#Central Park Farm House
realestate125 · 11 months
Central Park Farm House | Buy Luxury Farmhouse In Gurugram
Central Park Farm House is located in Gurugram, India. It is spread over a approx 500 acres of land and gives a wide range of services, including a swimming pool, fitness centre, various indoor games, gardens, jogging tune, badminton court, kids play area, spa, this is the best place for those who are searching for a comfortable and luxurious farmhouse. The farmhouses are surrounded by lush greenery and offer stunning views of the Aravalli Hills.
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folkling · 2 months
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Folkling Save File WIP - Willow Creek
The Christmas tree farm is almost done, it's on the big central park lot in Willow Creek. The house is just a place holder until I can come up with something more on theme.
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opencommunion · 1 year
Palestinians from several of the displaced communities described the same pattern to +972: Israeli settlers arrive with their herds and prevent them from grazing on land where Palestinians have grazed for decades; then armed settlers would proceed to harass them day and night, even entering houses, without the army or police intervening. Everyone described the same, overwhelming feelings of fear and distress under the shadow of these settler invasions. “It’s like 1948,” said Mohammed Hussein, a resident of Ein Samia — invoking the year of the Nakba (“catastrophe”) and the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homeland during Israel’s establishment. According to the Palestinian residents, the situation grew worse following the establishment and growth of several grazing settler outposts in the area in recent years; settler violence and further expansion also noticeably escalated since the current Israeli government, led by extremist far-right parties, was sworn in last December. ... The Israeli authorities, along with the settlers, have played a central role in the displacement. For years, the occupation apparatus has banned the Palestinian communities from construction; demolished their homes; denied them connection to water and electricity; stopped them from paving roads; issued demolition orders for schools built with funds from the European Union; established and recognized Jewish settlements; and, of course, stood by during settler violence.  ... “We have always been under occupation, in a prison with checkpoints, but now we live in a prison van,” said Ali Abu al-Kabash, 60, sitting in a tent he had set up in an open area across the Allon Road. Abu al-Kabash, who is originally from a-Samu, near Hebron, moved to the Ramallah area in the 1980s, and to the area near Ras a-Tin in 1995. “Before the [last] election, the settlers would run away if there were a few of us [facing them]. Today, they attack because the government is with them. The police, the army, and the Shin Bet are all with them,” he added. “For 25 years we lived a normal life,” Abu al-Kabash continued. “In recent years, the settlers came and established two outposts [Micah’s Farm and Malachei HaShalom]. They blocked the road between us and Ein al-Rashash, and the one that goes down toward Fasayil. We would herd in the area, but they came to us in the name of the government and the Civil Administration and said that the land belongs to the settlers. They brought sheep to eat the food we grew for our sheep … They enter houses, sometimes with many soldiers, taking photos, even when there are girls, women, and old men present.” According to Abu al-Kabash, the violence increased after the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr in May. “They park at the entrance of the homes. Some of them are under 12 years old, under the age of criminal responsibility. They go in, look in the refrigerator, or at our phones. What can we do? They want Area C for Israel, to take control of the land through the settlers, but without war. But where will we go? The occupation is everywhere.” Ras a-Tin, which neighbors al-Qabun, was subjected to similar harassment and severe violence by settlers. On the day its residents fled, in July 2022, Ahmad Kaabna, the mukhtar of Ras a-Tin — who died suddenly in early August at age 60 — told a group of activists: “The settlers frightened the women, the children — everyone. They came to the homes at night in groups of 10-15 people … the army with them. If you talk to them and say ‘get away, get out of here,’ they call the army or the police, who come and arrest the young [Palestinians].”
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commajade · 4 months
finally watched watched my brothers and sisters in the north when it's been in my to-watch list for years and it was so touching and so beautiful.
the people interviewed were of course handpicked and have better conditions than other people because of the impact of U.S. sanctions and such, but it genuinely inspired me how hard-earned their good living conditions are. the farmers had to work really hard to re-establish agriculture after the war and now they get so much food a year they donate most of it to the state because they simply don't need it. the girl at the sewing factory loves her job and gets paid with 14 kilos of food a month on top of her wages. the water park worker is proud of his job because 20,000 of his people can come and enjoy themselves every day, and Kim Jong-un himself took part in designing it and came by at 2am during construction to make sure everything was going smoothly. his grandmother's father was a revolutionary who was executed and buried in a mass grave in seoul but in the dprk he has a memorial bust in a place of honor and his family gets a nice apartment in pyongyang for free.
imperialist propaganda always points to the kim family as a dictatorship and a cult of personality but from this docu it's so obvious that it's genuine gratitude for real work for the people, and simple korean respect. if my president came to my work and tried his best to make my working conditions better and to make my life better, i would call him a dear leader too. if my president invented machines and designed amusement parks and went to farms all over the country to improve conditions for the people, i would respect him.
the spirit of juche is in self-reliance, unity of the people, and creative adaptations to circumstances. the docu rly exemplified the ideology in things like the human and animal waste methane systems powering farmers' houses along with solar panels, how they figured out how to build tractors instead of accepting unstable foreign import relationships, and how the water park uses a geothermal heating system.
it rly made me cry at the end when the grandma and her grandson were talking about reunification. the people of the dprk live every day of their lives dreaming of reunification and working for reunification, and it's an intergenerational goal that they inherited from their parents and grandparents. the man said he was so happy to see someone from the south, and that even though reunification would have its own obstacles that we have the same blood the same language the same interests so no matter what if we have the same heart it would be okay.
and the grandma said "when reunification happens, come see me." and it's so upsetting that not even 10 years later, the state has been pushed into somewhat giving up on this hope. the dprk closed down the reunification department of the government last year and it broke my heart.
a really good pairing with the 2016 film is this 2013 interview with ambassador Thae Youngho to clarify political realities in the dprk and the ongoing U.S. hostility that has shaped the country's global image. the interviewer Carlos Martinez asks a lot of excellent questions and the interview goes into their military policy, nuclear weapons, U.S. violence and sanctions, and the dprk's historical solidarity with middle eastern countries like syria and palestine and central/south american countries like nicaragua, bolivia, and cuba.
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I’ve been reading some craft books and online posts about the world building because my story is an urban fantasy set in present day US, in a fictional town, and theres not a secondary world where the fantasy happens, it’s all in the real world, except the magic is a secret that only certain people know about, but all of the resources I find about world building only talk about fantastical worlds that exist by themselves and not the kind of more subtle world building that I’d have to do. Do you have any tips?
Guide: Creating a Fictional Town in the Real World
Step 1 - Choose Your Location - There are two ways to go about choosing a location for your fictional town. One is to go the "Springfield U.S.A." route, ala The Simpsons, and be vague about the specific location (borough, parish, district, county, region, state, or province) and instead give a broader geographic region... "the East Coast," "the Pacific Northwest," "Central Canada," Northern Scotland," etc. The other option is to go ahead and put your fictional town in a specific location. Just figure out where (for example, somewhere outside of Des Moines, Iowa) and go to Google Maps, click on satellite view, then start zooming in on big empty areas. Choose a place big enough to fit a town. Yes, in reality it's probably farm fields, pasture, or someone's property, but that doesn't matter. You don't have to actually show it on a map. It's just a plausible spot to build your town. Now you can measure how far it is to other places, you know what highways to take to get to it. You can even do street view to get the lay of the land, see what the landscape looks like and try to envision the buildings there. You can also use what's there to create parks, popular recreational areas, and anything else your town needs.
Step 2 - Choose Your Inspiration - Even when you're creating a fictional town, it's still a good idea to use a real town (or two, or three) from that general area as inspiration for your town. For a fictional town in Des Moines, I would zoom in on the map to find a nearby town of similar size... like Elkhart, then I can take a look around to see what it's like. Just looking at the map, I can see they have a couple of churches, a couple baseball fields, a very small main street/downtown area with a couple shops and restaurants, a post office, a few different neighborhoods, and a cemetery. This would be a great model for a small fictional town outside of Des Moines. And, as I said, you could look at a couple other sand combine them. Once you have your inspiration town/s, you can walk around on Google Maps street view, go to the town's web site, watch a tour on YouTube (if one exists), or look up pictures in Google Image search.
Step 3 - Start Planning - This is the really fun part! First, you might want to draw a basic map of your fictional town using your inspiration town/s as a guide. This doesn't have to be a pretty map... just a basic line drawing to help you envision where everything is. Think about some of the basic things this town might have, like the ones I listed in step two, and any other things you might want your town to have, like maybe a library, a hospital, a city hall, school, and maybe a movie theater. It might even be helpful and fun to put together a collage of pictures to represent your town so you've got something in mind as you write about it. You can even choose representatives for specific locations in your story, like your MC's house, school, and their favorite hangout.
Step 4 - Naming Your Town - Start by looking at the kinds of town names that surround your town. Look for common naming conventions... suffixes like -ton, -ville, -dale, -burg, -wood, -field, etc. Words in a particular language, like a lot of French-inspired town names, or towns with geographical terms (lake, hill, valley, river, canyon, gap, etc.) My guide to Naming Locations has additional tips.
Step 5 - Populate Your Town and Give it a History - Last but not least, make up a little history for your town, again, using surrounding towns as inspiration. Who founded it? When was it founded? What's the town's main industry? What are the people like in this town? What jobs do they have? What do they do for fun?
Here are some other posts that might help:
Five Things to Help You Describe Fictional Locations Setting Your Story in an Unfamiliar Place WQA’s Guide to Internet Research Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 6 months
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here is a little introduction to the original fantasy world i came up with for the eflorr trilogy.
series masterlist | pinterest board | playlist | masterlist
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Welcome to the world of Tyhmalaa. Our stories take place on the continent of Aton where the two major kingdoms (Eflorr and Obelón) have had a feud spanning decades. 
here is a little list of facts to give you a sense of what kind of realm this is:
currency: platinum, gold, silver and copper 
monsters: yes
magic: no
calendar: the year is just divided by the four seasons (each with 90 days in them) with 7 days in a week (Moonsday, Tidesday, Windsday, Thundersday, Fogsday, Stormsday and Solarsday) and the year shift is on the longest night of the year on the 30th day of winter
year the first story begins: 856 PR (post-rimesunder, an ancient white dragon that once froze the entire continent of Efira for 2 centuries till he was slain)
climate: the weather in Aton goes through all four of the standard seasons (sping, summer, autumn and winter), though most of the stories take place on the northern side of the continent, so it is on the colder side.
religions: there are multiple gods people worship (some notable ones are: Apa – goddess of wilderness and the sea, Kotris – goddess of knowledge, Cicero – god of war and peace, Zondür – god of atonement and love, Sona – goddess of life and death)
kingdoms on the continent: Eflorr (capital: Borün) and Obelón (capital: Ingorn)
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maps and doodles:
it took me around 30 hours of work to draw all of these, but it was super meditative.
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map of the continent of Aton.
⊠ squares = capitals
⊗ circles = smaller towns
△ triangles = speciality locations
the continent of Efira is located to the north east of Aton.
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Fort Borün. The ivy-covered stone castle on the top of the cliff is home of the royal family of Eflorr.
Elm Square. The beating heart of Borün, it is not only a central meeting place for all, but also the district where the majority of the city's shops, taverns, etc are. The town square gets especially sparkly during the seasonal festivals with booths are stalls crowding the market.
Willow Grove Cemetery. As the name would suggest, a large weeping willow tree grounds this cemetery that it is built around. Although Eflorr as a whole commonly isn't very religious, this graveyard does house a few alters and shrines to various deities.
The Valerian Ward. You'll find all manner of schools, museums, as well as Borün's beautiful aquarium in this part of town.
The Port of Borün. The city's docks are always bustling with excitement and possibilities.
The Western Farms. Up on the hill that swiftly blossoms into The Noll Woods, are a plethora of rolling fields and cosy cottages.
The Beach. Down the little steps on the northern side of the docks is not the only way to access this cove. Though the steep path some way further north is no secret, not everyone is privileged to the knowledge that the castle's cellar opens up into a cave system that leads out onto the beach. Created as a safety measure and a last resort for the royals to escape, the tunnels most commonly got used by the young royals as a daring playground.
The Tulip Neighbourhood. The homes in this part of town have generous courtyards that bring the households together.
The Dandelion Quarter. Part residential, this neighbourhood also houses a grand park (The Riverview Public Park), where combat courses/training are held every weekend, as well as The Water Lily Orphanage.
The Snowdrop Sector. For those not inclined for the bustle of the city's centre but still want to live close enough to the action often settle down in a little cottage out in this district. Many also chose to retire out here, living out the rest of their days in a cabin by the sea.
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The Barracks. Through the main gate lies a grand courtyard to welcome you to the castle. The surrounding buildings are designated mainly for the wardens. There are living quarters for them, training areas, armoury, small stables that also house the royal horses, as well as the city's small garrison.
The Western Wing. In here lies many of the more public spaces: throne room, ballroom, banquet hall, servants quarters, the kitchen, war room, the meeting room that's utilised mostly for gatherings with the town council.
The Conservatory. This secluded greenhouse was built as a memorial to King Edward III. who apparently had quite the green thumb.
The Topiary Garden. A private courtyard separating the two main buildings is a serene space where one can come sit on a small bench and listen to the trickling water of the fountain in the centre.
The Eastern Wing. This part of the castle is home to the royal's private chambers as well as numerous other spaces such as the library.
The castle also has a basement that's not only utilised for storage (both of common items as well as the most precious that's kept safe in the grand vault) it also connects to a tunnel system that leads all the way out onto the beach.
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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The mansion
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Hi guys!!
I'm sharing Ottershaw Park. This is the 18th building for my English Collection.
I decorated most of the house ground floor, for reference.
The interiors:
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History of the house: In 1784 Thomas Sewell died and ownership of Ottershaw Park passed to his son, Thomas Bailey Heath Sewell, Lieutenant Colonel in the Surrey Fencible Cavalry. He sold it in 1796 to Edmund Boehm who improved the interior of the house and enlarged the estate by buying tracts of wasteland and allotments.
In about 1805 Boehm built, to the design of the eminent architect James Wyatt, two Grecian-style lodges at the new entrance to the estate from where a coach road ran to the mansion. The same architect may also have designed for Boehm the Gothic Chapel which originally served as a kitchen, bake house, dairy and pantry but was demolished in 1962.
Ottershaw Park was bought in 1819 by Major General Sir George Wood, a Lieutenant General in the Bengal Army. At this time the estate was largely self-supporting with stables, smithy, brew house, bake house, laundry, dairy, slaughter houses, ice house and two farms.
Sir George died in 1824 and the estate passed to his son, also named George, who in 1841 sold the property to Richard Crawshay who built a new bailiff’s house, farm buildings and brew house.
On Crawshay’s death in 1859 the estate was bought by Sir Thomas Edward Colebrooke MP, who made a number of alterations to the mansion. He also gave the money and land for the building of Christchurch and the first village school.
The estate was later sold to Lawrence James Baker, a stockbroker and MP who sold it in 1910 to the millionaire, Friedrich Gustav Jonathan Eckstein. Eckstein demolished the old mansion and replaced it with the present building designed by Niven & Wigglesworth which is more magnificent and much larger.
During World War I Eckstein made the building available to the British Red Cross as an Auxiliary Home Hospital but soon after the war sold it to Miss Susan Dora Cecilia Schintz, the daughter of a Swiss nitrates millionaire. Miss Schintz lost most of her sizeable inheritance through gifts to charity and bad investments and finally had to sell the estate. Much of it was acquired by the Ottershaw Park Investment Company (OPIC) which planned to develop the rim of the estate for housing. In 1932 the mansion and central part of the park became Ottershaw College, a boarding school for boys which for a short time was very successful, but eventually became insolvent and finally closed at the outbreak of World War II.
During the war The Vacuum Oil Company leased the mansion as offices and laboratories. From 1940 much of the surrounding land was either ploughed for crops or grazed as part of the war effort and the woodland areas were used by the 19 Vehicle Reserve Depot (VRD) for storing vehicles.
The Vacuum Oil Company moved back to London at the end of 1947 and Surrey County Council established Ottershaw School which was opened in 1948. The school prospered until 1980 when it closed due to financial constraints.
In 1982 the developers DeltaHome converted the mansion and other buildings into the present residential estate.
Link: https://www.exploringsurreyspast.org.uk/themes/places/surrey/runnymede/ottershaw/ottershaw_park_estate/
The garden:
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More info: https://www.exploringsurreyspast.org.uk/themes/places/surrey/runnymede/ottershaw/ottershaw_park_estate/
The floorplan:
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This house fits a 64x64  lot, but I think you can make it a 50x40 if you lose part of the garden and the conservatories on each side.
Piano nobile furnished, the rest is up to your liking.
Hope you like it.
You will need the usual CC I use:
all Felixandre cc
all The Jim
Regal Sims
King Falcon railing
The Golden Sanctuary
Dndr recolors
Harrie cc
Lili's palace cc
Please enjoy, comment if you like the house and share pictures of your game!
Follow me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/sims4palaces/
DOWNLOAD (only members-free to download)
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 7 months
Anderson Bonner
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Prominent Texas landowner and businessman Anderson Bonner was born enslaved in Alabama around 1839. Not much is known about his younger years. Family history states that Bonner was given as a wedding present to the daughter of his former master, who moved him from Alabama to Arkansas. Anderson may have been “refugeed” in Texas during the Civil War when nearly 100,000 enslaved people from neighboring states were forcibly brought there by slaveholders to avoid the Union Army freeing them as it gradually occupied more of the Confederacy. If Bonner was in Texas by 1865, he—like other Lone Star state enslaved people—gained his freedom when Union General Gordon Granger and Union Troops under his command arrived in Galveston on June 19, 1865 and pronounced the end of slavery. That announcement became the basis for the Juneteenth holiday.
Sometime in 1865 Bonner married a woman known only as Eliza. Over time the couple had ten children, Anderson Jr, Newton, William, Ed, John, Andy, Mary, Martha, Charlie and Nash. Bonner arrived in Dallas, Texas, around 1870 with his brother Louis, and sister Caroline and they worked on a farm in the White Rock Creek area. Bonner by this time had acquired modest wealth. The 1870 Census lists his financial worth at $275 or approximately $5,456 in 2020 dollars. On August 10, 1874 Bonner purchased sixty acres of land, signing the deed with an “X”, as he never learned to read or write. He soon began leasing his land and the houses on it to cotton growing sharecroppers. With the money he earned, he bought more land. Bonner eventually amassed over two thousand acres of land in what is now North Dallas and the Dallas suburb of Richardson. The Medical City Dallas Hospital now sits on what was once the Bonner farm and the North Central Expressway divides Bonner’s original property.
Census records in 1900 reveal that six of the ten Bonner children still lived on the Bonner farm. Cotton, corn, and fruits were grown on the family farm worked mostly by Bonner, his children, and sharecroppers. Bonner’s sister, Caroline married into the Fields family, and one of her children married into the Giddings family, both prominent African American families of Dallas in the late 19th Century. In 1903, Eliza was killed in a oil lamp explosion in the family home. Sixty-four-year-old Bonner then married a woman named Lucinda, but the couple had no children.
Anderson Bonner passed away at the age of 82 in 1920. He was buried in White Rock Colored Union Cemetery (now White Rock Garden of Memories Cemetery), in Addison county. His descendants established the Anderson Bonner Endowment Scholarship that helps support Richardson Public School students who attend Prairie View A&M University. The first public school for black children in the North Dallas, the Vickery and Hillcrest school was renamed the Anderson Bonner School before its closing in 1955. The city of Dallas officially named the park west of Medical City Hospital, Anderson Bonner Park in 1976. The park consists of 44.1 acres of Bonner’s original land.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 8 months
Brilliant - Scott Lang X Female (Daughter) Reader
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Title: Brilliant
Scott Lang X Female (Daughter) Reader
Additional Characters: Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Wanda (Mentioned), Thor, Hope, Cassie (Mentioned), Hank Pym (Mentioned), and Tony Stark
Requested by: Anon!
WC: 2,893
Warnings: Reader has a huge love for ants, ants facts, Tony being Tony, alcohol mentioned, Reader's super smart, Reader's mentioned to be a kid in homeschooled college, slight family angst, brief mention of Reader punching a kid, sarcastic reader, banter, and family fluff
The best word to describe your life was 'chaos.' Chaos was your life. But not for a while, in the beginning, your mother and father; Hope and Scott, said that you were a good baby and toddler. Yes, you cried and threw some tantrums like any other child would, but it wasn't until you were around six that Hope and Scott realized how very similar you were to your grandfather, Hank Pym. It started off small, noticing a few things here and there, but it wasn't until your seventh birthday that they both knew that you were going to be just like Hank.
Looking back, it was a bright, sunny day. It was warm out, not too cold and not too warm; perfect weather for a birthday. Your first-grade friends were playing in the backyard, swinging on your swingset, and some playing tag with each other, but you were nowhere to be found.
Scott had panicked slightly when he checked around the backyard, while also trying to entertain three kids with a magic card trick. His eyes filtered around the backyard, until he spotted you, in the corner, staring at the ground. Scott found it a bit odd, thinking that you were just a bit shy and didn't want to play with your class friends... So he let it slip his mind. 
But, Scott knew something was up once you blew your candles out. 
"Good job, honey! What did you wish for?" Hope, your mother asked, as you just started at the cake before you.
"I want an ant farm."
From then on, it seemed like your ant fascination skyrocketed. It became such a big part of your daily routine that Hope and Scott weren't sure what to do with you anymore. It was literally taking over most of your life as the years went on. You began only wanting things that were related to ants. Posters, books, an actual ant farm, and more. You had even started up a lemonade stand to get money to buy more books about ants. Hope and Scott thought it was cute that you were making lemonade for the people of New York who would occasionally walk by the house; Hope thought that it was a great experience to help you in the future with any jobs you might get. 
However, Hope and Scott began to notice that instead of getting regular kids' books about facts on ants, like 'Ten Fun Facts about Ants,' or ‘Annie and her Friend Ant,' you were going to bookstores, and leaving with 'Ants of North America; A Guide to the Genera,' and 'Identification Guide to the Ant Genera of the World.' Along with you, at the age of six and seven, reading college-level books and novels, you had become mighty close with your grandfather Hank.
You obviously loved spending time with him, since he would tell you about ants and the history and evolution of the world. That didn't stop you from getting lost every single day; that and the fact that you liked to pretend you were an explorer and explore new places, sometimes even in Central Park; hoping you could one day find a new ant species.
At the age of ten, you had become a spitting image, personality-wise, of your grandfather. You were as witty and sarcastic as you were incredibly wise beyond your years. Incredibly wise to the point that Hope and Scott thought it was best to take you out of grade school and set you up with college classes at home, where Hope could teach you. And it was totally not also because you punched a kid in the face after he said that Ant-Man was the worst Avenger. 
Along with your new college schedule at home - where you learn about geology, calculus, quantum mechanics, and so on - you did end up with a lot of free time, which allowed you to go to "work" with your father. Which was where you had met most, if not all, of the Avengers. 
Scott held your hand as you went up and up in the Stark Tower elevator. He let out a big sigh, becoming a bit nervous, as he glanced down at you. "You're going to behave, right?" 
You simply looked up at him, one of your favorite ant books in your free hand. "Of course. Why wouldn't I behave?" You asked, sarcasm lacing your words, before looking back at the book.
"Yeah, well, I just don't want you to bombard them with ant facts," Scott responded, before shaking his head slightly and looking forward again.
"That will be inevitable, Dad," You replied, looking forward as well, "I can't just not speak about the things that I enjoy in life. Ants bring me such joy that is beyond words, and I want everyone to know about my passions."
"Well... I guess just don't go overboard then," The elevator doors began to open, "I do love that you have something that makes you happy but I don't want you to tire them out. We have to make a good impression on them. You know I haven't met some of them yet - out of the battlefield, I mean." Scott spoke, letting out a sigh.
"You have to try and make a good impression. I don't have to try, I'm always going to succeed." You replied, before stepping off the lift and walking towards the common room, with Scott trailing behind you.
As you entered the common room, about seven sets of eyes landed on you. Some in shock, or so on, before they trailed up to see Scott.
"Hey, guys! Uh, this is my daughter. Y/N, say hello!"
"Say hello." You replied with a short roll of your eyes before you walked over to the first nearby person. Offering your hand with great conviction, "My name is Y/N Lang, I prefer Y/N Pym, but please, call me Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you." At your words, Scott felt his heart fall to the pit of his stomach. It was nice that you were indeed so close to your grandfather, but for a long time, Scott had felt a strain on his and your relationship for the longest time. 
The redhead blinked, slightly shocked before shaking your hand with a smile, "Pleasures all mine, Y/N. My name is Natasha, but you may call me Nat."
"That sounds satisfactory. Did you know that there are over twenty-thousand different types of species of ants in the world?" You asked as Natasha dropped your hand, staring up at her expectedly.
Natasha's eyes widened slightly as she shook her head, "No, I didn't know that. But that sounds fascinating."
“Wow,” Bruce spoke up, “She’s just like Pym.”
"It obviously is. Now, if you'll excuse me." You replied before moving along to the next person. Staring up at the man, you offered your hand, "I'm Y/N. But you must have already known that. Since you are around fifty-seven inches away from Ms. Nat. So, I believe that I do not have to repeat myself. Did you know that ants do not have ears?"
Steve gave you a small smile, shaking his head, "It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Steve. Uh, and I did not know that. That's very cool."
And so, you went along, speaking to Bruce, then to Wanda, and then to Thor. 
And then he came in.
"Hey! Thumbelina! Didn't know you were visiting." Tony walked in, pausing once his eyes landed on you, "And you brought your kid, that's fun." He spoke, walking over and offering you his hand. "Hey there, kid, I'm Tony. You may know me for my amazing persona as Iron Man. You know, saving the world and all."
You just stared up at him, glancing at his hand with a frown, "You can never trust a Stark."
Letting out a laugh, Tony withdrew his hand, gesturing to you as he looked at Scott. "Well, Lang, your daughter's a smart kid alright."
"Yes, she is. Very smart." Scott chuckled, placing his hands on your shoulders before you swerved out of his grasp, glaring quick daggers at him before you turned your gaze back at Tony. 
"That is correct. I am rather intelligent. But, it is only my grandfather and I that are intelligent." You remarked, giving Tony a slight smirk.
Tony laughed, "You're mighty sure of yourself there, aren't you? I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I have my own millionaire business, created my own suits, and am the lead Avenger. I am rather smart too."
"So you tell me, Mr. Stark. Are you sure you're worthy of that title? As lead Avenger, I mean." You asked sarcastically.
"Of course," Tony answered with no hesitation. "If anyone is deserving of being called leader of anything, it's me."
With a small snort, you folded your arms across your chest, nodding. Setting down your ant book on the coffee table beside you - with that, Scott knew you meant business - staring up at the man. "After all, when I can watch the news when I am not studying, by my previous calculations, you only pull twenty-two percent of your weight in most of your battles in the past seven years. That puts you closer to the bottom than any other Avenger."
"So," Tony retorted quickly, a grin still on his face, "You're what? Nine? How would you be able to make those calculations?"
"I have a photographic memory." You answered, "I've remembered everything I've read and seen ever since I was four."
"Well," Tony began, crossing his arms, "Who would you recommend should be the leader then?"
"Me." You answered, "If not myself, then my grandfather. Since we are incredibly intelligent, and no one's smarter than us. We could easily plan out an entire takedown for whatever crisis hits New York next."
There was silence between you as you waited for the man to respond. Tony then took a breath, "Well, Scott, you have a truly impressive kid here. She has quite a sharp tongue." He paused, looking back down at you. "You do remind me of Pym. Same brains and smarts. Same little attitude." He chuckled lightly, turning towards you. 
For a moment, you just stood in place. "I don't have an attitude, I have knowledge, and that knowledge is based on science, math, and ants." You began, staring up at Tony Stark as your father winced for the oncoming storm, "And about your prior comments about how smart I am. If you think I'm going to spend seven months learning Yale and Harvard level material just so you could tell me how smart I am, then you are sadly mistaken." You retorted, unfolding your arms from over your chest and narrowing your eyes. "I don't need you to tell me I'm smart. I know I am."
"Well," Tony began, a satisfied grin on his face, "Lang, your child is brilliant. I don't really care much for some children, but she's alright." He then gestured to the bar behind him, "Just don't let her near my lab or the drinks. She could cause chaos." He looked back down at you, "It was fun meeting you, kid." And with that, Tony left the room, but not before stopping by the said bar for a quick drink.
"Y/N, I told you to behave... Not- Not challenge Tony." Scott looked down at you as you grabbed your book.
"I think she was amazing." Natasha spoke, her back leaning against the cushions of the couch, "She stood up for herself and put Tony in his place. Maybe even hurt his ego a bit."
"I agree with Nat," Thor said, "Little Lady Y/N handled herself well."
The rest of the Avengers nodded along with their friend. And Scott let out a small sigh, "Well, I have to file some of that paperwork for Fury real quick. Are you guys alright with watching her?"
"Absolutely, Scott." Steve spoke with a grin, "She can tell us all about ants."
With those words said, you grin brightly, looking up at Captain America, "Finally, someone who understands me and lets me talk." 
Scott frowned before watching you speak so openly and animatedly with his coworkers before leaving for work. Scott wanted to be closer to you, but ever since you were six, it felt like there was a strain. A tension. One he couldn't break through with his easygoing personality and easygoing attitude. It was hard to try and get close to you. You seemed so far away, always talking about ants - which he too, liked - or talked about Hank. 
Scott felt like he wasn't important in your life to you. You openly showed your love for your mother, and for Hank, and Cassie. But for Scott, you hardly hugged him, barely acknowledged his presence when he was present, and never smiled at him when he entered the house after coming home from work. For years, he had dreamed of coming home from work and his children running up to him and hugging him. But when Peanut, or Cassie, would run into his arms, you would not. He loved you, and Scott knew that you must have loved him. 
After an hour, Scott found himself back in the elevator, going back up to grab you and head home to make dinner. It had been a long day, and he just wanted to go home. As the elevator doors opened, he thought he'd find you as he left you; animatedly talking about your favorite interests and ants. Though, when the elevator doors opened, he was surprised at how happy you seemed to be. You had all the Avengers in the room - Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, and Thor - all walking in a line, all holding random objects in their hands as they walked around the large room, following each other… Like ants. You stood on top of the coffee table, commanding the five of them around, similarly how an ant would. 
"Alright, honey, let's get home. I have to make dinner tonight." Scott spoke, walking over to you and helping you jump off the table. “We could watch ‘A Bug’s Life,’ huh?”
"Fine, but I want to come back. I am not done commanding my new ant army." You replied before turning to the five Avengers, "Thank you for playing with me."
As the Avengers began to say their goodbyes to you and your father, you took your book in one hand and his in the other, walking to the elevator. Once in, you dropped your hands from his, making him frown slightly but he shaky grinned down at you as he spoke. "I hope you had fun."
Looking up at him, you gave him a deadpanned look, “It was horrible, Dad. I hated it.” At his shocked look, you scoffed, "Of course, it was fun." You answered, "It was... Nice to have someone play with me."
Scott found himself nodding, "I, uh, I'm sorry I don't spend as much time with you. I wish I could. But I understand that I'm probably not the funniest dad or person to be around."
"It's not that you're not fun, Dad." You spoke, looking up at him, "I just like to spend my time with people who understand ants and in turn, me. Like grandpa."
Scott blinked, "Oh..." He trailed. "You- I- I know I don't take too much time into your interest, but I want to try. For you. I do like ants. It just can be… Tiring to hear so much about ants all the time." He then let out a sigh as the elevator doors opened and the two of you walked out, "I feel like there's some kind of strain between us."
Pausing, you stopped at the large glass doors of the Stark Tower, looking up at your father, you spoke, "I do wish you would listen to me sometimes. Hear my facts, take interest. But, I can understand that for some people, I can be a bit overwhelming with my overflowing facts. So, if I ever go overboard, you can tell me." You spoke, "It won't hurt my feelings if you tell me that I am overwhelming you with information. I can understand. I know that some people, unlike myself and grandpa, can only handle so much about ants. I would like to spend more time with you, Dad. And I do enjoy the time I do get to spend with you, Cassie, and Mom. I truly love you all. But, as I am going to learn how to manage how much I speak about ants in particular, I would like to advise that you take time to better yourself as well." You finished, turning to head out the door.
"Better myself?" Scott spoke, though unable to stop smiling at your words, "What do you suggest I better myself on?" He was finally getting somewhere.
As you stood outside of the tower, looking out at the city and the people around you, you reached up and took your father's hand before speaking, "Your magic tricks, Dad. You've been doing the same four for months. I have already memorized them. You need more material."
Scoot could only laugh, his heart swelling as the two of you walked home, "Brilliant. Okay, yeah, I can do that."
Main Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
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studiolevez · 3 months
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Mountain Valley Landscape at Sunrise in Boho Style. This fantasy valley scene features hills, mountains , and the sun in pastel colors. It's inspired by the stunning mountain landscape that I see everyday from the balcony of my house in the Sella da Estrela Natural Park in Central Portugal where my 9 hectare farm is located.
Nature paints a beautiful tapestry of wild flowers in the rocky landscape where mountain streams flow with many small waterfalls. The mountain scene changes everyday with the seasons. In winter the mountains are snow capped and morning frost glistens. In autumn a velvety green moss covers the rocks and in the summer everything turns to shades of gold as the incessant heat of the sun dries the grass.
This square gallery wrapped canvas print will always look as tight and flat as the day it was made. Every frame is built with a solid face to support the canvas and prevent deforming. Available in multiple sizes, comes in walnut and black frame options. .: 100% cotton fabric canvas .: Poplar wood frame with walnut or black finish .: High image quality and detail .: NB! For indoor use only
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Hello, again :D
I recently saw an add-on for DnD that included guides on a bunch of domestic activities, such as buying a house or store, getting married and having a family. I really liked the idea of a game where you still go on adventures but with that element of domesticity. I guess my question was, can you think of any ttrpgs (or add-ons) that include domestic pursuits within an adventure game?
THEME: Domestic Games
Hello there! I've got a few games for you to check out that might give you what you're looking for!
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Merchants and Monsters, by Andie Sanade.
In a world of magic, monsters, and brave intrepid adventurers, you are a merchant! An ordinary honest, as far as everyone knows, merchant. Life’s hard out there for the Non-Perilous Crowd, but you live in this world just as much as any sellsword or sorcerer. So grab your wares, straighten your clothes, and open up shop because you’re gonna make it big or die trying!
Merchants and Monsters is a roleplaying game that can be played by 2 or more people and uses a set of the following dice: 4-sided, 6-sided, 8-sided, 10-sided, 12-sided, and 20-sided.
This is a stand-alone game that you could probably also insert into another fantasy game of your choice! Because other players have the option of roleplaying customers, they could potentially embody their own characters going shopping, or perhaps this game happens after a long campaign, and you want to role-play a retired character doing their best to make a sale! While much of the art in this book indicates a fantasy world, there’s nothing stopping you from turning those gold pieces into credits, bits of salvage, or whatever currency you use in your game. 
MELWAFF - My Exciting Life with a Fantasy Foreigner!, by Julian Kay.
They came from another world, but it's not an invasion, it's an immigration.
Dragons, devils, and druids live among us, just trying to get by. Holy swords are put to use chopping carrots instead of slicing skeletons. The Mystery Integration Bureau oversees the the newcomers' introduction to modern Earth society, while ordinary people acclimate to the strangers. And not everything is going to go smoothly... where does a witch park her walking hut? What's it like having an unicorn for a roommate?
MELWAFF: My Exciting Life With a Fantasy Foreigner is a tabletop storytelling RPG dramedy where everyday people meet fantasy folk and anime-styled hijinks result. Play an Earth native, a fantasy "newcomer", or a M.I.B. agent and tell a story of what happens when the magical and bombastic meets the modern world. Seek your dreams either mystical or mundane, as your friends join in with shenanigans. Enjoy legitimate surprise mechanics as the "Fate Deck" introduces new twists and hopes throughout every episode of play!
This game uses a Tarot Deck, split into three groups, used to establish connections, determine who will become the central character of an episode, introduce twists, and more. Players will take turns occupying the spotlight over a number of episodes, attempting to achieve goals such as getting a job, throwing a party, hiding a pet monster from the landlord, etc. 
If you want to combine this game with others, you might bring characters from past games into this world as inter-dimensional travellers struggling to make sense of a modern world. This is a great option if your friends have favourite characters from a bunch of different games! The game itself a beautiful mix of the fantastic and the mundane, and I heavily recommend that you go and check it out! 
Lesbians Built This Farm, by che.
LESBIANS BUILT THIS FARM is a gmless table top role-playing game about queer joy and resistance for 2-4 players,  written by che for the TRANS JOY JAM. 
this is a game about the places we build and the things we need to build them. it uses a simple two-part system which ties a joyful "no dice no masters"-style homelife to the grueling game of odds and effort that is ""being queer in the work place.""
this pdf contains all the rules you need to play this game, including four playbooks. if you'd like, any of the playbooks from stargazersasha's girlfriend of my girlfriend is my friend should also be (mostly) compatible. 
This game uses inspiration from Belonging Outside Belonging in that it sets up moves for each playbook that your characters can always do. There are two phases of play. The first is a home phase that allows you to cultivate the home you’ve always wanted. The second is a work phase that uses a deck of cards and d10s to determine what kind of day you had at work, and how much stress it gives you. As you play, you will check boxes attached to your character sheet - fill all of them and you get to decide how your character grows into themself.
If you want to combine this game with a game that carries more adventure and excitement, you might be able to do that with Thirsty Sword Lesbians! I'd recommend picking a playbook from each and adjusting the jobs from Lesbians Built This Farm to match the kinds of jobs your characters might have in-universe. Perhaps those jobs are things your characters pick up in between adventures, perhaps this game works as a prequel to something bigger, or maybe your Thirsty Sword Lesbian campaign happens on in-universe weekends!
The best part is that both of these games are available in the TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida bundle, so you can get both of them (and many many more) for only $5! Both games can be used for a multitude of genres so the possibilities are endless!
Games I’ve recommended in the past 
(All sci-fi, to make up for the lack of it above!)
Xenopolitan, by Willy Elektrix.
The Long Shift, by Caro Asercion.
Poutine: Deep Dish Nine, by The Kinematic Cafe.
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stealyourblorbos · 1 year
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20 (intrusive) questions re: "what is your favorite memory" and "do you believe in ghosts" asked by @lyrslair & @motheroftorches
Some years ago mom was visiting me in China and requested a tour to the most "truely hardcore, authentic and impressive place" that was possible at the moment, and so we went to Udang Mountains. The place is older than infamous Shaolin, but less crowded because of the complex accessibility and harsh climate.
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It's a taoist monastery complex built in the mountain forest about 1600-2000m altitude, connected with a system of ancient stairs and pathways. It's possible to rent a guest house inside the park or tea farm down near the mountain and hang around as much as you want.
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So one beautiful day we got distracted with all the gorgeous views around and stuck at the top, the cable car was already shut down. We presumptuously decided to descend to the village at the foot of the mountain by ourselves...
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Weather in the mountains of central China can be treacherous and prone to abrupt change. Dusk came quicker than we expected, it got cold and we realized we chose the wrong stairway and got lost somewhere in the forest on our way down. It was getting BAD. Mom was scared, I was upset, and we both got extremely tired.
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When we stopped to fix the gear and stick some patches on our burning feet, we heard some rustling among the trees and fluffy white dog stepped out on the path, wagging its tail. He looked surprisingly clean and well-kempt for a stray forest dog and acted extremely friendly. For the next several hours he was patiently leading the way, looking back at us from time to time, waiting for us on the road splits and steep slopes. As if he knew what he was doing very well, because eventually we saw the lights of village down at the distance.
We thanked our furry hero endlessly. He refused to eat the sausage I had in the backpack, but let us pet him. I also took some pics of him with my DSLR cam. When we quickly stopped by the little roadside store to get a him a real treat and then returned, the dog disappeared.
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Noone of the locals knew who the dog belonged to, and stray dogs were actually not allowed in the park because of its natural reserve status. But next day one grandma showed me an old little shrine of local deity, Erlang. Guess who I saw there?
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All the pictures I took of him that night turned out to be overexposed, just a blurry ball of white fur 😊 and I never had blurry pictures before that.
His name is XiaoTian, 哮天犬, Celestial Dog. You can google him, there actually a lot of funny legends.
Thanks for reading! Man, do I have a lot of stories to tell.
Ask me intrusive questions here
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Mesa Verde National Park (No. 4)
Large Pueblo I settlements laid claim to the resources found within 15 to 30 square miles (39 to 78 km2). They were typically organized in groups of at least three and spaced about 1 mile (1.6 km) apart. By 860, there were approximately 8,000 people living in Mesa Verde. Within the plazas of larger villages, the Pueblo I people dug massive pit structures of 800 square feet (74 m2) that became central gathering places. These structures represent early architectural expressions of what would eventually develop into the Pueblo II Eragreat houses of Chaco Canyon. Despite robust growth during the early and mid-9th century, unpredictable rainfall and periodic drought led to a dramatic reversal of settlement trends in the area. Many late Pueblo I villages were abandoned after less than forty years of occupation, and by 880 Mesa Verde's population was in steady decline. The beginning of the 10th century saw widespread depopulation of the region, as people emigrated south of the San Juan River to Chaco Canyon in search of reliable rains for farming. As Pueblonians migrated south, to where many of their ancestors had emigrated two hundred years before, the influence of Chaco Canyon grew, and by 950 Chaco had supplanted Mesa Verde as the region's cultural center.
Source: Wikipedia
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earaercircular · 2 years
These Irish idealists built their own eco-village: 'Sustainable living is possible'
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Established in 1999, Cloughjordan Ecovillage is Ireland's first eco-village
A group of young environmentalists started a wild plan in the late 1990s to build Ireland's first eco-village to fight the climate crisis. More than twenty years later, the village is half finished.
In the early morning sunbeams play with the morning mist among the full apple trees in the Irish eco-village of Cloughjordan[1] (pronounced: klokdjorden). It is quiet. Farmer Pat Malone rides a bicycle towards his horses, his dog runs ahead of him. Pa Finucane cruises along the narrow asphalt roads in his red hybrid Hyundai to the supermarket, to get The Irish Times and oat milk for the guests of his hostel.
Malone and Finucane occupy two of the now 55 houses in the eco-village, that has about the size of fifty football fields. The houses are grouped together in small clusters. They are large houses that you might just come across in newly created residential districts in other countries. In the middle is a large co-working building, the central heating boilers and a park with solar panels. These mark the transition to the edible forest, the various gardens, the amphitheatre and the community farm.
Those 55 houses are considered a disappointment; the plan was that there would already be 130. The start went very well, in the late 1990s. The idea arose among visitors to an organic market in Dublin – about a two-hour drive from Cloughjordan. “A lot of us were activists,” said Davie Philip, one of the founders. “We blocked roads and a few of us were arrested for destroying the sugar beets of the multinational Monsanto. But something was going on. Throughout Europe, activists turned into pro-activists. Instead of being against something, they started talking about what they were actually for.”
Two meadows
Likewise in Ireland. Philip and a few others founded Sustainable Projects Ireland[2], an educational institution that became the parent company of the eco-village. It was the start of a two-year exploratory process in which ideas were formed, experts were consulted, field trips undertaken and new members recruited through monthly information evenings on the market. The 'project' then bought two pastures next to the original rural village of Cloughjordan.
Philip: “Our project was given a different model than existing eco-villages. By integrating with an existing village, we wanted to play a role in the regeneration of the countryside. The eco-village brought new people as customers to the existing stores, who were train users and sent their children to school.”
Making rural life flourish seems to have been successful. While facilities are closing in surrounding villages, Cloughjordan still has two primary schools, a supermarket and two pubs open – even more facilities have been opened such as a bookshop and cafe.
Show that it is possible
Veronica Ryan – one of the first residents – was particularly motivated by those words 'sustainable' and 'building' from the village's slogan: 'Building Sustainable Community'. “Sustainable living was still a topic that was not much discussed. We wanted to show that it was possible.” When later on it was discovered that the village had the lowest ecological footprint in Ireland, it was an important milestone and confirmation for her and the community, she says.
According to Ryan, sustainability is primarily apparent from the choices made when building. “The houses were then definitely cutting-edge in terms of energy efficiency, we were the only one in Ireland to have a central heating system and the water drainage system was also unique. Fortunately, society has now overtaken us on most points.”
Ryan works part-time for the eco-village and coordinates the education group. From the beginning, it was the desire to share the lessons learned with the outside world. And that happens. For example, in the weekly tour of the ecovillage and the giving of courses. They also welcome university students who do research and regularly visit groups from different backgrounds. Ryan: “Professors say they bring their students here because it gives them hope that one can achieve something.”
Edible forest
Sustainability is also apparent from the way the land is organised. A third is intended for housing, a third for agriculture and a third for an edible forest. For Ryan, that's important: “We share the planet with nature.” Hundreds of fruit and nut trees are planted on that land. At this time of year, the apple trees are full and the village has just had an unexpectedly large first cherry harvest.
The community farm is another initiative to explore a sustainable lifestyle. It is owned by the approximately seventy members who together pay the salary of the two farmers and the necessary investments. In exchange for sixteen euros per adult per week, they have unlimited harvest authorisation. The farmers grow about 40different crops using traditional farming techniques and ensure the arrival of young people in the community: every year there is room for six European volunteers who help for a year.
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Growing food
The village has several agricultural initiatives, such as the research garden called the RED Gardens, the organic cattle ranch Crawfords Farm just outside the village and The Night Orchard, that makes apple cider. There is also its own ecological bakery.
Joe Fitzmaurice and his wife own a bakery with a wood-fired oven. They now bake rye and sourdough bread for which they only use organic flour, without chemical additives. Fitzmaurice himself started baking less and less bread. Instead, he teaches courses so that people can bake themselves.
People with strong opinions
However, not everything goes without a struggle. Davie Philip: “95 percent of the communities that start are falling apart because of conflict”. He no longer lives in the eco-village himself. “There are people with strong opinions,” explains Veronica Ryan. She also sees the positive side. “Because we've been through so much together, trust has been built up.”
One of the crises that shaped the village was the financial crisis in 2008. The master plan was to build 133 homes. All lots were sold and paid for. Due to the crisis, people had to withdraw and there are now only 55 houses. As a result, the loans have still not been repaid, the costs of the central facilities have to be borne by fewer people and the work involved in building a village has to be done by fewer people.
Yet that crisis at the beginning may now be an opportunity. Philip remains idealistic: “I am not interested in a village with large eco-houses. I question personal ownership. Why don't we let the houses belong to a cooperative?” He prefers to build houses where people can live together and he experiments with cheaper forms of living so that young people can also come to the village.
The question is therefore what will be connected to the black pipes that still protrude from the ground on the undeveloped lots. According to Philip, the village is slowly turning into a retirement home if no action is taken. Will the village be able to reinvent itself and provide space for a second generation of young families and idealists with wild plans?
Gerrit Post: Deze Ierse idealisten bouwden hun eigen ecodorp: ‘Duurzaam leven kan’, in: Trouw, 10-10-2022; https://www.trouw.nl/cs-b05c55d9.
[1] Cloughjordan, officially Cloghjordan is a town in County Tipperary in Ireland.
[2] https://environmentalpillar.ie/sustainable-projects-ireland-cloughjordan-eco-village/
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lovepeacestar · 6 months
My Trolls AU
Introduction of the Troll Tribes (My Version)
Pop Nation/Pop Garden
Pop City (Nation/Empire): These Pop trolls live in a place that's kind of like 'Pop Village' but bigger/more populated and is called 'Pop City', King Peppy still rules. Pop City still lives in the Dark Forest, it's a little further from Bergen City, I would say in the Center of the Forest. The Pop trolls grew another Troll Tree, which is referred to as Pop City or Pop Central. And also have advanced technology combined with nature. It's a little metropolitan wonder, where the most famous and powerful trolls live. Due to the powerful and ancient magic of the Pop String.
Pop Garden: The Pop Garden was glowing thanks to a pink light shining over it, and everywhere you looked, there were dark, light, and even average pink colors everywhere. The place was full of plants and bugs, like butterflies, caterpillars, bees, dragonflies, ladybugs, and grasshoppers. The garden has different kinds of flowers, a lot of them, like sunflowers, roses, santans, gumamelas, daisies, daffodils, etc. Not just flowers, there are also different kinds of plants, like vines, shrubs, succulents, ferns, mushrooms, and others. There was a pathway for Trolls to move around while gazing at the plants. There was also a big fountain where they could sit around it, and Pop Trolls could play their Pop music.
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Techno Reef/Techno Water Amusement Park
Techno Reef: Techno Reef is an underwater location with LEDs and bright lights, based on macramé and optical fibers. Techno Reef is of high technology, with many LEDs providing lights that surround the dark oceanic floor. This is considered to be well-suitable for the Techno Trolls' parties. Most of Techno Reef is also made of crochet. This is due to the powerful and ancient magic of the Techno String.
Techno Water Amusement Park: Techno Water Amusement Park was literally a water amusement park. It has many water slides with different styles, showers, fountains, water game booths, floatie slides, dunk tanks, and several swimming pools. A few of the pools are kiddie pools with small water slides, some have medium pools, and some have pools that look like rivers, but in the middle of the park was the biggest pool of all, connecting to the other big pools. The Water Amusement Park has many shades of blue, like the slides. It also has stores, like water gun stores, where it can rent water guns for kids, bottled water stores, water balloon stores, pool shops where MMTs can buy swimming equipment and toys, and clothes storage where Trolls can keep their clothes to wear their swimming clothes.
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Lonesome Flats/Country Farm
Lonesome Flats: Lonesome Flats is located in a desert, and is loosely based on a Wild West theme. Lonesome Flats is a sandy and harsh place in the Troll Kingdom. The Country Trolls settled in a deserted area after the isolation from the Pop Trolls. Lonesome Flats appear to be of low technology, as there aren't much of advanced devices in it. It resembles a quilt, with different stitches patterned on the ground and buildings. It's mostly comprised of hot colors (e.g. orange, yellow, red, etc.), which matches both the desertic nature of its location and its Wild West theme. This is accomplished by the Ancient Magic of Country String.
Country Farm: The Country Farm has orange land with lots of crops in rows. The place was almost similar to Lonesome Flats and Country Corral, but instead of a building and house, the whole place is a farm. There are barns, fields of crops, and farm animals roaming around. Though Trolls came here to work to provide food, most of them are Country Trolls. They were harvesting fruits and vegetables, raising the animals, and selling their harvest at their stalls.
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Symphonyville/Classical Heaven
Symphonyville: The area of Symphonyville goes across hills and mountains. Out of all the locations of Troll Kingdom, it has the highest elevation overall. For the Classical Trolls, Symphonyville is the most unique and beautiful place. Symphonyville appears to mostly use traditional technology and has instrument and floral patterns on hills and mountain surfaces. It's a calm place, suitable for the Classical Trolls to play their soft music. Most of Symphonyville has golden and yellow tones, as well as some other colors with a tint of gold on them. The Classical Trolls reside in groups at cave-like structures, each of which matches the respective instrument each group plays with the exits shaped like it. This is accomplished by the Ancient Magic of Classical String.
Classical Heaven: Classical Heaven was like a heavenly place where many Classical Trolls flew around instead of walking. The floor looked like clouds, but it was as solid as the ground below. The floor was actually cotton fabric with artificial clouds all over the place so the Classical Trolls or other trolls from other tribes could step on. The place has plenty of gazebos with orchestras of Classical Trolls in each of them with their respectful conductors leading them. The place also has shops and cafes for the MMTs to take a break, relax, and have fun. Classical music was played in the air as the MMTs just stopped and listened calmly.
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Vibe City/Funk Bar
Vibe City: Vibe City has a surreal, science fiction-esque landscape with bright neon signs. It is the only moving location in the Troll Kingdom, making the Funk Trolls the only nomadic Tribe. The entire city is found within a giant UFO-like vehicle that's clamshell-like with some outside balconies. The outside shell is made from platinum records, arranged like overlapping sequins. Thus, Vibe City is also the most advanced location of Troll Kingdom in terms of technology. Their contact with the other troll kingdoms means there is a much higher level of technology throughout Troll Nation, leading to troll mass media, troll cell phones, and troll internet. This is accomplished by the Ancient Magic of Funk String.
Funk Bar: The Funk Bar was glowing thanks to a purple light shining over it, and everywhere. There were dark, light, and even average purple colors everywhere. There were also glowing words and letters made of neon lights. The bar has a slight resemblance to Vibe City, but smaller, and has many Funk Trolls around. Funk Bar also has beverage stores, souvenir stands, and album shops. The song "Superstition" was heard in the background.
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Volcano Rock City/Rock Field
Volcano Rock City: Volcano Rock City is an ash-covered wasteland with lava and flowing volcanoes. The skies are dark here due to ash clouds. Volcano Rock City is a hot area, with lava flowing everywhere. It appears to be of high technology and is made from leather and denim. Most of Volcano Rock City is of black, orange, and red colors, presumably to match the Rock Trolls' designs. This is accomplished by the Ancient Magic of Rock String.
Rock Field: Rock Field was like an ash-covered wasteland with small lava pools, and thin trails of flowing lava. Some rocks around are sharp, most of them are igneous rocks since they are from magma that cools down. All around, Rock Trolls played their guitars, drums, keyboards, cymbals, and other Rock instruments hard and loudly before smashing them down as the other Rock Trolls cheered with them. Some MMTs can roast their food above the lava pools like hotdogs and marshmallows.
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Doom & Gloom 2022: The Year In Bootlegs
So many bootlegs! If you need to get caught up, here's a handy list of these Doom & Gloom exclusives. Some of the old standbys, some new faces. Thanks to all the tapers out there, you are the real heroes.
What will 2023 bring?! I don't know, but I'll still be here. Oh and hey, have you signed up for the Doom & Gloom Substack yet? It's a good time.
John Fahey - Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, California, July 14, 1976
Through Hills and Valleys, Over Creeks and Rivers: Crazy Horse’s Deep Cut Epics, 1984-2013
Public Image Limited - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, April 4, 1983
Low - Johnny Brenda’s, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 1, 2016
The Velvet Underground - Music Hall, Cleveland, December 1, 1968
Sonic Youth - Cat’s Cradle, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, November 14, 1982
Lou Reed - Mile End Sundown, London, United Kingdom, November 1, 1972
Richard Thompson - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, October 16, 1994
John Cale - Lady Mitchell Hall, Cambridge, England, May 13, 1975
Elkhorn - Volume 2 at Never Ending Books, New Haven, Connecticut, September 12, 2022
Lou Reed - Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan, October 26, 2000
Lou Reed - Palace Theater, New Haven, Connecticut, March 7, 1996
Lou Reed - The Bottom Line, New York City, February 25, 1983
Neil Young & The Transband - Westfalenhalle, Dortmund, West Germany, October 11, 1982
The Necks - Bimhuis, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 26, 1998
R.E.M. - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, April 14, 1982 / October 6, 1982 / July 17, 1983
jaimie branch’s FLY or DIE - Boot and Saddle, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 18, 2016
John Cale - Oxford Ale House, New Haven, Connecticut, June 20, 1979
Silver Jews - 40 Watt Club, Athens, Georgia, March 10, 2006
Air with Amiri Baraka - WDR Studio, Köln, Germany, March 20, 1982
King Sunny Adé - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, February 7, 1983
Patti Smith w/ Lou Reed - Central Park, New York City, June 27, 1977
John Fahey - Unknown Venue, Santa Barbara, California, January 1968
Neil Young - Acoustic H.O.R.D.E.
The Willies - The Peanut Gallery, Haledon, New Jersey, April 24, 1983
The Slits - Dingwalls, London, United Kingdom, May 13, 1977
Neil Young with Poncho and the MG’s - Rock Am Ring Festival, Nürburgring, Germany, May 18, 2002
Neil Young with Booker T. & the MGs - Warfield Theater, San Francisco, California, June 9, 1993
Lou Reed - Glastonbury Festival, Worthy Farm, Pilton, England, June 27, 1992
The Feelies - World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 19, 2022
Robyn Hitchcock - Robyn Sings Again
Wilco - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, September 16, 2000
The Feelies - The Grotto, New Haven, Connecticut, August 30, 1986 / Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, May 11, 1991
Sonic Youth - This Ain’t No Picnic Festival, Oak Canyon Ranch, Irvine, California, July 4, 1999
Lou Reed - ZigZag Magazine, Conversation with John Tobler, December 1971
Television - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, December 1, 1992
Tom Verlaine - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, October 10, 1981 / May 26, 1982
Jerry Jeff Walker & David Bromberg - WBAI-FM, New York City, 1969
The Replacements - 7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 5, 1981
Lou Reed - The Robinson Apartment, New York City, March 1971
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