ilikedetectives · 5 months
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Is the sun bothering you, my love?
🖌️🎨 @samryx (x)
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What if Crowley(spn) had a kid and the Winchester’s almost kill them? What would/how Crowley do/react and what would the Winchester’s do?🤔
That’s My Goddamn Daughter!
Team Free Will x cambion!reader
When Castiel locates another cambion, potentially with the power to kill a knight of hell, he and the Winchesters go after her but then Crowley shows up claiming she’s his daughter.
Warnings:  MOC Dean, mentions of rape but really just misunderstandings, blood, concussions, I have no medical knowledge, swearing, reader gets knocked out a lot lol
WC: 2.2k
A/N: I kind of want to do a part 2 to this. What do you guys think?
Minors DNI
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“I’m sorry what? Can you repeat that?” Castiel sighed, slightly exacerbated. He thought he explained the situation pretty well. Dean’s eyes were wide in both shock and disbelief and Sam just looked exhausted.
“Like I said before, there is another cambion in existence and she could be the answer to the Mark.” Dean swallowed the last of his now warm beer and glowered at the angel.
“And you didn’t think to tell us this before now?”
“Dean.” Sam started but the elder held up his hand to stop him. Cas sighed, mentally preparing himself for a classic Dean tirade that always seemed to come when he presented the brothers with a new lead.
“You’re hiding things from us, lying. How do we even know if this so-called cambion is the real deal? Why didn’t she show up before?” The angel’s eyes rolled, why did they have such trouble understanding?
“There was a spell concealing her from the angels’ view but for some reason, that spell is now gone. I assumed it was tied to someone in her family, possibly the parent that was a demon. But now, that demon is dead so the spell is gone.” Sam seemed to accept that answer but Dean was more skeptical.
“So what do we do if we do find this girl? Just ask her to come back with us for tea and cake? She most likely knows that daddy dearest was a demon and might want revenge and we are probably the ones that did it or we know them. So what then?” 
Sam leaned against the war room table beside his brother. “Dean’s right. Remember that kid Jesse, he had a whole town under his thumb without even thinking about it and he was just a kid. What could an adult with an obviously powerful parent do?” Dean nodded along and Cas had the distinct urge to smite them both.
“We need to take that chance. She might be our best shot at killing Cain without the First Blade.” Dean huffed, still clearly miffed at being so blatantly brushed off by the angel. 
“Alright fine but you can’t get mad at me when I say I told you so when this inevitably goes wrong.” He shrugged and Cas smirked slightly, happy to get his way.
“Well that was easier than expected.” Dean sulked, sitting on the motel room bed pouting like a child. The woman had been easy to find, in fact it was too easy. She was a goddamn librarian in a small town where everyone knew her face.
No locks on her doors, no weapons in the house. She welcomed them in with open arms after Sam fed her their story of being lost and needing directions. She gave them pie and lemonade, answering every question they asked, including Dean’s flirtatious ask about a boyfriend.
Her head dipped and she avoided eye contact as she shyly replied that no, she didn’t have a boyfriend. Sam smacked Dean upside the head for that when she wasn’t looking. Cas, getting sick of the circling conversation mixed with too much human lust, had stepped forward and knocked her out with his grace.
He caught her soft body as she crumpled, ignoring the pointed looks the brothers sent him. “She would’ve come willingly.” Sam pointed out but Cas replied with a simple, “There isn’t enough time for you two to ‘convince’ her.”
Sam blushed and Dean just smirked, too proud of himself. They quickly smuggled her out to the car and started the long journey home. Now, they were taking a break for the night and Dean watched as the girl slept on, blissfully unaware of everything going on in the world.
“She really doesn’t seem demonic. She’s just-“
“Nice.” Dean finished his brother’s sentence for him, saying the word like it disgusted him. “Are you sure she’s the half-breed we want?” Again, Castiel was questioning why his destiny was intertwined with the Winchesters. Y/N shifted in her sleep, curling up on her side cutely, giving out a large sigh.
Cas stood at the foot of the bed, intensely watching the men who flanked her on both sides, like guards watching over their ward. “I can sense her power, it is far greater than any other cambion. Her blood has old magic in it, she is quite possibly descended from a natural witch.”
Sam froze, his entire body going stiff with surprise. “I’m sorry, so this girl is a product of a natural witch and a demon.” Cas shook his head, arms crossing over his chest.
“No, the magic is too deluded for the witch to be her mother or father, it is more likely that it is her grandparent.” Sam’s eyes flicked down to the girl, somehow already feeling incredibly protective of her. She was by far the kindest person he had met in a very long time, how could she have such evil in her blood? But he was wary, both because of her power and the fear of what could happen should she succumb to that power. He knew that feeling, that rush from demon blood, how addicting it could be.
Dean could feel the heat radiating from her body as she rolled closer to him. The mark was quiet around her, soothed like a feral cat getting love for the first time in its life. But how dark could she get, what was she capable of? And who in the hell was her demonic parent?
“We should keep moving. If we found her so quick, there’s no telling who else would be coming after her.” Cas nodded and fluttered away, presumably to ensure that no demons had followed them.
Dean moved away from her as quickly as he could, a curling in his gut making him feel like he should be repulsed by her but her presence also called to him. He fished a half-drunk bottle of whiskey from  his duffle bag and settled himself in the chair in the far corner of the room. “Get some shut eye, I’ll take first watch.”
Sam pulled a ratty blanket over top of her, careful to not wake her and took a seat on the other bed. “Do you think this could work?” Silence settled over the brothers.
“It’s our only shot.” And with that, Sam settled back against the thin pillows, keen to get any rest he could to escape his swirling thoughts.
A rattling woke Dean from his alcohol induced slumber. With a groan, he lifted his head from the back of the chair he had accidentally fallen asleep on. His neck screamed in pain but that was nothing compared to the throbbing in his arm.
The mark burned and the rattling became louder. His green eyes fluttered open, only able to see vague shapes in the dark room. A shadow stood by the door, their hand on the knob, desperately trying to open it. “Please please please.” Her voice was filled with tears and a panic that made his heart lurch in his chest.
“Sweetheart.” The sound of his own voice made her work even faster at trying to open the door, but it was of no use. She screamed and Dean bolted forward. Moving faster than even he could comprehend, he grabbed her, wrapping a large palm over her mouth to keep her from making any more noise.
Her back hit the mattress with an exhale of air through her nose. Her eyes were wide with panic, her breathing quickening becoming erratic as his muscular body settled between her plump thighs, shoving her skirt up her legs. She tried to grab at Dean’s shoulders to shove him off but using his free hand he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head.
Tears rolled down her temples, wetting the sheets below them. “I’m not going to hurt you. You need to trust me.” Her head shook furiously beneath his hold, on the edge of hysterics. 
“Dean?” Sam muttered sleepily, sitting up in the bed. “What’s going on?” His hair stuck up in all different directions as he lazily looked around the room. His eyes landed on the situation in front of him and everyone froze.
Suddenly, the room exploded. With no hesitation, Sam launched himself at his older brother and tackled him to the floor. “What the hell were you doing!” Dean thrashed violently.
“She was trying to run! I had to stop her.” 
Sam snarled. “Not by doing that.” Dean landed a good punch to his jaw, knocking Sam for a loop but his grip remained strong even as his head spun.
Seeing her chance, Y/N slipped from the bed as quietly as she could but her legs gave out as soon as she rocked forward onto her feet. She yelped, catching the boys’ attention and they watched her fall, almost in slow motion.
Her head slammed against the corner of the bed before slamming into the floor. Blood pooled under her forehead, her eyes went hazy before they shut. “Shit!” Sam scrambled off of his brother, fear coursing through his veins like a fire. He slid a hand under her head, cupping her face gently. “C’mon open those eyes for me.” 
But she didn’t respond. Thick fingers fit against the dip of her throat, and he struggled to find her pulse. When he finally did, it was thready and weak but it was there. He breathed a sigh of relief. “She’s alive, probably a bad concussion though.”
“Son of a bitch!” Dean growled, sitting up against the bed frame. “Why does this shit always happen to us?” As gently as he could manage with shaking hands, Sam lifted Y/N into his arms, resting her face against his strong chest. He could now feel the way her own chest rose and fell with shallow breaths.
Sam laid her on his unmade bed, keeping her on her side in case she got sick. The wound, a small gash on her right temple, had slowed its bleeding. It wouldn’t require stitches, just a couple butterfly bandages. “I don’t know, Dean.” He sighed and got to work fixing her up.
Meanwhile, Dean was stewing, thinking. She could have used her powers to save him off, to escape but she didn’t. She was just a normal girl getting involved in something that she didn’t want to do. “What are we doing Sammy? That girl doesn’t have any powers, she’s just a kid.” 
“Without the blade, we have no chance at getting rid of the Mark. She’s our best shot.” But there was no conviction in his tone. Sam was also doubting the integrity of this plan but he was desperate. Dean with the blade was far more dangerous than this girl could ever be, they needed her.
“How dare you touch my daughter!” The door burst violently, shattering under the force at which it was hit. Crowley stood, absolutely fuming in the entryway, eyes red with pure rage. Sam and Dean sprung into action, their guns drawn.
“What are you talking about Crowley?” Dean shifted so his body blocked the demon’s view of the girl on the bed. His shoulders were tense, the Mark telling him to protect her with everything he had. But apparently, Crowley wasn’t having any of it today.
With a wave of his hand, the boys went flying into the wall, their guns tossed away and ropes appearing from nothing to pin them down. “I told you I would find the blade and this is how you repay me! You kidnapped my daughter! Lust after her! And then you harm her!” His voice thundered through the room, shaking the foundations of the building with his fury. “You sniveling weasels! I kept her out of this life for a reason!”
The Winchesters struggled against his hold. Crowley loomed over the double bed, intensely staring at the woman. “She was never meant to know. I just wanted her to have a normal life.” 
Dean’s nostrils flared with anger as the demon leaned forward and cupped her round cheek with one hand while the other brushed against the bandage on her forehead. “Don’t touch her.” The hunter snarled. His arm burned as the mark screamed at him to rip apart anyone that even so much as looked in her direction.
A vein in Sam’s neck ticked in time with his pulse while he pulled at his bonds. He could feel the loosening of the ropes around his wrist. An angel blade rested on the chair Dean had been occupying, if he could get even one arm free, he could grab it. “You are the ones that hurt her! Not me!” Crowley snapped but didn’t take his eyes off of her.
“Last warning.” But he disregarded the Winchesters and instead lifted Y/N from the bed, taking extra care not to hit her any more than she already was.
Her face easily tucked into the dark material of his suit shirt as he held her close. “Stay away from my daughter.” And with that, both him and the ropes disappeared, leaving only her sweater and the bitter smell of sulphur.
The boys collapsed to the ground. Dean wasted no time as he scrambled forward in a desperate attempt to reach the now gone pair.
“Son of a bitch!”
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Post something you wrote that you’re so proud of, you could slap your own ass.
I’ll go first.
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setaripendragon · 7 months
I Want To Be Free - Chapter 0
This AU came to me nearly ten years ago. It didn't have a plot, just a vague idea of 'horror-esque One Piece' smashing into my other favourite fandom; Supernatural. So I put it away. Then OPLA came along and drop-kicked me back into the One Piece fandom a decade later, and suddenly, the ideas for how this AU would actually go started pouring in. Idk how far I'm going to get with this, I'm still pretty stuck on a lot of 'but what would the other Straw Hats actually be' (which, if you have any ideas, drop a comment/some tags/an ask/whatever!), but I've got rough notes for another couple of chapters, I think? Also, yes, I did play around a lot with the names to make them more real-world-y -waves creative liscence- I did it because it's fun, and gives me cool opportunities to play with worldbuilding, and I felt like it.
Prologue - Seven Years Ago
It’s early, but Didi is used to rising with the sun. Early to bed, early to rise, as they say! Besides, getting up early means no one, not even her husband, sees her without her face on, and she can make herself presentable in peace.
Face on, hair done, but still in her dressing gown, she leaves the en suite and heads downstairs to get breakfast started. Always good to remind the help that you’re watching, after all, else they might run off with the silver. As she passes the nursery, noises catch her attention, and she pauses, listening intently.
Voices. That’s voices. Plural. And while she wouldn’t put it past that useless boy to start talking to himself, since he’s never missed a moment to shame their family, Stacy is still a bit too young to be talking back!
Didi flings the door open, panic and outrage fighting a war in her breast. Outrage wins when she spots that little demon hanging half in the window on the opposite side of the room. He’s already tainted her first son with his filthy common ways, so to see him so close to the ornate crib holding her second precious child is infuriating.
Thankfully, he still seems focused on Sabino, standing like an idiot in the middle of the room, entirely undignified in an appalling mismatch of pyjamas and street clothes and formal attire, his mouth gaping open at her entrance. Hopeless boy! Useless! After all they’ve done for him, all the effort they’ve put into straightening out his life, and he doesn’t even have the decency to send this demon-child running before he put his grubby little hands all over Didi’s windowsill?!
“You-!” she shrieks furiously, waking poor Stacy and setting him to wailing in alarm. How dare that awful boy distress her poor sweet baby so?! Sabino snaps his mouth shut at last, but only to replace it with the most ugly glower.
This! This is all that little demon’s influence. And he’s just hanging there, watching her without so much as a hint of deference for his betters. It puts a tremble in Didi’s hands that she tells herself is entirely rage. “Get out! Get out of my house! I’m calling the police!”
The sun is rising over the neighbour’s roof behind the boy. It sets his face in shadow, save for an odd cat-like gleam of white for the briefest of seconds where his eyes should be. Didi jerks backwards, hits the wall, and realises what just happened. “HOW DARE YOU?!”
“I’m not leaving without Sabo. You can’t keep him,” the filthy little creature insists.
Didi laughs, sharp and mocking and furious. What a stupid little boy, trying to insist the world be the way he wants it to be, throwing this ridiculous little tantrum because someone took his favourite toy away. “Of course we can,” she sneers, lifting her chin. She can’t believe she let a little trick of the light unnerve her! “Didn’t you learn your lesson last time? He’s ours. Our son, our blood. He belongs to us, whether the ungrateful little brat likes it or not!”
“No, I don’t!”
Sabino glares up at her, hands balled into fists. Didi’s hand is in the air before the intent fully crosses her mind, fury driving her past rational thought, but before the slap can connect, the boy in the window shifts.
Sunlight spears her eyes, bright white and blinding. She redirects with a cry, flinging her arm across her face as she recoils, eyes screwed shut against the sudden assault.
An acrid scent hits her nose. She blinks rapidly, trying to see past the gleaming spots of white-yellow-orange that are drifting across her vision. What is that? It reminds her a little of that time she left her hair curler plugged in and it melted a divot into her hairdryer.
She sucks in a horrified gasp, and promptly chokes on the smoke as she recoils. The doorknob jams painfully into her hip, but that’s fine! That means she knows where it is!
She spins and grabs for it, but the stupid thing won’t turn, her hands too sweaty to get proper traction on the shiny metal. She told Sabinus they ought to have gotten handles instead of knobs!
Something thuds across the room, and Didi whirls back around to see the window is shut, the demon boy gone, and Sabino along with him. Stacy is still crying, but there’s a wall of flame licking across the carpet between them, and she can’t reach him. The spots are fading, finally, but that’s no use when the room is quickly filling with black, acrid smoke.
Pain sears up the side of her leg, and she jerks away from the fire, only to realise it’s coming with her; the hem of her dressing-gown already alight. Flames lick eagerly up the velvet and silk, eating through to her skin in seconds.
Didi screams.
“Hey, boys. Think I got something for you.”
Sam sits up a little straighter in the passenger seat of the Impala, which gets Dean’s attention. He pauses his off-beat drumming on the steering wheel as he glances over, thank god. He even turns the music down, which is surprisingly considerate of him. “Yeah? What you got, Ash?”
“A fire in a nursery,” Ash deadpans.
“What? Where?!”
“East coast. Up near Boston. I’ll text you the address.”
“Alright,” Sam agrees, then lowers the phone to mouth ‘Boston’ at Dean, who nods, and takes the next turning eastward. “When did it happen?”
“Last night. Saw it in the news this morning,” Ash explains. “Checked my scanner, and sure enough, weather’s going haywire out there. There was supposed to be a storm rolling in, but instead they’re getting a nice little localised heatwave.”
Sam frowns thoughtfully. After all this time, he has everything his dad recorded about Yellow-Eyes’ patterns memorised, and that… “Doesn’t Yellow-Eyes cause storms, rather than stopping them?”
That gets Dean’s attention, but Sam is too busy thinking and listening to Ash to respond to his increasingly intense, irritated looks and gestures. “Yeah. Well, and wild fluctuations in temperature, so this could just be the opening salvo. Who knows, man?”
Dean gives up trying to get his attention, and simply floors the gas pedal. Sam shoots him a grateful look, to which Dean responds by flipping him off. Jerk. “Any survivors?”
“The dad and the kid. Mother and older brother both died in the fire.”
“Yikes.” Sam grimaces. “Well, thanks, Ash. We’ll get right on it,” he says, subdued, and Ash hangs up without so much as a goodbye. A moment later, Sam’s phone chimes with an incoming text. He rattles it off to Dean, along with the rest of the information Ash had relayed. By the end, Dean looked grim.
“Shit, this is the first time we’ve had a kid get caught in the crossfire of one of these.”
“Well, we’ll be there in a couple of hours.”
“This place is giving me hives,” Dean mutters under his breath as they’re shown through a gilded foyer into a lavish receiving room, where a portly man in a stuffy suit with the saddest little moustache Dean has ever seen in his life is standing stiff-backed in front of a huge bay window, bandage-wrapped hands clasped behind his back like he thinks he’s the tragic hero in a period drama.
Sam hisses at him and steps on his foot, to which Dean only rolls his eyes. He lets Sam spin the spiel about being FBI, wanting his side of the story, take his time, in his own words, blah blah blah, while Dean lets his eyes wander the room.
This house is fucking pristine. You wouldn’t know from looking at it that there’d been a fire here last night. Hell, you wouldn’t know there were supposed to be two kids under the age of sixteen here, either. There are delicate porcelain and glass figurines out on display, there’s no sign of anything that might possibly be mistaken for a toy, not a single thing out of place or wrinkled or messy at all. Hell, the carpet’s white.
“As I told your colleagues earlier today,” the man sniffs disdainfully at them, only half turned towards them in a display that makes Dean’s hackles rise instinctively. “I don’t know what happened.”
“Anything you can tell us,” Sam says patiently.
“I’ve already been over this! Can’t you people do your jobs without needing your hands held through the entire process? Get the report from the last lot of you incompetent louts, rather than harassing a grieving widower!”
“We’re from a different department,” Sam says, patiently. “We have to conduct our own investigation from the ground up, I’m afraid. If you could please answer the question, we’ll do our best to get out of your hair as soon as possible.”
The man huffs, blustery and impatient. “I woke up to my wife screaming, and our son crying. The nanny was already at the nursery when I got there, but the door was stuck. The doorknob was hot enough to burn me when I tried it.” He lifts one hand in demonstration. “Someone pulled me away – I’m not certain who – when smoke began to fill the hallway. Then the fire brigade arrived.”
“You couldn’t get into the room at all?” Dean asks, frowning a little.
“No,” the man snaps impatiently. “Like I said, the door was jammed. The fire department had to break it down to get inside. It’s going to cost a fortune to replace. It was solid mahogany.”
It takes everything Dean has not to say ‘your wife and son are dead and you’re worried about the cost of the damn door?’
“And when they did, your wife, was she still alive at the time, or…?”
“How am I supposed to know? I wasn’t standing around gawking like some common pleb. They informed me that my son was alive and being taken to hospital, so I assume not, or they would have mentioned it.”
Dean makes a mental note to get the reports from the fire brigade, since apparently Mr Saddest Moustache over there was too busy having a bracing cup of tea to give a shit about his wife or sons. “Your son. Was that-” Sam glances down at his dorky little notebook like he actually needs to check. Maybe he does; the names in this family are whack. “Stacy or, uh, Sabino?”
Who the hell calls their son Stacy?
“Stacy, of course,” the man huffs.
Of course?
“Do you know if Sabino was-”
“I already said I don’t!” the man snaps.
Sam plasters an entirely fake smile across his face. “Of course. Alright, well, I’m sorry for taking up your time, Mr Outlook, we’ll just-”
“The third,” the man interrupts, bristling.
“…Excuse me?”
“I am Sabinus Stacy Godefroy Outlook the Third, and I’ll thank you to remember it!”
Dean barely manages to choke back a laugh and turn it into a small coughing fit. He has to turn away, so he doesn’t see whatever expression Sam is making, but he can hear the straining of his composure in his voice when he says, “Alright, Mr Outlook the Third, we just need to have a quick look at the scene, and then we’ll be out of your hair.”
Mr Sabinus Stacy Godefroy Outlook the Third sniffs at them. “Have the housekeeper show you up, I can’t bear to look at that room anymore,” he declares in tragic tones. Dean wonders if it’s the charred remains of his family that bother him, or the cost of replacing his fancy carpet.
The nursery is… Well, there definitely was a fire, but beyond the charring, it looks nothing like Sam’s expecting it to. For a start, the room’s still in tact. The ceiling is soot-stained and spotted with patches where the paint has obviously been singed, but it’s very clearly not the origin point. No, that’s on floor. There’s a small, lopsided hole in the wood under the melted remnants of the carpet, with edges that look like they’ve been seared, right in the middle of the burnt area.
If it weren’t for the pattern of said area, Sam might have wondered if there was anything supernatural about this fire at all. Except the fire very conspicuously did not spread into the area around the crib. Everything else is scorched black, melted or charred or some ugly combination of both, but there’s a wobbly semi-circle around the baby’s crib, and everything within it is untouched, if lightly speckled with soot.
Perhaps the fire was natural, but something wanted that baby to survive.
That something equally clearly didn’t care about the other occupant of the room. The child’s bed tucked into the corner next to the door is… well, it’s honestly hard to tell it was a bed. It’s a mangled lump of charred wood and melted plastic. Dean crouches down next to it and pokes at it with a pen he must have stolen from somewhere else in the house, because no way does he have anything that fancy just hanging about in his pocket.
He uses the pen to shift a stubborn little scrap of fabric that breaks apart into tinier pieces at the prodding, and frowns deeply. “Was the other kid in bed when the fire started?” he asks as he rises from his crouch.
“I would assume so,” the housekeeper says indifferently.
“I have it here that the eldest son – Sabino – he was thirteen?” Sam checks.
“That’s correct.”
Sam looks at the housekeeper, then down at the bed that could at most be four feet in length, and then back up at the housekeeper again with an expectant expression. “And this was his bed?” he presses.
“Yes,” the housekeeper says stiffly, chin kicking up, her level stare turning into something a little closer to a glare. Like she’s daring Sam to keep pressing the point.
“Exactly how tall was he, again?” Sam asks, meeting the woman stare for stare.
“I don’t see how that is at all relevant to catching the monster that killed Master Sabino,” the housekeeper retorts.
“You sure they did?” Dean interjects, making the both of them jump and turn to stare at him. Dean raises an eyebrow at the housekeeper.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I don’t see any variation in the burn pattern, no smearing, no evidence of a struggle… And believe me, lady, when someone’s on fire, they don’t sit still about it.” Dean states grimly. Sam takes another, closer look, and sure enough, there aren’t even marks that would indicate where they body had been, and there should be.
“Perhaps he was already unconscious from the smoke,” the housekeeper says coldly.
“Uh-huh.” Dean says, heavy with scepticism. “Sure.”
Silence swells to fill the Impala once Sam and Dean slam their respective doors shut. Dean doesn’t know about Sam, but he needs a moment to process all the gold-plated shit they’d uncovered in that ugly fucking house. “That,” he says after a moment, “is one fucked up family.”
Sam blows out a harsh breath. “Yeah.”
“Was I the only one getting the vibes that Mr Sabinus Stacy Godefroy Outlook the Third,” Dean recites in the most pompous voice he can manage and Sam snorts a laugh without much feeling behind it, “wanted his kid to be dead?”
“I can’t tell if I think they’re covering up the fact that he isn’t, or if they’re covering up the fact that he is, it just wasn’t the fire that killed him,” Sam replies, darkly amused.
“What do you mean, covering up the fact that he isn’t? Why would they cover that up?” Dean asks, startled. He’s already pretty solidly convinced that Mr Saddest Moustache, or perhaps the late Mrs Saddest Moustache, offed the kid themself and is using the fire as a way to explain his death.
“Come on, Dean,” Sam says impatiently. When Dean doesn’t react with miraculous new understanding, he rolls his eyes. “You can’t argue that this-” He waves his hand towards the house. “-doesn’t quite fit Yellow-Eyes’ MO.”
“Fire in the nursery, dead mom, six-month old baby…”
“Except the fire didn’t start on the ceiling. There was someone else apparently in the room the whole time and it was only as the mum came in that the fire started? And the crib was untouched. If I remember your stories right, Dad had to grab me out of my crib because it was on fire just like everything else!”
“Okay, so what’s your point?”
“So what if Yellow-Eyes wasn’t the one to start the fire?” Sam asks.
Dean blinks. Stares out of the windshield as that idea slots into place. “You think this Sabo kid started the fire?” he checks, a little dubious.
“You saw how everyone in that house was acting, same as I did. You saw that bed, too. Who makes a thirteen year old sleep in a nursery with a literal baby, in a bed meant for a four year old?” Sam demands.
Turning that over in his mind, Dean starts the car and sets off for a less skin-crawling part of town. “You think the kid set his own mom on fire and then, what, ran away?”
“Well, yeah. Maybe… maybe not on purpose,” Sam hedges quietly. “If he’s… got some ability to control fire, then it would explain why it didn’t touch the baby, wouldn’t it? If it went out of control because he was scared or- or angry, but he managed to keep it away from his brother? And it would explain why no one wants to admit to it. That’s one image-conscious household, and ‘tragically dead’ is a much better look than ‘child arsonist reacting to abuse’.”
Dean has to give him that one.
“So get this,” Sam say, and ignores Dean’s groan as he peels his eyes open from where he fell asleep still mostly dressed with several stolen copies of police reports splayed across his chest. “This isn’t the first time around here that there’s been a weird fire followed by a heatwave in which a kid went missing,” he declares, and slaps his compiled research down on Dean’s chest.
Grumbling, Dean squints down and opens the file. On top there is a print-out of a newspaper article that reads ‘Freak Heatwave Starts Fire in Junkyard’ and is dated around three years ago. “Anyone die?” Dean asks as he leafs through the rest of it.
“Yes, as a matter of fact,” Sam says smugly. Then he falters as the reality of the answer dawns on him. “Quite a lot of people, actually. At least one of them was a suspected child trafficker, and several of the others were noted in the investigation as having ‘close ties’ to this James Blue person.”
“So more dead shitheads. Any conspicuous survivals?”
“Well, as far as I can tell, which isn’t certain because whoever did the investigation clearly didn’t care, the Junkyard was a safe haven for the homeless, but there’s no mention of any of them getting caught in the fire,” Sam explains, pulling a face. “There’s no John Does, and all the bodies have residences listed.”
“Not ironclad,” Dean mutters, but he’s clearly not expecting more. Sam pulls a face at him anyway. “What about this guy?” he asks, flicking a finger at the hospital report Sam had stuffed in at the back.
“That’s the weird thing,” Sam says.
Dean’s waking up properly now, and Sam can see the minute he actually reads the hospital report. “What the fuck? Dude loses an arm and just… fucks off outta the hospital the next day?”
“And then he drops off the radar. I can’t find any records of this guy, before or after. He just… poof.” Sam snaps his fingers. “He gave a statement saying he was in the Junkyard to look for the kid of a friend of his – that’s how he lost the arm, apparently, something fell on him and he took it rather than let it hit the kid – but that kid is marked down as having died in the fire. I checked the morgue reports.”
“No kid-sized bodies?”
“No kid-sized bodies.”
Dean stares at the file Sam put together, face screwing up in consternation. “And no sign of Armless here anywhere near the Outlook Estate,” he mutters, putting on a voice as he names the house. Sam doesn’t want to admit he finds Dean’s stubborn insistence in mocking the airs that family’s giving itself at every opportunity funny, but he really does.
“No sign of him anywhere. Check the end of his statement,” Sam adds, jerking his chin towards the file.
Dean glances up, then goes back to reading. He frowns. “What about it?”
“The bit about the kid,” Sam sighs.
Slowly, Dean’s frown turns from baffled to more serious. “He was really damn sure the kid was alive and okay when the paramedics turned up, wasn’t he?” he says slowly, looking up at Sam. Sam nods. “But everything else says he was among the dead,” Dean adds.
“And the one dissenting voice disappears the very next day,” Sam concludes.
Dean groans and drops the file into his lap to scrub his hands over his face. “So we’ve got a firestarter who hates child abusers but spares the homeless and kidnaps children but leaves the baby, and a mysterious badass who disappears after drawing attention to all this… Is this all starting to feel a bit… Neverland to you?”
“What, like some sort of fae spirit collecting lost and abused children and murdering people on the way out with its prize?” Sam asks.
“Well, yeah,” Dean agrees ruefully. “I can’t think of anything else that fits this mess,” he complains, whapping the file with the back of his hand. “Stealing children could be a Lamia, even killing men on the way out, but that doesn’t explain the mom.”
“And Lamias don’t like fire,” Sam adds.
Dean nods distractedly. “What do we know besides demons that can start fires like this?” he asks, baffled.
“Uh… witches?” Sam guesses. “Or… maybe psychics.”
“What, you mean like you?” Dean asks sharply.
Sam nods. “You said it yourself, Dean. The one thing we know can start fires is Yellow-Eyes, and… look at what Max did. It’s not too farfetched to think that if someone got fire powers, they might go all vigilante about it.”
“Except this is three years ago,” Dean reminds him, gesturing to the file. “Your whole Shining shtick didn’t start until last year, remember?”
“Oh, I remember,” Sam snaps, a little bitter at the reminder.
Dean gives him the hairy eyeball, but doesn’t press the point, to Sam’s relief. “Alright, I suppose we better go see if we can find anything left at the Junkyard, and then maybe try and shake some more information out of this first kid’s family. I thought I saw something about a grandfather in there…” Dean muses as he shoves the mess of paperwork aside and gets up with a spine-cracking stretch before heading for the bathroom.
“Yeah, but he’s actual FBI. I’m thinking we don’t want to go poking that dragon,” Sam calls ruefully through the door Dean left open. Dean grunts through his toothpaste. “We’d have more luck with the foster sister, I think.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah. Patricia Makino. She owns a bar down by the docks.”
“Welcome to Party’s Bar! Can I get you two anything?”
The woman behind the bar looks like she could have stepped right out of Dean’s favourite magazine, if with considerably more clothes on. Pretty, dark haired, Asian, and somehow managing to look like she just stepped out of an idyllic ranch in the middle of nowhere. She even has a cute patterned kerchief tied over her hair. “Two beers and the name of the pretty lady serving them to us?” Dean asks with his most charming grin.
“Don’t you know it’s not polite to ask for someone’s name without offering your own first?” the woman fires back, unimpressed and gently chiding, even as she goes to pour them a couple of beers.
“I’m Sam, the idiot’s my brother Dean,” Sam offers.
“Makino,” she replies. So this is the woman they’re looking for. Probably. When Dean saw the name of the bar, he’d assumed she preferred to go by Patty, but apparently not.
“Nice to meet you,” Sam says politely. Dean toasts the woman with his beer to echo the sentiment, and Sam rolls his eyes and gives Makino a commiserating look. “Brothers, am I right?” he asks, long-suffering.
Makino huffs a laugh. “They are a handful.”
“Spoken like an older sibling,” Dean says knowingly. “Don’t let this one fool you, he’s got pretty manners, but he’s really a troublemaker.”
“Oh, I know one like that, too,” she agrees, smiling more warmly. “He’s always forgetting that I’m the one who taught him those manners, so I can see right through them.”
Sam snorts, grinning with easy amusement. “Well, that wouldn’t work for Dean. He’d have to have manners before he could teach them to anyone else.”
“Hey,” Dean protests, pointing accusingly at Sam. “I raised you best as I knew how, gave you the clothes off my back and the food from my plate, and this is how you thank me? By dissing me in front of a pretty lady?”
Makino laughs when Sam splutters indignantly. Excellent. She’s relaxing into their easy banter, which should make it easier to get some answers out of her. “Little brothers are naturally skilled at cock-blocking, I’ve found,” she tells him.
“And here I thought that was just Sam,” Dean grouses, to another indignant yelp. “Your little brother is just as good at picking exactly the wrong moment, then?”
“Oh, yes. Entirely by accident, of course, but still…” She sighs dramatically, but there’s a fond, wistful smile on her face that suggests she’s not as mad about it as she’s pretending to be. “It didn’t help that he thought my date was just the coolest person ever and always wanted all of his attention for himself.”
Dean snorts. “Sounds like he’s quite a bit younger than you, huh? I don’t think Sam ever thought any of my dates were cool.”
“Yeah, but that’s because you have bad taste, not because of my age,” Sam mutters.
“More than ten years,” Makino confirms as though she couldn’t hear him, though her smirk tells a different story. That matches up to what Dean knows about her and the first missing kid from the files. It’s also not the reaction of a woman who’s beloved younger brother died three years ago.
They can’t seem to get her to talk about that, though. She’s quite happy to tell story after story about her little brother in between serving the other customers that wander through at irregular intervals, but it’s as though he’s just in the back room and could be scampering out to cause more trouble at any moment. She makes absolutely no mention of the junkyard fire, the armless man, or the kid’s disappearance.
Dean eventually gets frustrated enough to bring up – in the sparsest detail he can manage – saving his own little brother from a fire when they were younger. Makino barely reacts, but she does react. There’s the tiniest little flinch at the mention of the fire.
“Sorry,” Dean says, feigning a grimace. “Bit grim, isn’t it? I guess that fire that’s been in the news lately stirred up old memories.”
“Ah, yes. The Outlook place,” Makino agrees. “Tragic, that.”
She doesn’t actually sound very sincere. “You knew them?” Sam asks curiously.
“Oh, not personally,” Makino says, a little too quickly. “People like them are a dime a dozen around here- Well, not around here,” she laughs, waving a hand around at the bar, and Dean has to admit, this is definitely the sort of place that Sabinus Stacy Godefroy Outlook the Third would turn his pointy little nose up at. “But there’s a lot of old blood over in High Town that like to give themselves airs.”
“Rich people,” Dean mutters in disgust, and Makino grimaces in agreement.
“Whether or not the lady deserved it, I can’t believe the kid was all that bad,” Sam interjects, giving Dean a faintly chiding look.
At that, Makino sobers. “No,” she says softly, and then shakes herself. “Although, you’d be surprised how absolutely awful some of those kids can be. When your parents can just buy your way out of any sort of trouble you make so that the consequences never touch you,I suppose it’s easy to start thinking the harm you do doesn’t matter.”
“That sounds personal,” Dean says.
Makino gives him a dry look. “When you’ve seen your little brother put in life-threatening danger multiple times because of those stuck-up pricks, you tend to hold a grudge.”
“Life-threatening danger?” Sam asks, all alarmed concern and puppy-eyes. “What happened?”
“Which time?” Makino asks pointedly.
“That Sabino kid wasn’t one of them, though, was he?” Dean asks instead of trying to get her to elaborate. They might be able to talk her around to the junkyard fire, but he can’t think of a reason to bring it up without seeming suspiciously well informed or suspiciously invested in someone else’s misfortune.
“No,” Makino relents with a sigh. “No, Sabo was a good kid. Always so generous despite what his parents tried to teach him. He deserves- sorry, deserved better than the Outlooks.”
Dean does his very best not to react to that, but there’s a whole world of implications in the fact that victim number two knew victim number one’s older sister. “You knew him?” Sam prompts curiously, and then tacks on a hasty, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“I did. He was friends with my brother.”
Dean catches Sam’s eye at that. “It doesn’t worry you?” Dean asks, throwing subtlety out the window. She’s obviously hiding something, given her complete non-reactions to the very striking parallels, and they’re not going to get it out of her by dancing around the issue. Makino cocks her head at him inquiringly. “That both Luffy and Sabino disappeared the exact same way?”
It’s a mistake. Dean can see that the moment the words leave his mouth. Makino’s body language closes off entirely. “I don’t recall mentioning my little brother’s name,” she tells him coldly.
“We’re looking into the disappearances,” Sam hastens to explain. “Like Dean said, something similar happened to me when I was a kid, so we thought it might be the same- same person that-”
“That’s very noble of you,” Makino says, entirely insincere. “But I don’t like talking about those events. I think it’d be best if you left now.”
Dean raises an eyebrow. “You don’t want the monster that stole your brother to be stopped? Even after it stole another child just two days ago?” he asks judgementally.
“Hey! My daughter asked you to leave!”
Dean jumps back with a curse as a walking stick smacks down against the edge of the bar mere inches away from where his hand was resting. The guy wielding it raises it in the air again and waves it at him aggressively, apparently undaunted by the fact that Dean has a good foot on him and is at least sixty years younger.
“Mr Wu, you’ll dent the bar…” Makino complains fondly.
“Out! Get out!” Mr Wu gripes, wagging his stick at them, and then devolving into what Dean can only assume is a vitriolic blue streak. He can’t be sure because it’s entirely in Chinese. He backs up, as does Sam, and they end up being driven right out of the door by the old man and having the door slammed in their faces.
“So, the foster family definitely knows what’s going on,” Sam concludes.
An entire week of surveillance and everything they can dig up about the family reveals absolutely nothing. Wu Paiji is, by all accounts, a pillar of the community. A grouchy old stickler, according to basically everyone that knows him, who runs the local community centre and has been fostering children for the last fifty years.
Patricia Makino was fostered at age seven, and five years later, gained a little brother when a baby was abandoned on the community centre’s front steps. She started working at what was then The Old Dog straight out of high school, and was left it when the previous owner passed only a couple of years later. Absolutely no one they speak to in the area has a single bad word to say about her.
In fact, several of them immediately turn hostile the moment they realise Sam and Dean are the ones that got kicked out of Party’s Bar. It ends in a couple of fights that only make their reputation around there worse. One woman, with a cloud of aggressively frizzy red hair and a build like she bench-presses trucks for a living, very nearly breaks Dean’s skull when she takes a swipe at him with an honest-to-god metal pipe.
When they get arrested for stalking and informed that Ms. Makino has agreed not to file for a restraining order if they get the hell out of town, they reluctantly go. Every other trail they tried to chase has gone cold. Neither the Outlooks nor Luffy’s foster family will speak to them. None of the official records have anything helpful to say. They don’t even have a clue what kind of creature could have done this.
It sticks in Sam’s craw, leaving the job unfinished, but there’s a hunt out in Ohio, and he knows that’s where they’re needed more. He does make a note to keep an eye on any fires that happen in that area, though. Just in case.
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Destiel Trope Collection 2024 | Day 20: Canon Compliant
hunger | @autisticandroids Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,632 Main Tags/Warnings: Endverse Cas/Dean, Endverse, Bittersweet, Discussion of Lazarus Rising, Angel True Forms, Dirty Talk, Fade to Black Summary: Endverse Cas talks about what it was like to have Dean inside him.
There'll be peace when you are done - are you done? | @brainfuzz Rating: General Word Count: 3,216 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Finale, Post-Episode: s15e20 Carry On,Post-Canon Fix-It,Fix-It Summary: Like most fans, I thought the final episode was terrible. I also thought were gaps that made no sense, and not just the missing people (who was Sam's wife, really), but gaps in the story. The biggest gaps for me were the “find anything? Yeah I got something” leading to a pie festival, which somehow abruptly turned into a vampire clown clownpires, clowpires? hunt, with no explanation of how that happened. So, I figured it out. And fixed the ending so it made sense all at the same time.
no proof one touch | @watchinghimrakeleaves Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 5,389 Main Tags/Warnings: Post-Finale, Love Confessions, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Dean Winchester in Heaven, Castiel and Dean Winchester Reunion in Heaven, Castiel is Jack Kline's Parent, Everyone Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester Summary: When Castiel learns that Dean has entered heaven, he's determined to avoid him to save them both the pain of dealing with his confession. Dean is equally as determined to find him, leading him to put up signs for Cas anywhere he thinks the angel might be.
Day after day, sorrow in his heart | @silver-stake-through-the-heart Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 20,058 Main Tags/Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Alastair (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Mary Winchester, Sam Winchester, God | Chuck Shurley, POV Dean Winchester, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Canon Compliant, Canonical Character Death, Angst, Emotional Hurt, Mental Breakdown, Self-Loathing, Suicidal Ideation, Suicide Attempt, Pining Dean Winchester, References to John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Brief Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Self-Blaming Dean Winchester, Nightmares, Castiel's Handprint (Supernatural), Episode: s04e01 Lazarus Rising (Supernatural), Temporarily Human Castiel (Supernatural), Demon Dean Winchester Arc, Godstiel Arc, Dean Winchester's Season 13 Widower Arc, Castiel and Dean Winchester's Season 15 Divorce Arc, Episode: s15e18 Despair - Castiel's Confession Scene (Supernatural), Post-Episode AU: s15e19 Inherit the Earth (Supernatural), Hopeful Ending Summary: Everything begins when he crawls out of a tomb with no name, where he's been buried alone. So alone, in fact, there isn't a single living soul miles and miles around. Everything begins earlier, but he can't remember it. Everything begins later, in a barn, and each second of it is engraved in his memory. There are so many beginnings for this story, and so many ends—each and every one breaking his heart.
An Abundance of Light (WIP) | @presentlydean & catidono (AO3) Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 56,340 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Donna Hanscum & Jody Mills, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Jack Kline, Slow Burn, Original Characters - Freeform, nephilim & cambion, Jack as God, hunter hub Sam Winchester, Eileen deserved better 2k22, Internalized Homophobia, Canon-Typical Internalized Homophobia, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Isolation, self-destructive behaviors, Communication Issues, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, kissing for comfort and also gay, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Panic Attacks, conflicting love languages, They're stupid your honor Summary: Jack’s new rules for heaven are simple: no intervening in human affairs. But when Dean is mortally wounded on a hunt, that simple directive becomes impossible for Castiel to follow, so he does what he does best and rebels, returning to earth to save Dean. But life on earth after Chuck is more complicated than any of them could have predicted. Dean retreats from the world, Castiel struggles to meet Jack’s expectations, and Castiel’s deathbed confession still hangs unresolved between them. They are free now, but having freedom and knowing what to do with it are two different things. After years of trauma and pain, learning to make a different kind of choice—a kind that will allow them to heal—is easier said than done.
Far From Heaven: Part One | @Taymarpigeon Rating: Explicit Word Count: 102,086 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Heavy Angst, Gratuitous Smut, Fluff, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Top/Bottom Versatile Castiel/Dean Winchester, Hurt/Comfort, Dean Winchester Has Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic John Winchester, Extremely Dubious Consent, Wing Kink, Canon-Typical Violence, Angelic Grace as Lube (Supernatural)Angelic Grace-Powered Orgasms (Supernatural)Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Dom/sub, POV Alternating, BDSM, Risk Aware Consensual Kink Summary: For years people have joked about Dean and Cas being boyfriends, Dean shrugged it off 'cause, well, reasons. As for Cas? Well he's Cas! Probably didn't even know what his dick was for before Metatron stole his Grace. But Metatron did steal his Grace. Cas is human now. And Dean certainly knows what his dick is for. Sometimes a relationship doesn't start with flowers and a boombox held on your shoulder outside your crush's bedroom window. Sometimes it starts with a homicidal Angel, a failed date, and arguing in a storm.
104 notes · View notes
queen-of-deans-booty · 7 months
Love Story
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: minor angst, mostly fluff
Request by @fuiabarcelos: I was thinking of a fluffy one-shot inspired by "Love Story". The reader is a kind and charming girl, but she was raised by Crowley. The reader falls in love with Sam, but Crowley does not approve of this relationship because he is a hunter. Oh, I really like the idea of having a ball, like in the video clip. But I want you to feel free to add whatever details you prefer🥰❤️
Summary: You and Sam have a very secret love. Your dad hates the Winchesters and hates that you're with them all the time. He tries to keep you in Hell but you always manage to find your way back to the youngest Winchester.
Square Filled: “where have you been? Do you know what time it is?” (2023) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You peek into the main throne room where your adoptive dad is. He is sitting on his throne going through paperwork with a demon by his side. Maybe if you go the back way, your dad won’t see you sneaking out… again. It’s his own damn fault that he’s trapping you in Hell. You hate it here. You hate everything about it. You hate demons. You hate the King of Hell. You hate the torture. You want to live life on Earth but your dad doesn’t want you to get mixed up with humans.
After all, you’re only half-human.
There are many doors in and out of Hell, and some of them aren’t even guarded. You’ve been here long enough to know which ones are safe and which ones are heavily guarded. You’re out in record time and already on Earth, loving the feel of the sun on your skin. Everything about Earth is amazing; you’re not sure why people hate it so much. You love the waterfalls, babbling brooks, heavily guarded forests with tall trees, mountains that seem to reach the sky, gentle winds, and sandy beaches.
Why would anyone want to leave here?
There is only one person you came here to see, so you head over to the rendezvous point and wait for him. Ten minutes later, you hear the delicious rumble of the Impala pulling into the parking lot. Sam steps out and you go running into his arms.
He catches you so you can wrap your legs and arms around his body, and you kiss him like you’ve been wanting to do since your last hook-up. It’s been so long since you’ve gotten to feel his touch and kiss his lips. Your dad likes to keep you locked up in Hell for as long as he can. He doesn’t like you embracing your human side.
“I’ve missed you,” you whisper against his lips. “It’s been hell waiting to see you again.”
“I’m here now. I got us a room.” He sets you back on your feet and guides you to the room he booked for the night. “It’s not luxury but—”
“It’s perfect. Trust me, I’ve lived worse. This is actually an upgrade. Where’s Dean?”
“Back home.”
“He was okay with you taking his precious car?” you grin.
“He might have been drunk when I asked him.” You giggle. “So, how’s Hell?”
“Hell. Crowley doesn’t see that I hate it there. I keep finding new ways to escape no matter how much security he has.”
Your dad doesn’t approve of your relationship with a human, especially a Winchester. Not like you care what he thinks. You are in love with Sam, and it’s because of your human side that you can feel things like love, pain, and happiness. Your biological dad was a demon who came to Earth and fucked a human woman. Crowley was the one who found you and took you under his wing. You’re not sure if he did that to have a daughter or to have a powerful Cambion on his side.
You gained the powers of a demon while still having your human soul in you. You’re very powerful but you don’t like using your powers. You didn’t ask to be born this way so you’re going to do everything you can to hold onto your humanity. Sam is that anchor. Without him, you’ll succumb to the dark side.
It’s rare to have an entire night with Sam so you two spend it talking, catching up, making out, and enjoying each other's company. By the morning, you two hadn’t gotten any sleep. He’ll probably rent this for another night and sleep before going back to Dean, but you have to get back to Hell before Crowley notices you’re gone… if he hasn’t already. He hasn’t sent a fleet of demons after you like last time, so you think you’re in the clear.
“I have to go,” you whisper.
“Stay one more hour.”
“If Crowley knows I’m gone, I’m in big trouble. That might mean trouble for you.”
“Eh, I can handle a few demons he sends my way.”
“Still. I love you but I have to go,” you say and kiss him quickly. “Until next time, my love.”
You use the same way you took when you escaped Hell in hopes your dad didn’t notice you were gone. He tends to leave you alone when you’re in one of your moods, so you made sure to act out right before leaving.
Hell seems quiet when you get back but you don’t let that fool you. Usually, that means your dad is out conducting business but that can also mean he’s set a trap for you knowing you were gone. You sneak past a few of the guards and get to your room but you’re not safe yet. You close the door as quietly as you can but jump when you notice a shadow in the corner of your room.
“Where have you been? Do you know what time it is?” Crowley scolds.
“You’re not my dad,” you roll your eyes and take off your jacket. “Stop acting like one.”
“I am the one who raised you!”
“Only because you had to, not because wanted to. You wanted a soldier on your side but I don’t want to embrace my demonic side! That just pissed you off!”
“Where have you been?” he asks again.
“Does it matter?”
Crowley gets up and walks over to you. He leans in and sniffs the air only to roll his eyes in annoyance.
“You’ve been with Moose.”
“If you knew then why did you ask?”
You push away from him and open the door to let him know that you don’t want him in your room anymore.
“You know I don’t want you seeing him.”
“Tell me why. What has he ever done to you?”
Your dad laughs as if you’re a fucking comedian.
“Squirrel and Moose are a pain in my ass ever since I became the King of Hell!”
“How is that my problem?”
“Watch your tone, young lady,” Crowley glares.
“I am going to bed. Please leave,” you sigh.
Despite still having this conversation, he walks to your door.
“You are not to see that man ever again. He is a hunter who hunts our kind.”
“Your kind. I am not a full demon! I still have my humanity left, and that’s something you’ll never have.”
“You are the child and I am the adult!” You’re not really a child, just much younger than he is. “You are not to see him again. In fact, I’ll have someone assigned to you to make sure you stay here. You have duties here you need to fulfill.”
“I hate you!” you scream and slam the door in his face.
“Kids,” Crowley rolls his eyes.
Crowley kept true to his word and kept you locked in Hell for the next couple of days. Thank God for wireless internet because that’s how you’re able to contact Sam from Hell.
I am going insane here. Crowley wants this perfect demon daughter. I just want to be with you.
Maybe you can. Dean and I are going on a hunt involving a shapeshifter who robs people and takes on their forms to steal whatever they have left. They “kill themselves” as soon as they’re done and move on to the next victim. We tracked him down to a ball of some kind. Want to join us?
Say less. Where is it?
As soon as you got the address from Sam, you concocted your plan of escaping again. This time, you’re going to use your powers to get what you want. If Crowley wants to send his minions after you to keep you here, you’re doing whatever it takes to escape their clutches.
You open your door and the guard standing there turns to face you.
“Are you really going to keep me locked in my room?”
“No. I’m here to escort you to wherever you want to go.”
“How charming. I’d like something to eat. Can I do that alone or do you need to be up my ass for it?” The guard shifts uncomfortably in his spot and you roll your eyes. “Come on.”
You leave your room but quickly turn and place your hand on his head. You pull him into you and use your powers on him. His entire body glows orange as you slowly kill him from the inside. He’s just following the King’s orders but he’s an unnecessary evil. You drag him into your room and throw him on your bed to make it look like you’re sleeping. If Crowley comes in, you might fool him long enough to meet up with Sam.
You don’t have clothes for a ball so you’ll have to get some when you get topside. You use the same way as you did last time to leave Earth and end up in the city that Sam and Dean are in. It’s easy to snag an outfit with your demonic powers in a city that has a bunch of rich people.
Once dressed in a beautiful golden dress with open sleeves, you head to the beautiful mansion that already is flowing with a bunch of people. Sam and Dean are at the front when Sam spots you. He looks so ravishing in his tuxedo but he has metaphorical stars in his eyes.
“Where did you get this?”
“Do you like it?” you grin and spin for him.
“I love it.”
“Damn, Y/N, you know how to clean up for a demon.”
Dean hasn’t yet come around to you dating his brother. He only tolerates it because you’re half-human.
“It’s always nice to see you, Dean.”
“Seriously, you look stunning,” Sam compliments.
“Thank you,” you grin and kiss him. The music is very elegant and slow-moving but the DJ puts on something that you can waltz to. “Let’s dance!”
“Let’s slow it down a bit. Grab a partner and join us on the dancefloor.”
Sam looks at his brother who nods.
“Go dance, Romeo. I’ll keep an eye out for our shifter.”
“Yay! Let’s go.”
You grab Sam’s hand and drag him to the dancefloor where there are other couples. The woman stands on one side of the dancefloor while the men stand across from you. They bow down and the ladies curtsy at the start of the dance, and you step toward Sam. You extend your hand to him and he goes to grab it but stops before he can make contact with your skin. You step in a small circle around him before suddenly switching positions.
You’ve never done the waltz before so you’re letting the music guide you. You’re not entirely sure you know what you’re doing but Sam takes over. He’s done a few of these dances in college so he knows some of what he’s doing. Meanwhile, Dean is scouting the area for the shapeshifter, content with doing this by himself. A shifter is nothing and he doesn't really need his brother.
At the end of the dance, you pull Sam close and kiss him lovingly. You pull away when you feel a shift in the air, and you look to the right to see demons standing at the entrance of the mansion. Shit, they found you. Crowley found you. If you split from Sam now, they’ll leave him alone and go after you. They won’t dare go after a Winchester. That’s like going into a gunfight with a knife.
“Meet me by the gazebo outside,” you whisper to him.
You’re gone before Sam has a chance to question you. You leave the room before the demons catch you. Maybe you can make it out of here without them knowing. However, you can’t leave without saying goodbye to Sam. You make it to the gazebo outside and wait for Sam to come. The gazebo is fitted with golden lights that make it look like it was torn right out of a fantasy book.
“Hey, what are we doing out here?” Sam whispers from behind you.
“Demons are here. They haven’t seen me yet but that means Crowley knows I’m gone. I killed the guard outside my room.”
“You’re quite the troublemaker, aren’t you?” Sam chuckles.
“Crowley thinks he can tell me who I can and cannot date. He hates you.”
“Yeah, he has good reason to.”
The feeling you got when you felt the demons in the room is getting stronger. They’re looking for you and will find you if you don’t move now.
“Shit, I have to go now. They’re coming for me. I wish I could stay here forever with you. Dean needs you and I need you to not get killed by my dad’s minions.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. When will I see you again?”
“Probably sooner than you think. I’m more powerful than Crowley realizes. He can’t hold me.”
You kiss Sam before parting ways with him. You hate the situation you’re in but you love sneaking around with Sam. It’s the thrill of the chase, and someone like Crowley isn’t going to keep you from being with your one true love.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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vesarcanus-if · 1 year
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Demo: 9/6/23
Your parents are the biggest Vampire mobsters in Vas Arcanus and are the heads of the notorious Florentia Family. On your 25th birthday, your parents gift you with an important role in the family: running Blood Bank, their nightclub and base of operations. Unfortunately, a few years ago your first love, a burlesque dancer at Blood Bank, was murdered. The culprit was never found …supposedly. With your new position within the Ves Arcanus Underground, maybe you can finally find answers and serve justice or revenge.
In the city of Ves Arcanus, you’ll encounter Supernaturals of several different species and work alongside the most powerful families in organized crime: the Arcanus Six. The Six includes the Florentia Family, the Lombardi Family, the Seth Family, the De Mevius Family, the Sundale Family, and the Vatura Family.
Demo Features:
Play as male, female, nonbinary, or transgender; gay, straight, or bisexual.
Navigate organized crime within the Ves Arcanus Underground, and maintain the Florentia’s infamous reputation or run it into the ground.
Work to solve the “cold case” murder of your first love and choose to be judge, jury, or executioner.
Run a popular Vampire nightclub and keep the cops, and your rivals, from sniffing around.
Play as a Vampire in a city inhabited by Faeries, Selkies, Witches, Demons, and humans.
Romance or befriend one of the six gender-selectable RO’s and choose to hook up* with seven of the many side characters
Content Warnings (18+): drug and alcohol use, violence, blood, strong language, optional explicit sexual content, death/murder
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Lisa/Leon Whitlock, 27- Faerie
A young director who got lucky and stayed lucky, Whitlock could be your way into important Faerie circles. They’re fun, sweet, and adventurous enough to sneak around with you given the right motivation. Like all artists, they’re unpredictable and don’t seem quite ready to settle down yet.
Alessia/Alessandro “Ale” Lombardi, 30- Vampire
The eldest child and former heir of the Lombardi Family, Ale is no stranger to crime, intimidation, and violence. They’ve used their family’s influence to fund a political career and leave mob life behind, supposedly. They take some time to warm up but are a loyal friend and lover once they do.
Charlotte/Charles “Charlie” Cole, 35- Cambion
After a rough childhood, Charlie became a cop to help troubled youth like them. They don’t love being a cop, but they feel it’s the best way they can help kids. Charlie has turned their life around, but maybe you can persuade them to break the rules for you.
Serafina/Sero De Mevius, 24- Witch
A spoiled rich kid with an Ivy league education, De Mevius isn’t like most mobsters you know. They have an air of mystery and don’t really seem to care about upholding their family’s name. They love to spend their dads’ money on parties, charities, and maybe on you too.
Dion Parker, 25- Dragonkin (half dragon/half human)
Your friend since high school, Dion is just along for the ride as you look for answers. Whether they agree with your methods, Dion sticks around to hopefully keep you out of trouble. Your parents trust them to keep books at the club so they’re always nearby.
Eliana/Elio “El” Rivera, 28- Unknown
El will do most anything for a story, especially when it keeps them alive and out of jail. They are fearless and stubborn as a bull, but that may be a front to hide how alone they feel in Ves Arcanus. El has eyes and ears everywhere in Ves Arcanus, but can you get close enough to learn their secrets?
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Sam (they/them) early 20s, Witch*
Tall, lean with some muscle, very short curly brown hair, warm brown skin with vitiligo | A Kitchen Witch from a civilian family on the outskirts of Ves Arcanus.
Jewels (she/her) mid 20s, Fastus (Pride Demon)*
Short, curvaceous, waist length straight black hair, honey brown skin (Indian) | One of Lamia’s top spies.
Tisa (he/him) early 30s, Faerie*
Moderate height, muscular, buzzcut black hair and stubble, light tan skin (Korean) | Lives in Neráida Forest, a friend of Alvina Sundale.
Vance (he/him) late 20s, Vampire*
Somewhat tall, some muscles, short black hair usually slicked back, olive skin | A regular at Blood Bank, he’s had a crush on you for years.
Lamia (she/her) mid 50s, Succubus*
Short, slim, shoulder length blonde hair, pale skin | Former head of the Seth Family, now the most infamous spymistress in Ves Arcanus.
Honey (she/they, transfem) late 30s, Faerie*
Tall, lithe but curvy, long brown hair, tan skin (Brazilian) | Lives in an apartment not far from Neráida Forest.
Jennifer/Jensen Albright (gender selectable) 25, Dhampir*
Long/short black hair, fair skin, septum piercing | Your Right Hand as the Florentia Family heir.
Jeanette Heart, mid 40’s, Vampire
Moderate height, fair skin, shoulder length blonde hair, brown eyes | Your therapist last for the 3 years.
Sebastian De Mevius, 24, Witch
Tall, curly dark brown hair, light brown skin, brown eyes | S. De Mevius’ twin brother and De Mevius Family heir.
Billy Marston, early 50’s, Demon
Tall, brown hair, brown eyes, stubble | El’s editor.
Georgina, mid 20’s, Vampire
Average height, blonde hair, grey eyes | Bartender at Blood Bank.
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disenchantedif · 1 year
A ko-fi commission I completed for the Theo/Cam poly route!
“You got sand on my toes,” Theo complains, staring down at his flip-flops.
Cameron freezes from where he’s trying to shove an umbrella into the ground, and you can’t help but laugh at his expression. This, of course, makes Theo laugh as well…and earns you a side-eye from Cam.
“You’re not helping.” Cam says, exasperated as he watches the two of you laugh, “You know he gets worse when people laugh at him.”
“I get worse?” Theo gasps dramatically with a hand pressed over his heart like a distraught church-goer, “I’ll have you know-”
“See?” Cameron cuts the cambion off as he looks at you, gesturing sharply with his hand, “Look what you did.”
Theo nearly cackles, going over to wrap an arm around Cam’s shoulder to place a messy kiss on his cheek, “You love it.”
“Unfortunately.” The sorcerer says witheringly, “Also, it’s a beach, Theo. There’s sand everywhere.”
“I know, it’s awful!” The cambion says mournfully, “I’ll be digging it out of places for a month.”
“Sand in various crevices aside,” You tilt your sunglasses down to glance around the beach, “Why the hell is it so quiet today? It’s a mid-July Saturday. The height of summer. Where are all the families and annoying tourists?”
“Uh, well, it might just be slow…for some reason.” Cameron shrugs, wholly unconvincing, “What do they say? Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth?”
“Bet the Trojans wish they had,” Theo says as he digs through your cooler to find a drink.
You both pause, looking down at him.
“Sometimes I forget he’s actually smart,” Cameron says, glancing at you, “Then he says stuff like that and I’m brutally reminded.”
Theo pouts, slinging the cold water on his fingers right at Cam. In retaliation, Cam kicks sand all over Theo. 
“Children,” You interrupt blandly, “Back to the matter at hand, please?”
“I mean, Sam is right.” Theo says, trying to dust his swim shorts off in vain, “Maybe something to do with that sign over there?”
Posted on the bulletin board right near the beach entrance is a sign that read ‘BEACH CLOSED FOR PRIVATE EVENT’ in big, bold letters. 
You jolt, going to grab your bags, “Shit! I didn’t even see that! Let’s go, like, now. Before whoever rented it out shows up, preferably.”
“We don’t have to leave,” Cam sighs, finally getting the umbrella to stick up straight, “We’re the, uh, private event.”
It’s quiet for all of two seconds before Theo starts laughing.
“You rented the beach out for our date?” The cambions says between bouts of amusement, “Seriously?”
“Technically, my aunt did.” Cameron grimaces, rubbing the back of his neck, “But, uh, yeah.”
Your eyebrows raise, “That’s…actually sweet.”
“Thank you!” Cam gestures to you while narrowing his eyes at Theo, “And that’s how someone reacts to a thoughtful gesture from their boyfriend, Theo.”
“From their boyfriend’s aunt, you mean.” The cambion snickers.
You cough to hide your laughter, but Cam notices. He huffs, shaking the towels out.
“Sam doesn’t like people around,” He snips, “I thought it would…be nice, I guess…”
Smiling slightly, you grab his arm and pull him down for a brief kiss.
“It was nice.” You say as you part, “And I do appreciate it, Cam. Thank you.”
He flushes, his cheeks turning a dark red, “Uh, no problem.”
“Yeah, Cam.” Theo comes closer with a grin, “Now we don’t have to worry if anyone sees us naked.”
He wiggles his eyebrows. You lean down, grabbing a fistful of sand and swiftly dumping it down Theo’s swim shorts in response.
“Oh, come on!” The cambion gripes, shimmying as he tries to brush himself off.
He has little to no luck.
Cameron is the one cackling now, “What was that about digging sand out?”
Theo flips him the bird, losing his shorts quickly and practically sliding into the water in an effort to defeat the itchiness.
“You know, Sam, if you wanted my shorts off, you only had to ask!” Theo calls out from the water.
“I don’t think being nude was necessary for success in this case.” You pinch the bridge of your nose, “But whatever. Not like anyone will see.”
You both join him in the water, Cam carrying his shorts along and insisting he put them back on after a rinse in the seawater. Theo complies only after demanding a kiss from you both in compensation for his so-called ‘sand-related emotional trauma.’
He gets two kisses, along with two eye rolls.
“You know, the wings actually make floating in the water easier,” Theo says, lounging on his back as he uses said wings like a glorified raft.
“No shit.” Cameron blinks, brows furrowing, “They make all kinds of floating easier. They’re wings.”
“I was simply pointing out an observation.” Theo laughs before flipping around and submerging himself in the water once more, “Hey, Sam! Cameron! Wanna play mermaids?”
“You’ll lose,” You say with full confidence, “I’ve been going swimming with Penny in the Athletic Center every Wednesday.”
“That’s not even fair,” Theo says, “Playing mermaids isn’t even a competition and you’d kick our asses. You have, like, professional mermaid training.”
“Professional mermaid training…” Cameron repeats the phrase slowly, “That’s not something I thought I’d hear today.”
“But I’m right! Sirens are scary, real-life mermaids, and Sam got training from one.” Theo points out, “She would wreck us playing mermaids.”
“Training is a strong word,” You admit, “But I would wreck you, yes.”
“What about…Marco Polo?” Cam suggests.
Theo gives him an incredulous look, “Are you forgetting the time we played hide and seek in the Rec Center while Sam and Vik were in Intro to Alchemy? You glamoured yourself and followed me around while I looked for you!”
“That was pretty funny.” Cameron chuckles.
“It was humiliating.” Theo mourns.
Your brows furrowed, “Why have I not heard this story?”
“Because it was humiliating!” Theo re-affirms.
Cam only shrugs, “I was sworn to secrecy.”
“So, no to Marco Polo. I’m never playing any game involving seeking with you ever again.” Theo pokes Cam’s chest with a finger.
“I have an idea,” You announce.
They both turn to you, their full attention focused on words that never come. Instead, you use your arm to make a giant wave that hits them both in the face with water.
Theo throws his hands up, “Hell yeah! Splash fight!”
Things only devolve from there, and you’re suddenly very glad Cam’s aunt rented out the beach. You don’t know how tabloids would spin the story of The Chosen One, The Unchosen One, and a cambion having a splash fight in the ocean, but you can imagine it wouldn’t be an attractive story for any of you.
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thegeminisage · 3 months
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By Liz and Cally. What began as a single fic for the 2011 Supernatural Big Bang has become a canon-divergent universe about the hunter Ben Braeden, the ex-angelic vessel Claire Novak, and the cambion Jesse Turner. Ever since Lucifer rose from his Cage, the very reluctant Antichrist has been saddled with enough power to decimate Hell and Heaven alike—which Jesse chooses to ignore, having spent most of his adolescence in self-imposed exile. Meanwhile, Sam and Dean Winchester have disappeared, leaving hunter-in-training Ben desperate to find them. Along the way, he teams up with Claire, who's tracking Castiel for her own purposes. After three years of searching, the two of them meet Jesse in the burnt remains of his childhood home, trying to find out who murdered his parents. As the three of them get tangled up in the apocalyptic schemes of the Queen of Hell, they'll have to decide where their trust—and loyalties—truly lie. This verse follows SPN canon until partway through episode 6.21 Let It Bleed, but the end of that episode and everything after that—including the Season 6 finale—changes when Castiel makes a very different decision about how to defeat Raphael. With a few minor exceptions, we don't include characters or plots introduced in Season 7 or later; this series also pre-dates the reintroduction of Claire in season 10. There are absolutely no vampire juggalos.
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fandomdancie · 11 months
Baldur’s Gate primary companions as Stardew Valley bachelor(ette)s
Because I love mixing my hyperfixations. Let’s get it
In rough order from “makes the most sense to me” to “??? idk lmao”
Gale: Elliott. Bookish, uses florid language, a little on the older side, somewhat isolated for “intellectual” pursuits. Romantic at heart (and everywhere else).
Astarion: Shane. **Spicy**, but uses hostility to cover for vulnerability. Relies on consuming a substance to a degree that is frowned upon by peers. Hates his job (lol).
Karlach: Abigail. Generally happy go lucky/positive. Desires to have their own life/freedom from an overbearing figure. Wants to fight things!!
Wyll: Sam. Generally positive/happy. Navigating a strained/complex relationship with martial-minded father. Artistic.
Lae’zel: Alex. Single-minded pursuit of a goal. Believes themselves on the way to being the best of the best. Can be seen as selfish/inwardly focused.
Shadowheart (acts 1/2): Sebastian. Can see the light but prefers the shadows. Complex relationship with family (especially non-bio family). Idk I can see Shadowheart casually smoking in the rain and driving a motorcycle lolololol
Bonus, as he’s neither a companion nor a bachelor: Raphael: Mr. Qi. (Tell me that mf ain’t a cambion lolololol.) Self-obsessed, thinks he’s the shit, master manipulator.
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rielzero · 7 months
Character Associations
tagged by : @ascendedastarionapologist
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ANIMAL: Rats, Bats and Cats
COLOURS: Purple, Indigo, Violet, White, Black
MONTH: December, January
Dangerous - Set it Off Red Flags (Run) - Disco Face Wallflower - Artio Bloodshot - Sam Tinnesz Cannibal - Naethan Apollo Sharks - Imagine Dragons Bones - Imagine Dragons Something To Hide - grandson Time is Running Out - Muse Everybody Dies - Billie Eilish THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND - Bad Omens EVIL - Melanie Martinez Easy's Never Been This Hard - Citizen Soldier Attention - Charlie Puth Daylight - David Kushner Eat Your Young - Hozier Down With My Demons - Lø Spirit WARNING LABEL - Neoni The Summoning - Sleep Token
PLANTS: Purple Lilies, ivy, Nightshade
SMELLS: Lavender, Cherries, Something Earthy
GEMSTONE: Onyx, Black Garnet
SEASON: Fall, Winter
PLACES: Shady & Gloomy, Riversides, Forested, Crypts & Morgues
DRINKS: Cold Water, Red Wine
ELEMENT: Lightning
FOOD: Probably Bread... (coughs awkwardly)
SEASONINGS: Garlic, salt & pepper. He's Basic.
SKY: Dusty Purple
WEATHER: Rainy, foggy, a little chilly
MAGICAL POWER: Eldritch blast / Vicious Mockery
WEAPONS: Daggers, Shortswords, Rapier
SOCIAL MEDIA: If he had any, it would be a tumblr blog to post spooky witchcraft aesthetic things on.. Or Modern Day Punk/goth fashion.
MAKEUP PRODUCT: Eyeliner, a lot of eyeliner and some concealer to hide his facial scars.
CANDY: ....Cherries..?
METHOD OF LONG-DISTANCE TRAVEL: Waypoints.. Otherwise, old fashioned walkies. (These boots have seen everything.)
ART STYLE: Emotional, raw
FEAR: Survivor's guilt, solitude, snakes.
CELESTIAL BODY: Taurus and Orion
get tagged idiot (affectionate):
@cambion-companion @iizuumi
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robotvampire · 10 months
could sam and mc have a child? or are they incompatible?
Yes, nephilim and cambion can have children together, as can angels and demons.
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Walk, don't run
Mika realizes her and Sam forgot something VERY important. Referenced sex and a pregnancy scare.
So the main plot of this fic was actually originally very different. That was until I sprained my ankle. Sorry Mika.
Not really, I will continue to project my issues on to her. (Like the charger fic one)
Anyways, please be safe! Protection is so important, and Mika had no way of knowing the incubi could control their fertility. (With the assumption Mika didn't ask about condoms, the incubi probably wouldn't think of it anyways)
This is in no way judging anyone, just a small idea I had when thinking about cambions and such.
Mika checked the calendar on the wall of her room, absentmindedly noting that her period was late. She’d always had an irregular cycle, stress making her go up to months without one, and she’d had a crazy last few weeks. She’d met five incubi, gotten kidnapped by a devil, had her school taken over by a succubus named Diana, all while falling madly in love with an extremely strong, caring, and ridiculously attractive demon.
She wouldn’t change it for anything, though. Sam’s confession played through her mind, and Mika smiled wistfully at the memory. She didn’t really understand it, how someone like Sam co uld love someone like her. But, as long as he wanted her, she’d be with him. The relationship moved fast at an ungodly speed the first week. Hell, they’d been intimate right after proclaiming their love to Diana and-
Mika suddenly paled, her stomach turning. Oh my god, her period was late, and she’d had sex with Sam. Multiple times. She felt frozen in place, completely unable to move as her mind jumped to the worst possible conclusions. What would her parents think? She was still in high school! How could she be so stupid and not use protection?
As fast as she could think of it, she bolted out of her room and down the stairs to find him. However, right before she could meet the last few steps, she felt her ankle roll from underneath her, making her fall down and face plant on the tile floor. The pain in her jaw almost distracted her from the horrible throbbing in her ankle, and she had to fight back tears as she tried to push herself up.
“Oh shit! Mika?” Matthew frantically called out as he rushed towards her. He helped her sit up, and Mika was so focused on the pain that she didn’t realize the others were rushing in as well.
“Are you okay?” Damien asked, his voice louder than usual.
“Miss, do you need to go to the hospital?” James said, his tone even and professional as always.
“Princess, if you wanted someone to carry you- OUCH!” And of course, Erik, who’d just been smacked across the back of the head by Sam.
“Doofus, what are you doing on the floor?” Sam asked, hiding his worry well as he kneeled beside her and Matthew.
Mika grimaced as she tried to stand up. “I fell… I think I sprained my ankle.”
Before she could try to stand, Sam scooped her up as if she weighed nothing. “Alright, where do you need to go?” He asked, and his determination to help her made Mika’s heart swell.
Quickly though, like a bucket of cold water, the reason she’d been coming to find him in the first place resurfaced. “Room.” She said, obviously panicking. 
The boys all exchanged worried looks as James spoke, besides Damien who just raised an eyebrow. “Miss, I will bring you some ice for your ankle and jaw in a few minutes.”
Mika nodded quickly and thanked him. She looked back to Sam while he carried her up the stairs. Would he leave her? She’d heard of this, men leaving after hearing their partner is pregnant. Sam wouldn’t do that, right? Was she even pregnant? All these questions filled her mind and she started to feel nauseated. Or was that from the baby? Was there a baby?
Finally, Sam walked in her room and sat her on her bed. Before he could do anything, she sat up quickly and pulled him down to sit with her, surprising him. “Sam.”
Sam tried to analyze her expression. “Yeah? Do you need anything- MPH?!”
He was cut off by Mika crushing her lips against his. He hesitantly kissed back, their lips moving against each other passionately. Mika pulled him to her tightly, like she was worried he’d disappear. 
Sam must have noticed, because he slowed the kiss down and gently pulled away. “Doofus, talk to me. Something’s bugging ya, and I don’t think it’s your foot.”
She wanted the words to come out in a calm manner, but all that came out was “CONDOMS!”
She mentally smacked herself for her inability to speak, but Sam didn’t seem to get what she was saying. In fact, he seemed even more confused. Mika shrunk in on herself as she spoke again. “We didn’t…we didn’t use condoms and I’m not on the pill.”
Sam stared at her like she’d grown a second head, which was starting to aggravate her. Did he not see how urgent this was? 
“What are you talking about?” He asked, confirming that he, in fact, did not know how urgent this was.
Mika stared incredulously, waiting for the realization to hit him. When it never came, she spoke quietly. “Like…protection? From pregnancy and-”
Suddenly, Sam choked on his own spit. Mika immediately shrunk backwards, worried about his reaction. 
That was until that asshole started laughing.
“What the actual fuck, Sam! Do you think this is a joke?!” She yelled in disbelief, and Sam suddenly tensed, his expression apologetic.
He put his hands up defensively, no longer laughing. “Sorry, sorry. You don’t need to worry about that, okay?”
“I’M IN HIGH SCHOOL, OF COURSE I NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THAT!” She screamed, though it came out more of a wine by the end, and threw her hands up in exasperation.
Sam sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Damn it, that’s not what I meant. Incubi can control that stuff. You’re not pregnant, okay? We would be able to sense if you were, or Damien would hear it.”
She blinked, then blinked again before her eyes widened in surprise and realization. She shoved her face in her hands as she murmured. “Oh my god.”
Sam went to touch her but froze, unsure. “Are you okay? I should’ve said something sooner, but I didn’t think of it.”
He hesitantly moved to grab her hands, moving them from her face. She stared back, and after a moment of silence, she started to giggle. “Sorry, I guess I freaked out over nothing.”
When he was sure she was okay, he smirked, his eyes remained soft and remorseful though. “It’s alright, I should’ve said something.”
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and as Mika stood up to get it, a sharp pain shot threw her ankle, making her yelp in pain. Before she could even process it, Sam moved her back on her bed.
 He opened the door, retrieving the ice packs James had brought and quickly, and ever so gently, placed one on her ankle and the other on her jaw. When he was done, he laid beside her and wrapped his arms around her, and she immediately relaxed at just how safe he made her feel. 
“Thanks.” she mumbled into his neck.
He hummed in response, kissing over her forehead. A few moments went by, and they both were starting to feel the pull of sleep. “Hey Doofus?”
“Yeah?” She asked, her face still buried in his shoulder.
“Next time, walk down the stairs if you think something is wrong. Breaking your neck won’t help anybody.” He said, his voice tired, yet playful.
Mika smiled against his skin, her words slurring from the sleep she was about to fall into. “No promises.”
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The serotonin is serotonin-ing
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pinpin222 · 3 months
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Estrella madre
Mother star
Bueno enrealida esta es muy dificil de explicar aun asi puede decir esto asi que solo dire unas cosa de ella/ellos?
Puede matar ha cualquier universo o revivirlo [algo raro puede aun ver lo fantasma de ese universo destruido, incluso traerlos si le da lagan y obviamente ver fantasmas de universo original]
[Dato curioso : come las star de otros universo como cabricho, como revivirlos o hacer que alguien sea su portador de la star como lunar]
Los signos zodiacales sams no son rivales para la estrella madre (podrian ser su comida) pero los respecta mucho o no les interesa
Las estrella madre tiene conciencia (significa que hase lo que quiere se esconde o se muestra cuando quiere jugar hacer un caos o cuando te eligio como portador es tenicamente imposible someterla/lo)
La estrella madre creo la star [por eso estrella "madre"]
[Dato curioso: esta conectada con todas sus variantes(de las dimenciones)]
Puede crear cualquier cosa viva o animada/material(dinero)
[Esto es un dato gracioso de solar, eclipse y anular de mi universo se comiero el dragon de sun evil y sieron una copia un clon😂😂, no le digan a evil sun (solar, eclipse, anular y yo lo llaman clusu, yo no se por que)ellos tiene 5 dragones de mascota 3 mas quebran(3 huevos),ellos mismos crearon a los 5 y lo demas es hitoria.]
Puedo decir que ellos pueden entra a cualquier universo una ves fuero al verdadero original original ah y tienen un mapa del multiverso bueno el tiene mucho poderes del multiverso a dicho como otros universo
Bueno cambiar historias como obviamente su memorias o resetiar todo y volver al primer capitulo
[En cualquier universo como el sullo(aunque bloquearon esa habilidad del reinicio en sus universos)]
Asi puede congelar el tiempo como ver el futuro el pasado e interferir hay
Cuando estrella madre congela el tiempo comunmente [se congela esa animacion de la estrella madre] esto se activa cuando presionas la estrella madre como si fuera un video de youtuber, aun el portador esta con su velosidad normal incluso descongela el tiempo de cosas exactas, puede leer las mente y controlar las (anular lo hace con peluche), aun que puede manipular o reprimir o solotar el resetimiento de las personas o sentimientos como recuerdos
Tambien controla los cambion climaticos como tambien el sol y la luna o vegetacio los planectas la gravedad tambien lo elementos de la naturales, habla cualquier idioma incluso animal (leer las mentes o contral tambien a los animales) las otras star del multiverso o dragones, bueno crear galaxias ahhhhhhhhhh todo todo lo que puedas imaginar enserio.
[Okey traducire esto con el foto de traductor de google asi qsi esta mal lo siento]
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I'm so sorry
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elijahsequeira · 9 months
who? @ismaelabdel where? orion's animal clinic, ismael's office notes: doing the randomize top songs thing and got bloodshot by sam tinnesz
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"I assume asking whether you are well or not is a moot point," he comments as he lets himself into the cambion's office and places a bag with his favorite take-out, and yet another with pastries from Canal Cakes next to it. He has never quite known how to interact with cambions, not when he has never actually sired one but knew the experience of not knowing the supernatural parent that was the reason you were part of a world that did not quite accept you, so he can't stop himself from trying. Ismael is an special case, even then. He is far too good for the demonic blood on his veins, and Elijah wants to ensure the Inferno does not catch up to Ismael the same way it did to him. "So, I am here if you want to talk, and if not, I have enough gossip to keep us distracted for a while."
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