#Cursed house
autumnmobile12 · 9 months
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As much as I love this show, this scene has annoyed me for years.
"You should avoid using the nine cuts on anyone no matter what the circumstance is."
Bro, that 'circumstance' was a vengeful ghost possessing a child and making said child sprint toward a cliffside to make them leap to their death. What exactly was Mai supposed to do? Rugby tackle him?
I'm not saying what she did was a good idea because we can clearly see her emergency exorcism did cause minor injuries to both kids...but given the limited options and the alternative of someone dying, I think the outcome here was on the favorable side of the spectrum.
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Dossier Negro no. 103 cover art by Sebastia Boada
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virtie333 · 8 months
Spooky Season X-File Fanfiction
It's really not hard to write an X-File story that could fit in with the Spooky Season, but I have two in particular that make great Halloween stories. One even takes place on Halloween!
My werewolf story that literally came from a dream/nightmare!
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And a ghost story, that was literally taken from the lyrics of the song I named it after.
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Both are MSR, but have UST. Wait. Does anyone still use those acronyms anymore? Mulder Scully Romance with Unresolved Sexual Tension.
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enderpearlgirl1005 · 1 year
Cursed House
Chapter 1 House
In a small town known as Denver Land, a family of three were driving into the town and to their new house. The family consisted of two parents and their daughter who wasn't very happy about the move. The Parents were named Angelica who was the mother and the father named Angelico. Angelico looked in the rearview mirror and saw his daughter laying down in the back seat staring up at the car roof.
"Hey Tina, are you excited to see our new house?" Angelico asked.
"What do you think dad?" Tina said apathetically before turning on her side.
"Oh Tina, I know you're upset about the move but the jobs me and your father got here are a lot better than the ones we had back in the city." Angelica explained.
"But I didn't want to leave our old home, I loved it there and I was still trying to figure out who I am there." Tina explained, both sad and annoyed.
"I know, but hey you'll go to a new school and meet new friends. Also from what I hear this is a town where everyone knows everyone, so I'm sure you'll make a lot of new friends here." Angelica tried reassuring her daughter.
Tina sighed again and just continued looking at the back of the car seats sadly. After about another hour Angelica tapped Tina's shoulder getting her attention.
"We're here dear, come on, you're going to love our new house." Angelica said cheerfully.
Tina didn't say anything and just sat up and followed her parents out of the car and looked to see their new home. When Tina saw it she had to rub her eye's a bit as she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Their new home was three stories high and looked pretty old, it reminded her of the old houses that you see in a horror movie.
"Um Mom dad, what price did you two buy this house at?" Tina asked.
"We got it for a really good price, just about two hundred dollars!" Angelico explained.
When Tina heard that she couldn't believe it as a house like this looked like it's price would've reigned in the thousands or even the millions price range due to how big and old it was. However she felt like something was up with this place as normally when places like this were that cheap there was something off about it.
"Isn't it great Tina? We got this place at such a nice price and it's so big!" Angelico exclaimed.
"Um yeah It's nice dad." Tina said.
"I know right, Oh and look, the moving van is here!" Angelica exclaimed happily.
Tina looked to the back of their car and saw that the moving van was coming up to them from just down the street.
"Great now we can get started on moving our stuff into the house and picking out our rooms!" Angelico said excited for the new place.
After the moving van got up to them the workers helped them with getting their stuff inside the house. As the adults were taking the big stuff inside the house, Tina decided to look around the property to see what she could explore till she had her entertainment.
She walked around to the back to see what was back there, and when she got there she saw many overgrown plants. The place was so overgrown that it looked like a small forest. However she knew that her mother could make this place lively again as she loved to garden.
"Hey Tina, come on and help us unpack. You also need to find a room in the house for you to call your room." Angelica called out to Tina.
Tina sighed and went back to the front to help her parents and the movers get everything else inside.
After some time the family had all of their belongings out of the van, their car, and it was now all inside their new home. Tina looked around and the inside of the house wasn't all that bad, aside from a few cobwebs and some dust bunnies it was alright.
"Hey mom Dad I'm gonna explore this place a bit and see if I can find a nice room." Tina said.
"Okay dear, well clean up here and let us know about the room you find." Angelico said before going back to gathering up more cobwebs with a duster.
Tina then left the living room and went up the stairs to see if the second floor had any rooms she'd like to sleep in. She looked into the first room and saw that it was rather small and didn't have any windows in it. Not liking the atmosphere the room gave off Tina went on to the next, however this was rather big, way too big for her so she went on to the next one.
After looking through a few more rooms Tina found a room that was just right for her, and to make things better the room had a window that led out to a balcony.
"Ah perfect this room is just what I need, now all I need to do is to get my stuff and put it in here." Tina said to herself as she went downstairs to get her things.
"Hey mom Hey dad I found a room I like in this house." Tina explained.
"Ah well that's wonderful, me and your father are also going to find our room once we're done brightening this place up." Angelica said.
"Okay I'll show you two when I get my stuff up there." Tina said.
Her parents nodded and went back to cleaning the dust and cobwebs so the house won't look as creepy. Tina then started gathering up the boxes that had her name on them and brought them up to her new room. When she got up to her new room she suddenly felt a cold breeze within her room. However, that only lasted for a few seconds till the room became hot again.
Tina thought that was strange as summer had just begun and it was very hot outside right now. However Tina just shrugged it off and didn't think much of it and just continued on bringing her things into her new room. While Tina wasn't happy that they moved away from their old town she was at least the new house had a room that was similar to her old room.
However it didn't make her feel any better as she was still trying to find out who she was. Tina sighed before continuing on unpacking her stuff trying to get her mind off things.
(Later that day)
Tina and her parents were heading over to the next door neighbors house wanting to introduce themselves. Angelica had also managed to make a lasagna with some ingredients she was able to afford at the convenient store. Angelico knocked on the door and when he did a woman soon answered the door.
"Hello I'm Angelico, this is my wife Angelica, and our daughter Tina, and we're new here." Angelico explained.
"Oh nice to meet you all I'm Charlie, and it's so nice to meet you all." Charlie said.
"Nice to meet you as well, also here I made some lasagna as a little gift for you all." Angelica said.
"Oh why that's so kind of you dear, hey why don't you all join me and my family for dinner tonight. I accidentally made too much for the three of us and sensed you all just moved in, you all could have a nice warm meal." Charlie suggested.
"Oh well that sounds nice, what do you say Tina?" Angelica asked.
"Sure why not, I'm not in the mood for microwave meals." Tina said.
"Okay then that settles it, we'll come in for dinner." Angelico said.
"Wonderful, come in, come in, I'm sure my husband and son would love to meet you all." Charlie said and made room for them to come in.
They all went inside and when they entered the house they were hit with the delicious scent of warm soup.
"Mmh that smells wonderful, let me guess, chicken noodle?" Angelica asked.
"Why yes it's my son's favorite, and I'm sure with the lasagna you made will be wonderful as well." Charlie said excited to try the lasagna.
"Eh my moms cooking is just average so nothing gourmet." Tina said.
"Well even if that's true it smells good so I'm sure it'll taste good." Charlie said.
They then went into the kitchen and saw a man and a teenage boy sitting at the dinner table. The Man was reading the newspaper and the teenage boy was texting on his phone.
"Hey honey, Alex, we have guests here." Charlie called out getting her family's attention.
The two looked up and when they saw their guests they put their items away and smiled, then waved at them.
"Hello it's nice to meet you all, I'm Karter and this is our son Alex." Karter said.
"Hey, nice to meet you all." Alex said.
"It's nice to meet you all as well. I'm Angelica, this is my husband Angelico and my daughter Tina." Angelica said.
"Nice to meet you all and I heard you all are new here correct?" Karter asked.
"Yeah we are." Tina said before taking a seat at the table.
Her parents also sat down at the table and Charlie put the lasagna on the table then went to go get her soup. After she came back everyone got their share of the food and began to enjoy it.
As they were eating the adults started talking about their work life. Tina however wasn't listening and just picked at her food while also eating a bit of it. Once her plate was empty she excused herself from the table.
"Hey mom dad can I go back to the house?" Tina asked.
"Sure it's getting late and we've already got your bed set up. We also need to be up tomorrow as we still have a lot of unpacking left to do." Angelico explained.
"Yeah I know dad, I'll see you all later then." Tina said.
She then made her way to the door, however before she left she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She looked back to see that it was Alex who had stopped her from leaving.
"Hey Tina before you go I wanna ask you something." Alex said.
"What's that?" Tina asked.
"Well sense you're new here and I was hoping for, if you'd like to come to the local park and meet up with me and my other two friends?" Alex asked.
"Hmm sure why not but I'll need to meet with them some time later this week as me and my parents have a lot of unpacking left to do." Tina explained.
"Okay well let me know when you all are done unpacking and I'll make time for us to hang out." Alex said.
"Fine by me, see you around Alex." Tina said before leaving the house.
She went over to her new home, she looked up to the window of the third floor of their home, which was the attic. When she did she saw a dark figure staring down at her from the window. When Tina looked closer however she saw that it was just a coat rack with a large black coat hanging off it.
'Oh thank goodness it wasn't a stranger, the last thing I need is to be scared out of my mind the day we move in.' Tina thought to herself before heading inside.
When she went in she suddenly felt a cold shiver run up her spine, but it only lasted for a few seconds.
"That was weird, but whatever. I'm tired so I'm gonna head to bed." Tina said.
She then went up to her room, when she got there she opened the door and saw something strange on her bed. Lying on her bed was a white blanket with a red stitching outline of a strange symbol. Tina looked at the strange blanket for a while before shrugging it off and thinking her mom found it and decided to give it to her.
Tina then changed into a nightgown and got into bed, she first pulled her normal blanket over her, then the white blanket over her as it wasn't that thick. She then fell asleep under the nice warm covers that embraced her body.
(The next day)
Tina woke up when she felt someone shaking her. She opened her eyes and saw her mom was shaking her with the white blanket in her hands.
"Oh *yawn* Morning mom." Tina said.
"Morning Tina, and might I ask but where did you find this blanket?" Angelica asked while showing Tina the blanket.
"I found it on my bed last night, I thought you found it and left it for me, did you not?" Tina asked.
"Well no I didn't, also what's with this symbol on it, it looks kinda satanic." Angelica said while looking at the blanket.
"Wait what?!" Tina was concerned when she heard that.
"I don't know, but don't worry Tina if you have faith in god you'll be safe from the demons." Angelica said reassuringly.
Tina just rolled her eyes at her mothers words as she felt like it was nonsense.
"Oh and the other neighbors, the two old ladies who live next door, said if we liked to come over for tea, then we could." Angelica said.
"Hmm good to know I might go over there and have a cup before finishing unpacking." Tina said.
"Great idea, but me and your father will have to stay here and finish unpacking as we're doing the more complex stuff around the house." Angelica explained.
"I'm fine with that, and besides I won't be long." Tina said then got out of bed.
She then went up to one of her boxes and got one of her shorts and tank tops out of it. She then left her room with her mother who then went down stairs while Tina went into the bathroom to change. As Tina was changing she felt like someone was watching her, she looked around but didn't see anyone. She even opened up the old shower curtains and thankfully didn't see anyone.
"Tina you're just being paranoid this old house is getting to you." Tina said to herself.
Once she was done getting changed she left the house and went over to the old lady's house. On her way there her foot hit something, and when she looked down she saw it was a copy of the bible, she knew this because her grandmother read it all the time.
She looked at the package and saw that it was meant for a Mr. Adam, she looked around and saw a sign that read "Mr. Adam this way." The sign was pointing up the stairs, which led Tina to believe that the house was a duplex.
Wanting to be a nice neighbor Tina grabbed the book and went up the stairs. After going up about two flights Tina came across a door that had a cross on it, believing it was Mr. Adam's house she lightly knocked on the door.
After she was done knocking she heard someone start walking in the house, then locks being undone, then the door opened and she was met with a tired young-man who looked to be in his late 20's.
"Um hello I'm Tina and I'm the new neighbor, I saw this left at the bottom of the stairs and I thought I'd bring it to you." Tina explained while handing him the book.
"Oh thank you I've been expecting this for a while now." Adam explained happy to have the bible.
"Cool, so why did you want this?" Tina asked.
"Well I'm the new priest at the local church and I want to read up as much as I can on the bible, so thank you so much for bringing this to me, I will pray to god and tell him of your kindness." Adam said.
Tina just nodded before saying goodbye and leaving to go have some tea. As she was walking to the garden where she believes the two old ladies are, she heard Adam calling out to her.
"TINA! TINA WAIT!" Adam called out. Tina looked back and saw Adam running up to her with a concerned look on his face.
"What is it Adam?" Tina asked curiously what he wanted.
"I received a message from the heavens!" Adam exclaimed.
Tina just gave him a confused look as she was now starting to think he was crazy by saying something like that.
"What was the message?" Tina asked, hoping that if he told her he'd leave her alone.
"They said, don't trust Madeline Hive... do you know anyone with that name?" Adam asked.
"Um... no I don't." Tina said.
"Eh well it was strange but I felt like I should tell you, anyway have a good day, and may the heavens watch over you." Adam said gracefully as he went back up to his part of the house.
Tina just rolled her eyes thinking that Adam was just another crazy religious person like the ones she's met back in her old town. She then went up to the gate to see if the two ladies were in their garden, and sure enough the two were having tea.
"Hey Miss, Alice, Miss, Tambry! It's me Tina, the girl next door! Can I have some tea as well?" Tina asked.
Miss Alice looked back and saw Tina waving at them, she smiled and got up from her seat to let Tina in the garden.
"Why of course anyone who'd like to have a spot of tea with us is welcomed." Miss Alice explained as she opened the gate.
Tina then went into the garden and walked up to the table with Miss Alice. She sat at a seat across from the two, and Alice sat down back in her old seat and poured Tina her tea.
"Dear if you'd like, I can read your tea leaves for you." Miss Tambry said.
"My tea leaves?" Tina said, confused.
"Why yes, I used to be a fortune teller when I was younger, but I gave it up in favor of a gardener and tea seller, but I still read people's fortunes every now and again." Miss Tambry explained.
"Eh Why not, who I need to know something interesting will happen." Tina explained, a bit apathetic as the two haven't impressed her so far.
"Ah good, now here drink up, it's lavender tea, it'll help you relax and it has a lot of health benefits." Miss Tambry said as she put a little sugar in the drink and handed it to Tina.
Tina took the cup and drank her tea till Miss Tambry told her that she could stop. Once Tina was finished she handed the cup to Miss Tambry who started reading what the leaves said. When she read them her face turned to horror and concern.
"Oh, Oh my, Tina Darling, you're in grave danger!" Miss Tambry exclaimed with worry in both her voice and concern.
"What? What do you mean by that? What do my leaves say?" Tina asked.
"Well I see a very bad symbol that in my time and now represents satanism." Miss Tambry explained.
"What? That's nonsense, why is that even there?" Tina asked.
"Well I don't know, what do you think Alice?" Miss Tambry asked.
"Well I'm no excerpt on this matter so I can't say much, but if that's there then I guess you should be very, very careful Tina." Miss Alice explained.
"Okay well thanks for the tea, I need to go now, I'll see you around." Tina said before getting up to go back home.
Tina thought about what Miss Tambry said, but brushed it off as nothing as Tina never believed in demons or the supernatural. She also didn't have much faith in religion either due to insane people back in her old town that spewed out all kinds of nonsense to her.
"While the people here are weird like Mr. Adam, they don't at least pressure their beliefs on me like my old insane religious neighbor, Miss Canady did." Tina thought to herself as she went back inside to finish unpacking, not even noticing the strange dark figure in her attic watching her.
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painted-lemon · 8 months
um can we make this a real thing??????
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please tag any other fandom that could use this meme format
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goryhorroor · 23 days
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horror sub-genres: children horror
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lilybug-02 · 1 month
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Eimmet High...temmiE high. OMG!
Part 28 || First || Previous || Next...
--Full Series--
Next update may take...much longer! I have finals and an internship and not to mention I have to draw- A LOT :')
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eliotbaum · 3 months
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more CoS Kasper doodles out of context
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roxasxiiikeys · 1 year
This old house bleeds me and my family more and more and more and more money than it takes for us to actually raise any money into moving... This is why I genuinely believe this house is cursed and we're just NEVER getting out of here no matter how hard we try... We've been stuck in this hellhole while failing to move out for EIGHTEEN FUCKING YEARS... I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house I hate this house....
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violent138 · 7 months
Bruce, slumped in a chair: "Alfred it's so insane, he just doesn't stop. Yesterday he broke his ankle and he's back in those goddamn pixie boots with 'extra supports' like that fucking does anything-"
Alfred, stirring sedatives into the tea he's making Bruce: "Oh my."
Bruce: "-I just don't know what to do. He needs to take a break, holy shit that much anger can't be good for a child, and don't even get me started on the coping mechanisms Alfred, they're unhinged-"
Alfred, looking up with a tight smile: "You don't say. Sugar, Master Bruce?"
Bruce, dragging a hand down his face: "-and let me tell you, I don't know where he gets his energy because he hasn't slept in two days! Two days! I was impressed when he first got here, but now I'm just concerned-"
Alfred, handing the tea to Bruce: "Understandable, sir. Anyone in your position would be."
Bruce, nearly choking on the tea: "Alfred, Alfred, I'm so dumb--the lack of sleep must be getting to me-- just spike his orange juice with sleep meds. Child doses of Nyquil or something. Yeah, that'll do it."
Alfred, watching Bruce drain the cup: "I couldn't agree with you more."
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thottybrucewayne · 14 days
I think what I want to get into with the "Anyone can do harm." thing that I keep beating yall over the head with is that literally anyone, anyone at all can do harm it's not "in your DNA" to be an abuser or written in the stars that you'll be a predator. Whatever image you have of an abuser in your head, drop it and replace it with your favorite person in the world and you'll probably be closer to the truth than you realize. It's easy to address harm when it's coming from someone you already hate. I see it happen all the time. Someone you couldn't stand for no real reason does something heinous then all of a sudden here comes the avalanche of "I always knew they were a fucked up individual." No, you didn't. There is no possible way you could have known, you just already didn't fuck with them before they started doing something you could use to justify your hatred of them. I'm guilty of it too! I'm petty, mean, vindictive, and yes! I'm way quicker to believe something bad about someone I hate versus someone I love because I'm human. Still, y all gotta learn to move past that initial "Well, they were always nice to me!" gut feeling and understand that nobody truly knows anyone and anyone can be capable of anything. Even victims. Even you.
#thotty speaks#thotty rants#I was thinking about that Christine chan post and its like yeah yall really don't know how bad it got for her before she did what she did#It reminded me of that thing on tiktok where people take 'cringy' cosplayers videos (most of whom are literal children) and put racist or#bigoted text over it then reupload it to call them out then the og creator gets a flood of harassment mostly from people who hated them for#the crime of being weird on the internet but now they can use 'oh but they're a bigot!' as an excuse to tear them down until they come out#and say 'hey i didn't say this someone stole my shit' and nobody takes their vids down nor apologizes because they didn't fuck with them#anyway so wash rinse repeat#idk I just wish that people had the same smoke for people they actually like#mostly cause I'm tired of being accused of 'switching up' every time I cut people off or stop fuckin with an artist#like this is what we should be doing!!!! ACG ANYBODY CAN GET IT!#It should be smoke for ANYONE who does harm every your fave people!#otherwise you create this world where taking people to task for the harm they've done is less about the harm#and more about justifying our own actions#anyway keep that same energy across the board that's all I'm saying#cause if it comes out tomorrow that somebody close to me did some fucked up shit I'm out of there period#aint no talkin bout shit and that's on me growing up as a child told that certain grown folks can't be alone with me#but they allowed in my house...#Idk about yall but i'm ending that generational curse with me
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sonknuxadow · 7 months
its kinda funny that the chaotix are like the only characters who mention having to pay rent or buy food or whatever and theyll take any job that pays because theyre desperate for money but none of the other characters are struggling in this department at all even though most of them dont seem to have jobs. its like the concept of needing money to live exists for no one in the sonic universe EXCEPT for vector espio and charmy
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meatcatt · 5 months
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Every time I watched @skyistheground get back to the head house maiden all I could think of was this stupid meme idea
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barbieaemond · 7 months
A curse for a curse
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Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x wife!Reader
Warnings: angst, sub!Aemond, smut, oral sex (f and m receiving), overstimulation, orgasm denial, p in v, chains kink (idk if that’s even a thing but it’s there)
Word count: 8.5K
Author’s note: PLEASE READ THIS ->There's a little canon divergenge as in Rook's Rest is not happened yet, so Aegon is King and Aemond went to Harrenhal. Based on a request I got for sub!Aemond.
Taglist: @zae5 @multyfangirl @ashovertheriver
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Harrenhal tastes like curse and smoke when she enters the blackened and ruined walls.
She is sure, as she is sure that dragons are real, that this place has been cursed over and over since Balerion and Aegon the Conqueror proved that not even stone was safe against dragonfire.
The air is heavy in her lungs, as breathing through a thick layer of wool and her steps echo down the corridors in a strange way; it seems like a never ending sound, echoing through the walls and many lost ages.
But her stride is steady, her eyes fixed on the doors of the Hall of One Hundred Hearths where she is sure to find him, where she will end this thing for which she has no name, and yet it is draining her, wearing her out like a starved leech.
“When is Aemond coming back?” the Queen Mother asks, and then little Jaehaera asks the same question, even Helaena, in those rare moments of clarity, wonders about her brother. And each time, she doesn’t know what to say. Her lip grows stiff, her jaw clenches and she wonders obsessively from dawn till dusk. What is he doing there?
Why has he not returned now that Harrenhal has been taken?
What is he doing with that bastard woman? 
“They say she’s a witch.” King Aegon says with his glassy eyes, putting down his cup as he looks around to choose a target on which to pour his anger. Wine seems to not work anymore, it is not enough to quench his thirst for revenge, and unfortunately, she happens to be the easiest mark.
“He killed everyone in that gods-forsaken place. Everyone except the witch.” He leans forward, watching her with amused anticipation just like a child who waits for his favorite toy to break. “Why did he not do it, sweet good-sister?”
He wants her to snap, and surely something does snap inside her, but she refuses to be humiliated like this.
“I do not know, your Grace. Perhaps my husband learned the Gods’ mercy and decided to spare a woman.”
His chest shakes violently as he laughs, and there’s nothing more humiliating than his laugh, not even the whispers traveling all the way from the Riverlands.
He’s taken her as his prisoner, keeps her in his chambers.
She has utterly bewitched him.
Every word is a stab to her heart and every time his word reaches her through a raven, the wound splits more open and festers.
He does not mention the bastard witch. He says nothing on the matter. He informs her of the war progressing, tells her he will come back soon.
Soon was two moons ago and he’s still there.
It doesn’t matter anymore, she thinks as she reaches the doors of Harrenhal. Soon is now.
The look on Ser Criston Cole is almost comical as two soldiers open the doors of the Hall of the Hundred Hearths. “Princess?”
She immediately looks around, but there’s no silver in that huge black hall.
“What are you doing here?” the Hand asks, walking to her “It is not safe for you—”
“Where is the Prince?” she cuts him off, her tongue hitting her teeth like a blade cleaving the air.
Ser Criston looks puzzled for a moment, and even if she doesn’t show it, anguish twists her gut. But then he says “The Prince is not here, your Grace. He’s out, on the battle camp.”
She looks at the soldiers in the room, watching her like some kind of weird creature—a lamb in a den of wolves. That is no place for a princess, no place for a woman. And yet, it is precisely her place.
She belongs to his side. As he belongs to hers. It’s what she’s been telling herself for two moons of sleepless nights.
She should have come here with him in the first place, war be damned.
“Leave, please.” She orders the men “All of you. I need a word with the Hand.”
They may not be used to taking orders from a woman, but they immediately leave the Hall like a pack of unruly children.
The thud of the doors is like some kind of curtain falling and she is finally free of this act, free to snap.
“What is going on here, Ser Criston?”
He shifts on his feet, looking down, looking utterly incapable to answer her question. “The situation in the Riverlands is quite delicate at the moment—”
“I don’t give a shit about the war, Ser Criston.” She almost hisses “You are perfectly aware of what I’m asking.”
His mouth shuts and she resists the urge to use her hands as talons to part his lips and grab the truth from his throat.
“What is going on between Aemond and the witch.” she states, she is not asking.
The Hand sighs deeply and takes a step closer. His whole demeanor changes, becomes confidential, almost fatherly. “My Princess, you must not believe the foul whispers that have been spread.”
She feels a glimmer of relief blooming in her heart, but not strong enough to relinquish the leeches sucking at her bones. “What should I believe then?”
“It’s true. The Prince spared her life.”
“Does he keep her in his chambers?”
“What? Seven Hells, no. She has her own chamber. A little room in the wing intended for servants.”
“Did she ever visit his rooms? Alone?”
Ser Criston looks down for a moment, his lips contracting. “You must understand, my Princess. There are no servants here.”
The wound between her ribs cracks open.
There are no servants here. Did she help him dress? Did she help him bathe? Did she do all the things she used to do? All the things only she was entitled to do?
“I want to see her.”
“Princess, it is not wise.”
“I believe it is very much wise, Ser Criston, since my marriage is at stake here.”
 Ser Cole sighs again. “She’s…dangerous, my Princess. She’s eerily persuasive.”
“So, you think it’s true? That she’s a witch?”
“I’m not sure about her powers, my Princess. All I know is that…one of our soldiers spat in her face when she was still a captive by order of the Rogue Prince and she just…murmured something to this man.” He swallows lowering his gaze and takes a deep breath. “The next day he ripped out his own tongue with his bare hands, bleeding to death.”
Disturbing as these words can be, she keeps a steady and cold face.  
“She claims she can read the flames. That they speak to her, that she saw all of this happening—the Prince coming here. She claims she saw the fate of the war.”
A long silence stretches between them, but however right the Hand’s reasoning may be, she is not keen to let magic and superstitions take what she has come here to retrieve. “Take me to her.”
Ser Cole stalls for a moment, trying to make her give up by merely looking at her. But at last, he caves. “As you wish, my Princess.”
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Her room is completely bare, save for a hearth and a bundle of dirty covers and a pillow thrown on the ground.
She enters and the air feels even heavier, more cursed. She feels it like something weighing on her shoulders, drying her throat.
There’s a woman sitting before the fire, clad in rags with long black hair falling down her back. She seems to register the door opening and closing only minutes later, as if she was too focused on her fire staring. But then she turns her head and looks at the woman before her with a strange smile.
“Alas, you have come.”
The Princess blinks quickly, watching the woman stand up and walk closely to her, chains on her feet and hands. She feels something unsettling under her skin, behind her eyes, as if she can’t stop looking straight into the green eyes of the witch, not even if she wanted to.
“You must be Alys.” She says, quickly scanning the witch before returning, inevitably, like a magnet, into her bright green eyes.
The woman, whose age is impossible to determine, keeps her smile as she looks at the Princess from head to toe. “You are exactly as I saw you in the flames.”
“That will save us some time, then. No need for introductions.”
“No. I know who you are.” The witch says, curling her cracked lips some more “I can see his mark on you.”
“His mark?”
“Yes.” She says, unnaturally widening her eyes. “He leaves a mark on everything. Things, places, people. Much like me, I’d say.” From her throat gushes a high-pitched laugh, jarring and spiteful. “We have much in common, the Kinslayer and I.”
The way she utters the last words makes the Princess grind her teeth, as if they were…what? Friends? Allies?
“Have you been in his chambers all this time?” she finally asks and the witch has the boldness to roll her eyes. “Is that the only reason you’re here? To know if he cheated on you?”
“Answer my question.” The Princess orders.
“Darling, If I wanted to fuck him, I would’ve done it ages ago.” She starts laughing again, grinning mischievously and then she sighs. “You left your mark on him as well. I can feel you in his head. And you are so heavy.”
She doesn't know what to make of that. There is not a single reason why she should trust her word. And it's not just the alleged powers this woman may possess. It's her whole demeanor. Haughty, even though she is a bastard. Mocking, as if she looks at the young woman before her, and sees much, much more.
“Just as you, I’d say, since he’s forsaken his family and his wife to do whatever you’re making him do it with your witchcraft.”
She bursts out laughing, so loud that the Princess flinches and takes a step back.
“I’m not making him doing anything. I can’t play with his head. He’s too stubborn. I did not curse him, sweetheart. Your beloved prince is already accursed.”
“Then what do you want? Gold? Lands?”
“I do what the flames command. I serve no God, no King, no Lord. And neither does your husband. It was his choice to see.”
“To see what?”
“What the flames choose to show. I know how this war will end. I know which color will stain the other for good. I know who will sit on the Iron Throne.”
The Princess furrows her brow, confused and puzzled, apparently pleasing the witch who smiles again and nods. “Oh yes, he will make a sight to behold wearing the Conqueror’s Crown.”
Who? Aemond? On the Iron Throne?
“So that’s how you’re keeping him here. With visions and fantasies.”
“He asked me to. At the moment I’m more valuable to him than all his generals and soldiers put together. Besides, I know how to deal with him.”
The Princess almost laughs at this. “I see. You think you can handle him, don’t you? A wild dragon for you to tame, is that what he is for you?”
“Well, I’m not denying he’s handsome enough to please my eyes.”
“And once you have tamed him, what will you do? How will you handle him when you scratch the surface, and you see the neglected son? Lonely, misunderstood, maimed. The boy no one cared for.”
It is the first time the witch does not have a quick biting answer. It makes the Princess rejoice.
“All your witchcraft won’t be enough to handle him.”
The witch falls silent. There is a distant look in her eyes as she observes the Princess and the more she stares, the more the younger woman feels dreadfully uncomfortable. She starts to feel something in the back of her mind, like a gentle abstract push.
“Ser Criston." she says suddenly, swallowing but keeping a collected mask. "The keys, please."
“Your Grace, Prince Aemond will not be ha—”
“I’ll deal with Prince Aemond.” She says, looking straight at the witch and the ghost of a superb smile hovers on her lips “I know how to handle him.”
The Knight slides the keys from his armor and hands them to the Princess. She is ready to free the witch’s wrists, but she stops, locking her eyes on Alys. “There is a carriage outside. And some guards who will do whatever Ser Criston will order them. Take it and go wherever you want, there’s even gold in the—"
“I told you, I don’t want—”
“I don’t care of what you want!” The Princess snaps, raising her voice, and the pushing dissolves. “You live to serve the flames? Fine. Do it elsewhere, far away from us.”
Alys shuts her parched mouth, and simply nods. “As you wish, Princess.”
She removes the shackles from her feet, and then from her hands, holding the chains between her fingers. Alys touches her hurting wrists, before tilting her head down in some kind of bow, or maybe a mocking gesture. The Princess cannot bring herself to care.
The witch makes her way past the younger woman but at last, she stops for a moment, leaning back her head of dark curls to say “I did touch him, just once. He put a knife to my throat.”
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Vhagar likes to nestle on the burned blackened towers of Harrenhal, like some kind of dreadful reminder of the legacy of ruins and ashes Balerion the Dread has unleashed on this cursed land.
Aemond enters the castle walls with his circle of counselors and generals. They crowd on him like bees with honey and he knows why. He knows that most of the time they don��t have a clue what they’re talking about. They hang on his lips and jump like little good soldiers, jostling with one another in the hope of gaining something more when the war ends. A land, a title, one of them had even had the guts to offer a daughter to marry.
“I am not sure of what you are implying, my Lord.” He had said to the Lord with a dangerous black glint in his eye, as the fool thought it was wise to remind the Kinslayer that he and his wife had had no children yet. “Whether you are insulting me or my wife. I am sure of one thing, though. You will shut your hole before I take your tongue and feed it to my dragon.”
There were no more talks of unwed daughters between those walls.
“My Prince, if you allow me—” one of them says as they enter the Hall of the Hundred Hearths “We should give the lords who pledged for the Blacks more time to consider—”
“I gave them enough.” He says turning with a glare, looking even taller than he is, with his silver armor streaked with gold and the long green cloak. “They will pledge to my brother before dawn or I will bring dragonfire to their lands. Then we shall see where their loyalty lies while they burn to the crisp.”
They all shush and Aemond almost thanks the Gods for this brief blessed moment of peace. He ponders for a moment and then looks at a young soldier behind him.
“Summon the witch.” He orders “Bring her to me.”
He looks down to remove his riding gloves but out of the corner of his eye, he sees that the boy is still there.
“Uhm, my Prince, the witch is not here anymore.”
“What do you mean she’s not here?”
“S-she left, your Grace.”
The last word does not even leave his mouth the poor soldier feels a hand around his neck and the Prince is easily lifting him from the ground as if made of feathers. “You let her flee?!” he rages with his eye blown wide.
“I-I did—not your Grace!” the boy manages to croak while he’s choking, legs kicking like a chicken in the butcher’s hands.
“He’s right. I did.” Her voice cuts through the air and Aemond turns his head in a blink, looking positively stunned to hear his wife, to see her there.
He lets the soldier boy go and stares at her on the threshold of the huge Hall. He blinks with disbelief, as if he’s finally able to see after days and nights spent in a cloud of fog. Something shifts inside him him—something that has been wandering ceaselessly day and night, lifting the weight from his shoulders, from his black heart. Not Harrenhal’s weight, not Alys’. A weight far darker, a curse far more dangerous.
“Out.” he orders the Lords “All of you.”
They obey at once, scattering down the Hall only to stop for a moment before the Princess, to pay their respect.
The doors close but she stays on the threshold. His eye roams on her figure, once and then twice. He has never seen her wearing such a simple dress, easy to disguise her noble roots, her royal ones. And even though the mere sight stokes almost three moons of ugly and burning desire, it only makes him angry. It only makes him ashamed.
“What in the name of the Seven are you doing here?”
She walks to him and without uttering a single word or even sparing a glance to him, she begins removing the heavy armor plates from his body.
“What are you doing?” he asks with deep wrinkles on his forehead.
“My duty as wife.” She replies sternly, holding his arm “Or did you forget you had one?” she looks at him and sees rage blazing behind his eye—rage and maybe a tinge of hurt.  
“Am I doing it right?” she asks removing the armor plate from his forearm “Was your witch friend better than me?”
The metal clatters on the ground as he grabs her arm, hard, pulling her close. “I asked you a question. We’re at war and you go strolling around the continent? Have you lost your mind?”
She tries to wriggle herself out of his iron grip, unsuccessfully as always. “How strange, that is a question I should ask you.”
“Enough.” He says grinding his teeth, digging his fingertips into her skin until her mouth twists with pain.
“Enough was two moons ago, Aemond. When you were supposed to come home, to your family, to me.”
“In case you didn’t notice, we’re at war, my dear wife. Things in war don’t go exactly as you planned them—”
“Oh spare me!” she cuts him off, freeing herself “Spare me the war talk, that’s all I’ve been hearing from you.”
“What did you expect exactly? Love letters?”
“I expected what I deserved. To know the truth. You have not mentioned her. Ever, not even once. Do you have the faintest idea of what I’ve been through all this time? Of all the dirt they have been spreading behind my back?”
“I don’t want to hear about it.” He says turning his back on her, as if he had not done that enough.
“No, you will.” She promises, circling him to look straight at him again. “They said you were so besotted with her to deny her leaving your chambers.”
“I don’t want to hear about it.” He says again, closing his eye for a moment.
“They said, and this was from the wretched mouth of your beloved brother, that you put a child in her womb since I was not able to give you an heir.”
“I don’t want to hear about it!” he shouts, and she knows she hit a nerve there, because he never shouts.
“Why? Does it make you ashamed? It should. I had to hear all of it. I had to endure it while you stayed here playing fortune teller with your witch whore.”
His nostrils flare as he takes a deep breath and raises his gaze to look at her, dead serious. “You know nothing about her powers. She saw many things, happened precisely as she predicted. I needed her. I needed her powers and you had no right to send her away.”
“You needed her?” she repeats, pale with utter disbelief. “You needed her for what? For her to tell you how good you’ll look wearing the Conqueror’s Crown? To feed you with fairy tales while we risk our lives staying in the capital, unprotected because Dreamfyre can’t fight and Tessarion is still in Oldtown. What if the Blacks decide to attack us now? They have a dozen of dragons, we have only Sunfyre.”
“The Blacks will not attack.”
“Did she tell you this? Did she see this in the flames?” she can’t fight back the contempt curling her lips “Are you listening to yourself? Flames and visions to win a war? You poor fool.”
“Watch your mouth, woman.” he seethes “You don’t talk to me like this.”
“Or what? Are you going to chain me up? I kept her chains, you know? I thought you’d like a token of your time with the witch.”
“Did you come here for this? To make a scene like some common girl who feels threatened by another woman?” his lips turn upwards, curling and twisting with ugly deprecation “What do you think you know about the war? What is your contribution while you lie around in a lavish castle waiting for me to come back and fuck you? I’ll tell you. None. You can’t even perform your duty to give me an heir. And you come here to lecture me?”
The wound is rotting from the inside and he’s pouring salt on it.
“I came here for my dignity. As a woman, I have nothing else. I came here for your mother, who I fear will go mad with worry just as your sister. And lastly, to tell you that I’m with child.”
Aemond stills completely, so much that she thinks the witch’s curse is hitting him right now, no matter how far she is, turning him into stone.
“But it seems utterly irrelevant to me right now. So, go. Hurry! You might still find her.”
She moves to leave the room and he does it at the same time, trying to reach her, to stop her, but she flinches as he tries to touch her, battling his hands away.
Aemond utters her name, softly, and it makes her stomach turn.
“I will leave at dawn.” She informs him with a blank face “I won’t disturb you and your precious war any further. Fret not, husband. I will stay in my lavish castle like the good soldier I am, waiting for you to come back and fuck me.”
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This is place is not only cursed, but it is also so freezing cold that she wishes for one of those direwolf furs the Northerners use to wear as she sits before the hearth in what she assumed to be Aemond’s chambers. The room is large, even larger than the ones they share in the Red Keep, but it’s completely bare and almost ominous with its black walls that stink of ash and smoke.
A cursed place, fitting for a cursed woman.
She has been for quite some time. Because she chose to stay by his side, because she chose to love him.
“We could turn to a Septon. Annulments are rare but possible. You cannot remain married to a Kinslayer, it is the highest of sins.” Her father had said in a letter, in the aftermath of Lucerys’ death.
As if she could leave him, as if she could turn her back on him and marry another man.
As if he hadn’t left his mark on her.
She thought the Gods had cursed her for good, that was why, however much they tried, she couldn’t bear his child.
“A child is the highest of the blessings from the Gods.” Her mother had said during one of her last visits to the capital “How can they bless your union with a man so accursed?”
And yet.
She is impatiently waiting for the sun to set. Even if her limbs have never been so heavy, as much as her heart, she finds no reason to stay here, not when she can’t stand even the sight of him. But of course, how can there be peace in such a cursed place?
She hears the door opening. She knows his gait. She wished to hear it for two moons as she lied alone in their bed.
She hears him approach until he is beside her, but she does not look at him. She only sees his arm holding out a small tray.
“Eat.” An order, not an invitation.
She doesn’t even bother to look at the food, keeping her cold gaze on the fire. “I’m afraid I lost my appetite, dear husband. You can thank yourself for that.”
She can feel his eye piercing, burning her skin, the air coming from his nose short and harsh.
“Eat or I’ll feed you myself.”
She doesn’t bother to even answer this time.
Aemond stares at her, waits for her to look at him, he needs for her to look at him. “Is it true?”
“That you’re with child.”
“In my husband’s lovely words, I lie around all day so I guess I’m capable enough to notice if I miss my moonblood.”
He leaves the tray on the stone mantelpiece, noticing a pair of chains lying there, and then looks down at her.  “You will stay here with me.” Another order.
Another rejection. “I will not.”
“Yes, you will. You are not going anywhere, not in your condition.”
“I see. Now I’m worth something to you, am I not?” and finally she looks up “My duty is fulfilled, my womb is finally swollen. It’s a shame your witch left, we could have asked her to look in the flames and tell us if it’s a boy or a girl.”
Aemond lowers his shoulders and grabs her chin with the same cruelty he is used to brandish his sword, tightening her cheeks to prevent her from uttering another word. “I said enough.”
He watches as she tries to escape his grip, pushing his shoulders as her eyes grow more and more scornful, and he knows he deserves it. But that ugly thing breaks, snaps like a thin rope pulled too tight.
His mouth is on hers, fingers squeezing her cheeks to force her to take his kiss, which is not really a kiss, but more of an act of war, a relentless and rather quick siege, because she was already starving. She opens his mouth and this alone makes him whine with relief as his tongue slides between her teeth. Her hands grab his doublet collar, knuckles turning white and she angles her head, only to bite his lip hard enough to draw blood.
He winces as he pulls his head back and sees her licking her lips, a dead distant look in her eyes. But her hands move, gently, through his silver strands. "My words are but blunt knives on you. I must hurt you in the only way I can."
“I did not touch her.” He says like an oath “Ever.”
“I know you didn’t.” she reassures him, but her eyes stay distant, as if even being this close now, they are also miles and miles apart. “Maybe it would’ve been better if you had.”
“Did you want me to fuck her now?”
“I wanted you to need me, not her.”
His eye is on flame, rage and shame dancing together, but it’s not aimed at her. He finds that the only person on the receiving end is none other than himself.
Something dies in his eye, his shoulders slump and his head falls forward, hiding what no one would dare even think of seeing on the stern, cruel face of Aemond One Eye.
He kneels before her and lays his head on her belly, catching her off guard. She can't see his face, and yet she has it before her eyes, clear and indisputable as something carved into stone.
The surface has never been so frail. She doesn’t even need to scratch it, she only has to lift it.
No man is so accursed as the Kinslayer.
She had thought it true enough, but what about Aemond’s curse?
“I know you feel guilty.” She says, or rather whispers, as if she’s being blasphemous by accosting such a word to such a man. “I know you feel guilty for Jaehaerys. For Helaena.”
His answer is mute, but it’s the loudest confession she could get.
He fists the fabric of her gown between his hands, knuckles turning white on the verge of breaking. She feels him nestling further inside her, like a child, and she closes her eyes for a moment, placing a hand on her wound to stop the bleeding, and leans over him, sliding her hands on his back, softly but firmly, as if helping him to stay whole, as if preventing him from breaking into pieces.
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Aemond didn’t believe in curses.
He did not regret, not even for a moment, the murder of Lucerys. He did not care that the Gods had turned their backs on him. They had done it a long time before. He did not care of how people called him, of how they would baptize him in the annals of his lineage.
He had started to care, to feel guilt, after he actually killed his kin.
For he had killed Jaehaerys, he had killed Helaena.
Kinslayer. Kinslayer. Kinslayer.
In his head, he heard that word with his mother’s voice, with Aegon’s, Helaena’s.
He found some kind of peace, of solace, only in his wife. But then the war was calling and he fled to Harrenhal. It was his duty, it was his way to try to make things better, to get revenge. 
He had taken Harrehanl back and he knew he should have come home. But then the witch, the very same who had forced a man to rip out his own tongue, had spoken to him, talking about visions and flames, of predictions that happened to be alarmingly accurate, of him sitting on the Iron Throne with the Conqueror’s Crown on his silver head.
And he saw an opportunity, however blurry, to set things right, as they should have been in the beginning. He saw a way to get the upper hand in this war. And furthermore, as much as he did not realize it, he had found a way to stay away from the Keep. He would rather dare with witchcraft than return home and hear Helaena's wails cutting through doors and walls, and through his heart.
But next to the guilt had come the shame, for he had turned his back on his wife, for he could imagine the filth their enemies and non would spread, like shit flowing in the sewers.
He had tried to confine her to the back of his mind, but she became heavier and heavier as the days passed, along with the scarce letters in which he never mentioned the Rivers bastard.
She, of course, had sensed it immediately.
“You can’t win this war if your mind is elsewhere.” She had said one night, on one of his visits to her room.
He always stayed on the threshold, arms laced behind and poorly disguised distrust stretching his features.
“I told you to stay out of my fucking head.”
“You need not worry, my Prince.” She retorted with a chilling smile “I can’t play with your head. It’s too heavy…and ugly. And this woman…oh, she’s eating you alive.”
The witch is gone now, and yet she is still there.
She lingers on the walls of his chambers like a ghost, she imposes a wall between him and his wife and perhaps neither of them is strong enough to climb it. So, for days they just circle one another like wounded animals.
The Princess is staying with him of course. He has forbidden her to leave his side and she has caved, on one condition though. She has given him three days to deal with the Riverlands and then they will go home, together, where they are needed, where the mighty dreadful Vhagar is needed.
The day before their departure, Aemond returns victorious from the Riverlands. He has gained the allegiance of the lords in a way Visenya Targaryen would be proud of.
He will never forget the Lords' faces draining of color, probably pissing themselves, as Vhagar roared a war chant in the sky, and tongues of fire brushed the lands as warning.
He enters the chambers quietly and sees her crouched on the floor as her hands dig into a drawer, pulling out papers that she carelessly drops to the ground. Aemond closes the door firmly, announcing his presence, and she looks at him for a single moment before sighing in defeat, closing the drawer.
“Looking for my love letters?” he teases, for the first time after days of loud silence.
“I was looking for ink, actually.” she says looking below a paper left on the table. “Besides…love letters from you? Ghastly.” 
He can’t fight back the smirk curling his mouth as she walks close to him and begins removing the armor. He looks at her face and she’s stern, almost rigid in her gestures, in the way she touches him, as if she despises doing it and yet she can’t help herself.
He doesn’t have a clue.
He doesn’t know that her stiffness has nothing to do with contempt. He doesn’t have a clue of how much she aches for him. Of how much she wants for him to take her, fast and rough, as he often used to do, because she can’t stand to be treated like some porcelain doll to be cocooned thanks to his child growing inside her belly. She wants to be more than that, she demands to be his wife again.
“Have you eaten?” he asks her, gently, and she wants to break something.
She can’t stand it anymore. She can’t stand all the questions.
Did you eat? Did you rest? Did you sleep?
“Is this how is going to be from now on?” she asks looking up “You acting as if you are my maid?”
He clenches his jaw and his face turns stern just like hers.
“First you accuse me to have forsaken you and now you don’t want my attention. Make peace with your mind, wife.”
“I want you to be my husband.” She says getting close to him until she smells dragon and ashes.
She wants to bathe in it. “I want to be your wife.”
Aemond’s eye lingers down on her throat, on her constricted chest, and his lips part. “You are.” He vows, locking his eye on her.
“Prove it.” She whispers tilting her head with a challenge dancing on her parted lips, hovering against his.
He is one breath away from swallowing her whole but he stops, melding their breaths in one, and he grins. “Are you going to bite me again?”
“As if you didn’t like that.”
A moment later his teeth sink into the soft flesh of her lip, her neck. His hands are everywhere, frantic and needy. She can feel he’s restraining from holding her too tight, but she wants, no, she needs more. She wants him in her bones.
They move without logic, clinging to each other, trying to assert dominance on one another. He grabs her wrists and forces her down on the chaise beside the hearth. He is looking at her in the same old way, as if he’s blind to anything else. She aches so much for him that she’s breathing hard, the word please climbs her throat, slides on her tongue, but she will not beg for him.
In all truth, she doesn’t have to.
He kneels on the ground like a pious man at the altar, and she hikes up her skirts, spreading her legs to place them on his shoulders, heels pressing on his back to bring him close.
“You know what you want, don’t you?” He teases with a feral grin.
“Curse you and your hideous smirk.” She says sliding on the chair to bring her apex close to his overly talkative mouth.
“You love my smirk.” He says grabbing her thighs to secure them around his face. “Besides, I’m already cursed.” He leaves a red mark biting on the soft skin of her thigh, looking straight at her and how she startles, whining in half pain half pleasure.
She catches a glimpse of the sapphire glinting between her thighs before her eyes fall shut and she moans unnaturally loud as he licks a stripe along her wet folds and up to her apex.
She is trembling with anticipation, with arousal that pools from her, glistening his mouth and nose. Her hips begin bucking against him and he moans contentedly as he buries his tongue inside her, lapping and tasting like a starved beast.
Her breath grows shorter and shorter for how close she is already, so much that he stops to look at her with a spiteful grin. “Already? Gods, you must have missed me terribly.”
“Shut up.” She whispers hoarsely and pulls herself up just enough to grab his head, pulling his hair to force him to take where he left off. Her hips are rocking on their own against his face, nails scratching his scalp harder and harder as she comes undone in his mouth, while he hums with pleasure, drinking of all her. Eye fixed on her as he watches her throw her head back, spasming and trembling with a loud moan.
Her back hits the back of the chaise as she catches her breath and looks at the black ceiling in a moment of pure bliss. Two moons of anguish are but a distant memory, her mind is foggy, she doesn’t even remember the face of the witch.
He dismantles her legs from his neck and she looks down at him, cheeks red, watching as he climbs on her, unbuckling his belt.
“No.” she says, and she stops his hands. “Do you think I would make it so easy for you?”
Aemond looks at her, half puzzled half curious, and then she pushes him down, overturning their positions so now she’s sitting on his lap, feeling all of his hard length against her.
“It’s my turn to prove it.” She says raising an arm that goes on the mantelpiece behind them.
“Prove what?”
“That you’re my mine.” She promises, and Aemond hears the distinct sound of metal clinking.
She lowers her arm and he sees a pair of chains between her fingers. He is bold enough to smirk at her. “I thought you were the one who wished to be chained.”
“I’m not the one in need of a lesson.”
She grabs his wrist but he easily pulls away. “What if I don’t want to?” but there’s an intriguing glint in his eye, on the edges of his arched mouth.
“Then who will take care of you?” she asks with fake innocence, grinding on his cock, and she smiles as the air comes out of his mouth in a hiss. “Are you sure your hand will suffice?”
He looks at her with challenge, breathing slowly through his mouth, and he caves.
“Chain me.”
She smiles darkly and grabs his wrists, fastening the chains and then locking them to the sides of the chair. She stands and grabs his legs, sliding his back further down.
She notices his eyebrow rising and she looks at him. "I want you to be comfortable. I'm afraid this will not end so soon."
He swallows with anticipation and watches her as she slowly climbs back on top of him and begins to unbutton his doublet., pushing the fabric aside to reveal his diaphanous pale chest and her hand slides over it, over his ribs, stomach, and navel, halting his breath.
Her lips hover against his, swallowing his shallow breath, but suddenly her head dips down, leaving a trail of little heated kisses on his neck, on the planes of his chest.
He watches as she does that, feeling her lips like burning embers marking his skin. Her eyes lock on him and she opens her mouth engulfing one of his nipples, circling her tongue around it. He tilts his head back, lips parting to let a puff of scorching air out, and then she's grazing her teeth over the soft pink skin.
The chains metal clink as he winces.
She grins pulling herself up and slides a bit down his legs with her bottom, so she has open room to his belt. She begins unbuckling it, looking at him, watching the glare he’s giving her.
“I can’t tell whether you want to kill me or fuck me.”
“I need you to fucking do something.”
“Like what?” she asks, palming his cock through the fabric “Tell me, husband. I may grant your wish.”
He rocks his hips in one slow movement, trying to feel every inch of her hand, but it’s a faint touch that only makes him ache for more. “Move, grind on me.” His voice is imperative as always, but his tone is different—all heated and husky.
She frees him of the constricting belt and breeches and lays on him, releasing a blissful sigh when she feels the hot hard flesh colliding perfectly against her core. The chains clink again as he tries to move and she smiles, caging his snatched waist between her legs.
Aemond is panting quietly, trying to get a grip on his own body but he finds it’s a useless fight when he’s so hard it’s starting to hurt.
But then his wife seems in favour of granting him some mercy. She starts grinding on him and his lips part some more, panting loudly this time, as he feels, and hears, the beautiful obscene sounds her wet flesh is making rubbing on him.
“Lift up your skirts. Let me see.”
She stops grinding and he almost whines with annoyance, moving his chained wrists in a useless attempt to grab her waist and force her to move again.
“I don’t like that tone, husband.” She says, and her voice is husky as well, her breath labored “Ask nicely.”
Aemond is silently starting to regret this whole thing. Patience was never one of his virtues, if he even has virtues. He’s completely at her mercy and cannot do anything but comply.
“Please. Lift your fucking skirts and let me see.”
“Hmm.” She hums smiling. “Better.”
Her skirts turn into a bundle of fabric around her waist and he dips his chin, looking straight at their flesh as she resumes her torture.
“Fuck” he utters, his eye growing heavy but he keeps looking, and he doesn’t have a clue whether it’s the rubbing or the mere sight of her coating his cock that draws a moan out of his throat.
“Do you see how I much I’ve missed you?” she asks hoarsely, grinding more and more firmly.
His head hits the back of the chair as he keeps panting and rocking his hips against her, lifting his waist as if desperately trying to slide inside her.
“I touched myself every morning. I woke up all wet and aching for you. And where were you? Here, plotting with your witch.”
“Enough of that fucking witch.” he croaks, a sheen of sweat is ghosting on his forehead. “Faster.”
She does the opposite. She stops altogether. And this time, he can’t do nothing to muffle the whimper gushing out of his trembling mouth.
The Princess tilts her head, savoring each moment, and soon his piercing glare comes back even sharper. “Once I’m free of these fucking chains, I’m going to fuck you senseless till morning.”
“Unless you are still chained to this chair in the morning.”
He watches as her hands hover on his thighs, a feather touch that drives him mad, that makes his hips buck uselessly. His lips twist, swallowing a plead his pride won’t allow him to let go.
But she hears it nonetheless, in the way his fingers flex and twist, in his chest raising fastly. It may suffice, but it doesn’t.
“Stubborn, are we?” she teases, just like her hands, barely touching down his navel. “Your witch got it right. She said you are too stubborn, that’s why she couldn’t play with your head. She couldn’t handle you.” her fingertips finally dip down and she can see the silent plead in his eye.
“I can, though.” her palm brushes the tip and he whimpers, again.
“Please…” he whispers impossibly low, too low for her liking.
“Louder, my love.”
His mouth twists again but the need, the ache is so heavy that it burns out all the pride numbing his tongue. 
“Please…” he begs freely “Please, touch me.”
A groan rolls out of him as she finally grabs it, squeezing softly before starting a slow rhythm up and down. He pants loudly, hips moving on their own as he tries to fuck her hand with a steadier pace. “Don’t rush it.” she scolds him, placing a firm hand on his waist to stop his frantic movements.
“I can’t take it…let me come…”
“Already? Gods, you must have missed me terribly.”
“You’re cursed, woman.”
“Takes one to know one. A curse for a curse.”
She looks at him, hair all ruffled and sweaty on his forehead, a painful pleading expression twisting his sharp features and she smiles victorious. “I have half a mind to leave you like this.” She says and for a moment, he dreads she’s being serious.
“Luckily for you, I’m just as greedy as you are.”
In a swift moment she nestles between his legs and he’s moaning loudly before he even has time to register anything, except her lips locking around his tip, sucking so harshly he thinks she’s going to utterly drain him.
She starts a steady pace, just as he likes it, taking all of him, down to the base untili it hits the back of her throat. The chains clink and clink against the chair as he twists his wrists, bucking his hips harshly to fuck her mouth as deeper as he can, enthralled by the lewd sounds she’s making.
“Gods, yes…” he moans watching carefully as he slips in and out of her “Yes…just like that, just a little more…”
She feels him tense inside her mouth, she feels him tense all over and she knows he’s dangerously close. She stops for a moment, licking her lips and looks at him. “Don’t tell me you’re going to break the rule.”
Aemond groans with frustration, not having the faintest idea of what she’s talking about. He isn’t even sure he remembers his own name. He is just blood boiling and bones so tense they’re close to snap.
“What was it again?” she asks “Ah, yes. My seed belongs in your cunt.” She leaves a trail of soft kisses on his hard flesh and he whimpers once more. “My ever-romantic husband.”
“Fuck the rule, you’re driving me mad. Let me come.”
“Ask nicely.”
“Please.” He begs “Please let me come in your mouth.”
The Princess is merciful enough to grant his wish. She engulfs him once more and he moans loudly for how sensitive he is. She picks up the pace and pride washes over her, pooling between her legs, as she sees him writhing beneath her, moaning with his mouth open, eye closed shut and the chains clink like a frantic bell while he twists his scratched red wrists.
He curses and mumbles nonsense under his breath until he stills completely letting out a long and loud grunt, spilling abundantly inside her mouth. She swallows to the last drop, gently sucking the pulsing tip.
The chains are finally still and silent. He’s breathing hard and short with his head thrown back, staring at the ceiling without seeing anything.
That is until he winces, feeling her hand on his sensitive skin. He raises his head to look at her, almost puzzled. She smiles slyly, moving her hand up and down. “Did you think it was over?”
If he did not feel so spent, he would be utterly thrilled and definitely flattered.
“Seven Hells, woman, give me a bre—” words die on his tongue wiped out by a hoarse gasp as she takes him in her mouth again. But this time, she sucks so slowly that Aemond actually whines in pain. And she looks straight at him, while her head bobs, relishing every moment, watching as he comes undone beneath her, babbling pleads, begging her to stop and a moment later to keep going. His voice is breaking, cracking as he whines and whimpers, poised between pain and pleasure.
Soon though, she hears more whines of pleasure than pain, as gets harder and harder in the hot haven of her mouth.
Suddenly she stops, and just stares, savoring the sight before her. The cruel Aemond One Eye, chained to a chair in a mess of sweat and sobs.
“Untie me…” he says, trying to make it sound like an order, but it’s a pale imitation of his usual tone. His words are slow, sluggish.
“You are not in charge here, my love.”
“Then quit the act and fuck me.”
Perhaps, if she wasn’t so equally desperate for him, if she wasn’t leaking between her thighs, she would have prolonged this torture, this excruciatingly sweet punishment. But she can’t take it anymore.
She climbs on him, and it takes her the least effort to let him slide inside her. He slips his back further down that chaise so that his hips are angled just enough to thrust into her, fast and steady.
“Oh Gods—yes!” she moans throwing her head back, frantically bouncing on him.
“D’you miss this?” he rasps, with a tinge of his usual infuriating confidence “Did you think of this when you touched yourself? Missed my cock inside you, hmm?”
She clamps a hand on his mouth to shush him and he bites her palm, thrusting even harder, making her whine loudly until her throat goes dry and her sight go white. They fall in a wild frenzy, utterly intoxicated with each other, leaving bites and marks all over, sealing one inside the other with a curse much more dangerous than any kind of witchcraft.  
They come together, as she clutches his head to her chest so tight that he can barely breathe. He rests his head on the chair, slowly catching his breath, and she nestles against him, still sank on him.
He moves his hands to touch her, wincing for his aching wrists.
“Untie me now, would you?” he asks softly on the crown of her head.
“I’m not sure.” She muses against his chest. “I’ve quite enjoyed having you at my mercy.”
“Who said I didn’t?”
She moves her head to look at him, a little smile starting to light up her face and he looks down at her lips, mirroring her.
“Besides, it’s your turn.”
She raises her eyebrows fighting back a smile. “Now?”
“Haven’t you heard? No man is so accursed as me.”  
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enderpearlgirl1005 · 1 year
Cursed House
Chapter 2 Seeing.
(A week later)
Tina was heading into town with a list of groceries in her hand. Her mother asked her to go out into town and get some food for the house as they were running out. As she was walking she bumped into someone, she looked up and saw that it was Alex.
"Oh hey Alex how are you doing?" Tina asked.
"I'm doing fine, I just came out to do some clothes shopping with my friends." Alex explained.
"Oh okay, I'm just out getting some food. My mom would've done this, but she and my dad are busy setting up the new house." Tina explained.
"Ah I understand that place is really big so you all might be busy with that for a while." Alex explained.
"Yeah... I'm still surprised they got it at such a cheap price." Tina explained.
"Well for as long as I've been living here you'd know why it's so cheap." Alex said.
"Why's that?" Tina asked curiously what he meant.
"It's because anyone who moved into that house resold it a few months after." Tina heard a girl say from behind Alex. Just then two girls emerged from behind Alex.
One of them was as tall as Alex but an inch taller. She had long blond hair that was dyed light blue half way up at the ends. She was wearing a light blue tank top and a blue plad colored long skirt. She had a few bags in her arms and was wearing cyan sunglasses as it was pretty bright outside today.
The other girl was a bit shorter than Alex; she went up to the halfway point of his chest. She had a cute baby face, had a bit of weight on her, but in a cute small girl way her hair was cut into a small bob, and it was brown with a bit of pink dyed at the bottom. She was wearing magenta overalls that flowed down into a skirt at the bottom. She was also wearing a pink shirt underneath and rose colored shoes. She too was wearing sunglasses but they were pink and the lenses were heart shaped.
"Hello I'm Tambrey and this little pink girl here is my friend Anissa." Tambrey explained.
"Oh hello I'm Tina it's nice to meet you both." Tina explained.
"It's nice to meet you as well Tina! I was hoping we'd meet you soon! Before your family ended up moving away like all the other families who ever lived in that house." Anissa explained sadly.
"Wow wow back up! What are you talking about? Why would my family move out of the house we just bought?" Tina asked.
"It's better for us to explain in a more private place, like the park. Why don't we help you out with your shopping and we can talk about your house's history with some ice cream." Tambrey explained.
"Um... okay I'm not getting much anyway, just some cheap microwavable foods till my parents have the money for proper ingredients for meals." Tina explained.
"Understandable, moving to a whole new town isn't cheap, it's pretty expensive, I should know my mom works in that kind of field with families moving." Anissa explained.
"Okay well thanks for offering to help." Tina said as she, Alex, Tambrey, and Anissa all went into the store.
Tina went into the frozen meals section and grabbed easy ready made meals that both she and her parents would eat. Alex meanwhile grabbed some fruits so Tina and her family could have some proper healthy things to eat. Anissa got some sweets that she saw were on sale, she thought that Tina and her parents would like to have some sweets, and she also wanted some herself. Tambrey meanwhile was just browsing through some items in the store, till she noticed something that piqued her interest.
"Hey guys, come over here I found something I think you all will like!" Tambrey called out.
The others all came over to where they heard Tambrey and saw her standing next to a pride stand that was selling different pride flags and badges.
"Ohh! I love pride!! Do they have any Polysexual flags or badges?" Anissa asked.
"Yeah and hey they have some transgender ones for me." Tambrey said.
"I don't know, I'm just hoping they have one for me." Alex said.
Tina went up to the stand and looked around for a badge for her, but she didn't want them to see the badge she would pick up. Tina saw Alex picking up a badge and a flag that represented gender fluid. He put the badge on and smiled with it on. Tina just looked back at the counter and soon she found what she was looking for.
A non-binary badge she smiled as Tina was non-binary, she or they never always felt like they were a full girl or even a boy. So they looked around the internet for answers on why they felt that way and they found non-binary.
After that Tina understood themselves much better, while they did like she/her pronouns they/them were their preferred pronouns. However they still didn't come out to their parents yet as Tina was scared of how they would react towards their gender identity so they kept quiet.
"Hey Tina you good?" Alex asked.
"Um... yeah I'm fine." Tina excused.
"Okay well let's wrap this up and head out for ice cream!" Anissa exclaimed excitedly.
Once they were done with their shopping the four went up to the counter to pay for their items. As they were paying Tina looked around and saw a woman, a child, and a man standing around some pudding samples.
"Mommy, what kind of pudding did Daddy like?" The child asked.
Tina was confused by this as they could see the possible father standing right behind the child. So they wondered why the child was asking his mother and not his father.
"Oh sweetie your father always liked the chestnut pudding, whenever we had it both him and your uncle would fight over the last one left hehe, it was so funny." The woman said.
"Hehe yeah I remember that, oh how I wish I could relive those days again." The man said.
Tina then noticed a gold and white glowing aura around the man as he smiled down on the child and the woman. He then went up to the two of them and embraced them in a hug as they grabbed some chestnut pudding.
"Hey Tina you good?" Alex asked.
"Huh?? Oh Yeah I'm good just noticed a strange aura around the father of that family over there." Tina explained.
Alex looked over to where Tina was pointing and his face turned to confusion as all he saw was the mother and child but no father.
"Tina, what are you talking about? It's just the mother and kid. I don't see any father." Alex explained.
Tina looked back and the man was now looking at her with a shocked look on his face. He then walked, or floated up to her and made direct eye contact with her.
"Can you see me?" The man then asked, sounding shocked.
Tine not knowing what to do just nodded giving the man his answer. He smiled as no one else could see aside from Tina apparently. The mother and child then started walking away so the man followed them, but not before waving goodbye to Tina. Tina just lightly waved back before going back to the counter to pay for her items.
Tina and her new friends were sitting in the park with icecreams in their hands. Tina was looking around for any other stage looking people. Thankfully Tina didn't see anyone with strange auras around her and she's kinda glad as what happened in the store freaked her out.
"So What were you all talking about earlier related to my family's new home?" Tina asked.
"Well whenever any family moved into that house, they would say that strange things would happen to them inside. Later on they would move out and wouldn't tell anyone why they were leaving." Tambrey explained.
"That's very odd." Tina said.
"Yeah some folks around here even started betting on who would stay forever or if they would once again move out." Anissa explained.
"Hm well knowing my parents they wont leave this new home that easily." Tina explained.
"Well only time will tell... hey I gotta go now my mom is going to need me home soon to care for the house as her and dad are going out." Alex explained.
"Okay I need to head home too, I'm working on a bit of a summer project." Tambrey explained.
"Same here but I just want to go home to take a nap." Anissa said.
"I just need to help out with more unpacking and organizing the house." Tina said.
"Well I guess we'll all see each other around, later guys." Alex said before getting up and heading home with his ice cream.
The other girls all said their farewells and headed back home. As Tina walked home they started noticing other people with strange gold and white auras around them. However no one else seemed to be able to see them but them which made them kinda scared.
"Ahh young child, looks like you're the new girl who moved into town, am I correct?" Tina heard a calm old voice say.
They looked over and saw an old woman in strange clothing sitting in a tiny shop, with a crystal ball on the counter in front of her.
"Um yes that's me who are you?" Tina asked curiously.
"I'm Azula and I'm the psychic in town, if you want I can read you your future and see if you have any special abilities." Azula explained.
"Hmm sure why not I've got nothing better to do aside from unpacking." Tina said as they sat down and gave Azula her hand.
"Now child, let's see what your future holds... hmm I see you'll make wonderful friends here, Oh and what's this? Your third eye has fully awaken and from what I can see, you're now able to see ghosts like me, oh how wonderful!" Azula exclaimed, happy for Tina.
'So is that why I've been seeing people with strange auras around them? Their ghosts, that would explain what happened back at the store.' Tina thought to themselves.
"Now let's see what else the future holds for you." Azula said as she read Tina's palm again.
As she did her face turned from curiosity and excitement to seemingly dread and fear. When Tina saw that they got concerned and scared as to what Azula was seeing.
"Oh dear that's not good, oh no my dear you're in very grave danger!" Azula exclaimed with worry.
"Why am I in danger?" Tina asked about concern.
"It's *cough* I-it's *Cough- Cough*" Azula started coughing violently.
It got so bad that she started sputtering up blood which horrified Tina and anyone else who saw it.
"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" A person in the crowd screams in a panic.
Tina meanwhile didn't know what to do as Azula started coughing more and more blood came out as she did so.
"Miss I need you to step aside, I'm a doctor so let me help until the ambulance arrives!" A man said.
Tina did what he said and got up to let him take care of Azula till an ambulance could arrive at the scene. After five minutes an ambulance arrived and Azula was loaded onto it. Tina, horrified by what just happened, decided to head straight home and not get distracted by anyone or anything else.
Tina arrived home and when they went in they were greeted by their parents. They were still a bit shaken by what happened in town but hid it pretty well.
"Hey Tina you were out for a while, is everything alright?" Angelico asked.
"Yeah, just meet some of the kids in the neighborhood." Tina explained.
"Well isn't that wonderful! Hey Tina we have some boxes that we need you to take upstairs to the attic think you can do that?" Angelica asked.
"Sure I'll just leave the groceries here for you and dad to take care of while I deal with the box's." Tina said as she put the bags down and took off to take care of the box's.
However Tina made sure to take the non-binary badge with them so their parents won't become suspicious. Once Tina was upstairs they saw the box's their parents were telling them about.
"*sigh* Let's get this over with." Tina said as they started collecting the box's and bringing them up to the attic.
When Tina got up to the attic with the first box they couldn't help but feel like someone was watching them. They shrugged and placed the box's in the old dusty attic that was filled with cobwebs. Tina looked around and found a clearing that was enough for the box's.
The attic had many old items in it, some of them were rather normal items from the olden days when their grandma was a child and some rather strange items. Tina placed the box down and went back down to continue getting more and more box's. After a while they were done with the task they were about to go down stairs and to their room when a book caught their attention.
They saw a book that said maledicta et carmina on its front cover, Tina was a bit confused by the title as they couldn't understand what it meant.
"Strange, I wonder what language it is?" Tina asked as they took the book and blew some dust off it.
"Hmm, maybe one of my old friends knows what it is." Tina said to themselves.
They went down the ladder and back to their room, not even noticing the dark looming figure watching them from the shadows.
(Later that night)
Tina was in their room looking through the internet on their laptop when they heard their mom calling out for them.
"Tina dear, I need you to take out the trash for me real quick!" Angelica called out.
"Okay mom, be there in a sec!" Tina called out.
They then went down stairs and saw the trash their mother wanted them to take outside.
"Hey Dear you'd like any of the frozen dinners you brought home?" Angelico asked.
"No thanks dad, I'm not hungry right now, maybe later." Tina replied.
"Okay if you change your mind just go one and take one." Angelico said as he took one of the dinners and heated it up.
Tina just smiled before going back to a neutral look and heading out to take the trash out. Tina picked up the bag before heading out the door and going to the trash can outside near the sidewalk. It was rather dark out and there was no one on the streets. Tina walked up to the old trashcan and threw the bag in and placed the lid right back on the can.
When they looked up they were horrified by what they saw standing in front of them. Standing right infront of Tina was a large ghost with a black and blue aura around it. It had a deformed face with no eyes, its mouth wide open revealing it barely had any teeth that were black and yellow.
It leaned down to Tina and asked in a ghastly haunting voice "Can you see me?"
Tina, terrified by the ghost, decided to pretend she couldn't see it and act normal as they felt like something bad would happen if it knew they could see it. So with a straight face Tina turned around and walked back to her house. The ghost then left upon seeing this disappointed thinking that Tina couldn't see it.
When Tina got back inside they let out a sigh of relief as they now felt safe now. They started wondering why the spirit had that aura around them when all the other ghosts they saw had nicer holy auras around them.
"Tina, are you alright you look spooked?" Angelica asked, worried about her child.
"Y-yeah I'm fine it's just dark outside right now and I thought I saw something." Tina lied.
"Okay well as long as you're alright that's all that matters." Angelica said before resuming what she was doing.
Tina sighed and went back upstairs to her room to change into their pajamas like they always do at 9 Pm. When Tina got to their room they once again saw the same blanket from the previous night laying on their bed once again.
"What the? Why is this here again?" Tina asked themselves.
Just then Tina then heard a ghostly voice of a young frail boy say "It'll protect you from him for now during the night."
Tina turned around and saw a ghostly boy with the same aura as the one she saw outside. This one looked like a young boy no older than eleven years old, he was looking down avoiding eye contact with them.
The boy was wearing what looked to be old fashion clothing, similar to what her grandmother would have worn when she was a child, possibly even older. The boy looked very skinny and frail as he hadn't eaten anything for a long time, their was also a hole in his chest where his heart was meant to be. Along with that Tina noticed that his entire right leg was sliced off and black ghostly blood was dripping from it.
Tina, scared again, just pretended that they didn't see it and turned back to her bed, only to be met with another ghost. This time it was a tall man who also wore old fashioned clothes.
However Tina noticed that there was a rope tied around the man's neck and his fingers were bloody and raw like he tried to get something off. The ghost then leaned down to Tina's height and they were able to see its lifeless eyes.
It then said "Leave now! We know you can see us so, unless you want your soul to be cursed and be trapped here with us. We won't allow him to have his final sacrifice and accomplish his evil goals, so get out NOW!"
The ghost then left the room leaving Tina alone with the ghost boy and now terrified for her safety.
"Don't worry about him, he won't hurt you. Like me he's been trapped here for a long time, but he is right, the big scary man will use you as his last sacrifice and you'll end up being trapped here like the rest of us. It'll be better off if you and your family all leave not just this house but this town all together. It's all cursed by him!" The ghost boy said before he left as well.
Once they were gone Tina collapsed to the ground with fear coursing through their veins. They could feel their heart racing as they didn't know what the ghosts meant but they felt like it wasn't good in the slightest. Tina however managed to compose themselves and started changing into their black summertime pajamas with ghosts decorating the cloth.
Once they were done changing Tina went into the bathroom to brush their teeth and wash their face. However she was cautious while going through the house as the two encounters with the ghosts scared the daylight out of them.
When they got to the bathroom door they were cautious when opening it. However they wanted to finish their nightly routine before going back to their room to watch something and go to bed. So Tina just swiftly opened the door and turned on the bathroom light. When they did they didn't see anyone in the bathroom much to their relief.
Tina sighed before going into the bathroom and finishing their nightly routine. Tina first started brushing their teeth so they got out her black electric toothbrush that had ghosts decorating it as well. They then got some toothpaste out, put it on the toothbrush and began brushing their teeth.
After they were done they raised their mouth and tooth brush off before starting to wash their face. As they were washing their faces Tina couldn't help but feel like there was someone behind them.
So when they looked up to see if there was someone behind them they were horrified to see a girl with long black hair standing behind them. The girl had the same ghostly aura as the previous two did and she looked like she was totally soaked in water.
"Please leave, if you stay he'll kill you, his spirit still remains in these walls, there's only so much we can do for you but for your own sake leave now!" The ghost girl said with worry in her voice before leaving the bathroom.
Tina was once again terrified but confused by what they meant, however they just hurried up and finished washing their faces before leaving the bathroom. Tina went back to their bedroom and laid down on their bed before getting their laptop out and scrolling through videos to watch.
Tina soon came across a horror film and was about to click on it, however thinking about the current encounters they had with the ghosts they decided to play an action movie. Tina then scrolled again till they came across what they wanted and started watching the movie.
However what the ghosts said to them was very confusing and they couldn't help but wonder what they meant by what they were talking about.
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gideonsgirldick · 3 months
I just realized that The Locked Tomb series would be waaaay more popular than it is right now if one or both of the leads were male cause people go nuts for hogwarts esc houses, enemy's to lovers romance, and lore as deep as my fingers in your mom.
Someone please talk to me about this I am genuinely out raged.
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