#Charitable Donations
update on my housing situation ~
With the end of summer swift approaching, I've been looking forward hopefully to moving in with a relative who lives about an hour away. I would've been able to transfer to a nearby Walmart, and my expenses for rent would be less than half of the cost of what I'm paying to stay at budget motels. Those plans are delayed indefinitely as, fortunately for her, she's had some relief for the osteoarthritis pain she suffers and has returned to work full-time. For now, she can manage her mortgage without needing additional income from renting to me (although she's unable to maintain her property, clean or even vacuum, which would've been my responsibilities). She also wants to keep her spare room available for her daughter, who's been having trouble meeting her rent for an apartment she shares with her boyfriend in the Bronx. As a result, I remain homeless...for now.
so I'm gonna have to ask for help again...
I've gotten through August better than usual; I'm glad to share that it's been over a month since I've needed to make a post like this. However, between my continued cut in hours (even as the service desk remains chronically understaffed) and a hike of about 20% in local room rates (I usually save about 15%/night by paying weekly), I'm in need of help. I'd like to try to raise $450 - &500 for the month of September, with my immediate need of $200 to manage next week's lodging. As ever, I know that I've been very blessed to receive the friendship and generosity of this community, and I send out my heartfelt gratitude for donations of any size, and to those who reblog this to help boost my plea. Thank you for any manner of help you can provide!
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wild-magick-child · 2 months
My family is losing our home. I have no choice but to leave and go to college. I don't qualify for an apartment because of my terrible credit (thanks to student loans). All I am asking is for help staying above water. I need money to help me pay for hotel rooms, classes, food, travel, etc. Anything helps! Even if it's $20.
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iotlorganicscompany · 23 days
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So, here’s just an idea for a product I’m thinking of making and I’m trying to market it all before I launch so my content doesn’t miss any of my niche audience but, honestly I think I might be the only swampy Central Floridian witch obsessed with botany and sustainable aqua and agriculture aspiring for financial freedom attempting to acquire all that through business savvy… anyway this is a blog so let me tell you about the business I’m starting then afterwards I’ll shut up and go to bed.
Natural Alternatives to Mainstream Synthetics.
I’m not a fan of synthetic products, pollution or elitism and awhile back I started learning about how these things decay and affect the planet and people. Synthetic materials used in topicals, food, and cosmetics can disrupt the endocrine system, your metabolism and autoimmune system, and endanger our natural world. I believe synthetic fabrications can be formulated holistically however, until now, are not truly understood and should be replaced with sustainable organic materials that come to us from the natural world.
We’re using candles that are made with verifiably known carcinogens, the homes are being built and coated with harmful substances, inorganic plastics and breathable toxins …
I want to make something old …
I want to reach back into the ancient world and pull out a pristine and holy technology : creation for the sake of eternal benefit.
Too much harm has been done, and, now it is time- for the world’s healing. I believe that begins with our lifestyles.
Humans are meant to live in supreme seasons of harvest, hibernation, and, growth. I refuse to be driven mad in the fray of other people’s lives. Does the tortoise who flows with their intuition lose to the hustling hare?
Beauty should not come at the cost of your wealth, self, or, health and the aspiration of it should be an effect of the benefit of improving your health.
Infrastructure and culture should be in balance with the desires of the earth to sustain us. Do not build golf courses through a flood-plain. Stop developing without green space! If I see one more beer cooler full of cans when I’m kayaking in any of Florida’s beautiful rivers I will EMAIL EVERYONEEEEEE!!!
Donate to @thenatureconservancychina to aid the defense of the earth and our ecology.
Prepare for @iotlorganicscompany launch Spring 2025
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duckprintspress · 1 year
Pride Bundle 2023 Donations and Accountability!
Our Pride Bundle sale has concluded, and (enough of) the funds earned have cleared, and so today is donation day!
First, for accountability, here’s the sales data from our webpage:
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We ended up selling the same number of each bundle – 23 General Imprint bundles, 23 Erotica Imprint Bundles.
The Press is donating the same percentage of our earnings across the board – about 40% of our “share”, which is itself about 25% of the net (post-processing fee) value of the sales. Several authors also opted to donate part or all of their shares to the charities. I’m not getting specific here because I don’t want our authors to feel pressured to donate more than they’re able to, so I apologize that this isn’t quite as explicit, but the way things worked out, after fees and everything, 35.71% of the GROSS proceeds from the General Imprint Bundle and 40.56% of the GROSS proceeds from the Erotica Imprint Bundle are to be donated. This includes the Press share and the shares for the volunteer authors. The breakdown works out as follows (all amounts are USD):
Gross sales: $907.51 Processing Fees: $39.05
Net Sales: $868.46 Press Share (pre-donation): $217.11 Collective Share to Split Among the Authors (Including to-be-donated shares): $651.34
As such,
Total Amount Collected for Charity: $346.08
We decided to round this up to $350, since that’s a nice, even number, and so we’ve donated $175 to each of the charities!
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THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this event such a success for Duck Prints Press, our authors, and our chosen charities!
We’re already planning to do Pride Bundles for Charity again next year, so if you haven’t already followed us on social media, signed up for our newsletter, or backed us on Patreon, this would be a great moment to do so, to ensure that you don’t miss out on your next opportunity to get yourself some amazing stories and help us help others!
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actuallylorelaigilmore · 10 months
Hey everybody!! I've been part of the Culture Study community for a while now--they used to run a mutual aid fund through Discord, and if we're friends you might remember they helped my family afford veterinarian care through that fund.
This year the creator of Culture Study is highlighting Trans Santa for the holidays, and gathering donations together to help fund large purchases off the organization's gift registries.
You can see the Venmo and Paypal info and other details in the post I've linked. I can personally vouch for her trustworthiness and for the next week she's going to match up to $1000 of donations she collects.
I sent what I could afford, it was super easy to do. But I wish I could give much more, so if you're able to contribute please consider doing so, and help spread the word by sharing this post. 💖
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friday411 · 7 months
The world is full of people who need help desperately, people who desperately want to help them, and those who want to help themselves.
Here’s a way to research non profits so you can do the most good with what you give.
Take a look at organizations history, how much they spend on advertising and administration costs, etc at:
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krystal-britten · 5 days
Krystal D. Britten Relaunches Influential Boutique with Exciting Offers!
Krystal D. Britten is back with a bang! She has relaunched her popular Influential Boutique, bringing fresh styles and exciting offers for everyone. Whether you're looking for trendy outfits or unique accessories, there's something special waiting for you. 
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Urgent Help Needed for Baby Emma*
Meet Baby Emma, a 2-year-old fighting for her life against blood cancer. Her parents, Sarah and Mike, are devastated, watching their little one suffer. Despite their efforts, they're facing a severe financial crisis, struggling to afford Emma's treatments.
The Challenge
Emma needs an urgent bone marrow transplant, but the family can't cover the enormous costs. They've exhausted their savings, and time is running out. Without our help, Emma's chances of survival dwindle.
How You Can Help
Your donation can be the lifeline Emma needs. Every contribution, big or small, brings her closer to receiving the treatment she desperately needs. Your trust and generosity will help cover:
Medical expenses
Treatment costs
Travel and accommodation for the family
Please Donate Generously
Let's come together to save Baby Emma's life! Your donation will be used solely for her medical expenses. Share this story with your network, and let's make a difference together.
Donate Now* https://paypal.me/Gaza276?country.x=IN&locale.x=en_GB
Remember, every share, every donation, and every prayer counts. Let's be the hope Emma needs in this critical hour.
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sightsaversin · 25 days
Transforming Lives in Delhi: Sightsavers India’s Impactful Journey
Discover how Sightsavers India, a prominent NGO in Delhi, is making a remarkable difference in the lives of individuals with visual impairments. Through their dedicated efforts, this organization is empowering communities, enhancing access to eye care, and driving transformative change across the region.
Visit: https://www.sightsaversindia.org/
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wise-life · 1 month
How to Manage Finances in a Marriage?
Managing finances in a marriage can be challenging, but with the right approach and mindset, it can also be a rewarding experience. When couples learn to handle their money wisely, they build a stronger foundation for their relationship. Financial planning for couples, budgeting tips for newlyweds, money management in marriage, and joint finances are essential topics that every couple should…
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immaculatasknight · 2 months
Uniformed goon
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brightnews · 3 months
Superior Plumbing Presents North Georgia State Fair - Gives Back To The Community!
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davidl2001 · 8 months
Daily Documents to Keep Track of for Ease During Tax Season
Tax Season Tax season can be a stressful time for many individuals, especially those who are not organized with their financial documents. However, with just a few daily habits, you can make tax season less painful by keeping track of important documents throughout the year. By doing so, you can save time, reduce anxiety, and even potentially increase your tax refund. This blog post will discuss…
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nakeddeparture · 9 months
POLITICS: Dear Santia Bradshaw, ex-con Donville Inniss already explained what Charitable Donations are - they are Bribes.
Deputy Prime Minister of Barabdos, Santia Bradshaw, caught taking a bribe. Whether it is ‘normal’ in Barbados or not is not the question. The answer is, Santia Bradshaw took a bribe. Naked!!
Like. Share. Subscribe (it costs you nothing). Comment on YouTube.
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sebengineer101 · 10 months
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katereads · 1 year
My husband and I are literally paying tens of thousands of dollars in university tuition for our child every year. And they still have the absolute unmitigated *gall* to include us on their charitable appeal emails and letters.
Like, my dude, you are already the number one line item on our expenses. What more do you want? Don’t answer that, I know what you’ll say.
But from the bottom of my heart: fuck all the way off.
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