cologona · 6 months
I think it’s hilarious that Ra’s is the only mfer to give a shit at all about the circumstances of Jason’s resurrection. No one else even talks about it. Jason doesn’t care, Talia doesn’t care, Bruce only cares insofar as he needs to confirm that Jason is who he says he is.
I imagine him going around shaking people by their shoulders demanding are you not at all curious or at least worried how this came to be?!!?? Just POOF? No necromancer, no science experiment. Nothing, just- Boy is dead, boy is alive. That’s fine to you?
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travelling-hydaelyn · 3 months
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waking up to a new dawn
going to sleep version here
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badolmen · 3 months
Five Dollar Fridays!
Can you spare $5 this week? If not, please reblog this post so it reaches someone who can!
Otherwise, please donate $5 to one of the following verified fundraisers for families in Palestine and then reblog this post:
(verification) Sohaip's Family (£1.070/£10.000) [10.7%]
(verification) Basel's Family (CHF 8.238/CHF 60.000) [13.7%]
(verification) Muhammad's Family (€17.375/€82.000) [21.2%]
(verification) Malak's Family (€6.688/€25.000) [26.8%]
(verification) Moamen's Family ($8.218/$30.000) [27.4%]
(verification) Samer’s Family (kr 139.822/kr 450.000) [31.1%] *note $1 = kr 10 conversion rate; ie. goal is roughly $45.000
(verification) Nadaa's Family (£8.967/£25.000) [35.9%]
(verification) Musab's Family (£6.613/£18.000) [36.7%] *new goal and campaign, see here.
(verification) Nabila's Family ($3.685/$10.000) [36.9%]
(verification) Wafaa's Family ($21.225/$50.000) [42.5%] *new campaign, see here.
(verification) Asmaa's Family (€21.157/€45.000) [47.0%]
(verification) Laila's Family (€30.693/€45.000) [68.2%]
(verification) Youssef's Family (€15.758/€23.000) [68.5%]
(verification) Mohammed's Family (€30.531/€40.000) [76.3%] *new goal
(verification) Amira's Family (€30.078/€39.000) [77.1%]
(verification) Mohammad's Family (€28.987/€37.000) [78.3%]
(verification) Fadi's Family ($39.973/$50.000) [79.9%] *new goal, see here.
(verification) Nada’s Family (€14.474/€16.000) [90.5%]
(verification) Abdelrahman's Family (€18.903/€20.000) [94.5%]
(verification) Yousef's Family (€18.971/€20.000) [94.8%] *new campaign, see here.
Time stamp: Sep. 20, 2024
More information and campaigns under the read more.
(Conversions: $5 = kr52.36, €4.66, £3.89, CHF4.30)
Daily Campaigns @writing-prompts-for-palestine
Match Me Monday
Ten Dollar Tuesdays
Do Something Saturdays
*** the follow campaign has been closed/is no longer accepting donations. I am looking for an update from the vetters or organizers.
(verification) Tala’s Family (€13.967/€40.000) [34.9%]
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kittykatninja321 · 6 months
fics that villainize Talia are obsessed with having Jason bad mouth her. I think Jason should be the #1 Talia apologist actually. To a toxic degree even. You tell Jason about the weird cloning shit and he’s like “well I’m sure she had her reasons 🤷🏻‍♂️”
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autisticaradiamegido · 5 months
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day 119
its still autism month baby heres some of my faves
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kirbyhasapencil · 3 months
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wishing you all a hot girlfriend summer 😎☀️👙🍉🕶⛱💦
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dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
Based on this post here https://www.tumblr.com/ourrechte-blog/740959709140484096
Danny and the latest incarnation of the Demons ends up in Star City. They're doing ninja stuff as a way to get resources and find a way home. Green Arrow overhears mentions of "Great One" and "Demon's Head" and maybe Dani is there and gets called dahlia and it's misheard as Talia
Ollie: Batman, come over here and get your de-aged villains
Bruce: What makes you so sure they're mine?
Ollie: They're ninjas and their leader, who kicked my ass, is referred to as "Great One" so yes, I'm sure these are the League of Assassins under an alias. Or clones
Ra's finds this entire thing hilarious. Damian, not so much
Oliver is not having a good time. He noticed some shady activity going down in his city's underbelly and decided to investigate. Star City wasn't as crime-infested as Gotham, but it wasn't sunshine and rainbows either.
It was far better hidden, but corruption ran amok in his home, so he had to run around to get things fair. He noticed the ninjas only after a while of them being in town. At first, they seemed focused on gaining territory.
They moved from the poorest neighborhoods to the richest, slowly beating out the top dogs. It seemed the leader had the same mentality of prison- beat the toughest person on his first day and become the new number one. Usually, that wouldn't work with such solid and old operations, but somehow, the ninjas were doing it.
They cut off resources. It causes discord in the lackey's ranks. Pulled funding from who knows where. And Blackmailed the rest into submission.
It was a hostile takeover. A plague on the control of the criminal empires station in Star City.
And there was nothing Oliver could do to stop them. He felt like a fumbling medic during a pandemic. Too many areas were affected before he could arrive, and too many loose ends were tied before he could gather enough information to know what they were trying to accomplish.
He contacted the Justice League when it became clear that it was too much for his team to handle. They sent over Dinah Lace and Gregory Sanders (Much to the joy of his bi-heart), who helped him trace the pathway the ninjas were taking, but ultimately, they were unable to catch up.
"It's like chasing ghosts," Gregory complains, his red bandana moving with his mouth. His eyes are scanning the towering buildings, fiddling with his guns. "I see them for only a second, and they are much faster than any of my bullets."
"It doesn't help that one of them is a meta with a similar power to mine," Dinah agrees. She was the closest to the taller figure, attempting to use her Canary Cry to capture him. Imagine her surprise when the figure turned and returned a cry of its own, easily overpowering Dinah's and flinging her away. "We might need a Speedster"
"And a Bat," Olver sighs. "They're far too slippery. A Bat should be able to devise a plan that might work for them. My tactical strategies are falling short."
"How painful was that for you to admit?" Dinah asks with a smirk.
"I'm choking on my blood," He deadpans, causing her to laugh. At once, Olover's heart launches in his chest. She has the loveliest laugh. He throws her a smile that he knows is disgustingly gooey, and her eyes crinkle with the gentleness she reserves for him.
"I overheard them speaking for a bit before one of them heard my guns click," Gregory says, eyeing the two of them like he knows they are flirting but won't point it out. He's a spoilsport. "One of them identified the other. Does the name Talia mean anything to ya'll?"
Crude. Whatever good mood Olvier was in for making Dinah smile is crushed with sudden dread.
"Yeah, it does. Especially if it was anywhere near the words "Demon Head" or "Great One," He wearily. At Gregory's nod, he covers his eyes with one hand, feeling a headache build behind his right eye. It's a familiar headache. It usually pops up whenever Bruce Wayne's love life is mentioned.
"I'll call the Big Bad Bat. He'll get her to stop or kiss her. Whatever works. " Oliver sighs, even heavier than before.
"Why?" Gregory asks mystified
"That's Bat's ex."
There is a very long pause before Gregory's guns click again. A rigid set to his shoulders and rage appear in his eyes. "The young girl is Batman's ex? Good to know."
"Young girl? No, Talia is about my age." Dinah cuts in. "Are you sure she answered to Talia?"
The safety is switched back on as Gregory relaxes."Yes. She appeared to be twelve years old or so, with white hair and green eyes. Does that match Batman's honey?"
"Not even close. I mean, the green eyes, sure, but the rest is wrong." Oliver hums. "So we aren't dealing with Bat's girl, which is good for us. The League of Assassins is a pain. Also very dangerous."
Vigilante's eyes widen at the mention of the ninja group's name. "I heard of the organization but was unaware of the members. Is this Talia important in it?"
"She's the big boss's daughter," Dinah confirms. "Also, one of the bloodthirsty and cruelest members."
"That's not very nice," a young voice cuts in, startling the heroes. They leap away from the roof edge, watching a boy with glowing white hair flout over it, crossed-armed. "My daughter is a goddam delight."
"Ra's," Olver shutters. Yes, he looks younger and glowing, but Oliver would never forget that monster's face. He appeared often in his nightmares about the island.
The boy tilted his head. "You know me."
Oliver pulled the string of his bow, training the arrow on the figure; beside him, Gregory had his guns up and ready while Dinah had planted her feet in her preferred combat position. "I never forget a face."
"There is a version of me here," the boy hums, implying so many things that make the three heroes uneasy. "Maybe I wasted time gathering resources when I should have gone looking for the other Fentons."
"What do you mean by that?" Dinah demands, but the boy is already looking away and snapping his fingers.
"Guys! There are other Fentons here!"
Five figures fly up from over a building. Two are glowing, and three are wearing bulky power suits. Oliver's breath catches in his throat. Younger versions of the Demons. The same assisans whose abilities build Ra's empire and are the only ones to control them- the reason he is known as the Demon Head.
"That's great, Danny!" A girl with orange hair cries. She's inside the power suit, and Oliver knows her by her codename. Claw.
"Maybe we can have your dad make us some fudge." A dark-skinned boy licks his lips. He also appropriates a power suit but seems far more decked out for support. Makes sense, seeing as he obviously Scales.
"Let's go. The faster we get home, the faster I can make Vlad by me an island." A glowing teen rolls his eyes. His flaming hair does nothing to take away the fact he is Fang.
"Which way?" the little girl, Talia, asks, making a small circle in the air.
"I saw we find destruction and follow that. It's bound to lead us to them. We can cause chaos on the way." The last girl offers. She points the hand of her supersuit to the west with a nasty grin. It's Shadow. "Can't be worse than the Black Plague incident."
"How was I supposed to know the rats were dangerous!" Ra scoffs, face red in embarrassment. Which would have been amusing if he didn't just admit he caused thousands of lives to end. Oliver really does not like the implications one bit.
"Everyone. Don't you read any history books?"
"I don't need no books to tell me. I was there!"
Oliver thinks they are distracted enough to risk taking a shot. His bowstring snaps into place as his arrow flies towards the closest one. Claw's reaction time is as fast as he remembers because she had already shot the arrow out of the sky before it could go anywhere near Talia. The foam meant to hold her in place burst, covering the six from view.
Gegory's bullets hit it seconds after, burying deep within the hardened foam. The sharpshooter springs to the right, looking for a better target, but it's in vain.
When the foam falls, everyone behind it is gone, and Oliver is reminded that they face ninjas. Gregory lowers his weapon with a frustrated click of his tongue.
What in the world was going on! They were all de-age and somehow powered up. None of this was good.
"We need to call Batman," Dinah says in the silence. "This may be out of our league even with them turned into children."
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hughmanbean · 8 months
A Wedding to Remember
Credit to @i-am-not-acting for this idea from a comment on one of my other posts. I had a major brain functionTM.
Ellie does her wandering, and comes across a beautiful Lady by the name of Gotham. The two of them hit it off, dating, and eventually, getting married. But a week before the big day, Lady Gotham has a flash of panic. She forgot to invite her Knights and Rogues! Ellie, of course, consoles her, saying she'll help her do it. Fright Knight tags along, saying it's only fair that he welcome his fellow protectors and loyal servants into the Royal Family.
And so begins a week long jumble of either Fright Knight, Ellie, or Lady Gotham giving invites to the various vigilantes and rogues within Gotham.
Mostly these are letters, inviting them to come and witness a union that will forever impact and strengthen Gotham's standing universally. Something will change Gotham as we know it, forever. Everyone who shall see will be audience to the greatest joys one could know.
Ellie is the pseudo daughter of the Reluctant King, after all. There will be a huge party, like, absolutely massive. And Lady Gotham's Joy will ripple throughout her inhabitants.
These letters, obviously, do not ease any worries. They very much compound them. Now, how any of our batfam or rogues recieve these letters is up to you, or it could be a personalized invitation! But from the beginning of the week to the day of the wedding, it's either outright chaos or paranoia setting in.
may add more later.
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i think tim is high maintenance the way a boarder collie or austrialian shepherd is. like you have to make sure they're not only given space to expend energy but you have to specifically let them get the herding instinct out and challenge them intellectually or they start destroying ur home
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cable-salamder · 3 months
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In case anyone was wondering where my art endeavours have disappeared to, My brainrot over my ballroom idea may have gone a bit overboard. Also yaayyy ethnicity headcanons finally ig?? I’ll list them in a separate post with explanations if necessary because half of them are absolutely chaotic. Very unsure abt Ras yet.
(Disclaimer: I have no idea what I’m doing. My research may have been faulty and done improperly. If any of these drawing have any wrong terminology or are offensive, that was not my intent, and I am happy to learn about and fix whatever these mistakes are/were through edits :D (2 so far))
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shuuzaar · 23 days
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Black Mage outfit!
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nyaskitten · 6 months
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"You could be something special, too bad the ninja hold you back."
(Reference under the cut)
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bluerosefox · 1 year
Same As The Day I Lost You
This came to me as I'm making dinner so I'll be quick.
What if we mix deaged Danny and twin/older sibling (either one works) Damian, AND he gets tossed to his sibling in a last minute escape.
Like what if he was fighting Vlad who was doing his whole "denounce your father and join me as my son Daniel!" Thing while in the Zone and knocks Danny into something that's floating in the Zone with the ability to deage or was hit by a new Fenton or Plasmius invention while fighting in town that accidentally deages him.
Danny, who in this was adopted, gets put back to the age of six. The same age he had been found by Jazz in a 'haunted' forest Jack and Maddie were visiting/investigating while also using that time as a family vacation. (They were shocked to see a little boy with a stab wound bleeding out and rushed him to the nearby town, almost completely forgetting about the glowing green tiny puddle they found nearby and bagged most of it as evidence when they heard Jazz's scream of terror over finding the hurt little boy)
The sudden revert into that traumatized age, along with the child response to a fight or flight scenario, and add Danny's deepest need/wish to be protected his child fogged mind wishes to go to the one person who always made him feel safe.
His twin/older brother.
Just as quick as it was with Danny being turned into a child, his ghost powers ripped open a portal and sent Danny to the person he wants to be with...
Only he didn't know that right at that moment his seventeen year old twin/older brother is currently fighting the League with his family's help (his mother was trying to convince him to return to the League and be it's heir) in Nanda Parbat (the very place Damian lost the last/only person he knew loved him without any strings attached.)
So imagine everyone's face when a portal opened up, some muttering its a new pit being formed before them or something, and crawling out of it is a very scared and confused six year old Danny.
#danny phantom dc#danny fenton#danny phantom#dp x dc#crossover#dc x dp crossover#No one will be ready for child Danny#Does he have his older memories? idk maybe#maybe his six year old mind from the sudden deage is at front rn or something#Damian almost feral/angry screams at his mother for 'daring to try to replace Danyal with a cheap clone'#only to see the look on her face and knows this wasn't planned#his little brother who he secretly watched as his mother tried to go behind grandfather's back to heal only for the pit to greedily keep#was brought back by the pits not looking a day over the age he lost him#What happened was Danny disobeyed an order from Ra's and was punished for it#he almost died for it and Talia wanted very badly to keep him because he looked so much like her beloved and she couldn't bare losing that#Only the pits kept Danyal instead of bringing him back#or rather under the guide of a certain entity he was brought to the forest the Fenton's were visiting#Damian scoops Danyal up when he see's the look in his mother's eyes shift from shock to calculating greed/love#he refuses to leave his brother in the hands of the League or his mother#he loves her despite everything but knows Danyal would never truly survive their mother's version of 'love' especially in the League#Also Damian may have...refused/forgotten to tell the others about Danyal#so cue them being horrifically confused#The pure sick feeling and deep seeded panic Bruce feels when he see's the mini version of himself but with hints of Talia hits hard#blue rambles
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Day 9: Catra and Adora
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tippenfunkaport · 4 months
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Since it's MerMay for a few more days yet, I colored ND Stevenson's sketch of the BFS as mermaids for my own amusement.
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the-irreverend · 4 months
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I know it ain't a lot, but for Mother's Day, I thought I'd make a little tribute to my favourite moms across fiction (and their greatest moments).
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