ligbi · 9 months
I think we should be allowed to burn corporations to the ground
even aside from all the current residuals&streaming availability fuckery, I was looking at  978-0786847655 one of the Disney Fairies books with some lovely illustrations and the artists listed are
The Disney Storybook Artists
That’s nothing. That’s less than nothing. I want names and proper credits. SO many books are published by the mouse with only this catch all name listed for worlds of work. What if I want to track down the artists and support their individual work? Do you keep them in a cave and not let them see the sun? Or do you just not believe in proper crediting.
‘oh but there was probably a contract and they were surely paid’ yeah and ???? paid how much what about residuals are the artists even allowed to put these books on their work history since without their name credited anywhere. The contract or job listing or internship clause or whatever tactic disney uses to get away with this is scummy while sure this type of thing should be low on the list of priorities on how to de-shitify the world, it should be on the list.
yes some of the artists who have worked on the franchise are listed on the artofdisneyfairies tumblr, but that’s a fan account and it’s incomplete. A book should have full proper credits in it
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The corporation may own the art but they didn’t make it and they shouldn’t hide who did the work as neither artists nor ‘consumers’ benefit from that.
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xielianslver · 5 days
We have to make mental health slideshows for our teachers and this is mine lol
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someone send help to them
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degeneratedworker · 1 year
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“Tax The Rich“ William Gropper New Masses Magazine United States of America July 9, 1935
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eucanthos · 1 month
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“Can’t Beat That Feeling”, 2014. The unauthorized retrospective, S/2 London, Curated by Steve Lazarides
Nick Ut (VD, 1951)
Phan Thị Kim Phúc (1963), the girl in the picture/napalm girl. Pulitzer Prize photo "The Terror of War", Trảng Bàng, June 8, 1972 by Vietnamese-American photographer Nick Ut for the Associated Press
[eucanthos' hi res img recontsruction from sotheby's]
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fuzzyghost · 8 months
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
TL;DR capitalism is killing babies
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env0writes · 24 days
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NaPoWriMo Vol. 3, 4.5.24 “That Ain't Playing Phaoroh at the American Dream“
What’s a dollar Dollar bill Y’all? Lying? Trying? Dying? For this green? Grass and trees and leaves fall all the same Why play pretend with markets in the clouds What is a dollar, a buck, a doe? Although without I’m dying, trying, lying Asking why I’m not enough Dollar bill, y’all Survive on these slip Slip, slip, slippery slope Pink slip car loan Pink slip house loan –Reminder I’m a man– Can’t afford my home, my car, my life What’s a dollar An hour? How many? I’m spending my day working for so little When the bed I sleep in, in the house I weep in Will never be bought with that labor Who enjoys the fruits of these planted labors? What juice spills from distant lips?
What’s a dollar? Dollar bill Y’all aren’t all vying for more? Trying for more Dying for more? Why must we play pretend–passing ice-coins Wintered the weather about to maintain this illusion This song and dance Won at the tip of a lance Am I to die on the streets where I sleep After a hard days work Gunned down by a passerby whose offense is taken At my presence In my work, when offense is taken At my presence What sense does it make to not be seen Santa’s little helpers Slaving away So some other might gloat and tote Can I sleep on it? Wipe my weeping tears on it? Who will take what I have Leaving what little for tomorrow And tomorrow’s tomorrow Before I again have to borrow So that this cycle of green Of greed Of grasses–greener Perennially blooms; forebodes doom
Where is safe from this dollar? Dollar bill Y’all The grass is always greener The management always meaner The bankers always keener I am saving, graving, paving the way But not to walk upon but on I am the stone–ascended Who can afford to be single? Who can afford just one? In a market that’s rising–water levels Left to drown I can swim–only so long Tread water, dread water, fed water And drown Green stays afloat It is soluble, solution, able and capable Why must I live to work and not Live and work Where did the and’s go? Where did the green go? Barren and wearing no colors of life The suburbs and cities and folks are all white Washed and packaged for resale again No space is owned save the barony lords
What is a dollar? Dollar bill Y’all Learn all day To work all day ‘Til your dying day What is there to say? “He was a busy and dedicated man to his work” Will his work remember him Remembered for his work Who will grieve the cog replaced The seed replanted The crack that’s mended When the old days are waning The sunset soon fading I will keep working for that return of the green The average mean The stacks slapped in my hand To feed and afford what I can Because what use is a dollar That can never call her Back Buy my time Back Take it all Back What use is a dollar? That can’t buy back my time wasted in youth In adulthood so ruth-lessly sought
What is a dollar? Dollar bill Y’all Aren’t struggle to own any bit of your life Your car is on loan and your house and your wife At the slightest inconvenience The drop of margins Swoops the executive C On to elevate thee Claiming your purchases are just temporary They’ve licensed your time Your work and Your sight All that you own And all that you might Work for that dollar Plug and play on their game I’ll keep dreaming, Filling reem in -of paper And dream of my paper My dollar Dollar bill Y’all
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!   Photo by my friend Mika
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nando161mando · 10 days
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When The Company Doesn't Care About the People...
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commiepinkofag · 11 months
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Up Yoors Coors
Bartender Arlene Smith at the 5 Point Café, Seattle, 1980
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futurebird · 8 months
Dumb Money
Money spent buying things is good for an economy & even stands a chance of increasing egalitarianism. In contrast, money invested is far more chaotic— And yet? When people run out of things to buy it is said then they must invest. And when invested in by others? well then you must reshape your actions, not even to the whims of your investors but rather to serve the legally binding needs of the “bottom line.” A line which may, when best served, lead you to discover yourself enacting cruelties you could not have managed to imagine (much less perpetrate) for the pedestrian, greedy task of merely increasing your own money. No, now you commit atrocities with all the credulous honor of a high priest in the name of shareholders and “fiduciary responsibility.”
Herein, at last, we see the corporation: opening its eyes, becoming a sentient, ravenous creature of abstractly defined desires. The first AI running on a mechanical computer made of the actions and choices of thousands of people.
I’m not so naive to suggest no joint ventures or limited liability should exist. It’s true sometimes people have a good idea, but no money— a goal of great expense, raising capital to make it happen then is only right.
I wish simply there was more care for how we shape the creatures we choose to embody— a need not just to raise money, but also to earn trust of a kind of quorum of individuals ready to take responsibility for the new monster. No more illusions of magic boxes where one would place a sum of money at night to then find it increased by dawn.
What I’m saying is in essence this: those we call “investors” are often not invested in the companies they realize at all! Many of these would be horrified by the ‘work’ their money has enabled. Or disgusted with the frivolous and intrinsically fraudulent character of the corporate projects they have sponsored; this system so designed to make exploitative extraction, liquidation mines and even pure con jobs not just easy, but inevitable, ordinary, and most conveniently morally distant.
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awesomecooperlove · 2 months
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multiencomms · 2 months
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francepittoresque · 3 months
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20 janvier 1648 : fondation de l’Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture ➽ http://bit.ly/Academie-Peinture-Sculpture L’acte de naissance de cette institution correspond à la requête adressée au conseil du jeune roi Louis XIV par l’amateur d’art Martin de Charmois, porte-parole d’artistes — parmi lesquels le célèbre Le Brun — désireux d’échapper à un statut d’artisan qui les soumettait à de simples entrepreneurs
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leftmusing · 2 years
I'm pretty avidly against cancel culture from the perspective of those mindsets reoccurring in daily interpersonal relationships and the damage it has on mental health, definitions of justice and social cohesion, but sometimes I take a step back from that and think that "wow. even against men in power, this is very counterproductive."
hear me out.
largely, cancel culture was kind of birthed as its own separated practise at the same sort of Internet time period as the #MeToo movement first gained traction, and the original intentions of this was to hold dangerous men in power accountable and to deplatform them. I could go on a whole separate ramble about accountability, justice and deplatforming, but that's not the point of this post. at its core at the beginning, cancel culture was held with good intention to hold bad, powerful, rich people accountable.
but there's irony in this. because what cancel culture has degenerated into has become a much more concerning, damaging issue, mainly to friendship circles, community cohesion and minority groups. these powerful, dangerous men that this movement was originally supposed to be against, aka, the 1% of wealth, the people behind media censorship, the CEOs of social media and people in government, for example, have very cleverly over the past 5 or 6 years(ish) drip fed subtle, psychological techniques to take this notion of cancel culture and use it to pit communities against each other. they have successfully turned the collective internet's attention away from them and towards each other.
at the end of the day, these aren't left vs right issues, although that's what these people would have you believe. this should be all of us vs them. the small but dangerously powerful statistical minority.
isn't it fucked up? isn't it fucked up that we are all so caught up in these echo chambers carefully constructed by those who wish to distract us that we have forgotten the main issues? isn't it fucked up that we're more focused on digging up dirt and harassing our neighbours, our friends, our community members, instead of actually bothering to fight for the justice we claim to desire?
and the most damning of it all, is that every post, every tweet in an argumentative thread, every reblog that spreads doxxing information about a teenager who said a slur once, every comment on a post trying to cancel a minority who has simply made a human mistake, is money in the pockets of those controlling this. the evil, twisted people that we should be putting our efforts into fighting against are profiting off of the movement that was supposed to take them down.
so, above the sociopolitical and interpersonal reasons I can't abide cancel culture, this is most significant to me. how deeply counterproductive it is.
the powerful men turn us against each other over the shield of computer screens and keyboards, we fall into mass echo chamber delusion and pick fights and cancel campaigns against each other, and they sit back and watch in delight that the long term coercion they've had over the media's dynamic is finally paying off. literally paying off.
so stop wasting what you think is activism on old tweets from one of your old high school buddies where they said something shitty. stop wasting this energy on taking down the people on the same societal standing as you. stop letting yourself get so enraged over somebody having a conflicting opinion to you, and start channelling that anger into the shit that the far left actually stands for: revolution.
because cancel culture isn't left. it just isn't. it isn't activism.
that's what the powerful, dangerous people in power would like you to think.
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fuzzyghost · 8 months
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a-tohmic · 3 months
“She is somewhere in that building right now”
Cinematic by redblueen
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