#Christmas Eve Fic
ivystoryweaver · 9 months
Holiday Fics Masterlist (the whole year thru)
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Main Masterlist
New Year
See "Autumn" for Rosh Hashanah/New Year Jake Lockley fic
(Art, not fics)
Oscar Isaac Characters Valentines Masterlist
Mother's Day
"What a Mother Can Be" Moon Dads (Steven and Marc) || 1.7k words
Father’s Day
“He’s Okay”
Marc Spector || 1.3k words
"Happy New Year, Jake" Jake Lockley || 820 words
"Spectre: A Moon Knight Halloween Love Story" Moon Boys || ongoing || 18+
"Next December" Jake Lockley || 805 words || 18+
"Surf's Up" Jake Lockley || 100 words
Holiday Season
"Jingle Bells" Santiago Garcia || 800 words
Holidays with the Moon Boys moodboard
"Eight Nights (in December)" Marc, Steven (Jake is mentioned) || 7.4k words
"(Everybody's Waitin' for) The Man With the Bag" Miguel O'Hara || 1050 words
“Fairytale of New York” Llewyn Davis || 2.2k words || 18+
Moon Boys Celebrate Your Birthday 635 words
“March the 9th” Marc Spector || 1.4k words
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 9 months
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Gift of Love
Christmas Eve, sneak attacks, a mild prank war and a gift filled with so much love that Harry knows it's the best Christmas he'll ever have.
gift for the talented @littlewinnow for their adorable art! And also gifted to the ever delightful @l0vegl0wsinthedark ask found here
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densi-mber · 2 years
Bring out the Holly
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“Hey, how are we doing on snacks?” Kensi asked, turning to Deeks as he popped in the kitchen with a load of empty bowls. She was currently wrist deep in a bowl of cheese dip. Her stomach turned slightly at the squelching sound as it mixed, but so far, she’d done pretty well by sipping on 7UP.
“Uh, we need more chips. And if Arkady keep going at his current rate, way more vodka,” Deeks responded. He dumped the rest of a bag of potato chips and then tortilla strips into bowls.
“Well, it’s a good thing we stocked up.”
Deeks grinned, making a detour to kiss her firmly while they had a moment. They’d been going pretty much non-stop since this morning, and the pace had only picked up once guests started arriving.
Kensi heard a loud cheer, which she assumed had something to do with Arkady, and possibly Roberta. She could only imagine what they were getting up to.
Deeks dragged in a deep breath. “Ok, I’m headed back into the wild. Keep me in your prayers. Kensi snorted, watching him balance the bowls of snacks before she turned back to the dip.
Deciding it was as mixed as it would get, she transferred it to a cut glass dish Roberta had insisted giving them during her recent move, washed up, and fortified herself with another sip of fizzy pop.
When she made it out to the living room and few minutes later, she found everyone spread out in little groups. Fatima and Rountree were talking with Rosa by the Christmas tree. Sam, Callen, and Anna appeared to be in a lively conversation with Arkady. Meanwhile, Nell and Eric were sandwiched between Julia and Roberta on the couch. Deeks was circling the room making sure everyone had enough to drink and eat.
When Nell caught sight of her, she hurried over, enveloping Kensi in a massive hug.
“Hey you!”
“Hey. You know, we did see each other less than 20 minutes ago,” Kensi reminded her teasingly.
“I know, but I really missed you,” Nell said, reaching up to straighten her Christmas inspired headband. Miniature ornaments hung from her earlobes and she wore a piece of sparkly garland as a necklace. Looking over her shoulder, she added, “Plus, I needed a minute. Your moms are grilling us about out relationship.”
“Oh, do tell?”
“Uh, you know everything thing there is to know, and I am not delving into that very complicated can of worms on Christmas.”
“Fair enough,” Kensi agreed. “But, once the holidays are over, be prepared to be grilled.”
A pair of arms wrapped around Kensi’s waist, followed by the familiar and reassuring presence of Deeks’ chest.
“Just so you know, Fatima and Rountree are trying to convince our daughter to move out of state for college,” he murmured.
“How dare they.”
“Ooh, I didn’t get a Shaggy hug yet,” Nell realized, reaching around Kensi to give Deeks a very big hug.
“I missed you too, Velma,” Deeks said, grinning as he pulled a couple pieces of tinsel from Nell’s outfit out of his mouth. “Maybe we should go rescue your partner in crime, he’s looking a little suffocated.”
“Yeah, I’m going to need at least one more drink before that happens.”
“Fair enough.”
Sam, Callen, and Anna wandered over then, making a pit stop for snacks on the way.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve been here since you two completed all the renovations. It looks good,” Sam commented. Kensi had no doubt that he’d been discreetly examining the drywall and flooring.
“Thanks. We had a lot of help from good friends,” Deeks said.
“Mostly thanks to Deeks’ surfing connections.”
“So, your first Christmas as parents in your new home. How’s that feel?” Sam asked, grinning when Deeks groaned.
“Terrifying,” Kensi answered. “Amazing, but terrifying.” Anna reached out to squeeze her hand.
“Alright, time for a new topic before we stress out our hosts,” Nell decided. Kensi sent her a grateful look.
“Ok, how about Arkady’s taken command of your kitchen?” Callen suggested. “His words, not mine.”
“Do I want to know what he’s doing in there?”
“According to him, making a famous Russian drink that only our family know,” Anna answered with a raised brow for emphasis. “I would not go in there right now.”
“Fantastic,” Deeks said, shaking his head. “But, It’s Christmas, so we’re not going to worry about it.”
“What are we not worrying about?” Eric asked, positioning himself between Nell and Deeks.
Kensi noticed that he automatically wrapped his arm around Nell’s waist. She pressed her lips together, holding back a litany of pointed comments. That could wait for later.
“Whatever weird and wonderful things Arkady is currently doing in our kitchen. How’d you escape the terrifying duo that are our mothers?” Deeks glanced over to the couch, but Julia and Roberta had moved on to join Rosa’s little group.
“Uh, with my extremely agile way with words,” Eric answered. “I learned from the master after all.” He bowed to Deeks and then casually added, “By the way, we’re having a June wedding.”
“Great, we can make it a double wedding.” Callen grinned and raised his glass of egg nog in a mock toast, ignoring Nell and Anna’s twin glares.
“It’s been nice knowing you, brother,” Sam said, slapping Callen on the back,
Fortunately, Rosa, Fatima, and Rountree came over before things could get too out of control.
Kensi noticed Rosa wore the birthstone necklace they’d given her that morning. She’d worried it was a little too personal, or Rosa might find it cheesy, so seeing her with it now warmed Kensi’s heart.
She took a quick sip of ginger ale before her hormones got completely out of control and she started crying.
“So there’s this Christmas game going around. I thought it would be fun to play,” Rosa said, more animated than usual. Kensi wondered just what she’d been talking about with Rountree and Fatima. “Basically, you put a bunch of gift bows on the table, and each person takes a turn trying to scoop them into a basket while blindfolded.”
“You want to blindfold a bunch of highly competitive people, at least half of whom know multiple fighting styles,” Deeks summed up, pulling a face. “I see absolutely nothing going wrong here.”
“Hush, we can behave ourselves,” Sam protested with a smirk.
“We’re also going to need a lot of dollar bills,” Fatima added. “It’s part of the game.”
“Well, I don’t have any ones, but I got a stack of 20s,” Eric offered.
“Why the hell do you have a bunch of 20s, Eric?”
“He likes to be prepared.” Nell patted his shoulder, looking up at her not-fiancé with a happy smile.
“Oh, this is a going to be a massive disaster,” Deeks commented with a chuckle as everyone headed off to gather bows and spatulas. Callen was making side bets on who would collect the most bows.
“Definitely,” Kensi agreed. She took advantage of the relative privacy to pull Deeks in for a deep kiss. “But I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
A/N: I would describe this as the happy chaos that develops when you gather a bunch of different people together for the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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sissytobitch10seconds · 9 months
Eve With You
Fandom: Secrets of Soulford Summary: Cody has a lot of memories from his childhood. Most of them aren't great, even though he knows that his father was trying his best. Still, he wants to make sure that his children don't carry the same weight with them. Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy and childhood illness Word Count: 2,660 Ship(s): Felicity Laegiver/Cody Garriford
Archive link!
A/N: Full disclosure here, I'm not super into Secrets of Soulford so it's possible that I messed up some of the canon or the world. I just wanted to write this for my brother as a Christmas present because he really loves it. I hope that it's somewhat enjoyable! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
To my little brother: Thank you for teaching me how to expand my horizons and being so patient. I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and know that I love you to the moon and back.
Felicity had been run off of her feet all day, which wasn’t that uncommon given that they had twin troublemakers that had made it their life mission to cause as much mayhem as they could. She was glad that her girls were old enough that they could understand instruction and actually take it into consideration. She sometimes wished that she had chosen a husband that didn’t have such a high stubborn streek in his family, but then she would see Cody carrying around their little ones and every thought would be gone.
She truly couldn’t imagine having a family or being married to anyone but him. They had grown up together and seen the other become the worst and then the best versions of themselves. He had been there when she was so sick that she wasn’t even allowed out of her room into the hallways. He had sat with her and read from the books she had been forbidden to touch out of the fear of a single bruise or papercut. She remembered the choppy way that he would sound out words he didn’t know and the flush his ears would get when she said it properly for him. She had been there to see what he had been like when he and his brother had started their training. Cody had been able to pull his head out of his ass and realize that he had to treat others with compassion and empathy long before Gan had kicked it into Logan.
She was glad that it as all over, that they were finally settled. She wasn’t sure what she would have done if her life continued to be that kind of chaotic nightmare. She had her tinctures to make sure that she didn’t suffer from her condition and she didn’t pass it onto her children either. Cody and Logan had long since gotten their curse lifted from them without a single person having to die, something that was far easier than the Motherless wanted to say that it was. They were able to live happily in their little home on the edge of the Soulford, attending counsel meetings and working to better their community.
One day, her parents would pass or decide that they could no longer rule over the land as they once had. She would have to pack up her family and move into the massive house that she had resided in when she was younger. She would have to attend every meeting instead of just the ones that held some amount of interest to her. One day, Isaac wouldn’t be able to train more Garrons to take over the police force and Cody would have to spend more and more time away from their family.
She knew that it would come one day, but today was not that day.
For now, she had her home. It was a quaint cottage that Logan and Cody had built together as a way of quelling their nerves about their wedding and baby respectively. The walls had been painted over with a lovely bright white that was grimy within toddler reach, despite her attempts to clean it. The floor was covered in rugs just about everywhere that they didn’t hinder movement or make a mess, such as the kitchen and the bathroom. There was a large family room with as many bookshelves as they could fill with things from their life before they became parents. Further into the house was the main bathroom, their shared office, the dining room, and the kitchen. Upstairs was the nursery, the spare room that would be taken by the other twin once they were old enough to sleep apart, and the room that she shared with her husband. She had decorated her space the way that she had liked it soon after they moved in, pleasantly soft colors and eclectic furniture that they had purchased from the local craftsmen.
Currently, her home was decorated for the upcoming Christmas celebration. She had strung red and green tinsel over every picture frame, the tree was sparkling happily with the light from the fire in the living room, and the girls had produced quite a few paper snowflakes to fill any empty space on the windows.
The holidays were different with children than they had been when she was younger, or even when she and Cody had first gotten married. The beginning years that she had spent with her husband were only difficult because they had realized how different their traditions were from each other. They had since assimilated them together into a wonderful amalgamations so that they both felt like the dark winter months were special. Once they had children, the struggle had returned and then quickly faded away.
Cody was able to take the girls sledding and have them help him pick out the tree, two things that Felicity had never been allowed to do. In turn, she was able to read her favorite stories to them and take them to the ball that her mother threw every year. Something new that they had started with only their family, however, was baking Christmas cookies on the eve before the holiday.
With everything else that they also had to do given their stations and the quickly fleeing hours until the big day, they had to rush it. The girls had been absolutely coated in flour, which had made Ella more upset than she had been since Maggie put snow down the back of her coat. Cody had taken them to have a bath while Felicity finished putting the last batch in the oven and cleaning up. It was a lot easier to clean chocolate chips out from between the floorboards when she didn’t also have to worry about how close her four-year-olds were to the stove.
She had just finished placing the mixing bowls back into the cupboard where they belonged when she noticed that she couldn’t hear the noises of bathtime any longer. She wiped her hands on her ruined apron and then reached behind her so that she could undo the strings. She felt a bit of viscous batter that had made its way to her hair that she would have to get out at another time, but for now she wanted to find her babies.
Felicity hadn’t really known what kind of mother she would be when she realized that she hadn’t had a cycle in several months. She had gotten her pregnancy confirmed by the town healer and then had to do a lot of mental work. She knew that Cody would be overjoyed since he already liked playing with Logan and Gan’s little one, but she was still worried about what being full time parents would do to them. She adored her husband and tolerated her father-in-law, but just the change in generations made her a bit stressed that they wouldn’t be as good as her parents had been. Even then, her parents had made some poor decisions about how to raise her that had hurt her for a very long time.
Then their girls were there, finally in their arms with their tiny perfect everything. They had made the biggest decision that they had in a long time and finally named them Cordelia and Margaret, their Ella and Maggie. Felicity had been unable to look away from them and she knew that even if she struggled with parenting them, she would always try. She would correct the mistakes that their parents had made without going too far in the other direction and harming her children in another way. She would be humble and learn from them, she would apologize and be gentle at all times. She wasn’t an outside perspective and she wasn’t in the minds of her still very young children, but she was confident that she and Cody were doing a good job so far.
Felicity’s fingers brushed through her hair to card out any of the leftover cookies that were clinging to her blond ringlets. She tucked the apron onto the back of one of the chairs next to the dining room table. Her dress underneath was still stained with bits of flour and egg, which was why it was the one that she used when she was doing housework. She would have to change it after she found out where the loves of her life had gone.
She walked carefully up the stairs towards the hallway where the nursery and spare room were. She made sure that she was quiet enough that she could pick up on any hushed whisperings. Her beautiful little girls were so close to each other and both so imaginative in their own ways that they would make a game out of everything. They knew that they were supposed to be quiet when they went to bed and thus would try their best to do so when they were playing past bedtime, but they almost always failed. Just last week, she and Cody had caught them playing in the hallway with their little toy soldiers while mimicking their uncle in something that was akin to Cody’s goblin voice.
She was met with a noise, but not what she had been expecting.
Tiny angels - Christmas angels try to sleep
Don't let Santa hear the sounds of little feet
Now its time to close your eyes and drift away
Until you wake tomorrow and its Christmas day
Cody’s dulcet tones echoed through the lofty ceiling of their second story. She immediately realized that he was already in the nursery with their girls, she could hear the underlying snuffling of toddlers falling asleep that proved it. Felicity raised a single hand to her mouth to make sure that she stayed quiet as she drifted closer to where the sound was coming from. She leaned on the door as she took in the scene in front of her, her heart hammering in her chest.
Tiny angels - I have heard you every night
Whispering with bright eyes shining in the light
Daddy, when is it Christmas - will it soon be here?
Well my darlings, it's very, very near
The nursery had changed quite a bit since they had taken their twins out of their room. Gone was the huge crib where Maggie and Ella slept together, holding each other’s hands to comfort the other as they slept. They had exchanged them for twin beds that were tucked under the sloping edge with a huge piece of cloth each so that they created a faux-canopy. The other half of the room held the half dozen shelves that were filled with numerous book and toys, handed down to the twins from their parents and Logan. 
Cody was seated in between the heads of the beds with his back pressed into the wall. He had turned towards Maggie, who always had a harder time falling asleep. His eyes were so heavily glued to his daughter that he hadn’t even registered the fact that his wife was right there, watching him.
As near as you my angels - since you came to me
Now Christmas day and every day is the same to me
The only gifts that I could want are you, my darlings
Cody brushed his fingers over Maggie’s already sweaty forehead to remove some of the dark black locks from where they were falling into her eyes. She gave a little noise of acknowledgement and then rolled over. She burrowed further down into her blankets, her arms tightening as hard as they could around the stuffed animal she had received last year for Christmas.
Tiny angels - Christmas angels sleeping tight
May Santa bring you all the gifts you want tonight?
And some day when you have tiny angels too
I hope you find the joy I found in you
Felicity worried for a minute that she had been found out when she noticed that her husband was turning. She almost let out a sigh of relief when she saw that he was still enamored with their children and she was hidden.
He turned so that he was facing the other twin, singing lightly to her while curled around the side of her bed. If the scene in front of her hadn’t been so sickly sweet, then she would have thought that it was almost comical. The furniture had been made especially for a four-year-old and Cody was a grown man that worked out every single day. He looked massive sitting in between the tiny toddler beds while trying to make himself as small as possible.
You changed the world, my angels - when you came to me
Now Christmas day and every day is the same to me
The only gifts that I could want are you
She knew that sentiment inside and out. The girls had been a surprise to them both, something that neither of them had taken into consideration as early into their marriage as they had come. They had been so worried, so nervous and anxious that they were going to do it wrong. The moment they saw their babies, they knew that they would have to at least try. She remembered it like it was yesterday and likely would for the rest of her life. Their daughters had changed their entire worlds if not the world has a whole.
Tiny angels - Christmas angels try to sleep
Don't let Santa hear the sounds of little feet
Now its time to close your eyes and drift away
Until you wake tomorrow and its Christmas day
Cody finished the last verse and then gave both of the girls a kiss on the head. Ella stretched out so that her foot was hanging out from her blankets, but he quickly tucked her back where she belonged. Maggie gave another stir of discontent but when one of her blue eyes blinked open and saw that it was only Cody, she slipped back into her lull of sleep.
He stood up and watched them for a moment. Both of them had always done that and likely would continue to do so until their girls were old enough to stop needing to be tucked in. Felicity didn’t want to think about them being that grown up though, even the thought of it made her heart ache in her chest.
Cody turned around and walked towards her. She had the common decency to look guilty at being caught, but the only thing that he did was smile at her. He grabbed one of her hands with his own and then used the other to close the door so that they wouldn’t wake their children. “Are the cookies done?”
“Thank the gods, yes,” she laughed. “The girls give you any trouble?”
“You’re asking about our girls? Not Logan and Gan’s hellion?” he asked with a small chuckle. He kissed the knuckles of her hand as he led her further down the hall. “I’m sorry if my singing scared you, I know I don’t have a very good voice. I just… I saw that song in one of the books that Harold gave us and I thought that it would make Christmas Eve even more special. I’ve been singing it to them since they were newborns.”
“Cody, your voice is amazing!” Felicity gasped like she couldn’t believe that he had just said that. “And I think that you doing that for them is so sweet. I’m so glad that I married you.”
He paused and turned towards her, his spare hand coming to rest on her cheek. He traced his thumb over her cheekbone for a few seconds before he leaned in for a kiss. “I love you.”
She closed the distance between them. “I love you, too.”
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haddonfieldwhore · 9 months
winter things - matthew tkachuk
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matthew tkachuk x gn!reader
summary: your best friend matthew brings you home to celebrate the holidays with his family. their only christmas wish is for the two of you to finally get together
warnings: mentions of drinking, use of y/n like twice? (this is my first time including the whole tkachuk fam in a fic and i’m not super confident with it so please take it easy on me)
i hope you all enjoy the fic! happy holidays🌲♥️❄️
word count: 2.8k
you smiled at the familiar house that came into view as matthew pulled the car into the driveway. you had spent so much time here growing up with the tkachuks that it was almost a second home, welcoming you back with open arms as you stepped out of the car, a thin crust of snow crunching beneath your boots. matthew sniffled as he walked up the driveway next to you, and you laughed, watching as he struggled to carry all of the gifts that he insisted to bring all in one trip from the car.
“calm down, florida. it’s not that cold,” you laughed, careful not to drop the tin of christmas cookies your mitten covered hands held tightly. you and matthew had traveled from the sunshine-state to st.louis, where you had grown up together. whenever you came back to visit, despite all the years he spent living in calgary, it always took him a day to get used to the snow again.
“shut up,” he pouted, but even he couldn’t contain the smile that spread across his lips. even with his hands full of gifts, matthew held the outside door for you, and before you could even raise a hand to knock the inside door opened, revealing taryns smiling face.
“hey! took you guys long enough to get here,” she laughed, and matt sent her a mocking glare. “let me take that from you”, she offered, grabbing the cookie tin from your hands as you and matthew walked inside. you shook off the light dusting of snow that had gathered on your shoulders, before you felt matthews hands slide your jacket off your arms, hanging it up in the closet for you. keith stood up from the couch and walked over to greet the two of you as you dusted a few snowflakes out of matt’s hair. keith embraced his eldest son in a hug, which matthew happily returned, before he gave you one as well.
“we almost thought you two weren’t coming. did matthew forget how to drive in snow?” keith asked, causing you and taryn to laugh, and matthew to roll his eyes.
“i haven’t been here 2 minutes and that’s two florida jokes,” he raised his hands in disbelief.
“i didn’t hear dad say that word, did you?” taryn asked you, and you shook your head, and matthew narrowed his eyes at you playfully.
“why is avery one ganging up on me?” he asked, and you heard the thump of footsteps coming down the stairs behind him, as brady and his wife emma appeared.
“that’s what happens when you show up late, buddy,” the younger tkachuk brother teased, and matthew grabbed him in a headlock in response, but it quickly turned into a friendly hug.
“y/n got here at the same time as me,” matt argued, and you raised your hands in mock surrender, as chantal walked into the living room to see what all the commotion was.
“we don’t pick on our guests, that’s the rule. it’s so nice to see you!” she smiled, and gave you a warm hug.
“mom!” matt protested, and she walked over to hug him too.
“oh, relax. come here,” she pulled him into her arms.
taryn brought you into the kitchen, and after each of you washed your hands, she helped you take the cookies out of the tin and put them out into a festive plate.
“have you been home from school very long?” you asked, and taryn shook her head.
“just a few days. how was the drive from the airport?” she asked.
“it was pretty good,” you said. there wasn’t too much snow this year so driving conditions were good. “my driver wasn’t great, but he was cheap so i can’t complain-“ you teased as matthew walked into the kitchen and within earshot.
“i heard that,” he smiled.
“good,” you smiled back, scrunching your nose up as he stuck his tongue out at you.
“you two should take your bags upstairs to matthews room. there’s a little early christmas present for each of you up there,” chantal instructed, and you smiled, laughing as matthew stole a cookie off the plate on his way past. you followed after him, protesting as he grabbed both his bag and yours from by the front door, before heading up the stairs.
you knew this house like the back of your hand, and you smiled as the familiar scent of the tkachuk family home mixing with the smell of christmas cooking and baking filling your nose. you turned the corner and saw matt already sitting in his bed, your bags placed on the floor neatly as he read the tags on two gift bags that sat next to him on the bed.
“this one is for you,” he said, holding out the green gift bag to you, keeping the red one for himself. you opened them together, each pulling out flannel pyjama pants, yours green with a plaid pattern and his red, just like the bags had been. it had become a tradition for chantal and keith to buy christmas pyjamas for each of their kids every year, and then for emma as well, and you felt honoured each time you were included.
“we get to match this year,” he smiled, and you set the pants on top of your bag to wear later, and looked around matthews room. while his decorating had changed since you were younger, there were things that remained the same; the small dent in the ceiling from when matthew and brady had decided to play hockey inside and sent a puck flying up into the plaster. there were pencil marks on the door frame with the three siblings initials next to them, even a few with yours.
you walked over to desk and admired the bulletin board with pictures push-pinned to it, most of them containing the two of you, ranging from when you were kids until last time you had visited his parents with him for his birthday a few years ago.
“is it weird being back here?” matthew asked, coming over to look at the pictures with you. his hand rested half on top of your as you leaned on the desk, and you smiled, shaking your head.
“no,” you answered. “it kinda takes you back in time though, doesn’t it? like nothings changed?” you asked, and he turned his head to look at you.
“yeah. i feel like i’m a kid again whenever i’m here with everyone.”
“thank you for inviting me,” you leaned against his shoulder, and you felt him rest his head on yours.
“of course. it wouldn’t be the same without you here,” he replied, and you hummed contently in response.
“hey, dinners almost ready,” you heard taryn’s voice from the doorway, neither of you having noticed her come up the stairs to find you. you turned towards her, a smile on her face as she looked at you and matthew standing together. it had come up a few times between her and matt’s family if the two of you were ever going to realize you were in love with eachother, and as the years went by, taryn was convinced the two of you would never figure it out.
“okay, we’ll be right there,” matthews arm had snaked around your waist at some point, and he pushed you towards the door after taryn, following his younger sister downstairs to eat.
after dinner, keith and chantal watched as ‘the kids’, meaning the three tkachuk siblings along with you and emma, decorated the tree. the lights had already been strung a few weeks before, but it was a family tradition to hang the ornaments on christmas eve. chantel had requested everyone get changed into their pyjamas for pictures, and you noticed that the pattern on brady and emma’s matched, as well as hers and keith’s having a matching design. still, neither you or your best friend figured out that they were in fact meant to be couples pyjamas.
“this one’s yours, brady,” matthew said, handing his brother an ornament with his name on it.
“what movie are we thinking this year?” keith asked from his recliner, holding a few dvds in his hand. “home alone, the grinch, elf…”
“i like home alone,” emma offered, and brady and taryn agreed.
“any of those are fine with me,” you smiled, choosing an ornament and hanging it on the tree.
“sweetheart, why don’t you put the star on the tree this year,” chantal suggested, passing you the tree topper. “you’re the guest after all.”
“are you sure?” you asked, and she nodded with a warm smile. carefully, you stepped up onto the small wooden stool next to the tree so you could reach the top, and you were relieved to feel matthews hands on your waist, gently steadying you so you wouldn’t fall. keith looked at chantal with a knowing glance, watching matt take your hand to help you down from the stool after you had successfully placed the star on top of the tree.
“okay, i want a picture of all you kids by the tree, while it’s still snowing outside. it will look really pretty in the window behind everyone,” chantal said, getting her phone camera ready.
taryn stood in the middle, while brady had one arm over her shoulder and the other arm holding emma close to his side. matt stood behind you with his arms hugging you and his chin on your shoulder as you all smiled for the photo. you and emma made the siblings and their parents take a photo together as well, before taryn put the movie in, home alone winning the vote. keith was sat in his recliner, while taryn and chantal sat on the loveseat. emma and brady sat on one end of the large couch while you sat in the middle of it and matthew leaned against the armrest at the other end.
maybe it was the flight from florida, or the spiked eggnog you’d had after dinner, but you began to feel sleepy about an hour in to the movie, and tried not to make it too obvious that you were yawning as not to be rude. matthew still noticed however, and he gently placed a blanket over your legs, stealing some of it for himself as you curled up under the warm material. while you appreciated the gesture, the added warmth only made you more tired, and you soon drifted off, matthew catching your head just in time as it fell to the side. he rested it safely in his shoulder, and smiled down at you as you snuggled into him.
emma elbowed brady in the side gently, pointing at the two of you, completely in your own little world. chantal glanced over, her eyes meeting emma’s with a quiet laugh before she watched her eldest son place a gentle kiss on the top of your head, oblivious to the two women watching him. the movie ended with you still fast asleep, and as it neared midnight, everyone said goodnight and went off to bed, leaving you and matthew alone on the couch.
“hey, sleepyhead. time to get up,” he shook you gently, and you mumbled incoherently in protest, your fingers digging into the material of his hoodie as you snuggled impossibly closer. “unless you want to sleep down here, but i warn you - dad wakes up at like 6 am,” he laughed, and the sound pulled you out of your slumber.
“why didn’t you wake me up sooner? i feel bad for falling asleep.”
“don’t feel bad,” he laughed again. “you could probably set the house on fire and my family would forgive you, they love you so much. but maybe don’t- i kinda like it here,” he teased.
“i promise not to set the house on fire,” you mocked him playfully, and his hands tickled your ribs, causing you to fall backwards onto the couch with him on top of you. “please, i’m sorry, please stop-“ you pleased through tears of laughter.
“fine, but only because it’s christmas and you asked nicely. lets go up to bed, mom will want us up early to open presents,” he surrendered, getting up off the couch and extending a hand to help you up.
matthew didn’t let go of your hand as you both walked into his room, only letting go of it to go into the attached bathroom to brush his teeth. you did the same after him, walking out to see him already under the blankets.
“come here,” he held his arms open for you to crawl into, his hoodie discarded in a pile on the floor, leaving him in just the flannel pyjama pants. it wasn’t an unusual sleeping arrangement; having shared a bed with him many times when you were kids, and anytime you came to visit his family. you switched off the bathroom light and laid down, curling up next to him as his arms pulled you close, tucking you securely under his chin. the soft facial hair on his chin tickled your forehead as you wrapped your arms around him, his body invitingly warm as you felt yourself getting sleepy again.
matt squinted his eyes, looking at the clock on the nightstand that read 12:03am.
“merry christmas, bug,” he mumbled softly, and you hummed in response.
“merry christmas matty.”
you woke up to the sound of the alarm matthew had set on his phone going off at 8am, the time chantal had requested everyone be up for presents and then breakfast. you tried to get out of bed but matt refused to let go of you, his arms holding you tight as you tried to squirm out of his grip.
“come on, before brady eats all the cookies,” you argued, and that woke matt up, but he still grumbled and groaned as he finally let you of you and rolled out of bed. he pulled a t-shirt over his head, tossing you one from his dresser to throw over your tank-top. running a hand through his messy curls to tame them as best he could, and you rubbed your eyes as you followed him towards the hallway. you bumped into his muscular frame, not realizing he had stopped in the doorway, and you looked at him with confusion, realization flooding over you as he pointed upwards.
“oh-“ you breathed, looking at the small green bundle of mistletoe that had been hung from the doorframe while you were sleeping.
“that wasn’t there before, was it?” matt asked, looking down at you, and you shook your head, your eyes meeting his.
“why would someone hang it there?” you asked, and he laughed, finally getting it.
“i think maybe my family is trying to tell us something,” he said, reaching for your hand with his.
“matty-“ you mumbled, your voice barely above a whisper as you looked at your lips, and then up to your eyes again.
“can i kiss you?” he whispered, stepping closer in the small doorway, leaving almost no space between your bodies. you mind was racing a mile a minute, unable to form words as you nodded, and he leaned forward, pressing his mouth against yours so softly, his lips only ghosting yours before he pulled back, waiting for a reaction.
“do that again,” you smiled, and his hands went to your hips this time to pull your body flush against his, as he kissed you again. his lips lingered on yours longer this time, and your hands rested against his broad chest as you kissed him back, never wanting to let go.
like all good things, the moment had to end, as you heard taryn call from downstairs.
“are you guys awake?”
“yeah, be right there,” matt called back, his eyes never leaving you as you stared up at him, everything making sense as you both put the pieces together.
“i love you, matthew.”
he smiled warmly, and kissed you once more, like he was making up for all the times he should have done it before.
“i love you.”
“i think we’re the last to know,” you admitted, looking down at the matching pyjamas, and up at the mistletoe, before looking back at him, a smile permanently plastered on his face.
“i think you���re right,” he laughed. “come on, before they send a search party.” he dragged you gently by your hand down the stairs, taking a seat on the couch and pulling you to sit in his lap.
taryn and chantal each looked at you with a raised eyebrow, and you had a sneaking suspicion they were behind the mistletoe. taryn watched matty place a kiss on your cheek, and she sent you a wink.
maybe it was the warmth from the fireplace, or matthews arms around your waist holding you close to him, but your heart felt warmer than you could ever remember. brady and emma began passing out the gifts, and you took one for matt from her hands.
“you go first,” he said, gesturing with a nod for you to set it on the coffee table. emma placed a present with your name on the tag in your hands, as matthew whispered in your ear.
“i already have everything i want.”
disclaimer: all screenshots, events, and/or interactions depicted in this are a work of fiction. i have no association with any parties mentioned
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forever-once-gone · 1 year
New Drabble! On The First Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me...
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This is a drabble! To read the first part click here! And please I hope you all read this since you guys seem to love this pair.
Pairing: Yandere!Namjoon x Reader x Yandere!Jungkook
Genre: Yandere AU, angst
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: Before you had gotten kidnapped by your boss and his fiancé, you had to first meet the Mr. Jeon that you heard so much about. So, how exactly did your first meeting with him go? Well, why not reminisce about the last time you were truly free? When you were not yet locked to your unfortunate future of being added into your boss’ relationship.
Content & Warnings: Gender neutral reader, yandere themes, angst, Joon and Kook are in an established relationship, CEO!Joonie, stay-at-home-boyfriend!Kook, assistant!reader, polyamory, reader’s sexuality is nondescript, talks of violence, Jungkook wants to hurt the reader a lot during this, general discomfort, making out, use of pet names, reader being none the wiser to what the two of them are talking about as they continue to type away on their keyboard lol
Author’s Note: Hi hi! It’s been a while. I’ve been swamped with school and just haven’t been able to write anything for you guys lately. But today, I logged into Tumblr and saw some very kind reblogs and asks and I just wanted to write something for you guys! I really appreciate the kind comments and It really does fuel me to write for you guys. So here is a drabble for your guys’ favourite couple! I hope you guys enjoy seeing how Jungkook and the reader’s first encounter went. It’s funny cause Jungkook is like fuming and they’re just like “this guy seems stressed :(” and then they get chosen (kinda) to be pursued by Jungkook and Namjoon lol. I apologize for not having posted part two last Christmas, but I was honestly just really stressed around that time. And then I wanted to have this small inside Easter egg (?) for something in part two but then I realized it was kinda hard to explain without having a previous explanation for it. So this drabble worked out! It was a little incentive to add that little tidbit into this and maybe you’ll have a little “oh!” moment when you read something later on when I post part two (whenever that will be lol, don’t ask me, idk. I’m aiming for this Christmas). Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. I need to stop writing this author’s note, it’s has gotten too long anyways lol. So yeah, enjoy and let me know what you think!
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Jungkook was fuming as he tapped his foot impatiently on the floor of the elevator, seething for the elevator to spit him out on Namjoon’s floor. He was gonna figure out what was going on with his boyfriend one way or another.
His dearest Joonie had refused his daily cup of coffee… again. For the past few weeks, Namjoon, the love of his life, had been eating everything during breakfast that Jungkook woke up oh so graciously to make for him each morning. Joon finished everything except his fucking cup of coffee. Some days he’d be kind enough to take a sip or two before leaving the still very full mug standing in its place on the dining room table beside his empty dishes.
Seeing the mug full of the coffee that Namjoon used to always say Jungkook made better than anyone else left Jungkook feeling insecure. Insecure and just a little bit angry. Okay, maybe a bit more than a little bit, he’ll admit. Okay, fine, he was boiling with fury. He hated to imagine that Namjoon was drinking coffee made by someone else. Because he knew for a fact, if Namjoon wasn’t drinking his coffee, then he was getting it from somewhere else ‘cause Joonie was never able to get anything done without his morning coffee. And knowing Joonie’s disdain for store bought coffee, Jungkook knew it had to be someone making it for him, homemade. And if he was drinking someone else's, that must mean that he was falling out of love with him and falling in love with this awful, boyfriend-stealing, shameless person. And Jungkook was gonna stop at nothing until he found who this fucking person was and got even. He was gonna win Namjoon back one way or another.
The ding-ing of the elevator woke him from his murderous thoughts just in time to see the doors open to the empty space that lead to his boyfriend’s office. Or at least, the once-empty area, because now, unlike the last time he’d come here about a month ago, there was a table placed just before the office doors. And behind that table was a person, who upon hearing the elevators open perked up from their computer screen to smile at him. This person had a sweet smile, kind eyes, and the smoothest voice as they asked him what they could do for him.
He walked up to their table, arms crossed over his chest as he analysed the person sitting below him. The person still smiling up at him even throughout the awkward silence as Jungkook left their question unanswered. The person was dressed nicely and they had a kind aura around them. Their workspace was covered in flowers from the flower shop that Jungkook knew Namjoon frequented. Usually, his Joonie brought home flowers only for him, but here was this new person who was now swimming between countless bouquets covering every free inch of their work table.
When they asked him what he wanted for the second time, he finally graced the person with an answer. “I’m here to see Namjoon.”
The person nodded their head, before prodding for more info. “Alright, and who might you be?” the person asked, turning to scroll through their computer, searching to see if they had accidentally double-booked their boss’ time.
“I’m Jungkook,” he began, back straightening in pride when he saw the worker tense up in their seat. “Joon’s boyfriend,” he concluded, mentally doing a mic drop, hoping that those words etched themselves in the worker's skin, the one who was stealing his Namjoon from him. He hoped it hurt.
What he didn’t expect is for the worker to turn back to him after X-ing out of the calendar that they had been frantically scrolling through, before turning to him with a polite smile.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Jeon,” the person began, “I think this is the first time we’re actually meeting in person. I’m Y/n L/n, Mr. Kim’s assistant. I just got shifted up to this floor about a month ago from my previous place a few floors down.” You reached your hand out to him for him to shake, just for him to completely ignore it, not even glancing in your hands direction.
“Yes. I’m sure he’s mentioned me before.” Jungkook was gonna make sure that you knew that Namjoon was his, no matter how nice you pretended to be.
“Yes, he has,” you replied pleasantly. “And of course, I’ve spoken with you before too, if you recall?”
When he thought about it, he had spoken with you before. The few times he’d call Namjoon’s assistant when his boyfriend wasn’t picking up. He would pace in this same area, back when it was still empty and call the number for Namjoon’s assistant to know when he’d be free again. The conversations would be semi-mannerly, at best, as he would ask where his boyfriend was before hanging up as soon as he got his answer. He never expected the assistant, that he never spoke more than a few clipped sentences to, being the one who was stealing his love away from him.
That they would have been moved up to be on the same floor as his boyfriend.
The two of them.
And when he saw two cups of steaming coffee on your table corner, one half finished and one still untouched, he knew that you were the one making coffee for his man. He felt deep hatred rise in his chest, bubbling up his throat, ready to let out his rage on the home-breaker in front of him.
But he pushed his feelings down before giving you a pursed smile. “Right. You sound different in person. I didn’t even recognize you.” It was true, he wasn’t expecting your voice to be as sweet as it was, though he could tell it was strictly professional. Even when you were so obviously putting on a kind smile for the sake of your job, your voice was so saccharine. He could only imagine how much more saccharine—sinful—your voice must sound when you were using it for your more devious desires.
Jungkook wondered if you’d ever used that syrupy voice on his boyfriend. Walked into his man’s office with your probably sub-par coffee between your hands. You were attractive, that he will give to you, but he hoped that Namjoon wouldn't think the same way that he did. He hoped that any attempts that you’d made on him were met with bitter rejection.
But seeing you surrounded with all the flowers, making your soft features look even more attractive—though he hated to admit it—he knew that Namjoon must feel at least something for you. Why else would Namjoon have gotten you all these flowers? Flowers that Jungkook indignantly noticed were his favourites.
You were perfect and that’s what made his heart hurt more.
In another life, maybe Jungkook would have fallen for you himself, he thought sorely.
You laughed at his remark about your voice. “I guess no one really sounds the same over the phone though, right?” You asked him. “I mean, you sound pretty different yourself.”
Jungkook felt his eye twitch. Was that a dig at him? Were you implying that he was being rude? Were you saying he was anything less than the kindest, best person in the world? He restrained himself from reaching over your desk and pulling your hair out, telling you how Namjoon always told him that he was the best person in the world. He wanted to tell you that you’d never compare to him in Namjoon’s eyes.
Instead of doing any of that, he decided it was better to just ask for his boyfriend. He had a few choice words that he wanted to have with him.
“So will you please tell me if my boyfriend is available?” he asked you, steering the conversation back to the original topic of conversation.
Your eyes widened. “Oh! I’m so sorry, Mr. Jeon. In my surprise of meeting you for the first time, I forgot to tell you that he’s in a meeting right now. He should be done in…” You turned to check the clock on the wall. “...in just about ten minutes.”
You turned back to the man in front of you who stood there with a small pout that you were sure he didn’t realize was there and you observed the way his eyebrows scrunched slightly together. It was funny to see how his overly expressive face had changed so many times in the little amount of time that he’d come up to you. Clearly something was bothering this poor guy, so you tried to be as nice to him as you could. Though it only seemed to make him look even worse.
“You can wait for him in the sitting area over there or you could wait for Mr. Kim in his office.” You left it up to Mr. Jeon choose what he’d rather do, only for him to scoff slightly.
“I’ll wait for him in his office,” he answered curtly. He began to walk away and you turned back to your computer only for him to step back up to you. He pointed at the mug sitting beside yours. “Is this for Joonie?”
“Uh yeah.”
“I’ll take this to him.” He gave you another half smile and one last glance at your pretty face before finally entering Mr. Kim’s and taking the suffocating aura that was surrounding him with him. You sighed in relief. You hated having to deal with this job, but the paycheque wasn’t anything to scoff at, and so you settled back into your chair and hoped Mr. Kim would get here soon.
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Namjoon found Jungkook sitting in his chair when he returned from his meeting on one of the lower floors of the building. His younger boyfriend sipping on a cup of coffee that he recognized was the one that you usually set out for him. He could see Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed in disgust, as he continuously sipped loudly from his drink.
Namjoon could tell immediately that his beloved was in one of his moods. He knew that he had to get control of the situation, and quickly, especially if he didn’t want you to overhear whatever Kookie was upset about.
“Hi, love. What are you doing here?” Namjoon rounded the table to press a kiss against Jungkook’s temple as he continued to sip from his cup.
“They make some good coffee, huh? I see now why you’ve been rejecting my coffee now.” Jungkook got right to his point. His voice was cold and he refused to look at his boyfriend as he set down the now empty mug.
Namjoon sighed. “Don’t be like that. I was just being kind to them. I didn’t want to upset them by not accepting their coffee.” He pulled Jungkook up from the chair momentarily before sitting down in Jungkook’s place. He then smoothly pulled his boyfriend to sit down sideways on his lap. He rubbed his large hand up and down Jungkook’s back, trying to calm him down.
“Oh really?” Jungkook shoved Namjoon’s arm away from him. “‘Just being kind’? What about all the roses on their desk?! I saw the labels on them, they’re from Sirf Ek Phool! The same place you always get flowers for me!” Jungkook folded his arms against his chest, stopping himself from beating his fists against his boyfriend’s chest like he wanted to.
“Honey, that is just because they take such good care of me—”
Jungkook’s eyes darkened, his mouth dropping open in disbelief. “Take care of you? Excuse me? Taking better care of you than me? Your boyfriend?! In which way is this assistant taking care of my boyfriend, hmm? Do I need to beat their ass?!” He began to push himself off Namjoon’s lap, eyes locked at the door with a barbaric look in his eyes.
Namjoon swiped a hand over his face, before pulling his boyfriend back into his chest, closer than he was before, his arms locking over his waist. “Love, you know that I love you more than anything else in the world. No other person could ever take your place. They are just very kind, I promise I’m not doing anything that would harm our relationship. I promise you.”
He pressed a kiss against Jungkook’s cheek, before pressing another against his jaw. He pulled a content sigh from Jungkook, and Namjoon knew instantly that he’d deescalated the situation. At least enough for Kookie not to go and murder his assistant. At least not right now.
“Why should I trust you?” Kookie let out softly in between whimpers as Namjoon nipped at his neck.
“When have I ever lied to you?” Namjoon said against his Adam's apple.
“Many, many times,” Jungkook replied.
Namjoon let out a half laugh against Jungkook’s shoulder, letting his forehead rest against him. “I guess I should clarify. When have I ever lied to you in a way that was bad for you?”
“Never.” Jungkook pulled Namjoon’s face to face him. “You always know what’s best, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt.”
“Don’t be that way. I’m not asking you to be best friends with them or anything like that. Just give them a chance to be your friend.”
Jungkook thought for a second, thinking back to you sitting at your desk and your friendly nature. You weren’t that bad, and you were rather pretty… Ugh, couldn’t Namjoon just be clear with what he meant? Did he expect… more from you than just an assistant?
Jungkook’s bottom lip was jutted out in sadness, calling out to Namjoon with its plump red appearance. Namjoon was again taken aback by his boyfriend’s beauty and just how amazing he was for him. After all, look at him. Just a second ago, Jungkook was ready to beat up his assistant and now he was clutching Namjoon’s suit jacket’s lapels with a vulnerable look on his face. He looked so worried, waiting for Namjoon’s next words and his next course of action. Fuck, Namjoon loved that man.
He pulled his boyfriend in for a kiss, letting the shorter man melt into his embrace. He could taste your signature coffee on Jungkook’s tongue which only made Namjoon push his tongue more eagerly in his mouth. The taste of your coffee and the love of his life together making his head spin in ecstasy. His brain painted a picture of what could come if he was able to make this whole thing work.
He knew what he wanted, and he knew he’d get it.
Don’t mistake him for being selfish, oh no. He wasn’t doing this just because he wanted you. It’s because he knew that in due time Jungkook will fall for you too. He knew he would. He wouldn’t have to push it, nor would he have to force it. You were perfect for the two of them, he’d figured that out in less than 8 months of you becoming his assistant after the last one quit. You were incredible and he knew that you were just Jungkook’s type. He knew Jungkook and he knew that in less than a month he’d be just as smitten with you as Namjoon was with you now. Actually, Namjoon knows that Jungkook would be even more in love with you than he was now.
And with Jungkook now in his arms, Jungkook’s hands gripping the sides of Namjoon’s neck possessively, his thumbs pushing into Namjoon’s jaw. The way that Jungkook had finished your whole cup of coffee leaving nothing for Namjoon to even get a taste of, and how Jungkook despite his furious expression had the slightest bit of a flush on his face when Namjoon had first walked in, he knew that Jungkook already was falling for you.
Namjoon pressed one final kiss to Jungkook’s lips before pulling away.
Jungkook had a blissed out expression on his face, a soft smile etched on his features as his eyes remained shut in happiness.
“Do you really hate them that much?” Namjoon asked Jungkook, watching him carefully.
Jungkook slowly opened his eyes, a blush slowly making its way up his neck. He turned to look to the side, revealing his bright red ears to Namjoon. Jungkook thought back to your sweet voice, your pretty face, your kind smile, and the coffee you had made that he couldn’t get enough of even as much as he had wanted to hate it. He turned to glance at the empty mug on the table that he wished would refill on its own.
He waited for a minute before: “No.”
“But no more ignoring my coffee, you still have to drink mine! And you have to say that mine's better than theirs” Jungkook added.
Namjoon smiled. Perfect, he knew this would be perfect. He knew just how perfectly you’d fit in with his little family. How you’d fit in Jungkook’s heart. He knew the both of you very well. He was proud.
Namjoon forced Jungkook to turn back to him before attacking him with kisses again.
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You turned to see Mr. Jeon skipping out of Mr. Kim’s office. You expected him to go directly to the elevator because of his short attitude with you earlier, but he instead turned to stand in front of your table once again. Smiling down at you genuinely for the first time since he first walked into the room.
You waited for him to say something, but when he didn’t, you figured you should say something instead. “All done?” you asked.
Mr. Jeon just nodded his head, which only made the newly blossoming marks on his neck more visible to you. “I had a sip of the coffee you made Joonie, it was good.”
“Oh thank you,” you replied, a bit taken aback by his sudden change from his previous conduct from before Mr. Kim had shown up. Mr. Kim had given you a small nod in greeting before entering his office when you’d told him Mr. Jeon was waiting for him. Mr. Jeon must really love Mr. Kim for his personality to do such a 180 after seeing him for just half an hour.
Damn, is that what love does to a person?
“I would like to have a proper cup the next time I come visit Joonie.” Mr. Jeon looked down at you expectantly. He seemed to be looking for something deep within you and when you agreed to make him a cup the next time you saw him, he seemed to have found whatever he was looking for.
He smiled at you though a bit hesitant. He pulled a rose from one of the vases of your bouquets, twirling it between his fingers. He seemed to still be a bit stuck thinking of something, but then he was turning away from you. He pressed the button calling the elevator, before turning back at you. “It was nice meeting you, Y/n. I hope we’re able to get to know each other more in the future.”
“Yes, of course!”
He waved the flower at you in goodbye before stepping into the elevator, flashing you one final bunny smile.
What an odd man.
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Does 3k still count as a drabble? I have no clue. Anyway, thanks for reading! 💕💕💕
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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happy holidays from the two most incompetent men in tokyo
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underthetree845 · 9 months
I gave you my heart (Last Christmas)
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Dazai/gn! Reader (oneshot)
Cws: gn! reader (he calls you "bella," and "my love" gender not explicitly stated), established relationship, cozy evening, christmas traditions, mistletoe, dazai osamu needs a hug
About 1.2k words
Summary: Spending a lovely cozy Christmas Eve with Dazai ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
A/n: Merry Christmas everyone! If you don't celebrate I hope this week treats you kindly and that you can find happiness in the upcoming year <3 And here is @/estrelinha-s requested credit for the dividers. ^^
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The soft melody of the radio floated around the room, matching the subtlety of the flurries of snowflakes coming down endlessly out the window. A layer of white peppered the bare branches and cityscape outside, it would be salted away come morning. 
A heavenly aroma filled the quaint apartment as your oven mitt hand slid the fresh batch of treats out of their heated hearth. A brunette head of hair, fluffy from being dried after a shower, watched you from the doorway of your bedroom with a certain look in his eyes that could only be described as enamoration. You turned around in search of a spatula, only to be caged against the oven by a freshly bandaged pair of arms. Your breath stifled for a moment before your lips fell into a smile, admiring the rosiness of the detective’s cheeks and the way his hair curled to frame his face, messily but somehow still utterly perfect. “Hey ‘Samu,” your voice was low and gentle as you reached to tuck a lock of hair behind his ear. The snowy white shirt that hung from his shoulders highlighted his features; he really should consider wearing the color more often. “Bella,” he sighed, delicately resting his chin on the crook of your neck. You hooked your arms around his waist, inhaling the vanilla scent of your shampoo. It smells good on him, you think. A subtle munching sound came from the back of your head, and you turned quickly to find Dazai with a half-eaten cookie in hand. “Osamu!” you gave a playful scoff, “Those are for the agency members, remember? I said you could have the extras after I packaged them all up.” The man only grinned at the cute pout that graced your lips. “Oh, really? Sorry my Love, I must have forgotten,” he stated simply, shamelessly continuing to nibble at the warm treat. He took a half step back and leaned against the countertop. You lowered your eyebrows before coming over and attempting to swipe the cookie out of his hand. Dazai only raised it out of your reach, chuckling lightly at your attempts to pull his arm down. “Osamuuu,” you whined, and he popped what was left of the cookie halfway into his mouth. Dazai gave you a look, and you paused for a moment before feeling heat creep up into your face. Leaning closer, you took the other half of the cookie into your mouth. Goosebumps rose on the back of his neck when he felt your breath on his lips. After finishing the cookie, he chuckled again. “But my Love, now we don’t have any of the cookie left.” A light blush came to dust your cheeks. “It was worth it,” you replied with a shy smile. His heart thumped just a little bit harder. “Still, allow me to make it up to you,” Dazai caught your hand as you tried to turn back to the oven. You tilted your head and he took it as an opportunity to lead you to the living room and turn the radio up. Your hands always felt so delicate and perfect in his, as if he were meant to hold them. He would place kisses on your knuckles and palms for hours if you’d let him. 
♫ Last Christmas, I gave you my heart ♫ 
You raised an eyebrow and Dazai’s smile widened. He led you to the center of the room, taking your hand in his and resting his other on your hip. ♫ But the very next day, you gave it away ♫ 
Your pulse quickened as you slid a hand up to his shoulder, and soon he was taking the lead. ♫ This year, to save me from tears, ♫ 
Never had you imagined one singular person being able to make you so happy. It was in the little things, the lazy morning kisses and remembering each other’s usual coffee orders. Teaching him how to cook and him helping you learn how to pick locks. The arm casually draped over your shoulders out in public, the brief moments of eye contact in the office that never failed to send your heart aflutter. The way his name fell from your lips was like a gift; he uttered yours like a promise.  Dazai didn’t know whether to believe you or not when you told him he was deserving of your affection. He didn’t think he’d ever be sure. The first day you waltzed into his life, he knew there was something special about you. When you first cupped his cheeks and told him how you felt, he knew he was a goner. That night, the first time you ran your hands over his scars and gazed into his eyes with a look he’d never seen before, that was when he knew for sure. The one thing he could say without any doubt was that he would do absolutely anything for you. He had no intention of letting you go anytime soon. 
♫ I’ll give it to someone special. ♫  Dazai’s throat hummed softly along to the music, you felt a certain warmth bubbling from your chest as you twirled within the boughs of evergreen and paper snowflakes that adorned your home. Dazai’s eyes gleamed as he admired the way you were lit up by the lights of the tree. The corners of his eyes crinkled and his lips curved upwards into a smile. It made you feel light, breathless. It was a smile reserved for you and you alone. Dazai stepped one foot behind the other, shifting his hand around your waist familiarly. You slid one foot backwards, just the way he taught you, and fell easily into a dip. 
As he tilted you back, you caught sight of a little green cluster of leaves hanging from the ceiling, red berries scattered within. Mistletoe. You didn't put that there. 
Dazai’s grin widened when your gaze shifted back to lock eyes with him again. You let out a warm sigh, not being able to help the smile that played on your lips. As soon as you allowed yourself to surrender to the moment, he sunk his lips into yours. 
Your fingers curled around the fabric of his shirt to prolong the moment for as long as possible. 
When Dazai pulled you up to stand again and held you close to his chest, when you hooked your arms behind his back to return his embrace, he knew it was hopeless. 
“Y/n…” he started, the emotion in his voice would have been unreadable to anyone else, “you have no idea how much you mean to me.” 
It was easy for you to take note of the way he held you just a little bit tighter. Dazai’s silence begged you for a response, his breathing light. You searched and found the slightest hint of vulnerability in his eyes, your heart doing a backflip knowing that you were the only person he dared to trust with a look so raw. 
“I love you too Osamu,” you gave a small smile in understanding. He again questioned what he ever did to deserve someone like you, someone who spoke to him with such a gentleness embedded in their tone. He allowed himself to drown in it nonetheless. 
That night, you fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. Curled up under the covers, Dazai draped his arms over you protectively. He cradled you like you would evaporate at any moment, as if begging the universe for just a moment longer of the light he’d been granted. Dazai gave you his heart completely, utterly, hopelessly, and he knew he wouldn't ever regret it. Not in a million years. 
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A/n: Thank you for reading! I'm actually so happy with how this turned out T-T Sleep well tonight and remember to be kind to yourself!
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devirnis · 9 months
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underneath the tree
Rating: E Relationships: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz Word count: 2.6k Cover by @ronordmann
Frowning to himself in concentration, Eddie carefully folds the wrapping paper around the corner of the box. He has no idea how his mother makes this look so easy, even after she walked him through it earlier on FaceTime. Under the tree, Eddie’s present whines plaintively.
(read on ao3)
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wikiangela · 9 months
seven sentence sunday
tagged by @weewootruck @hippolotamus @spotsandsocks 💖
a lil snippet of the christmas tree fic that probably won't be done until after christmas oops haha (i always forget how busy christmastime is lol) but ill try to finish it by the end of the year
also, if you celebrate, merry christmas everyone 🎄💖or just happy holidays haha
prev snippet
And now there’s Buck. His best friend, his co-parent, his partner… and since very recently, his boyfriend. It’s fairly new, just a few weeks, but it doesn’t feel like it. Eddie feels as if they’ve been together for years now. In a way, they have. They’ve been dancing around their feelings for such a long time, Eddie’s not even sure when it started. But they made it official just a while back, and the transition from friendship to romance surprisingly felt like the most natural and easiest thing in the world. Like it was always meant to happen.
This year it’s their first Christmas together as a couple, and Eddie thought he’d be nervous, but he’s really not. It’s the most normal thing, buying gifts for their kid together, decorating the house together, picking out a tree.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @911onabc @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @wildlife4life @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @diazpatcher @jesuisici33 @lover-of-mine @giddyupbuck @exhuastedpigeon @buckaroosheart @king-buckley @disasterbuckdiaz @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @hoodie-buck @spotsandsocks @jeeyuns @daffi-990 @callmenewbie @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @jamespearce9-1-1 @steadfastsaturnsrings
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rogueddie · 2 years
A Quiet Express Train
Steve Harrington / Eddie Munson, Word Count ; 3444
Steve gets lucky- in 1978, the year that he gets on the Polar Express, it's one of the quieter years. No worries, or anxieties. Its nice, relaxing. A "normal" train ride. And he makes two awesome friends along the way.
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Steve is only nine years old when he spends his first Christmas alone.
His parents work is important, he kept telling himself. They’d be there if they could, but they’re needed at their jobs. It’s important.
Despite his attempts at denial, he understands the truth far too well. He understands how little the holiday means to them. He understands how little he means to them.
He isn’t surprised then, and he’s not surprised when the same happens the following year. Or the year after that… or the year after that.
At twelve years old, Steve is used to spending Christmas day on his own. He’s familiar with it. He knows far too well, the hope and pain that comes with the cookies and milk he leaves on the counter, always untouched in the night. He knows that he’s too old to believe in Santa.
He’s not ready to grow up.
That Christmas eve, he places the cookies and milk on the counter. He made the cookies himself this time, took the time to warm the milk up on the stove. He put as much effort in to get them better than ever, as much as he can manage.
He hopes it’s enough. He hopes that, maybe, this time it will work. Maybe this time the fairytale will be true.
He curls up in bed, pulling the covers over his head, tucking in the corners. He still remembers his mothers soft voice telling him that Santa won’t come if he’s looking. He’s not willing to take any risks.
Even when he hears a bell. Or… not a bell.
After a moment, curiosity gets the better of him. He crawls out of bed, getting up on his tiptoes so he can peak through his bedroom curtain…
Only to stumble back, falling on his ass.
He stays there for a long moment, blinking, stunned. But the bell rings out again, so he jumps to his feet. He quickly slides on his slippers and a jacket, sprinting down the stairs and out the front door.
The train is still parked in the street. He gawks at it for a moment, trying to comprehend how it could possibly have gotten on the street. It’s massive, old. Steve glances back at the houses, surprised that no one else is coming out to check it out.
“All aboard!” Someone yells, startling him. It’s a conductor, holding out a light. “All aboard!”
Steve cautiously heads over to him.
“Well? You coming?”
Steve stares at him blankly for a moment. “Where?”
“Why, the north pole of course! This is the Polar Express!”
He gestures to the train, Steve following the gesture, eyeing the big letters painted on the side in gold; Polar Express.
“The north pole?”
The conductor squints at him for moment, humming, before holding out the lantern. “Hold this please.”
Steve takes it on autopilot. He glances back at the train as the conductor shuffles through some paper.
“Is this you?”
He’s holding out a piece of paper with Steves name and address on it, other information in writing too small for him to read.
“Well, it says here; no photo with department store Santa this year. No letter to Santa either. Hm… if I were you, I’d think about climbing on board.”
Steve glances back at his house. He can’t help but think about how empty and cold it feels. Looking back to the train… it’s so bright, a glowing orange. It looks so warm and inviting…
He climbs up the steps, going through the door inside when the conductor holds it open for him.
It’s noisy inside. There’s not a lot of other kids inside, but the ones there are loud. Four of them are on their feet, one younger kid bouncing around in his excitement. It takes Steve aback- he was expecting the other kids, if there were to be any, to be the same age as him. One of them looks like they’re four.
Steve turns, recognizing the girl staring back at him with wide eyes. “Hey, you’re… we’re in the same history class, right?”
“Yeah. Right.” She blinks at him, surprised. “Right, sorry, yeah. I’m Robin, by the way.”
“Nice to officially meet you, Robin.” He sits down on the seats across from her, the only place with both seats still empty. It means he can sprawl out. “So… are we really going to the north pole?”
“Yeah! We’re gonna see Santa.”
They end up talking, just about small silly things, all the way until their next stop.
Steve gets up when they stop, kneeling on the seat so he can slide the window open and peak his head out.
The trailer park looks comforting in the shadows. All the yellow lights, soft and dim, give the area a cozy feel to it.
A kid hovers at the entrance, eyes wide as the conductor approaches him. He’s got a navy robe on that’s clearly for a grown man. It drags on the floor behind him and seems to swallow him whole with how big it is on him. It matches his hair- a little short, the dark curls flying all over the place. Even from the train window, Steve can see the dark circles around the kids eyes.
Steve wishes he could hear what they’re saying, especially when the boy shakes his head, takes a few steps backwards. He’s eyeing the train with apprehension.
“What’s his name?” Steve asks the person sat in front of him. “His surnames Munson, right?”
“I don’t know,” the girl eyes him, looking a little disgusted, sitting back down. “It doesn’t matter anyway. He doesn’t want to get on.”
Steve looks back to the kid. The conductor is walking back to the train, leaving him behind. Steve can see the lamp waving, the train slowly rumbling back into movement.
The kid stares at the train, at them, as they slowly start to move away. Steve offers him a wave when their eyes meet. And, not a moment later, he starts walking. Jogging. Trying to catch up with the train, trying to jump on.
“Hey, that kid wants to get on the train!” Steve calls into the carriage, but there's no sign of an adult. He turns back to the kid, stumbling as he struggles to run through the snow. “Come on!” Steve yells, waving him on. “Hurry up, come on!”
But the train is too fast. The kid is too slow. He’s being left behind. He falls.
“We have to stop the train!” Steve says, looking at the other kids.
“But we don’t know how!” Robin says, panicked.
“The emergency break!” One of the smaller kid pushes forward, pointing.
Steve darts over, jumping up so that he can pull it down with all his weight behind it. The train stops so suddenly that it throws all of them to the floor.
But, as Steve climbs back to his feet, struggling to get his bearings… the kids face looks in through the window. He looks confused as he looks at Steve, turning to the door of the other cart and walking inside there instead.
“WHO IN THE BLAZES APPLIED THAT EMERGENCY BREAK?!” The conductor yells, the door slamming open as he storms in.
“We had to!” The smaller kid, who pointed out the break, snaps back. “That kid wanted to get on the train!”
The conductor stands up, looking into the other cart, at the kid who’d climbed on. He clears his throat. “Oh… right. Well, let me remind you… we are on a very tight schedule a-” he pulls his pocket watch out, yelping when he looks at the time.”Ah- and I’ve never been late before! And I am certainly not going to be late tonight! Now everybody, take your seats, please.”
He darts out the cart as soon as he’s sure that everyone is sat down.
Steve turns to look at Robin, who’s turning to look right back. He tilts his head to the door, to the other kid. Robin smiles, nodding. They get up at the same time, trying to be quiet and glancing back as they creep back. They’re careful to open the door quickly, carefully hurrying into the other cart.
The kid looks up when they walk in, startled.
“Hey,” Steve greets. “We just wanted to make sure you were ok.”
“Yeah. We just... well, it’d be horrible to feel lonely at Christmas. Maybe we could keep you company?” Robin continues.
“We don’t need to talk or… be too close. If that would make you uncomfortable?”
“Nah, just… looks loud in there, ya know?”
“Oh, it is,” Robin nods a little too enthusiastically. “Lots of little brats too. You were smart to come in here.”
He’s starting to smirk, one eyebrow raising. “Yeah, totally. So, is everyone on here from Hawkins?”
“Looks like it. I recognize most people, anyway.”
Steve sits on the seat next to the kid. “You’re Munson, right?”
“Most people call me Eddie,” he drawls. “You’re Harrington, right?”
“Most people call me Steve,” he fires right back.
“And I’m Robin!” Robin jumps in, like she’s expecting conflict- but Eddie is looking at Steve with amusement. “Don’t forget about me when you’re flirting.”
“Ew, gross, dude!” Steve grimaces.
At the same time, Eddie pretends to gag. “That would only happen in my nightmares!”
“Exactly.” Steve nods.
Robin just rolls her eyes, sitting on the seat across the aisle, facing them. “Whatever.”
“What are you doing for Christmas day?” Steve asks, turning to Eddie.
“Oh… not much. It’s, uh, just me and my uncle these days.” Eddie shrinks down a little in his seat, shoulders hunched.
But Steve perks up, excited. “Really? Cool! What’s he like? Your uncle? You live with him?”
“Yeah… it’s alright.”
“I’m spending Christmas at my grans house,” Robin complains. “I think it’s just gonna be me, mom, her and grandad. Boring.”
“That’s not boring!” Steve scolds. “That sounds exciting! Do you usually spend Christmas with your gran or is this year-”
“No, we usually spend it with her. For the morning at least.”
Eddie eyes Steve for a moment, realizing that his excitement is genuine. “I haven’t been with my uncle long, but it’s usually just the two of us. It’s nice. He’s quiet but he doesn’t mind that I get loud.”
“What are you doin’ for Christmas, Steve?”
“Oh, uh… not much.” He smiles tightly. “Nothing that would be as impressive as tonight! Do you really think we’ll meet Santa?”
Eddie and Robin share a look, easily seeing through Steves poor attempt to change the subject. But they go along with it.
Their conversation quickly devolves into chaos. Mostly because, once he’s over the initial anxiety, Eddie is loud. He doesn’t stay seated for long, bouncing to his feet and climbing whatever he can get himself onto- but even when he does sit, he’s moving around all the time. He keeps reaching out to Steve, nudging him or grabbing his wrist to throw his hand around in his excitement.
It’s fun. Especially with how easily Robin keeps the conversation going, slowly getting more and more open, until she’s just spewing out whatever thought she has. Even Steve finds himself getting excited. Even Steve starts to get loud and boisterous and all the things his dad had tried to beat out of him.
The journey is both too long, and not enough time at all.
He’s excited, stepping off the train with Eddie and Robin sticking to his sides… but he wishes they were still on the train, talking about nothing and laughing at Eddies antics.
The conductor is yelling out instructions that Steve half listens to. He’s too distracted by the odd little place they’ve found themselves in. The little elves in red too… there’s a lot.
Eddie steps up beside him, Robin standing her ground and insisting on standing directly in front of him. She even reaches back, holding onto Steve and Eddies hands. The conductor eyes them, clearly displeased, but he just tuts, shakes his head and moves on.
They move slowly towards a round platform, or a stage, Steve isn’t sure. But it’s not too long later that reindeer start being coaxed out, towards the stage. They keep jumping up into the air, seeming to swim against gravity, the elves hanging off the ground in their attempts to keep the animals from flying away.
“This better not be a dream,” Robin whispers, turning to grin at Steve and Eddie.
Steve laughs along with Eddie… but the thought has been nagging him, hovering at the back of his head. Because that would be the explanation that makes the most sense; he’s dreaming. But, like any other time the worry tried to push forward, he ignores it. He’s not ready to wake up yet.
Trumpets play, some of the elves coming out in two lines, holding a line of bells. They shake them, the crowd cheering in response.
Steve can’t hear anything. He tells himself it’s just because of the crowd. It’s so loud, of course they can’t hear the bells from here. One of the other kids yell about how pretty the bells sound. Steve forces himself to ignore that too.
The trumpets ring again, the two large doors opening a few moments later. Everyone loses their minds, screaming, the elves climbing on top of each other…
Steve tries to peer around them, tries to see, but there’s too many elves blocking his line of sight.
“He’s here! Holy shit, he’s really here!” Robin yells, bouncing in her excitement.
“Where?!” Steve yells back.
“I see him! There!” Eddie points. “He’s over there!”
“I can’t see him!”
Steve tries, and tries, and tries. But nothing he does works. It gets worse, too many things in the way, that he can’t even see the doorway anymore. He can’t see anything.
He looks back to the stage, back to the reindeer… back the the bells that he still can’t hear.
“I wanna wake up now,” Steve whispers to himself. He tries pinching himself, but his hands are shaking too much. His chest feels heavy, tight…
One of the bells is thrown off the little belt the others are still attached to. It flies high, slowly bouncing at a stop at Steves feet. It had stayed silent the whole way. He wants to pick it up, but he knows that if he does and still can’t hear the ringing, it will shatter his heart.
He looks up to see Eddie frowning. “I c- I can’t-”
Eddie makes a quiet noise, stepping forward and hugging Steve tight. Steve clutches at him just as tight though, shaking, biting back what few tears he can.
“No, no, no, don’t cry,” Eddie quietly reassures him. “It’s ok. It just… maybe it takes a moment. And it’s loud, and there’s so many people.”
“The train was so nice,” Steve chokes out, voice cracking.
“It was, it was so nice, and fun.”
“I don’t want this to be another nightmare.”
“It’s not, and it won’t be. This is real, I’m right here and so are you. You need to believe in that.”
Steve isn’t sure how long they stay there, Eddie simply holding him, but he’s sure that it’s not too long until someone clears their throat.
Looking down at them with a raised brow, red suit, holding up the little bell, and…
“You boys alright?” Santa asks.
“Yeah… yeah, we- we’re ok, right?” Eddie looks to him, eyes a little wide, sounding breathless.
It makes Steve smile. “Yeah, we’re ok.”
He nods at them, looking around at all the kids, but ultimately turning back to them. “And for first gifts,” he speaks up, before pointing to Eddie. “Lets have this young fella, right here.”
Eddie tries to keep hold of Steves hand, but he and Robin are already pushing him ahead, encouraging him to follow Santa over to his sleigh. They both watch him awkwardly clamber into the sleigh, glancing over at them repeatedly as he talks with Santa. It looks like they’re arguing.
“What do you think is going on?” Steve asks.
“Maybe Eddie wants something that he can’t get right now?” Robin suggests, shrugging.
But, then, Santa stands up, holding his hand up. “The first gift of Christmas!”
After another quiet word, Eddie is jumping down, running back to them. He’s grinning as he grabs Steve by the shoulders. “Do you believe that this is real?”
“What? I do-”
“Harrington! Do you believe?”
Steve looks to Robin, then back to Eddie. And… “Yeah… yeah, I do.”
Eddie pulls the little bell out his pocket, shaking it. And Steve can hear it. He can hear it ringing.
“Holy shit!”
“Right?!” Eddie grabs his hand, pressing the bell into his palm and closing his fingers around it. “I got it for you.”
“What? But It’s your present, you should-”
“Steve. I got it for you. It’s not my present, it’s yours. Keep it.”
“Thank you,” Steve whispers after a moment.
They turn when the cheering reaches an all time high, just in time to see Santa in his sleigh lift up into the air. They watch him as he circles the little area they’re all gathered in, slowly getting faster until, in a burst of light, he vanishes.
“All aboard!” The conductor yells, train chooing, just as the elves start to party.
They’re quiet as they step back onto the train. This time, the three follow the other kids into the main carriage. They somehow manage to squeeze all three into two seats, without being so pressed together that it’s uncomfortable. Instead, it’s nice. Warm.
Steve keeps having to jerk his head up, struggling to stay awake for long. Robin is completely gone and Eddie doesn’t seem to be hanging on much better. The night has finally caught up with them.
Steve jerks back awake, feeling Eddie slowly trying to get up.
“Where are you going?” He mumbles, sleepily reaching out to try and stop him.
“Home,” Eddie gestures out the window. It’s the same stop they’d picked him up at. “But… we’ll see each other again, right?”
Eddie smiles. He looks towards the door, then back to Steve, hesitating. He darts forward after a moment, kissing Steve on the cheek. He’s blushing, stuttering through a goodbye, darting off the train as fast as he can go.
Steve watches him go, blushing just as hard, fingers touching his cheek, where Eddie had kissed him.
“You still think he’s gross?” Robin mumbles, rubbing sleep out her eyes.
“He kissed me,” Steve says.
Robin snorts, rolling her eyes. She sits up though, making a clear effort to wake up.
It’s not a moment later that the train slowly pulls to a stop. And Steves address is read off. It’s his stop.
“We’ll see each other again, too, right?” Robin asks.
“Of course.” He shuffles closer so he can hug her. “Just need to find you first.”
“Well… I’m not hard to find.” She tries to smile. She looks sad.
“Good. It’ll be good to hang out when I’m sure that I’m actually awake.”
She laughs. “Merry Christmas, Steve.”
“Merry Christmas, Robin!”
The conductor smiles, helping him climb down the steps. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas.”
Steve keeps looking back as he walks up the drive. He hovers in the doorway as the train pulls away, waving. He doesn’t shut the door until he can’t see or hear it anymore.
And he’s left, once again, in his cold and empty house.
The only solace is that, by forcing himself to stay awake on the train, he falls asleep as soon as he lays down.
When he wakes up, he’s sure that it was all a dream. Thinking back, it doesn’t make sense…
Well… until he searches his jacket pocket. The bell Eddie got him is still there, still ringing with that same unusual sound. It’s still there.
His doorbell rings.
Steve rushes down the stairs, careful to calm his breathing before opening it. He doesn’t recognize the man that looks down at him, shifting uncomfortably.
He clears his throat. “Harrington. I was wondering… are your parents home?”
“Uh, no… they’re on a, um, business trip thing.”
He clears his throat again, grimacing. He turns, looking towards the car parked outside the house… which is when Steve spots him.
“Eddie!” He waves, grinning when Eddie excitedly waves back. “You must be Wayne, right?”
“I am. My boy was wondering if you’d want to come over for dinner?”
“Really? Yeah! I mean- sorry, um… if that’s alright with you.
“Of course it is,” he chuckles. “We’ll wait here for you to get yourself dressed. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas!”
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puhpandas · 8 months
A Fozztastic Christmas
(7,041 words) 🎄🎁❄️
Its Christmas day, the first spent with Evan, and somehow, Gregory's family manages to get them a dog for Christmas. Yes, them a dog. They play with him in the snow.
There's wrapping paper all over the floor and boxes thrown around when Gregory grins at his final present. Presents had been piled high at the start of this morning, but he and Evan (and his family) had shot through them all as quick as his Aunts four wheeler.
His Dad is cleaning up the mess and stuffing the trash in a garbage bag next to him. Gregory just admires the tree and all the cool stuff next to him during the moment of peace. They chose classic warm yellow lights, and all of the ornaments hung on the branches are homemade. Theres ones from when his family were younger, some from when he was younger, and new ones he had made just this month. The one he carefully crafted is hung right next to the ornament Evan had made alongside him.
Gregory glances over to his friend to see him smiling gently at one of his gifts. Evan had been suprised for some reason when they had started handing him shelves of gifts at the start of this morning. Gregory just laughed at him when he'd gaped like a fish out of water and stared at the beautifully wrapped presents with some sort of awe in his eye.
Gregory sighs loudly, flopping backwards on the carpet. He cushions his head with his arms, and Evan startles a bit and glances over at him. He grins when he watches Gregory make himself comfortable.
"Already done?" Evan asks, a smile quirked on his face. He's wearing a green Christmas sweater he and his family had surpised him with one day this month. It matches with Gregory's red one. Evan puts down his box of brand new cozy sweaters that fit and shifts to lean against the floor like Gregory. "Its only noon. We still have all day, you can't get tuckered out now."
Gregory shakes his head, even though the warm breakfast he ate certainly isnt helping with his energy. "I'm fine." He insists. "Dont worry about it. We'll just... take a short break before getting into the snow, okay?"
Evan giggles at that, but he just nods, and flops down besides Gregory on the rug. Gregory stares up at the ceiling, and takes a moment to admire how the glow of white snow outside the window shines on the tinsel hung up on the walls.
Theres a moment of peace, where Gregory let's his eyes slip shut and revels in how good this Christmas was. Not only is it his first Christmas with Evan since they met this January, but his family somehow managed to get every present on his list with room to spare for Evan as well.
Well... not every present, but Gregory can live. He isnt going to linger on that too much. He has his family, and his friend, and that's enough for him.
His family is milling about around them, and all Gregory can hear is the shuffling of footsteps and the murmuring of voices. He's aware of Evan's silent presence on the carpet next to him, and when the moment gets a little too still, he peeks an eye open and kicks at Evan's leg.
Wordlessly, Evan kicks back, and a grin splits on Gregory's face. He can't help how the laugh bubbles out of his throat, and Evan is quick to join him. Gregory's eyes are shut in the mirth, but he can feel Evan roll against him while they both giggle. It makes the scratchy sweater he's wearing rub against his skin.
"Look." Evan says when they finally stop laughing. Gregory opens his eyes and sees Evan's hand pointing at the tree in front of them. "You can see how you put too much glue on your ornament from here."
Gregory grits his teeth, but it's not very malicious since hes smiling. He pushes at Evans side, and he laughs heartily at him. "Very funny." Gregory says. "Acting like you didnt remake your ornament like three times because you were worried you were wasting your chance."
Evan doesnt respond immediately. Probably because Gregory had already given him an earful about just making what he makes because it doesnt matter how good it is. But eventually he hums, and kicks at him again. Gregory kicks back.
It's only when his Dad enters his peripherals does he raise a brow at how quiet it's been since everyone finished with their presents. Dad steps over some leftover trash, and smiles at the two boys laying flush against the floor.
"Hi." Gregory says to him. His Dad just smiles wider.
"Hello, Gregory." He says very suspiciously. Then, exactly but not exactly how Gregory was expecting, "What if I told you I had one last present for you to open?"
Gregorys eyes blow wide, and any sleepiness he'd felt left from the meal and the contentment melts away in a blink. "Really?" He asks, scrambling to sit up on his elbows.
His Dad nods, humming a confirmation. He smiles wider when Gregory hits at Evan's arm, rushing him to get up already. "No way. You already got, like, everything."
"We got more than everything, this year." His Dad says, smiling warmly at them both. Gregory can feel his Dads gaze fall on Evan beside him at his next words, though."Its a very special Christmas, after all."
"Well, come on!" Gregory exclaims, yanking Evan up by the arms with all his might. Evan almost topples over on him all over again because of it, and he yelps when he catches his footing. "What are we waiting for?"
"Nothing, I suppose." He grins. "But sit back down, because we're bringing the present to you two."
"Its for both of us?" Gregory asks, and he grins when Evan looks suprised all over again. He shakes his arm a bit to shake it away, and it works, if how Evan smiles at him is any indication. "We get to share!"
Dad laughs again, a quiet hum. Evan grins back at him, warm with a glint of excitement in his eye.
"Bring it out, Bonnie!" His Dad yells, and Gregory forces himself to plop back down on the carpet and drags Evan down with him.
Theres some shuffling, then Gregory's Papa steps from behind the wall separating the dining room and the living room. He's holding a big, red, shiny present box.
Gregory smiles when his Papa brings the box closer, and for some reason, carefully levels it down onto the rug, just in-between both Gregory and Evan. He steps back, and kneels on the ground in front of them with a smile. "I think you two will really like this one."
Gregory doesnt respond to that. He just eyes the shimmering red of the box sat in front of them. The box has a pretty silver bow on top, and its not wrapped; it has a lid. For some reason, its nudged a bit open.
To: Gregory & Evan, From: Dad's is written on the sticker.
Theres a stretch of silence where nothing is said at all, but eventually, Gregory caves into the anticipation. He takes a glance at Evan, who's looking earnestly at the box, before he snaps out of it when Gregory nudges his arm.
He conveys a silent interaction, and Evan nods, a small smile on his face. Gregory grins, just for good measure, and he and Evan lean in real close.
Gregory nudges the lid with his fingertips. Its slippery and shiny, and it nudges loose with no effort.
Gregory doesnt remove the lid entirely, and just for fun, he leans in and tries to peer in-between the crack. Evan does the same.
It's dark, but then, the lid slides off of the box without Gregory moving it.
He gasps, and Evan does too next to him. His Dads both laugh somewhere in front of him, but Gregory only has eyes on the contents of the box.
A little brown snout is poking out of the opening, and then an absolute ball of fur is wiggling it's way to the mouth and setting its paws on the rim.
A dog. Gregory gapes, lost for words. Evan does the same beside him. It's a dog.
The dog; a little dark brown Pomeranian, probably not even fully grown, looks up at him with dark, beady eyes. It sniffs at him, then Evan, and all Gregory can even do is stare, something fluttery in his chest.
Then, the dog is smiling, its little tail wagging, and it sticks its tongue out, little baby teeth becoming visible.
"A dog." Gregory says breathlessly, and he picks up the puppy with utmost care, carefully holding its little kicking hind paws when it shifts at being handled, and he settles it in his lap. "You got us a dog."
"The last thing on your Christmas list." His Papa smiles at him. His Dad, Freddy, comes up behind him and admires the puppy himself. "We reckoned it would be the perfect gift for the both of you."
Gregory doesnt respond. He just keeps his eyes dead on the little brown puppy in his lap, who's settled quickly with no fuss.
"He likes you already." Papa says softly. Theres some sort of unsaid agreement in the air that this is a time to be quiet and soft, like the moment is special.
Gregory just nods silently, looking closely at the soft brown head of the puppy and its two little pointy ears. The dog has plenty of energy; that's clear in how its panting and its eyes are wide and excited, but its let itself be softly held in Gregory's lap with no complaints.
A smile stretches on his face at that, soft and small and disbelieving. It doesnt feel real, that's for sure. That in an instant theres suddenly a brand new member added to his family.
Evan shifts suddenly, and Gregory thinks he must've been in that same awed state he was in. He scooches forward, slow and quiet like he would startle the animal if he made any sudden movements. Gregory huffs a laugh at the thought, knowing just how careful and caring Evan can be.
Evan leans down, a sparkle in his eye and lips parted as he becomes face to face with the puppy. Gregory smiles wide and big when the dogs tail starts wagging when Evan gets closer.
"Hi there." Evan says, soft as silk, but it turns into a sputter quickly when the puppy suddenly leaps out of Gregory's lap to crawl on top of Evan.
Gregory makes a suprised noise, and Evan does as well. He falls flat on his back, and the puppy wastes no time pawing up his chest to lick at his face.
A startled laugh bubbles its way out of Gregory's throat, and his cheeks hurt at the mirth. Evan keeps sputtering, moving his face every which way to avoid slobber on his mouth. "Eugh-- Gregory-- help!"
Gregory keeps up his giggles, and his Dad laughs heartily next to him as well. His Papas laugh is boisterous, and its contagious quality makes Gregory laugh harder, just watching as Evan is glued still on the floor lest the puppy get bucked off.
Eventually, after being unable to respond because of his laughs, Gregory leans forward and plucks the dog right off of Evan's body, holding it close to his chest. He once again marvels at how soft the puppy's fur is; it feels like how he would imagine a cloud to feel, soft, and so thin its almost undetectable.
The puppy yaps a few times, high pitched and excited. Evan heaves himself off the floor, immediately wiping at his face with the sleeve of his sweater. The whole time though, hes grinning and giggling just like Gregory is.
"He likes you a lot." Gregory observes, not that Evan needed to be told; he got the message loud and clear. "You were like, drowning."
"In slobber." Evan points out, shivering and making a face in disgust.
"Maybe you're his favorite already." Gregory says, absentmindedly petting the dogs back and sticking his fingers in his fluffy mane. "You can be his Dad. And I'll be Uncle Gregory."
Evan snorts a laugh at that, grinning widely. "I'm too young to be a Father."
"It is a lot of responsibility." Gregory's Dad chimes in, his blue eyes shining in delight, but a hardness to them as well. "Food, water, walking, playing... you will have to keep up with it all, Superstars. It's your duty to take care of this little guy."
Right away, Gregory nods feverishly, grinning. That's a promise, and he intends on keeping it. He knew the responsibility when he'd first asked for a puppy all those months ago. Evan is doing the same next to him, and it makes Gregory smile wider. "Yeah, we know."
"We've gotten hard and soft dog food, since the puppy still isnt fully grown yet. We've kept him well fed before giving him to you both, so..." Gregory's other Dad chimes in, his bangs falling in his eyes as he smiles at him and Evan. "How about you two take him outside? Play with him a bit?"
Gregory, in the event of gaining a brand new family member, had completely forgotten about his plans with Evan to play in the snow.
His mouth drops open, but the corners are still upturned in a smile as he looks back at the little dog in his arms. The puppy twists its neck to luck up at him, and its beady black eyes are wide and energetic, if its tongue hanging out and its wagging tail wasnt enough.
Immediately, his mind is flooded with thoughts and ideas of how he and Evan could have fun with their new dog in the snow with eachother. He looks back up to see Evan smiling as well, and they meet eyes, undoubtedly having the zsme thought process.
His growing family, Gregory can't help but acknowledge. Two new members in one year. That's a new record.
"I guess that's a yes." Gregory's Papa chuckles, eyes crinkled at the corners.
"He still does not have a name." Gregory's Dad informs him, patting a hand on Gregory's hair. He does it to Evan, too, and Gregory feels a small bit of pride when Evan doesnt flinch away like he did only months ago. "You two should be the ones to give him one."
Gregory goes silent, looking back down at the dog in his arms.
The puppy quirks its head sideways up at him, ears straightened and head tilted in curiosity, and Gregory feels warmth bloom in his chest. He smiles instinctively, and it gets wider when Evan reaches over and pets its little head.
Just before he begins to brainstorm names, his Dad pats his own head, smiling warmly. "No need to rush." He says. "It is a big decision. Why dont you think on it when you two go play outside, hm?"
Gregory nods at that, reminded of how he and Evan's new puppy are going to play with them in the snow. He grins, fluttery excitement in his chest, and he readjusts his hold on the dog, scrambling off the floor.
"What are you waiting for, Evan?" Gregory asks, already running to his room to get his shoes and coat on. "Cmon, let's go!"
"Wait up!" Evan calls behind him. "I'm coming I'm coming!"
Gregory only puts the puppy down to slip on his thick windbreaker winter coat, and it overjoys him to watch the little guy walk around his room. He'll be in there a ton, from now on. The puppy is his.
He already has so many ideas for which place in his room can be for the dog, and how theyll play and what toys he'll get him and how they'll watch TV on the couch together, but he shoves them down for now. He'll leave them for when he isnt about to go hang out with Evan and their shared dog during a white Christmas.
It's not long before they're barrelling out the door, only careful on the icy steps on the porch before they're sprinting into the snow, Evan hurrying behind him with the ball of fur in tow.
The cold nips at his nose and his ears, but the toboggan his Dads insisted he wear warms him up enough. So do the knit gloves hes wearing. Evan skids to a stop beside him, kicking up dusty wet snow at him. Gregory giggles, shielding himself.
"Sorry." Evan says. He's still holding the puppy, and Gregory looks at the flat, untouched inches of snow on the ground right below their feet.
"Put him down." Gregory grins. "He can play with us."
Evan looks a tad worried, probably because the snow this year is pretty thick and a lot came down and the puppy is... very small. But he still sets the little guy down anyway, and Gregory cant help his chuckle when the snow comes all the way up to the puppy's chin.
The dog, the little trooper, Gregory cant help but think, doesnt shy away, he just takes a moment fo adjust, and then he's sniffing at the white surface, taking big steps and walking in long strides to wade through the snow. The formally perfect sheet gets disrupted, and Gregory almost squeals (how embarrassing) when there are little tiny pawprints left behind in the snow.
Evan doesnt hold back, chuckling in delight at the sight. He follows along with the puppy, keeping up with him to make sure hes alright. "He seems to be keeping up pretty good!"
"He's trucking on." Gregory says, his boots crunching down on the snow when he meets Evan's side. "Nothing can stop him now."
Evan doesnt respond at first, and when Gregory looks over, Evan is crouching down and picking up a stick that fell from the big tree in the front yard. "Except maybe this."
Evan whistles, still somehow quiet, but immediately, Gregory can see how quickly the puppy perks up. His ears straighten to a point, and then hes tilting his head back to investigate the sound.
"Come here, buddy!" Evan calls, patting his legs, and Gregory wants to aww when it sticks its tongue out and begins to hop over the snow to rush over.
Evan makes a delighted noise, and he kneels down despite the wet slush and pets the puppy's head when it arrives. Gregory kneels over and ruffles its fur, saying praises and watching the snowflakes shake out of the fluff.
"He really likes you." Gregory comments, smiling at how theres a huge smile stretched on the dogs face and his tail is going a hundred miles an hour. Gregory knows he and Evan's faces arent much different. "You should be the one to name him."
Evan pauses, and Gregory looks over to Evan staring at him with wide eyes, looking something adjacent to worried and earnest at the same time. "Oh! No-- Gregory its okay." He rushes out. "Um. We can both name it? Hes your dog anyway."
Indignation on Evan's behalf rushes Gregory's senses. "Uh, nope." He replies. "He's our dog. Not just mine. He's yours too and I think you should be the one to name him." He says matter of factly.
Evan frowns, looking unconvinced. "He's going to be staying at your house, like, all the time." He counters. "And what if I think you should name him?"
Theres a moment of silence where Gregory just stares at Evan, and Evan stares back. It's like a standoff, and even the puppy to their side goes quiet, watching with wide eyes.
"We can both name him." Gregory settles. "But also you get to have the first pick."
Evan's frown is still present, and he frowns, knowing what Gregory did. He doesn't comment, though. Even when Gregory sends him a grin. He just pets the dogs mane and fluffy fur while humming long and drawn out.
Gregory gives him a blank look. "My Dads name is Freddy."
"Oh yeah." Evan mumbles. He looks a bit embarrased, but then hes quick to respond with, "Okay, your turn."
Gregory frowns, pursing his lips and giving Evan a look. He's unsure if Evan did something there, but either way, he'll give his friend his wish.
He taps his chin, looking at the little dark brown dog with hair sticking up in places and almost defying gravity. It has big brown eyes, and Gregory suddenly jolts, remembering when Evan commented on both his hair and eyes one time. Something about how his hair shouldn't be able to do that and that his eyes are a color hes never seen before.
What name he suggests next should be obvious, but he goes for a different idea instead.
"Evan Jr." Gregory says, crossing his arms. Evan looks at him blankly, and Gregory just smiles at him. He almost bursts out laughing when Evan looks at him in a way where he knows Evan isnt sure he's serious or not.
It takes him a few second, but he sputters out a response eventually. "Greg Jr."
Gregory's eyes widen, and he meets Evan's eyes. It's funny, but Gregory still isnt sure if this is a standoff or a joke. The puppy looks between them silently, and Gregory can imagine it eating out of a bag of popcorn.
Gregory retaliates, peering at Evan through the snow flurry. Its landing on Evan's toboggan and bits of his hair. "Evan the Second." He says.
Evan scoffs, but Gregory can tell it's a mix of a laugh and exasperation. "You only call someone the Second if they're a male in the family, and they're anything other than a father."
"Oh." Gregory says. He's about to ask how Evan knows that, but the implications only dawn on him too late. He sees Evan's face, looking self-satisfied and thrilled, and Gregory remembers exactly what he'd said to Evan about him, himself, and the puppy only a little bit earlier today.
"Gregory the Second." Evan says smugly.
Gregory surrenders, letting Evan have this one. "You got me." Gregory grins, laughing a bit. Evan looks pleased as well, and when he starts laughing as well, the puppy starts to pant with its tongue out and wag its tail.
"Okay, but we should probably actually decide a name for this little guy." Gregory says afterwards, picking the little guy in question up in his arms. He settles quickly again, just like last time. Gregory smiles wider, once again overjoyed at having a dog.
"Right." Evan agrees, taking big steps over the many inches of snow piled underneath them. The snow is so deep, It comes up to Gregory's calves. Evan is taller, so he has less trouble, but Gregory has a feeling one of them will fall at some point. The snow is deep and thick, with enough capacity to build one of those snow igloos if they wanted to by rubbing the snow until it creates a sheet of ice over the surface. "Your turn."
"Right." Gregory nods, and he looks at the puppy again, which hes been doing a lot. It's still a little surreal to him, give him a break.
He thinks hard and genuinely about names that would fit the little dog. Its brown, small, with a tiny snout and brown beady eyes. It's been a sweetheart so far, so as much as he'd like to, Gregory's not thinking names like 'Destroyer' or 'Turbo'.
His mind comes up blank, and the thing is, he really does want Evan to be the one to name the puppy. Gregory's wanted a dog since he was old enough to even know what one is, but Evan's never even had the liberty to wish for things until they met. Evan's told him so. Gregory knows Evan had been suprised over the dog and happy in a different way. To Gregory, this was a dream come true. To Evan, this is something he'd never even considered or believed could happen, purely because he never thought about it. Gregory's thought about what he would name a dog for years anyway. He thinks Evan deserves to make the call. He thinks Evan deserves to have a little something of his own that he doesnt share with someone else.
Its their dog. But Gregory wants it to be Evan's name that their dog is called.
"Just hear me out here, Evan, but..." He begins to say. Evan immediately looks like how he imagines his Dad would look; a little worried or exasperated about what hes about to say if he has to begin with that. But Evan is too kind to ever feel that way about something Gregory would say. No matter how weird it is.
"I want you to name the dog." Gregory tells him. Gregory doesnt like eye contact, but he makes an effort to look Evan right in his when he says this. Evan's like him, so he starts to glance away, but he too makes himself look back.
Evan looks suprised, or taken by it, more like. He looks shiney eyed, or emotional... Earnest, is the word Gregory's looking for. Or disbelieving. Maybe Evan doesnt think he should, but Gregory does.
Gregory musters up all his earnesty so Evan'll see he means it. "I really do." He says. "I'll try not to ruin the moment, or something, but... I just think you should get to do this. Its our dog, and I already get to have him at home all the time." He tells him. "Just... it's fair, isnt it?"
Gregory knows he didnt say the full story, but he also knows Evan understands him. He always understands what Gregory means to say very well, which a lot of other people dont. Gregory thinks he doesnt need to elaborate; Evan gets it.
By the way hes looking, Gregory's sure hes right. Evan looks actually shiney eyed this time, and his look is heartfelt. The snow is still falling in his hair, and theres snow in the still unnamed, puppy's fur, and Gregory's sure hes got it in his hair as well. It's still outside, save for the faint and knipping wind of winter, and it makes the silence feel like it stretches longer.
"Fozzie." Evan mutters. It's barely over a whisper.
Gregory jolts. "Huh?"
"Fozzie." Evan repeats, blinking away some of the mist in his eyes. He smiles at Gregory, and then flicks his blue, almost silverfish eyes to the puppy in his arms. "Like Fozzie Bear."
Gregory smiles at the name. Hes never really been a fan of the Muppets, but he knows about it enough to know that Fozzie Bear is a character from it. It's not his thing, and he can barely recall the characters appearance, but it feels... right. Hes not particularly fond of the origins of the name, but to Gregory, the origin of the name is Evan. and any name Evan came up with would feel right to Gregory.
"Its perfect." He says outwardly, and fully means it. The puppy-- no, Fozzie seems to react at the name, wiggling in Gregory's arms and wagging his tail wildly. He loves it, too.
Evan giggles, patting Fozzie gently on the head with a gloved hand. Fozzie barks a bit, still wiggling, and Gregory finally maneuvers his arms to set the puppy free in the snow. "Okay, okay! Here, buddy!"
Immediately, like before, the height of the snow almost completely submerges Fozzie when hes back on his feet-- er, paws. For a moment, Gregory can only see the puppy from a top down view, before just like earlier, Fozzie hops out of the snow chasm and frees himself.
"They grow up so fast." Gregory mimics wiping a tear, glancing at Evan. Evan laughs.
"So, Fozzie." Evan grins, and Gregory feels his own stretch wider at how Evan's eyes light up at the name. "Do you wanna play?"
Fuzzies ears stick straight up again, and Gregory giggles along with Evan, feeling like it's a little quirk he and Evan will be laughing over on their dog for a long time.
"Come on, buddy!" Evan whistles, taking big strides as he runs in the snow. It crunches under his boots and his footprints reveals the layer of sleet itd covered up. Fozzie doesn't move, just tilting his head and watching Evan get further. It takes a second for Gregory to realize why.
It's only because Fozzie jerks his head to look at him. Gregory sighs, but it's in a good way. Hes still smiling when he takes off after Evan, whistling as he catches up.
"Come on!" Gregory yells behind them. "Chase us!" Evan finishes.
Fozzie takes off like a rocket, or more like a rabbit, then anything. Gregory just knows Fozzie would take after his speed if he wasnt hindered by snow, but for now, the puppy has to hop like a bunny rabbit over the snow.
But hes still gaining, Gregory realizes. Their leisurely pace to help the puppy keep up was underestimating him. Fozzie is better than that. The thought sends an energized laugh out of Gregory's throat. If Fozzie can keep up with Gregory now... He cant wait for it to get warmer. He can already imagine how itll be in a few months with him and Evan and a bigger Fozzie in the green grass.
He waits just enough for Fozzie to be on their heels, then yells "Scatter!" He and Evan split up like the letter T.
Fozzie picks him to chase, and that's just what hed wanted. Gregory grins, knowing the puppy likes the thrill of the chase like he does. He risks a glance behind him, and sees that Fozzies already gotten better at maneuvering through the snow. His tongues hanging out, and his snow covered fur whips in the wind.
Gregory picks up his speed, not even caring that the wind is biting at his nose and his cheeks and his ears. His breath puffs out in little clouds, and he let's himself run at full power.
And hes very fast. Fast enough that Vanessa kept telling him to join soccer before she left for college. Even Fozzie cant keep up with him, and when Gregory makes a turn because he reached the edge of the yard, he can see Fozzie still chasing after him, but further away. The little guy is using his footprints as a pathway to avoid as much snow.
He books it back towards the other side, and Fozzie doesnt cut through the yard to gain on him like Gregory thought he would. He just continues hopping along his own path.
He brings his eyes back towards the direction Evan had run in, and sees no Evan, but instead, a wall of snow with a sort of trench around the sides. Like someone had dug all around them to build the wall that's about two feet high off the ground.
It's a shield, and a base, Gregory recognizes. And he'd been too distracted watching Fozzie to notice when Evan had been preparing for his arrival.
And he'd also looked right at Evan too late when hed gained closer, and he'd been nailed right in the face with a snowball.
He yelps, the cold snow on his face and over his eyes doing nothing for his already freezing cold face from the wind. He can't see anymore, but he knows he had just reached the area he and Evan had originally split.
The snow already being gone from their previous footprints and his lack of sight make an unfortunate combination when he takes another running step, and his heel slips and slides straight on that sleet the snow had originally covered up.
He tries to blink as he pinwheels his arm, yelping and feeling his heart drop in his chest. The snow is melting on his face, and not only is it freezing, but the water does nothing for helping him open his eyes.
His arms cant wipe it away, though, they're still pinwheeling, and eventually, he finally drops to the ground. Snow now not only on his face but also going up his jacket sleeves and seeping through his pants.
"Oh my gosh!" Evan yells from across the yard. Gregory's already pushing himself up with his arms by the time Evan drops to his knees next to him, pulling him up. Fozzie makes it just in time, sniffing him and shaking the snow from his fur. "Gregory! I'm so sorry!"
"Ugh..." Gregory groans, sounding hurt. The fall was a little bit nasty, but he isnt actually hurt. Not really. The fall probably looked way worse from Evan's point of view.
He's just giving himself time for his other hand to mold snow together quick enough before Evan notices.
"Oh no..." Evan's brows are so furrowed and upturned it looks like it hurts. His hands hover around Gregory as he wipes the snow off of his face, still kneeling in the snow.
"I'm okay, Evan." Gregory says. He may be plotting something, but he isnt going to make Evan believe he actually got hurt. That's not cool, and Gregory knows Evan'd really believe it and feel incredibly guilty.
"Are-- are you sure?" Evan asks worriedly, peering at him intensely when Gregory finally gets most of the water and slush off of his face. His face is so cold it's starting to get like that burning warm feeling. "I didnt... I didn't want you to fall."
"Really." Gregory insists, making sure Evan can tell hes serious. "That's what snowball fights are about, anyway. That's what the snows for. Is to cushion your fall."
Evan still seems unsure. "If you say so..."
"Besides," Gregory says to him, a smile just a bit too pointed regarding him. "I'll get you back."
Evan opens his mouth, but before Evan can speak or even show any reaction, Gregory takes the fully finished snowball in his hand and smushes it into Evan's jacket.
Not on his face. Evan may have nailed him in the face, but that's because hes okay with it. Evan doesn't like stuff like that.
Besides, he smushed the snow right over where the jacket zipper is. Meaning some of the snow will go down underneath and inside.
Evan shrieks at him, squeezing his eyes shut when Gregory tackles him, cackling wildly as he does it. Fozzie barks at them, jumping up and down by their side and switching to left and right. Evan may be yelling, but he also is smiling wide and laughing as he does so. The screams about the cold are real, though, Gregory knows, so he takes both arms and pushes snow from their sides all over Evan to cover him like waves. He's yelling and screaming the whole time.
Then, to Gregory's disbelief, Fozzie keeps barking and chooses a side, climbing up on the little hill of snow by Evan's chest and digging at the snow. He's trying to uncover him.
Gregory pauses in his revenge to gape at the puppy, while Evan takes a second to process, but then hes giggling like crazy.
"Betrayal." Gregory breathes out, still disbelieving. Fozzie doesn't regard him, just keeping at digging Evan out. The boy in question is laughing so hard tears of mirth are in his eyes. "My nephew Fozzie! You betrayed me!"
Fozzie just yips at him. Gregory doesnt know what he said, but he likes to imagine itd been some clever response.
"W-What was that you said earlier?" Evan manages through his laughing. "About me being Fozzies favorite?"
Gregory frowns at him, but he isnt really hurt. Evan knows it, too. Fozzie can play favorites sometimes if he wants to. Gregorys feelings wont be hurt.
...It just means that next time, there'll be a score to settle. He likes to imagine Fozzie will understand that too, and he knows when to pick his battles. Next time, for sure, Fozzie will betray Evan to help Gregory. That's how the world works.
They sit there for a little while, and eventually, Gregory is laughing along with Evan. They're there long enough for Fozzie to completely dig Evan out, and then he's yipping and licking Evan's face with his tail going a hundred miles an hour.
The snow is still lightly flurrying down around them in a way where you know the white lawns wont be going away anytime soon. The clouds are getting yellow and the sky a darker blue with the horizon a kind of off white. It shimmers on the snow and sparkles and shines, and so do the icicles hanging off of the trees.
You can still hear the faint yells and laughs of other kids in the neighborhood echoing outside, and theres a couple snowmen in the front yards of the houses around his. As it gets slowly darker outside, the neighbors Christmas lights on their roof trims and in their front yards shine and blink even more.
They havent made a snowman, or even finished their snowball fight, but Gregory thinks it may be time to go inside. His face is on fire, and his clothes are drenched in melted snow. Hes sure Evan is the same, after the stunt he just pulled on him. It reminds him of the cartoons where they bury someone neck deep in sand. He wants to do that someday. He doesn't think Evan would like it, but Gregoryll be the victim if Evan agrees to be the burier.
He says his thoughts to Evan, and they both got up out of the snow with creaking joints and chilly cheeks and sore throats from laughing. The electricity of excitement still buzzes under Gregory's skin, but he thinks he can still be excited under a warm blanket in his warm house with a warm drink. And he just knows, his aunt Chica would never skip making cookies and other delicious warm treats for Christmas.
When he and Evan get to the welcome mat and stomp their boots to shake the excess snow off, Fozzie scratches at the bristles in the mat and shakes his fur to get the snow out. He and Evan laugh at him. His fur must be soaked.
They go inside, and the burst of warm air is like a sigh of relief to his ice cold face. He takes his shopping wet winter garments off, and sees that there's still slush on his windbreaker and snow on his toboggan. He's shivering when he realizes how warm it is compared to out there, and he almost makes a dive for the couch. Evan follows right after him.
So does Fozzie. They make a short break away to get a towel from the bathroom and dry their own soaking hair. Evan grabs it first and immediately dives for Gregorys own head. He yelps and laughs as Evan does a tornado with the towel, and he does the exact same to him afterwards.
Then, they both dry off Fozzies fur, laughing when after the first round, he shakes his fur and water droplets fling onto them. They lay the towel down on the floor after the second, and Fozzie rubs himself against it, rolling on his back and wiggling on top of it.
Only then is when his Dad and Papa let them burrow under the covers, when they're completely dry. Aunt Roxy is in her elegant chair watching a movie, The Polar Express Gregory recognizes, Dad is talking to his aunt Chica in the kitchen, and his Papa comes by to sit in the armchair just next to the couch.
Fozzie hops up on the couch with them, burying himself a little next between his and Evan's legs. He let's out a little sigh, probably winded from his day of playing. Gregory smiles and lays a hand on his head. Evan does the same on his back, sticking his fingers in Fozzies mane.
Eventually, the cold ebbs away and his fingers start feeling less like icicles, and himself less like a Gregcicle. With perfect timing, Gregory thinks, aunt Chica and Dad come back into the living room with a hot ceramic plate of chocolate chip cookies. Theres a couple there with M&M's instead of chocolate chips, and he knows those are for him. Evan takes the ones with milk chocolate instead of dark chocolate.
"My favorite part is when the train is drifting on the ice." Gregory tells Evan when they get further in the movie. "That guys like. The best conductor in the world."
"I would throw up." Evan says, shivering at the mere thought. Gregory always thought the scene of the train plummeting down the steep tracks like a roller coaster would be fun, but even he knows that'd be too much for him. He's fainted on roller coasters before.
"My favorite part is when they sing to Billy." Evan says, biting into his cookie. "I think it's kind of them."
Gregory nods, thinking it's a good favorite part to have.
They finish the movie, and by the time they do, the sky is already dark outside. The streetlights make the snow shimmer and glow through the blinds. Gregory cant wait to see what it looks like under the moon.
The warm cookies and fatigue from the exciting day are enough to have their eyes fluttering as soon as the credits roll. Despite it all, though, he still finds it in him to be excited over his first night with his new dog.
Evan takes the air mattress this time. After brushing their teeth (Evan got a toothbrush in his stocking. One to keep just here only for him), they head to bed, and Gregorys almost out like a light instantly.
Hes awake for a little longer though. Just enough to acknowledge how Fozzie chose to sleep with Evan that night on the air mattress curled up behind Evan's knees.
Gregory's not jealous, mad, or sad. He really isnt. He's just content. Gregory'll have plenty of time for Fozzie to sleep with him. He's going to be at his house. But for now, Evan gets the honor of being chosen by Fozzie for his first night home, and along with his name, Gregory thinks Evan deserves it.
ao3 link
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secrettastemakerland · 9 months
when i tell you that i've been dying to post this fic
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certain-blue-eyes · 10 months
I'll Be Home For Christmas
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Originally written for the Holiday Card Exchange (from one of our Facebook groups), this story is now up for everyone.
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Story AND art are both created by myself this time. 🙈
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May your holiday season be peaceful, filled with laughter and joy, and may you receive lots of presents. Material or non-material. 😊
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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! 🎅🏼🎄🎁🎆
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oksanas-sun · 9 months
merry christmas and happy holidays to everyone who celebrates it!🎅🎄
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jackexmachina · 2 years
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The Other Guardian // Home for the Holidays (13/15) Castiel had never questioned what angels were. But that wasn't acceptable anymore, because he wanted to be more than just a foot soldier—he wanted to be an angel as Sam had imagined them, believed in them, entrusted himself to them for so long without a reply. Castiel wanted to be the one Sam entrusted himself to. He wanted to be worthy of that.
image description: Scenes of Sam and Castiel alternating with the above excerpt from the 26th chapter of ‘Home for the Holidays’ by red_river. Scenes are from “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester,” “On the Head of a Pin,” “Abandon All Hope...,” and “The Man Who Would Be King.”
4x07: Sam looks surprised and upset about the angels’ plan, and Castiel turns fully away from him, looking down while saying, “I’m sorry. But we have our orders.” Sam shakes his head and pleads, “No, you can’t do this, you’re– You’re angels.” Castiel looks up as he finishes.
text reads: [Castiel had never questioned what angels were. But that wasn't acceptable anymore, because he wanted to be more than just a foot soldier—]
4x16: Castiel stands in front of Sam in the hallway of a hospital, looking up at him, confused. Sam turns and walks away from him as Castiel watches, coming to a troubling realization.
text reads: [he wanted to be an angel as Sam had imagined them, believed in them, entrusted himself to them for so long without a reply.]
5x10: While trapped in a fire of holy oil, Castiel stares down Lucifer and tells him determinedly, “You are not taking Sam Winchester. I won’t let you.”
text reads: [Castiel wanted to be the one Sam entrusted himself to. He wanted to be worthy of that.]
6x20: A demon quickly hits Sam’s gun out of his hands, and flips him over a table, breaking it. The demon moves to stomp on Sam’s face, and he throws up his hands. At the same time, Castiel appears and pushes the demon away, and smites him.
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