in his body and he can hardly stop himself from squirming on his seat. 
But he wasn’t smiling. These emotions . . . he was having a hard time comprehending them. It was good, it was nice, but it was overwhelmingly so.
He could have cried, and he almost did but when you were before him, smiling at him, he couldn’t help but smile back.
His beautiful wife, his Lupical.
Bennett was the one who cried in your wedding.
                It was always a fascinating sight to see a traveler meandering through Dragonspine without minding the sheer cold or flawlessly fending themselves off from the enemies lurking around. Even Albedo has some degree of difficult in navigating his way back to his camp without the Fatui spotting him or tailing him. But it was more fascinating to see a young woman standing in the middle of a freezing lake with nothing but her trousers and her brassiere.
                            It was a peculiar meeting, yes, but out of the ordinary people and matters has always endeared him.
    Albedo brought you to his camp as quickly as he can and asked Timaeus to hand you a cup of warm tea and a blanket. After thanking him for his kindness and consuming half of the beverage generously given to you, you introduced yourself.
             You were an adventurer who came all the way from Liyue to embark on a journey to discover the harshness and secrets that laid within Dragonspine, a mountain many do not dare set foot further in. Other than the mentioned reasons, training was a top priority of yours. You claim one cannot go further in their adventure while being comfortable in their current, and he completely agrees with your statement. When Albedo questioned why you had been in the middle of a lake in Dragonspine, you answered that being able to withstand the cold was just part of your training and seeing as he had caught you shivering to close to death, it was not going well.
                            Albedo didn’t think he would see you again after you parted from him, but he was surprised when the next day he found you waiting for him in his camp, a smile on your face as you stand proudly and wave at him.
   Something about you piqued his interest, if his interest was somehow related to how his heart accelerated whenever you come close to him to offer help with his experiment, or when his face grows hot if you offer him a compliment. He thought it was your way of showing him your gratefulness for taking care of you yesterday, so he allowed your presence in his camp, around him. Albedo didn’t expect you to visit again the next day, and the day after that, and so on and so forth. But he can’t say he disliked your frequent visitations, or your presence that always seem to be following him everywhere he went. He very much liked your company and thoroughly enjoyed listening about your adventures and everything you came across in your adventure. They were a good distraction from his experiments. Everything about you set his mind in ease.
             It wasn’t long until the two of you are spending more time together alone. No experiments, no work in mind. It just the two of you keeping one another company and sharing stories about your days, and making banters here and there – whether it be in a walk under the moon, or sharing a meal in Good Hunter, or while he paints somewhere in Dragonspine.
                 Although Albedo was not well versed in the complexity of romance and has deemed relationships to be rather tedious to uphold, but he was knowledgeable enough to know that in the process of his growing friendship with you, he has caught feelings for you.
  This has certainly brought difficulty in his relationship with you. Albedo, although never verbally admitting so, has always thought of feelings as a nuisance. In a relationship, in his own observation, disadvantages trump over advantages. He had seen the irrationality that love has caused, the stupidity. His observation led him to one conclusion – other than being friends with people, relationships is not for him.
           You have put him in a challenging situation. It would have been easy to cut ties with you if you haven’t successfully infiltrated his walls and snaked your way in his heart. The very thought of pushing you away was repulsive to him. Seeing the hurt cross your features – it will haunt him for the rest of his life.
                      The interest he had for you was not interest at all. It was the beginning of love. He should have been more alert, and this wouldn’t have happened.
                                 What if you returned his feelings and your relationship did not work? There was no way your friendship could be salvaged. Isn’t it much better to remain as friends than risk ruining any chance of keeping you in his life?
  No, no, that would be insanely idiotic. It will eat him up. Thus, he treated his feelings for you like an experiment. Dipping carefully, testing the waters – confessing to you.
        He can construct a confession that will perfectly enunciate his feelings for you while emphasizing your freedom to reject him and his desire to remain good friends with you. Surely, you didn’t reciprocate his feelings. All he needed is for you to let him down, and he will hope you can still see him the same way after.
            All his preparations, however, were thrown out of the window when you beat him to confessing.
   Albedo had no idea how struck his expression must have been with puzzlement, anxiety and flatter as he attentively listens to every word that leaves your lips. His heart pounded at everything you were saying – everything he adored about you, you adored about him. Being unable to speak his mind felt foreign to him. After you finished your confession, a beautiful red hue coloring your cheeks as you looked into his eyes with hopefully eyes, all he can do his open his mouth a smidge, and close, and then open again. He must have resembled a goldfish at that time.
                      Albedo couldn’t believe it. You loved him, and here he was expecting to be rejected and thinking relationships were a waste of time.
                                          He was in a dilemma now. Accept your feelings as his heart desired to, or gently reject you for practicality? Having a lover would complicate his life and he will risk so many things that he were used to just to be able to keep his relationship with you fruitful. Was he ready for something like that?
           This was the first time Albedo has listened to his heart. He still remembered how he cupped your face in his hands and pressed his lips against yours, muffling the gasp that tumbled out of you.
                                Albedo might be a stranger to romance but he is an Alchemist and risks are part of his job, and risking coming out of his comfort to be with you was something you deserve, and maybe something he deserved as well.
You knew Albedo was going to propose to you. He was always immersed in his experiments and research that you took the responsibility of tidying up his lab. It did not take long for you to find a small black box nestled in the back inside a drawer filled with haphazardly thrown papers and used pens.
Albedo knew that you knew he was going to propose to you. The two of you were taking a peaceful stroll around Dragonspine and after a heartfelt speech, he knelt down to one knee, he curiously watched as you malfunctioned right in front of him, trying to elect which route of surprise should you take before displaying a less then satisfactory theatrics of surprise.
Nonetheless, the two of you are still happy.
You and Albedo agreed that the two of you will have a small and private wedding. Klee, however, did not. She was less than thrilled to hear about that and went on a whole spiel of the reasons why you should have the biggest and most fun wedding ever, as she said.
“ - then where will a really, really tall wedding cake and Klee is going to make a bomb that will explode in the skies where it will burst out many pretty flower petals - ”
Jean promised the two of you that she will keep an eye on her at the day of the wedding.
Albedo is adamant on two things - a small wedding, and having no best man, and the latter had two reasons. Although he is highly respected in Mondstadt, there was no one he could ask to be best man, and the second reason is that he loves you and is certain that marrying you is something he wants. No doubts. He didn’t need a best man helping him in something he didn’t need help with.
Albedo was also not someone to conform to the ritual of not seeing the bride on the day of the wedding until the very ceremony, but for you, he begrudgingly followed.
On the day of the wedding, Albedo prepared himself without the help of anyone. He prepared his own clothes and had Klee braid his hair (it was a wee bit sloppy and Albedo fixed them when she had her back turned to him and gave her all the credit).
The man reached for the door to visit you but he let out a sigh when he realized that he cannot. He made a promise that today, the first time he’ll see you is when you walk down the aisle. He has to keep his promise. Not to mention Klee blocked his way and reminded him of that (tried to block).
Albedo was a patient man. Patience was nothing new to him. His research and experiments needed patience or they will ultimately fail. It came to the point where being impatient made him uncomfortable. That’s exactly what was happening when he was standing at the altar. Nobody, not even the observant Kaeya himself, can tell Albedo was beginning to lose his patience.
The day had been a little too long. He wanted to see you already. It didn’t matter if the ceremony would take a while before he can kiss you and call you his wife. He just wanted to see you again.
Albedo turned away the moment you stepped inside the cathedral. You were far from repulsive or ugly (and he can never think of you like that), but he had to cast his gaze somewhere but on you. He knew you’ll be beautiful in your wedding dress, but seeing you now with your adorable and shy smile, with Cecilia flowers in your hands, and your eyes fixated on him and only him - Albedo nearly lost his composure.
This time he was sure Kaeya saw it.
“Waah, big sister ( Your Name ) looks soooo pretty!” Klee cooed loudly, causing the guests to let out a few chuckles of amusement.
His impatience was beginning to pierce through him. The moment you faced him, Albedo did not waste time grabbing your hands, and once he did, you saw him visibly soften, as though a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders.
“What happened to you?” You asked, giggling.
Albedo returned your smile. “I’m just very happy to see you.”
The fervor that he exuded when he kissed you certainly supported his statement.
    Chongyun was known for two things – being an exorcist and having a type of condition that needed his keen observation and awareness.
       He has always disliked his condition. Whenever his Yang energy overwhelms, he must immediately consume an icy treat to be able to soothe his nerves. But it seems he can be thankful for it for this one time. If it wasn’t for his congenital positivity, he wouldn’t have stumbled across you, and your hundred homemade ice cream you smuggled out of your own home.
                      Chongyun had been hurrying to meet his friend at that day. He had just finished an exorcism somewhere in Qingce Village and was rushing to where he and Xingqiu usually meet in Liyue. He was already running late, and who knows what Xingqiu will do if he was late again. He let out a pained yelp when he crashed against your form when he made a sharp turn, and his Yang energy has never been in a more unstable state than when he saw you seated on the ground, groaning in pain, with peculiar looking containers littering the floor around you.
                   Chongyun had profusely apologized for his actions and assisted you in gathering all the belongings he had knocked off your possession. He felt the coldness in the small containers you once held and wondered what was inside. He hasn’t seen anything like this before. He knew his Yang energy was starting to ooze out of him but he underestimated its manifestation until you placed your hand over his forehead. He pulled back away instantly, startled by your actions, to which you immediately apologized.
        “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” He repeated, light blue hair bobbing with his movements as he bowed his head over to you again and again, mortification palpable on his features. “I-I didn’t mean to run – ”
                        “No, no, I should be the one apologizing! I wasn’t looking where I was going and I put my hand on you all of a sudden – ” You were about to continue spewing apologies and explanations when you froze, concern etching across his face. “ - oh, hey, you’re really, really red. Are you okay?”
                  Even when it had been years since his encounter with you, he still gets embarrassed when he remembered that, and you and Xingqiu tease him about it.
                                           He explained to you then about his condition and when you offered him a container you owned containing ice cream you made, that’s when your friendship begun. When the two of you snuck out to a secluded area in Liyue Harbor to gorge on the tons of ice cream you have once again brought out of your house despite your mother’s warnings did he know it would be a friendship that will last long. His only regret was that he introduced you to Xingqiu, and now he must endure double the teasing.
                       One thing he appreciated about you was how ready you were whenever you were with him. You made it your point to know what can cause his condition to act up and soothe him by your words, and always having ice cream with you. And the best part was that the ice cream you give him is always homemade, made by you. His popsicles could never compete to your masterpiece.
    He never really thought of you as someone he would be romantically interested in. Sure, there were instances when his Yang energy would flare up because of having you by his side, when your smile brought upon his own, when his heart raced when you held his hand as the two of you were returning from a commission, when he gazed at you with adoration when you took care of him and fed him cold noodles when he was having a fever (he refused to eat hot noodles even in his illness). Surely, all friends do that with one another, right? And feeling this odd sensation in his chest was normal, right?
                      When he confided in Xingqiu with this, the boy laughed at his cluelessness. It wasn’t surprising. Chongyun did not have a lot of friends so distinguishing friendship and romance was not easy for him. The Hydro Vision holder filled him in with everything he has to know about relationships, and he used some pretty unconventional ways like giving him a too descriptive image of how a man and woman would kiss, and other explicit doings of adults.
         But it did bring light one thing – Chongyun liked you, and of course how he handled such revelation was, simply put, disastrous.
                                      His entire body felt hot, and he was stammering to the point even the ever so eloquent Xingqiu cannot understand him. Normally, when things get like this, he’ll rush over to your place and request for some of your delicious ice cream but seeing as you were somehow part of the reason for this, he had to rely on Xingqiu to take care of him.
                      After learning about his feelings for you, Chongyun have never been more uneasy around you, which was odd, and he was sure you’ve noticed, and yet has never dropped any comment about it.
                     He was always nervous around you. Blushing whenever you come close to him, jumping when you take his hand in his, stammering whenever you praise him for anything, feeling the need to run away if you ask him about how he was fairing – he has lost count just how many popsicles he has eaten just to keep his cool. He has stopped asking ice cream from you and declined any offer from you because he thought accepting your homemade ice creams could lead him to falling deeper in love with you until he couldn’t move on anymore.
             Chongyun didn’t notice your growing impatience. He was so immersed in his own feelings that he didn’t take into consideration how you felt whenever he flinched away from your touch and rejected your treats.
   It took Xingqiu for the growing tension between the two of you to alleviate. He made an elaborate plan to get the two of you together in an isolated place (a broom closet) and has made a claim not to let any of you go until the two of you have confessed your feelings with each other.
                      “Just tell me what’s wrong with you, Chongyun! Why are you acting so weird around me?” You asked him but he refused to answer you just as he refused to look at you.
      You let out a sigh as you reached out to take his hand but when he pulled away from your touch, that was the last straw.
               “If you don’t want to be friends with me anymore, just say so.”
          Alarmed, Chongyun faced you, stuttering. “No! Of course, I want to be friends with you - I mean, I don’t want to be friends - wait, that sounded wrong, and so bad - ”
   Your brows burrowed together in question. “You want to be friends but you don’t want to be friends?”
   Chongyun groaned as he buried his face on his hands. It’s now or never.
                “I like you, ( Your Name ).”
           The silence that followed was deafening for Chongyun. He removed his hands from his face and prepared himself to apologize and beg to continue being friends when he felt hands cup his face, and your lips pressing against his. It was a good thing you had ice cream on you even after he avoided you for weeks. He almost fainted in your arms if it wasn’t for you shoving a finger in his mouth with a scoop of ice cream. 
                                   It was one of the few times Chongyun was grateful for Xingqiu’s interest in romantic tropes because if it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t have left that room with a blushing but happy face with you.
      Xingqiu smirked as the two of you exited the room, hand in hand and redness coating your cheeks. “Well, well, well, look who - ”
                    “Shut up, Xingqiu,” You and Chongyun chorused. The two of you looked at each other out of surprise and then burst out laughing, all the while the Hydro Vision user stood by the side, sighing.
         “Now, I have to deal with these two’s teasing.”
When Chongyun realized he was ready to propose to you after years of being together, he asked Xingqiu to propose to you on his behalf.
His best friend nearly destroyed his book from whacking the Cryo user for thinking such an inane idea could work. Not only was it not romantic, it was also inappropriate. Xingqiu had to reprimand him for an entire hour proposing that idea but being a good best friend that he is despite his mischievous streak, he vowed to help the man propose to you.
It was no easy task and there were times where Chongyun held himself back and risking yet another proposal plan. He was thankful Xingqiu was well versed with romance and everything entailed with it and knew more ways to help him. After a countless of delays, Chongyun managed to get down on one knee one fine evening by the trails leading to Liyue Harbor, spew out affirmation of his love for you in stammers, and asked for your hand in marriage.
When you accepted his proposal and adorned your finger with the ring, Chongyun discreetly showed a thumbs up to a nearby bush. About three hands popped out from the leaves, offering the same action.
Xingqiu let out a sigh as Xiangling and Xinyan giggled. “Finally.” He breathed out. “Now, time for me to be his best man.”
Of course, Chongyun chose him as his best man. Who else would be a better choice than him? 
Chongyun is firm about Xingqiu being his best man but sometimes he can be a little bit . . . pushy, especially when it comes to something he believes in.
There was a tradition where he cannot see you for a whole week until the ceremony. Chongyun was mildly bothered by this arrangement but nonetheless, since you agree with it, he will respect your wishes and do the same. Xingqiu has over and over again tried to persuade him to visit you at home, and he made some interesting points why he should. He almost convinced him a few times but in the end, he refused to be lured in his trap and stopped the temptation of breaking his promise.
He missed you dearly, yes, and his patience will surely be rewarded soon.
Chongyun, as expected, was freaking out at the day of wedding. Marriage is a huge step for the both of you. You’re not going to regret marrying him, will you? What if this marriage didn’t work? He’ll lose you for you.
Xingqiu had to guide him away from the altar and to a corner for privacy. Other than you, Xingqiu was a person who had been when his condition start acting up and how it worked.
After successfully cooling him down with a popsicle, Xingqiu consoled Chongyun. “I don’t know what you’re thinking about back there but you have nothing to worry about. ( Your Name ) loves you.”
“What if it doesn’t work between us?”
“It will. I’ve seen how you two are. You’re perfect for each other. I think you already know that, and ( Your Name ) does too. Why would she accept your proposal if she didn’t think the two of you wouldn’t prosper together?”
Chongyun murmured. “Pity?”
If Xingqiu had a book with at that moment, he would have smacked Chongyun again.
Once his condition has subsided, Chongyun returned to the altar and Xingqiu stood behind him, waiting.
The moment you arrived, Chongyun can feel himself heating up and his heart pounding against his chest. It felt like his condition was acting up but he wasn’t feeling nauseous or at the edge of fainting. It was a pleasant sort of warmth, the warmth he felt when he first met you.
No. It was the same warmth that travels through his body whenever he sees you, but this time, it was stronger to the point he it almost felt like his condition.
Your smile immediately disappeared when you saw Chongyun flushed red and his eyes averting from yours.
Worry encapsulated you. “Is your condition acting up?” You asked in a whisper.
Chongyun blinked, puzzled. “What?”
Discreetly taking a gander at the audience completely unaware of your interaction, you slipped your hand under your dress and showed Chongyun was a small ice cream container.
“I brought this with me just in case.”
Chongyun decided he made the best decision of his life to marry you.
He took your hands in his and pressed a small kiss on top of one.
“Thank you, love.”
After the wedding, Chongyun immediately visited the comfort room. You tried to follow him but Xingqiu told you there was nothing to worry about, and he was right.
When he entered the comfort room, Chongyun locked the door behind him and headed straight to the sink to splash some water on his face.
One won’t be able to tell Chongyun was crying from the water streaming down his face.
He looked up at the mirror, staring at his reflection as he let out a small, and content sigh.
“I’m married. I’m married to her.” Chongyun tried to hold back his smile, but he failed. “She’s my . . . wife.”
And did it sound nice to call you his wife.
              It was his duties to Rex Lapis, to the thriving land of Liyue, that kept Xiao grounded and his mind temporarily fleeting away from the karmic debts that weighed on his shoulders. If it had not been for the responsibilities laid down on him, he was sure to have succumb to the consequences of his bloodshed from the past long ago. It was the reason behind his creation, to serve the people of Liyue and protect them from any transgressors or anything that could potentially lead to their destruction, and it was all he knew. His existence was all for Liyue, and to seek out the desires of Rex Lapis and accomplish them no matter how difficult and by what means.
    Day and night he oversees every part of Liyue and hears every call of his name and seeks refuge in Wangshu Inn. It was a cycle that has never changed ever since the gruesome war between gods has taken place in Teyvat, and all was same until that night when he heard a cry for help from a distant place, and rescued a strange maiden from the peril she found herself in.
                          Love at first sight disgusted him the most. He can understand, to some degree, that mortals can fall in love with people they have built a caring and trusting relationship with but falling in love with someone who one has no dust of knowledge of their identity was simply unwise and incomprehensible. And yet there he was, leaping from the precipice of a soaring mountain and securing the mortal in the middle of her fall.
               Xiao had no clue why it felt like time has stopped and they have gently floated in the air as he took a gander at the woman in his arms. Scratches littered her features, and twigs adorned her mop of hair, but she still shone brighter than the stars and moon behind her.
   He did not let her speak to him after he has placed her safely on solid ground and he quickly took his leave without even a glance back.
                          When he had painted the lands of Teyvat red with the other Yakshas, he did not blink an eye or feel a bead of sweat trail on the side of his face. But that woman has caused his chest to flutter, and he always find himself thinking back to the day he had saved her. If he had been like any other mortal which has sleep as a necessity, he would find himself thinking of you every morning and every night, longing for another chance to meet you again. What has she done to him? He already has to carry the burden of his sins, and now he must endure this painful curse she casted on him?
              But it didn’t matter now. She was already long gone, for all he knows, and he doesn’t even know her name.
    Xiao already came to accept that she was merely going to fleet away from his mind, a distant memory that his heart will ache every time he remembers her. He had many regrets in his lifetime, and this leaving her behind without knowing her name is one of them.
                                    But it seems to him that Rex Lapis has taken favor of him and has graced his undeserving existence. Xiao had just exterminated a Hilichurl camp getting increasingly close to Wangshu Inn when his ears preened and his pupils dilated – that voice, the same voice that he never thought he’d hear again, was calling out for him again. He did not find the time to dispose of the monsters in a more appropriate location where they will no longer continue their venture towards the inn, and quickly made his way to where he heard her.
           When he arrived, it did not take long for him to spot her standing perfectly still in front of him, hands behind her back. His eyes dilated as he took in her familiar form. Her tresses were no longer matted with twigs and mud, the scratches that once marred her skin no longer present, and a smile has replaced the cowering fear that adorned her visage before.
                   Xiao ignored the increasing heartbeat that drummed against his chest and surveyed the area with a flick of his spear. “There’s no danger.” He remarked after assessing the parameter, his mask dissipating into the night as he returned his gaze back at her.
       She rubbed her arm as she averted her eyes from him. “I spent months trying to find you again.” The mortal woman murmured. “When all has failed, I thought back to that night you saved me, and I called – and you came.”
                                         Xiao did not speak another word, but he was afraid that you can hear how loud his heart was racing. He needed to ignore his selfishness, he needed to leave. “If you’re not in any danger, then I’ll be leaving.”
  He turned around to do as he said, but his eyes widened when he felt your hand around his wrist.
                “Wait, please,” She pleaded, and when he looked over his shoulder, any resolve of leaving her again vanished. She was looking at him with hopeful and vibrant orbs. How can he ever let her down when she’s looking at him like that?
      Xiao let out a sigh and turned back around to meet her properly, but her hand never left him. Were you afraid he might disappear as quickly as he did like last time?
                                    “Don’t go.”
                   “Why not?” Xiao questioned. “If you know anything about an Adeptus, then you understand my duties.”
              She bit her lip as he withdrew her hold. Xiao missed the warmth she gave him already. “I know that but . . . ” She trailed off. “ . . . can I . . . at least know your name?”
                                                Xiao did not give her an answer.
            “Even if we never meet again, I want to at least know the name of man who saved me.” She mumbled softly. “But I’m afraid if I ever know your name, I’ll never get to think of any other man but you.”
                                                    Xiao appraised you, taking in her apprehensive frame. A mortal has fallen in love with an Adeptus? This was preposterous. He saved her months ago, and back then they shared little time together. Too little to gain feelings for him.
    But still, he found himself relenting to your wishes.
                                     “Xiao,” He answered. “My name is Xiao.”
            Don’t look for another man. I’m here. I’m staying.
                   That’s how he met his first and last love, ( Your Name ).
Xiao has lived in Teyvat for thousands of years and is knowledgeable of the culture of mortals, one of them being marriage. He had witnessed humans bounding themselves to another, promising to cherish them, protect them, to love them. For Xiao, marriage is something far from disgusting. Although he cannot understand the need for them to be together under an oath, it was undeniable that many great things and opportunities birthed from them.
However, no matter how beautiful it is for them, it will never stop perplexing Xiao. How is it that one can look at another and know that they’re the one? Are they not afraid to be betrayed? Are humans so willing to have themselves get hurt and offer forgiveness for the sake of love? It’s confusing for him.
Not until you came along that it made sense. Every argument, every disagreement, sleepless nights, every sincere apology, every countless forgiveness, every embrace, every kiss - is this what mortals feel? If so, he’ll endure all the hardships of love if it means staying by your side, and he knew that you feel the same.
Unfortunately, Xiao is not one for marriage.
Not that he does not love you - oh Archons, because he did, deeply so - but the consequences of your relationship always hang in front of him.
 It’s already a risk to let you in his heart and love someone as sinful as him, but the thought of you bearing his karmic debt terrified him.
What happens if the two of you are bound together, and under a contract that Rex Lapis will surely oversee? Will the demons that torment him sink their teeth on your pure and innocent soul? Will he see the life in your eyes wither as you strive to remain with him? And what if you try to break the contract to escape karma? Will the both of you suffer in karma and the wrath of the rock?
Xiao can’t do that to you. This is one way he can guarantee your safety. It hurts him to know he cannot marry you, and it hurt more when he saw the disappointment and pain in your eyes when he explained himself. But keeping you safe is his top priority. He deserved this punishment, he can’t put it over your shoulders too.
But that didn’t stop Xiao from imagining how your wedding could have been if things we’re a little different.
A small wedding in a place of your choice with only a handful of close friends and families. You’ll wear a gorgeous dress and walk up to where he is with the same smile you wore when he met you for the second time.
As you stand before him, Xiao could only imagine the happiness and contentment he would feel at that time. 
He’ll hold you close, hear you laugh, and then he’ll press his lips against yours, sealing you to a promise that everything that he is, and everything that he has, is yours.
He’ll find himself retreating somewhere private. He didn’t want you to see him vulnerable, weak, as he cried for the first time in his life, and for the greatest reason.
He could have a chance of happiness, but he can’t.
It was all a dream.
A dream he will never achieve, a dream of yours that he can never grant.
“Xiao, you’re still awake?”
The man looked away from the moon and looked over his shoulder to see you standing by the threshold leading to the terrace. You were tired, and yet you woke up to tend to him. 
“You know I don’t need sleep.”
“But you always lie next to me. What’s wrong? Something bothering you?”
Xiao did not respond, and you didn’t push any further. He adored it how you know when to prod to a subject or not. You know him so well.
After a moment of silence, you walked over to him and sat  beside him on the railing. You looked up at the moon, and Xiao slowly placed his head over your shoulder.
He felt at peace.
Xiao closed his eyes, dreaming of a day that will never come when he can marry you without anything holding him back.
                        Kazuha can no longer remember how long it has been since he was on the run from the shogunate. The Electro Archon and her subjects are on the hunt for Visions of every single person residing in the walls of Inazuma, and he was one of the few who refused to have their Visions confiscated from them. It seems exiling him from his homeland was no longer sufficient and the said Archon has ordered for every so-called transgressor that they banished to be apprehended and have their Visions forcefully taken from them. It was only his luck that Beidou, and the crew she captained, has taken him under their wing and he has been sailing the seas with them since then.
            Has it been months? Days? Or perhaps weeks? Being away from land with nothing but the ocean to take in and his mind seemingly always preoccupied with his doubts and worries has him losing track of time.
   In all honesty, he doesn’t remember the last time he stepped on dry land. Perhaps they did, but it was not a memory that has fleeted a long time ago. All he can think about was Inazuma, the threat of being having his Vision taken, and his past he buried deep within the back of his mind.
            Beidou must have taken notice of his continuous lackluster attitude and has set sail for Liyue for him to take a break from the seas. This, of course, he appreciated though he insisted Beidou that she did not have to dock just for him to clear his mind.
          Back at that time Beidou claimed she knew what is best for him and she should put his trust on him, and with the lack of reasons to refute her statement, Kazuha merely let out a sigh and agreed to land in Liyue.
                         He has never been to Liyue, or to put it more accurately, he has never stepped foot in in the few times the Crux made their return on Liyue. It wasn’t because he hated it there, but he felt more comfortable and more at home inside the ship. The furthest he has gone was on the docks to help the crew load supplies in their next sail. But now Beidou has encouraged him to leave the ship and explore, and implied being forbidden to come aboard if he refused to do as she says.
       When Beidou said she knows what is best for him, maybe she was right. He must admit, even if he was still longing to return to his homeland, Liyue had many sights and delicacies to offer. But the best and most beautiful sight he saw was up on a rooftop when he was resting from hours of mindless meandering in the streets.
                                                              He played with a green leaf that fluttered over to him after it has been carried away by the wind from its tree, and he pressed his lips against it to whistle a melody. The tune was buried under the bustle of the city night but it seems that one picked it up from the terrace just below him.
                    Kazuha saw a girl around his age walk out to the terrace, head moving left and right, as though looking for something. Kazuha did not think much of this behavior assuming she was searching for something else, and he tore his eyes away from her and nonchalantly continued to whistle against the leaf.
                                           “So, that was you who was making that beautiful sound.”
                Kazuha casted his gaze down to see the girl on the terrace looking up at him as she leaned against the railing with her arms crossed, a gleeful smile present on her brims. He pulled the leaf from his lips as he regarded her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to – ”          
          She shook her head, chuckling. “No, no, it’s fine. You can stay there.” She assured, and Kazuha eased on his spot. She stared at the leaf in his hand. “I didn’t know you can make a tune using a leaf.”
                      Kazuha flashed her a small smile. “It’s something only a few can do. It’s pretty hard to master.”
                     “And you’re one of those few.” She remarked. Silence prevailed between the two until she spoke again. “Can you play something for me?”
      Kazuha was bewildered by her request. It wasn’t common to find a foreigner sitting on the rooftop of her household. One would think that their first reaction should be an accusation of trespassing and a demand for identification, but no. This girl was different, you were different.
                    Kazuha did not question your request, just as you have not questioned him of his place on your rooftop. Instead, he granted your wish. He pressed the leaf against his lips and blew, a tune of his own composition sounding in the air.
      He watched in awe as you raised both your hands to your chest and white particles formed above your palm, creating a shape until it formed and bloomed into an elegant wooden lyre. Without saying anything else, you strum the strings along with his tune, and the people of Liyue beneath their feet are unaware of the small haven the two of them created together.
               Kazuha is more than grateful for Beidou for pushing him to go to Liyue. Ever since that night, he has made constant visits to your house. Early in the morning – that’s when Beidou would barge into the barracks and force them out of their beds – he would always be the one out of the door to finish his tasks and leave immediately to visit you, a prominent smile over his face. The crew, of course, has pestered him to tell him of the reason for his constant leaving and he could only let out a sigh of relief when Beidou shooed them away from him and asked them to return to their work. She winked at him right after and whispered, “Go and hurry to your girlfriend.” To which he denied with a shy grumble before making haste to Liyue.
                               Liyue was brighter than the isolationist Inazuma has become, and one of the reasons Kazuha thought this was you. The Crux was like a family to him, and Beidou was like an older sister to him, but you – he has never felt more soothed than in your presence. You felt like home, and it has been so long since he had felt like he was at home. Seeing you smile, hearing you laugh, seeing how you nod attentively as he talked, your arms embracing him when he opened up to you about his past, the music you played together in perfect harmony even without practice – it was all so surreal.
        Kazuha didn’t have to tell you about his growing feelings for you. He knew that you knew.
  It started with a shy kiss, and then a longer one, and the two of you found solace in each other’s arms. There was no music playing, and there were no stories shared – just him with his arms around your figure and lips connected with yours. None of you dare say it but your days together were slowly coming to an end, and it won’t be long until the day comes when he has to set sail to visit neighboring nations.
                  But Kazuha will always come back to you, that he promises.
After a few years of frequent visiting and writing letters to one another, Kazuha has finally decided that it was time for him to propose to you. Beidou - being the supportive big sister she is to him - upon hearing of his plan, gathered her crew to help Kazuha in his objective. Everything from food, drinks, location (they chose the ship), and atmosphere, they provided. As thanks for their dedication and help, they only ask an invitation to his wedding, to which Kazuha replied will surely come even if they did not help.
The crew claimed that they shall be far away as possible from the ship so that the two of you can have your privacy, but Kazuha, and definitely you, as well, heard loud cheering from a short distance followed by a shushing Beidou when you accepted his proposal.
“I thought they said they’d be at Wanmin Restaurant - ”
“To be honest, I didn’t really believe them.”
Unlike the other boys who were hesitant of not seeing the bride for a week until the wedding, Kazuha was actually the one to push this tradition. He disliked it as much as the other boys, but Kazuha loved being able to give you his all. Not being able to see you for a week is a sure way for him to crave for your presence, and once the two of you see each other again, he’ll pour out every love and care for you then.
You were dismayed by this whole arrangement but since it is important to Kazuha, you respected it.
The crew fought for the spot of best man, but in the end, all of them got to be best man. Kazuha did not have the heart to choose one from the crew, so he had to explain to you beforehand that the almost the entire male crew of The Crux are going to be standing with him at the ceremony.
It wasn’t a common occurrence in a wedding but you allowed it. The crew was like his family to him, and if it’s going to make him happy to have them as his best men, who are you to go against it?
At the day of the wedding, Beidou was the one to fret over Kazuha’s appearance. The Anemo user tried to calm her down but after she continually tried to fix his hair for the wedding, he just sighed and allowed her.
“I can’t believe you’re going to be married in just a few hours.” Beidou remarked in the quiet after a while. “To think you were just a teenager when we met you, and our little teenager is a big man now.”
“Nothing’s going to change. I’ll just be married.” Kazuha tried to ease her worries but he knew as well there are going to be major changes. One of being concerning his frequent endeavors with the crew. Once he gets married with you, he’d want to be with you always, to settle with you. But he was so used to the sea, to be living with the crew in a ship. Can he really get used to this coming change?
Beidou let out a sigh. She placed a hand over his head, patting him gently. She would have ruffled his hair but that would waste her effort on making it as presentable as she can.
“Things are going to change, Kazuha.” Stated Beidou, beaming. “And it’s not all bad. Trust me.”
Kazuha nodded, but he was still uneasy. He was ready to give himself to you, but at the same time, he wasn’t ready to leave the crew. 
This thought haunted him even in the time of the ceremony. He should be focusing on the wedding but he couldn’t. 
He needed to talk to you about this. You need to know what’s bothering him.
Was it possible to feel dread for the future while also looking forward to it?
Because it felt like a gust of wind billowed his direction when his eyes landed on you. Beautiful, you’re beautiful. What else can he say? 
Was he really going to marry you? Whatever did you see in him? He was a banished Ronin from Inazuma. There must be some other man more worthy of you.
But you loved him, nobody else.
“Stop gawking at me like that. You’re making me embarrassed.” You murmured, cheeks flushed. He didn’t even notice you standing before him until you spoke.
Kazuha closed his parted lips as he turned away from you. “I . . . uh . . . ” He swallowed. “You look beautiful, ( Your Name ).”
“At least look at me when you say that, Kazu-kun.”
 He looked at you, breathing in before speaking. “You look very, very . . . uh, pretty.”
You laughed a little. “You look very, very handsome, Kazuha.”
You took his hands in yours and gazed into his eyes, smiling. “Things are going to change once we get married.”
A pang of uneasiness struck Kazuha.
But what you said next shocked him.
“After this, I can finally be part of the crew and join you on your adventures in the sea!”
Kazuha gawked at you again, blinking.
Everyone invited to his wedding gasped when Kazuha suddenly kissed you out of nowhere in the middle of the ceremony.
Beidou, and the rest of the crew, however, cheered loudly for the two of you.
After the wedding, Kazuha snuck away from the reception for a while. He found a tree from a short distance and sat on the branch, breathing in the cool evening air.
He caught a fluttering leaf and smiled as he gazed at it and recalled how the two of you met.
Things will change, and soon, he’ll be adventuring with his wife in the vast ocean. Oh, he has so many things to show you.
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Limerence [M] ︳37
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Pairing: Zuko x OC
Genre: Romance, mainly fluff with future smut, and if you squint hard enough - you’ll find some angst.
Rating: SFW
Words: 13000+
Notes: Enjoy my loves~! Next chapter we’re getting some smut, so prepare yourself. Please stay healthy and safe, and happy Halloween 🎃
Masterlist ︳ Bonus pt. 3 [M]  ︳ 38 [M]
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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Limerence: (English/n.) the state of being infatuated with another person.
The moment their eyes locked they knew - the flames within him twisted while the water within her turned. It was a connection, a connection that would lead to love, adventure, and drama.
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“I am my father’s daughter, and I am not afraid of anything.”
(English/quo.) By Michael Hirst; ‘Queen Elizabeth I: Elizabeth.’
~ Ying Yue Jiang ~
It was an embrace I hadn’t thought about in a while. Part of me felt guilty because the last time I had craved such warmth, wanting to hear my nickname since I was a child, was when Zuko and I got into an argument. Crying on the beach, aching for nothing more but Mom’s and Dad’s arms wrapped around me.
Dad would always crack such a dad joke during those moments. It would cause us to stop snuggling and stare at him with an expression of bafflement and amusement, no matter how terrible it was.
‘You are so embarrassing; why did I marry you?’ Mom would grouse, but I saw her sheepish grin.
In so many ways, the look Mom gave Dad reminded me of how Zuko looked at me. My child-like behaviour and attitude often drove Zuko up the wall. Both Mom and Zuko feign annoyance. But now I saw what my Dad saw all those years with Mom.
That glimmer of enjoyment - love.
I could feel my skin flush, my body trembling like a leaf during a windy day. Unable to fathom, believe, that I would be able to witness that look of utter love once again from someone other than Zuko.
Within a few years, I had already begun to lose the details. A weak remembrance of how he looked and how much I loved Dad’s hugs. My head stuffed into his chest, my eyes swollen as I bawled.
The flowers scattered on the floor under our feet, gripping onto his worn clothes as if he could disappear from under my grasp any second. The thought of him leaving, losing him once again, had my heart cramping. It was the same pain when I thought I had lost Zuko. I couldn’t survive if I had to go through that suffering again. The pain of losing someone when I finally got them back-
“Your hugs are worse than Mom’s, button.”
A burst of bittersweet laughter erupted from me; cries laced in between. Mom’s hugs were synonymous with death grips. Rarely did she show affection, but when she did, she went all out.
But hearing his voice, something I haven’t heard in years, had me in another fit. I couldn’t get a single word out, not willing to let go of him because it had to be a dream. A cruel dream, a wish of mine that I had learned to let go of because it wasn’t doing anything but instilling false hope.
But I can feel it.
His pulse under my hands, heart beating just as fast as mine. It felt so real, battling to breathe between my sobs. His calloused fingers were caressing my hair, trying to calm me down, but I was struggling.
Everything hit me at once, my breathing short as I felt my face grow in heat because it was like I couldn’t get enough air. The whole weight of the world rested on my shoulders, overwhelmed with so much emotion. Every breath came out as a wheeze my mind spun-
“Love.” Zuko hummed softly.
His warm hand rested over the small of my back. It was a humble, gentle gesture. So faint in touch that it would’ve gone unnoticed if he hadn’t cooed my name. He was letting the palm of his hand rest for just a second, waiting for me to take account of him before pulling back.
But that second was all I needed. A moment of clarity - this wasn’t a dream.
“I missed you so much.”
A contradiction - Dad’s eyes were glossy, tears freely sliding down his face. Yet, he held the brightest of smiles. It reached his eyes and caused wrinkles to paint the edges. His large hand raised and combed back my hair from my face, my tears causing it to stick.
I-I feel like a child again. Memories flashed before me as he carefully wiped away my tears with a burst of nervous laughter. His eyes were frantically scanning, trying to memorize every aspect of myself as his thumb brushed another tear.
It was like he was in much of a state of disbelief as me, unable to believe that it was me. Five years. Five years since we’ve last seen each other, and just as Dad studied my appearance, my eyes finally began to explore. I felt my gaze darken.
Dad...he looks old. Not old, in that of ageing, but old as in tired.
Dad’s skin pale, eyes sunken, his once long glossy hair now short and shaggy. I hadn’t realized how my hand reached, my fingertips falling over Dad’s nose, a speck of dirt on it. Cut and bruised. His skin felt rough, dry, filled with blemishes and scars. I don’t remember him feeling like this. I remember Dad boasting of how his hands were softer than Mom.
Dad’s heart, the softness and love that he held, was still present in his warm gaze. Yet there were these walls. The brightness of his soul struggled to shine through, and my shoulders slumped.
“Dad…I’m so sorry.”
The guilt that I thought I let go, unleashing as my bottom lip trembled. I could feel the grief and suffering he must have felt all these years. Having aged a dozen in a span of a few, and it was all my fault.
“I should’ve stayed and helped-”
“Don’t you dare blame yourself,” He spoke sternly.
His hands fell over my shoulders with a secure grip. Dad used that classic tone of his whenever I got in trouble. While rare, it was often a well-deserved lecturing and yet the sound of him being firm about his statement- I found myself crying harder.
I missed him so much that even getting lectured made me so unbelievably happy.
“If anything happened to you, button. We wouldn’t forgive ourselves.”
“Mom-” I sniffled, staring up at him with a small glimmer of hope. I knew the answer, but I had to ask. I needed to know for sure. “I-is she okay?”
A flash of pain, his eyes were tearing once again as he swallowed, “I couldn’t save her, button.”
Her hands were twisting frantically as Mom swung water towards the enemies. Her bare feet dug into the ground, not at all caring that the rocks dug into her soles. Mom was covered in a layer of dirt, her hair tumbling from her braids as her movements were powerful. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, and I remember looking up at her at that moment and realizing just how cool my Mom was.
That moment of appreciation, an appreciation that came far too late disappeared soon after.
‘Go,’ she had screamed.
A look of utter desperation flashed as I watched water engulf a man’s head, drowning him in seconds. Her expression was one I had never seen on her. Mom was strong, a force to be reckoned with that people would often do a double-take when they found out she was the village doctor. To see fear in her eyes, her screaming at me to run, had my blood running cold.
I clumsily scrambled backwards, listening to Mom’s command in a heartbeat. I was too scared to disobey even if I wanted to—my body working against my free will.
And as if she saw the fear in me, she smiled at me, a smile that would forever be etched in my mind. It reached her beautiful crystal eyes as her presence felt warm. If only I had known at the time why she had smiled. She didn’t want the last moments I had with her to be of fear but utter love.
I ran as fast as I could through the forest, crying.
“We knew what we were risking when we did what we did, button. This is not a burden that you need to carry,” Dad whispered, and I smiled through my tears, “It’s also not a burden for you to carry, Dad.”
It was like that’s what he needed to hear all these years. Dad silently wept as he rested his head against mine. I could feel him shaking, his heart aching. He missed Mom.
A week without Zuko and the world felt colourless. Dad suffered all those years by himself. I can’t even begin to imagine what he is going through. Not having a shoulder to cry on, someone to lean on.
“I missed you so much,” Dad confessed, “and I promise I’ll visit as often as I can, button.”
I lowered at the thought of saying goodbye, even if it was just for a few days. I could already envision his figure walking away from me, growing smaller and smaller in size until he was nothing more than a dot on the horizon. Don’t be such a baby, Yue.
Yet, there was this nagging part in me. I just got Dad back. I don’t want to let him go-
“Excuse me, I do not wish to interrupt,” Zuko awkwardly spoke, and we both turned to face him.
A flustered blush coated my cheeks because while his tone was a bit uncomfortable, watching from afar our interaction, Zuko looked happy. His stunning eyes twinkled with that adorable dimple, the rays of the sun illuminating him from above like a brilliant star. He did this.
Made my dreams a reality, one by one.
“We have arranged a bedroom, a home, for you to stay in the Kingdom if you so wish.”
My eyes widened. Is he serious-
Zuko’s expression never wavered once. His eyes were meeting Dad’s with a look of affirmation. It was the same one Zuko and I shared often, and my heart fluttered - he’s going to take care of Dad as best as he can. Dad can live with us, no more goodbyes. Zuko prepared everything and more for this, and I had no clue. Was this why he looked stressed yesterday?
“A tailor is scheduled for tomorrow to prepare a new set of clothing for yourself, and a check-up is planned for tonight. Although, I imagine Katara will step forward and replace the doctor. She’s the greatest healer I know, and I have complete confidence in her.”
“Zuko…” I whispered, and he met my gaze.
It was so soft my heart skipped a beat. Even without direct touch, spoken words, it felt like a blanket of security and comfort fell over my shoulders. Those cozy mornings where you awaken from a great rest. That’s how I felt with Zuko.
With a bright smile, I tugged on Dad’s hand. I could not contain the bubble of excitement despite my drying tears because it was something I never thought I would’ve gotten the chance to say.
“Dad, I have to introduce you to someone.”
He raised a brow, and Zuko looked at me with a puzzled look. His nose wrinkled in that attractive manner as my grasp over Dad slipped from between my fingers. My hands found themselves draped over Zuko’s chest, feeling the lush fabric underneath my touch.
With a prideful smile, I looked at Dad, “Dad, this is Zuko, and he’s my home.”
I don’t think I ever saw Zuko turn as red as he did. It reminded me of Kiyi in so many ways whenever I teased her silly - especially about her little crush on Tom-Tom. His cheeks were redder than the roses in the garden, his lips parting and struggling to find words. If anyone else were here, they would be scoffing at the sight.
I swear I could hear Zuko release a tiny exhale of utter surprise, taken aback, which was a more challenging reaction to pull than you would expect. A wave of embarrassment at my loud declaration of love, but I spotted that glimmer of pride in his eyes.
Zuko knew the importance of that simple word - home.
It meant more than just me saying I loved him. It meant I could trust him, rely on him, spend the rest of my life with him and beyond because he’s my other half. I could feel Zuko’s heart race under my fingertips as I stared up at him with nothing else but utter love.
“Oh-” Dad spoke, clearing his throat, and I saw the intensity Zuko and him shared.
It was a silent acknowledgement with a slight awkwardness. I bit my lip, my fingers fidgeting with the edge of Zuko’s low neckline as Dad studied him. I didn’t take in how awkward this was going to be. I read in novels that the first meeting was always a bit odd. But experiencing it firsthand was a whole other story.
A nervous smile, staring up at Zuko to send him a sense of reassurance. As he tilted his head towards me, it was then my eyes narrowed. Pink and dark- is he burnt?
“Zuko-” I worried, as my hands reached upwards to touch the red marks over his neck.
It was heated and slightly raised as the pads of my fingers delicately grazed his neck. It looked like it hurt a ton, and I heard Zuko wince under his breath. I wavered, my brows pinching as my lips pulled downwards. It was perfectly drawn in front of his neck, fading as it trailed to the back.
“What happened? Are you alright?” I asked.
A moment of hesitation. I swear I saw it. It was quick, like a flash of lightning, before Zuko let a light touch fall over my lower back, “It’s nothing, love.”
“You’re hurt-”
“An allergic reaction. A new necklace arrived for me, and it seems to have irritated my skin.”
I frowned, staring at him with a hint of disbelief.
I’ve seen allergies from aiding Mom and Katara; this seemed like a superficial burn. Why would the front of his neck be raised if that were true? Wouldn’t it start from the back forward? Falling down his chest where the necklace would hang-
“Don’t overthink it, love. I promise.” Zuko said, and I huffed, “When Dad gets a check-up, ask Katara to look at it, please.”
Zuko nodded before eyeing behind me.
I looked over my shoulder, a quiet smile over Dad’s face, and I blushed. Our conversation wasn’t naughty in any way, but it felt odd knowing Dad overheard. But why? It was a conversation that I wouldn’t care if Toph or Sokka listened to. But knowing that Dad heard-
I’m not used to Dad in my life anymore. It hurt, my stomach in knots, recognizing how I adjusted to a life without Dad and Mom. It was expected. You can’t pause your life because someone passed away, as painful as it may feel. But having Dad back made me understand how much I wanted him.
Guilt within me rose because it felt like I had forgotten about him. I pushed him to the side as a distant memory. I feel like I’ve been such a terrible daughter all these years. My hands balled into fists. I knew I did nothing wrong, but this guilt kept nipping away at me-
“I have a feeling you’re in charge of the gardens, button,” Dad spoke, pulling me away from my thoughts.
He bore a large grin, dramatically scanning the gardens and pointing at the blossoming flowers around us. The scent of nature was strong despite its delicate and soothing undertones. For a moment, I had forgotten where we were. People were whirring around while a few shot us curious glances as they enjoyed their afternoon stroll.
Dad let out a tired sigh, crouching in his spot, and I took notice of patches on his pants from previous tears. His clothes looked so worn from the rough weather and use. It was like Zuko knew Dad would need a new set of clothing, a restart in life.
Dad’s calloused fingers reached to the ground below, plucking the flowers I had carelessly dropped earlier. A few of the petals had fallen from the impact and scattered. He looked at me amused, “The gardens...it reminds me of your bedroom growing up.”
I laughed as I wiped away the remaining tears; a few shaky breaths escaped me. Dad raised the bundle towards me, and I grabbed it from his hold. I pressed them to my chest, my fingers strumming the stems as I felt Zuko hold my waist from behind.
“You should show him what you’ve done, love. Yue has quite the eye for nature.”
“Her mother,” Dad proudly claimed, and I beamed at Zuko’s compliment, “I just planted a flower with Zuko under a tree. And I have to so you the new idea I have. I’m thinking of having a tiny section for the kids to learn how to grow vegetables.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea, button.”
“Oh! I can also show you the kitchen where I bake and the hot springs; I know you love the hot springs.”
My finger fell over my lip as ideas came rushing one by one—so many things to tell, to show. My cheeks heated as I trembled with an uncontrollable sense of excitement.
“And I have to show you Appa. But make sure you have your mouth close ‘cause he can give wet kisses-”
“Appa?” Dad repeated, and I nodded, “Avatar Aang’s companion, his flying bison.”
A moment of silence fell between us as Dad stared at me with utter wonder. As if the words I spoke were of a different dialect. His eyes lightened up the more I recounted until he burst into a round of laughter. It was so strange to hear his voice. It’s not a dream; he’s here.
Dramatic with his words and actions. Dad was lively in so many ways, the burst of energy in our home and I bit my lip as my eyes teared. If only Mom were here too.
“I have a lot of catching up to do, don’t I?” Dad spoke positively, and I could hear the sadness in such a statement. I ignored it. Stay positive; he’s here, no reason to be sad anymore.
I nodded sheepishly.
“Why don’t you go on a walk with your Dad, love. You have plenty to share,” Zuko suggested.
“If she tells stories like how she did when she was a teenager, it’s going to be a long walk.” Dad teased, and I pouted, “Dad!”
“It still hasn’t changed,” Zuko whispered from behind as if I wouldn’t have been able to hear.
His warm breath against the skin of my neck, goosebumps rising as I immediately turned on my heel to slap his arm. The grin Zuko shot me, chuckling at my flustered appearance, all while he acted as if he was in pain. We both knew a single punch from me wouldn’t do anything to him unless I tried.
Dealing with Zuko, Sokka’s and Toph’s teasing already had me mentally exhausted. Now adding Dad to the mix, the history-bearer of my childhood had me terrified. I wonder how Zuko and Dad will get along-
“Let’s go, button,” Dad spoke, propping his arm for me to link and to go forth with our reunion stroll.
If you were to tell me this would happen, I couldn’t see myself doing anything other than skipping to him. Our arms linked as I eagerly took us for our walk under the beautiful sunny sky. The both of us would chat away with sparkling smiles and happy tears as Dad let me babble on and on about everything and more.
But that all paused as I heard that sigh leave his dry lips once again.
I stared at Dad, studying his posture as his chest fell and rose in slow, ragged breaths. It was the same deep and long exhale when he rose from his crouch. His large hands tumbled over his thighs as he pushed himself upwards. It was like every movement came with pain and exhaustion.
As the heat of the sun rained over our figures, I could see the happiness in his eyes. The faint wrinkles and glow that he had. But I spotted more than just that. Just like before, I took in how much time has passed.
We weren’t frozen in time; we’ve changed.
And for him, it seems to have taken a tremendous toll than I would’ve never imagined.
His shoulders were slumped, skin dirty, and his clothing tattered. This wasn’t who Dad was. He was confident, taking pride in how well he took care of himself. Mom bragging and showing off Dad with a smug grin to everyone in our village.
“Dad...how about we take our walk after dinner?” I hummed, my fingers twirling. His eyes widened as a wave of concern washed over him. As if he had done something wrong, said something to upset me, “Are you sure-”
“Zuko can show us your room, and you can rest for dinner. You have tons of people you have to meet tonight, my family.” I beamed as I gazed up at Zuko, “Dad is here to stay...so there isn’t a need to rush anymore.”
It felt odd saying it out loud; Dad, living with us.
A silly grin plastered on my face as I felt like I was glowing. I was happily leaning against Zuko as his touch caressed my hips, looking down at me with a tender expression. There weren’t enough ways, things I could do and say to convey my thanks. For everything he has done for me, it was above anything I could’ve ever imagined.
“Let’s get going then,” Zuko spoke as I bounced off his figure towards Dad.
My arms wrapped themselves around his waist, snuggling into his chest. I don’t ever remember being able to wrap my arms around him this tightly. I always remember Dad being big and strong, but now he felt tiny in my hug. I’m going to take care of Dad, no matter what.
Zuko moved in front of us, signaling something to the guards as he hushed orders. The guards nodded to whatever he said, but they stilled for a second, shooting me smiles.
I love the people of the kingdom. They shared the same happiness I was currently experiencing. Some people in the kingdom may not wish the best for me, but they’re nothing compared to the love I’ve received from the others.
“I bet you know the layout already of the Kingdom,” I spoke as we walked along the stoned path.
“Not at all,” Dad replied, but his eyes were eagerly soaking up the scenery around us, “Things have changed...a lot.”
“As I said, I made sure it’s not like how it used to be…” Zuko trailed, not bothering to look over his shoulder.
As he said before? I bit my lip because this whole time, I chalked up the vibe between them as awkwardness. Zuko met my Dad for the first time; so much happened at once. But as I watched Dad stare over Zuko’s broad back, I could begin to understand the emotion I saw - suspicion.
He didn’t fully trust Zuko.
There was something between them, an unspoken rift or cause that I had yet to pinpoint. Could it be? My fingers toyed with the frayed fabric of Dad’s shirt. A deep inkling, already knowing what it could be, why his hold over my shoulders felt tighter than it should.
“Dad…” I whispered as we trailed behind Zuko.
We carefully walked up the steps, the guards before us opening the doors with a nod as the cool air from the kingdom welcomed us. Dad looked down, raising a brow at my gentle call, “What is it, button?”
“I promise you...he is home. Just like how Mom was home to you.”
Dad forced a smile, nodding at my words, “I know...I just-”
I waited for Dad to speak as the glass doors shut behind us.
As if Zuko knew we were talking, he maintained a respectful distance. Unlike me, he wasn’t nosey or curious, and I bit my lip at the utter jealousy. Just waiting for Dad to finish had me on my toes, and as if Dad could tell, he snickered, “Patience.”
“I hear it from Zuko all the time,” I pouted.
Dad had a slight smile creeping, his eyes drifting along the kingdom walls. The painting and statues, all bright and unique. Zuko had told me that much of the art was from villages all around the Fire Nation. To honour and respect the people, and with my input, he plans on adding more.
“Zuko said they added a lot of windows,” I said, and Dad nodded immediately, “It used to be dark, cramped.”
It must have been suffocating.
Ursa told me a few stories of her time living here when she was forced into marriage. She didn’t bring it up often, usually focusing on the happy memories she had of her kids. I refused to pry no matter how curious I was. It was a sensitive topic, understandably, but there was one thing that stuck with me.
‘For a Nation ruled by fire, it never felt so cold.’
A few maids passed by, bowing quickly as they skipped, “Imperial Consort!”
Zuko’s pace flattered for a minute, hearing their cheer, turning to look at us as the maids jumped. I spotted the brown basket she held, covered by thick cloth. It hung on her forearm; they pointed at it, reaching the end to reveal its contents, “We received fresh strawberries for the tarts you wish to make.”
“Oh, that’s perfect! Tell the guard I’ll have it ready for him tomorrow. And I’ll make some extra for the staff,” I chirped, and the maids giggled, “Will do!”
They waved goodbye as I combed a strand of hair behind my ear - watching them dance to their next task.
A happy sigh escaped me as I shot Zuko a cheeky smile as he gazed at me with a knowing look. The events of yesterday flashed before us, but I quickly stripped my gaze away shyly because now was not the time to recall.
“It’s just up here, in the royal quarters,” Zuko nudged with his head, and my Dad noted with a side glance towards me.
He was studying each corner and turn. While I viewed him as nothing more than my sweet, teddy bear Dad, I tend to forget his other side. Serious, calculated, a general at heart. Dad took in every aspect of where he was to live like it were blueprints of a battle.
Dad looks so confused.
I giggled softly because I could genuinely see Dad trying to remember it all. Zuko casually points in random directions, “The kitchen resides there, and there is always a staff member on guard to cook what you wish. Over there is the library-”
“It’s grand, Dad. You’ll love it,” I added as we walked past the entrance.
We were able to steal glances of the high ceilings and endless rows of written pleasure. I even surprised myself because I actually knew the layout of the kingdom better than I had thought. I guess getting lost all those times did pay off.
The hallways began to change in design, the space between doors visibly distant as people buzzed around and chatted. Their eyes fell over us with curious filled looks. The room felt warm, the windows let the light pour in, and the royal court was perfectly positioned to view the gardens—a sense of tranquility in the air.
I never came to this section of the kingdom often. Anyone of high status came to me or met me in the gardens. My eyes darted around with the same curiosity as their residents, Zuko’s voice caught my attention.
“And this will be your room.”
We found ourselves paused in front of the heavy door, Zuko’s hand twisting the golden knob, and the door creaked open. Right away, my breath caught.
This wasn’t just a room; it was a damn house.
Open and welcoming, I didn’t know what to gawk at first. An adorable kitchenette in the far corner, fruits and sweets already resting on the marble counter in a stunning golden bowl—high chairs along the tabletop, which seamlessly lead to the lounging area.
Huge, fluffy couches with a dark wood coffee table, “I think the flowers you picked would look wonderful here, don’t you agree, love?”
I didn’t know what to say.
This was more than what I had expected. I looked up at Dad, and it seemed he was just as flabbergasted as me. It was like he hadn’t seen such comfort in a long time. Part of me did not want to know how he lived all those years we were separated. If his tattered clothes didn’t give away his situation, his sunken cheeks and pale skin did.
“This is too much-” Dad protested, and Zuko shook his head, “As the father of the Queen, it is, in fact, too little.”
Zuko stepped inside, grabbing the glass vase that rested on the coffee table.
His soft steps seemed to echo in the space, the lack of decor seemingly done purposely to let Dad add his personal touches. But despite the area being quite plain, there was this homey charm. It was like Zuko managed to recreate that feeling of comfort that we had in our bedroom. The large windows opened, and the thin curtains fluttered under the breeze.
Zuko let the vase toy in his hands as he began to walk to the kitchen, filling it with water.
“Your personal maid will be arriving shortly and will prepare your bath and bring some clothes. Your bedroom is just behind that door over there,” Zuko continued, shutting off the tap.
He grabbed the neatly folded towel, wiping the bottom of the vase free of water as he smiled towards me. A signal, as I walked in awe to him. We placed the flowers inside one by one, arranging it so that it looked like it had just freshly bloomed, even with a few missing petals.
It’s beautiful, everything.
From the simple woodwork to the plush couches, I could only imagine how grand the bedroom must be—probably filled to the brim with blankets and pillows. And probably more treats to our delight.
And as I looked at Dad, I felt my heart flutter.
For a moment, I could see his old self. That happiness as his shoulders were slumped, not in defeat, but relaxation. Seeing his body begin to ease just a bit; the first step in Dad trusting Zuko.
I fidget in my spot as Zuko placed the vase at the edge of the kitchen counter, refolding the dishcloth and placing it where it was before. I guess...this is where we part ways, for now, isn’t it? Nibbling on my lip, as I happily watched Dad appreciate his new home.
“Thank you,” I whispered faintly, low enough that Dad could not hear, but I knew Zuko heard from behind because a light kiss was placed on my head, “I love you.”
I took a deep breath, my hands sliding down the front of my dress, unsure of what to say or do. There wasn’t a handbook for this. I never thought I would ever see Dad again, let alone living with Zuko and me. Zuko’s hands rested over my shoulders, a reassuring squeeze as he felt my inner turmoil.
“I think it’s best we let you rest,” Zuko proposed, and while I knew he was right, I didn’t want to leave.
I wanted to stay; I wanted to tell Dad a million and one things. I didn’t want Dad out of my sight. As if he could disappear in a flash with this anxiety in my chest.
“I’m not going anywhere, button,” Dad said with a smile.
I nodded, biting my lips because I felt like crying—such a crybaby. I was always crying whether I was happy or sad. At most, we’d be apart for a few hours so Dad can clean up and rest before dinner. It was selfish of me to push away his needs because I wanted to spend time with him.
With a determined inhale, I straightened, “Dad, I hope you rest well because I have so many things to tell, and you have to listen carefully.”
Dad grinned with open arms, and I dashed, giving him one last tight hug before we left.
“That means no terrible puns,” I grumbled into his shirt, and I could already tell Dad was puffing above, “My jokes are wonderful.”
“They’re terrible; they remind me of Sokka’s.”
I pulled, “Oh, Dad, you have a lot of people to meet.”
And Dad smiled, looking down at me with a tender expression. A moment of silence passed over us, Dad just staring down at me. It was like he was captured, his hand brushing my hair back, “I’m proud of you, button.”
He’s proud of me…
My eyes teared, could, and I sheepishly pouted and looked away, “Y-you’re so sappy.”
But Dad could tell I was trying to swallow back my emotions, brushing off my insult. Like a child trying to deny that they craved their parents’ affection, stubborn. Why was I being like this? It was something I had always wanted to hear, but I was also so embarrassed.
I never did what I did for praise or recognition. And yet somehow, after only seeing me for a few minutes, Dad already told me he was proud. As if he could see every single thing, my ups and downs, and despite all my mistakes, he still said he was proud.
“I love you, and a day didn’t go by that I didn’t miss you. So don’t be scared to let me go, because I promise I’m not leaving you. I’m going to be right there with you, at dinner, on your birthdays, and at your wedding.”
“Promise,” I trembled, my grip around him tightening, “I promise.”
I pulled away, wiping my teary eyes as I nodded, “I’ll see you at dinner, Dad...I love you.”
“I love you too, button,” Dad smiled before I felt a pair of warm arms envelope me from behind.
My hands rested on Zuko’s silent acknowledgement as we began to head to the door. Unable to stop the temptation to steal one last glance at Dad before Zuko opened the door for us to leave. Dad is here; I can’t get over it.
With a thud, he was out of view.
Finally taking a deep breath as we took a few steps away from the door. Neither of us spoke, because I didn’t know where to start. All I could feel was Zuko’s loving embrace, humming softly as we walked down the corridors, everything a blur.
I was exhausted.
Overwhelmed emotionally, mentally, and physically as my eyes mindlessly stared out the windows. Seeing the birds fly, the trees swayed as petals danced in the air. It was beautiful to watch the butterflies flutter with the flowers, almost as if it was a performance, the petals their props.
“Thank you.”
Breaking the silence, my voice was so calm because I felt like I was ready to cry. Too late - I could feel the wetness down my cheeks. Stumbling as we walked until Zuko stopped out movements-
“I-I can’t say thank you enough.” I bawled, throwing myself into his chest.
My hands were gripping onto the front of his shirt, ignoring the fact that we were in the middle of the hallway, people most likely staring as I clung onto Zuko. Push me away, stop me from acting like a fool.
But Zuko just cooed, holding me tight, “I did this to say thank you to you.”
“But what have I done-” I cried, looking up at him and Zuko smiled, “Everything.”
His lips pressed against mine, melting in his embrace. Our lips moved slowly, soaking each others presence as my eyes fluttered shut. For a moment, we weren’t Fire Lord and Queen; we were just two people. Ignoring the rules and protocols, we let ourselves dance.
Breathless, his thumb strumming away the tears that had fallen, “I love you, Zuko.”
“Not as much as I love you,” Zuko proclaimed, not a single hint of hesitation because he meant it with all his heart.
Yue sighed in bliss, giggling at the happiness because everything was perfect.
Zuko was flawless; her father was back, she had friends and family that people could only wish for her. Her heart hoped that Dad was relaxing in a pool of hot water right now. Soothing his strained muscles and cleaning up to the handsome man he was for tonight. To show him off to the world because that was her dad.
And she wasn’t wrong.
Axe was standing in his bedroom, the breath he had held this whole time released as he stared out the window.
It was different, so different it was like he stepped foot into a whole other world. The guards and servants, smiling and speaking freely. Vivid memories of a servant getting backhanded for merely looking at a royal in the eye when he last stepped foot in the kingdom. No matter how much time he spent here, he could never call it home because it always felt like a prison.
Yet there they were, workers giggling with Yue like she was a friend, expecting her to bake for them. The rooms were bright, decorated with vibrant images and creative designs: no more harsh lines or flashy intimidation displays.
So proud that his daughter showed humility to people that were often stepped on. She didn’t let the power get to her head; she showed them warmth and love. The rumours were true after all. That the Fire Lord will wed a living spirit. Kasa would be so proud of Yue.
Whether he could trust Zuko was an unknown, but he could feel a crack, just a crack, in the walls he had built. Maybe she was right; Zuko could be trusted. How quickly Zuko covered up the burn on his skin. He could have easily told Yue it was him, his shackled hands tightly wrapped around his neck.
He was going to kill Zuko at that very moment, and he had to snort. A son...he always did want one. Maybe it was a good thing he didn’t kill him.
His calloused hands brushed back his hair as he stared at the children playing. Laughter, a tune he didn’t think he’d see, and it reminded him of Yue as a child. He was running around with mud on her face as they splashed in the rain. Mud flying, their clothes heavy, all while Kasa shouted from inside the house.
That was until she caved. Spinning Yue in circles in the rain as she tossed her in the air. Their laughter, music. They were his stars, stars in a dark world that could bring a smile to everyone.
A soft knock caught him out of his daze, turning on his heel because he didn’t hear footsteps making their way to his room. The shadow under the crack of the door, feet were waiting outside for his permission. With narrowed eyes, he took a moment; that wasn’t his daughter.
“Come in,” Axe cautiously spoke, and the door opened just a crack, and his eyes widened.
It didn’t even take a second for him to recognize who it was. His grey hair, tied behind and matching his beard. The stern look on his face as he shouted orders, direction for wars was now gone and replaced with a calmness that could only come from a pain that changes your whole life—forcing you to rethink every core value, your beliefs.
“You were right all along,” he spoke, and Axe didn’t say a word.
The almighty Iroh, brother to Ozai.
“If only I had listened to you earlier, maybe I would still have my son.”
“A lesson too late, don’t you think?” Axe mused bitterly, and Iroh smiled.
A smile filled with sadness, unable to deny Axe’s harsh words because he was right. It was a lesson too late. If only he had listened to Axe’s concerns with the war, what the purpose of it was, then maybe things would have been different.
But the past is the past, and all he can do now is guide the future - Zuko.
“I’m sorry for your loss-”
“Was it you?” Axe asked.
“No,” Iroh answered in a beat, “Ozai lost trust in me years ago. I was working with the White Lotus by that time.”
A pause, Axe unsure what to say. As much hatred filled his heart, he could tell Iroh was telling the truth. Exhausted, frustrated, wanting to throw a tantrum despite being a grown-ass man. So instead, he bit his lip, trying to calm his temper-
“Would you like to have some tea with me?” Iroh offered, and Axe swallowed.
A restart in life, after all, right?
“I’ll boil the water.”
“I’ll grab the tea.”
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“You guys even walk the same,” Toph groaned with annoyance, grumbling as she threw herself on the comfy couch. The whole time she complained, ‘I can’t tell if it’s you or your dad - what are you guys? Fake Airbenders?’ and I had to laugh.
My head rested over Dad’s shoulder, sipping away on the tea in my grasp as Katara rolled her eyes at Toph’s rant. Once again, the room was cozy. Taking over the library space and being obnoxiously loud despite it being an apparent ‘quiet zone.’
But quiet was known to be a thing with us.
Everyone talked over each other, asking and questioning Dad that he had drank almost four glasses of water because his throat was dry. Barely anyone touched their food at dinner, far more eager to crash here and chat all night long.
But the whole time, I carefully studied Dad’s expression, making sure that he wasn’t pushing himself. A lot happened today for him, and I already knew he’s been through so much without saying anything. He deserved to rest up and relax because I have the rest of my life to spend time with him.
“Momo leave him alone-” Katara lowly shouted.
An embarrassed flush over her cheeks as she leaned forward in her seat. Flicking her hand as if she was swatting away and Dad laughed loudly while I giggled.
Momo, clinging on Dad’s pant leg. He would randomly sniff while nibbling on his orange-coloured fruit. His large beady eyes stared up at Dad with a mixture of confusion, fear, and curiosity, scratching his chin with a long finger. He indeed was a strange creature, but nevertheless, we loved him.
Aang laughed as he stood up, his mustard-coloured robes swaying as he walked. Grabbing Momo like a child, he smiled at him, “What are you doing, buddy?”
“He’s so weird,” Katara said as Aang brought him to where they sat.
Everyone welcomed Dad with open arms, happy for us. They were introducing themselves and sharing stories about how we met, some more embarrassing than others. And thankfully, Dad decided to spare me, and he didn’t tell the infamous naked baby story - me running butt-naked as I managed to take off my diaper at home.
Now to make sure he doesn’t ever tell them was going to be another challenge for later.
Dad stole another sip of his tea before raising it with a tilt towards Aang and Katara, “And you two are married?”
The blush over Katara’s cheeks, stammering over her words so much she didn’t even say anything in the end. She turned into a gushing teenager in seconds. But the conversation from when she first arrived came flashing back to me. ‘I think Aang may propose to me…’
Could there be truth in her statement?
My eyes quickly darted to Aang. He almost spat out his tea, scratching the back of his head with a burst of nervous laughter. He gave Dad his infamous gummy smile, speaking with a slight waver in his voice, “Not as of now, Sir.”
Oh my gosh, I think Katara is right. My heart raced with excitement as I turned to face Zuko and my brows pinched together. Swallowing his tea silently, eyeing Aang as if he was awaiting Aang’s answer. ‘Aang always says how Zuko is his best friend; he would know something, right?’
Does Zuko know something?
“I thought you two were married,” Dad apologized, and Katara waved away Dad’s worry of offending them, “We’ve been together for quite a while, and we do live together.”
“So when do you plan on tying the knot?” Suki asked as she sat on Sokka’s lap, her arms draped over his shoulders.
Dad eyed Aang, curious to hear his response, but out of the corner of my eye, I was watching Zuko. He was too quiet. Sure, Zuko was an observer, but it was like he was trying to blend in with the couch. I changed the weight of my body on the cushion, letting my head rest on Zuko’s shoulder, and he peered downwards.
“What is it, brat?” Zuko teased, and I giggled, “Do you know something?”
Zuko’s nose scrunched, “What do you mean?”
“You’re awfully quiet, Zuko-”
“Mmm, I’m merely enjoying the tea,” Zuko smirked before stripping his gaze from me.
This man-
“How did you propose to your wife?” Katara asked, and I perked because I already knew. A large smile painted Dad’s face, recalling the memory vividly, as if it was just yesterday, “Yue’s mother proposed to me.”
“She did? She’s my type of woman,” Toph mused as she threw a fist in the air as if she was saluting her.
Dad and I laughed, looking at each other because we both knew how Mom was.
With a happy exhale, he said, “She sat me down at her house, looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘I love you, you love me, let’s get married.’”
“And you said yes?” Suki questioned, now sitting up to hear Dad talk and rose a brow, “Ah, something you should know about my wife is that she doesn’t ask as much as she demands.”
I saw that glimmer of sadness in Dad’s eyes as he remembered, but there was also peace. He cherished Mom in his mind with his heart and soul. He loved her, and seeing how much they cared for each other was probably what shaped me into the helpless romantic I am now.
“Seems it runs in the family,” Zuko mused under his breath, and I blushed at Zuko’s comment.
It was low, only for me to hear, but I knew exactly what he was hinting at. And with that, I also recalled the question Zuko asked me afterwards, ‘My final question, love. Marry me?’My lips parted, watching Zuko chuckle with the others at the conversation, lost in his appearance.
I don’t think I could ever forget the memory of him asking me. It was so clear, the look in his eyes as he proposed. His heart and soul, free from his usual teasing tone. The whole moment was reflective of us. While many would argue and say that it wasn’t ‘romantic,’ they failed to understand our relationship because it was.
He meant it, a genuine question, and it’s not like I had to think twice about my answer.
“That’s so romantic!” Katara gushed, and Dad stole a sip with a light laugh at how everyone kept on asking question after question.
“Once you get settled here, you should come to visit the Southern Water Tribe sometime,” Sokka suggested, and Dad looked over at me.
“That is where you lived for quite a long time, isn’t it?”
I nodded, “It was my home until I moved here.”
“Dad will be so happy, Yue; he misses you so much-” Katara gushed before her face dropped.
Hakoda - Dad.
The look Katara and Sokka shared, looking at me as if they were unsure of what to say next. Hakoda- he took care of me when I had no one. He treated me like his daughter without ever having to. Gave me clothes and food and a roof over my head.
It was me who decided to call him Dad because he was one to me.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” Katara stammered, looking at Sokka for help, but he just looked at Suki with a look filled with panic.
I was so happy to get Dad back. I forgot about Hakoda. But that didn’t mean I didn’t think of him. I already gave Katara all my letters and gifts to send him when she goes home-
“Button?” Dad spoke, and my head snapped to him, my stomach in knots.
I was scared. Was he going to be mad at me? As my eyes shifted to him with fear, I was met with a happy smile.
“Just because I’m back in your life doesn’t change the fact that he’s still your dad. He took care of you when I couldn’t, and I have nothing but utter thanks to him for accepting you as one of his own and giving you amazing siblings.”
My eyes teared, letting my forehead rest on his arm as I smiled, Katara and Sokka beaming at the comment of Dad.
“Katara, thank you once again for healing me,” Dad spoke, and Katara waved off his thanks, “I’ll come by and do another check-up in a week.”
“Okay, but let’s get into the real tea-” Suki mused, and my head propped upwards because I heard her smirk.
With that evil look in her eyes, Toph and Sokka all shared one brain cell at that very moment.
“So, what’s the most embarrassing story you got of Yue?”
“Oh, there’s a ton. But let me tell you the naked baby story-”
~ Fire Lord Zuko ~
Skipping into the bedroom, filled with giggles as Yue wore a smile so large her cheeks must have hurt at this point. It was a day filled with emotions ranging from happiness to sadness, and despite her bouncing around, reaching for her nightgown as she stripped herself free from the dress she wore, her eyes looked heavy.
The bed beckoned her to lay rest. To snuggle under the covers and rest her head on the pillow. Curled into a ball as her busy mind finally calmed.
I watched as Yue carefully pulled the soft fabric of her dress down her body. Letting the brilliant red pool around her feet- I had to stop to stare. I was appreciating, relishing, the sight before me.
I was determined to memorize every detail, from each stretch mark and scar as her hair cascaded and covered the tattoo on her back—nature’s perfect creation, right before my eyes. Yue looked over her shoulder, and a charming blush coated her cheeks.
“Zuko-” She stammered, flustered and nibbling on her lip as her hands fell over her chest, “Don’t stare, it’s embarrassing-”
“Mm, but I love what I see,” I teased.
I appreciated the shy look I always managed to pull. Knowing that she loved my praises, craved my attention as much as I did for hers. Despite being embarrassed, she still never looked away or bothered putting on her dress, and I found myself walking towards her.
“I’ll be back, love,” I spoke, picking up the gown off our bed and letting it fall over her hands.
Yue’s pout formed, gently shaking it free of any wrinkles as she looked at the window. The sky darkened as the star twinkled high above, “It’s late; where are you going?”
“The study, I forgot I had something to do.”
“Can’t it wait till tomorrow?”
I pressed my lips as I helped her find the hole to slip her head into her dress. Begrudgingly she tilted, my hands guiding the fabric down until her head popped out. She still wore a childless frown, my hands scooping up her hair trapped underneath, so it lay rest over the soft article of clothing.
“Why must you always disappear during the night…”
I frowned, “You make it seem like I’m having an affair.”
“You wouldn’t dare; I’m the Kingdom’s favourite,” Yue smugly spoke with the brattiest of tones.
I had to chuckle, Yue’s arms slipping into the straps of her silky gown. A tempting snack to be devoured, as my hand rose, my thumb rested over her pout, “It’s like you want to be punished, love.”
She smiled regardless, “Zuko.”
“Yes, love?”
“I love you,” she breathed, and I smiled, “I love you too. I’ll be back fast, I promise.”
With a defeated sigh, she pulled from my touch, plopping onto the bed. Immediately I saw her body relax, her tired eyes beginning to flutter before her head even hit the pillow. She was reaching for her stuffie and tugging it close to her chest so it was perfectly tucked under her chin, the brown fur tickling her.
The blankets were already pulled back as she found herself into her perfect nesting position. When did she even do that? Staring at her in utter disbelief for a second because she seriously didn’t play around when it came to sleep.
I raised the covers over her figure, letting it drop as she stared upwards with a pout, “Do you really have to go?”
“It’ll be quick, I promise.”
A knowing glance was shared between us.
Usually, under such poor lightning, your features would look jagged and sharp. But with Yue, she still looked like a spirit. She was staring back at me with those large eyes, a smile in her gaze, joy in her heart.
I never want to lose this; I can’t lose this.
“I’ll be back,” I struggled to say.
I didn’t want to leave, but I had to. This was for her; all of it was for her. All the stress and planning will all be worth it in the end if it means I get to be with her.
“I’ll be waiting…” Yue whispered as her head snuggled deeper into her pillow.
I mused to myself because I knew that was a lie. The moment the door closed behind me, Yue would’ve drifted off to sleep. Her mind elsewhere, and hopefully, it was somewhere beautiful. Most likely a garden where she can pick fresh berries to bake with. A world catered to her.
My lips grazed her forehead before I straightened.
Her eyes shut, chest rising and falling at a slow pace. I made sure my steps were quiet as can be. I was not wishing to disturb her calmness, reaching for the door. As soon as my body inched its way out to the silent hallway, the guards looked at me with surprise.
The door carefully shut behind me as I stepped out, and by then, they had turned to face me, “Fire Lord Zuko, an issue?”
I shook my head, “I need to do something in the study before bed. The Imperial Consort is asleep; please keep a safe eye on her.”
They nodded right away, positioning themselves closer to the door at the order.
With a heavy breath, I made my way.
How many times did I do this? Make my way back and forth to my study in the latest hours when I should be in bed—resting with Yue, holding her close as I fall asleep to her heartbeat. Instead, my stomach was in knots.
My eyes darted back and forth, gazing at the gardens under the moonlight. A scenery I have gotten used to after so many of these ‘walks.’
One more time, Zuko.
I swallowed, rolling back my shoulders because I knew what I had to do. I always knew what I had to do, but it sucked. If it were for anyone else, I wouldn’t have thought twice to say no, but for Yue, things were different.
I shook my head, trying to think of what to say. How do I even begin to explain? So many details and nuisances. I was only going to make the rift between us worse. Already starting at a less than ideal footing, and now-
“Fire Lord Zuko, he’s waiting.”
My eyes peeled upwards, the guard standing post who informed me. I could feel an uneasy chill running down my spine, not realizing I had speed walked my way here. I should’ve taken my time. But then I would be drawing out the inevitable. But that didn’t change the odd feeling of wanting to run away.
But I had to do this; it was my duty and my promise to her.
With my hand resting over the wooden door, I took a pause. A poor attempt to even my breathing, freeing my mind of everything besides the task at hand. A shot of whiskey would have been great—some liquid courage to numb the heaviness of the situation that was about to unfold.
I pushed the door open, hearing the hinges groan under pressure. The details of the room came to light the more force I applied, and right away, I saw him. The candles lit up the room, highlighting his lounging figure, resting in front of my study with crossed arms.
“You requested for me; why?”
Straight to the point, not wanting to dance, “My apologies for asking for your presence this late, Axe.”
He was already dressed for sleep, his robe tied around his waist. He bore the same look of exhaustion as Yue. All of us wanted to get back into bed.
I quickly made my way to where he inclined, already spotting what I needed on top of the desk. Leaning over, my fingers swiped the signed paper, standing before him with it outstretched.
“You papers. Termination of all charges, reinstatement of your Fire Nation citizenship, and your position and title as General.”
Axe’s eyes widened, staring at the paper with bewilderment as he grabbed it.
He couldn’t believe the words I was saying. He must have thought what I said earlier was a lie. But there in his hands was the truth. Noticing each signature, the council approves of these changes. It was very much real, and the look of shock over his face mimicked Yue’s.
“My position as general-”
“You were the top general; it would be a shame to lose you. Of course, only if you accept it.”
“What’s the catch?” Axe narrowed, and I swallowed.
He wasn’t stupid.
And that was why my stomach tensed because I wasn't dealing with a fool. Just like Yue, he wore a cheery smile; he made you feel like you were friends. Charming, friendly, animable.
But it was a mistake to view that charm as stupidity.
It was clear he was in tune with everything going on around. Able to understand and decipher unspoken behaviour and seemingly read people’s intentions. I took a heavy breath because there was no point in bullshitting.
“There are no strings attached with your reinstatement per se...but a mere favour in return would be nice,” I answered truthfully.
“What’s this favour?”
“Details of the secret tunnels leading in and out of the kingdom.”
“Why don’t you ask your Uncle?”
I sighed, “Because you were my father’s favourite until he found out about your treason in his final month. He told you everything while he lost trust in my Uncle years prior.”
Axe sported a look of confusion before realizing what I meant. All those years Iroh worked for his brother were genuine at the beginning. But the moment Lu Ten died...Father began to doubt him. Kept Iroh close but ignorant to truths.
“It’s a bold request given our short history,” Axe said, and I grumbled, “I know,”
A gamble, that was for sure. But it was a chance I had to take. Every document, blueprint, and battle plan that had information regarding the hidden tunnels were burned. The only knowledge was whenever was scavenged or remembered by retired guards. But Axe, he could be my chance.
While we were able to map out most, block a few while repairing the others, there must have been a few that have yet to be found. That was the only way Azula was able to get in and out. And if she knew, who else could she have told?
“Why didn’t you get Yue to ask me,” Axe pondered as he raised his chin to me. The papers in his hands lowered to his waist, a genuine look of curiosity on his face as he stared at me, “You know I would’ve done it for her, and you would get what you wanted. It would’ve been easier.”
“I’m not looking for easy; I’m looking to earn her and your respect.”
Axe’s lips pressed tight.
Respect, that was what I had to earn from Axe. It was hard for me to bite my tongue, the both of us quick to poke. The only thing tying us together was Yue. But Axe wasn’t a bad man; we just started on a terrible footing.
I had to swallow down my pride. Remember Iroh’s teaching of humility and earning people’s respect. All the struggles and inner turmoil came back as I looked at Axe. He was a test of my past.
Time - I could hear Aang whisper in my ear. Let the spirits help me be patient then.
“I am offering you this job as an olive branch for our relationship, and I am requesting the favour as Fire Lord.”
Silence once again. In fact, it was so silent; I swear you could hear the candles flickering.
Axe’s eyes looked at the large window behind me as if he was thinking to himself. He was nibbling on his lip, deep in thought, unsure of what to say next. He was calculative, but he also was terrible at hiding his emotions. I wonder, how did he manage to avoid suspicion for so long?
“Have you ever held the royal crown?”
Axe’s attention turned back to me, practically scoffing at the question, “I don’t have a death wish.”
I chuckled under my breath; he wasn’t wrong. Only the Fire Lord themselves and the Fire Sages were allowed to touch it. An ancient artifact, passed down from generation to generation. It was precious to the Fire Nation, an invaluable object.
“It’s quite light in weight,” I said.
Axe looked at me, utterly confused, as he crossed his arms once again. I could tell he wanted to speak, to ask, but not a single word was spoken. Instead, he stared, wanting me to continue. So I did.
“You often hear Fire Lords complain about how heavy the crown is to wear over time. I never understood it because the crown is as light as a feather. And then it clicked.”
My hands fell over the study as I slumped with a bitter laugh.
I recalled the very first days I was declared Fire Lord. The troubles, issues, it felt like the whole world was against me, hated me - because they did. Officially the youngest Fire Lord in history, and truth, I wish no other Fire Lord had to go through what I did. The reason why I worked hard, so my child has a chance to rule without stress.
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown...and it took me a single day to understand.”
Raising my body upwards, an exhausted smile on my face, “No one else seemed to get it but your daughter...she understood right away. You don’t know how much good Yue has done for this Nation and why I am trying my damn hardest to build a relationship with you. For her and this Nation.”
Finally, a fucking crack.
Axe’s lips pressed tight, but I saw that faint amusement in his eyes. That sliver of emotions that I've been trying to pull all day towards me, other than annoyance, anger, or better, a murderous rage. But that damn twitch in his eyes, he was impressed, even if it was just a tiny bit.
“I’ll think about it,” Axe said as he shook the papers in his grasp, and I fought back a grin.
In other words, he’ll do it. I merely nodded, trying to stop the twitch of my lips. A small step, but it’s still a step. Slowly I straighten my frame. Rolling my shoulders back as I mentally prepared myself - that was the easy task.
“Something tells me you called me over for more than just this,” Axe spoke, and I cursed.
They were so much alike it was uncanny. How did he know that? No one in this crummy world understood me like Yue, but now her father?
I let out an awkward sigh, not bothering to deny it, “Let’s wait till they come-”
“Knock, Knock!” A voice cheered, the study door swinging open.
It was like they knew exactly when to arrive. Both of them wore radiant smiles that reached their eyes as they quietly stumbled in despite their loud voices. Katara’s hair braided loosely as she hugged her light blue robe to her chest, a warm expression as she looked at Axe with a glow.
Aang’s hand rested on Katara’s lower back, guiding her forward.
“Evening,” Aang said kindly towards Axe, and he smiled at them, “Evening.”
I was nervous. It’s been a while since I’ve felt this type of nervousness, uneasiness because the moment of truth finally came. It was like it dawned on me, my thoughts turning darker in seconds, and it felt foreign because I never let my mind stay on this topic for more than a few seconds.
It hurt too much.
As I stared at Axe, sensing his apprehension as he was unsure of what was to come, I felt guilt. I could only imagine the reaction, stripping his happiness away from him as soon as he got it back. It was a cruel game, taunting and punishing him for absolutely nothing.
Was I better off not saying a single thing?
I sighed because I already knew the answer to my question.
Aang looked at me with a look just as heavy as mine. While Katara was just as shaky, she hid it far better than us. She was emotional but strong, and at the moment, she was the anchor Axe would need in a few seconds.
“It’s nice seeing you again,” Katara started, and Axe nodded sweetly, his demeanour softening with the both of them around. But with an awkward shake of the papers in his hands, he finally turned to look at me.
“Why do I have a feeling...this is about Yue?”
Everyone’s looks dropped.
There was no point in hiding it anymore, and I took the plunge. Diving headfirst, no sugar-coating, but just the honest fucking truth, “She’s sick.”
“How sick?”
“She doesn’t have much time left at this rate,” Katara whispered.
I never believed in the idea of someone dying of heartbreak. It seemed ridiculous that your whole body could just stop functioning from so much anguish. But at this moment, I took back every single insult and judgement because I saw someone’s soul shatter.
Axe was utterly still, staring at the ceiling with the smile of someone who was utterly broken—stripped of the last piece of happiness he had. His fingers just barely held on to the documents in hand.
Katara let her gaze shift downwards, her own eyes tearing seeing the sight. I had to take a pause, control my demeanour because the view of seeing Axe in pain had me processing what I had just said.
With a heavy swallow, I licked my lips with uncertainty. This was a conversation I never thought I would be having, nor did I ever want to have to begin with. But with Aang and Katara standing with us, my hands twitch, things became too real for us all.
“What is it?” Axe asked with a broken whisper; even the nonexistent breeze outside sounded louder.
Aang looked at Katara, urging her to step forward.
There was a reason I called them; no one else truly understood what was going on besides them. Both of them were spiritual to a level many people could not even begin to imagine, and with a deep breath, Katara spoke.
“At first, we thought she had to build her chi.”
Axe turned, looking at Katara, “Did she overexert herself?”
“In a way.”
“What do you mean?”
“She had to use a tremendous amount of power at once and since she hasn’t bent in a while and we thought it overwhelmed her, a shock for her body. With a bit of strength building, it would steady her chi levels and all would be fine.”
“But that wasn’t the case,” Axe finished with a look of defeat in his eyes.
I lamented, my eyes shut as I recalled the day that truly started it all.
Yue dashed to the waterfall without a second thought, saving those kids. She bent all that water, not letting a single drop fall to the ground. She held a look of strength, her determined spirit showing light at that moment, and I knew she had no regrets doing what she did - despite the consequences that fell afterwards.
Just hearing the news that she had to work on her chi had me concerned, but now-
“When Yue began training, things got worse,” I finally spoke.
I was shocked at how monotoned I sounded. My voice was not shaking or cracking- I felt numb. I was speaking almost mindlessly like I was reading from a script, “Fevers, dizzy spells until finally, she collapsed.”
Axe shut his eyes, taking a deep breath hearing what I said.
I could listen to the papers in his hands, crumbling as his hands trembled with a hot pot of emotions. I sympathized because I remember how I felt at the moment. Wanting to scream because this whole time, I thought she was going to be okay.
“Axe, the only issue people typically have with their chi is overexertion. It’s an easy fix, just time-consuming. But Yue is the opposite - she has too much, to the point, it’s consuming her body.” Katara spoke, trying to break the news gently.
But Axe was realistic; that much was clear. So I finally said the very thing I don’t think anyone had ever verbally announced.
“She’s going to die if we don’t figure something out soon. Every day she’s getting worse, and when she saved me, it was the final straw.”
It was my fault. I always knew that. She was always in the danger zone from the very beginning, but me drinking that fucking tea, making Yue bend to the point where the last things I could remember before passing out was pure pain and desperation.
No matter what, she would always look perfect in my eyes. But I saw how she seemed smaller every day, losing weight, sleeping more and more-
“I don’t understand, h-how-” Axe finally cracked, and Katara took a step forward to comfort, “She’s such a strong bender, Axe, but she’s gone years without bending, and all that chi has pent up-”
“But what about the prisons, the bans the Fire Nation opposed over villages in the Earth Kingdom? Why are they not suffering the same way my daughter is?” Axe raged to no one.
He was angry, hurt, mad at the world.
“I’ve been looking into it, and it seems the answer resides in their skills. They did experience some symptoms of chi repression, but their chi levels were so weak, it only took a day or two, and they could fix it without knowing,” I answered, and Katara finished off, “But Yue, she’s a talent. She’s so strong that it wouldn’t be a quick fix, and it was only a matter of time before her body would shut down.”
“So you’re telling me that I can do nothing but wait for my daughter to die.”
“No, because that’s where I come in,” Aang proclaimed.
He was a beacon, calling our attention with his bright-coloured robes. Taking confident steps towards Axe as the arrows that decorated his skin seemed to glow. He stood tall, certain in himself and optimistic as a look of determination painted his face. Putting forth a presence that he rarely showed unless he was getting serious - being the Avatar.
“I plan on removing her excess chi,” Aang began.
Axe looked at Aang with desperate hope.
I bit my lip, wanting to believe so bad that this plan would work. But the risks, unknowns, the million of things that could go wrong in a flash. My fingers dug into the palms of my hands. I wanted to be numb. I didn’t want to feel. Not at this time, as I felt empty of all emotions, the air feeling stale and dry.
“It’s a risky plan, and it’s never been done before, but if it works-”
“Yue lives,” Axe finished, and Katara smiled, “Zuko has been doing whatever he can do to help Yue, keeping her comfortable. But we know Yue would never tell you the truth…which is why Zuko asked us to come.”
Axe turned to look at me, and I noticed the papers he held finally stopped shaking.
His golden eyes met mine with an intensity that clashed against my dead ones, before turning around to face Katara and Aang once again, “Thank you for everything you have done for my daughter.”
Katara quickly stepped forward, letting her touch fall over Axe with comfort as she reassured him. That everything will work out in the end, that they’re trying their hardest.
But will it? Will everything be alright? Yue’s sleeping figure before I left curled up in bed as she begged me to stay. Was I wasting my time being here? Shouldn’t I have just listened and held her, at least till she fell asleep?
I watched the scene before, feeling so out of tune.
It was like still images moving, watching them talk as my fingers dragged along the texture of the study. I was feeling every single ridge and scar. Scars that had probably been made years ago from previous Fire Lords over the years.
“Zuko?” Aang spoke up, and I realized I had zoned out.
I let out a cough, clearing my throat as I nodded at nothing, trying to seem like I had been listening to this whole time. Katara had her arm linked with Axe, holding on to his hand in a comforting gesture.
“We’re going now; we’re going to walk Axe back to his room so you can go back to Yue,” Aang said, and I merely nodded. Unable to read his expression, moving mindlessly as I struggled to understand what was happening.
“We can leave together-” Katara suggested, but I shook my head, “I-I’m going to stay back for a moment.”
I feel sick.
My legs felt like it was made out of putty, realizing that I wasn’t toying with the texture of the desk for entertainment but because it felt like I was going to fall at any moment. It must be the side effects from being out for so long-
I was bringing myself to my chair, resting over it as I tried to clear my thoughts. But the beating of my heart seemed to increase in speed. My skin feels flushed and cold. The sickening feeling in my stomach grew.
I wanted them to go already.
The longer they stood at the door, chatting, forced to stare at Axe’s solemn figure. The news, the conversation, everything that was happening. There always seemed to be something that had to go wrong. But out of everything that could go wrong, why did it have to be this?
They bid me goodnight, and I forced a fake smile as I waved.
I didn’t even hear the door shut before my mind completely blanked. Unable to focus on the space around me. My ears were ringing, that sinking feeling in my gut intensifying. I’m just feeling sick, after effects. I just need to go and get a quick check-up.
Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a tiny piece of paper on the ground underneath my feet-
‘Done and done~♡’
My breath felt so shaky, Yue’s dainty handwriting on a note that must have fallen off some paperwork. The happiness was radiating off her writing, the silly heart that was drawn. It was the tiny things like that that had my lips curving upwards until I realized that it could all go away.
Like I was tossed into a pool of ice-cold water.
The adorable scribbles that I stared at underneath my feet were nothing more but a symbol of mockery. The feeling inside me was ready to explode any second. All this time, I kept drowning myself with plans and ideas and talking with people, but my oh my fucking word, I can’t do it anymore.
I felt like a volcano about to abrupt, grasping on the handles of my chair so tightly my hands felt like they were going to cramp as I fought so hard fucking not to do it. Don’t you fucking dare.
You’ve done so well this whole time. Why is tonight any fucking different from any other night-
I didn’t hear Aang’s footsteps. The sound of my heartbeat racing as blood rushed to my head triumphing. It was like thunder roaring from the very depths of my soul, my mind feeling numb.
Aang’s pink lips moved soundlessly, unable to make out or understand his words. My vision...it’s blurry? As if I was trying to see him from under the water. Image distorted, bloated, as my shoulders dropped.
My cheeks felt wet, chest crushing and struggling to take a single breath. I was trembling like a leaf. The shadow I cast from under the candlelight seemed so tiny - like a child. I felt small and helpless and weak.
A sense of dread, defeat, overcoming me.
I feel useless.
From the first time I heard the news, it was like it never hit me. The weight of the doctors’ words, even the conversation with the others, didn’t feel real. It was like knowing the truth, and while no one denied it, it was like no one acknowledged it.
But I swallowed hard, trying to contain whatever piece of sanity I had left because I was lying to myself. We were in complete and utter denial, no matter how you look at it. But tonight- fuck.
It was like I was reliving the moment. The truth that I always knew suddenly became real. I could feel my stomach twist, bile rising—a reality check.
No one entirely took in what was happening unit now. All this time, it was being brushed under the rug. It was mentioned in passing, known to be serious, but it felt like a lie for some odd reason.
Team Avatar. Untouchable, unbeatable...but not this time.
“She’s going to die...and I can’t imagine a life without her,” I finally broke.
I can’t remember the last time I sobbed like this. The last time I felt so drained as I wailed like a newborn, hunched into my frame because it hurt. It felt like someone had my heart in their hand, clenching to the point that I couldn’t open my eyes because it was too painful.
Yue went on every day with her cheery smile as if everything was okay. She spoke about the future like it was just a skip away. But that wasn’t true. She was slowly but surely slipping from my grasp, trying to hold onto her with the tips of my fingers.
I was losing her, and I knew it- I saw it.
Her fevers, her dizzy spells, ‘I’m just a bit tired, Zuko. I need a bit more rest; I promise~!’ I clenched my jaw, wanting to stop this stupid crying- but I couldn’t. My hands were stumbling over my face, my hair falling forward as I silently cried.
“I’m so sorry, Zuko.” a voice softly spoke in front of me, Aang’s tone low and pained.
I felt like a fool.
The great Fire Lord, broken.
A pair of arms fell over my shoulder, pulling me close and feeling his soft robes brush my skin. Aang’s embrace was tender, and I let my body slip into his. I couldn’t do it anymore.
I bawled into his shoulder.
All my fears emerged and turned into an uncontrollable wildfire. Dirtying Aang’s mustard-coloured robes as my tears freely dripped down my face. My cheeks hurt, my throat burned, and my eyes felt puffy.
“I’m so scared, Aang,” I confessed, my voice wavering. All this money, this power and it meant nothing if she wasn’t by my side, “I want her, Aang.”
I was a mess; I felt like it too.
Losing someone wasn’t a one-time thing, no. I saw the pained look on Axe’s face. And it was evident that the pain of losing the one you love was an experience that you go through every day.
The thought of waking up and not seeing Yue’s drooling figure. To have my tea without the smell of one of her cookies. Not being able to see her taking a stroll in the gardens during my breaks. To eat lunch and dinner alone. To go to sleep in an empty bed only to do that every day for the rest of my life.
Losing someone wasn’t a one-time deal. You lose them again...and again...and again.
“I can’t lose her, Aang.” I struggled, “I-If I lose her, it means losing the family we never got to have. It means losing a part of me.”
“W-we’re going to figure something out, Zuko.”
I hope so because I can’t lose Ying Yue.
She’s home...she’s my home.
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Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten-Writer, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind are allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
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237 notes · View notes
svchengss · 3 years
two halves | l.mh
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PAIRING. mark lee x reader
GENRE. fluff, heavy angst
WARNINGS. major character death, grief
SUMMARY. right after his death, mark watches how you cope with the loss
A/N. i saw this one tiktok and it kinda inspired me to write this
// just to let you guys know, reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !! thank you for reading :D
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white walls, white room.
mark scrunched his face, his eyelashes slowly fluttering open, the dark brown iris adjusting the size of the pupils due to the brightness of the walls reflected upon it. a soft groan vibrating from his throat, he assessed his surroundings where nobody or nothing else is present. he looked down to inspect his clothing, hoping that it would give him any clue of this room or space he’s in - an all white outfit. this scene looks exactly like the one in the movies where the characters realize they are dead. except this time, he really is.
the muffled sounds of cries and sobs rang through his eardrums, triggering a reflex to wake up from the state that he thought was a slumber. he is lying on the hospital bed with the light blue clothing piece, faint light illuminating the space where people are huddled up around him. he waved his right hand in the air to let them - who he later remembered as his family members and friends, know that his eyes are already open. nobody moved even the slightest, the atmosphere being very much dead, scent of medicine intoxicating his mind.
then he saw someone who he holds very dear to his heart - you, enter the hospital room, dropping onto her knees as soon as she saw his state of condition. in an instant, he shot up from his lying position and ran over towards the crying you, shoulders shaking and all. bringing his hands to hold you in his embrace, not even a glance spared by you brought a hundred and one questions to him. why didn’t anybody acknowledge him when he woke up? why can’t you feel his touch?
“mark lee. time of death, 10:23 pm,” the tall doctor with glasses rested on the bridge of his nose announced before leaving the room, holding the clipboard close to his chest. mark gauged the monitor screen next to the bed, the line indicating his heartbeat is no longer showing spikes going up and down - instead becoming a flat line, deafening beep present with it. then he sees himself still laying on the white sheets, eyes still closed and no signs of breathing evident. a surge of panic rushed through his veins.
this can’t be real.
mark rushed into the bathroom, a surprised gasp leaving his lips. his body is semi-transparent, the shape of the toilet bowl can be seen through his left shoulder. his body shakes with terror, slapping himself in the cheeks multiple times just to make sure that this whole fiasco is just a nightmare.
oh my god. no, this is real.
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mark stood in the back of the crowd, witnessing the funeral of someone and that someone being him. of course, he’s never expected to get the sight of his own service. his mother is standing beside you, her hands rubbing circles onto your back in an attempt to calm your mourning state. you’re still looking ever so pretty, a black chiffon dress on your body with white pearl necklace on your collarbones and your wavy black hair hanging down your shoulders. not that anybody else would notice, it’s someone’s death after all.
“stay strong, y/n. he will always be in our hearts,” the same rhythm of sentence in tones full of pity being directed towards you. mark’s sister enveloped you into a warm hug despite the chilly atmosphere, whispering comforting words into your ears before getting into the family’s car. you’re not going back home, not yet when you still feel reluctant to let him go.
“why did you leave me?” the only coherent words from your hoarse voice can be heard. mark, who is crouching next to you, is holding his tears back. instead, he sends a sorrowful smile - not that you can see him anyway. is there any way to let you know of his presence?
“goodbye, love. i’ll see you tomorrow. i promise,” you dusted the back of your dress from any dirt or debris, leaving a rose on his tombstone. the thing is, he doesn’t want to part from you. and that’s why his figure is seated beside you in the cab. he grazed his thumb on your knuckles, making you feel tingles rushing through. you pushed the slight thought away, you must be tired to be feeling things.
you slowly opened the door to your apartment, you and mark’s to be exact. the whole house is making those memories make their presence in the back of your head again. the kitchen where you two baked cookies for christmas last year. the bedroom where you snuggled upon his chest, not wanting to start your day just yet. the piano where he sang those cheesy songs for you. the living room where you slow danced at 3 in the morning. his favourite mug resting on the countertop, probably will not be used again. this whole situation is too overwhelming for you. you feel weak.
with each day passing by, you didn’t even miss one without a visit to his resting lot. you would tell him stories of how your day went or something that you read which would made him ponder. the words carved on it are already etched onto your brain.
mark lee. a son, a brother and a loving partner.
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the clock hanging on the grey wall has it’s arms stretched out to display the time - two in the morning. you can’t sleep just yet, not having any for the past few days even. dark circles are appearing around your eyes, not yet recovered from the puffiness from all the crying. mark’s heart aches everytime he takes upon your state. he feels very guilty, not that death was his choice after all. it’s simply fate, a cycle of life, a destiny that every single creature on this planet will end up with.
you’ve taken the whole month off work, still feeling ever so helpless. in fact, you can’t even remember the last time you’ve stepped out of the apartment, the night before his passing perhaps? you’ve completely shut yourself out from any interactions - deactivating your social media, not accepting any calls. you just need time to heal.
as if you’re being controlled by some type of mastermind, you shoot up on the balls of your feet, pulling away from the couch. those images of you slow dancing with mark, hands in each other’s holds, your chin rested in the crook of his neck and being ever so engrossed in love are coming back more often now. you trudged to the vinyls arranged neatly on the shelf, picking one before placing it on the turntable - frank sinatra, one of his all time favourites.
holding your hands up at about his usual height, you start twirling around. you can almost see the outline of his smile, his features right in front of you. except, he is. he’s been observing your moves the whole night. mirroring your current position, as if you can really see him, it’s a miracle for him. overjoyed actually, he doesn’t realize the salty tears streaming down his cheekbones and so are yours.
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“thank you for coming, dear. it’s a pleasure seeing you in what, weeks?” a laugh escaped the woman’s lips. you reciprocated her hug before stepping into the living room. it’s been a long time since you’ve been here, was it in january? mrs. lee had invited you over for a simple dinner, checking up on how you’ve been. you can see that the family is still struggling over his passing, the way his sister’s eyes are not twinkling as usual makes it hard to cover up the lie.
“you see, this was on his high school graduation day. he was very happy that day, doing all sorts of dances and stuff. finally escaping from hell as he said,” she giggled. she’s been displaying all sorts of memoirs to you, photo albums and photographs scattered on the wooden floor. to be honest, you’ve never seen these before. all smiles mark lee, easy to notice among the crowd. not that he’s changed, he’s still that boy now. mark just sat on the couch - his favourite spot, observing the throwback session going on. if he’s still here, his sister for sure is going to tease the hell out of him.
“he told us so much about you, you know? as if everything reminds him of you, that boy is lovestruck. really,” that sudden confession made your tongue dry, unable to find a perfect response. you were really that special to him.
“drive safe honey, you can come over whenever you want. you know you’re always welcome here, right?” mrs. lee handed you the small box filled with some things you’re going to keep. she kissed both of your cheeks, mr. lee standing behind her giving you a small wave. a small smile crept up onto your face before igniting the engine, turning your wheels out of the housing area.
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the netflix show is playing on the television, the faint voices of the characters playing in the background. you’re sitting on the floor, flipping through the photo journal you two decorated throughout your one year of relationship. you can see his little scribbles and doodles, often a little dinosaur symbolising your always grumpy personality.
in one photo, a golden birthday hat is nicely placed on your head with him kissing your right cheek. you remember clearly, a surprise party for you last year. in the following ones, they are mostly candid shots - you blowing out the candles while he looks at you full of love, him eating a portion of your dish while you pout your lips. you would say it was the night of your life, spending it with the guy who stole your heart.
the next page of the journal is a shot of mark taking a photo of you in the park. you suppose it was taken by donghyuck? that one picture of you was stuck as his lock screen wallpaper for a while, you remembered getting so embarrassed over it. mark would give you the same excuse every time you questioned him about it, implying that the sight of you would light up his whole day. cheesy really, but that was what remained as memories of the past, tied neatly in your heart.
the rain trickling against your window eventually made you doze off to wonderland, creating the perfect chance for mark to browse through the journal in your hands. carefully lifting it from yours so that you won’t be stirred from your sleep, he settled down in the space beside your sleeping figure. slowly turning the pages, he smiled fondly at each photo holding a thousand moments that can’t be recreated ever again. some of them would make him giggle. he kneeled down slightly to place a soft kiss on your forehead, making you squirm a little due to the faint touch.
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“give him a chance. i’m not saying that you should forget mark but it’s been months, you should live up a little,” yerim’s voice sounding concerned from the other end of the line. perhaps she’s right but you just need more time. but how much longer? you’re afraid you yourself have no specific answer for that enquiry.
you’ve been feeling better by now, welcoming people back into your life and carrying out the same daily routine of yours. going to work, buying groceries, going to the drive-thru and whatnot. of course, the void is still obvious - coming back home to an empty atmosphere instead of him waiting for you on the couch, sometimes dozing off, no more weekend cafe runs. but at least you’re trying your best. you bid your goodbyes before tapping the red button, ending the call. plopping the device onto the mattress, you stared at the white ceiling, deep in your own thoughts.
you should give him a chance. live up a little.
yes, you should.
getting hold of the phone and immediately opening the messages app, you searched for jungwoo’s number. he’s been trying to take you out for dinner for a while now. you still remember his exact words, whenever you’re ready he’s always there, waiting for you. you’re not really sure about that particular question but it wouldn't hurt to give it a try, right?
typing in the words ‘okay, sure’ is already a pressure for you but you still proceeded to press the send button. glancing at the clock showing the time, the notification ping redirected your focus onto the screen.
jungwoo: cool, is tomorrow night okay with you? i’ll drive, of course :)
tomorrow night. okay, tomorrow night.
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an elegant red gown is wrapping your curves perfectly, a thin necklace with the seashell charm around your neck while your lips is decorated with the dark red tone, highlighting your poise appearance. hearing the doorbell ring, you tidied up the dresser as your eyes landed onto the picture frame holding a photo of you and mark. a sad feeling crept into your heart but you pushed it away, opening the door to reveal jungwoo in a black and white tuxedo.
you would say that the dinner went well, none of his questions or chatters crossing any borderline. he’s just so polite, even you are amused. feeling comfortable with his presence, the small gap in between is eventually closing down since you’ve learned so much about each other during the other few dates. one night completely changed it for you, him offering you a dance at some event he’s bringing you with.
you observed that his moves are slightly similar to mark’s - not completely of course, mark’s is very unique and very…mark-ish. for the first time ever in the recent turn of events, you flashed a genuine smile. one that is not just for show, one that only comes out when you’re truly elated, one that you only manage to give to certain. mark just observed the scene from a distance, admiring how you’ve managed to find the spark of happiness you once lost.
alas, mark saw his other half become full again with another, her eyes twinkling with the same joy but this time, it’s not him in the reflection.
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Thick And Thin (one-shot)
Synopsis: He never thought his wife would ever even think about divorce. They had problems, which is why they were at marriage counselling. But he never knew her heart had broken a long time ago. And he’d been the one to break it before they even got together.
Pairing: Harry Styles x fem!Reader
Genre: aaaaaaannnnggggssssttt baby, just wanted to write something that’d rip your heart out :)
Warnings: swearing, pain, kinda depressive (??), can’t think of anything else really, but please let me know if there is, also not my best work lol :D
Word count: 7102 (let’s start off the New Year with loads of pain :) )
Italics are flashbacks
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“I want a divorce.” 
           Never in Harry’s life did he think he’d have to hear those words. Not after everything they’d been through, not after all of the effort he’d been putting in to save their relationship.
           Those words had not only stunned him but their marriage councillor, the woman’s mouth open mid-word, as she tried to comprehend what was happening. Harry was fairing even worse. It was like his brain was short-circuiting, synapses broken and no longer sending any signals. 
           “Mrs Styles, I know it’s difficult,” the therapist tried to diffuse the situation. “But the reason you’re here is to avoid this specifically.”
           “I don’t remember how you smell anymore,” Y/N continued not listening to the woman, voice like a black void, but her Y/E/C eyes rimmed with tears. “Or taste. I don’t remember how it feels to have you pressed up against me or what it’s like to hear your voice. I… I don’t have anything to cling onto anymore.”
           “It’s why we're here!” he cried through clenched teeth, slipping on his knees before her, hands grasping Y/N’s in a vice-like grip. “It’s why we’re trying.”
           The laugh she let out was detached and without any love. “We tried it your way, Harry.” She’d never called him Harry before. It was always Lover. “And it’s not working for me. It hasn’t from the start. We’re… we’re so unhappy. And I don’t want that for you or for me. We deserve happiness. But I don’t think we can give that to one another anymore.” She took in a shaky breath, looking down at Harry’s hands in her lap. “When I thought of it, at first I felt horrible. I wanted to throw myself off somewhere, but the more I sat on that thought, the more relieved I felt.”
           He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, didn’t want to believe it. “Relieved?” The word felt like acid in his mouth.
           “Yes,” she nodded. “Relieved. Because this choice won’t make us hurt one another anymore. This gives us a chance to have a fresh start.”
           “I don’t want a fresh start! We said – we said through thick and thin.” He was grasping onto the last straw he could find. “This is the thin, but we’ll get through it.”
           “Harry, I already broke through the thin. And now I’m drowning. And when the thick comes, I’ll either be frozen under it and watch you walk further, or I’ll surface somewhere, and I don’t know on which side of the shore I’m gonna be on and where you’ll be. And if you try to get me, you’ll start drowning too. I don’t want that.”
           “But that’s what marriage is! Going through the tough shit together!”
“Harry… I already asked Lionel to draw up the papers. The first draft is done.”
           His blood froze in his veins.
           “When you said to sit down and write one thing that makes me happy about the relationship,” Y/N was looking at the therapist now, “about the person, I – I couldn’t. Because I kept thinking back to the start, to the beginning. That’s what made me happy. But now…” She glanced at Harry. “If there was one thing, I couldn’t do to you, not in a moment like this, is lie. I just… I don’t remember how to be happy with you.”
They’d started out as the cliché of best-friends-lose-contact-only-to-be-reunited-and-not-let-their-chance-pass-by-and-fall-in-love. She was ten when she’d moved in next door to him and he was twelve when he’d seen the three vans full up to the house, a little girl hopping out from one of them. Harry watched as she rushed up the doorstep and put in a key, unlocking it and a new chapter of her life with it. Little did he know she’d unlocked a new chapter of his life as well.
She was the new kid at school, and despite the fact that he was a year above, he sat down next to her at lunch.
“ ’M ‘arry,” he said through a mouthful of a sandwich. “Saw you move in yesterday.”
“Yeah,” she nodded. “I’m Y/N.”
And that was the start of a blooming friendship.
On her eleventh birthday, he gave her a handmade bracelet. She gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you, making Harry blush all shades of pink and red.
He was thirteen when he had his first real kiss on his birthday. Y/N had simply tried to peck him on the cheek, but he’d turned his head, and her mouth had ended up on his. She’d walked away with a shy smile and ears on fire.
She was thirteen when a boy first asked her out. Harry was the first person she told him about it. That was the first time his heart broke.
When he was fifteen, he got his first girlfriend. Y/N was fourteen when her heart broke for the first time.
           And then he'd gone on X-factor and with that forgotten about her. She called him, texted him, messaged him on social media, but usually, she’d maybe get only one picture or a small ‘miss you too’ as a response. So, after a whole year apart, she gave up. What was the point of trying to save anything when he didn’t want to?
           He moved on and became an international superstar. Y/N moved on and graduated top of her class, got into her first-choice university, and graduated with a first as well. He had some relationships here and there, while Y/N had had a steady relationship since the second year of uni, but when she decided to go to a different one for her masters they amicably broke up.
           Eight years later she was sitting at a café in London, laughing with her ex-boyfriend and catching up, as he explained how what Criminal Minds showed wasn’t really what was taught in his criminology degree classes.
           “I’m still saying I dated real-life Spencer Reid,” Y/N chuckled, sipping on her gingerbread latte. “Don’t give a shit, I need something to flex with.”
           Harry had then walked inside the café, shaking off the snow from his boots when a familiar laugh he hadn’t heard in ages invaded his senses. It was almost like he’d stepped into a dream. 
           When his green eyes befell on the owner of the voice, he had to take a double-take. Somehow in his brain, he’d expected the fifteen-year-old teenager, a t-shirt of his face on her body, as she’d cheered him on when he’d gone onto his first concert as part of One Direction to be sitting in the chair, not the grown-up woman.
           He’d still checked in with Y/N through what she posted on her social media, but as much as he’d promised not to have the celebrity life sweep him away, it had. Harry sometimes had two concerts a day, and he barely had a moment to take a bite of food. And he hated to admit it, but Y/N simply slipped from his life. And he didn’t bother to put in the effort to pull her back.
           A huge wave of guilt and longing rushed through his body as he glanced at the woman, her face lit up by joy as she and the man before her continued on with their conversation.
           Someone tapped on his shoulder, making him turn around and face another customer. “You gonna order anything?”
           For a moment Harry stuttered. He could walk away without inserting himself back into Y/N’s life, but he didn’t want that. He’d missed her. Harry didn’t even realise how much he’d missed her.
           “You go ahead.” He motioned with his hand. “I’m still thinking.”
           Harry took in a deep breath and then walked towards where the pair was sitting. 
           The man’s eyes flitted up to see who was towering over Y/N, only for them to widen, and his mouth hang open. 
A sense of pride filled Harry's chest at the reaction and maybe quenched a little bit of the jealousy invading his body. He used to be the one who made Y/N laugh until she had to tell him to stop or she’d pee herself. He was back to take up the role.
           “You okay there, Dan?” she chuckled. “Don’t tell me there’s a ghost behind my back. I told him not to walk out of the flat wit –“ Y/N had turned around and almost choked on her drink. “Oh my god, Harry! Oh – hi!” She jumped up hugging him, feeling how his body shook with laughter at her reaction, strong arms weaving around her middle. “Holy shit, it’s really you!”
           “Yeah, ‘s me. Who else?”
           “I didn’t know you were back in the UK.”
           A warmth spread through his chest, as he reluctantly pulled away from the hug. “Been checking in on me?”
           Y/N rolled her eyes, sitting back down, but pulling up a third chair for Harry to sit upon. “Dan’s a huge fan.” She motioned with her head to the man. “When we first started dating, I thought he was only doing it because we used to be friends, and he hoped I’d set you up or something.”
           Harry masked the choke of envy by clearing his throat and letting out an awkward chuckle. “Hope I’m not interrupting a date or something.”
           “A catch-up date, but not a date date.” Dan lifted his brows at Y/N, who gave him a ‘don’t start this’ look to which he threw up his hands in surrender. “I’m just making conversation.”
           “You’re being annoying, that’s what you are.” Y/N flicked a crumb from the table towards him. 
           It was in that moment that it truly hit how much he’d missed, and it hit him hard he no longer knew the person who once was his best friend.
           “You’re different,” Harry said, looking over at her trying to keep the lump in his throat from making his voice break. 
           Y/N shrugged, eyes twinkling. “I mean it has been almost a decade. I do hope I don’t look the same as I did then. Otherwise, the pain of braces was of no use.”
           “No,” he chuckled shaking his head. “’S not that… It’s like you’re a different person.”
           “I grew up,” she said, sipping on the last bits of her drink. “ ’M not the same fifteen-year-old you saw last.”
           He nodded and bit his lip. But the thing was, Harry wasn’t the stupid sixteen-year-old that left the fifteen-year-old her either. This time, he wouldn’t let the chance at happiness pass him by when he could’ve had it all along. 
           He sat across from Y/N at the large marble table and watched, heart bleeding out in his chest as she put her signature on the papers, her attorney fishing out something from his briefcase and handing it to her under the table. He saw her shoulders shudder before she placed a maroon rectangle with a golden inscription on it in her own purse. Harry wanted to vomit. It was her new passport, where her surname no longer matched his, where he no longer existed, inscribed into the document as her spouse. 
           “Mr Styles?” Y/N’s lawyer pushed the papers his way, the pen laying atop them. “’S your turn.”
           ‘Your turn’, as if it was a game of spin the bottle or UNO. 
           “Don’t make me,” he choked out, pleading with Y/N one last time. “Please don’t make me do this. Don’t make me give up on us.”
           Her words were worse than a knife to his soul. “You can’t give up on something that’s no longer there.”
           When they’d been at the stage of negotiation, he’d kept pushing for giving her at least half of his income, to give her one of the houses they owned together, but she’d turned everything down.
           “I didn’t marry you for your money, Harry.” He’d expected her voice to be full of venom, but it wasn’t. It was sad, resigned. “I don’t want what you’ve earned.”
           “Let me give you at least something.”
           “I don’t want anything from you. If it makes you feel any better, you can donate whatever amount you wanted to give me. I don’t care. All I want from this is for you to sign the papers.”
           “And if I can’t?”
           Y/N sighed, looking down at the table. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
           That’s when her attorney had cleared his throat. “Mrs Sty – Y/L/N. Legally, according to the prenup, you are entitled to half of Mr Styles estate as well as twenty percent of all his earnings.”
           But Y/N just shook her head. “I only signed those documents because that’s what he and his agent wanted. I never asked for it or anything or the sort. Donate it, for all I care. Buy a new house, Harry I literally don’t want to know what you do with your money.” Y/N took in a sharp breath and calmed herself down. It’d been the first time Harry had heard any sort of emotion from her since she'd spoken those horrible words. “I just want this over with.”
           And now, he was at the moment of the end. He just never thought their story would end with broken hearts and ripped up futures.
His handwriting was barely legible at best of times, but right now it seemed as if a toddler had tried to forge it with how much his hand shook. When the pen dropped, so did his shoulders, and he saw Y/N’s drop as well.
           Harry’s with weight from the love lost, Y/N’s with relief, for now their broken hearts wouldn’t hurt one another no longer.
           His lawyer handed him over a new passport as well, where Y/N was no longer written as his spouse. The urge to rip it to shreds was almost uncontainable. He hated it more than the divorce papers.
           They’d been dating for a little over two years when he decided to propose, only every plan he had was miserably ruined by some outside force.
           The first time he’d decided he’d do it at a romantic dinner. Harry had found out Y/N wasn’t a fan of huge romantic gestures, so he wouldn’t get on one knee and draw everyone’s attention. He’d simply take her hand in his, kiss her fingers and ask. 
           But as they’d sat at the table enjoying their meal and talking, he noticed Y/N become quieter and quieter. A frown morphed on his face.
           “You alright, Lovie?”
           “Umm,” Y/N’s brow creased even more, and she dropped her fork. “I umm I don’t know. ‘M feeling kind of funky?”
           “What’dya mean?”
           “I – “ Y/N opened her mouth but didn’t manage to get anything else out as she jumped up and rushed towards the ladies room.
           Harry quickly dropped his own utensils and rushed after her, not bothering with the yells of the woman who was looking at herself in the mirror, while his girlfriend threw up her guts inside one of the toilets.
           A member of the staff had run to see what all the commotion was about, but when he saw Y/N half inside a stall, half outside, Harry’s hands keeping her hair away from her face, he went back out and immediately grabbed the first aid kit they had in the kitchen, handing it to Harry along with a cold wet towel.
           Y/N shuddered, leaning against the stall wall sweat glistening on her face, as he pressed the damp cloth against her skin. She gave him half a smile. “Told you not to get the shrimp.”
           “I’ll get the cab, Lovie.” He smoothed away the once meticulously styled hair, which was now stuck to her damp skin. 
           But she shook her head. “Not yet.”
           “Because I’m about to puke again.”
           In the end, she threw up two more times, her stomach really not agreeing with the entrée. The waiters kept apologising the whole time, and the chef had stopped cooking, the restaurant immediately taking action and refunding everyone who’d ordered anything with shrimps in them.
           When they’d gotten back home, Y/N was so tired and felt so sick, Harry could only help her get out of the dress, clean her up with a warm towel and wrap her up in her favourite pyjamas before curling up together on his bed and falling asleep, making sure if there was a moment, she felt nauseous again, he was by her side. She needed his help more than he needed to propose.
           He threw himself into his work like a madman. Day and night, he was either at a studio, on a filming lot, in between meetings or interviews. The media buzzed about how his marriage had fallen apart, even though Y/N hadn’t made a statement or spoken a word to anyone, and neither had Harry. But he guessed the emptiness of his ring finger gave everything away.
           He refused, however, to speak on it. As painful as it was, he was still in love with Y/N. She hadn’t chosen to be in the spotlight, it was Harry’s world, not hers, so he respected her decision to be quiet and remained so himself, save for one single post his management had asked for him to put up. It'd also been the last time he'd spoken to her.
All he received was a simple text message 'do what you have to do'.
           A couple of months down the line though, something came up, and Harry couldn’t keep his tongue behind his teeth.
           It was an article in The Sun, a photograph of Y/N plastered all over the front page with the words ‘Gold-digger Y/L/N finally seen out after divorce with Harry Styles.” He’d snatched the paper right off the stand and flipped it open, frantic green eyes scanning the words.
           ‘Despite it only being two months since the two childhood ex-best friends broke up, Y/N Y/L/N was already seen in the company of a man, sharing a drink, and giving one another flirtatious smiles. An inside source tells us, how she hadn’t even been that upset about the divorce and has been going out and having fun with many male companions, one of them being her ex-boyfriend from university times.’ 
           ‘Harry Styles, known for his time in the pop boyband One Direction and for his solo endeavours in music as well as dabbling in acting, broke everyone’s belief in true love after being seen in public without a ring. This prompted an announcement that the four-year relationship and two-year marriage to who was once his best friend had ended and the two had decided to get a divorce. Although the post showed a picture of their silhouettes holding one another with their foreheads together, and his statement showed nothing but love and respect for his then-wife, sources say Y/N had been controlling and obsessive over her then-husband and hadn’t wanted him to leave to pursue his career, stifling his growth.’
           He didn’t bother to read any further, as he pulled out his phone, calling Jeff immediately to figure out how to make all of it go away, how to do at least one thing right.
           “They’re dragging her name through the mud!” he sneered, not even caring he was bumping shoulders with people, and if the paparazzi would dare spin a story of the state he was in at that moment, he’d sue each and every one of them personally. “I have to do something. Fuck, Jeff, I love her! I can’t let them paint her like this. Y/N – “ he choked back a lump. “She never asked for this. Didn’t ask for anything. And that man – that was Dan, okay. I know him. Yes, he’s her ex, but they don’t know anything!”
           “Harry I’ve sent them cease-and-desist letters already.” Jeff tried to ease him. “But… she’s no longer your concern Har.”
           The words hit him like a bullet and ripped a hole in his chest just like one of them would. “You might still love her,” Jeff’s voice was solemn. “But Y/N is no longer yours to protect.”
           “I can’t just let them talk shit about her,” Harry whispered back.
           His friend sighed on the other side of the line. “I know. Which is why we’ll deal with it. But you have to start letting her go.”
The second time Harry wanted to propose was about a month later, and Christmas was right around the corner. They’d decided that Christmas Eve would be spent with his sister, her boyfriend and Anne, while Christmas Day they’d go to Y/N’s side of the family. 
Although they’d settled on one gift each, Harry had been carrying around that small box for what felt like an eternity. And it wouldn’t really be a gift, given how he’d wrap it and hang it in the tree.
“It’s an ornament,” he’d say to her, a smug smile on his lips, as Y/N would roll her eyes at him. “Just because it has your name on it, doesn’t mean it’s immediately a present.”
And then she’d open it, and would gasp, and Harry would slide down on his knee, press a kiss to her ring-free finger before asking that fateful question. 
But just like before, his plan didn’t come to fruition. 
           He’d asked his mother to hang up the little box, so there was no chance of Y/N seeing it in his hands, but what he hadn’t thought of was Gemma’s boyfriend had decided on the exact same plan of action.
           When Michal had dropped down on his knee, Harry’s sister’s trembling hand in his, he couldn’t do that to them. As much as he wanted to marry Y/N, he couldn’t take away Gemma’s moment. So while Y/N was preoccupied with looking at the gleaming diamond on Gemma’s finger, Harry plucked down the box from where it’d hung and placed it on the side no one could see, before he could put it in his bag.
           “ ’M sorry, honey,” Anne had said to him over coffee the next morning. “I didn’t know Michal would do that.”
           He’d just shaken his head, no hurt in his heart. “Great minds think alike. Our moment will come. ‘M happy for Gem. Besides, if he hadn’t done that anytime soon, I would’ve needed to have a stern talking.” 
           What his sister said to him made him think he had to be living in a simulation, because it couldn’t be true. Y/N couldn’t be getting married. Not this soon. Not ever. Not to someone who wasn’t him. It had been barely a year since he’d signed the death sentence to his own happiness.
           Harry shook his head. “You’re lying. Tell me you’re lying, Gem.”
           “I’m not.” Her voice broke as she said it. “I saw her at a café. Saw the ring… the man who gave it to her. Harry, I’m so sorry.”
           His mind reeled with questions he wasn’t sure he wanted answers to. Was that why she’d really divorced him? Had she been cheating on him and just needed an excuse out of their relationship to jump into the new one? He was away so much on their relationship, he wouldn’t have been surprised if someone else had swooped in and tried to win her heart.
Harry’s mind was one of the greatest things he’d been blessed him, but also one of the worst curses bestowed upon him, as it weaved a story of Y/N and the man who’d now put a gleaming ring on her finger.
           He was away, like always, doing something he could do another time. She was on her own, keeping their bed warm with just her body, fighting for their relationship on her own, while he made plans once more to go to a different part of the world and leave her behind again.
           Y/N pulled herself out of the bed, sighing and rubbing her face. She opened their closet only to be greeted with Harry’s half empty. Maybe that was the moment she decided to find someone who’d fill it and wouldn’t leave it permanently empty, Harry conjured up.
           She’d dress in a soft jumper and some jeans, a large cardigan hanging over her body and would go to a café for her morning drink. And that’s where she’d meet him. The stranger that would take her out of the lonely life she’d been living. The stranger that would make a smile bloom on her face and her heart stutter once more. The stranger who would show her the love Y/N deserved to have.
           Harry had to shake his head to get rid of the thoughts before they ventured into a worse territory.
           No. Y/N wasn’t like that. No matter what, she would never cheat on him. She had enough dignity for herself and respect for him, even though in his own mind, Harry didn’t think he deserved it. 
           Although he didn’t have a right to, nor was it the sanest move (and if someone saw him doing it, there would probably be a slew of articles), Harry got into his car and drove to where Y/N’s apartment was, and when she opened the door after hearing seven loud knocks, he stepped inside without even waiting for her to invite him. 
           “You’re getting married?”
           She crossed her arms. “It’s none of your concern.”
           “It’s been barely a year! I refuse to believe you’ve moved on so fast.”
           Maybe he was kidding himself, and Y/N truly had, but as much as their marriage had fallen apart, he did have the honour of having known her and having figured some things out deeper than others would.
           Y//N scoffed. “I was proposed to. And I said yes.” The words were like venom entering his veins. “If I wasn’t, then I wouldn’t have agreed to it. And as I already said – it is none of your concern.”
           Harry stood there, watching as she dragged a hand down her face, eyes flitting everywhere he wasn’t. It told him everything he needed to know.
           “You’re not happy,” he whispered stepping forward and reaching for her hand. “I know how you shine when you’re truly happy. This isn’t it. Why are you doing this?”
           “That doesn’t matter.”          
           Harry was so confused, at a complete loss at what Y/N was saying. “So, you’ll what? Get married to him and be miserable? Why the hell did you divorce me then?”
Y/N sighed. “Being unhappy with him isn’t as unbearable as being unhappy with you. Because with you, I know what it feels like to truly fully loved. Which is why it broke me when you stopped.”
           “I never stopped!” Harry whisper yelled, anger coursing through his veins at her words, because they were lies. “Why do you think I dragged us to marriage counselling? Why do you think I kept fighting for us? For you?! You were the one that gave up!” 
           “You weren’t there when I needed you.” 
           Harry blinked rapidly, not understanding what she meant.
           “You left me for ten years. You forgot all about me until that day at the café. Not once did you message me or call me or even send fucking snail mail. I was the one putting in all the effort, I was the one who was trying to keep you in my life, but you didn’t want it. Just like it was when we were married.”
           Rage bubbled under the surface, but he kept it at bay. That was not how he’d get Y/N back. “How?” he asked calmly. “How did I not want it?”
She scoffed shaking her head. “It was the same as it was ten years ago. With the movie, the new album... You were always at the studio or hanging out with your castmates. When I asked for you to free up one night, one single night, you didn’t come back until three AM, drunk off your ass, and I had to take care of you. I asked for one night. And you didn’t even give me that. So forgive me for not feeling like you still loved me.”
           “Why didn’t you talk to me then?!”
           “I did!” This was the first time he’d ever heard Y/N yell, before kneading her lips tightly together and then continuing more quietly. “But you never heard me. Not really. You heard what I asked, and promised to be there, but when the time came… something more important always came up. Something that always deserved to have the promise you gave me to be broken.” Y/N gave him a sad smile. “Do you remember when you first asked me out? And I said no?”
           Harry nodded. “You said that we just got one another back and didn’t want to have anything rip us apart again. Didn’t even want to chance it.”
           “And you said it was exactly why I should give us a chance. That we’d finally found one another again and shouldn’t let the opportunity go…” She tilted her head. “Guess we should’ve listened to me. I included.”
           He couldn’t believe her. “Is that really your takeaway here? You were right?”
           “But I was.” Y/N shrugged. “Look at where we are now. You forgot me for basically ten years.” She shrugged, stepping away. “Give it some time, and you’ll forget me for the rest of your life. Besides, we’ve not known one another longer than we have. So, it shouldn’t be that hard.”
           “Why did you then? Go out with me?” Harry swallowed the lump in his throat. “Get married to me?”
           For a moment Y/N just looked at him, Y/E/C eyes boring into his green ones. “Because I’d once again convinced myself I was important to you, just like I did when we were teens. And in my head, I had dreamt up that maybe I’d be important enough for you not to forget me.”
The third time did the charm though.
           They were both sleepy, under the covers of Harry’s bed, eyes barely keeping open as they were determined to finish Elf.
           Y/N had her cheek pressed against his chest, bare body next to his naked one. She hated sleeping in pyjamas (unless they were staying over at one of their parent’s places,) because she said it made her feel like the clothes were suffocating her. Harry didn’t like sleeping with pyjamas because all he wanted was to fully feel the skin of his lover next to his. 
           Snow fell behind the large windows of his London penthouse apartment, covering the city in a white blanket. It rarely snowed there, so he watched with warmth in his heart as the flakes fluttered to the ground.
           It was all so calm, so serene, that Harry realised that’d been the moment he’d been waiting for. No need for fancy dinners or present it as a loud gift. Being together was a gift enough.
           “Lovie?” he asked, nose hidden in her hair. “You awake?”
           All he received in answer was a small hum. She was on the verge of passing out, but this was the moment, so, he whispered the question, voice so low as if he was asking the dark to marry him not Y/N.
           He couldn’t look at her, afraid of what she might say, afraid she might say no, think back to the times he wasn’t there for her, think of all the reasons why he wasn’t good enough for her, and would only bring her sorrow. 
           “Lover.” Her voice was as soft as a summer’s morning. “Look at me. Please.”
           It was one of the most frightening things in his life, as he did so. 
           Y/E/C eyes met green. What he saw on her face allowed his heart to calm down a little.
           “Is the Sun the closest star to us?”
           That he hadn’t expected. “What?”
           “Does it rise in the East and set in the West?”
           Her hand cupped his cheek, and he melted against her. “Then why are you asking me a question you know the answer will be the same as to those?”
           “Can I put the ring on your finger then?” He was more excited than about anything in his life.
           Y/N shook her head, bringing his lips to brush against hers. “Don’t need a ring. Just need you to kiss me.”
           The wedding was far away from the city so that no one from the press could even think about following her or her entourage. The guest list was small, compared to the three hundred people Harry’s and her wedding had had.
           Anne had told him not to go. He wasn’t invited, and neither was she or Gemma, for obvious reasons. As much as Y/N loved them, she knew it’d hurt the two women, but it would hurt Harry more. So seeing her stepping out of the car, dressed in a cream wedding gown, a veil covering her face, made flashbacks appear behind Harry’s eyelids.
           She’d worn an off-white gown before as well, dusty rose to be exact. And Harry’s bow tie had matched it. Y/N had never liked the thought of wearing white at her wedding. 
           “Listen, if it’s white, I’ll most definitely spill something on it,” she’d told him as both of them had been flipping through some wedding magazines. “You know me. But if it’s some other colour, there’s a bigger chance no one will notice when that happens.”
           It didn’t seem right to him. It was like a bad fever-dream like he’d had that one time, and Y/N had had to listen to him babble about the hallucinations dancing in front of him because of the high temperature.
           Her gaze remained on the ground, or maybe on the bucket of white roses in her hands. She hated white roses.
           A woman in a pale blue dress straightened out the back of Y/N’s dress and the train of it, and he watched as her mother came to stand beside her daughter, giving her an elbow to grasp onto.
           All he wanted was for Y/N to be happy, and it hurt to think it wasn’t with him because Harry believed it was supposed to be him. 
           He took in a shaky breath and got out of the car just as Y/N had walked up the steps and disappeared behind the double doors.
           It was going to be him.
Harry knew he wasn’t the best husband in the world. He was away for a lot of time, and as conceited of an excuse it was, his job did entail going out to parties, mingling with other people living the high life, and being seen with certain celebs.
           Y/N was never one for it. She always supported Harry, but she didn’t like going out and spending time with people who didn’t care for her existence. Well, maybe they did, but only in a sense that she’d been the lucky bitch who’d snagged up the Harry Styles.
           But if there was something Harry did was love, and he loved wholeheartedly, which is why it absolutely destroyed him when he’d gotten back home one evening and heard Y/N crying in their bathroom.
           She’d never tell him, but it was because no longer did his pillow smell like him. Harry had been away for so long, that the essence of him that’d soaked into their sheets was no longer there. And it broke her to pieces.
           When he’d get home, he’d be so tired, he’d crash on the couch, only tiptoeing his way into their shared room to go to his closet and get some clean clothes in the morning. He’d look over at his sleeping wife and allow a blissful smile to bloom on his face at the sight.
           He was so lucky to have Y/N back in his life. He was so lucky she’d accepted him and fallen for him as he’d fallen for her. He’d silently move over and press a kiss to her temple, before going back down and off to work once more. Only he wouldn’t see the dried tears on her cheeks.
           So, when he’d found her curled up in the tub, hands in her hair, face hidden by her knees, frame trembling like leaves in a storm, he instantly dropped to his knees, ignoring the sharp pain shooting through his bones, as he pulled Y/N into him.
           “I can’t, Harry,” she choked out, shaking her head. He knew it was bad. She never called him by his name. “I can’t do this. I’m so alone. Even when you’re here, I’m alone.”
           Harry had had his heart broken before, and always he wondered afterwards if someone took it out of his chest at that moment, what kind of a sound would it make. Or maybe it wouldn’t. Maybe it’d be as silent as the tears running down his face at Y/N’s confession.      
           “Maybe,” he swallowed harshly trying to keep his whole body from shaking, from showing the fear her statement instilled in him. “Maybe we need couple’s therapy.”
           “What?” her eyebrows had shot up to the middle of the forehead.
           “Y/N, we’re clearly having problems. I – I know I need to work on things, but you’re also not telling me how you’re feeling. Maybe we just need some help.”
           She didn’t really know what to respond. In her mind, Y/N had somehow conjured up an image that if she ever got married, they’d be happy. Sure, they’d fight and have rows, but they’d always be able to work things out on their own. Not once in her life, did she ever think she’d need to go and see a marriage counsellor to help her save her marriage.
           Her own parents much like Harry’s had gotten divorced. Hers had tried therapy. It’d been their last resort. It didn't work. So, when he’d mentioned it to her, that’s what made her decide it was truly over. 
           Y/N nodded, bringing him in for a hug, and felt his body melt into hers with relief.
She’d try, for Harry, but her mind was already made up.
           So he stood outside the doors, listening for the line of ‘if there is anyone who opposes this union speak up now, or forever hold your peace’. His hand grasped the handle, ready to push, but… he couldn’t. He’d ruined her happy ever after once before. He couldn’t do that again to her.
           Tears streamed down his face as he pocketed his hands and ventured away from the ceremony. The ceremony where the love of his life was promising to cherish someone else, to fight through thick and thin with someone else, to make someone else happy, while her own happiness suffered.
           Harry sat in his car, waiting for her to exit, a smile on her face as she’d hold the hand of who now was her husband. That'd be the moment he'd let go of her. But when the doors sprung open, she was alone, hands clutching onto the front of her dress, as she rushed down the steps and back inside the car she’d arrived in.
           For a second he sat in his vehicle, stunned beyond belief at what had happened, at what, as horrible as it sounded, he hoped had happened. When a man, hand in his hair ran outside as well, the same woman in the pale blue dress rushing out with him, Harry knew.
           He was basically a madman on the road, breaking almost every possible law as he tried to catch up to the car Y/N had jumped in. 
           His mind raced with the possibilities of where she could’ve gone. The airport, her family’s summer house in Winchester, honestly anywhere in the world, but Harry shut up his mind, and allowed his heart to make the decision.
           It didn’t seem like Y/N had premeditated fleeing from her wedding, which meant she’d need her stuff. And that meant going to her apartment as quickly as possible before someone came to look for her.
           The way he parked was probably illegal leaving the car basically in the middle of the road, but Harry didn’t care much as he frantically rushed up the steps of her apartment complex. He was scared that if he knocked, she wouldn’t open, thinking it might be someone from the wedding, but he didn’t need to be afraid of it, as he saw Y/N, her hair still styled as it had been for the ceremony, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, a suitcase in hand exiting from the flat.
           “Why didn’t you do it?” he breathlessly asked, startling her and making her drop the keys.
           Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed. “What? What are you doing here?”
           Harry stepped closer, hand cupping her cheek, insides trembling from all of the emotions coursing through his body. “Why didn’t you do it? Marry him? Why didn’t you say yes?”
           “I – “ Y/N choked on her words. “I couldn’t say yes. It didn’t feel right.”
           “Because it wasn’t you, I was saying yes to.”
           That was all Harry needed to kiss her like he'd done once before. And this time, he wasn’t going to let her go. He’d made that mistake twice. He would never repeat it again.
           “I love you,” he cried through a laugh. “I love you. I love you. I love you. And I’m never letting you slip through my fingers ever again.”
           “How can you even think about loving me again after what I did to us?” she asked, pulling away from his lips.
           Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re talking like I ever stopped. Through thick and thin. It’s what we promised. Think and thin, my Lovie."
           A sixteen-year-old Harry and a fifteen-year-old Y/N laid outside in the grass of Harry’s garden; eyes trained onto the dark night starlit sky above. It was the day before his life changed forever as did hers.
           “Do you believe in soulmates?” Harry asked, trying to catch a glimpse of a shooting star.
           Y/N scrunched up her nose. “No. I don’t think I do. And I don’t think I want one.”
           “Why not?”
           “What if they’re old and in their thirties? Or dead?”
           Harry snorted at her response.
           “And you?” Y/N turned her head to look at him. “Do you believe in soulmates?
           He bit his lip and nodded. “I think I do. I think it’s two people who’ve been brought together, and no matter what happens will find their way to one another. Through thick and thin.”
"And what if one of them breaks the other's heart?"
"That's the thin." He looked at her. "And you don't give up then. It's when you need to love them even more."
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take):
Everything tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees @bnhvrdy @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @teenwolflover28 @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​
Harry Styles tags: @sarcasticallywitty15​ @breezykpop​ @girlboss99​ @harrystylesdoesntknowiexist​ @alliyjane​ @sirtommyholland​
A/N: Happy 2021 everyone! Hopefully things are better this year, and everyone stays safe and sound.
P.S. my tags are always open :)
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salemwritesxx · 4 years
lycoris radiata
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↳ pro-hero bakugou x pro-hero reader
summary: The myth around red spider lilies, lycoris radiata, is that, when you see someone you may never meet again, these flowers will bloom along the path. Thus, when Y/n and Katsuki depart on the morning of their 6th wedding anniversary to walk to their respective agencies and spider lilies bloom along the path Bakugou is walking on, Y/n gets an uneasy feeling, unaware that the legend surrounding these flowers may have a germ of truth to them after all.
w.count: 2k
content warning: angst, major character death, which leads to reader committing suicide, afterlife happy ending
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“Okay, hey-“, you grinned and pulled him back one last time to peck his lips, “-don’t forget our rendezvous tonight, yeah?”, to which Bakugou only rolled his eyes – in a playful way though as he immediately pressed a soft kiss onto your mouth once more, not caring that you two stood in the middle of the streets.
“Don’t worry, I won’t forget.”, and with that, you finally let your husband go, though as he walked away from you, you couldn’t help but witness red spider lilies blooming along the pathway, hence you yelled after him, “Babe? Be careful, okay?”
“Ha?”, when he turned around and you pointed to the flowers, Katsuki only laughed and gestured a ‘whatever’ and saying a “Don’t be so superstitious, Y/n. It’s just a myth!”
Even though you both chuckled as he turned around and walked away for real this time, you still felt a slight uneasy feeling in your stomach, though you simply thought it was because you were excited to celebrate your 6th wedding anniversary with your husband.
You screamed as if you were the one being impaled, your knees were shaking, feeling like the ground was opening up underneath your feet and you fell into a dark, black hole any second.
Coughing up blood, he was hanging on the villain’s arm which was weirdly transformed to look like a lance – Bakugou hadn’t seen it coming, if he would have, he…
“Pathetic.”, the villain almost spit into his face before dropping him onto the pavement like some sort of trash, only to jump back immediately when other heroes already attacked him again.
You were rushing to your husband’s side who was coughing up more and more blood while squirming in pain, his “Y- Y/- Y/n…” being interrupted by his coughs, though you were already dropping to your knees to hold him.
“It’s okay, Baby, I’m here. Everything’s gonna be okay! Don’t worry, everything will be okay!”, you cried and sobbed, tears already streaming down your face while pressing him against your side and one hand against his wound where the villain impaled him.
Bakugou knew though. It’s why he was clawing at your hand so much, both of them soaked with his blood that just wouldn’t stop – he knew he wasn’t going to be okay. As he almost couldn’t speak anymore, because his lungs filled with more and more blood, he still grasped your hands as tightly as he could, smearing his own blood all over your arm in an attempt to stay.
“Y/n-“, gasping for breath, he was almost completely over the bridge as his tight grip slowly softened.
“I love you, Baby. I love you so much! Katsuki please, don’t go!”, not being able to suppress your desperate sobs, you barely choked out a “Please.” again as his grip loosened more and more around your own hand.
“I … love… y..o…u…”, were his last words, a single tear trickling down his cheek as his ruby eyes lost that sparkle you fell in love with the very first time you looked into them.  
“Katsu… No….Kat… Nononono please! PLEASE!”, literally begging him to not go, you hugged his bloody, heavy body so close against your chest while you cried, not caring about the explosions from further back into the streets as other heroes still fought against the villains, while rescue heroes only gradually managed to get through the wrecked buildings.
You shouldn’t even be here. Bakugou and you had been in two different agencies, it only should have been a calm day at your respective work places, wanting to be done quickly so you could enjoy your wedding anniversary tonight, but then, all available heroes were called up when the villain went on a rampage.
How…? How did it turn out like that? A harmless villain turned out to be so strong? How… could have anyone guess that? How could have anyone seen that coming?
So, it was true. Walking along a path where red spider lilies bloomed meant you wouldn’t see each other again…
Rescue heroes tried to calm you down and get you to let go of Katsuki’s lifeless body, but you just yelled at them, your voice high-pitched and so full of pain, and cried and held him tighter, not caring that you were full of his blood as you still couldn’t process that this wasn’t a dream, but it was reality… Harsh reality.
Your husband was dead.
And with that, your soul and heart shattered into million little pieces, unable to be whole ever again.
-------6 weeks later--------
You sat in front of Katsuki’s grave.
It was a cold spring night, though to be honest, you hadn’t been warm in the last weeks ever since that accident – the coldness you felt was never going to leave ever again.
Your fingers were softly playing your guitar. Making music had always brought peace to your husband’s mind, whenever he felt angry, frustrated, anxious or any other negative feeling, he would flop beside you and make you play the guitar for him. It calmed him and sometimes, you would both sing crookedly to get him back into a better mood – very fond memories indeed.
Tears were blurring your vision, even though you shouldn’t have been able to cry anymore with how many tears you had shed in the last weeks, but it still felt surreal. Knowing he was never going to come back again – never.
Slowly, your fingers stopped as you stared onto his gravestone. There were red spider lilies planted around – how ironic. Though they weren’t blooming as it was now spring.
Was is really just superstition? Or should you have been warned that day? That uneasy feeling you had felt - it wasn’t excitement, it was a sense of foreboding, and you had ignored it…
Putting your guitar, that had stickers with his hero name and your own, as well as stupid little things like a dick doodle on it, to the side, you sighed and rubbed your red, swollen eyes. You did have this guitar since your middle school days after all. And you remembered when all these things happened oh so vividly. Still hearing the giggle and laughter of your, back then in high school, boyfriend, while you yelled at him for being an idiot. Being angry over a dick doodle seemed so petty now.
Taking your permanent marker, you opened the cap with your teeth, before leaning in and doodling a broken heart onto the surface with the date of your husband’s dying day on it. Spitting out the lid of the marker, you put the pen onto your guitar, before staring back at Bakugou’s grave.
“Please tell me.. Who should be my soulmate now? Who will hold my hand while I drive? Who will hold me when I can’t sleep at night? There is nobody like you out there, Baby…. so please tell me…”, you were crying again as you sobbed and rubbed over your face, “Tell me, who could possibly take your place? My first and last love. I won’t be able to do anything without you…”
Your heart was hurting so much, you couldn’t take it. You knew he was irreplaceable, there was no one out there that could ever give you what he gave you all those past years.
Bakugou was sitting beside you, though you didn’t know – of course you didn’t, was he a mere spirit now, never leaving your side as his translucent hand touched your own.
“Please, you need to go on. Don’t do it…”, tears were in the corner of his eyes, wishing he could talk to you, wishing you could hear his desperate attempts to keep you from committing suicide. Katsuki loved you, he wanted to be with you, but he couldn’t be selfish anymore – you couldn’t throw everything away just because of him.
Though, as he was a mere ghost sitting beside you, he couldn’t do anything but watch.
With a shaking hand you then reached for the gun you had purchased today on the black market – to think, at last, you were doing illegal stuff even though you were a hero – before coming here and sitting in front of his grave for hours. You couldn’t possibly be alive without him beside you. It just hurt too much. You didn’t care about anything, you had no one besides him. Katsuki was your everything and all you wanted to do was finally meet him again.
Sobbing quietly, you then held the end of the gun against your temple, your e/c still staring at his gravestone, before you whispered one last time, “I want to meet you again. Please. I miss you so much.”
“I promise, I’ll be there.”, Katsuki whispered.
For the first time in weeks, there was warmth surrounding your heart and with a smile you barely mumbled “I know you’re waiting for me.”
And then, a loud bang echoed through the silent night and the cemetery, cherry blossom petals, that were in full bloom now, swaying in the wind and slowly falling down and onto your lifeless body.
“Y/n…Y/n…”, the familiar voice made you gradually open your eyes – above you, it was an ocean of pink and white cherry blossoms. But then, as you looked further back, you saw directly into Katsuki’s face, his smile making you feel so warm and fuzzy instantly. It was in that moment you realized your head was resting in his lap.
“You should have lived a long, happy life…”, his voice was so soothing and calm as he combed through your hair, though you just shook your head, tears already welling up in your eyes.
“I was already dead inside the moment you were gone.”, and then, you finally sat back up to connect your lips, Bakugou immediately slinging his arms around your neck and pulling you in closer as you both fell back into a pile of cherry blossoms.
“I love you. I love you so much. And now we’re together again.”, you whispered against his lips, lacing your fingers together and Katsuki squeezing your hand tightly, the sparkle in his ruby eyes back as tears shimmered in them as well.
“And we will never be apart again.”, he barely mumbled back, before you hugged each other tightly as your lips melted together tenderly.
Katsuki and you were sitting on the gravestone together, it was the day your lifeless body joined Katsuki’s in the shared grave. Watching your family and Katsuki’s once more crying so much, it really did break your heart.
“I wish they wouldn’t have to go through that again.”, he said and sighed, though also squeezing your hand tightly.
“Mh… But it was inevitable… I know they know that, too…”, since you and Mitsuki were quite close, she, of course, knew how badly Katsuki’s death affected you, even though she tried to help, the moment you were alone, you knew you couldn’t take the loss of someone so precious to you.
“Y/n… I know your pain was immense… I just hope you are both happy now wherever you are…”, Mitsuki quietly cried as she stood in front of the grave with your coffin in it, joining Katsuki’s, Masaru holding her close by his side, both of them a red spider lily in their hands that weren’t blooming.
Looking at each other for a moment, you both stood up from the gravestone and walked towards his parents, softly touching the flower, making them bloom in their hands.
“Let’s go. We are free now. Let’s see the world - together.”, Bakugou smiled and you chuckled and nodded, “Yeah.”, only to pull him closer and softly kiss him and whisper, “Together forever.”, which earned you Katsuki’s soft giggle and him pulling you closer to connect your lips once more.
Mitsuki and Masaru were both completely astonished when the red spider lilies in their hands started blooming, as if it was your answer to their question if you were both happy now, making Katsuki’s Mom smile and cry a little harder.
Though, once she looked ahead, she thought it was probably because she was sleep-deprived and in so much emotional pain, but… she saw you and Katsuki holding onto and smiling at each other. His mind must be playing tricks on her and yet, it was bittersweet to witness you two like that…
“They are happy…”, she wiped away her tears and with a smile on her lips, Mitsuki threw the blooming spider lilies into the grave eventually, knowing that her son and son-in-law were now happily dancing in the cherry blossom trees.
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@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
writer’s note: ya boy literally chickened out the last minute and made it a somewhat happy ending instead of leaving it sad… idk i kind of just want them to find their happiness again in their afterlives 💌 my first idea was to make Y/n sing his heart out on like a roof and then jump, then I wanted him to sing his heart out in front of katsu’s grave and in the end, we just have some soft guitar play and a gun… but while I listen to the song I had playing on repeat while writing this, I still imagine Y/n singing loudly for his Baby and grieving terribly 💔
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jaewin97 · 4 years
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This year for his birthday, Jaehyun’s only wish comes true.
Words: around 1k
AN: this is my first written post so please bear with me! I wanted to create something for my valentine baby on his special day <3. 
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   Jaehyun sighed as he finally sat inside the designated car that was supposed to drive him home. He took off his mask and reached for his phone quickly turning it on to be met with the time reading 8 pm and your smiling face staring back at him. 
He noticed he had a notification of a new message from you and he quickly unlocked it and opened it already feeling his heart rate pick up.
"hey baby, I know you're probably still filming but I wanted you to know that I spent the whole day thinking about you. I hate that I can't be with you on your birthday but know that I love you and I am always thinking of you.
your birthday gift should have arrived by the time you get home. get some rest babe I'll call you tomorrow.
happy birthday my Valentine baby ❤"
   Jaehyun felt his heart flutter as he saw your message, answering you quickly about how much he loves and misses you and thanking you for your sweet message.
His heart hurt knowing you were miles away and he couldn't see you because of the current pandemic. He missed you so much and despite calling, face timing, texting, and even sending pictures and voice recordings to each other constantly it wasn't enough. He had to have you by his side. He truly didn't realize how much you meant to him until he hadn't seen you for almost a whole year. He realized that he never again wanted to spend time away from you. 
With a tap on his shoulder he was snapped out of his thoughts as his driver informed him that they had arrived at his dorms.
   Jaehyun walked out of the elevator once he reached the 10th floor and made his way to his door quickly inputting the code and entering his dorm.
The lights were all off which he found extremely weird seeing as though it was still fairly early and his members usually were up until late at night. 
‘They probably went out to eat’, he thought as he took off his shoes and placed his backpack by the door.
As soon as he stood back up the lights flickered on and a chorus of "Happy birthday Jaehyun" and "Surprise" were heard.
To say he was startled was an understatement. All 22 of his members were standing in the middle of the living room with party hats and confetti poppers which were being aimed at him. He couldn't help but laugh as he realized his members had set up a surprise party for him.
   One by one his members went up to him and congratulated him.
"Wow you guys really caught me off guard" he laughed as he pulled away from Taeyong who was the last member to congratulate him.
"Yeah it took a while to plan and organize because everyone kept forgetting what they were in charge of," Taeyong laughed as he pulled away from the hug and turned towards the members as he spoke.
Jaehyun finally noticed that they had hung up birthday banners with his face on them and had blown up balloons and placed them all around the dorm. Seeing all the efforts his members went through he couldn't help but feel extremely touched that they did this for him.
"We even have a special gift area since there were so many presents," laughed Mark as he joined in on the conversation, quickly pointing to a corner near the living room window where Jaehyun saw all the gifts Mark was mentioning. There were different sized bags, fruit arrangements, gift baskets, and a huge box was right in the middle of everything wrapped in a bright red paper with white hearts everywhere. 
"OH which reminds me, it's time for the gifts!" Taeyong shouted as he turned to gather all the members.
"Already?" Jaehyun questioned "I just got here" he laughed as Taeyong grabbed Mark by his arm and dragged him towards the living room.
"Yeah just open them right now that way we can eat after" Kun said as he made his way to sit on an empty seat on the couch.
"Okay" Jaehyun said as he tried to make his way towards the corner of the living room where the gifts were, carefully maneuvering his way around his members who were sitting on the floor since the couch was full.
"Here I'll help pass you the gifts" Winwin spoke as he stood up from the floor and made his way to Jaehyun. 
"Open mines first!" Jungwoo screamed from somewhere on the living room floor "it's the bag with a whale on it." Jaehyun spotted the bag and opened it revealing a new hoodie.
"Ah thank you Jungwoo! I needed a new one" he smiled at the younger boy.
"Open the big box next! it was already here when we arrived I'm curious as to what's in it" Johnny said from the couch.
"Oh really? I think it must be from yn then" Jaehyun spoke feeling himself get giddy at the thought that it could be from you.
"Wow look he mentioned yn and he's already blushing" Haechan laughed 
"Shut up" Jaehyun responded earning laughs from everyone else.
He stepped closer to the box and waited for Winwin to finish moving the other gifts that were surrounding it.
"Okay open it" Winwin said as he moved to the side and pulled out his phone, earning a questioning look from Jaehyun "it's so yn can see you received it" Winwin laughed .
"Hurry on now" Doyoung encouraged with a bright smile.
Jaehyun nodded as he reached for a corner of the wrapping paper that was slightly ripped.
He ripped it off revealing the top of the box and before he could go any further the top flew open earning a startled yell from him.
He nearly fell on the floor if it wasn't for Lucas who quickly grabbed him from behind. no way, he thought, this is a dream! he shook his head and cleaned his eyes with the back of his hands and looked back at the box only to be met with you staring back at him with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.
"It's real" Lucas laughed, making Jaehyun realize he was speaking out loud earning laughs from all 22 members.
"Get yn out of there Jaehyun!" Yuta laughed.
Jaehyun quickly snapped out of his trance and basically pounced on you the moment he and Winwin helped you out of the box. 
You pulled away a little bit and were face to face with a teary eyed Jaehyun.
"Wh-what are you doing here?" he said as he engulfed you in his arms.
“I came to surprise you for your birthday, but why are you crying baby?” you teased him as you wiped away a tear that managed to escape and roll down his dimpled cheek.
“I’m just so happy you’re here. I missed you so much I feel like I’m dreaming” he whispered as he leaned into your touch, completely forgetting you had an audience watching. At this moment in time there was no one else there but you and him. You were the only thing he saw.
“You’re not dreaming angel, I'm here.” you smiled as you pulled your hand away and instead wrapped it around his neck pulling him closer to you and finally feeling his lips on yours. 
Jaehyun relaxed into your touch and quite literally felt like there was an explosion going on inside his body. 
“I’m never letting you go” he whispered as you two finally pulled away to catch your breath, putting his forehead against yours. “Stay with me. Please”
You pulled back and watched him with wide eyes, not quit believing what you heard.
“I mean it. Move in with me, marry me. Just please don’t leave me again:” he said staring into your eyes and grasping your hands for dear life.
“I love you. All this time that I couldn’t see you I realized that I never want to go through this feeling again. I want to be with you forever. I want to wake up with you by my side and I want to do it everyday for the rest of my life.” 
At this point your tears had started running down your face. No words can explain what you are feeling or even begin to grasp what’s running through your mind. The only thing you know is that you love Jaehyun and you want to spend the rest of your life with him too. So with a watery smile you nod a yes, not trusting your voice to say anything.
Loud cheers are heard throughout the dorm as Jaehyun quickly twirls you around and kisses you passionately as he sets you down. 
When you pull away you’re met with the rest of NCT clapping, whistling and even crying.
“I can’t believe we just witnessed this” Ten cried into Johnny’s arms as the elder rubbed his back and tried to calm him down.
“Wow, our Jaehyunie is growing up” Taeyong said with teary eyes.
    The rest of the night was full of laughter about how the members helped you and almost knocked you over while getting in the box, congratulations and hugs from your new family, and loving touches and kisses between you and your forever love.
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eydi-andrius · 3 years
Till Death Do Us Part - Basilio x Reader | Trese
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SPOILER WARNING: This story was heavily influenced by the new chapters of Trese comics. I was supposed to write a Crispin x Demi Goddess reader today but was so heartbroken by what I read and decided to do Basilio instead. I love Basilio and his jokes y’all! T_T
Warning: angst, character death, fluff, happy ending? :P
You walk with a heavy heart along the shores of the underworld. Your eyes were puffy from crying the whole day. And were glazed from the unshed tears you tried so hard not to let go.
You can’t cry. Not here. You need to be strong and ask the ferrywoman of the underworld, Magwayen, to let you see the soul of Basilio that was temporarily on her majestic balangay.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
The painful memories came flooding back again. And a tear fell down your right cheek.
It happened yesterday. During their mission, Basilio was stabbed by a cursed kris.
It’s nothing unusual, of course.
He can’t be killed. He was a demi-god. The son of Talagbusao, the War God, who will keep coming back as long as there is a battle to fight.
However, the stabbed wound he got was not usual. The kris was filled with an everflame curse which couldn't be extinguished unless the body inflicted dies.
So for the whole day, you have witnessed Basilio being revived and killed immediately by his brother Crispin to end his suffering.
Meanwhile, Alexandra researches for a cure to remove the curse in her father’s library.
It was torture. Not just for Basilio but for everyone inside the four corners of the room. The screams of agony coming out from him echoes and bounces to all of your ears.
Sometimes he will call out to his brother on how painful it was.
And sometimes he will yell out your name and thrash his head around looking for you.
You’re too worried to cry so you just stand there beside him and hold his skeletal hand when he finally seizes and dies.
That torturous cycle continued until Alexandra came out of the library with an item in her hand that temporarily put Basilio to his death.
When you have confirmed that he will not be revived and suffer again, that’s the only time you cried, hence, the puffy eyes and face from crying.
“I know why you’re here, Y/N. Youngest child of the Goddess of Dalikamata. The demi-goddess blessed with her eyes.”
Even though the figure in front of you has her back turned on you. You know she finds the reason why you’re here amusing. Her words were filled with amusement and smugness in which you expected already.
Magwayen wore a long black funeral gown and different ornaments and accessories for the dead. She has a heavy head dress adorned on her head made from silver, gold and precious stones.
“I know you do. He probably told you about it. Since there is no explanation to do anymore, I will now offer you my bargain in return that I can be with him until the Lakan and his brother find a cure to the curse inflicted on him.” I keep my face emotionless as much as I can.
Magwayen was known to be unpredictable and crude. If you show any emotions, she will play with you until you give up. Being a ferrywoman of the dead, many have tried to bargain with her to bring back their loved ones but only a little percent can successfully convince her.
“Hmmmm? Do you think that because you’re a child of a goddess I will just agree to your request? Oh poor child. That’s not how life works.” The goddess fully turned her face in my direction with a smirk on her lips.
“I will lend you my eyes until he gets back and is cured.” I firmly said and looked directly into her eyes.
Silence filled the place. Only the whisper of the waves and singsong of the wind can be heard.
The ferrywoman titled her head and started laughing.
“Oh! Baliw na bata (Crazy Child)! You do know how to bargain real well! But do you know what your mother would do to you if she found out that you gave up your eyes which can see everything for a man!?”
“I know you care about your children. I will give you my eyes temporarily so you can watch over them.” Instead of answering her question, I just convinced her to take my offer more.
She was known to be a great mother. To the point that she begged my mother once to give her access to her eyes just so she can watch over her remaining children after the death of Lidagat due to heartbreak.
Magwayen smiled at me and sighed. She came closer and caressed my face. Her hands were soft and motherly, it made me want to cry but I resisted the urge to bawl in front of her.
“You children becomes stupid when you fall in love.” She looked at me sadly and continued.
“I will take your offer not because I agree to your reckless decision but because I can never witness another death due to heartbreak.”
After she said that, her balangay with no ferryman came forward.
And from there, I saw him waving his hand in my direction. His long slick black hair flutters from the wind and he is smiling widely. His usual beaten up black suit looks crisper than ever.
“Basilio!” I yelled and didn't hesitate to run forward and jump at him with a hug when he came down from the boat.
“Ooooof! Aray naman! Do you miss me that much?” He laughed but immediately squeezed me back.
“Dakilang Laon! Salamat at maayos ka! (Thank God! You’re okay)” I cupped his face and looked at his eyes.
When I saw his unworried eyes and usual careless demeanor, I couldn't help but frown and smack his head.
“I hope this will be the last time for you and your brother’s careless battle frenzy! Do you know how worried I was? I almost died thinking you will never come back to-”
I didn’t get a chance to finish my rants when I felt his soft lips touch my own. At first it was light and sweet until it turned hungry and passionate. All of our worries, pain and grief have been poured out to that kiss.
When he pulled out from the kiss, he placed his forehead on mine and looked me in the eye lovingly.
“It’s okay now, my love. My brother and bossing will surely find the cure. Hush now okay?” He flashed his beautiful boyish smile and wiped the tears that I didn’t know run down on my cheeks. I nodded and placed my head on his chest. The warmth I used to feel is not here yet but I know, soon, I will feel it again.
Time seems so slow here so we made sure to enjoy every waking moment when both of us were together.
We know this seems careless but we trust Alexandra and Crispin to find a cure. We know they can find it.
So we play, sing and dance together.
Also, talked about things we find amusing, curious and stupid.
Then shared stories and facts about ourselves we haven’t told each other yet.
Sometimes we make love, stare at each other or cuddle and just enjoy watching the calm waves of the black underworld ocean.
Until one day, while resting my head on his chest, I felt it. The warmth. Basilio also felt it.
I stood up and gaped at the white light coming through his chest. I can’t help but cry and laugh at the same time because finally they found it! He can come back on the other side.
He hugged me tight and kissed me. We smiled through our connected lips and rested our foreheads together.
Then he looked me in the eye and cupped my face.
“I’ll see you on the other side again, my love.” I nodded and watched his soul disperse to a thousand lights and disappear.
“I’ll see you there.” I smiled.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years
Royal Affairs
Princess!Wheein x Palace Staff!Female Reader
Word Count: 4927
Contents: royalty au, slight angst, switch wheein, switch reader, thigh grinding, praise, breast play, oral, clit stimulation, tribbing, squirting
Note: @thetypingpup Happy Birthday!!!! This year has been, a whole ass year. And here we are coming to the end of it nonetheless. I know this year has been an absolute bitch for you in more ways than one but you are capable and resilient and wonderful. I’m so glad that more and more you find the ways to make your blog somewhere fun cuz we all need some fun, especially in a year like this. I hope you have a very good day, love!
“Come in,” Wheein’s voice lilted through the air following your knock. You opened the door slowly, keeping your demeanor proper. Wheein was sitting in front of her mirror, candles lit around her chamber, warming the rich emerald tones of her curtains and the canopy surrounding her large, plush bed.
“Perfect timing,” she said evenly, combing the ends of her hair out. “I’m in need of some assistance with my hair.”
You closed the door behind yourself. “No one else is around,” you hummed.
“Good,” she sighed, slumping into her seat and quickly dropping the proper posture she carried around everyone but you. “My hair is a mess and I cannot reach the back.”
You chuckled as you made your way across the room to her. Taking the comb from her hands and started to work on the knots at the ends of her hair. “You really outdid yourself, today.”
“I do think it was one of my best,” she grinned at you through the mirror.
“How do you manage to come up with such ideas?” You mused.
“They really just come to me,” she laughed. “Maybe it’s desperation. Nothing quite like the threat of getting married off to some random noble to make the ideas start flowing.”
You joined in with her chuckles. The king and queen were beyond exasperated at this point. You had lost count of how many suitors Wheein had sent packing. You were sure these were benefits to marrying her off, political alliances, more power, those sorts of things. You knew Wheein knew them well. But she had made her mind that she wasn’t going to be married off, with enough conviction to keep it up until her parents finally gave up on the idea.
“How did you get your hair so tangled?” You asked.
“I brushed it in all directions. I kept putting it up and taking it down. I even tied a few knots right in there,” she said brightly. “I had to tear up that old dress and run it through the mud to really get the look right.”
“Do you think people will wonder how the king and queen raised such a wild woman?” You giggled.
“Ah my kingdom has seen me before,” she said in a relaxed manner. “They’ll have caught on by now. I like to think they take bets on what I’ll do next.”
“The chefs do,” you laughed. “I was in the kitchens for a moment the other day and they were discussing what they thought you would do this time. It truly brings the whole palace together.”
“See,” she laughed. “It’s good for morale!”
“That it is,” You snorted. “But if you do this again and these knots are any worse I might just have to cut them out.”
“You should,”  she challenged you with a grin. “Just chop all my hair off, make it nice and short.”
“Something tells me the king and queen wouldn’t approve of a princess with short hair.” You chuckled.
“So,” she challenged cheekily. “It’s not like I’m any less royal with less hair. Maybe we should do it now.”
“If I do it now the queen will have my head,” you snorted.
“No she won’t, not if I have anything to say about,” she huffed.
You leaned in closer. “I don’t wanna get sent to the dungeon.”
“I won’t let her send you to the dungeon!” She cried.
“I’m not cutting your hair short today.”
Wheein pouted. “This is why I don’t always tell you how I plan to run off the suitors. You don’t let me do anything fun.”
“We have plenty of fun,” you hummed, finally coming to the last few knots in her hair. “I’m simply a voice of reason. You can’t completely ruin your image or the people will never let you take over the crown. And you and I both know you’ll be a fantastic queen.”
“What if I don’t want to be queen?” she sniffed.
“You do,” you said. “You already know you’re going to be good at it. And what would you ever do if you left?”
A grin tugged at her lips. “Well I’d take you with me.”
You couldn’t help your own grin. “I should have known you’d say that.”
“Don’t tell me you would stay here if I was gone,” she gasped in fake surprise.
“It’s a good job,” you shrugged before laughing as she reached back and tried to whack your arm.
“No you’re right,” you hummed. “I think I would miss you too much if you left. This palace just wouldn’t feel the same without you here.”
“I knew it,” she said smugly, though her tone was full of fondness.
“And,” You ran your fingers through her hair. “I’m done.”
“You, my stunning angel,” she smiled. “Have magic fingers.”
“I-I know,” you didn’t mean for your voice to stumble but it betrayed you. Wheein stood from her seat and grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer before sitting you down in front of her mirror.
“You’re too cute,” she grinned. “I want to see something.”
You twisted around in the seat as she moved to her wardrobe and grabbed a few small boxes. Wheein was close to giddy as she placed the boxes on the vanity and opened one, revealing a number of necklaces set with precious stones. She considered them for a moment before choosing one set with rich blue sapphires that caught the light in an enchanting way.
“Here.” You fought to keep your breath even as her hands came gently around your neck. She laid the necklace against your skin, smiling and leaning in until her lips were close to your ear. “Doesn’t this look just breathtaking on you?” She murmured.
“I-It-” You tried to process her closeness that could make you feel a little dizzy, your mind swarmed with too many thoughts of where the night might go. Your fingers came up to touch the piece of jewelry gently. “It’s really beautiful.”
“That’s because you’re beautiful,” Wheein hummed.
You met her eye in the mirror. “Should we be-”
“I’m just having fun,” she grinned. “But I want to see something else.”
You sat, reeling a little and processing her words as she whisked the necklace away. “I think it looks nicer on you than it does on me. Perhaps I should gift it to you.”
“I-If you did that people would surely find out,” you felt a little flustered at the proposition. Wheein had made it clear from the beginning that she didn’t expect you to be too proper or stiff around her and over time she’d started to treat you as a friend. But still, giving a worker in a palace one of her own personal jewelry pieces would raise suspicion at the very least.
“And yet,” she pulled something else out of a box. “I see no reason that it should be mine when I don’t wear it. And it suits you so much better.”
You saw your reflection’s eyes widen as she carefully brought a tiara over your head, set with a dazzling array of sapphire, tanzanite, and indigolite that glimmered in the candlelight. She placed it gently in your hair. 
“Doesn’t it look so natural, like you were born to wear it?”
You felt stunned. No matter how relaxed you were around Wheein you kept your wits about you around anyone else, including her parents. You knew that her tiaras weren’t meant to sit on your head. It made you feel a little dizzy, glance shifting quickly to look at the door. No one ever bothered you in here, not unannounced at least. But still, how much trouble would you be in were you to be caught?
“I-I shouldn’t-”
“Relax,” Wheein placed her hands on your shoulders, her lips resting next to your ear. “Just relax and look at yourself. You know I would never get you in any real trouble.” Her lips curled into a grin. “I just want you to see it.”
You let out a small sigh, relaxing back a bit and trying to will your heart to calm down. The tiara sat atop your head, glittering in the warm candle-lit glow that washed through the room. It caught the colours of the precious gems set into the delicate frame.
“It is beautiful.” You said. “It’s breathtaking but-”
“No buts,” she hummed.
You turned a little to look at her directly. “But what’s the point?”
Wheein pouted. “Does there have to be a point?”
“Doesn’t there?”
She sighed, “I like how they look on you. I like being around you. I just like you. That’s my point.” She gently turned your head back to look at the mirror. “Let me imagine life a little differently, just for a moment.”
You met her gaze in the mirror, voice smaller when you spoke. “What life are you imagining?”
“One where…” her voice trailed off as she lifted the tiara from your head. “I can live the life I’d like to. Where I don’t have to put up a fuss about getting married.” As she came back behind you her fingertips trailed along your arm. “Where I don’t have to run anyone off. Where my future doesn’t hinge on me ‘finding a suitor’ or annoying the king and queen to no end with my unwillingness until they let me be crowned under my own terms.”
Her hands slipped down to your waist and she gently urged you to your feet. “Where no one cares what to whom I do, so I can do as I like.” A smirk graced her lips as she took your hands, turning you so she could walk you backwards to the bed.
“A future where I can do this,” she murmured, pressing a kiss to your jaw. “And this,” her lips moved to kiss in the hollow under your ear, “And this.” Wheein pressed a longer kiss to your neck. You let your head fall back with a sigh, stepping back until your legs hit the edge of the bed, her lips trailing slowly along your neck and her hands slipping from your waist to the ties on your dress.
Most of the palace staff, at some point or another, did something they weren’t supposed to. Sneaking a pastry, or sleeping in the kitchens when no one was around and the room was warm, picking the flowers in the garden. But you had a feeling none of them were as bold as fooling around with the princess.
This wasn’t the first time. As the outer layers of your dress fell away Wheein’s hands traced a familiar path along your body, taking her time in undressing you. Her lips latched into a sensitive spot at the base of your neck and you let out small sighs at the feeling. The closer you had gotten the more tension grew between you until neither of you could stand it any longer.
The tension snapped.
A kiss.
And then another.
And then more until you found yourself in bed with feelings that were complicated at best.
Your fingers curled into the material of her dress, pulling her closer against you as she undid your stays and untied your skirt, letting them also fall from your body. Her lips trailed back up until they found yours and she smirked against your lips at the sense of desperation in your kisses. 
“You’re not going to make me do all the work,” she murmured playfully.
You answered her with a small whine, hands searching for the ties on her dress, to pull her out of it. Wheein let each piece of her dress fall away from her body, her hands now grabbing at her hips, only thin fabric between her fingers and your skin. Her tongue slid along your bottom lip and you let it into your mouth easily, sighing and letting out small moans into your mouth as she kissed you and her hands came around to your ass.
As her skirts fell away she pushed you back down onto the bed, stepping out of them before moving over top of you, a thigh coming between your legs.
“You always look so pretty like this,” she murmured, the candlelight illuminating the flickering intensity in her gaze. “All laid out just for me.” She rolled her hips down, grinding against you slowly as her fingertips trailed up your thigh, pulling the hem of your under dress up along with them. Her lips grazed your ear and her voice dropped to a whisper. 
“No coronation could ever give me a gift as beautiful as you.”
You couldn’t stop the small moan that trailed off your lips, nor the way your hips ground against her thigh. Her hand came to your hips, guiding your movements slowly while the other pushed up the light fabric of your underdress to reveal your body. You listened to her small hum as she pulled the dress up high enough to see your chest before pulling it fully off of you.
“If I could choose my future,” she let her hands trail down your sides, lips kissing along your collarbone and down to your chest. “I would simply choose you.”
A moan left your lips as she sucked one of your nipples between her lips. Her tongue rolled over the sensitive bud. With one hand still on your hip the other trailed back up your side until it came to your chest. Her fingers squeezed at your breast before starting to play with your nipple, rolling and squeezing it slowly.
Heavy breaths fell off your lips and your eyes slowly fluttered shut. Arousal started to build steadily inside of you. It flickered slow like the candlelight, but with each second it grew a little hotter. Wheein hummed against your skin and you arched up into her touch, letting yourself go a little more every second.
Wheein’s lips pulled away from your chest with a small pop and you felt her lips kiss slowly into the valley between your breasts and towards the others.
“How could I want anything else,” she murmured. “When I get to have you like this?” Her lips latched onto the soft skin of your breast, sucking at your skin, You let out a sigh, fingers curling into the soft, plush, luxurious fabrics covering her bed.
“Every line and curve of your body is exquisite, how could jewels or crowns possibly compare?”
She sucked your other nipple between her lips, a little more harshly than the first. You ground your hips a little faster on her thigh, her own underdress pushed up and your arousal slicking her skin with each movement.
Wheein hummed, sending vibrations through your body and drawing a small moan from your lips, fingers tugging on her bedsheets. Her fingers rolled and tugged at your other nipple and slowly you felt the tightening starting in your core as your body built towards release, heat rising off your skin and mixing into the air.
Wheein pulled back her lips, waiting for you to look up at her. You let your eyes open and pouted at her, catching her smirk as she pressed your legs further apart and moved between them. She rid herself of her underdress and you let your eyes take in her form, her body somehow more and more stunning each time you saw it.
“You’re already so worked up, just for me,” she hummed, bringing her lips to your stomach and starting to trail kisses along your skin, lower and lower.
“I don’t think I could ever possibly get enough of you. The sounds that you make, all the ways your body moves.” She met your gaze. “The way you make me feel. Why would I ever want to let this go?”
Wheein’s lips started to kiss along your inner thighs, pressing your legs wider. Her fingers trailed over the spots she wasn’t kissing and she giggled as your hips squirmed, drawing a gasp from you when her fingers dragged through your folds, gathering your arousal. Her gaze moved between her fingers and your core.
“I really can’t decide which part of you is the prettiest,” she mused between pressing more kisses to your thighs, her gaze locked with yours. “At first I thought it was your eyes, so intelligent and sharp, but still warm for me. Then I thought maybe your lips, such a pretty shape and I knew when I saw them how good they would feel against my skin. I thought it might be your hands, how easily they move, how skilled they are,” she smirked.
Her words only filled you with more arousal. You were sure you were positively dripping as your fingers curled and uncurled in the sheets. You tried to keep your hips still, tried to keep her gaze as heat rose through your body and your breaths came out heavy.
“The line of your neck comes to mind, how you hold your head to high, how sensitive you are to kisses. Or maybe your breasts, so soft in my hands and they start to draw such sweet sounds from you. For a while,” she started to press kisses to the apex of your thighs, your hips squirming to get her lips where you needed them. “I thought of your voice. I have such a love for your voice. I could listen to you speak and laugh and sing all day.” Her lips pressed a kiss just above your clit, so close to where you wanted them. “And the way you moan. Exquisite.”
You bit down on your bottom lip and she paused, smirking, knowing how impatient her words made you. You felt her hands slip under you and a gasp left your lips as she suddenly grabbed your ass roughly.
“I’ve definitely thought about just how much I love your ass, just how much fun it is to grab onto. And your thighs,” she hands moved to your thighs, squeezing at them and letting her thumbs run over the sensitive skin. “I love how touching you makes you so needy.”
“Please,” the word left your lips before you could catch it.
“Please?” She grinned. “Can’t I take a moment to admire you?”
You gaze flickered to her lips and back to her eyes, your voice betraying how needy you had gotten. “I need you, I need more.”
“I know you do,” she murmured. “I don’t think I can pick one favourite part of you, but I know just how much I love your pussy.” She spread your legs even further. “You’re so wet you’re glistening. Every time I touch you just the way you want you let out the prettiest sounds. You move your hips, practically fucking yourself on my face when you feel my tongue. And your taste.”
A gasp left your lips as she dragged her tongue though your folds and over your clit.
“Other worldly. I don’t think I could live without it.”
A shuddering moan fell off your lips as Wheein trailed her tongue in even movements over your clit. She let out moans as she tasted you and your fingers found her hair as you let your head fall back against the pillows, hips slowly rolling against her face as her tongue fell into a rhythm of movements over your clit.
Your legs trembled and your hips moved rhythmically as her tongue worked like magic. She had learned your body so well. She knew just how to move her tongue as you gave yourself over more and more to the sensations.
You let your mind wrap around the feeling of her hair between your fingers. You took in the sensation of her moans against your core with each tug of her hair that got rougher and rougher as you got closer to your climax with each movement of her tongue. She ate you out with more and more vigor each moment, hands gripping your thighs and finger tips digging into your skin.
You felt the build in your core, already so turned on before her tongue even met your pussy. The coil inside curled tighter and tighter and your moans mixed with the lewd sounds of her tongue lapping over your clit. Your hips moved faster and faster against her tongue and your legs closed as much as she would allow as your moans grew louder and curses fell from your lips.
Wheein sucked your clit between her lips, pressing her face in between your legs. A cry fell from your lips as you came, legs trembling and crashing in around her head as your hips ground and rolled against her face. Pleasure crashed through your body in a wave, building from her first touch and finally releasing, leaving your body in a warm, happy, sensitive haze.
Wheein’s lips barely moved, slipping down only a little and you let out a moan as her tongue moved inside of you, lapping up your releases greedily. Her own moans were just a little higher and she let out whines and whimpers as you cursed and pulled at her hair as her tongue moved into your heat.
She curled and moved her tongue quickly, holding your hips against her face strongly. Moans and whimpers fell from her lips as she took every last drop of your release, her tongue moving quickly, feverishly. The candlelight shone in her eyes with each quick gaze she managed to give you her gaze grew sweeter and more doe-like, falling in line with each tug of her hair.
“That feels so good,” you let your voice come out breathy, biting on your lip subtly when she moaned against your core. “Don’t stop, princess.”
She moaned much louder at the name, it felt so different in this moment and her fingers gripped your thighs even more strongly as her tongue moved between your core and up over your clit. Her movements were growing more and more messy by the second but they felt so good to your already sensitive body.
Already the coil in your core was curling in on itself again. Every lap of her tongue over your clit sent a jolt of pleasure through your body and you ground your hips against her face in a quick rhythm. Your fingers curled into her hair even tighter, her whimpers growing louder and your own mood shifting.
“Just like that, princess,” you hummed. Your legs trembled, starting to squeeze in around her head. She let out a whine again, her face pressing desperately between your legs and her tongue moving in quick, sloppy, needy movements. You let your head fall back onto the plush bed and your eyes fell closed as curses fell off your lips.
Your back arched off the bed and your hips bucked up as she sucked your clit between her lips harshly. The coil inside you snapped and orgasm crashed through your body, drawing moans from your lips, sensation reaching to the tips of your toes and body shaking as the bliss washed over you.
Wheein let out small whimpers as she lapped at your core again, tasting your release until you sat up slightly. She looked up at you, eyes sweet and glossy and looking even more fucked out than you felt. The warm glow of the room lit her rosy face and the glistening of your release on her lips and chin.
You grabbed at her arms, tugging her closer roughly until your lips crashed against hers. One of your hands tangled into her hair, holding her close as you kissed her, her desperation clear in every kiss. Your other hand slid down her back until you could squeeze her ass roughly, drawing a moan from her lips, a smirk tugging at yours between kisses.
You pressed your thigh up between her legs, moaning against her lips at how wet she had gotten just from eating you out. Wheein was quick to start grinding against your thigh in quick movements, letting out pants and moans against your lips as she left her arousal on your thigh.
“You’re so wet, princess,” the breathiness of your voice only served to make her moan against your lips.
“Your taste,” she whined, words punctuated with kisses to your lips.. “Hearing you cum. Feeling you cum on my tongue. The way you smell better than anything.” She moaned loudly as you squeezed her ass roughly again and her hips bucked against your thigh.
Her words spun in your mind and you put all your energy into pushing her over, rolling quickly until she was on her back underneath you. You grabbed at her thighs and pushed them apart roughly. Your fingers dragged through her folds, gathering her slick on them until they met her clit, her hips jolting and a gasp pulled from her lips.
You started moving your fingers in quick, rough circles over the sensitive bundle of nerves and let yourself be nearly mesmerized by the sight of her.
Your gaze met your own fingers, moving quickly, and the way her hips followed your ministrations, rolling and grinding and bucking into your hand. Your gaze followed the curve of her hips, taking in the way her stomach braced and clenched as you worked her up more and more. They followed along her waist and up to the swell of her breasts as she took heavy breaths, they way they rose and fell just from the movements of your fingers.
Her moans, climbing higher in her voice, fell upon your ears and the sweet scent of her filled your nose as your gaze trailed along the line of her neck and up to her face. Far from her often pristine, royal image, this had to be the best view of her. 
Wheein’s hair was fanned out over the pillows, messy and beautiful. Her mouth hung open in a series of moans, lips still glistening and plump. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she focused on the pleasure and her face had a rosy, red-pink hue in the warm glow of the room, contrasting the deep, emerald tones of her bedspread.
“You’re breathtaking,” whether you meant the words to be heard by her or not you didn’t know, but her hips bucked up and her fingers curled in the soft fabric on her bed. Her head tilted back and you felt the desperate need to be closer, to feel every inch of her.
She didn’t have time to whine when you pulled your hand away from her core. Your legs tangled with hers and your lips found hers in a kiss as you shifted your hips until you could roll down against hers, feeling the rush of pleasure as you ground your clit against hers.
Wheein moaned into your mouth as you started to grind quickly. One of her hands found your back while the other grabbed at your ass. Small moans of “please” and “don’t stop” fell off her lips between kisses as you grabbed at any part of her body you could.
Your hips rolled and bucked quickly against hers, your moans mixing in the hot air of the room all around you. Her hips started to match your movements, both of you riding towards your highs quickly, the coil tightening again inside you and urging you to move even faster.
Her name fell off your lips and yours off of hers as nothing else mattered in that moment. Every other feeling or thought was wiped from your mind as pleasure built higher and higher inside you and your legs trembled as hers started to squeeze your thigh.
Wheein let out a cry of your name, back arching and her chest pressing up against you as she came hard. You felt the warm, gush of liquid from her core against you, listening to her moans and gazing at her fucked out expression only spurring you on.
You pushed up just a bit and rode her hard, drawing loud cries from her lips as she gripped your thigh for purchase. Your core slid easily against hers as you chased your high, so close to your edge again. Her broken moans we like music filling your ears and your eyes squeezed shut as you fell over into pleasure.
You released with a cry, collapsing on top of her as your arms gave out and feeling her arms immediately wrap around you, even in their shaky state. Stars burst behind your eyes, the pleasure swallowed you completely. You were left in a hazy state of bliss, body trembling and sensitive as your hips finally halted.
You stayed on her chest, both of you breathing heavy, neither wanting to move. You listened as the minutes passed, her heartbeat slowing bit by bit from racing as her breath followed suit. They grew deeper and so did yours as sleepiness set in and she pressed a tender kiss against your head, something that managed to make you just a bit flustered.
“Should we-”
“I’m so comfy,” she hummed. “I’m not letting you go.”
“Do you mean that?” Did she hear the weight behind your words?
“I mean everything I say,” she mumbled. 
A small smile tugged at your lips as ideas of words danced on your tongue, begging to come out.
“I wish it was all this simple,” her voice was quiet and as you processed her words her breathing grew slow until she was asleep. 
You wished the same thing, knowing the future she wanted could never truly happen.
You whispered. “I love you,” before sleep pulled you under.
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mooncxmm · 4 years
Todo's Petal
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You rest your back against the roughed up bark of the old Sakura tree and let a relaxed sigh. You tilt your head back and squint up at the swaying flowers.
It feels like you're in your own little peaceful beautiful world, until footsteps snap you back into reality. 
Looking at who was walking up to you, you see it's the love of your life, Shoto Todoroki.
The half n' half male approaches and stops in his tracks as he's right in front of you.  “Petal… You actually came. I’m glad.” He spoke in his monotone voice.
“Of course I came, Sho. I wanted to see what you wanted to talk about,” you said softly.  You watch your boyfriend sit down next to you and look up at the pink flowers.
"Petal I just want to apologize for not spending as much time with you anymore. Nakamura-Chan is really all on me and has me on a leash," your beloved explained. 
"Nakamura-Chan this, Nakamura-Chan that… you know, I'm really sick and tired of hearing that bitch's name," you mumble under your breath. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Shoto said, looking at the ground covered in cherry blossoms. “I don’t want this to happen either. You know I'm against it, too.”
“You know I’m against it, too,” you mocked. ”If you were so against it, we wouldn’t be here in the first place."
Todoroki just looked at you in shock. He knew how you could get when you were upset but damn. 
"You know if I see that bitch being all lovey dovey with you again, I'm going ape shit on her ass," You bluntly put that out there. 
Todoroki's eyes widened. As he knew you showed your emotion with your eyes, he knew you were dead serious. 
“I know you’re upset, but please don’t do that,” he said. You could tell he was shaken after what you said.
"No promises boo," you say nonchalantly. Your blood was boiling. All the times you had to watch Nakamura be all up on your man, touching him and shit, it was living hell for you.
"Baby look at me," Shoto said softly. He reaches for your cheek, but you slap his hand away, making him frown.
"I don't want your Nakamura germs," you say straightforwardly. 
"Baby, please don't be like that," Todoroki pouts.
"Baby, please don't be like that," you mocked. 
"Petal," Todoroki said firmly. 
"Don't 'Petal' me," you said. 
"It was all a lie when you said you loved me, wasn't it!" You shout in frustration. You slowly feel yourself lose your composure, your anger slowly increasing.
Todoroki's eyes widened. Did he just hear you right? He knew you didn't like the situation you were in at all but he didn't think you were doubting your guys' relationship. Did he do something wrong? Was it all his fault? Immediate guilt overfilled his soul and mind.
"Petal I-" Before he could even form a sentence you just shut him up real quick. 
"No, just stop! I'm sick of this! I can't take it anymore. I'm about to lose my shit!" You yell at him before bursting into tears. 
Todoroki's heart broke into pieces as he watched your tears stain your cute cheeks. He didn't mean to make you upset. None of this was supposed to happen. 
“Peta- Y/n...I’m sorry,” he said, you can hear his voice cracking, choking even. 
As you sob, Shoto leans towards you, grasping you with his arms, holding you tight. He just allowed you to punch his chest as you cried and shouted out threats towards Nakamura who wasn't even there. 
"It's not fair! Not fair! Not fair! Why don't you just tell her that we're in a relationship already?! Please! Just end it with her!  Who cares about your fucking father?!" You cried. You were just so tired of this whole situation. 
Todoroki just held you and took it all in. He started to apologize over and over to you. He was so sorry that he had put you through this. He felt so shitty for doing this to your guys' relationship. 
“If you hate him so much, why can’t you just tell him no? The one time you really need to?” You said through tears. “Why is this happening? Why is this the thing you can’t bring yourself to do?”
“I'm scared for both of our safeties,” he blurted. “I kept this up with Nakamura for as long as I did for us.” He looked a bit ashamed.
"What the fuck do you mean you're scared for both of our safeties? What do you mean by you did this for us?" You asked. 
“I didn’t know, or even expect, that Nakamura would…” he trailed, “I didn’t expect that Nakamura would threaten to hurt you.”
You freeze. That bitch really threatened both you and your boyfriend. Ah hell no. She's definitely getting a beat down now.
In the midst of all of your confusion, Shoto's phone had a bing, and you could’ve guessed who it was.
*Nakamura<3 sent a message:*
‘hey! I noticed you were looking a bit down recently and I wanted to treat you!! meet me at that restaurant near your house, we can get some cold soba, i know you love that stuff!!! <33’
Confusion is gone, regret is in. You didn’t know what to do after your fit. His reason wasn’t something that you were really expecting.
“Shoto I…” you trail. ”I’m so sorry.” The embarrassment you felt was immeasurable and the regret was overwhelming.
“It’s okay Petal, I know this is something I should’ve said sooner so we could put an end to this but…the thought of Nakamura going through with it,” he exhaled. You could hear his shaky breath. “It frightened me beyond belief. And if she really did do it, I don’t know what I would have done with myself.”
You frown as you wrap your arms around his waist. "Sho it's okay… she can't hurt me. You know I'm a big girl. I can handle myself," you reassure him. "I'm a crazy bitch, I know how to handle myself," you joke.
Shoto chuckled and he nodded his head. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and he plants gentle kisses on the skin of your neck. 
You started to giggle a bit, since your neck is ticklish. "Sho! Stop it!"
Shoto chuckled once again and he moved and kissed another spot on your neck and gently nibbled down on your skin. 
A faint moan escapes from your lips. "Baby…" you whisper. 
Shoto let out a curious 'hm' as he was making love to your neck. He was really into it as well.
"I swear if you leave a hickey on me…" you mumble. 
Shoto growls at you playfully. He pulls away from your neck and asks,"What if I did?" 
You pout your lips and you poke his cheek harshly. "Sho sho!" 
"Okay that's enough. Let's go to the restaurant and meet up with Miss Nakamura," you say as you push away Shoto and crack your knuckles. 
Shoto pouts as you push him away from your neck, his sweat drops when he hears you cracking your knuckles. Shit was about to go down. 
The way to the restaurant wasn’t too far from the park you had been at, and the excitement of beating down Nakamura was getting to you; making you speed up your pace, basically dragging Shoto.
“Finally! The moment I’ve been waiting for is coming!” You said in a mix of giddiness and aggression, looking like a mad man speed walking to your destination.
“Slow down a little, Petal,” Shoto chuckled, you could tell he was stumbling over his feet a little from the pace of speed.
You could just see the restaurant in the distance. Oh gurl you were r e a d y to beat her ass. You were holding Shoto's hand, dragging him to the restaurant but in your other hand, you had a fist. Your knuckles were white from how tight your fist was. 
Once the restaurant was in your view, you licked your lips as you saw a certain person standing outside of it. You let go of Shoto's hand and sprinted towards them. 
"What the fuck?! You crazy bitch!" 
The sun was setting, and the wind was blowing gently. The sky was the most beautiful thing you had seen, a mix of orange, red, yellow, blue, and even the clouds looked a beautiful shade of pink. Undoubtedly, today was probably one of the best you’ve had in a while, and nothing could ruin it.
“Thank you for taking me out Sho,”You said, a giant smile plastered on your face.”I know I’ve been a little rash, everything just hasn’t been the best lately.”
“It’s okay, Petal, I get it,” Shoto said, he had a gentle smile on. Your heart has never felt this warm and you know it’s because of him. How could you have been so lucky to find someone who understood you so well? Someone who basically knew you inside and out?
While walking, you could see his black roofed house. Even though this was one of the most beautiful sceneries you could possibly witness, all you wanted to do was get to his place, plop down, and rest your footsies.
Like the gentleman you knew Sho was, he pulled the slide doors open for you, obviously to let you in first. And to your surprise when you had taken your first step, you saw Enji. And he wasn’t alone.
He had a petite brunette girl with golden yellow eyes, and you had no idea who she was.
After you had technically stepped into the house, Sho was a couple of seconds after, making a joke on the way in. Once he turned around from closing the door, you could see he was just as startled as you were. 
"Father, who is this girl?" Shoto asked as he took off his shoes. He places his shoes next to yours. 
"Hikari Nakamura met my son, Shoto Todoroki, your new boyfriend," Enji said bluntly. 
Both Shoto and you froze, in shock. 
This hurt you so badly. You knew and respected that Shoto wanted to keep your guys relationship a secret but this was bad. 
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
“6 years old until now.”
request; Helloooo! I have noticed that your requests are open so if it isn’t too much to ask could I please request gundham x reader where they are kids and are like play dating and have a fake wedding and after that have a time skip for when they are adults and actually have a wedding?
warnings; kisses, gn!reader, reader has neutral pronouns and everything, reader takes gundham’s last name, fluffffffffffffy, and maybe angst?? kinda, not really, ARGHHHG THE TITLE IS BADDDD BUT I COULDN’T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE HEUGRHRGAHGF 
word count; 1.6k words holy crap
“Gundham! Hey, c’mere I have something for you!” You beckoned Gundham toward you, hiding a ring pop behind your back. “Fuahaha! What did you need from the prince of darkness?!” Gundham deepened his voice dramatically, zooming over to you with a flamboyant smile on his face and birds standing on his shoulders. “Gundham those birds look so cool!” You beamed, carefully walking up to him, as to not scare them. “I know right!? A pack of animals were following me today!” He stepped to the side, revealing the line of rabbits and squirrels behind him.
Your jaw dropped, “Gundham could be the ultimate animal talker-to!” Gundham guffawed cockily, “Fuahaha indeed! Anyway, what did you wanna give me?” Gundham said curiously, cocking his head to peak behind your back. You nervously fiddled with the hem of your shirt, “Well, I got this for Halloween but I wanted to give it to you instead. Um, so we could get married!” Your nervousness left as quick as it came, smiling brightly as you presented him the candy ring. “Gundham Tanaka,” You got on one knee dramatically, “Will you marry me?” 
Gundham’s eyes widened before glossing over with tears, “S-s/o…” He wailed, moving his hands up to wipe his tears. “G-gundham, don’t cry! I’m sorry, you don’t have to marry me!” You panicked, moving closer to hug him tightly. “I-I’m not crying! The prince of darkness doesn’t cry!” He denied, taking the candy from your hand around his waist. “I-I accept.” He sniffled, feeling incredibly happy you proposed to him even though you two were too young to get a marriage license. 
“R-really!?” You beamed, pulling away to see his red tear-stained face. He nodded eagerly, opening the ring pop package and slipping it on his ring finger with a wobbly smile. You brightened up with an idea, tapping Gundham’s shoulder frantically, “I have an idea!” Gundham looked at you with confusion, “What?” Your smile wide, “Your animals can marry us!” You pointed at the crowd of small animals behind him, looking at them with excitement. 
“S/o, that’s a brilliant idea!” He cheered, holding your hand and dragging you in front of the animals. One of the cats had sat in the middle of you two, looking up at you expectantly. “Oh, uh, I think it goes… Do you, Gundham Tanaka, take me to be my- Er, your loving spouse?” You stumbled, unsure if that’s actually how it went. Gundham stared into your eyes with a blinding smile, “I do!” Gundham examined the ring on his finger happily, “Do you, S/o L/n, take me to be your loving spouse?” 
He crossed his hand over his chest, “I do, I do!” You giggled, leaning in quickly to kiss him on the cheek. The cat rolled its eyes at your eagerness, leaving the two of you be. Gundham flushed at your sudden peck, covering his face with his hand to hide his red face, “S/ooooooo..!”
Well then, today was the day. 
You nervously looked around the room, your breathing shallow from the many eyes on you. You gulped down your anxiousness, focusing your attention back on your beloved. As you looked over his dazzling figure, Gundham scanned yours, face flushing at how beautiful you looked. You winked at him, mouthing a, “You look so hot.” at him and giggling as you saw his already flushed face becoming redder with each second. 
The priest cleared his throat, eyes gazing over the words of his book before starting,"Gundham and S/o, today you are surrounded by your friends and family, all of whom have gathered here to witness your marriage and to share in the joy of this special occasion.” You scanned the room for your friends, smiling as they gave you a thumbs up and a tear-filled grin. 
“Today, as you join yourselves in marriage, there is a vast and unknown future stretching out before you.” You looked back at Gundham, seeing your whole future with no one but him. You knew, and had no doubt, that you wanted to spend the rest of your future with him. 
“The possibilities and potentials of your married life are great; and now falls upon your shoulders, the task of choosing your values and making real your dreams.” Gundham thought of all those old memories with you, reminiscing in them. Though he misses the old memories, he’s already incredibly excited for the new ones he will make with you. The potential and possibilities as the priest said.
“Through your commitment to each other, may you grow and nurture a love that makes both of you better people. A love that continues to give you great joy, and also a passion for living that provides you with energy and patience to face the responsibilities of life.” You looked deep into Gundham’s eyes, reaching out to hold both his hands. When you look at him, you are reminded of your childhood. Your entire life, he has experienced with you. This man had stuck with you thick and thin, and how lucky you are; You get to be married to him.  
"May you always need one another; not to fill an emptiness, but to help each other know your fullness.” As the priest spoke his readings, all Gundham could think of was you. It was like he had described you to him perfectly; You had always made his heart feel full and loved, and he hopes he did the same for you too. “May you succeed in all important ways with each other, and not fail in the little graces. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. May you have love, and always find love, in the pursuit of loving one another." 
A few tears trickled down your face, Gundham’s eyes glossing over as well. “Gundham,” You stopped, choking out a sob. Gundham chuckled at your inability to speak, tears falling from the feeling of how much he loved you, even when you were crying. “To me, you are still the same little boy that I had proposed to—what felt like—millions of years ago.” You reached up to gingerly brush his tears away with your thumbs, your heart swelling as he leaned into your touch.
“As you stand here in front of me, with those same tears staining your beautiful face, it makes me realize that I had wanted to marry you ever since I was 6 years old. 6!” Gundham laughed at your exclamation, “I already knew I was going to marry you, because I did and still truly believe that you are my soulmate.” You ended, face and nose red from the overwhelming feelings you had. 
The priest looked over to Gundham with an encouraging smile, “S/o, when you proposed to me with that... dreaded candy ring, I remember being extremely happy from it. Even though it was nothing but candy, it had meant so much to me because it symbolized so much.” You grinned nostalgically at the memory of the ring pop, squeezing his hands. 
“You are, the perfect ruler for me. I love you so much, i can’t begin to even put it in words. I owe everything to you, for you have done so much to make me happy. You’ve always stayed with me no matter what, from 6 years old until now, and I am forever grateful for that. I love you so, so much S/o.” His voice cracked at the end from the emotion hitting him. 
You pouted, lips trembling from his heart-felt vows, you just wanted to kiss him already damn it. Letting out a shaky breath, you looked at the priest expectantly. The priest took a breath, "Now then, what you’ve all been waiting for,” A few laughs echoed in the large banquet, some cheers scattered in the crowd.
“Do you S/o L/n, accept Gundham Tanaka as your lifemate and one true love, promising to share in all that life offers and suffers, to be there for him in times of plenty, as well as times of need, to soothe him in times of pain, and to support him in all endeavours, big and small, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest faced you, “I do.” You said without any trace of uncertainty, you have never been so sure of something in your life. 
You took Gundham’s ring from the pillow presented to you, grabbing his hand gently as you slipped his ring on, smiling up at him. He was glad to see a ring on his finger that wasn’t made of candy, but he would’ve gotten married to you with anything
"Now, do you Gundham Tanaka, accept S/o L/n as your lifemate and one true love, promising to share in all that life offers and suffers, to be there for them in times of plenty, as well as times of need, to soothe (him/her) in times of pain, and to support them in all endeavours, big and small, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest faced Gundham, “I do.” Without missing a beat, Gundham responded with no hesitance, grabbing your ring of the pillow and slipping it onto your ring finger carefully, bringing up your hand and kissing it. 
With trembling lips, your lips curved up into an uncontrollable smile whilst you looked at how pretty the ring looked on your finger. Gundham eyed your pretty lips as an excited smile of his own found itself on his face as he waited for the priest’s next words. 
"Family and Friends,", the priest clapped his hands together, "I present to you, for the first-er Second time, Gundham and S/o Tanaka!” Everybody laughed and cheered at the priest’s slip up, whooping the two of you as Gundham cupped your face and brought you into a gentle, emotional kiss. You laughed and cried into the kiss, eagerly kissing him back with as much emotion he gave you. 
note; oh god its almost 6am- um, i hope you all enjoyed this long ass fic because dear lord, it took so long to finish qwq well anyhow, i hope its to your liking! 
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
4. Minefields--Ashton Irwin ‘Lovers in a Song’ series
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a/n: So while each ‘chapter’ is titled after a song it’s more of the mood and a few choice lyrics that really made the story. This story changed a lot as I wrote it but in the end it all flows really nicely together. I’m so excited to share this with you! Each part is 3,000 with the exception of the last part. Please don’t hesitate to send me messages, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Word count: 3k
warnings: PLEASE READ THIS FIRST, there is physical abuse in this, it is minimal/accidental and happens after drinking/drug usage please, please read with caution, drug use mentioned briefly but no particular drug named, aftermath of drugs, aftermath of hit, more angst
LIAS masterlist
1 Year Ago
Cressida is flipping through her magazine on the couch in her hotel suite in Italy. She’s here on a promotional trip for the newest Brandy she helped design. It has a hint of vanilla and is in a beautiful gold bottle. Ashton gave her the idea.
Ashton is also in the hotel across the street. She wonders if he’s thinking of her too. The last time they were together they got into a big fight about Gavin and Lucinda. Ashton’s heard rumors he’s a part of a large drug cartel involving opioids, hallucinogens, the whole nine yards. Cressida disagreed because that’s all just rumors to stir the pot.
She fired back that Lucinda is only after Ashton’s money and plans on taking it all in a large divorce battle where she’d play victim. Ashton told her she was insane and they both left the hotel in huffs of fury.
She flips past a page that has her and Gavin blown up on both pages while they were out walking for lunch. The small article claims there’s “trouble in paradise and alcohol might be at risk.” Gavin has been partying a lot more recently and doesn’t come home until five a.m. most days. Cressida checks the watch on her wrist that matches the bracelet Ashton gifted her.
It’s nearly 2 in the morning now, her jet lag is still a nuisance. She glances to the open window and sees movement in Ashton’s room behind the white curtain. The only way she knows it’s his room is because that’s where they stayed while they were here that wonderful summer.
Her lips are pursed as she contemplates and thinks, eyes glancing to the pink rotary phone and the short yet oh so far distance to where Ashton is. Giving in, she reaches for the phone and dials the hotel’s number asking for the room Mr. Irwin is staying it. When asked who they should say is calling she told them, “say it’s Miss Gold.”
The phone hums in her ear and she saunters over the window waiting to hear his voice and to hopefully see him in the window.
“It’s you,” his voice is soft and quiet. He almost sounds relieved.
“It’s me,” she smiles and begins to pace. “I know this might be a mistake calling you this late but…”
“But what angel?”
The use of her nickname is a sign that he misses her too. She moves in front of the window and sees his silhouette facing her.
“These dreams I have of you aren’t real enough.”
He’s silent for a beat.
“Is he there with you?”
“No, he’s at some club. He doesn’t get back until early in the morning anyway, I could come over and—”
Cressida stops short because she hears a woman’s voice behind Ashton asking if he ordered the turn down service yet. Her heart sinks as she watches in horror when Lucinda wraps her arms around Ashton, their silhouettes become one large shadow. There’s a lump in Cressida’s throat and her vision becomes blurred with tears.
“Is that them? Let me tell them there were used towels—hello? I’d like to complain—”
Cressida slams the pink phone in its cradle, the ringer tings loudly as her tears fall in rage and hurt. She shuts her curtain and falls into bed falling asleep by draining the sadness from her heart.
There’s a New Year’s Eve Party happening at The Golden Lion and Cressida is there with Gavin. When she spotted Ashton by himself at the bar with a friend of his, Luke she thinks is his name, she wants to put on a show for him since Lucinda is absent.
Cressida’s felt embarrassed ever since that phone call to him in Italy. Clearly there’s something going on between Ashton and Lucinda, right? More than just publicity? Cressida downed two lemon shots in a row, loving the sweet and sour taste of the lemon and sugar.
Anytime she and Gavin were in eyesight of Ashton, she’d drape herself over Gavin and laughed extra loud. Sober, she’d hate herself for acting this petty, but being intoxicated made it all appear crystal clear. She could feel Ashton’s gaze on her the whole night until she ducked away to the bathroom.
When she exited she caught sight of Gavin with his hand up some woman’s dress and she’s giggling at something he’s saying in her ear. Cressida sees red, because not only is Ashton happy in his ‘relationship’ leaving her in the dust, but Gavin is also doing it for all the world to see.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Cressida shrieks making her way towards Gavin.
The girl he was hitting on gasps then quickly ducks away back into the main hall where the party is. Gavin sighs rolling his neck from side to side before facing Cressida.
“Please, don’t tell me you’re hurt about this,” he scoffs. “Why don’t you go run to Irwin?”
“What are you talking about? You can’t be seen making out with someone who isn’t me, not when our relationship is in the spotlight 24/7.”
“Oh, come on, you don’t need me to be in the spotlight. You don’t need anyone because you’re Cressida Leigh James, the princess of Brandy because your great grandaddy double-crossed his partner. Guess that does run in the family.”
Cressida felt like she got slapped. While her and Gavin’s relationship is merely for public eye, they always seemed to have gotten along pretty well. She thought they were somewhat friends, but she has been double-crossing him this whole time. She’s been double-crossing her entire family from three years ago.
“You really think I want to marry you?” Gavin stalks closer to her and she backs away, he’s never acted this way with her before. “You’re a selfish rich girl expecting that everyone loves you. I never did and I never will, so when it is announced that we are to be married, I’ll be as faithful as you’ve been to me. See you at midnight.”
He shoves past her and Cressida is left alone with her shame and guilt. It falls out of her from her tears that won’t seem to stop. She hobbles from the room to go back into the bathroom, she’ll stay there for the rest of the night. No one wants her. Ashton has Lucinda, Gavin has everyone else. While she’s swiping at her cheeks trying to dry her tears, she collides into someone and by the smell of his cologne she knows exactly who.
“Cressida? What happened?” Ashton asks steadying her by her shoulders.
“It’s not like you care,” she cries trying to continue her way past him.
“What are you talking about? Did Gavin hurt you? I’ll kill him, I swear I’ll—”
“I’ve hurt myself. I’m hurting other people, too. Leave me alone, Ash, you should be with Lucinda.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, I should have known you’d be right here waiting in the wings for her to fall back into bed with you, Irwin,” Gavin’s voice strikes her like a whip. “I came to apologize but I was right. You are a slut for him.”
“Watch your mouth, de Poiters,” Ashton warns shifting Cressida behind him. He takes a step closer to Gavin, his fingers twitching. He’s wanted to punch Gavin ever since he saw he’s been linked with Cressida.
Gavin laughs and comes toe to toe with Ashton, Cressida sniffles watching what will happen. She’s thankful no one else is around, but at the same time she almost wishes there were people witnessing. Then this whole hidden façade could end.
“You hit me then everyone will know about you. Even her Daddy.”
Ashton clenches his jaw and Cressida gasps. Why would he say it like that?
“I know a lot more than you two think,” he jeers. “But I guess I owe you thanks, because I don’t ever have to fuck her.”
Ashton’s fist connects with Gavin’s nose in record speed. Cressida shouts in surprise and watches in horror as they tousle, fists colliding with flesh and snatching onto shirts trying to get more than one hit in.
“Stop! Stop! Please!” Cressida cries trying to break them up.
A defensive backhand meant for Ashton strikes Cressida’s cheek and she falls to the floor with a pained scream. Her vision turns black and spotty, and her ear is ringing from the commotion above her.
“You bastard!”
“I didn’t mean to! Cress, are you all right? I’m sorry, please, I didn’t mean to hit you. I took some pills to ease off tension and—”
“Shut the fuck up and get away from her,” Ashton seethes shoving Gavin against the wall. His face is centimeters away from Gavin’s. “If I hear you talk disrespectfully to her again or if you lay a hand on her, I will kill you with my own bare hands. If you have any drugs that are near her, you get rid of them, you hear me?”
“Y-yes. Please, I’m sorry. I need to make sure she’s—”
“She’s not your concern now because you’re on a trip. Sober up and get out of my sight,” Ashton threatens pushing him towards the door. “She’s going to be with me until you stop acting like a fucking teenager and if I hear you’re anywhere near this building, I’ll have you arrested to rot in prison for life.”
Gavin gives one last pleading look to Cressida who is rubbing at her cheek before leaving. Ashton rushes to her side, his fingers graze at the shine on her cheek. It’s already bruising, and she flinches at his touch, her eye clamped shut.
“It’s me. He’s gone and I’m right here,” he soothes keeping his hand hovering above her face. “Can I help you up?”
She nods sniffling, her hands reaching out for him. She’s off balance from drinking and her head is still spinning from the backhand. Ashton helps her walk but it’s hard for her, so he just lifts her into his arms. She cries out in pain when her cheek rubs against his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he hushes, “I’ll take you up to our room and clean you up.”
“Okay,’’ she whimpers, lips trembling. She closes her eyes to blink and when she opens them again she’s staring at their room. Her ears are ringing and it’s hard to see through her puffy eyes, both from crying and the slap.
“I’m setting you on the bed and I’ll call Louisa to send up your clothes and a first aid kit,” Ashton tells her. When he sets her on the bed he removes his hands from her like a hot iron. “No one will know what happened, okay?”
Cressida sways in her spot on the bed, her head feels really heavy and all she wants to do is sleep. It seems like forever until Ashton is back in front of her with a pile of clothes she keeps here that the staff washes and a first aid.
“Do you want to change first or have me clean your cheek?” Ashton’s voice is so soft it reminds her of a feather.
“Change. My feet hurt,” she whispers.
He helps her change out of her dress and into the sleep shorts and t-shirt. She lets out a cry when the fabric touches her cheek, he quickly apologizes then opens the kit. His fingers are very cool and gentle as he splays them on her cheek inspecting it.
“You’re bruising already,” he breathes then dabs at it with an alcohol wipe.
“Ow!” she cries.
“I know, baby, I know,” he coos sympathizing with her pain. “I need to clean it and Louisa brought up an ice pack so we can bring down the swelling.”
Tears roll down her cheeks as he cleans her up, he comments on what he’s doing, how well she’s handling it, and when he’s almost finished. He places a small band-aid on the small cut that’s on the apple of her cheek.
“You’re all done,” he kisses her hand then rests the ice pack on her cheek. She winces again when he places her hand over it to keep it on the most swollen part of her bruise. “What can I have the front desk send up for you?”
“Water,” she croaks, “and bread.”
“I’ll be right back.”
He’s gone again and she feels oh so tired, so she lays down on her side letting the ice pack stay on its own. It’s hard to see because her eye is swollen shut, the pack feels good on her bruise. She wants Ashton.
“I’m here, I’m right here,” his voice soothes, and she’s being lifted to the center of the bed. Cressida crawls onto his chest, his arms wrap around her protectively. Hesitantly, and very carefully, he kisses the top of her head.
He helps her drink the water that’s sent up and feeds her the bread in small pieces, it hurts her to chew. And all the while he holds her, his heart aching for her yet also bursting in happiness by being with her. He lays the blanket over them and holds the ice pack on her cheek while she sleeps. It’s a restless night, whenever she turns she lets out a small cry and Ashton is quick to pacify her.
The next morning, she can only see him out of her left eye because her right is shut completely. Ashton smiles at her warmly but then memories of the night before come creeping back. Gavin’s words, his and Ashton’s fight that resulted with her on the floor. Ashton’s lip is cut but other than that he still looks perfect.
“I bet I look horrible,” she croaks trying to sit up then groans. Her body feels like cement and her head is pounding. She lays her head back down gingerly on Ashton’s chest.
“You’re always beautiful,” his fingers rub over her hair, “you’re just a little bruised up right now.”
They lay in silence as the sun starts to rise, the light lifting higher and higher on the wall facing the window. The steady beat of his heart is a familiar tune to her ears. She’s been graced to be in his presence five months earlier than they planned and from what she remembers from last night, she’ll be here with him until Gavin’s sober.
That could take months.
“He’s never hit me before,” she tells him quietly. His fingers pause on her back. “And I know it was an accident. He’s also never talked to me how he did.”
“He was on something, Cressida. That’s why he was acting the way he was. I know it’s fake between you two, but I thought he had respect for you. I want to make sure you’re taken care of when I’m not with you. I meant what I said, you know.”
She shifts her head so she can look at him properly. He’s a little blurry from her distorted vision, there’s some scruff on his chin. The cut on his lip is dry and she’s confused.
“You were hit more than me and I’m the one who looks worse. And I know you did, thank you for helping me.”
“It’s always the beautiful things that suffer the most damage,” he kisses her head giving her a sad look. “I’ve missed you.”
“Lucinda wouldn’t like to hear that.”
“She’s not here.”
“She was with you in Italy.”
“Is that what has you so upset? I had to accompany her for fashion week, my whisky was the premiered drink. You honestly think I wouldn’t have called you over to my hotel room if she weren’t there?”
“Really?” she smiles but it’s more of a grimace. Even her lips hurt.
“Try and relax your face, angel.”
“It’s hard. I’m so happy to be with you. Is that twisted?”
“A little,” he grins, “but that’s part of your charm. You’re a twisted woman.”
She frowns remembering what Gavin had said, she really is a twisted woman.
“Hey, what he said to you wasn’t true. All four of us are guilty of pretending with each other and lying to everyone else.”
“So, you don’t have feelings for Lucinda?”
“I respect her business, she’s great at branding and marketing. She’s a friend, and she asks about you.”
“She knows about me?”
“It’s no surprise they both caught on eventually,” he smiles, “we’ve been doing this for a long time, angel, and always in the first week of May.”
She touches her cheek carefully; her head hurts from all the thoughts coursing through it and from the throbbing pain in her cheek. She’ll call Gavin later to make sure he’s all right and to let him know she’s okay. Maybe the four of them could come up with a plan where they could all be happy.
“Hm? Are you hungry? I told Louisa to have breakfast delivered by ten. I figured you’d sleep later.”
“No, I’m not—” she stares at him.
Memories of their past push away the dark parts that have occurred. This situation isn’t fair to any of them. Even this, her staying with him now might be a mistake, it’s all broken in so many ways. Ashton always puts her back together again, much like last night. They’re in a constant minefield waiting for a bomb to go off. Last night was explosive but it wasn’t the nuclear bomb ticking away like the time they share.
She’d walk through a hundred minefields to be close to him.
“Kiss me, please?” her request is so soft he barely hears her.
“What I risk to be close to you,” he sighs with a teasing grin before pressing his lips ever so carefully on hers in a tender kiss, and she smiles in contentment. She doesn’t know how long they have, but any amount of time is worth it. Ashton is worth it.
“I still belong with you.”
Taglist: @calpalirwin​​ @myloverboyash​​ @loveroflrh​​ @cxddlyash​​ @princesslrh​​ @spicylftv​​ @notinthesameguey​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @calumance​​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​​ @sarcastically-defensive17​​ @another-lonely-heart​​ @devilatmydoor​​ @thatscooibaby​​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @dead-and-golden​​ @mymindwide​​ @blackbutterfliescal​​ @redrattlers​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @quasighost​​ @i-like-5sos​​ @creampiecashton​​ @calpops​​ @littledrummeraussie​​ @sexgodashton​​ @f-mu​​ @mystic-232
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hi hello little mes. may i have a lil 📝 please? 👉🏻👈🏻 🥺 love u tons baby
Baaaabe of course I'll do yours! Trust me there are a lot. Because your fics are just THAT comforting and good. Also the order follows the one of your Masterlist; my absolute favorite is in blue 💙
Tagging u because I don't think you receive the notif when you send anonymously (I know I don't) @loth-wolffe
Home again
Of course I had to talk about this one; I just love the subtext in it.
[…]a little space for him to just be something more than what he was bred to be; not a soldier, not a brother, not a clone.
Just him.
See, that's the essence of the clones. The struggle of finding their identity through all these designations. Soldier, clone, brother, man. All of them, yet none of them. But then there's another option.
Themselves. No other name but the one they chose. No other person but the one they are.
He's got you, he thinks. And he's home.
Even if it's for a few days, everything's alright.
"It is now."
Again; it's beautiful yet painful. The only peace, comfort, home he knows is you; and you are ephemeral, he's passing-by for a few days, and though for a few days things will be fine- these days will also stop eventually and bring him back to the cold, bloody war he has no other choice but to be a part of.
And you manage to express that through barely a few sentences. I am amazed.
It's been a long, long time
This one is. It always hit me in the guts because it feels close to home to be honest. And it's both terrifying and reassuring to really be the reader and to know what they both feel; that dreading fear, do you still love me like you used to?
Which led you to this moment, nervousness bubbling in your chest like some sort of venom, thick and foul, spreading through your body fast and corrosive.
You feel sick at the mere thought of having him in front of you.
These two quotes hurt from being so real. It's the anxiety eating you alive as your mind fills with questions and doubts and fears.
And then the moment comes:
Your hand itches to feel him.
Where you need to know. You need a touch, a word, something to let you know where exactly you are now.
Until you do.
Rex wraps your body in his arms, pulling you flush against him, face hiding in your neck as he breathes you in. He almost cries, right then and there, you smell just like he remembered, like something sweet, something like home.
It's comforting, really, to know nothing has changed between you two in a galaxy that always seems to be.
And just like that, you know you're fine.
And it's honestly - for me - your best fic because it's the one I see myself in the most. It's very real to me and it's just... It just gave me hope when I was hopeless; it gave me the strength to face my fears/ doubts and to trust my partner and myself enough to know that even after all that time apart, it would be alright.
We still find each other. We still love each other, and care for each other. And we still find a way to make things work.
It's not about leaving, it's about always coming back to each other. And that's why this fic will always have a very special place in my heart.
I'm grateful you wrote it, because it was here when I needed it the most.
Here in the open
Rex is so soft in this one-
The way he drops the mantle of Captain and simply is Rex, a man who never felt sand under his feet, who never felt the warmth of a kiss and the soft touches of hands running on his body-
I promise you this fic is. Absolutely amazing. It's just so delicate and natural; the way everything happens, learning that a beach can be pretty and calm, that you can feel something else than your hard plastoid armour or the cold metal of droids; that there's more than fighting in life.
It's just so meaningful and soft, I just love that fic.
And tbh these last few sentences were hot. Me like it.
Goodbye again
It's a Fives' fic, of course I love it. And it's the opposite of 'It's been a long, long time' in a way, so I love it even more.
That one quote about knowing that one day, he won't come back... It hurts. It really does. Because we know he won't come back, right. That's why we write these fics in the first place, because we know and we are so desperate to change that.
You wish you could see him, but he's already late, and someone calls his name but he decides ignores them.
Right now, you're more important than them, than war, than everything he's supposed to be made for. You are his whole world, at the end, his home, his safe harbor he can always come back to after the most harrowing storm.
And again, the whole crisis around who you were made to be and who you want to be- who you truly are.
And the metaphor? Earlier on he thinks reader is an anchor to him; and now a safe harbor? Yes, sign me in immediately.
"I'll comm you as soon as I can."
[A few moments later, on the comm]
"I miss you already."
Dude. That and the "I said I love you! "
It just makes me m e l t. It's so SOFT. Ari I promise you I could read everyday and feel these goosebumps like it was the first time. I'm just so soft for this little playfulness, this amused affection he has.
That's just... That's just so him.
[And here you can witness Meds falling in love all over again]
Doctor's orders
This. I am SO WEAK for this trope. "Where does it hurts? " try my CHEEKS BECAUSE I CAN'T STOP SMILING DUDE.
Kix is so. Soft. And the way you wrote it? "This is it. This is him making the first move." ?? "Then you'll need a few more kisses. Doctor's orders. " ??? Do you want me dead????
Good thing Kix's a doctor because I need someone to breath life back into my body right now.
The warmth a cup of caf brings can also be given by the gentlest of souls.
Where do I even start...
I love the domestic undertones. The habits, knowing about one another, recognising patterns and filling the gaps between the two.
Him watering the plants, you knowing he hates that movie; it just smells like trust and comfort. That's the kind of habits and almost mechanical reactions you develop when you just know someone.
This fic is like- the development of "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you" and that's just... So meaningful.
You know, I'm a sucker for domestic life and everything that comes with it, and this fic is the epitome of that. It's comforting. I love it.
Baby came home
It's one of the first I read from you, and I remember how painful it was. I think that's the fic that convinced me to dedicate my life to your stories.
The amount of pain. Unrequited Love is one thing; but when both parties love each other yet it just can't be-
"I can't love you anymore." / "you can't love me anymore."
Baby I promise you, you broke my heart and had me honestly tearing up. It is even more because it's Obi-Wan. A man who spent his life losing everything he ever had. His freedom, his master, his friends, men, lovers. Eventually his family, and his life.
And here he loses more. And here he carries pain- and it hurts him but not only. And that's soul crushing.
And you have a way with words. You have a way with words that make it all so true, you don't just write these stories, you bring them to life. And it's painful but oh will I ask for more anyway.
That Maul fic
"Ruthless and violent.
But not with you."
That's it. That's the trope. I am in love.
I just- I adore your take on Maul. And you should expect a Maul request when you'll open them again because gIRL do you write him well.
Because before you he didn't know something as simple a touch could be so soft, and light, before you he had no knowledge of such feelings, of warmth and and home. Of safeness.
This is the same energy as Crosshair being at home when he's with you. Men breeded for war, hurt and broken, somehow managing to find a little peace and softness through someoke who just- loves them.
[…]and his eyes gleam at the small action, the warm shade of a yellow that reminds you of the suns you both met under makes you lean over for a kiss […]
Aka how to turn a very distinctive symbol of pain and evil into something delicate and beautiful. Poetry at it's finest.
It's been too long since he last kissed you. Around noon, before you left to your usual walks around the Palace gardens' with his brother.
It's so sweet; at first I chuckled because it's silly. But then I felt sad because it is silly. It's mundane, and it feels exaggerated - just what you wrote - but it's Maul. A man who's been deprived of love and affection for so long, of course he's going to miss it as soon as it leaves.
As soon as you leave.
I just- I just love how you have me sitting there and analysing your fics and finding double meanings and subtext and how you subtly reminds us of the pain in the soft moments; and the softness in the painful ones.
This fic is a feel- good fic; it's powerful yet soft and I absolutely love that.
So yeah. That was a bit longer than I thought but I won't apologize because these fics are just-
They're so comforting and good. And I just love them so. So much.
Moony is right when she says you write magic; you do. And, Ari. I am proud of you. I really am. You always leave me there, speechless and absolutely captivated by your stories and the delicacy of your words and that little something hidden between the lines-
I'm not lying when I say you hold my heart in your hands. You really do.
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taeyongdoyoung · 4 years
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summary: the forest is your only escape from the everyday troubles with your family until you find danger lurking behind the trees. or rather, danger finds you. your fateful encounter with the vampire ravn leaves you wishing for a different life. you strike an unexpected deal with the stranger that will soon turn into something more…
pairing: vampire!ravn x reader
side characters: seoho and leedo
genre: vampire!au, ANGST, romance, humour, fluff
warnings: blood mentions, major character death (kinda?), swearing (like twice), i’m back on my shakespeare shit, insecurities, secrets being revealed, slight making out, biting
word count: 2.7k
author’s note: this chapter is heavily based on beauty and the beast in case it wasn’t obvious so far
part one 🌙 part two 🌙 part three 🌙 part four 🌙 part five 🌙 part six🌙 part seven 🌙 part eight 🌙 part nine 🌙 part ten🌙 part eleven 🌙 epilogue 
You had successfully managed to stop the bleeding but Seoho was still unconscious. You were so worried. Even though your first encounter with the wizard was quite unpleasant and revealing of his hatred for humans, you still didn’t want him to die. 
Not only because he was Ravn’s best friend, but because he had come for you alongside Ravn. To save you from Leedo…This poor man had risked his own life. And you couldn’t just let him bleed out. The guilt would kill you. So, you just sat there next to him, waiting for Ravn to come back with herbs and medicines. After what seemed like eternity of pressing his wound, Seoho suddenly opened his eyes.
“Oh my God, how do you feel?” you inquired anxiously.
“Better,” Seoho murmured. “Stay back.”
“What? But I have to keep pressing the-“
He shook his head.
“I’ve got this.”            
You did as he asked and gave him some space. Then, he placed his hand on his stomach and some strange light emitted from it. You watched in disbelief as Seoho healed himself with his magic. A couple of minutes later, he was perfectly fine. He was even standing!
“If you could have done this all along, why did I have to bother trying to save you like an idiot?” you were getting frustrated.
“I couldn’t,” Seoho explained. “I needed sleep to recharge my energy. Casting a spell to find you was quite exhausting.”
“So, my actions weren’t entirely useless, then?” you had to make sure.
“No, I’m grateful,” he smiled weakly.
“So am I. You both came for me,” you whispered thankfully.
“And about what you said to Leedo about Ravn. It was all an act, right? You wanted to deceive the werewolf?”
“Of course,” you confirmed. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to go back to Ravn. But this was the only thing I could think of. I lack in physical strength, in case you haven’t noticed.”
Seoho chuckled lightly.
“I misjudged you terribly. You’re not like other humans.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You actually care about Ravn, don’t you?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“Speaking of him, where is he?”
“I asked him to get herbs and medicine from the castle. But seeing how well you’ve recovered, it seems to me I’ve sent him on a fool’s errand.”
Seoho looked away guiltily.
“It wasn’t entirely pointless,” he argued. “At least you kept him from making me his dinner.”
You laughed despite yourself.
“He wouldn’t.”
“I’m quite delicious,” Seoho joked. “Anyways, now that I’m fine we should go to him,” Seoho suggested. “Unfortunately, I’m drained by the healing magic, so we’ll have to walk.”
“It’s fine,” you were determined. “I don’t mind.”
“You don’t understand. I have a bad feeling,” he said. “I can’t explain it but...do you honestly believe Leedo would let this whole thing go just like that?”
“I’m not sure what I believe anymore. But let’s get going and make sure Ravn is okay.”
Ravn’s POV
The second I entered my castle, I stormed into the kitchen for herbs and medicine and whatever I could find that would possibly help Seoho. I couldn’t believe how shitty these past few weeks had been. First, Y/N got kidnapped by a freaking werewolf and then, I miraculously found her but said werewolf stabbed my best friend. It was so messed up.
I gathered a couple of things that seemed useful for Seoho’s wounds and meant to hurry out of the castle. Only…fate had different plans. I heard yelling and screaming coming from the outside world. When I looked outside of the window, I realized I was surrounded. By humans, mostly. And they were all led by Leedo. Of-fucking-course. Shitty weeks just got shittier.
They were all carrying wooden stakes made of juniper. Which had the ability to kill a vampire like myself. Splendid. What bothered me was how Leedo and the humans knew what could hurt me? I had only told Seoho and Y/N about the damn wooden stakes. Seoho would never tell another being my secret. Which meant Y/N had…No, I couldn’t afford the time to think about that. So what if she had betrayed me to Leedo?
I was probably going to die within minutes. It didn’t matter anymore. And she was alone with Seoho. Had she planned this all along? To keep me prisoner in my own home, surrounded by embittered people Leedo had turned against me? And Seoho was too far away to save my sorry ass. Or vice versa. I had left him there all by himself, trusting her completely…Only to walk right into a trap. It seemed too damn suspicious and I hated myself for doubting her intentions but it was the most plausible explanation. Why else would she insist on me going to the castle? Alone…
In that moment, I realized I had only two options. Option one was to stay inside for as long as the gates could hold. But without blood, I would practically starve to death. Option two was to go out there and try to fight the humans and Leedo. But with all these wooden stakes, I would undoubtedly get killed.
And even though they were all coming to murder me, I didn’t want to kill them. It would make me exactly the kind of monster people described in fairy tales. However, I was no coward and I had no intention of staying inside to die of starvation. I would leave my castle and fight. Not for myself, I no longer cared if I survived. I needed to save Seoho. If it wasn’t too late already.
So I went outside and fought as hard as I could. But they were too many and too bloodthirsty (not like me but still). And I was alone. Everyone I cared about had abandoned me. In the end, it was Leedo who stabbed me with the wooden stake. The humans were too slow to capture me but the damn werewolf had managed. In my final moments, I thought of her. Even if she had betrayed me, I wanted to see her one last time. Tell her…I didn’t know what exactly, I just missed her. But it was too late…
Reader’s POV
When you and Seoho finally reached Ravn’s castle, it was too late. The beautiful garden was on fire. The place seemed like a ruin. The gates were wrecked. You and Seoho exchanged a worried look and hurried forward without saying a word. Only to find Ravn’s lifeless body, wooden stake through his heart. No, no, no. You couldn’t believe it. He was…dead. And not in a vampire sort of way. You knelt down next to him, sobbing inconsolably.
“No, please, you have to wake up,” you cried out.
“He’s gone,” Seoho pointed out coldly.
“Can’t you do something?” you screamed desperately. “Heal him! Please!”
“I can’t resurrect vampires, Y/N,” Seoho responded. “If I could, I would have done so already.”
You kept crying, shaking Ravn’s body helplessly.
“What happened?” you asked Seoho, hoping he would have the answers.
“My best guess is that Leedo gathered some humans and they surrounded the castle. I can still smell them, they must have left minutes before we arrived.”
“How did they know that wooden stakes can…” you choked out.
“I don’t know, Y/N, you tell me,” Seoho accused you.
“Seriously? You think I told Leedo something?”
Seoho shrugged.
“I wouldn’t put it past you.”
“Unbelievable,” you scoffed. “Maybe they read about it in a book, have you considered that for a second?”
“It’s not in the lore.”
“I’m so exhausted of being blamed for shit I didn’t do,” you groaned. “I just lost the love of my life and you still won’t believe my sincerity.”
“You love him?” Seoho eyed you suspiciously.
“Of course I love him, you asshole,” as you said that a treacherous tear fell down your cheek and onto Ravn’s cold, lifeless face. You kept crying harder and even kissed him, as Seoho simply stared at the scene unfolding right in front of him. “I love you, Ravn, please, come back to me,” you were repeating the same words like a mantra. As if they could turn back time. As if it mattered. You had never told him you loved him. You had hinted it, naturally, but never said those three little words. And now that he was gone, he could no longer hear them. You wondered if he had known. It would break your heart if he had not. “I love you,” you kept saying without thinking. Your eyes were closed and you were just lying on top of Ravn, refusing to let go. Until Seoho interrupted you.
“Y/N, look! His chest is rising and falling,” he exclaimed.
You pulled away briefly to see for yourself if what he was saying was actually the truth.
“That’s impossible,” you mumbled as you witnessed Ravn’s slow breathing.
“Keep doing whatever you’re doing, you damn sorceress!” Seoho chuckled bitterly.
You stared at him in confusion but did so anyway, repeating your confession, as tears continued to fall from your face and onto Ravn’s. But he was still gone, eyes closed and unmoving. However, as you held him tightly, you realized something had changed. Ravn was no longer cold! It was so strange. His hands were warm…they almost felt…human.
“Seoho, touch his hand!” you screamed in disbelief.
The wizard did as you suggested and then, took a couple of steps back, as if to assess the situation.
“This can’t be real.”
And yet it was. You couldn’t understand what was happening but you felt like the only sensible thing to do was continue telling Ravn how you felt for him. After a couple of minutes, what you had been hoping for took place before you. A sight so dear and yet so unfamiliar. A sight that felt like home. 
Ravn’s POV
When I opened my eyes, I felt…different. But I didn’t have much time to analyze what was going on because I was flooded by Y/N and Seoho’s excited kisses and hugs.
“You’re alive!” they squealed excitedly.
“What…how?” I asked, overwhelmed by all the affection I was suddenly receiving.
“Y/N saved your life,” Seoho explained calmly. “She kept sobbing and saying how much she loved you. I don’t understand it myself, but I suggest we talk about it somewhere else. If the humans and Leedo come back for us, we might not be so lucky next time.”
“Seoho’s right,” Y/N agreed reluctantly. “We have to get out of here!” she grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “Let’s run!”
Seoho shook his head.
“No need, my magic has been recharged,” he shared. “I can teleport the three of us anywhere you wish.”
“Anywhere?” Y/N questioned hopefully.
“In fair Verona where we lay our scene,” I suggested which earned me another eager hug from Y/N.
“Shakespeare nerds,” Seoho rolled his eyes, but grabbed our hands and teleported us anyway.
Once we were thousands of kilometres away from Leedo and the humans who had “killed” me, safe and sound in a cosy Verona hotel, I decided it’s high time we discussed what just happened.
“Okay, first of all, I have to be honest with you, Y/N,” I started. “I’m sorry for briefly doubting your intentions before getting killed. You didn’t deserve that.”
“It’s okay,” she waved me off. “I’m used to it.”
“What, so when I doubt you, you throw a tantrum, but when Ravn does, you’re like, it’s no biggie?” Seoho was obviously dissatisfied by Y/N’s reaction.
“Let’s not interrupt him!” Y/N scolded my best friend. “He has something important to say. Right, Ravn?”
I nodded solemnly.
“I kept a secret from you,” I confessed. “Seoho knows about it already.”
Seoho agreed, immediately realizing what I was referring to.
“There is this myth that some vampires can be ‘healed’ of their vampirism if they are truly loved by someone pure at heart. At the time, I thought it was silly but when I met you and felt this…immediate connection I hadn’t felt before, I couldn’t help but hope. And now that I’ve had time to process, I’m pretty sure it came true.”
Y/N and Seoho stared at me, waiting for me to reveal the whole truth.
“I’m human now,” I finally announced.
“You’re what?” Y/N exclaimed at the same time when Seoho mumbled ‘I knew it’ under his breath.
“How else would you explain my warm skin, my breathing and the current craving for pancakes and pizza I’m having?”
“Aw, that’s so cute,” Y/N rubbed my stomach softly. “I’ll call room service in a minute.”
“So, you don’t mind?” I asked self-consciously. “You still like me?”
“Like?” she laughed. “I love you, silly! Vampire or human, it doesn’t matter to me.”
“I love you, too,” I said. “Even if you were a worm, I’d still love you.”
“You guys are gross,” Seoho, who was still there. “I’m heading out to get something delicious for all of us.”
“Yay! Ravn can eat human food now!” Y/N exclaimed happily as I shook my head, amused by everything. I was alive. My dream had actually come true. And I owed it all to her.
Reader’s POV
Once Seoho had left you two alone to get food, Ravn immediately embraced you tightly and started crying. You were so shocked you could barely move.
“Hey, what’s wrong, Ravn?” you asked him, confused.
“I’m sorry. I was such an idiot for doubting you, my love,” he spoke passionately, overwhelmed by guilt.
“It’s all in the past,” you attempted to reassure him and stroked his hair. “I would never hold it against you. I understand why you and Seoho would mistrust humans after the Xion situation.”
Ravn shook his head and pulled away from you, causing you to flinch at the loss of physical contact.
“That doesn’t excuse my unjustified suspicions. You’ve been nothing but kind to me and I…failed you.”
You gripped his shoulders firmly and looked him straight in the eye.
“Stop being so hard on yourself, darling, and just try to enjoy life, okay?”
Ravn gulped nervously.
“I don’t deserve you,” he kept saying. “I never did. Not as a vampire and certainly not as a human. You deserve so much better.”
“But you’re the best there is,” you told him and ran a finger across his cheek. “I couldn’t ask for more. You make me so happy, Ravn. You have to remember that.”
“You’re certain?”
“Both our time is limited now,” you reminded him. “Let’s not waste it.”
You climbed on top of him and began kissing him eagerly. He moaned under your touch and pulled you closer. You bit the bottom of his lip teasingly and he chucked into your mouth.
“What am I to do with you, my thirsty vampiress?” Ravn tsked gently.
“I suppose you’ll have to satisfy my hunger, my poor human,” you joked in return, earning another genuine laughter out of him.
Ravn swiftly reversed your positions so that he was now towering over you as if to help you recall who’s really in charge. Then, you continued breathing each other’s air and grasping one another as if for the first time, and in a way, it was. At least, your first time with Ravn as a warm creature with a beating heart.
“I missed you so much,” you confessed in-between kisses. “When I was trapped, I only thought of you and how badly I want to be back in your arms.”
“I know, my love,” he soothed you. “I only thought of finding you and bringing you to safety, I was so worried.”
As you were sharing your most profound emotions and getting lost in the other person, you completely lost track of time and at one point, you were interrupted by Seoho’s return and the enticing smell of pizza and pancakes.
“Ugh, my eyes!” the wizard complained, disgusted by your intimacy, even though both you and Ravn were still fully clothed!
The two of you jumped away from each other, startled by Seoho’s arrival.
“You’re back,” Ravn simply stated the obvious.
“Come on, I’m starving,” he put the food on the table.
“That makes three of us,” you smirked and gave your boyfriend a meaningful wink.
To be continued…
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pendragaryen · 4 years
I haven’t written a “review” in quite a while now and well... i’m completely aware of the fact, that it’s my own damn feelings i have to blame for it. Bc... i gotta be honest with you here, guys... Bellamy Blake really IS the heart of the show for me. He always was (and will be until the very end) the reason that keeps me watching The1OO. He and Bellarke of course, but, you know... i can’t help it. While i thought i was okay throughout the last weeks (MONTHS!) with what happened on screen (and i was well entertained, to say the least), i certainly was not. I just... gotten kind of numb. Lived off crumbs. It was okay. But it wasn’t a bliss. The heart was missing. And without it, everything seemed more pale, more shallow for me. (The end of the last episode excluded! I cried real tears when Charmaine died...) I haven’t realized this to the fullest, until i watched the new episode today and BOOM - all my excitement is back! That certain EAGERNESS to watch further, that i’ve been missing for far too long, is back! Even my hopes! I have so many THOUGHTS suddenly! The King has returned! THe heart is beating again! and he’s the TRUE inspiration for me. Bellamy is that one dearly missed piece, that makes the whole The1OO experience so much more interesting and exciting for me! It’s so easy to feel with him, he’s so tangible, so believable in all his actions and thoughts. I.. god i missed that so much... I missed HIM like hell...
To be very clear: I don’t blame anyone for the lack of Bellamy up until now here, not even Jason and CERTAINLY not Bob. It’s only myself i have to blame. I TRIED to concentrate on all the other storylines, to get enough out of them to keep me excited. But it didn’t work out. Like i said: It was okay. Really. But it wasn’t a party for me. BUT IT IS NOW AGAIN ;))). If Diyoza would ask me the same question about Bellamy she asked Bellamy about Clarke way back at the beginning of S5, my answer would totally be: HE IS. It’s who and how i am. I cannot change that. So... i’m BEYOND glad, that we FINALLY got him back on our screens, dearies.
Geez, sorry... i wanted to talk about my feelings concerning the episode... haha...
During the first 15 minutes i almost couldn’t believe my eyes, couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that Bellamy was CONSTANTLY IN THE PICTURE. And it took me even longer to realize, that he wouldn’t go away anymore, that we got A WHOLE DAMN EPISODE JUST ABOUT HIM! And i was so thankful and overwhelmed, i had to blink back tears, guys, i shit you not...
And i loved it. I LOVED HIM! Everything about this episode - though all that religious stuff seemed a bit repulsive to me... (ugh, it was too much for my taste...). BUT!
Bellamy, the doctor? Taking care of that Bardo-guy and his wound? (What was his name again?)
Bellamy, the earth-skills-student? VERY capable of keeping himself and his companion alive?
That whole episode felt so different! I really liked the environment and landscape of Etherea - though rough and cold, it’s a stunning location. I LOVED IT!
Like i said, that religious stuff was a bit too much and heavy for me. But i really enjoyed that “mind-battle” both men were kind of fighting throughout the episode - whether love is weakness or not.
And HERE i am finally reaching the core of the whole episode of this day. Oh god... The hope i have for Bellarke MORE THAN EVER all of a sudden! I’ve already read a few theories about that and i totally agree: It’s all about that line from season 2 and the meaning behind it: Love is weakness.
Bc it’s TOTALLY not.
And that will be proven with the last episodes of this show ever. I am SURE of it! I mean... all that arguing between Bellamy and that Bardonian proved it for me! It was all about love and bondings on one side against the wellbeing of the human race as a whole (even if that means losses or sacrifices) on the other, and that LOVE kind of stands in the way of that, always causing pain and trouble. AND OUR HEROES WILL PROVE THAT THIS IS NOT THE CASE! That LOVE can truly SAVE the mankind. And who could give a better example for that than Bellarke, huh? I ask you.
And so i agree and rejoice in hope, that our Bellarke-bbs will be the ones to SAVE them all by passing that ultimate test, “The last war”, in the end.
I am crying...
And BELLAMYYYY! God it’s so good to see you again, no matter how you look. THAT IS NOT IMPORTANT. You rock EVERY look. You are here and i can watch you being sassy af again. And SO STUBBORN. And yet so vulnerable... So hurt... So that he could easily be drawn into that cult of The Shepherd...
I really agree with some of you, who said this already: I think it was part of the plan to send these two off to another planet. Maybe not particularly to Etherea. But to a place, where they had to struggle for their lives and Bellamy could be manipulated into joining the cult. On the other hand i think, that Bardonian guy was unaware of that plan. He surely BELIEVES what he’s talking about. And that is what makes it so palpable for (again: the very vulnerable and sad) Bellamy, so believable, that he gave in in the end. (Bc it’s so much easier to follow, than it is to lead... for once in his life... he just wants to follow... to believe... to be guided... My poor precious bb... How TIRED he must’ve been...)
And then... that Bellarke reunion... The hug (yeayyy!!) and the betrayal (ugh...) I CRINGED!!! God THE POTENTIAL of it all! It’s all there now! The betrayal in the end OPENED DOORS, it didn’t close them! Bellamy has GOT to see what’s in Clarke’s mind! You go, writers! SHOW US HER LOVE FOR BELLAMY BLAKE! And let him witness that! (Hello, radio calls???!?!?!?!)
So that in the end, it will be LOVE that saves Bellamy from his own mindsetting now. And that they could win that “Last war” together...
Someone hold me... Great episode. Awesome. Sorry... this is kind of messed up. FEELINGS! So many of them!!!
I’m tagging some of my mutuals today, just to CELEBRATE Bellamys return, if that’s okay??? What are all YOUR thoughts on this? If you’ve already written something LINK ME TO IT! I want to read it too! ;) @iishallbelieve, @burninghoneyatdusk, @natassakar, @jasperjoordan, @geekyogicheese, @merlination
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three: The Midday Vision
Word Count 2.9k
Warnings: angst, mentions of physical harm
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A week has gone by and you have been watching Daario's movements like a dragon stalking its prey. Hvitserk laughs at you for it but this is your people's lives at stake here, and you will watch him until you leave Wessex. Until that day, he will be under your radar. Ivar has been sending letters back and forth since the day you got to England, but you have only written him twice. So that is what you will do today, write to your beloved while Hvitserk takes on your responsibilities for an hour or so. 
Hvitserk "He is probably worried sick-"
"I know, I know. It just has slipped my mind. I feel horrible!"
Hvitserk "I am sure that he is fine, kitten. I will watch Daario while you write your letters. Come find me when you are done, yes?"
"Of course."
Hvitserk "Good," he kisses your lips before taking a step back, "I love you." 
"I love you too." And then he shut the door behind him and left you to your thoughts. 
You gathered your writing instruments and sat down at your table. You thought of what to say and how to say it for a good while before you actually put your pen to the parchment. Eventually, you took a deep breath and began to write:
Dear Ivar, 
Please forgive me for not writing back sooner, my priorities have been taking up my time and writing has just left my mind. I have taken your advice and have been watching Daario's every move and as of now, he has been staying true to his word. He has been kind and gentle to my people, he has been teaching the young to fight, and has been guiding people in my village. Hvitserk has changed his opinion on the man, which puts my mind at ease quite a bit. I hope that you have been well, my love. I miss you dearly. I plan to be home by the weeks end, if not sooner. I love you Ivar, see you soon my king.
Yours, Y/n.
You hurried your way down the stairs to reach your letter carrier and he left with great haste. You smile as you look behind you to see your dragon's. You walk your way to Ryuu, Neith and Eldr, and you sit down beside them all.
"I miss your daddy, y'know." Eldr scuffs some heat out of his mouth. "What?! I do. This is the longest I have ever gone without seeing Ivar." Eldr places his head down by your feet, for you to feel some comfort. "We will go home soon, my loves. Just one more day or so, I just need to make absolutely sure-"
Daario "That what..?" You jolt up and look behind you, "that I won't burn this place to the ground."
"I'm sorry-"
Daario "No, don't be. If you weren't watching me like a hawk, then you would not be a good queen. I respect you Y/n."
"Thank you."
Daario "So, you really talk to them do you?"
"Of course I do. They understand me and I understand them."
Daario "Oh yeah? Are they talking now-"
"I know that you must find it absurd but-"
Daario "Not at all. I am just trying to understand this whole dragon thing. Before I met you, I thought that dragon's were a myth."
You giggle, "Well as you can see, they are very much real."
Daario chuckles, "Yes they are."
"So mainly it is all psychological. When I look into their eyes, I can tell what they are saying."
Daario "That is a true gift."
"Mmm," you look up at Neith, "I got to raise them, that is the true gift."
Daario "I swear, you are the most selfless person I have ever met. Especially given the fact that you rule over two kingdoms."
"Thank you, but I only rule over Wessex. My husband rules Kattegat."
Daario "I am confused."
"I only feel that I rule over England, I do not feel like I rule over Kattegat."
Daario "Well in that case, I am more than grateful to lead by your side in England, my queen."
"Well technically-"
Daario "I know, you won't be here.." you nod, "but it's still a nice thought to think about." You pause but you feel a pair of familiar hands grab the small of your back.
Hvitserk "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for the two of you."
"Sorry Hvitserk, Daario was just asking me about my dragon's."
Hvitserk "Oh yeah? They are incredible aren't they?"
Daario "Truly. I guess I should go and check on everyone. It was lovely talking to you."
"You as well Naharis.." you watch him walk away and join your people at one of your homes. 
Hvitserk "He got a little too close there..for my liking."
"Flirting, but he is a man Hvitserk. He can't help himself."
Hvitserk "I warned him not to ever-"
"I believe you. But look at me," he looks away from Daario and down into your eyes, "We are going home soon, and he will be far away from all of us, okay?"
Hvitserk sighs, "Fine."
"I don't wish for your day to be ruined over a little flirt."
Hvitserk "It's not, kit..I just don't like when people look at you like you are a meal. It infuriates me. After all you've been through, I find it my life's duty to protect you." You pull him in for a warm yet hard embrace and hold him close for a while.
"You do protect me Hvitserk. You keep me safe and warm..and loved." He smiles, "Ever since the day we met, you've kept me safe. But once our daughter is here, I need you to protect her more than me."
Hvitserk "I-"
"Promise me Hvitserk." He loses eye contact, "Our daughter's life comes first. No matter what, you keep our daughter safe."
Hvitserk "I swear it, Y/n. But that does not mean that I won't not protect you."
"Of course it doesn't. But if there ever comes a day where it is between me or our daughter to save, save our little girl." Hvitserk looks away to hide his tear that was falling from his eyelid. He quickly wipes it away and clears his throat before looking back at you. 
Hvitserk "I will." You smile and nod, "But let us pray to the gods that there will never come a day where I have to save only one of you.."
"Yes. Now, let us have a good day today."
Hvitserk "With you, it's always a good day."
Back in Kattegat:
Ivar has been having sleepless nights without you in his arms. He has been worrying nonstop, waiting for you to write back to him. He has gone to Ubbe, asking for his guidance but he has been brushing him off and telling him, "she's with Hvitserk, she is fine." He knows that is a fact, but he also knows that something could have happened to the both of you. So he waits and waits for your letter to arrive. As he waits, he sits on his throne, motionless. When all of a sudden, he hears none other than his own brother scream out his name from outside those double doors. He is in a panic that he crawls his way to the doors instead of walking to them. He looks around and does not see his brother so to save time, he gets into his carriage and commands his horse to ride to the noise. When he finds Ubbe, he is sitting on the ground with tears in his eyes.
Ivar "Ubbe, what is it?!"
Ubbe "It is Y/n. Something is going to happen to her-"
Ivar "What are you talking about?"
Ubbe "A vision Ivar. I had a vision-"
Ivar "A vision..during the day?"
Ubbe "Yes, brother. We both know that that has never happened to us before."
Ivar "Tell me.."
Ubbe "There is this woman. I could see her like I am seeing you right now. She goes into their chambers Ivar.." Ivar's eyes start to water as he anticipates what he is about to say next. "She takes Hvitserk's dagger and.." Torvi's eyes are red from crying, as she looks up at Ivar.
Ivar "And what?"
Ubbe "She kills them both." Ivar's tears overflow now. "She goes to the extent of slitting her belly..Ivar. She kills all of them."
Ivar "I, how..what?" He is in shock and he cannot truly make out what to say.
Ubbe "We need to go Ivar, we are losing the sun!"
Ivar "Did you see her face?"
Ubbe "Wha-yes! Ivar we need to go! If we wait any longer, we won't make it by nightfall!" Ivar does not waste anymore time before he rides out of Kattegat, heading straight to you. Ubbe hurries his men to join him while Torvi takes over Kattegat. 
Torvi "Come on boys..please save them..please save them." She says over and over as she cries, fearing that they will not make it to England in time.
Ivar looks up at the sky as he forces his horse to run like the wind, seeing the sun fade away and into the horizon. He fears that he will be too late and he would see his family gone, right in front of his eyes. He knew by the sound of his brother's screams that it had to deal with his wife. Why else would he scream? Why else would he be on his knees, crying? You are loved, Hvitserk is loved, and your unborn child is loved so much that the thought of losing you three is bone chilling. 
Ivar "Come on...COME ON!" He continues to hit his horse but the horse is physically incapable of going any faster but he cannot help himself. He is out of breath, even though he is not the one running. His heart is already in pain with the picture in his mind of how horrible it would be to witness such a scene. 
Ubbe "We're not going to make it, brother!" He shouted from his horse that is racing beside his carriage.
Ivar "We are going to make it!" He shouted back at him. His voice cracking from the sadness he is trying to hide. If anyone has to be strong, it is him. And he will be strong, and he will make it. He has too.
Wessex England:
As the sun settled behind your kingdom and below the hills surrounding it, you felt the sense of unease. So as a gut instinct, you stay very close to Hvitserk. Practically joint at his hip. Daario notices your change in behavior and immediately goes on high alert. 
Hvitserk "Y/n, are you alright? You seem frightened."
"I have this unnerving feeling."
Hvitserk "Tell me what you are feeling."
"I have this sickening feeling and almost an electrical pain going across my belly.."
Hvitserk "What?!"
"I already looked, there is nothing there."
Hvitserk "Is sh-"
"She's still kicking..yes."
Hvitserk "Then why are you feeling this?"
"I am not sure. I just feel like something is coming. I just don't know what."
Hvitserk "I don't want you out of my sight, do you hear me?"
"I'm not going anywhere, you asked what was wrong so I was not going to hide what I have been feeling since the sun went down." 
Hvitserk "Well, I believe you Y/n. I'm not going to let anything happen to you-"
Hvitserk "What?"
"I was just telling you if it ever came down to me or our daughter, save our daughter."
Hvitserk "She is still in your womb, kitten...so right now, I am watching over you."
"What did I ever do to deserve such a protector?"
Hvitserk "Just you being you. Anyone who meets you loves you Y/n. Everyone who meets you wishes to protect you."
"Why? I don't understand that. I am just an normal person-"
Hvitserk "It is because you have been through so much trauma that you did not deserve, everyone is aware and wishes to give you a new and safe life. And you are far from normal Y/n. You are a mother of dragons, how is that normal?" He bursts out laughing and so do you.
"I guess you are right. I love you, you know that."
Hvitserk "Of course I do."
"Good." You rest your head on his shoulder and rest your mind. That is until you hear a woman shout behind you. Hvitserk takes out his sword and so do the guards that are around you at all times. You find Daario holding a woman by her mouth, keeping her silent. 
"Daario! What is the meaning of this!?"
Daario "She was going to kill you!" He holds up the dagger that she had in her hand. You walk up to her, to conform Daario's own words.
"Is this true?" She does not answer at first, but she nods because her mouth is still covered by Daario's large hand. You look up at him, confused. "But why did you wish to harm your queen?" She forces Daario's hand off of her mouth and Hvitserk holds his sword up to her throat.
Hvitserk "Try anything, and you'll meet your precious God in the matter of seconds."
"I am unarmed-" she said.
Daario "Yeah, you are now-"
"What was your reason?!"
"You should not be queen! Any spawn of your fathers will destroy this kingdom and its people. This kingdom needs new blood, new reigns..not you." She said with a straight face. 
"I am sorry that you feel that way. But I am nothing like my father. I love my people and I love my kingdom, I would never do anything to put it in jeopardy."
"Funny, that is what your father used to say-"
"I burned my father alive." She takes a step back. "I am not my father. I got rid of my father. I am aware of what he has done, who he has killed..I am also aware of everything that he has done to me, to which I think that you have no idea about." She does not respond, "So do not kill someone who is trying to save her kingdom. Do not kill someone who loves her people."
"..I..I am sorry." She finally said, but before you could answer, you hear horses coming from behind you and by your gate. 
Hvitserk "Get behind me." Daario lets go of the girl and gets beside Hvitserk to guard you. Your dragon's fly to the top of your palace to get a clear shot if you demand them to kill. 
"Wh-is that..Ivar!?" Hvitserk puts away his sword and sighs out of relief to see his brother's instead of a whole unexpected army. "What is he doing here?" You walk up to your husbands carriage, confused.
"Ivar, what are you-" he pulls you into his chest, stopping you from talking. He is shaking and he is sobbing. 
Ivar "I made it..oh gods, I made it."
"You knew?..How did you-"
Ubbe "Hey sis." And then it clicked, he must have had a vision. 
"What did you see Ubbe?"
Ubbe "I saw that woman," he points to the woman that is being held back by Daario, "come into your chambers and kill the three of you."
"Our chambers..but it just happened?"
Ubbe nods, "Sometimes visions are not exact, but they show the true fate of the one's that you love."
Ivar "So this is the woman."
"Ivar-" He does not listen to you. He makes his way passing his brother and grabbing the woman by her throat, shoving her up against the wall of your palace.
"..please..don't kill me.." she tries to get out. 
Ivar "If you ever try to kill my wife, my brother..and my unborn child again, I will crucify you..do you understand me?" She cries out, agreeing and pleading for her life. "The only reason why your neck is not broken is because my wife is behind me. And I know that she would not wish to see you die. She has too good of a heart."
"I am so sorry, my queen." You do not respond, only stare. "Please forgive me. I was not thinking, I was only remembering all that your father put my family through!"
"Understood, Ivar..let her go." He lets go over her throat and she runs to you, kneeling her your feet. 
"Please..forgive me. I am truly sorry!" She said, crying and shouting for forgiveness.
"Please stand." She does so and you take her hands in yours, "I forgive you. But I need you to think before you act. If Daario was not here to stop you, me and my child would be dead by your impulse. Think before you act and only act if you have facts and knowledge on the person you wish to kill."
"My queen, I am so-"
"I have already told you that you have been forgiven. I will give you a second chance, please do not fail me."
"Yes, my queen."
"Go to your mother." She runs away and rejoins her mother and siblings. You look in front of you and see Ivar, Hvitserk and Daario shocked but proud. 
"Hello..my beloved." He couldn't help himself from giggling.
Ivar "Hello, my sweetheart."
@hvitserkmarcosource @heavenly1927 @saldelys @youbloodymadgenius @ivarsgoddess @conaionaru @readsalot73 @a-mess-of-fandoms @houseoftoomanyfandoms @dreamycream17 @nevlahhh @krissydclayton93
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