#Clinic Vest Project
knitmeapainting · 7 months
Hello friends! I have put together a small shop of my art. For now it will just hold those five listings, but as I get larger pieces done I will probably start paying for the shop and listing more stuff there. If there's ever a painting here that you want, know that:
1) You can message me through here, or email knit me a pony at gmail and I will list it for you, and
2) Half the proceeds go to Clinic Vest Project, a great cause. (The other half go to cat food, various bills, and more art supplies for future art.)
If you really love a piece but can't afford it, know that I also collect art and I'd be happy to work on a trade with you if you'd like to do that!
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
The rain was pouring down heavily, making it impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you. Gotham being eerily silent as the raging storm drowned any life from the dark city. A man tugged at the red hooded vest he worse, trying to make it cover his head better. Wind was threatening to blow it down. Rain dripped off his arms as he stepped quietly through the soaked ally. He stopped and knelt down at the two bodies laying face down on the ground. Obviously they had tried and failed to mug someone, the water around the knife one of them held was a little too dark in color. He checked their pulse, snorting. Whoever kicked their asses should have done it harder. Eyes masked by a white lens domino mask, caught movement in the distance. Red Hood stood back up, cautiously. He waited a moment. Something told him the figure didn't go far. In fact, they were hiding. Slowly he stepped past the two men on the ground, making sure to step on them once or twice.
He stopped when he was certain he heard a muffled cursed. Green lights reflecting in the puddles of the ally, dark smears on the trash cans. He could barely see the shape of the figure in the reflection of the water. His fist clenched as there was no mistaking the small frame and the bright eyes on the boy's face. This was a kid. Teenager. A badly injured one. Red Hood crouched, though still prepared to move if need be. “Hey, kid. I know yer there. I'm not here to hurt ya.” Watching the reflection, the eyes seemed to narrow in suspicion. They stayed deathly quiet.
Fair. Red Hood didn't have the best reputation, and even if they didn't know who he was.. he was sure the outfit didn't help make him look like a guardian angel either.
“Here, I'm going to take out my first aid. Okay? Grab what you need.” Hood slowly unhook the pocket from his belt that contained the first aid. It wasn't much, but for knife wounds it should be plenty. Luckily it doesn't look like the kid was bleeding to death, but they seemed pretty tired. He tossed the pocket close to the kid's hiding spot, keeping his distance. The pocket disrupted the puddle making it hard to see the kid, but the movement was recognizable. The kid had flinched away from it. Hood blew air from his lips to keep his anger down. Seeing the teen so hurt and skittish boiled his blood, but not keeping himself in control would only make it harder to help the kid. After a silent moment, the kid wasn't moving.. but Hood could see his reflection again. He wasn't slumped over either, but curled into himself. Then.. it hit him. The kid was watching his reflection back. Red Hood raised his hands and slowly stood up. “Just take whatever you need from it, then go to the clinic down the street-” “Don't move.” The voice of the kid was firm, if it didn't sound young Hood might have thought it was a threat. Red Hood waited as a hand reached out for the pouch. It flicked the pouch pocket open, making sure the opening faced away from him when he did so. The caution and wariness of even opening a pocket, made him frown under his mask. Kid was not just some random teen in wrong place wrong time.. He's been fucked over more than once to be paranoid enough to suspect gas trap.
The kid emptied the pocket, before tossing it back Hood's way. The teen aiming it specifically so it didn't disrupt the puddle, but bounced and skidded next to Hood's feet. Watching the teen's reflection, he saw how quick the kid was trying to bandage up his wounds. “Shi-” Red Hood raised a brow under his mask, shifting forward out of instinct to help the kid. “I said don't move.” The voice hissed, almost covering the waver in his voice. Almost. Red Hood could see blue eyes glaring at his direction. He stayed still to please the kid, keeping keen of his own surroundings. The kid stayed frozen for a moment to make certain he kept his word, before going back to wrap his wound. This time, the teen was wrapping himself slowly. His eyes staying on the puddle, until it was time to rip the bandage. “How ya doing now, kid?” Hood asked after a moment of silence. The teen didn't respond. “Look, I don't have time for this. If you don't want to be caught, that's fine. I'm the last person to judge, but if your bleeding, we need to get you to a medic.” Red Hood gritted his teeth. “I'm fine.” Red Hood clicked his teeth, aggravated. “Maybe now-” “Thanks, but I'll take my chances.” Red Hood quickly stood up as the teen had taken one of the ointments that fell out of the pocket and tossed it into the puddle. He shielded his face from the water, then move to run over where the boy was. The boy was gone. He didn't even make a sound. Where could he have-Red Hood stepped out of the street to see if he could catch a trace of him. Nothing. Dammit! Red Hood kicked the trash can, watching it as it rolled over the thugs that were still knocked out cold. He stood fist clenched as the rain poured harder down on him. He had to hope the kid was true to his word. Still for him to disappear like that-wait. Red Hood narrowed his eyes at the ground, as he replayed the scene. His back turned on where the black-hair teen used to be. He glanced back at the spot. The vigilante walked over to tie up the thugs. A gnawing feeling still itching on his back. He took out his grappling hook, and shot up at the rooftop. Out of sight. --- The black-hair teen sighed in relief after waiting twenty minutes. His body popping back into existence. His hand over his gut as he stared at the vigilante's handy work. “That was close.-argh!” The teen hissed as he curled in pain. This wasn't looking good. A knife wound like that should have been healed by now. “Done it now Danny. Tch.” Danny shook his head as he used the wall to push himself back on his feet. He needed to get out of there.. He would fly, but with how long its taking to heal this gash in his side, he doubt that would end well. Ever since entering this city, something weird was going on with his powers. He can only hope its not permanent. Now, which way to get back to base? Danny's blue eyes dimly glowing through the heavy rain. Without anyway to tell, Danny blindly ran right once out of the ally way. He hoped to at least find somewhere dry to stay the night. One good thing going for him. Just one. That's all he was asking. Unaware that he was being watched. Red Hood clicked off the zoom feature on his mask, giving a heavy frown. He knew there must have been something strange about the kid. “A meta too.” Now he absolutely had to track this kid down. At least before Batman and the others, and possibly whoever this kid was avoiding being caught by.
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beedreamscape · 10 months
I'm a true believer that before, uhm, the whole exploding the whole universe and becoming all-powerful thing, John was a colourful wardrobe guy. That before becoming obsessed with the cryo project he wanted to be an actual teacher, and he was confident he'd be the cool teacher™ (he would not) and his wardrobe had to reflect that.
I'm talking crazy sweaters, colorful jeans, multicolored sneakers, maybe even a vest, etc.
(Teacher John tangent. He thinks he'd be the cookie quirky teacher but he'd be the insane chaotic one that looks like he hasn't slept in three days and yet doesn't drink any coffee, he either hasn't fucked in two year or shagged five minutes before getting into class, divorced vibes yet he's never been married, is clearly in love with the bitchy biology teacher and the lame ass history teacher, he loves kahoot with candy prizes bc it brings the worst in his students, you know his abilities were made for rocket building but he insists on teaching the kids, tells everyone jokingly about his crazy ex who is actually clinically insane. Of course he teaches physics, almost all of his experiments end either with fire or some crazy witchcraft shit.)
But then, well, he became the necrolord prime, ransomer of death, yada yada, so he had a persona to uphold. He has to dress like he's eternally mourning and if we consider one day of morning for each person who died he'll need at least 500 thousand years of worth of black outfits and that's just torture.
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themindcastlesystem · 6 months
Introductions + purpose of this blog
Hi! We're the Mindcastle.
We're 21 years old. We're a college student studying accounting, and a gamer and storyteller on the side. Our favorite games include Final Fantasy 7-9, OMORI, Ace Attorney, Pokemon, and Tetris. We like to write fan fiction, but we're also brainstorming a couple of original projects.
You can find our stories here: - May Your Memory Be a Blessing (original story) - A Little Piece of Healing (original story with one Ace Attorney character) - Athena Cykes ~ Ace Attorney: Locks on the Heart (synopsis of our cancelled Ace Attorney fan game) - Reconciliation (OMORI fic) - You Must Carry On. (OMORI fic) - When the Sun Shines Again (OMORI fic; Ch. 1 done, ch. 2 TBA)
We're an OSDD system -- an individual with multiple identities, or altered personality states. We presently have three core identities; the rest of our alters are currently dormant, but if they ever come around to post something, it'll be clear.
Sunny (they/any): Hi! I'm Sunny. I'm the host (primary identity) of the Mindcastle. I'm a non-binary trans girl. My name originally comes from the phrase "sun-kissed", but also happens to be a close translation of our IRL name, Աստղիկ (Astrik; pronounced "Ahst-gheek", meaning "little star" in Armenian). I used to be in a lot of math and music competitions as a kid, and I have a lot of awards from them! Perfect score/1st in my state on the AMC 8 for eighth graders when I was 10, and first place in the Armenian Allied Arts Association Competition (two years in a row). But nowadays I just like to crunch numbers for people rather than solving calculus problems, so I've been finding accounting a really enjoyable field. Same with music - now I just play video game music for enjoyment (mostly by ear), and I taught myself to sing over the last ten years, though I can't promise I'm good; once in a blue moon I actually compose something myself. I also have a vested interest in clinical psychology and social activism, with a focus on how oppression and power dynamic influence people's actions and autonomy (both politically on a larger scale and personally on a smaller one), as well as communication and self-care as a form of rebellion. This will probably come up in some of our posts.
Kel (he/they): Hi, I'm Kel, resident idiot twink! My name comes from the game "OMORI", but I formed before we played it (I love the character Kel though so I stole his name sorry not sorry). I love basketball - and sports in general, but I played basketball as a kid and absolutely loved it; I was the best shooter on our team, so they called me "the sniper". I also love to write with Sunny, chat, and make stupid jokes everyone groans at. I also sometimes come around to make art for our video game projects, though it's mostly little edits of existing drawings and not actually drawing anything myself. I'm the hyper one of the group so I can be really excitable and jittery when I'm around, but I'm also just a friendly li'l guy. :)
Basil (they/any): Hi! I'm Basil! I'm non-binary. My name's also from OMORI, haha. (We all share a name with one of its characters, but I'm the only one who actually formed because of it, it's kinda funny.) I'm one of the little ones in our headspace, so I try not to be around for adult topics. Please be gentle with me if I'm ever talking to you! I like flowers a lot; I associate myself with the forget-me-not, both in remembrance of our dad's passing and the Armenian Genocide. I also like animals a lot, and I like to write wholesome stories that make me feel like I'm a little kid again. Childhood is super important to me for a lot of reasons so I like engaging with things that bring me back, like our favorite video games (Final Fantasy 9 and OMORI especially).
This Blog's Purpose
[Basil] We made this blog because we realized just how badly we sometimes want to put helpful information out there or go super deep into a subject we like. Sometimes that looks like tips we've learned about eating and exercising, sometimes it looks like sharing coping skills we learned in therapy, and sometimes it's just an infodump about a topic we find interesting or a character we really like from a story!
Like Sunny said, we really care about social activism and mental health issues, and we've made a lot of observations about how those interact with systemic issues like oppression, class structures, and power dynamics. We have a lot of knowledge about dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) specifically, and we've found it to be a really useful tool in life - both with handling our own emotions, and with becoming more open-minded to new information about the world.
We just started a communications class in college and realized because of it how much we value knowledge and communication as a tool for rebellion. We'll go into this some other time, probably, but for now what we'll say is that knowing the truth about how the world works (whether it's politics, health, relationships, or anything else) without disinformation clogging your brain can really empower you to improve yourself and your immediate environment. And sharing that knowledge with others is a really powerful way to band together and start fighting back against the system!
We don't expect to post super frequently since we're not active on social media, but when we do, it should be interesting and hopefully helpful to others!
Finally, this blog is anticapitalist, antiracist, pro-LGBTQ, pro-Palestine, and generally very leftist. You don't have to agree with us on every little thing we say, but if you aren't going to engage in good faith, or if you think select groups of people don't deserve health or safety, just go away!
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pranalip · 2 months
Aramid Fiber Market – Latest Scenario Report And Forecast 2024-2033 | Global Insight Services
Global Insight Services has recently updated its global market reports, now including the latest data for 2024 and projections through 2033.
The global Aramid Fiber market was valued at USD 2.8 Billion in 2022 and it is anticipated to grow up to USD 8.4 Billion by 2032, at a CAGR of 11.6% during the forecast period.
Aramid fiber is a type of synthetic fiber that is heat resistant and strong. It is used in a variety of applications, including bulletproof vests and tires. Aramid fiber is made from a class of polymers called aromatic polyamides. The most common type of aramid fiber is Kevlar.
To Know More@ https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/aramid-fiber-market/?utm_id=Pranalip
Market Trends and Drivers
Increasing demand for security & protective measures in various end-use industries such as military and construction is anticipated to boost the demand for aramid fibers over the forecast period. Aramid fiber is widely utilized in the making of protective clothing, equipment, and accessories owing to its excellent fiber, chemical, mechanical, and thermal properties. Protective clothing is specifically designed, treated, and fabricated to protect personnel from hazards that are caused by dangerous work environments and extreme environmental conditions. Some of the protective clothing is designed to protect workers from pollution or infection. Protective clothing is widely utilized in various end-use industries such as healthcare/medical, mining, oil & gas, manufacturing, building & construction, military, and others.
Request Sample@ https://www.globalinsightservices.com/request-sample/GIS20293/?utm_id=Pranalip
Research Objectives
Estimates and forecast the overall market size for the total market, across product, service type, type, end-user, and region
Detailed information and key takeaways on qualitative and quantitative trends, dynamics, business framework, competitive landscape, and company profiling
Identify factors influencing market growth and challenges, opportunities, drivers and restraints
Identify factors that could limit company participation in identified international markets to help properly calibrate market share expectations and growth rates
Trace and evaluate key development strategies like acquisitions, product launches, mergers, collaborations, business expansions, agreements, partnerships, and R&D activities
Thoroughly analyze smaller market segments strategically, focusing on their potential, individual patterns of growth, and impact on the overall market
To thoroughly outline the competitive landscape within the market, including an assessment of business and corporate strategies, aimed at monitoring and dissecting competitive advancements.
Identify the primary market participants, based on their business objectives, regional footprint, product offerings, and strategic initiatives
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Global Aramid Fiber Market Segmentation
By Type
Para-aramid Fiber
Meta-aramid Fiber
By Application
Robot-Assisted Surgery
Clinical Trials
Hospital Workflow
Therapy Planning
Virtual Assistants
Medical Imaging & Diagnosis
Major Players in the Global Aramid Fiber Market
The overall competitive rivalry remains moderately high in the market studied. The growing presence of big players in the industry is expected to intensify competitive rivalry during the forecast period. The global Bioactive Ingredients Market report includes players such as  Rohtex GmbH (Germany), DuPont De Numerous, Inc. (US), Huvis Corporation (South Korea), Hyosung Corp. (South Korea), Kermel (France), Kolon Industries Inc. (South Korea), SRO Aramid (Jiangsu) Co. Ltd. (China), Teijin Ltd. (Japan), Toray Industries, Inc. (Japan), and Yantai Tayho Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. (China) among others.
Buy your copy here@ https://www.globalinsightservices.com/checkout/single_user/GIS20293/?utm_id=Pranalip
Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis.
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lobal Insight Services (GIS) is a leading multi-industry market research firm headquartered in Delaware, US. We are committed to providing our clients with highest quality data, analysis, and tools to meet all their market research needs. With GIS, you can be assured of the quality of the deliverables, robust & transparent research methodology, and superior service.
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croservices · 2 years
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1. Clinical research organizations are on the rise
The number of clinical research organizations (CROs) is on the rise. This is due to the fact that these organizations offer a number of advantages to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. First and foremost, CROs can help to reduce the cost of clinical trials. These organizations have the staff and the infrastructure in place to conduct clinical trials efficiently and effectively. In addition, CROs have access to a large pool of potential subjects, which can help to speed up the process of conducting clinical trials.
Another advantage of working with a CRO is that they can help to manage the regulatory process. Many CROs have staff who are experienced in dealing with the FDA and other regulatory bodies. This can be a valuable resource for companies who are new to the clinical trial process.
Finally, CROs can provide a number of other services, such as data management and analysis, that can be invaluable to companies conducting clinical trials.
There are a number of reasons why clinical research organizations are on the rise. These organizations offer a number of advantages that can be extremely helpful to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. If you are considering conducting a clinical trial, you should definitely consider working with a CRO.
2. Why clinical research organizations are succeeding
The clinical research industry is booming. In the United States alone, the industry is worth an estimated $60 billion. This is due in large part to the success of clinical research organizations (CROs).
CROs are third-party companies that contract with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to conduct clinical trials. These trials are essential for getting new drugs and treatments approved by the FDA.
The success of CROs is largely due to their expertise in conducting clinical trials. They have the staff and resources to manage all aspects of a trial, from recruiting patients to conducting the research to analyzing the data.
CROs also have a financial incentive to see trials succeed. They are typically paid based on the success of the trial, so they have a vested interest in making sure the trial goes as smoothly as possible.
The success of CROs has led to a boom in the clinical research industry. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are increasingly relying on CROs to conduct their clinical trials. This is good news for patients, as it means that new treatments and cures are being developed at an accelerated pace.
3. The benefits of clinical research organization
A clinical research organization (CRO) is a service provider that contracts with pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies to provide support for all phases of clinical research. A CRO may provide scientific, medical, and operational expertise to its clients. Services performed by a CRO may include laboratory services, project management, data management, site monitoring, and regulatory compliance.
The use of CROs has become increasingly popular as drug development costs have soared and the number of new drug approvals has declined. Pharmaceutical companies are under pressure to reduce costs and improve efficiencies in drug development. CROs can provide expertise and services that allow companies to outsource some or all of the clinical research process.
CROs can offer a number of benefits to pharmaceutical companies. They can provide access to a global network of investigators and sites, as well as expertise in a wide range of therapeutic areas. CROs can also help companies to optimize their clinical development programs and improve their chances of success.
CROs are an important part of the clinical research ecosystem and play a vital role in the development of new therapies Clinical Research Organization.
4. The future of clinical research organization
The clinical research organization (CRO) industry is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 8.6 percent from 2016 to 2021, according to a report by MarketandMarkets. The report cites several factors driving this growth, including an increase in the number of clinical trials being conducted globally, the outsourcing of clinical research by pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, and the need for cost-effective clinical trial management.
The future looks bright for CROs, but there are some challenges that need to be addressed in order to sustain this growth. One of the biggest challenges is the increasing complexity of clinical trials. As treatments become more personalized and targeted, clinical trials are becoming more complex, which can lead to higher costs and longer timelines. CROs need to find ways to streamline their operations and increase efficiencies in order to keep costs down and maintain their competitive edge.
In addition, the traditional business model of CROs is under pressure as pharmaceutical companies look for ways to cut costs. Many pharmaceutical companies are now establishing in-house clinical research capabilities, which could lead to a decline in the demand for CROs. CROs will need to adapt their business models to stay relevant in the changing marketplace.
Despite these challenges, the future looks bright for CROs. The industry is expected to continue to grow at a healthy clip in the coming years, driven by the increasing global demand for clinical research services. CROs that can adapt to the changing marketplace and address the challenges facing the industry will be well positioned for success in the years ahead.
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ledenews · 2 years
Presidential Update from West Liberty University
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  March 2023 Our Hilltopper coaches, student-athletes and the Alumni Affairs team send special thanks to all our alumni who came out to support West Lib basketball at the Topper Takeover during the MEC Tournament at WesBanco Arena this past week! We look forward to seeing you again soon!   Enjoy the video profile above telling the story of Hilltopper Athletics! $500,000 Grant Supports New Healthcare Center Campbell Hall of Health Sciences plans to add a Healthcare Professional Training Center to its student services thanks to a recent $500,000 federal grant received due to the efforts of Sen. Joe Manchin to kickstart the project. More fundraising is now in the works to finish the space. $500,000 Grant Supports New Healthcare CenterWEST LIBERTY, W.Va., Feb. 28, 2023 — Thanks to a $500,000 federal grant, West Liberty University’s College of Sciences will be able to begin work on a new Healthcare Professional Training Center.“This award of $500,000 will support the beginnings of our Healthcare Professional Training Center, to be created on the fourth floor of Campbell Hall. We are so grateful to Senator Joe Manchin who secured these federal funds for us. It represents a critical investment to our mission of higher education for our region,” said Dr. Cathy Monteroso, interim WLU president. The award is one of the Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) projects that were funded through the Fiscal Year 2023 omnibus passed in December and signed into law by President Joe Biden on Dec. 29, 2022.“The Healthcare Professional Training Center will support the education of all health science and biomedical science programs, including undergraduate psychology, speech pathology and audiology, medical laboratory science, nursing, dental hygiene, and biology students, as well as graduate clinical psychology, speech-language pathology, biology, and physician assistant studies majors,” explained Dr. Karen Kettler, dean of the College of Sciences.Read More Thank You Health Plan WLU Foundation Director Betsy Delk thanks The Health Plan President and CEO Jeff Knight for his title sponsorship for Day of Giving 2023, coming up on April 5.Thank You Health PlanWEST LIBERTY, W.Va., March 2, 2023 — The West Liberty University Foundation has announced that The Health Plan will sponsor its seventh annual Topper Day of Giving. The 24-hour online giving event is set for Wednesday, April 5 and is expected to generate vital financial support for West Liberty University’s mission of higher education.“We are pleased to welcome The Health Plan as our Title Sponsor for Topper Day of Giving. With its support as a valued partner, we expect this year’s Day of Giving to be our most successful yet,” said Betsy Delk, executive director of the WLU Foundation.“Topper Day of Giving is one of the Foundation’s most important and successful fundraisers each year. Donations from alumni, faculty, and the community help grow scholarship opportunities for students and funding for programs across campus.”President and CEO of The Health Plan Jeff Knight acknowledged the importance of supporting educational opportunities in the Ohio Valley.“As one of the largest employers in Wheeling, The Health Plan has a vested interest in promoting West Liberty University and helping WLU students achieve their academic and career goals. It’s important for The Health Plan and all local employers to have a solid source of local talent,” he said.Read More BikeWestLib Begins From left, Kathleen Wack, Lou Karas and Kate Billings look over plans now developing for BikeWestLib. BikeWestLib BeginsWEST LIBERTY, W.Va., March 6, 2023 — Thanks to a $5,000 grant received from the Be Active West Virginia Grant Program, West Liberty University will add six bike racks to its campus this spring.“We are so grateful to the Be Active program and the West Virginia Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease, for the assistance in adding this much needed feature to our rural campus,” said Kathleen Wack, associate professor of Health and Physical Education.“This is just the first step in what we are calling ‘BikeWestLib.’ This continued initiative will grow to include mapping safe riding routes, designating bike lanes and adding signage,” added Lou Karas, the Director of WLU’s Center for Arts and Education.Both Wack and Karas were joined by Director of Student Activities Kate Billings in writing the grant and are overseeing the project.“We hope to cultivate a culture of cycling and add to the campus wellness and student intramural program in this manner,” Billings said. A bike-rental or lease program also is part of the long-term plan.Read More Hilltopper Athletics Newsflash President Dr. Cathy Monteroso & Head Men’s Basketball Head Coach Ben Howlett following the Hilltoppers MEC Championship victory on Sunday evening inside WesBanco arena.Hilltopper Athletics NewsflashWEST LIBERTY, W.Va. March 5, 2023 — The top-seeded West Liberty University men's basketball team put on a dominating performance Sunday evening, downing No. 2 Fairmont State, 112-82, to secure a second straight and fifth all-time Mountain East Conference Tournament title.The Hilltoppers become the first team in MEC history to win back-to-back tournament titles and the +30 margin is the largest victory in a championship game in tournament history.The Hilltoppers secured the MEC's automatic bid into the NCAA Division II National Tournament and play next in the Atlantic Region Tournament vs. University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown at 2:30 pm, Saturday, March 11.Wrestling has eight national qualifiers who will travel to Cedar Rapids, Iowa for the NCAA DII National Championships on March 10 and 11, after claiming its third straight team title at the NCAA Super Region 3 Championships.All spring sports are in full swing. Softball will play its home opener this week, Baseball is gearing up for its conference opener on March 18, both men’s and women’s tennis are on spring break trips competing in Florida and South Carolina. Outdoor track & field and men’s golf are both set to begin their spring seasons this month. Read the full article
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Yea, we’re headed out with our wallets open in the wind this weekend too. But as we did previously in 2016 and 2015, we suggest, if you’re comfortable enough as a vagabond of the western world, please consider donating a fraction of this week’s discretionary income to one of the worthy organizations listed below…that way, when you scroll your uglies into Fuckin’ Record Reviews’ BEST REASONS TO WRITE FUCKIN’ RECORD REVIEWS IN 2017 and revisit BEST REASONS TO WRITE FUCKIN’ RECORD REVIEWS IN 2016, BEST REASONS TO WRITE FUCKIN’ RECORD REVIEWS IN 2015 and 2014 and 2013, you won’t feel as bad about yourself as you normally do. Someone, somewhere will give thanks.  Thanks!
Fuckin’ Record Reviews endorses the agendas of the following organizations, each of which includes localized links after the respective jump:
BATTLE FOR NET NEUTRALITY: Imagine you’d have to pay extra for access to Fuckin’ Record Reviews! Egads!!! “Net neutrality is the principle that Internet providers like Comcast & Verizon should not control what we see and do online. In 2015, startups, Internet freedom groups, and 3.7 million commenters won strong net neutrality rules from the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC). The rules prohibit Internet providers from blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization—"fast lanes" for sites that pay, and slow lanes for everyone else.”
SAVE DACA LIVES via HERE TO STAY:  “On September 5th, Donald Trump ended any renewals and new applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, taking away work permits and deportation protection from almost 1 million immigrant youth. Congress must pass a clean Dream Act before going home in December! Tweet these stories to Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and demand a clean Dream Act by December 2017.
COALITION TO STOP GUN VIOLENCE: “CSGV’s guiding principle is simple. We believe that all Americans have a right to live in communities free from gun violence.”
SECULAR COALITION OF AMERICA: “Our mission is to increase the visibility of and respect for nontheistic viewpoints in the United States, and to protect and strengthen the secular character of our government as the best guarantee of freedom for all.”
NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS: “What started as a small group of families gathered around a kitchen table in 1979 has blossomed into the nation’s leading voice on mental health. Today, we are an association of hundreds of local affiliates, state organizations and volunteers who work in your community to raise awareness and provide support and education that was not previously available to those in need.”
PLANNED PARENTHOOD: “In October 2016, Planned Parenthood turned 100 years strong. Planned Parenthood was founded on the revolutionary idea that women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives and fulfill their dreams — no ceilings, no limits. Learn more about how 100 years of care, education, and activism have changed everything. Today, Planned Parenthood is a trusted health care provider, an informed educator, a passionate advocate, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide.”
CLINIC VEST PROJECT: “The mission of the Clinic Vest Project is to provide FREE clinic escort vests to groups that service facilities that support the full range of reproductive health options including safe and legal abortion.”
U.S. COMMITTEE FOR REFUGEES AND IMMIGRANTS (USCRI): “For over 100 years, we have advanced the rights and lives of those who have lost or left their homes. We believe we have a shared responsibility to clear obstacles and uncover opportunities for people everywhere. So, when lives are uprooted by force or by choice, we fight alongside those on the path to independence.”
THE TREVOR PROJECT: “The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.”
AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION (ACLU): “The ACLU is non-profit and non-partisan. We do not receive any government funding. Member dues and contributions and grants from private foundations and individuals pay for the work we do. The ACLU, with headquarters in New York City, litigates across the nation and all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Our Washington, D.C., legislative office lobbies the U.S. Congress. We use strategic communications to educate the public about issues. And the ACLU has expanded its reach by applying international human rights standards in our complex Post 9/11 world. A number of national projects address specific civil liberties issues: AIDS, capital punishment, lesbian and gay rights, immigrants’ rights, prisoners’ rights, reproductive freedom, voting rights, women’s rights and workplace rights.”
NATIONAL ABORTION AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS ACTION LEAGUE (NARAL PRO-CHOICE AMERICA): “NARAL Pro-Choice America uses numerous tactics to lobby for liberalized access to abortion, both in the U.S. and elsewhere. It sponsors lawsuits against governments and hospitals, donates money to politicians supportive of abortion rights through its political action committee, and organizes its members to contact members of Congress and urge them to support NARAL’s positions.”
THE JEREMY WILSON FOUNDATION MUSICIANS’ EMERGENCY HEALTHCARE FUND: “…a safety net for musicians and their families when facing debilitating medical crisis. The JWF creates better access to resources and information to help improve the state of musicians’ health and healthcare, and, in turn, their careers and financial and overall well-being.”
SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER: “Your gift will help win justice on behalf of those who have no other champion, expose and fight the hate that thrives in our country, and provide tolerance education materials free of charge to schools across our nation.”
NATIONAL NETWORK OF ABORTION FUNDS: “The National Network of Abortion Funds works to make sure that all people can get the abortions they seek. If you are seeking help paying for an abortion, we are here today to help you get what you need. The local abortion funds in our organization help people pay for abortions they can’t otherwise afford.”
EMILY’S LIST: “We elect pro-choice Democratic women to office.”
BRADY CAMPAIGN TO PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE: “The mission of the Brady organization is to create a safer America for all of us that will lead to a dramatic reduction in gun deaths and injuries. Of the 32,000 people who die from gun violence in this country each year, how many could be saved? Brady has announced the bold goal to cut the number of U.S. gun deaths in half by 2025, based on an innovative and exciting strategy that centers on the idea of keeping guns out of the wrong hands through three impact-driven, broadly engaging campaigns: (1) a policy focus to “Finish the Job” so that life-saving Brady background checks are applied to all gun sales; (2) to “Stop ‘Bad Apple’ Gun Dealers” – the 5 percent of gun dealers that supply 90 percent of all crime guns; and (3) to lead a new national conversation and change social norms around the real dangers of guns in the home, to prevent the homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings that happen every day as a result.”
WFMU: the premier “…listener-supported, non-commercial radio station broadcasting at 91.1 Mhz FM in Jersey City, NJ, right across the Hudson from lower Manhattan. It is currently the longest running freeform radio station in the United States.”
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knitmeapainting · 2 years
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Hey chicago! I will be at an ABBA / Kate Bush themed dance party tonight called Waking the Witch. It's at the empty bottle and I'll proceeds go to the clinic vest project, an amazing organization that supports folks who escort clients past the protesters at reproductive health clinics.
Donate to CVP and you can pick out one of my tiny paintings for free as a thank you for your donation!
You can still get tickets here:
Once the event is over, I'll be updating my website with every painting that's available and I am willing to mail tiny paintings to anyone in the US who donates to CVP. Watch this space!
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drakonfire12 · 2 years
Ways to help Ukraine...
This is part of my larger post on the war where you can find various posts and sources on various topics. [Table of Contents here] 
Quick List:
Songs whose YouTube revenue goes to Ukraine 
Together with Ukraine - songs whose revenue goes to Ukraine
Though MS Rewards or Give with Bing [see my post for how-to]
Donate to the United24 initiative - various fundraising projects
“Project Ukraine” Historytube YT revenues that goes to humanitarian aid to Ukraine through the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Centre
Come Back Alive / Повернись живим (helps the army)
Serhiy Prytula / Сергій Притула’s charity foundation (2 choices: military or humanitarian aid)
Donate to help rebuild Irpin (for example their Paypal: [email protected])
Ukraine-helpers (various purposes)
forPEACE (local and a range of activities)
UhelpUkraine [Canada] - humanitarian aid drop locations, but also doing a crowdfund for a Bayraktar drone
Repair Together (volunteers helping restore damage done to communities) (Paypal: [email protected]) (their links)
Longer List:
(1a) How to help:
United24 (UA gov’t)
NEST - temporary mobile homes for Ukrainians
YouTube Revenue of Songs that goes to Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine (with helpful replies) [my post with additions replies] [my spreadsheet]
Someone’s earlier post of ways to donate to Roma refugees from Ukraine
Charities listed by Miraculers for Ukraine with more information [list of posts]
Defend Ukraine - verified ways to donate. With help of HIGHGATE with the support of the Ukrainian diaspora in the US, EU and UK.
Ukraine-helpers (various purposes)
Repair Together (volunteers helping restore damage done to communities) (Paypal: [email protected]) (their links)
how to help women list of charities [link]
helping queer people from the three countries [link]
list of ways to support the LGBT+ [link to list]
Diaspora Organizations [my post]
(1b) How to Help (for convenience, organization links are taken from the above posts):
Various purposes:
Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal [Canada-based]. Latest one is for Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital.
Music Saves UA: Ukrainian Association of Music Events to provide immediate humanitarian help
Fight for Rights: Ukrainian People With Disabilities in Crisis [Ukraine-based]
Unite With Ukraine (diaspora organization helps with medical and army supplies)
Razom for Ukraine (US-based. Medical supplies)
Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center &   Memory Foundation “Babyn Yar" (humanitarian aid and evacuations of people and cultural artifacts).
Choven/Lifeboat - “ provides bulletproof vests, tourniquets and other equipment to hot spots”
Rocky Mountain Aid - tourniquets, psychological help...
NGO Heroiam Slava - for Ukrainian soldiers, drones, and humanitarian aid.
KHARPP - rebuilds homes, generators, Starlink.....
Come Back Alive / Повернись живим (helps the army) [eng]
Blue/Yellow for Ukraine (Lithuania. “Aid is provided to the soldiers, volunteers and territorial defense.”)
Dzyja’s Paws - radios, drones, mine probes, Starlink terminals...
Wild hornets - drones (& PayPal: [email protected])
Zemliachka / Землячки - supplies for female soldiers: shoes, underwear, hygiene products... (& PayPal: [email protected])
DrukArmiia /3D Print Army - 3D printing parts for the army (includes suggestions for printer and educational resources. Site languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish and German). PayPal: [email protected]
Medical Aid:
Leleka Foundation (medical aid)
Hospitallers - volunteer paramedics.
The Center of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery at Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital  
Superhuman Centre - rehab, surgeries, prosthetics...
UNBROKEN - rehab, prosthetics
Okhmatdyt’s fund for Rare Diseases - for their children’s hospital. (Yes the one that got bombed)
Força Foundation - training for Ukrainian medical staff [x][Instagram][Linktree]
EveryoneCan - helps disabled people, the elderly, and hospitals
ГО "Життя Переможе"/ GoLifeGo - hemostatic bandages
Humanitarian aid:
World Central Kitchen (humanitarian aid to refugees)  
Help Ukraine Center [Poland-based]
Together with Ukraine - songs whose revenue goes to Ukraine [goes to Ukrainian Red Cross Society]
Starenki - help for elderly people
Help for Journalists:
24.02 Fund - supporting: Journalism Emergency Fund for Ukraine
Help for refugees:
Допомога українським біженцям в Болгарії/Помощ за украинските бежанци    
Hire for Ukraine (posting jobs for Ukrainian refugees, Ukrainians post their qualifications...)
Animal Rescue:
UAnimals (humanitarian aid to animals)
NOR DOG Animal Rescue - help animals on frontlines.
“Domivka” animal shelter in L’viv. 
(1c) People raising money:
Serhiy Prytula / Сергій Притула’s charity foundation (can choose either military or humanitarian aid). Check his Insta or Fb to see some of what he’s already done.
Anastasiia Lapatina’s mom, Iryna (PayPal: [email protected]) brings humanitarian aid (clothes, food, medicine) to soldiers, kids, elderly, animals. [Tweet thread]
Timur Aliev and team - evacuations, humanitarian aid in Kharkiv (PayPal: [email protected]
ZSUAngel on Twitter - helps army (PayPal: [email protected])
Brandon Mitchell - paramedic essentially (PayPal [email protected])
Other options: Ukrainian YouTubers constantly running fundraisers (usually for the army)
BIHUS.info (journalists)
Farid Hovoryt’ (also TV newscaster and has a YouTube channel)
Geek Journal (now in the army)
Real’na istoriia 
Serhii Peichev
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
Three Photo Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @tryingtimi! Love stuff like this.
Rules: Find 3 photos/images (they can be anything at all, memes, vintage photographs, quotes, anything) that you feel describe your wip. If you want, you can tell a little bit your story, too. You can do it with or without the context.
Second Serpent: Bird & Fish
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Small excerpt below the cut.
In the darkness, a familiar, metallic scent stung at her senses. Blood. Old.
A tunnel walled from top to bottom in tile stood before them. Clinical white surfaces now held the grey pallor of dust, the mark of years resting over long-dried streaks of blood and decay. Bodies, now skeletons, were scattered along the corridor. Clothes clung to the bones—the sterile suits of doctors, the flimsy dressing gowns of the sick. Some wore protective vests, Schmidt & Foster issue, heavy and falling off of what remained of them. No cannon residue, no marks from knives or other melee weaponry, no holes where fabric or armor may have been punctured. The ones who carried guns had not drawn them.
Seung stepped lightly over the ground, moving to catch up to Rhen and Antoni. The two were not surprised, moving through the corridor.
“What happened here?” Seung asked. She noted the patterns of crimson, high arcs of arterial spray, flecks against the ceiling.
Rhen avoided Seung’s eyes. Antoni looked back at her with an odd smile. “Project Bloom happened,” he said. He pushed a gurney out of their path. The skeleton splayed on top of it hit the wall and rattled. Seung had never found the need to respect the dead—no dead man but her father, anyway—and didn’t start now. But she noted Antoni’s brazen countenance, coupled with Rhen’s quiet, and filed it away.
The tunnel was long—at least a mile, by Seung’s estimate. It sloped downward, crawling deeper into the earth. A pressure that was not just altitude began to build, a disquiet that felt both familiar and new, growing with each step. Seung slowed to a stop. Rhen and Antoni turned to look at her, halting their progress. Rhen’s ever-present smile was gone, replaced with cold resignation.
What she wouldn’t give, at times, to have Ehren’s insight.
“You haven’t brought me here for the view,” Seung said, gesturing to the bodies at their feet. Their numbers increased the farther down they went. Whatever had ended these people, it had taken advantage of the natural bottleneck. No way out but up.
“What is this place?” Seung asked.
“A very old Schmidt & Foster facility,” Rhen replied. “We think it predates the Spacebelt Catastrophe. It was abandoned. Project Bloom repurposed it and the resources left behind.”
“Project Bloom?”
Antoni stepped forward to cut them off. Rhen raised her hand, halting him. She did not look away from Seung. “An experimental trial in cast oil exposure, funded and sourced by the Liberation. Anecdotal evidence supported the hypothesis that cast oil exposure in certain quantities to certain people caused valuable mutations—the next step in evolutionary development.”
They weren’t her words—too practiced and concise. How many times had she rehearsed this explanation? How many times had she rattled off the words in broken mirrors, or heard them spoken in her presence?
Seung nodded further down the hall, where the door to a freight elevator loomed ominously. “Why was it blocked off?”
“A leak of cast oil aerosolized,” Rhen said. “The facility residents were already exposed, but they closed off the area to minimize the damage to the rest of New London.”
“How long?”
“Four years ago.”
Seung looked down at one of the skeletons by their feet, draped a patient’s gown covered in blood but long since dried. Empty eye sockets. She remembered H, the eruption of blood as his eyeballs had burst—the fat, pulsing worms that had pushed them out.
“These people didn’t just die of exposure.”
“Not just,” Rhen agreed. She took another step forward, careful. Seung stood her ground. “The airborne cast oil initiated a space-time anomaly. A crack into the void opened.” Rhen hesitated, considering her next words carefully. “Something came through.”
“Something,” Seung huffed.
“Part of something,” Rhen amended.
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catty-words · 3 years
“there was this moment last term where i thought maybe you liked me...”: an examination of maeve’s understanding of her relationship with otis
part two: nightmare nancy drew, checking up on her heart // part one: “i’m not inviting you in,” said the liar
though it could certainly be explained away given the basis for their relationship is a sex clinic and they both appreciate a good theme, the fact remains that we pick up maeve and otis’ relationship with a charged exchange of erotic images in episode four. having settled into friendship, the two of them now seem to be flirting with the possibility of something more.
the episode itself encourages this read, given we follow up with otis’ best friend accusing him of being in love with maeve and with maeve having some especially heated sex with jackson - the implication being that the exchange of pornographic images with otis has left her riled up.
and, if it wasn’t already clear by this point, the following scene where jackson approaches otis with his proposition throws into sharp relief the conflict each member of the love triangle will be grappling with for the episode: namely the way maeve’s relationship with jackson is sexually fulfilling but devoid of emotional intimacy, while otis is currently her closest friend but not someone with whom she has a sexual relationship. but while the episode centers on the boys’ desire for a more complete connection with maeve, this essay is about maeve’s pov, not theirs.
with that in mind, what i find most interesting about the first half of the episode is this pair of subtle moments, as they do a lot of work establishing the headspace in which maeve finds herself.
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though she’s kicking the kissing couple out of her way and stealing in these two scenes, she still takes a beat to find the intimacy between both the student couple and cynthia and jeffrey charming. i don’t think it’s a stretch to claim that this open craving for and appreciation of romance is a result of otis’ recent entrance into her life. on top of having a lucrative project to focus on because of and with him, she’s rendered just as cupcake-y as he is by their texting. they’re both a little giddy with their newfound closeness.
still, we’ve established how the closeness does not translate to a physical relationship, which is what maeve’s yearning for here. for this reason, and possibly because he’s trying so hard to show an interest in the things she likes to talk about anyway, maeve turns to jackson for conversation instead of otis. though, at this point, she’s still not interested in the possibility of a committed relationship, she is interested in testing the boundaries of their current dynamic, hoping to determine if she can she have a stimulating friendship with jackson in addition to a thriving sexual relationship. the conclusion she reaches appears to be an affirmative one.
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this leaves her with one reservation where jackson’s concerned: the fact that she doesn’t want a boyfriend. and when aimee pushes maeve to elaborate, maeve deflects. her question of “what’s so good about [having a boyfriend]?” effectively distracts aimee with talk of kyle.
otis, on the other hand, is not so easily put off the line of questioning - both because he has a much more vested interest in the answer than aimee and because he’s generally a bit sharper than her and therefore better suited to being the friend that can needle confidences out of maeve and her steely exterior.
and needle he does, first uncovering the general admission that boyfriends are “just someone else to let you down” in maeve’s eyes, and then the more jackson-specific answer that she feels the difference in their status acutely - which we, the audience, should have already picked up on given that she’s brought up the fact that jackson wanted to keep their hooking up a secret twice now - once at aimee’s party and again at the beginning of this episode. her exact words, in fact, are “jackson, i’m not offended that you wanna keep this a secret.” the doth protest too much energy could not be more evident.
while confessing this, it’s interesting to note that, just as maeve was experimenting with adding the missing element to her relationship with jackson earlier, she’s - consciously or not - testing the bounds of a physical relationship with otis.
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i mean, look at her exhibiting the same dreamy pleasure that she did over witnessing other couples’ affection both when jackson texts her back and when she’s struck with the idea to push otis into the pool. whether or not she’s realized her intentions or true feelings on the matter for herself, she has positioned otis against jackson as a potential love interest and spends the episode weighing them against each other.
however, where she gets a conclusive answer to whether or not her and jackson can carry on a friendship (skewed though the results may be by otis’ unfortunate interference), she's left only with otis’ compelling oddness for an answer as to whether they have any kind of physical compatibility. she gets out of the pool still interested by her own admission, but with her curiosity unsatisfied.
and i think it’s especially important to note the exact way otis reacts to her getting more romantically physical than ever before with him.
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while the audience has the context for this panic-stricken response, maeve has no idea that otis has a mental-block when it comes to wanking and therefore becomes severely uncomfortable whenever he has an erection. as far as she can tell, he just said “ow” and pulled away from physical contact with her for no more reason than it was physical contact with her.
anyway, it’s with maeve’s confirmation that her and jackson could have more than just transcendental sex and her lack of any conclusive proof that her and otis are compatible as more than just friends that we enter the final act of this episode. and that might have been enough on its own to get maeve to respond positively to jackson’s grand gesture. but it’s this moment here that really sets up maeve accepting jackson’s final request that she be his girlfriend.
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as she said to otis, maeve’s primary hang-up when it comes to dating jackson is the fact that he made it clear at the start that he was ashamed of their hooking up. and since his grand gesture amounts to school-wide acknowledgement that he has feelings for her and doesn’t care what anyone might say about it, maeve’s left with no readily available reason to turn down jackson. so she doesn’t. she doesn’t wholeheartedly agree, either, but she finds herself open to the idea that seeing where things go with jackson is worth it for the chance at the intimacy her friendship with otis has made her more comfortable admitting she craves.
except we open episode five with the revelation that a month has passed and maeve’s still fighting that very intimacy with jackson, as evidenced by her resistance to meeting his parents and the jokey frustration behind his line “cool. we’ll just have sex in the back of my car forever.” still, jackson’s concerning tendency to push past the boundaries maeve tries to establish rears its ugly head, and she’s dragged along into this serious relationship milestone.
though it seemed like the show was endorsing the Grand Gesture as romantic even after ruthlessly mocking it in episode four, it chooses to shine a light on the emptiness of the trope in episode five by carrying over the issue with maeve and jackson’s differences in social status. his public acknowledgement of his feelings for her felt good in the moment, but it did nothing to fix their deeper incompatibility. because, while episode four sells us on the lie that the discrepancy in social standing was a problem because jackson made it one, episode five makes it clear that it was self-shame on maeve’s part all along. jackson wanting to keep their hookups a secret certainly didn’t help, but the heart of the matter is that maeve that cannot handle the way jackson’s nice, clean house and doting parents make her feel like “grotty, stinky cock biter who lives in a caravan.” she fears that’s all she’ll ever be and is, therefore, not good enough for someone who’s more.
with these insecurities at the front of her mind and given the chance to save someone else from an unflattering sexual reputation, maeve jumps on the clinic business with a one-track intensity that speaks to just how badly she wants to feel worthy of something better. and the fact that she chooses otis as her companion in this quest speaks to the way she doesn’t feel pressure to be anything but herself around him. he’s all at once understanding of how trapped she feels and the person who supports her in her effort to be more. i mean, consider this moment here.
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we’ve been tracking maeve’s willingness to open up and it doesn’t get any more nakedly vulnerable than this beat, which follows a speech in which her anger and hurt over the reputation that casts a pall over everything she does is seeping out of her every pore.
anyway, the bottom line is, despite having committed to jackson in episode four, maeve is back to avoiding true intimacy and vulnerability with him while leaning on otis for the very same. and though otis misinterprets it a little, he’s clearly picked up on this pattern.
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his implication that she only wants him around for clinic stuff (and therefore, money) or to avoid jackson misses the fact that it’s not about jackson at all for her (and definitely not about the money in this case, since they’re not making any). as she tells him, maeve wants otis around because he’s her friend. she’s naturally inclined to enjoy his company and feels most comfortable being herself when she’s around him.
and then there’s this moment.
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(yes, it’s about eyebrows, okay, let me live my best life) up until this moment, maeve maintains some plausible deniability about whether or not she recognizes how deep her feelings for otis have become. but his challenging the assertion that they’re friends catches her off guard, and she looks like her heart just stopped over the possibility that he’s forcing the conversation about how much more than friends they act.
since the following scene they share together includes maeve flirtily challenging otis to steal and her peering in on ola and him sharing a moment with obvious jealousy, i don’t think my read of the above moment as a turning point for her is without in-text support.
which brings us to the all-important bridge scene. having just acknowledged out loud that she’s not expecting jackson to forgive her for running away, she experiences a moment with otis wherein he initiates a bit of physical contact - pretty much for the first time in their relationship. and almost immediately in response, maeve’s body language turns coveting of a kiss.
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so when otis aborts his lean in rather abruptly, jerking away from her, it’s no wonder that maeve looks confused and hurt.
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though it’d be easy to read her reaction as simple disappointment with otis’ confession - especially since it casts a strange light on their joint venture - it’s important to remember that this marks the second occasion where he’s reacted with panic to physical contact with her. and, once again, while we know exactly why otis is psyching himself out, maeve lacks similar context.
which is probably why, having just succeeded in her mission to save ruby from a similar Cock Biter fate and having just gathered some pretty damning evidence that otis doesn’t want to take their relationship outside the realm of friendship, maeve feels compelled to return to jackson. operating under the assumption that otis is no longer a potential romantic interest, maeve submits to the true intimacy jackson’s been after for a while by showing him where she lives and communicating her anxieties about their respective statuses. they share a genuinely nice moment where they both come to understand the other better, and their relationship becomes richer for it.
of course, we’re only just more than halfway through the season, and maeve’s affections are anything but settled, even if her attachment to jackson has reached new depths. after all, “you can’t choose who you’re attracted to. you can’t engineer a relationship.” and maeve’s about to learn these lessons the hard way.
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tailorvizsla · 4 years
You didn't think I wouldn't ask for some Boba Fett though now did you? (Of course not, he is the new shiny for me iuwhei) ✨ HC Of my Choice... What about having your first kiss with Boba and he doesn't #know it is your first one till part-way through or after? Am I projecting? Yes, yes I am.
Title: HC – Boba Fett and First Kiss Pairing: Gender neutral Reader x Boba Fett Word Count: ~1700 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Boba Fett is a grumpy bastard, but you hold your own against him. Boba also gets injured, but there aren’t any graphic descriptions of the injuries. Author’s Notes: Okay, my Angle, I’ve been thinking about this one for as long as it’s been sitting in my inbox. I’m not familiar with Boba Fett’s character, so I wanted to make sure this was good for you. So, without further ado, here we go with the Big Green Grumpy Jerk who has somehow inexplicably charmed his way into my heart with a few gruff comments.
Tagging @princessbatears because chaos? :>
📚 My Master List 📚
Boba Fett isn’t a man of many words. It’s not that he’s shy or anything – he just doesn’t like talking to people beyond what is necessary. He has worked alone his entire life, so the sound of others’ voices just sort of grates on him. He especially does not like being crowded by people.
So, one day, while doing his thing, he ends up injured. It’s not even due to combat. His jetpack just…sputters out. His beskar’gam turns what should have been a fatal fall into a very painful one. He knows he has broken a lot of bones, but Boba refuses to die like this. He crawls his way back to his bike, calls for medical aid, and prays to the Maker that someone in town will come help him.
You are the only person who does come to help him. Most other people are too afraid of the Imperial remnants to work with a Mandalorian. Others are too afraid of Mandalorians to work with a Mandalorian. You? You are not afraid of much. He is not sure if you are brave or stupid. After splinting the worst of the damage, you get him onto the bike and get him back into town. It is at this point that Boba finds himself leaning toward thinking you are stupidly caring and trusting.
You inject him with bacta – the good kind that makes him giggly, sleepy, and numb – and get to work. When he wakes up, he’s wrapped in an annoying number of casts and splints, but at least he’s still alive. However, you then give him the bad news: the fall has damaged many of the delicate nerves in his back. If he fails to undergo physical therapy, there is a real chance he may never walk again. He’s no medical expert, but when he looks at the scans you took, he knows you aren’t lying.
So, Boba resigns himself to having to deal with you on a regular basis. The first physical therapy exercises are simple, yet they exhaust him to the point where he just passes out. As the days go by, he starts putting up the walls to keep you out. (Spoiler alert: you manage to find your way through the cracks in the wall, annoying him with barely any effort on your behalf.)
Now, under ideal circumstances, this shitshow would end with Boba Fett getting back on his feet, paying you handsomely for the amount of time you have spent getting him put together, and going back to bounty hunting, never to think of you again. But of course, the universe throws an even bigger wrench into his carefully thought-out plans. Someone finds out that you’re taking care of him and a whole bunch of angry townspeople converge on your little clinic. He grabs you and the two of you run. The last thing you see is your clinic going up in flames. (Boba can’t believe the shortsightedness of these people – they’ve driven off their only competent medical professional. What are they going to do next? Kill their only competent mechanic? Di’kute, every last one of them.)
And so, the two of you go off on a merry adventure, annoying the absolute shit out of each other on a regular basis. Boba especially is concerned at how easily you have managed to find every single weak point in his defenses – physical, mental, and emotional. You are a fair shot with your blaster, so when he got fresh with you that one time, telling you that your ass looked downright edible in the trousers you had borrowed from him, you drew your blaster and fired a shot off at his feet. He laughed so hard his bucket nearly fell off. (You are not sure if you are disturbed that he finds being shot at amusing. He does scold you a bit, but you do notice that he does not talk about your ass anymore.)
With your knife? You’re lethal, and he learns that the hard way when he fails to announce his presence behind you. One moment Boba is reaching to touch your shoulder and the next moment, he’s got your elbow in his face and your penknife embedded in his flak vest. Fortunately, the blade’s too short to cause serious damage, but he does not let you forget that you kriffing stabbed him when he was only trying to ask you what you wanted for dinner.
Even though Boba would rather cover himself in tiingilar sauce and crawl back into the sarlacc pit headfirst than ever admit it, the two of you make a damn good team. He goes off to hunt bounties, you stay in town to provide your medical services for a fair fee. Sometimes, when your services are not needed, you’ll hang back at the ship and do some basic accounting to keep him within his budget.
Boba grumbles when you ask to accompany him on a hunt, but he figures you really do need to learn how to defend yourself if anything should happen to him. When the two of you were surrounded by goons, you naturally fell into place behind him, your back to his, covering his shebs while he provides the heavy firepower. When the numbers are thinned to something more manageable, he sets you loose on them, letting you practice your knife skills. And by the Maker, he is impressed with how much you have improved since the last time you stabbed him.
Between hunts, you get his shebs back into fighting shape. Hell, he thinks he’s even better than he was before. The exercises you insist on forcing on him have made him more flexible than he was before, and his bones no longer creak first thing in the morning. One particularly hot, muggy day, you try to make him drink that vile green vegetable concoction you call a smoothie. Smooth his shebs, there are chunks in that liquefied animal feed. Sometimes he wonders if you’re trying to kill him on purpose.
(You don’t know this, but Boba has already arranged for everything in his possession, ships and banking accounts included, to be transferred to you in the event of his death. Hell, he has even started negotiating with a friendly Tribe to make sure you have a home to go to and your pick of their warriors for marriage, should you be interested. Boba justifies it this way: the last time his jetpack mutinied, he ended up several hundred thousand credits in debt to you by his estimation. By ensuring you have a safe place to go, and a family ready to welcome you, he can offset the immeasurable debt he owes you. It hurts to think of this, but Boba genuinely cannot bear the thought of you being alone in this cruel galaxy, the same way he had been when he was a child. So, if he ever does piss you off to the point where you off him in his sleep, you’ll be fine.)
You keep pushing and pushing, insisting that he needs B-vitamins or some other bantha-shit he’s sure you’ve made up for the sole purpose of annoying him. When you start going on about macronutrients and essential vitamins, Boba loses it. He tosses his cutlery down and goes stomping off toward the cockpit. You follow him, blathering on and on about the last blood panel you had pulled – HDLs, LDLs, and a whole slew of acronyms later, he loses it. Rather than snap at you, he shuts you up the only way his poor sleep-deprived brain can come up with.
Boba pushes you up against the wall, gently to avoid hurting you. You don’t seem at all phased. In fact, you start waving the paper at him as you try to draw his attention to his sodium levels. Boba leans in and presses his lips to yours. You finally stop talking, your entire body going stiff in response. He takes a moment to nibble along your lower lip before parting your lips with his, tongue probing a bit deeper in, and you still aren’t responding. Boba draws back and stares down at you. You’re wide-eyed and clearly in shock.
He leans in again. This time you respond clumsily, your hands clutching at that stupid piece of paper. He gently wrestles it out of your grasp and crumples it up. Then he tosses it over his shoulder, not caring where it lands. He cups the back of your head and deepens the kiss. Still, you’re not responding the way he wants, so he draws back.
“What, never been kissed before?” he asks.
Before he can say anything else, he realizes that that was your first kiss. While Boba has never wanted to be anyone’s First Anything, he realizes that he wants to make an exception for you. There’s no one in this entire galaxy who can annoy the shit out of him in one breath and then worry about his health in the next. You are his little baar’ur. After you have wormed your way under his plating and so selfishly made yourself a fixture in his life without his permission? Oh, no, no, you are not going anywhere.
He cuts off your stammering with another kiss. He takes this one slow, moving your hands to where he wants you to touch him – one at his nape, the other at the small of his back, right over that spot that makes his knees weak.
This time, you respond. Slowly, hesitantly, but as you grow more confident, your hands begin to stray. You worm your fingers up the back of his shirt and dig your nails into the sensitive skin there, making him gasp in pleasure. Then you dig your fingers into his long hair and tug lightly, earning a low growl from him. You freeze and stare up at him with wide eyes until he leans back in.
Fortunately, your big smart science brain learns his likes and dislikes very quickly. When he finally pulls away, he finds that he really likes what he sees – your shirt’s rumpled, your hair is sticking up, and your lips are red and swollen from his kisses. Then and there, he makes a vow to make sure you always look like a mess.
(Spoiler alert: quite a few more of your firsts happen right here in the cockpit.)
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kayparker20 · 4 years
Inner Turmoil - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Kakashi, So Help Me!
Sakura couldn’t have felt more trepidation than she had the last few days. How do you tell your surrogate mother, that is also the hokage, that you love, and may have possibly, slightly, maybe, already slept with your team leader who is 14 years your senior? And your former sensei? Certainly she would be at least a little understanding, right? Maybe she could at least be happy for her? Would she disband team 7? No, that would be horrible….
She went to sit up, being forced to remember the pale, muscular arm that was currently pinning her waist to a chest. A very muscular and defined chest. She turned red as she heard her lover grumble softly as he began to wake up. “Sakura, where are you going…” 
Ah yes, speaking of sleeping with him, it has been in his bed that she had been in for the last three nights. And not exactly very conspicuously. Not that she had any regrets, but it was all still so new. It was only a little over a week ago she had been pep-talked by none other than Naruto to try and get through to Kakashi.
She smiled softly, flipping over awkwardly to face him. “Well, someone, meaning one of us, should probably tell the hokage we’re together before she hears through the gossip that is beginning to start…” 
He opened his charcoal eye to watch her carefully. “And you intend to do that, right now, when she’s probably hung over and already going to be angry.”
Sakura giggled. “If you think I can’t handle her hangovers after going through being trained by her, you’re sadly mistaken. I learned to dodge things quite well under her wing!”
He chuckled as pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. “I love you.” He said softly. “But maybe, I should be the one to tell her.”
She gazed up at Kakashi, a little confused at his offer. “Are you sure about that?” She placed a hand on his cheek. “I’m almost certain she would pummel you without thinking twice, unlike myself.”
He smirked. “Perhaps, I deserve that exact pummeling.” His face fell a bit as his thoughts tread deeper. He was currently in bed, naked from last night, with his former student. The more he thought about it, the more he was beginning to want to distance himself, no matter how much he loves her. He didn’t think it was worth ruining her life with it.
Sakura knit her eyebrows together in concern, before sliding her hand from his cheek into his hair and kissing him softly. 
He returned the kiss half-heartedly at first, the feelings of discouragement present in his mind. When her leg moved to wrap around his waist, he pressed her flesh against his body, earning a soft moan from his pinkette. He slanted his mouth over hers fully, easily sliding his tongue past her lips to tangle with her own. She hummed softly in approval, tugging softly at his silver strands.
He rolled her over onto her back, kissing down her jawline and neck. “At this rate, we won’t tell her before her hangover fades.” He chuckled softly, running his hands down her sides, delighted at the shivers running through her body from his touch.
She opened her eyes to gaze at him lovingly before sitting up, and cradling his face in her hands. “I love you, Kakashi.” She smiled warmly, before pecking his lips softly once more. “But we have got to tell her today.”
He rested his forehead against hers, and nodded softly. “I’ll get dressed and head over to the hokage tower now.”
Sakura looked away. “Do you think she would disband team seven because of us..?” She huffed. “What about Naruto?”
Kakashi sighed softly. “I’m sure Naruto is well aware of the possibilities that us getting together could lead to. I’m not really sure what she will do, but that is usually the protocol when a leader becomes romantically involved with a teammate. But I can imagine she isn’t going to be happy…” 
She nodded before curling back up in his blankets and sighing. 
“I’ll be back as soon as I can. Don’t wait on me if you have plans.” He chuckled softly and kissed her forehead.
He stood up and strided over to his dresser, grabbing one of his usual standard uniforms. He eased himself into his pants, finding his muscles to feel a bit stiff. He slid a shirt over his torso before slipping on his flak vest. Within moments he was gone from his apartment, leaving Sakura in her thoughts.
Shizune softly knocked on the door, assuming the Fifth would be hungover this morning, as she was many other recent mornings. “My Lady…”
“Go away, there are no mission reports to be gathered as I am more than well aware none of the shinobi I sent are back yet!” The blonde hokage grumbled as her head laid on her desk.
“I actually maybe have some other news of interest, My Lady….” Shizune opened the door to the office of her master and hokage, and the hokages that had come before her. She held a glass of water in her hand, and Tonton in her other arm. “There appear to be some rumours going about.”
Tsunade snatched the glass of water. “Are you really interrupting my hangover with petty gossip, Shizune?” She narrowed her eyes over the rim of the glass as she took a sip, her manicured hands gripping the glass tightly. 
“Uh, well. I wouldn’t say i-it is petty gossip, but yes, gossip nonetheless.” Shizune gulped audibly, knowing her friend would not appreciate the coming news. 
Tsunade eyed the raven haired girl from behind her desk. She had better hope it was worth waking her up or else she just might knock her into next week. Maybe from right out the window from the top of this damned tower. “Well, get on with it then, what are you waiting for?” She grumbled and settled back against her chair.
Shizune set her shoulders before meeting Tsunade's eyes. “When was the last time you spoke with Sakura?” 
The blonde busty woman raised an eyebrow. “Why would Sakura be the object of gossip among shinobi?” Her voice was level, and her fists clenched, ready to clobber anyone who might think it a good idea to put dirt on the name of one of her apprentices.
“Ah, so you haven’t spoken with her in, say, the last week? Month?” Shizune chuckled nervously. “Maybe perhaps about something in her… Personal life?”
“Shizune, the last time I spoke to Sakura, we were talking about her wish to open up a mental health clinic specifically aimed toward shinobi and the traumas they face, as well as her current project with the children’s clinic that she and Ino plan to run together.” She huffed out irritably. “And that was a little over a month ago, outside of just directing her duties in the hospital, as you would know from being present yourself. I don’t know if you could tell, but I’ve been rather busy here and so has she at the hospital.”
Shizune rolled her eyes. Knowing busy was really drowning in sake and grief like usual, only worse still since the death of the beloved Jiraiya. She knew why she drank so much more lately, everyone did. No one had yet dared say anything to her as she still met her hokage duties sober… Mostly so anyway. 
“So, no. I haven’t been told about anything in her personal life.” Tsunade snapped. “Now, spill it before you piss me off even more, damnit.”
“Rumours are going around that she and Kakashi are…” Shizune scratched the back of her neck. “Well uh… Together, you could say? Genma said he took her home from the bar about a month ago while they were both pretty deep into drinking.” She watched as Tsunade’s glare only deepened. 
“Well, I would think it fit that Kakashi would make sure she got home safely, even in a drunken state. He knows how to handle his liquor like any shinobi. Though Sakura still has that to learn…” The amber eyed woman said through gritted teeth.
“True…” Shizune nodded. “However… That wouldn’t explain Raidou telling me that he heard Asuma telling Kurenai he found Kakashi ‘tangled up with the hokage’s apprentice’, about a month ago...” She snickered lightly. “And we both know it wasn’t me, because I’ve been ‘tangled up’ with Genma…” She blushed lightly at the admittance, even though she knows her shishou is well aware of her feelings for that ‘imbecile’ as she calls him. 
“You mean to tell me…” Tsunade stood up from her desk. “That Kakashi is sleeping with Sakura, as a team leader, and her former sensei.”
Truth be told she couldn’t give a damn less that they were together, it was more about how she was finding out. She couldn’t believe Sakura hadn’t told her. Kakashi followed his duty well, so to find that he hadn’t informed her of such events was shocking. Her eyes narrowed the more she thought about the situation.
She was more than well aware that no matter how much Sakura had grown as a ninja, she was still vulnerable emotionally, and the very thought that she could just been used in a drunken one night stand made the motherly woman’s blood boil, well aware that Kakashi was not one for attachments and that Sakura very well would get attached.
“Y-Yes… My Lady.” Shizune nodded softly.
“You find that damned white wolf and you get him in my office, now!”
“Baa-chan!” Naruto came bounding into the office. “Are there any-”
“Naruto, what have I told you about just barging in here!”
Naruto cowered at the sight of her already being angry. “Ah! Why are you so angry, it’s only 9AM, Granny!” Naruto whined and shielded himself from potentially flying office supplies.
“No matter, go find your damned team leader and you had better do it right now!” She snapped.
“Uh-oh…” Naruto nodded gravely and darted from his future office.
That can’t be a good sign. If Kakashi is the reason Tsunade is so angry that could only mean one thing… 
Naruto was making a beeline for Kakashi’s apartment before slamming into a familiar and rather amused looking blonde ninja. “Ah, sorry Ino, gotta go!”
“I knew it!” The blonde screeched, having overheard the prior conversation. “Sakura is with Kakashi!”
“Well, yeah! She didn’t tell you?” Naruto stopped and stared at Ino dumbfounded.
“You mean she told you, but not me!”
“Uh… Well… Not exactly. I mean…” Naruto scratched the back of his head. “It’s kind of hard not to notice some kind of romantic tension between your teammates, especially when Sakura came over crying about a month ago, convinced that Kakashi couldn’t love her-” Naruto clamped his mouth shut, realizing Sakura may beat him senseless for revealing such intel. “Oh, man! I’ve already said too much!” And turned and darted out of the building. “Granny Tsunade is gonna skin Kakashi alive!” 
“Tsunade is gonna do what to my flawless skin…?” Kakashi deadpanned from the entrance to the Hokage tower as Naruto ran past him. He gave a weary look to the top. 
Something tells me someone told her before I got to do just that in a few moments from now… This is gonna be fun. He shivered at the thought of her brute strength aimed directly at him, and with full intent of causing bodily harm. “Perhaps I should turn around before she gets the chance..?” He shook his head and sighed. 
“Wait! Kakashi!” Naruto ran back to his team leader. “Kakashi, I think Granny Tsunade knows…” He laughed nervously. “And she’s definitely not uh… Thrilled?” He scratched the back of his head. “She sent me to get you but you’re already here! She’s scary mad already...”
“That bad, huh?” Kakashi deadpanned. “Well I knew this was coming.” He sighed before walking up to his beloved hokage’s office. He went to knock on the door before she berated him through it. 
“Kakashi, I know that’s you! Get your ass in here, now!”
He stepped inside and closed the door. “Hokage-sama. I was already on my way before you sent Naruto for me.” 
Tsunade glared daggers at him. “So then you have something to tell me?” She enunciated her words rather harshly compared to other meetings and he winced silently. 
“Well, uh. I’m not exactly good at expressing myself, for reasons you’re rather quite aware…” Kakashi looked at her and proceeded to rake his fingers through his silver strands. He thought briefly for a moment about how it feels much better when Sakura does it before clearing his mind.
Shizune watched him closely, curious about how this all ended up happening. 
“Do you really think Sakura is an acceptable kunoichi for you to be having little rendezvous with, Kakashi?” She growled out.
He flinched slightly. “Tsunade, they aren’t just rendezvous.” He straightened up and met her eyes. “Do you really think I’m stupid enough to bring that sort of awkwardness and unprofessionalism to my team?”
“Don’t you catch a tone with me!” She stood up and came round her desk and stomped towards him, her heels clicking with her fury, until she was face to face with him. “And if that’s not the case, then maybe you should explain to me these damn rumours about my apprentice being tangled up with you.”
“Well, that part is no rumour.” He said flatly, looking her in the eye. “Now, the context surrounding it, perhaps.” He kept his shoulders straight, continuing to hold eye contact. “This isn’t just some fling, Tsunade. ”
Outside the room, Sakura slowly came up to the door. She was about to knock when she heard Tsunade’s voice.
Tsunade watched him carefully, listening to what he was saying. “Since when did you fall in love? You’ve avoided being close to anyone since your original team.” She knew it was a low blow, but he had better not been playing her naive apprentice. “Sakura is rather impressionable, Kakashi, I won’t have another emotional stump ripping her heart out if I can help it, damn you.”
“I love her. I... love Sakura.” He sighed, and slumped into one of the chairs in her office. “You don’t have to tell me that she’s vulnerable…” He was a little surprised at the vehemence in her voice, expecting more of a lecture of duty from a boss, as opposed to the protective fury of a mother. He should have known the two would mix here. “I have absolutely no intentions of ripping her heart out, Lady Tsunade.” 
“Kakashi, if you break her, so help me, you will know no other pain than what I inflict upon you… She is not some plaything for you.” The blonde spat at him. 
She smiled softly, being well aware of Tsunade throwing around threats shamelessly, but also at the protectiveness in the voice bearing the words. She couldn’t believe that Kakashi was being so raw with her shishou. When she heard Kakashi’s voice, sounding more than stressed she frowned. 
He met Tsunade’s eyes, allowing more emotion into them for her to see than he ever had for anyone other than Sakura. “Did you ever think maybe she came to me? I never intended to act on my feelings, ever.” He took a deep breathe, trying to keep himself composed. “Sure, we got drunk, and she cried that she didn’t want to be alone. In a lapse of judgement, I brought her to my place with no real intentions other than to comfort her, like I always have. She kissed me, and I let it go a little too far before I realized I had my former student pinned between myself and my couch and my mouth.” He gulped. “I tried to distance myself, even though I have realized I care for her deeply, more deeply than I could say I’ve ever cared for any team mate.” 
Sakura wanted nothing more than to burst through the door and save him from her master’s wrath but he insisted he be the one to tell her, and here he was doing exactly that. She knew this wouldn’t be a pretty conversation, but she had hoped Tsunade wouldn’t automatically assume the worst of him. She stood out the door, eavesdropping and holding her breath at times to make sure she could hear them clearly.
“You were her sensei! How long have you ‘cared deeply’ for her, eh? Hopefully not while she was 13.” Tsunade spat. “Not even Jiraiya was ever so dirty.”
He scoffed. “It’s not like that! Just because I enjoyed Jiraiya’s books and am a bit perverted doesn’t make me that disgusting!” He shot back. “I’m well aware of how it looks, but I would have never looked at her in such a way while she was still a child. I never… Intended to ever look at her past being a comrade…” He threw his hands up, his next words coming sarcastically. “Yeah, I totally sat there and looked at her back then and thought ‘wow maybe I could love again’ when she was thirteen and I was twenty-six! Do you really think that low of me?” He huffed.
Tsunade stared at him momentarily, taken aback by the outburst coming from the usually indifferent and emotionally stable man. Perhaps that was a bit far of an accusation. She sighed and crossed her arms. “No, I don’t. That was uncalled for.” She stared at him with narrowed eyes. “But how does this happen? You’ve been stone cold, even keeping people close to you, like Guy, at arm’s length. And now you’re telling me you love Sakura. How long has this been going on, hm? Also, how about the part where it’s your responsibility to inform me of such dynamics forming so that I can decide whether or not to reassign your team?”
“I had been coming here to tell you about everything before you sent for me. I have already even warned Sakura that we could be reassigned.” 
Kakashi stopped talking a moment, feeling pensive. Remembering the little moments that had begun to shift his feelings toward her. Fleeting moments during training and spars, when she would be dressed a bit scantily. Moments when they had made eye contact for just a little too long. Moments where he had comforted her or saved her. Moments where he allowed physical contact between them more and more often until it felt normal with her. Moments where she found him at the stone, and he told her bits and pieces of his pain. Moments where being open just came naturally before he even thought about it. Moments when he realized he felt jealousy over her with other guys. Moments where he began to realize he didn’t want life without her, that simply staring at her name on a stone would never suffice his grief and guilt if she ever died. Moments where his judgement had faltered even just slightly, like the night of the bar.
“And if you never planned to act on it, what changed now?” 
He sighed, deciding he’d have to start from the beginning. “I was at the bar, Genma convinced me to go. To my understanding, Ino had convinced Sakura to go out, but then got drunk and sad and called Choji to pick her up. Sakura had stayed behind, I’m not sure as to why.” He shrugged, knowing Tsunade would care less about the parts not involving himself. “There had been some creep trying to demand her attention and wasn’t taking no for an answer, and she had sought out the ‘jounin corner’ where we always sit when we go-”
“And who is ‘we’” Tsunade asked.
“Asuma, Guy, Genma, Anko, Kurenai, Genma, and Kakashi, and sometimes I’m there as well.” Shizune cut in. 
Kakashi nodded. “Kurenai's eyes widened and then a female voice was saying something about having asked to be left alone, and I recognized her as I finally sensed her chakra. I had been on my third careen.” He scratched the back of his head, clearly knowing that was too much. 
“Then I heard the man talking to her in one of those dark, low tones, suggesting she went with him. I turned my head and threatened him, and saw just this look on her face as she was looking at me. I had never seen her so happy, no, so relieved, to just be near me. And the way that guy was looking at her had just-” He grimaced at the memory. “I’d never felt such a need to make it clear someone wasn’t available, even though she was! I just felt so… Possessive but also protective of her. I pulled her in close to me, and then even after he’s gone, she doesn’t move, and seems rather content. It piqued my curiosity, but I was drunk and it was wrong.” He hesitated to continue, sure that the next part just might get him a chakra enhanced fist in his face, but decided the truth was well worth whatever pain he may end up with.
 “Once she kissed me at my apartment and I heard her moan from a simple touch, I was instantly sober, because I realized my former student was in my arms and even if I had started to realize I loved her, us being drunk was not how I would have ever wanted us to start.” He shook his head softly. Tsunade raised an eyebrow, having been surprised to hear her student had made such a bold move. “So tell me, where did you go from there? How do you end up with her still even after that lapse, and you still pushing her away?” 
 “It hurt her because I backed off and told her she was drunk and I wouldn’t take advantage of her and this was wrong, that what I did was wrong. I let her sleep in my bed and I slept on the couch.” He heard her hum softly, but now she’s staring at him intently and he hates being under such scrutiny. “And then a few days later, Naruto bursts into my apartment ready to kill me because she’s at his house crying to Hinata over that night because little do I know, she loves me and fears that it was just alcohol and lust that lead me to kiss her back. And damn it, it wasn’t but I was just trying to do right by her. ” 
He gripped his fists on the arms of the chair. “I’ve never met anyone who ever made me even consider love, let alone feel it. Not since Minato died… I would never intentionally cause her pain.” He said brokenly. 
Sakura hates to hear the pain in his voice. She placed her hand silently on the door, wishing she could comfort him. She just wanted to see him and hold him, knowing the pain that lies in his memories of losing his sensei, the last surviving family he had had. She had stopped masking her chakra, not caring if any of them knew she were there. She would still hold the respect and not walk in without invitation. To hear the man being so open and raw in his feelings for her shocked her a bit, knowing he was almost never like that with anyone. However, it was seeming he was being ripped apart by Naruto and now Tsunade over her, when he had let those walls come down slowly between them. It just made her feel guilty... 
“Kakashi…” Tsunade softened suddenly, sensing a familiar chakra signature.
She could see now, the anger fading. The way Kakashi seemed like an open book, even if it was out of pure fear of what she might do. The more she thought about it, the more she started to realize she had seen them together an awful lot over the past year or so. How Sakura was always happy around him, and always chose to train with him when she could have trained with anyone. She vaguely remembers the very man in front of her bringing coffee a few times to the pinked haired girl, despite his hate for hospitals. 
And she even remembered how much less he fought and complained about being healed or being in a hospital whenever Sakura was appointed to care for him, whether it was a serious injury or his routine check ups on the sharingan. 
“I was disgusted with myself.” He said in a low tone. “Look at me. I’m jaded and traumatized like most ninja my age. Falling for this…” He smiled a little bit. “This girl I initially looked over years ago, because she acted like a typical emotional girl and not a shinobi, fawning over Sasuke. This girl that went under the tutelage of yourself, and became a woman and a strong shinobi. This woman who has seen a war, yet still has this hope in her eyes. This woman who was always at my side for the past year. I only ever realized how much she had truly grown in a sparring session, and have felt the disgust with myself since, and it only grew worse after that kiss. This woman, who somehow got behind my walls, and rather easily. This woman who insisted on taking care of me, this woman who knows exactly what, and who she wants, no matter what judgements will be thrown. This woman, that I’ve already hurt, and have failed multiple times. How did she go from loving Sasuke, to loving the man that couldn’t keep him with her? How did she get under my skin and make me love her too? I can’t tell you when it started because I spent a good deal of time refusing to even acknowledge it. And even when I did admit it to myself, it felt wrong.”
“Kakashi, she was your student…” Shizune said softly. Tsunade put a hand up in Shizune's direction.
He frowned before cradling his head in his hands. “Yeah, I’m well aware. I was her sensei. I’m fourteen years older. I’m broken, and she’s not, not yet. Not as much as me. She’s still innocent and still believes in life. She has a whole life ahead of her, and doesn’t deserve to be with someone like me… She doesn’t deserve for everyone to look at her like some scandal. Or like she’s just trying to climb the ranks, even though she’s already a jounin herself. She doesn’t deserve to be in a relationship where people question the validity. She deserves someone that can be open all the time, someone that is affectionate and available. Someone who isn’t traumatized and damaged.”
Tsunade placed a hand on his shoulder, a small smile on her face. “Kakashi, stop it… You don’t need to keep tearing yourself apart like this. This is nothing like it looked like initially, you’re not disgusting, and if anyone decides what she deserves, it’s her. And maybe myself.”
“But yet, here she goes after me. After Naruto tells me she was crying because of me, and tries to desperately convince me to tell her I love her once I confide it in him. I don't go to the breakfast he planned, because I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t ruin her life, she couldn’t be hurt by what she doesn’t know. Or worse, bear the thought of losing her if I did let myself actually have her.” He looks up at the ceiling. “But here she comes to the memorial, as if she knows exactly where I’ll be, and knows I’ve been there most of the night. Because she does know. And she’s there, just talking to me, comforting me and I don’t think she even realizes her very presence is comforting to me.”
Shizune watched, now feeling guilty. She hadn’t realized the actual emotions that were tumbling through them.
“All I’m thinking about is how I have failed them, and wondering what Minato would think of me as a sensei. I never lusted after her, I didn’t want this to happen, I knew the consequences of fraternizing with her in a regular situation, let alone in the one where I’m her sensei and much older than she is.” 
But she doesn’t care. She never cared about any of that. She only cared that he loved her and she loved him.
“And then she says I need my eye healed, so we go to my apartment and while she’s doing that, I’m thinking about what Naruto said, and about how much I just want to hold her and kiss her. And then she’s telling me she remembers that night and how she felt. I gave in as she’s pulling my mask down and I kissed her. She tells me she loves me, that I’ve always been there for her, and she looks me in the face and holds it in her hands and tells me she’s not going anywhere…” He looked back up at Tsunade. “I thought she was just sick of being alone, but when she did that… When she looked at me said she loved me so sincerely. I just had to believe that maybe Naruto was right, that maybe it could work and we could just…” He ran a hand through his hair. “That we could just be happy. That I could be happy…” 
Sakura smiled at the admission, at the fact that he had faith in love, even if it was only a little bit, and that it was fragile. That she was the reason it was there, that Naruto had convinced him even just a little bit that it was worth it… 
Tsunade turned away from him and sighed. “Are you aware of what this all entails? What the consequences are…”
He nodded. “Team Kakashi will be disbanded…” 
She raised her gaze to meet him again, smirking. “Well, according to the elders it should be. What I might do, on the contrary, is very different. Disbanding your team won’t stop or change the relationship.” 
“Shishou!” Sakura burst through the door, not able to take it anymore. “Please, don’t hurt him!” She came up behind Kakashi, placing her hands on his shoulders, a pleading look in her eyes. He glanced up at her in shock, having been too caught up in trying to prove to his superior his feelings were valid and try not to get thrown out of the window like he pictured already, to ever sense Sakura’s presence behind the door.
Tsunade was well aware her apprentice had been outside the door for some time now. She turned to face her student. “Is there a reason why I had to hear about this from Shizune, who heard it from Genma and Raidou who heard something about the“hokage’s apprentice being tangled up in Kakashi’s sheets”, hm?”
Sakura laughed nervously. “Uh, well...uh. It’s only been like… A little over a week?” She offered weakly.
Tsunade raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “A week since it was official or a week since it started.?” 
“Uh.” Sakura tried to find the words to explain the whole situation. “Lady, how do you expect me to tell you I fell in love with Kakashi? To tell you I’ve loved him for years? I mean, would you have taken it seriously?”
“Of course we would have!” Shizune exclaimed. “Sakura, you are like her child.”
Sakura looked to the side. “Even so… I wouldn’t even admit it to myself for a long time. Not to mention, what was the point of stirring it all up, up until recent events I was sure it was one sided, and I’m more than well acquainted with unreturned feelings.”
Kakashi reached up and gently grabbed the hand that had been grasping his left shoulder. “This was supposed to be my job, Sakura…” 
She squeezed it back. “There’s no way I was gonna sit back and let her pummel you, unjustly.” 
Tsunade watched them for a moment, knowing just how sincerely Sakura meant that, even though she’s more than well aware that Tsunade could still kick her ass. 
“I actually wasn’t going to pummel him, however; if he ever causes you the kind of pain that breaks your heart, I will be the first to inflict pain he’ll never forget, and then heal him so he’s still on my roster as a shinobi.”
“And… What about our team?” Sakura glanced back towards her surrogate mother. 
“I am in charge of  the current team rosters, and you’ve unknowingly had mutual feelings for each other and still worked as a team just fine for at least a year now from my understanding, I don’t see any real reason to disband the squad.” She smiled. “Besides, I don’t feel like having Naruto in here screaming at me for disbanding his team after he finally got one of you to reach out to the other.”
Sakura ran to Tsunade and hugged her tightly. “Thank you so much.”
Tsunade grinned slightly at the show of affection towards her and wrapped an arm around her. “I just want to see you happy. If you would have told me sooner, this could have all been avoided.” She sighed before taking a step back out of the embrace. “You do realize, you’re like, middle aged in terms of shinobi life spans right?”
Sakura gave her an odd look. “I’m 20… That’s hardly middle aged.”
Shizune smiled. “So much optimism for someone who has already almost died during her time as a ninja many times. Some ninja aren’t so lucky as you to make it that far, Sakura.”
Sakura thought for a moment. Remembering Ino talking about a similar philosophy. “So, does this mean you’re not going to castrate my boyfriend?”
Kakashi shivered at the thought. “Hey, don’t go giving her ideas for if she changes her mind now!” 
“Oh, so he’s your boyfriend now, huh?”
Sakura stiffened at the sound of a certain purple clad blonde’s voice. 
Kakashi snickered softly. “Didn’t I tell you that your little not-so-made up rumour would be cleared up in due time?”
“Sakura, you didn’t even tell Ino?” Tsunade gasped, shocked.
“Ohhh, she tried not to.” She giggled. “But she’s far too obvious for it to have been believable. Asuma and I set a trap, granted it was before they had actually been together the plan had been made.” 
“Since when was Asuma planning to try and get me with my teammate.” Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the blue eyed girl in the room.
“Since you made it more than clear you didn’t like other guys flirting with her.” Ino smirked and crossed her arms. 
“Ah, so you know the whole story then.” Sakura mused.
Ino huffed. “Uh, no I don’t. I know what Asuma-sensei knows, which was that he took you home.”
Tsunade laughed at the red stain on Sakura’s cheeks. “It would appear that you are terribly obvious to those who were paying closer attention, Sakura.” 
Sakura smiled and glanced back at Kakashi, seeing him watching her with such a loving expression in his eyes, even if she couldn’t see the full expression with his mask covering his face at this moment. 
Ino watched them and just smiled happily for her friend.
“Okay, now get out of my office. I have work to do, you know.” Tsunade threw her hands up and made shoo-ing motions with her hands.
Sakura noted the sake careen on her master’s desk and sighed softly. She walked over and picked it up. “Okay, but it had better be work that doesn’t involve sake.” She looked at Tsunade sadly, thinking of more she wanted to say, debating if it was the right time.
“She’s right, Baa-chan.” Naruto spoke somberly, coming into the room. “Pervy-sage wouldn’t have wanted this…” 
Kakashi assumed he had come back to make sure Tsunade hadn’t pulverized him but now the conversation was taking a turn he wasn’t expecting.
Shizune set a hand on Tsunade’s shoulder, as she was trying to fight the tears. No one had dared to bring him up, nor her drinking issue worsening, until now. She hated to see her pain.
“I know…” Tsunade grit past her teeth, choking down the sob. She turned to look at Sakura from the side, her body still facing her desk. “Don’t ever give up on love. And don’t you dare ever let it slip right through your fingers.” She gulped and faced her desk. “Now, all of you, out.”
They all quickly shuffled out of the office. Sakura closed the door softly behind her, before glancing at Shizune and handing her the sake careen. 
It was almost unspoken knowledge that Tsunade loves Jiraiya. She never once said it, but everyone suspected it. And they knew he had loved her. All you had to do was look at the Icha Icha novels, and anyone who knew the Fifth, also knew that the main character was clearly made with her in his thoughts.
“That’s the closest she’s ever come to even alluding to being in love with him…” Shizune said softly. 
Sakura nodded before reaching for Kakashi, intent on never leaving him. He found her hand, as he performed the signs for his transportation jutsu with his opposite hand. They appeared back at his apartment in seconds and he pinned her to the bed.
That was over and he was eager to make it clear to Sakura just how much he loved her, again. After the emotional torment of that conversation, he needed some kind of release. He didn’t regret it, but that didn’t mean it was easy or desirable. 
“I hope you know that no one else has ever been worth ripping myself apart in front of not just one, but now three people in an effort to prove how I love you, no matter how hard I tried not to.” He whispered in her ear before nipping it harshly.
She murmured softly as he pinned her to the bed, and whined as he nipped her ear. She nodded, trying to shift her wrists within his palm that had them pinned to the mattress. “K-Kakashi…” 
“I think we have something to finish from earlier, if my memory serves correctly.” He smirked before placing hot kisses against her neck.
She hummed as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Mm, I believe we do.” She pressed herself into him. “Now, if you would let me go so we could get to that.” She tilted her head back as he bit down on her neck and began to suck, causing shivers to run through her body. She whimpered softly, arching her back off the mattress. “Please…”
He pulled away from her neck and sat up slightly and smirked down at her. “And if I don’t?” He tightened his grip on her wrists. “Are you gonna use your chakra, hm? Beat me into next week?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “If you keep me from touching you for your own pleasure, I have other ways I could get my pay back, trust me.” She huffed. 
“Oh, yeah?” He hummed softly, before deciding that might be for another time. “Maybe I’ll be daring enough to find out later.” He let her wrists go, before sliding her shirt off and kissing the valley between her breasts. “You didn’t put your wrappings back on?” He mumbled against her skin appreciatively before kissing up the side of her left breast and twirling his tongue around her hardening nipple. 
Sakura moaned, still questioning how he made her feel so much pleasure with such little effort. “N-No…” She stammered.
He smirked before pulling away from her breast with an audible pop. He slid his hand down her body and delved his fingers past the hem of her shorts and past her lace panties. He rubbed her clit with two fingers in fast circles. She cried out in pleasure almost instantly. 
He could feel how wet she already was and made him twitch against his own clothing. “So wet for me, already?” He chuckled before slipping a finger into her entrance, sliding it against her slickness with ease. 
“K-Kakashi…” She moaned and squeezed her eyes shut, her hips bucking into his touch. 
Every single time they had made love, he had catered to her every request and made sure she felt amazing. But he hasn't made any requests of his own. She wasn’t stupid and heard Ino talk about sex enough to know what men liked, and even little tips on how to make it feel extra good. “L-Let me pleasure you for once…” 
“Hm…?” He looked down at her curiously. “Pleasuring you is pleasurable.” 
She sat up, and slid her hand into his pants and past his boxers. She placed a kiss on his shoulder as she gripped his member and began to slide her hand up and down his length slowly. “But I want to please you, myself.” She whispered into his ear.
His breath hitched as soon as her hand began to move, before he groaned slightly. “S-Sakura…” He shut his eyes tight as she kept sliding her hand against him, gaining a little more confidence in her motions. He placed gentle kisses on her cheek before slowly pressing his hips down into her motions. 
Sakura smirked and pushed him off her onto the bed, before getting her knees between his legs. She bit her lip as she looked up at him, with a dirty trick in her mind. “Yes, Sensei..?” She replied in a sultry tone.
His eyes went wide as he sat back to stare back at her as she shifted her weight more comfortably on her knees. He couldn’t quite pinpoint how he felt about that as she bit her lip and looked up at him from the floor, looking sexier than any other woman ever had before him on her knees. Even if it was sexy, he knew his carpet was less than inviting and pleasurable for her in it’s worn out state. He grabbed a pillow and playfully smacked her with it. “Here, use that to put it under your knees.” He said softly before lifting her chin and catching her eyes with his. “You don’t have to do this, you know…” He rubbed his thumb across her cheek.
She met his eyes, and her heart swelled at the love in them. She shifted and placed the pillow below her knees, before tugging his pants off and smiling. “I know.” She gripped his member once more, sliding her hand up and down a little faster this time. “But I want to.” 
She began to rotate her wrist as she slid her fingers across his length, rubbing her free hand across his inner thigh and placing soft kisses on the exposed skin.
Kakashi leaned back on his elbows and watched her carefully, a moan escaping his lips as soon her lips met the skin of his thigh. He wasn’t sure how far she exactly planned to go, but he was going to welcome every bit of distance she decided she wanted to take. She looked rather hot in his opinion, being shirtless and pumping his length with a surprising amount of confidence.
She waited until his eyes slipped closed before she decided to flick her tongue over the tip, swirling around it the way she remembered Ino describing one time. Her cheeks tinted pink as she repeated the actions, making a mental note to thank Ino for the description she had been so reluctant to hear in the past.
Kakashi's eyes shot back open and he threw his head back with a loud moan as soon as he felt her tongue swipe across the tip of his manhood. His hand moved to grip her hair lightly. “Fuck, Sakura…” 
“Mmm, you taste salty, Sensei…” She commented in an alluring tone. She slowly took him into her mouth then and sucked softly on only the very tip.
He moaned and gripped her hair tighter. “Damnit, I hate and love that you’re calling me that…” He had no idea where she got off to think to call him that. Some women had done it before after seeing the picture of his team and it had been a turn on, a sense of dominance, but it was different when it was actually his former student saying it now. The same feeling of dominance and submissiveness being a turn on, but also a little weird and unsettling when she had actually been his student once.
She snickered, before coming off him with an audible pop. “I remembered a scene from Icha Icha, and guessed you just might like it.” She licked her lips and took him back into her mouth, taking more of him between her lips, and bobbing her head a little bit.
Kakashi bit his lip and gently guided her up and down his length. “I had no idea that you…” He cut off the sentence as he moaned again at the feeling of her sucking. “Fuck, how are you so good at this already.” He panted.
She took more of him in her mouth, trying to keep the back of her throat open. She wrapped her hand around his base and began to pump the remaining part of his length in time with bobbing her head. The groan she heard from her lover as well the tightening grip in her hair confirmed that she was doing rather well. She moved her tongue around the muscle as she slid her lips along his shaft. 
“Sakura…” He let himself fall completely back into the mattress, his breathing was ragged. He couldn’t believe she was doing this, he couldn’t have even imagined asking her to do this so soon. His eyes fluttered close as she picked up her pace. He felt her free hand resting beside his thigh on the bed, and he reached for it, grasping her fingers between his tightly. 
She squeezed his hand back. Her jaw was starting to ache a bit, and she was beginning to realize why women have complained about this very action. She didn’t mind it much as she continued to suck and lick at his member, loving the moans that slipped freely from his mouth.
Suddenly the hand that had been guiding her with the tight grip in pink locks pulled her away as he sat back up and looked down at her, some his precum dripping down the side of her mouth.
“If you don’t stop, I’m going to lose it.” He breathed out. Sakura licked her lips before smirking and standing, hooking her fingers at the waistband of her shorts. 
“Pretty good for my first time, then?” She bit her lip and looked at him, her eyes darkened with need.
He slipped his shirt off and pulled her into his lap as her shorts hit the ground. “Amazing.” He pecked her lips and slid his hands to grip her ass. He leaned into her to press a kiss to her temple before whispering huskily in her ear.“Now since you’re so hell bent on pleasing me today, ride my dick just as good as you just sucked it.” 
Sakura’s face flamed red at his dirty phrasing, but nodded. “As you say, Sensei.” She braced herself on his shoulders, before slamming herself down onto him.
They both moaned at the contact, Kakashi’s grip on her ass tightening. “Again.” He commanded. She repeated her movements, and he thrust up into her with perfect timing this time. 
“Kakashi!” She cried out, gripping his shoulders with immense strength.
He moved to grip her hips and guided her movement, slamming her down onto him once again. “What did you call me earlier, Sakura?” He spoke low in her ear. He had come to the conclusion he liked it when she said it, as dirty it was coming from her. 
Sakura bit her lip, and looked into his eyes. “S-Sensei…” She moaned out.
He kissed her hard in approval and she kissed him back with the same urgency, thrusting her hips in time with his. 
His mouth left hers to trail wet kisses down her neck as she dug her nails into his skin, forming new crescent marks that were scattered across his back along with various scratch marks left by her in their lovemaking. 
She had always imagined Kakashi would be rough in bed, and demanding. She had been starting to think she was wrong as he had been mostly gentle until now, not doing more than having an iron grip on her hips and leaving the occasional hickey she’d heal before she went out in public. And now he was being just as demanding as she always figured he would, and it was turning her on so much.
“Sensei, you feel s-so good…” She moaned out between pants, sweat covering her body now. 
He rolled over, pushing her onto the bed. “Fuck,” He panted, raising one leg over his shoulder and nipping at her calf, being able to thrust into even deeper at the new angle.
She bit her lip as pleasure wrecked through her body. “K-Kakashi, there!” She writhed on the bed, shivers running through her body from every nip on her leg. He slammed into her the same exact way again. 
“God, you’re still so tight and soaking wet…” He moaned as he pulled back and slammed his hips right back into hers. “You’re sexy as fuck right now, Babe…”
Sakura could feel the heat pooling in her center as he kept talking to her. Who knew the white wolf would say such dirty things to someone as pure as herself, but she loved every word of it. Her hair was soaked with sweat now as he kept pounding into her, making her reach her peak. “S-Sensei…”
“That’s it, cum for me, Sakura.” He spoke low in her ear as he bent down, pressing her leg to stretch farther than she’d ever gotten it to before in warm ups. Her back arched off the bed as she cried out in ecstasy, her own result of such pleasure soaking Kakashi’s member. He slammed into her especially hard before biting down on her shoulder as he sunk himself to the hilt, releasing his own climax as he growled against her skin.
After a few moments of catching their breath, Kakashi moved his arm to let her leg fall back down alongside the other. He showered her face with light kisses before smiling down at her. 
She slowly opened her eyes to meet his gaze and grinned. “That was phenomenal…” She breathed out between panting, still catching her breath.
Kakashi smirked before chuckling softly. “You look like an absolute goddess right now…” He brought a hand to stroke her cheek softly. “Stunning in all your sexed up glory.”
She swatted his hand away. “Oh yeah, I bet.” She couldn’t help the beaming smile that came across her lips. “You face Tsunade and she almost beats you to a pulp, and then you run right back into bed with me!” She laughed.
“Hey, every minute with you is worth whatever amount of chakra induced pain she would have ever given me.” He gave his signature eye crinkle, fully visible with a toothy smile and her heart melted. He brought a hand to smooth over her hair and move it out of her face. “I love you, and I always will.”
Sakura stared back at him before turning her face to place a quick kiss on his hand. “I love you, too.” 
“I think it’s time that I take you dinner, on a proper date, my love.” He hoisted her up and walked her to the bathroom. “But first a shower is in session.”
Ino had just finished excitedly telling Choji about Sakura and Kakashi as she sat at the meeting spot, waiting for Asuma and Shikamaru to show up for a sparring session. She sat between his legs, her side leaning against his chest and her legs kicked over one of his own as she was looking up at him excitedly. “Can you believe it! I’m so happy for them!”
Choji smiled down at her as he played with the strands at the end of her ponytail. “After everything she’s been through, she deserves to be happy.”
“Kakashi too! He’s friends with the other jounin, especially Asuma and Genma, but he’s never let anyone get close after he had lost his team is what I’ve been told.”
Choji nodded. “My Dad was shocked to see he had passed Team 7 back then…” He kissed her forehead. “I guess everything happens for a reason, huh?”
Asuma had approached, raising an eyebrow at the scene before nudging Shikamaru and pointing, not quite close enough for the pair to notice their teammates just yet. “Looks like he got the girl afterall, doesn’t it?”
Shikamaru nodded. “I’ve always told him if he was just a little more confident, she would see him.” He smiled happily for his friends. “Hey, Choji, you got something to tell me?” He walked lazily towards his best friends. 
Blue eyes looked towards Shikamaru and beamed. “Shika!” She stood up. “Actually, we both do!”
“It’s been such a drag watching him try to get your attention, glad to see you finally realized he loves you.” He stuffed his hands into his pockets.
She beamed as Choji kissed the top of her head, his cheeks tinting pink.
“Just don't let it make training awkward…” He scratched the back of his head.
Ino giggled mischievously before flipping her ponytail. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Asuma watched his teammates with pride, glad to see the tension between Ino and Shikamaru was gone. He was sure the genius was going to go insane if things hadn’t smoothed out soon.
“So, how is Temari?” Choji asked. “I know you just came back from ‘setting up the exams’.” 
Shikamaru rolled his eyes. “Tsunade somehow had it arranged that there weren’t enough rooms set up for everyone, and of course Temari discreetly suggested I stay with her. It felt planned.” His cheeks had tinted a little pink at the mention of it.
“Oooooh, I guess that makes Team 10 fully deflowered then, huh?” Ino giggled. 
Choji proceeded to turn red all the way down to his neck and Shikamaru sighed.
“Okay, now to start training.” Asuma took a fighting stance. “That’s enough talking and catching up, now all three of you versus me. Let’s see how your teamwork skills have survived the inner drama.”
Ino huffed and crossed her arms. “No inner drama would have ruined this formation.” She smirked as she took the lead in attacking Asuma first.
Naruto had leaped across rooftops from the hokage tower, back towards the gates. He landed on the edge, and looked out into the woods. He sighed softly.
“Wherever you are, Sasuke, she’s moved on. Odd how she is attracted to the ones that are traumatized. Is it because she’s medic? Is there some kind of pull in the universe?” Naruto shook his head. “No matter, at least Kakashi was willing to try…” 
He stared out into the woods. “We will still find you and we will bring you home one day.”
He left down to the ground and walked back to his apartment where he knew Hinata was waiting for him. He weaved through the streets deep in thought. He was shocked to see that Granny Tsunade hadn’t noticed the bond between Sakura and Kakashi, and that she had been so angry by it at first. But from what he could tell, the same rumours that made it to her were much like what he had heard initially. She had gone home with Kakashi twice.The people of this village are so nosy, getting into people business when it doesn’t concern them. He leapt up to the balcony his apartment door was located on and entered his home.
Hinata was sitting on the couch, eating a bowl of his cup ramen as he walked into the living room. The site made him smile softly. “Hey, Hina…” He sat down next to her and she snuggled into his side. 
“Naruto…” She smiled warmly. “Are you okay..?” 
He nodded softly. “I’m just thinking about the future. As hokage, Tsunade was really in a tough spot as to how she reacted to Kakashi and Sakura’s relationship. I wonder if I’ll ever be in that position one day. If you don’t know the people personally, how do you make the right decision?”
Hinata studied him for a moment. “Did she disband your squad?”
Naruto took a deep intake of breath and shook his head. “No, but it had come up…” 
“Well, that’s good!” She pecked his cheek. “Then why are you worried still? It’s not common for a former sensei and his student to fall in love, so I don’t think you’d have to make that decision.”
He nodded softly. “Right, but what about when team members fall for each other? Should they be separated into different squads?”
She felt his arm squeeze her slightly as he tucked her head under his chin. “I’m not sure. I don’t think it would really make a difference, do you?”
“It’s been said Obito had loved Rin, and chosen saving her over the mission they were on…” He smiled sadly. “Do you think Kakashi would make that choice with Sakura now? Or that he would still focus solely on the mission?”
Hinata shook her head. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Some of us would save regular comrades over completing a mission. And I think Kakashi’s stress for team bonding at the beginning shows his regret in the decisions he had made in the past.” She leaned her head against his chest. “I don’t think Kakashi would ever let anything happen to any of his friends, and especially not Sakura. Wasn’t that his fear, to get close to her and then have to deal with the pain of losing her?”
Naruto nodded softly. “You’re right…”
Hinata hummed softly, finishing her ramen. She thought more on the subject, remembering Kurenai saying that there should never be any regret in saving someone you care about. Hinata thought of times when she had been on missions and Kiba and Shino saved her when she was still weak. Her fight with Neji at the chunin exams, and how Naruto had been in such an outrage. When she had been attacked by Pain.
“If she would have disbanded the team, it still would have been worth getting them together and seeing them as happy as they are. It may be easier to see in Sakura, but it is with Kakashi too. When I found them in his apartment, the whole world seemed to be right, seeing them in each other’s arms. His mask was off from kissing her, and he looked so happy, smiling right at her….” Naruto smiled down at her.
“I’m sure they will be together for a long time.”
Naruto took the cup ramen from her hands and set it on his desk. “I hope we are too, Hinata…” He placed a soft peck on her lips, resting his hands on her hips.
She blushed but smiled warmly at him. “Me too, Naruto…” She stood up from the couch.
He grinned like an idiot before picking her up bridal style and carrying her to his room. “Let me show you just how much I love you, Hina…” He kissed her softly, setting her on his bed.
The Hyuuga girl became flustered but returned his kiss, bringing her hands to cup his face. “O-Okay, Naruto…”
Ino had drug Sakura back out to the bar that night. “Come on, you know Kakashi is waiting!”
“I don’t think this is what he meant by taking me on a proper date.” The pinkette grumbled to her best friend. 
Ino shrugged. “It was Asuma’s idea for everyone to meet up at the Shuriken tonight.”
Sakura smiled. “You know, it isn’t any rumour that he found us. It was kind of funny actually.” She giggled. “He was walking into Kakashi’s room, saying ‘that Haruno girl has eyes for you’ just as he set his sights on us. He said something about Kurenai saying Kakashi needing a nudge.”
“Who knew that Asuma-sensei would have been such a matchmaker.” Ino said flippantly.
Sakura rolled her eyes. “Naruto was more the matchmaker here. Kakashi and I would have probably continued to pretend the night at the bar never happened if Naruto hadn’t overheard me crying and talked to us, and convinced me to tell him how I felt.” 
Ino shrugged. “You never know.”
They rounded the corner of the bar towards the rest of their jounin colleagues, and Sakura found herself being pulled into Kakashi’s arms once again. He held her snug to his from, his fingers rubbing her hip once again.
“Look at that, Hatake has his little pinkette again.” Anko antagonized. 
“Poor Anko, he’s off the market for you now.” Genma said sarcastically.
Sakura rolled her eyes at Genma’s antics. “As if he was on the market in the first place.” 
“She’s got a point there.” The senbon user shrugged. 
“So, Sakura, how’s the sex god for you? I’m sure you’ve heard by now that the very few nights he’s had have left women more than impressed. Did he pluck you of your innocence, hm?” Anko made a suggestive look towards the younger kunoichi.
Ino snickered as Sakura turned crimson and hid her face in Kakashi’s shoulder.
The blonde sat next to Asuma, a spot still open next to her for Choji. Their sensei turned in her direction. “He’ll be here soon, he’s ordering wings.”
Ino smiled softly as she crossed her legs. “So, tell me, how red did Sakura turn last time she was here?” The blonde smirked as she looked in her friend’s direction.
Genma smirked. “Oh, she was cherry red. And about just as cozy, the nervous aura about her is gone though.” His senbon bounced along with his speech.
Kakashi shrugged and kissed the top of her head.
“Oh, Kakashi, it’s so amazing to see you with the blessing of a youthful soul!” Guy gushed. “How romantic of a tale to tell one day! A jaded old ninja such as yourself falling for the cherry blossom of hope that is Sakura!” He brought a hand to chest, tears pricking in the corners of his eyes as he smiled. “Oh, if only Lee would be able to accept this loss of such a beautiful flower easily.”
Sakura and Kakashi stared at Guy at his dramatic display, both unsure of how to respond. 
“I’m not that old.” Kakashi said plainly before shaking his head.
Ino raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know, 34 is pushing it don’t you think?”
“Hey!” Asuma chided, having been in his late forties now. “Kakashi is younger than me, you can’t go calling him old, because I damn sure ain’t old yet!” 
Ino was giggling now. “Asuma-sensei you’re like 48! That’s almost 50.”
“So what’s with blonde here, hm? Wanna come sit here with me?” The senbon user winked at Ino.
Asuma, forgetting completely about the age argument now, sent a subtle glare in his direction. “Genma, seriously?”
“Not a chance.” Ino crossed her arms. “I’m here with Choji.”
“Damn, no round two then, eh?” He teased.
Ino’s eye twitched slightly as she tinged pink.
“That’s exactly what she’s saying.” Choji said smoothly as he sat down next to Ino and handed her some fancy drink with an umbrella in it before he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“Wait just a minute, since when did you have a fling with Genma!” Sakura whipped her head to face Ino.
Ino laughed nervously. “We will not be discussing that.” 
“No, no we will not.” Asuma confirmed. “I don’t wanna be reminded.” 
Choji laughed at their sensei’s clear dismay at the thought of his student being with one of his friends. He was well secure in knowing Ino would be faithful to him and wasn’t even slightly bothered. “Oh come on, Asuma sensei. How’s it any different than Kakashi and Sakura?” He grinned.
Ino tensed a bit at the comparison. It wasn’t even close. She had been in a henge, 16, and stupid. Not 20 and in love. She didn’t want to talk about it. 
Genma was now regretting his teasing that had been meant as a joke as he noticed how tense Ino had gotten. “Actually, it was… Definitely different. I was just trying to kid around a little bit. Ino, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Kakashi was slowly recalling the incident, remembering having to hold Asuma back from beating Genma to a pulp after he had mentioned he may have accidentally taken the young girl’s virginity. 
“I’m clearly missing something here.” Sakura crossed her arms, feeling out of the loop.
Ino huffed before glancing at Sakura. “Remember how you used to give advice about going out in henges when we were younger…”
Sakura narrowed her eyes. “Oh, you mean the thing I said was irresponsible and even a little scary?” 
Ino nodded and then glanced at Genma. “My virginity.”
Sakura's eyes widened. “But that was when we were…” Kakashi shook his head.
“Let’s not mention that last part, we all know.”
Kurenai giggled and smoothed her hand over Asuma’s arm. “It’s still kind of touchy for Asuma, he views his team as his kids…” 
“I barely avoided that ass whipping, and really I have Kakashi to thank for coming to my defense.” Genma shrugged.
“You deserve one for bringing it back up in the first place.” Ino huffed and crossed her legs.
“Hmm, you never told me who it was that night.” Sakura snickered slightly. She wouldn’t voice it, but she remembered the very night Ino had come over to tell her all about that. Sakura had been embarrassed to hear about it. Ino had been slightly ashamed but also exclaimed that it had been amazing. She had a crush on Genma back then and it had been the sole purpose of going out in the henge in the first place, but she never knew it had actually been him Ino had bedded with that night. Now it just seemed odd with Choji here with Ino, her no longer looking for a one night fling. She watched her with Choji now, her form fitting right into his side much like she did with Kakashi. “I’ve got a killer right hook if it’s ever necessary.” 
“Oh yeah, said the damsel in distress that came rushing over here about a month ago from an insistent creep.” Genma drawled out.
“H-Hey, I can’t go chakra punching civilians!” 
“Or maybe she just knew Kakashi would come to her rescue.” Anko drawled.
“I didn’t even know he was here until I came around the corner!” Sakura pouted.
Kakashi just chuckled and brought his hand up to her face to brush hair out of her eyes. “Regardless, if he had laid a finger on you that night, I wouldn’t have given a damn about him being a civilian. Neither should you when you’re about to be assaulted. Granted you could barely walk 10 minutes later, your chakra control was probably already affected by then.”
“For being around Tsunade so much, you’d think she would handle her liquor better…” Kurenai mused.
Sakura huffed indignantly. “No thanks…”
Kakashi discreetly kissed her cheek, before whispering in her ear. “Shame, you were an awful cute drunk.”
Despite her embarrassment, Sakura smiled, glad to have a night out with friends, and to be with someone herself instead of third wheeling with Ino. 
“So, how is that root kid working out on team 7?”
“Oh, Sai? Naruto and him get along great now.” Sakura giggled. “But he is still amused by antagonizing Naruto from time to time.”
“It can be quite amusing sometimes.” Kakashi concurred.
They spent the rest of the night talking and drinking, getting to know Sakura, Ino, and Choji more. She laughed and blushed and answered most of their questions, but started to feel like she was being watched. She scanned the room around her multiple times throughout the night, not able to spot any suspicious looking people. She vaguely whispered to Kakashi and his arm tightened around her protectively. 
“You know, one day, this corner will be filled with you three and your friends. And it’ll just be old Kakashi at Sakura’s side, all wrinkly eyed!” Guy proclaimed.
Anko looked at Guy with a dead stare. “You do realize besides Asuma, we’re all withing four years of each other, right Guy?”
Sakura, not really hearing the current conversation, noticed Ino scanning the room as well, a frown on her face. “Does anyone else just feel… Like someone is watching?” The blonde asked softly, timidly. 
Sakura nodded. “It’s like…” She frowned as she scanned the room for the fiftieth time that night. “It’s just an unsettling feeling like there’s some lurker or something.”
Anko and Kurenai shook their heads before their eyes narrowed. “I don’t feel watched.” Kurenai said slowly.
Asuma frowned. “Maybe we should call it night.”
Kakashi nodded and stood up, keeping an arm around Sakura. “Choji, you shouldn’t leave Ino alone tonight…” 
The younger male just nodded, worried about why the two girls felt some presence that no one else seemed to pick up on. It wasn’t like he hadn’t spent a couple nights at her house already.
Everyone left in groups, keeping an eye out for anything or anyone unusual in the village.
Sakura went back to his house. She changed into one of his shirts again and laid in his bed. He soon followed after having stripped down to his pants. He laid behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close and tight to him. She still felt watched as she laid in Kakashi’s arms.
“Something isn’t right…” She mumbled softly, turning around and burying her face into the crook of his neck.
“You’re safe with me, don’t worry.” He just held her tight. “Just get some sleep, I won’t let anything happen to you, you know that.” He kissed the top of her head before he closed his eyes, even though he could already tell he wouldn’t be sleeping much if at all. 
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taiblogcomics · 3 years
Backwater Brawl
Hey there, an empty present. Well, we're still winding down the last few issues of The Ravagers, so let's just get to it. It'll be over that much faster that way~
Here's the cover:
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More like, Fairchild stands a-bone, am I right? Eh? Seriously, though, kind of a gruesome cover, honestly. If Thunder is still glowing that brightly, though, I bet he's at least a little still alive. Anyway, the cover's a striking image, but the background's a little sad. Why is this happening at sunset? Is it just an excuse to get lazy and have a gradient background? I bet it is. And on one last note, Fairchild's outfit doesn't have sleeves in the comic proper.
So, last time, Warblade and Rose Wilson dropped in on a little podunk Colorado town that had a human combustion problem. And it's contagious! Masking up and staying six feet apart won't help with this one. After a tone-setter where the deputy abandons the guy in the jail cell whose cellmate is exploding, we cut back to a fight between our heroes and the two Harvest henchfolk, already in progress. Sherrif Dad fires his gun to get everyone's attention and tells them all to shut up. Rose is also infected, so this gives her and Warblade a vested interest in solving this. Therefore, our heroes are kind of in the wrong for fighting with them here.
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And while this is happening, Sherrif Dad's daughter, Candice, drives off, declaring that she's an adult and can make her own decisions. Sherrif Dad sends Beast Boy, Terra, and Thunder out to make sure nothing happens to her. And in the meantime, this leaves Warblade, Caitlin Fairchild, and a quickly collapsing Rose Wilson to solve the combustion contagion in town. Turns out the inmate the deputy abandoned is adjusting well, and seems to have developed the ability to project the explosions like a force beam. He kills the deputy as Warblade turns up to see what's going on. Warblade, for his part, is just glad to have someone to take out his aggression on.
Meanwhile, Sherrif Dad, Rose, and Fairchild break into the local clinic to steal some drugs for Rose. While he prepares the morphine, Rose and Fairchild snipe at each other. Some of it's exposition, some of it's genuine character stuff. Either way, they both kind of detest each other for what both of them see as a mutual betrayal of their friendship.
It then cuts over to the rest of the heroes chasing down Candice's car. Oh yeah, Ridge! He's also here. I think this is the first time the comic actually acknowledges his British accent aside from his word choices. Terra just brings up some rocks in front of the car, and Candice is forced to stop. With that done, Ridge just walks out of the scene, deciding he's done and wants to go fight Warblade.
Thunder has a mild attack of dead-sister-itis, but it passes. Candice literally can't even with these people, mentioning they're all weirdos like her brother. And we cut over to where Warblade and Inmate McJailbird are fighting. Warblade's less stupid than he makes it seem, and he was mostly trying to get a sample so he can see what strain of radioactive material the original infectee had. He can analyse genetic material and chemical compounds just by having it on his claws, by the look of it. And yet, it's not this that stops Inmatey. Candice's brother--I think his name was Kris?--does... something. And it makes Inmatey's powers go away. Warblade takes a moment to teach that you don't stop someone by stopping them, you stop them by killing them. And he does so.
Ridge shows up to fight with Warblade, and Terra also returns carrying Candice. She questions why Fairchild has let Rose live this long, and Sherrif Dad tells them all to shut up again. If they're gonna fight, do it outside the town limits and after they've kept everyone from exploding.
As if to punctuate that, suddenly Candice starts glowing. Upon the urging, Warblade calculates he needs 15 volunteers, with one to act as the central link. And he says it's gonna hurt, and possibly even be lethal for the central guy. And fifteen people step up, with Sherrif Dad himself volunteering to be the link. Selflessness like this completely baffles Warblade, but he dissipates the energy through them in a feedback loop or something. The comic doesn't really explain his plan, and I've given up guessing.
Unfortunately, while Warblade's plan works and both Candice and Rose live, Sherrif Dad dies as a result. Warbalde continues to be baffled, not understanding why someone would sacrifice themselves for these people. Rose, however, says she understands. She once knew someone like that she'd sacrifice herself for. But then, of course, Fairchild betrayed her. Or so she says. Either way, they're done here.
Warblade wonders if they should grab the sherrif's body or Kris for Harvest to examine, but Rose shoots this down. If Harvest ever found out they let that Adam guy escape in the first place, they'd be done for. And of course, the last shot of the comic is Harvest monitoring them via holograms.
Boy, this issue was... ehh?? I guess? I guess it was fine. Like, I didn’t hate it. It just felt kinda extraneous, I guess? You could probably have condensed the plot down and combined it with last week’s. That’s really what it is. This issue and last don’t feel like two separate issues, they feel like one issue stretched out to make two.
The revelation that Kris had powers seems like the most unnecessary bit. It adds nothing to the resolution to the story, and his powers aren’t even explained or shown on-screen. His using them to knock out the inmate happens between panels. And since we don’t see them, his powers end up not being the solution to save his sister, and Warblade just uses some technobabble that kills Sherrif Dad to do it. What a cul-de-sac of a plot point. Good thing we only have three more issues of this to go~
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that-yandere-life · 5 years
Soulmate Series: How You Meet (Part One)
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Tony Stark-
Not everyone has a soulmate, but those that do have various ways they are connected to each other.
For you it was that the rate of your heartbeats always matched the other.
So if you were stressed or in danger he would immediately feel it.
God you were terrified when you felt your heart basically stop when he was in Afghanistan.
The way the two of you met was actually really kind of sweet.
Somehow you were invited to a Stark party, whether it was by a friend or because of your work.
People were basically wall to wall covering the room, the conversation making it almost impossible to hear.
Accidentally you ran into someone knocking their glass out of their hand causing it to shatter on impact.
Apologizing profusely you bent down to help pick it up.
Hitting a particularly sharp piece cutting your finger slightly.
When your heart rate spiked due to the pain he felt it too staring at you with wide eyes understanding before you even met his gaze.
Upon explaining you questioned if it was even possible, that your soulmate was THE Tony Stark.
Taking you to a quiet room he asked FRIDAY to check if it actually matched, which she quickly confirmed.
Tony was determined to keep you by his side, there was no leaving him anymore even if you wanted to.
Not that he would tell you that in any way.
After all these years he finally found his soulmate, the one destined to be his.
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Steve Rogers-
Steve had always seen the world in a blend of various shades of gray.
Sketching only in charcoal pencil when he did his little drawings in his sketchbook.
No point in using color you couldn’t see.
Believing that he was going to die not meeting his soulmate when he went into the ice.
Upon waking up in present day he was confused, but also had a sense of renewed faith that maybe he just didn’t find his soulmate before because they weren’t alive yet.
He will always remember the day he met you, having saved you from an alien about to eat you alive.
Feeling you shake in his arms until your eyes latched onto his, seeing the most brilliant blue you had ever seen before.
Quickly he set you down, only having time to get your name before he had to return to the fight.
That is what began his obsession with you, knowing that you both belonged together.
Watching you from afar initially to discover what kind of person his soulmate is.
Finding out everything you liked and disliked, determined to be the perfect one for you when he finally approached you.
Pretending to run into you again, he asked you out on a date.
There was no way at the end of the night you would be walking away from him again, he wouldn’t let you go a second time.
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Clint Barton-
Clint had been born with a tiny arrow tattoo just behind his ear.
Legend had it that his soulmate would have the same one, in the same place.
Although he was sure that he didn’t have a soulmate, a man with a crazy life like his didn’t deserve one in his mind.
When his hearing was damaged, his hearing aids that Tony built him covered it up.
One day he got into a hand to hand fight with a Hydra agent during a mission.
His aids were knocked out and smashed under their boot as a part of the struggle, thankfully they could be replaced with an extra set he kept in his vest.
Ultimately he won but he definitely had some cuts and bruised ribs that would need tending to.
Luckily you had just started in the medical wing of the tower as an on duty nurse.
Getting your first patient you never expected that they would end up being your soulmate.
Talking to Clint it felt like you had known him your entire life, and in a way you kind of had.
Laughing at one of his jokes you tucked your hair behind your ear not thinking anything of it when your tattoo was showing.
You of all people knew how rare it was for even people with a soulmate to find the love of their life.
Catching your gaze he moved his replacement hearing aids showing that the two of you matched.
Gasping you touched it gently with the tips of your fingers, unable to believe that you were one of the special cases.
Clint would never let you go, not after being proven so wrong about you not existing as there you were in front of him.
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Natasha Romanoff-
For as long as you could remember you had gotten various injuries when you least expected them.
When you were a child you were taken to the doctor where they revealed that you had a soulmate out in the world.
That when they got hurt, or vice versa the other got the injury in return.
Occasionally you would get hurt really badly, having apparent bullet wounds even from time to time.
That is what made you think that your soulmate worked a dangerous job, so you decided to do the same in return.
Training really hard to become one of the top SHIELD recruits in your class.
Meaning you got to do your final evaluation with an Avenger.
Of course you grew nervous when you discovered that you were assigned to Natasha Romanoff, her reputation preceding her.
Stepping into the sparring ring with her you began to move around narrowly avoiding her attacks.
Effectively fighting her off for the most part, doing exactly what you had been trained to do.
Unfortunately you got distracted when she asked you about a scar you had, allowing her to get a good punch in.
Falling back onto your ass you felt blood dripping from your nose, touching it as your eyes watered you didn’t notice her touching her own.
Looking up focusing you saw that she was bleeding from her own nose despite you not even getting close to hitting her.
Natasha wasn’t upset though, in fact she was almost starting to cry at finally finding you.
Kneeling down she took you into her arms, taking in the fact that she would never again have to be without you.
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Bruce Banner-
You remember spending a lot of your childhood in a state of fear and anxiety most of the time.
As you got older you started to get angry for no reason at all.
One minute you would be fine, the next you were enraged like you had just witnessed your car being set on fire.
It was really starting to become a problem in your day to day life.
You couldn’t hold down a job for long before you would have an outburst and get yourself fired.
Going to a therapist you were told that likely your soulmate was the cause of your emotional state.
Having it explained to you that you can also help them by giving them your emotions too.
So if they were having a moment of rage you could give them relaxation or joy in return to counteract it.
Likely you taking on their emotions fully like you had been only projected it back onto them even worse.
Feeling confused about how you had gone this long without knowing you had a soulmate, you wondered if it was real or if the therapist was full of shit.
That was until one day you were watching the news at a local diner where you had managed to earn a temp job as a waitress.
Talking about an attack on the city, showing live footage of the situation showing all of the Avengers getting ready to attack.
Gripping the counter tightly you felt yourself start to get angry again, so you attempted to calm down.
However it was no use as you watched a man turn into a tall green monster on the screen, knowing in your heart and soul that he was the one you were meant to be with.
Rushing out of there you stupidly ran down to where the fighting was taking place, luckily getting there after it ended.
Following the roars you started to give out feelings of calmness and peace.
Turning the corner you saw a mostly naked man panting and heaving hunched over in a nearby alleyway.
When he suddenly felt joy he looked up seeing you standing there smiling at him, knowing it was really him when you experienced a brief bout of confusion at first.
“It’s you...you’re real.”
Nodding you rush over not even caring about his state of undress, throwing your arms around him.
For once Bruce didn’t let go, this was meant to be and he was going to let it take him.
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Thor Odinson-
Thor was getting frustrated being stuck at the same body he was when he was 18.
A thousand years or more had passed and he still hadn’t found his soulmate.
It was only while working with the Avengers on Midgard did he find what he was looking for without even realizing it.
Being part of the team yourself you often interacted with Thor when he was hanging around.
Somewhere along the lines he became obsessed with you, taking in every bit of information you would give him when talking.
Learning much about the culture on Earth from you at the end of the day.
Seemingly over the next few years you got closer, to the point where you would say you were best friends… if not more.
One morning you were looking in the mirror and you saw something that shocked you beyond belief.
A silver hair in the midst of your natural color.
That meant you were finally aging, something you hadn’t really done in the last ten years.
There was only person it could be, the person that seemingly had your heart even if he didn’t know it.
Thor noticed his own aging for the first time around the same moment you did.
Crinkles had formed in the corners of his eyes, something that definitely wasn’t there before.
Rushing to find you, you both ran into each other... literally.
Luckily he caught you in his arms, you both starting to laugh at the coincidence.
Showing each other what you had discovered, deep down it was like he had always known it was you.
No one will ever love you more than the man who waited more than a lifetime to be with you.
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Loki Laufeyson-
Most of your life you had your own dreams, that was until the attacks in New York.
Ever since then, there were times where you were just a spectator in the front row of a horror show.
After many nights with little to no sleep due to the terrifying sights you went to a sleep clinic to find out what is going on.
There you are told of a rare connection to a soulmate where you share each other's dreams.
However they couldn’t explain why it took so long for them to start.
The only explanation offered was that they came within close proximity of you and that jump started the connection.
A solution they offered was to attempt to lucid dream and bring them into your space to see who they were.
It took awhile but finally you felt like you wanted to attempt it.
Loki was sleeping and found himself sucked into your dream, something he always prefered over his own.
You provided his much needed escape from reality after all that had happened to him recently.
Quickly he realized that this was different than before, you seemed far more in control of the narrative than usual.
When you asked for his name he was shocked since normally you never knew of his presence.
Shocked as you were when you found out he was the man who had hurt a lot of people, connecting the dots between the timing your dreams started and when he attacked.
As you felt yourself starting to wake up you swore you heard him tell you he was going to come for you at the first chance.
Somehow you didn’t know if you were comforted or terrified by those words.
[Part one of How You Meet! If you want more soulmate scenarios with everyone let me know! <333]
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