#CW: Parental Death
steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
even with the hole
for @steddiemicrofic prompt 'hole' (yes, again) rated t | wc: 404 | cw: implied and brief mention of child abuse, implied parental death (in the past) | tags: getting together, first kiss, angst with a happy ending
The cigarette burned a hole through the picture, the last remaining image Eddie had of his mom.
His dad was crying, mostly out of anger, fear. His glossed-over eyes kept glancing at Eddie sobbing a few feet away, begging for him to stop.
It felt cruel that the last time he saw his dad was also the last time he saw his mom.
The picture in his wallet when Eddie nearly died had a hole where a woman should be. Steve could tell that much.
He wasn't trying to be nosy, he just needed to try to get his driver's license out so they could confirm his information for the ER nurse. The picture fell out when he pulled cards and slips of paper out of the front pocket of his wallet.
He quickly slipped it into his own pocket so they wouldn't see it or take it, and handed over the things they needed.
But the more he looked at the picture, the more confused he got.
In the picture, Eddie was no older than four or five, sitting in a woman's lap while she showed him a chord on a guitar. Some of the top of Eddie's head had been burned off along with the woman's entire face.
Steve may not know much about Eddie, but it was pretty obvious this person was important to him.
He hoped he got the chance to ask about it.
He waited. Eddie woke up to a lot of questions, about what happened, how he was, where did it hurt. Steve didn't wanna add to it.
Days later, Steve managed to stick around after visiting hours were over.
Eddie was tired, but insisted on the company.
Steve pulled the picture from his pocket and watched Eddie's face go through a series of complicated emotions.
"I didn't want this to go missing. Seems important," he said.
"Yeah," Eddie nodded, gulped.
"She taught you guitar?"
"She tried. I was still too young. Wayne taught me."
Steve placed his hand on top of Eddie's. "You remember our first grade play?" Steve handed him another picture. "She was there."
Eddie looked down and saw his mom.
"Nancy knows how to find anything," Steve shrugged.
Eddie let the tears fall. "Kinda wanna kiss you."
"Wouldn't say no."
"Pretty unsexy to kiss while I'm crying, don't ya think?"
Steve leaned in and pressed his lips to Eddie's. "Not to me, Eds."
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hanalghilan · 6 months
my dad died....
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the-sea-anemone · 2 years
The thing about writing backstory is that it doubles as worldbuilding, particularly in genres like fantasy, sci-fi, and historical fiction. Say your protagonist lives in a world where after a person dies, they transform into a rampaging monster. Every society has a set of rituals or protocols around death to minimize monster-related deaths and property damage, but no system is infallible: your protagonist’s brother dies suddenly during the night and kills their parents — who in turn transform into monsters — before all three are shot by hunters. In this world, your protagonist might perceive this experience similarly to someone who lost their family in a car crash: it’s tragic and deeply traumatic, but also a fundamentally recognizable part of their world; they could tell this story to basically anyone with full confidence that they’re familiar with the concept of car crashes and people dying in them.
Now say your protagonist lives in a world where, to their knowledge, magic and monsters don’t exist, yet when their brother dies suddenly, they see him transform into a giant, rampaging monster and kills their parents, who subsequently also turn into monsters. In this instance, your protagonist has not only lost their entire family but had their entire worldview upended; they’re likely doubting their own memory, and most people wouldn’t take their story at face value. In essence, while these two characters have the same backstory in a literal sense, the way they and others would likely perceive these experiences is significantly shaped by the broader context of their world. 
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[OC Profile] Cordelia Lillian Offdensen
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Because I am now contractually obligated to infodump about her now. Some parts might have been influenced by other fan fics ,but I either have permission and/or at least gave them enough of my own twist that I'm copying other people's homework too much Spoiler warning for all of Metalolcaypse so far (this is all pre-movie so if my predictions are wrong, oh well). Also content warnings for: pregnancy-related death, child neglect, sexual harassment, alcoholism, and parental death, as well as bits of canon typical dark humor.
Born May 13th, 1945
Died October 3rd, 1993 (...probably, I'll explain in a bit)
Voice Claim: Rachel Bloom/Laraine Newman (if we have to follow the pattern of the other Dethklok moms)
Face Claim: This lady from Writersklok
Personality: A well-intended and kind, but very troubled woman that has trouble being taken seriously despite being rather intelligent and ambitious leading her to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drinking and casual sex.
Character Inspirations: Cutie Cutie Cupcake (BoJack Horseman), Meredith Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy), Paula Small (Home Movies), Paula Proctor (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend), Misato Katsuragi (Evangelion), Annie Hughes (The Iron Giant), Peggy Olson (Mad Men), Halley (The Florida Project), Mina Harker (Bram Stroker's Dracula)
Music Tastes: The Amazelingtons, Blue Oyster Cult, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Electric Light Orchestra, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Elton John, Nina Simone, Fleetwood Mac
Bonus playlist
She was Salacia’s consort in a past life, unfortunately, she was slain in a siege alongside their unborn child. He tried to resurrect her using a certain kind of purple magic...it did not end well. Cordelia would sometimes have past life nightmares about this with zero context as to what was happening.
She and Salacia met by chance in 1965, back then being a mere law school student; while Salacia was happy to see his beloved wife again...this time he had more ulterior motives convinced that it was part of the Prophecy (if still having to create the Sal persona for obvious reasons). Which he was right, but for the wrong reasons since Charles was an accidental pregnancy so she had to drop out of school and the two had to elope. Her parents were pissed of course and they did not see Cordelia or Charles until he abandoned the family some five or six years later.
Even though Salacia can technically be in two places at once it's pretty taxing (as well as worries that his other self was starting to develop a personality and will of his own) and eventually just to started to realize the more practical problems of his facade such as...oh yeah and his presence having bits of the plague that cause sickness if not death in some people to the point where people assumed for years that Charles was chronically ill. He might've been an asshole for abandoning them, but financially supported them in secret and had them under surveillance by marking them as "people of interest". Although even if he didn't have high hope for him, he had quite a few other children on standby.
Mysterious checks from the government she didn't question aside it was a bit difficult being a single mother in the 1970s albeit was able to get work as a paralegal at the slightly dubious Ensiferum & Associates. So because of this, she was pretty much what you think of when "Gen X mom" comes to mind, with Charles being very much a latchkey kid who more or less raised himself at points. Not for lack of trying since she was capable of being a very loving mother, but was severely overworked and self-medicated with alcohol to cope with the stress of working as an unmarried woman during Mad Men times and general untreated mental health issues. In fact, it was to the point where Charles feeling the need to take care of other people's needs above his own partially explains why he's slightly messed up as an adult. And yet she's among one of the more competent employees at the firm when sober (gee why does that sound familiar?).
Was generally supportive of Charles's goals, but was terrified of him abandoning her much like his father so she definitely didn't take Charles heading off to boarding school well (although she at least had the decency to not say it out loud) and was enough of a mess to require intervention so she at least mellowed out in her final years before peacefully passing in 1993, her lifespan cut tragically short due to a combination of the Salacia plague still affecting her body years later and alcohol abuse.
...which is the version I usually go with in my fics, but personally, I think it's funnier and opens more story potential if she survives to the series' present day, but is just locked out of the loop of the whole "son being the manager of the world's largest band/economic force and later a cult leader" thing. Like I'd probably figured she get along with most of the Dethklok moms (except for maybe Molly but even then because the latter is a massive hypocrite), and Dethklok for themselves for that matter, especially Toki, which Charles would be a bit conflicted about the latter even if she is trying to make up for her previous faults as a mother. I guess for now it's sort of diverging paths, but at least until the movie comes out "dead mom" is the main timeline for my fics.
Overall Charles has a...complicated view of his mother, on one hand, her neglectful parenting did cause a fair amount of emotional scarring that hasn't healed even decades later and severely affected his interpersonal relationships even as an adult, but on the other hand, was at least aware of her struggles with the benefit of hindsight and wouldn't be half the man he was today without her influence.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
Heart and Soul
AN: A story about Yinu and Tenten's first meeting.
So fair warning, I haven't written fiction like this in literal years (unless you wanna count my comic scripts), and I think this whole thing is actually pretty trite and cliché (if the trite and cliché title didn't already tip you off to that), but sometimes you just gotta write some fluff to help you sleep at night.
This is also probably one of the worst platforms for posting long-form fic like this (this is over 12,400 words long, so I don't blame y'all if you don't have time for it here on tumblr). Maybe I'll open an account on a proper fic-sharing website and post it there.
But for now, I hope you'll enjoy this silly story from me.
"...I assure you, Yinu will surely flourish under NSR's care."
The adults talked to each other intently as Yinu's eyes wandered around the office. On the desk was the usual boring collection of things that no child would usually pay much mind to: a small canister of varied writing utensils, a paper holder holding many papers and documents. Among them, she saw the papers that her and her Mama had signed earlier. She was very proud of her own signature: she'd practiced it a lot before coming here. It had taken some time to make sure she could stay on the line. She liked how it looked next to her Mama's, even if she couldn't understand what Mama’s squiggles meant.
Of slight interest was the triangular name plate on the desk. It adorned the name of that lady who would be her new "boss".
"Tatiana Quartz."
Yinu said it in her head a couple of times. She thought she had heard the word "quartz" before. Something to do with measurement maybe? Music? "Oh, like a quarter note!" She was impressed that her boss knew so much about music to be named after it.
She noticed the big portraits on the wall behind Miss Quartz. They were tall and imposing, scary even. The center one she recognized as Miss Quartz herself. The painted lady seemed to glare down at Yinu with incredible force. Her intense expression was very unlike the warm smile of the real Miss Quartz. It was a little scary, so she averted her gaze to the right portrait. This one was another lady, or was it two ladies? There were lots of hands too. Maybe it was even more ladies! Yinu couldn't quite understand the portrait, but she thought she liked it. She looked to the left of Miss Quartz's scary portrait and there was a very strange person wearing a square mask. Yinu had never seen a mask like that: what did the circles mean? Where's the mouth? Or the eyes? Or any kind of face? The strange masked person was surrounded by a few other people. They weren't wearing masks, but they didn't look quite "right" either. They reminded her of the shiny people she saw on TV sometimes, though she couldn’t quite remember what they were called.
Yinu's eyes and mind continued to wander about the room as the voices of her new boss and her Mama blurred and slurred together. She knew they were talking about her, but she didn't really understand what it was about. When she heard her name she would focus again and try to listen, but it was always about things like a "salary" and "management" and other boring and adult topics of that nature. Nothing fun. Nothing interesting.
As Yinu kicked her legs a little in the slightly too big seat, something urgent suddenly struck her. She tugged on her Mama's hand to get her attention.
"...I'm just worried that- oh, what is it Yinu?" Mama looked down into Yinu's eyes. "Mama, I have to go wee."
"Oh, okay I'll take you.” Mama took a hold of the hand that was tugging her fingers, “I'm sorry Miss Quartz may I-" Mama had begun to rise from her seat, but Yinu tugged back, trying to break free from the grasp.
"I can go by myself." she said. Yinu was a big girl after all. Surely at 8 years old she could use the restroom all by herself she thought.
"No Yinu, I don't want you to get lost." Mama said firmly.
"But, Mama..."
Yinu tried to insist, but she knew she could never win an argument against Mama, and there wasn't much time to argue anyway. The situation was becoming more than urgent.
Miss Quartz seemed to notice this and decided to speak up.
"The restroom isn't far, it's only down the hall to the right. It would be easier to get lost walking down a runway."
Yinu was impressed at her new boss’s attitude. She was rarely given any kind of support when it came do doing things her way. But now was not the time to think about how cool Miss Quartz was.
Mama wanted to protest, but the tugging at her hand was getting fervent. She sighed and let go. "Okay, but come back as soon as you're done."
"Okay!" with that Yinu ran quickly out of the room.
Miss Quartz chuckled to herself lightly at the girl’s enthusiasm for simply being allowed to relieve herself.
"I'm sorry about that." said Mama as she lowered herself back into her seat. "It's quite alright. Even at that age, kids want to prove themselves. Sometimes you have to let them. Even if it's just to go to the bathroom."
Mama laughed a little too.
"And I'm sure she'll prove herself a great asset to this company as well. As I was saying-"
Yinu had some trouble reaching the sink, even on her tippy-toes, but she still managed to help herself up and get her hands sparkling clean, just like Mama and Papa had taught her. She looked at herself in the massive mirror in front of her. Mama had dressed her in her formal clothes: a white button-up shirt with a small pocket adorned with a red ribbon around the collar and a long flowing skirt. Yinu liked to twirl the skirt by spinning around. It made her feel magical and reminded her of when she and Mama would dance in the living room while Papa played the piano.
She looked at her hair in the mirror too. Mama had tied them into two twin buns. Each one looked like a mini rose bouquet. Yinu thought it was pretty, but it was a little heavy on her head and they were twisted just a little too tight. She had been sitting for what felt like hours in that big chair, and her neck was starting to hurt just a little too much for her comfort.
As she climbed onto the counter to get a better look, she decided to take off the bands that her holding the buns in place. They were cute little bands: red with little flower bead decorations. She thought they were very pretty and was always happy when Mama let her wear them, especially as bracelets.
Her hair fell just below the bottoms of her ears like a waterfall ending in little rosebuds.
Yinu felt relieved and still thought she looked like a proper young lady even with her hair down. Satisfied with her work, she put the bands around her wrists: they were cuter this way anyway, and she hopped back down from the counter and left the rest room and began to make her way back to Miss Quartz's office.
The hallways were terribly quiet. Yinu's foot steps echoed through the halls and the smell was what she could only describe as "fancy". She had been through halls like this numerous times: the concert venues that she frequented always had long halls like this. Sometimes they scared her because they seemed to go on forever, but as long as Mama was there holding her hand, they didn’t feel as scary.
She slightly recalled meeting Miss Quartz at one of those concerts after a certain competition some time ago. She was the one who presented Yinu with her trophy for winning first place in the event. She remembered because she was so happy to tell her Papa about it after the show. They both wished he could have been there in person, but he'd said he was so proud of her for winning. They would rewatch the recording in Papa's room and Yinu was so happy to see Papa smiling again.
All the while, she played with her hair bands on her wrist. She liked the way it felt to twirl the beads and tug on the elastic. Her foot steps got slower and smaller as she continued to focus on tugging on the band. It hurt to have it snap back at her, but it was still kind of fun. As she fidgeted with it, the bands found themselves off her wrists and into her hands where she tugged on them to watch them snap back. She could launch them really far if she pulled back hard enough.
Curious about the result, she stretched one of the bands as far back as her tiny hands could stretch them and she let it fly. And flew it did.
"Oh no!" she cried.
It flew so far that it straight past Miss Quartz's office room and landed in front of the grand elevator. She ran to retrieve it from where it had fallen. She quickly picked it up and returned both bands to her wrists, not wanting to accidentally lose them again. Her curiosity of how far the bands could be flung had been satiated, but a new curiosity crept as the doors to elevator opened in front of her.
She had promised Mama that she would go back as soon as she was done, but she really wanted to know where the elevator would go.
They had been in that office for hours already, or so it felt. They would probably be there for several more hours. Besides, they weren't talking about anything that Yinu could be involved in anyway. It wouldn't be bad if she looked around just a little bit.
As she walked into the little room, she heard her Mama and Miss Quartz call after her, "YINU!"
But the doors had already closed shut.
Yinu began to panic, she hadn't ridden on very many elevators and she didn't know what the buttons meant. She pressed all the buttons she could, which wasn't many given her short stature, but the doors remained closed. She could still hear her Mama and Miss Quartz outside, yelling incoherent instructions, and trying to stop it, but it was too late. The elevator began to lower, and Yinu was alone.
No sooner than Yinu had begun to cry, the elevator finally released her. The screen which read the floor number was too high for Yinu to see clearly, but she knew if she'd stayed in the elevator, she would be trapped again. She didn't want to spend another moment in that scary box, so she stepped out and watched the door close behind her as it continued its descent to whatever random floor she had managed to hit.
She looked around, this floor was almost identical to the one she'd been on: the same echoey halls, the same endless closed doors. She called out, "Hello?"
It reverberated through the halls, but became deafly silent again. No answer. No sound. Just the small scuffle of her own feet as she began to walk forward, hoping to find someone, anyone, that would help her.
She jiggled the handle of every door she came across but each one was tightly locked. Every step made her a little more anxious as she walked down what seemed to be an endless corridor. For a moment she decided to look behind her, but she'd already walked so far that the elevator was nowhere in her sight. The hall just seemed to stretch forever in both directions, leaving her utterly lost. As she began to feel the hopelessness of her situation catch up to her, she'd begun to cry again.
"Mama... I'm sorry... please help me..."
Her legs stopped walking and she fell down where she stood, balling her eyes out.
As she did so, she'd begun to hear something else in the hall. It was a quiet, but rhythmic thudding, like heavy footsteps. It echoed through the halls and seemed to get closer. Yinu called out towards the noise, "Who's there?"
The sound paused for a moment as if to consider the question. In return, the pace of the thudding quickened and began to get louder, moving towards Yinu.
The source of the sound finally came in view at the far end of the hall. It was person. At least it looked like a person. They were too far away for Yinu to make out any particular features besides the vague silhouette of a person wearing a tallish hat. But somehow, despite the dim lighting, the figure's face seemed to be glowing, causing unnatural shadows to be cast across their face.
Feeling a little embarrassed about being found crying, Yinu tried to suck up her snot and tears with all her might and stood up. "Hello, can you help me?" she called out. "I lost my Mama. I... just want to go back to my Mama."
The figure paused again until it received the entire message. Then it began to walk towards Yinu. At first Yinu was happy that someone had finally found her, but something felt off about that person.
Their footsteps were just a little too heavy and the way they moved looked a little too stiff as their arms refused to sway naturally at their sides. As they grew closer, the sound of mechanical creaking and whirring had became audible. Eventually the figure came close enough for Yinu to make out the features of its face: its reflective metal shine, its glowing white eyes, its unflinching expression. It was just like the shiny people she had seen on TV. The scary shiny people that shot lasers from their eyes and enslaved humanity. The things Yinu finally remembered that were called “robots”.
Yinu screamed and began running away back down the hall. She ran as fast as she could, trying her best not to look back. She didn't hear it getting faster, but she wouldn't stop now just to find out if she was actually making headway. There was no way that scary things like that could really be in a place like this. If this was the kind of scary place this was, then she'd want nothing to do with it. When she found her Mama she would tell her as much. “Mama...”
As Yinu recalled that she was still technically lost, she tripped on herself and skid her knees across the rough carpet floor.
"Ow, ow..." she cried as she sat up to inspect the scrapes on her legs. As she did so, the mechanical being was still making a steady pace towards her. Even as her tears welled, she tried to pick herself up again to run, but it hurt too much. The figure was getting closer. She couldn't run. She couldn't hide. The best she could do was cover her face and hope the monster would be quick in whatever it was going to do.
As she cowered she heard it stop in front of her and did… nothing. It stood motionless for a while, waiting for some kind of response, or perhaps it was analyzing the crying mass in front of it. Eventually, the light sobbing was interrupted.
"Are you hurt, Little Miss?"
A synthetic voice poured out of the monster. While it was clearly inhuman, it was a little deep and gentle. Almost warm. "Wh-what?" sobbed Yinu.
There was a brief pause between answers.
"Are you hurt, Little Miss?" it asked again.
"Little Miss?" she thought. She liked the way it sounded. It was kind of like a grown-up. Having received this bit of respect, she felt herself growing braver.
Yinu uncovered her eyes to look up into the monster's face. Seeing it up close, even though it still wasn't human, it wasn't as scary as she thought it was just moments ago. The arrangement was very simple, just two glowing white orbs for eyes and a line for a mouth. When it spoke, its mouth wouldn’t move but light up in rhythm to its words. She thought it was like a doll she used to have as an even smaller kid.
"Uh-huh..." she nodded cautiously and rubbed her knees. The speed of fall and the friction of the carpet had given her small red scrapes across both knees. A little blood had trickled out, but nothing so ghastly as to need any serious medical attention.
"I see. May I treat your wounds?" asked the voice. Yinu nodded again, "Okay..."
"Very well." The android crouched onto one knee as to be more level with Yinu. It had stood so incredibly tall and imposing earlier, but up close it appeared much more friendly. It inspected the cuts briefly. Besides her knees, Yinu's face had also gotten a little scuffed from the fall, making her already rosy cheeks even rosier.
"I am about to administer an antibiotic. You may experience slight discomfort, but it is necessary to reduce the risk of infection."
The android raised its left hand towards the wound on her right knee. At first it held its entire hand flat with palm facing down. It curled all its fingers towards the palm, leaving only its index finger extended towards the wound. Suddenly, the tip of its index finger unhinged upwards at the first knuckle and revealed a small nozzle which quickly sprayed what it claimed to be an antibiotic onto the wound.
Yinu winced a bit from the sudden pain and the android apologized for the discomfort again. It repeated this for each area that it had considered as needing attention. Once all the antibiotic has been "administered", it dispensed 4 bandages from its mouth. Yinu giggled a bit, thinking it looked like it was growing a very long tongue.
"Would you like me to apply the fabric adhesive strips?" it asked.
Yinu laughed out loud at the funny way that it referred to the bandages.
"No, I can do this part myself." Yinu said proudly as she gently tore and peeled the bandages apart and applied them to both her knees and her cheek. “I don’t need this one.” she said as she tried to return the extra bandage. “You may keep it. Extra fabric adhesive strips are good to have on hand.” it replied as it gently pushed the offer away. “Okay.” so Yinu stashed it away into her shirt pocket along with the bits of wax paper so she could throw them away later. Mama always told her to throw away her trash in the trash can like a proper lady.
"Was my service satisfactory?" asked the android as it stood back up onto both feet. “Yes.” she replied with a beaming smile. “Very good. I am happy to hear that.” replied the android. Yinu looked up at the android to really take in its features: it looked like it was dressed in somewhat fancy clothes that she thought she had seen somewhere before. Maybe in a movie or a store or something like that. The big hat it was wearing was equally as fancy. On the side of it she caught the glimpse of something shiny. She turned her head to try to get a better look, but now that it was standing at full height again, it was hard to make out. She thought it looked like some lines and circles in a nice neat row.
As she thought of that she suddenly remembered her manners, "Thank you for helping me." she said sincerely to the android.
"You are welcome Little Miss." it replied.
With that formality out of the way, Yinu began another one, "What's your name?" she asked.
The android replied: "I am: 1010-XJ L-Type Version 2.0.1"
"That’s really your name?” asked Yinu, not believing that the string of numbers and letters the android had said could really be a person’s name.
"Can I call you something shorter?" she asked.
The android paused, searching for an answer before finally responding,
"You can. You may call me: "Tenten".
"Tenten? Like the number? But two times?" Yinu asked as she open and closed her hands twice for “ten, ten.”
"Yes." Said the android. While it had searched its memories for an acceptable answer, it had noticed that when being spoken about, humans would often shorten his name to only the first part. When it was relevant, it would be referred to as the "L-Type," and when the Captain was angry it would be referred to as “Soldier,” but "Tenten" was usually sufficient and would probably be easier for the Little Miss to say.
"Okay Mr. Tenten, my name is Yinu."
"Yinu. That is a very nice name." Tenten replied. While its face made no change in emotion, its voice sounded sincere in its tone. Perhaps it thought every name it heard was a "nice name," but without even considering the possibility of this being a stock response, Yinu beamed, "Thank you!"
In what was only a handful of minutes, Yinu had gone from thinking she was in a literal nightmare realm to quite liking the nice android that had helped her out. For a moment she had again forgotten she was still lost until Tenten had reminded her.
"Little Miss, I do believe you were calling for help just a moment ago, yes?" it asked. "That is why I followed your voice, but you ran away before I could help you."
Yinu felt a little embarrassed about her earlier behavior, but having remembered her original goal, she explained the situation about how she had flung her bracelet and gotten on the elevator and separated from her Mama and how she couldn't remember which floor they were on or where she was, and how she saw this scary monster, and oh wait, that was Tenten.
After intently listening to her story, Tenten replied, "Miss Quartz's office is at the very top of NSR tower, so it will be very easy to return there from the elevator." As he said this, he raised his arm and pointed down the corridor in the direction that Yinu was running. It didn't look so far away now, and she was sure that now knowing where her Mama was, she would be able to get there herself.
But after everything that had happened, Yinu was tired of being a big girl for one day.
"Will you go with me?" She tugged on Tenten's free hand, causing him to look back down at her.
Her hand was lightly trembling. Even though she really wanted to see her Mama again and give her big hug, she was equally scared of how much she was going to get yelled at for running off. Mama had sounded really angry when she had gotten on the elevatr. Even so, she felt like it'd be a little less scary if Tenten was there too.
Tenten lowered his pointed hand and wrapped his fingers around the tiny hand which had grabbed him. "Okay. We will go together. From the elevator, it should not take more than a minute to reach the top floor."
No sooner than he had given this assurance, the building intercoms began to sound with Miss Quartz's voice, "Attention all NSR employees. We have a code orange. Currently be on the lookout for Miss Yinu. She is approximately 8 years old, has yellow hair-" the two listened to the alert until it concluded with, "If found, please make a report using the intercom system and return her to the lobby. Until she is found the building will be on lock down and the elevator will be suspended. Thank you."
Yinu felt another huge rush of embarrassment come over her and she began to panic. "What do we do now?" she asked.
Tenten was about to offer a few comforting words to the panicking child, but was stopped by an incoming transmission.
"Tenten, do you copy?" said the voice in its head.
"Yes sir, I can hear you." it replied out loud.
"Who are you talking to?" Yinu asked as she started swinging Tenten’s arm in anticipation.
"My captain is calling me." said Tenten. "Captain?" Yinu thought. She couldn't hear what the "Captain" was saying and began to wonder if Tenten was playing some kind of game with her to make going back not as scary.
On the one hand, Yinu didn't like being treated like she was some little kid who still played make-believe, but on the other she appreciated that Tenten was so worried about her to even think to turn this into game. If that's what he thought was best, then she would play along too.
Meanwhile, the conversation between Tenten and its Captain continued.
"Are you with someone Tenten? Never mind, we need to call off your test right now. At the moment, it is of utmost importance that we locate Miss Yinu. Did you take note of the physical description in the announcement?"
"Yes sir, I am currently with Yinu."
"Oh, very good! The training really is paying off. Okay, I'm down here with Yinu's Mother right now, so if you could-"
"Yinu! Are you there?! Can you hear me?!"
Tenten's inner voice was interrupted by Mama's cries of concern.
"He doesn’t have a receiver on his end Madam, but it seems my robot has already found Yinu. I'll direct him to bring her down immediately. Did you catch that Tenten?"
"Yes sir. We were about to take the stairs and-"
"My Yinu is with a robot?! I swear if it did anything to hurt her, I'll tear it apart!"
"Madam, please relax! Robots are very safe nowadays. Furthermore-"
As the Captain continued his lecture with Mama about the great strides in safety and advancement robots had made in recent years, Tenten turned his attention back at Yinu, who was still gripping his hand and looking back at him patiently. It looked at the bandages across her knees and cheek. The bandages which covered wounds that he had inadvertently caused.
It had hurt Yinu.
If it had hurt Yinu, then it would get torn apart.
Getting torn apart would result in system failure.
If he could somehow avoid Mama but return Yinu, then he could fulfill his current objective without being destroyed, but its system failed to generate any possible solutions that didn't also put Yinu in grave danger. It considered giving her directions to send her alone, but he had already promised to go together. As the situation was, it would be impossible both return Yinu and avoid assured destruction. Then the next best option...
"If I may interrupt sir."
"You can even find robots in hospitals nowa- Oh, what is it Tenten?"
"It is no longer possible for me to return with Yinu under these conditions. I will keep her with me until conditions improve."
"Wait, what conditions?! What happened!? Is she hurt?!" yelled the Captain, desperately trying to get details about the situation, but to no avail.
"I am sorry. Good-bye."
Tenten disconnected from the call and set himself to "cloaking mode.” For now, it was in his best interest to move as far away from this place as possible to avoid being tracked to his last known location.
"Okay Miss Yinu, I know I said I would take you back, but would you like to play hide-and-seek with me first?" he asked.
"Uh-huh!" Yinu smiled at him. She knew right from the start about his plan to make this a game, so she was happy to oblige him. "Okay, we are going to hide from my Captain for just a bit. I know a good place where we can hide, but it is a little far. Do you think you can walk for a while?"
"Yes, sir!" she saluted with the wrong hand, but Tenten accepted this answer.
"Then let us go."
As the two began walking towards the stairs, a new announcement came through the intercom. This time it wasn't Miss Quartz. It sounded like Tenten, but more natural and much more angry.
"Attention all NSR towers employees and visitors! This is code red! A rogue android has taken the missing child Yinu as a hostage. It is to be considered armed and dangerous! Please take cover wherever possible and do not approach the android under any circumstance and allow security bots through. The android is approximately 203 centimeters tall and is wearing a naval style uniform. I repeat, this android is considered armed and dangerous! Please take cover-"
"Oh, is everyone playing?" Yinu asked quizzically as she looked up at the speaker making the announcement.
"It would appear so." replied Tenten calmly, as he continued walking with Yinu to the first set of stairs, still holding her hand firmly.
"This will be lots of fun then!" she said happily.
"But, that man said you were dangerous? Is that true?"
Tenten paused to think of an answer.
"You were hurt because of me, were you not?" it replied. Yinu hmmed a bit as she considered the bandage that was currently itching her face. "Yeah, but that wasn't your fault." she said as she let her free hand glide on the stairwell's railing. "Besides, you helped fix me up, so it's okay."
"I see." replied Tenten as it made note of this opinion.
Finally the two had reached the top of the first flight of stairs. There would be many more flights before they reached Tenten's intended destination, but Yinu was eager to get a move on.
For a while, the Captain's warning message had echoed through the building, but it had finally ceased as the two had cleared their 2nd flight. Now it was just the echo of their foot steps through the stairwell, occasionally interrupted by walking through the halls to avoid any security bots posted near the stairs. It became a tango of walking then ducking for cover as they raced past the less advanced security bots to the next flight of stairs. Yinu thought the security bots were very funny looking. They were all boxy and had very long arms. They were nothing like the humanesque Tenten that was with her.
Although this ducking and running was somewhat entertaining, Yinu was beginning to grow tired. Tenten slowed his stride to keep from dragging her along, but the situation was still urgent to him.
"Miss Yinu, we still have a ways to go, you should keep your pace up." he inquired.
"My legs hurt..." she replied wistfully.
Tenten immediately stopped. "I am sorry. I have caused you pain again."
Under the usual circumstances, Tenten would have forced Yinu to pick herself up by her bootstraps and continue on, but he had been taught recently that he could not expect that same kind of force to work on civilians, especially children. He had to be gentle and considerate of their needs and wants, and right now he realized that he had been neglecting this.
He began to reconsider its current objective: he was determined to keep Yinu safe from further harm, but even traveling the building like this was taking a toll on her. They still had a few more floors until they could reach what Tenten considered a "safe room". Even if they made it to that room, he knew that they could not hide there indefinitly. He could easily keep making the Captain and the security bots keep circling around the tower looking for him for hours if not forever, but Yinu could not. Eventually she would need food or water, and other basic needs that Tenten could not provide while they were hiding. If he prioritized Yinu’s condition, then eventually they would get caught.
Right now, all he could do was prolong the inevitable, but he was determined to do so for as long as he was able.
"Miss Yinu, I can carry you the rest of the way. Would you like to ride on my shoulders?"
Yinu sleepily nodded. In response, Tenten crouched down and arched his back in a way to make it easy for the small girl to climb on. She carefully stepped onto his back then slung each leg over each of his shoulders, resting her body on the back of his head and her head on top of its cap. She thought that its body would be cold and metallic, like a refrigerator, but the robot was surprisingly warm and metallic, like a preheating oven. It was cozy.
"Are you secured?" he asked.
"Uh-huh." she replied. At this, the android began to rise again, holding onto her legs from the front. From here the floor seemed so far away from Yinu, but she always liked being up so high, especially on Mama's shoulders: it was a new, great perspective for her. She wondered if everyone this tall saw the world like this everyday. Even through her sleepiness, she couldn't hide that she was excited about getting carried.
"Okay, I am going to walk a little faster now, so please hang on tight." he said as it began to dash for the next flight of stairs. Yinu wrapped her arms around the robot's head. She giggled sleepily as she felt the rush air blow over her face.
They continued this steady pace for the next couple of floors, so Yinu broke through the monotony by asking the questions that were on her mind. She had been thinking of several since getting properly acquainted with Tenten and now seemed to be as good a time as any to ask them.
"So... what were you made for?" she asked. It had taken her until about now for it to really sink in that she was with a robot. She'd seen robots on TV sometimes, usually in movies, but sometimes in the news too. She thought a lot of them were scary since a lot of them tried taking over the world in a fight against the human race, but clearly Tenten was different from those robots. Those robots never printed out bandages or carried kids on their shoulders (unless they were giant friendly ones).
Tenten did not answer for some time both as he pondered what an acceptable answer for a child would be and wanting to keep his voice down from the guards.
He had not been around many children since it had been activated, but it was programmed into his core that he should absolutely handle them with care. Anything that his system categorized as "scary" couldn’t be said to a child.
So it decided to describe itself in its simplest of terms. "I was made to help people."
"Like what you did for my ouchies?" she asked as she swung her legs a bit to emphasize her bandaged knees.
"Yes, and much more. I can administer basic first-aid as well as perform other helpful functions."
"Like what?" Yinu kept pressing. She wanted to know everything that Tenten was capable of, but it started listing mundane utilities like opening and closing doors, twisting open jar lids, playing catch.
"That's all kinda boring." she said honestly. "Can you shoot lasers and stuff?" she asked. Almost all the robots on TV could shoot lasers of some kind, usually from their eyes.
To Tenten this was a "scary" subject, but since Yinu was the one to mention it, perhaps she was not scared of such things? So, weaponry was cleared from his “scary topic” filter so he could be a little more honest about himself. So it answered, "Yes. I can shoot lasers, but only when absolutely necessary."
Yinu's eyes lit up, "That's so cool! Can you show me?"
"It is not absolutely necessary that I do that right now. It would also be very dangerous."
"Aw..." she was very disappointed at this answer, but she figured he was right.
As she thought this, she looked at some of the framed pictures of instruments on the walls that she could finally see from the higher vantage point. They were all artsy renditions, using abstract shapes and colors, but they were still clearly recognizable as people playing instruments. A saxophone player, a cellist, a keyboardist, and many more.
"What about music? Do you play anything?" she asked. They were in the tower of a record company right now. Even if Tenten was a robot, maybe he could do something with music.
"I have not learned how to play any instrument, but I can sing and dance."
Yinu lit up at this. Even if he couldn't play anything, she'd never seen or heard of a singing robot before. "Can you sing something for me?" she asked excitedly. "Not right now. We need avoid detection right now." he said as he steered them up another stairwell.
Yinu's expression sunk, and she lowered her head deeper into its cap. "Can you sing for me later?" she asked in a begging tone. He thought about this. Would there even be a "later" after they got caught?
"Yes, if I have the opportunity, I will sing for you." Yinu was satisfied with this answer for now, so question after question continued to tumble out.
“How old are you?”
“I am approximately 3 years, 7 months, and 2 days old.”
“Hah, that’s younger than me! I’m 8 and a half years old. But you’re a really big kid.”
“My physical age is irrelevant to my size.”
“What does “ear elephant” mean?”
“Irrelevant means it is of little to no consequence.”
“What does “con see quince” mean?”
“It is the result of an action.”
“Will I ever get as tall as you?”
“If your genetics favor height, then possibly.”
“What does that mean?”
“If your parents are tall, then you are likely to become as tall as either of them when you reach maturity.”
“Oh! My Mama and Papa are really tall! Maybe even taller than you!”
“Then you will likely be tall when you become an adult.”
"Do you have a Mama?"
"No." replied Tenten.
"Then do you have a Papa?"
"How about a Grandmama?"
"I do not have any form of parent." said Tenten, having finally found the common thread in this string of questions.
"Oh..." she said sadly as she balled her fists into the cap, creasing it slightly. Noticing this, the robot stopped walking.
"What is wrong Miss Yinu? Did my answer upset you?"
"You don't have someone who looks after you? Or takes care of you?"
It considered this new definition for a moment. Someone who looks after it and takes care of it?
"I believe my Captain matches that criteria." he replied. The Captain did indeed look after Tenten during his training and the Captain was usually in charge of managing his maintenance checks.
"Then that's your Papa, silly!" Yinu perked her head up again and smiled to herself, but Tenten still didn't move.
"The Captain is my Papa?" he asked. Yinu thought for a moment, "Huh? Well yeah, if he loves you and cares about you, then he's your Papa."
"So a Papa is someone who looks after you, and takes care of you, and loves you, and cares about you. Is that correct?" he asked. "I think so." replied Yinu, though she was a little unsure if this was a satisfactory answer herself. She thought it didn’t exactly describe what she thought of as a “Papa,” but it was technically correct, so she didn’t add anything else.
The android began trying to process this new definition of "Papa."
"Then I do not believe my Captain meets all the criteria." it replied.
"Why not? Didn’t you say he takes care of you?" she asked a little concerned.
"I am not capable of quantifying "love," so I can not determine if the Captain "loves" me or not."
Yinu didn't understand what Tenten meant. Love wasn't something you "quantified." What did quantify even mean? It was just a feeling, and she had a feeling that she had a lot to teach this android. She tried to think of all the things her Mama and Papa did that made her feel loved.
"Does your Captain ever tell you stories at night to help you sleep?" asked Yinu.
"I do believe he has shared his personal history with me before, but not to aid in my rest."
"Does he kiss your ouchies better?"
"No. I do not get "ouchies.""
"Um... does he stay by your bed when you're sick and feed you soup?"
"No. I do not have a bed and I am incapable of any organic consumption."
The girl was running out of ideas for how to explain the feeling of "love" to the android.
"Well, how do you feel about him? Does he make you happy when he's with you?" she asked, grasping for anything that she could reasonably call love.
Tenten repeated the question to itself, "Do I feel happy when the Captain is with me?"
Tenten tried to analyze all of his memories with his Captain which contained feelings of “joy.” It came up with less than a handful of results, but they were still results.
A day when after a particularly long dance practice session, the Captain remarked, "Good work! You're finally getting it down!"
Another time at the shooting range when it'd managed to achieve 99% accuracy and the Captain said, "Impressive! You've still got it Tenten!"
Earlier this year when the Captain said, "This is it, we finally made it to the top brass: NSR! I know you and the squad are going to shine out there!"
"Yes." it finally replied.
Any instances of praise did cause a reaction of "joy" in Tenten. It knew it was programmed to please the Captain and he was rewarded with "joy" for meeting these expectations, but if this reaction could be considered "love" and the expression of praise was likewise "love" then perhaps the Captain did love Tenten, and Tenten loved its Captain in return.
After considering this assessment, he also considered the warning that his Captain had also just given, condemning him as an armed and dangerous robot. His Captain had essentially given anyone who saw him permission to kill him. That action did not seem to line up with any definition of love that Tenten currently had.
If the Captain did love him, then the Captain did not love him at this time.
Tenten began moving again, determined as ever to complete its current objective, but he hadn't noticed that while it was stopping to think, a couple of security bots had seen the duo and were starting to close in.
"They're going to get us!" Yinu cried playfully. This game was getting very exciting, and the sudden idea of getting caught had woken her from her near stupor.
Tenten quickly looked around the hall, looking for anywhere, anything he could use to help them escape, but there was nothing he could use without causing unnecessary damage. Crashing through the window would surely harm Miss Yinu. Just evading them wouldn't stop them from following them afterwards: once these security bots had their target in sight, it would be almost impossible to shake them off.
There was only one solution right now to both get through to the upper floors and keep the bots from following after them.
Tenten grabbed his cap from off his head and placed it onto Yinu. It was a little big, falling just over her eyes.
"Hey!" she cried as she peeked from underneath it.
"You wanted to see me shoot lasers, right?" he asked, as aimed his right arm towards the bots and pointed at them with his index finger.
"Uh-huh!" she said excitedly.
"You can peek, but cover your face with my hat when my lasers hit those bad guys, okay?"
The moment he got this assurance, Tenten fired a short beam from his finger tip, aimed squarely in the middle of the first security bot's rectangular chest. It shot straight through the bot leaving an opening big enough to see the other side of the hall through. It was so fast that Yinu nearly missed it, but she guarded her face as the bot began to explode into pieces of debris and scrap metal. Tenten helped hold her in place on his back with his free hand and tried to block as much of the scattering parts from hitting Yinu as he continued blasting through the small wave of bots.
Yinu could hear them bursting apart and desperately wanted to see it happen again, but hearing the little flecks of metal bounce off the cap convinced her that keeping cover would be for the best right now.
Once the way was cleared, Tenten began to sprint up through the next flight of stairs. The commotion had attracted the security bots to guard the top, but Tenten blasted through them all the same.
"Miss Yinu, please hang on. We have almost reached our destination."
Tenten made a dash through the hall until he had his sights on a pair of grand double doors.
"We have arrived." he said as he crouched down to let Yinu off his shoulders so he could open the doors. He allowed Yinu to scurry in first before following and closing the door behind them. Yinu was in amazement of the room: it was a large concert hall, one of the biggest she'd ever been in before. Even the smallest sound she made seemed to echo throughout the room. But more than all that, what caught her interest was the grand piano on the stage.
Of interest to Tenten were the many rows of seats and balconies which could be used for cover and barricades if needed. They could hole up here for several hours and make quick trips to the dressing room to procure bottled water for Yinu.
"We should be able to hide h-h-heeeeeere. Y-Y-Yiiiiiinuuuu." Tenten's voice began to stutter and distort, creating an uneasy sound which echoed through the hall. His legs began to buckle and he dropped to his knees, nearly collapsing on the floor. "Oh no!" Yinu rushed back to his side. She tried to help him up, but he was much too heavy for her to even prop up. This game was starting to get a little too serious.
"Tenten, what's wrong! Do you feel light headed? Do you need some candy?" she cried, thinking of all the ways she tried to help Papa when this happened to him.
"I'm r-r-r-runnnnnnnnning ouut of p-p-p-pooooower." by instinct, Tenten wanted to process how he could have saved more power by being more efficient, but even that act would have quickly drained him of what little power he still had left.
"Power? How do you get power?"
"M-m-m-m-mussssssssic-c-c-c." he hissed.
"Music? Any kind of music?"
Yinu looked down at the stage with the grand piano again then back to Tenten. "Okay. I'll play something for you." Yinu stood up, ready to get on the stage, but she felt her leg getting pulled back.
"B-b-b-but we we we we we willllllll bbbbbbbe caught. Caught. Caught. If you plaaaaaay."
She crouched back down and took Tenten's hand into hers, it was burning hot from all the shooting he'd done just moments prior.
"It's okay. Eventually everyone gets found during hide-and-seek. And I... really don't want you to die yet. Please... don't die yet." she said. She remembered saying the same thing to her Papa once. It hadn’t worked back then, but maybe it would work now.
Tenten said nothing, but he loosened his grip on her leg and gave a weak nod. "I had a lot of fun today Mr. Tenten. You did a lot for me, but now it's my turn."
Yinu began to scamper away and back towards the stage. As she did so, memories of today replayed in her head: losing her hair band. Being scared and running away from Tenten. The funny way he treated her scrapes. Feeling safe holding his hand when they were lost. The satisfaction of talking about the meaning of love. The excitement of tearing through the security bots. Everything came together to be what she considered a very entertaining day. There was no way she could let it end with her new friend dying trying to help her. Days like this deserved a happy ending, she thought.
Climbing up the steep steps, she admired that beautiful grand piano. Its ebony hull seemed to sparkle with the invitation to be played.
Yinu adjusted the piano bench's height to accommodate her short stature. Upon sitting she lifted the key cover and took a deep breath. Soon, her fingers were gliding across the keys, playing sweet melodies which reverberated through the entire room and beyond. Everyone, who had been in a panicked fervor trying to locate the missing Yinu a few floors above and below stopped to listen to the sound. It carried far and wide throughout the building, reaching even Mama's ears.
"That's gotta be Yinu playing!" she cried. Miss Quartz who'd been with Mama since Yinu disappeared declared, "We have a grand piano on floor 10, that’s got to be where they are. Jay, order all security to that floor immediately!"
"I'm on it!" as Tenten's captain motioned for the team of deluxe security bots to follow him up the stairs.
Still planted on the ground, Tenten looked out to the stage, watching as Yinu lost herself to the ivory keys. Each note sent just a little more power through his body and began recharging his battery. Soon he had enough power to stand back up, albeit clumsily.
He began to hobble down the lane, using every other seat as a balance as he moved towards the stage. He just had be closer to the wonderful source of sound. It was a song unlike any he'd ever heard before, and never would have.
This was a family piece that Yinu's Papa had taught her when she was very small. They played it together often, and when Papa had passed, she always played it for her Mama. It was a happy song that reminded her of sad times. It was the song that won her many awards and got her signed onto NSR. It was still precious to her and she was happy to play it for anyone who would listen.
It wasn't long before Tenten had joined Yinu on the stage and was hovering over her, listening intently until the piece had concluded.
Yinu turned around to see him clapping for her. "That was a wonderful performance Miss Yinu." Yinu's face lit up again at seeing her friend well and standing. "Tenten!" she practically jumped off the stool to hug him, so relieved and happy that he was okay.
He almost fell over, not expecting such a sudden great force bashing into his legs after he just recovered his balance, but he nonetheless returned the gesture by patting her on the head. He lowered himself again to meet Yinu at eye level.
"I am feeling better now thanks to you. So, thank you." He held out his hand for her to shake it, but she leaned in to give him another hug. This time, he properly returned it. "I'm just glad you're okay." she said, hugging him tighter.
At this, Tenten stood up once more and turned his gaze towards the piano. "I did not know that you could play the piano so well." he said.
"Yep!" Yinu beamed. "That's why I'm here, so I can play the piano for everyone!"
It had finally occurred to Tenten that he had not once asked why Yinu was in the NSR tower. He had put all his objectives before learning anything about her, and for this he felt somewhat ashamed. He would need to make up for this grave error before his many other grave errors caught up with him.
"Do you think you could play for me one more time? I’m not fully charged yet, and I would like to sing for you, like I promised." he asked.
"Of course! What do you want me to play?" she giddily made her way back to the piano bench ready to play any number of songs for her friend.
"I am not capable of improvising, but I am familiar with a small library of popular songs. Could you pick one, and I will tell you if I know it."
"Okay... do you know this one?"
She began to play a few bars. He listened intently as he tried to match the sounds to his database.
"I believe so..."
He seated himself next to Yinu on the bench. "Mama and Papa used to play this one a lot together." she said as she continued through the first measure.
Tenten counted to himself until he began to sing.
Outside the hall, all manner of security bots being led by Jay, were getting ready to storm inside, but all ceased when a voice began accompanying the piano.
"Heart and soul,
I fell in love with you.
Heart and soul,
The way a fool would do:
Madly, because you held me tight,
And stole a kiss in the night..."
"Who is that?" asked Mama, who was close behind Jay and Miss Quartz.
"It sounds like… Tenten?" answered Jay, surprised that his rogue soldier would be doing something as quaint as sing a song during an apparent kidnapping.
"Shouldn’t he be trying to hide?” asked Miss Quartz who was similarly flabbergasted that such an advanced military A.I. would do something to blatantly blow its cover like this.
“Maybe this is his way of giving up? Or it’s a trap and he’s getting ready to ambush.”
“Look, it doesn’t matter why it’s singing. Go in there and get Miss Yinu!”
“I can’t just barge in there without knowing the situation!”
While the two bickered, Mama listened closely to that sadly familiar song. Without thinking, she opened the doors to the hall herself. Although the other two were too late to stop her from walking headfirst into theoretical danger, there was no sudden shooting of lasers or other obstruction. Instead, the sound of the duet just poured out into the halls for everyone to hear clearly.
Yinu had started to join in the song too. She was a little off key and she stumbled slightly, her talents were truly in the ivory keys, but the two of them were having too much fun to worry about something like perfect pitch.
"Heart and soul,
I begged to be adored,
Lost control, and tumbled overboard,
That magic night we kissed,
There in the moon mist."
Both were so lost in the song that they failed to notice the all the security bots trickling in along with the Captain, Mama, and the CEO.
"Oh, but your lips were thrilling,
much too thrilling.
Never before were mine so
strangely willing."
As the bots quietly closed in around the stage, the adults stayed back watching the strange display before them: A little girl playing piano and singing happily with a military-class battle bot. Surely, this was the kind of sight you could only find in a place like this.
"But now I see,
what one embrace can do
Look at me,
it's got me loving you,
Madly, that little kiss you stole,
Held all my heart and soul..."
Yinu continued to play, but Tenten had noticed the sound of the doors opening and the movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked out toward the seating area, seeing all the security bots now surrounding them at the foot of the stage and his Captain looking back at him, arms folded in what Tenten recognized as "disappointment.”
"Oh, but your lips were thrilling,
much too thrilling.
Never before were mine so
strangely willing.
But now I see,
what one embrace can do
Look at me,
it's got me loving you,
Madly, that little kiss you stole,
Held all my heart and soul.
Held all my heart and soul.
Held all my heart and soul."
As the last note of the piano played and reverberated through the fall, it was followed by clapping from the human watchers. Yinu almost jumped in surprise since she hadn't noticed that the hall had filled up. She looked towards the back of the hall and saw her Mama with one hand resting on her cheek. She was trying to keep her smile from showing after hearing her daughter play so beautifully. Right now she had to look serious.
When the clapping stopped, a voice broke through the silence, the Captain's voice.
"That was very nice you two! Very lovely!" he called out giving a couple of last claps. Yinu looked out at the source of sound. His body looked the same as Tenten’s, but the face… was he wearing a mask? She felt like she’d seen it somewhere before, but he was too far away for her to make out the details.
"But Tenten, you need to let Yinu go now before I order security to fire! Stand and keep your hands up where I can see them!"
Tenten stood up from the bench with his arms raised to his head. Yinu mimicked him, but hid behind his legs, scared of the security bots below. When did the game get so scary? Were they still going to be in trouble even though everyone was playing together? Tenten turned his gaze towards her and noticed the tears welling in Yinu’s eyes. He moved to place his hand on her head again to help her calm down.
"HEY! Keep both your hands up Tenten! Miss Yinu you don’t have to do it too!" called out Jay. As Yinu lowered her arms, Tenten could sense the guide lasers from the security bots being aimed at his head. He dared not move again unless instructed to.
"Miss Yinu, you’re safe now! Please step away from Tenten and come off the stage. Your Mama is very worried about you!" he called.
Yinu stepped a little from behind Tenten, but quickly ducked back again and hugged his leg when she too noticed that all the security bots had their hands pointed at Tenten. These bots were different from the blocky ones that Tenten had blasted away. They looked like bigger, meaner versions of Tenten, and if they were anything like him, he was going to be blown up to more than just pieces.
"Don't be afraid! They won't hurt you, just come down and-!"
"I won't go if you're going to hurt him!" she cried out.
The room was quiet again as the adults murmured to themselves about what to say next. Tenten wanted so badly to turn to Yinu, but he could not risk it. Instead, he tried to focus his sonic hearing on the adults across the room.
“Did he brainwash her or something?” whispered Miss Quartz.
“I don’t think he’s capable of that.” said Jay. “We haven’t added the “smooth talk” feature yet.”
“Can’t you shoot him from here and get Yinu back?”
“We can’t be hasty. That is still a highly-trained military class battle bot. He hurt Yinu earlier, so he might be willing to use her to protect himself if he needs to.”
Had his processor been capable of it, Tenten would have been appalled at the mere suggestion that he would ever willingly hurt Miss Yinu. Instead, he broke through the murmurs himself, speaking loudly so that all could hear him:
"Yinu, we have caused a lot of trouble for everyone today. Please return to your Mama. That was our original objective, was it not?"
Yinu began to cry, "But... you're about to die again... You can't die yet... you said you wouldn't..."
"I did not vocalize such a promise. And this situation is different. I am about to be killed. That is different from dying." he said so matter-of-factly.
"You still promised! You promised you wouldn't die yet!" she cried.
"I am sorry, but I do not have any choice in this matter."
"Then I'm not going!"
"Yinu, do not be stubborn. Go to your Mama."
The two went back and forth like this for a bit bickering the same way that siblings would over who’s turn it was to use the computer. It was beginning to be comical to those looking in. Or so it would have been had this not been a literal crisis situation. All the while the adults continued to murmur to themselves.
"This is ridiculous!" grumbled Jay as he pinched around his “face” where a brow used to be. "What is even going on here anymore? Is this even still a kidnapping?”
“This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t let that thing free-roam!” chided Miss Quartz.
“I have to do the field testing somewhere! What am I supposed to do, let him walk around the Metro Division by himself?”
As those two bickered and the kids bickered, Mama was lost in thought. Anger had long since subsided as she was more than relieved that her little girl was alright. But as she listened to the playful way in which the android and her daughter was speaking, she began to think that maybe she really wasn’t ever in danger with him by her side.
Finally, the verbal battle on the adult’s side had come to an agreement.
Jay called out again, "Okay! Tenten, you come here with Miss Yinu! Keep your hands up and we won't shoot! We're just going to have a talk about this!"
Yinu cried out, "You promise you won't hurt him!"
"I promise! Now both of you get down from there so we can all go home!"
The security bots lowered their weapon hands.
Yinu looked up at Tenten, "Okay... let's go..."
Slowly, Tenten began making his way off the stage, hands still raised. Yinu followed behind, not letting her hand off of the back of his left leg. They descended the steps off the stage, and started walking down the aisle towards the adults until they were standing no more than a few feet apart.
"Yinu, are you okay baby?" asked Mama calmly.
Yinu was still behind Tenten, but she replied with a sheepish, "Uh-huh."
She was about to go back to her Mama’s open arms, but then Yinu looked up at Tenten's Captain. Now that she was closer she could see the details of his mask... it wasn't a mask, it was his actual face. Was he a robot too?
Yinu wondered how a robot could be the boss of another robot, but she supposed that some people were the boss of other people too, so it made sense. Just before she could walk back over to her Mama’s side, the Captain began talking, very angrily.
"Do you have anything to say for yourself solider?" the Captain asked sternly.
"...What did you just call me?" exclaimed the Captain.
"I mean, Captain Neon Jay, sir." Tenten quickly rectified his blunder.
"I sincerely apologize for my actions today. It was not my intention to endanger or harm Miss Yinu in any way. I-"
"I am not asking for your excuses soldier!" the Captain slapped his hand across the android's face, turning his head a full 90 degrees to the right. The loud clang of metal on metal froze everyone in their spots.
Yinu cried, "Tenten!"
"I was not hurt, Miss Yinu..." Tenten assured the girl as he clicked his head back to its original position. This was half-true. It did not hurt him physically aside from a small scuff from metal clashing against metal. The slap had probably done more harm to the Captain's hand than it did to Tenten's face, but the gesture was agonizing. Never before had the Captain reacted with such violent disappointment.
"How could you possibly disobey direct orders like that!? Not only did you put a child in a dangerous situation, but you used firearms in an unauthorized zone! Not to mention cloaking without express permission! Do you know how much this is going to cost us!"
The android could do nothing but stand and listen as all of his failures today were listed out in great detail, each one causing him to feel just a little more shame. But, more than that, he began focusing on Yinu holding onto him tighter and tighter. He could feel her tears streaking down his leg, and right now that was the most important detail.
"You are making Miss Yinu cry."
"And you know- What did you say?! After all that you still have the nerve to interrupt-" Jay was about to raise another hand towards Tenten until he repeated:
"You are making Miss Yinu cry."
Jay turned his attention to the girl still cowering behind Tenten.
She was murmuring to herself, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... it's my fault...if I didn't run away then... you wouldn't be getting yelled at…"
“Yinu… it’s okay Yinu...” Mama finally stepped forward to comfort her daughter with a hug. Yinu gave a half hug back, not wanting to let go of Tenten’s leg.
Tenten looked back at Yinu. "Miss Yinu, No one is mad at you." he said.
Tenten so desperately wanted to comfort Yinu too. It was taking every bit of restraint in his processors to keep him from moving from his current position, for he still had not been given permission to lower his arms. He hoped that his words would be enough comfort, though he doubted their effectiveness.
"Everyone here was very worried about you. They are mad at me because I got you hurt." he continued.
Yinu broke away from everyone.
"But you didn't hurt me! You protected me from everything." she chided the android for saying what she thought was a lie.
"Then why are you covered in bandages?" pointed out Miss Quartz. Yinu felt the bandage on her cheek again. It had happened so long ago already that she'd forgotten it and the ones are her knees were even there.
"I tripped and fell when I was running away. Tenten fixed me up." she admitted between sniffles.
Neon Jay crossed his arms and turned back towards Tenten. "Is this true, Tenten?"
The android said nothing.
“Soldier, you answer when I ask you a question. Is it true that Yinu was hurt because she tripped and fell?”
“...Yes sir.”
"Then why did you say you hurt her?"
"Miss Yinu tripped and fell because she was frightened of me. That means the fault lies with my poor approach."
Neon Jay sighed. "That's... You blew this whole thing out of proportion! We thought you did something to seriously hurt Yinu!"
"Is this not serious?"
"I mean, accidents happen Tenten. Something this small doesn’t necessitate all the hell you put everyone one through today."
"But I was threatened.”
“When? By who?”
“I quote, “I swear if it did anything to hurt her, I'll tear it apart!” end quote.”
The Captain looked at Yinu’s Mama who was still hugging Yinu before turning back to Tenten and pinching at his face again "We really need to refine your ability to understand figures of speech."
"It wasn't a figure of speech." murmured Mama. “But… no, I wouldn’t have done it if I knew that’s what happened.” she finished as she picked up Yinu to carry in her arms and get a good look at the “harm” that had been done.
"What about your hair Yinu, how did it come undone?" asked Mama.
"I did it myself. It hurt to have them that tight, Mama."
Mama furrowed her brow. "Why didn't you say anything?" she asked.
"Because I know Mama worked really hard to make it really cute like that. I didn't want to disappoint you…" Yinu said shyly.
“Oh Yinu…” Mama kissed her cheek.
“Well, I’m glad this has been resolved and no one was seriously injured, but this has still been a major incident.” started Miss Quartz. “Jay, I expect you to file the proper reports on this and make-up for your robots’ mess today.”
“Yes Ma’am!” the Captain saluted, but his tone had the slightest bit of annoyance behind it, aimed at the much too cautious android.
Then Miss Quartz turned toward Yinu and her Mama. “As for Miss Yinu’s transfer, we can continue this another day. I’m sure you would both like to go home and relax after all this nonsense.”
They both nodded. “And Miss Yinu,” she turned her attention specifically to the little girl. “I am willing to overlook today’s events as a simple accident and misunderstanding, but I’m expecting a lot less tomfoolery from you in the future. When your Mama asks you to come back immediately, you do so. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do things by yourself, but you must still obey your Mama, understand?”
Yinu nodded, “I understand.”
“Very good, then everyone move out. There’s a lot to catch up on! Chop chop! I’ll escort you both to the exit.” Miss Quartz clapped as everyone exited the concert hall to return to their respective stations.
As the Captain and Tenten were about to walk away to survey the damage done to the security bots a few floors down (which would certainly have to be deducted from the Captain’s salary), Yinu called out. “Wait, Tenten!”
The robot stopped and turned around to look back at her calling his name. “Go ahead.” said the Captain. With permission, Tenten walked over to Mama carrying Yinu.
“Yes, Miss Yinu?” Tenten asked.
“A little closer.” she said. Tenten took another step forward towards Mama and Yinu.
“Closer!” she laughed. He took a few more steps, enough that he noticed that Mama was getting a little uncomfortable having to look at the robot so closely.
He became so close that his face was only a few inches away from the girl’s face.
“Now turn your head to the left.” his face whirred into place.
“My left.” he whirred again until his left cheek was facing Yinu.
Finally Yinu reached into her pocket and pulled out the extra bandage that she still had from earlier. She applied it to the scuff that was left from the Captain’s slap.
“There, now we match.” she said proudly.
Tenten turned his head back to look at Yinu and the bandage that was stuck to her left cheek too.
“Yes, we do.” he replied as he touched the freshly applied bandage. “Thank you very much Yinu. I hope we can see each other again.” he said.
“You probably will,” started Miss Tatiana. “She’ll be working with us very soon. Once we clear all the paperwork.”
Yinu nodded and smiled. “Yeah! We’ll get to see each other a lot!”
“Yes, hopefully with a little less excitement next time.” said Miss Quartz towards the android. “But right now, it’s time for you two to say good-bye.”
“Okay. Good-bye Tenten.” said Yinu as she waved farewell towards him.
“Good-bye, Miss Yinu.” he waved back and began to walk back to the Captain’s side.
As Mama began leaving with Yinu, the girl let out a small yawn as her sleepiness caught up with her again. “I’m sorry I made you worry Mama.” she said sleepily. Mama kissed Yinu on the forehead again. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“Mm-hmm…” Yinu’s eyes started to glaze over until she finally closed them as she nuzzled into her Mama’s warm arms, falling fast asleep.
Meanwhile the android and cyborg walked in relative silence back towards the stairwell to investigate the lower floors.
There was a lot that Jay had to consider about what to do with Tenten. Whether it had good intentions or not, an android that so clearly disobeyed orders did not give the Captain confidence in its current programming. Something would have to be done about this, but until then, there was one question still weighing on Jay’s mind that he wanted answered sooner rather than later.
“Tenten, why did you call me “Papa” earlier?”
Several months passed since Yinu had been properly signed onto NSR. She was already raising the ranks in Natura. By next summer it was all but guaranteed that she would take over as the top charter. During such a small amount of time, she had already accomplished much at NSR, but she hadn’t seen Tenten again since she returned. Apparently he had been undergoing maintenance during his upgrade to MK III. She did however learn that Tenten was actually a part of group of other Tentens.
She wondered what that would be like, five different versions of Tenten. Would they all be as nice as the one she’d met before or would they all be a little different. But today she would get to seem them during their new debut. She was excited to meet them again after what felt like forever.
“Yinu, please don’t run in the halls!” Mama called after her trying to match her daughter’s energetic pace.
“I want to seem them Mama! I want to, AH!”
“Yinu!” gasped Mama as she ran over to her side.
Yinu had accidentally collided with someone and fell over. “Ouchies…” she cried, rubbing her forehead. Whoever she hit was unnaturally hard, and metallic. Wait, metallic?
“I’m sorry, are you alright Little Miss?” asked the voice. It was clearly synthetic, but it had a warm and familiar tone.
Yinu looked up to see a robot looking back down at her. Its face a little different than she remembered. It was a lot more human than before, but the glowing white eyes and fancy clothes were a dead giveaway.
“Are you al-”
“Tenten!” Yinu beamed. “I missed you!” she said.
“Oh, but you didn’t miss me. You ran right into me, Doll.” he laughed.
“Huh?” she said slightly confused at this answer. Tenten never really told jokes like that. He smiled back at her, but she thought he would be a little more excited to see her again.
From behind Tenten the Captain appeared.
“What did you bump into this ti- Oh, it’s Miss Yinu again! How are you?” said Jay as the little girl came into his viewing range. “Hello Mr. Jay. I’m well,” replied Yinu a little more formally. She hadn’t gotten to see Neon J. much either since coming back, but the last thing she remembered about him was him yelling at Tenten, so she was still a little frightened of him.
“What happened to Tenten? He’s a little… different now.” she said, looking back up at the white haired robot. Did Tenten even have hair the last time she saw him? She didn’t think so, but it was a little hard to remember everything that happened that day.
“This is the new MK III Tenten!” exclaimed Jay. “He’s a little more natural and a lot more stylish, but he’s still got the same Tenten moves.” he said.
“Yeah, new and improved, Babygirl!” said Tenten with a wink.
“But… do you remember me?” asked Yinu, looking straight into Tenten’s glowing eyes, hoping to find a hint of the answer she wanted to hear. Jay was silent and was about to stop Tenten from saying anything else, but it was already too late. He had improved his reaction time too much:
“I can’t remember someone I’ve never met.”
AN: Originally I wrote a bit more after the last line, and after Jay asking about why Tenten called him "Papa" but neither were going anywhere, so I cut them. If y'all like it though, maybe I'll write about both aftermaths. Fair warning though, neither are going to make this ending any happier.
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anxietygardencomic · 1 year
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Anxiety Garden #042
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very-grownup · 9 months
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Today marks the fifth anniversary of my mother's death.
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She was 65 years old.
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Colon cancer.
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She was incredibly healthy, aside from the colon cancer.
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She liked gardening and old movies and crossword puzzles and mystery novels and wine and grey cats.
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She was an environmentalist and feminist, the first female forester hired by the Province of Saskatchewan, a Sunday school teacher and choir member, a dance and yoga student, a maker of the platonic ideal of butter tarts.
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Her death left a hole in the foundation of my life that can never be filled.
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theemmtropy · 10 months
I love my chiropractor bc I can lay the most wild news on him and he just has to roll with it. "Your neck is very tight, have you been experiencing stress?" Yeah, my mom died. Yeah, my dad got remarried and adopted a kid I've met twice. Yeah, I broke up with my partner of 6 years oh and also I'm planning on transitioning. Brian just accepts it and cracks my back.
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londonspirit · 1 year
And just like that parents' place is no more. We cleaned it all out - took us three months - and today landlord came, checked, nodded, and now it's all gone. Feels weird. 43 years have my parents lived there. I grew up there. I will miss it. That chapter is closed now.
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theghostofloganroy · 1 year
its not like me and roman find it awkward to talk about intimacy and are the middle child of our siblings n our dad's died of a pulmonary embolism
recently watching these past few episodes i've had to pause and walk around for several minutes to collect my thoughts bc jesus it's messy and no fucking show has fucked me this much.
watching episode 3 of season 4 made me wonder what would i have said to my dad (i must preface my dad was nothing like Logan) if i had to opportunity to talk to him as he was dying would it have made things easier? i don't know i'll never know
nothing is ever same again.
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tokidokifish · 2 years
this is gonna get dark but: i had a dream my father died, specifically by his own hand, and the problem with that is - while i did realize it was a dream and my father hadn’t actually killed himself in the laundry room, i couldn’t convince myself of that because i’m real life my father is, you know, actually dead. so it was all real upsetting.
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dawn-star01 · 7 months
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soooooo....i sketched out the backstory of the moms of my dnd cleric, leah--emily smith, human bard for hire, and taljarae vadendre, former drow mine overseer that started to think better of running her miners into an early grave (and was nearly assassinated for her ruinously extremist views. or she may have just been in the way for a rival drow noble that wanted to snatch the mine from under taljarae's patron. who can say!). she is rescued from her assassins by emily who hides her in her camp, but is unable to really go into town or otherwise leave the caravan because a) there's kind of still a price on her head and b) the locals dont much care for full-blooded drow, whatever their politics. without anywhere else to go, she starts settling in, and eventually cozies up with emily, whomst she begged at the start to hide her. they eventually have leah together, who goes off to serve lathander (or eona, if im allowed to make up deities in a given setting) as a cleric (adventures are had)
emily is a human, with a human lifespan.
taljarae and leah are not.
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spicy-apple-pie · 21 days
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One thing about kids is that they will casually trauma dump to you and not bat an eye
Also sorry about the nothing burgers lately, I just prepping for the... next arc...
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anxietygardencomic · 1 year
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Anxiety Garden #041
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prof-hemp420 · 1 year
[a letter from the Terramara Pokémon League.
I'm sorry. But Your son has been removed from the league for bad sportsmanship. He is being sent home. He told another child that their "parents died out of shame at how much of loser-face you are." ]
Apparently it was sent with a large bottle of wine.
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very-grownup · 1 year
Book 35, 2023
It's not my go-to genre, but reading "The Girl on the Train" I can see how mystery buffs would get annoyed at the intermingling of soapy thrillers with their detective fiction.
I didn't pick up Paula Hawkins' debut novel for myself. It was one of many cheap paperbacks I picked up from the used bookstore at the end of 2018 where I wasn't really looking for quality, I was looking for mysteries that were thin enough or well-worn enough that they'd be easy to hold and easy to follow for my mother. She was in the end stage of colon cancer and chemo and her illness combined to really destroy her fine motor control, the strength in her arms, the length of time she could stay awake, and her general ability to focus. I was just desperate to find something that might give her a bit of distraction. "The Girl on the Train" was one of those books (so was a Murder She Wrote tie-in novel). I don't think she read it. I hope she didn't because it's not really a mystery novel.
After she died, my father went through a period of just leaving bags of her things in my house, without warning or explanation. Once it was a bag of assorted books, including "The Girl on the Train" (but not the Murder She Wrote novel). Eventually, they were taken from their bag in my guest room and put on my bookshelves. Leaving these books that had been in my mother's possession, even if they were used, unread seemed wrong and wasteful. So I read "The Girl on the Train" and it will not be returning to my bookshelf because it is not a keeper.
I've become like those recipe bloggers who give you paragraphs of backstory no one will read that have nothing to do with what they're ostensibly presenting, but for books.
The dearly departed and much loved podcast "I Don't Even Own a Television" read several books that they talked about feeling less like novels and more like a movie script or television show reworked to press into a novel, or a novel written for the purpose of being optioned. "The Girl on the Train" feels like one of those, despite multiple points of view approaching a point of revelation several months apart.
"The Girl on the Train" is a murder mystery, inasmuch as a woman dies mysteriously and another character is trying to figure out whodunnit. But having the main character in your mystery-adjacent novel being an unreliable narrator and immediately establishing that she is an unreliable narrator and she knows it defeats the purpose of an unreliable narrator in a proper mystery novel. It makes the mystery element a muddle narratively, but not from a mystery solving angle.
There are only four named characters who aren't point of view characters.
Hawkins is clearly more interested in the thriller aspect, with our protagonist's uncertainty in what happened and what she knows and how she might be involved intersecting with her depression, alcoholism, and general deteriorating mental state since her divorce and a general poor understanding of personal boundaries. Which is ... fine. It's fine.
But the reason GASLIGHT works is because it begins by establishing a safe and happy normalcy.
There's an interesting premise here, a take on "Rear Window" that gets lost in the soapy drama of the dead woman's life and the protagonist's life and a misguided, poorly attempted twist setup.
Every character except the One (1) person of colour have the most generic, interchangeable white names possible, the sort where I kept having to check which of the two shitty white men were which. One of them was a Tom.
I think.
I hope you didn't read this, Mum. You wouldn't have liked it and it's not really a mystery novel. If you did: I'm sorry.
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