dykeredhood · 1 year
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The Culver’s mascot Curdis the cheese curd is so important to me
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kinokoshoujoart · 1 month
Marrying Carter in Harvest Moon DS Cute! (North American version)
oh… sorry no not the archaeologist, i mean Pastor Carter from Mineral Town!
(or is it Pastor Curdy….?)
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teeechnically his descendant, and it causes a game over… but this is the only time we’ve been able to marry him right?
so in the girl version of HMDS, there’s two “secret” Mineral Town bachelors that you can marry by talking to them enough times on the phone. one is Mason, the guy who runs May’s Tailoring… but the second, Pastor Carter, is a bit more obscure…
i couldn’t find them uploaded anywhere so here are his 2nd* thru 10th conversations+his proposal+proposal rejection in english! if you want to see it on youtube instead here you go
*i failed to record the first conversation when it happened, and there’s no way in hell i’m resetting my whole game again (…yet), so…just know the first one was like “oh you want to talk? what should we talk about…….. …… ….. …. i can’t think of anything. well see ya………” extremely riveting stuff
he’s so obscure that i didn’t even realize that he was a bachelor until i found out about the mechanic from this japanese wiki!! (here’s an archive link to the page on him in case the page doesn’t work) all i did was test whether it worked in english since i couldn’t find any english info at all mentioning it. i’m sure others have found him… right……..
in case the links above don’t work, a small guide to holy matrimony below the cut since i can’t find one in english
it works essentially the same as the Mason marriage (so it’s just a game over, sadly…), and the steps are pretty tedious and counterintuitive, so you’re unlikely to just stumble across it… but you too can get a priest to break his vow of celibacy for you or whatever!
you will need:
at least 2,050,000 G
20 cursed tools/accessories
if you really don’t want to dig up 20 cursed things you can substitute 100x “remove a cursed tool/accessory” for blessing a cursed tool…
but, including all the cursed tools and accessories, there’s only 16… which means you will need to go dig up 4 duplicate cursed accessories using this method! yay!!! extremely pointless since you can’t sell blessed accessories until after marriage in DS for girl (at which point you can’t trigger pastor carter’s proposal)
you unlock a conversation with cardi when you spend at least 205,000 G. which means the quickest thing to do is to order removal of a cursed item five times, then bless 2 cursed items.
**be careful when blessing accessories to only equip one at a time!!! if you equip a stack of duplicate accessories, blessing that stack destroys the duplicates!!!! :( so just take 1 out of the stack and equip it!!!**
you also can’t unlock more conversations until you’ve seen the one you unlocked, so like even if you spend a million G you’ll just unlock one conversation, and you’ll need to finish that conversation and then spend 205,000 G to unlock the next one…yeah….
on the tenth conversation he abruptly reveals that he’s fallen in love with you and asks you to marry him! it ends your game, but….! on the bright side, it ends your game!!! you’re finally free from Hell Simulator!!!!
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justa-lil-guy · 3 months
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The Princess and the Goblin
Click the title to watch!
📖Listen to the audiobook here
📖Listen to the sequel audiobook here (The Princess and Curdie)
Let me know if there's a movie or show you'd like to see next!
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highlifeboat · 11 months
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For the whole 5 other people that know this movie, I give meme
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
Potential February reading:
Sylvia's Lovers by Elizabeth Gaskell
These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Princess and Curdie by George Macdonald
One unread ebook
One unread physical book on my shelf
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pendraegon · 7 months
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nostalgiahime · 1 year
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The Princess and the Goblin Movie Storybook (1993) [✩]  
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rosaleona · 1 year
I curdi processeranno i 10mila foreign fighter Isis ignorati dall’Occidente. “Nostra inazione rischia di creare generazioni di terroristi”
I curdi processeranno i 10mila foreign fighter Isis ignorati dall’Occidente. “Nostra inazione rischia di creare generazioni di terroristi” https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2023/06/18/i-curdi-processeranno-i-10mila-foreign-fighter-isis-ignorati-dalloccidente-nostra-inazione-rischia-di-creare-generazioni-di-terroristi/7196924/
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intothemidnightcity · 2 years
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"Cool Rock" Wyatt solved the case in time for My Actual Birthday lol! Happy Birthday to me this Friday, and most importantly, happy Transgender Awareness Week everyone!
Twitter | Tapas | Webtoon | Gumroad | Instagram | Ko-fi | @cancan-jpg
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ideeperscrittori · 2 years
– La premier finlandese ha consegnato il popolo curdo a quel macellaio di Erdogan. – Capita. La politica è un bilanciamento di interessi. Non darei troppo peso a questa cosa. – Ha anche ballato a una festa. – Nooooo!!! Ma questo è un crimine imperdonabile!!! Mettetela alla gogna!
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joerojasburke · 2 years
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Anatomical Angel
     L’ange Anatomique, by Jacques-Fabien Gautier Dagoty, 1746
Unfastened avidly from each ivory button               of her spine, the voluntary muscles open virtuosities of red: Cinnabar                                    the mutagen, and carmine from cochineal               born between fog and frost, so many little deaths Buddhists refuse to wear                                    robes soaked in its thousands. Sunsets               of other centuries fade in galleries to ash. Red is fugitive: As the voice, the blow                                    of gravity along a nerve opening to an ache               the body can’t unhouse: As the carnation suffusing cheek and haunch like saucers                                    from the king’s porcelain rinsed in candlelight.               Gratuitous as the curl, the urn-shaped torso, the pensive, brimming gaze of pretty                                    post-coital thought she half-turns over one               excavated shoulder. As if to see herself in a mirror’s savage theater as elegy                                    to the attempt to fill an exhausted form,               to learn again the old ordeals of wound and hand and eye. To find the source of burning.
[Poem by Averill Curdy, published in Poetry (June 2006)]
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thisbrilliantsky · 10 months
thinking about her 💙
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aitan · 2 years
Stermini collaterali
La strage di Melilla (37 morti ammazzati nella calca a seguito di un brutale intervento della polizia marocchina mentre cercavano di entrare nell’enclave spagnolo) è figlia di un patto scellerato tra il Marocco e la Spagna.
“Io riconosco la tua sovranità sul Sahara Occidentale e tu, Marocco caro, fai pulizia etnica alle frontiere e non ci fai entrare altri neri a Melilla, che è territorio spagnolo…. Eccheccacchio, ‘o vonne capì che chesta è Europa e nun è Africa!?”
Un po’ come la Svezia e la Finlandia che si impegnano a mandare in Turchia un bel gruppetto di attivisti curdi, affinché Erdogan tolga il veto alla loro entrata nell’alleanza atlantica.
“‘A Turchi’, tu lasciaci entrare nella NATO senza fare questioni; po’, che vuo’?, ‘e curde?, ‘e terroriste? …Pigliatelle e fanne chello che vuo’, indifferentemente.“
Si fa mercato dei corpi altrui, delle altrui vite. Scambi internazionali che impongono le loro scelte a popoli terzi. Uomini ridotti a pedine di uno scacchiere perverso.
Altri si lasciano morire nelle acque del Mediterraneo o asfissiati nei tir.
Un modo per regolare i flussi migratori sulla pelle di chi cerca fortuna o vuole allontanarsi dalla fame, dalla guerra e dall’oppressione.
Gli effetti collaterali della ragion di Stato. Piccoli sacrifici umani sull’altare dell’interesse e del profitto.
Continua qua:
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highlifeboat · 1 year
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Obligatory Princess and The Goblin stuff because I rewatched the movie and I'm making it everyone's problem.
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kaixo-agur · 2 months
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Charles Folkard (1878 –1963)
The Princess and Curdie, 1949
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nostalgiahime · 1 year
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The Princess and the Goblin Movie Storybook (1993) [✩]
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