#Chris Evans romance
shellbilee · 2 years
Grounded (Chapter 1)
A Chris Evans x OFC Series
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Pairing: Chris Evans x OFC (Tianna Dawes)
Words: 4.2K
Warnings: fluff, angst, eventual smut, swearing
Summary: Australian sports doctor Tianna Dawes travels to Boston for a work conference only to have her flight home canceled. To make things worse it’s Thanksgiving week in the US, and now she’s got nothing to do except pass the time in her hotel room. That is, until she’s invited to spend Thanksgiving dinner with a gorgeous stranger and his family, a gorgeous stranger, who happens to be Chris Evans. 
A/N: I’m back from my hiatus with my first fic in a long time, my first Chris Evans fic that’s not a one shot or mini series! All likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciated, I hope you all enjoy my fic. If you’d like to join the tag list, please let me know.
B x
“You can’t be serious. Please tell me you’re joking”.
“I’m sorry Ms Dawes, all flights out of Boston are canceled. The snow storm has made flying out impossible, and unfortunately the forecast is showing no signs of the storm ending in the next few days”.
Tianna looks back at the administration woman behind the flight desk, still not quite believing what she was hearing. No flights at all? What was she going to do? She couldn’t just stay in Boston for a week. What about work? Ben? Harvey?
“We’ve arranged alternative accommodation for you at the Mariott Downtown, and we’ll contact you as soon as we have confirmation that flights are running again”.
Tianna lets out a heavy breath, reaching up to run her fingers through her hair. For fuck’s sake. The woman - whose name was Rebecca, according to the white enamel name tag sitting on the lapel of her navy blue blazer, offers her a small, sympathetic smile and hands her a small stack of papers that were apparently her accommodation details for her now unexpectedly extended work trip.
Tianna offers the best smile she can muster in return, resisting the urge to slump dramatically at the desk, taking the papers and picking up her carry-on bags. What the hell was she going to do now? Standing in the middle of the first class lounge, Tianna looks down at her watch before digging out her phone from her handbag, deciding to call Ben, her fiance. Given the time difference she knew it would be very early back home, but if she was lucky he’d be on early shift and just be getting out of bed.
The line continues to ring and Tianna starts to lose hope, letting out a breath when she hears Ben’s groggy morning voice in her ear.
“Hey baby”.
“Hey babe. Sorry to wake you. Got some bad news” Tianna says, looking over at the people lining up at Rebecca’s desk. Each new face that turned around looked increasingly more irritated than the last, the woman at the front of the line looking like she was three seconds away from bursting into tears. 
“Bad news? What’s wrong?” Ben says, his voice still thick with sleep.
“My flight’s been canceled. Bad weather, a snow storm apparently. There’s no flights out for the next five days at least, and they’re not even sure about that”.
“What are you going to do?”
“They’ve booked accommodation for me at a hotel in the city, but until then I just have to wait. I don’t know what else I can do” Tianna replies, resisting the urge to chew on her manicured thumb nail.
“You know that means you’ll be there for Thanksgiving babe” Ben says matter-of-factly, and Tianna can’t help the groan that falls from her throat. All of a sudden she feels like she’s on the verge of frustrated tears herself.
Thanksgiving week, in a snowed-in unfamiliar city, on the other side of the world, by herself. It was almost like spending Christmas by herself. God. 
“It won’t be that bad Tee. You’ve always wanted to go to see Boston, now you can see the sights and everything at least?”.
Tianna smiled. Ben always had a way of seeing the positive in all situations. Nothing really phased him, he was easygoing and relaxed at all times - no matter what was happening. 
“I’ll miss you” Tianna says softly, looking around the lounge and watching the people with their bags rushing through in a way that people only ever did in an airport.
“I’ll miss you too babe” Ben says and she swears she can hear him smile, “Anyway, since I’m up now, I’m gonna hit the gym before work. I’ll talk to you later okay?”.
Tianna nods even though he can’t see her.
“Okay. I love you. Give Harvey a kiss for me” she replies, referring to their floppy Golden Retriever son.
“I will. Love you too Tee”.
The line goes dead and Tianna looks down at her phone screen, smiling nostalgically at her phone screen. It’s a picture of Ben and Harvey at the beach from a road trip they’d taken up to Port Douglas in far North Queensland, Australia.
Tianna lets out a heavy breath, looking around the bustling airport. 
She needed a drink ASAP.
Chris Evans exits the first class lounge bathroom, walking out into the lounge and pausing momentarily when his phone starts vibrating in his back pocket. He glances down at the screen to see that it’s his brother Scott, sliding his finger over the phone and answering the call. 
“Hey bro” Chris answers, looking around the lounge as he does so. He spies a woman at the check-in desk looking incredibly stressed and deduces that it must be due to the weather - he’d heard about the snow storms upon landing and knew that the airport would soon be turning to madness as a result.
“Hey hey! Just letting you know I’m on my way to get you” Scott says, his voice echoing through the bluetooth car speaker, “The roads are kinda fucked, but I’m about 40 minutes or so away”.
“You’re coming to get me? I can get a cab Scott it’s fine” Chris questions, his eyes still on the woman who’d since moved away from the desk and was now astounding in the middle of the lounge looking even more exasperated than before.
“Don’t be silly, I’m already on my way. Besides, ma needed me to get a few things from the market so I thought I’d do it at the same time”.
“Alright, alright. Just message me when you’re here” Chris muses, glancing down at his watch and trying to decide what he’s going to do to pass forty minutes.
“See you soon”.
The line goes dead and Chris shoves his phone back into his pocket, readjusting his bag on his shoulder. He reaches up to tap his favourite NASA hat on his head as if to reassure himself that it’s still there, suddenly hoping that the snow storm would preoccupy people enough not to notice him. The last thing he wanted right now was to be noticed by a throng of fans - not on his favourite holiday week of the year. He’d been working non stop this year, projects here, there and everywhere, and he’d been looking forward to Thanksgiving week for months. All he wanted was to get home and see his family, and spend the next few days with them eating, drinking and doing all the other fun things they did every year together. 
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Chris lets out a breath and looks around again, deciding to find the quietest bar in the airport and get himself a drink.
Tianna rests her elbows on the slightly sticky wooden bar, putting her face in her hands and closing her eyes. She still can’t believe this has happened, that she’s stuck in Boston for an undefined amount of time, on Thanksgiving week no less. It was just her luck. The one week in the USA that rivaled Christmas time, that everyone spent with family, friends and loved ones. Here she was though, quite literally, on the other side of the planet, with no family, friends or loved ones to spend said week with. She was pretty sure that almost everything closed down for the holidays too, so it would literally be a week of sitting in her hotel room with very little to do. God. So much for a quick work trip.
“What can I get ya love?”.
Tianna looks up from her hands at the sound of the thick Irish accent, her eyes landing on the bartender now standing in front of her. He couldn’t have been much younger than her, unruly dark locks pulled back into a messy bun at the crown on his head, warm brown eyes and a well groomed mustache.
Tianna sighs, resting her cheek in one hand. “Uh-something…something strong?”.
The bartender chuckles, the sound teasing a smile from Tianna that she couldn’t help.
“That kind of day hmm? Don’t worry love, I’ve got ya” he replies tapping the bar in front of her, offering her a kind smile before walking away to make her drink.
Movement in her peripheral vision makes Tianna turn her head for a moment, noting a man walking into the otherwise quiet Irish bar. She’d picked this bar because it was quiet, wanting a less busy place away from couples and groups of people that wouldn’t make her feel so sorry for herself due to the fact that she was stranded and spending Thanksgiving alone.
She hears the bartender ask the newcomer what he’d like, listening as the stranger replies saying a bud light, hearing the scrape of the bar stool along the floor as he sits down a few seats away from her. Tianna looks across the bar and spies her reflection in the mirror, grimacing at the exhausted look on her face. Jesus. Was it just the terrible bar lighting or did she really look that shit?
“Here ya go love” the bartender replies, appearing once again this time with a whiskey tumbler in hand, “One strong drink”.
He slides the amber-liquid filled glass across the bar, the ice clinking against the glass as he does so. Tianna looks at the drink curiously, spying a floating slice of orange, the strong scent of bourbon and subtle citrus suddenly filling her nose.
She picks up the glass and sips it gently, the strong yet surprisingly smooth flavour of the bourbon sliding down her throat. It was not a drink she’d ever order for herself, but it was exactly what she needed right now.
“You’re very good” Tianna says looking back at the bartender who was watching her expectantly, the smile on his face growing into a grin.
He chuckles, the sound loud and throaty and making Tianna smile again.
“So love, why the strong drink?” he asks as he picks up a glass behind him and begins polishing it with the dish towel from his shoulder, “You’re obviously not from here”.
Tianna laughs and shakes her head, taking another sip of her drink. “Is it that obvious?”
The bartender only shrugs, flashing her an innocent smile.
“I’m from Sydney. I was in Boston for a work conference, which was absolutely incredible by the way. I’ve also never been to Boston before, and have always wanted to come here” Tianna explains, tapping her manicured nails against her glass, “I was actually really hoping to see a baseball game or at least get to Fenway Park but I know it’s not the right time of the year for it".
The bartender nods, picking up another glass.
“Anyway, I was supposed to fly back home today, but there’s a major snow storm and all flights are grounded at least until the end of the week. They didn’t exactly say when they’ll be starting up again either. Until then I’m going to be in a hotel, probably doing more of this” Tianna explains, holding up the glass for emphasis.
“On Thanksgiving week too” the bartender adds, and Tianna nods, still holding up her glass.
“I know. And I didn’t even realize because we don’t celebrate it in Australia. What a week to be stuck here huh?”.
The bartender smiles. “Well most people do alotta drinkin’ over Thanksgiving week so I think you’ll be fine with your plans there, love”.
They both laugh and Tianna takes another sip of her drink, the bartender smiling before walking away.
“You know, Boston under snow is an incredible sight. Being stuck here might not be as bad as you think”.
Tianna raises an eyebrow and looks over at where the voice came from, realizing that it’s the man that walked in earlier. He nods, his lips parting in a soft smile.
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“Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, I just couldn’t help but overhear”.
Tianna returns his smile, suddenly aware of the very handsome stranger sitting a few seats away from her. God, it should be illegal to have a smile like that. 
“Well then, here’s hoping my hotel room has a good view then” she replies, holding her drink up as if to clink it against his in a cheers.
The stranger smiles and holds up his own beer, clinking it in the air before taking a drink. 
“Do you get much snow in Australia?”.
Tianna shakes her head no. 
“I mean there’s a few mountains with snow fields, but certainly nothing like what you guys have here” she replies, tapping her glass again, “They’re really only used for snow sports”.
“Can you ski or board?”
Tianna smiles. “I can actually, and I’m a pretty good skier if I do say so myself”.
The stranger chuckles and Tianna sees him look at her for a moment, feeling her cheeks heat under his gaze. She reaches up to pull her hair over her shoulder, taking a sip of her drink and looking back at him from beneath her lashes. She pauses for a moment, swallowing slowly, suddenly feeling a pang of familiarity about him that she can’t quite place. Had she met him somewhere before?
He was certainly handsome, there was no doubt about that, especially his smile. Jesus, that smile. He had chestnut brown hair that was peeking out from beneath his navy blue NASA hat, and a dark, well groomed beard that nestled his full, thick lips. He was wearing a dark gray long sleeve sweater that did nothing to hide what was clearly very muscled arms, his chest equally thick and muscled. Handsome, was an understatement to say the least. 
Tianna forces herself to tear her eyes away, picking up her glass and taking another sip.
“I’m Chris” the stranger says suddenly, Tianna looking back over at him in time to see him moving to sit closer to her, his hand extended across the one bar stool space he’d left between them. 
Tianna smiles, tilting her head, her brain all of a sudden answering her earlier question of why he looked so familiar. 
Oh my god.
“Tianna” she replies after a beat, blinking quickly, “Are you---?”.
Chris’ smile falters for a quick moment - something Tianna definitely notices, watching as he answers her question with an almost self-conscious nod.
Tianna raises her eyebrows, shaking her head in surprise. 
“Well, Boston under snow and meeting Captain America. I guess it’s not all that bad is it?” she muses with a small chuckle, tilting her head when Chris laughs at her.
“Do you know where you’re staying at least?” Chris asks, taking a sip from his beer bottle and looking back over at her.
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Tianna frowns and turns to dig out the paperwork she’d been given earlier, skimming through until she found the hotel name. 
“Uh, the Mariott Downtown apparently” Tianna replies, looking up at Chris expectantly as if he was going to offer her some hotel advice. If anyone knew about hotels, it would be him right? She laughs silently, shaking her head at her thoughts. As if. Chris Evans would not be staying at the Mariott. He was a fucking Hollywood celebrity.
Chris nods reassuringly. “That’s not a bad spot to be stuck in, that hotel is quite nice”.
Tianna smiles gently, resting her elbows on the bar and looking back at Chris.
“Stuck being the operative word. I’ve never been to Boston before so I might try to see the sights, weather permitting” she says, moving to put the papers back in her bag, “I guess there won’t be too many crowds with it being Thanksgiving and all” she adds, speaking seemingly to herself without really expecting an answer.
She turns back to her drink and takes another sip, taking a moment to savour its sweet, smokey flavour and the fact that she was talking to Chris Evans in a bar. She smiles to herself, shaking her head in almost disbelief. If her life were a movie, it would be a holiday rom-com that started exactly like this.
“What about you, big plans for Thanksgiving then?” Tianna asks, turning to look at Chris beside her.
Chris nods, smiling back at her. Oh that fucking smile again.
He explains that Thanksgiving is one of his favourite times of the year second to Christmas, and that he makes sure he takes this time off work every year to come home and see his family. He tells her about his brother and sisters and their kids, and about his place that he’s got here not far from where his mother lives. Tianna can’t help but smile at the way he says ‘ma’, having no idea that Chris Evans was even from Boston until she'd heard him speak today.
“So I’m gonna be here for two weeks, and I can’t even tell you how fuckin’ happy I am to be back home. LA just isn’t really home, you know?”.
Tianna nods, not really knowing what it’s like but does her best to empathize nevertheless. She’s acutely aware of the passion in his voice as he talks so lovingly about his home and loved ones, Tianna finding it incredibly endearing to hear a man speak about his family like that.
“You know I would never have guessed that you were from Boston, although hearing you speak now I can definitely hear the accent” Tianna remarks with a gentle laugh, resting her cheek in her hand as she looks at him.
Chris chuckles, shaking his head. 
“I do get told that it becomes more pronounced every time I come home”.
Tianna smiles. “So are you working on anything in particular right now?”. 
Chris nods, fiddling with his beer bottle. “A couple of projects here and there, about to start filming for a Netflix movie when I get back to LA” he says, taking another sip of his beer before turning to her. “Enough about me though, what about you Tianna, what do you do?”. 
The sound of her name in his voice made her want to hear it again almost instantly, Tianna's insides all of a sudden feeling like melted chocolate.
“I-I'm actually a sports medicine doctor. I work with a semi-professional football team back home, essentially in the league that the elite athletes get selected from to play at the top. The conference I was here for was for the latest advances in concussion management in sport”.
She can’t help but notice the look of awe Chris has on his face as he listens to her, and she suddenly wonders if she has a similar look on hers. She still can’t believe she’s sitting next to Chris Evans after all - the Hollywood heartthrob who was even sexier in person than he was on screen, if that was even at all possible. Speaking of, wasn’t he named sexiest man alive this year?
“That’s incredibly impressive Tianna” Chris says shaking his head as if in surprise, “A sports doctor, fuck!”.
His response makes her smile, a soft laugh falling from her lips. She always thought she'd be a nervous mess meeting a celebrity in real life, especially one that looked like Chris, yet here she was laughing along like she was talking to an old friend. 
A comfortable silence settles over the two of them, Tianna letting out a soft sigh as she takes another drink. A phone ping sounds and breaks the silence between them, Tianna listening as Chris pulls his phone from his pocket and taps at his screen. She glances over him as he suddenly puts his phone down, watching as he takes a long sip of his beer and apparently finishes it, the empty bottle echoing as he puts it back down on the bar. She turns back to her own drink and stares again at the floating orange slice in her glass, hearing Chris take a deep, steadying breath beside her.
"So listen, I know this is probably weird and all” Chris says, suddenly pulling Tianna’s attention back to him and watching as he looks intently at her, “But I hate the thought of someone being alone on Thanksgiving without anyone. If you’d like, you’re more than welcome to come and celebrate with me and my family".
Tianna almost chokes on her own saliva, forgetting how to breathe for a moment. What? Did he just say what she thought he just said? Was Chris Evans really asking her to spend Thanksgiving with him and his family? What the fuck?
Tianna blinks quickly, shaking her head in utter disbelief, turning to look at Chris properly. She has no idea what to say or how to answer him, her mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish. She knows how ridiculous she probably looks but she can't help it, unable to control her thoughts let alone her facial expressions.
Seeing her face, Chris lets out a soft laugh, his lips pulling into a grin that makes Tianna's stomach flip flop. Oh God.
"I don’t mean anything by it, no ulterior motives, I can see that you’re taken" Chris continues, gesturing to the engagement ring on Tianna's finger and then putting his hand across his chest like a sign of honour, "But again, Thanksgiving is a day that’s meant to be shared with friends and loved ones. You can't be alone on one of the biggest days in America.You just can't".
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Tiana can't help the smile that grows on her face, feeling her cheeks heat for the second time since meeting Chris. She's taken aback by his kindness, the kindness of a relative stranger, a relative, incredibly gorgeous stranger who also happens to be Captain-fucking-America.
Tiana swallows and looks down at her ring, letting out a breath before looking back up at Chris. In another life, under different circumstances, she'd have been jumping at the opportunity. It's a battle of her morals, her conscience, of the two sides of her brain, but she knows ultimately what the right thing to do is. She smiles up at the incredibly handsome man sitting beside her, doing her best to silence the irrational, impulsive part of her mind that is currently screaming at her angrily. 
"Chris, that’s really sweet of you but I think I’ll have to decline. I really do appreciate the offer though, it's incredibly kind".
Chris only smiles back at her, silent as he looks back at her for a long moment. Tiana feels her chest flush, suddenly wondering how many years it will take her to work through the 'what if' thoughts and absolute regret that will more than likely result from this decision later on.
“Well look, I’ll give you my number, in case you change your mind. In case that hotel room view isn’t as good as you hoped" he says, reaching into his bag and pulling out a page from a notepad, scribbling down on the paper, "Or if you'd like someone to show you around Boston, or if you'd just like some company on Thanksgiving".
Chris passes over the piece of paper and Tiana takes it gingerly, still unable to believe that this is all actually happening. She can actually feel part of her brain raging at her, begging her to reconsider, Tianna picking up her glass and draining the last of her bourbon cocktail in an effort to completely drown out her racing thoughts.
"It was really nice to meet you Tianna" Chris says with a grin that makes her stomach squeeze and her heart flutter simultaneously. How can anyone be that fucking attractive?
Tianna exhales silently, returning his smile. 
"Likewise Chris. And thank you for this too" she replies, gesturing with the note in her hand. He stands up and gathers his things, Tianna resting her cheek in her hand as she watches him put on his jacket and pull a twenty from his wallet, sliding it over the bar before turning to her. 
"Remember the invitation is there for as long as you're here, I’m just a text away".
Tianna smiles for what feels like the thousandth time in the last half hour, unable to decide if the warmth in her chest was a result of her drink or from talking to Chris. 
"Thank you again Chris" Tianna replies, her cheeks flushing again, "and happy Thanksgiving. I hope you have the best time with your family and enjoy your time off". 
Chris laughs, the sound warm and wholesome, a sound that Tianna knows in that moment she'll never be able to forget. That, and his fucking handsome, sex-on-legs smile. 
"Thank you Tianna. And I hope you enjoy Boston too. I’m telling you, under snow, it’s a whole other world".
Chris offers her a last smile and nods at her, Tianna returning it with her own grin. 
"Goodbye Tianna".
"Bye Chris".
Tianna watches as he walks away, feeling her lips tug into a soft smile when he turns to look back over his shoulder at her, offering her one last effortlessly handsome grin that Tianna knows will almost certainly plague her dreams tonight. 
A moment later he's out of sight and Tianna still can't believe the last half hour of her life has actually happened. What were the chances that she'd randomly meet Chris Evans at an airport bar, and have him invite her to his family's Thanksgiving dinner? If she'd told her twenty-five year old self that would happen to her eight years later, there was not a chance she would have believed it. Even more so that she'd turned him down.
Tianna looks down at the piece of paper in her hands, inhaling heavily as she reads over the writing that's scribbled across the page, the reality of it all suddenly sinking in. She feels her heart start to beat faster, the breath catching in her throat. 
Oh, my, God.
@mustangshelby04​ @jennmurawski13​ @patzammit​ @artisticrogers1972​ @perplexed3001​ @tumblnewby​ @stuckysbabe​ @hermionesalvatore84​ @tacohead13​ @princess-evans-addict​ @chris-butt @denisemarieangelina​ @jtargaryen18​ @queenslandlover-93​ @constip8merm8​ @nickysurfer28​ @captainscanadian​ @henrythickcavill​ @cevansgirl​ @angrybirdcryptid​ @whiskeyncoke-redux​ @daydreamin83​ @learning-howto-be-myselfx3​ @palaiasaurus64-fanfiction​ @rebelfleur22​  @alyxkbrl​ @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​​  @thegetawaywriter​​ @katiew1973​​ @hlkwrites​​ @royallylazy​​ @perplexed3001​​ @spookyparadisesheep​​ @caramara3​​ @callmeellabella  @inmoix​​ @abbysdogcollar​​ @michelehansel​​ @the-soot-sprite​​ @tanyam93​​ @hockeychick10​​ @breezykpop​​ @smoothdogsgirl​​ @whxre4cevans​​ @kissme-hs​​ @drakelover78​​ @mytbel0st​​ @christowhore​​ @avengersfan25​​
138 notes · View notes
cevans-is-classic · 2 years
Autumn Vows
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One last installment to round out this incredibly wonderful series I didn't mean to make 😍
18+ only, please. Sexual content, mild Sub Chris, and language.
My Masterlist and My Chris List
Autumn Flowers - Winter Flowers - Spring Flowers - Summer Flowers
His wedding day started with him tied up and blindfolded. 
“Why can’t I see you?” He gasped, gripping the ropes binding his hands, and shoving his head back into the mattress. 
Your nails dug into his chest. “It’s bad luck.”
An airy laugh swallowed by a moan when you lifted and dropped on his cock. “I think sneaking into the groom’s room and tying him up is more bad luck than seeing you naked.”
“Who said I’m naked?” You cooed into his ear before pushing yourself back up and letting out a sharp cry as Chris got his feet planted and met your next bounce, “Ah. Fuck.” You fell forward once more, teeth latching onto his left shoulder. 
Chris needed to touch you, needed to wrap his arms around you and fucking lose himself in your body. “Fuck, ah, baby I get to marry you.”
Both of you moved, matching each thrust until you were gasping his name and Chris couldn’t feel anything but the heat of you wrapped around him. 
“Yeah, you do.” You moaned, a laugh tipping your words, “I’m going to wife you so hard.” 
He felt you move, then the ropes around his wrist dropped. “Don’t take the blind off.” He growled. 
His arms come around you, lifting you both up to pull you harder down on his cock. Darkness surrounded him, heat radiating from where you meet to burn his skin, melt his spine, dragging him further and further into you until there was nothing left. 
Yes, he wanted to see you, but being able to feel your pleasure and hear your cries was more than he could ask for. Chris was yours totally and completely. 
“Fill me up, Baby boy.” You let him take you, thrusting up and snapping him with you as you came down. He could feel your nails claw at his back, coming up to curl over his shoulders. 
“Come for me, Christopher. Now!” He shouts; missing you cry out his name again.
He’d gone simple, a white dress shirt, a forest green vest with burnt orange buttons — he went back and forth on a tie, deciding not to wear one when you’d said you loved seeing the curve of his neck. His pants matched the vest, snug around his thighs with a black belt and shoes finishing the look. 
He was getting married today. 
His brother spread out on the bed behind him, his own burnt orange vest covering his eyes. “Are you still hungover?” 
Scott grunted, “I’m thankful your partner chose an evening ceremony; that’s all I’m saying.”
“Don’t throw up at my wedding.” 
Scott waved a hand at him, grumbling under his breath. Chris turned back to the mirror, straightening out his vest, undoing it then doing it up again, checking his watch for the time. 
“Is my mom back with the boys yet?” 
His brother peeked at him from under the vest. “Please inform me how I should know this?” 
He turned on his heel, leveling a look at the other man. 
“You’ve become a diva since you got engaged.” 
Both the brothers left the room to trek down the hall. The house you’d rented wasn’t large, but Chris struggled to remember which way led to the living room. 
Voices guided them to a sitting area where his sisters were lounging, his niece nestled between the two of them.
“Where’s Mom?”
Shana smiled. “Don’t you look handsome.” 
“Don’t I always?” 
Carly snorted, “Diva much.” 
“That’s what I said.” Scott sat on the other couch, resting his head on the back of it and stretching along its length., “They’ve spoiled him.” 
“This morning especially.” Carly stated. 
His face flamed red.
Ah well. Maybe you two had got loud this morning, but — yeah there was no backing out of that one. It was fucking amazing.
“I’m not apologizing for great-” He looked at his niece. “Time spent.” All of them burst into laughter. 
“Mom said she’d be here closer to five. I think the arrangements weren’t ready yet.” 
Chris bit at his cheek nodding along to his sister’s words trying to ignore the ugly feeling in his stomach. He’d put the order a month ago with the promise they would finish it “day of.”
Okay. Alright. His Mom would come through for him. They still have a few hours before the ceremony starts and if its not done, well, then he wouldn’t have it. 
It was a surprise anyway. 
“I can see your panic, man.” Scott stepped in front of him. “Come on, breathe.” The siblings and the little girl all took a collective breath. 
Chris counted down, tapping his finger to the beat of his heart and kept breathing with his brother. 
“Mom has it. She’s on her way.” 
Chris nodded. “It’s all good.” 
“Remember,” Carly stood up, straightening out her dress and holding out a hand for her daughter, “You’re getting married tonight to the greatest person you’ve ever been with.”
That calmed him down. It draped a soft feeling over his heart that watered down the acidic nerves in his stomach. He was marrying the greatest person he’s ever been with. Tonight he’ll be able to walk away with you as his spouse and all those jokes about bringing your trophy husband were going to come true. 
“I might wear a dress.” You said one night after you’d set the date.
Chris could feel you in his arms remembered kissing your nose blowing air across your cheek until you squirmed under him, “Sweetheart you can wear whatever you want as long as I get to see you walk the aisle to me.”
You covered his face with a pillow and screeched with laughter when a play fight broke out. 
“If anyone is walking the aisle, Mr. Evans, it’s you.” 
He gets to marry you today.
Everything was hectic as the morning shifted into noon, with guests arriving at the house and milling from the living room to the yard. No one would allow Chris to set anything up (he knew you weren’t either.) His mom and Dad kept reassuring him that everyone was in order and all the last finishing touches were being readied. 
He was equal parts impatient and hungry — the last one handled by sneaking a few snacks out of the kitchen. 
You’d convinced your younger brother to cater for the wedding and he could be — intense‌ — if it hadn’t been for a mishap with the heating plates, Chris wouldn’t have snagged a few pieces of fruit and two sandwiches. He dodged two servers and his own best friend to sneak into the guest bathroom and tumbled onto the toilet. 
“Give me-” Your hand snuck out from behind the shower curtain.
Chris laughed, covering the sound with his hand when you grabbed the sandwich and moaned at the first bite, “I think we’ve gone past the point of me not being allowed to see you." He takes his own bite and groans, “How can a sandwich be this fucking good — Jesus Christ.” 
“One: Lemme, at least, attempt this one stupid tradition. Two: Baby bro is damn good and starving us helps.” 
The two of you ate in comfortable silence. Chris watches your silhouette through the curtain with a bubbly feeling in his stomach. You hadn’t dressed yet, that he knew. He’d seen the sleeve of a hoodie when you reached for the food — even a year later Chris did not know what you’d picked to wear. It’s been the one thing you had kept from him. You’d agreed on the colors for the wedding, and settled on the cliche fall theme, but when he’d asked for an update on your outfit choices, you’d hushed him and distracted him quite — extensively. 
“You’re beautiful.” He held out a strawberry for you to grab. 
“You’re pretty.” You giggled. 
Chris left his hand on the side of the tub his heart settling as your own hand sat on top of his. He kept his eyes towards the ceiling, tears threatening to fall. Today was a day he wasn’t sure he’d ever see and now — now he gets to marry you. 
“I didn’t think this day would happen.” You whispered. 
Chris squeezed your hand. “This day was always going to happen.” 
“Yeah?” You circled your fingers over his bare ring finger — Scott had taken it from him that morning, promising that he’d get it back later. Chris missed it.
“If you think for a moment, I would not let you tie me down-” You smacked his hand. Chris grabbed at yours, pulling it out, closing his eyes, and bringing it up to kiss. Your own ring was off as well. He kissed the place it belonged. 
“If we’re real quiet, we might be-” 
“CHRISTOPHER ROBERT EVANS! I KNOW THE TWO OF YOU ARE SOMEWHERE IN THIS HOUSE!” He laughed, kept his eyes closed to let you grab his face and kiss him, shoving him back out; cackling as he dashed out of the bathroom dodging his Mom who came barreling down the hallway.
Six o’clock came in a rush. 
Everyone ushered him back to his room, his Mother running a lint roller over his shoulders and back, Scott checking and rechecking the ring in his pocket, and his nephews fighting with each other over their Nintendo switch. The calmest ones in the room was his friends who all looked to the right side of buzzed. Chris might be jealous.
“Alright.” His Dad leaned against the doorway, “This differs from what I’m used to; you ready?” 
His mom went over his shoulders and chest one more time then stepped back. “He’s ready.” 
“Thanks Mom.” He rolled his eyes, earning a whack on the back of his head. 
His nephews laughed. “Go with your father. I’ll get everyone else ready, then I’ll meet you.”
He pulled her into a hug, kissed her cheek, checked with Scott that he didn’t have lipstick stains after she attacked his face — then followed his father down the hall. 
He could hear the wedding music you’d agreed on. From this far away it got muffled, distorted through the walls and down the halls. Chris wished he could see you already. He knew you were making your way to the head of the aisle, your big sister carrying your arm and the officiant greeting you; the two of you practiced it over and over until it became second nature. 
His Dad walked beside him through the hallways, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you as happy as you’ve been with them.” 
Chris tugged at his vest. “Me either.”
When they stopped at the double doors leading outside, his Mom was waiting at the doors, the bouquet he’d asked for held in her hands and tears in her eyes. 
“I know this is unconventional-” She handed him the arrangement, waving her hands to silence him. 
“Christopher, Baby,” She touched his face, “You are so loved. This is perfect.” 
The song changed. His dad cleared his throat and Chris let his parents open the doors and guide him to the wedding aisle. 
They lined the aisle with orange marigolds, red and gold tulips, and trailing jasmine, interlinking each row of chairs. Red yarrow petals carpeted the path up the aisle. Every step Chris took brushed through them, swirling the petals up and on the breeze of his movements landing them in batches around the aisle. His grip on his bouquet tightened with every move he made, his eyes trailing the symbol of love, unity, strength, and the beginning he’d been dreaming of his entire life. 
When he was five rows away from you, he looked up. 
“Oh, my god-” 
You were standing there, your big sister at your side, your finger twined with hers as you stared at him in awe. You’d gone with a dress, something Chris rarely saw you wear. It was elegant; simple, with red and orange brushing along your arms and down your sides. You looked like an autumn flower, a beautiful bloom standing before him with one hand covering your mouth and tears falling from your eyes. Your veils trailed down your back, moving with the breeze that circled the backyard. Dodger, in his own little vest, leaning against Scott’s legs, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth and Chris laughed. 
When he reached you, you touched the bouquet in his hands, “Chris-” 
“My turn.” Your chest shook with your laugh, the officiant clearing their throat to turn you both towards them.
They smiled. “Glad to see you guys.” 
“Not going to lie.,” You nudged Chris’s shoulder, “Hoped you’d be in drag.” 
They shook their head, “Not a chance, Baby. Tonight is about you two.” 
With that, the officiant — a gorgeous six-foot-seven blonde bombshell named Isabella, that had been the one to introduce you and Chris — raised their hands and started the ceremony. 
Everything seemed to pass in a haze. Your sister and his parents giving the two of you away, your hands gripping his in a death grip. He listens in a daze to Isabella as They explained how you two met, the laughter from the crowd at hearing Chris falling on his ass trying to help you stand up and his own bubbled laughter as you whack Isabella on the arm. He watched you smile, the light in your eyes as they asked you two to join hands, or keep your hands joined.
Chris hears Isabella say the line, “A soulmate is someone you never see coming,” And knows what’s next.
“Each person in attendance knows that these two are soulmates. These two people, who traversed their own paths and guided each other the rest of the way to get to this day, are the example of what unity of love is supposed to be. Two people who see the imperfections of one another, who battled their own demons and fought to be their own people, to come together and become better than they were for each other.” They step back, giving the two of you space. 
“Months, after they’d gotten, engaged they agreed that this ceremony was going to be done a little differently,” There were a few comments and some laughter from the crowd. “Yet a few weeks ago, they asked me to come over. Chris was in L.A. for a few days and the two of them were struggling to decide what they wanted to do for the vows. My dear friend,” Isabella smiled at you, “Had struggled many times in their past to make a choice they felt was right. They worked hard to overcome that, and being with Chris was a decision they had never regretted. Chris, the Dear boy, was an indecisive nutcase-” Everyone laughed. Isabella held their hands in front of their chest, palms out, “The decision was to let them come up with promises they wished to make. These two wished to do their own vows before their declaration of intent.” Isabella winked at you.
You took a deep breath, straightened your back, and spoke, “Chris,” He felt tears burn his eyes, “sometimes I wake up and have to pinch myself when I see you beside me. There are days when it feels like I can’t breathe with the love I feel for you. I’ve never wanted to share my life with anyone wholly and completely until I got to know you.” He laughed when you shrugged, smiling up at him with your own tears watering your eyes. He reached forward to brush a stray one away with his thumb. 
“I promise, with all that I have, to do my best for you. To help you on days when the weight is hard to carry, listen to your weird political rants and pretend I know what you mean. To learn how to act like I’m okay with your unsweetened tea and your weird thing with peanut butter.” 
Sierra barked a laugh behind you and you tipped forward with a watery chuckle, gripping his left hand tighter, “I promise to cover every counter with flowers, paint the walls in awful colors, and above all else I promise to love you with all that I have and all that I am.” 
Chris wanted to kiss you, drag you in, hold you and never let go, but he was going to do this right. Shit, he was crying. 
“Chris, would you like to recite your vows?” How could he when you were looking up at him with the universe in your eyes?
With a deep breath, he stepped closer to curve his hand beneath your chin, holding your watery gaze steady with his own. “There aren’t enough words in this world to express how grateful I am that you walked into my life. Days and months have turned into years and still feel as if you are a dream that will disappear one day.” Your chin wobbled in his hold., “I promise to be there for you when the days get dark, when you struggle to meet a deadline or your favorite character dies. I promise to always come back home, to always kiss you extra hard when I have to leave. I knew you were the one I would spend my life with when seeing you interact with my family, with my friends, with Dodger made me fall more in love with you than I thought possible.” 
Tears were streaming down your face, Chris wiped them away the best he could, knowing his own tears were escaping, “Sweetheart,” He choked, “My love, I promise to cover our life with the flowers you painstakingly grace me with and more than anything else — I promise to love you with all the stars in the galaxy and more.” 
He could hear sniffling from the crowd, his brother breathing through his nose and letting out air behind him. 
Isabella reached for both of your hands, folding them over each other before placing Their own on top, “Do you take one another as lawfully wedded partners? To love each other through sickness and health, through life’s sunshine and darkness, in times of great beauty and times of great pain, to love one another as long as you both shall live?
You both grinned and in unison spoke out loud, “We do.” 
Isabella motioned to Scott and Sierra, “Both of you wore rings through your engagement. The same ones that are being presented.” Scott handed him your ring, the band polished. It looked brand new. It felt warm and vibrant in his hand. He saw you thank Sierra, lift his ring to your lips, and wink at him when you brought it back down, “You wore them as a symbol of your love, a symbol of your union, and today they symbolize a promise to one another.” 
Both your hands shook as you slid the rings back into place. He felt whole.
“By the authority granted to me by the state of Massachusetts,” Isabella blinked away tears, shining a smile down on both of you, “I declare you partners! Everyone Mr and Mx’s Evans.” 
All the guests rose to their feet and thunderous applause boomed through the yard. Cheers rushed up from them all when Chris wrapped his arm around your waist and lifted you off your feet to kiss for the first time as a married couple. 
A kiss to start the rest of your lives. 
This is it. I hope you all enjoyed this series!
@bolontiku @xoxoloverb @stephv213
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f10werfae · 2 years
That ass though
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pairing: Husband!Dad!Chris x Short!Wife!Mom!Reader
Summary: Y/n is on another one of her missions of teasing Chris, everyone knows he’s an ass man, but who knew leggings had so much power?
Disclaimer: This story is fiction and should not be taken literally, the behaviour is simply imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
Warnings: Smut
Requests are open/Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Evans Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist Form
“Look Noah, it’s mama” Chris said holding up Noah's hand to wave it at his momma, Noah's face widening with a smile as his arms stretched out for Y/n to hold him.
“Woah hold on, when did ya get these?” Chris asked his wife smirking slightly, his fingers looping themselves inside her waistband to tug her closer to him. Noah who was in her arms had his head tucked into the crook of her neck, his arms barely wrapping around her due to how small he still was.
“Hmm what do you mean?” Y/n asked playing coy, her hands smoothing over the top of Noah’s head, his tiny coos filling the kitchen.
“I think you know what I mean baby, lookin' good enough to eat over here” He groaned suddenly groping her ass aggressively, even slapping it just to watch it jiggle in his palm, God was he mesmerised.
“Stop it Chris, your son’s here” Y/n laughed padding about the kitchen, trying to lull the clearly restless Noah into a soft sleep. Before Chris took Noah out of her arms and said he was off to put him down in his crib for a while, although we all know he had an ulterior motive.
“I’m a lucky man” Chris groaned sipping on a cold beer, leaning on the edge of the counter just watching his wife move about the kitchen gracefully.
“Chris I didn’t actually think you’d like them this much? I mean Nancy said it worked wonders but- OW”
Y/n squealed jumping up a little, Chris’ hands coming behind her to give her one hell of a spank, I mean she always knew he was an ass man. We all knew. Turning around to face him, Y/n felt herself swoon at his charming smile and the animalistic growls coming from his mouth as he grabbed and kneaded her ass.
“What’d ya say we get that ass outta those leggings and we can have some fun before our baby wakes up? Man I just love your fuckin’ body” He whispered, his hands grabbing onto her love handles gently, his lips pressing an affection kiss onto her forehead.
“Well I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a little fun, how fast do you think you can cum?”
(Chris' P.O.V)
“Come on Chrissy, give it back” my wife moaned as I gently slid my hardened cock out of her slippery fuck hole, the sounds of her sopping wet cunt filling the room. Her eyes half lidded with her hands intertwined with mine, her hips slowly started to roll against the air.
Slapping my cock on her swollen lips, I heard her wince and whimper, her beautiful tits sitting there perked up looking pretty.
“Come on baby, look at your pretty puffy pussy, knew I missed her” I taunted slowly pushing myself back in, her breath getting caught in her throat as her hands now held onto my forearms which were by my stomach.
“Look at me. Be a good girl, and cum on my fat cock”
(Y/n's P.O.V)
Chris slammed his hips repeatedly into mine, whispering things like “my beautiful perfect wife, all pretty for me to worship”
My arms now linked around his neck, my eyes starting to close due to the immense pleasure coursing through my body.
"Your body is fucking perfect. I'm obsessed with it. I'm not cumming until you do. So, cum for me."
“Nuh uh, you’re gonna cum first” I smirked finding the strength in me to roll him over so I was on top, his eyes widening before accompanying that famous smirk on his face
(Chris’ P.O.V)
“Oh fuck you’re gonna make me squirt hun, fuck” I watched as her body bounced up and down on my cock, watching as she leaned back a bit to start messing with her clit,
“You’re mine” She moaned now hunkering down on my cock, slamming herself down onto it with as much force as she could.
“Yeah? What else mama? Fuckin’ talk to me while you play yourself stupid on my cock. You take such good care of our baby, my own milf”
“I wan’ another baby, want to be so full of you and want everyone to see it. God maybe you can give me twins this time baby? I know how much you loved seein these tits fill up with milk, and seein me all round for you”
She moaned grabbing my hands and putting them onto her tits, her body moving crazily almost as if she was out of control.
“You gonna let me knock you up good? Maybe I should keep you that away”
I watched her body writhe as she bit her lip staring at me directly in the eyes before I felt her squirt her juices all over us both, her hips humping the air as my limp cock fell out of her pussy after filling her up at the same time.
“Baby, oh, you’re milking my cock”
“Fuck fuck, fuuuu”
Grabbing onto her arm I pulled her down for her lips to meet mine, the remnants of her cum filling both of our mouths, letting her taste her sweet self. My hands groping each and every single part of her body that it could reach, her small frame caged in my body, her tongue licking up the mess she made on my face like some animal.
“Was that fast enough for ya?” I teased watching her flop onto my chest, her head in the middle of my chest with her hands holding onto my shoulders. Lifting her head all dazed, she nodded placing a wet open mouthed kiss on me, the sounds of our tongues meeting filling the room.
“This is what painters are inspired by” I whispered cupping her face in my hands,
“The hell are you talkin about?”
“You’re so goddamn beautiful, are you really my wife?”
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @meetmeatyourworst @cevansgurl @imboredat2am @adoreyouusugar @pandaxnienke @patzammit @seren-a-ity @thereisa8ella @evanstanwhore @chrisevansdaughter @chrisevansangel @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @royalwriteroftheuniverse @uwiuwi @jackslover12 @bxdbxtxh15 @madebylilly @marvelgurl @fdl305 @stormcloudss @caps-shield1918 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @mirikusashes @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @sairsei @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @mrspeacem1nusone
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dailyflicks · 1 year
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GHOSTED (2023) dir. Dexter Fletcher
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callmissrogers · 4 months
There You Are Sweetheart. | Steve Rogers x Reader One Short.
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Summary: Y/n just wanted to bring her sister a package. What she didn't expect was being picked on by two soldiers or being rescued by a handsome stranger.
Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 1,909
Warnings: fluff and some goofiness. Y/n does get harassed by some jerks, but nothing happens. Let me know if I missed anything.
Note: very minimal editing and gold stars to anyone who catches what this is a reference to.
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It's beginning to feel like spring. The cherry blossoms have sprung into bloom, and Y/n has a date to bring her sister, Felicity, a package that was delivered to her house whilst Felicity was away. On the way there, her horrible sense of direction has her taking a wrong turn and into the pathway of some soilders on their lunch break. Will Y/N end up in some sort of trouble, or will someone dashing come to her rescue? Read to find out.
Hey! I'll be at on a coffee shop today at 3... Could you bring me my package then? It's a little hole in the wall place by all the fancy vintage stores you like.
Of course, Felicity would want to meet at a coffee shop. Y/n was positive her sweet younger sister couldn't survive even a couple of hours without a caffeine kick.
She looked around her office (which was really her apartment) for an excuse to stay in, but couldn't find any. All of the outfits that needed tailoring had already been tailored.
Plus, really, she hadn't seen her sister for a while, and they needed to catch up. Y/n just hated going out in the late afternoon. It meant that she'd likely be heading back during rush hour and would end up eating dinner late. If there was anything that y/n didn't appreciate, was having her routine messed up. . . She was well aware that she lived like a little old lady sometimes.
Closer to time, she got dressed in an outfit that was fit to be seen in. Her baby pink lounge set was incredibly comfortable for working long hours at home, but it was hardly a fashion statement.
The coffee shop in question was about 15 blocks away from her place, so she decided to walk. Admittedly, this probably wasn't the best idea in the world. Y/n has a tendency to get lost in her local grocery store.
So, with an earphone in one ear, she listened to her favorite oldies playlist, as life was better when it had a soundtrack and was on her way.
A few blocks down, she took a left down an alley that was its own hole in the wall. It held a bar favored by military members and directly across from that there was a karaoke pizza joint. Y/n always thought that made an odd coupling.
Tho, a part of her wondered if the college girls who favored the pizza place went there just for the chance of getting with an army man without any understanding of what military life was really like.
She was musing on this when two soldiers stepped out directly in front of her and thereby blocked her pathway.
"Um. Excuse me." She gasped, trying to get around them.
"Looks like this little mouse lost her way," one of them joked, taking a swig from his beer bottle.
She shook her head, "Oh no, I'm not lost."
The second soldier peered down at her with a grin on his face and then said, "This little mouse looks thirsty. We should take her to get a drink."
Y/n was beginning to get nervous, and she had no idea how she was going to get out of this situation. She had never had any issues cutting through here before, but now she was wishing she had taken the route that passed the pet store instead.
All she could think to say was, "No thanks, my sister is waiting for me." Hopping that by knowing she had some place to be that they would just leave her be.
But they just shared a glance, laughing to themselves before the one of the right replied with a "We've heard that excuse before." Then the one on the left winked at her and said, "She's actually pretty cute for a mouse."
His pal chuckled and then reached out to place a hand on her shoulder, "How old are you anyway? Live close by?"
Now they were both getting uncomfortably close, and y/n had a terrible vision about being stuck having to sit in this bar with them until they had gone from just tipsy to black out drunk.
"Leave me alone!" She tried to yell, but it came out as more of a loud statement.
"You see, your personality scares all the girls."So I think she's cuter when she's scared."
She was done for, body stiffening up, hands trembling, trying not to drop the package.
"There you are, sweetheart," someone said behind her. Only when someone tucked their arm around hers and pulled her from the soldiers' grasp did she realize that the stranger was talking to her.
But she certainly didn't know anyone who would call her that. That much she was sure of.
"I'm sorry I'm late." He said, gazing down at her. She had to crane her neck just to look him in the eye. He was a tall, blond headed man with strong features. His bright blue eyes bore into hers with concern.
Did she know this man? No. No, she did not. But all she could manage to do in response to his saving her from these two was to open and close her mouth repeatedly.
"I've been looking for you everywhere." Her rescuer continued acting like they knew each other. Not only knew each other but were in some sort of relationship.
Oh boy, was y/n's head spinning now.
"Hey man, we were just talking to your girl here." One of the soilders tried to explain.
Her rescuer looked at the pair and then said, "Really? It looked to me like you were trying to force a lady into drinks after she said no. Time to learn some boundaries, gentlemen. We'll be going." And then he gently led her up and out of the alleyway, only stopping once they were completely out of sight of the bar.
"Are you ok?" He asked, his head tilting to get a better look at her face. This man had to at least be 6"2, and he made y/n feel positively tiny.
Taking a deep breath, she nodded. "I will. I will never take that street again. That's for sure."I'm sorry that it did. Letting off steam is no excuse to treat a lady that way."
"Thank you. . . I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come along like that." She said, pulling the hem of her cardigan sleeve.
"I was just doing what anyone should do in a situation like that,"
"But. Can I ask-- No nevermind." She mumbled, feeling her cheeks heat up from embarrassment.
"No, no. Go on, please, " He encouraged, actually seeming eager to hear her out.
"Wh - why'd you pretend to be my boyfriend or something?" She asked, feeling really, really stupid.
Now he was blushing.
"To be honest, ma'am, it was the only thing I could think of on the spur of the moment." He said with a nervous laugh.
When her phone chimed, y/n pulled it out to see a text from Felicity.
where are you?
"Well, I thought it was smart. . . You're very much the gentlemen." She said with a smile, feeling much more relaxed than she had a moment ago.
He looked like he was about to say something when her phone chimed again
Beginning to freak out a bit, sis. Are you ok?
Y/n sighed, looking from the phone screen up to her rescuer. "I should... I should probably get going. My sister's getting worried about me."
"Where is it you're headed? If you don't mind me asking." He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. How was it possible for someone to look so at ease and yet so uncomfortable at the same time?
"She wanted to meet at a coffee shop a few blocks away from here." Y/n replied, adjusting her bag and trying to look anywhere but at him.
They made quite the pair.
After shifting from foot to foot for a moment, he said, "I could walk you."
Y/n didn't know why, but that small gesture made her smile in the biggest way.
"Really? You don't have to."Ah. Well, now I'm invested after all. I've been looking for you all day." He said, matching her smile. If she could read his mind right now, she'd know that he just congratulated himself for coming up with something that was smooth as a response
So he offered her his arm again, and the pair made their way to the coffee shop.
Meandering past store fronts and other businesses as they went.
"This is it." Y/n fianlly said, stopping in her tracks.
It was a coffee shop that looked like it hadn't aged for about 60 years.
"I love this side of town," He said as a response.
"Things feel a little more normal here." "More normal?" Y/n asked, not understanding what he meant by that statement.
"That would be a very long story that we don't have time for at the present moment." He said again, smiling down at her.
"Oh. I see." Y/n giggled at her own confusion. This man saved her, escorted her to meet her sister, and now adds some mystery to the mix.
"I'll let you go. Don't want to worry that sister of yours anymore." He said with a tip of his head and he started to walk away.
"Wait!" Y/n blurted, forgetting herself. He turned to face her again, judging by the expression on his face, he was surprised by her sudden outburst. Then his brows shot up as if to say, "Go on."
"What's -whats your name?" She asked, willing herself to hold onto this bold feeling long enough to get this out.
He smiled and then said, "Steve Rogers."
Y/n's eyes widened, and her boldness melted into total embarrassment. Perhaps she was drugged or something to be out of her mind enough to not realize she had been with not just some kind stranger off the street, but rather CAPTAIN AMERICA. And he had called her "sweetheart", even if he hadn't really meant it, he had still said it.
She would dream about that for the next month while she hemmed dresses.
"Miss. Miss!" Steve said, having come closer again to get her attention. Y/n jumped when she realized he was right in front of her.
"Sorry. I'm y/n y/l/n. "
"Well, y/n y/l/n," He said, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a pocket notebook he scribbled something down and then gave it to her. "If you happen to be free this Friday night. There's a restaurant in this neighborhood. Very old timey, like me. . ." He said nervously, laughing again. "We could have a meal, I could tell you that story and I could learn more about you. I mean, aside from the fact that you have a sister and listen to 'Sh Boom' when you walk around the city."
He had noticed what she had been listening to?
All y/n could do was squeak a "yes." Before running back into the coffee shop and slamming the door in his face.
Felicity looked up in surprise, "What took you so long? Are you ok?"
Y/n sat down and, in one breath, said, "I think Captain America just asked me out on a date, and I said yes."
NOTE: I wrote this in one sitting, and at first, I thought it was sweet. Now, I think I might have actually made it corny. I'm going with it anyways but please let me know what you thought of it. Thanks!
Note 2: Part 3 of 'That's my Girl' will be coming out soonish keep an eye out!
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 hours
How I'm Looking At You, Part 2
Summary: so many secrets
Pairings: Ari Levinson X Reader
Rating: mature
Warnings:  conversations about sex, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 6.3K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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You walk towards the clothes section of the store. Having to make sure that there wasn’t anyone watching you, especially him. You swear his intensity broke you out in a sweat. He is the cause of your clammy hands, and you still haven’t come down from the car ride. You’d sent him on a mission with a list to get some things you needed, and you are on a separate mission. One that you didn’t want to get caught doing. You figured you could shoo him away while he gave you his card and you could pay.
Yeah, of course that makes more sense in theory, but you’d be willing to try to get him to trust you enough. Your eyes look over the different colors, patterns, materials, and shapes. All the shapes. What did it mean? Being at this store where there is food, nobody would ever question why someone dressed like you was here. People from your community just didn’t usually venture to this section, but would Ari? No. For some reason you think Ari would keep a lot of secrets for you.
Ehh, that didn’t sound good. You have secrets now. Secrets with Ari. You smile, grabbing up a pack quickly. You have secrets with Ari. And what did it all mean? He mentioned pleasure. Which is a sin. Pleasure of what? The flesh? You’d heard that before, but aren’t sure what it means. Something you aren’t supposed to do. But with Ari it seems — welcome? Unwelcome? No, it was welcome. It made your heart beat funny, but you liked it.
And what did that even mean? You feel tingly all over, and it was all you could do to bolt out of the truck and create some space between the two of you. What are these feelings? Why did all that happen? That was all new, and it felt like you couldn’t control anything, especially your body. But you couldn’t even control the way you’re speaking.
“Is that what you’re choosing for me to buy for you?” It is him standing there like a walking sin mixed with a brick wall, complete with a big beautiful smirk on his face as he lifts up the pack. “Or are you just needing new panties?”
Your eyes go wide as you look at the floor, and shake your head. Heat radiates all over your body, pooling in your cheeks, and your panties. Every time you get around him there’s definite heat streaming from your belly to your nether regions.
“Surely these aren’t the type of panties you wear under there?” You shake your head no, still refusing to look up at him. Ari grimaces. He’s not used to being around a woman so timid. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. But do you really think you should go with thongs? And a pack of them? If you want panties I can order them for you online, no one would have to know.”
“Online,” you respond dumbly for reasons you just don’t understand. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t want people to know you wear these kinds of underwear?” You shake your head no again. His boots are dirty. That’s all you are learning from where you’re looking. Dirty boots. “Can you look at me? I won’t bite,” it feels like you’re swallowing swords as you gulp, and lift up to look at him. “There, now are these the panties you want me to buy you?”
You nod your head, eyes flitting around the store, and thankfully there still wasn’t people around. “Are these what you really want?” You shrug. You really had no clue. Anything had to be better than the non elastic nonsense you are wearing. “Do you need them right now?”
“Not really, but…”
“Okay, I’ll get some here, and if you want me to pick you out some to have delivered to my house, I can do that.”
“I can’t take them home,” Ari grins, and turns to walk back to the packs of panties, while you nervously watch around. “What are you doing?”
“I feel you jumping into thongs, while they’d be very sexy on you, especially if I was the only one who knew what you have hiding under that dress,” Ari clears his throat, drifting through the selection before grabbing a pack. “Thongs are a big step. Let’s do baby steps with bikinis, yeah?”
“You won’t say anything?” He shakes his head no, tossing them into your cart, and yawns. “We should be getting back, um…”
”You go onto the truck. It’ll be our secret,” you are getting a lot of secrets between you and Ari. You’re not even sure if this is a good or bad thing. But you like having secrets with him. And you know you shouldn’t.
“Shh, don’t tell anyone,” he grins as you trot away. He feels slightly guilty. Only a little teeny tiny bit. He’ll buy you every pair of panties that you want him to, as long as you show him. Maybe even one day have you modeling them for him. Or even better, let him push them into your mouth, so you don’t get to loud when he’s fingering you.
Ari looks up at the cashier. How did he even get here? He was just in a world of his own thinking about you being all submissive and wet for him. So wet. So incredibly soaked for him. “Yeah, sorry.”
“Didn’t you come in with that Amish woman?”
“No,” he answers too quickly as she scans the pack of panties. He would never be buying you anything here again. You deserve the best. Silk, satin, lace. Not those. She starts scanning again, continuing to focus her eyes on him. You deserve specialty panties. Always the best.
“You know that they don’t integrate people like us into their world, right?”
“You know you should really mind your fucking business and just ring up my shit,” the girl looks back down at the items, shocked that Ari was so blatantly rude. But she is the one that was rude. How dare she ever say something about you. She didn’t know you at all. So far you had shown to be timid, yes. But you are different.
She could say what she wants about your community, but not you. You are perfection in a too large frumpy dress that he couldn’t see your curves, and he salivates knowing that nobody has seen those curves. Touched those curves. Kissed those curves. Gripped them so tightly as you come undone for the first time.
You were just looking at panties. You had a curiosity that was going to end up killing him, and he didn’t care. He wanted to nurture that side of you. Keep you growing with secrets that are just for him. Plus you are sweet, so so sweet. You probably taste sweeter. You didn’t belong here, but as long as you were here, he would respect that. And he would be here with you.
“Thanks,” he says, handing her his card. “And next time you should really think about things that you say to people. Don’t act like people’s differences aren’t beautiful.”
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“Ari!” You giggle, turning back around from the sink as he walks in again. Smiling ear to ear as he walks past the kitchen. “Quit coming inside. Do you not trust me?”
“Oh, I trust you. I just have to make sure you’re doing your job right, and,” he presses a finger up against your mouth, shushing you in the process. “I need some water. So carry on,” he keeps his eyes on you as he fills a glass with water. His mouth continuing to keep a smile, while you try and give a stern look towards him.
“Darling, you have so much work to do,” he says playfully, but you don’t want to take your eyes off the tall man. “Or, we could make it an early day.”
“And do what?” He is always saying things like that, not realizing that you didn’t grasp exactly what he means by that.
He shrugs, leaning back against the counter. He puckers his lips out, and looks up at the ceiling contemplating. “What do you do for fun?”
“Fun,” you awkwardly laugh a second, but it falls quickly. When was the last time you actually had fun? What are your hobbies? Something that made you, you. The bigger question is when were you allowed to have an identity that didn’t fit the mold of everyone in your community, “Hmm…”
“It should not be this hard,” he doesn’t make fun of you, he stares at you gently. It’s comforting that he isn’t judging you by decisions that were made for you, “Do you not get to have fun? Do you read? Go cow tipping? Swimming? Anything?”
“I read the Bible,” his thick finger scratches his beard for a second, staring out in thought. “We don’t tip the cows, and when I was little my dad took me fishing, but I didn’t really have friends. And there’s always so much to do on the farm, not a ton of time to do leisure activities.”
“Oh, honey,” he stands up straight, walking over to you with his arms spread out, and you gaze up at him confused. What is this gesture? “Come on, give me a hug,” you shake your head no, trying to busy yourself with the lunch dishes. “Yep. Bring it in. You now have a friend.”
“Men and women shouldn’t engage in suspicious behavior inside a house. People could think we’re being unpure.”
“And what would you know about that?” He cocks up an eyebrow, and suddenly you feel so small. You know nothing, only what you have just said. What exactly did men and women do together that is unpure? “Darling, if we were being unpure, you would not be as quiet as you’re being right now. Our clothes are on.”
“What?” You glance up at him quickly, brows furrowed. He’s such a strange man. You couldn’t quite figure out if he was joking or being truthful the majority of the time.
“Sweet summer child, if you don’t want a hug, you can say that. But if you do, and you’re just worried about what other people will say, let me know. I’ll know when to back off. They’re out on the east field and on the other side of house if that makes a difference,” it kinda did. You look towards each of the windows that are in the kitchen before very awkwardly pressing up against Ari. Another secret.
“Omph,” his arms pull you in closer. Holding you in both a soft, and still dominant way. His head rests on the top of your head, and even though he’d been outside working, he smells nice. Too nice.
“Now, isn’t this nice? Do you want to read? I could get you some books and…”
“I couldn’t take them home,” he pulls apart from you too quickly as he stares at you curiously again. It’s summer and hot, and still you want his warmth, but his curiosity is too cute to look away from. It’s a habit he has, and you don’t know how to feel about the way he observed you. No one has ever done that. Does he understand the way that he makes you feel? There are always so many questions rummaging through your mind when you’re around Ari.
“Hmm, I have a bookshelf here. Built it myself. And you could keep the books you can’t have at home there, and we can make this a fun little morning routine,” what is this man going on about a morning routine? “You’re here to fix my breakfast, shouldn’t you eat, too?”
“Oh,” you hadn’t thought about that. Would it be proper? No, but it is the polite thing to do, so he’s not alone. He isn’t how you expected him to be. “Are we…is this a friendship?”
“This is exactly a friendship!” Ari snaps, and you take a timid step backwards. “Sorry, no, I’m just excited you get this. We’re friends, right?”
“Well you did buy me underwear,” he purses his lips. Staring at oddly, and you start giggling. You have a sense of humor, and it’s one thing he honestly admires. Every now and then little jokes weasel their way into your conversations.
“You just made a joke,” still laughing, you nod your head, missing his face going serious. “Do they fit? If you need me to check and see if they fit, I can.”
“Are you asking to see my panties?” He is an odd man indeed. “Is this a normal thing where you come from? And if I show you mine, are you going to show me yours?”
His hand wipes across his forehead, and you think he’s feeling the uncomfort that you have felt around him. Not an uncomfort that makes you want to run away, but one that makes you want all the things he talks about. Even if they scare you. “I wouldn’t say it’s something that everyone does out on the streets, but friends can become very close. And sure, if you want to see my underwear, I can arrange that for you.”
“So yes, you want to see my panties?” He nods his head, and you’re unsure how to respond. You like being around Ari. Love it actually. He is very odd, and yet entertaining. He actually talks to you instead of averting his eyes. He cares about what you think of things, and wants you to have fun and have hobbies. Men in your life weren’t like him, or look like him, “Maybe another time though?”
“Is there something wrong?” You shake your head no. There isn’t anything wrong currently, but the longer he stares at you the more you feel that weird creeping heat bloom in your belly.
“Your farmhands are outside. They’re not my friends,” you hope he understands what you’re saying because everything inside of you is screaming that you don’t want them to know what you are wearing under your dress, or worse, see it. You’d be ruined, and your family.
“Ahh! How could I be so stupid. Okay, I will buy you some books, okay? Fill up the bookshelf. I’m sure my sister has some recommendations for you to read, and we can — I don’t know, have a regular routine, yeah?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that. Our secret, right?” Add another one. But breakfast with Ari, both of you reading, and conversation is minimal sounds nice. Domestic even.
“Right. Our secret. I’m gonna just go — you know, go work,” he really needs to. He’s been in here for far too long and people will wonder exactly what is up with him being around. Friend. Friend Ari. You like it.
He is going to get you books to read, and you could have a real hobby. Learn things about his world. It sounds fascinating from what little you have heard from him. You liked him. He makes you smile, and laugh. Sometimes you forgot what it was like to laugh. You were out at the general store all alone, and left to listen to those girls talk about your lack of a husband. This is comfort. And he didn’t care that you are single.
You’re unsure of how you were able to make this situation comfortable, but you did. Hmm, you have something to look forward to, and make more money. And you have a friend. Even if he is odd. He’s nice to look at, and he makes you feel…
He just makes you feel. Feeling in a world where you’ve been taught to repress all of that. It’s freeing.
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Ari takes a look back at the house, and then to the horizon. It is hot. Too hot. And he can see your silhouette as you do something in the house, and he isn’t there with you. He has this pull towards you. You need teaching. He is the perfect teacher, even if he is struggling to pull the reins. He enjoys you. He didn’t dislike Jacob and the other two that he can’t be bothered with knowing their names.
But you are a completely different thing. You encompass every part of his thinking, and he is excited to wake up knowing that you are going to be here, and he gets to see you! It’s amazing to think about the fact that he has you everyday. Here in his home.
He has never been a man that cared about domestic life or having one woman or children. But even he has to admit the appeal to seeing a beautiful woman in his home on a regular basis. You have only come for a couple of weeks, and it’s a nice touch to his home. Even if there’s a small part of him that loathes the way that the women are treated here.
You thought that what you are doing right now was what you were designed to do. You had no hobbies of your own, but thanks to him, you enjoyed reading. He even caught you reading instead of ‘doing what you’re supposed to be doing’. He wants you to have a fulfilling life. And he suspects with you slightly pulling away from the life you were brought into that you feel the same way. And if he has to be the one that helps you, so be it. He’ll do what he needs to. Maybe more hobbies.
Ari stands up straight, wiping the sweat off his brow as he looks towards Jacob who steadily works. “Boys, let's call it a day.”
“Work’s not done,” Jacob continues to sow the seeds, and Ari grimaces. He didn’t care. He wants the day with them here to end. He wants private company with you, “We need the money.”
“Your pay won’t reflect the early time off,” all three of the young men stand up, gawking at Ari, and looking amongst themselves. “It’s too hot. We’re ahead of schedule. Take the rest of the day off,” they linger. Unsure if what Ari is saying is a test. He wants to shout for them to leave, but that approach didn’t seem to help.
“Do you guys go swimming somewhere? Or do anything for fun?”
“I went to a barn raising one time,” now Ari is the one that gawks at his employees. “No. We don’t.”
“Okay. Here,” reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a hundred dollar bill each handing it to the boys. “Go spend some money. This is a bonus. Just go home. Have fun. Go. Leave,” the youngest one, Joseph or Daniel or Jedidiah, walks off first, and the others join with him. “Thank you,” he whispers before turning towards the house. You could have the rest of the day off with him, and he could learn some more things about you.
Waiting for long enough for the workers to leave, he walks into the house. Slinging the door open wide, and you yelp. Running to the front door and see him smiling. “Are you okay? What happened? Is everything okay? Why are you smiling? Ari?”
Slowly he closes the door, but his smile remains. “Do I need to get you something? Are you coming down with anything?” He shakes his head no, removing his work boots. “Well, I haven’t even started your dinner, so if you could go back outside and work, I can get started.”
“Don’t worry about dinner,” you didn’t understand. He called you in to do a job, and now he isn’t allowing you to do your job. You ponder that thought a moment, watching as he walks towards his bedroom. “It’s very hot today,” you agree. It is stiflingly hot. It is days like this that make you thankful that you are the woman. “And you are in here all alone.”
You like it that way. It has given you time to think, and with your current predicament you need that time to think. His books he’s given you have left you with more thoughts, and imaginations. Oh. You gulp as Ari steps back into the main area of the house. Gone are his work clothes, and now he’s showing his legs. Long and toned, and you bite your lip trying to keep any unwanted sounds from appearing. He has that effect on you.
“About dinner.”
“Don’t care about dinner,” he is too quick for you. The men in your community didn’t look like him, and they didn’t behave like him either. They never searched for a friendship with a woman. They just have them to expand their legacy with children. Secretly hoping for a male heir so their family name lives on. “We can pick something up in town later.”
“We?” The idea is scandalous, but not unwanted. There are very few times you wished you were a woman of the world, but there’s something appealing about riding around in the truck with Ari. There has been the idea of asking him to buy your normal clothes, so maybe nobody would recognize you. You had random imagines about being a girl he actually wanted, and one that looked like she belonged in his truck. That had to be where the funny feeling in your — belly is coming from. Those imagines of his hand holding yours.
“It’s hot,” you give him a nod, he’s already said that. You had heard about the English speaking in round about ways, and right now you wish he would just be completely honest about what it is he wants instead of beating around the bush. “There’s a swimming hole way back behind my house. Care to join me?”
“I can’t swim.”
“I can teach you,” he could teach you a lot of things, but maybe swimming is a great place to start. Ari doesn’t care about the rules, the two of you have broken so many, so he just wants to see how far he can go.
“What would someone wear swimming?” preferably nothing, but that would take things way too far for you. He doesn’t even know how to respond to that because all he can envision is you in those panties he bought you that he hasn’t given you, and a bra. Again, he hasn’t given them to you, and he thinks it might be weird if you knew that he’s bought you various kinds of lingerie. “Ari?”
“There are suits. All the important parts would cover you.”
“Important parts?” Dammit. He needs to start thinking before he speaks. “So what is exposed?”
“Legs, arms, and,” you shake your head no. You couldn’t possibly show so much skin especially around a man. “Okay, how about you just go to the swimming hole with me, and I’ll swim, and you can decide what you want to do from there?”
It didn’t sound too bad. In fact sticking your feet into cool water, while you sit down and enjoy the sun makes you smile. You read about kids that played around a river. Maybe not in it. Being able to just be present and enjoy a moment of nothing never happens. You don’t really slow down in this life. “Okay,” this could be a big mistake, but you want to do it. You want to spend extra time with Ari. “I would like that,” he smiles, and you feel fuzzy again, but nowhere that you have ever felt before. Well, before Ari.
You’d noticed he really likes it when you voice your opinions to him. In this world you didn’t get to have an opinion, your husband did. But he cares about what you like, and what you don’t like. Seeing him smile makes it all worth it, and still you wonder what is happening to areas much lower than your belly. Being around him you always have that fuzzy feeling in your stomach, but when he smiles it's in unmentionable areas, and you just don’t understand. But you didn’t hate it either.
“Amazing,” he extends a hand out towards you, and you’re too tempted not to grab it, and he leads you out the back door.
“You’ve done amazing work out here,” his hand pulses around your own, and you look up at him, and he’s smiling again. He likes simple praises, you’ll do it more often, “You’re much taller than the men here.”
“I hope that’s a good thing, Darling,” that name. The name that makes things nearly unbearable. The name that you hear in your head throughout the night, and a need to do something. It’s like a scratch that needs itching, but you just didn’t know what scratch could fix this feeling, and…who would you even ask about this?
“It is,” he smiles again, and you seriously want to melt. The temperature must be getting hotter because you feel sweat beading around your hairline, and your throat dries right up, while other things start to — you can’t even mention it. It’s confusing. How does a smile create a fiery need in — areas?
The swimming hole comes into view, and Ari drops your hand. He grips the bottom of his shirt, and pulls it off in one movement, and you spin around immediately. Cheeks steaming with embarrassment, but other things…it’s so hot. He’s so — he’s so something, and you are a mess. Ari yanks down his shorts before he walks over to a deep part of the river, and jumps in.
“Darling, you can look,” he’s absurd. You can’t look at a naked man. But you want to, just because it’s an experiment. He’s a man, you are a woman. What is different on him than you?
“You’re naked, Ari,” his chuckle is so deep and haunting that you peek over your shoulder. “Ari, I can’t be around you when you’re naked.”
“I’m not naked. I’m fully clothed,” you peek more, and notice the swell of his chest poking out of the water. His hair on the amazing pillows of his chest is dripping into the water, and you whimper. He most certainly is not fully clothed. Hair pushed back off his face, and that stupid smile. And heat that you’re sure is from the pits of hell.
“Ari! Your clothes are right there,” he wades to the edge of the river, and gets out, and you spin around again. You feel so weak. He is more broad with no clothes on. Legs and arms sinewed with muscles, and his body is dripping in almost the same way as your own. “You are naked.”
“I promise I’m not. This is what the English wear to swim. You’re not seeing something other women haven’t,” oh that doesn’t sit right with you. Be brave. You spin around and fully take him in. Other women didn’t need to look at his body. He’s your employer, and if anyone deserves a right to stare, it’s you. You don’t just stare, you gaze. Taking in every part of his body. Tracing every line with your eyes, and he stands there looking like the worst temptation.
Like the time you snuck a bite of the pie before it was cooled down, and you smoothed it back out, so no one would know. Keeping that secret still to this day. But you don’t want anyone else to have him as a sin. You want him as your sin. What does that even mean? You need to ask for forgiveness, because he is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. You could write books and poetry about him. And you want to take your time as you discover each vein that follows along his arms, and every hill and valley that makes up his stomach and chest.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” you squeak out, walking past him. It’s hard to do that, but you have to sit on the edge of the river bank. Pulling up your skirts and kicking off your shoes, you let your legs dangle enough into the water, so your toes get refreshed. Your entire body needs it. Squeezing your thighs together seems to help a little bit. But still there is an emptiness, and you want to ask him about it, but what could he possibly know?
He goes back into the river, swimming about a bit. His eyes are constantly drifting to your legs, and then your ankles, “So this is what you English people do for fun?”
“Uh huh.”
“And what does a woman wear?”
“Depends on what she’s comfortable with. Some only cover the same as panties and a bra, and some go completely nude,” what? Women swam completely nude? With other people present. “Usually that can be a fun little date.”
“Date?” You’d heard the word before, but didn’t know if you fully understood it.
“Two people just hanging out getting to know one another. Usually it’s when they’re sexually attracted to each other.”
“Sexually?” There is that word again. “What exactly is sex?” You know you’re attracted to Ari, he is perfect and beautiful, but what is sexually? Or even sex?
He takes long slow blinks, while his eyes transfix on your legs again. That stupid heat gets higher, and you rub your thighs together. This helps more than squeezing them. Your heart rate is everywhere. You’ve never felt it in every part of your body, but also…in the worst place.
“Well when two people like each other…”
“Like you and me?”
“Yes, Darling. Exactly like us. We can use us as an example,” he looks like the devil and an angel all at the same time. “When two people like each other their bodies react. Weird things happen. Heat, pulsing you feel in places you never considered before,” he looks right at your stomach. No, not your stomach. He knows. He knows exactly what your body is doing. You should ask him. You should tell him exactly what is going on.
“And…ugh, this feels almost inappropriate,” he deeply breathes, looking away so quickly you think he had to have hurt his neck.
“Just tell me.”
“For us, at least, a man and a woman, in that scenario man, me, enters into the woman, you.”
“Oh. Oh!” Okay, that makes sense. So you mate like the animals. Hmm, “On all fours?” He cringes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t…” you’re saying all the wrong things. How does one receive a man if not on all fours?
“Humans have a plethora of options,” he doesn’t want to embarrass you, but he also doesn’t want to feel he’s completely corrupting you either. He knows how many lines are being crossed right now.
“Are you big like a horse…everywhere?” That feels more than mildly inappropriate, but you’re the one that brought it up. Adorably you look towards the water, below his waist, and that when it hits him. His own curiosity about you builds up so hard, steel hard. His cock twitches in his boxers, knowing that you are trying to figure out his size.
“Not quite like a horse, but arousal does change things,” hmm, quite like they’re changing him now. He couldn’t show you. That would be going too far, but he knows eventually you’ll ask. You still haven’t averted your eyes away from his crotch. He wonders from your angle if you could see how hard he is. “Why are you asking?”
“I have always thought it hurts the mares. I understand it’s a part of life, and she’s only doing what she’s born to do naturally, but it just seems so invasive. And humans do this to get babies?” He shrugs, it’s much more complicated than that, and that’s not the only reason. “It just looks painful.”
“Well, look at it as it is the way it’s intended. We’re created to be made to fit together, you know?” Okay, that makes sense. “People are meant to — mate with people. I suppose not all humans are meant to fit together.”
“How do you know that you found someone that you fit easily with?”
He gets a mischievous smirk on his face, wading closer to your body. His eyes focus much too low again before he makes eye contact. “Sometimes you just have to make it fit. The first time things are a bit tighter. But with prep and time I can make it fit. The woman’s body is amazing. When she’s ready to take a man, your body preps itself. It heats up, it gets so wet and sticky, making it easier for me to enter into you.”
“Does it hurt?” You are missing all the moments he’s actually saying ‘you and him’ because you are trying to figure sex out. In order for him to mate with you, you’d both have to be naked. He is almost naked. You pull your skirts even higher, all the way up to your knees, and he looks very quickly, enjoying the lower view. And a quick glimpse at the panties he bought for you.
“You’re very curious today.”
“That means it does hurt,” he’s ignoring your question.
“So I’ve been told. I wouldn’t know from experience because I’m entering into you, but I have been told it does sting,” he’s been told. Some other woman told him it hurt, and it wasn’t you. It actually makes you angry to think about the fact another woman has seen him naked, and felt him. You should be the one feeling him. What? What are you saying? New feelings explode in your body, mixed with the anger you feel.
”Why would anyone mate for more than having children if it hurts?” And why did another woman get to see him like that? And feel him? Did she get the fuzzy feeling? Did he look at her the same way? There is no way another woman feels the same way you do about Ari.
“There’s more to sex than mating,” how is that even possible? You only saw the animals mating to procreate. “It brings two people so close, both physically and spiritually,” oh now it hurts. Another woman was not only physically close to Ari to have him inside her, but they had a spiritual closeness, too? This isn’t even jealousy anymore, this is painful.
“Not to mention the amount of pleasure that happens will bring you to your knees,” you wonder if she felt the way you did. If she had this heat coursing through her entire bones, while she got to feel him. Got to have him in a way you couldn’t even comprehend.
“It sounds like a sin, Ari. It almost sounds like you are worshiping…”
“Worshiping at the altar between a woman’s legs is like a religion,” you sigh, looking at the water instead of Ari. Worshiping idols is a sin, but you’re more concerned with the fact he was worshiping a woman that wasn’t you. He finally said it. Whatever is happening between your legs is because of Ari, and he would worship you. But he worshiped someone else, and it pains you more than anything you’ve ever felt.
You push your skirts back down, giving Ari a final goodbye nod for the day. “I should go, Ari. I’ll eat dinner at my parents’ tonight.”
“Wait,” he climbs out of the river, walking after you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” lying is a sin. He pulls you tightly against his body, hugging you, and this hug feels different. He feels…bigger. “Ari?” His hard rod pushes up against your stomach, and you feel an odd need to roll your body into his. This is so very confusing. Everything is happening at once, and it nearly blinds you in thoughts.
“Ignore it,” how can you ignore whatever is pressing up against you like that? Pulsing to the same rhythm as whatever is happening between your legs. “We’re okay?”
“It’s just a lot. And…that…” what you really want to say is crude and outlandish and you just can’t say it. You can’t let him know that you’re more scared of him now than ever. There is no way that thing would fit. And he’s worshiped between another woman’s legs, so he did fit. What if you weren’t made for each other? But he was with another woman. “Ari, I can’t.”
“Forgive me for being so outright, but not every woman makes this happen to me,” if he wasn’t holding you, you’d have sunk to your knees. Everything is so weak. There’s so many emotions and feelings, and you just want some alone time or time to explore whatever part of his body is touching you. The pulse between your legs is intense and you have a desire to ask him to help.
“It won’t fit.”
“I’m not asking to make it fit,” of course he’d say that because he has another woman. He doesn’t need you like you need him. Why are you so conflicted with everything? It’s physical and mental, and apparently spiritual.
“I’ve gotta go,” he lets his arms fall, and you dare to look. That didn’t help the feelings in your body. You have more questions. And you can’t ask any of them.
“You’ll be here tomorrow?” You give him a nod, realizing that everything feels hard on you. Even on your chest. What is happening to your body? The sweat is everywhere, and the residual water from him presses your dress around your skin, and somehow makes it feel nice. And your body is showing proof of its own changes as your nipples poke through your dress, “Okay, I’ll have some more books for you on the shelf okay? I don’t work too hard, and enjoy reading, okay?”
“Is it a sin?”
“It’ll be our secret, okay?” This is more than just the books, he’s talking about whatever this is currently happening between you two. You shouldn’t want it, but you crave it. You crave just coming to his house, and seeing him. But the idea of seeing him fully naked and pressed against you, takes your breath away.
“Our secret,” your secrets with him were adding up.
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@smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989
@pandaxnienke @rogersbarber @buckybarnesisdaddy @theinheriteddutchess @patzammit
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buckyshusband0 · 3 months
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 months
Coming Soon: The Marked Ones
Introducing The Marked Ones, a brand new shifter romance featuring Bucky Barnes, Ari Levinson, and Steve Rogers on their quest to find their fated mates. More to come!
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How to request:
requests are open!
Just send me whatever you want! But here's a few things to note:
I write for female reader.
If I'm not comfortable with it, I won't write it. It's nothing personal against you!
I might take some time to write them, so I apologize beforehand.
If you see something you do not agree with in my work (subtle kinks, rpf), then kindly leave. Block me. Do not interact further. I respect your opinion, but you do not get to dictate what I write.
..there is a lot of hot people on this list. enjoy.
❤red: smut/suggestive/spicy
▸ Pedro Pascal
The Best Kisser [fluff] Age Gap [angsty fluff] || Second Part [fluff] Pascal in a Song [fluff] Pascal with a Kid [fluff] Dancing [fluff] Sleeping Beauty [fluff, GN]
As Joel Miller:
The Two of Us [angst] Nursed to Health [fluff] ❤Fights [suggestive] ❤Pretty Like This [smut, angst] Home Bound Series
As Frankie Morales:
Phone Sex Operator [romance]
As Agent Whiskey:
Sweet Whiskey [fluff] Last Dance [angsty] Social Cues [fluff] Jack is sick [fluff]
▸ Jeremy Allen White
As Carmen Berzatto:
❤Cherry Compote And Apricots [smut] Square One [angst] || Squared Away [angst/fluff] A Romantic [fluff] ❤Strawberries and Cream [smut] ❤Suits [spicy] || Rewards [smut] ❤Slow Love [smut] Bad Day [angst/fluff] ❤Carmen getting a BJ [smut]
▸ Ryomen Sukuna
Shadows And Silk [angst/fluff] Tiny Socks and Bibs [fluff]
▸ Suguru Geto
Your Best [angst/fluff] ❤She's Going To Love It [smut]
▸ Gojo Satoru
He's Mine [angst/fluff] || I'm Always Yours [angst/fluff] Scars Are Beautiful [fluff] She's Mean, And He Loves Her For It [angst/fluff] Her Rage Keeps Him Going [fluff] How Low Can You Go? [fluff] Request: fluffy Gojo Satoru [fluff] Something I'm Made For [angst/fluff] To Infinity And Beyond [angst/fluff]
▸ Fushiguro Megumi
Not a Kid Anymore [spicy, fluff] Stay the Night [fluff]
▸ Aaron Taylor-Johnson
As Tangerine:
Marks [angst, fluff] Baby Citrus [fluff]
▸ Will Poulter
Hugs, Massages [fluff] If you'd like to [fluff] Nightmares [fluff]
As Adam Warlock:
Becoming Human [fluff] Powerless [angst]
▸ Jensen Ackles
As Dean Winchester:
Time and Misunderstandings [angst] ❤Request: Best friends turned lover [smut]
As Soldier Boy:
Already Broken [angst/fluff]
▸ Ben Affleck
As Bruce Wayne:
Identity [romance] His Secret [angst]  Self-Defense [romance]
▸ Chris Evans
Found You [fluff]
As Steve Rogers:
The Enemy [angst] All I Ask [angst] Precious, Special, Important [angst]
▸ Tom Hiddleston
As Loki:
Monsters [angst/fluff] Empty [angst]
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levans44 · 1 year
Damage Control Masterlist
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pairing: steve rogers x SHIELD agent!Reader
warnings: 18+ SMUT*, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, lots of angst, hurt/comfort, eventual smut/romance/fluff, mentions of violence, accidents, family member death
summary: Working under SHIELD’s Damage Control division, she was used to handling shitty situations: wrecked buildings, stranded helicarriers, and alien hostages, to name a few.
But a one-night stand with Captain America?
Definitely not one of 'em.
word count: 49,821 (In Progress)
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14*
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21*
Ch 22
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sweetlilbambi · 2 years
new fave genre of men: when they play golf </333
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thinking about how they had to age up comics Bucky to avoid the gay connotations
and despite villainizing him still had to pair him & Steve off with women while they’re sneaking off to meet each other
and had to give Steve a girlfriend to de-gay his reunion with openly-gay Arnie Roth...
And then MCU Steve is SO obsessed with Bucky that they had to give them beards every time they're alone together in public, and then had to cut down on their screen time together, keep them physically separated in frame, forbid one character from even mentioning the other, separate them in time, and kill one of them off.
And I'm just like
You do realise that actually straight characters wouldn't need all this 'fixing', right??
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f10werfae · 2 years
Flashed a Tit
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pairing: Husband!Chris x Pregnant!Reader
Summary: Y/n finds a way to win over an argument with Chris, with the help of her tits ‼️Spicy fluff‼️
-Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Evans Masterlist💫
Full Masterlist✨
Taglist Form🌟
“Y/n didn’t I tell you not to go out to the shop on your own?! Especially now that you’re showing” Chris shouted pacing around the kitchen, his hands ruffling roughly through his hair whilst he got Y/n a glass of milk. Poor Y/n sat on one of the stools in their kitchen, clutching the packet of chocolate chips to her chest tightly; her 7 month bump proudly popped.
“But I just wanted some cookies n’ I didn’t want to wake you, you’ve just gotten home Chris” She argued setting the cookies onto the cold marble counter, watching her husband aggressively open the fridge and pull out the carton.
“Y/n you know that I would go above and beyond for you, I don’t care if i’ve just ran across the world twice, I don’t want you on your own out there” He grumbled pouring out the last of the milk before throwing the carton into the recycling trash bin, his face still slightly red from when he was really angry when Y/n first came in.
“I’m sorry Chrissy” Y/n pouted tugging on her husband’s shirt, to no avail, he instead handed her the glass of milk and opened her cookies for her.
“Nope i’m allowed to be angry for at least 20 more minutes” He groaned walking to the other side of the kitchen, putting away the stuff he had brought out. Y/n felt herself smile slightly when she got this amazing idea, that same morning she had seen tiktok trends of girlfriends flashing their boyfriends during an argument.
“Ya know I still can’t believe you did that-“
With his back turned away from her, Y/n put her hair behind her shoulders, “Chris look here” She said, immediately pulling up his shirt she was wearing, revealing both of her now swollen breasts to him.
Chris' eyes just widened and his mouth opened in shock, his sentence lost in his throat as a small smile slowly found its way onto his face.
���Ya can’t jus' do that bunny, that isn’t fair” He groaned, his teeth biting onto his bottom lip to keep his smile small. His eyes following her as she pulled down his shirt to cover herself up again, smirking to herself she turned to face her treats once again, knowing she had won.
“Hm well are you still mad at me?” She asked,
“God no, are ya kiddin? Just saw my wife’s tits” He laughed walking over, picking up one of Y/n's cookies, and dipping it in milk before feeding it to her. His heart going a thousand miles an hour when he saw her wiggle in her seat, enjoying one of her many midnight snacks which had become a daily routine now.
“Baby can you get some marshmallows?”
“I don’t know bunny, might be too-“
Before Chris could protest again, Y/n had pulled up her shirt again, Chris' eyes falling to her chest causing him to sigh.
“No honey, it’s not gonna work twice in a row in one night” He groaned closing his eyes and shaking his head,
“Not even if I let ya touch them?” She teased giving him a little shake of her chest,
“I-Uh damn okay fine, but it’s gotta be a long one ok?”
“Fine by me baby” Y/n smiled watching her husband grab the mallows, he gave her one hell of a wet kiss before passing over her newly acquired marshmallows. His eyes trained on the globes under her shirt,
“Just touch them”
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @pandaxnienke @patzammit @seren-a-ity @thereisa8ella @mrspeacem1nusone @evanstanwhore @itsaylayay1213 @kimhtoo17 @chrisevansdaughter @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @tojisbabymommy @bxdbxtxh15 @madebylilly @sairsei @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @royalwriteroftheuniverse @chrisevansangel @fdl305 @mysticfalls01 @taramaria @mirikusashes @marvelgurl @xoxokiaraaxoxo @caps-shield1918 @uwiuwi @jackslover12 @stormcloudss
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dailyflicks · 1 year
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GHOSTED (2023) dir. Dexter Fletcher
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callmissrogers · 4 months
There For His Girl | Steve Rogers x Reader One Short
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Summary: Y/n has reached her limit. Work has been difficult. People have been short, and some just mean. It all brings her back to her childhood, and right now, she just wants to pretend to be ok. So determined to pretend she tries to push her concerned husband away.
WARNINGS ⚠️ This contains mentions of a toxic relationship with the reader's mother and quotes some of their arguments. If this is a trigger for you, please DO NOT proceed. It also contains angst, fluff, and comfort. Also, very little editing and wrote on my phone.
Steve Rogers x wife reader
Word count: 1,370
Notes: The next part in the That's My Girl series will be going up today or tomorrow. I was feeling the need for some comfort myself, so this is what I wrote. Hope you like it!
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Y/n slammed the door, tears streaming down her face she pressed her back into the wall and slid down until she was a small ball on the floor.
"Why do I do this?" She sobbed hating herself.
Y/n had had a rough few days. It seemed like no matter what she did or said, people were short with her. Everything was going wrong, and after one mistake, which led to a snarky backhanded compliment from Tony Stark himself, well, Y/n was done. Usually, it didn't get to her like this anymore, but her emotions frayed to a breaking point.
Her dad always told her she wore her heart on her sleeve but she just thought her mom was right and that instead of enduring this made her a nuisance.
Why should she be so bothered when people utter unkind things to her?
Why can't she pull herself together?
"You're always start crying! Stop trying to make me feel bad"
"You're stabbing me in the back by trying to do something different"
"Don't you know I need you here? Stop thinking about yourself and making everything harder on me"
This and many other instances where y/n would be belittled, ridiculed, screamed at, lectured for two hours at 1 in the morning, and reduced to making herself as small and as unseen as possible while being a sobbing mess, had made her what she is today.
Too sensitive. At least that's what she told herself at times like this.
And why couldn't she just talk about it like a normal person instead of blowing something trivial out of proportion?
Literally five minutes ago....
Steve had come home the night before. Poor guy had been so tired that he fell asleep in uniform on the couch.
Y/n had been carefully tiptoeing around the kitchen so as not to accidentally wake him up. Intending to surprise him before heading to work.
She was supposed to be going over mission plans with Vision today. This was the kind of work that excited her. None of the agents would bother them while they were working, which meant that she could just disappear for the day.
She platted up breakfast and carried it over to set it on the coffee table in front of the sleep soilder.
Tho he didn't actually wake up until she set down his mug of coffee.
Eyes fluttering open he peered up at her groggyily. "Hi" He mumbled, pushing himself upright. "Hey sleepy head." Y/n said, trying to make her voice sound chipper.
Steve sighed contentedly as he stretched out his muscles before standing up.
"Mind if I go change clothes before I enjoy this masterpiece?" He asked. Y/n turned to face him, attempting to smooth down his wild bedhead and then said, "Go ahead"
He was back a matter of moments, settling down next to her and drinking deeply from his coffee.
"Thank you for this," He sighed leaning over and gently kissing her on the cheek. Y/n just nodded, trying to keep her mind on a healthy track she focused on eating.
"Did you sleep well?" Steve asked. Taking another bite, she thought about lying and telling him that she had had the best night sleep.
"Sorta" She said trying to stiffle a yawn. "What does sorta mean?" Steve asked turning to look at her. "Nothing really. I'm good! Nothing some strong coffee won't fix."
Steve placed his hands on her shoulders, making her look at him. He studied the dark circles, the faint tint of bloodshot in her eyes, how she held herself and her fiddling hands.
"Hm," He said, his voice low in his chest.
Y/n knew exactly what he was doing, shaking his hands off her shoulders and standing up she said, "I should probably get ready for work."
Steve stood up, grabbing her wrist and stopping her. "Y/n, you look exhausted." "I'm fine" "You're twirling your hair, which means you're not telling the truth." "Steve, c'mon I don't have time for this" "Y/n, it looks like you've been crying" She pulled his hand off her wrist and started to walk away from him, "I'm going to work." "Sweetheart, please just tell me what's - " "Steve! Please just listen to me and leave me alone!" She yelled, cutting him off. She ran off to the bedroom, and that's when the door slammed.
Steve stood there a moment, thinking about honoring her request and leaving her be. But his protective nature overtook him and he decided that the best thing to do would be to be there for his girl.
In the bedroom.
Y/n sat against the wall still crying into her hands, body trembling, thinking hateful thoughts about herself.
She heard Steve knock on the door, saying "Sweetheart, can I come in?"
When she didn't answer him, he slowly opened the door and stepped inside.
She could feel him kneeling down in front of her, "Sweetheart," He whispered, trying to tuck her hair behind her ear to which she only buried her face further.
The next thing that happened, was Steve scooping her up into his arms and settling down in the arm chair that sat in the room.
Somehow this just made her cry more.
"Oh honey, come on now. Take a deep breath. In through the nose and out through the mouth." He soothed.
After about ten minutes of this, her crying settled down, breath becoming rhythmic.
Once he was sure that she had calmed down enough to be able to communicate with him, he asked his voice low and rumbling through his chest, "Do you wanna talk about what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
She nodded against his shirt. "Everything" she gasped. "Everything?" He asked, pulling her back so he could look her in the face. Dabbing away the leftover tears.
"I'm too emotional. Everything the last few days just hurts. I let everything get under my skin... I just. . Lately, people and Stark are just mean, or maybe I'm just too sensitive.. and now I've yelled at you, too." She said, trying to get up.
"Now hold on a minute, " He cooed, keeping her in place.
"What did Tony say?" "Nothing. I messed up and he was being sarcastic, but I'm such a mess that it hurt" she said her voice breaking. "Alright. Listen to me. One, you are not too emotional. The world tells everyone to button up and be cynical. You, my dear, are a light in all that mess. You do care and that's a very good thing -- I don't want you to listen to anyone that would belittle that, ok?" He asked getting a slow, uncertain nod in response. "Ok. Secondly, people can be mean, especially Stark. People also have power trips and want to pull people down to make themselves feel stronger or better. This means there's one thing you can always be certain of: Do you know what that is?" "What?" "They're wrong. Anyone who would belittle you to make a point or to win an argument or for any other reason, is just a bully." "But what if-" "ah. No what ifs. Thirdly, and this one is the one that's most important of the three." "Then why'd it come last?" She asked clearly beginning to feel a little bit better if she could tease him now. Steve simply rolled his eyes and continued,
"I want you to remember that when you're upset, you can always talk to me. No matter how silly it might make you feel, your feelings are safe with me." "Steve I just yelled at you for no rea-" "No. You had a reason. You were upset. I can see that and you know what that means? It means I can take it too. When I put this ring on your finger," He said taking her hand in his and running a finger across her knuckles. "I signed up for this. I'd rather have you get emotional than bottle things up and hide them from me."
Y/n looked down at their still intertwined hands and then back up at him. Nodding again and breathed out an "ok"
"Ok." Steve replied, giving her his usual comforting smile and kissing her forehead.
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ganymede-princess · 1 year
Entanglement Theory | Robert Capa (Sunshine)
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Part 2
ship: robert capa X fem!oc
warnings: capa is mildly suicidal but it's basically tooth-rotting fluff for the most part, capa has a bruise from his fight with mace, i try (and fail) to explain several pieces of theoretical physics through dialogue despite having only a layman's understanding of the concepts.
summary: capa's insomnia inadvertently causes an impromptu date.
word count: 3263
a/n: i know almost nothing about physics, but I do try to explore some of the concepts in the narrative here, so when I inevitably get things painfully wrong, please do correct me. AlsoI know that Searle is the medic as well as the psych officer, but you're going to have to bear with me here. I sort of think of Doc as a bit of an all rounder on board: part gardener, part mechanic, part cook. Basically a spare who helps keep everything running smoothly until it's time to treat illness and injuries. Also, yes I made that GIF, that's why it's so horrible and decayed.
written by @ganymede-princess
The floor lights burst in and out of life like tiny stars as I tip-toe down the hall. Icarus tracks my movements closely, giving enough light to see my feet and enough darkness to stay half asleep. The dream is still fresh in my mind, almost more real than the floor beneath my feet. It was frightening, but I wish I could salvage that feeling somehow. The weightlessness and unbearable brightness, the heat and pain so strangely pleasurable, like cleaning corruption from a wound. I wonder if it would truly be so magnificent to die that way. I know I should doubt it- that death is grotesque in truth- but a piece of me still clings to the sense of belonging I felt as my hands turned to dust and burned away into the cosmos. I focus my eyes on the floor lights as they appear and try to bring the vision back into my mind. The lights pale in comparison to the unbending beauty of the sun's surface, but I still see the orange ripples of the source of all life swimming in the tiny artificial effigies. The details of the dream are slipping out of my grasp, back into the shadows of my subconscious when I collide with something warm and hard. I stumble back, sucking in a breath and wheel back blindly to punch my assailant.
"Hey, hey!" A low, gravelly voice commands me, and my arms lock in a vice grip. "Ah- calm down! Icarus, floor lights up."
White light floods the hallway and I come back into myself to see that I'm trapped in the arms of Robert Capa. God help me, he's so cute. His hair is ruffled up and his brow is creased with concern as he sets his nebulous blue eyes on me, locking me into their gravity field.
"What's the matter with you, Doc?"
"Ca-Capa... I'm sorry." I will myself to pull away from him, but time and space seem to stand still. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"No, but you were going to." He huffs.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry-"
"Relax. What are you doing up anyway?"
"I-" As he frowns, it feels as if every pair of eyes in the universe are scrutinising me. "I was just... Taking a walk."
"Where?" A smirk tugs at the corner of his lip like a fishhook.
"Funny. That's exactly where I'm going." He lets me out of his grasp and pushes past me to walk a few paces down the hall, then looks over his shoulder. "Are you coming?"
He gives me a rare smile of encouragement, and as I walk obediently towards him I realise he could make me do anything he wanted with just that smile.
As the primary medic on board the Icarus 2, I am essentially the mother of my crewmates. I kiss their grazes and fuss over them all. I listen to them cry and offer what comfort I can before I move them to the more calculated psychiatric care of Searle. It is my job to love these people as if they are my own family, and I do sincerely. I must treat everyone with equal kindness and empathy, never picking favourites or singling out scapegoats, but when I look at Robert Capa, my training is sucked out of the airlock. No matter how much I try to deny it to myself, I know that his safety and happiness takes absolute precedence in my mind. He is my first thought in the morning and the last one at night. Speaking to him is the only thing that brings me peace, even more than the Earth Room. We are a handful of humans traversing the impossibly massive vacuum of space; we should all be losing our minds, but I feel safe as long as I am close to Capa. Even so, dreams can be more frightening than reality. I want to reach for him somehow and ask him to take on the futile task of protecting me from my own subconscious.
My throat dries up and my cheeks are burning as I walk close beside him, my hand inches from his. I could just slip my fingers in between his. Surreptitious. He might not even notice. What might be an insignificant gesture to him would serve to anchor me to reality. I'm not sure if it's my logical side or simply fear, but I stay my hand and follow beside him as he marches through the hallways, fleet footed and silent.
"So, um," My voice wavers. "Where are we going?"
"Almost there." Capa inclines his head toward me and the ghost of a smile passes over his face.
We wind through a few more hallways until we reach the Payload unit. Capa fiddles with the keypad.
"Why are we here?"
He keeps his eyes trained on the keypad, but quirks an eyebrow and bites the inside of his cheek, his expression somewhere between amused and annoyed.
"Primary Payload entrance unlocked." Icarus lowers the intercom volume and isolates her voice to only this corridor so the rest of the crew may sleep undisturbed.
"Mind yourself." Capa warns as he releases the door and steps inside.
As I pad in behind him, it seems as if a whole world is opening up before me. I have only been inside the Payload a handful of times, and the sheer size of the place awes me every time. Panels upon panels stretching for miles in every direction, each one containing enough nuclear matter to fuel an atomic bomb.
"Beautiful, isn't she?" All the wonder I feel is written on Capa's face.
All I can do is nod. There is a power here that none of us can comprehend, maybe not even Capa himself. I follow him as he traverses the scaffolding that runs a few stories above the ground until he sits down, dangling his feet over the railing. I have only ever seen the Payload from ground level, and the huge scope of the glossy black room is all the more evident from up high.
"It's big in here." I say it just to fill the silence.
Capa huffs, eyes alight with amusement. I sit close beside him and try to focus on the view.
"Fifty billion tonnes of fissile material." Capa muses. "Every scrap of accessible nuclear fuel in our solar system is in this room. The Stellar Bomb. Payload. Humanity's final hail Mary. Doesn't it make you feel tiny?"
Though I have heard every detail hundreds of times before, Capa's voice breathes life into the story that every human in the planetary system thinks about in every waking moment.
"I feel tiny next to you." I admit. "You are the Payload. You're the only person in the universe who can pull off the detonation."
"No pressure, huh?" Capa squints.
"None at all." I bump him with my elbow. "But I didn't mean to freak you out or-"
"I've heard it all before, don't worry."
With nothing to say, we fall into silence again. I drop my legs over the edge and kick them like a child on a swing. I tap his foot with mine earning a breathy laugh, and for a minute or two we tussle as we both try to keep our feet on top. He eventually wins by pushing his ankle underneath mine and locking my foot down under his. My heart races so hard that I'm afraid Icarus might ask me why I'm exercising outside of the designated gym room.
"How's your bruise?"
"Hmmph." Capa lifts his shirt to reveal a yellowing bruise on his ribs. "Hurts when I poke it, but it's alright."
"Why would you poke it?" I giggle, trying hard to keep the redness off my cheeks.
"'Cause its there." He side-eyes me. "Anyway, you should have seen the other guy."
"I did! Not a scratch on him."
"That was on purpose." He closes his eyes and presses his hands together as if in prayer. "I'm completely zen in the face of violent aggression."
"Maybe you just can't fight."
"I can fight, I assure you." He cracks his knuckles and eyes me in amusement. "I'd drop you in an instant."
"Sure, you would." I nudge him.
"You wanna go?"
In a rare moment of confidence, I sling an arm around his shoulder and ruffle his long, velvety hair. He tickles my sides in response with dexterous fingers.
"C-C-Capa stop tha-at before I fall off!" I gasp between giggles.
"I've got you." His grip on me tightens, but he keeps tickling. "Now, say 'yes, Doctor Capa, you can fight.'"
"Ye-yes, Capa, you can fi-ight!"
"Doctor Capa!" He grumbles. "I have a PhD, you know."
"Yes, you can fight, D-doctor Capa."
"Say I'm the most handsome physicist in the solar system."
"You're the mo-host handsome physi- physicist in the- the solar system!"
"Good girl." He quits tickling but keeps a strong hold of me while I catch my breath.
"Dr Bigshot PhD," I say weakly. "You weaselled that out of me!"
"You didn't put up much of a fight." He growls in a voice like black treacle, and I notice how close we have gotten.
My eyes trace the dark stubble growing into the hollow of his cheeks, then his heavy, sleepy eyes, his dicky little sideburns, and finally his pink seashell lips. I feel him studying me too, and I can't help but lean closer as he rubs circles on my waist. A husky breath escapes his lips, and he relinquishes his hold on me. Leaning away, he shakes his head as if to un-stick an annoying thought. A strange, guilty sickness grips me. What did I do wrong?
"You wanna see something cool?" He slaps his hands on his knees and stands up, offering me a hand.
I nod dumbly and accept his help, just happy to touch him. Capa leads me to the control room, and goes through the familiar motions of setting up the control panel. I sit down on one of the swivel chairs and watch his slow, methodical movements. I have noticed before that Capa always thinks things through this way, doing everything by the letter. He has the same slow, practiced approach to relationships, after all it took until nearly the end of our training for Capa to really feel like a friend to myself and the rest of the crew.
"Icarus, show me the lights." Capa presses the test button.
"Yes Capa, initiating Payload visual test."
"C'mere, look." Capa pulls me close to him and points out a tiny white star blossoming in the corner of the room. "See, that's a projection of what the Payload will look like when it's detonated. It's called Cherenkov light."
"I've heard of that." I admit as the lights begin to spread and dance across the room. "How does it work?"
"It's quite fascinating, really." Capa murmurs, the wonder clear in his voice. "The light is caused by charged particles travelling through a dielectric medium faster than the speed of light. That's how powerful a nuclear reaction is. It can fire out particles faster than light itself can travel."
"It's beautiful." The lights wink and swirl together like a glowing algal bloom.
"It is. When this thing detonates and all the stars come out, there will be so much energy all in one place that time and space will smear together. For a few seconds, everything will be unquantifiable. The impossible will be possible. You could light a candle in a fish tank, live a lifetime in a second... stand, unharmed, on the surface of the sun."
"It's almost a shame that we won't get to see it up close."
"I want to. I'd die to."
"You better not." The lights begin to fade, and I look up at Capa. "I'd miss you."
"Yeah?" Capa almost smiles.
"Yeah. What's the point in any of this if we can't enjoy the sunshine together back home?"
"You don't think we'll all be sick of each other by the end of it all?"
"Well... I'm already pretty sick of Harvey, but-"
A hissing laugh escapes from Capa, and he covers his face in embarrassment.
"I think even Harvey's sick of himself by now." He snickers
"We should be careful, he might be listening."
"Oh no, he might be." He chuckles and guides me to sit with him on the lounge at the back of the room. In the quiet darkness, Capa's eyes catch the luminance of the control panel lights.
"Where were you going when we ran into each other?"
"I couldn't get to sleep. There was just... so much going through my head with the comms fuck-up, and..." He sighs. "I've just had a lot on my mind."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not yet." Capa chews his lip. "What about you? Where were you going?"
"Oh um," I flush. "I had a dream and it frightened me. I... I guess I was just clearing my head. Can I tell you about it?"
"Sure." He shifts in his seat to face me better, and tucks his feet up under him.
"It- it was us. We were floating together in space. We weren't wearing equipment, but it was warm and we could breathe. Everything was so still, and there were stars everywhere all around us, just like the Payload test. I thought it was beautiful, and I wanted to tell you but it was like I forgot how to talk. I thought you looked like a star too, so maybe that's why I forgot, I don't know."
"Like a star?"
"Yes, you... I don't know. You were you, but amplified. A-anyway, I noticed that one of the stars was getting bigger, and bigger, and then I realised we were falling towards it. We kept falling and falling so fast that we had to hold hands, or we would have lost each other, and the stars smeared out into white lines, but I wasn't scared, and eventually we passed all these planets and I realised we were falling into the sun. We just kept getting closer and closer to it, and I could see more and more of it until it was all I could see in any direction. It was so burning hot but I couldn't die. Eventually we caught right up to it, and it was right there in front of us and we reached out to touch it, but then I woke up so I don't know what would have happened."
"That's incredible."
"It was. It was really strange, though. It was just like Searle said, the light becomes you, and because you were there too, it was like we became each other."
"Do you get why I would die to see the Payload detonate up close? Not even Icarus knows what will happen when she blows. It'll be a big bang on a small scale. It's entirely possible your dream could occur under those circumstances. You could touch the sun."
"No?" I squint, baffled at the urgency of his tone. "No. I- I don't want to die like that."
"It would be beautiful, Doc, but I won't die with the Payload." He is burning with intensity. "Not if you forbid it."
"Were you planning on it?" I laugh, hoping he is joking.
For a moment, he stares into the middle distance, focused on something only he can see. His eyes are blue supergiants; stars that burn hotter and brighter than any other, and die young as they collapse under their own weight and burst out into brilliant explosions of light.
"Yes." He finally says, coming back into himself. "For a while now, I... I've planned to detonate the Payload from inside, so I can see for myself what it's really like."
"Why?" My voice cracks in despair.
"No human being has ever seen such a thing, or ever will again. What is returning to a frozen earth worth compared to seeing the impossible?"
"Everything, Capa!" I want to shake him. "You'll get to see the ice melt. You'll get to see the world as it was when we were children."
"So will everyone."
"Exactly! We'll see it happen together."
He smiles in a ghostly far-off way.
"Forbid me to do it, and I won't."
"I forbid it." The words come as easy as breathing.
Capa nods, a shadow of disappointment passing over his face for a second before it melts into acceptance.
"I'm sorry." I do not fully understand why I apologise.
"Don't be. You just saved a life."
"Why did you give me the choice?"
"What do you know about entanglement theory?"
"What does that have to do with-"
"What do you know about entanglement theory?"
"Very little."
"So, basically, when placed under a huge amount of energy, such as during the Big Bang, a pair of particles can take on some shared property, and even if one of those particles ends up light years away from the other one, you can still tell that the two are entangled because they still share the same property." Capa is alight and animated in a way that only physics can make him. "Now imagine those atoms spend 13 billion years apart, until eventually they end up on earth, one as part of a person in the United States, and one as a person in Australia, and these particles can sense each other. They're calling out to each other, and it effects the people they are a part of. They make them both interested in science, they make them both adrenaline junkies with fucking god complexes who think it'll be fun to get fired into the sun in a big steel stick insect. And, eventually, the two people find each other. Well, one of them doesn't really know how to act for a while, but the other one is always good to him until he realises what he really wants, and hopefully, one day soon, she might let him kiss her and the two entangled particles can touch again."
"My god." I whisper. He can't be serious, can he? "That's some cheesy shit, Capa."
"Yeah, I know." He buries his face in his hands.
"You don't really believe that do you?"
"No." He grins. "No, I'm talking out of my ass here. But it's a good story, huh?"
"I'm impressed. But I need to know something. Capa, if I tell you now that I don't feel the same, will you throw yourself into the sun?"
"No." Capa's face creases in pain. "I already promised you I wouldn't."
I lay my lips on his, as gently as I would hold a rose petal between my fingers. Everything he is melts into me, and I am completely and deliciously his, forever. We are simultaneously binary stars, gravitationally bound to one another in orbit, and a pair of insignificant creatures trapped in the void of space by the hubris of our species. Our hands move across every inch of each other in the ancient, desperate hunger that humans have felt for centuries. The hunger to be closer, even when two bodies are pressed flush against each other, the hunger remains. It is as if there is something deep inside each of us that pines to be touched by the other, something that wants to burst out of us and be a new kind of naked. Everything I have felt for Capa since the start of our training boils out of me and into the kiss. I never want to be without him.
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